[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]
CLEAR TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 287 IP Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps for the Lake Erie System Prepared by Laura A. Fay Charles E. Herdendorf Prepared for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Hazardous Materials Response Project 2300 Washtenaw Avenue Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 NA81AA-D-00095 Project Officers Jay T. Rodstein Ted Kaiser TH E OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR LAKE ERIE AREA RESEARCH COLUMBUS, OHIO TD February 1984 194.66 E64 F39 1984 PAGE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS' Page List of Tables .............................................. 3 List of Figures ............................................. 3 Introduction ................................................ 4 Methods ..................................................... 6 Geomorphology .......................................... 6 Biology ................................................ 11 Socio-Economic Features ................................ 14 Literature Cited ............................................ 15 Potential Reviewers .......................................... 16 Tables .............................. -.ooo .... o.... o..... o.. 17 Figures ... oo- .... o..o.o ............ o .... o......... -ooo- 22 PAGE 3 List of Tables 1. Environmental Sensitivity Index Species Listing ......... 17 List of Figures 1. Lake Erie-Lake St. Clair Overview ....................... 22 2. Michigan Topographic Maps (7.5 minute) .................. 23 3. Ohio Topographic Maps (7.5 minute) ...................... 24 4. Pennyslyvania@ Topographic Maps (7.5 minute) ............. 25 5. New York Topographic Maps (7.5 minute) .................. 26 6. Ontario Topographic Maps (7.5 minute) ................... 27 PAGE 4 DEVELOPMENT OF,ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY INDEX (ESI) MAPS FOR THE LAKE ERIE SYSTEM Introduction The need for Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) mapping was initiated in Alaska in response to pipeline activity at the Lower Cook Inlet (Hayes et al. 1976). Since the initial study in the early 1970's NOAA has funded 16 projects along the sea coasts of the United States. The initial Environmental Sensitivity Index maps consisted of a set of 10 maps, each indicating a unique set of data, i.e. bathymetry, geomorphology, wildlife, socio-economic areas, etc. The ESI maps have evolved to the stage where scientific interpretation of geomorphic, biologic, socio-economic and spill response equipment locations are presented in detailed scale in one 7 1/2 minute topographic map. This allows field personnel involved in decision-making and spill clean-up to observe all the significant variables at one time. The rationale for researching and producing Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps for Lake Erie stems from the increased production of oil and toxic substances around the Great Lakes, as well as oil discharges from commerical vessels and discharges from oil refineries and re-refineries. As of November 1982, there are 15 oil refineries currently discharging effluents directly into the Great Lakes, 8 of which are found from Port Huron, Michigan/Sarnia, Ontario (at the Southern end of Lake Huron) to Buf f alo , New Yo rk . Three of these refineries are in the United States (2 in Toledo and one in Lima, Ohio) and the other 5 lie in the Canadian region (2 in Sarnia, 2 in Corunna and I in Nanticoke). Other refineries lie within the Great Lakes drainage basin but their effluents are incorporated into municipal treatment plants. Of these 8 refineries, all (with the exception of the Nanticoke plant) have been designated as Class A Areas of Concern (Petroleum Refinery Point Source Task Force, 1982), due to severe impairment of a beneficial use of the Great Lakes' water. This judgment was based on water quality data from these plants with parameter values that exceeded either the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement or a jurisdictional standard. Although the three major commodities shipped within the Great Lakes are grain, coal and iron ore, the