[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]
Coastal Zone information Center IR 2 2.3 4 S 0 U property of CSC Library . . . . ........ ............ ... ................. .......... . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......... Q) 4j office of environmental management ttl h rel i ento Y HT department of community development 168 S6 city of seattle e apri 11973 OWWWWWOMMM, S55 1973 MOMMMIMP0,111ft April, 1973 City of Seattle Wes Uhlman, Mayor City Council Bruce Chapman George Cooley Tim Hill Phyllis Lamphere Wayne Larkin John Miller Sam Smith Liern Tuai Jeanette Williams Department of Community Development James Braman .................... Director Robert Hintz ............. Director, Office of Environmental Management David Sucher ............ Project Coordinator Contributing Staff Claudia Denny Mistie Ericksen Lee Graham Arnie Hagen Tony Puma Olga Stiffler acknowledgements W he development of the Seattle Shoreline organizations inventory --- of which this is a summary---- could not have been done without the help Corps of Engineers of many organizations and individuals. They METRO were able and willing to share with us their Washington Department of Ecology knowledge of the shorelines of Seattle. Wastdngton Department of Natural Resources National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration We are particularly grateful to the following Seattle Audobon Society individuals and organizations: University of Washington Urban Data Center UX College of Fisheries National Marine Fisheries Service Port of Seattle Stevens, Thompson & Runyan Washington Natural Gas U.W. Division of Marine Resources UX Institute for Environmental Studies Environmental Protection Agency Washington Department of Fisheries U.S. Geological Survey Richard Haag Associates Inter Agency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Seattle Pacific College U.S. Coast Guard Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation Seattle Department of Engineering Seattle Water Department Seattle Police Department Harbor Patrol individuals John Alley Norm Hansen Ronald Phillips Bob Barnes Fritz Hedges Leighton Pratt Wolf Bauer Gilbert Holland Kenneth Riordan Ralph Beswick Merv Howden Roger Ross Paul Chilcote David Jamison Lloyd Rothfus Alan Coburn Bob Jensen Dottie Selby G.B. Collins John Keegan Don Sherwood Kathy Coombs Anita Klapper Larry Signani Lee Copeland Gary Kruger Joe Sims James Crutchfield Ron Lee John Southern Douglas Damm Larry Leland John Spangenberg James Deagle John Lincoln Elizabeth Strapp Keith Dearborn Chris Loutsis Leonard Steiner Dennis Lee Derickson Peter Machno Richard Sternberg John Dermody Rod Mack R.O. Sylvester Dave Des Voignes Bob Matsuda Stan Titus Bryce Ecklein Dorothy Moral Don Thuring Ralph Folstad Kenneth'Meyers Gordon Tongue Steve Foster Biarni Olason Don Tubbs wharles Fullmer Arlen Olson Richard Untermann Harry Gilmore Gerry Pelton Richard Whitney Hazel Wolfe Dick Wydoski introduction The shoreline is the meeting place of land, water and 1 Major responsibility for management lies air. It is important to us because it is an interface--a with the local government. place where systems meet. 2. The State Department of Ecology is to The interactions at boundary areas--such as the provide support, insure that the total shoreline--are generally very intense. Boundaries are management programs for the shorelines of affected by several forces and bring together in one the state is progressing and according to the very narrow zone many diverse natural features and spirit and letter of the law. socio-economic uses. Shorelines in general, and in Seattle in particular, are very valuable from several 3. A Shorelines Hearing Board is to act as a ,points of view. quasi-judicial body in ajudicating disputes Biologically, shoreline areas provide habitat for many arising from the granting or denying of species of flora and fauna. The shoreline is also permits for "substantial developments" on the shorelines of the state. crucial economically. Much of our world economy is based on the fact that it is far cheaper per ton mile' to The City of Seattle has, thus far: transport goods on the water than it is on the land. The appearance on the horizon of the long hoped for 1. Received and processed over 110 trade agreements with Communist China and the applications for "substantial development" Soviet Union and expected future developments in on shorelines of the city. This is about 10% India and Japan could dramatically increase the need of all applications made under the .for shoreline space by waterborne commerce. Shorelines Management Act in the entire Recreationally, shorelines provide an experience of state since the Act went into effect in June, unique importance for strolling, picnicking, launching 1971. boats, and as a window onto large, unbroken open spaces, so rare in our urbanized landscape. 2. Completed an inventory of condition Furthermore, the pleasures of dwelling by the water along the City shorelines. SO are putting our shorelines under increased pressure, as the price of shoreline homes and land might indicate. 3. Embarked on the Master Program for the Because shorelines are so valuable, subject to City shorelines with the formation of the enormous pressures and demands, and also quite Citizens Advisory Committee and the start fragile from the biological and geological standpoints, of intensive staff study of methods of the State Legislature enacted and the people of the meeting the standards set for us by the State ratified a law whose goals, as stated, are: "To Department of Ecology. provide for the management of the shorelines of the This report presents a summary of Seattle's Shoreline State by planning and fostering all reasonable and Inventory. It is divided into three parts: appropriate uses. . . This policy contemplates protecting against adverse effects to the public health, 1 . The natural features--including the basic the land, its vegetation and its wildlife, and the waters physical systems and conditions on the of the state and their aquatic life, while protecting City shorelines. generally* public rights of navigation . . . Permitted uses of the shorelines of the state shall be designed 2. Social and economic features--how and conducted in a manner to minimize, insofar as people use the shoreline environment. practical, any resultant damage to the ecology and environment of the shoreline area and any interference with the public use of the water." 3. The existing Controls--already-existing This law is the "Shorelines Management Act of rules for the use of Seattle's shoreline and 197 1,'! ratified by the people of Seattle by a vote of water bodies. approximately 2 to 1. The law calls for a three-way approach to the problem of regulating shoreline uses and development: the natural features This section will describe the natural features of Seattle's shoreline and water. Included are: 1. Land form -- topography and bathymetry 2. Beach classifications and descriptions -original -existing 3. Description of Seattle's Water Bodies 4. Description of Important and Interesting Geologic and Biologic features. The land forms and water bodies of Seattle give it an interesting and unique location as a city. There is water on two sides and it is divided centrally by other waters. The land is a series of elongated north/south running hills and depressions. The hills generally do not exceed 500' in elevation and tend to fall rather sharply onto the water. These features are a result of the geologic development of the Puget Sound lowland, a long, varied, and still continuing process. Basically, the Puget lowland in which Seattle is located was formed by "the subsistence of the rocks of the earth's crust along a north/south axis from Oregon to Canada. This depression is accented by mountain ranges on the east and west. During the "ice-age" (Pliestocene) the lowland was occupied at least four times, although the last advance (Fraser Glaciation) had the greatest impact on the Seattle area. The ice lobe pushed down from Canada and divided, one arm going into the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the other into the Puget lowland. As the ice advanced down toward the site of Seattle there formed a large lake in front of the glacier in which silt and clay accumulated. The lake finally filled with sand by meltwater streams from the advancing glacier. As the glacier advanced over the now filled lake, it cut deeply into its own flat outwash, carving out the Puget Sound trough. Then the climate changed, the ice retreated (13,500 years ago) and salt water was admitted into the deep depression. Thus, we see Seattle's forms and shapes are a direct result of glacial deposition or erosion. Puget Sound was formed by glacial erosion, the hills were built up by glacial accumulations, lakes (like Green Lake) were formed in depressions over the impervious glacial fill. Today, geologic activity continues, although much of it has been altered and controlled by man. Rivers, like the Duwamish, erode and deposit materials from further inland. Wave action along Puget Sound shoreline cuts under the base of the slope of the hills creating beaches as the land retreats from the continual wave attack. Evidence of these processes may be seen on the face of Magnolia Bluff where wave action has helped cut a steep face on the hill, revealing layers deposited prior to glacial activity (22,000 years ago). topography & bath@-metry NORTH I INCH= ll/@ MILES 40. 