[Senate Report 117-180]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

                                                     Calendar No. 531
117th Congress     }                                 {       Report
 2d Session        }                                 {       117-180




                October 18, 2022.--Ordered to be printed

 Filed, under authority of the order of the Senate of October 14, 2022


         Mr. Manchin, from the Committee on Energy and Natural
                   Resources, submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                         [To accompany S. 1718]

    The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, to which was 
referred the bill (S. 1718), to amend the Rosie the Riveter/
World War II Home Front National Historical Park Establishment 
Act of 2000 to provide for additional areas to be added to the 
park, and for other purposes, having considered the same, 
reports favorably thereon with an amendment, in the nature of a 
substitute, and recommends that the bill, as amended, do pass.


    Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the 


    This Act may be cited as the ``Rosie the Riveter National 
Historical Park Expansion Act''.


    Section 2 of the Rosie the Riveter Home Front National Historical 
Park Establishment Act of 2000 (16 U.S.C. 410ggg) is amended by 
striking subsection (b) and inserting the following:
    ``(b) Areas Included.--
          ``(1) In general.--The boundaries of the park shall include--
                  ``(A)(i) the areas generally depicted on the map 
                entitled `Proposed Boundary Map, Rosie the Riveter/
                World War II Home Front National Historical Park', 
                numbered 963/80,000, and dated May 2000; and
                  ``(ii) the areas depicted as the `Proposed Boundary 
                Addition' on the map entitled `Rosie the Riveter/World 
                War II Home Front National Historical Park Proposed 
                Boundary Addition', numbered 499/168,353, and dated May 
                2020; and
                  ``(B) any other historic properties identified by the 
                Secretary as appropriate for addition to the park, 
                subject to the requirement that a historic property 
                proposed for addition to the park shall--
                          ``(i) be determined to be eligible for 
                        listing in the National Register of Historic 
                          ``(ii) have a direct connection to World War 
                        II home front themes in Richmond, California; 
                          ``(iii) relate to the purpose, significance, 
                        and interpretive themes of the park.
          ``(2) Availability of maps.--The maps referred to in 
        paragraph (1) shall be on file and available for public 
        inspection in the appropriate offices of the National Park 


    Section 3(a) of the Rosie the Riveter Home Front National 
Historical Park Establishment Act of 2000 (16 U.S.C. 410ggg-1(a)) is 
amended by adding at the end the following:
          ``(3) Nystrom elementary school.--Nothing in this Act affects 
        the authority of the West Contra Costa Unified School District 
        to administer Nystrom Elementary School.''.


    Section 3(b) of the Rosie the Riveter Home Front National 
Historical Park Establishment Act of 2000 (16 U.S.C. 410ggg-1(b)) is 
amended by adding at the end the following:
          ``(3) West contra costa unified school district.--
                  ``(A) In general.--The Secretary may enter into 
                cooperative agreements with the West Contra Costa 
                Unified School District and other appropriate public 
                and private agencies, organizations, and institutions 
                to carry out the purposes of this Act.
                  ``(B) Visitor interpretation.--The Secretary shall 
                coordinate visitor interpretation of the Nystrom 
                Elementary School site with the West Contra Costa 
                Unified School District.''.


    The purpose of S. 1718 is to amend the Rosie the Riveter/
World War II Home Front National Historical Park Establishment 
Act of 2000 to provide for additional areas to be added to the 

