[Senate Report 112-172] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] Calendar No. 417 112th Congress Report 2d Session SENATE 112-172 ======================================================================= DEPARTMENT OF STATE, FOREIGN OPERATIONS, AND RELATED PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2013 _______ May 24, 2012--Ordered to be printed _______ Mr. Leahy, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following R E P O R T [To accompany S. 3241] The Committee on Appropriations to which was referred the bill (H.R. 0000), making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and for other purposes, reports the same to the Senate with an amendment, and recommends that the bill as amended do pass. deg. The Committee on Appropriations reports the bill (S. 3241) making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and for other purposes, reports favorably thereon and recommends that the bill do pass. Amounts in new budget authority Total of bill as reported to the Senate................. $52,294,900,000 Amount of 2012 appropriations........................... 53,501,687,000 Amount of 2013 budget estimate.......................... 54,872,674,000 Bill as recommended to Senate compared to-- 2012 appropriations................................. -1,206,787,000 2013 budget estimate................................ -2,577,774,000 C O N T E N T S ---------- Page Glossary of Terms................................................ 5 Public Law References............................................ 7 Introduction..................................................... 8 Title I: Department of State and Related Agency: Department of State: Administration on Foreign Affairs: Diplomatic and Consular Programs................. 21 Conflict Stabilization Operations................ 25 Capital Investment Fund.......................... 25 Office of Inspector General...................... 25 Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs....... 25 Representation Allowances........................ 27 Protection of Foreign Missions and Officials..... 27 Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance.. 27 Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service........................................ 28 Repatriation Loans Program Account............... 28 Payment to the American Institute in Taiwan...... 28 Payment to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund........................................... 28 International Organizations: Contributions to International Organizations............. 28 Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities.. 29 International Commissions: International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico...................................... 30 American Sections, International Commissions............. 30 International Fisheries Commissions...................... 31 Related Agency: Broadcasting Board of Governors: International Broadcasting Operations................ 31 Broadcasting Capital Improvements.................... 33 Related Programs: The Asia Foundation...................................... 33 United States Institute of Peace......................... 33 Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue Trust Fund.... 33 Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program................... 33 Israeli Arab Scholarship Program......................... 34 International Center..................................... 34 East-West Center......................................... 34 National Endowment for Democracy......................... 34 Other Commissions: Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad................................................. 35 United States Commission on International Religious Freedom................................................ 35 Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe......... 35 Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Republic of China...................................... 36 United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission............................................. 36 Title II: United States Agency for International Development: Funds Appropriated to the President: Operating Expenses................................... 36 Capital Investment Fund.............................. 38 Office of Inspector General.......................... 38 Title III: Bilateral Economic Assistance: Funds Appropriated to the President: Global Health Programs............................... 39 Development Assistance............................... 43 International Disaster Assistance.................... 50 Transition Initiatives............................... 51 Complex Crises Fund.................................. 51 Development Credit Authority......................... 51 Economic Support Fund................................ 52 Democracy Fund....................................... 60 Middle East and North Africa Incentive Fund.......... 62 Department of State: Migration and Refugee Assistance..................... 63 United States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance......................................... 65 Independent Agencies: Peace Corps.......................................... 65 Millennium Challenge Corporation..................... 66 Inter-American Foundation............................ 67 African Development Foundation....................... 67 Department of the Treasury: International Affairs Technical Assistance........... 67 Debt Restructuring................................... 67 Title IV: International Security Assistance: Department of State: International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement.. 67 Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining, and Related Programs................................... 70 Peacekeeping Operations.............................. 70 Funds Appropriated to the President: International Military Education and Training........ 71 Foreign Military Financing Program................... 71 Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund........... 76 Global Security Contingency Fund..................... 76 Title V: Multilateral Assistance: Funds Appropriated to the President: International Organizations and Programs............. 76 International Financial Institutions................. 77 Global Environment Facility.......................... 77 Contribution to the International Development Association........................................ 78 Contribution to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development..................... 78 Limitation on Callable Capital Subscriptions......... 78 Contribution to the Clean Technology Fund............ 78 Contribution to the Strategic Climate Fund........... 79 Global Agriculture and Food Security Program......... 79 Contribution to the Inter-American Development Bank.. 79 Limitation on Callable Capital Subscriptions......... 79 Contribution to the Enterprise for the Americas Multilateral Investment Fund....................... 79 Contribution to the Asian Development Bank........... 79 Limitation on Callable Capital Subscriptions......... 79 Contribution to the Asian Development Fund........... 80 Contribution to the African Development Bank......... 80 Limitation on Callable Capital Subscriptions......... 80 Contribution to the African Development Fund......... 80 Contribution to the International Fund for Agricultural Development........................... 80 Title VI: Export and Investment Assistance: Export-Import Bank of the United States.................. 80 Overseas Private Investment Corporation.................. 81 Trade and Development Agency............................. 82 Title VII: General Provisions.................................... 83 Title VIII: Overseas Contingency Operations: Department of State: Administration on Foreign Affairs: Diplomatic and Consular Programs................. 85 Worldwide Security Protection.................... 00 Office of Inspector General...................... 85 International Organizations: Contributions to International Organizations..... 86 United States Agency for International Development: Funds Appropriated to the President: Operating Expenses............................... 86 Bilateral Economic Assistance: Funds Appropriated to the President: Economic Support Fund............................ 86 General Provisions....................................... 86 Compliance With Paragraph 7, Rule XVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate......................................................... 87 Compliance With Paragraph 7(c), Rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate.................................................. 88 Compliance With Paragraph 12, Rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate..................................................... 88 Budgetary Impact of Bill......................................... 97 Disclosure of Congressionally Directed Spending Items............ 00 Comparative Statement of Budget Authority........................ 98 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ADB--Asian Development Bank ARRA--Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs, Ethiopia ARTF--Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund ASHA--American Schools and Hospitals Abroad AU--African Union BBG--Broadcasting Board of Governors CARPE--Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment CARSI--Central America Regional Security Initiative CBJ--Congressional Budget Justification CBSI--Caribbean Basin Security Initiative CICIG--International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala CRSP--Collaborative Research Support Programs D&CP--Diplomatic and Consular Programs DA--Development Assistance DCA--Development Credit Authority DCHA--Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, U.S. Agency for International Development DCOF--Displaced Children and Orphans Fund DF--Democracy Fund DIV--Development Innovation Ventures DLI--Development Leadership Initiative, U.S. Agency for International Development DSCA--Defense Security Cooperation Agency DRC--Democratic Republic of the Congo DRL--Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Department of State EITI--Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative EJEs--Extra-Judicial Executions ESF--Economic Support Fund FAA--Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 FBO--Faith-based Organization FMF--Foreign Military Financing Program FtF--Feed the Future Initiative GAO--Government Accountability Office GAVI--Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization GBH--Glyphosate-Based Herbicides GCI--General Capital Increase GCCI--Global Climate Change Initiative GDRL--Global Disability Rights Library GEF--Global Environment Facility GHP--Global Health Programs GHI--Global Health Initiative GLFC--Great Lakes Fishery Commission GoA--Government of Afghanistan GoH--Government of Haiti GoI--Government of Iraq GoP--Government of Pakistan GoU--Government of Uzbekistan HIV/AIDS--Human Immune Deficiency/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HRDF--Human Rights and Democracy Fund IACHR--Inter-American Human Rights Commission IBRD--International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICASS--International Cooperative Administrative Support Services IDP--Internally Displaced Person ILEA--International Law Enforcement Training Academies IMET--International Military Education and Training IMF--International Monetary Fund INCLE--International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement IO&P--International Organization and Programs ITF--International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victims Assistance IVAP--Internally Displaced Persons Vulnerability Assessment and Profiling LRA--Lord's Resistance Army LWVF--Patrick Leahy War Victims Fund MCC--Millennium Challenge Corporation MDGs--Millennium Development Goals MDR-TB--Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis MENAIF--Middle East and North Africa Incentive Fund MERC--Middle East Regional Cooperative MFO--Multinational Force and Observers NADR--Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related Programs NATO--North Atlantic Treaty Organization NED--National Endowment for Democracy NERD--Near East Regional Democracy NGO--Nongovernmental Organization NTD--Neglected Tropical Diseases OAS--Organization of American States OCO--Overseas Contingency Operations OECD--Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OFAC--Office of Foreign Assets Control OGAC--Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator OIG--Department of State, Office of Inspector General OMB--Office of Management and Budget OPIC--Overseas Private Investment Corporation OTI--Office of Transition Initiatives O/TIP--Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons PCCF--Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund PDP--Police Development Program, Iraq PEPFAR--President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief PPA--Program, Project and Activity PRC--People's Republic of China QDDR--Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review RFA--Radio Free Asia RFE/RL--Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty SEED--Support for Eastern European Democracy Act SIGAR--Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction SIGIR--Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction STFG--Somalia Transitional Federal Government TIP--Trafficking in Persons U.N.--United Nations UNESCO--United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNFPA--United Nations Population Fund UNHCR--United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNIFEM--United Nations Development Fund for Women UNRWA--United Nations Relief and Works Agency USAID--United States Agency for International Development USFWS--United States Fish and Wildlife Service USIP--United States Institute of Peace USFS--United States Forest Service UXO--Unexploded Ordnance VOA--Voice of America WCF--Working Capital Fund WSP--Worldwide Security Protection PUBLIC LAW REFERENCES Public Law 112-74--Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012. Public Law 112-10--Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011. Public Law 111-172--Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act. Public Law 111-117--Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010. Public Law 111-32--Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2009. Public Law 111-8--Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009. Public Law 111-5--American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Public Law 110-417--Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009. Public Law 110-346--North Korean Human Rights Reauthorization Act of 2008. Public Law 110-161--Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008. Public Law 110-252--Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008. Public Law 109-163--National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006. Public Law 109-121--Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act of 2005. Public Law 109-95--Assistance for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children in Developing Countries Act of 2005. Public Law 108-61--Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003. Public Law 107-228--Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003. Public Law 106-386--Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000. Public Law 106-113--Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2000. Public Law 106-87--Torture Victims Relief Reauthorization Act of 1999. Public Law 104-208--Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1997. Public Law 102-511--FREEDOM Support Act. Public Law 96-465--Foreign Service Act of 1980. INTRODUCTION Summary of Appropriations The Committee recommends total appropriations of $52,294,900,000 for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for fiscal year 2013. Of this amount, $52,136,000,000, including $2,293,000,000 for overseas contingency operations, is for discretionary programs, and $158,900,000 is for mandatory programs. The Committee's recommendations for fiscal year 2013, by title, compared to the budget request, are allocated in the following table: APPROPRIATIONS BY TITLE [In thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fiscal year 2013 Committee Title request recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title I--Department of State and 14,439,932 14,696,047 Related Agency................... Title II--United States Agency for 1,448,445 1,472,100 International Development........ Title III--Bilateral Economic 20,339,519 22,382,200 Assistance....................... Title IV--International Security 7,941,233 8,599,226 Assistance....................... Title V--Multilateral Assistance.. 2,952,644 3,345,943 Title VI--Export and Investment (493,616) (493,616) Assistance....................... Title VII--General Provisions..... ................. ................. Title VIII--Overseas Contingency 8,244,517 2,293,000 Operations....................... ------------------------------------- Total....................... 54,872,674 52,294,900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION The Committee notes that governmentwide efforts to reduce the Federal deficit require cuts in operations and programs funded by this act. The Committee has also taken further steps to reduce wasteful and unnecessary spending. Reducing Costs The Federal agencies administering funds appropriated by this act are directed to regularly review all costs associated with operations and programs to determine their necessity, priority, and effectiveness. All programs, except for humanitarian relief and recovery purposes, should be designed to be sustained by host country governments or civil society. Programs that are failing to perform or meet sustainability guidelines, or that have required excessive overhead or security costs, should be modified or discontinued. Funding for representation and entertainment expenses at the Department of State and other agencies are reduced below the levels requested by the administration, and section 7020(a) of this act clarifies the intended uses of such funds. The Committee directs the Department and agencies to achieve further savings by reducing the cost of executive meetings, ceremonies, and conferences, and curtailing commemorative and promotional items such as t-shirts, hats, mugs, pins, coins, tote bags, globes, and key chains. Section 7051(b) directs the Federal agencies funded by this act to report to their respective Office of Inspector General the cost of participation in domestic and international conferences that exceed $20,000. Cost Savings and Efficiencies.--The GAO's ``2012 Annual Report on Opportunities to Reduce Duplication, Overlap and Fragmentation, Achieve Savings, and Enhance Revenue'' (GAO-12- 342SP) identified several Department of State and USAID programs that could be modified to reduce duplication, improve coordination, and achieve savings. The Committee directs the Secretary of State and USAID Administrator to submit a joint report to the Committee not later than 90 days after enactment of this act on the status of implementation of the following GAO recommendations: Stabilization, Reconstruction, and Humanitarian Assistance.--The GAO found that overlap between the Departments of Defense and State and USAID assistance programs is not limited to Iraq and Afghanistan. For example, the Department of Defense and USAID have each provided basic medical care in Yemen, built schools in Azerbaijan, and rehabilitated water wells in Pakistan. The GAO recommends that these Departments and USAID develop a common framework for carrying out their respective responsibilities, including a shared database to post information about humanitarian and development assistance outside of wartime or disaster environments. Training To Identify Fraudulent Documents.--The GAO found that seven different Federal entities within three Federal agencies provide training to foreign government officials to detect fraudulent travel documents and often train the same groups, such as immigration officers and law enforcement officials. The Department of State's Bureau of Counterterrorism does not know how many agencies provide fraudulent travel document training to foreign officials, and there is no mechanism to coordinate this type of training. The GAO recommends that the Secretary of State develop a mechanism to improve coordination among agencies that are conducting this training, which the Committee endorses. Overseas Administrative Services.--The GAO found that greater participation in ICASS increases economies of scale but that in 2011 about one-third of the agencies opted to obtain services outside of ICASS. While most agencies indicated they provide services at a lower cost than ICASS, they could not provide data or analysis to confirm this assertion. The GAO also found that the Department of State has not continued to implement measures to reduce the number of U.S. overseas ICASS staff, and since 2007 no non-Department of State ICASS providers have been established at individual posts to offer potentially more efficient ICASS service providers. Energy Audits and Savings.--The Committee is concerned that the Department of State, USAID, Peace Corps, and other agencies funded by this act have not taken sufficient steps to improve energy efficiency at overseas posts. Technological innovations and common sense practices could save taxpayer dollars and reduce waste overseas, just as they can domestically. Section 7034(v) requires such agencies to conduct updated environmental assessments and water and energy audits of overseas post operations, including staff housing, to assess consistency with Federal energy efficiency standards and environmental practices such as improving water efficiency, reducing waste through recycling, composting organic materials, and taking full advantage of efficiency technologies in lighting, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, ``right-sizing'' vehicle fleets, trip pooling, use of bicycles and public transport, and improving the stewardship of electronic equipment. Any assessment or audit findings of a shortfall in such practices shall be corrected by implementation of the recommendations to meet, at a minimum, the targets for Federal building energy efficiency and environmental sustainability mandated by the Energy Independence and Security Act, 2007, and Executive Order 13514. The Committee directs all agencies funded by this act to submit reports not later than September 30, 2013, detailing the findings of such assessments and audits, a plan, including steps taken, to implement such recommendations, and a comparison of such findings with the targets for Federal building energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. The Committee directs USAID, Peace Corps, and the other agencies to consult with the Department of State's Office of Building Operations about implementing such recommendations for overseas posts. Congressional Budget Justifications The Committee remains concerned with the content and format of the Department of State's and USAID's CBJ documents, which should be designed for the Committee to efficiently evaluate the resource requirements and proposals requested by the administration while minimizing extraneous material. The Committee appreciates the significant time and effort devoted to preparing the CBJs. However, as in past years, the fiscal year 2013 CBJs contain a large amount of wordy text that sheds little light on how funds will achieve specific objectives, and dollar amounts in tables often do not match the text except at the account level. This has necessitated multiple requests for additional information, which is inefficient and unnecessarily delays the Committee's work. In an effort to improve the CBJs' usefulness, the Committee directs the Secretary of State and USAID Administrator to consult with the Committee on the content and format of the fiscal year 2014 CBJs. The Committee is also concerned that the Department of State's budget formulation and strategic planning processes are not coordinated to ensure that strategic priorities are adequately resourced and the budget request levels proposed for each office and program reflect and support the Department's priorities. The Committee notes that the Department is reorganizing the budget, finance, and strategic planning offices, and urges the Department to ensure that the reorganization results in improved integration of the Department's strategic planning and budget formulation process. While the Committee understands that performance data is required by the Government Performance and Results Act for inclusion in the CBJ, timely budget information that is clearly, concisely, and accurately presented must be the priority. The Committee directs the Department of State, USAID, and other agencies funded by this act to submit CBJs within 4 weeks of the release of the President's fiscal year 2014 budget request. The Committee also directs the Department of State, USAID, and other agencies to include detailed information on all reimbursable agreements and significant uses of the Economy Act. Department of State and USAID operating expense accounts are appropriated with 2-year availability to provide flexibility for new or complex programs and procurement sensitive programs. However, the Committee intends the Department and USAID to request funding for other costs, including salaries and related expenses, in the fiscal year that it is to be expended. The Committee also directs the Department and USAID to include in their spend plans a justification for any funding that is planned to be executed in the fiscal year after it is appropriated, and to include specific detail and justification in the CBJ for funding requested with 2-year availability. The Committee directs the Department of State and any other agency that utilizes a working capital fund to include in the CBJ the total budgetary resources for the offices that use a WCF. The CBJ shall also include a table on WCF resources that will serve as the control level for reprogramming and transfer purposes. Definition of Program, Project, and Activity For purposes of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-177), as amended, with respect to appropriations contained in this act the term ``program, project, and activity'' shall mean any item for which a dollar amount is specified in this report or this act. In addition, the definition of PPA in section 7023 shall apply to the accounts listed in that section. In carrying out any Presidential sequestration, the Department of State, USAID, and other agencies funded by this act shall conform to the definition for PPA described above. Definition of Regular Notification Procedures The Committee includes language in this act making certain actions, such as obligations of funds, ``subject to the regular notification procedures of the Committees on Appropriations.'' This language requires a separate notification to the Committee 15 days prior to the proposed obligation of funds or other action that is the subject of this special notification requirement, regardless of what may be contained in an agency's CBJ or in the operating and spend plans required in section 7076. Thus, such budget justification documents, operating and spend plans do not suffice as justification for purposes of satisfying the special notification requirement. Reprogramming Guidelines The Committee directs the Department of State and other agencies funded by this act to notify the Committee of reprogramming of funds as required by sections 7015 and 7019 at the most detailed level of either the CBJ or the report accompanying this act, and the Committee expects to be notified of any significant departure from the CBJ or of any commitment that will require significant funding in future years. The Committee directs that staffing levels and future year impacts of reprogrammings be included with the notification. Section 7076 requires operating and spend plans to be submitted not later than 45 days after enactment of this act. The Committee expects operating plans to include data for the prior fiscal year, budget request, congressional action, rescissions, and the proposed operating plan level, and to include WCF resources, as appropriate. The Committee directs the Department of State and other agencies to provide quarterly updates of salary and benefits costs and on-board staffing levels (employees and contractors). The Committee is disappointed by the absence of useful information in prior fiscal year spend plans. Rather than plans, these documents would more aptly be described as cursory recitations of broadly stated goals, as they contain dollar amounts only at the account level and text that leaves the reader to wonder how funds will be used to achieve specific objectives. The Department of State is directed to consult with the Committee on the format and content of future operating and spend plans. The Committee is concerned that reprogrammings of funds often occurs late in the fiscal year and directs the Department of State, USAID, and other agencies to submit reprogramming requests not later than July 31, 2013, absent a compelling justification. Reporting Requirement Guidelines All reports required by the Committee are due 90 days after enactment of this act except those with a specific date otherwise indicated. To save paper and printing costs, the Committee directs that only one copy of reports, congressional notifications, and correspondence be jointly addressed to the chairs of the Committee and subcommittee, and one copy jointly addressed to the ranking members of the Committee and subcommittee. Reports required by the Committee may also be electronically transmitted. The Committee directs that the Department of State, USAID, BBG, MCC, African Development Foundation, and Inter-American Foundation no longer send to the Committee the quarterly, semi- annual, or annual reports from their respective OIG, as these documents are already received by the Committee directly from the OIG. Instead, the Committee directs these agencies to notify the Committee by email or letter that their OIG has sent such reports. Improving Humanitarian Aid Effectiveness The Committee is increasingly concerned with the growing number and severity of humanitarian crises that cause widespread loss of life and property damage, and the burden they are placing on national budgets and international donors. Triggered by conflict, natural disasters, pandemics, food and water insecurity, and population displacement, the amount of official humanitarian aid from the United States and other donors reportedly exceeded $9,700,000,000 in 2011. The increasing demand for humanitarian services, escalating costs, and budget constraints underline the need for improved efficiency and effectiveness in targeting such aid. The Committee recognizes that greater accountability to intended beneficiaries will help ensure better quality and effectiveness in the way resources are used. Yet there are significant weaknesses in collecting beneficiary feedback and acting on it, despite some progress in increasing awareness of the importance of accountability to beneficiaries. The Committee includes a new provision, section 7034(p), to enhance the effectiveness of humanitarian aid through a continuous and accurate flow of feedback data, obtained independently. Such feedback will ensure that both aid agencies and donors have a clearer understanding of the perceptions of affected populations, whether the aid they receive is relevant to their needs, how much they trust the people helping them, and whether they find it worthwhile to provide feedback. When reported to Congress and published, feedback data of this kind, which provides the basis to compare and contrast the perceived performance of aid providers, may offer an incentive to turn the principle of accountability to beneficiaries into practical improvements on the ground and cost savings. Strategic Considerations The Committee recognizes that the winding down of United States military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan require adjustments in economic and security assistance. The Committee expects future budget requests to be significantly reduced for these countries, as program implementation is impacted by U.S. military and civilian personnel reductions, restructuring activities resulting from smaller in-country footprints, and the large amounts of unexpended funding that currently exists for these countries. Further, the Committee notes the rise of nationalism which directly impacts bilateral relations and, in the case of Iraq and Pakistan, results in the suspension of programs. The Committee supports the administration's strategic pivot toward Asia and recommends funding above the budget request to implement programs that further United States interests in that region. The Committee is aware of the PRC's interests in extending influence throughout Asia, including in the South China Sea which is a potential flashpoint for confrontation between the PRC and its Asian neighbors. Additional funds are similarly recommended for programs that further United States interests in Africa and Central and South America. The Committee again recognizes the geostrategic interests of the PRC in these regions, particularly in natural resource-rich countries. The fiscal year 2013 budget request did not include funding under the Assistance for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia heading, but the Committee recognizes that the countries in this region remain important economic and security partners for the United States. The Committee includes assistance for countries formerly funded under this heading under the GHP, ESF, and INCLE headings, at levels comparable to fiscal year 2012. Countries of Special Concern The Committee notes that since September 11, 2001, the United States has spent more than $66,800,000,000 on civilian assistance programs in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq to support counterterrorism/counterinsurgency efforts. Nonetheless, the threat of terrorism persists and is found in other countries and regions. This assistance has achieved significant gains in some sectors, but progress has too often been limited by vaguely defined and unrealistic goals, exorbitant security costs, contractor fraud and mismanagement, large expenditures on infrastructure that cannot be sustained, and unreliable host country governments. Many of the programs and activities funded by the Department of State and USAID were initiated or encouraged by the Department of Defense within a counterinsurgency context, and focused on short-term impact rather than long-term developmental sustainability. The Committee supports continuing efforts to solidify gains and maximize Afghanistan's and Iraq's chances of emerging from years of war more democratic, just, and stable than before, but has set funding ceilings for operations and programs in these countries, as noted below. AFGHANISTAN Operations.--The Committee recommends $1,642,276,000 for Department of State, including for Worldwide Security Protection, and $200,800,000 for USAID operations in Afghanistan, and notes that a total of $142,000,000 in prior fiscal year funds will carry over for Department of State operations into fiscal year 2013. The Committee supports the administration's plan to reduce government and contract personnel in that country, including the downsizing of civilian provincial and sub-provincial presence, and expects Embassy Kabul to continuously conduct rightsizing exercises to ensure that a minimal, but appropriate, number of personnel remain in country. While the Committee sets a funding ceiling for the costs of operations and personnel in Afghanistan, waiver authority is included to allow the administration to respond to extraordinary, unforeseen contingencies that endanger human health or welfare. The Committee appreciates the necessity to maintain a diplomatic presence outside of Kabul in secure facilities, particularly given regional geopolitical considerations, and endorses collocation with other United States Government agencies to the maximum extent practicable. The Department of State should utilize existing facilities in maintaining this diplomatic presence, especially in Kandahar and Mazar-e-Sharif. The Committee does not recommend funding for construction of a new facility in Kandahar, and understands that the Department has $111,000,000 available in carryover balances for the renovation and upgrade of an existing facility. Air Mobility.--The Committee recommends $233,247,000 to continue air mobility for civilian United States Government personnel in Afghanistan, and expects rationalization of Department of State and USAID air operations in a timely manner. The Committee understands that this funding level sustains the current capacity of aviation assets, including aircraft acquired to replace USAID-leased aircraft. Section 7004(e) permits the Department of State to maintain and continue aviation capacity that is no larger than the capacity on the date of enactment of this act. The Department of State should consider the most cost-effective options for the construction and maintenance of air hubs, which should be considered temporary facilities. Section 7052(c)(1) provides authority to the Department of State to collect from private individuals the cost of travel on Embassy Air in Afghanistan through the Working Capital Fund. Assistance.--The Committee recommends $1,580,750,000 for assistance for Afghanistan, and notes unobligated balances as of March 31, 2012, totaling $3,684,464,000. The Committee recommends $15,000,000 for the Afghan Civilian Assistance Program for continued assistance for individuals and communities that suffer losses as a result of military operations. The Committee directs USAID to consult with the Committee on the use of funds prior to obligation. The Committee recommends not less than $5,000,000 for the Department of State's Office of Global Women's Issues for small capacity-building grants for Afghan women NGOs to enhance the economic and political participation and leadership of women, and to support initiatives to protect the rights of Afghan women and girls. The Committee continues conditions on assistance for Afghanistan similar to prior fiscal years to ensure effectiveness and sustainability of programs, and expects the GoA to assume the burdens of governance in the near term. The Committee underscores the impact of official corruption and mismanagement on the legitimacy of the GoA which, if left unchecked, will erode the international community's investments in Afghanistan over the past decade. The Committee continues support for rule of law programs and directs the Secretary of State to submit a report on such programs in Afghanistan, including the amounts and uses of funds, the extent to which the GoA supports such efforts, an assessment of the results to date, and benchmarks for measuring progress. The Committee recommends that ESF and INCLE assistance for Afghanistan be utilized to support the GoA in replicating the Helmand Food Zone program in other Afghan provinces. The Committee recommends not less than $10,000,000 to support a democracy and human rights assistance strategy for Afghanistan, including to implement programs from such strategy, to be administered by DRL. The Committee continues to support assistance for the National Solidarity Program, and directs USAID to prioritize support for this program with funds appropriated by this act. Funds are allocated in the following table and subject to the requirements of section 7019 of this act: AFGHANISTAN [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D&CP (including WSP): Enduring............................................ 570,763 OCO................................................. 1,071,513 --------------- Total, D&CP....................................... 1,642,276 =============== OIG-SIGAR: OCO................................................. 49,900 --------------- Total, OIG........................................ 49,900 =============== USAID OE: Enduring............................................ 137,000 OCO................................................. 63,800 --------------- Total, USAID OE................................... 200,800 =============== ESF: Enduring............................................ 625,000 OCO................................................. 450,000 --------------- Total, ESF........................................ 1,075,000 =============== IMET.................................................... 1,500 INCLE: Enduring............................................ 450,000 OCO................................................. .............. --------------- Total, INCLE...................................... 450,000 =============== NADR.................................................... 54,250 =============== Total, Afghanistan................................ 3,479,726 =============== Total, Enduring................................... 1,838,513 =============== Total, OCO........................................ 1,641,213 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAKISTAN Operations.