[Federal Register Volume 62, Number 96 (Monday, May 19, 1997)]
[Pages 27426-27452]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 97-12954]

[[Page 27425]]


Part III

Department of Health and Human Services


Administration for Children and Families


Fiscal Year 1997 Discretionary Announcement for Head Start-University 
Research Projects, Head Start Research Scholars and Head Start 
Partnerships With Historically Black Colleges and Universities; 
Availability of Funds and Request for Applications; Notice

Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 96 / Monday, May 19, 1997 / Notices

[[Page 27426]]


Administration for Children and Families
[Program Announcement No. ACF/ACYF/HS-URP&RS 97-7]

Fiscal Year 1997 Discretionary Announcement for Head Start-
University Research Projects, Head Start Research Scholars and Head 
Start Partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities; 
Availability of Funds and Request for Applications

AGENCY: Administration on Children, Youth and Families, ACF, DHHS.

ACTION: Announcement of the availability of funds and request for 
applications for four priority areas related to Head Start.


SUMMARY: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), 
Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF) announces the 
availability of funds to support research activities in three research 
areas, two Head Start-University Partnerships (Translating Research 
into Practice and Mental Health Within Head Start) and Head Start 
Research Scholars, and one training area, Head Start Partnerships with 
Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

DATES: The closing time and date for receipt of applications is 5:00 
p.m. (Eastern Time Zone) July 18, 1997. Applications received after 
5:00 p.m. will be classified as late.

ADDRESSES: Mail applications to: Operations Center, 3030 Clarendon 
Blvd., Suite 240, Arlington, Va. 22201. Application for Head Start 
Discretionary Research: (Head Start-University Partnerships [Priority 
Area 1.01 or 1.02], Head Start Research Scholars, and Applications for 
Head Start Partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and 
    Hand delivered, courier or overnight delivery applications are 
accepted during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 
Monday through Friday, on or prior to the established closing date at: 
ACFY Operations Center, 3030 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 240, Arlington, Va. 
22201. Application for Head Start Discretionary Research: (Head Start-
University Partnerships or Head Start Research Scholars and 
Applications for Head Start Partnerships with Historically Black 
Colleges and Universities. (HBCUs))

Assistance Team (1-800-351-2293), is available to answer questions 
regarding application requirements and to refer you to the appropriate 
contact person in ACYF for programmatic questions.
    In order to determine the number of expert reviewers that will be 
necessary, if you are going to submit an application, you must send a 
post card or call with the following information: the name, address, 
telephone and fax number, and e-mail address of the principal 
investigator and the name of the university at least four weeks prior 
to the submission deadline date to: Administration on Children, Youth 
and Families, Operations Center, 3030 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 240, 
Arlington, VA 22201, (1-800-351-2293).

Part I. General Information, Purpose and Background

A. General Information

    This announcement is divided into four parts, plus appendices:
    Part I provides information on the purpose of the discretionary 
research effort and a discussion of issues particularly relevant to the 
research under this announcement.
    Part II contains key information on the statutory authority and 
each of the four priority areas such as eligible applicants, project 
periods, special conditions and other information. Each priority area 
description is composed of the following sections:
     Eligible Applicants--This section specifies the type of 
organization which is eligible to apply under the particular priority 
     Purpose--This section presents the basic focus and/or 
broad goal(s) of the priority area.
     Background and Information--This section briefly discusses 
the legislative background and/or the social context that supports the 
need for this particular priority area.
     Program Narrative--This section describes any necessary 
explanations of or deletions to the instructions given in the narrative 
section of Appendix A to make it appropriate for research applications 
or training applications for Historically Black Colleges and 
     Special Conditions--This section lists any special 
conditions with which the applicant must comply in order for the 
application to be considered for review.
     Project Duration--This section specifies the maximum 
allowable length of time for the project period; it refers to the 
amount of time for which Federal funding is available
     Federal Share of Project Costs--This section specifies the 
maximum amount of Federal support for the project.
     Matching Requirement--This section specifies the minimum 
non-Federal contribution, either through cash or in-kind match.
     Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded--This section 
specifies the number of projects that ACYF anticipates it will fund in 
the priority area.
     CFDA--This section identifies the Catalog of Federal 
Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number and title of the program under which 
applications in this priority area will be funded.
    Part III presents the criteria upon which the proposals will be 
reviewed and evaluated.
    Part IV contains information for preparing the fiscal year 1997 
    Appendix A includes the relevant forms, certifications, disclosures 
and assurances necessary for completing and submitting the application.
    Appendix B lists the Single Points of Contact for Each State and 
    Appendix C lists the Early Head Start programs that do not have 
Early Head Start Local Research cooperative agreements.

B. Purpose

    The purpose of this announcement is to (1) support research 
conducted by universities on behalf of faculty or doctoral-level 
graduate students who form partnerships with Head Start or Early Head 
Start programs in their communities for the purposes of contributing 
new knowledge or testing research applications which will improve 
services for low income young children and their families or (2) to 
utilize the capabilities of HBCUs to improve the quality and long term 
effectiveness of Head Start and Early Head Start by developing models 
of academic training and forming partnerships between HBCUs and Head 
Start (including Early Head Start) grantees and delegate agencies. 
Priority Areas 1.01 and 1.02 Head Start-University Partnerships provide 
support to Universities on behalf of faculty members in universities. 
Priority Area 1.03 Head Start Research Scholars provides support to 
universities on behalf of doctoral-level graduate students. Priority 
Area 1.04 provides support to Historically Black Colleges and 
Universities on behalf of faculty.

C. Background

    Part of Head Start's mission is to serve as a national laboratory 
for exploring new ideas, testing and demonstrating state-of-the-art 
techniques, and

[[Page 27427]]

disseminating research findings for the purpose of improving services 
for low-income children and their families. In order to accomplish that 
mission, Head Start supports and encourages partnerships between Head 
Start programs (including Early Head Start) and universities. These 
partnerships present new opportunities to learn from each other, to 
test practical applications of theoretical concepts and translate 
research into practice.
    Past competitions for either Head Start-University Partnerships or 
Head Start Research Scholars grants have been limited to Head Start 
programs that serve mostly three and four-year old children. However, 
in fiscal year 1995 Head Start initiated a new program, Early Head 
Start, which serves children and their families from the prenatal 
period to age three. Therefore, in fiscal year 1996, the Head Start-
University Partnerships and Head Start Research Scholars announcement 
contained new opportunities to conduct research with this younger age 
group. Presently, there are 143 Early Head Start programs. Of these, 16 
are participating in both the national research study and local 
research studies. These 16 sites are not eligible for partnerships 
under priority areas 1.01 and 1.02 in this announcement. However, 
partnerships may be formed with the other 127 Early Head Start sites 
that are presently funded by Head Start (See Appendix C) or any Head 
Start program that serves preschool children. For the purposes of this 
announcement, any further reference to Head Start is meant to include 
both Head Start and Early Head Start. Major issues for Head Start 
include improving the quality of all Head Start services, in particular 
for the purposes of this announcement, children's mental health, 
gathering recent information on the long-term effects of Head Start and 
exploring methods for enhancing the cognitive, language and social 
development of infants and toddlers. Improvement in quality includes 
the application of-state-of-the-art techniques that have evolved from 
advanced theoretical concepts and new research findings. It also 
involves the conduct of new research to ensure that Head Start services 
remain at the cutting edge. For HBCUs, improvement in quality is 
directed at testing state-of-the-art training models.
    Longitudinal research involves forming partnerships with Head Start 
programs to identify Head Start graduates and track their progress into 
elementary school. With new opportunities for research with younger 
populations, and ACYF's interest in longitudinal research on Head Start 
graduates and testing or demonstrating state-of-the-art techniques in 
all Head Start services, Head Start's FY 1997 research priorities 
present a number of interesting research challenges.

Part II. Priority Areas

Statutory Authority

    The Head Start Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 9801 et seq.

1.01  Head Start-University Partnerships--Translating Research Into 

    Eligible Applicants: Universities and four-year colleges.
    Purpose: (1) To improve the quality of Head Start/Early Head Start 
practices, particularly with regard to children's cognitive, language 
or social-emotional development; or (2) to conduct longitudinal 
research on Head Start graduates' status after entry into school.
    Background Information: In addition to Head Start's primary role as 
a national program of comprehensive services for young low-income 
children and their families, it also serves as a national laboratory, 
which develops, demonstrates, and tests best practices based on 
scientifically sound research and encourages and supports both new 
research and the development of new methods for conducting research. 
Because of its recognition as a national, federally-sponsored program, 
and the access it provides to a multi-cultural, low-income population, 
Head Start has been a major source of research. This research, which 
has been conducted both with Federal support and other resources, 
constitutes a significant portion of the child development research 
literature that includes low-income and multi-cultural populations.
    In the main, the ever-increasing body of child development research 
literature contains studies that fall into the domains of basic 
research and evaluation. Although these studies have made a significant 
contribution to our scientific, policy and general program knowledge, 
very little has reached service providers in terms of implementable 
applications within the context of their programs. Therefore, with the 
increase in our knowledge base, there is a concomitant increase in the 
gap between research and its translation into practice. Within this 
priority area, ACYF is interested in funding projects that translate 
theory-driven research into programmatic applications in partnership 
with the staff and families of Head Start programs. In addition to the 
translation of research into practice, these partnerships are intended 
to demonstrate new ways of conducting research where the researchers, 
the program staff and program families work as a cooperative research 
team. Projects under this priority area will test theory-driven 
approaches intended to enhance children's cognitive, language and/or 
social-emotional development. These approaches may include those that 
focus on the child or focus on the primary caregiver(s) and the child 
as a dyad. The chosen approach should reflect theory and previous 
research and be documented through a review of the literature. In 
addition, the approach may be developed for appropriate use with either 
infants and toddlers or preschool children.
    A second area of major concern is longitudinal data on Head Start 
graduates. Although Head Start is over thirty years old, little 
research has been accumulated on Head Start graduates' experiences and 
status after they enter school. Although the Head Start population of 
today is very different from the population thirty years ago, the data 
that exist on Head Start children's status as they enter school and 
their subsequent experiences are primarily based on the earlier 
population. What are the effects of Head Start children's status at 
kindergarten entry on their later school performance? How is Head Start 
children's performance in school influenced by the socio-economic 
environment of the school and the classroom? What variables within the 
child, family, Head Start program and community mediate success in 
school? These and other longitudinal questions are important areas for 
    Narrative: Please see the Program Narrative section in Appendix A 
to prepare this section of the application. Explanations of and 
exceptions to the narrative for the purposes of preparing a research 
proposal are listed below.
     Objectives and Need for Assistance--The justification for 
a research proposal is based upon a review of the literature and either 
the need for new research or for the application of basic research in 
an applied setting. Do not include letters of support or testimonials 
other than those required below under special conditions.
     Results or Benefits Expected--For research applications, 
it is the contribution to the field the research will make or the 
improvement in the quality of services for children and families.
     Approach--For research applications, this is the 
methodology section including design, sample size and description, 
identification of

[[Page 27428]]

measures, data collection schedules and types of analyses to be 
     Evaluation--This section is not needed for research 
     Geographical Location--Not needed.
     Additional Information--Use the sections on Staff and 
Position Data and Dissemination Plan only. Biographical sketches are 
needed for only the principal investigator or co-principal 
investigators and other key staff.
    Special Conditions:
     The applicant must enter into a partnership with a Head 
Start or Early Head Start program for the purposes of conducting the 
     The application must contain a letter from the Head Start 
or Early Head Start program certifying that they have entered into a 
partnership with the applicant and the application has been reviewed 
and approved by the Policy Council.
     The applicant must agree to attend two meetings of the 
research grantees each year including Head Start's Fourth National 
Research Conference in July of 1998 and June of 2000. The budget should 
reflect travel funds for such purposes.
     The applicant must apply the University's off-campus 
research rates for indirect costs.
    Project Duration: The announcement for priority area 1.01 is 
soliciting applications for project periods up to three years. Awards, 
on a competitive basis, will be for a one-year budget period, although 
project periods may be for three years. Applications for continuation 
grants funded under these awards beyond the one-year budget period, but 
within the three-year project period, will be entertained in subsequent 
years on a non-competitive basis, subject to availability of funds, 
satisfactory progress of the grantee and a determination that continued 
funding would be in the best interest of the Government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share is 
approximately $150,000 for the first 12-month budget period or 
approximately $450,000 for a 3-year project period. The Federal share 
is inclusive of indirect costs.
    Matching Requirement: There is no matching requirement.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
4-6 projects will be funded.
    CFDA: 93.600 Head Start: Head Start Act, as amended.

