[House Report 113-251]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

113th Congress                                                   Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 1st Session                                                    113-251


                         AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES


  October 22, 2013.--Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be 


               Mr. Webster, from the Committee on Rules, 
                        submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                       [To accompany H. Res. 385]

    The Committee on Rules, having had under consideration 
House Resolution 385, by a nonrecord vote, report the same to 
the House with the recommendation that the resolution be 


    The resolution provides for consideration of H.R. 3080, the 
Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013, under a 
structured rule. The resolution provides one hour of general 
debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking 
minority member of the Committee on Transportation and 
Infrastructure. The resolution waives all points of order 
against consideration of the bill.
    Section 2 of the resolution makes in order as original text 
for purpose of amendment an amendment in the nature of a 
substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 113-
24 and provides that it shall be considered as read. The 
resolution waives all points of order against that amendment in 
the nature of a substitute. The resolution makes in order only 
those further amendments printed in this report and amendments 
en bloc described in section 3 of the resolution. Each 
amendment printed in this report may be offered only in the 
order printed in this report, may be offered only by a Member 
designated in this report, shall be considered as read, shall 
be debatable for the time specified in this report equally 
divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall 
not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a 
demand for division of the question in the House or in the 
Committee of the Whole. The resolution waives all points of 
order against the amendments printed in this report or against 
amendments en bloc as described in section 3 of the resolution.
    Section 3 of the resolution provides that it shall be in 
order at any time for the chair of the Committee on 
Transportation and Infrastructure or his designee to offer 
amendments en bloc consisting of amendments printed in this 
report not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be 
considered as read, shall be debatable for 10 minutes equally 
divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member 
of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure or their 
designees, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be 
subject to a demand for division of the question in the House 
or the Committee of the Whole. The original proponent of an 
amendment included in such amendments en bloc may insert a 
statement in the Congressional Record immediately before the 
disposition of the amendments en bloc.
    Section 4 of the resolution provides one motion to recommit 
with or without instructions.

                         EXPLANATION OF WAIVERS

    The waiver of all points of order against consideration of 
the bill includes a waiver of clause 4(a) of rule XIII, which 
prohibits consideration of legislation in the House until the 
third calendar day on which each report of a committee on that 
measure or matter has been available to Members, Delegates and 
the Resident Commissioner. The Committee on Transportation and 
Infrastructure filed its report on October 21, 2013, but the 
report was not made electronically available in its complete 
form until October 22, 2013.
    Although the resolution waives all points of order against 
the amendment in the nature of a substitute made in order as 
original text, the Committee is not aware of any points of 
order. The waiver is prophylactic in nature.
    Although the resolution waives all points of order against 
the amendments printed in this report or against amendments en 
bloc as described in section 3 of the resolution, the Committee 
is not aware of any points of order. The waiver is prophylactic 
in nature.

                            COMMITTEE VOTES

    The results of each record vote on an amendment or motion 
to report, together with the names of those voting for and 
against, are printed below:

Rules Committee record vote No. 84

    Motion by Ms. Slaughter to report an open rule. Defeated: 

                Majority Members                      Vote               Minority Members               Vote
Ms. Foxx........................................          Nay   Ms. Slaughter.....................          Yea
Mr. Bishop of Utah..............................          Nay   Mr. McGovern......................
Mr. Cole........................................          Nay   Mr. Hastings of Florida...........          Yea
Mr. Woodall.....................................          Nay   Mr. Polis.........................
Mr. Nugent......................................
Mr. Webster.....................................          Nay
Ms. Ros-Lehtinen................................
Mr. Burgess.....................................          Nay
Mr. Sessions, Chairman..........................          Nay

Rules Committee record vote No. 85

    Motion by Ms. Slaughter to make in order and provide the 
appropriate waivers for amendment #24, offered by Rep. Hahn 
(CA), which takes the receipts and disbursements of the Harbor 
Maintenance Trust Fund ``off budget,'' and makes the full 
amount of the Harbor Maintenance tax collected each year 
available to the Army Corps of Engineers to be spent on ports 
without further appropriation. Defeated: 2-7.

                Majority Members                      Vote               Minority Members               Vote
Ms. Foxx........................................          Nay   Ms. Slaughter.....................          Yea
Mr. Bishop of Utah..............................          Nay   Mr. McGovern......................
Mr. Cole........................................          Nay   Mr. Hastings of Florida...........          Yea
Mr. Woodall.....................................          Nay   Mr. Polis.........................
Mr. Nugent......................................
Mr. Webster.....................................          Nay
Ms. Ros-Lehtinen................................
Mr. Burgess.....................................          Nay
Mr. Sessions, Chairman..........................          Nay

Rules Committee record vote No. 86

    Motion by Ms. Slaughter to make in order and provide the 
appropriate waivers for amendment #46, offered by Rep. Brown 
(FL) and Rep. Frankel (FL) and Rep. Wilson (FL) and Rep. 
Roybal-Allard (CA) and Rep. Hastings (FL) and Rep. Wasserman 
Schultz (FL) and Rep. Garcia (FL) and Rep. Crenshaw (FL) and 
Rep. Posey (FL) and Rep. Murphy (FL), which authorizes projects 
that receive a final Chief of Engineers Report up to one year 
following enactment of the bill. Defeated: 2-7.

