[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 136 (Monday, July 17, 1995)]
[Pages 36598-36627]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-17474]

[[Page 36597]]



Environmental Protection Agency


Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices

Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 136 / Monday, July 17, 1995 / 

[[Page 36598]]


[OPPTS-51841; FRL-4959-3]

Certain Chemicals; Premanufacture Notices

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: Section 5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires 
any person who intends to manufacture or import a new chemical to 
notify EPA and comply with the statutory provisions pertaining to the 
manufacture or import of substances not on the TSCA Inventory. Section 
5 of TSCA also requires EPA to publish receipt and status information 
in the Federal Register each month reporting premanufacture notices 
(PMN), polymer exemption notices and test marketing exemption (TME) 
application requests received, both pending and expired. The 
information contained in this document clears a backlog of notices 
received from October 1994 to March 19, 1995 and monthly status reports 
from October 1994 to April 1995.

ADDRESSES: Written comments, identified by the document control number 
``[OPPTS-51841]'' and the specific PMN number, if appropriate, should 
be sent to: Document Control Office (7407), Office of Pollution 
Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., 
Rm. ETG-099 Washington, DC 20460.
    Comments and data may also be submitted electronically by sending 
electronic mail (e-mail) to: ncic@epamail.epa.gov. Electronic comments 
must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use of special 
characters and any form of encryption. Comments and data will also be 
accepted on disks in WordPerfect in 5.1 file format or ASCII file 
format. All comments and data in electronic form must be identified by 
the docket number [OPPTS-51841]. No CBI should be submitted through e-
mail. Electronic comments on this notice may be filed online at many 
Federal Depository Libraries. Additional information on electronic 
submissions can be found under ``SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION'' of this 

Environmental Assistance Division (7408), Office of Pollution 
Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, Rm. E-545, 401 
M St., SW., Washington, DC, 20460, (202) 554-1404, TDD (202) 554-0551. 
e-mail: TSCA-hotline@epamail.epa.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the provisions of TSCA, EPA is 
required to publish notice of receipt and status reports of chemicals 
subject to section 5 reporting requirements. The notice requirements 
are provided in TSCA sections 5(d)(2) and 5(d)(3). Specifically, EPA is 
required to provide notice of receipt of PMNs, polymer exemption 
notices and TME application requests received. EPA also is required to 
identify those chemical submissions for which data has been received, 
the uses or intended uses of such chemicals, and the nature of any test 
data which may have been developed. Lastly, EPA is required to provide 
periodic status reports of all chemical substances undergoing review 
and receipt of notices of commencement.
    A record has been established for this notice under docket number 
``[OPPTS-51841]'' (including comments and data submitted electronically 
as described below). A public version of this record, including 
printed, paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include 
any information claimed as confidential business information (CBI), is 
available for inspection from 12 noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
excluding legal holidays. The public record is located in the TSCA 
Nonconfidential Information Center (NCIC), Rm. NEM-B607, 401 M St., 
SW., Washington, DC 20460.
    Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:

    Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
use of special characters and any form of encryption.
    The official record for this notice, as well as the public version, 
as described above will be kept in paper form. Accordingly, EPA will 
transfer all comments received electronically into printed, paper form 
as they are received and will place the paper copies in the official 
record which will also include all comments submitted directly in 
writing. The official record is the paper record maintained at the 
address in ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this document.
    In the past, EPA has published individual notices reflecting the 
status of section 5 filings received, pending or expired, as well as 
notices reflecting receipt of notices of commencement. In an effort to 
become more responsive to the regulated community, the users of this 
information and the general public, to comply with the requirements of 
TSCA, to conserve EPA resources, and to streamline the process and make 
it more timely, EPA is consolidating these separate notices into one 
comprehensive notice that will be issued at regular intervals.
    EPA believes the new format of the notice will be easier to 
understand by the interested public, and provides the information that 
is of greatest interest to the public users. Certain information 
provided in the earlier notices will not be provided under the new 
format. The status reports of substances under review, potential 
production volume, and summaries of health and safety data will not be 
provided in the new notices.
    EPA is not providing production volume information in the 
consolidated notice since such information is generally claimed as 
confidential. For this reason, there is no substantive loss to the 
public in not publishing the data. Health and safety data are not 
summarized in the notice since it is recognized as impossible, given 
the format of this notice, as well as the previous style of notices, to 
provide meaningful information on the subject. In those submissions 
where health and safety data were received by the Agency, a footnote is 
included by the Manufacturer/Importer identity to indicate its 
existence. As stated below, interested persons may contact EPA directly 
to secure information on such studies. As stated in the previous 
paragraph, while generic use information is not included in this notice 
all future notices shall carry this information.
    For persons who are interested in data not included in this notice, 
access can be secured at EPA Headquarters in the NCIC at the address 
provided above. Additionally, interested parties may telephone the 
Document Control Office at (202) 260-1532, TDD (202) 554-0551, for 
generic use information, health and safety data not claimed as 
confidential or status reports on section 5 filings.
    Send all comments to the address listed above. All comments 
received will be reviewed and appropriate amendments will be made as 
deemed necessary.
    This notice will identify: (I) PMNs received; (II) Polymer 
exemptions received; (III) TMEs received; and (IV) Notices of 
Commencement to manufacture/import.

I. 877 Premanufacture Notices Received From: 10/01/94 to 03/19/95.


[[Page 36599]]
                                            Projected Notice       Manufacturer/                                
      Case No.           Received Date          End Date             Importer                  Chemical         
P-95-0001            10/03/94             12/29/94             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester polyurethane  
P-95-0002            10/03/94             12/29/94             CBI\1\               (G) Thermoplastic polyimide 
P-95-0003            10/03/94             01/01/95             Dow Corning\1\       (G) Organofunctional silica 
P-95-0004            10/03/94             01/01/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted butane      
P-95-0005            10/03/94             01/01/95             Swan Industries,     (G) Modified sodium silicate
P-95-0006            10/04/94             01/02/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (S) A polymer of: bisphenol 
                                                                                     A, epichlorohydrine        
                                                                                     polypropyleneglycol 1010;  
                                                                                     bisphenol A;               
                                                                                     diethanolamine; N,N-       
                                                                                     dimethylaminopropylamine; 2-
                                                                                     ethylhexylamine; acetic    
P-95-0007            10/04/94             01/02/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (S) A polymer of:           
                                                                                     te; N,N-                   
                                                                                     formic acid                
P-95-0008            10/04/94             01/02/95             CBI\1\               (G) Poly (acrylate alkyl    
                                                                                     ester/ acryl acid/ vinyl   
P-95-0009            10/04/94             01/02/95             S.C. Johnson & Son,  G) Acrylic emulsion polymer 
P-95-0010            10/04/94             01/02/95             S. C. Johnson &      (G) Acrylic emulsion polymer
                                                                Son, Inc.\1\                                    
P-95-0011            10/04/94             01/02/95             Henkel               (G) Branched poly ester/    
                                                                Corporation\1\       ether                      
P-95-0012            10/05/94             01/03/95             CBI\1\               (G) 2-Propenoic acid,       
                                                                                     reaction products with     
                                                                                     alkylene glycol            
P-95-0013            10/06/94             01/04/95             CBI\1\               (G) Water-borne polyurethane
P-95-0014            10/05/94             01/03/95             Westvaco\1\          (G) Rosin, maleated polymer,
                                                                                     with substituted phenols,  
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde and       
P-95-0015            10/07/94             01/05/95             Ciba-Geigy           (G) Tetra-substituted       
                                                                Corporation\1\       benzeneproponanilide       
P-95-0016            10/07/94             01/05/95             Ciba-Geigy           (G) Substituted phenyl azo  
                                                                Corporation\1\       substituted phenyl azo     
                                                                                     naphthalenesulfonic acid   
P-95-0017            10/07/94             01/05/95             MTM Hardwicke,       (S) 1-Bromo-2, 5-           
                                                                Inc.\1\              dimethoxybenzene           
P-95-0018            10/07/94             01/05/95             Huls America Inc.    (G) Dialkyl malonate, alkyl 
                                                                                     alkenoate polymer          
P-95-0019            10/07/94             01/05/95             Unichema North       (G) Polyester polyol        
P-95-0020            10/07/94             01/05/95             Unichema North       (G) Polyester polyol        
P-95-0021            10/07/94             01/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Urethane dicarbamate    
P-95-0022            10/11/94             01/09/95             Ciba-Geigy           (G) Substituted phenyl azo  
                                                                Corporation\1\       substituted phenyl amino   
                                                                                     triazinyl substituted      
P-95-0023            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Hydrofluorocarbon ethers
P-95-0024            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Chloroformate of        
                                                                                     ethoxylated alcohol        
P-95-0025            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0026            10/11/94              01/09/95            CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0027            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0028            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0029            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0030            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0031            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0032            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0033            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0034            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0035            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0036            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0037            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0038            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0039            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0040            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0041            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0042            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0043            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0044            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         

[[Page 36600]]
P-95-0045            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0046            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0047            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0048            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0049            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0050            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0051            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0052            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0053            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0054            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0055            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0056            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0057            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0058            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0059            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0060            10/11/94             01/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0061            10/12/94             01/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-95-0062            10/12/94             01/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-95-0063            10/12/94             01/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-95-0064            10/12/94             01/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-95-0065            10/12/94             01/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-95-0066            10/12/94             01/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-95-0067            10/12/94             01/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-95-0068            10/12/94             01/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-95-0069            10/12/94             01/10/95             Adhesives Research,  (G) Acrylic polymer         
P-95-0070            10/12/94             01/10/95             Shipley Company,     (G) Phenolic novolak resin  
P-95-0071            10/12/94             01/10/95             Ciba-Geigy           (S) A polymer of:           
                                                                Corporation\1\       triethylene glycol         
                                                                                     dimercaptan; 2,4,6-        
                                                                                     phenol; epoxy phenolic     
                                                                                     novolac resin; bisphenol A 
                                                                                     epoxy resin                
P-95-0072            10/13/94             01/11/95             Eastman Kodak        (G) Substituted             
                                                                Company\1\           aminophenylacetamide       
P-95-0073            10/13/94             01/11/95             CBI                  (G) Amine functional epoxy  
                                                                                     resin salted with an       
                                                                                     organic acid               
P-95-0074            10/13/94             01/11/95             CBI\1\               (G) Amine functional epoxy  
                                                                                     resin salted with an       
                                                                                     organic acid               
P-95-0075            10/13/94             01/11/95             CBI\1\               (G) Amine functional epoxy  
                                                                                     resin salted with an       
                                                                                     organic acid               
P-95-0076            10/13/94             01/11/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted phenolate   
P-95-0077            10/13/94             01/11/95             E.I. Dupont de       (G) Methyl 2-(aminosulfonyl)-
                                                                Nemours & Co.,       6-substituted-3-           
                                                                Inc.\1\              pyrinecarboxylate          
P-95-0078            10/14/94             01/12/95             EMS American Grilon  (S) Reaction product of p-  
                                                                Inc.                 tert butyl phenol with     
                                                                                     formaldehyde and with mets-
                                                                                     xylylene diamine           
P-95-0079            10/14/94             01/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Isomer mixture of       
                                                                                     oxabicycloalkane, alkyl-1- 
P-95-0080            10/14/94             01/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyarylphenol          
                                                                                     ethoxylate derivative      
P-95-0081            10/14/94             0195                 CBI\1\               (G) 3-Cycloalkene-1-        
                                                                                     carboxaldehyde, alkyl-1-   
P-95-0082            10/14/94             01/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) 3-Cycloalkene-1-        
                                                                                     methanol, alkyl-1-(trialkyl-
P-95-0083            10/14/94             01/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) 3-Cycloalkene-1-        
                                                                                     acetaldehyde, trialkyl-    
P-95-0084            10/14/94             01/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Modified acrylic polymer
P-95-0085            10/14/94             01/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted naphthalene 
                                                                                     sulfonic acid, alkali salt 
P-95-0086            10/17/94             01/15/95             Ciba-Geigy           (G) Benzenesulfonic acid    
                                                                Corporation\1\       amino substituted phenyl   
P-95-0087            10/17/94             01/15/95             Essex Speciality     (G) Hydroxyl functional     
                                                                Products, Inc.\1\    polycarbonyl (polyalkylene 
                                                                                     oxide) polyurea oligomer   
P-95-0088            10/17/94             01/15/95             Essex Speciality     (G) Hydroxyl functional     
                                                                Products, Inc.\1\    polycarbonyl (polyalkylene 
                                                                                     oxide) polyurea oligomer   

[[Page 36601]]
P-95-0089            10/17/94             01/15/95             Essex Speciality     (G) Hydroxyl functional     
                                                                Products, Inc.\1\    polycarbonyl (polyalkylene 
                                                                                     oxide) polyurea oligomer   
P-95-0090            10/17/94             01/15/95             E. F. Houghton &     (S) Amine, cocoalkyl,       
                                                                Company\1\           ethoxylated compounds with 
                                                                                     cyclododecanone-nitric acid
                                                                                     reaction product with      
                                                                                     boiling fraction and       
                                                                                     isonanoic acid             
P-95-0091            10/18/94             01/16/95             CBI\1\               (G) Salt of a phosphate     
P-95-0092            10/18/94             01/16/95             Wacker Silicones     (G) Copolymer of            
                                                                Corporation\1\       vinylacetate a higher      
                                                                                     vinylester and acrylic     
P-95-0093            10/18/94             01/16/95             3M \1\               (G) Hydrofluorocarbon       
P-95-0094            10/18/94             01/16/95             Essex Speciality     (G) Glycol diisocyanate     
                                                                Products, Inc.\1\    oligomer                   
P-95-0095            10/18/94             01/16/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (G) Urethane adduct of      
                                                                                     polyvinyl butyral polymer  
                                                                                     and isocyanatoethyl        
P-95-0096            10/18/94             01/16/95             Ciba-Geigy           (S) A polymer of: bisphenol 
                                                                Corporation\1\       A epoxy resin; bisphenol F 
                                                                                     epoxy resin; carboxy       
                                                                                     terminated vinyl           
P-95-0097            10/18/94             01/16/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acyl phosphine oxide    
P-95-0098            10/18/94             01/16/95             CBI\1\               (G) High solids acrylic     
                                                                                     modified alkyd             
P-95-0099            10/18/94             01/16/95             Kerr-McGee           (S) Lithium manganese oxide,
                                                                Corporation E&P\1\   spine                      
P-95-0100            10/18/94             01/16/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyolefin phenolic     
P-95-0101            10/18/94             01/16/95             CBI\1\               (G) Carboxfunctional        
P-95-0102            10/18/94             01/16/95             CBI\1\               (G) Carboxfunctional        
P-95-0103            10/18/94             01/16/95             Shell Oil            (S) A polymer of: 1,4-      
                                                                Company\1\           benzenedicarboxylic acid;  
P-95-0104            10/18/94             01/16/95             Shell Oil            (S) A polymer of: 1,4-      
                                                                Company\1\           benzenedicarboxylic acid;  
                                                                                     1,3 benzenedicarboxylic    
                                                                                     acid; 1,3-propanediol      
P-95-0105            10/18/94             01/16/95             Ashland Chemical     (G) Unsaturated polyester   
P-95-0106            10/18/94             01/16/95             Dow Corning\1\       (G)                         
P-95-0107            10/18/94             01/16/95             Dow Elanco\1\        (G) Substituted pyrimidine  
P-95-0108            10/18/94             01/16/95             Dow Elanco\1\        (G) Substituted pyrimidine  
P-95-0109            10/18/94             01/16/95             Dow Elanco\1\        (G) Substituted pyrimidine  
P-95-0110            10/18/94             01/16/95             Dow Elanco\1\        (G) Substituted pyrimidine  
P-95-0111            10/18/94             01/16/95             Dow Elanco\1\        (G) Substituted pyrimidine  
P-95-0112            10/18/94             01/16/95             Dow Elanco\1\        (G) Substituted pyrimidine  
P-95-0113            10/18/94             01/16/95             Dow Elanco\1\        (G) Substituted triazolo    
P-95-0114            10/18/94             01/16/95             Dow Elanco\1\        (G) Substituted triazolo    
P-95-0115            10/18/94             01/16/95             Dow Elanco\1\        (G) Substituted aniline     
P-95-0116            10/19/94             01/17/95             Unimac Company,      (G) Cleaning detergent      
P-95-0117            10/19/94             01/17/95             Unimac Company,      (G) Cleaning detergent      
P-95-0118            10/19/94             01/17/95             Unimac Company,      (G) Cleaning detergent      
P-95-0119            10/19/94             01/17/95             Bedoukian Research,  (S) 3,6-Nonadien-1-ol, (?,Z)-
P-95-0120            10/19/94             01/17/95             3M\1\                (G) Fluorinated             
P-95-0121            10/20/94             01/18/95             CBI\1\               (S) 2-Propenoic acid,       
                                                                                     polymer with butyl-2-      
                                                                                     propenoate, methyl 2-methyl-
                                                                                     2-propenoate, and 3-oxo-, 2-
                                                                                     propenyl)oxy) ethyl        
                                                                                     butanoate reaction product 
                                                                                     with ammonia               
P-95-0122            10/20/94             01/18/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic polymer         
P-95-0123            10/20/94             01/18/95             CBI\1\               (G) Modified acrylic polymer
P-95-0124            10/20/94             01/18/95             CBI\1\               (G) Modified acrylic polymer
P-95-0125            10/18/94             01/16/95             Gelest, Inc.\1\      (S) 3-Cyanopropyl           
                                                                                     (diisopropyl)dimethyl amino
P-95-0126            10/20/94             01/18/95             CBI\1\               (G) Oil modified polyester  
                                                                                     or alkyd resin             
P-95-0127            10/24/94             01/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Difunctional ketoximino 

