[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]
wwone velopment Vlan West Bayfront Area of the City of Erie [1 L11 1@ ILA mi -S, Historic Preservation Economic Development A Environmental Education A TT tizen Participation W Waterfront Industry Ci HT Bayfront Recreation 393 P42 Ze E73 Bayfront Neighborhood Action Team Organization Incorporated 1981 Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial'Center COASTAL ZONE DEVELOPMENT PLAN WEST BAYFRONT AREA OF THE CITY OF ERIY C:h: I 'o BAYFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD ACTION TEAM ORGANIZATION INCORPORATED %7- MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. MEMORIAL CENTER 312 CHESTNUT STREET ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA 16507 (814) 459-2761 Funds for the publication of this document were Vo-astal furnished in part by a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under provisions of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1971 (P.L.No.92-583) WE and the amendments of 1976, (P.L.No.94-370) through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, County of Erie, and in part by Bayfront NATO Inc. September 1981 BAYFRONT NATO MARTIN LUTHER KING CENTER Victor H. Dixon, President, Board of Directors Alexander W. Thompson, Executive Director BAYFRONT URBAN ACTION COUNCIL Emil Petak, Chairman, Resident's Committee Dr. Joseph P. Scottino, Chairman, Business Committee CITY OF ERIE Louis J. Tullio, Mayor Dennis DelPorto, Director, Office of Policy Planning & Management COUNTY OF ERIE Russell D. Robison, County Executive David Skellie, Acting Director of Planning BAYFRONT NATO PLANNING OFFICE Mary A. Becht, Director Jean A. De Stefano, Planner Darlene Ae. Beganics, Secretary ADVISORY STAFF Christopher Capotis, A.I.C.P. K.R. Krayer, Jr., Cartography Northwest Institute of Research Gray, Weber, Kern and Mac Krell, Architects and Engineers Heidt, Evans, Salata, Architects in Partnership REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY-CITY OF ERIE John Corapi, Executive Director Allie Smith, Redevelopment Authority, Bayfront Area Ernest J. Scutella, Historic Preservation Specialist Department of Community Affairs COASTAL ZONE DEVELOPMENT PLAN WEST BAYFRONT AREA OF THE CITY OF ERIE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE (S) INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------ 1 - 2 A. Background 1. Area Map and Project Description -------------------- 3 - 4 2. Bayfront NATO Martin Luther King Center Organization - 5 - 8 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION A. Bayfront Neighborhood Perceptions, Problems & Conclusions 9 - 30 B. Telephone Poll Survey Results, Analysis and Conclusions -- 31 - 33 NEIGHBORHOOD LAND USE SURVEY AND EVALUATION A. Land Use and Structural Conditions ---------------------- 34 - 36 (Peach/Liberty/Bayfront/West Sixth Streets) B Block Tabulation and Analysis --------------------------- 37 -102 Block #1 4005 100-109 --------------------------------- 37 Block #2 4005 200-236 --------------------------------- 38 Block #3 4006 100-137 --------------------------------- 39 - 40 Block #4 4006 200-257 --------------------------------- 41 - 42 Block #5 4044 100-122 --------------------------------- 43 Block #6 4008 100-134 --------------------------------- 44 - 45 Block #7 4008 200-240 --------------------------- ;------- 46 - 47 Block #8 4009 100-143 --------------------------------- 48 - 49 Block #9 4009 200-240 --------------------------------- 50 - 51 Block #10 4043 100-127 --------------------------------- 52 Block #11 4043 200-240 --------------------------------- 53 - 54 Block #12 4011 100-125 --------------------------------- 55 - 56 Block #13 4011 200-240 --------------------------------- 57 - 58 Block #14 4012 100-141 --------------------------------- 59 - 60 Block #15 4012 200-243 --------------------------------- 61 - 62 Block #16 4042 100-131 --------------------------------- 63 - 64 Block #17 4042 200-219 --------------------------------- 65 Block #18 4014 100-126 --------------------------------- 66 - 67 Block #19 4014 200-234 --------------------------------- 68 - 69 Block #20 4015 100-143 --------------------------------- 70 - 71 Block #21 4015 200-244 --------------------------------- 72 - 73 Block #22 4041 100-139 - ------------------------------- 74 - 75 Coastal Zone Development Plan West Bayfront Area of the City of Erie TABLE OF CONTE14TS PAGE(S) -2- III. NEIGHBORHOOD LAND USE SURVEY AND EVALUATION B. Block Tabulation and Analysis (continued) Block #23 4017 100-130 ---------------------------------- 76 - 77 Block #24 4017 200-245 ---------------------------------- 78 - 79 Block #25 4018 100-146 ---------------------------------- 80 - 81 Block #26 4018 200-254 ---------------------------------- 82 - 83 Block #27 4040 100-200 ---------------------------------- 84 Block #28 4020 100-142 ---------------------------------- 85 - 86 Block #29 4020 200-245 ---------------------------------- 87 - 88 Block #30 4021 100-145 ---------------------------------- 89 - 90 Block #31 4021 200-236 ---------------------------------- 91 - 92 Block #32 4040 300-400 --------------------------------- 93 Block #33 4023 100-119 --------------------------------- 94 Block #34 4023 200-226 --------------------------------- 95 - 96 Block #35 4024 100-124 --------------------------------- 97 - 98 Block #36 4024 200-227 --------------------------------- 99 - IN Block #37 4039 100-108 ---------------------------------- 101 Waterfront Properties Peach to Liberty Streets 4049, 4048, 4047 ----------------------------- 102 C. Street and Sidewalk Survey ------------------------------ 103 IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME A. Short Range Projects 1. Bayfront Mini Mall Project --------------------------- 104 - 107 (CZM Policy Area VII) 2. Perry Armada Park and Louis J. Tullio Park ----------- 108 - 110 (CZM Policy Area V) 3. Physical Improvement Projects ----------------------- 110 - 112 (CZM Policy Areas VII & X) Coastal Zone Development Plan West Bayfront Area of the City of Erie TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME (continued) B. Long Range Program ------------------------------------ 113 - 115 1. Bicycle Trail -------------- ----------------------- 116 - 119 (CZM Policy Area V) 2. Historical Preservation ----------------------------- 120 - 122 (CZM Policy Areas VI, IX & X) 3. Elderly Housing Development ------------------------ 123 - 127 (CZM Policy Areas VII, IX & X) 4. Family Housing ------------------------------------ 128 - 133 (CZM Policy Areas VII, IX & X) 5. Nursing Home -------------------------------------- 134 (CZM Policy Areas VII, IX & X) 6. Culture House ------------------------------------- 134 - 138 (CZM Policy Areas VII, IX & X) 7. Housing Renovation -------------------------------- 139 - 141 (CZM Policy Areas VII, IX & X) 8. Other Projects a. Bayfront Port Access Road --------------------- 142 - 143 (CZM Policy Areas VII, IX & X) b. Environmental Science Center ------------------ 144 (CZM Policy Areas VII, IX & X) V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION (CZM Policy Area VI) A. Historic Preservation Benefits ------------------------ 145 - 146 B. Bayfront Neighborhood Preservation --------------------- 147- 149 C. Government Programs for Historic Preservation ---------- 149- 150 D. Identification of Historical Areas in the West Bayfront 151- 152 E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area ------- 153- 167 F. Preservation Tools for Neighborhood Organizations ------ 168- 170 G. Projects and Potential Funding Sources ---------------- 170- 171 0 VI. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS WORKSHOP SUMMARY ------------------- 172- 173 MAP 2 - Inside Back Pocket I t t t I I I I SECTION I I INTRODUCTION A. Background 1 1. Area Map and Project Description t 2. Bayfront NATO Martin Luther King Center Organization I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t t moilonaoxlNi t I I I t t I t t INTRODUCTION There is no doubt that community leaders, both elected and non-electedg representing all spectrums of life, place a great deal of emphasis on flaction oriented neighborhood planning." After all, we are all involved in planning our everyday life, however simplistic planning may be in this particular form. Neighborhood planning is much more complex in that there is an innumerable array of issues that must be considered, compiled and studied in order to arrive at a viable, cost effective, and possibly acceptable plan of action which may result in some action and success. The first year funding (1979-1980) of the Coastal Zone Management Program (CZMP) for the West Bayfront Area of the City of Erie was a milestone for the Martin Luther King Center. This was the first time the Center's planning staff embarked upon examining and addressing the planning problems of the bayfront area in a comprehensive manner. In this planning undertaking the staff identified the purposes and organizational structure of the Martin Luther King Center, including its areas of operations and activities. In addition, a general review was conducted of prior planning studies, the area strengths and weaknesses, including an analysis of demographic, socio- economic and overall neighborhood characteristics. Long range strategies were proposed in the plan together with a five (5) year Action Plan dealing with: a) public access to the waterfront, b) sites of historical value, c) physical improvements, d) economic development and, e) cultural and institutional development. In this second year funding of the CZMP, the Martin Luther King Center planning staff will introduce an ambitious short and long range planning and implementation program encompassing an area bounded by Sixth Street to the south, the Bayfront to the north, Peach and Cranberry Streets to the east and west respectively. The Center conducted a partial block by block visual survey of this area to determine the physical problems in each block. Another purpose of the survey was to identify specific long and short range remedial actions needed to permanently upgrade the neighborhood and establish a program of residential and economic revitalization in the years ahead. Another significant highlight of the 1980-1981 Planning Program was a telephone poll survey of the neighborhood residents to determine first hand their "needs and desires." What follows in this report is a short and long range action program with the main thrust and emphasis being placed on programs that can be accomplished expeditiously and economically and within a reasonable amount of time. I I I I I I I I I Area Map & Project Description I I I 11 I I I I I I -3- A. Background AREA MAP AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project area is located in the City of Erie, Pennsylvania and is bounded to the east by Peach Street, Sixth Street to the south, CranDerry to the west and the bayfront to the north. It encompasses over fifty (50) City blocks and contains approximately 255 acres. It is located at the northern- most part of Erie, fronting on Presque Isle Bay adjacent to Lake Erie, prising approximately 20% of Erie's waterfront and close to 2/3 of a mile in length. It consists of essentially two (2) strips of land paralleling com the water; a low-lying portion containing docks, industrial activities, Port of Erie facilities, major utility plants and rail lines; and atop the waterfront bluff south of the bay the area consists of primarily residential use and development. The project area is a naturally beautiful section of the bayfront area of the City of Erie. It has many picturesque portions of waterfront property. It contains several city parks, medical, governmental and other convenience facilities. The bayfront has been the literal "front" of the City of Erie. The housing built in the project area as well as the rest of the bayfront formed the first settlement and center of development. The general area includes the lower portion of the central business district of the City terminating at Presque Isle Bay. Most recreational and marine related businesses are concentrated in this area, in both the east and west basin. The area in which the project is located is service-oriented and extremely active during the seasonal months of the year. Many historic landmarks are found throughout the study area indicative of such significant periods as the Battle of Lake Erie; cultural and historical landmarks include a scientific museum specializing in local history. The area is depicted on MAP 1. tAHaOft UHL --T --rr ,4 4, 11, 2, 104 r F F-A CTe@Lj 1=1 F14 1 ---1 F-11 -1 [-T-] IT I'..- [- --A I I I .-A o"". [L @J t =4 ED ILL PROJECT AREA MAP I I I I I I I I I Bayfront NATO Martin Luther King Center I Organization I I I I I i I I -1 -5- A, Background 2. Bayfront NATO Organization MARTIN LUTHER KING CENTER ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING The Bayfront Neighborhood Action Team Organization (NATO) Incorporated Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Center, is located in population Census Tract #3, adjacent to the Erie bayfront and bounded by Chestnut, Fourth, Third Streets, east, south and to the north respectively. The very nature of the location of the Center lends itself to services for residents in the Bayfront neighborhood. The Bayfront NATO Martin Luther King Center is a minority founded organization, chartered in 1966. The Center is a non-profit multi-human service agency. Current programs and activities under the auspices of the Martin Luther King Center include: Day Care, Dental Clinic, Medical Clinic, Social Services, Tutoring Programs, Recreation, Cultural Programs (Art, Music and Dance), Nutrition, Library, Senior Citizens, Marine & Environmental Science, Housing Counseling and Neighborhood Revitalization. TABLE 1, derived from the recent telephone poll survey, indicates the use of services by residents. -6- A. Background 2. Bayfront NATO Organization (continued) The Bayfront NATO Martin Luther King Center is managed and governed by a Board of Directors consisting of twelve (12) or more members elected or selected, with a complement of qualified staff. All members on the Board represent the poor in the area. As a neighborhood based community center which provides services to residents in the designated Bayfront NATO area., the Center works cooperatively with a number of organizations in all of its programmatic efforts. Some of these organizations are: the Booker T. Washington NATO Center, the John F. Kennedy NATO Center, Catholic Social Service organizations, Boy's Clubs, Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations (YMCA and YWCA), the Erie School District, Children Services of Erie County, the Greater Erie Community Action Committee (GECAC), the Arts Council of Erie, City and County of Erie, and many other social and civic community agencies. -7- TABLE USE OF SERVICES AT THE MARTIN LUTHER KING CENTER SERVICE NUMBER PERCENT RANK USING SERVICE USING SERVICE Dental Clinic 32 27.6 4 Day Care 14 12.3 7 Food and Nutrition Programs 12 10.5 9 Tutoring 3 2.7 16 Health Clinic 60 51.7 2 Recreational Programs 29 25.7 5 Counseling with Social Worker 1 0.9 18 Emergency Food 2 1.8 17 Emergency Clothing 0 0 19.5 Art 18 16.1 6 Music 9 8.0 13 Dance 10 8.9 11.5 Library 8 7.3 14 Social Events 59 50.9 3 Bayfront Bulletin Newsletter 72 62.1 1 Alcoholics Anonymous 0 0.0 19.5 Youth Group Events 10 9.1 10 Senior Citizen Group 13 11.6 8 Men's & Women's Associations 10 8.9 11.5 Housing Counseling 5 4.5 15 Bayfront Neighborhood Action Team Organization (NATO) Incorporated Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Center ORGANIZATIONAL CHART BOARD OF DIRECTORS FISCAL DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASS I I Fisca Sta-ff-] r-ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR -Secretarial Services StWfM CULTURAL DAY CARE DENTAL LIB RY MED PLANNING DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR PROGRA11 IDIRPCITCAOLRJ DIRECTOR DIRECTOR I I I ILib ary Med cal Plan ing ulture Day Care Dental r n Naff I Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff EMERGENCY LAKE ERIE SCHOOL INSTITUTE RECREATION SOCIAL AIDE ACT OF MARINE MAINTENANCEI DIRECTOR SERVICES PROGRAM SCIENCES SUPERVISOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR E.S.IA.A.1 E.I.M.S.] Maintenance Recreation Social Services Staff Staff Aides Housing Counseling Staff F I (Zt-n F f RA 0. M Ift Aw "M 'M M Im I I I I I I I SECTION II I CITIZEN PARTICIPATION I A. Bayfront Neighborhood Perceptions, Problems & Conclusions I B. Telephone Poll Survey Results, Analysis and Conclusions I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bayfront Neighborhood Perceptions I Problems and Conclusions I I I I I I I I I I II. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION -9- A. NEIGHBORHOOD PERCEPTIONS, PROBLEMS AND ISSUES MARTIN LUTHER KING CENTER - USE OF SERVICES Results of surveys undertaken by the Martin Luther King Center in connection with the 1981 Coastal Zone Management Program revealed that programs operated by the Center are used frequently by the residents in the neighborhood. Weaze 5ee Tabte,s 2-20 6oUowing thi6 text 6wL detaited zmvey Anutts. ) The Bayfront Bulletin Newsletter ranked the highest (62%) as the most used service provided by the Martin Luther King Center, with the Health Clinic as the second most utilized service. Social events organized and administered by the Center ranked third (nearly 51%). Dental Clinic, Recreational Programs, Art, Day Care, Youth group events, Senior Citizen Group, Food and Nutrition Programs, and a host of other comprehensive activities, make up the remaining list of resident use at the Martin Luther King Center. Some of those questioned suggested that the Center provide additional, or better organized, youth programs, expanded medical/dental services and more arts, dance, or music including community involvement. SERVICES Aside from the streets and sidewalks, which residents thought to be in fair or poor condition, over 41% rated police protection as fair and over 25% as poor. Recreational facilities also rated as fair or poor by over 56% as did playgrounds over 57% and off-street parking over 84%. SPECIFIC CHANGES Over 84% of the residents surveyed considered street and sidewalk improve- ment would result in the betterment of the Bayfront neighborhood while 68% thought housing for the elderly is a desired need. Improving waterfront appearance and access, and preserving historic buildings and monuments the residents thought would greatly enhance the study area. Bike paths, medical buildings and clinics, low income housing and high rise apartment buildings were other improvements sought by the neighborhood residents to improve and better the neighborhood study area. PROBL17MS ANV ISSUES Buildings in the neighborhood needing repair was perceived as the most serious problem. Other areas such as vacant structures, abandoned autos, rodent control, and house insects (roaches, etc.) were not thought to be very serious or serious enough problems in the neighborhood needing attention. When residents were asked what should be done about these problems and who should do it, a total of 38 percent (38%) of the respondents cited the need for a general. clean-up of the study area. The need for more police protection and more neighborhood involvement were also felt to be important. A large number of responses in an unclassified category expressed the need for housing redevelopment., demolition of vacant buildings and the need for housing inspections. Many of those surveyed felt dogs or cats were a problem and said that the Humane Society should pick-up stray dogs and cats. When asked "who should do it," that is, who should work on the solutions to these problems, the majority of the respondents felt that people in the neighborhood should undertake work on these problems. City government was the second choice, followed by "those responsible for the problem;" federal and state governments were the last choice. Perhaps more surprisingly, when respondents of the survey were asked if they or other members of their househo"d would be will-ing to help make needed improvements in the study area, a very large majority (Over 72%) said "Yes." CHARACTERISTICS Nearly 70 percent (70%) of those surveyed own their own homes which are forty years old or older (81%);with nearly 35 percent (35%) having lived in the same home for over twenty years. Over 37 percent (37%) of the households are made up of three or four persons, with the two person family ranking second. More than half of those surveyed are married with 22 percent (22%) making up the single persons category. Most people not associated closely with the neighborhood perceiveits' composition as being mostly black. This is far from fact, as the survey revealed that over 83 percent (83%) of the respondents are white with 26 percent (26%) retired and 22 percent (22%) having blue collar occupations; 15 percent (15%) are white collar workers. _12- CONCLUSIONS Some of the more interesting findings and results of the survey are summarized below and will be used as the basis to assemble and orchestrate both the study area short and long range programs. 1. The. attitude toward the Bayfront neighborhood is generally and in the most part positive. The major problems are superficial ones - with the most obvious one being buildings in need of repair. 2. Respondents indicated a willingness to work on cleaning up the neighborhood themselves. Apparently, they just need to be organized and provided with the materials to do the job. 3. Reactions to change or addition of services in the neighborhood was also positive for those items which would improve neighborhood appearance; improving the waterfront area, repairing streets and sidewalks. 'Bike paths and parks are considered as desirable additions. 4. Changes which might result in decreasing the quality of the neighborhood are considered negative. Examples of this include industry, bowling alleys, and office buildings. 5. Problems in individual homes are generally seen as not serious. 6. The surveys reflect a stable neighborhood of homemakers who are long-time residents of the area. Underlying these conclusions is a positive feeling about the study area and the recognition by the residents that certain problems exist and their willingness to work for their elimination. -13- TABLE 2 CONDITIONS OR AVAILABILITY OF SERVICES AND FACILITIES (Cell entries are the number/percent of respondents in each category condition) SERVICES GOOD FAIR POOR NO COMMENT Medical Services 170 (57.2) 78 (26.3) 26 ( 8.8) 23 ( 7.7) Streets 40 (13.4) 108 (36.1) 151 (50.5) 0 - - Sidewalks 50 (16.7) 109 (36.5) 140 (46.8) 0 - - Public Transportation 158 (53.6) 66 (22.4) 17 ( 5.8) 54 (18.3) Police Protection 83 (27.9) 124 (41.6) 77 (25.8) 14 ( 4.7) Recreational Facilities 59 (19.8) 95 (31.9) 75 (25.2) 69 (23.2) Playgrounds 54 (18.1) 91 (30.5) 80 (26.8) 73 (24.5) Schools 72 (24.2) 60 (20.1) 39 (13.1) 127 (42.6) Off-St reet Parking 25 ( 8.5) 95 (32.2) 154 (52.2) 21 ( 7.1) TABLE 3 R-17-ACTION TO SPECIFIC CHANGES IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD (Cell entries represent number (percent) of respondents) RESULT OF CHANGE CHANGE FOR THE FOR THE NEUTRAL DON'T BETTER WORSE KNOW High Rise Apartment Buildings 111 (37.0) 105 (35.0) 62 (20.7) 22 ( 7.3) Low Income Housing 141 (47.2) 79 (26.4) 64 (21.4) 15 ( 5.0) Street and Sidewalk Improvement 253 (84.3) 0 43 (14.3) 4 .1.3) Housing for Elderly 203 (68.1) 34 (11.4) 51 (17.1) 10 3.4) office Buildings 91 (31.2) 110 (37.7) 72 (24.7) 19 5.5) Medical Buildings and Clinics 158 (52.7) 40 (13.3) 88 (29.3) 14 4.7) Industry 40 (13.4) 190 (63.8) 49 (16.4) 19 6.4) Grocery Stores 202 (67.6) 30 (10.0) 63 (21.1) 4 1.3) Clothing or Department Stores 130 (43.8) 104 (35.0) 53 (17.8) 10 3.4) Drug Stores 97 (65.7) 32 (10.7) 69 (23.0) 2 D.7) Improving Waterfront Appearance and Access 250 (83.3) 3 ( 1.0) 25 ( 8.3) 22 7.3) Preserving Historic Buildings and Monuments 238 (79.6) 16 ( 5.4) 37 (12.4) 8 (2.7) Bike Paths 217 (72.6) 32 (10.7) 40 (13.4) 10 (3.3) Parks 201 (67.0) 24 ( 8.0) 68 (22.7) 7 (2.3) Bowling 79 (26.4) 141 (47.2) 58 (19.4) 21 (7.0) Swimming Pool 159 (53.4) 72 (24.2) 47 (15.8) 20 (. 6.7) -15- TABLE 4 PERCEPTION OF THE NEED FOR MINI MALL SERVICES PERCENT SAYING SERVICE SERVICE WAS NEEDED YES NO DON'T KNOW Food Store 77.9 17.4 4.7 Beauty Shop/Barber Shop 55.2 23.9 20.9 Restaurant 56.6 24.9 18.5 Laundromat/Dry Cleaners 66.8 22.1 11.1 -16- TABLE 5 PERCEPTION OF PROBLEMS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Cell entries represent number (percent) of respondents DEGREE OF PROBLEM PROBLEM AREA VERY SERIOUS NOT VERY NOT A TOTAL SERIOUS I SERIOUS PROBLEM HERE PERCENT General Crime 14 ( 4.7) 80 (26.7) 139 (46.3) 67 (22.3) 100 Juvenile Crime 17 ( 5.7) 74 (24.7) 137 (45-8) 71 (23.7) 100 Vandalism 23 ( 7.7) 65 (21.7) 143 (47.7) 69 (23.0) 100 Buildings Need Repair 59 (19.7) 118 (39.5) 94 (31.4) 28 ( 9.4) 100 Vacant Buildings 14 4.7) 48 (16.0) 125 (41-7) 113 (37.7) 100 Trash 29 9.7) 72 (24.0) 101 (33-7) 98 (32.7) 100 Abandoned Autos 1 0.3) 5 ( 1.7) 42 (14.7) 249 (83.8) 100 Rats and Other Rodents 11 3.7) 39 (13.0) 100 (33.4) 149 (49.8) loci Insects (Roaches, etc.) 6 2.0) 30 (10.0) 79 (26.4) 184 (61.5) loci Dogs 26 8.8) 90 (30.5) 106 (35.9) 73 (24.7) loci Other 17 5.7) 24 ( 8.0) 9 (11.5) -- 100 Total Numbers 217 7.1) 645 (21.2) 1075 (35.4) 1101 (36.2) -17- TABLE 6 PROBLEMS IN RESPONDENT IS HOME Cell entries give the number and (percent) of responses SEVERITY OF PROBLEM PROBLEM MAJOR MINOR NO PROBLEM Plumbing Problems 12 (4.0) 53 (17.7) 235 (78.3) Electrical Problems 9 (3.0) 57 (12.4) 252 (84.6) Window Problems 10 (3.4) 55 (18.5) 233 (78.2) Inside Painting or Plastering 14 (4.7) 57 (19.1) 228 (76.3) Outside Painting or 14 (4.7) 66 (22.1) 219 (73.2) Siding Repairs Structural 13 ( 4-4) 37 (12.6) 243 (82.9) Sewers 9 ( 3.0) 40 (13.4) 250 (83.6) Heating 17 (5.7) 21 ( 7.0) 262 (87.3) Basement Flooding 9 (3.0) 47 (15.7) 244 (81.3) Gutters and Downspouts 10 (3-3) 35 (11.7) 254 (84.9) Roof 15 (5.0) 50 (16.7) 234 (78-3) TOTAL NUMBERS 132 518 2654 3304 TABLE 7 TYPE OF HOUSING IN WHICH RESPONDENT LIVES TYPE OF DWELLING NUMBER PERCENT Privately Owned Home 204 68.2 Rented House 52 17.4 Public Housing 2 0.7 Small Apartment Building 32 10.7 Large Apartment Building 9 3.0 TOTAL 299 100.0 -19- TABLE 8 ESTIMATED CURRENT VALUE OF RESPONDENT'S HOME ESTIMATED NUMBER PERCENT HOME VALUE $ 6,000 or under 3 1.3 $ 7,000 to $10,000 10 4.5 $11,000 to $15,000 15 6.7 $16,000 to $20,000 25 11.2 $21,000 to $30,000 42 18.8 Over $30,000 56 25.1 Don't Know 72 32.4 TOTAL 223 100.0 -20-- TABLE 9 ESTIMATED AGE OF RESIDENTS AGE NUnBER PERCENT 0 to 5 years 3 1.0 6 to 20 years 3 1.0 21 to 30 years 13 4.3 31 to 40 years 12 4.0 Over 40 years 241 80.6 Don't Know 27 9.0 TOTAL 299 100.0 -21- TABLE 10 LENGTH OF TIME IN CURRENT HOME TIME NUMBER PERCENT Under 6 months 14 4.8 6 months to 1 year 15 5.0 1 year to 4 years 60 20.1 5 years to 10 years 51 17.1 11 years to 20 years 54 18.1 Over 20 years 104 34.9 TOTAL 298 100.0 2 2- TABLE USE OF CITY BUS SYSTEM FREQUENCY NUMBER PERCENT Never 173 57.9 Once of Twice a Year @16 5.4 Once or Twice a Month 38 12.7 Once or Twice a Week 26 8.7 More Than Twice a Week 46 15.4 TOTAL 299 100.0 -23- TABLE 13 RESPONDENT MARITAL STATUS MARITAL STATUS NUMBER PERCENT Single 66 22.0 Single Parent 9 3.0 Married 150 50.0 Separated 12 4.0 Divorced 19 6.3 Widowed 44 14.7 TOTAL 300 100.0 -24-- TABLE 14 RACIAL HERITAGE OF RESPONDENT RACIAL HERITAGE NUMBER PERCENT White 245 83.1 Black 44 14.9 American Indian 1 0.3 Spanish/Mexican 2 0.7 Oriental 1 0.3 TOTAL 293 99.3 -25- TABLE 15 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND NUMBER PERCENT Grade School Only 21 7.0 Some High School 52 17.4 High School Craduate 135 45.2 Some College 49 16.4 College Graduate 21 7.0 Graduate Work 8 2.7 Technical/Trade School 13 4.3 TOTAL 299 100.0 TABLE 16 OCCUPATION OF RESPONDENT OCCUPATION NUM13ER PERCENT Professional 8 2.7 White Collar 45 15.4 Blue Collar 65 22.3 Homemaker 47 16.1 Student 19 6.5 Retired 75 25.7 Unemployed 33 11.3 TOTAL 292 100.0 -27- TABLE 17 PERCEPTION OF NEIGHBORHOOD PROBLEMS AS A FUNCTION OF RACIAL HERITAGE (Cell Entries Represent Percent of Respondents Who Rated Each Problem as "Serious" or "Very Serious" PROBLEM WHITE BLACK OTHER General Crime 30.2 40.9 16.7 Juvenile Crime 29.5 36.3 33.3 Vandalism 29.7 39.6 16.7 Buildings Need Repair 56.2 77.9 66.7 Vacant Buildings 18.6 34.1 16.7 Trash 32.7 36.4 33.3 Abandoned Autos 1.6 4.7 0 Rats and Other Rodents 13.9 34.9 16.7 Insects (Roaches, etc.) 10.6 35.3 16.7 Dogs 39.7 38.1 33.3 Total Number 242 42 6 in Each Category TABLE 18 PERCEPTION OF NEIGHBORHOOD PROBLEMS AS A FUNCTION OF RESPONDENT EDUCATION LEVEL (Cell Entries are Percent of Respondents Who Rated Each Problem as "Serious" or "Very Serious") EDUCATION LEVEL OF RESPONDENT PROBLEM Partial High Tech./ Grade High School Trade Some Colle School School Graduate School College Gradua General Crime 19.0 34.6 29.6 15.4 36.7 42.9 Juvenile Crime 33.3 30.8 27.4 15.4 36.8 45.0 Vandalism 28.6 23.1 31.8 30.8 26.5 38.1 Buildings Need Repair 85.7 50.0 56.3 53.9 60.4 76.2 Vacant Buildings 42.8 19.3 21.5 15.9 12.3 19.1 Trash 23.8 32.7 35.5 30.8 28.5 42.8 Abandoned Autos 15.0 2.0 0.7 0 2.1 0 Rats and Other Rodents 30.0 32.3 16.3 15.4 14.2 14.3 Insects (Roaches, etc.) 10.0 9.6 11.9 23.1 12.2 14.3 Dogs 36.9 38.8 43.2 30.8 40.8 38.1 IoEal Nwitber uf r Respondents in Each CategorV "wo, "I we so on ta. an TABLE 19 ATTITUDE TOWARD NEIGHBORHOOD CHANGE AS A FUNCTION OF RESPONDENT OCCUPATION (Cell Entries are Percent of Respondents) NEIGHBORHOOD PROFESSIONAL WHITE COLLAR BLUE COLLAR HOMEMAKER RETIRED UNEMPLOTE-D CHANGE + _T - o - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + 0 High Rise 50.0 25.0 25.0 33.3 31.1 24.4 39.5 36.9 20.0 25.5 44.7 23.4 49.3 25.3 @18.7 27.3 42.4 15.2 Apartments Low Income Housing 85.7 0 12.5 48.9 26.7 20.0 43.1 29.2 23.1 34.0 38.3 23.4 50.0 20.3 21.6 51.5 18.2 27.3 Street/Sidewalk Improvement 100 0 0 86.7 0 13.3 93.8 0 6.2 83.0 0 12.8 73.3 0 24.0 87.9 0 12.1 Housing for 12.5 37.5 50.0 71.1 8.9 17.8 82.8 7.8 17.8 82.8 7.8 9.4 56.5 8.7 30.4 70.7 10.7 13.3 Elderly Office Buildings 37.5 37.5 25.0 27.9 32.6 30.2 30.8 35.4 30.8 26.1 43.5 26.1 30.0 35.7 25.7 33.3 39.4 15.2 Medical Bldgs./ 62.5 25.0 12.5 48.9 13.3 35.6 46.2 16.9 33.8 48.9 21.3 23.4 50.7 8.0 32.0 66.7 9.1 24.2 Clinics Industry 0 75.0 25.0 13.3 66.7 17.8 21.5 55.4 21.5 6.4 85.1 6.4 10.8 57.6 15.2 15.2 57.6 15.2 Grocery Stores 62.5 25.0 12.5 55.6 15.6 28.9 69.2 9.2 21.5 68.1 10.6 19.1 70.3 4.1 21.6 72.7 15.2 12.1 Clothing/Dept. 0 87.5 0 38.6 43.2 18.2 51.6 35.9 10.9 40.4 36.2 21.3 40.5 32.4 23.0 51.5 24.2 18.2 Stores Drug Stores 75.0 12.5 12.5 57.8 13.3 28.9 64.6 15.4 20.0 48.9 14.9 34.0 73.3 8.0 18.7 78.8 3.0 15.2 Improving Water- 100 0 0 86.7 0 4.4 84.6 0 12.3 83.0 2.1 6.4 76.0 2.7 8.0 84.8 0 9.1 front Appearance Preserving 85.7 0 14.3 68.9 6.7 24.4 92.3 0 4.6 83.0 8.5 0 70.7 10.7 16.0 78.8 3.0 18.2 Historic Bldgs. Bike Paths 100 0 0 71.1 11.1 17.8 83.1 3.1 10.8 83.0 6.4 8.5 55.4 20.3 17.6 63.6 15.2 15.2 Parks 87.5 12.5 0 71.1 4.4 24.4 69.2 3.1 27.7 68.1 4.3 23.4 56.0 16.0 25.3 63.6 9.1 21.2 Bowling 12.5 75.0 12.5 26.7 44.4 24.4 27.7 47.7 200 27.7 51.1 17.0 22.7 48.0 18.7 39.4 30.3 18.2 Swimming Pool 37.5 50.0 12.5 55.6 22.2 13.3 56.9 13.8 26.2 46.8 36.2 10.6 39.2 35.1 14.9 69.7 9.1 15.2 Number in Each occupational 8 45 65 47 74 33 Category + = Change for the Better Change for the Worse 0 = Neutral -30- TABLE 20 ATTITUDE TOWARD NEIGHBORHOOD CHANGE AS A FUNCTION OF RACE OF RESPONDENT (Cell Entries Represent Percent of Respondents) F -POTENTIAL RACIAL BACKGROUND CHANGE WHITE BLACK OTHER Better Worse Neutral Better Worse Neutral Better WorselNeutral High Rise F- Apartments 37.6 34.7 21.6 40.9 29.5 13.6 0 66.7 33.3 Low Income 45.1 28.7 20.9 68.2 11.4 15.9 16.7 33.3 50.0 Housing Street/Sidewalk. 83.7 0 14.7 88.6 0 11.4 83.3 0 16.7 Improvements Housing for 68.3 10.7 17.3 75.0 11.4 11.4 33.3 16.7 50.0 Elderly Office 30.4 38.3 24.2 43.9 29.3 22.0 0 66.7 33.3 Buildings Medical Bldgs./ 51.4 15.9 29.0 63.6 0 29.5 33.3 16.7 33.3 Clinics Industry 13.5 64.9 15.1 16.7 57.1 19.0 0 66.7 33.3 Grocery Stores 66.4 10.7 21.3 81.8 4.5 13.6 33.3 16.7 50.0 Clothing/Dept. 42.1 37.6 16.9 61.4 18.2 16.0 16.7 50.0 16.7 Stores Drug Stores 62.4 12.7 24.1 86.4 2.3 11.4 33.3 0 66.7 Improving Water- front Appearance 82.0 1.2 9.4 90.9 0 2.3 66.7 0 16.7 and Access Preserving Historic Bldgs. 79.1 6.1 13.1 81.8 2.3 6.8 66.7 0 33.3 and Monuments Bike Paths 72.2 12.2 12.7 72.7 4.5 15.9 83.3 0 16.7 Parks 65.7 9.8 22.4 77.3 0 18.2 83.3 0 16.7 Bowling 27.9 44.7 21.3 25.0 54.5 9.1 0 50.0 33.3 Swimming Pool 51.4 27* 2 15.2 65.9 11.4 13.6 66.7 0 33.3 I I I I I I I I Telephone Poll Survey Results, I Analysis and Conclusions I I 11 I I I I I I I -31- TELEPHONE POLL SURVEY RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS The most important planning and implementing resource in any undertaking isthe neighborhood residents." Every past survey and examination undertaken for the bayfront, particularly the project area, has confirmed and indicated that the area is in the advanced stages of deterioration. Population has steadily decreased and it is projected that by the mid 1980's additional serious losses of neighborhood residents may occur. Further demographic characteristics indicate that: - median family income in the study area is one-third less than that for the City of Erie as a whole; - unemployed heads-of-household comprise nearly double of that of the City; - female heads-of-household comprise nearly double of all households compared to the City; - there is steady decline in owner-occupied housing in this study area; - fifty percent of the housing stock is either deteriorating,, deteriorated or dilapidated; - vacancy rate in the neighborhood is twice that of the City of Erie; - there is a high turn-over in occupied units; - the high incidence of crime evidenced by the fact that the area ranks second in Part I Offenses in the City of Erie. In the telephone poll and survey of the bayfront neighborhood, a total of three hundred (300) individuals from Census Tract 3 were interviewed. A total of twenty-four (24) questions were asked of each person interviewed. From these twenty-four (24) questions, a total of ninety-eight (98) responses were obtained from each interviewee. The major results were summarized as follows: 1. A total of 39 percent of the sample said that they had visited the Martin Luther King Center. For those who visited the Center, the most used services were the Bayfront Bulletin Newsletter (62 percent) and the Health Clinic (51.7 percent). Nearly 51 percent have visited the Center for various social events such as receptions and parties. -32-- 2. When asked if additional services should be provided at the Martin Luther King Center, 15.5 percent said yes. Services most frequently mentioned include organized youth activities. 3. Given a list of 16 potential changes or additions to the neighborhood, those most often thought to be a change for the better include Street and Sidewalk improvements and Improving the Waterfront Appearance and Access. Historic preservation was also given a very high rating. Two changes considered to be for the worst include the addition of Industry (64 percent against) and Bowling Alleys (47.2 percent against@. 4. The availability of medical services was rated "Good" by 57.2 percent of the sample. Public Transportation availability was also ranked "Good" by 53.6 percent. The two worst were Off.-Street Parking availability and Street Conditions. 5. Reaction to all four services to be included in the mini-mall were very positive. These include a Food Store, Restaurant, Laundromat and Beauty/Barber Shop. 6. Respondents rated the neighborhood in general to be average or better (70.1) percent, The major problem in the neighborhood is buildings needing repair. 7. Crime and vandalism were generally not considered to be serious problems in the neighborhood. 8. A general cleanup was the most often mentioned solution to the problem. When asked who should do it (i.e., clean up), the majority said that people in the neighborhood should solve the problems. 9. Over 72 percent of those surveyed indicated that they would be willing to help in the cleanup. 10. There appeared to be few major problems within the individual homes. Of those mentioned, outside painting or siding repairs were most frequently mentioned. 11. The majority of the sample lived in privately owned homes, the great majority of which are at least 40 years old. Nearly 35 percent of the sample have lived in the same house for more than 20 years. The above results present some interesting findings. The attitude toward the Bayfront Neighborhood area is generally positive. The rE!spondents indicated a strong willingness to fix up the neighborhood themselves. The problems seem to be perceived primarily as superficial - painting, cleanup and other outside repairs. -33- Desirable additions or changes are also related to appearance waterfront, streets, and sidewalks. Undesirable changes are those which may create more noise, traffic, or "visual pollution." There was a high degree of interest expressed in preserving historic structures. To the extent the perceptions expressed here are accurate reflections of the neighborhood, major improvements could come from within. All that is apparently needed is organization of the effort and a supply of raw materials. SECTION III NEIGHBORHOOD LAND USE SURVEY AND EVALUATION A. Land Use and Structural Conditions (Peach/Liberty/Bayfront/West Sixth Streets) B. Block Tabulation and Analysis C. Street and Sidewalk Survey I I I I I I I I I Land Use & Structural Conditions I I I 'I I I I I I I -34- LAND USE AND STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS The thrust of the Coastal Zone Management Program as it relates to the Bayfront neighborhood is directed primarily at Public Access for recreation, preservation of historical sites and structures, Port activities, inter- governmental coordination and public involvement. Few of these objectives, if any, can be met however without the establishment of a viable, structurally sound Bayfront neighborhood. It is the very existence, revitalization and successful continuance of the neighborhood that is at the very base of developing, meeting, and successfully maintaining all of the Coastal Zone Management objectives. Accordingly, while a great deal of emphasis and effort has been placed throughout this report to take into cognizance the basic CZM objectives that should be addressed through neighborhood development, a thorough analysis and evaluation has also been made of the area thus resulting in a two-pronged approach: a) achieving CZM objectives and b) evaluate the Bayfront neighborhood so as to stabilize and upgrade its character. Lake Erie and Presque Isle Bay have been primarily responsible for the diverse development pattern existing along the Bayfront neighborhood. Other than the commercial and recreational boating activities west of State Street along the Bayfront shore, the remaining waterfront is primarily devoted to industrial development of sand and gravel operations. A major plant of the City of Erie water works is also located in the study area at the foot of Chestnut Street. The remaining waterfront above the bayshore is largely an escarpment which does not readily lend itself to utilization for large and significant development activities. An area currently under development is the Commodore Perry Yacht Club at the foot of Cherry Street. All access to the waterfront facilities is through a road below the escarpment. -.35-- A thorough block by block survey of the area, as depicted on Map 2, was undertaken to determine the basic physical shortcomings of the bayfront neighborhood. The survey was also the result of the telephone poll taken earlier in the summer. In that poll survey over 50 percent of the residents questioned as to their perception of current conditions in the neighborhood rated it as "average or okay." Nearly 20 percent thought that the neighborhood was either "good" or "very good" and almost 30 percent categorized the area as either "poor"' or "very poor." There can be no question that the attitude revealed by the neighborhood residents in the telephone poll survey matched ver. 'Y closely with what was learned through the visual block by block survey. While 44 percent of the existing structures in the neighborhood were rated as good, 34 percent earned only a fair rating; a rather substantial number of structures in the surveyed area, or 11 percent were classified as poor and 3 percent were found to be in critical condition. A reasonable conclusion can thus be drawn from this factual statistical information that neighborhood repairs and upgrading is needed and should immediately be initiated in order to stem and reverse the tide of neighborhood decline and deterioration prior to it reaching an irreversible costly point. The bulk of the structures in the area or nearly 50 percent are single family dwellings with the second highest occupancy category being in two families (28%). Twelve (12) percent of the land in the surveyed area is vacant; somewhat indicative of the fact that citizens are reluctant to invest in a neighborhood that is plagued by some decline and deterioration. The block survey also revealed that the neighborhood enjoys a high occupancy rate in spite of some of the existing undesirable conditions and neEA for improvements; ninety-five (95) percent of the structures in the area are presently occupied. This high rate of occupancy may be due to several attitudinal and attractive factors. Some of these would be the proximity of the neighborhood to Presque Isle Bay and Lake Erie, coupled with the availability of a multitude of recreational activities associated with the waterfront and thEt proximity of the central business district, office and institutional facilities. The neighborhood also has or is very close to a number of small and large City Parks and play areas for the young and old alike. -36- Probably equally as important to the high occupancy rate would be the very existence of the Martin Luther King Center with its numerous multi-human services made available to the neighborhood and in very close proximity to their homes. There can be no doubt that the very presence of the Center closely working with agencies of the City of Erie as well as the private sector and its multitude of action oriented programs have brought about some much needed stability in the neighborhood and stemmed the tide of rapid decline and deterioration. A block tabulation and evaluation of the area with the survey results detailing land usage and structural conditions follow this section of the report. I I I I I I I I I Block Tabulation & Analysis I I I I I I I I I WEST FIFTH STREET -37- 157 107 Erie Gannon County 4005 University Court 103 102 House 101 LL < < Cn LIJ 109 Erie 100 Red Club Cross 162 150 122 WEST SIXTH STREET !