balance of the minor bulk commodities include petroleum products such as fuel oil, gasoline, heating oils and bunker fuels and are shipped from refineries in Montreal and overseas to ports in Ontario and the United States (Environment Canada, 1980). Another source of potential spills comes from the numerous oil wells adjacent to the basin. The stpte of Ohio, for example, although it does not allow drilling for oil in Lake Erie, does permit natural gas wells. Oil drilling is also permitted in Lake Erie streams and on lands 300 ft. distant from the Lake Erie shoreline (Gordon, 1983). Thirty-four hydrocarbon spills to Lake Erie were reported to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency's Emergency Response Team for the period beginning January 1, 1978 and ending March 30, 1983 (Fowler, 1983). This 63-month period had an average of 0.54 hydrocarbon spills PAGE 5 per month or one spill every two months. However, data provided by the U. S. Coast Guard for the area from Vermilion to Conneaut, Ohio claimed 275 hydrocarbon spills and 19 hazardous substances spills for the 1978-1981 period. The 294 spills reported over the 48-month period gives an average of 6.1 spills per month. The majority of the spills (263) ranged from one to 1,000 gallons with 13 spills exceeding 1,000 gallons. The area of most frequent spill occurrence is the Cuyahoga River. - Any chemical spills within the Great Lakes are of considerable importance due to the retention time of water within the basin: Average Time in Years (1) Lake Superior 191.0 Lake Michigan 99.1 Lake Huron 22.6 Lake St. Clair ---- Lake Erie - western* 0.2 Lake Erie - central* 1.4 Lake Erie - eastern* 0.8 Lake Ontario 6.0 TOTAL 321.1 *Data from Burns, 1976 (Vol. 33, pg. 523) (1) Great Lakes Basin Commission, 1979. Data from Great Lakes Notebook, Fourth Coast Facts and Issues. An overview of the Lake Erie system is present ed in Figure 1. Figures 2 thru 5 depict the topographic maps prepared utilizing the Environmental System Index for the states of Michigan, Ohio, Pennyslvania and New York, respectively. Figure 6 shows the Canadian topographic maps available for the Lake Erie system. These areas adjacent to Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair are presently being evaluated by the Canadians for oil spill response prioritization. PAGE 6 Methods Geomorphology Considerable modification of the existing 10-point geomorphic classification system was required due to the uniqueness and variability within the Great Lakes Basin. The following list presents a classification system for the Great Lakes based on mappable shoreline types and sensitivity judgments: 1. Exposed Bedrock Bluffs 2. Exposed Unconsolidated Sediment Bluffs 3. Shelving Bedrock Shores 4. Sand Shores 5. Mixed Sand and Gravel Shores 6. Gravel Shores 7. Rip-Rap and Harbor Structures (solid=rip rap, dashed=vertical wall 8. Sheltered Bluffs 9. Low Banks 110. Coastal Wetlands The categories range from least sensitive (Category 1, Exposed Bedrock Bluffs) to the most sensitive (Category 10, Coastal Wetlands). Descriptions of these classifications are presented below: 1. Exposed Bedrock Bluffs This classification includes vertical or near vertical bedrock bluffs from 10 to 200 feet in height. In the Lake Erie system this includes gray limestone and dolomite cliffs in the islands region of the western basin, black and gray shale bluffs in the central basin from Vermilion to Cleveland, a brown sandstone cliff at Vermilion-on-the-Lake, gray and black shale in the eastern basin between Erie and Buffalo, gray dolomite and black shale cataracts and cliffs between Niagara Falls and the Niagara Escarpment, and red shale cliffs along the lower Niagara River. The bedrock shores are generally resistant to erosion and contribute little in the way of beach-building material. Landside access to the base of these bluffs is difficult at most locations. Beaches rarely occur in front of the bedrock cliffs, except where streams have cut small ravines or in coves between two headlands. On the sensitivity maps, this classification is shown in bl ack. Avow* 2. Exposed Unconsolidated Sediment Bluffs This classification includes vertical or steeply sloping bluffs