--The Committee recommends $184,457,000 for Department of State, including for Worldwide Security Protection, and $42,000,000 for USAID operations in Pakistan, and notes that a total of $21,000,000 in prior fiscal year funds will carry over for Department of State operations into fiscal year 2013. The Committee acknowledges the detrimental effects of strained bilateral relations on the implementation of United States foreign assistance programs in Pakistan, and recommends that the Department of State and other United States Government agencies reassess personnel requirements and downsize accordingly. While the Committee recognizes the importance of Pakistan to United States strategic interests in South Asia, maintaining the operational status quo at Embassy Islamabad and elsewhere absent programmatic activity is fiscally imprudent. This geostrategic importance is complicated by the apparent unwillingness and/or inability of the Government of Pakistan to keep open supply routes to Afghanistan or to mitigate extremist attacks on coalition forces in Afghanistan emanating from sanctuaries in Pakistan. While the Committee sets a budget ceiling for costs associated with operations and personnel in Pakistan, a national security waiver is provided to allow the administration to respond to any extraordinary, unforeseen contingencies that endanger human health or welfare. Assistance.--The Committee recommends $800,346,000 for assistance for Pakistan, and notes unobligated balances as of March 31, 2012, totaling $892,530,000. The Committee endorses Embassy Islamabad's assistance review, and directs the Department of State to provide updates on its findings. Restrictions on assistance similar to those in prior fiscal years are continued in this act. The Committee recommends not less than $10,000,000 for the Pakistan Civilian Assistance Program for continued assistance for individuals and communities that suffer losses as a result of military operations, and directs USAID to consult with the Committee on the use of funds prior to obligation. The Committee directs the Department of State and USAID to obligate and expend program funds for Pakistan at the minimum rate possible, including for infrastructure projects, until such time as bilateral relations show consistent improvement. The Committee expands the use of funds appropriated under the FMF and PCCF headings for Pakistan to include assistance for counterpiracy programs, and provides that unobligated funds appropriated by this act under the PCCF may be reprogrammed for other purposes should cargo transit routes through Pakistan remain closed and programmatic activity in Pakistan remain stalled. The Committee remains concerned with the apparent lack of progress in credibly investigating and prosecuting Pakistani military personnel for human rights violations, including torture and extra-judicial executions, and expects section 620M of the FAA to be rigorously applied. The Committee directs the Assistant Secretary for DRL, after consultation with USAID and NED, to submit a multi-year strategy to promote democracy and human rights in Pakistan and recommends $10,000,000 for programs to implement this strategy, to be administered by DRL. The Committee recommends continuing funding through DRL and DCHA for activities that support the development of independent media including radio in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Funds are allocated in the following table and subject to the requirements of section 7019 of this act: PAKISTAN [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D&CP (including WSP): Enduring............................................ 29,970 OCO................................................. 154,487 --------------- Total, D&CP....................................... 184,457 =============== USAID OE: Enduring............................................ 37,000 OCO................................................. 5,000 --------------- Total, USAID OE................................... 42,000 =============== ESF: Enduring............................................ 275,000 OCO................................................. 100,000 --------------- Total, ESF........................................ 375,000 =============== IMET.................................................... 6,000 INCLE................................................... 100,000 NADR.................................................... 19,346 FMF..................................................... 250,000 PCCF: Enduring............................................ 50,000 OCO................................................. .............. --------------- Total, PCCF....................................... 50,000 =============== Total, Pakistan................................... 1,026,803 =============== Total, Enduring................................... 767,316 =============== Total, OCO........................................ 259,487 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IRAQ Operations.--The Committee recommends $450,000,000 for Department of State, and $53,000,000 for USAID operations in Iraq, and notes that a total of $1,654,000,000 in prior fiscal year funds will carry over for Department of State operations into fiscal year 2013. The Committee notes that including carryover balances, Department of State operations in Iraq are funded at $2,104,000,000 which is adequate to support fiscal year 2013 operations, assuming the Department's estimated revised support costs, on-board staffing levels, and shared aviation costs. Section 7052(c)(1) provides authority to the Department to collect from private individuals the cost of travel on Embassy Air in Iraq through the Working Capital Fund. The Committee supports the Department of State's review of operations that will decrease the civilian presence in Iraq, and encourages further rightsizing of diplomatic facilities in Kirkuk and Basrah. The Committee endorses efforts to utilize the local economy for goods and services, but recognizes the limitations of such efforts outside of northern Iraq. While the Committee sets a budget ceiling for costs associated with operations and personnel in Iraq, a national security waiver is provided to allow the administration to respond to any extraordinary, unforeseen contingencies that endanger human health or welfare. The Committee recognizes that further consolidation of facilities is warranted in Iraq, and section 7004(g) requires the Secretary of State to submit an updated facilities construction plan, which should include consideration of closing the facility at Kirkuk and moving support services to Erbil; decreasing personnel, contractor, and physical structures in Basrah to establish a leaner operation; and centralizing certain administrative and support functions that require a more permissive security environment (including purchasing of local goods and warehousing) in Erbil. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit a report not later than 45 days after enactment of this act, and every 90 days thereafter until September 30, 2014, detailing the number of United States Government personnel and contractors in Iraq, disaggregated by Federal agency. The Committee expects this number to significantly decrease as facilities are consolidated in Baghdad. The Committee regrets that land-use agreements are outstanding for certain facilities in Iraq, and prohibits the use of funds appropriated by this act for construction or rehabilitation on properties for which no land-use agreement exists. Assistance.--The Committee recommends $582,347,000 for assistance for Iraq, and notes unobligated balances as of March 31, 2012, totaling $1,977,000,000. The Committee is aware of increasing Iraqi oil revenues and expects that after receiving billions of dollars of United States assistance the Government of Iraq will finance its own development programs. The Committee recommends $5,000,000 for the Marla Ruzicka Iraqi War Victims Fund for continued assistance for civilian victims of conflict, and the transition of this program to an Iraqi-run entity. The Committee notes the largely unsuccessful implementation of the police development program in Iraq, with the exception of activities conducted in northern Iraq. The Committee recognizes several factors contributing to this deficiency, including the relative lack of interest by the GoI for such activities, inadequate planning by the Department of State (including unnecessary construction at the Baghdad Police Academy Annex), and programmatic assumptions regarding shared bilateral interests that proved false. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to report to the Committee the findings of the Department's review of the PDP, and to limit the expenditure of funds only for programs in northern Iraq. In order to be successful, the Committee expects GoI buy-in for the program, which should include cost-sharing, and a complete revision of goals and objectives at substantial savings to U.S. taxpayers. No funding is provided in this act for the PDP. The Committee recommendation does not include funding for USAID's Tarabot and Ajyal programs as the costs of strengthening public management institutions and training teachers should be the responsibility of the GoI and supported by national revenues. Further, the follow-on to USAID's Tijara business program shall not exceed $10,000,000. The Committee recommends not less than $30,000,000 for democracy and governance programs. The Committee expects the Department of State to update the report on ethno-religious minorities in Iraq under the ESF heading in Senate Report 112-85 not later than 90 days after enactment of this act. To ensure transparency and accountability of funds, the Committee continues conditions on assistance for Iraq. Iraqi National Budget.--GAO's most recent estimate of Iraq's cumulative budget surplus is $52,100,000,000 as of December 2009, of which, adjusting for outstanding advances (including letters of credit, advance payments on domestic contracts, and other funds that have been committed for future expenses or paid out), at least $11,800,000,000 was available for future spending. Under the terms of a February 2010 IMF arrangement, Iraq agreed to report its outstanding advances by September 30, 2010, but has not done so. While GAO was able to determine that in the first 6 months of 2011 Iraq collected $7,900,000,000 more in oil revenue than it originally budgeted, current data on outstanding advances is not available. In order for the Committee to consider these Iraqi revenues when it reviews the spend plan submitted for assistance for Iraq, the Committee endorses the GAO's recommendation that the Departments of State and the Treasury work with the Government of Iraq to identify these resources by completing the IMF- required review of outstanding advances. Security Conditions Report.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit a report to the Committee detailing the effect of the security situation in Iraq on the ability of the Department of State and USAID to effectively and efficiently deliver assistance. The report shall be broken down by region and shall include, to the extend relevant: (1) an assessment of the current security situation; (2) the impact of the security situation on the planned obligation and expenditure of funds, and the movement of personnel; (3) an explanation of the type and nature of any increased security costs; (4) details on the impact of the delivery of humanitarian assistance; and (5) a plan to ameliorate the negative impact of a deteriorating security condition. Funds are allocated in the following table and subject to the requirements of section 7019 of this act: IRAQ [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D&CP: Enduring............................................ 250,000 OCO................................................. 200,000 --------------- Total, D&CP....................................... 450,000 =============== OIG-SIGIR: OCO................................................. 6,000 --------------- Total, OIG........................................ 6,000 =============== USAID OE: Enduring............................................ 12,000 OCO................................................. 41,000 --------------- Total, USAID OE................................... 53,000 =============== ESF: Enduring............................................ 50,000 OCO................................................. 50,000 --------------- Total, ESF........................................ 100,000 =============== IMET.................................................... 2,000 INCLE................................................... .............. NADR.................................................... 30,347 FMF: Enduring............................................ 450,000 OCO................................................. .............. --------------- Total, FMF........................................ 450,000 =============== Total, Iraq....................................... 1,091,347 =============== Total, Enduring................................... 794,347 =============== Total, OCO........................................ 297,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE I DEPARTMENT OF STATE AND RELATED AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF STATE Administration of Foreign Affairs DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR PROGRAMS (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Appropriations, 2012.................................... $10,940,011,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 11,380,364,000 Enduring operations................................. 7,068,619,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... 4,311,745,000 Committee recommendation................................ 8,863,468,000 Enduring operations................................. 7,437,468,000 Overseas contingency operations....................\1\ 1,426,000,000 \1\ Overseas contingency operations is funded under title VIII. The Committee recommends $7,437,468,000 for Diplomatic and Consular Programs, of which up to $1,428,468,000 is for Worldwide Security Protection. An additional $1,426,000,000 in title VIII under this heading is designated for OCO. The Committee recommendation separates the functions funded under this heading to provide transparency in the uses of funds. However, the Department of State may reprogram funds as necessary, subject to prior consultation with the Committee. Human Resources.--The Committee recommends $2,448,702,000 for all American salaries at overseas and domestic United States diplomatic missions, and does not include the requested extension of authority and funding for phase III of Foreign Service overseas comparability pay. Overseas Programs.--The Committee recommends $2,631,039,000 for the operational programs of the Department of State's regional bureaus, which are responsible for managing U.S. foreign policy through bilateral and multilateral relationships. Funds support U.S. embassies, consulates, and other diplomatic posts worldwide, and provide myriad services to millions of U.S. citizens living, working, studying, and serving abroad, including thousands who are arrested and imprisoned in foreign countries. The Committee recommends funding for operations, including for public diplomacy programs, to be used at overseas posts, funded through the Bureaus of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, African Affairs, Western Hemisphere Affairs, and South and Central Asian Affairs (not including Afghanistan and Pakistan) and to support additional programs at American Spaces worldwide. Diplomatic Policy and Support.--The Committee recommends $892,982,000 for the operational programs of the Department of State's functional bureaus to provide overall policy direction, coordination, and program management among U.S. missions abroad. The Committee recommends not less than $6,500,000 for salary and program costs of the Office for Global Women's Issues within the Office of the Secretary; not less than $9,140,000 for program costs for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; and not less than $16,294,000 for program costs for the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs. Security Programs.--The Committee recommends $1,464,745,000 for the operation of security programs, including $1,210,358,000 for Worldwide Security Protection to protect diplomatic personnel, overseas diplomatic missions, residences, and domestic facilities and information. An additional $218,110,000 is included within the Human Resources function for salaries for a total of $1,428,468,000 for WSP in this title. The Committee recommends an additional $651,000,000 for OCO costs for WSP. PROGRAM ISSUES Coordinator of United States Assistance to Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia.--The Committee affirms, in section 7068, the authorities of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia, as provided in the SEED and Freedom Support Acts, and intends that all assistance appropriated under titles III and IV of this act for the countries of Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia be subject to procedures developed by the Coordinator to ensure the strategic allocation of appropriated funds and effective coordination among U.S. Government agencies, and between the United States and other bilateral and international donors. Cultural Heritage.--The Committee recommends $6,500,000 for this program, including $1,000,000 for the Cultural Antiquities Task Force, and for not less than five large-scale projects. The Committee recognizes the important public diplomacy role of this program, as well as its contribution in preserving some of the world's irreplaceable cultural antiquities. The Department of State should consult with the Committee prior to the obligation of funds. Cyber Issues.--The Committee recommends $1,000,000 for operations and programs under the authority of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues, in addition to funds otherwise made available for such purposes. The Coordinator, in consultation with the heads of other relevant Federal agencies, is encouraged to consult on a regular basis with other nations and organizations on cybersecurity issues, including research and development, infrastructure protection, standards, and best practices in the field. The Coordinator is directed to consult with the Committee prior to providing funds to United Nations cyber programs. Freely Associated States.--The Committee directs the Department of State to continue working within the National Security Council Interagency Policy Committee on Freely Associated State Affairs to implement its action plan to reduce the impact of FAS migration on Federal, State, local, and territorial governments, particularly those in affected jurisdictions. The Committee also encourages the USAID field office in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, to provide technical assistance to the governments of the FAS in support of economic development and health. Human Rights Vetting.--The Committee supports the Department of State's efforts to monitor U.S. military assistance for foreign security forces, pursuant to section 620M of the FAA. The vetting process has been widely applied to individuals who are candidates for U.S. training, and the Committee understands that the Department of State is also applying the law to those individuals' units and to units that may receive U.S. equipment, as required. As in past years, the Committee recommends not less than $3,500,000 for DRL for personnel, training, and other support to strengthen the vetting process and to implement the other requirements of section 620M. Overseas Presence and Staffing Levels.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to provide the Committee, not later than 45 days after enactment of this act, a consolidated list of Office of Inspector General recommendations for potential position reductions and office-size reductions or closures since October 1, 2011, including cost savings, and the Department's responses to such recommendations. Public Diplomacy.--The Committee recommends a total of $541,566,000 for public diplomacy programs to be funded through direct appropriations, and an additional $5,000,000 through Department of State fees. Representation Expenses.--The Committee does not include a provision included in the budget request authorizing the Department of State to transfer up to $1,000,000 from D&CP to Representation Expenses. Tibet.--The Committee recommends not less than $750,000 for the Office of the Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues to carry out the broad responsibilities detailed in section 621(d) of Public Law 107-228, as well as for convening and coordinating meetings for appropriate Federal agencies, NGOs, and representatives of the Tibetan leadership in exile. Trafficking in Persons.--The Committee recommends a total of $46,500,000 in this act for TIP programs, of which $7,500,000 is included under the D&CP heading for the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons ($3,202,000 for programs and $4,198,000 for salaries). The Committee directs the Secretary of State to post, or otherwise make available, the human trafficking hotline and Web site information in Consular Affairs public waiting areas in all U.S. Embassies and Consulates in a timely manner. The Committee recognizes the need for transparency regarding the Department of State's use of waiver authority to prevent certain countries from being downgraded from the Tier 2 Watch List to Tier 3 in the annual Trafficking in Persons Report. The Committee directs the Department of State to include in the 2013 report, and subsequent reports, an assessment of progress made by each country issued such a waiver in relation to the country's written plan. Travel Cards and Purchase Cards.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to report on the fiscal year 2012 use of Government-funded credit cards (including Department of State travel cards and purchase cards), including the number and value of purchases that did not comply with regulations, whether reimbursement was received for these noncompliant purchases, and the Department's policy for disciplining employees who abuse the use of Government credit cards. Victims of Terrorism.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to continue to assist American victims of terrorism abroad regarding frozen assets for compensation and other issues, including for the bombings of United States facilities in Kenya and Tanzania and terrorist acts sponsored by former Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi. Not later than 45 days after enactment of this act, the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit a report detailing the amount of assets owned by the Qaddafi family that remains blocked, the amount of settlement funds available to pay Libya-related awards, and the total amount of certified awards. The Committee notes that $4,000,000 appropriated in Public Law 110-161 for compensation to the families of members of the Foreign Service or other U.S. Government employees (or their dependents) who were killed in terrorist attacks since 1979 remains unexpended, and that the obligation of funds are subject to specific authorization in subsequent Acts of Congress. The Committee will consider additional funds for such purposes once specific authorizing language is enacted into law. Visa Processing.--The Committee recognizes the recent efforts of the Secretary of State to improve visa services and meet growing visa demand, particularly in PRC and Brazil. Executive Order 13597 directs the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security, in coordination with OMB and other relevant agencies, to develop a plan to increase nonimmigrant visa processing capacity in the PRC and Brazil by 40 percent, ensure that 80 percent of nonimmigrant visa applicants are interviewed within 3 weeks of receipt of application, increase efforts to expand the Visa Waiver Program, and expand reciprocal recognition programs for expedited travel. Section 7076 of this act directs the Secretary of State to continue to take the necessary steps to achieve these goals and to report to the Committee on progress made. The Committee remains concerned with the lack of access to consular services in certain high-demand countries due to lengthy travel distances, and encourages the Secretary of State to evaluate alternative means of addressing this problem, including remote interviewing and videoconferencing. CONFLICT STABILIZATION OPERATIONS Appropriations, 2012.................................................... Budget Estimate, 2013................................... $56,500,000 Committee recommendation................................................ The Committee does not recommend funding under the Conflict Stabilization Operations heading. The Committee includes authority under the D&CP heading to transfer up to $56,500,000 to this account. In addition, the Committee includes authority under the Complex Crisis Fund heading to transfer up to $10,000,000 to this account, as requested by the administration. CAPITAL INVESTMENT FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $59,380,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 83,300,000 Committee recommendation................................ 90,000,000 The Committee recommends $90,000,000 for Capital Investment Fund. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Appropriations, 2012.................................... $129,086,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 115,523,000 Enduring operations................................. 65,622,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... 49,901,000 Committee recommendation................................ 122,900,000 Enduring operations................................. 67,000,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... \1\ 55,900,000 \1\ Overseas contingency operations are funded under title VIII. The Committee recommends $67,000,000 for Office of Inspector General, and an additional $55,900,000 in title VIII under this heading is designated for OCO. The Committee directs the Inspectors General of the Department of State and USAID, SIGAR, and SIGIR to coordinate audit plans and activities to minimize unnecessary duplication, ensure comprehensive oversight plans, and maximize the effective use of resources. The Committee directs the OIG to continue to plan for increased responsibilities when SIGIR draws down its oversight operations, and to include in the fiscal year 2014 budget request the personnel authorities required to conduct adequate oversight of Department of State's Iraq operations and programs. The Committee recommends $1,378,000 for the OIG's Middle East Regional Office, in addition to funds otherwise made available for such purposes, to support additional auditors to meet the increased demands as SIGIR draws down. EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMS Appropriations, 2012.................................... $598,800,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 586,957,000 Committee recommendation................................ 625,000,000 The Committee recommends $625,000,000 for Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs. The Committee recognizes the need to expand international exchanges and intends that programs funded under this heading will support U.S. foreign policy objectives. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to use the additional funds to increase the number of participants and broaden the representation of groups that have been traditionally under-represented, such as youth and individuals from rural and high-poverty areas, including the Benjamin Gilman International Scholarship, International Visitor Leadership, and Citizen Exchange youth programs. The Committee also directs the Secretary to consider the use of virtual educational exchange programs and other programs that expand the number, diversity, and experience of participants beyond traditional study abroad programs. The Committee recognizes the importance of educational exchanges for professionals in key fields from Eurasia and recommends that a portion of the Fulbright awards from this region are designated as Edmund S. Muskie Fellowships. The Committee supports the Secretary's efforts to reduce the administrative and overhead costs of exchange programs and expects that the savings from such efforts will be used to increase the number of participants. Funds are allocated according to the following table and are subject to the provisions of section 7019 of this act: EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMS [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee Programs recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Academic programs....................................... 352,476 Special academic exchanges (non-add)................ 27,030 Professional and cultural exchanges..................... 206,124 Special professional and cultural exchanges (non- 1,124 add)............................................... Program evaluation...................................... 5,900 Exchanges support....................................... 60,500 --------------- Total, ECE........................................ 625,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changes to Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to consult with the Committee prior to implementing changes to exchange programs proposed for fiscal year 2013, including the Mike Mansfield Fellowship program, regarding compliance with applicable authorizing language. The Committee expects any proposed changes to exchange programs that require amending existing authorization will only occur after consultation with relevant committees, and amendments to existing law, as appropriate. NERD Exchanges.--The Committee notes the administration submitted a budget amendment regarding fellowship and exchange programs to be conducted by the NERD program. The Committee includes additional funds under this heading for such purposes, and directs to be consulted prior to the initial obligation of funds. Musical Exchanges.--The Committee supports cultural exchanges, including exchanges involving United States and foreign artists, which advance public diplomacy. The Committee requests the Secretary of State to report on the national interest served by the American Music Abroad program. Summer Work Travel and High School Exchange Programs.--The Committee is concerned with lax oversight of Summer Work Travel and high school exchange programs, which has resulted in abuses of foreign participants and harm to the reputation of these programs. The Committee recognizes that the Department of State has taken, and continues to take, steps to strengthen regulations and oversight of these programs to ensure they are primarily cultural and educational and do not divert jobs from Americans. The Committee expects to be informed in a timely manner of improvements to these programs and any recurring problems. REPRESENTATION EXPENSES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $7,300,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 7,484,000 Committee recommendation................................ 7,300,000 The Committee recommends $7,300,000 for Representation Expenses. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit a semiannual report on the allotment and expenditure of representation funds. PROTECTION OF FOREIGN MISSIONS AND OFFICIALS Appropriations, 2012.................................... $27,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 28,200,000 Committee recommendation................................ 35,000,000 The Committee recommends $35,000,000 for Protection of Foreign Missions and Officials. The Committee recommends an additional $6,800,000 for reimbursements for outstanding certified claims. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to continue to submit a semiannual report on the number of claims for extraordinary protective services by eligible jurisdictions and certified as meeting program requirements, and the amount of unobligated funds available to pay such claims. EMBASSY SECURITY, CONSTRUCTION, AND MAINTENANCE Appropriations, 2012.................................... $1,570,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 1,637,724,000 Committee recommendation................................ 1,637,724,000 The Committee recommends $1,637,724,000 for Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance, of which $688,799,000 is for worldwide security upgrades and $938,125,000 is for other construction, operations, and maintenance. Section 7076 of this act requires the Secretary of State to submit an operating plan for funds appropriated under this heading, which should include all resources available to the Department of State in fiscal year 2013 for operations, maintenance, and construction, and an accounting of the actual and anticipated proceeds of sales for all projects in fiscal year 2012. Section 7004(h) requires the Secretary of State to establish procedures for the construction and operation of temporary and permanent diplomatic facilities in environments in which the Department of State does not traditionally operate or to accommodate temporary surges in personnel and programs, including in areas in which insurgents target U.S. civilians. EMERGENCIES IN THE DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR SERVICE (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Appropriations, 2012.................................... $9,300,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 9,500,000 Committee recommendation................................ 9,500,000 The Committee recommends $9,500,000 for Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service. The Committee also authorizes the transfer of up to $10,000,000 under the D&CP heading for emergency evacuations and rewards. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to regularize funding for costs currently funded under this heading that are not related to unforeseen emergencies or the rewards program by requesting funding in fiscal year 2014 for these other costs under the appropriate accounts. REPATRIATION LOANS PROGRAM ACCOUNT (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Appropriations, 2012.................................... $1,447,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 1,800,000 Committee recommendation................................ 1,800,000 The Committee recommends $1,800,000 for the Repatriation Loans Program Account, of which not more than $711,000 is for administrative expenses. PAYMENT TO THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE IN TAIWAN Appropriations, 2012.................................... $21,108,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 37,200,000 Committee recommendation................................ 37,200,000 The Committee recommends $37,200,000 for the American Institute in Taiwan. PAYMENT TO THE FOREIGN SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $158,900,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 158,900,000 Committee recommendation................................ 158,900,000 The Committee recommends $158,900,000 for the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund. International Organizations CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Appropriations, 2012.................................... $1,551,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 1,570,005,000 Committee recommendation................................ 1,491,037,000 Enduring operations................................. 1,389,737,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... \1\ 101,300,000 \1\ Overseas contingency operations are funded under title VIII. The Committee recommends $1,389,737,000 for Contributions to International Organizations, and an additional $101,300,000 in title VIII under this heading is designated for OCO. Section 7076 of this act requires the Secretary of State to submit an operating plan for the funds made available under this heading, which should include each international organization funded, a notation of any exchange rate fluctuations that occurred since such estimates were calculated for the fiscal year 2013 CBJ, and a description of any Tax Equalization Fund credits applied. Organization of American States.--The Committee directs the U.S. mission to the OAS to work with other OAS member states to encourage the OAS Permanent Council to conduct a transparent accounting of current staffing and adopt personnel practices that establish rigorous, credible, and transparent merit-based human resource standards that are applied to all aspects of the OAS personnel system, including the budgetary implications of appointments to senior level trust and contract positions and the transfer of individuals from these positions into senior regular positions. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.--The Committee notes that the mission of the OECD does not include lobbying. United Nations Capital Master Plan.--The Committee includes a provision, section 7049(d), that prohibits the use of funds appropriated by this act for additional costs for the Capital Master Plan construction project for the United Nations Headquarters in New York. No funds were included in the budget request for this purpose. The Committee recommends that the administration request such funds, if justified, in subsequent fiscal year budget requests. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.--The Committee does not recommend the amount in the budget request for a U.S. contribution to UNESCO, which is prohibited by law. United States Contributions.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to post the United States assessed contributions under this heading to the United Nations and its affiliated agencies on the Department of State's Web site in a timely manner, and the first such posting should include funding detail for fiscal years 2011 and 2012. CONTRIBUTIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING ACTIVITIES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $1,828,182,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 2,098,500,000 Committee recommendation................................ 2,006,500,000 The Committee recommends $2,006,500,000 for Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities. An additional $142,000,000 is included under the PKO heading for a contribution for assessed peacekeeping activities in Somalia, which is $50,000,000 above the budget request and reflects the costs related to the expanded U.N. mission. The Committee recognizes the necessity of U.N. peacekeeping missions in countries where ethnic, religious, and political violence threatens regional stability and the safety of civilian populations. The Committee continues certain requirements for U.S. support for such missions, and includes language in section 7076 requiring the submission of an operating plan not later than 45 days after enactment of this act, which should include each peacekeeping mission funded and a description of any credits applied. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to post the United States assessed contributions under this heading to the United Nations and its affiliated agencies on the Department of State's Web site in a timely manner, and the first such posting should include funding detail for fiscal years 2011 and 2012. International Commissions INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY AND WATER COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND MEXICO SALARIES AND EXPENSES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $44,722,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 46,700,000 Committee recommendation................................ 46,700,000 The Committee recommends $46,700,000 for salaries and expenses of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico. CONSTRUCTION Appropriations, 2012.................................... $31,453,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 30,400,000 Committee recommendation................................ 31,500,000 The Committee recommends $31,500,000 for planning, preparation, and construction. Funds in this account are allocated according to the following table and are subject to the provisions of section 7019 of this act: IBWC--CONSTRUCTION [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee Program/activity recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Water Quantity Program.................................. 23,600 Rio Grande Control System Rehabilitation (non-add)...... 8,600 Water Quality Program................................... 2,000 Resource and Asset Management Program................... 5,900 --------------- Total, IBWC--Construction......................... 31,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMERCIAN SECTIONS, INTERNATIONAL COMMISSIONS Appropriations, 2012.................................... $11,687,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 12,200,000 Committee recommendation................................ 13,500,000 The Committee recommends $13,500,000 for American Sections, International Commissions, of which $8,392,000 is for the International Joint Commission, $2,441,000 is for the International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada, and $2,667,000 is for the Border Environment Cooperation Commission. The Committee recommendation for the International Joint Commission includes $1,000,000 for a flood modeling study of the Lake Champlain and Richlieu River watershed and drainage basin. The Committee recommends an additional $300,000 for the Border Environment Cooperation Commission for studies on environmental issues and capacity building for the communities located along the border of the United States and Mexico. INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES COMMISSIONS Appropriations, 2012.................................... $36,300,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 32,800,000 Committee recommendation................................ 