[Federal Register Volume 62, Number 105 (Monday, June 2, 1997)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 29688-29694]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 97-14302]



40 CFR Part 721

[OPPTS-50625, etc.; FRL-5595-1]

Proposed Revocation of Significant New Use Rules For Certain 
Acrylate Substances

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: EPA is proposing to revoke significant new use rules (SNURs) 
for 96 substances promulgated under section 5(a)(2) of the Toxic 
Substances Control Act (TSCA) for certain chemical substances based on 
new toxicity data. Based on the data, the Agency determined that it 
could no longer support a finding that activities not described in the 
TSCA section 5(e) consent order may result in significant changes in 
human exposure.
DATES: Written comments must be received by July 2, 1997.

ADDRESSES: Each comment must bear the appropriate docket control number 
OPPTS-50625, etc. All comments should be sent in triplicate to: OPPT 
Document Control Officer (7407), Office of Pollution Prevention and 
Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW., Room G-099, 
East Tower, Washington, DC 20460.
    Comments and data may also be submitted electronically by following 
the instructions under Unit V of this preamble. No confidential 
business information (CBI) should be submitted through e-mail.
    All comments which are claimed confidential must be clearly marked 
as such. Three additional sanitized copies of any comments containing 
CBI must also be submitted. Nonconfidential versions of comments on 
this proposed rule will be placed in the rulemaking record and will be 
available for public inspection. Unit IV of this preamble contains 
additional information on submitting comments containing CBI.

Environmental Assistance Division (7408), Office of Pollution 
Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, Rm. E-543A, 401 
M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone: (202) 554-1404; TDD: (202) 
554-0551; e-mail: TSCA-Hotline@epamail.epa.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the Federal Register referenced for each 
substance, OPPTS-50581A, October 31, 1990 (55 FR 46001); OPPTS-50582, 
August 15, 1990 (55 FR 33303); OPPTS-50583, August 9, 1990 (55 FR 
32414); OPPTS-50585, September 28, 1990 (55 FR 39899); OPPTS-50587A, 
June 5, 1991 (56 FR 25988); OPPTS-50591, April 25, 1991 (56 FR 19238); 
OPPTS-50592, August 13, 1991 (56 FR 40212); OPPTS-50601, September 23, 
1992 (57 FR 44070); OPPTS-50603, July 20, 1992 (57 FR 31969); OPPTS-
50608, June 8, 1993 (58 FR 32236); OPPTS-50612, October 4, 1993 (58 FR 
51681); OPPTS-50613, October 4, 1993 (58 FR 51706); OPPTS-50615, May 
27, 1994 (59 FR 27483); and OPPTS-50620, March 1, 1995 (60 FR 
11042)(FRL-4868-4); EPA issued a SNUR establishing significant new uses 
for the substances listed in Unit II of this preamble. Because of 
additional data EPA has received for these substances, EPA is proposing 
to revoke the SNURs.

I. Proposed Revocations

    EPA is proposing to revoke the significant new use and 
recordkeeping requirements for the following chemical substances under 
40 CFR part 721, subpart E. In Unit II of this preamble, EPA provides a 
brief description for the substances, including its premanufacture 
notice (PMN) number, chemical name (generic name if the specific name 
is claimed as CBI), CAS number (if assigned), Federal Register 
reference, docket number, and the CFR citation removed in the 
regulatory text section of this proposed rule. Further background 
information for the substances is contained in the rulemaking record 
referenced in Unit III of this preamble.

