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Phass I S@Udy Hazardous Material Inventory 55.3 H F577 'I 9'@ 9 It I I I Abrt of PHASE I RISK MANAGEMENT.PLAN STUDY DRAFT First Increment HazArdous Material Inventory Progress Report Prepared as a Supplement to the Port Master Plan certified by the California Coastal Commission, and in conjunction with a grant to the Office of Cpaj Zone Manaaement. National Oceanic a=nA mospheric'- .-&-d@-inistration, under thg provisions of-the Federal Coastal a-one management Act of 1972, as -a@mended. July, 1979 PORT OF LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA LONG BEACH HARBOR DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HARBOR COMM ISSIOt RICHARD WILSON, PRESIDENT H.E..* RIDINGS, JR. E.' JOHN HANNA JAMES H. GRAY LOUISE DUVALL ... .... .... .... .... .... .......... . OR DEPARTMENT STAFF JAMES H. MCJUNKIN, GENERAL MANAGER H.LEE SELLERS, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER LELAND R. HILL, DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CORT T. JOHNSON, CHIEF HARBOR ENGINEER HARVEY H. HARNAGEL, DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS DEAN J. PETERSEN., DIRECTOR OF TRADE DEVELOPMENT GEORGE H. SEUFERT, DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE PAUL E. BROWN, COMPTROLLER GEORGE H'.' STEIN, DIRECTOR OF REAL PROPERTY ELMAR BAXTER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS TRAVIS MONTG OMERY, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY RUTH PORTER, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT - ADMINISTRATION THIS DOCUMENT PREPARED BY THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY TASK FORCE, LONG BEACH HARBOR DEPARTMENT EROJECT OFFICER LELAND R. HILL PROJECT COORDINAJOR DR, JOHN BOLLINGER TASK FORCE BARRY McDANIEL -ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PETE SMONGESKY ENGINEERING DOUGLAS JONES REAL PROPERTY ADOLF ZETTERBERG OPERATIONS MICHAEL POWERS TRADE DEVELOPMENT JOSEPH CHESLER ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WILLIAM HARTMANN REAL PROPERTY --SA-FETY- MARK LAWSON MAINTENANCE STAFF SEC-RETAR'IES NORMA COLEMAN BARBARA EMBRY GRAPHICS STEVEN G. SYKORA TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE EXECUTIVE OUTLINE CHAPTER I MANDATES AND UPDATE I CHAPTER 2 PROGRAM 3 Section 1 - Scope andbefinition 3 Section 2 - Goals and Objectives 5 Section 3 - Phases Section 4 - Phase I Increment 15 CHAPTER 3 PRODUCTS 16 Section 1 - Hazardous Material Inventory 16 Overview Section 2 - Termin.al/Water Approach 19 Section 3 - Transportation/Storage 24 Section 4 - Vessel Inventory 53 Section 5 - Waterfront Facility Survey 67 Section 6 - Property Status Inventory 167 Section 7 - Inter-Agency Coordination 181 Section 8 - Persons and Organizations 198 Consulted BIBLIOGRAPHY 200 APPENDICES Appendix A - Vessel Safety Provisions A-1 Supplemental Materials Appendix B - Interagency Coordination B-1 Supplemental Materials Appendix C Terminal Safety Provisions C-1 Supplemental Materials LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1. Hazardous Use Distribution 18 2. Wind Rose Diagram 21 3. Present Project Water Depths 22 4. Navigational Aids 23 5. Rail Access 26 6e Vehicular Access 27 7. Vehicular Traffic Density 28 8. Vehicular Capacity 3'9 9. Bunker System 30 10. Vessel Berth Occupancy and 55 Traffic Patterns 11. Annual Ship Traffic Density 56 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. Hazardous'Material Transportation 31-39 By Inland Transportation Mode 2. Major Crude Oil and Product Pipelines .40 3. Hazardous Material Storage 41-50 4. Hazardous Material Storage Other Than 51-52 Tank Storage 5. Berths Handling Hazardous Materials 58 6. Berth Throughput Inventory 59-63 7. Hazardous Commodity Inventory 64-66 8. Equipment Maintenance Record 144 9. Fire System Maintenance Responsibilities 148 10. Property Status Inventory 168-175 11. Pipeline Permits 176-180 LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT PAGE 1. Berths 32-@-33 (Chemical) 69 2. Berth 57 (Petroleum) 81 3. Berths 68-70 (Chemical) 86 4. Berth 73 (Petroleum) 92 5. Berths 76-79 (Petroleum) '99 6. Berth 83 (Petroleum) 108 7. Berths 84-87 (Petroleum) ill 8. Berth 101 (Chemical) 117 9. Berths 118-119 (Petroleum) 122 10. Berth 210-211 (Petroleum) 127 11. Berth 242 (Chemical) 138 12. Port Maintenance Program Outline 144 13. Hazardous Material Handling Safety 151 Meeting Minutes 14. Standard Operating Procedures, 155 Port Warden, Port of Los Angeles 15. Foremen's Guide to Segregation of 159 Breakbulk Hazardous Material 16. Hazardous Material Handling Packet 161 17. Checklist for the Safe Handling of 166 Hazardous Materials I I I I I I I i I I I I EXECUTIVE OUTLINE I I I I I I I I I EXECUTIVE OUTLINE MANDATES FOR PORT MASTER PLAN AND RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Coastal Act Findings and Policies on Safety a.nd Protection. See "Mandates" text on- Coastal Act Findings. B. Coastal Commission's (CCC) Conditions of Certification of Port Master Plan: "The Commission shall withhold certification of all areas in the Port where petroleum, petrochemicals or other similar bulk liquid cargoes of hazardous nature are presently handled or are proposed to occur until such time as the Risk Management Plan (RMP) is completed and adopted by the Commission as an amendment to the Certified Port of Long Beach Master Plan." C. Coastal Energy Impact Program (CEIP) Sponsorship of Hazardous Material Inventory (HMI) on a 20/80 percent cost sharing basis (Port, $.6,475/CEIP, $25,900). UPDATE A. Initial CEIP Application 10/12/77 B. RMP Program Approval by , CCC, Subject to Cond's 2/28/78 C. Final Port Master Plan 6/6/78 Distributed D. CEIP Funding of RMP Approved 8/10/78 E. CCC Certification of Port Master Plan - Subjected to Cond's 10/17/78 F. Port Staff Briefing on Risk Mgmt Study & HMI 11/28/78 G. CCC RFP on RMP 3/4/79 H. Port Testimony on H.R. 2994 Port Safety Bill 4/27/79 I. HMI Task Force Briefing 5/3/79 J. CCC Risk Mgmt. Briefing 5/18/79 i PROGRAM A. overall Program Goals � Address HM transport and storage in the Port. � Minimize adverse impacts Of HM to public, prop., & env. o Buffer and control HM activities in the Port. o Improve safety in the Port. o Inform the public of Port efforts on Risk Mgmt. o Encourage Interagency cooperation on Risk Mgmt. o Promote continued efforts toward reasonable safety. B. Three Phase Program Overview 1. Phase I - Information Data collection, evaluation and consolidation of information on Hazardous Materials and Safety Measures in the Port. 2. Phase II - Planning Development of Goals, Objectives, Criteria, Priorities, Standards and Strategies for Risk Management in the Port. 3. Phase III - Legislation and Administration Assessment of existing and development of proposed legislative and/or administrative requirements or guide- lines for Risk Management in the Port. C. Phase I - Information - Incrementation Outline 1. First Increment - Hazardous Material Inventory Identification, Measurement and Documentation of Existing and Potential hazards in the Port of Long Beach. 2. Second Increment - Public and Agency Participation Preparation of interim report, discussions with Coastal Commission Staff and Consultants'review by other Agencies (Coast Guard, Fire Department, etc... ), public workshops, hearings, tours. 3. Third Increment - Feedback and Final Phase I Report Revisions, extensions, incorpo- ration of comments and preparation and distribution of final report for Phase I. IV. PRODUCTS A. Hazardous Material Inventory Overview 1. HMI Objectives To identify, measure, and document existing and potential hazards in the Port of Long Beach. To identify any problems or discrepencies which exist between HM activities and current safety measures. To report on the above findings and present conclusions and recommendations. 2. Hazardous Material Inventory Study Product Outline a. Waterfront b. Support/Logistics Facilities c. Transportation Modes d. Existing Contingencies iii B. Terminal Water Approach Inventory 1. Wind Conditions 2. Hydrography 3. Water Depths 4. Navigational Aids 5. Vessel Safety C. Transportation/Storage Inventory 1. Transportation Access, a. Railroad - Access, Location and Extent of rail system. b. Roadway Access - Layout, traffic density, capacity. C. Pipeline - Bunker lines, crude and product pipelines, operations, locations number, size, capacity, distance to storage. 2. Storage - Operator, location type, commodity, number, capacity. D. Vessel Inventory 1. Vessel Visits Distribution by type of hazardous cargo and Harbor District. 2. Berths handling hazardous materials. 3. Berth throughput, inventory by time at berth, bunker, destination, vessels, cargo type. 4. Hazardous commodity inventory by commodity, cargo type, hazard class, destination, and Berth. E. Waterfront Facilities Survey 1. Facility inventory. a. Existing petroleum facilities, inventory consisting of wharf characteristics, terminal operations, summary, etc... iv* b. Existing liquid bulk (chemicals/oils) facilities. C. Berth layout, showing terminal and open storage designations. d. U.S. Coast Guard waterfront facilities survey by Berth. e. Fire system layout by Berth. 2. Terminal Maintenance Program (Public & Private) a. Preventive Maintenance Program. b. Normal Maintenance. C. Fire Systems Maintenance. d. Procedures in Emergency for Maintenance Division Personnel. e. Fire System Maintenance Responsibilities, Lessee, Responsibilities, Location. 3. Terminal Safety Provisions (Public & Private) a. Hazardous Material Handling Safety Meeting on plans and measures used by Stevedores in the Port. b. Port Warden Standard Operating Procedure6 ce Hazardous Materials Storage Guide. d. Hazardous Material Handling Packet. e. Checklist for the Safe Handling of Hazardous Materials. F. Property Status Inventory 1. Renter status - Renter, Location and Berth, Term and Type of Lease, Insurance Status. 2. Pipeline Permits - operator, Permit Number, Description, Harbor Documents. G. Inter-Agency Coordination 1. Other agency responsibilities in the Port. 2. City Risk Management Authority. .v a. Public Safety Element b. Long Beach Emergency Plan c. Risk Management Activities of City Agencies 3. San Pedro Bay Navigational operating Procedures/ Regulations and'Practices 4. Navy Base Homeporting. vi I I I I .. i 1. I I mums ...I AND I UPDATE I I I I I I I I I I CHAPTER I MANDATES AND UPDATE The Coastal Act of 1976 established among its primary findings and declarationsy the need "to promote public safety, health, and welfare, and to protect public and private property, wildlife, marine fisheries, and other ocean resources, and the natural environment" (Section 30001(c)). It also declared that to achieve maximum local response, it is necessary to rely heavily on local government and local land use planning procedures and enforcement (Section 30003(a)). Policies on safety and protection of particular significance to ports were presented in Chapter 8 of the Coastal Act. Relevant * policies mandated by the Act in this Chapter include the following: minimizing the volume of oil spilled and the risks of vessel collisions, and providing effective oil spill containment and recovery systems (Section 30707); and minimizing the substantial adverse environmental impacts and potential vessel traffic conflicts due to development (Section 30708). The Coastal Act also amended Section 31342.5 of the Water Code with respect to certain safety and protection measures. Toxic and hard-to-treat substances were required to be pretreated at the source to facilitate effective and treatment that was economically feasible and not otherwise availble at municipal treatment plants. The Port Master Plan was certified by the Coastal Commission on October 17, 1978 subject to a set of conditions which included a mandate relative to risk management. Conditon #1 stipulated that the Commission withhold certification of "all areas within the Port of Long Beach jurisdiction where petroleum, petro- chemicals or other similar bulk liquid cargoes of a hazardous nature are presently handled or are proposed to occur*until such time as the Risk Management Plan is completed and adopted by the Commission as an amendment to the Certified Port of Long Beach Master Plan". The Risk Management study was undertaken under a Coastal Energy Impact Program (CEIP) grant administered in California by the Coastal Commission. CEIP was created under the provisions of the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 in large part to mitigate the impacts of energy activities and developments upon coastal areas. The Port of Long Beach first applied for a grant on October 12, 1977. on February 28, 1978, the Coastal Commission approved the Risk Management Study grant subject to certain conditions. One condition included joint development of the RMP by the Port of Long Beach and the Port of Los Angeles. Other conditions included a 20% in-kind or cash local match to the CEIP grant, pursuit of alternative sources of funding, and use, to the extent feasible, of consultants with expertise in the field of Risk Management. The condition involving the two Ports was modified as follows: "The Port of Long Beach shall provide to the Port of Los Angeles information and experience acquired in the development of their Risk Management Plan.` On June 6, 1978, the Final Port Master Plan was distributed for general review. Appendix A of this document contained a general review of the proposed risk management program. Due to budget constraints on the CEIP program in 1978, the phases of the Risk Management Study had to be subdivided into increments to permit adequate funding within the specified time frame. Negotiations on the scope and cost of the program continued until September 10, 1978 when funding for the first increment of the program "the Hazardous Material Inventory" was approved by the Coastal Commission. A grant was approved for $25,834 in CEIP funds on the basis that the Port would contribute $6,459 based on an 20/80 percent cost sharing ratiop (ie. 20% Port/80% CEIP). The Total funding for the increment was thus $32,293. The Port Master Plan was certified on October 17, 1978 along with the conditions described in the discussion of "Mandates". This action made the RMP a required supplement to the Port Master Plan and added impetus to the program. Between October 1978 and the present a series of activities have occurred in preparation for the Hazardous Material Inventory. The Port's executive staff has been briefed on the program, an interdisciplinary and interdivisional study task force was established, a consultant was selected by the Coastal Commission to monitor risk management activities and the Commission Staff has been briefed on the Port's program status. In addition, the Port has presented testimony in support of H.R. 2994 to the Port Safety Billf which was recently debated by Congress in Washington. I I I I I 1. I OR06RAM I I I I .1 I I I I I I I CHAPTER 2 PROGRAM Section I SCOPE AND DEFINITION The Risk Management Plan (RMP) is intended as an element of the Port Master Plan to facilitate decision makers in management of Port development consistent with the intent of the Coastal Act. The Harbor Department is pursuing the risk management plan through a grant from the Coastal Energy Impact Program (CEIP) under the coordination of the California Coastal Commission. The purpose of this program is to develop a policy and program instrument to facilitate the'effective control and management of specified po- tential hazards in the Port and vicinity. The RMP will establish a set of goals and objectives with respect to significant hazards, addressing the needs for information, planning, management and enforcement. Potential hazards will be identified, assessed in terms of past experience and likelihood of occurrence, and evaluated in terms of legal liability where applicable. The current status of Port resources will be addressed in terms of their qualitative and quantitative characteristics to establish an index for future changes of characteristics. The definition of risk management can be derived in a number of ways depending on the source and the application. The general denotative definition of risk management may be derived from Webster's Dictionary by combining applicable definitions of the concepts of "risk" and "management". "Risk" is defined as a dangerous element or factor; a chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter of an insurance contract; the degree of probability of such loss; a person or thing that is a specified hazard to an insurer. "Management" is defined as the art of managing, controlling or direction; judicious uses of means to accomplish an end. Thus, "risk management" may be denotatively defined as the judicious uses of means for managing, controlling or directing the probability of loss due to specified hazards. The term "risk management" has been used commonly in the insurance field to connote analysis, evaluation, abatement, transfer of liabilities and accounting activities for the purpose of determining sources of risk, evaluating the impacts on individuals and organizations, and establishing adequate compensation for the loss of tangible and intangible assets. Due to the extensive use of the term in insurance, the use of the term in its broader denotative context is easily misunderstood. The definition of risk management sought for the purpose of this text, however, is neither so general as to encompass management of any potential hazard, as inferred by the denotative definition above, nor so specific as to concern itself exclusively with the 3 inferred by the connotative definition above. Rather, an "operational" definition is required which addresses the particular concerns of the proposed Port Master Plan. This definition of risk management is as follows: The effective management, control and direction of specified potential hazards with respect to existing and proposed development in the Port and vicinity with the aim of preventing and minimizing potential loss, injury or damage to persons, property, natural or economic resources. These specified hazards include but are not restricted to the following: hazardous substances, especially crude oil, gas, petroleum or other substances, toxicant, vessel hazards; and waste hazards. The latter definition addresses the principal concerns for safety expressed in the Coastal Act. 4 Section 2 GOALS AND OWECTIVES The Coastal Act of 1976 is a primary source for goals, as are the declared policies of the City and the Port of Long Beach. Public concerns as expressed at various public hearings, at the Local Coastal Planning Committee meetings and at Port Master Plan work- shops also have had an influence on the evolution of these goals. Goals herein addressed are not only singular achievements as is implied by the term "end", rather, risk management goals are viewed as a series of end states linked into an ongoing process, This endeaver necessitates constant vigilance and preparedness. The process of goal formulation is viewed as dynamic and flexible as is the process of realizing those goals. Therefore, the goals which are presented here are not to be considered final, immutable or all inclusive. Rather they must be considered subject to adapta- tion and change as the perceptions of problems and needs for risk management evolve, and as experience, increased knowledge,and "feedback" are obtained to better define the means and the ends upon which goal formulation is to be based. Alteration, updating, deletion or additions of goals in response to changing circumstances within the Port must be considered as one of the primary goals of risk management, for without such flexibility how is it possible to continue to be prepared for new conditions or potential hazards which may emerge in the future, Goals The following non-exhaustive set of goals address the general aims for safety, protection and reduction of loss from specified real and potential hazards in and around the Port. Information: 1. To promote, preserve and enhance public safety and welfare and to protect public and private property, wildlife, marine fisheries, other ocean resources, and the natural environment generally from potential development hazards. 2. To inform public and private individuals, organizations and agencies of potential hazards, contingency plans, management procedures, and enforcement standards and measures with respect to risk management in the Port. 3. To encourge participation and cooperation between the Port and other agencies, organizations and individuals in the identifica- tion of real and potential hazards, and in the maintenance and preservation of safety in and around the Port. .5 4. To promote continued research, planning and development directed toward reducing the risk of specified potential hazards resulting from or impacting existing and proposed developments in the Port. Planning: 5. To provide guidance for and coordination of staff organization, emergency planning, disaster functions, and response operations for the safety and protection of persons, property and natural resources in the event of a disaster. 6. To monitor Port uses and resources subject to loss due to specified potential hazards, and to maintain reasonably current inventories of such uses and resources, including both quantitative descriptive values. 7. To draft prescriptive and performance criteria and standards as required for evaluating and reducing the risks of-loss associated with Port developments. 8. To encourage the adoption of new administrative guidelines and legislative standards as required to improve risk management in the Port. Management: 9. To manage Port uses and resources in a manner which will encourage and insure the reduction of, protection from and prevention of social, environmental, technological and eco- nomic losses due to specified potential hazards. 10. To regulate land uses in the Port which present significant potential hazards in order to attain a safer and healthier environment, while maintaining a reasonable level of eco- nomic progress and development consistent with international, national, state and local interests in the Port. 11. To apply relevant methods, techniques and tools of planning and management for the purpose of minimizing the,risks of loss due to potentially hazardous Port operations and developments. Enforcement: 12. To enforce and facil:itate other pertinent agencies in enforcing existing codes and standards regulating the prevention, containment, reduction and elimination of real and potential hazards in and around the Port. 6 13. To provide continued surveillance and open communciation channels in order to facilitate early identification and reporting on hazardous and dangerous conditions in the Harbor District. 14. To provide direct liaisons with other federal, state and local law and security enforcement agencies. 15. To collect and log information on hazardous cargoes,. operations and-condition6 and to determine the responsi- bility and value for damages. Objectives The four categories of goals enumerated above on information, planning, management and enforcement, each will require a wide range of secondary efforts. For the purpose of this discussion these secondary efforts will be referred to as flobjectives" which are necessary to achieve the more compre" hensive goals. The following is a non-exhaustive list of objectives associated with risk management in the Port: Information: 1. To provide readily available information concerning the reduction and prevention of loss due to potential hazards in the Port. 2. To promote the necessity for immediate notification of hazardous occurrences to the Harbor Department and other pertinent agencies. 3* To facilitate prompt response to and containment of hazardous occurences in the Harbor District. 4. To define the authorities, responsibilities, duties and interfaces of persons, organizations or agencies with regard to potential hazards and hazardous occurrences so as to avoid redundancy of efforts for regulation and control, and minimize potential conflicts and confusion which may be generated during an emergency. 5. To coordinate and cooperate with other political jurisdictions in implementing safety and disaster programs. 6. To promote the redevelopment of areas which may present safety problems. 7 7. To continue identifying existing or proposed uses or act ivities that may pose'safety hazards. 8. To continue to inform the public of potential safety hazards and what to do in times of emergencies. 9. To provide available information concerning the prevention of oil, gas and other hazardous liquid and solid waste spills into the waters of Long Beach Harbor from any cause or source. 10. To encourage immediate notification of spillage to Harbor Department authorities and other pertinent agencies. 11. To provide available information concerning fire prevention on vessels, docks, and in other Port facilities and operations. 12. To provide available information on explosive, radioactive and otherwise hazardous materials handled in the Port area. 13. To provide information on potential traffic hazards and available preventive measures with regard to vessels, trains, and vehicles. 14. To inform Port employees, operators and relevant segments of the public of existing emergency plans and measures to be taken in case of a major disaster. 15. To keep abreast of the state of technology to minimizing disruption to wildlife, marine life and water quality. 16. To provide available information on oil and gas developments in the Harbor, and measures being utilized at present to prevent various hazards due to such development, including oil spills, and water pollution. 17. To provide available information on potential hazards posed by petroleum and petrochemical facilities, power plants and other major industries in the Port and measures taken to reduce and to minimize these hazards. Planning 18. To establish safety guidelines to evaluate specified potential safety hazards and mitigate existing problems which are identified. 19. To provide development controls, where feasible, to isolate areas with significant land use hazards from other existing and developed portions of the Port and the City. 8 20. To critically evaluate proposed developments which may pose safety hazards. 21. To eliminate undesirable elements which may be detrimental to the preservation and improvement of the unique qualities of the Port and the City. 22. To utilize open space planning as one strategy for pro- tecting the public from natural or artificial disasters. 23. To apply safety considerations to planning as criteria for encouraging and enhancing desired land use patterns. 24. To achieve greater safety and protection from hazards through deliberate physical planning. 25. To plan transportation systems, utilities, industries, and similar uses in the Port in a manner consistent with safety and protection of people, property, and the natural environment. 26. To encourage development which would be less vulner able to natural disasters. 27. To encourage development which facilitates prevention and emergency response activities. 28. To establish notification procedures which provide for optimum use of time between detection and containment of oil, gas and other hazardous discharges. 29. To identify and establish priorities for critical water use areas for purposes of reporting and response to hazardous spills. 30. To prepare lists of names, telephone numbers and addresses of persons, organizations and agencies to be notified in cases of various kinds of emergencies. 31. To establish reliable communication within the Port and between the Port and other operatives relative to emergency response, especially where existing lines of communication are not adequate. 32. To establish procedures for combining and coordinating assistance efforts as required with local, regional, state and federal authorities during a major disaster which is beyond the Port's response capabilities. 9 33. To identify the resource capabilities for various contin- gencies in the Port and make them immediately known to relevant authorities including: a. An inventory of equipment, materials and supplies available locally and regionally. b. Assessment of facilities required to contain various potential hazards, especially oil spills. 34. To provide a set of procedures for response by the Harbor Department after discovery and notification of specified potential hazards. 35. To investigate the possibility of establishing open buffer zones around certain industrial uses, and between industrial and other uses in order to minimize potential safety hazards. 36. To encourage the development of new industries which reduce or offset gaseous emissions in the areas within and adjacent to the Port and to encourage existing industries to meet national, state and local ambient air quality standards, 37. To buffer hazardous activities, such as petroleum storage, production and distribution facilities, from other more sensitive land uses, where feasible. 38. To plan for consolidation of new or expanded oil and gas facilities within the Port to maximum extent environmentally, functionally, and economically feasible and legally permissible. 39. To plan drilling operations on platforms or islands so as to minimize the impact on water quality, marine life, visual quality and other environmental risks. 40. To site platforms, land fills, or islands so as to avoid any substantial hazards to vessel traffic from the facility or related operations, and to consult with the Coast Guard and Army Corps of Engineers on such sitings. 41. To establish a basis for redevelopment of portions of the port for the purpose of correcting land use blight, where necessary to promote public health, safety, and welfare, through the combined efforts.of private enterprise and local government agencies. 42. To pursue programs for the safe, feasible and expeditious disposal of solid waste, including recycling of portions thereof. 10 43. To determine the feasibility of recycling waste water for fire control and other operational purposes. 44. To plan for safe and adequate access of fire-fighting and rescue vehicles with at least two directions of ingress and egress to structures and sites within the Port. 45. To limit the growth of hazardous types of industries. 46. To utilize fire safety factors as major criteria in Port development. 47. To buffer urban uses from routes designated for transpor- tation of dangerous fluids, chemicals, explosives, or other hazardous materials. 48. To plan, design and construct new or expanded tanker ter- minals to minimize oil spilled and risks of vessel collision, to provide ready access to effective oil spill containment and recovery equipment, and to provide onshore deballasting facilities, where feasible. 49. To evaluate the feasibility of installing emergency phones @long portions of Long Beach Freeway and at terminals with- in the Harbor District. 50. To determine critical routes of evacuation, and shelter throughout the Port area in case of major disaster. 51* To augment the existing system of communication for de- cision makers in case of emergency, as may be determined to be necessary by a feasibility study. 52. To involve Port Security, the Port Safety officer, and the Police Department in project review at the planning stage to reduce and prevent crime in the Port. 53. To incorporate various tools and criteria for crime prevention in Port planning, including, but not limited to, improved street lighting, pedestrian path illumination, demolition of hazardous, condemned, and abandoned structures, promotion of high activity levels in centralized public areas, control of parking areas, especially night parking, and separation of vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle routes, where feasible. Management 54. To use safety precautions as one means of reducing and preventing blight and deterioration. 55. To protect existing land uses from the intrusion of safety hazards. 56. To reduce public exposure to safety hazards. 57. To reduce the potential adverse economic, environmental and social loss which could result from a major disaster. 58. To assure continued economic stability and growth while minimizing potential safety hazards. 59. To protect people from possible personal loss resulting from disaster events. 60. To assure the preservation of public and private property in the Port. 61. To continue to provide the maximum feasible level of public safety protection services. 62. To continue coordinating employee safety measures throughout the Port. 63. To adopt improved methods of insuring safety and security in the Port. 64. To update the Port Emergency Plan. 65. To incorporate new technology for public safety in the Port. 66. To maintain reliable communication within the Port and between the Port and other operatives for purposes of security and emergency response. 67. To effectively utilize natural or man-made features such as landscaping for increased public protection from potential hazards. 68. To maintain an integrated and effective organization com- ponent to combat and minimize the effects of various emergency occurrences, such as massive oil spills in and about the Port. 69. To encourage the understanding of powerlines where feasible to reduce the risks of powerlines falling from suspended locations in case o*f an earthquake. 70. To encourage and require developments or transportation modes which handle oil, gas, petroleum products, or other hazardous substances to provide protection in terms of effective containment and cleanup facilities and procedures for accidental or operational spills. 12 71. To periodically reassess the fire station layout and fire boat requirements in the Port with respect to development and operations and to determine whether new or relocated facilities or equipment may be required. 72. To provide personnel and equipment as necessary to maintain security and crime prevention operations within the Port with the cooperation of other pertinent agencies such as the Fire, Police, Emergency Services, and Public Service Departments of the City, the Highway Patrol, and the Coast Guard. 73. To pursue sources of support and fundings for various risk management activities and programs. Enforcement 74. To obtain vital services, supplies, equipment and such other properties found lacking and needed for the protection of the life and property of the people who visit or utilize the Port, and to insure that adequate funding can be obtained to cover the value of such protective devices. 75. To facilitate the requisition and enlistment into emergency services of any Port or City officer or employee, and to command the aid of as many citizens as necessary, consistent with the privileges, benefits, and immunities as provided by local, state and federal laws for such duties. 76. To assure continuity of safety measures for the protection of life and property. 77. To assure safe access to all non-restricted areas of the Port for the general public, including bicycle access from the City of Long Beach, where feasible. 78. To enforce and facilitate enforcement of City and Port regulations. 79. To coordinate enforcement efforts with other pertinent agencies as required. 80. To provide assistance in traffic control and crime prevention. 81. To enforce and facilitate the enforcement of controls and ordinances regulating waste discharge from vessels in the Harbor area. 13 82. To inspect construction sites and enforce codes and standards with regard to construction hazards. 83. To inspect new and expanded projects in the Port in order to enforce, where necessary, safety regulations governing structural stability, fire access, occupational and operational hazards. 84. To require periodic training and mobilization exercises for personnel and equipment involved in the Emergency organization of the Port. 85. To assure that penalties and fines for pertinent violations are assessed as required by codes and regulations governing such actions. 86. To facilitate the conformance with and enforcement of all applicable*air quality standards for new or expanded Port facilities, especially facilities for the handling and storage of petroleum and petrochemical products. 87. To minimize the need for waste water discharges and entrain- ment in Port facilities. 88. To inspect vessels and enforce their compliance with codes, regulations and standards governing safety, especially .traffic safety, handling of hazardous cargoes, and spills of various materials. 89. To supervise the inspection of loss and damage to life and property, the determination of responsibilities and liabilities for these, the assessment of value for purposes of insurance and compensation, and the collection and/or dispersal of funds to cover equitable compensation. Section 3 PHASES The Risk Management Study is anticipated to be pursued over several years with the aim of drafting and implementing a plan for risk management in the Port of Long Beach. The development of the plan will occur in essentially three phases: Informationr Planning and Administration. The product of the Information phase will be a report or series of reports identifying risks in the Port including an inventory and assessemnt of hazards; current standards and regulations on control of hazards and authorities and jurisdictions over hazards in the Port. The product of the Planning Phase will be one or more reports repre- senting the Risk Management Plan, including a framework of criteria for hazard evaluation, establishing risk priorities, and defining strategies for development which will minimize risks from hazards. The product of the Administration phase will be one or more drafts of proposed codes, standards, guidelines and procedures for implementation of'the Risk Management Plan through legislation, administration, and enforcement consistent with the policies of the Coastal Act. Section 4 PHASE I.INCREMENTS Phase I has been subdivided into three increments which focus upon particular activities or concerns and are geared to the time and budget constraints dictated by the CEIP grant. The first increment is a hazardous material inventory (HMI) concerned with the identification, measurement and documentation of existing and potential hazards in the Port. The second increment involves public and agency participation (PAP) and is concerned with review and discussion of concerns and inventory data with Coastal Commission Staff and consultants, other agencies (i.e. Coast Guard, Fire Department, etc) and the public through meetings, workshops, hearings and tours. The third increment will incorporate feedback into the final Phase I report. This increment will include revisions, extensions, and comments, and distribution' of the final Phase I report. I I I I I I I I I i I .1 I 1 4' 1 I A CHAPTER 3 PRODUCTS Section 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY OVERVIEW The focus of the following report will be an inventory of hazardous materials in the Port. The objectives of the inventory are: - To identify, measure, and document existing and potential hazards in the Port of Long Beach. - To report on the above findings and present conclusions and recommendations. The inventory treats four categories of Port facilities and plans and a variety of elements of each, including: waterfront facil- ities, supporting logistics facilities, transportation modes, and existing contingency plans. In the course of preparing for-the inventory it became apparent that particular categories and elements of the study would require certain fields of expertise available among the Port Staff. Subsequently, a task force was organized which was composed of members of pertinent divisions to conduct the inventory. The original categories agreed to by the Port and the Coastal Commission Staff were not sufficiently differ- erentiated to facilitate the appropriate division of labor. A new set of categories of general task assignments emerged which em- bodied the original work program and were more suitable to the tasks. The general task assignments included: - Terminal/water approach - Transportation/storage Inventory - Vessel Inventory - Waterfront Facility Inventory - Property Status Inventory - Interagency Coordination - Terminal Maintenance Program - Terminal Safety Provisions The following text has been subdivided according to the foregoing categories. Each category contains compiled or tabulated information related to its principal subject and is accompanied by a brief explanation of the scope and nature of that information for purposes of clarification. In the light of extensive data which 16 exists on the foregoing categories it has been necessary to qualify and summarize in certain instances in the interest of completing the survey within a reasonable time frame. Greater emphasis is thus placed in this survey on identifying and illustrating hazards and safety provisions than on precise quantification. A set of broad categories of cargo types has been inden- tified in order to facilitate the preparation of the hazardous material inventory in a manageable and systematic manner and to reduce confusion over the large number of commodities handled in the Port. These are as follows: - Petroleum and Bunkers - Chemicals - Dry Bulk - Break Bulk - Conatiners - Automobiles - Defense These categories represent bulk uses in the Port which require special facilities, equipment, locations or operations subject to permits, leases or other en- ablements issued by the Harbor Department. The distribution of these uses in the Port is illustrated in Figure 1. The categories will be referred to throughout the subsequent text as appropriate to each assignment area. Tabulated data has been updated through fiscal 1977-78 for the most part. However in some cases available data predated this period by one year. This data is adequate for illustration. It is intended that the data shall be updated on a periodic basis when the Risk Management Plan is implemented, and as the need arises. 17 HAZARDOUS USE 00 00 TF 7 DISTRIBUTION 000 LEGEND a]ooo Petroleum Dry Bulk Break Bulk Containers . . . . . . . . . . . . Autos Defense POW woo P_ MW 111AMS M4,10011 W461 NASIN v .@g 040to"It "No 200,00 10 000@ 0* .00* b 1w WM NAMV .S boo 16 PORT OF LoN'GBEACH IF 0 R N I A C A L I 00 FIGURE 1 18 Section 2 TERMINAL WATER APPROACH Vessel traffic entering and leaving the Port may encounter potential hazards from natural or manmade sources. Among the principle recur- ring natural phenomena which must be accounted for are weather and tidal conditions. Wind Prevailing winds at Long Beach Harbor are from the west and southwest as shown in Figure 2. Strong winds from the northeast called "Santa Anas" usually occur in the fall or early winter and occasion- ally bring warm weather from the high desert. The occasional strong winds from the south are of significance to the harbor because of the strong wave action such storms can generate. The area is generally quite calm, with an average annual wind speed of 9.8 kilometers per hour (6.1 mph). This condition enhances a balmy climate and peaceful harbor, but poorly disperses the air contaminants generated in the South Coast Air Basin. Differential heating and cooling of the land and ocean causes breezes which blow inland during the day and seaward at night. Extreme conditions, however, are rare. Hydrography Normally there are two high and two low tides in a 25-hour period in the Port of Long Beach. On certain days of each month, however, diurnal tides are observed (only one high and one low tide per day). The highest tide observed since 1924 was 2.3 meters (7.54 feet) above mean low low water (MLLW), while the lowest tide was 0.9 meters (2.56 feet) below MLLW. The mean high water is 1.4 meters (4.71 feet) above MLLW, while the mean low water is 0.3 meters (0.95 feet) above MLLW. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg, Mississippi maintains a physical model of the harbor complex for purposes of testing tidal, wave, circulation and flushing activities with respect to new and/or existing develop- ments in the Port.. Detailed studies produced from this model and other mathematical models are made available to the Port by the Corps. Waves from the west do not have a major effect on the Port because Point Fermin provides protection. Similarly, Santa Catalina Island and, to a lesser extent, San Clemente Island provide some protection from waves originating in the southerly to westerly directions. Finally, the breakwater outside the present Port facilities attentuates waves that do approach. The breakwater.is generally effective for short period waves, but relatively uneffective for long period waves. 