of unconsolidated material ranging in height from 10 to 150 feet. In the Lake Erie system, this includes glacial till and lacustrine sediments. The till is generally the lower unit when the two occur together and its bluffs are often more nearly vertical. It is a gray mixture of compact silt, clay, sand and gravel with the finer particles predominating. Lacustrine bluffs are composed of brown, lake-deposited PAGE 7 silt and fine sand. This material is not as compact and is permeable to ground water; it erodes more easily. The sho reline of the central basin from Cleveland to Erie is dominated by a combination of these two bluff types. Because of their unconsolidated nature, till and lake deposit bluffs are among the most readily eroded shorelines on Lake Erie. Approximately 20% of the material eroded contributes sand and gravel to the littoral beaches. Like the bedrock areas, landside acpess to the base of these bluffs is difficult at most locations. Deep, "V" shaped ravines have been cut into these cliffs every few miles which afford some access routes. Beaches are normally narrow (<50 feet) and in many areas absent in front of till or lake sediment bluffs, except at stream mouths where widths approach 100 feet. On the sensitivity maps, this classification is shown in gray.-.0W 3. Shelving Bedrock Shores This classification includes gently sloping bedrock surfaces that extend from the nearshore lake bottom to heights of up to 10 feet above lake level. In the Lake Erie system this includes the gray limestone and dolomites on the east shores of most of the western basin islands and the Marblehead Peninsula and black or gray shale in the central and eastern basins. In the islands region, this exposure is normally a "dip-slope" of the bedrock and commonly contains glacial grooves. The width of these shores range from less than 10 feet to over 100 feet. During the months of May through October, dense mats of the filamentous alga, Cladophora glomerata grow on the rock surfaces from the water down to a depth of approximately 10 feet. Because of the gentle slope and hard surface of this type of shore, access is usually good. Beaches rarely occur in front of the bedrock except in small coves where beach material is generally gravel. On the sensitivity maps, this classification is shown in brown. am* 4. Sand Shores This classification includes granular shores ranging in size from very fine sand to very coarse sand (0.1 to 2.0 mm in diameter). In the Lake Erie system, sand beaches are generally narrow to moderate in width (50-200 feet), except at deltas, sand spits and on the updrift sides of large shore structure where wide beaches are found. Notable accumulations of sand occur at the delta of the St. Clair River, north of Monroe harbor at Sterling State Park, Woodtick Peninsula spit on the northwest 'side of Maumee Bay, Cedar Point and Bay Point spits at the entrance to Sandusky Bay, Headlands State Park west of Fairport Harbor, Walnut Beach west of Ashtabula harbor, Presque Isle spit surrounding Erie Harbor and the beaches of Hanford, Sunset, Lotus, Grandview, and Evans bays between Dunkirk and Buffalo. Elsewhere, beaches are generally absent fronting bedrock areas, except at stream mouths and in small coves, or are relatively narrow at the base of unconsolidated bluffs. Because of the gentle slope of most of the larger beaches, small changes in water level can result in major changes in beach width; the narrower beaches are normally steeper and therefore show PAGE 8 less change with water level fluctuations. Access to the large accumulations are generally good, however landside approaches to the small beaches fronting high bluffs are difficult. On the sensitivity maps, this classification is shown in blue. 5. Mixed Sand and Gravel Shores This classification includes shorelines composed of sand, gravel and shell mixtures which normally form narrow (<50 feet) to moderate (<100 feet) width beaches. The slope of the shoreline is generally greater than that for sand beaches but not as steep as that for gravel . These beaches are not widespread, but they often o ccur at the high, wave-energy end of sandy shores or in coves between headlands. Access to these beaches