[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]
Statewide 1 9T DL" Water Quality Assessment FY 1986-1987 A Report to Congress Pursuant to Section 305 (b) of the Federal Water Quality Act g @ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C-OASTAL ZONTE INFORM^ATION CLEINITER Prepared by the Office of Environmental Quality Control ( TD South Carolina Department of 224 Health and Environmental Control S. 6 Columbia, South Carolina K55 C 1 988 ,-j WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT FY 1986-1987 Prepared and Edited by: Sally C. Knowles May 1988 U. S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NOAA COASTAL SERVICES CENTER 2234 SOUTH HOBSON AVENUE CHARLESTON , SC 29405-2413 Division of Water Quality and Shellfish Sanitation Bureau of I-ater Pollution Control South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Property of Cc Library PREFACE This report was prepared by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) as a requirement of Section 305(b) of Public Law 100-4, The Water Quality Act of 1987, and as a public information document. The docume nt presents a general assessment of water quality conditions and water pollution control programs in South-Carolina. The determinations of surface water quality were based on data collected by DHEC during fiscal years 1986 and 1987 at ambient water quality monitoring stations. Other information in this report was obtained from individuals associated with monitoring and control programs in the Department. Comments or questions related to this report should be addressed to: Bureau of Water Pollution Control S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control 2600 Bull- Street Columb~ia, South Carolina 29201 Table of Contents Page Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i List of Tables . ........ . ....*** . v List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 1.0 South Carolina Statistics 1.1. Atlas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.0. Water Classifications and Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1. Surface Water Classes ..................... 5 2.2. Summary of Classified Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.0. Evaluation Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.1. Waters Assessed . . . . . . 8. . . 3.2. Determination of Attainment of Classified Uses ........ 8 3.3. Determination of Attainment of 1983 Goals of the ' Clean Wlater Act .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.4. Determination of Surface Waters Affected by Toxics . . . . . . 14 4.0. Surface Water Quality 4.1. Rivers and Streams . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.1.1. Summary of Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.2. Lakes and Reservoirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.2.1. Summary of Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 4.2.2. Clean Lakes Assessment ................. 54 4.3. Tidal Saltwaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4.3.1. Sumniary of Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4.3.2. Mlanagement of Shellfish Growing Waters . . . . . . . . . 69 4.3.3. Estuary Case Study - Stono River . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 4.4. Toxic Pollutants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.4.1. Metals in Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.4.2 Organics in Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 4.4.3. Fish Kills and Fishing Bans or Advisories . . . . . . . 97 4.5. Public Health Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 4.6. Special Areas of Concern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Page 4.7. Nlonpoint Source Pollution Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 4.7.1. Mlethodology to Determine Waters Impacted by lionpoint Source Pollution . ..... . 104 4.7.2. List of Waters Impacted by Nonpoint Source Pollution . . 108 4.7.3. Groundwater Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 5.0. Groundwater Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ......129 5.1. General Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 5.2. Mlajor Sources of Contamination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 5.3. Location of Groundwater Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 5.4. Contaminating Substances..... 131 5.5. State Strategies to Alleviate Groundwater Problems . . . . . . 132 6.0. Jater Pollution Control Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 6.1. Point Source Control Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 6.1.1. Municipal Facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . ....134 Construction Grants Program. . . . . . . . . . 134 Pretreatment Program and Toxics Control. . . . 137 Stormwater Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Strategies Planned to Improve the Mlunicipal Facility Program . . . . . . . . 138 6.1.2. Industrial and Agricultural Facilities . . . . . . . . . 139 Industrial Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Agricultural Facilities... .. . . . . . . . . 139 Toxics Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 6.1.3. Wasteload Allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 6.1.4. Permit Compliance and Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 6.2. Nonpoint Source Control Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 6.2.1. General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 6.2.2. Section 319 Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 6.2.3. Section 208 Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 6.2.4. Section 401 Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 6.2.5. Shellfish Sanitation Program . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 6.2.6. BMP Requirements on NPDES Permits . . . . . . . . . . . 150 6.2.7. Other State and Local Government Involvement . . . . . 152 Page 6.3. WJetlands Programs .................... ..154 6.4. Surface Water Monitoring Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 6.4.1. Special JWater Quality Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 6.5. Water Reclassifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 6.6. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 iv' LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 2.1.A. Summary of Classified Uses ............... 7 3.2.A. Summary of State Numeric Standards ........... 12 3.2.B. Criteria for Attainment of Designated Uses ....... 13 3.4.A. 304(a) Criteria for Priority Pollutants ........ 15 4.1.A. Attainment of State Classified Uses, Rivers and Streams, FY 1986-FY 1987 .............. 16 4.1.B. Attainment of CWA Goals, Rivers and Streams, FY 1986-FY 198 ...................... 17 4.1.C. Probable Causes of Partial or Non-Attainment of Classified Uses, Rivers and Streams Statewide, FY 1986-FY 1987 ............... 17 4.1.D. Probable Sources of Partial Non-Attainment of Classified Uses, Rivers and Streams Statewide, FY 1986-FY 1987 ............... 18 4.1.E. Attainment of State Classified Uses and the 1983 Federal Goal, Freshwater Rivers and Streams, FY 1986-FY 1987, Pee Dee Basin ......... 20 4.1.F. Attainment of State Classified Uses and the 1983 Federal Goal, Freshwater Rivers and Streams, FY 1986-FY 1987, Santee-Cooper Basin ..... 26 4.1.G. Attainment of State Classified Uses and the 1983 Federal Goal, Freshwater Rivers and Streams, FY 1986-FY 1987, Edisto-Combahee �Basin ......................... 41 4.1.H. Attainment of State Classified Uses and the 1983 Federal Goal, Freshwater Rivers and Streams, FY 1986:FY 1987, Savannah Basin ........ 44 4.2.A. Attainment of State Classified Uses, Lakes and Reservoirs, FY 1986-FY 1987 .............. 48 4.2.B. Attainment of CWA Goals, Lakes and Reservoirs, FY 1986-FY 1987 .................... 48 4.2.C. Probable Causes of Partial or Non-Attainment of Classified Uses, Lakes Statewide, FY 1986-FY 1987 .................... 49 v TABLE PAGE 4.2.0. Probable Sources of Partial or Non-Attainment Classified Uses, Lakes Statewide, FY 1986-FY 1987 .................... 49 4.2.E. Attainment of State Classified Uses and the 1983 Federal Goal, Lakes and Reservoirs, FY 1986-FY 1.987, Pee Dee Basin . . . . ........ 50 4.2.F. Attainment of State Classified Uses and the 1983 Federal Goal, Lakes and Reservoirs, FY 1986-FY 1987, Santee-Cooper Basin ......... 51 4.2.G. Attainment of State Classified Uses and the 1983 Federal Goal, Lakes-and Reservoirs, FY 1986-FY 1987, Savannah Basin ........... . 53 4.2.H. Lake Name, Location, and Indication of Public Ownership ...... ................. 54 4.2.1. Ranking of Major Lakes by Trophic State ........ 57 4.2.J. Ranking of Minor Lakes by Trophic State 58 4.2.K. Publicly Owned Lakes with Impaired Recreational Uses - Major Lakes ............ 59 4.2.L. Publicly Owned Lakes with Impaired Recreational Uses - Minor Lakes ............ . 60 4.3.A. Attainment of State Classified Uses, Tidal Saltwaters, FY 1986-FY 1987 ... ........ . . . 61 4.3.B. Attainment of CWA Goals, Tidal Saltwaters, FY 1986-FY 1987 .................... 61 4.3.C. Probable Causes of Partial or Non-Attainment of Classified Uses, Tidal Saltwaters Statewide, FY 1986-FY 1987 .................... 62 4.3.0. Probable Sources of Partial or Non-Attainment of Classified Uses, Tidal Saltwaters Statewide, FY 1986-FY 1987 .................... 62 4.3.E. Attainment of State Classified Uses and the 1983 Federal Goal, Tidal Saltwaters, FY 1986-FY 1987, Pee Dee Basin ............. 63 4.3.F. Attainment of State Classified Uses and the 1983 Federal Goal, Tidal Saltwaters, FY 1986-FY 1987, Santee-Cooper Basin .......... 64 vi TABLE PAGE 4.3.G. Attainment of State Classified Uses and the 1983 Federal Goal, Tidal Saltwaters, FY 1986-FY 1987, Edisto-Combahee Basin . . . . . . ... 66 4.3.H. Attainment of State Classified Uses and the 1983 Federal Goal, Tidal Saltwaters, FY 1986-FY 1987, Savannah Basin . . . . . . . . .... 68 4.3.I. Status of Shellfish Growing Areas in South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 71 4.3.J. Prohibited Shellfish Harvesting Areas in Class SA Waters Due to Closed Safety Zones Around Point Source Discharges . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.3.K. Prohibited Shellfish Harvesting Areas in Class SA Waters Due to Closed Safety Zones Around Marinas ..................... 85 4.3.L. Acreages of Shellfish Waters in Each Water Use Classification .................. . 86 4.4.A. Waters Affected by Metals, Statewide, FY 1986-FY 1987 ............ . ....... 95 4.4.B. Waters Affected by Organics, Statewide, FY 1986-FY 1987 . . . . . ................ 96 4.4.C. South Carolina Fish Kills Attributed to Toxics, FY 1986-FY 1987 ................ 97 4.7.A. Nonpoint Source Assessment ...... . . ....... 112 4.7.B. Watersheds with High Potential for NPS Runoff ..... 121 4.7.C. Ground-water NPS Assessment . . . . . . . . . . 122 5.2.A. Sources of Localized Ground-water Contamination, South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 130 5.4.A. Substances Contaminating Localized Ground-water, South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 131 6.1.A. Treatment Works Receiving Construction Grants and Became Operational in FY 1986 and FY 1987 ..... 135 6.2.A. Existing and Recommended Nonpoint Source Control Programs in South Carolina . . . . . . . ... 153 vii TABLE PAGE 6.4.A. Water Quality Studies, FY 1986 and FY 1987, South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 6.5.A. Waters With Reclassifications Effective During FY 1986-FY 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 viii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 3.1.A. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Fixed Monitoring Network Primary Stations ................ 3.1.B. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Fixed Monitoring Network Secondary Stations ............... 10 4.3.A. Station Locations in Assessment Area, A Water Quality Assessment of the Stono River, Charleston County, South Carolina, August 27-29, 1985 ................... 89 4.4.A. South Carolina Fishing Advisories, FY 1986-FY 1987 .................... 99 ix EXECUTIVE SUMMARY South Carolina has approximately 9,900 miles of rivers; 963,000 acres of lakes; and 2,155 square miles of tidal saltwaters. Water quality data collected by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control during fiscal years 1986 and 1987 provided the data base for this assessment. Physical, chemical, and biological data were available for 3,795 miles of rivers; 405,555 acres of lakes; and 616 square miles of tidal saltwaters, and the strategic location of the monitoring stations allows these data to provide an evaluation of water quality statewide. Using criteria developed for this assessment, these data were evaluated to determine if the water quality in rivers, lakes, and saltwaters was suitable to allow attainment of State classified uses and attainment of the fishable/swimmable goal of the Federal Clean Water Act./ The'Depaftment of Health and En~iironmentail Control (DHEC) has promulgated regulations which designate classified uses for each waterbody and establish general rules and specific standards to protect these uses. Two major tenets of'the regulations are that waters which meet standards shall be maintained and waters which do not meet standards shall be improved. The fishable/swimmable goal of the Federal Clean Water Act states "it is the national goal that wherever attainable, an interim goal of water quality which provides for the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and provides for recreation in and on the water shall be achieved by July 1, 1983." Approximately 90% of all waters in South Carolina have water quality suitable for protection of and attainment of State classified uses. Based on acreage and stream miles, more than 95% of all waters have water quality suitable to protect them for either fishing or swimming, or both. The 5% difference between waters meeting the Federal goal and waters meeting State standards is primarily because some waters designated as Class SA, suitable for shellfish harvesting, did not meet the more stringent State standard for total coliform bacteria but did meet the fecal coliform criteria used to determine if a waterbody was swimmable. The following tables show percentages of waters in South Carolina where water' quality was suitable to allow attainment of State classified uses and the Federal fishable/swimmable goal during FY 1986 and 1987. Approximately 66% of South Carolina's rivers and streams are Class B and do not have swimming as a designated use. This resulted in 58% of the rivers attaining the swimmable goal although 85% of the rivers partially or fully attained their classified uses. Determination of Attainment of State Classified Uses Attained Partially Attained Not Attained Rivers 75% 10% 15% Lakes 99% <1% <1% Sal.twaters 88%'. 3% 9%. Determination of Attainment of the 1983 Federal Goal Fishable or Fishable and Swimmable Swimmable Fishable Swimmable Not Attained Attained Attained Attained Attained Rivers 95% 55% 92% 58% 5% Lakes 100% 99% 99% 99% 0% Saltwaters 99% 93% 96% 96% <1% In rivers, pollution from non-point sources was most responsible for partial or non-attainment of State classified uses. In lakes, unknown sources were most responsible for partial or non-attainment of State classified uses. Non-point sources were the only sources for partial or non-attainment in tidal saltwaters. The following table summarizes pollution source categories in percentages responsible for partial or non-attainment of State classified uses during FY 1986 and 1987. Less that 25% of all waters had water quality such 2 that State classified uses were not fully attained. Fecal col iformi contamination was the most frequent cause for partial or non-attainment. Point Source Non-Point Discharges Sources Unknown Rivers 23% 55% 22% Lakes 21% 2% 76% Sal twaters 0 100% 0 Toxic pollutants are not a problem in South Carolina surface waters. Only 7% of the freshwaters, 2% of the lakes, and <1% -of the saltwaters assessed had heavy metals in concentrations which exceeded EPA criteria recommended to protect aquatic life. PCB's, pesticides, and organics were not detected in the water column at any location in the trend monitoring network.. Approximately 86% of the State's coastal shellfish growing waters which have shellfish harvesting as a classified use (Class SAA or Class SA) are unconditionally approved for safe shellfish harvesting. Less that 1% of Class SA waters are permanently closed to shellfish harvesting due to buffer zones from' marinas or discha rges. When considering saltwaters in all use classifications, -66% of the waters are unconditionally approved for safe shellfish harvesting. Approximately 23% of the saltwaters are Class SB and Class SC where shellfish harvesting for direct marketing is not a classified use. Of these waters, 14% may be opened to harvesting under certain water quality conditions or opened to harvesting for depuration or relaying. The overall quality of ground-water in South Carolina is excellent; however, there are 390 instances of localized ground-water contamination. The Department has made an effort to educate the public about ground-water contamination through its permitting process and by requiring the licensing of well drillers, establishing well construction standards, and regulating underground storage tanks. 3 South Carolina effectively regulates point source discharges to surface waters through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program. All public and private municipal facilities and industrial facilities have NPDES permits which are reviewed and reissued periodically. Departmental approval and implementation of industrial waste pretreatment programs for publicly owned treatment works have improved water quality by reducing toxic discharges from these facilities. Most point source agricultural waste discharges have been eliminated through the issuance of State construction permits which require alternate non-discharging treatment systems. Municipal. compliance has been a priority throughout the 1980's and South Carolina has pursued compliance with National Municipal Policy mandates. The Department has issued orders placing all publicly owned treatment works not meeting final permit conditions on enforceable schedules to assure compliance with final effluent limits. The Department has also taken necessary enforcement action to assure effluent limit compliance -and maintenance of water quality at industrial and private domestic facilities. South Carolina's non-point source control strategy includes regulatory and voluntary programs. DHEC is involved in non-point source pollution control through water quality certification of Federal permits (mostly Army Corps 404 permits) as required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, stormwater control requirements on some NPDES and construction permits for wastewater treatment facilities, and "best management practices" requirements to control oil and hazardous and toxic substances at industrial facilities. Numerous other State and local agencies are involved in non-point source control programs. 1.0. SOUTH CAROLINA STATISTICS 1.1. Atlas -State population: 3,347,000 (1985) -State surface area (land): 30,203 square miles -Number of River basins: 4 - Pee Dee, Santee-Cooper, Edisto-Combahee, Savannah -State surface area (water): 909 square miles -Total river miles: 9,900 miles (on 1:500,000 scale map) Border miles: 408 miles Border waters: Chattooga River, Tugaloo River, Savannah River, Lake Hartwell, Clarks Hill Lake, Lake Richard B. Russell, Catawba River, Lake Wylie -Number and acres of lakes and reservoirs: 10 - 1000 acres:. 1,400 492TqO-acres greater than 1000 acres: 18 471,000 acres -Area of tidal salt waters: 2,155 square miles -Ocean coastal miles: 190 miles -Area of freshwater wetlands: 4,200,000 acres -Area of tidal wetlands: 500,000 acres 2.0. Water Classifications and Standards South Carolina Regulation 61-68 entitled "Water Classifications and Standards" identifies five classes of freshwaters, four classes of salt- waters, and three classes of groundwaters. Each classification consists of two parts: classified uses which must be protected and water quality standards stringent enough to protect these uses. There are general rules and standards applicable to all classes as well as the specific standards for each class. 2.1. Surface Water Classes Since this report is primarily a surface water assessment, only 5 the surface water classes are described. CLASS AA - freshwaters which constitute an outstanding recrea- tional or ecological resource or waters suitable for drinking water with treatment as specified by the Department - also suitable for uses listed in Class A and Class B. CLASS A-TROUT- freshwaters suitable for supporting reproducing trout populations and a cold water balanced indi- genous aquatic community of fauna and flora - also suitable for uses listed in Class A and Class B. CLASS A - freshwaters suitable for primary contact recrea- tion - also suitable for uses listed in Class B. CLASS B-TROUT - freshwaters suitable for supporting reproducing trout populations and a cold water balanced indi- genous community of fauna and flora - also suitable for uses listed Class B. CLASS B - freshwaters suitable for secondary contact recrea- tion, as a source of drinking water after conven- tional treatment, for fishing and tte survival and propagation of a balanced indigenous aquatic com- munity of fauna and flora, and for industrial and agricultural uses. CLASS SAA - tidal saltwaters which constitute an outstanding recreational or ecological resource - also suitable for uses lised in Class SA, Class SB, and Class SC. CLASS SA - tidal saltwaters suitable for harvesting of clams, mussels, or oysters for market purposes or human consumption - also suitable for uses listed in Class SB and Class SC. CLASS SB - tidal saltwaters suitable for primary contact recreation - also suitable for uses listed .in Class SC. CLASS SC - tidal saltwaters suitable for secondary contact recreation, crabbing, fishing (except harvesting of clams, mussels, or oysters for market purposes or human consumption), and the survival and propa- gation of a balanced indigenous aquatic community of marine fauna and flora. 6 Table 2.1.A. summarizes the uses supported by each classification. Table 2.1.A. Summary of Classified Uses South Carolina Uses Use Classifications Fish and Wildlife All classes Domestic Water Supply All freshwater classes Primary Contact Recreation AA, A-Trout, A, SAA, SA, SB Secondary Contact Recreation All classes Agriculture All freshwater classes Industrial All freshwater classes Navigation All classes No degradation of existing uses All classes No degradation of natural conditions AA, SAA All waters in South Carolina are classified in Regulation 61-69 entitled "Classified Waters." If a specific waterbody is not listed by name, it assumes the classification of the waterbody to which it is tributary. 2.2. Summary of Classified Uses Percent of Total Measured on 1:500,000 scale map Use Classification Rivers Lakes Tidal Saltwaters Class AA .1% c1% -- Class A-Trout q1% 0 -- Class A 33% 96% -- Class B-Trout 0 0 -- Class B 66%� 3% -- Class SAA -- -- 12% Class SA -- -- 67% Class SB -- -- 9% Class SC -- -- 12% 3.0. EVALUATION METHODOLOGY Physical, chemical, and biological data were evaluated, as described below, to determine if water quality was suitable to protect the State classified uses defined in Regulation 61-68 "Water Classifications and Standards." Data were also evaluated to determine if water quality was 7 suitable to provide for the protection and propagation of fish, shell- fish, and wildlife and provide for recreation in and on the water - the fishable/swimmable goals of the Federal Clean Water Act. 3.1. Waters Assessed Assessed waters are those waters directly monitored as part of the trend network or during special studies. The waters assessed since the last reporting period have been increased by using secondary monitoring station data in addition to primary monitoring station data. We have assessed data from the 135 primary stations plus 152 secondary stations representing waters not covered by the primary stations. The entire secondary station network includes 358 stations. Primary stations are sampled monthly year round and secondary stations are sampled monthly, May through October. Figure 3.1.A. shows the location of primary monitoring stations and Figure 3.1.B. shows the loca'tion of secondary monitoring stations. 3.2. Determination of Attainment of.Classified Uses In general, the determination of attainment of designated or classified uses was made by applying the State numeric standards summarized in Table 3.2.A. for each class. More specifically, a designated use was attainable if the following criteria were met: a. Shellfish harvesting was attainable if waters met the total coliform bacteria criterion of an MIPN median no greater than 70/100 ml with no more than 10% of the samples greater than 230/100 ml (Class SA waters). The Department now uses a fecal coliform bacteria criteria for Class SA waters. This is consistent with the Shell- fish Sanitation'Program (See Section 4.3.2.). B-026 S-292f 42 CW-023 ZA 8 CW-197 'kIzza- AW-198 B-311 cW b!Y S-13 X 001 S,, 50 13-02 -041 -SV.24 07 SV3 I S oil . ,II 0C 1W PP-00 5-018. cvto,16 V., 77- ""_Oa i-04 Ei ar. P, PO-069 t B. PO-327 U k/ 4 1. A PO-023 4? PD-080-4"Pb-M '-054' V, - Sk-021 i ve CW4 7 6-1 6 S-642, ;,' " k r 'a FID -131 .038 J j, s;279 0 S-2 kk, 4) - 4 - -Oa V I I 2704 P;j f7 1 "C-001 4- 8.030  ) --  . "W I - t.: . __ , \ N I 1". I 091 -222 ir J.- 'r.0,07 I'D 22 7 2 go. -A "q, SV-2 C61 0791 pb- 7D 71 ST 429 GO "S SV.O v-j_ E-059, I / EC- puL,44 i _;V 1". 1073 Sv- a 015 079 :V E-Oug., Vital I Pr N ATL QZ2 1-. - - .3. loo 'V C T- of, ..D- 1 14 X- 1,2 Figure 3.1.A. s 'a J, 45, South Carolina _Y P-118 Still it, U/1 Department of Health and Environmental Control Fixed Monitoring Network N f Primary Stations r A6: V~- CoC7'0 .'" *SLLL7IJ ~~ 'k~~ \~r4L ~'4%~( 01~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I >o,** ~~~~ &. .~KZ;L. . )\..~L,<.L, x, / *? J.h '<4n l. _.If s"I' '~~~-rf"b :: 'Y0' n'0~ So' U ly\ "'r I so I> ~~g~~b N,7'~�L/. &*2>LI 1. . CJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" K *- '1 'tLLS �1;1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t A S " C tr't' ~ ,NI, s/rn .. ( 'P'wI t~~~~~~) )jt4�< AA{ I K1~ a~ . ss ..T;A4 V ~O 500" jJ� ; siir ~ ~ < -N A .4 H ~~, A 3 ~~~ - �- - �� ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, 00 S- A3~ -~ i2 ,,,. ~~~~~~~I~0125 *,u- b-s /� Z1/I"- ).Co.. Figur 3..B )ll .l0.01A.u k'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 */. II /i \ t5*L* 4 osl~~~~4''" ~A- C C, '~~~~~~~~~~~ C)~~~lrr ~~g 5.. ~ ~~~~~~~: '~~~~,,,,,~-~ ap ~~ 01~ ~ ~~~�sv . c, i1~ rPI iC. 1 d 1., .. I - V "V: --/"L;~~~3 0 b. Primary contact. recreation was attainable if waters met the fecal coliform bacteria criterion of a geometric mean no greater than 200/100 ml with no more than 10% of the samples greater than 400/100 ml (Class A and Class SB waters). c. Secondary contact recreation and water supply uses were attainable if waters met the fecal coliform bacteria criterion of a geometric mean no greater than 1000/100 ml with no hore than 20% of the samples greater than 2000/100 ml (Class B waters, both uses, and Class SC waters, secondary contact recreation). d. Survival and propagation of an aquatic community was attainable if waters met a daily average dissolved oxygen concentration not less than 5.0 mg/l with no concentra- tions below 4.0 mg/1 (all class waters). Certain waters may not meet the specified numeric standard for dissolved oxygen due to natural conditions but designated uses may still be attainable. If dissolved oxygen values were consistently less than 4.0 mg/I, professional judgement and knowledge of the biological community was used to determine if the designated use was attainable. A determination of less than full support of designated or classified uses was made by applying the criteria in Table 3.2.B. to an analysis of data for bacteria, dissolved oxygen, pH, and bio- logical communities. In summary, a classified use was supported for a certain class water if the specific numeric standards for pH, bacteria, and dis- solved oxygen were met. Table 3.2.A. Summary of State Numeric Standards Water Classification Parameter A A-Trout B B-Trout SA SB SC Dissolved Oxygen 5 Mg/l ---- 5 mg/l ---- 5 mg/l 5 mg/l daily mean Dissolved Oxygen 4 mg/i 6 mg/l 4 mg/l 6 mg/i 4 mg/l 4 mg/1 4 mg/l low value pH 6-8 6-8 6-8.5 6-8.