[House Report 116-719]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

                                             Union Calendar No. 603

116th Congress, 2d Session----------------------HOUSE REPORT 116-719

                          REPORT OF ACTIVITIES

                                 OF THE


                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                                FOR THE



January 2, 2021.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
              State of the Union and ordered to be printed

                    U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE                    
42-839                      WASHINGTON : 2021                     
                         LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL


               Committee on Science, Space, and Technology,
                                   Washington, DC, January 2, 2021.
Hon. Nancy Pelosi,
Speaker, House of Representatives,
Washington, DC.
    Dear Speaker Pelosi: Pursuant to House Rule XI(l)(d)(l), I 
respectfully submit the activities report for the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology for the 116th Congress.
    Thank you for your attention to this matter.
                                     Eddie Bernice Johnson,
                     One Hundred Sixteenth Congress

             Hon. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON, Texas, Chairwoman
               Hon. FRANK LUCAS, Oklahoma, Ranking Member
Democratic Members (22)              Republican Members (17)
ZOE LOFGREN, California              MO BROOKS, Alabama
DANIEL LIPINSKI, Illinois            BILL POSEY, Florida
SUZANNE BONAMICI, Oregon             RANDY WEBER, Texas
AMI BERA, California, Vice Chair     BRIAN BABIN, Texas
LIZZIE FLETCHER, Texas               ANDY BIGGS, Arizona
HALEY STEVENS, Michigan              ROGER MARSHALL, Kansas
KENDRA HORN, Oklahoma                RALPH NORMAN, South Carolina
MIKIE SHERRILL, New Jersey           MICHAEL CLOUD, Texas
BRAD SHERMAN, California             TROY BALDERSON, Ohio
STEVE COHEN, Tennessee               ANTHONY GONZALEZ, Ohio
JERRY MCNERNEY, California           MICHAEL WALTZ, Florida
ED PERLMUTTER, Colorado              JIM BAIRD, Indiana
PAUL TONKO, New York                 FRANCIS ROONEY, Florida
BILL FOSTER, Illinois                GREGORY F. MURPHY, North Carolina
DON BEYER, Virginia                  MIKE GARCIA, California
CHARLIE CRIST, Florida               THOMAS P. TIFFANY, Wisconsin
CONOR LAMB, Pennsylvania

                         Subcommittee on Energy

                Hon. LIZZIE FLETCHER, Texas, Chairwoman
Democratic Members (9)*              Republican Members (6)*
DANIEL LIPINKSI, Illinois            RANDY WEBER, Texas,
HALEY STEVENS, Michigan                Ranking Member
KENDRA HORN, Oklahoma                ANDY BIGGS, Arizona
JERRY McNERNEY, California           RALPH NORMAN, South Carolina
BILL FOSTER, Illinois                MICHAEL CLOUD, Texas
SEAN CASTEN, Illinois                JIM BAIRD, Indiana
CONOR LAMB, Pennsylvania

                      Subcommittee on Environment

              Hon. MIKIE SHERRILL, New Jersey, Chairwoman
Democratic Members (9)*              Republican Members (6)*
SUZANNE BONAMICI, Oregon             ROGER MARSHALL, Kansas,
LIZZIE FLETCHER, Texas                 Ranking Member
PAUL TONKO, New York                 BRIAN BABIN, Texas
CHARLIE CRIST, Florida               ANTHONY GONZALEZ, Ohio
SEAN CASTEN, Illinois                FRANCIS ROONEY, Florida
BEN McADAMS, Utah                    GREGORY F. MURPHY, North Carolina
CONOR LAMB, Pennsylvania
              Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight

                  Hon. BILL FOSTER, Illinois, Chairman
Democratic Members (6)*              Republican Members (4)*
SUZANNE BONAMICI, Oregon             RALPH NORMAN, South Carolina,
STEVE COHEN, Tennessee                 Ranking Member
DON BEYER, Virginia                  ANDY BIGGS, Arizona
JENNIFER WEXTON, Virginia            MICHAEL WALTZ, Florida

*The Full Committee Chair and Ranking Minority Member (RMM) 
shall serve as ex-officio Members of all Subcommittees.

                Subcommittee on Research and Technology

                Hon. HALEY STEVENS, Michigan, Chairwoman
Democratic Members (9)*              Republican Members (6)*
DANIEL LIPINSKI, Illinois            JIM BAIRD, Indiana,
MIKIE SHERRILL, New Jersey             Ranking Member
BRAD SHERMAN, California             ROGER MARSHALL, Kansas
PAUL TONKO, New York                 TROY BALDERSON, Ohio
BEN MCADAMS, Utah                    ANTHONY GONZALEZ, Ohio
STEVE COHEN, Tennessee               THOMAS P. TIFFANY, Wisconsin

                 Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics

                 Hon. KENDRA HORN, Oklahoma, Chairwoman
Democratic Members (9)*              Republican Members (6)*
ZOE LOFGREN, California              BRIAN BABIN, Texas,
AMI BERA, California                   Ranking Member
ED PERLMUTTER, Colorado              MO BROOKS, Alabama
DON BEYER, Virginia                  BILL POSEY, Florida
CHARLIE CRIST, Florida               MICHAEL WALTZ, Florida
JENNIFER WEXTON, Virginia            MIKE GARCIA, California

*The Full Committee Chair and Ranking Minority Member (RMM) 
shall serve as ex-officio Members of all Subcommittees.
                            C O N T E N T S


                      Report on Activities of the
              Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
                             116th Congress

Chapter I: Legislation Enacted into Law..........................     1

    1.1. P.L. 116-92, National Defense Authorization Act for 
      Fiscal Year 2020 (including: H.R. 2397, American 
      Manufacturing Leadership Act; H.R. 3038, Securing American 
      Science and Technology Act of 2019)........................     1
    1.2. P.L. 116-94, Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 
      2020 (including: H.R. 5213, NASA Enhanced Use Leasing 
      Extension Act of 2019).....................................     2
    1.3. P.L. 116-97, Vera C. Rubin Observatory Designation Act 
      (H.R. 3196)................................................     3
    1.4. P.L. 116-102, Building Blocks of STEM Act (H.R. 1665/S. 
      737).......................................................     3
    1.5. P.L. 116-115, Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act 
      (H.R. 425/S. 153)..........................................     3
    1.6. P.L. 116-181, PROSWIFT Act (H.R. 5260/S. 881)...........     4
    1.7. P.L. 116-207, Internet of Things Cybersecurity 
      Improvement Act of 2019 (H.R. 1668)........................     5
    1.8. P.L. 116-224, Save Our Seas 2.0 Act (S. 1982)...........     5
    1.9. P.L. 116-221, National Sea Grant College Program 
      Amendments Act of 2020 (S. 910)............................     6
    1.10. P.L. 116-XXX, Coordinated Ocean Observations and 
      Research Act of 2020 (S. 914)..............................     6
    1.11. P.L. 116-XXX, IOGAN Act (H.R. 4355/S. 2904)............     7
    1.12. P.L. 116-XXX, One Small Step to Protect Human Heritage 
      in Space Act (S. 1694).....................................     7
    1.13. P.L. 116-XXX, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 
      (H.R. 133, including the text of the Energy Act of 2020)...     8
    1.14. P.L. 116-XXX, ``The William M. (Mac) Thornberry'' 
      National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 
      (H.R. 6395/S. 4049)........................................     9
    1.15. P.L. 116-XXX, National Landslide Preparedness Act (H.R. 
      8810)......................................................    10
    1.16. P.L. 116-XXX, Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility Act (S. 
      2472)......................................................    11
    1.17. P.L. 116-XXX, Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act 
      (H.R. 4704)................................................    11
    1.18. P.L. 116-XXX, EFFORT Act (H.R. 3153)...................    12

Chapter II: Other Committee Legislation (bold indicates bills 
  primarily referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
  Technology)....................................................    12

    2.1. H.R. 1, For the People Act of 2019......................    12
    2.2. H.R. 34, Energy and Water Research Integration Act of 
      2019.......................................................    12
    2.3 H.R. 36, Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 
      2019.......................................................    13
    2.4 H.R. 206, Encouraging Small Business Innovation Act......    13
    2.5 H.R. 246, Stimulating Innovation through Procurement Act 
      of 2019....................................................    14
    2.6 H.R. 335, South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act of 2019.    14
    2.7 H.R. 425, Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act........    15
    2.8 H.R. 539, Innovators to Entrepreneurs Act of 2019........    15
    2.9 H.R. 542, Supporting Research and Development for First 
      Responders Act.............................................    15
    2.10 H.R. 617, Department of Energy Veterans' Health 
      Initiative Act.............................................    16
    2.11 H.R. 988, NEAR Act of 2019..............................    16
    2.12 H.R. 1237, COAST Research Act of 2019...................    17
    2.13 H.R. 1261, National Landslide Preparedness Act..........    17
    2.14 H.R. 1314, Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation 
      System Act Amendments of 2019..............................    18
    2.15 H.R. 1646, HERO Act.....................................    18
    2.16 H.R. 1665, Building Blocks of STEM Act*.................    18
    2.17 H.R. 1709, Scientific Integrity Act.....................    19
    2.18 H.R. 1716, Coastal Communities Ocean Acidification Act 
      of 2019....................................................    19
    2.19 H.R. 1837, United States-Israel Cooperation Enhancement 
      and Regional Security Act..................................    19
    2.20 H.R. 1921, Ocean Acidification Innovation Act of 2019...    20
    2.21 H.R. 2044, Smart Building Acceleration Act..............    20
    2.22 H.R. 2051, Sustainable Chemistry Research and 
      Development Act of 2019....................................    21
    2.23 H.R. 2397, American Manufacturing Leadership Act........    21
    2.24 H.R. 2405, National Sea Grant College Program Amendments 
      Act of 2019................................................    22
    2.25 H.R. 2528, STEM Opportunities Act of 2019...............    23
    2.26 H.R. 2722, SAFE Act.....................................    23
    2.27 H.R. 2986, BEST Act.....................................    23
    2.28 H.R. 3038, SASTA........................................    24
    2.29 H.R. 3196, Vera C. Rubin Observatory Designation Act*...    24
    2.30 H.R. 3597, Solar Energy Research and Development Act of 
      2019.......................................................    25
    2.31 H.R. 3607, Fossil Energy Research and Development Act of 
      2019.......................................................    25
    2.32 H.R. 3609, Wind Energy Research and Development Act of 
      2019.......................................................    26
    2.33 H.R. 4230, CIT Act of 2019..............................    26
    2.34 H.R. 4091, ARPA-E Reauthorization Act of 2019...........    27
    2.35 H.R. 4355, IOGEN Act....................................    27
    2.36 H.R. 4372, MSI STEM Achievement Act.....................    28
    2.37 H.R. 4373, Engineering Biology Research and Development 
      Act of 2019................................................    28
    2.38 H.R. 4447, Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act........    29
    2.39 H.R. 4481, Securing Energy Critical Elements and 
      American Jobs Act of 2019..................................    29
    2.40 H.R. 4656, Background Ozone Research Act................    30
    2.41 H.R 4733, Low-Dose Radiation Research Act of 2019.......    30
    2.42 H.R. 4737, Department of Homeland Security Climate 
      Change Research Act........................................    30
    2.43 H.R. 4924, Smoke Planning and Research Act of 2019......    31
    2.44 H.R. 4979, Rural STEM Education Act.....................    31
    2.45 H.R 4990, Election Technology Research Act of 2020......    32
    2.46 H.R. 5213, NASA Enhanced Use Leasing Extension Act of 
      2019.......................................................    32
    2.47 H.R. 5260, PROSWIFT Act*................................    32
    2.48 H.R. 5374, Advanced Geothermal Research and Development 
      Act of 2019................................................    33
    2.49 H.R. 5428, Grid Modernization Research and Development 
      Act of 2019................................................    33
    2.50 H.R. 5519, Atmospheric Climate Intervention Research Act    34
    2.51 H.R. 5666, NASA Authorization Act of 2020...............    34
    2.52 H.R. 5760, Grid Security Research and Development Act...    35
    2.53 H.R. 6084, Water Power Research and Development Act.....    35
    2.54 H.R. 6097, Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act..    36
    2.55 H.R. 6208, Protecting American Space Assets Act.........    36
    2.56 H.R. 6216, National Artificial Intelligence Initiative 
      Act of 2020................................................    37
    2.57 H.R. 6388, STAR Act of 2020.............................    37
    2.58 H.R. 7139, Ensuring American Leadership over 
      International Standards Act of 2019........................    38
    2.59 H.R. 7214, Surface Transportation Research and 
      Development Act of 2020....................................    39
    2.60 H.R. 7560, Guaranteeing Equipment Safety for 
      Firefighters Act of 2020...................................    39
    2.61 H.R. 7713, NOPP Revitalization Act......................    40
    2.62 H.R. 7931, PIRCS Act....................................    40
    2.63 H.R. 8132, American COMPETE Act.........................    41
    2.64 H.R. 8273, Energizing Technology Transfer Act...........    41
    2.65 H.R. 8395, COVID-19 Disinformation Research and 
      Reporting Act of 2020......................................    41
    2.66 H.R. 8634, HACKED Act...................................    42
    2.67 H. Res. 246, Opposing efforts to delegitimize the State 
      of Israel and the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions 
      Movement targeting Israel..................................    42

Chapter III: Oversight, Investigations, and Other Activities of 
  the Committee..................................................    43

    3.1. Hearings before the Full Committee......................    43
        3.1(a). February 13, 2019--The State of Climate Science 
          and Why It Matters. Hearing Volume No. 116-1...........    43
        3.1(b). March 6, 2019--Maintaining U.S. Leadership in 
          Science and Technology. Hearing Volume No. 116-4.......    43
        3.1(c). March 13, 2019--America in Space: Future, 
          Visions, Current Issues. Hearing Volume No. 116-7......    44
        3.1(d). April 2, 2019--A Review of National Aeronautics 
          and Space Administration FY2020 Budget Request. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-10......................................    44
        3.1(e). May 9, 2019--Achieving the Promise of a Diverse 
          STEM. Hearing Volume No. 116-17........................    44
        3.1(f). May 16, 2019--Event Horizon Telescope: The Black 
          Hole Seen Round the World. Hearing Volume No. 116-19...    45
        3.1(g). May 17, 2019--Member's Day Hearing: House 
          Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-21......................................    45
        3.1(h). June 4, 2019--Nature in Crisis: Biodiversity Loss 
          and Causes. Hearing Volume No. 116-24..................    45
        3.1(i). June 12, 2019--Combating Sexual Harassment in 
          Science. Hearing Volume No. 116-28.....................    46
        3.1(j). June 25, 2019--Oversight of the Department of 
          Energy's Research and Development Enterprise. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-30......................................    46
        3.1(k). June 26, 2019--Artificial Intelligence: Societal 
          and Ethical Implications. Hearing Volume No. 116-32....    47
        3.1(l). July 11, 2019--Earth's Thermometers: Glacial and 
          Ice Sheet Melt in a Changing Climate. Hearing Volume 
          No. 116-35.............................................    47
        3.1(m). July 16, 2019--The Legacy of Apollo. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-37......................................    48
        3.1(n). September 10, 2019--Raising the Bar: Progress and 
          Future Needs in Forensic Science. Hearing Volume No. 
          116-43.................................................    48
        3.1(o). September 19, 2019--Science and Technology at the 
          Environmental Protection Agency. Hearing Volume No. 
          116-46.................................................    48
        3.1(p). September 26, 2019--Understanding, Forecasting, 
          and Communicating Extreme Weather in a Changing 
          Climate. Hearing Volume No. 116-49.....................    49
        3.1(q). November 13, 2019--Strengthening Transparency or 
          Silencing Science? The Future of Science in EPA 
          Rulemaking. Hearing Volume No. 116-53..................    49
        3.1(r). November 20, 2019--Fighting Flu, Saving Lives: 
          Vaccine Science and Innovation. Hearing Volume No. 116-
          56.....................................................    50
        3.1(s). December 5, 2019--Experts Needed: Options for 
          Improved Science and Technology Advice for Congress. 
          Hearing Volume No. 116-60..............................    50
        3.1(t). January 15, 2020--An Update on the Climate 
          Crisis: From Science to Solution. Hearing Volume No. 
          116-62.................................................    51
        3.1(u). January 29, 2020--Losing Ground: U.S. 
          Competitiveness in Critical Technologies. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-64......................................    51
        3.1(v). February 27, 2020--A Review of the 
          Administration's Federal Research and Development 
          Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2021. Hearing Volume 
          No. 116-69.............................................    52
        3.1(w). March 5, 2020--Coronaviruses: Understanding the 
          Spread of Infectious Diseases and Mobilizing Innovative 
          Solutions. Hearing Volume No. 116-71...................    52
        3.1(x). June 12, 2020--The Role of AFG and SAFER Grants 
          in COVID-19 Response. Hearing Volume No. 116-73........    52
        3.1(y). July 14, 2020--Sweltering in Place: COVID-19, 
          Extreme Heat, and Environmental Justice. Hearing Volume 
          No. 116-76.............................................    53

    3.2. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Energy..............    53

        3.2(a). February 26, 2019--The Future of ARPA-E. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-2.......................................    53
        3.2(b). March 7, 2019--The Energy Water Nexus: Drier 
          Watts and Cheaper Drops. Hearing Volume No. 116-5......    54
        3.2(c). May 3, 2019--FIELD HEARING: How the Domestic 
          Nuclear Industry Boosts Local Economies, Curbs 
          Emissions, and Strengthens National Security. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-14......................................    54
        3.2(d). May 15, 2019--Advancing the Next Generation of 
          Solar and Wind Energy Technologies. Hearing Volume No. 
          116-18.................................................    55
        3.2(e). June 19, 2019--Fossil Energy Research: Enabling 
          our Clean Energy Future. Hearing Volume No. 116-29.....    55
        3.2(f). July 17, 2019--The Future of Electricity 
          Delivery: Modernizing and Securing Our Nation's 
          Electricity Grid. Hearing Volume No. 116-40............    56
        3.2(g). September 18, 2019--The Next Mile: Technology 
          Pathways to Accelerate Sustainability within the 
          Transportation Sector. Hearing Volume No. 116-45.......    56
        3.2(h). November 14, 2019--Water and Geothermal Power: 
          Unearthing the Next Wave of Energy Innovation. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-55......................................    56
        3.2(i). November 22, 2019--FIELD HEARING: The Future of 
          Advanced Carbon Capture Research and Development. 
          Hearing Volume No. 116-58..............................    57
        3.2(j). December 10, 2019--Research and Innovation to 
          Address the Critical Materials Challenge. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-61......................................    57
        3.2(k). January 15, 2020--The Department of Energy's 
          Office of Science: Exploring the Next Frontiers in 
          Energy Research and Scientific Discovery. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-63......................................    58
        3.2(l). July 17, 2020--From Lab to Market: Accelerating 
          our Progress toward Economic Recovery and a Clean 
          Energy Future. Hearing Volume No. 116-77...............    58
        3.2(m). September 11, 2020--Biological Research at the 
          Department of Energy: Leveraging DOE's Unique 
          Capabilities to Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic. 
          Hearing Volume No. 116-80..............................    59

    3.3. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Environment.........    59

        3.3(a). February 27, 2019--Sea Change: Impacts of Climate 
          Change on Our Oceans and Coasts. Hearing Volume No. 
          116-3..................................................    59
        3.3(b). April 30, 2019--A Review of the National Oceanic 
          and Atmospheric Administration's Fiscal Year 2020 
          Budget Request. Hearing Volume No. 116-12..............    60
        3.3(c). May 16, 2019--The Future of Forecasting: Building 
          a Stronger U.S. Weather Enterprise. Hearing Volume No. 
          116-20.................................................    60
        3.3(d). June 5, 2019--Ocean Exploration: Diving to New 
          Depths and Discoveries. Hearing Volume No. 116-25......    60
        3.3(e). July 22, 2019--FIELD HEARING: Weathering the 
          Storm: Improving Hurricane Resiliency through Research. 
          Hearing Volume No. 116-26..............................    61
        3.3(f). October 23, 2019--Space Weather: Advancing 
          Research, Monitoring, and Forecasting Capabilities. 
          Hearing Volume No. 116-52..............................    61
        3.3(g). November 20, 2019--A Task of EPIC Proportions: 
          Reclaiming U.S. Leadership in Weather Modeling and 
          Prediction. Hearing Volume No. 116-57..................    62
        3.3(h). February 27, 2020--An Examination of Federal 
          Flood Maps in a Changing Climate. Hearing Volume No. 
          116-70.................................................    62
        3.3(i). September 30, 2020--Coping with Compound Crises: 
          Extreme Weather, Social Injustice, and a Global 
          Pandemic. Hearing Volume No. 116-83....................    63

    3.4. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Investigations and 
      Oversight..................................................    63

        3.4(a). March 27, 2019--EPA IRIS Program: Reviewing its 
          Progress and Roadblocks Ahead. Hearing Volume No. 116-9    63
        3.4(b). May 21, 2019--The Need for Resilience: Preparing 
          America's Transportation Infrastructure for Climate 
          Change. Hearing Volume No. 116-22......................    64
        3.4(c). June 25, 2019--Election Security: Voting 
          Technology Vulnerabilities. Hearing Volume No. 116-31..    64
        3.4(d). July 16, 2019--Environmental Protection Agency 
          Advisory Committees: How Science Should inform 
          Decisions. Hearing Volume No. 116-38...................    65
        3.4(e). September 26, 2019--Online Imposters and 
          Disinformation. Hearing Volume No. 116-47..............    65
        3.4(f). October 15, 2019--FIELD HEARING: Addressing the 
          Lead Crisis through Innovation & Technology. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-50......................................    65
        3.4(g). February 5, 2020--Management and Spending 
          Challenges within the Department of Energy's Office of 
          Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Hearing Volume 
          No. 116-66.............................................    66
        3.4(h). June 19, 2020--Repurposing Therapeutic Drugs for 
          COVID-19: Research Challenges and Opportunities. 
          Hearing Volume No. 116-74..............................    66
        3.4(i). July 28, 2020--The Role of Technology in 
          Countering Trafficking in Persons. Hearing Volume No. 
          116-78.................................................    67
        3.4(j). September 23, 2020--Data for Decision-Making: 
          Responsible Management of Data During COVID-19 and 
          Beyond. Hearing Volume No. 116-82......................    67

    3.5. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Research and 
      Technology.................................................    68

        3.5(a). March 6, 2019--Maintaining U.S. Leadership in 
          Science and Technology. Hearing Volume No. 116-4.......    68
        3.5(b). March 26, 2019--Revitalizing American Leadership 
          in Advanced Manufacturing. Hearing Volume No. 116-8....    68
        3.5(c). April 9, 2019--A Review of the National Institute 
          of Standards and Technology Fiscal Year 2020 Budget 
          Request. Hearing Volume No. 116-11.....................    69
        3.5(d). April 30, 2019--Closing the Loop: Emerging 
          Technologies in Plastics Recycling. Hearing Volume No. 
          116-13.................................................    69
        3.5(e). May 8, 2019--A Review of the National Science 
          Foundation Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Request. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-15......................................    70
        3.5(f). July 11, 2019--Bumper to Bumper: The Need for a 
          National Surface Transportation Research Agenda. 
          Hearing Volume No. 116-36..............................    70
        3.5(g). July 17, 2019--Scientific Integrity in Federal 
          Agencies. Hearing Volume No. 116-39....................    70
        3.5(h). July 25, 2019--Benign by Design: Innovations in 
          Sustainable Chemistry. Hearing Volume No. 116-42.......    71
        3.5(i). September 24, 2019--Artificial Intelligence and 
          the Future of Work. Hearing Volume No. 116-48..........    71
        3.5(j). October 25, 2019--FIELD HEARING: Smart Mobility: 
          It's a Community Issue. Hearing Volume No. 116-51......    72
        3.5(k). December 4, 2019--Calm Before the Storm: 
          Reauthorizing the National Windstorm Impact Reduction 
          Program. Hearing Volume No. 116-59.....................    72
        3.5(l). February 5, 2020--America's Seed Fund: A Review 
          of SBIR and STTR. Hearing Volume No. 116-65............    73
        3.5(m). February 11, 2020--More Hires, Fewer Hacks: 
          Developing the U.S. Cybersecurity Workforce. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-67......................................    73
        3.5(n). March 11, 2020--Reauthorization of the National 
          Institute of Standards and Technology. Hearing Volume 
          No. 116-72.............................................    74
        3.5(o). September 9, 2020--The Impact of the COVID-19 
          Crisis on University Research. Hearing Volume No. 116-
          79.....................................................    74

    3.6. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Space and 
      Aeronautics................................................    75

        3.6(a). May 8, 2019--Keeping Our Sights on Mars: A Review 
          of National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Deep 
          Space Exploration Programs and Lunar Proposal. Hearing 
          Volume No. 116-16......................................    75
        3.6(b). June 11, 2019--Discovery on the Frontiers of 
          Space: Exploring National Aeronautics and Space 
          Administration's Science Mission. Hearing Volume No. 
          116-27.................................................    75
        3.6(c). June 26, 2019--Exploring National Aeronautics and 
          Space Administration's Aeronautics Mission: Enabling 
          the Transformation of Aviation. Hearing Volume No. 116-
          33.....................................................    76
        3.6(d). July 10, 2019--A Review of Exploring National 
          Aeronautics and Space Administration's Plans for the 
          International Space Station and Future Activities in 
          Low Earth Orbit. Hearing Volume No. 116-34.............    76
        3.6(e). July 25, 2019--The Commercial Space Landscape: 
          Innovation, Market, and Policy. Hearing Volume No. 116-
          42.....................................................    76
        3.6(f). September 18, 2019--Developing Core Capabilities 
          for Deep Space Exploration: An Update on NASA's SLS, 
          Orion, and Exploration Ground Systems. Hearing Volume 
          No. 116-44.............................................    77
        3.6(g). November 13, 2019--Keeping Our Sights on Mars 
          Part 2: Structuring a Moon-Mars Program for Success. 
          Hearing Volume No. 116-54..............................    77
        3.6(h). February 11, 2020--Space Situational Awareness: 
          Key Issues in an Evolving Landscape. Hearing Volume No. 
          116-68.................................................    78
        3.6(i). June 23, 2020--R&D to Support Healthy Air Travel 
          in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond. Hearing Volume No. 116-
          75.....................................................    78
        3.6(j). September 18, 2020--Cybersecurity at NASA: 
          Ongoing Challenges and Emerging Issues for Increased 
          Telework During COVID-19. Hearing Volume No. 116-81....    79

Chapter IV: Appendix.............................................    79

    4.1. History of the Committee................................    79
    4.2. Views and Estimates of the Committee on Science, Space, 
      and Technology for FY 2020.................................    83
    4.2(a). Minority Views and Estimates for FY 2020.............    89
    4.3. Views and Estimates of the Committee on Science, Space, 
      and Technology for FY 2021.................................    96
    4.3(a) Minority Views and Estimates for FY 2021..............    96
    4.4. Oversight plan for the 116th Congress...................   100
    4.5. History of Appointments.................................   106
    4.6. Rules of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology   108

                                              Union Calendar No. 603

116th Congress, 2d Session----------------------HOUSE REPORT 116-719


January 2, 2021.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
              State of the Union and ordered to be printed


        Mr. Johnson, from the Committee on Science, Space, and 
                  Technology, submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                Chapter I: Legislation Enacted into Law

 1.1. P.L. 116-92, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
2020 (including: H.R. 2397, American Manufacturing Leadership Act; H.R. 
      3038, Securing American Science and Technology Act of 2019)


    The purpose of P.L. 116-92 is to authorize the activities 
of the Department of Defense and the defense capabilities of 
the Department of Energy. Significant to the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology's interests, this law contains 
the texts of H.R. 2397 and H.R. 3038.
    The purpose of H.R. 2397 is to amend the National Institute 
of Standards and Technology Act to reauthorize the network for 
manufacturing innovation and make changes to the implementation 
of the network. These changes include an increase in activities 
in workforce development and outreach to small manufacturers, 
and the development of network-wide performance metrics.
    The purpose of H.R. 3038 is to establish an interagency 
working group to coordinate activities and develop policy 
guidance to protect federally funded research and development 
from foreign interference, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    S. 1790, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
2020, was introduced by Senator James M. Inhofe on June 11, 
2019. The bill was reported to the Senate on June 11, 2019. On 
June 27, 2019, the Senate considered S. 1790, and the bill 
passed the amendment by a record vote of 86-8.
    On May 2, 2019, Adam Smith introduced H.R. 2500, National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019. On June 19, 
2019, H.R. 2500 was reported to the full House. On July 12, 
2019, H.R. 2500 passed the House by a record vote of 220-197.
    On September 19, 2019, S. 1790 was passed in the House by 
Unanimous Consent and a conference was requested. On December 
9, 2019, the conference committee filed a conference report. 
That conference agreement was approved by the House on December 
11, 2019, by a record vote of 377-48. On December 17, 2019, the 
conference agreement was approved by the Senate by a record 
vote of 86-8.
    On December 20, 2019 S. 1790 was signed by the President 
and became Public Law 116-92.

    1.2. P.L. 116-94, Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 
(including: H.R. 5213, NASA Enhanced Use Leasing Extension Act of 2019)


    The purpose of P.L. 116-94 is to fund certain activities of 
the federal government for fiscal year 2020, and other 
purposes. Significant to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology's interests, this law contains the text of H.R. 5213 
in Division I, Title VI. The purpose of H.R. 5213 is to extend 
the enhanced use leasing authority for NASA through December 
31, 2021.
    Also of note, is that Division I, Title VII contains an 
extension of NASA's exemption to the Iran, North Korea, and 
Syria Nonproliferation Act through December 31, 2025.

Legislative History

    On November 21, 2019, Kendra S. Horn introduced H.R. 5213, 
which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
    H.R. 1865 was introduced in the House by Bill Pascrell Jr. 
on March 25, 2019. At that time, the bill was titled: 
``National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act.'' It 
was considered in the House on October 28, 2019, under 
suspension of the rules and passed by voice vote. On November 
12, 2019, the Senate considered the bill and it passed by 
unanimous consent.
    On December 17, 2019, the House passed the bill again, this 
time amending it to include consolidated appropriations 
(including the provisions related to NASA). It passed by a roll 
call vote of 297-120. On December 19, 2019, the Senate passed 
the bill by a vote of 71-23.
    On December 20, 2019, the President signed H.R. 1865, and 
it became Public Law 116-94.

1.3. P.L. 116-97, Vera C. Rubin Observatory Designation Act (H.R. 3196)


    The purpose of the bill is to designate the Large Synoptic 
Survey Telescope (LSST) as the ``Vera C. Rubin Observatory''.

Legislative History

    On June 11, 2019, Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson 
introduced H.R. 3196, which was referred to the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology. The Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology met to consider H.R. 3196 on Thursday, 
June 20, 2019 and the bill was ordered reported by voice vote. 
H.R. 3196 was reported to the House on June 27, 2019.
    On July 23, 2019, H.R. 3196 was considered in the House 
under suspension of the rules and passed by voice vote.
    On December 18, 2019, H.R. 3196 was passed by the Senate by 
unanimous consent.
    On December 20, 2019, H.R. 3196 was signed by the President 
and became Public Law 116-97.

   1.4. P.L. 116-102, Building Blocks of STEM Act (H.R. 1665/S. 737)


    The purpose of H.R. 1665 is to direct the National Science 
Foundation (NSF) to more equitably allocate funding for 
research in the Discovery Research Pre-K-12 (DRK-12) program to 
studies that include a focus on early childhood (birth through 
age 10). In addition, the bill authorizes two NSF grant 

Legislative History

    On March 11, 2019, Haley Stevens introduced H.R. 1665, 
which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On July 23, 2019, H.R. 1665 was considered by the 
House under suspension of the rules and passed by voice vote.
    On March 11, 2019, Senator Jacky Rosen introduced S. 737, 
the Senate companion to H.R. 1665. On August 16, 2019, S. 737 
was reported from the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
Transportation to the Senate.
    On September 26, 2019, the Senate passed S. 737 by voice 
    On December 9, 2019, the House considered S. 737 under 
suspension of the rules and the bill passed by voice vote.
    On December 24, 2019, S. 737 was signed by the President 
and became P.L. 116-102.

1.5. P.L. 116-115, Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act (H.R. 425/S. 


    The purpose of H.R. 425 is to promote veteran involvement 
in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) 
education and careers, computer science, and scientific 

Legislative History

    On January 10, 2019, Neal P. Dunn introduced H.R. 425, 
which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On February 25, 2019, H.R. 425 was considered under 
suspension of the rules, and the bill passed the House by voice 
    On January 16, 2019, Senator Marco Rubio introduced S. 153, 
the Senate companion to H.R. 425. On December 5, 2019, S. 153 
was reported from the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
Transportation to the Senate.
    On December 18, 2019, the Senate passed S. 153 by unanimous 
    On January 27, 2020, S. 153 was considered in the House 
under suspension of the rules and passed by voice vote.
    On February 11, 2020, S. 153 was signed by the President 
and became P.L. 116-115.