is normally good for those associated with larger sandy beaches and poor for those in isolated coves. On the sensitivity maps, this classification is shown in green. Gomm 6. Gravel Shores This classification includes granular shores ranging in size from pebbles to boulders (2 to 4000 mm in diameter). In the Lake Erie system, gravel beaches are generally narrow (<50 feet) and are usually associated with bedrock exposures. The most notable gravel beaches occur on Marblehead peninsula and the islands of the western basin. The most common component is pebble to cobble-sized gravel derived from the limestone and dolomite cliffs. Isolated gravel beaches also occur in the central and eastern basins at the base of shale and glacial till cliffs, particularly in small coves. These beaches are typically composed of shale "shingle" and crystalline erratics from the glacial deposits. Landside access to gravel beaches is generally difficult because of the high, steep nature of the surrounding bluffs. In areas of shelving bedrock, access is normally good. On the sensitivity maps, this classification is shown in turquoise. @W 7. Rip-rap and Harbor Structures This classification includes several types of man-placed material for shore protection and navigation. The variety of material used includes steel sheeting, large concrete blocks, wood, extraneous metallic and concrete debris and tires. A large portion of the St. Clair, Detroit, and Niagara Rivers are reinforced by some type of added structure. The bluff areas between Cleveland and Erie are subject to intensive erosion and these areas have been covered by rip-rap materials. Other types of man-made structures along the lake are dredge disposal areas (a combination of both steel sheeting and concrete block) and wetlands maintained by earthen and rock covered dikes (i.e. Sandusky Bay). PAGE 9 The fauna and flora associated with this classification is also variable depending on the type of material utilized in the structure and the accessibility to the splash zone. Some of the structures provide fishery habitat and bird nesting sites. Harbor structures create a sheltered effect causing debris and oil to accumulate in slack water areas. Solid lines indicate rip-rap and rubble mound structures. A dashed line indicates vertical walled structures (steel sheet piling and poured concrete) which do not have extensive internal cavities). See Figure 5-B for an illustration of steel sheet piling groin at Crane Creek State Park. This classification is displayed on the sensitivity maps in purple. gwwa 8. Sheltered Bluffs This classification includes vertical or steeply sloping bluffs of bedrock or unconsolidated deposits which are not exposed to open lake conditions or torrent stream flow. These bluff@scan range in height from 5 to 150 feet and are often dissected by tributary ravines. In the Lake Erie systems, sheltered bluffs occur along the St. Clair River, Anchor B ay of Lake St. Clair, Detroit River, Maumee Bay, Sandusky Bay, Presque Isle Bay, upper Niagara River, and the navigable portions of the major tributaries. Narrow sand and/or gravel beaches and wetlands are often associated with the edge of these bluffs. These shores are commonly developed fo r residential and commercial use. Because of this development, landside access is normally good. Natural areas are less accessible. On the sensitivity maps, this classification is shown in yellow. PAGE 10 9. Low Banks This classification includes low banks (<5 feet) of unconsolidated sediments (i.e. glacial till, lacustrine deposits, and stream alluvium) which*are subject to frequent lake or stream flooding. Because of the longitudinal seiche activity which is typical of Lake Erie, areas subject to flooding are concentrated at the western and eastern extremities of the lake. Also, the lower reaches of most tributaries have a "drowned month" forming estuarine conditions where flooding from either the lake or the tributary can occur. These low shorelines are also associated with mud flats, sand bars, and wetlands. Because of the low nature of this type of shoreline, landside access is normally good, but can be hampered by the soft or marshy nature of the shore material. Shore