19 Floods There is little flooding danger to the Port. Studies indicate that the Port would not be subject to flooding from a hundred year storm. Port land areas may be subject to minor flooding due to localized accumulations from rain. The storm drain system in the Port handles this runoff, and is designed to handle a ten-year storm. Water Depths The water depths in the terminal approaches of Port of Long Beach range from 18.9 meters (62 feet) in the Main Channel, Middle Harbor Basin, Back Channel Two,. Channel Three and westerly portion of Cerritos Channel (See Figure 3). Adjacent to berths water depths range from 18.9 meters (62 feet) to 11 meters (36 feet). The deep berths and channels in the Port can accommodate vessels in the 50,000 to 200j000 DWT class with drafts not exceeding 58 feet. This class includes large crude oil carriers, and ore bulk carriers. Water depths of 45 feet can accommodate large container ships, ro-ro vessels and Lighter-Aboard-Ships (LASH) vessels of the 20,000 to 50,000 DWT class with drafts not exceeding 34 feet. Typical general cargo and break bulk cargo ships of the 15,000 to 20,000 DWT can be accommodated at Berths having a water depth of 36 to 40 feet. Navigational Aids In order to facilitatenavigation within the Long Beach breakwater the Port has stationed navigational aids (N.A.) along the various channels and basins in the Port. These aids include beacon lights, horns and/or Morse Code generators (See Figure 4). N.A.'s are located on either side of Queens Gate, at the tips of Pier J and Pier A, along the Main Channel, at the entrances to the Southeast Basin, the Middle Harbor, the Back Channel. N.A.'s are also placed at points along the Navy Mole, at Slip 3, and on the Harbor Administration Building roof. New N.A.'s are proposed to facilitate ships traversing the Back Channel, thereby improving navigational safety. The Port Pilot Station, shown in Figure 4, contains a radar tower and radar monitoring equipment capable of tracking vessels in the vicinity of Port waters. The Pilot Station also maintains a radio monktoring on Channels 16, 12 and 74. The latter represent working frequencies for piloting ships within the Port. A more extensive discussion of Pilot Services is contained in the sub- sequent section on Inter-Aggncy Coordination - San Pedro Bay Navigational Operating Procedures/Regulations and Practices. Appendix A also contains pertinent details. 20 so -70 -60 50 40 30 20 10 N NW NE w sw s to 2 0' 30 40 50 60 70 eO DAYS LEGEND 0 TO 13 M.P. H. 13 TO 28 M.PH. OVER 28 M.RH. NOTE: DISTRIBUTION OF WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION IN DAYS COMPILED FROM CLIMATOLOGICAL RECORDS RECORDED BY THE PORT OF LONG BEACH OVER A PERIOD OF THREE CONSECUTIVE YEARS ENDING 12-31-78. WIND ROSE-DIAGRAM FIGURE 2 21 M. 62ft. 8.9 43 ft 13.1 M. ft. 62f . . . . . . . . . . 18.9 621111. v qz 2. 36f . rg42f t 36ft 14 PIER a 36f 11M. 42f t .8 2ft PIER J 2f 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LEGEND 40' 12.2 m 45' 13.7 m. 48' 14.6 rn. NOTE: INAT90 Ol"Mil "11FIER TO Mgm LOWN LOw WX TIM (MLLW) FIR 55' 16.8 m PORT OF LONG BEACH m 62' 18.9 m PRESENT PROJECT WATER DEPTHS X".1 ON.- NiM. HD 876 FIGURE 3 22 RANGE ' RA G Ll s P IRL STA. EGEND PROPOSED EXISTING PORT OF LON G BEACH HAZAR)OUS MATERI S INVENTOR i---NAVIGATIONAL, AIDS RANG L S STA. NO. FIGURE' 4 NNICHIONAL AID@ INCLUDE LIGHT4, HORKS,R NORSE CODE.. P. SMONGESKY 5-14179 23 Section 3 TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE INVENTORY This section of the HMI will identify associated inland trans- portation modes and storage facilities. Transportation The Port is served by an intricate inland transportation network consisting of railroads, highways and pipelines, all of which may transport hazardous materials into or out of the Harbor District. Three transcontinental railroads (Sante Fe, Southern Pacific and Union Pacific) either directly or indirectly connect with the Port-owned Harbor Belt Line Railroad. This Port rail system comprises approximately 60 miles of rail trackage, including access to nearly all berths, warehouses, storage areas and terminals. Figure 5 indicates the rail system adjacent to and located within the Port of Long Beach. The circles indicate the locations of the railroad switching, storage and classifi- cation yards and their estimated rail car capacity. Major highways, freeways and interstates linking the Port with inland markets include the Long Beach Freeway (State Route 7), the Terminal Island Freeway (State Route 47), and the Harbor Freeway (State Route 8). These highways in turn intersect interstate Highways 5, 10, 91 and 405. Figure 6 indicates the primary, secondary and tertiary roadway system in the Harbor District and how these roads relate to various Port terminals. There are two general classes of traffic in the Port, that passing through the area and that originating or terminating at Port facilities. The through traffic is generally east/west, consisting principally of passenger vehicles on Ocean Boulevard which travels to and from the U.S. Naval installations on Terminal Island. A smaller portion of the east/west traffic involves inter- harbor movements between the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and San Pedro. Most north/south terminal traffic moves via the Long Beach Freeway, Pico Avenue, and the Terminal Island Freeway. Truck traffic on the Long Beach and Terminal Island Freeways amounts to 20% of total vehicle movements on these arterials. Truck traffic on secondary and teritary roadways could exceed these percentages in areas adjacent to heavy terminal activity. Figures 7 and'8 indicate the 24-hour outbound traffic density and hourly outbound traffic capacity respectively for the base year 1973. Port traffic has not substantially changed since this study was conducted. There is an extensive network of pipelines throughout the Port. These pipelines serve oil production facilities, petroleum and chemical cargo terminals and vessel bunkering. 24 Oil production lines connect oil wells with storage and processing.facilities located within and adjacent to the Port. These pipelines interlace nearly every major parcel of land in the Port District. Major crude oil and petroleum product lines serve to link marine petro- leum terminals with inland tank farms and refineries. Table 2 indicates the number size, and capacity of pipelines serving various marine petroleum terminals. In addition, seventeen miles of bunker fuel pipelines utilized for ship refueling are installed along berths located in the Middle and Southeast Harbor Planning Districts. There are 55 fueling stations with a ca- pability of delivering 3,500 bbls/hr to 6,000 bbls/hr depending on the berth location. The bunkering system is illustrated on Figure 9. Table 1-1 to Table 1-9 indicates the Port facilities handling hazardous cargoes by planning district, the type of hazardous commodity and the mode of transport into and out of the harbor. Storage The storage of Hazardous Marterials can take several forms- however, the principal method of storage in the Port is by tank. In@general, tankage in the Port, accounts for the storage of crude oil, solvents, gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, caustic sodar naptha and numerous other chemicals and addi- tives used in various manufacturing and commercial processes, Storage tanks are either above or underground and are lo- cated in nearly every area of the Port. Tables 3-1 through 3-10 indicate the operator, location, types of tank storage and commodity, and number and capacity. Other methods of storage include silos, containers and open storage piles. Table 4 generally shows the location of facilities with these types of storage facilities. 25 00 RUN, ACCESS 00 Fol L-EGEND Rail Lines 4 Rail switching, storage or classi- .0 fication yard ILJ indicating location and rail car capacity TIM INN` 011. Now Polo Now It 00 tft% N6 MINIPSIM' AkW MW O;m W.. 46' 10MUSAROM W911 1.1611 "on J. Mrsk NASA" CW NM #ARM 'S W10 16 am PORT OF LONGBEACH 7-;-IL C A L I IF 0 R N I A Im 10 1 go ""a IN Mv 00 FIGURE 5 a0p -- mmmummmooo @7 I'VEMLAR ACCEH-7 all, LEGEND & [10 4L Primary - @Nll ;d* Toy Seconda 4r i cr JIM&MM" ws my owl" No PON #own am 01 low out 4@46 do will? BASIX "up oo JI VV?SS #ARAM 97 #AAM# 's WOO PORT OF LONGBEACH -T@\ \ME= j - k4 L ra-, CA L I F 0 R N I A w Sol 0 so loss FIGURE 6 "ALB III PUT 27 CP SAN DIEGO 9 19000 86000 76006 W, -Low ST. 2300 10100 14850 15200 1 600 4q r PACIFIQ f,2AST "I Tm 4700 14000 17300 17600. 18600 ro -05100 ANAHEIM ST. 10 16900 154C 15700 %2300 c IV P4 4300 ?30 00 0 . 0 0 0 10500 ro 12300 Vso 0 ko 0 0 FIGURE 7 VEHICUL AR TRAFFIC DENSITY 24 HOUR OUTBOUND 1973 28 1500 SAM 01900 FVff 7200 7200 WILLOW ST. 1200 floo floo PACIFIC COAST HIOHWAV_ ?00 1200 1100 1100 1100 0 ANAHEIM ST. 700 1100 1100 1100 1100 z Sr 0 0100 0 EIGN 0 $30 J, 0 0 0 w 1200 1100 5 0 0 t 000 % 0 Lf 00 v 3000 moo 8,000-0 0 IIALt IN HOURLY VEHICULAR CAPACITY- OUTBOUND TRAFFIC 1973 FIGURE 8 29* 201 it 30 24 25 22 21 to to 5 4 3 215 214 213 212 dll 203 - PIER A Ko Q" QQ ;a z > 0@ ko 0 C Q) fn CA N M cn r--- 1 1 227 ZZ6 229 230 234 233 232 Co se T T T tM '44 z tn 0 z rn J242 7 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION BY INLAND TRAN.IPORTATION MODE NORTH HARBOR DISTRICT MODE OF TRANSPORT HAZARDOUS OPERATOR LOCATION COMKODITY RAIL TRUCK PIPELINE Stan's Van 1141 Caspian Gasoline & Diesel x L.B. Iron 2100 W. Anaheim Gasoline x Servatron 1106 Caspian Gasoline x Am. Wholesale Hrd. 1212 Caspian LPG x trans - Harbor Ter. 1130 Santa Fe Gasoline Diesel x Sun Van Calif. 1520 W. llth St. Gasoline x Cable Car Co. 1326 W. 12th St. Diesel x Lomita Gas 1348 W. 9th St. LPG x Australian Cont. 1540 W. 9th St. Gasoline x L.B. Neon 1812 W. 9th St. Gasoline x TABLE 1-1 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION BY INLAND TRANSPORTATION MODE WEST H ARB OR DISTRICT MODE OF TRANSPORT HAZARDOUS OPERATOR LOCATION COMMODITY RAIL TRUCK PIPELINE Calada Material '3501 Dock St. Gasoline x County Salvage Co. 3861 Seaside Blvd. LPG x Dow Chemical 3601 Dock St. themicals x x Uj TABLE 1-2 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION BY INLAND-TRANS?ORTATTON MODE NORTHWEST HARBOR DISTRICT MODE OF TRANSPORT us HAZARDO OPERATOR LOCATION COYIMODITY RAIL TRUCK. PIPELINE South Wind Chevron 700 Henry Ford Gasoline & Diesel x Service Station Port Terminals 700 Henry Ford Gasoline x Champlin 204 Henry Ford Crude x S.C. Edison 2665 W. Seaside Gasoline, Crude, x x LPG TABLE 1-3 HAZARDOUS MATERIj,L TRANSPORTATION BY INLAND TRANSPORTATION MODE NORHTEAST HARBOR DISTRICT MODE OF TRANSPORT HAZARDOUS OPERATOR LOCATION COMMODITY RAIL TRUCK PIPELINE Long'Beach Harbor 100 N. Alpine Gasoline & Diesel X Department Weyerhauser 1930 Edison Gasoline X Fremont Forest Prod. 1933 Edison Gasoline X Texaco 2050 Edison Crude and Refined X Products ARCO 1300 W. 8th St. Crude and Refined X Products Powerine Oil 140S W. 7th St. Crude and Refined X Products ARCO 1400 W. 7th St. Crude and Refined X Products Cal. Shipbuilding 1601 Water St. Gasoline & Diesel X TABLE 1- 4 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION BY INLAND TRANSPORTATION MODE NORTHEAST HARBOR DISTRICT -2 MODE OF TRANSPORT HAZARDOUS OPERATOR LOCATION @COMMODITY RAIL TRUCK PIPELINE Connolly Pacific 1925 Water St. Gasoline & Diesel x Omin. Eng. Service 1409 W. 7th St. Gasoline x Connolly Pacific 1512 W. 7th St. Gasoline & Diesel x w Ln w. w. Lynch 1500 W. 8th St. Gasoline, LGP, DieseJ x Warren Trucking 1600 W. 8th St. Gasoline, LPG,.Diesel x National Gypsum 1850 W. 8th St. LPG, Lube Oil x LBOD 2086 W. 8th St. Crude x LBOD 2083 W. 8th St. Crude x LBTC 1920 Lugger Refined Petro. x Products .-Proctor Gamble 1601 W. 7th St.. Gasoline, Hydrogen, x x LPG TABLE 1- 5 HAZARDOUS MATERLJ, TRANSPORTATION BY INLAND TRANS7'ORTATION MODE MIDDLE HARBOR DISTRICT MODE OF TRANSPORT HAZARDOUS OPERATOR LOCATION COvMODITY RAIL TRUCK PIPELINE Crescent Wharf 1660 El Embarcedro Gasoline x Pool Co. 120 S. Pico Diesel x Marine Terminals 920 Pier A Avenue Gasoline x Crown Zellerbach 943 Pier A Avenue Gasoline x ARCO 300 Pier E Avenue Gasoline x National Molasses 983 Pier A Avenue Crude and Refined x x Products Universal Marine 692 Pier E Avenue Diesel x Kobe, Inc. 1120 W. Seaside Gasoline x Blvd. Baker Commodities 520 Pier D Avenue Gasoline x TABLE 1- 6 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION BY INLAND TRANcIPORTATION MODE SOUTHEAST HARBOR DISTRICT MODE OF TRANSPORT HAZARDOUS OPERATOR LOCATION COMMODITY RAIL TRUCK PIPELINE Koppel Grain 1130 Panorama Dr. Diesel 6 Grain X X Exxon Co. 1200 Panorama Dr. Gasoline, Bunkers, X X Diesel Ocean Salt Co. 1250 Panorama Dr.. Diesel X Harbor Banana 1420 Panorama Dr. Gasoline X Metropolitan 1045 Pier G Ave. Gasoline & LPG X Stevedore Co. Thums 1310 Pier G Avenue Gasoline X Thums 1115 Pier J Avenue Crude X Toyota 1245 Pier J Avenue Gasoline X Queen Mary 1256 Pier J Avenue Lube Oil X Emergency Plant TABLE 1- 7 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION BY INLAND TRANSPORTATION MODE SOUTHEAST HARBOR DISTRICT -2 MODE OF TRANSPORT HAZARDOUS OPERATOR LOCATION COMMODITY RAIL TRUCK PIPELINE ITS 1281 Pier J Avenue Gasoline, Diesel x National Molasses 1395 Pier J Avenue Chemicals x x Co. Chev-ron Service 990 Queens Highway Gasoline x Station 00 Powerine Oil Co. 865,VLtamp St. Crude x Powerine Oil Co. 636 Windham Crude x LBOD 705 Windhan Gasoline & Diesel x Powerine Oil Co. 910 Windham Gasoline & Diesel x Powerine Oil Co. 945 Windham Crude x U.S. Lines 980 Windham Gasoline x TABLE 1- 8 HAZARDOUS MATEFIAL TRANSPORTATION BY INLAND TWSPORTATION MODE SOUTHEAST HARBOR DISTRICT -3 MODE OF TRANSPORT HAZARDOUS OPERATOR LOCATION COMMODITY RAIL TRUCK PIPELINE Pasha 387 Harbor Scenic Gasoline x Way Powerine'Oil Co. 699 S. Harbor Scenic Crude x Way Uj Chevron 988 Harbor Scenic Crude x Drive Chevron 1040 Harbor Scenic Crude x Drive Sea Land 669 Panorama Dr. Gasoline, Diesel, x Propane Thums Berth 216 Diesel x TABLE 1-9 MAJOR CRUDE OIL 1,ND PRODUCT PIPELINES LOCATION AND TERMINAL NUMBER/ PUMPING DISTANCE TO OPERATOR LOCATION SIZE CAPACITY INLAND STORAGE ARCO #2 Berths 76-79 1-101, 5,000 bbls/hr Carson 3.5 mi. 1-1211 1-14" . ...... ... . ARCO #3 1405 W. 7th St. 2-14" 10,000 bbls/hr To Terminal #2 1-81' ARCO Berth 118 1-24" To Terminal #2 C) 1-44" 25,000 bbls/hr 2.5 miles Texaco Berths 84-87 1-24" .20,000 bbls/hr Wilmington 1-16" 10,000 bbls/hr 2.0 Miles 1-14" 8,000 bbls/hr Powerine Berth-73 1-611 750 bbls/hr Santa Fe Springs .1-811 1300 bbls/hr 26 miles- Long Beach Berth 83 1@819 4000 bbls/hr Via Texaco Terminal Company Exxon Berth 209 See Figure 9 (Bunkering) TABLE 2 HAZARDOUS M kTERIAL STORAGE (TANKAGE) NORTH HARBOR DISTRICT TYPE OF COMMODITY NUMBER/ SPECIAL DESIGN OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE STORED CAPACITY SAFETY FEATURES- Stan's Van 1141 Caspian U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 3,000 g al. U.G. Tank Diesel 1 4,000 gal. 2 Tanks total 7,000 gal. L.B. Iran 2100 W. Anaheim U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 - 5,000 gal. Servatron 1106 Caspian U.G. Tank Gasoline 2 - 11,000 gal. 2 Tanks total 22,000 gal. Am. Wholesale Hrd. 1212 Caspian A.G. Tank Liquid Petro. Gas 1 - 1150gal. Trans - Harbor Ter. 1130 Santa Fe. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 5,000-gal. U.G. Tank Diesel 1 5,000 gal. 2 Tanks total 10,000 gal. Sun Van Calif. 1520 W. llth St. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 - 1,000 gal. Cable Car Co. 1326 W. 12th St. U.G. Tank' Diesel 2 - 8,500 gal ea, 2 Tanks total 17,000 gal. Lomita Gas 1348 W. 9th St. A.G. Tank LPG 1 1,150 gal. Australian Cont. 1540 W. 9th St. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 10,000 gal. L.B. Neon 1812 W. 9th St. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 10,000 gal. Source: Long Beach Fi6 Department May 1979 TABLE 3-1 HAZARDOUS W.TERIAL STORAGE (TANKAGE) WEST HARBOR DISTRICT TYPE OF COMMODITY NUMBER/ SPECIAL DESIGN OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE STORED CAPACITY SAFETY FEATURES Calada Material 3501 Dock St. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1-1,000 gal. County Salvage Co. 3861 Seaside Blvd. A.G. Tank LPG 'i 500.gal . .... ... Dow Chemical 3601 Dock St. A.G. Fixed Rot'-f Tank Chemicals 2 46,000 gal A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Chemicals 2 45,000 gal A.G. Fixed Rocf Tank Chemicals 2 - 153,000 gal A.G. Fixed Rouf Tank Chemicals 2 - 273,000 gal A.G. Fixed Rouf Tank Chemiclas 1 - 287,000 gal A G." Fixed Ro(.f Tank Chemicals 2 - 270,000 gal A:G. Fixed Rot.1 Tank Chemicals 1 - 267,000 gal A.G. Fixed Ro(f Tank Chemicals 1 - 629,000 gal A.G. Fixed Ro(-f Tank Chemicals 2 - 432,000 gal A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Chemicals 3 - 50,000 gal A.G. Fixed Rocf Tank Chemicals 1 - 39,000 gal 19 Tanks total 3,810,000 gals. U.G. - Underground gal. - gallons LPG Liquified Petrd Gas. A.G. - Above Ground bbl. - barrels Fixed a Fixed Roof 1 bbl.6 42 gallons Floating - Floating Tanks .TABLE 3-2 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE (TANKAGE) NORTHWEST HARBOR DISTRICT TYPE OF COMMODITY NUMBER/ SPECIAL DESIGN OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE STORED CAPACITY SAFETY FEATURES South Wind Chevron 700 Henry Ford U.G. Tanks Diesel I - 8,800 gals. Service Station Gasoline 2 - 8,800 Rals. 3 Tanks total 26,400 gals. Port Terminals 700 Henry Ford A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Gasoline I - 5,000 gals. Champlin 204 Henry Ford A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Crude 23 53,200 bbls. S. C. Edison 2665 W. Seaside U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 24 bbl A.G. Fixed Roof Tank LPG 1 12.bbl A.G. Fixed Roo` Tank Crude 6 - 1 476,000 bbl 8 Tanks total 1,476,636 bbls. TABLE )3-3 HAZARDOUS MA-:ERIAL STORAGE (TANKAGE) -NORTHEAST HARBOR DISTRICT TYPE OF COMMODITY NUMBER/ SPECIAL DESIGN OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE STORED CAPACITY SAFETY FEATURES Long Beach Harbor 100 W. Alpine U.G. Tank Diesel I - 2,000 gal. Department U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 - 4,000 gal. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 - 850 gal. 3 Tanks total 6,850 Gallons Weyerhauser 1930 Edison U.G. Tanks Gasoline 1 - 2,000 gal. Gasoline 1 - 5,000 gal. 2 Tanks total 7,000 Gallons Fremont Forest Prod. 1933 Edison U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 - 2,000 gal. Texaco 2050 Edison A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Refined Prod. 2 - 34,000 bbl ed A.G. Floating Tank Refined Prod. 1 - 34,000 bbl A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Refined Prod. 1 - 76,000 bbl A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Refined Prod. 1 - 53,000 bbl A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Refined Prod. 1 - 14,000 bbl 6 Tanks total 245.000 bbl ARCO 1300 W. 8th St. A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Lube Oil. 8 - 86,000 bbl A.G. Floating Tanks Crude & Refined Petro. Prod. 25- 1,930,000 bbl 33 Tanks total 2,016,000 bbl Powerine Oil 1405 W. 7th St. A.G. Floating '.,anks Crude & Refined 2 - 43,600 b@bl ea Petro. Prod. A.G. Fixed Root Tank Crude & Refined 3 - 94,000 bbl e., L Petro. Prod. A.G. Fixed Root Tank Crude & Refined 2 - 67,000 bbl e Petro Prod. A.G. Fixed Root Tank Crude & Refined 2 - 35,000 bbl e4 L Petro. Prod. 9 Tanks total 572,000 bbbl TABLE 3-4 M w man m am m mm so me, HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE (TANKAGE) NORTHEAST HARBOR DISTRICT (CONT) 2 TYPE OF COMMODITY NUMBER/ SPECIAL DESIGN OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE STORED CAPACITY SAFETY FEATURES ARCO 1400 W. 7th St. A.G. Floating Tank Crude 1 - 109,000 bbl A.G. Fixed Tani: Crude 6 - 391,000 bbl_ 7 Tanks total 500,000 bbl Cal. Shipbuilding 1601 Water St. U.G. Tanks Gasoline 1 - 20,000 gal. U.G. Tanks Diesel 1 - 20,000 gal. 2 Tanks total 40,000 gal. Connolly Pacific 1925 Water St. U.G. Tank Diesel I - 12,000 gal. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 - 2,000 gal. 2 Tanks total 14,000 gal. Omin. Eng. Service 1409 W. 7th St. U.G. Tank Gasoline 2 - 500 gal. ea, Ln 2 Tanks total .1.000 gal. Connolly Pacific 1512 W. 7th St. U.G. Tank Diesel 1 - 12,000 gal. U.G. Tank Gasoline I - 2,000 gal. 2 Tanks total 14,000 gal. W. W. Lynch 1500 W. 8th St. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 - 15,960 gal. U.G. Tank Diesel 1 - 20,000 gal. U.G. Tank LPG I - 550 gal.- U.G. Tank LPG I - 172 gal. 4Tanks total 36,682 gal. Warren Trucking 1600 W. 8th St. A.G. Tank LPG I - 1,000 gal. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 - 5,000 gal. U.G. Tank Diesel 2 - 5,000 gal. ea U.G. Tank Diesel 1 - 7,500 gal. 5Tanks total 23,500 gal. TABLE 3-5 HAZARDOUS MA CERIAL STORAGE (TANKAGE) NORTHEAST HARBOR DISTRICT (CONT) 3 TYPE OF COMMODITY NUMBER/ SPECIAL DESIGN OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE STORED CAPACITY SAFETY FEATURES National Gypsum 1850 W. 8th St. U.G. Tanks Lube Oil 2 - 16,000 gal. ea A.G. Tanks LPG 1 - ljlO0 gal. A.G. Tanks Class 2 1-- 25,000 gal. 4 Tanks total 58,100 gal. LBOD 2086 W. 8th St. A.G. Fixed Tank Crude 2 - 1,000 gal. ea A.G. Fixed Tank Crude 1 - 5,000 gal. A.G. Fixed Tank Crude 2 - 7,500 gal. ea 5 Tanks total 22,000 gal. LBOD 2083 W. 8th St. A.G. Fixed Tank Crude 6 -.500 gal. ea A.G. Fixed Tank Crude 1 - 750 gal. 7 Tanks-total 3,750 gal. LBTC 1920 Lugger U.G. Tank Diesel 1 - 238 bbl. U.'G. Tank Sloptank I - 238-bbl'. A.G. Tank Refined Products 2 - 109,000 bbl. ea 4 Tanks total 218,476 bbl. Proctor & Gamble Co. 1601 W. 7th St. A.G. Tank LPG 6 - 1,000 gal.. ea U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 - 8,000 gal. ea A.G. Tank Hydrogen 1 80,000 cu.ft. A.G. Tank Tolune 1 20,000 gal. TABLE 3-6 @804W,Mmpawsw M we'voln'm M MW mom mm HAzARDous mA,rERIAL STORAGE (TANKAGE) MIDDLE HARBOR DISTRICT TYPE OF COMMODITY NUMBER/ SPECIAL DESIGN OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE STORED CAPACITY SAFETY FEATURES Crescent Wharf 1660 El Embareadero U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 2,000 gal. Pool Co. 120 S. Pico U.G. Tank Diesel 1 - 5,000 gal. Marine Terminals 920 Pier A Avenue U.G. Tank Gasoline 3 - 27,500 gal. total Crown Zellerbach 943 Pier A Avenue U.G. Tank Gasoline I - 1,000 gal. ARCO 300 Pier E Avenue. -A.G. Fixed Roo-P Tank Slop Tank 1 - 3,700 bbl. 1 - 900 bbl. 2 Tanks total 4,600 bbl. National Molasses 983 Pier A Avenue A.G. Fixed Roo-' Tank Crude 2 - 27,000 bbl es A.G. Fixed Roo" Tank Crude 2 - 5,000 bbl eo A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Crude 1 - 2,000 bbl 5 Tanks total 66,000 bbl. Universal Marine 692 Pier E Avenue U.G. Tank Diesel 1 - .12,00(Y gal.-. Kobe, Inc. 1120 W. Seaside U.G. Tank Gasoline I - 5,000 gal. Blvd. Baker Commodities 520 Pier D Ave. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 1,000 gal. A.G. Tank 22 163,200 bbl. TABLE 3-7 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE (TANKAGE) SOUTHEAST HARBOR DISTRICT TYPE OF COMMODITY NUMBER/ SPECIAL DESIGN OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE -STORED CAPACITY SAFETY FEATURES Koppel..Grain 1130 Panorama Dr. U.G. Tank Diesel 1 - 1,000 gal. Grain Elevator Grains 2,225,000 bushels Exxon Co. 1200 Panorama Dr. U.G. Tank Gasoline 3 - 250 bbl total A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Bunkers 2 - 135,000 bbl ea A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Diesel 2 - 64,000 bbi ea A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Lube Oil 7 - 600 bbl ea 14 Tanks total 398,850 bblC@ Ocean Salt Co. 1250 Panorama Dr.. U.G. Tank Diesel 1 - 550 gal ah. Co Harbor Banana 1420'Panorama Dr. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 -.8,000-gal. Metropolitan 1045 Pier G Ave. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 - 2,000 gal. Stevedore Co. A.G. Tank LPG. 1 - 500 gal. 2 Tanks.-total 2,500-gal. Thums Co. 1310 Pier G. Avenue U.G. Tank Gasoline 1- 12,000 gal. Thums Co. 1115 Pier J Avenue A.G@ Tank Crude 6 - 209,000 bbla Toyota 1245 Pier J Avenue U.G. Tank Wash Tank 2 - 10,00O.gal. U.G. Tank Gasoline 2 - 10,000 gal. U.G. Tank Gasoline I -1,000 gal. U.G. Tank Gasoline 1 7,500 gal. 6 Tanks total 48,500 gal. TABLE 3-8 malmm me* as MINE M MM' HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE (TANKAGE) SOUTHEAST HARBOR DISTRICT (CONT) - 2 TYPE OF COMMODITY NUMBER/ SPECIAL DESIGN OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE STORED CAPACITY SAFETY FEATURES Queen Mary 1256 Pier J Avenue A.G. Tank LPG 1 - 6,000 gal.. Emergency Plant A.G. Tank Lube Oil 1 - 15,000 gal. 2 Tanks.total 21,000 gal. ITS 1281 Pier J Avenue U.G. Tank Diesel 4 - 10,000 gal ea A.G. Fixed Tai-k Gasoline 1 - 1,000 gal. A.G. Fixed Tan-k LPG 1 500 gal. 6 Tanks total 41,500-gal. National Mdlasses 1395 Pier J Avenue A.G. Fixed Taik Benzine & Paint 28 -.20,000 bbl. Co. Thinner, etc. Chevron Service 990 Queens Highway U.G. Tank Gasoline 2 - 9,562 gal. Station 2-- 5,760 gal. 4 Tanks total 15,322 gal. Powerine Oil Co. 865 Van Camp St. A.G.'Fixed Roof Tank Crude 6 - 2,000 bbl ea A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Crude 4 - 2,400 bbl ea A.G. Fixed Rcof Tank Crude 2 - 500 bbl ea A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Crude 2 - 200 bbl'ea 14 Tanks total 23,000 bbls. Powerine Oil Co. 636 Windham A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Crude 11- 17,000.bbls. total LBOD 705 Windham U.G. Tanks Gasoline 2 - 10,000 gal ea U.G. Tanks Solvent 2 - 1,000 gal ea U.G. Tanks Solvent 1 - 500 gal. U.G. Tanks. Diesel 1 - 1,000 gal. 6 Tanks total 22,500 gal. TABLE 3-9 HAZARDOUS MITERIAL STORAGE (TANKAGE) SOUTHEAST HARBOR DISTRICT (CONT) 3 TYPE OF COMMODITY NUMBER/ SPECIAL DESIGN OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE STORED CAPACITY SAFETY FEATURES Powerine Oil Co. 910 Windham U.C. Tank Gasoline 2 - 1,000 gal ea U.G. Tank Solvent 1 - 1,000 gal U.G. Tank Diesel 1 - 1,000 gal 4-Tanks-total 4,000 gal. Powerine Oil Co. 945 Windham A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Crude 9 - 18,000 bbl total U.S. Lines 980 Windham U.G. Tanks Gasoline .. .... .1 .10,000 gal Pasha 387 Harbor Scenic U.G. Tank Gasoline 2 40,000 gal Way .. .... V1 Powerine Oil Co. 699 S. Harbor Scenic A.G. Piked Roof Tank Crude 13 23,400 bbls Way .... .. .... .... .... Chevron 988 Harbor Scenic A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Crude 5 13,750 bbls.. Drive .... .... .... ... Chevron 1040 Harbor Scenic A.G. Fixed Roof Tank Crude 6 13,560 bbls. Drive Sea Land 669 PanoramA Dr. U.G. Tank Diesel 2 12,000 gals. U.G. Tank Gasoline 2 12,000 gals. U.G. Tank Lube OIl 2- -550 gals. A.G. Tank Propane 2 - 1,150 gals. 8 Tanks total 25,700 gals. Thums Berth 216 U.G. Tank Diesel 2 - 20,000 gals. TABLE 3-10 4" so ow an Aw M"M Mao" @m Mw M M HAZARDOUS 14ATERIAL STORAGE OTH-3R THAN-TANK STORAGE TYPE OF COMMODITY OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE STORED CAPACITY Metropolitan Berths 212-215 Open and Cov!red Petroleum coke Open - 205, 000 tons Stevedore Storage Closed-270,000 tons Metropolitan Berths 28-29 Op en Storage Coke, Soda Ash Open 77,500 ft.2 Stevedore Metropolitan Berths 30-31 Open Storage Scrap Metal, Iron Open 81,500 ft.2 Stevedore Ore, Grains Ln Koppel Berths 210-211 Grain Elevat)r Grains Closed -'2,225,000 bushels Calif. United. Berths 12-13 In Containeri Miscellaneous Open 85 acres Terminals Berths 17-18 and Berths 20-22 2-Transit Shads Miscellaneous Closed 356,000 ft.2 Berths 24-26. Sealand Berths 227-228 Containers Miscellaneous Open 363 acres Maersk Berth 229 Containers Miscellaneous Open 30 acres U.S. Lines Berth 230 Containers Miscellaneous open 21 acres TABLE 4-1 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE OTHEF THAN TANK STORAGE TYPE OF COMMODITY OPERATOR LOCATION STORAGE STORED CAPACITY ITS Berths 232-234 Containers Miscellaneous Open 64 acres PCT Berths 245-247 Container Miscellaneous Open 21 acres Cooper Berths 7, 9, 10, 201 Transit Shed. Miscellaneous Closed 288,000 ft.2 .Mercantile Marine Berths 204,205 Transit Shed Miscellaneous Closed 180-SOOO ft. Crescent Berths 206,207 Transit Shed Miscellaneous Closed - 194,000 ft. Open Berth 5 Transit Shed Miscellaneous Closed 66,000 ft.2 Open Berths 33,34 Transit Shed Miscellaneous. Closed 72,000. f t.' 2 Open Berths 48-50 Transit Shed Miscellaneous Closed 127,000 ft.' Toyota Berths 243 Open Storage Automobiles. Open -.40 acres. Pasha Berth 244 Open Storage Automobiles Open 36 acres TABLE 4-2 Ift aw am, no Section 4 VESSEL INVENTORY The vessel inventory focuses on berths, commodities, and operations involving the shipment of hazardous materials. The fiscal year 1977-1978 was selected as a base period for the inventory because it is the latest complete period for which data is currently available, and because generally vessel data in the Port has been compiled and programmed on a fiscal year.basis. The current in- ventory is presented with the berth and commodity throughputs classified within one to ten revenue ton ranges. This classification is used for a number of significant reasons. First, a preliminary survey of dangerous cargo manifests proved exceedingly cumbersome for achieving the stated objective of the inventory. Second, pub- lication of exact throughput figures by berth or commodity tends to compromise the competitive position of particular Port tenants. These figures are, therefore, considered proprietary, and are not generally available to the public. Third, compiling berth and commodity throughputs within specified ranges, rather than listing exact figures, provides a reasonable and sufficient description of the extent of hazardous material throughput consistent with the intent of the program. (See Figure 10 and Table 5). In fiscal 1977-1978 there were 4,169 vessel visits to the Port of Long Beach. Containers and break bulk cargo ships represented the largest number of vessel visits; about 30% of the total. Petroleum cargo vessel visits, including bunker vessels represented 18% of total vessel visits. Chemical and dry bulk cargo represented 11% of vessel visits, with chemical cargo only 3% of the total. Automobile cargo vessels represented 5% of total vessel visits. In addition to normal commercial vessel visits, 5% of such visits were rela'ted to the Navy Base, 21% represented vessels at anchor in the Harbor, and 10% were miscellaneous visits not represented by a,particular hazardous cargo type (See Figure 11). The majority of vessel visits in fiscal 1977-1978 were directed towards the Southeast Harbor District (34%). Most of these visits consisted of container cargo ships. Dry bulk cargo ships were the second most frequent visitors to this district, while break bulk, automobile and other miscellaneous cargoes represented the signi- ficant balance. Less than 1% of the vessel visits for this district involved chemical or petroleum cargoes. Next in total volume of vessels was the Middle Harbor District with 22% of all vessel visits to the Port. Container and break bulk vessels represented the majority of vessel visits to this district (44%). Petroleum and chemicals were-next in order of cargo vessel visits 21%. Dry bulk and automobile cargo vessel visits totaled only 13% of vessel visits to this district. A significant portion of vessel visits appeared to be of a non-cargo related nature in this district (22%). 53 The Southwest Harbor District experienced 21% of total vessel visits. This district is primarily an anchorage area where ships may stop over for various purposes before proceeding to their final destination which may be another port or a berth in the Port of Long Beach. Many of these ships anchored to take on bunkers by barge. Total bunkers supplied at anchors and at berths in the 1977-1978 fiscal year was about 3,650,000 revenue tons. The Northeast Harbor District encountered about 17% of total vessel visits. The majority of these visits represented petroleum and/or bunker cargo vessels. Some vessels carrying chemical and break bulk cargos visited the district, but these represented less than 6% of the vessels visiting the district. Also, a small quantity of non-cargo related or miscellaneous vessel visits occurred here. The West Harbor District experienced less than 1% of the total vessel visits. These were primarily chemical type cargo vessels. The Federal Use Dist rict received 210 vessel visits in the 1977- 1978 fiscal year according to Navy sources. Vessels which are presently stationed at the Navy Base include three yard oilers, one yard oil-gas craft, one yard water craft, three yard tug boats, approximately four target ships, two destroyers, one Landing Platform Assault and two Mine Sweepers which are among the Ocean-Naval Reserve Fleet training ships homeported at Long Beach. These represent about 5% of total vessel visits to the Port. Table 6 illustrates the Berth Throughput Inventory. Each berth is.identified as to location by district in the Harbor, operator or use, throughput range, average time of vessel at berth, average throughput range per vessel, bunker throughput range, percentage of cargo inbound or outbound, number of vessel visits, and hazardous cargo types. A legend is included which explains the ranges of values and pertinent cargo types and pertinent cargo types and abbreviations. Table 7 illustrates the Hazardous Commodity Inventory. Bulk Hazardous commodites are identified and classified according to cargo type (ie. general cargo, dry bulk, etc...) Then the hazard class, based on DOT and IMCO classifications, of each commodity is identified. Range quantities of both inbound and outbound throughputs of each commodity are listed. Berths which typically handle the commodity are identified. Be rth numbers in tables 6 and 7 have been codified to protect the propriatary relevant to particular Port tenants. 54- A A a A sm CITY OF WNG BEACH too "vr 4- 0 4-4,44, ILI 0 00 LEGEND BERTH OCCUPANCY BERTHS HANDLINC HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A PETROLEUM V CHEMICALS (BULK) X DRY BULK - BREAK BULK 0 CONTAINER 0 AUTOMOBILES rA%W HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY VESSEL BERTH OCCUPANCY AND TRAFFIC PATTERNS EY. [M-70 PORT OF LONG' BEACH CALIFORNIA ----------- FIGURE 10 "at to fill 55 pi c I T T Of L 0 N 0 9 9 A'G 0 r 0 w x L a r Ift it -143% % 128 'A Z 158 152 131- 204 210 544 pit* a 3 PIER i OL 482 pit# 4 NC= ANCROPlAffilt 2000 3000 SCALE M N PORT OF LONG BEACH ANNUAL SHIP TRAFFIC DENSITY @@ 1 2% 000 3000 SCALE M INBOUND 1977-78 1 FI WRE 11 V@ INCLUDES INTRA-HARBOR MOVEMENTS 56 j.c.gEyLEI I@.2l.n H D 8-142-1 Vessel Safety Vessel safety is the primary responsibility of the shippers and vessel crews. Both national and international laws govern vessel safety at sea. The Department of Transportation provides-Guidelines and Administration over vessel safety in the United States. The U.S. Coast Guard's jurisdiction over San Pedro Bay and the Port of Long Beach in terms of vessel related activities is governed by various volumes of the Code of Federal Regula- tions including CFRs 33,46 and 49. The Coast Guard has prime responsibility for overseeing port safety and security, protection of the marine environment, commercial and recrea- tional boating safetyl aids to navigation bridge enforcement of laws and treaties, and maritime search and rescue. Under the authority of the Port and Waterways Safety Act, the Coast Guard specifies and inspects vessel navigation equip- ment and procedures, and may control the movement of vessels when circumstances warrant. Anchorage areas are specified, navigational aids maintained, and bridge clearance and opera- ting procedures prescribed. Vessels and waterfront facilities are regulated and inspected, especially those dealing in hazardous materials and liquid-bulk cargoes. U.S. flag vessels also are documented, and U.S. crews and pilots are licensed. Under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, the Coast Guard has responsibility relative to pollution in coastal waters caused by oiland other hazardous materials. Vessels and terminals are regulated and inspected, transfers are monitored, and spill contingency plans required and approved. In the event of a spill, the Coast Guard determines the identity of the spiller (notification by the spiller is required) and monitors the clean up. If clean up efforts are unsatisfactory or the spiller cannot be immediately determined, Federal funds (subject to reimbursement) are utilized to protect the marine environment. The Port of Long Beach receives notices from the Coast Guard of any violations which occur within its jurisdiction. The inspection records and violation reports are public record and may be obtained from the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety officer in accord with the Freedom of Information Act. In addition to the foregoing vessel safety provisions the Port utilizes Jacobsen Pilot Service to coordinate the safe movement of vessels in the Port. Special inspection procedures are available for particular types of cargo ships such as tankers, LNG and LPG vessels. See Appendix B for a more detailed illustration of pilot procedures and vessel inspection procedures. 57 BERTHS HANDLING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS* PETROLEUM ARCO - 118, 119, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 Amorient - 83 Powerine - 72, 73, 74 Texaco - 84, 85, 86, 87 Exxon - 210, 211A Chevron - 96 (Wharf fueling station) CHEMICALS - (BULK) Baker Commodities - 31, 32 National Molasses - 242, 243 Dow Chemical - 101 Proctor & Gamble - 68/69 DRY BULK Koppel - 210, 211 (Grain) Metropolitan Stev. - 212, 213, 214, 215 (Petroleum Coke) 28, 29, 30, 31 BREAK BULK Open Berths - 5, 7, 33, 34, 48, 49, 50 CUT - 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 Cooper - 7, 9, 10, 201 Mercantile Marine - 204, 205 Cresent - 206, 207 CONTAINER CUT - 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26 Sealand - 227, 228 Maersk - 229 U.S. Lines - 230 ITS - 232, 233, 234 PCT - 245, 245, 247 AUTOMOBILES Pasha/Toyota - 243, 244, 28, 29 CUT - 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26 *Exclusive of Navy Berths TABLE 5 58 BERTH THROUGHPUT INVENTORY* dP V) E-1 E-1 W E-4 E-4 D > > @:) t:) E-1 P4 D4 z W E-1 N M 0 0 E-4 z 0 4 0 0 w 9@ 0 94 go W g ED @:) 0 w 0 z 0 z x 4 0 tQ Z z m M E-4 E-4 < E-1 E-1 4631 l 5 1 1 7 5048 1 5 1. 1 7 7951 1 5 1 1 7 2944 6 1 9. 2 99 7655 2 5 7 1 96 4 4 8342 2 4 5 1 97 3 4- 1953 4 7 3056 2 5 6 JL 6848 4 8 1 97 3 7 4965 1 2 1 97 3 2, 8465 9 2 9 4 65 35 1 6070 7 1 6 7 15 85 1 5582 10 .21 9 6 55 45 1 2776 10 2 10 6 68 32 1 8975 9 2 7 2 99 1 1 4380 10 2 9 10 77 23 1 8877 5 1 3 9 3 97 1 5491 10 2 10 8 87 13 1 7108 5 1 8 1 79 21 2 SEE LEGEND FOR EXPLANATION OF CODES TABLE 6-1 59 BERTH THROUGHPUT INVENTORY* U) p En ep (A 9 La dP Al N 41 Eq. U) P4 > > ::) z D >4 I P4 94 P4 0 0 p 20 to z 4 @ 0 z N 2 w z w C4 = 9 @ H > x FA 4 u L) w u CQ E-4 - El E-4 -7125 10 2 10 'q 98 2 1 6116 4 4 4. 3 1% 81 7 9304 5 4 4 92 8 4 7211 7 4 9 93 4 0510 4 4 7 3 67 33. 4 4202 7 4 .5 95 5 4 9601 8 4 9 6 95 5 4 6202 .7 2 5 7 85 15 7 8201 6 1 5 '81 78 22 7 1802 .5 3 5 5 7 93 7' 2400 5 4 6. 5 17 83 7 7610 4 3 3 3 28 72 7 3697. 4 4 6 3 45 -55 7 4591 4 3 4 6 32 8 4 6800 5 2 5 2 92 8 7 1308 2 3 3 4 59 41 4 3012 5 5 8 4 94 6 4 6796 4 3 4 3 29 71 4,5,6 014 2 2 2 5 1 99 SEE LEGEND FOR EXPLI@NATION OF CODES TABLE 6-.2 60 BERTH THROUGHPUT INVENTORY* ED E-1 En C4 E-1 F, E-4 cn 1:4 :a C) :3 >4 04 0 E-4 0 0 rD U) @ 0 E-0 0 N CQ E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 ci 5921 1 1 1 7 4313 1 3 3. 2 0 100 4,5,6 8010 7 2 7 8 58 42 4,5,6 8912 4 3 5 7 58 4 2 4,5,6 3324 4 3 3 5 42 58 4,5,6 4818 2 3 2 4 33 67 4,5,6 4320 2 3 3 3 37 63 5,6 7532 2 - 4; vv v 8518* 2 2 5 3 67 33 501-6 6721 1 5 2 1 0 .100 7- 7935 1 1 1 1 - - 3,6 1330 8 2 7 5 0 100 3#.6 2638 1 1 2 2 3Q 70 3 8023 5 3 4 5 55 56 2,_3 2930 5 1 3 7 32 68 2 6327 2 2 3 3 67 33 4 7441 4 3 3 5 61 39 4 0406 8 1 6 9 78 22 1,3 7218 9 3 10 5 VY 100 --1 3 SEE LEGEND FOR EXPLANATION OF CODES TABLE 6-3 61 BERTH THROUGHPUT INVENTORY* En &4 En Ln C4 En dP [A rg w H E-4 > co > LD P En A, P4 P4 z D >4 0 0 E-4 LD L) Fl.'W U 0 a w 0 C4 w cQ PQ H E-4 CQ E-f U w 4208 1 1 1 1 3 9607 10 3 10 6 1 199. 3 0806 10 3 '10 8 0 100 3 7235 10 2 10 la 64 36 .5. 0331 6 2 7 8 52 48 1 5 9822 9 1 8 10 41 59. 5 4228 9 2 9 9 57 43 5 7240 9 2 9 9 63 137 5 6228 8 2 8 4- 8 56 44 5 0834 2 2 5 2 95 5 2 0637 6 2 5 8 63 .37 2,6 3247 5 2 4 8 53 47 6 5250 9 1 8 66 134 5 9147 9 2 7 8 57 j43 5 6241 9 2 7 8 54 1;46 5 8182 7 3 1 1Q a 10.0 7 SEE LEGEND FOR EXPLANATION OF CODES TABLE 6-4 6 2' LECEND BERTH THROUGHPUT AVERAGE ELAPSED TIIIE AVERAGEIHROUGHPUT RANGE CODE VESSELS AT BERTH PER VESSEL AT BERTH (1000 REVENUE TONS) RANGE. CODE RANGE CODE .. .... . .. .... (HOURS) &REVENUE TONS) 1. 0-10 1. 0-24 1. .0-500 2. 11-25 2.- 25-:48 .2. 501-1000 3. 26-50 3. 49-68 3. 1001-1150 4. 51-100 4. 97-168 4. 1751-2500 5. 101-475 5. 169+ 5. 2501-3750 6. 176-260 6. 3751-5000 7. 261-375 BUNKER THROUGHPUT 7'. 5001-7500 8. 376-500 RANCE CODE .... .... 8. 7501-10,000 9. 501-1000 .(1000 REVENUE TONS) 9. 10,000-20,000 10. 1001+ 10. 20,001+ 10-1 6. 20-25 2: 1-5 7. 25-50 3. 5-10 8. 50-100 4. 10-15 9. 100-150 5. 15-20 10, 150+ HAZARDOUS CARGO TYPE 1. Petroleum and/or Bunkers 2. Chemicals 3. Dry Bulk 4. Break Bulk 5. Containers 6. Automobiles 7. Not Applicable 8. Defense TABLE 6-5. 63 HAZARDOUS COMMODITY INvr.NTORY* E-4 E4 ::) ZD E-4 U) >4 04 0 Z:) E-4 z C) H, z tc E-4 go ::) 0. 0 @:) 0 0 m 0 LD 0 4 . N E-4 C4 110, .. W 4 0 9 E-4 0 E-1 L) W U LUBE OIL ADDITIVE ORM-C 1 2 WINi COM. LIQ. 4 4 2 BEER 3 4 2 SAKI 2 2 .2 1 WHISKEY I RAW COTTON ORM-C 1 7 2,4 1 MANILLA HEMP 2 1 2,4 OK 2 1 BURLAP 5 2,4 1 WA STE PAPER FLAM SOLID 1 2,4 1 AUTOMOBILES ORM-C 7 - 5 1 MIS. CHEMICALS FLAM LIQUID 5 5 2,4 I BORIC ACID 1 3 2,4 1 SYNTHETIC RESIN 1 4 2,4 1 MIXED PAINTS* 2 14 I FUEL OIL DRUMS COM. LIQUID 2 14 1 LUBE OIL DRUMS COM. LIQUID 3 14 1 SOLVENT DRUMS FLAM LIQUID 1 CRUDE OIL DRUMS SEE LEGENDFOR EXPLANATION OF CODES TABLE 7-1 64. HAZARDOUS COMMODTTY INVENTORY* U) U) E--l E-4 EA tn @4 1 :3 . @3 N ON 0 >4 t3 E4 w - z W. z E-4 0 z 0 . @:) a 0 @3 t:) W 0 t3 m 0 C4 0 2 000 E-4 z :3 40 0 EA 0- W u 1 OLD CLOTHING FLAM SOLID 2 2,4 1 GREASE4 FLAM LIQUID 2 15 1 DISINFECTANTS POISON B 2. 2,4 1 MOLYBDENUM DRUMS ORM-B 2,4 1 BOOK MATCHES FLAM, SOLID 2,4 2 1PETROLEUM COKE ORM-C 2 3,6 2 LEAD ORE COM LIQUID 4 2' 3,6 3 CAUSTIC SODA CORROSIVE 6 - 1 3 FISH OIL ORM-C 1 1 is 4 iCRUDE OIL FLAM LIOUID 8 .7 8 4 DIESEL OIL COM LIQUID 7 7 9 4 FUEL OIL 8 8 9 4 @SOLVENTS 7 7 11 4 GASOLINE F LAM LIQUID 8 7 10 4 LUBE OIL COM LIQUID 6 2 15 4 NAPTHA FLAM, LIQUID, 6 1 12 4 JET FUEL 7 5 9,12 5 BUNKER DIESEL COM LIQUID, 8 13 5 BUNKER OIL 8 13 SEE LEGEND FOR EXPLANATION. OF CODES TABLE 7-2 65 LEGEND CARGO TYPES 1. General Cargo 2. Dry Bulk 3. Liquid Bulk (Less Petroleum) 4. Petroleum Bulk 5. Bunkers HAZARD CLASS ORMB - Other regulated material capable of causing significant damage. ORMC - Other regulated materials being unsuitable for shipments without special provisions. COM LIQUID - Combustible Liquid with a flash point above 100OF below 2000F. FLAM LIQUID - Flammable Liquid with a flash point below 1000F. FLAM SOLID - Flammable Solid which is readily ignited. POISON B - A poison, other than Poisan A & Irritant, toxic toman. romMnn-TrPY TT4R0TJGFPT7'P PvDm" NOTES - CODES RANGE CODE (1000 REVENUE TONS) 1. 7935,1330 2. 6796,1014,4313,8010,8912,3324 1. 0-1 4818,4320,7532,8518 2. 1-5 3. 4208,9607,0806,7222 3. 5-10. 4. 4591,1308 4. 10-25 5. 0637,3247 5. 25-50 6. 2628,8023 6. 50-100 7. 7218 7 100-300 8. 7125,4380,5491,2685 8: 300-+ 9. 4380,5491,2685,8877,6070,5582 2776 10. 8465,8975,4380,8877,5491,2685 OWNER STATUS 11. 0834,7108 12. 8975 H.D. - Harbor Department 13. 8462,8201 P. - Private 14. Container & Break Bulk 15. All Locations 16. 8975,4965 TABLE @-3 66 Section 5 WATERFRONT FACILITIES SURVEY The Port of Long Beach is one of the few major California and West Coast Ports with all berths within one to three miles of the open ocean. All berths are also within one mile of major regional and interstate non-stop freeway networks. The area of the Long Beach Harbor District is 29 square kilometers (11.2 sq. mi.). The land area of the Port occupies 11.7 square kilometers (4.5 sq. mi.). Port owned property constitutes approximately 600 hectares (1480 acres). There are 66 operational cargo berths. Eleven piers are located within the Port, including about 13 kilometers (8.2 miles) of wharves. The Port has 12 transit sheds with a storage area of 46,699 square meters (502,676 sq. ft.). There are 162 hectares (400 acres) of asphalt paved open storage. Four container freight stations with net area of 21,725 square meters (233,850 sq. ft.) are located in the Port. The total length of rail lines in the Port is 97 kilometers (60 miles). Harbor owned rail- road lines include 61 kilometers (38 miles) of rail. The following text focuses on three general aspects of waterfront facilities: 1. An inventory of bulk petroleum and chem ical berths in the Port; 2. An inventory of terminal maintenance responsi- bilities; and 3. A survey of terminal safety provisions. Facilities Inventory This section of the HMI identifies berths and associated equipment used in handling hazardous cargoes, with par- ticular emphasis on two (2) cargo types; petroleum and liquid (Chemicals/oils) bulk. Combined, these shipments amounted to 57% of total tonnage moving through the Port during 1977-78. These commodities also represent two of the most hazardous cargo types moving through the Port and, hence become the primary focus of the Risk Management Planning process. Petroleum Berths Berths No. 57, 73, 76-79, 83, 84-87, 118-119 and 210 handle the transfer of petroleum bulk. Exhibits 2,4,5,6,7,9, and 10 67 provide detailed information on facilities and equip- ment used in the handling of this cargo, by berth, including terminal characteristics (if available), terminal layout, U.S. Coast Guard Waterfront Facilities Survey information and fire protection system layout. The latter information was obtained from the Coast Guard, Captain of the Port's office. Chemical Berths Berths 30-31, 68-69, 101 and 242 handle primarily liquid (chemical/oils) bulk commodities. Exhibits 1, 3, 8 and 11 detail information on facilities and equipment used for the handling of these cargoes, by berth, including terminal characterisics (if .available), terminal layout, U.S. Coast Guard Waterfront Facilities Survey information and fire protection system layout. 