II. Basis for Revocation of SNURs

    While these rules were being promulgated, a voluntary testing 
program was being developed jointly by EPA and industry and was 
subsequently conducted by a group of acrylate manufacturers affected by 
acrylate regulation, the Specialty Acrylates Manufacturers (SAM). EPA 
and SAM negotiated this voluntary testing program for this category of 
chemicals based on SAM's commitment to conduct toxicity testing for 
acrylate and methacrylate substances. The purpose of the testing 
program was to cooperatively supply test data to address EPA's health 
concerns for the acrylate category. SAM conducted several short-term 
studies on a series of acrylates and methacrylates and two long-term 
dermal bioassays on Triethylene Glycol Diacrylate (TREGDA) and 
Triethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate (TREGDMA). TREGDA has previously been 
shown to be positive in a limited dermal carcinogenicity study. This 
testing was intended to correlate activity in certain short-term assays 
with longer-term carcinogenic potential, as well as to better 
characterize the toxicity of the acrylate chemical category generally.
    After reviewing the test data generated by the voluntary testing 
program, including the long-term bioassays, EPA found that neither 
TREGDA nor TREGDMA were carcinogenic under the conditions of the 
studies. Based on the TREGDMA bioassay and data for other 
methacrylates, EPA no longer supports the carcinogenicity concern for 
methacrylates. However, in the case of TREGDA, the maximum tolerated 
dose (MTD) may not have been attained because skin irritation noted in 
the range finding studies was not present over the entire term of the 
bioassay. Therefore, because the MTD may not have been attained in the 
TREGDA study, and based on available data for other acrylates, EPA 
still has concerns that some acrylates may be carcinogenic after 
repeated application at higher doses.
    Based on these findings EPA's regulation of the acrylates category 
under TSCA section 5(e) has changed. EPA no longer regulates these 
chemicals as a category for health concerns. However, if an acrylate or 
methacrylate substance is structurally similar to a substance for which 
EPA has positive toxicity data, EPA may regulate that substance under 
section 5(e) of TSCA based on its potential unreasonable risk. 
Henceforth this will be done on a case-by-case basis and is expected to 
effectively eliminate regulation of most acrylates and methacrylates 
for health concerns, especially higher molecular weight and polymeric 
substances. EPA will continue to evaluate the acrylate category for 
ecotoxicity. These substances often have low environmental releases 
during their manufacture, processing, and use which will continue to 
limit unreasonable risk findings under section 5(e) of TSCA for the 
environmental toxicity of this class of chemicals.

[[Page 29689]]

    Despite the fact that EPA no longer expects to make a potential 
unreasonable risk finding under TSCA section 5(e) for most new 
acrylates and methacrylates, EPA still recommends the use of personal 
protective equipment for workers exposed to new or existing chemical 
acrylates and methacrylates. In the case of dermal exposure, impervious 
gloves and protective clothing are recommended, and in the case of 
inhalation exposure, an appropriate National Institute for Occupational 
Safety and Health (NIOSH)-approved respirator or engineering controls 
to reduce or eliminate workplace exposures.

PMN Numbers P-84-176, P-84-180, P-84-181, P-84-182, P-84-183, P-84-184, 
P-84-341, P-84-342, P-84-343, P-84-344, and P-85-703

Chemical name: (generic) Certain acrylates.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: June 5, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50587A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.325.

PMN Number P-91-1464

Chemical name: (generic) Substituted diacrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: June 8, 1993 (58 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50608.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.370.

PMN Number P-85-415

Chemical name: (generic) Monoacrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (58 
FR 39901).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.390.

PMN Number P-89-423

Chemical name: (generic) Polyalkylpolysilazane, bis(substituted 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46001).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.400.

PMN Number P-85-1013

Chemical name: (generic) Aliphatic diurethane acrylate ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 45997).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.415.

PMN Numbers P-85-296 and P-85-298

Chemical name: (generic) Amino acrylate monomers.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 45997).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.460.

PMN Number P-92-1313

Chemical name: (generic) Aliphatic difunctional acrylic acid ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 4, 1993 (58 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50612.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.470.

PMN Number P-86-387

Chemical name: (generic) Modified acrylic ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: August 9, 1990 (55 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50583.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.490

PMN Number P-86-1692

Chemical name: (generic) Benzene, substituted, alkyl acrylate 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: August 15, 1990 (55 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50582.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.1175.

PMN Number P-86-1739

Chemical name: (generic) Substituted benzenedicarboxylic acid, 
poly(alkyl acrylate) derivative.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39899).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.1575.

PMN Number P-89-424

Chemical name: (generic) Carbamic acid, (trialkyloxy silyalkyl)-
substituted acrylate ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 45998).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.2050.

PMN Number P-92-1134

Chemical name: (generic) Cyclic phosphazene, methacrylate derivative.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 4, 1993 (58 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50612.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.2170.

PMN Numbers P-85-1169 and 85-1170

Chemical name: (generic) Acid modified acrylated epoxide.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 45999).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.2650.

PMN Number P-84-1167

Chemical name: (generic) Epoxy resin.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39905).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.2750.