_LOOK ___@Oq5-kOl@-1051_ ADDRESS INDEX NO. (TW-NFR- OWNER --ADDRES-S- CITY STATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED -OCCUP-ANCY -81.5i@- K-Dr, ---TkN-f)- VALUE r -ica . lonat 150 West 6th St. Erie. PA 16501, X $ 157,510.00 0 M EX rp 150 Went 6th St. 4005-103 Red CrosSN"t Erie County Court House 122 West 6rh St. 4005-102 Erie County Jail 122 W-t 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $1.652.290.00 o M EX PB Peac -!Tt--. T6-5O1---i--$--07- 502 Peach St. 4005-101 Gannon Uniye ralty _@02 _ h '@- Erie, PA 6,53-0 -524 Peach St. 1,005-100 Erie Club -224 Pach.-9-t-.Erie, PA 16501 X $ 717,530.00 0 M EX C-1 @62 Seat. '6rth. S't' 400-109 Land Title 162 West 6tb St. le, PA 16501 X $ 35.060.-0U-- -0-- R- YX -C-T--- Er 5 4005-107 H & R laveatm@-nt Co. P.O. Box 29 Erie, PA t6512 V V Worklngman Sav!ngk1Lwjn__ 501 Sassafras St. 4005-106 Erfe County 501 Sassafras St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 7.970.00 0 M EX C-2 Bar Association ! @L 157 West 5th St. -- -i- ---@ -6.870.-06- 157 West 5th St. - 4005-105 Madeline Mcney Erie, PA 16507 13LOCK - 4005-@ OCE10 CODES & TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS 8 BLD0, OCCUPANCI BUILD111; MATERIAL LAND USE V V0cant - 0 A - Aluminum - 0 Residential Comercial VB - Public Build-Ings - 2 0 Occupied - 8 S - Shingles - 0 R1 - Single Family I Cl : Retal.1 I SP - Semi Public Buildinp - 0 W : Wood - 0 R2 - Multi Family - 0 C2 0ffft 2 P - Parks Recreation @ Q M Masonry or Brick 8 R3 - Ap.rt..-,t- - 0 BUILDING ONDIT10N (5 + on Its) JBSILTUUQN " - Undeveloped Land 0 R4 - CrouP Quarters -0 INS = I V - Vacant EX : E.,cdell-t - 7 Mixed Use G G . - 0 F .Fair - 0 As denoted 0 P -Poor - 0 C -Critical - 0 F91q @E@rie Count@ BLOCK #1 This block, bounded by Peach and Sassafras, West Sixth and Fifth Streets, is in sound condition. It is made up of eight parcels and has seven excellent structures. The block contains some commercial, public and residential structures and can be classified as mixed use. WEST FOURTH STREET -38- 163 159 155 151 149 147 145 143 107 101 F1 218 217 216 215 214 University Apartments 205 219 1 Z07 212 2B U_ 204 < '@; 222 4005 < U) U-1 Cn a_ < W 226 227 228 229 230 231 202 224 -1 Finegon Hall 236 200 160 156 152 1481146 144 1381136 134 80 102 BLOCK 4005-200-236 WEST FIFTH STREET ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY HIM. BLDG. LAND VALUE HAT. COND. USE [email protected] 4th St. 4005-219 Michael and 1341 Liberty St. Erie. PA 16502 V V Philip McCormick -159 West 4th St. 4005-218 Lloyd Cochran 5013 Sun ydalS Blv@ Erie, PA 16509 X $ 3,760.00 0 S F R-1 155 West 4th St. 4005-217 Us nnon University 109 West Sixth St. Erie, PA 6501 X $ 1,150.00 Vacant Lot V 151 Wesj_At_@ St. 4005-216 Gannon University 109 West Sixth St. Erie, PA 61131 X , 1,2 00 Vacant Lot V 147 West 40, St* 4001-114 Gannon UnIv,rqIty 109 West Sixth St. Erie, PA T6501 X $ 1,530.00 Vacant Lot _V__ 145 West 4th St. 4005-213 Gannon University -3 Universlty_@p2rtments 109 West Sixth St Erie, PA 16501 X $240,870.00 0 M EX R 143 West tb_St. 4005-212 Gannon University _109 West Sixth St. Erie, PA 16501 X $ 1.870.00 V V -117 West 4th St. 4005-207 Irland Beckman 3200 Lenox Rd.Ave. Atlanta, CA 30324 X $12,430.00 0 M P R =2 -101 West 4th St. 4005-205 Orthopaedic Assoc.Erie 406 Peach Street Erie, PA 1650T _X $i6_7-980.00 0 N EX C-2 _@18 Peach St. 4005-204 Gannon University 109 West Sixth St. Erie, PA 16501 X @14,680.00 0 M EX INS 420 Peach St. 4005-203 Shalkham P.O. Box 147 Erie, PA ._16511_ 8.900-00 0 H C R-2 _A24 Peach St. 4005-202 Waiter Marquardt 3858 State Street Erie, PA 16508 X - @10.950.00 0 M C R-2 102 West 5th St. 4005-200 Alfred Watson 130 East 4th Street Erie, PA 16507 X $L3,930.00 0 M F _iNS 110 West 5th St. 4005-236 Gannon Univ.r.ity t09 Wst-Sixth St. - Erie, PA 16501 X $10,720.00 0 M C R-2 134 West 5th St. 4005-231 'F,n"'n.UnI ty ne ve'= 109 West Sixth St. Erie, PA 16501 X $1,294.320.00 0 M EX R-3 I@ il.ry 138 West 5th St. -230 -3 136 West 5th St. 4005 Gannon University 109 West Sixth St. Erie. PA 16501 X $16,230.00 0 M G R 144 West 5th St. 4005-229 !jantion University 109 West Sixth Si--. Erie, PA 16501 X @ 5,850.00 Vacant Lot V 146 West 5th St. 4005-228 William Higgins 146 West Fifth St. Erl@, PA 16507 X $44,010.00 0 H EX C-2 -148 West 5th St. 151 West th St. 4005-227 A.J. Jasinski 152 Wc.t Fifth St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 8.8io.00 V A G R-1 156 West 5th St. 4005-226 Res.Harborcreek Homes 205 West Ninth St Erie, PA 16501 X S 9,570.00 0 W F R-3 160 West 5th St. 4005-224 Gannon University 109 West Sixth St. Erie, PA 16501 X @18,600.00 0 M G R-2 421 Sassafras St. 4005-223 Peter Delio 419 Sassafras St. Marine Bank P.O. Box 8480 Erie, PA 16505 X $11,940.00 0 S G R-2 415 Sassafras St. 4005-222 Donald Gunter 205 Short Street Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5,400.00 0 M C R-2 ..4005-221 Elizabeth Sanderson 413 Sassafras St. Erie, PA -F65-02 X $ 4,870.00 0 M_ BLOCK - W4005-2_0072M CODES & TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... 24 BLDG* _0CCUPAHGY BUILDING MATERIAL -LAND USE V - Vacant - I A - Aluminum Siding I Reslddentlal Commercial PH - Public EuLldin a . 0 0 - Occupied - 17 S - Shingle 2 _&, W - Wr.d - RI Single Family - 3 Cl - Retail - 0 SP - Se@I-PublLc H - Masonry or Brl@k 14 R2 MultI.Family - 7 C2 - Office- 2 _Buildings - 0 R3 Apart -ts - 4 tUILDING CONDITION (5 @ [jult.) Institutional P - -Parks & Recreation - 0 iX Excellent - 5 R4 Gr..p Quarters - 0 INS - 2 U - R,@dev,!IpLd and - 0 C Good 9 Mixed Use F Fair 3 V - Vacant - 6 P Poo r I As denoted - 0 C Cri tic" ' 0 BLOCK #2 This block contains twenty-four parcels and is bounded by Peach ED 420, F`1 and Sassafras Streets, West Fifth and Fourth Streets. It has eighteen structures with one parcel being vacant. Fourteen of the structures are in good or excellent condition while four have been classified as fair or poor. It is primarily in multi- family use, with two commercial structures and three single family residences. WEST THIRD STREET -39- /,55//53 151 147 145@V45 13-9 137 133 127 125 121 115 113 109 118 104 105 -7] 106 F 103 119 137 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 -- - 102 12 U- 101 121 40 '6 EL= Uj U) CL 122 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 100 129 128 124 126 127 0 j a -E fl, 1641162 1561454 1521150 148 1401136 130 1321130 18 116 112 104 WEST FOURTH STREE1 @LGCK _4-00t 00-137 ADDRESS INDEX NO. ----6WR-FR----6WNER -ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLDG. BLD - I'AND 153 we VALDE HAT. COND' USE c. t. 3@d. S,.__ 41,116-137 A.I,. C,b.tal 500 Masonic Bldg. Erie. PA 16501 X $ 6.180.00 0 A G R-3 151 Hest 3rd St. 4006-116 Cannon University 109 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X 1 1,370.00 Vacant Lot V 147 West 3rd St. 4006-115 Clarence S.11.t - - - - -- Lomas 6 Nettleton P.O. Box 1328 Houston. Tx 77DOI X 1 5,900.00 0 W P R-2 145 West 3rd St. 45 West 3rd St. 4006-114 Nary Callahan 415 Chestnut St. Erie. PA 16507 X $ 6,500.00 0 W C R-2 139 West 3rd St. 4006-113 Raymond Rovalasky 1617 Cole Drive 00 0 A G -R--1 137 West 3rd St. 4006-112 Erie, PA 165 0 X $ 5,870. -111 Raymond Rovalasky 1617 0 X 1 5,880.00 0- W P R-1 _L31 West 3td St. 4006 RlchajA_jjan 2916 Colonia Avenue Erie, PA 16506 X M C R-1 -127 West 3rd St. 4006-110 Russell Groves 121 We., 3rd St. Erie, PA [email protected] 0 125 West 3rd St Raymond R'J'a'a8k" 16507 X 1 6,700.00 0 W G R-1 4006-109 Mutual Ivin". ".an 121 West 26tb St, Erie. PA 16508 X 1 5.020.00 0 W P R-2 121 West 3rd St. 4006-108 Russell Groves 121 West 3rd St-1- Erie. -PA 16507 X $ 5,150.00 0 W G R-1 115 West 3rd St- 4006-107 Bay .. dIR .. ,:sky Mutual vI., , Loan 121 West Z6th St. Erie, PA. 16508 X $ 7,440.oO 0 W P R-2 113 West 3rd St. 4006-106 Kenneth Berg P.O. Box 1328 Houston. Tx 77001 X 1 7.770.00 0 W F R-2 - Lomas & Nettleton Mary McKinney -- 109 West 3rd St. 4006-105 Hu tual SavinRs 121 West 26tb St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 7.870.00 - 0 W F R-3 _101 Peach It. 4006-104 Fred Wagner 920 Peach St, Erie, PA 16501 X 1 7,940.00 V W F R-2 Marquette Savings &Loan 306 Peach St. 4006-103 Dennis Aerron 920 Peach St. Erie. PA 16501 X 6.800.00 0 Marquette Savings fiLoan A G R-2 312 Peach St. 4006-102 .-.,e K or "' g@ P.O. Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 X 7,980.00 In n IIIIII. fiLoan 0 A G R-2 316 Peac h St, 4006-101 Gerald Kessler 316 Peach St. Erie, PA 16507 X 6,650.00 0 1 G R-1 t 4th 104 Wes 4 St. 4006-100 Raymontj Balch (Chambers) P.O. Box 8480 Erie, PA 16505 X $21,910.00 0 M C C-1 112 West 4th St. 4006-136 Theodore Vesber - Col.nla 1 Rote S-fthp-t,PA 16749 X 1 5,130.00 0 1 G R-2 116 West 4th St. 4006-135 Joseph Maka 116 West 4th St.- Erie, PA 16507 X 1108 West 4tb St. 4006-134 Mark Henry $12.780.00 0 W P _R-2 12 West 4th St. - Union Bank P.O. Box 300 Erie, PA 16512 X 1 7,220.00 0 1 F R-3 122 West 4th St. 124 West 4th St.. 4006-133 Ronald Gerano 122 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $11,290.00 0 W F R-3 -L26 -W-st4th St. 4006-132 D.R. La..arln 3353 West Ridge Rd. Erie, PA 16506 X $17,170.00 0 M C R-3 130 West 4th St. 132 West 4th St. 4006-131 Lynnette Doyle 109 Sassafras St. Erie, PA 16507 U.I.pr.ved $ 1,730.00 Vacant Iot V J34 West 4th @t. 4006-130 Lynne t re. Day I a 109 Sassafras St. _Erlej PA -T6 -5OT-- X $ 5.920.00 V M C C-1 140 West 4th St. Ll 16 West 4th Sc.--.-. 4006-129 Marril Bauman 140 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $25,760.00 0 1 F C-1 P12 _i482@91_ 4th St. __@006- 1-28 John C arne 148 West 4LWT@._ -Erie-- -A 16507 X _T_fi,89V66_ 152 We :, 4th St 6006-127 Ellen McCormtrk 919 Washington Place Erl.2. PA t6502 X $ 1,050.()0 IF ... It Lot V 150 We. 4th St. 154 We. .:- 4th St' 156 We 4th St. 4006-126 Ellen McCormick 918 Washington pl.- Frie. PA 16502 X $ 1,010.00 It .... t Lot V 162 W":: 4th St. 4006-124 Fd.ard,MI:C.r.lck 164 Wes@ 4th St. Ant Ier a Restaurant 162 64 West 4th St. Frl,,, PA 16507 X $17,650.00 41 W C 319 Sassafras St. 4006-122 Ellen McCormick P.O. Box 1328 Htn..It-, T, 77001 X $ 1.600.00 1.,1 ... I Lot V Lomas & Nettleton 13 S as9afras St. 4006-121 Ellen McCormick _@_F8_Wa_alA_n&t n lace rt ; PA 1@502 X $ 6.6 0.00 1) W C R-I 311 S.an.f- St. 4006-120 flo-d Freeman P.O. Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 X $ 6. 710. OFF 1) W P R-2 WorkilIsTans llldj@. 309_@aia,iafnla St. 4006-119 A.ge R_Arj1j!n@_____j74I Mllfa@r Ao!@d_ Erle. PA___j6505 X _.$ 6,240.00 1) W-_ F____ R-3 305 Sas 92t W-t 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 91890.00 W P R-3 .::"fra 4006-118 Cannon University 0 105 a r:aSt'. af St BLOCK - 4006-100-117 CODES & TOTALS TOTAL NJMBER OF PARCELS 35 BtDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V - Va,,anL - 2 A - Aluminum SldlnR 4 Residential Commercial P8 - Public jt!jldings@ 0 - Occupied - 28 S - Shingles - 4 RI - Single Family 8 CI - Retail - 4 SP - Se.1 Public Bulldln&s 0 W - Wood - 17 M - Masonry - 5 R2 - Multi Family - 11 C2 - Offi" - 0 P - Park. & Recreatior 0 R3 - Apartments - 7 RUIlD NG CONDITION (5 + unit.) Industrial U - 2adMeloped Land - 11 EX - Excellent 0 R4 - Gtoup Quarters - 0 1 - Industrial 0 V - V-a.t - 5 G- Good - 15 Mixed Use F- Fair - 6 A. denoted - 0 P- Poor - 7 C- Critical 0 BLOCK #3 There are thirty-five parcels with twenty-eight being occupie@. and two vacant in this block bounded by Peach and Sassafras Street, West Fourth and Third Streets. This block shows signs of severe decline as nearly fifty percent of the structures are in fair to poor condition. This area is occupied mostly by two or more family dwellings which indicate conversions from singlE! family use and probably accounts "or the high degree of poor structure maintenance. 157 153 1491147 145 WFST SFrnND STRFFT 12711,25 219 1171115 fl/ -41- C) E= 221 [_FJ 218 217 216 211 210 209 208 207 9 222 --- 212 204 LL L.E[R. < 223 06 203 U) Institute U, LU < - GO CL U) 1 202 C\j 224 228 234 235 201 22 236 237 R, EL - 225 200 158 /56 134 124 12011IR 114 Ho WEST THIRD STREET BLOCK 4006-200-237 INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE D -BiT)F-TA-N5 ADDRESS ZIP T ASSBS-E OCCUPANCY BLDG. VALUE RAT. USE 157 West 2nd St. 4006-219 Dale Arlin to. 1200-Franksiovn Road F @1@5235 X $4,590.0-0 ----6- -w----P- R-1 153 West 2nd St. 4006-218 Robert Fuller 153 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 x $6,360.00 0 W F R-1 147 West 2nd St. 4006-217 Anthony --- 49 We 8t nd Iat Fed.ZOS'a'a P.O. Box 130 Erie, PA 16502 x $7,380.00 0 S F R-2 2 - St. -- -- vinR-&Lna. 145 West 2nd St. 4006-216 Elizabeth Braccini 145 West 2nd St. X __I 7.04q_.OO Erie. PA 16507- 0 0 W G 4006-212 Extended Care Center 137 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $515,000.00 0 M EX C-1 P--l-T-V@- 12 YL-7,7 20. 00 036::211 Fn-M-3111 .0. Box 78 Erie PA 195_ 0 M G C-1 125 We:t 2odd St. 1 27 We t2n St. 4006-210 Donald Hill P.O. Box 784 Erie, PA 165 2 X $6.320.00 0 M C C-1 119 West 2nd St. 4006-209 Marg@ @rGra@am 115We:t 2nd St. -208 119 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16 07 X 6.30O.GO v W C R-2 I, We t2nd St. 4006 John Callahan 415 Chestnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $7,430.00 0 S C R-2 Ill West 2nd St, 41106-101 Gary ShapIra P,O. Box 991 Erie, PA 16512 Is" W"!er 7. 700. 00 0 W F R-2 202 Peach St. 4006-206 A -2 204 Peach St. Muto-1 S ving. & Loan 121 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16508 X $ 3,870.00 0 S G R Alan - -r 210 Peach St. 4006-205 Mut..W1'S!vIng9 & Loan 121 West 26th Street Erie. PA 16508 X $6,400.00 0 S G R-2 214 Peach St. 4006-204 Robert Gensheimr P.O. Box 8480 Erie, PA 16512 X $5,700.00 0 M F R-2 Marine Bank 216 Peach St. 4006-203 Robert Cenksheimer P.O. Box 800 Erie, PA 16512 X $4,540.00 0 W F R-I Marine Ban 218 Peach St. 4006-202 StephenaMuchal P.O. Box 6150 Erie, PA 16512 X $11,210.00 0 S G R-2 First N tiona Bank 222 Peach St. 4006-201 Stephen Mucha P.O. Box 6150 Erie, PA 16512 X $8,070.00 0 M G R-1 Firat MetI onal Bank 232 Peach St. 4006-200 Lenora Miniger 3304 Oakwood Erie, PA 16508 X $5.860.00 Vacant Lot v 230 Peach St. 110 West 3rd St. 4006-237 Lydia Piskaldo 341 East 20Ch St. Erie, PA 16503 X *7,600.00 0 W P __R-2 H "ry 114 West 3rd St. 4006-236 t F.Nr@l!vn --2 1: '. I.g.ll.oan P'O* Box 1319 Erie. PA 16512 X $7,520.00 0 S C R 118 West 3rd St. 20 West 3rd St. 4006-235 Elizabeth Sherbine 118 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $8.710.00 0 S G R-2 124 West 3rd St. 4006-234 Barbra Keller 124 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 7,880.00 0 M G R-1 156 West 3rd St. 4006-228 D.F. Kelleher 156 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 x $6,540.00 0 S F R-2 158 West 3rd St. 4006-227 Yvonne Gersimar 158 W@at 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 --i-----@-4,400.00 0 A G R-1 231 Sassafras St. 4006-226 Frank Kunsteman P.O. Box 1328 Houston,Tx 77001 X $ 5.280.00 0 W P R-1 Lomas & Nettleton 227 Sassafras St. 4006-225 "lvin RenurIck P.O. Box 1328 Houston.Tx 77001 X $4,710.00 0 A G R-1 Lomas "ettleton 219 Sassafras St. 4006-224 Extended Care Center 137 West 2nd Street Erie. PA 16507 X $2,180.00 Vacant [.or v +PS!a-'- rias-Pt: 40.1-223 Extende@_Car Center 137 West 2nd Street Erie, PA 16507- x --- LI-560@00 Vacant Lot v 211 _Tass a _Fr.9t v AlAhopl a- A i4s_- 2g.7 SLF,safra. U2 Patr!@cin Heat, 20 .00 1!@- --! e, 0___ .5-2 A@ __R@ - - A__V@__AL - - 201 S-..f7r.. St. phittys Eden 920 reach St. Erie, Ph 16501 X 7,120.00 F R-2 203 Sassafras St. 4006-270 BLOCK - 4006-200-237 CODES 9 TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS... 30 BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL JAND SE - @S_ V - Vac-t A - Alualnum Siding 2 Residential. CovInterclal 0 - Occupied 25 S - Shingles - 9 FR - Fbl ix,@ W - Wood - 8 111 - Single FAnilly 9 Cl Retail 3 0 H - Masonry or Brick 7 RZ - Multl F..Ily - 14 C2 office. - 0 Sp - S..J.-public Builditat 0 R3 - Ap.rt.en ). 0 Industrial (5 4- nl:: BUILDING CONDITION R4 - Group Quarters - 0 1 - Industrial -0 P - rsr@s & 11,nreat_1on - 0 EX - Excellent @Ixed Use If - Unde@@t?_Eeqjqnd - 0 C - Good - 12 F - Fair -8 An denoted - 0 V - Vacant P - Poor - 3 C - Critical - 2 BLOCK #4 This block is bounded by Peach and Sassafras, West Third and Second Streets. It contains thi' _rty parcels with twenty-five being occupied and two vacant. Nearly fifty percent of this block is in fair to poor condition with the majority of the se. The area also contains dwellings being in two family u, three commercial structures. 107 -43- 108 "Rolv" 109 4044 i 17 U) 110 120 LL_ 105 U) Bayview cm 114 115 Professional IQ4 103 101 112 Building 119 122 10 0 116 LU 106 (L 154 1521150 140 118 1161114 0 /Oa/06 1OV02 WEST .0,ECOND STREET B!PGK 4044-100-122 ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 f____WS-SFSSFD ___6CCUTXNC.Y 102 Peach St. 4044-101 Joseph Schelaske 102 VALUE MAT. COND. USE 104 P sch St. Peach St. Erie, PA 16507 X $13,570.00 S _R Er 106-pee ach St. 4044-100 F.11 P.t.k 104-06 Peach St. is, PA 16507 X $ 5,620.00 0 S F R 112 Peach St. 4944-121 J.cktKrI Fira Bank P.O. Box 6156 Erie, PA 16512 X $11.290.00 0 M r R-2 02 We:t 2nd St. Robert 4044-122 M M'.c'%:vln&86Wan 920 Peach St. 104 We t2nd St. arquette S Erie, PA 16501 X $ 9,490.00 0 M G R-2 106 West 2.d St. 1-ld Gebh rd, - 4044-119 1 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $10,620.00 0 Marquptte S' via 106 West 2nd St.. ... Emil Peraka &s&Loan M F R-2 110 West 2.d St. 4044-103 Mutual Savings&Loan 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 6,920.00 0 M G R_3 114 We at 2nd St. 116West 2nd St. 4044-104 H-min Gelsecke 114-16 W.,,t 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 x $ 6,570.00 0 S F R-2 118 West 2nd St. 4044-116 John Crowley R.D. #1 170 West 2nd S Cranevville 16410 X $IM6 0 W F R-I t. 4044-105 Joseph St. John Foot of Sasoafr --- _ 0. (IQ_ 122 We:t 2nd St. ___ as S_t-_Erie, PA 16507 X $ 8,860.00 0 W F 124 We t2nd St. 4044-106 National Fuel Gas 10 Lafayette St. Buffalo, NY 14203 X $ 4,210.00 0 M C C-1 140 West 2nd St. 4044-120 Bayview Prof. Bldg. 140 West 2nd St.- Erie, PA 16507 x $268,780.00 0 150 Went 2nd St. M EX C-2 152 West 2nd St 4044-115 Pauline rannutl 150-52 West 2.d St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 91160.00 0 A C R-3 154 West 2nd St: 4044-114 Ruth _@ameron 201 Calf Drive Pfttsb-gh,PA 15229 X 6,960.00 0 129 S:s:afr:: St' 4044-113 Ca -0 .1, Weiner W P R-2 131 S a afr St_ _ - Mutual Savinits&Loan 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $13,530.Oo 0 S/M C R-3 125 Sassafras St. 4044-112 Mark Henry __L0_4_LaI@Lwin B=ld&@_ Erie, PA __16501 X $ 6,280.00 0 S F R-2 4044-111 Bayview Prof, Bldg. 14U West 2nd St. Erie, PA 6507 UnI!jp_EveLLI,930.0O Parking Lots 4044-110 Bayview Prof. Bldg. 140 West 2nd St. Erie, PA - 16507 Unim roved $ 1,830.00 Vacant 1.ots V Illks Sassafras q 4044-109 Garth Spragje -Fesi-irs St- @t, ill Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5,290.00 Lynette Doyle 0 W C R-1 109 Sassafras St. 4044-108 First Fed.Savings&Loan P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X $ 6,ooo.no 0 A G R-1 4044-107 Lynette Doyle P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 Unimproved S 1,300.00 Vncqnt Lot Flrst_fe4,,@@n - - V 117 West Front St. 4044-106 Petr.lem Products _Rational Fue" s 10 L fAyr_Ue_ftuffajo_Nhi@jX-$'4-, U.UU U A BLOCK - kQ-44-100- j2-Z TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS 21 CODES 9 TOTALS BLDG. OccurANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V Vacuants; 0 A - Aluminum SFd-InR 3 Residen lal Commercial PO - Public Buildings 0 c - Shingles 0 0 c pi 18 5 RI ingle Family I CI - Retail -1 W- Wood - 4 R2 - Multi Family - 8 C2 - Off Ice. - I SP - L@!d Publt, B@IldlaB@ 0 M- Masonry or Brick 6 R3 - ApArtm,ents - 3 P -Packs & Recreation - 0 (5 + Units) Industrial BUILDING CONDITION R4 - Gr ctp Quarters - 0 1 - Industrial -2 U -Undeveloped Land 0 EX Excellent C Good - 9 !!Iel_ UsS V -Va_Sa_nt - 3 F Fair - 7 A. dcnot-i - 0 P Poor - I C C,Itl,.,l - n BLOCK #5 This block is bounded by Peach and Sassafras, West Second and West Front Streets. It encompasses twenty-one parcels with one hundred percent occupancy. Approximately fifty percent of the 107 structures are in good or excellent condition with the remaining being rated as fair. Most of the block is in multi-family use brought about through conversions of single family dwellings. These conversions of single dwellings have the tendency to decline more rapidly than single structures because occupants are somewhat reluctant to assume the lead for needed improvements. WEST FIFTH STREET -44- 255 253 24924Z@*245 241 239 235/233 23112?9227 2252231'21 219 217 211 209 122 106 LO 123 105E:] 00 124 104= 2 1? 112 111 110 107 103 U) _5 121 120119 118 117 116 115 114 113 LO < LO Of U- 102 < LU 71 V) EE 4008 U) 127 V> 128 130 131 132 133 134 100 129 Harborview Aportments 258 254 246 238 234 230 214 WEST SIXTH STREET BLOCK 4008-100-134 ADDRESS INDEX No. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS -----EITY @STATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLDG. BLDG. LAND VALUE RAT. COND. USE 4008-121 L.uls Colossi I -YO-th St. Erie, PA 16502 x M --i55 West 5th St. W-14 [email protected] 0 F R-1 253 West 5th St. 4008-120 Walter Larson 253 West 5th St. Erie, TA- 16507 X 0 W F R-I 249 West 5th St. 4008-119 Charles Bendig L-a & Nettleton P.O. Box 1328 Houston. Tx 77001 x 0 A C R-2 247 W W::, 5th St. 40o8_118 Penyor P.O. B.. 1329 H ... tan. T. 77001 x 0 A F R-2 241 St. Lomas 6 Nettleton 241 West 5th St. 4008-117 William Charles Sacco 241 West th St.. Erie, PA 1650 x 0 A P 9-2 231 West 5th St. 4008-116 Thomas O'Yle 121 West 26th St. Erie. PA 16508 x 0 W F R-3 Mutual Savin,. & L... 2j3--West5th St. Lo uIs Straltwell 233 West 5th St. 4008-115 Fl. r. t Fed.Savtu.&Los. P-0- Do. 1319 Erie, PA 1650 x 0 W F R-3 231 West 5th St. 229 W.st 5th St. 4008-114 C rl Eric Brozell 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 x 0 M G R-2 M:rquette Savings &Loan 227 West 5th St. 4008-113 Geo rge (;teener 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508' x 0 M G R-2 ..tual Savings & Loan 225 West 5th St. 4008-112 Duan.. llud.k Mar quette Savings &Loan 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 x 0 M G R-2 223 West 5th St. 4008-111 Bruce Abbott 221 West 5th St. Y. M..A. loth & Peach Sts. Erie, PA 16501 x 0 M G R-2 219 West 5th St. 4008-110 Kathryn McBride 110 W..t 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 x 0 M G --i--l 217 West 5th St*4008-109 Robert Raines 11327 Carey Avenue Northeast, PA 16428 x 0 M G R-2 211 West 5th St. 4008-108 Carl Br- 211 West ith-St. 1,rie, FA 16507 X 0 W G R-1 209 West 5tR it. 4008-107 Willi.. �J1 714 Colorado Dr. Erie, ?A 1650 UpjTp_r_oveq_$ LW-0.@O- vacant Lot V 502 Sassafras St. 4008-106 Louis Colossi 3833 Trask Ave. Erie, PA 16508 x 0 M F R-2 504 Sassafras St. 506 Sassafras St. 4008-105 Louis C.1u.91 Security Bank 701 State Street Erie. PA 16501 x $ 9,940.00 0 M G R-2 508 Sassafras St. 4008-104 William Ftlipkowskt 714 Colorado Dr. Erie, PA 16505 x 0 H G R-2 510 Sassafras St. 4008-103 William FIIipko.skj 714 Colorado Dr. Erie, PA 16505 Unimproved $ 1,920.00 Vacant L.t V 516 Sassafra: St' 4008-102 Willie. Filipkowski 714 Colorado Dr. Erie, PA 16505 x $11.090.00 0 M C R-2 514 Saas fra St. Man 'factors Life Ins.Co. 214 West 6th St. 4008-100 c/o Fred L. Alke a 530 Grant St. Pltt.burgh,PA 15219 X $1.164.310.00 0 M EX R-3 Assoc. C.r@ -230 West 6Lh St. 4008-134 George D' terretanla Road Fairview, PA 16515 x $36,630.00 V W C 1 234 West 6th St. 4008-133 Law Offices 234 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16507. X $51,670.00 0 M EX C-2 Princeton Apartments 238 West 6th St. 4008-132 Eugene Carmosino 920 Peach St. Erie. PA 16501 x $45,630.00 0 M C R-3 Marquette Savings & Loan 246 West 6th St. 4008-131 Delta Chi of T.K.E. 246 West 26tb St. Erie, PA 16508 X $26.590.00 0 M F I Housing Liga Ligis Peritti Inc. 4008-130 Law Office 254 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16507 x $61,530.00 0 M C C-2 -4 5 -3-2-9?Iy,t Is St. M C R-- I M Weiq 6th St. 4008-129 John Karle P.O. Box 4097 Erie, PA 16512 X $115,590.00 0 -W--- V _@19_!!yrtle S@, OS!87:128 lielt" Larl 9 St. e. EL T06-7 -T .570.00 517 My-tle St- 4008-12 a 517 Myrtle SL. E e A 16 X 390.00 M f R-1 0. 515 Myrtle St. 4008-126 J-pb Hien P.O. Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 X $14.530.00 0 M F, R-3 HStrUngmans dg. &Loan 513 H 8 1-8i(-):- yrtle St. 4008-125 Rachel Anrickson 513 Myrtle St. Er:L-. PA 6@07 20-- 008-124 vid Latkpfi OA lyn Av@. Erie, P@ 165 5 507 Myrtle St. X .450.00 0 W F R- 1, 4008-123 Louis Colossi i _R. _ _ ki2l - -- 505 Myrtle Sj- 925 Fr.-h St. Erie, PA 16501-- X -----O---W R------- 503 Myrtle St. 4008-122 Paul Wt.ik-.ki 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X 0 W C C-t 501 Myrtle St. Mutual Savings & Lo@n __-_ ---- I BLOCK CODES 9 TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS 34 BLDG@ OCCUPANCY BUIIDING MAT RIAL LAND USE V - Vacant - I A - Aluminum Siding 2 Residential Commercial PB - Public Buildings - 1) 0 - Occupied 31 S - Shingles - 0 RI - Single Family 9 Cl Retail - I Sp - Semi Public Buildln@js 0 W - Wood - 11 C2 Offlee - 2 P -Pa M - Masonry or Brick 19 R2 - Multi Family - 12 __@rks & RecreatIOTI - 0 R3 - Apartments - 3 (5 + units) industrial U -Undeveloped Land -3 BIJIIDINC CONDITION R4 - Group Qua rters - 0 1 - industrial 2 V -Vacant - 2 EX - Excellent 2 Mixed Use C - Good 13 F - Fair 14 As denoted - 0 F - Poor 2 C - Critical I BLOCK #6 With the exception of one vacancy, this block, bounded by Sassafras and Myrtle Streets, West Sixth and Fifth Streets, is occupied and contains thirty-four parcels. Approximately fifty percent of the structures are fair with the remaining dwellings being in sound condition. Again, as it is apparent in the immediate area of this part of the neighborhood, the majority of the dwellings are in two and three family use representing conversions from single family dwellings. WEST FOURTH STREET -46 257 255 249 247 241 2391,237 235 233112312271'225 221 219 2171213 2IV209 207 2031201 LFLJ 205 L Ly 204 Z 220 11, 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 < 202 U- 201 4000 V) < U) > Q? 222 H3 D 240 223 239 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 El @f LO 26 227 - 238 200 F@,E] 1:11-1 El =225 -1 t 252 250 24al46 244,1242 238 236 23VW2281"26 224IP22 2204218 214 21ZI2102C6,W6 204 WEST FIFTH STREET BLOCK 4008-200-240 _j5-DRESS INDEX NO, OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITYISTATE ZIP 0 T ASS ED OCCUPANCY BLDG. BLDG 'LAND VALUE HAT. COND. USE 17 Orchard Street _Charles Han]12____. Erie. PT 16@08 X *10,930.00 0 S F R-3 -@55 West 4-t-h--Si'-.--i@0-08-217 Michael Ritter 97 7 W Erie, PA 1650 -F - R-a@@-- -- - 9 X 7,130.00 0 W --i- - Erie 2@0 -west St. 4008-216 Frank G 4scona 2A9 West 4th St. PA _. 16507 X 7,@5OL90 0 F R- 47 Went 4 CK St. _ _�___ _ 1 4008-215 Robert Willard Liberty at Second Warren, PA 16365 X 6.860.00 0 A F R-3 North.eat Savi'2As 241 West 4th St. 4008-214 R mt An h. 155 West Bth St. Erie, PA 16501 Upi-p-ed $ 1.570.00 V 239 W :t 4th St. Rev- Tooy Rattliff - vacant L.t t 4008-213 UtU Erie, PA 16508 X $ 7,380.00 0 A 237 W: 4th St. 235 West 4th St. 4008-212 1Moward Rendrickson utual SavLngs & Loan W West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $11.38o.00 0 A F R-2 -T33 West 4th t. Mr. Scalise S 4008-2tj 946 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $20,980.00 0 F R-3 231 West 4th St. Fed.Nat'l.Mort-Assoc. 221 W:st 4th St. 4008-210 Gary P.pu-i 225W .t4th St.- - Worktna5@m @sBld.&Loan P.O. Box 29 Erie. PA 16501 X $16,830.01) 0 W C R-2 221 West 4th St. 4 Iyde @bemau _ -221 West 4th St. Erie. PA 16507 X $"8.300.6-0- M -2 9 West 4th St. 4008-208 Mutual S-ajjn&s & G R _Zj Loan 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 1@508 X $13,640.00 0 S G 2117 West 4 t Ihi St' 4008-207 L-tenc. V-d 215 West 40, St. Erie. PA 16507 X $13,260.00 0 S C R-1 3 West 4t -St. 211 W:.t 4th St. R 09 W at 4th St. 4008-206 =rt States 121 West 261h St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 7,370.00 0 A G R-2 tu-i I Loan 207 West 4th St. 4008-205 R 155 West Sth - ved $ 840.00 Vacant Lot 203 West 4th St. V 01 West 4th St. 4008-204 A"11,"y FIrat Federal 242 East Mat. Carnegie, PA 15106 X $50,940.00 0 M P R-3 412 S@tnfrsa St. 4008-202 St. Erie. PA 1�12@ U@,I.,--d @ 1.040.00 Vacant Lot V 416-S ... Eras St. 4008-201 John Kozlowski 1140 Sonth Ave. Erie, PA @6 5., in impro@ed $ 040.00 Vacant Lot 418 Sassafras St. 4008-240 Gannon University 109 West 6th St. Erie, PA 1 01 X @V -1 __L8,41L.00 0 M C L 422 Sassafras St. 4008-239 Cannot% University 109 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X iA,940.00 o M G R-1 204 We -E. -th St. Erie, _T001 X @ 8,160.00 0 M C R-2 at 5th St. 4008-200 anon University -109 War 6 PA 20B W:st 5th St. 06 West 5th St.. 4008-238 Gannon University 109 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $ 9,630.00 0 M C R-2 212 W:st 5th St. 10 W.st 5tb.St. 4008-237 Gannon University 109 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $ 8,830.00 0 M C R-2 214 We at 5th St. 4008-236 Gannon Universi y ------- L09 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $11,130.00 0 M G R-2 218 West 5th St. 220 West 5th St. 4008-235 Gannon University 109 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $14.580.00 0 M G R-2 222 West Sth St. 4008-234 Gannon University 109 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $15,310.00 0 M C R-2 224 We t5th St. 22:W W:st 5th St. 22 at 5th St. 4008-233 Gannon University 109 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $14,890.00 0 M F R-3 230 West 5th St. Paul IddIngo 232 West 5th St. 4008-232 Marquette Sevin". 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $14.650.00 0 M F R-2 @4 2 _47- _T3 -Fie Tien 3 6W@ h St 41108- 1 B 512 X $ 9 @9 70. 00 0 M F R-2 First Federal Bank B.x 6156 Erie,. PA 16 2 5th. St 4008-230 Albert Deiner ___-412 Lowry J- X $ 7,960.00 0 W F R-1 242 Went 5th St. 4008-229 Halite Bailey 3317 Wallace St. Erie, PA 16504 X $ 9.210.00 0 W P R-2 244 West -5th St.- __ 1 246 West 5th St * 4008-228 David Garder 246 West 5th St. Erie. PA 16507 X $ 9.520.00 0 W P R-2 248 West 5th-St. 250 West 5th St. 4008-227 William Gabs" 121 West 26th St. Erie., PA 16500 X $ 7,340.00 0 S F R 2 Mutual Savings&Loan 252 West 3th -st. T50-8--U6, John Stuffick 252 Went 5th F St. ie,, PA 16507 X $ 9,440.00 0 S 1, 1 431 Myrtle St. 4008-225 Bic hard Page P.O. Box 1328 Houst.njx 77001 X $14,950.00 0 W F R-1 - & Nettleton Co. __@2 5-Myrt le-S-t.- 4008-224 Eleanor Trabolt 3620 Beech Ave. Erie, PA '16508 X $12.OBO.00 0 W P R-2 .427 Myrtle St. Mutual Savtngs&Lon!l St. Erie. PA 16508 X $ 9,950.00 0 W F R-I __fl9 Myltle St. 4)08-222 Billie Milewski lt@!y @tle St. -Ecie, -PA 1-6507 X $ 9,830.00 0 S 421 Myrtle St. 4008-223 M ry Carl- t2l West 26th 413 Myrt.e St. _____@_008-221 Wesley Judson 413 Myr le Ste Erie, PA 16507 X 820.00 0 S F -I 411 Myrtle St. 4008-220 William McGill 535 Fifth A- ... e Pittsb-gh,11A 15219 X $ 7,060.00 0 W G R-1 Housing Mgt. Corp. 401 Myrtle St. 4008-219 Harry Harpst 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $12,070.00 0 S F R-2 Mutual Savings&Loan BLOCK 4008-200-240 CODES 9 TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS 40 Aj2G.QiXXPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V - Vacant - 0 A - Alumt-un Siding 4 Resld-.@Ttlal Comarcial PB - Public Buildings - 0 0 - Occupied - 36 S - Shingle - 9 RI - Single Family - 12 Cl - Retail - 0 SP - Semi-public Buildin 1) W - Wood - 9 R2 - Multi Family - 18 C2 - Office - 0 - _&!t H - Masonry or Brick 14 R3 - Apartments - 6 Indu3trial P - Parks-& Recreation - 0 BUIL .DING CONDITION (5+units) I - Industrial 0 U - Undevel ed Land - 0 R4 - Group Quarters - 0 - ER EX - Excellent 0 M1.eJ Use V - Vacant - 4 G - Good - t4 As F._n_.ted - 0 F - Fair - 17 P - Poor - 4 C -Critical I BLOCK #7 This block, bounded by Sassafras and Myrtle Streets, West Fifth and Fourth Streets, is entirely built-up and contains forty parcels, thirty-six of which Eire occupied and four being vacant:. Over sixty percent of the block is in fair condition with five structures in poor condition and one classified as being critical. Nearly fifty percent of the dwellings are in two family use with six units having three or more familiE!S; with the remaining thirty percent of the structures classified as single family dwellings. The block is entirely in residential use. WEST THIRD STREET -48- 257 255 251 245 241 2391,1237 235 231 22? 223 217 1?15 213 207 121 1076 10b F-1 120 123 111 110 109 104 U) < 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 rr 124 119 !t U- 103 < Lli U) _j @9 125 4069 V) < El 126 133 135 136 138 139 140 141 142 127 131 132 128 30 @0 129 nN 100 264 260 258 252 250 248 244@21244 238 234,W@12@2 230028 224 12221220 1 216 2121210 WEST FOURTH STREET BLOCK 4009-100-143 ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 1 ASSESSED OCCUPANCY RLD BLDG. LAND USE VALUE -MAT. COND. 257 West 3rd St. 4009-120 Frank Crockett 257 West 3rd Street Erie, PA 16507 X 8,010.00 0 5 F R-1 211 West 3rd St, 4009-119 units Do,,8,t 122 Wes, Iii, street Erie, PA 16507 X 460,00 Vac on, "n reet 251 West 3rd St. 4009-119 Housing Auth.Erle 606 Holland St Erie, PA 16501 X $14,760.00 0 M X k-1 4009-117 MIch tpn'": 121 West 16th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 6,720.00 0 S F R-1 245 West 3rd St. ut.:e - ,Svi., 241 West 3rd St. 4009-116 Edward Ra-er 241 West 3rd Street Erie, PA 16507 X __T -6,710.00 0 W P R-1 239 We:t 3rd St. 4009-it5 Michael Pamula X $ 6,670.00 0 W F F-2 237 We t3rd St. Mutual Savings Loan 121 Went 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 235 West 3rd St. 4009-114 Rulert- R-1 "r so8R:1t.X'"Servtce 3 Dakota Drive 0605 Lake Success, NY 11040 X $ 5,970.00 0 S P 231 West 3rd St. 4009-113 John Kovacs 3 Dakota Drive #605 Lake Success, NY 11040 X $ 6,810.00 0 S G R-1 Kr us Retax Service 227 West 3rd St. 4009-112 Willie Powell Lmas & Nettleton P.O. Box 1328 Houstonjx 77001 X $ 6.720.00 0 A F R-2 223 West 3rd St. 4009-111 Eric La-pe 223 West 3rd Street Erie, PA 16507 X $ 6,890.00 0 M F R-l__ 217 West 3rd St. 4009-110 Entm Leopold 217 West 3rd Street Erie, PA 16507 X $ 7,130.00 0 S F R-1 215 W.!t 3rd St. 4009-109 Emma Leopold 217 .t 3ir-d Street Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5,610.00 0 W F R-1 213 We8t3rd..St.--- 4009-108 Michael Roberts 207 West 3rd Street Erie, PA 16507 $ 1,080-00 t1nimp_rjoved Vacant Lot 207 West 3rd St. 4009-107 Willis. Roberts 207 West 3rd Street Erie, PA 16507 X $ 4,210.00 0 M F R-2 304 St. 4009-106 Nord Cofini 421 Short Street Erie, PA 16507 X $ 6,370.00 0 S F R-2 2S. fr St. 308 Sassafras St. 4009-105 Larry Carter 308 Sassafras Street Erie, PA 16507 X $ 6,720.00 0 M r R-2 310 Sassafras St. 4GO9-104. HANDS 5 Penn Center Plaza Philadelphia,PA 19103 X $ 4,400.00 0 A G R-1 314 Sn:snfr:,n, St. 4009-103 C-t-ti. C.-y 314 S .... fra. St. Erie. PA 16507 X S20,340.00 0 A F R-2 316 Sa afrSt. 318 S:::,afra: St' 4009-102 Thomas Griffiths 2244 Much Road C.1..b..,Ohi, 43219 X $ .7,520.00 0 W P R-2 320Sfro St. First Investment Corp. 324 Sassafras St._. 4009-143 Harry Eckert 903 Clifton Drive Erie, PA 16505 X $ 4,910.00 0 W P R-2 326 @a2safras St. 4009-101 Willis. Dur.t 326 Sassafras St. Erie, PA 16507 X S 5,030.00 0 W P R-2 328 S ; ,:..air:: St* 4009-100 HAND%, N.t.t.M.,t&.ge948 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 8,180.00 0 S F A-3 30 afr St. fede 210 W::t 4th St. 4009-142 Als"'Wexler Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X $ 7,900.00 0 S F R-3 212 W t4t St. is , ed. P.O. 216 West 4th St. 4009-141 James Kress 216 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $11,410.00 0 M F R-3 222 W::t 4th St. 4009-140 or.,ayl Zen. 220 W t4th St. ut Savings & Loan 121 West 26th Street Erie, PA 16508 X $ 9,830.00 0 S F R-3 224 He:t 4th St. 4009-139 John Perry 224 West 4th Street Erie, PA 16507 X $ 9,700.00 0 A G R-2 228We I4th :t. 9-138 Merle Gratt F R-2 230 West 4th t. 400 a 230 West 4th Street Erie. PA 16%07 X $ 6,770.00 0 S 232 West 4th St. 0 W P R-3 234 West 4th St. 4009-137 Andrew Allen 1001 Iee Road Waterford,PA 16441 X $11,570.00 L 234@ We.t4th St. 4009-128 0 A C R-1 --49-- 238 West 4th St. 40oi--T3&- Wil Ila. [email protected] -W.Wt-4tW-�-t. Pi -1@556T- -X$ -7- -T- -2 720XO 0 244 Went 4th St. -4 1-3 4 Harry Llqekd. -24-4@ West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 '-" X @ ----iF --I- I 244N West_W1 @@. ___@009- 35 Harry hields 244'1 West 4th 02 - DO J@ 248 ent 4th St. 4009-1.33 Glady@_A. 1411nor 248 Went 4th St. Er ie, PA 16507 X 10, 7 60. 00 0 W R-2 _,@(@_I!ent 4tb St. 4009-132 Housing Auth. Erie 155 West 8th Street Erie, Pik 16501 X $ D4 j 60.jM M EX R-1 252 West 4th St. 4009-131 W Po.. I I I'lb-ty 6 Se-nd St. Warren.11A 16365 X $ 9.520.00 0 A F R- 1 258 We, 4 4009-130 Northwest - - - ---- -- - - 11 -t th St P.O. - moo- Frie.PA-L6@12 X 052.9!1 W P R -Zfi7U--Ve-t 411i St: Willie Powell P.O. Box 300 Erie, PA 16512 X 262 West 4th St. 4009-128 Willla@ Eb@r[.Lo 234 West 4th Street Erie, T-X- -- $ 3, 860. 00 0 A F C-I _E, t F65-0 4009-127 Wtille Powell I.tbprty & Second Street W-rc.."A 16165 $ 970.00 U.1.1,rnv,.d V-.nt 1,,,t V N.rthvestSaytngsi@boan 317 Hy7tle St. 4009-126 Margaret Elliott---31 -ty @Lle St.____ Erie, Pk 610 12q.00 0 W P R-1 _7 -___L _L_X-J_@_ _ ---- -- -- - 1 _115 My 4009-125 C.J. Cldsh.lm 2020 Eftela,,4 is 980-00 nI v@jd !ftle St. U rtle St. 4009-124 Mutual Savinge&Loan 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 5 @620.00 0 W G R-1 307 Myrtle St. 4009-123 Isaac McCray 2244 Hoch Road Colunibu.,Ohf. 43219 X $ 4.9"o.no 0 A r R-1 First Investment Corp. 305 Myrtle St. 4009-122 Willtm Power P.O. Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 X $ 5,070.00 0 W F R-I - Workingnians Bidg.&Loan 303 Hy'tle St. 4009-121 Gord.& Yaple 303._!!yrtl, St.--_@El,@PA 16507 X $ 5,340.(0 0 S F R-1 BLOCK - 4.009-100-- 43 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... 45 CODES 9 TOTALS .PLDC- !jCCUPANqY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V - Vacant - 0 A Alu.in- SIdIng 9 Residential Cormercial 0 - Occupied - 41 S Shingles - 13 W wood - 12 111 - Single ramly 20 Cl - Retait - I PB - Public fluIldlnLF._ - 0 M Masonry or Brick 7 R2 - Multi F..ily - 15 C2 - Offices - 0 R3 - A artmInts 5 SP - je!@LNA c Buildine-9 - 0 BUILDING CONDITION (P 5 + Unit. Industrial _jL _ - EX - Excellent 2 R4 - Group Quarters - 0 1 - industrial - 0 P - Parks & Recreation - 0 G - Good - 9 F - Fair - 22 Mixed-Use U - UndeveIpkedLLqnd - 0 P - Poor - 8 As denoted - 0 C - Critical 0 V - Vacant - 4 BLOCK #8 There are forty-five parcels with forty-one being occupied in this block bounded by Sassafras:, Myrtle, West Fourth and'West Third Streets. Over fifty percent of this residential block in in fair condition with eight dwellings classified as being, poor. This block contains twenty dwellings of single family with the remaining being in two and three family USE!. There are four vacant parcels and one commercial structure.- .WEST SECOND STREET -50- 251 245 241 239 235 2291227 2251223 221 219 217 213 209 [f2 @19@_ ff:]22,0 206 200 @'j a =221 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 2-07 222 239 U) < Uj X -1 203 U- 4009 C\j < 224 U) < 0) F 24oD c, N U) 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 202 234 235 236 237 L-1-j 20-4 238 cc 201 t 4641462 256 252 248 242 240 2361234 232 22al226 224 222122021811216041,02 210 WEST THIRD STREET BLOCK 4009-200-240 ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED OCCVPANCY BLDG. BLDG. LAND VALUE HAT.- COND. USE 251 West 2nd St. 4009-217 Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 X $15 .270.00 0 M EX R-1 245 West 2nd St. 4009-216 Mary Sanford P.O. Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 X $6,900.00 0 M G R-1 Workingisan's Savings 241 West 2nd St. 4009-215 Gmersindo Borrero 235 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $5,4 0.00 0 S G R-1 _139 West 2.d St. 4009-214 Gimersindo Burrero 235 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $1,320.00 Vacant Lot - V 235 West 2nd St. 4009-213 Gmeraindo Borrero 235 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 5,910.00 0 A F 227 W:.st 2nd St. 4009-212 Alex Vergott 6980 Edinboro Rd. Erie, PA 16509 X $8,060.00 0 S P R-3 -229 W -t 2nd St. 225 W :t 2nd :t. 4009-211 Kenneth Treiber 223-25 West 2nd St. Erie. PA 16507 X $6.230.00 0 W F R-3 223 W: t 2nd L. 221 West 2nd St. 4009-210 Housing Auth. Erie 12 East 10th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $16,330. 0 0 M EX R-1 219 West 2nd St. 4009-209 Housing TutE iiTe 1i at lOtb St. Erie, PA 16501 X $13,710.00 0 A G R-2 217 West 2nd St. 4009-208 Kenneth Treiber 3634 Argyle Ave. Erie, PA 16505 -X $5.090.