           1.6. P.L. 116-181, PROSWIFT Act (H.R. 5260/S. 881)


    The PROSWIFT Act provides for the continued advancement of 
heliophysics research, collection of new data and observations, 
and improvements to our modeling and forecasting of space 
weather. This bill also clearly delineates the roles and 
responsibilities of the key federal agencies involved in space 
weather, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration, the National Science Foundation, the Department 
of Defense, the Federal Aviation Administration, the US 
Geological Survey, and the Office of Science and Technology 

Legislative History

    On November 22, 2019, Ed Perlmutter introduced H.R. 5260, 
which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services 
and Natural Resources. On October 23, 2019, The Subcommittee on 
Environment and the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics held 
a joint hearing entitled, ``Space Weather: Advancing Research, 
Monitoring, and Forecasting Capabilities.'' On January 9, 2020, 
the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology met to consider 
H.R. 5260, and the bill was ordered reported by the Committee 
by voice vote.
    On March 26, 2019, Senator Gary C. Peters introduced S. 
881, the Senate companion to H.R. 5260. The Senate Committee on 
Commerce, Science, and Transportation reported S. 881 to the 
Senate. House and Senate committees pre-conferenced S. 881 and 
H.R. 5260.
    On July 27, 2020, S. 881 was considered by the Senate and 
passed by unanimous consent.
    On September 16, 2020, S. 881 was considered in the House 
under suspension of the rules and passed by voice vote.
    On October 21, 2020, S. 881 was signed by the President and 
became Public Law 116-181.

1.7. P.L. 116-207, Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 
                            2019 (H.R. 1668)


    The Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 
2019 would require enhanced levels of cybersecurity for 
federally procured Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
    Specifically, the bill tasks NIST with creating 
recommendations for the appropriate use and management of IoT 
devices, including information security requirements. The bill 
tasks OMB with issuing guidelines for federal agencies 
consistent with NIST's recommendations. Finally, H.R. 1668 
requires NIST and OMB to publish guidance on IoT security 

Legislative History

    On March 11, 2019, Robin L. Kelly introduced H.R. 1668, 
which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Reform, 
and in addition to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On September 14, 2020, the Committee on Oversight 
and Reform reported H.R. 1668 to the House and the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology was discharged from further 
consideration. On September 21, 2020, H.R. 1668 was considered 
in the House under suspension of the rules and passed by voice 
    On November 17, 2020, H.R. 1668 was passed by the Senate by 
unanimous consent.
    On December 4, 2020, H.R. 1668 was signed by the President 
and became Public Law 116-207.

           1.8. P.L. 116-224, Save Our Seas 2.0 Act (S. 1982)


    The SOS 2.0 Act seeks to improve the domestic response to 
marine debris, incentivize international engagement on marine 
debris, and strengthen domestic waste management infrastructure 
to prevent the creation of new marine debris.

Legislative History

    On June 26, 2019, Senator Dan Sullivan introduced S. 1982, 
which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
Transportation. On November 13, 2019 the Committee ordered the 
bill to be reported favorably with an amendment and on January 
9, 2020 the Senate passed S. 1982 by voice vote.
    In the House, S. 1982 was referred to the Committee on 
Transportation and Infrastructure, and in addition to the 
Committees on Natural Resources, Foreign Affairs, Energy and 
Commerce, Science, Space, and Technology, and Agriculture. The 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology was discharged from 
further consideration on September 28, 2020. On October 1, 
2020, an amended S. 1982 was considered under suspension of the 
rules by the House, and the bill was passed by voice vote. On 
October 19, 2020 the bill was received with the House amendment 
by the Senate. Then the Senate agreed to the House amendment to 
the bill by Unanimous Consent on December 1, 2020.
    On December 18, 2020, S. 1982 was signed by the President 
and became Public Law 116-224.

1.9. P.L. 116-221, National Sea Grant College Program Amendments Act of 
                             2020 (S. 910)


    The purpose of the National Sea Grant College Program 
Amendments Act is to amend the National Sea Grant College 
Program Act to reauthorize the National Sea Grant College 
Program through 2024 and to improve Sea Grant's ability to 
enhance the practical use and conservation of coastal, marine, 
and Great Lakes resources through research, extension, and 
education activities.

Legislative History

    S. 910 was introduced on March 27, 2019, by Senator Wicker 
and was referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
Transportation of the Senate. On April 3, 2019, the Committee 
met in open Executive Session and, by voice vote, ordered S. 
910 reported favorably with an amendment.
    On December 6, 2019 the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology exchanged jurisdictional correspondence on H.R. 
2405, the Corresponding House bill to S. 910.
    On September 30, 2020 S. 910 Passed the Senate with an 
amendment by voice vote. October 1, 2020, the bill was held at 
the desk in the House. On November 6, 2020 the Bill was 
considered in the House under suspension of the rules as 
amended and passed by voice vote. On December 2, 2020 the 
Senate agreed to the House amendment to the Bill by Voice Vote.
    On December 18, 2020, S. 910 was signed by the President 
and became Public Law 116-216.

1.10. P.L. 116-XXX, Coordinated Ocean Observations and Research Act of 
                             2020 (S. 914)


    The purpose of this bill is to reauthorize the Integrated 
Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act of 2009, to clarify 
the authority of the Administrator of the National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration with respect to post-storm 
assessments, and to require the establishment of a National 
Water Center, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    On March 27, 2019, Senator Roger F. Wicker introduced S. 
914. On December 5, 2019, the Committee on Commerce, Science, 
and Transportation reported S. 914 to the Senate. On July 30, 
2020, the Senate considered and passed S. 914 by Unanimous 
    On December 3, 2020, S. 914, as amended, was considered in 
the House under suspension of the rules and passed by voice 
    On December 16, 2020, the Senate considered S. 914, as 
amended by the House, and passed the bill by Unanimous Consent.
    On December 21, 2020, S. 914 was submitted to the 
    ***At the time of filing of this report, no further action 
had been reported.***

           1.11. P.L. 116-XXX, IOGAN Act (H.R. 4355/S. 2904)


    The purpose of the bill is to provide for research on 
manipulated or synthesized content and information 
authenticity, including output of generative adversarial 
networks, otherwise known as deepfakes and to encourage public-
private partnerships to develop standards for detecting and 
identifying such content.

Legislative History

    On September 17, 2019, Representative Anthony Gonzalez 
introduced H.R. 4355, Identifying Outputs of Generative 
Adversarial Networks Act (``IOGAN Act''). The bill was referred 
solely to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.
    On September 25, 2019, the Committee favorably reported the 
bill, H.R. 4355, as amended, to the House with the 
recommendation that the bill be approved. On December 9, 2019, 
H.R. 4355 was considered under suspension of the rules and was 
agreed to by voice vote.
    On November 20, 2019, Senator Catherine Masto Cortez 
introduced S. 2904, the Senate companion to H.R. 4355. On 
November 9, 2020, the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
Transportation reported S. 2904 to the Senate. On November 18, 
2020, the Senate considered and passed S. 2904 by Unanimous 
    On December 8, 2020, the House considered and passed S. 
2904 by Unanimous Consent.
    On December 23, 2020, S. 2904 was signed by the President.
    ***At the time of filing of this report, a Public Law 
number had not been issued.***

 1.12. P.L. 116-XXX, One Small Step to Protect Human Heritage in Space 
                             Act (S. 1694)


    The purpose of the ``One Small Step to Protect Human 
Heritage in Space Act'' is to require NASA to add 
recommendations and inform other relevant agencies of 
information relating to the principle of due regard and the 
limitation of harmful interference with Apollo landing site 
artifacts, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    S. 1694 was introduced on May 23, 2019, by Gary Peters and 
was referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
Transportation. On July 10, 2019 the Committee ordered the bill 
to be reported favorably with an amendment and on July 18, 2019 
the Senate passed S. 1982 by voice vote.
    On July 16, 2019, Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson 
introduced H.R. 3766, One Small Step to Protect Human Heritage 
in Space Act.
    In the House, S. 1694 was referred to the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology, and then to the Committee on 
Foreign Affairs. On December 17, 2020, an amended S. 1694 was 
considered under suspension of the rules by the House, and the 
bill was passed by voice vote.
    On December 19, 2020, the Senate passed S. 1694 by voice 
    On December 21, 2020, S. 1694 was presented to the 
    ***At the time of filing of this report, no further action 
had been reported.***

 1.13. P.L. 116-XXX, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (H.R. 133, 
             including the text of the Energy Act of 2020)


    The purpose of this law is to fund the activities of the 
Federal Government for fiscal year 2021, and other purposes. Of 
note is that this law contains a number of energy and 
environment provisions in the Committee's jurisdiction. 
Division S of the bill contains a number of environmental 
research programs in the Committee's jurisdiction including the 
text of H.R. 1166, USE IT Act.
    Division Z consists of the Energy Act of 2020. This bill is 
the final product of negotiations related to the House passed 
H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act. Included 
in Division Z are the following bills which were led by the 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: H.R. 34, the 
Energy and Water Research Integration Act (E.B. Johnson); H.R. 
617, the Department of Energy Veterans' Health Initiative Act 
(Norman); H.R. 2986, the Better Energy Storage Technologies Act 
(Foster); H.R. 3597, the Solar Energy Research and Development 
Act (McAdams); H.R. 3607, the Fossil Energy Research and 
Development Act (Veasey); H.R. 3609, the Wind Energy Research 
and Development Act (Tonko); H.R. 4091, the ARPA-E 
Reauthorization Act (E.B. Johnson); H.R. 4230, the Clean 
Industrial Technology Act (CITA) (Casten); H.R. 4481, the 
Securing Energy Critical Elements and American Jobs Act 
(Swalwell); H.R. 4733, the Low-Dose Radiation Research Act 
(Posey); H.R. 5428, the Grid Modernization Research and 
Development Act (Lamb); H.R. 5374, the Advanced Geothermal 
Research and Development Act (Lucas); H.R. 6084, the Water 
Power Research and Development Act (Bonamici); H.R. 6097, the 
Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act (Lamb); and H.R. 
8273, the Energizing Technology Transfer Act (E.B. Johnson). 
The division also includes programs on produced water research 
development and fusion energy research and development.

Legislative History

    For further information about the legislative history of 
the constituent bills in Division Z, please see Chapter 2 
    On January 3, 2019, Henry Cuellar introduced H.R. 133, 
United States-Mexico Economic Partnership Act. On January 10, 
2019, H.R. 133 was considered by the House under suspension of 
the rules and passed by voice vote. On January 15, 2020, H.R. 
133 was considered by the Senate and passed by Unanimous 
    On December 21, 2020, H.R. 133 was considered in the House 
pursuant to a rule (H. Res. 1271). Pursuant to the rule, the 
text of H.R. 133 was replaced with the Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2021. H.R. 133 passed the House by a record 
vote of 359-53.
    On December 22, 2020, the Senate considered H.R. 133, and 
the bill passed by a record vote of 92-6.
    On December 27, 2020, H.R. 133 was signed by the President.
    ***At the time of filing of this report, a Public Law 
number had not been issued.***

   1.14. P.L. 116-XXX, ``The William M. (Mac) Thornberry'' National 
   Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (H.R. 6395/S. 4049)


    The purpose of ``The William M. (Mac) Thornberry'' National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (``NDAA'') is to 
authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for military 
activities of the Department of Defense and for military 
construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for 
such fiscal year, and for other purposes. It also authorizes 
appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for military activities of 
the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for 
defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe 
military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for 
other purposes.

Legislative History

    On March 26, 2020, Representative Adam Smith introduced 
H.R. 6395, which was referred to the House Committee on Armed 
Services and then to its Subcommittees. By June 23, 2020 all 
Subcommittees had held their markups and forwarded the Bill to 
the Full Committee by voice vote. On July 1, 2020 the Full 
Committee marked up the Bill and ordered to be reported amended 
by record vote, 56-0.
    On July 20, 2020, H.R. 6395 was considered under the 
provisions of rule H. Res. 1053 and on July 21, 2020 the 
amended bill passed the House by a record vote of 295-125.
    On June 23, 2020, Senator James Inhofe introduced S. 4049, 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, which 
was referred to the Senate Committee on Armed Services. S. 4049 
was moved for consideration before the Senate on June 29, 2020 
by record vote of 89-4. Then on July 23, 2020 an amended S. 
4049 passed the Senate by record vote of 86-14.
    On September 16, 2020, the House Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology transmitted a letter to the Speaker of 
the House requesting the appointment of conferees from the 
Committee to the anticipated House-Senate conference on the 
NDAA to certain provisions of H.R. 6395
    On November 16, 2020 H.R. 6395 passed the Senate with an 
amendment by voice vote. Rep. Smith asked for unanimous consent 
that the House disagree to the Senate's amendment and request a 
conference, which was agreed to without objection.
    On November 18, 2020 the Speaker of the House appointed 
conferees from the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 
for consideration of the following provisions of the House NDAA 
Bill H.R. 6395 section 229, subtitle D of title II of division 
A, sections 327, 333, 341, 1744, 1771, 1806, 1807, 1821, 1824, 
1825, division E, sections 5502 and 10104. Furthermore, 
conferees were appointed for sections 318, 1098, 1099, subtitle 
C of title LII of division E, secs. 5231-38, and 6087 of the 
Senate NDAA Bill for FY 2021, S. 4049.
    Several provisions that the Committee had clear 
jurisdictional interest and had requested appointed conferees 
for were denied conferees by the Parliamentarians according to 
their protocol of which did not respect the similarity to 
corresponding bills referred to the Committee and the 
substantial policy implications of these provisions in the 
House NDAA Bill H.R. 6395, theses sections were 229, 233, 247, 
272, 328, 330, 341, 1633, 1705, 1721-1723, 1754, 5107, 5231-
5238, and 9412. In S. 4049 bill the provisions included 
Subtitle H of title LX of Division E.
    Of the provisions that the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology had conferees appointed to, the following sections 
ultimately made it into the final conference report and Public 
Law, (please note that by including these provisions into the 
conference report conforming changes were made to their 
locations in the bill therefore these are references to the 
location of provisions in the final Public Law) sections 223, 
261-267 (Subtitle E of title II of division A), 334, 338, 1055, 
9413, 9401-9407, 9411, 9415, 9902, 9906, 9907, 5001-5501, and 
    For further information about the legislative history of 
the constituent bills (H.R. 2051, H.R. 6208, H.R. 6216, H.R. 
7139, H.R. 7560, H.R. 7713, H.R. 7931, H.R. 8634) located in 
sections 261-267 (Subtitle E of title II of division A), 332, 
338, 1055, 1613, 5001-5501, 9401-9407, 9414 (respectively) of 
Public Law 116-XXX please see Chapter 2 generally.
    On December 3, 2020 the Conferees agreed to file a 
Conference Report on H.R. 6395. On December 8, 2020 the 
Conference Report on H.R. 6395 was agreed to in the House by a 
record vote of 335-78-1. And then on December 11, 2020 the 
conference report on H.R. 6395 was agreed to in the Senate by a 
record vote of 84-13.
    On December 23, 2020, H.R. 6395 was vetoed by the 
    On December 28, 2020, the House voted to override the 
President's veto of H.R. 6395 by a vote of 322-Y and 87-N.
    On January 1, 2021, the Senate voted to override the 
President's veto of H.R. 6395 by a vote of 81-Y and 13-N.
    ***At the time of filing of this report, a Public Law 
number had not been issued.***

  1.15. P.L. 116-XXX, National Landslide Preparedness Act (H.R. 8810)


    The purpose of H.R. 1261 is to establish a national program 
to identify and reduce losses from landslide hazards, authorize 
the existing national 3D Elevation Program, and authorize 
studying, mitigating, and restoring instances of ground 

Legislative History

    On February 14, 2019, Suzan K. DelBene introduced H.R. 
1261, which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, 
and in addition to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On June 3, 2019, the Committee on Natural Resources 
reported H.R. 1261 to the House and the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology was discharged from further 
consideration. On June 3, 2019, H.R. 1261 was considered in the 
House under suspension of the rules and passed by voice vote.
    On July 30, 2020, the Senate passed S. 529, the Senate 
companion to H.R. 1261, by unanimous consent.
    On November 24, 2020, Suzan K. DelBene introduced H.R. 
8810, which was a reintroduction of H.R. 1261. The bill was 
reintroduced due to difficulties in negotiations with the 
Senate. On December 3, 2020, the House considered H.R. 8810 
under suspension of the rules and the bill passed by voice 
    On December 16, 2020, the Senate considered H.R. 8810 and 
the bill passed by Unanimous Consent.
    On December 24, 2020, H.R. 8810 was presented to the 
    ***At the time of filing of this report, no further action 
had been reported.***

   1.16. P.L. 116-XXX, Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility Act (S. 2472)


    The purpose of this bill is to rename the NASA John H. 
Glenn Research Center at Plum Brook Station in Ohio as the 
``NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at the Neil A. Armstrong 
Test Facility.''

Legislative History

    On September 12, 2019, Senator Rob Portman introduced S. 
2472. On February 27, 2020, the Committee on Commerce, Science, 
and Transportation reported S. 2472 to the Senate. On June 24, 
2020, the Senate considered S. 2472 and the bill passed by 
Unanimous Consent.
    On December 16, 2020, the House considered S. 2472 under 
suspension of the rules and the bill passed by voice vote.
    On December 30, 2020, S. 2472 was signed by the President.
    ***At the time of filing of this report, a Public Law 
number had not been issued.***

  1.17. P.L. 116-XXX, Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act (H.R. 


    The purpose of the bill is to provide for multidisciplinary 
research on the science of suicide, and to advance the 
knowledge and understanding of issues that may be associated 
with several aspects of suicide including intrinsic and 
extrinsic factors related to areas such as wellbeing, 
resilience, and vulnerability.

Legislative History

    On October 16, 2019, Representative Ben McAdams introduced 
H.R. 4704, the Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act. The 
bill was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On November 14, 2019, the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology favorably reported the bill, H.R. 4704, 
as amended, to the House with the recommendation that the bill 
be approved.
    On January 27, 2020, H.R. 4704 was considered under 
suspension of the rules, and upon demand of yeas and nays, was 
agreed to, 385-8.
    On December 14, 2020, the Senate agreed to pass an amended 
H.R. 4704 by unanimous consent.
    On December 31, 2020, the House passed H.R. 4704 by 
unanimous consent.
    ***At the time of filing of this report, no further action 
had been reported.***

               1.18. P.L. 116-XXX, EFFORT Act (H.R. 3153)


    The purpose of H.R. 3153 is to direct the National Science 
Foundation (NSF) to support research related to opioid 

Legislative History

    On June 6, 2019, Representative Jennifer Wexton, introduced 
H.R. 3153, the Expanding Findings for Federal Opioid Research 
and Treatment Act or the EFFORT Act. The bill was referred 
solely to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.
    On June 20, 2019, the Committee favorably reported the 
bill, H.R. 3153, to the House with the recommendation that the 
bill be approved. The motion was agreed to by a voice vote. On 
July 23, 2019, H.R. 3153 was considered under suspension of the 
rules and was agreed to by voice vote.
    On December 22, 2020, the Senate passed H.R. 3153 by voice 
    On December 31, 2020, the House passed H.R. 3153 by 
Unanimous Consent.
    ***At the time of filing of this report, no further action 
had been reported.***

Chapter II: Other Committee Legislation (bold indicates bills primarily 
       referred to the Committee on Science space and Technology)

                2.1. H.R. 1, For the People Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 1 is to expand voter access, ensure 
election integrity, and increase election security for federal 
elections. The bill also reforms campaign finance laws and 
ethics laws for the three branches of government.
    Elements of H.R. 1 address and update NIST's role under the 
Help America Vote Act.

Legislative History

    H.R. 1 was introduced by John Sarbanes on January 3, 2019. 
The bill was referred to the Committee on House Administration, 
and in addition to the Committees on Intelligence (Permanent 
Select); Judiciary; Oversight and Reform; Science, Space, and 
Technology; Education and Labor; Ways and Means; Financial 
Services; Ethics; and, Homeland Security. H.R. 1 was reported 
from the Committee on House Administration on March 4, 2019, 
and all other committees were discharged of consideration of 
the bill. The House considered H.R. 1 from March 6-8, 2019, and 
the bill passed the House by record vote of 234-193 on March 8, 

    2.2. H.R. 34, Energy and Water Research Integration Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 34 is to ensure the intensity of energy 
and water is considered in the Department of Energy's energy 
research, development, and demonstration programs to help 
guarantee efficient, reliable, and sustainable delivery of 
energy and clean water resources.

Legislative History

    H.R. 34 was introduced by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson 
on January 3, 2019, and the bill was referred solely to the 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. The Energy 
Subcommittee held a hearing on March 7, 2019 to examine energy 
and water nexus issues in support of H.R. 34. The Subcommittee 
on Energy met to consider H.R. 34 on March 27, 2019. The bill 
was forwarded to the Full Committee by voice vote. The Full 
Committee met to consider H.R. 34 on May 1, 2019. The bill was 
ordered reported by voice vote.
    On July 23, 2019, H.R. 34 was considered under suspension 
of the rules and the bill was passed by voice vote.
    On September 23-24, 2020, the House considered H.R. 4447, 
the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which contained the 
text of H.R. 34. H.R. 4447 was considered under the provisions 
of rule H. Res. 1129 and on September 24, 2020 the bill passed 
the House by a record vote of 220-185.
    For further information on H.R. 34, please refer to entry 
1.13 from Chapter 1.

    2.3 H.R. 36, Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2019


    The purpose of the bill is to provide for research on the 
causes, consequences and prevalence of, as well as 
interventions for preventing, sexual harassment in the STEM 
workforce. The bill also directs coordination among federal 
science agencies efforts to address sexual harassment involving 
federally funded researchers.

Legislative History

    H.R. 36 was introduced by Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson 
on January 3, 2019, and the bill was referred solely to the 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. On Wednesday, June 
12, 2019, the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held 
a hearing entitled Combating Sexual Harassment in Science. On 
June 20, 2019, the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 
met to consider H.R. 36. The bill was ordered reported by voice 
vote. The Committee reported the bill to the House on July 12, 
    On July 23, 2019, H.R. 36 was considered under suspension 
of the rules and passed the House by voice vote.

        2.4. H.R. 206, Encouraging Small Business Innovation Act


    The purpose of H.R. 206 is to revise certain requirements 
for the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business 
Technology Transfer Programs, in part, by including small 
business investment companies in the programs.

Legislative History

    H.R. 206 was introduced on January 3, 2019, by Harley 
Rouda, and the bill was referred to the Committee on Small 
Business and in addition to the Committee on Science, Space, 
and Technology. On January 14, 2019, H.R. 206 was considered 
under suspension of the rules, and the bill passed the House by 
voice vote.

 2.5. H.R. 246, Stimulating Innovation through Procurement Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 246 is to increase assistance to 
participants in the Small Business Innovation Research and 
Small Business Technology Transfer Programs, in part by 
including procurement executives from participating agencies in 
the SBIR and STTR programs.

Legislative History

    On January 4, 2019, Abby Finkenauer introduced H.R. 246, 
which was referred to the Committee on Small Business, and in 
addition to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. On 
January 14, 2019, H.R. 246 was considered under suspension of 
the rules, and the bill passed the House by voice vote.

     2.6. H.R. 335, South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act of 2019


    H.R. 335 amends the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia 
Research and Control Act of 1998 to require the Interagency 
Task Force on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Hypoxia to 
produce an integrated assessment on the causes, consequences, 
and mitigation options for HABs and hypoxia in South Florida, 
and to identify gaps in research, monitoring and management.
    It also requires the Task Force to develop an action plan, 
in consultation with local stakeholders, in response to the 
integrated assessment that details methods for reducing and 
mitigating HABs and hypoxia in South Florida, and to provide 
progress reports on the implementation of the plan biennially.

Legislative History

    On January 8, 2019, Brian J. Mast introduced H.R. 335, 
which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology, and in addition to the Committee on Natural 
Resources. On March 7, 2019, the Environment Subcommittee held 
a hearing focused on climate change impacts on our nation's 
oceans and coasts, where harmful algal blooms were discussed as 
a major associated impact. On July 23, 2019, the Full Committee 
met to consider H.R. 335, and it was ordered reported from the 
Committee by voice vote. The bill was reported to the House on 
September 11, 2019, and the Committee on Natural Resources was 
discharged of consideration of the bill.
    On September 26, 2019, H.R. 335 was considered under 
suspension of the rules, and the bill passed the House by voice 

         2.7. H.R. 425, Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act


    The purpose of H.R. 425 is to promote veteran involvement 
in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) 
education and careers, computer science, and scientific 

Legislative History

    On January 10, 2019, Neal P. Dunn introduced H.R. 425, 
which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On February 25, 2019, H.R. 425 was considered under 
suspension of the rules, and the bill passed the House by voice 
    For further information on the legislative history of H.R. 
425 (S. 153), see Chapter I.

         2.8. H.R. 539, Innovators to Entrepreneurs Act of 2019


    H.R. 539 expands participation in the National Science 
Foundation's Innovation Corps Program to Small Business 
Innovation Program grantees and makes available specialized I-
Corps courses in all aspects of preparing a product to go to 

Legislative History

    On January 14, 2019, Daniel Lipinski introduced H.R. 539, 
which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology, and in addition to the Committee on Small Business. 
On February 25, 2019, H.R. 539 was considered under suspension 
of the rules, and the bill passed the House by a record vote of 

2.9. H.R. 542, Supporting Research and Development for First Responders 


    H.R. 542 amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to 
authorize the National Urban Security Technology Laboratory 
(NUSTL) within the Department of Homeland Security's Science 
and Technology Directorate (S&T).

Legislative History

    On January 14, 2019, Kathleen M. Rice introduced H.R. 542, 
which was referred to the Committee on Homeland Security. On 
May 15, 2019, the Committee on Homeland Security met to 
consider H.R. 542, and it was ordered reported from the 
Committee by voice vote. On June 10, 2019, the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology exchanged jurisdictional 
correspondence on H.R. 542.
    On June 10, 2019, H.R. 542 was considered under suspension 
of the rules, and the bill passed the House by a record vote of 
    On November 9, 2020, the Senate Committee on Homeland 
Security and Government Affairs favorably reported H.R. 542 to 
the Senate.

  2.10. H.R. 617, Department of Energy Veterans' Health Initiative Act


    The purpose of H.R. 617 is to require the Department of 
Energy to collaborate with the Department of Veterans Affairs 
to conduct research to improve veterans' healthcare.

Legislative History

    On January 16, 2019, Ralph Norman introduced H.R. 617, 
which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology, and in addition to the Committee on Veterans 
    On July 23, 2019, H.R. 617 was considered under suspension 
of the rules, and the bill passed the House by voice vote.
    On December 12, 2019, the Senate Committee on Energy and 
Natural Resources reported H.R. 617 to the Senate.
    The text of H.R. 617 was also included in Section 5502 in 
H.R. 6395, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2021. On July 20, 2020, H.R. 6395 was considered under the 
provisions of the rule H. Res. 1053 and on July 21, 2020 the 
bill passed the House by a record vote of 295-125. On November 
18, 2020 the Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology and included Committee members 
for consideration of Section 5502. This language was taken out 
of the conference report and added to P.L. 116-XXX, the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 617, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

                    2.11. H.R. 988, NEAR Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 988 is to direct the Secretary of 
Commerce to work with the National Academies of Sciences, 
Engineering, and Medicine to produce a study on the impacts of 
ocean acidification and other environmental stressors on 
estuarine environments to improve our understanding of these 
impacts and inform management and mitigation decisions.

Legislative History

    On February 6, 2019, Bill Posey introduced H.R. 988, which 
was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology, and in addition to the Committee on Natural 
Resources. On March 7, 2019, the Environment Subcommittee of 
the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a hearing 
focused on climate change impacts on our nation's oceans and 
coasts, where ocean acidification was discussed as a major 
associated impact.
    On April 9, 2019, the Subcommittee on Environment met to 
consider H.R. 988 and three other ocean acidification bills, 
and H.R. 988 was reported to the Full Committee by voice vote. 
The Full Committee on Science, Space, and Technology met to 
consider H.R. 988 on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, and the bill was 
reported to the House by voice vote. On May 23, 2019, H.R. 988 
was reported to the House.
    On June 5, 2019, H.R. 988 was considered under suspension 
of the rules, and the bill passed the House by voice vote.

              2.12. H.R. 1237, COAST Research Act of 2019


    The purpose of the bill is to reauthorize and update the 
Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act of 2009 
by expanding the scope of federal ocean acidification and 
coastal acidification research, establishing an independent 
Ocean Acidification Advisory Board, establishing and 
maintaining a data archive system for ocean and coastal 
acidification data, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    On February 14, 2019, Suzanne Bonamici introduced H.R. 
1237, which was referred soley to the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology. On March 7, 2019, the Environment 
Subcommittee held a hearing focused on climate change impacts 
on our nation's oceans and coasts, where ocean acidification 
was discussed as a major associated impact.
    On April 9, 2019, the Subcommittee on Environment met to 
consider H.R. 1237 and three other ocean acidification bills, 
and H.R. 1237 was reported to the Full Committee by voice vote. 
The Full Committee met to consider H.R. 1237 on Wednesday, May 
1, 2019, and the bill was reported favorably to the House by 
voice vote. On May 28, 2019, H.R. 1237 was reported to the 
    On June 5, 2019, H.R. 1237 was considered under suspension 
of the rules, and the bill passed the House by voice vote.

 2.13. H.R. 1261 (S. 529, H.R. 8810), National Landslide Preparedness 


    The purpose of H.R. 1261 is to establish a national program 
to identify and reduce losses from landslide hazards, authorize 
the existing national 3D Elevation Program, and authorize 
studying, mitigating, and restoring instances of ground 

Legislative History

    On February 14, 2019, Suzan K. DelBene introduced H.R. 
1261, which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, 
and in addition to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On June 3, 2019, the Committee on Natural Resources 
reported H.R. 1261 to the House and the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology was discharged from further 
consideration. On June 3, 2019, H.R. 1261 was considered in the 
House under suspension of the rules and passed by voice vote.
    On July 30, 2020, the Senate passed S. 529, the Senate 
companion to H.R. 1261, by unanimous consent.
    On November 24, 2020, Suzan K. DelBene introduced H.R. 
8810, which was a reintroduction of H.R. 1261. The bill was 
reintroduced due to difficulties in negotiations with the 
Senate. For further information regarding this bill, see entry 
1.15 in Chapter 1.

  2.14. H.R. 1314 (S. 914), Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation 
                     System Act Amendments of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 1314 is to reauthorize the Integrated 
Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act of 2009, and for other 

Legislative History

    On February 19, 2019, H.R. 1314 was introduced by Don Young 
and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in 
addition to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. 
H.R. 1314 was reported from the Committee on Natural Resources 
on October 11, 2019, and the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology was discharged of further consideration.
    On July 30, 2020, the Senate companion to H.R. 1314, S. 
914, passed the Senate by unanimous consent.

                       2.15. H.R. 1646, HERO Act


    H.R. 1646 would require the Secretary of Health and Human 
Services (the Secretary) to improve the detection, prevention, 
and treatment of mental health issues among public safety 

Legislative History

    On March 8, 2019, Ami Bera introduced H.R. 1646, which was 
referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in 
addition to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. On 
September 18, 2019, the Committee on Energy and Commerce 
reported H.R. 1646 to the House and the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology was discharged from further 
    On September 21, 2019, H.R. 1646 was considered in the 
House under suspension of the rules and passed by voice vote.

         2.16. H.R. 1665 (S. 737), Building Blocks of STEM Act*


    The purpose of H.R. 1665 is to direct the National Science 
Foundation (NSF) to more equitably allocate funding for 
research in the Discovery Research Pre-K-12 (DRK-12) program to 
studies that include a focus on early childhood (birth through 
age 10). In addition, the bill authorizes two NSF grant 

Legislative History

    On March 11, 2019, Haley Stevens introduced H.R. 1665, 
which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On July 23, 2019, H.R. 1665 was considered by the 
House under suspension of the rules and passed by voice vote.
    For further information on the legislative history of H.R. 
1665 (S. 737), see Public Law 116-102 Chapter I.

               2.17. H.R. 1709, Scientific Integrity Act


    H.R. 1709 amends the America COMPETES Act to establish, in 
law, scientific integrity policies at Federal science agencies, 
and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    On March 13, 2019, Paul Tonko introduced H.R. 1709, which 
was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On July 17, 2019, the Research and Technology 
Subcommittee and the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee 
held a joint hearing entitled ``Scientific Integrity in Federal 
Agencies.'' The Committee met to consider H.R. 1709 on October 
17, 2019, and the bill was ordered reported to the House by a 
record vote of 25-096.
    On May 15, 2020, the substance of H.R. 1709 passed the 
House as part of H.R. 6800, the HEROES Act. On September 24, 
2020, the substance of H.R. 1709 was incorporate into H.R. 
4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which was 
considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and passed 
the House by a record vote of 220-185.

  2.18. H.R. 1716, Coastal Communities Ocean Acidification Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 1716 is to direct the National Oceanic 
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to study the 
socioeconomic impacts of ocean acidification on coastal 
communities across the United States.