68 EXHIBIT 1 BAKER COMMODITIES ,BERTHS 30, 31, 32, 33 EXISTING LIQUID BULK (CHEMICAL) FACILITIES* WHARF CHARACTERISTICS Name and Location: Berths 30-31, Pier D - East side*about 0.50 miles west of Pico Avenue Operated By: Baker Commodities WHARF DESCRIPTION Length (feet): 992 Width (feet): Open Lighted: Yes Load Capacity: 750 and 2,000 Design Capacity (feet): 43 Wharf Height: 11.8 Type of Construction: Concrete quay wall, solid fill with asphalt surface, fronted by timber fenders. Open Storage Area (Sq. Ft.): 81,500 sq. ft. Used as a multi-commodity facility. See also description for Berths 32-33 69. EXHIBIT 1 Cont. WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Survey Date: NOV 197 FACILITY: BERTH 30 PIER NO. LOCATION: NORTH END OF THE EAST BASIN OWNED BY: CITY OF LONG BEACH 437-0041 SAME Name Day Phone Night Phone 211 MARINER, LONG BEACH Business Address OPERATED BY: BAKER COMMODITIES CO. HE6-1137 SAME Name Day Phone Night Phone PIER D, BERTH 30, LONG BEACH Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: F. PENA SUPV. 997-9487 R. HORTON (714) 892-5292 DOCK OFFICE 432-8727 & 432-8721 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: 'PUMPING STATION, TALLOW PRODUCTS VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: CAM STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED: VARIOUS DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER 486% WIDTH OF PIER 200'. LENGTH OF APRON 486 WIDTH OF APRON OPEN DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) USABLE BERTHING SPACE- 86 HT. DECK ABOVE MLW 10 LOAD CAP. PER SQ. FT. 7501b TYPE OF.CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE SURFACED CONCRETE DECK LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED LIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS.: No.- NONE -No. No. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION N/A LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) N/A TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) N/A LOAD CAPACITY.(#/ SQ FT) N/a LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING. 4/1/77 REVISED EXHIBIT 1 - Cont. BERTH 30 FACILITIES: POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE 220 AC CAPACITY 3 PHASE 60 CYCLE EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER UPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT- 2 1-2"HOSE CONNECTION CARGO HANDLING DEVICES: FORKLIFTS ACCESS: RAILWAY: FIVE RAILWAY TRACKS VEHICULAR: VIA EL EMBARCADER0 SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY NONE Type/Agency Hours LOCATION OF WATCHMAN NONE FENCING NONE Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACIL ITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED NONE FIRE ALARMS: (NO LOCATION)- NONE PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) NONE INSIDE OUTSID E FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT NONE FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) ONE LOCATED BY OVERHEAD TRUCK LOADER AT STORAGE TA FIRE ROSE (NO. LOCATION* Outside. NONE Inside REMARKS: PIER INSPECTOR R.K. WIBOERT CWO 2 CGRG REP. 11-33870 71 PIER D AVE 0 0 rp 0 TV 0 000*00 0 0 0 0 0 000*0 0 0 OIL WELLS ::: 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X-w-V,;VW 000 00 0 0 00 0 0@o 00*0 001 00.0 004 BERTH AREA 0 0 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 MATCH LINE 0 0 0 00 0 00 00 400 0 00 0 , ose 900 0 0 00 0 0 0 XDqX-- e 0 090* 900 0*0 0 :0 1.*09V@R.e.lepw 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 00*a00009a0 0 00 0loft. 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 oes 000 000 000 00000000000. 0a0000000 0 0a 0 a 0Goo 000 000 oeo soo * oa oe o o6 %0 'o `0 o o s 0 0 0601 0 000 ow *a* 0.0 9* 0 0 0 0 0000 000 000 000 0 0 00 0 0 0 0*9 00 0 0 0 0"o *00 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0.0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a o 0 0 0 % bo* ioj .!* ul 4m: .1. I.&Is6 00 00 000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1'*6 0 i @ el I 0 0,0 0 ol 0.0 BERTH 31 BERTH 29 496'- BERTH 30 0 rt, Ow EXHIBIT 1- Cont WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Survey Date: NOV 1976 FACILITY: BERTH 31 PIER NO. LOCATION: EAST BASIN PIER D OWNED BY: CITY OF LONG BEA CH 437-0041 SAME Name Day Phone Night Phone P.O. BOX 570, LONG BEACH Business Address OPERATED BY: BAKER COMODITIES HE -1137 SAME Name Day Phone Night Phone BERTH 31, PIER D, LONG BEACH Business Address EMERGENCY PHONZ NUMBERS: F. PENA SUPERVISOR 997-9487 R._HORTON 432-8727 and DOCK OFFICE 432-872`l' Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: SHIPPING AN'D RECEIVING VESSELS ACCOMM0DATED: CARGO STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED: VARIOUS DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER WIDTH OF PIER OPEN LENGTH OF APRON WIDTH OF APRON OPENN -DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) 34' USABLE BERETHING SPACE 1,607 HT. DECK ABOVE MLW 131 LOAD CAP. PER SQ. FT..2,000 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE BULKHEAD WITH SOKID FILL ASPHALT DECK LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTE LIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS: Nol No. N/A No. N/A TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE WALLS STEEL FRAMES ASPHALT FLOOR LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT)600 HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) 20 TOTAL CA RGO, FLOOR (SQ FT 40,000 LOAD CAPACITY.(#/ SQ FT) LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING NORTHWEST END OF SHED 73 EXHIBIT 1 Cont. BEPT11 31 FACILITIES: POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE 220 CAPACITY 3 PHASE 60 CYCLE EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT2" HOSE CONNECTIONS CARGO HANDLING DEVICES: FORKLIFTS AND PAPER CARRIERS ACCESS: RAILWAY: 3 RAILWAY TRACKS VEHICULAR: ENTRANCE FROM ELEMBARCADERO. OR PIER D, AVE. SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY CARGO PROTECTION AS REQUIRED Type/A ency flours LOCATION OF WATCHMAN ROVING FENCIN(NONE Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED OVERHEAD AUTOMATIC HEAT ACTIVATED FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) I NORTHEAST CORNER & I SOUTHEAST CORNER PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) 16 INSIDE 0 OUTSIDE FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT- NONE FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION)' 3 TWO AT SOUTH END ONE AT NORTH END) FIRE HOSE (NO. & LOCATION- NONE Outside SIX THREE ON EACH WALL) Inside REMARKS: PIER INSPECTOR R.K. WIEGERT CWO 2 CGRG REP. 11-88870 74 OIL WELLS .;,BEFtTK- AREA MATCH LINE .0. .0. 4, 4@ 0 ul cc ?4. 0. 0. M , -@b 00 o 900 #4po 000 0 0 0 00 a 00 0 000 00a 0*0 000 000 * 0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 000 *00 000 0 0 -%1810 *@-- 1-1. 1004- 1.0- 0- -0 0 0 0- 'o- 'o , 0 0 .- i - 0. 0 a a 4, 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 44 *1. 6,6 Ut OERTH 30 496@0' BERTH '3 1 0 ::1 ft 9 All RI OIL wtu-S PILR D BLK1 5 0 F-1 MAIN EUCTUC:@@ Nil i 14, C4 I:k I 1-k q9+/ 13S.P-174 33 (0671 r4 BERTH 31 WA-TEP, WA-TER S-ro?,PGc C-R TH5 -3@0 IT 4-1 'CH FIRc tjyoAAA17- BERTR I A EXHIBIT 1 Cont. BAKER COMMODITIES BERTHS 32,-@133 @ EXISTING LIQUID BULK (CHEMICAL) FACILITIES Name & Location: Berths 32-33, Pier D - West side of Pier D about, 0-50 miles west of Pico Avenue Operated by Baker Commodities Wharf Description Length (ft.): 824 Width (ft.'): Open Lighted: Yes Load Capacity (lb./sq.ft.): 750 and 2000 Design Depth: Pierhead - 36 ft.; 9:ft. out 42. Height of Deck @ MLLW (ft.): 14.1 Type of Construction: Concrete quay wall, solid fill with asphalt surface, fronted by timber fend.rs.. Open Storage Area (sq.ft.) & Location: 36,ooo Mechanical Handling Facilities: Two 6"pipe lines extend from Berth 32 to five coconut oil storage tanks, with 22,coconut an(@ tallow t4nks totalling 163,200 bbls. Highway Connections: "Via Pico to W ater Street, to Channel Way. Railway Connections: Railroad tracks service the area Water_Sup2ly 4 2" water outlets @ 100 gal/min. (e@) Electric Supply: A.C. 110 volts, single phase, 60 cycle Fire Protection : Fire Hydrants., hose, hand extinquishers & watchmen. 77 EXHIBIT 1 -Col. WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Survey Date: NOV 1976 FACILITY: RERTH 33 PIER NO. LOCATION: FAST BASIN. PIER D OWNED BY: CITY OF LONG BEACH' 437-0041 SAME Name Day Phone Night Phone P.O BOX 570, LONG BEACH Business Address OPERATED BY: BAKER COMMODITITES CO. 43-1137 SAME Name Day Phone- Night Phone PIER D. BERTH 13, LONG BEACH Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: F. PENA' SUPV. 997-9487 R. HORTON (714)892-5292 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: PUNPING STATION, TALLOW PRODUCTS VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: CARGO STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANbLED:-VARIOUS DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER 1607 WIDTH OF PIER OPEN LENGTH OF APRON 1607 WIDTH OF APRON OPEN DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) 34 USABLE BERTHING SPACE 1607 HT. DECK ABOVE MLW LOAD CAP. PER SQ. FT. 2000 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE WALLS. STEEL FRAME. ASPHALT FLOOR LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED LIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS: No1 No. No. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE WALLS. STEEL FRAME. ASPHALT FLOOR LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) 600x125 HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) 20 TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ 40000) LOAD CAPACITY-'(#/ SQ FT) LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING --NORTHWEST END OF SHED 4/1/77 REVISED 78 EXHIBIT 1 - Cont. BEPTH 33 FACILITIES: POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE 220 CAPACITY 3PHRASE 60 CYCLE EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT 2" HOSE CONNECTIONS CARGO HANDLING DEVICES: FORKLIFTS AND PAPER CARRIERS ACCESS: RAILWAY: THREE RAILWAY TRACKS VEHICULAR: VIA EL EMBARCADERO OR PIER D AVE. SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY CARGO PROTECTION AS REQUIRED Type/Agency hours LOCATION OF WATCHMAN ROVING FENCING -Type NONE Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED OVERHEAD AUTOMATIC HEAT ACTIVATED FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) 1 NORTHWEST CORNER & 1 SOUTHEAST CORNER PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) 16 INSIDE NONE OUTSIDE FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT NONE FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) THREE (TWO AT SOUTH END, ONE AT NORTH END) FIRE HOSE (NO. & LOCATION NONE Outside SIX (THREE ON EACH WALL) Inside REMARKS: PIER INSPECTOR R.M. DULIN PSC CGRG REP. II-88870 79 t 4y EXHIBIT 1 -Con T CX x Ex SHtD *34 EY MLW 54, "IN -AAA- .Rs 4H SS Af,4,4&14-,(_ S4@e ys rFIV? co/vrk. rx'_ PIER Oe -e r x tX A /IV 6 A P;zo,,a PlRj@- Y06E VA_Wl4fz/@, pq P1 FR "D s I'll-old MAIM I I EXHIBIT 2 1 I I I ARCO (STORAGE ONLY) BERTH 57 1 EXISTING PETROLEUM BULK FACILITIES I I I I I .I I I I .. I I 81 1 EXHIBIT 2 - Cont. WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Survey Date: Nov 1 1976 FACILITY: BERTH 56&57 (STORAGE ONLY) PIER NO. N/A LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF CHANNEL 3 APPROX. 0.19 MILES FROM HEAD OF CHANNEL OWNED By:- ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. HE6-9071 436-9074 Name Day Phone Night Phone P, 0. BOX 3124TERMINAL ISLANDSAN PEDRO, CA Business Address OPERATED BY: HEALY-TIBBETS CONSTRUCTION CO. Name Dav Phone Night Phone Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: DUTY FOREM AND 436-9074 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED! BARGE STORAGE ONLY. VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED-,,_. N/A DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER N/A WIDTH OF PIER N/A LENGTH OF AFRON 55' WIDTH OF APRON OPEN DEPTH ALONGSIDE(MLW) 25' USABLE BERTHING SPACE 55' HT. DECK ABOVE MLW 13' LOAD CAP. PER SQ. FT. N/A TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION :TIMBER PILE, TIMBERED DECKED, OFFSHORE WHARF WITH 20 X 45' 'APPROACH TO UPPER END. LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED UNLIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS: No. MIA No. No. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION N/A LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) MIA HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) N/A TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) N/A LOAD CAPACITY SQ FT) N/A LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING OFFICE, ADJ. TO BERTH 57 4/1/77 REVISED 82 EXHIBIT 2 Cont. BERTH 56&57 FACILITIES: POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE NONE CAPACITY NONE EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT NONE CARGO HANDLING DEVICES; NONE ACCESS: RAILWAY: NONE VEHICULAR: ASPHALT 10' WIDE SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY NONE Type/Agency Hours LOCATION OF WATCHMAN NONE FENCING CHAINLINK. Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED NONE FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) ONE PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) NONE INSIDE 2 OUTSIDE F0AM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT THREE 40 GAL FOAM FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) SIX ALONG EHARF FIRE HOSE (NO.& LOCATION THREE ALONG WHARF Outside N/A Inside REMARKS ACCORDING TO ARCO THIS IS NO LONGER AN OIL HANDLING FACILITY BUT IS USED FOR BARGE STORAGE. PIER INSPECTOR CGRG REP. 83 EXHIBIT 2 Cont. 14 Oo -000 I%k 84 E)HIBIT 2 Cont. GATE AccvS5 RDA P 56 oil. WELL TANK EX. 0 234Fe r 5-4 0 TANK OCILER HIUSE 7@O CoNrRm- VqLvr- MR FOAM PIPES LE!2END fzx. r-x-rtN6uoHr::R 0 14YORAN7 SF MAIN BREAKER 5w(TCH (30K T4 Pi K TANK TA NIX TANK m I y L V14LVr:;. BERTY SCIAL. C I "X! SK m IN ORIGINAL 85 I I EXHIBIT 3 1 1 I I I PROCTER & GAMBLE BERTHS 68-70 .1 EXISTING LIQUID BULK (CHEMICAL) FACILITIES I I I I I I I I I I 1 86 WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY NOV 1976 Survey Date: FACILITY: BERTH 68 70' PIER NO. N/A LOCATION:__ SOUTH SIDE CHANNEL 2 LONG BEACH HARBOR OWNED BY: PROCTOR AND GAMBLE MFG. CO. 432-6981 Name Day Phone Night Phone 1601 W. 7TH STREET,LONG BEACH Business Address OPERATED BY: SAME AS ABOVE Name Day Phone Night Phone Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: R. L. NELSON PLANT MGR. PROCTOR & GAMBLE (714) 846-4942 C. A. DITLEUSEN TECH. ENG. PROCTOR & GAMBLE 894-6785 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: RECIEPT OF VEGETABLE OIL, CAUSTIC SODA, ETC.- VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: N/A STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED: N/A DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER 285' WIDTH OF PIER 40' LENGTH OF APRON 285' WIDTH OF APRON 35' DEPTH-ALONGSIDE (MLW) 40' USABLE BERTHING SPACE 745' HT. DECK ABOVE MLW N/A LOAD CAP. PER SO. FT. 250' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE WALLS, ASPHALT SURFACED LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED LIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS: No. NONE No. No. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION NONE LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) NONE HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) NONE TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) NONE LOAD CAPACITY (#/ SQ FT) NONE LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING N/A 87 4/1/77 REVISED EXHIBIT 3 Cont. BERTH .68-70 FACILITIES: POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE NONE CAPACITY N/A EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT NONE CARGO HANDLING DEVICES: UNLOADING MACHINE ACCESS: RAILWAY: YES, CONNECT-WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO- VEHICULAR: VIA W. 7th STREET WATCHMAN SECURITY N/A Type/Agency Hours L0CATION OF WATCHMAN N/A FENCING N/A Type Area FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED HYDRANTS ONLY FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) N/A PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) N/A INSIDE OUTSIDE. FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT N/A FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION)' N/A FIRE HOSE (NO. LOCATION N/A Outside N/A Inside REMARKS: PIER INSPECTOR R.K. WEIGERT CWO 2 CGRG REP. 11-88870 88 GA3S /I E-4 H Cl Zvs 71,11171 F-IKV \,Yj tp MULD(DEZ/ Goss GO (71M P@7771, JNI 1\1 X) 10 BEZ)71 BERTH RIES SSG& VD, 11111171111 114111 E FG. CO./ zj@ M46-E 777-777/77 71771, 77 nzzzrl@o NTH TRE EXHIBIT 3'0@:V..Oato VO JA . ......... v 297.4b 91 POWERINE BERTH 73 EXHIBIT 4 EXISTING PETROLEUM FACILITIES IIHARF CRARACTERISTICS Numbers of berths 1 Length of.berth(s) (ft) 800 Depth alongsiae xqharf (ft) 36 (Maintenance Dredge to 40) No. of cargo transfer 2 points to ship 'Size, of connections (in) 611 & 811 Maximum discharge rate V-15,000 (bbl/hr) V-24,000 TERMINAL CHARACTERISTICS Berth backland (acres) 8 Crude storage capacity 572,000 (bbl) Refined storage capacity None (bbl) Distance to refinery (mi) 26 Number.of pipelines 2 Size of pipeline(s). to 611 & 891 refinery (in) Maximum pumping rate to V-750 C7 refinery (bb .1/h-A) V-1300 Ownership of facil J- ties Private wharf; Tank farm partially municipal Leasing agreements PaLrt of the tank f arm is leased 92 EXHIBIT 4 Cont. WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Survey Date:NOV 1 1976 FACILITY: BERTH 73 PIER NO. LOCATION: APPROX. 0.08 MILE FROM HEAD OF CHANNEL 2 OWNED BY: RESERVE OIL & GAS CO. 626-4108 Name Day Phone NightPhone 550 3. FLOWER. Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Business Address OPERATED BY: POWERINE OIL CO 432-3327 432-7327 Name Day Phone Night Phone 1405 W. 7th STREET, LONG BEACH, CA Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: G. LITCHETT FOREMAN 925-1138 BILL BURKE PIPELINE MGR. 944-6111 BOB HUNTER 925-0258 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHIC H USED: RECEIPT OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED: ALL DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER N/A WIDTH OF PIFR N/A LENGTH OF APRON 559' WIDTH OF APRON OPEN DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) 36' USABLE BERTHING SPACE 350' HT. DECK ABOVE MLW LOAD CAP. PER SO. FT. 500LBS CONCRETE PILE, CONCRETE DECKED, OFFSHORE LOADING PLATFORM WITH 60' by 6' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION TIMER APPROACH, TIMBER FENDER SYSTEM, 2 TIMBER PILE, CONCRETE DECKED BREASTINGN DOLPHINS IN LINE WITH FACE. LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED LIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS: No. N/A No. No. TYPE OF CONSTTUCTION N/A LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) N/A HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) N/A TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) N/A LOAD CAPACITY (#/ SQ FT) N/A LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKMST END OF FIREWALL, BETWEEN DOCK & FIREWALL 93 4/1/77 REVISED EXHIBIT 4 - Cont. BEPTH 73 FACILITIES: AC11D POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE_SINGLE PHASE CAPACITY 60 CYCLE EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT THROUGH 2" LINES CARGO HANDLING DEVICES:ELECTRIC HOS HANDLING MASTS AND BOOM DERRICKS, EACH WITH 24' ROOMS ACCESS: RAILWAY: NONE VEHICELAR: VIA WEST 7th ST. ASPHALT 40' WIDE, FM PICO AVE.&LB FWY SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY FOX DURING LOADING TIMES ONLY Type/Agency Hours LOCATION OF WATCHMAN MAIN GATE FENCING CHAINLINK CONCRETE WALL Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED N/A FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) NONE PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) N/A INSIDE 3 OUTSIDE FOAM SYSTEM, WATER PUMP, FIRE CONNECTIONS, 2 MONITORS HYDRANTS FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT AND HOSE FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) SEE DIAGRAM FIRE HOSE (NO & LOCATION NONE Outside N/A Inside REMARKS: 2-10", 1-8" and 3-6" PIPELINES EXTEND FROM LOADING PLATFORM TO 9 STEEL STRONGS TANKS, TOTAL CAP. 575,000 BARRELS. ALSO PIPELINES EXTEND TO BERTHS A,B,C,D FOR SUPPLYING BUNKER FUEL TO VESSELS MOORED ALONGSIDE. PIER INSPECTOR R.X. WIEGERT CWO 2 CGRG REP. 11-88870 94 EXHIBIT 4 - Cont. WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Survey Date: NOV 1 1976 FACILITY: BERTH 74 PIER NO. LOCATION: APPROX. 0.08 MILES FROM HEAD OF CHANNEL2 OWNED BY:__ CITY OF LONG BEACH 437-0041 SAME Name Day Phone Night Phone PO BOX 570 LONG BEACH, CA Business Address OPERATED BY: POWERLINE OIL CO. 432-3327 432-7327 Name Day Phone Night Phone 1405 WEST 7th ST., LONG BEACH, CA Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: G. LITCHETT 925-1138 BILL BURKE PIPELINE MGR. 944-6111 BOB HUNTER FOREMEN 925-0258 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: RECEIPT OF CRUDE OIL & PETR0LEUM PRODUCTS VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: ol STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED: ALL DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER N/A WIDTH OF PIER N/A LENGTH OF APRON. 559' WIDTH OF APRON OPEN DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) 36' USABLE BERTHING SPACE 350' HT. DECK ABOVE MLW 12' LOAD CAP. PER SO. FT. 500LBS CONCRETE PILE, CONCRETE DECKED, OFFSHORE LOADING PLATFORM WITH 60'X6' TIMBER TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION APPROACH. TIMBER FENDER SYSTEM, 2 TIMBER PILE, CONCRETE DECKED BREASTING DOLPHINS IN LINE WITH FACE. LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED LIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS: No. N/A No. No. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION N/A LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) N/A HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) N/A TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) N/A LOAD CAPACITY (#/SQ FT) N/A LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING WEST END OF FIREWALL, BETWEEN DOCK AND FIREWALL 95 4/1/77 REVISED EXHIBIT 4 - Cont. BERTH 74 FACILITIES: POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE ACI 10 CAPACITY 60 CYCLE SINGLE PHASE EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT THROUGH 2" LINES CARGO HANDLING DEVICES: NONE ACCESS: RAILWAY: NONE VEHICULAR: VIA W. 7th ST. ASPHALT 40' WIDE FM PICO AVE. & LB FWY SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY IMPERIAL SECURITY DURING LOADING TIMES ONLY Type/Agency Hours LOCATION OF WATCHMAN MAIN GATE FENCING GATE ENTRANCE, CHAINLINK, CONCRETE FIREWALL Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED_ N/A FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) NONE PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) INSIDE 3 OUTSIDE FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT FOAM SYSTEM, WATER PUMP, FIRE BOAT CONNECTIONS 2 MONITORS, HYDRANTS AND HOSE FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) 4 (SEE DIAGRAM) FIRE HOSE (NO. & LOCATION NONE Outside N/A Inside REMARKS: 2-10", 1-8" and 3-6" PIPELINES EXTEND FROM LOADING PLATFORM TO 9 STEEL STORAGE TANKS, TOTAL CAPACITY 575,000 BARRELS, ALSO PIPELINE EXTEND TO BERTHS A,B,C,D FOR SUPPLYING BUNKER FUEL TO VESSELS MOORED ALONGSIDE. PIER INSPECTOR R.H. DULIN PSC CGRG REP. 11-88870 96 LAHii3vv 4ont. J\A tv S 6A 04 97 4w m so @.m m m m so CHANNEL -#2 BERTH 72 BERTH 73- BERTH 74 OH OHM OEXM OH1. EX SB SB 5B -@@UTO FCAM -S-'YSTEM HOOK-UP. 12 00 Ll LEGEND ..OH = OUTSIDE HYDRANT. SS = MANUAL SPRINKLER sB = MAIN BREAKER SWITCH SysTEM CONTROL BOX FA = FIRE ALARM MON ITOR EX = EXTINGUISHER HH FIRE HOSE & SCALE: 11"125" 4.10 00 HYDRANT X VEHICLE FIRE EXIT FO = FOAM EQUIPMENT pS = pUMP SWITCH EF = EIIERG FUEL SHUT OFF EXHIBIT 5 ARCO BERTHS 76-79 TERMINAL TWO EXISTING PETROLEUM FACILITIES WHARF CHARACTERISTICS Numbers of berths 2 or 3 depending on tanker size Length of berth(s) (ft) 2190 Depth alongside wharf (ft) 40 No. of cargo transfer 9 points to ship Size of connections (in) Ranging in size from 6" to 16" Maximum discharge rate 30,000 maximum (bbl/hr) 6"- 1500 l4"- 15000 TERMINAL CHARACTERISTICS Berth backland (acres) 20 Ac Crude storage capacity 850,000 (bbl) 1, 166, 000 for refined at Terminal Two plus Refined storage capacity 500,000 for either crude or refined (bbl) at Terminal Three on 7th Street Distance to refinery (mi) 3.5 Number of pipelines 3 Size of pipeline(s) to l0" 12" & 14" refinery (in) also 2-14" & 1-8" to Terminal Three Maximum pumping rate to -5,000 refinery (bbl/hr) also pumpingrate to 7th is 10,000 max. Ownership of facilities Part municipal, part private Leasing agreements Lease on portion municipal owned 99 WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY 1976 Survey Date: NOV-1 FACILITY:- BERTH 76 (ARCO Terminal 2) PIER NO. LOCATION: NEAR HEAD OF CHANNEL 2 OWNED BY:- ATLANTIC RICHFIELD 432-5701 432-8927 Name Day Phone Night Phone 1300 W. 8th ST. LONG BEACH. 90813 Business Address OPERATED BY: Atl antic Richfield 436-9071 436-9074 Name Day Phone Night Phone 1300 W. 8th ST., LONG BEACH, CA 90813 Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: A. R. WESSLEN SUPT OF OPS ATLANTIC RICH. (213) 596-2021 J. R. GEARING SUPV. OF OPP (714) 527-2082 FOREMAN ON DUTY (213) 436-9074 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED:. RECIEPT OF CRUDE OIL & REFINED PRODUCTS VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: 4 OIL TANKERS STEAMSHIP LIN ES REGULARLY HANDLED: RICHDIELD, HEN.-INTERNATIONAL, DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER WIDTH OF PIER OPEN LENGTH OF APRON- 300' WIDTH OF APRON OPEN - DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) 40' USABLE BERTHING SPACE 300' HT. DECK ABOVE MLW 14' LOAD CAP. PER SQ. FT. 250LBS CONCRETE PILE, CONCRETE DECKED, MARGINAL OFFSHORE WHARF WITH TWO 31' WIDE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION APPROACHES AND I PIPELINE TRESTLES EXTENDING FROM A STEEL SHEET PILE, CELLULAR BULKHEAD WITH SOLID FILL LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED LIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS: No. NA No. No. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) NA HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) NA TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) NA LOAD CAPACITY.(#// SQ FT) LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING EAST SIDE 0F MAIN BUILDING NEAR ENTRANCE 100 EXHIBIT 5 Cont. BERTH 76 FACILITIES: NONE POWER' AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE NONE CAPACITY- EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT THROUGH 3" LINE CARGO HANDLING DEVICES: 6-8 HYDRAULIC OPERATED MARINE SWIVEL-JOINTED LOADING ARMS MOUNTED ON ELEVATED STEEL STRUCTURE ON WHARF AND 2 PNEUMATIC OPERATED MAST & BOOM CRANES WITH 27' BOOMS FOR HANDLING HOSES & SUPPLIES. ACCESS: RAILWAY: NONE VEHICULAR: VIA W, 8th ST ASPHALT 48' WIDE, FM PICO AVE., & LB FWY SECURITY WATCHMAN SECURITY COMPANY WATCHMAN AMERICAN PLANT SECURITY SIXTEEN HOURS Type/Agency Hours LOCATION OF WATCHMAN ROVING & GATE WATCH FENCING CHAINLIN AROUND ENTIRE FACILITY Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED N/A FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION 16 THROUGHOUT YD(SEE DIAGRAM) PORTABLE 350 LBS PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) DRY CHEMICAL INSIDE ALL SITES OUTSIDE FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT PORTABLE 150 LB. FOAM APPLIANCE/ FOAM EQUIP. MAIN GATE ENTRANCE FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) 35 THROUGHOUT YD(SEE DIAGRAM) FIRE HOSE (NO. & LOCATION 9 PLUS PORTABLE UNITS, THROUGHOUT YD (SEE DIAGRAM) Outside N/A Inside 2-12" 7-8", 5-6" PIPELINES EXTEND Fm WHARF TO 33 STEEL STORAGE TANKS IN REAR OF REFINERY REMARKS: NOS. 58, 59 &60, TOTAL CAP. 1,800,000 BARRELS, TANKS ARE ALSO CONNECTED BY PIPE- LINES WITH 6 STEEL STORAGE TANKS, TOTAL CAP. 400,ooo BARRELS, LOCATED IN REAR OF BERTH 57 ON CHANNEL 3. FACE OF WHARVES ARE IN LINE AND PROVIDE FOR A TOTAL OF 1,645' OF BERTHING SPACE. PIER INSPECTOR I N.H. DULIM PSC CGRG REP. 11-88870 101 EXHIBIT 5 Cont. WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Su rvey Date: NOV 1 1976 FACILITY: BERTH 77 (ARCO TERMINAL #2) PIER NO. LOCATION: APPROX. 0.16 MILE FM HEAD OF CHANNEL 2 OWNED BY: 'CITY OF LONG BEACH Name Day Phone Night Phone Business Address OPERATED BY: ATLANTIC RICHFIELD 436-9071 436-9074 Name. Day Phone Night Phone 1300 W. 8th ST., LONG BEACH, CA 90813 Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: A.R. WESSLEN SUPT.OF OPS ATLANTIC RICH. (213) 596-2021 J GEARING SUPV. F OPS (714) 527-2082 FOREMAN ON DUTY (213) 436-9074 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: RECEIPT OF CRUDE OIL & REFINED PRODUCTS VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: 4 STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED RICHFIELD. HEND.-INTERNATIONSL, ATLAS STEAMSHIP CO DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER N/A WIDTH OF PIER N/A LENGTH OF APRON 300 WIDTH OF APRON- open DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) 43' USABLE BERTHING SPACE 300' HT. DECK ABOVE MLW 14' LOAD CAP. PER SO. FT. 250LBS CONCRETE PILE, CONCRETE DECKED, MARGINAL OFFSHORE WHARF WITH TWO 31' WIDE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION APPROACHES & 3 PIPELINE TRESTLES EXTENDING FROM A STEEL SHEET PILE CELLULAR BULKHEAD WITH SOILD FILL. LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED LIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS: No. N/A No.- N/A No. N A TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION N/A LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) N/A HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) N/A TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) N/A LOAD CAPACITY.(#/ SQ FT) N/A LOCATION OF AUTH0ORIZED PARKING ON EMT SIDE OF MAIN BUILDING NEAR ENTRANCE 4/l/77 REVISED EXHIBIT 5 - Cont. bepth 77 FACILITIES: POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE NONE CAPACITY NONE EMEGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILBALE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT THROUGH 3" LINES CARGO HANDLING DEVICES: 6 - 8", HYDRAULIC OPERATED, SWIVEL-JOINTED LOADING ARMS MOUNTED ON ELEVATED STEEL STRUCTURES ON WHARF. TWO PNEUMATIC OPERATED MAST & BOOM CRANES WITH 27' BOOMS FOR HANDLING HOSES & SUPPLIES. ACCESS: RAILWAY : NONE VEHICULAR: VIA W. 8TH ST., 48' WIDE, FM PICO AVE., & LB FWY SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY COMPANY WATCHMAN/ AMERICAN PLANT SECURITY SIXTEEN HOURS TYPE / AGENCY HOURS LOCATION OF WATCHMAN ROVING & GATE WATCH FENCING CHAINLINK AROUND ENTIRE FACILITY TYPE AREA FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED N/A FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) 16 THROUGHOUT YD (SEE MAP) PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) N/A INSIDE 14 OUTSIDE FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT FOAM EQUIP MAIN GATE ENTRANCE FIRE HYDRANTS (NO. & LOCATION) 9 PLUS PORTABLE UNITS, THROUGHOUT YD (SEE MAP) OUTSIDE N/A INSIDE REMARKS: 1 - 12", 8 - 8", 2 - 6" PIPELINES EXTENDED FM WHARF TO TANKS LOCATED IN REAR OF BERTH 57 ON CHANNEL 3. PIER INSPECTOR R.H. DULIN PSC CGRG REP. 11- 88870 103 WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Survey Date: NOV 1 1976 FACILITY: BERTH 78 (ARCO TERMINAL 2) PIER NO. LOCATION: APPROX. 0.16 MILE FM HEAD OF CHANNEL OWNED BY: CITY OF LONG BEACH Name Day Phone Night Phone Business Address OPERATED BY: ATLANTIC RICHFIELD 436-9071 436-9074 Name Day Phone Night Phone 1300 W. 8th ST., LONG BEACH CA 90813 Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: A. R. WESSLEN SUPT OF OPS ATLANTIC RICH. (213) 596-2021 J. GEARING SUPV OF OPS. " " (714) 527-2082 "FOREMAN OF DUTY" " " (213) 436-9074 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: RECEIPT OF CRUDE OIL AND REFINED PRODUCTS VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: 4 STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED: RICHFIELD, HEND-INTERNATIONAL, ATLAS STEAMSHIP CO DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER N/A WIDTH OF PIER N/A LENGTH OF APRON 300' WIDTH OF APRON OPEN DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) 43' USABLE BERTHING SPACE 300' HT. DECK ABOVE MLW 14' LOAD CAP. PER SQ. FT. 2501 CONCRETE PILE,CONCRETE DECKED, MARGINAL OFFSHORE WHARF WITH TWO 31' WIDE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION - APPROACHES AND THREE PIPELINE THRESTLES EXTENDING FROM A STEEL PILE, CELLULAR BULKHEAD WITH SOLID FILL LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED LIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS: No. N/A No. No. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION N/A LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) N/A HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) N/A TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) N/A LOAD CAPACITY (#/SQ FT) N/A LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING ON EAST SIDE OF MAIN BUILDING NEAR ENTRANCE EXHIBIT 5 Cont. BERTH 78 FACILITIES: POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE NONE CAPACITY NONE EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT THROUGH 3" LINE CARGO HANDLING DEVICES:6-8" HYDRAULIC OPERATED MARINE SWIVEL JOINTED LOADING ARMS MOUNTED ON ELEVATED STEEL STRUCTIRE ON WHARF AND TWO PNEUMATIC OPERATED MAST AND BOOM CRANES WITH 27' BOOMS FOR HANDLING HOSES AND SUPPLIES. ACCESS: RAILWAY: NONE VEHICULAR: VIA W. 8th ST., ASPHALT 48' WIDE FM PICO AVE., & LB FWY SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY COMPANY WATCHMAN/ AMERICAN PLANT SECURITY SIXTEEN HOURS Type/Agency LOCATION OF WATCHMAN ROVING AND GATE WATCH FENCIN CHAINLINK AROUND ENTIRE FACILITY Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED N/A FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) 16 THROUGHOUT YD (SEE MAP) PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) N/A INSIDE 14 OUTSIDE FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT FOAM EQUIP. MAIN GATE ENTRANCE FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) 35, THROUGHOUT YD (SEE MAP) FIRE HOSE (NO. & LOCATION) 9, PLUS PORTABLE UNITS, THROUGHOUT YD (SEE MAP) Outside N/A Inside REMARKS: 1-12", 8-8",2-6" PIPELINES EXTENDED FROM WHARF TO TANKS LOCATED IN REAR OF BERTH 57 ON CHANNEL 3. PIER INSPECTOR R.H. DULIN PSC CGRG REP. 11-88870 105 EXHIBIT -5 Cont, .04 4&0 IV 16 Qi 106 41111110- m m so so 4m am m - #a- --a*- m LEGEND SS = MANUAL SPRINXM SYSTEM CONTROL FA = FIRE ALARM EX = EXTINGUISHER HH = FIRE HOSE & HYDRANT X = VEHICLE FIRE EXIT N OH = OUTSIDE H)MRANT EX S8 SB = MAIN BREAKER SWITCH BOX H FIRE WALL FA OH EX OH ROADWAY OH OH OH OH OH OH TA-NKS FA TANKS TANKS OH OH FA OH @x OH H FA 8 OH -FA ON. E F 0 H OH OH OH FA 0 H FA- - OH F 7. H@ HH H FA -OH ROAfDWAy EX HH FA SIB 300 - a . .r, . *01-1 FA' EX EX C-X -Ho OH OH OH :A HH FA FA "OH FA H6H a FA HH HH H H *EX -HH RTH 76 13ERTH 78 13ERTH 77 I iANNFI: 2 rAT LA N T IC RICHFIELD COMPANY TER* NO.... 2-- E)GIIBIT 6 AMORIENT BERTH 33 EXISTING PETROLEUM FACILITIES 14HARF CHARACTERISTICS Numbers of berths 1 Length of berth(s) (ft) 600 Depth alongside wharf (ft) 44 No. of cargo transfer 4 points to ship 4-811 connecting to 2-10" Size of connections (in) Maximum-discharge rate 10,000 maximum (bbl/hr) Used as a Multi-Commodity Facility 108 EXHIBIT 6 Cont. TERMINAL CHARACTERISTICS Berth backland (acres) 5.4 None. Crude storage capacity (bbl) Refined storage capacity 218',000 (bbl) Distance to refinery (mi) Line to Berth 84-&7.Texaco Tank Far Number of-pipelines. Size of pipeline(s). to 8 ref inery - (in) Maximum pumping rat e to 4,000 refinery (bbl/hr) Ownership of facilities Municipal Leasing agreements Lease 109 EXHIBIT 6 Cont. LUG WA y co 0 Lu cl 0 ix cv -Ll >C d" 41 ca cc lu co 110 TEXACO BERTHS 84-87 EXHIBIT 7 EXISTING PETROLEUM FACILITIES WHARF CHARACTERISTICS Numbers of berths 2 Length of berth(s) (ft) 1970 Depth alongside wharf (ft) 55 (Maintenance Dredge to 62)' No. of cargo transfer 5 points to ship Size of connections (in) 2-12", 3-10" Maximum discharge rate Pumps directly from ship to refinery (bbl/hr) TERMINAL CHARACTERISTICS Berth backland (acrds) 4.5 Crude storage capacity Outside Port District (bbl) Refined storage capacity 245,000 (bbl) Distance to refinery (mi) 2.5 Number.of pipelines 3 Size of pipeline(s). to' 1-24", 1-16", 1-14 refinery (in) Maximum pumping rate to 24"-20,000, 16"-10,000,14"-8,000 refinery (bbl/hr) Ownership of facilities Municipal Leasing agreemen ts Lease WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Survey Date: N0V 1976 FACILITY: BERTH 84 87 PIER NO. LOCATION: INNER HARBOR, NORTH SIDE OF CHANNEL2 & TURNING BASIN OWNED BY: CITY OF LONG BEACH, HARBOR DEPT. 437-0041 SAME Name Day Phone Night Phone P.O. BOX 570, LONG BEACH Business Address OPERATED BY: TEXACO, INC. 432-1950 SAME Name Day Phone Night Phone 2050 EDISON WAY, LONG BEACH Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: H. E. PETERSON DOCK FOREMAN TEXACO (213) 424-6126 R. L. DELINE TER SUPT TEXACO (213) 425-5383 MR. CHADDOCK TECH POLL SPILL CONTROL 596-2036 Name. Position Firm Emerg. Phone RECEIPT & SHIPMENT OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, BUNKERING PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: VESSELS, LOADING BARGES FOR BUNKERING VESSELS. I VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: TANKERS, BARGES, BUNKERING VESSELS (3) STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED: TEXACO, MAINLY & FEW BARGES OCCASSIONALLY DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER 1972' WIDTH OF PIER OPEN LENGTH OF APRON 1972' WIDTH OF APRON OPEN DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) 56" USABLE BERTHING SPACE 1972' HT. DECK ABOVE MLW 16" LOAD CAP. PER SQ. FT. 750LBS CONCRETE PILE, CONCRETE DECKEDOOFFSHORE WHARF WITH 55X20' APPROACHES, FRONTING TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION SLOPING ROCK REVETTED BANK, TIMBER FENDER SYSTEM ALONG. FACE LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED YES TRANSIT SHEDS: No. N/A No. No. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION N/A LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) N/A HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) N/A TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) N/A LOAD CAPACITY (#/ SQ FT) N/A LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING BETWEEN TANK FARM&MAIN BLDG. NEAR DOCKS 4/l/77 REVISED 112 EXHIBIT 7 - Cont. FACILITIES: BERTH 84-87 AC220, 3 PHASE POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE CAPACITY 60 CYCLE EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT 3-2' HOSE CONNECTIONS CARGO HANDLING DEVICES:3-40' WIDE LOADING STATIONS, EACH WITH 8, 8" HYDRAULIC OPERATED, MARINE, SWIREL-JOINTED LOADING ARMS MOUNTED ON AN ELEVATED STEEL STRUCTURE. ACCESS: RAILWAY: NONE VEHICULAR: VIA EDISON AVE., ASPHALT 48' WIDE FM W. 8th ST. SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY ABM SECURITY ALL LOADING TIME Type/Agency Hours LOCATION OF WATCHMAN SHIPBOARD WATCH FENCING CHAINLINK BETWEEN MAIN BLDG. & DOCKS, CONCRETE WALLS Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES; SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED N/A FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATIONS) N/A PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) N/A INSIDE 8 OUTSIDE FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT IN PUMP YARD BETWEEN TANK FARM & DOCK FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) 10 ON DOCK FIRE HOSE (NO. & LOCATION SEVERAL PORTABLE ALONG DOCK Outside N/A Inside REMARKS: 5-10, 3-8 and 2-6 INCH PIPELINES EXTEND TO OIL REFINERY LOCATED ON PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY APPROX. 1 1/2 MILES NORTH OF WHARF. PIER INSPECTOR R.K. WIEGART CWO 2 CGRG REP. 11-36870 113 EDISON WAY 100, UhION PACIFIC RAILROAD PROPERTY 00 i rr i I'T .ZZ OIL TE IVIN 487'-6" 506-d' 50o'-d' BERTH 87 BERTH 86 BERTH 85 BERTH 84 @-3 0 !t 4" So go Om -00 Mo me OH UQUID M N STORAGE Ex EX S8 F@ F1 "_4 MONT:a OH MONT- MONT:"3 MONT41 14 O.H 0 OH rl 0 0 EX BERTH 85 BERTH 84 dH CHANNEL LEGEND 2000" SS = MAP`UAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM CONTROL FA = FIRE ALARM EX = EXTINCRJISHER HH = FIRE HOSE & HYDRANT X = VEHICLE FIRE EXIT OH = OUTSIDE HYDRANT @O MOEN T# ]HX SB MAIN BREAKER SwITCH BOX SC/- L E 1'@- 12 5" MONT"5 MONT 7 MONT OH -70.H OHI QH EX BERTH 87 BERTH 86 CHANNEL 40 EXHIBIT 8 DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY BERTH 1.01 EXISTING LIQUID BULK (CHEMICAL) FACILITIES 117 WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Survey Date: N()V 1976 FACILITY:- RFRTH lQl PIER NO. LOCATION: Long Beach OWNED BY: CIr,- OF LOS ANGELES Name Day Phone Night Phone. Business Address OPERATED BY: DOW CHEMICAL 328-4322 Name Day Phone Night Phone Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: CHARLES LEE TERM MGR .(714) 897-2339 DENNIS BRISCO (714) 898-2763 MAIN PLANT 328-4322 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED:. BULK CARGO VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: TANKERS STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED: VARIQUS DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER WIDTH OF PIER LENGTH OF APRON WIDTH OF APRON DEPTH ALONGSIDE" 011,W) USABLE BERTHING SPACE HT. DECK ABOVE MLW LOAD CAP. PER SO. FT. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION LIGHTED OR UNLIGETED TRANSIT SHEDS: No. No. No.- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT)* LOAD CAPACITY-(#!'SQ FT) LOCATION OF AUTHORTARn PARKTNG 118 A 1 117 6 cont., BERTH FACILITIES: POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS:. VOLTAGE CAPACITY E"ERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATION S: WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT CARGO HANDLING DEVICES: ACCESS: RAILWAY: VEHICU*LAR: SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY. Type/Agency LOCATION OF WATCHMAN FENCING Type Area IFIRE FIGHTING.FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM:. AREA COVERED FIRE ALARMS: (No & @OCATION) PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) INSIDE OUTSIDE 'FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT FIRE HYDRANTS (NO.& LOCATION), FIRE HOSE (NO. LOCATIO14 Outside Inside RalARKS: PIER INSPECTOR WlrZ.= CW 2 CGRG REP.' I 1--MG70 119 At ............" . .............. . . . .. . ........ 01 ;t z az APPROVED $At# cm I..D"* ol tqwcmm "a P'l 'to APPROVED Aqn"W L*4 KACH Ml@ ro @ W." KIM AT: Pw. AMC. -it - A. I doff, WN, momw SOW: Z r VAVMIA omwr A^ Xam 84. o"a to "AR 0 NIFAAt E COPY THm DGW GHNIAIGAL *01 phov LON6 SUCH FACKIT 196 PLOT PLAN a 01 EXITOIT 8 cont.. 'VIA Sr.ArGA AND PA-4N& DOcle emrmlcAl- TA tv K S ro R 14& &W A RJrA A cc a -15 RVA P 13.=,R-rN or F*Ff rfRff PR&rAtCr.';D-Al, &Moj4j-r*R STA;RW.41S O'A"?4 Cq^;,W 121 1 ARCO BERTHS 118-119 EMIIBIT 9. EXISTING PETROLEUM FACILITIES 14HARP CIURACTERISTICS Numbers of berths 1 Length of berth(s) (ft) 1200 Depth alongside wha'rf (ft) 55 (Maintenance Dredge to 62) No. of cargo transfer 2 points to ship Size of connections (in) 1 - 2401, 1 - 14" Maximum discharge rate 24" - 25,000 (crude) (bbl/hr) 14" - 4,000 (fuel) TERMINAL CHARACTERISTICS. Berth backland (acres) 12.4 Crude storage capacity Outside Port District (bbl) Refined storage capacity None (bb 1) .'Distance to refinery (mi) 2.5 mi to Terminal Two then 3.5 mi to refinery from Terminal Two. Number of pipelines. 2 Size of pipeline(s> to 24" to Terminal Two & Edison refinery (in) 14" fuel to Terminal Two Maximum pumping rate to 25,000 refinery (bbl/hr) Ownership of fa%-;@,4-11.ties Municipal Leasing agreements Lease 122 EXHIBIT 9 Cont. WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY. Survey Date: NOV 1 1976 FACILITY: PERTH 118-112 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD PIER NO. E WEST SIDE OF INNER HARBOR ENTRANCE CHANNEL,EAST SIDE OF PIER E APPROX. LOCATION: 0.30 MILES SO. OF GERALD DESMOND BRIDGE. OWNED BY: CITY OF LONG BEACH Name Day Phone Night Phone 211 MARINER AVE, P.O. BOX 570, LONG BEACH Business Address OPERATED BY: ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO 436-9071 436-9074 Name Day Phone Night Phone 1300 W. 8th ST., LONG BEACH, 90813. Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: 596-2021 A. R. WESSLEN SUPV OF OPS J. GEARING SUPV OF OPS, (714) 527-2882 36-9074 FORMAN ON DUTY 4 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: RECEIPT OF CRUDE OIL SHIPMENT OF PETROLEUM AND BUNKER- ING OF VESSELS. VESSELS ACCOMMODATED:- OIL TANKERS STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED:' RICHFIELD, HENO-INTERNATIONSL, ATLAS STEAMSHIP CO DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER N/A WIDTH OF PIER N/A So WHARF -NO. CTR WHARF SO CTR NO. LENGTH OF APRON 68' 68' 92' WIDTH OF APRON 116, 116, 116 DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) 52' USABLE BERTHING SPACE 480' HT. DECK ABOVE MLW 25' LOAD CAP. PER SQ. FT. 500 WHARF CONSISTS OF THREE CONCRETE PILE, CONCRETE DECKED PARALLEL WHARVES, 90' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIONAPART; RUBBER FENDER SYSTEM ALONG FACES, 2 RECTANGULAR- SHAPED BREASTINC DOLPHINS IN LINE WITH FACES. LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED LIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS: No. N/A No. No. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION __ N/A LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) N/A HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) N/A TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) N/A LOAD CAPACITY.(#, SQ FT) N/A LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING INSIDE FRONT GATE CO. OF GUARD GATE 123 4/1/77 REVISED EXHIBIT 9 - Cont. BERTH 118-119 FACILITIES: P0WER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE 220 CAPACITY 3PHASE, 60 CYCLE EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS" AMOUNT 6" LINE WTTH-2 1/2" HOSE CONNECTIONS CARGO HANDLING DEVICES:5-12" HYDRAULIC OPERATED MARINE SWIVEL-JOINTED LOADING ARMS ON. ELEVATED STEEL STRUCTURE ON CENTER EHARF ACCESS: RAILWAY:_ NONE VEHICULAR: VIA PRIVATE RD. FM PINE AVE. 48' WIDE SECURITY: WATCHMAN ON DUTY TWENTY-FOUR HOURS WHEN SHIP IS BEING WADED WATCHMAN SEC URITY AMERICAN PLANT PROTECTION 6am 6pm Type/Agency LOCATION OF WATCHMAN FRONT GATE FENCING CNAINLINK-EAST SIDE, SOUTH SIDE, NORTH SIDE Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED none FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) NONE PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) INSIDE 2 OUTSIDE FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT P0RTABLE 180# CAP APPLIANCES FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) 3-WEST SIDE OF DOCK 4 HYDRANTS NEAR WATER LINE ON SO. SIDE OF BERTH - FACILITY HAS FIRE HOSE (NO. & LOCATION' Outside 8-ON DOCK ALONG WEST N/A Inside.: Vessels up to 920' long can berth at wharves by using shore moorings. Steel-walkway, 2' REMARKS: wide, connection of wharves and dolphins. One 24 and one 14" pipeline from wharf to Storage tanks described and located in rear of Ref. Nos. 58, 59 and 60. Timber pile, timber of wharf, used as fueling station for small craft. One 900 barrel slop tank located in rear with one 31" pipeline extending to wharf.' PIER INSPECTOR R.K. WIEFERT CWO 2 cGRr. REP. 11-88870 124 EXHIBIT 9 Cont. C. 00 f- 0, (P 74 125 L;&IIBIT 9 Cont. PORT DF LON6 --REAC.111 I L U@LkT Hl 111 - 119 c: rn )> F. 1.4 D1 c; , m -4 Ul --RLAC 70 > fTl tv -4 ? .. 1 -1 -,t- F- K 0 D fn Z- LUATEK 0 0 0 0 LEGM ss MANuAL SPRINIaM 713 "ySTEM CONTROL FA FIRE ALARM M @MINGUISHER 4- H[f FIRE HOSE & HYDRANT 1@4 0 0 )100 ip, X = VEHICLE FIRE EXIT FO = FO.AM EQUIPMENT PS - PUMP SWITCH G, 126 E? - EMERG FUEL SHM OFF EXHIBIT 10 EXXON BERTH'209 EXISTING PETROLEUM FACILITIES* WHARF CHARACTERISTICS Number of berths 1 Length of Berth(s) 550 Depth alongside wharf MY 38 No. of cargo transfer 1 points to ship Size of connections (in) 12" to Panorama Drive Terminal One 6" and one 8" Berth to ship, each with max discharge rate of 5,0.00 bbl/hr. TERMINAL CHARACTERISTICS Refined storage capacity 402,200 Leasing Agreements Lease on tank farm Used as a Mult-Commodity Facility See also figure for Berth 210, Exhibit 10 127 WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Survey Date: 1976-, 6C FACILITY: BERTH 209 PIER NO. A 7- LOCATION: PORT OF LONG BEACHI PIER A OWNED BY: CI@Y OF LONG REACH Al Name Day Phone Night Phone 1!,Q, BOX 201 IQ. LMQ BEACH Q& Business Address OPERATED'BY: Q71 SAME _QrEAN SALT 431 0 Name Day Phone Night Phone 1250 PANLIRAMA DRIVE Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: D, DUTRO PWIT SUPT. (714) 4-181 PAT FATTI&MI M-L EQR_ Name Position Firni Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: BUIX VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HA14DLED: ATLM DkSCRIPTION' rIER: LENGTH OF PIER 5231 WIDTH OF PIER 1450 LENGTH OF APRON 5931 WIDTH OF APRON OPEN DEPTH ALONGSIDE (JILW)_. 321 USABLE BERTHINC SPACE 5501 HT. DECK ABOVE MLW LOAD CAP. PER SO. FT. 20001gq TYPE OF CONS TRUCTI ON_"r GREJE VIALL, ASEHAT-T Sl,'RFACE LIGHTED-OR UNLIGHTED. TRANSIT SHEDS: No. NONE No. No. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION NONE LENGTII AND WIDTH (FT) HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) NoNp LOAD CAPACITY (#/ SQ FT) LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PAPj('r,!C OF TIERTH (NORTH SIDE) 128 4/1/77 kFVTRFl) EXhibiT 10-cont. FACILITIES: BERTH 209 POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE CAPACITY N/A NONE EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT NONE CARGO HANDLING DEVICES: CONVEYOR BELTS ACCESS:l RAILWAY YES, TWO LinEs. TRUCK LOADING AND OFF LOADING SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY NONE Type Agency Hours LOCATION OF WATCHMAN NONE FENCING_______CHAINLINK, STREET SEDE AND BETWEEN BERTHS 208 and 209-4 ACRES Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED NONE FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) NONE PORTABLE FXTINGUISHERS (NO.) NONE INSIDE YES OUTSIDE NONE, FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) YES FIRE HOSE (.NO. & LOCATION) NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE RESTROOM BUILDING Outside Inside REMARKS: VACANT PIER INSPECTOR R.K. WIEGERT CMO 2 CGRG REP.11-88870 129 PAWOAAM. OR. P/Ep, I 51 Roo,," 7o' POIS 3f 7' SW/TC// 5 L3 10'r P eox 5-0' -A WA -f F,? 5FRTH ZO@9 mi 3r" L F 6 FIV rl 14 J4 FliqF1 so B,6R TH 20q tTr4+ p 130. IT 10 - cont. EXHIB NATIONAL MoLASSES.BERTH 210 EXISTING PETROLEUM FACILITIES WHARF CHARACTERISTICS Numbers of berths 1 Length of* berth(s) (ft) 550 Depth alongside wharf (ft) 40 No. of cargo transfer 1 points to ship 12" to Panorama Drive 'Terminal Size of connections (in) One 8" at Berth to ship Maximum discharge rate 3,000 (bbl/hr) Bunkering, water Ship services needed Used as a multi-Commmodity Facility 131 k;YMBIT 10 Cont. TERMINAL CHARACTERISTICS' Berth backland (acres) 3.7 None .Crude storage capacity' (bbl) 402'200: Refined storage capacity (bbl) Distance to,refinery (mi) No refinery involved. None. Number-of pipelines. P Size of pipeline(s) to None refinery (in) Maximum pumping rate to None refinery (bbl/hr) Ownership of facilities Municipal Leasing agreements Lease on tanl@ farm 132 WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY Survey Date: NOV 1 1976 FACILITY: BERTH 210 & 211 PIER NO. A LOCATION: N/W SIDE OF SOUTHEAST BASIN, LONG BEACH OWNED BY: CITY OF LONG BEACH, HARBOR DEPT. 437-0041 SAME Name Day Phone, Night Phone, P.O. BOX 570, LONG BEACH Business Address OPERATED BY: KOPPEL BULK TERMINAL 436-9776 436-9777- Name Day Phone Night Phone PIER A BERTH 211 Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: GEORGE KOPPEL RESIDENT KOPPEL GRAIN CO. (213)425-8722 CHICK HAWTHORNE ASSIST. SUPT. (714)848-9062 DAVE NOE (714)963-1050 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: EXPORT GRAIN TERMTNAL, VESSELS ACCOMODATED: BULK GRAIN CARRIES STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED: VARIOUS DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER 550' WIDTH OF PIER, OPEN LENGTH OF APRON 550' WIDTH OF APRON 35' USABLE BERTHING SPACE DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) 42' 550' HT. DECK ABOVE MLW 19' LOAD CAP. PER SQ. FT. 2000LBS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION, CONCRETE PILING AND DOCK LIG HTED OR UNLIGHTED LIGHTED TRANSIT SHEDS: No. I ON 211 No 2 ON 210 No. GRAIN ELEVATOR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION METAL METAL CONCRETE LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) 200X80 205X90 60 Dia. HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) 50 40 300 TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT) NA 18000 2,000,000 LOAD CAPACITY.(#/ SQ FT) N/A. 2,000 2,000 LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING IN FRONT OF OFFICE ON 211 133 BERTH 210&211 FACILITIES: POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE 100KWH CAPACITY. NA FMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: AMOUNT 2" HOSE CARGO HANDLING DEVICES: 5 GRAIN LOADING SPOUTS BOXCAR DUMPER ACCESS: RAILWAY:' HARBOR BELT LINE (TR ACKS) VEHICULAR: VIA PANORAMA DRIVE SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY N/A TyPe/Agency Hours LOCAT16N OF WATCHMAN- N/A FENCING N/A Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: KLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED NONE SPRIN FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) 2 OUTSIDE PORTABLE-EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) -INSIDE OUTSIDE FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT NONE FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) 2 0UTSIDE FIRE HOSE (NO. & LOCATION I S/W CORNER 211 Outside NONE Inside REMARKS: ACCESS VIA PANORAMA AT PICO PIER INSPECTOR R.K. WIEGERT CWO 2 CGRG REP. 11-488870 134 dole, Eza CALIF. PT. OF AOR)CULTURE CIO 135 71 - (DERTH 2_09) ey 910a4lPS) R.A ISALT S70 Aef 'A 5jo RlFt ,42 IV @FX 7-11V6 411. r17119F SCALE )"-,oo X V&,qIC4:. 'Ell 136 EMUBIT 10 Cont. mw 67A SHOP 0 L. EFU4'e 0 A,71- W Y4)k4,V, ZZ5 L FA 3-5 (A PROW-> 4Wrllve, 1:500@WI44 A 4- C. 1;, Lr, vl-@Wl AX/2 0 @El, TI-1 2 5CALF- 137 EXHIBIT 11 NATIONAL MOLASSES BERTH 242 EX%ISTING LIQUID BULK (CHEMICAL) FACILITIES Name & Location: Berth-242, Pier J. West side of.Pier i about 0.60 miles'south of Panorama Drive Operated hy: National Molasses Terminal Wharf Description Length (ft.): 150 Width (ft.):, --- Lighted: yes Load Capacity (lb./sq.ft.): --- Design Depth: Pierhead - 36 ft.; 9 ft. out -42 feet Height of Deck @ MLLW (ft.): 15.2 Type of Construction: Concrete piled, concrete decked marginal. offshore wharf.-with,one 30' wide approach from dike Open Storage Area (sq.ft.) & Location: None Mechanical Handling Facilities: pumping and pipeline system de- signed to load and unload products from barges, ships,. railroad. cara, and trucks. ' Stora:ge.-capacity is 18,612,000 gallons with tanks ranging in size.from,6,000 to 3,000,000 gal Ions. Highway'Conne*ctions: Via Pier J Avenue (marginal) Panorama Dr ive (access) Railway Connections Railroad tracks service the area Water SuPPlY None Electric SupplX None Fire Protection Fire hydrants and Watchmen 138 EXHIBIT 11 cont, WATERFRONT FACILITY SURVEY' 1976 Survey Date: FACILITY: BERTH 242 PIER NO. SOUTHEAST BASIN, PIER J LOCATION: OWNED BY': CITY OF LONG BEACH 437-0041 SAME Name Day Phone Night Phone P.O. BOX 20110, LONG BEACH, 90861 Business Address OPERATED BY: NAT. MOLASSES CO. 435-5623 Name Day Phone Night Phone 1395 PIER J AVE., LONG BEACH Business Address EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: JOHN SHERMAN TERM MGR. NMc (213)423-5198 PRMANDO CALDERON NMC (213) 591-0475 LEE WALTER ASSIT. MGR. NMC (213) 426-5786 Name Position Firm Emerg. Phone PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED: TRANSPORTING MOLASSES VESSELS ACCOMMODATED: TANKERS STEAMSHIP LINES REGULARLY HANDLED: VARI0US DESCRIPTION PIER: LENGTH OF PIER 600' WIDTH OF PIER 90' LENGTH OF APRON 600', WIDTH OF APRON 60' DEPTH ALONGSIDE (MLW) 40' USABLE BERTHING SPACE 400' HT. DECKABOVE MLW LOAD CAP. PER SQ. FT. N/A TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION REINFORCED CONCRETE PILINGS AND DECK ASPHALT TOP LIGHTED OR UNLIGHTED MERCURY VAPOR TRANSIT SHEDS: No. NONE No. No. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION THERE ARE STORAGE TANKS (SEE MAP) LENGTH AND WIDTH (FT) N/A HEIGHT INSIDE (FT) N/A TOTAL CARGO FLOOR (SQ FT). N/A LOAD CAPACITY.(#/ SQ FT) N/A LOCATION OF AUTHORIZED PARKING NEXT TO OFFICE 139 BERTH 242 FACILITIES: POWER AVAILABLE TO VESSELS: VOLTAGE NONE EMERGENCY POWER ACCOMMODATIONS: NONE WATER SUPPLY AVAILABLE TO VESSELS:. AMOUNT 3 1/2 HOSE (ONE) CARGO HANDLING DEVICES: ONLY THE STORAGE, TANKS AND THE PIPES THRU WHICH THE MOLASSES PASSES ACCESS: RAILWAY: 1 TRACK 600' BEHIND TANKS VEHICULAR: FROM PIER J AVE., TOYOTA YARD SECURITY: WATCHMAN SECURITY OWNER 18 DAYTIME Type/Agency Hours IN OFFICE LOCATION OF WATCHMAN FENCING CYCLONE/ WITH BARBED WIRE PERIMETER Type Area FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: AREA COVERED NONE 'FIRE ALARMS: (NO & LOCATION) PHONE IN OFFICE PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS (NO.) 3 INSIDE NONE OUTSIDE FOAM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT NONE FIRE HYDRANTS (NO & LOCATION) 2 IN OFFICBS FIRE HOSE (NO. LOCATION) NONE Outside NONE inside REMARKS PIER INSPECTOR R.K. WIEGERT CWO 2 CGRG REP. 11-88870 140 BERTH 242, O O O O WO - - - - - - O . . O . O 0 0 O O CON"ElrEO 0 W4HAX;l 00000*00 00 O O 0 O O O OOOOO OX. X-0-0000 O 0 00 0 O0 0 0 000 00 0000 0 000 0 0 O a 0 0 6 0 0 O 0 0 0 9 it 0 O 0 O 0 0 00 a 0*9,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 000O000000O00006040*0000000000 000000000000a00**Soo* OOOO*&00000 00000000000* 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 . O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 O0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O O-OOOOq: O: a 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 *Go 0 0 0 0 00 ****O 0000000*00000 000900 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 00 0 0 0 e?SOO%"O" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0000000000*00* 0 0 0 OO O 0 O 6 0 0 0 0 0 a so 000 0 0 00 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 1000000000 0 0 O 0 0 a 00 OOO *,***O*.Ooooo 0 0 0 0 46.0 O0 000O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOOGOO 0 0000 0 .0000.0.0.00: 000000 so O a O 0 0 0 'O kw 0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 OO: VO 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 O *00*00 O* 00 00000 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 go* 00.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0@-* O@q` @100 0* 0 00 0*0 0000 0000 0 OOO O's 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :O:.:-:: 'O0 00 .0 a 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 11 01 t 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O O O O F-i 0 0 0, O0 O O 00*00 a00 0 O00 0 0O0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 00 000. 6 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0O 0 0*0 0 00 O* 0 0O * O O O0 O O *00 0 0 0 00 0 4. 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0a 0O O.* 00 0 0 00 0 a 0000 0 0 000 so 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 O 0 O000 . 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 a 0 0* 0 0 00 * 0 00 O 0 00 O O 0 0 00 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 00 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 e 0 O 0 0 0 0 010 a 0 0 00 0 00000000000000 000 00 0*Jo *OF XLzRi X @6X ira @O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O 00 , 0 O 0 . O 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O .00000 .Jo :00 000 000 Oo* 0*0 *00 0 00 0 0G. 00 .;,, , 0 0 O00 0 or 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O's 0 O 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0,0 O O 4 a 0 O 0 O 0O 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 04. O 00000a 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 &---.A6 --A PIER i AVE NUE C. 12 rt, low, No EXIIBIT ll.- Cont. TOYO AU'rO I; &IMY. _IpIrAf V@ 00 P, tip D IDL F-I L46 I -Mi 7 1 -2 4 Terminal Maintenance Inventory The Harbor Department Maintenance Division has principal responsibility for a variety of facility maintenance pro- grams which incorporate special safety provisions. These programs cover all Harbor owned facilities which are either municipally or lessee operated (See Exhibit 12). The preventive maintenance prog ram involves repair, upgrading and periodic inspections of warehouses, buildingst transit sheds and other terminal structures and facilities. It covers repair and inspection of wharves, especially when a change of operator is involved. Cargo handling equipment, generally maintained by stevedoring companies, is periodically inspected to assure that safety and maintenance standards are enforced. Cargo transporting equipment such as trucks, railroads and ships are main- tained by owners. Roadway repair is implemented by contractors under the direction of the Maintenance Division, except that the Engineering Division coor- dinates contracts on major jobs. The Maintenance Division operates and coordinates various heavy equip- ment belonging to the Port which may be used in cases of oil spill or emergency repairs. The normal maintenance program encompasses lease and assignment areas, roadways, Port owned railroads, Port utilities, and oil pipelines. Routine maintenance is performed by the Maintenance Division, while mainten- ance due to damage is the responsibility of tenants. If tenants do not perform repairs the Maintanance Division does and.bills the tenant. The primary responsibility for railroad repairs belongs to the railroad company using those lines. The Maintenance Division makes only minor repairs. Both utilities and oil pipelines are the responsibility of individual concerns involved. The fire system maintenance program covers inspection, certification and installation of extinguishers, sprinklers, fire boats, alarm systems, and special fire system requirements. Responsibilities for inspection .and maintenance and certification are distributed among the Harbor Department, the Fire Department and the Port tenants. Table 9 lists Port tenants, their locations, and the distribution of fire system maintenance responsi- bilities between the Harbor Department and tenants. Most of the maintenance responsibilities are assigned through the lease to the tenants. Exhibit 12 also shows a typical example of an attachment to the leases which assigns such maintenance responsibilities. 143 EXHIBIT 12 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM A. Warehouses, Buildings, Transit Sheds. 1) Move-out & Move-in inspections. (Tenant change). Items to be repaired are listed; repair work costs billed to tenant responsible (except where lease provisions state otherwise). Any necessary up- grading would take'place at this time (at Harbor Dept. expense.) Facility should be in-good and safe condition when new tenant moves in. 2) Included are plumbing & fixtures, wiring, misc. electrical, windows, doors, area lighting, fencing, walls, floors, roof, misc. utilities, painting, fire protection, outside areas, loading docks, Duty to repair spelled out in lease. 3) Routine, periodic inspections take place; repairs needed are taken care of in same way. B. Wharves 1) Includes piling, fender system, camels, floating docks, piers. 2) Move in - Move Out inspections & duty to repair as in "A" above. 3) Routine, periodic inspections as in "A" above. C. Cargo Handling Equipment 1) Fork Lifts (Maintained by: Stevedoring Co.) 2) "Big Red's" (Maintained by: Stevedoring Co.) 3) Cranes TYPE OF MAINT. FREQUENCY OF FREQUENCY OF LOAD TEST/ CRANE BY INSPECTION MAINTENANCE CERTIFICATION Container Tenant Hourly/Daily/ Hourly/Daily/ Annually/ Weekly Weekly Quad. Annually Gantry MAint- Dailv/Weeklv/ Daily/ Annually/ (Pier D) Div. Quarterly Weekly Quad. Annually 18 Mos.(US Flags) 18 mos.(US Flag) Annually (USCG) Ship Owner Am. Bureau CABS) (ABS) Floating Owner Daily/Weekly Hourly/Daily/ Annually/ (ABS)(USCG) Weekly (ABS) Quad. Annually. Land Hourly/ Hourly/ Annually/ (Portable) Owner Daily Daily Quad. Annually TABLE 8 144 EXHIBIT.12-Cont. 4) Transtainers (Maintained by: Stevedoring Co.) 1. Lumber-type container carriers (maint. by Steve. Co.) D. Cargo Transporting Equipment 1) Trucks & trailers (maintained by: owners, effectiveness varies) 2) Railroad (owner maintained) 3) Ship (owner maintained) E. Roadways 1) Patch paving (sustaining-contract) at direction of Mainti Division. 2) Major jobs (Engineering) sustaining contract.. F. Maintenance Division Equipment (all on P.M. schedule by hours or mileage). 1) Trucks, cranes, misc.'heavy equip. (could be required for emergency repairs at any port facility). 2) Big Dipper spill clban-up) 3)' Portable generator(s) (Energy-power) NORMAL MAINTENANCE A. Lease areas, Assignments, etc.. 1) Maintenance done after damage occurs. a. Damage report made out by security, tenant, or others. b. Tenant or other person responsible may repair, contract out, or have work done by Maint. Division. (Duty to repair spelled out in lease, assign., agreement, etc.). If tenants, responsi- bility, work to be done in 30 days or Maint. Division does work & bills tenant (RWO). c. Problems in getting tenants to do work in reasonable length of time, but still insisting on Maint. Division not doing repair. 2) Routine or periodic maintenance (By Maint. Div.) 145 EXHIBIT 12 -Cont. B. ROADWAYS 1) Periodically scheduled resurfacing or reconstruction. (Engineering/budgetary,decision) can be bid or sus- taining contract or maintenance (partially). 2) Patch paving. C. RAILROADS (Most Port owned; some S.P.R.R.) 1) Responsibility of S.P.R.R. (usually). 2) Minor repairs sometimes done by Maint. Division. D. UTILITIES 1) WATER (Primarily by Maint. Division, including periodic inspection & testing). 2) ELECTRICAL (Edison) 3) GAS (City of Long Beach) 4. PHONE (General Telephone Co.; ITT in Adm. Bldg.) 5.- FIRE ALARM (city or Tenant) E. OIL PROPERTIES (by individual oil co.) III. FIRE SYTEMS (Maintenance of) A. Extinguisher inspection and certification 1) Harbor.Dept. (by Maint. Div.) 2) Tenants (Tenant's contractors), B. Sprinklers in Buildings (Maint. & Test: City or Tenant) C. Fire boats (Long Beach Fire Dept. & Harbor Dept.) D. Alarm Systems (Maint. & Test: City or Tenant) E. Fire system requirements in leased facilities (insp. & test: City or Tenant) IV. SPECIALIZED MAINTENANCE TASKS, INSPECTIONS, TESTS, AND/OR CERTIFICATIONS RELATIVE TO TRANSPORT, STORAGE, LOADING, OR UNLOADING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. 146 EXHIBIT 12-Cont. None known for Maintenance Division. Could be same'for specialized tenants. V. PROCEDURES IN EMERGENCY FOR MAINTENANCE DIVISION PERSONNEL. A. oil (or other) spill in.Harbor': ordinarily not responsible. (Big Dipper' could be converted)., B. Fire: ordinarily not involved. C. Power failure: Maintenance Division'has a few; 'small portablegenerators. D. Communications failure:* 'radio back-up in maintenance/ security vehicles. (3 base'station E. Pipeline break: If-watek, maint. division responsible. Others by owner. 147 PORT OF L014C MACH FIRE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE MAINTEI-ANCE RESPONSIBILITY LESSEE INSIDE OUTSIDE, Forest Terminals Corp. L H 911, 961 Pier "A" Avenue Atlantic Richfield-Co. -21@, 213 -155 Piei@ d Aven@i L @ier 2; 52,53.54 (HD Bld 22) Powell River-Alberni Sales.Corp. L L (HD 7. - 1-7-01 rowerine Oil C"Vany L L 1405 V. 7th Thum@ L L 880 win Texaco, Inc. L L Channel 2, Berths 84-87 Koppel L' L Exxon L L A-(1-5) & (11-33) F-(6-10) (201-211), National Molasses L L 987 Pier A Ave./1395 Pier.J.Av* Canal Industrial Park, Inc, (PASHA) L L 680 Pier E Avenue/387 Baker Commodities L D-32 /530 Pier "D" Avenue Chevron-USA L L A;-Il Cooper Stevedoring Co. Inc. L L A-9, 10, 201 Crescent Terminals L L 1251 Pier "F" Avenue Fremont Forest Products L L 1933 Edison Way Gas Dept. City of Long Beach L L 1256 Pier "J" Avenue Great Lakes Carbon L L 1241 Pier "G" Avenu e IMC Carbon Products L L 1029 Pier "G" Avenue International Transportation Ser. L L A-11 KMHC, INC. Kaiser Gypsum L L 1380 Water St. Lomita Gasoline L L A-9 (Rm. in end of Tr. shd.) Long Beao Terminal Co. (Aworlint L L 20 Lugger Way Oil) Madison Interseas Maersk Line Pacific Inc. L L G-228, 229 Marine Metals, Inc. L L Warehouse #5 Marine Terminals. L L 920 Pier "A" Avenue Metropolitan Stevedore Co. L L G-212-215 National Gypsum Co. L L Channel, Berth 83 Pacific Maritime Ser. (PCT) L L J-245-246 ealand Ser. L L C-227-230 United States Lines L L G-230 L 6"e LSSe, rr M TABLE 9 W:: By WA0110P. 148 tXhISIT 1Z L;onr.. Powell River-Alberni Sales Corporation LEASE ARFA 1570 West Eighth Street He D. BUILDING NO. Whse #6 (Bldg 230), MAP. REFERENCE HD 3-123 COST OF UTILITY SERVICES TO BE PAID BY: FDK=TRICAL GAS JANITOR TRA%U* DUTY TO IMPAIR OR MAINTAIN: HARBOR LESSEE CA11PENTRY. [I]Inside Outside ELECTRICAL nL Inside [00utside FIRE PROTECTION [jjInside IDOutside GROUNDS E]Outside (Pav@ing) PAINTING [K]Inside [@Outside PLUMING Inside ElOutside SPECIAL PROVISIONS: 1. SubJect to the'duti6s and responsibil Iities of the City as otherwise pro vided herein, Lessee accepts the premises "as ie'.. and"covenants that it will during the term well.ana sufficiently repair., maintain,, cleanse., amend and keep the premises with the appurtenances in good and substantial repair.,.ancl .all fixtures and things thereto belonging, which at any time during the term shall be erected and made,, when., -where and so often as need may be., excepting reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire, earthquakey floody lighting, tem, pest, Act. of God., or by or arising as a result of war,, riotj, civil disturbance., vandalism., sabotage or explosionj, and any repairs due to damage to, or deteriora ..tion of,, or lack of repair of the structure or foundations or walls or-roof Of the premises., except where such.danage has been caused by the negligence of the Lessee, its officers, agents or employees. Cityagrees that upon receipt of written notice from Lessee of the necessity thereof., it will make., at its sole cost-and expense) all structural and ex- terior repairs., including all repairs to the roof., exterior walls: floor., pilings and pavementj, resii1ting from ordinary wear and tear and action of the elements., and except for reasonablewear and tear and action of the ele- ments., City shall have no obligation to make any repairs or perform any main- tenance; provided, however., where damage is caused by the negligent or in- tentional acts of Lessee., its employees., officers or agents., City may make -all necessary repairs., and Lessee shall reimburse City only for the reasonable cost of that portion of such damage as is directly attributable to-said negligent or intentional acts. All fire protection sprinkler systems, fire hydrant systems., standpipe systems, fire alarm systems, portable fire extinguishers and other fire-protective or extinguishing systems or appliances shall be maintained by Lessee at all times except vhere repairs or replacements are occasioned by normal wear tearj, which shall be the Iresponsibility of the City. Area 4 149 Form No. HD-M-7 Terminal Safety__Provisions other sections of this text have addressed vessel safety and, in particular, the roles of the Coast Guard, the Port Pilots, the City and various other government agencies in Port safety. Three agencies are principally involved on a day-to-day basis enforcing safe operations in the Port. These.include, first, the Harbor Department, through its Wharfinger and Security personnel, second, the Long Beach Fire Department through its.field officer assigned to the Port, and, third, the Coast Guard through its Captain of the Port's officers. Principal private on-line responsibilities for terminal safety rest with the stevedoring companies and terminal operators. In order to obtain a clearer understanding of the hazardous material handling safety concerns at the terminals, the Port invited representatives of stevedoring companies, terminal operators, and the Coast Guard to participate in a discussion of their respective roles in promoting safety (See Exhibit 13). In addition, participants were requested to submit information re- garding any safety plans and-procedures which they typically utilize with respect to hazardous materials (See Exhibits 14 through 17, and Appendix C). 150 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL HANDLING SAFETY MEETING Measures and Plans Held in the Harbor-Administration Building on May 15, 1979 between the L. B. Harbor Port Staff and Stevedoring Companies Participants: W. A. Hartmann, Safety Officer Harbor Department Dr. John Bollinger, Environ. Mgmt. it If it Adolph Zetterberg, Asst. Dir. Operations Joe Chesler, Environ, Mgmt. It Jeane Loy, Safety Secretary if Dick Kolodziejski, Safety Officer Crescent Terminals Lt. N. S. Porter U. S. Coast Guard Bart McGhee Pacific Maritime Assoc. Al Ames it it if Gene Borg Metropolitan Stevedore Bob Raymond of David Hoppes Marine Terminals Mr. W. A. Hartmann, Port Safety Officer called the meet Ing to order, introduced the participants and made a few remaiks on the purpose of the meeting. He presented Dr. John Bollinger, coordinator of the Port Risk Management Plan, who proceeded to outline the Coastal Act mandates for the Port Master Plan. He stressed that the California Coastal Commission had conditioned the certification of the Port Master-Plan upon completion of a Risk Management Plan. He indicated that the Coastal Commission certification was essential to provide the Board of Harbor Commissioners with authority to approve Coastal Development Permits for Port developments. This would provide local control, and reduce long delays in the bureaucratic process. He further pointed out that the Port is currently engaged in the first"Ihase of the Risk Management study, which involves gathering information on hazards in the Port and existing safety measures and plans. After the latter brief introduction a discussion ensued which is summarized below. Mr. Dick Kolodziejski of Crescent echoed the positions of the other representatives of the stevedores by indicating that he had received inadequate notice of the meeting and was not pre- pared to present any documentation on safety at this time. . Mr. Hartmann re-emphasized that in order to call this meeting it was necessary to have Mr. Frisch of P.M.A. make the contacts and explain what the meeting was about. Unfortunately a suf- ficient explanation was not issued. 151 EXHIBIT 1.3 Cont.1 Hazardous Material Meeting Dick Kolodziejski indicated that in all the years that he has worked in the Port this was the first time in his recollection that a collective meeting of representatives of stevedoring companies had been called by the Harbor Department. Bob Ray- mond of Metropolitan suggested that this could be an opportunity to improve*communications on Port safety issues. A number of problems were identified including: 1. Insufficient notification of contents of foreign containers. 2. Dangerous cargo manifests are not always correct. 3. If containers are unmarked as to hazards, no special safety measures are taken. Also, with hazardous containers handling procedures do not differ significantly. 4. Stevedores expressed grave concern about exposure to asbestos and other carcinogens. They refuse to handle asbestos unless properly packaged in metal drum or rigid containers. Bags of asbestos are easily punctured by forklifts causing exposure. 5.Supervisors of stevedore crews are trained in safety require- ments but not always all dock workers. 6. Many containers are improperly labeled but there is no way of knowing short of checking the contents, which is seldom done. Containers may contain many different items. 7. There is confusion and inconsistencies among various regulations and authorities. Some say you must unload and store commodities in a specified wayand otherssay you shall not. 8. Stevedores believe there is deliberate misrepresentation of commodities by shippers in order to economize and facilitate processing. 9. Stevedores would like to see more support from the Port in coordinating safety and getting more uniform standards. 10. There is currently no direct procedure to notify the Port of a spill. Reports are sent to D.O.T. in Washington. 11. The Port of L.B. does not, according to the stevedores, have designated people to go to all facilities to check hand- ling of hazard material. Reference was made to Monte Gentile, Port of L.A. Wiarden, who acts as a liason between stevedores 152 EXHIBIT 1:3 cont. Hazardous Material Meeting and various-regulatory agencies. In the Port of L.B. there is some .. confusion as to who' has responsibilities' for notifying whom. Mr. Zetterberg, stres.sed that our Harbor Security office does hdve*a complete'procedure.for handling and reporting our accidental spills of all kinds.@ 12. Some conedrn was voiced regarding the inadequacy of the ekisti ng "p ay phone" system available at most terminals for any emergency calls. These phones are either out of order or in use and are, therefore-, not available should emergencies arise. A direct line to the Fire Department or Port Security was suggested. Mr. Hartmann pointed out.that Port Security has a direct line to the Fire Department. Dr. Bollinger acknowledged the problems. that were cited, but indicated that for the purpose of this study he would like the group to respond with some of the hazard material handling measures, procedures, and training provisions which are currently implemented by the stevedores. A number of these measures were identified as follows: 1. Safety officers for various stevedore companies provide hazardous material handling packets when they receive adequate notice of the pending arrival of various hazardous materials according to C.F.R. 49 hazardous classes. A sample of this packet is to be provided for our review. 2. Notices of hazardous cargo shipments are required by the Coast Guard, Cal/OSHA, Fed/OSHAP D.O.T. and other agencies prior to shipment. 3. While stevedore companies compete, they cooperate closely when it comes to a hazardous material incident or spill, and are willing to exchange needed information. 4. When a spill occurs they imm diately remove their personnel until they can identify the substance. Then they work to minimize risks and take extreme precautions. They contact each other and notify key government authorities such as the U.S. Coast Guard or Long Beach Fire Department. 4. a. Many of the companies utilize private industrial hygienist consulutants to advise them whenever hazardous materials are to be received or when there is an accidental spill. 5. They do not open a container unless and until they know what is inside, because if it is cyanide gas vs. talcum powder, @hey may not be prepared. They must know what the material is in order to deal with a spill. 153 EXHIBIT 13 - Cont. Hazardous Material Meeting .6. They prefer to go to a single source for coordination and regulations-rather'tha'n many sources. .7. Mr. A. B. Zetterberg, Assistant Director of Port Operations, indicated that thd'Port' has rejected some hazardous materials due to packaging and handling,inadequacies, such as sulphur clinkers. 8. Employedd are instructed that if they break up a container they should immediately notify their supervisor, and notify all nearby employees if any leaks or damage occur. 9. When employees come to work they are given a notice of safety procedures, and for those who are illiterate a "gangway talk" on safety is provided by the supervisor. Language may be a problem in some cases, however, 10. The hazardous material handling packet mentioned above may be accompanied by various protective gear appropriate to the specific hazard, such as masks, coveralls, fresh air tanks, and other kits. 11. A hazardous material documentation discrepency sheet,which logs thetime of exposure and other on-site conditions, is also provided with'thehazardous material package. 12. Outside specialists are usually called in to clean up hazardous material spills. The stevedores made a number of recommendations for improving Port Safety as follows: 1. Provide direct emergency phone hookups to Fire Department from terminals and paint the telephone numbers on a wall in a conspicious place. 2. Provide a coordinator to facilitate interagency notification and response in case of emergencies. 3. Support the creation of standardized and unified safety regulations. 4. Facilitate improved communication between Port and stevedores on safety concerns. Mr. Hartmann suggested that another meeting be scheduled on May 21, 1979 at 10:00 a.m. at which time safety plans and related materials would be submitted by the stevedoring companies. A number of the participants suggested that some of the other private companies should also be represented, indicating Cooper, CSC, ITS, Sales Brothers, Matson, etc. The meeting was adjourned Compiled by Dr. John Bollinger JB:jml 154 PORT OF LOS ANGELES PORT WARDEN DIVISION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE SUBJECT: Handling of Radioa ctive and/or Fissile Materials P ort of Los Angeles - Tarif No.3 - Section 1392 No person shall st ore, keep,handle,use, dispense or trans- port at, in, or upon any facility or other property under the jurisdiction and control of.the.Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles, any special nuclear material, including, but not limited, to Uranium 233,Uranium 235, Plutonium 239, Plutonium 241; any source material, including, but not limited to' uranium and/or thorium; any irradiated fuel elements; any new re- actor fuel or elements thereof; any radioactive waste material; or any radioactive material moving under special permit or escort' without at least 48 hours' prior written notice to and receipt of special permit from the General Manager of the Los Angeles Harbor Department, provided, however, that only advance notice is re- quired for the movement of medical or industrial isotopes-other than those specifically included in the aforementioned, when packages, marked, labeled and limited as to quanity and radiation emissions in accordance with Interstate Commerce Commission an United States, Coast Guard regulations relating to the transport- ation of explosives and other dangerous articles. The requirements of this Item shall be in addition to the re- quirements of all laws and regulations promulgated. by other gover- nmental agencies exercising jurisdiction over radioactive and/or fissile materials. California Admisistrative Code Title 17 Article 3 - Section 30373 30373 INTRASTATE TRANSPORTATION REGULATIONS No person shall transport any radioactive material outside the confines of his facility or other authorized location of use, or deliver any radioactive material to a carrier for transportation, unless he complies with the applicable requirements of-the regu- lations'. appropriate to the mode of transport, of the United States federal government (10 CFR Part 7]; 49 CFR Parts 170-189; 14 CFR Part 103; 46 CFR Part 146; and 39 CFR Parts 14 and 15) insofar as such regulations relate to the packaging of radio- active material, marking and labeling of the packages, loading and storage of packages, placarding of the transportation vehicle, monitoring requirements and accident reporting. Physicians are exempt from the requirements of this section to the extent that they transport radioactive material for use in the practise of medicine. In the Los Angeles County Area the agency which controls radio- active material is the Los Angeles County Health Department, Radiological Service Division. 155 EXHIBIT 14 - Cont. A. Requirements for Export 1. Forty-eight (48) hour prior notice to Los Angeles Harbor ..Department (Port Warden Division) and Special Permit issued prior to delivery to Port. 2. Prior to delivery to Harbor destination a certification of safety from: Los Angeles County Health Department, Radiological Service Division, 313.North Figueroa, Los Angeles, 90012, Phone: Day-974-7891 Night-974-1234. Material to be packaged as to United.States Department of .Transportation Specifications. 4. Material to be delivered as close to vessel's departure time as possible. 5. If possible,, material to be loaded directly from vehicle to vessel. If material is held at Terminal prior to loading, time limit shall be twenty-four (24) hours. Material shall be held in an isolated area and protected at all times. 6. A Deputy Port Warden shall moniter delivery and loading or storing of material as required. 7. al time and location shall be made to Notification of arriv Los Angeles City Fire Department (Fire Prevention Bureau Phone 548-7531) and United States Coast Guard (Captain of the Port Phone 590-2341). Copy of permit to be sent to both agencies. B. Requirements for Import 1. Prior to material being unloaded from vessel a certification of safety shall be- obtained from Los Angeles County Health Department. If not possible to certify on vessel. it shall be certified immediatelV upon unloading 2. Material shall be packaged as to United States Department of Transportation specifications prior to transport. 3. Prior to arrival,notification shall be made to Los Angeles Harbor Department (Port Warden Division) , Los Angeles Fire Prevention Bureau and United States Coast Guard (Captain of The Port) 4. Material shall. at all times be monitered by supervisor\ personnel and kept secure and isolated as per instructions of No.#5 under Exports.. C. Requirements for Accident or Mishap Incidents l. Clear area of all personnel immediately. Notify Los Angeles Harbor Department (Port Warden Division Phone 548-7892), Captain of The Port, and Los Angeles Fire Department so that a security zone can be established around scene as soon as possible. Continued Page 3 156 Notify Los Angeles County Health Department, Radiological Service Division, Phone: Day-974-7891 Night-974-1234. ..Notify Shipper of material if possible. major companies maintain emergency unit for such incidents. 4. Ste ps to be taken to make the area safe shal.1 be set' by the Los@ Angeles County Health Department offical responding to., the scene. LAWS REGARDING RADTOACTIVE MATERIAL California Admisistrative Code - Title 17 Section 30281 Security Ej Fire Protection of Stored Material Requires material to be locked up and protected during storage. Section 3029 4 Report of Theft or Loss Requires,immediate report by phone to State Health Department .and confirmation by letter, 714 "P11 Street, Sacramento, CA .Section 30295'Report of Incident A. Immediate report to State Health:Department if exposure serious, loss of one week work of facility, or dammage is in excess of $1009000. B. Twenty-four (24) hour not ification if exposure is minor, 1oss of one day work or more of facility,. or damage is in excess of S1,000. Code of Federal Regulation s - Title 49. Section 177.842 Material in Motor Vehicle-Trailer-Storage Location Amount limited to total of transport index numbers tak.en from inclividual packages and not to exceed fifty (50). Distance to persons set by table in-this section based on total of transport index numbers from packages. Section IT3.393b Foreign Package Requires material to be registered with Department of Trans- portation, Office of Hazardous Materials upon entry to country@ Section 176.710 Mishap on Vessel a. Fire-Collision-Breakage Material segregated from unneces- sarv contact with persons. Obvious leakage or inside container appears damaged-area isolated so as to prevent contact in any way with persons. No one to handle or stay in Iarea unless supervised by qualified personnel. b. Hold or compartment in which mishap has occurred shall be decontaminated before use again, Section 176,715. So.-tio'n 177.861 Accidents on land Requires carrier to notify Shipper. Same procedure as in Section 176.710. Section 171.15 Report required Report required by carrier to Department of Transportation of- incident (acciident-clro'pijig-bre,-tlage-etc) Railroad 174.4S Vessel 1"'6.4S Vehicle 177.807. 157 C= C-) 0 0 0 0 M p rt 0 )-A t-A M X 0 o 0 CI CQ rf ri Ib M CQ )-" :3 A) 0 M E5 a) 03 :3 A) M @- (0 0 0 0- vQ :@ :3 U* I "-I r.-I 0 ri pi 0 C7 0 to :j rt )-J. I-- ;D H- r: tv 0 U, N m D) r) r.) ED 06) va - W 0 @J- r? > n 0 0 :3 C:r ry Cr a, 4 M p1n. 0 5? CI) M 110 0 rf co CQ M v 9) 0 0 M C, M H. M P 0 2) M QQ 0 0 M. 0 0 tn cr. M CA C 0 M M 0 ry M M (D 02) 2) w 0 o. 0 0 fA M ca 0 " - 4 rT r? 0 0 0 M 0 0 M L-a ).-A z 0 pi M M rf CI) 0 a* M Ib Cr :3 -j V) W C- 0 a. r? P. 0 0 M Z 0 rD LO rt M rz 0 cc 0 M 0 F3 r- 0 rt r,4 c:-, (D rr C? rt bt C :J Ca r- M a C4 C;' (-T Cz z t M rt M Q I,&- to cl ).- @- ?-" H. t-@ C: rT r? r? ri M 0 Flauvable Compre w r? .0 Oas es S: Nonflar=able Com 0- C) a NO 1 0 Cases 0 00 Ln 0. Flaunable or CorI Ln M 0 0 Co w w ba Licuids, M M Flammable Solids " r? a t" w Combustible -Mate' rT t 4 rt ?A- M M Fla=..able Solids a D M 0 z .0 Svontaneouslv Co rr 0 0 Fla-m,-.aTle Solids 0 " " c@' Dangerous TWhen. T.