()0 0 A G R-2 213 West 2nd St. 4009-207 William Boyajian 213 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 1 507 X $3,540.00 0 A G R-1 209 West 2nd St. 4009-206 Willias@ Boyajlan 213 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 980.00 Vacant Lot V 2 4Sa afras St. 0 e:s 4009-205 Alan Wexler P.O. Box 2044 Erie, PA 16512 X $7.260.00 0 S P R-2 201W t2nd St. 212 Sassafras 4009-239 Catolyn Mozdy P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X $4,960.00 0 S F R-1 First Federal Savings 214 S::s St. .:fraSt. -203 Erie, PA 16507 X $2.000.00 V M C R-1 16 fra: 4009 Carl Mortin 216 Sassafras St. 220 Sassafras St. 4009-240 Robert Garintler 220 Sassafras St. Erie, PA 16507 X 8,990.00 0 M G R-1 224 Sassafras St. 4009-202 Clyde Reynolds 513 Fair A@Q- Erie, PA 16511 X $6,990.00 0 W F R-1 228 Sassafras St. 4009-201 Cynthia Colossi 3833 Trask Ave. Erie, -PA 16509 X $ 950.00 Vacant Lot 232 Sa .::air:: St' -230 5 . afr.. St. 4009-200 Albert Austin P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X $8,310.00 0 N F R-2 210 West 3rd St. 4009-238 Andrew McCI!l P.O. Box 1219 Erie. PA 16512 X $5,620.00 0 A p R-1 F1 tar Fe'e I Savings 212 West 3rd St. 4009-237 An.. Christ- 212 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $7.290.00 0 S P R-2 214 West 3rd St. 216 West 3rd St. checo P R-2 -23. T'Oma:,,.' , PA 16512 X $11,660.00 0 W 8West 3rd St. @001 Work, n.S.,inR. P.O. Bx 29 Erie. 220 We,, Ird St, 4009-235 Michael Ritter 9707 Watteburg Rd. Erie, PA 16509 X $ 7,850.00 0 S P R-2 22 West 3rd St. 224 West 3rd St. 4009-234 Renlamin Turben 224 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16506 X $ S.460.00 0 W C R-2 226 West 3rd St. 4009-233 Gary Johnson 2543 West 20th St. Erie, PA 16506 X $ 6,730.00 0 W C R-2 228 West 3rd St 232 West 3rd St. 4009-232 Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie. PA 16501 X $14,760.00 0 M EX R-1 234 West 3rd St. loszewikI 236 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $9,t4O.OO 0 A C R-2 36 West 3rd St. 4009-231 Stanley K 240 West 3rd St. 4009-230 Michael Panighetta -240 West Ird St. Erie, PA 16507 X $7,500.00 0 S P R-1 T4 2West 3rd St. 4009-229 Geor;e Wilson R.D. #I [email protected]&trtwq@k 16433 x_$ 4,960.00 0 W C '" 't' 7:trar Frie, PA 16508 X $51980-00 0 S P R-1 248 West 3rd St. 0.9-228 .dt..l S lngs&Loan 121 West 26th St. 1@? West 3rd St. 4009-227 Mildred Mozdy 252 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $51980.00 0 S F R-1 256 West 3rd St. 4009-226 Elan Hankonen 256 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 8,090-00 0 W P R-2 262W 'rd :'- 4009 d -204 Jams Michell 1845 West 3rd St. Erie. PA 16502 X $10,660.00 0 H F R-3 -264.W::tt 3rd st- 223 Myrtle St. 4009-225 Daniel Sw ... ey 920 Peach St. Erie. PA 16501 X $ 8,600.00 0 M EX R-2 ??I! I! Marquette Savings IN .1X1 IE @t N is tt 4009-224 HousLng Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 X $18,780.00 0 H EX v- -1 213 Myrtle St. 4009-223 Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 Un!N@rove4 $ 790.00 Vacant Lot V- - 209 Myrtle St. 4009-222 Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, FA 1L50t X.- $14,050.00 0 H EX R-1 R Ins G e:n..y P. Erie., PA 16512 X $ 5,080.00 0 W P R-1 207 Myrtle St. 4009-221 First Fc dral Sa@InR9 0. Box 1219 205 Myrtle St. 4009-220 Charles Ross P.O. Box 13Z8 Houston'rx 66001 -X- $ 5,940.00 0 W- G R--l 201 Myrtle St. 4009-219 Leonard Sillinno North Z@d & Liberty Warren, PA 16355 X $ 6,340-00 V W C R-2 _211 rtle St. N@Ethwej_t BLOCK - 4009-20Q-240 CODES & TOTALS ICITAL k"!BEROF EARCEU@ 40 IUILPING@"IERIA@ AND SF. AIARGI-MMUM-CY j_ I V V.':-,tt@- 2 A Almin- Stdirig 6 [email protected] colmercial PH - Public Building! 0 0 0C -up _d - 34 S shl'.Rl. - 10 W W1,od - 10 R1 - Sl.@gl@ F.mlly - 21) Cl - R@L111 - 0 SP - Sc,@1-pALJ!_B,,1Jd1r,&s 0 N M .... @y r B@[email protected] 10 R2 - H,Otl F-11y - 13 C2 - Offt" - 0 P - Parks & Rerreatio R3 - Ap.rt-t. - 3 0 BUIJ.Dlql@_ CONDITiON (5+-1 t.) Ifidu9trial 11 - Umle-l.pe, ..d - 0 EX F.cell.nt 6 R4 - Grooip Quarters - 0 1 - [.d,,.trl.l 0 G G..d 8 Mi-.d U.e V - vaclnt - 4 F Fair 9 AR dennted - 0 P P@or 8 C Critical 5 BLOCK #9 This block is bounded by Sassafras, Myrtle, West Third and West Second Streets. It is entirely in residential use and contains four vacant parcels. Y.'.0st of the dwellings are in single family use and less than thirty-five percent are in two family occupancy. Fourteen of the dwellings are in good or excellent condition, with the remaining seventeen classified as either fair or poor while five are critical. There are four vacant parcels in this block. SHORT STREET -52- 263 255 2511249 245 243 241 239 235 231 223 219 217 26' 209 205 20f @-] 1::1 Dunp 4 DE D [ @' 1@ U) 116 115 130 129 113 112 111 102 < 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 101 0f LU LL 120 123 126 < 118 119 121 122 124 125 127 117 114 @D < 100 n U) 264 258 254 248 244 242 240 230 228 220 21,9 2161212 WEST SECOND STREET BLOCK 4043-100-127 ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITYTSTATR zip 0 T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLDG. BLDG. LAND VALUE HAT. COND.. USE 255 Short St. 4042-130 Waler,cr,:by 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $6.280.00 0 1 F R-I Na '.. re 251 :hort St. 4043-129 Matthew Dar@y 251 Short St. Erie,'PA 16507 Unimproved $ 990.00 Vacant Lot V 249 hort St. 145 Short St* 4013-113 Bernard Keegan 263 Short St, Erie, PA 16507 Unim roved $ 670.00 Vacant Lot V 243 Short St. 4043-112 Bernard Keegan 243 Short St. Erie, PA 16507 X 06,010.00 V A C R-1 241 Short St. 4043-111 Willi.. Blaski P.O. Do. 1321 Houston, Tx 77001 X $4,620.GO 0 1 F R-I Lomas & Nettleton 239 Short St. 4043-110 Minnie Ward 239 Short St. Erie, PA 16507 X 5,050.00 0 W P R-2 235 Short St. 4043-109. Daisy Willlam. 235 Short St. Erie, PA 16507 X 4,920.00 0 W F R-1 .231 Short St. 4043-108 Clio Jones 231 Short St. Erie, PA 16507 X 4,820.00 0 1 F F 223 Short St. 4043-107 Donald Nurch W.rkl"@'"a Bld,.,,I-,n P.O. Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 X $5.810.00 0 S F R-1 219 Short St. 4043-106 Helen SE "@@; 219 Short St. Erie, PA 16507 X $7,630.00 0 W F R-2 217 Short St. 4043-105 Charles Graham P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X $6.840.00 0 W P R-2 First Fed.SavIngsSLoan 'ev'n Ingr:hinv -1 W ld..,L. P.O. Box 29 Erie. PA 16512 X 16.110.00 0 1 C R 215 Short St. 4043-104 V .rkin"..n an 209 Short St. 4043-103 Mabel Flangan 209 Short St. Erie, PA _L6507 X 4,110.00 0 1 P R-2 205 Short St. 4043-102 Donald Gunter 205 Short St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6,110.00 0 1 F R-2 201 Short It*4043-101 Andre. Spangard 114 Sassafras St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6,240.00 0 1 P R-1 114 Sassafras St. "I!:ms -2 136 Sassafras St. 4043-100 MFIrsttW..v tment 2244 Mack .1. Columbus.Ohlo 43219 X $7,270.00 0 1 F R 212 West 2nd St. 4043-127 Carol Coverd.le 216 West 2nd St. Erie. PA 16507 X $3,910.00 V I P R-7 216West 2nd St. 218 We t2nd St. 4043-126 Harold Vogel 218 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $4,230.00 0 1 P R-2 220 West 2nd St. 4043-125 David Alexander 220 West 2nd St. -Erie, PA 16507 X $4.640.00 0 A F R-1 228 West 2nd St. 4043-124 Cecil Myers 228 West 2nd St. Erie. PA 16507 X $6,540.00 0 1 F R-3 230 West 2@d St. 4043-123 Mildred Hozdy 252 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6,730.00 0 1 F C-1 4043-122 Joseph Mozdy 303 Myrtle St. Erie, PA 16507 Unimproved $ 090.00 Vacant Lot - V 240 West 2nd St. 4043-121 Mary Manus P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X 13,700.00 0 1 F R-I Lomas & Nettleton 242 West 2nd St. 4043-120 Kent Cridleba,,gh 242 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $4,070.00 0 A F R-2 c,o Eugene Lewis 244 West 2nd St. 4043-119 WilltamS.Spar C R-I I ,":IL..n @21 West 261h It. Erie. PA 16508 X $4,010.00 0 A No tua n, 248 West 2nd St. 4043-118 Pauline Pannuti 248 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $3,140.00 0 A G 254 West 2nd t. 4043-114 Arthurbearbick 254 West 2.d St. Erie, PA 16507 X 0 M G R-I 258 We2t 2n! St. 4043-115 Ellen Lynch 258 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 5,620.00 0 1 P R-2 147 Myrtis St 4043-117 James Partridge 1028 West 22nd St. Erie, PA 16502 X $6,560.00 Vacant Lot F R-1 263 Short St. 4043-116 Charles Kennedy 263 Short St. Erie, PA 16507 X $3,700.00 0 W P_ BLOCK LL093-100-127 CODES & TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCFLS 30 BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE VVacant.; 2 A - Aluminum Siding 5 Residential Commercial PB - Public Buildings - 0 0Occupi - 24 1 - Shingle. - 15 RI - Single Family - 15 Cl : R tail.-.10 Deft SP - Semi Public Bull!! 0 W - Wood - 5 R2 - Multi Family - 9 f c I M - M .... ry or Brick I C2 _H&s R3 - ApArtments - I P - Parks & Recreation - 0 BUILDING CONDITION (5 + unit.) Industrial- EX - Exce .Ilent 0 R4 - Group Quarters - 0 1 - Industrial - 0 U - KjdejtIped L@nd - 0 G - Good - 4 F - Fair - 13 Mixed Use V - Vacant - 4 P - Poor - 8 A. denoted - 0 C - Critical I BLOCK #10 Thirty parcels make up this block which is bounded by Sassafras, Myrtle, West Second and Short Streets. It contains fifteen E4O'4' 1 1 @O2 single family residential dwellings, nine two family structuresv a three family dwelling and one commercial use. There are four vacant lots. over eighty percent of the structures in this block are classified as being in poor condition and one building is listed as critical. Only fifteen percent of the buildings were found to be in good condition. -53- 63 55 '53 -4 Z-41 WCST FRONT STREET P216 'e33 @ " < 2el 217 211 E 215 214 213 212 _2 10 2-08 Lu _j 191 4043 207 206 20,c 236 203 U) 204 202 < 220 221 22-2 223 224 225 LL z 226 24G 22Y 241 228 229 2M_ 237 < U) to 1@ to 201 U) to 'I) "'o < 238 200 U) 264 25 6 1254- P4R 244 2-12 240 2.34 25Z 230 @29 226 224 4W 21S 20W611412100 204 BLOCK 4043-200-240 SHORT STREET ADDRESS INDEX No. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CTTYISTATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLDG. at.. I-AND 4043-216 Blanche Barton 216 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 X 3,570.00 0 i- - G R-2 263 West Front St. VALUE MAT. CON USE 255 West Front St. 4043-215 Joseph Mozdy 255 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 X 6,990.00 . 0 S C R-2 253 West Front St. 4043-214 Arthur Engle 121 West 26th St. Erie. PA 16508 X 7,210.00 0 9 P R-I Htual Savings&l,oan 249 West Front St. 4043-213 Harold FIrst Ku!,fe Inv Int Corp. P.0. Box 749 Columbus.Ohio 43216 X 5,110.00 0 S F k-1 247 West Front St. 4043-212 Claudia Stanton 247 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 X 5,250.00 0 S G St. 4043-211 Claudia Stanton 247 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 Unlapr.v.d $1,070.00 Vacant Lot St. 4043-210 Harold Paasch 233 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 thijEE!oved $ _260. 00 Vacant Lot V 233 West Front St. 4043-208 Harold Paasch 233 West_i@rontSt. Erie, PA 16507 X 043-207 Barbara Brown 223 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 X 4,260.00 0 S C R-1 223 ;i@, @[email protected] St. __2,460. 0 0 S G R-I 221 West Front St - .4 43-206 Ada Lawrence 221_H..t Front St. Erie, PA 16507 X 219 West Front St. _L 5, 180_. 00 0 S 6 R-I 4043-205 Patrick Mikula 215 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 --I'- UnImproved S 820_-OO Va@agl. L. t V -218 West Front St. 4043-236 P.tri@k Mlk.,I. 215 W- Front Sr. Erie. PA 16507 Unl.pr ... d $ 690.00 V.-C Lot V 217 West Fron I-S". 21611 West Front 215West.Front S St' 4043-204 Patrick Hilut. 215 West Front St. Erie. PA 16507 X $7,550.00 0 W G R-1 t. 102 Sassafras St. 4043-203 Patrick Mikula T15 -Wet Front St. Erie. PA 16507 X $1,4 0.00 Vacant. Lot T 104 Sassafras St. 4043-202 Fail Pet.k 102 Sa ... fr.s St. Erie, PA 16507 x $8.550.00 0 S G C-11 R- 4043-201 Emil Petak 102 S.;-.-.-frs St. Erie, PA 16507 Unimproved $ 840.00 Vacant Lot V 204 Short St. 4043-200 Delbert Farley 204 Short St. Erie, PT 16507 X C R-1 210 Short St. 4043-235 Stephan Botanic --I [email protected] 0 A 212 Short St. 210 Sh.rL SL. Erie, PA 16507 1 ....... 3,520.00 0 M F R-3 214 Short St. 4043-234 David Miller -1200 Frankstown Rd. Pittaburgh,PA 15 -_ $3,200.00 0 m F R-3 4043-233 Laura Duckett i4i Crotty Drive Erie, PA 176511 X $3,350.00 0 m F R-3 216 Short St. 4043-232 Ceorge Gornin 216 Short St. Erie, PA 16507 X *3,350.00 0 M F R-3 2,16@ Short St. 4043-231 John Lapoaky 2101 Sho t St. Erie, PA 16507 x $3,500.00 0 M F R-3 2 8Short St. 4043-237 Clair Minnis 10055 Laie Pleasant Rd. Erie, PA 16509 X $6,760.00 0 S F R-2 220 Short: St. 4043-230 Charles Deutsch FI, -L Investment Corp. P.O. Box 749 Columbus,Ohio 43216 X $4,670.00 0 W F R-I 224 Short SL. 4043-229 Robert Heidelberg @24 @b@rt SE. Erie, PA 1 507 X 3,350.00 0 M F R-3 226 Sh.rt St. 4043-228 Particle iii-s 4124 I.,,ngvi- Ave. Erie, PA 16@10 X 5,600.00 0 S F R-2 228 Short St. 4043-241 Richard Kress P.O. R.. 300 Erie, PA 16512 X 6,680.00 0 W F R-2 Union Bank 230 Short St. 4043-227 Vet's Adintstrptim 730-Short St. Erie, PA 16507 X $5,110.00 0 M F R-T_ III Short. 11, 4043-140 PaIrl,la Hess 4j_24 @ovlo, Ave, E fe, PA 16510 X -1,_560,00 0 A F 11-2 L_ @ - @110rt St- @043-226 Vincent O'Connor 234 Short St. Erie. PA 1650 X 'q_@ Timothy Relba -i- -2800.00 0 S F R-1 F14. Short St. __4043-Z25 M. t..1 Saving. ILo.. 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 5,510.00 0 S F R-2 X _14Q hrt SL. 4043-ZZ4 Margaret Griffin 24Z Short St. Erie. PA 16507 $6, 90.00 0 -W R-2 _L_ 244 Short St. 4043-223 John Laskowski 244 S ;-,t -St Erie. PA 16507 X $5,590.00 0 A C R-1 248 Short St. 4043-222 Frank Ward 248 Short St. Erie. PA 16507 X $4,110.00 0 S @i_ R-1 254 Short St. 4043-221 Frank Ward 248 Short St. Erie, PA 16507 X $4,280.00 0 S C R-1 256 Short St. 4043-220 J ... : Na,,,:, P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X S8,360.00 0 W F R-2 L..a & 't Ieto. 264 Sh.@t St. 4043-238 Casimar Weiner Mutual Saving &Loan 121 West 26th St. Erie. PA 16508 X $7,430.00 0 A G R-1 117 Myrtle St. 4043-239 Roger Althof '153 East l3th St. Erie, PA 16503 __ X $5.450.00 0 S F R-I III Myrtle St. 4043-219 Laurence Dudenhoffer III Myrtle St. Erie, PA 16507 X $3,130.00 0 A G R-1 _10LI!X @IeSt. 4043-218 Mildred Raygor 109 Myrtle St. Erie, PA 16507 X $2,810.00 0 S F R-I 107 Myrtle St. 4043-217 G' :tldIV,.gt. P.O. Box 349 Columbus.Ohlo 43216 X $4,900.00 0 S P R-I 2 -7 - Itr v C.r' U/ [I T216 9 1 67211 BLOCK - CODES & TOTALS [email protected] OF _V@ARCELS 41 BIDG. OC."UrANCY BII!@LDING 14@T _BIAL. LAND USE t__ V Vaca;:t.d- 0 A Alo.i.n. Siding 5 Residential Commercial 0 oce. I - 35 S Shingles - 18 W Wood RI - Single Family - 20 Cl : R tail - I PB - Public- Binildings - 0 M Haso - 5 R2 - Multi Family 9 C2 Mice - 0 nry or Brick 7 R3 - Apartments Industrial SP - Semi P -ljbllc Bulldiagp (I BUILDING CONDITION 11 * ""its' P - Parks L@er at.In - 0 _!._ _ _e_ EX - Excellent 0 .1. - r.up Quarter. I - industrial 0 U - UndevelopSd Lar@d - 0 G - Good - 14 Mixed Ilse V - Vacant - 6 F - Fair - 19 An denoted - I P - Poor - 2 C - t:riti,nl 0 BLOCK #11 This block is bordered by Sassafras, Myrtle, Short and West Front Streets. Most of the buildings, or over sixty percent, are used as single family dwellings; the remaining forty percent are in two and three family use with six parcels listad as vacant at the present time. Over forty-two percent of the buildings are in good condition with fifty-one percent listed a:3 fair and the remainder classified as poor and in need of maintenance. WEST FIFTH STREET -55- 357 353 349 345 341 337 333 329 325 3211319 317 315 309 307 305 127 117 0 01 108 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 107 106 105 101 118 LU F_ 401) U) 119 120 U 100 121 122123 124 125 126 e I L ri Erie Public Museum @ @A Ceder 3641356 338 334 3@52 330 328 324 318 306 WEST SIXTH STREET ILOCK I L- I _00- 12 INDEX No. ADDRESS OWNER OWNER ADDRESS ASSESSED OCCUPANCY RtOG. BLDG. LAND 357 West 5th St. 6011-117 Nlch.el Cox __VALUE -_ HAT. COND. USE____ First Fed.S2_vln&s&Loan P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X 7,770.00 0 M C, P-1 353 we't 5th St. 6011-116 Herbert Kern P.O. Box 300 Erie, PA 16512 X $10,010.ou 0 M G R-3 Union Bank & Trust He 349 Went 5th St. 4011-115 Fran Sechel P rst Fd.Svl.g.&Lcan '0' Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X $ 8.960.00 0 M r, R-2 345 West 5th St. 4011-114 Eug ne Rosenber 3128 Erie Street Erie, PA 1@_50_8__X @_9,_O 7_0. 00 0 M 341 West 5th St. 4011-113 Eugene Rosenberg 3128 Eric Street Erie, PA 6508 X $ 9,000.00 0 A G R-2 337 West 5th, St. 6011-112 Eugen Rosenberg Y12-8 it I eStreet Erie, PA 16508 X $10--,25000 0 A �__R-_L 333 West 5th R. b01@1 Jank@ R .... berg_ 3128 Erie Street Erie, PA 16508 X $10,710.00 0 A F R-2 329 Wept 5th St. 4011-110 James Craig MaEguette S!v !h St. Erie, PA 16501 X $14.150.00 0 S G R-3 325 West 5th St. 6011-109 R.E. Bunting U5 West 5th St. Erie. Ph 1630-7 X 9189-0.00 --d M _F -E- 2 321 West 5th St. 319.West 5th St. 4011-108 WJohn Dlg:.,.rge P.O. Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 X $t715J0.00 0 M G R-1 Bldg.&Lo.n Robert McCann 317 West 5th St. 4011-107 Union Bank & Trust P.O. Box 300 Erie. PA 16512 X $13,810.on 0 M r R-2 4011-106 Stephen Diraimo 450 East 6Lh St. Erie, PA __@O 315 West 5th St. 16 $ 91900.00 0 A 309 West 5th St. 4011-105 Richard Wenner -600 Ist Nat-I.Bank Erie, PA 16512 X $ 6,280.00 0 307 West 5th St. 4011-104 Donald Lablng Lomas & Nettleton P.O. go. 1328 If ... to.. Tx 77001 X $ 9.200.00 0 W F R-2 Ri hard Collaril 305 West 5th St. 4011-103 c P.O. Box 300 Erie, Ph 16512 X W.730.00 0 A v R-1 Union Bank & Trust 502 Myrtle St. 4011-102 D:@IideVt e. 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $12.010.00 0 S R-2 MI. tt. S.@ing.&Lc.o 510 Myrtle St. 4011_101 Lo 'I"." M"i:ICS '- Iing.16Lan 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $13,290.00 0 A C R-1 306 West 6th St. -40 _11- 10-07 Luouis Colussi 3833 rrask Avenue Erie. Ph 16508 X $47,110.00 0 M 318 Went 6th St. 4011-126 Kenneth Treiber P.O. Box 29 Erie, FA 16512 X $34,300.00 0 M C R-3 - --Workingmans BldS.&Loan 324 West 6th St. 4011-125 Harry Morgan 328 West 6th St. 4011-124 324 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $46.900.00 0 M R-3 Gary Shapira P . 6._K. 61-56 Erie, PA 16512 X S18,060.00 0 G 330 West 6th St. 4011-123 Hetl Lce@ Mu -I Sav 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $16,200.00 0 M G R-3 ea ings&Loan Helen Lee. 332 West 6th St. 4011-122 Mutual Savings&Wan 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $18,1,40.00 0 M C R-3 334 West 6th St. 4011-121 Helen Lnew Mutual Savings&Loan 121 West 2fith St. Ptie, PA 16508 X $18,420.00 0 M C R-1 338 West 6th St. 4011-120 Art Club of Erie 338 west__@_th Tt-.- PA 165U@T -X-' 2 3, 3 30. 00 0 W 356 West 6th St. School District-Erie 364 West 6th St. 4011-119 p, blic Museum 1511 star. Street Erie, Ph 16501 X $204.610.00 0 M G PH 511 Chestnut St. '0" . @V-e 3Chestnut St. LLe_,rA____100_7_T___@7 -6,980.60----0 W P R-2 501 Chestnut St. 4111:11'181 John Fonteccbio 538 West 70 St. Eric, FA 16502 X $13,84U.00 0 M G R-3 BLOCK - CODES 9 TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... 28 BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V Vacant - 0 A - Al-irnax - 7 Raoldenti.1 Comercial 0 Occupied - 28 S - SldnRl.. - 2 W : W d 3or R 12 Mon,, ..Illy -5t Cl : R PB - Public Buildings - 2 .-.a R 1 2 0 f ce 0 SP - Semt Public Bulldln&.% : SI gleFFA 7t," 0 y : 1.0 3 M M nr Brick 16 R3 - Apirtmentl i.du.t, i.I P . Parks & Rccreation - 0 1 UIIJ@ING DITION (5,+PonI W _____@RN _ R4 - Gr n Quarters - 0 1 - Industrial 0 11 - Lad-lpe@LLnd - 1) EX Excellent 0 G Good 22 Mixed Use. V - Vacant - C F Fair 5 An denoted - 0 P Poor t C Critical 0 BLOCK #12 Block twelve is totally occupied and contains five single family buildings, eleven two family and ten three family dwellings. Two public buildings are also located in this block. Almost eighty percent of this block is in good condition with only five -structures classified as being fair. The remaining one tuilding is listed as poor. This area is bounded by Myrtle, Chestnut, West Sixth and West Fifth Streets. WEST FOURTH STREET -57- 357 351 3471345 343 339 3351333 331 327 321 J/9 315 309 218 2�17 C) Ica 220 205 Q) 240 221 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 [- 209 222 204 T Z 4011 Uj E::] 223 203 m __j= N 2: U 224 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 202 LO 238 229 2 co, [@ C\j LF nT 36Z/150 3564j6 352 3501348 342 3401"338 334 332 326 32Z@2/322 318 314 310 BWCK 4011-200-240 WEST FIFTH STREET ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLDG. BLDG. LAND VAT.119 HAT. COND._ USE 357 West 4 tb St. 4011-218 fharles Bfjr G j__ 357 West 4th St. Erie, PA _16507 6,240.00 --0 W 351 West 4th St. 4011-217 Donald Olson 351 dest 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 0 W R-- I 347 W Mildred W 118 and W::t 4thSt. 4011-216 Ruth Hughe's 345 We. W 345 t 4th @L. t 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 7,740.00 0 F R-1 343 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 4,35 343 West 4th St. 4011-215 Kenneth Holmstrom 0.00 0 S F 239 West 4th St. 4001-214 Patricia Harris WashingtonDC 20410 X-___l 4,[email protected] 0 W G R- 333 We:t 4th St' 4011-213 HANDS 5 Penn Ctr. Plaza Phil.delphia,PA 19103 X $14,200.00 0 A F R-2 35 We t 4thSt. 331 West 4th St. 4011-21Z Eldon Boyd 661 West 4th St. Erie,. P@ 5@! X $ 4,860.00 0 M C R-1 327_West 4th St. 4011-211 Larry Glenn 327 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 8,850.00 0 1w 4011-210 Ada Boston 321 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16 $ 3,590.00 0 321 Wes L 4th St. T07 5 G 319 West 4th St. 4011-209 Samuel Klein 4113 Eliot Road Erie, PA 1;508 X $2,010.90 0 M G C-I 317 West 4th St. 4011-240 John Askins 317 West 4th St. Erie, rA 16507 X S F R-F- 315 West 4th St. 4011-206 Salvatore Altadonna 1407 Peninsula Dr. Erie, PA 16505 _ _Lt.330.00 0 _Uni 72U.00 Vacant Lot -- v Riley McGill P.O. Bo. 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 5,430.00 0 A G R-I 309 West 4th St. 1.011-207 Lomas & Nettleton 402 Myrtle St. Erie. PA 16507 X- -8- 402 Myrtle St. 4011-206 Heater Royeraft $ 1160.00 0 A G R-1 408 Myrtle St. 4011-205 Joh" Vende,11 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $11,620.00 0 9 P R-3 r'@uette Savings&Loan 416 Myrtle St. 4011-204 Helen Ware 416 Myrtle St. - Erie, PA 16507_ X $ 9,630.00 0 S G IT-2 420 Myrtle St. 4011-203 Robert Martin 809 West 28th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 9,500.00 0 S F R-2- 424 Myrtle St. 4011-202 Jmes Dodson 424 Hyr le St. Erie, PA 16507 X '2-0-1t1---00O A G eor el M 2: N;rrt.1: St ' Re WS".@i@g'@&L..n 42 St 4011-201 uto 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $11,440.00 0 S F R 2 432 Myrtle St. 4011-200 Kenneth Wolf 3 Dakota Dr. Lake Success, NY 11040 X 7,180.00 0 -i- R:71 310 West 5th St. 4011-239 Rodney Mellonint 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $12,030.00 0 M C P-3 Mutual Savings&Loan 314 West Sth St. Donald Kirsch 4011-218 First. led.S.@l ngsfil,oan P'O* Ro. 1119 Erie, PA 165t2 X $ 7,440.00 0 S F R-3 _318 West 5th-@t. 4011-237 Erie, PA 16512 X $ R-2 322 West 5th St. Stanley Berlin P.O. Box 1068 - 16,210.00 F S 322S West 5th St. 4011-236 Loce Jones 318 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 8,070.GO 0 W p R-1 326 West 5th St. 4011-235 Frank Petruso 12 East 5th Street Erie, PA 16507 X $11.640.00 0 A G R-3 332 West 5th St. 4011-234 Paul Quinn 222 Forest Drive Eric, PA 16505 Unlvirr(Lyeij $ 1,610.pq_ Vacant Lot v 119v Skell 334 West 5th St. 4011-233 Ir!d -3 t P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X $ 9,390.00 0 W G R vings&Lo.. 338 West 5th St. Alfred Ba@bar. -340 West 5th St. 4011-232 First Fed.SsvIn&E&Lojn_P'O' Box 1319 Eric, PA 16512 X $13,040.00 0 M F R-3 --KO. 00 0 A G - 342 West 5th St. 4011-231 Friends of L'Archie 342 West 5th St. Erie, PA -5@07 X -$IU, R-3 348 West 5th St. -230 D @td Nordberg 920 Peach St. 350 West 5th St. 4011 M:rquette Saving,&I,can P.O. Box 200 Erie, PA 16501 X $ 8.850.00 0 S F R-7 352 West 5th St. 4011-229 John Willtams P.O. Box 300 Erie, PA 16512 X $10,980.00 0 S P R-3 union Bank & Trust 356 West 5th St 4011-228 Warren Benz P.O. Box 8480 Erie. PA 16505 X $ 9,680.00 0 A C R-1 358 West 5th St Marine Bank 360 Went 5th St. 62 West 5th St. 4011-227 Aka Wellej.9 360 West 5th St. Erie. PA 16507 X $ 9,270.00 0 W P R 3 431 Chestnut St. 4011-226 Harry Krimel P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X $12,240.00 0 W P R-2 _429 Chestnut St. First F.d.S-I.gs&I...n t St. 425 Chestnut St. 4011-225 Avery Schan 425 Chestnu Erie, PA 16507 $ 5.70.00 0 W--F -1 J:ck.Kroh.er 421 Chestrut St. 4011-224 1 t ational Bank P.O. Box bim) ri@, PA 165t2 X $11,360.00 0 A C. R-2 4179 Chestnut St. D.@id Th..p-I.. 121 West 26th St. Frte, PA 41 Chestnut St. 4011-223 Mutual Savings&Loan 16512 X $13,420.00 0 W F R-7 -----IT- 7 415 Chestnut St. 4011-222 N.M. Ca shin 415 Chestnut St. Erie, PA 1650 X $10,120.00 0 W P R-2 407 Chestnut St. 4011-221 J,,dith McDnns1d P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 81850.00 0 W F R-2 L-as & Net tiet 405 Chestnut St. 4011-220 Patricia Harris Washington, D.C. Washington 19106 X $ 61950.00 0 W F R-2 Secretary of HUD 1403 Chestnut St. 4011-219 Guy_Farrell lthjt. _-Erie,PA 502 X $ 8,900.00 0 M F C-1 BLOCK 40,11-2-00.-2-40 CODES & TOTALS MTAL NUMHE@R OF PARCF A ... 41 1@@.OCCUPANCY HULLDINGMTERML LAND USE V 0 A Aln.I.- lillng 8 ResldentiRl comercial 0 0 c S Shingles - 11 W Wood - 5 RI - Single Family - 13 (:21 : Retail - 2 PB - Pn -bl-Ic RAIdIng? - 0 H H-nry r Brick 15 R2 - 11"Itt F..Ily - 13 C Office - 0 SP - Se. R3 - Apartme t" - 11 _I_Pub@ic BUILDING CONDITION (@5 + un"' ) Ind,,.,trtal P - Parke & 3ecreation - D Ex ftcell-t - 0 R4 - Cr-p qunrt.r. - 0 1 - industrial 0 to Unde@elo:)ed Land - 0 G ,a F. d le qse V @ Vacant - 2 r Ir 15 A. denoted - 0 P Paor 6 C Cr ItIra I - 0 BLOCK #1 3 Myrtle, Chestnut, West Fifth and West Fourth Streets border this residential block area which includes forty-one parcels of land, thirty-nine of which are occupied. Forty-six percent of the structures are in good condition, thirty-eight percent have been rated as fair, and six, or sixteen percent are classified as being poor. Two parcels are vacant, thirty-five percent are in single family occupancy, another thirty-five percent are in two family use with the remaining thirty percent occupied by three family dwellings. WEST THIRD STREET -59- 357 -'155//353 351 347 343 3391337 333 331 327 323 3191317 313 3111309 120 - I @0 105 1221 119 118 117 1166 115 114 113 112 111 TI-0 109 107 E@] 142 LLJ 124 z 401@ 103 Co LU m: IC2 u IY25 PrTosed 101 26 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 136 137 138 Culture 135 r- B -L 139 100 House 141 [@ rn 356 350 3481346 342 340 336 330 326 324 320 3/6 3121310 "1'306 302 WEST FOURTH STREET BLOCK 4011-100-141 ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED OCC11PANCY HI'Dr. BLDG. LAND VALUE HAT. COND. USE 357 West 3rd St. 4012-120 Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 Vacant Lot 355 We:t 3rdd St. '4012-119 Frank Crockett P.O. Box 1319 Erie. PA 16512 X $ 8,700.00 0 A F R-2 353 We t 3r St. 351 West 3rd St. 4012-118 John Payne 351 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 6,210.00 0 A R-1 347 West 3rd St. 4012-117 Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 X $14,550.00 0 M EX R-1 343 West 3rd St. 4012-116 Housing Auth. E le __L(L6 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 X $14,630.00 0 M EX i-i 339 We:t 3rd St. 4012-115 Redev. Auth. Erie 155 West Sth St. Erie, FA 16501 Unimproved $ 950.00 V.,:".t Lot V 37 We t 3rd St. 333 West 3rd St. 4012-114 William -Lawon 333 Went 3rd St. Erie. PA 16507 X $7.540.00 _0--S -F R-2 331 West 3rd St. 4012-113 Roy Hollis 331 West 3td St. Erie. PA 16507 X $5,570.00 0 S C R-I 327 West 3rd St. 4012-112 Housing j@@!th. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 X $4@880*@O 0 M EX R-1 323 West 3rd St. 4012-111 !- __@ousinll Audi. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 X $14,550.00 0 K EX - 317 West 3rd St. 4012-110 Wilbur R-ey P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X $8.320.00 0 W P R-2 319 West 3rd St. 4940 Tramalac Rd. Erie, PA t 313 West_.3rd St. 4012-109 Richard Baldwin 16505 Uni .00 acant LO V 4012-108 Richard Baldwin 4940 Tramalac Rd. Erie, PA 16505 X $4,770.00 0 W C 2 309 We:t 3rd St. 4012-107 Evelyn Rivers P.O. R@x 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $7,580.00 0 S G 1-2 -311 We t3rd St. - Lomas & Nettleton 302 Myrtle St. 4012-106 Keith Phanco 302 Myrtle St. Etie. PA 16507 X $7,450.00 0 S - C R-1- 304 Myrtle St. 4012-105 John Tormey 304 Myrtle St. Erie, PA 16507 X $5,140.00 0 S C R-I 308 Myrtle 4012-104 Denn!a err" Not H 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $7,290.00 0 A r R-2 310 Myrtle :tt'. Saving- I Los,, 312 Myrtle St. 4012-142 Charles McCarty 312 Myrtle St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6.400.00 0 M EX -R-1 314 Myrtle :t. 4012-103 Nathan Levy 314 Myrtle St. Erie, PA 16507 X $91000.00 0 M EX p- 316 Myrtle t. 1318 Myrtle St. 4012-102 John NO UPa .0. Bux 29 Erie, PA 16512 X $4,390.00 0 W G R-1 Workingman's Bldg.&Loan P 1326 Myrtle St, 4.12-101 Anthony Z... P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X 111,010*00-- V S R-2 i302 West 4th St. 4012-100 J.C. Hollingsworth 302 West 4th St.. Erie, PA 16507 X $3,880.00 0 S P R-I 308 West 4th St. 6west 4th St. 4012-139 Mary Ramos 306-08 West 4th St. Erie. PA 16507 X $6,240.00 0 A G R-2 310 We:t 4th :t. 4012-138 'Daniel 7aczyk R.D. 110 Hancock Rd. Erie, PA 16509 X $9,150.00 0 A G R-3 12 We t 4th t. 316 West 4th St. 4012-L37_ Karl Falk 148 Lake Cliff Dr. Erie, PA 16511 X $8,320.00 0 S G R-2 320 West 4th St. 4012-136 Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 X @19,440.00 0 M EX R-I 324 West 4th St. 4012-135 John Slawson 3651 West Lake Rd. Erie, PA 16505 X *7,470.00 0 M -C-I 326 West 4th St. 4012-134 Wlyl,e"Ier Smith P.O. Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 K $7,700.00 0 W C R-I orkingmans Bldg.&Loan 330 West 4th St. 4012 Henry Zeno -133 Mutual Savings & Loan 171 West 26th St. FrIe. PA 16508 X $51910.00 0 A G R-2 iSt. 4012-132 Loce Jones 318 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6.430.00 0 S C St. 4012-131 Glenn Fox 2244 Roch Rd. Colu.bus.Ohlo 4321,9 X $7,180.00 0 A G R-1 342 West 4th St. 4012-130 'an'e' :ett"e' 121 West 2611 St. Erie, PA 16508 X $6,980.00 0 A G R-2 Mutual vln,, I Loan 346 West 4th St. 4012-129 Michael Kaufert 346-8 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $8,010.00 0 A F 348 West 4th St. 350 Vest 4th St. 4012-128 JoseEh Long -L50 West 4th Ste Erie, PA 16507 X $5,980.00 - 356 West 4th St. 4012-127 Joseph Sorokes 356 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $13,220.00 0 S @R-3 I 362 We:t 4th SSt. 364 We t 4th t. 4012-141 Bayfront NATO Inc. 312 Chestnut St. Erie. PA 16507 X $8,790.00 V W P R-2 360 West 4th St. 4012-126 Sayfr..t NATO Inc. 312 Chestnut St. Erie 321 Chestnut St. . PA 16507 Unimproved $1,120.00 Vacant Lot V 319 Chestnut St. 4012-125 Bayfr.nt-NATO Inc. 312 Chestnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6,890.00 0 A P PR 315 Chestnut St. 4012-124- Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie. PA 16501 X $14.680.00 0 M EX R-1__ X 14 6.1@ 305 Chestnut St. 4012-122 Housing Auth. Erie --TO6 Hot-land St. Erie, PA 16501 0 0 M EX _R- I___ 301 Chestnut St. S 4012-121 Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 X $18.860.00 0 M EA R-I 303 Chestnut t. BLOCK - 4012-.t00_-_14_1 TOTAL IUHBER OF PARCELS 41 CODES & TOTALS kLRq-_20qUPANq kUlIDING MAVF@R,@L LAND USE V Vacant - 2 A - Al-in- - 11 Conmerclal PR - Public BulldiRS. 0 Occupied 35 S - ShInRles - 10 F-Ily - IR Oe SP - if cl 0 CI : R to W : Wood R2 - Multi F..(Iy - is C2 11. 1 M Masonry or Brick 11 111 - Apartmenrw 2 P - Parka Recreation - (J + UnI t IndueLrial. 11ITLI)ING CON!j1T1j0N R4 - Croup quarte- - 0 11 - Unde@_elcped and 0 I - Ind-tri.1 - 0 EX Excellent - 10 Mixed Ilse V V ... !t - 4 G G od 17 A.W-n-OtH - 0 F F, ,r 4 Poor 4 C Cri tic.I- 2 BLOCK #14 This block is bounded by Myrtle, Chestnut, West Fourt'.-l and West Third Streets and encompasses some forty-one parcels of land. It contains one public building, and one commercial use. The remainder of the block area includes two three family dwellings, sixteen residential structures whic'_'l are occupied by two families, and eighteen are in single Eamily use. Almost one third of the residential structures in this block area are listed as being in excellent condition and only twenty-one percent are rated as being fair or poor, with four structures found to be in critical condition. Over forty-two percent were rated as good. WFRT RF(-.nNT) RTPFFT -61- 355 351 343 339 337 335 331 327 323@Z@3 319 317 315 206 On rn [3220 Cc 221 219 218 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 EE1222 40 _j U) 202 CO Of La -243 U 224 201 242 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 258 239 240 20-0- 227 360 356 352 346 342 338 334 332 328 322 3181316 314 3121310 306 3041302 BLOCK 4012-200-243 WEST THIRD STREET ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 T ASSFSSED OCCUPANCY BLDC. BLDC. LAND VALUE HAT. COND. USE 355-West 2nd St. 4012-219 Ronald Zielinski P.O. Box 680 --Erie, PA 16512X __$ 7,100.00 0 A G C-1 351 West 2nd St. 4012-218 Sally Seely 343 W :t 2nd @t. 727 East 22nd St. Erie, PA 16503 X j_4.49O.(L0_ V A P R-I We S 4012-216 J. Smith 341 West 2nd St. Erie. PA 16507X 7,960.00 0 W G R-2 341 _e.t 2nd t. 339 West 2nd St. 4012-20 City of Erie 415 S.E.Nlchola B d@L. -Erie, PA__ 16501 X 2,000.00 v W P R-1 337 West nd St. 4012-214 Patsy Raymond 337 W- 2nd St. Erie, PA 16 07X $ 3,790.00 0 S G R-I 335 West 2nd St. 4012-213 William Rollins 335 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507X 4.890.00 0 W C R-1 4012-212 Doris Hancock 428 331 West 2nd St. R.1i7#3 Northeast,PA 16 X_ $ 3,190.00 S_F R-I 327 West Znd St. 4012-2ii Arloe Ross 12660 Frank -Town Road _Pittsburgh,PA 15235 x $ 6,260.00 0 S F R-I 323 West 2nd St. 4012-210 Joseph L.p.sky 1105 Kerry Lane Erie. PA 16505 X $10,060.00 0 W P R-I 323@ West 2nd St. 0 U P 319 West 2nd St. 4012-209 John Hatlak 319 Wen"nd St. Erie. PA 16507X $ 3,140.00 0 S F R-1 317 West 2nd St. 4012-208 William Heard 317 West Ind St. Erie. PA 16507x $ 6,390.00 0 S G R-1 315 Wes 2nd St. 4012-207 Stanley Lee 315 West-2nd St. Erie. PA 16507x $ 6.640.00 0 A C R-I 202 Myrt-leSt. 4012-206 John King 20 West 34th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 4,760.00 0 A F R-I 208 h rtle St. 4012-205 John Morgan 210 East 22nd f@t. Erie, Ph 210 Myrtle St. 4012-204 John Brown 16503 X 6,270.00 v W C R-1 2225 Star. St. Erie, PA 16503 X 3,600.00 v A P R-I 214 Myrt a St. 4012-203 Walter Long 1061 Priestly Ave. Erie, PA 16511 X 4,460.00 0 W F R-1 218 Myrtle St. 4012-202 William Crawford 218__tyrtle St. Erie, PA 16507x 4,490.00 0 W F R-1 220 Mjrtle St. 4012-201 Willie Thompson 134 Myrtle St. Erie, PA 16507 X 2,620.00 v W C R-1 302 West 3rd St. 304 West 3rd St. 4012-200 David Coleman P.O. B.. t319 Erie, PA 16512X $ 7,550.00 0 A G R-2 306 West 3rd St. 4012-240 Delbert Barrett P.O. Box 1320 Houston,Tx 77001 310 West 3rd St X $ 5,840.00 0 W p R-1 312West 3rd St. 4012-239 Willie Thompson 134 Myrtle St. Erie. PA 16507 x $ 6,830.00 0 W F R-2 314 West 3rd St. 4012-238 Betty Seely 723 East 22nd St.- Erie, PA 16503 X_$ 8,970.00 0 W P-R-2 318 West 3rd St. -316 West 3rd St. 4012-237 Willie Th-p... 134 Myrtle St. Erie, PA 16503 x $ 7,000.00 0 W F R-2 322 West 3rd St. 4012-236 Martin Shannon 205 Liber t. Irle, PA 16507 Unimproved $ 1,770.00 Vacant Lot V 328 West 3rd St. 4012-235 Robert Hoagland 328 West VrdSSt. a. PA 16507x $ 5,100.00 0 W P R-1 332 West 2nd St. 4012-234 Larry Jones Box 1328 Houston,Tx 77001 x $12,400.00 0 A G 334 West 2.d St. 4012-233 Housing Auth. Erie 606 H.11@od St. Erie, PA 16501 x $14.5io.oo 0 M EX R-I 338 West 2nd St. 40tZ-212 Millard Wyatt 338 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507x $ 9,200.00 0 M EX R-1 342 West _2nd St. 4012-231 Redev. Auth. Erie 155 West Oth St. Erie, PA 16501 Unimproved 81:090:0000 Vacant Lot v 348 West 2nd St. -4012-230 Leo Skar.Wn-.ki 9835 Rt. 89 Northeast,PA 16428 X 650 352 West 2nd St. 0 A F R-2 4012-229 Carl Williamson P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X 5,940.00 0 A F R-2 356 West 3rd St. 4012-228 Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie. PA 16501 X $14,730.00 0 M EX R-1 4012-227 John Arrington $ 4,330.00 0 W 360 West 3rd St. 360 West 3rd St. Erie. PA 16507X F R-I 229 Chestnut St. 231 Chestnut St. 4012 226 John Naglowsky 231 Chestnut St. Erie, PA 16507x $ 6,030.00 0 S p R-2 221 Che:1n"t St. 4012-225 Millard Wyntt 223-25 Chestnut St. Erie, PA 16507X $ 5,090.00 0 A K; R-2 "3 C'. t..t St - 221 Chestnut St. 4012-224 James Anderson Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 5,240.00 0 A T_ i@-2 219 Chestnut St 4012-223 Mazte Purdue 425 Wa.t 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5.240.00 0 A F R-2 17Chestnut St* 215 Chestnut St. 4012-222 El Mira Dortch 215 Chestnut St. Erie. PA 16507 4, 5 go. 0 0 W C 211 Chestnut St. 4012-221 Russell Anderson zil Chestnut St. Erie, PA 16507x $ 4,130.00 0 W G R-1 203 Chestnut St. 4012-220 Paula Moyer 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 8.580.00 0 A F R-2 201 Chestnut St. a v _@012-242 Daniel Baldwin 1002 State St. Erie, PA 16501 Vac nt Lot 4012-243 Housin& Auth, Erie _606_@olirud_�_t. Eric, PA 501 c..t Lut v BLOCK - CODES 9 IOTALS MVLL_t!UMBER OF_ PARCELS ... @2 PIP-- OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIIL LAND USE V Vacant.; A - Aluminum Siding 13 Residential Commercial PH - Publ-ic__kyildjng. - 4) 0 Occupi 34 S - Shlngl@ - 6 Ri-- -St. RIP I"'Ity 26 Cl - Retail - I W : Wood - 17 R2 - Multi Family - 12 C2 - Office - 0 SP - S.-L-P-rin- __Ilultdi,,Z@i 0 N Masonry or RrIck 3 R3 - Apartments - 0 P - Parkeb Recreation - f) (5+units) Industrit!l BUILDING CONDITION R4 - 1-up Qoarters - 0 1 - Indo.tri.1 0 U - Unda@elpd a@d - 1) EX Excellent 3 Mixed Us. V - Vo cant - 4 G Good - 10 ;Wden.t.d - 0 F Fair - 14 P Poor - 9 C Critical 3 BLOCK #15 Myrtle, Chestnut, West Third and West Second Streets are the boundaries for this block which encompasses forty-two parcels thirty-four of which are occupied and five are vacant. Nearl.; eighty-two percent of this block is in single family residential use with the remainder containing eleven two family dwellings and five vacant parcels of land. This block includes three buildings rated as being in critical condition, sixty percent were classified fair or poor and thirty-two percent were either in good or excellent condition. -63- 363 359 353 351 -345 3 SHORT STREET 4JI341 337 335 327 323 319 315 3111309 F1 40 1 102 D 10 1 E@ CU LL, I irs 115 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 -J 114 jis jig 120 121 122 125 124125 126 127 128 129 130 131 100 >- Uj U -117 3C12 358 354 352 346 340 338 334 3303281326 324 320 31W314 310 3001106 WEST SECOND STREET t1-OCV 4042-1 0--131- INDEX NO. CtTY/STATE ZIP Q T ASSESSED VALUE OCCUrANry ADDRESS OWNER OWW@fft -ADDfkF,3f 363 Short St. 4042-116 Fred [email protected] MAT. COND. USE 359 Short St. Nord Coftni --Y6-3 I e , PA 16507 X $ @6 OZ-0-00 -- --- - ---6- -- M EX -*--R-F-- - 4042-115 Loan 121 W-t 26th St. Erie. PA 16508 X $ 5.240.00 0 S G R-2 3 5-3 -Short St. - -40 -2 --114 7h.1.U!! SN2.1191 11 353 Short t. 351 Short St. S-- Er!_e PA 16507 X $ 5,180.00__ 0- W- -F--R- 1 _145 Short St. 4042-113 Lawrence Skinner 351 Short St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 4,610.00 0 S -G --JF--T - 341 :bort 4042-112 Nevin Smith 345 Sh.rT S -t. Erie, PA 16507 X - 0 W G - R-1 St' 4042-111 Ronald Drew 341 Sl rt St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5.740.00 0 S C R-I -343-hor. St. 337-Short, St. 4042-110 Tharles Burnett P.O. Box @749 -c-lubus,oliio 4 4_L4 3 __I 35.Short St. 4042-109 Marie Endrulas 5883 Highland Rd. Cleveland.0 S C - R-I to 44143 X 3,760.00 0 S G R-I 4042-108 Mildred Mezzacapo P.O. Box 2838 Carson Cltn!ik B-9701 X 7B0a2q__Un1mprov �v Lo t V 327 Short St. 4042-107 Edith Crockett 327 Short St. Erie, PA __a Mq@t 323 Short St. 16507 X $2,9 0.00 0 A C R-1 319 Short S@-- 4042--106 Cornelius Smith 304 Holland St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 9�6-00 Vacant Lot 4042-105 Elizabeth Pakela 319 --s- - -- 315 Short St. '-042-104 WilliS sh.@t t. Erie PA 16507 X __j_L,_k7O. DO 0 W V 4Hyrtl G R-1 309 Sh." St. _jL e St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 3,430.00 0 S F R-2 311 Shur LSr 4042-103 James Anderson R.D.02 Hawthorne Rd. Girard,PA 16417 X $5,740.00 0 S F R-2 _101 @hlrt SL._ 4042-102 Willie Thompson _!24 Myrtle St. - 138 EYLLie-LL- 4042-101 Lonzo Hughes 138M Erie, PA 16507 X $4,300.00 0 W F R-I 140 Myrtle St. 4042-100 Cynthia Colossi tle St. Erie. PA 16507 X - $3,900.00 0 S P- R-2 142 My" le St. 925 French St. Erie. PA 16501 X $8,350.00 0 M F R-4 306 West 2nd St. 4042-131 Laverne Greene 2502 Powell Ave. Erie, PA 36506 X $4,964.00 0 W P R-2 308 Wea L 2nd St, 310 West 2nd st@ 4042-130 Gladys Dumbecks 310 West 2nd St. 316 West 2nd St -Erie, PA 16507 X $5 080.00 0 S F R-2 3t4West 2nd St* 4042-129 Milton Gutentag 22100 Ervin St. Woodland Milla,C. 22100 X $ 940.00 0 S F R-2 320 West 2.d St! .4042-128 Lee C-rt-f'fin T20 -West2.d St. Erie, PA 16507 X $4,170.00 0 W 324 West 2nd St. 4042-127 Margaret Dailey 324 West 2nd St. 7-R-I--- 32: West 2nd St* Erie, PA 16507 X $6,690.00 0 S P R-2 2Hes.t 2nd St. 4042-126 John Ray R.D. 01, Tolcott Rd. Waterford,PA 16441 X $61120.00 0 S F R-2 330 West 2.d St. 4042-125 Mildred Mezzacapo 1708 Sassafras St. Erie, PA 16502 X $ 780.00 Vacant Lot V 334 West 2nd St. 4042-124 Ralph Craig 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 Mutual S-lng.'Lo.n X $6,310.00 0 S P P-4 338 West 2nd St. 4042-123 Joseph Lap..ky 1105 Kerry Lane Erie, PA 16506 X $5,560.00 0 W F R-2 340 West 2nd St. 4042-122 Craft.. Moore 340 West 2nd St. le, PA 16507 X 6 500.00 0 W F R-I 346 West 2nd St. 4042-121 Collins Dotson - Er - Mutual S-lngs&Lo.n 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $5,880.00 0 W F R-I 352 West 2nd St@ 4042-120 John Killings 352 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $5.750.00 0 S - - 354 West Znd St. 4042-119 Angela-Blondf F R-3 358 West 2nd St. 4042-HO Gary Saraceno 354 West 2nd St. Eric, PA 16507 x -$-4,030.00 0 W P R-1 --.. Mutual Savlngs&Loan 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16500 X $ 4,630.00 0 S P R-2 _362 West 2 n-d- St. 4042-117 William Tsbb 362 Wear 2nd St-. PA 16507 X @ -2-1-U-0-.00 0 W R-I BLOCK - 4042-100-131 CODES & TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... 