1.02  Head Start-University Partnerships-- Mental Health Within Head 

    Eligible Applicants: Universities and four-year colleges.
    Purpose: The purpose of this priority area is to invite applicants 
to submit proposals for competitive cooperative agreements to develop 
and/or test applications of theory-based research or state-of-the-art 
techniques for the prevention, identification and/or treatment of young 
children's mental health disorders. The goal is to create a consortium 
of researchers focused on improving the provision of mental health 
services within Head Start programs.
    A cooperative agreement is a funding mechanism which allows 
substantial Federal involvement in the activities undertaken with 
Federal financial support. Details of the responsibilities, 
relationships, and governance of the cooperative agreement will be 
spelled out in the terms and conditions of the award. The specific 
responsibilities of the Federal staff and grantee staff are tentatively 
listed below under Special Conditions and will be agreed upon prior to 
the award of each cooperative agreement.
    Background and Information: Along with pediatric primary health 
care providers, Head Start, as a comprehensive service delivery 
program, serves as one of the earliest mechanisms for identification 
and intervention with a vulnerable population of young low-income 
children and their families. Whether one advocates the importance of 
early identification and treatment of ``at-risk'' children or children 
with actual manifestations of emotional and/or behavioral difficulties, 
or one stresses the fundamental importance of promoting ``wellness'' 
via preventive intervention approaches, it is clear that Head Start 
plays a crucial role in any such discussion.
    Based upon a recent review of the research literature, there are 
key gaps in the extant knowledge base that call for additional research 
in this area. First, there is the need to improve the understanding of 
the identification of early onset mental, emotional or behavioral 
disabilities in this low-income population of young children, 
especially in comparison to the rates of identification of disabilities 
(which include mental health problems) in Head Start programs.
    There also is the need to expand the understanding of the 
trajectories of social and emotional development in very young, low-
income children, including a better understanding of the prevalence of 
risk and protective factors. This is especially the case given the 
overarching context of dramatic increases in the frequency, intensity 
and severity of exposure to risk factors (e.g., community violence, 
substance abuse, physical and sexual abuse, neglect, etc.) for young 
children growing up in poverty.
    Head Start programs are the point of entry for low-income children 
into community service delivery networks. Head Start programs, within 
the context of the larger network of other community service providers, 
can be organized to promote efficient, accurate, and high quality 
screening, assessment, intervention and/or referral, as necessary. The 
proactive universal screening of all enrolled children, that is 
required by Head Start Performance Standards, is one of the best 
mechanisms for ensuring the earliest detection of difficulties.
    However, the effectiveness of such an approach undoubtedly will be 
a function of certain key programmatic indicators of quality mental 
health service provision, such as the use of on-site mental health 
professionals (versus outside mental health professionals and/or 
consultants), high ratios of mental health professional staff to 
children served, adequate educational/professional training of mental 
health staff, and strong, established collaborative relationships with 
relevant community mental health providers, as well as involvement of 
families and staff in the development and implementation of services 
that are appropriate and acceptable to the families and communities 
they serve.
    Within this priority area, ACYF is interested in funding a 
Consortium of research projects that will generate new knowledge 
through research, that will advance our current level of understanding 
and that will facilitate efforts to improve the capacity of Head Start 
and related early childhood programs to deliver high quality, 
comprehensive, developmentally appropriate, prevention and intervention 
services to support the mental health of Head Start and other young 
children, families and staff, across the country. Lessons learned from 
these research projects would be linked with Head Start's training and 
technical assistance network to maximize benefits across all programs.
    Mental health is defined broadly as ``promoting the healthy 
emotional development of children, supporting family strengths, 
identifying early signs of emotional and behavioral difficulties, and 
assisting families with special

[[Page 27429]]

needs'' (Yoshikawa and Knitzer, 1997). This definition incorporates a 
balanced emphasis that includes prevention as a cornerstone of early 
intervention efforts. While the primary focus is on the child, this 
ecological approach acknowledges the importance of addressing the 
mental health needs of the parents and staff, as well.
    This Head Start/early childhood mental health research initiative 
builds upon a number of recent efforts, including: (1) The Task Force 
on Head Start and Mental Health supported by the American 
Orthopsychiatric Association; (2) the recently-completed Descriptive 
Study of the Head Start Health Component, which included an examination 
of mental health issues for a nationally-representative sample of Head 
Start programs and the families served; (3) the recently published Head 
Start Program Performance Standards, which stress collaborative 
relationships between programs and parents to share concerns about 
their children's mental health, identify appropriate responses to 
children's behavior, help parents to understand mental health issues, 
and create supportive environments and relationships in their homes and 
at Head Start; and (4) the recently completed study, Lessons from the 
Field: Head Start Mental Health Strategies to Meet Changing Needs 
(Yoshikawa and Knitzer, 1997), on the mental health service delivery 
systems of care in 73 Head Start programs across the country.
    The Administration on Children, Youth and Families is currently in 
negotiation with the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) about 
the possibility of expanding the Consortium to include similar research 
projects currently supported by ACYF and/or NIMH. Applicants should be 
aware that there is also a possibility that NIMH may make available 
supplementary funding in subsequent grant years to facilitate a set of 
cross-cutting, coordinated research efforts within a consortium 
framework. Any supplemental funding would be contingent upon ACYF and 
NIMH review and approval of the consortium's workplan for the set of 
cross-cutting, coordinated research activities.
    Narrative: Please see the Program Narrative Section in Appendix A 
to prepare the narrative section of the application. Explanations of 
and exceptions to the narrative for the purposes of preparing a 
research proposal are listed below.
     Objectives and Need for Assistance--The justification for 
a research proposal is based upon a review of the literature and either 
the need for new research or for the application of basic research in 
an applied setting. Do not include letters of support or testimonials 
other than those required below under special conditions.
     Results or Benefits Expected--For research applications, 
it is the contribution to the field the research will make or the 
improvement in the quality of services for children and families.
     Approach--For research applications, this is the 
methodology section including design, sample size and description, 
identification of measures, data collection schedules and types of 
analyses to be performed.
     Evaluation--This section is not needed for research 
     Geographical Location--Not needed.
     Additional Information--Use the sections on Staff and 
Position Data and Dissemination Plan only. Biographical sketches are 
needed for only the principal investigator or co-principal 
investigators and other key staff.
    Special Conditions:
     These are five-year cooperative agreement projects in 
which substantial Federal involvement is anticipated. ACYF is utilizing 
a cooperative agreement mechanism to support close communication, 
cooperation and coordination among participating projects. The specific 
respective responsibilities of Federal staff and the awardees are 
tentatively listed below under Cooperative Agreements and will be 
agreed upon prior to the award of each cooperative agreement.
     The applicant must enter into a partnership with a Head 
Start or Early Head Start program for the purposes of conducting the 
     The application must contain a letter from the Head Start 
or Early Head Start program certifying that they have entered into a 
partnership with the applicant and the application has been reviewed 
and approved by the Head Start Program Policy Council.
     The applicant must agree to participate as a member of a 
Consortium of research projects focused on Head Start mental health 
efforts, which will include, but not necessarily be limited to, 
successful applicants under this announcement and similar research 
projects currently supported by ACYF and/or NIMH (e.g., the Head Start 
Quality Research Centers Consortium, related Head Start University 
Partnerships, among others). A Steering Committee will be formed 
consisting of principal investigators from each of the participating 
projects, as well as representatives from ACYF and NIMH. The ACYF 
Federal Project Officer will serve as the chairperson for the Steering 
Committee. The Steering Committee will advise ACYF and NIMH on the 
design, implementation, and management of the cross-cutting research 
activities (e.g., common assessment approaches and intervention 
activities) which may be implemented by the participating projects. It 
will also provide a forum for the discussion of issues raised by the 
Consortium members, ACYF and NIMH. NIMH will provide logistical support 
for the cross-cutting work of the Consortium.
     The principal investigator and at least one other key 
staff member must agree to attend up to four (4), two-day meetings of 
the research grantees in the Washington, D.C. area each year including 
Head Start's Fourth National Research Conference in July of 1998 and 
June of 2000. The budget should reflect travel funds for such purposes. 
Participation in the broader consortium activities with other similar 
research projects, as described above, likely will involve 
approximately two of the four annual meetings.
     The applicant must apply the University's off-campus 
research rates for indirect costs.
    Cooperative Agreements:
    The following represents a tentative list of the reponsibilities 
under the cooperative agreement.
1. Responsibilities of the Grantee
The Grantee
     Enters into a partnership with a Head Start or Early Head 
Start program for the purposes of conducting research, including 
certification of review and approval of the application by the Policy 
     Conducts a local research study which develops and/or 
tests applications of theory-based research or state-of-the-art 
techniques for the prevention, identification and/or treatment of 
children's mental health disorders.
     Participates as a member of the Consortium of research 
projects focused on Head Start mental health efforts, which will 
include, but not necessarily be limited to, successful applicants under 
this announcement and similar research projects currently supported by 
ACYF and/or NIMH, such as the Head Start Quality Research Centers, and 
Head Start University Partnership research grants, among others.
     Agrees to participate in a Consortium governance structure 
consisting of a steering committee chaired by the ACYF Federal Project 
Officer, and including principal

[[Page 27430]]

investigators from each of the participating projects, as well as 
representatives from ACYF and NIMH.
     Agrees to participate in the design and testing of a 
Consortium workplan, consisting of a set of cross-cutting, coordinated 
research activities, and to consider participation in the 
implementation of this Consortium workplan, contingent upon ACYF and 
NIMH review and approval, should supplementary funding become available 
in subsequent years.
2. Responsibilities of the Federal Staff
The Federal Staff
     Provide guidance in the development of the Consortium 
workplan, including review and decision-making about the feasibility of 
implementing the workplan, should supplementary funding become 
available in subsequent years.
     Participate as members of the Consortium, including Chair 
of the steering committee, and on any policy or working groups 
established at the Consortium level to facilitate the accomplishment of 
project goals.
     Facilitate communication among Consortium members, 
including research partners and Federal staff, the Head Start training 
and technical assistance network, the Quality Research Centers 
Consortium, and related Head Start University Partnerships.
     Provide logistical support to facilitate conferences, 
meetings, special consultation activities, commissioned papers, and 
meetings of the Consortium.
    Project Duration: The announcement for priority area 1.02 is 
soliciting applications for project periods up to five years. Awards, 
on a competitive basis, will be for a one-year budget period, although 
project periods may be for five years. Applications for continuation 
grants funded under these awards beyond the one-year budget period, but 
within the five-year project period, will be entertained in subsequent 
years on a non-competitive basis, subject to availability of funds, 
satisfactory progress of the grantee and a determination that continued 
funding would be in the best interest of the Government. Criteria for 
continuation of funding beyond the first three years may include 
participation in the cross-cutting, coordinated research activities 
developed through the consortium framework.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share for the 
base cooperative agreements is approximately $200,000 for the first 12-
month budget period or a maximum of $1,000,000 for a five-year project 
period. (The Federal share is inclusive of indirect costs.) In addition 
to the base funding level of each cooperative agreement, there is the 
possibility that NIMH may make available supplemental funds in 
subsequent years to some or all of the grantees, through a 
collaborative, interagency agreement, to support a potential set of 
cross-cutting, coordinated research activities developed during the 
first year of the project period. These supplements would be subject to 
the availability of NIMH funds and contingent upon NIMH review and 
approval of a consortium workplan for the set of cross-cutting, 
coordinated research activities.
    Matching Requirement: There is no matching requirement.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
4-6 projects will be funded.
    CFDA: 93.600 Head Start: Head Start Act, as amended.

1.03  Support for Graduate Students: The Head Start Research Scholars 

    Eligible Applicants: Institutions of higher education on behalf of 
qualified doctoral candidates enrolled in the sponsoring institution. 
To be eligible to administer the grant on behalf of the student, the 
institution must be fully accredited by one of the regional accrediting 
commissions recognized by the Department of Education and the Council 
on Post-Secondary Accreditation. In addition, the specific graduate 
student on whose behalf the application is made must be identified and 
any resultant grant award is not transferable to another student. Funds 
from this grant may not be used to make any payments to other students 
at the university.
    Purpose: To provide support for graduate students to encourage the 
conduct of research with Head Start populations which will contribute 
to the knowledge base for improving services for Head Start children 
and families.
    Background and Information: A large body of literature exists on 
the early years of the Head Start program. A significant number of 
these studies are dissertations and other research conducted by 
graduate students. Many of these graduate students continued to make 
significant contributions to Head Start as they pursued their careers. 
As Head Start has continued to grow, its population has become more 
diverse and societal problems have become more complex. In order to 
meet the challenges Head Start faces today, it is more than ever in 
need of the information that only sophisticated research conducted by 
well trained researchers can provide. Therefore, as part of a research 
capacity building effort, Head Start is interested in supporting 
doctorate-level graduate students with diverse backgrounds and from 
diverse fields to conduct research in Head Start programs.
    A new generation of Head Start research is needed that recognizes 
the great diversity among Head Start programs and the populations which 
it serves. Although Head Start delivers a core set of services which 
are defined by the Head Start Program Performance Standards, there is 
wide variability across programs in terms of the methods by which these 
services are delivered. Within programs, moreover, children and 
families vary in their levels of functioning, ethnicity and other 
variables which interact with program interventions. The Head Start 
population offers a unique opportunity for research which will 
contribute to understanding the differences in this diverse population 
and how to effectively tailor services and interventions for children 
and families with different characteristics. Research is needed on the 
particular learning styles, the cognitive and social development, and 
the developmental trajectories of children as well as on indicators of 
family functioning as they are manifested in specific cultural and/or 
linguistic groups, children with specific disabilities, and families at 
different levels of functioning. In addition, suitable measures of 
child, adult and family functioning must be identified and adapted for 
specific subgroups of this diverse population. ACYF is interested in 
supporting doctoral-level students, through their sponsoring 
institutions, who are now conducting or wish to conduct research on the 
Head Start population, and which will contribute to our knowledge about 
the best approaches for delivering services to diverse populations. 
Doctoral-level graduate students who are representative of Head Start's 
diverse populations are particularly encouraged to apply.
Research projects include independent studies conducted by the graduate 
students or well-defined portions of a larger study currently being 
conducted by a principal investigator holding a faculty position and 
for which the graduate student will have primary responsibility.
    Narrative: Please see the Program Narrative section in Appendix A 
to prepare the narrative section of the application. Explanations of 
and exceptions to the narrative for the

[[Page 27431]]

purposes of preparing a research proposal are listed below.
     Objectives and Need for Assistance--The justification for 
a research proposal is based upon a review of the literature and either 
the need for new research or for the application of basic research in 
an applied setting. Do not include letters of support or testimonials 
other than those required below under special conditions.
     Results or Benefits Expected--For research applications, 
it is the contribution to the literature the research will make or the 
improvement in the quality of services for children and families.
     Approach--For research applications, this is the 
methodology section including design, sample size and description, 
identification of measures, data collection schedules and types of 
analyses to be performed.
     Evaluation--This section is not needed for research 
     Geographical Location--Not needed.
     Additional Information--Use the sections on Staff and 
Position Data and Dissemination Plan only. Biographical sketches are 
needed for only the principal investigator or co-principal 
    Special Conditions:
     The applicant must enter into a partnership with a Head 
Start or Early Head Start program for the purposes of conducting the 
     The application must contain a letter from the Head Start 
program certifying that they have entered into a partnership with the 
applicant and the application has been reviewed and approved by the 
Policy Council.
     The applicant must agree to attend one meeting of the 
research grantees each year and Head Start's Fourth National Research 
Conference in July of 1998. The budget should reflect travel funds for 
such purposes.
     Considering the size of the grant, the university must 
waive indirect costs.
     A university faculty member must serve as a mentor to the 
graduate student. The application must include a letter from the 
faculty member stating that s/he has reviewed and approved the proposal 
and a description of how the faculty member will monitor the student's 
     Contact information, including an e-mail address, for the 
graduate student applicant must be included in the proposal.
     The proposal must be written by the graduate student.
    Project Duration: The announcement for priority area 1.03 is 
soliciting applications for project periods up to two years. Awards, on 
a competitive basis, will be for a one-year budget period, although 
project periods may be for two years. Applications for continuation 
grants funded under these awards beyond the one-year budget period, but 
within the two-year project period, will be entertained in the 
subsequent year on a non-competitive basis, subject to availability of 
funds, satisfactory progress of the grantee and a determination that 
continued funding would be in the best interest of the Government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share is not to 
exceed $15,000 for the first 12-month budget period or a maximum of 
$30,000 for a 2-year project period.
    Matching Requirement: There is no matching requirement.
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
10 projects will be funded. No individual university will be funded for 
more than one candidate unless 10 applications from different 
institutions do not qualify for support.
    CFDA: 93.600 Head Start: Head Start Act, as amended.