40,700,000 The Committee recommends $40,700,000 for International Fisheries Commissions, which with the exception of GLFC funds all the commissions at the budget request level. The Committee recommends $27,900,000 for GLFC, of which $3,500,000 is for sea lamprey control and water quality improvements in the Lake Champlain Basin and $4,400,000 is for sea lamprey control and fishery research for the Great Lakes Basin. The Committee recommends $4,600,000 for the International Pacific Halibut Commission which is the same as the budget request, and will enable the Commission to expand its research on Pacific halibut and to support its operational requirements, including facility rent costs. RELATED AGENCY Broadcasting Board of Governors INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING OPERATIONS Appropriations, 2012.................................... $744,500,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 711,558,000 Committee recommendation................................ 724,200,000 The Committee recommends $724,200,000 for International Broadcasting Operations, and does not include funding for phase III of the Foreign Service comparability pay. Funds in this account are allocated according to the following table and are subject to the provisions of section 7019 of this act: INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING OPERATIONS [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee Program recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Federal entities........................................ 486,670 BBG/IBB operations.................................. 71,400 International Broadcasting Bureau [IBB]: Voice of America................................ 198,870 Broadcasting to Cuba............................ 23,400 Engineering and Technical Services.............. 193,000 Internet Freedom (non-add).................. 12,000 Independent Grantee Organizations....................... 237,530 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty [RFE/RL]............ 93,675 Radio Free Asia [RFA]............................... 36,585 Middle East Broadcasting Networks [MBN]............. 107,270 --------------- Total, International Broadcasting Operations...... 724,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Internet Circumvention.--The Committee recommends $12,000,000 for BBG's Internet circumvention program, and directs BBG to submit a report, prior to the initial obligation of funds, detailing planned expenditures for this purpose. The Committee encourages continued coordination and cooperation between the Department of State and USAID on the planning and implementation of these programs. The Committee encourages BBG to consider digital security and digital safety training for those who use BBG circumvention tools. The Committee directs BBG to continue to monitor protections against BBG tools being used for illicit purposes, and expects BBG to inform the Committee of any concerns. Iran.--The Committee directs GAO to submit a report assessing the audience share of U.S. broadcasting to Iran as compared to other international broadcasters, and whether U.S. policies toward Iran are presented clearly and effectively in such broadcasts, and in a balanced manner. New Program Initiatives.--The Committee supports BBG's efforts to identify new program formats but is concerned that BBG proposes reductions in current programs before testing new program models for effectiveness, particularly in priority languages. Therefore, the Committee recommends funding to sustain BBG broadcasts to the PRC as well as for the VOA Mandarin television initiative begun in fiscal year 2012. The Committee recommends $400,000 in addition to funds already available for VOA and RFA Tibetan Services for special programming, particularly radio programming, to enhance coverage of events in Tibet. The Committee directs the BBG to consult prior to implementation of such special programs. The Committee also recommends funding to continue current VOA and RFE/RL programming to Central Asia and for the new VOA and RFE/ RL program to that region. The Committee recommends the budget request for the expansion of Middle East Broadcasting Network's television programming to Egypt. If BBG's fiscal year 2014 budget request proposes to reduce current programs to the PRC or Central Asia in favor of new program models, the Committee directs BBG to include in the CBJ an assessment of the effectiveness of the new programs as compared with existing programs. The Committee does not support the proposed BBG digital media development initiative. North Korea.--The Committee recommends not less than $8,960,000 for international broadcasting to North Korea. Proposed Reductions.--The Committee does not support the following reductions and terminations proposed by BBG and includes adequate funding to sustain current levels: reductions to staffing, broadcast hours, and original program hours of VOA and RFA East and Southeast Asia services, including Mandarin and Tibetan; discontinuation of VOA Cantonese broadcasts; closing of the BBG Poro medium wave transmitting station; the consolidation and reorganization of VOA Central News and English Division; realignment of BBG shortwave and medium wave transmissions; reductions to staffing and radio broadcasts of VOA Georgian, VOA Turkish, and VOA Ashna; termination of radio broadcasts of RFE/RL Tartarstan, Bashkortostan, Avar, Chechen, and Circassian; and transition to Russian-language broadcasts to the North Caucasus. The Committee supports the proposed reduction in TV Marti operating costs, including the termination of the Aeromarti contract, as long as such action will not reduce its current broadcast schedule of 166 weekly hours. Strategic Priorities.--The Committee is concerned that BBG's broadcast priorities do not fully align with U.S. foreign policy priorities. For example, the fiscal year 2013 budget request reduces broadcasting to Asia at the same time the Secretary of State has called for expanding engagement with Asia, particularly East Asia. The Committee directs BBG to submit, not later than 180 days after enactment of this act, a report on how BBG's broadcast policy reflects input from the Department of State and other relevant agencies, and further directs BBG to include in its CBJ the linkage between broadcast and foreign policy priorities for any proposed language service changes. BROADCASTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Appropriations, 2012.................................... $7,030,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 8,591,000 Committee recommendation................................ 8,850,000 The Committee recommends $8,850,000 for Broadcasting Capital Improvements. RELATED PROGRAMS The Asia Foundation Appropriations, 2012.................................... $17,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 15,400,000 Committee recommendation................................ 17,000,000 The Committee recommends $17,000,000 for The Asia Foundation. United States Institute of Peace Appropriations, 2012.................................... $39,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 37,400,000 Committee recommendation................................ 38,225,000 The Committee recommends $38,225,000 for the United States Institute of Peace. The Committee understands that renovation, operations, and maintenance costs of buildings located within the Potomac Annex for USIP training activities will not be paid with appropriated funds. The Committee recommends $825,000 above the budget request to continue at the fiscal year 2012 level programs in such countries as Haiti. Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue Trust Fund Appropriations, 2012.................................... $840,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 798,000 Committee recommendation................................ 798,000 The Committee recommends $798,000 from interest and earnings from the Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue Trust Fund. Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program Appropriations, 2012.................................... $500,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 449,000 Committee recommendation................................ 449,000 The Committee recommends $449,000 from interest and earnings from the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program Trust Fund. Israeli Arab Scholarship Program Appropriations, 2012.................................... $375,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 374,000 Committee recommendation................................ 374,000 The Committee recommends $374,000 from interest and earnings from the Israeli Arab Scholarship Endowment Fund. International Center Appropriations, 2012.................................... \1\ $520,150 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 5,970,150 Committee recommendation................................ 5,970,150 \1\ Funding for this program was under the D&CP heading in fiscal year 2012. The Committee recommends $5,970,150 from the reserve available for the International Center. These costs were included under the D&CP heading in prior fiscal years, and are for the development, security, maintenance, and operations of U.S.-owned property at the International Center in Washington, DC, for lease or exchange to foreign governments or international organizations. East-West Center Appropriations, 2012.................................... $16,700,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 10,800,000 Committee recommendation................................ 16,700,000 The Committee recommends $16,700,000 for the East-West Center. National Endowment for Democracy Appropriations, 2012.................................... $117,764,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 104,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 236,000,000 The Committee recommends $236,000,000 for the National Endowment for Democracy, of which $200,000,000 shall be allocated in the traditional and customary manner, as in prior fiscal years, to include the core institutes. The Committee notes that the increase for the NED is offset by an equivalent decrease in the overall fiscal year 2013 budget request for democracy programs. The Committee recognizes the comparative advantages of the NED in the promotion of democracy and human rights abroad, particularly given its status as an NGO, unparalleled experience in promoting freedom during the cold war, and continued ability to conduct programs in the most hostile political environments. In many circumstances, the Committee recognizes the NED as a more appropriate and effective mechanism to promote democracy and human rights abroad than either the Department of State or USAID. The Committee notes the vision of President Ronald Reagan in the creation of the NED. Additional funds above the budget request are recommended for programs in the following countries: NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee Country recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ North Korea........................................... 3,000 Burma................................................. 7,500 Tibet................................................. 2,000 Venezuela............................................. 3,000 Syria................................................. 2,000 Libya................................................. 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Committee expects the NED, DRL, and USAID to regularly consult and coordinate democracy and human rights activities. However, funds appropriated under this heading shall not be subject to prior approval by the Department of State or USAID, or to administrative or managerial surcharges, and the NED should not be precluded from competitively bidding on other grant solicitations. The President of the NED shall submit a report on the uses of funds under this heading on a regional and country basis no later than 45 days after enactment of this act. OTHER COMMISSIONS Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad SALARIES AND EXPENSES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $634,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 602,000 Committee recommendation................................ 634,000 The Committee recommends $634,000 for the Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad. United States Commission on International Religious Freedom SALARIES AND EXPENSES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $3,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 3,500,000 Committee recommendation................................ 3,250,000 The Committee recommends $3,250,000 for the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, including not more than $3,000 for representation expenses. The Committee directs the Commission to ensure that such expenses comply with limitations in section 7020(a) of this act on representation- type expenses, including meal costs not related to official travel, and entertainment expenses. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe SALARIES AND EXPENSES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $2,715,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 2,579,000 Committee recommendation................................ 2,579,000 The Committee recommends $2,579,000 for the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Republic of China SALARIES AND EXPENSES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $1,996,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 2,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 1,996,000 The Committee recommends $1,996,000 for the Congressional- Executive Commission on the People's Republic of China. United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission SALARIES AND EXPENSES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $3,493,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 3,500,000 Committee recommendation................................ 3,493,000 The Committee recommends $3,493,000 for the United States- China Economic and Security Review Commission. TITLE II UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Funds Appropriated to the President OPERATING EXPENSES (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Appropriations, 2012.................................... $1,347,300,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 1,347,045,000 Enduring operations................................. 1,263,045,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... 84,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 1,390,900,000 Enduring operations................................. 1,281,100,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... \1\ 109,800,000 \1\ Overseas contingency operations are funded under title VIII. The Committee recommends $1,281,100,000 for Operating Expenses, and an additional $109,800,000 in title VIII under this heading is designated for OCO. The Committee does not recommend funding for phase III of the Foreign Service comparability pay. Funds in this account are allocated according to the following table and are subject to the provisions of section 7019 of this act: USAID OPERATING EXPENSES [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee Program recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USAID forward agency reforms........................... 103,765 Development leadership initiative (non-add)........ 78,765 Procurement reform (non-add)....................... 25,000 Non-frontline states operations (including 918,785 headquarters)......................................... Overseas operations (non-frontline)................ 576,352 Washington operations.............................. 342,433 Frontline operations................................... 186,000 Overseas space expansion............................... ............... Central support........................................ 219,850 Less other sources..................................... (158,300) ---------------- Subtotal, USAID Operating Expenses............... 1,281,100 ================ OCO for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq operations..... 109,800 ---------------- TOTAL, USAID Operating Expenses.................. 1,390,900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Development Leadership Initiative.--The Committee continues to support USAID's DLI program and recommends adequate funding for additional DLI participants in fiscal year 2013, including for space expansion and lease costs. Overseas Representation and Residence Expenses.--The Committee expects USAID to utilize, to the maximum extent possible, United States-owned foreign currencies for overseas representation and official residence expenses. Procurement Reform.--The Committee supports USAID's effort to reform its procurement policies and practices and recommends $25,000,000 for this initiative. The Committee recognizes the need to protect taxpayer dollars from waste and fraud, and at the same time curtail practices that are inefficient, more costly, and unsustainable. USAID's Implementation and Procurement Reform initiative focuses on building capacity in local governments and civil society and streamlining the agency's procurement procedures to reach a wider range of partners and increase competition. The Committee urges USAID to continue its reform efforts by reducing reliance on large, inflexible contracts and working more directly with local governments and civil society to build capacity and develop sustainable programs in a transparent and accountable manner. The USAID Administrator is directed to submit a report to the Committee, not later than 180 days after enactment of this act, detailing: --USAID's strategy for increasing assistance through local partners; --the eligibility and oversight requirements of such assistance; --how such strategy will advance U.S. interests and development goals; --any anticipated reduction in assistance through U.S. partners; and --potential cost savings. Direct Government-to-Government Assistance.--The Committee clarifies, in section 7031(a), the application of the notification requirement required for direct government-to- government assistance. The threshold for notification, the purpose of which is to explain how the proposed activity complies with pre-obligation assessment requirements, is to be calculated based on the anticipated cumulative value of the program. Once notified before the initial obligation is made, the Committee does not expect to be notified again in future funding years of the program unless future year obligations result in a cumulative value in excess of $50,000,000 and the program was not notified prior to the initial obligation of funds. Partnerships and Unsolicited Proposals.--The Committee supports efforts by USAID and the Department of State to build partnerships with United States academic institutions and others in the private sector to design and implement assistance programs and leverage additional resources. However, it is difficult for such entities to navigate multiple Web sites to locate useful information about new partnership opportunities, and meetings about unsolicited project ideas with Department and USAID officials are often frustrating and unproductive. The Committee directs USAID and the Department of State to clearly indicate on their Web site home pages, and on their home pages for each country, detailed information on partnership opportunities, by sector, and procedures for submitting unsolicited proposals. Recruitment of Veterans.--The Committee directs the USAID Administrator to report to the Committee the number of veterans currently employed by USAID to include direct hires and personal service contractors. The report should include hiring trend data and steps USAID is taking to recruit and hire veterans. The Committee recognizes that GAO is conducting a governmentwide investigation on veteran hiring practices. Recruitment Strategy.--Not later than 45 days after enactment of this act, the USAID Administrator shall report to the Committee on the extent to which USAID implemented the recruitment strategy referenced in section 7059(l) of division H of Public Law 111-8. Training.--Since fiscal year 2008, 820 new foreign service officers were hired by USAID through the Development Leadership Initiative to improve its technical and managerial capacity, during which time many middle and senior level staff retired. The Committee recognizes and supports the training role former USAID employees can provide, and encourages the USAID Administrator to utilize such training for direct-hire staff. CAPITAL INVESTMENT FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $129,700,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 134,900,000 Committee recommendation................................ 140,000,000 The Committee recommends $140,000,000 for Capital Investment Fund. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Appropriations, 2012.................................... $51,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 50,500,000 Committee recommendation................................ 51,000,000 The Committee recommends $51,000,000 for Office of Inspector General. TITLE III BILATERAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE Funds Appropriated to the President Appropriations, 2012.................................... $21,532,500,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 21,377,390,000 Enduring operations................................. 20,339,519,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... 1,037,871,000 Committee recommendation................................ 22,982,200,000 Enduring operations................................. 22,382,200,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... \1\ 600,000,000 \1\ Overseas contingency operations is funded under title VIII. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES The Committee notes that for fiscal years 2009 through 2012 the Congress appropriated a total of approximately $36,835,160,000 for the administration's three key development initiatives, including $31,241,400,000 for the GHI, $2,538,100,000 for the GCCI, and $3,055,600,000 for FtF through the Departments of State and the Treasury, and USAID. The Committee directs the Secretary of State, USAID Administrator, and the Secretary of the Treasury, as appropriate, after consultation with the Committee, to submit to a report on obligations and expenditures for each such initiative on a quarterly basis. SECTOR ASSISTANCE This act directs funding for sectors in the amounts allocated in the following table which are subject to the requirements of section 7019 of this act: SECTOR ALLOCATIONS [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee Sectors recommendation \1\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basic education..................................... 800,000 Higher education.................................... 215,000 Development Grants Program.......................... 45,000 Environment and energy.............................. 1,155,000 Food security and agricultural development.......... 1,200,000 Microenterprise and microfinance.................... 265,000 Reconciliation programs............................. 26,000 Trafficking in persons.............................. 39,000 Water and sanitation................................ 400,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \1\ Funding levels in the chart above include contributions provided through the Department of the Treasury. GLOBAL HEALTH PROGRAMS (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Appropriations, 2012.................................... $8,167,860,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 7,854,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 8,478,968,000 The Committee recommends $8,478,968,000 for Global Health Programs. Funds in this account are allocated according to the following table and are subject to the provisions of section 7019 of this act: GLOBAL HEALTH PROGRAMS [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee Program/activity recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maternal and child health.............................. 678,968 Polio (non-add).................................... 35,500 The GAVI Alliance (non-add)........................ 145,000 Nutrition [USAID]...................................... 122,000 Iodine Deficiency Disorder (non-add)............... 2,500 Micronutrients (non-add)........................... 33,500 Vitamin A (non-add)............................ 23,000 Vulnerable children [USAID]............................ 23,000 Blind children (non-add)........................... 3,500 HIV/AIDS [USAID]....................................... 350,000 Microbicides (non-add)............................. 45,000 HIV/AIDS (Department of State)......................... 5,550,000 Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Malaria and 1,650,000 Tuberculosis (non-add)............................ UNAIDS (non-add)................................... 45,000 Family Planning/Reproductive Health [USAID]............ 600,000 Other Infectious Diseases [USAID]...................... 1,155,000 Pandemic Preparedness (non-add).................... 75,000 Malaria (non-add).................................. 670,000 Tuberculosis (non-add)............................. 285,000 Global TB Drug Facility (non-add).............. 15,000 Neglected Tropical Diseases (non-add).............. 125,000 ---------------- Total, GHP....................................... 8,478,968 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH The Committee recommends $678,968,000 for maternal and child health activities under this heading. The Committee supports USAID's Child Survival Call to Action program, which seeks to collaborate with other donors and partners to end preventable child deaths, including over 7 million children under the age of 5 annually. Midwifery.--The Committee supports continued funding for USAID's efforts to promote the training of local healthcare providers as midwives to assist women in avoiding and addressing pregnancy complications and reducing maternal and child mortality. Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus.--The Committee recognizes the importance of low-cost vaccines for women of childbearing age in preventing tetanus in newborn children, encourages public-private partnerships to deliver such vaccines, and urges USAID to support efforts to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Pediatric Screening.--USAID should consider support for mobile outreach programs to expand and improve access to pediatric eye screening for children in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza in a manner that delivers the maximum amount of funds to the field. Polio.--The Committee recommends not less than $40,000,000 for polio eradication efforts, including $35,500,000 under this heading and $4,500,000 under the ESF heading for programs in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Uterine Prolapse.--The Committee continues to support efforts to prevent and treat uterine prolapse in Nepal. Vaccines and Immunization.--The Committee recommends $145,000,000 for the GAVI Alliance. Vulnerable Children.--The Committee recommends $23,000,000 for programs and activities to address the needs of vulnerable children, of which not less than $3,500,000 is for assistance for blind children. USAID should administer programs in a manner that delivers the maximum amount of funds to the field, and also consider support for cleft lip and cleft palate surgery. The Committee directs USAID's Displaced Children and Orphans Fund to provide up to $4,500,000 to continue implementing model programs for technical assistance for governments to assess the needs and number of children living outside of family care and progress made in placing them in safe and stable families. The head of the DCOF is directed to consult with the Committee prior to the obligation of funds. NUTRITION The Committee recommends $122,000,000 for nutrition programs under this heading, to be made available through USAID. The Committee recognizes that long-term effects of malnutrition can include poorer health, learning and productivity limitations, and stunted brain development, among other problems. The Committee encourages USAID to give particular attention to the nutritional needs of pregnant women and children, particularly from birth to age 2. Micronutrients.--The Committee recommends not less than $33,500,000 for micronutrients, of which not less than $23,000,000 is to address vitamin A deficiencies. The Committee recommends that nutrition programs, including micronutrients, also be included within the funds appropriated to the Department of State and USAID for programs to combat HIV/AIDS. The Committee recommends not less than $2,500,000 for the USAID/UNICEF IDD program to prevent mental retardation in children. FAMILY PLANNING/REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH The Committee recommends a total of $700,000,000 from all accounts in this act for family planning and reproductive health programs, including $600,000,000 under this heading, $55,500,000 under the ESF heading, and $44,500,000 for UNFPA. HIV/AIDS The Committee recommends a total of $5,900,000,000 for programs and activities to combat HIV/AIDS, of which $5,550,000,000 is for the Department of State and $350,000,000 is for USAID. Global Fund.--The Committee recommends not less than $1,650,000,000 for a U.S. contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. The Committee supports efforts by the Global Fund to implement reforms contained in its Consolidated Transformation Plan, including recommendations by the High-Level Panel for Fiduciary Oversight to reform fiduciary controls and the overall business model of the Global Fund. OGAC is directed to consult with the Committee on implementation of such reforms, and on progress in implementing the strategic grant-making model in the 5-year strategy adopted at the 25th Board Meeting of the Global Fund. Media Programs.--The Committee notes that independent media can play an effective role in combating HIV/AIDS through accurate and unbiased coverage of the causes and appropriate public responses. Microbicides.--The Committee recommends $45,000,000 for research on, and development of, microbicides to prevent HIV. Mother-to-Child Transmission.--The Committee encourages OGAC to expand prevention of mother-to-child transmission programs in support of the goal of eliminating new pediatric HIV infections by 2015. The Committee supports efforts to reach women in rural settings, to improve the ability of programs to provide more effective drug regimens, and to encourage stronger linkages between mother-to-child and care and treatment programs. Operations Research.--The Committee recommends that OGAC continue to invest in implementation research, including operations research and impact evaluation. PEPFAR.--The Committee recognizes that PEPFAR plays a key role in HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment globally and does not support the reduction in the budget request for PEPFAR at this time. The Committee supports efforts to improve efficiencies, and recommends funds for a new ``challenge grants'' program to leverage additional funding for the Global Fund from host country governments, multilateral organizations, and/or other donor governments. OGAC is directed to consult with the Committee on the parameters of the program prior to the initial obligation of funds. After implementation of the program, the Committee requires the Secretary of State to assess the ability of such challenge grants to leverage increased support for, and funding of, Global Fund activities from donors other than the U.S. Government. The Committee requires the Secretary of State to report on transition plans for countries receiving PEPFAR funding, including South Africa. UNAIDS.--The Committee recommends $45,000,000 for a U.S. contribution to UNAIDS. INFECTIOUS DISEASES Malaria.--The Committee recommends $670,000,000 for programs to combat malaria, and encourages USAID to support research, development, access, and delivery of anti-malarial medicines, including new, effective pediatric formulations and alternatives to artemisinin combination therapies in response to the threat of resistance, and to continue efforts to develop a malaria vaccine. The Committee supports the work of institutions of higher learning in addressing the health, economic, and security impacts of malaria and other parasitic diseases, and in seeking improvements in Federal Drug Administration-approved drugs for malaria prevention. Neglected Tropical Diseases.--The Committee recommends $125,000,000 for USAID's NTD program to eliminate intestinal parasites, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, trachoma, and leprosy which afflict hundreds of millions of people in tropical countries. Tuberculosis.--The Committee recommends $285,000,000 for programs to combat tuberculosis. The Committee recommends additional funding for MDR-TB detection, treatment, and prevention, including for assistance for countries in Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia. DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE Appropriations, 2012.................................... $2,519,950,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 2,525,500,000 Committee recommendation................................ 3,050,000,000 The Committee recommends $3,050,000,000 for Development Assistance. PROGRAMS AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY The Committee recommends $1,200,000,000 for FtF from all accounts in this act. The Committee recognizes that the economies of many developing countries have strong agricultural foundations and supports USAID's efforts to expand programs, particularly in Africa and in coordination with other donors, to address the root causes of hunger, malnutrition, and poverty through FtF. The Committee includes section 7059(a)(2)(E) to strengthen and expand the integration of women as key recipients of agricultural and technical assistance, and intends that programs are prioritized for women farmers, small-holder farmers, and other vulnerable populations. Collaborative Research Support Programs.--The Committee recommends not less than $32,000,000 for CRSPs, and supports efforts to improve agricultural productivity, nutritional quality and security, and innovative research in efforts to prevent malnutrition. Global Crop Diversity Trust.--The Committee recommends a U.S. contribution to the Global Crop Diversity Trust's endowment, which seeks to ensure the viability of agriculture worldwide by conserving and making available collections of crop diversity. Land Grant Institutions.--The Committee supports the work of land grant institutions of higher learning and encourages USAID to continue to partner with such institutions with specialized capability in agriculture research to assist developing countries to improve food production. Nutrition.--The Committee recommends that USAID re-evaluate the FtF indicators to include micronutrient deficiencies, to ensure that appropriate emphasis is given to the nutritional quality of food, as well as to agricultural productivity and marketing. Sustainable Intensification.--The Committee recommends that USAID consider support for sustainable intensification strategies that boost agricultural productivity and increase water use efficiency on small farms and the availability of water for household use, including through conservation tillage. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cooperative Development Program.--The Committee has long recognized the important role that U.S. cooperatives and credit unions play in overseas programs as a means to lift people out of poverty by mobilizing equity and savings for community-based economic growth. The Committee recommends not less than $10,000,000 for USAID's Cooperative Development Program within the Office of Private and Voluntary Cooperation. Microenterprise and Microfinance Development Programs.--The Committee recommends $265,000,000 in this act for microfinance and microenterprise development programs. The Committee notes that USAID has not met the requirement of section 251(c) of the FAA to target 50 percent of all microfinance and microenterprise funds to the very poor. USAID is directed to consult further with the Committee and other interested stakeholders on ways to maximize the use of microenterprise and microfinance assistance to benefit the poorest, most vulnerable people. EDUCATION Basic Education.--The Committee recommends up to $800,000,000 in this act for basic education programs, including programs aimed at improving early childhood development, primary and secondary education, teacher training, and basic skills training for adults and out-of-school youth. Basic education is a key component of human development and the Committee directs USAID to consult with stakeholders, particularly local NGOs, during implementation of the new education strategy to sustain progress in basic education programs. Higher Education.--The Committee recommends $215,000,000 in this act for higher education programs, including $25,000,000 for such programs in Africa of which $15,000,000 is for partnerships between higher education institutions in Africa and the United States. Partnerships should be selected through an open, competitive process, and focus on fields that are key to development such as agriculture, environment and natural resources, engineering, science and technology, health, education and teacher training, public administration, and business. American Schools and Hospitals Abroad Program.--The Committee recommends $23,000,000 for the ASHA program, and intends that USAID will allocate funds under similar terms and conditions as in prior fiscal years. ASHA proposals shall be considered in full and open competition and in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations. ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY The Committee recommends not less than $1,155,000,000 in this act for bilateral and multilateral environment and energy programs. Funds for bilateral programs are allocated according to the following table and are subject to the provisions of section 7019 of this act: ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY PROGRAMS [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee Program recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adaptation.............................................. 190,000 Clean energy............................................ 165,000 Sustainable landscapes.................................. 113,000 Biodiversity............................................ 200,000 Andean Amazon....................................... 20,000 Brazilian Amazon.................................... 10,000 CARPE............................................... 25,000 USAID........................................... 14,000 USFWS........................................... 11,000 Mayan Biosphere Reserve--DOI.................... 1,000 Other U.S. International Conservation Programs.......... 10,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Funds for environment and energy programs should be used to help developing countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions; develop renewable energy and increase end-use energy efficiency; adapt to rising temperatures; address water and food scarcity, and rising sea levels; protect tropical forests, endangered species, and other biodiversity; and implement policies for the transparent and sustainable use of natural resources. Adaptation.--The Committee recommends $190,000,000 for programs to assist developing countries adapt to climate change hazards, including decreases in agricultural productivity, water scarcity, and rising sea levels. Sustainable Landscapes/Biodiversity.--The Committee recommends $113,000,000 in this act for programs to protect sustainable landscapes, and an additional $200,000,000 for biodiversity conservation programs, including $2,000,000 to implement and enforce the Lacey Act (section 8204 of Public Law 110-246), $20,000,000 for the Initiative for Conservation in the Andean Amazon, and $10,000,000 for the Brazilian Amazon, with a priority on strengthening the capacity of indigenous organizations to protect tropical forests and biodiversity. The Committee also recommends $1,500,000 for continued USFS monitoring of forest degradation in Brazil, to be matched with contributions from the Government of Brazil. The Committee recommends not less than $25,000,000 for the Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment, including not less than $11,500,000 apportioned directly to the USFWS. The Committee emphasizes that CARPE's success depends on building the capacity of the Central African governments to professionally manage and protect their countries' resources. Memoranda of understanding and cooperative agreements should be used to provide a roadmap, with benchmarks for measuring progress, to carry out environmental impact assessments, social and environmental management plans, fisheries management, and training of an effective force for wildlife conservation and park management. Buy-in by governments, in coordination with other implementing partners, is necessary for the comprehensive and sustainable program that CARPE needs to become. The Committee recommends $1,000,000 apportioned directly to the Department of the Interior for biodiversity and archaeological conservation activities in Guatemala's Mayan Biosphere Reserve, to include governance and law enforcement. The Committee recommends not less than $10,000,000 for other U.S. international conservation programs administered by the USFWS, the USFS, the National Park Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Committee recommends funding to protect great apes in Indonesia and Central Africa, and wildlife in South Sudan and Niger. The Committee is concerned with the continuing loss of tropical forests that are habitat for many endangered species, particularly in the Amazon Basin, Central America, Central Africa, and Indonesia. Much of this is due to illegal logging in which government officials are often complicit, and to industrial scale logging that is unsustainable and opens up these areas to further development and environmental degradation. The Committee does not support the use of funds to support or promote industrial scale logging in areas of tropical forest where such logging has not occurred previously. Clean Energy.