32 BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V - Vacant - 0 A - Aluminum Siding - 2 Residential Commercial PB - Public Buildings 0 0 - Occupied - 29 S - Shingle - 14 --kl -"Single Family 15 W : Woodr;Y11 R2 : Multi Family 11 Cl : Retail 0 M Kaso or Wood - 2 R3 Apartments C2 Offices 0 SP - Semi Public Buildings 0 1@7' (5.+ Unit.) Industrial P m Parks & Recreation 0 BUILDING CONDITION R4 Gr up Quarters 2 EX E-celle.t I . Industrial - 0 U - Undeveloped Land G Good 10 Mixed Use F Fair 13 P Poor 5 As denoted - 0 V - Vacant - 3 C Critical - 0 -64-- BLOCK #16 More than one-half of the buildings in this area, bounded by Myrtle, Chestnut, West Second and Short Streets, were found to be in fair.or poor condition, thirty-eight percent are considered as good without structural deficiencies. The entire block is in residential use and contains a mixture of four, three, two and single family dwellings. The majority of the structures, however, or fifty-two percent, are in single family residential use. There are three vacant parcels of land in this block. -65- 30 319 207 3,33 206 209[j 208 205 co 204 UJ 355 -J 35 203 C-1 4042 210 214 219 202 E;:] 212 211 L2(01 213 216 217 LU 215 U 364 358 350 316 310 SHORT STREET !11@ _�O@2-200-219 ADDRESS INDEX NO OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0T ASSESSED VALUE OCCUPANCY BLDG. BLDG. -i:A-tFD 359 West Front St. 4042-213 C@qo-g' W-t... HAT. COND. USE ui Bank P.O. Box 3390 Pittsburgh,PA 15230 X $ 8,490.00 0 A G R-1 355 West Front St. 4042-212 'lam: Timn, Loma- & Net leton P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 5.530.00 0 S G R-t West Front Street 4042-211 Bureau of Water Municipal Bldg. Erie, PA 16501 $13,650.00 0 G PB 325 West Front St. 4042-210 Robert Christensen 325 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 X $36,100.00 0 F 1 323 West Front St. 4042-209 1-hn Benton 323 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 x $ 5,990.00 0 W G 31il RWE5i,@@Ftont St. 4042-208 Knut Salmonsen 319 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 x R-1 1 2 M t 1@ t. Vacant V 4042-207 Mary Taft 3632 Stough Ave. Erie, PA 16509 X $ 600.00 Unimproved Vacant Lot V 106 Myrtle St. 4042-206 Redev. Auth. Erie 410 S. Nichols Bl!!S. Erie, PA 16501 X Uni.proved Vacant Lot V 108 Myrtle St. 4042-205 Redev. Auth. Erie .410 S. Ni@'KulsBldg. Erie, PA 16501 X Unimproved Vacant Lot V 4042-204 Redev. Auth. Erie 410-S. Nichols Bldg. Erie, PA 16501 X Unimproved Vacant Lot V 4042-203 PENN Electric Co. .322 Levergood St. Johnstwn,PA 15901 X $ 4,290.00 0 Power Structure -1 114 Myrtle St. 4042-202 Sarah Dewh-st 114 Myrtle St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 6.350.00 0 S F R-1 120 Myrtle St. 4042-201 Preferred Financial 4603 Pine Avenue Erie, PA 16504 _X $ 5,250.00 0 S G R-I 130 Myrtle St 4042-200 Willie Williams 130 Myrtle St. Erie, PA 16507 x $ 250.00 0 S F R-1 310 Short St. 4042-217 Orval Tost 10401 West 99th - McKean, PA 16426 X $ 2,530.00 V W C R-1 316-Sh.rt St. 4042-219 Electric Company 222 Levergo,d St. Johnstown , PA 15901 X $ 3,660.00 Vacant Lot V 350 Short St. 4042-216 City of Erie State at 7th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $ 950.00 Vacant LGL V- 358 Short St. 4042-214 Charles Crayes 358 Short St. Erie, PA 16207 X 5.560.00 0 S G R-1 364 Short St. 4042-215 Bureau of Water Municipal Bldg. Erie, PA 16501 X $ 560.00 Vacant Lot V BLOCK - 4042-200--219 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS 'L9 CODES 9 TOTALS BLDG. OccuPANcy BUILDING MATERIAL V - Vacant - I A - Al.minu. Siding LAND USE 0 - Occupied . 10 S - Shingles - 5 W - Wood - 2 Residential Commrcial PB - Public Buildings - I MHasonr or Brick 2 RI Single Famlyly.-.6 Cl : Retail - 0 B-D ING CY R I C2 Offices SP - Semi Public Buildings 0 u71 _. ONDITION 2M t Famil . 0 EX -Excellent 0 R3 Apart-ents - 0 Industrial P - Parks & Recreation -0 G-Good - 6 (5 + units) I - Industrial - I U - Undeveloped Land - 0 F-Fair - 3 R4 Group Quarters - 0 Power Struct ure-I - P:Poor - 0 Mixed use V - Vacant - 8 CCritical I As denoted - 0 BLOCK #17 This relatively small block is bounded by Myrtle, Chestnut, Short and Front Streets and contains only nineteen parcels of land, mostly in residential use; there are two industrially used structures, however, and one building in public use. There are eight parcels of vacant land; with the exception of one structure which was found to be in critical condition, the remaining units of single family dwellings were judged in good to fair condition. 9 r2l 5 WEST FIFTH STREET -66- 457 453 449 447 441 439 435 431 429 427 423 4131411 C\j Ln 103 102 115 114 113 112 111 110 109108107 106 104 119 127 U) _j 120 4014 F1 IS LU 124 U 121 122 125 126 100 128 A.A.A. F@ I 4641462 456 446 420 4161414 4101408 402 WEST SIXTH STREET BLOCK 4014-100-126 ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY TA__ iLDC. BUT) ND VALUE HAT, COND. USE 457 West 5th St. 4014-116 -i .. et S;iti;-_?it. S&L 12-TVeg, 21,h St. Erie. PA 1008 X Aiu@mfwm_ 1) 451 West Ith St* 4014-111 11--li, Solder P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $11,390.00 0 S G R-1 Lomas & Nettleton 449 West 5th St. 4014-114 Anita Zielinski 449 Went 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 $ 9,890.00 0 P R-3 West 4014-113 :-:@h 16509 X $10,600.00 W 447 5th St. 121 West 26th St. Erie. PA 0 F R-2 4014-112 Knn1h th 441 West 5th St. .t..I ' 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 9,400.00 0 W F R-1 :.,In,. & Loan 4014-111 @tr.,Ld Lr.. 439 West 5th St. 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16500 X $ 41550.00 0 W G R-4 435 West 5th St. 4014-110 P.W. Schierberl 6 Loan 435L West 5th St. Lrie_,_FA 16507 X $12,92ouo 0 5 G K-1 431 West 5th St. 4014-109 Ralph Swartwood 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 9,41)0.00 0 W F R-1 Mutual Savings & Loan .e,,t-. . :-. 429 West 5th St. 4014-108 Wr".".!. Idg.&Loan P.O. Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 X $11,390.00 0 W F R-1 427 West 5th St. 4014-107 Richard Hall P.O. Box 1328 flouston, Tx 77001 X $ 8,650.00 0 W G R-1 Lomas & Nettleton 423 West 5th St. 4014-106 James Wienczkmski MOD Frankstown Rd. PIttsburBh,PA 15235 X $ 8,170.00 0 S G R-1 411 We:t 5th St. D v S 4014-104 -@!d Iler Box 6150 Erie, PA 16507 X $ 9,040.00 0 m FX R-2 13-We t. 5th t. Fi t Ll ... I Bank P-"' 502 Chestnut St. 4014-103 Wallace Thornton R.D. #5 Lake Ple ... nt Erie, PA 16509 X $18,210.00 0 m G R-2 504 C stnut St. 506 Chestnut St. 4014-102 John P. Coughlin 508 Chestnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $19,490.00 0 H G R-7 1508 Chestnut St. 510 Chestnut St. 4014-101 John P. Coughlin 508 Chestnut St. Erie. PA 16507 X $19,360.00 0 H C R-2 512 Chestnut St. 518 Ch tnut St. 4014-127 Daniel Baldwin 1007 State Street Erie, PA 1 18.900.00 0 H F R-2 516 Ch:.:tnut St. 6501 1 $ 402 West 6th St. 4014-100 Alois Lublejewski 402 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $25,210.00 0 H EX 408 W ,::t 6th St. -4 t6th.St. 4014-126 John Baldwin Fi@e West tenth St. Erie, PA 16501 X $17,510.00 0 H F R-2 420 West 6th St. 4014-124 Erie Co.Hotor Club 420 West Sixth St. Erie, PA 16507 X $286,740.00 0 H EX C-2 @ ",-pI,d 446 West 6th St. 4014-122 Robert Kubeja 1441 Canterberry Lane Fairview. PA 16415 X $45,490.00 ac nt R_' 456 West 6th St. 4014-121 Da@ld Wellington 456 West bth St. Erie, Ph 16507 X $34,010.00 0 H EX 462 West 6th St. 4014-128 D nald J. Cardo 464 West 6th St. No 121 We.t 26th St. Erie. PA 16508 X $20.990.00 0 m EX R-4 - utual SavinBs & Loan 501 Walnut St. 4014-117 Ed Ra_r - PA 16507 X $l1,840,QQ___D R7z--- 503 Walnut St. 4014-118 John Lillis/Nut. S & L 21 West 26th St. ill", 'A X _1 .00 0 S C R-2 515 Walnut St. 4014-119 John Lj1jIsL?ULt. S & L 121 West 26th St. sr... p . $11,160.00 0 S G R-I 519 Walnut sit. 4014-120 Arthur Baldwin 1002 StAte St. Erie, PA 16501 $12,370.00 0 S R-2 521 wa-Inut -St. BLOCK - CODES V TOTALS 10TAI, j@tlly@ 'ELS ... OF PAR, _26 BLI)G.__qCCUPAt!GY @UIIXIN@MTERILL A L_Nt@_IISE I 0 A Aluvit.uv. Siding - 0 Residential OV OVccupled . 26 S Shingle. - g '-d - 7 R21 SIF;g:e,FA.Ily - 8 Cl - Retail 0 PH - Put. I le E u It .19 0 WH MW . sty or BrIck It R n " '"'fly -32 C2 - Office" - I I - __dI_ - a o R3 Apartwnta -2 SP - S-1 Public - But -Idl.'S. 0 BUILDING CONDITIO (5 @ unt t) Industrial P - Nrkm & Rere.,tlo, - 1) EX Excellent - 5 R4 Group Quarters - 3 1 - Industri.1 0 - ----- -_ ____ I G Good - 13 Mixed Ilse 11 - Und-e1_cP!!_j Land- - 0 F Fair - 6 V - Vwn!lt - 0 P P..r - 2 A, denoted - 0 C Critical - 0 BLOCK #18 This block has a mixture of one, two, three and four family residential use structures, including two commercial land uses. It is bounded by Chestnut, Walnut, West Sixth and West Fifth Streets and includes twenty-six parcels of entirely occupied land. Over sixty-two percent of the buildings are in @3,rood condition, with the balance rated as fair. Only two s--ructures were classified as poor in this block area. WEST FOURTH STREET -68- 4571455 449 447 443 437 435 431 427 425 413 411 409 40-JI401 221 D EinuD U207 LFF 208 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 - E= ai] D Y@2074 z 222 1 U) < L2 2 Lli 3: 4,1 4014 229 230 231 232 233 234 202 Serenity 227 228 Crossroads 201 200 rn 462 4601458 456 450 448446444 4401438 436 WEST FIFTH STREET 4L INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE OCCOPANCY B1.11G. BLDG ADDRESS Z P T 7;-ESSED VALUE MAT. COND. !!SE 455 Wat 4th St. 4014-220 Roh"t P,.... 920 Peach St. Erie. PA 16501 X $10,960.00 0 WP R-2 57 W-!4th St. M.cque. S-.B. V 449Wat 4th St. 4014-219 Redev. Auth.-Erle 155 West 8th St. Erie, PA 16 890.00 Vacant Lot -2 @447 West4th St. 4014-2t8 Eugene Rosenberg 3128 Erie St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 5,450.00 0 WP R 443 West 4tb St. 4014-217 Mack Carter 443 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 9,470.00 0 AG R 437 West 4th St. 4014-216 Angela Ant onX 1741 Millfair Road Erie, PA 16505 X @11'180.00 0 WF R-3 435 West 4th St. 4014-215 Joseph Fl mio 434 East IOLh St. Eric, PA 16503_ X 11,900.00 2_ S___E__ R-I 431 West 4th St. 4014-214 Joseph Flamio 434 East 10th St. Erie, PA 16503 X � 6,260.00 0 SF W-I 427 West 4th St. 4014-213 William Boyce 427 West 4th SL. Erie, PA 1650 00 0 SF R-1 425 West 4th St. 4014-212 Bliss Kleckner 425 West 4th St. Erie, PA _ 16507 X -L5,220.00 0 A_EX R-1 4014-211 Burns School/CROSSROADS 1511 State Street Erie, PA 16507 X *453,580.00 0 MF C-2 413 West 4th St. 4014-210 Morton Wright -@-02 West 3rd St. Erie. PA 16507 X $10,520.00 0 SF R-I 411 West 4th St. 4014-209 D,"l,e Terry 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $12,370.00 0 SF R-2 Mutual I L... 409 West 4th St. 4014-208 Charles Pacex 28 West 29Lh St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 8,760.00 0 WF R-2 401 West 4th St. 4014-207 Redev. Auth. Erie 410 S.E. Nichols Bldg. Erie, PA 16501 $10,700-00 Vacant LoL V 404 West 4th St. 406 Che.tut St, -4 408 Che tnutSt' 4014-206 Donald Jensen R.D. #I Mt.Pteasant Rd. SpartansburgPA 16436 X $10,510.00 0 wP R 410 Chestnut St. 412 Chestnut St. 4014-205 Werl Woods 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 8,780.00 ON WP R-3 Mutual Savings & Loan 416 Ches nut St. 4014-204 Charles M@ngin P.O. Box 1583 Erie, PA 16507 X $ 4,770.00 0 SP R-I 418 Chestnut St. 4014-203 John Cal Iehan 415 Chestnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5,560.00 0 Sp R-2 420 Chestnut St. 40J4-202 Gary Hanlin P.O. Box 300 Erie, PA 16512 X $14,410.00 0 WF R-2 422 Chestnut St. 424 Chestnut St. 4014-20_1 Charles Mangin P.O. Box 1583 Erie, PA 16507 X $ 3,950.00 0 WP R-2 432 Chestnut St. 4014-200 Cit y of Erie Municipal Bldg. Erie, PA 16501 X $57,530.00 0 HC PB Fire House No. 4 436 West 5rd St. 4014-234 Paul Smith 436 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 9,32O.GO 0 WF R-2 440 West 5th St. 4014-233 Elouise Herrick 440 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $10,390.00 0 SF R-2 -438 West 5th St 444 West 5th St. 4014-232 Joseph Palermo 444 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 7,670.00 0 MC R-I 446 West 5th St. 448 West 5th St. 4014-231 Paul Nather 448 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $11.400.00 0 AG R-2 450 West 5th St. 4014-230 Kenneth Smith 121 Wear 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $12,L80.00 0 SC R-1 Mutual Savings & Loan 456 West 5th St 4014-229 mas&tleLr-PQ-B--L32a--- -1-6.970.00-- 0- AF 460 West Sth St. -4014-2@-8-PatricJa Hess 4121 1- view Avenue Erie, PA 16510 _X $ 1,280.00 VACANT LOT V -Iv-@ 171 45H West5 Y..Lh-.SQLiLh--MUL.-5FI- -WeaL 2fiLii-S-L-- Zrip.-u-.165011. ----- - S- G- -IL-3 432._Wainut St. 4014-226 Harry S hebrer 423 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5,630.00 0 SC R-1_ 421 Walnut St. 4014-225 Loce Jones 421 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X -$ '6-,630.-60- 0 SF R-1 419 Walnut St. 4014-224 Cecil Ellis 419 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $-9.160.00 0 SG R-1 413 Walnut St. 4014-222 John Heubpl P.O. Box 300 Erie, PA 16512 $ 9'rm.no 0 9C. R-1 Union Bank 409 Walnut S@. 401@-221 Ra_jj!_&t_Lop@r_ 463 West 4th St. Erie, PA _1_6 5R 7 ___@_I@,740.00 ------ 0 --w C --R. Tr-:1- L@Serenitv BLOCK - 4014--!QQ-2M CODES & TOTALS ITTALNUMMV@ QFKMCE@S ... 34 BLDG. OCCUPANCY IL@IL Diq_MATERIA@ LAND USE A : A,1,umInm SidinR 4 Rest e.ti.t C-rcial PR Public RuIldi (V) 0"z"."Ple; 0. S S IngIe - 14 Rt Single F..Ily 14 C1 : R SP c R,!l nj, yhl@k _Idi_ n'd C2 t P Parke 6 RecreALIan 1) MW :MW ... ;y'.Or .,I,.l I R2 Multi Fa.Ily It 07tic', I R3 Apnrt-n1:)- I Industrial AIIII. @INGI;QNMILCM (5 4 It U Und".I.Mdj@mjd EX Excellent I R4 Croup Quarters - I I - Industrial 0 V V-caa@ - 3 G G-d - 9 Mixed Use F Fal r _ 13 A. denoted - 0 P P..r - I C Critical BLOCK #19 This block area contains thirty-four parcels of land in single, two, three and four family residential use. The major-'ty of the structures are in two family occupancy. There are three vacant parcels and one public building. Seventy-five percent of the structures are in either fair or poor condition,, The area is bounded by Chestnut, Walnut, West Fifth and West Fourth Streets. WEST THIRD STREET -70- 457 443 441 437 435 431 425 1 103 -107,109 120 118 117 116 115 114 113 1 112 111 Proposed Elderly Housing 122F Mar fin Luther Ing L/r. n Ler Ce =n LJ 123J 4015 z Eq 131 138-141 100-102 125 128 129 130 1 133 134 135 136 137 142-143 126 12710 464462 460 456 452 4.50144146 444142 440 43W36 43411-P 430 42V26 WEST FOURTH STREET BIDCK _@@15-!00-143 ADDRESS INDEX ROK --OWNER ------------- 7s 014NER ADDRESS CITY TATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED VALUE OCCUPANCY BIDC. BLDG.-LA-Fff-)- -120 Ch riotte Key !1 457 - West3rd -@ @t--- MAT4 COND. - USE 57 West 3rd St. 4015 Erie PA 16507 X $ 8,290.00 0 A C R-I 4015-119 George Baldwin 320 W@st 8tb St. Erie, PA 16502 X $ 2,760.00 0 W St. 4015-117 Rede@. Auth. Fri W St. Erie, 443 West 3rd 11@ est6h PA 16501 _1_1,360.00 U Improved Vacant Lot V 441 West 3rd St. 4015-116 Redev. Au -th. Erie 115 West 8th St. ErJe, PA 16501 1,020.00 Unimproved Vac ant Lot V 4015-115 Redev.-ioth. Erie I I @' @W;t 8Ch St. E@ri., PA 1 501 $2,100.00 Unimproved Vwcnt Lot V 437 West 3rd St. 4015-114 Redev. Auth. Erie 115 West 8th St. Erie, PA 16501 4.360.00 Vacant Lot V @35 West 3rd St. 4015-113 Redev. Aui@- Erie -115 West 8th-St. Erie, PA 16501 5,030.00 Vacant Lat- -@31 West 3rd St. 4015-112 Redev. Auth j-_Er 11 115 West @-th @-C.Eiie, PA 16501 4,750.00 V -425 West 3rd S .4015-111 Redev. Auth. Erie 115 West 8th St. Er e, PA 16501 419 We,, 3,d St. 4015-109 Bayfront NATOEICnc 9,240.00 I., . Kin , 419 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $312.340.00 0 M EX PH Mar t tr. 413 We at 3rd St. 4015-107 Bayfro"t NATO 423 West 3rd St. Eric, PA 16-507 $t.360.00 Unimproved V 407 West 3rd St. 405 West 3rd 51- 4015-106 B.yfr..t NATO 423 West 3rd St. Erie. PA 16507 $960.00 Unimproved V 401 We -,,Ird5t.4015-105 B.yfr,,.t NATO 4Z3 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 $1.320.00 Unimproved Martin Luther King Center 312 Ch'st not St. 4015-104 Bayfront NATO 423 West 3rd St. Erie. PA 16507 $1,320.00 Unimproved 314 Ch.to St' V 316 Cli:stn*u'tt @St. 4015-103 Bayfront NATO 423 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 $720.00 Unim roved V --p 320 Chestnut St. 4015-102 City of Erie Municipal Bldg. Fri.. PA 16501 $960.00 Unimproved 322Che.ttSt. 4015-101 City of Erie Mniclpal Bldg. Erie, PA 16501 $1.130.00 Unimproved V 326 Che.,tSt. 4015-100Cit y of Erie Municipal Bldg. Erie, PA 16501 $2.070.00 Unimproved Parking Lot V 401 We at 411, SI, 4011-141 CIt, I Eric Pro'. 711 Mu"IcIp,I Bldg* Erie, PA 11101 $980,00 UnI,pr,ved V -4.10 West 4th. St.. 4015-142 Redev. Auth. Erie 155 West 8th St. Erie, PA 16501 1,570.00 Unimproved V 416 West 4th St. 4015-141 City of Er Proj. 70 Municipal Bldg. Erie, PA 6501 $1,570.00 Unimproved V 4 1t City of Erl: 11 01 $1 0 8West 4th S .4015-140 1Proj. 70 Municipal Bldg. Erie, PA 65 040.0 Unimproved Martin L. King Memorial Park 420 West 4th St. 4015-139 City of Erie Proj. 70 Municipal Bldg. Erie, PA 1650 1 S1:01.0.00 Unimproved Toddler Playground P 424 Weat4th St. 4015-138 City of Erie Proj. 70 Municipal Bldg. Erie, PA 16501 $1,040.00 Unimproved V 422 West 4th St. V 426 West 4th St. 4015-137 James Hurnish 428 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6.770.00 0 A F R-2 428 West4thSt. 430 West 411, St,4015-136 Clara Crossley 430 West 4th St. Erie. PA 16507 X $6J90.00 0 W G R-t West 4, h St. 432 West 4th St. 434 West 4th St. 4015-135 Raymond Cooper 432-34 West 4th St. Erie, FA 16507 X $10,140.00 0 M F R-2 438 West 4th St. 4015-134 Carrie Stoke. 436-38 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 9,830.00 0 S F R-2 436 West 4th St. - 4-2- 440 West 4th St. 4015-133 John Tretter 420 West 9th St. Erie, PA 16507 $ 6.040.00 V W P 442W 132 Secretary of Housing 445 Fort Pitt Blvd. PIttsburgh,PA 15219 $ 8,920.00 V A C R-2 W:@st 4th St- 4015- 444t4th St. 446 West 4th St. 448 West 4th St. 4015-131 Mary Taylor 461 West 7th St. Erie, PA 16507 $ 9,700.00 C 452 Wegt 4th St. 4015-130 Willle,',N:,,r Lomas ttlel.n B" 1328 Th,ust.n. T. 77001 X $ 7,030.00 0 S F R-1 456 West 4th St. 4015-129 Redev. Auth. Erie 155 West 8th St. Fri S-L PA 16501 _I 1,570.00 Vacant Lot V 460 West 4th St. 4015-128 Redev. Auth. Erie 15.5 West Bch St. Erie, A 16501 x 4,590.00 0 M EX R @-I 462 West 4th St. 4015-127 Laver e Greene 25U2 Powell Ave. ___Lrie, PA WO@@@X 8,28 .00 0 M F @B 464 West 4th St. 4015-126 Bayfront NATO Inc. 423 West Jrd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $5,050.00 0 M F rB --@21 -Walnut St. 0 W P R-1 321 Walnut St. 4015-125 Ludy Gros by Erie, PA 16507 X 5.240.00 K 317 Walnut St. 4015-124 Robert WaIdley 4576 Budd Drive Erie. PA 16506 X $9,460.00 0 C R-2 3J9 Walnut St. 16507 X 0 A 313 Walnut St. 4015-123 Jack Jones 313 Walnut St. Erie, PA $6,110.00 G -1 311 Walnut St. 4015-122 George Baldwin 320 West 8th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $3,180.00 0 W C 309 Walnut St. BLOCK - 4015-100143 TOTAL, NUMBER OF PARCELS ... 40 CODES & TOTALS BLDC. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V VAcant - 3 A : Aluminum Siding - 4 Residential Commercial PB -Public Buildings =2 0 0ccupted-16 S Shingles - 3 RI Single Family -8 C1 : Retail 0 W - Wood -6 R2 Multi Family - C2 office 0 SP = Sent-Public Buildings =0 M - Masontry or Brick 6 R3 Apartment. - 0 Industrial (5 + units) P-Parks & Recreaton I Park BUILDING CONDITION R4 Group Quarters 0 1 - Industrial 0 (4 parcels) EX Excellent 2 Mixed_use Undeveloped Land G Good 5 As denoted - 0 F Fair 7 V Vacant -21 P Poor 3 C Critical 2 BLOCK #20 This block area contains a high vacancy in that thirty-six percent of the land parcels are not in any use. This area contains the Martin Luther King Center parking lot and building. There are also three vacant buildings of which two are listed as being in critical condition. Over sixty-two percent of the structures are rated as fair or poor with only seven dwellings being classified as good or excellent. The area is divided into single and two family use and includes one city park. Chestnut, Walnut, West Fourth and West Third Streets form the boundaries of this city block. -72- WEST SECOND STREET 459 457 455 445 4 4 / 4 3 9 43 7 435 433 431429 427 425 419 415 413 205 - 3 FlEn U ED []n C) 224 221 219 2111 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 00 225 204 F- 203 =) N 226 Z 4,015 F- =227 U) EE@ < CO F201 C7@ E=]228 2-29 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 200 230 231 Proposed Elderly Housing D 464 460 454 452 446 4441442 440 438 432 426 424 418 414 410 406 402 WEST THIRD STREET BLOCK 4015-200-244 OWNER ADDRESS CITY/S ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER TATE ZIP 0T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLDG. BLDC. L4 --5 W- --in -- - ckllutler 3211 Otto St. Erie, PA 16510 X VALUE - MAT.-M-IM --US@- -45 . [email protected] - 46i75-F2-2-iTi.-det ___ $ 4,420.00 0 W F R-1 457 We.! 2.d St. 015-221 . Ada Horton 457 West 2nd St. Etie, @i-l 507- _1q2O.OO 0 -- -A 455 @L-t 2nd StL 45Y-ae;t 2n4 St. Erie, PA 16507 X A F R-) ____@_015-220 Willie Smiti _L5,970.00__ 4015-219 Wlllj@-Smith 455 West 2od St. Erie, PA IL.507 Unimproved $ 1,430.00 Vacant V 445 est 2nd St. 4015-218 Willie Smith 455 West 2njSt@ Erie, PA 16507 UnImpro ed @ 1,[email protected] Vacant V _�41 W-t 2od_@L. 4015@217__a. Aus@in 441 West 2nd St@ E@je, PA 16507 x $ 6,550.00 A _ G R-2 _@j39 West 2nd St. 4015-216 Kenneth Roy 439 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507_ @ 5,44 .00 - 0 A G R-1 437 West 2.d SE4 4015@215 Ira Graham __@17 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X @920 06 _-O S F R-2 435 West 2.d St. 4015-214 M@@Je Purdue 425 West 2nd St. Eric. PA 16507 _ X @ 5,040.00 0 W C R-2 433 West 2nd St. 4015-213 Mazle Purdue 425 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 165 @L UniTpLovSd [email protected] Vacant V 431 West 2nd St. 4015-21.2 Mazie Purdue 425 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 __ X 13,170.00 0 S P R-1 429 H-_-t2-d it. 4015-211 Anns Lawson -ro 333 West 3rd St. Erie, PA :@@650L) @1.@ -@vd 560.00- V --427 West 2nd St. 4015-210 Bradly Lawson 333 West 3rd St. Erie. PA 16507 X 4,110.00 F R-1 425 West 2nd St. 4015-209 Mazzle Purdue 304 Holland St. Erie, PA IA5 419 West 2nd St. -208 q-7 X _@,320.00 . V A -C R-T-- 417West 2nd St. 4015 Gilbert Lawson 419 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $5,140.00 0 W P R-I 415 West 2nd St. 401111@@nd [email protected] P.O. Box 2a Erie. PA ---i6512 X. 540.00 0 A R-1 413 West 2nd St. 4015-206 Read Atkinson 413 YeaL 2nd St. Erf , PA 16507 X 7,580.00 0 A G 204 Chestnut St. -202 Chestnut St. 4105-205 Iva Goodwin 204 Chestnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6,950.00 V S C R-2 210 Chestnut St. - - 2 8Chestnut St. 4015-204 Redev. Auth. Erie 155 West 8th St. Erie, PA 16501 Vacant V 216 Chestnut St. 4015-203 T.H. Word 216 Chestnut St. Erie, PT -16507 1 218 Chestnut St. -1 3.85q-00 ___g_ S r R-1 4015-202 Mazie Purdue 425 West 2nd St. Eric, PA 16507 X -W C R-1 220 Chestnut St. 4015-201 John Tna 20 West 3z-tw-st ErN-,CA 16501 02 West 3rd St. I, -: @1.650.00 0 W P- R-1 4015-200 Onley ne Box 518 Wabasso,Fla 32970 Unimproved $ 1,280.00 406 West 3rd St. 4015-244 Robert Cherry 93 Archie Buffalo, NY !4104 9t( I DO V A F R-1 _jI 0West 3@@d St. 4015-243 Housing _?C_ "@ -)L _L14 West 3rd St. 4015-242 Auth, gqe 605 Holland St. Erie. PA 16501 X $14,550.00 0 M EX R-1 Mandl Rice 414 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5.390.00 0 W F R-2 1 418 West 3rd St. 4015-241 Charle Graham 418 W-t 3td St. Erie, PA 16507 X - 424 West 3rd St. 4015-240 McKinley Barnes [email protected]@O--OO 0 S G T-I 3 Dakota Dr. Lake Success,NY 11040 i @ 6,230.00 0 A G R-1 426 West 3rd St@ 4015-239 Housing Auth. Erie 605 Holland St. Erie. PA 16501 X $14,550.00 -0 M EX R-1 432 West 3rd St. 4015-2j8 Redev. Auth. Erie 155 West 8th St. Erie, PA 16501 _jj .360.00 Vacant Lot V 438 West 3rd St. 4015-237 Redev. Auth. Erie 155 West 8th St. Erie. PA 16501 $ 1 360.U0 Vacant Lot 440 West 3rd St. 4015-236 Redev. Auth. Erie 155 West 8th St. Erie, PA 16501 $ - V 442 West 3rd St. _1360.OU _ Vacant Lot V 444 West 3rd St. 4015-235 Redev. Auth. Erie 155 W.@, 8th St. Erie. PA 16501 $5,300.00 V.-'t I.ot V Redev, 446 West 3rd St. 4015-234 Auth. E ie 155 West 8th St. Eric, PA --f65-01 360.00 Vacant Lot -v- 605 H.Itand St. Erie, PA 16501 X- 1-11 452 West 3rd St. 4015-2)3 Housing Auth. Erie $14,550.00 0 M EX R-1- 454 West 3rd St. 4015-237 Sideyard for 460 West 3rd St. $ t - 369. 00 Vacant Lot --460 -W..t 3rd St. 4015-231 E.Ity Wright 460 West 3rd St. Erie. PA 16507 X T@-T@-0766 0 W C R-1 4-6-4 iiest -3rd St. 4015-ZiO-Samuel Parker 464 West 3rd St. Erl@, Pa 16507 X $4,010.00 0 W G R-I 223 Walnut St. 4015-229 John Johnson Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $6,600@00 0 S G R-1 .121 Walnut St- 4015-228 Robert Person 221 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6,140.00 0 S G R-1 217 Walnut St. 4015-227 Jerome Miller 532 West 3rd St. Erie. PA 16507 X $7,170.00 W r R-2 IP Walnut St. 211 Walnut St. 4015-226 Wraynfleld Taylor 211 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6,720.00 0 W G R-1 207 Walnut St. 4015-225 James Caddy 259 East 17th St. Erie, PA 16503 X �[email protected] V S C R-1 4015-224 Nick Deluca 461 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 1.340.00 Vacant Lot V nut St. 4015-223 Nick Deluca 461 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 x $ 3,6jb-.00C@-- W -73- BLOCK - CODES & TOTALS Tg1AIt_.N.U148ER PARC 14 ... L5 BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING KATERIAL LAND Usf@ V 11" A Ahluminum Siding 9 tial Cuuunercial PB - 0 0 @@n I S S In e - 9' Reside RI Sin C1 : R SP - Semi-_Ft vate W Wood It Igl. Family - 25 1 0 1_ _ M masonry or Brick 3 R2 M. ti Family - 7 C2 07tfi!e 0 P - ParksA -@@ewt n D R3 Apartments - 0 industrial JL LUILDNG CONDITION (5 un.'.) U - !ln4evelg e R4 Gr+oul [email protected]. - 0 1 - Indostrtal 0 _ __ _p_Ll.-and EX Excellent - 3 Mixed Use V - Vacan - 13 G C'.d 14 As denoted - 0 F Fa Ir 7 P Po. r 4 C Critical - 4 13LOCK #21 Chestnut, Walnut, West Third and West Second Streets set the boundaries of this block area which includes forty-five parcels of land; of which twelve, or twenty-seven percent, are listed as vacant. Almost eighty-two percent of the occupied -:)arcels of land represent single family residential use, the balance is taken by two family dwellings. Over twenty-seven 'larcent of the structures, however, in this block area are in aither poor or critical condition. The remaining residential dwellings fall into fair, good or excellent ratings with the majority, or forty-two percent, listed as good. WEST FRONT STREET -74- 443 ';N 425 445 457 455 .451 449 401 .361 104 122tI21 1 120 4041 103 - 119 118 117 116 115 1141 13 112 111 110 1091108 107 106 105 F- 123 Z@ 102 124 U) - -- 131 - 132 1,33 134 135 136 137 138 - LIJ 3: --- 128 129 130 139 m 125 126 11-7 10 1 U I-Ell 11111 F 100 F) 462 -760 458 456 54 -:5Z5C 4-* 446 4441440 436 434 430 426 422 418 412 WEST SECOND STREET BLOCK 4041-100-132 ADDRESS ASSESSED INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CHTTST-A-rE ZIP T OCCUPANCY BLOC. 81.4G. LAND VALUE MAT. COND.. USE____-@ 461 West Front St. 4041-121 Gertrude Crucza 461 West Front iii., PA 16507 1 s 5,010.00 0 S F R-1 457 West Front St. 4041-120 Cary Cacchlone 926 Peach Street Erie, -16501 5, Tio. Do R-1 _@55 West Front St. 4041-119 Andrew Wes@--- -CltT-H.11-- Erle.PA 1-6501 X ffl,780-00 0 A G R-1 451 West Front St. 4041-118 Harald Holden 451 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 X _____L@940-00____L_ A G R-1 449 West F out St. 4041-117 Paul Green T64-5 Fron_tenac Drive Er!@. LA--- 16511 -- X $ 5,50o.00 0 S C. R@l 445 West Front St. 4041-116 Willie Grace 445 West Front St. Erie, PA __1659Z_ X _ $ 7,14iT60 0 A G R-1 4041-115 Helen Drew 443 eat Front St. TT]e, PA 16507 X $ 6,870.00 0 M 443 Went Front St. FX R- 439 W:st Fr'nt St' 4041-114 HANDS 948 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 4,790.00 0 W F R-1 441W .tFront St. &Ur R--f 437 West Front St. 4041-113 Edward Pru 1143 East 40th St. E X @ 5,520--@O 6 _@4@ West Front St. 4041-112 Mari Evans 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508. -X__L @516Q,00 0 S G R-1 G 431 West Front St. 4041-111 Charles Beard P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X 1 5,930-00 0 S 425 West Front St. 4041-110 Richard Cehrlelvi 4714 Upland Drive Erie. PA 16509 X-- $ 5.350.00 0- S F R-2 423 West Front St. 4041-109 Jack Martin P.o.-Lm 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X 4,110.00 0 W __P R-1 421 West Front St. 4041-108 Nord Cofini 421 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 X 5,300.00 0 W F R-t 419 West Front St. 4041-107 Richard Laird 419 West Front St. Eric. PA 16507 X $ 5,850.0() 0--- W 0 R-1 417 West Front St. 4041-106 Aubrey Dillon 417 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507. X [email protected] 6 -S-- E IC-T 413 West Front St. 4041-105 John Vabantan 920 Peach Street Erie, PA 16501 _X $4,860-00 0 W - a R-1 40t West Ft..t St. 4041-104 F-nces Figlioment. @T@est -%Inth S@. Erie, PA 16502 x $6.380.00 0 OL F EL- t R "a Id Drew Erie, PA 16508 X $5,780.00 0 M EX R-I 120 Chestnut St. 4041-103 Mura I S.@lu gs 6 Loan 121 West 26th St. 124 Chestnut St. 4041-102 Walter Zawadski 124 Chestnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X 5,320.00 0 S C Rm--l 12: Chestnut St' 4041-101 Dudley Johnson 120 Chestnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X 4.030-00 0 S C R-1 ,2C stnut St 130 Chestnut St.- 4041-100 Dudley Johnson 120 Chestnut St. Erie. PA 16507 1,420-00 Vacant Lot T- -412 West 2nd St. 4041-139 Redev. Auth. Erie 410 Smner Nichols BLdg Erie, PA 1 501 1,120-00 Vacant Lot V 418 West 2nd St. 4041-138 Samuel Hayes 418 West 2ad St. Erie, PA 16507 X 5,650-00 0 A G R-1 422 West 2nd St. 4041-137 Jessie Ceorge 422 West 2nd St. Erie, PA t6507 X A G 0-1 426 West 2nd St. 4041-136 John Brown 2225 State St. Erie, PA 1659@ X 3,510.00 0 A P R-I 430 West 2nd St. 4041-135 Housing Auth. Erie 12 Past Tenth St. Erie, PA 1650 $1 5.430.00 0 M EX R-1 434 West 2nd St. 4041-134 Mary Bailey 434 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 4,470.00 0 S G R-1 436 West 2nd St. 4041-133 Ronald Drew 443 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 11 120.00 __..Vacant Lot V 444 West 2nd St. 4041-132 Leonard Martin 440 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $4.656-00 0 S F R-1 440 West-2nd St. 446 West 2nd St. 4041-131 Ronald Drew 443 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 :'12 00 Vacant Lot 4 48 4041-130 Jessie Stonewall -4 '1 0:1 West 2nd St. 48 West 2ad St. Erje. FA- -1@30-7X $6 4. 1 0 W F R-1 452 West 2nd St. 4041-129 Lawrence AudItort 2325 Liberty St. Erie, PA 16502 X $6.060-00 0 W F R-2 @O West 2nd St. 456 West 2nd St. 454 West 2nd St. 4041-128 Eater Tolbert 454 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 6.090.00 0 S F R-2 458 West 2nd St. 4041-127 Harry Nelson 458 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X - 5,740.00 0 A F R-1 1 460 West 2nd St. 4041-126 Willie Lee P.O. Box 1321 Houston, Tx 77001 X- $.4,830.00 0 A C R-1 f -46i--iiesT-2,,d-5t. 4041-125 R.L. M@Cullum 336 East 21st St. Erie, PA_ 16503 X 5,00.00 0 W F- R-1 1 121 Walnut St. 4041-124 Joshua Martin 12t Walnut it. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5,240.00 T-r R-1 1 117 Walnut St. 4041-123 Henry Austin 117 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X -- ff, 40.00 __ 0 5 C- R-1 101 Walnut St. 4041-122 E@erett Britt P.O. Box 1328 H.u. tRn, Tx 7LOql ___X_ $ 5,030-00 -Wf R@ 70 4 BLOCK - "0 L-100:139 CODES & TOTALS 10TAL !@IT!BER _@F PARCKL@ 40 BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V V 0 A A@1'. R,;um.Siding 9 Residential Commercial PB - Publ Buildia, a - 0 0 O@ PI - _5 !S- S S In e Rl - Single Family 33 Cl : Retail - 0 SP - Se-I 1".1,11c But.Mjngs 0 W Wood - I R2 - Multi Family - 3 C2 Offl- - 0 P - Parks & Recreation - H Masonry or Brick R3 - Apart.ent.)- 0 jn@uqtxial __ 0 (5 1- unit. U - UndeveLolled Land@ HUILDING_CONDITION R4 - Group Quarters -0 1 - Industrial 0 V - Vacant - 4 EX [email protected] 3 Mixed Use G rood - 19 P Fair - 12 AR denoted - 0 P Poor - 2 C Critical 0 BLOCK #22 This block area is almost entirely in single family residential use. It is bounded by Chestnut, Walnut, West Second and West Front Streets. The area includes forty parcels of land, thirty-six of which are occupied. Most of the residential dwellings, or ninety-four percent, are classified from excellent to fair, with the majority falling in the "'good" category. Only two dwellings were found to be in poor condition. WEST FIFTH STREET -76- 559 557 553 5491'547 545 543141 539137 535 .531 527125 521 519 515113 509107105 LI 18] 104 ILI 7 onn Q) lors 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 105 102 121 130 40 w < U 122 123 124 125 126 129 100 664/658 542 538 530 520 512 502 WEST SIXTH STREET BLOCK 4OU-100-130 -0 T ---XSSffS-f1.D---CCC-UPANCY BLDG. BLDG- LAND --AFDR WESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 559 West 5th St. 4*017-118 George Prylin.ki VALUE HAT. COND. USE Lomas & Nettleton P.O. Box 1.328 Houston, Tx 77001 X 81110.00 0 S F R-I -Y57 -West 5th St. 4017-117 Eugene Dedionisto 557 West 5tb St. Erie, PA 1 07 X [email protected] 0 C 511 W,,, Ith St. 4017-116 Eu ene Dediontsto 557 West 5th St. Erie, PA G R 16507 X $..5,710.00 0 S 547 We :t 5th St' 4017-115 Michael Cofint P.O. Box 680 Erie. PA 16512 X $10,660.00 0 H G R-2 549 We I 5th St. 545 West 5th St. 1.017-114 Ch ri:topher Pantzis P.O. Box 1328 Doustnn, Tx 77001 X $ 8,030,00 0 S G R-I Lom. & Nettleton 543 West 5th St. Mattle Noble P.O. Box 1329 Houston, Tx 77001 X $10.100.00 V S F R-1 541 West 5th St. 4017-113 Lomas & Nettleton 539 West 5th St. 2 L th 4017-11 Y" W,ed 121 West 26Lh St. Erie, PA 16501 X $10.380.00 0 M Ex R-2 37 West 5St. Hu u.1 Sevin Su 121 West 535 West 501 St. 4017-Ilt a 26th St. Erie. PA 16501 X $10,750.00 0 W F R-2 tua S vinR' Loan 531 West 5th St. 4017-110 Mark Golden 409 Peach Street Erie, PA 16501 X $ 8,460.00 0 W P 527 West 5th St. 4017-109 Charles Pinney 3015 Rustic Lane Erie, PA 16506 X $ 8.990.00 0 S F R-2 25 West 5th 521 West 5th St. 4017-108 George Watson P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $12,150.00 0 M F R-1 Lomas & Nettleton 519 West 5th St. 4017-107 Richard Movie P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 8.320.00 0 W F R-I Lomas & Nettleton 515 West 5th St. 4017-106 Ed.ard Hickey 513-15 West 5th St. Erie. PA 16507 X $)0,910.00 0 M G R-2 5 3 West 5th St. 509 West 5th St. D-1. Zia. r 507 We:t 5th St. 4017-105 Mutual Savings & Loan 12t West 26th St. Erie, P. 16508 X $16.010.00 0 S F R-2 -505 We t 5th St. 502 Walnut S" 4011-104 Crescenzo Crocclo 302 East 19th St. Erie. PA 16505 X $17.110.00 0 M F R-3 -504 Walnut_St. 506 Walnut St. 4017-103 Marvin,Hinkle P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 8.170.00 0 S F R-2 L.ma e ttlet.n 510 Walnut St. 4017-102 David Cole 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 1 $ 14,070.00 0 A G R-1 Mutual__@ay_!ngs & Loan 514 Walnut St. 4017-101 Edward Przeplerskl 514 Walnut St. Erie, PA i-1;5-07X 110,620.00 0 M F R-I 502 West 6th St. 4017-130 Norman Wilson 8600 Nissen R.ad Falrvle. PA 16415 X $32,690.00 0 S EX C-2 512 West 6th St. 4017-129 John fontecchio 538 West 7th St. Erie, Ph 16502 X $24,380.00 0 W G R-3 52D West 6th St. 4017-t2 David Wellington 520 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16507 X �33.3 0.00 0 M EX R-3 530 West 6th St. 4017-124 Thomas Rafferty P.O. Box 61 w Erie. PA 16512 X $25,160.00 0 W ET-R-3 5111 West 6th St. 4017-123 Charles Roehrl P.O. box 300 Erie. PA 16512 X $28,170.00 0 M rx R-3 union Bank James Stubenhofer 121 West 26th St. 542 West 6th St. 4017-126 Harry Morqan Mutual SavInqs Erie, rA 16512 X $29,660.00 0 M 664 We:t 6th St. 4017-122 Michael Vehec 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $33,550.00 0 M F R-3 668 We t 6th St. Mutual Savings & Loan 513 Cherry St. 4017-121 ClIbert Smith 513 U,2rry St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 9.210.00 0 A G - R-I 509 merry St. 4017-120 Charles Poncsprlng 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 7.320.00 0 A C R-I avings & Mutual S Loan 507 Cherry St. 4017-119 William Palmer P.O. go. 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 5,990.00 0 W F R-I Lomax & Nettleton 4017-130 Charles Roehil 308 E e PA 16.512 nimpro d $ 100.00 ae BLOCK - 40-17-100-VU CODES & To*rALS TIOLALNIRIBER _0FjAk(jEIS 2 9 L(X BUILDING KATERIAI LAND USE ac - I A Aluminum 4 _@csldentlnt Commercial PB - Public Buildin" - 0 VO Vo=unied 27 S Sbingle 8 RI - Single Family - 12 CI - Retail - 0 SP - Semi Publk Buitdings 0 W Wod - 6 R2 - Multi Family - 9 C2 - Office - I P - Parka-& Fecreation - 0 H Masonry or Brick 10 R3 - Apartments - 7 Industrial U - Undevelop@v Land - 0 (5 + unit.) BUILDING CONDITION R4 - GrouP Quarters - 0 1 - Indo.trint 0 V - Vacant- - I EX - Ex@ellent 6 Mixed Use G - Good - 9 As denoted - 0 F - Fair - 12 P - Poor - I C - Critical 0 BLOCK #23 This block consists of twenty-nine land parcels with riostly single family dwellings; or fifty percent. The reamining residential units are in two or three family use. There is one commercial structure in the area and one parcel of vacant I land. This area is bordered by Walnut, Cherry, West Sixth and West Fifth Streets. WEST FOURTH STREET -78- 561 555 553 551 5451543 541 539 533 529 525 523 5/9 517 515 513 505 503 50/ C) -7 D22 3 D 210 @ @O [::]224 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 U) IT E@]225 2@ 203 zi Z: 1401";' -j < U r" 2 0=2 1@1227 228 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 to 245 232 F-1 200 23 564 560 556 552 550 548 542 540 53"36 53Z/530 526 52411522 52Q15/8 5161514 5/2/5/0 506 502 WEST FIFTH STREET 11.2CY __AO17-200@-@45 INDEX NO. OWNER zi -- ----SSED OCCUPANCY BLDr. BLDC. AND OtiOR ADDRESS CITY/STATE P 0 T ASSE VALUE UsR S5 West 4th St. 4017-222 Joseph Chludzinski 555 West 4th St. Erie. PA 16507 X 7.030.00 V S V__ --R-1 Er 16507 X -i--, -553 West 4th St. 4017-221 Elton Hennenns 5@3 West 4tT1 St. $ '045.00 0 S F--- ---- - -Fd va r dS 1311 Villa Sites Harborcreek PA 16421 X $ 6,170.00 0 W 0 R:T' -`Wes@ 4tFSL. 4017-220 351 T4' @-Rt 4i t' 4017-219 Lots Logo 407 East l3th St. Erie, PA 16503 X $ 6.590.00 a W F R-3 545 West 4Lh St. -- -- G R-1 54i [email protected] 4i@ St. 4017-218 Angel Cotto P.O. Box 749 Columbus,0hio 43216 X 1,540.00 0 W 6- S F R-1 W1 c Ave. E@Ie,-FA 1@506 X $ 5,770.00 3T9 West 4th St. 4017-217 Iliam Yukon 2824 Atlenti 3Wst.4th St. 4017-216 Leo Zielinski 533 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 8,560.00 0 M EX R-1 529 West 4th St. 4017-215 Ceorgl: Peter on Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 8,380.00 0 S G R-1 525 Lomas Net tMen Co@ P.O. Box 1328 X 2,250.00 0 -- - i--- v,est 4th St. 4017-214 Mr. Scalise 1204 State -St. Erie, PA 16501 g F -2 523 West 4th St. 4017-213 Stanley Asbury 523 West @th St. Erie, PA 16507 X 9.63o.oo 0 S C R-1 5ig West 4tLSt. 4017-212 Luis Maldonald 47 Mill St. Nortbeast, PA 16428 X $ 8,270.00 0 A -R-1 4017-211 Anthony Di Bacco 5401 New Perry Rwy. Erie, PA 16509 X 9,540.00 Vacant Lot V St- 515 West 4th St. 4017-210 James Leonard 515 Wes@ 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X 1,740.00 Vacant Lot 513 West 4th St. 4017-209 Louis Colossi 3833 Trask Ave. Erie, PA 16508 X 3.160.00 V- -S p R-1 505 West 4th St. 4017-208 HANDS X $ 51200.01) 0 W P R-1 Security Peoples Trust 801 State St. Erie, PA 16501 -30j West 4th St. 4017-207 Cilmore Perry 3 Dakota Dr. Lake Success,NY 11040 X q 5,470.00 0 S F R-i 406 walnut St. Theodore Jordon 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $ 8,480.00 0 M F R-2 501 West 40, St. 4017-206 Marquette Savings ---- ::= -- W 2 -410-Wa Inut St. 4017-205 Theresa Chambers 410 Walnut St. Erie, PA 165 7 6,370.00 0 412 Walnut 4017-204 DavIdSSc1*,11z2,"'1.. 121 West 26th St. Erie. PA 16508 X $ 9,250.00 0 S F R-3 Hot.. . '.. , n 414 Ual..t St. 4017-203 Cynthia Colossi 3833 Tr..k Ave. Erie, PA 16508 unimproved $ 1,190.00 Vacant Lot _@20 Walnut St. 4017-202 James Rhodes R.D. il East S ringfield. PA 16411 X $ 6,880.00 0 S EN 422 Walnut St. 4017-201 James Rhodes R.D. #1 East Springfield PA 16411 X $ 7,260.00 0 S F R-2 502 West 5th St. 4017-200 Harry Shatto, Jr. 3 Dakota Dr. 0605 Lake Success.NY 11040 X $10,120.00 0 A G R-2 432 Walnut St. -George Woiteeki 506 West 5th St. 4017-245 Lomas & Nettleton P.O. Be. 1128 Houston, T. 77001 X $ 7,800.00 0 W P R I '-' -1 512 "t 5th St' -244 J.- Rh.dea West 501 St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 7,610.00 0 S P --@-2 1-@@ 5 O.West 5th St. 4017 510 516 West 5th St' 4017-243 Mary Skowronski 514 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $13.030.00 S p R-2 514West 5th St. 518 West Sth St. 20 West 5th SI1. 4017-242 David Ko=Ierc.ak P.O. Box 741 C.1ub,,s,Ohl. 43216 X $ 7,930.00 0 A F R-2 522 West 511, St, -2 524 West 5th St. 4017-241 Chandler Rees 524 West 501 St. Erie, PA 16507 X $18,440.00 0 M EX R 526 West 5th St. 4017-240 Dennis Lotellf 2655 Wolverine Rd. Erie; PA 16511 $ 9.290.00 0 W C R-3 -79- -T3j W::Lt 5th St' 4017-239 Martha N.ther 448 West 5th St. Erie. PA 16507 X $12.570.00 0 A F R-2 532 5th St. 536 We:,t 5th St* 538 We t 5th St. 4017-238 H.beth Nather 448 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 7,440.00 A F R-2 5 @Oqes t 5th St-@M 7 - 2 3 7 William Cack P.O Box 6156 Erl, PA 16512 X 7.760.00 4) W P R-2 542 West 5th St. 4017-236 Arthur Donahue Mutual Savings & Loan 121 West 26th St. Erle. PA 16508 X $ 8,460.00 A G R I 548 Weal.-5Th-Si-. -235 John Afopek 54-8-We-.t5i-h St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 9,650.00 _4017 - k-i- 1 550 WLsi: 5th St. 4017-234 Frederick Evans 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $ 7.100.00 S F R-2 Marquette Sa Inga 552 Weal: 5th St. _ @4017-233 Eugene Dedlonslo 552 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X 81350.00 556 West 5th St. _4017-232 Jo!ep_h_Chervcrkn 556 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 A__ 8190.GO 0 A- G R-2 560 West 5th St. -4Ot7- 31 tfay Peterson 560 West 5th St. Erie, PA 1650 X 6,190.00 4) A C R-1 431 Cherry St. Paul C. Lincoln 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 Unimproved $ 1,030.00 Vacant [.or V 564 Weal: 5th St.