                Majority Members                      Vote               Minority Members               Vote
Ms. Foxx........................................          Nay   Ms. Slaughter.....................          Yea
Mr. Bishop of Utah..............................          Nay   Mr. McGovern......................
Mr. Cole........................................          Nay   Mr. Hastings of Florida...........          Yea
Mr. Woodall.....................................          Nay   Mr. Polis.........................
Mr. Nugent......................................
Mr. Webster.....................................          Nay
Ms. Ros-Lehtinen................................
Mr. Burgess.....................................          Nay
Mr. Sessions, Chairman..........................          Nay

Rules Committee record vote No. 87

    Motion by Mr. Hastings of Florida to make in order and 
provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #69, offered by 
Rep. Polis (CO), which requires the Government Accountability 
Office to carry out a study evaluating why the Olmsted Project 
has exceeded the budget for the project and reasons the project 
failed to be completed as scheduled, as well as a list of 
contract recipients, including the number of women and veteran 
owned businesses. Defeated: 2-7.

                Majority Members                      Vote               Minority Members               Vote
Ms. Foxx........................................          Nay   Ms. Slaughter.....................          Yea
Mr. Bishop of Utah..............................          Nay   Mr. McGovern......................
Mr. Cole........................................          Nay   Mr. Hastings of Florida...........          Yea
Mr. Woodall.....................................          Nay   Mr. Polis.........................
Mr. Nugent......................................
Mr. Webster.....................................          Nay
Ms. Ros-Lehtinen................................
Mr. Burgess.....................................          Nay
Mr. Sessions, Chairman..........................          Nay


    1. Shuster (PA), Gibbs (OH), Rahall (WV), Bishop, Tim (NY): 
MANAGERS Adds a new section that provides for expediting the 
completion of any on-going feasibility study for a project 
initiated prior to enactment and clarifies that the Corps of 
Engineers is authorized to move to preconstruction planning, 
engineering, and design activities immediately after completing 
a feasibility study. Amends Section 107 of H.R. 3080 to add a 
savings clause to ensure work carried out under an existing 
statute related to navigation that is repealed in H.R. 3080 can 
continue if initiated prior to enactment. Adds a new section 
providing non-Federal interests the ability to carry out work 
at their own expense for a project where a final feasibility 
report has been completed but has not received authorization 
from Congress. Requires the non-Federal interest to carry out 
work subject to any State or Federal permitting requirements 
and to carry out the project in accordance with the final 
feasibility report. Amends Section 120 of H.R. 3080 to request 
the Corps of Engineers to review the uses and economic 
feasibility of non-structural alternatives in their review of 
existing authorities for carrying out work after a storm event. 
Amends Section 102 of H.R. 3080 to add natural gas companies to 
the entities eligible to contribute funds to Corps of Engineers 
to expedite the processing of permits within the regulatory 
program of the Corps of Engineers. Makes other technical and 
conforming changes to H.R. 3080. (10 minutes)
    2. DeFazio (OR), Blumenauer (OR), Jackson Lee (TX), Pingree 
(ME), Edwards (MD), Bonamici (OR): Delays the application of 
environmental ``streamlining'' provisions in the bill until the 
Secretary certifies that there is sufficient funding to reduce 
the current backlog of authorized Corps projects to less than 
$20 billion; more than $40 billion in projects have already 
been authorized using existing environmental review processes, 
but have yet to receive funding for construction. (10 minutes)
    3. Flores (TX): Prohibits programs or actions authorized 
under this Act from further implementation of coastal and 
marine spatial planning and ecosystem-based management 
components under Executive Order 13547. Requires the Secretary 
of the Army to conduct and submit a study detailing all 
activities engaged in and resources expended in furtherance of 
Executive Order 13547. The study also should include any budget 
requests for fiscal year 2014 for support of implementation of 
Executive Order 13547, and be submitted to the House Committee 
on Transportation and Infrastructure and Senate Committee on 
Commerce, Science, and Transportation. (10 minutes)
    4. Mullin, Markwayne (OK): Specifies that due to ongoing 
drought in many parts of the United States, state agencies are 
finding it difficult to maintain Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission-licensed lake levels. Not later than 180 days after 
enactment, FERC is to initiate an assessment of the effects of 
drought conditions on these lakes and report to Congress--
specifically looking at existing FERC-licensed lakes with rule 
curves in areas of drought and the effect long-term licenses 
have on state agencies being able to meet all their 
obligations. (10 minutes)
    5. Young, Don (AK), Petri (WI): Requires USACE to contract 
with private sector surveying and mapping firms, wherever 
practical, in performance of surveying and mapping services and 