1.04  Head Start Partnerships With Historically Black Colleges and 

    Eligible Applicants: Historically Black Colleges and Universities 
(HBCUs) as defined in Executive Order 12677, which offer courses of 
study in the areas of human services delivery, early childhood 
education and care, health care services, community development and/or 
human resource development.
    Purpose: Announcement of financial assistance to be competitively 
awarded to Historically Black Colleges and Universities to utilize the 
capabilities of HBCUs to improve the quality and long term 
effectiveness of Head Start and Early Head Start by developing models 
of academic training and forming partnerships between HBCUs, and Head 
Start (including Early Head Start) grantees and delegate agencies.
    Background Information: The overall goal of Head Start is to bring 
about a greater degree of social competence in the children of low-
income families. In order to accomplish this goal, Head Start provides 
comprehensive services to low-income children and their families. Head 
Start enhances children's physical, intellectual, social and emotional 
development. It supports parents in their efforts to fulfill their 
parental roles and provides for their involvement in implementing the 
Head Start program. Another goal of Head Start is to strengthen 
community supports for families with young children. Early Head Start 
provides comprehensive services to pregnant women, infants and 
    Under this announcement, priority will be given to those HBCUs that 
indicate that they have formed partnerships with one or more Head Start 
or Early Head Start grantee and delegate agencies to provide training 
and mentorship to the Head Start and Early Head Start agencies.
    The partnership agreements must be beneficial to each partner, that 
is, HBCUs must benefit and participating Head Start and Early Head 
Start grantees must benefit. Partnership agreements can take many 
forms; however, at a minimum they must provide academic training for a 
specified number of Head Start/Early Head Start staff members. For 
example, a Head Start grantee may form a partnership with an HBCU that 
agrees to provide training for all Head Start staff members; including 
food service workers, classroom staff, home visitors and management 
staff. Another HBCU may agree to train mental health staff at several 
grantees, and provide modeling of sound child development practices 
with follow-up training and mentoring for center-based staff that may 
want to improve the overall learning environment of their classrooms. 
Other Head Start grantees may form partnerships with HBCUs that would 
provide training for all classroom staff, home visitors and Head Start 
Family Child Care providers that would lead to academic credit. In 
addition, if the Head Start grantee has formed partnerships with local 
child care agencies, training by the HBCU can be offered to those child 
care staff members.
    Narrative: Please see the Program Narrative Section in Appendix A 
to prepare the narrative section of the application.
    Special Conditions:
     The applicant must provide letters of commitment from the 
Head Start grantee(s) and relevant child care agencies.
     The applicant must currently offer credit courses in the 
areas of community Mental Health, Mental Health, Education and Early 
Childhood Development, including infant/toddler development, social 
work and social services and human resources development.
     The planning period before implementation of the program 
must not be more than five months.
    Project Duration: The announcement for priority area 1.04 is 
soliciting applications for project periods up to four years. Awards, 
on a competitive

[[Page 27432]]

basis, will be for a one-year budget period, although project periods 
may be for four years. Applications for continuation grants funded 
under these awards beyond the one-year budget period, but within the 
four-year project period, will be entertained in the subsequent years 
on a non-competitive basis, subject to availability of funds, 
satisfactory progress of the grantee and a determination that continued 
funding would be in the best interest of the Government.
    Federal Share of Project Costs: The maximum Federal share is not to 
exceed $125,000 for the first 12-month budget period or a maximum of 
$500,000 for a 4-year project period.
    Matching Requirement: There is no matching requirement. However, 
applicants are encouraged to provide non-Federal contributions to the 
    Anticipated Number of Projects to be Funded: It is anticipated that 
up to five projects will be funded.

Part III. Criteria and Review Process

    Two sets of criteria are presented below. In order to select 
successful applicants, the criteria for Head Start-University 
Partnerships and Head Start Research Scholars will be applied by the 
reviewers to the applicant's submissions in priority areas 1.01, 1.02 
and 1.03. The criteria for HBCU's will be applied to priority area 

A. Criteria

Head Start-University Partnerships and Head Start Research Scholars
1. Objectives and Significance--25 points

     The extent to which the objectives of the research are 
important and relevant to Head Start and the field of early childhood.
     The extent to which the research study makes a significant 
contribution to the broader field.
     The extent to which the related literature review supports 
the study objectives, the questions to be addressed or the hypotheses 
to be tested.
     The extent to which the questions that will be addressed 
or the hypotheses that will be tested are sufficient for meeting the 
stated objectives.

2. Approach--40 points

     The extent to which the planned approach reflects 
sufficient input from and partnership with the Head Start or Early Head 
Start program.
     The extent to which the research design is appropriate and 
sufficient for addressing the questions of the study.
     The extent to which the planned approach allows for the 
identification of specific outcomes.
     The extent to which the planned research includes 
quantitative and qualitative methods.
     The extent to which the planned measures and analyses both 
reflect knowledge and use of state-of-the-art measures and analytic 
techniques and advance the state of-the art.
     The extent to which the statistical approaches are 
appropriate for the question under consideration.
     The adequacy of the anticipated research sample size for 
the requirements of the study.
     For longitudinal studies the extent to which the site in 
which the research will be conducted has a method of tracking Head 
Start or Early Head Start graduates.
     The applicant has provided all required assurances.
     The reasonableness of the budget for the work proposed.

3. Staffing--35 points

     The extent to which the principal investigator and other 
key research staff possess the research expertise necessary to conduct 
the study as demonstrated in the application and information contained 
in their vitae.
     The principal investigator(s) has earned a doctoral degree 
in an appropriate field. (Not applicable for Head Start Research 
     The extent to which the proposed staff reflect an 
understanding of and sensitivity to the issues of working in a 
community setting and in partnership with program staff and parents.
     The adequacy of the time devoted to this project by the 
principal investigator and other key staff in order to ensure a high 
level of professional input and attention.
     For graduate students, the adequacy of the supervision 
provided by the graduate student's mentor.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
1. Objectives and Significance--25 points

     The extent to which the application demonstrates a clear 
need for the training and a documents a sufficient number of potential 
     The extent to which the proposed projects will produce 
substantial benefits to Head Start and the HBCU that go beyond those 
provided by Head Start's existing training system.

2. Approach--40 points

     The extent to which the applicant demonstrates a 
partnership between the HBCU, Head Start and relevant child care 
     The extent to which the proposed course work is relevant 
to the established needs and whether it contributes to the continuing 
education of the trainees in terms of college credits or degrees.
     The extent to which courses are planned at times 
convenient to the students, are held in accessible locations and 
support is provided to the students such as text books, chid care and 
     The appropriateness of the methods for recruiting students 
and the assignment of faculty.
     The quality of the applicants plan for evaluation of the 
     The adequacy of the applicant's plan for continuous 
involvement with the Head Start or Early Head Start program.
     The appropriateness of the budget for the project 

3. Staffing--35 points

     The extent to which the project director and other key 
staff possess the expertise necessary to conduct the project as 
demonstrated in the application and information contained in their 
     The extent to which the proposed staff reflect an 
understanding of and sensitivity to the issues of working in a 
community setting and in partnership with program staff and parents.
     The adequacy of the time devoted to this project by the 
project director and other key staff in order to ensure a high level of 
professional input and attention.

B. The Review Process

    Applications received by the due date will be reviewed and scored 
competitively. Experts in the field, generally persons from outside the 
Federal government, will use the evaluation criteria listed in Part III 
of this announcement to review and score the applications. The results 
of this review are a primary factor in making funding decisions. ACYF 
may also solicit comments from ACF Regional Office staff and other 
Federal agencies. These comments, along with those of the expert 
reviewers, will be considered in making funding decisions. In selecting 
successful applicants, consideration may be given to other factors 
which at the time of funding, may cause ACYF to consider certain 
research topics of higher priority or give less priority to current or 
past principal investigators who were recipients of Head Start 
discretionary research funds, or for Priority Area 1.03, universities 
which are current grant recipients in behalf of graduate students.

[[Page 27433]]

Part IV. Instructions for Submitting Applications

A. Availability of Forms

    Eligible applicants interested in applying for funds must submit a 
complete application including the required forms included at the end 
of this program announcement in Appendix A. In order to be considered 
for a grant under this announcement, an application must be submitted 
on the Standard Form 424 (approved by the Office of Management and 
Budget under Control Number 0348-0043). A copy has been provided. Each 
application must be signed by an individual authorized to act for the 
applicant and to assume responsibility for the obligations imposed by 
the terms and conditions of the grant award. Applicants requesting 
financial assistance for non-construction projects must file the 
Standard Form 424B, Assurances: Non-Construction Programs (approved by 
the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0348-0340). 
Applicants must sign and return the Standard Form 424B with their 
application. Applicants must provide a certification concerning 
lobbying. Prior to receiving an award in excess of $100,000, applicants 
shall furnish an executed copy of the lobbying certification (approved 
by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0348-0046). 
Applicants must sign and return the certification with their 
    Applicants must make the appropriate certification of their 
compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. By signing and 
submitting the application, applicants are providing the certification 
and need not mail back the certification with the application.
    Applicants must make the appropriate certification that they are 
not presently debarred, suspended or otherwise ineligible for award. By 
signing and submitting the application, applicants are providing the 
certification and need not mail back the certification with the 
    Applicants must also understand that they will be held accountable 
for the smoking prohibition included within P.L. 103-227, Part C 
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (also known as The Pro-Children's Act of 
1994). A copy of the Federal Register notice which implements the 
smoking prohibition is included with the forms. By signing and 
submitting the application, applicants are providing the certification 
and need not mail back the certification with the application.
    All applicants for research projects must provide a Protection of 
Human Subjects Assurance as specified in the policy described on the 
HHS Form 596 (approved by the Office of Management and Budget under 
control number 0925-0137) in Appendix A. If there is a question 
regarding the applicability of this assurance, contact the Office for 
Protection from Research Risks of the National Institutes of Health at 
(301) 496-7041. Those applying for or currently conducting research 
projects are further advised of the availability of a Certificate of 
Confidentiality through the National Institute of Mental Health of the 
Department of Health and Human Services. To obtain more information and 
to apply for a Certificate of Confidentiality, contact the Division of 
Extramural Activities of the National Institute of Mental Health at 
(301) 443-4673.

B. Proposal Limits

    The proposal should be double-spaced and single-sided on 8\1/2\'' 
x  11'' plain white paper, with 1'' margins on all sides. Use only a 
standard size font no smaller than 12 pitch throughout the proposal. 
All pages of the proposal (including appendices, resumes, charts, 
references/footnotes, tables, maps and exhibits) must be sequentially 
numbered, beginning on the first page after the budget justification, 
the principal investigator contact information and the Table of 
Contents. The length of the proposal starting with page 1 as described 
above and including appendices and resumes must not exceed 60 pages. 
Anything over 60 pages will be removed and not considered by the 
reviewers. The project summary should not be counted in the 60 pages. 
Applicants should not submit reproductions of larger sized paper that 
is reduced to meet the size requirement. Applicants are requested not 
to send pamphlets, brochures, or other printed material along with 
their applications as these pose copying difficulties. These materials, 
if submitted, will not be included in the review process. In addition, 
applicants must not submit any additional letters of endorsement beyond 
any that may be required.
    Applicants are encouraged to submit curriculum vitae using 
``Biographical Sketch'' forms used by some government agencies.
    Please note that applicants that do not comply with the 
requirements in the section on ``Eligible Applicants'' will not be 
included in the review process.

C. Checklist for a Complete Application

    The checklist below is for your use to ensure that the application 
package has been properly prepared.