600 180 < 120 60 cl) cc CL < I 0 z Lu > CITY LIMITS '7 Zl: Lu 0 BATHYMETRIC SOUNDINGS c@ AT 60 FOOT INTERVALS Lu TOPOGRAPHIC HEIGHTS AT 50 FOOT INTERVALS The map opposite is a description of Seattle's beaches as they existed prior to the impact of Western Civilization. As indicated on the map, Elliott Bay was somewhat larger than it exists today and was bordered by tidal lands and beach. Three natural estuarine environments existed along Puget Sound, located at Salmon Bay, Smith Cove, and at the mouth of the Duwamish River. These biologically rich environments combined fresh water with tidal water to provide fragile, but important, relationships of support for various marine life processes. Original, natural beaches along the shoreline have been classified as dry, marginal, or wet beaches. The class depends on the amount of beach covered during high tide. Dry beaches were located on lands which protruded into the Sound. Marginal beaches existed where there was a moderate slope between the beach and land. Wet beaches were those where the beach was backed by steep bluffs, as along Magnolia Bluff and north of Meadow Point. This beach classification system was developed by Wolf Bauer,, a Seattle engineer, and has been modified by this Department for the special case of Seattle. --d- IWIfs beach descriptions: natural shoreline of- Puget sound Definition: Natural Puget Sound Shoreline is the shoreline in its original condition NORTH unaltered by human activity. 1 INCH= 1% MILES DRY BEACH All MEADOW PO I NT WET BEACH SALMON BAY MARGINAL BEACH ARY WEST POINT, DRY BEACH Dry Beaches may be used at all tides. They are found on spits and sand bars and are a scarce resource. The original Seattle Puge Sound shoreline consisted of 22% or 27,700 High Tide of Dry Beaches located at West Point, Poin ORIGINAL SHORELINE illiams, Brace Point and Meadow Point. oday Seattle has 3.4% or 4,200' of shorel i ne V t Meadow Point which may be classified as a Natural Dry Beach. SMITH COVE MARGINAL BEACH Marginal Beaches may be used at all tides DUWAMISH BAY High Tide although at high tide the beach is very narrow. Originally 46% or 59,400' of Seattle's Low Tide Puget Sound shoreline was classified Marginal Beach. Today only 2.5% or 3,100' may be classified as Natural Marginal Beach, located outh of West Point and south of Brace Point. WET BEACH cv) High Tide et Beaches are covered by high tide water nd may be used.only at ebb tides. Originally Low Tide 19% or 24,800' of Seattle Puget Sound shoreline was classified as Wet Beach. Today 6.3% or 7,700' of Natural Wet Beach existE located south of West Point. < 0 z Lu > ESTUARY An Estuary is the place where a fresh wate W river joins a salt water body. This mixture o tidal and fresh waters create an environment uJ CITY LIMIT High Tide which is biologically and ve e atavely rich Cr BRACE LISJ @Hh de ]a i r Lo" r E ig L WET 13EACH s @6. Wate ,e 0 t @nu Originally estuaries existed at the mouth of 0 Low Tide the Duwamish River, Smith Cove, and Salmon hi h was 13% or 16,700' of the original V1.1ttle Puget Sound shoreline. Today there Lu J re no places which may be classified as truly s < tuarine. 10 V) The map opposite describes the existing marine shoreline which resulted from Seattle's growth into .an important port and population center. Over the years, numerous projects have altered the original shoreline. The shoreline of Elliott Bay was walled and filled during 1920, moving the edge into the bay and providing easier access to the deep water of the Bay. :The estuarine environments at Salmon Bay, Smith Cove, and at the mouth of the Duwamish River were altered, resulting in the loss of their rich biologic environments. The stream leading into Smith Cove was filled to develop the railyard and piers. The Chittenden Locks and the Ship Canal were built in 1914, altering the relationship between fresh water flow and tidal influence. The estuarine environment at the mouth of the Duwamish River was modified to accommodate the increased pressures of industry. Harbor Island was created by dredging and fill between 1913 and 1918, to complement the industrial activities of Duwamish Bay and the port activities of Elliott Bay. The Duwamish River alignment was straightened by the Corps of Engineers. Other, lesser activities, have gradually change; the marine beaches. Shilshole Marina was developed by rip-rapping the shore and building a breakwater. Many original marginal and wet beaches have been bulk-headed to protect the shoreline from normal high tide conditions. In fact, alterations of Seattle's shoreline are so extensive that there are only five locations of existing natural shoreline remaining. These are located at Meadow Point, the north and southwest sides of Magnolia Bluff, a narrow area north of Alki Point and south of Brace Point. beach descri tions: 11 CFTI@ LIWIT@--- modi ied s orefine o puget sound Definition : Modified Puget Sound Shoreline is the shoreline as it exists today altered by . ..... human activity. NORTH 1 INCH= 11/2 MILES NO BEACH WETBEACH DRY BEACH REMAINING NATURALBEA MARGINAL BEACHES DRY BEACH High ide Modified Dry Beaches are accessiblee aatt aall Berm tides, but the natural cycle of the beach ha een changed by altering of the berm. 8.2% or 10,000' of Seattle's Puget..Sound shorelinE may be classified as Modified Dry Beach. MARGINAL BEACH Modified Marginal Beaches are aaccessiblee aa high tide although the beach is very narro High Tide and the water's edge is close. Due to thi Low Tide proximity of the water's edge, bulkheads ar built to protect structures which might b damaged during storms or extreme ticla conditions. Modified Ma rg I nnaa III BB ee aa cc hh ee comprise 0.1% or 100' of Seattle's Puge Sound shoreline. WET BEACH High Tide Modified Wet Beaches are available for us nly at low tides. Bulkheads are built to V) Low Tide provide protection from normal high tid 0) onclitions and to permit use of an area which - o ld normally be under water at high tide -2 Modified Wet Beaches comprise 49.3% o a: 0. 0,400' of Seattle's Puget Sound shoreline. 4 >I- Maxim m salt water wedge T- u o exists to I st Avenue Bridge. z LU NO BEACH > M 'clal fluctuations "l x rn ' LU exist"tcuRetnton Junction. No Beach areas are those which are covered High Tide y water at both high and low tides as a resul LU P rill, @@CHES JN t 1 n r 'al L M e @p,' e h M I le. 3@e @Nc y CITY LIMIT f dredging and bulkheading. No Beach area Cr H-si Low Tide ere once Natural Marginal Beaches. Toda 0 F :z 30 .1% or 36,900' of Seattle's Puget Soun 0 horeline is classified as No Beach and i Lu e becaus Jill s' ful for commerce and industry I -J eep-draft ships may come into the shore. The map opposite describes water bodies which exist within Seattle's boundaries. Seattle is bordered on the east by the fresh waters of Lake Washington and on the west by the salt water of Puget Sound. The level and quality of fresh water, including the Canal, Lake Union, Portage Bay, Montlake Cut and Lake Washington, are controlled by the Corps of Engineers. The level is controlled at the Locks where, from May 16 to November 30, it is held as high as possible to counteract evaporation and increased usage of the Locks which occur during the summer months. During the winter months, the level is held down to approximately 20 feet to permit dock repairs, rising again to near 22 feet in March. The quality of fresh water at the Locks is maintained by a siphon which, flushes out the salt water admitted by the opening and closing of the Locks. The salt water is collected in a basin, 2,000 feet by 250 feet by 12 feet, just inside the Locks and flows out back into Shilshole Bay. The mouth of the Duwamish River is another location where salt and fresh water mix. Here the river meets tidal fluctuations. The results are a fresh water layer over the salt water of Elliott Bay and a salt water "wedge" which reaches to the First Avenue Bridge over the Duwamish River. This mixture of salt and fresh water provides an oxygenated water level which is crucial for migrating salmon. Green Lake, located in north Seattle, is a fresh water lake whose water quality is maintained by dilution. The City of Seattle pumps 3-1/2 million gallons of water per day into the lake, thereby increasing the life of the lake, slowing down the eutrophication process and minimizing its algae blooms. The small arrows on the map give an indication of the direction and velocity, in knots, of the tidal currents. Generally, it may be stated that these currents have a weak flow, especially in Elliott Bay, which creates a problem.of accumulated debris. water ............................................. ............................................. Z5-7;@-L f M-I is- ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................... description ............................................... ............................................... ................................................ ............................................... ............................................... ............................................... .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. ................................ I............. .............................................. .......................................... .......................................... ........................................... .......................................... .......................................... .................................. ............................... .............................. *.... ........ ............. *............................. ........................................... NORTH .......... I ................................. ........................................... ........ ............................ 1 INCH= 11% MILES ................................... ................................ ......... .............. *.......................... ........................................ ............................ ..... ................................ .............................. ............................. .................................. ................................ .............. . ............ .......................... .. ........................... . ............................. .............. *............... ............................. .............. *................ ............................... .............. *................ ............................... ............................... -- ........... ................. : sh ......... ... ................ .......... . ...... .......................... ......................... ......................... ................... ................ ...... .... 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I........ ............................ ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. ............................ ................................. ............... ....... .. ..................... .......................................... ........................................... ........................................... ................................................. ............. .................... . ................... .......... ........... ......... ... .......... ... ..................... ............................................. ....... ... ........... ................................. ::::: *1 :.*.,.,.,.,.,.,.*. ............ ......... ....... .......... ............................. ........ ....... ...................... ....... .. .... ..... .............. ........... ............... ......... ...................... ................................. ......... ............................. SALT WATER .......... ......................... V.........I.................... h ............................. ......... ...... ............... .............. ............................. .......... MIXTURE OF FRESH AND SALTWATER ............................. ............................. FRESH WATER CONTROLLED BY CORPS ............................. ............... ... .......... OF ENGINEERS .............. ............. ...... .... FRESH WATER CONTROLLED BY CITY OF SEATTLE WATER DEPARTMENT .......................... ............. ................... ............. .................. ............................... ............. ............... S IDAL CURRENTS (MAXIMUM) ................ ............................ ............. *............ .......................... ............. *........... ........................ .............. *....... ....................... EBB ............. FLOOD ..... . ........... ............... ............... ............. ............... ............................. .............. ....... Cl) ................................ ................................ .............. ............. . ................ ............ ..... ...... ....... ................ ....... ............. ... . ............... 0- ......................... .................................. .............. -': 1111111111- 1 < ............. I .................................. ................................... .............. ..................... ............. ............. > FIRST AVENUE BRIDGE .................................... ......... I ............ 11.1 .......... PROFILE OF DUWAMISH WATERWAY 0 AT LOW FLOW AND HIGH TIDE ui (TYPICALLY IN AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER) > z FIRST AVENUE BRIDGE HARBOR ISLAND Lu 0 CITY LIMITS Jill W Lu .salt water wedge LU < The map opposite gives an indicati6n of the types and extent of important biological and geological features which exist along the Seattle shoreline. As may be seen, Seattle still possesses a rich variety of marine life, including marine habitats for clams, shrimp, marsh environments for various water fowl, and human created systems which support existing biological processes. These include the fish hatcheries at Portage Bay and Seward Park and the fish ladder at Chittenden Locks. Unique vegetation, marine and land, are also present within Seattle. There are eel grass beds (which function to stablize sediments and oxygenate water), virgin forest at Seward Park, and exotic plantings including the poplars along the Canal, the Chittenden Lock gardens, and the marsh area at the Arboretum and Foster Island. Seattle shoreline's geologic history is highlighted by the Puget Sound and Lake Washington glacial troughs. Other geologic features of interest are the bluffs on South Beach, Kellogg Island, as the last evidence of the old course of the Duwamish River, and the on-going water and wave depositions at Golden Gardens and the rocky beaches south of Alki. CITY LIM$.TS features of ge@i-b*ological sign ficance -,:2@ NORTH 1 INCH 1% MILES GOLDEN GARDENS fSANOY BEACH) GREEN LAKE SAND POINT ISHAL MER) (BROAD PI-Aft FaSSHLWA THE TO CHITTENDEN SAMMAMISH LOCKS RIVER FISH LADDER POPLARS UOFW ALONG THE SALMON MARSH CANAL HATCHERY THE SOUTH BEACH (HIGH BLUFFS) PORTAGEB Y MARSH MAGNOLIA TIDELANDS J&ISALMON AND wamom NSTEELHEAD RUNS @@J& 3HR(MP BEDS mown EEL GRASS BEDS vtAJOR WATERFOWL .4k -XAM 13EDS TO CEDAR MARSH RIVER ROCKY ........ BEACH OLD KELLOGG ISLAND' FOREST (OLD CHANNEL Cb OFTHE DUWAMISH) SEWARD PARK DEPT. OF GAME FISH HATCHERY 4- CITY LIMITS L-Jr Lj the uses An understanding of the uses of the shoreline resource is based on a knowledge of how and why the land along the shoreline and water are used. This information is organized and here presented as follows: 1 . General Shoreline descriptions 2. Water dependent uses: -Recreation -industry -Shippers 3. Water related uses: -Shoreline apartments 4. Water uses Though the scale of the map limits the extent of detail, the broad picture of current uses can be seen if we divide social activities into those involving working, playing and dwelling. A basic classification of uses along Seattle shorelines can be made if we utilize this system. Protected by hills and with relatively large amounts of flat land, the exterior harbor (Elliott Bay and Duwamish) and the interior harbor are places of intense commercial and industrial activity. The map indicates business and industry that use the shoreline as an integral part of their operations. The shorelines of Washington and Puget Sound are typically used for playing and dwelling. This is a natural outgrowth of the physical conditions--exposure to wind travelling over long stretches of open water and narrow wave-cut beaches which leaves little room for large commercial and industrial activity. This situation is also the result of the distance from the historical origins of the city and its development pattern, over time. The chart below provides a numerical breakdown of Seattle's shoreline by use: Shoreline front % of Use footage total -residential (single & multi-family) 117,000' 28% -parks 104,700- 25% -industrial 52,000' 13% -commercial 45,800' 11% .-port uses 34,500' 8.6% -circulation (bridges, . rail, etc.) 29,100' 7% -public service (schools, hospitals,etc.) 16,100' 3.9% -undeveloped 9,500' 2.3% -utilities 5,100' 1.2% TOTAL 413,8000, 100% or approx. 78.4 miles basic C if Y-Cm--RT-S---- shoreline use NORTH 1 INCH= 1% MILES X INTERIOR HARBOR WORKING ELLIOTT BAY PLAYING WELLING EXTERIOR HARBOR LAKE WASHINGTON Ui CITY LIMLITS -j __j w tr 0 m V) w -j w This map shows publicly owned water related recreation facilities along Seattle's shoreline. Because of Seattle's unique shoreline resource and the ease of access to both salt and fresh water, a wide range of recreation opportunities exist in the city. Summer brings out the greatest demand and use of water related facilities. Supervised swimming is available at Alki Beach and Golden Gardens if one prefers salt water bathing. Numerous sites are available along Lake Washington and at Green Lake for fresh water bathing. Boating is very. popular as one might expect in Seattle. There are 8 public boat ramps along Seattle's shoreline, two public moorage sites, and numerous private moorages and yacht clubs. Popular complementary activities include water-skiing, sailing, kiyaking. Sports fishing, for salmon, in Puget Sound water is open year around with certain limitations as to size and number of catch. Salmon fishing is also open year round in Lake Washington, the Ship Canal and Lake Union, again with limitations as to amount and size. Fishing for other food fish and shell fish in these waters is also available but subjected to regulations of the Washington Department of Fisheries. Finally, another water using sport is scuba diving, enjoyed by increasing numbers of people at salt water locations along Seattle's shoreline. Interesting observable sea life include fish, eels, octopus and other bottom life which are found wherever some form of barrier or reef is present. land/water uses: CITY IMITS recreation Q NORTH 1 INCH= 1% MILES MATTHEWS BEACH GOLDEN GARDENS W. GREEN LA @@E. GREEN LAKE 14TH