Legislative History

    On March 13, 2019, Chellie Pingree introduced H.R. 1716, 
which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On March 7, 2019, the Environment Subcommittee of 
the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a hearing 
focused on climate change impacts on our nation's oceans and 
coasts, where ocean acidification was discussed as a major 
associated impact.
    On April 9, 2019, the Subcommittee on Environment met to 
consider H.R. 1716 and three other ocean acidification bills, 
and H.R. 1716 was reported to the Full Committee by voice vote. 
The Full Committee met to consider H.R. 1716 on Wednesday, May 
1, 2019, and the bill was reported to the House by voice vote. 
On May 23, 2019, H.R. 1716 was reported to the House.
    On June 5, 2019, H.R. 1716 was considered under suspension 
of the rules, and the bill passed the House by voice vote.

   2.19. H.R. 1837, United States-Israel Cooperation Enhancement and 
                         Regional Security Act


    The purpose of H.R. 1837 is to authorize joint research, 
cooperation, and security assistance programs between the 
United States and Israel.

Legislative History

    On March 21, 2019, Theodore E. Deutch introduced H.R. 1837, 
which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in 
addition to the Committees on Armed Services; Science, Space, 
and Technology; Agriculture; Energy and Commerce; Judiciary; 
Homeland Security; Transportation and Infrastructure; and, 
Veterans' Affairs. The Committee on Foreign Affairs considered 
H.R. 1837 on July 17, 2019, and ordered the bill reported by 
voice vote.
    On July 23, 2019, H.R. 1837 was considered in the House 
under suspension of the rules and passed by voice vote.

      2.20. H.R. 1921, Ocean Acidification Innovation Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 1921 is to create a federal prize 
competition to spur innovation in understanding ocean 
acidification or developing management strategies for 
responding to ocean acidification.

Legislative History

    On March 7, 2019, the Environment Subcommittee of the 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a hearing 
focused on climate change impacts on our nation's oceans and 
coasts, where ocean acidification was discussed as a major 
associated impact.
    On March 27, 2019, Representative Derek Kilmer introduced 
H.R. 1921, the Ocean Acidification Innovation Act of 2019. The 
bill was referred solely to the Committee on Science, Space, 
and Technology.
    On April 9, 2019, the Subcommittee on Environment favorably 
reported H.R. 1921, as amended, to the Full Committee. The Full 
Committee met to consider H.R. 1921 on Wednesday, May 1, 2019. 
There were no amendments offered to H.R. 1921. The Committee 
favorably reported the bill, H.R. 1921 to the House with the 
recommendation that the bill be approved.
    On June 5, 2019, H.R. 1921 was considered under suspension 
of the rules, and upon demand of yeas and nays, was agreed to, 

            2.21. H.R. 2044, Smart Building Acceleration Act


    The purpose of H.R. 2044 is to accelerate smart building 
development through the establishment of a Department of Energy 
(DOE) Federal Smart Building Program. Under the program, DOE 
must implement smart building technology in certain federal 
buildings and demonstrate the costs and benefits of smart 
buildings. In addition, DOE must conduct (1) a survey of 
privately owned smart buildings throughout the United States 
and evaluate their costs and benefits, and (2) research and 
development on barriers to the integration of advanced building 

Legislative History

    Representative Peter Welch introduced H.R. 2044 on April 3, 
2019. The bill was referred primarily to the Committee on 
Energy and Commerce, in addition to the Committee on 
Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology.
    The Committee on Energy and Commerce held a subcommittee 
hearing on April 10, 2019, a subcommittee markup on May 16, 
2019 and on July 17, 2019 favorably reported the bill, H.R. 
2044, without amendment, to the House with the recommendation 
that the bill be approved.

2.22. H.R. 2051, Sustainable Chemistry Research and Development Act of 


    The purpose of the bill is to provide for federal 
coordination of activities supporting sustainable chemistry. 
Rather than focusing on cleanup and control of waste and 
hazardous materials, sustainable chemistry emphasizes 
redesigning industrial products and processes to reduce or 
eliminate hazards at their source by reducing toxicity, 
quantities of waste, and energy consumption.

Legislative History

    On April 3, 2019, Representative Daniel Lipinski introduced 
H.R. 2051, the Sustainable Chemistry Research and Development 
Act of 2019. The bill was referred to the House Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology and the House Committee on the 
    On July 25, 2019 the Subcommittee on Research and 
Technology held a hearing to assess the challenges and 
opportunities for expanding the use of sustainable chemicals, 
production processes, and stewardship practices throughout the 
chemical science and engineering enterprise. The Committee 
examined the research, technologies, and strategies that are 
needed to support the adoption of sustainable chemistry 
innovations. The Committee also received testimony on the 
Sustainable Chemistry Research and Development Act of 2019.
    On October 17, 2019, the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology favorably reported H.R. 2051, as amended, to the 
House with the recommendation that the bill be approved. On 
October 17, 2019, the Committee on the Budget was discharged of 
consideration of the bill.
    On December 9, 2019, H.R. 2051 was considered under 
suspension of the rules and the bill was passed by voice vote.
    The text of H.R. 2051 was included as Subtitle E of title 
II of division A in H.R. 6395 (Sections 261-267 or Subtitle E 
of title II of division A), ``The William M. (Mac) Thornberry'' 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, for 
further information regarding the legislative history of H.R. 
2051, please refer to entry 1.14 in Chapter 1.

         2.23. H.R. 2397, American Manufacturing Leadership Act


    The purpose of the bill is to amend the National Institute 
of Standards and Technology Act to reauthorize the network for 
manufacturing innovation and make changes to the implementation 
of the network. These changes include an increase in activities 
in workforce development and outreach to small manufacturers, 
and the development of network-wide performance metrics.

Legislative History

    On March 26, 2019, the Honorable Haley Stevens presiding, 
the Research and Technology Subcommittee and the Energy 
Subcommittee of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 
held a joint hearing to review the successes and further 
opportunities for the Manufacturing USA Institutes to achieve 
the goal of improving the competitiveness of U.S. 
manufacturing. On April 30, 2019, Representative Stevens 
introduced H.R. 2397, the American Manufacturing and Leadership 
Act, to reauthorize the Manufacturing USA program and make 
changes to the implementation of the program.
    On Tuesday, May 1, 2019, the Committee on Science, Space, 
and Technology favorably reported the bill, H.R. 2397, as 
amended, to the House with the recommendation that the bill be 
approved. On July 23, 2019, H.R. 2397 was considered under 
suspension of the rules and was agreed to by voice vote.
    On December 20, 2019, the National Defense Authorization 
Act, amended to include the language from H.R. 2397, was 
enacted after Presidential signature (P.L. 116-92).

 2.24. H.R. 2405, National Sea Grant College Program Amendments Act of 


    The purpose of H.R. 2405 is to reauthorize and amend the 
National Sea Grant College Program Act.

Legislative History

    Representative Jared Huffman, on April 30, 2019, introduced 
H.R. 2405. The bill was referred to the Committee on Natural 
    On May 8, 2019, the Committee on Natural Resources' 
Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife held a hearing on 
the bill.
    On September 18, 2019, the Natural Resources Committee 
ordered the bill, as amended, favorably reported to the House 
of Representatives by a roll call vote of 23 yeas and 12 nays. 
the Natural Resources Committee Reported the bill on December 
5, 2020 and on December 6, 2019 the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology exchanged jurisdictional correspondence 
on H.R. 2405.
    On September 30, 2020 S. 910, the Senate companion of H.R. 
2405 passed the Senate with an amendment by voice vote. On 
November 16, 2020 S. 910 was considered in the House under 
suspension of the rules as amended and passed by voice vote. On 
December 2, 2020 the Senate agreed to the House amendment to 
the Bill by Voice Vote.
    On December 18, 2020, S. 910 was signed by the President 
and became Public Law 116-221.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 2405, please refer to PL 116-221 in Chapter 1.

            2.25. H.R. 2528, STEM Opportunities Act of 2019


    The purpose of the bill is to provide for research and 
evidence-based interventions to address the underrepresentation 
of women and racial and ethnic minority groups in STEM studies 
and research careers at institutions of higher education and at 
federal laboratories.

Legislative History

    On May 7, 2019 Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Ranking 
Member Frank Lucas introduced H.R. 2528, the STEM Opportunities 
Act of 2019. The bill was referred to the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology.
    On June 20, 2019, the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology favorably reported H.R. 2528, as amended, to the 
House with the recommendation that the bill be approved. On 
September 26, 2019, H.R. 2528 was considered under suspension 
of the rules and was agreed to by voice vote.

                       2.26. H.R. 2722, SAFE Act


    H.R. 2722, the ``Securing America's Federal Elections Act'' 
or the ``SAFE Act,'' aims to improve the resilience of election 
infrastructure used in federal elections through providing 
resources to states and localities to bolster election 
infrastructure, and implement additional cybersecurity 

Legislative History

    Representative Zoe Lofgren introduced the ``SAFE Act'' on 
June 14, 2019. It was referred to the Committee on House 
Administration, and, in addition, the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology.
    On June 21, 2019, the Committee on House Administration 
favorably reported H.R. 2722 by record vote of 6-3. On June 26, 
2019, the Committee of Science, Space, and Technology was 
discharged of consideration of H.R. 2722.
    Under the provisions of rule H. Res. 460, on June 27, 2019 
H.R. 2722 passed the House by a record vote of 220-184.

                       2.27. H.R. 2986, BEST Act


    The purpose of the Better Energy Storage Technology Act 
(BEST Act), H.R. 2986, is to amend the United States Energy 
Storage Competitiveness Act to authorize a cross-cutting, 
research, development, and demonstration program to further the 
development of a variety of energy storage technologies.

Legislative History

    Representative Bill Foster introduced H.R. 2986 on May 23, 
2019. The bill was referred solely to the Science Committee.
    On July 17, 2019 the Honorable Conor Lamb presiding, the 
Energy Subcommittee of the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology held a hearing to examine research needs to 
modernize and secure our nation's electricity grid, including 
energy storage.
    On December 19, 2019 the Energy Subcommittee of the 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology favorably reported 
H.R. 2986, as amended, to the full Committee with the 
recommendation that the bill be approved. On February 12, 2020, 
the full committee favorably reported, H.R. 2986, as amended, 
to the House of Representatives with the recommendation that 
the bill be approved.
    The text of H.R. 2986 was incorporated into the text of 
H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which was 
considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and passed 
the House by a record vote of 220-185 on September 24, 2020.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 2986, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

                         2.28. H.R. 3038, SASTA


    The purpose of H.R. 3038 is to establish an interagency 
working group to coordinate activities and develop policy 
guidance to protect federally funded research and development 
from foreign interference.

Legislative History

    On May 30, 2019, Representative Mikie Sherrill introduced 
H.R. 3038, the Securing American Science and Technology Act of 
2019 (``SASTA''). The bill was referred to the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology, and in addition to the 
Committee on Armed Services.
    On December 20, 2019, the National Defense Authorization 
Act, amended to include H.R. 3038, was enacted after 
Presidential signature (P.L. 116-92).

      2.29. H.R. 3196, Vera C. Rubin Observatory Designation Act*


    The purpose of the bill is to designate the Large Synoptic 
Survey Telescope (LSST) in Chile as the ``Vera Rubin Survey 

Legislative History

    On June 11, 2019, Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, for 
herself and Representative Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon of Puerto 
Rico introduced H.R. 3196, the Vera Rubin Survey Telescope 
Designation Act, to designate the Large Synoptic Survey 
Telescope as the ``Vera Rubin Survey Telescope''.
    On Thursday, June 20, 2019, the Committee favorably 
reported H.R. 3196, to the House with the recommendation that 
the bill be approved. The Senate passed H.R. 3196, by unanimous 
consent on December 18, 2019 and the bill was enacted after 
Presidential signature on December 20, 2019 (P.L. 116-97).

   2.30. H.R. 3597, Solar Energy Research and Development Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 3597, the Solar Energy Research and 
Development Act of 2019 is to provide the Department of Energy 
(DOE) with effective guidance to carry out a solar energy 
research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) program that 
will improve solar energy systems' efficiency, manufacturing, 
reliability, integration, and affordability, amongst other 

Legislative History

    The Subcommittee on Energy held a legislative hearing on 
May 15, 2019 to examine the RD&D needs for solar energy in 
support of a draft of H.R. 3597.
    On July 10, 2019, the Energy Subcommittee forwarded H.R. 
3597, as amended, to the full Committee by record vote of 7-5. 
On July 24, 2019, the Committee favorably reported H.R. 3597, 
as amended, to the House by record vote of 21-13.
    The text of H.R. 3597 was incorporated into the text of 
H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which was 
considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and passed 
the House by a record vote of 220-185, on September 24, 2020.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 3597, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

  2.31. H.R. 3607, Fossil Energy Research and Development Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 3607, the Fossil Energy Research and 
Development Act of 2019, is to direct federal research in 
fossil energy and to promote the development and demonstration 
of environmentally responsible coal and natural gas 

Legislative History

    The Energy Subcommittee held a hearing on June 19, 2019 to 
examine research and development needs to mitigate the 
environmental impacts of the extraction and use of fossil fuels 
in support of a draft of H.R. 3607. On July 2, 2019, 
Representative Veasey introduced H.R. 3607 and the bill was 
referred solely to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
    On July 10, 2019, the Energy Subcommittee forwarded H.R. 
3607, as amended, to the full Committee by record vote of 7-5. 
On July 24, 2019, was by the Committee forwarded H.R. 3607, as 
amended, to the House by record vote of 22-13.
    The text of H.R. 3607 was incorporated into the text of 
H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which was 
considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and passed 
the House on September 24, 2020 by a record vote of 220-185.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 3607, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

    2.32. H.R. 3609 Wind Energy Research and Development Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 3609, the Wind Energy Research and 
Development Act of 2019 is to authorize the Department of 
Energy (DOE) to carry out research, development, and 
demonstration (RD&D) of wind energy technologies that improve 
systems' efficiency, manufacturing, reliability, integration, 
and affordability, amongst other qualities.

Legislative History

    The Subcommittee on Energy held a legislative hearing on 
May 15, 2019 to examine the research, development, and 
demonstration needs for wind energy in support of a draft of 
H.R. 3609.
    On July 10, 2019, H.R. 3609, as amended, was forwarded by 
the Energy Subcommittee to the full Committee by record vote of 
7-5. On July 24, 2019, H.R. 3609 was forwarded by the full 
Committee to the House, as amended, by record vote of 21-13.
    The text of H.R. 3609 was incorporated into the text of 
H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which was 
considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and passed 
the House by a record vote of 220-185, on September 24, 2020.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 2986, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

                    2.33. H.R. 4230, CIT Act of 2019


    The purpose of the bill is to amend the Energy Independence 
and Security Act of 2007 to establish a research, development, 
demonstration, and commercial application program for 
technologies that would reduce emissions from the industrial 
sector; to establish a federal advisory committee to guide the 
focus areas of the program and develop roadmaps to achieve 
emissions reductions in the industrial sector; and to provide 
technical assistance to promote the commercial application of 
relevant industrial emissions reduction technologies.

Legislative History

    On March 26, 2019, the Honorable Haley Stevens presiding, 
the Research and Technology Subcommittee and the Energy 
Subcommittee of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 
held a joint hearing to examine ways to enable decarbonization 
of the manufacturing sector in an effort to transition to a 
carbon-free future, and the role of the Manufacturing USA 
Institutes in achieving this goal.
    On June 19, 2019, the Honorable Conor Lamb presiding, the 
Energy Subcommittee of the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology held a hearing to examine research and development 
needs to mitigate the environmental impacts of the extraction 
and use of fossil fuels. This hearing included discussion of 
the Department of Energy's current work on developing 
technologies to help decarbonize industrial processes, 
especially related to carbon capture.
    On September 11, 2019, the Energy Subcommittee favorably 
report the bill, H.R. 4230, as amended, to the Full Committee 
with the recommendation that the bill be approved. On February 
12, 2020, the Committee favorably report the bill, H.R. 4230, 
as amended, to the House of Representatives with the 
recommendation that the bill be approved.
    The text of H.R. 4230 was incorporated into the text of 
H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which was 
considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and passed 
the House by a record vote of 220-185, on September 24, 2020.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 4230, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

          2.34. H.R. 4091, ARPA-E Reauthorization Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 4091, the ARPA-E Reauthorization Act of 
2019 is to provide the Department of Energy (DOE) with 
effective guidance, capabilities, and resources to support and 
expand the mission of the Advanced Research Program Agency--
Energy (ARPA-E), which is to overcome long-term and high-risk 
technology barriers in the development of energy and energy-
relevant technologies

Legislative History

    The Subcommittee on Energy held a legislative hearing on 
February 26, 2019 to assess the role that ARPA-E plays in 
accelerating the development of innovative energy technologies, 
and to examine ways that Congress and the Administration may be 
able to improve ARPA-E's capabilities to spur transformational 
technological advances in pursuit of the agency's energy and 
environmental missions. Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson 
introduced H.R. 4091 on July 30, 2019 and the bill was solely 
referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.
    On September 11, 2019, the Energy Subcommittee favorably 
reported H.R. 4091 to the full Committee with the 
recommendation that the bill be approved. On October 17, 2019, 
the Committee favorably reported H.R. 4091, as amended, to the 
House of Representatives with the recommendation that the bill 
be approved.
    The text of H.R. 4091 was incorporated into the text of 
H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which was 
considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and passed 
the House by a record vote of 220-185, on September 24, 2020.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 4091, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

                       2.35. H.R. 4355, IOGAN Act


    The purpose of the bill is to provide for research on 
manipulated or synthesized content and information 
authenticity, including output of generative adversarial 
networks, otherwise known as deepfakes and to encourage public-
private partnerships to develop standards for detecting and 
identifying such content.

Legislative History

    On September 17, 2019, Representative Anthony Gonzalez 
introduced H.R. 4355, Identifying Outputs of Generative 
Adversarial Networks Act (``IOGAN Act''). The bill was referred 
solely to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.
    On September 25, 2019, the Committee favorably reported the 
bill, H.R. 4355, as amended, to the House with the 
recommendation that the bill be approved. On December 9, 2019, 
H.R. 4355 was considered under suspension of the rules and was 
agreed to by voice vote.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 4355, please refer to entry 1.11 in Chapter 1.

               2.36. H.R. 4372, MSI STEM Achievement Act


    The purpose of the bill is to direct federal science 
agencies and the Office of Science and Technology Policy to 
undertake activities to improve the quality of undergraduate 
STEM education and enhance the research capacity at the 
Nation's Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal 
Colleges and Universities, and other minority serving 

Legislative History

    On September 18, 2019, Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and 
Representative Michael Waltz introduced H.R. 4372, the MSI STEM 
Achievement Act. The bill was referred to the House Committee 
on Science, Space, and Technology.
    On September 25, 2019, the Committee favorably reported 
H.R. 4372, as amended, to the House with the recommendation 
that the bill be approved. On December 9, 2019, H.R. 4372 was 
considered under suspension of the rules and the bill was 
passed by voice vote.

 2.37. H.R. 4373, Engineering Biology Research and Development Act of 


    The purpose of the bill is to provide for a coordinated 
federal research initiative to ensure continued United States 
leadership in engineering biology.

Legislative History

    On March 12, 2019, the Subcommittee on Research and 
Technology of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 
held a hearing to receive testimony on the Engineering Biology 
Research and Development Act.
    On September 18, 2019, Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson 
introduced H.R. 4373, the Engineering Biology Research and 
Development Act of 2019. The bill was referred to the House 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. On September 25, 
2019, the Committee favorably reported H.R. 4373, as amended, 
to the House with the recommendation that the bill be approved.
    On December 9, 2019, H.R. 4373 was considered under 
suspension of the rules and the bill was passed by voice vote.

         2.38. H.R. 4447, Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act


    The purpose of H.R. 4447

Legislative History

    Representative Tom O'Halloran introduced H.R. 4447 on 
September 20, 2019. The bill, originally titled the Expanding 
Access to Sustainable Energy Act of 2019, was referred to the 
Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology.
    The Committee on Energy and Commerce, on September 9, 2020, 
favorably reported H.R. 4447, as amended, to the House with the 
recommendation that the bill be approved.
    The Committee of Science, Space, and Technology was 
discharged of consideration on September 15, 2020.
    Under the provisions of H. Res. 1129, H.R. 4447 was 
considered on the House floor September 23-24, 2020. H.R. 4447 
was amended to include previously considered Science Committee 
bills: H.R. 34, H.R. 1709, H.R. 2986, H.R. 3597, H.R. 3607, 
H.R. 3609, H.R. 4091, H.R. 4230, H.R. 4481, H.R. 4656, H.R. 
4733, H.R. 4924, H.R. 5374, H.R. 5428, H.R. 5760, H.R. 6084, 
H.R. 6097, and H.R. 8273.
    On September 24, 2020, under the provisions of rule H. Res. 
1129, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act passed the 
House by a record vote of 220-185.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 4447, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

 2.39. H.R. 4481, Securing Energy Critical Elements and American Jobs 
                              Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 4481 is to authorize a critical 
materials research, development, demonstration, and commercial 
application (RDD&CA) program at the Department of Energy (DOE), 
and amend the National Materials and Minerals Policy, Research 
and Development Act of 1980, to advance the secure, sustainable 
supply of critical materials needed for energy and related 

Legislative History

    H.R. 4481 was introduced on September 24, 2019 by Rep. Eric 
Swalwell. The bill was referred solely to the Science 
Committee. The Subcommittee on Energy held a legislative 
hearing on December 10, 2019 to examine H.R. 4481.
    On March 12, 2020, the Energy Subcommittee favorably 
reported H.R. 4481 to the full Committee with the 
recommendation that the bill be approved.
    The text of H.R. 4481 was incorporated into H.R. 4447, the 
Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which was considered 
under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and passed the House 
by a record vote of 220-185, on September 24, 2020.

             2.40. H.R. 4656, Background Ozone Research Act


    The Background Ozone Research Act directs the Environmental 
Protection Agency to work with the National Academies of 
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to conduct a study that 
will examine the current and future research needs regarding 
background ozone

Legislative History

    The Committee held a hearing on September 19, 2019 with the 
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator that included the 
topic of background ozone and the need for further study. H.R. 
4656 was introduced on October 11, 2019 by Rep. Ben McAdams. 
The bill was referred solely to the Science Committee.
    On March 4, 2020, the Environment Subcommittee favorably 
reported H.R. 4656, as amended, to the full Committee with the 
recommendation that the bill be approved. The text of H.R. 4656 
was incorporated into the text of H.R. 4447, The Clean Economy 
Jobs and Innovation Act.
    On September 23, 2020, H.R. 4447 was considered under the 
provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and on September 24, 2020 the 
bill passed the House by a record vote of 220-185.

        2.41. H.R 4733, Low-Dose Radiation Research Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 4733 is to authorize the Secretary of 
Energy to carry out a research program to improve scientific 
understanding of the effects of exposure to low-dose radiation. 
It requires the Secretary to identify barriers to understanding 
these effects and develop a strategic research agenda to 
address these challenges.

Legislative History

    On October 18, 2019, Representative Posey introduced H.R. 
4733. The bill was referred solely to the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology.
    On March 12, 2020, the Energy Subcommittee favorably 
reported H.R. 4733 to the full Committee with the 
recommendation that the bill be approved.
    The text of H.R. 4733 was incorporated into the text of 
H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which was 
considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and passed 
the House by a record vote of 220 185, on September 24, 2020.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 4733, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

    2.42. H.R. 4737, Department of Homeland Security Climate Change 
                              Research Act


    H.R. 4737, the ``Department of Homeland Security Climate 
Change Research Act,'' would direct the Department of Homeland 
Security's Science and Technology Directorate to assess current 
federal research regarding the connection between climate 
change and homeland security to identify research gaps and, to 
the extent practical, conduct additional research to fill 
identified gaps.

Legislative History

    On April 9, 2019, the Committee on Homeland Security held a 
hearing entitled ``Assessing the Homeland Security Impacts of 
Changing Climate.'' This hearing was used to develop H.R. 4737.
    On October 18, 2019, Representative Yvette Clarke 
introduced H.R. 4737. The bill was referred to the Committee on 
Homeland Security. On October 23, 2019, the Committee on 
Homeland Security ordered H.R. 4737 be reported to the House 
with a favorable recommendation, with an amendment, by 
unanimous consent.
    On February 10, 2020, H.R. 4737 was considered under 
suspension of the rules and the bill was passed by voice vote.

        2.43. H.R. 4924, Smoke Planning and Research Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 4924 is to authorize the Administrator 
of the Environmental Protection Agency to conduct research on 
wildfire smoke, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    H.R. 4924 was introduced by Representative Anna Eshoo on 
October 30, 2019. The bill was referred to the Committee on 
Energy and Commerce and then to the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology. The text of H.R. 4924 was incorporated 
into the text of H.R. 4447, The Clean Economy Jobs and 
Innovation Act.
    On September 23, 2020, H.R. 4447 was considered under the 
provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and on September 24, 2020 the 
bill passed the House by a record vote of 220-185.

               2.44. H.R. 4979, Rural STEM Education Act


    The purpose of H.R. 4979 is to direct the Director of the 
National Science Foundation to support STEM education and 
workforce development research focused on rural areas, and for 
other purposes.

Legislative History

    The Subcommittee on Research and Technology held a hearing 
on May 8, 2019 to review the National Science Foundation's 
FY2020 Budget Request. On May 9, 2019 the full committee held a 
hearing entitled, ``Achieving the Promise of a Diverse STEM 
Workforce.'' H.R. 4979 was introduced by Ranking Member Frank 
Lucas on November 5, 2019, and the bill was referred solely to 
the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. On November 
14, 2019, the Full Committee met to consider H.R. 4979. The 
bill was ordered favorably reported by voice vote. The bill was 
reported to the House on February 13, 2020.
    On September 16, 2020, H.R. 4979 was considered under 
suspension of the rules, and the bill was passed by voice vote.

        2.45. H.R 4990, Election Technology Research Act of 2020


    The purpose of H.R. 4990 is to direct the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Science 
Foundation to carry out research and other activities to 
promote the security and modernization of voting systems.

Legislative History

    The Subcommittees on Research and Technology and the 
Investigations and Oversight held a joint hearing on June 15, 
2018 on election security and voting technology 
vulnerabilities. H.R. 4990 was introduced on November 8, 2019 
by Representative Mikie Sherrill and the bill was referred to 
the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and the 
Committee on House Administration. On November 14, 2019, the 
Full Committee met to consider H.R. 4990, and the bill was 
ordered favorably reported by voice vote. The bill was reported 
to the House on February 13, 2020.
    On February 10, 2020, the Committee on House Administration 
was discharged of consideration of the bill.
    On September 16, 2020, H.R. 4990 was considered under 
suspension of the rules, and the bill was passed by voice vote.

    2.46. H.R. 5213, NASA Enhanced Use Leasing Extension Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 5213 is to extend the authority of the 
National Aeronautics and Space Administration to lease its non-
excess real property and related personal property through 

Legislative History

    H.R. 5213 was introduced by Representative Kendra Horn on 
November 21, 2019 and sponsored by Representative Brian Babin, 
Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Ranking Member Frank Lucas, 
and Representative Steven Palazzo. The text of H.R. 5213 was 
incorporated into the text of the 2020 Consolidated 
Appropriations, which was enacted in December 20, 2019 as P.L. 

                     2.47. H.R. 5260, PROSWIFT Act*


    The purpose of H.R. 5260 is to improve understanding and 
forecasting of space weather events, and for other purpose.

Legislative History

    On October 23, 2019, The Subcommittee on Environment and 
the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics held a joint hearing 
entitled, ``Space Weather: Advancing Research, Monitoring, and 
Forecasting Capabilities.'' The purpose of this hearing was to 
discuss current federal efforts to monitor and predict space 
weather phenomena and focus on opportunities to improve space 
weather forecasting and prediction capabilities. H.R. 5260 was 
introduced on November 22, 2019 by Mr. Perlmutter. The bill was 
referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, 
then to the Committee on the Armed Services, and then the 
Committee on Natural Resources. On January 9th the Full 
committee met to consider the H.R. 5260, and the bill was 
ordered to be reported favorably by voice vote. A bill, 
identical in text to H.R. 5260, S. 881 passed the Senate on 
July 27, 2020. Mr. Perlmutter took up the Senate bill, and on 
September 16, 2020 the bill was considered under suspension of 
the rules and passed by voice vote.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 5260, please refer to PL 116-181 in Chapter 1.

 2.48. H.R. 5374, Advanced Geothermal Research and Development Act of 


    The purpose H.R. 5374 is to amend the Energy Independence 
and Security Act of 2007 to establish and support advanced 
geothermal research, development, demonstration, and commercial 
application programs at the Department of Energy.

Legislative History

    On November 14, 2019, the Energy Subcommittee held a 
hearing to examine research, development, demonstration, and 
commercial application needs in the geothermal energy and water 
power industries. Then on December 10, 2019, H.R. 5374 was 
introduced by Ranking Member Frank Lucas. The bill was referred 
to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and then to 
the Committee on Education and Labor. The Energy Subcommittee 
met to consider H.R. 5374 on December 19, 2019 and the 
Subcommittee agreed to forward the bill to the full committee 
by voice vote. The Full Committee met to consider H.R. 5374 on 
February 12, 2020 and they agreed favorably report the bill out 
of committee by a voice vote. The bill was reported to the 
House on September 11, 2020, and he Committee on Education and 
Labor was discharged of consideration of the bill.
    The text of H.R. 5374 was incorporated into the text of 
H.R. 4447, The Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act. On 
September 23, 2020, H.R. 4447 was considered under the 
provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and on September 24, 2020 the 
bill passed the House by a record vote of 220-185.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 5374, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

  2.49. H.R. 5428, Grid Modernization Research and Development Act of 


    The purpose of the H.R. 5428 is to amend the Energy 
Independence and Security Act of 2007 and the Energy Policy Act 
of 2005 to direct federal research on grid modernization and 

Legislative History

    On July 17, 2019 the Energy Subcommittee held a hearing to 
examine research needs to modernize and secure our nation's 
electricity grid. Witnesses and Members discussed the extensive 
work done at the Department of Energy to develop technologies 
that improve the flexibility, resilience, and security of the 
electric grid, including energy storage, and the need for 
continued and additional investments in grid operation 
technology to keep up with a rapidly evolving grid system. On 
December 13, 2019 Representative Conor Lamb introduced H.R. 
5428 and the bill was referred solely to the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology. The Energy Subcommittee met to 
consider H.R. 5428 on December 19, 2019 and the Subcommittee 
agreed to forward the bill to the full committee by voice vote. 
The Full Committee met to consider H.R. 5428 on February 12, 
2020 and they agreed to favorably report the bill out of 
committee by a voice vote. The bill was reported to the House 
on August 11, 2020.
    The text of H.R. 5428 was incorporated into the text of 
H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act. On 
September 23, 2020, H.R. 4447 was considered under the 
provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and on September 24, 2020 the 
bill passed the House by a record vote of 220-185.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 5428, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

     2.50. H.R. 5519, Atmospheric Climate Intervention Research Act


    The purpose of H.R. 5519 is to amend the America COMPETES 
Act to improve measurement and assessment capabilities for 
understanding proposed atmospheric interventions in Earth's 
climate, including, as a priority, the effects of proposed 
interventions in the stratosphere and in cloud-aerosol 

Legislative History

    H.R. 5519 was introduced in the House on December 19th, 
2019 by Representative Jerry McNerney, and the bill was 
referred solely to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On January 15, 2020, the Full committee held a 
hearing titled ``An Update on the Climate Crisis: From Science 
to Solutions.'' The purpose of this hearing was to provide an 
update on the state of climate science and receive testimony on 
the climate reports published in 2019. On February 4, 2020 the 
Subcommittee on Environment met to consider H.R. 5519 and 
agreed to forward the bill to the full committee by voice vote.

            2.51. H.R. 5666, NASA Authorization Act of 2020


    The purpose of H.R. 5666 is to authorize the programs of 
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and for 
other purposes.

Legislative History

    H.R. 5666 was introduced in the House on the January 24, 
2020 by Representative Kendra Horn and the bill was referred 
solely to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology On 
January 29, 2020 the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics met 
to consider H.R. 5666 and agreed to forward the bill favorably 
to the Full committee by voice vote.

      2.52. H.R. 5760, Grid Security Research and Development Act


    The purpose of H.R. 5760 is to authorize a comprehensive 
interdisciplinary research, development, and demonstration 
initiative to strengthen the capacity of the energy sector to 
prepare for and withstand cyber and physical attacks and 
improve the security of the energy sector.

Legislative History

    On July 17, 2019 the Subcommittee on Energy held a hearing 
to examine research needs to modernize and secure our nation's 
electricity grid. The hearing was entitled ``The Future of 
Electricity Delivery: Modernizing and Securing our Nation's 
Electricity Grid.'' Witnesses and Members discussed the 
extensive work done at DOE to develop technologies that improve 
the flexibility, resilience, and security of the electric grid 
and the need for continued and additional investments in our 
nation's cybersecurity and emergency response workforce. On 
February 5, 2020 Representative Ami Bera introduced H.R. 5760 
H.R. 5760 was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology and then to the Committee on Homeland Security. The 
Full committee met to consider H.R. 5760 on February 12, 2020 
and they agreed to favorably report the bill out of committee 
by a voice vote.
    On September 2, 2020 the Committee on Homeland Security was 
discharged of consideration of H.R. 5760. The text of the bill 
was incorporated into the text of H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy 
Jobs and Innovation Act. On September 23, 2020, H.R. 4447 was 
considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and on 
September 24, 2020 the bill passed the House by a record vote 
of 220-185. On September 29, 2020, H.R. 5760 was considered as 
a standalone bill under suspension of the rules, and the bill 
was passed by voice vote.