[[Page 36602]]
P-95-0128            10/24/94             01/22/95             Rhone Poulenc        (G) Polysaccharide          
P-95-0129            10/24/94             01/22/95             Witco Chemical       (S) Fatty acids, C16-18 and 
                                                                Corporation\1\       C18 unsat'd. reaction      
                                                                                     products with triethanol   
                                                                                     amine, dimethyl sulfate-   
P-95-0130            10/24/94             01/22/95             Omya, Inc.\1\        (G) Saturated polyester     
P-95-0131            10/24/94             01/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Dicarboxylic acid ester 
P-95-0132            10/24/94             01/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Amine functional        
                                                                                     polyester polyol           
P-95-0133            10/24/94             01/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Amine functional        
                                                                                     polyester polyol           
P-95-0134            10/24/94             01/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Amine functional        
                                                                                     polyester polyol           
P-95-0135            10/24/94             01/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Amine functional        
                                                                                     polyester polyol           
P-95-0136            10/24/94             01/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Amine functional        
                                                                                     polyester polyol           
P-95-0137            10/24/94             01/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Amine functional        
                                                                                     polyester polyol           
P-95-0138            10/24/94             01/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Amine functional        
                                                                                     polyester polyol           
P-95-0139            10/24/94             01/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Amine functional        
                                                                                     polyester polyol           
P-95-0140            10/24/94             01/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Blocked polyisocyanate  
P-95-0141            10/25/94             01/23/95             OCG Microelectronic  (G) Polyhalomethyl          
                                                                Materials, Inc.\1\   substituted triazine       
P-95-0142            10/25/94             01/23/95             CBI\1\               (G) Alkyl modified          
P-95-0143            10/25/94             01/23/95             CBI\1\               (G) Alkylamine salt         
P-95-0144            10/25/94             01/23/95             Mona Industries,     (S) [Phosphinylidynetris    
                                                                Inc.\1\              (oxy) tris [3-aminopropyl -
                                                                                     18-alkyl] trichlorides     
P-95-0145            10/25/94             01/23/95             CBI\1\               (G) Hexanedioic acid dialkyl
P-95-0146            10/25/94             01/23/95             CBI\1\               (G) Molybdenum dialkyl      
P-95-0147            10/26/94             01/24/95             Eastman Kodak        (G) Substituted sulfonamido 
                                                                Company\1\           substituted aromatic       
P-95-0148            10/26/94             01/24/95             CBI\1\               (G) Poly(quarternary        
                                                                                     ammonium salt) grafted     
                                                                                     styrene acrylate copolymer 
P-95-0149            10/27/94             01/25/95             E.I. Dupont de       (G) Phosphorylated          
                                                                Nemours & Co.,       polyglycol acylate         
P-95-0150            10/27/94             01/25/95             Hexcel               (G) Amine terminated epoxy  
                                                                Corporation\1\       polymer                    
P-95-0151            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic polymer         
P-95-0152            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic polymer         
P-95-0153            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic polymer         
P-95-0154            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic polymer         
P-95-0155            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic polymer         
P-95-0156            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic polymer         
P-95-0157            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic polymer         
P-95-0158            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic polymer         
P-95-0159            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Carbamate acrylic       
P-95-0160            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Carbamate acrylic       
P-95-0161            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Carbamate acrylic       
P-95-0162            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Carbamate acrylic       
P-95-0163            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Carbamate acrylic       
P-95-0164            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Carbamate acrylic       
P-95-0165            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Carbamate acrylic       
P-95-0166            10/27/94             01/25/95             CBI\1\               (G) Carbamate acrylic       
P-95-0167            10/31/94             01/29/95             CBI\1\               (G) Alkenyl succinic acid,  
                                                                                     ester with polyhydric      
P-95-0168            10/31/94             01/29/95             Albright & Wilson    (S) Phosphonic acid, 1,1-   
                                                                Inc.\1\              methylenebis-tetrakis(1-   
                                                                                     methylethyl) ester         
P-95-0169            10/31/94             01/29/95             Mitsubishi Chemical  (S) Morpholine, 4-(1-oxo-2- 
                                                                Industries           propenyl)-                 
                                                                America, Inc.\1\                                
P-95-0170            10/31/94             01/29/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: carboxylic
                                                                                     acids, di C4-6; soybean    
                                                                                     oil, epoxidized            

[[Page 36603]]
P-95-0171            10/31/94             01/29/95             CBI\1\               (G) Divinylbenzene/         
                                                                                     methacrylic acid copolymer 
P-95-0172            10/31/94             01/29/95             CBI\1\               (G) Divinylbenzene/         
                                                                                     methacrylic acid copolymer,
                                                                                     sodium salt                
P-95-0173            10/31/94             01/29/95             CBI\1\               (G) Divinylbenzene/         
                                                                                     methacrylic acid copolymer,
                                                                                     potassium salt             
P-95-0174            10/31/94             01/29/95             CBI\1\               (G) Ethanol,                
                                                                                     henyl]alkylamino]-, acetate
P-95-0175            11/02/94             01/31/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted purine,     
                                                                                     metal salt                 
P-95-0176            11/02/94             01/31/95             CBI\1\               (G) Modified acrylate ester 
P-95-0177            11/01/94             01/30/95             CBI\1\               (G) Hydrogenated fatty acid,
                                                                                     amide with 1,3 dioxolan-2- 
                                                                                     one alkoxylated            
P-95-0178            11/02/94             01/31/95             Eastman Kodak\1\     (S) A polymer of:           
                                                                                     terephthalic acid; 2,6-    
                                                                                     naphthalene dicarboxylic   
                                                                                     acid; 1,4-hydroquinone     
                                                                                     diacetate; P-acetoxybenzoic
P-95-0179            11/02/94             01/31/95             Eastman Kodak\1\     (S) A polymer of:           
                                                                                     terephthalic acid; 2,6-    
                                                                                     naphthalene dicarboxylic   
                                                                                     acid; 1,4-hydroquinone; P- 
                                                                                     hydroxybenzoic acid; acetic
P-95-0180            11/02/94             01/31/95             BASF Wyandotte       (G) Isocyanate polymer      
P-95-0181            11/02/94             01/31/95             CBI\1\               (G) Crosslinked unsaturated 
                                                                                     polyester-styrene resin    
P-95-0182            11/02/94             01/31/95             CBI\1\               (G) Crosslinked unsaturated 
                                                                                     polyester-styrene resin    
P-95-0183            11/02/94             01/31/95             CBI\1\               (G) Crosslinked unsaturated 
                                                                                     polyester-styrene resin    
P-95-0184            11/02/94             01/31/95             CBI\1\               (G) Crosslinked unsaturated 
                                                                                     polyester-styrene resin    
P-95-0185            11/03/94             02/01/95                                  (G) Saturated polyester     
P-95-0186            11/03/94             02/01/95             CBI\1\               (G) Siloxanes and silicones,
                                                                                     di-me, polyether modified  
P-95-0187            11/04/94             02/02/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane            
P-95-0188            11/04/94             02/02/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyaryl and alkyl      
                                                                                     substituted 1,3-dioxane    
P-95-0189            11/04/94             02/02/95             Sachem, Inc.\1\      (S) A polymer of:           
                                                                                     tetrabutylammonium sulfate 
P-95-0190            11/07/94             02/05/95             Avery                (G) Non-volatile acrylic    
                                                                International\1\     polymer                    
P-95-0191            11/08/94             02/06/95             CBI\1\               (G) Epoxy isocyanate adduct 
P-95-0192            11/08/94             02/06/95             3M \1\               (G) Perfluoropolyether      
P-95-0193            11/08/94             02/06/95             3M\1\                (G) Perfluoropolyether      
P-95-0194            11/08/94             02/06/95             3M\1\                (G) Perfluoropolyether diol 
P-95-0195            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic copolymer salt  
P-95-0196            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic copolymer salt  
P-95-0197            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic copolymer salt  
P-95-0198            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic copolymer salt  
P-95-0199            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic copolymer salt  
P-95-0200            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic copolymer salt  
P-95-0201            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic copolymer salt  
P-95-0202            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic copolymer salt  
P-95-0203            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic copolymer salt  
P-95-0204            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic copolymer salt  
P-95-0205            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylic copolymer salt  
P-95-0206            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin maleic anhydride, 
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenol,        
P-95-0207            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenol,        
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     pentaerythritol ester      
P-95-0208            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenol,        
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     triglyceride coester       
P-95-0209            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenol,        
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, triglyceride      
P-95-0210            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenol,        
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     pentaerythritol ester      
P-95-0211            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenol,        
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     triglyceride coester       

[[Page 36604]]
P-95-0212            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, triglyceride      
P-95-0213            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     pentaerythritol ester      
P-95-0214            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     triglyceride coester       
P-95-0215            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, triglyceride      
P-95-0216            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     pentaerythritol ester      
P-95-0217            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reacion   
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     triglyceride coester       
P-95-0218            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, triglyceride      
P-95-0219            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     pentaerythritol ester      
P-95-0220            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     triglyceride coester       
P-95-0221            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, triglyceride      
P-95-0222            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde reaction  
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     pentaerythritol ester      
P-95-0223            11/09/94             02/07/95             Akzo Nobel           (G) Rosin, maleic anhydride,
                                                                Chemicals Inc.\1\    substituted phenols,       
                                                                                     parformaldehyde reaction   
                                                                                     product, fatty acid,       
                                                                                     triglyceride coester       
P-95-0224            11/09/94             02/07/95             International        (S) 2-Propenoic acid, 2-    
                                                                Specialty            methyl, 2-(dimethylamino)  
                                                                Products\1\          ethyl ester, polymer w/1-  
                                                                                     2-one and vinylpyrrolidone 
P-95-0225            11/09/94             02/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Aqueous polyurethane    
P-95-0226            11/09/94             02/07/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (G) Hydroxyl groups         
                                                                                     containing acrylic         
P-95-0227            11/09/94             02/07/95             Huls America         (G) Thiocyanatodisiloxane   
P-95-0228            11/10/94             02/08/95             CBI\1\               (G) Depleted metal oxide    
P-95-0229            11/10/94             02/08/95             CBI\1\               (G) Hydroxy-functional      
P-95-0230            11/10/94             02/08/95             Ciba-Geigy           (G) Diketo-pyrrolpyrrol     
P-95-0231            11/10/94             02/08/95             Reichhold            (G) Polyester resin         
                                                                Chemicals, Inc.\1\                              
P-95-0232            11/10/94             02/08/95             CBI\1\               (G) Alkyl substituted indole
P-95-0233            11/10/94             02/08/95             CBI\1\               (G) Trialkyl substituted    
P-95-0234            11/10/94             02/08/95             CBI\1\               (G) Bis indole substituted  
P-95-0235            11/10/94             02/08/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzoyl     
                                                                                     benzoic acid               
P-95-0236            11/10/94             02/08/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted             
P-95-0237            11/10/94             02/08/95             Ciba-Geigy           (G) Carboxylic acid         
                                                                Corporation\1\       derivative                 
P-95-0238            11/10/94             02/08/95             Ciba-Geigy           (G) Carboxylic acid         
                                                                Corporation\1\       derivative                 
P-95-0239            11/14/94             02/12/95             OM Group, Inc.\1\    (S) Bismuth naphthenate     
P-95-0240            11/14/94             02/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Azochromium complex     
                                                                                     dyestuff preparation       
P-95-0241            11/15/94             02/13/95             CBI\1\               (G) Perfluoroalkylethyl     
                                                                                     acrylate copolymer         
P-95-0242            11/15/94             02/13/95             CBI\1\               (G) Modified acrylonitrile- 
                                                                                     styrene resin              
P-95-0243            11/16/94             02/14/95             Enzymol              (G) Poly alkylphenol        
P-95-0244            11/16/94             02/14/95             E.I. Dupont de       (G) Sodium group IVA metal  
                                                                Nemours & Co.,       hydroxyalkanoate           
P-95-0245            11/16/94             02/14/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0246            11/16/94             02/14/95             CBI\1\               (G) Silicon-modified        
                                                                                     polyester resin            
P-95-0247            11/16/94             02/14/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0248            11/17/94             02/15/95             Wacker Silicones     (G) Aminofunctional         
                                                                Corporation\1\       siliconate                 

[[Page 36605]]
P-95-0249            11/17/94             02/15/95             Wacker Silicones     (G) Aminofunctional         
                                                                Corporation\1\       polydimethylsiloxane       
P-95-0250            11/17/94             02/15/95             Henkel               (G) Fatty alcohol ester     
P-95-0251            11/17/94             02/15/95             Henkel               (G) Fatty alcohol ester     
P-95-0252            11/17/94             02/15/95             Henkel               (G) Poly alkyl ester vinyl  
                                                                Corporation\1\       polymer                    
P-95-0253            11/17/94             02/15/95             Henkel               (G) Poly alkyl ester vinyl  
                                                                Corporation\1\       polymer                    
P-95-0254            11/17/94             02/15/95             Henkel               (G) Poly alkyl ester vinyl  
                                                                Corporation\1\       polymer                    
P-95-0255            11/18/94             02/16/95             CBI\1\               (G) Aliphatic polyisocyanate
P-95-0256            11/18/94             02/16/95             CBI\1\               (G) Tung phenolic varnish   
P-95-0257            11/21/94             02/19/95             CBI\1\               (G) Compounded polymeric    
P-95-0258            11/21/94             02/19/95             Dow Chemical         (G) Ziegler catalyst        
                                                                U.S.A.\1\            alkoxide premix II         
P-95-0259            11/21/94             02/19/95             Biesterfield U.S.,   (S) A polymer of:           
                                                                Incorporated\1\      dichlorosilane; ammonia    
P-95-0260            11/21/94             02/19/95             Hercules-Sanyo       (G) Styrene-acrylic resin   
P-95-0261            11/21/94             02/19/95             Hercules-Sanyo       (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0262            11/21/94             02/19/95             Hercules-Sanyo       (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0263            11/21/94             02/19/95             Hercules-Sanyo       (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0264            11/21/94             02/19/95             Hercules-Sanyo       (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0265            11/21/94             02/19/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: linoleic  
                                                                                     acid; benzoic acid;        
                                                                                     glycerol; pentaerythritol; 
                                                                                     phthalic anhydride         
P-95-0266            11/21/94             02/19/95             Great Lakes          (S) Furan, 2-               
                                                                Chemical             [(hexyloxy)methyl]tetrahydr
                                                                Corporation\1\       o-                         
P-95-0267            11/21/94             02/19/95             Phillips Petroleum   (G) Alkyl substituted       
                                                                Company\1\           heterocycle                
P-95-0268            11/21/94             02/19/95             Phillips Petroleum   (G) Olefin catalyst         
P-95-0269            11/22/94             02/20/95             Inolex Chemical      (S) Fatty acids, tall-oil,  
                                                                Company\1\           compounds with N-[3-       
                                                                                     (dimethylamino)propyl] tall-
                                                                                     oil amides                 
P-95-0270            11/22/94             02/20/95             Spies Hecker,        (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                Inc\1\               propenoic acid; 2-methyl-2-
                                                                                     propenoic acid N-butyl     
                                                                                     ester; 2-propenoic acid    
                                                                                     ethylhexyl ester; styrene; 
                                                                                     2-methyl-2-propenoic acid  
                                                                                     methyl ester; 2-methyl-2-  
                                                                                     propenoic acid             
                                                                                     hydroxypropyl ester; 1,3-  
                                                                                     isobenzofurandione; di-    
P-95-0271            11/22/94             02/20/95             Spies Hecker,        (S) A polymer of: glycidyl  
                                                                Inc\1\               neodecanoate; 2-propenoic  
                                                                                     acid; 2-methylpropenoic    
                                                                                     acid isobutyl ester; 2-    
                                                                                     propenoic acid isobutyl    
                                                                                     ester; 2-methylpropenoic   
                                                                                     acid 2-ethyl hexyl ester; 2-
                                                                                     methylpropenoic acid 2-    
                                                                                     hydroxyethyl ester; 2-     
                                                                                     methylpropenoic acid       
                                                                                     hydroxypropyl ester;       
                                                                                     styrene; di-tert-          
P-95-0272            11/22/94             02/20/95             Spies Hecker,        (S) A polymer of: 2-methyl-2-
                                                                Inc.\1\              propenoic acid 2-ethylhexyl
                                                                                     ester; ethenylbenzene; 2-  
                                                                                     propenoic acid 4-          
                                                                                     hydroxybutylester; 2-methyl-
                                                                                     2-propenoic acid           
                                                                                     oxiranylmethyl ester; 2-   
                                                                                     ethylhexaneperoxoic acid   
                                                                                     1,1-dimethylethyl ester    
P-95-0273            11/22/94             02/20/95             Spies Hecker,        (S) A polymer of: 1,6-      
                                                                Inc.\1\              hexanediol; 2-ethyl-       
                                                                                     propanediol; 1,4-          
                                                                                     cyclohexane dicarboxylic   
                                                                                     acid; isophorone           
                                                                                     hexahydrophthalic acid; 2- 
P-95-0274            11/22/94             02/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Phenylenebis[imino      
                                                                                     phenyl)azo, sodium salt    
P-95-0275            11/22/94             02/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Etherified urea phenolic
P-95-0276            11/22/94             02/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Unsaturated polyurethane
P-95-0277            11/22/94             02/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Unsaturated polyurethane
P-95-0278            11/22/94             02/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Unsaturated polyurethane
P-95-0279            11/22/94             02/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Unsaturated polyurethane
P-95-0280            11/22/94             02/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Unsaturated polyurethane

