[House Report 113-254]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

113th Congress                                            Rept. 113-254
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 1st Session                                                     Part 2


                           (FACT) ACT OF 2013


 November 12, 2013.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on 
            the State of the Union and ordered to be printed


   Mr. Goodlatte, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the 

                          SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT

                        [To accompany H.R. 982]

    On October 30, 2013, the Committee on the Judiciary filed 
House Report 113-254, relating to H.R. 982, to amend title 11 
of the United States Code to require the public disclosure by 
trusts established under section 524(g) of such title, of 
quarterly reports that contain detailed information regarding 
the receipt and disposition of claims for injuries based on 
exposure to asbestos; and for other purposes (commonly known as 
the FACT Act of 2013).
    In the original report, an error appears in rollcall vote 
No. 7.
    This Supplemental Report includes a correction to rollcall 
vote No. 7, which incorrectly states that the amendments 
offered en bloc by Ms. Jackson Lee were defeated by a rollcall 
vote of 95-15. The correct vote tally, as printed in this 
supplemental report, is 9-15.

                            Committee Votes

    7. The amendments offered en bloc by Ms. Jackson Lee 
require the filing of certain certifications concerning claims 
against a third party before it may seek discovery from an 
asbestos trust and require the filing of certain certifications 
concerning asbestos-containing products before a third party 
may seek discovery from an asbestos trust. These amendments 
were defeated by a rollcall vote of 9-15.

                             ROLLCALL NO. 7
                                                  Ayes    Nays   Present
Mr. Goodlatte (VA), Chairman...................              X
Mr. Sensenbrenner, Jr. (WI)....................
Mr. Coble (NC).................................              X
Mr. Smith (TX).................................
Mr. Chabot (OH)................................              X
Mr. Bachus (AL)................................              X
Mr. Issa (CA)..................................
Mr. Forbes (VA)................................              X
Mr. King (IA)..................................              X
Mr. Franks (AZ)................................
Mr. Gohmert (TX)...............................              X
Mr. Jordan (OH)................................
Mr. Poe (TX)...................................              X
Mr. Chaffetz (UT)..............................
Mr. Marino (PA)................................              X
Mr. Gowdy (SC).................................              X
Mr. Amodei (NV)................................              X
Mr. Labrador (ID)..............................
Ms. Farenthold (TX)............................              X
Mr. Holding (NC)...............................              X
Mr. Collins (GA)...............................              X
Mr. DeSantis (FL)..............................              X

Mr. Conyers, Jr. (MI), Ranking Member..........      X
Mr. Nadler (NY)................................
Mr. Scott (VA).................................      X
Mr. Watt (NC)..................................      X
Ms. Lofgren (CA)...............................
Ms. Jackson Lee (TX)...........................      X
Mr. Cohen (TN).................................
Mr. Johnson (GA)...............................
Mr. Pierluisi (PR).............................
Ms. Chu (CA)...................................
Mr. Deutch (FL)................................      X
Mr. Gutierrez (IL).............................
Ms. Bass (CA)..................................      X
Mr. Richmond (LA)..............................
Ms. DelBene (WA)...............................      X
Mr. Garcia (FL)................................      X
Mr. Jeffries (NY)..............................      X
    Total......................................      9      15