--One original, signed and dated application plus two copies.
--Attachments/Appendices, when included, should be used only to provide 
supporting documentation such as resumes, and letters of agreement/
--A complete application consists of the following items in this order:

    Front Matter:
     Cover Letter
    Table of Contents
     Contact information for Principal Investigator including 
telephone number, fax number and e-mail address. (In the case of 
graduate students, include this information for both the graduate 
student and the supervisor.)
     Project Abstract
    (1) Application for Federal Assistance (SF 424);
    (2) Budget information-Non-Construction Programs (SF424A & B);
    (3) Budget Justification, including subcontract agency budgets;
    (4) Letter from the Head Start or Early Head Start program 
certifying that the program is a research partner of the respective 
applicant and that the Policy Council had reviewed and approved the 
    (5) Application Narrative and Appendices (not to exceed 60 pages);
    (6) Proof of non-profit status. Any non-profit organization 
submitting an application must submit proof of its non-profit status in 
its application at the time of submission. The non-profit organization 
can accomplish this by providing a copy of the applicant's listing in 
the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) most recent list of tax-exempt 
organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code or by 
providing a copy of the currently valid IRS tax exemption certificate, 
or by providing a copy of the articles of incorporation bearing the 
seal of incorporation of the State in which the corporation or 
association is domiciled.
    (7) Assurances Non-Construction Programs;
    (8) Certification Regarding Lobbying;
    (9) Where appropriate, a completed SPOC certification with the date 
of SPOC contact entered in line 16, page 1 of the SF 424;
    (10) Certification of Protection of Human Subjects.

D. Due Date for the Receipt of Applications

    1. Deadline: Mailed applications shall be considered as meeting an 
announced deadline if they are received on or before the deadline time 
and date at: Operations Center, 3030 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 240, 
Arlington, Va. 22201.
    Application for Head Start Discretionary Research: (Head Start--

[[Page 27434]]

 University Partnerships [Priority Area 1.01 or 1.02], Head Start 
Research Scholars or Historically Black Colleges and Universities)
    Applicants are responsible for mailing applications well in 
advance, when using all mail services, to ensure that the applications 
are received on or before the deadline time and date.
    Applications handcarried by applicants, applicant couriers, or by 
overnight/express mail couriers shall be considered as meeting an 
announced deadline if they are received on or before the deadline date, 
between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday (excluding 
holidays) at the address above. (Applicants are cautioned that express/
overnight mail services do not always deliver as agreed.) ACF cannot 
accommodate transmission of applications by fax or e-mail. Therefore, 
applications faxed or e-mailed to ACF will not be accepted regardless 
of date or time of submission and time of receipt.
    2. Late applications: Applications which do not meet the criteria 
above are considered late applications. ACF shall notify each late 
applicant that its application will not be considered in the current 
    3. Extension of deadlines: ACF may extend the deadline for all 
applicants because of acts of God such as floods, hurricanes, etc., 
widespread disruption of the mails or when it is anticipated that many 
of the applications will come from rural or remote areas. However, if 
ACF does not extend the deadline for all applicants, it may not waive 
or extend the deadline for any applicants.

E. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995

    Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13, the 
Department is required to submit to OMB for review and approval any 
reporting and record keeping requirements in regulations including 
program announcements. This program announcement does not contain 
information collection requirements beyond those currently approved 
under OMB Control Numbers 0348-0043, 0348-0044, 0348-00400, 0348-0046, 
0925-0137 and 0970-0139.

F. Required Notification of the State Single Point of Contact

    This program is covered under Executive Order 12372, 
Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs, and 45 CFR part 100, 
Intergovernmental Review of Department of Health and Human Services 
Program and Activities. Under the Order, States may design their own 
processes for reviewing and commenting on proposed Federal assistance 
under covered programs.
     All States and Territories except Alabama, Alaska, 
Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, 
Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Oregon, 
Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, 
American Samoa and Palau have elected to participate in the Executive 
Order process and have established Single Points of Contact (SPOCs). 
Applicants from these twenty-three jurisdictions need take no action 
regarding E.O. 12372. Applicants for projects to be administered by 
Federally-recognized Indian Tribes are also exempt from the 
requirements of E.O. 12372. Otherwise, applicants should contact their 
SPOCs as soon as possible to alert them of the prospective applications 
and receive any necessary instructions. Applicants must submit any 
required material to the SPOCs as soon as possible so that the program 
office can obtain and review SPOC comments as part of the award 
process. It is imperative that the applicant submit all required 
materials, if any, to the SPOC and indicate the date of this submittal 
(or the date of contact if no submittal is required) on the Standard 
Form 424, item 16a.
    Under 45 CFR 100.8(a)(2), a SPOC has 60 days from the application 
deadline to comment on proposed new or competing continuation awards.
    SPOCs are encouraged to eliminate the submission of routine 
endorsements as official recommendations.
    Additionally, SPOCs are requested to clearly differentiate between 
mere advisory comments and those official State process recommendations 
which may trigger the accommodate or explain rule.
    When comments are submitted directly to ACF, they should be 
addressed to: Lynda Perez, Head Start Bureau, P.O. Box 1182, 
Washington, D.C. 20013, Attn: Head-Start University Partnerships, Head 
Start Research Scholars or Historically Black Colleges and 
Universities. A list of the Single Points of Contact for each State and 
Territory is included in Appendix B.

    Dated: May 8, 1997.
Helen H. Taylor,
Associate Commissioner, Head Start Bureau, Administration on Children, 
Youth and Families.


[[Page 27435]]



[[Page 27436]]

Instructions for the SF 424

    Public reporting burden for this collection of information is 
estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including time for 
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering 
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the 
collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden 
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, 
including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of 
Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Project (0348-0043), 
Washington, DC 20503.


    This is a standard form used by applicants as a required 
facesheet for preapplications and applications submitted for Federal 
assistance. It will be used by Federal agencies to obtain applicant 
certification that States which have established a review and 
comment procedure in response to Executive Order 12372 and have 
selected the program to be included in their process, have been 
given an opportunity to review the applicant's submission.

Item and Entry

    1. Self-explanatory.
    2. Date application submitted to Federal agency (or State, if 
applicable) & applicant's control number (if applicable).
    3. State use only (if applicable).
    4. If this application is to continue or revise an existing 
award, enter present Federal identifier number. If for a new 
project, leave blank.
    5. Legal name of applicant, name of primary organizational unit 
which will undertake the assistance activity, complete address of 
the applicant, and name and telephone number of the person to 
contact on matters related to this application.
    6. Enter Employer Identification Number (EIN) as assigned by the 
Internal Revenue Service.
    7. Enter the appropriate letter in the space provided.
    8. Check appropriate box and enter appropriate letter(s) in the 
space(s) provided:

--``New'' means a new assistance award.
--``Continuation'' means an extension for an additional funding/
budget period for a project with a projected completion date.
--``Revision'' means any change in the Federal Government's 
financial obligation or contingent liability from an existing 

    9. Name of Federal agency from which assistance is being 
requested with this application.
    10. Use the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number and 
title of the program under which assistance is requested.
    11. Enter a brief descriptive title of the project. If more than 
one program is involved, you should append an explanation on a 
separate sheet. If appropriate (e.g., construction or real property 
projects), attach a map showing project location. For 
preapplications, use a separate sheet to provide a summary 
description of this project.
    12. List only the largest political entities affected (e.g., 
State, counties, cities).
    13. Self-explanatory.
    14. List the applicant's Congressional District and any 
District(s) affected by the program or project.
    15. Amount requested or to be contributed during the first 
funding/budget period by each contributor. Value of in-kind 
contributions should be included on appropriate lines as applicable. 
If the action will result in a dollar change to an existing award, 
indicate only the amount of the change. For decreases, enclose the 
amounts in parentheses. If both basic and supplemental amounts are 
included, show breakdown on an attached sheet. For multiple program 
funding, use totals and show breakdown using same categories as item 
    16. Applicants should contact the State Single Point of Contact 
(SPOC) for Federal Executive Order 12372 to determine whether the 
application is subject to the State intergovernmental review 
    17. This question applies to the applicant organization, not the 
person who signs as the authorized representative. Categories of 
debt include delinquent audit allowances, loans and taxes.
    18. To be signed by the authorized representative of the 
applicant. A copy of the governing body's authorization for you to 
sign this application as official representative must be on file in 
the applicant's office. (Certain Federal agencies may require that 
this authorization be submitted as part of the application.)


[[Page 27437]]


[[Page 27438]]



[[Page 27439]]

Instructions for the SF 424A

    Public reporting burden for this collection of information is 
estimated to average 180 minutes per response, including time for 
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering 
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the 
collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden 
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, 
including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of 
Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0348-0043), 
Washington, DC 20503.


General Instructions

    This form is designed so that application can be made for funds 
from one or more grant programs. In preparing the budget, adhere to 
any existing Federal grantor agency guidelines which prescribe how 
and whether budgeted amounts should be separately shown for 
different functions or activities within the program. For some 
programs, grantor agencies may require budgets to be separately 
shown by function or activity. For other programs, grantor agencies 
may require a breakdown by function or activity. Section A, B, C, 
and D should include budget estimates for the whole project except 
when applying for assistance which requires Federal authorization in 
annual or other funding period increments.In the latter case, 
Sections A, B, C, and D should provide the budget for the first 
budget period (usually a year) and Section E should present the need 
for Federal assistance in the subsequent budget periods. All 
applications should contain a breakdown by the object class 
categories shown in Lines a-k of Section B.

Section A. Budget Summary Lines 1-4, Columns (a) and(b)

    For applications pertaining to a single Federal grant program 
(Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog number) and not requiring a 
functional or activity breakdown, enter on Line 1 under Column (a) 
the catalog program title and the catalog number in Column (b).
    For applications pertaining to a single program requiring budget 
amounts by multiple function or activities, enter the name of each 
activity or function on each line in Column (a), and enter the 
catalog number in Column (b). For applications pertaining to 
multiple programs where none of the programs require a breakdown by 
function or activity, enter the catalog program title on each line 
in Column (a) and the respective catalog number of each line Column 
    For applications pertaining to multiple programs where one or 
more programs require a breakdown by function or activity, prepare a 
separate sheet for each program requiring the breakdown. Additional 
sheets should be used when one form does not provide adequate space 
for all breakdown of data required. However, when more than one 
sheet is used, the first page should provide the summary totals by 

Lines 1-4, Columns (c) through (g)

    For new applications, leave Columns (c) and (d) blank. For each 
line entry in Columns (a) and (b), enter in Columns (e), (f), and 
(g) the appropriate amounts of funds needed to support the project 
for the first funding period (usually a year).
    For continuing grant program applications, submit these forms 
before the end of each funding period as required by the grantor 
agency. Enter in Columns (c) and (d) the estimated amounts of funds 
which will remain unobligated at the end of the grant funding period 
only if the Federal grantor agency instructions provide for this. 
Otherwise, leave these columns blank. Enter in Columns (e) and (f) 
the amounts of funds needed for the upcoming period. The amount(s) 
in Column (g) should be the sum of amounts in Columns (e) and (f).
    For supplemental grants and changes to existing grants, do not 
use Columns (c) and (d). Enter in Column (e) the amount of the 
increase or decrease of Federal funds and enter in Column (f) the 
amount of the increase or decrease of non-Federal funds. In Column 
(g) enter the new total budgeted amount (Federal and non-Federal) 
which includes the total previous authorized budgeted amounts plus 
or minus, as appropriate, the amounts shown in Columns (e) and(f). 
The amount(s) in Column (g) should not equal the same of amounts in 
Columns (e) and (f)
    Line 5--Show the total for all columns used.

Section B. Budget Categories

    In the column headings (1) through (4), enter the titles of the 
same programs, functions, and activities shown on Lines 1-4, Column 
(a), Section A. When additional sheets are prepared for Section A, 
provide similar column headings on each sheet. For each program, 
function or activity, fill in the total requirements for funds (both 
Federal and Non-Federal) by object class categories.
    Lines 6a-i--Show the totals of Lines 6a to 6h in each column.
    Line 6j--Show the amount of indirect cost.
    Line 6K--Enter the total of amounts on Lines 6i and 6j. For all 
applications for new grants and continuation grants the total amount 
in column (5), Line 6k, should be the same as the total amount shown 
in Section A, Column (g), Line 5. For supplemental grants and 
changes to grants, the total amount of the increase or decrease as 
shown in Columns (1)-(4), Line 6K, should be the same as the sum of 
the amounts in Section A, Columns (e) and (f) on Line 5.
    Line 7--Enter the estimated amount of income, if any, expected 
to be generated from this project. Do not add or subtract this 
amount from the total project amount. Show under the program 
narrative statement the nature and source of income. The estimated 
amount of program income may be considered by the federal grantor 
agency in determining the total amount of the grant.

Section C. Non-Federal Resources

    Lines 8-11 Enter amounts of non-Federal resources that will be 
used on the grant. If in-kind contributions are included provide a 
brief explanation on a separate sheet.
    Column (a)--Enter the program titles identical to Column (a), 
Section A. A breakdown by function or activity is not necessary.
    Column (b)--Enter the contribution to be made by the applicant.
    Column (c)--Enter the amount of the State's cash and in-kind 
contribution if the applicant is not a State or State agency. 
Applicants which are a State or State agencies should leave this 
column blank.
    Column (d)--Enter the amount of cash and in-kind contributions 
to be made from all other sources.
    Column (e)--Enter totals in Columns (b), (c), and (d).
    Line 12--Enter the total for each of Columns (b)-(e). The amount 
in Column (e) should be equal to the amount on Line 5, Column (f), 
Section A.

Section D. Forecasted Cash Needs

    Line 13--Enter the amount of cash needed by quarter from the 
grantor agency during the first year.
    Line 14--Enter the amount of cash from all other sources needed 
by quarter during the first year.
    Line 15--Enter the totals of amounts on Lines 13 and 14.

Section E. Budget Estimates of Federal Funds Needed for Balance of 
the Project

    Lines 16-19--Enter in Column (a) the same grant program titles 
shown in Column (a), Section A. A breakdown by function or activity 
is not necessary. For new applications and continuation grant 
applications, enter in the proper columns amounts of Federal funds 
which will be needed to complete the program or project over the 
succeeding funding periods (usually in years). This section need not 
be completed for revisions (amendments, changes, or supplements) to 
funds for the current year of existing grants.
    If more than four lines are needed to list the program titles, 
submit additional schedules as necessary.
    Line 20--Enter the total for each of the Columns (b)-(e). When 
additional schedules are prepared for this Section, annotate 
accordingly and show the overall totals on this line.

