[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]
NOAA STATUS AND TRENDS Musse Watc Project Volume 3: Gulf Coast Florida-Louisiana Site Descriptions .............. The Geochemical & Environmental Research Group @t' nil' f177, p ,00* W 95o W 90o W 85o W 80o W 35o N NM Texas Missi sippi Alabama Louisiana Florida 300 N a QH SUBMIMD TO.' 541.5 C65 partment ofpomm,erce M87 e.anic &,Atmospheric Adm.,' 1995 v.3 NOS, SSMCIV, ORPA2 . ...... 25' N M' 5 LI r. rt LI: East-West Highway is'pring,'MID, 209,10 24' N SEPTEM]BER1995 NOAA NATIONAL STATUS AND TRENDS Mussel Watch Program Volume 3 - Gulf Coast Florida - Louisiana Site Descriptions 1995 Prepared by H.J. Jobling, - R.R. Fay, and J.M. Brooks The Geochemical and Environmental Research Group Texas A&M University 833 Graham Road College Station, Texas 77845 Submitted to U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration 1305 East West Highway Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 September 1995 GERG Technical Report 95-271 VOLumE 3 - GuLF COAST FLORiiDA - LouisiANA SrrE DESCRnMONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Site Description Overview ............................................................................ 1 Puerto Rico Site Descriptions ..................................................................... 13 Florida Site Descriptions ........................................................................... 19 Alabama Site Descriptions ......................................................................... 91 Mississippi Site Descriptions ..................................................................... 97 Louisiana Site Descriptions ...................................................................... 103 Appendix A - Field Station Data ............................................................... A-1 Appendix B - Final Positions ..................................................................... B4 LIST OF ]FIGURES Fiaure Page 1 Location of the Caribbean Sampling Sites ............................................. 2 2 Location of the Gulf of Mexico Sampling Sites ....................................... 3 3 Location of the Puerto Rico Sites .......................................................... 4 4 Location of the Florida Key Sites .......................................................... 5 5 Location of the South Florida Sites ....................................................... 6 6 Location of the Tampa Bay Sites .......................................................... 7 7 Location of the West Central Florida Sites ...............................................8 8 Location of the Western Florida Sites ....................................................9 9 Location of the Alabama/Mississippi Sites .......................................... 10 10 Location of the Eastern Louisiana and Mississippi Delta Sites .............. 11 11 Location of the Western Louisiana Sites ............................................. 12 iv LIST OF SITES WITH MAPS, CHARTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS Site Description PaLye 201 PRBB Bahia de Boqueron, Puerto Rico, PR ..................................... 13 202 PRBM Bahia Montalva, Puerto Rico, PR ......................................... 15 203 PRBJ Bahia de Jobos, Puerto Rico, PR ........................................... 17 204 BHEF Bahia Honda Key, Florida Keys, FL ...................................... 19 205 FBJB Joe Bay, Flolida Bay, FL ..................................................... 21 206 FBFO Flamingo, Florida Bay, FL .................................................. 23 207 EVFU Faka Union Bay, Everglades, FL .......................................... 25 208 RBHC Henderson Creek, Rookery Bay, FL ...................................... Z7 209 NBNB Naples Bay, Naples Bay, FL ................................................. 29 210 CBBI Bird Island, Charlotte Harbor, FL ........................................ 31 211 CBFM Fort Meyers, Charlotte Harbor, FL .......................................W 212 TBCB Cockroach Bay, Tampa Bay, FL ........................................... 35 213 TBHB Hillsborough Bay, Tampa Bay, FL ........................................ 37 214 TBKA Knight Airport, Tampa Bay, FL ........................................... 39 215 TBOT Old Tampa Bay, Tampa Bay, FL .......................................... 41 216 TBPB Papys Bayou, Tampa Bay, FL .............................................. 43 217 TBMK Mullet Key Bayou, Tampa Bay, FL ....................................... 45 218 TBNP Navarez Park, Tampa Bay, FL ............................................. 47 219 CKBP Black Point, Cedar Key, FL .................................................. 49 220 SRWP West Pass, Suwanee River, FL ............................................. .% 221 AESP Spring Creek, Apalachee Bay, FL ........................................ 53 222 APCP Cat Point Bar, Apalachicola Bay, FL .................................... .% 223 APDB Dry Bar, Apalachicola Bay, FL ............................................ 57 224 SAWB Watson Bayou, St. Andrew Bay, FL ...................................... 59 225 PCMP Municipal Pier, Panama City, FL ........................................ 61 226 PCLO Little Oyster Bay, Panama City, FL ...................................... 63 2Z7 CBSR Santa Rosa, Choctawatchee Bay, FL ..................................... 65 228 CBJB Joe's Bayou, Choctawatchee Bay, FL .................................... 67 229 CBPP Postil Point, Choctawatchee Bay, FL ..................................... 69 230 CBBB Boggy Bayou, Choctawatchee Bay, FL ................................... 71 231 CBBL Ben's Lake Choctawatchee Bay, FL ...................................... 73 232 PBSP Sabine Point, Pensacola Bay, FL .......................................... 75 233 PBIB Indian Bayou, Pensacola Bay, FL ......................................... 77 234 PBPH Public Harbor, Pensacola Bay, FL ........................................ 79 235 MBDR Dog River, Mobile Bay, AL ................................................... 81 236 MBHI Hollingers Island, Mobile Bay, AL ....................................... 83 237 MBCP Cedar Point Reef, Mobile Bay, AL ......................................... 85 238 MSPB Pascagoula Bay, Mississippi Sound, MS ............................... 87 239 MSB13 Biloxi Bay, Mississippi Sound, MS ....................................... 89 240 MSPC Pass Christian, Mississippi Sound, MS ................................ 91 241 LPNO New Orleans, Lake Pontchartrain, LA ................................ 93 242 LBGO Gulf Outlet, Lake Borgne, LA .............................................. 95 243 LBMP Malheureux Point, Lake Borgne, LA .................................... 97 244 BSBG Bay Garderne, Breton Sound, LA ......................................... 99 245 BSSI Sable Island, Breton Sound, LA .......................................... 101 v 246 MRPL Pass a Loutre, Mississippi River, LA .................................... 103 247 MRTP Tiger Pass, Mississippi River, LA ........................................ 105 248 BB'MB Middle Bank, Barataria Bay, LA .......................................... 107 249 BR31) Bayou St. Denis, Barataria Bay, LA ...................................... 109 250 BB'I`B Turtle Bay, Barataria Bay, LA .......................................... ..111 251 TBLF Lake Felicity, Terrebone Bay, LA ......................................... 113 252 'IBILB Lake Barre, Terrebone Bay, LA ........................................... 115 253 CLCL Caillou Lake, Caillou Lake, LA ........................................... 117 254 ABOB Oyster Bayou, Atchafalaya Bay, LA ................................... @..119 255 VBSP Southwest Pass, Vermillion Bay, LA ................................. ..1a 256 JHJH Joseph Harbor Bayou, J. Harbor, LA .................................... 123 257 CLLC Lake Charles, Calcasieu Lake, LA .................................... A25 258 CLSJ St. Johns Island, Calcasieu Lake, LA .................................. 127 259 SL13B Blue Buck Point, Sabine Lake, LA ........................................ 129 vi SITE DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW The location of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico (Florida through Louisiana) NS&T Mussel Watch Program sampling sites are shown in Figures 1 through 11. Detailed descriptions for each of the individual sites are given in the following pages. Each of the NS&T sites has a unique site number and designating code. The code is a four letter code, that is taken from the site's name and location, eg. EVFU - Faka Union Bay Everglades. The nominal site center is calculated from the mean of the three station locations at each of the sites. GPS navigation units were used to record all the site locations. These figures are a great deal more accurate and stable than the old Loran C figures, and generally tend to coincide with the map locations. The site descriptions include information that will enable an individual to easily find the site, and the boat ramp if so necessary. For each site, the following components are included: Detailed description Road map to the site Nautical chart of the site Photographs of the site. Photographs, when available, are arranged in a clockwise manner starting in the upper left hand corner with an aerial view and then Stations 1, 2 and 3, respectively. lot The Bahamas ATLANTIC OCEAN 10 tZ Turks and Caicos Is. Puerto British Virgin Is. RICO S. Virgin @F Is. 00 MartiniqL n- ARIBBEAN SEA Barbad Trinida Toba .......... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 1. Location of the Caribbean Sampling Sites. .12 Fig. 9 MobIle N ew- .8 dalvesto Cope, Confiver8l 28- Tampa Fig6 6 26- Fig. 5 Felt) M3 2RD V@ - Fig. 4 go- 96- 9'. 02- 90, 89- 86- SO AV 80- Figure 2. Location of the Gulf of Mexico Sampling Sites. A T L A N T/ C 0 C EA N 0@ 6@2 an uan 00Q St- John Mayagu-ez,4 PUERTO RICO .202.-@ 201 C, N nc 203 Croix 201 - Puerto Rico Bahia De Boqueron (PRBB) 202- Puerto Rico Bahia Montalva (PRBM) C A R B. B E A N S E A 203 - Puerto Rico Bahia De Jobos (PRBJ) Figure 3. Location of the Puerto Rico Sites (see Figure 1 for the location in the Caribbean). FLORIDA GULF OF @205 MEXICO 206. 25* Irv -4% 204 204 - Bahia Honda Key Florida (BHKF) 205 - Joe Bay Florida Bay (FBJB) 206 - Flamingo Florida Bay (FBFO) Figure 4. Location of the Florida Key Sites (see Figure 2 for the location in the NO Gulf of Mexico). 5 81130, 82' V -FORT MEYERS cb- .211 210 -26*30' 26*30'- ISO e/ island F L 0 R I D A GULF OF MEXICO RAPLES. 209 208 207 - Everglades Faka Union Bay (EVFU) 208 - Rookery Bay Henderson Creek (RBHC) 26*- 2139 - Naples Bay Naples Bay (NBNB) 2-10 - Charlotte Harbor Bird Island (CBBI) 211 - Charlotte Harbor Fort Meyers (CBFM) 207 CAPE ROMANO Figure 5. Location of the South Florida Sites (see Figure 2 for the location in the Gulf of Mexico). 6 82-30- 2 12 - Tampa Bay Cockroach Bay (TBCB) 213 - Tampa Bay Hillsborough Bay (TBHB) 214 - Tampa Bay Knight Airport (TBKA) 215 - Tampa Bay Old Tampa Bay (TBOT) 216 - Tampa Bay Papys Bayou (TBPB) 217 - Tampa Bay Mullet Key Bayou (TBMK) 218 - Tampa Bay Navarez Park (TBNP) zr Dunedin :215 F L 0 R I D A -28* H. 21r- C'Ieww e*r-"l Tampa 0- 214 'A pod HillsborougN...i. - ...:Tampa Bay Atarta RAw 5 21 6,(@@ .213 Gadsden PL St Petersburg GULF 218 OF ro PL Pinellas -212 MEXICO 217 Anna Maria Island NZV Figure 6. Location of the Tampa Bay Sites (see Figure 2 for the location in the Gulf of Mexico). 7 APALA E 22 BA F 0 00 --.223" Apalachicola Bay IL an .29'30' GULF OF MEXICO 219 - Cedar Kay Black Point (CKBP) 220 220 - Suwahnee River West Pass (SRWP) 221 - Apalachee Bay Spring Creek (AESP) 222 - Apalachicola Bay Cat Point Bar (APCP) 223 - Apalachicola Bay Dry Bay (APDB) 84' Figure 7. Location of the West Central Florida Sites (see Figure 2 for the locati in the Gulf of Mexico). FLORIDA 2-3 231229. 230 Fon Walton'..", Pensacola Nnsscola Beach*,-. chocatewhatch@0 Bay Ci(z227 ..:.234, 22 232 226. West GULF OF MEXICO M Pana a ity @22 30* 224 - St. Andrew Bay Watson Bayou (SAWB) 225 - Panama City Municipal Pier (PCMP) 230 - Choctawhatchee Bay Boggy Bayou (CBBB) 226 - Panama City Litlle Oyster Bay (PCLO) 231 - Choctawhatchee Bay Bens Lake (CBBQ 227 - Choctawhatchee Bay Off Santa Rosa (CBSR) 232 - Pensacola Bay Sabine Point (PBSP) 228 - Choctawhatchee Bay Joes Bayou (CBJB) 233 - Pensacola Bay Indian Bayou (PBIB) 229 - Choctawhatchee Bay Postil Point (CBPP) 234 - Pensacola Bay Public Harbor (PBPH) 88* Figure 8. Location of the Western Florida Sites (see Figure 2 for the location in the Gulf of Mexico). 6- -Ajb 235 - Mobile Bay Dog River (MBDR) ir- 236 - Mobile Bay Hillinger Island (MBHI) 237 - Mobile Bay Cedar Point Reef (MBCP) 238 - Mississippi Sound Pascagoula Bay (MSPB) 239 - Mississippi Sound Biloxi Say (MSBB) 0 MISSISS/PPI 240 - Mississippi Sound Pass Christian (MSPC) P rn MOBIL 30*30, PASCAGOULA, '239. S CHRISTIAN 2,40 8 ...SLIDELL* 08W LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN . . . GULF OF MEXICO SORGN'@ ON, .. AdA. Figure 9. Location of the Mississippi/Alabama Sites (see Figure 2 for the locat in the Gulf of Mexico). LAKE PJAIJAPPAV LAKE PONTCHARTR . . . . . . . . . . N E 0 241 -NEW Oft S 242 v 2 .NEW ORL NEW OAL. tp 3 L 0 U I S I A N A 2 244 7 S., Ar 249.11. 245 251 252 4 .253 254 2 7 29' 241 Lake Ponchartrain New Orleans (LPNO) 248 - Barataria Bay Middle Bank (BBMB) 242 - Lake Borgne Gulf Outlet (LBGO) 249 - Barataria Bay Bayou St. Denis (BBSD) 243 - Lake Borgne Malheureux Point (LBMP) 250 - Barataria Bay Turtle Bay (BBTB) 244 - Breton Sound Bay Garderne (BSBG) 251 - Terrebonne Bay Lake Felicity (TBLF) 245 - Breton Sound Sable Island (BSS1) 252 - Terrebonne BAy Lake Barre (TBLB) 246 - Mississippi River Pas A Loutre (MRPQ 253 - Caillou Lake Caillou Lake (CLCL) 247 - Mississippi River Tiger Pass (MRTP) 254 - Atchafalaya Bay Oyster Bayou (ABOB) Figure 10. Location of the Eastern Louisiana and'Mississippi Delta Sites (see Figure 2 for the location in the Gulf of Mexico). T E X A S LOUISIANA Lake Cherle3 Orange 257 Pon Arthu 2 81 .259 255 - Vermillion Bay Southwest Pass (VBSP) 256 - Joseph Harbor Joseph Harbor Bayou (JHJH) 257 - Calcasieu Lake Lake Charles (CLLC) 258 - Calcasieu Lake St. Johns Island (CLSJ) 259 - Sabine Lake Blue Buck Point (SLBB) GULF OF MEXICO Figure 11. Location of the Western Louisiana Sites (see Figure 2 for the locatio the Gulf of Mexico). PUERTO RICO SITES GERG SITE NUM13ER - 201 DESIGNATOR - PRBB SITE - BAHIA DE BOQUERON, PUERTO RICO, PR NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 18000.44N 67010.72'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART 25671 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessible only by boat. A boat and operator is available for rent in the town of Boqueron. To reach the site, travel from the boat dock in Boqueron across Bahia de Boqueron (Boqueron Bay) on a course of 1500 to the entrance of a smaller bay. Pass through mouth of the unnamed bay, turn to a heading of 50', and proceed to the east side of the bay. All three stations are located in the small bay system on the south side of Boqueron Bay SITE DESCRIPTION - Station 1 is located along the east shoreline across from the marine police boat dock (295' back to the dock). Station 2 is located on the north side of the small island, near the mouth of the bay. The island is south of a small channel running to the west, and west of the main channel which runs to the southeast. Landmarks from the site are the Boqueron pier (55') and the beach cottages (900). Station 3 is farther west down the channel at the end of the cove. There are no good reference landmarks. Oysters at all three stations were collected from the roots of red mangrove trees. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The site was not scheduled to be sampled this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.2 - 0.6 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - A possible source of contamination was fresh water runoff from a nearby garbage dump. 13 I I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled 0/00) (0c) - I 1S195 - - N/A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 14 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . laracap Airenal Ai 4 n Felicia I tblo 1@ 5 Aceilunas A L Matojil 110 a- , 113 112 pjedra@ de-A 498 1 113 C 0 R D Ot L f R A I A I C 0 A _.) La C Centro I E GU"- N, 2 pal-, Moca Tblonal 4M 4.1zo Aouada C-.kt.- L ando 422 5 Z. 12 6 @an se6a, an a 41 41 451 423 5 'L.D A Percdt@ L '3 (1-3 .0 109 12 .3 FE iZ 2 3' 4, G) 120 6 E mca 106 r@44' R.' Las Ma v 7 37 RVA Norm[ uei6,s _b 3 U74 Cabo La Ratine Rojo 2 Monte S2 --- Grande E WaRa 'Fluerto Real -a.d. n 2 German 32 P 0 117 _N loo ....... 4 Ne ron Betances M3 3 U2 2 d, I II E E__ -11 @ , ' ( 41, - 1 3 Barint M.g..yo 2Palomas ... i P. A4.A DE OOQUERON 6 c_ 339 Coirozo 132 132 F. Mq; C-b. 321 3U I I I Pole Ojea osQ ESTATA 0 [email protected] i , I . Guanica cu_@ DE BOQ 0. 'U ah;. 8.1d. 333 E 333 BaL6 PRBB #201, ESTALT 77 Site #201 (PRBB), Bahia de Boqueron, Puerto Rico. 151g842unta Oationas 1302 54 13 1 Ines9@,"21 21 ro2 .Q 12 1; GO86*Cy o' Fan c a Cabo R jo 122ILLJ- 922%,8971 5, (),L 13 12 41 I0@6 "14A Pusto A.81 8P@f tI . 13 11 - -, I (126'21'2 12 @j 41 41 1 1108 413 10? J2 13 61 51 24 24 TV TR J9 ""islo 14 13 5121 18' 12' 12 11 1 17@ 6@61 to rkY 21 12 14 13 11 .41 61113313 12 11871 61 Punta Boca Prieia 910 11 1] 'Y 12 128Nsy 41' 132'Y96? 4:" 3F4 61 12 1 1It 6@, 31 1ID2 12 7j 10, 3' 2137,k, 54 102 07 14 . 141,9110Sy 646 9399,%9110 108 '0 1407 7@ 31 1.8+-,86 -,-Boquorg <PA8 14 139T,7 .9986Q,9a-BAHIA DE 7411:II:2'88Belo 7BOQUERdN PRBB 2? @r 71 522Ennnodlo 10712 7,y9a) .,.@i .1 ro .1. (use chart 25675) Site #20 3a,,247FIG 48 grove I 13 61 2178031 1 12 '0061 11 9877 12 1 1974,0 214@37 - - -- - - - IV 371 71 89762 Sy 64 748 '341 64761 34G c,r7 15 13 ky7Punta 673 Q7SY 861 6j 61 6@ 61 Punta Moja Casaba 12 1 19761 51 64 AJ/1 127612 10,761Q44454 444 1276641431 31 @21(! 2Ij Seh?a -871 51651 44444 C*D \(\O I 12 00 12761 61 51 41 4@2 111 2 ke 92@ 2 9 61hQ','PQnteAull a 9 IA 3 2 b4 41 31 31 411 Be Roca @@ -fe-72S I i 0rky *43 1 2 so861 51 3,4Sall hi Ole 31 3fo810 64 21 cc2 1 3 21 1 61 646 21 --J"" 8a @ V' 31 r-1 72 31 '1@ 3T 3 3@ 2 Site #201 (PRBB), Bahia de Boqueron, Puerto Rico (from chart 25675). ew dO Site #201 (PRBB), Bahia de Boqueron, Puerto Rico. NNW L el, GERG SITE NUMBER - 202 DESIGNATOR - PRBM SITE - BAHIA MONTALVA, PUERTO RICO, PR NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 17058.23'N 66059.43'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 25671 SITE ACCESS - This site is a walkup site and is reached by automobile. Travel from the La Parguera area, north on Highway 304 to Highway 324. Take Highway 324 towards Ensenada, past the Highway 323 turn off. Continue on for approximately 200 meters on Highway 324, to the first dirt road past the white house with a pink roof Turn right and follow the dirt road past the pole barn with the rusty roof, and cross the salt pond to the edge of Bahia Montalva (Montalva Bay). SITE DESCRIPTION - All three stations are located along the north shoreline. Station 1 is directly south of the pole barn adjacent to the boat anchoring area. Station 2 is 50 meters east of Station 1. Station 3 is 50 meters west of Station 1. The oysters were all attached to the roots of red mangroves, rubble and wooden pilings. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The site was not scheduled for collection this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.2 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious point sources of contamination, as the area is very rural with no industry nearby. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (OC) 1995 N/A 15 I 9T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ban 485 Antonio 4 v .7 -nale)L Mora 2 Oueb adilla a, Felici a r Pu @blo P@ 41 3 119 1 2 2 or1rale ......... Pied Pueblitode Aatojil AGUWCW@ 11o ......... 2 Ca Gard 2 488 C 0 R D I t L E 9 A j A I C 0 A La Centro BOSQUE ES .4 j N DE GU ATACA 2 .16 abil Cuba 144 Aquada 3 Guaj&- lo@ 8 V 2 2 Raho- 5 marn con 2 153 1112 3 129 423 A Perchas 479 1 4 3 s- 13, 2 A.- 10 12 4435 2, o., Masc 435 128 1 pit 4ofi s 5 7 124 1 2 46 Lal 64 2 o 432 10 3 1za 4 3 1061 MA 31 g 119 51 Izo Ri 6 1, ri U be _105 I Pe N 637h 114 -io 3 x PWA- 7 KARIM "ZI gUStin 12D 128 Rk. 2 Conde AW. do -K, Z, 13 4 102 37 OR Cabo 2 Sa a I molo Pa,a 2 Puerto Real I-- p- ja. G uIll -. , 1 1 32 P E P@ a a 7 116 117 307 11 4 3: 315- Lj one 3 Negron Uuveras 321 -59 ueonn 3 Torres 5 Bh A L L E4 E 1-,j"j A 5 1 334 d. B.9 @@Z6 Magua 305 M:It QUE ESTATAL M 89 Pft, m.,.- BD@ BOQUERON 301 301 IN 116R CO om 116 pft@ A4* C-I. 1 @i 321 me ulea BOSQU 151ATAL -PI a Gu mca r eraQ 324 33 En A A BahdcI hf., d, P..T-6. POM I oj, SA64202 BOSQUE F@ a- 4@, MATAL DE GUAN@ Site #202 (PRBM), Bahia Montalva, Puerto Rico. HYDROGRAPHY The most recent basic hydrogrophic surveys used in the compilation of this chart were accomplished by the N - - - -@ - @ - -- - -- @ -1 ccmmcnded !@y @XW. Wcyne L. I -QAA SZhi@ WWITIKI(- Mobley in 968 and 1969, and NOAA Ship MT. MITCHELL, commanded by CDR., Wesley V. Hull in 1976. ,7 515 erro N ertero 485 OVHD PWR CAB (D TWIN SILOS PRBM AUTIJCL 43FT ,--Go late plerv,1 @03 Site #202 0<5 Le Perguera 323 I 114 j 5@4 3154 1. 2 Mag 11 ... 4,12 .j; N STACK 5. I .. V 31a 8 C 10 c'Y0 5f Ile Gua h18 4@9 YT 89Id' 12 11 7' 7 o Equo 4@ 1 110 4. 41., 10 a Y9 2974 ;-, s .... ... .. 4j 63 64 7@ 62 98 9- 7 31@ 907- 9'8. . ........ .... ttp, 5? 7@ 107-4.4 V *7 9 54 S Cayo D- Lul. 4. ......... A.Z: j 3? )no7977 7 EN 311 11 10 2 1?. ........76 31 LA 9 + 31 3 961 4 '. 41 @p 54 61 2@ 217 4 8W 9 6 9 731 61 9 6@84@ E4 calots .2 t 6U r9r U"r'o k041 2@ 10 goT76 9 6197 so CoI PA 911 41464 61 9...9 21 7j k 8 Turrumote It 3 7 8 64 '@6 44 51 21 31 qt 6 E4 31 51 12 69331 -41 61 4j 8 431 87 7j96@ 61 0 Aocff. Boul 6" 41 q*6 41 17 41 ?4.." . 41- 1 3 3 416 55@ 619 10 (@4 61 13 13 5106 5L597@ s 7@ 51 61 8 c5 4j 5 9 62 881077 Q5? 31 61 61815714881111 1161 61 51 61871 6 6 10 51 9 5j 10 71 10 951 41 7@913 14 1 L, 71851 61 41 ,7 8 44 4@ 41 44@ 6 13 8 9 74 717 8811128118rky9 7661 51 41 , 41 61 61 S 61 8 . 6 9 10,8 64 13 9 78 912 -9A8 71 81175551 5j 51 6 64 U2 9 9 914 11 1 19 h- 7rky 6,8 8 8 12 11 10 102 189988 61 617 223 254 12 91 to'9 1997@ 61 64 617 219 9 9 -892, 961 7j 293 Site #202 (PRBM), Bahia Montalva, Puerto Rico (from chart 25671). m m X Site #202 (PRBM), Bahia Montalva, Puerto Rico. GERG SITE NUMBER - 203 DESIGNATOR - PRBJ SITE - BAHIA DE JOBOS, PUERTO RICO, PR NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 17056.33'N 66010.95'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 25677 SITE ACCESS - This site is located in the east end of Bahia de Jobos (Jobos Bay) and can only be reached by boat. There are no boats available for rent in the area, so arrangements must be made with a local fisherman. To reach the boat anchorage, proceed down Highway 7710 from Jobos toward Pozuelo, and go to the second small bay where there are boats anchored. By boat, go through the mangroves into the bay and then turn east. Proceed to the east end of the bay, and into the inlet into Laguna de las Mareas. SITE DESCRIPTION - All three stations are located at the east end of Bahia de Jobos. Station 1 is approximately 100 meters west of the inlet into Laguna de las Mareas on the south shoreline. Station 2 is at the inlet into Laguna de las Mareas. Station 3 is 100 meters north of the inlet. in a small cove. The oysters at all three stations were found growing on the roots of red mangrove trees. Turtle and manatee grass was abundant throughout the bay, starting near the edge of the mangrove roots. An obvious landmark is the electric power station at Aguirre, at the opposite end of the bay. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The site was not scheduled to be sampled this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediment samples were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0. 1 - 0. 2 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious visible nearby point sources of contamination. Potential contamination is possible from the opposite end of the bay, from the power plant. Local fisherman have commented that there had been a mercury spill in the bay, but did not remember exactly when or where the incident occurred. 17 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (%o) (OC) 1 1995 - - N/A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 18 1 649 @F 146 146 10 2 56 Nora t 879 Lago Id. :Ilas cf. 4 CIA no Aiik f Vi 'M' 49 "Iro, USA 1111RI' 1 '.@Ear 1.1N.Se in 725 ME AFO WgonaL R EREST I" 0V 8 2 10 Lfb n t. 'us A rasua M. njena Visl- Embalse Rea TOS V-3 Collorl 16 110 Tnaga 583 -12 - 'wo r Rea 70uayabalc' CUEVAS wr Luis ' @ 638 yorens - 031TIO A n a Xoto Laura) D (a J@p ' "-: _1 ' vai4uez C@O C M-CO ro Callas Las Flores 11 5;7 Rabo 14 5AM 52 ---del-Bue 4 g CAMP@AJM :NTTO lit- SAN It Carmen L." C_ A 0: - SXa (a CE M .A 'O/jU.' (ul A@ la6 KI as AL PaStillito Descal@a ye p Call A to Coca I 117 1 2 c6..o 4 laylls 1A - p Z_ Col.nl. Cortoda La jortuna A@ J--4-4 s- uez Besosa "vdina, A @zz 1.210., 3 0 isa f. CI&M 'ar Negrr.. n rr 4 @V _p, A @V 1 '!@41 @ .8 ma@ . . . . . . . GO.SQUE ESTATAL E AG UIRRE 66- 30; ,.#rOS Of WCA Site #203 (PRBJ), Bahia de Jobos, Puerto Rico. A40 @I853 q. vk NO 'Salinas 14:-.00 - PRBJ 2 ..: 11 . 10 TOWE Site #203 1 3 (WH DY) 12 10 kHz 44 4 11 Playa de Salinas Aguirre 51 -5 154 ---- 54 Central Aguirre A H IA E R I N C 0 N J@l I 6 12@ t e(I Is STACK (SW OF FOUR) 0 STACK (TALLEST OF FOUR) uerto Jobo, 64 54 Ile A 0 E /Og 51 5 5 5-11\ 71 51 2 Pta POZ 010 TAN 62 54 9 3 -OR N 2 ED o AO.niqu. 8 F 2.5s 48ft 5M 4 Cayos de Ratones Dip-l Ar. 61 (0), Made Luna (use chart 25M7) (diwontinue") :.Z., 9 8 Subm Co o Co 101 (chart 25667) 8 2 08 3 C) -------- --- 12 8 ca, 8 10, co 12 8 Sh 54 9 9 9 Sh 104 13 12 13 12 ".-1 1% 101 R Co Mo 12 PH PA 14 12 13 tPep clew 15 14 14 io 71,,, ims 13 12 15 Sh 14 13 13 13 14 Co 14 13 5 17 co Sh 14 I0j 13 14 15 15 14 15 15 17 19 14 13 15 17 15 1% 12 17 16 14 co 1 16 co@ 18 19 13 21 Site #203 (PRBJ), Bahia de Jobos, Puerto Rico (from chart 25671). t Site #203 (PRBJ), Bahia de Jobos, Puerto Rico. 4.2 A4, A It " - WT, 4 2 jil FLORIDA SITES GERG SITE NUMBER - 204 DESIGNATOR - BHEF SITE - BAHIA HONDA KEY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 24039.52'N 81016.43'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11445 SITE ACCESS - This bivalve collection site is located directly north of the entrance to the Bahia Honda Recreation Area, and can be reached by driving to the site and walking to the shoreline. The sediment collection site has to be accessed by a boat. SITE DESCRIPTION - There are no oysters present in the area, therefore an alternate bivalve, the smooth-edge jewel box (Chama sinuosa), of the family Chamidae, is collected for analysis. The bivalves are found attached to the edge of the vertical face of a hard carbonate wall, which is on the northeast side of a U- shaped cove. All three stations are collected along the carbonate wall. Station 1 is in the center of the northeast shoreline, Station 2 is seaward (west) of Station 1 and Station 3 is inside of the cove towards the road. The site is easily accessible from the shore, and best sampled using a mask and snorkle. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be sampled this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 Sediments were not scheduled to be collected this year. The sediments collection sites are along the mangrove shoreline 0.65 miles to the east of the bivalve sites, at latitude 24'40.17'N and longitude 81'15.90'W. Station 1 is on the point of land that extends into the bay, Station 2 is 100 meters to the east and Station 3 is 100 meters to the west of Station 1. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - No obvious visible point sources of contamination were identified in the surrounding area. 19 I I I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/0-1) (OC) 1995 - - N/A I I I I I I I I I I I I i 20 I -------------- N -2LEAT=.IjERONNfWft-D@nR@F10Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;pahiah NAT KEY DEER RU BDY - - - - - - - Lade Spanish Ks@ M@ 19 Spanish GREAT WHITE HERON NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE UUM, Pins K S.-W C@ M.'w- K-Y r-y Key C' Liffle Pin . . . . . .. Key UGE <::@'j Pons- Kay Key r-- 940 'P - - - - - - -- 1JP \'BBEF 00 No a e 0 gw@, i2O4 ight NOLE 940 Little4)u& Key_ upt. Ci5iinty Park Ci5iinty Park Kay o xw I C, LI.A. Key K-Y It 7-@ mlq.