       2.53. H.R. 6084, Water Power Research and Development Act


    The purpose of H.R. 6084 is to provide for a program of 
hydropower, pumped storage, and marine energy research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application, and for 
other purposes.

Legislative History

    On November 14, 2019 the Subcommittee on Energy held a 
hearing entitled, ``Water and Geothermal Power: Unearthing the 
Next Wave of Energy Innovation,'' the purpose of which was to 
examine research and development needs in the geothermal energy 
and water power industries and focused on the draft Water Power 
Research and Development Act of 2019. Representative Suzanne 
Bonamici introduced H.R. 6084 on March 4 and the bill was 
referred solely to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. On March 12, 2020 the Subcommittee on Energy met to 
consider H.R. 6084 and agreed to forward the bill to the Full 
committee by voice vote.
    The text of H.R. 6084 was incorporated into the text of 
H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act. On 
September 23, 2020, H.R. 4447 was considered under the 
provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and on September 24, 2020 the 
bill passed the House by a record vote of 220-185.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 6084, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

      2.54. H.R. 6097, Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act


    The purpose of H.R. 6097 is to provide for a program of 
nuclear energy research, development, demonstration, and 
commercialization, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    On May 3, 2019 the Subcommittee on Energy held a Field 
Hearing, entitled ``How the Domestic Nuclear Industry Boosts 
Local Economies, Curbs Emissions, and Strengthens National 
Security'' at the Shippingport Community Building, 163 State 
Route 3016, Shippingport, PA 15077. The purpose of this hearing 
was to examine nuclear energy broadly, including its role as an 
emissions-free energy source and as a national security asset, 
as well as examining the impact that nuclear plants have on 
local economies. Representative Conor Lamb introduced H.R. 6097 
on March 5, 2020 and the bill was referred solely to the 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. On March 12, 2020 
the Subcommittee on Energy met to consider H.R. 6097 and agreed 
to forward the bill to the Full committee by voice vote.
    The text of H.R. 6097 was incorporated into the text of 
H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act. On 
September 23, 2020, H.R. 4447 was considered under the 
provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 and on September 24, 2020 the 
bill passed the House by a record vote of 220-185.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 6097, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

         2.55. H.R. 6208, Protecting American Space Assets Act


    The purpose of H.R. 6208 is to direct the President to 
develop a strategy to protect the space assets of the United 
State, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    On March 11, 2020 Representative Adam Kinzinger introduced 
H.R. 6208 and the bill was referred to the Committees on 
Science, Space, and Technology, then on to Armed Services and 
then Foreign Affairs. The text of H.R. 6208 was incorporated in 
part into H.R. 6395, the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2021 as Section 1754. On July 20, 2020, H.R. 6395 
was considered under the provisions of the rule H. Res. 1053 
and on July 21, 2020 the bill passed the House by a record vote 
of 295-125. On November 18, 2020 the Speaker appointed 
conferees from the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 
but Committee Members were not included for consideration of 
section 1754 containing the text from H.R. 6208 (Section 1613 
in entry 1.14 from Chapter 1).

  2.56. H.R. 6216, National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act of 


    The purpose of H.R. 6216 is to establish the National 
Artificial Intelligence Initiative.

Legislative History

    On June 26, 2019 the Full committee held a hearing 
entitled, ``Artificial Intelligence: Societal and Ethical 
Implications,'' the purpose of which was to discuss the impact 
of artificial intelligence (AI) on society and the ethical 
implications in the design and use of this technology. Then on 
September 24, 2019 the Research and Technology Subcommittee 
held a hearing entitled, ``Artificial Intelligence and the 
Future of Work,'' the purpose of which was to examine the 
impact of machine learning and artificial intelligence on the 
workforce, including issues related to worker displacement, 
retraining of the current workforce, and developing a skilled 
technical workforce of the future that can thrive in an economy 
in which artificial intelligence increasingly plays a role. 
Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson introduced H.R. 6216 on March 
12, 2020 and the bill was referred solely to the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology.
    The text of H.R. 6216 was incorporated into H.R. 6395, the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 as 
Division E. On July 20, 2020, H.R. 6395 was considered under 
the provisions of the rule H. Res. 1053 and on July 21, 2020 
the bill passed the House by a record vote of 295-125. On 
November 18, 2020 the Speaker appointed conferees from the 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and included 
Committee members for consideration of Division E (Sections 
5001-5501 in the Public Law).
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 6216, please refer to entry 1.14 in Chapter 1.

    2.57. H.R. 6388, Space Technology Advancement Report Act of 2020


    The purpose of H.R. 6388 is to require the National Space 
Council to submit annual reports to Congress on the ability of 
the United States to effectively compete with foreign space 
programs and in the emerging commercial space economy. 
Furthermore, the President would develop and submit to Congress 
a strategy to ensure that the United States can effectively 
compete with other national space programs, maintain dominance 
in the emerging commercial space economy, and has market, 
regulatory, and other means available to address unfair 
competition from China based on the findings in the report.

Legislative History

    On March 25, 2020 Representative Chrissy Houlahan 
introduced H.R. 6388 and the bill was referred solely to the 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. The text of H.R. 
6388 was incorporated in part into H.R. 6395, the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 as Sections 
1721-1723. On July 20, 2020, H.R. 6395 was considered under the 
provisions of the rule H. Res. 1053 and on July 21, 2020 the 
bill passed the House by a record vote of 295-125. On November 
18, 2020 the Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology but Committee Members were not 
included for consideration of sections 1721-1723 containing the 
text from H.R. 6388. This language was taken out of the 
conference report.

   2.58. H.R. 7139, Ensuring American Leadership over International 
                         Standards Act of 2019


    The purpose of H.R. 7139 is to direct the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology to enter into an 
agreement with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, 
and Medicine to conduct a study on the impact of Chinese 
government policies and standards development on international 
bodies engaged in developing and setting international 
standards for emerging technologies.

Legislative History

    On March 11, 2020 the Subcommittee on Research and 
Technology held a hearing entitled, ``Reauthorization of the 
National Institute of Standards and Technology,'' in that 
hearing the Subcommittee explored the major areas of research 
under the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 
laboratory programs, the agency's role in working with industry 
to advance U.S. competitiveness, and key facilities 
construction and maintenance issues on the NIST campuses in 
Maryland and Colorado. On July 8, 2020 Representative David 
Schweikert introduced H.R. 7139 and the bill was referred 
solely to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. The 
text of H.R. 7139 was incorporated in part into H.R. 6395, the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 as 
Section 1705.
    On July 20, 2020, H.R. 6395 was considered under the 
provisions of the rule H. Res. 1053 and on July 21, 2020 the 
bill passed the House by a record vote of 295-125.
    On November 18, 2020 the Speaker appointed conferees from 
the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology but Committee 
Members were not included for consideration of section 1705 
(Section 9414 in the Public Law).
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 7139, please refer to entry 1.14 in Chapter 1.

2.59. H.R. 7214, Surface Transportation Research and Development Act of 


    The purpose of H.R. 7214 is to authorize appropriations to 
the Department of Transportation for surface transportation 
research, development, and deployment, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    On May 21, 2019 the Investigations and Oversight 
Subcommittee held a hearing entitled, ``The Need for 
Resilience: Preparing America's Transportation Infrastructure 
for Climate Change'' that examined the threat to transportation 
assets posed by climate change, assessed the current state of 
federal research on transportation infrastructure climate 
resilience, and explored strategies by which the federal 
research enterprise can complement state and local efforts on 
transportation climate resilience more effectively. Then on 
July 11, 2019, the Research and Technology Subcommittee held a 
hearing entitled, ``Bumper to Bumper: The Need for a National 
Surface Transportation Research Agenda'' that reviewed the 
Department of Transportation's surface transportation research, 
development, and demonstration and technology transfer 
activities. And lastly, on September 18, 2019 the Energy 
Subcommittee held a hearing entitled, ``The Next Mile: 
Technology Pathways to Accelerate Sustainability within the 
Transportation Sector'' which examined the range of research, 
development, and demonstration activities necessary to advance 
sustainable transportation. Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson 
introduced H.R. 7214 on June 15, 2020 and the bill was referred 
to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, and in 
addition to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.
    The text of H.R. 7214 was incorporated in part into H.R. 2, 
the Moving Forward Act. On July 20, 2020, H.R. 2 was considered 
under the provisions of the rule H. Res. 1028 and the bill 
passed the House by a record vote of 233-188.

2.60. H.R. 7560, Guaranteeing Equipment Safety for Firefighters Act of 


    The purpose of H.R. 7560 is to require the Director of the 
National Institute of Standards and Technology to conduct a 
study of personal protective equipment worn by firefighters to 
determine the prevalence and concentration of per- and 
polyfluoroalkyl substances, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    Representative Ed Perlmutter introduced H.R. 7560 with 
Representative Bill Posey on July 9, 2020 and the bill was 
referred solely to the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology. The text of H.R. 7560 was incorporated in part into 
H.R. 6395, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2021 as Section 341. On July 20, 2020, H.R. 6395 was 
considered under the provisions of the rule H. Res. 1053 and on 
July 21, 2020 the bill passed the House by a record vote of 
295-125. On November 18, 2020 the Speaker appointed conferees 
from the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and 
included Committee members for consideration of Section 341 
(Section 338 in the Public Law).
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 7560, please refer to entry 1.14 in Chapter 1.

                2.61. H.R. 7713, NOPP Revitalization Act


    The purpose of H.R. 7713 is to reauthorize the National 
Oceanographic Partnership Program, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    Representative Jimmy Panetta introduced H.R. 7713 on July 
21, 2020. The bill was referred to the Committee on Natural 
Resources and then to the Committees on Armed Services and then 
Science, Space, and Technology. The text of H.R. 7713 was 
incorporated in part into H.R. 6395, the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 as Section 1744. On July 
20, 2020, H.R. 6395 was considered under the provisions of the 
rule H. Res. 1053 and on July 21, 2020 the bill passed the 
House by a record vote of 295-125. On November 18, 2020 the 
Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology and included Committee members for 
consideration of Section 1744 (Section 1055 in the Public Law).
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 7713, please refer to entry 1.14 in Chapter 1.

                       2.62. H.R. 7931, PIRCS Act


    The purpose of H.R. 7931 is to direct the National Science 
and Technology Council to establish an interagency working 
group to coordinate federal activities to advance research and 
development needed to address perfluoroalkyl and 
polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly referred to as PFAS.

Legislative History

    Representative Chrissy Houlahan introduced H.R. 7931 on 
August 4, 2020 and the bill was referred solely to the 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. The text of H.R. 
7931 was incorporated into H.R. 6395, the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 as Section 330. On July 
20, 2020, H.R. 6395 was considered under the provisions of the 
rule H. Res. 1053 and on July 21, 2020 the bill passed the 
House by a record vote of 295-125. On November 18, 2020 the 
Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology but Committee Members were not included 
for consideration of section 330 (Section 332 in the Public 
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 7931, please refer to entry 1.14 in Chapter 1.

                 2.63. H.R. 8132, American COMPETE Act


    The purpose of H.R. 8132 is to require the Federal Trade 
Commission and the Secretary of Commerce to conduct studies and 
submit reports on the impact of artificial intelligence and 
other technologies on United States businesses conducting 
interstate commerce, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    Representative Cathy McMorris introduced H.R. 8132 on 
August 28, 2020. The bill was solely referred to the Committee 
on Energy and Commerce. On September 10, 2020 Chairwoman Eddie 
Bernice Johnson delivered a jurisdictional claim on the bill on 
behalf of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. 
After assurances were made to consult the Committee on the 
bill, on September 25, 2020 the claim for consideration of the 
bill was waived. On September 29, 2020, H.R. 8132 was 
considered under suspension of the rules, and the bill was 
passed by voice vote.

          2.64. H.R. 8273, Energizing Technology Transfer Act


    The purpose of H.R. 8273 is to establish programs and 
authorities to facilitate the commercial application of clean 
energy and related technologies in the United States.

Legislative History

    On July 17, 2020 the Energy Subcommittee held a hearing 
entitled, ``From Lab to Market: Accelerating our Progress 
toward Economic Recovery and a Clean Energy Future.'' The 
hearing examined technology transfer activities at the 
Department of Energy (DOE) and their potential contributions to 
economic recovery from the current COVID-19 pandemic. 
Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson introduced H.R. 8273 on 
September 16, 2020 and the bill was referred solely to the 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. The text of H.R. 
8273 was incorporated into the text of H.R. 4447, the Clean 
Economy Jobs and Innovation Act. On September 23, 2020, H.R. 
4447 was considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1129 
and on September 24, 2020 the bill passed the House by a record 
vote of 220-185.
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 8273, please refer to entry 1.13 in Chapter 1.

2.65. H.R. 8395, COVID-19 Disinformation Research and Reporting Act of 


    The purpose of H.R. 8395 is to direct the Director of the 
National Science Foundation to enter into an arrangement with 
the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 
to conduct a study on the spread of COVID-19-related 
disinformation and misinformation on the internet and social 
media platforms.

Legislative History

    On March 5, 2020 the Full committee met to hold a hearing 
entitled, ``Coronaviruses: Understanding the Spread of 
Infectious Diseases and Mobilizing Innovative Solutions.'' In 
the hearing the Subcommittee discussed emerging infectious 
diseases in light of the recent coronavirus outbreak, and the 
modeling tools used to detect, predict and understand the 
spread of such diseases. The Committee discussed how some 
infectious agents spread from animals to humans, and how 
predictive modeling can help control and mitigate the effects 
of emerging diseases. Representative Jennifer Wexton introduced 
H.R. 8395 on September 24, 2020 and the bill was referred 
solely to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. The 
text of H.R. 8395 was incorporated into the text of H.R. 6800. 
On May 15, 2020, H.R. 6800 was considered under the provisions 
of rule H. Res. 967 and passed by a record vote of 208-199.

                      2.66. H.R. 8634, HACKED Act


    The purpose of H.R. 8634 is to improve United States 
cybersecurity through STEM scholarships, prize competitions, 
and other STEM activities, and for other purposes.

Legislative History

    On February 11, 2020 the Research and Technology 
Subcommittee held a hearing entitled, ``More Hires, Fewer 
Hacks: Developing the U.S. Cybersecurity Workforce.'' The 
purpose of this hearing was to explore the challenges faced by 
organizations in both the public and private sectors in 
recruiting and training skilled cybersecurity professionals and 
discuss strategies to expand and diversify the cybersecurity 
workforce pipeline to meet the demand. On September 20, 2020, 
Representative Kendra Horn introduced H.R. 8634, which was 
referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and 
then onto the Committee on Education and Labor.
    The text of H.R. 8634 was incorporated in part into S. 
4049, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
2021 as Sections 5231 through 5238. On July 23, 2020 the bill 
passed the Senate by a record vote of 86-14.
    On November 18, 2020 the Speaker appointed conferees from 
the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and included 
Committee members for consideration of Sections 5231 through 
5238 (Section 9401-9407 in the Public Law).
    For further information regarding the legislative history 
of H.R. 8634, please refer to entry 1.14 in Chapter 1.

2.67. H. Res. 246, Opposing efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel 
 and the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement targeting 


    The purpose of H. Res. 246 is to oppose the Global Boycott, 
Divestment, and Sanctions Movement and other efforts targeting 
Israel. The resolution urged both sides to return to direct 
negotiations and expresses support for a solution resulting in 
the state of Israel existing alongside a democratic Palestinian 
state. It also affirmed the right of U.S. citizens to free 
speech, including the right to protest or criticize U.S. or 
foreign government policies.

Legislative History

    Representative Bradley Schneider introduced H. Res. 246 on 
March 21, 2019. The resolution was referred to the Committee on 
Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committees on Financial 
Services, Science, Space, and Technology, and the Judiciary. On 
July 17, 2019 the bill was marked up and ordered to be reported 
by unanimous consent, the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology was discharged from further consideration. On July 
23, 2020 H. Res. 246 was considered under suspension of the 
rules, and upon a demand of record vote was agreed to, 398-17, 
5 present.

                3.1. Hearings Before the Full Committee

                    3.1(a). Hearing Volume No. 116-1

February 13, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to provide a big-picture 
assessment of the current state of climate science. The 
Committee received expert testimony on recently published 
significant climate reports and discussed report findings that 
include the physical mechanisms of climate change, risks to 
human society at different levels of warming, and the need for 
adaptation and mitigation.
           Dr. Natalie M. Mahowald, Irving Porter 
        Church Professor of Engineering, Faculty Director for 
        the Environment, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable 
        Future, Cornell University;
           Dr. Robert Kopp, Director, Rutgers Institute 
        of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, and 
        Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 
        Rutgers University;
           Dr. Jennifer Francis, Senior Scientist, 
        Woods Hole Research Center;
           Dr. Joseph Majkut, Director of Climate 
        Policy, Niskanen Center; and
           Dr. Kristie Ebi, Rohm & Haas Endowed 
        Professor in Public Health Sciences, Director, Center 
        for Health and the Global Environment (CHanGE), 
        University of Washington.

                    3.1(b). Hearing Volume No. 116-4

March 6, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to assess the current state 
of U.S. science and technology (S&T) in the global context and 
what is needed to maintain U.S. leadership. The hearing 
examined the role of federal investments in S&T; partnerships 
between academia, the government and industry; the future of 
U.S. research universities; STEM education and the U.S. STEM 
workforce; and increasing international competition in areas of 
emerging technology as well as opportunities for increased 
international collaboration on pressing global challenges.
           Dr. Marcia McNutt, President of the National 
        Academy of Sciences;
           Dr. Patrick Gallagher, Chancellor of the 
        University of Pittsburgh; and
           Dr. Mehmood Khan, Vice Chairman and Chief 
        Scientific Officer of PepsiCo, and Chair of the Council 
        on Competitiveness.

                    3.1(c). Hearing Volume No. 116-7

March 13, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to provide big-picture 
perspectives on the future of the nation's civil space 
activities, including the roles of government and commercial 
entities, and to identify the key issues for the near term.
           Dr. Ellen Stofan, John and Adrienne Mars 
        Director, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, 
        Former NASA Chief Scientist;
           Dr. Peggy A. Whitson, Technical Consultant 
        and Former Astronaut; and
           Mr. Frank A. Rose, Senior Fellow, Security 
        and Strategy, The Brookings Institution, Former 
        Assistant Secretary of State.

                   3.1(d). Hearing Volume No. 116-10

April 2, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to review the 
Administration's fiscal year 2020 budget request for NASA.
    Witness: The Honorable James F. Bridenstine, NASA 

                   3.1(e). Hearing Volume No. 116-17

May 9, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to explore the need for a 
diverse STEM workforce and assess the lessons learned, model 
programs, enduring challenges, and future opportunities for 
expanding access to STEM studies and careers. An additional 
purpose of the hearing was to receive testimony on the STEM 
Opportunities Act.
           Dr. Mae Jemison, Principal for 100 Year 
           Dr. Shirley Malcom, Senior Advisor and 
        Director of SEA Change at the American Association for 
        the Advancement of Science;
           Dr. Lorelle Espinosa, Vice President for 
        Research at the American Council on Education;
           Dr. James L. Moore III, Vice Provost for 
        Diversity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer at 
        The Ohio State University; and
           Ms. Barbara Whye, Chief Diversity and 
        Inclusion Officer and Vice President of Human Resources 
        at Intel.

                   3.1(f). Hearing Volume No. 116-19

May 16, 2019

                            ROUND THE WORLD

    The purpose of this hearing was to review the scientific 
knowledge gained from the very first image of a black hole; how 
this new imaging capability may enable yet more scientific 
discovery; how the image was created, including the domestic 
and international partnerships that made this result possible; 
and future plans for the Event Horizon Telescope.
           Dr. France Cordova, Director of the National 
        Science Foundation;
           Dr. Sheperd Doeleman, Director of the Event 
        Horizon Telescope, at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center 
        for Astrophysics;
           Dr. Colin Lonsdale, Director of the MIT 
        Haystack Observatory; and
           Dr. Katherine (Katie) Bouman, Postdoctoral 
        Fellow, at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for 

                   3.1(g). Hearing Volume No. 116-21

May 17, 2019


                   3.1(h). Hearing Volume No. 116-24

July 4, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the major 
findings of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on 
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) summary for 
policymakers of their first Global Assessment Report, including 
the knowledge gaps and solutions for dealing with human-driven 
biodiversity loss.
           Sir. Robert (Bob) Watson, Past Chair, 
        Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on 
        Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES);
           Dr. Kate Brauman, Coordinating Lead Author, 
        IPBES Global Assessment; Lead Scientist, Global Water 
        Assessment, University of Minnesota, Institute of the 
           Dr. Steven Monfort, Director of the 
        Smithsonian National Zoo and Smithsonian Conservation 
        Biology Institute;
           Mr. Jeff Goodwin, Conservation Stewardship 
        Lead & Agricultural Consultant, Noble Research 
        Institute; and
           Dr. James Porter, Josiah Meigs Distinguished 
        Professor, Emeritus, University of Georgia; Scientific 
        Advisor, Chasing Coral.

                    3.1(i). Hearing Volume No. 116-28

June 12, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to assess federal science 
agency policies and procedures for addressing sexual harassment 
involving federally-funded STEM researchers and their trainees. 
The hearing also explored lessons learned, enduring challenges, 
and future opportunities for preventing and mitigating the 
negative impact of sexual harassment in STEM studies and 
careers. An additional purpose of the hearing was to receive 
testimony on H.R. 36, the Combating Sexual Harassment in 
Science Act.
           Mr. John Neumann, Managing Director of the 
        Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics team at 
        the U.S. Government Accountability Office;
           Dr. Paula A. Johnson, President of Wellesley 
           Dr. Jean Morrison, University Provost and 
        Chief Academic Officer of Boston University; and
           Dr. Philip Kass, Vice Provost for Academic 
        Affairs and Professor of Analytic Epidemiology at the 
        University of California, Davis.

                   3.1(j). Hearing Volume No. 116-30

June 25, 2019


    The purpose of the hearing was to examine the Department of 
Energy's research, development, demonstration, and 
commercialization activities, including the impact of the 
President's fiscal year 2020 budget request.
    Witness: The Honorable Rick Perry, Secretary of the 
Department of Energy.

                   3.1(k). Hearing Volume No. 116-32

June 26, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the impact of 
artificial intelligence (AI) on society and the ethical 
implications in the design and use of this technology. The 
hearing also examined the extent to which AI is already being 
deployed across different sectors of our society and economy; 
how biases, vulnerabilities, and other unintended consequences 
may manifest in these AI systems; and how federal agencies, as 
part of their research programs, standards development efforts, 
and internal adoption of AI, can help ensure more ethical and 
responsible design and application of AI.
           Ms. Meredith Whittaker, Co-Founder of the AI 
        Now Institute at New York University;
           Mr. Jack Clark, Policy Director at OpenAI;
           Mx. Joy Buolamwini, Founder of the 
        Algorithmic Justice League; and
           Dr. Georgia Tourassi, Director of the Oak 
        Ridge National Lab Health Data Sciences Institute.

                   3.1(l). Hearing Volume No. 116-35

July 11, 2019

                       MELT IN A CHANGING CLIMATE

    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the science of 
the physical processes and projections of mass loss of ice 
sheets and glaciers. The Committee received expert testimony on 
current projections of glacier mass loss due to anthropogenic 
climate change, and in turn how that will affect sea level. 
Additionally, the panel discussed research gaps, risks to 
communities from local glacier melt, as well as global risks 
from ice sheet instability and sea level rise, and the need for 
adaptation and mitigation.
           Dr. Richard B. Alley, Evan Pugh Professor of 
        Geosciences and Associate of the Earth and 
        Environmental Systems Institute, Pennsylvania State 
           Dr. Robin E. Bell, Lamont Research 
        Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia 
           Dr. Twila A. Moon, Research Scientist, 
        National Snow and Ice Data Center's (NSIDC) Cooperative 
        Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences;
           Dr. Gabriel J. Wolkon, Research Scientist 
        and Manager, Climate and Cryosphere Hazards Program, 
        Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Alaska 
        Department of Natural Resources; and
           Dr. W. Tad Pfeffer, Fellow, Institute of 
        Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado 

                   3.1(m). Hearing Volume No. 116-37

July 16, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to commemorate the 50th 
anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing.
           Mr. Charles Fishman, author of One Giant 
        Leap: The Impossible Mission That Flew Us to the Moon;
           Dr. David W. Miller, Vice President and 
        Chief Technology Officer, The Aerospace Corporation; 
           Dr. Peter Jakab, Chief Curator, Smithsonian 
        Air and Space Museum.

                   3.1(n). Hearing Volume No. 116-43

September 10, 2019

                            FORENSIC SCIENCE

    The purpose of this hearing was to assess the progress in 
forensic science since the 2009 National Academy of Sciences 
report, Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A 
Path Forward, and to examine the role of the National Institute 
of Standards and Technology in the advancement of forensic 
science research and standards. An additional purpose of the 
hearing was to receive testimony on the Forensic Science and 
Standards Act, last introduced in the 114th Congress (H.R. 
5795), including any recommendations for updates to the bill.
           Ms. Susan Ballou, Program Manager in the 
        Office of Special Programs at the National Institute of 
        Standards and Technology;
           Ms. Lynn Garcia, General Counsel for the 
        Texas Forensic Science Commission;
           Ms. Vicki Zemp Behenna, Executive Director 
        of the Oklahoma Innocence Project;
           Dr. Karen Kafadar, Professor and Chair of 
        the Department of Statistics at the University of 
        Virginia; President of the American Statistical 
        Association; and
           Mr. Matthew Gamette, Crime Lab Director for 
        the Idaho State Police Forensic Services.

                   3.1(o). Hearing Volume No. 116-46

September 19, 2019

                           PROTECTION AGENCY

    The purpose of this hearing was to review the science and 
technology activities at the Environmental Protection Agency 
(EPA) including: agency-wide policies and practices related to 
the development and use of science in regulatory and 
deregulatory decisions, the role of independent scientific 
advisory bodies such as the EPA Science Advisory Board and the 
EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, and the importance 
of transparency and integrity in the agency's science 
    Witness: The Honorable Andrew Wheeler, Administrator, 
Environmental Protection Agency.

                   3.1(p). Hearing Volume No. 116-49

September 26, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to understand the state of 
the science related to extreme weather events and examine the 
role of climate change and other factors in causing and 
exacerbating extreme weather events. The panel discussed 
economic and other societal impacts of extreme weather, 
explored the state of forecasting and prediction of extreme 
weather with a focus on how to communicate uncertainty, and 
identified gaps in the science.
           Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd, Georgia Athletic 
        Association Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric 
        Sciences and Geography, Director, Atmospheric Sciences 
        Program, Department of Geography, University of 
        Georgia; 2013 President, American Meteorological 
           Dr. James Done, Project Scientist III and 
        Willis Research Fellow, Capacity Center for Climate & 
        Weather Extremes, Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology 
        Lab, National Center for Atmospheric Research;
           Dr. Adam Sobel, Professor, Lamont-Doherty 
        Earth Observatory and School of Engineering and Applied 
        Sciences, Columbia University; Director and Chief 
        Scientist, Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate, 
        Columbia University;
           Dr. Berrien Moore, Director, National 
        Weather Center, University of Oklahoma; and
           Dr. Ann Bostrom, Weyerhaeuser Endowed 
        Professor in Environmental Policy, University of 

                   3.1(q). Hearing Volume No. 116-56

November 13, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to assess the Environmental 
Protection Agency's (EPA) proposed rule entitled 
``Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science.''
    Panel 1:
    Witness: Dr. Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta, Principal Deputy 
Assistant Administrator for Science, Office of Research and 
Development, EPA; and Science Advisor, EPA.
    Panel 2:
           Dr. Linda S. Birnbaum, Former Director, 
        Scientist Emeritus, National Institute of Environmental 
        Health Sciences, 2009 2019;
           Dr. Mary B. Rice, Assistant Professor, 
        Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Pulmonary and 
        Critical Care Physician, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical 
           Dr. David Allison, Dean, School of Public 
        Health, Indiana University--Bloomington; Member, 
        ``Reproducibility and Replicability in Science'' 
        Committee, The National Academies of Sciences, 
        Engineering and Medicine;
           Dr. Brian Nosek, Co-Founder and Executive 
        Director, Center for Open Science; and
           Dr. Todd Sherer, CEO, The Michael J. Fox 
        Foundation for Parkinson's Research.

                   3.1(r). Hearing Volume No. 116-56.

November 20, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to highlight the 
effectiveness and safety of vaccines; review the rationale for 
continuing to invest in vaccine science and innovation; use 
influenza as a case study to examine the science, innovation, 
and data challenges to developing an even more effective 
vaccine and eventually a universal flu vaccine; and consider 
the common technology and data platforms that could accelerate 
progress in vaccine development for many diseases. An 
additional purpose of the hearing was to examine the public-
private partnerships and state-federal partnerships to advance 
vaccine innovation and deployment, as well as efforts to 
communicate vaccine safety and effectiveness to the public.
           Dr. Daniel B. Jernigan, Director of the 
        Influenza Division in the National Center for 
        Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers 
        for Disease Control and Prevention;
           Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of the 
        National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease 
        at the National Institutes of Health;
           Dr. Sharon Watkins, State Epidemiologist and 
        Director of the Bureau of Epidemiology for the 
        Pennsylvania Department of Health; President of the 
        Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists; and
           Dr. Robin Robinson, Vice-President for 
        Scientific Affairs at RenovaCare; former Director of 
        the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development 
        Authority of the U.S. Department of Health and Human 

                   3.1(s). Hearing Volume No. 116-60

December 5, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine Congress's 
needed for advice to understand and address the growing number 
of science and technology policy issues facing the nation. An 
additional purpose was to assess the gaps in accessible science 
and technology resources and advice, and to explore the 
opportunities and challenges for addressing such gaps, 
including whether a renewed Office of Technology Assessment 
would meet the needs.
           The Honorable Michael McCord, Director of 
        Civil-Military Programs at the Stennis Center for 
        Public Service;
           Ms. Laura Manley, Director of the Technology 
        and Public Purpose Project at the Belfer Center for 
        Science and International Affairs at the Harvard 
        Kennedy School of Government;
           Dr. Timothy Persons, Chief Scientist and 
        Managing Director the Science, Technology Assessment, 
        and Analytics team at the U.S. Government 
        Accountability Office; and
           Dr. Peter Blair, Executive Director of the 
        Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences at the 
        National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and 

                   3.1(t). Hearing Volume No. 116-62

January 15, 2020

                              TO SOLUTIONS

    The purpose of this hearing was to provide an update on the 
state of climate science. The Committee received expert 
testimony on the climate reports published in 2019 and 
discussed their findings.
           Dr. Pamela McElwee, Associate Professor of 
        Human Ecology, School of Environmental and Biological 
        Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey;
           Dr. Richard Murray, Deputy Director & Vice 
        President for Research, Woods Hole Oceanographic 
           Dr. Heidi Steltzer, Professor of Environment 
        and Sustainability, Fort Lewis College, Colorado;
           Mr. Michael Shellenberger, Founder and 
        President, Environmental Progress; and
           Ms. Taryn Fransen, Senior Fellow, Global 
        Climate Program, World Resources Institute.

                   3.1(u). Hearing Volume No. 116-64.

January 29, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to review U.S. 
competitiveness in critical technologies and federal 
investments in the research, development and STEM workforce 
that will be essential to maintaining U.S. leadership. An 
additional purpose of the hearing was to examine opportunities 
for increased public-private partnership and the economic and 
national security implications of leadership--or loss of 
leadership--in these critical technology areas.
           Dr. Diane Souvaine, Chair of the National 
        Science Board;
           Dr. Eric Schmidt, Founder of Schmidt 
        Futures; Chairman of the Defense Innovation Board; and 
        Chairman of the National Security Commission on 
        Artificial Intelligence; and
           Dr. Chaouki Abdallah, Executive Vice 
        President for Research at the Georgia Institute of 

                   3.1(v). Hearing Volume No. 116-69

February 27, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the 
Administration's proposed Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) budget for 
federal research, development, demonstration, and commercial 
application programs within the Committee's jurisdiction and to 
discuss related policy issues.
    Witness: Dr. Kelvin K. Droegemeier, Director of the White 
House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

                   3.1(w). Hearing Volume No. 116-71

March 5, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss emerging 
infectious diseases, in light of the recent coronavirus 
outbreak, and the modeling tools used to detect, predict and 
understand the spread of such diseases. The Committee discussed 
how some infectious agents spread from animals to humans, and 
how predictive modeling can help control and mitigate the 
effects of emerging diseases.
           Dr. Suzan Murray, Program Director, 
        Smithsonian Global Health Program, Smithsonian's 
        National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute;
           Dr. John Brownstein, Chief Innovation 
        Officer, Boston Children's Hospital; Professor, Harvard 
        Medical School;
           Dr. Peter Hotez, Professor and Dean, 
        National School of Tropical Medicine, Baylor College of 
        Medicine; Co-Director, Texas Children's Hospital Center 
        for Vaccine Development; and
           Dr. Tara Kirk Sell, Senior Scholar, Johns 
        Hopkins Center for Health Security; Assistant 
        Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public 

                   3.1(x). Hearing Volume No. 116-73

June 12, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the impact of 
COVID-19 on the fire service community, to examine 
implementation of supplemental funding for the Assistance to 
Firefighters Grants (AFG) program provided under the CARES ACT, 
and to explore the need for additional funding and temporary 
administrative changes to the AFG and Staffing for Adequate 
Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant program in order to 
expedite assistance to fire departments for personal protective 
equipment, staffing, and other needs.
           Chief Gary Ludwig, President and Chairman of 
        the Board of the International Association of Fire 
           Mr. Roy L. ``Sandy'' McGhee III, District 11 
        Vice President of the International Association of Fire 
        Fighters; and
           Mr. Steve Hirsch, Chair of the National 
        Volunteer Fire Council.

