[Senate Report 117-157]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

                                                     Calendar No. 500
117th Congress      }                            {          Report
 2d Session         }                            {          117-157




               September 21, 2022.--Ordered to be printed


   Mr. Manchin, from the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, 
                        submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                         [To accompany S. 2438]

    The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, to which was 
referred the bill (S. 2438), to modify the boundary of the Cane 
River Creole National Historical Park in the State of 
Louisiana, and for other purposes, having considered the same, 
reports favorably thereon with an amendment and recommends that 
the bill, as amended, do pass.


    The amendment is as follows:

    On page 2, strike lines 3 through 11, and insert the 2 following:
    ``(5) The approximately 46.1 acres of land identified as `Proposed 
Addition', as generally depicted on the map entitled `Cane River Creole 
National Historical Park Proposed Addition--Magnolia Plantation Unit', 
numbered 494/176,958, and dated October 2021.''


    The purpose of S. 2438 is to modify the boundary of Cane 
River Creole National Historical Park in the State of Louisiana 
to add approximately 46 acres to the park.

                          Background and Need

    The Cane River Creole National Historical Park in 
northwestern Louisiana was established in 1994 to provide for 
the preservation and interpretation of, and education 
concerning, the Creole culture and diverse history of the 
Natchitoches region. The historical park interprets and 
preserves the landscape of the Oakland and Magnolia 
Plantations, two of the most intact Creole cotton plantations 
in the United States. The two sites include a total of 87 
historic structures encompassing almost 200 years of plantation 
    In 1997 the owners of the Magnolia property donated some of 
the plantation outbuilding to the National Park Service, but 
the main house and other property remained in private 
ownership. The owners of the Magnolia property are now willing 
to donate the main house and 46 acres of surrounding lands for 
inclusion in the park.

                          Legislative History

    Senator Cassidy introduced S. 2438 on July 22, 2021. The 
Subcommittee on National Parks held a hearing on the bill on 
October 6, 2021.
    A companion bill, H.R. 4648 was introduced in the House of 
Representatives by Representative Mike Johnson on July 22, 
2021. H.R. 4648 was ordered reported by the House Natural 
Resources Committee on November 17, 2021.

                        Committee Recommendation

    The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, in 
open business session on May 3, 2022, by a voice vote of a 
quorum present, recommends that the Senate pass S. 2438, if 
amended as described herein.

                          Committee Amendment

    During its consideration of S. 2438, the Committee adopted 
an amendment that updates the map reference.

                      Section-by-Section Analysis

Section 1. Short title

    Section 1 provides the short title, the ``Cane River Creole 
National Historical Park Boundary Modification Act.''

Section 2. Cane River Creole National Historical Park boundary 

    Section 2 amends section 303(b) of the park's enabling 
legislation (Public Law 103-449 (16 U.S.C. 410ccc-1(b))) to add 
a new paragraph expanding the boundary of the park to include 
approximately 46.1 acres as depicted on the referenced map.

                   Cost and Budgetary Considerations

    The Committee has requested, but has not yet received, the 
Congressional Budget Office's estimate of the cost of S. 2438 
as ordered reported. When the Congressional Budget Office 
completes its cost estimate, it will be posted on the Internet 
at www.cbo.gov.

                      Regulatory Impact Evaluation

    In compliance with paragraph 11(b) of rule XXVI of the 
Standing Rules of the Senate, the Committee makes the following 
evaluation of the regulatory impact which would be incurred in 
carrying out S. 2438. The bill is not a regulatory measure in 
the sense of imposing Government-established standards or 
significant economic responsibilities on private individuals 
and businesses. No personal information would be collected in 
administering the program. Therefore, there would be no impact 
on personal privacy. Little, if any, additional paperwork would 
result from the enactment of S. 2438, as ordered reported.

                   Congressionally Directed Spending

    S. 2438, as ordered reported, does not contain any 
congressionally directed spending items, limited tax benefits, 
or limited tariff benefits as defined in rule XLIV of the 
Standing Rules of the Senate.