--The Committee intends that funds for clean- energy programs under title III of this act shall be used only to promote the sustainable use of renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency technologies, and to support other efforts to reduce, mitigate, and/or sequester emissions of greenhouse gases. The Committee is aware that exposure to smoke from traditional cookstoves by an estimated 3 billion people in developing countries causes nearly 2 million premature deaths, primarily of women and young children, annually, and contributes to deforestation, erosion, and drought, and the women and children who collect firewood face daily hardship and security risks. This global health, environmental, and personal safety issue should be a priority for USAID, and the Committee urges investments in cookstoves that sustainably reduce fuel consumption and exposure to harmful smoke, including in Haiti. Extractive Industries.--The Committee directs the Secretary of the Treasury to submit a report not later than 180 days after the enactment of this act, describing, for each international financial institution, the amount and type of assistance provided, by country, for the extraction and export of oil, gas, coal, timber, or other natural resources in the preceding 12 months, and whether each institution considered, in its proposal for such assistance, the extent to which the country has functioning systems described in section 7060(c)(6)(B)(i) of this act. Mekong River Basin.--The Committee is aware that the PRC intends to build additional dams along the Upper Mekong River that may have serious, adverse impacts on the people, economy, and environment in countries along the Lower Mekong River. Other countries plan to build as many as 11 dams on the Lower Mekong and dozens more on the river's tributaries. As the Mekong River Commission intends to conduct a study on the cumulative implications of these hydropower projects, the Committee recommends a U.S. contribution to the Commission for this purpose. Oceans.--The Committee is aware that emissions from fossil fuels and deforestation is changing the acidity of the ocean in ways that threaten fish and other ocean species on which many humans depend for survival. The Committee expects the Departments of State and the Treasury to coordinate with NOAA on the uses of funds for environment programs. Report.--The Committee directs the administration to update the report required by section 425 of division E of Public Law 112-74 for funds appropriated by this act in fiscal year 2013. GENDER PROGRAMS The Committee recognizes that the world's most pressing economic and political problems cannot be solved without the equal participation of women, and deplores the repression of women and girls, often enshrined in law, in many developing countries including some that are allies of the United States. Women and girls are not only denied equal educational and economic opportunities, they are woefully underrepresented in leadership positions in government. And they continue to be subjected to humiliating, physically debilitating, and discriminatory practices based on cultural or religious practices that are centuries old. The Committee intends the Department of State, guided by the Office of Global Women's Issues, and USAID, guided by the Office of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, to mainstream a focus throughout United States diplomatic and development efforts on raising the status, increasing participation, and protecting the rights of women and girls worldwide. The Committee recommends not less than $1,650,000,000 in this act for gender programs. Of this amount, not less than $50,000,000 is for programs to promote women's political leadership, not less than $150,000,000 is for programs to support a multiyear strategy to respond to gender-based violence, and not less than $50,000,000 is to support a multiyear strategy to implement the United States National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security. The Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues and USAID's Senior Coordinator for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment are directed to jointly report to the Committee on steps taken to implement gender integration and promote women's economic and political empowerment, including through USAID's Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy. GLOBAL PROGRAMS Child Marriage.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues and USAID's Senior Coordinator for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment to support diplomatic efforts and assistance programs to prevent child marriage in countries where there is high prevalence. Development Innovation Ventures.--The Committee recommends the budget request for DIV. Disability Programs.--The Committee recommends $5,000,000 for disability programs, of which $3,000,000 should be made available for programs and activities administered by USAID through foreign missions to address the needs and protect and promote the rights of people with disabilities in developing countries. The Committee recommends $1,000,000 to support public dissemination of digital information to individuals with disabilities and disabled people's organizations in developing countries, through accessible technologies not dependent on the Internet, to promote inclusion and integration in education, employment, housing, transportation, and the political process. The Committee recommends $1,000,000 to develop, support, and strengthen sports programs for people with disabilities in developing countries. The Committee is concerned with reports that USAID assistance for Georgia resulted in the improper segregation of children and adults with disabilities during a period in which the Government of Georgia adopted a policy of deinstitutionalization for children. The Committee directs USAID to rigorously implement its Disability Policy, which calls for community integration and full participation in society of people with disabilities, and ensure that USAID staff is properly trained. The Committee further directs USAID to work with Georgian officials, service providers, and disabled people's organizations to develop and implement a plan for the community integration of children and adults with disabilities who are in institutional settings. The Committee supports continued funding for the Global Disability Rights Library to: --increase distribution of the GDRL in developing countries; --provide access to digital content and assistive technology for individuals with visual disabilities; and --provide technical assistance and support to individuals with disabilities. The Committee recommends that USAID continue current practice that at least 25 percent of USAID foreign mission funds for these purposes be disbursed in small grants. The Committee also supports USAID's accessibility requirements for construction projects. Faith-Based Organizations.--The Committee notes the important role that faith-based organizations play in the delivery of foreign assistance and expects USAID to comply with Federal laws protecting the rights of FBOs related to competing for and administering projects funded with United States foreign assistance. Indigenous Peoples.--The Committee recognizes that indigenous peoples face increasing threats to their territory and cultures due to growing population pressures, the expansion of mechanized agriculture, and extractive industries. These and other development activities, which often occur without adequate consultation with indigenous people, can impact their cultures in profoundly negative ways. The Committee urges the appointment at USAID of an Advisor for Indigenous Peoples Issues to ensure that U.S. policies and programs give proper attention to the interests and rights of indigenous people in developing countries. Judicial Reform.--The Committee supports the use of funds under this heading and the ESF and INCLE headings for judicial reform as an important component of rule of law programs, particularly in developing and post-conflict countries where governments and civil society demonstrate a commitment to reform, including transparency and accountability. Partner Vetting.--The Committee supports a partner vetting system that safeguards against the inadvertent disbursement of funds by the Department of State or USAID to a terrorist or terrorist organization, while preserving important and, in some regions, sensitive relationships with grantees and contractors that play an indispensible role in implementing U.S. assistance programs. The Committee understands that the Department of State and USAID will finalize the design of a pilot PVS by September 30, 2012, and requests to be consulted following its completion. All individuals and organizations being vetted should be provided with full disclosure of how information will be stored and used by the U.S. Government, including how information regarding a ``positive match'' will be handled and how to appeal such a match. There should also be provision for waiving the vetting requirements when vetting would substantially delay response to humanitarian crises. The Committee expects that other Federal agencies conducting foreign assistance programs, including for security sector reform, will employ vetting procedures similar to those devised by USAID and the Department of State. Patrick Leahy War Victims Fund.--The Committee recommends $13,000,000 for the LWVF, administered by USAID, which assists persons who are severely disabled as a result of armed conflict. Victims of Torture.--The Committee recommends not less than $11,500,000 for programs and activities that address the needs of victims of torture and trauma resulting from violent conflict. The Committee recommends support for centers for victims of torture that provide services consistent with the goals of Public Law 106-87. An additional $7,000,000 is recommended for the U.N. Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture under the IO&P account. Water and Sanitation.--The Committee is aware that water shortages, already severe in many regions, are projected to worsen significantly in coming decades due to rising populations, climate change, and poor resource management. The Committee recommends not less than $400,000,000 in this act for water and sanitation projects pursuant to Public Law 109-121. The Committee intends these funds to be used for programs to provide safe drinking water and sanitation for urban and rural communities where water scarcity or contamination pose serious risks to human health, with an emphasis on drought prone regions of Africa. These funds are in addition to other funds in this act to protect and sustainably manage water resources. The Committee recognizes USAID's efforts to help achieve the MDG to halve the number of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water ahead of the target date. The Committee is concerned, however, that the MDG for improving access to sanitation services is unlikely to be met, and USAID is directed to increase funding for this purpose. Wheelchairs.--The Committee recommends $5,000,000 for wheelchair programs in developing countries, which should be allocated through an open and competitive process based on merit. The Committee supports funding that provides quality, low-cost wheelchairs that can be produced and maintained locally using appropriate technologies. COUNTRIES Ecuador.--The Committee is concerned with the extensive oil contamination of land and water in Northeastern Ecuador which poses grave health risks for the local population. The Committee recommends $500,000 for rainwater collection or other access to safe water for local residents, and to assist in providing local diagnosis and treatment for chronic illnesses resulting from such contamination. Indonesia.--The Committee recommends not less than $115,000,000 for assistance for Indonesia, of which not less than $400,000 is for grants for capacity building of Indonesian human rights organizations, including in Papua. The Committee is concerned with religious intolerance and attacks against religious minorities in Indonesia, and urges the Government of Indonesia to investigate these crimes and punish those responsible. Morocco.--The Committee notes that funds made available under title III of this act for Morocco may be used in regions and territories administered by Morocco. Nepal.--The Committee recommends not less than $15,000,000 for assistance for Nepal, including for training and other assistance to enhance the participation and leadership of Dalits and other minority groups in political and economic decisionmaking. Philippines.--The Committee recommends not less than $89,000,000 for assistance for the Philippines. Rwanda and Uganda.--The Committee recommends support for local and international NGOs to conduct oversight of the conflict minerals trade flowing out of Eastern DRC and to strengthen border controls with the DRC. The Committee is concerned with the lack of transparency and potential for corruption in the petroleum sector in Uganda, and directs the Department of State and USAID to encourage the Government of Uganda to commit to transparency in the management of oil revenues and bidding process, including public disclosure of documents, in accordance with section 7031(b) of this act. Senegal.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit a report, not later than 45 days after enactment of this act, on steps taken by the Government of Senegal to assist in bringing Hissene Habre to justice. INTERNATIONAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE Appropriations, 2012.................................... $975,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 960,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 1,250,000,000 The Committee recommends $1,250,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance. Crisis Response.--The Committee directs the Secretary of the Treasury, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the USAID Administrator, after consultation with the Committee, to submit a report detailing current OFAC guidelines and policies regarding humanitarian access to areas controlled by sanctioned entities, including current timelines for granting licenses; OFAC mechanisms for responding to crisis early warning; parameters of the OFAC license for Somalia in 2011; and recommendations for how such guidelines and policies can be modified to streamline the process and enable humanitarian organizations to respond in a timely and effective manner when crises occur. Somalia.--The Committee is concerned with the slow response to the 2011 famine in Somalia, the ongoing extreme vulnerability of the Somali population, and credible reports of corruption and human rights violations by the Somalia Transitional Federal Government. Assistance for the STFG should be subject to financial transparency controls and respect for human rights, and the Department of State and USAID should closely monitor the Famine Early Warning System and other credible reports in order to respond in a timely manner to future crises. The Committee directs the USAID Administrator to submit a report describing humanitarian and other assistance for Somali civilians in areas under de facto control of the al-Shabaab terrorist organization, to include current and future operational plans to deliver assistance, and detailing any policy or regulatory restrictions that limit USAID's ability to deliver such assistance to needy civilians. TRANSITION INITIATIVES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $56,695,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 57,600,000 Committee recommendation................................ 59,000,000 The Committee recommends $59,000,000 for Transition Initiatives. The Committee directs USAID's Office of Transition Initiatives to submit a report to the Committee at the end of the fiscal year summarizing new, ongoing, and completed country programs implemented by OTI in fiscal year 2013. COMPLEX CRISES FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $40,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 50,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 50,000,000 The Committee recommends $50,000,000 for Complex Crises Fund. DEVELOPMENT CREDIT AUTHORITY (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) PROGRAM ACCOUNT Appropriations, 2012.................................... $40,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 40,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 40,000,000 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $8,300,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 8,200,000 Committee recommendation................................ 8,200,000 The Committee recommends a ceiling of $40,000,000 for funds that may be transferred from other programs in this title to the Development Credit Program and recommends $8,200,000 for administrative expenses. The Committee continues to support programs that leverage private financing for development activities, particularly through DCA. The Committee supports the recent deployment of experienced Field Investment Officers to regional USAID missions, to enable USAID to provide expertise on capital markets in field offices. ECONOMIC SUPPORT FUND (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Appropriations, 2012.................................... $5,763,207,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 5,886,442,000 Enduring operations................................. 4,848,571,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... 1,037,871,000 Committee recommendation................................ 5,124,332,000 Enduring operations................................. 4,524,332,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... \1\ 600,000,000 \1\ Overseas contingency operations is funded under title VIII. The Committee recommends $4,524,332,000 for Economic Support Fund, and an additional $600,000,000 in title VIII under this heading is designated for OCO. AFRICA Africa Pilot Programs.--The Committee supports the empowerment of U.S. Ambassadors as Chief Executive Officers of multi-agency missions abroad as outlined in the QDDR, and endorses the proposed activities by the Department of State to better inform agency personnel of their accountability to the Chief of Mission; improve Chief of Mission participation in interagency decisionmaking in Washington, DC; and enhance training and evaluation for Chiefs of Mission and Deputy Chiefs of Mission. However, the Committee recognizes that while nominally CEOs, ambassadors often exert little influence over how interagency funds are apportioned or reprogrammed. While they may be aware of potential challenges facing U.S. foreign policy long before Washington, ambassadors may be unable to quickly and effectively respond to such challenges through targeted assistance without significant bureaucratic maneuvering and/or approvals by various agencies and bureaus. In addition, in missions lacking one or more Commercial Service Officers assigned by the Department of Commerce, the responsibility for providing commercial services to U.S. private sector interests creates an increased burden for Foreign Service Officers and other Embassy personnel. In order to empower U.S. Ambassadors in Africa with the ability to directly address regional health, development, economic, and security challenges--as well as create increased trade and investment opportunities for the United States--in a timely and governmentwide manner, the Committee establishes, in section 7089, pilot programs under Chief of Mission authority totaling $25,000,000. A cost-matching requirement is included to leverage support from host governments, multilateral organizations, and the private sector, to the maximum extent practicable. The Secretary of State is required to consult with the Committee on additional parameters for such pilot programs prior to the obligation of funds. Democratic Republic of the Congo.--The Committee recommends not less than $25,000,000 to support a comprehensive strategy to demilitarize the mining sector in eastern Congo, enhance independent monitoring of the mining trade including a regional certification scheme for the Great Lakes region of Africa, protect the rights of mine laborers, build local oversight and regulatory capacity, assist victims of sexual violence, and establish an Independent Mineral Supply Chain Auditor (within the Executive Secretariat of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region) to combat the illicit trade in minerals. South Sudan.--The Committee supports not less than the budget request for South Sudan, including to increase budget transparency and accountability. The Committee is concerned with reports that NGOs and faith-based organizations are encountering difficulty in obtaining work permits from the Government of South Sudan for international staff who are needed to help implement and monitor United States assistance programs. EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Assistance.--The Committee regrets that the budget request did not include additional funding for the East Asia and Pacific region above the fiscal year 2012 enacted level given the administration's stated strategic pivot toward that region. In addition to funding levels for specific countries recommended under this heading, the Committee directs additional resources be made available above the budget request to meet strategic requirements in the region, including in Cambodia and Laos. Additional funds should also be provided under the NADR and FMF headings. Burma.--The Committee recommends up to $45,000,000 for assistance for Burma. The Committee recognizes changes underway in the country, but remains concerned with potential backsliding on the reforms achieved to date. The Committee underscores the imperative for a political solution to Burma's myriad problems including the full participation of opposition political parties, particularly the National League for Democracy, and ethnic minorities. The Committee recommends that assistance for Burma, including along the Thai-Burma border, include programs for independent media activities. The Committee recommends assistance for Burmese groups located in Malaysia. The Committee directs the Secretary of the Treasury to take appropriate steps to ensure that any multilateral programs proposed for Burma take into consideration: --the economic, environmental and social impacts of such programs on indigenous populations; --the commitment of the Government of Burma to contribute to, and sustain, such programs, as appropriate; --the transparency and accountability of implementing organizations, including the establishment and implementation of safeguards against corruption and environmental degradation for programs related to the extraction of natural resources; and --the extent to which implementing organizations consult with affected communities. The Secretary shall consult with the Committee on any proposed project lending for Burma. The Committee is concerned with the absence of transparency and accountability within the Government of Burma and its state-owned enterprises, particularly Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise. The Committee notes that section 570 of Public Law 104-208 and section 5 of Public Law 108-61 require certain actions regarding Burma by the Secretary of the Treasury at international financial institutions. The Committee expects the Secretary to continue to implement such requirements until such time as the law is amended. Cambodia.--The Committee remains concerned with allegations of corruption and political interference within the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, and conditions a U.S. contribution to the KRT on a certification by the Secretary of State. The Committee remains concerned with the human rights situation in Cambodia, including the recent murder of activist Chut Wutty and continued repression of political activists. The Committee expects Embassy Phnom Penh to defend the rights of Cambodians to freedom of expression and association. Counterinfluence Programs.--The Committee recognizes the rapid expansion of PRC influence in the Africa, Asia, and South America regions, and the use of assistance by that country to influence decisions and actions of governments. The Committee notes that the PRC reportedly lent more money to the developing world than the World Bank in 2009 and 2010, and in 2007 the PRC's foreign economic aid totaled an estimated $25,000,000,000, which furthers PRC objectives to secure natural resources globally. The Committee includes a new provision, section 7044(f)(4), to counter the influence of such assistance, which is often targeted to weak central governments. Prior to the obligation of funds, the Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit a strategy, in classified form if necessary, for the implementation of such programs, to include a description of assistance provided by the PRC to a central government, the objective of United States assistance, and benchmarks for measuring progress. People's Republic of China.--The Committee recommends $15,000,000 under this heading for United States institutions of higher education and NGOs for democracy, governance, rule of law, and environment programs in the PRC. These programs support training for Chinese activists, lawyers, and other individuals on key issues including criminal justice reform, occupational health and safety, corruption, and pollution abatement. Funds should be awarded on a competitive basis. Republic of Korea.--The Committee is aware that the Department of State is currently consulting with the Government of Korea to allow the importation of United States-made M1 Garand rifles into the United States from the Republic of Korea. These firearms were used in World War II and Korea and played an important role in America's military history. These firearms have historical value as collector's items and should be transferred back to the United States under existing laws that permit their re-importation. The Committee encourages the Department to move forward in finalizing an arrangement to facilitate the retransfer of these firearms. Tibet.--The Committee recommends not less than $8,000,000 for activities implemented by NGOs to preserve cultural traditions and promote sustainable development and environmental conservation in Tibetan communities in the Tibetan Autonomous Region, and in other Tibetan communities in China. Funds should be awarded competitively. Timor-Leste.--The Committee recommends not less than $1,000,000 for higher education scholarships in Timor-Leste. Vietnam.--The Committee recommends not less than $20,000,000 for site analysis and environmental remediation of dioxin contamination at the Bien Hoa and Phu Cat hot spots, and not less than $5,000,000 under the GHP heading for disability surveys, monitoring, and related health activities in areas that were heavily sprayed with Agent Orange or are otherwise contaminated with dioxin, for a total of $25,000,000 in this act for these activities. In order to minimize administrative costs and maximize impact in the field, the Committee intends that, to the maximum extent practicable, health/disability funds shall be implemented by Vietnamese organizations and entities. EUROPE AND EURASIA Belarus.--The Committee recommends not less than $15,000,000 for assistance for Belarus, including for democracy and human rights programs in coordination with the European Union, and for youth and higher education programs that support critical thinking and academic freedom. Cyprus.--The Committee continues support for scholarships, bicommunal projects, and measures aimed at reunification, reducing tension and promoting peace and cooperation in Cyprus. Consultation with the Government of Cyprus should occur whenever practicable in the interest of transparency in the allocation of funds. The Committee intends that implementing organizations and the specific nature of the assistance shall not be subject to the prior approval of any foreign government. Ireland.--The Committee recommends the budget request for Ireland. Nagorno-Karabakh.--The Committee recommends assistance for victims of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in amounts consistent with prior years, and for ongoing needs related to the conflict. The Committee urges a peaceful resolution of the conflict. North Caucasus.--The Committee recommends $7,000,000 for USAID programs to address immediate and long-term needs of conflict-affected populations in the North Caucasus. Roma.--The Committee remains concerned with reports of discrimination and violence against Roma in some European countries, and recommends assistance for organizations working to protect Roma. Russia.--The Committee recommends $500,000 for the USFS's endangered species conservation programs in Russia. Turkmenistan.--The Committee remains concerned with the politically motivated detention of human rights activists, former government officials, and religious believers in Turkmenistan, and the lack of information from the Government of Turkmenistan about these cases. The Committee recognizes the cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United States on regional security issues. Ukraine.--The Committee recommends $100,000 for USFS forest management programs in Ukraine. NEAR EAST Egypt.--The Committee recommends $250,000,000 for assistance for Egypt. The Committee is concerned with discrimination and violence against women in Egypt, and supports funding for women NGOs and initiatives to protect the rights of women and girls. The Committee remains concerned with violence against Egypt's religious minorities, including Coptic Christians. The Committee restricts assistance to the Government of Egypt unless the Secretary of State certifies that such government is meeting its obligations under the 1979 Egypt- Israel Peace Treaty. This requirement also includes a national interest waiver. The Committee reduces assistance for Egypt under this heading by an amount equal to the amount posted as bail in February 2012 for members of United States NGOs operating in Egypt. Jordan.--The Committee recommends $410,000,000 for assistance for Jordan, which is $50,000,000 above the budget request. The Committee intends the additional funds to be used to support social services in communities that have experienced a significant influx of Syrian refugees. Lebanon.--The Committee recommends $500,000 for continued support for the USFS's forest and biodiversity conservation programs in Lebanon. The Committee recommends $12,000,000 for scholarships for students in Lebanon with high financial need to attend not-for- profit educational institutions in Lebanon that meet standards comparable to those required for American accreditation. The institutions, students and their families are encouraged to meet as much of the cost of the education as possible in order to share the commitment to the future of Lebanon, to maximize the number of students who are assisted, and to minimize the cost per student to the American taxpayer. All students should be eligible for scholarships based on need, academic record, and potential to contribute to the long-term political, economic, and social development of Lebanon. The Committee also urges the Department of State to focus assistance for Lebanon on efforts that promote transparency, strengthen financial management, and improve efficiency of government institutions. Libya.--The Committee recommends funds be made available under this and the MENAIF headings for democracy and rule of law programs in Libya, to be provided on a cost-matching basis, as appropriate. The Committee continues restrictions on assistance for infrastructure projects in Libya. The Committee expects the Transitional National Council or any successor government to support and assist the continuing investigation into the bombing of Pan Am 103 and any other terrorist attacks attributable to the government of Muammar Qaddafi against U.S. citizens, including by providing access to documents, witnesses and other information. Near East Regional Democracy.--The Committee recommends not less than $30,000,000 for NERD programs. Tunisia.--The Committee recommends not less than $10,000,000 for assistance for Tunisia, and includes language authorizing additional loan guarantees for Tunisia, the costs of which may be covered under the MENAIF heading. West Bank.--The Committee recommends the budget request for assistance for the West Bank. The Committee continues to support a GAO audit of all assistance provided under this heading for the bilateral West Bank program, including cash transfer assistance. Such audit shall include the extent to which such assistance complies with the requirements of subsections 7039 (b) and (c) of this act, and an examination of all programs, projects, and activities, including obligations and expenditures. The Committee recommends that the Department of State and USAID review programs in the West Bank, Gaza, and elsewhere in the Middle East and other regions, to ensure that no assistance is provided to any entity that promotes incitement of violence against the United States, Israel and Jews, or other ethnic and religious minorities. Yemen.--The Committee recommends not less than $38,000,000 for assistance for Yemen, and recognizes that the security situation in Yemen has transitioned to an insurgency. In order to maximize the effectiveness of United States assistance, the Committee urges the administration to consider assistance and security programs within this changed context. SOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIA Central Asian Republics.--The Committee reiterates the United States' ongoing security interest in South and Central Asia, as articulated by the United States-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Agreement. The Committee is concerned with the lack of English language proficiency in the Central Asian republics, recognizes that this impedes United States economic and security interests in the region, and directs the Secretary of State to provide to the Committee, not later than 180 days after enactment of this act, recommendations for expanding English language training in these countries. WESTERN HEMISPHERE Assistance.--The Committee notes the daunting challenges facing many countries in Central and South America due to struggling economies and weak governmental institutions. In addition to funding levels for specific countries recommended under this heading, the Committee directs additional resources be made available above the budget request to strengthen democratic institutions, including professional and accountable police forces, and to address the causes of poverty in the region. Additional funds should also be provided under the DA and INCLE headings. CARSI.--The Committee recommends not less than the budget request for CARSI. Colombia.--The Committee recommends not less than $175,000,000 apportioned directly to USAID for alternative development/institution building and local governance programs in Colombia, including $7,500,000 for human rights activities. The Committee recommends not less than $15,000,000 for Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities for projects developed in close consultation with such communities. The Committee is concerned with the rapid expansion of government sanctioned, as well as illegal, mining operations in or adjacent to these communities, and the resulting harmful social, environmental, and health impacts. In addition, these already marginalized communities have experienced increases in violence, including assassinations of social activists, as well as poverty and displacement. The Committee directs the Department of State and USAID to work with the Government of Colombia to address these issues as a priority. The Committee recommends not less than $3,000,000 for continued support for biodiversity conservation programs, and $500,000 for community-based programs to address the needs of children disabled by landmines and other causes related to the violence. Haiti.--The Committee recommends not less than the budget request for Haiti, and directs that assistance be made available, to the maximum extent practicable, in a manner that emphasizes the participation of Haitian NGOs and directly improves the security, economic and social well-being, and political status of Haitian women and girls. The Committee expects the Government of Haiti, USAID, and other donors to communicate directly and regularly with Haitian community leaders and civil society organizations about United States programs and plans. In order to obtain greater clarity and transparency regarding assistance for Haiti, not later than 180 days after enactment of this act, the Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit a report on United States-funded recovery and development efforts in Haiti, which shall also be posted on the Department of State's Web site, to include: --an assessment of the overall progress of the Haiti Rebuilding and Development Strategy, including how the USAID Forward agenda will be incorporated into the Strategy, and any other significant modifications to the Strategy during the preceding 6 months, with an explanation of such changes; --a description of the process by which State and USAID will establish time-bound goals and quantitative and qualitative indicators to evaluate the progress, achievement, and lack of achievement of efforts that comprise the Strategy; --a description of U.S. Government programs contributing to the Strategy, including the amounts obligated and expended on such programs during the preceding 12 months, and data on the use of local implementing partners at both prime and subprime levels and on the use of direct funding to local and State institutions; --a description of the extent to which the GoH and Haitian civil society and grassroots organizations have been consulted in the determination of such time-bound goals and in the design and implementation of new programs under the Strategy; --disaggregated data, where available and appropriate, by beneficiaries' region, sector, gender, and age; --a description of how consideration for vulnerable populations, including IDPs, women, children, orphans, and persons with disabilities, has been incorporated in all stages of the design and implementation of new programs; and --an assessment of the steps Haiti is taking to strengthen its capacity to receive individuals who are removed, excluded, or deported from the United States. The Committee directs USAID to consult with the Committee on plans and funding to implement the reforestration strategy commissioned after 2008 tropical storms, including to address vulnerable watersheds. The Committee also recommends funding for agriculture programs focused on staple crops, and public and private sector efforts to increase the availability of reliable, affordable electricity, including building the institutional capacity of the GoH to manage the electric grid. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to prioritize assistance to labor programs, particularly near the new Caracol Industrial Park, to assist the GoH to capitalize on U.S. trade preferences consistent with internationally recognized labor rights. Mexico.--The Committee recommends not less than $45,000,000 for assistance for Mexico, including for additional economic development activities along the United States-Mexico border. GLOBAL PROGRAMS Conflict Diamonds.--The Committee recommends $3,000,000 to implement programs to prevent diamonds from fueling conflict, including the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. The Committee is concerned with reports that the Kimberley Process is failing to adequately prevent conflict diamonds from entering the international market. The Committee directs the Department of State to engage with members of the OECD to assess whether complementary mechanisms, such as those coordinated by the OECD for other minerals from high risk and conflict affected areas, are needed to prevent conflict diamonds from entering legitimate supply chains. Countering Violent Extremism.--The conferees recommend $10,500,000 under this heading for activities to counter violent extremism. Counterterrorism in Africa.--The Committee recommends $55,000,000 in this act for the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership program, and $25,000,000 for the Partnership for Regional East Africa Counterterrorism program. The Committee directs that an additional $10,000,000 be made available for programs among vulnerable populations that are susceptible to terrorist influence, to be managed by USAID and coordinated with other Federal agencies. The Committee encourages the Department of State and USAID to support programs in the Sahel region to support the needs of IDPs and durable solutions that prioritize resettlement of refugees from camps near Tindoug, Algeria. Debt Relief/Sudan.--The Committee includes authority to transfer up to $250,000,000 under this heading for debt restructuring for Sudan, subject to a certification by the Secretary of State. The Committee intends that should the certification be impossible, such funds be used to address other development needs in Africa. Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.--The Committee recommends $5,000,000 to support the EITI, including to enhance the capacity of civil society organizations to participate in the EITI process. Middle East Partnership Initiative.--The Committee includes funding for MEPI under the MENAIF heading. Middle East Regional Cooperation Program.--The Committee recommends $5,000,000 for MERC. Reconciliation Programs.--The Committee recommends a total of $26,000,000 for reconciliation programs and activities which bring together and facilitate direct communication between individuals of different ethnic, religious and political backgrounds in countries affected by civil strife and war, of which $10,000,000 is for such programs and activities in the Middle East and North Africa region. Of this amount, $16,000,000 is provided under this heading and $10,000,000 is provided under the DA heading. Funds should be leveraged to secure contributions from other international donors, to the maximum extent practicable. The Committee also recommends funding for the ``New Generation in the Middle East'' initiative to build understanding, tolerance, and mutual respect among young Israelis and Palestinians of diverse economic and social backgrounds who have leadership potential. Such programs and activities are to be conducted in the region. War Crimes in Central Africa.--The Committee supports efforts by the United States, United Nations, African Union, and governments in Central Africa to capture Joseph Kony and top commanders of the LRA, and to assist victims of the LRA's crimes. The Committee recommends $10,000,000 to implement Public Law 111-172, including for programs to improve physical access, telecommunications infrastructure, and early-warning mechanisms, and to support the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of former LRA combatants, especially child soldiers. The Committee directs the Department of State to weigh the degree of cooperation by the Government of the DRC with the AU and other regional partners in efforts to counter the LRA when considering training additional DRC military battalions. The Committee directs the Secretary of State, after consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the USAID Administrator, to submit a report detailing progress toward implementing the policy objectives in section 3 of Public Law 111-172, and a description of U.S. assistance provided for such purposes. Such report shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex. DEMOCRACY FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $114,770,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................................... Committee recommendation................................ 230,000,000 The Committee recommends $230,000,000 for Democracy Fund, of which $136,000,000 is for DRL's Human Rights and Democracy Fund and $94,000,000 is for USAID's Center of Excellence for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance. The Committee notes that the increase for the Democracy Fund is offset by an equivalent decrease in the fiscal year 2013 budget request for democracy programs. The Committee recognizes challenges in implementing democracy and human rights programs overseas, and that improved coordination and communication between DRL, USAID's Center, and NED would enhance the effectiveness of such programs. To avoid duplication, the Committee recommends that DRL implement democracy and human rights programs that directly support diplomatic goals and objectives and the key priorities of the Secretary of State, especially in restrictive environments; the Center support programs that are an integral part of country development strategies and that span the technical areas of elections, governance, human rights, civil society and media, and rule of law; and NED continue to target programs in countries and regions in which the advancement of democracy and human rights are particularly challenging. Of the funds appropriated under this heading for the HRDF, an additional $3,000,000 is for the Fundamental Freedom Fund, an additional $3,000,000 is for the Global Human Rights Defenders Fund, and an additional $3,000,000 is for International Religious Freedom activities. Funds made available for the Business and Human Rights program in the PRC shall be matched by sources other than U.S. Government. Ethiopia.--The Committee remains concerned with the Government of Ethiopia's repression of the media, political opposition, and civil society organizations and urges DRL and DCHA to support programs and organizations that promote freedom of expression, association, and assembly in Ethiopia as well as broadcasting into Ethiopia. Forensic Assistance.--The Committee recommends $1,500,000 for continued support for forensic anthropology programs in countries of Central and South America where armed conflicts resulted in large numbers of human remains that have yet to be exhumed and/or identified, delaying justice and fostering impunity. These funds are to be administered by DRL. Internet Freedom.--The Committee supports continued funding for the Department of State's Internet freedom program and directs the Secretary of State to submit to the Committee, prior to the initial obligation of funds, a report detailing planned expenditures for this purpose. The Committee encourages continued coordination and cooperation between the Department of State, USAID, and BBG on the planning and implementation of programs. Funds shall be used to promote human rights by expanding open and uncensored access to information and communications, including mobile phones, through the Internet and other connection technologies, in accordance with the Department of State's Internet freedom strategy. The Committee encourages the Department of State to include digital security, digital safety training, and secure communication technologies that can also rapidly respond to threats to safe and uncensored access to information and communication. The Committee directs the Department of State to continue to monitor protections against tools being used for illicit purposes, and expects the Department to inform the Committee of any concerns. Labor Rights.--The Committee encourages DRL to expand programs that promote labor rights as a means of advancing American interests and values. DRL and USAID's Center should continue to support economic reforms that guarantee decent working conditions and include working people in decisions that shape their future. Mexico.--The Committee notes that Mexican journalists and social activists have been increasingly threatened and assassinated, and recommends increased support for programs to protect them. North Korea.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to seek to ensure that multilateral organizations, including the United Nations and the OSCE, are aware of the database established with funds appropriated under this heading. Prison Conditions.--The Committee recommends not less than $3,000,000 under this heading to eliminate inhumane prison conditions. The Committee is aware that millions of incarcerated people in the world suffer inhumane conditions in prisons and other detention facilities that are overcrowded, unsanitary, and unsafe. Rates of malnutrition, disease, and death among prisoners and other detainees far exceed those of the general population, and medical treatment is often grossly inadequate. Excessive pre-trial detention and dysfunctional, corrupt justice systems frequently result in prisoners and other detainees spending years in such conditions before their cases are adjudicated. Inadequate, misplaced, or lost records result in prisoners and detainees being incarcerated without trial indefinitely, or being held long after their sentences have expired. Eliminating such conditions would strengthen the rule of law, protect human rights, and save lives. Sudan.--The Committee encourages DRL to support democracy and human rights programs in Sudan. Women's Political Participation.--The Committee directs that funds under this heading, and under the DA, ESF, MENAIF, and INCLE headings, be made available for programs to increase women's participation in political processes, including political parties, elections, and leadership positions in local and national governments. Funds should be awarded on a competitive basis, and in accordance with section 7059 of this act. MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA INCENTIVE FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................................... Budget estimate, 2013................................... $770,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 1,000,000,000 The Committee recommends $1,000,000,000 for the Middle East and North Africa Incentive Fund, a new account that will provide the Department of State and USAID necessary flexibility to respond to unpredictable events arising from popular demands for economic and political reforms in those regions. The Committee recognizes the historic and unprecedented opportunities for change, and underscores that the administration's strong and consistent support for these reforms will further U.S. security interests in strategically important regions. In addition, this new account may prove essential in assisting key regional allies should tensions in the Middle East, particularly with Iran and in Syria, continue to heighten. The Committee recommends $70,000,000 for MEPI from within this fund, of which not less than $15,000,000 should be for scholarships for students at not-for-profit educational institutions, in a manner consistent with prior fiscal years, through an open and competitive process. The Committee requires the Secretary of State and USAID Administrator to consult with the Committee prior to the initial obligation of funds, and intends that the design, implementation, and oversight of programs will include the participation of civil society organizations in these countries, as appropriate. Department of State MIGRATION AND REFUGEE ASSISTANCE Appropriations, 2012.................................... $1,868,100,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 1,625,400,000 Committee recommendation................................ 2,300,000,000 The Committee recommends $2,300,000,000 for Migration and Refugee Assistance. The Committee is aware of the increasingly complex refugee and IDP crises arising from conflict and instability in Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and Mali, and notes the destabilizing impact of such crises on neighboring countries and United States allies, including Jordan. The Committee recognizes the need to address instability arising from human migration in the Pan Sahel and Horn of Africa regions and to mitigate opportunities for the expansion of extremist groups, including al Qaeda affiliates. The Committee underscores that assistance provided under this heading should be incorporated into a broader strategy to address terrorism in Africa that includes programs to expand governance, economic development, and security. The Committee is also aware of the ongoing needs of refugees and IDPs in the East Asia and Pacific and Western Hemisphere regions. Afghanistan.--The Committee urges the Department of State and USAID to work with the GoA to prioritize assistance for conflict-affected and highly vulnerable Afghans through disaster risk reduction, food security, livelihoods, and other basic service delivery programs. Burma.--The Committee urges the Department of State to continue to engage with the Governments of India, Thailand and Malaysia, and the European Union, to address the needs of Burmese refugees. Colombia.--The Committee does not support the decrease in the budget request for refugees and IDPs in the Western Hemisphere, and recommends funding under this heading for increased assistance for Colombian IDPs and refugees. Ethiopia.--The Committee is concerned that Ethiopia's Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs, which receives most of its budget from UNHCR, has been restricting access and activities of humanitarian organizations in refugee camps, sites, and areas of new refugee arrivals and lacks the capacity to implement effective programs in some sectors. The Committee supports efforts by UNHCR to strengthen oversight of ARRA's management and the welfare of refugees, particularly in the Dollo Ado camps along the Somali border. Iraq.--The Committee notes that Iraqis who are being threatened or targeted for assassination as a result of having worked for the U.S. Government or U.S. contractors are facing long delays in obtaining admission to the United States as refugees, and the number of Iraqi refugees resettled in the United States has fallen sharply since fiscal year 2010. The Committee is aware that security concerns require thorough screening of these individuals, and expects the administration to make every effort to expedite refugee resettlement of the most vulnerable and maximize the use of Special Immigrant Visa processing while maintaining an effective screening process. The Committee is also concerned that some 1.5 million Iraqis remain displaced and in need of continuing assistance. The Committee expects the Department of State to continue to work to address the needs of Iraqi refugees and IDPs. Israel.--The Committee recommends $15,000,000 for refugee resettlement in Israel, to be awarded through an open and competitive process. North Korea.--The Committee supports funding to assist North Korean refugees, including in the PRC. The Committee condemns the forced repatration of North Korean refugees by the PRC, and supports the involvement of UNHCR and other international humanitarian agencies in protecting the rights of such refugees. Pakistan.--The Committee is aware that, according to the Internally Displaced Persons Vulnerability Assessment and Profiling [IVAP] mechanism funded by USAID and supported by the GoP and the United Nations, many families who are displaced as a result of the armed conflict are not registered to receive humanitarian aid. The Committee understands that this has resulted from flaws in the IDP registration system. The Committee emphasizes that United States funding shall be used to aid Pakistanis who are most in need, and directs the Department of State and USAID to ensure that conflict-affected IDPs receiving aid are those identified by IVAP. Protracted Refugee Situations.--The Committee recognizes that many large refugee populations, including Burmese, Somalis, Sudanese, Afghans, Bhutanese, Palestinians, and others have been unable to return home for generations. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit a report to the Committee not later than one year after enactment of this act, indicating: (a) the approximate number of people who, in the past year, have received UNRWA services-- (1) whose place of residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948 and who were displaced as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict; and (2) who are descendants of persons described in subparagraph (1); (b) the extent to which the provision of such services to such persons furthers the security interests of the United States and of other United States allies in the Middle East; and (c) the methodology and challenges in preparing such report. Resettlement.--The Committee is concerned with the many formidable challenges facing refugees who have recently resettled in the United States, including cultural and language barriers, the rising cost of living, and limited affordable housing and employment opportunities. Local U.S. refugee assistance agencies are also stretched for resources, and the Committee urges PRM to take steps to address the financial needs of these newly resettled individuals and families. The Committee is also concerned that an increasing number of refugees resettling in the United States are experiencing difficulty repaying their travel loans, which sometimes results in credit impairment, despite available support to modify their repayment conditions. To ensure that refuges are aware of the support available, not later than 180 days after the enactment of this act the Secretary of State shall publish on the Department of State's Web site information on the loan repayment process for the Department's transportation loan program for refugees, including the process for requesting modifications to the loan repayment agreement such as an extension of time for repayment. Syria.--The Committee urges the Department of State and USAID to continue working with humanitarian organizations and Syria's neighbors to keep borders open to Syrians fleeing violence, provide access to basic services, and ensure their freedom of movement and the use of camps only as a last resort. Tibetan Refugees.--The Committee recommends additional assistance for Tibetan refugees in Nepal and India, and deplores the PRC's increasing repression of the Tibetan people. The Committee is concerned that Nepalese officials have handed over some Tibetan refugees to Chinese border authorities, in contravention of Nepal's international obligations to protect refugees fleeing persecution. The Committee supports efforts by the Secretary of State to work with the Government of Nepal to provide safe transit for Tibetan refugees and legal protections to Tibetans residing in Nepal. UNITED STATES EMERGENCY REFUGEE AND MIGRATION ASSISTANCE FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $27,200,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 50,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 50,000,000 The Committee recommends $50,000,000 for United States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund. Independent Agencies PEACE CORPS (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) Appropriations, 2012.................................... $375,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 374,500,000 Committee recommendation................................ 400,000,000 The Committee recommends $400,000,000 for Peace Corps. The Committee supports the Peace Corps' efforts to implement Public Law 112-57. The Committee is informed that Executive Order 11103, which provides returned volunteers with 1 year of noncompetitive eligibility for Federal hiring, with possible extensions to 3 years, in practice often results in volunteers only receiving this benefit for 1 year. The Committee directs the Peace Corps Director to submit a report within 120 days of enactment of this act, on whether the noncompetitive eligibility for Federal employment of returned Peace Corps volunteers (including Peace Corps Response volunteers) who serve in good standing should in all cases be extended for 3 years, or at least match the volunteers' length of service, without eliminating other grounds for extensions of noncompetitive eligibility for Federal employment. The Committee further directs the Peace Corps Director to recommend ways that human resource departments of all Federal agencies can be informed of the current noncompetitive eligibility of these individuals. The Committee includes a cap on Peace Corps representation expenses of $100,000, and within this amount limits domestic representation expenses to $3,000. The Peace Corps Director is directed to submit a spending plan not later than 45 days after enactment of this act on the proposed uses of funds under this heading. Funds appropriated under this heading are subject to the terms of section 7076 of this act. MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE CORPORATION Appropriations, 2012.................................... $898,200,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 898,200,000 Committee recommendation................................ 898,200,000 The Committee recommends $898,200,000 for Millennium Challenge Corporation. The Committee continues to support the MCC's mission and appreciates the MCC's responsiveness to its directions and concerns. While the MCC has served as an incentive for candidate countries to meet eligibility criteria and compacts have improved the lives of many, according to the GAO compacts have not always produced transformational changes envisioned and the sustainability of some MCC investments remains in question. The MCC has, with the concurrence of the Committee, suspended or terminated several compacts due to coups d'etat and other governance issues. The Committee directs the Secretary of State, the USAID Administrator, and the MCC CEO to jointly assess and report to the Committee, not later than 180 days after enactment of this act, on the extent to which compacts are aligned with U.S. strategic interests on a regional basis and with other Federal foreign assistance programs; the sustainability of the MCC's investments by host country governments; and whether lessons learned since the MCC's inception indicate a need for adjustments in the MCC's model of development. Funds in this account are subject to the requirements of section 7076 of this act. INTER-AMERICAN FOUNDATION Appropriations, 2012.................................... $22,500,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 18,100,000 Committee recommendation................................ 23,500,000 The Committee recommends $23,500,000 for Inter-American Foundation. The Committee directs the president of the Inter-American Foundation to submit, not later than 45 days after enactment of this act, a revised policy on representation expenses consistent with section 7020(a) of this act. AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Appropriations, 2012.................................... $30,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 24,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 31,000,000 The Committee recommends $31,000,000 for African Development Foundation. The Committee directs the president of the African Development Foundation to ensure that the Foundation's policy on representation expenses is consistent with section 7020(a) of this act. Department of the Treasury INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Appropriations, 2012.................................... $27,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 25,448,000 Committee recommendation................................ 29,000,000 The Committee recommends $29,000,000 for International Affairs Technical Assistance. DEBT RESTRUCTURING Appropriations, 2012.................................... $12,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 250,000,000 Committee recommendation................................................ The Committee does not recommend funding for Debt Restructuring under this heading. Funding for debt relief for Sudan, subject to conditions, is included under the ESF heading. TITLE IV INTERNATIONAL SECURITY ASSISTANCE Department of State International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement Appropriations, 2012.................................... $2,044,705,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 2,506,502,000 Enduring operations................................. 1,456,502,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... 1,050,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 1,484,620,000 The Committee recommends $1,484,620,000 for International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to notify the Committee in writing, within 5 days of exercising authority allowing funds made available under this heading to be spent ``notwithstanding any other provision of law'', and such notification shall include a justification of such activities. CARSI/CBSI.--The Committee continues support for CARSI and CBSI to address narcotics-related violence and corruption in Central America, with a focus on reform of judicial systems and professionalism of police forces. The Committee recognizes that the success of CARSI and CBSI programs depends on political support and leadership at the highest levels of Central American governments, including to hold corrupt officials accountable, and to protect judges, prosecutors, and witnesses. The Committee recommends that CARSI be used to establish Narcotics Affairs Sections at U.S. Embassies in El Salvador and other Central American countries, as appropriate. Central Asia Counternarcotics Initiative.--The Secretary of State is directed to consult with the Committee and other appropriate congressional committees prior to the initial obligation of funds for this initiative. Colombia.--The Committee recommends $145,000,000 for assistance for Colombia, including not less than $15,000,000 for the Office of the Colombian Attorney General, of which $7,500,000 is for the human rights unit. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit a report on rule of law programs in Colombia, including the amounts and uses of funds, efforts by the Government of Colombia to end impunity, an assessment of the results to date, and benchmarks for measuring progress. The Committee is aware of growing concerns with the effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on the environment and human health in areas where such herbicides are widely used in agriculture, and recent scientific studies linking low doses of glyphosate to abnormalities in amphibian and chicken embryos. Women exposed to GBH during pregnancy have reportedly given birth to children with congenital malformations. The Committee requires the Secretary of State to certify, prior to the obligation of funds, that the toxic chemicals sprayed by the Colombian police do not pose unreasonable risks or adverse effects to humans, including pregnant women and children, or the environment, including endemic species. As in past years, the Committee does not support funding for aerial spraying of GBH in Colombia's national parks or reserves unless the Secretary of State reports in writing to the Committee, prior to the use of funds for such purpose, that there are no effective alternatives and the spraying is in accordance with Colombian laws and regulations. Consular Notification Compliance.--The purpose of section 7090, Consular Notification Compliance, is to facilitate compliance with Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (``Vienna Convention''), done at Vienna April 24, 1963 and any comparable provision of a bilateral international agreement addressing consular notification and access, and to provide a limited but important remedy for certain previous violations. This section was originally part of S. 1194, the Consular Notification Compliance Act of 2011. The Committee did not include in this bill the language found at section 3 of S. 1194, which set forth practical guidance for compliance with U.S. consular notification and access obligations, for two reasons. First, the Committee views that section as unnecessary because Article 36 of the Vienna Convention, and similar provisions in other comparable bilateral international agreements addressing consular notification and access, are self-executing and have automatic domestic effect as Federal law. Second, the Committee wants to encourage the work already being done by the Judicial Conference's Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure and the Uniform Law Commission to facilitate compliance with the Vienna Convention by Federal, State, and local officials. The Committee also did not include the language found at section 4(a)(2) of S. 1194 that a Federal court grant a stay of execution if necessary to allow the court to review a petition filed under this section because Federal courts already have statutory authority to provide for a stay under such circumstances. In an effort to ensure the expeditious review of petitions and to conserve judicial resources, the Committee added several provisions that were absent from S. 1194. The initial showing provision limits review to those petitions where actual consular notification violations can be established or have been previously established, for example, in previous domestic or international court proceedings. Judicial resources are further conserved by allowing initial review and proposed recommendations and findings on a petition for review to be done by a magistrate judge and barring review of a petition if the claimed violation has previously been fully adjudicated by a Federal or State court. Finally, in order to ensure the prompt resolution of these cases, the Committee included a one year time limitation on Federal court review from the date a petition is filed. Guatemala.--The Committee recommends $5,000,000 for the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala and supports the extension of CICIG's mandate beyond 2013, as necessary. The Committee remains concerned with the lack of professional, accountable police forces in Guatemala and urges the Department of State to work with the Government of Guatemala and civil society to implement a police reform strategy. Indonesia.--The Committee recommends not less than $11,550,000 for assistance for Indonesia. International Law Enforcement Academies.--The Committee recommends the budget request for the ILEAs. Mexico.--The Committee recommends not less than $199,000,000 for assistance for Mexico, and supports the prioritization of reform of national, state, and local judicial institutions and law enforcement, and cooperation between the United States and Mexico to combat organized crime and drug trafficking along the border. Philippines.--The Committee recommends $2,450,000 for assistance for the Philippines, which is equal to the budget request. Police Training.--The Committee is concerned that police training programs implemented by the Department of State have not always been suitably designed, effectively implemented, or sustainable, and urges the Department to conduct a rigorous review of these programs, utilizing outside experts as appropriate. Rule of Law Programs.--The Committee recommends funding for interagency rule of law training programs to improve the coordination and content of such programs conducted overseas. Fund are to be awarded on a competitive basis, in consultation with DRL. Tunisia.--The Committee recommends $8,000,000 for assistance for Tunisia, which is equal to the budget request. West Bank.--The Committee recommends $70,000,000 for assistance for the West Bank, which is equal to the budget request. NONPROLIFERATION, ANTI-TERRORISM, DEMINING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS Appropriations, 2012.................................... $710,770,0000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 635,668,000 Committee recommendation................................ 695,668,000 The Committee recommends $695,668,000 for Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related Programs. International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victims Assistance.--The Committee supports the expansion of ITF's work in mine removal, mine victim assistance, and the proper storage and disposition of small arms/light weapons beyond Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Nonproliferation, Demining, and Anti-terrorism Opportunities.--The Committee recognizes that dynamic change in the Near East and ongoing threats and humanitarian needs in other regions afford opportunities to conduct and expand nonproliferation, demining, and anti-terrorism programs, including in Syria should the current regime fall. The Committee recommends additional funding above the budget request to accelerate the U.S. response to such opportunities, which is in the security interests of the United States and regional allies. UXO Clearance.--The Committee prioritizes the clearance of landmines and other unexploded ordnance in areas where such ordnance was caused by the United States, and directs that not less than $10,000,000 be made available for UXO clearance in Laos. The Committee also intends that funds be used for UXO clearance in locations in the Oceania region that have high concentrations of U.S. UXO from World War II. PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS Appropriations, 2012.................................... $383,818,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 249,100,000 Committee recommendation................................ 391,100,000 The Committee recommends $391,100,000 for Peacekeeping Operations. MFO.--The Committee recommends $28,000,000 for the Multinational Force and Observers, including $2,000,000 to address force protection enhancements. The Committee expects the MFO to account for and apply funds in a manner such that the principle of equality of contributions to the basic operating budget between the United States, Egypt, and Israel shall be maintained. Somalia.--The Committee recommends up to $142,100,000 for UN assessed peacekeeping costs in Somalia. Funds Appropriated to the President INTERNATIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION AND TRAINING Appropriations, 2012.................................... $105,788,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 102,643,000 Committee recommendation................................ 103,018,000 The Committee recommends $103,018,000 for International Military Education and Training. The Committee is concerned that of the $38,944 spent in fiscal year 2011 on IMET representation expenses approximately 25 percent was used for items such as ball caps, coins, and tote bags. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to eliminate expenditures for these types of items. Ethiopia.--The Committee is concerned with the Government of Ethiopia's use of anti-terrorism laws to imprison journalists, political opponents, and others calling for free and fair elections and basic rights. The Committee urges the Departments of State and Defense to apply a consistent policy to the Ethiopian military and police, who enforce the government's repressive policies. Indonesia.--The Committee recommends $1,800,000 for assistance for Indonesia. Jordan.--The Committee recommends $3,800,000 for assistance for Jordan, which is equal to the budget request Philippines.--The Committee recommends $1,850,000 for assistance for the Philippines. Tunisia.--The Committee recommends $2,300,000 for assistance for Tunisia, which is equal to the budget request. FOREIGN MILITARY FINANCING PROGRAM Appropriations, 2012.................................... $6,312,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 6,383,320,000 Enduring operations................................. 5,472,320,000 Overseas contingency operations..................... 911,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 5,849,820,000 The Committee provides $5,849,820,000 for Foreign Military Financing Program. Colombia.--The Committee recommends $30,000,000 for assistance for Colombia, in accordance with the requirements of section 7045(a)(2) of this act. Of this amount, 25 percent may be obligated only if the Secretary of State consults with, and subsequently certifies and submits a report to, the Committee that: --the Colombian military is suspending those members, of whatever rank, who have been credibly alleged to have violated human rights, or to have aided, abetted or benefitted from criminal or illegal armed groups; all such cases are made subject only to civilian jurisdiction for all stages of the investigation and prosecution, and the Colombian military is not opposing civilian jurisdiction in such cases and is cooperating fully with civilian prosecutors and judicial authorities; --the Government of Colombia is not taking steps that could result in immunity from prosecution or the suspension of sentences for persons responsible for crimes against humanity, war crimes, or other gross violations of human rights; --the Government of Colombia is dismantling paramilitary networks and their successor groups, including by arresting and prosecuting in civilian courts individuals who have aided, abetted, or benefitted from paramilitary organizations or other criminal or illegal armed groups; supporting investigations by civilian judicial authorities into links between public officials and paramilitary groups; and returning land and other assets illegally acquired by such organizations or their associates to their rightful occupants or owners; and --the Government of Colombia is taking steps to protect the rights of human rights defenders, journalists, trade unionists, IDP leaders, and other social activists, and respecting the rights and territory of indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities; and the Colombian military is implementing rigorous procedures to distinguish between civilians, including IDPs, and combatants, in their operations. Eastern and Central Europe.--The Committee recognizes the important contributions of NATO, including its newer members, to coalition operations in Afghanistan and elsewhere, and supports continued funding for such countries under this heading. Guatemala.--The Committee supports assistance for the Guatemalan coast guard, navy, and air force to enhance regional naval cooperation, maritime, and border security. The Committee is aware of several investigations and prosecutions of former army personnel for disappearances, torture, and extra-judicial executions during the internal armed conflict. The Committee will consider a future budget request for assistance for the army, if the army: --has a narrowly defined mission focused on border security and external threats, and a timetable for ending the army's involvement in internal law enforcement; --is cooperating fully with civilian investigations and prosecutions of human rights cases involving current and retired military officers of whatever rank, with the Inter-American Court on Human Rights, and with CICIG, including providing timely access for investigators to witnesses, documents, forensic evidence, and other relevant information; and --is publicly disclosing all military archival documents relating to the internal armed conflict in a timely manner in response to requests by civilian judicial authorities. The Committee directs the Secretary of State, after consultation with Guatemalan and international human rights organizations, to submit a report not later than 120 days after enactment of this act assessing the army's progress in meeting each of the above requirements, detailing any additional steps the army should take, and identifying the quantitative and qualitative indicators used to measure progress. The report should also include: --the number of human rights cases in which military personnel have been prosecuted and appropriately punished, and the extent of the army's cooperation in such cases; --the extent of military archival documents publicly disclosed by the army; and --the extent of the army's involvement in internal law enforcement. Honduras.--The Committee is concerned with increasing violence in Honduras involving large landowners, criminal organizations, peasant groups, militias, and Honduran security forces. Assassinations of human rights defenders, journalists, and social activists are common. In accordance with section 7045(a) of this act, the Committee withholds 25 percent of assistance in this act for Honduran military and police forces, which may be obligated only if the Secretary of State reports in writing to the Committee that: --the Government of Honduras is implementing policies to protect freedom of expression, association, and assembly, and due process of law; and is investigating and prosecuting in the civilian justice system, in accordance with Honduran and international law, military and police personnel who are credibly alleged to have violated human rights; and --the Honduran military and police are cooperating with civilian judicial authorities in such cases. Indonesia.--The Committee notes the progress Indonesia has made in strengthening democracy, improving the rule of law, and addressing other challenges. However, military reform, particularly accountability for past crimes, continues to lag behind. The Committee recommends not less than $14,000,000 for assistance for Indonesia. Of this amount, in accordance with section 7044(c) of this act, $2,000,000 may not be obligated until the Secretary of State reports in writing to the Committee on: --steps taken by the Government of Indonesia in the previous 12 months to revise the Code of Military Justice, Uniform Criminal Code and other relevant statutes, to deny promotion, suspend from active service, and/or prosecute and appropriately punish military officers credibly alleged to have violated human rights, and to refine further the military's mission and develop an appropriate national defense budget to carry out that mission; --efforts by the military in the previous 12 months to cooperate with civilian judicial authorities to resolve cases of violations of human rights; --efforts by the military in the previous 12 months to implement reforms that increase the transparency and accountability of the military's budget and operations, and concrete steps taken to achieve divestment of all military businesses; and --whether the Government of Indonesia is allowing public access to Papua, and respecting due process and freedom of expression, association, and assembly in Papua. Kenya.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to take steps to ensure that no United States training, equipment, or other assistance is provided to any Kenyan military or police personnel who have been credibly alleged to have violated human rights at: Mount Elgon in March 2008; Garissa, Wajir and Mandera in North Eastern Kenya between November 2011 and January 2012; and in the Dadaab refugee camps in North Eastern Kenya in December 2011. The Secretary shall submit a report to the Committee on steps taken by the Government of Kenya to conduct thorough, credible investigations of such violations and the identification of military units responsible. Mexico.