                   3.1(y). Hearing Volume No. 116-76

July 14, 2020

                       AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE

    The purpose of this hearing was to explore the 
disproportionate impacts of extreme heat and COVID-19 on 
vulnerable low-income communities and communities of color, the 
impacts of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s 
deregulatory actions and relaxed enforcement of pollution 
regulations, the gaps in heat monitoring research, and what 
federal investments are needed to address these gaps to develop 
equitable and just policies.
           Ms. Heather McTeer Toney, National Field 
        Director, Moms Clean Air Force;
           Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali, Vice President of 
        Environmental Justice, Climate, and Community 
        Revitalization, National Wildlife Federation;
           Mr. Cecil Corbin-Mark, Deputy Director, WE 
        ACT for Environmental Justice; and
           Mr. Hilton Kelley, Founder/Director of the 
        Community In-Power & Development Association Inc.

            3.2. Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Energy

                   3.2(a). Hearing Volume No. 116-2.

February 26, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to assess the value of the 
role that the Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects 
Agency--Energy (ARPA-E) plays in accelerating the development 
of innovative energy technologies, and to examine ways that 
Congress and the Administration may be able to improve ARPA-E's 
capabilities to spur transformational technological advances in 
pursuit of the agency's energy and environmental missions.
           Dr. Arun Majumdar, Jay Precourt Provostial 
        Chair Professor at Stanford University;
           Dr. Ellen Williams, Distinguished University 
        Professor at the University of Maryland;
           Dr. John Wall, Retired Chief Technology 
        Officer of Cummins; Member of the Committee on 
        Evaluation for the 2017 National Academies Review of 
           Dr. Saul Griffith, Founder and Chief 
        Executive Officer of Otherlab; and
           Mr. Mark Mills, Senior Fellow at the 
        Manhattan Institute.

                    3.2(b). Hearing Volume No. 116-5

March 7, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine energy and water 
nexus issues and consider H.R. 34, the Energy and Water 
Research Integration Act of 2019, as introduced by Chairwoman 
Eddie Bernice Johnson and Ranking Member Frank Lucas at the 
beginning of the 116th Congress. This legislation would ensure 
that the Department of Energy considers water intensity in 
energy research and development activities and energy intensity 
in water production and use. The hearing focused on current 
issues and opportunities for efficiency improvements.
           Dr. Vincent Tidwell, Distinguished Member of 
        the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories;
           Ms. Kate Zerrenner, Senior Manager at the 
        Environmental Defense Fund;
           Dr. Richard Bonner, Vice President of 
        Research and Development at Advanced Cooling 
        Technologies Inc.;
           Dr. Raman P. Singh, Associate Dean for 
        Engineering at Oklahoma State University--Tulsa; 
        Professor and Head of School of Materials Science and 
        Engineering at Oklahoma State University; and
           Dr. Michael Webber, Chief Science and 
        Technology Officer at ENGIE; Professor at University of 

                   3.2(c). Hearing Volume No. 116-14

May 3, 2019


    Held at the Shippingport Community Building, 163 State 
Route 3016, Shippingport, PA 15077. The purpose of this hearing 
was to examine nuclear energy broadly, including its role as an 
emissions-free energy source and as a national security asset, 
as well as examining the impact that nuclear plants have on 
local economies. The hearing focused on research and 
development needs to extend the lifetime of operating nuclear 
           Dr. Pete Lyons, Former Assistant Secretary 
        for the Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear 
        Energy; Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
           Admiral William Fallon, Retired, United 
        States Navy;
           Ms. Tina M. Taylor, Senior Director of 
        Research and Development at the Electric Power Research 
        Institute; and
           Dr. Jay Apt, Professor at the Tepper School 
        of Business and Department of Engineering & Public 
        Policy; Co-Director of the Carnegie Mellon Electricity 
        Industry Center.

                   3.2(d). Hearing Volume No. 116-18

May 15, 2019

                          ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES

    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the range of 
existing research, development, and demonstration activities 
and the next steps required to advance solar and wind energy 
           Dr. Peter Green, Science and Technology 
        Officer and Deputy Laboratory Director of the National 
        Renewable Energy Laboratory;
           Ms. Abby Hopper, Esq., President and Chief 
        Executive Officer of the Solar Energy Industries 
           Mr. Kenny Stein, Esq., Director of Policy 
        for the Institute for Energy Research; and
           Mr. Tom Kiernan, President and Chief 
        Executive Officer of the American Wind Energy 

                   3.2(e). Hearing Volume No. 116-29

June 19, 2019


    The purpose of the hearing was to examine research and 
development needs to mitigate the environmental impacts of the 
extraction and use of fossil fuels as well as the 
decarbonization of industrial processes and long-distance 
transportation. The hearing focused on two draft bills: H.R. 
3607, the Fossil Energy Research and Development Act of 2019, 
and the Industrial Decarbonization Technology Development Act 
of 2019--which was the title at the time and is now H.R 4230, 
the Clean Industrial Act of 2019.
           Ms. Shannon Angielski, Executive Director of 
        the Carbon Utilization Research Council;
           Mr. Elgie Holstein, Senior Director for 
        Strategic Planning at the Environmental Defense Fund;
           Mr. Jeff Bobeck, Director of Energy Policy 
        Engagement at the Center for Climate and Energy 
        Solutions (C2ES);
           Ms. Erin Burns, Director of Policy at 
        Carbon180; and
           Dr. Erik K. Webb, Senior Manager of 
        Geoscience Research & Applications at Sandia National 

                   3.2(f). Hearing Volume No. 116-40

July 17, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine research needs 
to modernize and secure our nation's electricity grid. The 
hearing focused on two draft bills at the time: H.R. 5428, the 
Grid Modernization Research and Development Act of 2019 and 
H.R. 5760, the Grid Cybersecurity Research and Development Act 
of 2019.
           The Honorable Karen Evans, Assistant 
        Secretary of the Department of Energy's Office of 
        Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response;
           Mr. Juan J. Torres, Associate Laboratory 
        Director of Energy Systems Integration at the National 
        Renewable Energy Laboratory; Co-Chair of the Grid 
        Modernization Lab Consortium;
           Ms. Kelly Speakes-Backman, Chief Executive 
        Officer of the Energy Storage Association; and
           Ms. Katherine Hamilton, Chair of 38 North 
        Solutions; Executive Director of Advanced Energy 
        Management Alliance.

                   3.2(g). Hearing Volume No. 116-45

September 18, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the range of 
research, development, and demonstration activities necessary 
to advance sustainable transportation. The hearing served to 
inform the development of legislation that will guide the 
Department of Energy's activities in these areas.
           Ms. Ann M. Schlenker, Director of the Center 
        for Transportation Research at Argonne National 
           Mr. James Chen, Vice President of Public 
        Policy at Rivian Automotive LLC;
           Mr. Brooke Coleman, Executive Director of 
        the Advanced Biofuels Business Council;
           Dr. Claus Daniel, Director of the 
        Sustainable Transportation Program at Oak Ridge 
        National Laboratory; and
           Mr. Tim Cortes, Vice President of Hydrogen 
        Energy Systems at Plug Power Inc.

                   3.2(h). Hearing Volume No. 116-55

November 14, 2019

                       WAVE OF ENERGY INNOVATION

    The primary purpose of this hearing was to examine research 
and development needs in the geothermal energy and water power 
industries. The hearing focused on two draft bills at the time: 
H.R. 5374, the Geothermal Energy Research and Development Act 
of 2019, and H.R. 34, the Water Power Research and Development 
Act of 2019.
           Dr. David Solan, Deputy Assistant Secretary 
        for Renewable Power of the Department of Energy's 
        Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy;
           Dr. Bryson Robertson, Co-Director of the 
        Pacific Marine Energy Center, and Associate Professor 
        of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State 
           Dr. Joseph Moore, Manager of the Utah 
        Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy 
        (FORGE), and Research Professor at the University of 
           Ms. Maria Richards, Director of the 
        Geothermal Laboratory, Roy M. Huffington Department of 
        Earth Sciences at Southern Methodist University; and
           Mr. Sander Cohan, Director of Innovation at 
        Enel Green Power North America, Inc.

                   3.2(i). Hearing Volume No. 116-58

November 22, 2019

                        RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT

    Held at the Hilton University of Houston Waldorf Astoria 
Ballroom, Houston, TX. The purpose of this hearing was to 
examine the state of advanced carbon capture, utilization, and 
storage technologies and practices in the United States and to 
determine how the federal government can best accelerate this 
growing area of research in support of U.S. interests in energy 
security, environmental stewardship, and national security.
           Dr. Ramanan Krishnamoorti, Chief Energy 
        Officer and Professor of Chemical Engineering at the 
        University of Houston;
           Dr. Jeffrey Long, Faculty Senior Scientist 
        of the Materials Sciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley 
        National Laboratory;
           Mr. Greg Kennedy, Senior Project Director of 
        NRG Energy; Director of Asset Management of the Petra 
        Nova Project;
           Mr. Roger Dewing, Director of Technology 
        CCUS at Air Products and Chemicals Incorporated, Inc.; 
           Mr. Nigel Jenvey, Global Head of Carbon 
        Management at Gaffney, Cline & Associates.

                   3.2(j). Hearing Volume No. 116-61

December 10, 2019

                          MATERIALS CHALLENGE

    The purpose of this hearing was to examine research, 
development, and demonstration (RD&D) needs to support the 
sustainable supply of critical materials for energy 
technologies and other applications. The witnesses discussed 
the importance of a reliable, affordable supply of helium, 
which is needed as an energy technology input and for various 
research applications. The hearing focused H.R. 4481, the 
Securing Energy Critical Elements and American Jobs Act of 
           Dr. Adam Schwartz, Director of Ames 
           Dr. Sophia Hayes, Professor of the 
        Department of Chemistry at Washington University in St. 
           Mr. David Weiss, Vice President of 
        Engineering and Research and Development at Eck 
        Industries, Inc.; and
           Dr. Carol Handwerker, Reinhardt Schuhmann 
        Jr. Professor of Materials Engineering & Environmental 
        and Ecological Engineering at Purdue University.

                   3.2(k). Hearing Volume No. 116-63

January 15, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the research and 
development activities and facilities supported by the 
Department of Energy's Office of Science, and to consider 
potential future directions for its various programs.
    Witness: Dr. Chris Fall, Director of the Department of 
Energy's Office of Science.

                   3.2(l). Hearing Volume No. 116-77

July 17, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine technology 
transfer activities at the Department of Energy (DOE) and their 
potential contributions to economic recovery from the current 
COVID-19 pandemic. The hearing focused on two bills: H.R 8273, 
the Energizing Technology Transfer Act, which was in draft at 
the time, and H.R. 3575, the Increasing and Mobilizing 
Partnerships to Achieve Commercialization of Technologies 
(IMPACT) for Energy Act.
           Ms. Jetta Wong, President of JLW Advising; 
        Former Director of the Department of Energy's Office of 
        Technology Transitions;
           Ms. Jennifer States, Director for Blue 
        Economy at DNV GL; Project Director of Washington 
        Maritime Blue;
           Ms. Farah Benahmed, Climate and Energy 
        Policy Advisor at Third Way.
           Dr. Emily Reichert, Chief Executive Officer 
        of Greentown Labs; and
           Dr. Lee Cheatham, Director of Technology 
        Deployment and Outreach at Pacific Northwest National 

                   3.2(m). Hearing Volume No. 116-80

September 11, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the biological 
research and development activities within the Department of 
Energy Office of Science's Biological and Environmental 
Research (BER) program. The hearing examined the historic 
reasons for why the Department has bioscience research 
capabilities, how this expertise and BER's advanced research 
tools are being leveraged to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, 
and future directions for the Department's biological research 
           Dr. Mary Maxon, Associate Laboratory 
        Director for Biosciences at Lawrence Berkeley National 
           Dr. Debra Mohnen, Professor of the 
        Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the 
        University of Georgia;
           Dr. Glenn C. Randall, Chair of the Committee 
        on Microbiology at the University of Chicago; and
           Dr. Kelly C. Wrighton, Associate Professor 
        of the Department of Soil and Crop Science at Colorado 
        State University.

          3.3  Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Environment

                    3.3(a). Hearing Volume No. 116-3

February 27, 2019

                           OCEANS AND COASTS

    The purpose of this hearing was to explore the impacts of 
anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions on our oceans and coasts 
including the state of the science of ocean warming, 
acidification, deoxygenation, and sea level rise with special 
attention to findings in recently published climate reports and 
the impacts of climate change to coastal industry.
           Dr. Sarah Cooley, Director, Ocean 
        Acidification Program, Ocean Conservancy;
           Dr. Radley Horton, Lamont Associate Research 
        Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia 
        University Earth Institute;
           Dr. Thomas K. Frazer, Professor and 
        Director, School of Natural Resources and Environment, 
        University of Florida; and
           Ms. Margaret A. Pilaro, Executive Director, 
        Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association (PCSGA).

                   3.3(b). Hearing Volume No. 116-12

April 30, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the President's 
Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget request for the National Oceanic 
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and associated issues.
    Witness: The Honorable Neil Jacobs, Ph.D., Assistant 
Secretary of Commerce for Environmental Observation and 
Prediction, performing the duties of Under Secretary of 
Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration.

                   3.3(c). Hearing Volume No. 116-20

May 16, 2019

                        U.S. WEATHER ENTERPRISE

    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the state of the 
U.S. Weather Enterprise and next steps that need to be taken to 
develop U.S. leadership in weather modeling and forecasting, 
and the coordination and collaboration between the different 
sectors to ensure that the U.S. Weather Enterprise can provide 
the most timely and accurate weather products and services.
           The Honorable Neil Jacobs, Ph.D., Assistant 
        Secretary of Commerce for Environmental Observation and 
        Prediction, performing the duties of Under Secretary of 
        Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, National Oceanic 
        and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA);
           Dr. Louis Uccellini, Assistant Administrator 
        for Weather Services and Director of the National 
        Weather Service, NOAA;
           Dr. Shuyi Chen, Professor, Department of 
        Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington; and
           Dr. Christopher Fiebrich, Associate Director 
        of the Oklahoma Climatological Survey and Executive 
        Director of the Oklahoma Mesonet; and
           Mr. Rich Sorkin, CEO, Jupiter Intelligence.

                   3.3(d). Hearing Volume No. 116-25

June 5, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the state of 
U.S. ocean exploration, ongoing research, scientific 
discoveries and applications, technological innovations, 
research gaps, and the future of the field.
           Dr. Katy Croff Bell, Founding Director, Open 
        Ocean Initiative, MIT Media Lab;
           Dr. Carlie Wiener, Director of Marine 
        Communications, Schmidt Ocean Institute;
           Mr. Steve Barrett, Senior Vice President for 
        Business Development, Oceaneering International; and
           Mr. David Lang, Co-founder, Sofar Ocean 

                   3.3(e). Hearing Volume No. 116-26

July 22, 2019


    Held at the Houston Community College, West Loop Campus 
Auditorium, 5601 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77081. The 
purpose of this hearing was to understand the state of current 
hurricane and coastal resilience research in the U.S., and to 
identify knowledge gaps and improvements to current research 
           Dr. Louis W. Uccellini, Assistant 
        Administrator for Weather Services, National Oceanic 
        and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); Director, 
        National Weather Service (NWS);
           Dr. Hanadi Rifai, P.E., John and Rebecca 
        Moores Professor; Director, Environmental Engineering 
        Graduate Program; Associate Dean Research and 
        Facilities, Director of Hurricane Resilience Research 
        Institute (HuRRI), University of Houston;
           Ms. Emily Grover-Kopec, Director of 
        Insurance Practice, One Concern, Inc.; and
           Mr. Jim Blackburn, Co-Director, Severe Storm 
        Prediction, Education & Evacuation from Disasters 
        (SSPEED) Center; Professor, Department of Civil and 
        Environmental Engineering, Rice University.

                   3.3(f). Hearing Volume No. 116-52

October 23, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the current 
state of space weather research and federal efforts to monitor 
and predict space weather events with a specific focus on 
identifying what is needed to improve our space weather 
forecasting prediction capabilities.
           Mr. Bill Murtagh, Program Coordinator, 
        National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's 
        (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC);
           Dr. Nicola Fox, Heliophysics Division 
        Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
        (NASA); and
           Dr. Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., VADM USN 
        (ret.), CEO of GeoOptics, Inc; Former Under-Secretary 
        of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA 
        Administrator (2001-2008).

                   3.3(g). Hearing Volume No. 116-57

November 20, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to assess the development 
and implementation of the Earth Prediction Innovation Center 
(EPIC), which was recently authorized under the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the National 
Integrated Drought Information System Reauthorization Act of 
2018, P.L. 115-423.
           Dr. Neil Jacobs, Assistant Secretary of 
        Commerce for Environmental Observation and Prediction, 
        performing the duties of Under Secretary of Commerce 
        for Oceans and Atmosphere, National Oceanic and 
        Atmospheric Administration (NOAA);
           Dr. Cliff Mass, Professor of Atmospheric 
        Sciences, University of Washington;
           Dr. Peter P. Neilley, IBM Distinguished 
        Engineer and Director of Weather Forecasting Sciences 
        and Technologies, The Weather Company, An IBM Business; 
           Dr. Thomas Auligne, Director of the Joint 
        Center for Satellite Data Assimilation, University 
        Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).

                   3.3(h). Hearing Volume No. 116-70

February 27, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss how flooding and 
sea level rise affect American property owners, how the Federal 
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) uses science to inform its 
flood products, how the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration (NOAA) researches and communicates flooding and 
sea level rise, and whether additional federal resources are 
needed to research and communicate present and future flood 
risk to the public.
           Mr. Michael Grimm, Assistant Administrator 
        for Risk Management, Federal Insurance and Mitigation 
        Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 
        U.S. Department of Homeland Security;
           Mr. Mark Osler, Senior Advisor for Coastal 
        Inundation and Resilience, National Oceanic and 
        Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce;
           Mr. Ryan R. Branfort, PLS, GISP, Senior Vice 
        President, Wilson & Company, Inc., Engineers and 
        Architects; and
           Mr. Chad Berginnis, CFM, Executive Director, 
        Association of State Floodplain Managers.

                   3.3(i). Hearing Volume No. 116-83

September 30, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the impacts of 
the twin stressors of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic 
to environmental justice communities, the role of social and 
behavioral sciences in risk communication of science-based 
messages related to these compound stressors, the gaps in 
emergency management research to inform preparation and 
response, and the public and human health impacts of dealing 
with disasters during a global pandemic.
           Dr. Roxane Cohen Silver, Professor of 
        Psychological Science, Medicine, and Public Health, 
        University of California, Irvine; and
           Dr. Samantha Montano, Assistant Professor of 
        Emergency Management, Massachusetts Maritime Academy.

 3.4. Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight

                    3.4(a). Hearing Volume No. 116-9

March 27, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to assess the current state 
of the EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) program 
in light of the findings published in the March 4, 2019, 
Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, ``Status of 
EPA's Efforts to Produce Assessments and Implement the Toxic 
Substances Control Act.'' Additionally, witnesses provided 
their expert perspectives on the EPA's current status on 
implementing recommendations for the IRIS program provided by 
the GAO and the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and 
Medicine (NAS), as well as the unique value of IRIS 
    Panel 1:
           Dr. Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta, Principal Deputy 
        Assistant Administrator for Science for the Office of 
        Research and Development, and Science Advisor, 
        Environmental Protection Agency; and
           Mr. Alfredo Gomez, Director, Natural 
        Resources and Environment, Government Accountability 
    Panel 2:
           Dr. Bernard D. Goldstein, Professor 
        Emeritus, Dean Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh 
        Graduate School of Public Health;
           Dr. Ivan Rusyn, Professor, Department of 
        Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, Texas A&M 
        University; Chair, Interdisciplinary Faculty of 
        Toxicology; Director, Texas A&M Superfund Research 
           Dr. Julie E. Goodman, Principal, Gradient; 
           Ms. Wilma Subra, President, Subra Company; 
        Technical Advisor, Louisiana Environmental Action 

                   3.4(b). Hearing Volume No. 116-22

May 21, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the threat to 
transportation assets posed by climate change, assess the 
current state of federal research on transportation 
infrastructure climate resilience, and explore strategies by 
which the federal research enterprise can complement state and 
local efforts on transportation climate resilience more 
           Ms. Susanne DesRoches, Deputy Director for 
        Infrastructure and Energy, New York City Mayor's Office 
        of Resiliency and Office of Sustainability;
           Mr. Gregory D. Winfree, Director, Texas A&M 
        Transportation Institute (TTI);
           Mr. Jason Averill, Chief, Materials and 
        Structural Systems Division, Engineering Laboratory, 
        National Institute of Standards and Technology; and
           Mr. Scott Reeve, President, Composite 

                   3.4(c). Hearing Volume No. 116-31

June 25, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to review the security of 
US election system technologies, such as electronic pollbooks, 
voter registration systems, voting machines, and the 
maintenance and operations activities that support them.
           Dr. Charles H. Romine, Director, Information 
        Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards 
        and Technology;
           Mr. Neal Kelley, Registrar of Voters, Orange 
        County, California;
           Dr. Latanya Sweeney, Professor of Government 
        and Technology in Residence, Department of Government, 
        Harvard University, Institute for Quantitative Social 
           Mr. Paul Ziriax, Secretary, Oklahoma State 
        Election Board; and
           Dr. Josh Benaloh, Senior Cryptographer, 
        Microsoft Research.

                   3.4(d). Hearing Volume No. 116-38

July 16, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the state of 
federal advisory committees at the EPA in light of the findings 
published in the July 2019 Government Accountability Office 
report, EPA's Advisory Committees: Improvements Needed for the 
Member Appointment Process.
           Mr. J. Alfredo Gomez, Director, Natural 
        Resources and Environment, U.S. Government 
        Accountability Office;
           Dr. Thomas A. Burke, PhD, MPH, Jacob I. and 
        Irene B. Fabrikant Professor and Chair in Health Risk 
        and Society, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns 
        Hopkins University;
           Dr. Deborah Swackhamer, Professor Emerita, 
        Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of 
        Minnesota; and
           Dr. Jonathan Samet, MD, MS, Dean, Colorado 
        School of Public Health.

                   3.4(e). Hearing Volume No. 116-47

September 26, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to explore the enabling 
technologies for disinformation online, including deep fakes, 
explore trends and emerging technology in the field, and 
consider research strategies that could help stem the tide of 
malicious inauthentic behavior.
           Dr. Siwei Lyu, Professor, Department of 
        Computer Science, Director, Computer Vision and Machine 
        Learning Lab, University at Albany, State University of 
        New York;
           Dr. Hany Farid, Professor, Electrical 
        Engineering & Computer Science and the School of 
        Information, University of California, Berkeley; and
           Ms. Camille Francois, Chief Innovation 
        Officer, Graphika.

                   3.4(f). Hearing Volume No. 116-50

October 15, 2019

                        INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY

    Held at the Livonia City Hall, 33000 Civic Center Drive, 
Livonia, MI 48154. The purpose of this hearing was to discuss 
the prevalence and effects of lead in drinking water and the 
challenges that local leaders face in addressing lead 
contamination. The Subcommittee considered innovative science-
based solutions for anticipating risk and preventing 
contamination and explored research opportunities to help 
municipalities reduce lead exposure more quickly and cost-
    Panel I:
           The Honorable Joe DiVincenzo, Jr., County 
        Executive, Essex County, New Jersey;
           The Honorable Joseph Scarpelli, Mayor of 
        Nutley, New Jersey; and
           The Honorable Michael Venezia, Mayor of 
        Bloomfield, New Jersey.
    Panel II:
           Dr. Diane Calello, Executive Medical 
        Director, New Jersey Poison Information and Education 
        System and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, 
        Rutgers University;
           Dr. Marc Edwards, University Distinguished 
        Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute;
           Mr. Michael Ramos, Chief Engineer, Chicago 
        Public Schools; inventor, the Noah Auto Flushing 
        device; and
           Dr. Eric Roy, Founder, Hydroviv.

                   3.4(g). Hearing Volume No. 116-66

February 5, 2020

                            RENEWABLE ENERGY

    The purpose of this hearing was to assess the Department of 
Energy's (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 
(EERE) use of funds to advance clean energy research and 
development. The Subcommittees discussed EERE's ability to 
spend its grant funding in a responsible manner and maintain 
adequate staffing levels.
    Panel 1:
           Mr. Daniel Simmons, Assistant Secretary, 
        Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and 
        Renewable Energy.
    Panel 2:
           Dr. Charles Gay, Member, Sandia National 
        Laboratories Energy and Homeland Security External 
        Advisory Board; former Director of the Solar Energy 
        Technologies Office, Department of Energy's Office of 
        Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy;
           Mr. Anthony M. Reardon, National President, 
        National Treasury Employees Union; and
           Mr. Arjun Krishnaswami, Policy Analyst, 
        Climate & Clean Energy Program, Natural Resources 
        Defense Council.

                   3.4(h). Hearing Volume No. 116-74

June 19, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to explore the scientific 
foundations behind repurposing existing drugs for the treatment 
of COVID-19. The Subcommittee discussed how researchers 
identify and test approved drugs--developed for other uses--
that could lessen the severity of COVID-19 symptoms, as well as 
the regulatory approval process for the use of these drugs 
among infected patients.
           Dr. Peter Lurie, President, Center for 
        Science in the Public Interest;
           Dr. James Finigan, Director of the 
        Respiratory Centers of Excellence, National Jewish 
           Dr. Rick Stevens, Associate Laboratory 
        Director for Computing, Environment and Life Sciences, 
        Argonne National Laboratory; and
           Dr. Benjamin Rome, Associate Physician, 
        Brigham and Women's Hospital; Postdoctoral Research 
        Fellow, Harvard Medical School.

                   3.4(i). Hearing Volume No. 116-78

July 28, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the role of 
science and technology in assisting nongovernmental 
organizations, state, local and federal governments, financial 
institutions, and others to disrupt domestic and international 
human trafficking, including trafficking for forced labor and 
sexual exploitation. An additional purpose was to explore the 
research, technology development, and coordination needs to 
strengthen federal anti-trafficking strategies and to discuss 
the impact of COVID-19 on human trafficking response.
           Ms. Anjana Rajan, Chief Technology Officer, 
           Mr. Matthew Daggett, Technical Staff, 
        Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Systems 
        Group, Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of 
           Ms. Emily Kennedy, President and Co-Founder, 
        Marinus Analytics; and
           Ms. Hannah Darnton, Associate Director of 
        Ethics, Technology, and Human Rights, Business for 
        Social Responsibility.

                   3.4(j). Hearing Volume No. 116-82

September 23, 2020

                   OF DATA DURING COVID-19 AND BEYOND

    The purpose of this hearing was to explore COVID-19 data 
management at the local, state, and federal level, including 
how relevant stakeholders are collecting, analyzing, and 
reporting data that informs COVID-19 research and decision 
making. The Subcommittee discussed how healthcare providers, 
scientists, and public health agencies can ensure the 
integrity, accuracy, and transparency of data in the midst of 
the COVID-19 pandemic.
           Dr. Lisa M. Lee, PhD, Associate Vice 
        President for Research and Innovation, Virginia Tech;
           Dr. Lisa L. Maragakis, MD, PhD, Senior 
        Director of Infection Prevention, Johns Hopkins Health 
           Mr. Avik Roy, President, Foundation for 
        Research on Equal Opportunity; and
           Ms. Janet Hamilton, MPH, Executive Director, 
        Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists.

    3.5. Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Research and Technology

                    3.5(a). Hearing Volume No. 116-8

March 12, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to review the opportunities 
and challenges with new and emerging bioscience and 
biotechnologies with application in agriculture, energy and 
manufacturing; to examine the role of the federal government in 
research and development (R&D) and oversight of such science 
and technologies; and to examine the status of U.S. leadership 
in engineering biology. An additional purpose of this hearing 
was to receive testimony on the Engineering Biology Research 
and Development Act, which would establish a federal R&D 
initiative in engineering biology.
           Dr. Rob Carlson, Managing Director of 
        Bioeconomy Capital;
           Dr. Kevin Solomon, Assistant Professor of 
        Agricultural & Biological Engineering at Purdue 
           Dr. Eric Hegg, Professor of Biochemistry and 
        Molecular Biology at Michigan State University and 
        Michigan State University Subcontract Lead at the Great 
        Lakes Bioenergy Research Center;
           Dr. Sean Simpson, Chief Scientific Officer 
        and Co-Founder of LanzaTech; and
           Dr. Laurie Zoloth, Margaret E. Burton 
        Professor of Religion and Ethics and Senior Advisor to 
        the Provost for Programs in Social Ethics at the 
        University of Chicago.

                    3.5(b). Hearing Volume No. 116-8

March 26, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to review the successes and 
further opportunities for the Manufacturing USA Institutes to 
achieve the goal of improving the competitiveness of U.S. 
manufacturing. The hearing also discussed the long-term 
sustainability of the Institutes and explored how the 
Institutes are working to accelerate the development of an 
advanced manufacturing workforce; leverage the existing 
national network of small and medium manufacturers; and develop 
local and regional economic opportunities in advanced 
manufacturing across America. An additional purpose of this 
hearing was to examine ways to enable decarbonization of the 
manufacturing sector in an effort to transition to a carbon-
free future, and the role of the Manufacturing USA Institutes 
in achieving this goal.
           Mr. Ryan Myers, Director of Business 
        Development, Department of Defense, for Hexagon 
        Manufacturing Intelligence;
           Mr. Mike Molnar, Director of the Office of 
        Advanced Manufacturing at the National Institute of 
        Standards and Technology (NIST);
           Dr. John Hopkins, CEO of the Institute for 
        Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI);
           Ms. Valri Lightner, Acting Director of the 
        Advanced Manufacturing Office under the Office of 
        Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the U.S. 
        Department of Energy; and
           Dr. Mitchell Dibbs, Associate R&D Director 
        for External Technology--Government Programs at Dow.

                   3.5(c). Hearing Volume No. 116-11

April 9, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the President's 
Fiscal Year 2020 budget request for the National Institute of 
Standards and Technology (NIST) and related policy and 
management issues. The hearing also discussed major areas of 
research under NIST's laboratory programs, the agency's role in 
working with industry to advance U.S. competitiveness, and key 
facilities construction and maintenance issues on both of 
NIST's campuses.
    Witness: The Honorable Walter G. Copan, Under Secretary of 
Commerce for Standards and Technology and Director of the 
National Institute of Standards and Technology.

                   3.5(d). Hearing Volume No. 116-13

April 30, 2019

                           PLASTICS RECYCLING

    The purpose of this hearing was to examine plastics 
recycling challenges in the United States and discuss new and 
emerging technologies to reduce the lifecycle impact of 
           Mr. Paul Sincock, City Manager for the City 
        of Plymouth, Michigan;
           Dr. Govind Menon, Director of the School of 
        Science and Technology and Chair of the Department of 
        Physics and Chemistry at Troy University;
           Dr. Gregg Beckham, Senior Research Fellow at 
        the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; and
           Mr. Tim Boven, Recycling Commercial 
        Director, Packaging and Specialty Plastics at Dow.

                   3.5(e). Hearing Volume No. 116-15

May 8, 2019

                          2020 BUDGET REQUEST

    The purpose of this hearing was to review the 
Administration's Fiscal Year 2020 budget request for the 
National Science Foundation and related policy and management 
           Dr. France Cordova, Director of the National 
        Science Foundation; and
           Dr. Diane Souvaine, Chair of the National 
        Science Board.

                   3.5(f). Hearing Volume No. 116-36

July 11, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to review the Department of 
Transportation's surface transportation research, development, 
and demonstration and technology transfer activities; examine 
implementation of research provisions of the Fixing America's 
Surface Transportation Act of 2015 (FAST Act) and explore the 
need for a long-term national surface transportation research 
           Mr. Tim Henkel, Chair of the Research and 
        Technology Coordinating Committee of the Transportation 
        Research Board; Assistant Commissioner of Modal 
        Planning and Program Management at the Minnesota 
        Department of Transportation;
           Mr. Brian Ness, Director of the Idaho 
        Transportation Department; Chair of the American 
        Association of State Highway and Transportation 
        Officials Special Committee on Research and Innovation;
           Dr. Henry Liu, Director of the Center for 
        Connected and Automated Transportation and Professor in 
        the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 
        at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; and
           Dr. Darcy Bullock, Director of the Joint 
        Transportation Research Program and Lyles Family 
        Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at 
        Purdue University.