                          Background and Need

    Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National 
Historical Park, located in Richmond, California, preserves and 
interprets the wide array of governmental, industrial, and 
citizen efforts of our nation's home front response to World 
War II. In addition to establishing the national park, the 
park's enabling legislation (Public Law 106-352) also directed 
the National Park Service to study whether additional 
representative sites should be added to the park.
    The park's 2009 General Management Plan established 
guidelines for bringing additional properties into the park. 
The criteria requires that a property must be eligible for 
listing in the National Register of Historic Places; have a 
direct connection to the World War II home front themes in 
Richmond, California; and relate to the park's purpose, 
significance, and interpretive themes.
    The Nystrom Elementary School was built during World War II 
to accommodate the large influx of families that relocated to 
Richmond, California to work at the Kaiser Shipyards. The 
school was constructed as part of a planned neighborhood 
development that includes the Maritime Child Development 
Center, which is already part of the park. The West Contra 
Costa Unified School District owns and operates the school and 
has followed DOI's Standards for Historic Preservation in the 
rehabilitation efforts. S. 1718, as ordered reported, adds the 
Nystrom Elementary School into the boundary of the national 
historical park, and authorizes the Secretary of the Interior 
to include other qualified historic properties as appropriate.

                          Legislative History

    S. 1718 was introduced by Senators Padilla, Feinstein, and 
Cornyn on May 19, 2021. The Subcommittee on National Parks held 
a hearing on S. 1718 on May 11, 2022. Representative DeSaulnier 
introduced a companion measure in the House of Representatives, 
H.R. 1117, on February 18, 2021. The House Natural Resources 
Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands held 
a hearing on H.R. 1117 on December 7, 2021. No further action 
was taken.

                        Committee Recommendation

    The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, in an 
open business session on July 21, 2022, by a voice vote of a 
quorum present, recommends that the Senate pass S. 1718, if 
amended as described herein.

                          Committee Amendment

    During its consideration of S. 1718, the committee adopted 
an amendment in the nature of a substitute. The amendment makes 
several clarifying edits to the bill and is described in 
further detail in the section-by-section analysis below.

                      Section-by-Section Analysis

Section 1. Short title

    Section 1 provides the short title for the bill, the 
``Rosie the Riveter National Historical Park Expansion Act.''

Sec. 2. Nystrom Elementary School addition

    Section 2 amends section 2 of the Rosie the Riveter/World 
War II Home Front National Historical Park Establishment Act of 
2000 (Public Law 106-352; 16 U.S.C. 410ggg) to include the 
Nystrom Elementary School within the boundary of the park, as 
well as any other historic properties that the Secretary deems 
appropriate for inclusion if they meet the criteria established 
in the park's general management plan, including a requirement 
that the property be eligible for listing on the National 
Register of Historic Places and has a direct connection to 
World War II home front themes in Richmond, California, and 
relate to the purpose, significance and interpretive themes of 
the park.

Sec. 3. Administration

    Section 3 amends section 3(a) of the Act (16 U.S.C. 410ggg-
1(a)) adds a savings clause clarifying that nothing in this Act 
affects the authority of the West Contra Costa Unified School 
District to administer the Nystrom Elementary School.

Sec. 4. Cooperative agreements

    Section 4 amends section 3(b) of the Act (16 U.S.C. 410ggg-
1(b)) to authorize the Secretary to enter into cooperative 
agreements with the West Contra Costa Unified School District 
and other public and private entities to carry out the purposes 
of the Act and to coordinate visitor interpretation with the 
school district.

                   Cost and Budgetary Considerations

    The Committee has requested, but has not yet received, the 
Congressional Budget Office's estimate of the cost of S. 1718 
as ordered reported. When the Congressional Budget Office 
completes its cost estimate, it will be posted on the Internet 
at www.cbo.gov.

                      Regulatory Impact Evaluation

    In compliance with paragraph 11(b) of rule XXVI of the 
Standing Rules of the Senate, the Committee makes the following 
evaluation of the regulatory impact which would be incurred in 
carrying out S. 1718. The bill is not a regulatory measure in 
the sense of imposing Government-established standards or 
significant economic responsibilities on private individuals 
and businesses. No personal information would be collected in 
administering the program. Therefore, there would be no impact 
on personal privacy. Little, if any, additional paperwork would 
result from the enactment of S. 1718, as ordered reported.

                   Congressionally Directed Spending

    S. 1718, as ordered reported, does not contain any 
congressionally directed spending items, limited tax benefits, 
or limited tariff benefits as defined in rule XLIV of the 
Standing Rules of the Senate.