-I M (7% w 0 r? Ox-t dizers a. I- C) 0 C) 0 M M M 0 M Nj W Organic Peroxidei C:) 0 :3 0 w M M M Class A Poisons Class B Poisons c 0 rr rr Irritating Mater cc :3 U I Corrosive 11-lateri. C: Other Regulated Materials (ORM) FOREMEN'S GUIDE TO SEGREGATION OF BREAKBULK HAZARDOUS MATERIAL (SHIP) I Legend A. On Deck (0) No segregation required (1) 10 ft separation (2) 10 ft separation (3) Separate by one hatch length (4) Separation by vessel's bridge or superstructure (*) Consult with supervision on stowage of explosives B. Under Deck (0) No segregation required (1) 10 ft separation. (2) Separate 'tween deck holds or separate hatches (3) Same hatch but one 'tween deck hold intervening or separate hatches with one hatch intervening (4) Separate hatches with one hatch intervening (*) Consult with supervision on stowage of explosives 3 4(A) 4(B) 4(C) 5(A) 5(B) 6(A) 6(B) 7 8 9 1(A) 1(B) 1(C) 2(A) 2(B) EXPLOSIVES A 1(A) * * * 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 0 EXPLOSIVES B 1(B) * * * 4 2 4 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 0 EXPLOSIVES C 1(C) * * * 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 2 2 0 FLAMMABLE COMPRESSED CASES 2(A) 4 4 2 0 2 1 2 1 2 4 0 0 2 1 0 NONFLAMMABLE COMPRESSED GASES 2(b) 2 2 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS 3 4 4 2 2 2 -- 2 2 2 2 3 2 0 2 1 0 FLAMMABLE SOLIDS 4(A) 4 3 2 1 0 2 --- 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 FLAMMABLE SOLIDS LABELED SPONTNEOUSLY COMBUSTIBLE 4(B) 4 3 2 2 1 2 1 --- 1 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 FLAMMABLE SOLIDS LABELED DANGEROUS WHEN WET 4(C) 4 4 2 1 0 2 1 1 --- 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 OXIDIZERS 5(A) 4 4 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 -- 2 0 1 1 2 0 ORGANIC PEROXIDES' 5(B) 4 4 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 --- 2 1 2 2 0 CLASS A POISONS 6(A) 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 --- 0 1 0 0 CLASS B POISONS OR IRRITATING MATERIALS 6(B) 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 -- 0 0 0 RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS 7 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 0 -- 2 0 CORROSIVE MATERIALS 8 4 2 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 2 -- 0 OTHER REGULATED (ORM) MATERIALS 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 159 Special Notes A. The following commonly handled-cargoes are required to be stowed the same as flammable'solids: Cotton .(@i) Hay (iii) Fibers (baled) such as jute, hemp, kapock, sisal, etc. B., This is only a guide for minimum separation distances for-breakbul.k hazardous materials. Personnel responsible for*assigning proper stowage of hazardous materials must comply with 49 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 100-199. C. 49 CFR 100-@-199 may'require a more stringent segregation for p'articular hazardous materials than.this guide. D. When in doubt, ask proper supervision and/or check with chief mate. 160 SAMPLE HAZARDOUS* MATERIALS IWDLING PACIMT HAZARDOUS . ........ MATERIAL 50 t1i EXHIBIT 16 Cont. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLING NOTIFICATION YOU WILL BE MINIDLING A CARGO CLASSIFIED AS "HAZARDOUS". Handle the packages carefully, avoid damages. In the case of leaks or spills, notify supervision IMMEDIATELY and DO NOT TOUCH THE CONTENTS. Read instructions on the labels or packages. When personal protective equipment is provided, USE IT. Work Safely:, MARINE TERMINALS CORPORATION 162 rAHlb-L'X 10 t;onr-,. IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION REP ORT (TO BE COMPLETED WHEN IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION WAS PROVIDED) DATE: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL(S) CONTAINER NO., IF ANY: CONSIGNEE: CONSIGNOR: BRIEF DESCRIPTION. OF DEFICIENCIES: CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN OR RECOMMENDED: SIGNED: 163 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLING REPORT B@-OTH: TERMINAL: SHIP: DATE-- HAZARDOUS MATERIAL(S) HANDLED: HANDLING PROCEDURE: CONDITION OF CARGO: ROUTINE PRECAUTIONS TAKEN: PER.SONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT PROVIDED: DID THE MEN WEAR THE GEAR PROVIDED? YES NO WERE THE MEN GIVEN THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTIFICATION SHEETS? YES NO NU11BER OF MEN EXPOSED: HOURS 01" EXPOSURE: EMERGENCY PROCEDURE NECESSARY? YES NO IF SO, WHAT WERE THEY? I-11TSCELLANEOUS INFORMATION: EXHIBIT 16 Cont.- HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INFORMATION SHEET DATE NOTIFIED: DATE TO BE HANDLED:. DATE I.S. SENT: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL: SYNONYMS: HAZARDOUS ANALYSIS: TOXICITY: FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARD: COUNTER MEASURES: PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/ EQUIPMENT: OPERATION PROCEDURES: EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: 165 5-16-78 EXHIBIT 17 CHECKLIST FOR THE SAFE HANDLINn OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 1. PLAN AHEAD. If possible, before lChe carqo arrives, you should learn.as much as.you can about the hazardous commodity you will be handling. 2. LEGAL REOUIRtHENTS. You must know the State, Federal and Coast Guard standards governing the material. 3. iNFORIM THE MEN. It is required by law that, all super- visors, foremen, and workers be informed that they are handling hazardous materials. Have them read the labels. 4. ROUTINE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. 'Be sure that the proper safet-v precautions are taken. Have the men been nro- vided with necessary personal protective devices and are they wearing them?. Caution the men as necessary. 5. EMERGENCIES. Whenever possible, the steps necessary to properly handle any spills or leaks must be ascer- tained prior to handling the comnodity. If not possible, whenever a spill or leak is discovered, immediately remove the men from the area until the proper precautions can be learned and taken. WHERE TO FIND THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION (Order of Priority) l.. CONTACT: DAVID HOPPES - MARINE TEP14INALS SAFETY DIRECTOR 2. CONTACT: PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION TRAINING AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION DEPART?.IENT- DAY: 835-0171 NIGHT: HANY FRISCH - AREA SUPERVISOR OR CALL ANSWERING SERVICE 830-1600 Code 901 3. FOR EMER%CENCIES (24 hours/day) CONTACT: CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300 166 section 6 PROPERTY STATUS INVENTORY The Harbor Department acts as the landlord for all municipally owned lands located within the Harbor District. These Port lands are made available by leases, assignmen'ts, etc. to various tenants 'who in turn provide facilities and services for the shipping industry. This "landlord" role allows for flexible siting of Port tenants depending on their land and berth use requirements. It also enables the Port to determine the term and type of lease and the liability requirements of its tenants. Since these terms and conditions are relevant to the management of hazardous uses in the Port, an inventory has been compiled of the lease status of these tenants which handle bulk quantities of hazardous materials in the Port (Table 10). The Port also issues permits for the installation and use of pipelines within its jurisdiction. Since in many cases these pipelines carry petroleum products, an inventory of major pipeline permits and a brief description of their location and other characteristics has been compiled (Table 11). Reference to applicable Harbor Department documents has been included to provide further details. 167 PROPERTY.STATUS INVENTORY RENTER LOCATION TERM 9 TYPE INSURANCE KREMARKS).. BERTHS E' BOND TF_TJKS 16,927 Sq. ft. 3 yrs. 2 months Lease $1,000,000 CSL (Oil Production) at 880 Windham Expires April 1, 1980 No Bon& Avenue. w/4 five year lease options THUMS 37,976 sq. ft. Lease agreement with $500,006/$1,000,000 (Oil Production) land-area at options. Expires on BI, $200,000 PD or 1205 W Broadway December 31, 1980, $1,000,000 CSL. No (oil delivery with option to renew. Bond. site). THUMS (Oil Production) 17,753 sq. ft. 10 year lease, option $500,000/$1,000,000 at 240 S. to renew for 4 Bodily injury, Harbor Scenic additional terms of $2,000,000 Property Dr. for elec- 5 years each, plus a damage.. No Bond trical substa- 5th term of 4 yrs. tion. and 1 month, THUMS Pier J Drill 10 year lease. $1,000,000 CSL (Oil Production) sites, Jl to J6 Expires on June 30, No Bond 580,372.77 sq.. 1982, w/options to ft. renew.-- - THUMS Marine Terminal 10 year lease with $1,000,000 CSL (Oil Production) at 1280 Pier G options to renew. No Bond Avenue (Berth Expires Feb. 29, 1981 216) 138,488 sq. ft. of water area. TABLE 10 168 PROPERTY.STATUS INVENTORY (CON'T) RENTER 1OCATION, ..TERM & TYPE INSURANCE. IREMARKS). & BERTHS EXPIRATION & BOND THUMS 36,544 Sq. ft. 27 year lease with $500,000/$1,000,000 (Oil Production) building and options. Expires BI, $200,000 PD or adjacent park- March 31, 1986. $liO00'O0O CSL - 100% ing area at 840 Fire Policy by City. Van Camp St. No Bond. 78,998 sq. ft. total area. Berth 6 FOREST TERMINALS Parcel 1, 5 year Preferential $1,000,000 CSL and CORP. (293,179 sq. ft)Assignment with optior$1,330,000 FFL. Bond (Lumber Products) at 911 Pier A for 5 additional guaranteed by Crown enue, and years. Expires March Zellerbach. Parcel 111 31, 1980. (12,870 sq. ft., including bldgs. RD 107 & 171 at 961 Pier A Ave. POWELL RIVER- Pier 2, Berths 5 year Preferential $2,000,000 CSL. ALBERNI SALES 52, 53, 54 and Assignment Agreement No Bond CORPORATION adjacent water. Expires March 31, (Lumber & News- Land, 187,896 1983. print). sq. ft. incl. excl. certain offices and parking areas. POWELL.RIVER- Warehouse No. 6 5 year lease. Expires$2,000,000 CSL. ALBERNI SALES (Bldg. HD-230) March 31, 1983 or No Bond. CORPORATION 09,853 sq. ft. upon termination of (Lumber & News- lus 110, 683 PAA. print). q. ft. yard rea, 1570 W. th Street. TABLE 10 Cont.' 169 PROPERTYSTATUS INVENTORY (CON'T) RENTER LOCATION JERM & TYPE INSURANCE., IRFMARKS). & BERTHS EXPIRATION-- & BOND THUMS 3,938 sq. ft. 4 years, 4 months $500,000/$1,000,000 (Oil Production) water area and with options. BI and $250,000 PD. 76,601 sq. ft. Expires on June 30, No Bond. land area for 1982. parking and boat landing at 1400 S. Harbor Scenic Drive. TEXACO, INC. Berths 84-87 40 year lease. $500,00d/$1,000,000 (Marine Terminal, Channel 2, Expires October 31, BI, $500,000 PD, 9% Petroleum) Parcel 1-181,7842006. Average clause - Fire sq. ft., Parcel No Bond. 1131 242,622 sq. ft., Parcel III, 24,928 sq. ft., Parcel IV 12,00.f sq. ft. KOPPEL 117,596 sq. ft. 15 year lease. $5,000,000/$10,000,00( (Bulk Grain of land area Expires August 31, BI, $1,000,000 PD or Terminal) and buildings 1993. $10,000,000 CSL & thereon at 1130 Fire $14,000,000. Panorama Drive, $50,000 Bond Berths 210-211 Pier A West. EXXON Berths 209 'Lease and license No Insurance. No (Petroleum) 1200 Panorama agreement. Expires Bond. Dr., 202,153 sq.June 30, 2010 ft. land in 4 parcels. Also license, option and right of first refusal for bunkering pipelines. TA13LE .10 - Cont, 170 PROPERTY STATUS INVENTORY (jCON'T) RENTER LOCATION JERM & TYPE INSURANCE IREMARKS). BERTHS EXPIRATION UOND POWERINE OIL CO. 43,500 sq. ft. 5 year lease with 2 $500,000 combined (Petroleum Stor- water and five year options. single'limit and fire age) 288,409 sq. ft. Expires April 30,1980 No.Bond. land at 1405 W. 7th Street. Berths 721, 73. & 74. NATIONAL MOLASSES 97,707 sq. ft. 20 year lease and $1,500 CSL with (Molasses Termina at 984 Pier A license ageement. $25,000 deductible Avenue; Pipe- Expires August 31, and 90% average line right-of- 1992. clause fire. No Bond way to Berths 5-6 and secon- dary berth assignment at Berths 209-210 Berths 242,243 CANAL INDUSTRIAL 98,150 sq. ft. 10 year lease. $500,000/$1,000,000 PARK, INC. of land at 387 Expires November 30,, Bodily injury, (Automobile Harbor Scenic 1982. $100,000 Property Terminal) Way and 13,600 damage. No Bond. sq. ft. at 1539 Harbor Scenic Way. . ......... BAKER COMMODITIES 46,,129 sq. ft. 6-year lease. $1,000,000 C8L and INC. at 530 Pier D Expires January 1, Fire. No Bond (Animal Fats) Avenue and 1981. Pipeline Right- of-Way. Berths 131, 3.2, TABLE 10- Cont. 171 PROPERTY,STATUS INVENTORY (CON'T) RENTER LOCATION. JERM & TYPE INSURANCE IREMARKS). & BERTHS EX & BOND CHEVRON, USA Berth 96. 10 year lease with $500,000/$1,000,000 (Petroleum Coke 197,820 Sq. ft. 10 year option. BI, $500,000 PD. Storage) at 1140 Pier G Option excerised No Bond. Avenue, Right- 10-26-78. of first refu- sal on adj'oin- Expires May 4, 1979. ing 85,490 sq. ft. (Parcel II) COOPER STEVEDOR- Berths 7, 9, 10 2 year Preferential $2,000, 000 CSL & ING CO., INC. and 201. Assignment Agreement $1,000,000 FLL. (General Cargo 708,825 sq. ft. Expires October 31, No Bond Handling) at Berths 9 & 1980.- 10 and 201, Pier A-170,240 sq. ft. transit shed and 538,585 storage area. CRESCENT TERMINAL Berths 206, 207 7 year Preferential $500,000/$1,000,000 (Steel Handling) 763,205 sq. ft. Assignment Agreement. Bodily Injury, including Expires June 30, 1980 $100,000 Property transit shed. damage, $1,000,000 fire Legal Liability. No Bond FREMONT FOREST 277,700 sq. it. 90-day"Revocable $500,000/$500,000 PRODUCTS and building, Permit. Expires on BI; $25,000 FLL (Lumber Products) HD-246 at 1993 revocation. No Bond. Edison Way and Berth 84 back -area. TABLE 10 Cont. 172 PROPERTY.STATUS INVENTORY (CON'T) RENTER 1OCATION. JERM & TYPE INSURANCE & BERTHS EXPIRATION. BOND INTERNATIONAL 1281 Pier J 5 year Preferential $1,000,000 CSL and TRANSPORTATION Ave. Water Assignment Agreement $1,000;000 FLL. SERVICE 402,500 sq. ft. with options. - No Bon@ (Cargo Container (3 parcels) and Expires 5-31-82 with Terminal) Wharf: 176,500 2 5 year.options sq. ft. (3 remaining. parcels). Berths 232-.@234 ........ LONG BEACH. 234,799 sq. ft. 10 year lease with $500,000/$1,000,000 TERMINAL CO. land area at option for 3 addi- BI; $200,00 PD, Fire (Petroleum 1920 Lugger Way tional 10 year terms. 90%. $100,000 Bond. Storage) Storage shed at Expires 9-30-87 with Berth 83 and option on 180 days' pipeline right notice or 4-3-87. of way to Berth 83. MADISON INTERSEAS Pier F, Berths 10 year marine lease. $300,000 CSL and INC. 203-205 - Expires 12-31-88 $500,000 FLL. (General Cargo 642,238 sq.. ft. $275,000 Bond. Handling) of open paxied area and adja- cent water area and 180,000 sq ft. of transit shed., METROP6LITAN Pier G, Berths 5 year Preferential $2,000,000 CSL and STEVEDORE CO. 212-215. Assignment Agreement. $500f@000 FLL. No (Cargo Hanlding 705,737 sq. ft. Expires May 31, 1981 Bond. Petroleum Coke) Parcels I-V with holdover TABLE -10 - Cont, 173 PROPERTY STATUS INVENTORY RENTER LOCATION ..TERM & TYPE INSURANCE 2EMARKS) & BERTHS - EXPIRATION & BOND SEALAND SER. 1,592 265 sq. 25 year Preferential $500,000/$1,000,000 (Cargo Container ft. (PCL IA Assignment Agreement. BI, 250,000 PD, Terminal) at Berths 227- with options to renew 2,000,000 FLL and 228, Pier G Expires 1-15-98 $500,000/$1,000,000 Including PD and 200,000 PD adjacent water Auto. , area. Option Bond guaranteed by on Parcels IB McLean Industries. and IC (,l.,287,508 sq. ft.) on 1,095 days notice not before 7-1-83. SEALAND SER. Cranes No. 450 Preferential $500,000/$1,000,000 (Cargo Contianer and 451, Berth Assignment. Expires BI; 250,000 PD or Terminal) 230. 12-31-98 with option $1,000,000 comb. for 5 more years. single limit and $1,500,000 FLL. No Bond, SEALAND SER. 719,546 sq. ft. 20 year lease with 2 90i fire, $1,000,000 (Cargo Container at 669 Panorama 5 year options. FLL, $500,000/ Terminal) Drive - Rail & Expires 3-31-91 with $1,000,000 BI, truck terminal. options. $50 !' 000*PD. No Borid. UNITED, STATES Marine Con- 5 year Preferential $500,000/$1,000,000 LINES tainer Terminal Assignment Agreement. BI, $250,000 PD or (Cargo Container and 22.23 acres Expires 12-31-78. $1,000,000 CSL and Terminal) (968,409 sq. $1,000,000 FLL. and ft.) Berth 230. Auto-$250,000 Liability and $200,000.zond. TABLE 10 - Cont. 174 PROPERTY STATUS INVENTORY RENTER LOCATION TERM & TYPE INSURANCE (REMARKS) & BERTHS ECPIRATION & BOND ATLANTIC 1300 W. 8th St. 40 year permit $500,000/$2,000,000 BI RICHFIELD COMPANY (Berth 78-80) Expires 12-31-94 $2,000,000 P.D. (Petroleum 785,600 sq. ft. No Bond. Storage) land area 90,459 sq. ft. water area. ATLANTIC 1155 Pier G. 10 year lease with $500,000/$1,000,000 BI RICHFIELD COMPANY Avenue three 10 year options $500,000 P.D. (Petroleum Coke 81,520 sq. ft. expires 12-31-79. No Bond Storage) land area Easement from wharf ATLANTIC 300 Pier E Ave. 35 year lease. $500,000/$2,000,000 PL. RICHFIELD COMPANY .896,409 sq. ft. Expires 12-31-94 $2,000,000 P.D., (Petroleum, land area. Marine Terminal) Sufficient adjacent water area. TABLE 10 Cont. 175 PIPELINE PERMITS IPELIN ERMIT 1) OCUMENT OPERATOR ER DESCRIPTION NUMBER ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE 21" storm-drain 8th & Pico., HD-1059.1 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY R/W easement for 10" line on PDA. HD-1454 14" & 24" lines to Pier E lease. HD-398 Crude oil line #48-Parcel A to Watson Refinery. 7th St. Across HEF area. HD-518 7th & Harbor Avenue, dated 6-18-56. BAXTER,J.H. & COMPANY 73-1 8" Sewer Line on-8th Street BUREAU OF FRANCHISES AND Lomita Gasoline Company, LBOD, PUBLIC UTILITIES LACFCD, Mobil, Procter & Gamble,, Union Oil. .... .... CANAL INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC. 75-2 Water & elec., Pier J. CHAMPLIN PETROLEUM COMPANY 70-4 West side of Pier E. COAST GUARD 74-3 4" sewer, Berth 16 to Pier B. Submarine cable from Pier J to breakwater light'. HD-1456 COOPER STEVEDORING CO., INC 73@3 211 phone duct, Pier F. TABLE 11 176 IPE M @ PER PIPELiNE PERMITS IPELIN ERMIT DOCUMENT OPERATOR IBER DESCRIPTION NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF OIL 7 PROPERTIES 68-2 Pier J Water injection lines. EDGINGTON (NEW EDGINGTON CORPORATION)' 65-4 Oil facilities EXXON COMPANY, USA 69-3 El Embarcadero to 1th Street GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY 70-2 Pier A, Gerald Desmond Bridge GULF OIL CORPORATION 65-3 10" oil from Edison West on 8th to U.P. Property. LOMITA GASOLINE COMPANY .66-7 (Assigned from Mobil) gas gather- ing system, oil facilities. 66-11 Wet gas. 66-12 12" wet gas. Pico & El Embar- cadero. 4" & 10" wet gas along Ocean. HD-629 12-18-61. 1011 on Mitchel between Seaside & Santa Cruz. 2-27-61 HD-312 8" Water St., NE of 3rd & Mitchell, 2-27-61. HD-324 3-to 16" near 9th and Harbor Ave. B of F - gas in Harbor Ave. & So. of 9th & Water St. Dedicated Streets). LONG BEACH OIL DEVELOPMENT 66-5 Sup. l-36. COMPANY Pier G relocation. TABLE 11 - Cont. I, 177 PIPELINE PERMITS IPELIN ERMIT DOCUMMff OPERATOR ER DESCRIPTION NUMBER -LONG BEACH TERMINAL From tank .farm @ 1920 Lugger Way and Texaco @ Berth 83. LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD B of F, Dedicated Streets, 9th CONTROL to Channel #2. LOS ANGELES DEPT. OF WATER 68-4 12-3/411 oil along 5th St. in N. AND POWER Harbor District. MOBIL OIL CORPORATION B of F for lines in dedicated streets in Harbor. 66-8 Unit oper. Blks. IV 7 V, Seg. II General Facilities 67-3. Unit operator, water injection fac., Seg. II, Blks, IV & V Unit. 68-3 Oil lines between 8th & 9th Sts. West Coast Pipelines. . 68-1 Unit Oper. FB IV & V Ranger Zone Unit, Wilmington Oil Field. 3" lines, So. of Seaside on Pier E for FBIV handling of Signal :& Termo. PACIFIC LIGHTING SERVICE 69-2 1011 gas from Lomita Plant to & SUPPLY COMPANY West City Limit. PACIFIC TOWBOAT & SALVAGE 75-1 Elec. conduit from Edison transformer to lease @ D35. TABLE 11- Cont @ IPE 178 ER M JB PIPELINE PERMITS IPELIN ERMIT DOCUMENT OPERATOR ER DESCRIPTION NUMBER PETROLANE-LOMITA GASOLINE 65-2 Gas lines. COMPANY POWERINE OIL COMPANY 67-1- Pier A to 7th Street oil. 6" 7 8" lines from 7th to 10th Streets. HD-1136 PROCTER & GAMBLE' B of F water supply across 7th Street in dedicated street. QUEEN MARY DEPARTMENT Memorandum-Agreement, Pier J HD-2124 SHELL OIL COMPANY 66-2 Thums Bdwy. Terminal to 9th Street SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 74-2 Sewer line to Terminal Island COMPANY 71-2 4" conduit on Pier E.' STANDARD GAS COMPANY 71-1 Z-1 No. 2 Tank from Carrack Avenue & 8th Street. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Water source line, Ocean Blvd. Bridge HD-1154 TEXACO, INC. 66-4 8" crude from Thum Bdwy. to West Line of City. IPE M . @ER I TABLE 11 - Cont. 179 PIPELINE PERMITS IPELI ERMIT. DOCUMENT OPERATOR ER DESCRIPTION NUMBER THE TEXAS COMPANY 6 oil at Seaside Boulevard dated 2-6-58. THUMS LONG BEACH COMPANY 24" oil & phone from J6 to Broadway & Mitchell Hb-1247 Pier J to.oil islands HD-1962 65-l' Pier J (Sup. 1-16) Submarine cable & lines to offshore islands (1966) HD-1356 Cathodic protection system for pipelines & submarine cables (1966) Temporary lines on Pier J. HD-'1200 UNION OIL COMPANY OF CA 66-3 10" oil from Thums Bdwy. Term. to 9th & Anaheim. B of F pipeline attached to Anaheim Bridge. (1952) UNION PACIFIC 6" crude oil on Terminal Island HD-536 Permit to City for Waste Disposal Line HD-845 TABLE 11 Cont. @IPE ERM 180 Section 7 INTER-AGENCY COORDINATION The management of risks, public safety, health and welfare, and emergencies has been the pursuit of various levels of government. in response to the growing and changing needs as reflected in legislative mandates. Numerous federal, state, regional and City agencies maintain authority and responsibilities for manage- ment of specific types of risks affecting the Port.. Among federal agencies exercising risk management authority on particular Port developments and operations are the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Corps of Engineers, The Maritime Administrationt Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Customs Service, Food and Drug Administration, The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Federal Commerce Commission (FCC), Coast Guard, and the Federal Energy Administration (FEA). The Coast Guard and the Army Corps of Engineers are among the federal agencies charged with domestic emergency response authority which have developed and maintained emergency contingency plans for military actions, flood, oil spills, vessel collisions, nuclear disaster, earthquake and other major naturally and artificially caused emergencies. Among state agencies exercising risk management authority on particular Port developments and operations are the Coastal Commission, Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, Water Resources Control Board, Air Resources Board, Department of Fish and Game, Department of Navigation and Ocean Development, Division of Mines and Geology, Division of Oil and Gas, State Lands Commission, Division of Industrial Safety, Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Public Utilities Commis- sion. The State Office of Emergency Preparedness, formerly called the California Disaster Office has developed and maintained an 'Emergency Resources Management Plan" for civil.defense in the 'event of attack. The Office of the Governor in 1974 certified the "State Oil Spill Contingency Plan" which was to be followed up with a separate hazardous materials contingency plan. The Department of Fish and Game has prepared the "Oil and Hazardous Materials Contingency Plan" of 1974 with the aim of protecting living resources from oil and hazardous material impacts. on a regional level, agencies such as the Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles County Flood Control District, County Road Department, County Department of Facilities, County Engineer, and County Department of Sanitation exercise some risk management authority over particular Port-related facilities and operations.. The SCAQMD reviews permits for conformance with air quality rules and regulations. They have also established a multi-episode alert program whereby particular industries, businesses, and organizations are required to put into effect plans for reducing and eliminating levels of air pollution emission,by cutbacks or suspensions of operations, 181 car pooling, and/or other specified means. Los Angeles County is actively pursuing the development of an oil spill contingency plan and coastal energy plan under the Coastal Energy Imapct Program. Los Angeles County and cities within its jurisdic- tion have been required to prepare emergency operation plans which derive their authorities from Public Law 81-920, as amended, California Emergency Services Actf California Mutual Aid. Agreement, and California Emergency Resources Management Plan.' County emergency operations are governed by the County Disaster and Civil Defense Ordinance, County Charter, County Administrative Code, and Orders and Administrative instructions of the Board of Supervisors. City Risk Management Authority The City of Long Beach has pursued risk management activities and plans. as required by state law and mandated by the City Charter and the Municipal Code. The following text discusses some of the more significant activities and plans of City agencies in this regard. Public Safety Element The City Council and the City Planning Commission in 1975 adopted the Public Safety Element as part of the Long Beach General Plan as mandated by California Government Code Section 65302.1. This document identified and discussed significant public safety issues relevant to the General Plan including fire protection, geologic hazards, crime prevention, utility related hazards, industrial and transportation hazards, and disaster operations. The intent of this discussion was to incorporate public safety considerations into theoverall planning process, to suggest methods for maximizing public safety, to recommend means and measures to reduce probabilities of loss resulting from various hazards, to increase the sense of security and well-being of citizens through public information, and to assist public safety officials. Management, development, protection and remedial action goals are enumerated in the document and it,-is pointed out that these have been formulated to be accessible to alteration, update, deletion, or addition in response to changing circumstances within the City. Risk management is defined in terms of division of responsibility, functional definitions, and a survey of,acceptable and unacceptable risks. Public safety responsibilities are subdivided into four organiza- tional groups as follows: 1. Planning and preventive groups. 2. Action-oriented groups (i.e., handling the immediate crisis), 182 3. Resource groups (i.e., assisting immediate crisis). 4. Recovery groups (i.e., administrative assistance with grants, aid, programs, etc). Risk management activities in the City are defined in the document as encompassing a set of eight functions which expand upon the original application, i.e., the evaluation of insurance n eeds and programs. These functions are as follows: 0 Identifying hazards with a significant potential to create large financial losses; 0 Prioritizing hazards as to potential loss, extent of risk, and remedial costs to reduce the hazards; 0 Estimating economic effects of predictable losses; 0 Establishing insurance needs in view of probable loss; 0 Designing insurance coverage that meets the particular needs of the City; 0 Continual risk re-evaluation based upon new or changing exposures to employees or the general public; 0 Coordinating safety activities with safety personnel working in the private sector (i.e., work closely with harbor and airport safety experts to assure safe operations on the ground as well as reducing potential risk to nearby residents); 0 Establishing mechanisms to accumulate funds to pay losses. In order to provide a qualitative evaluation at the policy state of acceptable and unacceptable risks, the City prepared a list of thirty-two potentia 1 risks and surveyed the opinions of 48 separate City departments and private organizations with some expertise and association in matters of public safety, The result is not a factual analysis of the level of risk, but an authoritative sub- jective evaluation of the significance of potential risks to public safetyo The Public Safety Element presents immediate action and long term recommendations for improvement of risk management and public safety. The immediate action recommendations include the following: bringing old buildings up,to code, attaining a Class I fire rating, relocating fire stations for efficiency, undergrounding of power lines and transformers, equipping freeways with call boxest esta- blishing an emergency telephone system, and establishing a risk management programo Long term recommendations include the following: replacement of unsafe structures with new developments, planning for lower density, providing safe and adequate access, attracting less 183 hazardous industries, enforcement of seismic codes, providing for senior citizens and handicapped, increasing park surveil- lance, improving street lighting, police participation in the planning process, and isolating incompatible land uses. Long Beach Emergency Plan The City Council adopted the "Emergency Plan of the City of Long Beach" by Resolution C-21063 effective December 10, 1971. 'This plan was prepared and is being carried out pursuant to the Long Beach Municipal Code, Article II, Chapter 3, Part 5, as amended. The Emergency Plan prescribes the organization and operations of the Long Beach Emergency organization. The Plan specifies the duties and responsibilities of the departments and employees of the City government. In addition, it complements the Los Angeles County Emergency Operations Plan, and it derives author- ity from various federal, state, and County emergency legislation on which the Municipal Code mandate has been based. The Emergency organization may be activated fully or partially by proclamation of the President of the United States, the Governor of Californial the City Manager, or their authorized representatives. Command of the organization is vested in the City Manager or his official representative. The general policy assumption of the Emergency Plan is that emergency or disaster response capabilities must be largely automatic, requiring a dynamic state of readiness. Therefore, City resources shall be applied in the most efficient manner possible to save lives and property, and to preserve the con- stitutional form of government. Specific policies are pro- mulgated with respect to coordination of services by the Police Department, responsibility for preparation and operations, the -role of City employees, the identification of key personnel and their duties, and the roles of volunteers and other persons impressed into service during an emergency. Although the aim of the overall Plan is to provide for a state of readiness for any major emergency, particular annexes of the plan respond to given types of hazards. Annex C addresses the management of emergency response 4n the school system under potential threats from fire, explosion, earthquake, tsunami, bomb threat, falling aircraft, panic, or nuclear attack. Annex D addresses the alternative locations of the Emergency Operating Center in cases of natural disaster or radioactive fallout. Annex G addresses radiological defense. Annex I addresses the management of.emerengency response from blast, heat, and radiation from nuclear attack. Annex J addresses emergency response services in case of fire, explosion and panic. Annex L address the economic stabilization and management of service and material resource during an emergency. Annex 0 184 addresses law enforcement and traffic control services during a calamity of disaster proportions. Annex P addresses public works and engineering services to maintain lifelines for gas, water, electricity, food, petroleum service, transportation, supplyr communication, street and road systems, sanitation and building serviceability. Annex S addresses building and safety services in inspecting structures for safety and habitability under condi- tions of widespread damage and destruction due to natural or war caused disasters. Annex T addresses oil spill contingency opera- tions in the City at large. Annex V addresses civil disturbances which are either spontaneous, deliberate or both. Annex W addresses war emergency operations. The role of the Harbor Department is discussed as a unique entity of the Emergency Organization. In the event of war, the mission assigned to the Harbor Department by the federal government preempts any assignment made by the City. The Harbor Department, under these circumstances, will be controlled and directed bythe United States Maritime Administration of the Department of Commerce in so far as maritime operations are concerned, although the Port-is charged with its own civil defense protective actions and providing assis- tance to the City in its civil defense activities as much a's possible. The Port is charged with furnishing management and technical staffs for fallout shelters in its facilities, providing radio links with the City Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and mobile radios for emergency communication, and management of the operational radiolog- ical reporting network within its jurisdiction. In the event of a natural disaster, the services of the Harbor Department are to be utilized as necessary to help m eet the needs of the City. Risk Management Activities of City Agencies In addition to the City-wide risk management plans cited above,, particular departments and agencies of the City are charged with administration and enforcement of requirements for hazard prevention and emergency response. The Planning and Building Service is responsible for land use planning, zoning administration, environ- mental analysis, subdivisions, planning, building and safety permit review and approvals, and structural inspections. The Engineering Department reviews projects for structural and traffic safety, water quality, and sewer, storm drain and other substructural adequacy. The Public Service Department plays an active role in maintaining City services such as roadways, lighting, public structures, equip- ment and properties, and in managing waste disposal services for the City. The Health'Department provides services to protect the health and welfare of the citizens of Long Beach, including disease control, animal control, mosquito abatement, and health services for the disadvantaged. The Water Department manages water distribution and is concerned with maintaining potable water quality. The Aeronautics Department manages airport and aircraft operations in 185 the CitIy and in cooperation with the FAA coordinates the flight pathsl takeoffs, and landings of aircraft utilizing City facilities. The Department of Oil Properties manages oil spill containment, subsi-, dence, and geological risks relative to existing# new and expanded 04 and gas facilities in the City, and reviews and City permits for pro- jects in the Alquist-Priolo Seismic Hazard Zone. Both the Police*Department and the Fire Department play major roles in enforcement of public safety measures and emergency response operations. The Police Department has expanded its activities in recent years with respect to crimes from apprehensiont-suppression, rehabilitation, and security to more active involvement with the application of advanced planning techniques to crime prevention. The Crime Prevention Bureau of the Police Department was estalished for this purpose. The services of the Fire Department encompass fire fighting and pre- vention within the City both on land and in local coastal waters. The Bureau of Fire Prevention of.the Fire Department inspects sites, buildings and other facilities throughout the City to determine whethe hazards exist, whether codes and regulations are being conformed to, and it initiates enforcement where necessary. The Fire Department maintains an "Emergency Operating Procedure" whicl addressed activation, authority, organization, duties and responsibil- ities, civil disturbance guidelines, and resource management in case of emergencies. Management authority and operations cover risks from hazardous chemicals, oil spills, explosions and radioactive materials, although some responsibilities are delegated to other agencies and pri- vate organizations with special capabiliies when the need arises. The City Fire Department is party to Mutual Aid agreements with other jurisdictions in the eventuality that an emergency becomes more than one jurisdiction is capable of handling. Paramedic services consti- tute another major capability of the Fire Department for responding to accidents and injuries. 186 San Pedro Bay Navigational Operating Procedures/Regulations and Practices The Ports of Long.Beach-and Los Angeles control their operations, pursuant to State Charter which includes pilotage, wharfage, dockage, and other rules and regulations, through published tariffs. These tariffs cover the basic operational process characteristic of each Port6 The pilotage'service currently available within the Port of Long Beach is in compliance with all mandates set forth by these tariffs and the United States Coast Guard. Pilot Services Offered on San Pedro Bay: It is significant to note that approximately 95 percent of all major ship traffic is handled by three pilot organizations servicing San Pedro Bay: 1. U.S. Navy Pilots hired by the federal government for handling naval vessels, exclusively. 2. Los Angeles Harbor Pilots Civil servants hired by the Port of Los Angeles to handle vessels in that Port. 3. Long Beach Harbor Pilots Provided by an inde- pendent pilotage contractor per terms of the Long Beach Harbor tariff to handle vessels in the Port. All of the pilots.operating in San Pedro Bay are licensed by the United States Coast Guard and in the event of a mishap, are subject to investigation proceedings by the Coast Guard. Port Safety Council When problems of marine-related safety needed to be resolvedf a bodyl consisting of representatives of both industry and government, is convened to eliminate problems. Although currently inactive, the Port Safety Council met and was responsible for initiating use of a closed- circuit teletype system, discouraging the building of yacht marinas in congested channel areas, and establishing procedures for alerting mariners to haz ardous conditions in both harbors. Piloting Requirements of the Port of Long Beach In 1851 the Congress of the United States passed its first law estab- lishing the requirements for federally licensed pilots. At the present time oil vessels on coastwise voyages and all U. S. Registered vessels must have a federally licensed pilot onboard while navigating in inland water and harbors of the United States. 187 As a matter of practice, due to the risk involved, all seagoing vessels, foreign and coastwise have licensed pilots onboard. Most ship's masters use the services of Port-provided contract pilots, however some of the masters of coastwise vessels, prefer to do their own piloting and have the proper endorsement on their master's license. The Long Beach Harbor Department maintains a force of municipal pilots,, pursuant to a contract with an independent pilotage contractor, to per- form the service of piloting vessels within, into and out of the Port of Long Beach. Any vessel entering, leaving or shifting within the Port may request the services of and be piloted by a municipal,pilot. That force, the Jacobsen Pilot Service has been the contract pilot for he Port of Long Beach since 1923. The Harbor Department recently renewed Jacobsen's contract for pilotage services until 1987. The contract with Jacobsen requires that all pilotage shall be per- formed in accordance with all applicable rules of navigation and regulations imposed by the United States Government, or any govern- mental agencies having jurisdiction over Port navigation and safety. Jacobsen is required to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations enacted by federal, state, city or other governmental agencies. The two agencies that have authority in the Port with regard to navi- gation are the Harbor Department and the United States Coast Guard (USCG). The USCG Captain of the Port has the ultimate authority regarding matters of navigational and operational safety. By advice and information from vessel agents, marine exchange, marine terminals and the pilot station, the Operations Division of the Harbor Department is kept aware of vessel movements, arrivals and departures and any un- usual operational problems regarding vessel and cargo movements. In matters involving Port safety considerations, under the authority of the General Manager of the Harbor Department, the Operations Division may intercede and confer with vessel officers, terminal operators, and/or shipping agents as to the procedures to be followed during the vessel's visit to the Port. The Port Pilot must adhere to all tariff items concerning navigational safety outlined in the Port of Long Beach Tariff No. 3. This tariff includes such items as the duties and responsibilities of the Pilot and the ship's master, the types of vessels that are subject to pilotage, the basis for computing pilotage charges, the regulations regarding the movement of ships in the Main Channel and turning basins, the handling of mooring lines, and the speed of vessels navigating within Port jurisdiction. In addition to the Port tariff, all vessels must follow the inland and pilot Rules of the Road established by law, and administered by the United States Coast Guard, These are specifically spelled out.in the United States Coast Guard, Navigation Rules, International-inland (CG-169, May 1, 1977). All Jacobsen pilots hold a First Class Unlimited Pilots License issued by the United States Coast Guard, and 188 Port of Long Beach Pilots.are assigned to vessel movements in accord with their proven profickency. Vessel movements in the Harbor, especially those of the larger tanker vessels, are well programmed before any movement takes place. In the case of the larger tankers, a notice of arrival' is received days ahead of the actual arrival. Vessel size, i.e., length, draft, beam, tonnage, type of cargo, and other pertinent factors are researched, and pilotage preparation initiated. Berth considerations and limitations are evaluated, as well as tidal con- ditions and movements of other vessels which could effect the handling of the large tanker; this yields a coordinated safe mechanism for moving vessels. Communications A prime factor of any successful traffic system is communications. VHF radio was introduced in this area in 1951. A brief summary of radio communications presently in service in San Pedro Bay is as follows: Marine Exchange Channel 16 156.8 MHZ, Calling and Safety Frequency Channel 12 156.6 MHZ, Long Beach Pilot Working Frequency Channel 14 156.7 MHZI Los Angeles Pilot Working Frequency Channel 9 156.45 MHZ, Business Operation Frequency. They can also receive, but not transmit, on Channel 13, 156.65 MHZ, ship to ship frequency. Channel 16 is guarded 24 hours per day, even when working on another frequency. Los Angeles Pilot Station guards continuously: Channel 16 156.8 MHZ, Calling and Safety Frequency Channel 14 156.7 MHZ, Los Angeles Pilot Working Frequency Long Beach Pilot Station guards continuously: Channel 16 156.8 MHZ, Calling and Safety Frequency Channel 12 156.6 MHZ , Long Beach Pilot Working Frequency Channel 74 156.725 MHZ, Long Beach Pilot Working Frequency Pilots of both ports carry "handi-talkies" and guard Channel 65, 156.275 MHZ. A second frequency enables them to communicate with their respective pilot station. They also have the capability of 189 transmitting and sending over Channel 13, which is the designed ship-to-ship channel. The Port of Long Beach maintains a radio system, KMB 593, for communications between tugs, Harbor Security and Harbor Maintenance vehicles, etc... The U.S. Navy currently has VHF capability and can communicate on the local working channels. Additionally, the Long Beach pilot service has established a secondary radio antenna on top of San Pedro Hill which enables the Pilot station to communicate with arriving vessels up to 90 miles north and south of the Port of Long Beach. This system affords a means of alerting the ship master on traffic patterns, rendevous point with the pilot, and other pertinent information relevant to ship arrival. All-local tug boats have communication capabilities on Channel 65; thus, all pilots and tugs are linked by a common frequency. Closed Circuit Teletype System This system was initiated in 1968 through the Port Safety Cou ncil and effectively links the key operational centers in San Pedro Bay, which are: a. United States Coast Guard Captain of the Port b. U.S. Navy Control C. Marine Exchange d. Los Angeles Pilot Station e. Long Beach Pilot Station/Jacobsen Pilot Service, Inc. f. Los Angeles Port Wardens The purposes of the system are: a. To exchange, between the subscribers, daily ships' schedules within, to and from the Los Angeles/ Long Beach harbors in order to promote the safe, orderly flow of ship traffic in the harbors. b. To handle urgent and emergency messages between the various subscribers. C., To provide a rapid means of communication by responsible authorities for the coordination and control of ship movements during emergencies. This system has proven to be extremely effective and has become an instantaneous Notice to Mariners within the Harbor. 