AVE. N.W. BROOKLYN AVE. N. E. N. 36TH ST. MADISON PARK MADRONA PARK LESCHI PUBLIC BATHING YACHT DON MOORAGE ARMENI PUBLIC BOAT RAMPS ALKI FLOATING PUBLIC MOORAGES BEACH BRIDGE FISHING PIERS SPORTS FISHING SCUBA DI SAYRES VING AREAS PARK LAKEWOOD MOORAGE CL 1 ST AVE. S. < 0 PRITCHARD z ISLAND PARK Uj LU ATLANTIC z CITY PARK CITY LIMIT@j r- L--j Uj --? r- - cc L < -j The key to efficient, economic transport is to move materials in quantities which are as large as possible, and water transport offers the greatest opportunity to achieve this efficiency. This map locates important industries in Seattle, which depend on water to transport either the raw product to them, as processors, or the finished product to the distributor. For example, refined oil is transported by tankers from refineries north of Seattle to locations along Seattle's shorelines, where it is distributed to individual dealers. Sand and gravel are brought by barge from Maury Island and Shelton, in south Puget Sound, to Seattle where it is delivered to projects inland. Limestone is brought to Seattle from Texada Island, British Columbia. Timber and forest industries use water to transport and store logs for lumber production. Ship-building industries locate by water for easy launching and ship repair. All of these industries and others depend on water transport to keep down the cost of the products, although it is apparent that further research is necessary to understand exactly bow these industries use water transportation and to what degree their function is dependent on a shoreline location. water dependqnt Y @Iml S industries NORTH 1 INCH V/2 MILES 0MES_TOt4r MARITIME SHIPBUILDING G SEATTLE SHIPBUILDING STANDARD OIL PHILLIPS PETROLEUM SALMON BAY SAND AND GRAVEL UNION OIL WASHINGTON ASPHALT FIDALGO PAC ING/ o GLACIER SAND AND GRAVEL TIME OIL SEATTLE READY MIX MARITIME CONSTRUCTION U.S. PLYWOOD CARGILL LAKE UNION DRYDOCK z (GRAIN) < PIONEER SAND AND GRAVEL cc 0 UNION OIL SEATTLE STEAM (HEATING OIL) OIL MARINE DISPOSAL MINERAL -PHILLIPS PETROLEUM STAND RD OIL IMBER MOBIL OIL SHIPBUILDING AND WYCKOFF LUMBER 0-- SHELLOIL MARINE CONSTRUCTION OCKHEED _SHUPBUILDIN' ATLANTIC RICHFIELD -PIONEER SAND AND GRAVEL OTHER TODD SHIPYARDS COLUMBIA CEMENT FISHER -FLO-UR LONE STAR CEMENT PUGET SOUND TUG AN`b BARGE SEABOARD LUMBER 0 co r- IDEALCEMENT- 0) J.A. JACK AND SONS I KAISER GYPSUM---m -NORTHWESTERN GLASS cc 0 KAISER CEMENT CL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION- GLACIER SAND AND GRAVEL < GARRISON 8 DIVERS-' SEATTLE READY MIX----M MANSON CONSTRUCTION 0 SAND AND GRAVEL z Uj z LU z _j CITY LIMI W CC 0 W _j U -I Uj Lj L__j W Water uses begin to show how the water bodies of Another activity related to the water are sewage Seattle are used for a diverse range of activities in overflow outfalls. They are one aspect of the City of meeting the needs of recreation, industry, Seattle's sewage and storm drain separation program. transportation, and utilities. Because this resource is METRO (Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle) was used by so many and in such a variety of ways, it is of established to "clean up" Lake Washington and, as a critical importance to understand what these result of this objective, sewage drains and treatment demands are and plan for an effective balance of plants were developed to control sewage disposal. demand and resource. Part of the operation includes separating storm drains from sewage disposal. Part of the operation includes Sailboat racing, houseboats, and log booms are separating storm drains from sewage lines. However, examples of uses which depend on water to give the Metro Sewer lines and treatment plants were not reason for their existence. The exact location of these engineered to handle the additional storm drainage activities depends on climatic and topographical and untreated sewage overflows into public waters conditions and on complementary land use activities. when the flows exceed the capacity of the trunk Log booms are floated near lumber mills, sailboat sewers. Some of these conditions are being remedied racing requires exposed, unobstructed locations, by the sewer separation program which is scheduled while houseboats require protected and relatively for completion by the end of 1973. calm waters. Ferries and sightseers also depend on water for their function and use and, as Seattle is bounded on two sides by water, their use would be expected. On Puget Sound there are ferries locally to Vashon Island, Bremerton, and Bainbridge Island. More exotic passages are available to Victoria, British Columbia, and Alaska. Ferries once existed on Lake Washington, connecting Kirkland with Madison Park and Laurelhurst, but their function has been replaced by two floating bridges. Today, the only public water transportation available on the lake is the sightseer which also operates along Puget Sound through the Locks, Canal, and Lake Union. Dredging activities through the Canal and Montlake Cut and through the Duwamish Waterway are a result of increased accumulations of silt (as a result of increased runoff due to loss of permeable surfaces on land and additional development of activities along the shoreline) and the need to maintain channel depths for navigation. Dredging activities, by the United States Corps of Engineers produce about 300,000 cubic yards every three years for both the Lake Washington Ship Canal and the Duwamish Waterway. Historically, much of dredge spoil material has been used for fill. However, lack of acceptable sites and the pollution level found in the dredge material has forced the Corps of Engineers, other agencies, and private firms involved in dredging to turn to disposal of these wate materials in the water. (See map for locations of dumping sites.) Concerns for the destructive effects of dredging are currently being considered, and the Corps of Engineers has initiated a research project to determine if there are any uses for dredge spoil. 71-17y-cl -ml.fs------ water uses NORTH 1 INCH= 1% MILES 0 4 MILE ROCK AILASKA ft":@ m TORM DRAINS - RUN OFF 9 REDGE SPOIL DISPOSAL BAINBRIDGE ERRIES & SIGHTSEER RMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS HANNEL DREDGING- HOUSEBOATS LOGBOOMS AILBOAT RACING AREA cc CL cc 0 z LU z ui z Aooo CITY Li-miTS W cc %J U L The function of a port is to move goods from one mode of transport to another. This map locates companies whose function is to provide means of transportation for goods ranging from raw materials to finished products. Such service is dependent on the existence of a protected, deep water bay, on-land transportation systems, railroad, highways and air, plus systems whose function coordinates these elements to provide effective transportation. Seattle has all of these elements and the potential to increase its trade volume and economic base. Two trends support this projection. First, increased containerization seems to be inevitable as a method for easy, rapid and inexpensive transport. Modern containerization is a high-capital, low-labor method of moving cargo. It is the cheapest way to ship certain types of high-valued, small bulk unit manufacture goods. Because it is so highly mechanized, container ships can unload, load, and be "turned around" in as little as 24-36 hours. Shippers like this because money is made only when ships are moving. Ports like it because it means that more cargo can move across .their piers than could otherwise. The second trend changing the nature of transporting is the potential increase of trade with Communist China,. Japan, and other Eastern countries. Seattle, alpng with other * Pacific Coast seaports will be competing for a share of this trade. water depqrident __c,_T7y__L I M I fs----- snippers NORTH 1 INCH= 1 Y. MILES NORTHLAND MARINE LINES. FOSS LAUNCH AND TUG CANADIAN PACIFIC R.R. PUGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES ALASKA MARINE HIGHWAY SYSTEM UNITED TRANSPORTATION BLACK BALL FREIGHT JAPAN SIX LINES MATSON NAVIGATION YOUNG CORPORATION ALASKA HYDRO-TRAIN MILWAUKEE ROAD UNIT D FRUIT AMERICAN MAIL S -LAND PUGET SOUND TUG AND BARGE cl) a: BOYER TOWING 0 z W z Lu CITY LI LL11 Li co Seattle devotes approximately 117,000 feet, or 28%, of shoreline to residences of all types. About 110,000 feet (25%) is used by single family residences, multi-unit dwellings occupy 7,300 feet (or 1.5%). The majority of multi-family units are on Lake Washington, in clusters at Madison Park, Leschi, and Rainier Beach. shoreline CITY-6-M-1-TS apartments NORTH 1 INCH= 1% MILES SUNSET WEST (153) THE BAYSHORE (16) FOUR SEASONS (40) PORTAGE (21) EDGEWATER LAKESHORE WEST (51) LAKE HOUSE (44) LAKESIDE (85) UNION HARBOR (66) BUCHAN (18) PARK VILLA (14) 2020 - 43rd EAST (37) LAKE COURT (26) VILLA (14) ANCHORS EAST (44) PARK SHORE (190) WASH I NGTON PARK TOWER (62) LAKEV IEW LANAI (40) CASA DE LAGO (17) REEF (28) SHORELAND (21) 414 LAKESIDE (15) CAPRI (12) LAKESIDE COURT (14) SHANGRI-LA (48) 702 LAKESIDE (16) 710 LAKESIDE (28) SURF (28) SANDS (32) HARBOR WEST (56) cy) r, 0- 0 z w z ui T-V I LLA (61) z CITY LIMITSJ L-j BAYSHORE (71) 7j ui AQUA MARINE (29) (r 0 WEST BEACH (80) LO L the controls The text and illustrations in this section deal with the different ways in which society organizes the space it occupies. This organization is reflected in the distribution and form of the artifacts which support a culture's activities and in the development of laws to regulate use of the environment. Controls of Seattle's shoreline and water include: 1. Ownership Map - showing how and to whom we allocate the shoreline resource. (included here is a map of the street ends and waterways.) 