erosion in these areas can be extreme during high water storms. On the sensitivity maps, this classification is shown in orange.v@ 10. Coastal Wetlands This classification includes shore areas with dense growths of primarily emergent or floating aquatic vegetation. The types of wetlands found in the Lake Erie system include the delta wetlands of the St. Clair River mouth, fringing wetlands which require sheltered shorelines such as those of Lake St. Clair and Buckhorn and Strawbe,rry Islands in the upper Niagara River, coastal lagoon wetlands typified by those associated with Woodtick Peninsula and Presque Isle spits, diked wetlands of the Ohio and Michigan shores of the western basin and the upper reaches of Sandusky Bay, and estuarine wetlands which are prominant in the lower courses of several tributaries such as the Maumee River, Old Woman Creek, Mentor Marsh, and Arcola Creek. Coastal wetlands can vary from a few acre plot in sheltered backwater areas within harbors to over 8000 acres fo r the St. Clair River delta. Landside access to coastal wetlands is normally good for inshore portions, however offshore growths can be difficult to reach because of the lack of suitable foundation for the movement of heavy equipment. On the maps, this classification is shown in red. PAGE 11 Bi ol ogy The rationale for presenting biological data on the ESI maps is to inform the Clean-up team of areas of biological concern due to their status as: 1. Federally endangered species 2. State endangered, threatened and rare species 3. Commercially significant species 4. Species particularly sensitive to oil spills Primarily the information presented was supplied through the various state agencies under the direction of the Natural Heritage Program. Michigan Natural Features Inventory Mason Building, 5th Floor Box 30028 Lansing, Michigan 48909 517 - 373-1552 New York Natural Heritage Program 50 Wolf Road, Room 528 Albany, New York 12233 518 - 457-5410 New York Significant Habitats 518 - 439-7486 Ohio Natural Heritage Program Ohio Department of Natural Resources Fountain Square, Building F Columbus, Ohio 43224 614 - 265-6453 Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 316 Fourth Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15282 412 - 288-2777 Data for the spawning and nursery areas of the "commercially significant" fish species were obtained from Goodyear et al. (1982). PAGE 12 Fish stocking information was received from the individual states and is plotted as specifically as possible according to the data supplied. This information represents the general recommended stocking program. There is no certainty that all the streams indicated will be stocked every year. For additional information or specific yearly stocking information contact- Michigan Bill McClay 517-373-1280 New York Floyd Cornelius 716-366-0228 Ohio Clayton Lakes 614-548-7723 Pennsylvania Dick Snyder 814-359-5177 The gathered data is presented in the ESI standardized format. The following description should be read only by those people unfamiliar with the system. The entries are all color coded by phylum: yellow mammals blue fish green low birds turquoise do* attached plants and plant communities red am* reptiles and amphibians orange SM mollusks The number in the center of the circle represents an individual species whose name can be discerned by checking the existing ESI master list (Table 1). Species names have been added to the master list because they comply with one or more of the criteria mentioned earlier in the test. Endangered species (either on the federal or state level) are indicated graphically by a solid red band on the right side of the species record. 