- 4017-230 Marquette Sov igs 425 Cherry St. 4017-229 Paul C. Lincoln 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $ 5.350.00 4) S F R-1 rquette Savings 421 Chei-iy-@-- 4017-228 Donald Leslie 1106 West 21st St. Erie. PA 16502 X 5.91 .00 S _F R-1 7,840.00 F -2 41@Clherry St. -4017-227 Kevin James P.O. Box 1319 - Erie, PA 16512 X S----- R 415 Cherry St. 4017-226 Fred Ruah 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $14,560.00 M C R-1 Mutual Savings & Loan --Z0-9Ch.-t-r-y St. 411 Che ry St. 4017-225 Stanley Frazer 411 Cherry St. Erie, Pi 16507 X $ 4,670.00 A F R-1 405 Cherry St. 40t7-224 J.". M.ld.n.d 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $ 7,240.00 4) W F R-1 -- -__!Larguette Savings 561 West, 4th St. 4017-223 Ga ry Truitt 121 W-t 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $10,470.00 0 S F R-2 _403 Ch. 'ry St. Mutual Savings & Loan BLOCK 4017-200-245 CODES 9 TOTALS TOTAL NLMBER OF PARCEtS ... = 46 BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL tAND USE V = Vacant - 2 A = Aluaiinuin Siding 10 Residential Conmrcial PB = Public ajildings 0 0 = Oc@ied 40 S = Shingles = 19 R1 = Single Faffdly 20 Cl = Retail = 0 SP = Serai-Public Building 0 W = Wood = 9 R2 = Multi Fanily = 19 C2 = Office = 0 M = Masonry or Brick 4 R3 - Apartnents = 3 Industrial P = E@!Eks it_,'Iecreation BUILDING COMMON (5 + units) I = Industrial 0 U = ILnftevel R4 = Group Quarters 0 __qDed Lard 0 EX = Excellent 3 Mixed Use V - Vacant = 4 G = Good = 11 Ad denoted = 0 F = Fair = 20 P = Poor = 7 C = Critical 1 BLOCK #24 The area is bounded by Walnut, Cherry, West Fifth and West Fourth Streets and is made up of forty-six parcels of land; forty, or eighty-nine percent, of which are occupied by singIE!, two and three family residential dwellings. Forty-ftine percent are represented by single family units, forty-six percent in two family and the remainder are in three family residential use. The majority of the residential buildings, or eighty-one percent, are in fair to good condition, while eight structures, are rated as poor or in critical condition. WEST THIRD STREET -80- 559/557 555 55/549 547 545 543 539 535 533 5311529 527 523, 521 99 517 5/5 51/ 507 503 50/ 12=4 103 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 125 J I I 1=0 I F- LU 3-1 146 Boyfront Mim -Moll 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144145 130 134 100 556 546 538 534 532 528 524 522 5PO 518 5/6 512 WEST FOURTH STREET jj!@OCK 411111- 1 DO- 146 OWNER LANii ADDRESS INDEX NO. S-----(; -HTY Ts-TxTE zip --T ASSESSED VALUE OCCUPANCY BLDC. BLDG. KAT. COND. 1!SE 553 We:1 3rd St. 557 We t 3rd St. 4018-122 %sh Steele 557 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 7,090.00 0 A r R-2 555 West 3rd St. 4018-121 Mary @ 7,740.00 0 -Bauers 555 West 3rd St. _ Erle.PA 16507 X S R-2 551 We:t 3rd St. 4018-120 John Jones 549-51 West 3rd St. Erie. PA 16507 X $ 7,600.00 0 W F R-2 549 We t 3rd S . 547 West 3rd St. 4018-119 Ja- --P-' 547-Wet3rd T@-. @;-,PA -T6507- $ -91-0.60- Unimproved Vacant Lot 545 West 3rd St. 4018-118 Redev.Auth. Erie... Simner Nichol 9_ Bldg. Erie. PA 16501 1 770.00 Vacant Lat V -543 West 3rd St. 4018-117 Waddell Thomas 543 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 10,117 X $6,560.00 0 W G R-1 539 West 3td St. 4018-116 H.A.N.D.S. Fcd.Nat'I.Mort&a&t 948 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $5.700.00 0 A C R-I 535 West 3rd St. 4018-115 I.a.c Blank 53@ West 3r St. r1l. PA 6 07 X 0-00 -1 -133 West 3rd St. 4018-114 Ruby Virge. 3,48_-__@_ R_ 533 West 3rd St. Erie, PA j6507 X 2MO.00 0 A C R-1-- 529 West 3,j Hollis Phillips 813 Cherry St. Ert., PA 16502 X 6,870.00 0 S G R-2 531 WLst 3rd St. 4018-113 Erie, P 527 West 3rd St. -- 4018-112 -SyLvester Smith 527__Ke@t 3rd t. 16507 X Y@,710,00 0 R-I 523 West 3rd S _L t. 4018-111 William Atkinson 523 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 _X $5,800.00 0 S G R-I _@_21 West 3rd St. __4018-110 C.D. Adams 521 W.st3id St. Erie, PA 16507 $7,220.00 0 S G R-2 519 West 3rd St. 4018-109 Clarence Froess 16505 X $5,770.00 0 S -F -R-1 517 West 3rd St. 4018-108 Bober,, Dyvkes"."... 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $6,860.00 0 H G R-I Mutu. @. I. 515 West 3rd St. 4018-107 H.d:N.0 ,.,;S Fe I:Mortgage 948 West 60% St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6,930.00 0 A C R-2 511 West 3rd St. 4018-106 John Frith 511 Wes@ 3rd -St. Erie, PA ___16507 X $8,320.00 0 A G R-1 507 W..t 3rd St. 4018-105 Mlldr.d Dash 327 Parkside Dr. Erie. PA 16511 X $7,190.00 Non-CDnfigSe 503 West 3rd St. 4018-104 Jose 0 S G C-1 -W,,,Eh ZBro," 503 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 1920.00 0 S C R-I 501 West 3rd St. 4018-103 1; art -16- 1204 State St. Erie, PA 16501 X 6,930.00 0 S G R-2 312 Walnut St. 4018:FO2 Harold Sl@ 312 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X 6,660.00 0 G R-1 314 Walnut St. 4018-101 Monzella Slow 314 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16107 X 460.00 - F 328 Walnut St. 4018-100 Housing Auth. Erie 2@_q 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 10 @X @15,350.00 0 H EX R-t 322 Walnut St. 4018-146 Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie. PA 16501 X $15,210.00 0 M EX R-I 51T West 4th.St. 4018-145 Edward Morewood 622 Lincoln Ave. -Eri@. PA 16505 X $8,700.00 0 S F R-2 16 West 4th St. 4018-144 John T lot "y P.O. Box 13t9 Erie, PA 16512 X $8,710.00 0 W F R-I 518 West 4th St.- 4018-143 Fir @.d. S.vl.,,. 1,100.00 - Vacant Lot V 520 W- t 4th St. 4018-142 Pa.] P-ell Workingman's B14A. @oap.o. Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 X $5,800.00 0 W P R-2 h ____ 522 West 4th St. 4018-141 Marl.n LaRue 522 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $4.250.00 0 S C R-1 524 West 4th St. 4018-140 Willi. Kinnard - 528 West 4th St. 223 West 19th St. Erie. PA 16502 X $4,420.00 0 S F 4LO-18-119 F@a-ul Powell___ -9,M_ West Law L@Pk 16428 1,020.00 Vacant Lot 532 West 40, St. 4018-138 [email protected] P.W.11 Workinemans SavJn.&L...p'O- Box 29 Erie. PA 165 12 X $ 5,260.00 0 A F R-2 534 West 4th St. 4018-137 J.ha_pAptin.lo Brown Avenue Erie, PA 16502 X $10,390.00 0 S F -R - 538 West 4th.St. 4018-136 Donald Felix 2744 McKee Road Erie, PA 16506 X _$ 6,820.00 V C H.rry E..1l @4 146 Wes, 411 St. 4018-134 140 West 4th St. Erie. PA 16507 X $24,510.00 0 M C R-I 556 West 4th St. h.r,h of Miracle Temp e___. ___ --- -7 4018-130 Bayfront Mini Hall 312 Chestnut St. Eric, PA lg@0-7 0 M EX Inc. C-1 1307 Cherry St. 4018-125 George Ellin PA 16507 X $ 5,240.00 - 0 A C R-I 1305 Cherry St. 4018-124 John Foster 305 Cherry St. Erie, PA 16507 X [email protected] 0 W R- 301 Cherry St. 4018-123 Roosevelt Payton 301 Cherry St. Erie. PA 1650-7 X $ 7,330.00 0 S F BLOCK - 4018-100-146 CODES &TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... 39 BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL. LAND USE V = Vacant = 1 A - Aluminum. Siding 1l RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 0 Occupied 34 S - Shingles - 13 Rl Single FAMIly - 21 C1 - Retail -3 PH - 0 2 W = Wood= 6 R MULTIFAMILY - 11 C2 - Offices - 0 m=Masonry or Brick=5 R3 APARTMENTs - 0 Industrial SP-- Se.1-10 (5 + Units) BUILDING CONDITION R4 Group Qua rters - 0 1 - Industrial - 0 PARKS AND RECREATION EX Excellent 3 Mixed Me G GOOD 17 U - Urnie-I Dped _LaE_ F Fair I As dENOTED - 0 P P0Or I V - Vacant -4 C Critical 3 BLOCK #25 This block is made up almost entirely of single and two family residential dwellings; with the exception of three commercial uses. Single family residences occupy sixty-two percent: of the block with thirty-two percent in two family use. Over ninety-one percent of the residential buildings are in (-Jther fair, good, or excellent condition with the majority, or fifty percent, listed as good. Three of the units are in critical condition. There are four vacant parcels and one unoccupied dwelling in this block area which is bounded by Walnut, Cherry, West Fourth and West Third Streets. WEST SECOND STREET -82- WEST THIRD STREET ADRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP O T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLDG. BLDG LAND VALUE MAT COND USE 555 West 2nd St. 4018-222 James Carter P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $4,130.00 0 A G R-1 Lomas & Nettleton 551 West 2nd St. 4018-221 Coleto Vetter 6516 Peach St. Erie, PA 16509 X $2,620.00 O S G R-1 549 West 2nd St. 4018-220 Mary Felte Vetter 8089 Edinboro Rd. Erie, PA 16509 Unimproved $ 580.00 Vacant Lot V Dannl Kreger 545 West 2nd St. 4018-219 Union Bank PO. Box 300 Erie, PA 16512 X $5,400.00 0 A G R-1 541 West 2nd St. 4018-248 Pruitt Watson 541 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $3,940.00 O A EX R-1 539 West 2nd St. 4018-217 Richard Davis 539 West 2nd St. Eric, PA 16507 X $3,870.00 0 S G R-l 537 West 2nd St. 4018-216 Ronald Cooke P.O. Box 1328 Houston,Tx 77001 Unimproved $ 630.00 Vacant Lot V Lomas & Nettleton 535 West 2nd St. 4018-215 Ronald Cooke P.O. Box 1328 Houston,Tx 77001 X $3,560.00 0 S G R-1 Lomas & Nettleton 529 West 2nd St. 4018-214 Ronald Cooke Lomas & Nettleton P.O. Box 1328 Houston,Tx 77001 Unimproved $ 810.00 Vacant Lot V 523 West 2nd St. 4018-213 John Matovich, Jr. 523 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 Unimproved $ 580.00 V 519 West 2nd St. 4018-2l1 Earvin Amos 519 West 2nd St. Erie. PA 16507 X $5,910.00 0 S G R-1 517 West 2nd St. 4018-210 Douglas Stokes 517 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $5,290.00 0 S G R-1 515 West 2nd St. 4018-209 Howard Dunbar 515 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $5,930.00 0 S P R-1 511 West 2nd St. 4018-207 Timothy Brown 520 West Third St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6,720.00 0 S F R-2 509 West 2nd St. 507 West 2nd St. 4018-2O6 Lyyli Maki 507 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $5,190.00 O W P R-1 512 West 2nd St. 4018-208 Robert Gensheimer 418 Ravine Dr. Erie, PA 16505 Unimproved $ 810.00 Vacant Lot V 202 Walnut St. 204 Walnut St. 4018-249 R. Pacely 204 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $4,540.00 0 A F R-1 206 Walnut St. 208 Walnut St. 4018-205 Harold Schneider 206 Walnut St. Erie. PA 16507 X $2,580.00 V W C R-1 210 Walnut St. 4018-204 Joseph Parra 210 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 $5,300.00 0 S F 218 Walnut St. 4018-203 Frank Thompson 218 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6.500.00 0 A C R-1 224 Walnut St. 248 Walnut St. 4018-202 Frank Thompson 218 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $4,110.00 0 A G R-2 226 Walnut St. 4018-201 CA. Tubb 226 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 X $5,030.00 0 S F R-1 502 West 3rd St. 4018-200 Horton Wright 502 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6,570.00 0 A EX R-1 504 West 3rd St. 4018-246 Edward Firch 22 East 31 St. Erie, PA 16504 X $5,690.00 0 S G R-1 508 West 3rd St. 4018-245 Theodore McNeal P.O. Box 3390 Pittsburg, PA 15230 X $10,810.00 0 S G R-1 512 West 3rd St. 4018-254 Jan Bennett 512 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 3,660.00 Vacant Lot V 514 West 3rd St. 4018-243 Housing Auth. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 X $14,750.00 0 M EX R-1 516 West 3rd St. 4018-242 William Carr 516 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 6,410.00 S G R-1 520 West 3rd St. 4018-241 Timothy Brown 520 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5,270.00 0 S F R-1 522 West 3rd St. 4018-240 Maurice Bauman 522 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 x $ 6,750.00 0 S G R-1 526 West 3rd St. 4018-239 William Atkinson 526 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 4.650.00 0 S G R-1 -83- @_32 L 3r_dSt.__Er_Ji ov, -d$ _9_6_0 -.U(F-- t -Co i- i ... West 3rd St. 4018-238-Jero- Miller PA l65OLUL.Impjv,_ [5 R-1 3rd St. 4018-237 5-erome Miller 532 West 3rd St. i@ -I. , PA JO-07 X 9,180.00 0 H _X 3rd St. 4018-236 Ordell Pickens 5 4 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 5,310.00 (1 A R- I St. 4018-235 William Bro. 536 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X U W_ -F T-_ 2 ___Ajt780.0O RLO West 3rd St. 4018-234 Grady L.ft.n 540 West 3rd St. Eri . PA 16507 X $ 5.960.00 (1 W 542 -ii-eat 3rd St. LOIS-233 Rrady Lofton 540 We.t-3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ L110.00 (I S R_Z __@46 West 3rd t. 4018-232 Housing A.th. Erie 606 Holland St. Erie, PA 16501 X $14 @_30.06--(F-M @X R-1 _55?_W..t_lrd St. 1,018-231 HANDS 948 West 6th St. Erie, PA 165OZ X $_7_1322.00 S F R-i- 554 West 3rd St. 4018-230 Crov,.9.'t,,t.. P.O. Box 1328 Houston. T. 7700t X $ 5,840.00 (1 A F R-1 560 West 3rd St. 564 West 3rd St. 1,018-229 Delbert P-dt 229 Cln,rry St. Erle. PA )6507 X $ 7.970.00 (1 W F R-2 229 Cherry St. A 225 Cherry St. 018-228 Wad. Smith 1204 State St. Erie, PA 16501 X @_OO @(L 223 CherIL St. 4018-227 Lucille Vogt 223 Cherry t. Eric, PA 16507 X $ 5,510.00 0 S R-1 221 Cherry St. 4018-226 Ronald Drew 443 West Front St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 4,870.00 0 W F R-2 215 C try St. 4,018-225 Charles Turner 215 Cherry St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 6,250.00 1 S R-1 6516 Peach St. 16509 Unimproved 960.00 4,018-224 Fritz Vetter Erie. PA lacant Lot -205 Cherry St. 018-223 Fritz [email protected] 6516 Peach St. Erie, PA 16509 X 6,530.00 (F . S 201 Cherry St. 016-250 James Carter 555 West 2nd St. Erie. PA 16507 Unimproved 730.00 %la.:ant 523 West 2nd St. 4018-255 John Matkovich 523 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 4,380.00 1 S R-2 5374 West 2nd St. 4018-253 Be "aid Cooke P.O. Box 1328 Houston. Tx 77001 Unimproved $ 160.00 Val:ant Lot V Lomas & Nettleton 541 West 2nd St. 4018-218 Fred Wofford 1816 Wa ne St. Erie. PA 16503 Unimproved $ 180.00 %lai-ant Lot 514 West 2nd St. 4018-247 CeorRe Hrinda 4544 West Ridge Rd. Erie, PA 16506 X $ 5,400.00 0 S F R-1 BLOCK - qQj8-200-Z54 CODES 9 TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... 52 BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL, LAND OSE V - Vacant - I A - Aluminum Siding 10 Residential Commercial PB - Publ-L, Buildings - 0 0 - Occupied 40 S - Shingles - 22 RI - Single Family 32 CI - Retail - 0 SP - Semi 11.blic B.ildbjf@ 0 W - Wood - 6 R2 - Multi Family - 9 CZ - Office - 0 P -Parks S. Recreation - 0 M - Masonry or Brick 3 R3 - Apartment:; 0 _!ndustrial U -Undc Joped Land C (5 + unit _?L' I BUILDING CONDITION R4 - Gr .up Quarters - 0 1 - industrial 0 V -Vacant - 11 EX - Excellent 5 Mixed Us. G - Good - 20 F - Fair - 11 As denoted - 0 P - Poor - 4 C - Critic.1 I BLOCK #26 There are eleven vacant land parcels in this block bounded by Walnut, Cherry, West Third and West Second Streets. Of the remaining forty-one parcels, forty are occupied by residential structures and one is vacant; eighty percent of the dwellings are in single residential use with nine classified as two family units. Fifty percent are in good condition, five units are listed as excellent, eleven fair, one critical and four as poor. BLUFF 4040 M Z: Boyv;ew Pork 100 WEST SECOND STREET B1.OCK 4040-100-201 ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLDG. BLDG. LAND 502 West 2nd St. 4040-100 city of Erie VALUE MATm COND. PUSE Bayview Playground Municlp@! A1,18. Frie, PA 16501 X $65,290.00 0 G P BLOCK - 4040-1 0-201 CODES & TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... I LAND USE - P - Parks & Recreation I BLOCK #27 This block contains one parcel of land which is in Public Recreational use (Bayview Park. The block is bounded by Walnut, Cherry, West Second and Front Streets. WEST FIFTH RTRFFT -85- 65-3 65/ 647 645 643 64@@9 63M35 631 623 619 615 611 6091607 C\j 104 F1 n E to 0 C) -11@ 121 119 117 I 15 114 113 112- 111 110 109 108 10-@4, 106 105 C) 0) 122 120 118 143 - @21 'St U E@ 1 14020- Lij 0 m 'L ; U CL LIM) 134 136 137 139 140 142 =127 131 100 129 130 11 @ Ll 664 658 652 646 638 634 620 614 608 6061604 WEST SIXTH STREET WiDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 1 ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLDG. BLDG. LAND VALUE MAT. COND. USE West 5th St. 4020-121 Jerry Mingo 653_Ke@@t @th S@@ Erie, PA - 16507 X 9,170 DO 0 __�__ F T --T 651 West 5th St. 4020-119 Florence H @)r @6 1 West 5th St. ErleM lg'@07 S y- S C R 647 West 50 St. 4020-117 Robor,,Orlosky P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 7,590.00 0 S F R-1 L..as N ttleton -Z45 West 5th St C R--I- $ 020.60 0 4020-115 James Perry ___lTti- & 9tte Street Ert , FA 16501 643 West 5th St. 4020-114 Thomas Cartone Union @ank P.O. Box 300 Erie, PA 16512 X $ 8.740.00 0 M G R-1 4020-113 Cha@ls Wi-i-ki 12000 Fraulut-o Rd. Pittaburgh'PA 15215 X $11.490.00 0 H EX R-2 W a t th St. 64!- West 5th St. 635 W st 5th St. Th.. a 0 h 402o-112 a, Ptch.a 121 West 26tb St. Erie, PA 16508 X $12.280.00 0 M G R-2 -637 West 5t -St. Mutua Savin a-& Loan 631 West 5th St. 4020-111 Tho-8 mlmaho;@ 920 Peach St. Erie. PA 16501 X $10.880.00 0 M C R-I .. ract t. 631 West 5th St. 4020-110 Richard McMahon 6jI West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 $ 1,600.00 Vacant Lot 623 West 5th St. 4020-109 James Cleaver 623 W,.t-5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 1,940.b7o-o W P R-1 9West 50, St. 4020-108 Iferbert Olsen 619 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 3,960.00 0 W P 615 West Sth St. 4020-107 J22eph Lap-ky I@L5 Ker PA 16505 X I 1 0 S F R-2 4020-106 Fire Lane Ltd. 611 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ ':'3 611 West 5th St. 140 DO 0 M F C-1 607 West 5th St. 4020-105 Robert Korn P.O. Box 300 Erie, PA 16512 X $12,360.00 0 A C R-2- 609 West 5th St. Union Bank 615 West 5th St. 4020-143 Joseph Lap.sky 1105 Kerry ane ... Irie, PA 05 Unl@proved $ 200.00 Vacant Lot 11in Kotoski 514 Cheiry St._ Erie, PA 16507 X $ 1,720LgO Vacant Lot V 508 Cherry St. 4020-103 Donald Rycek 5 8 Cherry St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 6.860.00 0 S F R-F- 510 Cherry St. 4020-102 Ronald Walter 512 Cherry St. Mutual Savings & 1, an 121 W..t 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X 05.800.Do 0 M G C-1 514 Cherry St. 4020-101 John Kotoski 514 Cherry St. Erie, PA 16507 X $16.240.00 0 W G R-1 516 Cherry St. 518 cf,erry St. 4020-100 Mabel Baldwin 1002 State Street Erie, PA 1650t X $27.700.00 0 w G R-1 608 West 6th St. 4020-142 J'h"ah'" Alber.t.dt Uni-Book P.O. Box 300 Erie, PA 16512 X $15,710.00 0 W G R-3 T $36.430.00 614 West 6th St. 4020-140 Robert Taft 614 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16@07 0 M C R-1 620 West 6th St. 6020-139 Francis Collins 620 West 60, St. Erie, PA 16506 X $32.190.00 0 H C R-1 634 West 6tb St. 4020-137 Hart." Zehl Mutual Savings & Loan 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $25.020.00 0 M G R-2 63i West 6Lh St. 4020-136 George Head 638 West 6th St. Erie, PA 16501 X $36,310.00 0 M EX R:1 646 West 6th St. 4020-134 Mary Carey Marquette avings 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $15.370.00 0 M C R-2 652 West 6th St. 4020-131 Nobert Alberstadt P.O. Box 8480 Erie. PA_ 16505 X $42,410.00 0 M G R-11C-2 Michael Griffon 658 West 6tb St. 4020-130 Mutual Savings & Loan 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $18,840.00 0 M G R-1 ,h"Bk"a Wr 664 West 6th St. 4020-129 kan. Bldg.& Loan P.O. B.. 29 Erie. PA 165t2 X $13.190.00 C R-1 2 r -128 Daly 'Pop:r 127 1.,1 4020 Reverend 525 Poplar St. Erie. PA 16507 X $10,320.00 0 A G R 2 j23 Poplar St. 4020-127 Cl'r'"" R"PP 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $ 7.140.00 0 S F R-1 Savings I Los" -@19 -P.PIr St. 4020-126 HyEtal Mondel 519 Poplar St. Erie. PA 16507 X $ 3,790.00 0 W F R-2 521 Poplar $t 652 West 5th St. 4020-122 R Loan P'O' Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 X $ 5,310.00 0 W C R-1 WrkigCanys Bldg.& 650 West 5tb St. 4020-120 Stuart Olson P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 5.010.00 0 W G R-1 Loatas & Nettleton -@48 West 5th St. 4020-118 Louis J. Zatkie.icz 2244 Mock Road Colmbus,Ohio 43219 X $ 5,330.00 0 W F R-1 Ch'r'e9 U'r' 8 -3 '0' Poplar 4020-U5 Mrg. tte S-.ng. ,,, Poplar ,t 0 920 Peach St. Erie. PA 16501 X $15,680.00 0 W C R 107 Pplr - 4020-124 Conrad Schanz 109 West 6ch St. Erie, PA 16501 X $11.700.00 0 W F R-2 '0' Poplar :t 501 Poplar St. rancis 0 UP2ELa r-S t 3 FSchanz Erie., PA lb5O7 X -- $ 9'm.00 - 0 S G -86- BLOCK - TOTAL UMBER OF PARCELS 38 CODES 9 TOTALS BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V Vacant.; 0 A : Aluminum Siding 4 Residential C .... rcial PR - Publi- Building- Q 0 0 cupt I - 35 S Shingle. - 7 RI Single Family - 21 Cl - Retail - I W :Wo.d.;ylO :2 Multi Family - 10 C2 - Office - I SP - Semi Nblic-Buildlafs 0 M Mast, or Brick 14 3 Apartments - 2 (5 + ..its) Industrial P - !!aHts & Recreation -- 0 BUILI)ING CONDITION R4 Group Quarters - 0 1 - Industrial 0 u - I!rid_e_-_Iom_d_La_n_d - (I EX Excell@ol - 2 Mixed Use V - Vacant - 3 G Good 22 As denoted - I F Fair 9 P Poor 2 C Critical - 0 BLOCK #28 Single, two, three family residential dwellings and two commercial structures make up this block area which is bounded by Cherry, Poplar, West Sixth and West Fifth Streets. Over sixty percent of the structures are in single family use, while thirty-four percent make up the two and three family residential use category; sixty-nine percent of the structures are in good or excellent condition with the remainder being rated as fair or poor. There are three vacant parcels of land in this block area. _87- WEST FOURTH STREET 661 657155 653 651 649 647 645/43 637 635 633 63111629 627 619 617 615 6IIA09 605 601 22.e@ 223_222@221122C 205 2 25 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 226 F207-3 < F2_0_2'@ -1 i 40201 Cr a_ 227 LIJ 01 Cl- m D U 228 245 229 233 2,34 235 236 237 238239 240 241 242 243 244 2001-1 2,32 E 658 654 650 648146 644 642 63EV36 634 630 626 622 6RO 618 61OY21610 6041602 WEST FIFTH STREET BLOCK 4020-200-245 __;iDDR _r5S INDEX NO. OWNER Own ADDgESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLOC. BLDG. LAND 661 Wes VALUE - MAT. _COND. USE _t@ t 4th St. 4020-223 Eldon Boyd 661 West 4tb St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 7,830.00 0 S 657 Wegt 4th St' 4020-222 Hollis Phillip. 813 Cherry St. Erie. PA 16502 X $ 9.030.00 0 W F 655 We ot 4th St. R-2 653 West 4th St. 4020-221 Helen Mulligan 653 Wet 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X 6,460.00 0 W F R-1 651 West 4th St. 4020-220 Warren Hibbler Lomas & Nettleton P.O. B.. 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 6,290.00 0 S F R-1 _K4_9_@_est4th_St. 4020-219 Violet Scott 148 Pit-.. 647 West 4th S 6r-tve Erie, PA 16511 -_ x __@__8,390.00 0 S F R- t' 4020-218 Patricia Hess 4124 Longview Ave. Erie, PA 16510 Unimproved $ 910.00 Vacant Lot v 645 West 4th St 643 West 4th St. 4020-217 Patrick Conley 830 W. Arlington Rd. Erie, PA 16509 X $ 91100.00 0 W F R-2 637 West 4th St. 4020-216 ""' Id Freeburg P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 8.400.00 0 W Lomas & Nettleton P P-2 635 West 4th St. 4020-215 S:cretary of HUI) P terson, Betty WashingtonDC 20410 x $ 6,860.00 0 S F R-1 63 _3Wc_s t-4th St. ED -?A - 2 14 Smner Whittier 1000 Liberty A@e. Pittsburgh PA 15222 X $ 7.550.00 0 S C R I 631 West 4th St. 629West 4t h St. 4020-213 Patricia Hess 4124 L..g@ic. A- Erie. PA 16510 X $14,040.00 0 S C R-2 627 West 4th St. 4020-212 Robert Minnie 627 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 3,790.00 0 S p-R-1-- 619 West 4th St. 4020-211 Robert Morgan 619 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $11,500.00 0 W G R-I 617 West 4th St. 4020-210 Robert ' -1-7.gs&Lo.n 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $12,750.00 0 W C R-I H.rq.ett:ts.v _@_15 -Wet4t' It, 1020-209 Ja,ea lw,n,,n -611 We,, 40, St. Erie, PA 16507 X $12,640.00 0 W F R-1 611West 4th St. C:" Mod"" 609 West 4th St. 4020-208 . r,..,te r-ingsSLoan 920 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501 X $11,860.00 0 M G R-2 605 West 4th St. 4020-207 Frank Mourton 605 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X 7,430.00 0 A G 601 West 4th St. R-1 4020-206 Lloyd Cochran 601 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5,650.00 0 S P R-1 408 Cherry St. 4020-205 Th-as Freeburg 408 Cherry St. Erie, '@A--1-6507X $ 6,850.00 0 S G R-1 F11:0: Che r ry S t . 4020-204 Howard Disque_ 410 Cherry St. Erie, PA 16507 X_$ 7,450.00- 0 M C -R-1- 412 Ch.rcy St. 4020-203 Diane Thompson Lomas & Nettleton P.O. Box 1328 "oust.", Tx 77001 X $ 6,230.00 0 S p R-1 Alt _qhc!@- 4 20-202 Eric Etchler 416 Cherry St. Erie, PA __J6507 X $ 61170.00 0 S _F R-I -1 424 Cherry St. 4020-20t Gilbert S.Ith 513 Cherry St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 8,060.00 0 W F Cc 2 602 West 5th St. 604 we-t5th St. 4020-200 Dorothy Clapper 70 East A- McKean, PA 16426 X $14.760.00 0 S F R-2 610 Wct 'th S' -245 Robert "hn"' - 0 A , 5,h S;, 4.20 or.., 121 West 26,h St. Erie. PA 16508 X $13,350.00 G R-1 *6104 -Wes @ 'L..n 0 G R_-1 618 West 5th St. 4020-244 Dennis Braendal 121 Wesi -fth SL, Erie, rA 16508 X $10,990.00 0 S G R-t Mutual Savings&Loan 201 *R,,Id,,,,, Io 11-k _88- VtK-�t-. _462612U_J. c ker Spnff.rd TITR-ari-11. -Ban PA $2018-50,00 0- 622 West 5th St. 4020-242 lini.. :1.'aZ I P.O. Box 300 Erie. PA [6512 X $ 7.570.00 0 W F It--- I 626 We@t 5th 4020-241 Veto.. Bald.in 626 West 5t S Erie, PA 16507 X $11,890.00 0 M G R_ I @ L__t --- . 63o West 5th St. 4020-240 Harold Smith P.O. Box 29 Erie. PA 16512 X $ 7,100.00 0 W F R@2 W.rkJ.gw,,a Bldg@ Loan 634 W-t 5th St. 4020-239 J. Blair Cordon 929 Peach St. Erie, PA 16510 X $10.030.00 0 W F 11-2 MarquetLe SavIn s&Loan 636 West 5th St. I --- 4020-238 Elward Miller 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $10,030.00 0 W F R-2 _.�_38 West 5th St. . .. . Mutual_.Savings&Loan 642 West 5th St. 4020-237 Bruce Flick P.O. Box 29 Erie, PA 16512 X $ 8,350.00 1) W C R-1 Worki, .1 dg. &,..an 644 West 5th St. 4020-236 Richard Stendler P.O. Box 620 Erie, PA 16512 X $ 1 [email protected] 64_8w@_._L -5t h- -St __t@6 West 5th St. 4020-235 Emm-el Fratu. 646 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $10,590.00 1) S G R-2 _@_50 West 5LI, St. _4020-234 Dennis McGuire .3215 West 25th St. Er le, PA 16506 X $11,200.00 - 0 W -C _R-2 ,654_Weet 5t@_St. _@OTO-@i@33 A.G. Hag @r 654 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X @11.350.00 d- A - C R-1 _658 West 5th St. 4020-232 A.M. Dougherty 804 Shenley Drive Er!@@ PA 16505 Unimproved $ 740.00 7arant V _A31 Poplar S@_. 4020-231 E. Moore - 431 Poplar St. Erie, PA 16507 X 6,260.00 S__ F _R_1 427 Poplar St. 4020-230 Philp K.n... 62 Fair A,!e- Ae, PA 16511 F R-2 Ei A L50 7 X X $ 5,510.GO S _T_ R-1 423 yoplar St. 4020-229 Susan Allen 423 Poplar St. Erie, P 6,820.00 A 419 Poplar St- 4020-228 Manuel Nunes 419 Poplar St. Erie, PA 16507 X .$ 6,150.00 S C R-1 415 Poplar St. 4020-227 Mary Arundel 415 Poplar St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 9.140.00 3 A F R-2 417 P plar St. 413 Poplar S Richard Walkow t. 4020-226 121 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $10,400.00 A C R-2 411 Poplar St. . _ Mutual Sa@ing.&L.. L 409 Poplar St. 4020-225 Carlyale Turk 2215 Reed St. Erie, PA 16503 X $ 5,7 0.00 D A C R-1 @3 Poplar St. 4020-224 Carl Westerdahl 663 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X 5 D M C R-1 _jL .140. 00 BLOCK 4020-200-245 CODES 9 TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... 46 BIDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MA,rERIAL LAND USE V - Va .. t - 0 A Aluminum Siding 8 S Shingles - 17 Residential Commercial PB - Public Buil (I 0 - Occupied - 45 W Wood - 15 111 - Single Family 26 - - - A-Ln P I R2 - Mutti Family 16 C1 : R 7tall Sp - S,!.i_Public B.ildlmg. 0 14 Masonry or Brick 5 R3 - Apartments C2 0 fi.e 0 P - Pnr<s f Recreation -_O BUILDING CONDITION (5 + units) industrial EX - Excellent - 0 R4 - Group Quarters - 0 U - Llnd@@Letoped ].and -: 0 C - Good - 24 1 - Industrial 0 V - Vac3nt - 2 11 - Fair - 17 Mixed Use P - Poor - 4 As denoted - 0 C - Critical - 0 BLOCK #29 This block is bounded by Cherry, Poplar, West Fifth and West Fourth Streets and includes forty-six land parcels, forty-five of which are occupied. The majority of the structures in this block, or sixty-one percent, are in single family use, while thirty-six percent make up two family units. There are two vacant parcels in this block and one commercial use 'building. Over fifty-two percent of the residential units are in good condition while seventeen dwellings are fair and four are rated as being in poor condition. WEST THIRD STREET -89- 653 651 649147 645 643 641 637 633 631 627 623 619 613 60/ 12 2F]n n[][] ED 5nnD 0"' F--] 12.3 108 1107E::@]I) (0 106 124 1121 119 118 117 116 114 113 112 111 110 109 rn F - - 105 125 146 104 126 >- Ej 4021 -a 127 Co uJ u 103 128 144 140 141 142 1,30 131 132 133 134 136 136 138 139 102 El F 145 143 101 E= 100 DI 0I 664,162 66Q,56 656 654 65Z/50 648 64 4 642 6381636 6 3 4 6321'@O 62%,'26 620 618 616 WEST FOURTH STREET ELOCK 4021-100-145 ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE zip 0 T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLOG. BLOC. LAND VALUE HAT. COND. USE 653 West 3rd St. 4021-121 Theodore Rue( 653 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 6.. 770..0.0 0 W F R-1 651 West 3rd St. 4021-120 Ellen Olson -651 liest 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 7,450.00 0 W G R-1 649 We:t 3rd St. -119 Kenneth Treiber 647We t 3rd St. 4021 M. rq!!ette Savinys & ... 920 Peach St. Erie. PA 16501 x 8,600.00 0 A F R-2 645 West 3rd St. 4021-118 Max Cl - --- eland Ave. Pittab@rgh,PA 15222 X 7,750.00 0 S G R-1 643 West 3rd St. 4021-117 Cer:ld,,.Ea:,,,,,, P.O. Box 29 Erie. PA 16512 X 6.780.00 0 A G R-1 Wor in R.&t- 641 West 3rd St. 4021-116 HANDS c/o Mr. Scalise Fed. Natl. Mortgage 948 West 6th St. Erie. PA 16507 X $6,640.00 0 S F P-1 637 West 3rd St. 4021-114 Alexander 21211ko 3 Dakota Dr. #605 LakeShore,NY 11040 X $8,120.00 0 -S C 633 West 3rd St. 4021-113 HANDS c/o Mr. "all's Fed. Mail. .rlK.,e 148 Was, 6,h St. Erie, PA 16507 X $4,710.00 0 A G_ R-1 631 West 3rd St. 4021-112 Eugene Drapeau 631 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 7,430.00 0 S P R-1 617 West 3rd S1* 4011-111 Samuel 1,ool. Steele 627 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 165 7 X 7.960.00 0 W P V--, 623 West 3rd St. 4021-110 Santo Fontecchlo 623 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 4,990.00 0 S P R-1 619 West 3rd St. 4021-109 Peter De Salvo 920 West Fifth St. Erie, PA 16507 X 5,750.00 -6 W F R:@- 613 West 3rd St. 4021-108 11 me mission 9 C'hqr ch . fGod P.O. Box 2069 Anderson,lnd. 46011 X $6,370.00 0 S G R-2 302 Cherry St. 4021-107 Home Ml.sl.ns 601 West 3rd St. Church of God P.O. Box 2069 Anderson,Ind. 46011 X $10,810.00 0 A G SP 306 Cherry St. 4021-106 John Faulkner 306 Cherry St. Erie, PA 16507 X $8,800.00 0 S-G R-1 310 Cherry St. 4021-105 Gerald H.Jchrxak 3 Dakota Dr. Lake Success,NY 11040 X 6,620.00 o S G R-1 316 Cberry St. 4021-104 Timothy J. McCormick P.O. Box 626 Erie PA 16512 X 6,330.00 0 A C C-1 3" "'try :t: 4021-103 Timothy J. McCormick : PA 16512 X 6,170.00 0 A G C-1 .. Cherry P.O. Box 626 Erie 324 Cherry S1, 4021-102 Walter Weber 124 Cherry St. Erie, PA 16101 X 1 60,00 0 W R-1 326 Cherry St. 4021-101 Virginia Ko,alaki 248 Scott Street Erie, PA 16508 X 7.860.00 0 9 G R-2 ' N C 330 Cherry t. 4021-100 Frank Mourton 605 WeBt 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X 3,740.00 Vacant Lot v 616 West-4th St. 4021-143 Minnie Tuebert 616 West 4th St. Erie. PA 16507 X !'010.00 0 5 G R-1 618 West 4th St. 4021-142 Harold Hennous 618 West 4th St@ Erie, PA, 16507 X $10,390.00 0 K G R-1 620 West 4th St 4021-141 Agnes Hooper 620 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X 0 S G R-1 626 West 4th St _ $ jj6O.OO -628. West 4th St. 4021-140 KLmmell Barbour 626 Went 4th St. Erie. PA 16507 X x $81060.00 0 w G R-2 630 West 4th St. 4021-.31 ':' a hI ---- 632 West 4th St. . re,.etele S-I.g.LL- 9ZO Peach St, Erie. PA 16501 X S7.490-00 0 A G R-2 634 West 4th St. 4021-138 Raymond Kovaleaky MutuLl Savin&s 6 Loan 121 West 26th St. Erie. PA 16508 X $7.590.00 0 W F R-1 636 West 4th St. 4021-136 William Schl.s@ 636 West 4th St. Erie, PA 16507 X X $10,160.00 0 A 638 West 4th St. G R-2 642 West 4th St. 4021-135 Hannon McKinnon 642 West 4th St.- ----Erl-e,--PA-----16507 X $ 6,420.00 -90-- [email protected] I - 134 ce _2r&E -er 644 riI,, PA t 4th St. 1,021-M ""' te I...k ... kf P.O. Box 1328 lionaton, Tx 77001 X $ 7.020.00 3 F R I Lomas 4 t h It . 4021-132 James Turner P.O. Box 746 Colob...Ohlo 43216 X $ 8,610.00 D !I F R-2 t52 W!Iq Ath_St. 654 Went 4th St. 4021-131 Richard Arlington Box 1328 (0605) Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 8.700.00 1) A F R-2 Lomas & [email protected] _P'O' 16507 X David J 'its -56- ii . a t Pi -0 1; G R-2 5� Wcs@ 4th L. 4021-130 930-00 --L - e, 658 West 4th St. 4021-1.29 James Ruth 121 West 26th St. Erie. PA 16508 X $ 6,890.00 0 A 660 We!t 4th St. _Mutual Savings & Loan ..... 662 West 4th St. Erie. PA 16507 X $ 6,530.00 0 S F R-2 664 WesL 41t St. 4021-137 Ronald Bartone 9444 West 2nd St. 325 P,,plar St. 4021-145 'lack I.a.lch P.O. Box 1328 Houston. Tx 77001 X $ 7,770.00 0 14 F R-2 IPoplar St. - Lomas 6 Nettleton 3 3Poplar St. Richard Walkow 3 1EMlar St. '4021-144 Lomas & Nettleton P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 7,910.00 W P B-2 _319 Poplar St- 4021-128 Kim Carlin 319 Poplar St. Erie, PA 16507 X -- $ 5,590.00 -0 S--- F R- 1-- 317 Poplar St. 315 Poplar St. 4021-127 James Anderson P.O. Box 1319 Erie, PA 16512 X $ 8.020.00 0 A F R-2 -313 P pisr St. 4021-126 AnthonL Anderson 313 ?2EI@r S It . _Eq. , PA A6507 X- $ 7,310.00 0 Y R-1 3 lii@- I it f2pjar St-_4012-125 Francis Brennan 311 Pop at St. Erie. PA 16501 X $ 6@660-00 0 W F R-1 Er i@-,PA 16507 39@ Poplar St. 4021-124 Etla Davis 307 Poplar S!. X $ 6,886. 0 Erie. EL--L6L0Z---X 305 P.p!-_�j!_4O2I-j23 Flo d Benson 345 301 PoLlar St _4021-122 Dani.t R.ttg.r (2 PLttshurZb r PA 6508 $ 8,100-00 ------ 9- S BLOCK TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... 45 CODES & To'rALS BLDC. OCCUPANCY Buti.DINc mATERIAL LAND USE V - V.c..t - 0 A - Aluminum Siding 14 ResidenLiat comm-1.1 PB - Publil'. Building. 0 - Occupied - 44 S - Shingles -16 RI - SIngle Family 26 CI - Retail - 2 SP - Semi lublic Bulldlng!j 'W - Wood 13 R2 - Multi Family - 15 C2 - office - 0 --j-- M - Mas..7y or Brick I R3 - Apartment:)- 0 industrial P - Parks & Recreation 0 (5 + unit I - Industrial 0 U - Undem!loped Land BUILDING CONDITION R4 - Group Quarters - 0 EX - Excellent - 0 Mixed Use V - Vat, nt: - t @nl G - Good - 23 As denoted - 0 F - fair - 17 P - Poor - 4 C - Critical - 0 BLOCK #30 Of the total forty-five parcels of land located in this block bordered by Cherry, Poplar, West Fourth and West Third Streets, forty-four are in occupancy with mostly single family dwellings, or fifty-seven percent. There are sixteen two family units and two commercial structures; fifty-two percent of the structures are in good condition, thirty-nine percent are fair and nine percent are classified as poor. WEST SECOND STREET 617 613 -91- 212 206 F j C) Proposed F-1 C) 213 Family 207 205 Housing 209 C\j 214 208 204 215 203 C\j 4021 227 LU 0 216 '\j U 201 217 231 232 233 236 23 00 218 221 222 223 224 225 22E 228 229230 219 22C D 652 648 646144 642 640 636 632 630 628 624 614 6/0 608 602 WEST THIRD STREET BLOCK 4011-100-236 ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0 T ASSESSED OCCUPANCY BLDG. BLDG. LAND VALUE HAT.COND. USE 4021-209 Sessinghaus & Ostergaard 105 Poplar St. Erie, PA _ 16507 Unimproved $ 5,340.00 Vacant Lot V 61? West 2nd St. 4021-208 Jehovah Witnesses 621 West 2nd stb Erie, PA 16507 X $22,000.00 0 M EX SP 613 West 2nd St. 4021-207 F.e' t,Cr"bbstJ,. P.O. Box 1328 H ... to., T. 77001 X $8,790.00 0 A EX R-I Lon.. Me tt le on 202 Cherry St. 4021-206 Frederick Meyer 206 Cherry St. Erie. PA 16507 X $6,230.00 0 S G R-2 -204 Cherry St. 8r, PA -$ 6,230-.00 0 W C 4021-205 Frederick Meyer 206 Cherry St. ir':: PA 16507 R-71 _110 ChvjrL St. 4021-204 Robert Rosanaki P.O. Box 1319 16512 X $7,620.00 0 W C R-1 214 Cherry St. 4021-203 Nelda Knobloch 214 Cherry St. Erie. PA 16507 X $6,030.00 0 A C i---, 220 Cherry St. 45i T- 2-0 2 Lynn Hunt 220 Cherry St. Erie, PA 16507 X $7,670.00 0 S F R-2 224 EheLrL St. 4021-201 Lynn Hour 220 Cherry St. Erie, PA 16507 X $1 130.00 Garage 602 West 3rd St. 4021-200 Rose Wilhelm 602 Went 3rd St. Erie. PA 16507 X 16,730.00 0 W F R-I 608 West 3rd St. 4021-235 Carolyn Spiegel 600 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $6,540.00 0 S F R-1 _tlO West 3rd St. 4021-236 John Fontecchlo 610 yt2t 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $7,880.00 0 A EX R-I 614 West 3rd St. 4021-233 Hazie Purdue 425 Wes t 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $7,040.00 0 W F R-1 4021-232 Jehovah Witnesses 621 West 2n4 St. Erie, PA 16507 Unimproved 1,360.00 Vacant Lot -231 Robert Carson 0 S F R-I 624 West 3rd St. 4021 Loaas & Me ttleton P.O. Box 1328 Houston. Tx 77001 X $5,910.00 620 West 3rd St. 4021-230 Patricia Taft 1101 East It th St. Erie, ?A 16503 Unimproyed $ 990.00 Vacant Lot V 630 West 3rd St. 4021-229 Patricia Taft 1101 East lIth St. Erie, PA 16503 Unimproved $ 9 0.00 Vacant Lot V -632 West 3rd St. 4021-228 Fred Gocal 632 West 3rd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $5,280.00 0 --- A_ F R-1 4021-227 Robert Baldwin 1002 State St. Erie, PA 16501 Unimp oved 1,150.00 Vacant Lot V --- 4021-226 Robert F8er X $5.940.00 0 S C R-1 636 West 3rd St. Hu ..I I Los. 121 West 26th St. Erie. PA 16508 Kenneth Frolhlick P.O. Box M8 Houston, Tx 7700t X $5,980.00 a S C R-1 640 West 3rd St. 4021-225 Lomas 6 NCLtleton 642 West 3rd St. 4021-224 Arthur Freeland 731 Napier Avenue Erie, PA 16511 X $6,220.00 0 W F R-I 644 West 3rd St. 4021-223 Willi - Fc.th.r. P.O. Box 936 Greensburg.PA 15601 X $6,310.00 0 S C R-1 46 West 3rd St. 648 West 3rd St. 4021-222 Andrew Bliss Centennial Square Haddonfield, NJ 08033 X $5,550.00 0 S G R@i 652 West 3rd St. 4021-221 Arthur Baldwin 1002 State St. Erie, PA 16501 X $4,540.00 0 A G R-1 4021-220 County of Erie Unimprooted 590.00 Vacant Lot V 229 Poplar St. 4021-219 Syl@la Cummings 229 Poplar St. Erie, PA 16507 X $7,170.00 0 S F R-1 221 Poplar St. 4021-218 Richard Cox Mutual Savings & Loan 121 West 26th St. Erie. PA 16508 X $4.720.00 0 S C R-1 I 'trick 920 Peach St. Erie, PA t6501 X $8,040.00 0 S P R-I 219 Poplar St. 4021-211 3 7" K'!PS .,uett aln,,.&Loan 217 Poplar St. 4021-216 Dennis D.]Eh P.O. Box 6156 Erie, PA 16512 X $5. 70.00 0 W G R-I 213 Poplar St. 4021-215 Albert_Green 213 Poplar St. Erie, PA 16507 X - $4,230.00 0 W F R-I 211 Poplar St. 4021-214 Kevin Lenz 12000 Fr..ktt... Rd. pittsburghPA 15235 X 7,250.00 0 A G R-1 207 Poplar St. 4021-213 Martin EsLock 1328 East 12th St. Erie, PA 16503 X 8,270.00 0 W F R-2 209 Poplar St. -- 201 Poplar St. 4021-212 Martin Est.ck 1328 East 12th St. Erie. PA 16503 X $6,910.00 0 W P R-2 203 Poplar St. ---- BLOCK - 4021-2007216 CODES 9 TOTALS TOT,@kjTLRER OF PARCELS 34 BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUlLDINC MATERIAL LAND USE a -a. - 0 A Aluminum Siding 6 Residential Cominercial PB - Public Buitdin a 0 0 Occupted - 28 S Shingles - It RI - Single Family 22 CI - Retail - 0 SP - Seml Public BuildtniL, W Wood - 9 M Masonry or Brick I R2 - Multi Family - 4 C2 - Office - 0 P . Parkaj Recreation D R3 - Apartment:)- 0 BUILDING CONDITION (5 + unit Industrial U - Undeveloped Land - 0 EX - Excellent - 3 R4 - Group quarters - 0 1 - Industrial 0 V - Vacant - 6 G - Good - 12 Mixed Use Ea_Laje - I F - Fair - 10 As denoted - 0 P - Poor - 2 C - criti-I - 0 BLOCK #31 There are six parcels of land in a vacant category in this block bordered by Cherry, Poplar, West Third and West Second Streets. There are a total of twenty-six residential structures, sevent-y- nine percent of which are in single family use and over fifteen percent occupied by two families. Over fifty percent of the structures are in either good or excellent condition, while less than fifty percent are rated as fair; wit!7.. two dwellings in poor condition. -93- BLUFF Erie County Uj 4040 Commun U Services Center <'@ Proposed Family Housing -j q- 0 400 a_ WEST SECOND STREET B1,OCK 4-040-300-400 R) ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CiTy/nAn. -ztF o Assvs�- offHwy Buic.-I VALUE COND USE 105 Poplar St. 4040-400 Oleaginghaug & 105 Poplar Street Erie, PA 16507 X $447,920-00 0 M EX C-2 BI--, --__@06 Wst@@cond t. I.gh.us & 105 P ptar Street Erie. PA 16507 X (I-Jud@d 1. Ab-e) 0 M FX Ph e 606 West 2nd St. 404-400 osestergaard _6.06 West Second..St. at-ocK - 4040- QQ--4OQ CODES 9 TOTALS TOTAL 14UMBER OF PARCELS ... I BUILDING OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V : Vcn I M - MA:onry or Brick 2 Coaxnerclal 0 Occ.P led 2 BUILDI G CONDITION Cl - Retail 0 P" - Public Bull I EX - Excellent - 2 C2 - Offices I BLOCK #32 one land parcel makes up this block bounded by Cherry, Poplar, West Second and the Bayfront. There are two structures in excellent condition and fully occupied; one for commercial use and one as a public building. ! ommun ty e ices rv r C@entje WEST FIFTH STREET -94- 725 721 7191777 7151713 709 7071"M5 11011 n4O 0j] F10 21 P F-1111 109 OD < 107 106 ICL5 104 -j LU 112 M 108 1 CL 115 11b 117 118 119 100 0 CL 114 3 L 7201778 716 714 708 706 70-2 PARK AVENUE NORTH BLOCK 4013-100-111 ADDRESS INDEX NO. OWNER OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP 0TASSESSED VALUE OCCUPANrY BLDG. BLDG. LAND HAT. COND. USE 725 West 5th St. 4023-109 John King 20 West 34th St. Eric, PA 16508 X $ 9,620.00 0 M G R-2 721 West 5th St. 4023-108 Arron Guesen 721 West 3rd St. _Erie, PA 16507 X $11,920.GG 0 S F R-2 -717 Wo :t 5th St. 4023-107 Charles Hammer P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 9,920.00 0 W F R-2 -719We t5th St. Lomas & Nettleton 713 We:t 5th St. 4023-106 William Torof. Jr. 619 Walnut St. Erie, PA 16507 x $tt.840.00(for-al-) 0 S P R-2 715We t5th St. t 709 West 5th St. 4023-105 Samuel Gemelli 709 West 5th St. Erie, PA 16507 X $13.590.00 0 H C R- 705 West 5th St. 4023-104 Carl Erickson 2028 Center St. Erie, PA 16510 x $ 9,430.00 0 W F R-2 Z27 @e.t 5th S - 0 S C R-1 'O@ pop tar St. 4023-103 Jeasl Sadowsici 502 Poplar St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 1,710.00 1 504 Poplar St. 4023-102 Jeffrey Clark 504 Poplar St. Erie, PA 16507 X -$ 8,990.00 0 S C. ......... R- 508 Poplar St. 4023-101 Verna Trow 508 Poplar S @rie, PA 16507 X 7,201.00 0 S G R-1 0 W C R-1 702 Park Avenue 4023-100 Richard Mellon 121 West 26tht'St. rie, PA 16508 x $11.215.00 Mutual Savingg&Loan 706 Park Avenue 4023-119 Christopher Gehrlein P.O. Box 1328 Houston, Tx 77001 X $ 9.130.00 0 W F Lomas & Nettleton 108 Park Avenue 4023-118 Jan Corlie. 