2. Water Control Map & Profile - showing controls placed on water-using activities. The ownership map describes the locations and owners of Seattle's shoreline and indicates the percentage owned by various groups or agencies. As may be seen on the map, public agencies (the Federal Government to the Port of Seattle) "own" 45% of the shoreline although much of this land is devoted to economic or government purposes and is not accessible to the public. Publicly owned shorelines which are accessible are generally parks. Small, private ownbrship (less than 1000' waterfront) controls 43.6% of Seattle's shoreline and is located along Lake Washington, south of West Point and.Alki Point on Puget Sound and along Lake Union. As the demand for shoreline increases, it becomes more and more important to understand the ownership pattern. For example, it has been estimated that approximately one percent of Seattle's total population is fortunate enough to live in a single family residence along the water's edge. However, single family residences occupy 22 miles of Seattle's total 78.4 miles of shoreline. Further clarification of land ownership in linear feet and miles is indicated in the chart below: Shoreline % of Ownership Type Footage Total small, private (less than 1000') 180,600 43.6 large, private (1000' or greater) 44,500 11.0 city 102,700 24.7 Port 43,600 10.5 Federal 30,000 7.2 State 7,300 1.8 METRO 5,100 1.2 TOTALS 413,800 or 100% approx. 78.4 miles shore ne BURLINGTON CITY LIMITS NORTHERN RAILROAD ownersAlp CARKEEK 41 RK GOLDEN ... GARDENS MATTHEWS NORTH PARK BEACH 1 INCH= 1% MILES SHILSHOLE PARK BAY MARINA GREEN METRO LAKE PLANT TREATMENT CHITTENDEN NAVALAI IAN' Pol NT R@ LOCKS STATION WEST PT. LIGHT MONTLAKE FREMONT CUT CUT WEST EAST TOTAL FRONT FOOTAGE CAMPUS CAMPUS GAS FORT PLANT LAWTO PARK SMALL PARK PR I VAT E - 43.6% LARGE COMMODORE -PRIVATE - 11.0% PARK PORT OF SALMON ARBORETUM SEATTLE - 10.5% BAY TERMINAL IN DEPT. MONTLAKE ASPHALT PL NT PLAYFIELD CITY OF PIER 90-91 MADISON SEATTLE - 24.7% (PROPOSED FOR PARK PORT OF SEATTLE TERMINAL) \NAVAL DENNY FEDERAL - 7.2% RESERVE BLAINE ER 86 CENTER PARK STATE - 1.8% 9Ft A I N) HOWELL CENTRAL PARK METRO - 1.2% ELLIOTT WATERFRONT BAY PARK PARK WROPOSED) PIER 48 MADRONAZ'* PIER 46 IPARK PIER 66 PIER 42 P E R 36 LESCHI/ TERMINAL 18 1.:, 11 P ER 37 PARK PUBLIC: PIER ALKI PIER 30 PARK METRO __@PIER 27 STATE ALKI POINT TERMINAL 5 PIER 26 LIGHTHOUSE ::-TERMINAL25 FEDERAL ALKI TERMINAL 20 TERMINAL 102 PARK PORT OF SEATTLE TERMINAL 105-... TERMINAL 106 LAKE CITY OF cl) TERMI ... WASHINGTON ....... NAL 107 EMMA SEATTLE SCHMITZ (PROPOSED) BOULEVARD VIEWPOINT TERMINAL 115 ....... RIVATE: X MARTHA CL WASHINGTON BURLINGTON < SCHOOL NORTHERN I LOWMAN >_ RAILROAD a: BEACH PRITCHARD 0 FARK ISLAND z PAR K w LINCOLN PARK ATLANTIC CITY Lu PARK-* z CITY LIMITS I Lu 0 ui -i r LU@ < w L L__j ca Street ends are the places where the City's streets open onto the water. The City government does not own the street ends, but hold them by perpetual easement. As with all city streets, they can be used by private parties upon obtaining a street use permit from the Engineering Department; and, in industrial areas, street ends fronting on water can be vacated, which is the process by which the City gives up its stewardship of the property in return for a portion of the property's fair market value. (RCW 35.79) "Waterways" are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Resources of the State of Washington. Their purpose is to ensure that the public has access to the water for commercial purposes. (Article 15, Washington State Constitution) There are over 9,000 linear feet of street end waterfront and waterways in the City of Seattle. Were such an amount of shoreline to be obtained on the open market, it would cost, conservatively, several millions of dollars. Street ends and waterways provide an excellent means of expanding public access to the shore. Any contemplated improvements should be consistent with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. street ends &waterways 1 35t h N. E. (60') - 130th N. E. (60') NORTH 1 INCH= 1Y2 MILES N'W. 60t h St. (100') 36th Ave. N.W. (66') 35th Ave. N.W. (60') 28th Ave. N.W. (66')* 26th Ave. N.W. (60') 24th Ave. N.W. (100')* 20th Ave. N.W. (100') N. E. 85th (60') N. E. 60th (40') Sunnyside Ave. N. (70') Latona Ave. N. (100') /,4th Ave 1.5 Nrtft (60') Side (220') 01 U-Bridge North Side (150') 45th Ave. W. ('60') Brooklyn Ave. N. E. (70') W. Sheridan St. (60') 15th Ave. N. E. (60') _W. W. 1 N. E. 31 st (50') 6th Ave. N. (66') N. E. 51 st (1100') 3rd W. (74') N. E. 43rd (1150') 5th Ave. N. (70') N. E. 33rd (30') E. Hamlin St. (75') N. E. 31 st (70') E. Edgar St. (75') East Lakeside Blvd. E. Roanoke St. (75') 43rd Ave. E. E. Louisa St. (100') W. W. 4 (1201 Dravu s St. (10') McGraw St. (80') Ft. of Madison Barrett (110') Crockett St. (70') E. Roanoke St. E. Lee (80') Ray (60') Galer St. (60') & Freeway (66') E. Highland Dr. (80') McGraw (80') E. Prospect (80') 32 nd Ave. (100 E. Boston (60') Edgar (75') E. Mercer (80') E. Newton (100') E. Hamlin (75') E. Harrison (801 E. Shelby St. (75') E. Olive (801 L-E. Allison St. (75') E. Union (80') -E. Martin St. (75') U. Bridge (150') Fuhrman Ave. E. & 1-5 (220') -E. Martin St. (75') -Allison St. (75') - E. Ga-l-er k (60') S. Jackson (70') - Ya I ei-A We.-N - (65') S. King (70') -Terry Ave. N. (66') S. Dearborn (70') W. Atlantic (100') S. Charles (60') W. W. (11001) S.I.-nnan (60') S. W. Georga (100') S. Judkins St. (60') Fairmount & 2 W. W. (300') S. Irvin (60') Bronson (100') ---------- S. Atlantic (60') S. Mass. (60') S. Holgate (60') S. W. Dakota (100') S. W. Idaho (100') S.W. Carroll (150') S. W. Alaska (50') S. W. Edmunds (50') c) S. W. Alaska (60') r, CD S. Willow (80') S Myrtle (80') S. Eddy St. (401 S.' Garden (601 S. Warsaw St. (40') > 2nd Ave. S. (50') S. Othello (50') S. Brighton St. (401 Ir 3rd Ave. S. (50') S. Willow St. 0 4th Ave. S. (50') S. Kenyon St. (60') S. Riverside (80') z S. Carver St. (70') W 8th Ave. S. (60') S. Perry St. (601) > Portland (60') S. Norfolk St. (70') Z S. W. Barton (100') Kenyon (60') 72nd Ave. S. (50') W 75th Ave. S. (50') Zf S. W. 98th (60') j CITY LIMITSJ L__1 W 0 Under street use permit W W _j IT F- Seola Beach Drive (601 Lj the controls BUILDING CODE & ZONING CODE STATE PUBLIC OR @@STATE OWNED LAND LEASE PRIVATE OWNERSHIP LAND 0 HIGH WATER :OUTER :INNER -HARBOR :HARBOR :LINE ILINE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMITS 200' HYDRAULICS PERMM; SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT THE PROFILE (above) indicates the jurisdiction of This map gives an indication of the existing controls* different Government agencies over the shoreline, imposed by various governing bodies over the waters showing overlapping authority and control. Private of Seattle. ownership exists to the inner harbor line, and is regulated by the State's Shoreline Management Act, The State has .designated Elliott Bay, the Duwamish by the City's Building Department and Zoning Code, River, a three-mile radius from Meadow Point around and by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Shorelines Magnolia Bluff, and all of the waters leading into and are controlled by the Shoreline Management Act and including Lake Washington as Salmon Preserve by the Corps of Engineers. (closed to commercial fishing). In addition, the City of Seattle has established a Water standards have also been established by the Construction Limit Line (Ordinance No. 92887) State to insure that quality and minimum salinity (50-150 feet outboard of the Bulkhead-Pierhead levels of "inter and intra" state water are maintained Line) on Lake Union, resulting from the 1963 Lake (waters entirely within the boundaries of Union Plan. This line is intended to clarify the Washington). The classes range from AA situation created by the absence of inner and outer (extraordinary) to C (fair) (waters shared with other harbor lines and prevents construction beyond this states). These standards establish minimum line. The area between the Bulkhead-Pierhead Line acceptable levels for total coliform organisms, and the Construction Limit Line is administered and dissolved oxygen, dissolved nitrogen, temperature, leased by the Department of Natural Resources, and ph, turbidity and deleterious material concentrations the revenue generated by these leases goes to the Port within each class. Also included are descriptions of of Seattle. characteristic uses and aesthetic values. Other controls include designated anchorage areas where ships are permitted to anchor for 30 days and navigation lanes for inter-Sound travel (33 C.F.R. 110.220) Navigation lanes have been designated to minimize collision, especially those involving oil transport. City police and fire stations which help control water-using activities are also shown. ....... .... wate controV .......... AA .............. .............. I INCH I% MILES .. ................ .... ........ .......... ........... __--4 MILE ROCK SPEED LANE (PROPOSED) :XX WATER QUALITY ZONES: ...... ............ CLASS AA ....... .... ....... CLASS A CLASS 8 LAKE CLASS SALMON PRESERVES AVIGATION LANES X ANCHORAGE AREAS LICE FIRE OAST GUARD )GETSOUND .......... (L . . ....... 