                   3.5(g). Hearing Volume No. 116-39

July 17, 2019

                            FEDERAL AGENCIES

    The purpose of this hearing was to discuss the importance 
of scientific integrity policies within federal agencies that 
fund, conduct, or oversee research and to examine the status of 
current such policies. An additional purpose of the hearing was 
the receive testimony on H.R. 1709, the Scientific Integrity 
           Mr. Michael Halpern, Deputy Director of the 
        Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of 
        Concerned Scientists;
           Mr. Joel Clement, Arctic Initiative Senior 
        Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and 
        International Affairs at the John F. Kennedy School of 
        Government at Harvard University;
           Dr. Roger Pielke Jr., Director of the Sports 
        Governance Center and Professor in the Environmental 
        Studies Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder; 
           Mr. John Neumann, Managing Director of the 
        Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics team at 
        the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

                   3.5(h). Hearing Volume No. 116-42

July 25, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to assess the challenges 
and opportunities for expanding the use of sustainable 
chemicals, production processes, and stewardship practices 
throughout the chemical science and engineering enterprise. The 
hearing also examined what research, technologies, and 
strategies are needed to support the adoption of sustainable 
chemistry innovations. An additional purpose of the hearing was 
to receive testimony on the Sustainable Chemistry Research and 
Development Act of 2019.
           Dr. Tim Persons, Chief Scientist and 
        Managing Director of the Science, Technology 
        Assessment, and Analytics team at the U.S. Government 
        Accountability Office;
           Dr. John Warner, President and Chief 
        Technology Officer of the Warner Babcock Institute for 
        Green Chemistry;
           Dr. Julie Zimmerman, Professor and Senior 
        Associate Dean in the School of Forestry and 
        Environmental Studies and Deputy Director of the Center 
        for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale 
           Ms. Anne Kolton, Executive Vice President of 
        Communications, Sustainability, and Market Outreach at 
        the American Chemistry Council; and
           Mr. Mitchell Toomey, Director of 
        Sustainability at BASF in North America.

                   3.5(i). Hearing Volume No. 116-48

September 24, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the impact of 
machine learning and artificial intelligence on the workforce, 
including issues related to worker displacement, retraining of 
the current workforce, and developing a skilled technical 
workforce of the future that can thrive in an economy in which 
artificial intelligence increasingly plays a role. An 
additional purpose of the hearing was also to explore the 
disparate impacts on different industry sectors and different 
populations, as well as issues of safety, privacy, and security 
relevant to the human-technology interface.
           Dr. Arthur Lupia, Assistant Director of the 
        Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic 
        Sciences at the National Science Foundation;
           Dr. Erik Brynjolfsson, Schussel Family 
        Professor of Management Science and Director of The MIT 
        Initiative on the Digital Economy at the Massachusetts 
        Institute of Technology;
           Ms. Rebekah Kowalski, Vice President of 
        Manufacturing Services at ManpowerGroup; and
           Dr. Sue Ellspermann, President of Ivy Tech 
        Community College.

                   3.5(j). Hearing Volume No. 116-51

October 25, 2019


    Held at the Livonia City Hall, 33000 Civic Center Drive, 
Livonia, MI 48154. The purpose of this hearing was to explore 
the use of smart technology to improve the ability of small 
cities and suburban communities to provide safe and efficient 
mobility solutions, to examine the research and development 
needs to ensure this technology is accessible to diverse 
communities, and to consider best practices for integration of 
community input and consideration of unique community needs, as 
well as collaboration between public, private, and academic 
           The Honorable David Coulter, Oakland County 
           Mr. Mark Dowd, Executive Director of Smart 
        Cities Lab;
           Dr. Raj Rajkumar, Director of Mobility21 and 
        George Westinghouse Professor of Electrical and 
        Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University;
           Dr. Tierra Bills, Assistant Professor Civil 
        and Environmental Engineering in the College of 
        Engineering at Wayne State University; and
           Mr. Scott Averitt, Technical Expert and 
        Manager of Public/Private Partnerships at Robert Bosch 

                   3.5(k). Hearing Volume No. 116-59

December 4, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to review the activities of 
the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program (NWIRP) and to 
consider opportunities and challenges to improved wind 
resilience and priorities for the next NWIRP reauthorization.
           Dr. Scott Weaver, Director of the National 
        Windstorm Impact Reduction Program at the National 
        Institute of Standards and Technology;
           Major General Lee Tafanelli, Kansas Adjutant 
        General and Director of Kansas Homeland Security and 
        Director of Emergency Management;
           Dr. Delong Zuo, Associate Professor of Civil 
        Engineering at the National Wind Institute at Texas 
        Tech University; and
           Mr. Ryan Colker, Vice President of 
        Innovation and Executive Director of the Alliance for 
        National and Community Resilience at the International 
        Code Council.

                   3.5(l). Hearing Volume No. 116-65

February 5, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to hold a review of the 
role of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program 
and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program in 
helping to move the results of federally funded research into 
commercial development and generating new economic growth, as 
well as in assisting federal science agencies in meeting their 
respective missions. An additional purpose of the hearing was 
to consider recommendations for improvements to the SBIR and 
STTR Programs and to receive testimony on The Small Business 
Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer 
Improvements Act of 2019.
           Dr. Dawn Tilbury, Assistant Director of the 
        Directorate of Engineering at the National Science 
           Dr. Maryann Feldman, S.K. Heninger 
        Distinguished Professor of Public Policy in the 
        Department of Public Policy; Adjunct Professor of 
        Finance in the Kenan-Flagler Business School; Faculty 
        Director of CREATE in the Kenan Institute of Private 
        Enterprise at The University of North Carolina at 
        Chapel Hill;
           Mr. Nicholas Cuccinelli, Chief Executive 
        Officer of Endectra; and
           Dr. Johnny Park, Chief Executive Officer of 
        Wabash Heartland Innovation Network.

                   3.5(m). Hearing Volume No. 116-67

February 11, 2020

                        CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE

    The purpose of this hearing was to explore the challenges 
faced by organizations in both the public and private sectors 
in recruiting and training skilled cybersecurity professionals 
and discuss strategies to expand and diversify the 
cybersecurity workforce pipeline to meet the demand. An 
additional purpose of the hearing was to assess the federal 
programs designed to address this workforce shortage.
           Mr. Rodney Petersen, Director of the 
        National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education at the 
        National Institute of Standards and Technology;
           Dr. Ambareen Siraj, Professor of Computer 
        Science and Director of the Cybersecurity Education 
        Research and Outreach Center at Tennessee Tech 
           Mr. Joseph Sawasky, President and Chief 
        Executive Officer of Merit Network, Inc.; and
           Ms. Sonya Miller, HR Director at IBM 
        Security and Enterprise & Technology Security.

                   3.5(n). Hearing Volume No. 116-72

March 11, 2020

                        STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY

    The purpose of this hearing was to explore the major areas 
of research under the National Institute of Standards and 
Technology (NIST) laboratory programs, the agency's role in 
working with industry to advance U.S. competitiveness, and key 
facilities construction and maintenance issues on the NIST 
campuses in Maryland and Colorado. An additional purpose of the 
hearing was to review the President's Fiscal Year 2021 budget 
proposal for NIST.
    Witness: The Honorable Walter G. Copan, Under Secretary of 
Commerce for Standards and Technology, and Director of the 
National Institute of Standards and Technology.

                   3.5(o). Hearing Volume No. 116-79

September 9, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the near- and 
long-term impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the U.S. academic 
research enterprise. The Committee also heard about the steps 
universities have taken to slow the spread of the virus and the 
impact such measures have had on the progress of research and 
the pipeline of STEM talent. The Committee explored what is 
needed for universities to recover from these setbacks and 
safely ramp up research programs. An additional purpose of this 
hearing was to hear testimony on the Research Investment to 
Spark the Economy (RISE) Act and the Supporting Early Career 
Researchers Act.
           Dr. Joseph Walsh, Interim Vice President for 
        Economic Development and Innovation for the University 
        of Illinois System;
           Dr. David Stone, Vice President of Research 
        at Oakland University;
           Dr. Theresa Mayer, Executive Vice President 
        for Research and Partnerships at Purdue University; and
           Mr. Ryan Muzzio, Physics Ph.D. Student at 
        Carnegie Mellon University.

     3.6. Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics

                   3.6(a). Hearing Volume No. 116-16

May 8, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to review NASA's deep space 
human exploration programs, including proposed lunar activities 
and the budgetary resource requirements for those activities, 
in the context of the long-term goal of sending humans to the 
surface of Mars.
           Mr. William H. Gerstenmaier, Associate 
        Administrator, Human Exploration and Operations, NASA;
           Mr. Mark Sirangelo, Special Assistant to the 
        Administrator, NASA;
           Dr. Jonathan Lunine, Director, Cornell 
        Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science; Co- 
        Chair of the Former Committee on Human Spaceflight, 
        National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and 
           Dr. Patricia Sanders, Chair, Aerospace 
        Safety Advisory Panel; and
           Mr. Walt Faulconer, President, Faulconer 
        Consulting Group, LLC.

                   3.6(b). Hearing Volume No. 116-27

June 11, 2019

                         NASA'S SCIENCE MISSION

    The purpose of this hearing was to review NASA's activities 
and plans for its Earth and space science programs, including 
the Earth Science, Planetary Science, Astrophysics, and 
Heliophysics divisions of the Science Mission Directorate, and 
associated issues.
           Dr. Thomas H. Zurbuchen, Associate 
        Administrator, Science Mission Directorate, NASA;
           Dr. Chelle L. Gentemann, Senior Scientist, 
        Earth and Space Research; Co-chair, Committee on Earth 
        Science and Applications from Space, Space Studies 
        Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and 
           Dr. David Spergel, Charles Young Professor 
        of Astronomy, Princeton University; Director, Center 
        for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute; 
        Former Chair, Space Studies Board, National Academies 
        of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; and
           Dr. Mark Sykes, Chief Executive Officer and 
        Director, Planetary Science Institute.

                   3.6(c). Hearing Volume No. 116-33

June 26, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to review the programs, 
activities, and plans of NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission 
Directorate, and associated issues.
           Dr. Jaiwon Shin, Associate Administrator, 
        Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, NASA;
           Dr. Alan H. Epstein, R.C. Maclaurin 
        Professor Emeritus of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 
        Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Chair, 
        Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, National 
        Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine;
           Dr. Ilan Kroo, Professor of Aeronautics and 
        Astronautics, Stanford University; and
           Dr. Mark Lewis, Director, IDA Science & 
        Technology Policy Institute; Professor Emeritus of 
        Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland.

                   3.6(d). Hearing Volume No. 116-34

July 10, 2019

                     ACTIVITIES IN LOW EARTH ORBIT

    The purpose of this hearing was to examine NASA's plans for 
the International Space Station and future activities in low 
Earth orbit, and associated issues.
           Mr. William H. Gerstenmaier, Associate 
        Administrator, Human Exploration and Operations Mission 
        Directorate, NASA;
           The Honorable Paul K. Martin, Inspector 
        General, NASA;
           Professor Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz, Emerita, 
        University of Mississippi; Editor-in-Chief Emerita, 
        Journal of Space Law; and
           Mr. Eric W. Stallmer, President, Commercial 
        Spaceflight Federation.

                   3.6(e). Hearing Volume No. 116-42

July 25, 2019

                           MARKET, AND POLICY

    The purpose of this hearing was to provide an overview of 
the commercial space industry, including innovative 
capabilities, the market, policy issues, and associated 
           Dr. Bhavya Lal, Research Staff Member, IDA 
        Science and Technology Policy Institute;
           Ms. Carissa Christensen, Chief Executive 
        Officer, Bryce Space and Technology;
           Mr. Eric Stallmer, President, Commercial 
        Spaceflight Federation;
           Mr. Michael French, Vice President, Space 
        Systems, Aerospace Industries Association; and
           Ms. Laura Montgomery, Proprietor, Ground 
        Based Space Matters; Professor, Catholic University's 
        Columbus School of Law.

                   3.6(f). Hearing Volume No. 116-44

September 18, 2019


    The purpose of this hearing was to assess the status, 
including the progress, challenges, and other issues, of NASA's 
Exploration Systems Development programs (the Space Launch 
System, Orion Multipurpose Crew Vehicle, and Exploration Ground 
           Mr. Kenneth Bowersox, Associate 
        Administrator (Acting), Human Exploration and 
        Operations, NASA;
           Ms. Cristina Chaplain, Director, Contracting 
        and National Security Acquisitions, U.S. Government 
        Accountability Office; and
           Mr. Doug Cooke, Owner, Cooke Concepts and 
        Solutions; Former Associate Administrator, Exploration 
        Systems, NASA.

                   3.6(g). Hearing Volume No. 116-54.

November 13, 2019

                     MOON-MARS PROGRAM FOR SUCCESS

    The purpose of this hearing was to obtain perspectives on 
what is needed to establish a successful and sustainable Moon 
to Mars initiative, including information needed to inform 
decisions on the objectives, planning, architecture, 
acquisition, and implementation of a Moon to Mars initiative, 
among other factors.
           Lt. General Thomas P. Stafford, USAF (Ret.); 
        Member, National Academy of Engineering; Chairman, NASA 
        ISS Advisory Committee; Pilot, Gemini 6; Commander, 
        Gemini 9; Cdr. Apollo 10; Cdr. Apollo/Apollo-Soyuz Test 
        Program; Former USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for 
        Research, Development and Acquisition; and
           Mr. A. Thomas Young, Former Director of NASA 
        Goddard Space Flight Center; Former President and Chief 
        Operating Officer, Martin Marietta Corp.

                   3.6(h). Hearing Volume No. 116-68

February 11, 2020

                           EVOLVING LANDSCAPE

    The purpose of this hearing was to examine issues related 
to Space Situational Awareness (SSA), how the changing space 
environment is challenging the current SSA system, and the 
factors anticipated to influence SSA in the future. The hearing 
also explored approaches to addressing the challenges, 
including activities at the international level.
           Dr. Brian Weeden, Director of Program 
        Planning, Secure World Foundation;
           Mr. Daniel Oltrogge, AIAA Space Traffic 
        Management Space Governance Task Force Chair; Founder 
        and Administrator, Space Safety Coalition; Official 
        International Standards Organization (ISO) 
        representative to the United Nations Committee for the 
        Peaceful Use of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS);
           Professor Joanne Gabrynowicz, Professor 
        Emerita of Space Law, University of Mississippi Law 
           Professor Danielle Wood, Director of the 
        Space Enabled Research Group, Assistant Professor of 
        Media Arts & Sciences and Aeronautics & Astronautics, 
        Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and
           Dr. Ruth Stilwell, Adjunct Professor, 
        Norwich University; Senior Non-Resident Scholar, Space 
        Policy Institute, George Washington University.

                   3.6(i). Hearing Volume No. 116-75

June 23, 2020

                             ERA AND BEYOND

    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the status of 
R&D related to supporting healthy air travel during COVID-19 
and future pandemics, and other issues.
           Ms. Heather Krause, Director, Physical 
        Infrastructure Issues, Government Accountability 
           Dr. Byron Jones P.E., Professor, Alan Levin 
        Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering; 
        Director, National Gas Machinery Laboratory, Kansas 
        State University; and
           Dr. Vicki Hertzberg, Professor and Director, 
        Center for Data Science, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School 
        of Nursing, Emory University.

                   3.6(j). Hearing Volume No. 116-81

September 18, 2020


    The purpose of this hearing was to examine the status of 
NASA's cybersecurity and information technology management, 
policies, and practices, including cybersecurity challenges 
associated with increased telework and remote operations during 
the COVID-19 pandemic, and other issues.
           Mr. Jeff Seaton, Chief Information Officer 
        (Acting), NASA;
           The Honorable Paul K. Martin, Inspector 
        General, NASA; and
           Diana L. Burley, PhD, Vice Provost for 
        Research, American University.


    The Soviet Union launched the first satellite, Sputnik 1, 
into orbit on October 4, 1957, initiating the ``Space Race.'' 
When the 85th Congress reconvened in 1958, one of its first 
tasks was the creation of a Select Committee on Astronautics 
and Space Exploration. This Select Committee wrote the Space 
Act, which established the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration (NASA) and the permanent House Committee on 
Science and Astronautics, the forerunner of the present 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.
    The Science and Astronautics Committee was the first 
standing committee created in the House in 11 years and the 
first committee since 1892 to be established for an entirely 
new area of jurisdiction. The Committee's initial jurisdiction 
included exploration and control of outer space, astronautical 
research and development, scientific research and development, 
science scholarships and legislation relating to scientific 
agencies. The scientific agencies under the Committee initially 
included the National Bureau of Standards (now the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NASA, the 
National Aeronautics and Space Council and the National Science 
Foundation (NSF).
    In 1974, the Committee's name was changed to the 
``Committee on Science and Technology.'' At that time, the 
Committee's jurisdiction was expanded to include legislation 
related to energy, the environment, the atmosphere, civil 
aviation research and development and the National Weather 
Service. The Committee on Science and Technology was also given 
a ``special oversight'' function providing for exclusive 
responsibility among all Congressional Standing Committees to 
review and study, on a continuing basis, all laws, programs and 
government activities involving Federal non-military research 
and development.
    Civilian nuclear research and development was added to the 
Committee's jurisdiction in 1977 when the Joint Committee on 
Atomic Energy was abolished. The name was again changed at the 
outset of the 100th Congress to the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology. The Republican Party took control of the 
House in 1995 and officially changed the name to the 
``Committee on Science.''
    In its early years, the Committee was an important partner 
in the Apollo Program that led to a man landing on the moon and 
strengthening science education and scientific research. After 
the Committee's role expanded, the Committee has played an 
important role in much of the legislation Congress has 
considered dealing with domestic and international science, 
technology, standards, and competitiveness.
    After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, 
terrorism moved to the forefront of the Committee's agenda. The 
Science Committee worked to ensure that the Federal Government 
was investing in the science and technology necessary to combat 
terrorism over the long term and to assist our nation's first 
responders. Congress established the Department of Homeland 
Security (DHS) in 2002 primarily to improve the nation's 
ability to prevent terrorist attacks. The Science and 
Technology Directorate--created though bill language developed 
by the Committee on Science and Technology--funds research, 
development, testing and evaluation to improve homeland 
security, and works to transfer relevant technologies to 
federal, state, and local governments, and the private sector.
    When Democrats resumed control of Congress in 2007, the 
name of Committee was changed back to the ``Committee on 
Science and Technology.'' Enhancing long-term economic 
competitiveness through investments in science and technology 
emerged as a centerpiece of Committee activities in the 110th 
and 111th Congresses. In response to the National Academies' 
landmark report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm, the 
Committee led a bipartisan effort to advance the Academies' 
recommendations, culminating in President Bush's signature of 
the America COMPETES Act in 2007. The legislation, as enacted, 
put the budgets of three key federal science agencies on a path 
to double over ten years: NSF, NIST, and DOE Office of Science. 
In 2010, a reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act extended 
and expanded activities called for in the original legislation. 
It passed as one of the last votes of the 111th Congress and 
was signed into law in January, 2011.
    In the 112th Congress, Chairman Ralph Hall has added 
``Space'' back into the Committee's name: ``The Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology''--a nod to the Committee's 
history, broad jurisdiction, and the importance of space 
exploration in maintaining American innovation and 
    During the 113th, 114th, and 115th Congresses, the Science, 
Space, and Technology pursued a vigorous agenda of oversight of 
both federal programs and non-Federal entities under Chairman 
Lamar Smith. During this time, the committee also moved a 
number of space related bills, including notably, the U.S. 
Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act in the 114th 
    At the start of the 116th Congress, Chairwoman Eddie 
Bernice Johnson became the first woman and first African 
American to Chair the Committee. The first session of the 116th 
Congress saw a return to extensive bipartisan legislating, with 
many of the Committee's key pieces of legislation sponsored or 
cosponsored by both Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Frank 
D. Lucas. The second session of the 116th Congress brought 
unprecedented challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 
During this session, and pursuant to changes to the House 
Rules, the Committee held its first remote hearings conducted 
via the internet.
    Today the Committee has jurisdiction over much of the non-
defense federal research and development (R&D) portfolio. The 
Committee has exclusive jurisdiction over NASA, NSF, NIST, the 
National Weather Service, and the White House Office of Science 
and Technology Policy and National Space Council. The Committee 
also has authority over the R&D activities at DOE and civilian 
National Laboratories, the Environmental Protection Agency, 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of 
the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Department of 
Agriculture, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, Department of Homeland Security, and U.S. Fire 
               Committee on Science, Space, and Technology,
                                     Washington, DC, March 8, 2019.
Hon. John Yarmuth,
Chairman, Committee on the Budget,
House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
Hon. Steve Womack,
Ranking Member, Committee on the Budget,
House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
    Chairman Yarmuth and Ranking Member Womack: Please find 
enclosed the Majority Views and Estimates of the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology on the FY 2020 Budget Request. 
Thank you for your consideration.
                                     Eddie Bernice Johnson,
Views and Estimates of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 
  on the FY 2020 Budget Request for Submission to the Budget Committee

                                   Eddie Bernice Johnson.
                                   Bill Foster.
                                   Daniel Lipinski.
                                   Suzanne Bonamici.
                                   Donald S. Beyer, Jr.
                                   Mikie Sherrill.
                                   Sean Casten.
                                   Katie Hill.
                                   Jennifer Wexton.
                                   Paul D. Tonko.
                                   Jerry McNerney.
                                   Brad Sherman.
                                   Steve Cohen.
                                   Ami Bera.
                                   Kendra S. Horn.
                                   Lizzie Fletcher.
                                   Ed Perlmutter.
                                   Conor Lamb.
                                   Charlie Crist.
                                   Haley M. Stevens.
                                   Zoe Lofgren.

Views and Estimates of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 
  on the FY 2020 Budget Request for Submission to the Budget Committee

    While it obviously is impossible to prepare a comprehensive 
review of the President's Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget request 
given that the FY 2020 budget request has not yet been released 
to Congress, we would note that in the President's FY 2019 
budget request we witnessed a continued disregard for science 
as massive cuts were made to vital research and development 
(R&D) funding. Unfortunately, we again expect to see more 
proposed cuts in crucial funding areas like R&D, innovation, 
education, and technology in the FY 2020 request. We will not 
attempt to engage in detailed discussion of recommended funding 
levels for specific programs in these Views and Estimates. 
However, upon the release of the President's FY 2020 budget, we 
urge the Budget Committee, as it works to craft its Budget 
Resolution, to reject further cuts to civilian R&D and science 
and technology programs. These programs are vital to our 
scientific enterprise and further cutbacks would put our 
Nation's global competitiveness in jeopardy. We need to invest 
in our research agencies NASA, NOAA, NSF, NIST, DOE, EPA, and 
others that enhance America's economic strength, address our 
national priorities, advance knowledge, and inspire our youth.
    Below are a few key priorities that we wanted to highlight. 
We hope they will be supported in the Budget Resolution 
presented to the House of Representatives.

                       Clean Energy Technologies

    Department of Energy (DOE) funds a wide range of research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application 
activities. Given the President's repeated promises to 
revitalize American infrastructure, and the need to transition 
to a clean energy economy, we believe strong investments across 
DOE's civilian energy activities should be a top priority. 
Instead, the Trump Administration has continually proposed 
cutting the Department of Energy's science and technology 
programs in its past budget requests. These proposed cuts would 
have significantly harmed the development of new clean energy 
technologies and done lasting damage to the U.S. research 
enterprise. Despite the proposed cuts for FY 2019, Congress 
provided DOE with an overall funding increase of 3.3% or $1.14 
billion over its FY 2018 level.
    While the Administration requested the elimination of ARPA-
E and the Loan Programs Office (LPO), Congress provided $366 
million for ARPA-E, a 3.6% increase from FY 2018, and 
maintained LPO's spending authority. Given ARPA-E's and LPO's 
strong records of success we support increased investments (in 
the case of ARPA-E) and increased leveraging of current 
statutory loan and loan guarantee authorities (in the case of 
LPO) going forward.
    DOE's other energy technology offices received funding 
increases from Congress in FY 2019 despite the Administration 
proposing significant cuts in its request. These include the 
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Fossil Energy 
R&D, and Nuclear Energy. The activities of the Office of 
Electricity and the Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, 
and Emergency Response were also slated for large decreases in 
FY 2019 by the Administration, which Congress rejected. To 
enhance these programs' roles in accelerating the United States 
toward a clean energy economy, we support continued increases 
to their funding well above inflationary levels.
    The Trump Administration's FY 2019 request would also have 
cut the Office of Science's overall budget by 14% compared to 
FY 2018 funding levels. Yet the funding approved by Congress 
increased support for this Office by 5%, totaling $6.59 
billion. The Office of Science is responsible for carrying out 
some of the most important science and energy research programs 
in the world. Without consistent, strong investments, the 
world-class user facilities and national laboratories stewarded 
by the Office will experience setbacks in facility 
construction, operations, and critical upgrades. Within the 
Office of Science, Fusion Energy Sciences received a 6% (or $32 
million) funding increase, despite the Administration's 
proposal to cut this critical program by 36.1%. The ITER 
project, within the Fusion Energy Sciences program, ultimately 
received $10 million more compared to FY 2018 in contrast to a 
38.5% cut proposed by the Administration, but its overall 
funding still failed to meet the levels that DOE has projected 
are required to keep this project on schedule and minimize its 
cost. Due to the previous shortfalls in meeting the U.S. 
commitments to this project, the required investment in the 
U.S. contribution to the ITER project is now $280 million in FY 
2020, including $100 million for the cash contribution to the 
ITER Organization. We would strongly urge that substantially 
stronger support for each of these programs be in the Budget 

                 Strong Environmental Protection Agency

    Though a few will point to the successes of the 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in protecting public 
health and the environment over the past 40 years as a reason 
to stop pushing for stricter limits on pollution, it is 
important to note that these protections must be sustained with 
robust funding for the Agency. Maintaining clean air and water, 
and protecting our most vulnerable populations from 
environmental contaminants, is a continuing endeavor. We should 
be investing more in EPA, not less. America has proven that a 
strong economy and a healthy and safe environment are not 
mutually exclusive.
    This Administration has sought to cut the overall budget of 
the Agency by over 25% in both the FY 2018 and FY 2019 proposed 
budget requests. The Office of Research and Development (ORD), 
responsible for crosscutting research programs that provide the 
scientific foundation for many of the Agency's regulatory 
actions, has seen dramatic proposed cuts from this 
Administration of almost 50% in both the FY 2018 and FY 2019 
budget requests, with some programs proposed to be eliminated 
altogether. Fortunately, Congress has stepped in these past two 
years and rejected these drastic cuts.
    The FY 2019 Omnibus Appropriations Act provided flat 
funding compared to the FY 2018 enacted budget for both the 
Agency overall, as well as the Science and Technology programs. 
The FY 2019 Omnibus bill also provides funding for extramural 
research through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Research 
Grants, which funds research that is unique to the EPA and is 
not funded anywhere else in the federal government.
    We would urge the Budget Committee to continue on the path 
laid out in the FY 2019 Omnibus Appropriations Act and maintain 
the top-line funding for the Agency and the EPA's Science and 
Technology programs, while continuing to provide sustained 
funding for the Office of Research and Development to meet 
critical research needs.

                        Climate Change Research

    Last year, the publication of the second volume of the 
Fourth National Climate Assessment made it clear that our 
climate is already changing and will affect all Americans 
across the country. Our coastal communities are being 
threatened by rising sea levels, strong storm surges, and heavy 
precipitation. We have seen unprecedented extreme weather 
events in 2017 and 2018 ranging from drought, flooding, 
wildfires, and record heat and cold waves, which caused 
billions of dollars in disaster costs annually. These events 
are becoming more intense and frequent due to a changing 
climate, and will have numerous impacts to our public health, 
our economy, and our society.
    Though our understanding of the physical drivers of climate 
change has improved, there is a clear need for continued 
sustained funding for research at agencies such as NOAA and 
NASA that will help inform robust solutions to one of our 
nation's greatest challenges: climate change.

                      Civil Space and Aeronautics

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 
has long been recognized as the world leader in aeronautics and 
space research and exploration. We support robust funding that 
will allow NASA to maintain a balanced and healthy portfolio of 
programs in aeronautics, Earth and space science, technology 
development, and human spaceflight and exploration, as well as 
allowing investments in the infrastructure that will be 
required if NASA is to carry out the tasks our nation has given 
    With respect to NASA, ensuring the health of all of NASA's 
mission areas will require, among other things, that: 
scientific priorities established by the National Academies 
decadal surveys continue to be supported; NASA's role in 
educating and inspiring the next generation is maintained 
through its educational programs; that NASA's space technology 
research and development program continues to support cross-
cutting mission areas; and, that any new initiatives in 
exploration be funded through increasing NASA's topline budget 
and not by robbing Peter to pay Paul.
    The FY 2019 NASA budget request of $19.89 billion proposed 
to initiate a significant lunar exploration program by cutting 
high priority science and educational activities. In addition, 
the FY 2019 budget for NASA proposed a topline budget for NASA 
that was assumed to remain flat in the outyears. That approach 
is not one that facilitates sustainability, a much needed 
element of a long-term exploration program. Congress, in 
maintaining its strong, bipartisan support of NASA, 
appropriated $21.5 billion for FY 2019, a $1.6 billion increase 
over the enacted FY 2018 appropriation. In addition, Congress 
sustained funding for high-priority science and educational 
activities that were proposed to be eliminated in the FY 2019 
budget proposal.
    For FY 2020, we urge the Budget Committee to advocate for 
NASA funding that supports a robust, multi-mission agency, and 
that NASA's proposed outyear budgets reflect the resources 
required to maintain NASA's inspiring mission and global 
leadership in aeronautics, science, technology, and human 

         National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 
is responsible for collecting environmental data with its 
cutting-edge network of satellites and in-situ observations, 
and uses this data to protect life and property through weather 
forecasts and warnings of hazardous weather by the National 
Weather Service.
    This Administration's last two budget requests have called 
for draconian cuts to the line offices within the Committee's 
jurisdiction, and has proposed deep cuts or complete 
elimination of numerous climate, oceanic, and atmospheric 
programs and grants. The FY 2019 Omnibus Appropriations Act 
provides $5.4 billion for NOAA, almost $900 million above the 
budget request, which includes funding for climate research, 
the National Weather Service, and procurement of future weather 
    We encourage the Budget Committee to maintain robust 
funding for NOAA across all line offices, especially for 
environmental data collection and scientific research needs to 
ensure the agency can continue to meet its critical mission.
    It is also imperative that funding for the next generation 
of NOAA's weather satellites be maintained to ensure that those 
satellite programs remain on track for successful development 
and launch.

                   National Science Foundation (NSF)

    Unfortunately, we expect another disappointing budget 
request for the National Science Foundation (NSF). NSF is the 
only federal agency to support basic research across all fields 
of science and engineering. At a time of increasing global 
competition and national urgency in critical research areas 
like quantum science, artificial intelligence, the future of 
work, and climate change, the Administration proposed a 4 
percent cut to NSF for FY 2019, and an 11 percent cut in FY 
2018. Congress had it right by appropriating a 4 percent budget 
increase for NSF in FY 2019. At a minimum, NSF should be funded 
at the FY 2019 level to support the cutting edge research that 
makes the U.S. the global leader in innovation.

         National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)

    For two years in a row, the Administration requested 
significant cuts to the NIST budget. In FY 2018, it was a 24 
percent cut, including a 13 percent cut to NIST's core 
measurement research and standards account, and complete 
elimination of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) 
Program. There were cuts across the board, including in areas 
of immediate importance to U.S. competitiveness and national 
security. Two years in a row the Administration also proposed 
to slash funding for forensics research, including the 
elimination of funding for the Forensic Science Center of 
Excellence awarded in 2015, as well as funding for the 
Organization of Scientific Area Committees which led the 
forensic standards development process--even though the 
evidence is clear that there is much more work that needs to be 
done to strengthen forensic science and standards. The 
Administration also proposed to terminate support for three 
university-based testbeds under the Greenhouse Gas Measurements 
program, as well as for several other environmental 
measurements projects across NIST laboratories. The refusal to 
measure our changing environment doesn't mean it is not 
changing--it just means we won't have all the tools needed to 
prepare for and adapt to those changes. Even support for NIST's 
two major user facilities, the Center for Neutron Research and 
the NanoFab, was slated for cuts. We write this without an FY 
2020 request in hand, but with little doubt that we will see an 
equally alarming budget request this year.
    NIST is one of the most important but underappreciated 
agencies in our government. The work NIST does with its 
relatively modest budget yields incalculable benefits to the 
competitiveness of U.S. industry across all sectors while also 
protecting the security, privacy, safety, and wellbeing of all 
Americans. Any proposed cuts to NIST should be rejected. To the 
contrary, NIST is worthy of additional support in the Budget 

                 Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

    DHS's Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate is 
responsible for providing the research and technology 
capabilities for the operational components of the Department. 
While the FY 2019 funding level of $309 million represented a 
2.5 percent decrease from FY 2018, it was still a clear rebuke 
of the Administration's FY 2019 proposal to cut the office by 
29 percent. The Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office 
(CWMD), which combined the functions of the Domestic Nuclear 
Detection Office and the Office of Health Affairs, received a 
nearly 5 percent decrease in FY 2019. S&T and CWMD carry out 
critical research and development programs in cybersecurity, 
first responder technologies, critical infrastructure 
resilience, threat detection, and many more areas that keep 
Americans safe. For fiscal year 2020, we urge the Budget 
Committee to provide the level of funding necessary to fully 
support the work of both the S&T Directorate and CWMD Office.
               Committee on Science, Space, and Technology,
                                    Washington, DC, March 13, 2019.
Hon. John Yarmuth,
Chairman, Committee on the Budget,
House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
Hon. Steve Womack,
Ranking Member, Committee on the Budget,
House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
    Chairman Yarmuth and Ranking Member Womack: Please find 
enclosed the Minority Views and Estimates of the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology on the FY 2020 Budget Request. 
Thank you for your consideration.
                                            Frank D. Lucas,
                                                    Ranking Member.