121 West 26tb St. Erie, PA 16508 X $11.290.00 0 S G R-1 Mutual Savings&Loan 714 Park Avenue 4023-117 Willard B06solt 714 North Park Ave. Erie, PA 16502 XX $10,810-00 0 W C R-1 716 Park Avenue 4023-116 Manuel Higgins 716 Park Avenue N. Erie, PA 16502 X $18,210.00 0 S G R-1 720 Park Avenue 4023-115 Ann Mallroy 445 Richmond Erie, PA 16509 X $19.810.00 0 H G 2-2 71 -Park Avenue 728 Park Avenue 4023-114 Rich- d U IeIckq P.O. Box 1319 Erie. PA 16512 x $25.510.00 0 M EX R-2 730 Park Avenue -..- " r' led . '. 'nR. 511 Liberty St. 4023-113 Joseph Gervase I We 26th St. Erie, PA 16508 X $13,490.00 0 M G R-2 _111 Liberty St. - - - .Mutual Savings&Loan 12 at R-2 507 Liberty St. 4023-112 Howard Beanland 717 State St. (Bank) Erie, PA 16501 x $13,730.00 0 M G R-1 503 Libertv St. 4023-111 Kenneth Garber 503 Liberty St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 1,801.00 0 H G 501 Liberty St. 4023-110 Charlotte Frieman 501 Liberty St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 9,911.00 0 W F R-1 BLOCK - 4023-100-119 CODES & TOTALS TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V - Vacant - 0 A Aluminum Siding 0 Residential Commercial PB - @ubjic Buildin .9 - 0 _L_ Shingles - 7 RI - Single Family Cl - Retail - 0 SP - Semi Public Buildings 0 0 - Occupied - 20 S Wood - 6 R2 - Multi Family - 9 C2 - Offices 0 M Masonry or Brick 7 R3 - Apartments - 0 BUILDING CONDITION (5 + units) Industrial P - Parks & Recreation- 0 EX Excellent R4 -Group Quarters -0 1 - Industrial - 0 C Good : 153 U - Undeveloped Land - 0 F Fair Mixed Use P Poor As denoted - 0 V - Vacant - 0 Crit I - 0 C BLOCK #33 This block area contains eleven single family dwelling units and nine two family residences. There are no vacant parcels of land and the condition of the structures are rated as good to excellent with six classified as fair to poor. This area is bordered by Liberty, Poplar, West Fifth Street and Park Avenue North. 8 8 Z x c cc- Cc W-M-M, m 0 0 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . S "a 0 a a O'D 0c 00 00 0 000000 L I 2 2 0@ 0@ cc 0. .0 8 4311429 427 425 421 417 ovmlVM=- m .0 !1 M, 110 Fr V n 2 0 Pi C zi I I IC 9: IC f Cr vww 0 0 7 f > rj --4 4@h m m m m m m ma m m a m m m > > > 7 > > > > > > > > N N N 0 > N > > 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - coo 0 11 1w 01 0 2 2 2-2- Er*a I x x x PO 0 coo 0 0 cc a Coco 00 0 ooc@,@ a oco 0000 0 . ... . . . 000000 0 M >.o w > Wrzmx:.C. VM IV WIM W 10 -96- BLOCK - WZL200-226 CODES 9 TOTALS TOTAL N BER OF PARCELS ... 28 BLDG, OCCUPANCY _PUIL1jINr MATERIAL LAND USE V V:c:nt.- 0 A - Aluminum Siding 4 Residential Commercial PB - P,,b] 1,, Bjfldjn&s - 0 0 0 c @pl d - 26 S - Sbingleo - 14 RI - Single Family 18 - 0 W : Wood - 4 R2 - Multi Family - 8 C2 - Office - 0 SP - S-L_'ubI.1._#2jWj.2j. 0 H Masonry or Brick 4 R3 - Apartment. - 0 P - Parks & Recreation -, 0 (5 + units) industrial BUILDING CONDITION R4 - Group Quarters - 0 1 - Industrial 0 U - Undv@@,Aoped Land - C EX Excellent - I Mixed Use V - V.c.n: C Good 19 As denoted - 0 F Fair 6 P Poor 0 C Critical - 0 BLOCK #34 Only one vacant parcel of land is located in this block which is bounded by Poplar, Liberty, West Fifth and West Fourth Streets. The remaining twenty-six parcels are mostly occupied by single family dwellings, representing sixty-nine percent of all structures; thirty-one percent are in two family use. All of the structures in this block range from fair to good and excellent condition. c c r m c -C v c c c c 0 0 M A I 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 r LI > 0 m 0 @q 0 s0 31 z 0 C"mz m 0 > 00 ol -m 10 0 rl A 0 cn F5 70 . . . . .. . .. . . . . 0 0 rl) C-4 > > > > > > > > > > 04 Cc' >1 x 0 > P C 13 s. 0 1=0 0 0 0 cc 0080C 0 0 0 C x x w > 3c X: x x X: Ic m c BLOCK - !a2-k-A-Qj2-4 CODES 9 IOTALS 10T 1. NUMBER OF PARCELS 25 BLq@. OCCUPANCY Bj@ILDING MATERIAL LNN-DUSF A Aluminum Siding 3 Residential ComeEc@ PB - j'ublic Buildl In '- 0 0" Occ.,%d 21 S Sbingles - 9 RI - Single Family 21 cl : Retail - I SP - Se.1 Public B,.illinBs 0 W Wood - a R2 - Multi Family - 3 C2 Office - 0 M sooty or Brick 5 P - Parks & Recre.itloa - 0 M R3 - Apartments - 0 Industrial U .. BUILDING CONDITION (5 + Units) - llwdevelDped ].!nd - 0 EX Excellent 1 R4 - Group Quarters - 0 1 - InduRtrial 0 V - Iracant - 0 G Good 17 !jixed Us,@ F Fair 7 As denoted - 0 P Poor 0 C Critical 0 BLOCK #35 The structural condition of this block is rated as good to f ai:c. It is bounded by Poplar, Liberty, West Fourth and West Third Streets. This area is in single and two family residential use. rz I: cr X c r cX: cc 0- 0-110,01,1OllI 2 2 22 22 2 2 0 0 L 0 a 0 c2 40 400 225 221 n 0 111 1 11 v o m 0 t ol 0 0 0 0 W rl) L2 00 W (D 0 N) X c x n Ic c 0 K) A o M@ cm cn 4; L W > Go W W U) m> C. > > > W > > > > > FrTl . . . . . . L2 J > < w 230 228 224 222 2 > p G? Po 666 00 08 'o '08 'o 'o 'o 0, 'o 00,00 0 a 0 010100 0 0.0 c0 aOCOOCC 0 CIO 0 0 0 0 00 > > n nn,,M@o I ml --100- BLOCK - 4924-200-227 CODES 9 TOTALS T0TAL_NUMVRQF PARCELS ... _28 BIDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE V Vacant - 0 A - A]-tom Siding 7 Residential Commercial 0 Oc-pled - 28 S - Shingles - 14 Rl - Single Family 21 Cl - Retail - 0 PH Public Buildi.11_t - 0 o d 7 RZ - Multi Family - 7 C2 - Offices 0 MW : WHaosonry or Brick 0 SP ':;emi Public B,jJldings 0 R3 - Apartments - 0 Industrial p 0 BUILDING CONDITION (5 + units) :'arks & Recre3tion EX - Excellent 0 R4 - Croup Quarters 0 1 - Industrial 0 11 11ndeveloped LarLd - 0 C - Good - 18 Mixed Use V 'lacent - 0 r - Fair - 9 As denoted - 0 p - Poor - I C - Critical 0 BLOCK 06 This area is entirely in single and two family use with seventy- five percent making up single dwellings. It is primarily in good structural condition with only one building rated as p)or. The area contains twenty-eight land parcels all of which ar:@ in residential occupancy. The block is bounded by Pop'-ar, Liberty, West Third and West Second Streets. WEST FRONT STREET 104 103 ry 106105 102 < 4 9 _j 0 CL Uj 108 107 101 WEST SECOND STREET SUNK 4!@W-101:108_ INDEX NO. 6WHE R OWNER ADDRESS Jan-RESS rITYISTATE ZIF_O _T_i@SF�sE-1) _VW1_JJiF )CHARWN-CY iT2 _P@plarst. HAT. COND. 11SE _7j_0_@e_qt 2nd St. 4039-101 Ralph Toland 202 Cherry St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 7,170.00 -------- jt:@]- 7t2 West 2.d St. 4039-102 Margaret Benovic 710 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X $ 5,920.00 o __S ____F R-I - [email protected] St. 4039-103 Kathryn "p.ar 712 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 7,262,20 0 714 -716 West 2nd St. 4039-104 Franklin R.edy 714 West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 $ 4,640.00 0 S P R-7 7111 West 2od 1,* 401 -101 Frederick Nielsen 722 west 2nd _S 9 1--- 19" Wes, 171h It, Erle, A 16 01 X , 4 741 00 U, S R- - t. 4039-106 James McClain 13500 Shaker Blvd. Cleveland,Ohio 44120 X 3,980.00 W---S _.@24 West Znd,St. 4039-107 Carl Nash 719% West 2nd St. Erie, PA 16507 X 1,000.00 Vac..t Lot V 726 West 2nd I;t. 4039-108 Mary P@er 13500 Shaker Blvd. Cleveland.Ohlo 44120 X $ 9.040.00 James McClain Apartment 03 0 S F R-2 BLOCK - 4039-101-108 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... _8 CODES & TOTALS 1!1_@G. OCCUPANCY AUI.LDINC HkTkRJAL LAND USE V Vac.-t - 0 A - Aluminum Siding 0 Residential Commercial PB - Public Buildings 0 0-0-d - 7 S - Shingle. - 7 W- Wood - 0 Rl - Single Family - 3 Ct - Retail - 0 M Masonry or Brick 0 R2 - Multi family -4 C2 - Offices SP - SemiPublic Bulldlp&s R3 - Apartments - 0 ILING CONDITION R4 - Group Quarters - 0 1 - Industrial 0 i!RUIL (5 + unit.) Industrial P - Parks & Recreation - 0 9X Excetlent 0 U 0 G Good 0 Mixed Use F F.tr 4 A. denoted - 0 V Vacant - I P Poor 3 C Critical 0 BLOCK "'37 Eight residential parcels make up this block bounded by Poplar, Liberty, West Second and West Front Streets. One-hundred percent of the structures are in fair or poor condition. E :T E 3 'T R@ 10 )39 BIOCK F. y_fro --A1-)hRFSq -----('-1TYjR-TATE - ----- (-)C-,C-.t-rTN iO. OWNiR OWNER VAI-,Ug---- COND. PIA' not a reach 4049-400 Pennsylvania Electric 222 Ls-rg-d St. J.hnnt.-, PA 15901 $ 32.620.00 1 U.de-l"Ped land If Ca ' Poer Plant 4U49-4001 Pennsy Ivania Electric 5404 Evans Road Erle, PA 165109 $ 9,300.00 V Unde-].P@d Isn't 11 Comp:ny (2) 4049-400 Penn ylvania Etectric 5404 Eva.. Road Erie. PA 16509 $ 7,790.00 V U.devej.p@d land U Foot of S..safrx. Co'ply 4049-401 Erie Snd A Gravel Front at S.s.afrn. St. Erie, PA 16507 $283.320.00 0 P V1 1 4049-402 Erie qnnd & Gravel Front at S.Rnafr.. St. Erie, PA 16507 $ 28.340.00 0 r M 1 4049-403 Penn Central Company 2201 Oliver Road Pitt.burgh. rA 15272 $ 5. 2 99. 00 0 Ft. 11. ..ad R Property Tax Dept. 4049--404 Penn Central CompnnV 2201 OlEver Road Pitt.b.rgh, PA 15722 $ 1.710.00 n R.'I I "..d R P-Pert y To. Dept. 1.049-405 Penn Central Company 2201 Oliver Road Plttaburgh. PA 15222 $ 1.95o.oo V R.11,-4 11 Property Tax Dept. 4049-406 Penn Central Company 2201 Oliver Pond Pittsburgh, rA 15222 $ 2,13().00 V Railroad U Property Tax Dept. 4049-500 Port Authority Municipal Building Erie, PA 16501 $ 19,920.00 V.-t I-A City of Erie Co..] Basin Foot of Myrtte 4048-100 Ruberold Comapny 1361 Alp. Bond Wayne, N.J. 07470 $539,710.00 n F 14 1 c/o CAF Corporation 4048-101 Bureau of Water Muntelp.1 Saving. 16501 $ 44,120.00 0 F 14 1 Association Erie, PA 4048-102 Penn Central Company 2201 Oliver Pittsburgh, PA 15222 $ 91050.00 V Railroad R Property Tax Dept. foot of Chestnut 4048-200 Bureau of Water PB Filtration Plant H i@ipal Building Erie, PA 1,6501 $1.405.300.00 0 C 4049-202 Penn C;entral Company 2201 Oliver go I Pittsburgh, PA 15222 6,230.00 0 Railroad R Property Tax Dept. 4048-203 Bureau of Water Municipal Building Erie, PA 16501 $ 29.141.00 V G N PB Pumplnjt Station Foot of Walnut 4047-100 Bureau of Water Muntrip.1 Building Erie, PA 1650t $ 31970.00 0 F W PB Boat House & Cottage 4047-10t Erie & Pittsburgh 2201 Oliver Pittsburgh,PA 15222 $ 9,690.00 R R@ilr-d R Railroad Company 4047-102 Bureau of Wnter Municipal Building Erie. PA 16501 $218,730.00 V UndeveloiEd Land U Skating House Foot of Cherry 4040-200 Erie & Pittsburgh Raltroad Company 2201 Oliver Bldg. Pittsburgh,PA 15222 $ 13,600.00 V R.ilr,FA R Property Tax Office C C-1 4040-201 Port Authority of City Hall Erie, PA 16501 $169,3910.00 0 Co-dare, Perry Y-ht Cl" the City of Erie Foot of P.pl- 4040-300 Penn Central Compnny Room 510 Penn Central PItt.burgh,PA 15222 $ 14.240.00 V Uodcvel@p-l L-d U Station 4040-301 Port Authority of municipal B1dR. Erie, PA 16501 $149,920.00 V Und-.],@ped Land U the City of Erie 4040-302 Perry Shipbuilding Corporation P.O. Box 1318 Erie, PA 16512 @ 12.800.00 V R.11-d R Foot of Liberty 4046-100 Penn Central Company Room 510 llittsburgh.PA 152'22 @ 20.330.00 V Und,wel,-ped Land 11 4046-101 Port Authority of Penn Central Station the City of Erie City Hall Erie, PA 16501 @ 46,710.00 V Undevelf,ped Land U 4046-101-11 Port Authority of Mo. icipal Building Erie, PA 16501 $ 33,460.00 V 11@d-el,,p.d Land U the City of Erie 4046-102 Perry Shipbuilding nd U Corporation P.O. Box 1319 Erie. PA 16512 $ 14.660.00 V Un&veloped L. BLOCK - RAYFRQRL_PR0fERT1E_5- (EEAg_H_-TQ--L1-BE.RTY) TOTAL NUMBER OF PARCELS ... 28 CODES 9 TOTALS BLDG. OCCUPANCY BUILDING MATERIAL LAND USE Commercial PR - Public Bulld!.og, V - Vacant - 1 A - Aluminum Siding Residential Cl. - Retail I 0 - Occupied 27 S - Shingles SP - Semi Public llulllliqj@n W - wood - RI - Single Family C2 - Offices - M - Masonry or Brick R2 - Multi Family Industrial P - Parks & Recr4satbin R3 - Apartments I - Industrial 4 BUILDING CONDITION (5 + Units) U - Undenesloped !,and - 12 EX Excellent R4 - Group Quarters Mixed Use R - - 8 G Good - F Fair - As denoted V - Vacant P Poor - C Critical I I I I I I I I I Street & Sidewalk Survey I I I I I I I I I I -103- STREETS AND SIDEWALKS A cursory field survey of the area streets and sidewalks revealed that generally streets in the Bayfront neighborhood are in fair to good condition. The newest street pavement, curbs and sidewalks are located on Second Street between Cherry and Walnut Streets. Probably the section of Second Street between Cherry and Liberty Streets is in most need of paving and rehabilita- tion. Other streets throughout the neighborhood need spot pavement that would require only minimal effort and expenditure. Nearly all the sidewalks in the area are most likely the original walks constructed during the early years of residential development of this bayfront section of the City. Some of the sidewalks are of the cobblestone type, indicative of the first residential construction in the City of Erie which had its origin along the Bayfront moving to the South in later years. While the structural condition of the sidewalks is for the most part good to fair, many are uneven, sagging in places, and some minor disrepair is apparent. In addition, many of the street signs are missing throughout the area surveyed. Due to repaving of streets over the years without the benef it of removing old pavement, many of the curbs are extremely low or non-existent. This condition may in times of heavy rains and downpours create some serious flooding conditions. It should be of interest to note that over 50 percent of the residents surveyed during the recent telephone poll undertaken by the Martin Luther King Center believed the streets to be in poor condition, while more than 46 percent classified the sidewalks in the area as also poor and in need of rehabilitation. SECTION IV NEIGHBORHOOD THEME Bayfront Bulletin Announcing Neighborhood Theme Introduction A. Short Range Projects 1. Bayfront Mini Mall Project 2. Perry Armada Park and Louis J. Tullio Park 3. Physical Improvement Projects B. Long Range Program 1. Bicycle Trail and Mini Parks 2. Historical Restoration 3. Elderly Housing Development 4. Family Housing 5. Nursing Home 6. Culture House 7. Housing Renovations 8. Other Projects a. Bayfront Port Access Road b. Environmental Science Center I I I I I I I I I Neighborhood Theme SHORT RANGE PROJECTS I I I I I I I I I I -104- D C D Published by: _N, BAYFRONT NATO MARTIN LUTHER KING CENTER VOL. 2, NO. 3 "n JULY 1981 Neighborhood Theme At Work! "A picture is worth a thousand words." These pictures are visible proof that the Bayfront residents have taken their neigh- borhood theme - Don't Move - Improvel to heart. Enthusiasm spreads when one neighbor sees the pride another neighbor puts in his home. It catches on and stimulates others to take pride in their neighborhood as well. Residents have been working together upgrading their neighborhoods by hauling away garbage, cleaning the sidewalks, cutting the grass, raking, planting flowers, painting, fixing steps and porches and cleaning windows. What a difference it makes! We are proud of their efforts and hope their example serves as an incentive to others. Our cameras will keep shooting - so keep on improving!! b L " I DON'TMOVE -IMPROVE! M77PF-7,'@ ri -105- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME The thrust of the 1980-81 Coastal Zone Management funding in the Bayfront neighborhood was directed toward the participation and and involvement of its residents. Early in the program it was thought that a "neighborhood theme" developed by the residents in the area would help set the tone of the entire planning effort. Accordingly, the Martin Luther King Center staff determined that a neighborhood-wide contest should be held for this purpose, utilizing the widely read Bayfront Bulletin as the means of reaching every household in the neighborhood. This theme would then be used as the permanent slogan for the initiation and continuous revitali- zation and improvement of the Bayfront Area. The rules of the contest were that: 1. The slogan be short - five words or less; 2. The slogan should relate to promoting neighborhood improvement. As a result of this announcement in the Bayfront Bulletin, numerous entries were submitted to the staff of the Martin Luther King Center, A committee was assigned the task of reviewing the entries submitted and to choose the "one theme" the majority expressed as to what is' needed in the neighborhood to spur continuous revitalization and permanent improvement. Using these rules as the basis for decision the committee concluded that the winning entry expressing a vital need in the neighborhood was: "DON'T MOVE - IMPROVE." Following the selection and announcement of the Bayfront Theme in the July issue of the Bayfront Bulletin, a feature story was prepared and published showing the neighborhood theme in action. Pictures of houses being renovated and rehabilitated, together with other home improvements being accomplished by residents stood as clear indication that the neighborhood was not only an immediate success but that the theme was already having a very positive impact on the Bayfront residents. Thus far, the Neighborhood Theme - "Don't Move - Improve" has generated keen interest and personal pride in the efforts of the residents to upgrade their homes and the neighborhood as a whole. Hopefully, it will serve as a long term incentive for all others to follow in the Bayfront neighborhood to keep on improving - not moving. The neighborhood theme is intended to achieve the following neighborhood revitalization objectives: a. Improve the standard and quality of life for the bayfront residents. b. Upgrade the physical appearance of residential structures in the neighborhood study area. -106-- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME C. Reverse the pattern of disinvestment in the neighborhood real estate and business. The field study undertaken by the Martin Luther King Center in the summer of 1981 brought into focus the fact that most of the neighborhood would show marked improvement by simple painting, siding, minor gutter and woodwork repairs. This is based on the survey results which indicate that thirty-four percent of all the residential structures are on a borderline condition with only eleven percent classified as poor, and three percent in critical condition. A. Short Range Program In this section, attention will be focused on specific neighborhood short range action-oriented projects. In addition, a historic inventory was undertaken as a short range project, which is described in Section V of this document. The short range program is based upon citizen participation and the research findings of the 1980 Coastal Zone Management Five Year Plan. The program is intended to activate the neighborhood into action so that "improvements" can happen immediately. Many of the projects listed in this section have already begun or are in the final planning stages. 1. Bayfront Mini Mall (Focal Point of Neighborhood Development) This project falls under the Coastal Zone Management Policy Area VII, which encourages that special attention be focused on areas of economic development opportunity as identified. as a Geographic Area of Particular Concern. The Presque Isle Bay Coastal Zone Management Area is designated as a Geographic Area of Particular Concern. The Bayfront Mini Mall Project, for which ground-breaking has already taken place, is a commercial revitalization project located two blocks west of the Martin Luther King Center. The project will serve as the focal. point of commercial development in the neighborhood from which the entire area can be up-lifted and spurred forward to total revitalization. The Coastal Zone Management Program has contributed to the development of the Mini Mall through active citizen participation and by providing planning expertise and making available the Bayfront Bulletin. The Bayfro nt Mini Mall project involves the construction of a new neighborhood "strip" commercial center containing ri.E.arly eight thousand (8,000) square feet of new leasable COM-IftErcial space on nearly three quarters (3/4) of an acre area. Epace ir. the Mini Mall will be rented to four retail businesses that will offer products and services not presently availablE. in a concentrated or sufficient amount to the neighborhood r'E@sidents of the area in addition to providing office space. -107- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME A. Short Range Program 1. Bayfront Mini Mall (continued) Three of the four (4) stores being built will be new businesses; and all four will be owned and operated.by members of minority groups. The Mini Mall will house a convenience store with self-service gasoline pumps; a self-service laundromat together with a drop-off and pick-up cleaning service; a beauty/barber shop; a restaurant and catering service. The Mini Mall will provide over thirty (30) parking spaces and twenty-five new jobs. Financial support for the Bayfront Mini Mall project is being provided by the City of Erie Community Development Block Grant, the Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, and local business and industries. Loan support was extended from the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the Security Bank through the Erie County Industrial Development Authority and the Pennsylvania Minority Business Development Authority. The Bayfront NATO has chosen to develop the Mini Mall project based upon the fact that neighborhood residents have voiced small business of this type as having the highest priority need for the area. In the past, the neighborhood has been served by family owned and managed small stores but most of these have closed down because proprietors have retired and their children have moved away. Another basic reason for the Mini Mall project is that the area has a high percentage of elderly people who have difficulty traveling long distances to shop, particularly during the winter months. During the telephone poll survey it was learned that the reaction to the Mini Mall construction was quite positive. When asked if any of the planned services were needed in the Mall, nearly 80% of the respondents stated that there was a need for a major food store. More than 66% expressed the need for a laundromat and nearly 56% and 57% thought positively about the Mini Mall's Beauty-Barber Shop and Restaurant respectively. 4 2gnI 7 -ITi T =17 We jlt4 AM L Ar i@,@ 011 IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME A. Short Range Program 2. Perry Armada Park and the Louis J. Tullio Park These two park improvement programs fall under the Coastal Zone Management Policy Area V - Public Access for Recreation., which encourages that special attention be directed toward passive forms of recreation such as walking, picnicingar viewing water related activities. The parks improvement program is intended to provide for active and passive recreational improvements in the bayfront. neighborhood. These improvements include the clean up and general sanitation of the bluff area, the development of passive parks along the north side of the bluff and the establishment of new and the upgrading of existing recreational parks within the Coastal Zone of the Bayfront neighborhood. Perry Armada Park The proposed park site is intended to serve residents for passive recreation and is located on the bluff between Myrtle and Sassafras Streets. On this site is a monument of historical significance commemorating the first three ships of the Perry Fleet. A monument of such immense importance should be restored and. preserved for future generations. In addition, the site along the top of the bluff provides an excellent view of the bayfront and the bay area. It is proposed that a small passive park area be constructed as designed by a life-long resident of the bayfront, Emil Petak. A passive sitting area with picnic tables, paths, benches, lighting and landscaping will complete the beautification and restoration of this area. This park would also serve as a recreational link to the proposed Bicycle/Pedestrian Path described in the long range program section of this document. _109- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME A. Short Range Program 2. Perry Armada Park and the Louis J. Tullio Park Perry Armada Park (continued) , wak, W;JL G,;4 @Q-_ A view of the site at the foot of Sassafm & Front Streets as it appears now. photos by C. Shearer BLUFFSIDE MINI-PARK King Center Staff Now it's only a model of the bluffside vista overlooking the panoramic view afforded from the mini-park, the sunsets Bayfront west, from Sassafras to Myrtle Streets. Far too little could rival and possibly surpass those at Sunset Point on the of the bayfront's charm, Erie's most spectacular natural Peninsula and the park at the foot of Lincoln Avenue. bluffside vista, is open to the public for rest and relaxation. The West Front bluffside is used extensively in summer by Greater efforts must be made to utilize this area and our local residents and tourists. Traffic is heavy due to the public waterfront. Erie, after all, is uniquely favored by nature, The boat ramp. With MediCenter around the corner, we have spectacular view overlooking the bay to the Peninsula and Lake people in wheel chairs and senior citizens who come here to Erie beyond is a gift that should be cherished by all. relax and enjoy the Bayfront activities. A bluffside mini-park, kind of a beauty spot with flowers, trees, shrubs and benches to rest, relax and enjoy the This bluffside has been overlooked too long. With Coastal speedboats, yachts, sailboats with their multicolored sails, and Zone money available, we should now accelerate our efforts to other waterfront activities, would be a source of enjoyment for make this mini-park a reality. local residents, as well as a major tourist attraction. Because of Emit Petak, 102 Sassaftw, Erie, Pa. 16507 tQ Tltvs 7, M At left is model of the monument to be erected in the park. At iight, a model of mini-park that would alter the now unsightly view. Bayfront Bulletin Article, Vol. 1, N0.2 - April 1980 The City of Erie has committed funding and assistance for this project which will begin in the spring of 1982. -11 C IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME A. Short Range Program 2. Perry Armada Park and the Louis J. Tullio Park Louis J. Tullio Park The proposed cultural development of this passive recreation- site is located on the bayfront bluff between Walnut and Chestnut Streets. Presently, this site is not utilized for any purpose. The proposed park is strategically located in terms of a panoramic view of the entire Presque Isle Bay and it is in close proximity to the downtown area. It is also accessible to residents living both in the east and west sections of the bayfront. Mayor Loyis J. Tullio has had a long standing commitment to the cultural development in the City. Accordingly, it is proposed that this park would contain several outdoor sculptures that can be designed by local artists. In addition, passive recreational accomodations would be made for rESidents in the area with the provision of such facilities as paths, a performing area amphitheater, benches, lighting and land- scaping which will enhance the development of this most valuable and strategically located property. Again, the Louis J * Tullio Park is proposed as a passive park link for the Bicycle Pedestrian Path described in Part B of Section IV. 3. Physical Improvement Projects (Residential, Streets & Sidewalks, Clean-up Campaign) The projects described in this section are addressed bE!cause the Bayfront is a Coastal Zone Management designated Geographic Area of Particular Concern. As a designated GAPC, the Bayfront is especially suited for intensive use for redevelopment. The purpose of the Coastal Zone Management designation is to stimulate the economic use of waterfront properties for compatible land use. The remedial action projects which are described below will aid in the total revitalization of the coastal zone area. Residential A majority of respondents to the neighborhood telephone poll survey undertaken in late spring 1981 indicated that t'..-le residents themselves should work on the neighborhood problems. Accordingly, it is proposed that a small team of residents be appointed and organized in each of the surveyed bl,Dzks to discuss the physical improvements needed in each block area and set priorities and a course of action. IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME A. Short Range Program 3. Physical Improvement Projects (Residential, Streets & Sidewalks, Clean-up Campaign) Residential (continued) Such decisions as, who should provide materials needed, labor and other necessities that may be required to improve the physical appearance of each block can be determined by that team of appointed residents. An overall neighborhood coordinator from the Martin Luther King Center can be designated to lead the total physical improvement effort. The public and private sectors can be encouraged to participate in this worthwhile and action- oriented neighborhood project. Jil K - _d Streets and Sidewalks The reaction of a cross section of the neighborhood residents surveyed overwhelmingly felt (84%) that the improvement of the streets and sidewalks would contribute toward the betterment of the bayfront neighborhood. It is proposed that a neighborhood meeting be organized to solicit the views of city agencies and officials responsible for streets, street signs and sidewalk improvements, together with the costs involved. A committee of neighborhood residents can then be appointed which would retain the responsibility of monitoring the street and sidewalk improve- ments to be undertaken by city agencies and also the time-frame for their accomplishment. IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME A. Short Range Program 3. Physical Improvement Projects Streets and Sidewalks (continued) Clean-up Campaign During the recent field survey, it was established that garbage collection and rodent control are in need of great imprcvement. The assistance of the Erie County Department of Health can be enlisted to organize an all out effort for the eradication of rodents. In addition, the same team of residents desig- nated for each block area to undertake physical improventents can be utilized to clean up their block, coordinate garbage collection with responsible City agencies and educate rE.Sidents to maintain cleanliness and help with the control of rodents. A one time effort of excess garbage in the area existing presently can be undertaken in collaboration with the City of Erie. Thereafter, the residents themselves can continue a cooperative effort to maintain a clean neighborhood appearance through proper placement and storage of garbage. This process would also check rodent control and help in its eradication. tj, 4 I I I I I I I I I Neighborhood Theme I LONG RANGE PROGRAM I I I I I I I I I -113- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program The long range Coastal Zone Management Plan for the west bayfront area is composed of seven (7) major projects. The goal of this year's CZM program was to examine and prioritize long range implementable projects from at least one of the four components mentioned in the 1980 Bayfront Area Five Year Plan. The four component areas include: Waterfront Access, Physical Improvement, Economic Development and Institutional Development. This year's program surpasses expectations by including all of the aforementioned components. Projects in each of the above areas were prioritized and form the basis of our long range neighbor- hood theme. Architectural drawings and cost estimates describe four of the projects, which also surpass the expectations of the contract. The architectural firms of Gray, Weber, Kern & MacKrell and of Heidt, Evans and Salata have been retained to provide the four project descriptions. (Please refer to Map on Page 115) The seven (7) projects include the following: 1980 PROJECT CZM POLICY AREA REVITALIZATION PLAN COMPONENT 1. Bicycle Trail V Public Access for A. Waterfront Access Recreation X Public Involvement 2. Historical VI Historic Sites B. Sites of Restoration and Structures Historic Value IX Intergovernmental Coordination X Public Involvement 3. Elderly Housing VII Port Activities C. Physical (GAPC) Improvement IX Intergovernmental D. Economic Coordination Development X Public Involvement 4. Family Housing VII Port Activities C. Physical (GAPC) Improvement IX Intergovernmental D Economic Coordination Development X Public Involvement 5. Nursing Home VII Port Activities C. Physical (GAPC) Improvement IX Intergovernmental Cooperation X Public Involvement IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program Projects (continued) 1980 PROJECT CZM POLICY AREA REVITALIZATION PLAN COMPONENT 6. Culture House - VII Port Activities -- E. Culture and (GAPC) Institutional IX Intergovernmental Development Coordination X Public Involvement 7. Housing Renovation VII Port Activities -- C. Physical IX Intergovernmental Development Coordination X Public Involvement There are two other projects which are not a part of this planning process but have been proposed for the Bayfront. These projects will have significant impact upon the Bayfront. 1. Bayfront Port Access Road 2. Environmental Science Center 5OUTH Pl@v- LEGF-mP WE 5T C)AY FF-ON-r EA5T ED54Y 1;@ONT- E>ICYCLF- H15T0121CAL. m57mArnoN FA.M]L-Y Hou INC, '5 uuKrllI`lr- Uomt@ CUL-VUEE- WCIU@@IF L 1001 Q El 1414 5T-1 EAEI==F-@@] VIA El El 5" 5T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - wu FA FT F Gray, Weber, Kern,& MaCKrell Coastal Zone LocMio lho, King Coffler IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME - B. LONG RANGE PROGRAM OVERALL MAP I-n I IV. NEIGH130RHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program l.. Bicycle Trail The ultimate goal of the proposed project is to connect major -recreational areas and activities, historical landmarks and other points of interest along Erie's bayfront, such as ?resque Isle State Park, utilizing the presently existing bicycle path on West Sixth Street and Presque Isle State Park. Such a project will service additional purposes, namely, conserve fuel by encouraging visitors and Erie residents to limit the use of their vehicles, indulge in a pleasant exercise and past- time, make full use of the existing facilities along the bayfroi.-iL,, encourage the further development and use of the bayfronL and enjoy the panoramic view of Presque Isle Bay and Lake Erie. The main thrust of the proposed project is intended to provide a continuous and safe bicycle interconnection with Presque Isle State Park, the Erie Public Dock, and the South Pier, three major recreational traffic generators during the summer months in Erie. Over seventy-two (72%) percent of the bayfront neighborhood residents surveyed in June, 1981, responded favorably to a pedestrian and bicycle path as a desirable improvement for the betterment of the bayfront neighborhood. The pedestrian and bicycle path depicted on Map 2 , Pagell5, begins at Pittsburgh Avenue as an extension of the bicycle path presently existing on West Sixth Street, terminating at the east end of WesL Sixth Street and Pittsburgh Avenue. The proposed project is visualized to generally follow West Sixth Street east along Frontier Park then northeast to Cranberry Street. It is anticipated that the pedestrian and bicycle path to this point will utilize existing streets and only lining, signing, and curb-cutting as indicated below will be required. SIGN TYPE LOCATION/FREQUENCY SIGN TYPE LOCATION/FREQ_UENCY OF USE/SPACING OF USE/SPACING 10-20/mile 50' ahead of AIt selected sites where route terminus routes change direction ("BIKE PARKING") Selected 0 sites Selected sites 50'ahead of leading to routes BIKE all intersections XING [J] ("WATCH FOR BIKES")50' ahead of selected sites, including driveways,, intersections, etc., -117- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 1. Bicycle Trail (continued) The bike route through this section of the project is proposed as shared roadway. Shared Roadway (CLASS M) ED PE STREET OR HIGHWAY IWA K As depicted above, the bike route signing is intended to service two general functions. First, the signing will provide 11guidance" to bicycles using the designated route by pointing the proper direction of travel. Secondly, such standard bike signing will act as a "warning" or "cautioning" device to motor vehicle traffic. Thus, the anticipated impact of heightening motor vehicle drivers' awareness is greater safety for both bicyclists and motor vehicle operators. In order for the bike route signing to be effective, it is suggested that sign location be set at a minimum level of ten (10) signs per mile, one way, or an overall objective of providing one sign per city block. From Cranberry Street to State Street, sufficient undeveloped right-of-way (ROW) is available to the City of Erie to construct a bike path which will not be impeded by any inter- ference of vehicular traffic with an appropriate width range of between seven (P) and nine (9') feet. This section of the bike route will provide the most panoramic view of Presque Isle Bay and the Peninsula. Since the bike route is proposed for construction at the northern edge of the City Park, ample land is available to consider providing such conveniences for the bicyclist as sitting and picnicing areas, and related facilities. Access to the Public Dock could be provided by a shared roadway bike path through signing as previously described. The proposed bike path would then proceed eastward north of the railroad tracks, hence northwest of the treatment plant of the City of Erie, until it intersects with the roadway leading to the 7 -0", Southeast Pier and the Lampe Marina. IV., NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 1. Bicycle Path (continued) It is often difficult to identify and justify a specif1c level of investment for the services being demanded - especia--ly when such services are outside the basic service needs of police, fire, etc. Since no universally accepted means has been determined to identify the most appropriate level of investment based on use, estimates of justifiable levels of expenditure might be made by analyzing similar types of investment in the transportation and recreational fields as well as by comparison with other communities. Following are alternatives for financing the proposed project that may be considered '---or implementation purposes. a. PennDOT Highway Project Budget This method is based on the assumption that since the bicycle is a mode of travel as is an automobile, expenditures for automobile on per trip basis, should be in proportion to expenditures for automobile travel. It is estimated that there is a total of over 55,001) bicycle trips made daily in the Erie area. Currently, is is also estimated that 270,000 auto driver trips are made daily in the Erie area. Directly relating daily bicycle and auto trips to level of PennDOT expenditures in the Erie area, results in a total of over $300,000 that might be justifiably spent annually for bicycle projects. It may be argued that neighborhood riding trips should not be included in this calculation, since these are not as utilitarian in nature. The numbeir of bicycle trips made daily will be reduced in that case to approximately 25,000 and the resulting "justified" bicycle project expenditure would be $150,000 annually. b. -Bicycle Sales Tax This method suggests that the Sales Tax received from bicycle sales would be used for the construction and maintenance of bicycle facilities. Assuming an average new bicycle cost of $100 and an annual estimated sales of 16,000 bicycles, the current 6% sales tax would yield $60,000. To this amount should be added sales tax from the sale of used bicycles. c. Annual License Fee Another method of financing expenditures for the proposed bicycle facility in the bayfront neighborhood would be the application of a nominal license fee to total bike ownership. Based upon the estimated bike ownership of 150,000 vehicles and utilizing a $1.00 bicycle license fee, approximately $150,000 could be generated annually. _119- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 1. Bicycle Path c. Annual License Fee (continued) Assuming an administrative cost of one-third of this amount, some $100,000 would be available for construction of this and future bicycle facilities and annual maintenance in the City of Erie. d. Other Funding Sources Beyond local revenues that can be generated as outlined above, there are Federal sources of funding for bicycle facilities and programs. These are subject to constant changes, particularly at this time. Therefore, no detailed programmatic description will be undertaken here. Preliminary Cost Estimate A. Paving/Asphalt 2-2 no base, approx. 3,960 L.F. required x 4'-6" wide = 17,820 S.F. or 1980 S.Y. ------------------------- $ 13,860.00 B. Paint Graphic Symbols ------------------ 2,000.00 C. Signs @ 4/block = 136 signs @ $60 ------ 8,160.00 D. Galv. steel guard rail, approx. 