[[Page 36606]]
P-95-0281            11/22/94             02/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Unsaturated polyurethane
P-95-0282            11/22/94             02/20/95             CBI                  (G)                         
P-95-0283            11/22/94             02/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Monosubstituted         
                                                                                     cycloaliphatic isocyanate, 
                                                                                     urethane with hydroxyalkyl 
                                                                                     substituted heterocycle    
P-95-0284            11/23/94             02/21/95             CBI\1\               (G) Phosporic acid          
P-95-0285            11/23/94             02/21/95             CBI\1\               (G) Neutralized polymer of  
                                                                                     aliphatic and aromatic     
P-95-0286            11/23/94             02/21/95             CBI\1\               (G) Neutralized polymer of  
                                                                                     aliphatic and aromatic     
P-95-0287            11/23/94             02/21/95             CBI\1\               (G) Neutralized polymer of  
                                                                                     aliphatic and aromatic     
P-95-0288            11/23/94             02/21/95             CBI\1\               (G) Neutralized polymer of  
                                                                                     aliphatic and aromatic     
P-95-0289            11/23/94             02/21/95             CBI\1\               (G) Neutralized polymer of  
                                                                                     aliphatic and aromatic     
P-95-0290            11/23/94             02/21/95             3M\1\                (S) Reaction products of:   
                                                                                     benzene, reaction products 
                                                                                     with chlorine and sulfur   
                                                                                     chloride (S2Cl2),          
                                                                                     chlorides; methanol, sodium
                                                                                     salt; and phenol, 4,4'-    
P-95-0291            11/25/94             02/23/95             CBI\1\               (G) Imidazole copolymer     
P-95-0292            11/25/94             02/23/95             Ciba-Geigy           (G) 4,4'-(1-                
                                                                Corporation\1\       methylethylidene)bis(2,6-  
                                                                                     dibromophenol), polymer    
                                                                                     with (chloromethyl)oxirane,
P-95-0293            11/25/94             02/23/95             UOP\1\               (S) Cyclohexanamine, 4,4'-  
                                                                                     methylenebis [N (1-        
P-95-0294            11/25/94             02/23/95             UOP\1\               (S) Cyclohexanamine, 4,4'-  
                                                                                     methylenebis [2-methyl-N-(1-
P-95-0295            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Inorganic metal complex 
P-95-0296            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0297            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0298            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0299            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0300            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0301            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0302            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0303            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0304            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0305            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0306            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0307            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0308            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0309            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0310            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0311            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0312            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0313            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0314            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0315            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0316            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0317            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0318            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0319            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0320            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0321            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0322            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0323            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0324            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0325            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          

[[Page 36607]]
P-95-0326            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0327            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0328            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0329            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0330            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0331            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0332            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted benzene     
                                                                                     metal halide salt          
P-95-0333            11/29/94             02/27/95             Jowat                (G) Moisture curing         
                                                                Corporation\1\       polyurethane               
P-95-0334            11/29/94             02/27/95             Jowat                (G) Moisture curing         
                                                                Corporation\1\       polyurethane               
P-95-0335            11/29/94             02/27/95             Jowat                (G) Moisture curing         
                                                                Corporation\1\.      polyurethane               
P-95-0336            11/29/94             02/27/95             Jowat                (G) Moisture curing         
                                                                Corporation\1\.      polyurethane               
P-95-0337            11/29/94             02/27/95             Jowat                (G) Moisture curing         
                                                                Corporation\1\.      polyurethane               
P-95-0338            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acetylenic alcohol      
P-95-0339            11/29/94             02/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyacrylate/           
P-95-0340            11/30/94             02/28/95             Dic Trading (USA)    (S) Perchloric acid, lithium
                                                                Inc.\1\              salt, trihydrate           
P-95-0341            12/01/94             03/01/95             Henkel               (G) Difunctional aliphatic  
                                                                Corporation\1\       acrylourethane oligomer    
P-95-0342            12/02/94             03/02/95             CBI\1\               (G) Modified amidoamine     
P-95-0343            12/02/94             03/02/95             CBI\1\               (G) Diethanolamine salt of a
                                                                                     phosphated polycaprolactone
P-95-0344            12/05/94             03/05/95             Dow Corning\1\       (S) Trisiloxane,            
P-95-0345            12/06/94             03/06/95             OSI Specialties,     (S) Siloxanes and silicones,
                                                                Inc.\1\              di-me, reaction products   
                                                                                     with silicic acid          
                                                                                     trimethylsilyl ester and   
                                                                                     modified silica            
P-95-0346            12/06/94             03/06/95             Cytec Industries\1\  (G) Polyurea prepolymer     
P-95-0347            12/06/94             03/06/95             CBI\1\               (G) Phenoic resin salt      
P-95-0348            12/06/94             03/06/95             Dow Chemical         (G) Halogenated pyridine    
                                                                U.S.A.\1\            salt                       
P-95-0349            12/06/94             03/06/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-95-0350            12/06/94             03/06/95             CBI\1\               (G) Bisphenol a alkyd with  
                                                                                     alkyd alkyldienoic acid    
P-95-0351            12/06/94             03/06/95             CBI\1\               (G) Alkyd polyether         
P-95-0352            12/06/94             03/06/95             CBI\1\               (G) An azo monochloro       
                                                                                     triazine reactive dye      
P-95-0353            12/06/94             03/06/95             CBI\1\               (G) An azo monochloro       
                                                                                     triazine reactive dye      
P-95-0354            12/07/94             03/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Triethylenetetramine    
                                                                                     formalin condensate        
P-95-0355            12/07/94             03/07/95             Henkel               (S) Poly (oxy-1,2           
                                                                Corporation\1\       ethanediyl), alpha-[4-(1,1-
                                                                                     dimethyl ethyl)phenyl]     
                                                                                     ether (ethoxylated 4-      
                                                                                     tertbutyl phenol)          
P-95-0356            12/07/94             03/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Cashew elastomer hexa   
                                                                                     mineral-filled resin       
P-95-0357            12/07/94             03/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Isophorone diisocyanate,
                                                                                     polyester type polyurethane
P-95-0358            12/07/94             03/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Cyclohexyl alkyl ether  
P-95-0359            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymerized trimethyl-  
                                                                                     reaction product           
P-95-0360            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Mixed sodium/lithium    
                                                                                     salt of a substituted      
                                                                                     naphthalene disulfonic acid
P-95-0361            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyol ester            
P-95-0362            12/12/94             03/12/95             Shell Oil            (S) Dicyclopentadiene-1,3-  
                                                                Company\1\           pentadiene reaction product
P-95-0363            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0364            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0365            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0366            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0367            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0368            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0369            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0370            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0371            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            

[[Page 36608]]
P-95-0372            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0373            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0374            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0375            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0376            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0377            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0378            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0379            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0380            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0381            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0382            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0383            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0384            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0385            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0386            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0387            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0388            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0389            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0390            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0391            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0392            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acid functional         
                                                                                     polymeric resin            
P-95-0393            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester polyether     
P-95-0394            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester polyether     
P-95-0395            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester polyether     
P-95-0396            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester polyether     
P-95-0397            12/12/94             03/12/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (G) Heterocycle substituted 
P-95-0398            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Alkyl silicates         
P-95-0399            12/12/94             03/12/95             Gelest, Inc.\1\      (G) Monomethacrylate        
P-95-0400            12/12/94             03/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Alkyl ether alcohol     
P-95-0401            12/13/94             03/13/95             Atlantic Richfield   (S) Alcohols, C11-C14-ISO-, 
                                                                Company              C13 rich, propoxylated     
P-95-0402            12/13/94             03/13/95             CBI\1\               (G) Toluene diisocyanate    
                                                                                     terminated polyether polyol
P-95-0403            12/13/94             03/13/95             CBI\1\               (G) Complex reaction product
                                                                                     of t-butyl,                
                                                                                     dihydroxycarbopolycycle and
P-95-0404            12/13/94             03/13/95             3M\1\                (S) 2,2,3,3,5,5,6,6,-       
P-95-0405            12/13/94             03/13/95             CBI\1\               (G) Reaction product of     
                                                                                     benzene,1,1', methylenebis 
                                                                                     [isocyanato-], with        
                                                                                     glyceryl tri-ester of      
                                                                                     hydroxyoleic acid          
P-95-0406            12/14/94             03/14/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (G) 2-anilino-5-cyano-3-(2- 
P-95-0407            12/14/94             03/14/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (G) 2-anilino-5-cyano-3-(2- 
P-95-0408            12/15/94             03/15/95             CBI\1\               (G) An azo monochloro       
                                                                                     triazine metal complex     
P-95-0409            12/16/94             03/16/95             Coates Brothers      (G) Epoxy acrylate          
                                                                Inks (USA),                                     
P-95-0410            12/20/94             03/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Allyl ester oligomer    
P-95-0411            12/20/94             03/20/95             Elf Atochem North    (S) Neodecaneperoxoic acid, 
                                                                America, Inc.\1\     3-hydroxy-1, 1-dimethyl    
                                                                                     butyl ester                
P-95-0412            12/20/94             03/20/95             Dow Corning\1\       (G) Aryl polyurea           
P-95-0413            12/20/94             03/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Pentaerythritol esters  
                                                                                     of linear and branched     
                                                                                     fatty acids                
P-95-0414            12/20/94             03/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Pentaerythritol esters  
                                                                                     of linear and branched     
                                                                                     fatty acids                
P-95-0415            12/16/94             03/16/95             CBI\1\               (G) Mixed alkyl borate      

[[Page 36609]]
P-95-0416            12/16/94             03/16/95             Finetex, Inc.\1\     (S) Docosanyl benzoate      
                                                                                     (behenyl benzoate)         
P-95-0417            12/19/94             03/19/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polycarbonate           
P-95-0418            12/20/94             03/20/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (G) Polymethine dye         
P-95-0419            12/16/94             03/16/95             Genencor, Inc.\1\    (S) Escherichia coli K-12   
                                                                                     modified to contain the    
                                                                                     naphthalene dioxygenade    
                                                                                     cluster from pseudomonas   
P-95-0420            12/19/94             03/19/95             Dow Chemical         (S) 4-Ethylcyclohexanone    
P-95-0421            12/19/94             03/19/95             Dow Chemical         (S) Cyclohexanone, 2,6-     
                                                                U.S.A.\1\            bis[(4-                    
P-95-0422            12/20/94             03/20/95             Dow Chemical         (G) Substituted             
                                                                U.S.A.\1\            cyclopentadienyl metal     
P-95-0423            12/20/94             03/20/95             Cardolite            (G) Amine epoxy curing agent
P-95-0424            12/20/94             03/20/95             Cardolite            (G) Amine functional epoxy  
                                                                Corporation\1\       curing agent               
P-95-0425            12/20/94             03/20/95             Cardolite            (G) Epoxy amine functional  
                                                                Corporation\1\       curing agent               
P-95-0426            12/20/94             03/20/95             Bedoukian Research,  (S) 2-decen-1-al, (E)-      
P-95-0427            12/20/94             03/20/95             CBI\1\               (G) Carboxylic acid         
P-95-0428            12/22/94             03/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) High solids polyester   
P-95-0429            12/22/94             03/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane polymer    
P-95-0430            12/22/94             03/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane polymer    
P-95-0431            12/22/94             03/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane polymer    
P-95-0432            12/22/94             03/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane polymer    
P-95-0433            12/22/94             03/22/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane polymer    
P-95-0434            12/22/94             03/22/95             3M\1\                (G) 2-propenoic acid,       
                                                                                     isooctyl ester copolymer   
P-95-0435            12/23/94             03/23/95             Dow Chemical         (G) Substituted quinoline   
P-95-0436            12/23/94             03/23/95             CBI\1\               (G) Ionic polyurethane with 
                                                                                     partially blocked          
P-95-0437            12/27/94             03/27/95             CBI\1\               (S) 3-(1,1-                 
P-95-0438            12/27/94             03/27/95             CBI                  (G) Fatty acids, reaction   
                                                                                     products with alkyl        
                                                                                     polyamine quaternized with 
                                                                                     dialkyl sulfate            
P-95-0439            12/27/94             03/27/95             CBI                  (G) Fatty acids, reaction   
                                                                                     products with alkyl        
                                                                                     polyamine quaternized with 
                                                                                     dialkyl sulfate            
P-95-0440            12/27/94             03/27/95             CBI                  (G) Fatty acids, reaction   
                                                                                     products with alkyl        
                                                                                     polyamine quaternized with 
                                                                                     dialkyl sulfate            
P-95-0441            12/27/94             03/27/95             CBI                  (G) Fatty acids, reaction   
                                                                                     products with alkyl        
                                                                                     polyamine quaternized with 
                                                                                     dialkyl sulfate            
P-95-0442            12/27/94             03/27/95             CBI                  (G) Fatty acids, reaction   
                                                                                     products with alkyl        
                                                                                     polyamine quaternized with 
                                                                                     dialkyl sulfate            
P-95-0443            12/27/94             03/27/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric quaternary    
                                                                                     ammonium compound          
P-95-0444            12/27/94             03/27/95             EMS American Grilon  (S) Polyester of terephtalic
                                                                Inc.                 acid, isophthalic acid,    
                                                                                     adipic acid and 1,4 -      
                                                                                     butane diol                
P-95-0445            12/28/94             03/28/95             NOF America          (G) Compatibility agent     
P-95-0446            12/28/94             03/28/95             Cardolite            (G) Amime epoxy curing agent
P-95-0447            12/28/94             03/28/95             EMS American Grilon  (S) Copolyamide (nylon-     
                                                                Inc.                 copolymer), polycondensated
                                                                                     from adipic acid, sebacic  
                                                                                     with hexamethylene diamine 
                                                                                     and meta-xylene-diamine    
P-95-0448            12/28/94             03/28/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane based on   
                                                                                     polyols, polyisocyanates   
                                                                                     and polyamines             
P-95-0449            12/28/94             03/28/95             CBI          (G) Polyurethane based on   
                                                                                     polyols, polyisocyanates   
                                                                                     and polyamines             
P-95-0450            12/28/94             03/28/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane based on   
                                                                                     polyols, polyisocyanates   
                                                                                     and polyamines             
P-95-0451            12/28/94             03/28/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane based on   
                                                                                     polyols, polyisocyanates   
                                                                                     and polyamines             
P-95-0452            12/28/94             03/28/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane based on   
                                                                                     polyols, polyisocyanates   
                                                                                     and polyamines             
P-95-0453            12/28/94             03/28/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane based on   
                                                                                     polyols, polyisocyanates   
                                                                                     and polyamines             
P-95-0454            12/28/94             03/28/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane based on   
                                                                                     polyols, polyisocyanates   
                                                                                     and polyamines             
P-95-0455            12/28/94             03/28/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane based on   
                                                                                     polyols, polyisocyanates   
                                                                                     and polyamines             
P-95-0456            12/28/94             03/28/95             Amfine Chemical      (G) Hexanedioic acid,       
                                                                Corporation\1\       polymer with diols and a   
                                                                                     monohydric alcohol         