-d K.V ft MOP_ Ker K-Y 844 I Dan ciwasas@. ig Pine 940 y 'g Ke Kay Yd sp-ih q H-b- 0 PI. 4@ S hia Honda State Recreation Area %nd S-..d.W ' '- 0ae Kay P.A. Coal, Long Site #204 (BBEF), B ahia Honda Key, Florida Keys. w %gba rKY 40 A\5 4S piP` L R GO d q 9 -@IoNAL@p S .......... @Iw \EO 9 CO 'P'. P., ky \4 lb P PH '601 "ZGrS k4 b brn 'D Ov' @z \4 V 4 3 rkY Orum'z 9 cp's @i.; Obstr 0 I Subrr; 3 0 k 19 do Wisp 5 Rk 6 \4 22 B 1116. S3 4 PA . PA 2 20 22 1 M 5,10GE \1 23 v \0,0 f-Tv 3 4 5 @ .2ra 'AOvk 'to Sit6 #204 IV- 'z amp ro r ky 9 - AY 60 ro 24 26 22 0 4 rkY 0 \0/"'@ 3 29 25 21@ 14 ,zr ;IV 2C) I 29 2\ 26 21 9 9 28 \9 2S 2ro '25 2rb '25 21 M 29 22 S 'ZI rkY,"@ @29 \3 'fs) 2r. 20 29 i - , '29 S 13 rkY 3\ 26 S \4 21 20 14.1 '28 S Sh 21 3 rkY 22 Site 4204 (\BHKF), Bahia Honda Key, Florida Keys (from chart 11445). "'Jol jt Alf Site #204 (BHKF), Bahia Honda Key, Florida Keys. RN t GERG SITE NUMBER - 205 DESIGNATOR - FBJB SITE - JOE BAY, FLORIDA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 25012.53'N 80032.00V LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11451 SITE ACCESS - The boat can be launched in south Florida Bay, at the Key Largo Ranger Station. To reach the Ranger Station, proceed down Hwy 1 to mile marker 98.7. The Ranger Station is on the right hand side of the road, and the boat ramp is behind the station. The ramp is a rough coral one, which is adequate for small boats. Check with the Rangers for an update on local conditions. The oyster site is approximately 10 miles away, at a heading of 330' to the marked channel into Joe Bay. SITE DESCRIPTION - The original site is situated along the cut into Joe Bay, and along the eastern side of Joe Bay. Station 1 is located within the cut into Joe Bay, Station 2 is located within Joe Bay along the eastern shoreline - 50 meters north of Station 1, and Station 3 is located approx. 50 meters north of Station 2 along the same shoreline. The oysters are all attached to mangrove roots. The area is a closed to the public, as it is an American Crocodile breeding ground. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 No oysters were found at any of the original stations, as there had been excessive fresh water flooding further north in the Everglades, resulting in a localized oyster die-off. A new oyster site was found some 200 meters further to the south, next to the tide-gauge at a small island in Trout Cove (25012.97'N, 80031.99'W). Station 1 oysters were collected from the tide- gauge pilings, Station 2 oysters from mangrove roots just south of Station 1 and Station 3 oysters were collected from mangrove roots about 50 meters west of Station 1. There were very few live small to medium sized oysters to be found in the area, growing on the mangrove roots. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - No sources of contaminants were identified, other than that from passing boat traffic and fishermen. 21 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA - I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled 00) (0c) 1 1995 2.0 18.0 24 January 1995 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 22 1 K -4- + *P t@i ho 0 y 3$, Man'4 36 dy 311- _.T 59 S, me 0 Key TIM S, 4 6 C2 ,JOE BAY ------ N so - ---- - ;7 --- Little (2 Davis Trout Coi)e Blackwater Sound i7clor Cove 3aV Stump Pass 4 ee, .y K FBJB Site #205 [310C'KLU citer Key La e) Kkey Site #205 (FBJB), Joe Bay, Florida Bay. Reguiavons ior ucedn uui 'ipmy onub aiu contained in 40 CFR, Parts 220-229. Additional information concerning the regulations and re- SHOALS AND PASSES quirements for use of the sites may be obtained ,;;Sed 'C' U;v The hca!. ',dark bhue a from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Passes (heavy dotted linesl were'obtained from reports and Q- i i.@, r--nct wq,t@ -.nrp@ t- nrimrp@qpq varified by ficid -vvcy-. S!akes and -;!es, marking po%%-, nra of EPA offices to their frequent change in position. NOTE J Marsh CAUTION (protected area: 15 CFR 929) Improved channels shown by broken lines The following activities are prohibited within Key are subject to shoaling, particularly at the edges. (pr Largo National Marine Sanctuary: Damaging or removing coral; Anchoring on coral; Morsh Spearfishing; Removing historical artifacts; ng The "Divers Down" flag must be displayed during divii B activities. Refer to 15 CFR 929 for details of sanctuary 0 0 regulations. - Jo e Bay sob' Marsh 3 3 Trout Cove Davis 3 V Alligator Say 3 a Cove IN1 3 !6 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 hrd Stump Pass 3 3 4 2 3 FBJB _\111 4 sth 3 4 3 3 Deer Key Site,#205 4 LiHle Madeira Say.. q0 CIP 4 2 1 4 3vk 4 11 \@, 4 4 4 3 4 3 %_ 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 hrd Co 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 hrof 4 hr 4 N 3 47 4 hrd 4-4- sth 3 3 5 4 4 4 5 3 3 5 Eagle Key Pass Key 4 4:;;Y, Torn Keys 4 5 5 5 4 a 4 hrd 3 3 f 5 sth 3 PA 4 3 Pass 5 4 4 4 Ve 5 2` 5 5 3 Site #205 (FBJB), Joe Bay, Florida Bay "from chart 11451" Site #205 (FBJB), Joe Bay, Florida Bay. A Ap IL PO GERG SITE NUMBER - 206 DESIGNATOR - FBFO SITE - FLAMINGO, FLORIDA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 25008.47'N 80055.43W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11451 SITE ACCESS - The boat can be launched at the Flamingo Marina Bay Side boat ramp in Flamingo City, in the Everglades National Park. A special collecting permit is required from the National Park for this site, and must be obtained well in advance of the collecting trip. To reach the ramp, take Florida Hwy. 9336 west from Homestead, towards the Everglades National Park. Once in the Park, follow the main road to the visitors center in Flamingo. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located within and just outside the small boat basin. The stations are all within 100 meters of each other, and can be collected by hand at low tide. Station 1 is located within the boat basin next to the Florida Bay boat ramp. The oysters were collected by hand from the boat - along the concrete bulkheads and wooden pilings. Station 2 is located - 100 meters south of Station 1, in the outside small boat basin surrounded by tall concrete walls. The oysters were taken by hand from the northeast wall by the Visitors Center. Station 3 is located - 80 meters southwest of Station 2, along the opposing wall and rock area. The oysters were attached to the rocks and wall. Note - the oysters may be hard to spot, due to the heavy algae growth along the rocks and concrete walls. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Small to medium sized oysters were scarce inside the small boat basin, while there was an abundance of large oysters at Stations 2 & 3. The oysters were all covered by a heavy growth of barnacles. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - No sources of contaminants were identified, other than from passing boats and ground water run-off from the Visitors Center and Restaurant. 23 i ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled I (0/00) (OC) 1995 28.0 24.5 24 January 95 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 24 1 West Lake -9 Coot Bay I 01 Mud Lake CANAt Gallic U CO Bear Lake 0 'Q@@ 141@ Snake ight Gibb y Pt Porpoise Pt Is Radio Sh Flamingo Tow r P, or - - - - ----------- ----- be Kemp Umbrella (f-- Key Key I Bradley @Key + FBFO Buoy Site #206 Murray P./- Camp Key Kyr-D Cormorant Key Frank (DKoy Curlew Catfish Key Key 0 0 Clive Key Pelican Keys Site #206 (FBFO), Flamingo, Florida Bay. I- Ntang,*,e N co 0 co REPORTECD MY CL 10 f EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK (protected area: 36 CFR-7.45; see note H) tz rh Flamingo-,' blANDPIPE -,-- I (7.11@ MICRO TR C4 Marsh Ranger Stati.%O Kolst 11@z - M ngrove C Visitors Center Fingpole ZZ -2 R el *e FBFO, 25*08' @,@r,4A PA ILI R@ 9ite #206' "JCurry Key 2 iradiey Key R 2 12" G111-b Ino PAN/ 4 \3 3 3i 4- 3,' 1, R 6 stk 1* FI G 4s 16ft 4 ro 4.- 6 f 7 7 7 5 .......... 6A 2 R 5 A"S" 4 ?. . f OY D 0 e s1h 7 6 4- 6 R 6 , 4 Frank Key '6" I C0,7ch. I Cvyter Keys :ZZ - @11,1710 C 9 25'06' hl*4 2 9 5 aotf4A(ey @925'0 7 2' 3 LO co I Pi r) A A A V SIk Site #206 (FBFO), Flamingo, Florida Bay (from chart 11451). 4 "IA iv* i 1@@ I .11 @ I - Site #206 (FBFO), Flamingo, Florida Bay. Ui L4 Ws@ "WRI-M pw"M GERG SITE NUM13ER - 207 DESIGNATOR - EVFU SITE - FAKA UNION BAY, EVERGLADES, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 25054.16'N 81030.84'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11430 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed by driving to the Port of the Islands Resort, south of Naples on Florida Highway 41, and launching a small boat at the resort marina. Proceed south along a man-made channel to Faka Union Bay, observing the posted speed limit and keeping a good watch out for Manatees. The sample site is on a mangrove island, near green channel marker "53". SITE DESCRIPTION - Faka Union Bay is located in the Cape Romano-Ten Thousand Islands Aquatic Preserve. An intertidal reef surrounds a small mangrove island, 25 meters north of green channel marker "53". The oysters were abundant, and no observable contamination factors were noted. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The reef is a small one, so discrete stations were not distinguished. Small to medium sized oysters were abundant, occurring in singles and clusters on the mangrove roots. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious visible sources of point contamination in the area. There is a potential for contamination from the Port of the Islands Marina Complex, as well as from the numerous local sport fishermen. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (700) (OC) 1995 7.0 16.0 23 January 1995 25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 26 1 Tarpon 3 Ham ock"Cre 951 41 R. at. @nail Beach .11 G-*.d b, --es Bay B Carl 116a, TPA Ic-an sq CAPE ROM O-TEN D Tuni GULLIVAAII BAY @'y UATIQ P E Ky -'Yoe, Whit, Horse Key r EVFU Cape Site #207 Romano ---------- ------- - - - -- nc TUT n- Site #207 (EVFU), Faka Union Bay, Everglades. 'ra-m'iorni Trail Port of the Islands A, a rsh Marina -N Mangrove N N Morsh lo t ove(-k 46), Jc@ Marsh n) Mangrove j Mangrove iongrove Mangrove &4..h S 7r 01-0 -5 cc) CN r 70 P, Mangrove Mangrove C2 EVFU C Site #20-1 0 V 0 CL Mangrove 2 B CI Y d 0 iO Bay lp v Shl FV42- 3 5 3W@39'0 2 M"g'o`e Mud Ficts -3W C, 2 '33' 3 5: ;361 5 3 -32, 0 if: GRI >1 R kl- - '0. 22'0 & .26' 4%. R -11 " '\-i 9 241 2 Fclkahat(hee 8C 4 2 .3 Sonfina Ba 3 9A j'. : Y 4 8:: 2 ....... j- :D 21*75 18 5 7"' 5 0 19.0 12 8 C 8 0(l. N 'D 2@3- n9rove Aongrov w L- ." 9 _ -- . - ---- -- - Site #207 (EVFU), Faka Union Bay, Everglades (from chart 11430). AO Aj" Site #207 (EVFU), Faka Union Bay, Everglades. k-, I .It GERG SITE NUMIBER - 208 DESIGNATOR - RBHC SITE - HENDERSON CREEK, ROOKERY BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 26001.50'N 81044.20'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11430 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed from 1-75 by driving west (or south) on Florida 951, - 2.6 miles past the intersection of U.S. Highway 41, Turn right on Shell Island Road. Shell Island Road is marked by a sign for the Briggs Nature Conserancy and Marine Research Lab. Proceed to the Rookery Monument, past the Rookery Headquarters and to the boat ramp at the end of the road. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located in Rookery Bay Aquatic Preserve, in Henderson Creek. All three oyster Stations are near the mouth of the creek, in the vicinity of the Childrens Monument. Station 1 is on the same shoreline as the onument, approximately 150 meters to the south at the first bare reef patch in the mangroves. Station 2 is located on the shore opposite the monument, at a small M cove in the mangroves, next to a manatee sign. Station 3 is located on the shoreline opposite the monument, approximately 200 meters to the northeast at the bare patch in the mangroves, where the channel begins to constrict from the passage out of Henderson Reef into Rookery Bay. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be sampled this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious visible point sources of contamination in the area. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/0.) (OC) 1995 N/A 27 I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 28 1 2230 North 14 Dide, Gate 310 IK& z 3590 N. ,.plp@ - . I - @ rticipal Beach-awC. 886 851 3180 --A( EN T PKWY 41 6 147 u ilk LoVelm LoVelm 75 93 P. !124 T"IM!" TII_ 1990'_ 851 56 0 Av@ 3060 84 Na M, tp 1,4 k. N pal Pier 3 Wm oum 790- AMU 160 H E K AMMO so 472- 864 29 @\@29 4 G.d Dd@ -Y Me qI Z_ ;7 'Y 5 41 HT QUATFC RBHC Site #208 atioa4 -j@ all -7 Site #208 (RBHC), Henderson Creek, Rookery Bay. of the District Engineer, Corps of Engineers TION in Jacksonville, Florida. d stay clear of large GVHD PWR CAB Anchorage regulations may be obtained at MCI UTM CL 50 FT ,ernment vessels even k- the Office of the Commander, 7th Coast Guard ie right-of-way. District in Miami, Florida. void areas where the Mangrove Refer to section numbers shown with area 95 square with a diagonal designation. yed. 012 0- Mangrove a', BUOYS 0 2 A 12, the limits of this chart i. Information may be 2 i. Coast Guard District r 3 1 other privately main- / all listed in the Coast 3 PA Mangrove 3 Mangrove 4:'* 01 >02 32' RW 32 PA B. 3 .......... 3 . ..... -3 0 3 Hall RBHC 'ro I U 4 Boy ite #208 3 t - 3 4 Rt@ .-I , 0 32 32' R@l 2 Bn.PA 6"" 3 ID f4 4 Cb j @4 4 G 0 4 '14 -2rr 51 4 e 4 -IV 74, 1 Johnsc V- 4 2 \t Islanc 0 0 4' G 8 angrov 2 321- Mangrove I R"26" '25- 11A 2 3 G 3 0 Calhoun (3.1 0 2 0112811 '6 1 .5 1 0 n d 0 G n n 0 n Mongrove \\O 1?7A* 03110011 ch, 5 R 4 5 Mangrove -28A' ey, Gte A 5 /Y 80.; Sh K'-U- 10 .............. ...... 'NO, EMA . G 4" 2W Little Marco Island 361 .31 nr 12 a PA G. 6 8 ifte S@t PA C;OLREGs,48@ (50 Shoal 41,01'CO p 6 8 __4 ................ ......... . 13 12 6-- 8 This area is subiect t continual change. 14 1 14 15 60 4 17 15 16 14 1 15 .... /" go Ird 16 1 17 18 18 18 18 18 hrd 18 17 16 60 90 18 /1"/ 19 19 19 2? "S" \:,\ 11/1 "1,,/" 1-` 19 18 17- P/1 @'o 19 21 21 21 21 0 21 W - E 0 21 2 1,@ 21 21 2Z B 0 23 z -7 23 Site #208 (RBHC), Henderson Creek, Rookery Bay (from chart 11430). Site #208 (RBHC), Henderson Creek, Rookery Bay. 4 ARM, a I W, GERG SITE NUMB ER - 209 DESIGNATOR - NBNB SITE - NAPLES BAY, NAPLES BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 26006.75'N 81047.13'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11430 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed off U.S. 1-95, at the Hwy. 951 exit for Marco island. Proceed south to Hwy. 864, and then turn left onto Rattlesnake Hummock Road. Turn right (north) onto Hwy. 41 and the left onto Thommason Road at the Hess gas station. Thommason road dead-ends, go left onto Fern Road and then right on Danford Road. Follow the signs to the Bayview Park boat ramp. SITE DESCRIPTION - The oyster reefs are located to the east and adjacent to the red channel marker "24". The area has a number of old reefs that are primarily consolidated and cemented shell fragments. The nominal site center is around a small shell reef with a few mangroves, 50 meters southeast of the channel marker. Station 1 is located around the mangroves, Station 2 is to the east of the mangroves and Station 3 is to the west of the mangroves. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The small to medium sized oysters were found in clusters on the reef, which was built up of old shell. Very few spat were noted along with some barnacles. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Sources of contamination could be from the very heavy recreational boating and dense residential development along, and farther upstream of the waterfront. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/1.) (0Q 1995 30.0 20.0 22 January 1995 29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 30 1 T@ North 896 3@1,0 3590 Na M pl,, icipal Biach.PA 886 -Go c m 1 3180 41 . . A, 45 L I u a P.or*de,milk k 75 UNOtR-CQNSTRUC @24 _@75_ 1@ N@T ni A876 85 31 > v, N m"uVncjPzI PI" J" wi@g S R 7' NBNB 4 Site #209 629 ;y I Gd P- 9 1 /1 iNa s 76 @y 41 - 90 0 4 eek @37 QUAT u 9- c t ... tu 1540 Site #209 (NBNB), Naples Bay, Naples Bay. N 9 -461 tast N6nle-@ 10 f, 1 0 NAPLES AIRPORT XED BRIDGE' ft LQ/ mg, ERT CL A The co feet for a feet betwe Q a mid-wid IXE BRIDGE CL 28 1 mangrovW\ -% VERTCL 6 FT 4 NBN -q`0 2 0 4sec Site E 32 W@ 4Z, 2' QR t4- .0 B M R.";CO' 9- -31- 4 cobl, V* 2 Surfaced Ramp \0 4- ;dw-- G 23' 5 4 (sWeipotoT 0 5 '27- "ec IIN > 6B C7 2 _@@ 6 @-, OV3,L71A@> --tt C 71 6@A@rea@ G 10 8 (@ 13=j 2:@ 7 IR" 0 12 FI R 4sec 13 13 8 8 9 16" 2 COble 15 14 14 10 3' 16 17 hrd 17 16 15 ,U111. ipol Pier Ort ROYO 5 5n0, 7 1117 14 16 15 14 1 FI U 459 F1 1 17 14 go 17 "7A " x 18 19 18 18 17 1 5 14 16 13 9 216A 0.17r ""/ 19 17 18 8 17 .. - 896 19 18 COLREGS9 7 "?@11/ 0 19 hrd DEMARCATION UNEI0 G '54 19 19 19 18 0.748d fsee not A) 1 01 19 10 17 16 14 8 16 16 19 16 19 16 18 15 19 19 17 19 18 R1.:1 19 19 17 GY3- 17 16 20 0 21 19 1 0 21 19 17 66 - 19 G.1. 18 19 19 21 F1 G 2.5s 17 21 20 hrd 22 19 =7 - 19 0 U 2 ---2 21 19 19 20 @2 5 Sh 21 19 21 0 olp S @> /21 22 Obstr 21 Site #209 (NBNB), Naples Bay, Naples Bay (from chart 11430). ALA-A x1W IW'I A@ YAM" Tf, Aim- %- Site #209 (NBNB), Naples Bay, Naples Bay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 WE GERG SITE NUM13ER - 210 DESIGNATOR - CBBI SITE - BIRD ISLAND, CHARLOTTE HARBOR, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 26030.86'N 82002.07'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11427 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed off U.S. 1-75, taking the Hwy. 78 exit and going west. Cross over Hwy. 41 and then turn left onto Hwy. 867A (Del Prado Blvd.). Proceed south along the boulevard and continue on when the road goes into El Dorado. Turn left at the stop sign onto Coronado, then left again onto Lucerne. Follow the signs to the Yacht club and boat ramp. The boat launch site is at the public ramp at Red Fish Point, in Cape Coral. To reach the site, proceed west down the Calooshatchee River along the ICWW past Big Shell Island. Turn north at the red channel markers "2" and "2A". This will take you to the west of Bird Island. An alternate launch site is at the Punta Rassa Ramp. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located in San Carlos Bay in the Matlacha Pass National Wildlife Refuge. The site is on a reef, which is directly north of Bird Island and northeast of Merwin Key. Oysters are plentiful on the subtidal portions of the reef and can be collected either by hand or with tongs. Station 1 is at the southeast end of the reef, just north of the small mangrove island. Station 2 is 100 meters farther northwest, and Station 3 is 100 meters farther north of Station 2. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Small to medium sized oysters were abundant across the entire reef, occurring in clusters in the sudtidal portions of the reef. No spat were observed, but there were large numbers of barnacles and some mussels growing on the oysters. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious sources of contamination at the Bird Island site. The site was in the open in a large bay. 31 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (%0) (OC) 1 1995 10.0 17.5 22 January 1995 1 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 32 1 C-- K, -EE@ 45 K, fti, 765 TTE@ 4, @O co LEE CO . . . . . .. - ------ CHARLML -PO-L ----LEE CO A 011, 4220 + 2580 A. 5 @g 0@ Fa--nl j 6690 LF S- r_k@_ K" @@e L - a- C.@ r -1 Ll;za 117 W_ I @@390 m '44 K@ W OWL m Emi L- JPF An y =1 SOUND tj 2 ELL 867 A c_k W-d FU- P-@ K, 'L L cORAL 0 77- 4 ESER)VwE CYPRES C BBIN' -Y ftm, pi@ 49 -ftlite #21 767 A 867 865 MTIAI ASS S, V,,CAI?L10@ '42i C"n@ Site #210 (CBBI), Bird Island, Charlotte Harbor. 1,77 T T_\ / I @52 Exclusive --of--dradoed - channAl d" @ JR 11dr-o-graph-y- north -of -Sanibel Island +8.. Matlacha Pass is from. survey made a ;2 1 ft I F -1 @wv I tV0 t/,-./1 2 LZ r I IN 87 eckems 34 Poi t NOTE C Rog I A.R 'i6' 4 Strong cross currents are encounte S L A N especially during ebb of spring tide, betw G-1 94 claybeacons 12A" and "81. MARK (3 2 R@ 30814' 85 2 2 '13' C, o6 7 5 10 4 'DOE 5 4 7 0 (seenoteJ) 10 5 3 A.. 1 5 10 R'12' 7 72 7 4 2 08 0 fR .10. 65 5 5' 8 5 26B';@ 3 shl 6 2 G b 9 C:ity 1.9. Mangrove A 10 1111 3 5 5 7 5(94 4 Mangrove \AN 1 125 _J 2 Gi I-.y Key SwIrd Fit 8, 2 -7- OYS 1@ 3 '0' 12 1 1 OWER CABLE S Site 5 AT MAIN CHAN EL MATLACHA P@\SS NAT'L 4 3 0 A412' 3 2 51 0Marker 3 WILDJFg@@EFUGE 2 2 4 5 5 -1@ 5PA 4@@Proteowd 07rea) @"P@ i@ 6 0 11 1 7 4 5 3 14 1 'i '13 5 2 2 8 &Starvation 2_'. -'u Key plilrsofO 0 M'rksr 13 0 5 1 5 Shl -a G (see n ite J) 4 10 1\ .,."-3 'Mk,. 2 ,- Lj W4- 2 2 Big Sist 13 4 5 4 13 6 2 PH- 2 e,,c)'Lee qjrd i 3 2 8 R k@XK'eyo 111*Pi'.12 10 Sh i . 3 S1#i?-' 30 5 S"" 2 3 T ,)Keys rn Pile 3 &.Pile PA Sbl I I R 'd ... ... 15 spoilt 2 G '2' q'@ --/74 4 (se Areas I % 5 5 Olt IT F1 PA 111 4 44 Ri I r C"71 "4" "a 7 G'3XA' 17 s 'Jp 7 11POte FjA'112A 10 ec 16ft Icnic 1 "2114 5 8 @4 8 GIr 2; 0 an i (@6 Big I Site (CBBI), Bird Island, Charlotte Harbor (from chart 11427). @5 Site #210 (CBBI), Bird Island, Charlotte Harbor. GERG SITE NUMBER - 211 DESIGNATOR - CBFM SITE - FORT MEYERS, CHARLOTTE HARBOR, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 26033.50'N 81055.37'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11427 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed off U.S. 1-75, taking the exit for Hwy. 78 and going west. Cross over Hwy. 41 and then turn left onto Hwy. 867A (Del Prado Blvd.). Proceed south along the boulevard and continue on when the road goes into El Dorado. Turn left at the stop sign onto Coronado, then left again onto Lucerne. Follow the signs to the Yacht club and boat ramp. The boat launch site is at the public ramp at Red Fish Point, in Cape Coral. Proceed east up the Calooshatchee River, along the ICWW to the Cape Coral Bridge. The site is at the east end of the bridge. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located on the east end of the bridge on both sides of the highway. Small clumps of small oysters, along with clams and barnacles were attached along the base of the bridge, rip-rap and in clumps on the sand and shell bottom. Station I is located on the east end of the Cape Coral bridge on the northeast side. Station 2 is on the south side of the bridge and Station 3 is 100 meters to the south along the rip-rap bulkhead. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 There were very few live oysters to be found in the entire area, as there had been a recent "Kill" associated with a cold weather freeze. There were a number of barnacles and mussels along with the few small live oysters. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Contamination was present from highway drainage and possibly from septic systems in the surrounding residential area. 33 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled I (%0) (OC) 1995 1.0 16.0 22 January 1995. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 34 1 C-j X@, -f@7 V; 45 765 K.Y ftm, C@- Ky p, -------------- =EL-co - - - - - - - - - -------- Z, 0 Lu CO _LTL SLO-L LEE CO ake lie 4220 + 2580 wd', I 765 P@ W KIS.ET .1WET P@ '6'690 Big smte Nism K.Y r c 78A -k 3C 7- rn Ar 78 414 matia, 1@kW 'RIV Ag ag Aw 390 -10 F-,k Fbw UK Y, Imcca Islana-V SOUND D_ Sr.p I Id ILES" K-- 867 A ED' kw,- 1*@d FZ, P.-pk&, KW 19 p - I E MATU C LJE @,D - S Nw -,,@PASS NW 7Z tFSERUVE P.A. .7, ZW_ Municipalp"" -Y -1.1 pj@ 49 767 CBFM S-d Pft. She P.- 4d isla,d 10 7 Big. SW h MATLACHA P@S ZZ B z76' F-@!---- t ry M CAj?LOS M.cr- S; 4 865 K, Site #211 (CBFM), Fort Meyers, Charlotte Harbor. D_ BRIDGE I= WDGE H w "k\,, 10V100EIINRE' IXED BRIDGE OVHD PWR CAB B mini Basin 40 CAB' OVHD rH cL 55 FT FIXE BRIDGE D PIPELINE & CABLE CA Com ,0 HDPMIRCAN@,\ VD PWR CAB .0, FIXED 13RID E 12B HOR CL 29 FT 12A VERT CL 9 FT OVHD PWR CABS Z ------- R0" 4 G '14-ShW10 4 R%dfish Cove R`@p 5 kR 1 V9 r -a- 0 4 G -bCb; r b% .2 !eK -2 S&46-@ -PA OVHD-,PWR b H r-5 r A 5 R -28- 2- .1 '74 -1 7 4 0-1 b., ..63' 8 &auk @79' 7 w .13, SI-11, S@G '4" -82" 12 '/5 5 1` A, P 13 Aa I V, @@ -,"Sa'l 3 f 6 Bin 6G'l -4- Is- hrd MT-'r4f 10 10 11 -20' 7 pio -2 15 CIO R a 8 \tp 6 8 5" A 8 5 '14' 'q47 r 'a jk6j.Ho 6 102 A A R '12- 40 5 11o 126 ,R. P.@A( i2iG .@% 4@1' V 8 3 K 4t 2 G.,. ' ' 11(r qk @ 10 7 '@'/R@ 3 14,,@;, 140" 2 R tt 8' hw jdFI 10 SA. il;, t 10. -3 16 fu A R 3 2 COWL 0 -2- rl, IN G 6 4Priv BRIEGE Ord Rlaintd R "25,;Wl FOED 4_ 17 N Si/2 ft rep 1973 aids PAG '1'. HOR CL R 2 4 8,, 6 @ P 4 9 42- VERT CL 55 (AT CENT D i@td R' 4 R aids R'r4IW(@741X 2 7 G +/ - Y 5ft VO Pkidge ulclBr 2 `f@t_ r-@ 'p,eo 1987 !@ cVP' R PA .0 a. 10 R "0% 4 E I. n.W B) 7 .1 2 QSIgn eA ID 0, 1 Pits 3_01q R 2 0 2 1 4 ro I C Pile PA Q) Pe 0 N Mg V EILW PP( t I% @ n 4P I I, f ! 14 W G CBFM Ik 2' Site #211,-" x A 0 0n01&B 67 0IeSPA Wks E E % Site #211 (CBFM), Fort Meyers, Charlotte Harbor (from chart 11427). Site #211 (CBFM), Fort Meyers, Charlotte Harbor. r p- 7 r -00 c GERG SITE NUMBER - 212 DESIGNATOR - TBCB SITE - COCKROACH BAY, TAMPA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 27040.55'N 82030.56'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11414 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed by driving to Highway 41 and taking the Cockroach Bay Road to the west. The launch ramp is at the end of the road. A shallow draft boat, with a tilt motor and jack-up plate, is required to get access to the site. The trip to the site requires winding around numerous small islands to the open bay at the east end of Cockroach Bay. Upon entering the open bay, proceed east to a very small island (mostly subtidal), near the southeast shore. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located on an exposed reef on the south side of Cockroach Bay. Oysters were collected by hand from the subtidal portions of the reef. Neither the sediments nor oyster collection stations can easily be differentiated geographically around the small island. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be collected this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious visible point sources of contamination around this very secluded site, although the surrounding area appeared to support vegetable and fruit farms. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled 0/00) (OC) 1995 - N/A 35 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 36 1 IZ3 -"111 1 -Iluffffi I 000 11 Ld 68 a k3l) o 75 Madelf Zkk B .B 4@@- 1 " ch ',4 z@ C9 Ph 92 0 "s 5 5 jPhsO arK .07 Beach an '7@ R A Treasur ........... Island Cardinali 693 Meu; a . .......... St Petersburg, Beach 00, 699 130ca Si.Petersburg. Municl al B av Beac Big J PINELLA NAT ON ILDLIFE REFUGE c A Q C-P Paqa-Grill@..&.4 each TBCB. Pa,k Cabbage K.V, 9 Pmr PrNELLAS-' R ... I NATIONAL WILD 9 REFUGE PINELLAS CO MB611o7u6W, 'EO - 75 :L I e 19 t 93 55 Andrew I Pqtr,er 4 Mull 'F etKey/ t.Dir:R W-10 Pier 1 Counvyrarl( U S COAST GUARD r STATION Site #212 (TBCB), Cockroach Bay, Tampa Bay. i IV "I /,A Oil 1/ 16 (;@815) D" D.I. 2 0 U I t. 14 2' /2 4_ 4 r 2 3 '9 loop 11 1 /C-N 2 Y QR22ft 0 2 ISO 6. 51ft 2211X@11@12 010 10 3 Marys 22 if 6 3 4 /20 8 3 1 IX12 7 a 6 2 a 1D" /21- 8 25S .6 6 6 nR 4 2 4 Ij 10 4 5 3 4 1 %20 14 5 2 1 % 17 2 2 3 7 Big coekvlorkch';@Uu 4 1 4 17 Snake Ke@@, 6 3 1 5 As 2 010 2 2 12 S90 2 8 2 6V of0 3 r1o 14 2 12 2 7 --'a TBCB N% ON it 'Site #212 15 CA 10 4 2 Mangrove 9 NOTE 8 13 Regulations for Ocean Dumping Sites are D ATMOSP*, An artiou / to- 9 3 contained In 40 CFR, Parts 220-229, Additional pipe structu I Information concerning the regulations andA coupling cc requirements for use of the sites may be ob. kept uprigh 9 2 tained from Environmental Protection Agency flotation ch 2 (EPA). See U,S- Coast Pilots appendix for mark norro addresses of EPA offices. feet, All arti 1P 6/ NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE UNITED STATES - GULF COA Site #212 (TBCB), Cockroach Bay, Tampa Bay (from Ichart 11414). Site #212 (TBCB), Cockroach Bay, Tampa Bay. lvl'll@l '00t'o' 1-4 ''.7 Z7 A, Ak" 72 GERG SITE NUMBER - 213 DESIGNATOR - TBHB SITE - HILLSBOROUGH BAY, TAMPA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 27051.28N 82023.75'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11413 SITE ACCESS - The boat is launched at the ramp on the northwest corner of the Highway 41 bridge, over the Alafia River. SITE DESCRIPTION - This site is located on the north bank of the Alafia River, to the west of the Hwy. 41 road bridge. The oyster collection stations are established along the riprap shoreline just to the east of green channel marker "15". Discrete stations were not observed due to the scarcity of the oysters. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled for sampling this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - One obvious source of contamination is the phosphate plant, which is directly adjacent to the oyster collection site. ENVIRONMFNTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (9010) (0c) 1995 - N/A 37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 38 1 Fl, Era p 7 S h "I SM P.1-. 58 ?32 0 000 148 ED Ca V v1d'.v Pier W@4 I E.T 5 59 y 45 :I.- d L S@,.@ L .f. 0- M3TDly , ;@ i, P s 13 fe,ty- 2 .... oor 576 "9 92 ;af@ty Harbor 600 ity Pier T BA 41 CAIMELIL "'RINE" A 60 89 7 6 R 0 L ss@ (I. 27 fu 'Ut CQA5T@UARD A] STATE M- P WO, f Z2 BallastPoint Pier HILLSBORO 696 BAY 92(600 8 b@, 19 rn 3 Site 6 4, Rim. A u Site #213 (TBHB), Hillsborough Bay, Tampa Bay. so --@l Jr 10 12" 8- nq Z In 5 D48 13 3@ t ILI III I -AL "---VWL JV .1 1 111'L@V_ a 103 M 3 06ip65Rep 11 13 15 15 5 8741 53289 91 S 171 15 10 5 6 12 11 10 11 12 13 15 11 13 G23' 161 114 4 11 8 9 85 2 1112 14 Fl G U F1 4. lWt -24- h 16 r 9 jrW F@ .6 R 53 -4. 13 15 12 R 15 A. 3 9 7( 'T 13 G Q -5- 19G 12 42 5 7111 14 15 @A 5 -3- 15 Spoil Are e 8@ - 3 SI!Q 0.7Fl a l6ft 4M '1' 9 ObsM 3., G0 2 17 10 8 71-11- 0 1P @ -F -OCT I.-R 7 16 FpT 'gg", -- -14/ 15 0 00j V @o 3 M E)TH OF 2 ;qPPile qP qP qP 47 rop 4,4 W, q0 2 18 60 4;' 31 -% Sign Sig Pplqes,* @@ 0 o Sign 9 Bird Ign 13 - P 5 0, P14-- .... 144 oIgn k16 -P, -@ 8),%, 0 (0."010 W_-:@ ie. 52 'affish Pt 14 Sign Pl- ,> %;; 16 X01 - io? *&. 11 ' 11 .15---S 0 h15 13 8?. FI'6G 4. - I 10 1@ 2l@ R-41 0 5f 'P@6 1lit e@fo0-Fl R 211 4611 719 R01 II Spoil Ar9!. 64 (E) I , , Z@ -- TANK 201 (15 ' / I - Stakes F R Lt 13 17 % 81 -0 1 7 7 10 9 4 10 NI @Stokes 55 1 310 16 h 73 15 16 @O 2 3510 13 51 10 94St01 9 18@712 11 3 415 21 75 10 10 13 14 9 3 S_l 7- 19 17 C sewer 4 R1 6 Fl G 4a ( P-11 14 14 15 5 (1 1 'S.. 82 1271@ 7jil 26 41-1 10 76 10 2 @7 131 11 41 8 27Q 13@ 7@3 5/22 1 lao 69 59ft 1@ 7 12 8 9, 10 40ft 5 13 9 3%5 8P11.9s 7 '@l 3 @78 @@@ @4111 9 1 4 7-- (Na Site #213 (TBIHB), Hillsborough Bay, Tampa Bay (from chart 11413). Agm Owl A Wv, le W_IPL_ LMOb Site #213 (TBHB), Hillsborough Bay, Tampa Bay. 74 "41 GERG SITE NUMBER - 214 DESIGNATOR - TBKA SITE - KNIGHT AIRPORT, TAMPA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 27-54.46'N 82027.29'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11413 SITE ACCESS - The site is located on the south end of the Davis Islands, adjacent to the Peter 0. Knight airport and the Davis Islands Yacht Club. To reach this site from St. Petersburg, take 1-275 east and then take exit 24, go south on Armenia to Swann Ave., then east to join Bayshore Blvd. Cross over the bridge to the Davis Islands. Stay on west Davis Blvd. and then exit right onto Airport then to Marinique, which follows the seawall. SITE DESCRIPTION - Oysters were intertidal and were attached to the rocks of the jetty, which extends from the end of the runway into the bay. Station 1 is located along the seawall beginning at the junction of the seawall and jetty on the east side of the jetty. Station 2 is at thebay end of thejetty, and Station 3 is on the west side of the jetty, beginning at the seawall. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The site was not scheduled for collection this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediments - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - No sources of contaminants were identified, apart from run-off from the runway. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (OC) 1995 N/A 39 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 40 1 Q0 Fl- rl 110"- 587 b 4 1 Tpa ay 90 586 ch v ?32 h 580 1411 1:3 d M, c7 "I r A '"1 580 D80 1 590 5 Lk. 8 Cr Safe AjbqbIY f3 593 580 afety ir or 576 589 EEI larbor Cit@ Pier D bdil 71 93 04 Q(10 B 0 L c" Ce 0 27 93 U"S COAST GUARD v AerMp lu AIR STAT[qP( 618 9 d St N dr M- 717 -T" )6t" ie Ball stPoint 696 ss I r Po- HILLSBOR 686 600 BAY 688 D73 S 19 5 55 T.fl,@ 7 0 A - W92"-?' 92 @7 Site #214 (TBKA), Knight Airport, Tampa Bay. 2/4 4T V r__ McKay Say J Z- --7-7 AL Pf -a@fj 7 son Ch@?n ST sy, P q 5 M X -.,,,STArKS 4 Ln Q)1@ Pile 4- Cr FrxE6 BRIDGES 2 11 . @ C'. 'HOR E TCL 75 FT $ CL 40 FT XQ@ 7 *r -2 - -J@UTH \ 5 _L 32 F; 35@ub@m\' 9 15 M � LU ., Sewer 5' 25-, "'Obs ')".Hookers Pt 4 i I.. V, A 5 330 a R So 78ft 36 14 Cable 4 12 Area d' 5 5 Pile '28 32 128\,- 5 5 East 7 ELEV OR /6 6 Bay 6 ---- 13 10 6 6 6 a 8 @f, 3 FI R 2-5- ANCIP., i 93)\ Priv maintc! MS 6 7 4@"RE e 8 ep, ote 13 ile -, "I E 0 Fl R 2.5s 8 9 '122 9 -061@vIig W PrIv maintd 8 D I V/ os 6 W Or 6 teaplane PrIv maintd , q. S tArea 8 a n 14 12 10 S 7 I "' -, @@/ Port WTAC 10 Cab AreE G'3 K Sutton (D (D E 7 7 to F1 @ 2.59 iourep (DELEV 7Subm pipe 13 5 8 G-34;' 9 7 9 ;1 9 F1 G fs --20- %. 7 D .1 1 (D SILO 29 FT FOR A 10 Ir Spoil Area FT III 5 0 8 Q2 Pendola Pt TBKA R 48 Site 6 to\ '0 G 25ft 5 to 10 #214 2 M 4 8 12 0.16ft 7 Iso G Be 35ft/ 2 2 SSh 41 -2P 10 13 6 6 12 Pit h 10 13 1Io6s4 ft 9 7 3 o 8 14 11 7 6 10 113 8 4 h 7 10 71- 7 --j 10 11 151 @P I I 1/ 13 7 Site #214 (TBKA), Knight Airport, Tampa Bay (from chart 11413). Ile Site #214 (TBKA), Knight Airport, Tampa Bay. %r GERG SITE NUMBER - 215 DESIGNATOR - TBOT SITE - OLD TAMPA BAY, TAMPA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 28001.48'N 82037.95'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11413 SITE ACCESS - To reach the site, take Highway 275 to Hwy. 92 west, and then take Hillsborough Avenue toward Tampa Bay Downs. Turn south on Double Branch Road and proceed to State Street, turn left and go to the boat ramp at the end of the street. SITE DESCRIPTION - Station 1 is located - 50 meters north of the boat ramp. The reef extends underwater from east to west and is exposed at low tide. Station 2 is a small subtidal reef - 10 meters east of the end of the boat ramp. Station 3 is 50 meters southeast of the boat ramp, where the creek forks on the east side of the channel. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be sampled this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Contamination at the site was not obvious, but mobile home and housing developments were present upstream from the collection site. No industrial contaminant sources were observed. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (OC) 1995 N/A 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 42 1 7-- Ili al -% Lo TmnaS iAz- a ZNZ M14 OAS L Oldsmar c7l,: Pic er A. DA 2'3 S fie ly S. 590 le'y )2 latbor j City Pier qTpr)rr T I I Air coop'r S' #21 f SA9 An 79 WJ 60 27 93 U dOASt-GUARD )rn AIR STATIOllf" jr '20 -2 RallastPoint Pier H1L.LSB ORO t 696 P.M1 BAY 686 688 92 @600 19 55 F' TT h7 T.ilm 46 87, u- Site #215 (TBOT), Old Tampa Bay, Tampa Bay. Ufftm ar, RADAR RE R Radar refle0ors have eri I floating aids t) 'novigati reflector identill cation on t ;E omitted from this chart. PWR CAB TBOT 7@, MOM, Site #215 Q TOWIEFI@ Mangrove N`-NN 2 2 Mobbly Bay 0 WHO PWR CAB It 2 I %. I 2 'Nx Q-s 2 3 STACK,* OF 4. 3 Bootn Pt 4 L 44" 4 -.5takes 11 . . 3 2 s ke i '% 0*3 2 2 @j Mangrove 4 3 cabbeg - Wke 3 G R A 3 4 G R 5 G NA R '2' 5 7 8 6 7 (3, 5 7 94 10 S Sh 7 5 2 I 1 61 1 4ul 10 8 fat I 1 2 G -I- 13 8 4 13 FIXED BRIDGE 10 HOR CL 75 FT FIT U 'W FT 13 7 13 9 12 ! -6- 8 2- 12 8 8 14 7 14 8, 8 7 9 13 1-4+- 16 12 10 7 12 12 <0 12 12 11 12 S Sh 13 15 13 11 10 16 11111ohw/ 12 oo 10 11 13 - 14 t M M 14 12 12 15 16 Site #215 (TBOT), Old Tampa Bay, Tampa Bay (from chart 11413). ISO A Site #215 (TBOT), Old Tampa Bay, Tampa Bay. GERG SITE NUMBER - 216 DESIGNATOR - TBPB SITE - PAPYS, BAYOU, TAMPA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 27050.53'N 82036.62'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11413 SITE ACCESS - This site can be accessed by boat or by automobile. By boat, depart the city marina in St. Petersburg and cross to the west side of Tampa Bay to Papys Bayou (-30 minutes). An alternate boat ramp is at the Gandy Bridge Marina. The site is reached by traveling out the channel parallel to the highway to Tampa Bay, and then south to green channel marker "15", then turn west to the entrance to Papys Bayou. This ride takes approximately 20 minutes. Access to the site by wading is accomplished by driving to the Weeden Island Wildlife Refuge, via Weeden Drive. SITE DESCRIPTION - The nominal center of the site is an old wood and steel pier-type structure, at the end of the bayou. Station 1 oysters were collected from the mangroves at the shore end of the pier, Station 3 oysters from the distal end of the pier, and Station 2 oysters were from the midpoint of the pier between Stations 1 & 3. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The site was not scheduled to be collected this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Sources of contamination included heavy recreational boating in the restricted embayment, and an electric power generation plant near the bay. ENVIRONM[ENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/.10) (0Q 1995 N/A 43 I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 44 1 7 Big Pier 60 4W 60 ClearwaterBeach -*JZ c..P., Park Point AMpgELL K\4Y 60 Sand Kg ALT 19 Eli- W'@ C 95 plj;;@'. O(JG C" 460 I-'rL 697 49 Reach sh... I - RR h 75 93 0 'OAST GUARD 2 U C Al STAT 291 d -7 20 'J >wk L A* WtS ALT ill bbb 696 lian Rocks ILH !t; Beach z 92 6i99 za- 164@-- 5 55 M . nq Tad," 'n"an :@hn: ki Gar b94 B. 91 Wand Countv Park Redington Shot 1 0 158 4411h.. '@p - - F Redington Lo ng Pier North Redington Beac\h S Redingt. 66E B.acg 89 Archibald 16 75 Memorial- Beach Mallra\- ...c ...ch ...c 1 41 ALT 19 ph n, Bay 0 92 int Beach In -Pfrk' 595 '9 687 T easure\ TR ASURE IS 'PThe Pier r I etorsburg Cardinals Island 5 t Louis Cardinals 693 Mb t WNIted M-Icipat Aup.,l Site #216 (TBPB), Papys Bayou, Tampa Bay. E) U OU 19 133 (CENTER OF THRE (WLCY 1380 kHz 0 Utb1 14 F)R ILT 0 Pile 241 R 6s 4?41@ 68 111 * " \Cable 1 22 1039 R Tr pile 0 \2A,..]] 8 1 Pipe. PI a* Is 17 pile 2 6 2 12 1 2 @IP4 2 4k% 138 2e i4 -% 6" 11 bor 02 5ft R. 137 OHS 2 @, G 0 -10 Z IX -32F - -5815 FT AM OTT!,-, 5 pile Grs 1972 7 S IG'l I"\R water Fl GT' Fl @'% S 7 I- --. (- ------ 0 14-Z76115 TR 7 r 0 0 G w rill 8/7 R 7 P( 2 46 94 6", 3 U /10 8 4 9 -1iV 8 FAud Hole I 10 \714 Plielers Bay F1 GFl9 10 9 4 11 28@?J FT Weedon V 7 1OFT 7 Benjamin I Stakea 4R S I IT IFl 3 Site #21 6Snake 1 2 OVHD CAB GLX11 US \4- 6MV a- 27 IFT FI G13 3 3 AN HOF 9Z) I Mangrove IStakes2 _\ 1--f�ve not VI 21-- 04 Ctristmes, I V;@, 22 0 S2C, ,,Is trrw Pass 6 Nr4- 3 Stakes 'I R 4s @@F 0 FI\G 4s 0 3F/ 4\ 14 12 0, '011, IT/I i . 1% 01i\I Ap,(,N L I I C Z// 1" 2 "N226\ i Papys Pt 0 20 q 3 -,,Area 'Fi, 4 Oy S 2 -V-O 4 4 9 @7 12 d,I (b G C; -493 NCR@_; r, 7 Me are re@ A 0 13 Su pile 12 aid .4S. 26 411 E@- Q -7 14 23ft0 10 14826 n I bm pile pile,0 21 \9 @3- 9 Rl D R 5 13 20 --:)I10 S Sh ..5 15 14 fl " 12 A- `-'-*Stt-,,,, I- i I -11 @@ `@- i@, - I. :@- , , "@-, 1984 -I; Vwr@ Shl rep M 814M16 R 181t 0 5s Sh 13 IZI0 5 2 15 M irk -j3 12 14 IR'13 4 Pile 01 5 ,;e 18 .-j 5911 pile@ .;I" 14 9 157 -S T Ll 14 DOI .,14 Sne I BOO 8 Pile oro @ fJ3 3 4 1 812 '@@4 7 6 14 4 -44@ I IPA HSubm pil 149 1@4 @Fl R I 69 C12 Il 69 CU Pile pile 7 1 S@ -24 !@!A Site #216 (TBPB), Papys Bayou, Tampa Bay (from chart 11413). Site #216 (TBPB), Papys Bayou, Tampa Bay. Pot GERG SITE NUMIBER - 217 DESIGNATOR - TBMK SITE - MULLET KEY BAYOU, TAMPA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 27037.28'N 82043.62'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11411 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed by automobile from the Fort DeSoto County Park on Mullet Key. To reach the site, travel down Highway 679 and turn right onto Anderson Blvd. Then turn right (north) on the a small shell road, north of the pier parking lot. Travel down the road, until the road ends at the waters edge. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located in the southwest corner of Mullet Key Bayou, north of Family Fishing Pier 1. Station 1 is located 30 meters from the ramp, just south of the three poles and next to the mangroves. Station 2 is located at, and to the east of, the ramp, approximately 150 meters east of Station 1. Station 3 is a small reef 100 meters to the east of Station 2, at the second mangrove point. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be collected this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There are no obvious visible point sources of contamination in the area. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (OC) 1995 N/A 45 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 46 1 689 'k rial- :h Mad ra C9 ALT 9 O'n, 92 Point 'a Ifrk 595 W I1,.,h an 17; 'Q2 *ThePier R A RE Treasure St Petersburg Cardinals Is a St Lo is Cardinals land 693 New York Mats St Petersburg Beach 00/ 699 St.Peter@burg M.nkrl Beac P.W pin./W Big-P.. INELLAS NATIONAL ILDLIFE REFUGE C-P X. Pam-a-Grille.,S, Bea@h Park Cabbage" Key,, V I 679 Moody Point JL UGE I? R-11 Xo 1111INIL 111-111, ,E RET 0 te #2 F Pi-V LLSBOROUGH 75 ae 19 M at 93 + 55 wP Andre Pqtterwi .41 ,er Farnily Pier 1 45 Ilet :ey/Ft.D- CountyPaerk 0 G S COAST GUARO STATION 69- Site #217 (TBMK), Mullet Key Bayou, Tampa Bay. Y I S,,Oe2 io 9 @6@9 PA 9 's' 5 FT 2 2 M,jl 1 2 26 KFY CHANNR 2 6 9 For controlling depths see 4 4\ 11chart 11414. --44K 14 4 3 Conception K Ow 0 /k Stok Mullet Key Sh PAO 3 5 14 Bn 27 21) Stake 2 5 4 5 S,\P h 9 @6 1 5 2 5 10 M 13 23 29 Listen 8 8 5 15 25 Mule Key 'Z:@, K y, 17 2 1 9 20 14 // Grs 1 1 28 Madelaine 15 18 21 261 /30 26 5 @O Key I Bonne Fortune 18 G "23" 29 Key I @16' F1 0 4s CA 2 15 24 R '24- Pipes 5 F1 R 4s PA 16 SI 192 29 Sawyer 22 9 Key Surfaced 1 7 'Ra p2 5 1 hrd' I Grs 0 0 9 20 1 2 25/14/ -_2 Grs 2 3 TAN 14 25 24 Key M n ve 2 Sister I IR gro 23 96 S Pinellas Bo 0 me 21 Fk!@ son CO 2 1 5 t JeOn 2o TBAM 27//28 -f-, j Key 1 15 Site #2F7/ G 2L 13 1 Spoil Area 15 0 31 s@ 5/ .3 14 27 30 5 /29 > Grs A 13 Cl Y 31 31 'let/ K GY 2 19 I Mul k", 6 S G.21. 302/30 R -2 Vongrov 4 Fl 0F1 R 2.5s Rk 2.5s. 31 20 5 4, #17 311 /f 31 Pinellas bayway Ile JL-....6 231// 21 Obstr PA9 3 _@4 2 2 ........ 1 5 % 00%%to", 2'.:///34 1 1343///330 24 Subm 4 7 7 7 47 31 Area- 5P'/e 5 C04,9 Spoil 4 4 2 ,O.,,50;eG6 )6'VjRC 7 9 3 4 /70je A _/O' 2 41 6 (SL 5 ' 9 9 8 4 6 9 q 37 22 4 Yubn R 9 1% 2 ' 11 /Mul. Key @45 @N 41 24 10 Z 1, 4 @13 2,3 25 @rcf Iso 6sec 59 7 I 1 22 ft @5 3201 12 9 7 Site #217 (TBMK_), Mullet Key Bayou, Tampa Bay (from chart 11411). Tl@ A lope Site 0217 (TBMK), Mullet Key Bayou, Tampa Bay. ' JOF @74 GERG SITE NUMBER - 218 DESIGNATOR - TBNP SITE - NAVAREZ PARK, TAMPA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 27047.28'N 82045.28'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11411 SITE ACCESS - The site is located at the boat ramp in Navarez Park, which is located on the east side of Boca Ciega Bay, north of the Treasure Island Causeway. To reach the site, travel west on 5th Ave. and then turn north (right) onto Park Street. Turn off of Park street and go west (left) onto Elbow Lane. SITE DESCRIPTION - This site is next to an old boat basin and a sand ramp, that are no longer used. There are also two newer concrete ramps and a fishing pier nearby. All three stations are located south of the new boat ramps. Station I is along the north and east side of the boat basin. The oysters were attached to the oncrete bulkhead, on rocks and debris on the bottom, and on the sandy bottom. Station 2 is 50 meters to the southwest across the boat basin, on a point that juts c out to the north. This site begins at the northernmost point of land, and continues south for approximately 50 meters. The oysters were attached to the concrete rubble and were on the sandy bottom. Station 3 is 100 meters south of Station 2, on a small point of land that juts out to the west. Here, the oysters were attached to the concrete rubble. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be collected this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediments - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Several sources for contamination were possible, such as urban runoff and pollution from marine boat traffic. 47 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled 1 (911.) (0c) 1995 - - N/A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 48 1 IFL@r- IM @@tw P 666 OLLj- 689 'k ri 11- :h Me e1ra. Beach ALT 19 Point ' h", Pb 0as 595 ..@h aA rk 687 1 592 -OThePier R RE IS 9 St Petersburg Cardinals Treas St L Cardinals I nd 5 Allport ouls New York Mats TBNP 693 Site #218 0 1 f. a /F L -ffiflf I;f' St Petersburg, Od Beach oco ciego 699 St.Petersburg. lvlunici@ a, Bay Beac CN,,, el Pat I Big-A.. PINE s KATI1 LDLIPE REFUG9 Passta;G@i I C-p K, e c Park 4117 Cabbage a KeYa x r 679 P?I@r PtNELLAS NATIONAL WIL E REFU.GZ-,VY 00 K.y --J pit. C6, LLSBOROUGH" epo , 75 1 ey 19 Muj 93 K 55 + Andrew Potter 1444 41 Pier Family 45 MulletKey/Ft.Di oun Plerl C tyPark G U .1 COAST GUARD STATION Site #218 (TBNP), Navarez Park) Tampa Bay. 77"Zf@ c.-T-TT- 7 W.(AT CENTER) > NOTE 0 10"N'S PASS -1 17 a wid The controlling depths were 6 feet for I Junction of the Intr then 7 feet centerline to the 2 R A @Y FIXED EIRID G '3 0 3 AF e 24 FT -3- G 2 7 FT 20Y 'C'**-,*G jr25' 04 1 cs IK25 4 2(@ A 1 .6. Spoil '7 OF @ @5Ple. 4 '-4,, li@W- R 0 Surfaced 1.2o G Ramps '21' 0415' @-@Ipiinid Aj-j Ay -4 TANK \G M C OA A)T. WA Y 5 5 -2e IR -; = =M . , = =N-:! A .5. law k' Z w 0 e 23" 17' ":e 1.. .1 e jt@ 'ru 4 4% W-11 p@, 10 01 Ispoill veterans R I .2. -.j % Hospital @Prr 5 4 spoil PA sub, 6\\ Pile ro 4fW 31 6 N' 10 aI -y4 NOR "@22-ff 0 2 m) AUIR"CL. @w@T ZZ K 6 fl -Y ts-y. @J 6 10 n 2 4 10 8@ hrd 3 10 Ztl@ 10 Pile Beach Fill 9 C 9 iG t\,OtLR 4sgc 16ft 4 -5 \@4 13 13 13 11 oote FAA .11 r 15 to ,e G -3- 10 Shire P M10 Ispod 13 14 16 hrd 9 13 13 @jArea 1 10 14 Go 50 1 7 S13 2 -Bnl 1 5 14 16 11 12 11 11 11 13 14 12@ 14 11 11 14 15 Sh 10 G -7@: 17 ;2" 18 2 9 1 Sh 6 2 % 15 P 13 14 14 15 17 13 hrd 14 1 13 15 @1616 17R.W" P 011% 112 15 .1/ 0j 18 W2 Q. - @IIELL 4LP 16 13, 16 16 Sh 18 17 18 17 19 14 13 14 IL 18 16 o 18 @! Site #218 (TBNP), Navarez Park, Tampa Bay (from chart 11411). Site #218 (TBNP), Navarez Park, Tampa Bay. Aso- all GERG SITE NUM13ER - 219 DESIGNATOR - CKBP SITE - BLACK POINT, CEDAR KEY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29012.40'N 83004.17'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11408 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed off U.S. Hwy. 98 south. Turn west (left) onto Hwy. 24 towards Cedar Key, then north (right) onto Hwy. 347. Then turn west (left) again onto Hwy. 326 and drive to the end of the surfaced road, then proceed down the sand road to the carpark at the shell mound. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site sits at the end of a small shell promontory, surrounded by marshland and mudflats. Station 1 is located 50 meters west of the carpark, Station 2 is 50 meters south of the carpark and Station 3 is 100 meters east of the carpark. The oysters were found in small clusters and reefs along the edges of the mudflats. This site is very easy to sample at low tide. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Small to medium sized oysters were abundant throughout the area. There was a good crop of spat, along with some barnacles and mussels. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - The site was mainly open water and no obvious point sources of contamination were observed. The site is miles away from any habitation, industry or port facility of any size. Effluents from Suwannee River may influence the site. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (OC) 1995 12.0 7.0 21 January 1995 49 I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 50 1 347, Big M'W' + 61-d j- hd..d*l C- A.@@ 34 t7 Z J, 4. C. Isfan r"s d -7 r5 I" A.. .v Uffle dg, aed 'Oo 2 -T % + Oark Deer Island 3 26 CKBP n Site #219 C;@@ree,e" D-k Island K, A- .Lg. K,V R@ K@ 130 24 K st, - - - - - - - - - K@y T I,- sw-- 4W C@d E North Key + + I G-, K'Y CEDAR KEYS Seahoae Key Site #219 (CKBP), Black Point, Cedar Key. NOTE. E 6 1 4"@Z 11 9 6-@4 /4' f , j d@ @6 CATI 2 4 The daybeacons are priva 5 0" ON UYN, 7 and positions are approximate to, "-@s OEI- to A)- 5 4 4 6 4/ 5 I L 1 .1 th -'ff V 0M P,Iz 5 3 5 6 4 6' h 1 5 4 - /I 6 6 7@ 7 3 r C$ 6 5 6 2111 g (oya rock 6 1-' 1 * fla' r k 4 3111 A 11slan M aroh UWANNEE 4 8 5 6 5 6 %@ oer 6 0UN@' 2 4 6 h )b 6 6 14= T 1 200 3 0 . *." %:D - N 8 F . 8 1 <C% 0 Q 4 7 6 23 1 5 36 6 2 t--/ h CN *196 .1 1 \@\ k' lie 4 7 6 Raleigh, 4 4 3 flslandsr-,@) \ M 4 6 a I Long koke 10 9Go Q 6 Islan2 i st 5 4 8 6 3 4 4 5 7 1 5anlsh'@@ CKBP h 5 3 B no I Site #219 11 h 2 P 13 00 (ova f V 4 w 1, to 0 M arah v 2 2 h 7 6 2' 3 1 key 5 GI 1b6 j 10 .3 660 0 13 t@p 115;N I 0 12 10 w 'D1 0 h 2 w % 14 Ln 113 sk" 5ea 0 16 191 139 13 h 3 2 0,812 G X @Pt,, Pt L; Area Cab Y1// 13V 8 11 16 10 13 /7 tb Site #219 (CKBP), Black Point, Cedar Key (from chart 11408). Site #219 (CKBP), Black Point, Cedar Key. WT -=Mom!, _mw7TP @N@o GERG SITE NUM13ER - 220 DESIGNATOR - SRWP SITE - WEST PASS, SUWANNEE RIVER, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29-19.75N 83010.45W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11408 SITE ACCESS - This site is accessible only by small boat, launched at the Suwannee Marina located near the middle of the town. From the boat ramp, proceed southwest to the first channel to the north. Proceed slowly up the channel which passes through Suwannee. The channel passes under a bridge then bends left, passes under another bridge and then turns left and then right. Turn north at the last house on the right into another channel and proceed until it intersects a channel with navigation markers. Proceed out to red channel marker "20" and go north for -2 km to Cat Island. SITE DESCRIPTION - Oysters are collected along the margins of Cat Island. There are numerous reefs east of Cat Island and they are all exposed at low tide. The margins of the islands are covered with Spartina alterniflora. Oyster Station 1 is located on the northeast shore of Cat Island, between a topless palm and a pole in the water. At low tide, the reef is exposed and oysters can be collected by hand or tonged from the deeper water. Station 2 is a subtidal reef with an exposed intertidal portion. It is located between Cat Island and a small island to the northeast. Station 3 is about 50 meters north of Station 1, on the north side of the same reef. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be collected this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There are no obvious visible point sources of contamination in the area. 51 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled 00) (0c) - 1 1995 - - N/A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 52 1 347 + UA,d 1,1.-d* c- T 349 co@ Island 54P SRV%TP 4 ello e-- Site #220 L -.7 Hog Island o 64@ -7 1---- Ir A X\ + -'J Clark Islands Deer Island r, A Ral@igh Wand. W-d 326 Hog Island Island Key R-r& I Wend P.- A- C.@dy 1,1-d R'--k Key Rye K"I", 30 a 24 F - - - - I / 11 -Y D..pS,le !ey G T s-ml 4W Ced; u North Key + + A Key oe,-m Key CEDAR KEYS Seahorse Key Sn..I Site #220 (SRWP), West Pass, Suwanee River. Hyarograpny ano iopograpriy uy wv C, Charting and Geodetic Services with additional data from the Co 314 C( of Engineers, Geological Survey and U.b. Coosi Guu,6. q 3 Shl"d C( C@Ilfornla Swa @4h 6 2 P WARNING \r C, en --i IrN ) The prudent mariner will riot rely solely on any single aid 4 Sev iner's --,,i-tinm pnrt-onriv nn finniing uijti. See U.G'. Coast 34 M Guard Light List and U.S. Coast Pilot for details. 2 3 0 6 0 i I CF 12 For Symbols and Abbreviations see Chart No. 1 4 > V 1,01, COLREGS: International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Se G, Demarcation lines are shown thus: - - - - - - - -7- M arah 3 2M I Ii.9 Pine k Van 3 33 k 4 3 SUWANEE RIVER Q- The controiling centerline depth was 312 feet ir -31'18 4 5 at 29*19'00"N; 83*07'06"W to Fanning; thence 5.3 / .' Ellaville. 4 2 May b 5 4 94 5 2 CS k11 OVERHEAD PWR. AND T. CABLES betwee 4 a Island and Ellaville. MINIMUM APPROX 5 7 3 CL. 35 FT. SWING BRIDGES, FIXED BRID B ebee BRIDGES UNDER CONSTRUCTION between 0 M arah I Island and Ellaville. MINIMUM HOR. CL 7 13 77 5 4- 4 3@ MINIMUM VERT. CL. 5 FT. 7 7 7 4 4 47 so 6 3 h 9 a Site #220 5 5 is 3 TANK 4 Monden Camp 3 0 6 3 4 10 3 8 4 bstn P 0 89 oIlIng 7 4 1 4 Cat 1 31 2 i Have 11 8 3 4 2 uwann a m, 6 8 4 iln 8 Pit I 1 10 to 9 pillng PA 4 Eb 1 10 11 -7 a.W 2 Reef 109 to h 0 12 6 3 M 24 11 8 xe I PC/ a n d 5 H a I s I a n d .10 (311' 2 1, 12 2 Bred(O' 2 IF) R 49 c/o0 14 15h1-110 9 3@ & ('6 -214 @95 ' @-,2 Sh"*' C'@ '73 r 13 2 3 L I 0 15 .1 COLREGS DEMARCATION L@NE I'-- l.t' M arah 1 14 3 1 C" 75 (see note. A 11 14 11 10 $ - I \ 7@@ 4 1 G' PI 14 ,6 3 Site #220 (SRWP), West Pass, Suwanee River (from chart 11408). MN Site #220 (SRWP), West Pass, Suwanee River. 131 @j GERG SITE NUMBER - 221 DESIGNATOR - AESP SITE - SPRING CREEK, APALACHEE BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30003.80'N 84019.32'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11405 SITE ACCESS - To reach the site, turn right off of U.S. Highway 98 east onto Hwy. 375. Then turn right again (south) onto Hwy. 365 and drive to the end of the road. The Spears Seafood Company, at the end of the road, has a boat ramp that can be used with permission. Proceed out down the marked channel to the site. SITE DESCRIPTION - This site is located on the west side of Apalachee Bay, where Spring Creek enters Oyster Bay. The sampling stations are located in the midst of a very prolific reef area. The nominal site center is located along an "S "- shaped reef, 300 meters south of channel markers "31" and "32", and northwest to southwest of channel markers "29" and "30". OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Small oysters were abundant across the entire length of the reef. Only a few spat were seen, along with some mussels. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious point sources of contamination, although the site was located in waters which were closed and/or conditional to shellfish harvesting regulations. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled 00) (OC) 1995 17.0 17.0 19 January 1995 53 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I i 54 319 W. Springs, 369 Wako Ho ftP. S,dl --------- ------------ D 365 365 ville, 61 368 G. - - - - - - 363 Pk L-e, Bridge -Sa-n Marco@ de Appalacht, 365 4, 98 30 @o choppy 319 R' er 61 ---T""- tj 75 367 WakuI6 Tully 8-h ST M 367 A 365 edart hz C. ,367 19 375 1 k 98 sopchopmPy I 61 S"I P ().k IW-d ST 11 NATIONAL. WILDLIFE REFL@E r PC__ [P 372 A Pk- i 372 rk AESP 372 A 3728 Site #221 Site #221 (AESP), Spring Creek, Apalachee Bay. on of the U.S. Ld bv correction of the ,-gal principlesi o nvolved. charts, the lines shown )rida natural resources Submerged Lands Act AU Nu- 01 RES ired for fixed mineral 0 pproval by the District '/j I I low\\ Ole 091 180 'AESP SIpring Creek Site #22 1 2- 0 2 3 2 M arsh n 4 Alligator 3 Lake 4 7 4 B N-i 2 :Z;K* Y . .. -2 3 - o 3 Gull I 2 3 2 0 76 4 01. - 5 2 M. 3 4 @@911 Poin@X It 40 tM. )I U 3 A 0 2 4 15 7 7 Ar cc> ong ZY, 2 10 2 Lake 3 9 M Y2 168 5M 1 2 F -k **3ft 10 Panacea 'qd I_qU 121 rj I,\ 2 4 9 A Panacea Park -.5 61 TOWER 6 4 2 2 J/ 4 9 (-@F *-'* . V 2 4., after 5 8 Lake 3 3 "'6 3 2 - R AM 20- 1 7/ 102 7 5 F1 3ki ...... j, 12 7 10 a, 9 8 Site #221 (AESP), Spring Creek, Apalachee Bay (from chart 11405). - ----------- .01 Site #221 (AESP), Spring Creek, Apalachee Bay. -'v,40Ww"- GERG SITE NUM13ER - 222 DESIGNATOR - APCP SITE - CAT PT. BAR, APALACHICOLA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29043.45'N 84053.05'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11404 SITE ACCESS - This is a walk-up beach site, best done at low tide. It can be accessed by boat, when the tides are high. To reach the site from Highway 98, drive south on road GlA towards the toll booth. Turn left (east) on the dirt road to East Point Beach, just before the bridge toll booths. Park and walk to the East Point Beach, where the oysters can be picked up by hand at low tide. If the tide is high, the boat can be launched at one of the ramps on Highway 30, which is to the north-east of the site. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located just to the east of Cat Point. The reef is exposed at low tide and is the major source for oysters in eastern Apalachicola Bay. At high tide the oysters can be collected by tonging, as oyster dredges are not permitted in Apalachicola Bay. Station 1 oysters were collected from the old bridge pilings, just to the east of the toll bridge. Station 2 oysters 100 meters to the north- northeast of the bridge, and Station 3 oysters were collected a further 100 meters to the north-northeast. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Small to medium sized oysters were abundant at the first station, whereas the other stations had medium to large sized oysters present in good numbers. The oysters all occurred in clusters. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious visible point sources of contamination in the area. 55 i ENVIRONMENTAL DATA i Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (%0) (OC) 1 1995 7.0 10.0 20 January 1995 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 56 I ,T, cpl-06 A-0 2 384 z Say A. 394 A 38 APA@cmccLA od- NOR Td- A T. A I \1 ft r.".d W-d AL BRID A@Iachl@Qla o%RIE mw- 385 '@: -- - 46@ -;pM 319 AWA 1- 45 T-d lsl,,d ola 98 30 384 __ .1 E4 c@ Park Pier 7170- , 11 Ufa'jtut Park G- ft., Pier Th... M %0- v I S 'tl pml 'A- ..b,-,. s' V.-f ft- ea s@tbjec tc D l'slT\4VqCENT NATIO@;@t WIWU@E REWGE C.d., _Zk Sand + C- G- G g, Site #222 (APCP), Cat Point Bay, Apalochicola Bay. 5 0 ft 5 5 7 "r6 6 9 5 2 5 6 3 7 5 5 \'2 7 7 CatQ 2 Q 2\ 6 78 6 4 174 8 APCP 5 5 6 2 5IS M Site #222 9 6 5 5 56 4 316 7 9 3- 5 6 7 4 8 9 6 5 5 6P.LS7 3 9 6 M 6 5 6 7 777 4"7 8 9 8 10 /3 4 9 109OVHD PWR CAB 7 8 AU ILIA:Y CHANNEL AUTH CL 40 FT 53 6 M XD 8 [DOE 9 FIXE SUBM AT ICW JHAN 9 6 7 HO R CL 51 FT 2 I 7 VERT CL 26 FT stk 2 4 7 910 6 3 4 6 8 7 5 11 _4 5 7 70 '6 7 -7 4 io 7 Piles rel' 7 Ilp 11 7 7 o0 11 13 13 7 8 8 14 7 7 8 4 7-9 17 11 13 12 7 8hrd 6 hrd 9 F1 13 12 8 8 94 4 \7 Sh 7 4,ec 16f, m 8 4\@ 12 40" 8 8 9 o 4 44 @6 I 7 8 9P?ileorep 7 N"42" 12 10 f 4N"44' 12. R lill Obst,3 R C 80 L 9A 8 A 9 d, N 4 PA Dol@ @Q-N"'4611 R 1 12 C"4 7 10 '46A' "'I rep @1111110- I M 9 9 10 F1 R 4sec 9 9N"4 "10 C -47' -.P' C"4 10 10 8 9 17f, 3. 11 N"50" 11 M ' ' R 400 @ M 10 G 4 7 C "4V 8 FIXED BRIDG- 0 1 V; I 1E 7 8 10 10 "5A" R HOR CIL 125 FT 4 F1 R 6SC 16ft N"56" VERT CL 50 FT 4,4 OVHD PWR CAB 59 6 6 0 @7 7 7 6 8 7 6 9 $8 9 AUTH CL 40 FT 8 SUBM AT ICW CHAN lr'-@3 - & 11 2 LO 10 341 7 N"6@@ &59' 8 5 1@ 64;0 R__ - -- - - - 0 11 22 7 6 6 6 44 --A !@D G 196- 7 - @5 5hrd C@'65'- 6 5 P IS/If C a 2 3 Site #222 (APCP), Cat Point Bay, Apalochicola Bay (from chart 11404). JV XF, Site #222 (APCP), Cat Point Bay, Apalochicola Bay. GERG SITE NUMBER - 223 DESIGNATOR - APDB SITE - DRY BAR, APALACHICOLA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29040.35'N 85003.94'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11402 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed by a 30 minute boat ride originating at the boat ramp in Apalachicola, near the southwest end of the John Gorrie Memorial Bridge. Proceed west along the inside channel to the first channel going south into Apalachicola Bay. Run a compass course (bearing 2500) about 7 miles to the northeast end of St. Vincent Island, at St. Vincent Point. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site was located on the northeast corner of St. Vincent Island, at St. Vincent Point. The oysters are located north of the point, on an intertidal shell and sand reef. Station 1 is about 300 meters east of the point on the reef, Station 2 a further 100 meters northeast and Station 3 yet another 100 meters to the northeast. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Medium to large sized oysters were abundant along the length of the reef, occurring in singles and clusters. Barnacles, and a thick growth of algae, covered the oysters. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Contamination factors included the pollutants from the Apalachicola River, a rusty iron dump near the site, and barge traffic in the ICWW. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (%0) (OC) 1995 29.0 14.5 20 January 1995 57 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 58 1 Nk f jo-'01? Ar&j., 384 +4 38 AAA@CHJCOL4 Tg- 1, Big T.,Wt.d 385 319 45) T..Op.d bf-d -J: la 98 t, E4t e@ Park Pier Pifayette Park Thh.. M Pulf- SOLOIC! p..&,. Pow 4 1@ froq,em ch-go At. I.bi- 1. 1@ St @_tt '@v Ix T ,a s,tojec to qi4N L CENT NA-n Nk VWUU RMGE coo., P APDB @wtw No 106 N Site #223 Sand + + C-.t G.M G Site #223 (APDB), Dry Bar, Apalachicola Bay. 51M 6 N 5 C 5 6 15 7, 5 0 u 4T Lf@ T@6 5 4 6) 5 6 6 M 5 5 5 M 4 M 5 -3 4 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 h2 S 3 2 2 3 2 4 32 5 4 4 4 M 5 5 6 3 2 S 6 3 3 2 Sh 2 sy 1 3 5 3 2 M API 5 2 @F,v ''', Site 4 arsh IN, %N S ----------- 2 Coobagalop 2 7 4 3 2 91 2 . .... 3 Oys 2 B VY7 , \101 z N`N /V x: \N 4 2 \NN \N MpGNE T I C 3 4 Sh 2 \N. NN N 5 45'W N',@N \N 4 5 4 @ 4 3 3 @24 2 2 3 I\A \ \ , - Z /7 7 V6 A Site #223 (APDB), Dry Bar, Apalachicola Bay (from chart 11402). 'ihk Site #223 (APDB), Dry Bar, Apalachicola Bay. GERG SITE NUMBER - 224 DESIGNATOR - SAWB SITE - WATSON BAYOU, ST. ANDREW BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 300 08.55'N 85037.93'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11390 SITE ACCESS - The station is located in Watson Bayou, which is located east of the Bay City Marina in Panama City. The site is accessed by boat launched at the Municiple Boat Ramp. Proceed east down the ICWW to the green channel marker ,25", then go north into Watson Bayou. The site is located on the first promontory 'on the right (east side) after entering the Bayou, next to an old boat repair ramp. SITE DESCRIPTION - The oysters were attached to rocks and debris along the shoreline of the promontory, next to a former shipyard just west of the old barge dock on the paper mill channel. Station 1 oysters were collected 50 meters north- northwest of the old ramp, Station 2 oysters were collected just to the west- southwest of the ramp, while Station 3 oysters were collected 50 meters to the west- southwest of the ramp. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Small to medium sized oysters were fairly abundant across the entire site, occurring in singles and clusters. No spat were observed amongst the barnacles growing on the oysters. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediments - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Probable contamination would be expected from the dockage facilities around the corner from the site, fuel oil storage and transfer facilities around the embayment, and the effluents from the paper mill. ENVIRONM[ENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (11/01) (OC) 1995 35.0 15.5 19 January 1995 59 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 60 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 14@ \,Yj 4;, 7. f4 4w KE Jill co TV ti C11 C%1 C4 4j@ 4-D It Jill! 1414 J f If if 4 4 j'7' ."L w 4j 4" IiJ . 1 IN 'A -10 -\1111@ M ow, le!d' 8 T 0 10 Foul HUM 7 Area' STACKS 31 Wig TOWER h 2 @2 37 2 Pilo Entrance.Closed 2 1 40 29 22 R 2. Fl G A I I G S. I ft 12 33 36 46 33 27 2 .01 74 Parker 43 QA Zp M 33 44 36 42 so 34 20 2 U- 4a 17ft -2e V1050 25 37 32 R 2Z t 54 P Cable -3u, Y Area 2 J.'- 2 able ,y 29@ - 29 tfo p , ., 1 1 56 14, r, 61 2 2@5 .. .. _,, I )og!15ton 40 % %It 6.00 Cromanton 36 32 IZI, M 30 24 10 34 2 tiurtace 25 sy R tM3 20 as 2 27 26 D PONT FXED BRIDGE C'l p 20 29 M Ile Site #224 (SAWB), Watson Bayou, St. Andrew Bay (from chart 11390). Ir Ile. JOIK C Ire O*M.K*- rw"- Site #224 (SAWB), Watson Bayou, St. Andrew Bay- 01 GERG SITE NUM13ER - 225 DESIGNATOR - PCMP SITE - MUNICIPAL PIER, PANAMA CITY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30009.07'N 85039.78'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11390 SITE ACCESS - This station is located at the Bay City Marina in Panama City. A boat is necessary to collect this site, which can be launched at the public boat ramp right next to the marina. Proceed down West Beach Blvd. and turn right onto Harrison, before the bridge over the bayou. Turn left after the F4 Phantom display, and proceed to the corner of the carpark where the public boat ramp is located. SITE DESCRIPTION - All three stations are located along the bulkhead walls of the marina, close to the entrance way. Station 1 was located inside the breakwater on the east side of the marina, Station 2 was located opposite Station 1 on the outside of the breakwater and Station 3 was located north of Station 2 and outside the breakwater. It was directly east of the parking lot, which is to the north of the boat ramp. The oysters were all collected from the concrete walls. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Small oysters were fairly abundant in singles and clusters, all with a heavy growth of barnacles covering them. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Potential sources of contamination were likely from the boat traffic in the marina, as well as run-off from the nearby streets of downtown Panama City. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (OC) 1995 27.0 15.0 19 January 1995 61 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 62 1 BAY 5410 390 L WW Rv P, f sh.11 A, 2341 I B @U- 77 75 !Stri 314 0 M Snake-A-Tor 30 A,& 316 r 389 2327 [AVAL COASTAL 30 3 YSTEMS CENTE far" I rt -'Us NAVAL C 1AL _,@B- VIA 2 -"L YSTEMS CE R, 28 a- m 30 zjzz 231, Magnona Bech A P 396A Cmt But... B-6 71, 'ite #22 i Z7 St. Andrew. y1mary State Reaea Area P? C) D.@ Dump site Lakd 98 6 C.do, 30 BR an T\TMLL AIR FORCE BASE E@d Site #225 (PCMP), Municipal Pier, Panama City. 16, R TR - 10 PWR '@As' 5 SRII H _CL$1 ICR,O@JOWER- YO "N Sprlngf@leid P 'H Foul 5 W6 ........... ... I el U, 2 3 7, Cable Area -FI c4 M@ STACKS 31 51 RADIO 0 sY 17 TOWER R -204 I R 2.582 171 Entrance Closed Pile 48 37 G 2 .@A F, 3 33 15 36 46 33 !J4 Parker 2 M 33 43 5 44 36 A 2 20 !9/ 80 50 011110@ 49 17ft -2,F 142 so 34 25 37 32 R ft Cable Area 2 ary t 54 etto 29@ - 29 2 2 .010100 14 t f 56 -5 1 Doop n 25 o 0 ln sy 2 Cromanton 36 29 I M 32 30 342 5 2 urfac" 25 I I C'a' Sy RaMV s 20 t 3 as 7/2 27 26 M D ONTMEDERIDGE R Ile, chi R 20 29 Site #225 (PCMP), Municipal Pier, Panama City (from chart 11390). alb 4w 'q.'" 'jk ank Aix!" Site #225 (PCMP), Municipal Pier, Panama City. -7011"" GERG SITE NUM13ER - 226 DESIGNATOR - PCLO SITE - LITTLE OYSTER BAY, PANAMA CITY NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30015.08'N 85040.86'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11390 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is via boat, launched at the Leslie Port Wayside Park boat ramp which is located on the north side of Panama City. Proceed north on Hwy. 77, from Hwy. 98, and the ramps are on the south side of the bridge over North bay (on the right hand side of the road). By boat, proceed west under the road bridge and on to Little Oyster Bay Point, a distance of some two miles. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is on the edge of the U.S. Air Force Petroleum Depot at Little Oyster Point. Oysters were taken from the concrete bases of the electrical high voltage transmission towers crossing the bay at Little Oyster Bar Point. Station 1 was located on the shoreline about 30 meters northwest of the tower on dry land. The oysters were attached to debris along the water's edge. Station 2 was the first tower from the south shore, southeast of red channel marker "6". Station 3 was the second tower out from the south shore, just to the east of channel marker "6". Station 1 could be collected as a walk-up station, but the other two stations have to be sampled from a boat. Station 2 & 3 oysters were attached to the concrete pilings of the electrical towers. The sediment site is located near the mouth of Mud Bayou, just to the east of West Bay Point. The oyster and sediment sites are separated across the bay, by a distance of about 2 miles. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Small to medium sized oysters were present in sufficient numbers to sample, though the population was thinly spread out over a wide area. All the oysters were covered with barnacles, and some spat. SEDE14ENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Possible contamination included a military fuel depot at Little Oyster Bar Point, and a coal burning power plant across the bay. 63 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled ('/o,) (OC) I 1995 24.0 17.5 18 January 1995 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 64 1 BAY 5416 B.Vpd RI e -A Z Z. 1@ S' z PCLO Site #226 SAW/ M Z7 231 1 B du SYrF e. I Snake-A! or 2316 t7 TMAWAy BRiOGE 389 NAVAL COASTAL 98 30 A SYMMS CENTE '.4 IMI 2 75 c 0 NAVAL COCAESNTTAELR gums V N 28 1 n B@-h Ma 747 Magnona BeaM un B 98 232 2315 .196 t@A 22 22 R.O. rM 232' Blttnwm Bma pr 2@ St. AndTews P*- ff'.1y State Recrea@ Ar Pw,f.- P, 30 C.. c 0 I"DALL CE B AIR FOR, BASE EM A Site #226 (PCLO), Little Oyster Bay, Panama City. IQ" =C' f 0 Ira ///111 1001 Ole /1", 232 7 091 2 .1111 11111111TI'@ I Scattered pine 21 e-.A 80 4-4 2 2 Ij )STACK OVHD PWR AUTH CL 40TT 4 h Ced8r r 2 HEIMITIOck =Z-@- 4 9 10 Tr 1 8 7 522 2 1 Scattered pbe _/I 4@ 7 12 13 -'- -R, 2 9 4h3/4 @ 5IT 45 7811 r13 16 141 8 8 5 8:2 1 It 13 16M 6 15 7 9 7 .1 16 r2 979 85 1 7S#226 4a 17ft -1 7 sy 7 1 2 16 15 13 9 10 21- 7 9 9 5 9 2 Tower \6 14 17 17 .h 7 4 14 0' 14 i @@G 49 17ft 14 1 </ 7 PIA 4 11@/. 18 159 7 1 e-, /-N-// 16 Oys 18 13 I @ep(1987'7 8 h ep(1987 I 51 a 4 1 ' 1 15 13 19 14 11 7 12 1 Marsh 8 20M9 11 17 52 t 10 12 @21 lu 13 1 19 19 N 4 1 1 15 i.2 2 2 7 9 17 6 (2 19 2) 13 14 (19*'8*"1 9 20 3 .M 82 4 2 17 15 4 so 6 0 22 16 8 h 3 2 7 14 20 8 5 11 21 25 so 4 15 12 5 Oys 17 21 4ft 9 p I 15 21 9 10 5 14 9 E) 13 22 so 95 Cypress swernp I F1 G 4s 17ft 12 F1 G Bs(!4t'r 5 97 25 13 23 h121 17 2-7.h20 19 10'' 9 13 16 20 23 2sym 8 13 o 79 24 19 h 20 19 15 Goose I 19 20 21 25 ro '10- 4 2"A 4 21 jI. J24 23 25 7 1110 ,1@ 1 20 22 22 13 4 1 h4 23 21 25 2 4 I r r .91)- 0 2 1P 4 @@52 3 4h 6 @19 @@'h2 0 3 91 9 4 12344 25M 8 4@j 2:3 20 22 4A Ma 41 25 24 23 2 7 11 17 PA 2.. 7 27 9 20 0, 2 1 anama C1 Site #226 (PCLO), Little Oyster Bay, Panama City (from chart 1139D). Site #226 (PCLO), Little Oyster Bay, Panama City. -7@ :77 GERG SITE NUMBER - 227 DESIGNATOR - CBSR SITE - OFF SANTA ROSA, CHOCTAWHATCHEE BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30024.70'N 86012.28V LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11385 SITE ACCESS - The site is located in the eastern portion of Choctawhatchee Bay, near the U.S. Highway 331 bridge. Access to the site is by boat, launched from ramps on either side of the south end of the bridge, crossing the Choetawatchee Bay. From the bridge, proceed west along the ICWW to the red channel marker "40". SITE DESCRIPTION - The oyster reef is marked by wooden poles and white PVC pipes, and lies just south of the red ICWW channel marker "40". The reef is not continuous, and the patches of oysters have to be "poled" for. Dredging is not allowed by law, so that the oysters have to be tonged. Station 1 is located around the wooden pole at the southwest end of the reef, Station 2 lies between the two middle wooden poles and Station 3 is around the northeast wooden pole. An alternate sampling site is on the shoreline, where a small bayou enters the bay southeast from a large white house (30'24.35'N, 86'12.75'W). Here, the oysters are attached to rocks and a wooden bulwark around a large tree. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The oysters were all medium to large in size, and were found in singles and clusters scattered across the mud bottom. This site takes a while to sample, as the oysters have to found and collected using tongs. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediment samples were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - tongs, hand Sediments - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 1.5 - 3.0 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - No obvious visible point sources of contamination were evident in the area. 65 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (OC) 1 1995 24.0 17.0 18 January 1995 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 66 1 A 83 Md. P, 394 BAY Light wh@@ F, Fh* i- Ok F, I.A pt lk- Al I r -L- -c CBSR Tur Site#227. Beacu ms I Chocta' 457 Be.ch t It 32% 1 D Fcu L 30A 40 It n je Lctk@ lp 393 fl 83 IST 643 28 e 30A Bbm Pbuntaln t ch wesu ke eac 395 State Re= BAre awd. It 3 IL Site #227 (CBSR), Santa Rosa, Choctawatchee Bay. 14 16 9 16 16 16 17 13 11 MFl 4sec 32ftlIs 17 M is 14 y 13 16 16 Fl Y 4.db PA 8-, 10 ILI I ' 14 13 13 13 8 8 M 14 8 .11 10 267112* G 16 13 13 13 so -3- Ff 4sec 17ft @47- 15 15 ?0 17 e\ 10 16 14 1 15 10 10 12 13 13 13 15 Col, 4- 11 1@4 131 9 10 5 1 14 h,d 13 13 2 10 hrd 13 hrd Ok F1 7ft" 1 J,, 12 97 . @11 11 11 10 3 5 9 13 14 .5@1 0 2 2 2 9 12 12 12 12 13 12 11 C' 10 10 2 5 11 13 . I 1 10 1@1 .4 10 8 11 11 7 12 jkk 10 Gross 5ft 11 @11 2 9 11 bs" 001C 8 4 2 9 3 2 3 12 11G 2 2. hid 9 11 "44 " 12 11 10 10 10 C "45" 'Morsh 10 1 "42' '31, 2 3 sft 11 1 11 R '16 5 C 3 -Ml 10 10 G 9 11 Is 2 " 11 il 11 10 11 41 2 10 hrd 9 10 ,0161 11 RN"3811 io 10 10 9 C113 911 1 ro, 2 Oystws G --10 RN"36" 0 3 C "37" 10 10 101 5e, ScWtered woods C' 51, 1C 2 lu R N 10 10 "32' C, 331, 2- 5 9 11 1 10 2 0, 0 2 11 9 14 2 CBS&' 21. C'13 1 10 2 5 Site #227 iIr., Gross 3 8 9 10 9 10 C1129" 5 2 9 10 5 2 2 9 8 M 810 7 "M FIX 0 4R, I ", 2 5 8- )ysters 9 -9 VEftel 11 5 o 2 2 2 5 2 2 a o 88 10 sft 9 5 lird sft 7 10 6 :Z:5 8@ 5 SANTA ROSA EA@H 2 '@6 \9 2 f\6 hrd - 2 5 9 ;$$Ott 2 2 6 !You ScctfOrea, wood 393 L -A-1114 4 7 Site #227 (CBSR) Santa Rosa, Choctawatchee Bay (from chart 11385). Site #227 (CBSR), Santa Rosa, Choctawatchee Bay. "u. 77?- GERG SITE NUMBER - 228 DESIGNATOR - CBJB SITE - JOE'S BAYOU, CHOCTAWAHATCHEE BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30024.62'N 89029.45V LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11385 SITE ACCESS - The location is a walk-up site and is reached by driving up Beach Drive, off Hwy. 98, to the boat ramp. The site is located just south of the boat ramp. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located on the south shore of Choctawahatchee Bay, between the other two Choctawhatchee Bay sites. The site is at the mouth of Joe's Bayou, where it enters the Bay. The three oyster stations were along the shoreline, with Station 1 being at the launch/pier; Station 2 to the south; and Station 3 as far south as one can go before encountering the private dock. The total distance spanned only 50 to 100 meters. Suitable sediments for sampling are located in the southern arm of the upper part of Joe's Bayou, in 1.5 meters of water. Station 1 is 30 meters from the west shoreline between the wooden boathouse and the two boat pier to the north. One bearing to locate the station, is 120' to the Destin water tower. Station 2 is in the northeast arm of upper Joe's Bayou, near the end on the north shore between the last and next to last boathouses. The water depth is 1.2 meters and the sediment is a very loose brown silt. Station 3 is across the bayou (east) from Station 2, between last boat house and boat house #016. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be collected this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There appeared to be no drainage other than rainfall runoff from the immediate area into the bayou, and its proximity to the bay suggested that it was fairly representative of the bay. No obvious sources of contaminants were apparent except for a sand and gravel transfer yard immediately to the north of the site. 67 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled 00) (0c) 1 1995 - - N/A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 68 1 ELAS 39 2858 0 m I Y 189 85 LIN An aV 6 jr.- A iY 8 D_ shm. 189 CBM CHOCTAWHAl Garnier Beach Site #228 AM eld' Op- 5-0 pr look A N"o 393 ry 189 Cobbs A no 85 98 30 PX Y in i d Ugh, W7A SOUN-D,- e Qnc) Narro.s ass Mader Ptr jz a ..-I A@I-AY 1,'@ L A U S.nd D.n.s Okaloosa Area st ROS w D 0 oosa IJ nd John C leasle 4 Pier P= Galfarfurn 0 2 SPOO %hl + Ass + Site #228 (CBJB), Joe's Bayou, Choetawatchee Bay. RADIO MAST 23 2 7 215 Upper, 8 193 Memorial 40 Loke 2 24 2 9 ---Q2 30028' 4)olforiw 716 Subm 2 10 1". OH&SO pile)\ )3 1- 24 Scattered woods 28 F) 86. 17ft 4'11' 3 G 11 )3 Lower Memorial Jack 210 11 13 Lake Lake 3 1 2 15/ 23' 2 \i\4 bid ......... 2 812 Is 23 10 14 23 29\ 25 4 27 267 11 26 22 -1@ sb-2*ubrn piles 22 2 - 91,11 03 33 344Dvicootd 27 28 27 9PE@-- W 29 2Morke 9 4 Obs 29 Subm 24, 11 26 pile 1" 14 23 13 1 q;3 30 ' I 6 9 30 32 30 29 20 SP 212 ltl 33 16 0 24 30 32 32 21 20 3ONGNETIC ""ll/ 35 34 hrd 33 26 3 38 35 34 29 X, 34 TIVE (1 38 sft 31 9&6j 37 39 36 39 zz 31 3i 35 37 SR -H- 0 F- -0 +37 ----------- - 40 38 46 S@-33 sft 33 35 c; 38 ------- 40 12 8 71/2 163 "4 DEORV- 36 34 35 24 S36' P 34 3 3 33 Z// f 0 G 1711 15 1 11 23 32 11(1111,111A\ 3 9 it '1@ hd 4 328 x 0*1 1 5 36 31 3 16 26 29 5 1 37 @,,/ .. ... 39 32 33 15 22 ?10 @ 10 43 314 23 36 37 s38 146 29 2332hrd12 111 14 3128 R %k .1 2 9 37 3 -2' lik - 2 14 3 22CO 3' 32 162 A\i` - 38 9 3 3R 6 d 382 2 3 ZZ 37 le- 39 0 27 2 2 2 9Piles 19 12 35 C 2 W 419 22 15 PA 4 .......... Ramp .11 26 5> 21 2A 22 to -00 4 hrd 17 ... : D;s ..fd 21 R 2- 1,19 Fk H-1 10 1 9bit, ite #2,'@ 5 h-9 15 2 4 AMP 89 re 8 54 YK 5 9 511 Scattered w, 44 48 4 2 Gv,,11h o2 4 3 21 Upo-' M.-Or' 1@,4 @O 2 23 24 13 C2 Lower Memo Lake @2 Ma 20 2 331 sit, 23 4 20 26 30024' Pile DEST I 00 S11 TWN NXED bRiDGES 00 .........- 01 .0 HOR CL 82 MXW'G-H`A'N"@' 0 VERT CL SO N K 0-1 MORENO 1934 W1 tier cir%c 0 .Site #228 (CBJB), Joe's Bayou, Choctawatchee Bay (from chart 11385). 44 Site #228 (CBJB), Joe's Bayou, Choctawatchee Bay. ve o- -do @,4@ -oi 4N IMP. GERG SITE NUMBER - 229 DESIGNATOR - CBPP SITE - POSTIL POINT, CHOCTAWHATCHEE BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30028.85'N 86028.73'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11385 SITE ACCESS - The site is reached by automobile, with access through Eglin Air Force Base. Enter Eglin Air Force Base on Highway 85. Stop at the visitor center at Eglin Air Force Base and obtain an entry pass. The guard will give you directions to the family camping area at Postil Point. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site was located on the west bank at the entrance to Boggy Bayou, which is on the north side of Choctawhatchee Bay. A military Family Camping and Recreation area is located on Boggy Point. The oysters are collected by hand from along the shoreline from the entrance into Postil Lake north towards Postil Point. Station 1 oysters are taken from the sandy bottom, jetty rocks and the bulkhead where Postil Lake enteres Choctawhatchee Bay. Oyster Station 2 is located along the shoreline about 200 meters north of Station 1. Here the oysters are attached to the rocks. Oyster Station 3 is on the south side of Postil Point, on the shoreline rocks. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled for sampling this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - A possible source of contamination was from surface runoff originating from the recreational area. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (OC) 1995 N/A 69 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 70 1 -p E 397 285B NI tile P, A 010 J, 3030 0 CBPP D--4- r -A z 188 it 7 Sh Site #Z 4 CHOCTAWHAT Garnier Beach Atbt :2& S-0 pe Wk Ft 393 189 - bb, pf ry her 85 fth 0" ught ?OSA 9'(61u1vu'- arrows za [email protected] EAWA V SANTA 3936- - stin A&Okaioo'sa Area 'beet t' ROS ISLA V s.. o.- 0 Okaloosma III n John Be, EGLIN f.", A Pier Part In 23 Golfari Sleep Are. Site #229 (CBPP), Postil Point, Choctawatchee Bay. 16 21 .. @2j 11 1 7 8 "'14 (se ote A) 7_ft 172 24@i -'-".0 Piling 25 2 @Ip2 q11 5"1 Rotating W&G G.244 AERO q 5 5 jh@). TANK %9R 5 TR V4" lboA5 TANK I. 624 112 108 MMASS RADIO MAST 424 11 2 8 C, 11 h,V PAD(O*MA.ST 23 23 11 1) 1' 23 @2 @@3@'@ 7 116 15 DA CBPP 2 23 Site #229 5819 22 215 24 (UNEXP!.Q -@Zl 25 9 216 28L- ..'Platforiv7 N 210 13 22piles* P. fes\ 2 25 8 Scattered woods 38Fl 6sec 17ft1.16- 1 111 ;3 LoWiDr M..4.1 210 11 13 Jack 23 Lake Lake 3 2hrd 15 2 4 2 812 15 1z 15 20 23 4 10 17 25 14 23 22\ 5 2 4 7 \\ 22 2 11 26 0 bfft 2 *ubm piles 3 1 7 22 27 p! 3- 3 3 3 4 4 29 28 27 4 i)i,,.ntd 27 hrd :Fish Haven a er 6- 9 Obstr: 1- 29 subm 24,\ 11 14 2 1 26 30 apile DA 32 2 30 29 @3 30 28 16 20 24 0 33 -, I -?0 V sft 32 32 3)\ 21 20 34 hrd 33 pGNETIC 35 2J? 26 31' 38 35 34 34 'E 09'5@? 38 sft 37 39 39 36 35 31 a- 37 1 7-10- @=o sft 37 :0 + 37 40 38 -= -- z 4ED 33 33 sft - 3 35 a@ --Z@ - 40 38 8 71/2 -L5- ::; DF01105, 11@ '@@ 3 6 NY 8 @S' 0 1 sft Is 34 24 34 35 36' PA 33 3 &5 '53' 31 3 k Fl G 17ft 911523 32 hrd 4 36 1081 31 U53816 26 32 39 1 32 25122 37 711,11 315 -1.10 y... \ I sft432314 23 36 37 s 38 146 29 2332hrd 14\ A 28 R9 23 37 3 n?2 3 2 1J4 32 16 92 -&\ -Cob3 5 38 3 3R 11 1,5 CP3 38 rd2 @2 37 1 13 22 39 27 2 sft 0 "1 les 12 2 --'O;ICZ@ C-$1 19 25 22 1 PA TR 91Pit 21 2.I / t@: 26 22 2:6 f (UN XP 4 25 @2 14 C-14 R 'I hrdH@-': Disconid IR 10- Site #229 (CBPP), Postil Point, Choctawatchee Bay (from chart 11385). .............. Site #229 (CBPP), Postil Point, Choctawatchee Bay. 4. Ak, A@ 4 Wir - Or GERG SITE NUM13ER - 230 DESIGNATOR - CBBB SITE - BOGGY BAYOU, CHOCTAWHATCHEE BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30030.18'N 86029.65'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11385 SITE ACCESS - The site is reached by boat, launched at the boat ramp located on Bayshore Drive on the east side of Boggy Bayou. Travel from Fort Walton to Niceville on Highway 85, cross the Boggy Bayou bridge, then turn right onto Bayshore Drive and continue on to the public ramp on the right. By boat go south down Boggy Bayou to green channel marker "9", then turn southwest and proceed into Toms Bayou. Proceed west for approximately 500 meters to the road bridge. SITE DESCRIPTION - The oysters are located on the concrete piling of the bridge, which crosses the middle of Toms Bayou. Station 1 is on the south end of the bridge and includes the first 5 sets of bridge pilings. Station 2 includes the middle 5 sets of piers and Station 3 comprises the northern 5 sets of piers. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled for sampling this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - A possible source of contamination was from surface runoff originating from Valparaiso and Eglin Air Force Base. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (0c) 1995 N/A 71 I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I i 72 ot k' BE, 188 HE T;O AO AIRMAT no 188 L st e AS' H 93 2350 K ILLE THAI TA 4 10 8 @MIL RES BDY 04 -'7 85 N 3 LA FOR d (Ab.W.ned Au. Fiel 6 Z. A d- - 285 F 123 k IN 07 ivu B LIZ \4 s .16P7 A- Field 4 285 20 285 B 85 Site #230 (CBBB), Boggy Bayou, Choctawatchee Bay. (00 to, 0 WE-ir' ICEVILLE .....ges PA . - IV 13 - 13 1 7 SIR 1A 1 2 7 14 -T VALPARAISO p,.-1 4 C-11'5 (D R TR 1B 8 8 (WFSH) 1 85 TK 1340 kHz Swoh Am 14 17 W FIXED MIDGE 20 0 G 4M "9" NOR CL 33 FT CBBB VERT C1 I FT 6 Surfaced Ramp 3 3 Sb. P. 1 2 opde@ Site #230 14 R2 3 1 TOMS you 15 7 18 19 "9'0 30030' OVHD FWR CAB -517 PA 16 427 AUTH CL 38 FT 2816 18 4 @59 Ramp Sft 16 15 G-7-2 j32 RACING BUOYS '11 R& 0 "6" Racing buoys within the limits of this chart 3 are not shown hereon. Information may be '9 obtained from the U.S. Coast Guard District 10 17 21 4 ain Offices as racing and other privately ITT TANK tained 0 RESTRICTED AREA 216 21 91 2 3 buoys are not all listed in the U.S. Coast Guard 334.740 Light List. (see note A) 16 PA Sft 4 33 17 17 2 2 e0oh"--@-- Pilin, 25 2 I % 1 2 0 e .16 Rotating W&G .2 2 4 4 8- AERO Postil 'R% G "5" 0, PA TANK TR PA R, 41f' 5 8 10 TANK V'O 5 5 12 8 MASTO MAST 4 24 10 8 8 4 D, 311 23 11 hrd 2 RADIO MAST 8 23 11 9 16 21 7 15 23 23 6 12 3 r% A ks@rn 16 emon 19 23 22 13 d 40 LZ 2 7-- 15 13 @ 0 geS PA "9 (UNEXPLODED BOMBS Muppe@ Z 5 8 13 /1'0, A. 2 16 25 Site #230 (CBBB), Boggy Bayou, Choctawatchee Bay (from chart 11385) Tau vwWww"r.@1 "Mo.- Site #230 (CBBB), Boggy Bayou, Choctawatchee Bay. V. Oo' GERG SITE NUMBER - 231 DESIGNATOR - CBBL SITE - BEN'S LAKE, CHOCTAWHATCHEE BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30027.15'N 86032.45'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11385 SITE ACCESS - The site is reached by boat with access from the boat ramp located on Bayshore Drive on the east side of Boggy Bayou. Travel from Fort Walton to Niceville on Highway 85, cross Boggy Bayou bridge, turn right on Bayshore Drive, and continue to the public ramp on the right. By boat, go south down Boggy Bayou to Choctawhatchee Bay, then west to the entrance to Ben's Lake. Travel time is approximately 30 minutes in good weather. SITE DESCRIPTION - This site is located at the entrance to Ben's Lake, which is on the north side of Choctawhatchee Bay. The entire area is part of the Eglin Air Force Base. Oysters were located and collected from the concrete and brick rubble along the shoreline, at the entrance to Ben's Lake. Station 1 is on the east side of the entrance into Ben's Lake. Station 2 is also on the east side of the entrance into the bay, but is 30 meters farther to the north. Station 3 is on the west side of the entrance into the bay. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be collected this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - One possible source of contamination is surface runoff, originating from the marina area. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (0c) 1995 N/A 73 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 74 1 39i r28 D58@ 7 189 85 4PLIN AlR,;F?R(5;@E 397 _j @$ASE 3030 21 vill"o 5 A 189 4 CBBL @@nier Beach Site #231 A eld* s-k R 8-k A No 3 he % Cbb, P n vo JU p 4, /Ross Mader @ark It. - , -C, p rk - . - -- @ @ @ @ = ROS !SLA D s,,, D, SANTA ROSA 39fO --J-l 0kaloosa Area 98 30 37". -1. LGLIN ohn C Beasle c malm dril r y Cr Gulfarium Park D.n. 6410 23 S@,l Loh, YAll L Site #231 (CBBL), Ben's Lake Choctawatchee Bay. T 1, 5: C*,1 AEOON C)TANK TANK TANK AST RADIO MAST u0Z., Lake TANK TANK Lower Memorial Eglin Village Lake TANK Scattered woods TA14K 0 TANK 00 Jack Lake e . ..... REA 0"2 A RESTRIcTED A .......... 334.750 Subm P.Jes 2 4 (See note A) 3 3 2 24oMor er 9 4 3 3 3 4 6 3 P, M\ s!6 2 6 11 Mk 14 23 13 6 3 8 4 0 Z@ , s e -Pilees. .'s 9 16 7 16 20 20 9 9 23 2 9 ED 15 23 stk 24 .22 CBBL 2 13 17 20 21 30 23 26 @/,Nlj 33 Site #231 //8 15 22 23 26 alimar 2 2 23 stk 29 31 33 sft 38 36 2 30 34 .ciyde 11 23 31 36 Lake 30 32 Lorrain 2 sft 36 14 30 2 10 32 33 38 37 37 -2 . .......... ......... .. 2 2 33 91 32 31, 3 -4- 4 .5 2hrd 9 14 M 2 13 27 33 3 3] 35 36 3r6 40 5 33 39. 15 41 42 2 sit Site #231 (CBBL), Ben's Lake Choctawatchee Bay (from chart 11385). Site #231 (CBBL), Ben's Lake Choctawatchee Bay. GERG SITE NUM13ER - 232 DESIGNATOR - PBSP SITE - SABINE POINT, PENSACOLA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30020.80'N 87009.10'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11378 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is by boat, launched at the public ramp in Gulf Breeze. To reach the boat ramp, cross the Pensacola Bay Bridge on Highway 98 and go through Gulf Breeze to Shoreline Drive. Turn right and follow the road to the Shoreline Drive Park. Turn left into the park and continue on down to the boat ramp, which is located on the north side of the Santa Rosa Sound. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located under the south side of the Highway 399 bridge onto Santa Rosa Island. Sampling this site is easiest at low tide and in calm weather, since the oysters are attached to the concrete piers supporting the bridge. Station 1 is the first 7 sets of piers on the south side of the bridge, Station 2 is directly north of the first station and includes the next nine large concrete piers. Station 3 includes the next eight piers to the north of Station 2. The site ends at the ICWW, under the middle of the bridge. Sediments are collected approximately 1 mile to the northeast, along the Gulf Breeze shoreline (30'21.03'N, 87'09.35'W). OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The site was not scheduled for collection this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Contamination is possible from municipal and marine traffic. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (OC) 1995 N/A 75 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 76 1 U Iz Y tAY M.i ILLU N Y u 90 'g, @F S 498 HN 291 9 DeLorme Ant, 297 1 IIfjII// 11u A tud Rin-1 1, m too W 191 IOA 296 L11 453 1 2 0 296 90 ,@'2050 10 d., 11 'It r If EAST X 443 2 --d- pw 4 29 10 t 95 298 acola mcola Bay a v RR 98 30 Pier L U, 292 340 :ESERV Radfish POW kwlbh 0 CO-C NSK a An- AuditoriunL j L P 3 PBSP. Warrington 98 + 30 Site 2 Eke ",50 30, z For fthr , 5' 3 .6M. A C S C3 9-9) AL 0 L 30 AWN L 39 TA e </ -N c.// Quietwater Sharp Beach P*1'a @:,.Bewh J-URNING BASIN Sabin Vol. A-1 141"4-Pickens. E:Itr. WA MICA Y Pensacola C@rno Reach Pier _1`)J$ NAVA@ -K v, 399 - - RO Beach- Site #232 (PBSP), Sabine Point, Pensacola Bay. VARFN4111 G hd 14210 b4.V' 17 21 piles7 1 @'_,,23 149 iqIIf 1-W41? 20 16 "A1919 1 1b 1672.5sec '2' 20 21 S.61@ 10 N25' 17 17 21 21 22 14 15 21 16 -18 20 19 510 h1vt 16 19 21 1,21 10 20 23 S A /-A 130 El@tG 19 22 F1 12 FMARIO 18 k F I Y30ft 20 sff 25 166. ?G 1 198 rdII 4sec ft 24 21 (See nl')tE 23 ER OR419 srt 2Y ,LHA,AW8N27 26 22 23 stk226 22 24 24 2@ To@" 61@4 26 21 25 26228 27 25 23 23 hrd -:2 6sff T / 1 23 24 23 -0 26 .8 27 28225 %PENSACOLA AY 25 22 21L/' 11a 27 27 27 29 29 FIXED BRIDE 26 NOR CL 125 FT 23 ;t 27 20 271rVERT CL 50 FT 28,,29 29 30 obst, (see wte Q24 , I-134 27 26 22 '27" 29 29129 Ok F1 23 SrfI,129 127 28161-29 25 C021 Ld '0 23k128 14726 23 JA 24 828 - J25 24 26 sft 30 26 25 sft 19 25S 20 028 26 25 24 26 24 22 21 23 28 25 24 f23 21 20 woooo@oooOO00000@o 4" 22 24 21 21 4sec ,Ok F1 30tt 22 22 2140ft 2, 23 23 23 23 22 20 2C. 32,!EInt 6sec h,d 20 20 'S", 19 20 22 23 21 Z3@20 20 23-21 20 3 16 719 3 20 'J )MP 18 212913 ?j Surfoced R( 19 19L 'S Subm jOde.1@ 15 218 17 15 1703R '2@113 3'@ 3 h1rd33 p19 19 18 "'19 sft 16 15 R W16 18 2 331 14 A 16 15 5ftR3 h,d 4 k, @.tjj'2 15 @t 25 >4942 Subm stake 16 13 :z 11641l, 14-C@313 14 32119S13 ......,hrd1 39L13 14 9 22 jo 2 Id IV a .............. ....... 2 ..................... 11 C 0 0 U t C A 139TANK Gu NOTE 6 Bree Boscule piers OF old bridge 20 14 1reported removed @o depth of Send and brush 16 feet. 16 ir- ,, '@' SA 14 -PENSACOLA BEACH 1,10 t" FIXED BRIDGE to amps, CL. 150 FT. ROR L4V ERT. CL. 65 FT. 14 13 1491VY Cove Grassy 2 4 'L 214 16 14 it211 JYks rt. 14 13 - 14 1221639111h110 S,b,, p- 22 21 150 21 19 1111 i3 12 '4 101Is 1112 7?1 23 stk 14117h16 stk Pipehme 23 26 hrd twd100 sftN A,eo 20 25- 23 22 1777 76@-@ 24 23 IV 17 15 13 ,\1 15 19-__21 ;ff 25 211 Obsks (sB 21 22 15 111')_. \0Se `,OleI 14 16 4,7 'd 9217 13 19 7 14-20 23 20A 2 h,d 9 7 9 17 e17 @2 19 20 21 22 f2O 2, 23 25 3 26 @ 2 13 s 14P st4 4 17 21 24s223 stk 24r'a"ntdR "21," 1.4625 A@ 5 25 20 3 Rom 2R 26 -r- -W P61 L Site #232 (PBSP), Sabine Point, Pensacola Bay (from chart 11378). Site 0232 (PBSP), Sabine Point, Pensacola Bay. --- -------- woo 11M GERG SITE NUMBER - 233 DESIGNATOR - PBIB SITE - INDIAN BAYOU, PENSACOLA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30031-OO'N 87006.70'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11378 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is by automobile, exit I-10 at Avalon and go north to SR 281. Turn left and go to the stop sign, then turn left again and follow the dirt road until it ends at the Archie Glover Park. Launch the boat, and follow the marked channel out to Escambia Bay and going south under the 1-10 road bridge to the reef. The reef is located about 1 mile south of the bridge, on a bearing of 140'. Run time to the site is approximately 20 min. SITE DESCRIPTION - The oysters are located on a narrow subtidal reef, west of the entrance to Indian Bayou. The site is marked by several pilings, one of which has an "Oyster Reef' sign, another "Danger, Oyster Reef." Station 1 is at the northeast end of the reef-, Station 2 is 100 meters southwest of Station 1, near the poles marking the reef; and Station 3 is another 100 meters southwest of Station 2, near the "Danger, Oyster Reef' sign. The best source of sediments for sampling is in Indian Bayou. Station 1 sediments are collected from the narrow Indian Bayou opening to the bay. Station 2 is along the north shore of the bayou some 300 meters upstream from the mouth and 30 meters from shore, and Station 3 is a further 100 meters northeast and upstream from Station 2. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The site was not scheduled to be sampled this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - tongs, hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 2.0 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious visible point sources of contamination in the area. 77 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA 11 Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (TOO) (OC) 1 1995 - - N/A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 78 1 489 lu M.'k Day 4AAL Us N 90 A"W! B-Ch 91 10A P v HNS 29 A PoW 297 2 4 65 10 a -DeLomg'@< 7 297 V. fit 110 \\x\\WTPBM "A'Site #233 296 10A 453 w 296 lit 292 lit 296 A rny Ui If .51 0 EAST 2 443 If t 298 295 Pensacola Pensacola Bay K@n- FIR 9MR vs r-. 9A q-w.h pbw C.. to @uditoriunL j ";;; sp, rpr %i 191 X 0/ 292 292A 98 "V, arrIlngton t, 30 or z 3 A 0 q-T T. 399 RIM AL D@' 399 t4TA SA Quietwater ;17Y ftm. Beach P=16 rURNING 8ASIN Vill. S.Mbb- 1= A jjl@@,-Pickeni P'tr C61a Caslno Beach Pier 399 Beach FtOSA Site #233 (PBIB), Indian Bayou, Pensacola Bay. No PWR @CAB ' ."JC1'D3BRJOGkS 'T R0 /4 .0).Tw.T. Ocv, 60 a FT ERT CL FT 2. P@Ie &2 el ST R '26' ble Area 9066To"r -08114 R & brd Stoke0 4 Co 764 2 5 WANK OVH NorXe as I gas I 3 CAB M.!.h Marsh 477 OVMI) CA L e., 5 :1 .7' Sff ISUENER ED AT MAN) 0@f OkFIR 10tt'C' 0 5P w ma..td 05" 2 7 R ()ft%-6 TANK 4Ok FI' 0 P- wnld FIXED BRIDGES 3Ok F1 R 10ft'A'. Fishe C NOR CIL 90 FT GAA- 49 P- rnentd 2:. rmans Pt VERT CL 43 F7 SUIlivarts Djjc1j 80, Rivervi w t4OAr3 3 No, n7"wd mulat 9 Alit 5M 2 1_@7 Q* hrd CA (FIXED BRI), 5 Gu;.. .3 fi'@ .19, 7'U. tt 54Z- @_*@ 7/- @2 hrd 4 0 R TANKS 65 51 %46@ - 16-6FIXED BRIDGE OVHD Z4 OR CL 11 FT CAB 82N4 TY1 Stake VERT CL FT Stake PA @7 12 sft 8 SU6M Snag co st.@p rep6 2 le \\- 5) FIXED BRIDGE 7 It 0 PA (7.1 MOR CL 134 FT @Go& RVERT CL 50 FT SYANG BRIDGE 6 Stakes \\ 0 stav, MOR CL IDRAW B5 FT VERT CL 6 FT 3 EAST DR TR 116 177 6Marsh OVHD CAW CLOSED 11166 ABLE F0 CL 20 FT REP , 1) 5 Q R0 03W (S...r:E..r:? AT -go I, @ 3 C..N L" IIG87 776660 8 2 KWater tank Ro k Pt88@58 08 so Yniest". 8@si, \ 27St kC6 74 'fro 't. 7sfk 0' @6 P.Ie . I 3Sh 9 C6, Stake 29, 85 Gul P int Devil Pt 146 Pensacola Regional Airport 4 I`\ @j98 Hospital a 21ko9 A60 F1 G 2..5sec 17ft95 Rot W&G 83M *7" STACK PBIB (V Y 5 7hrd Site #23:k67 a 9 Bohem. @9 10 lfj I 18Stakes rep L'-' Rft 5 OVH 47 CAB 10 9%\ Sh 14@If98 8 of 102 - U1110 14.-1 13 13 121Ff 6soc 17ft 51A -2_ b"115 11 012 11991 7 hrd -7 8 15 129 PENSACOLA 15 10 7 8 21 0 4 15 15 8 R TR 16 158 FIXED BRIDG 0 4 HOR CL 39 F 8 F R Lt V .L@@9 ERT 8 - 1601 13 2 STACK0 -s VV 20 PD 12 / Ram Vs_- I II:.. Hernandez Pt -FIXED 13RIDGE 35 16 16 16 OR CIL 20 FT _7 .7 rA.1 0 V"D Y L.W-1 C' 19 FT 6 Site #233 TBIB), Indian Bayou, Pensacola Bay (from chart 11378). Site #233 (PBIB), Indian Bayou, Pensacola Bay. @M. A" 4N@z@' Amr-W GERG SITE NUM13ER - 234 DESIGNATOR - PBPH SITE - PUBLIC HARBOR, PENSACOLA BAY, FL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30024.63'N 87011.42W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11378 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is by boat, launched at the public ramp at the north end of the Highway 98 Bridge over Pensacola Bay. The boat ramp is next to the Florida Marine Patrol station. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located on the Pensacola Fishing Pier, which was the old Highway 98 Bridge. The pier is on the east side of the new bridge. Collections from this site are easiest at low tide and in calm weather, since the boat has to be tied to the concrete piers, whilst removing the samples. Station 1 is at the seventh set of pilings from the north shore, Station 2 is at the eleventh set of pilings and Station 3 is at the fifteenth set of pilings. Sediment samples are collected at a seperate station (30124.14'N, 87'11.38'W). The three samples are collected 50 m apart in a line parallel to the bridge, starting at the 45 mph sign and running towards the north. A sediment grab is needed to collect the samples as the water depth is over 6 meters. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be collected this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Contamination is possible from several sources including both municipal and marine traffic. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (OC) 1995 N/A 79 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 80 1 489 now 913A IV --A iISNV bF4 IOA N-A-1- B-h 191 Oil vi@ 498 v 291 29 290 281 0 8 DcLormt` 4', - TI 'A 7 289 74 297 110 pi/ Ia t\ \a' 8A j J.. C 191 IOA % 296 453 Lj 0 Y, 296 go 11 1 ...... `2 So IV 292 0 296 A p- whit, P-1 295 443 289 453 29 298- It 95 90 10 8 A 295 ensacola Pensacola Bay BR 98 30 Pier T-- 515 T US "L 34WQO P.Co' wi7k pm I I C- B.1 M Auditoriurd j 3 3 Be. h- 295 --- ka. lie ULIF Pier 55, 7 "... 1, PBPH 7340 1 191 Warrington Site #234 40@0' Be -2 + 30 P, P/// /V 1,6 a 98 30 hir Aomt B,g pbol EN L 30 1, AL \ '&& , 399 --1 399 P- A /L =L- S@VT@- Quiemater Z-7 J'A Beach TURNING Pmg j BASIN viti. I= A,- CGIS@Al_ - .1-4W F4 -Pickerij tier aAT&WAy Per-cola Ci,r,, Beach Pier 5@'@ 11AVA Beach L ,.,.a 399 ROS Site #234 (PBPH), Public Harbor, Pensacola Bay. VAkF4l-.Gj=- 11 -1 A-Sts 14 hd 17 21 21 4 111 pae, 10. 149 fI @-, I1--7 -\ 12 16919 16SR 2 5sec -2- 20 16 16(,-"717 21 22 21 Sa 25 17 pte '0 '4 15 21 -18 21 I 6)620 ArIX116 19 19 $14 10 21 20 PBPH SA FA 102819 20 22 23 Aly 166.20 1G - 12 FT M018 Qk F1 Y30ft 20 sort 1 198 F1 4sec?jft 24 (see notc 71 F1"., 11 23 21 F SitA234 ER0_C 27,192 srt 22 'tWgf @!AN 122 23 stk 26 26 24 20M)F/ R 4- 611 ' 21 26 24 21\a 25 25 23 hrd 2e sff 26228 27 23 26 23 24 23 27 28225 2PENSACOLA AY 25 22 v 27 29 FIXED BRID E 27 26 27 29 T 27 20 b NOR CL 125 F 23 .4 27 VERT CL 50 FT 24 -% 28/29 .29 30 obst, (see mt. Q C8 tC:t /--31 29 27 26 22 .27" 29 291 23 Ok F/ sftI 27 29 29 25 21 28 23 28 26 23 0 a ; 28 J7 25 24 C 3@8 6/ 26 25 sft sftA24 26 25 24S 20 19 028 26 24 22 21 2 23 91' 28 25 22 z4 f) 24 23 21 20 '1@21 @?4" 210 'R 4sec @@IkoQk F1 30ft - /,\ -@ %-22 21 ;2 23 23/1 23 23 Z3 22 20 22 EInt 6sec 40rh 2, h,d 20 Of 20 20 22 23-221 3-20 20 20 20 16 19 202321 18 19 203 19 2129 -\13 21 Surfaced Romp 19 2 pile9.1.1218 ift 193 17 1733 s1rd3R -2-113 19 f9 182 ,18 Ot 16 15 R @,- P I -,-,116 18 If, -- 15 sft13R31 14 hrd 16 IS 142Subm stake 16 49 14 14 14 13 3 14 34 131 3 9139 bm stakes P.1 pt" ...... 22 9 0 IV avy ....... Id 2 .1C 0 .1 Urert c wTANK Gulf NOTE B Boscule piers of old bridge 'Breeze reported removed to depth of. 20 14 16 feet. 8 Si1nd and brush N 16 +ENSACOLA SEAC'VMT@l t,, ",10 L 14 1 j NO FIXED BRIDGE 10 NOR. CL 150 FT. amps 14 13 114 VERT. CL. 65 FT. 2 vy Cove C 14 'ressy 2 11 14 138 14 Ulit2Rks Pt. 0 14 - --;-,-21 14 16 1291 P- 22 2311 n1a 15 12410215 1 2 7 ZI 21 5 tk 26 23 21 19 "1 14 1114@216 P,Foelme h,d 3: 23 141SftI Areo 20 23 24 IIft f 1 --4. IN, 22 177 76 23 23 7 12 1 /1)1@ 15 21-- 19 17 15 13 NA"@ @z- -21 UbsM isee note 8) 22 25 21 15114 16 .2007- 29 22 17 13 11 S10 14 -5 23 5 7,C@ '0 3 t1 @ 2 3 2 13 X 14 'k 1,d4 14 16-0 5 23 5M 'n 17 21 24 stk 21-3 5 26 25 Romps 6 14 16 25 20 2R 11-- -- I Site #234 (PBPH), Public Harbor, Pensacola Bay (from chart 11378). t4 IM, Site #234 (PBPH), Public Harbor, Pensacola Bay. i!ll W7 -wr u. 'Iri . ...... 7@W ALABAMA SITES GERG SITE NUM13ER - 235 DESIGNATOR - MBDR SITE - DOG RIVER, MOBILE BAY, AL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30035.50'N 88002.72W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11376 SITE ACCESS - The boat launch ramp is at Dog River, which is south of I-10 on the Dauphin Island Parkway. Launch the boat at the Beach Comber ramp, and proceed out the Dog River channel to the Mobil Ship Channel, then go north to green channel marker "69". Turn into the short channel west of marker "69" and proceed to green channel marker "5". The site is located approximately 75 meters away on a bearing of 280' from channel marker "5". SITE DESCRIPTION - This collection site is in the upper reaches of Mobile Bay, and is near the upper distributional limit of oysters within the bay. The site is located on a reef which runs west-southwest from green channel marker "5", for approximately 300 meters. Poling is required to locate the oysters on the reef. Station 1 is on the southwest end of the reef, Station 2 is approximately 100 meters to the northeast and Station 3 is another 100 meters northeast of Station 2. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled for collection this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediment samples were collected. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - SS dredge Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 1.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Potential sources of contamination in the region is from ship traffic, industry, and inflow from the Dog River which drains much of the Mobile area. The upper part of Mobile Bay is also heavily influenced by the polluted Mobile River, and the site is in an area closed to oystering by the Department of Health. 81 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (9100) (OC) 1 1995 - - N/A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 82 1 A, I I 0 Sa L -0 Isylva :2 S'ubst ian LL Zat 0 tsuf'C'I@ rv u Z -\j m its )4@- - dev - ra and-c eva 0 I C: ;K Z an ie illia 65 06 Oard h Ba 2 0 a /I /TO e Hi t mc u 10' B IAkl. lield fie, 26 163 58 1 Do ler Point heodor Dee,r River Point 0 C__ 50 Dk I 1127 i #2@ 11mo CJQ lm.@tonl aure e CV 00 'S Bellefontaine Ali/ L rnl a5n d' ak Site #235 (MBDR), Dog River, Mobile Bay- r VE AERI on Tank Kotating so w 80 @0* 0 10 Pil., a 01 2 4 R 16 Rc Pet 52 Fl@ 26ft OVHD PWR GAB AUTH CL 93 FT G 4 15ft V sac .12 .5 R1 7 6 N 4G 17ft, h.1 3 5 5 _1@ F1 17ft 5M sac 10k 12 2 4 FIXED I I A 0@- 4 .Pass Pigh 2 0 E e 43 - \ 8 NOR CL SUFT C1. I! FT -2 3 HJRR 2 2* 4 F71 R 2 54M -7 4 R 1,3Rei Tc -,Sac, I Dod 5 HD, % 9 C, 6 V@ 3 'G 4sec W5 FG 4sec V-4, M 3 2 5 2 3 'A G A R RO Rof 23 -5- 001 f I - I'- @.P. !. , 013 1 91 5 5 VM '1101 M. 4 0 0 M 6 01, 8.;c PD FIR, I 2 4 7 1 " 62R a at 2 R . Z. I I 4, I.RR 76 14- R Ma 96 9 7 '7' 11 Cr M 1 100 7 0 S& @111" 2.5' MUM mum NOR. CL 01".' 4!? Ra 7111 'vw. CL it Fr. 0 4. (47 CENTER) AZ Ij I: 7 C! I 4S '65' OVHD.PWR.CAB it* Fl,@ ........ . .. . UTH 7 0 7 1 CL 68 FT 4 Hs :R 2 ifw S* \6 -0 Si 35 15-, 9 7 !*--.1 110 S@b@ PA a@,I 'i", I " 0 6 D BRIDGE STACK 81 HOR CL 100 Fr CD) Dow River 3 a Sub pil Pd. PA VERTCL 45 G 61;! -9.W 0*6 CAB 8 P% I kUTH FT J PA I FI PWR & TEL CABS ... ........ Ft R f AUTH CL 50 FT =P r L9t2 tzl_ D_ Fl G 4 OVHD PWR CAB It 91 W A*rw E S 111 & imping Silas gue Contained CT -14- 1 T- Y 'A -- Wdifional Information Cw- Z requirements fix use of the 17I'll 'I EnvironmentEd Protactim C, 9 est PUM appendix for ad PA eD 9- S so* SuP A I-R W-11 Ft s.@. -58- (I ft rx) F G 6 ft I 1-,@* RTF 9 .1 8 R ('i`@ 8+ 9 inp Fl 0, 2.5sec Ro1 5; FI R 4 .7 91 J48 2 9 '01 0 ;@S 0 &@ Ap14 - --- ------- -7-, \ - t@ A Ft r. -M. Site #235 (MBDR), Dog River, Mobile Bay (from chart 11376). Site #235 (MBDR), Dog River, Mobile Bay. . . . ........ GERG SITE NUM13ER - 236 DESIGNATOR - MBHI SITE - HOLLINGERS ISLAND CHANNEL, MOBILE BAY, AL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30033.80'N 88004.50'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11376 SITE ACCESS - The launch point is at Dog River, which is south of I-10 on the Dauphin Island Parkway. Launch the boat at the Beach Comber ramp, and proceed out the Dog River channel to green channel marker "9". Turn southwest from the marker, and start poling to locate the small scattered oyster reefs. SITE DESCRIPTION - This collection site is in the upper reaches of Mobile Bay, and is near the upper distributional limit for oysters within the bay. The oysters are located in 2 meters of water on small scattered reefs. Station 1 is about 100 meters southwest of the green channel marker "9" in the Dog River / Biloxi channel, and a similar distance southeast from a 4-legged wooden stand just to the east of the Dog River Marina. Station 2 is 50 meters to the south of Station 1 and Station 3 is another 50 meters to the south. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be sampled this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediment samples were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - SS dredge Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 2.0 to 2.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Potential sources of contamination in the region is from ship traffic, industry, and inflow from the Dog River which drains much of the Mobile area. The upper part of Mobile Bay is also heavily influenced by the polluted Mobile River, and the site is in an area closed to oystering by the Department of Health. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (OC) 1995 N/A 83 ii li I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 84 1 0 u S i0l. t Ma @k s 3 @olvem 0 13 p J0 4Z 81a y Wchd It @j e Hi @a, 0 a q/ nL; W!" t5a e P MOBIL L/ IZ11 0 m cDuffie Br kle@ @iefd 26 7 tc Dog R ver Point .S RUFF bbtt 7-; Thgodor D Ri POW C5 ,7@- HI 127 4@236 St lr@, gon aur e 0 mo 'ng 9 eellefontaine 'niand Site #236 (MBHI), Hollingers Island, Mobile Bay. YEW CL a @N 1:4 @AEZ Bn on Tank 4 ng 2 k- 'jo .Ik -'5 iw 4 09, 241.-"l 1't@OFI R58ec @76' i152 "tV5; Ro Ref & 0 D PWR CAB F1 G 25ft VH AUTH CL 93 FT 4 12 7, 5 .1 R\1 4 0 17tt\4M -77 31%. kit SM-74- 4 2 k F1 25ft 16 4 G sec 7 2 843 3 Pflafthl:80 I 1 2 FIXED BRIOG ...... T NOR CL 31 FT : VERTCLIIFT 3 2 2 4 UARK9111 Fp1 R 2.5sec 4M 17?1 @14 Oilghted) -1% R5 Ref I 5 Os@ : Rivor 13 0 10 ftiI V6HIA --12 A Int6sec'S -1 WR 5 3 AFI G Uec k AB -A it 2 C@ 41 PLATFORM bj:@.r 3 :7 .Jill 2 2 G t3prR GRO Ref 4 3 op 2 2 7.0 15 Opp itA 37'1 9. 6 ........ \4110I Molki 9 em ...... 1 01 04 0 X) 0 Mark I N- bsh" % 2 a jPD, 7 Ra 2 4 -.'Sf 3 1 2 R R.R -101 1-14' 'rApj F'S'7\R mOrk-1 06 -G 7 9 @@A C, .;1. G 7 '13' G0 G '7' v (2 1110 &UVLU 11111111M F G -5- Wa CL a FT. 'w'!p 2.5 5 71, Vw. CL 11 PVT. co 0 (AT CENTER) IZ Markers 0" 0 OVHD.PWR,CAS A ;&@A Pi 4S'65 1p P/ 7 @Cj 7 i4f --- ,AUTH, CL. U FT 4R Pil 2 00000 %JIM 8 9MBHI 0 9 Site #238 1; R 5 1A 2 1 \ i.7 at\ 0 STACK IS"b. S Mp IPA FIXED BRIDO Pile PA 19 HOR CL IDO FT 0 e Sb@, P/e A Door River PL 3 t o Or YVFI= *, 6 AUTH CL 73 FT Pkfflo- "U ' OVHD PWR CAB" 9 R F1 F OVH IDPWR & TEL CASS 4CtI CL 50 FT R Ref a G -Ir @M -rI 64 r4 ffepp 1982 HD PWR CAB I @OH\' F1 R '1% S '.C:@,' AY. F1 %*. ' r.-@ it impino Slies gwe owtolned Y WET@ '14' kWkk)nW infor C'a requirements fI A 2 1 \ i Environme" 8 0 Plot--- Is PA 7 PHOW oppaliNfofad. S* He N s. 4 .9. owl ef "7 Subm PA A isec 158 ft F R p ft rep) F1 G sec f 9 OE 2.5sec 8' 0 F1 0 2.5sec 1r7* 9 - /4 V @d Ro FRof 50 Ff R4 ro I,, 486C -W rA- Site #236 (MBHI), Hollingers Island, Mobile Bay (from chart 11376). Site #236 (MBHI), Hollingers Island, Mobile Bay. 4 4V 40 M,6@0@ GERG SITE NUM13ER - 237 DESIGNATOR - MBCP SITE - CEDAR POINT REEF, MOBILE BAY, AL NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30018.70'N 88008.00'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11378 SITE ACCESS - The boat ramp is at the small bridge just north of the Dauphin Island causeway bridge. The site is located directly east of the middle part of Cedar Point. At low tide, the site can be reached by walking across the shallow sandbar at the north end of the reef. The site is 10 to 15 minutes by boat from the launch ramp. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located on an oyster reef 400 meters offshore, and east from the highway leading to the causeway bridge to Dauphin Island. The reef is almost due east of the Cedar Point fishing pier, which is on the west side of the highway. Station I is at the south end of the reef, Station 3 is at the north end and Station 2 is in the middle. The total distance from Station 1 to Station 3 is no more than 150 meters. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The site was not scheduled to be sampled this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediment samples were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - SS dredge Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious visible point sources of contamination in the area. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (OC) 1995 N/A -85 i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 86 1 n Kreoig C Wand C auti JV.Iacks@n Cou K, 6 Point 188 long Island North s a I go 0 Grand FO WL 0 Point RiVER IS.,sth Rig.10f. I. O.x BA Island 1' arbas Ylan Raccoon Islo.do 46 1. rry..Poiw q0 0 Marsh Island Island Barron Point .d Isla MBCP Site #237 c5- ------------------ ---- S S p p 0 V N ----------------------- j --- S ---- -------------------------- Gravelin ----------------- --------------- ------------ 1 1 -- - RN ISLAND P > @Jj:T @Hl S LAND r- AUP 'SIA PETIT Bois ISLAND 9 PETIT BOIS N -L-----FETIT BOIS I NWR 30 C 0 60 I -!,YS BOIS PETIT I @SN @W Site #237 (MBCP), Cedar Point Reef, Mobile Bay. P_ I PWF ' IT v2F 0 CIL 3. 14ATED) 0 VHCI 7 .UTH in w -11. 7 Nil 13 10 NO PWIR CAB'%'% PikiPA M0 IIN 2 FIXED BRIDGE PL juditb Fl F r MZ "OR CL 30 F"T F1 '.3 Ro F T C 1ER , " 1:. ..111- PA (CUT.0FIF CHANOO I, 9 a Pili -7 PWR CAB .CL 33 FT 9 10 'ORK) \\ I OVHD PWR CAB AA* 46 plattall.. s 210 TANK 0a 9 \ 11 10 -A F1 4.4-35"11 FlcR 4'sio 3 R Ref obstr 9OYS to PA 10 2 re A) It PA.44. 10 Pile to (see no, oys 119 11 1'F(If ANCHO@?AGE RIO 2) 11 Re r 1:1 R 2. :1 :Pile PA F411inj )Z-794a--,- - '31, 4 w PA 10 to 10i Pile -10 e=J ID-11 fys 10 0 3 @O F1 G 6sec 2v 2 7to so I 1 10 COaI OYS PUGS PA :p 10 4:* Rep 0 F1 R 6s '301 _ys 'to Ra Ref JAW-_ 2 1 it ri 12 7 4 9M13CA oyil@,Ocp OA -0 BRIDGE _, ,OGE 2 I C El FT 504 0.- 'Site #237 DI ;L a 3 Masts jjIj ,pLM 44 FT 14 H SuAw 12 FIR CAB J@ 12 9ill 12 PA A# (:> , I I *,FI A 430C '2r 12 "fil ift OYS 2\' 1 4 79;4 12 IN OYS ..................... . ............... in 10 it t..... ....... af 6 q- -R ww. . 5Stake j ---- @L, - - Q*, -% -ft; 1"" 12 a,5@ lArIll 0" 1joi II BRIDGE CL 100 FT 4-f-, 10 1 2 9, M, ;C Es. \\ .R C% 0 CL 44 FT ;..... .... . ..... r \ ,9IN G '29" 6GAsit Ill \ 13 G t2 13 F1 G 2'5@ :.Art FIXED Obst, pR, Oy. R 6' F1 R'22esf 5- @! .. I, A"A"im 4 M 'T 4RIDGE 11630i 'it ,AVIW NOR CL3 VERT @;A -41 LA 1k 83 FT,' G -3- 'Zo 13 Ur OVHD AUTH .1 R09FT 15\ Ir 4.1 S 9 CIA +1: 121 C F1 : 13 13 p Al@-. ft,'.E) S&*n Obtfir \I Uk.. -P 5 [email protected] 3'***--.. 6 E i ny 16jjF*_ , CIL F %. -6 G VITJ 141 is 13 F1 Ueqh., 1 4-I I -14 JW0 15 -46,@- '13' @h H, hl ;13 - 42 @,G - 7 FIXED BRIDGE 6 16 Nq pi, P 13 QW3-43-- 411. A, '-/ G-21-1 FI G 5 /ftv Welli 0 4s; .,,File \2 o cN. O.Ju `I ; E Int Y 6sec 50ft 5......5- --I prit- I Fl 6sec 1711 A 0 Well 3 too Ok F1 Y 32ft 0 11, Ib.11 F1 6sec 15tt w\ 21 2 j,2 R R Obsin -6- '4' . .;@ R .6A 17 1 6' TANK 64 F1 R...... *PA COLREGS Foxt DEMARCATION LINE 20 17 80 8 160 -fe A) 21 O\,H, rJ2 ......... . 2 9 ,\E FT G A R ........ A U P H1 2 FIG GON F? 20 G .... ...... %: .. . .... .... 7 10 Site #237 (MBCP), Cedar Point Reef, Mobile Bay (from chart 11376). Site #237 (MBCP), Cedar Point Reef, Mobile Bay. MISSISSIPPI SITES GERG SITE NUMBER - 238 DESIGNATOR - MSPB SITE - PASCAGOULA BAY, MISSISSIPPI SOUND, MS ]LATITUDE 30020.14'N 88035.17'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART - 11375 SITE ACCESS - To reach the boat ramp on the Pascagoula River, turn off Highway 90 onto Market Street and head south. When the road dead-ends at the beach, turn right and drive west to the end of the road. The boat is launched at the public ramp in the channel leading into Lake Yazoo. Then, by boat, proceed west to the northwest corner of Singing River Island. Run time to the site is less than 10 minutes. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located just west of the south end of the new causeway going to the Naval Base on Singing River Island, near the mouth of the West Pascagoula River. Oysters are generally abundant, and were found by poling on the subtidal reef. Station 1 is 100 meters offshore next to the causeway, Station 2 is 50 meters farther south and Station 3 is another 50 meters to the south. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The site was not scheduled to be sampled this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediment samples were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - SS dredge Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 1.0 - 1.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Possible contamination sources included the Pascagoula River, the City of Pascagoula, the Naval Ship Yard, heavy marine traffic and the nearby industrial complex. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled 00) (OC) 1995 - N/A 87 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 88 1 0 Oi Kreol@ rsh C::@' m .9 1.1 d '@/Jacks@n Cou ity Big Island 0 F, Long /,land Poi, S'j Nor$ Q Ifigolets PCs a' slan Rabbi I L 'e .4 G n\d,@O- Vj. W-d 0 Pain BA Y "I'll :U kuth Rigolets Is I Island ,be, to* I - 1, 0 aux BA Aan Racc,oon IsIonda @@rry,'Pww SN" 0 Marsh Island B-an Point Island MSPB Site #238 G "N 5- S I S I I N Dau P S Graveline --------------- -------------------------------- ---------- - A N D N ISLAND NWR > N rIS I j r- 1 U F Ln, > 6 ISIA 4? > ETIT BOIS ISLAND ,@ETIT BOIS NW @:-@@IETIT BOIS I 30 NWR C) C ty --- 60 Site #238 (MSPB), Pascagoula Bay, Mississippi Sound. 4 3 '5 3 (/4 !Jreb Lake - -OVHD I WR CAB [email protected] -,_A HCL33FT 4 1 1 %C 8 -5- vvk2 3 Z8 , I , -8 C2 w 6 M.@ OV P CAB L AUTI1 CL FT WX 9TAUX 9"' -T 3 lie 7 2 14 Uj 15 9 2 RBASCULE BRIDGE HOR CAL 140 IFF 14 0, FT 5 eVERT CIL 31 12 Cable fATCENTER) 9 us 90 OVHD IPWR CAB WING 8RIDGE Marsh C/ a I FT -4 AUTH CL OB FT 8 RT 7FT:-..@18 9 RIWARNING 5\ 7 (6@0 1 Diko Y PASCAGOULA @7 Rat b TANK - SIFT s 1 60 2 1Log Subm pile 11 3f FT 199 U19870 6 C G TWIN TANKS 1 A 19011\ ' 11 1k 41 Spoil Area GRAIN ELEV 141 -4- I *.- I\-- FT 1964 1 FR 'Pll is JO.R4.1 1@r, Petv fftakttd 2 1 61 P4 /@12 M1551"l, og Lo Snag 131F FR 1 3 8 1 2,71 mallhtd Pasciagov! 2 1 Lake bridge 0 1j1 1 3 Yazoo 2 11 30022.1 2 Ingalls \ 1 Is Spoil Area Shipyard 11 5 .b. Me e_ A y OR, oc Romp S 2 2 3 L Leumh p If R -4- k", TA AL R'W A L2ti-MI96@@4.,T,.., 01327 1 \\-) 2 T;4 - TANK Marker rep"' Priv maintict 1\1 2 2 3 '7- R _,t@-. -Piling Tin j-fiT1e`(T- 115, 2 1Stske@. oStek. Pilly S 2 PA 2 22 2 -4 0 G 17ft '4r .5 p1pe. I,, 17ft 4M 22 El 3 Spa 4 a Ref .2 6 5 3; 2 2 SINGING RIVER Shl 34 4 5 ISLAND 4 R '4' @71 6 4 ,\\,\ Ali 9 5 Marker rep 0 , lb@@"` 130 1 4 t 5 R 2.59 17ft '4r 6 5 5 0 F% 2.59 1'4 1% Ra Ref \4\@ Re Ref 3or"-4; - PD 4 5 5 4 Shl 271 5 \66, .......... '*7 6,R 3NE T C 0 4 @3 3 R49 5 00 1% \% jhw 'P 00/% 1\ , @v a@ R 8 R- 71 A6 _@r 2 Cbstn PA6@--. 9 Site #238,E 3; .v.:\2 '9 49 17ft 7 1 Fl Re Ref 4 PA 2 0 2 r Co 7 7 7 4 5 6 5 7 5 C, 9 5 Z@Z- o Irv 7 5 Sh @9\< 3 M 19 %% 7 66 9 8 0 . \@@.- S FIG6sI7ft 2 /'1110. 8 '37' Re Rof 01v 4 8 Mast 10 FI G 81 PrIv m nt 9 2 ...... PA 7 5 5 8 091 FI G 2.59 l7ft -I Rr@R'2-'s 'I 2 4 r'F@w_ Intd 116- Site #238 (MSPB), Pascagoula Bay, Mississippi Sound (from chart 113741). ANN- Site #238 (MSPB), Pascagoula Bay, Mississippi Sound. "K Vi RI 72"m A GERG SITE NUMBER - 239 DESIGNATOR - MSBB SITE - BILOXI BAY, MISSISSIPPI SOUND, MS NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30023.55'N 88051.45'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11372 SITE ACCESS - No boat is necessary, since this is a walk up site. Access to the site is via automobile, parking at the Gulf Coast Research Lab Marine Education Center off Highway 90 at the Biloxi-Ocean Springs bridge. SITE DESCRIPTION - The sample area is located along the shoreline in intertidal waters, where the oysters are collected from the concrete bulkhead, rocks and debris. Station 1 oysters were collected from the bulkhead and first set of pilings at the west end of the bridge, Station 2 was located on the seawall between the 4th and 5th set of pilings and Station 3 was located between the 8th and 9th set of pilings from the western end of the bridge. All three stations are about 50 meters apart. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Small to medium sized oysters were abundant on the brick and concrete rubble forming the seawall. The oysters were in singles and clusters and the shells were very fragile. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediment samples were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Possible contamination factors included marine traffic and city pollution. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (71.) (OC) 1995 11.0 15.0 17 January 1995 89 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I I I I I I I I I 1 90 1 V -Z r 7-7 L (? A e rt C, J Vj V Ver Ce L 00 an L, 0 5u ke n 40.' nds oi- R RV De sle Edge fater Park Jk- Mississippi City Gross C Cuevas ULFPORT Point cz: 7 Cedar Point I a w)" MSBB "i m.11ini -11. 1@ Long Beach IFI Poinr Site #239 90 ass Christian <> CA USf@@WAY I Henderson Point Bay St Louis W-1 r@ ----------------------- --------------- -------------------------- or + S 0 North Point >-I t- seat Sand Hill z:) t-z West PointR I :)0 01 Site #239 (MSBB), Biloxi Bay, Mississippi Sound. 10 ' ic) 17 14Y 15 -,'Q&@UTH 6,*-,'@Aa 111W I I I I I I I I I ra V a @-I 9 AT)1\1V�ibI (Ovi4 I!, luvi I I 111 1 1 1 r I jI I 6.. ...... 0 take, 02 @6j t p 2 In 2 I, r 'a .31 G a C--:. 4 4 4 1 "bo 00 9 15@6 4 .G .4, 4 7 2 5" 13 0' 1@ VIP > 15 10 9 3 3 7 5 4 Pit. JAL I Ww to 3 P @4 14 c@pifff St*A 5 9 2 10 TANK V* Sig Jr ,4EOO Area 2 lie 8 1 9 rANK % T \\4 SAO,/ R 4rew 2 0 -7- -4-3 NK '9 @y f, FO 0 Frt3 987 8 12 3 7 7 %2- --- FI ;f's :7-, 0,:f @%6'4 14A4 C@- al N, -3- 2 4 2 2 4 0 .9.40 AR N 7'j2 F ijai 011 2 OS'q59 11 0 FI IA- 11 3 4 18 7 G -9- 0 1 F?Q Ref 4 * P. 1 "5:- -160 k 0 NO3 3 .58 @ 5 //Q 0 12 , G A-1 R i'lly I 'vo 4 4 C311 2-" 4 1 - . : Cky- 5 a 4 * -- !@-7 a Piq .',,a 5R *2 - 4 1, 0% 3 UA% 4 J?Gf 6 G @-5 R. 4 3 3 4 5 -!,g' 5fj) S- 24- 1-15, 9P 7 5r'4 )>It P" 2 ...Me 'O'i'z Ra 'a'4 33 S/91 5 il 2 1 S, @w R 2@- -*-`W ?4, @zw - .5 0 4 6 6 % '*4 0 Ref 3 3 6 4 1 '@r 13Y 15 #0--4 L L-@ Stu, 2 2 Ps I 8 6 G 4'@f@- 00 W -S. 3 I/ stump %% w 7 0 ans Sn. F1 4s 7 Oy -P 5 @11 Ra R SAW@@ OQ74,"P. 2@ of -17f-1311--6- 2 8 Pri"'t'10 7 7 41 0- Stu 8 k1l 7 mps 900 711 0 pole.. 2 '@,Obl Ir . ....... 13 "D Site #239 .D 8 PA Un V 06v)- 2 2 ;C-4f 8 9 2 Site #239 (MSBB), Biloxi Bay, Mississippi Sound (from chart 11372). "600"m !-Mai iw Site #239 (MSBB), Biloxi Bay, Mississippi Sound. -A hL k: GERG SITE NUM13ER - 240 DESIGNATOR - MSPC SITE - PASS CHRISTIAN, MISSISSIPPI SOUND, MS NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30018.12'N 89019.62'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11372 SITE ACCESS - This site is accessible via automobile, taking the first exit on the west side of the Highway 90 bridge between Bay St. Louis and Pass Christian. Follow the road south along the shoreline to Veterans Pier. A boat ramp is located on the south side of the jetty/pier, which is necessary for the sediment sampling. SITE DESCRIPTION - At the pier, oysters are found attached to the rocks and rubble, and along the muddy sand bottom. The oysters are intertidal, and accessibility is easiest at low tide. Station 1 is on the north side of the jetty, Station 2 is on the seaward side of the "T" end of the jetty and Station 3 is on the south side of the jetty. An alternate site lies some 1.65 nautical miles to the northeast (bearing 57). Here the oysters are located on a submerged reef, which parallels the Highway 90 bridge. The reef is 10 meters south of the bridge, on the east side of the channel in 2.5 meters of water. GPS coordinates for this reef are 30'18.87N and 89018.05'W. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The site was not scheduled to be sampled this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediment samples were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious visible point sources of contamination nearby. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (9010) (OC) 1995 - N/A 91 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 92 1 R R i Q@ Q, '7 r un e A r) to k B ke @Tower OX [por c '@-5- 3 04 CI eesi6A 0 0 - f- NAVAL V D,. le R ERVA Edgewater Park ighr Rad Mississippi City 4- Gross C ovas Point C a ULFPORT cz -Ak I Cedar Point qYOu 6 0 Matfini Long Beach Point 90 ass Christian AUSfWAY AOILouis Henderson Point _@V ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- 'N"" MSPC '@ ;xI -If 4k@@ L)J-4 or Site #240 tj 0 North Point S R 12 11 W reat Sand Hill F, West Point b 0 0 cAr UZI I -J_SLAND 8 .&SS Little So,, Site #240 (MSPC), Pass Christian, Mississippi Sound, lit U.S. Coast Guard Liaht List for supplemental Inn @.nnra-ina 2;A@ f, n-..i-#;- ---------- 1 4 Cl 4 3 r.h 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 S 5243 Cirassy Pt Ba SuIskeft 5 0D,iconjid We 4 A( Ro Ref C/ I@S/ 11. ii BASCULE BRIDGE ars ;, @gb HOR CL 68 FT SUIP"PA yoj@@ 1 3 3 4 VERT CL RZ FT 4 ""5, 0 VH D PW CAB 3 4% FIG4sec 17ft 3@ 34 AUTH CL 48 FT _fr,- 4# N'9A- v Pile* Ro RetI -----Ba G -7-,@% qP 11 yol P0,v qw. "o 2 ------34@'0 N, 0 G -5-L .9. -3- ,N, 1@, -fT - N -9-Y -L@G-v-2Lo 2- 46' 6 - @: 2 -.. . . Z.- I " - G R,-: r j32 1:@ FT 9 - - - - - -- - - - - - - 5d ?t. ,A* .,,,& o Owen -@11 19 241) R I> 3F -1 '12' 13 'Z!/- %Spo,'14 i Pile -4v - an J? Pipe 56*PA .,6-. er low 4 2 8 5G jullll@j Pt. Ar 17ft6 8 0 D2 Io Morkef TANKS PA .2 -@!@!ns 10 BASCULE HWY BRIDGE (chart3 HOR CL 100 FT LOUIS BAY S. CL IAT CENTER SS L&N RR SWING BRIDGE OVHD POWER CABLE WARNING' NOR CL (WEST DRAW) 100 FT I -Ts PA3 AUTH C L SOFT AT :87 BII[IDGE DRAW rvice displays storm warnings %-I VERT CL 13 FT 1-4 OVHD PWR CA! .ate loc tions: OVHD T CABLE SUBM AT DRAW ":7@,- - - - - .05 51) TANK DOM CHURCH TANK 2, o TOWER 7 L-1 ** 5... PA Piling 25ay 'a 4 7 019 6--3 @4 1A. ;7 Tme enderson 'P PA Masts 2 &2 74 115 .... WkS7 ITE H PA 7 a 7 OS AARIANNE 2 0@ 84 Fj G R0 7 ircised when navigating this Piles 7 .hange. 7\87 8 A 10 -if i TANK Pilinogo 10 .0 5.o W Bn. It %P PA Stakeds 16 9 Priv maintd MSP- 5. CIWk: .1 Cysters@\ Site #240 , )"R6 10 SPIR 8 8 47()8() 1'12 9 Fl R 4a 17ft dkA'\-9- Q Pipes . ...... 2 !',fta Ref- u .......... 4 0- --!-Pil... 8 0 7 9) 02 PA 4 Priv mointcl a 3 C@ Bns 8 dkerc \6 n 4/())k 12f 4 Site #240 (MSPC), Pass Christian? Mississippi Sound (from chart 11372). 141 Site #240 (MSPC), Pass Christian, Mississippi Sound. LOUISIANA SITES GERG SITE NUM13ER - 241 DESIGNATOR - LPNO SITE - NEW ORLEANS, LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30002.18'N 90002.48'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11369 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is via boat, launched at the public ramp located under the Shoreline Drive bridge over the Inner Harbor Channel. The site is located just to the north of the ramp, on the southern edge of Lake Pontchartrain. Travel time to the site is less than 5 minutes. This site cannot be sampled when there is a strong north wind, due to the high waves that develop. SITE DESCRIPTION - This site was originally designated - LPGO, Lake Pontchartrain, Gulf Outlet. The name was changed in 1995, as the site is actually located just off the New Orleans shoreline on the south side of Lake Pontchartrain. The site is located approximately 1 km northwest of the bridge, and to the west of the New Orleans Lakefront Airport. Oysters occur at this site, due to a deep salt water wedge that enters through the Inner Harbor Channel, from the Mississippi River. The high salinity water allows the oysters to exist in the deeper water on the bottom of Lake Pontchartrain, near the outlet. Station 1 is located some 400 meters north of the U.S. Naval-Marine Corps Reserve Station, Station 2 is 100 meters north of the two tall light poles on the shore and Station 3 is 100 meters northeast of Station 2, and about 200 meters offshore. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The oyster stations were located along the edge of the channel in deep water. Small to medium sized oysters were very sparse as the Louisiana Fish and Wildlife Department have removed most of them in a replanting project. Stations were not distinguished due to the sparse population. Two hours of dredging was required to obtain sufficient oysters for the analytical work. This station could improve in future years, since the area is closed to commercial luggers. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediment samples were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - SS dredge Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - Subtidal, 4.0 m 93 POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - No obvious visible pollution sources were e-6dent, but Lake Pontchartrain drains through this outlet and tidal water frorn New Orleans flushes back into the lake here. There is also heavy boat and barge traffic in the nearby channel into the Inner Harbor. The nearby Lakefront Airport could also be a pollution factor. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (700) (0c) 1995 8.0 12.0 17 January 1995 94 LPNO Site #241 ,,Light N,rport 10, La,,'elgonl 1\ Nt LE NS LA A @PO T evvett 7 all SE VALL Pontchartrain 7 LEVEE + (21 F I A-, -1 Beach _AXESHDRE us Naval-Marine Co, t, S T@ eserve 7 T Goal _Tb -Ram 00- vo NO US Army n, Reserv (EE a. TIO JU M. jjW b cy akeifon C., 5, a ON southern UAver W B, r (New Orloanst EON C@ T. Park 'V y I ; @11 3 [email protected]' n 0 Site #241 (LPNO), New Orleans, Lake Pontchartrain. 14 .7, t-5 14 15 (5 - hre ;15 46@ )4 Is -4-4 ---J4 ......... 14 - t4 14 (4 186 110 16N ---14 - - -- - - 14 15 115 16 16 14 PA 14 14 AV aPlarform Priv Maintd 15 13 14 14 J4 14 )4 15 15 aid$ 14 14 Ad 'Ok r Wor ITNO 14 wor-P (4 W 0"E" CC> W O"w 6' 14 y C;v 14 W 0, @G- 2 Qh F 14 @80-Y-Z,70`u 14 Site #241 ct57 W Or W 0"). 15 PA Or -C "E' 14 01. 4 13 C D. hrd 15 Ok Ff W01 14 9WO, 15 - -- PA. 14 C -F' 14 15 f'a'M 14 13 (;5' ""13 <P 13 (4 s(k W Or 14 14 PA WO, W 0" W or W Or 29 '7" C r C 'G@ 15, P.' v )3W01 13 -15 15 @b29 (2 00N 23 PA. 3) 14 w Or 29 kyo, Q C W MCAS STATUTE MILE 9-Lakefrent wor 29 841* TRL11 Airport @13 24 ol 35 36 42 7 Selik 19 f4 4\ 124-. 13 ire 13 12, 9 1-Z A' 15 9 R 3'ating W & I; to h"d Of, aCht u TOWERS@ BkW - Tf 10 @'F @\ 9 C/116 STA (LIGHTEt P.I,ng f F? 10s6c 52" 16M BELL qr R Ta P@'Nj jpilipAl 1. NEW CANAL C.G. LOCK Indian Beach Milneburg STACK (S OF TWO) TANK COMO' @i. Li tt RTR \WR Bonnabe Place Q 166 RADIO halts OWER I RAsec HO PWR STAC 4 FIG 2-5sec is @@TIV Priv moiniri j/ TR P @F SPIRE OVHD PWR AS STACK (0 (SE OF 21 reWfitbury N E L A N Lock Arnbi V C@ @14 0VHD cp nd C@' Bridge undo, GREATER NEW ORLEAhs rix cl@n Of Site #241 (LPNO), New Orleans, Lake Pontchartrain (from chart 1136,9). A Site #241 (LPNO), New Orleans, Lake Pontchartrain. Y i '"mm' 1 GERG SITE NUM13ER - 242 DESIGNATOR - LBGO SITE - GULF OUTLET, LAKE BORGNE, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29056.55'N 89050.02'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11371 SITE ACCESS - Access is by boat launched at the marina north of Chalmette, off LA Highway 47. From the marina, travel north to Bayou Bienvenue, then east to the first channel or continue on to the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet Canal. Turn right (southeast) and continue on for 5 miles, then turn left into Lake Borgne at the red channel marker "116". An alternate boat ramp/lift is at Shell Beach, off of LA Highway 39. At Shell Beach, launch in Bayou Yscloskey and proceed northeast to the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, then northwest up the Outlet to the red channel marker "116". SITE DESCRIPTION - This site was originally designated LBNO, Lake Borgne New Orleans. The name was changed in 1995, as the site is located just off the Gulf Outlet and not in New Orleans. The site is located just inside the pass into the lake, along the south shore and is to the south of the Martello Castle. Station 1 is located 200 meters southeast of the Castle and 50 meters northwest of two poles with the signs "DANGER - OYSTER REEFS". Station 2 is 50 meters south-southeast from Station 1 and offshore from the poles, while Station 3 is a further 50 meters to the south-southeast. All three stations were sampled some 25 meters out from the shoreline. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be collected this year, but was added in as an alternate site when BBTB (Barataria Bay, Turtle Bay) was discovered to be devoid of any live oysters. Small to medium sized oysters were found across the entire area, occurring in singles and clusters. All of the oysters had a heavy growth of mussels on their shells. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - hand Sediment- N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0. 1 - 0.2 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - No obvious pollution sources were evident. However, the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet drains the New Orleans area and does support a great deal of barge and ship traffic. 95 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (%0) (OC) 1995 4.0 12.0 16 January 1995 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 96 1 cto Point W. LBGO gry, Site #242 U, c ur kid '111 ou r 175- n 4 Lake J'r' c, 39 ui Lake Jeall L i ou " '. Grund b Q ih Lake Lake Vachias r,,ce Lak, .'I is 0 ery Calebasse Lake ro Lak rtuna mpo I Ur C- I%I... i t r Zrch BLA C I@Dee- r 4bin Site #242 (LBGO), Gulf Outlet, Lake Borgne. (see in6 C) 0,\ 70 .9 k4 q 7 ---- ------ M 01 8 C' A,1 7 .......... --------- --- . ... .. 9 :ier .......... \. -t 8 7 8 7 7 8 "2" F1 ec 30ft '1' 7 7 Mars R-- @Gs h 3 ID (P IG " S 7 -70 Proctor i F1 6se -3 G 15' LOWTILE Sh 2 7/ 7 0 5 7 7 \C@Z@7' Foul 4 s-v 1.2 3 C Subm Ofiw 0, 4 71 0 N' 5 7 6 -------- --- ------------ 7 .7 7 N, W" 4 41 0 M h '@Z N, 7 NOTE D C(fl' VIOLET CANAL ovs itrolling depth was 5 feet over the bar in Lake 444 7 ence 6 feet through Bayou Dupre and the canal to ay bridge at Violet; thence 4 feet to the end of the Mar. 1988 0,4_6 L S R R \7 Site #242 (LBGO), Gulf Outlet, Lake Borgne (from chart 11371). pr AM Site #242 (LBGO), Gulf Outlet, Lake Borgne. GERG SITE NUM13ER - 243 DESIGNATOR - LBMP SITE - MALHEUREUX POINT, LAKE BORGNE, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29052.02'N 89040.71V LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11364 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is via LA Highway 39 to Shell Beach. At Shell Beach, launch in Bayou Yscloskey and proceed northeast across the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet and into Lake Borgne. Proceed around to the west side of Old Fort Beauregard, where the sampling site is located. Run time to the site is less than 15 minutes. SITE DESCRIPTION - Oysters were collected from the bricks and rubble around the old fort, in intertidal waters. The nominal site center is in a small cove to the southwest of the old fort. Station 1 is located to the southwest of the fort, at the east end of the rubble breakwater, Station 2 is 50 meters to the east and is situated on the mudflats, while Station 3 lies a further 50 meters to the southeast in the small cove. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be collected this year, but was added in as an alternate site when MRTP (Mississippi River, Tiger Pass) was discovered to be devoid of any live oysters. Oysters of all sizes are scattered across the entire site, in more than adequate numbers for the sampling protocol. There was a particularly heavy growth of mussels, and mussel spat, over the whole area. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0 - 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Contamination factors include outwash from the Yscloskey Bayou and Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, an ammunitions dump, and oil and gas pipelines in the surrounding area. 97 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled I (%0) (OC) 1995 7.0 12.0 16 January 1995 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 98 1 do Point LBM? Site #243 NS M, ke 05 ASTA& 8. I., tS a 'Oil -Al wt City q nq 1,,j@ e@ate WOO La @e .4, a ji 'y 41, -0 T: Gru -khl S L oke x, L 11hichias i nce GO 2 e ry, n -z" 'le L.k, Fortuna onse o Drurn Bay Oenix 0 'wix Mel 0 say of @xiir "@Us oil -ake Island AR J. lux Chene tjessies I %S 7) Bay If urch BLA lonesome I t C@ Oil irl e "D Site #243 (LBMP), Malheureux Point, Lake Borgne. (see,Ate C) .9 U S- V@3 A 1 11 9 :-- \ 9 V.-T. P Y M 'CP 8 \9 9 Iv 1 7 7 8 7 8 8 7 8 R "2",@* a A 4ec 30ft 'I \8 7 7 3 117 , Marsh B 4@' C3 to. G -'3 7 "S G-5- ----- ------ 64 Proctor F1 6se ARTE L07'tASTLE 01 0 Sh 7 ;5 7 7/ .............. ON" 7 \ca Foul 5 4 3 3 'Ca 014 0Subm 5 0 pOng 4 0'tL 4 7; Y 5 --M ------- 5 5 7 ars@h 6 4W, 7 5 7 7 ---------- 4 0 ite - - ---------- - -\411 M' h 7 NOTE D VIOLET CANAL N. --- itrolling depth was 5 feet over the bar in Lake > 0 ence 6 feet through Bayou Dupre and the canal to I, 7 N. ay bridge at Violet; thence 4 feet to the end of the Mar. 1988 @046 L S R R Site #243 (LBMP), Malheureux Point, Lake Borgne (from chart 11371). Site #243 (LBMP), Malheureux Point, Lake Borgne. GERG SITE NUMBER - 244 DESIGNATOR - BSBG SITE - BAY GARDERNE, BRETON SOUND, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29036.12'N 89037.65'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11364 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed by boat launched from Beshel's Lift. From East Pointe a la Hache go south 7.5 miles on LA Hwy. 39, then turn right at the large Chevron sign to get to the marina. By boat, proceed southeast down the Back Levee Canal to the Lower Grand Bayou, then northeast along the bayou to Battle Ground Bay. In Battle Ground Bay go north-northwest into Island Bay, then northeast through Fell Cut. Proceed east-northeast across Grand Point Bay and go through Bayou Bove. Bayou Lost is due east of here and just to the north of Pintail Point, directly across Bay Garderne. The site is located along the south shore of the western end of Bayou Lost, to the west of the LA Fish and Wildlife Camp. Approximate run time to the site is 0.75 hours. SITE DESCRIPTION - This site is located on a small unnamed island between Bayou Lost and Lonesome Island on the eastern side of Bay Garderne. Station 1 is located at the western end of the Fish & Wildlife Camp island, on the south side of Bayou Lost. Station 2 is located 100 meters to the east on the middle of the island on the south side of the bayou and Station 3 lies a further 100 meters to the east of Station 2. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Oysters of all sizes were abundant throughout the entire area, which is covered with private leases. The oysters occurred in singles and clusters on the soft mudflats, along the edge of the Spartina alterniflora marsh. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0 - 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - No obvious visible point sources of contamination were observed in the area. 99 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00 (OC) I 1995 5.0 13.0 15 January 1995 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 100 1 JA I do Point w t UC SrAL ur a Ken lb lb 0 e@,,W 000 i@ Z Lake Lery A su Lake @bqui Lake Jean ces 7:1@! is RoWn Lou "'jh M s Lake 014, Lake Machias Ccilebass, Lke Ca U r kol-1-1 -t, 1, Bay @a bwchd@ BLACK 8A Y -Dee BSBG 0 t@ Lonesom.e I ;17 71, Site #244 Site #244 (BSBG), Bay Garderne, Breton Sound. -j C@- Iz-j Deer 1 0 go Perrick CO. FI . S ft Ro Ref 025 17 pipe i + I iurb)l @@Snake 1 Subm doi Bav off"River Ux 0 aux Chenes Grassy Pt Jessies I dema Pond sh pip wit us PO Q-P Y tra ".Q Ourc e un Lonesome I CP ayou ue P, Obsin PD ec 12fl'54A' Priv mainld structions 01/ Wells and Pl@oehnes hf"Jill B. Ob (see note B) BSBG Site #244 4seC 12tt'78A 0 A 4 Priv maintd Pr ontanell Baeg, Belle Isle (Z) B E MINERAL DEVE C==:%P Obstruction lig 13 are required for structures shown approval by the - P-1 Coast Guard (33 Q Site #244 (BSBG), Bay Garderne Breton Sound (from chart 11364). Site #244 (BSBG), Bay Garderne, Breton Sound. low- -IN m1k. GERG SITE NUMBER - 245 DESIGNATOR - BSSI SITE - SABLE ISLAND, BRETON SOUND, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29024.26'N 89029.09'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11364 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed from the Buras Riverside Marina, on the west bank of the Mississippi River, off of LA Hwy. 23. Cross the Mississippi River, go through the Ostrica Locks and down the Ostrica Canal into Quarantine Bay. Follow the marked channel to the entrance to Bayou Bio, then go east to Sable Island. The boat run time is less than 30 minutes, allowing for the Ostrica Locks. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located on the southwest side of Sable Island. Oyster reefs were ubiquitous to the area around the island and there are some good oyster beds here. There is one particularly good reef, clearly marked with white PVC poles, on the southwest side of the island (29'24.26'N, 89'29.09'W). All three stations were collected along this reef, within the marker poles. OYSTER COLLECTIONS - - 1995 The site was not scheduled to be collected this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - SS dredge Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 1.0 - 2.5 ni POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Obvious sources of contamination included the extensive oil and gas platforms to the north and west (closer than 0.5 miles), and the widespread oil and gas development in the overall delta area, east of the river. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (OC) 1995 N/A 101 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 102 1 Gas 4- + gattleclore Reef BRETON NWR o o o -Breton Islands Point &I - @q Hog Islands Wells <49 USSI ield Site #245 mnl*f PaSs Little Grand Coquille Bay Coquith Bay Bird Island Oil Field Taylor Pass 0* cp GrC d Bap`o Carencro Bay Ja ital 0 V( v .71 Liu et PLeur I Bend fond I-S S _tL ;U -Red _0 n @inwn' BAY Bay. 43. BLINZV Bay.. U11 1`1 k S lors' no Dixon Bay J oil 4 1., ek r Scott Bay 0 Oil Field T 23 Whole Say *_GARDEN lSL4ND BAY o Bay WEST BA Y o Nw. :ton s t EA BAY el wo;s* P )rt Eads ------------- -------- - - Site #245 (BSSI), Sable Island, Breton Sound. 5 Priv main 7 2 6 6 6 iR2.5secl5tt-8', 4 F F1 R 2,5sec 15ft 5 5 I,lv irn.inld Privirnoinid 6 ShWon //',,Man rove Pt F1 R 2.5sec WI'VI Priv maintd 4 shell ba 0 F1 4sec 15(t"2" 7 21 11 OVHD PWR CAB Priv maintii h AUTH CL 60 FT I hre PA, F1 R 2.5sec 15ft 141 F1 4sec I @W'4" 0 Oqo Priv maintd 4 Priv,@Ylaintd California Pt. 'Priv maintd6 6 sfl 8 Sh,lfmg 0 shell bank 4 7 F1 4sec 151t -2- 6 4 Priv maintd 4 ck 6 6 W ro'S M Allen Ba jy 7 8 12 7 F1 4 ft .4' Obstruc S11V5 7 7 10 12 Mast Pr. mainid Ba tri 8 @y Pri@ maii la Mer F1 4sec 15ft"14",.' Subln -4-- 9 @4 1@ .1 1 F1 4sec 15ft 1161 1: P "Y Ok F1 R 10ft'CPV P4, Priv mpint.di rep Priv maintd 10 11 mo I F1 4sec 15ft"46"'% c 15ft"15" 11 - - - - - - - F1 G 4se po- - "','(50"PA, / bCHANIN 4 Priv maintil F1 4SI '60' 11v 1. 4 /, Sa 7 C 15ft Oft pass 1CC2 A 4sf 1// 9- fLO'C'CO \ 7 10 10 i 1- 4 Cuselic 15ft - 8" 0 a.y Qk A A:: U 7 9 CZ> " 'E' 11 10 do -I,- A I: Raccoon Pt F1 0 B io 4sec 154'.j Little F, 14 Raccoon Pt 4sec 17f, Site 2453 4sec tt' F 1 7 ay f, J301JO" @c 75f t"166, % a"O CI' fn@d 14 6. 8 --c 151 P'@v -ndl@ 7, 01 EL 4 @@@ANN e "4" 'k- R 2 ov 30 lVA y Deno 0@ 40/ DS RICA.LOCK Site #245 (BSSI), Sable Island, Breton Sound (from chart 11364). ki, j- Site #245 (BSSI), Sable Island, Breton Sound. IML-- GERG SITE NUMBER - 246 DESIGNATOR - MRPL SITE - PASS A LOUTRE, MISSISSIPPI RIVER, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29004.87N 89005.53'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11361 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is via boat, launched from the Venice Marina. From the boat basin, head upstream to the main fork of the Mississippi River at The Jump, then proceed downstream to the Head of Passes. At this point, take the east fork holding to the south shore to avoid the large sandbar at the entrance to Pass a Loutre. Proceed east to the second cut to the south, and go down Southeast Pass to the first oil tanks (29'07.75'N, 89105.78'W), and then south into Redfish Bay via a narrow reed lined channel. No attempt should be made to travel to this site except in calm weather. An alternate route is to continue on down Southeast Pass to the mouth, then come back (northwest) into Redfish Bay. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located at the extreme southeast edge of Redfish Bay, just to the north of the last small island. Prominent landmarks are the Port Eads Lighthouse (240') at South Pass, and the green tanks on the Exxon platform (350'). The oysters are dredged 5 to 10 meters out from the reed lined shore in 1 meter of water. Separate stations are not distinguished due to the size of the reef OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled to be collected this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLINGMETHODS Oyster - SS dredge Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 1.0 - 2.0 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - The only visible point sources of contamination in the area were the nearby oil production facilities, in the upper part of Redfish Bay. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (0Q 1995 N/A 103 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 104 1 "2 + rorth 6ik, Beffledore Reef BRETON NWR 0 j Brefon Islands o Point o Oi;s N we[ Hog Islands Field o )int Sable Island Raccoon Pass Little Gmnd GNU ,fil, Bay C,)q.ill, Bay r. Bird Island Oil Field 7' ;;I,r Pass 4f, V-, 11 1 @ , .. - 10, il Grc'@d B.