                        Executive Communications

    The testimony provided by the Department of the Interior at 
the October 6, 2021, hearing on S. 2438 follow:

 Statement of Joy Beasley, Associate Director for Cultural Resources, 
Partnership and Science, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the 

    Chairman King, Ranking Member Daines, and members of the 
Subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to present the 
Department of the Interior's views on S. 2438, a bill to modify 
the boundary of the Cane River Creole National Historical Park 
in the State of Louisiana, and for other purposes. The 
Department supports S. 2438 with technical amendments.
    S. 2438 would expand the legislative boundary of the 
Magnolia Plantation Unit of Cane River Creole National 
Historical Park in Louisiana by approximately 46.1 acres. The 
land that would be added to the boundary is part of the 
historic Magnolia Plantation, which is a National Historic 
Landmark and is currently owned by the descendants of the 
original plantation owners. The property includes the main 
house, seven outbuildings, and several cultural landscape 
features and archeological sites. At present, the National Park 
Service owns a smaller portion of Magnolia Plantation, 
maintaining 18-acres with approximately 20 historic structures.
    Cane River Creole National Historical Park was established 
by Public Law 103-499 in order to ``recognize the importance of 
the Cane River Creole culture as a nationally significance 
element of the cultural heritage of the United States'' and to 
commemorate the blending of Native American, French, Spanish, 
and African cultures in the Cane River region that occurred 
from 1714 to present. Today, Cane River Creole National 
Historical Park protects two of the most intact Creole cotton 
plantations in the United States--Oakland Plantation and 
portions of Magnolia Plantation. Magnolia Plantation was the 
largest plantation in Natchitoches Parish in the mid-1800s, 
both in terms of land and in terms of enslaved peoples. It has 
direct ties to African American history from the late 1700s to 
1970s, from the period of enslavement, to the Civil War, 
Reconstruction, sharecropping and tenant farming of the mid-
20th century. The plantation is also a recognized Bicentennial 
Farm, owned by descendants of the same family for over 200 
    When Cane River Creole National Historical Park was 
established in 1994, the Magnolia Plantation core was divided 
in half: half was acquired by the National Park Service, and 
the other half remained in private ownership. However, at the 
time it was noted that important plantation resources existed 
outside the current 18-acre park boundary. This legislation 
would allow the National Park Service to acquire and preserve 
the privately-owned half of the historic plantation core, 
fulfilling the park's mission to protect Magnolia Plantation in 
its entirety. Doing so would allow the National Park Service to 
tell the complete story of all people, of French and African 
descent, free and enslaved, at Magnolia Plantation. Enlargement 
of the park to include the entire Magnolia Plantation core is 
welcomed as an opportunity to present this important place as a 
whole. This change in land administration is supported locally 
among city, county, and state officials, as well as the 
landowners and family descendants.
    While the Department supports S. 2438, we recommend 
amending the legislation to include a revised legislative map. 
We would be pleased to provide a legislative map and 
recommended amendments for these purposes.
    Chairman King, Ranking Member Daines, thank you for the 
opportunity to appear before you today. I would be happy to 
answer any questions you or other Members may have.

                        Changes in Existing Law

    In compliance with paragraph 12 of rule XXVI of the 
Standing Rules of the Senate, changes in existing law made by 
the bill S. 2438, as ordered reported, are shown as follows 
(existing law proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black 
brackets, new matter is printed in italic, existing law in 
which no change is proposed is shown in roman):

                           Public Law 103-449

AN ACT To establish the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley National 
Heritage Corridor in the State of Connecticut, and for other purposes

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    Titles 111 and IV of this Act may be cited as the ``Cane 
River Creole National Historical Park and National Heritage 
Area Act''.

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           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    (b) Area Included.--The historical park shall consist of 
lands and interests therein as follows:
          (1) Lands and structures associated with the Oakland 
        Plantation as depicted on map CARI, 80,002, dated 
        January 1994.
          (2) Lands and structures owned or acquired by Museum 
        Contents, Inc. as depicted on map CARI, 80,00lA, dated 
        May 1994.
          (3) Sites that may be the subject of cooperative 
        agreements with the National Park Service for the 
        purposes of historic preservation and interpretation 
        including, but not limited to, the Melrose Plantation, 
        the Badin-Rouge site, the Cherokee Plantation, the Beau 
        Fort Plantation, and sites within the Natchitoches 
        National Historical Landmark District: Provided, That 
        such sites may not be added to the historical park 
        unless the Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter 
        referred to as the ``Secretary'') determines, based on 
        further research and planning, that such sites meet the 
        applicable criteria for national historical 
        significance, suitability, and feasibility, and 
        notification of the proposed addition has been 
        transmitted to the Committee on Energy and Natural 
        Resources of the United States Senate and the 
        appropriate committees of the House of Representatives.
          (4) Not to exceed 10 acres of land that the Secretary 
        may designate for an interpretive visitor center 
        complex to serve the needs of the historical park and 
        heritage area established in title IV of this Act.
          (5) The approximately 46.1 acres of land identified 
        as ``Proposed Addition'', as generally depicted on the 
        map entitled ``Cane River Creole National Historical 
        Park Proposed Addition--Magnolia Plantation Unit'', 
        numbered 494/176,958, and dated October 2021.

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