[[Page 36610]]
P-95-0457            12/28/94             03/28/95             CBI\1\               (G) Starch, 2-carboxy-2-    
P-95-0458            12/28/94             03/28/95             CBI\1\               (G) Starch, 2-carboxy-2-    
P-95-0459            12/29/94             03/29/95             International TLB    (S) TLB microbial fertilizer
                                                                Institute, Inc.\1\                              
P-95-0460            12/29/94             03/29/95             CBI\1\               (G) Methyl ethyl ketoxime   
                                                                                     capped polyurethane        
P-95-0461            12/30/94             03/30/95             CBI\1\               (G) Reaction product of an  
                                                                                     epoxy resin and a phenol   
P-95-0462            01/03/95             04/03/95             CBI\1\               (G) Benzoic acid derivative 
P-95-0464            01/03/95             04/03/94             CBI\1\               (G) Urethane ethoxylate     
P-95-0465            01/03/95             04/03/94             CBI\1\               (G) Urethane ethoxylate     
P-95-0466            01/03/95             04/03/94             CBI\1\               (G) Urethane ethoxylate     
P-95-0467            01/03/95             04/03/94             CBI\1\               (G) Urethane ethoxylate     
P-95-0468            01/03/95             04/03/94             CBI\1\               (G) Urethane ethoxylate     
P-95-0469            01/03/95             04/03/94             CBI\1\               (G) Urethane ethoxylate     
P-95-0470            01/03/95             04/03/94             CBI\1\               (G) Urethane ethoxylate     
P-95-0471            01/03/95             04/03/94             CBI\1\               (G) Urethane ethoxylate     
P-95-0472            01/03/95             04/03/94             CBI\1\               (G) Urethane ethoxylate     
P-95-0473            01/03/95             04/03/95             Ashland Chemical     (G) Unsaturated polyester   
P-95-0474            01/04/95             04/04/95             Dow Corning\1\       (G) Amino-functional        
P-95-0475            01/04/95             04/04/95             E.I. Dupont de       (G) 1-methyl-4-substituted  
                                                                Nemours & Co.,       pyrazole-5-sulfonamide     
P-95-0476            01/04/95             04/04/95             Dow Corning\1\       (G) Treated silica          
P-95-0477            01/04/95             04/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) 9H-fluorene-9-carboxylic
                                                                                     acid, 9-hydroxy            
P-95-0478            01/04/95             04/04/95             CBI\1\               (G) Unsaturated polyester   
P-95-0479            01/04/95             04/04/95             Master Builders,     (G) 2-propenyl polyester    
                                                                Inc.\1\              urethane oxirane oligomer  
P-95-0480            01/04/95             04/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: siloxanes 
                                                                                     and silicones, di-me, me   
                                                                                     hydrogen; benzene, (1-     
                                                                                     methylethenyl)-; 1-octene  
P-95-0481            01/05/95             04/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Condensation polyester  
                                                                                     of glycols and diacids     
P-95-0482            01/05/95             04/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Condensation polyester  
                                                                                     of glycols and diacids     
P-95-0483            01/05/95             04/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Condensation polyester  
                                                                                     of glycols and diacids     
P-95-0484            01/05/95             04/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Condensation polyester  
                                                                                     of glycols and diacids     
P-95-0485            01/05/95             04/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Condensation polyester  
                                                                                     of glycols and diacids     
P-95-0486            01/05/95             04/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Condensation polyester  
                                                                                     of glycols and diacids     
P-95-0487            01/05/95             04/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Condensation polyester  
                                                                                     of glycols and diacids     
P-95-0488            01/05/95             04/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Condensation polyester  
                                                                                     of glycols and diacids     
P-95-0489            01/05/95             04/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Condensation polyester  
                                                                                     of glycols and diacids     
P-95-0490            01/05/95             04/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Condensation polyester  
                                                                                     of glycols and diacids     
P-95-0491            01/05/95             04/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Condensation polyester  
                                                                                     of glycols and diacids     
P-95-0492            01/06/95             04/06/95             Eastman Kodak        (G) Heterocyclic substituted
                                                                Company\1\           sulfonamido substituted    
                                                                                     naphthalene carboxamide    
P-95-0507            01/09/95             04/09/95             Dow Corning\1\       (G) Aminoacrylate-functional
P-95-0508            01/09/95             04/09/95             Dow Corning\1\       (G) Aminoacrylate-functional
P-95-0509            01/06/95             04/06/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (G) Nuva FSN                
P-95-0510            01/09/95             04/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) [(Disubstituted phenyl) 
P-95-0511            01/09/95             04/09/95             CBI\1\               (G) Alkyl[(disubstituted    
                                                                                     phenyl) azo]-dihydro-      
                                                                                     substituted pyridine       
P-95-0512            01/10/95             04/10/95             Ciba-Geigy           (G) Aminofluoran derivative 
P-95-0513            01/10/95             04/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) N-[2-[(Substituted      
P-95-0514            01/10/95             04/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted diphenyl azo

[[Page 36611]]
P-95-0515            01/10/95             04/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyimidesulfone        
P-95-0516            01/10/95             04/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Rubber modified         
P-95-0517            01/10/95             04/10/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0518            01/10/95             04/10/95             NA Industries,       (G) Water soluble polymer   
                                                                Inc.\1\              containing oxazoline group 
P-95-0519            01/10/95             04/10/95             Finetex, Inc.\1\     (S) 1-Methoxypropan-2-      
                                                                                     oxyethanoic acid, sodium   
P-95-0520            01/10/95             04/10/95             Finetex, Inc.\1\     (S) (2-                     
                                                                                     2-oxyethanoic acid sodium  
P-95-0521            01/10/95             04/10/95             Finetex, Inc.\1\     (S) 1-(1-Methyl-2-          
                                                                                     oxyethanoic acid, sodium   
P-95-0522            01/10/95             04/10/95             Aspect Minerals,     (S) Chemically-modified     
                                                                Inc.\1\              muscovite mica or          
                                                                                     hydrated aluminum potassium
P-95-0523            01/11/95             04/11/95             Hoechst Celanese     (G) Epoxide amine modified  
                                                                \1\                  cationic acrylic resin     
P-95-0524            01/11/95             04/11/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyurethane elastomer  
P-95-0525            01/11/95             04/11/95             CBI                  (G) Acrylic polymer         
P-95-0526            01/11/95             04/11/95             CBI                  (G) Polyester resin         
P-95-0527            01/11/95             04/11/95             CBI                  (G) Polyester/acrylic       
P-95-0528            01/11/95             04/11/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymer of mixed olefins
                                                                                     grafted with vinyl         
                                                                                     heteromonocycle monomer    
P-95-0529            01/11/95             04/11/95             Engelhard\1\         (S) Titanium silicate,      
                                                                                     hydrogen, sodium, potassium
                                                                                     mixed salt                 
P-95-0530            01/13/95             04/13/95             Ausimont USA,        (S) A polymer of:           
                                                                Inc.\1\              tetrafluoroethene;         
                                                                                     ethene; 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,-    
P-95-0531            01/12/95             04/12/95             E.I. Dupont de       (G) Silane grafted ethylene 
                                                                Nemours & Co.,       based polymer              
P-95-0532            01/13/95             04/13/95             Dic Trading (USA)    (S) Poly(oxy-1,2-           
                                                                Inc.\1\              ethanediyl),.alpha., alpha.
P-95-0533            01/17/95             04/17/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (S) A polymer of:           
                                                                                     neodecanoic acid, oxiranyl 
                                                                                     methyl ester; styrene;     
                                                                                     methylmethacrylate; 2-     
                                                                                     hydroxypropyl methacrylate;
                                                                                     acrylic acid;              
P-95-0534            01/17/95             04/17/95             Asahi Chemical       (S) Bis(2-hydroxypropanoato)-
                                                                Industry America     manganese                  
P-95-0535            01/17/95             04/17/95             Champion             (G) Reaction products of    
                                                                International        formalin (37%) with amine C-
                                                                Corporation\1\       12 [the fractional forecuts-
                                                                                     diethylene glycol and      
P-95-0536            01/17/95             04/17/95             E.I. Dupont de       (G) Sodium group IVA metal  
                                                                Nemours & Co.,       hydroxyalkanoate           
P-95-0537            01/18/95             04/18/95             Cardolite            (G) Cashew elastomer hexa   
                                                                Corporation\1\       mineral-filled resin       
P-95-0538            01/18/95             04/18/95             CBI\1\               (S) 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[(4-  
                                                                                     phenylazo)phenyl)azo-, ar- 
                                                                                     heptyl, ar',ar''-methyl    
P-95-0539            01/18/95             04/18/95             CBI\1\               (G) Acrylate functional     
                                                                                     polyurethane resin         
P-95-0540            01/19/95             04/19/95             E.I. Dupont de       (G) Polyamide               
                                                                Nemours & Co.,                                  
P-95-0541            01/19/95             04/19/95             CBI\1\               (G) Aspartic ester          
P-95-0542            01/18/95             04/18/95             CBI\1\               (G) Reaction products of    
                                                                                     substituted and            
                                                                                     disubstituted anilines with
                                                                                     paraformaldehyde, lower    
                                                                                     aliphatic and hydrochloric 
                                                                                     acids, oxygen and a        
                                                                                     substituted quinone        
P-95-0543            01/18/95             04/18/95             CBI                  (G) Crosslinked alginate    
P-95-0544            01/19/95             04/19/95             Marubeni America     (S) A polymer of:           
                                                                Corporation          acrylonitrile; methyl      
                                                                                     methacrylate; methyl       
                                                                                     acrylate; pcg diacrylate;  
                                                                                     di-isopropyl peroxy        
                                                                                     dicarbonate; 2-            
                                                                                     hydroxypropyl methacrylate 
P-95-0545            01/19/95             04/19/95             Marubeni America     (S) A polymer of:           
                                                                Corporation          acrylonitrile;             
                                                                                     methacrylonitrile; iso-    
                                                                                     bornyl methacrylate;       
                                                                                     dimethacrylate; 2,2-       
P-95-0546            01/20/95             04/20/95             Spies Hecker, Inc.   (G) Polymer of methyl       
                                                                                     methacrtlate, 2-           
                                                                                     ethylacrylate, butylate    
                                                                                     acrylic acid and methyl (2-
                                                                                     hydroxy ethyl) alkene      
P-95-0547            01/20/95             04/20/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (G) Disubstituted           
                                                                                     naphthalene sulfonic acid  
P-95-0548            01/23/95             04/23/95             The C.P. Hall        (S) Dibutoxypropoxypropyl   
                                                                Company              decanedioate               
P-95-0549            01/23/95             04/23/95             The C.P. Hall        (S) Dibutoxyproxypropyl     
                                                                Company \1\          adipate                    

[[Page 36612]]
P-95-0550            01/23/95             04/23/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-95-0551            01/23/95             04/23/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-95-0552            01/23/95             04/23/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester isocyanate    
P-                   03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid homopolymer;
P-95-0793            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid homopolymer;
                                                                                     1-propanol, 2-dimethylamino-
P-95-0794            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid homopolymer;
                                                                                     1,3-propanediol, 2-amino-2-
P-95-0795            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid homopolymer;
P-95-0796            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid homopolymer;
P-95-0797            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid homopolymer;
                                                                                     amines, cocoalkyl          
P-95-0798            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid homopolymer;
                                                                                     dihexylamine, 2,2'-diethyl 
P-95-0799            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid homopolymer;
P-95-0800            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid homopolymer;
                                                                                     amines, cocoalkyl,         
P-95-0801            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; potassium hydroxide  
P-95-0802            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; sodium hydroxide     
P-95-0803            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; ammonium hydroxide   
P-95-0804            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; sodium hydroxymethyl 
P-95-0805            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; ethanolamine         
P-95-0806            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; 1-propanol, 2-amino-2-
P-95-0807            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; triethylamine        
P-95-0808            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; diethanolamine       
P-95-0809            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; 1-propanol, 2-       
P-95-0810            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; 1,3-propanediol, 2-  
P-95-0811            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; diisopropanolamine   
P-95-0812            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; triethanolamine      
P-95-0813            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; 9-octadecen-1-amine  
P-95-0814            03/06/95             06/04/95             CBI\1\               (S) A polymer of: 2-        
                                                                                     propenoic acid, 2-         
                                                                                     methyloctadecyl ester,     
                                                                                     polymer with 2-propenoic   
                                                                                     acid; amines, cocoalkyl,   
P-95-0815            03/08/95             06/06/95             GE Plastics\1\       (S) Phenol, 2,6-dimethyl-,  
                                                                                     homopolymer, 2,4,6-        
P-95-0816            03/09/95             06/07/95             Genesee Polymers\1\  (G) Amine functional        
                                                                                     silicone fluid             
P-95-0817            03/08/95             06/06/95             S. C. Johnson &      (G) Amine functional        
                                                                Son, Inc.\1\         silicone fluid             
P-95-0818            03/08/95             06/06/95             S. C. Johnson &      (G) Amine functional        
                                                                Son, Inc.\1\         silicone fluid             
P-95-0819            03/08/95             06/06/95             S. C. Johnson &      (G) Amine functional        
                                                                Son, Inc.\1\         silicone fluid             
P-95-0820            03/08/95             06/06/95             S. C. Johnson &      (G) Amine functional        
                                                                Son, Inc.\1\         silicone fluid             
P-95-0821            03/08/95             06/06/95             S. C. Johnson &      (G) Amine functional        
                                                                Son, Inc.\1\         silicone fluid             
P-95-0822            03/08/95             06/06/95             S. C. Johnson &      (G) Amine functional        
                                                                Son, Inc.\1\         silicone fluid             

[[Page 36613]]
P-95-0823            03/08/95             06/06/95             S. C. Johnson &      (G) Amine functional        
                                                                Son, Inc.\1\         silicone fluid             
P-95-0824            03/08/95             06/06/95             S. C. Johnson &      (G) Amine functional        
                                                                Son, Inc.\1\         silicone fluid             
P-95-0825            03/08/95             06/06/95             Hoechst Celanese\1\  (S) A polymer of: sunflower 
                                                                                     fatty acid;                
                                                                                     pentaerythritol; benzoic   
                                                                                     acid; phthalic acid        
                                                                                     anhydride; versatic acid   
P-95-0826            03/09/95             06/07/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted methyl ester
                                                                                     of benzoic acid            
P-95-0827            03/09/95             06/07/95             Ciba-Geigy           (G) Sodium salt of          
                                                                Corporation\1\       substituted                
                                                                                     naphthalenesulfonic acid   
P-95-0828            03/10/95             06/08/95             Garrison Industries  (S) Methanone (2,4-         
                                                                Inc\1\               dihydroxyphenyl) (4-       
P-95-0829            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0830            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0831            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0832            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0833            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0834            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0835            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0836            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0837            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0838            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0839            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0840            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0841            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0842            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0843            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0844            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0845            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0846            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0847            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0848            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0849            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0850            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0851            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0852            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0853            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0854            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0855            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0856            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0857            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0858            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0859            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0860            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polymeric colorant      
P-95-0861            03/13/95             06/11/95             Conrad Industries,   (S) Plastics, post-consumer 
                                                                Inc.\1\              easte, pyrolyzed, pyrolysis
P-95-0862            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Salt of a substituted   
                                                                                     mineral acid               
P-95-0863            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Salt of a substituted   
                                                                                     mineral acid               
P-95-0864            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyhydroxyester of     
                                                                                     epoxidized soybean oil with
                                                                                     alkyl-aryl sulphonic acids 
                                                                                     in mineral oil and rape oil
P-95-0865            03/14/95             06/12/95             Ashland Chemical     (G) Copolymer of acrylic    
                                                                Company\1\           esters, methacrylic esters,
                                                                                     and acrylamide             
P-95-0866            03/14/95             06/12/95             Arizona Electric     (S) Iron (III)-EDTA complex 
                                                                Power Cooperative    ((ethylenedinitrilo)       
                                                                Inc\1\               tetraacetato) ferrate (1-) 
P-95-0867            03/14/95             06/12/95             CBI\1\               (G) Modified araliphatic    