0 ............. CITY LIMITS Lu w Lu ft Li plaqq, projects and on-going activities affecting the shorelines of seattle to CORPS OF ENGINEERS PORT OF SEATTLE The 'Corps of Engineers is relevant to Seattle 'The Port is a major factor on Seattle's shorelines. shorelines through several studies and projects: Besides leasing numerous termina@ls as shown on the map of SHORELINE OWNERSHIP, it is planning Duwamish Waterway. The Corps is studying how new developments in at least 3 locations: best to improve navigation on the Duwamish Waterway. Presently, it is making a detailed Kellogg Island, (on the Duwamish); study of an alternative which widens and Piers 37-481- deepens the Waterway as far as the 1st Avenue Piers 90-91. _,.,.,,.nSouth Bridge. Each of these projects involves dredging and filling to Shilshole Small Boat Harbor Multiple Use Study. create new terminals. The Corps is conducting a study of the potential for multiple use at this facility. The Port of Seattle is also sponsoring, along with the City of Seattle and King County, a study of the Ship Canal Improvements. The Corps is potential of the Duwamish Valley which will isolate undertaking a program to improve the those industries which could locate here, considering functioning of the fish ladder at the Chittenden Seattle's population characteristics, environmental Locks. They are also planning to beautify their goals, land available, and trends in world economics. holdings at the Montlake Cut and Fremont Cut. Dredging. In order to maintain the minimum DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES channel depth as authorized by Congress, the This State agency is important to Seattle's shorelines Corps is required to dredge in the Duwamish because of its ownership of all State owned Waterway (about every 3 years) and in the Lake submerged and tidal lands. It is this Department's Washington Ship Canal (at much longer intervals responsibility to lease lands between the inner and -because siltation is slower). outer harbor lines (see map of SHORELINE CONTROLS). The Department is developing a plan Salt Water Barrier. In order to prevent salt water for the allocation of these submerged and tidal lands. from contaminating the fresh water of the Ship Canal (and to meet the Department of Ecology's COAST GUARD salinity standard for that body of water), the Corps of Engineers has a siphon which flushes In addition to responsibility for safety of boats and the salt water back out into Shilshole Bay after ships on the waters, the Coast Guard is also it has come through the locks. This works on the responsible for enforcing laws dealing with waste principle that salt water is denser (and thus discharges from ships and is developing an oil spill heavier) than fresh water. The salt water is contingency plan. collected in a basin 2,000 feet by 250 feet deep just inside the locks and flows out back into RIBCO Shishole Bay. Environmental Inventory. The purpose of this The River Basin Coordinating Committee is an project is to prepare an atlas which identifies offshoot of METRO. It is trying to develop computer environmental resources and problems in the models of the Cedar and Green River basins, taking State of Washington. Through the Institute for into account hydrology, land, urban runoff, and solid Environmental Studies at the University of and liquid waste management. These models will Washington, the Corps has sought public enable decision-makers to view "alternative futures" comments on their first draft. which could result in different policies. CITY OF SEATTLE Burke-Gilman Trail. The Burlington-Northern Green Lake Dilution Program. In order to retard R.R. has abandoned its line from Kenmore to the eutrophication of the lake, the City the University Bridge and the City of Seattle is Department of Water adds water from the City now planning a pedestrian-bicycle trail for the system (about 2 million gallons per day, when right of way. capacity is availabe). Fort Lawton Park. The City has acquired a Lake Union Action Plan, Phase //. This program portion of the former Army base for park is in the process of being implemented by the purposes. Development will be restricted to Department of Community Development. shoreline preservation and improvement of Emphasis is on maintaining a "working lake" public access. and preventing incompatible development. Commodore Park. This 5.3 acre site has been West Seattle Freeway. This project is designed to acquired and will be developed to provide a relieve present vehicular congestion on the passive park, including a fishing pier. Spokane Street Corridor and construct a high bridge to eliminate draw bridges and provide the Alki Avenue Improvement. The Seattle Park opportunity to widen the Duwamish Channel Department has contracted for a Master Plan for and develop the upper Duwamish for Port of the entire length of the Alki facility from Seattle facilities. Duwamish Head to Alki Point. Seacrest Marina. The City of Seattle is currently Matthews Beach Park Expansion. The City of studying this site for its marina and recreational Seattle has acquired lots on the shoreline south potential. of the existing park at Matthews Beach and these will be developed as waterfront park. Central Waterfront Park and Aquarium. This funded project by the Seattle Department of Leschi Park Expansion. Land south of the Parks and Recreation will create an urban park existing park is being considered for acquisition between Piers 55 and 61 and will begin and may be developed as waterfront park. construction of Phase I in July, 1973. Lake Union Park, Old gas plant has been Sand Point. The Navy is surplusing Sand Point acquired by the City for a park. The park will Naval Air Station (regulations require the incorporate elements of the old gasworks. property to be disposed of through G.S.A.) and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric South Lake Union Park. The City owns a small Administration has requested 100 acres to parcel of property and hopes to expand the enable location of its regional headquarters areas and devote it to park purposes. (including moorage of up to 20 ships). The balance of the site (200 acres) is planned for North and South Shore Viewpoints. On public park and recreation use. Interstate highway land, the City of Seattle Park Department will develop areas for passive Elliott Bay Park. The City of Seattle plans to recreation and viewing of the waterfront scene. develop this recently filled segment into a linear park and waterfront trail. Woodland Park and Seattle Zoo. Though not directly related to Green Lake, the study for Sewer Separation Program. The City Engineering Woodland Park Zoo makes some suggestions for Department is in the midst of separating many the lake, including alternative uses for the Aqua of the storm and sanitary sewers in the city. Theatre. Seattle 2000. This citizen task force will develop Don Armeni Boat Ramp. The Department of long-range goals and policies for the City. The Parks plans to improve and upgrade this site. task force on environment and land use will address some of the choices faced in shoreline 1-90 Boat Ramp. Under 1-90, the Park management, and is scheduled to finish in May, Department plans to develop a boat ramp. 1973. City of Seattle Comprehensive Plan. The City Is major 1-90. A Shoreline Management Act substantial planning guidelines, which will be updated following development permit will be considered for the 1-90 establishment of goals by the Seattle 2000 Bridge following submission of an adequate Commission. environmental impact statement as required by the Shoreline Hearings Board. METRO The environmental protection agency has ordered METRO to cease dumping sludge in the waters of Puget Sound by January 1, 1973; METRO's permit to dump sludge in holding basins on the beach expires in two years. METRO must develop an alternative method of sludge disposal. OTHER STATE OF WASHINGTON AGENCIES State Fish Hatcheries. The State Department of Game maintains a fish hatchery at Seward Park. Green Lake Poisoning. In order to make the lake more desirable for fishermen, the State Department of Game poisons the trash fish in the lake about every 5 years and then restocks it with trout. This was most recently done in October, 1972. University of Washington Fish Hatchery. The University has developed an artificial run of salmon into its hatchery at the School of Fisheries on Portage Bay. The salmon run in October and November of each year. University East Campus. A joint faculty-student-staff committee has developed a program for the University's Montlake dump on Union Bay. The plan is for active recreation (boathouse, climbing rock, picnic area, beach) at the Ship Canal end of the property with passive recreation and an "ecological demonstration area" towards Laurelhurst. To discourage uses incompatible with the natural area (for example, jogging), the trails will be back about 150 feet from the shore. Access to the shore itself will be by dead-end trails. University of Washington Arboretum. The University proposes to protect the Arboretum from overuse by park goers by building a fence around a portion of it to control public access. This may transfer more use to the unrestricted part of the Arboretum, including the shoreline segment. glossary A familiarity with the following terms will be Shorelines. All of the water areas of the state invaluable in understanding the development of including reservoirs and their associated wetlands, Seattle's shoreline management program. together