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 Fecal coliform 200/100 mi-A 200/100 mi-A 1000/100 ml-A 1000/100 mi-A ---- 200/100 ml-A 1000/100 ml-A bacteria 400/100 ml-C 400/100 ml-C 2000/100 ml-D 2000/100 ml-D 400/100 ml-C 2000/100 ml-D Total coliform 70/100 ml-B bacteria 230/100 ml-C A-geometric mean value B=Median value, IPN C-iOX not to exceed D=20X not to exceed Table 3.2.B. Criteria for attainment of designated uses. Assessment Assessment Basis Description Fully attainable Partially attainable NPlot attainable Monitored Fixed station sampling For all 'pollutants, For any one pollutant, For any one pollutant (Chemistry) or survey sampling. criteria exceeded in<10% criteria exceeded 11-25% criteria exceeded 25%. Chemical analysis of of measurements and mean and mean of measurements Pollutants found at water, sediment, or of measurements is less is less than criteria; levels of concern. )iota. than criteria. Pollutants or criteria exceeded <10% not found at levels of & mean is greater than concern. criteria. Pollutants not found at levels of concern. Monitored Site visit by qualif- Use fully supported; no Some uncertainty about Use clearly not sup- (Biology) led biological person- evidence of modification use support; some modifi- ported; definite modi- nel. Rapid bioassess- of community (within cation of community noted. fication of community. ment protocols may be natural range of control/ used. ecoregion). 3.3. Determination of Attainment of 1983 Goals of the Clean Water Act 1. A waterbody, regardless of its use classification, has attained the fishable goal if: a. Less than 25% of the dissolved oxygen values were below 5.0 mg/1l. If natural conditions cause the dissolved oxygen to be below 5.0 mg/i, biological data and professional judgement were used to deter- mine if 'the water was fishable. b. There are no fishing advisories or bans for the waterbody. 2. A waterbody, regardless of its use classification, has attained the swimmable goal if: a. The fecal coliform geometric mean is no greater than 200/100 ml and no more than 10% of the samples 'exceed 400/100 ml. b. Known physical conditions do not preclude swimming. 3. A waterbody has attained the fishable/swimmable goal if the - criteria for I and 2, above, are met. 3.4. Determination of Surface Waters Affected by Toxics *Since the 304(a) criteria for many toxics are lower than the State's analytical detection limit, all toxics analyzed for must first be evaluated to determine if measurable amounts were detected. If no toxics were detected, and the 304(a) criterion is below the detection limit, the waterbody is considered to be not affected by toxics. If measurable amounts of toxics were detected, or the 304(a) criterion is above the detection limit, the detected con- centration was compared to the appropriate 304(a) criterion. 14 For those few metals criteria which are hardness-dependent, detected concentrations were compared with the concentration com- puted using a hardness of 50 mg/I. Most South Carolina waters have a hardness less than 50 mg/I, but the equations for computing metal toxicity are not reliable below 50 mg/l hardness. The 304(a) criterion which represents acute toxicity was used since most metals are collected as single grab samples. Table 3.4.A. presents the 304(a) criteria used to evaluate waters affected by toxics. These are the toxics for which EPA has developed national criteria and for which South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control has conducted analyses. Table 3.4.A. 304(a) Criteria for Priority Pollutants Freshwater Saltwater Cadmium 3.9 ug/l 43 ug/l Copper 9.2 ug/l* 2.9 ug/l Lead 34 ug/l* 140 ug/l Mercury 2.4 ug/l 2.1 ug/l Nickel . 790 ug/l* 75 ug/l Zinc 65 ug/l 95 ug/l B-Endosulfan 0.22 ug/l 0.034 ug/l G-BHC 2.0 ug/l 0.16 ug/l Aldrin 3.0 ug/l 1.3 ug/l Dieldrin 2.5 ug/l 0.71 ug/l 4,4'-DDT 1.1 ug/l 0.13 ug/l Endrin 0.18 ug/l 0.037 ug/l Heptdchlor 0.52 ug/l 0.053 ug/l Chlordane 2.4 ug/l 0.09 ug/l Toxaphene 0.73 ug/l 0.21 ug/l PCB 2.0 ug/l 10 ug/l *computed at hardness of 50 mg/i 15 4.0. SURFACE WATER QUALITY 4.1. Rivers and Streams South Carolina has approximately 9,900 miles of freshwater rivers and streams. Although 3,795 miles were assessed using data collected at water quality monitoring stations, the strategic location of these monitoring stations allows thesedata to provide a representative assessment of water quality for the entire state. These waters were assessed using data collected at 337 DHEC water quality monitoring stations representing 3,795 stream miles. 4.1.1. Summary of Assessment Determinations of attainment of State classified uses and the goals of the Clean Water Act for individual waterbodies are presented in Tables 4.1.E. - 4.1.H. at the end of this section concerning the assessment of rivers and streams, Table 4.1.A. Attainment of State Classified Uses Rivers and Streams - Reported as Miles FY 1986 - FY 1987 Basin Assessed Full Partial Not Pee Dee 1035 779.5 57 248.5 Santee Cooper 1721 1184 286 251 Edisto Combahee 522 442 35 45 Savannah 467 419 17 31 Statewide 3795 2824.5 395 575.5 % Attainment Statewide 754 10% 15% 16 Table 4.1.B. Attainment of CWA Goals Rivers and Streams - Reported as Miles FY 1986 - FY 1987 Basin Assessed Fish/Swim Fishable Swimmable Neither Pee Dee 1085 708 856.5 815 121.5 Santee Cooper 1721 641 1690 641 31 Edisto Combahee 522 388 500 398 12 Savannah 467 341 430 345 33 Statewide 3795 2078 3476.5 2199 197.5 % Attainment Statewide 55% 92% 58% 5% Table 4.1.C. Probable Causes of Partial or Non-Attainment of Classified Uses Rivers and Streams Statewide FY 1986 - FY 1987 Miles % of Non-Attaining Low dissolved oxygen 320.75 33% Fecal coliform contamination 617.75 64% pH contraventions 2.0 < 1% Toxics accumulation 0 0 Unknown 30.0 3% 970.5 17 Table 4.1.D. Probable Sources of Partial or Non-Attainment of Classified Uses Rivers and Streams Statewide FY 1986 - FY 1987 liles % of Non-Attaining % of Assessed Point Sources 225 23% 6% Municipal 170* Industrial 55 Nonpoint Sources 531.5 55% 14% Agriculture 364 Urban runoff 157.5 Forests Hydrologic Modification 2 Construction 4 Silviculture 4 Unknown Sources 214 22% 6% Total Miles Partially or 970.5 25% Not Attaining Total Miles Assessed 3795 *132 miles were affected by facilities which have been eliminated, undergoing an upgrade, or had interim limits. 4.2. Lakes and Reservoirs - South Carolina has approximately 1,400 lakes between 10 and 1,000 acres in size covering 45OOO acres. There are IS reser- voirs larger than 1,000 acres in size impounding more than 471,00 acres; thirteen of these reservoirs contain more than 95% of the State's impounded waters. Most South Carolina lakes and reser- voirs have multiple uses: the principal uses are recreation, power production, and flood control. Approximately 455,000 acres repre- sent publicly owned lakes and reservoirs. South Carolina lakes were assessed for this report using data collected at 50 OHEC water quality monitoring stations representing 410,407 acres. Legends for Tables Showing Attainment Refer to: Tables 4.1.E. - 4.1.H. Tables 4.2.E. - 4.2.G. Tables 4.3.E. - 4.3.H. Waterbody Name of waterbody Basin and sub-basin County Class Water classification according to Regulation 61-69, "Classified Waters" *denotes site-specific standards (D.O. minimum 4 mg/I, pH minimum 5) Cause Parameter with contraventions that was responsible for partial or non-attain- ment of classified uses DO = dissolved oxygen FC = fecal coliform bacteria TOX = toxics NUT = nutrients Major/Minor cause considered major if responsible for partial attainment cause considered minor if responsible for non-attainment Source Probable pollution source responsible for partial or non-attainment of clas- sified uses PS = point source NPS = non-point source UNK = unknown source Type Point Sources MUN = municipal facility SUN (E) = municipal facility, eliminated since assessment period NUN (IL) = municipal facility, hdd interim limits during assessment period riUN (U) = municipal facility, facility undergoing upgrade IND = industrial facility Non-Point Sources Ag = agricultural activity UR = urban runoff Forest = runoff from forested land (but not silvicultural activities) Unk = unknown source Con = construction activity Sil = Silviculture 19 TABLE 4.1.E. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 PEE DEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Beaverdam Creek A 3 3 IDO x IUnk N.Car. I 3 030722 IpH Dillon Co I '1 1 Big Swamp B* 16 16 IFC x INPS Ag I 12 4 030728 ;IDO x I Florence Co I I raN' Birch Creek A 8 8 IFC x INPS Ag 1 8 � 030710 IDO x I Williamsburg Co I I Black Creek B 28 28 1 1 I 28 030725 B* 22 19 3 IDO x IPS Ind 1 22 Chesterfid & Darl Cos A '20 20 IFC X IPS Ind I 20 Black Mlngo Creek A* 23 23 IDO x INPS Ag i 23 030708 I I Georgetown Co I I I I Black River A* 102 102 1 1 102 030710-12 Geotown & Willmsbrg Cos Brown Swamp B* 2 2 2 030718 Marion Co Buck Swamp B* 12 12 IDO x PS Mun 1 12 030720 I I Dillon Co I I Catfish Canal B* 36 36 IFC ' x INPS Ag,UR I 36 030724 IDO x I I Marion Co I I I TABLE 4.1.E. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 PEE DEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY I I Chinners Mill Branch A 4 4 IDO x IUnk 4 030718 I I Horry Co I I I II Cousar Branch B 1 1 IFC x IPS Ind 1 030730 I I Lee Co I I Crabtree Creek A 7 7 IFC x INPS Ag I 7 030716 1DO x UR I Horry Co I I I I I Crooked Creek A 4 4 IFC x INPS Ag,UR I 4 030726 B 6 6 I I I 6 Marlboro Co I I I I I I Fork Creek B 12 12 4 I I 12 030734 I Chesterfield Co I I Green Swamp B 4 4 I I I 4 030714 I I Sumter Co I I * I I I Hanging Rock Creek B 5 5 I I 5 030732 I I Kershaw Co I I I I . High Hill Creek A 14 i4 I I 14 030725 Darlinrgton Co I I Indian Creek B 9 9 I I 9 03072 Chesterfield Co TABLE 4.1.E. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 PEE DEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY I I I Intracoastal Waterway A 8 8 I I I 8 030715 I I Horry Co I Jeffries Creek B* 28 7 21 IDO x INPS Ag I 7 21 030724 A* 7 7 I I I 7 Florence Co I I I I Kingston Lake A 15 15 IFC x INPS UR I 15 030716 I I I Horry Co I I I Kingstree Swamp Canal A 17 17 I I 17 030710 I I I Williamsburg Co I I I Lake Swamp A 14 14 IDO x INPS Ag I 14 030718 I i Horry Co I I {I I { Lick Creek B 3 1 2 IFC x IUnk I 3 030732 I Kershaw & Lanc Cos I I I I Little Fork Creek B 9 9 IFC x IUnk I 9 030734 I I Chesterfield Co I I I I I Little Lynches River B 12 12 IFC x INPS Ag I 12 030732 I I I Lancaster Co I I Little Pee Dee River A 61 61 I I I 61 030718-20 B 35 35 I 35 Dillon & Marion Cos I I TABLE 4.1.E. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 PEE DEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES 1 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Lumber River I 030722 A 10 10 1 10 Marion Co I Lynches Lake B* 31 31 IDO x INPS Ag,UR I 31 030728 I Florence Co I Lynches River B 116 116 I I I 110 6 030728-30-34 Chstrfld,Flor,& Kersh Cos Maidendown Swamp B 2 2 IDO x iPS Ind I 2 030720 I INPS Ag I Marion Co I I Mapie Swamp B* 3 . 3 IDO X IPS Mun 1 3 030720 1 1 Dillon Co I I II I Middle Swamp B* 10 10 IDO x INPS Ag I 10 030724 1 1 1 Florence Co I I Nasty Branch B 3 3 1 1 1 3 030714 Sumter Co Newman Swamp B*2 2 2 I 1 2 030730 I Darilngton Co I I Pantlher Creek 8 6 2 4 IDO x IPS Mun I 2 4 030720 1 INPS Ag Marlboro Co I TABLE 4.1.E. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES ANO THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY'86 AND FY 87 PEE DEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Pee Dee River B 143 143 I I 1 143 030702-24-26 I I I Darl,Hor,Marion,& Marl Cos I I Pocotaligo River B* 36 30 6 IDO x INPS Ag,UR, I 30 6 030714 1I Hyd.Modl Sumter & Clarendon Cos I I I I I I J Pudding Swamp A 8 8 IDO x INPS Ag I 8 030712 I I Williamsburg Co I I I I I Rocky Bluff Swamp B 5 5 IDO x INPS Ag I 5 030712 I I Sumter Co I I I Smith Swamp B* 13 13 IDO x IPS Mun(IL)I 13 030724 1 1 Marion Co I I I I I Snake Branch B 1 0.5 0.5 IFC x INPS UR I 0.5 0.5 030725 IDO X Darlington Co I I I I I 1. Sparrow Swamp B, 34 34 1 1 1 34 030730 1 1 1 Florence Co I I I I I I Sw1ft Creek A 13 13 1 I 1 13 030725 1 1 1 Darlington Co I I Thompson Creek B 23 19. 4 IFC x INPS Ag I 23 030726 I I Chesterfield Co I I TABLE 4.1.E. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 PEE DEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT IClUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED' ONLY ONLY Todds Branch B 2 2 IFC x INPS UR I 2 030732 1 I Lancaster Co I I Turkey Creek B 5 5 IFC x INPS UR i 5 030714 1 Sumter Co I I * I I I Waccamaw River A* 59 59 1 I 1 59 030716 Horry Co Wildbat Creek (N) B 7 7 I 1 7 030734 I Lancaster Co I I I I Wildcat Creek (S) B 6 6 1 1 1 6 030734 I I I Lancaster Co I I TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND(FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I M AJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Allison Creek B 8 8 I 1 I 8 030836 I York County I I Bear Creek B 13 9 4 IFC' x INPS Ag I 13 030834 I Lancaster Co I I ~~~~~~I I Beards Creek B 5 5 IDO x lUnk 1 5 030860 I I Laurens Co I I ~~~~~~I II Beaverdam Creek B 9 9 IFC x INPS Ag I 9 030636 I York Co I I I I I Beaverdam Creek B 5 5 I I I 5 030862 Greenville Co Beaverdan Creek 8 10 10 I I 10 030864 Spartanburg Co Big Durbin Creek B 12 7 5 IFC x IPS MunCE) 1 12 030866 1 INPS Ag 1 Gravl & Laurens Cos I I I I I B1 Pike Tree Creek B 2 2 1 I 1 2 0128 1 1 rershaw Co I I Broad River B 91 91 1 I 1 46 45 030850-54-56 I Chrk,Frfld,Rich,& Uni Cos I I I TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Broadmouth Creek B 12 10 2 IDO x iUnk 12 030807 Anderson Co I I Brown Creek B 0.5 0.5 IFC x IPS Mun(E) I 0.5 030836 1 I I York Co I I ~I I Brushy Creek B 2 2 IFC x IPS Ind 1 2 030846 INPS UR I Greenville Co I I I Brush Creek B 9 9 9 1 9 030847 I Anderson Co I Brushy Creek B 10 10 1 10 030862 I Greenville Co I I I Buffalo Creek B 6 6 6 030856 I Cherokee Co I Bullocks Creek A 22 22 IFC x INPS Ag 1 22 030856 I I York Co I I I I Bush kiver B 20 20 IFC x !PS Mun I 20 030842 1 INPS Ag Laurens Co I. I Calabash Creek B 3 3 IFC x IPS Mun(U) i 3 (130836 I I York Co I I TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Camplng Creek A 7 7 IFC x IPS Ind I 7 030838 I INPS Ag Newberry Co I I I I Cane Creek B 19 19 lFC x INPS Ag 1 19 030834 I I Lancaster Co I I I I ra Canoe Creek B 3 3 IFC x lUnk 3 co 030856 Cherokee Co Catawba River B 42 42 I I I 42 030834 I Chester & York Cos I . I Cedar Creek A 22 22 IFC x lUnk I 22 030624 I I Richland Co I I I Cherokee Creek B 3 3 IFC x IUnk I 3 030856 Cherokee Co Clouds Creek B 16 16 I I I 16 030840 Saluda Co Conqaree Creek A 20 20 I I 20 030824 Lexington Co Conqaree River B 43 43 I I 42 1 030824 Rlchland Co TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Coronaca Creek B 4 4 I I 4 030842 I I Greenwood Co I I Crane Creek B 12 12 IFC x lUnk 12 030850 I I Richland Co I I I I I ) Crowders Creek B 4 4 IFC x IUnk N.Car. I- 4 030836 IFC x INPS Ag I York Co I I Diversion Canal A 5 5 I I I 5 030804 I I Berkeley Co I I Doolittle Creek B 5 5 I 5 030856 I I Cherokee Co I Dry Fork Creek B 4 2 2 IFC x INPS UR I 4 030854 I I Ag I Chester Co Duncan Creek B 4 4 I I 1 4 030860 I Newberry Co I Eaqle Creek 8 3 3 IFC x IUnk 1 3 030818 I I Dorchester Co I I Enoree River B 86 86 I I 86 030860-62 I Grnvl,Laur, & Nwbry Cos I TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Fairforest Creek B 19 19 I I 1 19 030864 I I Spartanburg Co I Flshing Creek A 3 3 IFC x INPS Ag 1 3 030832 B 40 40 I I I 40 Chester & York Cos I I I I I Furnace Creek B 5 5 I I 1 5 030856 I I Cherokee Co I I Georges Creek B 10 10 I I I 10 030847 1 i I Pickens Co I I I I I I Gilder Creek B 9 9 I 9 030862 1 I I Greenville Co I I I Gills Creek B 18 11 7 IFC x IPS Mun I 18 030824 IDO x INPS UR I Richland Co I I' II Gills Creek B 11 11 IFC x INPS Ag 11 030834 IDO x I Lancaster Co I I I I Goose Creek SC 6 6 IDO x INPS UR I 6 030810 (B) I I I Charleston Co I I Grove Creek B 8 8 IFC x IPS Ind I 8 030847 I I I Greenville Co I I TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY I I I Grassy Run Creek B 3 3 IFC x INPS UR I 3 020832I I Chester Co I I Halfway Swamp A 14 14- IFC x IUnk I 14 030804 I I Calhoun Co I I I I Harris Branch B I 1 IDO x IPS Ind I 1 030840 IFC x I Saluda Co Horse Pen Creek B 3 3 I I . 3 030862 I I Greenville Co Huff Creek B 10 10 10 030845 Greenville Co I I Irene Creek B 5 5 I5 030856 I I Cherokee Co Jackson Creek A 9 9 IFC x INPS Ag,UR, I 9 030850 Con Fairfield Co Jimmies Creek B 9 9 9 030866 Spartanburg Co I Jordan Creek E 8 a I 8 030866 I ICo Spartanburg CoI TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Keily Creek B 2 2 1 I I 2 030826 1 Kershaw Co I I I I 1. Kelsey Creek B 6 6 IFC x INPS UR I 6 030864 .I I Spartanburg Co I I I I o Kinley Creek B 5 5 IDO x IPS Mun(E) I 5 030838 IFC x INPS Ag,UR, I Lexington Co I I Con Lanqstson Creek B 4 4 1 I 1 4 030846 1 1 1 Greenville Co I I I Laurel Creek B 3 3 I I I 3 030846 1 1 1 Greenville Co I I Lawsons Fork Creek B 24 24 IUNK X IPS Mun(E) I 24 030868 INUTS? I (U) I Spartanburg Co ITOX? I Llmestone Mill Creek B 4 4 IFC x INPS 4 030856 I I U I Cherokee Co I I Little River B 35 35 IFC x INPS UR 35 030842 1 1 Ag I Laurens Co I I Little River B lb i6 I I 16 03350 I I Fdirflied Co TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY I I Little Buck Creek B 5 5 IFC x IUnk I 5 030868 I I I Spartanburg Co I I Little Pine Tree Creek A 5 5 I I 5 030828 I I Kershaw Co I I I. I I Little Saluda River B 21 .21 IDO x INPS Ag I 21 030840 I I Saluda Co I I I I Little Wateree Creek A 15 15 IFC x INPS Ag I 15 030830 I I I Fairfield Co I I I I Long Branch A 4 4 IFC x IUnk I 4 030856 II York Co I I I I Lorick Branch B I I IFC x INPS Ag,UR 0.5 0.5 030838 IDO x I Lexington Co I I 1 1 McAlpine Creek B 2 2 IFC x IUnk I 2 030836 I Lancaster Co I I I ilI Menq Creek B 4 4 IFC x IUnk I 4 030G54 I I Union Co I I I. I 1 Miidle Saluda River B 15 15 I I 15 03048 I I Greenville Co I TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY I I I Middle Tyger River B 14 14 I I 14 030866 I I Greenville Co I I Mill Creek A 24 19 5 IFC x IUnk I 19 5 030824 I I Richland Co I Mill Creek B 2 2 IFC x INPS UR I 2 030862 IDO x I I Spartanburg Co I I I I I Mine Creek B 12 12 IFC x IPS Ind I 12 030840 I INPS Ag,Sil I Saluda Co I I I Mitchell Creek B 4 4 I I I 4 030864 I I I Union Co Mountain Creek B 7 7 I I I 7 030862 Greenville Co North Creek B 8 8 I I i 8 030842 Laurens Co N Pacolet/Pacolet Rvrs B 58 58 I I I 58 030868d I I Cherokee & Spbg Cos North Saluda River B 16 16 I I I 16 030848 Greenville Co TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY North Santee River B 21 21 1 I I 21 030802 1 1 1 Georgetown Co I North Tyger River B 19 19 1 1 19 030866 Spartanburg Co Page Creek B 3 3 I I I 3 030868 I i Spartanburg Co Peoples Creek B 3 3 IFC x IPS Mun(IL)I 3 030856 1 I Cherokee Co Potter Branch B 2 2 I I 2 030868 1 Spartanburg Co Princess Creek B 3 3 I I I 3 030862 I I i Greenville Co I I Rabon Creek B 9 9 1 9 030844 Laurens Co Rawls Creek B 6 6 IFC x INPS UR I 6 030838 I I Lexington Co I I Red Bank Creek A 9 5 4 IFC x IPS Hun I 5 4 030824 I INPS Ag I Lexington Co I TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Reedy River B 57 51 6 IUNK x IPS Mun(IL)I 37 6 14 030846 INUTS? I (U) I Grnvl & Laurens Cos ITOX? INPS UR I I I I Rock Creek B 5 5 IFC x INPS Ag,UR I 5 030846 I I Greenville Co I I I I I Rocky Creek A 27 27 IFC x IUnk I 27 030832 I I I Chester Co I I I I I I Rocky Creek B 8 8 IFC x INPS UR I 8 030862 I I I Greenville Co * I I I Ross Branch B 4 4 IFC x INPS Aa I 4 030854 I I U I York Co I I Saluda River B 78 78 I I 78 030838-42-47-48 A 16 16 I I 16 Gnvi,Gnwd,Lau,Lex,&Pic Co I I I Sandy River A 5 5 IFC x INPS Ag I 5 030854 I I Chester Co Santee River B 68 68 I I I 68 030802 Berk & Chtn Cos Savannah Branch A 5 5 IFC x INPS UR I 5 030(24 { I Lexington Co I I TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Sawmill Branch B 12 12 IDO x IPS Mun(E) I 6 6 030818 IFC x I I Dorchester Co I I I I Scott Creek B 1 1 IFC x INPS UR 1 030842 I Newberry Co I Six Mile Creek B 11 11 I I 11 030824 1 1 1 Lexington Co I I I Smith Branch B 4 4 IFC x INPS UR I 4 (130850 1 I Richland Co I I South Saluda River B 20 20 1 1 1 20 030848 I I I Greenville Co I I I South Tyger River B 11 11 I I I 11 030866 I Greenville Co I Spain Creek B 0.5 0.5 I I 1 0.5 030848 1 Greenville Co Spears Creek B 22 22 I I 1 22 030826 I I Kershaw Co I I Spivey Creek B 3 3 1 1 3 030868 1 Spartanburg Co I I I TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Steel Creek B 7.5 7 0.5 IFC x INPS Ag 1 7.5 030836 I York co I Sugar Creek B 11 11 I I I 11 030836 York Co co Tailrace Canal A 5 5 S 030820 1 1 1 Berkeley Co Taw Caw Creek A 7 7 IFC x INPS Ag I 7 030804 IDO x I I Clarendon Co I I I I I Thicketty Creek B 19 11 8 IFC x INPS Ag 1 19 030856 1 I I Cherokee Co I I I Tinker Creek B 13 13 1 I 1 13 030864 Union Co Tools Fork Creek B 8 8 IFC x IUnk I 8 030832 York Co Toschs Creek B 4 4 4 030864 Union Co Twelve Mile Creek B 6 6 iI 1 6 030836 I I Lancaster Co TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Twenty Five Mile Creek A 22 22 IFC x IPS Mun(E) 1 22 03082 1 1 1 Kershaw Co I Tyger River B 39 39 1 I 1 23 16 030864-66 1 1 1 Spbg & Union Cos I I I Un Trib to Catawba River B 2 2 1 1 1 2 030836 1 1 1 York Co I I I Un Trib to Brown Creek B 2 2 1 1 1 2 030854 1 1 1 Union Co I I Un Trib to Saluda River B 1.5 1.5 IFC x IPS Mun(U) I 1.5 030847 1 1 1 Anderson Co I I I I Un Trib to Saluda River B 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 030847 1 1 i Greenville Co I I Un Trib to Crawford Creek A 3 3 1 1 1 3 030856 I I I York Co I I Walker Swamp B 6 6 1 6 030820 Berkeley Co I I Wassamasaw Swamp B 21 21 . I 1 21 030818 I I I Berkeley Co I I TABLE 4.1.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Wateree River B 59 59 I I 59 030826 I I Kershaw & Rich Cos I I I I I I West Creek B 7 7 IFC x IUnk I 7 030840 I I I Saluda Co I I I I ' Wildcat Creek B 7 7 IFC x lUnk I 7 030832 IDO xI York Co I I I Wilson Creek B 10 6 4 IFC x IPS Mun(U) I 4 6 030842 IDO x I I Greenwood Co I I 1 I I Winnsboro Branch A 0.5 0.5 IFC x INPS UR I 0.5 030850 I I Fairfield Co I I TABLE 4.1.G. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 EDISTO- COMBAHEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY- NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Ashepoo River B 15 5 10 IDO x IPS Hun I 5 10 030906 I INPS Ag,UR I Colleton Co I I I I I Black Creek A 11 11 I 1 I 11 030922 I I Rampton Co I I I I I c" Bull Swamp Creek A 7 7 IDO x INPS Ag I 7 030914 B 5 5 IFC x I I 5 Lexington Co I I I I I Combahee River A 3 3 1 1 1 3 030922 1 1 1 Hampton Co I I I I I 1 Coosawhatchie River A 36 36 1 1 1 36 030932 1 1 1 Allendale & Hampton Cos I I Edisto River A 71 71 I I I 71 030906-08 Charl,Dorch,& Orgb Cos I I First Branch A 1 1 IFC x INPS UR I 030918 IpH . x Edgefield Co I I I I Four Hole Swamp A 57 57 1 1 1 46 11 030918 I Dorch & Orgb Cos I I I I Goodland Creek A 3 3 IFC x INPS Ag I 3 030918 I I Orangeburg Co I I TABLE 4.1.G. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 EDISTO- COMBAHEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY I I Gramling Creek B 5 5 IDO x IUnk 5 030914 IFC x I I Orangeburg Co I I I I I Home Branch B 5 5 IDO x IPS Ind 1 5 030912 IFC x I I Orangeburg Co I 14 Ireland Creek B 12 12 IDO x lUnk I 12 030906 I I i Colleton Co I I Lemon Creek B* 18 18 1 I 1 18 030924 I I Bamberg Co I Liqhtwood Knot Creek A 11 11 IDO x lUnk I 11 030916 � IFC x I Lexington Co I I North Fork Edisto River A 49 44 5 IFC x INPS Ag,UR I 44 5 030914-16 B 22 22 1 1 1 22 Aiken & Orgb Cos I I I I I I Polk Swamp B* 9 9 IFC x IUnk I 9 030908 Dorchester Co Providence Swamp B 11 11 11 11 030912 Orangeburg Co Rosemary Creek B 4 4 1 1 4 030924 Barnwell Co I TABLE 4.1.0. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 EDISTO- COMBAHEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL ..................... I ----------------- TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I .MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Salkehatchie River A 60 57 3 IFC x IPS Mun(U) I 57 3 030922-24' I (E) I Barnwell & Colleton Cos I INPS Ag I I I I Sanders Branch B* 5 5 i I 5 030932 r I Hampton Co I I ." Shaw Creek A 29 29 1 1 1 29 030918 Aiken Co South Fork Edisto River B 71 71 I I I 71 030918 Alken Co I I Spur Branch A 6 6 IFC( x IPS Mun(E) I 6 030918 1 1 1 Barnwell Co I I I I I Turkey Creek B 2 2 1 I 1 2 030924 I Barnwell Co I I I I I Unrd'Trib to Granling Ck B 3 3 IDO x IPS Ind 1 3 030912 1 1 Orangeburg Co I I TABLE 4.1.H. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SAVANNAH BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Beaverdam Creek B 13 13 l I 1 13 031306 1 l l Edgefield Co I Betsy Creek B 1 1 .I 1 031310 I I Anderson Co Big Genersotee Creek B 5 5 1 5 031310 I Anderson Co Broadway Creek B 2 2 I l 2 031310 Anderson Co Chattooga River A 34 34 1 34 031312 Oconee Co Cherokee Creel: B 5 5 I . 5 031310 Anderson Co Coneross Creel: A 5 5 I I l 5 031312 Oconee Co I I Cupboard Creek B 5 1 4 IDO x IPS Ind I 1 4 031310 I Arncerson Co l E. Fork Chattooga River A 2 2 1 2 031312 l l Oconee Co i TABLE 4.1.8. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SAVANNAH BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Eighteen Mile Creek B 21 10 6 5 IFC x IPS Mun(IL)I 21 031312 1 I (U) I Pickens Co I I Four Mile Creek B 19 19 1 1 19 031304 Aiken Co 4 Golden Creek B 5 5 IFC x IPS Mun(IL)I 5 031312 I I (U) I Pickens Co I I I II Hard Labor Creek B 20 20 IDO x IPS Mun(U) I 20 031306 IFC x INPS Ag I Greenwood Co I Horse Creek B I1 11 I 11 031306 1 1 Aiken Co I Little River B 3 3 1 3 031314 I I I Pickens Co I I Little Horse Creek A 1 I I I 1 031306 I Aiken Co I I I Long Cane Criek B 30 30 1 1 1 30 03 (18 1 1 1 McCormick Co I Lower Tihree Runs Creek B !8 18 1 . 1 18 031304 I Aiken Co I TABLE 4.1.H. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SAVANNAH BASIN - STATE CLASSIFIED USES ! 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Norris Creek B 2 2 'I I 2 031325 I 1 I Oconee Co I I I Rocky River B 22 22 I I 1 22 031310 1 1 Anderson Co 4 Sand River B 2 2 I I 1 2 031306 1 i Aiken Co I Savannah River B 173 173 1 I I 173 031304-06-08-10 Abb., Aiken, Allen. Cos Sawney Creek B 5 5 IDO x lUnk I 5 03130 I I I Abbeville Co I I I I Six and Twenty Creek B 12 12 I 1 12 0312 I Anderson Co Steel Creek B 10 10 I I 10 031304 1 Aiken Co I I Three and Twenty Creek B 3 3 1 1 3 031312 Arnderson Co I Tlm3 Branch B 2 2 031304 Aiaen Co TABLE 4.1.H. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL FRESHWATER RIVERS AND STREAMS FY 86 AND FY 87 SAVANNAU BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Twelve Mile Creek B 24 24 1 i 1 3 13 8 031312 Plckens Co I I UnnaNed Creek near I I Central A 2 2 1 1 1 2 031312 1 1 1 Pickens Co I Upper Three Runs Creek B 8 8 a 1 8 031304 Aiken Co Woodside Branch B 2 2 IFC x IPS Mun(IL)I 2 031312 1 1 (U) I Pickens Co I 4.2.1. Summary of Assessment Determinations of attainment of State classified uses and the goals of the Clean Water Act for individual waterbodies are presented in Tables 4.2.E. - 4.2.G. at the end of this section concerning the assessment of lakes and reservoirs. Table 4.2.A. Attainment of State Classified Uses Lakes and Reservoirs - Reported as Acres FY 1986- FY 1987 Basin Assessed Full Partial Not Pee Dee 2,600 2,550 0 50 Santee Cooper 214,177 213,312 840 25 Edisto Combahee 0 0 0 0 Savannah 193,630 193,380 0 250 Statewide 410,407 409,242 840 325 % Attainment Statewide 99% <1% <1% Table 4.2.B. Attainment of CWA Goals Lakes and Reservoirs - Reported as Acres FY 1986 - FY 1987 Basin Assessed Fish/Swim Fishable Swimmable Neither Pee Dee 2,600 2,550 2,550 2,600 0 Santee Cooper 214,177 212,512 214,177 212,512 0 Edisto Combahee 0 0 0 0 0 Savannah 193,630 193,380 193,380 193,630 0 ______________________________________________________________________________ Statewide 410,407 408,442 410,107 408,742 0 % Attainment Statewide 99% 99% 99% 0 48 Table 4.2.C. Probable Causes of Partial or Non-Attainment of Classified Uses Lakes Statewide FY 1986 - FY 1987 Acres % of Nton-Attaining Low dissolved oxygen 50 4% Fecal coliform contamination 865 74%� pH contraventions 0 0 Toxics accumulation 250 22% Unknown 0 0 1165 7able 4.2.0. Probable Sources of Partial or Non-Attainment of Classified Uses Lakes Statewide FY 1986 - FY 1987 Acres % of Non-Attaining % of Assessed Point Sources 250 21,% 1% Municipal Industrial 250 Nonpoint Sources 25 2% <1% Agriculture -- Urban runoff 25 Forests -- Hydrologic IMlodification -- Unknown -- Unknown Sources 890 76% <.1% Total Acres Partially or 1165 < 1% Not Attaining Total Acres Assessed 410,407 49 TABLE 4.2.E ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL LAKES AND RESERVOIRS FY 86 AND FY 87 PEE DEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL ACRES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY McLaurens Millpond A 50 50 0 IDO x IUnk 50 030720 Marlboro Co I I Lake Robinson A* 2,250 2,250 1 1 1 2,250 030725 Chesterfield Co Prestwood Lake A* 300 300 1 1 1 300 030725 Darlington Co TABLE 4.2.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL LAKES AND RESERVOIRS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL ACRES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMHABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY William C. Bowen B 1,600 1,600 1 I 1 800 800 030868 Spartanburg Co Lake Elizabeth A 60 60 1 1 60 030805 Richland Co I Fishing Creek Reservoir A 3,370 2,530 840 I FC x I Unk 1 2,530 840 030832 Chester & Lanc. Cos Forest Lake B 120 120 1 1 1 120 (030824 Richland Co Lake Greenwood A 11,400 11,400 1 I 1 11,400 030844 Greenwood Co Goose Creek Reservoir SC 600 600 1 I 1 600 030810 Berkeley Co Lake Inspiration A 25 25 I FC x I NPS UR I 25 030804 1 1 1 Calhoun Co Lake Lanier A 90 90 I I 1 90 030868 1 1 Greenville Co I LaKe Marion A 110,600 110,600 1 1 1 110,600 030804 I I Clarendon 6 Orgb. Cos I I TABLE 4.2.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GCOAL LAKES AND RESERVOIRS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL ACRES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Monticello Reservoir B 6,800 6,800 1 I 1 6,800 030852 1 1 1 Fairfield Co Lake Murray A 51,000 51,000 1 I 1 51,000 030838 1 Lex. & Newberry Cos bo North Saluda Reservoir AA 1,080 1,080 I I 1 1,080 030848 I I Greenville Co Table Rock Cove AA 500 500 1 1 1 500 030848 I Greenville Co Wateree Lake A 13,710 13,710 I I 1 13,710 030830 Fairfid & Kershaw Cos Windsor Lake A 46 46 I I 1 46 030824 . I Richland Co TABLE 4.2.G. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND. THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL LAKES AND RESERVOIRS FY 86 AND. FY 87 SAVANNAH BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TOTAL ACRES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Bridge Creek Pond B 60 60 1 1 1 60 03136 I Aiken Co Clarks Hill Lake A 78,500 78,500 1 I i 78,500 031308 I McCormick Co Lake Hartwell A 61,350 61,350 1 I1 61,350 031312 1 1 Anderson Co L" Oconee Co Pickens Co Lake Jocassee A 7,565 7,565 1 I 1 7,565 031314 Oconee Co Lake Keowee A 18,372 18,372 1 I I 18,372 031314 Oconee Co Langley Pond B 250 250 ITOX x IPS Ind I 250 031306 I I Aiken Co Lake Richard B. Russell A 26,653 26,653 1 I I 26,653 031310 Anderson Co Lake Secession B 880 880 880 031310 Abbevllle Co 4.2.2. Clean Lakes Assessment The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control conducted a lake classification survey of 40 publicly owned lakes during 1980 - 1981 and produced a report in 1982 detailing the results of this survey. The purposes of the survey were to determine the trophic status of the lakes studied and to rank them as to priority for further study and restoration. Lakes sampled for this survey were selected based on public ownership and the possible impact their restoration would have on the people of South Carolina and the nation. Table 4.2.H. lists the lakes selected for study. Major lakes have a surface area of 850 acres or greater and minor lakes have a surface area less than 850 acres.- Table 4.2.H. Lake Name, Location, and Indication of Public Ownership PUBLIC flAME COUNTY LAT./LONG OWNERSHIP Major Lakes Lake William C. Bowen Spartanburg 35�06 1/832005' 2 Clarks Hill -Reservoir McCormick & 34040'/32013' 3 State of Georgia Fishing Creek Reservoir Chester & Lancaster 34�39'/80�53' 4 Lake Greenwood Greenwood, New- 34�10'/81055' 4 berry & Laurens Lake Hartwell Anderson, Pickens, 34032'/82050' 3 Oconee & State of Georgia Continued on next page. 54 Table 4.2.H. Continued PUBLIC NAIE COUNTY LAT./LONlG OWNEPRSHIIP Lake Jocassee Oconee & Pickens 35000'/83000' 4 Lake Keowee Oconee & Pickens 34050'/82055' 4 Lake Marion Sumter, Clarendon, 33041'/80032' 1 Calhoun, Berkeley, & Orangeburg Monticello Reservoir Fairfield 34020'/83118' 4 Lake Moultrie Berkeley 33020'/80�05' 1 Lake Murray Lexington, Rich- 34003'/31013' 4 land, Saluda & Newberry Parr Reservoir Fairfield & 34016'/81021' 4 Newberry Lake Robinson Chesterfield & 340�26'/80010' 4 Darlington Lake Secession Abbeville & 34017'/82035' 2 Anderson Lake Wateree Fairfield, Kershaw 34�25'/80050' 4 & Lancaster Lake Wylie York & State of 35001'/81005' 4 (Lake Catawba) North Carolina Minor Lakes Ashwood Lake Lee 34006'/80019' 1 Boyd Mill Pond Laurens 34023'/32013' 4 Broadway Lake Anderson 34�27'/82�35.' 2 Lake Edgar A. Brown Barnwell 33015'/31022' 1 Lake Cherokee Cherokee 35002'/81035' 1 Chester State Park Lake Chester 34040'/81016' 1 Lake Tom Moore Craig Spartanburg 34052'/81050' 1 Continued on next page. 55 Table 4.2.H. Continued PUBLIC NtAPME COUNTY LAT./LONG OWNERSHIP Eureka Lake Chesterfield 34�38'/79�54' 1 Lake Cunningham Greenville 34�59'/82�15' 2 Goodale State Park Lake Kershaw 34017'/80031' 1 (Adams Mill Pond) Goose Creek Reservoir Berkeley 32057'/79043' 2 Lake Edwin Johnson Spartanburg 34�52'/81050' 1 Langley Pond Aiken 32032'/81050' 4 (Horse.Creek Pond) Lake John B. Long Union 34048'/81030' 1 Lake Oliphant Chester 34�48'/81�11' 1 Prestwood Lake Darlington 34�24'/80005' 4 Reynolds Pond Aiken 33038'/81�42' 4 Rock and Cedar Creek Chester, Lancaster 32032'/80050' 4 Reservoir & Fairfield Saluda Lake Greenville & Pickens 34�52'/82�29' 4 Lake Thicketty Cherokee 35005'/81�47' 1 Vaucluse Pond Aiken 33�37'/81�48' 4 Lake Wallace Marlboro 34�38'/79�41' 1 Lake Warren Hampton 32�50'/81�10' 1 Lake Yonah Oconee & State 34�41'/83�20' 4 of Georgia Public Ownership 1 State Management Authority 2 Local Government Management Authority 3 Federal Management Authority 4 Private Management Authority, Offers Public Access 56 Lakes were sampled once per season: fall, winter, spring, and summer, from October 1980 through August 1981. Trophic status was determined using the National Eutrophication Survey (NES) index and Carlson's trophic state index. The NES index is a six parameter percentile index which uses data for total phosphorus, inorganic nitrogen, secchi depth, chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, and dissolved phosphorus. Carlson's index is a single parameter trophic state index which may be'based on either chlorophyll a, secchi depth, or total phosphorus. The NlES trophic index and the Carlson chlorophyll a, secchi, and phos- phorus trophic state indices were used to rank the 40 publicly owned lakes according to trophic state. Table 4.2.I. is a ranking of major lakes by trophic state. Table 4.2.J. is a ranking of minor lakes by trophic state. Table 4.2.1. Ranking of Major Lakes by Trophic State Rank Major Lakes Trophic Condition 1 Fishing Creek eutrophic 2 Wateree eutrophic 3 Greenwood eutrophic 4 Secession eutrophic 5 Wylie eutrophic 6 Hartwell eutrophic 7 Monticello eutrophic 8 Murray eutrophic 9 rloultrie eutrophic 10 Clarks Hill eutrophic 11 Bowen eutrophic 12 Marion eutrophic 13 Parr eutrophic 14 Jocassee eutrophic 15 Robinson eutrophic 16 Keowee eutrophic 57 Table 4.2.J. Ranking of MIinor Lakes by Trophic State Rank Major Lakes Trophic Condition 1 Boyd Mill Pond hypereutrophic 2 Rock and Cedar Creek eutrophic 3 Edgar A. Brown eutrophic 4 Warren eutrophic 5 Johnson eutrophic 6 Broadway eutrophic 7 Oliphant eutrophic 8 Chester eutrophic 9 Goose Creek eutrophic 10 Long eutrophic 11 Cherokee eutrophic 12 Langley eutrophic 13 Saluda eutrophic 14 Thicketty eutrophic 15 Cunningham eutrophic 16 Vaucluse eutrophic 17 Wallace eutrophic 18 Reynolds ' eutrophic 19 Craig eutrophic 20 Ashwood eutrophic 21 Prestwood . eutrophic 22 Goodale State Park eutrophic 23 Eureka eutrophic 24 Yonah eutrophic To assess impaired recreational uses of the 40 publicly owned lakes, DHEC mailed a questionnaire to 700 lake users. The respondents were asked to provide reported uses, impaired uses, and probable causes of use impairment. The probable causes are varied, represent public opinion, and many were field verified by DHEC personnel. Tables 4.2.K. and 4.2.L. present this information on impaired lake uses. Please remember that the lists of lakes with reported impaired uses were derived mainly from public input. The Department has taken action to address the problems which are within the Department's authority. 58 Table 4.2.K. Publicly Owned Lakes With Impaired Recreational Uses Major Lakes Lake Impaired Use(s) Reported Causes Clarks Hill F sedimentation, low water level, litter Greenwood F turbidity,* low water level*, algal blooms* Hartwell F,S low water level,* sediment, PCB, litter, fishing pressure, sewage Jocassee F low water level,* litter Keowee F,S,B, low water level,* turbidity, litter, heat, low food supply for fish Marion F,S,B, weed growth,* litter, low water level, silt, fishing pressure, shoreline development Moultrie F weed in shallows,* litter, fishing pres- sure, shoreline development Murray F low water level,* sediment, fishing pres- sure, low dissolved oxygen Robinson S temperature Secession F turbidity,* low water level, nonpoint runoff Wateree F,S,B litter Wylie F,S,B, litter F = fishing S = swimming B = boating * = field verified 59 Table 4.2.L. Publicly Owned Lakes With Impaired Recreational Uses Minor Lakes Lake Impaired Use(s) Reported Causes Ashwood F,S weed growth,* silt, poor fish stocking Broadway F,S,B silt,* weeds,* algae,* litter Brown F algae,* weeds* Chester S sediment, weeds* Goose Creek F,S,B weeds,* algae,* litter Langley F,S,B pollution, weeds Prestwood F,S,B weeds* Reynolds F,S weeds,* sediment Rock & Cedar F,S color increase from point source Thicketty F,B -- Wallace F weeds,* algae* Warren F weeds,* alage* F = fishing S = swimming B = boating * = field verified There are no lakes in South Carolina with known impacts from acid deposition or acid mine drainage. 4.3. Tidal Saltwaters South Carolina has approximately 2155 square miles of tidal saltwaters including marshes. These tidal saltwaters were assessed using water quality data collected at 63 DHEC monitoring stations representing 616 square miles. The assessment also included information on shellfish harvest status as determined by DHEC's Shellfish Sanitation Program. The strategic location of these monitoring stations allows the determination of water quality for these waters to provide a representative picture of the overall water quality of South Carolina's tidal saltwaters. 4.3.1. Summary of Assessment Determination of attainment of State classified uses and 60 the goals of the Clean Water Act for individual waterbodies are presented in Tables 4.3.E. - 4.3.H. at the end of this section concerning the assessment of tidal saltwaters. Table 4.3.A. Attainment of State Classified Uses Tidal Saltwaters - Reported as Square Miles FY 1986 - FY 1987 Basin Assessed Full Partial Not Pee Dee 14.4 9.1 2.6 2.7 Santee Cooper 180.2 120.8 4.7 54.7 Edisto Combahee 466.9 451.2 10.7 5.0 Savannah 1.7 1.7 -- - Statewide 663.2 582.8 18.0 62.4 % Attainment Statewide 88% 3% 9% Table 4.3.B. Attainment of CWA Goals Tidal Saltwaters - Reported as Square Miles FY 1986 - FY 1987 Basin Assessed Fish/Swim Fishable Swimmable Neither Pee Dee 14.4 .13.3 14.4 13.3 0 Santee Cooper 180.2 160.2 160.2 180.2 0 Edisto Combahee 466.9 442.6 463.9 442.6 3.0 Sav 1.7 0 1.7 0 0 Statewide 663.2 616.1 640.2 636.1 3.0 % Attainment Statewide 93% 96' 96% < 1% 61 Table 4.3.C. Probable Causes of Partial or Non-Attainment of Classified Uses Tidal Saltwaters Statewide FY 1986- FY 1987 Square Miles % of Non-Attaining Low dissolved oxygen 21.45 27% Fecal coliform contamination 58.95 73% pH contraventions 0 0 Toxics accumulation 0 0 Unknown 0 0 80.4 Table 4.3.D. Probable Sources of Partial or Non-Attainment of Classified Uses Tidal Saltwaters Statewide FY 1986 - FY 1987 Square Miles % of Non-Attaining % of Assessed Point Sources 0 0 0 Nonpoint Sources 80.4 100% 11% Agriculture 11.0 Urban runoff 48.2 Forests 21.2 Hydrologic Modification -- Unknown -- Unknown Sources -- Total Square Miles 80.4 11% Partially or not attaining Total Square Miles Assessed 707.7 62 TABLE 4.3.E. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TIDAL SALTWATERS FY 86 AND FY 87 PEE DEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL SQUARE MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBObY CLASS ASSESSED) ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Black River SB 0.6 0.6 1 I I 0.6 030706 I I Georgetown Co I I Little River SA 2.7 2.7 IFC x INPS UR I 1.6 1.1 030715 I. I Horry Co o Murrells Inlet SA 2.6 2.6 IFC x INPS UR I 2.6 030704 Docks I Georgetown Co I * I I I North Inlet SA 2.2 2.2 2.2 030704 Georgetown Co Sampit River SC 1.' 1.1 I I I 1.1 030702 Georgetown Co Turkey Creek SC 0.2 0.2 1 0.2 030702 Georgetown Co Whites Creek SC 0.1 0.1 I I .1 030702 Georgetown CO Winyah Bay SC 4.9 4.9 1 4.9 030702 Georgetown Co TABLE 4.3.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TIDAL SALTIATERS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL SQUARE MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Ashle River SC 14.5 14.5 1 I I 12.2 2.3 030818-14 I I Charleston Co I Bulls Bay SA 8.0 8.0 I I 8.0 030806 Charleston Co Charleston Harbor SC 4.2 4.2 I I I 4.2 030814 1 1 Charleston Co I Cooper River SC 19.7 19.7 I I I 19.7 030820-10-14 1 I I Berkeley & Chtn Cos Cooter Creek SA 1.2 1.2 IDO x INPS Forest I 1.2 030806 1 Charleston Co I The Cove SC 0.3 0.3 I I 0.3 030814 I Charleston Co I Elliott Cut SC 3.5 3,5 IDO x INPS UR I 3.5 030814 I I Charleston Co I I I I I Goose Creek SC 14.2 14.2 IFC x INPS UR I 14.2 Berkeley Co Intracoastal Waterway 5A 0.1 0.1 I I 0.1 030o806 I ICo Charltstoon Co I TABLE 4.3.F. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TIDAL SALTWATERS FY 86 AND FY 87 SANTEE-COOPER BASIN =-=-========- ====-===-=------ -===========-==-======---=----=-==---============================== ==============================-===-= STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL SQUARE MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Kiawah River SA 41.8 41.8 1 I 1 41.8 030814 1 1 1 Charleston Co I Shen Creek SC 0.4 0.4 1 1 1 0.4 030814 I Charleston Co I ' South Santee River SA 18.0 18.0 IFC x INPS Forest i 18.0 030802 I I Ag Georgetown Co I I .~~ ~~I II Stono River SA 28.3 5.8 22.5 IFC x INPS UR I 28.3 030814 IDO x I Charleston Co I I I I I Wando River SB 26.0 26.0 I I 1 26.0 030802 Berkeley & Chtn Cos I TABLE 4.3.G. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TIDAL SALTWATERS FY 86 AND FY 87 EDISTO-COMBAHEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL SQUARE MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE . ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Beaufort River SB 9.6 9.6 1 1 1 9.6 030920-26 SA 21.5 21.5 I I 1 21.5 beaufort Co Bees Creek SC 13.3 13.3 I I 1 13.3 030926 1 1 Jasper Co I I Bohicket Creek SA 2.7 2.7. IFC x INPS UR 2.7 030902 1 1 1 Charleston Co I I I I Calibogue Sound SA 25.0 25.0 I 1 25.0 030926 1 I Beaufort Co I I Chechessee River SA 15.9 15.9 I 15.9 030926 1 1 Beaufort Co I I Colleton River SAA 29.3 29.3 1 1 1 29.3 030926 1 1 1 Beaufort Co I I Combahee/St.Helena Snd SA 108.5 108.5 1 1 108.5 030920 Beaufort Co Coosawhatchie/Broad Rvrs SA 55.9 53.9 2.0 IFC x INPS Ag 1 55.9 030930-26 1 Beautort Co I I I I Dawhoo River SA 9.8 9.8 I 1 9.8 030902 Charleston Co I TABLE 4.3.G. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TIDAL SALTWATERS FY 86 AND FY 87 EDISTO-COMBAHEE BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL SOUARE MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I 9AJOR MINOR I TYPE ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY May River SAA 24.6 24.6 I I 1 24.6 030926 I I Beaufort Co I I New River SB 8.0 8.0 IDO x INPS Forest I 8.0 030928 IFC x Jasper Co I I I I I h North Edisto River SAA 53.3 53.3 1 1 1 53.3 (130902 1 1 1 Charleston Co J Pocotaligo River SA 3.0 3.0 IDO x INPS Forest 1 3.0 030926 IFC x I Beaufort River I I I I i Port Royal Sound SA 25.3 25.3 1 1 1 25.3 030926 I I Beaufort Co Skull Creek SA 6.9 6.9 1 I 1 6.9 030926 I I Beaufort Co I I South Edisto River SAA 9.2 9.2 1 I 1 9.2 030904 1 1 1 Charleston Co I I I Trenchards Inlet SA 25.8 25.8 1 I 1 25.8 030926 1 I Beaufort Co I Wriaie Branch SA 18.9 18.9 I 1 1 18.9 030920 leaufort Co I TABLE 4.3.H. ATTAINMENT OF STATE CLASSIFIED USES AND THE 1983 FEDERAL GOAL TIDAL SALTWATERS FY 86 AND FY 87 SAVANNAH BASIN STATE CLASSIFIED USES I 1983 FEDERAL GOAL SQUARE MILES PARTIALLY NOT ICAUSE ISOURCE I NOT FISHABLE SWIMMABLE WATERBODY CLASS ASSESSED ATTAINED ATTAINED ATTAINED I MAJOR MINOR I TYPE I ATTAINED ATTAINED ONLY ONLY Savannah River B 1.7 1.7 I 1 I 1.7 031302 I 1 I Jasper Co I I I co <nox 4.3.2. Management of Shellfish Growing Waters The goal of the Shellfish Sanitation Program in South Carolina is to ensure that shellfish and the areas from which they are harvested meet the health and environmental quality standards provided by federal and state regulations, laws, and guidelines. Additionally, the Department promotes and encourages coastal quality management programs consistent with protected uses. established through the State water classifications and standards program. Shellfish Sanitation Program management is also determined by State Regulation 61-47 and State law. Operational manuals adopted by the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference (ISSC) and adopted and utilized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are also used as guidelines in implementing the State program. During periodic revisions of Regulation 61-47, portions of those guidelines are incorporated into the regulations as appropriate. Sanitary surveys are conducted by DHEC to determine the har- vesting classifications of the State's coastal waters. These surveys result in harvesting classifications describedas follows: Approved: Areas where a sanitary survey indicates that the water is not contaminated with fecal material, pathogenic microorganisms, or poisonous and dele- terious substances in concentrations dangerous to human health. The fecal coliform NIPN median does not exceed 14/100 ml in the water and 10 percent of the samples do not exceed 43/100 ml. Conditional: Areas generally of the same quality as approved areas; however, the quality may temporarily vary because of sporadic impacts from non-point and point sources, rainfall, or seasonal activities. Shellfish may be harvested for marketing under conditions specified in a management plan. Restricted: Areas where a sanitary survey indicates there is a limited degree of pollution which rende rs the shellfish unsafe for direct marketing. The shell- fish may be marketed after relaying or depuration. 69 The median fecal coliform levels in restricted waters are between 14 and 83/100 ml with not more than 10 percent of the samples exceeding 260/100 ml. Prohibited: Areas where a sanitary survey indicates excessive concentrations of pollutants exist or where the potential exists for excessive pollutant concen- trations. The median fecal coliform UPN exceeds 88/100 ml in the water or more than 10 percent of the samples exceed 260/100 ml. Shellfish may not be harvested from prohibited areas for human food use. Closed safety zones may be established around potential pollutant sources and are clas- sified as prohibited areas. Table 4.3.1. presents the current shellfish harvesting clas- sifications of coastal shellfish growing areas in South Carolina, the cause of closure if the area is not unconditionally approved, and the pollutant source responsible for the closure. Tables 4.3.J. and 4.3.K. show shellfish area closures due to closed safety zones around point source discharges and marinas in Class SA waters. Closed safety zones are established -adjacent to all actual or potential sources of contamination and are classified as prohibited. These areas are not an indication of a lesser water quality but rather an indication of areas which have the potential for variable water quality. As a result, the areas within closed safety zones are closed to shellfish harvesting as a measure to protect public health. The reported acreages include all shellfish growing waters and associated marshes measured from NOAA navigational charts 11535, 11532, 11531, 11521, 11513, 11517, and 11519 using a Compensating Polar Planimeter. 70 Table 4.3.I. STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA (Waterbodies listed in geographical order from North to South on coastline) March 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Waterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Little River 1337 SA Restricted FC PS, NPS Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWIW) to Hwy #9 bridge) 969 A Prohibited FC. PS, NPS Cherry Grove/Hog Inlet 1357 SA Conditionally Approved Rainfall, FC rPS Singleton Swash 51 SA Prohibited FC NPS Whitepoint Swash 92 SA Prohibited FC NPS Cane Patch Creek 20 SA Prohibited FC NPS Withers Swash 30 SA Prohibited FC' NPS f1i dway Swash 15 SA Prohibited FC NPS Miurrells Inlet 3302 SA Conditionally Approved Rainfall, FC NPS Hurrells Inlet Public Grounds - North A SA Conditionally Approved FC NPS - South SA Conditionally Approved Rainfall, FC NPS rlurrells Inlet - Parsonage Creek 30 SA Restricted FC NIPS FC = fecal coliform bacteria PS = point source NPS = non-point source A = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation Table 4.3.I. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA March 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Wadterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Mlurrells Inlet - all other tributaries adjacent to mainland and connneting to Parsonage Creek 5 SA Restricted FC NPS Hidway Inlet - North behind Litchfield Beach 602 SA Restricted FC NPS ___ __�-__ ___ ____-_ _-_-__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___------------------ ----------� South behind Pawleys 1122 SA Conditionally Approved FC NPS Island to Pawleys Inlet North Inlet 6454 Approved ' North Inlet - Debordieu Ck. 410 SA Restricted FC NPS North Inlet area adjacent , 3603 SC Restricted FC NPS to tlud Bay North Inlet 1071 SA Conditionally Approved High River & NPS Rainfall Levels Sampit River 576 SC Prohibited CSZ PS Winyah Bay 10,356 SC Prohibited CSZ PS Winyah Bay 13,339 SC Restricted FC PS, NPS Mud Bay B SC Restricted FC PS, NPS FC = fecal coliform bacteria PS = point source lIPS = non-point source B = acreage includes all water bodies with this notation CSZ = closed safety zone Table 4.3.I. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA March 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Waterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Atlantic Intracoastal 2,178 SB Prohibited FC PS, NIPS Waterway (AIWW) (Winyah Bay to North Santee River) Santee Bay (north & South) 20,165 SB Restricted FC NPS from Highway 17 to 1000 feet below the AIWW Santee Bay (North & South) 13,158 SA Restricted FC tiPS from 1000 feet below AIWW to Atlantic Ocean Cape Romain 13,117c SA Restricted FC HPS Cape Romain and Bull Bay 48,094 SA Approved AIWW (South Santee River to Jeremy Island) C SA Restricted FC NPS AIJWW (Jeremy Island to Sewee Bay) D SA Approved Jereimy Creek 377 SA Prohibited CSZ Boat Docks Awendaw Creek 581 'SA Conditional closed FC NPS FC = fecal coliform bacteria CSZ = closed safety zone RIPS = non-point source C = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation D = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation Table 4.3.I. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA March 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Waterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Tibwin Creek 255 SA Conditional closed FC NPS AIWW (Sewee Bay to Conch Creek) 31,514E SA Approved Sewee Bay E SA Approved Bull Harbor E SA Approved Mark Bay E SA Approved Copahee Sound E SA Approved Bullyard Sound E SA Approved Hamlin Sound E SA Approved Grays Bay Sound E SA Approved All creeks and marshes of - Prices Inlet SA Approved Capers Inlet E SA Approved Dewee Inlet SA Approved FC = fecal coliform bacteria PS = point source NPS = non-point source E = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation Table 4.3.I. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA Mlarch 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Waterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source All waters of Breach Inlet Estuary Including: Hamlin Creek (west of AIWW) SA Approved Swinton Creek SA Approved Inlet Creek (west of AIWlJ) SA Approved Conch Creek west of AIWW1 SA Approved Inlet Creek & Conch Creek (east of AIIWI) 476 SA Restricted FC NPS, Harbor Influence Hamlri Creek (east of AIWW) 320 SA Restricted FC NPS, Harbor Influence AIWW (between Conch Creek & Ben Sawyer Bridge) 163 SA Restricted FC PS, NPS, Harbor Influence ---------------------------------F------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Cove 1132 SC Restricted FC PS, NPS, Harbor Influence AIWW (Ben Sawyer Bridge to PS, NPS, the Cove) F SC Restricted FC Harbor Influence Wando River (Headwdters to 1000 feet above Cainhoy 5375 SB Restricted FC PS, NPS Bridge FC = fecal coliform bacteria PS = point source NPS = non-point source D = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation Table 4.3.I. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA March 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Waterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Wando River (from 1000 feet above Cainhoy Bridge to 12,821 SB Conditional closed FC PS, NPS Cooper River Bridge) including Nowell & Horlbeck Creeks Charleston Harbor 8,027 SC Prohibited CSZ PS Cooper River 14,794 SC Prohibited CSZ PS Shem Creek 367 SC Prohibited FC ,CSZ NPS - Marinas Ashley River 8,160 SC Prohibited CSZ PS Schooner Creek Bay and Clarks Sound 3,958 SC Restricted FC NPS, PS James Island Creek & Kushiwah Creek 1,744 SC Prohibited CSZ PS Wapoo/Elliott Cut 898 SC Prohibited CSZ PS Stono River (Pleasant Point to and including Abbapoola Creek) 14,130 SA Restricted FC PS, NPS FC = fecal coliform bacteria PS = point source NPS = non-point source CSZ = closed safety.zone * = included in Charleston Harbor and Stono River Table 4.3.4. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA March 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant JWaterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Lighthouse Inlet Estuary 10,73314 SA Approved Folly River Estuary H SA Approved Kiawah River, Sams Creek, Stono Inlet, Stono 14,474 SA Approved River, and Abbapoola Creek to Folly River Morth Edisto River 35,105 SA Approved Leadenwah Creek I SA Approved Wadmalaw River I SA Approved Stono River (Pleasant Point to Goshen Pt.) I SA Approved Steam Boat Creek I SA Approved Russell Creek I SA Approved Toogoodoo Creek I SA Approved Dawho River (from North Edisto to Hwy 174 bridge) I SA Approved PS = point source riPS = non-point source E = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation Table 4.3.I. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA March 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Waterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Wadmalaw Sound I SA Approved Bohicket Creek I SA Approved Church Creek I SA Approved Church Creek (front Raven Point to Hoopstick Island) 1,601 SA Prohibited FC ,CZS PS, NPS South Edisto River 30,150 SA Approved Fishing Creek (except m described below) J SA Approved Fishing Creek fronm "The Neck" to Freedman 450 SA Restricted FC lNPS St. Helena Sound 53,578 SA Approved Combahee River_-- K SA Approved Ashepoo River K SA Approved Coosaw River K SA Approved FC = fecal coliform bacteria PS = point source NPS = non-point source E = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation Table 4.3.I. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA March 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Waterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Whale Branch from Huspa Creek to Halfmoon Creek 1209 SA Restricted FC PS, NPS Whale Branch 6411 SA Approved Campbell Creek 217 SA Prohibited CSZ PS Halfmoon Creek 393 SA Prohibited CSZ PS Huspa Creek 1609 SA Conditionally Approved FC , Rainfall NPS McCalleys Creek 2193 SA Prohibited CSZ PS Middle Creek 510 SA Restricted FC NPS, PS Brickyard Creek 1612 SA Prohibited CSZ PS Albergottie Creek 1142 SB Prohibited CSZ PS Beaufort River from Albergottie Creek 8150 SB Prohibited CSZ PS to Ballast Creek & Chowan Creek FC = fecal coliform bacteria CSZ = closed safety zone PS = point source FIPS = non-point source Table 4.3.I. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA March 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Waterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Beaufort River from Ballast Creek to Chowan Creek 8690 SA Approved to Port Royal Sound Chowan Creek 4835 SA Approved Battery Creek 2458 SA Prohibited CSZ PS 1081 SB Prohibited CSZ PS Archer Creek from Port Royal to Parris Island 683 SB Prohibited CSZ PS Bridge Archer Creek fronl Parris .Island Bridge to 1000 ft above Parris Island Bridge 102 SA Prohibited CSZ PS Archer Creek from 1000 feet below Parris Island 1927 SA Approved Bridge to Port Royal Sound Mrorgan River Estuary 60,021L SA Approved CSZ = closed safety zone PS = point source NPS = non-point source F = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation Table 4.3.I. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA Mlarch 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Waterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Harbor River (St. Helena to Fripp Island) L SA Approved Trenchards Inlet Estuary L SA Approved Station Creek L SA Approved Lucy Point Creek 898 SA Restricted FC NPS, Agriculture Fripp Island Canal 255 SA Prohibited FC tNPS Rock Spring Creek to its junction with I II SA Restricted FC tPS Lucy Point Creek Broad River and Port Royal Sound (except for closed safety zone at 58,674N SA Approved Laurel Bay S/D WTP) Chechessee River N SA Approved Hazzard Creek/Euhaw Creek N SA Approved FC = fecal coliform bacteria F = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation G = acreage includes dll wdterbodies with this notation Table 4.3.I. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA larch 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Waterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Colleton River 12,220N SAA Approved Okatie River & Chechessee Creek [l SAA Approved flay River 15,431 SAA Approved Cooper River 0 SAA/SA Approved Bull Creek 0 SAA Approved New River and Wright 12,281 SB Restricted FC NPS, Savannah River River Influence New River arnd Wright 14,423 SA Approved River Calibogue Sound 21,083r SB Approved ------------------------------------- Sdckay Creek P SA Approved Skull Creek P SA Approved '-Jarvis Creek P SA Approved Broad Creek/Palmetto Bay P SA Approved FC = fecal coliform bacteria NPS = non-point source F = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation H = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation Table 4.3.I. (continued) STATUS OF SHELLFISH AREAS IN SOUTH CAROLINA March 1, 1988 Use Sanitary Shellfish Cause Pollutant Waterbody Acres Classification Harvest Status for Closure Source Broad Creek 245 SA Conditionally Approved FC PS Baynard Cove 834 SA Prohibited CSZ larinas Lawton Creek Q SA Prohi bited CSZ PS Braddock Creek Q SA Prohibited CSZ Marinas CSZ = closed safety zone PS = point source rIPS = non-point source Table 4.3.J. Prohibited Shellfish Harvesting Areas in Class SA Waters Due to Closed Safety Zones Around Point Source Discharges Closed Safety Facility Waterbody Location County Zone Acreage Parris Island Marine Base Archers Creek Beaufort 4,426A Battery Creek H.S. Battery Creek Beaufort A Beaufort Battery Creek Beaufort A Cherry Hill Battery Creek Beaufort A Dowlingwood Battery Creek Beaufort A Palmetto Apartments Battery Creek Beaufort A Parris Island Battery Creek Beaufort A Laurel Bay Broad River Beaufort 121 Lobeco Chemical Campbell Creek Beaufort 217 James J. Davis Elemn. School Halfmoon Creek Beaufort 393 Sea Pines PSb Lawton Ck/Broad Ck Beaufort 561 Wam Chemical McCalley Creek Beaufort 2,193 Dunmovin Church Creek Tributary Charleston 3.0* St. Johns/Angel Oak School Church Creek Tributary Charleston 3.0* Sea Island Health Care Church Creek Triubtary Charleston 3.0* Isle of Palms and Forest Trails AIWW Charleston 173 Buzzards Roost Stono River Charleston 25* St. Andrews PSD and Savage Road Stono River Charleston 25* Swygert Shipyard Stono River Charleston 25* Baptist Hills HS Toogoodoo Creek Charleston 3.0 * = in prohibited or restricted SA waters A = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation 84 Table 4.3.K. Prohibited Shellfish Harvesting Areas in Class SA Waters Due to Closed Safety Zones Around Marinas Closed Safety Marina Waterbody Location County Zone Acreage Baynard Cove Baynard Cove Beaufort 110A Gull Point Community Dock Braddock Cove Beaufort 163 South Breech Braddock Cove Beaufort A Broad Creek Broad Creek Beaufort 60 Long Cove Broad Creek Beaufort 60 Palmetto Bay Broad Creek Beaufort 83 Shelter Cove Broad Creek Beaufort 64 Wexford Harbor Broad Creek Beaufort 30 Harbor Town Calibogue Sound Beaufort 59 Windmill Harbor Calibogue Sound Beaufort 36 Cooper River Cooper River Beaufort 63 Moss Creek Moss Creek Beaufort 59 Fripp Island Old House Creek Beaufort 56 Hilton Head Docking Facility Skull Creek Beaufort 48 Outdoor Resorts Skull Creek Beaufort 60 Skull Creek Skull Creek Beaufort 90 Villages on Skull Creek Skull Creek Beaufort 57 Big Bay Marina & Misc. Docks Big Bay Creek Charleston 530 Botany Bay & Misc. Docks Adams Creek/ North Edisto River Charleston 6.0 Bohicket Bohicket Creek Charleston 76 Folly Marina Folly River Charleston 54 Crosby Commercial Dock Folly Creek Charleston 57 Bowen Island Marina Railway Folly Creek Charleston 50 Backman Commercial Dock Backman Creek Charleston 50 Breech Inlet and Texaco Marina Breech Inlet Charleston 45 Mariners Cay Folly River Charleston 58 Carolina Seafood Dock, Bull Bay Seafood Dock and Jeremy Creek/ Charleston 377 Miscellaneous Shrimp Docks AINW Wild Dunes Morgan Creek Charleston 14* Buzzard Roost Stono River Charleston 52* Stono Stono River Charleston 33* Marlin Quay lurrells Inlet Georgetown 77* Captain Dick's and Parsonage Creek/ Inlet Point Main Creek Georgetown 34* * = in restricted SA waters A = acreage includes all waterbodies with this notation 85 Table 4.3.L. Acreages of Shellfish Waters in Each Water Use Classification Use Shellfish % pf % of Classification Status Acreage Total Waters Class SAA & SA SAA and SA Approved 419,394 66 86 SA Conditional 9,542 1.5 2 SA Restricted 46,865 7 9.5 SA Prohibited-CSZ 11,066 2 2 SA Prohibited-PUQ 2,064 1 1 488,931 total acreage in Class SAA & SA SB Approved 14,423 2 SB Conditional 12,821 2 SB Restricted 39,999 6 SB Prohibited-CSZ 11,056 2 78,299 total acreage in Class SB SC Restricted 22,032 3 SC Prohibited-CSZ 44,922 7 66,954 total acreage in Class SC * A Prohibited 969 <1 635,153 total acreage in Shellfish Waters * The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (Little River) is presently classified incorrectly with a use classification of Class A. The Department will be initiating an effort to correct this discrepancy. 86 Acreages in Table 4.3.1. for each water use classification and each shellfish harvest status as well as closed safety zone acreages in Tables 4.3.J. and 4.3.K. were tallied to show total acreages of open and closed shellfish waters statewide for each water use classification. These figures are presented in Table 4.3.L. Approximately 86% of Class SAA and Class SA waters are unconditionally approved for shellfish harvesting. This indicates an 8% decrease from the FY 1984-85 305(b) report which estimated that 94% of Class SAA and Class SA shellfish waters were unconditionally approved. for shellfish harvesting. Although this reduction appears to indicate a degradation of water quality in shellfish waters, two distinctly different factors are actually responsible for this reduction. The Santee River Rediversion Project has altered water quality in the Class SA portions of South Santee and Cape Romain and subsequent shellfish harvesting classification changes in this area are responsible for 6% of the decrease. The remaining 2% reduction does not relate to water quality changes but rather to more precise methods of measurement used in acreage determination. Approximately 2% of Class SAA and Class SA waters are conditionally approved and less than 10% of Class SAA and Class SA waters are closed to shellfish harvesting due to closed safety zones or poor water quality. An evaluation of all shellfish growing waters, regardless of use classification, reveals that approximately 66% of these waters are approved for shellfish harvesting. Approximately 23% of all saltwaters are Class SB and Class SC and are not protected for shellfish harvesting. Less than 3% of the shellfish closures, when considering all class saltwaters, are due to activitieswhich cause closures in Class SA waters. 87 4.3.3. Estuary Case Study - Stono River A water quality assessment of the Stono River was conducted by the Stream and Facility Monitoring Section of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) during August 27-29, 1985. The Stono River is located just south and west of Charleston, South Carolina, and connects the Atlantic Ocean to Wadmalaw Sound. The River is located in the Charleston Harbor sub-basin (03-08-14). The entire reach of the Stono River from the Atlantic Ocean (Stonq Inlet) to Wadmalaw Sound is clas- sified as Class SA waters. Figure 4.3.A. depicts the study area. Sampling stations were established at numerous points along the Stono River and at selected major tributaries--the Kiawah River, Elliott Cutt, Wappoo Creek and Rantowles Creek. Also, three wastewater treatment facilities that discharge to the Stono River were included in the sampling station network. These were the Buzzards Roost Marina (NPDES No. SC0035556), Swygert Shipyard (NPDES No. SC037770), and St. Andrews Public Service District/ Savage Road (NPDES No. SC0026051) wastewater treatment facil- ities. Samples were collected from each stream station and facility effluent by the grab method on daylight high and low tides during August 27-29, 1985, for analyses of various physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters. Live oysters (Crassostrea virginica) were also collected daily at low tide from selected stations and analyzed for various bacteriological parameters. In addition to the high tide/low tide sampling at the wastewater treatment facilities, compliance sampling inspections and operation and maintenance inspections were conducted to ascertain NPDES permit 88 MD-202 MD-727 NORTH N STONO RIVER 1 inch = 1.2 miles MD-728 0 1 2 WADMALAW SOUND STONO RIVER MD-729 MD-730 Swygert Shipyard St. Andrews PSD/Savage Road MD-731 1MD-732 MD-025 Pennys Creek 9 MD-733 W/yappoo Creek MMD-734 Figure 4.3.A. Buzzards Roost Elliot C Station Locations in Assessment Area Marina MDo02S A Water Quality Assessment of the Stono River Charleston County, South Carolina /ASHLEY RIVER August 27-29, 1985 CHARLESTON HARBOR MD-736 STONO RIVER MD 737 Abbapoola Creek MD-7 38 MD-206 KIAWAH RIVER MD-739 % South Carolina Map with MD-2-07~ g< ~ ii~nCharleston County Shaded t(3< Green Creek MD-208 ATLANTIC OCEAN 89 compliance performance of the facilities during the assessment period. A trend analysis of the historical water quality data base from several stations along the Stono River was also con- ducted. Data collected during this assessment showed no contraven- tions of the Class SA quality standards for pH or temperature at any station in the area. Dissolved oxygen levels were, on the face, below the State quality criterion; however, analysis of these data revealed the levels to be indicative of natural water quality of that estuarine system. When the concentration data were normalized to percent saturation data, satisfactory levels were observed that were comparable to levels seen in other estuarine river systems in the State. The State quality standard for total coliform bacteria was contravened at eleven of sixteen stations in the Stono River and at three of the four tributaries (all except the Kiawah River). The five stations which did not contravene standards were nearest the Atlantic Ocean. The largest median total coliform density in the Stono River occurred in the upper-middle portion west of the entrances to Elliott Cut and Uappoo Creek. The largest median density recorded in the entire assessment area was in Wappoo Creek near its confluence with the Stono River where the median density was approximately two and one-half times greater than the largest median density in the Stono River. The median level observed in Elliott Cut was essentially equivalent to the largest median density seen in the Stono River. The major contributing source to the overall bacteriological water quality in the Stono River was determined to be in the input of Ashley River/Charleston 90 Harbor water via Elliott Cut and Wappoo Creek along with the natural input from the developed Wappoo Creek drainage basin. Analysis of shellfish tissue from five stations in the river revealed no contraventions of State quality standards or appro- priate Federal criteria. Furthermore, there were no significant differences (p.>O.05) in bacterial burden between any of the stations. Hydrological reconnaissances were conducted in the upper part of the Stono River during June 13-14, 1985, to determine the dilution and dispersion characteristics of that portion of the system. These reconnaissances demonstrated substantial dilution capacity in the Stono River on ebbing tide but diminished capacity on flooding tide. Likewise, the dilution capacity of Elliott Cut was diminished on flooding tide which is the same portion of the tidal cycle that delivers the Ashley River/ Charleston Harbor system water to the upper portion of the Stono River. This diminished dilution capacity in both the Stono River and ElliQtt Cut concurrent with the input of water from Charleston Harbor of less than Class SA quality on flooding tide afforded the greatest opportunity for poorer water quality con- ditions to be localized in the upper-middle portion of the Stono River. A trend analysis of the past eleven years of monitoring data from the Stono River showed general improvements in water quality. Dissolved oxygen concentrations either improved or remained the same over the time period. Bacterial densities also improved as decreased levels were observed at all stations except Wappoo Creek and the Stono River at SC 700 (Haybank Highway). 91 Further analysis of the data demonstrated this was a near-field effect due primarily to the input from Wappoo Creek. The results of the compliance sampling inspection at the three wastewater treatment facilities were found to be in overall satisfactory condition. There were no discernible impacts on the Stono River due to the presence of the treatment facility dis- charges during this assessment period. The major and overwhelming driving force of water quality in the upper-middle portion of the Stono River was the input of water from Charleston Harbor via Elliott Cut and the underlying natural hydrological regime of the Stono River. The diminished dilution capacity in the upper portion of the river along with apparent poor flushing combined to control the water quality characteristics in the upper river. ! Conclusions The quality of water in the middle-to-upper portion of the Stono River did not meet Class SA quality standards during the assess- ment period for either dissolved oxygen or total coliform bacteria. The failure to meet the Class SA standard for dis- solved oxygen was clearly due to prevailing natural, ambient conditions in the river and the strongly-controlling underlying hydrological regime. The failure to meet the Class SA standard for total coliform bacteria was due primarily to the input of poorer quality water from the Charleston Harbor/Ashley River system to the Stono River via Elliott Cut and Jappoo Creek,. The lower salinity of the water from the Harbor system was an exacer- bating factor in the higher densities of bacteria observed in the Stono River west of the Elliott Cut entrance. All stations in 92 the Stono River met the Class SB quality standard for bacteria during the assessment period. 2. There were no contraventions of the State quality standards for pH or temperature at any station in the assessment area. 3. Uappoo Creek exhibited the highest bacterial densities of any station in the assessment area. Elliott Cut exhibited densities equal to the highest observed in the Stono River. The data obtained from Wappoo Creek indicated that residential/commercial land-use activities in that drainage basin had resulted in these elevated ambient bacteria densities. 4. There were no contraventions of the State or Federal standard for bacteriological quality in shellfish tissue observed at any of the five stations sampled. Two stations were from the portion of the river closed, to harvesting while the other three were from open areas. 5. Hydrological .reconnaissances demonstrated substantial dilution capacity in the Stono River on ebbing tide, but diminished capacity on flooding tide. The diminution of dilution capacity concurrent with the input of poorer-quality water from the Harbor system on flooding tide clearly controlled the localization of less than satisfactory water quality conditions in the upper- middle portion of the Stono River. 6. The wastewater treatment facilities included in this assessment exhibited generally satisfactory performances. 7. Except for a minor contributing effect on the bacterial densities localized near the St. Andrews PSD/Savage Road facility, there was no evidence of water quality impacts in the Stono River due to the presence of these facilities. The prinicipal source of 93 water quality influence in the Stono River is the Charleston Harbor system and the overwhelming driving forces were the natural conditions and limitations imposed by the inherent hydro- logical characteristics of the system. 8. Analysis of the dissolved oxygen and coliform bacteria trends over the past eleven years in the Stono River showed statis- tically significant improvement in the oyxgen levels throughout the river and likewise significant improvement in bacteria levels in all areas except one. Wappoo Creek and the Stono River at SC 700 (Maybank Highway) exhibited increases in bacteria levels over the time period. This was a near-field effect not sustained either north or south of this immediate area in the river and was due to apparent significant increased. loading of bacteria to the Stono River from Wappoo Creek. 4.4. Toxic Pollutants Toxic pollutants in South Carolina's surface waters were assessed for this report through the evaluation of data collected statewide at DHEC monitoring stations. Data collected quarterly at 119 monitoring stations for metals analyses and collected annually at 69 monitoring stations for pesticides, herbicides, and other organics analyses were used for this assessment. DHEC also annually collects sediment samples for toxics analyses at 187 monitoring stations. These data are not included in this assessment since there are no standards or criteria for comparison. 4.4.1. Metals in Water The methodology used for this evaluation is explained in Section 3.4. of this report. 94 Table 4.4.A. Waters Affected by Metals Statewide FY 1986 - FY 1987 Size Monitored Size with Waterbody Type for Metals Elevated Metals Rivers and streams 2,513.5 miles 180.5 miles Lakes 354,114 acres 8,560 acres Tidal Saltwaters 319 square miles 2 square miles Only two metals exceeded the criteria used for comparison: zinc and copper. Copper was elevated at only one monitoring station which is downstream of a metal plating facility waste- water discharge. The elevated zinc levels are random, widespread, probably naturally occurring, and have no apparent adverse impact on the indigenous aquatic communities. Although reported here as elevated, we consider these zinc concentrations to be natural levels and not indicative of toxics problems. Also, it is important to understand that the EPA criteria for the protection of aquatic life are not readily applicable to instream water quality conditions. These criteria were developed using laboratory bioassay data; and although no better criteria can be easily developed, these may not compare well with measurements made in the field. Other metals assessed but which were not in concentrations above the assessment criteria are cadmium, lead, mercury, and metal. 95 4.4.2. Organics in UJater Pesticides, herbicides, and other organics concentrations in surface waters were reviewed for this assessment. These para- meters were below their analytical detection limits at most moni- toring stations as evidenced by results in the following table. Table 4.4.B. Waters Affected by Organics Statewide FY 1986 - FY 1987 Size monitored Size with Waterbody Type for Organics Elevated Organics Rivers and streams 1,225 miles 0 miles Lakes 155,324 acres 0 Tidal saltwaters 56.3 square miles 0 Organics monitored for but not detected at these monitoring stations are: p,p'DDT aldrin toxaphene guthion o,p'DDT o'BHC heptachlor phosdrin p,p'DDE a BHC heptachlorapoxide lindane o,p'DDE dieldrin malathion trithion p,p'DDD endrin parathion PCB's acid extractable organics base neutral organics o,p'DDD ethion diazinon volatile organics 96 4.4.3. Fish Kills and Fishing Bans or Advisories During FY 1986 and FY 1987 the Department recorded 144 fish kills statewide. rore than 50% of the kills were due to dissolved oxygen depletion from algal blooms or increased water temperature. Nearly 70% of the kills were in private ponds or lagoons in resi- dential developments. Fourteen fish kills presented in Table 4.4.C. were attributed to toxics: 12 to pesticides or herbicides, one to an ammonia spill, and one to chlorine from a wastewater treatment plant. Ten of the kills by pesticides or herbicides occurred in private ponds or lagoons. The largest fish kill, which involved more than 10,000 fish, was attributed to herbicides occurred in Lake Marion from an intentional herbicide application for aquatic weed control. There are no waters in South Carolina which routinely experience fish kills or fish abnormalities due to toxics. Table 4.4.C. South Carolina Fish Kills Attributed to Toxics FY 1986 - FY 1987 Waterbody Date Number Pollutant Suspected Source Private Pond 8-19-85 40 lindane unknown Thicketty Creek 8-27-85 900 ammonia spill at Stouffer Foods Lagoon/Wood Lake Villas 9-15-85 1,000 malathion unknown Leadenwah Creek 5-14-86 2,100 guthion unknown Private Pond 6-18-86 undet. herbicide unknown Lagoon/Shipyard Plant. 6-29-86 2,000 2,4-D unknown Lagoon/Sea Pines Plant. 7-07-86 1,000 oftanol unknown Lake Marion 7-06-86 10,000 herbicide Santee-Cooper Weed Control Private Pond 7-27-86 1,000 endosulfan unknown Private Pond 8-12-86 2,000 diquat unknown Private Pond 9-04-86 50 dursban unknown Durbin Creek 9-15-86 75 chlorine WWTP Lagoon 9-28-86 200 2,4-D unknown Private Pond 3-09-37 17 herbicide unknown 97 The Department continues a 9 year old advisory against eating fish taken from the Seneca River area of Lake Hartwell in Pickens County because of unsafe levels of PCBs. In 1984 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended that the level of PCBs in fish tissue not exceed 2.0 ppm. As a result of this action and concen- trations of PCBs detected in fish tissue, DHEC has advised that people not eat any fish larger than three pounds caught any where in Lake Hartwell. The PCB contamination in Lake Hartwell was discovered in 1975 and traced to effluent from Sangamo Electric Company in Pickens. Sangamo discontinued using PCBs in 1977; PCB use is now banned by EPA. In July 1986, the Department issued a health' advisory cautioning people not eat fish taken from Langley Pond in Aiken County. DHEC's annual monitoring showed mercury accumulations in fish tissue above the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's recom- mended limit of 1.0 ppm. The sediments in Langley Pond have been monitored by DHEC since 1979 and results indicate high levels of chromium, mercury, and PCBs. The sediment contamination comes from large quantities of untreated or partially treated wastewater, primarily textile, dis- charged to Horse Creek and Langley Pond since the late 1800's. In 1979 a new regional wastewater treatment facility, dis- charging to the Savannah River, collected and provided proper treatment for all wastewater discharges to Horse Creek. With the sources of contamination removed from Langley Pond, water quality has improved; however, the contaminated sediments remain in the pond 98 and fish accumulate these contaminants. Several former dischargers to Langley Pond are under order by the Department to conduct a study to determine sources, nature, degree, and extent of contamination in Langley Pond sediments. Their final report to the Department will detail a plan of cor- rective action for Langley Pond which the former dischargers must implement. Figure 4.4.A. shows cards detailing these advisories. These cards have been distributed by the Department. Figure 4.4.A. South Carolina Fishing Advisorie� FY 1986- FY 1987 ATTENTION Fish Consumption Advisory - Lake-Hartwell S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) ATTENTION � All fish taken from the Seneca River arm F I S H TCNSMTIONADIOY-LNEYPD of Lake Hartwell north of SC Highway 24 and 12 Mile Creek should be released and South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control not eaten. � All fish taken from Langley Pond should be released and not eaten. * All fish larger than three (3) pounds taken a The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental from the remainder of Lake Hartwell should Control advises that these fish not be eaten due to the presence of be released and not eaten. elevated levels of mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). � Fishing is not prohibited but SCDHEC ad- For Additional Information, Contact vises that these fish not be eaten due to visesthat thesene ofi t beleatendulevl to pSouth Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control at: the presence of elevated levels of poly- chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Swimming, Columbia Aiken boating, and other water related activities (803) 734-5300 (803) 648-9561 are not restricted by this advisory. For additional information, contact SCDHEC at: COLUMBIA GREENVILLE ANDERSON 734-5300 242-9850 225-3731 99 405. Public Health Concerns Closure of Bathing Areas South Carolina required no closures of bathing areas during FY 1986 or FY 1987 because of toxic or non-toxic pollutants. Incidents of Waterborne Disease South Carolina reported no incidents of waterborne disease during FY 1986 or FY 1987. Closure of Surface Drinking Water Supplies No public water supply in South Carolina had to close permanently during FY 1986 or FY 1987 because of toxic or non-toxic pollutants. 