                        Executive Communications

    The testimony provided by the Department of the Interior at 
the May 11, 2022, hearing on S. 1718 follows:

   Statement of Michael A. Caldwell, Acting Associate Director, Park 
Planning, Facilities and Lands, National Park Service, U.S. Department 
                            of the Interior

    Chair King, Ranking Member Daines, and members of the 
Subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to provide the 
Department of the Interior's views on S. 1718, a bill to amend 
the Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National 
Historical Park Establishment Act of 2000 to provide for 
additional areas to be added to the park, and for other 
    The Department supports S. 1718.
    S. 1718 would include the Nystrom Elementary School in 
Richmond, California as part of Rosie the Riveter/World War II 
Home Front National Historical Park and would allow for other 
areas to be added to the park if deemed appropriate by the 
Secretary. The bill directs the Secretary to update the park 
map to reflect new additions within 180 days after areas are 
added to the park. S. 1718 also authorizes the Secretary to 
acquire lands, waters, and improvements within the boundaries 
of the National Historical Park. These acquisitions may be made 
by donation, purchase, exchange or transfer, except for lands 
owned by the State of California and its subdivisions, which 
may only be acquired by donation.
    Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National 
Historical Park was established in 2000 to recognize the 
important wartime contributions of workers and ordinary 
citizens, including women and people of color, who saved and 
sacrificed on the home front. The park operates as a 
partnership park and cooperates with the owners of related 
historic properties to preserve and interpret the WWII home 
front story.
    Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National 
Historical Park's enabling legislation (16 U.S.C. 410ggg) 
directed the National Park Service to determine whether there 
are additional representative sites that should be added to the 
park. The park's 2009 General Management Plan established 
guidelines for bringing additional properties into the park. 
These criteria include that a property: be eligible for listing 
in the National Register of Historic Places; have a direct 
connection to the World War II home front themes in Richmond, 
California; and relate to the park's purpose, significance, and 
interpretive themes. The Nystrom Elementary School meets these 
guidelines for addition.
    The Nystrom Elementary School was built during World War II 
to accommodate the large influx of families that relocated to 
Richmond, California to work at the Kaiser Shipyards. The 
school was constructed as part of a planned neighborhood 
development that includes the Maritime Child Development 
Center, which is already part of the park.
    The West Contra Costa Unified School District owns and 
operates the Nystrom Elementary School and has followed the 
Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation 
in the rehabilitation of the school. The City of Richmond, a 
park partner and owner of several other park sites, has shown 
support for the inclusion of the Nystrom Elementary School.
    Other sites, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary, would 
be evaluated for potential inclusion as part of Rosie the 
Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historic Park based on 
the guidelines developed in the park's General Management Plan.
    We recommend a technical amendment to the bill to update 
the short title to reflect the correct name of the park unit. 
Chairman King, this concludes my statement. I would be pleased 
to answer any questions you or other members of the 
Subcommittee may have.

                        Changes in Existing Law

    In compliance with paragraph 12 of rule XXVI of the 
Standing Rules of the Senate, changes in existing law made by 
the bill S. 1718, as ordered reported, are shown as follows 
(existing law proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black 
brackets, new matter is printed in italic, existing law in 
which no change is proposed is shown in roman):

                           Public Law 106-352

   AN ACT To establish the Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front 
  National Historical Park in the State of California, and for other 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    This Act may be cited as the ``Rosie the Riveter/World War 
II Home Front National Historical Park Establishment Act of 