[[Page 36614]]
P-95-0868            03/14/95             06/12/95             Rheox, Inc.\1\       (G) Diamide                 
P-95-0869            03/15/95             06/13/95             CBI\1\               (G) Polyester polyol,       
                                                                                     acetoacetate ester         
P-95-0870            03/15/95             06/13/95             CBI\1\               (G) Organosilane ester      
P-95-0871            03/16/95             06/14/95             Ciba-Geigy           (G) Substituted phenyl azo  
                                                                Corporation\1\       substituted phenyl oxy     
                                                                                     alkyl amino ester          
P-95-0872            03/15/95             06/13/95             Mitsui & Co.,        (S) 4-(3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4- 
                                                                (U.S.A.) Inc.\1\     hydroxyphenyl)propionyloxy)-
P-95-0873            03/15/95             06/13/95             Carapace, Inc.\1\    (S) Benzene, 1,1'-methylene-
                                                                                     bis [isocyanato]-polymer   
                                                                                     with poly (oxy-1, 2-       
                                                                                     ethanediyl), alpha-hydro-W-
                                                                                     hydroxy and denatured      
P-95-0874            03/15/95             06/13/95             CBI\1\               (G) Textile sulfur dye      
                                                                                     produced from substituted  
P-95-0875            03/17/95             06/05/95             CBI\1\               (G) Hydrogenated acid-      
                                                                                     isomerized alcohol         
P-95-0876            03/14/95             06/12/95             3M\1\                (G) Polyurethane polymer of 
                                                                                     isocyanatobenzene) and     
P-95-0877            03/14/95             06/12/95             3M\1\                (G) Silicone polymer        
P-95-0878            03/17/95             06/15/95             CBI\1\               (G) Organosilane ester      
P-95-0879            03/17/95             06/15/95             CBI\1\               (G) Alkylamine salt of a    
P-95-0880            03/17/95             06/15/95             CBI\1\               (G) Salt of a substituted   
P-95-0881            03/17/95             06/15/95             E.I. Dupont de       (G) Substituted aromatic    
                                                                Nemours & Co.,       acid salt                  
P-95-0882            03/20/95             06/18/95             CBI\1\               (G) Substituted alkylbenzene
P-95-0883            03/20/95             06/18/95             CBI\1\               (G) Organosilane ester      
P-95-0884            03/20/95             06/18/95             CBI\1\               (G)                         
P-95-0885            03/02/95             05/31/95             Lilly Industrial     (G) Acrylic resin salt      
                                                                Coatings, Inc.\1\                               
P-95-0886            03/02/95             05/31/95             Lilly Industrial     (G) Acrylic resin salt      
                                                                Coatings, Inc.\1\                               
P-95-0887            03/02/95             05/31/95             Lilly Industrial     (G) Acrylic resin salt      
                                                                Coatings, Inc.\1\                               
P-95-0888            03/02/95             05/31/95             Lilly Industrial     (G) Acrylic resin salt      
                                                                Coatings, Inc.\1\                               
P-95-0889            03/02/95             05/31/95             Lilly Industrial     (G) Acrylic resin salt      
                                                                Coatings, Inc.\1\                               
P-95-0890            03/02/95             05/31/95             Lilly Industrial     (G) Acrylic resin salt      
                                                                Coatings, Inc.\1\                               
P-95-0891            03/02/95             05/31/95             Lilly Industrial     (G) Acrylic resin salt      
                                                                Coatings, Inc.\1\                               
P-95-0892            03/02/95             05/31/95             Lilly Industrial     (G) Acrylic resin salt      
                                                                Coatings, Inc.\1\                               
/1/ Submissions where health and saftey data was received from the Manufacturer/Importer.                       

II. 79 Polymer Exemption Notices Received From: 10/01/94 to 03/19/

                                         Projected Notice     Manufacturer/                                     
      Case No.         Received Date         End Date           Importer                    Chemical            
Y-95-0001           10/04/94            10/25/94           C. J. Osborn       (G) Silicone epoxy resin          
Y-95-0002           10/07/94            10/28/94           CBI                (S) A polymer of: dimethyl        
                                                                               terephthalate; 2- methyl-1, 3-   
                                                                               propanediol; diethylene glycol;  
                                                                               dibutylin oxide                  
Y-95-0003           10/18/94            11/08/94           Minolta            (G) Alpha-olefins, alkenylbenzene 
                                                            Corporation        copolymer                        
Y-95-0004           10/18/94            11/08/94           CBI                (G) Acrylic polymer               
Y-95-0005           10/18/94            11/08/94           CBI                (G) High solids polyester resin   
Y-95-0006           10/19/94            11/09/94           CBI                (G) Aliphatic polyurethaneurea    
Y-95-0007           10/20/94            11/10/94           McWhorter, Inc.    (G) Unsaturated polyester         
Y-95-0008           10/26/94            11/16/94           Sicpa Company      (G) Intaglio ink varnish          
Y-95-0009           10/26/94            11/16/94           Cardolite          (G) Cashew elastomer hexa mineral-
                                                            Corporation        filled resin                     

[[Page 36615]]
Y-95-0010           10/27/94            11/17/94           Rheox, Inc.        (G) Polyesteramide resin          
Y-95-0011           10/28/94            11/18/94           Lilly Industrial   (G) Modified hydrocarbon resin    
                                                            Coatings, Inc.                                      
Y-95-0012           11/03/94            11/24/94           CBI                (G) Polyester                     
Y-95-0013           11/10/94            12/01/94           CBI                (G) Seycofilm pe-100              
Y-95-0014           11/10/94            12/01/94           CBI                (G) Bc-bind                       
Y-95-0015           11/09/94            11/30/94           Toyobo New York,   (S) 1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid, 
                                                            Inc.               polymer with decanedioic acid,   
                                                                               1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylic acid, 
                                                                               1,2-propanediol and 1,2-         
Y-95-0016           11/09/94            11/30/94           Toyobo New York,   (S) 1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid, 
                                                            Inc.               polymer with 1,4-                
                                                                               benzenedicarboxylic acid, 1,2-   
                                                                               propanediol, 1,2-ethanediol and 2-
Y-95-0017           11/09/94            11/30/94           Toyobo New York,   (S) 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid, 
                                                            Inc.               polymer with 1,2-propanediol, 1,2-
                                                                               ethanediol and 2-ethyl-2-        
Y-95-0018           11/10/94            12/01/94           CBI                (S) A polymer of: tall oil fatty  
                                                                               acids; 1,3 trimethylol propane;  
                                                                               neo pentyl glycol; isophthalic   
                                                                               acid; maleic anhydride; phthalic 
Y-95-0019           11/21/94            12/12/94           Reichhold          (G) Polyester resin               
                                                            Chemicals, Inc.                                     
Y-95-0020           11/22/94            12/13/94           CBI                (G) Acrylic modified alkyd        
Y-95-0021           11/22/94            12/13/94           CBI                (G) Modified acrylic polymer      
Y-95-0022           11/29/94            12/20/94           Akzo Nobel         (G) Polyurethane polyol           
                                                            Chemicals Inc.                                      
Y-95-0023           11/30/94            12/21/94           GE Plastics        (S) Phenol, 2,6-dimethyl-,        
                                                                               homopolymer, 2,4,6-              
Y-95-0024           12/05/94            12/26/94           Specialty          (S) A polymer of: ethenyl benzene;
                                                            Polymers, Inc      methyl 2-methyl 2-propenoate; 2- 
                                                                               ethylhexyl 2-propenoate; butyl 2-
                                                                               propenoate; 2-methyl-2-propenoic 
                                                                               acid; ammonium persulfate        
Y-95-0025           12/08/94            12/29/94           Carapace, Inc.     (S) Benzene, 1,1'-methylene-bis   
                                                                               [isocyanato]-polymer with poly   
                                                                               (oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-hydro-
                                                                               W-hydroxy and denatured ethanol  
Y-95-0026           12/08/94            12/29/94           CBI                (G) Oil modified alkyd resin      
Y-95-0027           12/19/94            01/09/95           CBI                (G) Copolymer of acrylic and      
                                                                               methacrylic esters               
Y-95-0029           12/29/94            01/19/95           Reichhold          (G) Acrylic copolymer             
                                                            Chemicals, Inc.                                     
Y-95-0030           12/30/94            01/20/95           Reichhold          (G) Alkyd modified acrylics       
                                                            Chemicals, Inc.                                     
Y-95-0031           01/13/95            02/03/95           CBI                (G) Aliphatic alcohol polymer     
Y-95-0032           01/17/95            02/07/95           CBI                (G) Powder polyester polymer      
Y-95-0033           01/17/95            02/07/95           CBI                (G) Powder polyester polymer      
Y-95-0034           01/17/95            02/07/95           CBI                (G) Powder polyester polymer      
Y-95-0035           01/17/95            02/07/95           CBI                (G) Powder polyester polymer      
Y-95-0036           01/17/95            02/07/95           CBI                (G) Powder polyester polymer      
Y-95-0037           01/17/95            02/07/95           CBI                (G) Powder polyester polymer      
Y-95-0038           01/18/95            02/08/95           CBI                (G) Alkali-swellable polyacrylate 
Y-95-0039           01/18/95            02/08/95           Air Products and   (G) Styrene/acrylic ester         
                                                            Chemicals, Inc.    multipolymer                     
Y-95-0040           01/19/95            02/09/95           GE Plastics        (G) Sulphonated polystyrene amine 
Y-95-0041           01/25/95            02/15/95           Eastman Kodak      (S) A polymer of: 1-hexene; and a 
                                                                               catalyst containing; triethyl    
                                                                               aluminum, titanium tetrachloride,
                                                                               supported on magnesium chloride, 
Y-95-0042           01/30/95            02/20/95           CBI                (G) Isophthalic acid polymer with 
                                                                               cyclialcohol and alkyldiamine    
Y-95-0043           01/30/95            02/20/95           CBI                (G) Alkyd resin                   
Y-95-0044           01/30/95            02/20/95           CBI                (G) Alkyd resin                   

[[Page 36616]]
Y-95-0045           02/02/95            02/23/95           CBI                (G) Unsaturated polyester         
Y-95-0046           01/31/95            02/21/95           Toyobo New York,   (S) 1,1''-methylenebis(4-         
                                                            Inc.               isocyanatobenzene), polymer with 
                                                                               1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid, 1,2-
                                                                               benzenedicarboxylic acid, 2,2-   
                                                                               ethanediol, bis(hydroxymethyl)   
                                                                               cyclohexane, and 5-sulfo-1, 3-   
                                                                               benzenedicarboxylic acid         
                                                                               monosodium salt                  
Y-95-0047           02/08/95            03/01/95           Gateway Additive   (G) Pentaerythritol polymeric     
                                                            Co.                ester with fatty and succinic    
Y-95-0048           02/17/95            03/10/95           CBI                (G) Organically modified          
Y-95-0049           03/02/95            00/00/00           John C. Dolph Co.  (S) A polymer of: tall oil acids; 
                                                                               tall oil; rosin, fortified;      
                                                                               trimethylol propane; isophthalic 
Y-95-0050           03/07/95            03/28/95           CBI                (G) Acrylic polymer               
Y-95-0051           03/09/95            03/30/95           Reichhold          (G) Polyester resin               
                                                            Chemicals, Inc.                                     
Y-95-0052           03/09/95            03/30/95           C. J. Osborn       (G) Silicone polyester            
                                                            Chemicals, Inc.                                     
Y-95-0053           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0054           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0055           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0056           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0057           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0058           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0059           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0060           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0061           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0062           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0063           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0064           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0065           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0066           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0067           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0068           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0069           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0070           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0071           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0072           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0073           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0074           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0075           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0076           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0077           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0078           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0079           03/15/95            04/05/95           CBI                (G) Modified polyurethane         
Y-95-0080           03/20/95            04/10/95           CBI                (G) Poly-ester urethane polyol    

III.  9 Test Market Exemption Applications Received From: 10/01/94 
to 03/19/95.


[[Page 36617]]
                                                  Projected Notice End       Manufacturer/                                                              
        Case No.             Received Date               Date                  Importer                  Use                        Chemical            
T-95-0001               02/22/95                04/08/95                CBI                    (G) UV Absorber        (G) N,N',N'' - triphenylmelamine  
T-95-0002               02/23/95                04/09/95                Lubricants Additives   (S) Lubricant          (G) Synthetic silver complex      
                                                                         Research Co.           Additive                                                
T-95-0003               03/27/95                05/11/95                Reichhold Chemicals,   (S) Adhesive to        (G) Polyurethane adhesives        
                                                                         Inc.                   adhere various                                          
T-95-0004               03/29/95                05/13/95                Reichhold Chemicals,   (S) Adhesive to        (G) Polyurethane adhesive         
                                                                         Inc.                   adhere paper to                                         
                                                                                                paper in the                                            
                                                                                                assembly o                                              
T-95-0005               04/18/95                06/02/95                Westvaco               (G) Corrosion          (S) Reaction products of maleated 
                                                                                                inhibitor, for         tall oil fatty acid ethylene     
                                                                                                destructive and        glycol ester, potassium salts    
                                                                                                contained              with reaction products of fatty  
                                                                                                                       acids, tall-oil with             
T-95-0006               04/18/95                06/02/95                Westvaco               (G) Corrosion          (S) Reaction products of maleated 
                                                                                                inhibitor, for         tall oil fatty acid ethylene     
                                                                                                destructive and        glycol ester, ammonium salts with
                                                                                                contained              reaction products of fatty acids,
                                                                                                                       tall-oil with diethylenetriamine 
T-95-0007               04/18/95                06/02/95                Westvaco               (G) Corrosion          (S) Reaction products of maleated 
                                                                                                inhibitor, for         tall oil fatty acid diethylene   
                                                                                                destructive and        glycol ester, potassium salts    
                                                                                                contained              with reaction products of fatty  
                                                                                                                       acids, tall-oil with             
T-95-0008               04/18/95                06/02/95                Westvaco               (G) Corrosion          (S) reaction products of maleated 
                                                                                                inhibitor, for         tall oil fatty acid diethylene   
                                                                                                destructive and        glycol ester, ammonium salts with
                                                                                                contained              reaction products of Fatty acids,
                                                                                                                       tall-oil with diethylenetriamine 
T-95-0009               04/18/95                06/02/95                IPS Corporation        (G) Industrial         (S) Basic raw material in the     
                                                                                                adhesive               formulation of an adhesiv(s) rg  
                                                                                                                       600-polyester polyols            

IV.  443 Notices of Commencement Received From: 10/01/94 to 03/19/

     Case No.         Received Date      Import Date                             Chemical                       
P-94-1414          09/30/94           08/31/94           (G) Fatty acid modified polyester                      
P-94-1648          09/30/94           08/31/94           (G) Neutralized fluorocarbon modified polyacrylate     
P-91-1009          10/03/94           09/02/94           (G) Substituted alkyl alcohol                          
P-93-1073          10/03/94           09/01/94           (G) Acrylic copolymer                                  
Y-94-0086          10/03/94           08/31/94           (G) Aliphatic diisocyanate polymer                     
P-94-1569          10/04/94           09/19/94           (G) Alkylbenzene sulfonic acid                         
Y-94-0163          10/04/94           09/14/94           (G) Saturated, oil-free polyester resin                
Y-94-0113          10/04/94           09/21/94           (G) Acrylic copolymer                                  
Y-94-0167          10/04/94           09/07/94           (G) Polyester glycol                                   
P-94-1446          10/04/94           09/02/94           (G) Organo phosphorous halide                          
P-94-1549          10/04/94           09/16/94           (G) Polyether polyester polyurethane                   
P-94-1721          10/12/94           10/10/94           (G) Strontium aluminate                                
P-94-1726          10/18/94           10/06/94           (G) Phosphomolybdotungstic salt of 2-[[2-cyano-3-      
P-94-1578          10/04/94           09/15/94           (G) Aliphatic isocyanate terminated prepolymer         
P-94-1001          10/05/94           09/27/94           (G) Guerbet alcohol ester                              
P-94-0134          10/05/94           09/09/94           (G) Copper hexacyanoferrate of the xanthene dye stuff  
P-94-1475          10/06/94           08/22/94           (S) Aspergillus oryzae                                 
P-94-1718          10/06/94           09/14/94           (G) Hydroxyalkyl amino-substituted heterocarbocycle-   
                                                          bis(amino-substituted carbocycle                      
                                                          azosulfonylcarbopolycyclic) salt                      