activities for Corps projects. Requires the Secretary to issue 
agency guidance to encourage use of the private sector for 
surveying and mapping services, and requires a process to 
provide oversight of the performance of compliance with the 
guidance. (10 minutes)
    6. Hastings, Alcee (FL): Includes operation and maintenance 
costs associated with sand transfer plants in the annual 
operations and maintenance budget of the Corps of Engineers. 
(10 minutes)
    7. Bentivolio (MI): Seeks to increase the amount of 
backlogged projects to be de-authorized, beyond what is 
initially de-authorized in the bill from $12,000,000,000 to 
$35,000,000,000. (10 minutes)
    8. Jones (NC): Exempts the disaster restriction on projects 
which non-federal interests may contribute to. (10 minutes)
    9. Jackson Lee (TX): Provides that in making 
recommendations pursuant to Section 118 of the Act, the 
Secretary shall consult with key stakeholders, including State, 
county, and city governments, and, where applicable, State and 
local water districts, and in the case of recommendations 
concerning projects that substantially affect underrepresented 
communities the Secretary shall also consult with historically 
Black colleges and universities, Tribal Colleges and 
Universities, and other minority-serving institutions. (10 
    10. Grimm (NY): Modifies Section 118 to require the 
Secretary of the Army to include project recommendations made 
in the study for flood and storm damage reduction related to 
natural disasters under title II of division A of the Disaster 
Relief Appropriations Act, 2013 within the Secretary's Report 
to Congress on Future Water Resources Development. (10 minutes)
    11. Peters, Scott (CA): Adds a subsection specifying that 
the Secretary of the Army coordinates with the Administrator of 
the FEMA to disseminate the emergency communication of risk to 
the public through widely used and readily available means. (10 
    12. Stutzman (IN): Provides that the Secretary of the Army 
shall not require the removal of levee vegetation until the 
Corps of Engineers' policy guidelines on vegetation management 
for levees have been reviewed and adopted. Provides an 
exception for vegetation that presents an unacceptable safety 
risk. (10 minutes)
    13. Velazquez (NY): Establishes a national water-based 
freight policy to improve the movement of freight and cargo 
over waterways, canals, ports, and harbors (10 minutes)
    14. Pierluisi (PR): Adds Puerto Rico to the provision of 
law that would be updated for inflation by Section 137 and that 
authorizes the Secretary of the Army to waive local cost-
sharing requirements up to a specified dollar amount for 
studies and projects in certain U.S. territories. (10 minutes)
    15. Cotton (AR): Allows non-federal entities (regional 
authorities or municipalities) and the Army Corps of Engineers 
(ACE) to collaborate on a proposal to sell any excess water 
supply in order to address an oversupply of water resulting 
from the 1958 Water Supply Act. This would not authorize the 
Corps to actually sell the water or release the water from 
storage. (10 minutes)
    16. Richmond (LA), Scalise (LA): Directs the Corps to 
calculate the national benefits of proposed flood protection 
projects, including benefits from a reduction in national and 
regional economic losses, as well as the protection of 
evacuation routes. (10 minutes)
    17. Hastings, Doc (WA): Ensures that Congress continue the 
practice of authorizing project purposes at Corps of Engineers 
dams or reservoirs. (10 minutes)
    18. McCollum (MN), Kelly (PA), Schneider (IL), Lipinski 
(IL): Establishes a multiagency effort to slow the spread of 
Asian carp in the Upper Mississippi and Ohio River basins and 
tributaries by providing technical assistance, coordination, 
best practices, and support to State and local governments in 
carrying out such activities. (10 minutes)
    19. Thompson, Mike (CA), Benishek (MI), DeFazio (OR), 
Simpson (ID), Titus (NV): Requires the Government 
Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct an assessment on the 
impacts of aquatic invasive species on federal assets and 
current federal spending on aquatic invasive species 
prevention. (10 minutes)
    20. Brownley (CA): Requires the Army Corps to consider 
activities of the Secretary of the Navy when assessing the 
operation and maintenance needs of harbors and the equitable 
distribution of funds. (10 minutes)
    21. Lowenthal (CA): Requires the Secretary to include 
`expanded uses' of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund in the 
assessments and prioritization of operations and maintenance 
reports to Congress. (10 minutes)
    22. Brownley (CA): Requires GAO to study and report to 
Congress on the effectiveness of activities funded by the 
Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund in maximizing economic growth and 
job creation in the communities surrounding low- and moderate-
use ports; and include recommendations relating to the use of 
amounts in the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund to increase the 
competitiveness of United States ports relative to Canadian and 
Mexican ports. (10 minutes)
    23. Schneider (IL): Expands congressional reporting 
requirements to include recommendations for mitigating current 
problems and limiting the construction backlog. (10 minutes)
    24. Gardner (CO): Establishes the Office of Water Storage 
at the Army Corp of Engineers to serve as an initial point of 
contact for the acquisition or satisfaction of a Federal permit 
for a water storage facility. (10 minutes)


1. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Shuster of Pennsylvania 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 6, line 14, after ``company'' insert ``or natural gas 
  Page 33, after line 20, insert the following:


  The Secretary shall--
          (1) expedite the completion of any on-going 
        feasibility study for a project initiated before the 
        date of enactment of this Act; and
          (2) if the Secretary determines that the project is 
        justified in a completed report, proceed directly to 
        preconstruction planning, engineering, and design of 
        the project in accordance with section 910 of the Water 
        Resources Development Act of 1986 (100 Stat. 4189).
  Page 42, after line 23, add the following:
  (g) Saving Provision.--Nothing in this section may be 
construed to affect any agreement entered into under section 
204(f) of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (33 
U.S.C. 2232(f)) before the date of enactment of this Act.
  Page 46, after line 23, insert the following:


  (a) In General.--Subject to subsection (b), a non-Federal 
interest may carry out a project for which--
          (1) a final feasibility report has been completed; 
          (2) authority for the Secretary to carry out such 
        project has not specifically been authorized by 
  (b) Conditions.--The non-Federal interest--
          (1) shall, before carrying out the project, obtain 
        any permit, approval, or authorization required 
        pursuant to Federal or State law; and
          (2) shall carry out the project in accordance with 
        the plan, and subject to the conditions, described in 
        the final feasibility report.
  (c) Credit, Reimbursement, and Future Maintenance.--
          (1) Eligibility for credit or reimbursement.--Subject 
        to paragraph (4), and in accordance with section 221 of 
        the Flood Control Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 1962d-5b), a 
        non-Federal interest may be eligible for credit or 
        reimbursement for the Federal share of any work carried 
        out by the non-Federal interest under this section.
          (2) Eligibility for maintenance of navigation 
        projects.--Subject to paragraph (4), and in accordance 
        with section 211(h) of the Water Resources Development 
        of Act of 1996 (33 U.S.C. 701b-13(h), whenever a non-
        Federal interest constructs improvements to a harbor or 
        inland harbor under this section, the Secretary shall 
        be responsible for maintenance of such harbor.
          (3) Limitation.--Any activities carried out under 
        this section are authorized only to the extent 
        specifically provided for in subsequent appropriations 
          (4) Implementation.--Paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) 
        shall not apply unless--
                  (A) all laws and regulations that would apply 
                to the Secretary if the Secretary were carrying 
                out the project were applied by the non-Federal 
                interest during construction of the project; 
                  (B) the project is subsequently specifically 
                authorized by Congress.
          (5) In-kind contributions.--Absent a specific 
        subsequent authorization by Congress, the non-Federal 
        interest shall not be reimbursed or receive credit for 
        in-kind contributions.
  Page 75, after line 12, insert the following:
          (3) review and evaluate the historic and potential 
        uses, and economic feasibility for the life of the 
        project, of nonstructural alternatives, including 
        natural features such as dunes, coastal wetlands, 
        floodplains, marshes, and mangroves, to reduce the 
        damage caused by floods, storm surges, winds, and other 
        aspects of extreme weather events, and to increase the 
        resiliency and long-term cost-effectiveness of water 
        resources development projects;
  Page 128, beginning on line 13, strike ``section 102(a) of 
the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (33 U.S.C. 
2212(a))'' and insert ``section 3(a)(6) of the Water Resources 
Development Act of 1988 (102 Stat. 4013)''.
  Page 163, strike lines 1 through 8.

 2. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative DeFazio of Oregon or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Beginning on page 11, strike line 19 and all that follows 
through page 12, line 3, and insert the following:
  ``(b) Effective Date.--This section shall be effective on the 
date on which the Secretary certifies to Congress that the cost 
to construct all water resources development projects that are 
authorized for construction by the Chief of Engineers by any 
Act of Congress, but are not completed, is less than 
$20,000,000,000 (adjusted for inflation as of the date on which 
the certification is made).''.

3. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Flores of Texas or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  (a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
          (1) the July 19, 2010, Executive Order 13547 that 
        established the ``National Policy for the Stewardship 
        of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes'' (in 
        this section referred to as the ``National Ocean 
        Policy'') among other things requires Federal 
        implementation of ``ecosystem-based management'' to 
        achieve a ``fundamental shift'' in how the United 
        States manages ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes 
        resources, and the establishment of 9 new governmental 
        ``Regional Planning Bodies'' and ``Coastal and Marine 
        Spatial Plans'' in every region of the United States;
          (2) Executive Order 13547 created a 54-member 
        National Ocean Council led by the White House Council 
        on Environmental Quality and Office of Science and 
        Technology Policy that includes principal and deputy-
        level representatives from Federal entities, including 
        the Department of Defense;
          (3) Executive Order 13547 requires National Ocean 
        Council members, including the Department of Defense, 
        to take action to implement the National Ocean Policy 
        and participate in Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning 
        to the fullest extent;
          (4) the Final Recommendations that were adopted by 
        Executive Order 13547 state that ``effective'' 
        implementation of the National Ocean Policy will 
        ``require clear and easily understood requirements and 
        regulations, where appropriate, that include 
        enforcement as a critical component'';
          (5) despite repeated congressional requests, the 
        National Ocean Council, which is charged with 
        overseeing National Ocean Policy implementation, has 
        still not provided a complete accounting of Federal 
        activities taken and resources expended and allocated 
        in furtherance of National Ocean Policy implementation;
          (6) the Corps of Engineers is participating on at 
        least one ``Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning 
        Regional Team''; and
          (6) the Nation's continued economic and budgetary 
        challenges underscore the necessity for sound, 
        transparent, and practical Federal policies.
  (b) Prohibition.--None of the programs or actions authorized 
under this Act may be used to further implementation of the 
coastal and marine spatial planning and ecosystem-based 
management components of the National Ocean Policy developed 
under Executive Order 13547.
  (c) Study.--Not later than 90 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the 
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
Transportation of the Senate a report detailing all activities 
engaged in and resources expended in furtherance of Executive 
Order 13547 since it was issued on July 19, 2010, as well as 
any fiscal year 2014 budget requests in support of National 
Ocean Policy implementation.

 4. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Mullin of Oklahoma or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, insert the following:


  (a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
          (1) due to the ongoing drought in many parts of the 
        United States, State agencies are finding it difficult 
        to maintain Federal Energy Regulatory Commission-
        licensed lake levels; and
          (2) local agencies should be able to modify licensees 
        when drought conditions arise and persist.
  (b) Assessment.--
          (1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the 
        date of enactment of this Act, the FERC shall initiate 
        an assessment of the effects of drought conditions on 
        FERC-licensed lakes, which shall include an assessment 
                  (A) existing FERC-licensed lakes with 
                stipulated lake levels and rule curves in areas 
                of previous, current and prolonged drought; and
                  (B) the effect the long-term licenses have on 
                state agencies being able to meet all their 
                obligations, including hydroelectric 
                obligations, water supply downstream, fish and 
                wildlife, and recreation.
          (2) Report.--FERC shall submit to Congress a report 
        on the assessment carried out under paragraph (1).

5. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Young of Alaska or His 
                   Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  Section 918 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 
(33 U.S.C. 2292) is amended to read as follows:


  ``(a) Procurement of Surveying and Mapping Services.--Any 
surveying or mapping services to be performed in connection 
with a water resources project which is or has been authorized 
to be undertaken by the Secretary shall be procured in 
accordance with chapter 11 of title 40, United States Code.
  ``(b) Geospatial Surveying and Mapping Activities.--In 
carrying out water resources projects, the Secretary shall, 
wherever practicable, utilize the private sector for 
commercially available geospatial surveying and mapping 
activities. The Secretary shall not start or carry on any 
activity to provide a commercially available geospatial 
surveying and mapping service that duplicates, competes with, 
or can be procured from a commercial source.
  ``(c) Guidance.--
          ``(1) Issuance.--The Secretary shall issue guidance 
        to encourage entities in the Corps of Engineers to 
        utilize, to the maximum extent practicable, contracting 
        with private sector sources for geospatial surveying 
        and mapping services for water resources projects.
          ``(A) Contents.--In carrying out this subsection, the 
        Secretary shall--
                  ``(i) define appropriate inherently 
                governmental roles in geospatial surveying and 
                mapping activities, which roles shall include--
                          ``(I) activities so defined in 
                        section 5 of the Federal Activities 
                        Inventory Reform Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 
                          ``(II) preparation of standards and 
                          ``(III) research of geospatial 
                        surveying and mapping instrumentation 
                        and procedures that are not 
                        commercially available, with prompt 
                        technology transfer to the private 
                          ``(IV) providing technical guidance, 
                        coordination, and administration of 
                        geospatial surveying and mapping 
                        activities; and
                          ``(V) contracting with private sector 
                        sources for geospatial surveying and 
                        mapping activities.
                  ``(ii) define commercially available 
                geospatial surveying and mapping activities to 
                include activities described in--
                          ``(I) section 36.601-4(a)(4)(A) of 
                        the Engineer Federal Acquisition 
                        Regulation; and
                          ``(II) section 467 of title 10, 
                        United States Code.
  ``(d) Implementation.--The Secretary shall develop a process 
for the oversight and monitoring, on an annual basis, of 
compliance with the guidance issued under subsection (c).
  ``(e) Assessment.--Not later than 2 years after the date of 
enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall conduct an 
assessment of all entities in the Corps of Engineers, including 
divisions, districts, laboratories, and technical centers, to 
determine the extent to which each entity is utilizing 
governmental and private sector sources for commercially 
available geospatial surveying and mapping services. In 
conducting the assessment, the Secretary shall consult with 
organizations of commercial geospatial surveying and mapping 

6. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Hastings of Florida or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  The Secretary shall include operation and maintenance costs 
associated with sand transfer plants in the annual operations 
and maintenance budget of the Corps of Engineers.

7. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Bentivolio of Michigan 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 136, line 12, strike ``$12,000,000,000'' and insert 
  Page 137, beginning line 1, strike ``Authorized Before WRDA 
  Page 137, line 12, strike ``November 8, 2007'' and insert 
``the date of enactment of this Act''.
  Page 138, line 14, strike ``$12,000,000,000'' and insert 

8. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Jones of North Carolina 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 44, line 3, strike ``that has been damaged'' and all 
that follows before the closing quotation marks on line 7.

9. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Jackson Lee of Texas or 
                 Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 72, line 18, insert ``In making recommendations pursuant 
to this section, the Secretary shall consult with key 
stakeholders, including State, county, and city governments, 
and, where applicable, State and local water districts, and in 
the case of recommendations concerning projects that 
substantially affect communities served by historically Black 
colleges and universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, 
and other minority-serving institutions, the Secretary shall 
also consult with such colleges, universities, and 
institutions.'' before ``The Secretary''.

 10. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Grimm of New York or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 72, line 18, strike ``may'' and insert ``shall''.

 11. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Peters of California 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 76, after line 13, insert the following (and redesignate 
subsequent subsections accordingly):
  (b) Public Availability of Information.--To the maximum 
extent practicable, the Secretary, in coordination with the 
Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall 
make the information required under subsection (a) available to 
the public through widely used and readily available means, 
including on the Internet.

12. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Stutzman of Indiana or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 86, after line 24, insert the following:
  (f) Interim Rule.--Until the date on which revisions to the 
guidelines are adopted under this section, the Secretary shall 
not require the removal of existing vegetation as a condition 
or requirement for any approval or funding of a project, or any 
other action, unless the specific vegetation has been 
demonstrated to present an unacceptable safety risk.

13. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Velazquez of New York 
               or Her Designee, Debatable For 10 Minutes

  Page 95, after line 15, insert the following (and redesignate 
subsequent sections accordingly):


  (a) In General.--It is the policy of the United States to 
improve the condition and performance of the national water-
based freight network to ensure that such network provides the 
foundation for the United States to compete in the global 
economy and achieve each goal described in subsection (b).
  (b) Goals.--The goals of the national water-based freight 
policy are--
          (1) to invest in infrastructure improvements and to 
        implement operational improvements that--
                  (A) strengthen the contribution of the 
                national water-based freight network to the 
                economic competitiveness of the United States;
                  (B) reduce congestion; and
                  (C) increase productivity, particularly for 
                domestic industries and businesses that create 
                high-value jobs;
          (2) to improve the safety, security, and resilience 
        of water-based freight transportation;
          (3) to improve the state of good repair of the 
        national water-based freight network;
          (4) to use advanced technology to improve the safety 
        and efficiency of the national water-based freight 
          (5) to incorporate concepts of performance, 
        innovation, competition, and accountability into the 
        operation and maintenance of the national water-based 
        freight network;
          (6) to improve the economic efficiency of the 
        national water-based freight network; and
          (7) to reduce the environmental impacts of freight 
        movement on the national water-based freight network.
  (c) Establishment of a National Water-based Freight 
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall establish a 
        national water-based freight network in accordance with 
        this section to assist States in strategically 
        directing resources toward improved system performance 
        to achieve efficient movement of freight on inland 
        waterways, canals, ports, and harbors, and related 
        freight intermodal connectors.
          (2) Network components.--The national water-based 
        freight network shall consist of the primary water-
        based freight network, as designated by the Secretary 
        under subsection (d) as most critical to the movement 
        of water-based freight.
  (d) Designation of Primary Water-based Freight Network.--
          (1) Initial designation.--Not later than 1 year after 
        the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary 
        shall designate a primary water-based freight network 
        based on an inventory of national water-based freight 
        volume and in consultation with stakeholders, including 
        system users, transportation providers, and States.
          (2) Factors for designation.--In designating the 
        primary water-based freight network, the Secretary 
        shall consider--
                  (A) the origins and destinations of water-
                based freight movement in the United States;
                  (B) the total tonnage and value of water-
                based freight moved across United States bodies 
                of water;
                  (C) the average annual water-based freight 
                traffic on United States bodies of water;
                  (D) maritime ports of entry;
                  (E) access to energy exploration, 
                development, installation, or production areas;
                  (F) population centers; and
                  (G) network connectivity.
          (3) Redesignation.--On the date that is 10 years 
        after the initial designation of the primary water-
        based freight network, and every 10 years thereafter, 
        using the factors described in paragraph (2), the 
        Secretary shall redesignate the primary water-based 
        freight network.
  (e) National Water-based Freight Strategic Plan.--
          (1) Initial development.--Not later than 3 years 
        after the date of enactment of this section, the 
        Secretary, in consultation with State departments of 
        transportation and other appropriate public and private 
        transportation stakeholders, shall develop and post on 
        a public Web site a national water-based freight 
        strategic plan that shall include--
                  (A) an assessment of the condition and 
                performance of the national water-based freight 
                  (B) an identification of bottlenecks on the 
                national water-based freight network that 
                create significant freight congestion problems, 
                based on a quantitative methodology developed 
                by the Secretary, and, to the maximum extent 
                practicable, an estimate of the cost of 
                addressing each bottleneck and any operational 
                improvements that could be implemented;
                  (C) forecasts of water-based freight volumes 
                for the 20-year period beginning with the year 
                during which the plan is issued;
                  (D) an identification of major trade gateways 
                and national water-based freight corridors that 
                connect major population centers, trade 
                gateways, and other major water-based freight 
                generators for current and forecasted traffic 
                and water-based freight volumes, the 
                identification of which shall be revised, as 
                appropriate, in subsequent plans;
                  (E) an assessment of statutory, regulatory, 
                technological, institutional, financial, and 
                other barriers to improved water-based freight 
                transportation performance (including 
                opportunities for overcoming the barriers);
                  (F) an identification of routes providing 
                access to energy exploration, development, 
                installation, or production areas;
                  (G) an identification of best practices for 
                improving the performance of the national 
                water-based freight network;
                  (H) an identification of best practices for 
                mitigating the impacts of water-based freight 
                movement on communities;
                  (I) an identification of a process for 
                addressing multistate projects and encouraging 
                jurisdictions to collaborate; and
                  (J) an identification of strategies to 
                improve freight intermodal connectivity.
          (2) Updates.--Not later than 5 years after the date 
        of completion of the first national water-based freight 
        strategic plan under paragraph (1), and every 5 years 
        thereafter, the Secretary shall update and post on a 
        public Web site a revised national water-based freight 
        strategic plan.
  (f) Water-based Freight Transportation Conditions and 
Performance Reports.--Not later than 2 years after the date of 
enactment of this section, and biennially thereafter, the 
Secretary shall prepare a report that contains a description of 
the conditions and performance of the national water-based 
freight network in the United States.
  (g) Transportation Investment Data and Planning Tools.--
          (1) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the date 
        of enactment of this section, the Secretary shall--
                  (A) begin the development of new tools or 
                improve existing tools to support an outcome-
                oriented, performance-based approach to 
                evaluating proposed water-based freight-related 
                projects, including--
                          (i) methodologies for systematic 
                        analysis of benefits and costs;
                          (ii) tools for ensuring that the 
                        evaluation of water-based freight-
                        related projects and other 
                        transportation projects considers 
                        safety, economic competitiveness, 
                        environmental sustainability, and 
                        system condition in the project 
                        selection process; and
                          (iii) other elements to assist in 
                        effective transportation planning;
                  (B) identify water-based transportation-
                related model data elements to support a broad 
                range of evaluation methods and techniques to 
                assist in making water-based transportation 
                investment decisions; and
                  (C) at a minimum, in consultation with other 
                relevant Federal agencies, consider any 
                improvements to existing water-based freight 
                flow data collection efforts that could reduce 
                identified water-based freight data gaps and 
                deficiencies and help improve forecasts of 
                water-based freight transportation demand.
          (2) Consultation.--The Secretary shall consult with 
        Federal, State, and other stakeholders to develop, 
        improve, and implement tools and data collection under 
        paragraph (1).