0 An individual's season(s) of sensitivity to oil or hazardous waste spills is indicated by dots along the inside border of the symbol. Sensitivity was determined in 2 way's: 1. depending on a species utilization of niche habitat likely to be affected by spills and 2. determined by a species likelihood of being affected due to spills occurring during spawning or breeding periods. For example, mollusks were considered to be sensitive throughout the year due to their potential exposure and lack of mobility. The Lake Whitefish is considered to be sensitive in the late fall and winter because it spawns during this time. PAGE 13 Summer (June, July, August Spring (March, April 0 Fall (September, October May) November) Winter (December, January, February) Finally, individual records are given a location determined as follows: Point local.ity Range Area PAGE 14 Socio-economic Features The following items of interest have been plotted: Water Intakes Marinas M Residential Marinas RM Boat Ramps R Hoists H Floating Tire Breakwalls FTB Parks P Refuges, Preserves Submerged Vegetation SV Publ i c Beaches B The data was gathered from the US Army Corps of Engineers (1979), Great Lakes '83 Waterway Guide and the most recent edition of NOAA lake navigation charts. Verification of the socio-economic and geomorphometeric features were made during an aerial reconnaissance survey in August 1983. PAGE 15 LITERATURE CITED Burns, N.M. 1976. Nutrient budgets for Lake Erie, 1970. J. Fish. Res. Bd.Can. 33:520-536. Environment Canada. 1980. A guide to the Great Lakes water use. 30 p. text plus map. Canada Map Office, Survey-Mapping Branch, Ottawa, Ontario. Fowler, D. 1983. Personal communication. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Emergency Response, Columbus, Ohio. Goodyear, C. D., T. A. Edsall, D. M. 0. Dempsey, G. D. Moss, and P. E. Polanski. 1982. Atlas of the Spawning and Nursery Areas of Great Lakes Fishes. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Ann Arbor), FWS/OBS-8/52. 14 Volumes. Hayes., M. 0., P. J. Brown, and J. Michel. 1976. Coastal morphology and sedimentation, Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska: with emphasis on potential oil spill impacts. Shoreline type maps (work copies), 107 p. text. I Gordon, T. 1983. Personal communication. Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil and Gas. Great Lakes Basin Commission. 1979. Great Lakes Notebook. Fourth Coast Facts and Issues. Petroleum Refinery Point Source Task Force. 1982. A review of the pollution abatement programs relating to the petroleum refinery industry in the Great Lakes Basin. Report to the Water Quality Board. International Joint Commission, Windsor, Ontario. 138 p. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo. 1979. Boating Facilities Inventory, Lake Erie and Ontario and Connecting Waterways. 135 p. Wooldridge, J. (ed.) 1983. Waterway Guide. Great Lakes Edition. Boating Industry Magazine 36(4), 352 p. PAGE 16 POTENTIAL REVIEWERS'.. Pennsylvania Reviewers Charles Bier Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 316 Fourth Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 412 - 288-2777 New York Reviewers Carol Reschke New York Natural Heritage Program 50 Wolf Road, Room 528 Albany, New York 12233 518 - 457-5410 Larry Brown Significant Habitats New York State Department of Env. Conservation Wildlife Resources Center Delmar, NY 12054 518 - 439-7486 Michigan Reviewers Susan Crispin Michigan Natural Features Inventory Mason Building, 5th Floor Box 30028 Lansing, Michigan 48909 517 373-1552 Ohio Reviewers Bob McCance Ohio Natural Heritage Pr)gram Ohio Department of Natural Resources Fountain Square, Building F Columbus, Ohio 43224 614 - 265-6453 PAGE 17 TABLE 1 Environmental Sensitivity Index Species Listing ESI Master List No. Common Name Scientific Name MOLLUSK 72 Northern riffle shell mussel Epioblasma rangiana 73 Unnamed mussel Villosa fabilis 74 Unnamed mussel Obovaria subrotundra 75 Purple warty-back mussel Cyclonaias tuberculata 76 Simpson's shell/ salamander mussel Simpsoniconcha ambigua 77 Snuffbox mussel Dysnomia triquetra 78 White cat's paw pearly mussel Eploblasma obliquata perobliqua 79 Unnamed mussel Lampsilis fasciola 80 Eastern sand shell Ligumia nasuta 81 Knob shell reflexa 82 Fawn foot Truncilla donaciformis 83 Deer toe Truncilla truncata 84 Ridged pocket book ovata 85 Common elephant ear Elliptio crassidens REPTILES 9 Eastern fox snake Elaphe vulpina gloydi 10 Spotted turtle Clemmys guttata 11 Blanding's turtle Emydoidea blandingi Kirtla,,a's snake Clonophis kirtlandi 12 Eastern-massacauga Sistrurus catenatus 16 Lake Erie water snake Nerodia sipedon insularum 17 Timber rattlesnake Crotalus horridus AMPHIBIANS 13 Blue-spotted salamander Ambystoma