--The Committee remains concerned with impunity among Mexican military and police forces for violations of human rights. In accordance with section 7045(f) of this act, the Committee withholds 15 percent of assistance in this act for Mexican military and police forces, which may be obligated only if the Secretary of State reports in writing to the Committee that: --the Government of Mexico, in accordance with Mexican and international law, has reformed the military justice system to require that military and police personnel who are credibly alleged to have violated human rights are investigated and prosecuted in the civilian justice system; --the Government of Mexico is enforcing prohibitions against torture and the use of testimony obtained through torture; and --the Mexican military and police are immediately transferring detainees to the custody of civilian judicial authorities, in accordance with Mexican law, and are cooperating with such authorities in such cases. Middle East.--The Committee recommends the budget requests under this heading for Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and $17,500,000 for assistance for Tunisia. The Committee supports Egypt's transition to civilian government and notes the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces' responsibility to safeguard that transition. Pakistan.--The Committee expands the uses of FMF assistance for Pakistan for counterpiracy efforts. Philippines.--The Committee recommends $30,000,000 for assistance for the Philippines, which the Committee understands will be used primarily to support the Philippine Navy and Air Force. The Committee notes that the Government of the Philippines has taken steps to reduce extra-judicial executions by military personnel and militias, but new cases have been reported and impunity for these crimes continues. In accordance with section 7044(f) of this act, $3,000,000 may not be obligated unless the Secretary of State reports in writing to the Committee that: --the Government of the Philippines is taking effective steps to prosecute those responsible for EJEs, sustain the decline in the number of EJEs, and strengthen government institutions working to eliminate EJEs; --the Government of the Philippines is implementing a policy of promoting military personnel who demonstrate professionalism and respect for human rights, and is investigating, prosecuting, and punishing military personnel and others who have been credibly alleged to have violated such rights; and --the Philippine military, and militias and paramilitary groups under its control, are not engaging in acts of violence or intimidation against journalists or members of legal organizations who advocate for human rights. Sri Lanka.--The Committee continues restrictions on assistance, export licenses, sales and transfers of equipment for the Sri Lankan military unless, in accordance with section 7046(d) of this act, the Secretary of State certifies to the Committee that the Government of Sri Lanka is: --conducting credible, thorough investigations of alleged war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law by government forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam; --bringing to justice individuals who have been credibly alleged to have committed such violations; --supporting and cooperating with any United Nations investigation of alleged war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law; --implementing policies to protect judicial independence; freedom of expression, association, assembly, and religion; the right of political parties, civil society organizations, and journalists to operate without harassment or interference; and due process of law, including ending arrest and detention under emergency- type regulations; --providing access to detainees by humanitarian organizations; and --implementing policies to promote reconciliation and justice including the demilitarization of public administration and development activities in the north, and devolution of power. The Committee endorses the recommendations contained in the Secretary of State's April 2012 report entitled ``Measures Taken by the Government of Sri Lanka and International Bodies to Investigate and Hold Accountable Violators of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law'', including that the Government of Sri Lanka establish an independent mechanism to investigate the credible allegations of war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law that the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission failed to address. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit a report to the Committee not later than 60 days after enactment of this act, detailing steps taken by the Government of Sri Lanka to implement such recommendations and, absent credible steps, further recommendations of the Secretary for international bodies to independently investigate such allegations and to hold perpetrators accountable. The report shall also indicate: --if suspected combatants detained during the conflict remain in custody; --if humanitarian organizations have access to such detainees; --the extent to which the Government of Sri Lanka is protecting judicial independence, freedom of expression, association, assembly, and religion; the right of political opposition parties, civil society organizations, and journalists to operate without harassment or interference; and due process of law; and --if the Government of Sri Lanka has ended military control over public administration in the north and taken steps to investigate repots of continuing violence against protestors, disappearances, and extra-judicial punishments in that region. Uzbekistan.--The Committee notes that the administration is relying increasingly on the cooperation of the Government of Uzbekistan to transport supplies to United States troops in Afghanistan. The Committee is aware, however, that the GoU continues to repress its own citizens. The administration should continue to urge the GoU to release imprisoned human rights defenders and political prisoners, allow NGOs to operate without interference, cooperate with U.N. human rights monitors, guarantee freedom of speech and of the media, implement conventions against child labor, and fully align its election processes with OSCE guidelines. PAKISTAN COUNTERINSURGENCY CAPABILITY FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $850,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 800,000,000 Enduring operations................................................. Overseas contingency operations..................... 800,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 50,000,000 The Committee recommends $50,000,000 for Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund. GLOBAL SECURITY CONTINGENCY FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................................... Budget estimate, 2013................................... $25,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 25,000,000 The Committee recommends $25,000,000 for Global Security Contingency Fund. TITLE V MULTILATERAL ASSISTANCE Funds Appropriated to the President INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND PROGRAMS Appropriations, 2012.................................... $348,705,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 327,300,000 Committee recommendation................................ 375,000,000 The Committee provides $375,000,000 for International Organizations and Programs. Organization of American States.--The Committee recognizes the essential role of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in providing justice for victims of human rights violations and protecting basic freedoms in many Latin American countries whose justice systems are weak and compromised by corruption. The Committee recommends $2,000,000 for a U.S. voluntary contribution to the IACHR, of which not less than $500,000 is for the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression. The Committee is concerned with increasing attempts by some governments in the region to curtail freedom of the press, and supports the efforts of the Special Rapporteur to defend the rights of journalists. United Nations.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to post-United States voluntary contributions under this heading which are provided to the United Nations and its affiliated agencies on the Department of State's Web site in a timely manner, and the first such posting should include funding detail for fiscal years 2011 and 2012. Funds in this account are allocated according to the following table and are subject to the provisions of section 7019 of this act: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND PROGRAMS [Budget authority in thousands of dollars] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Committee Organization recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Center for Human Settlements (UN-Habitat)............... 2,000 International Civil Aviation Organization............... 950 International Conservation Programs..................... 8,055 International Development Law Organization.............. 600 IMO Maritime Security Programs.......................... 400 International Panel on Climate Change/UN Framework on 13,000 Climate Change......................................... Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund..................... 27,500 OAS Development Assistance Programs..................... 4,000 OAS Fund for Strengthening Democracy.................... 5,000 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (non-add). 2,000 UN Capital Development Fund............................. 955 UN Children's Fund...................................... 132,000 UN Democracy Fund....................................... 5,000 UN Development Program.................................. 85,000 UN Environment Program.................................. 7,700 UN High Commissioner for Human Rights................... 7,000 Multilateral Action Initiatives......................... 1,000 UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.. 3,000 UN Population Fund...................................... 44,500 UN Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation in the Field 1,450 of Human Rights........................................ UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture................ 7,000 UN Women................................................ 8,000 UN Trust Fund........................................... 4,000 World Meteorological Organization....................... 2,090 World Trade Organization Technical Assistance........... 1,150 International Chemicals and Toxics Programs............. 3,650 --------------- Total, IO&P....................................... 375,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Appropriations, 2012.................................... $2,622,388,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 2,625,344,000 Committee recommendation................................ 2,970,943,000 The Committee recommends $2,970,943,000 for contributions to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Development Association, the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative, the Global Environment Facility, the Clean Technology Fund, the Strategic Climate Fund, the Inter- American Development Bank, the Multilateral Investment Fund, the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Development Fund, the African Development Bank, the African Development Fund, the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. The Committee directs the Secretary of the Treasury to inform the Committee in a timely manner of any proposal for financing from any such institutions for infrastructure projects or other activities that would cause significant harm to the environment or displacement of local people. GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY Appropriations, 2012.................................... $89,820,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 129,400,000 Committee recommendation................................ 139,400,000 The Committee recommends $139,400,000 for the Global Environment Facility, of which $10,000,000 is to pay arrears owed from prior years. The Committee directs the Secretary of the Treasury to submit a report detailing: --the amount of funds, and a description of activities, for Global Environment Facility programs in Iran, Syria, Cuba, the PRC, North Korea, and Venezuela; --the extent to which U.S. contributions to the GEF are provided for programs in such countries; --the decisionmaking processes used by the GEF in selecting program countries, and the extent to which other factors, including human rights abuses by the central governments of such countries, are factored in the processes; and --the mechanisms used by the GEF to ensure programmatic and financial transparency and accountability at the field and headquarter levels. CONTRIBUTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Appropriations, 2012.................................... $1,325,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 1,358,500,000 Committee recommendation................................ 1,408,500,000 The Committee recommends $1,358,500,000 for Contribution to the International Development Association. The Committee recommends $50,000,000 for payment to the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative. CONTRIBUTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Appropriations, 2012.................................... $117,364,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 186,957,000 Committee recommendation................................ 186,957,000 The Committee recommends $186,957,000 for Contribution to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, for the second of five installments of the U.S. paid-in capital subscription to the World Bank's GCI, which funds the IBRD, and for the first of four payments to the World Bank's selective capital increase. LIMITATION ON CALLABLE CAPITAL SUBSCRIPTIONS The Committee recommends a limitation on the amount that the U.S. Governor of the IBRD may subscribe to the callable portion of the U.S. share of the GCI in an amount not to exceed $2,928,990,899 in fiscal year 2013. CONTRIBUTION TO THE CLEAN TECHNOLOGY FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $184,630,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 185,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 300,000,000 The Committee recommends $300,000,000 for Contribution to the Clean Technology Fund. CONTRIBUTION TO THE STRATEGIC CLIMATE FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $49,900,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 50,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 100,000,000 The Committee recommends $100,000,000 for Contribution to the Strategic Climate Fund. GLOBAL AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY PROGRAM Appropriations, 2012.................................... $135,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 134,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 200,000,000 The Committee recommends $200,000,000 for Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, a trust fund administered by the IBRD. CONTRIBUTION TO THE INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Appropriations, 2012.................................... $75,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 102,020,000 Committee recommendation................................ 113,500,000 The Committee recommends $113,500,000 for Contribution to the Inter-American Development Bank, of which $102,020,000 is for the second of five U.S. paid-in capital contributions to the IDB's Ninth GCI, and $11,480,000 is to pay arrears owed from prior years. LIMITATION ON CALLABLE CAPITAL SUBSCRIPTIONS The Committee recommends a limitation on the amount that the U.S. Governor of the IDB may subscribe to the callable portion of the U.S. share of the Ninth GCI in an amount not to exceed $4,098,794,833 in fiscal year 2013. CONTRIBUTION TO THE ENTERPRISE FOR THE AMERICAS MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $25,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................................... Committee recommendation................................ 25,726,000 The Committee recommends $25,726,000 to pay arrears owed from prior years to the Multilateral Investment Fund. CONTRIBUTION TO THE ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Appropriations, 2012.................................... $106,586,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 106,799,000 Committee recommendation................................ 106,799,000 The Committee recommends $106,799,000 for the third of five scheduled U.S. paid-in capital contributions to the Asian Development Bank's Fifth GCI. LIMITATION ON CALLABLE CAPITAL SUBSCRIPTIONS The Committee recommends a limitation on the amount that the U.S. Governor of the ADB may subscribe to the callable portion of the U.S. share of the GCI-V in an amount not to exceed $2,558,048,769 in fiscal year 2013. CONTRIBUTION TO THE ASIAN DEVELOPMENT FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $100,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 115,250,000 Committee recommendation................................ 115,250,000 The Committee recommends $115,250,000 for the U.S. contribution to the Asian Development Fund. CONTRIBUTION TO THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Appropriations, 2012.................................... $32,418,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 32,418,000 Committee recommendation................................ 32,418,000 The Committee recommends $32,418,000 for the second installment of eight installments of the U.S. paid-in capital subscription to the African Development Bank's Sixth GCI. LIMITATION ON CALLABLE CAPITAL SUBSCRIPTIONS The Committee recommends a limitation on the amount that the U.S. Governor of the African Development Bank may subscribe to the callable portion of the U.S. share of the sixth GCI in an amount not to exceed $507,860,808 in fiscal year 2013. CONTRIBUTION TO THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUND Appropriations, 2012.................................... $172,500,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 195,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 210,150,000 The Committee recommends $195,000,000 for U.S. contribution to the African Development Fund. The Committee recommends $15,150,000 for payment to the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative. CONTRIBUTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT Appropriations, 2012.................................... $30,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 30,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 32,243,000 The Committee recommends $32,243,000 for Contribution to the International Fund for Agricultural Development, of which $2,243,000 is to pay arrears owed from prior years. TITLE VI EXPORT AND INVESTMENT ASSISTANCE Export-Import Bank of the United States INSPECTOR GENERAL Appropriations, 2012.................................... $4,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 4,400,000 Committee recommendation................................ 4,400,000 SUBSIDY APPROPRIATION Appropriations, 2012.................................... $58,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 38,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 38,000,000 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $89,900,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 103,900,000 Committee recommendation................................ 103,900,000 The Committee recommends $4,400,000 for the Inspector General, $38,000,000 for subsidy appropriation, and $103,900,000 for administrative expenses for the Export-Import Bank (the Bank), including $3,500,000 to support opening four new regional offices and 17 additional staff focusing on supporting small businesses, and $7,000,000 to fund technology upgrades to streamline the loan process. The Committee encourages the Bank to enhance its support for U.S. companies seeking to expand exports to Africa and other emerging markets. The Committee directs that the use of the aggregate loan, guarantee, and insurance authorities available to the Bank in fiscal year 2013 should not result in greenhouse gas emissions from the extraction or production of fossil fuels or the use of fossil fuels in electricity generation that exceed the average of the total emissions in the preceding three fiscal years resulting from the use of these authorities unless, not less than 15 days prior to each such use of such authorities in fiscal year 2013, the Bank provides a written report to the Committee that such use would result in emissions exceeding this amount and indicating the amount of the increase, and posts such report on the Bank's Web site. The Committee directs the President of the Bank to provide, not later than 45 days after enactment of this act, a revised policy on the use of representation funds that is consistent with the provisions in section 7020(a) of this act. Overseas Private Investment Corporation NONCREDIT ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Appropriations, 2012.................................... $54,990,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 60,784,000 Committee recommendation................................ 60,784,000 PROGRAM ACCOUNT Appropriations, 2012.................................... $25,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 31,000,000 Committee recommendation................................ 31,000,000 The Committee recommends $60,784,000 for administrative expenses and $31,000,000 for the costs of direct and guaranteed loans for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. The Committee directs the President of OPIC to provide, not later than 45 days after enactment of this act, a revised policy on the use of representation funds that is consistent with the provisions in section 7020(a) of this act. The Committee supports the implementation of a memorandum of understanding between OPIC and the USAID OIG, and directs the President of OPIC to implement the agreement, including an inspection/audit plan, as authorized, and allocate adequate funding to support the mutually agreed upon plan in fiscal year 2013 to reimburse the USAID OIG for costs related to oversight and audit functions. If the fiscal year 2014 budget request includes a proposal to consolidate OPIC with the Export-Import Bank and the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, the Committee expects the proposal to also consolidate the inspector general function for these three agencies. The Committee supports the continued presence of an Office of Accountability within OPIC to evaluate compliance with environmental, social, labor, human rights, and transparency standards, and directs the President of OPIC to work with the USAID OIG to determine the appropriate continued role of this office in light of the USAID OIG's oversight role. The Committee encourages OPIC to consult with relevant Federal agencies and civil society organizations on the advisability of adopting an investment policy that supports the export of nuclear energy products and services to countries that are developing or expanding their nuclear energy program. U.S. participation in global nuclear development could enhance nuclear power plant safety and reliability, increase influence over nuclear nonproliferation policy, and create American jobs. The Committee recognizes, however, that such an investment policy would raise serious nonproliferation issues needing thorough consideration, as many countries lack the ability to safeguard nuclear material. TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Appropriations, 2012.................................... $50,000,000 Budget estimate, 2013................................... 57,600,000 Committee recommendation................................ 57,600,000 The Committee recommends $57,600,000 for Trade and Development Agency. The Committee directs the President of the Trade and Development Agency to provide, not later than 45 days after enactment of this act, a revised policy on the use of representation funds that is consistent with the provisions in section 7020(a) of this act. TITLE VII GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 7001. Allowances and Differentials Sec. 7002. Unobligated Balances Report Sec. 7003. Consulting Services Sec. 7004. Construction of Diplomatic Facilities Sec. 7005. Personnel Actions Sec. 7006. Local Guard Contracts Sec. 7007. Prohibition Against Direct Funding for Certain Countries Sec. 7008. Coups d'etat Sec. 7009. Transfer Authority Sec. 7010. Reporting Requirement Sec. 7011. Availability of Funds Sec. 7012. Limitation on Assistance to Countries in Default Sec. 7013. Prohibition on Taxation of United States Assistance Sec. 7014. Reservations of Funds Sec. 7015. Notification Requirements Sec. 7016. Notification of Excess Defense Equipment Sec. 7017. Limitation on Availability of Funds for International Organizations and Programs Sec. 7018. Prohibition on Funding for Abortions and Involuntary Sterilization Sec. 7019. Allocations Sec. 7020. Limitations on Representation and Entertainment Expenses Sec. 7021. Prohibition on Assistance to Governments Supporting International Terrorism Sec. 7022. Authorization Requirements Sec. 7023. Definition of Program, Project, and Activity Sec. 7024. Authorities for the Peace Corps, Inter-American Foundation and African Development Foundation Sec. 7025. Commerce, Trade and Surplus Commodities Sec. 7026. Separate Accounts Sec. 7027. Eligibility for Assistance Sec. 7028. Impact on Jobs in the United States Sec. 7029. International Financial Institutions Sec. 7030. Debt-for-Development Sec. 7031. Financial Management and Budget Transparency Sec. 7032. Authority To Engage in Debt Buybacks or Sales Sec. 7033. Multi-Year Pledges Sec. 7034. Special Provisions Sec. 7035. Arab League Boycott of Israel Sec. 7036. Palestinian Statehood Sec. 7037. Restrictions Concerning the Palestinian Authority Sec. 7038. Prohibition on Assistance to the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation Sec. 7039. Assistance for the West Bank and Gaza Sec. 7040. Limitation on Assistance for the Palestinian Authority Sec. 7041. Near East and North Africa Sec. 7042. Serbia Sec. 7043. Africa Sec. 7044. East Asia and the Pacific Sec. 7045. Western Hemisphere Sec. 7046. South Asia Sec. 7047. Prohibition of Payments to United Nations Members Sec. 7048. War Crimes Tribunals Drawdown Sec. 7049. United Nations Sec. 7050. Community-Based Police Assistance Sec. 7051. Conferences Sec. 7052. Aircraft Transfer and Coordination Sec. 7053. Parking Fines and Real Property Taxes Owed by Foreign Governments Sec. 7054. Landmines and Cluster Munitions Sec. 7055. Prohibition on Publicity or Propaganda Sec. 7056. Limitation on Residence Expenses Sec. 7057. United States Agency for International Development Management Sec. 7058. Global Health Activities Sec. 7059. Gender Programs Sec. 7060. Sector Allocations Sec. 7061. Central Asia Sec. 7062. Requests for Documents Sec. 7063. Overseas Private Investment Corporation Sec. 7064. International Prison Conditions Sec. 7065. Prohibition on Use of Torture Sec. 7066. Extradition Sec. 7067. Commercial Leasing of Defense Articles Sec. 7068. Independent States of the Former Soviet Union Sec. 7069. International Monetary Fund Sec. 7070. Repression in the Russian Federation Sec. 7071. Prohibition on First-Class Travel Sec. 7072. Disability Programs Sec. 7073. Enterprise Funds Sec. 7074. Consular Affairs Sec. 7075. Procurement Reform Sec. 7076. Operating and Spend Plans Sec. 7077. Special Defense Acquisition Fund Sec. 7078. United Nations Population Fund Sec. 7079. Authorization for Selective Capital Increase Sec. 7080. Community Development Funds Sec. 7081. United States Export Promotion Activities Sec. 7082. Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Authorization Sec. 7083. Fraud Prevention and Detection Fees Sec. 7084. Border Crossing Card Fee for Minors Sec. 7085. Buying Power Maintenance, International Organizations Sec. 7086. Department of State Organization Sec. 7087. HIV/AIDS Working Capital Fund Sec. 7088. Working Capital Fund Sec. 7089. Pilot Programs in Africa Sec. 7090. Consular Notification Compliance Sec. 7091. Education Foundation Sec. 7092. Assistance for Foreign Nongovernmental Organizations Sec. 7093. Use of Funds in Contravention of this Act TITLE VIII OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY OPERATIONS The Committee recommends a total of $2,293,000,000 for overseas contingency operations for the Department of State and USAID. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Administration of Foreign Affairs DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR PROGRAMS The Committee recommends $1,426,000,000 for Diplomatic and Consular Programs, of which $651,000,000 is for Worldwide Security Protection. The amount provided is for the extraordinary costs of operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, and is designated for OCO. The Committee directs that the spend plan required by section 7076 of this act include a detailed description of the designated amounts by category, break-out costs of operations by location, and staffing levels for each location and provincial area, where applicable. In addition, with respect to funds transferred to other agencies in support of Afghanistan operations, the spend plan should include projected transfer amounts and the number of staff supported by each agency. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL The Committee recommends $55,900,000 for the Office of Inspector General at the Department of State, of which $49,900,000 is for SIGAR and $6,000,000 is for SIGIR. The amount provided is for the extraordinary costs of program oversight in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, and is designated for OCO. Section 7076 of this act requires the relevant department, agency, or organization to submit to the Committee a spend plan for funds appropriated in titles I and II of this act. The Committee expects both SIGAR and SIGIR to submit such plans not later than 30 days after enactment of this act. The budget request did not include fiscal year 2013 funding for SIGIR but the Committee understands that SIGIR requires funding to draw down by March 31, 2013, and that SIGIR's investigative branch requires operating funds until March 31, 2014 to close out open investigations. The Committee recommends funding to complete SIGIR operations, with the exception of the investigative branch, by March 31, 2013, and authority and adequate funding to transfer SIGIR investigators to SIGAR until this function draws down no later than March 31, 2014. The Committee expects SIGIR and SIGAR to coordinate this transfer and minimize administrative, support, and rent costs, and to ensure the timely close-out of all SIGIR investigative cases. International Organizations CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS The Committee recommends $101,300,000 for Contributions to International Organizations for the extraordinary costs of operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, and is designated for OCO. UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Funds Appropriated to the President OPERATING EXPENSES The Committee recommends $109,800,000 for Operating Expenses for the extraordinary costs of operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, and is designated for OCO. BILATERAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE Funds Appropriated to the President ECONOMIC SUPPORT FUND The Committee recommends $600,000,000 for Economic Support Fund for the extraordinary costs of operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, and is designated for OCO. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 8001. Additional Appropriations Sec. 8002. Extension of Authorities and Conditions Sec. 8003. Transfer Authority for Operations COMPLIANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 7, RULE XVI OF THE STANDING RULES OF THE SENATE Rule XVI, paragraph 7 requires that every report on a general appropriation bill filed by the Committee must identify each recommended amendment, with particularity, which proposes an item of appropriation which is not made to carry out the provisions of an existing law, a treaty stipulation, or an act or resolution previously passed by the Senate during that session. The Committee is filing an original bill, which is not covered under this rule, but reports this information in the spirit of full disclosure. Items providing funding for fiscal year 2013 which lack authorization are as follows: Administration of Foreign Affairs; International Organizations; International Commissions; Department of State and Related Programs; Broadcasting Board of Governors; USAID Operating Expenses; USAID Operating Expenses, Office of Inspector General; USAID Capital Investment Fund; Global Health Programs; Development Assistance; International Disaster Assistance; Transition Initiatives; Development Credit Authority; Economic Support Fund; Assistance for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia; Inter-American Foundation; African Development Foundation; Peace Corps; Millennium Challenge Corporation; Democracy Fund; International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement; Migration and Refugee Assistance; Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related Assistance; International Affairs Technical Assistance; Debt Restructuring; International Military Education and Training; Foreign Military Financing Program; Peacekeeping Operations; International Organizations and Programs; Clean Technology Fund; Strategic Climate Fund; and Global Security Contingency Fund. COMPLIANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 7(c), RULE XXVI OF THE STANDING RULES OF THE SENATE Pursuant to paragraph 7(c) of rule XXVI, on May 24, 2012, the Committee ordered favorably reported an original bill (S. 3241) making appropriations the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and for other purposes, provided that the bill be subject to amendment and that the bill be consistent with its spending allocations, by a recorded vote of 29-1, a quorum being present. The vote was as follows: Yeas Nays Chairman Inouye Mr. Johnson (WI) Mr. Leahy Mr. Harkin Ms. Mikulski Mr. Kohl Mrs. Murray Mrs. Feinstein Mr. Durbin Mr. Johnson (SD) Ms. Landrieu Mr. Reed Mr. Lautenberg Mr. Nelson Mr. Pryor Mr. Tester Mr. Brown Mr. Cochran Mr. McConnell Mr. Shelby Mrs. Hutchison Mr. Alexander Ms. Collins Ms. Murkowski Mr. Graham Mr. Kirk Mr. Coats Mr. Blunt Mr. Moran Mr. Hoeven COMPLIANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 12, RULE XXVI OF THE STANDING RULES OF THE SENATE Paragraph 12 of rule XXVI requires that Committee report on a bill or joint resolution repealing or amending any statute or part of any statute include ``(a) the text of the statute or part thereof which is proposed to be repealed; and (b) a comparative print of that part of the bill or joint resolution making the amendment and of the statute or part thereof proposed to be amended, showing by stricken-through type and italics, parallel columns, or other appropriate typographical devices the omissions and insertions which would be made by the bill or joint resolution if enacted in the form recommended by the Committee.'' In compliance with this rule, the following changes in existing law proposed to be made by the bill are shown as follows: existing law to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new matter is printed in italic, and existing law in which no change is proposed is shown in roman. TITLE 22--FOREIGN RELATIONS AND INTERCOURSE CHAPTER 4--PASSPORTS Sec. 214. Fees for execution and issuance of passports; persons excused from payment (a) * * * (b)(1) * * * (2) The authority to collect the surcharge provided under paragraph (1) may not be exercised after September 30, [2012] 2013. * * * * * * * CHAPTER 7--INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS, CONGRESSES, ETC. Sec. 262d. Human rights and United States assistance policies with international financial institutions (a) * * * * * * * * * * [(c) Reporting requirements [(1) The Secretary of the Treasury shall report annually on all loans considered by the Boards of Executive Directors of the institutions listed in subsection (a) of this section to the Chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs of the House of Representatives, or the designees of such Chairman and ranking minority member, and the Chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate. [(2) Each report required by paragraph (1) shall-- [(A) include a list of all loans considered by the Board \1\ of Executive Directors of the institutions listed in subsection (a) of this section and shall specify with respect to each such loan-- [(i) the institution involved; [(ii) the date of final action; [(iii) the borrower; [(iv) the amount; [(v) the project or program; [(vi) the vote of the United States Government; [(vii) the reason for United States Government opposition, if any; [(viii) the final disposition of the loan; and [(ix) if the United States Government opposed the loan, whether the loan meets basic human needs; [(B) indicate whether the United States has opposed any loan, financial assistance, or technical assistance to a country on human rights grounds; [(C) indicate whether the United States has voted in favor of a loan, financial assistance, or technical assistance to a country with respect to which the United States had, in the preceding 2 years, opposed a loan, financial assistance, or technical assistance on human rights grounds; and [(D) in cases where the United States changed its voting position from opposition to support or from support to opposition, on human rights grounds-- [(i) indicate the policy considerations that were taken into account in the development of the United States voting position; [(ii) describe human rights conditions in the country involved; [(iii) indicate how the United States voted on all other loans, financial assistance, and technical assistance to such country during the preceding 2 years; and [(iv) contain information as to how the United States voting position relates to the overall United States Government policy on human rights in such country.] * * * * * * * Sec. 262l. Environmental reform measures and remedial measures; Committee on Health and the Environment (a) Environmental reform measures; instructions to Executive Directors of Multilateral Development Banks * * * * * * * [(e) Reporting requirements generally [The Secretary of the Treasury shall prepare and submit to the Committees on Appropriations by January 15, 1987, and annually thereafter, a report documenting the progress the Multilateral Development Banks have made in implementing the environmental reform measures described in paragraphs one through eight of subsection (a).] [(f) Reporting requirements respecting environmental staffing [In the report of the Secretary of the Treasury required by subsection (e), regarding the implementation of staffing measures suggested in subsection (a)(1)(A), the Secretary of the Treasury shall specifically discuss the progress of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in upgrading and adding environmentally trained professionals to each of its six regional offices to review projects for their prospective ecological impacts.] NOTE Pub. L. 101-167, title V, Sec. 533, Nov. 21, 1989, 103 Stat. 1225, provided that: ``(a) * * * * * * * * * * [``(b) The Secretary of the Treasury as a part of the annual report to the Congress shall describe in detail, progress made by each of the MDBs in adopting and implementing programs meeting the standards set out in subsection (a), including in particular-- [``(1) efforts by the Department of Treasury to assure implementation by each of the MDBs of programs substantially equivalent to those set out in this section, and results of such efforts; [``(2) progress made by each MDB in drafting and implementing least cost energy plans for each recipient country which meets requirements outlined in subsection (a)(2); [``(3) the absolute dollar amounts, and proportion of total lending in the energy sector, of loans and portions of loans, approved by each MDB in the previous year for projects or programs of end-use energy efficiency and conservation and renewable energy.''] * * * * * * * Sec. 262p-4p. Encouragement of fair labor practices [(a)] The Secretary of the Treasury shall direct the United States Executive Directors of the international financial institutions (as defined in section 262r(c)(2) of this title) to use the voice and vote of the United States to urge the respective institution-- [(b) The Secretary of the Treasury shall submit to the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate by the end of each fiscal year a report on the extent to which each borrowing country guarantees internationally recognized worker rights to its labor force and on progress toward achieving each of the goals described in subsection (a) of this section.] * * * * * * * Sec. 262r. Annual report by Chairman of National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies [(a) In general [The Chairman shall report annually to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, and to the President of the United States on the participation of the United States in the international financial institutions. The Chairman shall present such report to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate not later than April 1 of each year following the close of the fiscal year covered by such report, except that the report for fiscal year 1989 shall be submitted not later than June 1, 1990. [(b) Contents of reports [Each annual report required by subsection (a) of this section shall contain-- [(1) such data and explanations concerning the effectiveness, operations, and policies of the international financial institutions, such recommendations concerning the international financial institutions, and such other data and material as the Chairman may deem appropriate; [(2) the reports on each specific issue and topic which is required by any other provision of law to be included in the report of the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies required by section 286b(b)(5) of this title, as in effect immediately before December 19, 1989; [(3) a description of each loan or other form of financial assistance approved by any international financial institution during the fiscal year covered by such report, and a discussion of how such loan or financial assistance will benefit the people, particularly the poor people, of the recipient country; [(4) a review of the success achieved through the multilateral development banks in reducing or eliminating import restrictions and unfair export subsidies which-- [(A) have been determined to be consistent with international agreements; and [(B) have a serious adverse impact on the United States; [(5) a description of the actions taken and the progress made in carrying out subsections (a) and (b) of section 286cc of this title; [(6) the report required by section 2018(c) of the International Narcotics Act of 1986 (title II of Public Law 99-570), discussing the actions taken and progress made in encouraging the multilateral development banks to finance drug eradication and crop substitution programs; [(7) a description of the progress made by the United States Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund with respect to the goals of section 286kk of this title; [(8) a description of the status of procedures in the multilateral development banks specifically designed to increase the productive role of the poor in the economies of the nations which are borrowers from such banks; [(9) in consultation with the Secretary of State, a report on the progress toward achieving the goals of title VII (other than section 262e of this title), including the information required to be reported pursuant to section 262d(c) of this title, and, for the fiscal year 1990, the report described in section 262p- 4h of this title; [(10) in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the Agency for International Development, an assessment of the progress being made to implement the objectives of title XIII; and [(11) a report on-- [(A) the progress made in transforming government-owned enterprises into privately owned enterprises as described in section 262p- 4g(b) of this title; [(B) the performance of the privately owned enterprises resulting from such transformation; and [(C) the contributions of development finance companies toward strengthening the private sector in member borrowing countries.] * * * * * * * [(d) Testimony required [Upon request of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs of the House of Representatives, the Chairman shall testify before the Committee to support and explain each annual report required by subsection (a) of this section. If the President has delegated to a person or persons other than the Chairman the authority to manage United States participation in the international financial institutions which was vested in the President by section 1(b) of the Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1965, such person or persons shall, upon request of the Committee, accompany the Chairman and testify before the Committee with regard to such report. The Chairman and such other person or persons shall assess, in their testimony, the effectiveness of the international financial institutions, the major issues affecting United States participation, the major developments in the past year, the prospects for the coming year, United States policy goals with respect to the international financial institutions, and any specific issues addressed to them by any member of the Committee.] * * * * * * * Sec. 262r-4. Annual report and testimony on state of international financial system, IMF reform, and compliance with IMF agreements [(a) Reports [Not later than October 1 of each year, the Secretary of the Treasury shall submit to the Committees on Banking and Financial Services and on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Finance and on Foreign Relations of the Senate a written report on (1) the progress (if any) made by the United States Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund in influencing the International Monetary Fund to adopt the policies and reform its internal procedures in the manner described in section 262o-2 of this title, and (2) the progress made by the International Monetary Fund in adopting and implementing the policies described in section 801(c)(1)(B) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2001.] * * * * * * * Sec. 262r-4. Annual report and testimony on state of international financial system, IMF reform, and compliance with IMF agreements (a) Reports * * * * * * * [(b) Testimony [After submitting the report required by subsection (a) of this section but not later than March 1 of each year, the Secretary of the Treasury shall appear before the Committee on Banking and] The Secretary of the Treasury shall appear annually before the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and present testimony on-- * * * * * * * Sec. 262r-6. Reports on policies, operations, and management of international financial institutions (a) Repealed. Pub. L. 108-199, div. D, title V, Sec. 599B(c), Jan. 23, 2004, 118 Stat. 211 [(b) Annual report on United States supported policies [Beginning 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [November 6, 2000], or October 31, 2000, whichever is later, and on October 31 of each year thereafter, the Secretary shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees on-- [(1) the actions taken by recipient countries, as a result of the assistance allocated to them by the multilateral development banks under programs referred to in section 802(b),\1\ to strengthen governance and reduce the opportunity for bribery and corruption; and [(2) how International Development Association- financed projects contribute to the eventual graduation of a representative sample of countries from reliance on financing on concessionary terms and international development assistance.] * * * * * * * SUBCHAPTER XV--INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND AND BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Sec. 286. Acceptance of membership by United States in International Monetary Fund * * * * * * * Sec. 286ss. Acceptance of amendment to Articles of Agreement of Fund approved on October 22, 1997 * * * * * * * SEC. 70. CAPITAL STOCK INCREASES. (a) Increases Authorized.--* * * * * * * * * * (b) Limitations on Authorization of Appropriations.-- (1) In order to pay for the increase in the United States subscription to the Bank under subsection (a)(2)(B), there are authorized to be appropriated, without fiscal year limitation, $9,780,361,991 for payment by the Secretary of the Treasury. (2) Of the amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraph (2)(A)-- (A) $586,821,720 shall be for paid in shares of the Bank; and (B) $9,193,540,271 shall be for callable shares of the Bank. (3) In order to pay for the increase in the United States subscription to the Bank under subsection (a)(1)(B), there are authorized to be appropriated, without fiscal year limitation, $4,639,501,466 for payment by the Secretary of the Treasury. (4) Of the amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraph (1)(A)(i), $278,370,088 shall be for paid in shares of the Bank; and (ii) $4,361,131,378 shall be for callable shares of the Bank. * * * * * * * SUBCHAPTER XXIII--AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Sec. 290h-1. African Development Foundation (a) Establishment of Foundation There is established a body corporate to be known as the ``United States African Development Foundation'' (hereafter in this subchapter referred to as the ``Foundation''). * * * * * * * SUBCHAPTER XXVIII--NORTH AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK AND RELATED PROVISIONS ]Sec. 290m-6. Annual report [The Secretary of the Treasury shall submit annually to the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a written report on the North American Development Bank, which addresses the following issues: [(1) The number and description of the projects that the North American Development Bank has approved. The description shall include the level of market-rate loans, non-market-rate loans, and grants used in an approved project, and a description of whether an approved project is located within 100 kilometers of the international boundary between the United States and Mexico or within 300 kilometers of the international boundary between the United States and Mexico. [(2) The number and description of the approved projects in which money has been dispersed.] * * * * * * * CHAPTER 32--FOREIGN ASSISTANCE SUBCHAPTER I--INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Part I--Declaration of Policy; Development Assistance Authorizations Sec. 2151aa. Program to provide technical assistance to foreign governments and foreign central banks of developing or transitional countries (a) Establishment of program * * * * * * * (h) Report (1) In general [Not later than 3 months after October 21, 1998, and every 6 months thereafter, the] The Secretary shall prepare and submit to the appropriate congressional committees [a] an annual report on the conduct of the program established under this section during the preceding [6-month period] year. deg. * * * * * * * CHAPTER 32--FOREIGN ASSISTANCE SUBCHAPTER III--GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Part I--General Provisions Sec. 2385. Employment of personnel (a) Authorization * * * * * * * (j) Reemployment of annuitants under the Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employees' Retirement System (1)(A) * * * (B) The authority of the Administrator under subparagraph (A) shall terminate on [October 1, 2012] September 30, 2013. An annuitant reemployed pursuant to such authority prior to such termination date may be employed for a period ending not later than one year after such date. * * * * * * * CHAPTER 38--DEPARTMENT OF STATE Sec. 2651a. Organization of Department of State (a) Secretary of State * * * * * * * (c) Assistant Secretaries (1) In general There shall be in the Department of State not more than [24] 25 Assistant Secretaries of State, each of whom shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and who shall be compensated at the rate provided for at level IV of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5. * * * * * * * CHAPTER 38--DEPARTMENT OF STATE Sec. 2708. Department of State rewards program (a) Establishment (1) In general * * * * * * * (2) Purpose The rewards program shall be designed to assist in the prevention of acts of international terrorism, international narcotics trafficking serious violations of international humanitarian law, and other related criminal acts. * * * * * * * (7) the disruption of financial mechanisms of a foreign terrorist organization, including the use by the organization of illicit narcotics production or international narcotics trafficking-- (A) to finance acts of international terrorism; or (B) to sustain or support any terrorist organization. (8) the arrest or conviction in any country, or the transfer to or conviction by an international criminal tribunal (including a hybrid or mixed tribunal), of any foreign national accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide, as defined under the statute of such tribunal. * * * * * * * Sec. 2733. Reemployment of annuitants under the Civil Service Retirement System and Federal Employees' Retirement System (a) Authority (1) In general * * * * * * * (2) Termination of authority The authority of the Secretary under paragraph (1) shall terminate on [October 1, 2012] September 30, 2013. An annuitant reemployed pursuant to such authority prior to such termination date may be employed for a period ending not later than one year after such date. * * * * * * * CHAPTER 52--FOREIGN SERVICE SUBCHAPTER VI--PROMOTION AND RETENTION Sec. 4001. Promotions (a) Method of promotion * * * * * * * (c) Eligibility; request for promotion; time of consideration; withdrawal of request; basis for decision; affidavits (1) * * * * * * * * * * [(4) Not later than March 1, 2001, and every four years thereafter, the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate which shall include the following: [(A) A description of the steps taken and planned in furtherance of-- [(i) maximum compatibility among agencies utilizing the Foreign Service personnel system, as provided for in section 3923 of this title, and [(ii) the development of uniform policies and procedures and consolidated personnel functions, as provided for in section 3924 of this title. [(B) A workforce plan for the subsequent five years, including projected personnel needs, by grade and by skill. Each such plan shall include for each category the needs for foreign language proficiency, geographic and functional expertise, and specialist technical skills. Each workforce plan shall specifically account for the training needs of Foreign Service personnel and shall delineate an intake program of generalist and specialist Foreign Service personnel to meet projected future requirements. [(5) If there are substantial modifications to any workforce plan under paragraph (4)(B) during any year in which a report under paragraph (4) is not required, a supplemental annual notification shall be submitted in the same manner as reports are required to be submitted under paragraph (4).] * * * * * * * SUBCHAPTER VII--CAREER DEVELOPMENT, TRAINING, AND ORIENTATION Sec. 4022. Foreign language requirements (a) In general * * * * * * * [(c) Report [Not later than January 31 of each year, the Director General of the Foreign Service shall submit a report to the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives summarizing the number of positions in each overseas mission requiring foreign languagecompetence that-- [(1) became vacant during the previous fiscal year; and [(2) were filled by individuals having the required foreign language competence.] * * * * * * * CHAPTER 52--FOREIGN SERVICE SUBCHAPTER VIII--FOREIGN SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY Part I--Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System Sec. 4064. Reemployment (a) Termination of annuity; coverage under same retirement system or another contributory retirement system; rights and benefits * * * * * * * (g) Waiver of annuity limitations (1) * * * * * * * * * * (2)(A) * * * (B) The authority of the Secretary to waive the application of subsections (a) through (d) for an annuitant pursuant to subparagraph (C)(i) of paragraph (1) shall terminate on [October 1, 2012] September 30, 2013. (C) The authority of the Secretary to waive the application of subsections (a) through (d) for an annuitant pursuant to subparagraph (C)(ii) of paragraph (1) shall terminate on [October 1, 2012] September 30, 2013. * * * * * * * CHAPTER 73--INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM SUBCHAPTER I--DEPARTMENT OF STATE ACTIVITIES Sec. 6412. Reports (a) Portions of annual Human Rights Reports * * * * * * * (b) Annual Report on International Religious Freedom (1) Deadline for submission On [September] March 1 of each year or the first day thereafter on which the appropriate House of Congress is in session, the Secretary of State, with the assistance of the Ambassador at Large, and taking into consideration the recommendation of the Commission, shall prepare and transmit to Congress an Annual Report on International Religious Freedom supplementing the most recent Human Rights Reports by providing additional detailed information with respect to matters involving international religious freedom. Each Annual Report shall contain the following: ------ FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1961 (PUBLIC LAW 87-195) SEC. 104C. ASSISTANCE TO COMBAT MALARIA. (a) * * * * * * * * * * (d) Coordination.--In carrying out this section, the President shall coordinate with the World Health Organization, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, the Department of Health and Human Services (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health), and other organizations with respect to the development and implementation of a comprehensive malaria control program. SEC. 104D. ELIGIBILITY FOR ASSISTANCE. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, regulation, or policy, in determining eligibility for assistance authorized under sections 104, 104A, 104B, and 104C-- (1) a foreign nongovernmental organization shall not be ineligible for such assistance solely on the basis of health or medical services, including counseling and referral services, provided by such organization with non-United States Government funds if such services are permitted in the country in which they are being provided and would not violate United States law if provided in the United States; and (2) a foreign nongovernmental organization shall not be subject to requirements relating to the use of non-United States Government funds for advocacy and lobbying activities other than those that apply to United States nongovernmental organizations receiving assistance under this part. UNITED NATIONS PARTICIPATION ACT, 1945 (PUBLIC LAW 79-264) Sec. 4. (a) Periodic Reports.--* * * [(b) Annual Report on Financial Contributions.--Not later than July 1 of each year, the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the designated congressional committees on the extent and disposition of all financial contributions made by the United States during the preceding year to international organizations in which the United States participates as a member.] ------ STATE DEPARTMENT BASIC AUTHORITIES, PUBLIC LAW 84-885 TITLE 1--BASIC AUTHORITIES GENERALLY SEC. 51. DENIAL OF VISAS (a) Report to Congress.-- * * * (1) Denial of Visas.--* * * [(2) Visa Issuance to Inadmissible Aliens.--The Secretary shall, on a semiannual basis, submit to the appropriate committees of the Congress a report describing every instance during the period covered by the report in which a consular post or the Visa Office of the Department of State issued an immigrant or nonimmigrant visa to an alien who is inadmissible to the United States based upon terrorist activity or failed to object to the issuance of an immigrant or nonimmigrant visa to an alien notwithstanding any such ground of inadmissibility. The report shall set forth the name and nationality of the alien, the issuing post, and a brief factual statement of the basis for issuance of the visa or the failure to object. The report may be submitted in classified or unclassified form.] * * * * * * * [SEC. 404. DECLASSIFICATION OF STATE DEPARTMENT RECORDS. (a) Deadline for Declassification.-- * * * * * * * [(e) Annual Reports by the Secretary.-- [(1) In General.--Not later than March 1 of each year, the Secretary shall submit a report to the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives on the compliance of the Department of State with the provisions of this title, including-- [(A) the volumes published in the previous calendar year; [(B) the degree to which the Department is not in compliancewith the deadline set forth in section 401(c); and [(C) the factors relevant to the inability of the Department to comply with the provisions of this title, including section 401(c). [(2) Form of Reports.--Each report required to be submitted by paragraph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified form, together with a classified annex if necessary.] * * * * * * * Subtitle D--Miscellaneous provisions SEC. 258. REPORT. (a) In General.-- * * * (b) Contents.--The report shall contain the following: [(1) The number of grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, contributions, or other form of assistance provided under section 252, with a listing of-- [(A) the amount of each grant, cooperative agreement, contract, contribution, or other form of assistance; [(B) the name of each recipient and each developing country with respect to which projects or activities under the grant, cooperative agreement, contract, contribution, or other form of assistance were carried out; and [(C) a listing of the number of countries receiving assistance authorized by section 252.] [(2)] (1) The results of the monitoring system required under section 253. [(3)] (2) The process of developing and applying poverty assessment procedures required under section 254. [(4)] (3) The estimated percentage of assistance furnished under section 252 that was allocated to the very poor based on the data collected using the certified methods required by section 254. [(5)] (4) The estimated number of the very poor reached with assistance provided under section 252. [(6) The amount of assistance provided under section 252 through central mechanisms. [(7) The name of each country that receives assistance under section 256 and the amount of such assistance. [(8) Information on the efforts of the Agency to ensure that recipients of United States microenterprise and microfinance development assistance work closely with nongovernmental organizations and foreign governments to identify and assist victims or potential victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons and women who are victims of or susceptible to other forms of exploitation and violence. [(9) Any additional information relating to the provision of assistance authorized by this title, including the use of the poverty measurement tools required by section 254, or additional information on assistance provided by the United States to support microenterprise development under this title or any other provision of law. [(10) An estimate of the percentage of beneficiaries of assistance under this title in countries where a strong relationship between poverty and race or ethnicity has been demonstrated. [(11) The level of funding provided through contracts, the level of funding provided through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements that is estimated to be subgranted or subcontracted, as the case may be, to direct service providers, and an analysis of the comparative cost-effectiveness and sustainability of projects carried out under these mechanisms.] * * * * * * * PART II Chapter 1--Policy [SEC. 549. HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT. [(a) In General.--Not later than March 1 of each year, the Secretary of State shall submit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report describing, to the extent practicable, any involvement of a foreign military or defense ministry civilian participant in education and training activities under this chapter in a violation of internationally recognized human rights reported under section 116(d) of this Act subsequent to such participation. [(b) Form.--The report described in subsection (a) shall be in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex.] * * * * * * * Sec. 620C. United States Policy Regarding the Eastern Mediterranean.-- (a) * * * * * * * * * * [(c) Because progress toward a Cyprus settlement is a high priority of United States policy in the Eastern Mediterranean, the President and the Congress shall continually review that progress and shall determine United States policy in the region accordingly. To facilitate such a review the President shall, within 60 days after the date of enactment of this section and at the end of each succeeding 60-day period, transmit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report on progress made toward the conclusion of a negotiated solution of the Cyprus problem. Such transmissions shall include any relevant reports prepared by the Secretary General of the United Nations for the Security Council.] * * * * * * * SEC. 620F. NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION POLICY IN SOUTH ASIA. (a) * * * * * * * * * * [(c) Report on Progress Toward Regional Non- Proliferation.--Not later than April 1 of each year, the President shall submit a report to the Committees on Appropriations, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, on nuclear proliferation in South Asia, including efforts taken by the United States to achieve a regional agreement on nuclear non-proliferation, and including a comprehensive list of the obstacles to concluding such a regional agreement.] deg. * * * * * * * SEC. [620J.] 620M LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE TO SECURITY FORCES. (a) In General.--* * * * * * * * * * (d) Credible Information.--* * * (1) * * * * * * * * * * (5) ensure that when vetting an individual for eligibility to receive United States training, equipment, or other types of assistance the individual's unit is also vetted; * * * * * * * [SEC. 655. ANNUAL MILITARY ASSISTANCE REPORT. [(a) Report Required.--Not later than February 1 of each year, the President shall transmit to the Congress an annual report for the fiscal year ending the previous September 30. [(b) Information Relating to Military Assistance and Military Exports.--Each such report shall show the aggregate dollar value and quantity of defense articles (including excess defense articles), defense services, and international military education and training activities authorized by the United States and of such articles, services, and activities provided by the United States, excluding any activity that is reportable under title V of the National Security Act of 1947, to each foreign country and international organization. The report shall specify, by category, whether such defense articles-- [(1) were furnished by grant under chapter 2 or chapter 5 of part II of this Act or under any other authority of law or by sale under chapter 2 of the Arms Export Control Act; [(2) were furnished with the financial assistance of the United States Government, including through loans and guarantees; or [(3) were licensed for export under section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act and, if so, a specification of those defense articles that were exported during the fiscal year covered by the report, including, in the case of defense articles that are firearms controlled under category I of the United States Munitions List, a statement of the aggregate dollar value and quantity of semiautomatic assault weapons, or spare parts for such weapons, the manufacture, transfer, or possession of which is unlawful under section 922 of title 18, United States Code, that were licensed for export during the period covered by the report. [(c) Availability on Internet.--All unclassified portions of such report shall be made available to the public on the Internet through the Department of State.] [SEC. 656. ANNUAL FOREIGN MILITARY TRAINING REPORT. [(a) Annual Report.-- [(1) In general.--Not later than January 31 of each year, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State shall jointly prepare and submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report on all military training provided to foreign military personnel by the Department of Defense and the Department of State during the previous fiscal year and all such training proposed for the current fiscal year. [(2) Exception for certain countries.--Paragraph (1) does not apply to any NATO member, Australia, Japan, or New Zealand, unless one of the appropriate congressional committees has specifically requested, in writing, inclusion of such country in the report. Such request shall be made not later than 90 calendar days prior to the date on which the report is required to be transmitted. [(b) Contents.--The report described in subsection (a) shall include the following: [(1) For each military training activity, the foreign policy justification and purpose for the activity, the number of foreign military personnel provided training and their units of operation, and the location of the training. [(2) For each country, the aggregate number of students trained and the aggregate cost of the military training activities. [(3) With respect to United States personnel, the operational benefits to United States forces derived from each military training activity and the United States military units involved in each activity. [(c) Form.--The report described in subsection (a) shall be in unclassified form but may include a classified annex. [(d) Availability on Internet.--All unclassified portions of the report described in subsection (a) shall be made available to the public on the Internet through the Department of State. [(e) Definition.--In this section, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- [(1) the Committee on Appropriations and the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives; and [(2) the Committee on Appropriations and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate.] deg. ------ FOREIGN OPERATIONS, EXPORT FINANCING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1990, PUBLIC LAW 101-167 ESTABLISHING CATEGORIES OF ALIENS FOR PURPOSES OF REFUGEE DETERMINATIONS Sec. 599D. (a) In General.-- * * * (b) Establishment of Categories.-- (1) * * * * * * * * * * (3) Within the number of admissions of refugees allocated for each of fiscal years 1990, 1991, and 1992 for refugees who are nationals of the Soviet Union under section 207(a)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act and within the number of such admissions allocated for each of fiscal years 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 [and 2012] 2012, and 2013 for refugees who are nationals of the independent states of the former Soviet Union, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania under such section, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the President shall allocate one thousand of such admissions for such fiscal year to refugees who are within the category of aliens described in paragraph (2)(B). * * * * * * * (e) Period of Application.-- (1) Subsections (a) and (b) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act [Nov. 21, 1989] and shall only apply to applications for refugee status submitted before [June 1, 2012] October 1, 2013. (2) Subsection (c) shall apply to decisions made after the date of the enactment of this Act and before [June 1, 2012] October 1, 2013. (3) Subsection (d) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act and shall only apply to reapplications for refugee status submitted before [June 1, 2012] October 1, 2013. * * * * * * * ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS FOR CERTAIN SOVIET AND INDOCHINESE PAROLEES Sec. 599E. (a) In General.-- * * * * * * * * * * (b) Aliens Eligible for Adjustment of Status.--The benefits provided in subsection (a) shall only apply to an alien who-- (1) * * * (2) was inspected and granted parole into the United States during the period beginning, on August 15, 1988, and ending or September 30, [2012] 2013, after being denied refugee status. ------ FOREIGN RELATIONS AUTHORIZATION ACT, FISCAL YEARS 1990 AND 1991 (PUBLIC LAW 101-246) TITLE VIII--PLO COMMITMENTS COMPLIANCE ACT OF 1989 SEC. 804. REPORTING REQUIREMENT. (a) * * * [(b) Report on Compliance With Commitments.--Beginning 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 120 days thereafter in which the dialogue between the United States and the PLO has not been discontinued, the President shall submit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report, in unclassified form to the maximum extent practicable, regarding progress toward the achievement of the measures described in section 803(b). Such report shall include-- [(1) a description of actions or statements by the PLO as an organization, its Chairman, members of its Executive Committee, members of the Palestine National Council, or any constituent groups related thereto, as they relate to the Geneva commitments of December 1988 regarding cessation of terrorism and recognition of Israel's right to exist, including actions or statements that contend that the declared ``Palestinian state'' encompasses all of Israel; [(2) a description of the steps, if any, taken by the PLO to evict or otherwise discipline individuals or groups taking actions inconsistent with the Geneva commitments; [(3) a statement of whether the PLO, in accordance with procedures in Article 33 of the Palestinian National Covenant, has repealed provisions in that Covenant which call for Israel's destruction; [(4) a statement of whether the PLO has repudiated its ``strategy of stages'' whereby it seeks to use a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza as the first step in the total elimination of the state of Israel; [(5) a statement of whether the PLO has called on any Arab state to recognize and enter direct negotiations with Israel or to end its economic boycott of Israel; [(6) a statement of whether ``Force 17'' and the ``Hawari Group'', units directed by Yasser Arafat that have carried out terrorist attacks, have been disbanded and not reconstituted under different names; [(7) a statement of whether the following PLO constituent groups conduct or participate in terrorist or other violent activities: the Fatah; the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine; the Arab Liberation Front; the Palestine Liberation Front; [(8) a statement of the PLO's position on the unrest in the West Bank and Gaza, and whether the PLO threatens, through violence or other intimidation measures, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza who advocate a cessation of or who do not support the unrest, and who might be receptive to taking part in elections there; [(9) a statement of the position of the PLO regarding the prosecution and extradition, if so requested, of known terrorists such as Abu Abbas, who directed the Achille Lauro hijacking during which Leon Klinghoffer was murdered, and Muhammed Rashid, implicated in the 1982 bombing of a PanAm jet and the 1986 bombing of a TWA jet in which four Americans were killed; and [(10) a statement of the position of the PLO on providing compensation to the American victims or the families of American victims of PLO terrorism.] ------ FOREIGN RELATIONS AUTHORIZATION ACT, FISCAL YEARS 1992 AND 1993 (PUBLIC LAW 102-138) TITLE I--DEPARTMENT OF STATE PART E--INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS [SEC. 181. EMPLOYMENT OF UNITED STATES CITIZENS BY CERTAIN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. [Not less than 180 days after enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the Congress concerning each international organization which had a geographic distribution formula in effect on January 1, 1991, of whether each such organization-- [(1) is taking good faith steps to increase the staffing of United States citizens; and [(2) has met its geographic distribution formula.] * * * * * * * TITLE IV--ARMS TRANSFERS RESTRAINT POLICY FOR THE MIDDLE EAST AND PERSIAN GULF REGION ``SEC. 404. REPORTS TO THE CONGRESS. ``(a) * * * * * * * * * * [``(c) Annual Reports on Transfers and Regional Military Balance.--Beginning July 15, 1992, and every 12 months thereafter, the President shall submit to the relevant congressional committees a report-- [``(1) documenting all transfers of conventional and unconventional arms by any nation to the Middle East and Persian Gulf region over the previous calendar year, including sources, types, and recipient nations of weapons; [``(2) analyzing the current military balance in the region, including the effect on the balance of transfer documented under paragraph (1); [``(3) describing the progress in implementing the purposes of the multilateral arms transfer and control regime as described in section 402(b); and [``(4) identifying supplier nations that have refused to participate in such a regime or that have engaged in conduct that violates or undermines such a regime.] ------ NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995 (PUBLIC LAW 103-337) DIVISION A--DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AUTHORIZATIONS TITLE X--GENERAL PROVISIONS Subtitle B--Counter-Drug Activities SEC. 1001. * * * * * * * * * * SEC. 1012. OFFICIAL IMMUNITY FOR AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES ENGAGED IN INTERDICTION OF AIRCRAFT USED IN ILLICIT DRUG TRAFFICKING. (a) * * * * * * * * * * [(c) Definitions.--For purposes of this section: [(1) The terms ``interdict'' and ``interdiction'', with respect to an aircraft, mean to damage, render inoperative, or destroy the aircraft. [(2) The term ``illicit drug trafficking'' means illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and other controlled substances, as such activities are described by any international narcotics control agreement to which the United States is a signatory, or by the domestic law of the country in whose territory or airspace the interdiction is occurring. [(3) The term ``assistance'' includes operational, training, intelligence, logistical, technical, and administrative assistance.] ------ OMNIBUS CONSOLIDATED APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1997 (PUBLIC LAW 104-208) DIVISION A * * * * * * * TITLE I--OMNIBUS APPROPRIATIONS Sec. 101. (a) * * * * * * * * * * (c) For programs, projects or activities in the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1997, provided as follows, to be effective as if it had been enacted into law as the regular appropriations Act: AN ACT Making appropriations for the foreign operations, export financing, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1997, and for other purposes. * * * * * * * TITLE V--GENERAL PROVISIONS * * * * * * * POLICY TOWARD BURMA Sec. 570. (a) * * * * * * * * * * [(d) Presidential Reports.--Every six months following the enactment of this Act, the President shall report to the Chairmen of the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on International Relations and the House and Senate Appropriations Committees on the following: [(1) progress toward democratization in Burma; [(2) progress on improving the quality of life of the Burmese people, including progress on market reforms, living standards, labor standards, use of forced labor in the tourism industry, and environmental quality; and [(3) progress made in developing the strategy referred to in subsection (c).] * * * * * * * [NORTH KOREA [Sec. 585. Ninety days after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 180 days thereafter, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, shall provide a report in a classified or unclassified form to the Committee on Appropriations including the following information: [(a) a best estimate on fuel used by the military forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK); [(b) the deployment position and military training and activities of the DPRK forces and best estimate of the associated costs of these activities; [(c) steps taken to reduce the DPRK level of forces; and [(d) cooperation, training, or exchanges of information, technology or personnel between the DPRK and any other nation supporting the development or deployment of a ballistic missile capability.] deg. ------ OMNIBUS CONSOLIDATED AND EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1999 (PUBLIC LAW 105-277) DIVISION A--OMNIBUS CONSOLIDATED APPROPRIATIONS TITLE IV--DEPARTMENT OF STATE AND RELATED AGENCIES RELATED AGENCIES General Provisions--Department of State and Related Agencies Sec. 410. (a)(1)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law and subject to subparagraph (B), the Secretary of State and the Attorney General shall impose, for the processing of any application for the issuance of a machine readable combined border crossing card and nonimmigrant visa under section 101(a)(15)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, [a fee of $13] a fee of not to exceed half the amount of the fee that would otherwise apply for processing a machine readable combined border crossing identification card and nonimmigrant visa, and may be increased not more than 50 percent in a fiscal year (for recovery of the costs of manufacturing the combined card and visa) in the case of any alien under 15 years of age where the application for the machine readable combined border crossing card and nonimmigrant visa is made in Mexico by a citizen of Mexico who has at least one parent or guardian who has a visa under such section or is applying for a machine readable combined border crossing card and nonimmigrant visa under such section as well. * * * * * * * TITLE V--GENERAL PROVISIONS * * * * * * * [NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL MONETARY AND FINANCIAL POLICIES [Sec. 583. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each annual report required by subsection 1701(a) of the International Financial Institutions Act, as amended (Public Law 95-118, 22 U.S.C. 262r), shall comprise-- [(1) an assessment of the effectiveness of the major policies and operations of the international financial institutions; [(2) the major issues affecting United States participation; [(3) the major developments in the past year; [(4) the prospects for the coming year; [(5) the progress made and steps taken to achieve United States policy goals (including major policy goals embodied in current law) with respect to the international financial institutions; and [(6) such data and explanations concerning the effectiveness, operations, and policies of the international financial institutions, such recommendations concerning the international financial institutions, and such other data and material as the Chairman may deem appropriate. [(b) The requirements of Sections 1602(e), 1603(c), 1604(c), and 1701(b) of the International Financial Institutions Act, as amended (Public Law 95-118, 22 U.S.C. 262p-1, 262p-2, 262p-3 and 262(r)), Section 2018(c) of the International Narcotics Control Act of 1986, as amended (Public Law 99-570, 22 U.S.C. 2291 note), Section 407(c) of the Foreign Debt Reserving Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-240, 22 U.S.C. 2291 note), Section 14(c) of the Inter-American Development Bank Act, as amended (Public Law 86-147, 22 U.S.C. 283j-1(c)), and Section 1002 of the Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets Support Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-511) (22 U.S.C. 286ll(b)) shall no longer apply to the contents of such annual reports.] ------ PUBLIC LAW 106-113 APPENDIX G--H.R. 3425 TITLE V--INTERNATIONAL DEBT RELIEF SEC. 501. ACTIONS TO PROVIDE BILATERAL DEBT RELIEF. (a) * * * * * * * * * * [(j) Annual Reports to the Congress.--Not later than December 31 of each year, the President shall prepare and transmit to the Committees on Banking and Financial Services, Appropriations, and International Relations of the House of Representatives, and the Committees on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Foreign Relations, and Appropriations of the Senate a report, which shall be made available to the public, concerning the cancellation of debt under subsection (a), and a detailed description of debt relief provided by the United States as a member of the Paris Club of Official Creditors for the prior fiscal year.] * * * * * * * SEC. 504. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. (a) Publication of IMF Operational Budgets.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund to use the voice, vote, and influence of the United States to urge vigorously the International Monetary Fund to publish the operational budgets of the International Monetary Fund, on [a quarterly] an annual basis, not later than one year after the end of the period covered by the budget. (b) Report to the Congress Showing Costs of United States Participation in the International Monetary Fund.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall prepare and transmit to the Committees on Banking and Financial Services, on Appropriations, and on International Relations of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, on Foreign Relations, and on Appropriations of the Senate [a quarterly basis ] an annual report, which shall be made readily available to the public, on the costs or benefits of United States participation in the International Monetary Fund and which shall detail the costs and benefits to the United States, as well as valuation gains or losses on the United States reserve position in the International Monetary Fund. * * * * * * * APPENDIX G--H.R. 3427 TITLE VII--INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMISSIONS * * * * * * * Subtitle B--United Nations Activities SEC. 721. UNITED NATIONS POLICY ON ISRAEL AND THE PALESTINIANS. (a) * * * [(c) Annual Reports.--On January 15 of each year, the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees (in classified or unclassified form as appropriate) on-- [(1) actions taken by representatives of the United States to encourage the nations of the Western Europe and Others Group (WEOG) to accept Israel into their regional bloc; [(2) other measures being undertaken, and which will be undertaken, to ensure and promote Israel's full and equal participation in the United Nations; and [(3) steps taken by the United States under subsection (b) to secure abolition by the United Nations of groups described in that subsection.] ------ NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION, FISCAL YEAR 2001 (PUBLIC LAW 106-398) DIVISION A--DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AUTHORIZATIONS TITLE XII--MATTERS RELATING TO OTHER NATIONS Subtitle B--Matters Relating to the Balkans [SEC. 1213. SEMIANNUAL REPORT ON KOSOVO PEACEKEEPING. [(a) Requirement for Periodic Report.--The President shall submit to the specified congressional committees a semiannual report on the contributions of European nations and organizations to the peacekeeping operations in Kosovo. The first such report shall be submitted not later than December 1, 2000. [(b) Content of Report.--Each report shall contain detailed information on the following: [(1) The commitments and pledges made by the European Commission, the member nations of the European Union, and the European member nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for-- [(A) reconstruction assistance in Kosovo; [(B) humanitarian assistance in Kosovo; [(C) the Kosovo Consolidated Budget; [(D) police (including special police) for the United Nations international police force for Kosovo; and [(E) military personnel for peacekeeping operations in Kosovo. [(2) The amount of the assistance that has been provided in each category, and the number of police and military personnel that have been deployed to Kosovo, by each organization or nation referred to in paragraph (1). [(3) The full range of commitments and responsibilities that have been undertaken for Kosovo by the United Nations, the European Union, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the progress made by those organizations in fulfilling those commitments and responsibilities, an assessment of the tasks that remain to be accomplished, and an anticipated schedule for completing those tasks. [(d) Specified Congressional Committees.--In the section, the term ``specified congressional committees'' means-- [(1) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and [(2) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on International Relations, and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives.] ------ ENHANCED BORDER SECURITY AND VISA ENTRY REFORM ACT, 2002, PUBLIC LAW 107-173 TITLE III--VISA ISSUANCE SEC. 304. TERRORIST LOOKOUT COMMITTEES. (a) Establishment.--The Secretary of State shall require a terrorist lookout committee to be maintained within each United States mission to a foreign country. * * * * * * * [(f) Reports to Congress.--The Secretary of State shall submit a report on a quarterly basis to the appropriate committees of Congress on the status of the committees established under subsection(a).] ------ FOREIGN RELATIONS AUTHORIZATION ACT, FISCAL YEAR 2003 (PUBLIC LAW 107- 228) DIVISION A--DEPARTMENT OF STATE AUTHORIZATION ACT, FISCAL YEAR 2003 TITLE VI--MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Subtitle B--Tibet Policy SEC. 613. TIBET NEGOTIATIONS. (a) * * * * * * * * * * [(b) Periodic Reports..--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 12 months thereafter, the President shall transmit to the appropriate congressional committees a report on-- [(1) the steps taken by the President and the Secretary in accordance with subsection (a)(1); and [(2) the status of any discussions between the People's Republic of China and the Dalai Lama or his representatives.] * * * * * * * Subtitle G--Other Matters [SEC. 702. ANNUAL REPORTS ON UNITED STATES-VIETNAM HUMAN RIGHTS DIALOGUE MEETINGS. [Not later than December 31 of each year or 60 days after the second United States-Vietnam human rights dialogue meeting held in a calendar year, whichever is earlier, the Secretary shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report covering the issues discussed at the previous two meetings and describing to what extent the Government of Vietnam has made progress during the calendar year toward achieving the following objectives: [(1) Improving the Government of Vietnam's commercial and criminal codes to bring them into conformity with international standards, including the repeal of the Government of Vietnam's administrative detention decree (Directive 31/CP). [(2) Releasing political and religious activists who have been imprisoned or otherwise detained by the Government of Vietnam, and ceasing surveillance and harassment of those who have been released. [(3) Ending official restrictions on religious activity, including implementing the recommendations of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Religious Intolerance. [(4) Promoting freedom for the press, including freedom of movement of members of the Vietnamese and foreign press. [(5) Improving prison conditions and providing transparency in the penal system of Vietnam, including implementing the recommendations of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. [(6) Respecting the basic rights of indigenous minority groups, especially in the central and northern highlands of Vietnam. [(7) Respecting the basic rights of workers, including working with the International Labor Organization to improve mechanisms for promoting such rights. [(8) Cooperating with requests by the United States to obtain full and free access to persons who may be eligible for admission to the United States as refugees or immigrants, and allowing such persons to leave Vietnam without being subjected to extortion or other corrupt practices.] ------ SUDAN PEACE ACT (PUBLIC LAW 107-245) [SEC. 8. REPORTING REQUIREMENT. [Not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of State shall prepare and submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report regarding the conflict in Sudan. Such report shall include-- [(1) a description of the sources and current status of Sudan's financing and construction of infrastructure and pipelines for oil exploitation, the effects of such financing and construction on the inhabitants of the regions in which the oil fields are located, and the ability of the Government of Sudan to finance the war in Sudan with the proceeds of the oil exploitation; [(2) a description of the extent to which that financing was secured in the United States or with involvement of United States citizens; [(3) the best estimates of the extent of aerial bombardment by the Government of Sudan, including targets, frequency, and best estimates of damage; and [(4) a description of the extent to which humanitarian relief has been obstructed or manipulated by the Government of Sudan or other forces.] * * * * * * * SEC. 11. INVESTIGATION OF WAR CRIMES. (a) * * * [(b) Report.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary of State shall prepare and submit to the appropriate congressional committees a detailed report on the information that the Secretary of State has collected under subsection (a) and any findings or determinations made by the Secretary on the basis of that information. The report under this subsection may be submitted as part of the report required under section 8.] deg. ------ EMERGENCY WARTIME SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2003, PUBLIC LAW 108-11 TITLE I--WAR-RELATED APPROPRIATIONS CHAPTER 5 OTHER BILATERAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE Loan Guarantees to Israel During the period beginning March 1, 2003, and ending September 30, 2005, loan guarantees may be made available to Israel, guaranteeing 100 percent of the principal and interest on such loans, the principal amount, any part of which is to be guaranteed, not to exceed $9,000,000,000, of which up to $3,000,000,000 may be issued prior to October 1, [2011] 2015, or thereafter and of which $3,000,000,000 may be issued subsequent to September 30, 2004: Provided, That such guarantees shall constitute obligations, in accordance with the terms of such guarantees, of the United States and the full faith and credit of the United States is hereby pledged for the full payment and performance of such obligations: Provided further, That if less than the full amount of guarantees authorized to be made available is issued prior to September 30, [2011] 2015, the authority to issue the balance of such guarantees shall extend to the subsequent fiscal year: Provided further, That guarantees may be issued under this section only to support activities in the geographic areas which were subject to the administration of the Government of Israel before June 5, 1967: ------ CONSOLIDATED APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2008, PUBLIC LAW 110-161 MULTILATERAL DEVELOPMENT BANKS Sec. 699H. (a) World Bank Inspection Panel.-- * * * * * * * (b) Authorizations.-- (1) Section 501(i) of title V of H.R. 3425 as enacted into law by section 1000(a)(5) of Public Law 106-113, as amended by section 591(b) of division D of Public Law 108-447, is further amended by striking ``fiscal'' and all that follows through ``which'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``fiscal years [2000-2010] 2000-2015, which''. ------ deg. CONSOLIDATED APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2012, PUBLIC LAW 112-74 DIVISION I--DEPARTMENT OF STATE, FOREIGN OPERATIONS, AND RELATED PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2012 TITLE III BILATERAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE Funds Appropriated to the President ECONOMIC SUPPORT FUND (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) For necessary expenses to carry out the provisions of chapter 4 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, $3,001,745,000, to remain available until September 30, 2013: Provided, That of the funds appropriated under this heading, $250,000,000 shall be available for assistance for Egypt, including not less than $35,000,000 for education programs of which not less than $10,000,000 is for scholarships at not-for- profit institutions for Egyptian students with high financial need, and to implement section 7041(a)(3) and (b) of this Act: Provided further, That funds appropriated under this heading that are made available for assistance for Cyprus shall be used only for scholarships, administrative support of the scholarship program, bicommunal projects, and measures aimed at reunification of the island and designed to reduce tensions and promote peace and cooperation between the two communities on Cyprus: Provided further, That $12,000,000 of the funds made available for assistance for Lebanon under this heading shall be for scholarships at not-for-profit institutions for students in Lebanon with high financial need: Provided further, That of the funds appropriated under this heading, not less than $360,000,000 shall be available for assistance for Jordan: Provided further, That up to [$30,000,000 of the funds appropriated for fiscal year 2011 under this heading in Public Law 112-10, division B] $60,000,000 of the funds appropriated under this heading in titles III and VIII in this Act and in prior Acts making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs, may be made available for the costs, as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, of loan guarantees for Tunisia, which are authorized to be provided: * * * * * * * TITLE VII GENERAL PROVISIONS PROCUREMENT REFORM Sec. 7077. (a) Local Competition.--* * * (b) * * * (1) * * * * * * * * * * [(3) either is-- [(A) majority owned by individuals who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of; or [(B) managed by a governing body the majority of whom are citizens or lawful permanent residents of; [a country receiving assistance from funds appropriated undertitle III of this Act.] (3) either is-- (A) a for-profit entity majority owned and operated by individuals who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of; or (B) a non-profit entity majority operated and managed by individuals who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of; a country receiving assistance from funds appropriated under title III of this Act. BUDGETARY IMPACT OF BILL PREPARED IN CONSULTATION WITH THE CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE PURSUANT TO SEC. 308(a), PUBLIC LAW 93-344, AS AMENDED [In millions of dollars] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Budget authority Outlays --------------------------------------------------- Committee Amount in Committee Amount in allocation bill allocation bill ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparison of amounts in the bill with Committee allocations spending guidance deg. to its subcommittees of amounts in the Budget Resolution for 2013: Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Mandatory............................................... 159 159 159 \1\ 159 Discretionary........................................... 49,843 52,136 52,731 \1\ 53,454 Security............................................ ........... ........... NA NA Nonsecurity......................................... 49,843 52,136 NA NA Projections of outlays associated with the recommendation: 2013.................................................... ........... ........... ........... \2\ 23,169 2014.................................................... ........... ........... ........... 14,200 2015.................................................... ........... ........... ........... 8,135 2016.................................................... ........... ........... ........... 3,670 2017 and future years................................... ........... ........... ........... 3,011 Financial assistance to State and local governments for NA ........... NA ........... 2013....................................................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \1\ There is no section 302(a) allocation to the Committee on Appropriations for fiscal year 2013. deg. \1\ Includes outlays from prior-year budget authority. \2\ Excludes outlays from prior-year budget authority. NA: Not applicable. Consistent with the funding recommended in the bill for overseas contingency operations and in accordance with section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii) of the BBEDCA and section 106 of the Deficit Control Act of 2011, the Committee anticipates that the Budget Committee will file a revised section 302(a) allocation for the Committee on Appropriations reflecting an upward adjustment of $2,293,000,000 in budget authority plus associated outlays. DISCLOSURE OF CONGRESSIONALLY DIRECTED SPENDING ITEMS The Constitution vests in the Congress the power of the purse. The Committee believes strongly that Congress should make the decisions on how to allocate the people's money. As defined in Rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Senate, the term ``congressional directed spending item'' means a provision or report language included primarily at the request of a Senator, providing, authorizing, or recommending a specific amount of discretionary budget authority, credit authority, or other spending authority for a contract, loan, loan guarantee, grant, loan authority, or other expenditure with or to an entity, or targeted to a specific State, locality or congressional district, other than through a statutory or administrative, formula-driven, or competitive award process. For each item, a Member is required to provide a certification that neither the Member nor the Senator's immediate family has a pecuniary interest in such congressionally directed spending item. Such certifications are available to the public on the website of the Senate Committee on Appropriations (www.appropriations.senate.gov/senators.cfm). Neither the Committee recommendation nor this report contains any congressionally directed spending items, limited tax benefits, nor limited tariff benefits as defined in rule XLIV. deg. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF NEW BUDGET (OBLIGATIONAL) AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012 AND BUDGET ESTIMATES AND AMOUNTS RECOMMENDED IN THE BILL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013 [In thousands of dollars] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senate Committee recommendation compared with (+ or -) Item 2012 Budget House allowance Committee ----------------------------------------------------- appropriation estimate recommendation 2012 Budget House appropriation estimate allowance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- TITLE I--DEPARTMENT OF STATE AND RELATED AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF STATE Administration of Foreign AffairsDiplomatic and consular 5,195,947 5,640,151 6,009,000 +813,053 +368,849 programs..................... Worldwide security 1,355,000 1,428,468 1,428,468 +73,468 ................ protection............... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal, Diplomatic and 6,550,947 7,068,619 7,437,468 +886,521 +368,849 consular programs......Conflict stabilization ................ 56,500 ................ ................ -56,500 operations................... Capital investment fund....... 59,380 83,300 90,000 +30,620 +6,700 Office of Inspector General... 61,904 65,622 67,000 +5,096 +1,378 Educational and cultural 583,200 586,957 625,000 +41,800 +38,043 exchange programs............ Representation allowances..... 7,300 7,484 7,300 ................ -184 Protection of foreign missions 27,000 28,200 35,000 +8,000 +6,800 and officials................ Embassy security, 762,000 948,925 948,925 +186,925 ................ construction, and maintenance Worldwide security 775,000 688,799 688,799 -86,201 ................ upgrades................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal, Embassy 1,537,000 1,637,724 1,637,724 +100,724 ................ security...............Emergencies in the diplomatic 9,300 9,500 9,500 +200 ................ and consular service.........Repatriation Loans Program Account: Direct loans subsidy...... 737 1,089 1,089 +352 ................ Administrative expenses... 710 711 711 +1 ................ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal, Repatriation 1,447 1,800 1,800 +353 ................ loans program account..Payment to the American 21,108 37,200 37,200 +16,092 ................ Institute in Taiwan.......... Payment to the Foreign Service 158,900 158,900 158,900 ................ ................ Retirement and Disability Fund......................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, Administration of 9,017,486 9,741,806 10,106,892 +1,089,406 +365,086 Foreign Affairs........ International OrganizationsContributions to international 1,449,700 1,570,005 1,389,737 -59,963 -180,268 organizations, current year assessment................... Contributions for 1,828,182 2,098,500 2,006,500 +178,318 -92,000 international peacekeeping activities, current year assessment................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, International 3,277,882 3,668,505 3,396,237 +118,355 -272,268 Organizations.......... International CommissionsInternational Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico: Salaries and expenses..... 44,722 46,700 46,700 +1,978 ................ Construction.............. 31,453 30,400 31,500 +47 +1,100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal, Boundary and 76,175 77,100 78,200 +2,025 +1,100 Water Commission.......American sections, 11,687 12,200 13,500 +1,813 +1,300 international commissions.... International fisheries 36,300 32,800 40,700 +4,400 +7,900 commissions.................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, International 124,162 122,100 132,400 +8,238 +10,300 commissions............ RELATED AGENCY Broadcasting Board of GovernorsInternational broadcasting 740,100 711,558 724,200 -15,900 +12,642 operations................... Broadcasting capital 7,030 8,591 8,850 +1,820 +259 improvements................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, Broadcasting 747,130 720,149 733,050 -14,080 +12,901 Board of Governors..... Related ProgramsThe Asia Foundation........... 17,000 15,400 17,000 ................ +1,600 United States Institute of 30,589 37,400 38,225 +7,636 +825 Peace, Operating expenses.... Center for Middle Eastern- 840 798 798 -42 ................ Western dialogue............. Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship 500 449 449 -51 ................ program...................... Israeli Arab scholarship 375 374 374 -1 ................ program...................... East-West Center.............. 16,700 10,800 16,700 ................ +5,900 National Endowment for 117,764 104,000 236,000 +118,236 +132,000 Democracy.................... International Center, ................ 5,970 5,970 +5,970 ................ Washington, DC............... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, Related programs. 183,768 175,191 315,516 +131,748 +140,325 OTHER COMMISSIONS Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage AbroadSalaries and expenses......... 634 602 634 ................ +32 Commission on International Religious FreedomSalaries and expenses......... 3,000 3,500 3,250 +250 -250 Commission on Security and Cooperation in EuropeSalaries and expenses......... 2,715 2,579 2,579 -136 ................ Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Republic of ChinaSalaries and expenses......... 1,996 2,000 1,996 ................ -4 United States--China Economic and Security Review CommissionSalaries and expenses......... 3,493 3,500 3,493 ................ -7 ========================================================================================================================= Total, title I, 13,362,266 14,439,932 14,696,047 +1,333,781 +256,115 Department of State and Related Agency......... ========================================================================================================================= TITLE II--ADMINISTRATION OF FOREIGN ASSISTANCE Funds Appropriated to the President United States Agency for International DevelopmentOperating expenses of the U.S. 1,092,300 1,263,045 1,281,100 +188,800 +18,055 Agency for International Development [USAID].......... Capital Investment Fund....... 129,700 134,900 140,000 +10,300 +5,100 Operating expenses of the U.S. 46,500 50,500 51,000 +4,500 +500 Agency for International Development Office of Inspector General............ ========================================================================================================================= Total, title II, 1,268,500 1,448,445 1,472,100 +203,600 +23,655 Administration of Foreign Assistance..... ========================================================================================================================= TITLE III--BILATERAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE Funds Appropriated to the PresidentGlobal Health Initiative: Global Health Initiative.. ................ ................. ................ ................ ................ U.S. Agency for 2,625,000 2,504,000 2,928,968 +303,968 +424,968 International Development Department of State....... 5,542,860 5,350,000 5,550,000 +7,140 +200,000 (Global fund (1,050,000) (1,650,000) (1,650,000) (+600,000) ................ contribution)........ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal, Global 8,167,860 7,854,000 8,478,968 +311,108 +624,968 Health and Child Survival...........Development assistance........ 2,519,950 2,525,500 3,050,000 +530,050 +524,500 (Transfer out)............ (-40,000) (-40,000) (-40,000) ................ ................ International disaster 825,000 960,000 1,250,000 +425,000 +290,000 assistance................... Transition initiatives........ 50,141 57,600 59,000 +8,859 +1,400 Complex Crisis fund........... 10,000 50,000 50,000 +40,000 ................Development Credit Authority: (By transfer)............. (40,000) (40,000) (40,000) ................ ................ Administrative expenses... 8,300 8,200 8,200 -100 ................Economic Support Fund: Egypt..................... 250,000 250,000 250,000 ................ ................ Other..................... 2,751,745 4,598,571 4,274,332 +1,522,587 -324,239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, Economic Support 3,001,745 4,848,571 4,524,332 +1,522,587 -324,239 Fund...................Democracy Fund................ 114,770 ................. 230,000 +115,230 +230,000 Middle East and North Africa ................ 770,000 1,000,000 +1,000,000 +230,000 incentive fund............... Assistance for Europe, 626,718 ................. ................ -626,718 ................ Eurasia, and Central Asia.... Department of StateMigration and refugee 1,639,100 1,625,400 2,300,000 +660,900 +674,600 assistance................... United States Emergency 27,200 50,000 50,000 +22,800 ................ Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund.............. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, Department of 1,666,300 1,675,400 2,350,000 +683,700 +674,600 State.................. Independent AgenciesPeace Corps................... 375,000 374,500 400,000 +25,000 +25,500 Millenium Challenge 898,200 898,200 898,200 ................ ................ Corporation.................. Inter-American Foundation..... 22,500 18,100 23,500 +1,000 +5,400 African Development Foundation 30,000 24,000 31,000 +1,000 +7,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, Independent 1,325,700 1,314,800 1,352,700 +27,000 +37,900 Agencies............... Department of the TreasuryInternational Affairs 25,448 25,448 29,000 +3,552 +3,552 Technical Assistance......... Debt restructuring............ 12,000 250,000 ................ -12,000 -250,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, Department of the 37,448 275,448 29,000 -8,448 -246,448 Treasury............... ========================================================================================================================= Total, title III, 18,353,932 20,339,519 22,382,200 +4,028,268 +2,042,681 Bilateral economic assistance............. Appropriations...... (18,353,932) (20,339,519) (22,382,200) (+4,028,268) (+2,042,681) (By transfer)........... (40,000) (40,000) (40,000) ................ ................ ========================================================================================================================= TITLE IV--INTERNATIONAL SECURITY ASSISTANCE Department of StateInternational narcotics 1,061,100 1,456,502 1,484,620 +423,520 +28,118 control and law enforcement.. Nonproliferation, anti- 590,113 635,668 695,668 +105,555 +60,000 terrorism, demining, and related programs............. Peacekeeping operations....... 302,818 249,100 391,100 +88,282 +142,000 Funds Appropriated to the PresidentInternational Military 105,788 102,643 103,018 -2,770 +375 Education and Training.......Foreign Military Financing Program: Grants: Israel................ 3,075,000 3,100,000 3,100,000 +25,000 ................ Egypt................. 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 ................ ................ Other................. 835,000 1,072,320 1,449,820 +614,820 +377,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subotal, Foreign 5,210,000 5,472,320 5,849,820 +639,820 +377,500 Military Financing Program............Pakistan Counterinsurgency ................ ................. 50,000 +50,000 +50,000 Capability Fund..............Global security contingency ................ 25,000 25,000 +25,000 ................ fund......................... ========================================================================================================================= Total, title IV, 7,269,819 7,941,233 8,599,226 +1,329,407 +657,993 International Security assistance............. ========================================================================================================================= TITLE V--MULTILATERAL ASSISTANCE Funds Appropriated to the PresidentInternational organizations 348,705 327,300 375,000 +26,295 +47,700 and programs................. International Financial Institutions World Bank GroupContribution to the Clean 184,630 185,000 300,000 +115,370 +115,000 Technology Fund.............. Contribution to the Strategic 49,900 50,000 100,000 +50,100 +50,000 Climate Fund.................The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD]: Contribution to the IBRD 117,364 186,957 186,957 +69,593 ................ paid-in capital.......... (Limitation on callable (2,928,991) (2,928,991) (2,928,991) ................ ................ capital)................. Global Environment 89,820 129,400 139,400 +49,580 +10,000 Facility................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal, IBRD.......... 207,184 316,357 326,357 +119,173 +10,000Contribution to the 1,325,000 1,358,500 1,358,500 +33,500 ................ International Development Association.................. Multilateral debt relief 167,000 ................. 50,000 -117,000 +50,000 initiative................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, World Bank Group. 1,933,714 1,909,857 2,134,857 +201,143 +225,000Contribution to the Enterprise 25,000 ................. 25,726 +726 +25,726 for the Americas Multilateral Investment Fund.............. Contribution to the Inter- 75,000 102,020 113,500 +38,500 +11,480 American Development Bank paid-in capital.............. (Limitation on callable (4,098,795) (4,098,795) (4,098,795) ................ ................ capital)................. Inter-American Development 4,670 ................. ................ -4,670 ................ Bank, Inter-American Investment Corporation... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal, Inter-American 79,670 102,020 113,500 +33,830 +11,480 Development Bank.......Contribution to the Asian 100,000 115,250 115,250 +15,250 ................ Development Fund............. Asian development bank paid-in 106,586 106,799 106,799 +213 ................ capital...................... (Limitation on callable (2,558,049) (2,558,049) (2,558,049) ................ ................ capital).................Contribution to the African Development Bank: Paid-in capital........... 32,418 32,418 32,418 ................ ................ (Limitation on callable (507,861) (507,861) (507,861) ................ ................ capital)................. Contribution to the 172,500 195,000 195,000 +22,500 ................ African Development Fund. Multilateral debt relief 7,500 ................. 15,150 +7,650 +15,150 initiative............... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal, African 212,418 227,418 242,568 +30,150 +15,150 Development Bank.......European Bank for (1,252,332) ................. ................ (-1,252,332) ................ Reconstruction and Development (limitation on callable capital)............ Contribution to the 30,000 30,000 32,243 +2,243 +2,243 International Fund for Agricultural Development..... Global agriculture and food 135,000 134,000 200,000 +65,000 +66,000 security program............. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, International 2,622,388 2,625,344 2,970,943 +348,555 +345,599 Financial Institutions. ========================================================================================================================= Total, title V, 2,971,093 2,952,644 3,345,943 +374,850 +393,299 Multilateral assistance (Limitation on (11,346,028) (10,093,696) (10,093,696) (-1,252,332) ................ callable capital).. ========================================================================================================================= TITLE VI--EXPORT AND INVESTMENT ASSISTANCE Export-Import Bank of the United StatesSubsidy appropriation......... 58,000 38,000 38,000 -20,000 ................ Administrative expenses....... 89,900 103,900 103,900 +14,000 ................ Inspector General............. 4,000 4,400 4,400 +400 ................ Offsetting collections........ -417,900 -505,400 -505,400 -87,500 ................ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, Export-Import -266,000 -359,100 -359,100 -93,100 ................ Bank of the United States................. Overseas Private Investment CorporationNoncredit account: Administrative expenses... 54,990 60,784 60,784 +5,794 ................ Insurance fees and other -277,000 -283,900 -283,900 -6,900 ................ offsetting collections... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal................ -222,010 -223,116 -223,116 -1,106 ................Program account............... 25,000 31,000 31,000 +6,000 ................ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total, Overseas Private -197,010 -192,116 -192,116 +4,894 ................ Investment Corporation. Funds Appropriated to the PresidentTrade and Development Agency.. 50,000 57,600 57,600 +7,600 ................ ========================================================================================================================= Total, title VI, Export -413,010 -493,616 -493,616 -80,606 ................ and investment assistance............. ========================================================================================================================= TITLE VII--GENERAL PROVISIONSExport Import Bank--Balances -400,000 ................. ................ +400,000 ................ (Rescission) (section 2118 (a))......................... ESF--debt restructuring ................ ................. ................ ................ ................ section 7043(j)(2)(by transfer).................... Section 7034, section 7066 ................ ................. ................ ................ ................ Tunisia and prison conditions Diplomatic and consular -13,700 ................. ................ +13,700 ................ programs (rescission)........ Economic Support Funds -100,000 ................. ................ +100,000 ................ (rescission)................. SDAF Transfer (section -100,000 ................. ................ +100,000 ................ 7083(a))..................... SDAF Obligation Limitation 100,000 ................. ................ -100,000 ................ (section 7083(b))............ ========================================================================================================================= Total, title VII, -513,700 ................. ................ +513,700 ................ General Provisions..... Appropriations........ ................ ................. ................ ................ ................ Rescissions........... (-513,700) ................. ................ (+513,700) ................ ========================================================================================================================= TITLE VIII--OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY OPERATIONSDiplomatic and consular 4,389,064 4,311,745 1,426,000 -2,963,064 -2,885,745 programs [OCO]............... (Worldwide security (236,201) (721,527) (651,000) (+414,799) (-70,527) protection).............. (Transfer to other (-230,000) (-150,000) (-100,000) (+130,000) (+50,000) agencies)................ Conflict stabilization 8,500 ................. ................ -8,500 ................ operations................... Office of Inspector General 67,182 49,901 55,900 -11,282 +5,999 [OCO]........................ Education and cultural 15,600 ................. ................ -15,600 ................ exchange programs [OCO]...... Embassy security, 33,000 ................. ................ -33,000 ................ construction, and maintenance Contributions to international 101,300 ................. 101,300 ................ +101,300 organizations [OCO].......... Broadcasting board of 4,400 ................. ................ -4,400 ................ governors [OCO].............. United States Institute of 8,411 ................. ................ -8,411 ................ Peace [USIP] [OCO]........... Operating expenses of USAID 255,000 84,000 109,800 -145,200 +25,800 [OCO]........................ Operating expenses of USAID 4,500 ................. ................ -4,500 ................ International Development: OIG [OCO].................... International Disaster 150,000 ................. ................ -150,000 ................ Assistance [OCO]............. Transition Initiatives [OCO].. 6,554 ................. ................ -6,554 ................ Complex Crises fund........... 30,000 ................. ................ -30,000 ................ Economic Support Fund [OCO]... 2,761,462 1,037,871 600,000 -2,161,462 -437,871 Migration and Refugee 229,000 ................. ................ -229,000 ................ assistance [MRA] [OCO]....... International Affairs 1,552 ................. ................ -1,552 ................ Technical Assistance......... International narcotics 983,605 1,050,000 ................ -983,605 -1,050,000 control and law enforcement [OCO]........................ Nonproliferation, Anti- 120,657 ................. ................ -120,657 ................ terrorism, Demining, and Related programs [NADR] [OCO] Peacekeeping Operations [PKO] 81,000 ................. ................ -81,000 ................ [OCO]........................ Foreign Military Financing 1,102,000 911,000 ................ -1,102,000 -911,000 program [OCO]................ Pakistan Counterinsurgency 850,000 800,000 ................ -850,000 -800,000 Capability Fund [OCO]........ ========================================================================================================================= Total, title VIII--OCO.. 11,202,787 8,244,517 2,293,000 -8,909,787 -5,951,517 ========================================================================================================================= Grand total............. 53,501,687 54,872,674 52,294,900 -1,206,787 -2,577,774 Appropriations...... (42,812,600) (46,628,157) (50,001,900) (+7,189,300) (+3,373,743) Overseas contingency (11,202,787) (8,244,517) (2,293,000) (-8,909,787) (-5,951,517) operations......... Rescissions......... (-513,700) ................. ................ (+513,700) ................ (By transfer)........... (40,000) (40,000) (40,000) ................ ................ (Limitation on callable (11,346,028) (10,093,696) (10,093,696) (-1,252,332) ................ capital)............... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------