Section F. Other Budget Information

    Line 21--Use this space to explain amounts for individual direct 
object-class cost categories that may appear to be out of the 
ordinary or to explain the details as required by the Federal 
grantor agency.
    Line 22--Enter the type of indirect rate (provisional, 
predetermined, final or fixed) that will be in effect during the 
funding period, the estimated amount of the base to which the rate 
is applied, and the total indirect expenses.
    Line 23--Provide any other explanations or comments deemed 

Assurances--Non-Construction Programs

    Public reporting burden for this collection of information is 
estimated to average 15

[[Page 27440]]

minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, 
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data 
needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. 
Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of 
this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing 
this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork 
Reduction Project (0348-0043), Washington, DC 20503.


    Note: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your 
project or program. If you have questions, please contact the 
awarding agency. Further, certain Federal awarding agencies may 
require applicants to certify to additional assurances. If such is 
the case, you will be notified.
    As the duly authorized representative of the applicant I certify 
that the applicant:
    1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance and 
the institutional, managerial and financial capability (including 
funds sufficient to pay the non-Federal share of project costs) to 
ensure proper planning, management and completion of the project 
described in this application.
    2. Will give the awarding agency, the Comptroller General of 
United States, and if appropriate, the State, through any authorized 
representative, access to and the right to examine all records, 
books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish 
a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted 
accounting standards or agency directives.
    3. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using 
their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the 
appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest, or 
personal gain.
    4. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable 
time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency.
    5. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 
(42 U.S.C. Secs. 4728-4763) relating to prescribed standards for 
merit systems for programs funded under one of the nineteen statutes 
or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM's Standards for a 
Merit System of Personnel Administration (5 CFR 900, Subpart F).
    6. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to 
nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title 
VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibits 
discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) 
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. 
Secs. 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on 
the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 
as amended (29 U.S.C. Sec. 794), which prohibits discrimination on 
the basis of handicaps; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as 
amended (42 U.S.C. Sec. 6101-6107), which prohibits discrimination 
on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 
1972 (P.L. 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the 
basis of drug abuse; (f) the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and 
Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 
(P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the 
basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) Secs. 523 and 527 of the 
Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. 290 dd-3 and 290 ee-3), 
as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse 
patient records; (h) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 
U.S.C. Sec. 3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to non-
discrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any 
other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under 
which application for Federal assistance is being made; and (j) the 
requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may 
apply to the applicant.
    7. Will comply, or has already complied, with the requirements 
of Titles II and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real 
Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which 
provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or 
whose property is acquired as a result of Federal or federally 
assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interests in real 
property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal 
participation in purchases.
    8. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Hatch 
Act (5 U.S.C. Secs. 1501-1508 and 7324-7328) which limit the 
political activities of employees whose principal employment 
activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds.
    9. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis-
Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. Secs. 276a to 276a-7), the Copeland Act (40 
U.S.C. Secs. 276c and 18 U.S.C. Secs. 874), and the Contract Work 
Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. Secs. 327-333), regarding 
labor standards for federally assisted construction subagreements.
    10. Will comply, if applicable, with flood insurance purchase 
requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act 
of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood 
hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase flood 
insurance if the total cost of insurable construction and 
acquisition is $10,000 or more.
    11. Will comply with environmental standards which may be 
prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of 
environmental quality control measures under the National 
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and Executive Order 
(EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 
11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) 
evaluation of flood hazards in floodplains in accordance with EO 
11988; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State 
management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act 
of 1972 (16 U.S.C. Secs. 1451 et seq.); (f) conformity of Federal 
actions to State (Clear Air) Implementation Plans under Section 
176(c) of the Clear Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. 
Secs. 7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of 
drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as 
amended, (P.L. 93-523); and (h) protection of endangered species 
under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, (P.L. 93-205).
    12. Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 
U.S.C. Secs. 1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or 
potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system.
    13. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with 
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as 
amended (16 U.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification and protection of 
historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic 
Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469a-1 et seq.).
    14. Will comply with P.L. 93-348 regarding the protection of 
human subjects involved in research, development, and related 
activities supported by this award of assistance.
    15. Will comply with the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966 
(P.L. 89-544, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 2131 et seq.) pertaining to the 
care, handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals held for 
research, teaching, or other activities supported by this award of 
    16. Will comply with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention 
Act (42 U.S.C. Secs. 4801 et seq.) which prohibits the use of lead 
based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence 
    17. Will cause to be performed the required financial and 
compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984 or 
OMB circular No. A-133, Audits of Institutions of Higher Learning 
and other Non-profit Institutions.
    18. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other 
Federal laws, executive orders, regulations and policies governing 
this program.

Signature of Authorized Certifying Official
Applicant Organization
Date Submitted

Program Narrative

    This program narrative section was designed for use by many and 
varied programs. Consequently, it is not possible to provide 
specific guidance for developing a program narrative statement that 
would be appropriate in all cases. Applicants must refer the 
relevant program announcement for information on specific program 
requirements and any additional guidelines for preparing the program 
narrative statement. The following are general guidelines for 
preparing a program narrative statement.
    The program narrative provides a major means by which the 
application is evaluated and ranked to compete with other applicants 
for available assistance. It should be concise and complete and 
should address the activity for which Federal funds are requested. 
Supporting documents should be included where they can present 
information clearly

[[Page 27441]]

and succinctly. Applicants are encouraged to provide information on 
their organizational structure, staff, related experience, and other 
information considered to be relevant. Awarding offices use this and 
other information to determine whether the applicant has the 
capability and resources necessary to carry out the proposed 
project. It is important, therefore, that this information be 
included in the application. However, in the narrative the applicant 
must distinguish between resources directly related to the proposed 
project from those which will not be used in support of the specific 
project for which funds are requested.
    Cross-referencing should be used rather than repetition. ACF is 
particularly interested in specific factual information and 
statements of measurable goals in quantitative terms. Narratives are 
evaluated on the basis of substance, not length. Extensive exhibits 
are not required. (Supporting information concerning activities 
which will not be directly funded by the grant or information which 
does not directly pertain to an integral part of the grant funded 
activity should be placed in an appendix.) Pages should be numbered 
for easy reference.
    Prepare the program narrative statement in accordance with the 
following instructions:
     Applicants submitting new applications or competing 
continuation applications should respond to Items A and D.
     Applicants submitting noncompeting continuation 
applications should respond to Item B.
     Applicants requesting supplemental assistance should 
respond to Item C.

A. Project Description--Components

1. Project Summary/Abstract

    A summary of the project description (usually a page or less) 
with reference to the funding request should be placed directly 
behind the table of contents or SF-424.

2. Objectives and Need for Assistance

    Applicants must clearly identify the physical, economic, social, 
financial, institutional, or other problem(s) requiring a solution. 
The need for assistance must be demonstrated and the principal and 
subordinate objectives of the project must be clearly stated; 
supporting documentation such as letters of support and testimonials 
from concerned interests other than the applicant may be included. 
Any relevant data based on planning studies should be included or 
referenced in the endnotes/footnotes. Incorporate demographic data 
and participant/beneficiary information, as needed. In developing 
the narrative, the applicant may volunteer or be requested to 
provide information on the total range of projects currently 
conducted and supported (or to be initiated), some of which may be 
outside the scope of the program announcement.

3. Results or Benefits Expected

    Identify results and benefits to be derived. For example, when 
applying for a grant to establish a neighborhood child care center, 
describe who will occupy the facility, who will use the facility, 
how the facility will be used, and how the facility will benefit the 
community which it will serve.

4. Approach

    Outline a plan of action which describes the scope and detail of 
how the proposed work will be accomplished. Account for all 
functions or activities identified in the application. Cite factors 
which might accelerate of decelerate the work and state your reason 
for taking this approach rather than others. Describe any unusual 
features of the project such as design or technological innovations, 
reductions in cost or time, or extraordinary social and community 
    Provide quantitative monthly or quarterly projections of the 
accomplishments to be achieved for each function or activity in such 
terms as the number of people to be served and the number of 
microloans made. When accomplishments cannot be quantified by 
activity or function, list them in chronological order to show the 
schedule of accomplishments and their target dates.
    Identify the kinds of data to be collected, maintained, and/or 
disseminated. (Note that clearance from the U.S. Office of 
Management and Budget might be needed prior to an information 
collection.) List organizations, cooperating entities, consultants, 
or other key individuals who will work on the project along with a 
short description of the nature of their effort or contribution.

5. Evaluation

    Provide a narrative addressing how you will evaluate 1) the 
results of your project and 2) the conduct of your program. In 
addressing the evaluation of results, state how you will determine 
the extent to which the program has achieved its stated objectives 
and the extent to which the accomplishment of objectives can be 
attributed to the program. Discuss the criteria to be used to 
evaluate results; explain the methodology that will be used to 
determine if the needs identified and discussed are being met and if 
the project results and benefits are being achieved. With respect to 
the conduct of your program, define the procedures you will employ 
to determine whether the program is being conducted in a manner 
consistent with the work plan you presented and discuss the impact 
of the program's various activities upon the program's 

6. Geographic Location

    Give the precise location of the project and boundaries of the 
area to be served by the proposed project. Maps or other graphic 
aids may be attached.

7. Additional Information (Include if applicable)

    Additional information may be provided in the body of the 
program narrative or in the appendix. Refer to the program 
announcement and ``General Information and Instructions'' for 
guidance on placement of application materials.
    Staff and Position Data--Provide a biographical sketch for key 
personnel appointed and a job description for each vacant key 
position. Some programs require both for all positions. Refer to the 
program announcement for guidance on presenting this information. 
Generally, a biographical sketch is required for original staff and 
new members as appointed.
    Plan for Project Continuance Beyond Grant Support--A plan for 
securing resources and continuing project activities after Federal 
assistance has ceased.
    Business Plan--When federal grant funds will be used to make an 
equity investment, provide a business plan. Refer to the program 
announcement for guidance on presenting this information.
    Organization Profiles--Information on applicant organizations 
and their cooperating partners such as organization charts, 
financial statements, audit reports or statements from CPA/Licensed 
Public Accountant, Employer Identification Numbers, names of bond 
carriers, contact persons and telephone numbers, child care licenses 
and other documentation of professional accreditation, information 
on compliance with federal/state/local government standards, 
documentation of experience in program area, and other pertinent 
information. Any non-profit organization submitting an application 
must submit proof of its non-profit status in its application at the 
time of submission. The non-profit agency can accomplish this by 
providing a copy of the applicant's listing in the Internal Revenue 
Service's (IRS) most recent list of tax-exempt organizations 
described in Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code or by providing a 
copy of the currently valid IRS tax exemption certificate, or by 
providing a copy of the articles of incorporation bearing the seal 
of the State in which the corporation or association is domiciled.
    Dissemination Plan--A plan for distributing reports and other 
project outputs to colleagues and the public. Applicants must 
provide a description of the kind, volume and timing of 
    Third-Party Agreements--Written agreements between grantees and 
subgrantees or subcontractors or other cooperating entities. These 
agreements may detail scope of work, work schedules, remuneration, 
and other terms and conditions that structure or define the 
    Waiver Request--A statement of program requirements for which 
waivers will be needed to permit the proposed project to be 
    Letters of Support--Statements from community, public and 
commercial leaders which support the project proposed for funding.

B. Noncompeting Continuation Applications

    A program narrative usually will not be required for 
noncompeting continuation applications for nonconstruction programs. 
Noncompeting continuation applications shall be abbreviated unless 
the ACF Program Office administering this program has issued a 
notice to the grantee that a full application will be required.
    An abbreviated application consists of:
    1. The Standard Form 424 series (SF 424, SF 424A, SF-424B)
    2. The estimated or actual unobligated balance remaining from 
the previous budget period should be identified on an accurate SF-
269 as well as in Section A, Columns (c) and (d) of the SF-424A.

[[Page 27442]]

    3. The grant budget, broken down into the object class 
categories on the 424A, and if category ``other'' is used, the 
specific items supported must be identified.
    4. Required certifications.
    A full application consists of all elements required for an 
abbreviated application plus:
    1. Program narrative information explaining significant changes 
to the original program narrative statement, a description of 
accomplishments from the prior budget period, a projection of 
accomplishments throughout the entire remaining project period, and 
any other supplemental information that ACF informs the grantee is 
    2. A full budget proposal for the budget period under 
consideration with a full cost analysis of all budget categories.
    3. A corrective action plan, if requested by ACF, to address 
organizational performance weaknesses.

C. Supplemental Requests

    For supplemental assistance requests, explain the reason for the 
request and justify the need for additional funding. Provide a 
budget and budget justification only for those items for which 
additional funds are requested. (See Item D for guidelines on 
preparing a budget and budget justification.)