@@- oil Bay Boo V Bay J-@17)-/, Ali k5 X 64, @ f e Ve zi@ A 2i7 --o o '-sov - d- I A. " 11 @ .4 S Od, I @47 L@ @7, EF V oR I a V m im@ I Bend oFiell -.XY- B c el* - i Pil,field B r@o S, -4 S41, I.Py R Tj, aq I S laranto fe 0 0, - '-Oil wells 00; A 6r7 f( iak, 'k K,;, e,,i "))I -- B., V S r7h`t'Yfl@> oil f (7 IM b v 0, Dix. po@, Old"- oil Y@ a!deq, Pay /o G Bd Y Oil Field"," &V oil . ... . GARDEP41S 0 -13 W"ES7 BA Put*; 0 MRPL 0 EAST HA V Site #246 Oil - rt Eads. 9 F )rt Eads. well s Site #246 (MRPL), Pass a Loutre, Mississippi River. TOWER N 3 (Aband L t Ho) %outh';e .71 . .. ... i I '. J, 4 CIN jzt 2 46 2 4 Y Platforms V 4 02 0 4M3 5 A 2 2 -@M C)'a 4 4 3 3 14 .0- 3 13 C@ NJ' 2 0 3.14 0 'A' 3@ 01 Platfor a 4 ?4 Pril ds C), 01. Q) 2 4 3 M 4 Obstructions /is @P'Lfpof` C" - A : : : - . 14 7 4 24 3 U t L 2 41 -pelines z 8 '5- 130to Q. 4 2 Snag 47 3 8 23 39 5 3 3 12 r'q D 4 -4 38 23 M L \ N-t 5 14 2 --@/l 0 0 '15 76 --A R- N -A Y S 2 2 2 PRO 7 20 2 7\2- P as 2 P40 3 7 42 71 3 91 96 2 kz A ".."iQ 9 41 A. 5 91 2 113 2 Oj 3\ M 4 /2 9 ZIMUTH 2 @outh P etly Light 14' 1 73 13 1 68\ 1@7 @11 *27'17. I'nht 3*27'17. 126 1 88 6/ 2 9 73 8 33 1 @2 5r Q '10 \@ N - / Ir-1- @l 2\4 1 '34 46 I \8 @"l 36A Qbst@0 PA 53 3 Site #246 (MRPL)/, Pass a Loutre, Mississippi River (from chart 11361). -it @il@ lvmy y oo,4 Ao Site #246 (MRPL), Pass a Loutre, Mississippi River. GERG SITE NUMBER - 247 DESIGNATOR - MRTP SITE - TIGER PASS, MISSISSIPPI RIVER, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29008.69'N 89025.67'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11361 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is by boat, launched at the Venice Marina. Proceed down Tiger Pass to the entrance; this takes 0.5 to 1 hour depending on the weather conditions. The mouth of Tiger Pass is bordered by a jetty on both sides; proceed past the end of the northwest jetty to green channel marker "T', and then turn back around the jetty and head north to the shoreline. The site is directly north of the jetty and green channel marker "9". SITE DESCRIPTION - This site, is located on the west side of the Mississippi River delta, near the mouth of Tiger Pass. The site is on the southwest shoreline of a small smooth cordgrass island, near a telephone pole at the edge of the marsh. Individual stations are contiguous along the shoreline. Station 1 is on the shoreline, just north of where the Tenneco pipeline canal runs into the bay on the east and southeast from the telephone pole at Station 2. Station 2 is the next along some 100 meters of the shoreline to the north across from the telephone pole with two bolts. The pole is approximately 20 meters from the shoreline. Station 3 is northwest from the pole and up to where the canal forms the northwest boundary of the marsh island. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 No live oysters could be found in the area, so the site was not sampled. Site LBMP (Lake Borgne, Malheureux Point) was substituted as an alternate sampling site. SEDIM[ENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - SS dredge, hand Sediments - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0 - 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - No are no obvious visible point sources of contamination in the area, other than the nearby oil field facilities. 105 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (%0) (OC) I 1995 - - 15 January 1995 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 106 1 Gas BRETON Battledore Real NWR o o -Breton Islands Point o ail wells Hog Islands Int Sable Isla d Raccoon Pass Grand QVuill, Bay Bird Island Oil Field Taylor Pass 0 Gr( nd BaIPc:' N" Carencro Bay ital Ba ofe n Ve spa o ket k7eur Bend /SS1-1 T, fond -P r C Q 717 0 S Hea ofT Bay BLIAIV BA Y 10 u nd) Dixon MRTP Bay oil #247 W r Scott Bay o Oil Field T 23 GARDEN ISLAND BA Y Whole Bay Cockier Bay WESIBAY 0 EAS BAY Oi: rt Eads WR wel tirt Eads ja@ t s L Site #247 (MRTP), Tiger Pass, Mississippi River. J* 16 5 JA 8 18 / 10 7Z,7 I rim I Y-1 A h i PD @13 k A2 23 K3 Z I Pie 21@ 2 24 23 21 ?3 4 9 13 10 4S mP,IPe 0 22 Z19 Cc R A TIO Lju Z' 4'0 80.8 (so tes A E) F1 ?14s 25 @ym 19 a 17 m 1 7 9. Platforms 26 24 22-' @1/ 15 5 2 TP 20 25 Platfor 'I x1t�r 28 2 0 y/-46a5-- FI G Us orm 21 '5 RR 1 7 -@z a 3M R :1"f 1FI ;w 6- 27 7@ 19 2, 1 Ro 29 22 9 JI N 198 7 R.f 0 IF 15 '2' fdro "t-w 26 19 Ife" Mt* S) 28 22 3 32 4 17 WD-25-1 90-1. X 10 1-27-1/\ Wre 2 Platform T E RON @1@\2"P 159, 30 29 27 TOC-WD 5-10090- 4 D., If28 @24 19 b Af 10 --\\ - 34,"'/ 4 z-- 22 13 - -- - - 0 2@' --- 16 PD 32/ war sh @0 COL GS D RCA ION LIN P 17 630a s A) I -4-6 28 23 1 9 36. \ li ./ 2 "f S 19 7 36 32 3/ 4 22 17 11 28 - Platfo --- 6 '0 3 130 27 14 4 38 @2 5@23 4 2 ' @22 gy 25 22 2 25 2 '9 '\4 rm 33 4 19 @6 6 10 5 C., 6 9 3i 32 1 31 4 35\ 30 2 Site #247 (MRTP), Tiger Pass, Mississippi River (from chart 11361). Site #247 (MRTP), Tiger Pass, Mississippi River. GERG SITE NUMBER - 248 DESIGNATOR - BBMB SITE - MIDDLE BANK, BARATARIA BAY, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29016.60'N 89056.52'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11365 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed by boat launched at Cheramines Marina, in Grand Isle. From the marina, proceed east across Barataria Pass, to the Louisiana Fish and Wildlife Camp on the northwestern tip of the western Grand Terre Islands. Run time is less than 10 minutes. An alternate launching ramp is at the Grand Isle Coast Guard Station, at the end of LA Hwy. 1. SITE DESCRIPTION - This site is located in a Spartina alterniflora marsh, along the eastern side of the channel going into the Grand Terre F&WL station. Station I is located 5 meters north from the end of the wooden bulkhead, to the north of the F&Vv'L station. Station 2 lies 50 meters north of the wooden bulkhead, next to an aluminum pole (1.5" 0). Station 3 lies 100 meters north of the bulkhead, next to the wooden post and "Keep Out" sign. All three stations lie on the eastern side of the channel. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Medium to large mussels were abundant throughout the area, occurring in singles and clusters. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0 - 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Possible contamination could come from the anti- fouling paint used on the vessels at the Fish and Wildlife Laboratory. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (T-0) (OC) 1995 20.0 16.5 13 January 1995 107 I SOT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I @": lim @otqsh Pc SdIphu Mp. Port Bay r ty Bati B. lisle Sansbais f -'Ca wi - 1 I Z4S' AUys'@@ Saturday ov@' Ball a Che Was I [stand ig island 11 c 1@ I I --/", -- BA RA TA RIA oil V o Aaeou Defond 10 p Crcne 1 0 Lke "11 @gan Point Bosco Grande Ecaill assa Bassa Bay 0 Adam 0 Bay relkan Point I ' Bay Bayi" 0 69 FKd Oil IdMij Lon des 9rail Bastian riess I*,"We Ire Oux y Buy 'a .1 nd Pass Joe illse QD y auregan@l Gri nd Terre Isla nds Bastian Islam I ifi Lanaw sland Bayou Barata-77 BBMB Site #248 W. 00 Pefican Island Arand Ide 30 Site #248 (BBMB), Middle Bank, Barataiia Bay. 2 V hrd 4) B ad J9 0*2 Ard I ST ts 3 3 /* 6 %12". 17 4 6 Ov" a 2 s Bad h'd :7 . _, , a W : "', I, - '-'* J%-P-11.8'@'@(-@*" - 4 1 1 v 3- 5 6@, Shul 6 IC -0ys svis, . . ". x '7@ 3 , 1. 6 '- 3 1 06V Dup 5. Vo 4 2 13. h 24 14 3- R"I hrd 01 2 14"0 ego 4 3 :6 W 011 2 j6870 2 WR. G 2 Ho@ 9 10 -7- 80 4 %.' "vsN 3 - --G 3 --G TER@E LANDS 4 3 ... 3 Cl) I I, A611a .... - 7 6s bsel, N ItI -- ' ,L2 3', 7 ;@'5 9 01 '3 17 3 'r 7 X 2 RA '-':-2 2 I'r' KI- R11 f, V, - it Qv- 78 15 116 Is Af 16 912 14 4 10 14 17 17 7, ..f\ RN-2@ 413 - G F1 G@. B. 13 21 2 FI G 6s y Z S/re 25 3 17 20 ..a 23 25 ap R; 3 23 a .7 3 15 jOA 17 28 ntd? 01* 2 04 F V P. , 27 QI.. -1?4 . 11 1 16 17 23 2 28 7 .11, ;0@- 2P'iw 14 Ir-19 -VII. T@,qe--- 1 14 6B60 f PD 21 3 24 06%, PA ..FIR 17ft sm s. X TOYER - - 1 29 N UNE'-, 9 7 7 21 JZ 26 P'j .. - 1. 1 ..--s --'- @-' v 0 2 9 'PO. 60 -9 32 5 26 14 X PA J* h RW-I;F@ 27 31 8) 9 vk A) rL.E :6" w 26 5 2@ (16M OW, rep 3 -9 9, .34 2 It 15 f-eW.." 24 5/ `32 13 17 21 30 28 3 "C 17 2 26 zz \'23 17 4 38 21 hl- 32 2 0 4 3 74B 5\27 -f 29 30 FYI 2 23 26 @4 2 Site #248 (BBMB), Middle Bank, Barataria Bay (from chart 11358). Site #248 (BBMB), Middle Bank, Barataria Bay. GERG SITE NUMBER - 249 DESIGNATOR - BBSD SITE - BAYOU ST. DENIS, BARATARIA BAY, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29024.29'N 89059.93'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11365 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed by boat launched at Cheramines Marina, or the U.S. Coast Guard Station in Grand Isle. From Grand Isle, proceed north up the Barataria Waterway to green channel marker "31". Then proceed northwest into Bayou Cholas, to green channel marker "9". The eye of hurricane "Andrew" passed over Grand Isle in August 26, 1992. As a result, some of the outlines of the islands and landforms have changed since the chart was published, and sometimes provide little reference for determining position. Run time to the site is approximately 45 minutes. SITE DESCRIPTION - This site is located in Bayou Cholas, on the west side of the Barataria Bay and of the Barataria Waterway. Station 1 is located 300 meters west of the green channel marker "9", and 100 meters to the south of a thick wooden post. Station 2 is 200 meters west of the channel marker and inside the marked oyster reef area (marked with white PVC and wooden poles). Station 3 is also inside the reef area, some 100 meters west-southwest from the green channel marker. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This is a very productive reef, with medium to large oysters occurring in singles and clusters across the entire reef One 5 minute dredge tow will more than adequately fill the sample quota per station. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - SS dredge Sediments - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 0 - 3 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Contamination factors include marine traffic and dredging in the Barataria Waterway, and from a nearby gas compressor station. 109 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (%.) (OC) 1 1995 14.0 17.0 13 January 1995 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 110 1 Oil W(@- PO s e S IPh T P6 Idimp. Bou 8 ;tc Sartsbois e p fav Marys in t 0 Sat.,day U5@7 enier u Cholas P, Island ig Island BARATARIA Oil RA Y pa Defond \P MA gan int ngt- Bosco d p Passa sa Itlet 1\10@11 t 0 on- Adarns Bay c Bay Bay afa BBSD CII-11 ;0` OV) - Uil I-le III Site 02@!4 Oil ylBBY Lo Bay lanc d.3 Bastian 11.1t, Bay and \Quat Joe Passre Grind Terre rd Lam, Ix Isla nds Bastian Isla Island Bayau Barataria Pas, rr I 4, OVIG',agd Isle recan Island" 00 rand Isle U>L---F 0 F E X I C: 3,j 20 `1@ w..A Site #249 (BBSD), Bayou St. Denis, Barataria Bay 7 1U-@AA jj _@_X:@@ Af vvrv@-vG 1"J 1.14 7 2Zt.-6 22..2\ 4R4 12N 2 3@C" '' - 30 @2L2 3 3 -4 5 21 3R 3 5 k2_1 2 A7 1 2 Af 3 3 -77NIK 1 .1 .-,\ 4, \2*'-... Z 4 A7 22 C%P4 G 53 .7:3 39 4 10 2 3 3 3 54 @@I 4 4 3 44 3 %,2 G .37' 3 nail 22@V1 22 FIG 4s 17ft.l. 2 32 *t@ ..222 3 lay,,3 32 24 5\\4 3 4 Af 3 3 2 5@ 2 2 2Asti. M'& ke, S 83 40. 3 PA 22 5 3 3 3 CA,223 5 5-/< \ 3 4 St Marys Pt 4 4 3 4 lo Bed Mwk`4 ci, 3 3 7 Manilla 5Molke, 3 4 1 4 4 4 2-@,5,12 -4 4 2 14 '34' 5 54V -_ 4 4 3 3322.1 Mci,k@, 233', 4 4 3 2 35?4 554 4 H 5-- 333 'A_ 4 4 43 -'j, 4Plallorms 4 14 045structions 4 3 4 N5101 55 4\ 4 4:@'VFI A (5sec 1711 "32' wells 3 221 andpipelines 2 (see note B) 2 0 R T34G 4 4 5 lak 4 1.V n5 4 321-7- A)j 1-1 SIt site #249 5 4 GR V14 -4G'29-11 '30- 'P' 2 -DeA B A T 3 33Ott0c, Af,\R 4 4 Obstruction Weits 3 5 04 4A4' 6 5 3G5 5 3 33 andpipelines 3201 .27@ FI R 2 5sec 17ft *28" Aof 3 4 2 4_R 6 Svb@ pipe ED M48"q.2'jo 6 5 (see note B) S 6 2 It.9 5 2223444R;L 66 6 V22'25' '26' AM1 5 6 6 @asse - etc 's3 illiden Pt4 o' 4 G I JW@ 7 214 IP -23-JM F1 R 4sec 171t '24" 66 6 21 x4 3 5 I., B )M' A 2 23_010 11R 5 6 G"22 7 7 1@ 7 Creole Ba2 6 A4' y 3 2 232J41111.,- 45 z Af2F1 H 2.5sec int '20' PA 5 7n 2 Bases Bass-_6 6 6 2@2a a 312, 2 PA 4:2Baisa $a12 hrd 5 2M 11-1 22a2 7 6 B Pelican Pt 7n ,,.Yy3 A 66 6 Obsit PD 5 ........ 82 ft rep 198 1 6 4 6 hrd '7, 5 Dbstructions 5 4 4 5 @3 N 2 5 2, 3Wells ond pipelines 3 0 4 6 Site #249 (BBSD), Bayou St. Denis, Barataria Bay (from chart 1135.8). Site. #249 (BBSD), Bayou St. Denis, Barataria Bay. GERG SITE NUMBER - 250 DESIGNATOR - BBTB SITE - TURTLE BAY, BARATARIA BAY, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29-30.67'N 90005-00'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11365 SITE ACCESS - Access to this collection site is by boat launched at the C & M Marina in Lafitte, at the end of LA Highway 45. By boat, proceed south down the Barataria Waterway through Bayou Cutler to the red channel marker "50". Go west into Bayou St. Denis, then northwest into into Turtle Bay. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site was originally located on the south side of the entrance into Bayou St. Denis from Little Lake, next to a row of red and white poles that paralleled the shoreline to the south. Landmarks to locate the site are: 110' to a small treed island and 30' to a green camp house and silver storage tank. Oysters are not abundant here; therefore distinct stations were not established. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 No live oysters were found in the Turtle Bay area. As a result, an alternate site was substituted - LBMP (Lake Borgne, Malheureux Point) and successfully sampled. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - SS dredge Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 2.0 - 3.0 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - No point of contamination sources were evident, however there are several old petroleum facilities in the general area. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled MOO) (OC) 1995 7.0 16.0 14 January 1995 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 112 1 Fe AC 7 I one, (L ubsta 90 Avondule r it Fq-eld J 4- 00 L W "ego- ean 0 We r v Ceituoualche nc siii LaA n Oil A At OM 7 /AL 0 U L, _7\ 0- s Meld-- Crown Hom, I bas 1 1155 1 41c 0 e 0 tion 8 a.'Ti d 0 0-. 19 Jes\., Ben W Q7 as 4" 11-Z 0 1 4@d Fiel T I:anT s Fiell -0 _@O Of 11 ant 0 301 G-e nple LAFOURCHE PARI H F A5 Pmt H-an as Fi L fitie 7- POW 7 jo Chico# R,ad -oc, T we r@ 0 0 D zw "U. .1 F:,:'e I 1 10", .20 and Gas: fie CY I nd Gas) iell g'tjb -tation 0 I a Mse .-S.. -in d s e cot I I 11,_ BBTB H - 0 B 7y ars I 77L E Bei@e A@ R"'"d Ae r/ 1.4 5@_ Site #250 (BBTB), Turtle Bay, Barataria Bay. LAPITTE F1.4sec 17ft 'I 0.U Carlw. j, L @E BARATARIA,V,@TERWAY'@ icfe`@&','@@oi.111 feetiocros's the Svlbm pik @`6ar- thence' 6'@@Oih'45f4'feet t6 a juncti n kh M. ted)* Oct 1987 homlix 0@e PA Ik 4 MCI Marsh A 1 Canal 3 14,r, Rmtsd Lake 4 'V 2 3 "N-, mi,@m 0 N.- 0 5 4 3 6 TurtleBalf 4 4 4 4 3 5 5e* 4 " > 1C 4 3 _Z% Ctn1d -2 5 4 3 4 5 4 5 5 8 q 5 4 04r 2 - I , 1 5 01 4 5 6 6 ,C@ 4 2 1 3 5 J9.9 2 3 13 4 4 2 2 2 \V, 2 2 Site #250 4 Shim 6 4 4 7 4 2 Ok FIL-:-.-. 3_2 ............. 42W)" 2 .j'4 .... .. Pi 23 H -tr 2 2 4 3 urchan 3 `4 &-A R W b t"3,@, _' '- - G -3- feet 0 - 2 4 4 )10 3tenIvay; A 03 e 4 feet' o FIG 4S -1- 4 2 4 4 p2 rkem e.tt es 2 15 St N:,I@y. pt 4 cl ed J,.v 3 3 iiS &nil -3 ly 1987 4 2 4 4 3 32 3 ,t 0 3 3 3 ..b 5 ')79 V_. 5 4 IN Bn 5 4 44 R TR q, R Priv maintd 4 8 q- 4 5 4 dR , . 5 4 3 F1 4 5 3 11 BARATABIA 5 42 P/ 4 1% N - a tnb@' 6 . 6 Subm pipe ED 6 3 3 2 (Che -24 7 3 PIR4 2 Croc@# B@w Site #250 (BBTB), Turtle Bay, Barataria Bay (from chart 11365). Site #250 (BBTB), Turle Bay, Barataria Bay- ...... ...... L7 0 GERG SITE NUM13ER - 251 DESIGNATOR - TBLF SITE - LAKE FELICITY, TERREBONNE BAY, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29-15.80'N 90024.40V LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11357 SITE ACCESS - The launch ramp is located at the Coco Marina, in Cocodrie. An alternate ramp is located at the LUMCON facility, also in Cocodrie. From the marina, proceed south down Bayou Petit Caillou to the Houma Navigation Canal, then southwest out into Terrebonne Bay. At green channel marker "17", head east to Pass Barre, then northeast across Lake Barre and into Lake Felicity. The run time to the site is about 1 hour by boat. The site is located at an old abandoned burned out fish camp, on the southeast side of Lake Felicity, near Grand Pass Felicity. If this site is being sampled along with TBLB (Terrebonne Bay, Lake Barre), one can easily cut across Lake Barre to get to Lake Felicity. Landforms in the area sometimes bear little resemblance to the local navigation charts, as a result of a few hurricanes and no recent survey. SITE DESCRIPTION - Station 1 is located on the grass flats at the southeast corner of bay, south of green channel marker "5" in Felicity Bayou next to the abandoned fish camp. Station 2 is located approximately 200 meters northwest of the dock at the fish camp, at a bearing of 320' from Station 1. The oysters are collected from a small reef at the edge of the Spartina alterniflora marsh. Station 3 is a subtidal grass bed west of the fish camp, on an island at a bearing of 240' from the fish camp. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 The site was not scheduled to be collected this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0 to 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There are no obvious sources of contamination in the vicinity, except for the large oil and gas production field in Terrebonne Bay. 113 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (11/00) (0c) 1 1995 - - N/A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 114 1 Lake 2N V Ltlke F( ficily r:7 K E BA R RE Li V, TB& P Sitet + Litite 1 ike LaM, ')Towc r r @6 - r , LAKE RAYMURCi S;jk,, q- 1@ 0 ri, -, - I _U Ick rth f, \"P S Isl 'Os .. 11 x 4 kfsf Reef 4. PhIlo Brice N, Islands 114 1 @3- @MA.s j3d@l z TIM BA I ILI" R R 0, v 1, A 10 1 1 , TO er 1,14 (@@ Del ils ow -Butt lijonds Islas ;0 0 71 nd 8 .,. De te@;, LL h i@ % < v .117 T_ w bonne Wend ir- r. Casse-tete Island' C lum t lsl@n@,.'@, pt tJIt. h C r,@Yine lolonol Is.. I 2d L hmh Spoil _:@@rnp It V . ...... Af 5C 2-- . '.. n n@ 7-j' c4 an -4 ,a -5.,BAY. RCW@D @@2 1rr__ @r 1@1 " -i7- 10i;O MS J Site #251 (TBLF), Lake Felicity, Terrebone Bay. :;:(-Is @ "Q6 4 0. 44 4 6"03 2 3 6 At 2 r_ I _M") M V/ 5Ai 2 C@d 2 5 2 4 4 5 6 6 5 2 6 2 2 4 5 5 2 1 6 6 2 9ChInam V 6 3t, 2 45 6 5 5 7 Bayou L A KE _T y 5 ChinoisPasj223 3 FE-Lic-r 3 4 Sn3 5 6 5 6 211233 3 6 6 5 5 2 5 2 2 6 5 ,Z)55 5 6 5 5 2 221 6 4 4 32 3 5 4 6 3 C) 5 4 7 5 35 ell 3 9 7 5 4 '@t 6 433 5 5 5 71% 04 4 7 0 34 5 B 0 4 7 3 4 4 .7-4 7 44 5 4 364 5D ass 4 4 oyster 234 beds 2Ne, 4 9 2 24@54 55 0 1 Obstr V 4'_ 2 B PA 4 4 3 'Z' 3 '3' 1 3444 I e4 q, 3 TBLF44 5 4 53 0 0 3p d 2 43 6 B .1. �ite #2514 53 4 3 4 44 C@k 3 4 5 OLD LADY4 32 ej 2 3 4 3 440 R 17f 5 - 4LAKE 3 2 4. Priv maintd 5 42 2 4 4 3 2 3 4 44A 5A 4 3 4 2 2 2 2 M 5 2 13 4 2 4 34 4 32 2 3 3 2 2@ M 4 4C0 4 1. 3 1 142 3 4 2 3 4 R A4C 2 3 10 44 '4 0.-,. 2 6 2 2N* 4 3 353 5 4 3 5 45 3 5 6 ,,4,7,., 4 "W 4 J@%j @3 Vo v - V3 5 55 4 2 3 5 11;35 3@r 19L rl D 1,7 111@: 4 @4_ V 54 2 Ff T 3 3 3 3 323 3 2 8 r 5 53 4 %o% A. DM 2 Sub- obstr54 2 3 @2 LSL 5N N 2 1- 3 2 ED orthwest 3 2 74 Site #251 (TBLF), Lake Felicity, Terrebone Bay (from chart 11357). Site #251 (TBLF), Lake Felicity, Terrebone Bay. GERG SITE NUMBER - 252 DESIGNATOR - TBLB SITE - LAKE BARRE, TERREBONNE BAY, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29015.60'N 90035.70V LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11357 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is by boat launched at the Coco Marina, in Cocodrie. An alternate launch is at the LUMCON facility, also in Cocodrie. Proceed north along Bayou Petit Caillou to the second cut to the east. Turn right (east) into the Lapeyrouse Canal and proceed to Bayou Terrebonne. Then turn south and proceed to the third cut to the left (east) on Bayou Terrebonne, that will lead into Bay la Fleur. The site lies along the edge of the Bayou Terrebonne to south of this cut. The run time to the site is approximately half an hour. SITE DESCRIPTION - All three stations are located along Bayou Terrebonne. Station 1 is in a small bay on the west side of the bayou, about 0.5 miles north of the cut into Lake Barre. Landmarks and bearing are 265' to the LUMCON tower; 1630 to green channel marker "T', and 106' to the Montegert water tower. Station 2 is located farther upstream at the mouth of Bayou Lucien, near an old fishing camp on Bayou Terrebonne. Compass bearings are 2580 to the LUMCON tower; and 116' to the green channel marker "1". Oysters and sediments are collected near the remains of a galvanized corrugated iron shed and wooden dock, in the intertidal waters on the northwest shore. Station 3 is farther north on Bayou Terrebonne at the Lake Barre Pass cut to the east, which is the first cut to the east - north of Seabreeze Pass. This cut connects to Bay la Fleur, that lies to the east of Terrebonne Bayou and is northwest of Lake Barre. The samples are collected from an intertidal reef on southwest shore. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled for collection this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0 - 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Contamination factors include marine traffic to the surrounding oil/gas fields, and possibly from the old fish camp ruins near Station 2. 115 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/0-0 (0c) I 1995 - - N/A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 116 1 or o o o s-Fig e a UIUM z Lake F lici WI BA RRE LAKE v A 11@ o my Lak, -r TIB L uh, t e 2 03,46 LA KE RAycbURC Lake T3 r, OX 7v V qy (ar: -wsl Reof v M Phil. ll'i 114 1 @5 3Z 0 s [30tl -R e) 113 R --- 77,14BAL% 8A Y 11 0 4v v 1 13 A Y, u I io To er Devil., 2 Suit islands Buy , 1 IT Oev@,,Islond,@:7 w 0 c- ,, - a = 11 1 LL ..)P' 1 117 rebonne el".1ord Casse -tete Islars v Calvrn it IsI4nd,.,,, W me V- 771 c v L-,A, 2 0 %,--.I Radj6 L -A W va, 7 -e,, RCHA D -B Platforms Site #252 (TBLB), Lake Barre, Terrebone Bay. I 1" -1 y if 4 1.11 111 IN r7 U Xr, X% @11 -@l IS" 1 11 M11-w- Ai W311 I III% L- _j Y'l '-3 0 2@ 0 P(Q It 6 2 33 CO- 32 3 3 4 rbeux 5 Mars h 3332 3 2 I @ 1 23 332 H R. TR 5 3 4 83 4 3 39 a 0 2 2Af4 45 .0 2 2 4 .0 24 5 2 2 44 Iti"4 5 2 @ r_@q24 4 4 Fff:Z@ -@' 2 2 4r, 2 5 3 3 0 .no 4 2 44 4 11@@ 5 3 2 45 TBLB 5 3 2 5 145 5 5 Site #252 5 5L5 A 5 Q1 44 Little Carod'.11 4 2 2 Buy,l 3 5 5 YOU 2 2 jF1 G 2.5s 20ft 4M I' 2"la Negre se 6--@' 4 M 2 sec 2FT NOV 1983 Cocodrie 17 2 ft "?, Seabreeze pass 4 4 5 5 00 1059 a&e A@.. 3 p 3 2 37 5 4 R TIR 2 22 5 2 4 3 5 PIA) hne Canal 2 '<':@% I @L-e 2262 2 2 2%t 3 4 b@3 p I'v, 2'@ 2 A R 2.5. 5 2 Ft 17 t 2 1- P 92 7ft k26-) 5 3 'P Oys f.2 3 2 31 R 4e'@""@- ? F C 2 7 3 oy 3C,2 4913 2 3 1 0 2@ 2 2 & @: -71 C@ TQrrtbu' C.toff: p 2 s3 2 3 3 \2 .8 0. Lake S oss Bay @11)' z 2 41 2 cts, '*. ;w Bay 2 Saint Jean Bap 3;1 2 32 ---t 3 2 5 2 3"'@,3 3 Ljjt Reef D 2,(@@ 3 20 63 17fi "22A 3 4 ;i 2 FI 2 4 4 3 /..2 3 ID4 5 ff '1 '0 1 17@ @t'tl;r bstr PD 5 3 Site #252 (TBLB), Lake Barre, Terrebone Bay (from chart 11357). @77 Site #252 (TBLB), Lake Barre, Terrebone Bay. GERG SITE NUMBER - 253 DESIGNATOR - CLCL SITE - CAILLOU LAKE, CAILLOU LAKE, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29015.19'N 90055.60'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11356 SITE ACCESS - The boat launch is at Bayou Dularge Sporting Goods, at the end of LA Highway 315. Proceed down Bayou Dularge to the southwest, to the channel connecting Lake Caillou and Lake Merchant. Turn south into Caillou Lake and head towards the Fish and Wildlife Camp on the island to the southeast. Run time to the site is about half an hour. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located in Caillou Lake, between red channel marker "14" and the F&WL Camp. The reef is usually closed to oystering as it is in a research area, and it is necessary to notify the F&WL Camp officials prior to sampling. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Medium to large oysters are found in singles and clusters, scattered in patches throughout the area. There are no well defined reefs, with an abundant supply of oysters. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. The sediment sampling stations are located to the north of the oyster site, along the shoreline that separates Bayou DuLarge from Caillou Lake. Sediment Station 1 is located at the base of red channel marker "18". Station 2 is located at the mouth of a small cove 300 meters to the east. Station 3 is located about 100 meters from the shore in the large cove due north of the F&WL Camp. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - SS dredge Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 2.0 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Possible sources of contamination in the vicinity includes the numerous fish camp houses along Bayou DuLarge, that are without adequate sewer systems. The is also fairly heavy marine traffic on the Bayou. 117 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled I (%0) (OC) 1c.,195 10.0 17.5 12 January 1995 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 118 1 A int 1- Point fox Point Mo, Fi.hi@g Point Lake Mech( W t4-1 lou Lltke 2 dic O-J fff 1 NISM 7 L 12 13 @14 15 16 5 >0 C A L .0 B A Y 30 ;@ 2 31 7 29 27 24 23 p _6@ wform M, 22 00"L, 3 X"@ d <2 33 40 41 34 35 39 latforms 44 55 53/ 52 51 49 48 S E S 30 4 -------- -- Site #253 (CLCL), Caillou Lake, Caillou Lake. uj@@3 5 5 2 2U 2 ' '<-/2---' 2 4 422 2 4 2 2 2 24'- i:@Z:P2 2 3 'Y? 5 /L 3&. . %Z-' J I L -.v 1/47 41 e- 4 4 322 3 A4' * 2A4' 2 4 4 .43 if2 112 3 2 2 4 10f1rep 3 2f0l ............ .. 3 2 3 9 40 .. ' 1-1 /9 7 2 3 R2 0 13Ntr2 0 1 A41 1 2'00."2 OU 4R 2 N'141@iR 2 2 0 CIVAlly3 0 2 Whole 2 j3 03 2 2 2 34R3 3 2 2 2 2 2 8 King Lake N.10, CLCL 1 1 2 1 3 33-143 32 3 4 C" 0 R'W 3Site#25P 1 2 :16 7 2 1 0 22 3 30/V 0:@79 2 2 14 1 04 3 33 7 C A I L L0UL A K E 2 3 7 f 00, 00 6 33 3 3R42 3 3 3 3 li To rs 4 #N44 4 2 '21 43 3R3 3 1 1 2 3 dV N -4d 3 2 2 1 Indian 2 2 4 (Z@ I Bay 1 2 33 @24 33 1 6 2 b 2 72 174 C-0@r , 1 2 2 0. R '4v 3 2 2 2 3 N 14 191 12 3 2 2 2 3 -jl lb I" 4'3 2 R Marsh @'- 1 '4 1 9 3 C 14 10 1 6 toul 3 f, Ja k S 2 16 -t 3 2 1 1 1 /1111/81 22 E05 Bay 19 817 J/1 .120 ;"; 2 5- Il 16 7 16 @s: 27 24 2 2 ON 20 40: ' II@& 00 01- 1 ;@' @Oj'l 2 0, 3 v 040 4:.-' 2 2@ 2 @2 N@2 19 2 2 ip, 'Cl '@@l -.>, 'Y@'- 39 @3 0110 2ur, -J 181 5 2 r 6 A4' A R 7 2( 25@1 (YI a 5 Fl 2.5sec 5 Site #253 (CLCL), Caillou Lake, Caillou Lake (from chart 11356). 4A @4, Site #253 (CLCL), Caillou Lake, Caillou Lake. 'Amu GERG SITE NUMBER - 254 DESIGNATOR - ABOB SITE - OYSTER BAYOU, ATCHAFALAYA BAY, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29015.33'N 91008.17'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11356 SITE ACCESS - The only access to the site is by a boat, via a circuitous route of over twenty miles that will take the minimum of an hour to do in good weather. The only launch ramp is at Dularge Sporting Goods, at the end of LA Highway 315. Proceed southwest down Bayou Dularge to the channel that joins Lake Mechant and Caillou Lake. From here, there are a number of different ways to get to Oyster Bayou. One route, is to cross Caillou Lake and go down Grand Bayou Dularge and out into the Gulf. From here, head west some ten miles to the large navigation marker (29'12.73'N, 9 1'07.70'W) just to the south of the mouth of Oyster Bayou. A more circuitous route is possible through Lake Merchant, then winding through the Blue Hammock Bayou and into Four Leagues Bay. From here, head south to Oyster Bayou. However, the western end of Lake Mechant and the eastern section of the Blue Hammock Bayou is very shallow, and should not be attempted except in a shallow draft boat at medium to high tide. SITE DESCRIPTION - The sampling stations are all intertidal and are located along the length of Oyster Bayou, which joins Four League Bay with the Gulf of Mexico to the south. The entire area is leased by Mr. Wilson Voisin and his son - Mr. Wilson Voisin Jr. , Tee", and the oysters can only be obtained after their permission is given. Tel. (504) 879-1681 (home) or (504) 857-8855 (oyster shop). Station 1 is located 300 meters south of the old shrimp drying camp (on the east bank) on a small reef on the west side of the bayou. Station 2 is located right next to the old shrimp drying camp on the east bank, and Station 3 is another 250 meters to the north on the west bank. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Oysters of all sizes were abundant throughout the entire area, occurring in singles and clusters on the reefs and mudflats along the edge of the bayou and Spartina alterniflora marshland. The entire area had been closed to oystering by the LA Department of Health. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. Sediment Station 1 is located in a small cove on the west bank, at the mouth of Oyster Bayou. Station 2 is located on the east side shoreline, 0.5 miles north of Station 1 and 300 meters south of the old shrimp drying camp. Station 3 is located north of Station 2 on the east shore, at the southernmost pilings of the old dock next to the three abandoned old wooden buildings with rusty tin roofs. 119 SAMPLING METHOD Oyster - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0 - 2.0 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There are no obvious visible point sources of contamination in the area. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (TOO) (OC) 1995 18.0 17.0 12 January 1995 120 T... P.i.@@ Fox Point Los/ Mosquitit _2 v a oJow Oslo - R" -4/ 7@ 7? f -Y P 9- ir 1-Ir 4 o i do F ly 9, o q-(') 0 U., R police -7 ;'ABOB I ', ' -2- - _' i d ite #254 13 @14 15 16 C, 1 L) Pill tformlo v so a I -_ 2 5 27 41 0 40 latfor P, Rd ccoon A- 44 Z; 1 3 52 5 49 A -_4 IS L E S' 1 4 _N. Site #254 (ABOB), Oyster Bayou, Atchafalaya Bay. r L7 RA 2 2 4 3 "2" All 3 4 ZJJF E R I 'Q 4 16 M ;1N r 9 -4 9 11 3 'Iyo tL 5 ock a1yo 3 3 db platfo,. 3 2 D 3 2 1 2 Marsh 3 3 2 3 3 Tr 3 TV 1z -4- . . 3Sui-ple 3 to pass 2 @X * '2 2 2 2 1 1@ M060 142 3 2 % mos Uit a 2 You A41 3 2 2 CP' 0. 3 2A ter 13ay Is F1 G 43 30ft 3M '1" oys 2O's 2 2 3 6 2 3 22 2 1 25 2 0 0 H'v 001 I V..V,. 60 0 cb Pi --)-o 0 6 ft %I Marsh 0Pipsl 0 p Sts3 tZ 2"" 0 (30 0 P .4 C::7 2 ----- -------------- 0 @90 IV- 0 Marsh 2 0 24 5 PA 4 1 0 lei A@CCOLREGS DEMARCATION Ll E 7 4 4 V 2 (Seefole A) 2 5 3 4' 4,," 2 3 A 6sec 306 3 7 7\ 5 6 5 \3 3 2 4 4 9 \4 10 7\ 7 6 5 3 5 4 2 sft 6, 5 Y 9 6 5 \4 4687:_-.. _4 tv -3 10 9\ 8 7 6 6 0 12 - ------ 5\ 5 2 16 6 4 2 2 7 6 6 5 @3 2 R) 3 5 Site #254 (ABOB), Oyster Bayou, Atchafalaya Bay (from chart 11356). 51 Site #254 (ABOB), Oyster Bayou, Atchafalaya Bay. ZE GERG SITE NUMBER - 255 DESIGNATOR - VBSP SITE - SOUTHWEST PASS, VERMILLION BAY, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29034.77'N 92003.06'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11349 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is by boat, launched into the Quintana Canal at the Cypremort Point State Park. From LA Hwy. 90, head south along Hwy. 83 to Louisa, then follow Hwy. 319 south to the State Park. Southwest Pass is about 10 miles across Vermillion Bay from the boat ramp, at a bearing of 225'. Green channel marker "I" (29037.62'N, 91051.62'W) lies just to the north of the Pass. The site lies to the west of green channel marker "3" (29'34.89N, 92'03.14'W), which is just south of the Pass entrance. Shoaling is very steep and treacherous through Southwest Pass, especially on the west side of the channel opposite Marsh Island. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located adjacent to the channel, to the west of Lighthouse Point in Lease Block 25918. Station 1 is located 50 to 100 meters west of the green channel marker "S', just to the east of a north/south line of white PVC poles. Station 2 is located just to the west of the PVC poles, some 150 to 200 meters from the channel marker. Station 3 lies some 400 meters west of the marker, close to a second north/south line of white PVC poles. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 There were very few small to medium sized oysters to be found across the entire area. There was a great deal of shell, with a few spat and some mussels. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - SS dredge Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 1.5 - 2,0 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There are no obvious visible point sources of contamination, other than the oil and gas wells' further to the north in Vermilion Bay. There is also a fair amount of marine traffic, in and out of the Southwest Pass. 121 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled 1 (171.) (0c) 1995 8.0 13.0 11 January 1995 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 122 1 on 2! FieLd To er Esther %6,17 .. ip d lo "d vv ISLAND P" Mplain Point a 10 o e 1rac 31 e% T" 6 Ight Sh6,k v II1-itp Blue Poi SUCK POINT/ UD 3, Ilia" (L it ........... POM NT i-1c c: (/@@ J, VERMILION BA Y z a. Cypre 21< int EDFISH -'a A-c R int Dead Cypress POINT W T Point e s W WES7-,' ",QT-@, B > F ke Soil- Lu T"I Ponds c- INDIAN POINT J, @SOU 91 EST @5 ff x 1, i Q@/ :4q'T/ 4C@ ci.- 'ARSH '01/71141,'ST PAS, -M n I,,. LIG I: ni@re GH Th 0 NT LAND Ch.e M A R S 0 au -Tj&e 4 8 VBSP, Site #255 j Site #255 (VBSP), Southwest Pass, Vermillion Bay. 4 30" hlV Qk F1 70f@t.. emort Pt * @3 5 5 F1 R 4sec 17ft "28" 2 %S- PA (chart 11349) 3 intd A 6 t 5 Pri 5 6Y 8 9 9 Sh Cypr v Ma OkFIR 4 6 6 'j R rs U..-. Pt A"26" 39 Obs1n.-'..Q 4 6 R 9 sub. Pdas 5 5 4 b Pde 0 A"24 30 9 9 .71@`PA 8sff 7 F1 R 6s 10tt 5M "22" 9 V. W R 5 8JR G @WR-5 6 2 30 6 7 P 4 MIYOR F1 (2. 1) R 6S 4 Sh 20 6 7 Wk _6----/Qbs1n:@,: 6 R 8 1 PA hrd 7 3 4 5 6 4 s1k 7 5 sh"I 7 Sh 7110 F1 R 4sec 17ft 16" 6 6 7 A R @ 14", PA 7 5 (D 7 4 5' ____\ 8 -.1...75 5 5 5 7 3 7 7 hrd P NN 6 6 A - 12' hrd PA; 5 7 5 6 6 /,5se 101, .10. 717 2 3 sontl1w 0r..5 6 5 7 7 eat I. Subm ObsIns ep 7 R.- pileS kObw 1,52 F1 ... "R PA 2 ; . A 3 -2 6 ma 22 PA --FIR 4sec F1 15 4 2 3 LARGE CLUMP OF TREES JMP OF TR 46 F11 F1 2.5s 17ft "6' 0 SMA L CLUMP OF REES Per. poise @t' P1 '7t k FI R 1711 "4" VBSP' F1 n 4. 4 5 4 :F1 R 43 . . . . . . F1 R 4@ Lucien n. A 5GM6!1! I "A2 6 Site #25 5' se pt HORN 3 C' PA 7 PA S'bM 6 S L obst, 3 8 re 7 aeniere I& Croix 6 75 0'90 'Le 9 P 7Obs tr oys rep op0 Marsh 6 YS reefs C@6 Oyster 6 LaJ" 974;:@@ 5 ;'%: 3 .... Marks, ep A4 v PA 4 7 .Of 8 5sub 11'repp, ys roof 13 6 9 Reef, '20' R Roof 7 A., ovf PA 5 F1 G 3s 17ft 1 /7 3 Priv ma ntd 4 4 Ivs t__@@IIA @'W@f 5 1 Ok FIR 17tt'2" '...'j Pt. 12 7 Priv mainid Shell roof 6/- PA - 1. < 2 Site #255 (VBSP), Southwest Pass, Vermillion Bay (from chart 11349). N 13 38 Site #255 (VBSP), Southwest Pass, Vermillion Bay. GERG SITE NUM13ER - 256 DESIGNATOR - JHJH SITE - JOSEPH HARBOR BAYOU, J. HARBOR BAYOU, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29038.21'N 92046.01'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11344 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is by boat, launched at a public boat ramp just off Highway 82, to the west of the North Island Canal swing bridge. The ramp is about 5 miles east of the Grand Chenier water tower, on the right hand side (south side) of the road behind a small Pennzoil pumping facility. The ramp is not easily sighted from the highway. Proceed by boat south along the Humble Canal, to the mouth of Joseph Harbor Bayou. Run time to the site is approximately 20 minutes. The Rockefeller Refuge Wildlife & Fisheries patrol officers should be contacted before entering the refuge area, Tel. (318) 538-2276. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located along the edge of the bayou, next to the Spartina alterniflora marshland. Station 1 is located 500 meters upstream from the mouth of the Bayou, on the west bank. Station 2 lies a further 100 meters upstream, at a bearing of 315' from Station 1. Station 3 is 50 meters northwest of Station 2 on a small reef on the intertidal mudflat. Low tide is the optimum collection time, as the oysters can then be picked up by hand. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Oysters of all sizes were scattered across the numerous reefs, in singles and clusters. No spat were observed. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - hand Sediment- N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There were no obvious visible point sources of contamination in the area, apart from occasional dredging to keep the channel open. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (%.) (OC) 1995 22.0 15.0 10 January 1995 123 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 124 1 mw%o@_7.1 4r- 03 -WIL?L! E REFUGi 711- LACASSINE 4-- POINT GRASSY POINT BIRD w JSLANo;@ I Oil 0.11 HACKBERRY i I n d g a POINT J, C04 S UMMELLA POINT Z@- GRAAT L'Ah_Et@."LIJ POINT Del 1 Sil II Catfish Point Cont,of Structure Zi@R-T 80 POINT [email protected] Litt tj CUIZI L oBe/,,q L,itly 7h."ie, I La e e lei, J@ Little Pecark 1. and@ 5- 1 - - \ I Ill 1- - k,' -Little Pe a, zial, Lilile Axa,@ Luke @,,o\ -- &.1 ak Lake D tw rw >/ 4 4- Grand Uper Aim/ Lac L'11,,it Gas fWd L L ISLA Nun _j WIN .2d., 1 82 a ke ""Id irs :ri,:e Tke j .3 L -,d )n to) 'IQ Site #256 0, w- 51 0 a Site #256 (JHJH), Joseph Harbor Bayou, J. Harbor. .......... Marsh "K VC, n- Marsh North CS R TR. BayOa Canal Marsh 4 12 )bstr 10 No Mane Land "' PA .14 OPtPe PA 10 20@ 9 16 15 10 L :;10 23 28 16 9 23 21 28 "A 20 .18 .17 S@bn) 31 28 0 P'Pe Ob% 11 PA: PD 5 11 17 (ZO Most 27 Site #256 10". A4f 33 '-10 Af 23 - Obstr 15 17 10 5 27 PA 14 11 5 33 30 22 P 27 [a 15 1 0 'Pas 37 35 34 32 0 27 22 14 9' 36 22 15 35 34 26 26 23 19 16 17 34 .32 23 0 Submolpe 39 S,b, (2 f, 27 24 PA 39 38 (2 ff e@j MS 38 PA 37 27 41 (/5 ff,ep 1970) 34 39 0 Site #256 (JHJH), Joseph Harbor Bayou, J. Harbor (from chart 1134,' "N' Site #256 (JHJH), Joseph Harbor Bayou, J. Harbor. 'OKAL GERG SITE NUMBER - 257 DESIGNATOR - CLLC SITE - LAKE CHARLES, CALCASIEU LAKE, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 30003.42'N 93018.42'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11347 SITE ACCESS - Access to the site is gained by boat, launched at the Cajun Cove Marina boat ramp. From LA Hwy. 210 in Lake Charles, head south on Hwy. 384 towards Grand Lake. Cross over the ICWW and Black Bayou, and the ramp is on the right about a mile and a half down the road. From the ramp, proceed west about a mile to the shell island. The channel going out from the launch is very shallow at low tide. The Hwy. 27 bridge over the ICWW at Ellender is due west of the site, and there is another boat ramp there. SITE DESCRIPTION - This collection site is located in the north end of Calcasieu Lake, just to the east of a small island between East and West Passes. Station 1 is located on the south end of the shell reef, just to the northeast of the Spartina alterniflora island. Station 2 is 75 meters to the north and Station 3 is 100 meters west of Station 2. Oysters can easily be collected by hand at low tide. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 This site was not scheduled for collection this year. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - hand Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - intertidal, 0.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Potential local contamination is from private piers, septic tanks, oil production, and boat traffic in the nearby ICWW and Calcasieu Channel. However, since the site is located at the mouth of the Calcasieu River, there is a much greater potential for contamination from upstream discharges, particularly from the Lake Charles metropolitan area. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled 0/0") (OC) 1995 N/A 125 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 126 1 54 49 U11 is 00 21 H 0 ,Iunita'k@ "a N., ep r r Y @== -x, 0 i 1"" 0s, STAT PARK 4MI-STOT fer ry Ferry 1 41 r a 01, ---------------- - --------- m o L= o d asTi Oil Field j o eld 9 NN oo oO@ ::7 L- - -L - - -- - j o*- hur mossvillIll loe TFT 0 o oo BJQ@10 ii's tio@ PACIFIC @n, ln@" t 0 Stejall S ,--tet" dgerly 90 U 11 ------ Lake C 60 16 i ge N e o 21 11 d iras 10 Vint n In p -core., dio @o 2. Towe 20 Cem 7 Pla e Cha e Mor z ndGas, ov/elf- 611 )o oo -o O(Ila Growl, o 6@@ CLLC il e@dl 'Ian Site #257 I and Gas Field a T'pwe "r 7-11 7 ac ory -- ir ------ T o I/ - - i -Cem tek@@ F o e I 0 err r 9! F -Y erry A CRIVA it Is C IEU PAR@ CAMERON) !,PAR )is o 0 rand La 0 -- I nd-d s-Field, .1 @i @.' SLb o o. CA XASIEt ooo- o and gas o L4@ * ' LA KE 13 o Oil and Gas Field o. IDLJ.,. p @.- L Site #257 (CLLC), Lake Charles, Calcasieu Lake. W. K JIL S., OVA 0 u@ V11D A U, RCAB W FT ne 're flipe! 7 NOfE 7NUr@iBra I Vve I i @'s 22"@'- @, truct@res, pipes, structionI 7@ f pq b 0@hpd,'rftpgen@Wj( @-jj, may e NEI,, IFE1 9@@U 911" OVHD PWR CAB AUTH GIL 'U12 4 ,A Hender C1, ObStn rep "Fi' HOR CL 240 CAB 139 FT 2 WRT,,CL 50 WdOWN 0 ER 10 L -I -@- .1 - :;,@ I- : 6 Sur ace R a rp p 71@-, C 0 10 'Z4 119 4p 197 -G 4j-:30141 4A -85- Marsh ;10 F11 G 6s 17ft ni ; , - _ _ _L %,. ;;@ C., 93-2( @W'87 N F-G: se,617ft@4M.,,\ -SPOil Are. p -JA !'2'L 4-il Ar.O, to d 7-- -%W@ 6 @@yqi D 1 3: Snag 2 3 Fl A 2.5@ lAA 5 :i@, 'VI 612 61 hrd 2 2 31 3 N. 621 Pile 0 Platfor. e3 3 A 5 3 Turner C 61 6 wcl 7 5 2 Bay 1 2 1 3 3 2 Choupique island 3 3 61 5 5 j 2 1@-@ Marsh 7 61 'LC ite#257 5 sntg6 1'/- 0 9 M '0 4'it zs, -01, Q7 61 brd 0 3-4, 6 ft rep 1980 5 4 6 Pge PA 4 4 2 Pipeline 0 &.W. M hrd A Marsh 7 5 5 5 4 00ilwell 02 es -2@ 3 Pit CALC' IiU K 4 FT All R.m' T. 2 W. H OVER SIU 13 2 384 Ramp He a -7 PONTOON BRIDGE A HOR CL 125 FT A, , N mp V Site #257 (CLLC), Lake Charles, Calcasieu Lake (from chart 1134',0. Site #257 (CLLC), Lake Charles, Calcasieu Lake. In GERG SITE NUM13ER - 258 DESIGNATOR - CLSJ SITE - ST. JOHNS ISLAND, CALCASIEU LAKE, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29049.76'N 93023.01'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11347 SITE ACCESS - The boat is launched at the small ramp just to the north of the ferry crossing the Calcasieu Channel, to the west of Cameron. The ramp is located on the west bank of the channel, just off LA Hwy. 27/82. Proceed north up the Calcasieu Channel and then west along West Pass. Run time to the site is about 20 minutes. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is located in West Cove near the mouth of West Pass, between the St. Johns Island shoreline and Rabbit Island. Station 1 is located 100 meters north of the West Pass mouth, in line with Rabbit Island. The are numerous white PVC pole markers, marking the reef. Station 2 is 100 meters east of Station 1 and about 50 meters north of St. Johns Island. Station 3 is located on a small intertidal reef at the opening of the mouth of West Pass, on the east bank. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Medium and large oysters were abundant across the entire reef, occurring in singles and clusters. No spat or small oysters were observed. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHOD Oysters - SS dredge Sediments - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 1.0 - 2.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - There are no obvious visible point sources of contamination in the area. However, since the site is located near the mouth of the Calcasieu River, there is a much greater potential for contamination from upstream discharges, particularly from the Lake Charles metropolitan area. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/10) (OC) 1995 15.0 14.5 19 December 1994 127 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 128 1 76 390 JUBE INI G, N 6- 6 Y, Sweet Oil iell @Ae 27 w ii COM:SPSOAR Uke POINT fqr@s N-aiZh Canal -7, sw'evt I Can Sweet 7 Lake 7 !7. e L U,tvina + nt La-h-e -poadre( x'I.Gk, MIZE CALCASIEU prong 1 @nk ana Carnzl- ck"f?idgL LAKE st Cove 0 NAT4 NAL, -5 RABBIT I D RE U, D Oj@ -0i SLAN CLSJ Pro T -Las'field, #2 Site T @JO NS IA@ND RIVGE Creole J.oii 4-wa g33 G as GaTero r Fir 113 2 d m Oif ma e .k RONT, RIDGf 6 27 as, 1L Radio beac rv- - 4' **Hb9l 'Veac Q6, 7" PEVETO SEA ALCASI U PASS BEACH Jetties -C + HACKBERR 8- Site #258 (CLSJ), St. Johns Island, Calcasieu Lake. CALCASIEU PASS AND RIVER D rOVHD PWR CABLE CORPS OF ENGINEERS REPORTS TO FEB. 1988 ------- I( CONTROLLING DEPTHS FROM SEAWARD IN FEET AT MEAN LOWER LOW WATER (.LL'n 01- NAME O@ CHANNEL DEPTH WIDTH Rabbit Isla i MLL. DATE OF SURVEY (FEET) (FEET) OVHD PWR CAB .R CHANNEL 36 800 2-88 IFTY CHANNEL 2-88 9-44'33"N'93'20'27-W.) 40 800 ENrE TO LAKE CHARLr S 0-13'07'N., 93*15'14-W@) 1 36 1 400 1 2-88 3 ,TE - CONSULT THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS FOR CHANGING CONDITIONS 3 SUBSEOUENT TO THE ABOVE hrd 3 ICED BY COMPUTER ASSISWID METHODS 4 CLSJ ------ 3 4 M 3 "S '#258 hfv3 4 Dike SA L C A S I E U A N N E L so R 6 S 80'@o (' '- I R Romp 3 3 0 PAF Olt R 30" St Joh 'r 'f PRAbW 14 -53L i.Cjr 2.5w 320 fW .5w 320 3 r Earry, ING G 305fwt,;3 - - 4u P Ok F1 57' i2@ @Iai'T . 1@' nE 2 A- Fl R 4s 17ft "52" PA _E Int ftm- 60ft F G tk F Islan 3 8 IV% \ Do's PA, NOTE E M PA > The centerilne depth thro gh the F111 Dike Cameron Loop was 11 feet. .19 12 PA -1-6- "Islan % @ -8 D LE\\ Cob CA Fr 3 OVHO PWR CAB A F. AVrH CL 94 FT rry OPA 8'@' 3 ....24 2 3 4 CAMERON sh 1 5 M PA AN Ov 3 2 \0 2 3 /'0' 4 3 27(j 2 piles; 7 2 3 P1 4 3 SABI 11110 M 3 NE 2 I@G TNATIONAL M 3 L,9, 1144 oil WILDLIFE 11A 4 RE E 2 @Pr !d 0 @t e c @te area) 4 5 '0 M 2 T-- C' M 5 M5 5 0 N\\\ x\ Z Piles 5 5 Pit" 5 06 C-1 5 Site #258 (CLSA St. Johns Island, Calcasieu Lake (from chart 113417). Site #258 (CLSJ), St. Johns Island, Calcasieu Lake. W1, GERG SITE NUM13ER - 259 DESIGNATOR - SLBB SITE - BLUE BUCK POINT, SABINE LAKE, LA NOMINAL SITE CENTER - 29047.45'N 93054.38'W LOCATED ON NOS CHART # - 11342 SITE ACCESS - The site is accessed by boat launched at the ramp on the east side of Sabine Lake, at the LA Highway 82 bridge at Mesquite Point. The ramp is on the left, just after crossing into Louisiana. The site is north-northeast of the ramp at Blue Buck Point, about a 10 minute run by boat. Gill nets are legal in Louisiana, so it is advisable to keep a sharp look out for the floats. SITE DESCRIPTION - The site is adjacent to Blue Buck Point, in the lower part of Sabine Lake. Station 1 is located 250 meters southeast of the duck blind on Blue Buck Point, and west of the three oil storage tanks. Station 2 lies 100 meters south of the duck blind on the point, and Station 3 is 100 to 150 meters west of the point. OYSTER COLLECTIONS 1995 Only a few small to medium sized oysters were found in the area, occurring both in singles and clusters. There was a great deal of clean shell, suggesting a recent fresh water die-off. SEDIMENT COLLECTIONS 1995 No sediments were collected this year. SAMPLING METHODS Oysters - SS dredge Sediment - N/A WATER DEPTH - subtidal, 1.0 - 1.5 m POSSIBLE CONTAMINANTS - Contamination factors included ship traffic, urban sewage, and nearby heavy industrialization. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Year Salinity Temperature Dates Sampled (0/00) (OC) 1995 3.0 16.0 19 December 1994 129 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 130 1 1 BRIDGE C6TY WD@ RES. Z;N. SLBB Site #259 3322 7 562 Site #259 (SLBB), Blue Buck Point, Sabine Lake. oil Area 6 6 5 5 5 6 5 S" 5 5 5 .1:16 %@ 10 3 5 2 N 1 3 5 5 5 5 2 5 Tk a y 1 2 5 -0., 6 2 11 5 5 2 5 2 It III I I I I IIIII/l/lIlf'./I 5 0 M arsh 5 2P bbstructions Wells and Pipelines 5 iue Buck Point 1@1@\\ (see note D) 4 VAAGNE T /C 5 4 5 \j 5 5 SJ@B 3 4 Obstn Site #2 9 5 3 f Fish Haven 51 Adast PA 3 4 2 6 3 4 PA 3 22 46 8 8 PA 0 3 0 2 &/ , 8 7 1 4 8 5; Marsh 3 i I" 'S, ' \\ 0 ;" 2 0/ 4 8 13 13 \"\ I / 11 1 ' I I I I @A 3 7 12 A 5 --- 8 091 OVHD PWR CAB I 5 AUTH CL 75 FT 21 % .'@ 2 101\' 1 3 2 L >::Z@Markers 3E 2' 0 80 so 6s 70ft IE Mesquite Point--@ 2 ;.9' 'C 3E SWINCGL38RIDGE b 0 FT HOR VERT CL 9 FT 3E "16 '6' E 0 R@ '4 (Or' qi@ -3- 0 IR 5ft I 19 '4' a t 0TFi @2.fw 27ft 'P 0 30ft Iso rx;!54ft 10" 34 'Sei 5 G 30ft '39" 27 Site #259 (SLBB), Blue Buck Point, Sabine Lake (from chart 11342). M'@. @*14. Site #259 (SLBB), Blue Buck Point, Sabine Lake. I I I I I I Appendix A I Field Station Data I I I I I I I I I I I A-1 I NOAA NS&T MUSSEL WATCH PROJECT - 1995 - FIELD STATION DATA - GULF COAST ......... ...... ... ... ............... . ..... ............. .. ......................... FBJB JOE BAY FLORIDA BAY 25*12.53' 80*32-OU B 1/24(95 H NG Jobling C. virginka 0.5 18 2 20:49 4:25 Fla=dngo 0.61 FBFO FLAMINGO FLORIDA BAY 25*08.41' 80*55.49 B 1/23195 H N Jobling C. virenica 1.0 24.5 28 19:53 3:11 Flamingo 0.61 EVFU FAKA UNION BAY EVERGLADES 25*54.16' 81*30.84@ B 1/2N5 H ST Jobling C. virginka 0.5 16 7 18:52 1:20 Pumpldn B. 0.64 NBNB NAPLES BAY NAPLES BAY 26*06.75' 81*47.13- B 1/22/95 H SR Jobling C. virginica 0.5 20 30 18:47 12:22 Naples Bay 0.63 CBBI BIRD ISLAND CHARLOTTE HARBOR 26*30.86 82*02.0r B 1NIN5 H SR Jobling C. virginica 0.5 17.5 10 18:26 11:33 Galt Island 0.64 CBFM FORT MEYERS CHARLOTTE HARBOR 26*33.50' 81*55-ST B 1/22t95 H SE Jobling C. virginka or) 16 1 19:16 13:19 Cape Coral B 0.30 CKBP BLACK POINT CEDAR KEY 29112.40' 83*04.17 B 1/21/95 H 04 Jobling C. virginka 0.5 7 12 16:25 10:03 Cedar Keys 0.79 AESP SPRING CREEK APALACHEE BAY 30103.80' 84*19.30 B 1/1"5 H SR Jobling C. virginka 0.5 17 17 2:59 9:31 Shell Point 0.80 APCP CAT POINT BAR APALACHICOLA BAY 29*43.45' 84*63.06 B 1/20/95 H EN Jobling C. virginica 0.5 10 7 4:40 11:43 Cat Point 0.67 APDB DRY BAR APALACHICOLA BAY 29*40.35' 85603.9,f B MO/95 H SR Jobling C. virginka 0.5 14.5 29 5;03 12:25 Apalach. B. 0.46 SAWB WATSON BAYOU ST. ANDREW BAY 30008.56' 85*37.93' B 1119/95 H SB Jobling C. virginka 0.5 15.5 35 23:17 9-19 Panama C. 0.43 PCMP MUNICIPAL PIER PANAMA CITY 30'09.07' 85*39.78! B 1/19t95 H SE Jobling C. virginica 2.0 15 27 23:17 9:19 Panama C. 0.43 PCLO LITTLE OYSTER BAY PANAMA CITY 30,15.08' 95*40.86 B 1/18195 H N Jobling C. virginica 0.5 17.5 24 23:45 10:09 North Bay 0.49 CBSR SANTA ROSA CHOCTAWATCHEE BAY 30*24.70' 86cl2.28! B 1/18/95 T NRM Jobling C. virginica 2.5 13.5 15 23:24 11:09 East Pass 0.18 MSBB BILO)a BAY MISSISSIPPI SOUND 30*23.W 88*51.45' B 1/17/95 H NE Jobling C. virginica 0.5 16 11 22:43 9-07 Biloid 0.55 LPNO NEW ORLEANS LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN 30*02.18' 90*02.48! B 1/16/95 D M Jobling C. virginka 1.0 12 8 - - New Orleans - LBGO GULF OUTLET LAKE BORGNE 29656.6 89*50.OT B 1116195 D NM Jobling C. virginica 4.0 12 4 2:02 13:38 Shell Beach 0.40 LBMP MALHEUREUX POINT LAKE BORGNE 29*52.02' 89640,71' B 1/16/95 H BM Jobling C. virginka 0.5 12 7 1:27 13:12 Shell Beach 0.40 BSBG BAY GARDERNE BRETON SOUND 29036.12' 89*37.65! B 1/15/95 H M Jobling C. virginica 0.5 13 5 21:46 8:49 Gardner Is. 0.46 MRTP TIGER PASS MISSISSIPPI RIVER 29*08.69' 89*25.67 Dead 1/15M5 D NT Jobling C. virginica 1.0 - - 19:31 6:00 SW Pass 0.40 BBMB MIDDLE BANK BARATARIA BAY 29116.W 89*56.52' B 1/13/95 H SM Jobling C. virginica 0.5 16.5 2D 20:08 6:27 Barataria P. 0.37 BBSD BAYOU ST. DENIS BARATARIA BAY 29*24.29' 89*59.93' B 1/13/95 D NS Jobling C. virginica 1.5 17 14 21:40 9:50 Manilla 0.30 BBTB TURTLE BAY BARATARIA BAY 29*30.67 90*05.00! Dead 1114195 HID M Jobling C. virginica 1.0 16 7 22:17 10:23 Manilla 0.30 CLCL CAILLOU LAKE CAILLOU LAKE 29115.19' 90*65.6U B I/12f95 D M Jobling C. virginka 1.0 17.6 10 18:26 5:43 Caillou Bay 0.52 ABOB OYSTER BAYOU ATCHAFALAYA BAY 29*15.33' 91c08-17 B 1/12195 H SM Jobling C. virginica 0.5 17 18 16:35 4:13 Ship Shoal 0.49 VBSP SOUTHWEST PASS VERMILLION BAY 29034.77' 92*03.06 B 1/11/95 D SM Jobling C. virginka 2.0 13 8 15:18 6:32 SW Pass 0.49 JHJH JOSEPH HARBOR BAYOU J. HARBOR 29*38.21' 92*46.01' B 1/10/95 H MSR Jobling C. virginka 0.5 15 22 12:56 4:49 Calcasieu P. 0.61 CLSJ ST. JOHNS ISLAND CALCASIEU LAKE 29*49.76' 93*23.01' B 124 9/94 D MSR Jobling C. virginka 1.0 14.5 15 16:20 8:51 Calcasieu P. 0.61 SLBB BLUE BUCK POINT SABINE LAKE 29*47.45' 93*54.38! B 1211N4 D SM Jobling C. virginica 1.0 16 3 18:30 9:50 Sabine Pass 0.4 BOMM: S-SH=,M-MUDX-CONCREM,N-SAND,G-GRASSH-HASH.C-CIAY.R-IMEFJI-RUBBLEK-lMLPA.ALOAE.T-RO07SX-PEAT C011=0NMEM00i H-HAND.T4W08X1-D1WZ0EX-RAXE SAMPLEWPE: B@31VALVEA-sEDIMENr I I I I I I Appendix B I Final Positions I I I I I I I I I I 1 13-1 1 NOAA NS&T MUSSEL WATCH PROJECT - 1995 - FINAL POSITIONS - GULF COAST - FLORIDA - LOUISIANA .............. :::,*,.,.,.,.,.,*,."*,,*,*,.",.",.,.",,.,.,.,:,.:@..'-.* .......... - .................. . .......................... . .. . .. .... ..... ....... . .. ......................... .. .................................I ....... . . .. ................. .............. . ............ . .. ........................ ........... al .............. ............... . ................ -A. ................ ..... 201 PRBB BAHIA DE BOQUERON PUERTO RICO PR 25671 l8oOO.44' 67olO.72' 202 PRBM BAHIA MONTALVA PUERTO RICO PR 25671 1 7o58.23' 66o59.43' 203 PRBJ BAHIA DE JOBOS PUERTO RICO PR 25677 l7o56.33' 66olO.95' 204 BH1KF BAHIA HONDA KEY FLORIDA KEYS FL 11445 24039.52' 81016.43' 205 FBJB JOE BAY FLORIDA BAY FL 11541 25ol2.53' 80o32.00' 206 FBFO FLAMINGO FLORIDA BAY FL 11541 25008.47' 80055.43' 207 EVFU FAKA UNION BAY EVERGLADES FL 11430 25o54.16' 81o30.84' 208 RBHC HENDERSON CREEK ROOKERY BAY FL 11430 26oOl.50' 81044.20' 209 NBNB NAPLES BAY NAPLES BAY FL 11430 26oO6.75' 81047.13' 210 CBBI BIRD ISLAND CHARLOTTE HARBOR FL 11427 26o3O.86 82002.07' 211 CBFM FORT MEYERS CHARLOTTE HARBOR FL 11427 26o33.50' 8lo55.37' 212 TBCB COCKROACH BAY TAMPA BAY Fl, 11414 27040.55' 82030.56' 213 TBHB HILLSBOROUGH BAY TAMPA BAY FL 11413 27051.28' 82023.75' 214 TBKA KNIGHT AIRPORT TAMPA BAY Fl, 11413 27054.46' 82o27.29, 215 TBOT OLD TAMPA BAY TAMPA BAY FL 11413 28oOl.48' 82o37.95' 216 TBPB PAPYS BAYOU TAMPA BAY Fl, 11413 27o5O.53' 82036.62' 217 TBMK MULLET KEY BAYOU TAMPA BAY FL 11411 27o37.28' 82o43.62' 218 TBNP NAVAREZ PARK TAMPA BAY FL 11411 27047.28' 82o45.28' 219 CKBP BLACK POINT CEDAR KEY FL 11408 29ol2.40' 83004.17' 220 SRWP WEST PASS SUWANEE RIVER FL 11408 29019.75' 83010.45' 221 AESP SPRING CREEK APALACHEE BAY FL 11405 30oO3.80' 84ol9.32' 222 APCP CAT POINT BAR APALACHICOLA BAY FL 11404 29o43.45' 84o53.05' 223 APDB DRY BAR APALACHICOLA BAY FL 11402 29040.35' 85003.94' 224 SAWB WATSON BAYOU ST. ANDREW BAY FL 11390 30oO8.55' 85o37.93' 225 PCMP MUNICIPAL PIER PANAMA CITY FL 11390 30oO9.07' 85o39.78' 226 PCLO LITTLE OYSTER BAY PANAMA CITY Fl, 11390 30ol5.O8' 85o4O.86' 227 CBSR SANTA ROSA CHOCTAWATCHEE BAY FL 11385 30o24.70' 86ol2.28' 228 CBJB JOE'S BAYOU CHOCTAWATCHEE BAY Fl, 11385 30024.62' 86029.45' 229 CBPP POSTIL POINT CHOCTAWATCHEE BAY FL 11385 30o28.85' 86o28.73- 230 CBBB BOGGY BAYOU CHOCTAWATCHEE BAY FL 11385 3Oo3O.O8' 86029.65' 231 CBBL BEN'S LAKE CHOCTAWATCHEE BAY FL 11385 30o27.15' 86o32.45' 232 PBSP SABINE POINT PENSACOLA BAY Fl, 11378 30o2O.80' 87oO9.10' 233 PBIB INDIAN BAYOU PENSACOLA BAY Fl, 11378 30o3l.OO' 87oO6.70, 234 PBPH PUBLIC HARBOR PENSACOLA BAY Fl, 11378 30o24.63' 87oll.42' 235 MBDR DOG RIVER MOBILE BAY MS 11376 30o35.50' 88oO2.72' 236 MBI-H HOLLINGERS ISLAND MOBILE BAY ms 11376 30o33.80' 88oO4.50' 237 MBCP CEDAR POINT REEF MOBILE BAY MS 11378 30o18.70' 88008.00, 238 MSPB PASCAGOULA BAY MISSISSIPPI SOUND AL 11375 - 30o20.14' 88o35.17' 239 MSBB BILOXI BAY MISSISSIPPI SOUND AL 11372 30o23.55' 88051.45' 2,40 MSPC IPASS CHRISTIAN MISSISSIPPI SOUND AL 11372 130-18.12'189019.:612 NOAA NS&T MUSSEL WATCH PROJECT - 1995 - FINAL POSITIONS - GULF COAST - FLORIDA - LOUISIANA ........... ......... .................. . . ........................... ... . . ............ . ............... ..... . ........................ ....................... .......... ................................ . ........ ..... .. ......................... ....................... ........ .......... ......... 241 LPNO NEW ORLEANS LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN LA 11369 30002.18' 90002.48' 242 LBG0 GULF OUTLET LAKE BORGNE LA 11371 29056.5' 89050.02' 243 LBMP MALHEUREUX POINT LAKE BORGNE LA 11364 29052.02' 89040.71' 244 BSBG BAY GARDERNE BRETON SOUND LA 11364 29036.12' 89037.65' 245 BSSI SABLE ISLAND BRETON SOUND LA 11364 29024.26' 89029.09' 246 MRPL PASS A LOUTRE MISSISSIPPI RIVER LA 11361 29004.87' 89005.53' 247 MRTP TIGER PASS MISSISSIPPI RIVER LA 11361 29008.69' 89025.67' 248 BBMB MIDDLE BANK BARATARIA BAY LA 11365 29016.60' 89056.52' 249 BBSD BAYOU ST. DENIS BARATARIA BAY LA 11365 29024.29' 89059.93' 250 BBTB, TURTLE BAY BARATARIA BAY LA 11365 29030.67' 90005.00' 251 TBLF LAKE FELICITY TERREBONNE BAY LA 11357 29015.80' 90024.40' 252 TBLB LAKE BARRE TERREBONNE BAY LA 11357 29016.60' 90035.70' 253 CLCL CAILLOU LAKE CAILLOU LAKE LA 11356 29015.19' 90055.60' 254 ABOB OYSTER BAYOU ATCHAFALAYA BAY LA 11356 29015.33' 91 008.17' 255 VBSP SOUTHWEST PASS VERMILLION BAY LA 11349 29034.77' 92003.06 256 JHJH JOSEPH HARBOR BAYOU J. HARBOR LA 11344 29038.21' 92046.01' 257 CLLC LAKE CHARLES CALCASIEU LAKE LA 11347 30003.42' 93018.42' 258 CLSJ ST. JOHNS ISLAND CALCASIEU LAKE LA 11347 29049.76' 93-23.01' 259 SLBB BLUE BUCK POINT SABINE LAKE LA 11342 29047.45' 930-VA-38' GAYLOIRDINIO. 2333 111110111 3 6668 14106 7472