100 4.6 SPECIAL AREAS OF CONCERN There are several areas of concern that OHEC -is and will be continuing to be involved with concerning water quality of South Carolina. Issues such as nonpoint source and ground-water protection have been discussed elsewhere in this report and are only noted here as special areas. Additional areas are toxics and public perception of toxics, the need for more representative water quality criteria, and general program funding concerns. Toxics and Public PerceDtion of Toxics Actions by EPA and the states have done the public a tremendous disservice resulting in the current fear and public perception of toxics in the environment. The word "toxic" alone brings forth connotations of adverse impacts to the water environs of the state and nation. Words such as "hazardous waste", "toxic wastes",' "suspected carcinogen", etc. are repeatedly used by regulators who are vying for congressional and public support for programs to regulate the waste by-products of the rapidly evolving, -ever demanding American consumer. While these programs are needed to control the generation, storage and treatmen t of these wastes, we the regulators have painted the blackest of pictures in search of support. As such, it is not surprising for the backlash we now see from the public who challenge new permits (i.e., not in my 'backyard) or congress through new regulations. The states and EPA must do a better job of informing the public and congress of what is being done to control toxics in the environment while remembering the goals of the Clean Water Act. While total elimination of waste by-products, in particular toxics, may be a "motherhood and apple pie" stance to take; it is not possible with today's technology, n.or is it necessary if proper controls are instituted. The findings of this report thiat overall only <5 percent of 101 state waters were impaired by toxics is an excellent indication that adequate controls are presently in place. New regulations, new reports, new program efforts, etc. trying to achieve these goals, burden those states achieving those goals already. Where the goal s have yet to be reached, proper and more effective implementation of existing programs is needed. More ReDresentative Water Quality Criteria Programs such as South Carolina's use national criteria to predict what controls are necessary to ensure that waters are protected. What we have observed to date is that the national levels tend to be extremely conservative and in some cases totally unrepresentative of the degree of control necessary. Furthermore, as there is a limited amount of such research, criteria are not available for all compounds in questions. For these criteria to be more representative, research at the level of a state or at most a region of water quality similarity is necessary. As this approac h is economically infeasible for the wide range of substances of concern, biological testing at the discharge may be the most effective alternative. This whole wastewater analysis on a continuous basis in turn will ensure the goals of the Clean Water Act and lead to treatment plant upgrades where impact is discovered. This whole waste testing approach is currently being effectively utilized by the Department. General Prooram Fundinci Issues Appropriate staff support and program funding have always been important, and until recently additions to work plans, special reports, etc. could be accomplished by either doubling up the effort or putting off some other effort for a short period of time. Over the last several years the demand on the water program particularly from federal sources has significantly increased, the 19&7 amendments to the Clean Water Act being 102 a prime example. While some additional money was provided to begin the new tasks, this seed money came in between Section 106 federal program cuts. This trend of program cuts plus a failure to recognize the resultant need for a reduction in effort is of great concern. A possible solution to this concern is the development of state Clean Water Strategy prioritizing tasks to be accomplished. Such a step takes time to develop which in turn delays some tasks from being completed. New programs should take into account necessary resources to the *states, and programs should be flexible so that states can effectively implement the programs. 103 4.7. NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION ASSESSMENT Introduction Recent passage of Federal Law 100-4, the Clean Water Act, requires under Section 319 that each state carry out a nonpoint source (NPS) assessment within its borders. Findings are to be reported to the Environmental Protection Agency by April 1, 1988. Further, Section 319 mandates that assessment results be used to formulate a management plan to control the NPS pollution and then to implement that plan. The task of preparing the assessment in South Carolina was assigned to the Bureau of Water Pollution of the Department of Health and Environmental Control. In general terms the assessment is a list of waters, including surface and groundwaters, that are impacted by NPS runoff and the NPS category or source contributing to these impacts. The surface water list and accompanying information is shown in Table 4.7.A. and the groundwater list in Table 4.7.C. While this assessment is a good start and a good data base from which to work, it does not include all NPS pollution problems. As survey methodology is better customized to determine waters impacted by NPS pollution, the data base will continually be updated and refined. 4.7.1. Methodology As defined by the Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators and the Environmental Protection Agency's America's Clean Water, nonpoint sources are those sources of pollution that are not covered by a site-specific Federal permit. With this definition in mind, a methodology was developed to assess waterbodies in South Carolina that are currently impacted or have the potential of being impacted by nonpoint sources. The assessment 104 results include impacted waterbodies arranged by watershed, category of the polluting source, water quality parameter~s) being contravened, violations of S.C. water quality standards, and source of data. Data from the OHEC statewide ambient water-quality monitoring network was used as a primary data source for the assessment and as a database upon which to build. The monitoring station network data provides the best representation of existing water quality in South Carolina because it is the only database that contains historical data, has a wide coverage of parameters, and is sampled monthly. This is the only data source designated as "monitored" on the table; all the others are designated as "evaluated". An NPS database was acquired by retrieving data on selected parameters from the 543 active sampling stations in the network between 1983 and 1988. Exceedence of EPA criteria and staff profes- sional judgement were used to identify contraventions. These water- bodies were analyzed in detail to determine which parameters had numerous contraventions and which had scattered contraventions, and were so designated- on- Table 4.7.A. -The particular water quality parameters used as indicators of NPS pollution are: fecal coliforni bacteria, dissolved oxygen, toxic materials such as heavy metals or pesticides, suspended solids or sediment, nutrients (phosphorus and/or nitrogen), pH, turbidity, biological oxygen demand, and ammonia. Each monitoring station which had contraventions of water quality parameters was located on the appropriate county highway map and care- fully examined to determine if in fact, the problem resulted from NPS pollution. In determining whether the problem is point source related, NPS related, or a combination of the two;-consideration was 105 given to which parameters were violated and to the distance of the stations from domestic or industrial wastewater treatment discharges. Once a station with water quality parameter contraventions was deter- mined to be NPS related or partially NPS related, further considera- tion was given to the geography and land use of the area to determine which NPS category, such as agricultural activities or urban develop- ment, or combination of categories was the most probable cause of the probl em. Table M..A. was developed as a visual 'presentation of 14PS impacted waterbodies. For an explanation of the abbreviations used, see the "NPS Assessment Explanation" that follows the table. As required by EPA's NPS Guidance, the data was arranged by watershed and the standardized federal eight digit hydrologic unit code was selected as the watershed designation. Various columns in the table include: watershed, waterbody, county, monitoring station number, NPS category, parameters of concern, data 'source, standards violations, and additional comments. The "NPS Assess ment Explanation" also gives an explanation of the data type, contained in each of the columns-of the table. Several additional data sources were analyzed and where appro- priate, added to the table. Surveys were sent to -individuals throughout the state who are knowledgeable in water quality matters, including Department of Health and Environmental Control District engineers, S.C. Land Resources Conservation Commission Districts, environmental groups, water-recreation groups, local conservationists, wildlife officers, and other interested public. The surveys were used to solicit information about specific waterbodies with existing or potential impacts from nonpoint sources, the effects on the water- 106 bodies, the NPS categories, and the existing and potential uses of the waterbodies. The data accrued from the surveys were compared to the monitored data. If the impacted waterbody reported by the survey had already been discovered from the monitored data, an additional data source was added as "evaluated," and where ncesssary, additional NPS categories added. Waterbodies not already discovered from the monitored data, were added as new entries to the table. Any data added to the table that did not come from a monitoring station, was designated as "evaluated". NPS impaired waterbody data were also extracted from the South Carolina Water Quality Assessment 1984-1985 (305(b) Report); America's Clean Water, the State's Nonpoint Source Assessment 1985, Appendix produced by ASIWPCA; and the National Estuarine Inventory-National Coastal Pollution Discharge Inventory by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. These waterbodies were compared to those already listed and added where necessary along with the corresponding data source designation. The Department has set water quality standards for three of the parameters listed in the assessment; dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform bacteria, and pH. The waterbodies which had violations of one or more of these standards were determined and the parameters violated are denoted in a separate column of the table. The South Carolina Land Resources Conservation Commission (SCLRCC), under contract, provided computer modelling results indicating high potential NPS problems in the agriculture, urban runoff, and surface mining categories. To define them, SCLRCC used a geographic information system (GIS) and a sediment yield model called 107 SEDCAD. Statewide estimates of sediment yield were derived by combining four spatial data sets (I.E., watershed boundaries, land use/land cover, soil, and hydrology) to develop inputs required by the sediment yield model. As a result of the analysis, hydrologic units, by watershed, were separated into six Major Land Resource Areas (MLRA) and, upon completion of the analysis phase, were further subdivided into four distinct "potential" sediment yield categories, less than the weighted average, greater than the weighted average, more than twice the weighted average, and more than three times the weighted average. The smallest detailed unit of area usable in the simulation modelling is that of watershed units (subdivisions of the Federal Hydrologic Unit Code areas). Each waterbody within each watershed unit of concern was located on county maps. These potential NPS impacted waters could then be compared to identified impacted waters from the monitored data. Again, where a match was realized, the additional data source was added to the table and where necessary, the additional NPS category was added. 4.7.2. Results Based on data gathered from the several sources, 276 waterbodies were identified as probable problem areas resulting from NPS pol- lution. The largest source of data indicating NPS impacted waters was DHEC's surface water quality sampling network, contributing informa- tion for 78% of these areas. Other sources of data include DHEC Environmental Quality Control Districts (10%), interested public (28%), S.C. Land Resources Conservation Commission computer modelling (28%), S.C. Water Quality Assessment 1984 - 1985 (305(b) Report) (3%), America's Clean Water, the State's Nonpoint Source Assessment 1985, 108 Appendix (6%,'), and the National Estuarine Inventory - National Coastal Pollution Discharge Inventory (1%). The total percentage exceeds 100 because several of the problem areas were' reported by more than one source (refer to Table 4.7.A.). The data collected from DHEC's surface water quality sampling network was considered to be "monitored," and all other data "evaluated." Of the 276 probable NPS problem areas listed, 56% was monitored data, 23% was evaluated data and 21% was a combination of monitored and evaluated. After analy. zing the collected data, it becomes quite evident that the greatest NPS pollution contributors are agricultural runoff and urban runoff, contributing 61% and 39%, respectively. Other NPS cate- gories include construction (9%), silviculture (4%), on-site waste- water systems (3%), mining (.4%), landfills (.4%), land disposal (.4%,), and unknown (3%). Again, the total percentage exceeds 100 because several of the problem areas had more than one NPS category contributing to the problem. Eleven percent of the problem areas were also impacted by point source discharges. Several of the NPS problem areas had contraventions of South Carolina water quality standards. Nine percent of the waterbodies had dissolved oxygen (DO) contraventions, 6% had pH contraventions, and 7% had fecal coliform (FC) contraventions. Of these particular problem area waterbodies; 3% had contraventions of both DO and pH, 1% had both DO and FC, .4% had both pH and FC, and .7% had contraventions of all three water quality standards. South Carolina Land Resources Conservation Commission provided us with computer modelling results which indicates watersheds with high potential for NPS runoff from three of the major NPS categories; agriculture, urban, and abandoned mines (see Table 4.7.B.). Results of the modelling indicate that 136 watersheds have high potential of 109 NPS impacts. Of these, 61% have potential for being impacted by agri- culture, 31% by urban runoff and 29% by abandoned mines. High priority should be given to those watersheds with potential for being impacted by two of the sources or all three sources. Eighteen percent of the watersheds are potentially impacted by two sources and 1% by all three sources. 4.7.3. Groundwater Assessment Nonpoint sources, as defined by EPA guidance, account for the vast majority of documented sites and occurrences of ground-water contamination in South Carolina. The most recent S.C. Groundwater Contamination Inventory compiled by the Groundwater Protection Division of DHEC lists approximately 390 incidents or sources at 35 sites with about 90 percent clearly associated with some nonpoint source, e.g., lagoons, underground tanks, land fills, spray irrigation, septic-tank tilefields, above ground tanks, and unpermitted discharges. These incidents/sources are listed in Table 4.7.C. along with the parameter(s) of concern and the NPS category. About 30 percent involve leaking underground storage tanks and associated piping for petroleum products. Leaking or leaching from pits, ponds, and lagoons used for wastewater disposal or storage account for 17 percent of the sources. Major spills and slow leaks not associated with in-place petroleum tanks also comprised 17 percent, landfills (both industrial and municipal) 12 percent leachate from spray irrigation of wastewater (both industrial and municipal) or from septic tank tilefields 6 percent each, leakage from above ground storage tanks (mostly petroleum) 2 percent; and leakage or leaching from unpermitted nonpoint discharges (e.g., stored on buried drums) 2 percent. Probably a large proportion of the remaining 10 percent of 110 "unknown" or "other" sources are nonpoint in character, with the exception of contamination clearly derived from the well itself (i.e., oil leak from submersible pumps, accidential drainage of petroleum products or intentional drainage of chemical wastes down wells). A nonpoint source example would be leachate from saline dredge spoil. There is considerable bias in the detection and documentation of the above sites and sources. Certain categories have received or are receiving active and comprehensive investigations: pits, ponds, and lagoons, underground petroleum tanks, RCRA facilities, and other facilities with waste disposal practices permitted by DHEC. Other sources are encountered in a much more incidental manner and are probably very under represented. Only a few instances of agricultural contamination are known with certainty or strongly sug- gested, but no comprehensive surveys have been conducted. TABLE 4.7.A NONPOINT SOURCE ASSESSMENT I I I I NPS li {{ DATA { MONITORED/ I STDS. I ADDITIONAL WATERSHED I WATERBODY I COUNTY [STATION ~ICATEGORYtl PARAMETERS OF CONCERN [[ SOURCE [ EVALUATED I VIO. [ COMMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... I I I I I I FC I DO I TX I SS I NT I pH I TB I'BO I AM I I I I I 03040201 PEE DEE RIVER FLORE~CE PD-076 lO IIII ME 1 03040201 SNAKE BRANCH DARLINGTON PD-137 40 I M I 03040201 CATFISH CANAL MARLON PD-097 10,40 S I M DO I 03040201 CATFISH CANAL MARION PD-321 10,40 S I M I 03040201 BIG SWAMP FLORENCE PD-160 10 S S I M DO I 03040201 BLACK CREEK DARLINGTON PD-025 10 S N I M IALSO PT SOURCE 03040201 SNAKE BRA~CH D~RLINGTON PD-258 40 S S I M I 03040201 BLACK CREEK DARLINGTON PD-021 40 S N N IIII ME I 03040201 PRESTWOOD LA}2E DARLINGTON PD-268 40 N I M pH [ 03040201 THOMPSON CREEK CHESTERFIELD I0 U U IllIV E I 03040201 LYNCHES LA[[E FLORENCE PD-O86A 10,40 N S S [[ I M DO {ALSO PT SOURCE 03040201 BIRCH CREEK WILLIAMSBURG PD-213 10 N I M 03040201 LAKE SWAMP HORNY PD-176 10 N S S I M 03040201 PEE DEE RIVER FLORENCE PD-236 10 N S S I M 03040201 LAKE ROBINSON DARLI};GTON PD-266 10 N N IIV M pH 03040201 MIDDLE SWAMP FLORE[;CE PD-230 10 S N S IIV M 03040201 JEFFRIES CREEK FLORENCE PD-256 10 - S N IIII ME DO 03040201 CROOKED CREEK MARLBORO PD-107 10,40 S N N IIV M pH 03040201 PEE DEE RIVER DARLINGTON PD-028 10 l{ S S S N I M 03040201 JEFFRIES CREEK DARLINGTON PD-255 10 IIS N N IIV M DO 03040201 PEE DEE RIVER ~ARLBORO PD-015 10 II N N I M 03040201 JEFFRIES CREEK DARLINGTON PD-255 10 IIS N N [ IIV M 03040201 PER DEE RIVER ~ARLBORO PD-012 10 IIS S S S N IIII ME 03040202 LYNCHES RIVER CHESTERFIELD PD-113 10 {1N N N IV ME 03040202 LYNCHES RIVER FLORENCE PD-281 10 II '1 N I M 03040202 TODD BRANCH LANCASTER PD-005 40 {I N N I M FC 03040202 LYNCHES RIVER KENSHAW PD-080 I 10 II S S N I M 03040202 LYNCHES RIVER FLORENCE PD-041 10 II N IIV M 03040202 LYNCHES RIVER KENSHAW PD-oog I0 II S N I M 03040202 LYNCHES LAKE FLORENCE PD-087 10 I{ N IVI ME DOpH 03040202 BIG SWAMP FLORENCE PD-169 10 II S N S I M IALSO PT SOURCE 03040202 S BR WILDCAT CREEK LANCASTER PD-1BO 10 II N N I M 03040202 LYNCHES LAKE FLORE~:CE PD-085 10,40 II S N N. S I M DO 03040202 LYNCHES CREEK LANCASTER PD:006 I0 II N S S S N I M 03040202 SPARROW SWAMP DARLInGTON PD-O?2 10 {I S N N 1,1IIIV ME DOpH 03040202 W BR WILDCAT CREEK LANCASTER PD-I?9 10 {{ N { '{N I M 03040202 LITTLE RIVER HORNY MD-162 40 {i S I S { N IIII ME 03040202 LYNCHES RIVER KENSHAW PD-066 I0 II S I I N IIII ~,E 03040204 PANTHER CREEK MARLBORO PD-306 10 II S N I I N I M 03040204 LITTLE PEE DEE RIVER DILLON PD-069 10,20 {{ } { N S 1,1IIVI ME pH NONPOINT SOURCE ASSESSMENT I NPS II II DATA I MONITORED/ I STDS. ADDITIONAL WATERSHED I WATERBODY I COUNTY ISTATION IICATEGORYII PARAMETERS OF CONCERN II SOURCE I EVALUATED I VIO. I COMMENTS I I I I P C I DO I TX I SS I NT I pH I TB I IO I AM I I 021040204 I BEAVERDAN CREEK I DILLON I PD-310 I 10 11 I N I I I N I N I IS I II I I N I DOpH I 02040204 I MAIDEN DOWN SEAMP I MARION I PD-190 I 10 11 I N I I I N I I I I II I I M I DO I 03040204 I LITTLE PEE DEE RIVER I MARION I PD-189 I 10 11 I S I S I I N i S I I IN I IIV I H I 1 03040204 1 LITTLE PEE DEE RIVER I DILLON I PD-029E I 10 11 I I I I N IN I- I I I 1,11 I HE I 1 03040204 1 LITTLE PEE DEE RIVER I MARION I PD-053 I 10 11I I IS I N IS I I IS 11 I,III,IV I HE I 03040205 I POCOTALIGO RIVER I SUMTER I PD-091 I 10,40 11 S I S I S'I I N I I I IN II I,IV I N I IALSO PT SOURCE 03040205 I BLACK MINGO CREEK I GEORGETOWN I PD-172 I 10 11 I S I S I I N I I I I II I I N I DO I 03040205 I GREEN SWAMP I SUMTER I PD-039 I 10,40 11 S I S I I I I I I I II I,IV I N I 03040205 I BLACK RIVER I LEE I P0-186 I10 11 S I S I I I N I S I I I II IIIIIV I HE I I 03040205 I PUDDING SWAMP I WILLIAMSBURG I PD-203 I 10 11 S IS I I I N I S I I I 11 I I M I I 03040205S1 ROCKY BLUFF SWAMP I SUMTER I PD-201 I 10 11 S IS I I IN IN I-. I I 1 I I N IFC,DO,pHI 03040205 I POCOTALIGO RIVER I CLARENDON I PD-115 I 10 II IN I I IN IS I I I II I I N I DO I 03040205 I SCAPE ORE SWAMP I LEE I I 10 11 I I U I U I I IU I I II III,IV I E I I 03040205 I POCOTALIGO RIVER I tSUtTER I PD-202 1 10,40 11 S I N I S I I N IS I I I N II ,IV I M IDOp IAL80 PT SOURCE 03040205 I TURKEY CREEK I SUMTER I PD-098 I 10,40 If N I S I I I N I IS IS I 1I I,IV I N IF I 03040206 1 INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY I HORRY I MD-089 I 40 11 S I I I I IS I I I II I I NI I I 03040206 I KINGSTON LAKE I HORRY I MD-107 I 40 11 N I N I I I N I S I I I II I lFCDOpHI 03040206 I INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY I IORRY I MD-127 I 40 II IN IS I I IS I I IS II I MI N 03040206 I CRABTREE CREEK I HORRY I MO-158 1 10,40 11 S I N I I IN I IS I I II I N I FCDO 03040206 1 INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY I HORRY I MD-088 I 40 11 S I N I I I I I I I II I I M I FC I 03040206 I INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY I HORRY I MD-037 I 40 11 S I NI I I IS I I I II I I N I FC I 03040206 I WACCAMAW RIVER I HORRY I MD-l11 1 10,40 11 I N I I IN IS I I I II ,1IV I H I pH I 030`40206 I INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY I HORRY I MD-085 1 40 11 S I IN I I S I I5 I IIIVI I ,E I I 03040206.1 - WACCAMAW RIVER I HORRY I MD-136 I 10,40 11 IN I I I IS I I I II LIV I N I 1 03040206 I WACCAMAW RIVER I FORRY I MD-110 1 10,40 11 I N I I IN S I I I II IIIIIVVI I IE I I 03040207 I SAMPIT RIVER I GEORGETOWN I 140,65,3011 U I I U I U I I I I I II IV I E I IALSO PT SOURCE 03040207 1 W7NYAH BAY IGEORGETOWNI I 10 11 I I I UI I I I II IVVII I E I I 03040207 I TURKEY CREEK I GEORGETOWN I ND-076N I 10 11 S I I I I I S I I I II I I N I I 03040207 I INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY I HORRY I MD-091 1 10,40 11 S I N I I I I IS I I II IIV I N I FC I 03050101 I BEAVERDAM CREEK I YORK I CW-153 I 10 If N I I I I N I I S I I II I I N I I 03050101 I LAKE WYLIE I YORK I1 65,10 11 U I I I U I I I I I II III I E I I 03050103 1 U. T. TO CATAWBA RIVERI YORK I CW-2211 40 11 NI I I I N I I I I II I I N IFC 1 03050103 I STEEL CREEK I YORK I CW-009 1 10 11 N IS I I I N I IS IS I II I I N 03050103 1 BEAR CREEK I LANCASTER I CW-151 I 10 11 S I S I I IN I IS I I II I I N 03050103 1 GRASSY RUN BRANCH I CHESTEU I CW-088 40 II N I I I IN I IS IS IS II I I N 03050103 I STEEL CREEK I YORK I CW-O11 I 10 11 N I I I I N I I S I I II I I N I I 03050103 1 FISHING CREEK I CHESTER I CW-008 10 11 I INI NI I I IN II I I N I 03050103 1 GILLS CREEK ILANCASTER I CW-047 1 40 11 N ISI I I N I IS I II I I N I I 03050103 I CATAWBA RIVER I YORK I I 65 11 U I I I I I I U I I II III I E I IALSO PT SOURCE 03050103 1 CANE CREEK ILANCASTER I CW-185 I 10 11 S I NI ISI I II I I N I I NONPOINT SOURCE ASSESSMENT I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I I N PS Al Al DATA A MONITORED/ J STOS. I ADDITIONAL WATERSHED I WATERBODY I COUNTY ASTATION IICATEGORYII PARAMETERS OF CONCERN II SOURCE I EVALUATED I VIO. I COMMENTS I I I ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ I II FC I DO I TX A SS A NT I pHil TB I BO I AM II I I I 03050103 I TWELVE MILE CREEK ILANCASTER ICW-0B3 I 10 IIS I$ A I I N I I I ,IV I M 03050103 B EAR CREEK ILANCASTER ICW-131 I 40 IAN AS I I IN I IM I 03050103 1 FISHING CREEK I YORK ACW-029 I 10 IIS I AS I AS I N II ,V,VI I ,� I 03050104 I WATEREE RIVER I KERSHAW, II10,30 II A IU AU A I III I E AI I SUMTER IIH I I A I I I I I I 03050104 I LAKE WATEREE IFAIRFIELD ICW-208 1 10 I IS I I AN I IS I S lI ,VI I H ,E 03050104 ILITTLE WATEREE CREEK IFAIRFIELD ICW-040 i 10 IIN I I I AN I AS I I I I I H II 03050104 I MILL CREEK R ICHLAND AC-021 I 90 HINI I I I INI I III I I M pa 030501051 LIMESTONE MILL CREEK I CHEROKEE I B-128A 40 IN I M I 03050105 A BRUSHY CREEK IGREENiVILLE IBE-DO9 I 40 AlN I I I I I AN A I I I M 03050105 I BULLOCKS CREEK I YORK IB-159 I 10 IAN A I IS I .S I I I,IV NM 03050105 I TYCER RIVER ISPARTANigURG IB-008 I 10 I.N A I I I I IN A IN IA I,VI I NE IIALSO PT SOURCE 03050105 I MIDDLE TYGER RIVIER AGREENVILLE IB-148 I 10 IIN ' N I IN I N I N II I M *.03050105 IHEADWATERS OF LAKE BOWEN ASPARTA[:BURG B-302 I 10 IIN I I A I IN A I I,IV I N I ~- 03050105 THICKETTY CREEK I CHEROKEE IB-133 I 10 