D. Budget and Budget Justification

    Provide line item detail and detailed calculations for each 
budget object class identified on the Budget Information form. 
Detailed calculations must include estimation methods, quantities, 
unit costs, and other similar quantitative detail sufficient for the 
calculation to be duplicated. The detailed budget must also include 
a breakout by the funding sources identified in Block 15 of the SF-
    Provide a narrative budget justification which describes how the 
categorical costs are derived. Discuss the necessity, 
reasonableness, and allocability of the proposed costs.
    The following guidelines are for preparing the budget and budget 
justification. Both federal and non-federal resources should be 
detailed and justified in the budget and narrative justification. 
For purposes of preparing the program narrative, ``federal 
resources'' refers only to the ACF grant for which you are applying. 
Non-Federal resources are all other federal and non-federal 
resources. It is suggested that for the budget, applicants use a 
column format: Column 1, object class categories; Column 2, federal 
budget amounts; Column 3, non-federal budget amounts, and Column 4, 
total amounts. The budget justification should be a narrative.
    Personnel. Costs of employee salaries and wages.
    Justification: Identify the project director or principal 
investigator, if known. For each staff person, show name/title, time 
commitment to the project (in months), time commitments to the 
project (as a percentage or full-time equivalent), annual salary, 
grant salary, wage rates, etc. Do not include costs of consultants 
or personnel costs of delegate agencies or of specific project(s) or 
businesses to be financed by the applicant.
    Fringe Benefits. Costs of employee fringe benefits unless 
treated as part of an approved indirect cost rate.
    Justification: Provide a breakdown of amounts and percentages 
that comprise fringe benefit costs, such as health insurance, FICA, 
retirement insurance, taxes, etc.
    Travel. Costs of project related travel by employees of the 
applicant organization (does not include costs of consultant 
    Justification: For each trip, show the total number of 
traveler(s), travel destination, duration of trip, per diem, mileage 
allowances, if privately owned vehicles will be used, and other 
transportation costs and subsistence allowances. Travel costs for 
key staff to attend ACF sponsored workshops as specified in this 
program announcement should be detailed in the budget.
    Equipment. Costs of all non-expendable, tangible personal 
property to be acquired by the project where each article has a 
useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost which 
equals the lesser of (a) the capitalization level established by the 
applicant organization for financial statement purposes, or (b) 
    Justification: For each type of equipment requested, provide a 
description of the equipment, cost per unit, number of units, total 
cost, and a plan for use on the project, as well as use or disposal 
of the equipment after the project ends.
    Supplies. Cost of all tangible personal property (supplies) 
other than that included under the Equipment category.
    Justification: Specify general categories of supplies and their 
costs. Show computations and provide other information which 
supports the amount requested.
    Contractual. Costs of all contracts for services and goods 
except for those which belong under other categories such as 
equipment, supplies, construction, etc. Third-party evaluation 
contracts (if applicable) and contracts with secondary recipient 
organizations including delegate agencies and specific project(s) or 
businesses to be financed by the applicant should be included under 
this category.
    Justification: All procurement transactions shall be conducted 
in a manner to provide, to the maximum extent practical, open and 
free competition. If procurement competitions were held or if a sole 
source procurement is being proposed, attach a list of proposed 
contractors, indicating the names of the organizations, the purposes 
of the contracts, the estimated dollar amounts, and the award 
selection process. Also provide back-up documentation where 
necessary to support selection process.

    Note: Whenever the applicant/grantee intends to delegate part of 
the program to another agency, the applicant/grantee must provide a 
detailed budget and budget narrative for each delegate agency by 
agency title, along with the required supporting information 
referenced in these instructions.

    Applicants must identify and justify any anticipated procurement 
that is expected to exceed the simplified purchase threshold 
(currently set at $100,000) and to be awarded without competition. 
Recipients are required to make available to ACF pre-award review 
and procurement documents, such as request for proposals or 
invitations for bids, independent cost estimates, etc. under the 
conditions identified at 45 CFR Part 74.44(e).
    Construction. Costs of construction by applicant or contractor.
    Justification: Provide detailed budget and narrative in 
accordance with instructions for other object class categories. 
Identify which construction activity/costs will be contractual and 
which will assumed by the applicant.
    Other. Enter the total of all other costs. Such costs, where 
applicable and appropriate, may include but are not limited to 
insurance, food, medical and dental costs (noncontractual), fees and 
travel paid directly to individual consultants, space and equipment 
rentals, printing and publication, computer use, training costs, 
including tuition and stipends, training service costs including 
wage payments to individuals and supportive service payments, and 
staff development costs.
    Indirect Charges. Total amount of indirect costs. This category 
should be used only when the applicant current has an indirect cost 
rate approved by the Department of Health and Human Services or 
another cognizant Federal agency.
    Justification: With the exception of most local government 
agencies, an applicant which will charge indirect costs to the grant 
must enclose a copy of the current rate agreement if the agreement 
was negotiated with a cognizant Federal agency other than the 
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). If the rate 
agreement was negotiated with the Department of Health and Human 
Services, the applicant should state this in the budget 
justification. If the applicant organization is in the process of 
initially developing or renegotiating a rate, it should immediately 
upon notification that an award will be made, develop a tentative 
indirect cost rate proposed based on its most recently completed 
fiscal year in accordance with the principles set forth in the 
pertinent DHHS Guide for Establishing Indirect Cost Rates, and 
submit it to the appropriate DHHS Regional Office. Applicants 
awaiting approval of their indirect cost proposals may also request 
indirect costs. It should be noted that when an indirect cost rate 
is requested, those costs included in the indirect cost pool should 
not be also charged as direct costs to the grant. Also, if the 
applicant is requesting a rate which is less than what is allowed 
under this program announcement, the authorized representative of 
your organization needs to submit a signed acknowledgement that the 
applicant is accepting a lower rate than allowed.
    Program Income. The estimated amount of income, if any, expected 
to be generated from this project. Separately show expected program 
income generated from program support and income generated from 
other mobilized funds. Do not add or subtract this amount from the 
budget total. Show the nature and source of income in the program 
narrative statement.
    Justification: Describe the nature, source and anticipated use 
of program income in the budget or reference pages in the program 
narrative statement which contain this information.

[[Page 27443]]

    Non-Federal Resources. Amounts of non-Federal resources that 
will be used to support the project as identified in Block 15 of the 
    Justification: The firm commitment of these resources must be 
documented and submitted with the application in order to be given 
credit in the review process.
    Total Direct Charges, Total Indirect Charges, Total Project 
Costs. (self explanatory)
    This certification is required by the regulations implementing 
the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988: 45 CFR Part 76, Subpart, F. 
Sections 76.630 (c) and (d)(2) and 76.645 (a)(1) and (b) provide 
that a Federal agency may designate a central receipt point for 
STATE-WIDE AND STATE AGENCY-WIDE certifications, and for 
notification of criminal drug convictions. For the Department of 
Health and Human Services, the central point is: Division of Grants 
Management and Oversight, Office of Management and Acquisition, 
Department of Health and Human Services, Room 517-D, 200 
Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20201.

Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements

(Instructions for Certification)

    1. By signing and/or submitting this application or grant 
agreement, the grantee is providing the certification set out below.
    2. The certification set out below is a material representation 
of fact upon which reliance is placed when the agency awards the 
grant. If it is later determined that the grantee knowingly rendered 
a false certification, or otherwise violates the requirements of the 
Drug-Free Workplace Act, the agency, in addition to any other 
remedies available to the Federal Government, may take action 
authorized under the Drug-Free Workplace Act.
    3. For grantees other than individuals, Alternate I applies.
    4. For grantees who are individuals, Alternate II applies.
    5. Workplaces under grants, for grantees other than individuals, 
need not be identified on the certification. If known, they may be 
identified in the grant application. If the grantee does not 
identify the workplaces at the time of application, or upon award, 
if there is no application, the grantee must kept the identity of 
the workplace(s) on file in its office and make the information 
available for Federal inspection. Failure to identify all known 
workplaces constitutes a violation of the grantee's drug-free 
workplace requirements.
    6. Workplace identification must include the actual address of 
buildings (or parts of buildings) or other sites where work under 
the grant takes place. Categorical descriptions may be used (e.g., 
all vehicles of a mass transit authority or State highway department 
while in operation, State employees in each local unemployment 
office, performers in concert halls or radio studios).
    7. If the workplace identified to the agency changes during the 
performance of the grant, the grantee shall inform the agency of the 
change(s), if it previously identified the workplaces in question 
(see paragraph five).
    8. Definitions of terms in the Nonprocurement Suspension and 
Debarment common rule and Drug-Free Workplace common rule apply to 
this certification. Grantees' attention is called, in particular, to 
the following definitions from these rules:
    Controlled substance means a controlled substance in Schedules I 
through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) and as 
further defined by regulation (21 CFR 1308.11 through 1308.15);
    Conviction means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo 
contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body 
charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the 
Federal or State criminal drug statutes;
    Criminal drug statute means a Federal or non-Federal criminal 
statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, use, or 
possession of any controlled substance;
    Employee means the employee of a grantee directly engaged in the 
performance of work under a grant, including: (i) All direct charge 
employees; (ii) All indirect charge employees unless their impact or 
involvement is insignificant to the performance of the grant; and, 
(iii) Temporary personnel and consultants who are directly engaged 
in the performance of work under the grant and who are on the 
grantee's payroll. This definition does not include workers not on 
the payroll of the grantee (e.g., volunteers, even if used to meet a 
matching requirement; consultants or independent contractors not on 
the grantee's payroll; or employees of subrecipients or 
subcontractors in covered workplaces).

Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements

Alternate I. (Grantees Other Than Individuals)

    The grantee certifies that it will or will continue to provide a 
drug-free workplace by:
    (a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful 
manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a 
controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and 
specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for 
violation of such prohibition;
    (b) Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to 
inform employees about--
    (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
    (2) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace;
    (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee 
assistance programs; and
    (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug 
abuse violations occurring in the workplace;
    (c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in 
the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement 
required by paragraph (a);
    (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by 
paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, 
the employee will--
    (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and
    (2) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for 
a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no 
later than five calendar days after such conviction;
    (e) Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days 
after receiving notice under paragraph (d)(2) from an employee or
otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of
convicted employees must provide notice, including position title,
to every grant officer or other designee on whose grant activity the 
convicted employee was working, unless the Federal agency has
designated a central point for the receipt of such notices. Notice
shall include the identification number(s) of each affected grant;
    (f) Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days 
of receiving notice under paragraph (d)(2), with respect to any 
employee who is so convicted--
    (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an 
employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the
requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or
    (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a 
drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such 
purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or 
other appropriate agency;
    (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-
free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), 
(d), (e) and (f).
    (B) The grantee may insert in the space provided below the 
site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the 
specific grant:

Place of Performance (Street address, city, county, state, zip code)



    Check {time}  if there are workplaces on file that are not 
identified here.

Alternate II. (Grantees Who Are Individuals)

    (a) The grantee certifies that, as a condition of the grant, he 
or she will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, 
dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance in 
conducting any activity with the grant;
    (b) If convicted of a criminal drug offense resulting from a 
violation occurring during the conduct of any grant activity, he or 
she will report the conviction, in writing, within 10 calendar days 
of the conviction, to every grant officer or other designee, unless 
the Federal agency designates a central point for the receipt of 
such notices. When notice is made to such a central point, it shall 
include the identification number(s) of each affected grant.

[[Page 27444]]

[55 FR 21690, 21702, May 25, 1990]

Certification Regarding Debartment, Suspension, Ineligibility and 
Voluntary Exclusion--Lower Tier Covered Transactions

Instructions for Certification

    1. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective 
lower tier participant is providing the certification set out below.
    2. The certification in this clause is a material representation 
of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was 
entered into. If it is later determined that the prospective lower 
tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in 
addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government the 
department or agency with which this transaction originated may 
pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment.
    3. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide 
immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal is 
submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant 
learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or had 
become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances.
    4. The terms covered transaction, debarred, suspended, 
ineligible, lower tier covered transaction, participant, person, 
primary covered transaction, principal, proposal, and voluntarily 
excluded, as used in this clause, have the meaning set out in the 
Definitions and Coverage sections of rules implementing Executive 
Order 12549. You may contact the person to which this proposal is 
submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations.
    5. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting 
this proposal that, [[Page 33043]] should the proposed covered 
transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any 
lower tier covered transaction with a person who is proposed for 
debarment under 48 CFR part 9, subpart 9.4, debarred, suspended, 
declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in 
this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or 
agency with which this transaction originated.
    6. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by 
submitting this proposal that it will include this clause titled 
``Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and 
Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transaction,'' without 
modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all 
solicitations for lower tier covered transactions.
    7. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a 
certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered 
transaction that it is not proposed for debarment under 48 CFR part 
9, subpart 9.4, debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily 
excluded from covered transactions, unless it knows that the 
certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and 
frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. 
Each participant may, but is not required to, check the List of 
Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Nonprocurement 
    8. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to 
require establishment of a system of records in order to render in 
good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge 
and information of a participant is not required to exceed that 
which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary 
course of business dealings.
    9. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 of these 
instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly 
enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is 
proposed for debarment under 48 CFR part 9, subpart 9.4, suspended, 
debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in 
this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the 
Federal Government, the department or agency with which this 
transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including 
suspension and/or debarment.
* * * * *

Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and 
Voluntary Exclusion--Lower Tier Covered Transactions

    (1) The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by 
submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is 
presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared 
ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this 
transaction by any Federal department or agency.
    (2) Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to 
certify to any of the statements in this certification, such 
prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this 

Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility 
Matters--Primary Covered Transactions