190 Hot Line The Long Beach pilot station is linked to the Harbor Security office by a "Hot Line", or no dial telephone. Traffic Control and Routing Schemes: . Traffic flow patterns represent one of the most effective means of achieving ship safety. Several traffic schemes are presently in effect in San Pedro Bay. a. Vessels approaching or departing the ports are advised by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coastal and Harbor charts that vessels entering Los Angeles or Long Beach Main Channel should pass eastward of respective "sea buoys" and vessels departing should pass westward. b. The Port of Long Beach Tariff No. 3 establishes a restricted area in the most critical portion of the Long Beach Main Channel. Traffic flow is regulated in this area by two mid-channel buoys and all vessels must govern their movements in accordance with prescribed regulations. C. All vessel traffic entering and exiting San Pedro Bay are directed to utilize specifically desig- nated shipping lanes. These lanes (one mile in width) are designated both north and southbound and have a two-mile separation zone. d. Areas outside the Middle and Long Beach break- waters are designated for the boarding of port pilots. e. Turning Basin Buoys are properly placed within the Port of Long Beach. f. United States Coast Guard Control of Special Vessels - Pursuant to 33 CFR 160, the United States Coast Guard maintains the position of exercising complete control over special vesselst e.g., very large crude carriers and liquefied gas carriers and Port operations when deemed necessary by the Captain of the Port. Vessel Speed Speed of vessels is regulated by local tariff provisions. The Port of Long Beach speed regulations Are as follows: 191 a. The Port of Long Beach Tariff No. 3 provides that: It shall be unlawful for any person to navigate any vessel within any portion of the Port of Long Beach inside the Middle and Long Beach Breakwaters at a speed greater than six (6) nautical miles per hour, subject to exceptions 1 and 2. Exception 1. Vessels drawing more than five (5) feet of water may navigate at a speed not greater than ten (10) nautical miles per hour in that portion of the Outer Harbor not included in the Harbor restricted area as defined in item 1285. Exception 2. Vessels drawing less than five (5) feet of water may navigate at a speed not greater than fifteen (15) nautical miles per hour in that portion of Outer Harbor not included in the Harbor restricted area as defined in item 1285. b. Notwithstanding any rule or regulation here*in contained with respect to speed of vessels, it shall be unlawful for any person. to operate any vessel in a reckless or negligent manner, or in any manner, so as to endanger any other vessel or mooring facility or the life, limb or property of any person. Anchorage Procedures: Anchorage procedures were implemented and initiated through the action of the Port Safety Council as a result of a longshoreman strike in 1971 which caused severe congestion for vessels at anchor in San Pedro Bay. Congested anchorage positions were drawn and charts issued to all interested parties. Each commercial vessel that is scheduled to go to anchor is assigned a specific anchorage by the respective pilot station. The assigned anchorage is transmitted to all parties by the closed circuit teletype. In this way, all underway vessels are aware of locations of anchored vessels; this is especially im- portant during periods of limited visibility. Those vessels not utilizing a pilot call the Jacobsen Pilot Service for vessel traffic and anchorage information. Fog/Limited Visibility Condi tions/Shore Based Radar Decca radar displays are located at pilot stations in Long Beach ,and Los Angeles. During periods of reduced visibility, vessel 192 movements are monitored and advisory information which includes traffic reports and ship heading checks, is re- layed to pilots on vessels underway. the displays are manned by pilots during periods of reduced visibility. The handling of vessels in reduced visibility condition is predicated upon several factors including: a. Regulation as prescribed by "Rules of the Road". b. Assessment of the ambient situation by the ship master and pilot. Under existing laws and court precedence, any deviation from the traditional ship master/ship decision-making relationship would be inadvisable. It is the belief of the Harbor Department and its pilotage contractor that the persons most qualified to make proper decisions for a particular ship movement at a particular time are the ship master and the ship pilot. The mission of any shore advisory station should be to provide these people with the latest and most accurate supplementary information. Local Emergency Rules and Regulations There presently exist several rules and regulations covering specific emergency conditions, such as: a. Merchant Vessel Dispersal Plan, December 8, 1956. b. Permits for the handling of explosives as issued by the Long Beach Harbor Department, Fire Department, and the U.S. Coast Guard. ce The Port of Long Beach and Los Angeles emergency operating plans. d. City of Long Beach, Fire Department, "Tank- ship Cargo Lightering and Transfer to other Vessel operations in Long Beach City Limits" Regulations. Proposed Pilotage Service Improvements Communications The need for an adequate and efficient means of communication to implement an effective traffic system is apparent, but the portion of the radio spectrum assigned.by the Federal Communication Commis- sion (FCC) to the marine industry is limited. i93 For comparative purposes, there are approximately 230,000 radio licenses issued by the FCC to vessels. Radio licenses issued for use by aircraft amount to approximately one half of that number. Yet, there are only 38 VHF fre- quencies available for marine use compared to a minimum of 360 talking channels in the 108 to 136 MHz range available for the aircraft industry. Shi2 Design A great deal of study and attention must be directed toward ship and tug boat design to assure safe handling in restric- ted waters. Some examples of this are: a. Newly constructed vessels should have the bridge designed so that good visibility by pilots and ship hand- lers is assured. b. Sufficient cleats, bitts, and chocks provided on vessels to enable tugs to make a proper tie-up in order to get maximum maneuvering advantage. co The extreme flare on some vessels limits the spotting of tugs in strategic positions. The need for twin screw tugs, or the utili- zation of kort nozzles, flanking rudders, etc., is becomeing more critical with the increasing size and configuration of modern vessels. d. Some foreign designed motor vessels have engines incapable of providing a dead slow speed. These are difficult to maneuver in the restricted waters of the harbor. 194 Navy Base Homeporting Background The military influence the Port of Long Beach has, had a major influence on Port growth and development since the early 1900's. when the Federal Government through-the War Department and more specifically the Army Corps of Engineers started construction on the San Pedro breakwater, the Corps supported the deepening and reorientation of the Los Angeles, San Gabriel Rivers, turning basins and certain navigable channels leading to the Pacific Ocean. In 1931, the City of Long Beach constructed landing facilities for use by the United States Navy between what was then Pier A and Pier B. These facilities included offices, waiting rooms, parking, recreation and eating facilities and service accommo- dations for Navy personnel. As a consequence, Long Beach became known as the home of the Pacific Fleet. Between 1940 and 1949 the breakwater was extended easterly to provide greater protection for anchorage areas of the U.S. Navy and other proposed Port facilities. Between the end of World War II and 1974, the Long Beach Navy Base located in the West Basin, or the area referred to in the Port Master Plan as the Federal Use District thrived. Federal policy in 1974 required the vacation of a substantial portion of Naval shore facilities in Long Beach under the "Shoreline Establishment Realignment Action of 1974". over 16,000 personnel and dependents were transferred to other locations between 1973 and 1975, and the number of Navy ships in the Port was significantly reduced. Currently, the Navy is proposing reestablishment of the Long Beach Naval Station as an active homeport to provide greater operational flexibility and responsiveness in meeting inter- national crisis, domestic disasters and routime deployment situations as well as to acheive more cost effective utili- zation of existing shore/support facilities. Assignment of Ships The proposal to reestablish homeport in Long Beach will involve the initial reassignment of 12 ships in fiscal year 1980 (FY80), 11 of which will be at Long Beach undergoing Regular Overhaul (ROH). The remaining ship, (AR8) is presently homeported in San Diego. The 12 ships are manned by approximately 4,934 personnel. During the period of FY80 through FY86, 15 newly constructed ships (LHA5, DD 963 Class and FFG 7 Class) manned 195 by approximately 3,986 personnel will be assigned for Long Beach homeporting. Assignment of Personnel In addition to the homeported ships' personnel, a number of support personnel will also be reassigned to Long Beach. The staffs of a Commander Naval Surface Group; Commander Amphibious Squadron Three; Commander Destroyer Squadron Seven; and Commander Destroyer Squadron Nine consisting of 113 personnel will be relocated from San Diego to Long Beach to exercise Command and Control over the newly homeported ships. The following shore activities will be increased as indicated to support the additional force levels; Naval Support Activity, 43 military and 3 civilian personnel; Naval Regional Medical Center, Long Beach, 49 military and 40 civilian personnel; Naval Supply Center Annex, Long Beach, 47 civilian personnel; and Naval Shipyard, Long Beach (Public Works Department) 27 civilian personnel. The 89 medical personnel are required to support increased. forc levels at either San Diego or Long Beach. A number of civilian personnel would be transferred from Naval Supply Centery San Diego, to the Annex at Long Beach. Maintenance and Supply Support The ships homeported at Long Beach would be provided Inter- mediate Level Maintenance and Supply Support as follows: Intermediate Level Maintenance - The ships will be supported by one Repair Ship (AR) and the Commercial Industrial Ser- vice (CIS) program commencing in FY80. The CIS program is designed to contract intermediate level maintenance work to the private sector when it is beyond the capacity of the Intermediate Maintenance Activities (IMA's) (AR/AD or Fleet Maintenance . Assistance Group) located in a particular port. Long Beach will be added to the CIS progra in FY80 and $3 million is being in- cluded in the Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet (CINCPACFLT) FY80 budget submission to support the estimated requirement. Five ships will be relocated to Long Beach in FY79 to commence regular overhaul. One of these ships is scheduled to complete overhaul in FY79. Subsequent to overhaul completion, and prior to FY80 commencement, this ship can be supported as the need arises by the IMA assets in San Diego for routine work, and Naval Shipyard Long Beach for emergency work. This plan will provide interim intermediate level maintenance support. The repair ship (AR 8) will be relocated to Long Beach during the first half of FY80 shwn sufficient ships are available to optimize'use of this IMA asset. The exact date will be based on the regular overhaul completion rate of the ships being assigned to Long Beach as homeport. 196 Supply Support - Ships will be provided supply support (in- cluding general stores, repair parts and subsistence materials) by the Naval Supply Center, San Diego, via the Supply Center Annex at Long Beach. Essentially, this enhanced level of support will result from upgraded Automated Data Processing Equipment at Long Beach to provide Cathode Ray Tube Remote Terminal!s with direct connections to the computer at Naval Supply Center, San Diego, and increased/enhanced truck delivery schedules between San Diego and the Long Beach Annex. A total of 47 additional civilian personnel and $109,000 for materials Handing Equipment and Automatic Data Processing Equipment will be provided at the.Long Beach Annex. The SERVMART operations at Long Beach will be responsive support to the ships. Capabilities presently exist at Long Beach for providing full support in the. areas of household goods and Navy Exchange/Commissary. Additionally, fuel support is available from San Pedro, and procurement support from the Navy Regional Procurement Office at Long Beach. The basic supply function at Long Beach will be a receiving, assembling and delivery/shipping operation. No significant additional storage/warehouse requirements are envisioned. The proposed homeporting project will not affect the efficiency of operations or the workload in the shipyard. The shipyard works on a ROH schedule established approximately three to four years in advance. The functions of the Supply Center San Diego are static and would not change because of the homeported ships. For these reasons, the identification and analysis of significant impacts has been limited to the NAVSUPPACT. ordnance Handling - Coincident with the proposed homeporting of additional Navy combatent vessels at Long Beach is the necessity to handle or transfer various types of Naval ord- nance. All ammunittion or explosive handling will be in accordance with the Navy and Department of Defense (DOD) standards. These ammunition and explosives safety standards govern the separation of explosives facilities within the boundaries of Department of Defense establishments. They also govern the locations of these facilities with respect to inhabited build- ings, public traffic routes, airfields (heliports/sea-dromes), etc., inside and outside the boundaries of DOD establishments. In regard to the proposed action no sections of the surround- ing civilian areas are affected by ordnance handling activities. '197 Section 8 PERSONS AND ORGANIZATIONS CONSULTED HARBOR DEPARTMENT Al Ancheta Operations - Min Kato Cheif Warfinger - Thomas Danaher Wharfinger - Roger Bredenkamp Wharfinger - Ned Whitmer . Accounting - Virginia Plantz Accounting - John Shaw Accounting - Gery Porter Engineering - John O'Shea Engineering - Donald Moran Engineering FIRE DEPARTMENT James B. Souders Deputy,Chief Eugene E. Nagel Assistant Chief David Larson Port Fire Officer Craig R. Halker Fire Marshal COAST GUARD Captain Walt White Captain of the Port's office - Lt. Comdr. Skip Onstad Captain of the Port's Office - Lt* N.S. Porter Captain of the Port's Office 198 PERSONS AND ORGANIZATIONS CONSULTED PORT OF LOS ANGELES - Norm Arikawa Accounting - Pete Mandia Planning Robert Weir COASTAL COMMISSION - Mike Dadasovich Energy and Ocean Resources - Trevor O'Neil Kevin Smith CEIP Coordinator NON-GOVERNMENTAL - Dick Kolodziejski Crescent Terminals - Bart McGhee Pacific Maritime Assoc. - Al Ames Pacific Maritime Assoc. - Gene Borg Metropolitan Stevedore - Bob Raymon Metropolitan Stevedore - David Hoppes Marine Terminals - R.J. Jacobsen Jacobsen Pilot Service, Inc. - M.T. Bohlman Sealand Service, Inc. 199 I I i t I I I t I I BIBLIOGRAPHY I i I I I. I BIBLIOGRAPHY California Department of Fish and Game, Oil and Hazardous Materials Contingency Plan, July 1974. California'Disaster Office. Emergency Resources Management Plan, 1968. California Administrative Code, Title 11. California Government Codes Section 65302.1. California Coastal Act of 1976. California Emergency Service Act. California Environmental Quality Act of 1970. California Mutual Aid Agreement. City of Long Beach. Emergency Plan for Citizen SafetyI 1971 . Planning and Building Service Public Safety Element. 1975 . City Charteri Article XI. . Municipal Code, Article III Chapter 3, Part 5, as amended. Procedure. Fire Department Emergency Operating Harbor Department, Bomb Threat Procedure, 1971. Harbor Department, Emergency Operating Plan and Annexes. Harbor Department, General Plan and Appendices 1975. . Harbor Department, Guidelines for Implementation of California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, Environmental Management Division. 1978. Harbor Department, Master Environmental Setting. Volume 1-3, 1976. . Harbor Department Master Plan of the Port of Long Beach, Environmental Management Division. 1978. 200 Harbor Department,, Preliminary Risk Management Plan. A Phase I Policy Formation Progress Report. 1978. Harbor Departmentr Port of Long Beach Tariff No. 3. Effective August 1, 1978. Los Angeles Harbor Department. Port of Los Angeles Facilities and Services Information, 1975. Oil Spill Contingency Plan for Prevention, Containment, Removal and Cleanup in the Port of Long Beach. Science Applicationst Inc. LNG Terminal Risk Assessment Study for Los Angeles, California. December 22, 1975. Socio Economic Systems, Inc. Oil Spill Abatement: An Assess- ment of Southern California Capabilities, 1977a. U.S.*Army Corps of Engineers. Domestic Emergency Operationsr 1967. . National Disaster Activiti6sr 1978. . Review Report for Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Pgase I Study Report, March 1977. U.S. Coast Guard. Navigation Rules, International-Inland CCG.-169, May 1, 1977. Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan, Captain of the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach, 1976. Waterfront Facility Survey Los Angeles- Long Beach, Captain of the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach, May 1977. U.S. Congress. Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended. Port and Tanker Safety Act of 1978. U.S. Department of the Navy. Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Reestablishment of Long Beach Naval Station for Pacific Fleet Homeporting, November 1978. U.S. Government Printing Office. Code of Federal Regulations, CFR49 Transportation, Parts 100 to 199, October 1, 1977. Federal Register, Thursday, June 7, 1979, Part IV, Display of Hazardous Materials Identification Numbers; Improved Emergency Response Capability; Proposed Rules. 202 I I .1 I I I I I .. .. .. .. I APPEND'I'CES I. I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A VESSEL SAFETY PROVISIONS I SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS I I I I I I I I I I OFFICE PHONES PILOT STATION PHONE 834-4553 435-6354 775-6386 JACOBSEN PILOT SERVICE, INC. Los ANGELES AND LONG BEACH HARBORS PILOT SERVICE U. S. FEDERAL LICENSED PILOTS 1324 NORTH AVALON BLVD. P. 0. Box 248 WILMINGTON. CALIFORNIA 90748 GUIDELINES CLEARANCES DEPTHS, LIMITATIONS A. Sea Approaches 1. Large deep draft ships should have minimum under .keel clearance of 10% of the vessel's draft for safe passage of the sea approach. 2. When a heavy swell is running, attention must be given to increase of draft due to heel . 3 . The foll owing vessels should transit the approach and proceed to destination during daylight hours and good visibility a. Vessels enroute to anchorages S-1, S-2, U-1. Draft 50 feet and greater. b. Vessels enroute to Berth #118 Draft 54 feet and greater. 4. Large deep draft vessels should not be moved with visibility less than three-quarters of a mile. Attention will be given to special instructions issued by the Captain of the Port. B. Cerritos Channel 1. Pilots will use prudent judgement in deciding on a transit, taking into cosideration the conditions existing at the time of the job; such as wind, weather, trim of vessel, draft and traffic density. 2. Vessels having a beam in excess of 90 feet should not transit the Ford-Avenue arid Helm Bridges. 3. Transit should not be made when a vessel is moored at Long Beach Berth #101, unless a departure from this rule Is required by Special circumstances and is approved by management. A-1 PILOT STATION PHONE OFFICE PHONES 634-4553 435-6354 775-6386 JACOBSEN PILOT SERVICE, INC. Los ANGELES AND LONG BEACH HARB0RS PILOT SERVICE U. S. FEDERAL LICENSED PILOTS 1324 NORTH AVALON BLVD. P. O. Box 240 WILMINGTON. CALIFORNIA 90748 December 21, 1977 Gentlemen: As you are aware, during recent years the ships calling at Long Beach/ Los Angeles Harbors have increased a great deal in length, beam and draft. Passage of these vessels through or into certain channels and slips frequently involves close passing tolerances, timing for favorable stage of tide and coordinati on with other moored or moving ships. In order to assure safest movement of vessels our pilot organization has formulated some basic guidelines relative to certain channel clearances, under keel depths, passage clear of moored vessels etc. A copy of same is attached for your perusal and reference. These are the guidelines which our personnel will follow. We believe them to be safe and extended to practical limits. Deviation from same is not recommended, but requests for exceptions will be considered on an indivi- dual case basis. We feel strongly, however, that these provisions represent practical limits. Ile trust that these guidelines will be informative, and may prove help- ful in your planning of vessel movements. Very truly yours, Jacobsen Pilot Service, Inc. A-2 D. Channel 2 - Long Beach - Continued: 3. When vessels are moored at Berth 77 and 73 at the same- time: a. A third vessel will not be taken to or away from Berth 76. b. Any deviation from this rule shall be a special circumstance and subject to approval by management. E. Long Beach Berth 73 (Powerine Terminal) 1. Vessels assigned to Berth 73 should not exceed length 83b feet, beam 13D feet, and draft 40 feet. 2. No vessel should be assigned to Berth 73 if there is a ship at Berth 76 Or 77 and the combined beams Of the two ships exceed 160 feet. 3. The time of docking at Berth 73 will be predicated upon the Tides and the draft of the vessel. 4. it is not considered prudent to pass a vessel at Berth 78 or 77 if the combined beams of the two ships exceed 185 feet and 160 feet respectively. 5. It must be born in mind that circumstances and emergency demands may justify some variance in the above limitations. Each vessel will be considered on an individual basis, keeping in mind wind, weather, tugs, pilot, etc. 6. Departure Draft : Vessel Lenqth Fwd Draft Aft Draft 500-600 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 600-700 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. 700-over 25 f t 30 ft. F. Los Angeles Berths 165-166; U.S. Borax Facility: 1. Due to the configuration of the berths on the east side of Slip 1, Los Angeles Harbor, a large vessel moored at Berths 165-166 frequently extends beyond the North end of Berth 165 and beyond the extended pier head line of Berth 164. A-3 C Back Channel Lonq Beach When transiting Back Channel, particular attention wO be directed toward the total combined beams ot tne trati- siting vessel Plus that of a vessel moored at Berth 118. I. Combined beam 225 - 250 feet: The Pilot Station will notif@ Pacific Towboat & S31vage Co., so that their floating equipment can be singled up. Such requests must be made sufficiently in aJvance to permit Pacific Towboat & Salvage to comply. 2. Combined beams of vessels 250 - 260 feet: ..It..-,is.recommended that-the transit.not be made if i-he cbmbine'-dA@ea' -- @k eed--250-feet.- Howeve Pe ial ms- e c c rcumstances such as weather, type of vessel, etc., may be judged sufficient to justify exceeding this limit. This shal I be a dea is ion by management.. 3. A vessel will not transit if the combined beams exceed 260 feet. 4. Pilot Station,personnel will endeavor to anticipate these situations as far in advance as pos'sible. Such developments will immediately be called to the attentio of.R.J. jacobsen or,dE'Signee or the appropriate Pilot Watch Captain.' Necessary steps will then be ta-ken to coordinate the intended moveme nt so as to avoid potentia.lly hazardous situations and minimize delays to the vessels involved. 5. When a large, deep draft vessel is preparing to transit Back'Channel, whife a large vessel is moored at Berth 1 18, the Pilot will request the dispatcher to call Berth 118 to inform the vessel so*that personnel may tighten slack lines and stand by to shut down pumping in the event the vessel should surge badly. D. Channel No. 2'- Long Beach 1. When. transiting Channel 2 to the inner berths while vessel(s) are moored at Berth 78 or 77, attention will be given to the combined beams of the transiting vessel and that of the vessel(s) at the berth(s). 2. Enrouth to Berth 76: A vet@el wil I not transit if the combined beams of the transiting ship and,,--ssels at Berth 78 or 77 exceed 185 feet. A-4 F. Los Angeles Berths 165-166; U.S. Borax Facility - Continued: 2. When an order is received to dock or undock a vessel to the North of the Borax Facility, i.e., Berths 158-159 and Berths 163-164, It is requested that one hour prior notice S. Borax be given to the U Facility in order that a vessel berthed at 165-166 may be shifted clear. a. Check with the Marine Exchange or with the Borax Facility to determine whether, or not a vessel is moored at Berths 165-166. b. If a vessel is in the berths, then notify the following who in turn will advise the master to shift his vessel: 1. United States Borax Co.., Berth 166 Phone': 835-0121 Mr. James Parker Mr. L.G. Parrish 2. After normal working hours, notify the Foreman who in turn will notify the master. Phone: 835-0121 G. Los Angeles Berths 70-71 (GATX Terminal) keep in mind the limited depth alongside. The time of docking shall be scheduled based upon tide and draft of the vessel. H Los Angeles Berths 38-39 and West Channel. Attention should be given to water depths and shoaling condition in West Channel. In order to avoid the 14 foot shoal in the western half of West Channel, vessels are cautioned to transit within the east half of the channel. Outbound heavily ladened vessels should depart only on a favorable tide. I. Los Angeles - Berths 46/49-50 Vessels enroute to Berth 46 should transit the sea approach and berth alongside at a favorable stage of tide! Draft should not exceed 48 feet. A-5 Coasr ""Any- RELTEF VALVES SET AND SEALED BY SETTING (date) GAS DETECTION SYSTEM OBSERVE SYSTEM OPERATION' AND NOTE ANr UNUSUAL RFADINGS Yes NO Alarms set at 30% of IEL Audial and visual alarm at cargo control station Iog for readings during voyage Frequency of readings and cycle ti:-ne If possible., obtain a statement signed by Master concerning a history of presence or absence of any abnormal temperatures., pressures., or accumulations in tanks., voids and barrier spaces. Review voyage log for indications of emergencies (fire,, engineering casualty, excessive gas venting., etc),, during current voyage. VESSEL Yes Wo Gauges functionirg properly,, calibrated Gas detection system tested with 50% IEL span gas Audio and visual alarms in gas detection system operable and set at 30% LEL Quick closing valves operate and in good condition Cargo pumps in good condition.. remote shut down operable. Fire fighting equipment and system in goad condition, last hose test at lbso Flanges., ;3j;ansion joints, relief valves, gauges and cargo valves show no signs of deterioration or leaks. Intrinsically safe equipment in good condition. Electrical cables, explosion proof lighting and switches in good condition* No hot work or other unauthorized sh ip board activities. Designated smoking areas listed and posted at gangway, Bonding cable between ship and shore proper with bolted or "C" clamp attacbonent. All ship's supervisory personnel fluently speak and understand Englisho Flanges secured with bolt in every hole. Vesselts fire system mated to facility fire system. Temperature sensing system operable with readin,-:,,s logged. Liquid level alaa-m system, hi and low., operable. Current records of tests and inspections. f SYSTEM(= ON BOHER EURN OFF Supply piping in good condition and double walledo Alarm system working and interlocked* Hood for boiler front vent32ation and air sweep operable* Automatic valves in burner fuel line in working order. Master line valve is located away from machinery spaces., automatic or ranual shut down operates, Shut do-.-rn instructions postled in "unglisa anti language of operatine personnel, A-6 TANKSHIP EXAMINATION CHECK LIST The exadnation should not be a standard procedural action but varied to tho extent necessary to assure safety. -Therefore the check list should not be-considered as a step by step guide to be.completed at each examina- -memory aid and a full coverage form to record facts in tion but as a whatwwr areas the-examination is made. Date Vessel Name official No. Call Sign Year. Constructed Registry Last U.S. Port of Call Next U.S. Port of,.Call ETA G.T. DWT Lengtk- Type Cargo Inerfing System+ Type/Grade of Cargo Manifest Declaration of Inspection Cargo/Bunker.Transfer Procedures Master Vessel Owner Address Vessel Operator Address Agent Address Issuing Issue Expiration Agency Date Date Document- N Certificate of Registry Safety Equipment CeEtificate Safety Construction Certificate Safety Radiotelegraphy Certificate Safety Radiotelephony Certificate, i,F) inspection office Inspector Signature A-7 Issuing Issue Expiration 'Agency Date Date Document Certificate,of Financial Re! Lnonsibility Load Line Certificate Classification Society Certification IMCO Certificate. Letter of Compliance Cargo Tank Pressure Relief valve Certification (LOC LG Vessel) Pollution Compliahce/Non Compliance .Letter issued call NRC 800-424-8802 OFFICERS COMPETENCY DATA NAME TYPE OF LICENSE ISSUING OR CERTIFICATE. NATION AND NUMBER MASTER CHIEF OFFICER SECOND OFFICER THIRD OFFICER CHIEF ENGINEER FIRST ENGINEER SECOND ENGINEER*, A8 A. GENERAL SAFETY RULES Z 1. Warning signals and signs. L 2. Cargo tank hatches, ullage'holes, and Butterworth openings closed (or fitted with flame screens). 3. Emergency.Equipment. 4.. Vessel properly moored. 5. Non-sparking tools. B. CARGO HANDLING, BALLASTING AND BUNKERING 1. Scuppers and sea valves closed. 2. Cargo transfer connections. 3; Deck Officer/tankerman on duty on deck. 4. Intrinsically safe portable radios, J 5. Additional sources of-vapor ignition .(Kid-Ship House and Kid- Ship house segregation space). Weather deck doors and ports closed and dogged, gaskets, knife edges satisfactory. Portable window-type air conditioners and fans secured. 'Designated smoking-areas marked and observed. Ships ventilation-ducting on weather decks,-wasted, holed or. flame screens defective. C. CARGO PUMPROOMS E77 1. Potential sources of ignition in or near pumproom. -Gear adrift, non-sparking tools. Product in bilges. Rags, paint, cleaning solvents, etc... Excessive vapors. Z_J. 2. ELECTRICAL 'Lighting fixtures explosion proof. Electrical controls and switches located outside pumproom Dead/ended, loose or frayed cabling. Jury rigs such as extension cords, drop cords, etc.. 3.. STRUCTURAL Bulkheads gas tight (cracks, holes, bulkhead seals) 4. VENTILATION Ductingwasted or missing Fire dampers inoperative or missing. Flame screens dirty, corroded, missing operational A-9 PUMPS (cargo, bilge, ballast, stripping) Leaking product (other than gland lubrication) Mechanical and electrical remote operating devices attached and operational at all locations. Suction and discharge valves and piping intact. Gauging system (open, closed,-restricted). D. PIPING SYSTEMS (cargo, bunker, ballast, stripping). 1. Piping Valves Fittings Gaskets Supports E. WEATHER DECKS 1. Expansion Trunks Wastage of ullage coamings and trunks Gaskets Covers 2. Plating (hull and superstructure) Wasted, holed, cracks. Leaking products or vapors into or out of.vessel. 3. Electrical Equipment Intact and intrinsically safe for location.' Properly installed. Deadended, loose or frayed cable Portable electric tools intrinsically safe for location. F. VENT SYSTEM (Weather Decks and at Deck House entrances). Vent Piping and vent masts. Material condition Properly supported Gaskets-flanges. Valving in vent system piping. 2. Pressure Vacuum Valves and Headers. Free of Corrosion/dirt. Operation. Flame screens. 3. Flame Screens. Cleanliness-and material ccTi,!-.tion. On all cargo, bunker,,oily ballast and oily slop tanks and void vents. On all open ullage, Butte:--Orth, hatch openings. A-10 G. FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMEN7 1. Firemain systems Piping, valves,-pumps. Hoses, spanner wrenches,.nozzel satisfactory. Aemotes. Z_j 2. Steam Smothering System Valves, leaking. Piping, wasted, missing, blanked. 3. Deck Foam Piping intact. Valves. Monitors and hose stations. Foam. H. LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT 1. Satisfactory. 1. VITAL MACHINERY L 1. Satisfactory J. NAVIGATIONAL SAFETY AND VESSEL INSPECTION REGULATIONS 33 CFR 164-33 1. Charts of the area to be transited, published by National Ocean Survey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, or a river Authority (or a foreign government if containing similar information) of large enough scale to permit safe navigation, of the most recent edition available and currently corrected. 2. Publications of the United States government or river authority (or a foreign government if containing similar information), of the most recent edition available and currently corrected, or appropriate extracts therefrom, as follows: U.S. Coast Pilot Coast Guard Light List Notice to Mariners Tide Tables Tide Current Tables 33 CFR 164.35 1. Marine radar for surface navigation. 2. Illuminated magnetic steering compass A-11 3. Magnetic compass deviation table or graph, or comparison record 4. Gyrocompass Z ompass repeater. 5. Illuminated steering gyroc, 6. illuminated rudder angle indicator in-the wheel house. 7. Maneuvering information prominently displayed on fact sheet in wheelhouse. a. An echo depth.sounding device. 9. A device that can continuously record the depth readings of the vessel's echo depth sounding device. Z _/10. Equipment on the bridge for plotting relative motion. 33 CFR 164.11(q) Log entries. Denotes vessel Not in Compliance K. POLLUTION PREVENTION REGULATIONS 1. Oil Record Book-Date of Last discharge -Location 155.310 Cargo Oil Discharge Containment. 3. 155.320 Fuel Oil Discharge Containment /'4. 155.330 Retention of Oily Bilge Slops on Board 5. 155.340 Discharge of Bilge Slops 6. 155.370 Ballast Discharge (Vessels That Ballast Fuel Tanks only) Z_j 7. 155.400 Oily Waste Processing Equipment L a. .155.410 Oily waste Transfer Equipment 9. 155.470 Prohibited Oil Spaces /10. 155.700 Designation of Person In Charge L /11. 155.710 Qualifications of Person In Charge L /12. 155.720 Oil Transfer Procedures /13. 155.730 Compliance With Oil Transfer Procedures A-12 14. 155.740 Posting of Oil Transfer Procedures 15. 155.750 Contents of Oil Transfer Procedures 16. 155.780 Emergency Shutdown 17.. 155.790 Deck Lighting Z _1 18. 155.800 Oil Transfer Hoses 19. 155.820 Records Z -J 20. 156.110 Persons in Charge (PIC) 156.,120 Requirements for Oil Transfer 22. 156.130 Connections :Z 2 23. 156.150 Declaration of inspection (DOI) 24. 156.160 Supervision By Person In Charge (PIC) 4L 25. 156.170 Equipment Tests and Inspections (includes hoses, relief Valves, gauges, piping & remote operating or indicating equipment). Denotes Vessel Not In Compliance 33 CFR 159.7 Marine Sanitation Device Required: YES NO A-13 PS Form 010-76 APPENDIX I ZNG/LPG INSPECTION FORM FOR VESSELS AND FACITZTIES VESSEL RAW*tFLW DATE GRM/NET TONS CALL SIGN IEWTH OFFICIAL NUMM DOCUNENTATION SOL&S EQUIPMNT -LOAD LTNE SOTAS CONSTRUCTION _cFR TOVALOP CRISTk L CIASSIFICATION SOCIENY CERTIFICATE ISTTER OF COWLIANCE DTD 014NER OPERATOR CHARTER AGENT CARGO ON 130ARD NAM STONTAGE AMY= DUMITOR EXP DATE A 14 Appendix I 0 Atlantic Richfield Company Terminal Rules and Regulations 0 ARCO Pipe Line Company Pre-Transfer Conference Vessel Data Transfer faidlity Location A. Master of the SS/MS iv;;;R.s @@ pdrited) acknowledge receipting three copies of the Regulation for Vessels Calling at Atlantic Richfield Company and ARCO Pipe Line Company Terminals. B. I agree to make sure that every officer standing a deck cargo or bunkering watch shall read and shall comply with these regulations. C. I further agree to ensure that all crew members are notified where designated smoking areas are located. D. 0 YES - my vessel has had 0 NO - my vessel has not had an event or casualty during sea passage which may give reason for concern. Refer to Terminal Regulations, Part 1, General Rules and Regulations, Section T. If my vessel has had an event or casualty during sea passage, I have given a verbal report to the Terminal Representative and I will give a written report as soon as possible. E. I fully understand that if these Terminal Regulations are not complied with, the vessel may be asked by the terminal to immediately disconnect and leave the berth. L F. A pre-transfer. conference has been held between the Terminal Representative and the Vessel Master and Cl@lef Mate to review the following details pertaining to the transfer operations: r 11. The identity of the materials to be transferred. 0 2. The sequence of transfer operations. 0 3. The transfer rate. 0 4. The name or title and location of each person participating in the transfer operation. 0 5. Particulars of the transferring and receiving systems and inerting system if equipped. 0 6. Critical stages of the transfer operation. 11 7. Federal, State, and local rules that apply to the transfer operations. 0 8. Emergency procedures. 11 9. Oil spill containment procedures. 13 10. Oil spill reporting procedures. El 11. Watch or shift arrangement. 0 12. Transfer shutdown procedures. El 13. Crude washng to be performed. El Yes 0 No Vessel Master signature Chief Mate signature Terminal Representative signature Distribution: White copy - Terminal Canary copy - Master of Vessel A.R.CO.-1797-A (9-78) A-15 Appendix 11 Declaration Of inspection- Prior To Bulk Cargo Transfer Milk Date Vessel Port of Transfer facility Location The following list refers to requirements set forth in detail in 33CFR 156.150 and 46 CFR 35.35-30. U. S, Coast Guard. (see reverse side). The spaces adjacent to items on the list are provided to indicate that the detailed requirements have been met: Deliverer Receiver 1. Communication system/language fluency (156.120 (m) (p)) 2. Warning signs and red warning signals (35.35-30) 3. Vessels moorings (156.120 (a)) 4. Transfer system alignment (156.120 (d)) 5. Transfer system: unused components (156.120 (e)) 6. Transfer system; fixed piping (156.120 (f)) 7. Overboard discharges/sea suction valves (156.120 (g)) 8, Hoses or loading arms condition (156.120 (h)) (156.170) 9. Hoses; length and support (156.120 (b) (c)) 10. Connections (156.130) 11. Discharge containment system (156.120 (1) (i)) 12. Scuppers or drains (156.120 (k)) 13. Emergency shutdown (156.120 (n)) 14. Repair work authorization (35.35-30) 15. Boiler and galley fires safety (35.35-30) (35.35 -3D) 16. Fires or open flames 17. Lighting (sunset to sunrise) (156.120 (f)) 18. Safe smoking spaces (35.35 -30) 19. Spill and emergency shutdown procedures (156 120 (q)) 20. Sufficient personnel (156.120 (0) (s)) 21. Transfer conference (156.120 (q)) 22. Agreement to begin transfer (156.120 (r)) I do certify that I have personally inspected this facility or vessel with reference to the requirements set forth in Section 35.35-30 and that opposite each of them I have indicated that the regulations have been complied with. Person in charge of Receiving Unit Title Time and date Person in charge of Delivery Unit Title Time and date Time completed A.R.CO.1540 Front (4-78) A-16 Appendix III Atlantic Richfield Company Ship/Shore Safety Checklist El ARCO Pipe Line Company Vessel Port of Transfer facility Location Time/Date All of the below items have been inspected. Indicate Yes or No in the appropriate block after each item. 1. Manifold valves or fittings, reference terminal regulations, Part 1, Section H. (indicate N/A if not applicable.) 2. Unused cargo, bunker. or stem discharge manifolds are fitted with blank flanges. 3. Fladio transrnitter-re ceiver provided to vessel by terminal. 4. Inert gas system in operation. (if vessel not equipped, then indicate N/A.) S. Sufficient mooring lines and property tended. 6. Fire hoses connected and laid out, with adequate water pressure. 7. Portable fire extinguisher at manifold. B. Emergency towing wires rigged. fore and aft. 9. Smoking regulations being observed. 10. External accommodation doors and ports are closed. 11. Amidship house shelter deck doors on main deck are open. 12. All flame screens are property fitted and in good condition. 13. Ventilators are suitably trimmed with regard to prevailing wind condition. 14. Ship's main transmitting aerials are switched off. 15. Electric cables to portable equipment are disconnected from power. 16. Window-type air conditioning units are disconnected. 17. There has been a test of the emergency stop signal. 18. Are there any unauthorized craft alongside? 19. Seats have been placed on sea suctions of cargo and ballast systems. 20. Pumproom bilges are dry and gas free. 21. Scuppers and drains cemented or plugged Chief Mate's signature namwresen-tative's signature A.R.C0,1800 (1-78) A-17 I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B INTERAGENCY COORDINATION i SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS I I I I i I 1, .I I I M @OR USE OF CLOSED CIRCUIT TELETYPE NET 1. Policy Statement The regulations and'procedures governiag the establishment and use of the closed teletype circuit between Los Angeles Pilot Station, Long r Beach Pilot Station, Captain of the Port, Los Angeles-Long Beach, Naval Station, Long Beach, Port Warden, Los Angeles and Marine Exchange, Los Angeles, shall be as prescribed hereunder. Changes to the policy as. specified hereinand as agreed to by all subscribers may be made at any time. However, such changes shall be in writing. 2. Purpose The purposes of the subject7circuit are: (a) To exchange, between the subscribers, daily ships' movement schedules within, to and,,from the Los Angeles-,Long [leach Harbors in order to promote the safe, orderly flow of ship traffic in'the said harbors. (b) To handle urgent and emergency messages between the various subscribers. (c) To provide a rapid means of connunication for- the coordination and control*of ship movements during efperqencies by responsible authorities. 3. @ubscribers The subscribers'to the services to be received over the closed tele- type circuit are: Los Anceles P ilot Station; Long Beach Pilot Station; t1aptain of the Port Los AnQe1es--:Long Beach; Naval Station Lono Beach; Port Warden Los Angeles and the tlarine Ex0ange, Los Angeles. 4. C opies, Distribution and Retention The number of copies of ships' movement schedules, or changes thereto, L produced a@ each station, the distribution of those copies within sub- scribers' orqanizations and the retention time of schedule F@_cor4s will be the prerogative of each station. 5., Security a. No copies or reproduct- ions ,):- any information received over the subject teletype circuit shall be given aw y, sold or otherwise make known to persons o,- organizations other than the aforementioned subscribers, except as unaniwously agreed to by thFse subscribers. b. The Unlted.A States Coast Guard and the United,States Navy shall have authority to discontinue or change any part of th- i-formation given subscribers over the clo,@ed teletypE c"rcuit when it i hei -)pinion that such action is required in th-, interest of national security. B-1 -,-.6. Withdrawing from Closed Teletype Circuit Any subscriber may cease providing the prescribed information on the subject circuit and may withdraw from same upon giving two weeks notice in writing to the other subscribers. 7. Paymeht, Personnel, Material-and Maintenance for Closed Teletype Circuit Each subscrAer individually-shall pay for the installation maintenance and rental of the closed teletype ciruit terminal at his station and for the personnel and material required in the operation of the circuit. 8. ..Operational Procedures of Closed TeletyLe Net a. Call Signs -Navy Port Services Office NV 1ohg Beach Pilot Station LB Los Angeles Pilot Station LA Port Warden, Los Angeles Harbor Department PW. Marine Exchange - MX Captain of the Port CG b. Times.of Promulgation of Daily Ship Movement Schedules Navy Port Services Office 0100 Los Angeles Pilot Station 0200 Long Beach Pilot Station 0300 Port Warden, los Angeles I D Marine Exchange Captain of the Port c. Items to be listed on daily ship movement s-chedules (I ) Date (2) Time. (Use local time, 24 hour clock. Entry represents ,time departing sea buoy for berth or anchorage, or time departing berth or anchorage for sea buoy or another berth). (3) Type of vessel/name of vessel. (Note: omission of type signifies vessel is a cargo vessel. See list of abbreviations for types). (4) D-parture point (LB Sea Buoy, LA Sea Buoy, berth number or anchorage*) (5) Destination in port (LB Sea Buoy, LA Sea Buoy, berth number or anchorage*) .