IIN I N R I I I I,IV A M 03050105 I BROAD RIVER I CHEROKEE IB-042 I 10 IN I N I IN I N H I,III,VI MNE I 03050105'" PACOLET RIVER ISPARTANBURG IB-028 lO1 I N I N I IN I i I I I M 03050105 I PACOLET RIVER ASPARTANBURG I P-001 A 10 S1 N- I S A I}I I 8 03050105A BROAD RIVER I CHEROKEE B-044I 10 II1N A I N I IN IS AN IA I I M I 03050105 ANORTH PACOLET RIVER ISPARTAN8URG AB-D26 A 10 Al N I ISA IN I IN N II I,IV A M 03050105 A BROAD RIVER A CHEROKEE AB-043 I 10 Al N I N I IN Il[I I,IV A. NM 03050105 A LAKE WELCHEL A CHEROKEE IA10,40 IA} U A{{ I A I III A E A 03050105 A THICKETTY CREEK A CHEROKEE AB-062 I 10 IA S I S A AS I IA I,IV M I 03050105 I SPIVEY CREEK ISPARTANBURG B-lO3 l O1 IA N A I . A II I A M 03050105 A POTTER BRANCH ASPARTANBURG I8-191 I 10 IA N A I I IN i A I I I I I M 03050105 I LAWSOHS FORK CREEK ISPARTA)NBURG A{40,30,10{{I U I A IU I{{ I A A III A E I{ALSO PT SOURCE 03050106I ROSS BRANCH I YORK A B-086 I 40 {IA I A I A N I IN A I{I I A M 03050106 I DRY FORK CREEK I CHESTER IB-073 I 40 IA N A N I INI A I N I M 03050106 I LITTLE RIVER IFAIRFIELD IB-145 I 10 II N I I A AN A N I l I,IV A M 03050106 I BROAD RIVER A UNION AB-046 I 10 IA N I N A AN AS AN Al I A M I 03050106A SANDY RIVER A CHESTER A B-075 I 10 IAN A I I I N A NI I Al I I M 03050106 I JACKSON CREEK IFAIRFIELD I110,30,401A[ U A I A A I IA llIIV A E II 03050106 A SMITH BRANCH A RICHLAND I8-280 I 40 IAI I NA AN I AN IN IN I I, lM ,E AFC I 03050106A BROAD RIVER A NEWBERRY A B-047A 10 IA N I N I A A A I 03050106 A DRY FORK CREEK I CHESTER IB-074 A 40 IA N I NI I N IA IA I I N AI 03050106 I BROAD RIVER AFAIRFIELD IB-236 A 1 AlO I IN S AN A N A IN IA I I M 03050106 IBROAD RDIVERSION CANALI RICHLAND AB-080 A 40 IA N I N I IN I N A N Al I,III ME I 03050106 I WINNSBORO BRANCH AFAIRFIELD IB-123 I 40 mi. N I N A A I A IA I I M FC A 03050107 I TYGER RIVER ISPARTANBURG AB-162 I 10 I{AN I N I IN IS I { IA ,11I,1IV NE IA 030501071 SOUTH TYGER RIVER IGREENVILLE AB-317 I 10 IA N A N I N I N II I N II NONPOINT SOURCE ASSESSMENT I NPS II II DATA I MONITORED/ I STDS. I ADDITIONAL WATERSHED I WATERBODY I COUNTY ISTATION IICATEGORYII PARAMETERS OF CONCERN ii SOURCE I EVALUATED I VIO. I COMMENTS I I FC I DO I TX I SS I NT I pH I TO I BO I AN1II I I -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------- ------------------- 03050107 I ENOREE RIVER I SPARTANBURG I BE-018 I 10 If NI I I I I I 1 N I I I I I M I IALSO PT SOURCE 03050107 1 KELSEY CREEK ISPARTANBURG I 8-235 I 40 11 N I I I I I I I I 11 I I M I 03050107 I ENOREE RIVER I NEWBERRY I B-045 I 10 11 N I IN I N I N I I N I I N 11 I I m II 03050107 I SOUTH TYGER RIVER I SPARTANBURG I B-263 1 40 11 N I I . I IN I I I I II I I 1 I IALSO PT SOURCE 03050107 IU.T. TO FAIRFOREST CREEK I SPARTANBURG 1 8-242 I 40 II N I I .1 IN I I N I I II I I m I 1 03050107 1 FAIRFOREST CREEK I SPARTANBURG I 8-020 I 40 11 N I I I N I I I I ii I I 1 I FC I 03050107 1 MITCHELL CREEK I UNION I 8-199 I 10 11 N I I I I N I I N I I II I I 1 I I 03050108 I GILDER CREEK I GREENVILLE I BE-040 I 40 11 N I I I IS I IS I I II I I M I 1 03050108 I ENOREE RIVER I SPARTANBURG I B-037 I 10 11 N I I I IN I I N I I 1I 1,111 I ME I IALSO PT SOURCE 03050108 1 HILL CREEK I SPARTANBURG I B-038 I 10 11 N IN I I IN I I I N I II I M I I 03050108 I ENOREE RIVER I SPARTANBURG I BE-024 I1 10 11 N I I I IN I 1 I I I I I K I IALSO PT SOURCE 03050108 I ENOREE RIVER I SPARTANEURG I 8-041 I 10 II N I I N I IN I I N I 1 N II I,1 HI E I IALSO PT SOURCE 03050108 1 DURBIN CREEK I GREENVILLE I 8-097 I 10 1114 I I I IN I IN I I II I I 1 I I 03050108 I BRUSHY CREEK I GREENVILLE I BE-035 I 40 11 N I I I I S I I S I I II I I 1 I 03050108 1 ENORRE RIVER I GREENVILLE I BE-015 I 10 II N I I I IN I I N I I II I I M I IALSO PT SOURCE 03050108 1 HORSE PEN CREEK I GREENVILLE I BE-020 I 10 11 N I I IN I I I I II I m I IALSO PT SOURCE 03050108 I ROCKY CREEK I GREENVILLE I BE-007 I 40 114 I I I I N I IN I N I II I I 14 I I 03050109 1 SALUDA RIVER I GREENVILLE I S-007 I 40 11 N I IS I I I I N I IN II 1,11,111 I ME I I 03050109 1 BRUSHY CREEK I ANDERSON I S-084 I 10 11 I I I IN I IN I I II I I M I I 03050109 I NORTH CREEK I LAURENS I S-135.I 10 11 S IN I I IN IS I IN I II I I M I I 03050109 I U.T. TO ENOREE RIVER I GREENVILLE I BE-001 1 40 11 NI I N I I I I 1 I IN It I I m I 03050109 I EASTcIDE CREEK I GREENVILLE I I 30,40 .11 I I IU I I I U I I II III I E I I 03050109 I LORICK BRANCH I LEXINGTON I 5-151 I 10,40 11 N IN I I IN I I N I N II I,ly I M I 03050109 I BUSH RIVER I NEVBERRY I S-042 I 10 11 NI I S I IN I I N I IN II II1IIV I E I IALSO PT SOURCE 03050109 1 SALUDA RIVER I PICKENS I S-250 I 40 11 N I l I I I I I I N II I I N I I 03050109 I SALUDA RIVER I LAURENS I S-125 I 10 11I I N I IN I I N I IN II IIIIVi I ME I 03050109 1 LITTLE RIVER I LAURENS I 5-034 1 40 11 N I I N I IN I I S I IN II I,V I N.E I I 03050109 I RABON CREEK I LAUPENS I S-096 I 10 1114 I I I IS I I N I I II I,IV I 1 I I 03050109 1 SCOTT CREEK I NEWBERRY I S-044 I 40 11 N I I IN I IN I I II I I 14 FC C 03050109 1 GEORGE'S CREEK I PICKENS I S-063 I 10 11 N I I I IN I I N I I II I,IV I 1 I I 03050109 I REEDY RIVER I GREENVILLE I S-013 1 40 11 N I I I IN I I N I IN ii IIIVI I M,E I 03050109 I CLOUDS CREEK I SALUDA I I 10 11 I I I U I I I U I I II III,IV I E I IALSO PT SOURCE 03050109 i MINE CREEK I SALUDA I 1I10,20 11 I I I U I I I U I I II III,IV I E I I 03050109 1 CAMPING CREEK I INEWERRY I 5-290 10 11 IN I N I I1 I I N I N IN II I,lV I N I I 0305010991 ROCKY RIVER I ANDESON OISV-031 I 40 11 8I I14 I I 1I I II11 I I 1 I I 03050:09 I LITTLE RIVER I NEWBERRY I 8-099 1 10 If N I I I IN I I N I I II I,IV I N I I 03050109 I SALUDA RIVER I LEXINGTON I S-149 I 10,40 11 N I I I I N I I I I II I,1II,IV I M,E I JALSO PT SOURCE 03050109 I CORONACA CREEK I GREENWOOD I I 10,40 11 U I I IU I I I U I I I 111,IV I E I IALSO PT SOURCE 03050109 1 ROCK CREEK I GREENVILLE I-091 I 10,40 11 N I I I I S I I I I II 1,111 I HIE I I 03050109 I SALUDA RIVER I GREENWOOD 1 5-186 1 10 11 S I I S I I N I I S I I N II lVI I M,E I I NONPOiNT SOURCE ASSESSMENT I I ~ ~ NPS ~ ~ DATA [ MONITORED/ I STDS. f ADDITIONAL WATERSHED I WATERBODY ~ COUNTY ISTATION IICATEGORYII PARAMETERS OF CONCERN I[ SOURCE ] EVALUATED [ VlO. [ COMMENTS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 11 FC I DO I TX I SS I NT I pH I TB I BO I AM ~1 ~ I I 03050109 I LAKE GREESWOOD GREE~:WOOD S-131 I 10 II N N N N N II 1,1IIVI ME I 03050109 tHIDDLE BRANCH HEADWATERS PICKENS )40,30,9011 O U II II E I 03050109 I KINLEY CREEK LEXINGTON 110,30,40H, II IIIIV E I 03050109 I LITTLE SALUDA RIVER SALUDA '1 10 II U II IlllV E I 03050109 I BUSH RIVER NEWBERRY 8-102 I 10 II N N Ii IIV M IALSO PT SOURCE 03050109 )LAKE HURRAY HEAD WATERS NEWBERRY S-223 I 10 II S N S S S S II IIIIIVVI ME 03050110 FOREST LAKE RICHLAND C-068 40 {IS S N l[ I M 03050110 GILLS CREEK RICHLAND C-001 40 {IN N l{ IolIIoVI ME 03050110 RAWLS CREEK LEXINGTON S-287 40 IIN N II IIII ME 03050110 SAVANNAH BRA~CH LEXINGTON C-061 40 }lS N {I I M 03050110 LAKE INSPIRATION CALHOUN C-058 40 ~{S S S N l{ I M 03050110 RED BANK CREEK LEXINGTON C-067 I0 I S S }l IIII ME 03050110 )CONGAREE R AT CONFLUENCE RICHLAND ICSB-OO1Lo 10,40 { N S S H {I IIIIIV ME OF BROAD R AND SALUDA R ICSB-OO1R I {~ � 03050111 TAW CAW CREEK CLARENDON ST-018 40 I N S S l{ I 1- M FCDO 03050111 LAKE MARION CLAREIIDON ST-D24 10,60 I S S N II IolIIlloVI ME ' 03050112 SANTEE RIVER BERKELEY ST-001 10 I S N S S N If IVII ME 03050201 GOOSE CREEK BERKELEY MD-114 40 I $ N S N N II IVI ME DO 03050201 CROWDERS CREEk YORK CW-023 i0 I N S N N S II I M FC IALSO PT SOURCE 03050201 COOPER RIVER BERKELEY 10,90 I I U 11 IllIV E 03050201 SHEM CREEK CHARLESTON MD-OI 40 I S S S S II IV ME 03050201 WAgDO RIVER CHARLESTON 40,30 I U O U II II E 03050201 U.T. TO COOTEE CREEK CHARLESTON MD-199 90 I N S N NII I M DOpH 03050Z01 FOSTER CREEK CHARLESTON 140,65,631 U U U II II E 03050201 LAKE MOULTRIB BERKELEY I 90 I U II III E 03050202 INLET CREEK CHARLESTON I 40,30 I U II II E 03050202 KIAWAH RIVER CHARLESTON I 40,10 { U U U II II E 03050202 ASHLEY RIVER CHARLESTON MD-049 I 40 I S S S S S $ II I M IALSO PT SOURCE 03050202 FOLLY RIVER CHARLESTON 440,10,65l, I U U U I' II II E I 03050202 ASHLEY RIVER CHARLESTON MD-052 40 I S S S S [I I M IALSO PT SOURCE 03050202 JEREMY CREEK CHARLESTON 40,65 { U U {{ II E 03050202 CONCH CREEK CHARLESTON 40,30 I U II II E I 03050202 ASHLEY RIVER CHARLESTON MD-034 40 I S S NII III ME IALSO PT SOURCE 03050202 CHARLESTON HARBOR CHARLESTON MD-165 40 I S S S IIIIIIIIVII HE ALSO PT SOURCE 03050202 STONO RIVER CHARLESTON ~D-026 40 {S S S S S II IIIIII HE ALSO PT SOURCE 03050202 SWINTON CREEK CHARL��TON 40,30 ) U II II E 03050202 WASSAMA�SAW SWAMP BERKELEY ICSTL-063 90 I'S N N S H l} IV ME DO 03050202 JA~ES ISLAND CREEK CHARLESTON I MD-122 40 I N S {I I M 03050202 HAHLIN CREEK CRAdLESTON ) 40,30 { U {{ II E 03050202 ELLIOT CUT CHARLESTON I MD-025 40 I S S S II I M )ALSO PT SOURCE NONPOINT SOURCE ASSESSMENT I I i PS II II DATA I MONITORED/ I STDS. I ADDITIONAL WATERSHED I WATERBODY I COUNTY ISTATION IICATEGORYII PARAMETERS OF CONCERN 11 SOURCE I EVALUATED I VIO. I COMMENTS I I IIDFCDO ITX I SS I NT I pH I TBRI BO I AM II 03050202 1 RAELIN SOUND I CHARLESTON I I 40,30 ii U I I I I I I I I 11 II I E I 1 03050202 I COPAHEE SOUND I CHARLESTON I 1 40,30 11 U I I I I I I I II II I E I I 03050203 I N FORK EDISTO RIVER I ORANGEBURG I E-092 I 10 II N I I S I I S I N I I I N II IIV I N I I 03050203 I N FORK EDISTO RIVER I AIKEN I E-091 I 10 11 N I I S I I N I I I I N II I,IV,VI I H ,E I FC I 03050203 1 N FORK EDISTO RIVER I ORANGEBURG I E-007 I 10,40 11IN I I I I N I N I I I N II IIIIV I NHI I 03050203 1 N FORK EDISTO RIVER I ORANGEBURG I E-099 I 10 11 N I IS I I N I N I I I N IIIV I N I H I 03050203 1 BULL SWAMP CREEK I LEXINGTON I E-034 I 10 II N IN I I I N I N I I I IIIV I M DOpH 03050204 1 FIRST BRANCH I EDGEFIELD I E-001 I 40 11 I I I I I S I I I 1I I I N I FC,pH I LIMITED DATA 03050204 1 GOODLAND CREEK I ORANGEBURG I E-036 I 10 11 N I I I IN I S I I I II T,IV I N I I 03050204 1 S FORK EDISTO RIVER I AIKEN I E-090 I 10 11 N I I I I I S I IN II LIV I N II 03050205 1 FICKLING CREEK I CHARLESTON I I 10 11 I U I U I I I I I I II II E 03050205 1 CHURCH CREEK I CHARLESTON I 110,65 11 U I I I I I I I I II IIIV I E I 03050205 I FISHING CREEK I CHARLESTON I 65 11 U I U I I I I I I I II II I E I I 03050205 I EDISTO RIVER I ORANGEBURG I E-013 I 10 11 S I I I I N I S I I I II I I N I I = 03050205 1 EDISTO RIVER I DORCHESTER I E-015 I 10 II S I I I IN I I I I II I,IV I II 03050205 1 LEADENWAH CREEK I CHARLESTON I I 10 11 IU IU I I I I I I Ii I E I I 03050205 I DAWHOO RIVER I CHARLESTON I MD-120 I 10 11 S IS I S I I S I I S I IN II I I N I I 03050205 I EDISTO RIVER I DORCHESTER I E-014 I 10 ii S I S I I I N I I I I II I,III,IV,VI I N.E I I 03050205 I BONICKLET CREEK I CHARLESTON I MD-195 I 40 11 S IS IS I I S I I I I N II I I x I FCDO I 03050206 I PROVIDENCE SWAXP I ORANGEBURG I E-051 I 10 11 N IN I N I I N 1 I S I IN II I I M I DO 1 03050206 1 FOUR HOLE SWAMP I ORANGEBURG i E-059 I 10 II N I IS I I N I I I I II 1,111 I NI I I 030502.07 1 LITTLE SALKEHATCHIE R I COLLETON I 1 10,20 11 I I I U I I I I I II 1IlY I E I 1 03050207 I SALKEHATCHIE RIVER I COLLETON ICSTL-006 I 10 11 S I I I I N I I I IN II I I M I 03050207 1 SALKEHATCHIE RIVER I BARNWELL ICSTL-028 1 10 11 5 I I I I N I I I I N II I I N I I 03050208 I COOSAWHATCHIE RIVER I JASPER ICSTL-107 I 10 11 S I IS I I S I $ I I IN II I I N I I 03050208 i ASHEPOO RIVER I COLLETON I I 10,40 11 I I U IlU I I I I I II III,IY I E I I 03050208 1 LUCY POINT CREEK I BEAUFORT I I 10 II U I I I I I I I Il III I E I I 03050208 I NEW RIVER I BEAUFORT I MD-118 I 10 It S I S I I I IS I I IN II I,IV,V I M,E I I 03050208 1 IRELAND CREEK I COLLETON ICSTL-044 I 10 11 S I S I I I N I N I I I II I,III,IV I NE I DO,pH I 03050208 1 BEAUFORT RIVER I BEAUFORT I MD-001 I 40 11 IN I I I I I I I II I I M I I 03050208 I LK WARREN ON BLACK CK I HAMPTON I I 10 11 I I I U I I I I I II. III,IV I E I I 03050208 I COOSAWUATCHIE RIVER I HAMPTON ICSTL-109 I 10 11 S I S I N I I N I S I I IS II I I N I I 03050208 1 BROAD RIVER I BEAUFORT I I 90 I I I I U I I I I II VII I E I I 03050208 1 ST HELENA SOUND I BEAUFORT I I 90 11 I I I I U I I I I II VII I E I 1 03050208 I COLLETON RIVER I BEAUFORT I I 10 If U I I I I I I I I II III E I I 03050208 I BEAUFORT RIVER I BEAUFORT I MD-002 I 40 11 IN I I I S I I I I II I I II 03050208 1 BEAUFORT RIVER I BEAUFORT I MD-004 1 40 II IN I I I I I I i II I I m I ALSO PT SOURCE 03050208 I OKATIE RIVER I BEAUFORT I I 10 11 U I I I I I I I I II III I E I 03050208 I POCOTALIGO RIVER I BEAUFORT I MD-007 I 10 11 I S I S I I N I I 1 I N II IdV I ,E I 03060101 I LAKE HARTWELL I OC0,EE I 1 30,40 11 I I I U I I I I I II IlI,1V I E I ALSO PT SOURCE NONPOINT SOURCE ASSESSMENT I NPS II II DATA I MONITORED/ I STDS. I ADDITIONAL WATERSHED I WATERBODY I COUNTY ISTATION IICATEGORYII PARAMETERS OF CONCERN II SOURCE I EVALUATED I VIO. I COMMENTS I~~~~~~IIE~~~~~~~--I------I--Ill--St--E.;:: I[I I II FC I DO I TX I SS I NT I pH I TB I BO I AM I I I 03060101 1 LAKE KEOEE I OCONEE I SV-312 I 10 11 I I I I I I I I N Ii IIV I I 03060101 1 SIX AND TWENTY CREEK I ANDERSON I SV-181 I 10 11 N I I I IN I I I I II I,IV I M I 03060101 1 TWELVE MILE CREEK I PICKENS I SV-282 I 10 11 N I I I IN I I S I I I I M 03060101 1 THOMPSON RIVER I OCONEE 140,10,3011 i U I I I U I II III I E I 03060101 1 LITTLE RIVER I OCONEE I SV-203 110,20,3011 N I U I I U I N II I I I , IIII,IV I NE I 03060101 1 WHITEWATER RIVER I OCONEE 140,10,3011 { U I I I U II IV I E I 03060101 I LAKE KEOWEE I OCONEE I SV-311 I 10 II I I II I,III,IV I H,E I 03060101 1 TWELVE MILE CREEK I PICKENS I SV-015 I 10 11 N I I I I I I S I I II I,IIIIV I H,E I I 030601011 CONEROSS CREEK I OCONEE 1 20,30 11 I I I U I I I U II III I E I I 030601011 BROADWAY CREEK I ANDERSON ISV-136 10 11 S I I IS I IN I I 11 I I i 03060102 1 BATTLE CREEK I OCONEE I 20,30 II I I I U I I I U I II 11III,IV E I 03060102 1 OPOSSUM CREEK I OCONEE I 20,30 II I I I U I I I U II III,IV I E I 03060102 1 CHA4GA RIVER I OCONEE I 1 20,30 I I I I U I I I U I I 11 III I E I I 03060102 1 BRASSTOWN CREEK I OCONEE 1 20,30 11 I I I U I I I II,IV I E I I o 03060102 I CHATOOGA RIVER I OCONEE 1 20,30 11 I I I U I I I U I I II III,IV I E I 03060103 I CLARKS HILL RES I McCORMICK I I 10 II I I I U I I I U I I II III II E I 03060103 1 LONG CANE CREEK I McCORMICK I SV-318 I 10 11 I I S I I N I I S II N II 1,111 I NE I 03060103 1 LAKE SECCESSION I ABEEVILLE I SV-121 I 10 11 SI I S sI S I I 1, II I ME 03060103 1 LAKE SECCESSION I ABBEVILLE I SV-121 I 10 I I IS I S I S I I IS II I I I I 03060103 1 LAKE LEGION I ABBEVILLE I 1 10,40 I I I U I I I I I III I E I I 03060103 1 LEGION LAKI:E I ABBEVILLE I 110,40 11 I I I U I I I I I III I E I I 03060103 I LAKE SECCESSION I ABBEVILLE I SV-122 I 10 II I S I I I S II I I M I 03060103 1 LITTLE RIVER I McCORMICK I I 10 11 I I I U I I I U I I III I E I 03060103 1 LAKE RUSSELL I ABBEVILLE I 110,40 1.1 I I IU I I I I I III I E I I 03060106 1 HORSE CREEK I AIKEN I SV-250 40 iIS I S I S IS I I N II I I M I 03068106 1 BRIDGE CREEK I AIKEN I SV-070 I 10 11 I I S I IS I S I I IN II I MI 03060106 1 SAND RIVER I AIKEN I SV-069 40 11 S I I I I S IS I I IN II I I M I 030601061 HORSE CREEK POND I AIKEN ISV-096 40 I I I I N I S I IS I I I 03060106 1 LITTLE HORSE CREEK I AIKEN I SV-317 I 10. 11 I I I I N IS II I I M I 03060106 1 HORSE CREEK I AIKEN I SV-O71 I 40 11 S I I S I S I S I I IN I I I M I 03060106 I LITTLE HORSE CREEK I AIKEN I SV-073 I 10 II S I I I I N I S I , I I 1,11 I E I 03060106 1 LOWER THREE RUNS CREEK I ALLENDALE I SV-175 I 10 I I I I N I I I IS I I I M I 03060106 1 SUDLOW LAKE I AIKEN 1 30,50 11 I I I U I I I U I I I E II 03060106 1 HORSE CREEK I AIKEN I SV-072 1 40 11S I I I I N IS I I IS II I M I I 03060107 1 TURKEY CREEK I McCORmICK I I 10 11 I I I U I I I U I I II III E 03060107 I HARD LABOR CREEK I McCORMICK I I 10 11 I I I U I I I U I I II III,IV E 03060107 1 CUFFEYTOWN CREEK I McCORMICK I I 10 1 I I U I U I I II III,IV I E I 03060107 I STEVENS CREEK I McCORMICK I I 10 II I I I U I I I U I I II 111,IV E Legend for Table 4.7.A. Column i - Watershed The standard federal eight digit hydrologic unit was selected as the watershed designation for the assessment. Column 2 - Waterbody The name of the body of water, i.e., stream, river, lake, wetland, etc. that evidences real or potential adverse impacts due to NPS contributions. Column 3 - County The South Carolina county or counties in which the problem waterbody lies. Along with the watershed identifier, it defines the location of the waterbody. Column 4 - Station # The DHEC surface water quality sampling station identification number. Column 5 - NPS Category NPS Category represents the source of pollution affecting the problem waterbody. Category number designations are taken directly from EPA guidance: 10 - Agriculture 20 - Silviculture 30 - Construction 40 - Urban Runoff 51 - Surface Mining 65 - On-site Wastewater Systems 70 - Hydrologic/Habitatal Modification 80 - Other 90 - Source Unknown Column 6 - Parameters of Concern The specific water quality indicators of NPS pollution. The water- bodies listed have exhibited exceedences of specific guidelines or standards of one or more of the parameters shown: FC - Fecal Coliform Bacteria DO - Dissolved Oxygen TX - Toxic materials such as heavy metals or pesticides SS - Suspended Solids or Sediment NT - Nutrients (phosphorus and/or nitrogen) pH TB - Turbidity BO - Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) AM - Ammonia 119 An S in a parameter column indicates scattered exceedences of a particular parameter, N indicates numerous exceedences, and U indicates undetermined. Column 7 - Data Source Several sources were utilized to identify NPS problem waterbodies for purposes of the assessment: I - DHEC's surface water quality sampling network of 543 stations. This data was retrieved from the STORET network. It represents the largest data source in the assessment and is the only one designated as a "monitored" data source. II - Problem locations supplied by DHEC District Engineers. III - Problem locations supplied by the interested public including environmental groups and water based recreation groups, local conservationists, and wildlife officers. IV - Computer modelling results by S.C. Land Resources Conservation Commission indicate high potential for NPS problems in the agriculture, urban runoff, or surface mining categories. V - S.C. Water Quality Assessment 1984-1985 (305(b) Report). .Vl - Data contained in America's Cledn Water, the State's Nonpoint Source Assessment 1935 Appendix produced by ASIPCA. VII. - Data contained in the National Estuarine Inventory - National Coastal Pollution Discharge Inventory by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Column 8 - Monitored/Evaluated This denotes whether a problem waterbody was selected based on monitored or evaluated data. Column 9 - Standards Violations The State of South Carolina has set water quality standards for three of the parameters listed in the assessment; dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform bacteria, and pH. This column denotes at which waterbody one or more of these parameters had standards violations. Column 10 - Additional Comments Self-explanatory. 120. TABLE 4.7.B WATERSHEDS WITH HIGH POTENTIAL FOR NPS RUNOFF I NPS II NPS II NPS WATERSHED ICATEGORYII WATERSHED ICATEGORYII WATERSHED ICATEGORY �=============I======= II==============I========II 03040201 80 I 10 1103050105 140 I 40,51 1103050204 40 1 10,51 03040201 33 1 10 1103050106 20 I 10 1103050204 70 10 03040201 19 1 10 1103050106 90 1 10 1103050204 50 10 03040201 41 1 10 1103050107 10 I 51 1103050205 20 1 10 03040201 72 5I 1 1103050107 20 1 40 1103050205 40 I 10 03040201 70 1 51 1103050107 30 1 10,40 1103050205 50 I 10 03040201 110 I 5i 1103050107 40 110,40 511103050205 70 40 03040201 120 10 1103050107 50 i 40,51 1103050206 10 1 40 03040201 150 1 51 1103050107 60 1 40,51 1103050206 20 1 40 03040201 140 1 10 1103050108 10 1 51 1103050206 30 1 40 03040201 160 1 10 1103050108 30 1 10 1103050207 10 I 51 03040202 50 I 10 1103050108 43 i 10 .1103050207 30 1 51 030.40202 60 1 51 1103050109 10 I 10,40 1103050207 50 1 10,51 03040202 90 51 1103050109 20 1 40 1103050207 .40 1 51 03040202 97 l 10 1103050109 40 1 40,51 1103050207 60 1 51 03040202 110 I 10 1103050109 50- 40 1103050207 80 1 51 03040202 140 1 10 1103050109 70 1 10 1103050207 90 I 10 03040202 150 I 10 1103050109 90 1 10 1103050208 50 1 51 03040204 50 I 10 1103050109 110 I 10,40 1103050208 80 1 10 03040204 88 1 10 1103050109 120 I 10 1103050208 120 1 10 03040205 30 1 51 1103050109 130 1 40,51 1103050208 130 1 40 03040205 40 1 - 10 1103050109 170 1 51 1103050208 90 I 51 03040205 20 1 10 - 1103050109 200 1 10 1103050208 100 1 51 03040205 120 1 10 1103050111 29 1 10 1103060101 50 1 40 03040205 130 I 10 1103050111 30 1 10 1103060101 80 1 40 03040205 140 51 1103050111 40 1 - 10 103060101 40 1 40 03040205 170 1 10 1103050111 50 1 10 1103060101 30 1 10,40 030402D6 100 I 10 1103050112 10 I 10 1103060101 60 1 40 03040206 110 I 10 103050112 20 1 10 1103060101 90 1 40 03040206 120 1 10,40 1103050112 40 I' 10 1103060101 100 1 40 03040206 29 1 10 1103050112 50 I 10 1103060102 30 1 40 03040207 50 1 10 1103050112 60 1 10 1103060102 60 1 40 03050104 60 1 10 1103050201 20 10 1103060102 130 1 40 03050104 70 1 10 1103050201 30 1 10 1103060103 20 1 10 03050104 80 1 40 1103050202 20 i 10 1103060103 30 I 40,51 03050104 100 I 10 1103050202 40 1 10 1103060103 80 1 40 03050105 155 1 40,51 1103050202 50 1 40,51 1103060103 70 1 40 03050105 160 1 40 1103050202 70 1 40,51 1103060106 30 1 10 03050105 180 1 40 103050203 30 1 10 1103060106 60 1.10,51 03050105 58 1 10,40 1103050203 40 110,40,511103060106 100 1 10 03050105 94 1 10 1103050203 50 1 40,51 1103060106 110 I 10 03050105 110 1 10,40 1103050203 60 1 10 1103060106 130 1 10 03050105 130 1 40,51 1103050203 70 1 10 1103060106 140 1 10 03050105 109 I 10 1103050204 20 1 10,51 1103060107 40 1 10 03050105 122 1 10 1103050204 10 1 51 11 03050105 142 1 10,51 1103050204 30 1 10,51 11 121 TABLE 4.7.C GROUNDWATER NPS ASSESSMENT SITE COUNTY PARAMETERS OF CONCERN NPS CATEGORY Whitlock Wool Combing ALLENDALE N03 62 Sandoz Colors and Chemicals ALLENDALE N03,METALS,VOC,OTHER 62 Palmetto Dunes Plantation BEAUFORT N03 62 Plusa Inc. BERKELEY N03 62 Carolinia Eastman CALHOUN N03 62 Wando River Terminal CHARLESTON N03 62 E.I. Dupont de Nem6ur FLORENCE N03 62 Wolverine Brass HORRY VOC 62 Kendall Company KERSHAW N03 62 Swansea Municipal Sewage Treatment LEXINGTON METALS 62 Carolina Gravure LEXINGTON METALS 62 Masonite MARION N03 62 Delta Mills Plant MARLBORO N03 62 Ashland Chemical Company RICHLAND OTHER 62 National Starch and Chemical SPARTANBURG N03 62 Hoechst Fibers SPARTANBURG METALS,VOC 62 Lyman, Town of SPARTANBURG N03 62 Campbell Soup SUMTER N03 62 Sonoco DARLINGTON OTHER 62,63,82 Sea Pines Plantation BEAUFORT N03 62,65,82 Abco SPARTANBURG VOC, METALS 62,82 International Wire Products SPARTANBURG METALS,VOC 62,82,84 Lindau Chemical Company RICHLAND VOC 62,84 Savannah River Plant LF DWP-087A AIKEN VOC 63 Savannah River Plant - Silverton Rd AIKEN VOC 63 }Horse Creek Poll. Cntrl. IWP-161 AIKEN METALS 63 Savannah River Plant - CMP Pits AIKEN METALS,VOC,P/H 63 Singer Company ANDERSON VOC 63 Ow-n-:-Cor nincl L.F IWP-)15, ANDERSON VOC 63 Barnwell Count:y LF DWP-Ol PARNWELL VOC 63 Beaufort County LF DWP-063 BEAUFORT METALS,N03 63 GROUNDWATER NPS ASSESSMENT SITE COUNTY PARAMETERS OF CONCERN NPS CATEGORY Charleston County LF' DWP-061, -079 CHARLESTON METALS 63 Landfill, Inc. CHESTER VOC, METALS 63 Chesterfield County LF DWP-036 CHESTERFIELD METALS 63 Chesterfield County LF DWP-u17 CHESTERFIELD METALS 63 Colleton County LF DWP-076 COLLETON METALS 63 Darlington County LF DWP-060 DARLINGTON METALS,VOC 63 Edgefield County LF DWP-04(0 EDGEFIELD N03 63 Florence County LF DWP-021 FLORENCE METALS,VOC 63 Koppers Co., Inc. FLORENCE BNA 63 Andrews Wire GEORGETOWN METALS 63 Georcletown Steel GEORGETOWN METALS,N03 63 Piedmont LF I & II DWP-009 GREENVILLE VOC 63 Simpsonville LF GREENVILLE VOC 63 Ci.ty of Greenville LF DWP-070 GREENVILLE VOC 63 'We.stern Carolina Reg. Sewer IWP-152 GREENVILLE METALS,N03 63 o Greenwood Co. LF DWP-100 GREENWOOD VOC 63 Monsanto GREENWOOD VOC 63 Helena Chemical HAMPTON P/H 63 Kershaw County LF DWPE 008 & 008A KERSHAW METALS 63 Torrington Co. LAURENS VOC 63 Cryovac Dumpsite LAURENS METALS,CHLOROFORM 63 Lexington County Landfill DWP-030 LEXINGTON VOC 63 Carolina C'hemicals LEXINGTON P/H 63 Farmers Mutual Exchange LF MARLBORO METALS, VOC 63 J.P. Stevens IWP-104 OCONEE N03 63 Sangamo Weston PICKENS PCB 63 Platt Saco Lowell PICKENS METALS 63 Chambers/Richland Co. LF DWP-126 RICHLAND VOC 63 Batchelder-Blasi us SPARTANBURG METALS 63 Sumter County LF-Cook St. SUMTER METALS 63 Shaw AFB SUMTER VOC 63 GROUNDWATER NPS ASSESSMENT SITE COUNTY PARAMETERS OF CONCERN NPS CATEGORY Gist Brocade Fermentation WILLIAMSBURG N03 63,82 Celanese Fibers Operations YORK VOC 63,82 Venture Chemical BEAUFORT PCB,METALS,VOC 63,82,84 Ethyl Corporation ORANGEBURG VOC 63,84 McEntire ANG Base RICHLAND VOC 63,84 Groce Laboratories SPARTANBURG VOC 63,84 Puretown Restaurant & Truck Stop ANDERSON N03 65 Folly Island CHARLESTON N03 65 Hutchinson Trailer Park FLORENCE N03 65 Columbia Orcanic Chemical KERSHAW VOC,METALS 65 Inland Container Company LEXINGTON METALS 65 F.B. Johnston, Inc. LEXINGTON VOC 65 Wood Brothers Inc. LEXINGTON OTHER 65 Becton Dickinson and Co. OCONEE METALS 65 Greenwood Mills Liner Plant ORANGEBURG VOC,N03,PHENOL 65 Fairfield Chemical Company RICHLAND VOC 65 Kings Laboratories RICHLAND VOC 65 Future Fuels RICHLAND VOC 65 Robbins and Myers, Inc. RICHLAND N03 65 Derrick private well RICHLAND PETROPROD 65 Spartan Plating and Grinding SPARTANBURG METALS 65 Cherryvale Subdivision SUMTER PETROPROD 65 Booth Farms SUMTER N03 65 Palmetto Pigeon Plant SUMTER N03 65 Kalama Specialty Chemicals BEAUFORT VOC 65,82 Greenwood Mills Edisto Plant ORANGEBURG N03,PHENOL 65,82 Savannah River Plant M-Area AIKEN VOC 82 Savannah River Plant-Old TNX Basins AIKEN METALS 82 Savannah River Plant L-Area AIKEN N03 82 Savannah River Plant F-Area AIKEN RAD 82 Savannah River Plant H-Area AIKEN RAD 82 GROUNDWATER NPS ASSESSMENT SITE COUNTY PARAMETERS OF CONCERN NPS CATEGORY Eliskim, Inc. ANDERSON METALS 82 Wamchem BEAUFORT METALS,VOC,N03 82 Independent Nail BEAUFORT METALS 82 Parker White Metals Co. BEAUFORT METALS 82 Mobay Chemical Corp BERKELEY VOC 82 Moore Drums CHARLESTON METALS,VOC 82 Geiger Property CHARLESTON VOC 82 General Electric CHARLESTON VOC 82 Cummins Engine CHARLESTON METALS 82 Lockheed-Georgia Company, Inc. CHARLESTON METALS,VOC 82 Mobil Chemical Company CHARLESTON N03,P/H 82 Stoller-Mii CHARLESTON METALS,N03 82 Virginia Chemicals CHESTER VOC,SALTS 82 Ti-Caro-Knit CHESTERFIELD ' 82 Balchem Corp COLLETON . METALS,VOC 82 , Asten Hill Manufacturing Co. COLLETON VOC 82 Celanese Fibers DARLINGTON VOC 82 Sweetwater community EDGEFIELD PETROPROD 82 L-Tec FLORENCE: VOC 82 Kaiser Aluminum Company FLORENCE P/H 82 General Electric Co. FLORENCE VOC, METALS 82 Floyd's Grocery GEORGETOWN PETROPROD 82 Ameracan Cyanimid GEORGETOWN Al SULFATE 82 General Battery Corporation GREENVILLE METALS 82 T' & S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc. GREENVILLE VOC,METALS 82 Steel Heddle Manufacturing GREENVILLE METALS,VOC 82 iRocy Metal Finishinig Works, Inc. GREENVILLE METALS,VOC 82 Carolina Plating Works GREENVILLE METALS, VOC 82 Ame.rican Hoechst Corp GREENVILLE METALS,VOC 82 Wes tinghouse HAMPTON PHENOLS 82 RE.ichold Chemical Company HAMPTON METALS,VOC 82 GROUNDWATER NPS ASSESSMENT SITE COUNTY PARAMETERS OF CONCERN NPS CATEGORY Pine Valley Estates HORRY N03 