laterale 14 Tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum 15 Four-toed salamander Hemidactylium sculatum PAGE 18 FISHES 113 Lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens 114 Northern Madtom Noturus stigmosus 115 Northern Pike Esoc lucius 116 Carp Cyprinus carpio 117 Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus 118 White bass Morone chrysops 119 Yellow perch Ne-r-ca f-f-a-vescens 120 Walleye Stizostedion v. vitreum 121 Freshwater drum Aplodinotus grunniens 122 Burbot Lota lota 123 Eastern sand darter Ammocrypta pellucida 124 Silver chub Hybosis storeriana 125 Mooney, Hiodon tergisus 126 Bigmouth buffalo sucker Ictiobus cyprinellus 127 Channel darter Percina copelandi 128 Silver lamprey Ichthyomyzon unicuspis 129 Spotted gar Lepisosteus oculatus 130 Pugnose minnow Notropis emiliae 131 Iowa darter Etheostoma exile 132 Great Lakes muskellunge Esox m. masquinongy 133 Bigeye chub Hybopsis amblops 134 Cisco regonus artedii 135 Lake white fish r-oregonus -Elupeaformis 136 Longnose sucker Catostomus catostomus 137 Western banded killifish Fundulus diaphanus menona 138 Longnose dace ff-h-inichthys cataractae 139 American brook lamprey Lampetra appendix 140 River redhorse ' Moxostoma carinatum 141 Spoonhead sculpin Cottus ricei 142 Pugnose shiner Notropis anogenus 143 Coho salmon-stocking Oncorhynchus kisutch 144 Steelhead-stocking - 145 Brown Trout-stocking Salmo trutta 146 Rainbow Trout-stocking Salmo gairdneri 147 Chinnur.,k salmon-stocking Oncorhynchus tshawytscha 148 Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui 149 White perch Morone americana 150 Sauger Stizostedion canadense 151 Brook Trout Stocking Salvelinus fontinalis PAGE 19 MAMMALS 27 Muskrat Ondatra zibethicus BIRDS B Shorebirds C Waterfowl D Diving birds E Wading birds F Seabirds 38 Herring gull Larus argentatus 40. Ring-billed gull Larus delawarensis 42 Bonaparte's gull Larus philadelphia 45 Common tern Sterna hirundo 52 Wilson's phalarope Steganopus tricolor 54 Great blue heron Ardea herodias 88 Great egret Casmerodius albus 107 Peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus 123 Southern bald eagle Hallaeetus leucocephalus 138 Forster's tern Sterna fosterl 168 King rail Hallus elegans 169 Barn owl Tyto alba 170 Cliff swallow Hirundo pyrrhonota 171 American bittern Botauro lentiginosus 172 Marsh wren Cistothorus palustris 173 Prothonotary warbler Protonotaria citrea 174 Least bittern Ixobrychus exilis 175 Henslow's sparrow Ammodramus henslowli 176 Upland sandpiper Bartramia 1ongicauda 177 Dick cissel Spiza americans 178 Sora Porzana carolina PAGE 20 PLANTS 1 Dotted horsemint Monarda punctata 2 Beach wormwood Artemisia caudata 3 Richardson's pordweed Potomogeton richardsonii 4 American beach grass Ammophila breviligulata 5 Lesser panicled sedge Ta-rexdiandra 6 Beach - pea Lathyrus maritimus 7 Leafy tussock sedge Carex aquatilis 8 Fl6ating pondweed Potomogeton natans 9 Two-leaved water milfoil Myriophyllum heterophyllum 10 Bushy cinquefoil Potentilla paradoxa 11 Striped maple Acer pensylvanicum 12 Radiate sedge T5 're x-Fa-d i a t a 13 Closed genitian Gentiana clausa 14 Wheat sedge Carex atherodes 15 Wild rice Zizania aquatica 16 Wapato Sagittaria cuneata 17 Hazel dodder Cuscuta coryli 18 Marsh arrow-grass Triglochin palustre 19 Lake Erie pinkweed Polygonum pensylvanicun �. englandulosum 20 Bushy knotweed Polygonum ramosissimum 21 Drummond's rock-cress Arabis drummondii 22 Harebell Campanula rotundifolia 23 Northern bog violet Viola nephrophylla 24 Narrow-leaved summer bluets ITo-ustonia nigricans 25 Rock sandwort Arenaria stricta C-a-- gelii 26 Sprengel's sedge rex spr@_n_ 27 Alpine rush Juncus alpinoarticulatus 28 Flat-stem pondweed Potomogeton zosteriformis 29 F i I i fo rm po ndweed Potomogeton filiformis 30 Prairie fringed orchid Platanthera leucophaea 31 Prickly hornwort Ceratophyllum echinatum 32 Western hairy rock-cress Arabis hirsuta v. pycnocarpa 33 Water - starwort Callitriche verna 34 Prairie thimbleweed Anemone cylindrica 35 Limestone rock-cress Arabis divaricarpa 36 Bullhead lily Nu-phar variegatum 37 Great Lakes goldenrod Solidago remota 38 Plains muhlenbergia Muhlenbergia cuspidata 39 Beach - heather Hudsonia tomentosa 40 Smith's