[[Page 36618]]
P-94-1792          10/06/94           09/29/94           (G) Bornyloxy substituted alkyl alkanol                
P-94-1231          10/07/94           09/21/94           (S) A polymer of: chemically modified polyolefin; nylon
                                                          6,6 (poly[imino(1,6-dioxo-1,6-hexanediyl) imino-1,6-  
P-94-1232          10/07/94           09/21/94           (S) A Polymer of: chemically modified polyolefin; nylon
                                                          6 (polyhexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one)                     
P-94-1233          10/07/94           09/21/94           (S) A polymer of: chemically modified polyolefin;      
                                                          copolymer of nylon 6,6 and nylon 6 (hexanedioic acid, 
                                                          polymer with hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one and 1,6-       
P-94-1471          10/07/94           09/14/94           (G) Rosin modified alkyd                               
P-94-1467          10/07/94           09/20/94           (G) Halobenzoic acid derivative                        
P-94-0611          10/07/94           09/29/94           (G) Acrylate functional polyurethane resin             
P-94-1491          10/07/94           09/08/94           (G) Modified bismaleimide                              
P-94-1752          10/11/94           10/06/94           (G) Cuprate(6-), substituted 1,2-ethanediylbis(imino(6-
                                                          )di-, sodium                                          
P-94-0466          10/11/94           09/29/94           (G) Cresol novolac resin                               
P-94-0467          10/11/94           09/29/94           (G) Substituted benzophenone ester                     
P-94-0468          10/11/94           09/29/94           (G) Cresol novolac ester                               
P-93-0654          10/12/94           09/20/94           (G) Acrylic modified soya alkyd polymer                
P-94-1543          10/12/94           09/23/94           (G) Alkoxy aluminum chelate complex                    
P-94-1745          10/12/94           09/29/94           (G) Polyester polyurethane                             
P-94-1443          10/12/94           10/03/94           (S) Zinc sulfide (zns) silver doped                    
P-93-0542          10/12/94           09/22/94           (G) Polyester                                          
P-94-1742          10/13/94           10/06/94           (G) Eugenol modified polyalkyleneoxide,                
                                                          polydimethylsiloxane copolymer                        
P-93-1088          10/13/94           10/06/94           (G) Alkyltrichlorosilane                               
P-94-0263          10/17/94           09/01/94           (G) Stannane tributyl                                  
P-94-0272          10/27/94           10/25/94           (S) A polymer of: 2,5-furandione, polymer with ethenyl 
                                                          benzene 1-methylethyl benzene, and bis (1-methyl-I-   
                                                          phenyl ethyl) peroxide, N-propyl ester; aqueous       
                                                          ammonia (28% ammonia)                                 
P-94-0656          10/18/94           09/22/94           (G) Fatty acid, amino alcohol salt                     
P-94-1013          10/18/94           10/11/94           (G) Substituted amino-anthroquinone                    
P-94-1424          10/18/94           09/28/94           (G) Polymer of ethenyl benzene, diethenyl benzene,     
                                                          ethylethenyl benzene, chloromethylated and aminated   
                                                          with trialkylamine                                    
P-94-0307          10/18/94           10/06/94           (G) Substituted aldehyde                               
P-94-1094          10/18/94           09/28/94           (S) A 2-methyl-1,3 propanediol, isophthalic acid,      
                                                          phthalic anhydride, 2-oxepanone (epsilon-caprolactone)
                                                          extended polyester                                    
P-94-1420          10/18/94           09/20/94           (G) Alkoxy polyol polymer                              
P-94-1442          10/20/94           09/07/94           (G) Isocyanate terminated urethane polymer             
P-94-1673          10/20/94           10/02/94           (G) Modified diphenylmethan diisocyanate polymer       
Y-94-0184          10/20/94           10/07/94           (G) Water dispersible polyester                        
P-94-1686          10/21/94           09/27/94           (G) Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, [[[[(substituted       
P-93-1132          10/24/94           10/07/94           (G) Substituted naphthalene sulfonic acid, alkali salt 
P-94-0529          10/24/94           10/04/94           (G) Substituted pyridine polymer                       
P-94-1433          10/24/94           10/09/94           (G) Ethylene glycol recovery residues                  
P-94-1511          10/24/94           10/06/94           (G) Bis phenyl substituted urea                        
P-94-0305          10/25/94           10/12/94           (G) Thermoplastic polyurethane resin                   
P-94-0308          10/25/94           10/13/94           (G) Substituted hydroxyketone                          
P-94-0309          10/25/94           10/13/94           (G) Substituted ketone                                 
P-94-1089          10/25/94           10/15/94           (G) Polyurethane adduct                                
P-94-1401          10/25/94           10/14/94           (G) Fiber reactive copper phthalocyanine dyestuff      
P-94-1465          10/25/94           09/29/94           (G) Polymer of substituted alkoxysilane and aliphatic  
                                                          acrylates and methacrylates                           
P-94-1741          10/25/94           10/06/94           (G) Urethane prepolymer                                
Y-94-0141          10/26/94           10/11/94           (G) Polyester resin                                    
P-94-0677          10/26/94           10/04/94           (G) Nitroaromatic halobenzamide                        

[[Page 36619]]
P-94-1669          10/26/94           10/13/94           (G) Mono and di amine salt carboxylate                 
Y-93-0035          10/27/94           10/20/94           (G) Polyurethane polyol                                
P-94-0547          10/27/94           09/29/94           (G) Polyurethane                                       
P-94-1724          10/28/94           10/20/94           (G) Mono and di-amine salt carboxylate                 
P-93-1167          10/28/94           10/21/94           (G) Meth-acrylate functional phosphate resin           
P-94-1735          10/28/94           10/05/94           (G) Isocyanate terminated perfluoropolyoxyalkene       
Y-93-0093          10/31/94           10/26/94           (G) Polyuethane polyol                                 
P-94-0429          11/02/94           10/14/94           (G) Polyurethane/urea polymer dispersion               
P-94-0935          11/02/94           10/05/94           (G) Styrenated acrylate methacrylate polymer           
P-94-0949          11/02/94           10/14/94           (G) Substituted aromatic acid chloride                 
Y-94-0116          11/02/94           09/28/94           (G) Polyamide graft copolymer                          
Y-94-0179          11/02/94           10/24/94           (S) Polymer of styrene/maleic anhydride polymer; sulfur
                                                          trioxide; ammonium hydroxide; hydrogen peroxide;      
                                                          dichloroethane; 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-   
                                                          one; 2 methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one; water; triethyl   
P-94-0461          10/18/94           10/05/94           (G) Aliphatic amine                                    
P-92-0623          10/12/94           09/15/94           (G) Decadiene crosslinked poly(maleic anhydrode -      
                                                          methyl vinyl ether                                    
P-92-1283          10/12/94           09/26/94           (S) Polymer of para-tert-butylphenol; paraformaldehyde 
                                                          flake; merichem company low-mid xylenols; merichem    
                                                          company meta-para cresols                             
P-92-0721          10/18/94           09/23/94           (G) Potassium alcoholates                              
P-93-1314          10/18/94           09/13/94           (G) Substituted phenyl azo alkyl phenol                
P-92-1027          10/25/94           10/06/94           (G) Hydroxy functional acrylic polymer                 
Y-92-0158          11/01/94           10/15/94           (G) Short oil alkyd resin                              
P-94-1798          11/07/94           11/01/94           (G) Naphthalenesulfonic acid, azo substituted          
                                                          naphthalene amino triazinyl aminophenyl azo           
                                                          substituted naphthalene amino substituted triazin     
Y-94-0093          11/07/94           10/25/94           (G) Unsaturated polyester                              
P-93-0899          11/09/94           10/13/94           (G) Polyether functional acrylic polymer               
P-94-0266          11/09/94           10/18/94           (G) Fluorinated acrylic copolymer                      
P-94-0636          11/09/94           10/18/94           (S) A polymer of: A1 dynacoll 7320; A2 dynacoll 7340;  
                                                          A3 dynacoll 7130; A4 dynacoll 7111; B mutranol-9121; C
                                                          lupranate M1 (3 cas numbers)                          
P-94-0990          11/09/94           10/11/94           (G) Polyester polyurethane                             
P-94-1556          11/09/94           10/20/94           (S) Annatto extract                                    
P-94-1640          11/09/94           10/10/94           (G) Carbomonocyclic carboxylic acid reaction product   
                                                          with polyalkylene polyamine polyalkyl sulfate salt    
P-94-1663          11/09/94           10/27/94           (G) Alkyl amide                                        
P-94-1740          11/09/94           11/03/94           (G) Polystyrene copolymer                              
Y-94-0169          11/09/94           10/24/94           (G) Polymer of acrylic and methacrylic esters          
P-91-1094          10/12/94           09/21/94           (G) Halogenated substituted ethylene copolymer         
P-91-1255          10/12/94           04/21/93           (G) Silicone polymer                                   
P-93-0214          11/16/94           10/28/94           (S) Calcium, bis(2,4-pentandionato)-                   
P-93-1323          11/16/94           10/27/94           (G) Poly(carboxylic acid), mixed sodium, ammonium,     
                                                          monoethanolamine salt                                 
P-94-0463          11/16/94           11/02/94           (G) Polyimine                                          
P-94-0919          11/16/94           11/10/94           (G) Reaction product of an alkanol and boric acid      
P-94-1096          11/16/94           11/06/94           (G) Rosin, maleated, polymer with an alkylphenol,      
                                                          carboxylic acids, formaldehyde and a polyol           
P-94-1193          11/16/94           10/26/94           (S) A polymer of: maleic anhydride; C12-C21 branched   
                                                          chain mono-olefins; monoethanolamine; sodium          
                                                          hydroxide; 2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol  
P-94-1197          11/16/94           10/26/94           (S) A polymer of: maleic anhydride; C12-C21 branched   
                                                          chain mono-olefins; monoethanolamine; triethanolamine;
P-94-1455          11/16/94           10/24/94           (G) Haloalkylsulfonic salt                             
P-94-1914          11/16/94           11/04/94           (G) Disubstituted benzene sulfonic acid                
P-93-1623          11/17/94           11/02/94           (G) Halogenated nitrile                                
P-94-1459          10/18/94           08/31/94           (G) Organic ammonium salt                              

[[Page 36620]]
P-93-0148          10/20/94           08/20/94           (G) Novolac-resin from substituted phenols and         
Y-93-0101          10/25/94           10/18/94           (S) Soya oil; 1,3-trimethylol propane; pentaerythritol;
                                                          methyl methacrylate; isophthalic acid; tall oil fatty 
                                                          acids; trimellitic anhydride                          
P-94-1389          11/10/94           10/28/94           (G) Poly(vinyl alcohol)-co-(N-ethenylformamide)        
P-94-1769          11/14/94           10/22/94           (G) Methacrylate copolymer                             
P-94-1770          11/14/94           10/23/94           (G) Methacrylate copolymer                             
P-94-1793          11/14/94           10/24/94           (G) Aryl substituted nitroalkane                       
P-94-0426          11/16/94           10/21/94           (S) 2-(4-dimethylcarbomoyl-pyridino)-ethane-1-sulfonate
P-94-0337          11/17/94           11/14/94           (G) Substituted azo metal complex dye                  
P-94-1501          11/17/94           10/25/94           (G) Fluoroalkene dimer                                 
P-93-1047          11/18/94           10/14/94           (S) Trimethylhexamethylenediamine, reaction product    
                                                          with mono [(C10-16 alkyloxy) methyl] oxirane derivs.  
                                                          and paratoluenesulphonic acid                         
P-94-1133          11/18/94           09/14/94           (G) Oil modified urethane                              
P-94-1212          11/18/94           11/10/94           (G) Substituted anthraquinone                          
P-94-1429          11/18/94           10/24/94           (G) Halogenated aryl benzimidazole                     
P-94-1723          11/18/94           10/28/94           (G) Polyester resin                                    
P-94-0075          11/20/94           10/26/94           (G) Alkyl ester                                        
P-94-1888          11/21/94           10/19/94           (G) Carboxy terminated polymer of aliphatic diols,     
                                                          aromatic carboxylic acid/anhydride and tall oil fatty 
                                                          acid dimer                                            
P-94-1889          11/21/94           10/19/94           (G) Ammonium salt of carboxyl terminated polyester of  
                                                          aliphatic diols and aromatic acid/anhydride and tall  
                                                          oil fatty acid dimer                                  
P-94-1832          11/21/94           11/03/94           (G) Sulfonated acrylate/methylmethacrylate polymer     
P-94-1833          11/21/94           11/04/94           (G) Sulfonated acrylate/methylmethacrylate polymer     
P-94-1834          11/21/94           11/03/94           (G) Sulfonated acrylate/methylmethacrylate polymer     
P-94-1835          11/21/94           11/04/94           (G) Sulfonated acrylate/methylmethacrylate polymer     
P-94-1836          11/21/94           11/04/94           (G) Sulfonated acrylate/methylmethacrylate polymer     
P-94-1837          11/21/94           11/04/94           (G) Sulfonated acrylate/methylmethacrylate polymer     
P-94-1734          11/21/94           10/25/94           (G) Sulfurized mixed fatty acid esters                 
Y-94-0176          11/21/94           11/08/94           (S) A polymer of: alkenes, C14-16-alpha-; 2-butenedioic
                                                          acid (E)-, bis (2-ethylhexyl) ester; di-tert-butyl    
P-94-1373          11/22/94           10/25/94           (G) Synthetic and vegetable fatty acid modified poly   
                                                          (tri-methylol propane, pentaerythritol) phthalate     
P-94-1739          11/22/94           11/08/94           (G) Copolyimide                                        
P-94-1829          11/22/94           11/08/94           (G) Aromatic poly isocyanate                           
Y-94-0183          11/22/94           11/06/94           (S) A polymer: cellulose acetate; rimellitic anhydride 
P-93-1235          11/22/94           11/11/94           (S) 2-propenoic acid, 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl ester  
                                                          (ca index name)                                       
P-94-1092          11/23/94           10/24/94           (G) Polyglycolethermethacrylate telomer with           
                                                          carboxyllic and sulfonic acid sodium salts            
P-93-1354          11/25/94           10/27/94           (G) Polyhydroxythioether disulfide                     
P-94-1789          11/28/94           11/18/94           (G) Polycarboxylic acid modified epoxy acrylate        
P-93-1028          11/29/94           11/05/94           (G) Cycloaliphatic diamine                             
P-94-1797          11/29/94           10/29/94           (G) Poly asparitic ester                               
P-94-1863          11/29/94           10/31/94           (S) Stearyl stearoyl stearate                          
P-94-1746          11/29/94           11/21/94           (G) Polyurethane prepolymer                            
P-93-1395          11/29/94           11/11/94           (S) Acryloxyethyldimethylbenxyl ammonium chloride      
P-94-0962          11/18/94           10/27/94           (G) Polycondensate of aliphatic dicarboxylic acid and  
                                                          alkaediol. polyurethane of aliphatic polyesters       
P-94-0039          11/29/94           10/22/94           (S) Alpha,alpha,4,4-tetramethyl-2-(1-methylethyl)-N-(2-
P-94-1441          11/29/94           11/09/94           (G) Phthalocyanine pigment                             
Y-94-0078          12/01/94           11/04/94           (G) Styrenated acrylic copolymer                       
P-92-1432          12/01/94           11/04/94           (G) Polyurethane, N,N-dimethylaminoethanol salt        
P-94-1472          12/01/94           11/04/94           (G) Aqueous polyurethane dispersion                    

[[Page 36621]]
P-93-1108          12/01/94           11/29/94           (G) Polyester polyether modified polyurethane with     
                                                          basic groups                                          
P-94-2066          12/02/94           11/23/94           (S) 2-butyloctanedioic acid                            
P-94-2067          12/02/94           11/23/94           (S) 2,3-dibutanedioic acid                             
P-94-2068          12/02/94           11/23/94           (S) Dodecanedioic acid, ammonium salt                  
P-94-2069          12/02/94           11/23/94           (S) 2-butyloctanedioic acid, ammonium salt             
P-94-2070          12/02/94           11/23/94           (S) 2,3-butylbutanedioic acid, ammonium salt           
P-94-1943          12/05/94           11/18/94           (G) Modified epoxy resin modified aromatic epoxy resin 
P-94-1944          12/05/94           11/16/94           (G) Modified epoxy resin modified aromatic epoxy resin 
P-94-1945          12/05/94           11/07/94           (G) Modified epoxy resin modified aromatic epoxy resin 
P-94-1948          12/05/94           11/07/94           (G) Modified epoxy resin modified aromatic epoxy resin 
P-94-1949          12/05/94           11/07/94           (G) Modified epoxy resin modified aromatic epoxy resin 
P-94-1950          12/05/94           11/07/94           (G) Modified epoxy resin modified aromatic epoxy resin 
P-94-1913          12/06/94           11/29/94           (G) Cationic polyurethane emulsion                     
P-94-1399          12/06/94           11/15/94           (S) Poly(oxy-1,2 ethanediyl),.alpha. 3-                
                                                          pentadecylphenol,.omega. hydroxy                      
P-94-0244          12/05/94           11/14/94           (G) Polyfluoroacyl chloride                            
P-94-0246          12/05/94           11/14/94           (G) Polyfluorocarboxylic acid                          
P-94-0251          12/05/94           11/04/94           (G) Polyfuluoro olefin                                 
P-93-1309          12/05/94           11/11/94           (G) Quaternary ammonium iodide                         
P-94-1634          12/06/94           11/13/94           (S) Fatty acids, C16-18 and C18-unsatd., branched and  
                                                          linear, butyl esters                                  
P-94-1631          12/05/94           11/17/94           (G) Thiadiazole derivative                             
P-94-1704          12/06/94           11/07/94           (G) Polysubstituted vinyl polymer                      
P-94-1738          12/06/94           11/23/94           (G) Phthalocyanine copper complex dyestuff, aqueous    
P-94-1886          12/06/94           11/01/94           (G) Perfluoroalkylethyl acrylate copolymer             
P-94-1887          12/06/94           11/01/94           (G) Aliphatic urethane                                 
P-94-1849          12/05/94           11/10/94           (G) Chromophore substituted polyalkaline intermediate  
P-94-1853          12/05/94           11/10/94           (G) Polymeric colorant                                 
P-94-1824          12/07/94           11/13/94           (G) Polyurethane                                       
P-94-1796          12/07/94           12/01/94           (G) Polyesteramide resin                               
P-94-1782          12/07/94           11/29/94           (G) Brominated epoxy resin                             
P-94-1786          12/06/94           11/15/94           (G) Perlfluoroalkylethyl ester                         
P-94-0495          12/13/94           12/11/94           (G) Aralkyl-nitrogen heterocycle                       
P-94-1646          12/13/94           11/09/94           (G) Esterfied styrene/maleic anhydride polymer         
P-94-1649          12/13/94           11/16/94           (S) A polymer of: styrene; polyethylene                
P-94-1895          12/13/94           12/01/94           (G) Hydrogenated nitrile terpolymer                    
P-94-2146          12/13/94           11/28/94           (G) Polyacrylic resin                                  
P-94-2171          12/13/94           12/07/94           (G) Epoxy terminated polyoxyamino prepolymer           
P-93-0718          12/15/94           12/08/94           (G) Substituted azo pyridinal benzoic acid ester       
P-94-2106          12/15/94           11/18/94           (G) Polyalkylpolymethacrylate                          
P-94-1240          12/16/94           12/07/94           (S) Nitriles, C16-C18 unsat'd.                         
Y-95-0003          12/09/94           11/11/94           (G) Alpha-olefins, alkenylbenzene copolymer            
P-94-1942          12/09/94           11/14/94           (G) Modified methyl methacrylate / ethyl acrylate      
P-94-1844          12/09/94           11/26/94           (G) Polyurethane polymer of 1,1'-methylenebis(4-       
                                                          isocyanatobenzene) and polyols                        
P-94-1940          12/13/94           11/14/94           (G) Ethenyl unsaturated polyester                      
P-94-1983          12/13/94           11/17/94           (G) Phenolic modified drying oil polyester             
P-94-2054          12/13/94           11/25/94           (G) Acrylate copolymer                                 
P-93-1472          12/09/94           11/22/94           (G) Disubstituted dialkoxy silane                      
P-94-2059          12/09/94           11/17/94           (G) Phospho molybdo tungstic complex of 2-[[2-cyano-3- 
                                                          substituted)amino]phenyl]-1-oxo-propenyl]oxy & basic  
                                                          red I                                                 
P-93-1566          12/14/94           12/09/94           (S) A polymer of: 1,3-benzenedimethanamine; dimer acid 

[[Page 36622]]
P-93-1567          12/14/94           12/09/94           (S) A polymer of: 1.3-benzenedimethanamine; 2,2-((1-   
P-93-1568          12/14/94           12/09/94           (S) A polymer of: 1.3-benzenedimethanamine; versatic   
                                                          acid (C9-C11) glycidyl ester                          
P-93-1569          12/14/94           12/09/94           (S) A polymer of: N,N-bis(3-aminomethylbenzyl)-2-      
                                                          hydroxypropane-1,3-diamine; dimer acid                
P-94-1993          12/12/94           12/02/94           (S) A polymer of: acrylic acid; 1-propane sulphonic    
                                                          acid, 2-methyl-2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)amino]-,          
                                                          monosodium salt; 1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl phosphorous  
                                                          acid; sodium per sulphate; sodium hydroxide; sodium   
P-91-1284          12/08/94           11/17/94           (G) Aromatic sulfonic acid, compound with amine        
P-92-0885          11/22/94           11/08/94           (G) Bis-arene complex                                  
P-92-0886          11/22/94           11/11/94           (G) Bis-arene organometallic complex                   
P-91-0839          10/12/94           10/03/94           (G) Substituted alkyl amide                            
P-91-0840          10/12/94           10/03/94           (G) Substituted alkyd amide                            
P-91-0841          10/12/94           10/03/94           (G) Substituted alkyd amide                            
P-91-0842          10/12/94           10/03/94           (G) Substituted alkyd amide                            
P-94-1127          10/04/94           08/30/94           (G) Water biorne polyurethane dispersions              
Y-94-0143          12/16/94           12/15/94           (G) 1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid polymer with diol and 
                                                          dione substituted benzoate 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)      
Y-94-0186          12/20/94           12/14/94           (G) Water reducible alkyd                              
Y-95-0007          12/20/94           12/01/94           (G) Unsaturated polyester                              
P-94-0462          12/20/94           12/06/94           (G) Polyimine                                          
P-94-0609          12/20/94           12/06/94           (G) Reaction product of: petroleum by product,         
                                                          diethylene glycol, polyfunctional aliphatic alcohols, 
                                                          tall oil Fatty acids, pentaerythritol                 
P-94-0687          12/20/94           12/08/94           (G) Polyester urethane polymer                         
P-94-1656          12/20/94           11/30/94           (G) Methylphenylvinysiloxane                           
P-94-1998          12/20/94           11/30/94           (G) Acrylic acid, polymer with cationic monomer, sodium
P-94-2055          12/20/94           12/05/94           (G) Modified polyacrylamide                            
P-94-2073          12/19/94           11/17/94           (G) Organic compoumd containing transitional metal     
P-94-2126          12/20/94           12/04/94           (G) Polyethermodified urea                             
P-94-2127          12/20/94           12/04/94           (G) Polyacrylate, salt                                 
P-94-2172          12/20/94           12/09/94           (G) Acrylate acrylonitrile copolymer salt              
P-94-0607          12/28/94           12/05/94           (G) Carpro, fatty acid, imine condensate               
P-94-0047          12/29/94           12/12/94           (G) Polyurethane                                       
P-94-1707          12/29/94           11/30/94           (G) Alkyl pyridinium salt                              
P-94-1708          12/29/94           11/30/94           (G) Alkyl pyridinium salt                              
P-94-1842          12/22/94           12/06/94           (G) Modified acrylic polymer                           
P-94-1862          12/20/94           12/09/94           (G) Paraffin/alkylamino carboxamine aqueous preparation
P-94-1902          12/28/94           12/07/94           (G) Polymer of ethylene; alkanoic acid, ethenyl ester; 
                                                          and acetic acid alkenyl ester                         
P-94-1947          12/28/94           12/05/94           (G) Modified epoxy resin modified aromatic epoxy resin 
P-94-2050          12/27/94           12/01/94           (G) Aromatic sulfonic acid, salt                       
P-94-2122          01/03/95           11/30/94           (G) Perfluoroalkylethyl acrylate copolymer             
P-94-2186          12/28/94           12/19/94           (G) Acrylic polymer                                    
Y-94-0048          12/28/94           12/20/94           (G) Polyester                                          
Y-94-0114          12/29/94           12/13/94           (G) Polyester                                          
Y-94-0142          12/29/94           12/18/94           (G) Polyester resin                                    
Y-94-0175          12/22/94           12/05/94           (G) Carboxylic acid copolymer                          
P-94-0957          01/04/95           12/21/94           (G) Polyester isocyanate polymer                       
P-94-1041          01/10/95           12/19/94           (G) Triethylaminium salt of polyurethane polymer       
P-94-1073          01/06/95           12/09/94           (G) Mixed unsaturated aliphatic esters                 
P-94-1583          01/10/95           12/13/94           (G) Modified polymer of styrene and aliphatic maleate  
P-94-2058          01/10/95           12/30/94           (G) Polymeric colorant                                 

[[Page 36623]]
P-94-2123          01/10/95           12/26/94           (G) Substituted azo dyestuff                           
P-94-2153          01/05/95           12/06/94           (G) Multifunctional epoxy resin                        
P-94-2167          01/06/95           01/04/95           (G) Substituted naphthalenesulfonic acid azo           
                                                          substituted phenyl azo substituted naphtalenesulfonic 
                                                          acid amino substituted phenyl salt                    
P-94-2168          01/04/95           12/12/94           (G) Quarternary amine monomer                          
P-94-1213          01/10/95           12/15/94           (G) 2-propen-1-aminium-N,N-dimethyl-N-2-propenyl-,     
                                                          chloride, copolymer with cationic monomer             
P-95-0001          01/10/95           01/04/95           (G) Polyester polyurethane                             
P-94-1840          01/10/95           12/20/94           (G) Styrene acrylic polymer ammonium salt              
P-91-1199          01/09/95           01/06/95           (S) Poly anhydroaspartic acid                          
P-92-1255          01/12/95           12/22/94           (G) Carbamic acid ester                                
Y-95-0018          01/13/95           01/03/95           (S) A polymer of: tall oil fatty acids; 1,3 trimethylol
                                                          propane; neo pentyl glycol; isophthalic acid; maleic  
                                                          anhydride; phthalic anhydride                         
P-93-1483          01/17/95           12/21/94           (G) 1-substituted-4-substituted benzene, sodium salt   
P-94-1010          01/17/95           01/07/95           (G) Substituted amino-anthraquinone                    
P-94-1014          12/28/94           12/16/94           (G) Substituted amino-anthroquinone                    
P-94-1822          01/17/95           12/20/94           (G) Vinylimidazole copolymer                           
P-94-2207          01/17/95           12/16/94           (G) Styrene dimer                                      
P-91-1429          01/18/95           01/03/95           (S) 2,2-dimethoxy ethanal                              
P-92-1467          01/18/95           01/05/95           (G) Mono substituted phenylazo-tetra substituted       
P-93-1694          01/18/95           01/06/95           (S) 3-(dichloroacetyl)-5-(2-furanyl)-2,2-              
P-94-1080          01/18/95           01/03/95           (G) Alcohol alkoxylate                                 
P-94-2241          01/18/95           12/29/94           (S) 1 (3H)-isobenzofuranone, 3-(4-[ethyl(4-            
P-94-1390          12/13/94           11/29/94           (G) Poly(vinyl alcohol)-co-(vinyl amine)               
P-94-1391          12/13/94           12/06/94           (G) Vinyl alcohol - vinyl amine copolymer salt         
P-91-1361          11/02/94           10/21/94           (S) 1,5-dioxaspiro [5.5] undecane-3,3-dicarboxylic     
                                                          acid, bis (1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl)ester  
P-94-2185          01/19/95           01/08/95           (G) Metallic salt of B-hydroxy naphthoic acid          
P-94-1422          01/23/95           12/27/94           (G) Rosin modified phenolic resin                      
P-94-1423          01/23/95           12/27/94           (G) Rosin modified phenolic resin                      
P-94-1698          01/23/95           12/27/94           (G) Rosin modified phenolic resin                      
P-91-0096          01/13/95           01/06/95           (S) 5-dodecen-1-ol, acetate, (Z)-                      
P-92-0864          01/23/95           01/12/95           (G) Substituted polyolefin                             
P-94-0579          01/18/95           12/31/94           (S) Bismuth naphthenate                                
P-94-1428          01/18/95           11/11/94           (S) Cyclododecaneethanol,.beta.-methyl-                
P-93-1221          01/24/95           01/14/95           (G) Ethoxylated, propoxylated polyaryl phenol          
P-93-1380          01/24/95           01/03/95           (S) Ethylene trimer                                    
P-94-1440          01/24/95           01/10/95           (G) Alcohol alkoxylate                                 
P-94-1565          01/27/95           01/22/95           (G) Polyoxy alkylene glycol                            
P-94-1660          01/27/95           01/10/95           (G) Fatty acid modified isophthalate polyester polymer 
P-94-1816          01/24/95           01/05/95           (G) Modified polyurethane of a substituted alkane diole
                                                          and a diisocyanate                                    
P-94-1828          01/18/95           01/05/95           (S) Pyridinium, 1-(2-propenyl)-, chloride              
P-94-1918          01/25/95           01/19/95           (G) Modified acylate polymer salts                     
P-94-1919          01/25/95           01/19/95           (G) Modified acylate polymer salts                     
P-94-1920          01/25/95           01/19/95           (G) Modified acylate polymer salts                     
P-95-0090          01/25/95           01/17/95           (S) Smine, cocoalkyl, ethoxylated compounds with       
                                                          cyclododecanol-cyclododecanone-nitric acid reaction   
                                                          product with boiling fraction and isonanoic acid      
P-94-2128          01/24/95           01/03/95           (G) Acid terminated terephthalate/isophthalate         
                                                          polyester resin                                       
P-94-2184          01/24/95           01/20/95           (G) Bis substituted, phenoxazin-5-ium, salt            
P-94-2235          01/24/95           01/12/95           (G) Polyurethane                                       

[[Page 36624]]
P-95-0002          01/24/95           01/03/95           (G) Thermoplastic polyimide                            
P-95-0070          01/24/95           01/12/95           (G) Phenolic novolak resin                             
P-95-0072          01/26/95           01/20/95           (G) Substituted aminophenylacetamide                   
Y-94-0177          01/24/95           12/27/94           (G) Polyethermodified polysiloxane                     
Y-95-0027          01/25/95           01/13/95           (G) Copolymer of acrylic and methacrylic esters        
P-94-1921          01/25/95           01/19/95           (G) Modified acylate polymer salts                     
P-94-1922          01/25/95           01/19/95           (G) Modified acylate polymer salts                     
P-94-1923          01/25/95           01/19/95           (G) Modified acylate polymer salts                     
Y-95-0015          01/20/95           12/29/94           (S) 1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid, polymer with         
                                                          decanedioic acid, 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylic acid, 1,2-
                                                          propanediol and 1,2-ethanediol                        
Y-95-0016          01/20/95           12/29/94           (S) 1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid, polymer with 1,4-    
                                                          benzenedicarboxylic acid, 1,2-propanediol, 1,2-       
                                                          ethanediol and 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-         
Y-95-0017          01/20/95           12/29/94           (S) 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid, polymer with 1,2-    
                                                          propanediol, 1,2-ethanediol and 2-ethyl-2-            
P-93-0588          01/27/95           12/08/94           (G) Epoxy amine adduct                                 
P-94-1533          01/27/95           01/19/95           (S) Propanenitrile, 3-amino-, N-[3-(C8-10              
P-94-1532          01/27/95           01/19/95           (S) 1,3-propanediamine, N-[3-(C8-10 alkyloxy)propyl]-  
P-94-1576          01/30/95           01/09/95           (G) Alkylalkoxysilane                                  
P-94-1577          01/30/95           01/11/95           (G) Emulsifier stabilized alkylhydroxysilane emulsions 
P-94-2181          01/31/95           01/24/95           (S) A polymer of: triallylcyanurate;                   
                                                          didecanoylperoxide; 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl phenol 
P-94-2244          02/02/95           01/16/95           (G) Acrylic polymer                                    
P-94-2245          01/31/95           01/15/95           (G) Amino hydroxy ester                                
P-94-2246          01/31/95           01/15/95           (G) Polyester resin                                    
P-95-0150          02/02/95           01/30/95           (G) Amine terminated epoxy polymer                     
Y-95-0026          01/30/95           01/05/95           (G) Oil modified alkyd resin                           
P-92-1320          01/30/95           11/17/94           (G) 1,3-propanediol,2,2'-[oxybis(methylene)bis[2-      
                                                          hydroxymethyl], hexasters with straight-chain and     
                                                          branched acids                                        
P-94-1227          01/31/95           01/11/95           (G) Urea modified hydroxy acrylate copolymer           
P-93-1347          02/02/95           01/12/95           (G) Cyclic urea amino epoxy adduct                     
P-94-1994          01/23/95           01/07/95           (S) A polymer of: 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl, methyl   
                                                          ester; benzene, 1,3-bis(1-isocyanato-1-methylethyl)-; 
                                                          1,6 hexanediol; hexanedioic acid; 1,3-                
                                                          benzenedicarboxylic acid; propenoic acid, 2-ethylhexyl
                                                          ester; fatty acid, C18 unsated. dimers, hydrogenated; 
                                                          propenoic acid, 3-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methyl; 
                                                          2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl, 2,3-dihydroxypropylester; 
                                                          ethanol, 2,2'-iminobis; ethanol, 2-(dimethylamino);   
                                                          1,4 butandiol; 2-proenamide, N-(1,1-dimethyl-3-oxo    
P-91-1168          10/18/94           10/01/94           (S) Polymer of benzene, diethenyl (monomer); benzene,  
                                                          ethenylethyl(monomer); benzene, ethenyl(monomer);     
                                                          dibenzoyl peroxide(radical chain initiator);          
                                                          isoindoledione ether(aminomethylator); sulfur         
                                                          trioxide(catalyst for aminoethylation); sodium        
                                                          hydroxide(hydrolyzer); formaldehyde(introduces ``CH2''
                                                          to final product); phosphorous acid(attaches ``CH2''  
                                                          to final product); sulfuric acid(catalyst for         
P-94-2267          02/02/95           01/24/95           (S) Silsequioxanes, methyl, [3-(2-                     
                                                          aminoethyl)amino]propyl and [3-                       
                                                          octadecyldimethylammonium chloride]propyl, methoxy-   
P-94-1711          02/06/95           01/31/95           (G) Hydroxy functional styrene/acrylic polymer         
P-92-0997          02/07/95           01/30/95           (G) Styrenated acrylic ester multi-polymer             
P-91-0766          02/07/95           01/31/95           (G) Polyoxyalkylene polyester urethane block polymer   
P-94-1419          02/07/95           01/30/95           (S) 1,1,2,4,4-pentamethyl-7-diethoxymethyl-1,2,3,4-    
                                                          tetrahydronaphthalene 1,1,2,4,4-pentamethyl-1,2,3,4-  
                                                          tetrahydronaphthalene carboxaldehyde                  
P-94-2165          02/07/95           01/26/95           (G) Acrylic/acrylonitrile polymer                      
P-94-2131          02/07/95           02/01/95           (G) Polyester isocyanate polymer                       
P-94-1955          02/07/95           01/25/95           (G) Ethylene copolymer                                 
P-94-2180          02/07/95           01/27/95           (S) Benzoic acid, 4-[4-cyano-1,6-dihydro-2-hydroxy-1,4-
                                                          dimethyl-6-oxo-3-pyridinyl)azo]-, 2-phenoxyethyl ester
P-95-0103          02/07/95           02/02/95           (S) A polymer of: 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid; 1,3-   
P-94-1570          02/08/95           12/16/94           (G) Alkylbenzene sulfonic acid, calcium salt           