*Berth number should specify LA or LB, e.g., LA 49, LB 122. Anchorage should specify area, E.G., ANC A, B, C, D, or E. 13-2 (6) Station/Sequence Number. (Station identified by call sign. New sequence started eachday at 0000 local time, commencing with "I", and continuing until 2400. (7) Remarks (e.g., dangerous cargo, limited maneuverability, via Cerritos Channel, etc.) (8) BT (indicated end of message) (9) Date of tranmission/time transmission completed/originated station/initials of operator See attachment I for prescribed format to be used for daily ships' movement schedules. d. Changes, Additions, Deletions to Daily Ship-s' Movement Schedules. Durinq Day (I Tra nsmi t ted on teletype-when they become-known during day (2) Changes shall be made to the daily ships' movement schedules if the ship's movenent is off more than one hour (3) See attachment 2 for prescribed format to be used in announcing changes to daily ships' movement schedules. e. Authorized Abbreviations (1) Vessel Types TS-Tanker BB -Battleship TT-Tug with Tow C -Crui ser TB-Tanker Barge SS -Submarine P -Passenger Vessel MS -Minesweeper CV-Carrier PC -Patrol Craft AO-Oiler A -Aimphibious Ship DD-Destroyer S -Supply Ship Note: If type omitted, assume ship is cargo vessel .(2) MisEellaneous SEA/LA- Los Angeles Sea BUOY SEA/LB- Long Beach Sea Buoy EMERG - Emergency Message - Urgent Me sage V - @ice CH - Cnange (Change to previous ship movement report) cc - Cerritos Channel BT - End of transmission (Call Sign)/OFF INET - Station identified by ca'l sign is going off line temporarily (Call Sign)/ON NET - Station iden fied by -all sign is back on the line B-3 f Conflict in Moventents (1) Any subscriber noticing a possible conflict in shiDS' movements ,which may jeopardize the safety of ships involved shall call tkis fact to the attention of the pertinent other subscriber and seek a resolution of the difficulty. This conviunication should normally be handled by telephone. (2) By furnishing information of prospective ships' movements, the subscribers hereto do not warrant the accuracy of such information and do not intend b@ giving such information to advise the ship's master, Commander Officer, or pilot as to what moves he should make or when he should make them. 9. Emerqe cy Use of Circuit In times of emergency, transmission of routine traffic should be delayed until the emergency is over. See attachment 3 for sample of emergency transmission. h.* The end of each transmission shall be indicated by "BT" which shall be the last lineof the transmission. See attachment (1) for examples. i. Only urgent or emergency messages shall be acknowledged. See attachment i for format of acknowledgement. j. The sender shall ring the bell 5 times at the end of each emergency or urgent message. B-4 SAMPLE DAILY SCHEDULE FROM,NAVY PORT SERVICES '3 AUG 68 0800 CV/YORKTOWN SEA/LB LB125 Nl 0900 AO/NAVASOTA 9-13 LA 38 N2 *Note:,. Berths in Naval Base are identified by both pier and berth number, pier oumber first. 0915 DD/STRAUS 16-1 SEA/LB N3' Steering trouble BT 3 AUG/OlO5/NV/RB ..:SAMPLE DAILY SCHEDULE FROM LB PILOTS 3AUG 68 0600 *TUSCON VICTORY SEA/LB ANC E L81 *Note: Absence of type indicator means vessel is a cargo vessel. 0630 TS/DAVID E. DAY LB79 LA173 LB2 Via cc 0700 TT/RED STACK-BARGE LB36 LA240 LB3 "Note: Absence of remark, "Via CC", means shift will be via outer harbor BT 3 AUG/0255/LB/RJ SAMPLE DAILY SCHEDULE FROM LA PILOTS .3 AUG 68 0700 P/LURLINE SEA/LA LA93 LAI 0730 TS/TORREY CANYON SEA/LA LA406 LA2 47 Ft draft restricts movement to 51 Ft channel.*Other vessels should keep clear. 1000 SAN JUAN EXPORTER LA49 SEA/LA LA3 48 Ft dra t restricts movement to 51 Ft channel. Other vessels should keep clear. BT 3 AUG/02OO/LA/JK B--5 SAMPLE ANNOUNCEMENT OF CHANGES TO DAI.LY SCHEDULE 3 AUG 63 NI CH 0830 N2 CH Cance3 N3 CH 7-2 V 16-1 1215 DD/CAPETOWN SEA/LB LB127 N4 ..BT 3 AUG/0700/NV/BL 6 22 October 1968 (animended 28 October 19 SAMPLE URGENT MESSAGE' URGENT FROM LA PILOTS 120 000 TON TANKSHIP MUSHIMUSHI MARU IN LIGHT CONDITION SCHEDULED TO MOVE UNDER FLAT TOW FROM LA46 TO ANC C AT 1700. STRONG WINDS EXPECTED THEN WILL HANDICAP MANEUVERABILITY. OTHER VESSELS SHOULD KEEP CLEAR. BT 28 OCT/1505/LA/JM R LB R NV R CG R Pw. R MX SAMPLE EMERGENCY MESSAGE EMERG FROM CG WT T MAJOR CRUDE OIL SPILL LTH HIGH FIRE HAZARD COVERS TURNING BASIN FROM VINCENT THOM.AS BRIDGE TO MORMON ISLAND. COTP ORDERS THAT NO SHIP EXCEPT FIRE AND EMERGENCy CRAFT MOVE IN MAIN CHANNEL NORTH OF BERTHS.LA 92 AND LA 229 OR IN EAST BASIN CHANNEL SOUTHWEST OF BERTHS LA 176 AND LA 2115 OR IN TURNING BASIN EAST OF BERTHS LA" 147 AND LA 183 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE BT 28 OCT/2200,/CG/SR R LA R LB R MX R NV R PW B-7 SUBMIT FIVE (5) COPIES NOTIFICATION DANGEROUS CARGO TRANSACTION Date: to: CAPTAIN OF THE FORT,, LONG BEACH-LOS ANGELES Notification, in compliance with Title 33, CFR, Subpart 126.27(b) for ( ) LOADING and/or ( ) DISCHARGING Dangerous Cargo., is hereby given for: NAME OF VESSEL NATIONALITY BERTH AGENT/OWNER TIME, DATE AND NATURE OF THE OPERATION SPECIAL PROVISIONS I certify that the conditions set forth in Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Subchapter L, Subpart 126.15, will be and are complied with at the above waterfront facility during this operation. Signature: Title: Mailing Address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDORSEMENT 1 Date: Long Beach Harbor Department does hereby (Approve) (Disapprove) the operation as stated in basic notification subject to the following conditions: Signature: Title: Chief Wharfinger --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDORSEMENT 2 Date: Long Beach Fire Department does hereby (Approve) (Disapprove) the operation as stated in basic notification subject to the following conditions: Signature: Title: Captain, Fire Prevention .46 dlV w1ft 0-r..f qWV-110 LONG BEACH HARBOR DANGEROUS CARGO PERMIT AND AGREEMENT: VESSEL: BERTH: DATE: ALL REGULATIONS TO BE ENFORCED. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO FOLLOWING SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Towing pennants shall be made fast to bitts and ranged oiit bow and .stern on vessel's offshore side convenient to towboats. .2. Bunkering shall be prohibited while dangerous cargoes are being loaded. 3. There shall be no burning operations for repairs or alterations on vessel 4. Fire hoses shall be connected and ready for immediate use and sufficient lengths of hose will be laid out fore and aft to reach all hatches. 5. USCG Class III cargo shall be delivered to shipside upon completion of loading other cargo and will be transferred directly from truck to ship, 6. Notify Fire Preventio n, Chief Wharfinger Office,, and USCG, COTP., of any changes in dangerous cargo load list which occur after submission of first list. 7. Dangerous cargo on wharf to be kept isolated as per previously approved plan. 8. Any violation of any of the conditions of this permit shall ipso facto immediately cause this permit to become null and void. 9. It shall be the full responsibility of the Agent to inform the Master or Owner of these instructions. NO PROVISIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TO BE CONSTRUED CONTRARY TO EXISTING FEDERALS. STATE, OR MUNICIPAL REGUIATIO14S OR AS WAIVING PRECAUTIONS REQUIRED FOR SAFETY. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT ACCEPTED AND WILL BE ENFORCED$ TOGETHER WITH OTHER PRECAUTIONS IMPOSED BY COMPETENT AUTHORITY. Vessel's Authorized Agent Master Terminal Agent Stevedoring Company COTPj, U. S. CQAST GUARD RECOMMENDED SUBJECT TO SATISFACTORY INSPECTION OF VESSEL. Chief Wharfinger Captain, Fire Prevention Permit granted subject to all of the provisions hereinabove set forth. T. J. THORLEY General Manager,, Long Beach Harbor Department B-9 017H C,4..4S_r 4 #3 4A1611 OA'49C-la LONG BEACH ILARBOR DANGEROUS CARGO Permit No. PERMIT &,.AGREEMENT Date Vessel Name Nationality Master's Name License No. Berth Assigned Bunkering At Stevedoring Local Agents Operator Tug Boats Preferred for Emergency Call THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED FOR THE LOADING DISCHARGING RETENTION ON BOARD TRANSPORTATION OF CLASS A,, B AND.C EXPLOSIVES,, AND OTHER DANGEROUS CARGO. QUANTITY AND DESCRIPTION: This Permit Is issued and accepted subject to the following provisions: Dangerous Cargo shall be packed, marked and handled in com- pliance with ICC specifications, and shall be transported in conformance with applicable Federal, State and Mu 'nicipal regulations. Cargo handling operations and stowing of all dangerous cargo on board vessel shall comply with the provisions of the Federal Regulations entitled "EXPLOSIVES OR OTHER DANGER- OUS ARTICLES ON BOARD VESSELS" as amended, promulgated by the Secretary of Commerce pursuant to See. 4472, amended U. S. it U Revised Statutes (46 U.S.C. Para. 170) and entitled S. COAST GUARD TANK VESSEL REGULATIONS", as amended promulgated pursuant to See. 4417a of the U. S. Revised Statutes (46 U.S.C. Para. 391a) and any othei- applicable Federal, State or Municipal laws, or regulations. Also 46 CFR 146.20-43 and 33 CFR 126.19, as revised to conform to Public Law 562. 2. Class B and C explosives and flammables shall*move as expedi- tiously as practicable from docks, wharves and sheds, without stowage over night. When necessarily stowed in sheds, they shall be stowed within 10 feet of a door at the inshore end or side of sbed. 3. The vessel shall stop for pilot and inspection party, in a position I mile south of Long Beach sea buoy. Pilot, entering and departing, shall be equipped with a two-way portable radio. He shall test equipment before leaving Pilot Station, when arriving on board and shall maintain communication with his Pilot Station. cc: AGENT U.S. COAST GUARD MASTER FIRE PREVENTION M.T.C. rnz U,S. ARMY B--L1O The vessel shall be subject to thorough inspection by Long Beach Harbor and Fire Department representatives and the Master, at the explosive anchorage or other designated place. A fire drill may be required at any time while Vessel is in Long Beach Harbor. Ships carrying Class A explosives shall not enter or-leave dock while visibility is less than 500 yards for prominent objects. operation of main and aux .5. The vessel shall maintain "at sea" iliary machinery while underway. (It is desirable to avoid shiftins to "Port" operation while approaching the port., passing through the entrance, or while in the vicinity.of vessels . . 1 .1 moving or at anchor. Change of steam cycle, generator burner tips, etc., is undesirable while approaching entering, or in the vicinity of vessels moving or at ancbor.1 @6. The vessel's steering engine station shall be manned while approaching., entering, or going to berth %ith personnel com- petent to shift to and from emergency steering. Communication to and from vessel's bridge and steering engine station ' shall be tested and established before nearing the entrance to the port. 7. Vessel's anchors shall be kept ready for instant use and an @officer shall be forward with competent assistants to work ground tackle. Communication from vessel's control station to forecastle shall be tested before entering, leaving or moving in the port. 9. The vessel's backing power, whistle and siren shall be tested before entering, leaving or moving in the port. 10. The vessel shall be in all respects prepared for entry, with sufficient and adequate power, personnel and facilities for .emergency maneuvering. lie (a) While the vessel is under way, the Master shall be present at the vessel's ship control station and shall maintain supervi- sion of vessel's navigation, regardless of whether a pilot is employed. (b) This ship shall withhold its passage through the breakwater C@ gap should another ocean vessel then be in actual or imminent navigation of the passage. 12. Cargo stowage plan shall be subject to examination by Long Beach Harbor,and Fire Department representatives. 13. Bilges shall be emptied before docking and shall be kept free' of oily waste. Vessels shall be kept free of combustible waste while in the harbor. All combustible refuse must be disposed of before the vessel.enters the harbor or immediately thereafter. 140 The dock alongside entire length of ship to be kept free and entirely clear of all rubbish, trash, litter, etc. B-11 15. Vessel shall dock bow to seaward. 16. Vessel shall maintain surveillance of all persons boarding. All unauthorized persons and those who are apparently in- toxicated, irrespective of whom they may be (excluded from ship) not to be allowed to board ship at time cargo is being handled or batches open. 17. The Master or Chief Officer and Chief Engineer or First Assistant Engineer, shall be on board at all times when Class A explosives are present or being handled. Sufficient competent personnel shall be on board at all times to take the vessel to the explosive anchorage or to sea. 18. Vessel shall at all times be ready to get underway under its own power, within ' minutes, with its own personnel or have adequate towboat assistance standing-by. A licensed Marine Engineer to be on watch at all times in the propulsion machinery compartment when a large quantity of Class A explo- sives is on board. 15. Wire towing pennants shall be made fast to bitts and ranged out bow and stern on vessel's offshore side convenient to towboats. Jacobs ladder to be rigged amidship in a manner that it can be immediately lowered for boarding party in event of emergency., these to be rigged before vessel docks. 20. Bunkering shall be prohibited while Class A explosives ar e being handled. Bunkering not to start until scuppers are plugged, deck lookout posted, intercommunication established and all other preparations made. 21. (a)No other cargo shall b e worked at the same time in the same hatch in which Class A explosives are being loaded or dis- charged, or in any hatch in which Class A explosives are stowed., unless the explosives are in sealed steel magazines. (b) No liquid flammables to be stowed anywhere within same hold or hatch as the explosives. (a) Red Label and liquid flammables are to be the last cargo loaded aboard the vessel. (d) Vessels carrying Class A explosives are not to dock until cargo workers are ready to commence operations and shall vacate the dock when cargo operations are finished. (e) Whenever there is a suspension of cargo operations for a pro- longed period, vessels carrying Class A explosives shall vacate the dock and move to anchorage in the explosives anchorage until such time as cargo work is to be resumed, if so.requested by the General Manager of the Long Beach Harbor Department or the Chief of the Long Beach Fire Department. B-12 22. Personnel employed by the-ship or its agents shall be Informed of explosives or other particularly dangerous cargo on board. Each change of workmen to be informed by the employers. 23. A daily dock trial with engine warm-up will be required to test vessel's readiness to move-under its own power.. 24.' All air ports or side ports of vessel on dock side to be securely closed or screened during cargo operation until hatches are closed. 25. Boilers shall not be lit off unless licensed engineer is in attendance and special fire fighting equipment is ready to extinguish burning oil. 26. There shall be no burning operations for repairs or alteration on vessel except under surveillance of a licensed ship's officer with adequate fire extinguishing equipment immediately available and special written permission from the Long Beach Harbor and Fire Departments. 27.(a) On vessels carrying Class A explosives, smoking shall be.pro- hibited in hatches, holds, sleeping quarters, on weather decks and every other place except the following places herein desig- nated by the Master: Washrooms, toilets, messrooms, engine room, galley and a desig- nated & placarded area inside passage main deck. (b) Permissable smoking areas shall be placarded and suitable fire resistance receptacles shall be.provided for discarded tobacco and matches. (c) No smoking to be permitted in transit sheds, highline., or cargo storage areas. 28.(a) No person shall be permitted to enter holds or cargo hatches with matches or cigarette lighter in his posession. (b Whenever a hold is open, the ship shall maintain a competent person therein to supress smoking and other dangerous practices equipped with a portable fire extinguisher acceptable to the Long Beach Fire Department. (c) If watchmen are to be absent for even a short period of time, they shall be relieved,by a competent person. 29. Fire fighting facilities shall be ample and in satisfactory working order. Fire hoses shall be connected and ready for immediate use and hose of sufficient length to reach into compartments containing explosives. B-13 30.(a) Explosive compartment containing Class A explosives shall be inspected by a ship's officer at a minimum of 3-hour intervals and the inspection recorded in the ship's official log.. includ- ing temperature noted. Consequential increase of temperature shall at once be reported to the Long Beach Fire Department. (b) Smoke detector device on vessels so equipped shall be kept . fully operative. If device is not equipped with an efficient audible alarm that sounds within hearing of personnel on watch, a ship's officer shall make observation of its visual indicator at a.minimum of 3-hour intervals and the observations shall be recorded in the ship's official log. (c) The vessel's ship control station (such as navigation bridge., etc.) shall be at all times unlocked and shall be accessible while explosives are aboard any vessel within the confines of Long Beach Harbor. (d) All watchmen., when reporting for duty, shall be shown the nearest automatic fire alarm location on shore and the nearest telephone and the location of the ship's general alarm and the ship's whistle. .31. Before any heavy lifts are moved over a hatch containing Class A explosives, the gear shall be subjected to inspection by a bonded marine surveyor. Unmoused or open hooks should not be used. 32. Cl ass A, B or C explosives shall be the last cargo to be loaded and shall have priority of discharge. 33. Operation of the vessel and cargo work shall be maintained satisfactory to Long Beach Harbor and Fire Department represent- atives while vessel is in port. Whenever conditions arise that may be considered hazardous, operations shall be suspended and if requested by Harbor or Fire Department representatives, vessel shall be moved. There shall. be a progressive cleanup while the vessel is in port. Any imprudent operation evidenced during vessel's stay shall be suppressed by the Master. Vessels shall be kept free of combustible refuse. 34. Class A explosives shall be handled only during daylight hours. 35. Fire on board shall be signaled immediately by five prolonged blasts on the ship's whistle, siren, or fog horn and by other available means. In case of fire or other emergency, vessel shall at once vacate the dock if deemed necessary by Long Beach Harbor or Fire Department representative., or by the Master or Officer in charge. The vessel may be moved by the Harbor or.. Fire Department representatives and the charges incurred will be accepted and paid by the vessel. B-14 36. (a) An alarm shall be given the Long Beach City Fire Department immediately when'any fire is discovered on board. The-signing and acceptance of this permit is a request by the vessel to the Chief of the Long Beach Fire Department to take over fire fighting operations in case of fire and the ship's personnel shallrender assistance. (b) Terminal shall give telephone notice of cargo handling time to the Fire Department by calling Long Beach Fire Department, HEMlock 6-8211, at least 24.hours in advance of operations.. (c) There shall be a responsible Terminal Operator designated by name: 37 Any violation of any of the conditions of this permit shall ipso facto immediately cause this permit to become null and void. 38. This permit may be revoked and cancelled at any time by,the General Manager, Long Beach Harbor Department or by the Chief, Long Beach Fire Department. 39. It shall be the full responsibility of the Agent to inform the Master or Owner of these instructions. 4o. Compliance is not required with the provisions of paragraphs 41. Before cargo work commences, there shall be a pre-work confer- ence on..board the vessel attended by a.11 parties represented in the signing of this agreement. 42. @Signers of this agreement w ill state at the pre-work conference their recommendations, if any, for additional precautions or their inability to conform to the prescribed precautions. Special Provisions: No provisions contained herein are to be construed contrary to existing Federal, State, or Municipal regulations or as waiving precautions required for safety and by good seamanship. The conditions of the permit accepted and will be enforcedt together with other precautions imposed by competent authority, as agreed upon at the pre-work conference on board -7'ilp. B-15 STEMMING CO. SIGNATURE VESSEL'S AUTHORIZED 'AGIENT Permit approved for issuance,, subject to: T MASTO TERMINAL AGENT Recommended, subject to satisfactory inspection of the vessel. V. M. Jones, Chief Long Beach Fire Department Chief Wharfinger By Permit granted subject to all of the provisions hereinabove set forth. Title Date T. J. THORLEY General Manager, Long Beach Harbor Department R. C.* Hertica Captain., U.S. Coast Guard By Title Date B-16 LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS VESSEL U.S. COAST GUARD CITY OF LOS ANGELES OF LOS ANGELES partment of Fire Captain of the Port Harbor Department C North Main Street 165 North Pico Ave 255 West 5th Street Angeles, CA Long Beach, CA San Pedro, CA SSEL: FLAG: ATION (Berth or Facility) & TIME: ENGLISH YES NO NSED 0FFICER, RANK &NAME (Print) SPEAKING_ ANK &NAME (Print) ENGLISH SED OFFICER, R SPEAKING O TO BE TRANSFERRED: TYPE GRADE LOADING DISCHARGING BUNKERING BALLASTING CARGO TANKS certify that we have conferred regarding the proposed transfer, made the lowing inspection, and are familiar with Fire Department, Harbor Depart- , and U.S. Coast Guard Regulations applicable to the transfer of cargo, in contained, in the Port of Los Angeles. We will observe all safety cautions. We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the vessel anti inal are, in all respects, ready to commence operations. INAL PERSON -IN- CHARGE TANK VESSEL PERSON-IN-CHARGE rint (Print and Sign Name) and Sign Name) PIOUS CARGO INSPECTOR rint and Sign Name) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDORSEMENT OF CHANCE OF WATCH OR SHIFT read the Declaration of Inspection and safety checkoff sheet and I that all conditions remain satisfactory. I have tested the commun- ions systems and advised the facility/vessel personnel of the change of. on watch. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE/TIME REQUIREMENTS FOR LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS TRANSFER VESSEL AND FACILITY Tank Vess-al Inspect or will inspect ship prior to transfer. Additional inspections will be made by concerned agencies as ,ieeded. T P -in-Charge shall speak fluent English. If not he erson possible, a crewman who speaks English shall be stationed near the shutdown.button or valve and shall -maintain con- tinuous radio communication with Terminal and Vessel Persons-in-Charge...- Vessel has red flag or light. Warning signs on wharf, gangway,-radio room, and off-shore side of vessel in place.*., Mooring lines are strong enough to hold an,d of sufficient length to adjust to all conditions. 4. Transfer system aligned and ready to transfer. Unnecessary or unused components of.the transfer system shall be blanked off with gaskets and at least 4 bol.ts, or an approveld blanking device. 0 The cargo transfer system shall be connected to fix2d piping system. Loading arm must be long enough to allow ship movement and supported soas to prevent strain on coupling. 8. Suitable material must be used in joints and coupling to i-fiake a tight seal. Loading arm connections must be made with the prope.r size bolts in every hole.., The Persons@-in-Charge shall remain in the immediate vicinity of the transfer operation and be immediately available to transfer personnel to supervise connections, disconnections, and emergency shutdowns.. No fire or open flame will be permitted. All repair work on Yessel or wharf which can serve as an ignition.sour-ce must have prior approval of LAFD, USCG and LAHD. Power or manual spark produci*ng.devices shall not be operated. on weather decks, in pumprooms, in cargo or fuel..tanks, or compartmen@s which may accumulate vapors. B-18 Boiler and galley fires will not be a fire hazard during tra.nsfer operations. All sources of ignit-ion shall. be removed, eliminated.or secured within 200 feet of vessel. The vessel and shore facility will have adequate lighting to safel'y conduct the transfer operation. Smoking shall be permitted only in approved designated. areas. No smoking signs shall be posted-elsewhere. A pre-transfer conference has been held by the Persons-In- Charge covering: products; discharge sequence and rates; names of persons involved; transfer system details and critical stages; other applicable rules; emergency, discharge containment and reporting, and shutdown procedures; and shift change procedures. Sufficient personnel are present for the transfer: For the ship, a licensed Deck Officer and two Assistants. For the Terminal, the Person-in-Charge an(l two Assistant. Sufficient crewmen to get the vessel underway in an emergency shall remain aboard the vessel at all times. 4 D The Term Inal and Vessel Persons-in-Charge shall indicate to each other that they are ready to transfer prior to starting the transfer. erly, and unauthorized persons shall not. Intoxicated, disord, be permitted on the terminal or aboard the vessel. Exception crewmen who are escorted from the gate tc the vesse 1 by sh-lp's personnel. All cargo and personnel compartment openings will be closed dur-ing transfer except when required to be temporarily opered. Stores and supplies shall not be loaded -during any transfer or tank cleaning operation unless aoproved by Hazardous Cat-go Inspector. Sufficient, serviceable fire hose equipped with suitable nozzles, shall be attached to fire main and ready for instant use. There shall.be adequate water pressure to supply at least 50 lbs. pressure at each working fire hose nozzle. *Emergency towing wires shall-be riqged outboard foreand aft and maintained within 2 meters of water surface. Transfer system connections s-hall be continually checked for leaks and pressure gauges checked to insure the maximum working pressure is not exceeded. B-19 Tf-a spill occurs, it shall be reported immediately to the Persons-,in-Charge. Three security guards shall be maintained at the terminal while the vessel is moored at the wharf. Maintenance stores and supplies shall be.-stowed in a remote clean'shed only in quantities necessary for current operations. The facility shall be free of rubbish, debris, and waste materials except inapproved location or containers. Soiled rags shall be kept in covered metal containers which shaPol be removed at the end of-each working day. Electrical equipment shall be approved for the Hazardous Area it is used in. Only flashlights approved for use in.Class 1, Group D Hazardous Areas shall be used on the Terminal and aboard vessel. If Electrical Bonding is used, it shall be activated by an approved switch prior to cargo hose connection and deactivated after cargo hose disconnection and spillage removal. The bonding system shall have a means of indicating continuity of the bond.' The Persons-in-Charge shall have cargo information cards for each carga being handled immediately available. Engines shall be kept ready and vessel trimmed in order to depart within 30 minutes in an emergency. went piping shall be sound and free of leaks. All electrical installations in the pumproom shall be either cxplo@;ion-proof and/or intrinsically safe. Installations on the weather deck and in spaces bounding cargo tanks shall be properly maintained and not pose any hazards. (Example: globes removed from light fixtures.) Wiring shall be i.n good condition in these areas. Electric cables to portable equipment shall be disconnected unless certified for Use in hazardous areas. There shall be no exposed electrical wires aboard the ship. All communication equipment involved in the transfer operation shall be tested and properly working. Walkie-Talkies shall be tested hourly and immediately prior.to transfer. Cargo related decks of the vessel shall remain free of dirt.y rags, rubbish, debris and loose tools. Dunnaae shall be i)laced under anv drums of metal deck cargo to'-eliminate danger or sparks. All cargo transfer and tank cleaning operations shall be immediateiy shutdown if.any of the following occurs: 0. Severe electrical storm. b. A fire occurs on the vessel, terinal or in the vi.cinity. B-20 C. Sufficient competent personnel are not present during cargo handling or a language barrier develops between vessel and facility. d. If a break occurs in transfer system, cargo is leaking at joints or connections at a rate exceeding the capacity of the containment system, or if a spill occurs.. e. If a serious vapor condition develops aboard or around the vessel or wharf due to an abnormal dissipation. f . If any emergency arises which may result in a sp'i 11 or affect the safety of the vessel or terminal. "'0.' Cargo trans'ferring s-hall begin slowly. Connection shall be inspected for leaks prior to transferring at operating pressure, and- during transfer operations. "I. All roadways to the wharf shall be properly maintained and unobstructed. 1'7* Vehicles sh 'all be parked heading towards gate, unlocked and with keys in ignition unless parked in a designated parking area, 100 feet from vessel. Motor vehicles shall not be operated on a Marine Oil Terminal within 100 feet of a tank vessel during transfer operations,.without prior approval'of the Hazardous Cargo Inspector. Only.electrically operated auto- motive equipment approved for use in hazardous areas shall be operated within 100 feet of transfer area. 3. There shall be at least five (5) 20 lbs. dry chemical portable fire extinguishers on deck. Two (2) shall be located at each side of the manifold and one at the gangway or accommodation ladder. 'i,, If vessel design permits, all air intakes which may take in Yapors or are within 35 meters of a cargo tank opening o-r venting point shall be closed. Compartment air intake vents shall be trimmed away from the cargo area to prevent intake of vapor. Window type air conditioning units facing cargo area shall be disconnected. Main radio transmitting equipment shall be off during transfer. Additional Fire Protection - In lieu of foam protection, this Department re quests the following: a. Two (2) monitors capable of delivering 500 G.*P.M. each. b. One hundred fifty (150) lbs.. dry chemical extinguishing agent (portable) . gulations herein contained reflect laws contained in the Code of deral Regulations, Los Angeles Fire Code, and the Port of Los --cles Tariff. B-21 5 7 I I I I I I I I APPENDIX C I TERMINAL SAFETY PROVISIONS SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS I I I . I I I I .I I I CORWN & FLEET STREETS P. 0. BOX 1050 ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY 07207 PHONE (201) 289-6000 (N. J.) (212) 964-9200 (N. Y.) SEA-LAND SERVICE. INC. May 25, 2979 Mr. W. A. Hartman Safety Officer The Port of Long Beach P. 0. Box 570 Long Beachv California 90801 Dear Mr. Hartman: Enclosed are copies of several Sea-Land procedures dealing with our handling of hazardous materials. I hope they will, be of use to you in developing the risk -management safety report. Sincerely, SEA--LA SERVICEI, INC. T. Bohlman, Director Regulatory Compliance MTB/tam Attachments C-1 SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC. APPROVAUTRANSMITTAL SHEET 0 POLICY ffPROCEDURE 0 TECHNICAL MANUAL REF. NO. 07-07-001 DATE ISSUED 10 July 1978 0 NEW CHANGE. REVISION NO. Original PAGES ATTACHED 17 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 'By SEA-LAND NEED OR PROBLEM: Exhibits B&F must be updated to reflect recent regulatory requirements. Exh ibit Hadded to reflect proper stowing of portable tanks'containing flammable liquids with a flash point below 100 degrees F. . Prohibited, Restricted and Special Handling Commodities,sections have been revised to provide more specific definitions. SUMMARY OF ATTACHED POLICY/PROCEDURE/TECHNICAL MANUAL: The affected exhibits and commodity sections have been revised. SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 2/27/79 APPROVED BY: R. Henning OPERATING COMMITTEE (BY): N/A DATE: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: N/A DATE: SI. 2022 6/77 C-2 SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC.' PRO CED.U RE REF. NO. 07-07-001 DATE ISSUED 10 July 1978 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original BY SEA-LkND PAG E I of 4 I. PROCEDURAL OVERVIEW Guidelines are set forth that allow Sea-Land to handle the maximum amount of approved types of hazardous materials without derogating safety. 11. ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS AFFECTED All Sea-Land Terminal, Port and Country Managers. All Division LP&C/SCS Managers *j All Sea Operations General Managers, Regional Managers and Managers. a All Booking Personnel. 0 All Sales Personnel. All Masters of-Sea-Land Vessels. Members of the Hazardous Commodities Review Committee. III. DEFINITION OF TERMS 0 Prohibited -Cargo-- hazardous materials prohibited -from carriage on Sea-Land vessels in any amount and under any circumstances. 0 Restricted Cargo - hazardous materials that may move on a Sea-Land vessel providing the individual move is approved in advance by the Hazardous Commodities Review Committee. 0 Special Handling Cargo - hazardous materials that can be moved on a Sea-Land vessel providing special standard procedures, as set forth in Exhibits A through H of this procedure, are followed. * Hazardous Cargo - that cargo that is regulated as a hazardous material -and is not specifically listed within this procedure as prohibited, restricted,-or cargo which requires special handling. IV. OTHER RELATED POLICIES OR PROCEDURES Policy 07-07 Carriage of Hazardous Materials. V. RESPONSIBLE STAFF DEPARTMENT Land Operations Services Department, Elizabeth, N.J. (Hazardous Commodities Review Committee). C-3 SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC.- -PROCEDURE AEF. NO. 07- 07-001 DATE ISSUED 10 July 1978 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original* BY SEA-LAM PAGE 2 of4 VI. PROCEDURE A. PROHIBITED CARGO Hazardous materials that are classified as either: Arsine Boron Trichloride Chlorine Trifluoride Cryogenic Liquids Cyanogen Chloride Explosives, Class A (except water gel explosives and compatible booster explosives) Hydrogen Cyanide, Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride, Anhydrous Nitric Oxide Nitric Oxide & Nitrogen Tetroxide Mixtures. Nitrogen Dioxide Organic Peroxides (requiring refrigeration for stability) Phosgene Poisons, Class A Pyrophoric Liquids (in packages over 110 gallons in size) under the DOT System are prohibited from carriage by Sea-Land. B. RESTRICTED CARGO - The following hazardous materials: Ammonia, Anhydrous Boron Trifluoride Carbon Monoxide Chlorine Coal Gas Diborane Explosives, Class B Fluorine Hydrogen Bromide, Anhydrous Hydrogen Chloride, Anhydrous Hydrogen Sulphide Methyl Bromide Nitrosyl Chloride Oil Gas Pyrophoric liquids (in packages of 110 gallons capacity or less) Silicon Tetrafluoride Sodium Cyanide Sulfur Dioxide Trimethylamine, Anhydrous Water Gas Water gel explosives and compatible booster explosives *Page revised 1/29179* c-4 SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC. 07-07-001 REF. NO. PRO CERU RE DATE ISSUED 10 July 1978 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original* BY SEA-LAND PAGE 3 of 4 VI. PROCEDURE (cont'-d) must be specifically.approved for transport by the Hazardous Commodities Review Committee (HCRC) and the affected Division(s) prior to each move. At least two weeks prior to the proposed move, the cha-irman of the HCRC.must be furnished with at least the following information: 1. The proper shipping name-of the material 2. TheDOT and IMCO class of the material 3. The U.N..-number of the material 4. The quantity of material 5. The packaging that will be used (DOT specification number) 6. The name and address of the shipper and consignee . 7. The origin and destination and all intermediate ports of call Within one week of receipt of the above listed information, the HCRC will, through its chairman, advise the affected Divisions whether or not the material is approved for carriage and if approved, will set forth those-specific instructions that must be adhered to for carriage. Within one week of receipt of HCRd approval for carriage the affected-Division(s) will advise the shipper whether or not the material is approved for carriage and, if approved, the specific instructions that must be adhered to for carriage. (These instructions will, as a minimum, reiterate the HCRC's instructions.) if disapproved by the HCRC for carriage the chairman of the HCRC will also notify the shipper through the affected Division. -C. SPECIAL HANDLING CARGO The following hazardous materials: Ammonium Nitrate Ammunition Cigarette Lighters (charged with fuel) Explosives, Class C Motor-fuel Antiknock Compound Motor Vehicles Radioactive Materials Refrigerated Hazardous Materials Tetraethyl Lead Yellow Phosphorous *Page Revised 1/29/79 C-5 SEA-LAND -SERVICE, INC.* P R 0 C E 0 U R E REF. NO. 07-07-001 DATE ISSUED 10 July 1978 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE'OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, REVISION NO. Original* BY SEA-LAND PAGE 4 of 4 VI. PROCEDURE (cont'd) can only be carried As set forth in Exhibits A through H of this procedure. D. OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS All..6tber hazardous ihaterials:may be carried proMe@ they are authorized for carriage aboArd cargo vessels by DOT regulation 49 CFR 172.101, are in DOT authorized packages and are carried in full accordance with the regulations (49 CFR 100-199 and the IMCO Code). VII. EXHIBITS No. Description A Ammonium Nitrate and Witro Carbo Nitrate Shipments Procedure B Cigarette Lighters Procedure C Class C Explosives and Ammunition Procedure D Hazardous Materials in Reefers Procedure E Motor-tuel Antiknock Compound, Tetra-ethyl Lead and Yellow Phosphorous Procedure F Motor Vehicles Procedure G Radioactive Materials Shipments Procedure H Flammable Liquids in Portable Tanks Procedure *Page Revised 1/29/79 C-6 NO- 07-07-001 OAT6 ISSUED 10 July 1178 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. original BY SEA-LAND PAGE EXHIBIT A AMMONIUM NITRATE AND NITRO CARBO NITRATE.SHIPMENTS Ammonium Nitrate and Nitro Carbo Nitrate Shipments are subject to many locally imposed restrictions,and special handling provisions. Prior to booking any loads of Ammonium Nitrate or Nitro Carbo Nitrate these restrictions for the origin, destination, and each intermediate port must be ascertained and the decision 6ade by local management that the movement can be economically and safely'made. The Regulations in 49 CFR 176.410 and 176.415 must be complied with. C-7 REF.'NO. 07-07-001 DATE ISSUED 10 July 1978 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. original* BY SEA-LAND PACE EXHIBIT B CIGARETTE LIGHTER PROCEDURE Cigarette lighters filled with flammable gas or liquid and fitted with an ignition device can only be carried: 1) If the design of the lighter and its packaging has been approved by the 'Transport System Center (T.S.C.) of the U.S. Department pf Transportation 2) If a copy of the Transport System Center approval accompanies t@e shipment. 3) For lighters charged with flammable gas only, if each lighter'contains no more than 2.3 fluid ounces of liquefied gas. If the lighters are carried in closed containers, a warning sign must be affixed to the access doors. "WARNING - MAY CONTAIN EXPLOSIVE MIXTURES WITH AIR - KEEP IGNITION SOURCES AWAY WHEN OPENING." The warning must be on a contrasting background and must be readily legible from a distance of 25 feet. The container (closed or vented) must be stowed on deck. Cigarette lighters containing 50.ml. or less of flammable liquid fuel in each lighter, 1 liter or less of fuel in each package and no more than 10 liters of fuel in the total shipment (from one consignor to one consignee) and cigarette lighters containing 100 grams or less of flammable gas fuel in each lighter and packed in packages with a maximum gross weight of 10 kilograms, that are not being shipped into, out of, or over the United States, may be handled as non-regulated material, provided they are stowed on deck. *Page Revised October 16, 1978 C-8 REF.NO.07-07-001 DATE ISSYED 10 july 1978 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION No. Original BY SEA-LAND PAGE EXHIBIT C CLASS C EXPLOSIVES AND AMMUNITION PROCEDURE Class C explosives and ammunition may be tarried on-board Sea-Land vessels provided: in 1. The following information:is provided to the origin'term**ai, 'destination terminal, all intermediate ports of call, Director Loss Prevention, Corporate Terminal Operations, and to the Director Safety Engineering, Corporate IC&S at least one week prior to the.loading of the vessel with the freight and none of these individuals disapproves the shipment: a. The name and address of the shipper (not the forwarder) b. The name an&address of the consignee c. The end use-of the ammunition or explosives d. The caliber and type of the ammunition e. The number-of rounds of each caliber f. The gross weight of the ca 'rgo -g. The net weight of explosive h.- The type of packaging i. The number of packages The port of destination 2. -The following information is provided prior to the vessel reaching its First Port of Call to the Director of Loss Prevention, Corporate lerminal Operations, and the Terminal and Marine Managers of each port through which the load is to pass: a. The container number b@. The Booking number 3. A copy of the-commercial invoice and packing list, from the shipper, is mailed to the-destination port (attn: Terminal Marine Manager) in time to arrive before the vessel. C-9 REF. NO. 07-07-001 DATE IS$UEO 10 July 1978 SUBJECT: 'CARRIAdE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original BY SEA-LAND PAGE EXHIBIT D HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN REFRIGERATED CONTAINERS Organic peroxides requiring refrigeration for stabilization (see prohibited cargo list) and flammable liquids with a flash point below 0 degrees F are prohibited from carriage in an operating refrigerated container on board Sea-Land vessels. .The following categories of hazardous materials can be carried on board Sea-Land vessels in refrigerated containers only with the approval of Director, Perishable Commodities Service, Corporate SCS:* a. Hazardous materials in packages fitted with vents or relief devices. b. Hazardous materials with an oral rate LD50 value of 3000 mg/kg or less. c. Hazardous materials with a flash point below 73 degrees Fprovided the set temperature of the reefer is at least 5 degrees below the product's flash point. d. Organic peroxides (other than those prohibited) with a SADT of 55 degrees F or higher. In all cases, hazardous materials transported in refrigerated containers must be in packages that will maintain their integrity (i.e., leaktight) at an ambient temperature of 130 degrees F. For packages containing liquids the ullage space must not disappear at temperatures below 130 degrees F. In the absence of the Director, PCS approvals may be granted by the Director, Regulatory Compliance; Manager, Regulatory Compliance; or Manager, Chemical Product R&D (SCS). C-10 REF. NO. 07-07-001 DATE ISSUED 10 July 1978 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. -Original BY SEA-LAND PAGE EXHIBIT E (pg. 1 of 4) MOTOR-FUEL ANTIKNOCK COMPOUND, TETRA-ETHYL LEAD AND YELLOW PHOSPHOROUS Tetra-ethyl lead is prohibited from carriage in packages over 110 gallons capacity (i.e. bulk). Motor-fuel antikn6ck compound and yellow phosphorous (under water) may be .carried in bulk in portable tanks complying with the regulations in 49 CFR if emergency response information is provided by the shipper to the origin ,terminal Sea Operations Vessel-Manager (Marine Manager if no Sea Operations Vessel Manager exists- at that facility) for his presentation to the Master of the vessel prior to loading the portable tank aboard the vessel and the affected Divisions approve (based on the absence of local restrictions that would make the shipment economically or legally unacceptable) the move. Drums 'of tetra-ethyl lead, motor-fuel antiknock compound and yellow phosphorous (under water), including empty drums previously containing these materials, can only be carried in containers bearing Sea-Land serial ntmbers above 42652, (excluding those in the 49000 series), and if: a. The drums are loaded.as shown in pg. 2, 3 and 4 of this exhibit. b. The load is checked for proper blocking and bracing at the origin terminal by a qualified Sea-Land employee and cleared for carriage on our vessels or movement by rail, as appropriate. c. The load is checked for unacceptable blocking and bracing and leakage after the rail portion of the move has taken place at the railhead prior to movement to Sea-Land's facility. Do not allow any leaking tetra-ethyl lead or motor-fuel antiknock compound to contact skin or clothing as death could result. Immediately report any ' leakage discovered to the shipperand to Director, Regulatory Compliance, Elizabeth and Director, Safety Engineering, Menlo Park., C-11 L4 f t2i -jr* to tn L"q Maf orliol 1'.by fbic6ost 4o cloar rolil'nq hoops, < jr I-'d 0 a. C4 rz accommodato 7 -A< VAdfh fo accommohfo shorf Ifack 09 H OQ t7j W. 0 Ph TIGHT LOJAMWG Or- DRUDIS WITH nOLUNG ZIOOPS- REF. NO. 07-07-001 DATE ISSUED 10 July 1978 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS K&TERIALS REVISION NO. Original BY SEA-LAND PAGE EXHIBIT E (pg. 3 of 4) 61pa VTEVI 10 C-13 REF. NO. 07-07-001 DATE ISSUED 10 July 1978 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original BY SEA-LAND' PAGE EXHIBIT E (pg. 4 of 4) VXV 2!'z Door Post 2" x 4" 1"x 6" 2"xt 27 24" Contact Door Post V 41 2" z 4" Nailed to floor. IN, C TO K%1 C-14 REF. NO- 07-07-001 C)ATE ISSUED 10 July 19 78 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original BY SEA-LAND PAGE EXHIBIT F MOTOR VEHICLES PROCEDURE A Motor vehidle with the battery disconnected and the battery cables tied back, the gas tank completely drained and the engine run until all fuel within it is consumed must be shipped as a non-regulated material. Motor vehicles not meeting L11 of the above criteria are regulated as ORM-C's. They may have a maximum of 1/4 of a tank of gas. They may be stowed in a closed container with a warning affixed to the access doors. "WARNING MAY CONTAIN EXPLOSIVE MIXTURES WITH AIR KEEP IGNITION SOURCES AWAY WHEN OPENING." Stowage may be on deck or below deck. *Page Revised October 16, 1978 C-15 REF. NO. 07-07-001 DATE IS$U.ED 10 July 1978 SUBJECT: CARR .JAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO- Original BY SEA-LAND PAGE EXHIBIT G .(pg. 1 of 3) RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS SHIPMENT PROCEDURE Radioactive'Materials' are prohibited on board any Sea-Land vessel calling at any French, Italian, or Far East port. On vessels not calling at these ports, radioactive materials may be carried provided the following occurs: 'l. At least ten (10) days prior to the desired date of shipment a telex is sent to Director, Safety Engineering and Director of Insurance, Corporate IC&S and Manager Security, Corporate Terminal operations giving: a. The technical name of commodity b. The commodities ultimate use c. The name of the shipper d. The name of the consignee e. The origin of the shipment f. The des'tination' of the shipment 2. Approval for the movement. is received from Director, Safety Engineering and Director, Insurance. 3. Evidence of Nuclear Liability Insurance is provided (if the Director of Insurance requires the shipment to be insured). The shipper, consignee, or other party who has contractual responsibility must provide evidence of nuclear liability insurance with the following characteristics: a. $10,000,000 (U.S. dollars) minimum amount of insurance. b. Name of insured must be Sea-Land Service and/or all subsidiary and affiliated companies and their owned and chartered vessels. c. Policy must cover entire transit (inland origin to inland destination). d. Policy must provide for cross-liability. e. Policy must provide coverage for seaman claims. 4. A copy of the insurance policy with all endorsements (in English) is forwarded to Director of Insurance, Corporate IC&S. 5. A completed Radioactive Shipment Data Sheet, form SL 1904 (see page 3 of Exhibit H) is returned to the origin terminal prior to movement of the freight. (A telex containing the information may be used.) ID 6. All information on the completed data sheet is transmitted, prior to to: movement of the freight, C-16 C REF. NO. 07-07-001 DATE ISSUED 10 July 19 78 SUBJECT: CARRIAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original BY SEA-LAND PAGE EmBIT G (pg. 2 of .3) a. Origin terminal Terminal Manager and Terminal Marine Manager b. Destination terminal Terminal Manager and Terminal Marine Manager c. Every Terminal Manager and Terminal Marine Manager whose terminal the load is to transit or be relayed over d. The Director of Insurance, Corporate IC&S e. The Director of Safety Engineering, Corporate IC&S 7. Any applicable-DOT exemption, (IAEA) or fore*ign'special'perinits are distributed as in 5 above prior to movement of the* freight. 8. A copy of*any applicable DOT exemptions, IAEA or foreign special permits is attached to the Dangerous Cargo Manifest and the shipment is properly manifested by the Terminal Marine Manager at the origin terminal. 9. The U.S. Coast-Guard Captain of the Port is notified at least 24 hours in advance of the arrival of the freight in his port, of the details'of the move and estimates of time of arrival and depa rture by the Terminal Marine Manager. This requirement also applies. to intermediate U.S. ports of call. 10. -Upon receipt of the load the Terminal Manager at the origin terminal arranges the following: a. A check of the blocking and bracing-of the load within the container to ensure its adequacy for marine transport. b. A check to ensure that the container is properly placarded (and marked with the DOT exemption number if appropriate). c. The spotting of the container in a location where it can be readily observed. A. Periodic checking for security e. Application of cable seals or a quality padlock (key possession limited to Terminal Manager or LP&C Manager) if the container is a closed container. 11. A telex (departure message) is sent by the Terminal Manager of the origin and each intermediate terminal to all concerned terminals (6a, b, and c above) confirming the presence of the radioactive material on the vessel. 12. At.least 48 hours prior to the vessel's arrival, notification of the ETA of the vessel is sent by the Terminal Marine Manager of each intermediate, relay and destination terminal to the appropriate national or local authorities. C-17 REF. NO. 07-07-001 DATE ISSUED 10 July 1978 SUBJECT: CARRtAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION No. Original BY SEA-LAND PAGE EXHIBIT G (pg. 3 of 3) SEA-LAND SERVICE. INC. RAGMACMVE SHIMIEN'T DATA SHEET JrO BE f.-ILED IN By SHIPPER OR SHIPPER'$ REPRESENTArIVE? IMPORTAtM C0_-.PLCYE ALL CUESTIONS AND FOMARD ORIGINAL TO LOCAL SEA-LAND rtEPRESENTATIVE 8CFORE SHIPMENT IS MADE. SHiPrLR: CONSIGNEE: 1. FULL TECHNICAL N'AME Q MTUSTRIAL C-311MI:01CAL r-AGPICULTURAL 2. INTENDED USE 0 C0.'.'-!I'RC)AL [_j.&CIENITIFIC 0 OTIIER NUMBER AND TYPE OF 3. PACKAGES 4. GROSS WEIGHT 6. NET WEIGHT 6. SEA-LMID TRAILER NUMBER (;f knotvnJ DOT SPECIAL PERMIT OR 7. IAEA CERTIFICAYE NMABER FOREIGN PERMITNUMMER 8. AND-COUINTRY-OF I.Ss"611c. 9. KIAME OF RADIOISOTOPE 10. WEIGHT OF RADIOISOY013E 11. FOM',@' OF RADIMSOMIE 12. IIEPCENT ENS!C!IMEi',)T 13. ACTIVITY It'%' CURIES 14. UN/I;,!,C0 IN-U."ABER 15. L4,13EL M TRAIKSPORT GROUP 17. TRANSrOPT 1,.".IDEX 110. 18. FISSIL.- CLASS 1q. rAC,!ATIO,'%' AT O.NE LIETER 23. ATSU.2FACE 21. IS .1Ab;0 ACTIVE i4ATERIAL 1;,,f i'M FINI;S, CED 1'7.,r@_,E: If n0,jQ"-.-&tiej.-*.,j 0" %-ture NOTE. 1*t;F.A301.1:fl,*.T,*.'.'@tl.E,@lj@[:DI'C!(.":.-.*,I:.L'.".i.YPI"'.','IlnFP-'.' cf.":.P"'IL ISA!@,PIDUSUME FCA rill' C:; IiVkEtrt ro - r y BY: oil 1: NTA TWE SIGNATMiC DAM Ct C071. C-18 REIF. NO. 07-07-001 DATE ISSUED 10 july 1978 REVISION NO. SUBJECT: CARRIACE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Original BY SEA-LAND PAGE EXHIBIT H Portable tanks containing liquids with a flash point below 100 degrees F cc should not be stowed: a. Adjacent to the -reefer unit end of an operating reefer, on either side of-an operating reefer, directly above the -operating reefer-, or in any location above these positions (see diagramatic sketch in Exhibit H of provedure 07 07 00l). b. In proximity to a reefer jack unless that jack is shielded so as to preclude contact between any live electrical parts, including the plug,and any liquid that may escape from the. tank. Yes YES YES YES YES Yes No No No Yes Reefer Unit Yes No No No Yes Top View(looking down) Note these same restrictions apply to all tiers above the illustrated tier C-19 EA-LAND SERVICE, INC. APPROVAUTRANSMITTAL SHEET 0 POLICY EXPROCEDURE 0 TECHNICAL MANUAL REF. NO. 07-99-006 DATE ISSUED 20 April 1978 1XI NEW E]CHANGE REVISION NO. 001 PAGES ATTACHED 1 2 -SUBJECT: IIAZARDOUS MATERIALS' PLACARDS. NEED OR PROBLEM: The responsibilities of the Sea Operations Manager must be expanded to include distribution of Form SL 295 to the originating*terminai for corrective action. SUMMARY OF ATTACHED POLICYIPROCEDURE/TECHNICAL MANUAL: Secti on VI. A., 2. has been revised to include'this requirement.as well as the use of form SL 2084, Hazardous Materials Exception Report. SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 4-7-1978 /Bohlman, Dir. Reg. Comp-. APPROVED BY: OPERATING COMMITTEE (BY): NIA DATE: N/A CHIEle EXECUTIVE OFFICER. DATE: SL 2022 6/77 C-20 REF. NO. 07-99-006 PROCEDURE' DATE ISSUED 20 Apr. 1978 SUBJ ECT: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PLACARDS REVISION NO. 001 PAGE I of 2 'PROCEDURAL, OVERVIEW Containers shall be ins'pected for proper placards when entering the Sea-Land facility, when aboard ship and when leaving the terminal. II. ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS AFFECTED . All Sea-Land Port and Terminal Managers . Members of the Hazardous Commodities Review Committee . Masters of all Sea-Land Vessels 111. DEFINITION OF TERMS. Placard - a Department of Transportation approved warning sign which indicates that hazardous materials are in the containers. Authorized placards are described in.DOT regulations 49 CER 172.519 through 172.558 and 172 Appendix A and B. These placards meet the IMCO code require- ments for oversize labels. IV. OTHER RELATED POLICIES OR PROCEDURES None. V. RESPONSIBLE STAFF DEPARTMENT Land Operations Services, Elizabeth, N.J. VI. PROCEDURE A. Inspection of containers 1 Entering or leaving a Sea-Land facility. The Terminal Manager shall establish an inspection program which ensures that: containing non-regulated a. All empty containers or those material have the hazardous materials placards removed. C-21 SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC. -99-006 REF. NO. 07 PRO CEO U RE. DATE ISSUED 20 Apr. 1978 SUB'@ECT: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PLACARDS REVISION NO. 001 PAGE 2 of 2 VI. PROCEDURE (cont'd) b. All containers which are carrying hazardous materials have properly placed placards, as detailed below, that properly describe the material within the container. The container must also agree with the accompanying documentation. 2, Stowed on deck of a vessel between ports The master of the vessel shall establish an inspection program which ensures that containers listed on the Dangerous Cargo Manifest have the correct placard and that all other containers are not placarded. Where possible, improper placards and marking will be removed and proper placards affixed. Those containers which could not be checked, or those that could not be corrected and those that were corrected should be listed on a Hazardous Materials Exception Report (SL 2084), in the appropriate section. B. Corrective Action Immediately upon docking at the destination terminal the Master of the vessel shall submit a properly completed SL 2084 to the Sea Operations Manager. (In those ports without a Sea Operations Manager, this report shall be submitted to the Marine Manager.) The Sea Operations Manager, or Marine Manager, as appropriate, will distribute the form to the destination and origin Terminal Marine Manager. The destination Terminal Marine Manager will ensure that all containersthat could not be checked on board the vessel are checked and that all improper placarding is corrected prior to the containers leaving his facility. C. Placement of Placard Containers loaded with hazardous materials (in any quantity) shall bear the proper placard; one on each side of the container. Each placard shall be applied as shown in Exhibit A. The placard shall be firmly affixed, clean enough to be legible, right side up and with the wording horizontal. VII. EXHIBITS Subject No, Location of Hazardous Materials Placard B Hazardous Materials Exception Report (SL 2084) C-22 20 Apr. 1978 .SUBJECT: HAZARDOUS 14ATERIALS PLACARDS 001 EXHIBIT A LOCATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PLACARDS .1. PLACARDS BEING APPLIED TO THE SIDES OF SEA-LAND CONTAINERS SHALL BE: RESTRICTED TO A 2' X 41* RECTANGLE ADJACENT TO THE FRONT OF THE CONTAINER. 2. PLACARDS BEING APPLIED TO THE FRONT OR REAR OF SEA-LAND CONTAINERS SHALL BE RESTRICTED To 21 X 21 SQUARES IN EACH BOTTOM CORNER. 3. PLACARDS BEING APPLIED TO TANK CONTAINERS SHALL BE INSERTED IN THE INSTALLED PLACARD HOLDERS. RIGHT SIDE 001. LEFT SIDE 0 0 FRONT/REAR C-23 20 Apr. 1978 SUBJECT: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PLACARDS 001 EXHIBIT B SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EXCEPTION REPORT VESSEL. Instructions: Form to be completed for each leg of a voyage where exceptions to hazardous materials stowage or placarding VOYAGE are noted. Careful comparison with current Dangerous Cargo Manifest should be made during first routine rounds after DATE departure and exceptions noted. Completed form to be delivered to Sea Operations Manager (Marine Manager in ports without Sea Operations Department) as soon as possible after PORT OF docking. S/L Leaking Tank Report and DOT Hazardous Materials LOADING Incident Report must also be completed when applicable. Incidents of a serious or emergency nature should be communicated by SSB or CW at earliest opportunity with this form submitted as a follow-up. PAT ONE: Imp.Placarded-Corrected by Vessel PART TWO: Improperly Placarded-Not Corrected; DISCH.PORT CONT.NO./POS NATURE/EXCEPTION DISCH.PORT CONT.NO./POS NATURE/EXCEPTION PART THREE: Inaccessible for Checking Placard PART FOUR:Stowage/Segregation Violations DISCH.PORT CONT.NO/POS CONT.NO/POS REMARKS (Incidents, Comments, etc.') DIST: Home Port Sea Operations Manager Destination.Terminal Manager: Loading Port Terminal Manager " " " Mgr.Regulatory Compliance Control,Eliz. " " " SL-2004 4/78 C-24 SEA-LAMB. SERVICE, IMC. A -A PROCEDURE TRAMSMITTAL SHEET DATE: 18 September 1978 TO: ALL PROCEDURE MANUA L HOLDERS FROM: ELIZABETH - C. A. Rodina, Information Sy*stems SU B*JECT: "INSPECTION OF TANK EQUIPMENT /1-7 E5N,-rURRF1XCF 11. INFORMATION COPIES M. Boh1ma J.J. Gallagher, Elizabeth* G. Cople, Hong Kong 6f T. Yost, Iselin Dii-@,,b B/e@ Co Date S. Palen, Rotterdam J. Vanna, Oakland P7 C. Raymond, Ft. Lauderdale N. Porter, Anchorage J. Hinchcliffe,-Seattle R. Ingram, Rio De Janeiro Date Date Date Date Date Dare Date Date S U101ARY All tank equipment must be inspected when entering a Sea-Land facilityp whether empty, loaded or in relay. it is the responsibility of the origin terminal to only load tan.ks aboard a vessel which have been determined to be fit for service and for conditions which will be _j encountered at sea without leaking. C-25 MITTAL SHEET V@ APPROVAL/TRANS 0 POLICY IM PROCEDURE 0 TECHNICAL MANUAL REF. NO. 07-99-015 DATE ISSUED 16 Jan. 19F9 0 NEW. CHANGE REVISION NO. Original PAGES ATTACHED 2 SUBJECT: INSPECTION OF TANK EQUIPMENT NEED OR PROBLEM: Redesign of the.Tank Container Air Test Apparatus. SUMMARY OF ATTACHED POLICY/PROCEDURE[TECHNICAL MANUAL: Exhibit B has been revised to reflect the new design and dimensions of the Tank Container Air Test Apparatus. SUBMITTED BY: DA.TE: 16 January L97L$ APPROVED BY: M. T. Bohlman OPERATING COMMITTEE (13Y): DATE: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: DATE: SL 2022 6/77 C-26 SEA-LAND. SERVICE'. MC. -PROCEDURE REF. NO. 07-99-015 DATE ISSUED 18 Sept. 1978 SU13J ECT: INSPECTION OF TANK EQUIPMENT REVISION NO. Original PAGE I of 4 I. PROCEDURAL OVERVIEW All tank equipment must be inspected when entering a Sea-Land facil'ity, whether empty., loaded or in relay. It is the responsibility of the@_ origin terminal to only load tanks aboard a vessel which have been determined to be fit for service and for conditions which will be encountered at sea without leaking. 11. ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS AFFECTED 0 All Sea-Land port and terminal facilities, worldwide. 0 Corporate Special Commodities Services. 0 All Garage Managers. 0 All Special Commodities operations Personnel. 0 Corporate Equipment Engineering and Maintenance. U) III. DEFINITION OF TERMS None. IV. OTHER RELATED POLICIES OR PROCEDURES None. V. RESPONSIBLE STAFF DEPARTMEJNT Land Operations Services, Elizabeth, N.J. VI. PROCEDURE A. Origin Port Inspection 1. Empty Tank When an empty tank arrives at a Sea-Land port or terminal, Maintenance personnel will perform an inspection. Form SL 660 (see Exhibit A) is completed in duplicate and all questions must be answered. Prior to dispatching a MC 306 or MC: 307 tank to pick up a load, all gaskets must be replaced (with new gaskets) C-27 SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC. 07-99-015 REF. NO. I` V@'2 P R-0 C E D U.R E 18 Sept. 1978 DATE ISSUED SUBJECT: INSPECTION OF TANK EQUIPMENT REVISION NO. Original PAGE 2 of 4 VI. PROCEDURE (cont'd) and a 10 psig (0.69 bars) pressure test, as described in 2.b. below, must be performed. The Terminal Manager may waive the required 10 psig pressure test if the empty tank is not being dispatched to pick up a hazardous material. If any deficiencies are found, corrective action must be taken before the tank equipment can be used. For those tanks that cannot be pressure checked after loading (see A.2.a.) all gaskets must be replaced and the shipper must: be specially counseled as to proper procedures for securing aft, fittings prior to dispatching the tank. 2. Loaded Tank a. Special Commodities Services Representative When a loaded tank arrives at a Sea-Land port or terminal, the Special Commodities Services representative (or the person designated by the Terminal Manager to act as Special Commodities Services Representative) will initiate the inspection by completing the appropriate se'ctions of form SL. 660. All instructions as to placarding, opening of dome covers, sealing, etc. are to be outlined on the form by the% S.C.S. (Special Commodities Services) representative before@.- submitting it to Maintenance personnel to perform the mechanical inspection and pressure check. All-loaded tanks-. must be pressure checked on arrival at terminal.except: (1) MC 303 series of tank. (2) Tanks already under pressure by inert gas. (3) Tanks containing products reactive to air or moisture,.. (4) Tanks with customer seals for product quality integrity.- (Coca Cola syrup, etc.). b. Maintenance Personnel Upon receipt of the partially completed SL 660 form, V, Maintenance personnel will perform the mechanical inspectibn-i excluding item 29 and 30 on the form. If the tank can be.. air pressure checked, (as determined by the Special Commodities Representative) the following low pressure check must be perf ormed: --C-28 -SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC. REF. NO. 07-99-015 P R 0 C E U E DATEISSUED 18 Sept. 1978 SUBJECT: INSPECTION OF TANK EQUIPMENT REVISION NO. Original 3 of 4 PAGE VI. PROCEDURE (cont'd) (1) Remove blank flange on pressure inlet (nitrogen fitting). (2) Install test fixture. (3) Apply air pressure of,10 psig. (0.69 Vars). Note: Ensure that the temperature of the supplied air is within a few degrees of ambient (temperature of air surrounding tank) temperature. (4) Shut off air supply pressure. (5) Observe air pressure gauge for loss of pressure for a period of five to ten minutes. (6) Coat all gasket areas and packing glands with soapy As(- water (only necessary for unloaded tanks) and inspect dome covers, vent valves, and discharge valve assembly with all items in their normally closed position for evidence of air or product leakage. (7) If no air pressure loss is noted and no evidence of product leakage is observed, relieve air pressure, replace test fixture with blank flange and release shipper's agent and load for packing and/or stowage. If the inspection reveals any discrepancies in the ability of the tank to retain cargo, the Maintenance person will contact the S.C.S. representative for a joint decision as to corrective action to be taken. (Either fix the tank or return load to shipper.) Under no circumstances shall a tank be placed aboard a vessel if it is not'able to retain the cargo, if it fails to hold pressure or if there is any evidence of cargo leakage. After completion of the form, Maintenance will return both copies to the S.C.S representative if the tank is satisfactory. B. Relay Port Inspection When loaded tank equipment passes through a relay port, personnel at the relay port must inspect*ca'ch tank for leakage or gasket deterioration. I any pro em is oun correc ive ac ion s ou e F taken and a form SL 660 should be completed to describe the activity. all C-29 SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC. PROCEDURE REF. NO. 07-99-015 ID DATE ISSUED 18' Sept. 1978 SUBJECT: INSPECTION OF TANK EQUIPMENT REVISION No. Original PAGE 4 of 4 VI. PROCEDURE (cont'd) C. Processing of Form SL 660 On'a weekly basis, terminal or port Maintenance and S.C*.S.. representatives must forward a copy of all inspection forms to the Equipment Engineering and Maintenance Department, Elizabeth, N.j. VII. EXHIBITS No. Subject A Tank Inspection Form (SL 660) B Test Fixture Specification Drawing C-30 REF.- No. 07-99-015 DATEISSUED 18 Sept. 1.978 SUBJECT: 'INSPECTION OF TANK EQUIPMENT 'REVISION No. Ori ginal PAGE EXHIBIT A NO. _7@^L TANK INSPECTION TANK E] EMPTY 13LOADED DESTINATION CARRIER MEETS CONDITIONS OF^PPAOVEO COMMODITIES YE 16 1 If REFUSE SHIPMENT LIST-TANKS FOR CARRIAGE MIGHT TANK, ASKETS.ETC.) I NAME OFF PRODUCT m CORROSIVE NONE JOTHEft CO LAMMASLE __@_ohs` ZZPCEARD I . 11 a YES 16 BREAK 0 PSIG SPECIAL SEALS _HYDRO REQUIRED Yff ZY INSTRUCTIO.Si OPOEMIlE COVERS 13 NITROGEN YES NO OUTAGE BLANKET 0 0 CHECK CUSTOMS V GROSSWEIGHT ..................................... SEAL ly ZY TARE WEIGHT ...................................... DETERMINE OUTAGE BY,--- MEASUREMENT WEIGHT NET WEIGHT ....................................... 0 MAX. PRODUCT WEIGHT ............................. COMMODITY DEPTH (INCHES) ......................... IF OK - I')(" ir- NOT CHECK CHICK HERE SREAKSIALS OLD REOVIRID DATA PLATUSI 19 MUST EPriESENTANOPt.RMANEt4TLYAPFIXED AS OUTLINED IMSIFECtAl. INSTRUCTIONS F MYGAOSTATIC TC_STrL_A_TT_ R 2 vAn MUST se vnywiN 6 YEARS. IF NOT NOTIFICATION MUST 20 fuAGumSTfi SEOG"ARS 0 BEMAOCTOE @MDEPTAELIZ,NLl "T'a. $KEYED AND W42H CLOSIOCA3XIT REMAINS IN pn@ PLACARD WILD OOVIN LUGS N 3 MUST CORRESPOND TO INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY S.C.L 21 LILIST BE TIGHTENED DOWN SECURILY T _&FA_l_NS lk"" ENCYCARL9 OPERATOR 4 MUSTOOPERATE FREELY 22 MUST Of CLaN -NO OWTPIUCTIOM3 OR OAMAG4 TO MIEVINT T CAAINAIE DOTEX 09 NUL-0211 - MUST BE STENCILED AND LEGI WC303 [MY M= (tr SLA 6 T.E.74001 MC 306 IDOY.1.68" Me X? (DOT.64?201 0 23 MUST 511 Ild POSITION. OPERABLE. ON INSIDE OF DOME COVER. R P 1 6 MIA T"NO PANEL FEVIIP VALVE kCX3 USIDLILPLATI! G US SEMESENTANDNOTCOSIMOOED 24 MUST BPI IN POSITION - NOT DAMAGED ANO 1=0 PLACAAO&,"GW@-CTMA- &C 306 VENT - CUARDIAN ", 'GASKErWIPLACIED) H 7 MUST COARESPONOTO INFORMATION SUPPLIEDBYS.C.S 25 MUST BECLEAN.O"RASLE AND TESTED wo?Nift T 5_w4=kLS_ - SIDEPAMILING 2GI MC327VEMY GUARDIAM300 (GASKI Y10FE-PLACID) NO DAMAGE EXPOSING INSULATION TO MOISTURE MUST BE CLEAN.OFERADLE AND TtSjEOVdT-IN GUONTF;S CLOSIOUTPAMBILS 0 9 NO DAMAGE EXPOSING. INSULATION TO MOISTURE 271 lNAlUTSKToNO`N 9 I.TCTRIAGCKED OR BROKEN VVII N GASXSY IN PLACI I AND TIC@7 ENE D I EATING PANEL OUTLETS - MCUG; JAM? MA:l,.NTEANAL INSPECTION ONLY IF CLEAN AND CMSCKEO FOR ING 28 0 y 1 a I LIF UP RT-CLEAN lo "mus 6 OPERABLE 7 PLUGGED) bRiAKUALS CLO No - No. 29 WEL ."It -CORROSION. If ANY DETERIORATION IS NOTED- - D 11 AS OVTLINSDIN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS -1 DEA005LINE AND R6F^IR PROBLEM INTSAMAL VALVE -."TOP - MC 306; MC W7 PLACARD 12 MUST &I OPERABLE 30 MUST CORRESPOND 70 INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY &.I-$. s C INTERNAL VALVE ROD - MC 3M: MC "IF 31 THERMOMETER 13 MUST BE IN PLACE AND PROPERLY ADJUSTED MUST BE IN ll..@Ct FLMBLG LINX - me 3m. MC 307 CALIGh AT A 14 MUST BE IN PLACE 32 QATION CHA MUST i PNOPERLY SECURED AND LIGIRLI R EMIRGENCYCAIILE-16IC MCC 307 Tin PLATE ca 15 MUST OF PROPERLY ATTA32t;10 AND OPERABLIS FROM REMOTE 33 MUST BE PROPERLY SICUR ED AND LEGIBLE DISCHARGIVALVII MC3M:MC"7 MC lKD INTSIqN^L VALVE OPERATOR 16 1.9USTSa PROPERLY'lIGNTENED 34 VUST Of OPERABLE R 0 VIGHTIMA L LTS.MC3Ol,;MC3O7 E =IFMFAGak YCA&Ll kc m3 FmFAGak x 117 ALL DOLISLMUST BE PROPERLY TIGHTENED A 35 MVSTSE INPLACK AND PROPERLY ACAISTED.OPgRABLI FROM PEVOTE LCCAT@O@ LINE CAP - MC 304; R 36 k= W3 EFUS481.1 LINK 181 MUSTS IN PLACE AND NOT DAMAGED GASKETS MUST BE IN PLACE AND CAP TIGHTENED NkC 303 LINE CAT% VALVE 37 MUST BE PROPERLY TIGHTENED 3s MC 303 LINE CAP GASK67S MUST OF IN PLACE AND CAPTIGHTENED INSPECTORS SIGNATURE DATE MC M3 TIGHTEN ALL SOLIS 39 ALL BOLT@ MUS7.31! PROAIRLV TIGHTENED HEATING PANEL OUTLETS REMARKS 40 MUST BE OPERABLE NOT PLUGGED 41 $#Of PANIUNG L I'D CAM^C9 ENPOSING INSULATION TO LFO1SrVAj E F 42 PLACAND6 PRODUCT NAME MUST CORRESPOND TO INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY T 43 DOT IXFWTION NUMBER - @VST Of STENCILED AND LfrigLIE MC 303 MOT E-74091 wC YX IOOT-E-5aS4j VC 307 IDOT.14?.o F PRE TRIP 104SPECTION OAll R SON PERFORMING INSPECTION MUST DATE TANK. SIGN 0 44 PZZIM AND RETURN IT TO SPECIAL COmmODITIES Girl. N A" Y AND ALL DISCAEPA4CIES TO 6k CoRqfCTEO MUST Sf T woTtoiNAR@AKSO*OMSACKCF$t@RMLISVtNGSVNUMSER. 3, TANKS WILL BE DEADLINED IF ITEPAS 1. 2.3. 7. 4 44.45 ARE NOT OKAY.TANKS ARE NOT TO BE LOADED UhUN2. 0Al THESE ITEMS ARE CORREC VL TED. E 45 PASSED 10PSIONYDROSTATIC TEST R SL-660 Sly a At REF. NO- 07-99-015 C", DATE ISSYED 18 Sept. 1978 SUBJECT: INSPECTION OF TAITIC EQUIPMENT REVISION NO. Original* PAGE EXHIBIT B Corporate Equipment, Engineering and Maintenance will order the pertinent parts for the air test apparatus for all garages. 0-6o Ps.t. Pizessoge 0A.0CM (Y4 w-p.-r) Im-PT. BRASS f3ACK M0VWTC0 6-ror, VALv E 5cRruj wro IZE(AULAXOR ISO 05.1. 'P C' P-T. W-FT 59ASS 5 ToP VA.LV9- Q'ilcic VISCOP-ECT ISO C0LYPL1kJCj-ACRoCZviP FD40 01z E@@"04:-r T Y STECL FL (04ALr- EJJC),, 000C AW Cx F-(%Scr3 OW00 600C I 0000 000 C. Aige svpf"@V) C) Asp. FILTER W10<1ER50W CoFZ9 CoL. MCOEL It-37-4 F44 0 0 W P. T. IWLEr 4aVTLrT PRE551)VE P-:-C,1JLA.T0P, 1@146TE;Z P4EUMAXIC- -E)F-ToolT IWC, I.p. S.- Sc "Co. 4o 6AL%/ SrT Se L t@joor-j_ R.100 - Pe 10 Tee I CL130UJ @ UIPFLES L 0 - P.,r IFJLET 4 ouTLf-@r 22SO P.S.I. Mjkx.- O-Zoo F.S.I. RC(SULATED AIR TEST APPARATtiS 1?CV. I *Page Revised 1/12/79 C-32 SEA-LAND SERVICE,INC PROCEDURE SUBJECT: REPORTING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENTS I. PROCEDURAL OVERVIEW It is the responsibility of the affected Terminal or Sea Operations Manager to report hazardous materials Incidents to the Department of Transportation and Sea-Land management. Serious incidents are via telephone and all incidents are reported on a Department of Trans- portation Hazardous Materials Incident Report. II. ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS AFFECTED 0 All Sea-Land Port and Terminal Managers 0 Members of the Hazardous Commodities Review Committee 0 Masters of all Sea-Land Vessels 0 All Sea Operations Managers III. DEFINITION OF TERMS Hazardous Materials Incident- an occurance that volves a hazardous material which results in one or more of the follow- ing: A. A person is killed; B. A person is injured requiring his hospitalization; C. Estimated carrier or other property damage D. A situation exists that represents a continuing the scene of the incident; E. Fire, breakage, spillage or suspected contamination a shipment of radioactive material or F. There has been an unintentional release of a package (including a tank). OTHER RELATED POLICIES OR PROCEDURES IV. None. SEA-LAND SERVICE, IN C.- P R 0 C E 0 U R E REF. NO. 07-99-005 DATE ISSUED 1 August 1977 SUBJECT:, RE-PORTING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original INCIDENTS PAGE 2 of 3 V. RESPONSIBLE STAFF DEPART.KT.11T Land Operations Services, Elizabeth, 14. J. VI. PROCEDURE A. Identification of Incident The first person who identifies a hazardous materials incident is responsible, by law, to report the incident to appropriate management as soon as possible. If aboard a vessel, the master must be noti-.! fied who will in turn notify the Sea Operations Manager of the ves- sel's home port; if on land, the Terminal Manager must be notified. B. Report of Incident 1. Telephone Report If an incident occurs on a Sea-Land vessel or in the United States which involves items A through E of the Hazardous Materials Incident definition above, the Terminal Manager or Sea Operations Manager must telephone the Department of Transportation at (202) 426-1830 and'report the following: a. Reporter's name, b. Name and address of carrier, c. Telephone nu6ber where reporter can be contacted, d. Date, time and location of incident, e. Extent.of injuries, if any, f. Classification, name and quantity of hazardous materials in- volved, if such information is available; -g. Type.of incident and nature of hazardous materials involved and whethera continuing danger to life exists at the scene. Ifthe incident involves an etiologic agent, the above information must also be telephoned to the Center for Disease Control, U.S. Public Health Service, Atlanta, Georgia (404) 633-5313. The above information must also be telephone d to the Director of Hazardous Commodities Services (201) 289-6000, ext. 2296 and the Director of Safety (201) 494-2599, etc. 470. If the incident involves the simple unintentional release of hazardous material (item F. of definition) no telephone report is necessary. C-34 SEA-LAND SERVICE, IMU. ov, REF. NO. 07-99-005 P R 0 C E 0 U R E DATEISSUED 1 August 1977 4) SUBJECT: REPORTING OF HAZARDOUS IMTERIALS REVISION NO. Original INCIDENTS PAGE 3 of 3 V1. PROCEDURE (cont1d) 2. Written Report All incidents must be reported within 15 days of their occur- rence by the completion of a Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Incident Report (Exhibit A). -This form will be completed by the Terminal Manager or Sea Operations Manager, as appropriate, and distributed as follows. 0 Two copies - If incident occurred on a Sea-Land Vess el or in the U.S., the Director, Office of Hazardous Materials Opera- tions, Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. 20590. 0 One copy - Director, Hazardous Commodities Services, Eliza- beth, N.J. Ar 0 One*copy Director of Safety, Menlo, Park, N.J. VII. E)MBITS Exhibit No. Item A Department of Transportation forn DOT F5800.1 "Hazardous Materials Incident report". C-35 07-99-005 1 August 1977 PORTING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Original SUBJECT: RE INCIDENTS EXHIBIT A DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FORM Appeared OMG No. 54.5613 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENT REPORT INSTRUCTIONS, Submit this report in duplicate to the Secretary. Hazardous Materials Regulation Board. Department of Transportation. Washington. D.C. 20590. (ATTN: Op. Div.). If space provided for any item is inadequate. complete that item under Section II. "Remarks". to the entry number being completed. Copies of this form, in limited quantities. may be obtained from the Secretary. Hazardous Materials Regulations Board. Additional copies in this prescribed format may be reproduced and used, if on the same size and kind of paper. A INCIDENT 1. TYPE OF OPERATION 4 WATER 5 FREIGHT 6 OTHER 1 AIR 2 HIGHWAY 3 RAIL FORWARDER identify 2. DATE AND TIME OF INCIDENT (Month-Day-Year) 3. LOCATION OF INCIDENT B REPORTING CARRIER,COMPANY OR INDIVIDUAL 4. FULL NAME 5. ADDRESS (Number, Street, City, State and zip code) 6. TYPE OF VEHICLE OR FACILITY C SHIPMENT INFORMATION 7. NAME AND ADDRESS OF SHIPPER (Origin addres) 6. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONSIGNEE (Destination address) 9. SHIPPING PAPER IDENTIFICATION NO. 10. SHIPPING PAPERS ISSUED BY CARRIER SHIPPER OTHER (identify) D DEATH5. INJURIES, LOSS AND DAMAGE DUE TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVOLVED 13. ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF LOSS AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE INCLUDING COST 11. NUMBER PERSONS INJURED 12. NUMBER PERSONS KILLED OF DECONTAMINATION (Round off in dollars) 14. ESTIMATED TOTAL QUANTITY OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RELEASED E HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RELEASED 13. CLASSIFICATION 15. SHIPPING NAME 17. TRADE NAME (See. 172.4) (See. 172.5) F NATURE OF PACKAGING FAILURE 18.(Check all aplicable boxes) (1) DROPPED IN HANDLING (2) EXTERNAL PUNCTURE (3) DAMAGE BY OTHER FREIGHT (4) WATER DAMAGE (5) DAMAGE FROM OTHER LIQUID (6) FREEZING (7) EXTERNAL HEAT (8) INTERNAL PRESSURE (9) CORROSION OR RUST (10) DEFECTIVE FITTINGS. (11)LOOSE FITTINGS. VALVES OR (12)FAILURE OF INNER VALVES. OR CLOSURES CLOSURES RECEPTACLES (13) BOTTOM FAILURE (14)BODY OR SIDE FAILURE (15)WELD FAILURE (17)OTHER CONDITIONS (identify) 19. SPACE FOR VDOT USE ONLY (16) CHIME FAILURE Form DOT F 5800.1 (10-70) C-36 07-99-005 I August 1977 SUBJECT: REPORTING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL'S Original INCIDENTS EXHIBIT A (page 2 of 2) r, P@CX A Cgr#G,lHPO.R %I AT SON - tt-*,. j,_ IVP- P- -d 1. 1... I T Em 43 TYPE Or PACKAGING 111CLUOING IN .4 ER 20 RECEPrACLCS fSI#.1 d.,-.. -e.. b... CAPACITY OR WEIGHT PER UNIT 21 (IS OS Its., I..) NUMSER Or PACKAGES FROM WHICH 22 MATERIAL ESCAP=O HUMOER 09 PACKAGES OF SAME TYPE Z3 IN SAIPMINT oor sPE_1mCA";iO" 14U '4 a @Rls) 04 24 PACKA oes (21P. $7Z. JAA. m. .1 q..) S-40. ALL OTHER OOT PACKAGING 25 14 A It. IN GS (P*,g 174) NAMC. SYMSOt . OR RECISTRAT:om tju,4. 26 E, ER OF PACKAGING I.IAN%JFACTURE;t t;HO,f SEAIAL tlUmidtR Or CYLONOERS. V CARGO TANKS. TANK CARS. PORTABLE _TA%X5 23 TYPE Oor LASV-LISI APPL;EO tST;t^'(10.'4 F RECOND, TIONEO ORSYmBOL 23 OR E OF LAS T OF INSPEC. REQUALIFIED. SHOW 4 $N:P.,!ENT IS UN-_7_R OOT OR USCC Sp CA 30 JIF F L PERMIT. ENTER PSP.41T NO. PEMk;',',S - E)..-be .--t,.I f..1. f i.,-d'az mzt@di.@r. t-t nat 14mt;cd 10 ccftct@. da".6zv, P;Qbatde causf. Stowave. oction ak A at th& tiMt e%sCQ---cd. 2.%d 3c!ion to prevcnt fu--@ incidents. Include any recorlne.,dationj to i_pro@e Paczraff!mv 1, - _r , Ondlin . of transportation of hat,ardous materials. Pholov aphs and diaera-% shovId t- 511howitted wh.." v-"S"y r" clarriticat-on. 31. NAME OF PERSOX PREPARING REPORT ITIP. f P-i) lz. SIGHATURt )3. TCLEPmONEhO.(1,C1wd*A-aC9d0) 14. DAYE_AEPORT !REPARED Rcvezse of Fam DOT F 5300.1 (to-70) CPO 1�1110 4%6-31* r REG No. OAT TES C-37 SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC. PROCEDURE TRANSMITTAL SHEET DATE: 22 January 1979 TO: SEE DISTRIBUTION FROM: ELIZABETH C. A. Rodina, Information Systems SUBJECT: BOOKING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONCURRENCE II. INFORMATION COPIES TO M. Augustyniak G. Cople, Hong Kong 0 Date T. Yost, Iselin' S. Palen, Rotterdam Date R.L. Henning C. Raymond, Ft. Lauderdale N. Porter, Anchorage Date J. Hinchcliffe, Seattle Dir. Bulk Comm. Ser. R. Ingram, Rio.De Janeiro M. T. Bohlman Date Reg. Compliance Date S. Bushey Date Information Systems Date Date Date Date Date I. CONCURRENCE - Please review the attached procedure and indicate any minor change, directly on the draft. Indicate concurrence by signing above your title and returning to me. Information Systems will telex reminders on comments received through will be includedc in final procedure. If you have major disagreement with the content of this procedure, please resolve with Originator be- fore the above date and notify me Of Status. II. INFORMATION COPIES - If you feel that your concurrence with the content of this procedure should be required, please notify me immediately. cc: All Oerating and Executive Committee Members SL 2069 3/78 SE.A-LAND SERVICE, INC. REF. NO. 07-99-026 PRO CEPU RE DATE ISSUED 28 Feb. 1979 SUBJECT.: BOOKING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original PAGE 1 of 5 I PROCEDURAL OVERVIEW Guidelines.are set forth that allow Sea-Land to handle the maximum amount of approved-types of hazardous materials without derogating safety. II. ORGANIZATIONAL 'UNITS AFFECTED 0 All Sea-Land Terminal, Port and Country Managers. 0 All Division LP&C/SCS Managers 0 All Sea Operations General Managers, Regional Managers and Managers. a All Booking Personnel. a All Sales Personnel. 0 All Masters of Sea-Land Vessels. a Members of the Hazardous Commodities Review Committee. III. DEFINITION OF TERMS 0 Hazardous Cargo-- cargo that is regulated as a hazardous mat6rial and is not specifically listed within this procedure as prohibited, restricted, or cargo which requires special handling. IV. OTHER RELATFD POLICIES OR PROCEDURES Policy - 07-07 - Carriage of Hazardous Materials. Procedure - 07-07-001 - Carriage of Hazardous Materials by Sea-Land. V. RESPONSIBLE STAFF DEPARTMENT Land Operations Services Department, Elizabeth, N.J. (Hazardous Commodities Review Committee. Contact members of the HCRC: R.E. Henning, M.T. Bohlman, H. Krulder, J. Klein.) VI. PROCEDURE A. Class A explosives,-Class A Poison, Cryogenic Liquids, Pyrophoric Liquids (in bulk i.e. packages over 110 gallons capacity) and organic peroxides (requiring refrigeration) are prohibited by C, Sea-Land Service. (See procedure 07-07-001 for expanded list of prohibited cargo.) C-39 SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC' 07-99-026 REF. NO. PROCEDURE DATE ISSUED 28 Feb. 1979 SUBJECT: BOOKING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original PAGE 2 of 5 VI. PROCEDURE (cont'd) B. Booking numbers are not to be issued for restricted hazardous materials such as, Class B explosives, IMCO poison gases, Fluorine, Chlorine, Hydrogen Bromide, Borin Trifloride or Sodium Cyanide without prior approval of the Hazardous Commodities Review Committee (HCRC) and Division Management. See procedure 07-07-001 for an expanded list of restricted materials and how to request HCRC approval. C. Radioactive material, Class C explosives, Ammunition, Ammonia Nitrate, Nitro Carbo,.Nitral, Motor Fuel Antiknock Compound, Tetra -Ethyl Lead, Yellow Phosphorous, cigarette lighters and motor vehicles require special handling. Procedure 07-07-001 must be checked before issuing booking numbers when dealing with these. commodities. When booking.hazardou s material or dangerous cargo, the following informati-on is required from the Shipper, Freight Forwarder and any other concerned personnel. 0 Servicb 0 Booking Number (issued by Booking Department). 0 Vessel/Voyage. 0 Sailing Date. 0 Supplier (if other than the shipper). & Freight Forwarder (if one is utilized). a Shipper. 0 Ordered by (Name of individual requesting booking). 0 Telephone number of individual requesting booking. Emergency response number if any. 0 Commodity (proper shipping name or correct technical name as found in 49 CFR or IMCO code). 9 Flash Point or Flash Point range (if a flammable'or inflammable liquid). 0 United Nations number. 0 IMCO Class or DOT class. & Type of equipment * Weight and number of pieces to be shipped. 6 Stowage information (to be determined from'Hazardous Material List' in conjunction with 49 CFR). 0 Placard requirement (to be determined by Booking Department from Hazardous Material List or customer). 0 Consignee. J1 C-40 S.EAAAND SERVICE, INC REF. NO. 07-99-026 PRO C ED..U RE 28 Feb. 19- DATE ISSUED '19 SUBJECT: BOOKING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original. PAGE 3 of 5 VI. PROCEDURE (cont'd) 0 Port of destination. * Pick up information. Special instructions. A. Booking personnel should remind customer to supply a "signed shipper certification as required by 49 CFR and that shipment must be labeled, packaged and placarded properly for movement via vessel. B. Copy of booking input card should be given to the area Hazardous Material Representative or Safety Manager for their review, until such time when system can supply them with a printed run of all hazardous material booked in their area. C. When LTL Hazardous Cargo shipments are transported, a copy of-the booking input card should be forwarded to the Manager or Supervisor of the warehouse where the cargo is to be. received. C-41 SEA-LAND 'SERVICE, INC P R 0 C E 0 U R E REF. NO. 07-99-026 DATE ISSUED 28 Feb. 197'9 SUBJECT: BOOKING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original PAGE 4'of 5 V1. PROCEDURE (cont'd) Booking Tank Procedure Commodities not specifically listed by name in the Approved Commodities List - Tanks should not be booked for carriage in S/L's tank-containers. When booking hazardous materials or non-hazardous material for movement in Sea-Land tanks, the following information should be disseminated or, obtained as applicable: Customer needs to know: 0 Booking Number (not to be issued if product is not on Approved Commodities List Tanks). Vessel/Voyage Sailing Date Sea-Land requires: 0 Supplier (if other than shipper). 0 Freight Forwarder (if one is utilized). 0 Shipper. 0 Ordered by (Name and telephone number of individual requesting booking). 0 Commodity (Proper 'Shipping name for hazardous material or correct technical name. Either must appear on the Approved Commodities List-Tanks before accepting the booking. If not on list, contact Director, Special Commodities Services, Elizabeth. 0 Type of equipment (to be determined by Booking Department from Approved Commodities List Tanks) Do not use any other type of tank(s) than authorized. 0 Number of tanks. * Weight of shipment (The Approved Commodities List-Tanks must be consulted to ensure the maximum weight limitation has not been exceeded.) a Stowage information (To be determined by Booking Department from Approved Commodities List-Tanks). a Placard requirement. e Consignee. a Port of destination. * Pick-up information (Name of primary carrier/alternate carrier,* instructions, etc.) C-42 SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC.. P R 0 C E D U R E REF. NO. 07-99-026 DATE ISSUED 28 Feb'. 1979 SUBJECT: BOOKINL*C OF HA ZARDOOS MATERIALS REVISION NO. Original PAGE 5 of 5 VI. PROCEDURE (cont'd) 0 Nitrogen hookup (To be indicated when a nit rogen blanket is necessary.) m 0 D/R information (Name' of individual taking booking and date of 0 Special instructions (Shippers numbers, accessorial equipient, etc.) booking.. (To be filled in by Booking Department.) *Note: Booking Department should remind customer to place the proper shippina name on both sides of S/L tanks (in 2 inch lettbrs) along w1th proper placards when product is a hazardous material. Reefer - Booking Procedure Only those products authorized for movement in reefers on the Hazardous Material List or those specifically authorized by Corporate Special Commodities Service shall be booked - See procedure 07-07-001 exhibit G. Codes on the Hazardous Material List for reefers are: Yes - May be loaded into reefers. No - May not be loaded into reefers. UNK - un*known: shipper must supply chemical data sheet on product to Special Commodities Service. NOR - Non-operating reefer only. Booking numbers should not be issued to customers if there is any' uncertainty about the.product or its suitability*for carriage in Sea-Land reefers VII. EXHIBITS No. Description A Hazardous Materials in Refrigerated Containers. C-43 REP. NO. 07-99--026 DATE ISSUED 28 Feb. 1979 BOOKING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REVISION NO. original PAGE EXHIBIT A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN REFRIGERATED CONTAINERS Organic peroxides requiring refrigeration for stabilization (see prohibited cargo list) and flammable liquids with a flash point below 0 degrees F are prohibited from carriage in an operating refrigerated container on board Sea-Land vessels. The following categories of hazardous materials can be carried on board Sea-Land vessels in refrigerated containers-only with the approval of Director, Perishable Commodities Service, Corporate Special Commodities Service: a. Hazardous materials in packages fitted with vents or relief devices. b. Hazardous Materials with an oral rate LD50 value of 3000 mg/kg or less. c. Hazardous materials with a flash point below 73 degrees F provided the set temperature of the reefer is at least 5 degrees below the product's flash point. d., Organic peroxides (other than those prohibited) with a SADT of 55 degrees F or higher. In all cases, hazardous materials transported in refrigerated containers must be in packages that will maintain their integrity (i.e., leaktight) at an ambient temperature of 130 degrees F. For packages containing liquids the ullage space must not disappear at temperatures below 130 degrees F. C-44 1 3 6668 14109 5747