bulrush Scirpus smithii 41 Olivaceois spikerush Eleocharis olivacea 42 Pursh's bulrush Scirpus purshianus 43 Little green sedge Carex viridula 44 Grass-leaf arrowhead Sagittaria graminea 45 Early buttercup Ranunculus fascicularis 46 Rock-harlequin Corydalis sempervirens 47 Balsam popular Populus balsamifera 48 Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus v. albus PAGE 21 49 Panic grass Panicum leibergii 50 Sullivant's milkweed Ts-clepiaT -sullivantii 51 Water - willow Justicia americana 52 Arrowhead Sagittaria montividensis 53 American 1)tt!s FFe-lumbo lutea 54 Waxy meadow-rue Thalictrum revolutum 55 Monkey - flower Mimulus alatus 56 Smartweed Polygonum careyi 57 Seedbox Ludwigia alternifolia 58 White lady-slipper Cypripedium candidum 59 Cup - plant Silphium perfoliatum 60 Fire pink Ti@lene virginica 61 Gromwell Lithospermum caroliniense 62 Brook lobelia Lobelia kalmii 63 Northeastern bladderwort Utricularia resupinata 64 Hoary willow Salix candida 65 Autumn willow Salix serissima 66 Whorled nutrush Scleria verticillata 67 Sartwell's sedge Carex sartwellii 68 Golden-fruited sedge Carex aurea 69 Bebb's sedge Ta-rex _b_e_bE_ii 70 Swamp-pink Arethusa bulbosa 71 Small bur-reed Sparganium minimum 72 Yellow vetchling Lathyrus ochroleucus 73 Leafy goldenrod Solidago squarrosa 74 Long-stalked sedge Carex pedunculata 75 Carolina spring-beauty Claytonia caroliniana PLANT COMMUNITY 1 Beach dune 2 Oak opening 3 Wet prairie 4 Wet-mesic prairie 5 Delta wetland 6 Mesic sand prairie N G ),o z qpe 0 A 1"0 01 x P E R TH z 0 ANILAI /0 0 f. I'd 0 0 La St. C L A I R e S 0.0 A@f PtAo MACOMB G 0 0 A K L A N L /AA 'K E / $I. K N T WASHTENAW WAYNE CLAI R E 5 S E X ro MICHIGAN CHAL r\a 1 M171 Z-NA le 2"', LENAWEE MONROE . ........ LAKE LUCAS FULTON .WILLIAMS OTTAW GEAUGA DE KALB CUYAHOGA DEFIANCE HENRY WOOD SANDUSKY E R I E LORAIN 0 10 ALLEN !PAULDING SEN ECA HURON MEDINA SUMMIT P 0 /qjTA G E O:z PUTNAM HANC C z U) VAN < l< WERT WYANDOT 01)> DAM A L L E N z 1> J 41 Counties of the Lake Erie drainage basin. Figure 1. Lake Erie-Lake St. Clai.r Overview lee kAL C. -N 15f A ..41 -A 4z' t6 m 4 AWr rp'r CLAIR :)PW 14 E It T E 1 !kll kq 4@@ C A N A 0 -14R V-d 4, 42 - --------------- . .... ell Pt J o4 830 Figure 2. Michigan Topographic Mans (7.5 ninute) INDEX TO 7%-MINUTE (1:24,0001 TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OF OHIO ORDER MAPI lY NAM11 PRINTED IN ILACK: EACH MAP C A N -A 21 L K A sop- CLEVE A0. Afle- A. '74,07 -n 's, Or ?Z I, Ali 4". _4 ?77 lp A M JIL. A -1 Q 4, X. 44 op. Figure 3. Ohio Topographic Maps (7.5 ninute) 5`1. iN 2 4 so Ad 90 F Alt v Figure 4. Pennyslyvania Topographic Maps (7,5 nlinute) .5 ------------------------- 0 N E OLCOTT U, MIA o(P RT Im 17- AT T11 9A 4 -ne" AOL '71 44 e5; E T-- - 42, 77 T7-11 Figure 5. New Yor(,, Topographic flaps (7.5 ninute) WON tu lit, 1. f@@4 vW, -IL' A wi, 4 #,$b Jowl, )OWS-4 *,Ulu TORONTO 40 w,22-1 2 MIUM PT 4OP14 Ott" vWW low V-@ 30 M 610' M IAPIU UPI? 101,14 a. HAWTON -V a X, -a& 7U& -40-1-17P '41rns 101112h ONTARIO -4 -a" OFIM 407* 4NU 4 0 401,114, Wfil, vw" M.. DON -A !R Mt. d 'Isw QVl3t All-VID 41ii,14.@ m.@v atilu -y- --Utm WVLJ@ "Wu evib 4(lillu 3M4 V114 13L, 30 L ebu, 000 tchelle Scale 1:25 3,00$ CHACUNE P ICE: 101D$ PER MAP PR'X: R _ale eve @W WN . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 6. Ontario Topographic Plaps (7.5 minute) 4- 15 13- MM/IU 5- 112. 3OW121 3OW12, 30 Nam smilu A R I TORONTO soft --1--D N [T' 0 3DwIh I&, 4C P- 40,17. VIm v- z ww* .9.- 40 Amb 40?.u 4-0 Fe, I 40 FIT." 40 111" KIM 40plu 40 Pfu 34 ww m 4 -0 HAMILTON ONTARIO 40"11h 4GFfA 40F12f m1a, UP/M @40ply -OF11. iqwu- wk a r 7=z 4 IQ . " 040 3b -4-0pr-a-b 3, 40 17. 3 40PI 6 40FIld 30 W4 kjo 30 ivu 30 w3d m 013k. m: I .1. ON. 77 - M- - - / - / .1 4D 11 1 1." L( 4DON JIM" ULU 4&VIN I -INN 41101" "M 41115, 40-Ul6g 41WIN, w !@P` --I- 101,11b 30 L1146 39wift ITW 43VO 77 4,mlk 7 '0' A J116. 4& 1 A" 4OU160 7' jg" 10 UNN 3.0 JwJ INMIN, v1s, vft mv UNNU mw -,uNi 0,,MN, Ow 40 me, ,k!Ei 4*UIII u@qvkr , .30 L Mo 4"106 ovlc@ 401/k o NN%p, .01 &[IS Ito NNIM cmmv .01 Ur Nm J; 2 4"12b ON,; Scale 1:25 000 tchelle -40-1 0 PRICE: 3-00$ PER MAP PRIX: 3-00$ CHACUNE WIN R oft INN ;mw-.4@w- LM Figure 6. Ontario Topographic Maps (7.5 ninute)