82 Garden City Shopping Center HORRY MBAS,TDS 82 Hardwicke Chemical KERSHAW METALS,VOC 82 E.I. Dupont KERSHAW METALS 82 Southern Screening & Engraving LANCASTER VOC, METALS 82 Lehigh-Lancaster Inc. LANCASTER METALS 82 Simpson private well LAURENS PETROPROD 82 Union Switch & Signal LEXINGTON METALS,VOC 82 Allied Fibers and Plastic Corp. LEXINGTON METALS, VOC, N03 82 Springdale private well LEXINGTON PETROPROD 82 Roper Industries ORANGEBURG 82 Shuron, Inc. ORANGEBURG VOC 82 Chevron/Gulf Terminal RICHLAND PETROPROD 82 Bendix/Amphenol Products RICHLAND VOC 82 Amphenol Products RICHLAND VOC 82 Townsend Textron Sawchain RICHLAND METALS,NO3 82 Inman Quarry SPARTANBURG VOC,METALS 82 Siemens Allis/ITE SPARTANBURG METALS,VOC 82 Blackman-Uhler Chemical SPARTANBURG VOC 82 International Mineral Corp. SPARTANBURG N03 82 Milliken Chemical Company SPARTANBURG VOC 82 Th'ermal Oxidation Corp. SPARTANBURG VOC 82 Sybron Chemicals Inc. SPARTANBURG 82 Southern Wood Piedmont SPARTANBURG BNA 82 Southern Coatingcs SUMTER METALS 82 CP Chemicals Inc. SUMTER METALS,VOC 82 Valchem AIKEN VOC 82,84 Perfection Hytest DARLINGTON VOC 82,84 Wellman, Inc. FLORENCE PETROPROD,VOC 82,84 LU & M Self Service FLORENCE PETROPROD 82,84 Vicellon GREENVILLE VOC 82,84 GROUNDWATER'NPS ASSESSMENT SITE COUNTY PARAMETERS OF CONCERN NPS CATEGORY Crown Metro, Inc. GREENVILLE VOC 82,84 Para-Chem, Inc. GREENVILLE VOC,METALS 82,84 Seaboard System Railroad AIKEN VOC 84 Defense Fuel Support Point BERKELEY PETROPROD 84 Chevron Gulf Terminal CHARLESTON PETROPROD 84 Swygert's Shipyard CHARLESTON PETROPROD 84 Texaco Terminal CHARLESTON PETROPROD 84 Broad River Brick CHEROKEE PETROPROD 84 Carolawn Industries CHESTER VOC 84 Scurry Private well EDGEFIELD PETROPROD 84 Winnsboro Petroleum Company FAIRFIELD PETROPROD 84 VC Summer Nuclear Station FAIRFIELD PETROPROD 84 Korn Industries FLORENCE PETROPOD 84 Ethox GREENVILLE PETROPROD 84 Cone Mills Union Bleachery GREENVILLE METALS 84 Colonial Pipeline Spill Site 2 GREENVILLE PETROPROD 84 Colonial Pipeline Spill Site 1 GREENVILLE PETROPROD 84 General Electric. Gas. Turbine GREENVILLE P.ETROPROD 84 Carolina Plating and Stamping GREENVILLE METALS 84 Roll Technology GREENVILLE METALS 84 Myrtle Beach AF'B HORRY PETROPROD 84 Suffolk Chemical Co. LEXINGTON VOC 84 Columbia Metropolitan Airport LEXINGTON PETROPROD 84 SC Recycling & Disposal-Dixiana LEXINGTON METALS,VOC 84 Palmetto Wood Preserving, Inc. LEXINGTON METALS 84 S.C. Fire Academy LEXINGTON VOC 84 Georgia Pacific Corp. ORANGEBURG PETROPROD 84 Palmetto Recycling RICHLAND METALS 84 SC Recycling Disposal-Bluff Rd. RICHLAND VOC 84 Cardinal Chemical Company RICHLAND VOC 84 Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel Div. RICHLAND N03, Fluoride 84 GROUNDWATER NPS ASSESSMENT SITE COUNTY PARAMETERS OF CONCERN NPS CATEGORY Bell South RICHLAND PETROPROD 84 Plantation, Inc. SPARTANBURG PETROPROD 84 Union Oil Co. SPARTANBURG PETROPROD 84 British Petroleum SPARTANBURG PETROPROD 84 Amerada Hess SPARTANBURG PETROPROD 84 Crown Central Petroleum SPARTANBURG PETROPROD 84 Frank Elmore Site SPARTANBURG VOC 84 Ashland Qil Co. SPARTANBURG PETROPROD 84 Shell Oil Co. SPARTANBURG PETROPROD 84 Chevron, Inc. SPARTANBURG PETROPROD 84 Exxon Company, USA SPARTANBURG PETROPROD 84 Exide Battery SUMTER METALS 84 Carolina Drums YORK *VOC 84 Leonard Chemical Co. YORK VOC,METALS 84 Go CONTAMINANTS ABBREVIATION 62 - Land Disposal - Wastewater Total Dissolved Solids TDS Surfactants MBAS 63 - Land Disposal - Landfills Petroleum Products PETRO Volatile Organics VOC 65 - Land Disposal - Septic Tanks Metals METALS Nitrates N03 82 - Waste Storage/Storage Tank Leaks Pesticides/Herbicides P/H PCB PCB 84 - Spills Base,Neutral & Acid Ex. BNA Phenols PIIENOL Radionuclides RAD Other OTHER 5.0. GROUND-WATER QUALITY 5.1. General Overview The general quality of ground-water in South Carolina is excellent based on criteria promulgated in the USEPA Primary Drinking-Water Standards. Portions of a statewide network of monitoring wells for ambient ground-water quality have been recently established. Other available data sources are being used such as public water supply systems that use ground water, monitoring wells at sites where ground-water contamination has been confirmed or is suspected, and private wells. Data reported from these sources confirm the general high quality of ground-water throughout the State. Despite overall good conditions, there are approximately 390 instances or areas of localized ground-water contamination. These isolated contamination sources have been diverse and include most of the common types of sources recognized in other states such as leaking underground petroleum storage tanks, industrial wastewater disposal, municipal and industrial landfills, and accidential spills and leaks. 5.2. Major Sources of Contamination Table 5.2.A. indicates sources of localized ground-water contamination in South Carolina. 129 Table 5.2.A. Sources of Localized Ground-water Contamination South Carolina Source Identified Source Relative Priority Septic tanks X 5 Municipal landfills X 2 On-site industrial landfills X 3 (excluding pits, lagoons, and surface impoundments) Other landfills X Surface impoundments (ex- X 6 cluding oil and gas brine pits) Oil and gas brine pits Underground storage tanks X 1 Injection wells (include Class V) Abandoned hazardous waste sites X (Included in specific type categories) Regulated hazardous waste sites X Salt water intrusion X Land application/treatment X 4 Agricultural activities X Road salting Other (specify) 130 5.3. Location of Ground-Water Contamination Lagoons (including industrial pits and ponds), landfills (industrial and municipal), and underground storage tanks that have documented association with ground-water contamination are not restricted to any particular areas of the state, but are more concentrated in the three major urban/industrial centers: Greenville/Spartanburg, Columbia, and Charleston. An additional concentration of ground-water contamination problems have been associated with high water-table recharge areas in Beaufort County. 5.4. Contaminating Substances Table 5.4.A. Substances Contaminating Localized Ground-Water South Carolina Organic chemicals: Metals X Volatile X Synthetic X Radioactive Material X Inorganic Chemicals: Nitrates X Pesticides X Fluorides X Arsenic X Other Agricultural chemicals X Brine/salinity X Other SO 4-2 X Others (specify) See Below Other types: Microbial pathogens (bacteria or viruses), indicated by past analyses for bacteria and suggested by past outbreaks of gastrointestinal disorders. Microinvertebrates, indicated in tests on very shallow wells in sands at one coastal area. Total organic carbon (nonvolatile, nonsynthetic) 131 State Strategies to Alleviate Ground-Water Problems Prevention is view4ed as the key to alleviation of ground-water contamination. Alleviation of specific instances of ground-water contamination--either presently documented, presently existing but not yet discovered, or else initiating in the future--requires another set of strategies. The principal components of both prevention and remediation strategies are regulatory and technical in nature. The existing regulations and the mechanisms to enforce them provide the framework for monitoring and the criteria for defining ground-water contamination. Ground-water quality standards in place set the criteria upon which contamination is defined and provides the criteria with which facilities-design performance can be planned. Alleviation of contamination usually requires a considerably greater effort than detection and initial measurement of contami- nant concentration. A concerted effort is being made to routinely base decisions on most appropriate actions concerning contaminated ground-water on detailed geotechnical data. This scaling by priority allows allocation of a greater effort to the more serious problems. Essential site-specific information that must be obtained for each site of contamination includes the following: (1) detailed characterization of the chemical nature of the contaminant plume; (2) detailed knowledge of the extent of the contaminant plume; (3) reliable prediction of the short-term and ultimate fates of the ground-water contaminants; and (4) reliable prediction of the performance of any recovery or treatment 132 systems. These essential types of information can be obtained only by detailed hydrogeologic investigations. Facilities that handle significantly hazardous riaterials currently are required to have a minimal ground-water monitoring program including wells, procedures, and schedules. This is done to detect existing ground-water contaminants or detect the new entry of ground-water contaminants. Other facilities that are required to have waste disposal permits, on a case-by-case basis, as appropriate, are required to conduct ground-water monitoring. New or replacement underground tanks for petroleum products also require underground monitoring as .do existing tanks that fail leak-detection tests or show significant inventory losses. Some potential sources of contaminants do not fall within the above groups, for example accidential leaks or spills from activities that no longer take place and illegal dumping. 133 6.0. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM 6.1. Point Source Control Program 6.1.1. Municipal Facilities DHEC has issued discharge permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program to all domestic waste- water treatment works discharging to surface waters in South Carolina, whether publicly or privately owned.. Permit effluent limits were derived using computerized water quality models and EPA effluent guidelines. Permit conditions insure that effluents are treated sufficiently so as to protect in-stream water uses and maintain speci- fied numeric in-stream standards. Domestic wastewater treatment works owners are required to provide best available technology (BAT) or treatment to meet water quality limits when contructing or upgrading their treatment plant in order to meet NPDES permit limits'. Construction Grants Program EPA (Sec. 201) grants for construction of wastewater treatment works were awarded to publicly owned agencies (municipalities, counties, special purpose districts, etc.) based on order in the DHEC annual project priority list. The priority list ranks treatment works needs based on documented adverse impacts on water quality. Projects are awarded construction grants each year to the extent that funding is available with those projects appearing highest on the list being funded first. The system for determining priorities is described in the SCDHEC Project Priority Rating System for Municipal Construction Grants. Sufficient money is not available to fund all projects on the priority list. Waterbodies expected to have shown improvements in water quality during fiscal years 1936 and 1937 as a result of construction grant 134 money spent would be those where treatment works were completed and put into operation during this time period. Table 6.1.A. lists those projects, the waterbody affected, and the eligible costs which are an estimation of the construction and engineering costs associated with the project. A total of $47,344,207 was spent for 17 projects com- pleted during FY 86 and $36,183,810 was spent for 18 projects com- pleted during FY 87. Table 6.1.A. Treatment Works Receiving Construction Grants and Became Operational in FY 1986 and 1987 Owner Name Sub-basin Receiving Water Eligible Cost FY 1986 LeawoQd/Sumter 031714 Pine Acre Creek $ 55,753 GSWSA 030716 Waccamaw River 9,143,100 Mt. Pleasant 030814 ICWW 5,413,757 Dorchester 030818 Coosaw Creek 4,839,231 BCWSA/Central 030820 Cooper River 1,599,683 East Richland 030824 Congaree River 5,303,379 Columbia 030824 Congaree River 7,231,748 Columbia 030824 Congaree River 1,862,559 Lancaster 030834 Bear Creek 277,829 Saluda 030840 Little Saluda River 93,731 WCRSA/Mauldin Rd. 030846 Reedy River 2,079,341 Ware Shoals 030847 Saluda River 2,174,013 Woodruff 030862 Dildine Creek 1,538,873 St. George 030908 Polk Swamp 1,874,254 Yemassee 030922 Combahee River 112,916 Allendale 031304 Savannah River 1,370,179 Greenwood 031306 Hard Labor Creek 2,373,861 $47,344,207 FY 87 Georgetown 030702 Whites Ck/Sampit R. $ 3,039,777 Little River 030715 ICWN 2,565,817 N. Myrtle Beach 030715 ICWW 6,628,481 Darlington 030725 Swift Creek 1,738,584 Hartsville 030725 Black Creek 1,959,567 St. Matthews 030804 Antley Spring Ck 473,535 BCWSA/Oranto 030810 Goose Creek Res. 124,116 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Continued on next page. 135 Table 6.1.A. (continued) Owner Name Sub-basin Receiving Water Eligible Cost St. Andrews 030818 Ashley River $ 1,398,701 Kershaw County 030828 Wateree River 1,889,971 Greenwood/Metro 030842 Wilson Creek 4,487,512 Greenwood/Magnolia P1. 039842 Wilson Creek 86,741 Easley 030847 Middle Branch 5,332,206 Easley 030847 Georges Creek 031312 Golden Creek 1,723,690 Richland County 030850 Crane Creek 702,190 ECWSA/Johnston 030913 S. Fork Edisto 1,155,909 Aiken/North Line 030918 Shaw Creek 286,096 Aiken/Northeast Line 030918 Shaw Creek 424,161 Denmark 030924 Little Salkehatchie 2,166,756 $36,183,810 Direct evidence of a general improvement in in-stream water quality as a result of construction or upgrading POTWs was not avail- able for all waterbodies at the time of this assessment because of the nature of the DHEC sampling program. Monitoring data showed improved water quality for six waterbodies and a maintenance of good water quality for eight waterbodies. There is no strategically located trend monitoring station downstream of many of the projects. Treat- ment requirements are based on stream conditions during low-flow periods; therefore, enhanced water quality may not be evidenced during normal streamflows. Also, the affected stream may not have had time to respond to the reduced wasteload in the short period since treatment plant improvements were put in place. We know, however, that improved waste treatment by newly con- structed or upgraded treatment works have resulted in favorable water quality benefits. Many 201 grants were awarded to construct inter- ceptor lines in areas where there may have been several small problem dischargers. This construction eliminated poorly treated effluent into many streams. Predictive water quality models help determine 136 the level of treatment to maintain in-stream quality standards and when treatment facilities are constructed or upgraded these models predict increased in-stream quality commensurate with increased treat- ment. Improved water quality is also implied by data contained in Discharge Monitoring Reports that are submitted to DHEC by each treat- ment plant owner on a monthly basis. When newly constructed or up- graded POTW's meet NPDES permit conditions for effluent where before they did not, improved in-stream water quality can be assumed. Pretreatment Program and Toxics Control The Department of Health and Environmental Control reviewed and approved 53 pretreatment programs for POTWs during FY 84 and 35. All of these programs have been implemented at this time. There are currently four additional pretreatment programs under review by the Department. There has been an associated direct benefit to water quality demonstrated from many of the implemented pretreatment programs. In particular, there has been a reduction in toxic discharges from POTWs which receive industrial discharges. Significant improvements in water quality are expected as all approved pretreatment programs are fully implemented. During FY 86 the Department implemented a policy of requiring Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) limits on all new and reissued P0T7 and private community (domestic) NPDES permits. The Agency is entering the third year of this requirement which has resulted in approximately 40 to 50 percent of all domestic permits now containing TRC limits. Stormwater Controls South Carolina has no known combined stormwater/sanitary sewer discharges associated w-ith POTWs. Stormwater slugs overload treatment 137 facilities and tend to disrupt the sewage treatment process; there- fore, combined sewers are usually prohibited by local ordinance. Stormwater runoff control on POTU sites is mandatory in some areas of the State. The S.C. Coastal Council reviews and approves plans that address this issue for all new publicly owned treatment plants in coastal counties. DHEC withholds issuing a permit to begin construc- tion of the facility until such plans are approved by the Council. S.C. Coastal Council has developed stormwater management guidelines that are followed when evaluating a project for a permit or certifi- cation. The Department is currently developing'a state stormwater permit- ting program policy in support of EPA guidelines of requirements required by the 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act. Strategies Planned to Improve the Municipal Facility Program DHEC district personnel inspect the operation and maintenance programs of POTWs on a routine basis. Deficiencies noted during inspections may require DHEC to take legal enforcement action. Opera- tional advice is also provided on a limited basis by DHEC staff. The South Carolina Environmental Training Center at Sumter Area Technical College also provides training for treatment plant operators. DHEC has recently developed sludge management guidance for munici- palities. All NPOES permits issued or reissued during the last 13 months, where applicable, direct the POTW to obtain a sludge disposal permit. The permit guidance generally requires the sludge generator to monitor the content of its sludge and to dispose of it in an environ- mentally acceptable manner. Enforcement action has been taken against those POTWs that have not met the schedule for obtaining a sludge disposal permit. The sludge management guidance and procedures were fully implemented during FY 1987. 138 6.1.2. Industrial and Agricultural Facilities Industrial Facilities OHEC reviews NPOES permit applications for new and existing facilities and determines whether treatment must be based on tech- nology or water quality. The method which results in more stringent effluent limits is used to develop applicable permit limits. Effluent guidelines, where promulgated by EPA, are used to determine technology based limits. If EPA effluent guidelines have not been developed, best professional judgement of technology based limits is used. Water quality limits are developed using computerized water quality modelling procedures which result in wasteload allocations for substances affecting in-stream oxygen levels. EPA water quality criteria and/or biological monitoring are used to determine limits for potentially toxic constituents. Where appropriate, permit limits are developed using a combination of water quality lirrfitations, toxicity limits, and biological monitoring (end of pipe and in- stream) to insure that there are no adverse impacts from point source discharges. Agricultural Facil-ities Wastewaters from concentrated animal production or fruit and vegetable processing facilities' may be just as detrimental to water quality as municipal and industrial point source discharges. To prevent these untreated wastes from entering the waters of the State, DHEC requires that both solid and liquid agricultural wastes from these facilities be collected, treated, and disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner. This is primarily accomplished through a State permitting and inspection program requiring recycling or land application of agricultural wastes. This type of disposal 139 has eliminated most direct surface water discharges of agricultural wastes and has thus been effective in improving water quality. Toxics Controls Toxic pollutants are generally defined as substances which by themselves or in combination with other chemicals are harmful to animal life or human health. They include some of the metals, pesticides, and other synthetic organic pollutants that contaminate water, fish tissue, and bottom sediments. !JHEC has sought to con- trol these' substances in sewage treatment plant effluent, and bio- logical investigations conducted by the Department and the regulated community have shown that these controls are effective. Documented toxicity problems related to point source dischargers are not wide- spread in South Carolina waters. In areas where localized problems have been identified, DHEC efforts have resulted in more stringent effluent limitations; modification of treatment plant processes or wastewater controls; and, in some cases, complete elimination of. problem dischargers. While chlorination is the typical method of disinfection of wastewater in the State, any excess chlorine in the effluent has been shown to have a toxic effect on fish and other aquatic life. As a result, OHEC -has implemented a program requiring chlorine residual limits on all NPOES permits for wastewater treatment plants that use chlorine in the treatment process. This requirement per- tains to municipal, industrial, and private domestic facilities. These effluent limits are based on water quality criteria developed by EPA. Where water quality is not a limiting factor, maximum effluent limits of 0.5 mg/l monthly average and 1.0 mg/l daily average are imposed to further reduce potential impacts. 140 6.1.3. Wasteload Allocations and Total Maximum Daily Loads A wasteload allocation, a determination of the amount of a pollutant a waterbody can assimilate without violating in-stream standards, is developed for every wastewater discharger in the State. Computerized mathematical models which simulate in-stream conditions are used to determine WLAs for 90 percent of all dis- chargers. WLAs are most often used to determine NPDES effluent permit limits but are also an input to 201 Facilities Plans and 208 Areawide Water Quality Management Plans. Total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for oxygen-demanding substances are developed for stream segments which have competing interests for assimilative capacity. Waterbodies for which TMDLs have been calculated are Wando River, Charleston Harbor, Waccamaw River, ICWW, Bush River, Durbin Creek, Catawba River, South Tyger River, Twelve Mile Creek, Wilson Creek/Ninety Six Creek, Lower Saluda River, Wateree River, Lawson's Fork Creek, and Congaree River. As new information or data is obtained on these water- bodies, the TMDLs are appropriately revised. Streams for which new or revised TMDLs are needed include Ashley River, Cooper River, ICW4W, and Beaufort River. 141 6.1.4. Permit Compliance and Enforcement Compliance The Bureau of Water Pollution Control currently maintains the, State Data Management Network System which ensures that NPDES Permit compliance status is available for all point source discharges. This system allows managers within the Enforcement Section to review results from operation and maintenance inspections, sampling inspec- tions, effluent data, compliance schedules, and pretreatment inspec- tions in a timely manner. Staff have made the transition from main- tenance of personal files to utilization of the system which is beginning to demonstrate reliability for immediate determination of facility compliance. Municipal compliance has received priority emphasis throughout the 80's and South Carolina has actively pursued compliance with the National Municipal Policy mandates. All non-complying major and minor municipal facilities were'placed on enforceable schedules prior to FY 87 and staff have been engaged in tracking to assure schedules are met. Compliance tracking receives a balanced effort at the State level with regard to major and minor industrial, private domestic-, and municipal permittees and all instances of significant noncompliance are addressed. Tracking involves a multifaceted approach with review of effluent data, compliance schedules, facility operation and main- tenance and pretreatment status. Completion of the State Data Manage- ment Network System will enhance compliance tracking capabilities and hardware purchases and staff's development of data entry skills will assure an accurate interface with the Permit Compliance System (PCS). PCS will be supported by data entry of discharge monitoring and com- pliance schedule data on a monthly basis. 142 Several other compliance tracking tools are utilized to ensure the principal staff and other interested parties are kept informed of compliance status of regulated facilities. Quarterly Activity Reports and the Quarterly Noncompliance Reports are frequently utilized docu- ments. An inspection update developed within the past several years enhances staff's overview capabilities and affords an opportunity to determine if permit requirements for operation and maintenance are being maintained. The update is supplied monthly and is used in the prioritization of operation and maintenance activity. Pretreatment audits and inspections are the mechanisms currently used for pretreatment compliance tracking. Compliance reviews have resulted in the identification of several noncompliant pretreatment p~ograms in 1987 and necessitated action. The compliance review process continues to become uiore efficient as overview techniques are upgraded. South Carolina seeks to pursue the most effective means of compliance review and adopt the most productive compliance review products to assure that acceptable levels of complidnce are maintained. Enforcement The U.S. EPA National Municipal Policy, issued in 1984, placed State Enforcement programs in a position of high visibility in the mid-1980's and South Carolina met the challenge by achieving Federal mandates aimed at assuring municipal compliance by July 1, 1983. The State enforcement program was responsible for the establishment of order schedules to abate noncompliance situations for approximately sixty (60) POTW's with some twenty (20) facilities remaining under permit schedules of compliance. In all cases enforcement staff have been responsible for tracking schedule compliance and initiating 143 enforcement action where necessary. The emphasis placed on the issuance, tracking, and follow-up actions by the enforcement staff has yielded noteworthy results with only seven (7) of approximately eighty (80) POTW's violating schedules as July 1, 1988 approaches. These violations are currently being addressed. While enforcement activities surrounding the National Municipal Policy gained the limelight between 1984 and 1987, other enforcement activities continued to receive staff attention necessary to assure effluent limit compliance and maintenance of water quality where industrial and private domestic permittees were involved. Violations in all categories of noncompliance involving all permittees were handled effectively and expeditiously. Categories of noncompliance not. mentioned previously but receiving attention were unauthorized discharges, operation and maintenance violations, NPDES effluent violations, pretreatment violations, groundwater contamination, and u'npermitted construction and operation of waste treatment facilities. The broad range of enforcement activity demonstrates the program's diverse capability to remain effective in many areas of required activity while meeting the Federal mandates of the National Municipal Policy. As new facilities are constructed and old systems are removed from service, the enforcement program's emphasis is changing to actively address the operation and maintenance of these facilities. All permittees are presently seeing this additional emphasis due to the data handling tools available to the enforcement manager and additional 0&0 emphasis is assured. As the program moves into 1988-1989, effluent quality is seen as a measure of water quality. The enforcement program sees its com- 144 mitment to monitor effluent quality and take timely effective actions as necessary to assure that the water quality of South Carolina is maintained where suitable and enhanced where needed. 