with the lands underlying them, except: Water Department Use. All uses that cannot exist in (a) Shorelines of state-wide significance; any other location but on the water. Water Oriented Use. A use that by locating on or near (b) Shorelines on- segments of streams upstream the waterfront will facilitate its operation. of a point where the mean flow is 20 cubic feet per second or less, and the wetlands Inner Harbor Line. The line designated by the State associated with such upstream segments; and that determines the extent of private ownership in (c) Shorelines on lakes less than 20 acres in size tide or shoreland areas (often corresponds to the U.S. and wetlands associated with such small Bulkhead Line). lakes. Outer Harbor Line. The line designated by the State Shorelines of State-wide Significance. The following that determines the extent of water area that may be shorelines of the state: leased to private interests (often corresponds to the U.S. Pierhead Line). (a) The area between the ordinary high-water Harbor Area. That area between the Inner and Outer mark and the western boundary of the state Harbor Lines that may be leased but never sold by from Cape Disappointment on the south to the State and must be used for purposes of navigation Cape Flattery on the north,- including and commerce and established by Section 1 of Article harbors, bays, estuaries, and inlets; 15 of the State Constitution. (b) Those areas of Puget Sound and adjacent U.S. Pierhead Line. The channelward limit to which saltwaters and the Strait of Juan do Fuca open pile work may be constructed. between the ordinary high-water mark and the line of extreme low tide as follows: U.S. Pierhead Line. The line that establishes the 0) Nisqually Delta - from DeWolf channelward limit to which land fills or bulkheading Bight to Tatsolo Point; may extend. 00 Birch Bay - from Point Whitehorn Extreme Low Tide. The lowest line on the land to Birch Point; reached by a receding tide. (iii) Hood Canal - from Tala Point to Foulweather Bluff; Ordinary High-water Mark. The mark on all lakes, Ov) Skagit Bay and adjacent area - from streams, and tidal waters, which will be found by Brown Point to Yokeko Point; and examining the beds and banks and ascertaining where (v) Padilla Bay - from March Point to the presence and action of waters are so common and William Point. usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as (c) Those areas of Puget Sound and the Strait of to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that Juan de Fuca and adjacent saltwaters north of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation, as to the Canadian line and lying seaward from that condition exists on the effective date of this the line of extreme low tide; chapter, or as it may naturally change thereafter: PROVIDED, That in any area where the ordinary (d) Those lakes, whether natural, artificial or a high-water mark cannot be found, the ordinary combination thereof, with a surface acreage high-water mark adjoining salt water shall be the line of 1,000 acres, or more, measured at the of mean higher high tide and the ordinary highwater ordinary high-water mark; mark adjoining fresh water shall be the line of mean high water. (e) Those natural rivers or segments thereof, as follows: Any west of the crest of the Cascade M Construction on wetlands by an owner, Range downstream of a point where lessee, or contract purchase, of a the mean annual flow is measured at single-family residence, for his own use or for 1,000 cubic feet per second, or the use of his family, which residence does more; not exceed a height of 35 feet above averag * (ii) Any east of the crest of the Cascade grade level and which meets all requirements Range downstream of a point where of the state agency or local government the annual flow is measured at 200 having jurisdiction thereof. cubic feet, per second, or more, or those portions of rivers east of the Wetlands or Wetland Areas. Those lands extending crest of the Cascade Range landward for 200 feet in all directions, as measured downstream from the first 300 on a horizontal plane from the ordinary high-water square miles of drainage area, mark and all marshes, bogs, swamps, f loodways, river whichever is longer; deltas, and flood plains associated with the streams, lakes and tidal waters which are subject to the (f) Those wetlands associated with (a) through provisions of the act. (e) above. Navigability. The State of Washington considers all Shorelines of the State. The total of all "shorelines" bodies of water meandered by government surveyors and "shorelines of state-wide significance" within the as navigable unless otherwise declared by a court. state. Navigable waters are waters navigable for general purposes of commerce and not those waters which State Master Program. The cumulative total of all are public highways merely for floating logs. (Watkins Master Programs approved or adopted by the vs. David, 24 Wash. 636). A body of water is Department of Ecology. navigable in law if it is capable of being navigated in fact and the fact that its small size renders it of little Substantial Development. Any development of which use for that purpose is not determinative. (Brace and the total cost, or fair market value, exceeds $1,000, Hergert Mill Co. vs. State, 40 Wash. 326). Tidal water or any development which materially interferes with is navigable in law if in fact it is navigable though normal public use of the water of shorelines of the only at high tide. (Dawson vs. McMillan 34 Wash. state except that the following shall not be 269). Streams or lakes are navigable in fact if their considered substantial developments: natural ordinary condition affords a channel for useful commerce. (a) Normal maintenance or repair of existing structures or developments, including Beds of Navigable Waters. Those submerged lands damage by fire, accident, or elements; lying below the line of extreme low tide in navigable tidal waters and below the line of navigability of (b) Construction of the normal protective navigable lakes, rivers, and streams. Under the laws of bulkhead common to single-family the United States, the navigable waters have always residences; been and shall forever remain common highways. The term, bedlands, used in this report is synonymous (c) Emergency construction necessary to protect with beds or navigable waters. property from damage by the elements; First Class Tidelands. The lands lying within, or in (d) Construction of a barn or similar agricultural front of, the corporate limits of any city or within structure on wetlands; one mile thereof, upon either side and between the line of ordinary high tide and the inner harbor line, (e) Construction or modification of navigational and within two miles of the corporate limits on either aids, such as channel markers and anchor side and between the line of ordinary high tide and buoys; the line of extreme low tide. Second Class Tidelands. The area outside of and more than two miles from the corporate limits of an incorporated city or town, extending from the I* ordinary high tide line to the line of extreme low before statehood, before November 11, 1889, the upland ownership will extend to whichever line is the further out, the line of ordinary high tide or the government meander line. Guidelines. Those standards adopted to implement the policy of this chapter for regulation of use of the shorelines of the state prior to adoption of master programs. Such standards shall also provide criteria to local governments and the department in developing master programs. Hearings Board. The Shorelines Hearings Board established by the Shoreline Management Act of 1971. Local Government. Any county, incorporated city, or town which contains within its boundaries any lands or waters subject to the Shoreline Act of 1971. Master Program. The comprehensive use plan for a described area, and the use regulations, together with maps, diagrams, charts or other descriptive material * and text, a statement of desired goals and standards developed in accordance with the policies enunciated in Section 2 of the Act. Development. A use, consisting of the construction of exterior alteration of structures; dredging; drilling; dumping; filling; removal of any sand, gravel or minerals; bulkheading; driving of piling; placing of obstructions; or any project of a permanent or temporary nature which interferes with the normal public use of the surface of the waters overlying lands subject to the act at any state of water level. Permit. That required by the act for substantial development on shorelines, to be issued by the local government entity having administrative jurisdiction and subject to review by the Department of Ecology and the Attorney General. Construction Limit Line. The line established on Lake Union and Portage Bay outward from the combined bulkhead-pierhead line beyond which there can be no construction. information. sources Glacial Geology of the City of Seattle, James Stark and D. R. Mullineaux, Master Is Thesis, 1950, University of Washington. bibliographies Magnolia Bluff Field Trip, 4 page, mimeo, available from Don Tubbs, Department of Geological Annotated Bibliography on the Ecology of the Lake Sciences, University of Washington. Washington Drainage, Richard S. Wydoski, Nov. Geology and Ground Water Resources of Northwest 1972, $2.00, available from Coniferous Forest King County, Water Supply Bulletin No. 