    (a) Establishment.--In order to preserve for the benefit 
and inspiration of the people of the United States as a 
national historical park certain sites, structures, and areas 
located in Richmond, California, that are associated with the 
industrial, governmental, and citizen efforts that led to 
victory in World War II, there is established the Rosie the 
Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park (in 
this Act referred to as the ``park'').
    [(b) Areas Included.--The boundaries of the park shall be 
those generally depicted on the map entitled ``Proposed 
Boundary Map, Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front 
National Historical Park'' numbered 963/80000 and dated May 
2000. The map shall be on file and available for public 
inspection in the appropriate offices of the National Park 
    (b) Areas Included.--
          (1) In general.--The boundaries of the park shall 
                  (A)(i) the areas generally depicted on the 
                map entitled ``Proposed Boundary Map, Rosie the 
                Riveter/World War II Home Front National 
                Historical Park'', numbered 963/80,000, and 
                dated May 2000; and
                  (ii) the areas depicted as the ``Proposed 
                Boundary Addition'' on the map entitled ``Rosie 
                the Riveter/World War II Home Front National 
                Historical Park Proposed Boundary Addition'', 
                numbered 499/168,353, and dated May 2020; and
                  (B) any other historic properties identified 
                by the Secretary as appropriate for addition to 
                the park, subject to the requirement that a 
                historic property proposed for addition to the 
                park shall--
                          (i) be determined to be eligible for 
                        listing in the National Register of 
                        Historic Places;
                          (ii) have a direct connection to 
                        World War II home front themes in 
                        Richmond, California; and
                          (iii) relate to the purpose, 
                        significance, and interpretive themes 
                        of the park.
          (2) Availability of Maps.--The maps referred to in 
        paragraph (1) shall be on file and available for public 
        inspection in the appropriate offices of the National 
        Park Service.


    (a) In General.--
          (1) General administration.--The Secretary of the 
        Interior (in this Act referred to as the ``Secretary'') 
        shall administer the park in accordance with this Act 
        and the provisions of law generally applicable to units 
        of the National Park System, including the Act entitled 
        ``An Act to establish a National Park Service, and for 
        other purposes'', approved August 35, 1916 (39 Stat. 
        535; 16 U.S.C. 1 through 4), and the Act of August 21, 
        1935 (49 Stat. 666; 16 U.S.C. 461-467).
          (2) Specific authorities.--The Secretary may 
        interpret the story of Rosie the Riveter and the World 
        War II home front, conduct and maintain oral histories 
        that relate to the World War II home front theme, and 
        provide technical assistance in the preservation of 
        historic properties that support this story.
          (3) Nystrom elementary school.--Nothing in this Act 
        affects the authority of the West Contra Costa Unified 
        School District to administer Nystrom Elementary 
    (b) Cooperative Agreements.--
          (1) General agreements.--The Secretary may enter into 
        cooperative agreements with the owners of the World War 
        II Child Development Centers, the World War II worker 
        housing, the Kaiser-Permanente Field Hospital, and Fire 
        Station 67A, pursuant to which the Secretary may mark, 
        interpret, improve, restore, and provide technical 
        assistance with respect to the preservation and 
        interpretation of such properties. Such agreements 
        shall contain, but need not be limited to, provisions 
        under which the Secretary shall have the right of 
        access at reasonable times to public portions of the 
        property for interpretive and other purposes, and that 
        no changes or alterations shall be made in the property 
        except by mutual agreement.
          (2) Limited agreements.--The Secretary may consult 
        and enter into cooperative agreements with interested 
        persons for interpretation and technical assistance 
        with the preservation of--
                  (A) the Ford Assembly Building;
                  (B) the intact dry docks/basin docks and five 
                historic structures at Richmond Shipyard #3;
                  (C) the Shimada Peace Memorial Park;
                  (D) Westshore Park;
                  (E) the Rosie the Riveter Memorial;
                  (F) Sheridan Observation Point Park;
                  (G) the Bay Trail/Esplanade;
                  (H) Vincent Park; and
                  (I) the vessel S.S. RED OAK VICTORY, and 
                Whirley Cranes associated with shipbuilding in 
          (3) West contra costa unified school district.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary may enter into 
                cooperative agreements with the West Contra 
                Costa Unified School District and other 
                appropriate public and private agencies, 
                organizations, and institutions to carry out 
                the purposes of this Act.
                  (B) Visitor interpretation.--The Secretary 
                shall coordinate visitor interpretation of the 
                Nystrom Elementary School site with the West 
                Contra Costa Unified School District.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *
