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NOAA's Estuarine 19 Eutrophication Surve@@ Volume 1: South Atlantic Region Q Q'@ -9 Q@ September 1996 Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment National Ocean Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce QH 91.8 E87 N63 1996 VA The National Estuarine Inventory The National Estuarine Inventory (NEI) represents a series of activities conducted by NOANs Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment (ORCA) since the early 1980s to define the nation's estuarine resource base and develop a national assessment capability, Over 120 estuaries are included (Appendix 3), representing over 90 percent of the estuarine surface water and freshwater inflow to the coastal regions of the contiguous United States. Each estuary is defined spatially by an estuarine drainage area (EDA)-the land and water area of a watershed that directly affects the estuary. The EDAs provide a framework for organizing information and for conducting analyses between and among systems. To dale, ORCA has compiled a broad base of descriptive and analytical information for the NEI. Descriptive topics include physical and hydrologic characteristics, distribution and abundance of selected fishes and inver- tebrates, trends in human population, building permits, coastal recreation, coastal wetlands, classified shellfish growing waters, organic and inorganic pollutants in fish tissues and sediments, point and nonpoint pollution for selected parameters, and pesticide use. Analytical topics include relative susceptibility to nutrient discharges, structure and variability of salinity, habitat suitability modeling, and socioeconomic assessments. For a list of publications or more information about the NEI, contact C. John Klein, Chief, Physical Environ- ments Characterization Branch, at the address below. I The Estuarine Eutrophication Survey ORCA initiated the Estuarine Eutrophication Survey in October 1992. The goal is to comprehensively assess the scale and scope of nutrient enrichment and eutrophication in the NEI estuaries (see above) and to provide an information base for formulating a national response that may include future research and monitoring. The Survey is based, in part, upon a series of workshops conducted by ORCA in 1991-92 to facilitate the exchange of ideas on eutrophication in U.S. estuaries and to develop recommendations for conducting a nationwide survey. The survey process involves the systematic acquisition of a consistent and detailed set of qualitative data from the existing expert knowledge base (i.e., coastal and estuarine scientists) through a series of surveys, site visits, and regional workshops. The original survey forms were mailed to over 400 experts in 1993. The methods and initial results were evalu- ated in May 1994 by a panel of NOAA, state, and academic experts. The panel recommended that ORCA pro- ceed with a regional approach for completing data collection, including site visits with selected experts to fill dat a gaps, regional workshops to finalize and reach consensus on the responses to each question, and regional reports on the results. The Mid-Atlantic regional workshop was held in January 1995 and a draft regional report has been completed. The South Atlantic regional workshop was held in February 1996 and this document is the regional report. Site visits, regional workshops, and regional reports will be completed for the Gulf of Mexico, North Atlantic, and West Coast in the next six to eight months. A national assessment report of the status and health of the nation's estuaries will be developed from the survey results. In addition, an "indicator" of ecosystem health will also be published. Both national products will require one or more workshops to discuss and reach consensus on the methods proposed for conducting these analyses. ORCA also expects to recommend a series of follow-up activities that may include additional and/or improved water quality monitoring, and case studies in specific estuaries for further characterization and analysis. For publications or additional information, contact Suzanne Bricker, Project Manager, at the address below. Strategic Environmental Assessments Division/ORCA 1305 East West Highway, SSMC-4, N/0RCA1 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301/713-3000 http://seaservernos,noaa.gov NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey Volume 1: South Atlantic Region Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment National Ocean Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Silver Spring, MD 20910 September 1996 This report should be cited as: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 1996. NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey. Volume 1: South Atlantic Region. Silver Spring, MD. Office of Ocean Resources Conservation Assessment. 50 p. ORCA Organization contents The Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and As- Introduction ........................................... 1 sessment (ORCA) is one of four major line offices of The Problem ..............................................1 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Objectives ..................................................1 Administration's (NOAA) National Ocean Service. Methods .....................................................2 ORCA provides data, information, and knowledge for Next Steps ..................................................5 decisions that affect the quality of natural resources in the nation's coastal, estuarine, and marine areas. It also manages NOAA's marine pollution programs. ORCA Regional Overview ............................... 6 consists of three divisions and a center: the Strategic The Setting: Regional Geography .......... 6 Environmental Assessments Division (SEA), the About the Results ..................... ...............8 Coastal Monitoring and Bioeffects Assessment Divi- Algal Conditions .......................................8 sion (CMBAD), the Hazardous Materials Response Chlorophyll a and Assessment Division (HA2MAT), and the Dam- Turbidity age Assessment Center (DAC), part of NOAA's Dam- Total Suspended Solids age Assessment and Restoration Program. Nuisance Algae Toxic Algae Project Team Macroalgae Epiphytes Suzanne Bricker, Project Manager Nutrients .................................................. 12 Christopher Clement Nitrogen Scot Frew Phosphorus Michelle Harmon Dissolved Oxygen ..................................... 13 Douglas Pirhalla Anoxia Hypoxia Biological Stress Acknowledgments Ecosystem Response .............................. 15 Primary Productivity The Project Team would like to thank SEA Division Planktonic Community Chief Daniel J. Basta as well as Charles Alexander and Benthic Community C. John Klein of the SEA Division for providing direc- SAV tion and support throughout the development of the Intertidal Wetlands report and the survey process. Our thanks also go to Elaine Knight of South Carolina Sea Grant, and Gail References ............................................ 17 Moody at the National Ocean Service's Coastal Ser- vice Center, for logistical support during the South Atlantic Regional Workshop. Finally, we gratefully ac- Estuary Summaries ............................. 19 knowledge the production support of Miranda Har- ris and Pam Rubin of the SEA Division. Regional Summary .............................. 42 Appendix 1: Participants ................... 43 Appendix 2: Estuary References ...... 45 Appendix 3: NEI Estuary List ........... 50 Introduction This section presents an overview of how the Estuarine Eutrophication Survey is being conducted. It includes a statement of the problem, a summary of the project objectives, and a discussion of the project origins and methods. A diagram illus- trates the project process and a table details the data being collected. The section closes with a brief description of the remaining tasks. For additional information, please see inside thefront cover of this report. About This Report Coastal and estuarine waters are now among the most heavily fertilized environments in the world (Nixon This report presents the results of ORCA!s Estuarine et al., 1986). Nutrient sources include point (e.g. waste- Eutrophication Survey for 21 estuaries of the South water treatment plants) and nonpoint (e.g. agriculture, Atlantic region of the United States. It is the first in lawns, gardens) discharges. These inputs are known what is expected to be a series of five regional sum- to have direct effects on water quality. For example, in maries (South Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, extreme conditions, excess nutrients can stimulate ex- North Atlantic, and West Coast). A national report on cessive algal blooms that can lead to increased metabo- the overall project results is also expected. The Survey lism and turbidity, decreased dissolved oxygen, and is a component of ORCA's National Estuarine Inven- changes in community structure-a condition de- tory (NEI) - an ongoing series of activities to provide a scribed by ecologists as eutrophication (Day et al., 1989; better understanding of the nation's estuaries and their Nixon, 1995; NOAA, 1989). Indirect effects can include attendant resources (see inside front cover). impacts to cornmercial fisheries, recreation, and even public health (e.g. Boyton et al., 1982; Rabalais and The report is organized into five sections: Introduc- Harper, 1992; Rabalalis, 1992; Paerl, 1988; Whitledge tion, Regional Overview, References, Estuary Sumrna- and Pulich, 1991; NOAA, 1992; Burholder et al., 1992; ries and Regional Summary. It also includes three ap- Cooper, 1995; Lowe et al., 1991; Orth and Moore, 1984; pendices. The Introduction provides background in- Kemp et al., 1983; Stevenson et al., 1993; Burkholder formation on project objectives, process, and methods. et al., 1992a, Ryther and Dunstun, 1971; Smayda, 1989; The Regional Overview presents a summary of find- Whitledge, 1985; Nixon, 1983). ings for each parameter and includes a regional map and maps illustrating the results for selected param- Reports and papers from workshops, panels, and com- eters. Next are the Estuary Summaries-one-page missions have consistently identified nutrient enrich- summaries of Survey results for each of 21 South At- ment and eutrophication as increasingly serious prob- lantic estuaries. Each page includes a narrative sum- lems in U.S. estuaries (National Academy of Science, mary, a salinity map, a table of key physical and hy- 1969; Ryther and Dunstan, 1971; Likens, 1972; NOAA, drologic information, and a matrix summary of data 1991; Frithsen, 1989;jaworski, 1981). These conclusions results. The Regional Summary displays existing pa- are based on numerous local and regional investiga- rameter conditions and their spatial coverage across tions into the location and severity of nutrient prob- the region. Appendix 1 lists the regional experts who lems, and into the specific causes. However, evaluat- participated in the survey. Appendix 2 presents the ing this problem on a national scale and formulating a references suggested by workshop participants for un- meaningful strategy for improvements requires a dif- derstanding better the status and trends of nutrient ferent approach. enrichment in South Atlantic estuaries. Appendix 3 presents a complete list of NEI estuaries. I Objectives The Problem The Estuarine Eutrophication Survey will provide the first comprehensive assessment of the temporal scale, Between 1960-2010, U.S. population has increased, and scope, and severity of nutrient enrichment and it is projected to continue to increase, most significantly eutrophication-related phenomena in the Nation's in coastal states (Culliton et al., 1990). This steady in- major estuaries. 'Me goal is not necessarily to define flux of people is placing unprecedented stress on the one or more estuaries as eutrophic. Rather, it is to sys- Nation's coastal and estuarine ecosystems. Ironically, tematically and accurately characterize the scale and these changes threaten the quality of life that many scope of eutrophication related, water-quality param- new coastal residents seek. One of the most promi- eters in over 100 U.S. estuaries. The project has four nent barometers of coastal environmental stress is es- specific objectives: tuarine water quality, particularly with respect to the inputs of nutrients. NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Voltinie I - South Atlantic 1 -To assess the existing conditions and trends, for into a comprehensible whole due to incompatible data the base period 1970 to present, of estuarine types, formats, time periods, and methods. Alterna- eutrophication parameters in 129 estuaries of the tively, ORCA elected to systematically acquire a con- contiguous United States; sisterit and detailed set of qualitative data from the existing expert knowledge base (i.e., coastal and es- 2. To publish results in a series of regional reports tuarine scientists) through a series of surveys, inter- and a national assessment report; views, and regional workshops. 3. To formulate a national response to identified Identifying the Parameters and Parameter Characteris tics problems; and TO be included in the Survey, a parameter had to be 4. To develop a national "indicator" of estuarine (1) essential for accurate characterization of nutrient health based upon the survey results. enrichment; (2) generally available for most estuaries; (3) comparable among estuaries; and (4) based upon ORCA also expects to recommend a series of follow- existing data and/or knowledge (i.e., no new moni- up activities that may include additional and/or im- toring or analysis required). Based upon the work- proved water-quality monitoring, and case studies in shops described above and additional meetings with specific estuaries for further characterization and experts, seventeen parameters were selected (Table 1). analysis. The next step was to establish response ranges to en- Methods sure discrete gradients among responses. For example, the survey asks whether nitrogen is high, medium, or The topic of estuarine eutrophication has been receiv- low based upon specific thresholds (e.g., High -a 1 mg/ ing increasing attention recently in both the scientific 1, Medium @! 0.1 < I mg/l, low > 0 <0.1 mg/l, or un- literature (Nixon, 1995) and in the activities of coastal known). The ranges were determined from nationwide resource management agencies. In the United States, data and from discussions with eutrophication experts. investigators have generated thousands of data records The thresholds used to classify ranges are designed to and dozens of reports over the past decade that docu- distinguish conditions among estuaries on a national ment seasonal and annual changes in estuarine water basis and may not distinguish among estuaries within quality, primary productivity, and inputs of nutrients. a region. The operative question for this project is how to best Temporal Framework: Existing Conditions and Trends use this knowledge and information to characterize these parameters for the contiguous United States. For each parameter, information is requested for ex- Preparingfor a national survey isting conditions and recent trends. Existing conditions describe maximum parameter values observed over a To answer this question, ORCA conducted three work- typical annual cycle (e.g., normal freshwater inflow, shops in 1991-92 with local and regional estuarine sci- average temperatures, etc.). For instance, for nutrients, entists and coastal resource managers. Two workshops ORCA collected infon-nation characterizing peak con- held at the University of Rhode Island's Graduate centrations observed during the annual cycle such as School of Oceanography in January 1991 (Hinga et al., those associated with the spring runoff and/or turn- 1991) consisted of presentations by invited speakers over. For chlorophyll a, ORCA collected information and discussions of the measures and effects associated on peak concentrations that are typically reached dur- with nutrient problems. The purpose was to facilitate mg a bloom period. Ancillary information is also re- the exchange of ideas on how to best characterize quested to describe the timing and duration of elevated eutrophication in U.S. estuaries and to consider sug- concentrations (or low levels in the case of dissolved gestions for the design of ORCA!s proposed data col- oxygen). This information is collected because all re- lection survey. A third workshop, held in April 1992 gions do not show the same periodicity, and, for some at the Airlie Conference Center in Virginia, focused estuaries, high concentrations can occur at any time specifically on developing recommendations for con- epending upon estuarine conditions. ducting a nationwide survey For some parameters, such as nuisance and toxic Given the limited resources available for this project, blooms, there is no standard threshold concentration it was not practical to try to gather and consolidate that causes problems. In these cases a parameter is the existing data records. Even if it were possible to considered a problem if it causes a detrimental impact do this, it would be very difficult to merge these data on biological resources. Ancillary descriptive informa- tion is also collected for these parameters (Table 1). 2 ~0 NOAA's Est~ari~~~ E~t~~phic~~ion S~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~c South ~~~~~~~~~ PARAMETERS EXISTING CONDITIONS TRENDS (predominant maximum values observed over a typical annual cycle) 1970 - 1995) Surface concentrations: ~Conc~en~trati~on~s3~.4 Hypereu~irophic ~(>~60 ~p~q chl-a~ll) High ~(~,20, 60 p~q ch~t-aA) CHLOROPHY~L~LA Medium ~(~@~S, 20 pg ~c~h~i-~a/~!~) Low ~(~@O, 5 Pig ~c~n~qW) Limiting factors Limiting factors to algal biomass (N, P~, Si~, light, other) Contributing ~factors~5 Spatial coverag~e'l, Months of occurrence, Frequency of ~o~ccurr~en~ce2 Secchi disk depths: C~oncentrati~ons3~,4 TUR~S~ID~1~7Y H~i~gh~(~<l~m~), Med~ium(l ~M~, 3~m), L~o~w(~@~Z~l~m), Blackwat~erarea Contributing ~factors5 Spatial cov~e~ragel, Months o~f occurrence, Frequency of ~occurr~an~ce2 ~Z Concentrations: 0 ~L~_ Problem (significant impact upon biological resources) ~t~il ~0~0 SUSPENDED SQUIDS No Problem (no significant impact) (no trends information requested) ~Z 0 Months of occurrence, Frequency o~f occurrence~2 Occurrence Event dura~tion~3,4 Problem (significant Impact upon biological resources) NUISANCE ALGAE No Problem (no significant Impact) Frequency of ~occurrence3~.4 TOXIC ALGAE Dominant species Contributing fac~tors~5 Event duration (Hours, Days, Weeks, Seasonal, Other) Months o~f occurrence, Frequency of occurr~en~c~e2 -Abundance Abundance3~.4 MACROALGAE Problem (significant Impact upon biological resources) EPIPHYTES No Problem (no significant impact) Contributing tac~l~o~r~s5 Months of occurrence, Frequency of ~occurr~en~c~e2 Maximum dissolved surface concentration: Conce~n~lrations~3~,4 NITROGEN High( 1 mg/1)~, Medium( 0.1 1~, ~41 mgA), Low 0, 0.1 mg/1) Contributing factor~s~5 (~n Spatial cover~agel, Months o~f occurrence ~Z ~L~u Maximum dissolved surface concentration: .4 Concentrat~ions~3 ~D ~Z PHOSPHORUS High 0.1 m~9~A~), Medium( 0.01, .0.1 mg/1), Contributing ~ta~c~t~o~r~S5 Low 0, ~< 0.01 ~mg~/~1) L Spatial coverag~el, Months of occurrence Dissolved oxygen condition Min. avg. monthly bottom 3A ~L~-~L~i Observed dissolved oxygen conc. ~0 ANOXIA (~0 m~g~qM No Occurrence ~q?~Z Frequency of ~occurrence3,4 0 HYPOXIA ~(>~O 2 m~g~/~1) Stratification (degree of influence): (High, Medium. Low, Not a factor) ~u~i Event dura~t~ion3~.4 > ~BIOL STRESS ~q(>2 5 m~9~A~) Water column depth: (Surface, Bottom, Throughout water column) 0 Spatial ~coverag~e3~,4 ~(~n ~(~n Spatial cov~eragell~, Months of occurrence. Frequency of o~ccurrenc~e2 Contributing ~f~ac~t~or~s~5 Dominant primary producer. Temporal shift ~L~u PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY Pelagic, Benth~ic, Other ~U~) ~Z Contributing fac~lors~5 ~0 ~C~L ~U~) Dominant taxonorn~c group (number of cells): Temporal shift PLANKTONIC COMMUNITY Diatoms, Flagellates, Blue-green algae, Diverse mixture, Other Contributing f~actors~5 ~D Dominant taxonomic group (number of organisms): Temporal shift 0 ~BENTHIC COMMUNITY ~0 Crustaceans, Molluscs, Annelids, Diverse ~r~r~dxtur~e, Other ~2 Contributing ~fac~t~ors~S ~W ~q@~Z~q_ SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEG. Spatial ~qcov erag~qel Spatial c~qover~qag~qe3,4 ~q0 INTER~q7~q1 DAL WETLANDS Contributing ~qfac~ql~qors~q5 NOTES (1) SPATIAL COVERAGE (%of salinity zone): High ~q(>50, 100%~q), Medium ~q(~q,25, 5~q0%)~q,L~qow~q(>10~q, 25%~q)~q, Very Low ~q(>~qO~q, 10%), No SAV I Wetlands in system (2) FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE: Episodic (conditions occur randomly), Periodic (conditions occur annually or predictably), ~qP~qe rsistent (conditions occur continually throughout the year) (3) DIRECTION OF CHANGE: Increase, Decrease, No trend (4) MAGNITUDE OF CHANGE: High ~q(~q@50%~q, 1~q00%), Medium ~q(~q@25~q1~q/~q6~q, 50%)~q,Low~q(~q@O%~q, 25%) (5) POINT SOURCE(S), NONP~qO~qINT SOURCE(S), OTHER Table 1: Project parameters and characteristics. NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume I - South Atlantic Trends information is requested for characterization Collecting the Data of the direction, magnitude, and time period of change for the past 20 to 25 years. In cases where a trend has Over 400 experts and managers had agreed to partici- been observed, ancillary information is requested pate in the survey. Survey forms were mailed to the about the factors influencing the trend. experts, who then mailed in their responses. The re- sponse rate was approximately 25 percent with at least Spatial Franiework one response for 112 of the 129 estuaries being sur- veyed. A consistently applied spatial framework was also required. ORCA's National Estuarine Inventory (NEI) The initial survey methods and results were evaluated was used (see inside front cover). For the survey, each in May 1994 by a panel of NOAA, state, and academic parameter is characterized for three salinity zones as eutrophication experts. The panel recommended that defined in the NEI (tidal fresh 0-0.5 ppt, mixing 0.5-25 ORCA continue the project and adopt a regional ap- ppt, and seawater >25 ppt). Not all zones are present proach for data collection involving site visits to se- in all NEI estuaries; thus the NEI model provides a lected experts to fill data gaps and revise salinity maps, consistent basis for comparisons among these highly regional workshops to finalize and reach consensus variable estuarine systems. on the responses to each question (including salinity maps), and regional reports on the results. The revised Reliability of Responses strategy was implemented in the summer of 1994 start- ing with the 22 estuaries of the Mid-Atlantic region. Finally, respondents were asked to rank the reliability of their responses for each parameter as either highly Estuaries are targeted for site visits based upon the certain or speculative inference, reflecting the robust- completeness of the data received from the original ness of the data the response is based on. This is espe- mailed survey forms. The new information is incor- cially important given that responses are based upon porated into the project data base and summary ma- a range of information sources from statistically tested terials are then prepared for a regional workshop. monitoring data to general observations. The objec- tive is to exploit all available information that can pro- Workshop participants are local and regional experts vide insight into the existing and historic conditions (at least one per estuary representing the group of in each estuary, and to understand its limitations. people with the most extensive knowledge and insight about an estuary). In general, these persons have ei- The survey questions were reviewed by selected ex- ther filled out a survey form and/or participated in a perts and then tested and revised prior to initiating site visit. Preparations include sending all regional data the national survey. Salinity maps, based upon the NEI to participants prior to the workshop. Participants are salinity zones, are distributed with the survey ques- also encouraged to bring to the workshop relevant data tions for orientation. Updates and/or revisions to these and reports to consult. At the workshop, at least two maps were made as appropriate. workgroups are established based upon geography. Figure 1: Diagram of process. 7 Reglonal'St egy.. rat (to'-com6l6te data dolle6tion) n6xt,reg on'. ext Steps national monitoring site National Natinail Workshops strategy? S. y Visits Workshop(s -isign Survey research case studies? N"'Adhi7tic, Gullof`Mex@@;,'. L '-@MdAtiahiie@ West Co'st testing & orkshop on JEEH next steps review Regional - Inidicator Report Reports - National Report 1992-93 1993-94 1995-96 1996-97 4 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volunte I - South Atlantic The survey data and salinity maps for each estuary are then carefully reviewed. ORCA staff facilitate the discussions and record the results. At the close of the workshop, participants are asked to identify "critical" references such as reports and other publications that describe nutrient enrichment in one or more of the region's estuaries. Workshop results are summarized for each estuary and mailed to workshop participants for review. The data are then compiled for presentation in a regional re- port that is also reviewed by participants prior to pub- lication. The regional process, from site visits to publi- cation of a regional report, takes approximately six months to complete. Some tasks are conducted con- currently, I Next Steps Site visits, regional workshops, and regional reports are in progress for the Gulf of Mexico, North Atlantic, and West Coast (Figure 1). A national assessment re- port of the status and health of the nation's estuaries will be developed from the survey results. The regional results and final national data base will be available over the Internet through ORCA's Web site. Formula- tion of a national response to estuarine nutrient en- richment and development of a national "indicator" on coastal ecosystem health will require one or more workshops to discuss and reach consensus on the methods and products resulting from these analyses. This work is currently scheduled for 1997. ORCA is funding a series of small contracts with regional ex- perts to provide additional technical support for these tasks. E Regional Overview This section presents an overview of the survey results. It begins with a brief introduction to the regional geography and a summary of how the results were compiled. Narrative summaries are then presentedfor each parameter infour subsections; Algal Conditions, Nutrients, Dissolved Oxygen, and Ecosysteml Community Response. Figures include a regional map showing the location of 21 South Atlantic estuaries, a summary of probable-months-of-occurrence by parameterfour maps illustrating existing conditionsfor selected parameters, and a summary of recent trends by estuaryfor selected parameters. The Setting: Regional Geography Carolina Capes The South Atlantic coastal province includes 21 major Major geomorphological features of the Carolina estuarine systems and encompasses more than 4,440 Capes are the extensive shoal structures and the se- square miles of water surface area (Figure 2). The char- ries of barrier islands off North Carolina and South acteristics of this region include extensive coastal and Carolina. Barrier islands are composed of beach dune barrier features and the Atlantic Coastal Plain. This ridges paralleling the present shoreline. Extensive salt region can be subdivided into three distinct subre- marshes also predominate throughout the area. Due gions: the Carolina Capes, the Sea Island Coast, and to the proximity of the Outer Banks region to the west- the Florida Coast. The Carolina Capes extend from ward wall of the Gulf Stream, salinities tend to be Cape Hatteras, North Carolina to Cape Romain, South higher in this area than other estuaries in the region. Carolina (approximately 50 mi. North of Charleston, In the Carolina Capes, wind plays a major role in both SC). The Sea Island Coast includes the coastline from short-term salinity structure and circulation within the Cape Romain south to Cape Canaveral, Florida. The estuaries. Tides are a dominant influence on water Florida Coast consists of Indian River and Biscayne column mixing, primarily near the inlets (Orlando et Bay. Highlights of Regional Results Highlights include existing information only. Trends information for the 21 South Atlantic estuaries is sparse. and many reported trends are based on speculative information. Refer to text and to Figure 5 for regional trends information. (Note: Tidal Fresh = 10,9o, Mixing 6701o, Seawater = 23% of regional surface area (4854 mi2). Concentrations of high and hypereutrophic (>20 ug/1) are observed episodically in I I of 21 estuaries, but Toxic algal blooms are reported to occur in 7 Carolina only in small localized areas. Concentrations of Capes and Florida estuaries (AlbemarlefNmlico Snds., medium or greater ( 5 ug/1) are observed periodically Pamlico/Pungo R., Bogue Snd., Neuse R., New R., St. in 20 estuaries, over 3,0-55% of the regional estuarine Johns R., Indian R.), with no occurrences in estuaries area. These concentrations are observed for 50% of the of the Sea Island Coast. Blooms occur primarily during mixing zone area and 20% of the tidal fresh and summer months with typical durations on the order of. seawater zone area, Elevated concentrations occur in days to, weeks. the summer months. Concentrations of medium or greater 0.01 mg/1) are Concentrations of medium or greater 0. 1 mg/1) are observed in 18 estuaries, over 12-20% of the total observed in 19 estuaries, over 10-17% of -the total regional estaurine area. These concentrations. are regional estuarine area. These concentrations are observed for about 15% of the mixing.and I seawater observed for 37% of tidal fresh zone, 12% and 9.% of. the mixing and seawater zones respectively. Elevated zones and about 6% of the tidal-fresh zone. Elevated concentrations are observed in spring in the tidal fresh concentrations occur in summer, in the mixing and zone and summer in the mixing and seawatei zones.. seawater zones, and spring and summer in the tidal fresh zone. During the summer months, periodic occurrences of During the summer months, perio .die occurrences of hypoxia are observed in 13 estuaries, over 4-11 % of anoxia in bottom waters are observed in 11 estuaries, the regional estuarine surface area. Less than 1% of the over 3-9% of the regional estuarine area. Less than 101b tidal fresh area and equal percentages (about 9%) of of the tidal fresh zone and equal percentages of the the mixing and seawater zones reportedly become mixing and seawater zones (about 6%) exhibit anoxia, hypoxic. 6 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume I - South Atlantic Figure 2: Regional map of South Atlantic showing estuaries. Tennessee' 1) Albemarle Sound North 2) Pamlico/Pungo Carolina Rivers 1) Pamlico 3) Neuse River Sound 4)BogueSound South 5) New River Carolina 6) Cape Fear River Carolina Cape Capes Romain 7) Winyah Bay 8) North/South Santee Rivers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9) Charleston Harbor Georgia 10) Stono/North Edisto Rivers 11) St. Helena Sound 12) Broad River 13) Savannah River 14) Ossabaw Sound Sea 15) St. Catherines/Sapelo Sounds Island 16) Altamaha River Coast 17) St. Andrews/St. Simons Sounds 18) St. Marys River /Cumberland Sound 19) St. Johns River Cape Florida Canaveral 20) Indian Ri ver Florida Atlantic Ocean North :,,Tenn 0 50 100 '@'21) Biscayne Miles Bay 7 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 1 - South Atlantic al., 1994). Freshwater inflow into the Albemarle/ water inflow from drainage canals on the western side Pamlico Sounds is dominated by discharge from the and tidal exchange through -inlets on the eastern side. Roanoke, Chowan, Neuse-Trent and Tar-Pamlico river systems. Sediments are resuspended into the sounds Aboht the Results through the main river systems and through tidal ex- cursion within the South Atlantic Bight (Menzel, 1993). The survey results are organized into four sections: Algal Conditions, Nutrients, Dissolved Oxygen, and Sea Island Coast Ecosystem Response. Each section contains a general overview followed by more detailed summaries for The Sea Island Coast consists of fluvial deposits such each parameter. This material is based on the indi- as dune sheets, point bars, and terrace formations in vidual estuary summaries presented later in this re- all of the major river valleys (Mathews, 1980). Low- port. Regional patterns and anomalies are highlighted. lying sea islands are erosional remnants of Pleistocene Existing conditions and trends are reviewed. Regional Age sand bodies bordered by salt marshes, and rela- maps summarizing existing conditions for selected pa- tively gently sloping marsh islands bound by tidal rameters are presented in Figure 4. A summary of re- creeks. Marsh islands are geographically located in cent trends for all parameters is presented in Figure 5. tidal marshes and are periodically inundated. Deltaic structures within the Sea Island Coast resemble sedi- Data Reliability ment-filled drowned river valleys but formation is rather limited (Mathews, 1980). Extensive clearcutting As described in the introduction, participants were in post-colonial times has promoted soil erosion pro- asked to rank the reliability of their responses as ei- cesses and added to suspended sediments traversing ther highly certain or speculative inference. Over 80 the Sea Island Coast estuaries. Estuarine mixing is in- percent of the responses are highly certain. Where rel- duced by the turbulence of semidiurnal tide fluxes. evant, speculative inferences are noted in the narra- Tidal ranges are higher in this subregion than in any five below and on the estuary summaries that follow. other portion of the South Atlantic, with Savannah, A highly certain response is based upon temporally Georgia having one of the highest ranges, near 7.2 ft. and spatially representative data from long-term moni- The major freshwater inflow sources for the Sea Island toring, special studies, or literature. A speculative in- Coast are from rivers originating in the coastal plain ference is based upon either very limited data or gen- and from sources in the Appalachian Mountains and eral observations. When respondents could not offer the Piedmont. The Black, Cooper, and Waccamaw Riv- even a speculative inference, the value was recorded ers of South Carolina, and the Satilla and St. Marys as "unknown". Rivers of Georgia, compose the major coastal-plain- derived riverine systems. The Pee Dee, Santee, Edisto, Algal Conditions Savannah, Ogeechee and Altamaha Rivers originate Algal conditions were examined in the South Atlantic in the Appalachian/ Piedmont provinces. region by characterizing existing conditions and trends Florida Coast for chlorophyll a, turbidity, suspended solids, nuisance and toxic algae, macroalgal abundance, and epiphyte Florida is part of an anticlinal ridge system known as abundance (Table 1). High to hypereutrophic concen- trations of chlorophyll a (>20 gg/1) were generally re- the Peninsular Arch, consisting of lakes and dissolved rted as occurring episodically over relatively small sinkhole formations with extensive barrier beaches Po along the Atlantic Coast (Hunt, 1967). As in the Caro- areas, while medium concentrations (>5 gg/1) were lina Capes, the shallow lagoonal estuaries of Florida more widely reported and occurred more predictably. are sen-d-enclosed by barrier island features; tidal in- Medium or greater concentrations of chlorophyll a fluence is less for the Florida Coast than for the Sea were reported for 66 percent of the region's mixing Island Coast estuaries. Salinity structure and circula- zone surface area, 35 percent of the tidal fresh zone, tion in the Indian River are dominated by wind forc- and 31 percent of the seawater zone. Medium or greater ing and human impacts in the form of controlled levels of.turbidity (secchi disk depths <3 meters) also stormwater releases (Zarillo et al., 1993). Water con- occur primarily in the mixing zone, affecting 39 per- trol structures located on canals leading to Biscayne cent of the region's mixing zone compared to 5 per- Bay are managed for flood protection. Southern cent of the tidal fresh zone and 13 percent of the sea- Biscayne Bay consists of interconnected lagoons and a water zone. Nuisance and toxic algae events occur complicated network of tidal inlets with narrow flow fairly evenly across all three zones but are concentrated channels and water control structures (Lee et al., 1976; in the Carolina Capes and Florida systems. Macroalgal Markley, 1996 pers. comm.). Horizontal density gra- and epiphyte abundance are the least problematic of dients can occur in these estuaries as a result of fresh- the parameters examined and have had a minimum 8 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Suruey. Volume 1 - South A flan tic impact in this region. There was a greater amount of winter occurrences in the Carolina Capes subregion. information available for existing conditions than for Episodic conditions were reported for the St. Johns trends, and because of this, in most cases it is not very River and Albemarle /Pamlico Sounds. meaningful to make conclusions about regional trends. Concentrations were reported as unknown for 21 per- Chlorophyll a cent of the total regional area, mostly in the mixing zone. Concentrations based on speculative inferences Fligh to hypereutrophic concentrations (>20 gg/ 1) were were reported for at least one salinity zone in 10 of 21 reported in 11 of 21 estuaries, occurring across a maxi- estuaries. mum of 11 percent of the estuarine surface area (Fig- ure 4). These conditions were reported to occur peri- Limiting factors to algal growth were reported as phos- odically (January to late summer) in the Carolina Capes phorus and nitrogen, and sometimes light, in the tidal estuaries, and episodically (summer only) in the Sea fresh zone. Light, or phosphorus and light, were the Island Coast estuaries and the Indian River. limiting factors in the mixing zone except in the Caro- lina Capes, which were reported to be nitrogen lim- Medium or greater concentrations (>5 gg/1) of chlo- ited with silica or light sometimes co-limiting. Limit- rophyll a were reported for 19 of 21 South Atlantic es- ing factors in the seawater zone were reported to be tuaries, occurring in up to 55 percent of the region's nitrogen in the Carolina Capes, silica in the Sea Island estuarine surface area. The spatial extent of the me- Coast, and light in the Florida systems. dium or higher conditions was unknown in four estu- aries and, therefore, the area affected could be larger. Trends information for the Carolina Capes and the Sea In general, these conditions were reported as occur- Island Coast is sparse (Figure 5): the upper Pamlico ring periodically from April to September with some River and the Neuse River were reported to have in- Figure 3: Probable months of occurrence by parameter and by salinity zone (average). Thisfigure illustrates the probable months, over a typical annual cycle, for which parameters are reported to occur at their maximum value. The black tone represents months where maximum values occur in at least 65 percent of South Atlantic estuariesfora particular salinity zone. Forexample, tidalfresh zones occur in 11 estuaries; therefore, a black tone indicates a maximum value was recorded in 7 or more estuaries. Similarlyfor the mixing zone, black represents 13 or more estuaries, andfor the seawater zone it represents 12 or more estuaries. Gray represents months where maximum values occur in 39 to 64 percent of the estuaries in that salinity zone, and unshaded boxes (white) represent months where maximum values occur between 1 and 38 percent of the estuaries in that zone. "Months-of-occurrence" data were not collectedfor Ecosys- tem/Community Response parameters (i.e., primary productivity@ planktonic community@ benthic community, SAY, and intertidal wetlands). TIDAL FRESH ZONE MIXING ZONE SEAWATER ZONE 11 estuaries 20 estuaries 18 estuaries J F M A M j J A S 0 N J P MIA M Jjj A SJO N D J P MIA M Jjj A S 0 N D Chl-a _j Turbidity 77771 F-17717777= suspended solids Nuisance Algae L Toxic Algae Macroalgae Epiphytes 7= TDN I I lvw ,, @ @N@j I I TDP I @jj4g*j_, 771, 1 1 Anoxia Hypoxia Biological Stress I 7111111111111111WD I I I V", 0 N D J F M A M J i F M A M i I J A SJO N D J F M @A M J 77@ J A S 0 N D > 65% of the estuaries in each zone between 39% and 64% of the estuaries in each zone 0 between 1% and 38% of the estuaries in each zone NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey. Volume 1 - South Atlantic creasing chlorophyll a concentrations in the mixing were unknown for 75 percent of the region's estuarine zone, eight estuaries show no trend in at least one zone, surface area (Figure 5). and trends in the rest of the zones are unknown. The Florida systems have had no trends in concentrations Suspended Solids with the exception of a low magnitude increase in the St. Lucie River portion of the Indian River estuary. Suspended solids were reported as impacting biologi- Trends information for Albemarle Sound, Ossabaw cal resources (e.g. submerged aquatic vegetation, fil- Sound, and St. Lucie River are based on speculative ter feeders, etc.) in at least one zone for five South At- inference. lantic estuaries. T@n estuaries were reported to have no problem with suspended solids, although four of Turbidity these also have at least one salinity zone in which sus- pended solids conditions are unknown. Suspended Medium to high turbidity conditions (secchi disk solids information was unknown in at least one zone depths of <3 meters) were reported for at least one for 11 of 21 estuaries. Trends information was not col- salinity zone in 16 of the 21 estuaries of the South At- lected for suspended solids. lantic (30 percent of the region's estuarine surface area, largely in the mixing zone). The spatial extent of these NuisancelToxic Algae conditions was unknown for five estuaries and, there- fore, the area affected could be larger. Furthermore, Both nuisance and toxic algae were reported as im- turbidity conditions were reported as unknown for an pacting biological resources in four estuaries additional 1,126 square miles (23 percent) of the re- (Albemarle/Pamlico Sounds, Neuse River, New River, gional estuarine surface area. and Indian River). In addition, toxic algae were re- ported as impacting resources in three estuaries In the tidal fresh and mixing zones, the medium and (Pamlico/Pungo Rivers, Bogue Sound, and St. Johns high turbidity conditions generally occur either all year River). Conversely, no impacts from nuisance or toxic (7 estuaries), or periodically during the winter and algae were reported for estuaries along the Sea Island spring months (5 estuaries). In the seawater zone, Coast. medium to high turbidity occurs throughout the year (8 estuaries) or periodically from spring through fall Nuisance events were reported as mostly periodic (5 estuaries). during the summer months (except some winter months in New River), and toxic events were reported Naturally occurring blackwater areas (see sidebar) con- as mostly episodic during the surruner (except some stitute 174 square miles of estuarine surface area in winter months in Bogue Sound). The duration of toxic parts of five South Atlantic estuaries. Secchi disk blooms were reported as lasting days to weeks, as com- depths in these waters typically are not recorded be- pared to nuisance blooms, which were reported as last- cause they are not an accurate measure of turbidity ing months to seasons. conditions. Nuisance species reported include Anabaena Decreases in turbidity occurred from 1980 to 1994 in portoricensis, Aphanizomenon flosaquae, Microcystis the Chowan River portion of Albemarle Sound, all of aeroginosa, Anabaenopsis raciborski, various dinoflagel- the North/South Santee Rivers, and in Biscayne Bay. lates, cyclotella species, and sometimes diatoms. Increasing turbidity was reported in at least one sahn- Pfiesteria piscicida is the toxic species typically occur- ity zone for five estuaries, and no trend was reported ring in this region, but there are also some reported in at least one zone for ten estuaries. Turbidity trends occurrences of Phaeocystis poucheti, and rare occur- rences of Gymnodinium breve. B a wate 1 ck vgfiiiA66 Information reported on nuisance and toxic algae was Five estuaries in the; s6utfiAii based on speculative inferences for seven estuaries. sideredbl@ckwatef,sy@'t-biti�:,N s' r:1 ar es-@ E@@7 77r@ Conditions were unknown for at least one salinity zone ton Harbo4 St.. H' in six estuaries. erZ Simons Sbiin ' and' er an ,5, P Sound. Blae ater@ e9fiiiihes 't ","'bc-a Trends were reported only for the Neuse River, where biilt"coffe',:e@@'c"o',io,r"e-d, the frequency of occurrence and event duration de- organ'@ J@U:@ 6`@"C'@-@ e of ' ' ' -16'st; @: p@esenc: acid) creased in the tidal fresh zone, but increased in the derived from swamp ilidihag, ecchi' mixin g zone. Nuisance and toxic algae trends were tent disc readings arepeii!44@hilkl known in at least one salinity zone for eleven estu- un t ar ti, pended p tick concentra 66n, aries in the South Atlantic (Figure 5). 10 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume I - South Atlantic NC 2 IN NC .2 la 4 4 SIC SC 7 7 9 I-A111-11.0-hoo 9 10 2@ 1.inti-d ['-go Rivers CA 3- N- Ri- 10 1211 4- Bogue Sound GA 11 13 5- 12 NL 14 6- C.P.'F', r Ri-r 13 7. Wniyah,I, 14 16 North/South Santee Fivers is 16 7 9-Ch-1 nH.,br O.S 17 Edisto Pj-. 11@ k Helena Sound 12' Broad Pj- 13. S.-ith M-r 14- O-ba. Sound 19 15-St. Catherine$/ d, 19 1 @ Al ...h. R-@Pelo S'"' 17. St. Ardmw/St. Simon, Sands I& S Wry'Ri-r/CumbertandSourid 19-5:.Johns Ri'-r 21t. [ndim River 21 - Bi-y- O.y FL 20 ChloroRhyll a FL 20 *Hypereutrophic (>60pg/1) Nitroge SHigh (>20, <6099/1) Medium (>5, <20ILg/1) High (>Imgll) North Low (>O<5pg/1) Medium (>0.1, <1mg/1) t Unknown 21 ILow (>O, <O.1mg/1) Is TN NC NC 2 2 3 3 4 4 sc 5 sc 5 6 6 7 9 10 9 CA 11 13 12 CA 13 12 14 24 is is 116 7 216 7 is is 19 19 FrL 20 FC, 20 Phosphorq5 Dissolved Oxygtn OHJgh (>O.1mg/1) Medium (>0.01, <O.1mg/1) 2 Low (>O, <0.01mg/l) 21 AnoxiF Hypoxia >0<2mg/1) Figure 4: Existing conditions for chlorophyll a, nitrogen, phosphorus, and dissolved oxygen. Symbols indicate that an existing condition(s) (e.g., hypereutrophicfor chlorophyll a, anoxia andlor hypoxiafor dissolved oxygen) was reported in at least a portion of one salinity zone of an estuary at some time during a typical annual cycle. Symbols do not necessarily =resent existin aZ conditions across an entire estuaM For a more complete review of individual estuaries, turn to the estuary summaries beginning on page 19. NOAA's Estuarine EutrOPhication Survey: Volume 1 - SOUth Atlantic MacroalgallEpiphyte Abundance Nitrogen Macroalgal and epiphyte abundance were character- High nitrogen concentrations (Z:1.0 mg/1) have been ized by collecting information on existing conditions observed in 11 of 21 South Atlantic estuaries (Figure and trends for concentrations, months of occurrence, 4). These observations were recorded primarily for the and frequency of occurrence. Information on contrib- tidal fresh zone (up to 70 square miles or 15 percent of uting factors influencing trends was also recorded. the regional tidal fresh zone) and mixing zone (up to Charleston Harbor and Indian River are the only es- 79 square miles or 2 percent of the regional mixing tuaries reported to have impacts on biological re- zone). In the seawater zone, high nitrogen concentra- sources from macroalgal abundance. Impacts from tions were reported only for portions of the Indian epiphyte abundance were reported only in the St. Johns River. Medium nitrogen concentrations (@:0.1-1.0 mg/ and Indian Rivers. Reported impacts typically occur 1) have been reported in 18 of 21 South Atlantic estu- from late spring through early fall. Macroalgal and aries. Low nitrogen concentrations (>O-O.'l mg/1) were epiphyte abundance was reported as unknown in at reported in 9 of 21 South Atlantic estuaries. For four least one salinity zone for seven estuaries. estuaries, existing conditions were based on either Total Nitrogen (Cape Fear River and Charleston Har- An increasing trend in rooted macrophyte abundance bor), Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (Bogue Sound), or was reported for the tidal fresh zone of Charleston ammonia plus nitrate (New River). Harbor for the time period 1988 to 1995. Decreasing abundances of rooted macrophytes were reported for No trends in nitrogen concentrations were reported the tidal fresh zone of Albemarle/ Pamlico Sounds for all or part of 9 of the 21 estuaries (Figure 5). Specu- during the same time period. No other macrophyte lative increases between 25 and 100 percent over the abundance trends were reported. No increasing or past 8 to 15 years were reported for St. Catherines/ decreasing epiphyte abundance trends were reported, Sapelo Sounds and St. Andrews/St. Simons Sounds. although epiphyte trends for 12 estuaries were un- Low magnitude (0 to 25 percent) increases were re- known in at least one salinity zone (Figure 5). ported for the Neuse River and for the northern sea- water portion of Biscayne Bay. Decreases of 25 to 100 Nutrients percent were reported for Winyah Bay, North/South Nutrient concentrations in the South Atlantic region Santee Rivers, Stono/North Edisto River, and were characterized by collecting existing conditions Altamaha River. Low magnitude increases were re- and trends information for nitrogen and phosphorus. ported for Charleston Harbor. Trends for five estuar- The intent was to collect information for total dissolved ies were based on either Total Nitrogen (Cape Fear nutrients, since it is the dissolved forms that are avail- River and Charleston Harbor), Total Dissolved Nitro- able for uptake by phytoplankton. Unless specifically gen (Neuse River and Bogue Sound), or ammonia plus noted otherwise, nutrient information presented in this nitrate (New River). report refers to total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and phosphorus (TDP), including the inorganic and or- Phosphorus ganic forms. High phosphorus concentrations (-aO-1mg/l) were re- Results indicate that medium and high concentrations ported in 9 of 21 South Atlantic estuaries including a of both nitrogen and phosphorus occur throughout all small portion of the region's tidal fresh zone (29-70 salinity zones in the South Atlantic region. The spatial square infles or 6-15 percent), the mixing zones of New extent of medium or greater concentrations of nitro- River, Winyah Bay, and Charleston Harbor (through- gen range from about 6 percent in the tidal fresh zone out the year) and of Cape Fear and Broad River (dur- up to 21 percent in the seawater zone. The spatial ex- ing the summer months), and the seawater zone of tent of these concentrations of phosphorus range from portions of the Indian River (Figure 4). Medium phos- about 8 percent in the seawater zone to almost 50 per- phorus concentrations (@!0.01-0.1) were reported for 16 cent in the tidal fresh zone. of 21 South Atlantic estuaries. Low phosphorus con- centrations (>0-0.01 mg/1) were reported for Bogue Trends information for nutrients, although more com- Sound, St. Catherines/Sapelo Sounds, and St. Marys/ plete than other parameters, is still limited, especially Cumberland Sounds. For three estuaries (New River, in the seawater zone. The trends information reported Cape Fear River and Charleston Harbor), existing con- indicates that in most estuaries, there is no change in ditions were based on Total Phosphorus. nutrient concentrations, especially in the mi)dng zone, or that there is a decreasing trend, especially in the No trends in phosphorus concentrations were reported tidal fresh and mixing zones (Figure 5). for 11 of 21 estuaries (Figure 5). Low to medium mag- 12 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume I - South AtImitic nitude decreasing trends were reported for six estuar- Water column stratification was a major factor in the ies. Speculative increasing trends were reported for St. expression of anoxia in the Pamlico/Pungo Rivers, Catherine/ Sapelo Sounds and St. Andrew/St. Simons Neuse River, and in Indian River. In each case, it oc- Sounds. Trends for three estuaries (New River, Cape curred at the bottom of the water column. Anoxic Fear River and Charleston Harbor) were were based events are mostly periodic, beginning in June and end- on Total Phosphorus. ing in September, though some occurrences have been reported as early as April in the Carolina Capes and Dissolved Oxygen Florida estuaries. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the South Atlan- Trends were reported for six estuaries: five had no tic region were characterized by collecting informa- change in conditions, while one (Neuse River) reported tion on existing conditions and trends for three condi- increases in spatial extent, frequency of occurrence, and tions: anoxia (0 mg/1), hypoxia (>O mg/l< 2 mg/1), duration of anoxic conditions (Figure 5). and biological stress (>2 mg/l< 5 mg/1). The location of these conditions in the water column (surface, bot- Hypoxia tom, throughout the water column), and the influence of water column stratification (high, medium, low, not Hypoxic conditions of dissolved oxygen (>Omg/l < 2 a factor) were also recorded. Spatial extent of each mg/1) were reported in 13 of 21 South Atlantic estuar- condition was also noted. ies, for approximately 17 percent of the region's es- tuarine surface area (750 squAre miles) (Figure 4). The Highly variable concentrations of low dissolved oxy- spatial extent of these conditions was reported as me- gen were reported throughout the region (Figure 4). dium (25 to 50 percent) for 8 estuaries, and very low Eleven of 21 estuaries have anoxic/hypoxic levels of (0 to 10 percent) or low (10 to 25 percent) for the re- dissolved oxygen at some point during the year. An- mainder. oxia/hypoxia were reported as periodic, mainly dur- ing the summer months, in estuaries of the Carolina Water column stratification was a major factor in the Capes and northern Sea Island Coast subregions. How- expression of hypoxic conditions within three estuar- ever, the spatial extent of these conditions was low (0 ies (Pamlico/Pungo, Neuse, and Indian Rivers). Hy- to 25 percent). Only minor incidences of low dissolved poxia events are mostly periodic, beginning in June oxygen were reported for the southern estuaries of the and ending in September, though some occurrences Sea Island Coast. Periodic occurrences of anoxia/hy- have been reported as early as April in the Neuse and poxia were also reported for the Florida estuaries. Indian Rivers. Water column stratification is reported as a major fac- tor in the expression of this condition for portions of Trends were reported for seven estuaries: five reported the Carolina Capes and Florida estuaries only. no change in conditions, while Neuse River reported increases in spatial extent, frequency of occurrence, and Minimum average monthly bottom concentrations of duration of hypoxic conditions (Figure 5). Savannah dissolved oxygen were reported as decreasing for three River reported increased spatial coverage of hypoxia, estuaries, increasing for one estuary, and not chang- but only in the mixing zone. ing for three estuaries. Biological Stress Anoxia Biologically stressful levels of dissolved oxygen Anoxic conditions were reported in 11 of 21 estuaries (>2mg/1<5 mg/1) were reported in 20 of 21 So_uth_AA--_ for approximately 13 percent of the total estuarine sur- lantic Estuaries (Bogue Sound_beiftg-@tfie_ exception), face area (563 square miles) (Figure 4). There was only or a z-roximately-30-percent of the region's estuarine one recorded occurrence of anoxia in, the--Sea-lsland- -surface area (1,190 mil). A medium (25 to 50 percent) Coast estuaries-the, Savannah-Riv--e-r estuary, where to high (50 to 100 percent) spatial extent of these con- anoxia was observed in the mixing zone. If anoxia was ditions was predominant throughout much of the present, the spatial extent of this condition was gener- Carolina Capes and northern Sea Island Coast systems. ally very low (0 to 10 percent) to low (10-to 25 percent) exqqpt for Neuse River, St. Helena Sound, and-fiCdian- Water column stratification was a major fdctor-in the it was medium (25 to 50 percent). When expression-of biologically stressed condition's@ @ithffr- anoxic conditions were reported for the mixing zone, the Pan-dico/Pun@@-,Neuse, and Indian River estuar- it was also obs&Ved. in the tidal fresh zone. ies only. Biological stress--@@a-s-obs,-r-v-ed-throughout the water column in 11 of 21 estuaries. Biologically stressed conditions events are mostly periodic, begin- 13 mm MM'== mm mm mm M @ mm mm= Figure 5: Recent trends (1970 - present)for selected parameters by estuary by salinity zone (T tidalfresh; M, mixing; S, seawater). All salinit zones are not present y in all estuaries. Most of the 1,225 possible values are unknown'(736). There are 51 decreasing trends, 47 increasing trends, and 389 no trends. Seventy-one values are based on speculative inferences. For a more complete listing of the trends parameters, see Table I on page 3. I-et I I ST7-7 T I I - I CHLOROPHYLL A (,,M ? 0 TURBIDITY (-.N dpth) NUISANCE ALGAE d W. ? TOXIC ALGAE IAACRDAUGAL ABUNDANCE EPIPHYTE ABUNDANCE 0 NITROGEN (.0 0 0 0 0 0 PHOSPHORUS("M ? BOTTOM 00 V 7 ? T ANOXIA d-l@ 111-41-Y ? d_ KYPOXIA ? ? ? 0 0 0 STRESS t @Zt -P" PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY ? ? ? T I ? ? I 7 PtANKTONIc commumm I ? BENTHIC COWUNITY SAV WETLANDS JVbN ? A? ? CD NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophicatioit Survey: Volimic I - South AtIa7itic ning in June and ending in September, though some cent of the region's estuarine surface area. The domi- occurrences have been reported as early as April in nant primary producer was unknown for most of the the Neuse and Indian Rivers. remaining area. Trends were reported for eleven estuaries: nine had Benthic and seagrass communities were reported as no change, while two (Neuse and Savannah Rivers) the dominant primary producer almost exclusively in were reported to have increases in the spatial extent the seawater zone, while intertidal wetlands were re- of biologically stressed levels of dissolved oxygen (Fig- ported in both the seawater and mixing zones. Pe- ure 5). Neuse River also observed increases in dura- lagic communities or a diverse mixture of pelagic, tion and frequency of occurrence of these events. benthic and/or other communities were identified as the dominant primary producer in 3 of the region's 11 Ecosysten:VCornmunity Response tidal fresh zones; information in the remaining tidal fresh zones was unavailable. The responses of estuarine ecosystems to nutrient in- puts were characterized by collecting information on Temporal shifts in primary productivity, i.e., shifts in the status and trends of five parameters: primary pro- dominance from one primary producer to another, was ductivity, planktonic and benthic communities, sub- reported as unknown in all of 13 and parts of 18 South merged aquatic vegetation (SAV), and intertidal wet- Atlantic estuaries (80 percent of the region's estuarine lands. The information reported for these parameters surface area). Where information was reported, no was limited, especially for trends, where only 18 per- shifts occurred. cent of the region's estuarine surface area was charac- terized. Planktoiiic Coinnniiiity The dominant primary producer varied by estuary and Diatoms were identified as the most dominant plank- salinity zone between pelagic, benthic, SAV, and in- ton group, in terms of abundance, in 12 of 21 South tertidal wetlands. Diatoms were reported as the domi- Atlantic estuaries (58 percent of the region's estuarine nant planktonic group, followed by flagellates, and a surface area). Most of the remaining estuarine sur- diverse mixture of plankton groups. The dominant face area was reported to be dominated by flagellates benthic community in the region was a diverse mix- (three estuaries), or a diverse mixture of diatoms, ture of organisms (e.g., annelids, crustaceans, mol- flagellates, and/or other plankton groups (nine estu- lusks), followed by annelids and polychaetes. SAV and aries). An exception was blue-green algae, which was intertidal wetlands were each reported in approxi- reported to be the most abundant plankton group in a mately two-thirds of the region's estuarine area, pri- portion of the tidal fresh zone in the Albemarle/ marily in the mixing and seawater zones. SAV was Pamlico Sound. Following diatoms, a diverse mixture reported mostly in the Carolina Capes and Florida of plankton groups were reported to be dominant in subregions, while wetlands were present throughout the region's mixing zones (nine estuaries) and seawa- the region. ter zones (seven estuaries). In tidal fresh estuaries, diatoms were followed in abundance by flagellates. Available trends information suggests that the region's estuarine ecosystems are generally stable. Only one Historical shifts in plankton dominance, from one taxo- instance of ecosystem shifts in the planktonic cornmu- nomic group to another, were reported as unknown nity and one in the benthic community were reported. for one or more salinity zones in 17 of 21 estuaries (78 Declining trends in intertidal wetland coverage were percent of the regional estuarine surface area) and for reported in three estuaries. Declining trends for SAV all zones in 13 estuaries. Where information was avail- were reported in five estuaries, accounting for 80 per- able, no shifts were reported, with the exception of the cent of the area in which SAV was reported (Figure 5). tidal fresh zone of the Neuse River, where a shift from blue-green algae to a diverse mixture was attributed Priniary Productivity to stratification and runoff events. Four biological communities were reported as the Benthic Community dominant primary producers in the South Atlantic re- gion: pelagic communities in five estuaries (5 of 9 Caro- The dominant benthic community (with regard to lina Capes estuaries); intertidal wetlands in nine (all abundance) reported in the South Atlantic region was nine Sea Island Coast systems); and benthic commu- a diverse mixture of annelids, crustaceans, mollitsks, nities and SAV in two estuaries (Indian River and and/or other benthic organisms. This community oc- Biscayne Bay). Each of the four communities was re- curred in at least one salinity zone in 15 of 21 estuar- ported as dominant across approximately eight per- ies, including 80 percent of the region's seawater zone, 15 NOAA's Estuarine Eiitrophicatioii Sumey: Volume I - South Atlantic 66 percent of the mixing zone, but only 1 percent of tuaries. Seventy percent of the area in which wetlands the tidal fresh zone. Annelids were the next most abun- were reported had a spatial coverage (below high dant benthic community (reported for at least one sa- water) of low to very low (!@25% surface area). Wet- linity zone in eight estuaries), followed by poly-chaetes lands were reported in every estuary in the Carolina (mixing zone of Albemarle Sound). Mollusks were the Capes subregion, primarily at a very low spatial cov- dominant community in the tidal fresh zone (35 per- erage (!M% surface area). Three Sea Island Coast es- cent of the region's estuarine surface area) though they tuaries (Charleston Harbor, St. Helena Sound, and St. were reported only in the St. Johns River. Insects were Catherines/Sapelo Sounds) reported wetlands in all the dominant community in the tidal fresh zone of salinity zones at a medium or greater spatial distribu- three other estuaries. tion (>25% surface area). For the Florida estuaries, wet- land distribution was medium (25-50% surface area) Information regarding historical sl-dfts in benthic domi- in Biscayne Bay, low in the St. Johns River, and un- nance from one taxonomic group to another were re- known in the Indian River. ported in eight estuaries. Where information was avail- able, no shifts were reported, with the exception of the Trends in the distribution of South Atlantic intertidal seawater zone of the Indian River, where a shift from wetlands were generally reported to be stable; 11 of annelids to a mixture of annelids and crustaceans was the 14 estuaries for which wetlands were recorded attributed to nonpoint sources. were reported as having no trends (Figure 5). Decreas- ing trends were reported for portions of the Savannah Szib"tci@ged Aqitatic Vegetatim (SAV) River, Indian River, and Biscayne Bay. Trend informa- tion was reported as unknown in portions of 11 estu- The presence of SAV was reported in 11 of 21 South aries. Atlantic estuaries, representing 65 percent (3,221 square miles) of the region's estuarine area. SAV den- sity (to depths of one meter below mean low water) was reported to be low (>10:@25% surface area) or very low (:@10% surface area), with the exception of medium densities (>25!@50% surface area) in Indian River and Biscayne Bay. SAV was reported in the three Florida estuaries and in 7 of 9 Carolina Cape estuaries. In con- trast, no SAV was reported in North/South Santee Rivers and the entire Sea Island Coast subregion, with the exception of Charleston Harbor, where very low spatial coverage was reported for the mixing and sea- water zones. The spatial coverage of SAV was reported as declin- ing at a low or medium magnitude in five estuaries (80 percent of the region in which it was reported to occur). Declining trends generally occurred in areas where existing spatial coverage was reported as low. A declining trend is also reported for the tidal fresh zone of Albemarle/ Pamlico Sounds, suggesting that SAV has disappeared from this zone since no existing coverage was reported. Increases in coverage (of low magnitude) were reported for Charleston Harbor and Biscayne Bay (two percent of the region in which SAV was reported to occur). Trend information was re- ported as unknown for 15 estuaries, including 6 of the 11 estuaries in which an existing coverage of SAV was reported (Figure 5). hitertidal Wetlands Wetlands were recorded, in varying degrees of spatial coverage, in 14 of 21 South Atlantic estuaries. The pres- ence of wetlands was reported as unknown for six es- 16 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volunte I - South Allantic Kemp, W.M., R.R. Twilley, J.C. Stevenson, W.R. References Boynton, and J.C. Means. 1983. The decline of sub- merged vascular plants in upper Chesapeake Bay: Summary of results concerning possible causes. Mar. Boynton, W.R., W.M. Kemp, and CW. Keefe. 1982. A Tech. Soc. Journal 17(2):78-89. comparative analysis of nutrients and other factors influencing estuarine phytoplankton production. In: Lee, T.N. and C.G.H. Rooth. 1976. 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Rockville, MD: ume 1: Physical Features of the Characterization Area. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration FWS/OBS-79/40. Washington, DO U.S. Fish & Wild- and the University of Rhode Island Graduate School life Service, Office of Biological Services, FWS/OBS- of Oceanography. 41 p. 79/40. 211 pp. Hunt, C.B. 1967. Coastal plain and continental shelf. Mathews, T.D. and M.H. Shealy, Jr. 1978. Hydrogra- In: Physiography of the United States. W.H. Freeman phy of South Carolina Estuaries, with Emphasis on and Co. pp. 145-147. the North and South Edisto and Cooper Rivers. Charleston, SO South Carolina Marine Resource Cen- Jaworski, N.A. 1981. Sources of nutrients and the scale ter, Tech. Report No. 30. 148 pp. of eutrophication problems in estuaries. In: B.J. Neilson and L.E. Cronin (eds.), Estuaries and nutrients. Clifton, National Academy of Sciences (NAS). 1969. Eutrophi- NJ: Humana Press. pp. 83-110. cation: Causes, consequences, correctives. Proceedings 17 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Sumey: Volume I - South Atlantic of an international symposium on eutrophication, Uni- processes: U.S. southeast continental shelf. A sum- versity of Wisconsin, 1967. Washington, DC: NAS mary of research conducted in the South Atlantic Bight Printing and Publishing Office. 661 p. under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration from 1977 to 1991. pp. 9-43. Savannah, GA: Univer- (NOAA). 1992. Red tides: A summary of issues and sity System of Georgia. activities in the United States. Rockville, MD:Office of Rabalais, N.N. 1992. An Updated Summary of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment. 23 p. Status and Trends in Indicators of Nutrient Enrich- NOAA. 1991. Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean pro- ment in the Gulf of Mexico. Prepared for: Gulf of ductivity. Proceedings of a workshop, Louisiana Uni- Mexico Program, Technical Steering Committee, versities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Held in Nutrient Subcommittee, Stennis Space Center, MS. conjunction with NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Publication No. EPA/800-R-92-004. 421 pp. Oftivity. Proceedings of a workshop, Louisiana Uni- versities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Held in Rabalais, N.N. and D.E. Harper Jr. 1992. Studies of conjunction with NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Of- benthic biota in areas affected by moderate and severe fice. TAMU-SG-92-109 Galveston, TX Texas A&M Uni- hypoxia. In: Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean pro- versity Sea Grant Program. pp. 150-153. ductivity. Proceedings of a workshop at Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, October 1991. Held NOAA, 1989. Susceptibility and Status of East Coast in conjunction with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Estuaries to Nutrient Discharges: Albemarle/ Pamlico Administration, Coastal Ocean Program Office. Sound to Biscayne Bay. Rockville,MD. OfficeofOcean Galveston, TX Sea Grant Program, Texas A&M Uni- Resources Conservation Assessment. 31 p. versity. TAMU-SG-92-109. pp. 150-153. Nixon, S.W. 1983. Estuarine ecology: A comparative Ryther, J.H. and W.N. Dunstan. 1971. Nitrogen and and experimental analysis using 14 estuaries and the eutrophication in the coastal marine environment. Sci- MERI mesocosms. Final report to the U.S. Environ- ence 171:1008-1013. mental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program, Smayda, T.J. 1989. Primary production and the global Grant No. X-003259-01. April 1993. epidemic of phytoplankton blooms in the sea: A link- Nixon, S.W. 1995. Coastal marine eutrophication: A age? In: E.M. Cosper, V.M. Brice1j, and E.J. Carpenter definition, social causes, and future concerns. Ophefia (eds.), Novel phytoplankton blooms: Causes and ef- 41:199-219. fects of recurrent brown tides and other unusual blooms. Coastal and Estuarine Series 35. Berlin: Nixon, S.W., C.D. Hunt, and B.N. Nowicki. 1986. The Springer-Verlag. pp. 449-483. retention of nutrients (C,N,P), heavy metals (Mn, Cd, Stevenson, J.C., L.W. Staver, and K.W. 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Report of abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesa- the brown tide symposium and workshop, July 15-16, peake Bay: An historical perspective. Estuaries 7:531- 1991. Port Aransas, TX: Marine Science Institute, Uni- 540. versity of Texas. 44 p. Pearl, H.W. 1988. Nuisance phytoplankton blooms in Zarillo, G.A., J.T. Liu, and C. Surak. 1993. Comprehen- coastal estuarine and inland waters. Lininology and sive analysis of physical processes in a coastal lagoon: Oceanography 33:823-847. New insights for estuarine management. Melbourne, Pomeroy, L.R., J.0. Blanton, G.A. Poffenhofer, K.L. Von FL: Florida Institute of Technology, Department of Damm, P.G. Verity, H.L. Windom, and T.N. Lee. 1993. Oceanography, Ocean Engineering and Environmen- Inner shelf processes. In: D.W. Menzel (ed.), Ocean tal Science. 15 p. Estuary Summaries This section presents one page summaries on the status and trends of eutrophication conditionsfor the 21 South Atlantic estuaries. The summary information is organized intofour sections; algal conditions, nutrients, dissolved oxygen, and ecosystem1community responses. Each page also includes a salinity map depicting the spatial framework for which survey information was collected, selected physical and hydrologic characteristics, and a narrative overview of the survey information. Salinity Maps. Salinity maps depict the estuary extent, salinity zones, and subareas within the salinity zones. Salinity zones are divided into tidal fresh (0.0-0.5 ppt), mixing (0.5-25.0 ppt), and seawater ( >25.0 ppt) based on average annual salinity found throughout the water column. Subareas were identified by survey participants as regions which were either better understood than the rest of a salinity zone or which behaved differently or both. Each map also has an inset showing the location of the estuary and its estuarine drainage area (EDA) (see below). Physical and Hydrologic Data. Physical and hydrologic characteristics data are included so that readers can understand better the survey results and make meaningful comparisons among the'estuaries. The EDA is the land and water component of a watershed that drains into and most directly affects estuarine waters. The average daily inflow is the estimated discharge of freshwater into the estuary. Surface area includes the area from the head of tide to the boundary with other water bodies. Average depth is the mean depth from mid-tide level. Volume is the product of the surface area and the average depth. Survey Results. Selected data are presented in a unique format that is intended to highlight survey results for each estuary. The existing conditions symbols represent either the maximum conditions predominating one or more months in a typical year, or whether there are resource impacts due to bloom events. The trends (circa 1970 - 1995 unless otherwise stated) symbols indicate either the direction and magnitude of change in concentrations, or in the frequency of occurrence. The four sections on each page include a text block to highlight additional information such as probable months of occurrence and periodicity for each parameter, limiting factors to algal biomass, nuisance and toxic algal species, nutrient forms, and degree of water column stratification. Some parameters are not characterized by symbols on the estuary pages. These include macroalgal and epiphyte abundance, bio 'logical stress, minimum average monthly bottom dissolved oxygen trends, tempo- ral shifts in primary productivity, benthic community shifts, interticial wetlands, and planktonic community shifts. These parameters are described in the Regional Overview section (starting on page 5) and, where relevant, highlighted in the text blocks under each parameter section on the estuary pages. A key is provided below that explains the symbols used on the summary pages. See Table 1 on page 3 for complete details about the characteristics of each parameter. Estuary page Estuary page Albemarle /Pamlico Sounds 21 Broad River 32 Pamlico/Pungo Rivers 22 Savannah River 33 Neuse River 23 Ossabaw Sound 34 Bogue Sound 24 St. Catherine/ Sapelo Sounds 35 New River 25 Altamaha River 36 Cape Fear River 26 St. Andrew/St. Simon Sounds 37 Winyah Bay 27 St. Marys /Cumberland Sounds 38 North/South Santee Rivers 28 St. Johns River 30 Charleston Harbor 29 Indian River 40 Stono/North Edisto Rivers 30 Biscayne Bay 41 St. Helena Sound 31 19 NOAA s Estuarine Eutrophication Surz)ey: Volume I - South Atlantic Key to Symbols Used on Estuary Summaries Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Subare X Subarea Y 7M 25-501/6 Sali n. [email protected], Spatial Coverage: Reliability: Salinity Zone Divided: salinity zones are often divided i f t In i@ is.,, in 0itn t surface area over which indicates assessment present in t e estuary Condition occurs (not made from speculative into subareas to account for the entire box is left listed for nuisance/toxic inferences unique characteristics blank aolgaq or low/not observed c nditions) H 50-100% Existing Conditions Trends (circa 1970-1995) Concentrations Event Occurrences Direction of Change Magnitude of Change (Chl-a, Turbidity, Nutrients, SAV) (NuisancelToxic Algae, do.) (Concentrations or Frequency of Event Occurrences) E hypereutrophic y impacts on resources increase high chl-a: >60 pg/l nuisance algae: impacts occur t t >50%, <1 00% H high- or toxic algae: impacts occur chl-a: >20, <60 pg/l medium turbidity: secchi <1 m low d.o. is observed decrease TDN: >1 mgA anoxia: 0 mg/l li@>25%, <50% TCP: >0.1 MgA hypoxia: >0, <2 mg/l SAV >50, < 100 % coverage no trend low M medium N no resource impacts '@@>O%' <25% chl-a: >5, <20 pg/I no nuisance algae impacts turt;i-dity: s-ecchi > 1 m, <3m no toxic algae impacts TDN: >0.1, <1 m-g/I or *7 unknown z@\ magnitude TOP: >0.01, <0.1 mg/l unknown SAV >25, < 50 % coverage low d.o. not observed L low no anoxic events chl-a: >0,@5_pg/l no hypoxic events turbidity: secchi >3m TDN: >0, 40.1 mg/l 'I unknown TDP: >0, <0.01 mg/l SAV > 10, < 25 % coverage VL very low SAV >0, <10 % coverage o SA NS n V in zone B blackwater area 17 unknown 20 NOAA'S Estuarine Eustrophication Survey Volume 1-South Atlantic Albemarle/Pamlico Sounds are characterized as having moderate to hypereutrophic levels of chlorophyll- a and mod- erate to high turbidity levels. Periodic occurrences of nui- sance algae and episodic occurrences of toxic algae are re- orted duringlate summer months, Nitrogen and phospho- rus levels are mderate to high and anoxia and hypoxia are reported for limited bottom areas. Extreme conditions are generally observed in the chowan River with more moderate conditions reported for Pamlico sound. Conditions in much of the remainder othe estuary are unknow. Trends are genrally unknown throughtout the estuaray except for a decrease in turbidity in the Chowan River. SAV decreased significantly in the tidal fesh zone and to a lesser degree in the mixing zone of pamlico Sound. A large, bar-built lagoonal system bordered on the east side by barrier beaches forming hte outer Banks. Roanoke and chowan rivers are the major freshwater inputs to Albemarle sound. TIdes range 2 ft near the inlets but are dampened to 0.6 ft within pamlico sound. Salinity variability and water-column mixing in the sounds is determinated by prevailing wind- driven circulation and currents. Algal conditions Ch1-2 conditions occurin in summer in all zones and winter in mixing and seawter zones Occurrences are periodic in tidal fresh and mixing and episodic in seawater zone. Limiting factors are nitrogen, phosphorus, and light in Chowan r, nitrogen in mixing and seawater zones, Turbidity condictions occur periodically FEb. to Sept. in Chowan R. and all year in Pamlico Sound. Nuisance/toxic Antharns portoricensis, Aplamizommon flosequse, and Microcysts serogiances occur periodically June to Sept. in Chowan R In Pamlico Sound nuisance amaberus Raciborski occures july to Sept; toxic Pfiesteris piscidieds occured once in 1992. Ecosystem/community Responses Planktonic community dominated by blue-green algae in Chowan R.; diatoms in pamlico Sound and seawater zone. Polychaetes and mollusks dominate benthic comunity in mixing and seawater zones. Contributing sources to SAV decline were not reported Key on page 20 Nutrients Elevated concentrations of TDN and TDP occur Feb. to April in Chowan R. TDP concentrations in Pamlico Sound occur June to AUg. Dissolved oxygen In Chowan R. and Pamlico Sound, anoxia/hypoxia occur July to Sept at bottom of water column. Water column stratification plays moderate role in these conditions. conditions occur periodically in Chowan R. and episodically in Pamlico Sound. 21 NOAA'S Estuarine utrophication Survey Volume 1-South Atlantic Pamlico/Pungo Riveres Pamlico/Pungo Rivers are characterized as having periodi- cally high levels of chlorophyll-a and moderate turbidity. Biological resource impacts from episodic occurrences of toxic algae are also reported. Nutrient levels are moderate and anoxia and hypoxia occur periodically inlimited bot- tom areas. Trends vary from a significant increase in chlorophyll-a to a modest decrease in phosphorus to no trends for nitrogen and dissolved oxygen. No trends were reported for the lim- ited amount of SAV. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Receives majority of freshwater from Tar River. Moderate stratification occurs especially in Feb-April during high-inflow period. Tides range 2 ft near the inlets of outer banks to 1 ft at mouths of pamlico and Pungo rivers. Winds can significantly influence water elevation and circulation and tend to override tidal influences. Algal conditions Chl-a and turbidity condictions occur periodically in winter and summer. Nitrogen and light are limiting to algal biomass. increasing chl-a concentrations in upper pamlico River due to best management practices leading to less light limitation. Toxic Pfiesteria piscicida occurs episodically mid to late summer, with durations of less than a week. Ecosystem/community Responses Primary production is dominated by pelagic community; planktonic community dominated by flagellates; benthic community dominated by annelids and crustaceans. intertidal wetlands coverage is low. Nutrients Elevated concentrations of TDN and TDP occur January to March. decreasing TDP is associated with poin sources modifications. Dissolved oxygen Periodic occurrences of anoxia/hypoxia occur June to October, typically at bottom of water column. Water column stratification contributes to these conditions. Minimum average monthly bottom dissolved oxygen concentrations decreased from 1970 to 1990. 22 key page 20 NOAA'S Estuarine Eutrophication Survey; Volume 1- South atlantic Neuse River Neuse River is characterized as haveing moderate to hypereutrophic chlorophyll-a condictions and moderate tur- bidity. Nuisance and toxic algae are reported as impacting biological resources during events that occur from early sum- mer to early fall. Nitrogen and phosphorus are reported at moderate concentrations. Anoxia and hypoxia events occur periodically from june to october across a moderate por- tion of the estuary. These condictions occur predominantly in the mixing zone which represents almost the entire estuary. Trends for most parameters are reported as increasing. Decreasing trends are observed for nuisance and toxi algae in the tidal fresh zone. The limited SAV in th mixing zone is also reported as de- creasing. Physical and Hydrologic characteristics Receives majority of freshwater from both tne Neuse and Trent rivers. salinity stratification often occurs near mouth of Neuse River but is more common furthur upstream. Tides range 1 ft near entrance to the Pamlico Sound. Winds can significantly influence water elevation and circulation and generally override tidal influences on salinity structure. Algal conditions Chl-a conditions occur periodically spring to early fall and, in mixing zone, in winter. Nitrogen and phosphorus are limiting in tidal fersh zone; nitrogen in mixing zone. Turbidity concentration maximums in mixing zone occur periodically winter to summer and episodically with high flow and algal blooms. Nuisance algae and toxic algae(pfiesteria piscicida) events generally occur early summer to early fall and last a month or longer. Ecosystem/community Responses Primary production is dominated by pelagic community. Domininace shift occured from blue green algae to diverse mixture in tidal fresh zone. Annelids are dominant benthic group. intertidal wetlands coverage is very low. key on page 20 Nutrients In tidal fesh zone, reported elevated concentrations of TDN and TDP occur February to June. In mixing zone, reported elevated concentratiosn occur January to April for TDn and January to April and June to August for TDP. Trends in nitrogen are for DIN over last five years. Dissolved Oxygen Periodic occurrences of anoxia/hypoxia occur June to October; typically at bottom of water column. Water column stratification contributes significantly to these condictions. Minimum average monthly bottom dissolved oxygen concentratons have decreased and spatial coverage of anoxic/hypoxic conditions for tidal fesh and mixing zones have increased. 23 NOAA'S Estuarine Eustrophication Survey: Volume 1-South Atlantic Bogue Sound Bogue Sound is characterized as having moderate levels of cholorophyl-a and moderate to high turbidity. There are no biological resource impacts associated with nuisance algae and toxic algae events are extremely rare. Moderate levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen are reported for the seawa- ter zone. No anoxia or hypoxia are observed. these conditions are observed in the mixing and seawater Zones. Trends are reported as either unknown or no trend. Limited SAV is present in the mixing and seawater zones. Physical and Hydrologic characteristics A shallow, lagoonal estuarine system containing numerous shoals and disposal area for dredged material. Tidal mixing promotes a fairly uniform seasonal salinity structure. Vertically homogeneous salinities are common in Bogue and Back sounds. White oak, newport, and North rivers have strong horizontal salinity gradients during late winter and spring. Moderate vertical stratification is common. Algal Conditions Chl-a maximums occur in spring mixing zone and in summer in seawater zone. Nitrogen is limiting factor in mixing and seawater zones. Turbidity conditions occur continously throughout the year. A one time event of gymnodinium brevis occured 11/87 to 2/88 due to gulf transport. However, conditiosn in the estuary allowed it to sustain. Ecosystem/Community Responses Planktonic community dominated by diatoms; benthic community dominated by annelids and diverse mixture. intertidal wetlands range from low to medium coverage. Nutrients Concentratons in mixing zone for nitrogen are reported as DIN; concentration of nitrogen in seawater zone is more than 90% DON. Trends for nitrogen are for DIN. Disolved oxygen 24 key on page 20 NOAA'S Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 1-South Atlantic New River New river is characterized as haveing moderate to hypereutrophic levels of chlorophyll-a and moderate to high levels of turbidity. Biological resoruce impacts from peri- odic nuisance algae and episodic toxic algae occur in sum- mer and winter months. Nitrogen and phosphorus are mod- erate to high though they occur at different times of the year. Bottom-water hypoxia in late summer montsh is reported. these conditions occur primarily in the mixing zone which represents more than 80 percent of the estuary. More extreme conditions generally occur in Morgan Bay. Trends informa- tion is unknow for all parameters. SAV is present in very limited amounts in the seawater zone. Physical and hydrologic characteristics Consists of three major bays (Morgan, Farnell, stones) in upper estuary, and smaller features to the south in lower or seawater portion. Freshwater from the New River is dominant influence on salinity structur, especially above Pollocks Point. Tidal influence generally restircted to lower estuary where increases in vertical mixing cause relatively stable salinities to persist. Moderate stratification is fairly common in upper portoin of New River, especially during high-inflow conditions. Algal conditions In mixing zone, maximum chl-a and turbidity concentrations occur periodically summer and winter with nitrogen and silica limiting biomass. Nuisance and toxic algae also occur during summer and winter months. Toxic algal events are episodic and are days in duration. Ecosystem/Community responses Primary production is dominated by pelagic community; planktonic community dominated by mixture of diatoms and flagellates; benthic community dominated by annelids in seawater zone. Nutrients Concentrations of nitrogen are for ammonia and nitrate; concentrations of phosphorus are for total phosphorus and orthophosphate. In Farnell Bay and stones bay elevated nitrogen concentratiosn occur December to March; elevated phosphorus cocnentrations occur May to October. Dissolved Oxygen Periodic, bottom-water hypoxia occurs in mixing zone June to September. Water column stratification plays a moderate role in these conditions. Key page 20 25 NOAA'S Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 1-South Atlantic Cape Fear River Cape Fear River is characterized as having moderate to high levels of chlorophyll-a and turbidity. Biological resource im- pacts from nuisance and toxi algae do not occur. Nitrogen and phosphorus are reported at moderate to high concen- trations throughtout most of the estuary. No anoxia or hy- poxia are observed. These conditions occur primarily in the mixing zone which represents more than 75 percent of the estuary. Trends are almost all unknown. Very low amounts of SAV are present in all salinity Zones. Physical and Hydrologic characteristics Receives the majority of freshwater inflow from the Cape Fear, Black, and Northeast Cape Fear rivers. Seasonal variability in freshwater inputs, foverned by shifting precipitation patterns, has major effects on salinuty structure. Discharge form main river systems is three times greater during early spring than in fall months. Tides are dominant influence on salinity strucdture and range 4.2 ft near estuary mouth stratification is common within navigation channels. Algal Conditions Maximum Chl-a concentratons occur periodically April to Sept. In mixing zone; limiting factors are phosphorus, nitrogen, and light in spring, summer, and winter. In seawater zone, limiting factor is nitrogen, and light under high turbidity conditions. High turbidity concentrations occur periodically in winter in all zones and episodically with heavey rainfall or dredging activities. Ecosystm/community responses Planktonic community is dominated by mixture of diatoms and flagellates; benthic community dominated by annelids. Intertidal wetlands coverage is high in tidal fresh zone, medium in mixing zone, and low in seawater zone. Nutrients Concentrations are reported as total nitrogen and total phosphorus. TIN is 50-60% of total in tidal fresh zone, 40-50% in mixing zone, and 25% in seawter zone. Orthophosphate is 75% of total in tidal fresh zone, 60% in mixing zone, and 35% in seawater zone. Dissolved oxygen 26 key on page 20 NOAA'S Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 1-South Atlantic Winyah Bay Winyah bay is characterized as haveing moderate to high lev- els of chlorophyll-a and high turbidity. Based on specula- tive inference, biological resource impacts from nuisance and toxic algae do not occur, Nitrogen and phosphorus are gen- erally reported at moderate to high levels. BOttom-water anoxia and hypoxia periodically occur in the mixing zone of Winyah Bay and the seawater zone of North inlet. Trends reported indicate moderate increases in turbidity in the tidal fersh and mixing zones, no trends for nuisance and toxic algae, and decreasing trends for nitrogen and phos- phorus. Distribution and trends for SAV are generally un- known. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Receives majority of freshwater inflow from Pee Dee and Little Pee Dee rivers. Seasonal inflows alter salinities approximately 10 ppt throughout most of estuary. Tides range 4.5 ft at North inlet and salinities are generally unstratified in that area. Moderately stratified conditions are most common within mixing zone and navigation channels during early spring but typically shift northward in fall. Algal Conditions Chl-a maximums occur periodically late spring to fall. Phosphorus is limiting in tidal fersh and mixing zone of Winyah Bay; nitrogen is limiting in north inlet mixing zone and all of seawater zone. Light is co-limiting in all zones. Turbidity maximums occur continously throughout the year. Ecosystem/Community REsponses Primary productin is dominated by macrophytes and diverse aquatic community in tidal fresh zone; intertidal westlands and pelagic communities in mixing and seawater zones. Planktonic community dominates by diatoms; benthic community dominated by insects in tidal fersh zone; annelids and diverse mixture in mixing and seawater zones. Intertidal wetlands coverage high. Nutrients Trends in tidal fersh zone and mixing zone are associated with best management practices, new regulations, and a phosphate ban. In seawater zone, trends are associated with drought conditions. Dissolved Oxygen Periodic occurrences of anoxia/hypoxia have been reported May to September in mixing zone, typically at bottom of water column. In North inlet, periodic occurrences occur August to September only. Water column stratification was not a factor. Key on page 20 27 NOAA'S Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 1-South Atlantic North/South Santee Rivers North/South Santee Rivers are characterized by unknown levels of chlorophyll-a and tubidity and no occurrence of nuisance or toxic algae throughtout the estuary. Nitrogen and phosphorus are reported at moderate concentrations dur- ing the late summer months. Anoxia and hypoxia are un- know throughout the estuary. The conditiosn reported occur predominantly in the mixing zone which represents approxiately 90 percent of the estu- ary. Trends for turbidity, nitrogen, and phosphorus are re- ported as decreasing significantly due to rediversion of wa- ter in the estuary. Nuisance and toxic algae are reported as having no recent trends. The current distribution and trends for SAV are unknown. Physical and Hydrologica Characteristics A drowned river vally system that is highly variable with reagard to freshwater and salinity structure. Changes in salinity occurred following a rediversion of freshwater inflow back into Sangee River system from lake Moultrie in 1985. Currently, horizontal salinity gradients exist, mainly in lower estuary, but stratification is generally weak. Salinities in lower rivers cn vary significantly between successive high and low tides, ranging 4.2 ft near estuary mouth. Algal conditions Decreasing turbidity conditions are ossociated with rediversion of water in the estuary. Ecosystem/Community Responses Planktonic community is dominated by diatoms; benthic community by insects in tidal fresh zone and diverse mixture and crustaceans in mixing zone. Intertidal wetlands have high spatial coverage. Nutrients Elevated TDN concentrations occur July to September; Elevated TDP concentrations occur August to October. Trends are associated with changes in flwo patterns due to water diversions. Dissolved oxygens key on page 20 28 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume I - South Atlantic Charleston Harbor Charleston Harbor is characterized as having moderate to high levels of chlorophyll-a and high levels of turbidity. Bio- lo ical resource impacts from nuisance and toxic algae are uncown in the tidal fresh zone and do not occur in the mix- ing and seawater zones. Nitrogen and phosphorus are re- ported at moderate levels except for high concentrations of both in the Ashley River. Anoxia and hypoxia are unknown in the tidal fresh zone and occur periodically during the late spring and summer in the mixing and seawater zones. rencis reporte indicate increasing turbidity, articulark- n the Ashley River, and decreasing nutrients gaSC-6 mproved wastewater treatment anaa. phosphate ba n. F ow amounts of SAV are reported as increasing in thQ nniX'_ ing zone. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 1,215 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 5,996 _7 Sea ater' Jidal-ftes -_ rver in-do n -ea I Ashley R Surface ;i 1 10.8 L@rea 46.4 6.5 22.0 7.0 A R@hlay FAverage I Depth (ft) 18.3 15.0 1.5.9 12.0 17.3 Volu me 21.6 10.9 2.3 5.2 S.1inity Zen 5 (billion cu ft) 0 TOM F-h n' - - ------ 0 M`i-g Z,- Formed at the confluence of the Cooper, Ashley, and Wando rivers. C3 Z"_ - 'i - - MR- Since the rediversion of flow away from the Cooper river system in Algal Conditions 1985, regulated flow from ffie Cooper and low flow from the Ashley results in small inter-annual salinity distributions. Tides range, Mixing Seawater approximately 5.2 ft near harbor mouth and have dominant influence Tidal Fresh on salinity variability in upper portions of Ashley and Cooper rivers. Vertical stratification is more pronounced within Cooper River than In General Ashley River in other parts of estuary. @E Nutrients IL 1) 6cl? Fres h jxinq Tidal In-General Ashley River H zL@ H t M 00% iT'5% @150-1001% 50-100% 5iYW@M F? I F-)@ I M @O 150-100% 1 -10D% Concentrations are reported as total nitrogen ands ated TN concentrallon total phosphorus. In seawater zone, elev occur May to September; elevated TP concentrations occ, .1 September. Trends are associated with improved wastewater treatment and a phosphate ban. Chl-a and turbidity maxim. occur periodically in summer in Dissolved Oxygen all zones and episodically February to March in tidal fresh zone. Algal biomass is limited by phosphorus and light in tidal fresh Tidal Fresh Seawater and mixing zones, and by nitrogen and light in seawater zone. -InGo-neral Ashley River Ecosystem/Community Responses iLy Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater In Genenal Ashley River Y IG1_0% I L-v:LE [@@E 1@1 Primary production is don-dnated by macrophytes and intertidal wetlands in tidal fresh and mixing zones and pelagic Periodic occurrences of anoxia in mixing and seawater zones communities in seawater zone. Diatoms dominate planktonic G_ OY, May through September. Hypoxic conditions occur in tidal fresh community; benthic community dominated by insects in tidal zone. Bottom-water occurrences were reported for anoxia; ,fresh zone and mixture of annelids and mollusks in mixing and hypoxic conditions occur throughout entire water column. Iseawate, zones, Intertidal wetlands have high spatial coverage. Water column stratification was not a factor. Key on page 20 29 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume I - South Atlantic Stono/North Edisto Rivers Stono/North Edisto Rivers have minimal information on ex- isting conditions but are characterized as having slight in- Ansh creases in turbidity, and moderate decreases in nitrogen and phosphorus. Anoxia and hypoxia occur periodically in lim- ited areas of the seawater zone. The reported conditions occurprimarily in the seawater zone which represents more than 80 percent of the estuary. Very low amounts of SAV are reported for the seawater zone. M.M Stono I . C,..k Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics River Z@ Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) N/A Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) NIA 3p;?water Surface 39.1 1 5.5 33.6 Area (mg) DAwho r Average 15.6 1 13.9 17.3 Depth (ir) o lum a u 18.3 2.1 16.2 No,M South S too Consists of the North Edisto River, Stono River and an intricate Edisto C..k River network of tidal creeks and tributaries. Relatively high salinities exist, River especially near the mouth. Generally well mixed with low seasonal North Salinity variability. Freshwater inflow driven by local precipitation + Salinity Zones events and inflow from tributaries, (I 2@1 5 f2 Tidal Fresh ' mming Zorie M.'es o 5.4terZone Nutrients Algal Conditions Tidal Fresh Mixing ______�eawater Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater L Tren ources. ds are associated with improvements in point s *N I 7N I Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Trends are associated with nonpoint soumes. Ecosystem/Comm unity Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater F E _7 Periodic occurrences of.hypoxia occur June to October in mixing 'zone,-and June to July in seawater zone. Conditions are mainly U' L[. . . observed at bottom of water c olumn. Water column stratification not a factor. Primary producer is interticial wetlands, Planktonic community I in is dominated by diatorns and benthic community by diverse mixture. 30 Key on page 20 NOAA'S Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 1-South Atlantic St. Helena Sound St. Helena Sound is characterized as having low levels of chlorophyll-a. Turbidity is characterized as blackwater in the mixing zone and high in the seawater zone. Biological re- source impacts from nuisance and toxic algae are unknown and nutrients are moderate. Anoxia and hypoxia occur pe- riodically during the summer. These conditions are reported primarily for the mixing zone. Trends information is genrally unknown, with teh excep- tion of decreases in nitrogen in the mixing zone, and no trends for turbidity and phosphorus in the mixing zone, Dis- tribution and trnds for SAV are unknown. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics A drowned river vally/bar built system with numerous tributaries and island formations. Major freshwater source is South Edisto River. Semi-diurnal tides range 6.9 ft near estuary mouth and are dominant forcing mechanism to salinity structure. Weak stratification of salinities and seasonal varibility is common in lower combahee and South Edisto Rivers. Vertically homogeneous conditions prevail in lower St. Helena Sound. Algal Conditions The frequency and months of occurrence for high turbidity conditions are unknown. Ecosystem/Community Responses Primary productivity is dominated by intertidal wetlands; planktonic community is dominated by diatoms and benthic community by mixture aof annelids and crustaceans. Nutrients Elevated TDN concentrations occur June to September; elevated TDP concentrations occur June to October. Dissolved oxygen Periodic occurrences of anoxia/hypoxia occur in mixing zone June to September. Bottom-water occurrences were reported for anoxia; hypoxic conditions occur throughout water column. Water column stratification not a factor. Key on page 20 31 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume I - South Atlantic Broad River Broad River is characterized as having moderate levels of chlorophyll-a and low levels of turbidity. Based on specula- tive inference, biological resource impacts from nuisance and toxic algae do not occur. Nitrogen and phosphorus levels are reported at moderate to high concentrations. Bottom- water anoxia and hypoxia occur periodically during the sum- mer. These conditions are observed in the mixing and seawater zones. Trends are generally unknown with the exception of turbidity (increasing in the mixing zone and no trend in the seawater zone), nitrogen (no trend in the mixing zone), and phosphorus (no trend in both mixing and seawater zones). Distribution and trends for SAV are unknown. Euha mak Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mR) 1,010 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 900 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface 107.5 15.5 92.0 I Area (m;2)1 pon, Average 24.0 23.7 23.2 Rwa, De 4 NlhonH"d North 69.7 0 25 5 A drowned river valley system with intricate tidal cre and marsh islands. The Coosawhatchee River is major freshwa source e___ Miles @es but little seasonal variability exists due to the relatively low discharge into Algal Conditions estuary, Tides range an average of 6.9 ft near estuary mouth. Port Royal Sound exhibits vertically homogeneous salinity structure due to Tidal Fresh Mixing tidal n-dxing. Nutrients Tidal Fresh Mixing L L 1@'111 E_ N ? Elevated TDN concentrations occur in mixing zone in Januaryl and August to October; in seawater zone in February and August I to October. Elevated TDP concentrations occur in mixing zone July to August and November; in seawater zone June to August. rN@ Dissolved Oxygen J Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Medium chl-a conentrations occur periodically in the Beaufort River portior@@ of the seawater zone. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixin Seawater 1?1 [-A-oxia/hypoxia occur periodically in mixing and seawateri [zones June to September, Bottom-water occurrences werel tivity is dominated by intertidal wetlands; Limunity dominated by diatoms; benthic reported for anoxia; hypoxic conditions occur throughout water iixture of annelids and crustaceans. column.'. Water column stratification not a factor. 32 Key on page 20. NOAA'S Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 1-South Atlantic Savannah River Savannah River is characterized as having moderate levels of cholorophyll-a and moderate to high levels of turbidity, particularly in the mixing zone. Biological resource impacts from nuisance and toxic algae do not occur. Nutritnes are reported as moderate to relatively high , particularly in the tidal fresh zone. Bottom-water anoxia and hypoxia occur periodically during the summer. The spatial extent of most of these conditions is unknown. Trends are reported as either unknown or no trends with the exception of a possible increase in turbidity in the tidal fresh zone. SAV is unknown in the tidal fresh zone and not present in the rest of the estuary. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Part of a drowned river vally system receiving the majority of freshwater inflow from the savannah River. Discharge is determined by controlled releases of freshwater. Salinity structure is moderately stratified and salinity variability within the estuary is more significant below Hutchinson Island. Tides range 6.5 ft at estuary mouth and are a dominant forcing mechanism to the overall salinity structure. Algal conditions Maximum Chl-a concentrations occur periodically June to August with light limiting in mixing zone and silica in seawater zone. Turbidity maximums occur continously throughout year. Ecosystem/Community Responses Primary productivity is dominated by intertidal wetlands. Planktonic community dominated by diatoms and diverse mixture; benthic community dominated by crustaceans in tidal fresh zone and annelids in mixing zone. Nutrients More than 50% of TDN is organic nitrogen. Elevated concentrations occur may to August in tidal fesh and mixing zones. Dissolved Oxygen Anoxia occurs periodically June to August, and hypoxia may to September, both typically at bottom of water column. Water column stratification contributes moderately to these conditions. There was an increase in minimum average monthly bottom dissolved oxygen concentrations and an increase in the spatial coverage of hypoxic conditions in mixing zone. Nonpoint sources are associated with the trends. key on page 20 33 NOAA's Estuarine Eutropliication Survey: Volume I - Soutli Atlantic Ossabaw Sound Ossabaw Sound is characterized as having high to moder- ate levels of chlorophyll-a and turbidity. Biolo ical resource impacts from nuisance a-nd toxic al ae generalfly do not oc- cur. Nutrients are reported at low lo moderate levels. An- oxia and hypoxia do not occur The conditions reported occur primaril in the mixing zone. SU Trends are either unknown or reporteTas no trend. -SAV is not present. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics vor* River Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 1,473 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 3,000 ----Es-tuary-F@ jidal Fresh7 _Wxing _L_w_-- Lino I i I 00C Surface j 39.9 4.U 18.1 17.0 Nor Area (m;2): Average Skip 14.3 65 14.2 1 13.1 POT IDepth (q) N- gi.u:,e 14.3 0.9 7.2 6.2 Manny Crook iA small coastal plain system receiving freshwater from Ogeechee and Ossmbo@ Canoochee rivers. Seasonal variability in rainfall can alter salinity by Wand 10 ppt inmost of estuary. Tides range an average of 6.9 ft throughout Fn"17,11.1-Z I + Ossabaw Sound. Vertically stratified circulation pattern can persist N mi..gz- 1 2,; during low salinity period within lower Ogecchee River and Ossibaw f Sound. Algal Conditions Nutrients, L-'--.T.i-d'a'-F,-e-sh Seaw r Tidal Fresh Xing L M ? H ? W? 1 25-50 -50 T5 L @N i More than 50% of TDN is organic nitrogen. maximum ntrations occur May to Septembe _concen r. 7 Dissolved Oxygen ? N I Freih ------Wixi7ng@@F@@-Seawater- Maximum chl-a concentrations occur episodically in mixing E? zon IN N i e and periodically in seawater zone April to July. Medium concentrations occur periodically in mixing zone. Turbidity I concentrations occur periodically from April to July. Ecosystem/Community Responses FT,dal Fresh q *j L ,N ?: NS NS J FP-l'imary productivity -is -domin-ated- -byintert-id-al -;Zn`ds Planktonic cornmunitv dominated by diverse mixture, 34 Key on page 2U NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume I - Soutli Atlantic St. Catherines/Sapelo Sounds Kilkenny St. Catherines/Sapelo Sounds are characterized as having Creek moderate levels of chlorophyll-A and high levels of turbid-- B r itv. No occurrences of biological resource impacts from nui- F- Rwr s@nce or toxic algae are reported. No anoxic or hypoxic con- Medway ditions are reported. Nitrogen and phosphorus levels are low. Hope River Creek DW These conditions occur primarily in the mixing and seawa- F@ Trends for nitrogen and phosphorus indicate sig- Vl-- ter zones St. Catharines Pea@k N@ "i Sound nificant increases in the mixing zone. Other trends were re- Crook N-P. FU_ rted as unknown or, for nuisance/toxic algae, as no trend. @AOV is not present. Several of the values reported for chlo- rophyll--a nutrients, and dissolved oxygen are based on speculative inference. South Ne iver r? Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics sapalo Estuarine Drainage Area (mR) 963 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 800 River Sapato Sound Atlantic Tidal @resh Mixing 'ua Seawater Ocean J-_ Surface f927 0.4 54.9 36.9 Area (mg) Average 14.5 7.6 14.7 22.7 Depth (4) Volume 4S.9 0.09 22.5 23.4 (billion cu it) Tid. i island system comprised of small tidal 0 1creeks. Receives minimal freshwater from mainland runoff, ground- mmrg Z.- skid North 0 S--- Z- water, and lateral flow from nearby rivers. Weak stratificatio-noccu-rs] Salinity Zones Doboy A drowned river valley-barrier Sound + within Doboy Sound. EISEwhere, salinities are generally vertically -Al-gal Conditions homogeneous. Tides range 6.5 to 9 ft and are dominant f mechanism on salinity structure throughout most of estuary. Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater X [@] Nutrients Tidal Fresh area not characterized for this estuary Tidal Fro h Mixi 'EM.-Wr L L LN] N Trends are associated with nonpoint sources. FN] - 7-- Dissolved Oxygen Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Maximum chl-a concentrations occur periodically in summer with light lin-dtTng in mixing zone and silica limiting in sweawater zone. Turbidity maximums occur periodically throughout year. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater [N:S] N@S F P@ Primary productivity don-driated by intertidal wetlands. i F- nic and benthic communities don-timted by diverse Plankto mixture. Key on page 20 35 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume I - South Atlantic Altamaha River Altamaha River is characterized as having moderate to high levels of chlorophyll-a and high levels oT turbidity. No oc- currences of biological resource impacts from nuisance or j toxic algae are reported. No hypoxic or anoxic conditions are reported. Nutrients were reported as low in the seawa- ter zone and moderate in the rest of the estuary. These conditions occur primarily in the mixing zone which represents approximately 80 percent of the estuary. Trends are generally re orted as unknown or no trend with the ex- ception of significant decreases in nitrogen in the tidal fresh and mixing zones. SAV is not present. Afd - Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics C_k Estuarine Drainage Area (mP) 1,512 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 14,900 Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater Surface 16.7 2.5 12.0 2.2 Area (mi2) Average 10.2 4.3 12.1 13.1 Depth (ft) F lu . :7e mio- ") 5.2 0.3 4.1 0.8 Safinify Zones N@ah A coastal plain system consisting of the Altamaha River and several C3 Tid,l F-h + tidal creeks. Seasonal freshwater discharge is dominant forcing 0 ft@img Z- mechanism on salinity variability. Moderate to highly stratified 11 conditions exist in central and lower estuary. During high-inflow, Algal Conditions vertically homogeneous conditions occur in Altamaha River above Onemile Cut. Semi-diurnal tides range an average of 6.5 ft near Tidal Fresh Mixi q __F_sw,_a_te, estuary mouth. Nutrients M H i, I I I I Tidal Fres Mixing Seawater 50-100%! 50-100% nL 1 50-10 50-100%@ IF-i N iL X E-1 in tidal fresh zone, elevated nutrient concentrations occur March to May, and in mixing zone, May to August. N Dissolved Oxygen Maximum chl-a concentrations occur episodicaBy in mixim] gg Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater zone and periodically in seawater zone in summer. Medium chd- 1 a concentrations occur periodically in mixing zone. Light is I Umiting in mixing zone and silica in seawater zone. Turbidity Imaximums occur continuously throughout year. [N Ecosystem/Comm unity Responses EN Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater @NSI --- NS@' _j _j Tidal !Fesl ? Primary productivity dominated by intertidal wetland Planktonic and benthic communities dominated by diverse mixture.---- 36 Key on page 20 NOAA's Estuarine Eutroplucation Survey: Volume I - Soutli Atlantic t. Andrew/St. Simons Sounds St. Andrew/St. Simon Sounds are characterized as having moderate levels of chlorophyll-a. Turbidity is not character- ized because the estuary is classified as a blackwater sys- tem. No occurrences of biological resource impacts from nui sance or toxic algae are reported. No hypoxic or anoxic con- clitions are reported. Nitrogen is reported as generally mod- Hennitage P4Nnt e a erate to high, and phosphorous is reported as generally mod- erate. The conditions re orted occur pri aril i in the mixing and seawater zones wEich represent ovimerW ercentoftheestu- St. Simons ary. Trends are generally reported as uZown or no trend R Sound with the exception of significant nutrient increases in the ..... kk F. tidal fresh and mixing zones. SAV is not present. Several of the values reported for chlorophyll-a, nutrients and dis- solved oxygen are based on speculative inference. Lift S.W. A- Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (Mi2) 3,213 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 2,500 st AW@W, Estuary Tidal Fresh Mixing 1 Seawater 1 S.O. FU_ Surface 82.9 3.7 54.8 24.4 Area (mP) Fm.h Average D 'R' 14.3 10.3 1 12.9 13.0 1 epth Salinity Zones North M Tid@l Fresh + Volume 29.9 1.1 20 8.8 1 0 Mixing Zone 0 25 5 (biffion cu ft) S-@[@rZne A drowned river valley system surrounded by barrier island features. I Algal Conditions Receives majority of freshwater from Satilla River, although seasonal salinities are also influenced by Altamaha River to the north. Salinity Mixin2 I.s WeAly stratified and dominated primarily by tidal mixing. Tides sh ztI Fre Seawater range 6.5 ft at entrances of estuary to 7.8 ft near Hermitage Point. Nutrients L - - ------- - --- Tidal Fresh seawater A, L5 ! -P-100-, ;B L F-1 ? ?] @DN E- @ X L More than 50% of TDN is organic nitrogen. Elevated nutrient concentrations, in tidal fresh zone occur March to May; in mixing zone May to August. Trends associated with nonpoint sources 17N Maximum chl-a concentrations occur episodically in mixing and Dissolved Oxygen periodically in' seawater zone in summer. Medium chl- .a ate, Tidal Fresh Mixin Se@a__! concentrations occur periodically in mixing zone. Light limiting in mixing zone and silica in seawater zone, Ecosystem/Community Responses IL@_7] --ridal Fresh _?7. FO L 01. 1@ -10 @!' 400 t -rtdalFesh Pri-mary-p-roducer is intertidal wetlands. Planktorticmd. e-t c comm mities dominated by diverse mixture. Key on page 20 37 NOAA's Estuarine Eutroplucation Survey: Volutne 1 - Soutlz Atlantic St. Marys River/Cumberland Sound St. Marys River/ Cumberland Sound is characterized as hav- in moderate levels of chlorophyll-a. Turbidity is not char- Brckhill River ac ferized because the estuary is classified as a blackwater system. No occurrences of biological resource impacts from kad nuisance or toxic algae are reported. No hypoxic or anoxic R or conditions are reported. Nutrients are generally low except for moderate nitrogen levels in the seawater zone. Atlantic The conditions reported occur primarily in the seawater zone Ocean King's Bay which represents arproximately 90 ercent of the estuary Trends are general vy reported as untnown or no trend ex- cept for a decrease in phosphorus in the mixing zone. SAV is not present. North Rival Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics Estuarine Drainage Area (mi2) 1,737 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) 8,171 Ildl I Fresh _______FSeawater St. Mary's Mixing Entrance iSurface 1 33.8 0.1 3.7 30.0 St. Malys Area (m,2) River Amelia Average 1 197 5.7 8.4 21.1 dolly River Depth (ft) River Volu:,e 18.5 1 0-02 0.9 17.6 Sl it E 2 1@,'@@IYHZ.