20, Biome, University of Washington, AR-10, 1963, $2.00, Division of Water Resources, Seattle, 98195. Olympia. Bibliography of Literature Puget Sound Marine Geology and Mineral Resources of King County, Environmerit, Eugene Collias and Alyn Bulletin No. 63, 1971, $4.50, Department of Duxbury, Dec. 1971, available from Division of Natural Resources. Marine Resources, University of Washington, Seattle 98195. Landslides of Seattle, Don Tubbs, U.S. Geological general Survey, in process of publication. Factors Initiating Phytoplankton Blooms and Coastal Zone Management: Multiple Use with Resulting Effects on Dissolved Oxygen in Conservation, J. F. P. Brahtz, Wiley, 1972. Duwamish River Estuary, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply Paper 1873-A, 1969. Estuaries, ed. G. H. Lauft, 1967, AAA's Publication No. 83. Effects of Dredging on Water Quality and Sediment Transport in Duwamish River Estuary, Sterns, Wildlife Management Techniques, Robert Giles, Jr., Thompson and Runyan, Seattle, 1972. Wildlife Society, 1971. Physical, Chemical, and Biological Aspects of the Shore Protection, Planning and Design 3rd Edition, Duwamish River Estuary - 1963-1967, U.S. -Beach Erosion Board, Washington, D.C. 1966, Geological Supply Paper 1873-C, 1972, $.40. $3.00. Fishes of the Green-Duwamish River, Water Quality Disposal of Dredge Spoil - M. B. Boys, et al, Report No. 4, METRO, 410 West Harrison Technical Report H-72, U.S. Army Corps of Street, Seattle. Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Studies on Lake Washington Ship Canal. G. R. Seckel and M. Rattray, 1953, Technical Report No. 15, Water Pollution Aspects of Urban Runoff, Federal Department of Oceanography, University of Water Pollution Control Administration, Jan. Washington. 1969. Lake Union 1972: The Promise and the Potential, pertaining to seattle Clayton and Jean Young, 1972. Plan of Seattle, Virgil Bogue, 1911. Lake Union Preliminary Comprehensive Plan and Action Program, Joyce, Copeland and Vaughan, Woodland Park and Seattle Zoo Long Range Master 1971. Plan, G. R. Bartholick, 1971. Lake Union Study, Seattle Planning Commission, An Ecological Survey of Seahurst County Park, Allan 1963. Cohn, June, 1971. Prepared for King County Lake Union Action Plan, Seattle Department of Design Commission. Available Seattle Municipal Community Development, 1972. Reference Library. East Campus Development, Report of the Ad Hoc An Engineering and Ecological Study for the Study Committee for East Campus Rehabilitation of Green Lake, R. 0. Sylvester Development, Department of Facilities Planning and G. C. Andersen, February 1960. and Construction, University of Washington, 1972. Shoreline Utilization in the Greater Seattle Area, pertaining to puget sound /washington Management and Economics Research, Inc., Washington, D.C. 1968. Common Seashore Life of the Pacific N.W., Lynwood Smith, 1962. Harbor Island Study, Tippetts, Abbett, McCarthy, Marine Shorelines in the Puget Sound Region, Puget Stratton, Consulting Engineers, 1969. Sound Governmental Conference, Report No. 8 Environmental Impact Assessment on Sludge in Project Open Space, 1964. Dewatering Facilities at West Point Treatment Plant, METRO, March 1972. Protecting America's Estuaries: Puget Sound and the Straits of Juan de Fuca, House Committee on Draft Environmental Statement for North Government Operations, Washington, D.C. Greenwood West Storm Drains, Seattle 1972. Department of Engineering, February, 1972. Effect of Dredging on Water Quality in the Myrtle Edwards Park - A Study of the Surface and Northwest, Environmental Protection Agency, Subsurface Soil Materials, Dale Cole and Peter Region X, July 1971. Machno, December 1972. Seattle Coastal Region Oil and Hazardous Materials Duwamish River, Proposed East Channel Closure, Contingency Plan, U.S. Coast Guard, Seattle Committee on Tidal Hydraulics, U.S. Army Office, Dec. 1970. Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, May 1967. Oil on Puget Sound, June Vagners and Paul Mar, Preliminary Survey of Invertebrates and Algae Along University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1972. the Intertidal Beaches of West Point, Kenneth Chew et al, METRO, 1971. Intrastate Water Quality Standards, Dept of Ecology, Olympia, Washington. Fort Lawton Park, Dan Kiley and Partners, 1973, "Puget Sound Sulphite Mills and the Tragedy of the $2.00, available from Seattle Parks and Commons", R. W. Fonda, in Biological Recreation Department. Conservation, Vol. 4, No. 1 (October, 1971). laseattle Central Waterfront, Rockrise, Odermatt, Oceanographic Resources of Washington, Mountjoy, Amis, 1972. Oceanographic Commission of Washington, Sewer Separation Program, Draft Environmental (June 1971). Impact Statement, Seattle Department of Description and Evaluation of Coastal and Estuary Engineering, 1972. Zone Management Problems: Puget Sound, A Central Waterfront Park Environmental Impact Case Study, Dennis Lee Derickson, Dept. of Statement, Seattle Department of Parks and Urban Planning, University of Washington, Recreation, 1972. 1971. Public Brochure on Small Boat Harbor for Elliott Environmental Management for Puget Sound, Wallace Bay, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle H. Spencer, November, 1971, Sea Grant District, May 1972. Publication, Division of Marine Resources, University of Washington. "Seawall of Novel Design for Seattle Waterfront", Engineering News-Record, November 8, 1934. Salt Water System of Washington State, Eugene Collias, February 1972, WSG - TA 72-3, Public Brochure on East, West, Duwamish Waterways, available from Division of Marine Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, University of Washington. October 1972. Economics and Politics of Estuarine Management: Decade of Growth, Paul Chilcote, Port of Seattle, The Puget Sound Case, James A. Crutchfield, 1971. WSG-TA 72-25, Division of Marine Resources, University of Washington. LASH Prospects for Puget Sound. Department of Planning and Research, Port of Seattle. Landforms of Washington (The Geologic Environ- ment), Don J. Easterbrook and David A. Rahm. Determinants of City Form, Seattle Department of Western Washington State College, Bellingham, Community Development, 1971. Washington 1970. A Report to the 43rd Legislature of The State of maps, charts, and aerial photos Washington, by the Harbor Line Commission, the Attorney General, the Department of Ec- METRO Comprehensive Plan Map - 17" x 11 ology of the State of Washington, Dec. 1972 METRO, 410 West Harrison, Street, Seattle. Log Storage and Rafting in Public Waters, August, Preliminary Geologic Map of Seattle and Vicinity, 1971, from Department of Ecology, Olympia, 1-345, $1.50, U.S. Geological Survey, Final Guidelines, Shoreline Management Act of 1971, Washington, D.C. Washington State Department of Ecology, June Aerial Photographs, 1" 200' of Duwamish 1972. Waterway (1972) and Lake Washington Ship Permit Procedures, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Canal (1966), Seattle District Office, Corps of August 1972, available from Seattle District Engineers. off ice. Washington Marine Atlas, in 2 volumes, Division of Criteria Governing the Design of Bulkheads, Land Surveys and Marine Land Management, Fills, and Marinas in Puget Sound, Hood Canal, Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, and Strait of Juan de Fuca for Protection of Washington. Fish and Shellfish Resources, Washington State Tidal Currents Charts, Puget Sound - Ninth Part, Department of Fisheries, February, 1971. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, available at Port Expansion in the Puget Sound Region: most marine supply stores. 1970-2000, Stewart Borland and Martha Oliver, Seattle Harbor Pier Directory, Duwamish Waterway WSG-MP 72-1, October 1972, Division of Pier Directory Port of Seattle, Pier 66, no Marine Resources, University of Washington. charge. Shore Resource Manual, Wolf Bauer, (in process of publication). Land Use Allocation Plan for State-Owned Aquatic Land, July, 1972, Department of Natural Resources, Olympia. History and Powers of Port Districts in Washington State, Kathy Coombs, May, 1970, Department of Revenue, Research and Information Division, Olympia. periodicals Sea Grant Newsletter, Texas A & M Sea Grant Program, College Station, Texas 77843, no charge. Port of Seattle Reporter, Port of Seattle, Pier 66, Seattle Monthly, no charge. Pacific Northwest Sea, Oceanographic Commission of Washington, 312 - 1st Ave. N., Seattle, quarterly, no charge. Shore and Beach, $4/yr., American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, P.O. Box 1246, Rockville, Md. 20850. Metro Moniter, Metro, 410 W. Harrison St., Seattle, Monthly, no charge. note As this inventory is part of the City of Seattle's continuing program of shoreline management, this booklet has been produced so that it may be included in a ring binder. Future communications concerning the shoreline management program will be similarly produced for ease of storage and access. DATE DUE ,ALI GAYLORDiNo. 2333 PRINTEDWUSA Seattle's nearly 80 miles of fresh and salt water shoreline are a unique resource. To manage them to meet the spirit of the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 will not be an easy task, but one whose rewards will be worthwhile. This inventory will, I hope, provide the public with the information necessary to participate effectively in the planning process that we are now starting. Direc 6@D re i Depar ment