3,960 L.F. required @ $20/L.F - ----------------------------- 79,200.00 E. Benches - 20 @ $300 each --------------- 6,000.00 Total $109,220.00 $110,000.00 -.120-- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 2'. Historic Preservation (See architect's drawing on Page Location: 462-464 West Fourth Street Existing Site of Historic Preservation 462-464 West Fourth Street In addition to the identification and preservation of existing historical monuments as described in Part V of this report, the Center proposes to restore a structure for public use and preservation purposes. Preserving historic buildings and monuments was ranked the third highest priority in the recent telephone survey of bayfront residents. It was suggested by the Pennsylvania Department of Complunity Affairs Preservation officer that a property owned by a non- profit group may be easier to secure historic preservation funds as opposed to restoring a privately owned structure. The building which was finally selected as a restoration site is presently owned by Bayfront NATO Incorporated and is the home of the Erie Bayfront Ballet. The interior of one half of the building was renovated in 1979. The building was erected in 1907 and served as a neighborhood business and residence for many years. An in-depth study is presently being conducted to determine eligibility for the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission Inventory of Historic Places. An effort will be made to restore the origirUll appearance of this structure. The exterior work will involve repointing and cleaning the brick., new windows, repair and painting the cornice, new store front entrances including woodwork, enameled panels and glass, storefront letterfng, roofing, etc. -121- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 2. Historic Preservation (462-464 West Fourth Street) Once the building is restored it will be utilized as a neighborhood development office which will serve to continue revitalization activities in the Bayfront neighborhood. The renovation is estimated to cost $210,000: A. Exterior brick repointed and cleaned - Approx. $4.60/S.F. 5,824 S.F - -------------------------------- $ 26,790.00 B. New windows for 20 openings at $200 each ------------------------------ 4,000.00 C. Repair & Paint Cornice 224 L.F. @ $20/L.F - ----------------------- 4,480.00 D. New store-front entrances ----------------- 10,000.00 E. Signage ----------------------------------- 1,000.00 F. Repair rear of building, porch and overhang ------------------------------ 7,500.00 G. Roofing ----------------------------------- 5,500.00 H. Interior @ $20/S.F. x 6000 S.F - ----------- 120,000.00 I. Electrical and Mechanical ----------------- 25,000.00 J Contingency ------------------------------- 5,000.00 Total $209,270.00 $210,000.00 Alternatives for Financing: U.S. Department of Interior - Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid Program National Trust for Historic Preservation Inner City Venture Fund Numerous Private Foundations Community Development Block Grant Program IV. NEIGHBO OOD THEME - B. LONG RANGE PROGRAM 2. HISTORIC P SERVATION (462-464 WEST FOURTH STREET) L F-7- BAYFRO A L 411 Uu L)l--v6 QPVEN1-4@ 464 462 y WALNU STREET LQ I=F W 101E, -------- - - - - . . .. .. ...... WEST FOURTH STREE L e-i L@j c 7 lit Gray,Weher,-Kern. P. MarKrell Martin Luther King Center salyfront Nato IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 3. Housing for the Elderly (See architect's drawings Pages 125 to 127) Supplementing and complEmenting the focal area of proposed development in the vicinity of the Martin Luther King Center and Mini Mall Complex, it is proposed that the presently vacant parcel of land adjacent and west of the Center be developed with Elderly Housing Units. Sixty (60) one bedroom apartment units are proposed for construction on this land which is just under two (2) acres. The land proposed for development would be just over twenty-six percent (26%) of the total available with forty-three (43) parking spaces and four (4) additional to accomodate the handicapped as indicated in the accompanying drawing. Both of the proposed projects (Family and Elderly Units) fall within the positive responses obtained from the recent telephone poll survey conducted by the Martin Luther King Center. In that survey there was strong substantial indication by neighborhood residents that elderly and other types of housing are needed and desirable for the betterment of the area. All necessary services to accomodate the needs of the elderly such as shopping, active and passive recreation, medical facilities and cultural activities are either within walking distance of the proposed elderly units or in close proximity. The total building area would comprise over 19,800 square feet on a land parcel of 1.74 acre or 75,900 square feet. The buildings would occupy 26.1% of the available land. The cost of the development is expected to be $2,192,750. This is based on 48,950 square feet at $45 per square foot, or approximately $36,666 per unit. Housing for the Elderly_- General Information 60 Apartments - One Bedroom - 25'-6" x 24' Approximately = 612 square feet Total Building Area: 360' x 55' = 19,800 square feet Total Land - 460' x 165' = 75,900 square feet 12 Parcels - 1.74 Acre % Area Building to Land = 26.1% Parking - 43 regular & 4 handicapped Elderly Housing @ $45/S.F. 48,950 S.F. x $45 --------------------------- $ 2,192,750.00 Total $ 2,220,000.00 - 124 - IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 3 Housing for the Elderly (continued) $2,200,000 per 60 unit apartment = $36,666.00/apartment bldg. Alternatives for Financing Pennsylvania Housing and Finance Agency U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as -Ov, mali nk Q!;u 5. T ZZ -it I I-L HOUSING IOR THEj 11-liLDIMLY Gray,Wcber, KcrR and Mac Krel I MortinLuthof King Comer Bayffont Nato Ln IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. LONG RANGE PROGRAM 3. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY 8 7 9 12 11 10 El [@D Fl@ 'hill] I J7@ 6 I L9 4 5 2 3 IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. LONG RANGE PROGRAM FIRST LEVEL 3. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY -17 --18 15-- 16-- 13 -14 I.-F-Thirr- Ir Lr 11 H, 24- 23- 22 CIS 6@77 SEC'OND L E L MAin Luthe, King Conte, IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME - BE LONG RANGE PROGRAM 3. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY 3 LEVELS 3 LEVELS MAPARTMENT5 19 APARTMENTS 13111w= WEST THIRD STREET V 2 L WELD -11MRONT MATO BATFOONT NATO UrTHIN KING 4 APARTMENTS MAlml Z 14 Gray, WoWr, Kwn and MocKrall -MwtinLvtlmm.Kft-Contw k#ftont mdo -12 8-- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 4. Family Housing Units (See architect's drawings pages 130 to 133) Development "A" West 2nd Street between Cherry & Poplar Streets A most valuable piece of vacant land located on the bayfront in the project area is on the north side of West Second Street. Across from this sizeable parcel on the south side of West Second Street there exists additional vacant land. The parcel on the northside commands the full view of the Peninsula and Presque Isle Bay. It is choice prime land suitable for development. it is proposed that multi-family housing of the type depicted on the accompanying drawings be built on 'both these vacant parcels of land. The proposed project would consist of a total of thirty-two (32) "townhouse" units with basement and two (2) levels. There would be available seventeen (17) units with three (3) bedrooms and fifteen, two (2) bedroom units. The total building area would comprise over 24,000 square feet on a land parcel of over two (2) acres, or over 95,000 square feet. The buildable area proposed would represent twenty-five percent (25%) of the available land and provision would be made for thirty-two (32) parking spaces. Such family unit development will lend itself favorably to the adjacent area which is primarily occupied by office buildings east and west of the proposed project. Abutting the property on the southside of West Second Street is a building used for religious purposes and residential development. Both shopping services and public transportation are readily available within this area. After the completion of the Mini Mall shopping service complex, these family units will have within a very short walking distance (2 blocks) a full complement of frequently used and needed services. Park and play areas are all easily accessible to the proposed project in addition to the other existing recreational facilities along the bayfront. Medical and hospital facilities also lend themselves to easy access to these proposed family units. Paramount among all the positive aspects of the proposed project stands out the undisputable possibility that with the construction of these family units, coupled with other existing and under-construction facilities (Mini Mall shopping complex), a desperately needed "uplift" would be provided in the bayfront neighborhood to spur the impetus and confidence needed for its continuous economic rejuvenation and improvement. This project is anticipated to cost an estimated $2,060,940 or $65,000/unit. -129- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 4. Family Housing Units (continued) Development "B" West Fifth Street between Cranberry and Railroad System This parcel of land consists of 6.4 acres of land; zoned R-3. The parcel of land is in a residential neighborhood bounded by the Penn Central Railroad on the western end. It is anticipated that sixty-seven (67) or more townhouse units could be developed on the site. These units would consist of two and three bedrooms for family use. Family Housing - General Information - DEVELOPMENT "A" 32 Total Family Units - Basement + 2 levels each 17 with three (3) bedrooms 15 with two (2) bedrooms 20' x 35' = 700 S.F./Level = 1400 square feet of living space plus basement of 700 square feet Total Building Area - 35' x 701' = 24,535 square feet Total Land Area = 165' x 577' = 95,205 square feet 8 parcels 2.19 acres % Area Building to Land = 25.7% Parking = 32 spaces Family Housing = DEVELOPMENT 'A' and 'B' COSTS A. Development 'A' - West Second Street between Cherry and Poplar Streets 49,070 S.F. @ $42/S.F - ------------------ $ 2,060,940.00 2,060,000/32 Units = $65,000/Unit ------- 2,060.00 B. Development 'B' - West Fifth Street between Cranberry and Railroad Approximately 67 units @ $65,000 each --- 4,355,000.00 99 Units Total (32 + 67) ----- Total ---- $ 6,415,000.00 Alternatives for Financing Private Housing Cooperative National Consumer Cooperative Bank Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development' Private Housing Development Mny -F--q P, I JOB ELEVATION Martin Luther King Center Gray, Weber, Kern and MacKrell Bogfront Nato Family Housing T%l KICTnUnADUnnn -rUCUE - D nkif' DA DAM a g Vll%i Rr%kll'Gc PROG AV IIL-AWIJ42vr%llvvjj 111L.111L- L.PL I%r%l*l 4.- FAMILY HOUSING UNITS IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME - B. LONG RANGE PROGRAM 4. FAMILY HOUSING UNITS ffs 04" sh" ft@" WEST SECOND STREET "'411k 3;45--\ f Mm w 11 FAUtLy UN"s Mortin Luther Kft Coider Gray, Weber. Kern.and macKrell Bayfront Nato F. LO ILI-Ole. 'r."mm.Ham 77 < omm 0 0 -n t=) > r m 0 m LAY. (n Ivt- A,& ev-" z 'j C) 0 z z -pe wr-r (1) X > f1I1?5T rn.@ ftAH z m > ELEY-A-TIM-F! MoftintuthodUng-Gionter Gray, Wobor, Kwo &,ad Mac KrW1 B%front-Nato Family -Housing nllw - - - - - - - - - ->- - - - - M20vm 01.1 .-1 yam i ft TIFF CO) Q) 0 -sr:c-noN 5ECOND r-LOOLL,91 @-w T:i7 11 AfliT Is L a--. 7--r ilea *.31 lFaill L, .1 A I r@ WN ELEVATION 11t, ELEVATION I V. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. LONG RANGE PROGRAM Martin Luther King C*ntef Gray, Weber, Kern, and MacKroll 4. FAMILY HOUSING UNITS baghont Nato IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 5. Nursin@ Home Medically related facilities were found to be rated as a positive contribution to the Bayfront neighborhood. Facilities such as Hamot Medical Center, Lake Erie Institute of Rehabilitation, Bayview Professional Building, Orthopaedic Associates ane the Martin Luther King Center Health and Dental Clinics were rated as compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood. It was therefore proposed that a nursing home facility may be a positive contribution to the Bayfront neighborhood. Close proximity to other health care facilities would be an added attraction to the development. This project is presently under study as to architectural spaCEt requirements and funding sources necessary for such a facility. 6. Culture House (See architect's drawings on page 137 to page 138) Since the mid-sixties the Bayfront NATO has maintained. the only Cultural Center in this area. The Center provides multi- disciplined areas of visual art, music and dance. A staff of ten (10) artists carry out a comprehensive program of ECtiVitieS which include an in-house Orchestra and Ballet Company. The cultural program serves 37,000 participants annually. The program currently exists in two poorly renovated hoUSeS. Construction of an expanded facility is most pertinent'. not only to the artistic development of the community, but also to the the development of the blocks north of West Fourth Sti@@'@,_t bet'WEen Chestnut and Cherry Streets where the Martin Luther King CentEX facilities and the Mini Mall project are located. The Culture House is a building in which the creative and performing arts are taught and in which the cultural E!xpressions of the surrounding Bayfront neighborhood can be presented. As such, it is intended to be the "BILLBOARD" of nei,;hborhood cultural activity - to be seen, to be heard, to be touched, to be used by the neighborhood for multiplicity of SCILEAuled emd unscheduled informal gatherings. To achieve this the design will expose the systems and materials that make the buflding function and express them in a concert of bright colors. The building and site are organized to provide an inviting shortcut between the Martin Luther King Center (across Chestnut Street) and the proposed shops. This is intentional to encourage the informal use of the building and its courtyard, and to make it the gathering place for cultural activity. -135- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 6. Culture House (continued) The courtyard is also designed in a way to provide tiered seating for an outdoor theatre and to have multiple non-seating uses such as roller-skating, ice skating, and a site for a variety of other functions such as: films, dances, picnics, lectures, etc. The shops are intended to be utilized as commercial spaces rented to art related business including: art, music, dance theatre supplies, galleries, artist's spaces, etc. Culture House - General Information Location: NE Corner of West Fourth & Chestnut Streets Total Building Area: Culture House First Floor 5,425 square feet Culture House Second Floor 4,230 square feet Total 9,655 square feet Shops (4) 2,455 square feet Courtyard 2,285 square feet Total Land Area = 20,420 square feet or 4 parcels of .47 acres % Area Building to Land = 26.6% Parking = Existing Martin Luther King Center Parking Lot Costs: Culture House - 9,655 square feet @ $60/ft ---- $579,300-00 Shops (4) - 2,455 square feet @ $60/ft -------- 147,300.00 Courtyard - 2,285 square feet ----------------- 57,125.00 Total $783,725.00 36- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 15. Culture House (continued) `7 In 6, Existing "CULTURE HOUSE" 319 Chestnut Street F1 LZI -7, :40 Ipa-p kv j Vacant Lot South of the existing "CULTURE HOUSE" C?) PAN CING -7 ONCIP opqop 11111401P 1040p 771k.,, pp, t( ----N PL LMA wwwo Tr uj "JOC Z V) C) 1.4 WILMIC @j WITUCHO music arTr%jcw Lu pr pp, CMPIAJWC COMM MLMIC COURTYANO "Cif 3m ON u 9z m a 0 0111 71 EPTI MON. pq v @os�Na vcmmNla 7 7 Wicill L -ATRI ft"ISIM I Cp&-!rr@Lrr IVT12ELIT V6% 1 WN FURDT FLCX3R MAN 0 a 110 NO .... zJ DAIC cn -4 V@ GTLMM U@ cmumml mwlffiw@ WTWX%@ kvmm wTLq=O 0 Poqcrrcmmnpfflmv wftlc@ Cuk@ GOMP049C ^MWM Tr POPF z LLI 0 LU MEMNO pqj3m PLAN POPP LO 0 0 LU z > -139- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Programs 7. Housing Renovation (See architect's drawing on Page 141) The map on page 141 indicates areas which are in need of rehabilitation. The house below is indicative of the type of repair work needed for these structures. 4', As indicated in the telephone survey, there is a willingness on the part of neighborhood residents to fix up the neighborhood themselves. The problems seem to be perceived primarily as superficial; painting, siding, gutters, windows and other outside repairs. To the extent the perceptions expressed in the survey and public meetings are accurate, major improvements could take place as a neighborhood self-help effort. All that is needed is organization of the effort and a supply of raw materials. Raw materials and training are of particular concern because many of the home owners are low and moderate income families. The Redevelopment Authority presently provides assistance on a limited basis to approximately fifteen very low income families per year. This rehabilitation work generally focusses on bringing the house up to code standards, primarily interior work including: electrical, plumbing, roofing, etc. There is a need to develop a program to address exterior housing improvements in the neighborhood. -140- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME B. Long Range Program 7. Housing Renovation (continued) The results of these housing improvements are gratifying to see. Below is an example of a house renovated this year with financial assistance provided by the Redevelopment Authority. Housing Renovation General Information Approximately five hundred (500) housing units in the area of land use survey (Peach/Liberty - Bayfront to West Sixth Street) are in need of renovation. The heaviest concentration of deterioration is in the area from Sassafras to Cherry from West Second to West Fifth Streets. Building conditions in the total survey area are as follows: Excellent - 79 Good - 444 Fair - 350 Poor - 115 Critical - 31 Housing Renovation Cost 496 Housing Structures Building Conditions Estimates Structures cost Fair Condition Up to $15,000/unit x 350 $5,250,000 Poor Condition Up to $20,000/unit x 115 2,300,000 Critical Up to $25,000/unit x 31 775,000 Alternatives for Financing $8,325,000 Community Development Block Grant Program Rehabilitation Loans and Grants Revolving Loan Program Urban Homesteading Private Investment mm m mmm LEGEND: West Bay Front BICYCLE TRAIL -and PARKS HISTORICAL RESTORATION P,blic @k ELDERLY HOUSING FAMILY HOUSING NURSING HOME CULTURE HOUSE PRESQUE ISLE SAY HOUSING RENOVATION RM i. Jndlk, Park Parry A,ma@a Park W. 2 d St. F, T@ 3 A(DWA mi., yfmffl Nato F1 D F-f= ..a 3 4 El F E]E] E!] - - I v m_ ___ ------------------------------------------------ -F71 V'\\1 Lj E@ I r R 1 1:111 A 11 Gray, Weber , Kern, and Mac Krell Bayf ront Coastal Zone Project Martin Luther King Center Wront Nato IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME - B. LONG RANGE PROGRAM 7. HOUSING RENOVATION -142- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME 8. Other Projects a. Bayfront Port Access Road Description and Location The Erie Bayfront-Port Access Road is a proposed two-lane controlled access highway that will provide access foi traffic to the Bayfront, Port and downtown area in the City of Erie. The corridor study area for this project presently under contract extends approximately four (4) miles from the proposed terminus of Interstate-79 near West 12th Street, northeasterly to the Bayfront, along the Bayfront and proceeding to the East Bay Access Road in the vicinity of Wayne Street. The project study area will be bounded by West 12th Street on the south, Presque Isle Bay on the north, Pittsburgh Avenue on the west and Franklin Avenue on the east. The "BAYFRONT/PORT ACCESS ROAD STUDY AREA" map on page 143 shows the project study area along with several possible route alignments. There is presently a study in progress to identify all possible alternative routes and to recommend the most feasible route alignment for the Erie Bayfront-Port Access Road. This primary objective will be reached through coordinating planning with all affected and interested parties, both public and private, and in full cognizance of the potential impacts of each decision on qualtitative and qualitative factors affecting the community and its environment. The study is anticipated to be complet-,d in July of 1983. -- - ---------- .z= PRESOVE ISLE BAY PROPOSED BAYFRONT/ PORT ACCESS ROAD EAS- fee@ Cos __a coo"" --Z Z' Lli ui -W- Qa 4in: I I <\i A @klll. ;@-[t lp -0 wEs r a sr EAsr 12 sr PROPO'SED -@ w 1-79 INTERCHANG co f? I I I I T-F +NOR,-OLKa TEl7lv LJ IY wEsr 26 rH S BAYFRONT PORT ACCESS ROAD STUDY AREA IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME - B. LONG RANGE PROGRAMS 8. OTHER PROJECTS -144- IV. NEIGHBORHOOD THEME 8. Other Projects b. Proposed Environmental Science Building Gannon University and the Lake Erie institute of Marine Science are each proposing to construct a waterfront Research and Education Center at the foot of Chestnut Street on the bay-front. Gannon, as a university involved in Marine and Environmental Sciences, is proposing to construct a research and education Center. The Lake Erie Institute for Marine Science (LEIMS) is proposing to construct a building to be utilized as a field station of research and education. The L.E.I.M.S. is involved in a collaborative research effort in the Coastal Zone Management Program, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Energy, Sea Grant, and.NOAH. The L.E.I.M.S. also co-sponsors and operates a Summer .Environmental Awareness which is reported as a separate component in this study plan. This summer program is utilized by underprivileged youth and is operated in conjunction with the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) and Coastal Zone Management. The proposed Environmental Science Building is in the preliminary planning stage. .... ....... ". Yf ;711 AW- Vow U.S.S. Wolverine SECTION V HISTORIC PRESERVATION A. Historic Preservation Benefits B. Bayfront Neighborhood Preservation C. Government Programs for Historic Preservation D. Identification of Historical Areas in the West Bayfront E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area F. Preservation Tools for Neighborhood Organizations G. Projects and Potential Funding Sources V -19 AMP- Flagship Niagara HISTORIC PRESERVATION Historic Preservation Benefits Bayfront Historic Preservation Government Programs for Historic Preservation Preservation Tools for Neighborhood Organizations Projects and Potential Funding Sources -145- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION An important part of Neighborhood Planning is the preservation of the neighborhood's existing buildings, sites and monuments. It is not only important to preserve them to capture their historic and/or architec- tural significance, but for reasons that go beyond this. Concepts of IfSense of Place" and cultural continuity are increasingly recognized as needs in urban American society. Becoming equally widespread is recognition that the quality of life in urban areas is intimately related to a hospitable environment. Conserving our built environment, particularly those older elements that often are more humane in terms of scale, texture, and design, is now a high priority in almost all urban revitalization projects. For many reasons, i.e., energy efficiency, cost savings, job production, etc., Americans are starting to see the advantages of Historic Preservation. Easements, revolving funds, historic district ordinances, more and more frequently these "preservation words" are making their way into the vocabulary of neighborhood residents. When these preservation strategies and techniques are used, they can play an important part in the neighborhood's revitalization efforts. They are proving to be effective and efficient in meeting neighborhood needs. Ranging from legal protections to funding devices, most preservation strategies and techniques are designed for use by ordinary citizens, operating on their own initiative and at the local level. To analyze the potential of preservation techniques in meeting neighborhood planning objectives, it is important to identify the ends that preservation can achieve. Almost by definition, preservation promotes the creation of a sense of neighborhood and special character- istics that are worth keeping. Beyond that, preservation can help build resident's ability to control forces of physical change in their neighborhood. This involves the establishing of legal and governmental mechanisms to bring about (or limit) change and tap sources of funding, both public and private, to meet neighborhood needs. A. Historic Preservation Benefits The first basic issue is why a community should undertake a program to conserve its historic resources. A well-developed preservation program (not preservation for preservation sake, but a program based on thorough analysis and evaluation) offers numerous benefits to property owners, to special interests such as local historians, to city government, to tourists, and to the community in general. In effect, preservation pays. The justification for a balanced preservation program can be considered in terms of economic, cultural and planning benefits. Economic benefits will vary with the extent of historic resources available in the community. Many communities have few sites and consequently the monetary benefits are small. Nonetheless, there can be both public and private economic benefits to any community undertaking a realistic and thorough preservation effort. -146- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION A. Historic Preservation Benefits (continued) For the most part, private funds are used to restore old structures; and/or convert them to contemporary uses. Such spending both stimulates work for the local building trades and provides usable space. Where numerous historic structures are fairly concentrated, a program of restoration and reuse can have the important side effect of creating an area of prestigious addresses for businesses or residences, which in turn stimulates further preservation activity. The value of such efforts to local government is in the continued private use of old buildings and the improvements made to them as reflected in maintained and increased property values and tax returns. Another potential economic. benefit of a well-documented, interpreted, and promoted conservation program is the stimulation of tourist trade. This potential should not be overestimated as very few communities can expect a substantial tourist dollar input to their local economies solely from the attraction offered by their historic and architectural resources. For most communities, historic sites will merely be desirable additions to other attractions rather than being the main source of outside interest. The cultural benefits are derived from the broadly defined educational functions of a historic preservation program. These are less tangible than the economic benefits, but no less valid. Apart from educational benefits, the preservation of historic sites and neighborhoods, particularly along the bayfront in the City of Erie, can be a positive factor in providing aesthetic enjoyment to residents and visitors alike. Thus, by preserving the historic and aesthetic values inherent in noteworthy buildings and areas, the City of Erie can provide itself with an educational resource. A comprehensive program of historic preservation in the bayfront neighborhood can also yield planning benefits. A basic objective of maximum utilization of scarce land and building resources in densely built-up areas can be aided by a preservation program focusing on economically feasible adaptive uses for old structures. A preservation program can aid to halt the spread of decay and provide suitability to old neighborhoods which, if left alone, would require more costly and more drastic renewal treatment at a later time. The preservation and restoration of isolated or loosley related landmarks can provide focal points for neighborhood renewal planning or large-scale urban design projects. Planning for conserving past resources and for capitalizing on future oppor- tunities in a coordinated manner can. thus yield economic, cultural, and other developmental benefits, not only to the neighborhood itself, but to the entire Erie community. -147- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION B. Bayfront Historic Preservation The Martin Luther King Center has adopted a strong policy committment for historic preservation in the bayfront neighborhood in the following general goals: 1) preserve sites identified with the history of the bayfront and the Erie community; 2 ) preserve buildings of unique or characteristic architecture; 3) preserve groups of buildings and/or street facades; 4) preserve smaller sites and single buildings that are symbols of those social and ethnic groups which founded the community; and, 5) cooperation with other organizations which have preservation goals. Such goals and policies reflect, to some degree, the economic, cultural and physical benefits inherent in a coordinated and comprehensive preservation program. The opportunities and restric- tions in local situations will necessarily guide the development of local conservation policies and program components. There are a number of active historic preservation organizations and projects in the Bayfront area including: Erie County Historical Society Founded in 1903, the Erie County Historical Society is composed of a growing number of people interested in promoting the study of local history, and collecting, preserving and exhibiting the heritage of this region. Since 1972, the Society, in conjunction with Mercyburst College, publishes the bi-annual "Journal of Erie Studies," The Society is fortunate to have an agreement with the PHMC, that allows it to use the 1839 Cashier's House. The upper rooms represent a mid-nineteenth century town house. The basement contains a Victorian kitchen and the museum store. Erie Historical Museum The Erie Historical Museum offers a number of exhibits on regional and maritime history. Among these is a computerized multi-media presentation on the Battle of Lake Erie. The museum also rotates special exhibits of historical interest, and has an ongoing film series. Guided tours are offered for school and tour groups. -148- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION B. Bayfront Historic Preservation (continued) Firefighters Historical Society Founded in 1968, the Firefighters Historical Museum officially opened in May 1975. Their purpose is to preserve and collect historical items relating to our firefighting heritage. Housed in the old #4 Erie Firehouse on West Fifth and Chestnut Streets, collections contain over 1,000 items; the oldest of which is a hand pumper dated 1823. During Fire Prevention Week, hundreds of school children come to the museum to learn about fire safety. Visitors have the unique opportunity to turn in an alarm and watch as the alarm comes in over the equipment. Preservation Project of Erie .Organized in 1980, the Preservation Project of Erie is Erie's only all volunteer group dedicated to promoting the preserva- tion and use of commercial and residential properties o f architectural significance in Erie County. During Preservation Week, walking tours were conducted through 20 historic sites in Perry Square and the Bayfront area, and because of the response, these will be continued indefinitely. Also, the Preservation Project of Erie is now negotiating with the Erie Redevelopment Authority to purchase a building to use for their first "bricks and mortar" restoration project. If the negotiations are successful, the Redevelopment Authority,, using Federal funds, which up until this year have been spend-on demolition, will purchase one of the City's oldest homes. The ERA will then turn the property over to the Preservation Project: for a nominal sum provided they raise the cost of restoration locally and meet state and federal standards for historic preservation. The Hamot House, which was built by Erie's first stonemason for pioneer Erie businessman Pierre S.V. Hamot, is a historic federal style brick house. The Preservation Project's plan is to use the second floor of the house as a workshop area for classes in restoration techniques once exterior rehabilitation is completed. The house will ultimately be sold with the proceeds going toward the purchase of another historic building. One of the major goals of the organization is to establish a revolving fund for historic preservation called the Erie Preservation Action Fund. The Preservation Project and the Junior League of Women, have recently joined forces to research and then complete a block of historic landmarks. It will contain photographs and historic and architectural descriptions of each structure. -149- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION B. Bayfront Historic Preservation (continued) Preservation Project of Erie The Old Custom House and Cashier's House, located on lower State Street, are in the process of facade and structural renovations. The Custom House is expected to receive $25,000 and the Cashier's House $8,000 for renovations. This historic preservation program will be administered through the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Other activities are the Facade Treatment Program and a Historic Survey of the entire City of Erie. C. Government Programs for Historic Preservation There are local, state and federal programs for Historic Preserva- tion, ranging from programs to protect individual structures to those who designate entire neighborhoods as historic districts. At the state level, information on historic and prehistoric resources throughout the Commonwealth is included in the Pennsylvania Inventory of Historic Places and the Pennsylvania Archaeological Site Survey Files. Historic Resource Nomination Forms on properties can be completed and submitted to the Bureau for Historic Preservation by individuals, agencies and organiza- tions to insure their consideration in various planning processes and as the first step toward listing in the National Register of Historic Places. At the national level, there is the National Register of Historic Places, this is the official list of the nation's cultural resources worthy of preservation. The listing, maintained by the Department of the Interior, includes districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects significant in American history, architec- ture, archeology and culture on the national, state and local levels. Properties listed in the National Register receive some protection from federally funded projects and property owners are eligible for certain economic benefits such as grants and tax incentives. The State Bureau for Historic Preservation administers a program of fifty percent matching grants-in-aid from the Federal Historic Preservation Fund to assist historic preservation efforts throughout the Commonwealth. These grants can fund projects such as surveys, preparation of National Register nominations, training and educational projects and the development of preservation plans for communities. Plans, specifications, and historic structure reports can be prepared for buildings, structures, sites and districts listed in the National Register. Acquisition and development grants can be used to purchase, renovate, rehabilitate and restore buildings, structures and sites listed in the National Register. -150-- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION C. Government Programs for Historic Preservation (continued) In general, projects that have a strong public and community benefit. and that leverage funds from other sources are preferred. Availa- bility of grant funds and criteria for project selection is announced in Pennsylvania Preservation and throughout press releases. Applications are submitted throughout the year and are evaluated in July and August for funding during the following fiscal year, beginning October lst. Another advantage of a property being listed on the National Register of Historic Places is Section 2124 of the Tax Reform Act of 1976. This includes provisions to stimulate preservation of historic commercial and income producing structures by allowing favorable tax treatment of rehabilitation. The owners of rehabili- tated historic buildings can use accelerated depreciation or, alternatively, may write their rehabilitation costs off over a five year period. Demolition costs and losses are no longer deductable, but must be capitalized and new buildings on the site are limited to straight line depreciation. Also, the Federal Tax Code was amended in October 1978 to allow a ten percent investment credit for rehabilitation of commercial structures, if the present costs are! incurred at least twenty years after construction of the building or twenty years after the last completed rehabilitation. Any rehabilitation expenses incurred on a certified historic structure must meet the Secretary of the Interior's standards for rehabilitation in order to qualify for the investment credit. Life tenants and lessees whose terms extend at least thirty years beyond completion of the certified rehabilitation, may also qualify for favorable tax treatment, formerly extended only to owners of historic structures. I I I I I I I I I HISTORIC PRESERVATION Identification of Historical Areas in the I West Bayfront for.Preservation I I I I I I I I I -151- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION D. Identification of Historical Areas in the West Bayfront for Preservation The following recommendations made by the Erie Historical Society involve identifying and marking historical areas along the Bayfront; 1) A granite marker located on the west side of Cascade Street at the western terminus of Second Street which has this inscription on its bronze plaque: "Lawrence and Niagara, Flagships of Commodore Perry in the Battle of Lake Erie, September 10, 1813, were built on the bayfront 100 yards north of this spot early in the same year. This monument erected by the Erie County Historical Society in 1913." "MM Ai" IILWI, 2) A granite marker located on the north side of Front Street in Lakeside Park between Peach and Sassafras Streets which has the following inscription: "The Ariel, Porcupine, Scorpion and Tigress - gun boats of Commodore Perry in the Battle of Lake Erie, September 10, 1813, were built on the bayfront 100 years north of this spot early in the same year. This monument erected by the Erie County Historical Society in 1913." In _: 0-0 1 -152-- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION D. Identification of Historical Areas in the West Bayfront for Preservation (continued) 3) A metal post and marker located at the corner of the cobblestone drive north of the Hamot Nursing Residence and Niagara Motel, and State Street. The inscription reads: "Dobbins Lane. This type of Medina cut-stone block pavement was used on Erie streets in the eighteen hundreds before either asphalt or concrete. Erected by the Erie County Historical Society in 1965." 10,3 B I S_'N@T: FI 'I US 1A AIL Z@ 2@ Monument of Ft. Presque Isle at the foot of German Street. (No photograph available) I I I I I I I I HISTORIC PRESERVATION I Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area I I I I I I I I I I -153- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area The following sites located in the Bayfront are already on or may be eligible for the National Register of Historic Sites: Site #1: Alexander W. Brewster - David Kennedy Row Houses Site Classification: Architectural Dwellings Location: 156-160 East Fifth Street The Brewster House (156 East Fifth Street) was constructed no later than 1828. It is likely that the Kennedy House (158-160 East Fifth Street) was also constructed near this date. Alexander W. Brewster House This large rambling brick residence has portions which were probably built in the late 1820s. Over the years it has been extensively added too and remodeled, most notably about 1852 when the present Italianate decor was probably applied. The Brewster family first moved into the county in 1800. The son taught school in the old log building at the corner of 7th and Holland and later in the Academy at Ninth and Peach. He was elected Sheriff of Erie County in 1828, and Burgess of the Borough of Erie in 1849. He was an original corporator of Erie Cemetery and the first person interred there. The Brewsters lived in the house through three generations until grandson William died there in 1898. Kennedy Row Houses Like Brewster, David Kennedy was a native of Ireland, but arrived later in Erie, probably around 1828. He bought the lot at the northwest corner of Fifth and Holland in 1832, however, it is unlikely that the two story brick townhouses were built until about 1848. Kennedy himself lived in one of the houses, possibly as late as the mid 1870's. The houses were converted into apartments shortly after 1912. The houses present much the same appearance as when originally built. Their most interesting feature are the basement kitchens which many houses of that period had. -154- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #2: Henry Tacker Burleigh Birthplace ' Site Classification: Arts and Literature Location: 137 East Third Street Henry Thacker Burleigh was born at the residence which was located at this address in 1866. He was a noted composer, singer and arranger of spirituals. He is most famous for his composition, "Little Mother of Mine" and his arrangements of "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" and "Deep River." Burleigh was a student and associate of Dvorak. He died in 1949. A Pennsylvania historical marker, denoting this site, is located on East Sixth Street near the composer's birth-place. Site #3: Cashier's (Woodruff) House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 417 State Street This house was designed and constructed between 1837 and 1839 by a young Philadelphia architect, William Kelly. The structure originally was the home of the executive office of the Erie Branch of the United States Bank of Pennsylvania located immediately to the north which is presently the Custom House. The first executive officer of this bank was Peter Benson of Cincinnati. He and his family were the first occupantS of the Cashier's House. Benson died in 1943 and the bank closed the same year. Since that time, the Cashier's House has passed through many changes in ownership. During the 1840's a select school for young ladies was kept here by the Misses Louise and Callista Ingersoll. In the 1850's it housed the Erie City Bank. For over ten years, until 1869, it was the home of Samuel Goodwin. From 1872 through 1913 the family of Attorney Samuel Woodruff made it their home. The younger Woodruff daughter, Sarah, was an artist and many of her paintings now hang in the house. In 1913, the house was purchased by the Ashby's and was a commercial property until acquired by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission in 1963. This building is a Greek Revival Town House, three stories high in front and two stories in the rear, with a full basement. It's construction is brick covered with stucco. The elegant interior is in sharp contrast with the simple classic exterior. Notable within are the keyhole door and window frames with scroll decoration and the handsome coffer ceilings of the first floor front rooms and entrance hallway. The building presently houses the Erie County Historical Society and is owned by the PA Historical and Museum Commission. -155- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #4: Cunningham-Blass House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 136 East Third Street This house was probably built in 1806 and may have the distinction of being the oldest in central Erie. For over sixty years the family of Hugh Cunningham lived here. For at least the same number of years it was the home of the Blass family. By tradition, the house was also an early Post Office at a time when the postmaster carried on his office either in his home or at his place of business. The original building was constructed of square logs, but subsequently it was sided-over for protection against the weather. The house was part of the Historic American Buildings Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of the Interior in 1935. At that time, the exterior consisted of narrow wood lapped siding, small pane double-hung wood sash, and plain unmolded cornices. The house interior has retained a considerable portion of it's integrity including six large stone fireplaces with ten foot mantels. It has had only three owners during its long career. Site #5 Custom House Site Classification: Commercial & Industrial Development Location: 409 State Street The Custom House was constructed in 1839 to house a branch office of the U.S. Bank of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. It was designed by architect William Kelly and built by the firm of W. & J. Hoskinson. Kelly's name is inscribed high up in the rear of the front pillars. Financial troubles caused by a major national depression forced the bank to close in 1843. It was then sold to the U.S. Government in 1849 for use by the Treasury Department as a Customs House for the collection of taxes and duties in U.S.