[[Page 36625]]
P-94-2169          02/10/95           02/02/95           (G) Sulfonated naphthalamine reactive dye              
P-94-1894          02/10/95           01/12/95           (S) A polymer of: butyl acrylate; butadiene;           
                                                          acrylonitrile; 1,3-butadiene, polymer with            
                                                          acrylonitrile and butyl acrylate; hydrogen;           
                                                          triphenylphosphine; tris(triphenylphosphine) rhodium  
P-93-1070          02/13/95           04/14/94           (G) Isocyanate reaction products with cyclic primary   
                                                          amines and alkylamines                                
P-93-1310          02/13/95           01/12/95           (G) Boronated, ethoxylated alcohol                     
P-94-1452          02/14/95           01/17/95           (G) Quinacridone derivative                            
P-94-1892          02/14/95           01/19/95           (G) Methacrylate adducted polyurethane                 
P-94-1996          02/14/95           01/23/95           (G) Aromatic epoxide derivative                        
P-94-2140          02/14/95           01/20/95           (G) Styrenated acrylic polymer                         
P-94-2155          02/14/95           02/03/95           (G) Tetraurea grease thickener prepared by the reaction
                                                          of a diisocyanate with aliphatic amines               
P-95-0134          02/14/95           01/26/95           (G) Amine functional polyester polyol                  
P-95-0073          02/16/95           01/17/95           (G) Amine functional epoxy resin salted with an organic
P-95-0075          02/16/95           01/19/95           (G) Amine functional epoxy resin salted with an organic
P-94-2236          02/16/95           02/06/95           (G) Thermoplastic polyimide                            
P-94-2151          02/16/95           01/26/95           (G) Tetraphenylphosphonium salt                        
P-94-1461          02/16/95           01/24/95           (S) Propenoic acid, ethyl ester, polymer with 3-       
P-93-0552          02/17/95           02/09/95           (S) N,N'-(2,2'-diethyl-6,6'-dimethyl-4,4'-             
                                                          methylenediphenylene) bismaleimide                    
P-91-0874          02/28/95           02/06/95           (G) Polyolfin aminoester                               
P-92-1447          02/28/95           01/25/95           (G) 2-propenoic acid, reaction product with 2-oxepanone
                                                          and akyl triol                                        
P-93-0466          02/27/95           02/03/95           (S) Benzenemethanamine, N-[[[[3-[[[[[bis(phenylmethyl) 
P-94-0144          02/22/95           02/01/95           (G) Fluorinated acrylic polymer                        
P-94-0628          02/23/95           02/13/95           (G) Metal resinate                                     
P-94-0629          02/23/95           02/13/95           (G) Metal resinate                                     
P-94-1011          02/27/95           02/17/95           (G) Substituted amino-anthroquinone                    
P-94-1790          02/21/95           01/30/95           (G) Novolac-resin from substituted phenols and         
P-94-2173          02/27/95           01/26/95           (G) Fluorinated acrylic resin                          
P-94-2177          02/27/95           02/06/95           (S) 3,6-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, [8-[(4,6-dichloro- 
                                                          1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)amino]-; 1-hydroxy-2-(naphthalenyl-
                                                          1-sulfato)azo]-, trisodium salt, reacted with 1,2-    
                                                          diaminopropane and 5-cyano-2,4,6-trichloropyrimidine  
P-94-2195          02/21/95           01/30/95           (G) Disubstituted benzene dimethanol                   
P-94-2193          02/21/95           01/25/95           (G) Disubstituted bis (chloromethyl) benzene           
P-95-0023          02/21/95           01/23/95           (G) Hydrofluorocarbon ethers                           
P-95-0159          02/22/95           02/02/95           (G) Carbamate acrylic polymer                          
P-95-0185          02/22/95           02/08/95           (G) Saturated polyester resin                          
P-95-0186          02/21/95           02/14/95           (G) Siloxanes and silicones, di-me, polyether modified 
Y-95-0002          03/06/95           02/15/95           (S) A polymer of: dimethyl terephthalate; 2-methyl-1,3-
                                                          propanediol; diethylene glycol; dibutylin oxide       
Y-95-0042          03/02/95           02/22/95           (G) Isophthalic acid polymer with cyclialcohol and     
P-94-1575          03/07/95           02/06/95           (G) Hydroxy acrylic polymer                            
P-93-1577          03/06/95           12/09/94           (S) Polymer of: 1,3-benzenedimethanamine; formaldehyde;
P-94-0212          02/22/95           02/01/95           (G) Chromophore substituted polyoxyalkylene tint       
P-94-0486          02/28/95           01/28/95           (G) Acrylate/methacrylate copolymer                    
P-94-0500          03/09/95           03/06/95           (G) Chia plant                                         
P-94-0928          03/07/95           02/27/95           (S) Dibenzo[B,K][1,4,7,10,13,16]hexaoxacyclooctadecin, 
                                                          2,13(or 2,14)-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)eicosahydro-      
P-94-0929          03/07/95           02/14/95           (S) Dibenzo[B,K][1,4,7,10,13,16]hexaoxacyclooctadecin, 
                                                          2,13(or 2,14)-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-                 
P-94-1753          03/06/95           02/10/95           (G) Aromatic amidosubstituted naphthalenecarboxamide   
P-94-1931          03/07/95           02/20/95           (G) Substituted phthaloperine                          
P-94-1932          03/07/95           02/14/95           (G) Substituted phthaloperine                          

[[Page 36626]]
P-94-2006          02/28/95           02/08/95           (G) Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate copolymer           
P-94-2029          03/07/95           02/06/95           (S) A Polymer of: vinylidene fluorine; 2,2-dichloro-   
                                                          1,1,1-trifluoro ethane; di-T-butyl peroxide           
P-94-2163          02/28/95           02/06/95           (S) Tripropylene glycol, trimellitic anhydride, 1,4    
                                                          cyclohexane dimethanol, fumaric acid polymer          
P-94-2213          02/28/95           01/31/95           (G) Polymer of 1,6-hexanediol and polyfunctional       
                                                          carboxylic anhydride                                  
P-94-2214          02/28/95           02/01/95           (G) Acrylated polymer of 1,6-hexanediol and            
                                                          polyfunctional carboxylic anhydrides                  
P-94-2239          03/09/95           02/20/95           (S) L-aspartic acid, homopolymer                       
P-95-0071          03/06/95           02/02/95           (S) A polymer of: triethylene glycol dimercaptan; 2,4,6-
                                                          tris[(dimethylamino)methyl]phenol; epoxy phenolic     
                                                          novolac resin; bisphenol A epoxy resin                
P-95-0098          03/01/95           02/21/95           (G) High solids acrylic modified alkyd                 
P-95-0102          02/28/95           02/06/95           (G) Carboxfunctional polymethylsiloxane                
P-95-0125          02/28/95           02/13/95           (S) 3-Cyanopropyl (diisopropyl)dimethyl amino silane   
P-95-0130          03/06/95           02/02/95           (G) Saturated polyester resin                          
P-95-0180          02/28/95           02/14/95           (G) Isocyanate polymer                                 
P-95-0230          03/07/95           02/27/95           (G) Diketo-pyrrolpyrrol                                
P-95-0275          03/01/95           02/23/95           (G) Etherified urea phenolic resin                     
P-95-0233          03/09/95           02/13/95           (G) Trialkyl substituted indole                        
P-95-0234          03/09/95           02/18/95           (G) Bis indole substituted alkene                      
P-95-0236          03/09/95           02/21/95           (G) Substituted isobenzofuranone                       
P-94-1070          10/21/94           10/12/94           (S) Polyester of hexanedioic acid, 1,6 hexanediol and  
                                                          1,3 benzenedicarboxylic acid, 5 sulfo, monosodium salt
P-95-0170          03/15/95           02/28/95           (S) A polymer of: carboxylic acids, di C4-6; soybean   
                                                          oil, epoxidized                                       
P-94-2240          03/15/95           02/17/95           (G) Polyamino acid salt                                
P-95-0121          03/15/95           02/27/95           (S) 2-Propenoic acid, polymer with butyl-2-propenoate, 
                                                          methyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, and 3-oxo-, 2-((2-methyl-
                                                          1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy) ethyl butanoate reaction product
                                                          with ammonia                                          
P-94-1846          03/15/95           03/01/95           (G) Fluoroaliphatic polymer                            
P-94-1815          03/15/95           02/22/95           (G) Modified polyurethane of a substituted alkane diole
                                                          and a diisocyanate                                    
P-92-0770          03/17/95           02/17/95           (G) Aromatic polyimide                                 
P-95-0354          03/20/95           03/13/95           (G) Triethylenetetramine formalin condensate           
P-95-0177          03/20/95           02/11/95           (G) Hydrogenated Fatty acids, amides with 1,3 dioxolan-
                                                          2-one, alkoxylated                                    
P-94-0696          03/20/95           03/03/95           (G) Organo silicon copolymer                           
P-94-0452          03/21/95           02/22/95           (S) Reaction product of silica, dibutylmagnesium,      
                                                          tetraethylorthosilicate and titanium tetrachloride    
P-94-0453          03/21/95           02/22/95           (S) Reaction product of silica, dibutylmagnesium,      
                                                          tetrabutylorthosilicate and titanium tetrachloride    
P-94-1444          03/21/95           03/01/95           (S) (1,3-dihydroxypropyl-2' methylpropenate) monoester 
                                                          of maleic anhydride adducted polybutadiene            
                                                          (hydroxypropyl methacrylate)                          
P-95-0077          03/21/95           02/24/95           (G) Methyl 2-(aminosulfonyl)-6-substituted-3-          
P-95-0067          03/21/95           03/14/95           (G) Polyester isocyanate polymer                       
P-94-1484          03/21/95           02/17/95           (G) Formaldehyde copolymer, potassium salt             
P-94-0494          03/21/95           03/10/95           (G) Substituted pyridine                               
P-94-0661          03/21/95           03/02/95           (G) Poly(oxy-1,2-alkanediyl),alpha,w-dialkyl           
P-95-0182          03/22/95           02/23/95           (G) Crosslinked unsaturated polyester-styrene resin    
P-94-2178          03/23/95           02/28/95           (G) Acrylic siloxane polymer                           
P-94-2179          03/23/95           03/03/95           (G) Acrylic siloxane polymer                           
P-94-2003          03/23/95           03/09/95           (G) Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate copolymer           
P-94-1992          03/23/95           02/22/95           (G) Polymer of alkanediols; monocyclic dicarboxylic    
                                                          acid, dimethyl ester; monocyclic monosulfonated       
                                                          dicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester, monosodium salt;   
                                                          and hydroxy alkoxyaldanesulfonic acid, sodium salt    
P-92-1415          03/23/95           03/03/95           (G) Heterocyclic perylene pigment                      
P-95-0290          03/24/95           03/08/95           (S) Reaction products of: benzene, reaction products   
                                                          with chlorine and sulfur chloride (S2CL2), chlorides; 
                                                          methanol, sodium salt; and phenol, 4,4'-[2,2,2-       
P-94-1450          03/24/95           03/04/95           (G) Modified polyvinyl alcohol                         
P-95-0126          03/27/95           03/07/95           (G) Oil modified polyester or alkyd resin              

[[Page 36627]]
P-94-1885          03/27/95           03/15/95           (S) A polymer of: 2,2 dimethyl-1,3-propanediol;        
                                                          terephthalic acid; glycerol; maleic anhydride         
P-94-1771          03/27/95           03/10/95           (S) 1-methoxy-2-propyl propionate                      
P-94-2158          03/07/95           02/23/95           (G) 2 Carboxamide-3 hydroxy-N phenyl-naphthanyl 4-(2'  
                                                          methyl substituted phenyl azo                         
P-93-1616          03/28/95           03/18/95           (S) Polymer of: diethylene glycol; maleic anhydride;   
                                                          adipic acid; toluene diisocyanate; ethanol            
P-95-0131          03/28/95           03/13/95           (G) Dicarboxylic acid ester                            
P-95-0141          03/28/95           03/01/95           (G) Polyhalomethyl substituted triazine derivative     
P-95-0295          03/28/95           03/13/95           (G) Inorganic metal complex                            
P-95-0417          03/28/95           03/22/95           (G) Polycarbonate polyurethane                         
P-94-1845          03/29/95           03/13/95           (G) Fatty acid salt of alkyl diamine                   
P-94-2203          03/30/95           03/01/95           (G) Di-substituted bis[aminobenzene] derivative        
P-93-0597          03/31/95           03/16/95           (G) Aliphatic amine-blocked polycycloaliphatic         
P-94-1751          03/31/95           03/12/95           (S) 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2-methylpropyl ester; 
                                                          siloxanes and silicones, di-me 3-mercaptopropyl;      
                                                          propanenitrile, 2,2'-azobis[2-methyl-                 
P-94-1729          04/03/95           03/14/95           (G) Polyester polyol intermediate                      
Y-94-0038          04/03/95           03/28/95           (S) A polymer of: safflower oil; 1,2,3 propanetriol;   
                                                          2,5- furandione; 4,7-methandiso benzofuran-1,3-dione, 
                                                          stannane, dibutloxo                                   
Y-93-0135          04/03/95           02/25/95           (G) Polyolefinic copolymer                             
P-91-0964          04/05/95           03/18/95           (G) Acrylic urethane modified epoxy ester polymer      
Y-95-0046          03/20/95           02/28/95           (S) 1,1''-methylenebis(4-isocyanatobenzene), polymer   
                                                          with 1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid, 1,2-               
                                                          benzenedicarboxylic acid, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-           
                                                          propanediol,1,2-ethanediol, bis(hydroxymethyl)        
                                                          cyclohexane, and 5-sulfo-1, 3-benzenedicarboxylic acid
                                                          monosodium salt                                       
P-94-1542          03/27/95           03/15/95           (S) A polymer of: isophorone diisocyanate; 2-ethyl-(2- 
                                                          hydroxymethyl) 1,3 propane diol; hydroxypropyl        
P-94-1553          03/31/95           03/27/95           (G) Polyalkyl substituted diphosphonate                
P-95-0087          04/03/95           03/09/95           (G) Hydroxyl funcitonal polycarbonyl (polyalkylene     
                                                          oxide) polyurea oligomer                              
P-94-0254          04/04/95           03/27/95           (S) 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, cyclohexyl ester,     
                                                          polymer with 2-(diethylamino)ethyl 2-methyl-2-        
                                                          propenoate and 2-methylpropyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate   
P-95-0343          04/04/95           03/15/95           (G) Diethanolamine salt of a phosphated                
P-95-0196          04/04/95           03/02/95           (G) Acrylic copolymer salt                             
P-95-0195          04/04/95           03/02/95           (G) Acrylic copolymer salt                             
P-94-1899          04/04/95           03/07/95           (G) Alkoxy-functional polydimethylsiloxane             
P-94-1900          04/04/95           03/08/95           (G) Alkoxy-functional polydimethylsiloxane             
P-95-0127          04/05/95           03/28/95           (G) Difunctonal ketoximino silane                      
P-93-1381          04/05/95           03/06/95           (G) Aliphatic ether                                    
P-93-0686          04/06/95           03/03/95           (S) Carbamic acid, (3-isocyanato-4-methylphenyl)-2-    
                                                          ethylhexyl ester                                      
P-95-0265          04/05/95           03/05/95           (S) A polymer of: linoleic acid; benzoic acid;         
                                                          glycerol; pentaerythritol; phthalic anhydride         

List of Subjects

    Environmental protection, Premanufacture notices, Polymer 
exemptions, and Test marketing exemption applications.

    Dated: June 26, 1995.

George A. Bonina,
Acting Director, Information Management Division, Office of Pollution 
Prevention and Toxics.

[FR Doc. 95-17474 Filed 7-14-95; 8:45 am]