@h A bar-built estuary receiving the majority of freshwater inflow from St. Marys River, with discharge usually highest in late winter and spring. Salinity structure is determined primarily by seasonal pulses from the St. Marys River. Vertically homogeneous conditions occur Algal Conditions throughout most of lower river and within Cumberland Sound due to tidal mixing. Tides average 6 ft near St. Mary's Entrance. Mixing Seawater Fresh Nutrients Tidal area not M*J characterized for F-Ticial -Fresh __F__ T9- qawat er this estuary 50-100%*1 F-- @0_1 _00 Bk _J i f More than 50% of TDN is organic nitrogen. Elevated ntti@7ent concentrations occur April to September. F- I INV Dissolved Oxygen Maximum d-d-a concentrations occur periodically June through Tidal Fresh Mixing- Seawater August. Limitmg factor to algal biomass is light in mixing zone and silica in seawater zone. Ecosystem/Community Responses Tidal Fresh @' 7N INS INSh-_ 1L Primary producer is intertidal wetlands. Planktonic and benthic communities are dominated by diverse mixture. 38 Key on page 201 NOAA'S Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 1-South Atlantic St. Johns River St. Johns River is characterized as having high to moderate levels of chlorophyll-a and turbidity along with periodic occurrences of nuisance algae and episodic occurrences of toxic algae. Nitrogen and phosphorus levels recorded for the seawater zone. No anoxia or hypoxia are observed. The conditions observed generally occur in the tidal fresh and mixing zones which represent more than 95 percent of the estuarine surface area. No trends were reported for these conditions. Trends are observed for SAV with relatively minor declines in the tidal fresh and mixing zones. Physical and hydrologic characteristics An elongated estuarine system comprised of large lakes along most of the rivers main stem. Tidal influences are most apparent near the river mouth where tides range approximately 4 ft. Moderate vertical stratification results as freshwater overrides more dense sea water. Wind and precipitation contribute to complexity of tidal influences within estuary. Algal conditons Chl-a maximums occur periodically April to early fall. Light and nitrogen are limiting factors in tidal fresh and mixing zones; residence time is limiting in seawater zone. Turbidity maximums occur April to July in tidal fresh and July to December in mixing and seawater zones. Nuisance microcystis species occur periodically June to July; toxic dinoflagellates occur episodically. Ecosystem/community responses Diatoms dominate planktonic community; benthic community is dominated by annelids in seawater zone and mollusks in tidal fresh and mixing zones. Nutrients More than 50% of TDN is organic nitrogen. Dissolved oxygen Key on page 20 39 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume 1 - South Atlantic Indian River Indian River is characterized as havingh high to hy reui zlevels of turg :rophic levels of chlorophyll-a and hig idity. Hiological resource impacts from nuisance and toxic algae occur periodically during the summer. Nutri- ents are reported as moderate to high. Bottom-water an- @j oXia and hypoxia occur periodically over limited areas dur- ing spring and summer. R- These conditions occur only in seawater zone. Trends are C_ gene@ally reported as unknown or no trend except for in- creasing cholorophyl-a in the St. Lucie River. SAV is present in low to moderate amounts though trends indicate it is Atlantic decreasing in both areas for which it is reported. Many of Ocean the values reported for this estuary are based on specula- 0 Met- tive inference. Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics 0 Estuarine Drainage Area (mR) 1,184 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) N/A Estuary Tidal Fres 1 Mixing Seawater 6 .. he Surface 1 Indian River St. Lucia R. Urban Aia& 336 _296- - 1 11 36 Urban I A- Average 6.6 6.6 9.0 6.6 Depth eft) P.- Salinity Zon,s NZ Volume (billion cuff) 64.4 55 2.8 6.6 E] Tidal Front, R M..mg zo- 0 10 20 n@ A narrow, lagoonal system influenced by wind forcing mechanisms, stonn events, freshwater runoff and evaporation. Short-term wind Algal Conditions events coupled with longer-term seasonal stonns affect overall salinity structure. Freshwater runoff from landward sources determines lateral salinity stratification and variability. Saltwater Seawater intrusion creates vertical stratification wi In estuary. Tidal influence Indian River St. Lucia River Urban Areas is maHy through 3 irdet strulctures@ Sebastian, t7t. Pierce and St. Lucie. Tides range I ft near Ft. Pierce Het. H__ H* E Nutrients Mixin Seawater _jidal rires H Indian River St. Lucie River Urban Areas ? 1 ir i Lm@ -* - M --- FiH --- *T__7 I faf- Y ? Y H*--* [H ? Y ? Elevated nutrient concentrations occur April to September. Maximum chl-a concentrations occur episodically spring to fall with light limiting in a zones. Maximum turbidity occurs Dissolved Oxygen episodically spring to summer in tidal fresh zone, all year in mixing zone, and periodically spring to summer in. seawater zone. Nuisance and toxic algae events occur periodically June to August, Tidal Fresh. Mixin7a Seawater lasting less than a week, and episodicay in tidal fresh and Indian River St. Lucie River Urban Areas seawater zones. Ecosystem/Community Responses Y ? @ M_ -. Sea%ntei, Indian River St. Lucie River Urban Areas Y Y Y ? 25-50% 10-25, 25-50Y. SAV is dominant primary producer and flagellates are dominant [ ALerage -6 Depth 6 L Tidal @Fmh M n planktonic group. Benthic shift from annelids to mixture of Periodic occurrences of anoxia/hypoxia occur April to September, tnelids and crustaceans occurred in Indian River lagoon. typically at bottom of water column. Water column stratification INonpoint sources associated with benthic shift and declining SAV. was a major factor. 40 Key on page 20 NO,@,.-i's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volume I - South Atlantic iscayne Bay Biscayne Bay is characterized as having enerallv low lev- els of chlorophyll-a and low to moderate @Ievels of turbidity. mix @g No biolo ical resource impacts from nuisance or toxic algae Zo'ne 9 are reported. Nitrogen levels range from low to medium and phosphorus levels are low. Bottom-water anoxia and hypoxia occur only in localized areas that have been artificialiv aee - Miami North ened. Surface waters in canals and adjacent areas inay ge anoxic or hypoxic during flood discharge events. ",24-- These conditions occur in the mixing and seawater zones. Trends are generally reported as no trends except.for de- creasln turbidity in the seawater zone and increasing nu- t rle g d awater zones. ntsinsomepartsof both themixingan se South SAV is widely distributed and generally stable except with slight increases reported for the north end of the seawater zone. Values for nuisance and toxic algae are based on specu- Culler Ridge 0 stoscayne- Atlantic lative inference. Bay Ocean Physical and Hydrologic Characteristics j." Elliot Key Estuarine Drainage Area (m2) 2 876 Avg. Daily Inflow (cfs) NIA Seawater @ks@tuaT Mixing T@al_Eresh Axe. North Area S@ulh Area Mangrov Surface North Area South h a K L@Ta (mg) 269.5 1.2 34.0 26.7 209.2 a Old R odes Point e, [Average 7.7 D 8.4 7.7 8.4 7.7 Depth pt) Key Largo North Salinity Zones 12 lid, 0.3 7.3 6.3 45 1 Fresh 58.9 Miles A shallow, lagoonal estuary highly influenced by flood control and upstream intrusion of saltwater. Salinity patterns are affected by Algal Conditions periodic discharges from water control structures on canals and tributaries. Circulation is tidally driven. Wind and tidal influences Tidal Fresh Seawater generally maintain a vertically mixed water column throughout the Norih __�0_Ui_h __W@Wh_ --96u-th estuary. Fi Nutrients L L @--jl L -fidal Fresh Mixing North South J North South 1 L -1 F F--- mlj'@ L -FL L --- L_ @.'0:25% N! --- N N --- !N@ --- IIEL E_ F@ Li- Elevated nutrient concentrations occur September to January in I' both zones. Trends are associated with nonpoint sources. !IN --- N N N Dissolved Oxygen I Chl-a maximums occur periodically September to October with Tidal Fresh pho@_phorus and light limiting algal biomass. Turbidity maximums , North South North South I occur continuously in northern mixing zone :Tcd periodically in northern seawater zone. impacts from suspended solids occur lFy 1' y October to December in northern mixing zone. Y I --- IN@--- 10-25% TO-25% Ecosystem/Community Responses Y'___ ': T@_ -]- @ F Tidal Fresh KAivinn Seawater Y I N -Nrlh South [i North ___@outh _J [H E-- - M 10 1 Anoxia and hypoxia occur in the north mixing zone fro @e to _P I =-11 September primarily in dredged areas and at the water surface in or near canals. In the south mixing zone, anoxia and hypoxia re frrare and occur only during extraordinary releases of freshwat:r Benthic community is dominated by seagrass, a nd some hardbottom canals. In the channels and canals, water column strat s,1i", =ty Zn,,,%, Fresh areas are don-dinated by soft corals and sponges. Diatoms dominate contributed moderately to anoxic and hypoxic conditions fr= planktonic community. discharges. The seawater zones are unstratified and have high I oxygen levels. Key on page 20 41 Regional Summary Regional classification status of existing conditions for twelve parameters as a cumulative percent of total estuarine surface area for three salinity zones. The spatial extent of existing conditions was recorded for each salinity zone in each estuary when concentrations of chl-a, turbidity, nitrogen, or phosphorus were indicated as medium or greater, and when anoxia, hypoxia, or biologically stressful dissolved oxygen i conditions were observed. Four broad ranges of spatial extent were used; high (100-51% of the surface area in a particular zone of an estuary), medium (50-26%), low (25-11%), and very low (10-1%). For some estuaries, existing conditions were reported but spatial extent was unknown. The figure represents a method for quantifying these results. Black shows conservative estimates of cummulative spatial extent (e.g. high spatial extent equals 51% of an estuary's surface area). Black with white lines shows liberal estimates (e.g. high equals 100%, and unknown spatial extent also equals 100%). White shows the cummulative total surface area reported to have low concentrations or no observed conditions. Gray shows the cummulative total surface area reported as unknown concentrations or conditions. Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater (481.0 sq. mi) (3264.6 sq. rni) (1108.2 @q. mi) Chlorophyll a Turbidity Nitrogen V,___ 21@ Phosphorus Anoxia Hypoxia Biological Stress Concentration Condition (Chka, Turb.,'N, & P) (Anoxia, Hypoxia, Bio. Stress) VlediuffVObsenved Low/Not Obsewed Unknown F Spatial Extent Low-end Hig d Range) Range Unknown Sptial Coverage The presence of suspended solids, nuisance algae, toxic algae, macroalgae, and epiphytes in each salinty zone were reported as either impacting resources, not impacting resources, or unknown. The spatial extent of these conditions was not recorded. Tidal Fresh Mixing Seawater (481.0 sq. mi) (3264.6 sq. mi) (1108.2 sq. rni) Suspended Solids Nuisance Algae Sol[= Toxic Algae Macroalgae Epiphytes Condition (Susp. Solids, Nuisancefroxic Algae, Macroalgae, Epiphytes) tffwcts Resoumes No Resoume Irnpact Unknown El @42 Appendix 1: Participants The persons below supplied the information included in this report. Survey participants provided the initial data to ORCA via surveyforms sent through the mail. Site visit participants provided additional data through on-site interviews with project staff. These persons also reviewed initial survey data where available. Workshop participants reviewed and revised, in a workshop setting, preliminary aggregate results and, where possible, provided additional data that was still missing. All participants also had the opportunity to provide comments and suggestions on the estuary salinity maps. I South Atlantic Regional Workshop North Section (Albemarle/Pamlico Sounds to Broad R.) Elizabeth Blood J.W. Jones Ecological Research Center David Chestnut South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Conservation Mark Evans Coastal Services Center/NOAA Fred Holland South Carolina Department of Wildlife & Marine Resources Jeff Hyland Office of Ocean Resouces Conservation and Assessment/ NOS/ NOAA Michael Mallin Univeristy of North Carolina Department of Biological Sciences Hank McKellar University of South Carolina, Department of Environmental Health Science Joe Rudek North Carolina Environmental Defense Fund Donald Stanley East Carolina University, Institute for Coastal & Marine Research PatriciaTestor Southeast Fisheries Science Center/ NMFS/ NOAA BobVan Dolah South Carolina Department of Wildlife & Marine Resources South Section (Savannah R. to Biscayne Bay) Merryl Alber University of Georgia Department of Marine Science Jim Alberts University of Georgia Marine Institute Ramesh Buch Dade County Environmental Resources Management Division Wayne Magley Florida Department of Environmental Protection Jay Pinckney University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Science Peter Verity Skidaway Institute of Oceanography ConradWhite Brevard County Natural Resources Management Division JohnWindsor Florida Institute of Technology, Department of Oceanography * participated in site visit Survey/Site Visits * participated in survey and site visit Albemarle/Pamlico Sounds Bogue Sound JoAnn Burkholder* NC State Univ. Larry Cahoon* Univ. of NC/Wilmington John E. Cooper E. Carolina Univ. Michael Malline 11 11 11 11 Donald W. Stanley I 1 11 11 Lisa Levin Scripps Inst. of Oceanog. Jess H. Hawkins III NC Div. of Marine Fisheries Jimmie Overton NC Div. of Env. Mgt. Jimmie Overton NC Div. of Env. Mgt. Frederick T. Short Univ. of NH Hans Paerl Univ. of NC New River Pamlico/Pungo Rivers Larry Cahoon* Univ. of NC/Wilmington Vincent J. Bellis E. Carolina Univ. Michael Malline 11 11 11 11 Donald W. Stanley I U 11 " Jimmie Overton NC Div. of Env. Mgt. Jimmie Overton NC Div. of Env. Mgt. Cape Fear River Neuse River Larry Cahoon Univ. of NC/Wilmington Richard Barber Duke Univ. Michael Mallin 11 11 11 11 JoAnn Burkholder* NC State Univ. Donald W. Stanley E. Carolina Univ. William W. Kirby-Smith 11 11 11 . Steve Tedder NC Div. of Env. Mgt. Larry Cahoon* Univ. of INC/Wilmington Winyah Bay Michael Mallino . 11 1 11 Robert R. Christian E. Carolina Univ. Dennis Allen Univ. of SC Donald W. Stanley 11 11 11 11 Daniel L. Childers Natl. Marine Fisheries Svc. Jimmie Overton NC Div. of Env. Mgt. Russell W. Sherer SC Dept. of Health & Env. Con. Hans Paerl Univ. of NC .43 NOAA's Esti;arinc Entrophication Stirvey: Volitnic I - Soiith Atlantic North/South Santee Rivers Lawrence Pomeroy* Univ. of GA David M. Knott SC Dept. Wildlife &- Mar. Res. Richard Wiegert* 11 11 1, 11 Russell W. Sherer SC Dept. of Health &- Env@ Con. Clark Alexander* Skidawav inst. of Oceanog Charleston Harbor Jackson Blanton* Phillip Dunstan College of Charleston James Nelson* A. Fred Holland* SC Dept. of Nat. Res. Peter Verity* Hank McKellar Univ. of SC Randy Walker* Russell W. Sherer SC Dept. of Health & Env. Con, Herb Wind om* Bob Van Dolah SC Dept. Wildlife & Mar. Res. Jim Henry* CA State Univ. Stuart Stevens? GA Dept. of Nat. Res. Stono/North Edisto Rivers David Chestnut SC Dept. of Health &- Env. Con. St. Andrew/St. Simons Sounds Bob Van Dolah SC Dept. Wildlife & Mar. Res. Clark Alexander* Skidaway Inst. of Oceanog. Jackson Blanton* St. Helena Sound James Nelson* Russell W. Sherer SC Dept. of Health &- Env. Con. Peter Verity* Randy Walker* Broad River Herb Windom* Russell W. Sherer SC Dept. of Health & Env. Con. Deborah Bronk* Univ. of GA Savannah River Robert Hodson* James Alberts - . Univ. of GA Mary Ann Moran* Robert Hodson* 11 11 11 11 Richard Wiegert* Jackson Blanton* Skidaway Inst. of Oceanog, Jim Henry* GA State Univ. James Nelson* Stuart Stevens? GA Dept. of Nat. Res. Peter Veritv * Richard @@Ie-ert* St. Marys River/Cumberland Sounds SC Dept. Wildlife & Mar. Res. Skiclaw'av Inst. of Oceanog. David M. Knott Clark Alexander* LouisE.Sage Acad. of Nat. Sciences Jackson Blanton* Russell W. Sherer SC Dept. of Health & Env. Con. James Nelson* Stuart Stevens* GA Dept. of Nat. Res. Peter Verity* Randy Walker* Ossabaw Sound Herb Windom* James Alberts - Univ. of GA Deborah Brank* Univ. of GA Deborah Bronk* Robert Hodson* Robert Hodson* Mary Ann Moran' Mary Ann Moran* Richard Wiegert* Richard 1,N,*iegert* Jim Henry* GA State Univ. Clark Alexander* Skidaway Inst. of Oceanog. Stuart Stevens? GA Dept. of Nat. Res. James Nelson* Peter Verity e St. Johns River Randy Walker* Bob Brody St. Johns R. Water Mgt. Dist. Jim Henry* GA State Univ. Betsy J. Deuerling City of Jacksonville Stuart Stevens* GA Dept. of Nat. Res. A. Quinton White Jacksonville Univ. St. Catherines/Sapelo Sounds Indian River James Alberts* Univ of GA Diane D. Barile Marine Res. Council of E. FL Deborah Bronk* Bob Frease 11 11 11 11 Robert Hodson* David L. Correll Smithsonian Env. Research Ctr. Mary Ann Moran* Terry L. Davis FL Dept. of Env. Reg. Richard Wiegert* Greg A. Graves Clark Alexander* Skidaway Inst. of Oceanog. Guy P. Hadley Jackson Blanton* John C. Higman St. Johns R. Water Mgt. Dist. James Nelson* Robert W. Virnstein Peter Verity* Randy Walker* Biscayne Bay Herb Windom* Richard W. Alleman S. FL Water Mgt. Dist. Susan M. Markley Dade Cty. Env. Res. Mgt. Div. Jim Henry GA State Univ. Cecelia A. Weaver Stuart Stevens* GA Dept. of Nat. Res. Altamaha River James Alberts* Univ. of GA Deborah Bronk* Robert Hodson* Mary Ann Moran@' 44 A Appendix 2: Estuary References The following references were recommended by one or more Eutrophication Survey participants as critical backgroulld materialfor understanding the nutrient enrichment characteris tics of individual South Atlantic estuaries. In some cases, the survey results are based directly upon these publications. This list is not comprehensive. Some estuaries are not in- cluded because no suggestions were received. Albemarle/Pamlico Sounds Pamlico/Pungo Rivers Harned, D.A., and M.S. Davenport. 1990. Water-qual- Burkholder, J.M., H.B. Glasgow, Jr, and C.W. Hobbs. ity trends and basin activities and characteristics for 1995. Fish kills linked to a toxic ambush-predator di- the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System, North Caro- noflagellate: distribution and environmental condi- lina and Virginia. U.S.G.S. Open File Report 90-398. tions. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 124:43-61. Raleigh, NC. 164 p. Burkholder, J.M., H.B. Glasgow, Jr., and E.J. Noga. 1993. Harned, D.A., G. McMahon, T.B. Spruill, and M.D. The role of a new toxic dinoflagellat 'e in finfish and Woodside. 1995. Water-quality assessment of the shellfish kills in the Neuse and Pamlico Estuaries. Wa- Albemarle-Pamlico Drainage Basin, North Carolina ter Resources Research Institute, University of North and Virginia. U.S.G.S. Open File Report 95-191. Raleigh, Carolina, Raleigh, NC. NC. 132 p. Carpenter, E.J. 1971a. Effects of phosphorus mining Hyland, J.L. Personal communication. Unpublished wastes on the growth of phytoplankton in the Pamlico quantitative database on ecological conditions of south- River Estuary. Chesapeake Science 12:85-94. eastern estuaries based on EMAP sampling in the Caro- linian Province, 1994-1995. NOAA Carolinian Province Copeland, B.J. and J.E. Hobbie. 1972. Phosphorus and Office, Charleston, SC. eutrophication in the Pamlico River Estuary, NC, 1966- 1969-A summary. Report No. 65. Water Resources Re- Kuenzler, E.J., K.L. Stone, and D.B. Albert. 