Instructions for Certification

    1. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective 
primary participant is providing the certification set out below.
    2. The inability of a person to provide the certification 
required below will not necessarily result in denial of 
participation in this covered transaction. The prospective 
participant shall submit an explanation of why it cannot provide the 
certification set out below. The certification or explanation will 
be considered in connection with the department or agency's 
determination whether to enter into this transaction. However, 
failure of the prospective primary participant to furnish a 
certification or an explanation shall disqualify such person from 
participation in this transaction.
    3. The certification in this clause is a material representation 
of fact upon which reliance was placed when the department or agency 
determined to enter into this transaction. If it is later determined 
that the prospective primary participant knowingly rendered an 
erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to 
the Federal Government, the department or agency may terminate this 
transaction for cause or default.
    4. The prospective primary participant shall provide immediate 
written notice to the department or agency to which this proposal is 
submitted if at any time the prospective primary participant learns 
that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become 
erroneous by reason of changed circumstances.
    5. The terms covered transaction, debarred, suspended, 
ineligible, lower tier covered transaction, participant, person, 
primary covered transaction, principal, proposal, and voluntarily 
excluded, as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the 
Definitions and Coverage sections of the rules implementing 
Executive Order 12549. You may contact the department or agency to 
which this proposal is being submitted for assistance in obtaining a 
copy of those regulations.
    6. The prospective primary participant agrees by submitting this 
proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered 
into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered 
transaction with a person who is proposed for debarment under 48 CFR 
part 9, subpart 9.4 debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or 
voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, 
unless authorized by the department or agency entering into this 
    7. The prospective primary participant further agrees by 
submitting this proposal that it will include the clause titled 
``Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and 
Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transaction,'' provided by 
the department or agency entering into this covered transaction, 
without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in 
all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions.
    8. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a 
certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered 
transaction that it is not proposed for debarment under 48 CFR part 
9, subpart 9.4, debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily 
excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the 
certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and 
frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. 
Each participant may, but is not required to, check the List of 
Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Nonprocurement 
    9. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to 
require establishment of a system of records in order to render in 
good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge 
and information of a participant is not required to exceed that 
which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary 
course of business dealings.
    10. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 6 of 
these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction 
knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person 
who is proposed for debarment under 48 CFR part 9, subpart 9.4, 
suspended, debarred, ineligible, or

[[Page 27445]]

voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in 
addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the 
department or agency may terminate this transaction for cause or 

* * * * *

Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility 
Matters--Primary Covered Transactions

    (1) The prospective primary participant certifies to the best of 
its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals:
    (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for 
debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded by an 
Federal department or agency;
    (b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal 
been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for 
commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with 
obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, 
State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; 
violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of 
embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction 
of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
    (c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or 
civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) 
with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 
(1)(b) of this certification; and
    (d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this 
application/proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal, 
State or local) terminated for cause or default.
    (2) Where the prospective primary participant is unable to 
certify to any of the statements in this certification, such 
prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this 


[[Page 27446]]



[[Page 27447]]


Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative 

    The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge 
and belief, that:
    (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be 
paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for 
influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an 
agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or 
an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding 
of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making 
of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, 
and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification 
of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
    (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been 
paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to 
influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of 
Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a 
Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, 
loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and 
submit Standard Form--LLL, ``Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,'' 
in accordance with its instructions.
    (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this 
certification be included in the award documents for all subawards 
at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under 
grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all 
subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
    This certification is a material representation of fact upon 
which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered 
into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making 
or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, 
U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification 
shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not 
more than $100,000 for each such failure.

Statement for Loan Guarantees and Loan Insurance

    The undersigned states, to the best of his or her knowledge and 
belief, that:
    If any funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for 
influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any 
agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or 
an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this 
commitment providing for the United States to insure or guarantee a 
loan, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form--LLL, 
``Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,'' in accordance with its 
instructions. Submission of this statement is a prerequisite for 
making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, 
title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required 
statement shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than 
$10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure.






[[Page 27448]]



[[Page 27449]]

Certification Regarding Environmental Tobacco Smoke

    Public Law 103-227, Part C--Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also 
known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994 (Act), requires that smoking 
be not permitted in any portion of any indoor routinely owned or 
leased or contracted for by an entity and used routinely or 
regularly for provision of health, day care, education, or library 
services to children under the age of 18, if the services are funded 
by Federal programs either directly or through State or local 
governments, by Federal grant, contract, loan, or loan guarantee. 
The law does not apply to children's services provided in private 
residences, facilities funded solely by Medicare or Medicaid funds, 
and portions of facilities used for inpatient drug or alcohol 
treatment. Failure to comply with the provisions of the law may 
result in the imposition of a civil monetary penalty of up to $1,000 
per day and/or the imposition of an administrative compliance order 
on the responsible entity.
    By signing and submitting this application the applicant/grantee 
certifies that it will comply with the requirements of the Act. The 
applicant/grantee further agrees that it will require the language 
of this certification be included in any subawards which contain 
provisions for the children's services and that all subgrantees 
shall certify accordingly.

Appendix B--OMB State Single Point of Contact Listing


Joni Saad, Arizona State Clearinghouse, 3800 N. Central Avenue, 
Fourteenth Floor, Phoenix, Arizona 85012, Telephone (602) 280-1315, 
FAX: (602) 280-1305


Mr. Tracy L. Copeland, Manager, State Clearinghouse, Office of 
Intergovernmental Services, Department of Finance and 
Administration, 1515 W. 7th St., Room 412, Little Rock, Arkansas 
72203, Telephone (501) 682-1074, FAX: (501) 682-5206


Grants Coordinator, Office of Planning & Research, 1400 Tenth 
Street, Room 121, Sacramento, California 95814, Telephone (916) 323-
7480, FAX (916) 323-3018


Francine Booth, State Single Point of Contact Executive Department, 
Thomas Collins Building, P.O. Box 1401, Dover, Delaware 19903, 
Telephone (302) 739-3326, FAX (302) 739-5661

District of Columbia

Charles Nichols, State Single Point of Contact, Office of Grants 
Mgmt. & Dev., 717 14th Street, N.W.--Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 
20005, Telephone: (202) 727-6554, FAX: (202) 727-1617


Florida State Clearinghouse, Department of Community Affairs, 2740 
Centerview Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100, Telephone: (904) 
922-5438, FAX: (904) 487-2899


Tom L. Reid, III, Administrator, Georgia State Clearinghouse, 254 
Washington Street, S.W.--Room 401J, Atlanta, Georgia 30334, 
Telephone: (404) 656-3855 or (404) 656-3829, FAX: (404) 656-7938


Virginia Bova, State Single Point of Contact, Department of Commerce 
and Community Affairs, James R. Thompson Center, 100 West Randolph, 
Suite 3-400, Chicago, Illinois 60601, Telephone: (312) 814-6028, 
FAX: (312) 814-1800


Frances Williams, State Budget Agency, 212 State House, 
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2796, Telephone: (317) 232-5619, FAX: 
(317) 233-3323


Steven R. McCann, Division for Community Assistance, Iowa Department 
of Economic Development, 200 East Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 
50309, Telephone: (515) 242-4719, FAX: (515) 242-4859


Ronald W. Cook, Office of the Governor, Department of Local 
Government, 1024 Capitol Center Drive, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601-
8204, Telephone: (502) 573-2382, FAX: (502) 573-2512


Joyce Benson, State Planning Office, State House Station #38, 
Augusta, Maine 04333, Telephone: (207) 287-3261, FAX: (207) 287-6489


William G. Carroll, Manager, State Clearinghouse for 
Intergovernmental Assistance, Maryland Office of Planning, 301 W. 
Preston Street--Room 1104, Baltimore, Maryland 21201-2365, Staff 
Contact: Linda Janey, Telephone: (410) 225-4490, FAX: (410) 225-4480


Richard Pfaff, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, 1900 
Edison Plaza, 660 Plaza Drive, Detroit, Michigan 48226, Telephone: 
(313) 961-4266


Cathy Malette, Clearinghouse Officer, Department of Finance and 
Administration, 455 North Lamar Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39202-
3087, Telephone: (601) 359-6762, FAX: (601) 359-6764


Lois Pohl, Federal Assistance Clearinghouse, Office of 
Administration, P.O. Box 809, Room 760, Truman Building, Jefferson 
City, Missouri 65102, Telephone: (314) 751-4834, FAX: (314) 751-7819


Department of Administration, State Clearinghouse, Capitol Complex, 
Carson City, Nevada 89710, Telephone: (702) 687-4065, FAX: (702) 

New Hampshire

Jeffrey H. Taylor, Director, New Hampshire Office of State Planning, 
Attn: Intergovernmental Review Process, Mike Blake, 2\1/2\ Beacon 
Street, Concord, New Hampshire 03301, Telephone: (603) 271-2155, 
FAX: (603) 271-1728

New Mexico

Robert Peters, State Budget Division, Room 190 Bataan Memorial 
Building, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503, Telephone: (505) 827-3640

New York

New York State Clearinghouse, Division of the Budget, State Capitol, 
Albany, New York 12224, Telephone: (518) 474-1605, FAX: (518) 486-

North Carolina

Chrys Baggett, Director, N.C. State Clearinghouse, Office of the 
Secretary of Admin., 116 West Jones Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 
27603-8003, Telephone: (919) 733-7232, FAX: (919) 733-9571

North Dakota

North Dakota Single Point of Contact, Office of Intergovernmental 
Assistance, 600 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota 58505-
0170, Telephone: (701) 224-2094, FAX: (701) 224-2308


Larry Weaver, State Single Point of Contact, State Clearinghouse, 
Office of Budget and Management, 30 East Broad Street, 34th Floor, 
Columbus, Ohio 43266-0411, Please direct correspondence and 
questions about intergovernmental review to: Linda Wise, Telephone: 
(614) 466-0698, FAX: (614) 466-5400

Rhode Island

Kevin Nelson, Review Coordinator, Department of Administration/
Division of Planning, One Capitol Hill, 4th Floor, Providence, Rhode 
Island 02908-5870, Telephone: (401) 277-2656, FAX: (401) 277-2083.

    Please direct correspondence and questions to: Review 
Coordinator, Office of Strategic Planning.

South Carolina

Rodney Grizzle, State Single Point of Contact, Grant Services, 
Office of the Governor, 1205 Pendleton Street--Room 331, Columbia, 
South Carolina 29201, Telephone: (803) 734-0494, FAX: (803) 734-0356


Tom Adams, Governor's Office, Director, Intergovernmental 
Coordination, P.O. Box 12428, Austin, Texas 78711, Telephone: (512) 
463-1771, FAX: (512) 463-1888


Carolyn Wright, Utah State Clearinghouse, Office of Planning and 
Budget, Room 116 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114, 
Telephone: (801) 538-1535, FAX: (801) 538-1547

[[Page 27450]]

West Virginia

Fred Cutlip, Director, Community Development Division, W. Virginia 
Development Office, Building #6, Room 553, Charleston, West Virginia 
25305, Telephone: (304) 558-4010, FAX: (304) 558-3248


Jeff Smith, Section Chief, State/Federal Relations, Wisconsin 
Department of Administration, 101 East Wilson Street--6th Floor, 
P.O. Box 7868, Madison, Wisconsin 53707, Telephone: (608) 266-0267, 
FAX: (608) 267-6931


Matthew Jones, State Single Point of Contact, Office of the 
Governor, 200 West 24th Street, State Capitol, Room 124, Cheyenne, 
Wyoming 82002, Telephone: (307) 777-7446, FAX: (307) 632-3909



Mr. Giovanni T. Sgambelluri, Director, Bureau of Budget and 
Management Research, Office of the Governor, P.O. Box 2950, Agana, 
Guam 96910, Telephone: 011-671-472-2285, FAX: 011-671-472-2825

Puerto Rico

Norma Burgos/Jose E. Caro, Chairwoman/Director, Puerto Rico Planning 
Board, Federal Proposals Review Office, Minillas Government Center, 
P.O. Box 41119, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00940-1119, Telephone: (809) 
727-4444, (809) 723-6190, FAX: (809) 724-3270, (809) 724-3103

North Mariana Islands

Mr. Alvaro A. Santos, Executive Officer, State Single Point of 
Contact, Ofice of Management and Budget, Office of the Governor, 
Saipan, MP, Northern Mariana Islands 96950, Telephone (670) 664-
2256, FAX: (670) 664-2272, Contact Person: Ms. Jacoba T. Seman, 
Federal Programs Coordinator, Telephone (670) 644-2289, FAX: (670) 

Virgin Islands

Nelson Bowry, Director, Office of Management and Budget, # 141 
Norregade Emancipation Garden Station, Second Floor, Saint Thomas, 
Virgin Islands 00802, Please direct all questions and correspondence 
about intergovernmental review to: Linda Clarke, Telephone: (809) 
774-0750, FAX: (809) 776-0069.