145 6.2. NONPOINT SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAMS 6.2.1. General Description The State draws from a variety of resources in its efforts to control nonpoint sources (NPS) of pollution. These take the form of both federal and state programs and may be regulatory or non- regulatory in nature. Further, these resources lie both in DHEC's Bureau of Water Pollution Control and in other state agencies with related missions. 6.2.2. Section 319 Program In late 1987, Congress, as part of the "Water Quality Act" passed the most comprehensive legislation dealing with NPS to date. Section 319 of the Act requires states to assess nonpoint source pollution and to define a management program to control and abate it by August 1988. To meet this federal mandate, the S.C. Department of, Health and Environmental Control has embarked on a three stage program to conduct a comprehensive NPS assessment, target specific waters where nonpoint sources need control, and develop and implement management strategies. Objectives of the assessment include identifying nonpoint source impacted surface waters statewide, identifying causes of NPS pol- lution, and recommending programs and methods for controlling this pollution. The list of impacted waters and causes of those NPS impacts is included elsewhere in, this document. Existing data and information were utilized to compile the list. DHEC field personnel, .other state agencies, and the interested public were also consulted. Further, sophisticated computer modelling was used to identify water- bodies in areas where a greater potential for NPS impacts exist. Subsequently, this list of problem areas and associated category of NPS will be prioritized and consideration will be given to the value 146 of the particular water for aquatic habitat and other designated uses such as water supply and recreation, the NPS pollution threat to the environment and to public health, and the feasibility of controlling the particular category of NPS pollution at that location. The result will be a ranked list of waterbodies where nonpoint source control will be emphasized. The second phase of this NPS program calls for a management strategy to control and alleviate the problems noted in the assess- ment. Nonpoint source management controls will be regulatory and non-regulatory in nature. Regulatory programs include enforcing existing laws, regulations, and ordinances or developing or revising them as needed. Sediment control ordinances and stormwater control ordinances are the most common regulatory control mechanisms for nonpoint source pollution. Non-regulatory programs include providing technical assistance to land users on establishing best management practices (BMPs) that reduce erosion, developing and producing educational publications on BMPs and general awareness of NPS pol- lution, and setting up demonstration projects for nonpoint source control practices. There are specific nonpoint source control practices for the various categories of activities, and they will be matched to the target waterbodies described in the assessment. When the State has an EPA approved management plan, we will begin the implementation phase of the overall program. This involves putting in place the control strategies required in the managment plan with the idea of alleviating the most critical NPS problems within a four year period. Funding for the effort will come mainly from EPA grants under Section 319 and 205(j), and augmented with State funds. The public 147 will be provided with an opportunity for input and drafts of assessment and management plans will be circulated to the interested public. 6.2.3. Section 208 Programs The State nonpoint Source 208 Water Quality M1anagement Plan, completed in the early 1980's, addressed agriculture, construction, mining, silviculture, groundwater contamination, residual waste disposal, hydrologic modifications, and urban runoff. The categories, of greatest concern to the State are agriculture, construction, and groundwater contamination. The State's nonpoint source (NPS). control strategy incorporates both regulatory and voluntary approaches to compliance. Regulatory programs are in place for mining, residual waste disposal, hydrologic modifications, and construction activities. Voluntary programs are used for -agricultural and silvicultural activities. Accelerated programs of technical, financial, and educational assistance are recommended to encourage the implementation of Best Management Practices (-BMPs) to control pollution from these activities. To control construction related NPS pollution, the Plan recommended the development of a statewide regulatory program. The legislature enacted the Sediment Control Act in 1934 with the S.C. Land Resources Conservation Commission as the implementing agency. Ground-water resources are partially protected by existing regulatory programs which cover activities such as land disposal of residual and hazardous wastes, feedlots, stockpiles, surface impound- ments, hazardous materials spills, well drilling, underground storage tanks, and the underground injection of wastes. Urban runoff has proven to be a significant nonpoint source in one of the State's most rapidly developing areas, the urbanized 148 coastal zone. In 1978, Myrtle Beach was designated a Nationwide Urban Runoff Program demonstration area for purposes of studying the impact of stormwater runoff upon surf water quality. The implementation of recommended BMPs, in these and other metropolitan areas of the State has lagged, primarily due to hesitancy on the part of local govern- ments to adopt the necessary land use controls and development standards. The Coastal Areawide Uater Quality Management Plans for urban runoff were updated in cooperation with the S.C. Coastal Council. Part of this update included a special water quality study of the Ashley River system located in the Charleston area. The study was completed with the cooperation of the U.S. Geological Survey. The results should provide a thorough picture of stormwater contribution of pollutant loadings in this tidal river system and indicate manage- ment approaches needed to address stormwater pollution concerns. 6.2.4. Section 401 Programs Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act requires that all applicants for a Federal permit or license which may result in a discharge to navigable waters obtain certification from the Depart- ment. This certification insures that the project will be conducted in a manner which will not violate State water quality standards. The Department issues certification for primarily three types of projects: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 10 (navigation) -and Section 404 (dredge and fill) permits; U.S. Coast Guard bridge permits; and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission licenses for hydroelectric projects. Certification is often issued with conditions which become part of the Federal permit or license. These conditions usually address nonpoint pollution sources, especially sediment loss to a waterbody. 149 The Department also routinely reviews plans for highway and utility line construction. Recommendations are made that effective nonpoint control measures be implemented during and after construction to minimize sediment loss to affected waterbodies. 6.2.5. Shellfish Sanitation Program Stormwater discharges and other categories of NPS pollution have. had the greatest adverse impact on coastal shellfish growing waters. They carry coliform bacteria and other contaminants into the shellfish beds. As a result of sanitary surveys conducted by DHEC personnel, restricted or prohibited harvest status must be assigned to shellfish areas with increased pollutant levels. This means the shellfish may not be taken from these areas for direct marketing. It is anticipated that BMPs instituted as a result of the State's NPS control programs will open up these areas again to shellfish harvesting. 6.2.6. Best Management Practices Requirements on NPDES Permits for Industrial Facilities All major permits and the majority of the minor Industrial Facility NPDES permits contain the following language: The permittee shall develop and implement a Best Management Practices (BtiP) Plan to identify and control the discharge of signifi- cant amounts of oils and the hazardous and toxic substances listed in 40 CFR Part 117 and Tables 11 and III of Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 122. The Plan shall include a listing of all potential sources of spills or leaks of these materials; a method of containment; a descrip- tion of training, inspection, and security procedures; and emergency response measures to be taken in the event of a discharge to surface waters or plans and/or procedures which constitute an equivalent DMP. Sources of such discharges 'may include materials storage areas; in- 150 plant transfer, process and material handling areas; loading and unloading operations plant site runoff; and sludge and waste disposal areas. The BMP plan shall be developed in accordance with good engineering practices, shall be documented in narrative form, and shall include any necessary plot plans, drawings, or maps. The BHP plan shall be developed no later than six months after issuance of the final NPDES permit or permit modification, and shall be implemented no later than one year after issuance of the final permit or modifica- tion. When a permit is reissued and a BMP plan had previously been required, the reissued permit will require the permittee to update and maintain the BHP plan. Before issuing NPDES permits or State construction permits to municipal, private, domes-tic, or industrial waste treatment plants DHEC staff considers the potential for contamination of stormwater runoff from the plant site. If necessary, DHEC can require best management practices (BMPs) to control the runoff. Monitoring of the stormwater may also be required. Although large municipalities collect the stormwater runoff, it is discharged untreated into nearby streams and rivers. EPA has proposed that any publicly owned stormwater discharge be permitted under the NPDES system. The permits would probably contain parameter limits and require the monitoring of these parameters. Although this proposed program may have isolated beneficial impacts on water quality, it would be very expensive for local governments and the State to administer and may not be cost-effective in terms of water quality improvements. 151 6.2.7 Other State and Local Government Involvement The following agencies have either regulatory, educational, or assistance programs for the indicated nonpoint source categories. AGENCY NONPOINT SOURCE S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control Groundwater Contamination, Residual Waste S.C. Coastal Council Stormwater Runoff S.C. Forestry Commission Silviculture S.C. Land Resources Conser- vation Commission Agriculture, Construttion, Mining S.C. Water Resources Com- mission Hydrologic Modification Five Designated Regional Councils Urban Runoff of Government Table 6.2.A. shows the specific existing and recommended nonpoint source control programs administered by the various agencies mentioned above. 152 Table 6.2.A. Existing and Recommended Nonpoint Source Control Programs in South Carolina Type of Nonpoint Source Type of Control Program Existing Recommended Urban M M,R,S,E,T Agriculture E,T,F,M E,T,F,M Animal wastes R,E,T,F,M R,E,T,F,M Silviculture E,T,F,?M E,T,F,M Mini ng R ,M R,M Construction E,T,M E,T,R,M Hydrological modifications R,[1 R,M Saltwater intrusions R,1 R,M Residual waste/landfill R,M R,M Type of Control Program S = structural/public works E = education T = technical assistance F = financial incentives R = regulation M = monitoring 153 6.3. Wetlands Programs The main mechanisms for wetlands protection in South Carolina are through federal and state regulatory programs for the discharge of dredged or fill material and activities in critical areas in the coastal zone. Following is a brief description of these existing federal and state programs and their relationship to wetlands pro- tection. Section 404 Permit Program Section 404 of the federal Clean Watei Act requires a permit for the discharge of dredged or fill material into navigable waters. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers administers this program in South Carolina; the Environmental Protection Agency has ultimate authority in that it may prohibit the use of a disposal site if the discharge will- have an adverse -impact on municipal water 'supplies, shellfish beds and fishery areas, wildlife, or recreational areas. This permit- ting program applies to activities in navigable waters, their tribu- taries, and wetlands adjacent to these waters. Isolated wetlands are not included in the jurisdiction of the 404 program. Section 401 Water Quality Certification Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act requires any applicant for a federal license or permit to conduct an activity which may result in a discharge to navigable waters to receive certification from the State that the discharge will not cause a contravention of the State's water quality standards. The South Carolina Department of Health and En vironmental Control is the agency which issues certifi- cation in South Carolina. Those activities in wetlands adjacent to navigable waters which require Section 404 permits, also require certification. The Department evaluates whether or not the proposed 154 activity will adversely impact the water quality of the wetlands, but certification has not traditionally been used as a wetlands protection mechanism. Coastal Zone Management Program The South Carolina Coastal Council reviews Section 404 permits as well as administers its own permit 'program for projects within critical areas in the Coastal Zone. Critical areas are saline waters subject to tidal ebb and flow, tidelands, beaches, and primary ocean front dunes. The Coastal Council provides additional protection to isolated freshwater wetlands in the eight coastal counties through review of applications for Section 404 permits under Corps Nationwide Permit Number 26 where. the activity will result in the discharge of .dredged or fill material and cause the loss of modification of 10 acres or less of non-tidal waters above stream headwaters or in isolated waters, including wetlands. South Carolina Heritage Trust Program This program is responsible for surveying'and'inventoring rare or vanishing plant and animal species and plant and natural communities. This -Includes wetlands communities and the Heritage Trust Program, has had a particular interest in Carolina Bays. The program provides protection to special areas through aquisition, easement, or land- owners cooperation. Wetlands Legislation Two separate bills which would regulate activities in freshwater wetlands were submitted to the State legislature in FY 1937. One bill would require a permit for activities in all freshwater wet- lands, even isolated wetlands; and no activity to be undertaken in these wetlands would be exempt from permitting. This bill also 155 includes a mandatory education program and a complete wetlands inventory. A second bill is not as comprehensive as the first. Only wet- lands adjacent to streams with an annual flow greater than 5 cfs would be regulated and only certain activities such as dredging, deposition, construction of structures, and hydrologic modification would require permits. Other activities are exempt under this proposed legislation. Other priorities in the South Carolina legislature have kept either of these bills from moving this session. 156 6.4. SURFACE WATER MONITORING PROGRAM The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control maintains a fixed monitoring network with water quality sampling stations located statewide to define the physical, chemical, and biological con- ditions of streams, lakes, and tidal saltwaters. In fiscal year 1987 the network consisted of 135 primary stations, 358 secondary stations, 187 sediment stations, and 78 biological stations. Twenty-six of the 185 primary stations are included in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's basic water monitoring program. Primary stations are sampled once per month, year round. The criteria used in locating primary stations are as follows: 1. Influent to segment (sub-basin) 2. Effluent to segment 3. Major streams at state lines 4. Confluence of major streams 5. :Above a major industrial area 6. Below a major industrial area 7. Water quality limited area 8. Major lake 9. Above major municipal area 10. Below major municipal area 11. Mouth of major tributary 12. Major water use area 13. Above major land use area 14. Below major land use area 15. Above a water intake 16. Sites located for special studies 17. Other Monthly measurements are made for physical parameters, bacteria, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, and nutrients. Heavy metals are measured quarterly; pesticides, PCBs, and other organics are measured annually. Secondary stations are sampled once per month from May through October. The criteria used in locating secondary stations are as fol lows: 157 1. Known water quality problem areas; usually located in relation to a smaller discharge. 2. Potential water quality problem areas; these are areas with numerous complaints or nonpoint source problems. 3. Same selection criteria as used for primary stations. Parameter coverage for secondary stations is similar to but less exten- sive than that for primary Stations. Sediment samples are collected once- per year at stations located influent or effluent to a sub-basin, in an environmental sink area, or in a known problem area. Biological stations are located in the headwater reaches of selected major impoundments; in major waterbodies potentially subject to pollution from urban, industrial, or agricultural uses; and in areas of critical value for Uses such as water supply, recreation, or propagation and maintenance of fish and wildlife. Biological monitoring includes identification and enumeration of phytoplankton, aquatic macroinverte- brates, and fish, as well as analysis of finfish and shellfish for toxic materials. A complete description of the monitoring program is presented in the State of South Carolina Monitoring Strategy, a document which is updated annually. 6.4.1. Special Water Quality Studies Forty water quality related studies were conducted during fiscal years 1986 and 1987. These studies were designed and con- ducted to meet a variety of objectives including the acquisition of background data in areas where the data base was minimal to non-existent; known or suspected water quality problem areas; 158 "before and after" studies; data collection for model calibration and/or verification; and ongoing special projects. Data was gathered, depending on the individual study objective, for a variety of media-water, sediment, biota, tissue - and included chemical, physical and/or population dynamics information. Table 6.3.A. lists the locations of intensive surveys conducted during fiscal years 1986 and 1987. 159 Table 6.4.A. Water Quality Studies FY 1986 and FY 1987 South Carolina FY 1986 Stream County Sub-basin Lake Greenwood/Boyd Mill Pond Greenwood 03-08-44-46 Lake Hartwell Pickens/Anderson 03-13-12 Major reservoirs Statewide Statewide Lower Saluda River Richland/Lexington 03-08-38 Unnamed Trib. to Crane Creek Richland 03-08-50 Fairforest Creek Spartanburg 03-08-64 Tributary to Reedy River Greenville 03-08-46 Tributary to 6-mile Creek Richland 03-08-24 Sawney Creek Abbevi lle 03-13-08 Campbell Creek Beaufort 03-09-20 Lake Marion Sumter 03-03-04 Green Swamp Sumter 03-07-14 Unnamed Fee Ponds Spartanburg -- Lawsons Fork Creek Spartanburg 03-08-68 Ransom Creek Spartanburg 03-08-64 Tributary to Ashley River Charleston 03-08-14 Stono River Charleston 03-08-14 Wilson Creek Greenwood 03-08-42 Saluda River Newberry/Greenwood/Saluda 03-08-42 ICWW/Waccamaw River Georgetown 03-07-02 ______________________________________________________________________________ Continued on next page 160 FY 1987 Stream County Sub-basin Bear/Sawneys Creeks Fairfield 03-08-28 Lake Wateree/Fishing Creek Chester/Fairfield 03-08-30-32 Reservoirs Lake Hartwell Pickens/Anderson 03-13-12 Tributary to 18-mile Creek Pickens 03-13-12 Jimmies Creek Spartanburg 03-08-66 Tributary to Winyah Bay Georgetown 03-07-02 Langley Pond Aiken 03-13-06 North Inlet/Winyah Bay Georgetown 03-07-02 Lake Marion Sumter 03-08-04 American Legion Lake Abbeville 03-08-44 Lower Saluda River Richland/Lexington 03-08-38 Lake Greenwood/Bdyd Mill Pond Greenwood/ 03-08-44-46 Lake Edgar Brown Barnwell 03-09-24 Tributary to Catawba River York 03-08-36 Turkey Creek Sumter 03-07-14 North Fork Edisto River Orangeburg 03-09-14 Stono River Charleston 03-08-14 Upper Ashley River Charleston/Dorchester 03-18-18 Church Creek/Bohicket Creek Charleston 03-09-02 Cove-Lake Murray Lexington 03-08-38 161 6.5. Water Reclassifications The Department of Health and Environmental Control is very active with water reclassifications. Most reclassifications are initiated after receiving a written request from an individual, special interest group, or organization. The Department also proposes waters for reclassification where existing water quality is better than required to protect the classified uses or if there are existing uses not recognized by the present classification. During FY 86 and FY 87 the Department held public hearings for four reclassification actions: Matthews Creek-Greenville County, North Inlet Estuary-Georgetown County, Wando River-Berkeley and Charleston Counties, and Chattooga River-Oconee County. The Department also received additional requests during the time period. Table 6.5.A. shows the-current status of all reclassification actions. Water reclassifications are an amendment to a State regulation and, as such, are not effective until approved by the South Carolina General Assembly. Reclassification for the waters listed in'Table 6.5.B. became effective during FY 86 and FY 87. 162 Table 6.5.A. Waters With Reclassifications Effective During FY 1986 - FY 1987 Effective Date: Mlarch 27, 1987 ADAMS CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Bohicket Creek, Class SAA ALLIGATOR CREEK: Colleton County The entire Creek tributary to the South Edisto River, CLass SAA BAILEY CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to St. Pierre Creek, Class SAA BIG BAY CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to the South Edisto River, Class SAA BOHICKET CREEK: Charleston County From Church Creek to Fickling Creek, Class SA; from Fickling Creek to North Edisto River, Class SAA DAWHO RIVER: Charleston County The entire River from the South Edisto River to the North Edisto River', Class SAA FISHING CREEK: Charleston County From its headwaters to a point 2 miles from its mouth, Class SA; from this point to its confluence with St. Pierre Creek, Class SAA FISHING CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Dawho River, Class SAA FRAMPTON INLET: Charleston County The entire Inlet tributary to the Atlantic Ocean, Class SAA FRAMPTON CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Frampton Inlet, Class SAA GARDEN CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Toogoodoo Creek, Class SAA GIBSON CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Wadmalaw River, Class SAA INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY: Charleston County From the South Edisto River to Dawho River, Class SA; from Dawho River to Gibson Creek, Class SAA JEREMY INLET: Charleston County The entire Inlet tributary to the Atlantic ocean, Class SAA Continued on next page. 163 Table 6.5.A. (continued) LEADENWAH CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to the North Edisto River, Class SAA LONG CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Steamboat Creek, Class SAA LOWER TOOGOODOO CREEK: Charleston County From its headwaters to a point 3 miles from its mouth, Class SA; from this point to its confluence with Toogoodoo Creek, Class SAA McLEOD CREEK (also called Tom Point Creek): Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to the North Edisto River, Class SAA MILTON CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to St. Pierre, Class SAA MOSQUITO CREEK: Colleton County That portion of the Creek from Bull Cut to the South Edisto River, Class SAA MUD CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to the South Edisto River, Class SAA NORTH EDISTO RIVER: Charleston County From its headwaters to the Intracoastal Waterway, Class SAA; from the Intracoastal Waterway to Steamboat Creek, Class SA; from Steamboat Creek to the Atlantic ocean, Class SAA OCELLA CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to the North. Edisto River, Class SAA PRIVATEER CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to the North Edisto River, Class SAA RUSSELL CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Dawho River, Class SAA ST. PIERRE CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to the South Edisto River, Class SAA SAMPSON ISLAND CREEK: Colleton County The entire Creek tributary to the South Edisto River, Class SAA SAND CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Steamboat Creek, Class SAA SCOTT CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek from Big Bay Creek to Jermey Inlet, Class SAA SHINGLE CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to St. Pierre Creek, Class SAA SOUTH CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Ocella Creek, Class SAA ______________________________________________________________________________ Continued on next page. 164 Table 6.5.A. (continued) SOUTH EDISTO RIVER: Charleston and Colleton Counties From Dawho River to Mud Creek, Class SAA; from Mud Creek to the Atlantic ocean, Class SA STEAMBOAT CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to the North Edisto River, Class SAA STORE CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to St. Pierre Creek, Class SAA SWINTON CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Lower Toogoodoo Creek, Class SAA TOM POINT CREEK (also called McLeod Creek): Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to the North'Edisto River, Class SAA TOOGOODOO CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to the North Edisto River, Class SAA TOWNSEND RIVER: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Frampton Inlet, Class SAA WADMALAW RIVER: Charleston County That portion of the River from Gibson Creek to the North Edisto River, Class SAA WESTBANK CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to the North Edisto River, Class SAA WHOOPING ISLAND CREEK: Charleston County The entire Creek tributary to Steamboat Creek, Class SAA 6.6 Recommendations * The State continue its point source permitting policy of issuing water quality based NPDES permits. * The State at least maintain, and when resources are available, enhance its current monitoring and assessment strategy. * The State continue its efforts to identify and manage nonpoint sources of water quality impacts contingent on adequate funding. 165