1982. Phy- search Institute, University of North Carolina, Raleigh, toplankton uptake and sediment release of nitrogen and NC. phosphorus in the Chowan River, North Carolina. Re- port No. 186. Water Resources Research Institute, Uni- Copeland, B.J., R.F. Hodson, and S.R. Riggs. 1984. The versity of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. ecology of the Pamlico River, North Carolina: An es- tuarine profile. United States Fish and Wildlife Service Paerl, H.W 1982. Environmental factors promoting and FWS/OBS-82-06. Slidell, LA. regulating N2 fixing blue-green algal blooms in the Chowan River. N.C. Report No. 176. Water Resources Davis, G.J., M.M. Brinson, and W.A. Burke. 1978. Or- Research Institute, University of North Carolina, Ra- ganic carbon and deoxygenation in the Pamlico River leigh, NC. Estuary. Report No. 131. Water Resources Research In- Sauer, M.M. and E.J. Kuenzler. 1981. Algal assay stud- stitute, University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. ies of the Chowan River, North Carolina. Report No. Garret, R.G. 1994. Water quality from continuously 161. Water Resources Research Institute, University of monitored sites in the Pamlico and Neuse River Estu- North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. aries, North Carolina, 1991-1992. U.S. Geological Sur- vey Report 94-27. Witherspoon, A.M., C. Balducci, O.C. Boody, and J. Overton. 1979. Response of phytoplankton to water Hobbie, J.E., 1971. Phytoplankton species and popula- quality in the Chowan River system. Report No. 129. tions in the Pamlico River Estuary of North Carolina. Water Resources Research Institute, University of North Report No. 56. Water Resources Research Institute, Carolina, Raleigh, NC. University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. 45 NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Survey: Volurne I - South Atlantic Hobbie, J.E., B.J. Copeland, and W.G. Harrison. 1972. Stanley, D.W, and S. W. Nixon. 1992. Stratification and Nutrients in the Pamlico River Estuary, NC, 1969-1971. bottom-water hypoxia in the Pamlico River Estuary. Report No. 76. Water Resources Research Institute, Estuaries 15:270-281. University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. Kuenzler, E.J., D.B. Albert, G.S. Allgood, S.E. Cabaniss, Neuse River and C.G. Wanat. 1984. Benthic nutrient cycling in the Boyer, J.N., R.R. Christian, and D.W. Stanley. 1993. Pat- Pamlico River. Report No. 215, Water Resources Re- terns of phytoplankton primary productivity in the search Institute, University of North Carolina, Raleigh, Neuse River Estuary, NC, USA. Marine Ecology NC. Progress Series 97:287-297. Kuenzler, E.J., D.W. Stanley, and J.P. Koenings. 1979. Christian, R.R., J.N. Boyer, and D.W'Stanley. 1991. Nutrient kinetics in the Pamlico River, North Carolina. Multi-year distribution patterns of nutrients within the Report No. 139. Water Resources Research Institute, Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina. Marine Ecology University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. Progress Series 71:259-274. Stanley, D.W. 1987. Water quality in the Pamlico River Christian, R.R., W.L. Bryant, and D.W. Stanley. 1986. Estuary 1986. Technical Report 87-01. Institute for The relationship between river flow and Microcystis Coastal and Marine Resources, East Carolina Univer- aeruginosa blooms in the Neuse River, NC. Report No. sity, Greenville, NC. 223. Water Resources Research Institute, University of Stanley, DW. 1992. Historical trends: Water quality and North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. fisheries, Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds, with emphasis Christian, R.R., W.M. Rizzo, and D.W. Stanley. 1989. on the Pamlico River Estuary. UNC Sea Grant College Influence of nutrient loading on the Neuse River Estu- Program Publication UNC-36-92-04. Institute for ary, North Carolina, pp. 19-40. In: R. Y. George and A. Coastal and Marine Resources, East Carolina Univer- W. Hulbert (eds.), N.C. Coastal Oceanography Sym- sity, Greenville, NC. 215 p- posium. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration, National Undersea Research Program. Report Stanley, DW. 1993a. Long-term trends in the Pamlico 89-2. River Estuary nutrients, chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen, and watershed nutrient production. Water Resources Christian, R.R., D.W. Stanley, and D.A. Daniel. 1984. Research 29:2651-2662. Microbiological changes occurring at the freshwater- Stanley, D.W. 1993b. Texas gulf effluent dispersal in the seawater interface of the Neuse River Estuary, North Pamlico River Estuary: 1992. Technical Report 93-01. Carolina, pp. 349-36. In: V.S. Kennedy (ed.), The estu- Institute for Coastal and Marine Resources, East Caro- ary as a filter. Academic Press, New York. lina University, Greenville, NC. Fisher, T.R., FR. Carlson, and R.T. Barber. 1982. Car- Stanley, D.W., and R.R. Christian. 1984. Nutrients in bon and nitrogen primary productivity in three North estuaries: Research needs and priorities, pp. 203-277 Carolina estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science ' 15:621-644. In: B. J. Copeland (ed.), Research for Managing the Nation's Estuaries. University of North Carolina Sea Garret, R.G. 1994. Water quality from continuously Grant, Publ. 84-08, Raleigh, NC. monitored sites in the Pamlico and Neuse River Estu- Stanley, D.W., and D.A. Daniel. 1985. Seasonal phy- aries, North Carolina, 1991-1992. U.S. Geological Sur- toplankton density and biomass changes in South vey Report 94-27. Creek, North Carolina. journal of the Elisha Mitchell Harned, D. A. 1980. Water quality of the Neuse River, Scientific Society 101:130-141. N.C. U.S. Geological Survey. Water Reources Investi- Stanley, D.W., and D.A. Daniel. 1986. Phytoplankton gati,n, No. 80-86. in the Pamlico River Estuary 1985. Technical Report 86- Mallin, M.A. 1992. Planktonic trophic transfer in an -es East 05. Institute for Coastal and Marine Resourc estuary: Seasonal, diel, and community structure ef- Carolina University, Greenville, NC. fects. PhD dissertation. The University of North Caro- Stanley, D.W., and J.E. Hobbie. 1981. Nitrogen recycling lina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC. in a North Carolina coastal river. Lininology and Ocean- ography 26:30-42. 46 NOAA's Estuarme Eittrophicatioji Stirvey: Voiurne I - Sotith Atlaittic Mallin, M.A. 1994. Phytoplankton ecology of North Rudek, J.H., H.W. Paerl, M.A. Mallin, and P.W. Bates. Carolina Estuaries. Estuaries 17:561-374. 1991. Seasonal and hydrological control of phytoplank- ton nutrient limitation in the lower River Neuse Estu- Mallin, M.A. and H.W. Paerl. 1992. Effects of variable ary, North Carolina. Marine Ecology Progress Series irradiance on phytoplankton productivity in shallow 75:133-142. estuaries. Limnology and Oceanography 37:54-62. Stanley, D.W. 1983. Nitrogen cycling and phytoplank- Mallin, M.A. and H.W. Paerl. 1994. Planktonic trophic ton growth in the Neuse River, North Carolina. Report transfer in an estuary: Seasonal, diel, and community No. 204. Water Resources Research Institute, Univer- structure effects. Ecology 75:2168-2184. sity of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. Mallin, M.A., H.W. Paerl, and J. Rudek. 1991. Seasonal Stanley, D.W. 1988. Historical trends in nutrient load- phytoplankton composition, productivity and biomass ing to the Neuse River Estuary, NC, pp. 155-164. In: in the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina. Estuarine, W.L. Lyke and T.J. Hoban (eds.), Proceedings of the Coastal and Shelf Science 32:609-623. American Water Resources Association, Symposium on Coastal Water Resources. American Water Resources Mallin, M.A., H.W. Paerl, J. Rudek, and P. W. Bates. Association Technical Publication Series TPS-88-1., 1993. Regulation of estuarine primary production by Bethesda, MD. watershed rainfall and river flow. Marine Ecology Progress Series 93:199-203. Tedder, S.W., J. Sauber, J. Auslqy and S. Mitchell. 1980. Working Paper: Neuse River Investigation 1979. Divi- Paerl, H.W. 1987. Dynamics, of blue-green algal blooms sion of Environmental Management, NC Dept. of Natu- in the lower Neuse River, North Carolina: Causative ral Resources and Community Development, Raleigh, factors and potential controls. Report No. 229. Water NC. Resources Research Institute, University of North Caro- lina, Raleigh, NC. Bogue Sound Paerl, H.W. 1983. Factors regulating nuisance blue- Brett, C.E. 1963. Relationships between marine inver- green algal bloom potentials in the lower Neuse River, tebrate infauna distribution and sediment type distri- N.C. Report No. 188. Water Resources Research Insti- bution in Bogue Sound, North Carolina, Chapel Hill, tute, University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. Nc. Paerl, H.W., P.T. Bland, J.H. Blackwell, and N.D. Bowles' Fisher, T.R., P.R. Carlson, and R.T. Barber. 1982a. Sedi- 1984. The effects of salinity on the potential of a blue- ment nutrient regeneration in three North Carolina es- green algal (Microcystis aeruginosa) bloom in the Neuse tuaries. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 14:101-116. River Estuary, NC. Working Paper 84-1, University of North Carolina Sea Grant College Program, Raleigh, Fisher, T.R., P.R. Carlson, and R.T. Barber. 1982b. Car- NC. bon and nitrogen primary productivity in three North Paerl, H.W., M.A. Mallin, C.A. Donahue, M. Go, and Carolina estuaries. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science B.L. Peierls. 1995. Determining the role of nitrogen-en- 15:621-644. riched acid rain in estuarine eutrophication: The Neuse Hyland, J.L. Personal communication. Unpublished River Estuary, North Carolina. Report No. 291. Water quantitative database on ecological conditions of south- Resources Research Institute, University of North Caro- eastern estuaries based on EMAP sampling in the Caro- lina, Raleigh, NC. linian Province, 1994-1995. NOAA Carolinian Province Paerl, H.W., M.A. Mallin, J. Rudek, and P.W. Bates. 1990 ' Office, Charleston, SC. The potential for eutrophication and nuisance algal Kirby-Smith, W.W., and J.D. Costlow. 1989. The New- blooms in the lower Neuse River Estuary. Albemarle- port River estuarine system. University of North Caro- Pamlico Estuarine Study Project No. 90-15. NC Depart- lina Sea Grant College Publication UNC-SG-89-04, Ra- ment of Natural Resources and Community Develop- leigh, NC. pp. 58. ment, Raleigh, NC. Litaker, W., C.S. Duke, B.E. Kenney, and J. Ramus. 1988. Paerl, H.W., J. Rudek, and M.A. Mallin. 1990. Stimula- Diel chl-a and phaeopigment cycles in a shallow tidal tion of phytoplankton production in coastal waters by estuary: potential role of microzooplankton grazing. natural rainfall inputs: Nutritional and trophic impli- Marine Ecology Progress Series 47:259-270. cations. Marine Biology 107:247-254. 47 NOAA's Estuarinc Eutrophication Survey: Volume I - South Atlantic Litaker, W., C.S. Duke, and J. Ramus. 1987. Short-term Hyland, J.L. Personal communication. Unpublished environmental variability and phytoplankton abun- quantitative database on ecological conditions of south- dance in a shallow tidal estuary. I. Winter and sum- eastern estuaries based on EMAP sampling in the Caro- mer. Marine Biology 96:115-121. linian Province, 1994-1995. NOAA Carolinian Province Litaker, W., C.S. Duke, and J. Ramus. 1993. Short-term Office, Charleston, SC. environmental variability and phytoplankton abun- Mallin, M.A., G.C. Shank, M.R. McIver, and J.F. Merritt. dance in a shallow tidal estuary. II. Spring and fall. 1996. Water quality in the lower Cape Fear River sys- Marine Ecology Progress Series 94:141-154. tem, 1995-1996. Center for Marine Science Research, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Paerl, H. W. 1985. Enhancement of marine primary pro- Wilmington, N.C. duction by nitrogen-enriched acid rain. Nature 316:747- 749. Mallin, M.A., M.R. McIver, G.C. Shank, L.B. Cahoon, and D.C. Parsons. 1996. Spatial and temporal nutrient Rudek, J. 1992. The effect of nutrient loading on pri- patterns in the lower Cape Fear River system. In Solu- mary production and nitrogen kinetics in Bogue Sound, tions: Proceedings of a Technical Conference on Water NC. PhD Dissertation, Department of Environmental Quality. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C. Science and Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 133 p. Winyah Bay Thayer, G.W. 1971. Phytoplankton production and the Allen, D.M., W.K. Michener, and S.E. Stancy, (eds.). distribution of nutrients in a shallow unstratified es- 1984. Pollution Ecology of Winyah Bay, SC: Character- tuarine system near Beaufort, NC. Chesapeake Science ization of the Estuary and Potential Impacts of Petro- 12:240-253. leum. Baruch Institute Special Publication No. 84-1. 271 P. Thayer, G.W. 1974. Identity and regulation of nutrients Allen, D.M., S.E. Stancyk, and W.K. Michener (eds.). limiting phytoplankton production in the shallow es- 1982. Ecology of Winyah Bay, SC and Potential Impacts tuaries near Beaufort, NC. Oecologia 14:75-92. of Energy Development. Baruch Institute Special Pub- Williams, R.B. 1966. Annual phytoplankton production lication No. 82-1. 275 p. in a system of shallow temperate estuaries. pp. 699- Blood E.R. and P.A. Smith. (in press). Water quality in 716. In: H. Barnes (ed.), Some Contemporary Studies two high salinity estuaries: Axi evaluation of watershed in Marine Science. George, Allen and Unwin Ltd., Lon- alteration effects on spatial and temporal patterns in don, England. urbanization in SE estuaries. J. Vernberg, W. Vernberg, and T. Siewicki (eds). Williams, R.B. 1972. Nutrient levels and phytoplank- ton productivity in the estuary. pp. 59-89. In: R.H. Blood, E.R. and F.J. Vernberg. 1992. Characterization Chabreck (ed.), Proceedings of the Coastal Marsh and of the physical, chemical and biological conditions and Estuary Managerrient Symposium, Louisiana State trends in three South Carolina estuaries, vol. 2, Winyah University, Baton Rouge, LA. Bay and North Inlet estuaries: 1970-1985. National Ma- rine Pollution Program Office, NOAA. SC Sea Grant Williams, R.B. and M.B. Murdoch. 1966. Phytoplank- Consortium, Charleston, SC. 155 p. ton production and chlorophyll concentration in the Beaufort Channel, NC. Lininology and Oceanography Coull, B.C. 1985. Long-term variability of estuarine 11:73-82. meiobenthos: An 11-year study. Marine Ecology Cape Fear River Progress Series 24:205-218. Coutinho, R. 1987. Ecology of macro algae In: North Carpenter, E.J. 1971. Annual phytoplankton cycle of the Inlet Estuary@ SC. PhD dissertation, University of South Cape Fear River Estuary, North Carolina. Chesapeake Carolina, Columbia, SC. 228 p. Science 12:95-104. Gardner, L.R. and C. Gorman. 1984. Summertime net EA Engineering. 1991. Lower Cape Fear water quality transport of dissolved oxygen, salt and heat. In: A salt and fisheries literature review, final report. EA Report marsh basin, North Inlet, SC. Estuarine and Coastal No. 11747, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Shelf Science 19:331-339. Inc. Smyrna, GA. 48 I NOAA's Estuarine Eutrophication Surmy: Volume I - South Atlantic all, M. 1979. The species composition and abundance Davis, K. and R. Van Dolah. 1992. Characterization of ycle of the phytoplankton. 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In:The North Inlet Estuary., pp. 35- A physical and ecological characterization of the - Charleston Harbor estuarine system. Final Report sub- 39'In: F.J. Vemberg, R. Bonnell, B. Coull, R. Dame Jr., P. mitted to the South Carolina Coastal Council under Decoursey, W. Kitchens Jr., B. Kjerfve, H. Stevenson, W. Vernberg, and R. Zingmark (eds.), The dynamics of Grant No. NA87AA-D-CZ068. 634 p. an estuary as a natural ecosystem. USEPA EPA-600/3- St. Helena Sound 77-016. Gulf Breeze, FL. 86 p. North Santee/South Santee Rivers Hyland, J.L. Personal communication. Unpublished quantitative database on ecological conditions of south- Hyland, J.L. Personal communication. Unpublished eastern estuaries based on EMAP sampling in the Caro- quantitative database on ecological conditions of south- linian Province, 1994-1995. NOAA Carolinian Province eastern estuaries based on EMAP sampling in the Caro- Office, Charleston, SC. linian Province, 1994-1995. NOAA Carolinian Province Broad River Office, Charleston, SC. Hyland, J.L. Personal communication. Unpublished Charleston Harbor quantitative database on ecological conditions of south- eastern estuaries based on EMAP sampling in the Caro- Blood, E.R., K. Davis, R. Van Dolah, H.N. McKellar, T. linian Province, 1994-1995. NOAA Carolinian Province Sicherman, and C. Connelly. 1989. Charleston Harbor Office, Charleston, SC. water quality-status and trends. NOAA Estuary of the Month seminar series No. 12. Charleston Harbor. Wash- ington, DC. April 1989. pp. 25-35. 49 Appendix 3: NEI Estuaries One hundred twenty-nine estuaries are included in the National Estuarine Inventory. New systems are occasionally added. Some estuaries are actually subsystems of larger estuaries, although each is being evaluated indepedentlyfor the Eutrophi- cation Survey project (e.g., Potomac River is a subsystem of Chesapeake Bay). For more information on the National Estuarine lnventory@ see inside thefront cover of this report. North Atlantic (16) Cape Fear River Corpus Christi Bay Winyah Bay Upper Laguna Madre Passamaquoddy Bay North/South Santee Rivers Baffin Bay Englishman Bay Charleston Harbor Lower Laguna Madre Narraguagus Bay Stono/North Edisto Rivers Blue Hill Bay St. Helena Sounds West Coast (34) Penobscot Bay Broad River Muscongus Bay Savannah River Tijuana Estuary Damariscotta River Ossabaw Sound San Diego Bay Sheepscot Bay St. Catherines/Sapelo Sounds Mission Bay Kennebec/ Androscoggin Rivers Altamaha River Newport Bay Casco Bay St. Andrew/St. Simons Sounds San Pedro Bay Saco Bay St. Marys R./Cumberland Snd Alemitos Bay Great Bay St. Johns River Anaheim Bay Merrimack River Indian River Santa Monica Bay Massachusetts Bay Biscayne Bay Morro Bay Boston Bay Monterey Bay Cape Cod Bay Gulf of Mexico (36) Elkhorn Slough San Francisco Bay Mid-Atlantic (22) Florida Bay Cent. San Francisco Bay/ South Ten Thousand Islands San Pablo/Suisun Bays Buzzards Bay North Ten Thousand Islands Drakes Ester Narragansett Bay Rookery Bay Tornales Bay Gardiners Bay Charlotte Harbor Eel River Long Island Sound Caloosahatchee River Humboldt Bay Connecticut River Sarasota Bay Klamath River Great South Bay Tampa Bay Rogue River Hudson River/Raritan Bay Suwannee River CoosBay Barnegat Bay Apalachee Bay Umpqua River New Jersey Inland Bays Apalachicola Bay Siuslaw River Delaware Bay St. Andrew Bay Alsea River Delaware Inland Bays Choctawhatchee Bay Yaquina Bay Maryland Inland Bays Pensacola Bay Siletz Bay Chincoteague Bay Perdido Bay Netarts Bay Chesapeake Bay Mobile Bay Tillamook Bay Patuxent River Mississippi Sound Nehalem River Potomac River Lake Borgne Columbia River Rappahannock River Lake Pontchartrain Willapa Bay York River Breton /Chandeleur Sounds Grays Harbor James River Mississippi River PugetSound Chester River Barataria Bay Hood Canal Choptank River Terrebonne/Timbalier Bays Skagit Bay Tangier/Pocomoke Sounds Atchafalaya /Vermilion Bays Mermentau Estuary South Atlantic (21) Calcasieu Lake North Atlantic Sabine Lake West Albemarle /Pamlico Sounds Galveston Bay Coast f Pamlico/Pungo Rivers Brazos River Mid-Atlantic Neuse River Matagorda Bay BogueSound San Antonio Bay South New River Aransas Bay G f f Atlantic Mexico 50 I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I @ @ 3 6668 14109 3957 r t