    In accordance with Executive Order #12372, ``Intergovernmental 
Review of Federal Programs,'' this listing represents the designated 
State Single Points of Contact. The jurisdications not listed no 
longer participate in the process BUT GRANT APPLICANTS ARE STILL 
Alaska, American Samoa, Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Hawaii, 
Idaho, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Palau, Minnesota, Montana, 
Nebraska, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, 
Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington. This list is based on 
the most current information provided by the States. Information on 
any changes or apparent errors should be provided to the Office of 
Management and Budget and the State in question. Changes to the list 
will only be made upon formal question. Changes to the list will 
only be made upon formal notification by the State. Also, this 
listing is published biannually in the Catalogue of Federal Domestic 

Appendix C--List of Early Head Start Grantees

John Regitano, Fairbanks Native Association, 201 First Avenue, Suite 
200, Fairbanks, AK 99701
Sharon Trish, Child Development Deputy Director, RurAL CAP; PO Box 
925, Angayuqat MikeInguut-Ilu Eliitellerkait Program, Bethel, AK 
Vi Todd, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, 3335 W. Durango, 
Phoenix, AZ 85009
Jan Martner, Director, Early Head Start, Southwest Human 
Development, Inc., 202 E. Earll Drive, Suite 140, Phoenix, AZ 85012
Susan St. Germaine, Butte County Office of Education, 1859 Bird 
Street, Oroville, CA 95965
Jean Miner, Children's Services International, PO Box 1634, Salinas, 
CA 93902
Sue Story, Child, Family and Community Services, Inc., 35699 Niles 
Boulevard, Fremont, CA 94536
Gail Healy, El Dorado County Superintendent of Schools, 6767 Green 
Valley Road, Placerville, CA 95667
Naomi Quiring-Mizumoto, Fresno County EOC, 1920 Mariposa Mall, 
Fresno, CA 93721
Dolores Garcia, Executive Director, Placer Community Action Council, 
Inc., 1166 High Street, Auburn, CA 95603
J'anne Kaussen, Head Start Director, 685 F. Street, Humboldt Del 
Norte Head Start, Arcata, CA 95521
Amy Liew, Executive Director, The Institute for Human and Social 
Development, 753 Del Monte Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94080
Catherine Goins, Education Specialist, SETA Head Start, 3750 Rosin 
Court, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95834
Christine Lyle, Assistant Director, Community Partnership for Child 
Development, 2132 E. Bijou Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Pam Walker, Upper Arkansas Council of Governments, 1718 Brookside; 
PO Box 510, Canon City, CO 81215-0510
Cynthia Faust, Early Head Start Project Director, Edward C. Mazique 
Parent Child Center, Inc., 1719m 13th Street NW, Washington, DC 
Jan Yocum de Calderon, Rosemont Center, 2000 Rosemont Avenue, NW, 
Washington, DC 20010
William Hughey, United Planning Organization, 941 North Capitol 
Street, NE, 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20002
Alton Sears, Project Director, Metro-Dade County Community Action 
Agency, 1325 NW 71st Street, Miami, FL 33147
Mimi Graham, FSU Center for Prevention and Early Intervention 
Policy, 1139 East Lafayette, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Donna Glausser, Hillsborough Co. Bd. of Commissioners Head Start 
Dept., 601 E. Kennedy Boulevard, 13th Floor, Tampa, FL 33602
Barbara Mainster, Redlands Christian Migrant Association, 402 W. 
Main Street, Immokalee, FL 34142-3633
Merian Washington, Supervisor, Project Development, School Board of 
Alachua County, 620 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
Willowdean Mors, Director, Berry Chattooga Early Development Center, 
702 S. Congress Street, Summerville, GA 30747
Linda Hassan, Education Coordinator, Clark Atlanta University Head 
Start, 350 Autumn Lane SW, Atlanta, GA 30310
Donna Bibulia, Deputy Director, Save the Children Child Support 
Center, 1447 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 700, Atlanta, GA 30309
Momi Kamau, Hawaii Depart of Health, Maternal and Child Health 
Branch, 741-A Sunset Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96816
Kuukei Richard, Parents and Children Together, 1475 Linapuni Street, 
Room 117-A, Honolulu, HI 96819
Ann Bardwell, Drake University, 3929 Bel Aire Road, Des Monines, IA 
Mary Jo Madvag, EHS Director, Upper Des Monies Opportunity, Inc., 
101 Robbins Avenue, Box 519, Graettinger, IA 51342
Connie Guillory, Nez Perce, PO Box 365, Lapwai, ID 83540-0365
Gary Mayberry, Better Boys Foundation, 1512 S. Pulaski Road, 
Chicago, IL 60623
Pat Wildner, CEDA of Cook County, 224 N. DesPlaines Street, Chicago, 
IL 60661-1195
Gwen Kenner Johnson, Manager, Child Care Program, City of Chicago 
Dept. of Human Services, 510 Peshtigo Court, Chicago, IL 60611
Anita Rash, Family Service and Visiting Nurse Association, 550 
Landmark Boulevard, Alton, IL 62002
McFarland Bragg, Peoria Citizens Committee for Economic Opportunity, 
711 W. McBean Street, Peoria, IL 61605
Howard Veal, Springfield Urban League, Inc., 1225 East Lawrence, 
Springfield, IL 62703
Brenda Dobbins-Noel, The Ounce of Prevention Fund, 122 S. Michigan 
Avenue, Suite 2050, Chicago, IL 60603
Donna Emmons, Director, Wabash Area Development, Inc., 100 North 
Latham, Enfield, IL 62835
Kathleen Liffick, Child Adult Resource Service, Inc., 620 Tennessee 
Street, Greencastle, IN 46135
Anita Lascelles, Coordinator, Healthy Beginnings 620 8th Avenue, 
Terre Haute, IN 47804
Ken Swenson, Hopewell Center, Inc., PO Box 3150, Anderson, IN 46018
Glenda Wilcox, Early Head Start Director, Child Care Association, 
1069 Parklane, Wichita, KS 67218
Korey Powell Hensley, EHS Director, Heartland Healthy Families, 700 
Jupiter, Salina, KS 67401

[[Page 27451]]

Aubrey Nehring, Audobon Area Community Services, Inc., 1800 West 
Fourth Street, PO Box 20004, Owensboro, KY 42304
Cleo Lowry, Executive Director, Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc., 
201 E. Walnut Street, PO Box 63, Leitchfield, KY 42754
Paul Dole, Kentucky Communities Economic Opportunity Council, PO Box 
490, Barbourville, KY 40906
Judy Whitten, Head Start Director, Murray Head Start 208 South 13th 
Street, Murray, KY 42071
Vivian Maddox, Whitley County Communities for Children, PO Box 733, 
Williamsburg, KY 40769
James Houlares, Community Teamwork, Inc., 125 Phoenix Avenue, 
Lowell, MA 01852
Linda Gaither, Deputy Director, Friends of the Family, Inc., 1001 
Eastern Ave, 2nd Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202
Carol Sutton, EHS Director, The Family Services Agency, Inc., 640 
East Diamond Avenue, Suite A, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Sandy Scoville, University of Maryland University College, 
University Boulevard at Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20742-1600
Deborah Richardson, Director, Community Concepts, Inc., 35 Market 
Street, PO Box 278, So Paris, ME 04281
Steve Russell, Western Maine Community Action, PO Box 200, East 
Wilton, ME 04234
Carolyn Rutledge, Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools, G-3475 W Court 
Street, Flint, MI 48532
Kim Hamburg, Child Development Services of Ottawa County, Inc., 77 
West 11th Street, Holland, MI 49423
Virginia Burns, City of Detroit, 5031 Grandy, Detroit, MI 48211
Norma Yoder, Menominee-Delta-Schoolcraft CAA, 507 First Avenue 
North, Escanaba, MI 49829-3998
Jill Sutton, Mid-Michigan Community Action 1141 N McEwan, Clare, MI 
Kathy Kundratt, Northwest Michigan Human Services, 3963 Three Mile 
Road, Taverse City, MI 49686
Antonio Wilcoxon, Model Cities Family Development Center, 580 Fuller 
Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55103
Gertrude Buckanaga, Upper Midwest American Indian Center, 1113 West 
Broadway, Minneapolis, MN 55411
Beverly Dyson, Branch Manager, Early Head Start, Human Development 
Corp of Metropolitan St Louis, 929 North Spring Avenue, St. Louis, 
MO 63108
Regina Battle, Executive Director, Friends of Children of 
Mississippi, 4880 McWillie Circle, Jackson, MS 39206
Robbie Angell, Director, Asheville City Schools Preschool and Family 
Literacy Center, 441 Haywood Rd., Asheville, NC 28806
Beverly Graywater, Director, Little Hoop Community College, PO Box 
89, Fort Totten, ND 58335-0089
Marcella Yellow Hammer, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, PO Box 473, Fort 
Yates, ND 58538
Mary Afrank, EHS Director, Central Nebraska Community Services, PO 
Box 509, Loup City, NE 68853
Jo Anne Begley, Panhandle Community Services, 3350 10th Street, 
Gering, NE 69341
Pam Fisher, The Salvation Army, 3612 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131-
Rebecca Johnson, Head Start Director, Belknap-Merrimack Head Start, 
PO Box 1016, Concord, NH 03302-1016
Gina Ogburn, EHS Director, Babyland Family Service, Inc. 755 South 
Orange Ave, Newark, NJ 07106
Gina M. Johnson, EHS Interim Director, East Orange Child Development 
Corp, PO Box 890; 50 Washington Street, East Orange, NJ 07019
Shirley Williams, Executive Director, Group Homes of Camden County, 
35 South 29th Street; PO Box 1538, Camden, NJ 08105
Linda Kane, Head Start Director, NORWESCAP, Inc., 481 Memorial 
Parkway, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
Charles Kalthoff, ACCORD, 84 Schuyler Street; PO Box 573, Belmont, 
NY 14813
Patricia Heidelmark, Director, Ballston Spa Central School District, 
70 Malta Avenue, Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Grace Knaak, Head Start Director, Chautauqua Opportunities, Inc., 
610 W. 3rd Street, Jamestown, NY 14701
Carol Bradwell, Asst. Exec. Director, Grand Street Settlement, 80 
Pitt Street, New York, NY 10002
Lori Spector, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Inc., 3101 
Kingsbridge Terrace, Bronx, NY 10463
Ursula Lehmann, New Square Community Improvement Council, 766 North 
Main Street, Suite 108, Spring Valley, NY 10977
Moira Irons, Interim Early Head Start Director, P.E.A.C.E. Inc., 
1153 W. Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13204
Bartholomew O'Conner, Project Director, Project Chance, 136 Lawrence 
Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Elizabeth Colkin, Head Start Director, The Astor Home for Children, 
36 Mill Street Box 5005, Rhinebeck, NY 12572-5005
James Langford, The Chidren's Aid Society, 105 East 22nd Street, New 
York, NY 10010
Michael Zisser, University Settlement Society of New York, 184 
Eldridge Street, New York, NY 10002
Mattie Brown, Utica Head Start Children and Families, Cornerstone 
Building: 1100 Miller Street, Utica, NY 13501
Andrea Battaylia, Visting Nurse Service of New York, 107 E 70th 
Street, New York, NY 10021
Robert Moman, CEO in Greater Cleveland, 668 Eucild Avenue, 
Cleveland, OH 44114
Terrie Hare, Director, Clemont County Head Start, 555 Cincinnati-
Batavia Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45244
Verline Dotson, Director, Cincinnati-Hamilton Community Action, 2904 
Woodburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206
Mary Burns, Council on Rural Services Programs, Inc., 116 East Third 
Street, Box 459, Greenville, OH 54331
Verna Thompson, Cherokee Nation, PO Box 948, Talequah, OK 74465
Talley Dunn, Early Head Start Program Coordinator, Southern Oregon 
Head Start, 505 Oak Street, PO Box 3819, Central Point, OR 97502
Maria Frontera, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, 
Division of Community Health; 1302 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 
Carolyn Markesich, Civic Senior Citizens, Inc., 1200 Main Street, 
Allquippa, PA 15001
Particia Levin, Community Services for Children, 431 E. Locust 
Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Jewel Morrissette-Ndulula, Executive Director, The Philadelphia 
Parent Child Center, Inc., 2515 Germantown Avenue, Philadephia, PA 
Leslie Vierling-Bassegio, WHO, Inc., 1011 Old Salem Road, Suite 109, 
Greenburg, PA 15601
Edme Torres, Program Director, Aspira, Inc. of Puerto Rico, PO Box 
29132; 65th Infantry Station, Rio Piedras, PR 00929
Zaida Fernandez, The New York Founding Hospital, 590 Avenue of the 
Americas, New York, NY, PR 10011
Lynda Dickerson, Executive Director, Child Inc., 160 Draper Avenue, 
Warwick, RI 02889
Arlene Dion, Comprehensive Community Action, 311 Dorie Avenue, 
Crantston, RI
Vennie Jones, Child and Development Director, Sunbelt Human 
Advancement, Resources, Inc., PO Box 10204, Greenville, SC 29603
Kathryn Natwick, Inter Lakes Community Action, Box 268, Madison, SD 
Susan Fedell, Youth and Family Services, PO Box 2813, Pennington, SD 
Donna Ginn, Director, Early Head Start, Department of Human Services 
2302, Ocoee Street, Chatanooga, TN 37406
Eric Dupree, Northwest Tennessee Head Start, 938 Walnut Avenue West, 
McKenzie, TN 38201
Barbara Nye, Project Executive Director, Tennesse State University, 
Tennessee CARES Early Head Start, 330 10th Avenue N., Box 141, 
Nashville, TN 37203
Richard Zorola, Program Manager, Early Head Start Project, Avance, 
San Antonio Chapter, Inc., 1921 Buena Vista, San Antonio, TX 78207
Corina Jaimes, C.A. Inc. of Hays, Caldwell & Blanco Counties, PO Box 
1246, San Marcos, TX 18667-1246
Nori Colecio, CAC of South Texas, 73 N. Reynolds; PO Drawer 1820, 
Alice, TX 78332
James Stickland, Child Inc., 818 East 53rd Street, Austin, TX 78751
Adelina Fritz, Head Start Child Care Director, Parent/Child Inc. 
1000 W. Harriman Place, San Antonio, TX 78207
Mary Lynn, Early Head Start Coordinator, Head Start of Greater 
Dallas, Inc., 1349 Empire Central, Suite 900, Dallas, TX 75247-4045
Norma Gonzales, Head Start Director, Interstate Migrant Head Start, 
PO Box 2579, Laredo, TX 78044-2579
Sherry Ruddick, East Coast Migrant Project, 4200 Wilson Boulevard, 
Suite 740, Arlington, VA 22203
Rob Goldsmith, People Inc. of Southwest Virginia, 1173 West Main 
Street, Abingdon, VA 24210
Marianne Miller, Head Start Director, CVCAC, 36 Barre-Montpelier 
Road, Barre, VT 05641

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Connie Zwick, North East Kingdom Community Action, PO Box 630; 10 
Main Street, Newport, VT 05855
Jaclyn Haight, Early Childhood Program Director, Port Gamble 
S'Klallam Tribe, 31912 Little Boston Road, Kingston, WA 98346
Patt Earley, Director, Spokane County Head Start/ECEAP, Washington 
Community College #17; 4410 N. Market, Spokane, WA 99207
Barb Wehman, CESA, 225 Ostermann Drive, Turtle Lake, WI 54013
Barbara Gardner, Next Door Foundation, Inc., 2545 North 29th Street, 
Milwaukee, WI 53210
Suzanne Hoppe, Head Start Director, Renewal Unlimited, Inc., N6510 
Highway 51 South, Portage, WI 53901-9603
Marie Alsop, Director, Monongalia County Head Start, 1433 Dorsey 
Avenue, Morgantown, WV 26505

[FR Doc. 97-12954 Filed 5-16-97; 8:45 am]