-Canadian trade and for the office of immigration officials. Customs personnel remained in the building until 1888, sharing it with the U.S. Post Office between 1853 and 1867. Later, it was a meeting hall for the Grand Army of the Republic. Recently, it was used by the Erie County Institution District and by the Erie County Historical Society. The building is presently owned by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #5: Customs House (continued) The front of the Custom House is white marble quarried in Vermont. It was the first major building in the country to be built of native marble. Its architectural style is Greek Doric, characterized by the fluted columns without bases and with Doric capitals. The simplicity of its plan further typifies early 19th Century America. The main floor features an entrance vestibule leading into the main large room, and there is a smaller room in each corner. There are six doors in the main room, three on each two opposite sides. interestingly, one of the center doors leads absolutely nowhere. It is there to provide balance decor following the Greek principle of symmetry. A Pennsylvania historical marker is located at this site. Site #6: Erie Art Center (Wood--Morrison House) Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 338 West Sixth Street William Maxwell Wood, M.D., built this house about 1855, and at that time it was the only house on the north side of Sixth Street between Myrtle and Chestnut. The Erie Extension Canal ran some yards to the east. It is said that Dr. Wood was familiar with and admired the iron work decoration of New Orleans houses so this became a special. feature of his new home. The Doctor had a surgery in the basement which was entered by an outside stairway to the east of the porch. Dr. Wood was noted as the first surgeon general of the U.S. Navy. He is credited with saving the life of President Taylor who was ill as he was visiting Erie for over a week in August, 1849. Dr. Wood was also a successful writer known for his travel books and articles about Erie. Captain William Morrison's family purchased the house about 1865, and he was born there in 1869. At that time the property included the land to the west where the Erie Public Museum now stands and a property of the double and single houses immediately to the east. Captain Morrison, long associated with the U.S.S. Michigan (Wolverine), became the first superintendent of Presque Isle State Park. He and his wife lived here until their deaths in 1954 and 1956. The following year their home was purchased by the Art Club of Erie. -157- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #7: Erie Club Building (Charles M. Reed Mansion) Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 524 Peach Street This residence was erected in 1849 for Charles M. Reed, Sr., a grandson of Dr. Seth Reed, one of Erie's pioneer settlers who came here in 1795. General Reed was for many years Erie's leading businessman, as was his father Rufus S. Reed. The Erie Club, a handsome brick structure originally covered with white stucco occupies an imposing site over- looking Perry Square. The entrance has a fine porch, the roof of which is supported by four Ionic columns. When the house was built, the General could look across the park to his parent's home, another pillared mansion located where the Federal Building now stands. Much of the interior of the Erie Club resembles that of a ship, since many or most of the carpenters who built it were shipwrights regularly employed by the General. Tradition has it that during a slack season the shipwrights were put to work building this house. The Erie Club, incorporated in 1882, purchased the building in 1904. Site #8: Erie County Court House Site Classification: Government Location: 130 West Sixth Street This U-shaped classical structure is of gray stone, rising two stories above a high base. The facades of the wings are identical. The west wing was constructed in 1855, and the east wing in 1929 at which time the entire west wing was rebuilt to conform to the new east wing. The entire base is of sandstone, and the super-structure of cut cast stone is from Syracuse, New York. Walter Monahan, of Erie, was the architect. Site #9: -Erie Extension Canal Site Classification: Transportation Location: West Canal Basin of the Erie Harbor The Erie Extension Canal ran from the foot of State Street in Erie to Girard Borough and then south through Platea, Cranesville and Albion Boroughs until it reached Conneaut Creek. A horse-drawn boat which took this route would eventually reach Pittsburgh. The canal system was initiated in 1838 and completed in 1844. This system remained in use until 1871, by which time the railroads had superceded it. A Pennsylvania historical marker, denoting this site, is located near the north end of State Street. A second marker is located near the intersection of West Ridge and Asbury Roads. 15 8-- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #10: Erie Public Museum (Watson-Curtze Mansion) Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 356 West Sixth Street This structure was built by Harrison F. Watson. It was later owned by the Her-man Curtze family. In 1941, the Curtze family gave it to the School District of Erie to be used as a public museum. Site #11: Fire Fighters Museum (Engine Company #4) Site Classification: Commercial and Industrial Development Location: 426 Chestnut Street At this site, which until recently was a fire station, fire-fighting equipment from the past is displayed for public inspection. This station is one of the many old Erie fire stations which were built in the mid-19th Century and are still in use today. This particular fire station was constructed in 1873. Site #12: 1he French, British and American Fort Presque Isle (Wayne Blockhouse) Site Classification: Military History Location: Near the mouth of Mill Creek French Fort Presque Isle was located immediately east of Parade Street and north of Second Street and was constructed in 1753 under Governor Duquesne. It consisted of a log stockade with four log houses and a stone storehouse. Both Fort Presque Isle and LeBouef were parts of a supply chain between Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh) and Fort Niagara (near Buffalo). When the latter two forts fell to the British in 1758-59, the French pulled out of the region entirely and destroyed Forts Presque Isle and LeBouef in August of 1759. British Fort Presque Isle was rebuilt after the arrival of Colonel Henry Bouquet in July, 1760. This fort was built, near the earlier French fort and consisted of a large blockhouse and four bastions. For three years small British garrisons held the region, but in June, 1763, thE! Indians attacked and destroyed 'the British Forts Presque Isle and LeBouef during the uprising known as Pontiac's Conspiracy. In 1764, another British expedition under Colonel Bradstreet was led along the south shore of Lake Erie. The purpose of this mission was to sign a peace treaty with the Indians and this was done on August 14th while they were encamped on the neck of the Peninsula. -159- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #12 Wayne Blockhouse (continued) No attempt was made to rebuild the forts and Erie County remained a wilderness until after the American Revolution. American Fort Presque Isle was constructed in 1795 by a force of 200 Federal Troops from General Wayne's army under Capitail Russell Bissell. This was not the site of the two earlier forts, but instead was located on Garrison Hill within the present grounds of the Soldier's and Sailor's Home. The fort was constructed for the protection of incoming settlers from the Indians, who on May 10, 1795, killed four people within a mile of this fort. General "Mad" Anthony Wayne died in the northwest blockhouse of this fort on December 5, 1796 and was buried at this site. In 1809, his bones were removed by his son, Colonel Isaac Wayne, to Radnor, Pennsylvania. The present blockhouse was built by the state in 1880 as a memorial to General Wayne. Pennsylvania historical markers, denoting the blockhouse and the Forts of Presque Isle are located near the East Sixth and Ash Streets intersection, and the East Sixth and Parade Streets intersection, respectively. Site #13: William A. Galbraith House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 230 West Sixth Street Site #14: Hamot House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling 302 French Street This house of good Federal design was built in 1828 by Peter Grawoss, Erie's first mason. It was the second of three houses in which the highly successful merchant- banker P.S.V. Hamot lived, and remained in that family until 1903. Hamot's final residence, overlooking the bay, eventually was donated to the City to establish a hospital. The brick structure has a stone foundation, 12 inch thick walls and two stairways. Site #15: Carroll Block Site Classification: Commercial & Industrial Development Location: 425-431 Peach Street George and Thomas Carroll moved to Erie in the mid 1860s. They were carpenters by trade and soon established a lumber dealership. In 1871 they acquired a door, sash and blind business at the southeast corner of Fourth and Peach, but moved it to Front Street east of French Street. The next year they purchased the remaining lots along the east side of Peach between Fourth and Fifth Streets and erected the double brick buildings that are there today. -160-- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATI ON E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #16: David Kennedy House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 424-426 Holland Street This property was acquired by Kennedy at the same time he purchased the lot at the corner of Fifth and Holland. Kennedy built a house on the property probably about 1852, but it is doubtful he ever lived there. Kennedy lost the property at a Sheriff's sale in 1879 and at that time it was listed as having two brick dwellings - one double brick dwelling house with gravel addition, barn, carriage house and other out buildings. The residence was converted to four apartments upstairs and four apartments downstairs in 1862. Site #17 U.S.S. Niagara and U.S.S. Wolverine (Michigan Site Classification: Military History Location: Foot of State Street The Flagship Niagara, Oliver Hazard Perry's victory brig, was sunk in Misery Bay after the Battle of Lake Erie in 1813. The vessel was raised from the waters in 1913 for the Battle of Lake Erie Centennial and restored. Perry's original commanding vessel. the Flagship Lawrence, was never truly seaworthy after its Battle of Lake Erie drubbing and lay sunk in Misery Bay until 1875. In that year, it was raised and shipped to Philadelphia were it was an 1876 Centennial exhibit. It was later destroyed by fire at that site. During the Civil War, the U.S.S. Michigan sailed the Great Lakes and was the only warship on the lakes for many years. The Michigan, later renamed the Wolverine, was the Navy's first iron-hulled ship and was assembled in Erie in 1843. The Wolverine called Erie its home port during its 80 years on the lakes. In its later years, it became a training ship for young officers. The ship was in use until 1923 and was dismantled in 1949. The bowsprit of this ship was salvaged and placed at its present location on State Street. Pennsylvania historical markers are located at this site. -161- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #18: Perry Memorial House (Dickson Tavern Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 201 French Street The Commodore Perry Memorial House is said to have been built in 1809 for inkeeper John Dickson, and was one of Erie's leading hostelries for over 30 years. It was visited by such historical figures as Daniel Dobbins, who commanded the building of Perry's fleet, and Marquis de Lafayette in 1825. The second owner was Josiah Kellogg. During his ownership the house became part of the underground railroad network, hiding slaves until safe passage over Lake Erie to Canada was possible. The walls were laced with secret passages and double fireplaces which opened into stone-walled tunnels leading to the Bay. Kellogg sold the house to John L. Rogers in 1840. Rogers worked as a shipbuilder on the U.S.S. Wolverine. When he died during the Civil War, his wife, Abigail, became a seamstress to support her children and grandchildren. In 1894, Mrs. Abigail Rogers passed away, and the house became the property of Mrs. William (Captain) Stanton in 1901. The Stanton family remained until 1923. The City of Erie acquired the house in 1924 to preserve as a memorial to Commodore Perry and the citizens of Erie and their efforts in the War of 1812. Since 1963 restoration has been completed in eight rooms, the hallways and the tavern. Many of the artifacts of the early American period which are featured in the house were once the property of the Dickson and Rogers' households. Site #19: Perry's Shipyar Site Classification: Military History Location: Mouth of Cascade Creek Two of Perry's ships, the Lawrence and the Niagara, were built in the spring of 1813 at this site. This site was chosen because the plans for these two brigs indicated that they would be too large to be constructed at Garrison Run (foot of Peach Street) where the remainder of the fleet was being constructed. The Cascade Creek site was picked because there was a beach, a flat field and many oak trees, as- well as a small cascade. These factors made this site an opportune place for the location of a shipyard. A Pennsylvania historical marker, denoting this site, is located at the West Sixth Street and Cascade Street intersection. V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #19: Perry's Shipyard (continued) An Historical Society marker is located at the foot of Cascade Street. Site #20: Captain John S. Richards House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 121 East Second Street This structure dates back to the 1820's. Richards was a Welsh shipwright who came to Erie in 1812 to help in the building of Perry's fleet. Site #21: Frederick Schneider Propert Site Classification: Commercial & Industrial Development Location: 401 State Street (Store) Three East Fourth Street (Residence) Two structures were built at this site in 1846 by Frederick Schneider, Erie's first soap and candle- maker whose factory stood across the street. It was a combined store and dwelling in which Schneider later conducted a thriving grocery business. In the early 1870s the property passed into the hands of Christian Kessler who acquired a large amount of land in the State and East Fourth Street vicinity. Kessler was one of the individuals largely responsible for forming the People's Market. Schneider was a leading member of the German community and had the honor of entertaining the Honorable Carl Schurz when he was in Erie campaigning for Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Site #22: Soldier's and Sailor'S Home Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 560 East Third Street This structure is a very large, three story, brick building with numerous additions. The decoration is predominantly Classical. It was originally built as a hospital for sick seamen serving on the Great Lakes. It currently serves as a hospital for retired veterans. Site #23: Joseph M. Sterrett House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 414 State Street Joseph M. Sterrett lived in the building that is now the north wing of the Troy Laundry. This structure was built in 1828. Joseph M. Sterrett's father was one of the Sterrett brothers who founded the Village of Sterrettania. In 1820, Joseph M. Sterrett became the publisher of the Erie Gazette, Erie's first permanent newspaper. -163- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #23: Joseph M. Sterrett House (continued) A plaque here commemorates the stay of Horace Greeley who became an apprentice of Sterrett's and later became a national figure of that time. The plaque reads: "Herein resided during the years of 1830-1831 Horace Greeley, printer, editor and founder of the New York Tribune." He is noted for his phrase: "Go West, Young Man, Go West." Site #24: M. Whallon House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 161 West Second Street This house was constructed in the 1820's. Site #25: Judah Colt House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 343 East Front Street This house was built about 1815 by Judah Colt, an Erie pioneer and land agent for the Pennsylvania Population Company. It was originally located on property at the southwest corner of French and Fourth Streets along with a carriage house and other out-buildings. It was moved to its present site shortly before 1894. Colt, in his day, owned more land than any other man in Erie County. Following his death in 1832, the house was lived in by his nephew Thomas, who served as the last Burgess of the Borough of Erie and the first Mayor of the City of Erie in 1851. Built in the Federal style, the house would have been considered rather large and splendid for its time. Site #26: Captain John Richards House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 121 East Second Street This house was built about 1820 by John Richards, a native of Wales. When the War of 1812 broke out, Richards was in New York serving as an apprentice ship builder. He was brought to Erie to help with the construction of Perry's fleet. After the war, he sailed the lakes, then took charge of construction of ships for the Reed Line. Three small vessels were built on grounds near the house including the "John Richards" in 1835. Richards died in 1845 but his son continued to live there until 1883. This Federal style two story brick house has undergone considerable altera- tion including the relocation of the front doorway, a higher grade for the foundations, and additions at the rear. V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #27: Modern Tool Company (Peoples Market) Site Classification: Commercial & Industrial Development Location: State Street at East Fourth Street This building was erected in 1895 to meet the competition of three other markets which had been opened in the city during the period of a year. Although conveniently located and well designed, the Peoples Market closed within a few years and space within the building was leased to the Modern Tool Company. The building has been occupied by a variety of industrial concerns during this century. Of the four market places established during the mid-1890's only the Peoples Market remains. Site #28: Peter Rockwell House (Celebrity Bar) Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 405 State Street This house was built in 1832 by Peter King Rockwell. It was probably the first building erected on the east side of State Street between Fourth and Fifth. Following several owners, the property came into the possession of Edward L. Pelton in 1865. Pelton operated a marble works and an 1888 illustration shows the changes he had made to the building to accomodate his business. For one thing, the gently sloping roof of the Federal period has been replaced with a mansard roof with two dormer windows. In addition, the central doorway and ground floor windows have been replaced by a storefront. However, a replica of the original cornice of excellent design and craftsmanship remains today. Its location next to the Old Custom House gives the Rockwell House added importance. Site #29: Bonnell Block (Heyls and Ashb ) Site Classification: Commercial & Industrial Development Location: 419-423 State Street This office building was erected by James and Joseph Bonnell, dry goods merchants, in 1840. The Bonnells were forced to dispose of the building in the financial panic of 1842. For many years, starting in 1865, #419 and #421 were the address of P. Minnig, wholesale grocer; it is now occupied by Heyls Physician Supply. Number 423 has been occupied by Ashby & Vincent and later Ashby Printing since the late 1860's. The Bonnell Block forms an integral part of Erie's earliest commercial center. -165- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #30: Wright-Harlan Block Site Classification: Commercial & Industrial Development Location: 425-431 State Street This commercial structure was erected by William Fleming, merchant, in 1839. Fleming went under in the crash of 1842 and the property was foreclosed by the U.S. Bank of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. The trustees of the bank sold the block to Charles B. Wright in 1850. Wright himself was a partner in a private banking firm at the northwest corner of State and the Park. The building was acquired by Philander Harlan in 1890, who spent $10,000 in reconstruction and improvements. Over the years, the block was the headquarters of important organizations and the scene of important activities. City Council met there; the Dispatch, Erie's first successful daily newspaper, had its offices on the third floor; as did the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. Site #31: First Ward Firehouse Site Classification: Government Location: 414 French Street This building was erected in 1907. The Bleamer Company was originally located in a building at 10 East Fifth Street, which is still standing. The size of the latter building, along with its proximity to other historic structures, make it a strong candidate for adaptive re-use. Site #32: Franks Hotel Site Classification: Commercial & Industrial Development Location: 24-26 East Fifth Street This two story brick building occupies a site where General C.M. Reed once lived and ran a store. The Gazette was also published at this location from 1820 until 1833. The present structure dates from 1860 following a fire which destroyed all the wooden buildings from the middle of the north side of Fifth between State and French around the corner to the middle of French between Fourth and Fifth. It was designed by John Hill, the same architect who rebuilt the "burnt district" on North Park Row and State in 1857. The building housed a tobacco and liquor business until 1925 and was first used as a hotel (Keyon) in 1940. V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfrbnt Area Site #33: C.M. Tibbals House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 146 East Fifth Street This house was built by William Fleming in 1842 (see #18). Because of debts, it was sold by the sheriff in 1846 to Charles M. Tibbals. Tibbals was a prominent industrialist who first operated a stove foundry and later established a meat packing business with his son. He also served as collector of customs from 1857-61. He lived in the house until his death in 1879. The house is a two story brick structure of Greek Revival design. A front porch was added in 1916. Site #34: James M. Sterrett House Site Classification: Architectural Dwelling Location: 501 State Street The Sterrett line in Erie was established by the brothers James and Joseph. They settled here in 1819, Joseph founding The Gazette, and James starting a tanning business. In time, James acquired all the property bounded by Holland and German; and Sixth and Fifth Streets. He built this residence for himself about 1850. While James died in 1852, relatives continued to live in the house until 1896. From 1905 until 1964 it served as the Florence Crittenton Home. Site #35: Judah Colt Spencer Houses Site Classification: Architectural Dwellings Location: 519 and 527 West Sixth Street The first Spencer house (519) was built about 1876 by J.C. Spencer for his son, William, and is still occupied by the Spencer family. This home typifies the post-Civil War residential style. It has solid brick walls, a slate mansard roof and wrought iron railing on all parapets, an authentic Victorian style. The interior woodwork and room layout remain as originally built. The reception room to the left of the entrance is decorated entirely in dark walnut. An adjoining room, formerly the dining room, is oak. Most of the oak wood in this room came from the Spencer's farm at East 38th and East Avenue. The second house (527) was built by J.C. Spencer several years later as a double residence for his two daughters. -167- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION E. Inventory of Historic Sites in the Bayfront Area Site #36: Business Block #1 Site Classification: Commercial & Industrial Development Site Location: North Park Row (Peach to State Streets) State Street (North Park Row to Fifth) This row of commercial buildings extending along North Park Row from Peach to State and down the west side of State to Fifth was probably the showplace of downtown Erie in the 1860s and 1870s. The district was anchored by two outstanding examples of Romanesque Revival architecture - the Exchange Building on the corner and the "Marble Front" between the Park and Fifth. The Park Opera House which stood on the site of the present bus station was considered one of the finest entertainment halls between New York and Chicago. A variety of retail enterprises occupied these buildings including dry goods merchants, grocers, photographers, jewelers, engravers, clothiers, and insurance brokers. The Marine Bank was on the corner and further west on North Park Row was a pharmacy operated by Dr. John Carter and his brother. They were to gain international fame for their "Little Liver Pills." While most of the buildings have undergone some type of alteration, they still present the appearance of a solid late 19th Century commercial district. -168- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION F. Preservation Tools for Neighborhood Organizations In any successful, long-term effort, preservationists have found it is crucial to develop a legal framework and governmental structures that can be used by neighborhood residents and/or organizations to control various forces that continually threaten a sensitive historic area. A wide range of tools easily adapted to a variety of neighborhood needs have been developed. Historic District Ordinance Neighborhood organizations can use historic district ordinances to manage, change, protect and enhance environ- mental qualities and to counteract the power of private developers and speculators. Historic district designation can also be used to strengthen the economic health of neigh- borhoods by promoting neighborhood stability, creating neighborhood pride and fostering local organization. Formal establishment of a historic district creates a legally binding design review process that regulates demolition, alteration, and construction of buildings within the district. The process is usually administered by a local historic district commission, composed of experts and residents, which issues "certificates of appropriateness" for construction. No physical development or substantive alterations within the district can proceed without review. Powers of these individual boards vary but they are able to prohibit changes of power recently confirmed by the United States Supreme Court. Over 700 local governments are now empowered to create historic districts. Two other flexible techniques residents may employ to make their neighborhoods more livable are Conservation Districts and Neighborhood Special Districts. In Conservation Districts, ordinances are applied without requiring a formal finding of historic significance. In this approach, restrictions are added to existing zoning of any area to regulate alterations or new construction. Neighborhood Special Districts are government-established entities with authority to supplement existing municipal facilities provided by the city. This can include power to levy real estate and property taxes; to incur debt; to own property acquired by gift, purchase, or eminent domain; to hire labor; and to contract for services. Easements One alternative to direct governmental regulation is easement, used successfully by preservationists to protect neighborhoods and historic buildings. In easements, property owners deed a partial interest in their property to a public body, either to restrict use, or to require use in a certain way. The owner retains possession but foregoes the right to certain kinds of development of the property. -169- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION F. Preservation Tools for Neighborhood Organizations Easements (continued) Easements can be employed to protect external features of valuable structures, preserve the immediate environment of historical properties, or secure scenic vistas that enhance a historical site or an area. Voluntarily created by contract between the owner and a public body, easements are generally acquired from the owner of the structure by cash purchase or donation. The result is a direct cash benefit or a tax deduction for the donation. The donor receives further benefits through a reduction in property tax assessments as the result of having given up the development potential of his property. For neighborhoods, easements have many benefits: they control development and guarantee maintenance of the building exterior but allow freedom for the owner to redo the interior. This is less costly than "fee simple" acquisition and is not imposed by government fiat, but by negotiation. Though they have been used primarily by more affluent preservation groups in the past, facade easements have been recognized for their applicability to low-income owners who are unable or unwilling to use cash reserves or loans to fix up their property. Sale of the easement can generate needed cash, and easements can be integrated into other assistance programs. An active neighborhood-initiated easement program can be an effective deterrent to blight and deterioration that, unchecked, can spread through an area. Creative application of such a program, combined with a modest amount of public funding (through grants or loans) will allow neighborhood residents to control their immediate environment without resorting to more cumbersome and remote forms of government regulation. Residents do, however, need to find effective methods of enforcement. Revolving Funds Revolving funds are a proven device for protecting the integrity of a neighborhood. They are generally administered by a tax- exempt non-profit organization and use public (for example, Federal Community Development Block Grant monies) or private monies to buy and renovate buildings. They are also commonly used to hold a threatened structure by outright acquisition or purchase of an option until a suitable buyer who will agree to rehabilitate the property can be found. Proceeds from rentals, sales, and interest are used to replenish the fund. Thus, after an initial funding commitment, the pool becomes relatively self-sustaining. Depending on its operation, further capital may be required periodically to replenish it. Revolving loan funds can be used to acquire and fix up abandoned or deteriora- ting buildings in a neighborhood. -170-- V. HISTORIC PRESERVATION F. Preservation Tools for Neighborhood Organizations Revolving Funds (continued) At the national level, both the Department of the Interior and the private sector National Trust for Historic Preservation, provide assistance for selected locally administered revolving funds. Revolving funds are highly adaptable to neighborhood conserva- tion. Recent rulings by the Internal Revenue Service has confirmed their tax-exempt status, thereby making them even more attractive to private donors. Not dependent on cumbersome governmental machinery, revolving funds can provide a renewable source of quickly available money. They make it possible to acquire buildings (whether strictly "historic" or not) so that they can be effectively recycled - a big need in many neighborhoods. G. Projects and Potential Funding Sources A goal of the Martin Luther King Center is to idenfity, then preserve, historically and architecturally important structures and sites in the Bayfront. The following information pertains to the Martin Luther King Center's future plans involving Historic Preservation. The research and documentation of individual historic structures located within the West Bayfront for inclusion on the National Register (an extensive study has already been completed in the East Bayfront Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) area. The identification and rehabilitation of Historical areas in the Bayfront. This will involve the marking of new areas or the rehabilitation of existing markers. The restoration and preservation of the building located at 462-464 West Fourth Street. The Martin Luther King Center is the owner of the property and wants to convert it into a Neighborhood Development Office. Through Housing and Urban Development Minority Business Enterprise Programs, the city was able to purchase twelve (12) HUD owned properties in the Bayfront for $1.00 each. The Martin Luther King Center would like to buy one of these properties for the above price and then rehabilitate and restore the property to its original character. They would then sell the property and set up a revolving loan fund for the neighborhood. Workers from the Martin Luther King Center will research and document the history of the black race in Erie, and hope to eventually exhibit it at the Erie Museum, located in the Bayfront. Representatives from the museum have expressed an interest and have offered their expertise in this effort. V. H11TORIC PREIERVATION G. Projects and Potential Funding Sources Potential Funding Sources Historic Preservation Grant in Aid Program, which provides matching grants up to fifty percent (50%) to states that prepare state-wide surveys and plans for purchase and develop- ment of properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Department of Housing and Urban Development: The Historic Preservation Loan Program is an expansion of the HUD Title I program. It provides FRA insurance for loan financing, preservation, restoration, or rehabilitation of properties in districts listed on the National Register. These loans may be used in coordination with other HUD funds (for example, Community Development Block Grants may be used to subsidize the interest on rehabilitation loans made by private lending institutions). As with Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid, neighborhood groups could find this program very useful in their rehabilitation work if the property in question is on the National Register. National Trust for Historic Preservation: The National Trust is a private, non-governmental organization committed to historic preservation. In addition to providing technical assistance to neighborhood groups, the Trust administers the National Historic Preservation Fund. This revolving loan fund provides low-interest loans to non-profit organizations to improve properties on the National Register. Loans, ranging from $25,000 to $50,000 are used to acquire property in conformance with preservation guidelines and standards. As each loan is repaid, the money can then be used to make other loans. Application: Through this revolving loan fund, the Trust has supplied money to purchase older buildings. Generally, these buildings can be used for any compatible purpose (including housing for elderly and low or moderate income people) as long as the building's exterior does not violate preservation standards. Neighborhood groups might explore the Fund as a source of acquisition money to increase the neighborhood supply of moderately priced housing. It is also possible to include Historic Preservation projects in Urban Development Action Grant, Community Development Block Grant Project areas, and also the Coastal Zone Management Program. I I I I I I I I I SECTION VI ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS WORKSHOP SUMMARY I I I I I I I I I I -172- ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS PROGRAM The 1981 Environmental Awareness Program was designed to enhance the student's Neighborhood Youth Corps (NYC) work experience by providing some educational participation about their environment and surroundings. A few major accomplishments of the 1981 Environmental Awareness Program stand out as follows: 1. The students became aware of coastal zone management and why it is necessary. 2. The students identified with the coastal zone environment and the numerous careers associated with the Erie County coast. 3. The students gained appreciation of the simplest forms of life (pond animals) and open green spaces. 4. As a result of holding a weekly energy lesson, the students became more aware of the problems involved in using and developing new energy sources simultaneously maintaining a proper balance in the environment. 5. Students became acquainted with the environmental and energy terminology which will surely become household words in their future. The "theme" of the 1981 program was "Energy Impacts Upon Our Environment." The program was opened up to students who were too young to hold an NYC job and also to interested students community-wide. Students registered in the program included a total of eighty-three (83) with approximately 20% of the students participating for the second time in the Environmental Awareness Program. The program commenced in late June 1981 and concluded in the middle of August. Since the program was a blend of films, film strips, field trips, recreation and instruction, Mondays were used primarily for preparation. Films and equipment were obtained and secured and field trip sites had to be reviewed in advance. In 1981 field trips included: Scott's Park, a tour of Hammermill Paper Company, Coastal Erosion at the General Electric Park and Shades Beach, a Presque Isle Project including a pond microscopic study and the Fairview Fish Station. 173-- The eight week Summer Environmental Awareness Program has accomplished its intended goals. It has reached out to the youth of Erie, encouraging them to discover the environment around them and has taught them to see and appreciate Lake Erie, Presque Isle State Park and the Erie County Coast. The program enabled the student participants to realize that Erie's greatest asset is more than just a recreational area - it is a treasure full of history, geography and science. Student enthusiasm of the success of the program is expressed in comments such as these: "I liked the movies and the field trips and I also enjoyed the advisiors whose personalities made it fun to have them teaching us things and be part of the learning." Another of the top students comments: " The program has taught me a lot during the last two summers that I have participated, more than I would have learned in a classroom." For a more detailed report of the .1981 Environmental Awareness Program, the reader may want to examine a separate and more complete published report available at Bayfront NATO Inc. - I I s I i I I I .- I , I I I I I i I I I i - 1 3 6668 14102 7070 i