    Science and technology are essential to America's national 
defense and economic security. The basic research our 
government supports is foundational to our economic success. It 
allows us to stay at the forefront of cybersecurity, medical 
treatments, agricultural production, and technological exports.
    The Republican Members of the Committee on Science, Space, 
and Technology will continue to build on the Committee's work 
over the last eight years to ensure that the United States 
remains the world's leader in Research and Development. This is 
not an easy task as we face enormous budget challenges. But it 
can be done. On a bipartisan basis this year Congress supported 
$151.5 billion in Fiscal Year 2019 for federal R&D, a 6 percent 
increase and the highest point ever in inflation-adjusted 
    Committee Republicans will seek to increase support for 
basic research in the physical sciences. These are the areas 
with the greatest potential for scientific breakthroughs that 
will benefit new industries and U.S. jobs. America's 
universities and research institutions carry out federally-
funded basic and fundamental scientific research that drives 
new discoveries and innovations--creating new companies, new 
industries, more private sector jobs, and economic growth and 
    Committee Republicans support reauthorizing key federal 
science agencies, including the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration (NASA), the Department of Energy's (DOE's) 
Office of Science and applied energy programs, the National 
Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institute of Standards 
and Technology (NIST), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration's research, data, and weather programs, science 
and technology at the Department of Homeland Security, and 
research and development components within the Federal Aviation 

Department of Energy (DOE)

     The minority seeks to prioritize basic research 
and science as directed in P.L. 115-246, the Department of 
Energy Research and Innovation Act, which was signed into law 
in September 2018. The minority seeks to provide researchers in 
all 50 states with access to world-class user facilities, 
including supercomputers and light sources at DOE national 
labs. Federal funding focused on the commercialization of 
energy technologies often competes with private sector funding, 
and rarely provides the best investment of taxpayer dollars. A 
more appropriate role for the federal government sponsoring 
basic scientific research that cannot be undertaken by 
industry, often carried out in universities and the DOE 
national labs.
     The minority supports robust funding for the DOE 
Office of Science account funding level in Function 250. The 
minority will seek to prioritize basic research in the physical 
sciences, with specific focus on providing funding to high 
performance computing, nuclear physics, high energy physics, 
fusion energy sciences, and investments in critical user 
facility upgrades across the DOE national lab complex.
     The minority supports responsible funding for the 
DOE applied energy research programs, prioritizing early-stage 
research applied research that cannot be undertaken by 
industry. This includes investing in user facilities and 
computing capabilities that facilitate the demonstration of 
technologies to improve the efficiency, affordability, and 
reliability of all forms of energy.
     The minority recognizes that nuclear power is a 
vital emissions-free energy source, and seeks to prioritize 
nuclear energy R&D in accordance with P.L. 115-248, the Nuclear 
Energy Innovation Capabilities Act, which was signed into law 
in September 2018. This legislation authorizes the construction 
of the Versatile Test Reactor user facility, and combines the 
strengths of the DOE national labs, universities, and the 
private sector in the establishment of the National Reactor 
Innovation Center. These are critical tools necessary to 
facilitate private sector development of advanced nuclear 
reactor technology, and the minority is committed to ensuring 
full implementation of this legislation.
     The National Quantum Initiative Act (P.L. 115-368) 
was signed into law by the President in December 2018. This 
legislation authorizes basic research in quantum information 
science within the DOE Office of Science, and the establishment 
of up to five National Quantum Information Science Research 
Centers. The minority supports full implementation of this 
     The minority seeks to promote collaborative, 
interagency research partnerships that leverage DOE's world-
class computing capabilities. The minority supports passage of 
H.R. 617, the Department of Energy Veterans' Health Initiative 
Act, which authorizes the continuation of the MVP-CHAMPION 
partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs, and a two-
year DOE pilot program to advance research in artificial 
intelligence, data analytics, and computational research. 
Through this legislation, the minority strives to further 
enhance DOE's computing capabilities to meet nuclear science, 
energy, and security mission goals of the Department.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Science

     EPA funding should be reflective of the Agency's 
mission focus of protecting human health and the environment. 
Office of Research and Development resources should be focused 
on meeting EPA program and regional office priorities to 
prevent waste and promote efficiency.

National Science Foundation

     The minority supports NSF's efforts to promote 
interdisciplinary research across its research directorates 
through the ``10 Big Ideas,'' which are high-priority areas 
that integrate multiple fields of science and engineering and 
create opportunities to partner with industry, private 
foundations, other federal agencies and the education sector. 
Last year's budget request called for NSF to invest $60 million 
in two Convergence Accelerators--new vehicles to leverage 
resources across the agency to support the most innovative 
science, pursuant to the Harnessing the Data Revolution and The 
Future of Work at the Human Technology Frontier Big Ideas. The 
minority supports prioritizing funding for NSF to continue 
these initiatives, while maintaining core research funding in 
priority areas like math and physical sciences, computer 
information science, engineering, and biological science.
     The National Quantum Initiative Act (P.L. 115-368) 
was signed into law by the President last Congress. As part of 
the initiative, NSF is directed to carry out a basic research 
and education programing on quantum information science and 
engineering. It also provides for NSF to award grants for the 
establishment of Multidisciplinary Centers for Quantum Research 
and Education. The minority will push for full implementation 
of policy provisions in P.L. 115-368,
     The minority will ensure that federally funded 
research conducted through NSF, and all agencies, is in the 
national interest. Throughout its history, the NSF has played 
an integral part in funding breakthrough discoveries in fields 
as diverse as mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer 
science, engineering and biology. A defined ``national 
interest'' requirement and criteria, as part of the American 
Innovation and Competitiveness Act (P.L. 114-329), has gone a 
long way towards ensuring the grant-making process at NSF is 
transparent and accountable to the American public.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science 
        (STEM) Education

     The Administration recently released its 5-year 
STEM strategic plan, ``Charting a Course for Success: America's 
Strategy for STEM Education.'' The three guiding objectives of 
the plan are to (1) build strong foundations for STEM Literacy; 
(2) increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM; and (3) 
prepare the STEM workforce of the future. The minority supports 
and applauds these objectives and looks forward to following 
the subsequent implementation of the plan by federal science 
     The federal government invests more than $4.3 
billion into 255 different programs with the primary goal of 
growing the STEM workforce. Despite these investments, the 
number of students prepared for STEM degrees, pursuing STEM 
degrees, and staying in STEM careers continues to lag. While 
the minority believes these investments are of critical 
importance, it is also important to ensure they are not 
duplicative. It should be a priority for these agencies to 
improve the coordination of STEM education and workforce 
development activities across the Federal agencies, including 
disseminating the latest discoveries on what works in teaching 
and learning and facilitating equal access.
     Last Congress, the president signed into law the 
``Innovations in Mentoring, Training and Apprenticeships Act'' 
(P.L. 115-975). The minority will push to build off this 
progress and continue its work to ensure the American workforce 
has the flexible STEM skills needed to compete in the global 
economy. The number of U.S. jobs that require STEM skills has 
grown nearly 34 percent over the past decade and is expected to 
continue this trajectory. To remain competitive, the U.S. needs 
flexible STEM-capable works at every education level. A well-
educated, trained and diverse STEM proficient workforce ensures 
our future economic prosperity.

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

     Last Congress, the president signed into law the 
``National Quantum Initiative Act'' (P.L. 115-368). At NIST, 
the bill supports basic quantum information science research 
and standards development and provides funds to convene a 
workshop to examine the development of a quantum science and 
technology industry. These investments will allow the U.S. to 
take the lead in developing global quantum standards and 
measures. The minority will push for full implementation of 
policy provisions in P.L. 115-368.
     The minority supports prioritizing NIST's core lab 
capabilities in the Scientific and Technical Research and 
Services account to support the transformation of basic 
research into innovations and new technologies that are 
critical to America's industrial competitiveness, with a focus 
on emerging technology areas.
     It is important that NIST remains a global leader 
in cybersecurity knowledge, scientific standards-setting, and 
research and analysis of cyber security readiness. NIST should 
also prioritize its fundamental and applied cybersecurity 
research to address key questions relating to measurement of 
privacy, security, and vulnerability of software tools and 
communication networks, which will be essential as emerging 
technologies like artificial intelligence and internet of 
things are adopted.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

     With President Trump's enactment of P.L. 115-10, 
the NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017, the Committee 
has reignited America's pioneering spirit for exploration of 
new frontiers and worlds through reinvigoration of our space 
science program with the entrepreneurial drive of commercial 
incentives and ideas.
     The minority will push for full implementation of 
the policy provisions in P.L. 115-10, as well as for at least 
maintaining the Fiscal Year 2019 funding level established in 
the recent omnibus appropriations bill.
     The minority is also cognizant of the 
counterproductive nature of authorizing funding for NASA that 
Appropriators are unable to match because of other statutory 
limitations. The result leaves NASA with unfunded obligations, 
fails to set national priorities, abdicates the 
responsibilities of an authorizing Committee, and sets NASA up 
for failure.
     NASA should maintain a balanced portfolio of 
programs, including Deep Space Exploration, Space Operations, 
Planetary Science, Astrophysics, Earth Science, and 
Heliophysics, and Aeronautics, while also being conscientious 
of expending taxpayer funding.
     NASA should ensure that the Space Launch System 
and Orion programs receive adequate funding to launch 
Exploration Mission 1 and Exploration Mission 2 on schedule.
     NASA should fully fund the commercial cargo and 
crew programs and support commercial low earth orbit and lunar 
payload development.

Department of Commerce

     The Department of Commerce should elevate the 
Office of Space Commerce in order to enhance its stature in 
interagency deliberations. The Office should be funded at no 
less than $5 million in order to expedite licensing of 
commercial remote sensing activities as well as additional 
responsibilities directed in the House-passed American Space 
Commerce Free Enterprise Act (H.R. 2809, 115th Congress).

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

     FAA R&D in FY 2020 should reflect a balanced 
portfolio of activities that appropriately prioritizes aviation 
safety. FAA R&D should also assist in the certification of new 
technologies, particularly unmanned aerial systems (UAS), into 
the national airspace system (NAS).
     FAA's Office of Commercial Space Transportation 
should be adequately funded at $21.6 million to license and 
permit commercial launch or reentry activities without delay. 
The Office should focus and prioritize its resources in order 
to execute these statutory responsibilities and not take on 
additional work beyond those explicitly tasked by Congress.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA)

     Fund priority public safety NOAA Weather Research 
in the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research at the $131.5 
million authorized in P.L. 115-25, the Weather Research and 
Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017, in Function 300. Saving 
lives and protecting property must be NOAA's primary mission.
     Provide $6 million for the NOAA Commercial Weather 
Data Pilot project out of existing funding in the NOAA 
Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction account as 
authorized in P.L. 115-25.
     Improve weather observation data through the 
required use of observing system simulation experiments and 
next generation computing and modeling capabilities consistent 
with P.L. 115-25. This new law provides NOAA with the 
flexibility to buy new, affordable, and potentially better 
sources of data from the private sector that have the power to 
make real improvements to our weather forecasting capabilities 
and creates a much-needed new $20 million technology transfer 
initiative in NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric 
     Funding for NOAA's climate change programs should 
be focused on shorter term predictions and local risk planning 
to mitigate the immediate impacts of climate change and adapt 
to changing weather patterns.

                                   Frank D. Lucas.
                                   Ralph Norman.
                                   Michael Waltz.
                                   Anthony Gonzalez.
                                   Pete Olson.
                                   Mo Brooks.
                                   James R. Baird.
                                   Roger W. Marshall.
                                   Randy K. Weber, Sr.
                                   Troy Balderson.
                                   Brian Babin.
                                   Bill Posey.
               Committee on Science, Space, and Technology,
                                    Washington, DC, March 23, 2020.
Hon. John Yarmuth,
Chairman, Committee on the Budget,
House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
Hon. Steve Womack,
Ranking Member, Committee on the Budget,
House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
    Chairman Yarmuth and Ranking Member Womack: Please find 
enclosed the Minority Views and Estimates of the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology on the FY 2021 Budget Request. 
Thank you for your consideration.
                                     Eddie Bernice Johnson,

                                   Eddie Bernice Johnson.
                                   Zoe Lofgren.
                                   Daniel Lipinski.
                                   Suzanne Bonamici.
                                   Ami Bera.
                                   Lizzie Fletcher.
                                   Haley Stevens.
                                   Kendra Horn.
                                   Brad Sherman.
                                   Steve Cohen.
                                   Jerry McNerney.
                                   Ed Perlmutter.
                                   Paul Tonko.
                                   Bill Foster.
                                   Don Beyer.
                                   Sean Casten.
                                   Jennifer Wexton.
                                   Conor Lamb.


    As was the case last year and the year before that, the 
President's Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request reflects a lack of 
vision about the critical role that the nation's science and 
technology enterprise plays in ensuring our international 
competitiveness, promoting our citizens' quality of life, and 
protecting our national security. The Budget Request proposes 
deep cuts to vital research and development (R&D) programs and 
initiatives. America risks losing its preeminence in an 
increasing number of scientific and technological areas if we 
fail to make adequate investments in those areas.
    Our message to the Budget Committee and the rest of 
Congress is a simple one: Namely, if enacted, the President's 
Fiscal Year 2021 budget request for the nation's R&D agencies 
would do serious harm to the nation both now and over the long 
term and it should be rejected by Congress.
    The following sections address a few of the key areas that 
we believe are under threat and warrant increased investment 
rather than deep cuts.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

    Funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) has 
increased steadily in recent years, reaching $8.3 billion in FY 
2020. The nearly $540 million cut proposed by the 
Administration for NSF in FY 2021 would represent a damaging 
step backwards for the agency. Our nation's leadership in 
science and technology is increasingly threatened across nearly 
all fields of science and engineering, including artificial 
intelligence, quantum science, and engineering biology, and 
research funded by NSF constitutes the very foundation of our 
entire science and technology enterprise. In addition, our 
nation faces an increasing demand for workers with STEM skills, 
and NSF is the leader in advancing innovation in STEM education 
at all levels.
    We applaud the agency for sustaining its commitment to take 
bold new steps to transcend disciplinary boundaries and drive 
new frontiers in science and engineering through the 10 Big 
Ideas and the Convergence Accelerator. Our science agencies 
need to think big if they are to address society's most 
pressing scientific and technological challenges. We support 
the increases for research on emerging technologies including 
artificial intelligence, quantum information science, and 
synthetic biology. However, it is short-sighted for these 
investments to come at the expense of the agency's support for 
other critical research and education activities. We urge 
sufficient funding to support these important technology areas 
while also sustaining investments in foundational research 
across all disciplines, broadening participation, and STEM 
education from K-12 through graduate student training. We also 
need to maintain progress on all of the ongoing projects within 
the Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

    NASA's challenging and inspiring missions are a catalyst 
for our nation's economic growth, innovation, scientific 
advancement, and the development of our science, technology, 
engineering, and mathematics-based education and workforce. 
Given that, the President's Budget Request represents a missed 
opportunity. While it provides a 12 percent increase over the 
FY 2020 enacted appropriation for NASA--in large part to 
provide additional funding for the President's Artemis Moon-
Mars program--a significant fraction of that increase would be 
obtained by cancelling a number of high-priority science 
missions and once again attempting to eliminate NASA's Office 
of STEM Engagement. While there is broad bipartisan support for 
a credible and sustainable program of human space exploration 
with the horizon goal of Mars, it should be pursued in a manner 
that is not premised on harmful cuts or cancellations to NASA's 
science and climate research programs or to its STEM education 

Department of Energy (DOE) R&D

    The FY 2021 Budget Request would cut DOE's non-defense 
research, development, and demonstration budget by 34.8 percent 
overall compared to FY 2020 enacted levels, which would 
significantly harm the development of new clean energy 
technologies and do lasting damage to the U.S. research 
enterprise. These proposed cuts include the elimination of 
ARPA-E and the Loan Programs Office (LPO). Most of DOE's other 
energy technology offices would receive significant cuts from 
FY 2020 funding levels. The Office of Energy Efficiency and 
Renewable Energy (EERE) would receive the largest cut of 74.2 
percent (or $2.07 billion). EERE's primary mission is to 
``create and sustain American leadership in the transition to a 
global clean energy economy.'' EERE makes crucial investments 
in sustainable transportation (including energy storage), 
renewable energy, and energy efficiency. Nuclear Energy, which 
supports the development of advanced nuclear energy 
technologies that may be critical to future emissions 
reductions, would also be cut by 21 percent (or $313 million). 
Large reductions to so many of these clean energy programs 
would hurt the global competitiveness of the United States as 
well as our nation's ability to mitigate the rapidly growing 
impacts of climate change.
    In addition, the Budget Request would cut the Office of 
Science by $1.16 billion, or 16.6 percent, from FY 2020 enacted 
levels. The Office of Science is responsible for supporting 
some of the most important science and energy research programs 
and facilities in the country. Without consistent, strong 
investments, the world-class user facilities and national 
laboratories stewarded by the Office would experience setbacks 
in facility construction, operations, and critical upgrades to 
facilities that house sensitive equipment and host thousands of 
scientists annually.

National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)

    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 
is one of the most important but underappreciated agencies in 
our Federal government. Unfortunately, the Administration's 
Budget Request would cut funding for NIST by nearly 31 percent 
in FY 2021, including a 13.5 percent cut to Scientific and 
Technical Research Services (STRS), which is NIST's core 
measurement research and standards account. Such a cut would 
result in the elimination of 479 employee positions. Much of 
this technical talent could be lost forever even if the budget 
rebounded in subsequent years. These cuts would set back 
progress in biosciences, environmental measurement, forensic 
science, advanced communications, materials, disaster 
resilience, and many more important but overlooked programs at 
NIST. Given the fact that NIST already lacks the resources it 
needs to lead on international standards setting across all 
technologies and sectors, including important industries of the 
future, these cuts would be a gift to China and our other 
competitors, ceding U.S. interests in important international 
standards that benefit our companies and economy. Finally, 
within STRS, the budget proposal seeks to cut funding at the 
Center for Neutron Research, an aging but critically important 
user facility.
    The Administration is also proposing to once again 
dramatically decrease support for NIST's Industrial Technology 
Services (ITS) account. This decrease includes the elimination 
of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program. The 
MEP program has proven to be a successful model for federal-
state partnerships with significant payoff in economic growth 
and job creation across our nation. According to NIST, for 
every dollar of Federal investment, the MEP National Network 
generates $29.5 in new sales growth for manufacturers and $31.0 
in new client investment. The ITS account also includes the 
Manufacturing USA network, which is coordinated through NIST 
and develops partnerships between companies, academia, and 
entrepreneurs to develop and deploy manufacturing technologies. 
Finally, the FY 2021 request would cut NIST's construction 
budget by $77 million, or 66 percent. This proposal covers some 
basic maintenance of NIST facilities but would not meet the 
agency's needs. Many of NIST's facilities are aging or 
outdated. Based on Department of Commerce standards, roughly 60 
percent of NIST's facilities are in poor to critical condition.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    The President's FY 2021 Budget Request proposes cuts of 
over $727 million from NOAA programs and a reduction of 436 
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. This is a 13.6 percent 
reduction in the agency's funding from the FY2020 Enacted 
Budget. These excessive cuts signal a retreat from NOAA's 
operational mission to understand and predict changes in 
climate, weather, oceans and coasts; share that knowledge and 
information; and conserve and manage coastal and marine 
ecosystems and resources. We cannot support these kinds of 
draconian cuts which endanger not only the vitality of the 
Agency itself but puts at risk the lives of millions of 
Americans that rely on the critical research, observations, and 
information produced by NOAA.
    As NOAA celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, it is 
important to recognize the significant contributions the agency 
has made to the environmental understanding and protection of 
the nation since its inception. The proposed cuts to NOAA's 
funding for the National Climate Assessments, and reductions to 
NOAA's research and grants funding overall, would make it 
exceedingly difficult for the Agency to continue making strides 
in our understanding of climate change.
    The President's Budget Request continues to propose 
reductions to critical earth and ocean observations, the 
tsunami warning program, marine debris removal and research, 
investments in numerical weather prediction models, funding for 
ocean exploration activities, and others along with 
eliminations or near eliminations of key programs like the 
National Sea Grant College Program, the Joint Technology 
Transfer Initiative, Regional Climate Services, the Air 
Resources Laboratory, the National Estuarine Research Reserve 
System, and the NOAA Office of Education. Climate competitive 
research, integrated water prediction, coastal zone management 
grants, arctic and Antarctic research programs, and many others 
are also proposed to be eliminated in the President's budget. 
In addition, the President's Budget Request proposes an 
unacceptable reduction of 365 positions, including 227 FTEs, 
within the National Weather Service despite an ongoing shortage 
of weather forecasters. The importance of maintaining a fully 
functioning NOAA cannot be overstated. We need to ensure that 
NOAA has adequate resources to continue to meet its lifesaving 

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    The President's Budget for FY2021 requests $6.7 billion for 
the Environmental Protection Agency, $2.4 billion (or 26 
percent) below the FY2020 enacted level of $9.1 billion. The 
request for the Science & Technology programs within the EPA is 
$485 million, which is $232 million (or 32 percent) below the 
FY2020 enacted level of $716 million. While it is encouraging 
to see modest budget increases in multiple research program 
areas to deal with PFAS, lead, and harmful algal blooms, it 
does not counter the fact that the R&D budget at the agency, 
primarily within the Office of Research and Development (ORD), 
has been proposed to be cut by approximately $201 million (or 
40 percent) from the FY2020 enacted appropriations across five 
of the six integrated and transdisciplinary research programs.

                        II. OVERSIGHT ACTIVITIES

                 Oversight Authority & Responsibilities

    The Committee on Science, Space, and Technology was first 
established as the Committee on Science and Astronautics on 
July 21, 1958 in a direct response to the Soviet Union's 1957 
launch of Sputnik 1, the world's first satellite. The Committee 
was created to help the United States foster innovation and 
stay globally competitive in the science and technology 
domains. House Rule X, clause 1 (p) sets forth the legislative 
jurisdiction of the Committee. However, Rule X, clause 3 (k) 
grants the Committee ``special oversight functions'' that 
stretches beyond its legislative jurisdiction. As this clause 
sets out: ``The Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 
shall review and study on a continuing basis laws, programs, 
and Government activities relating to nonmilitary research and 
development.''\1\ This provides the Committee with wide-ranging 
oversight authority over science and technology issues 
throughout the government.
    \1\House Rule X, clause 3, (k)--attached as Appendix A.
    Each of the Committee's five subcommittees, as well as the 
full Committee, engage in oversight work as authorized by House 
rules. These five subcommittees include the Subcommittee on 
Energy, Subcommittee on Environment, Subcommittee on Research 
and Technology, Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, and the 
Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight. Although each 
subcommittee engages in oversight efforts, the Committee's 
investigations and oversight activities are led and coordinated 
by the Investigations & Oversight (I&O) Subcommittee.

           Investigations and Oversight Efforts in the 116th

    COVID-19. The Committee pursued an aggressive 
investigations and oversight agenda on topics related to COVID-
19 during the second session of the 116th Congress. It sent 
three letters to agency heads seeking information about the 
Administration response to the pandemic and held the following 
           March 5, 2020--Full Committee hearing: 
        Coronaviruses: Understanding the Spread of Infectious 
        Diseases and Mobilizing Innovative Solutions
           May 1, 2020--Investigations & Oversight 
        Subcommittee briefing: Serology Testing for COVID-19
           May 5, 2020--Full Committee Roundtable: 
        COVID-19 and the Federal Research Enterprise
           May 14, 2020--Investigations & Oversight 
        Subcommittee briefing: COVID-19 Vaccine Research and 
        Development: Opportunities and Challenges
           May 21, 2020--Investigations & Oversight 
        Subcommittee briefing: Fighting COVID-19 Using CRISPR 
           June 9, 2020--Investigations & Oversight 
        Subcommittee briefing: Approaches to COVID-19 Modeling 
        and Lessons Learned
           June 12, 2020--Full Committee hearing: The 
        Role of AFG and SAFER Grants in COVID-19 Response
           June 19, 2020--Investigations & Oversight 
        Subcommittee hearing: Repurposing Therapeutic Drugs for 
        COVID-19: Research Challenges and Opportunities
           June 23, 2019--Space & Aeronautics 
        Subcommittee hearing: R&D to Support Healthy Air Travel 
        in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond
           July 14, 2020--Full Committee hearing: 
        Sweltering in Place: COVID-19, Extreme Heat, and 
        Environmental Justice
           September 9, 2020--Research & Technology 
        Subcommittee hearing: The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis 
        on University Research
           September 11, 2020--Energy Subcommittee 
        hearing: Biological Research at the Department of 
        Energy: Leveraging DOE's Unique Capabilities to Respond 
        to the COVID-19 Pandemic
           September 23, 2020--Investigations & 
        Oversight Subcommittee hearing: Data for Decision-
        Making: Responsible Management of Data during COVID-19 
        and Beyond
           September 30, 2020--Environment Subcommittee 
        hearing: Coping with Compound Crises: Extreme Weather, 
        Social Injustice, and a Global Pandemic 
    Whistleblowers. The Committee maintained an open door 
policy for whistleblowers seeking to alert Congress to issues 
of waste, fraud, abuse, or mismanagement at agencies under the 
Committee's jurisdiction or within other activities within the 
Committee's broad oversight authority. The Committee received 
complaints and information from several anonymous 
whistleblowers during the 116th Congress. The Subcommittee on 
Investigations & Oversight heard testimony from a former agency 
official and whistleblower at a hearing, held pursuant to 
pursuant to Rule XI, clause 2, subsection (n), on July 17, 2019 
on Scientific Integrity at Federal Agencies.
    GAO & OIGs. The Committee coordinated with the Government 
Accountability Office (GAO) and the various Offices of 
Inspectors General (OIGs) within agencies under the Committee's 
legislative jurisdiction to ensure Departments, programs, and 
agencies were transparent and implementing GAO and OIG 
recommendations. The Committee investigated an effort by the 
Environmental Protection Agency to establish a new policy that 
would modify the expectations of employees to cooperate fully 
with inquiries by its OIG. It also examined refusals by the 
Department of Commerce to comply with the Commerce OIG in 
finalizing a report on the Department's actions in 
communicating risk during Hurricane Dorian in the fall of 2019.
    The Committee also initiated a number of new study requests 
with GAO to address programmatic questions in detail. The 
Committee plans to review GAO's findings as they are published 
and consider what follow-on actions may be appropriate.
    Climate science. The Committee tracked emerging issues and 
scientific research on climate science and observations, 
climate impacts, and strategies to support both greenhouse gas 
emissions reductions and adaptation. The GAO High Risk List for 
2019 included ``Limiting the Federal Government's Fiscal 
Exposure by Better Managing Climate Change Risks.'' Pursuant to 
Rule XI, clause 2, subsection (p), the committee held four 
          February 13, 2019--Full Committee hearing: The State 
        of Climate Science and Why it Matters
          June 4, 2019--Full Committee hearing: Nature in 
        Crisis: Biodiversity Loss and its Causes.
          May 21, 2019--Investigations and Oversight 
        Subcommittee hearing: The Need for Resilience: 
        Preparing America's Transportation Infrastructure for 
        Climate Change.
          January 15, 2020--Full Committee hearing: An Update 
        on the Climate Crisis: From Science to Solutions
    Extreme weather hazards. The Committee examined the 
increasing incidence of extreme weather events such as floods, 
fires and hurricanes, including the science behind these 
hazards and how climate change is influencing their frequency 
and severity. The Committee investigated EPA's air monitoring 
activities in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, which devastated 
parts of southeast Texas in 2017. To this end the Committee 
held three hearings:
          July 22, 2019--Environment Subcommittee field hearing 
        in Houston, TX: Weathering the Storm: Improving 
        Hurricane Resiliency through Research.
          September 26, 2019--Full Committee hearing: 
        Understanding, Forecasting, and Communicating Extreme 
        Weather in a Changing Climate
          February 27, 2020--Joint Subcommittee hearing, 
        Environment Subcommittee lead, with Investigations & 
        Oversight Subcommittee: An Examination of Federal Flood 
        Maps in a Changing Climate
    Voting system design and integrity. The Committee 
considered election system vulnerabilities in the 116th 
Congress following election system vulnerabilities that 
surfaced following the 2016 and 2018 elections. On June 25, 
2019 the Investigations & Oversight and Research & Technology 
subcommittees held a joint hearing on Election Security: Voting 
Technology Vulnerabilities. The hearing informed the 
development and introduction of H.R. 4990, the Election 
Technology Research Act.
    Identifying and mitigating influence operations. The 
Committee investigated the use of social media and other online 
outlets for disseminating disinformation and conducting 
influence operations against the American public. On September 
26, 2019, the Investigations & Oversight Subcommittee held a 
hearing on Online Imposters and Disinformation.
    Unauthorized use of private data. The Committee explored 
the unauthorized use of private data for commercial purposes, 
focusing in particular on facial recognition technologies. To 
this end, the Committee investigated a private company that 
uses web scraping to aggregate facial imagery through online 
image repositories and social media.
    Science integrity issues. The Committee evaluated 
scientific integrity concerns across several federal agencies, 
including efforts to silence scientists and sideline specific 
scientific activities for political purposes and episodes of 
agency managers modifying and suppressing scientific work 
products. Pursuant to Rule XI, clause 2, subsection (n), the 
Committee held three hearings:
          March 27, 2019--Joint Subcommittee Hearing, 
        Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee lead, with 
        Environment Subcommittee: EPA's IRIS Program: Reviewing 
        its Progress and Roadblocks Ahead
          November 13, 2019--Full Committee Hearing: 
        Strengthening Transparency or Silencing Science? The 
        Future of Science in EPA Rulemaking
          February 5, 2020--Investigations and Oversight 
        Subcommittee Hearing: Management and Spending 
        Challenges within the Department of Energy's Office of 
        Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    DHS S&T Directorate. The Committee reasserted its oversight 
of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS's) Science & 
Technology (S&T) Directorate in the 116th Congress. It held a 
Full Committee roundtable on May 5, 2020 on COVID-19 and the 
Federal Research Enterprise where the role of DHS S&T 
Directorate in combatting COVID-19 was considered.
    Protecting the public's health & safety. The Committee 
conducted oversight on policy decisions related to public 
exposure to toxic chemicals and other harmful substances during 
the 116th Congress. On October 15, 2019 the Investigations & 
Oversight Subcommittee held a field hearing in Bloomfield, NJ 
on Addressing the Lead Crisis through Innovation & Technology 
to consider technology solutions to lead contamination in 
drinking water.
    Scientific advisory boards. The Committee examined 
appointments to the independent scientific advisory boards 
entities that advise federal agencies and efforts by the 
Administration to eliminate and restructure various boards 
across the government. On July 16, 2019, pursuant to Rule XI, 
clause 2, subsection (n), the Subcommittees on Investigations & 
Oversight and Environment held a hearing on EPA Advisory 
Committees: How Science Should Inform Decisions.
    Sexual harassment in the sciences. The Committee continued 
its bipartisan oversight of federal science agencies to ensure 
they have clear policies to address sexual harassment and are 
handling reports of sexual harassment effectively and 
efficiently. On June 12, 2019 the Full Committee held a hearing 
on Combating Sexual Harassment in Science.
    IRIS Program Oversight. The Committee continued to conduct 
oversight of the EPA's Integrated Risk Information System 
(IRIS), develops critical toxicological assessments of 
environmental contaminants, providing the science that 
underpins regulations of toxic chemicals. On March 27, 2019, 
the Subcommittees on Investigations & Oversight and Environment 
held a hearing on EPA's IRIS Program: Reviewing its Progress 
and Roadblocks Ahead. The EPA's IRIS program was included in 
the Government Accountability Office (GAO) 2019 High Risk List 
and this hearing was held pursuant to Rule XI, clause 2, 
subsection (p).
    Emerging technologies. The Committee explored several 
cutting-edge technologies, including artificial intelligence 
(AI), facial recognitions, gene editing, and deep fakes, and 
their implications for economic productivity, U.S. 
competitiveness, law enforcement and safety and security. To 
this end, the Committee held five hearings:
          March 12, 2019--Research & Technology Subcommittee 
        hearing: Engineering Our Way to a Sustainable 
          June 26, 2019--Full Committee hearing: Artificial 
        Intelligence: Societal and Ethical Implications
          September 24, 2019--Research & Technology 
        Subcommittee hearing: Artificial Intelligence and the 
        Future of Work
          January 29, 2020--Full Committee hearing: Losing 
        Ground: U.S. Competitiveness in Critical Technologies
          July 28, 2020--Joint Subcommittee hearing, 
        Investigations & Oversight Subcommittee lead, with 
        Research & Technology Subcommittee: The Role of 
        Technology in Countering Trafficking in Persons.
    Academic espionage. The Committee conducted oversight into 
the coordination and collaboration between law enforcement, the 
intelligence community, and institutions of higher education 
regarding the exfiltration of sensitive research by 
nontraditional collectors.
    Telecommunications spectrum. The Committee investigated the 
growing private sector demand for licensed spectrum for 
applications like 5G networks and how increasing spectrum use 
may result in interference with incumbent spectrum users, 
including weather observation satellites operated by NASA, NOAA 
and the Department of Defense.
    Lack of integrity in deregulatory actions at EPA. The 
Committee evaluated deregulatory actions proposed and executed 
by EPA and whether those actions approached cost-benefit and 
environmental justice evaluations with academic rigor and 
    STEM education and workforce. The Committee reviewed 
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) 
education related subjects, particularly the need to increase 
the diversity of individuals who have access to STEM education 
and methods for retention of a diverse pool of individuals 
pursuing STEM-related degrees and careers. On May 9, 2019 the 
Full Committee held a hearing on Achieving the Promise of a 
Diverse STEM Workforce. The Research & Technology Subcommittee 
also held a hearing on February 11, 2020 on More Hires, Fewer 
Hacks: Developing the U.S. Cybersecurity Workforce.
    ARPA-E. The Committee reviewed the management of the U.S. 
Department of Energy's (DOE's) Advanced Research Projects 
Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), which is tasked with promoting and 
funding high-risk, high-reward research and development of 
advanced energy technologies.
    Department of Energy Nuclear Energy spending. The Committee 
reviewed large financial assistance agreements made between the 
Office of Nuclear Energy at DOE and private sector partners and 
how those expenditures adhered to best practices and applicable 
legal requirements for grant-making. On May 3, 2019 the Energy 
Subcommittee held a field hearing in Shippingport, Pennsylvania 
on How the Domestic Nuclear Industry Boosts Local Economies, 
Curbs Emissions, and Strengthens National Security.
    Clean energy technologies in general. The Committee 
examined whether the Department's applied energy technology 
offices are supporting the full range of high value research 
and identify potentially transformational clean energy 
technologies that currently receive little to no federal 
    Critical infrastructure and electricity grid security. The 
Committee reviewed the state of the nation's critical 
infrastructure to ensure that vulnerabilities to cyberattacks, 
physical attacks, and natural hazards are identified and 
remedied to the extent possible, and to ensure the government 
has the capability to respond to such threats efficiently and 
effectively. On July 17, 2019 the Energy Subcommittee held a 
hearing on The Future of Electricity Delivery: Modernizing and 
Securing Our Nation's Electricity Grid. The Government 
Accountability Office (GAO) 2019 High Risk List included 
``Ensuring the Effective Protection of Technologies Critical to 
the U.S. National Security Interests'' and this hearing was 
held pursuant to Rule XI, clause 2, subsection (p).
    Oversight of NASA's flagship missions. The Committee 
conducted oversight into the management of major flagship 
science mission development projects, including the James Webb 
Space Telescope, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Telescope, 
Mars2020, and the Europa Clipper spacecraft. The Government 
Accountability Office (GAO) 2019 High Risk List included ``NASA 
Acquisition Management'' and these hearings were held pursuant 
to Rule XI, clause 2, subsection (p):
          May 8, 2019--Space & Aeronautics Subcommittee 
        hearing: Keeping Our Sights on Mars: A Review of NASA's 
        Deep Space Exploration Programs and Lunar Proposal.
          September 18, 2019--Space & Aeronautics Subcommittee 
        hearing: Developing Core Capabilities for Deep Space 
        Exploration: An Update on NASA's SLS, Orion, and 
        Exploration Ground Systems.
          November 13, 2019--Space & Aeronautics Subcommittee 
        hearing: Keeping Our Sights on Mars Part 2: Structuring 
        a Moon-Mars Program for Success
    NASA Earth Science programs. The Committee conducted 
oversight of NASA's Earth science program and its plans for 
meeting the priorities set forth in the National Academies' 
Earth science decadal survey. On June 11, 2019 the Full 
Committee held a hearing on Discovery on the Frontiers of 
Space: Exploring NASA's Science Mission.
    Civil Aeronautics Research and Development. The Committee 
conducted oversight of research and development activities at 
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and NASA's 
aeronautics research. On June 26, 2019 the Space & Aeronautics 
Subcommittee held a hearing on NASA's Aeronautics Mission: 
Enabling the Transformation of Aviation.
    ISS research priorities. The Committee conducted oversight 
of the use of the ISS and the prioritization of ISS resources 
to meet and enable key objectives. On July 10, 2019 the Space 
and Aeronautics Subcommittee held a hearing on A Review of 
NASA's Plans for the International Space Station and Future 
Activities in Low Earth Orbit.

              Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

                History of Appointments, 116th Congress

January 3, 2019

    Ms. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX) named Chair (H. Res. 24)

January 4, 2019

    Mr. Lucas (OK) named Ranking Minority Member (H. Res. 25)

January 23, 2019

    Ms. Lofgren (CA), Mr. Lipinski (IL), Ms. Bonamici (OR), Mr. 
Bera (CA), Mr. Lamb (PA), Mrs. Fletcher (TX), Ms. Stevens (MI), 
Ms. Kendra S. Horn (OK), Ms. Sherrill (NJ), Mr. Sherman (CA), 
Mr. McNerney (CA), Mr. Perlmutter (CO), Mr. Tonko (NY), Mr. 
Foster (IL), Mr. Beyer (VA), Mr. Crist (FL), Mr. Casten (IL), 
Ms. Hill (CA), Mr. McAdams (UT), and Ms. Wexton (VA) appointed 
(H. Res. 67)

January 23, 2019

    Mr. Brooks (AL), Mr. Hultgren (IL), Mr. Posey (FL), Mr. 
Massie (KY), Mr. Bridenstine (OK), Mr. Weber (TX), Mr. Knight 
(CA), Mr. Babin (TX), Mrs. Comstock (VA), Mr. Palmer (AL), Mr. 
Loudermilk (GA), Mr. Abraham (LA), Mr. LaHood (IL), Mr. Webster 
(FL), Mr. Banks (IN), Mr. Biggs (AZ), Mr. Marshall (KS), Mr. 
Dunn (FL), and Mr. Higgins (LA) appointed (H. Res. 68)

January 24, 2019

    Mr. Cohen (TN) appointed (H. Res. 73) (to rank immediately 
after Mr. Sherman)

January 30, 2019

    Democrat Members assigned to subcommittees; Mr. Lamb named 
Subcommittee on Energy Chair; Mr. Lipinski named Subcommittee 
on Energy Vice Chair; Ms. Fletcher named Subcommittee on 
Environment Chair; Ms. Bonamici named Subcommittee on 
Environment Vice Chair; Ms. Sherrill named Subcommittee on 
Oversight Chair; Ms. Bonamici named Subcommittee on Oversight 
Vice Chair; Ms. Stevens named Subcommittee on Research and 
Technology Chair; Mr. Lipinski Subcommittee on Research and 
Technology Vice Chair; Ms. Horn named Subcommittee on Space 
Chair; Ms. Lofgren named Subcommittee on Space Vice Chair

February 6, 2019

    Republican Members assigned to Subcommittees; Mr. Weber 
named Subcommittee on Energy Ranking Member; Mr. Marshall named 
Subcommittee on Environment Ranking Member; Mr. Norman named 
Subcommittee on Oversight Ranking Member; Mr. Baird named 
Subcommittee on Research and Technology Ranking Member; Mr. 
Babin named Subcommittee on Space Ranking Member

March 28, 2019

    Mr. Dunn resigned from the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology; Ms. Herrera-Beutler (WA) and Miss Gonzalez-Colon 
(PR) appointed (H. Res. 264)

July 24, 2019

    Mr. Rooney (FL) appointed to the Committee on Science, 
Space, and Technology (H. Res. 516)

September 26, 2019

    Miss. Gonzalez-Colon resigned from the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology; Mr. Murphy (NC) appointed (H. 
Res. 596)

November 5, 2019

    Ms. Hill resigned from the Committee on Science, Space, and 

November 19, 2019

    Mr. Lamb to rank immediately after Ms. Wexton on the 
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology (H. Res. 712)

January 9, 2020

    Ms. Fletcher named Chairwoman of Subcommittee on Energy, 
Ms. Sherrill named Chairwoman of Subcommittee on Environment, 
Mr. Foster named Chairman of the Subcommittee on Investigations 
and Oversight

January 16, 2020

    Ms. Jaime Herrera Beutler resigned from the Committee on 
Science, Space, and Technology

July 1, 2020

    Mr. Olson resigned from the Committee on Science, Space and 
Technology; Mr. Garcia (CA) and Mr. Tiffany (WI) appointed (H. 
Res. 1037)

                            C O N T E N T S


                              Rules of the

              Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

                        House of Representatives

                 For the One Hundred Sixteenth Congress

Rule I. General..................................................   109

    (a) Application of Rules.....................................   109
    (b) Other Procedures.........................................   109
    (c) Use of Hearing Rooms.....................................   109

Rule II. Regular, Additional, and Special Meetings...............   109

    (a) Regular Meetings.........................................   109
    (b) Bills and Subjects to be Considered......................   109
    (c) Open Meetings............................................   110
    (d) Quorums..................................................   110
    (e) Postponement of Proceedings..............................   110
    (f) Time for Statements and Debate...........................   110
    (g) Requests for Recorded Vote...............................   110
    (h) Transcripts..............................................   110
    (i) Motion to Go to Conference...............................   111

Rule III. Hearings...............................................   111
    (a) Notice of Hearings.......................................   111
    (b) Witnesses................................................   111
    (c) Questioning of Witnesses.................................   112
    (d) Claims of Privilege......................................   112
    (e) Publication of Transcripts...............................   112
    (f) Pertinence of Testimony..................................   112

Rule IV. Reports.................................................   112
Rule V. Broadcasting.............................................   113
Rule VI. Subcommittees...........................................   113

    (a) Committee Jurisdiction...................................   113
    (b) Subcommittees and Jurisdiction...........................   113

        (1) Subcommittee on Energy...............................   113
        (2) Subcommittee on Environment..........................   113
        (3) Subcommittee on Research and Technology..............   114
        (4) Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics................   114
        (5) Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight.........   115

    (c) Composition of Subcommittees.............................   115
    (d) Referral to Subcommittees................................   115
    (e) Subcommittee Procedures and Reports......................   115

Rule VII. Vice Chairs............................................   116
Rule VIII. Oversight and Investigations..........................   116
Rule IX. Subpoenas...............................................   116
Rule X. Deposition Authority.....................................   117
Rule XI. Committee Records.......................................   117
Rule XII. Official Committee Website.............................   117
Rule XIII. Committee Budget......................................   117
Rule XIV. Amendments to Committee Rules..........................   117
Rule I. General

    (a) Application of Rules.
          (1) The Rules of the House of Representatives 
        (``House Rules'') are the rules of the Committee on 
        Science, Space, and Technology and its Subcommittees 
        with the specific additions thereto contained in these 
          (2) Except where the term ``Subcommittee'' is 
        specifically referred to, the following rules shall 
        apply to the Committee and its Subcommittees as well as 
        to the respective Chairs and Ranking Minority Members.
    (b) Other Procedures. The Chair of the Committee, after 
consultation with the Ranking Minority Member of the Committee, 
may establish such other procedures and take such actions as 
may be necessary to carry out these rules or to facilitate the 
effective operation of the Committee.
    (c) Use of Hearing Rooms. In consultation with the Ranking 
Minority Member, the Chair of the Committee shall establish 
guidelines for the use of Committee hearing rooms.

Rule II. Regular, Additional, and Special Meetings

    (a) Regular Meetings. The regular meeting day of the 
Committee for the conduct of its business shall be on the first 
Wednesday of each month, if the House is in session. If the 
House is not in session on that day, then the Committee shall 
meet on the next Thursday of such month on which the House is 
in session, or at another practicable time as determined by the 
          (1) A regular meeting of the Committee may be 
        dispensed with if, in the judgment of the Chair, there 
        is no need for the meeting.
          (2) The Chair may call and convene, as he considers 
        necessary and in accordance with the notice 
        requirements contained in these rules, additional 
        meetings of the Committee for the consideration of any 
        bill or resolution pending before the Committee or for 
        the conduct of other Committee business.
    (b) Bills and Subjects to be Considered.
          (1) The Chair shall announce the date, place, and 
        subject matter of any Committee meeting, which may not 
        commence earlier than the third calendar day (excluding 
        Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays except when the 
        House is in session on such a day) on which Members 
        have notice thereof, unless the Chair, with the 
        concurrence of the Ranking Minority Member, or the 
        Committee by majority vote with a quorum present for 
        the transaction of business, determines there is good 
        cause to begin the meeting sooner, in which case the 
        Chair shall make the announcement at the earliest 
        possible date.
          (2) At least 48 hours prior to the commencement of a 
        meeting for the markup of legislation (excluding 
        Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays except when the 
        House is in session on such a day), the Chair shall 
        cause the text of such legislation to be made publicly 
        available in electronic form.
          (3) To the maximum extent practicable, amendments to 
        a measure or matter shall be submitted in writing or 
        electronically to the designee of both the Chair and 
        Ranking Minority Member at least 24 hours prior to the 
        consideration of the measure or matter, and the Chair 
        may oppose any amendment not so submitted.
    (c) Open Meetings. Meetings for the transaction of business 
and hearings of the Committee shall be open to the public or 
closed in accordance with the House Rules.
    (d) Quorums. A majority of the Committee shall form a 
quorum, except that two Members shall constitute a quorum for 
taking testimony and receiving evidence, and one third of the 
Members shall form a quorum for taking any action other than 
for which the presence of a majority of the Committee is 
otherwise required. If the Chair is not present at any meeting 
of the Committee or Subcommittee, the Vice Chair on the 
Committee who is present shall preside at the meeting, unless 
another Member of the Committee is designated by the Chair.
    (e) Postponement of Proceedings.
          (1) Pursuant to clause 2(h)(4) of House Rule XI, the 
        Chair may postpone further proceedings when a record 
        vote is ordered on the question of approving a measure 
        or matter or on adopting an amendment. The Chair may 
        resume proceedings on a postponed vote at any time 
        after reasonable notice.
          (2) When proceedings resume on a postponed question, 
        notwithstanding any intervening order for the previous 
        question, an underlying proposition shall remain 
        subject to further debate or amendment to the same 
        extent as when the question was postponed.
    (f) Time for Statements and Debate.
          (1) Insofar as is practicable, the Chair, after 
        consultation with the Ranking Minority Member, shall 
        limit the total time of opening statements by Members 
        at a Committee meeting to no more than ten minutes, the 
        time to be divided equally between the Chair and 
        Ranking Minority Member, except in the case of joint 
        Subcommittee hearings, in which case the total time of 
        opening statements by Members at such joint hearing 
        shall be no more than twenty minutes, the time to be 
        divided equally between the Chairs and Ranking Minority 
        Members. When requested, ex officio Members of any 
        Subcommittee shall also be recognized at a Subcommittee 
        hearing for five minutes each to present an opening 
          (2) The time any one Member may address the Committee 
        on any bill, amendment, motion, or other matter under 
        consideration by the Committee will be limited to five 
        minutes, and then only when the Member has been 
        recognized by the Chair. This time limit may be waived 
        by the Chair pursuant to unanimous consent.
    (g) Requests for Recorded Vote. A record vote of the 
Committee shall be provided on any question before the 
Committee upon the request of three or more Members or, in the 
apparent absence of a quorum, by any one Member.
    (h) Transcripts. Transcripts of markups shall be recorded 
and may be published in the same manner as hearings before the 
Committee, and shall be included as part of the legislative 
report unless waived by the Chair of the Committee.
    (i) Motion to Go to Conference. Without further action of 
the Committee, the Chair is authorized to offer a motion under 
clause 1 of House Rule XXII whenever the Chair considers it 

Rule III. Hearings

    (a) Notice of Hearings.
          (1) The Chair shall publicly announce the date, 
        place, and subject matter of any hearing to be 
        conducted by the Committee on any measure or matter at 
        least one week before the commencement of that hearing. 
        If the Chair, with the concurrence of the Ranking 
        Minority Member, determines there is good cause to 
        begin the hearing sooner, or if the Committee so 
        determines by majority vote, a quorum being present for 
        the transaction of business, the Chair shall make the 
        announcement at the earliest possible date.
          (2) The Chair shall publicly announce a list of 
        witnesses to testify at a hearing as soon as a complete 
        list of witnesses, including those to be called by the 
        minority, is compiled. When practicable, the Chair and 
        the Ranking Minority Member will seek to have a 
        complete list of witnesses compiled at or as soon as 
        practicable after the time that the hearing is publicly 
    (b) Witnesses.
          (1) Insofar as is practicable, no later than 48 hours 
        in advance of his or her appearance, each witness who 
        is to appear before the Committee shall file, in 
        printed copy and in electronic form, a written 
        statement of his or her proposed testimony and a 
        curriculum vitae.
          (2) Each witness shall limit his or her presentation 
        to a five minute summary, however additional time may 
        be granted by the Chair when appropriate.
          (3) The Chair, or any Member of the Committee 
        designated by the Chair, may administer oaths to 
        witnesses before the Committee.
          (4) Whenever any hearing is conducted by the 
        Committee on any measure or matter, the Minority 
        Members of the Committee shall be entitled, upon 
        request to the Chair by a majority of them before the 
        completion of the hearing, to call witnesses selected 
        by the Minority to testify with respect to the measure 
        or matter during at least one day of hearing thereon.
          (5) In the case of a witness appearing in a 
        nongovernmental capacity, a written statement of 
        proposed testimony shall include a curriculum vitae and 
        a disclosure of any Federal grants, cooperative 
        agreements, or contracts, or contracts or payments 
        originating with a foreign government, received during 
        the current calendar year or either of the two previous 
        calendar years by the witness or by an entity 
        represented by the witness and related to the subject 
        matter of the hearing. The disclosure shall include the 
        amount and source of each Federal grant (or subgrant 
        thereof), cooperative agreement, or contract (or 
        subcontract thereof) related to the subject matter of 
        the hearing; and the amount and country of origin of 
        any payment or contract related to the subject matter 
        of the hearing originating with a foreign government. 
        Such statements, with appropriate redactions to protect 
        the privacy or security of the witness, shall be made 
        publicly available in electronic form not later than 
        one day after the witness appears.
    (c) Questioning of Witnesses.
          (1) The right to interrogate a witness before the 
        Committee shall alternate between Majority and Minority 
        Members of the Committee. Each Member shall be limited 
        to five minutes in the interrogation of witnesses. No 
        Member may be recognized for a second period of 
        interrogation until each Member present, who wishes to 
        be recognized, has been recognized at least once.
          (2) Notwithstanding clause 1, upon a motion the 
        Chair, in consultation with the Ranking Minority 
        Member, may:
                  i. Designate an specified number of Members 
                of the Committee from each party to question a 
                witness for a period of time equally divided 
                between the majority party and the minority 
                party, not to exceed one hour in the aggregate; 
                  ii. Designate staff from each party to 
                question a witness for a period of time equally 
                divided between the majority party and the 
                minority party, not to exceed one hour in the 
          (3) Members of the Committee have two weeks from the 
        date of a hearing to submit additional questions in 
        writing for the record to be answered by witnesses who 
        have appeared before the Committee. The letters of 
        transmittal and any responses thereto shall be included 
        in the hearing record.
    (d) Claims of Privilege. Claims of common-law privileges 
made by witnesses in hearings, or by interviewees or deponents 
in investigations or inquiries, are applicable only at the 
discretion of the Chair, subject to appeal to the Committee.
    (e) Publication of Transcripts. The transcripts of those 
hearings conducted by the Committee, when it is decided they 
will be printed, shall be published in substantially verbatim 
form, with the material requested for the record inserted at 
that place requested, or at the end of the record, as 
appropriate. Individuals, including Members, whose comments are 
to be published as part of a Committee document shall be given 
the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the transcription in 
advance of publication. Any requests by those Members, staff, 
or witnesses to correct any errors other than errors in the 
transcript, or disputed errors in transcription, shall be 
appended to the record, and the appropriate place where the 
change is requested will be footnoted. Prior to approval by the 
Chair of hearings conducted jointly with another Congressional 
Committee, a memorandum of understanding shall be prepared 
which incorporates an agreement for the publication of the 
    (f) Pertinence of Testimony. At the discretion of the 
Committee, brief and pertinent statements may be submitted in 
writing for inclusion in the record. The Committee is the sole 
judge of the pertinence of testimony and evidence adduced at 
its hearing.

Rule IV. Reports

    (a) Bills and resolutions approved by the Committee shall 
be reported by the Chair pursuant to clauses 2-4 of House Rule 
    (b) A proposed investigative or oversight report shall be 
considered as read if it has been available to the Members of 
the Committee for at least 24 hours (excluding Saturdays, 
Sundays, or legal holidays except when the House is in session 
on such days).
    (c) Every investigative or oversight report shall be 
approved by a majority vote of the Committee at a meeting at 
which a quorum is present. If at the time of approval of such a 
report a Member of the Committee gives notice of intent to file 
supplemental, minority, additional, or dissenting views that 
Member shall be entitled to file such views.
    (d) Only those investigative or oversight reports approved 
by a majority vote of the Committee may be ordered printed, 
unless otherwise required by House Rules.

Rule V. Broadcasting

    (a) Whenever a meeting for the transaction of business, 
including the markup of legislation or a hearing is open to the 
public, that meeting or hearing shall be open to coverage by 
television, radio, and still photography in accordance with 
clause 4 of House Rule XI.
    (b) To the maximum extent practicable, the Committee shall 
provide audio and visual coverage of each hearing or meeting 
for the transaction of business in a manner that allows the 
public to easily listen to and view the proceedings, and 
maintain the recordings of such coverage in a manner that is 
easily accessible to the public. Operation and use of any 
Committee internet broadcast system shall be fair and 
nonpartisan, and in accordance with clauses 4 (b) and (f) of 
House Rule XI and all other applicable rules of the Committee 
and the House.

Rule VI. Subcommittees

    (a) Committee Jurisdiction. The Committee shall have 
jurisdiction over such matters as determined by the Chair.
    (b) Subcommittees and Jurisdiction. There shall be five 
standing Subcommittees of the Committee on Science, Space, and 
Technology, with jurisdictions as follows:
          (1) Subcommittee on Energy. Shall have jurisdiction 
        over the following subject matters: all matters 
        relating to energy research, development, and 
        demonstration projects therefor; commercial application 
        of energy technology; Department of Energy research, 
        development, and demonstration programs; Department of 
        Energy laboratories; Department of Energy science 
        activities; energy supply activities; nuclear, solar, 
        and renewable energy, and other advanced energy 
        technologies; uranium supply and enrichment, and 
        Department of Energy waste management; fossil energy 
        research and development; clean coal technology; energy 
        conservation research and development, including 
        building performance, alternate fuels, distributed 
        power systems, and industrial process improvements; 
        pipeline research, development, and demonstration 
        projects; energy standards; other appropriate matters 
        as referred by the Chair; and relevant oversight.
          (2) Subcommittee on Environment. Shall have 
        jurisdiction over the following subject matters: all 
        matters relating to environmental research; 
        Environmental Protection Agency research and 
        development; environmental standards; climate change 
        research and development; the National Oceanic and 
        Atmospheric Administration, including all activities 
        related to weather, weather services, climate, the 
        atmosphere, marine fisheries, and oceanic research; 
        risk assessment activities; scientific issues related 
        to environmental policy, including climate change; 
        other appropriate matters as referred by the Chair; and 
        relevant oversight.
          (3) Subcommittee on Research and Technology. Shall 
        have jurisdiction over the following subject matters: 
        all matters relating to science policy and science 
        education; the Office of Science and Technology Policy; 
        all scientific research, and scientific and engineering 
        resources (including human resources); all matters 
        relating to science, technology, engineering and 
        mathematics education; intergovernmental mechanisms for 
        research, development, and demonstration and cross-
        cutting programs; international scientific cooperation; 
        National Science Foundation; university research 
        policy, including infrastructure and overhead; 
        university research partnerships, including those with 
        industry; science scholarships; computing, 
        communications, networking, and information technology; 
        research and development relating to health, 
        biomedical, and nutritional programs; research, 
        development, and demonstration relating to nanoscience, 
        nanoengineering, and nanotechnology; agricultural, 
        geological, biological and life sciences research; 
        materials research, development, demonstration, and 
        policy; all matters relating to competitiveness, 
        technology, standards, and innovation; standardization 
        of weights and measures, including technical standards, 
        standardization, and conformity assessment; 
        measurement, including the metric system of 
        measurement; the Technology Administration of the 
        Department of Commerce; the National Institute of 
        Standards and Technology; the National Technical 
        Information Service; competitiveness, including small 
        business competitiveness; tax, antitrust, regulatory 
        and other legal and governmental policies related to 
        technological development and commercialization; 
        technology transfer, including civilian use of defense 
        technologies; patent and intellectual property policy; 
        international technology trade; research, development, 
        and demonstration activities of the Department of 
        Transportation; surface and water transportation 
        research, development, and demonstration programs; 
        earthquake programs and fire research programs, 
        including those related to wildfire proliferation 
        research and prevention; biotechnology policy; 
        research, development, demonstration, and standards-
        related activities of the Department of Homeland 
        Security; Small Business Innovation Research and 
        Technology Transfer; voting technologies and standards; 
        other appropriate matters as referred by the Chair; and 
        relevant oversight.
          (4) Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics. Shall have 
        jurisdiction over the following subject matters: all 
        matters relating to astronautical and aeronautical 
        research and development; national space policy, 
        including access to space; sub-orbital access and 
        applications; National Aeronautics and Space 
        Administration and its contractor and government-
        operated labs; space commercialization, including 
        commercial space activities relating to the Department 
        of Transportation and the Department of Commerce; 
        exploration and use of outer space; international space 
        cooperation; the National Space Council; space 
        applications, space communications and related matters; 
        Earth remote sensing policy; civil aviation research, 
        development, and demonstration; research, development, 
        and demonstration programs of the Federal Aviation 
        Administration; space law; other appropriate matters as 
        referred by the Chair; and relevant oversight.
          (5) Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight. 
        Shall have general and special investigative authority 
        on all matters within the jurisdiction of the 
    (c) Composition of Subcommittees.
          (1) The Chair shall assign Members to the 
        Subcommittees. Minority party assignments shall be made 
        only with the concurrence of the Ranking Minority 
        Member. The Chair shall determine the ratio of Majority 
        Members to Minority Members of each Subcommittee; 
        provided that the ratio of Majority Members to Minority 
        Members on each Subcommittee (excluding any ex officio 
        Member) shall be no less favorable to the Majority 
        party than the ratio for the Committee.
          (2) The Chair and Ranking Minority Member of the 
        Committee shall be ex officio Members of each 
        Subcommittee and shall have the right to vote and be 
        counted as part of the quorum and ratios on all matters 
        before the Subcommittee.
    (d) Referral to Subcommittees. The Chair shall 
expeditiously refer all legislation and other matters referred 
to the Committee to the Subcommittee or Subcommittees of 
appropriate jurisdiction, unless the Chair deems consideration 
is to be by the Committee. Subcommittee Chairs may make 
requests for referral of specific matters to their Subcommittee 
if they believe Subcommittee jurisdictions so warrants.
    (e) Subcommittee Procedures and Reports.
          (1) Subcommittee Chairs shall set meeting dates with 
        the concurrence of the Chair and after consultation 
        with the other Subcommittee Chairs with a view toward 
        avoiding simultaneous scheduling of Subcommittee 
        meetings or hearings wherever possible. No Subcommittee 
        may meet or hold a hearing at the same time as a 
        meeting or hearing of the Committee without 
        authorization from the Chair.
          (2) Each Subcommittee is authorized to meet, hold 
        hearings, receive testimony or evidence, mark up 
        legislation, and report to the Committee on all matters 
        referred to it. For matters within its jurisdiction, 
        each Subcommittee is authorized to conduct legislative, 
        investigative, forecasting, and general oversight 
        hearings; to conduct inquiries into the future; and to 
        undertake budget impact studies.
          (3) Each Subcommittee shall provide the Committee 
        with copies of such records of votes taken in the 
        Subcommittee and such other records with respect to the 
        Subcommittee as the Chair of the Committee deems 
        necessary to ensure compliance with the House Rules.
          (4) After ordering a measure or matter reported, a 
        Subcommittee shall issue a report in such form as the 
        Chair shall specify. To the maximum extent practicable, 
        reports and recommendations of a Subcommittee shall not 
        be considered by the Committee until after the 
        intervention of 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, 
        and legal holidays except when the House is in session 
        on such a day) from the time the report is submitted 
        and made available to the Committee. Printed hearings 
        thereon shall be made available, if feasible, to the 
        Committee, except that this Rule may be waived at the 
        discretion of the Chair after consultation with the 
        Ranking Minority Member.
          (5) Any Member of the Committee may have the 
        privilege of sitting with any Subcommittee during its 
        hearings or deliberations and may participate in such 
        hearings or deliberations, but no Member who is not a 
        Member of the Subcommittee shall vote on any matter 
        before such Subcommittee, except as provided in Rule 

Rule VII. Vice Chairs

    (a) The Chair of the Committee shall designate a Member of 
the majority party to serve as Vice Chair of the Committee, and 
shall designate a Majority Member of each Subcommittee to serve 
as Vice Chair of the Subcommittee. Vice Chairs of the Committee 
and each Subcommittee serve at the pleasure of the Chair, who 
may at any time terminate his designation of a Member as Vice 
Chair and designate a different Member of the majority party to 
serve as Vice Chair of the Committee or relevant Subcommittee.
    (b) The Chair may assign duties, privileges, and 
responsibilities to the Vice Chairs of the Committee or the 
various Subcommittees.

Rule VIII. Oversight and Investigations

    (a) The Committee shall review and study, on a continuing 
basis, the application, administration, execution, and 
effectiveness of those laws, or parts of laws, the subject 
matter of which is within its jurisdiction, including all laws, 
programs, and Government activities relating to nonmilitary 
research and development in accordance with House Rule X.
    (b) Not later than March 1st of the first session of the 
116th Congress, the Chair, after consultation with the Ranking 
Minority Member, shall submit the Committee's oversight plan to 
the Committee on Oversight and the Committee on House 
Administration in accordance with the provisions of clause 2(d) 
of House Rule X.
    (c) Any investigation undertaken in the name of the 
Committee shall be approved by the Chair. Nothing in this 
subsection shall be interpreted to infringe on a Subcommittee's 
authority to conduct general oversight of matters within its 
jurisdiction, short of undertaking an investigation.

Rule IX. Subpoenas

    The power to authorize and issue subpoenas is delegated to 
the Chair as provided for under clause 2(m)(3)(A)(i) of House 
Rule XI. The Chair shall notify the Ranking Minority Member 
prior to issuing any subpoena under such authority. To the 
extent practicable, the Chair shall consult with the Ranking 
Minority Member at least 24 hours in advance of a subpoena 
being issued under such authority.

Rule X. Deposition Authority

    The Chair may authorize the staff of the Committee to 
conduct depositions pursuant to section 103 of House Resolution 
6, 116th Congress, and subject to any regulations issued 
pursuant thereto.

Rule XI. Committee Records

    (a) The records of the Committee at the National Archives 
and Records Administration shall be made available for public 
use in accordance with House Rule VII.
    (b) The Chair shall notify the Ranking Minority Member of 
the Committee of any decision, pursuant to clauses 3(b)(3) or 
4(b) of House Rule VII, to withhold a record otherwise 
available, and the matter shall be presented to the Committee 
for a determination on the written request of any Member of the 

Rule XII. Official Committee Website

    The Chair shall maintain an official Committee website for 
the purpose of furthering the Committee's legislative and 
oversight responsibilities, including communicating information 
about the Committee's activities to Committee Members and other 
Members of the House. The Ranking Minority Member of the 
Committee may maintain a similar website for the same purpose, 
including communicating information about the activities of the 
minority to Committee Members and other Members of the House.

Rule XIII. Committee Budget

    From the amount provided to the Committee in the primary 
expense resolution adopted by the House of Representatives in 
the 116th Congress, the Chair shall designate one-third of the 
budget, after adjustment for the salaries of the shared 
administrative functions for the Clerk, Printer and Financial 
Administrator, under the direction of the Ranking Minority 
Member for the purposes of minority staff, travel expenses of 
minority staff and Members, and all other minority office 

Rule XIV. Amendments to Committee Rules

    The rules of the Committee may be modified, amended, or 
repealed, in the same manner and method as prescribed for the 
adoption of committee rules in clause 2 of House Rule XI, but 
only if written notice of the proposed change has been provided 
to each such Member at least 3 days before the time of the 
meeting at which the vote on the change occurs. Any such change 
in the rules of the Committee shall be published in the 
Congressional Record within 30 calendar days after their 