 14. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Pierluisi of Puerto 
             Rico or His Designee, Debatable For 10 Minutes

  Page 95, line 21, strike ``and'' at the end.
  Page 95, after line 21, insert the following:
          (2) in subsection (a), as so designated, by inserting 
        ``Puerto Rico,'' before ``and the Trust Territory of 
        the Pacific Islands''; and
  Page 95, line 22, strike ``(2)'' and insert ``(3)''.

15. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Cotton of Arkansas or 
                 His Designee, Debatable For 10 Minutes

  Page 97, after line 7, insert the following:


  Section 301 of the Water Supply Act of 1958 (43 U.S.C. 390b) 
is amended--
          (1) by redesignating subsections (c) and (d) as 
        subsections (d) and (e), respectively; and
          (2) by inserting after subsection (b) the following:
  ``(c) Establishment of 10-year Plans for the Utilization of 
Future Storage.--
          ``(1) In general.--Beginning 180 days after the date 
        of enactment of this subsection and not later than 
        January 1, 2016, the Secretary may accept from an 
        interested State or local interest a submission of a 
        plan for the utilization of future use water storage 
        under this Act.
          ``(2) Contents.--A plan submitted under paragraph (1) 
        shall include--
                  ``(A) a 10-year timetable for conversion of 
                future use storage to present use; and
                  ``(B) a schedule of actions that the State or 
                local interest agrees to carry out over a 10-
                year period, in cooperation with the Corps of 
                Engineers, to seek new and alternative users of 
                future water storage that is contracted to the 
                State or local interest on the date of 
                enactment of this subsection.''.

16. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Richmond of Louisiana 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  (a) In General.--A feasibility study conducted by the 
Secretary for a project for flood damage reduction or hurricane 
and storm damage reduction shall include, as part of the 
calculation of benefits and costs--
          (1) a calculation of the anticipated reduction in 
        flood or hurricane damage to public and private 
        property and infrastructure resulting from the 
        completion of the proposed project;
          (2) a calculation of the anticipated direct and 
        indirect economic benefits resulting from the 
        completion of the proposed project, including such 
        benefits from any potential reductions in national and 
        regional economic volatility, disruptions, and losses; 
          (3) a calculation of the anticipated benefits to 
        public safety, including protection of evacuation 
        routes, resulting from the completion of the proposed 
  (b) Applicability.--This section shall apply to any 
feasibility study for a project for flood damage reduction or 
hurricane and storm damage reduction that has not been 
completed before the date of enactment of this Act.

17. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Hastings of Washington 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 97, after line 7, insert the following:


  Nothing in this Act authorizes the Secretary to carry out, at 
a Corps of Engineers dam or reservoir, any project for a 
purpose not otherwise authorized as of the date of enactment of 
this Act.

18. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative McCollum of Minnesota 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  (a) Multiagency Effort To Slow the Spread of Asian Carp in 
the Upper Mississippi and Ohio River Basins and Tributaries.--
          (1) In general.--The Director of the United States 
        Fish and Wildlife Service, in coordination with the 
        Chief of Engineers, the Director of the National Park 
        Service, and the Director of the United States 
        Geological Survey, shall lead a multiagency effort to 
        slow the spread of Asian carp in the Upper Mississippi 
        and Ohio River basins and tributaries by providing 
        technical assistance, coordination, best practices, and 
        support to State and local governments in carrying out 
        activities designed to slow, and eventually eliminate, 
        the threat posed by Asian carp.
          (2) Best practices.--To the maximum extent 
        practicable, the multiagency effort shall apply lessons 
        learned and best practices such as those described in 
        the document prepared by the Asian Carp Working Group 
        entitled ``Management and Control Plan for Bighead, 
        Black, Grass, and Silver Carps in the United States'' 
        and dated November 2007, and the document prepared by 
        the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee entitled 
        ``FY 2012 Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework'' and 
        dated February 2012.
  (b) Report to Congress.--
          (1) In general.--Not later than December 31 of each 
        year, the Director of the United States Fish and 
        Wildlife Service, in coordination with the Chief of 
        Engineers, shall submit to the Committee on 
        Appropriations, the Committee on Natural Resources, and 
        the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of 
        the House of Representatives and the Committee on 
        Appropriations and the Committee on Environment and 
        Public Works of the Senate a report describing the 
        coordinated strategies established and progress made 
        toward the goals of controlling and eliminating Asian 
        carp in the Upper Mississippi and Ohio River basins and 
          (2) Contents.--Each report submitted under paragraph 
        (1) shall include--
                  (A) any observed changes in the range of 
                Asian carp in the Upper Mississippi and Ohio 
                River basins and tributaries during the 2-year 
                period preceding submission of the report;
                  (B) a summary of Federal agency efforts, 
                including cooperative efforts with non-Federal 
                partners, to control the spread of Asian carp 
                in the Upper Mississippi and Ohio River basins 
                and tributaries;
                  (C) any research that the Director determines 
                could improve the ability to control the spread 
                of Asian carp;
                  (D) any quantitative measures that the 
                Director intends to use to document progress in 
                controlling the spread of Asian carp; and
                  (E) a cross-cut accounting of Federal and 
                non-Federal expenditures to control the spread 
                of Asian carp.

19. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Thompson of California 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 97, after line 7, insert the following:


  (a) Assessment.--The Comptroller General of the United States 
shall conduct an assessment of the Federal costs of, and 
spending on, aquatic invasive species.
  (b) Contents.--The assessment conducted under subsection (a) 
shall include--
          (1) identification of current Federal spending on, 
        and projected future Federal costs of, operation and 
        maintenance related to mitigating the impacts of 
        aquatic invasive species on federally owned or operated 
          (2) identification of current Federal spending on 
        aquatic invasive species prevention;
          (3) analysis of whether spending identified in 
        paragraph (2) is adequate for the maintenance and 
        protection of services provided by federally owned or 
        operated facilities, based on the current spending and 
        projected future costs identified in paragraph (1); and
          (4) review of any other aspect of aquatic invasive 
        species prevention or mitigation determined appropriate 
        by the Comptroller General.
  (c) Findings.--Not later than one year after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General shall submit to 
the Committee on Environment and Public Works and the Committee 
on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee 
on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on 
Natural Resources of the House of Representatives a report 
containing the findings of the assessment conducted under 
subsection (a).

20. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Brownley of California 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 102, after line 12, insert the following (and 
redesignate subsequent subparagraphs accordingly):
                  ``(H) activities of the Secretary of the 
  Page 104, line 18, strike ``and''.
  Page 104, after line 18, insert the following (and 
redesignate the subsequent subparagraph accordingly):
                  ``(C) where appropriate, consider national 
                security and military readiness needs in 
                consultation with the Secretary of the Navy; 

     21. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Lowenthal of 
          California or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 103, line 7, insert ``and the costs for expanded uses 
(as such term is defined in section 201(c)(2) of the Water 
Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013)'' after ``the 

22. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Brownley of California 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 109, after line 23, insert the following:


  (a) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Low-use port.--The term ``low-use port'' means a 
        port at which not more than 1,000,000 tons of cargo are 
        transported each calendar year.
          (2) Moderate-use port.--The term ``moderate-use 
        port'' means a port at which more than 1,000,000, but 
        fewer than 10,000,000, tons of cargo are transported 
        each calendar year.
  (b) Study.--Not later than 270 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United 
States shall carry out a study and submit to Congress a report 
          (1) evaluates the effectiveness of activities funded 
        by the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund in maximizing 
        economic growth and job creation in the communities 
        surrounding low- and moderate-use ports; and
          (2) includes recommendations relating to the use of 
        amounts in the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund to 
        increase the competitiveness of United States ports 
        relative to Canadian and Mexican ports.

23. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Schneider of Illinois 
               or His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  Page 142, line 7, strike ``and''.
  Page 142, line 9, strike the period and insert ``; and''.
  Page 142, after line 9, insert the following:
          (4) a 5-year and 10-year projection of construction 
        backlog and any recommendations to Congress regarding 
        how to mitigate current problems and the backlog.

24. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Gardner of Colorado or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 10 Minutes

  At the end of title I, add the following:


  (a) Designation.--The Secretary, acting through the Chief of 
Engineers, shall designate a team to serve as the Office of 
Water Storage (in this section referred to as the ``Office'') 
which shall serve as the principal point of contact for any 
person carrying out a project to construct a water storage 
facility that requires the acquisition of a Federal permit or 
the satisfaction of other Federal requirements.
  (b) Administrator.--The Secretary, acting through the Chief 
of Engineers, shall designate an individual to serve as the 
head of the Office.
  (c) Purpose.--The Office shall--
          (1) serve as an initial point of contact for any 
        person carrying out a project to construct a water 
        storage facility that requires the acquisition of a 
        Federal permit or the satisfaction of other Federal 
          (2) act as a liaison between such persons and 
        appropriate Federal departments and agencies, including 
        the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department 
        of the Interior, with respect to such projects to 
        facilitate the acquisition of necessary permits and the 
        satisfaction of all other requirements;
          (3) ensure that, with respect to such projects, 
        necessary Federal permits are acquired and all other 
        Federal requirements are satisfied before construction 
        begins; and
          (4) coordinate with appropriate Federal departments 
        and agencies to streamline the Federal approval process 
        with respect to such projects, including by limiting 
        the duration of such process to not more than 365 days 
        in each case in which each Governor of a State 
        associated with the project has provided notice to the 
        Office of that Governor's approval of the project.
  (d) Timing Requirement.--Notwithstanding any other provision 
of law, with respect to a project to construct a water storage 
facility, any Federal permit or other Federal requirement 
necessary to be acquired or satisfied for purposes of such 
project shall be deemed to be acquired or satisfied if--
          (1) each Governor of a State associated with the 
        project has provided notice to the Office of that 
        Governor's approval of the project; and
          (2) a determination with respect to approval of the 
        permit or satisfaction of the requirement was not made 
        during the 365-day period beginning on the date on 
        which an application for the permit or an inquiry 
        regarding the satisfaction of the requirement was 
        submitted to the relevant Federal department or agency.
  (e) Notice of Permit Applications.--The Administrator of the 
Environmental Protection Agency and the Secretary of the 
Interior shall each provide notice to the Administrator of the 
Office upon the receipt of an application for a permit relating 
to a water storage facility.
  (f) Water Storage Facility Defined.--In this section, the 
term ``water storage facility'' means any facility constructed 
by a person that is equipped to store at least 5,000 acre-feet 
of water for later use for any purpose, including dams, tanks, 
covered and uncovered reservoirs, water towers, and artificial 
water bodies.