PMN Number P-93-699

Chemical name: (generic) Substituted benzenedicarboxylic acid ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: May 27, 1994 (59 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50615.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.2930.

PMN Number P-93-339

Chemical name: (generic) Methacrylic ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: March 1, 1995 (60 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50620.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.3028.

PMN Number P-91-74

Chemical name: (generic) Propenoate-terminated alkyl substituted silyl 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: July 20, 1992 (57 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50603.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.3120.

PMN Number P-88-2463

Chemical name: (generic) Trimethylolpropane fatty acid diacrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 45999).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.3640.

PMN Number P-88-1690

Chemical name: (generic) Monomethoxy neopentyl glycol propoxylate 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.3870.

PMN Number P-88-1691

Chemical name: (generic) Polyalkylene glycol alkyl ether acrylate.

[[Page 29690]]

CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.4020.

PMN Number P-90-1636

Chemical name: (generic) Hexanedioic acid, polymer with 1,2-ethanediol 
and 1,6-diisocyanato-2,2,4(or 2,4,4)-trimethylhexane, 2-hydrocyethyl-
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: August 13, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50592.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.4220.

PMN Number P-86-1088

Chemical name: (generic) Substituted hydroxyalkyl alkenoate, [[[[[(1-
oxo-2-propenyl)oxy] alkoxy] carbonylamino] substituted] 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.4400.

PMN Number P-89-507

Chemical name: (generic) Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate alkyl ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 45999).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.4780.

PMN Number P-87-147

Chemical name: (generic) 2-(2-Hydroxy-3-tert-butyl-5-methylbenzyl)-4-
methyl-6-tert-butylphenyl methacrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39901).
Docket number: OPPTS-50582.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.4790.

PMN Number P-86-650

Chemical name: (generic) Methacrylic ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39900).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.4800.

PMN Number P-91-548

Chemical name: (generic) 2,5,8,10,13,-Pentaoxahexadec-15-enoic acid, 
9,14-dioxo-2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]ethyl ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 4, 1993 (58 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50613.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.5705.

PMN Number P-92-44

Chemical name: (generic) Acrylated epoxy phenolic resin.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 4, 1993 (58 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50612.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.5910.

PMN Number P-86-164

Chemical name: (generic) Polymer.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39902).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6500.

PMN Number P-89-726

Chemical name: (generic) Polymer of adipic acid, alkanepolyol, 
alkyldiisocyanatocarbomonocycle, hydroxyalkyl acrylate ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39903).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6580.

PMN Number P-91-505

Chemical name: (generic) Polymer of alkanedioic acid, 
methylenebiscarbomonocyclic diisocyanate, and alkylene glycols, 
hydroxyalkyl acrylate ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 23, 1992 (57 
FR 44070).
Docket number: OPPTS-50601.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6640.

PMN Number P-88-854

Chemical name: (generic) Polymer of alkenoic acid, substituted 
alkylacrylate sodium salt.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: June 26, 1990 (55 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50580.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6700.

PMN Number P-89-77

Chemical name: (generic) Akyldicarboxylic acids, polymers with 
alkanepolyol and TDI, alkanol blocked, acrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 45997).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6720.

PMN Number P-89-73

Chemical name: (generic) Polymer of alkyl carbomonocycle diisocyanate 
with alkanepolyol polyacrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46000).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6740.

PMN Number P-89-626

Chemical name: (generic) Alkylenebis (substituted carbomonocycle), 
epichlorohydrin, disubstituted heteromonocycle, acrylate polymer.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6760.

PMN Number P-88-1616

Chemical name: (generic) Polymer of substituted alkylphenol 
formaldehyde and phthalic anhydride, acrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: August 15, 1990 (55 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50582.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6780.

PMN Number P-84-1167

Chemical name: (generic) Substituted bis(hydroxyalkane) polymer with 
epichlorohydrin, acrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6840.

PMN Number P-88-2380

Chemical name: (generic) Bisphenol A, epichlorohydrin, methylenebis 
(substituted carbomonocycle), polyalkylene glycol, alkanol, 
methacrylate polymer.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 45998).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6880.

PMN Number P-89-946

Chemical name: (generic) Caprolactone, polymer with hexamethylene 
diisocyanate, hydroxyalkyl acrylate ester, reaction products with 
substituted alkanoic acid and metal heteromonocycle.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 45998).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6940.

[[Page 29691]]

PMN Number P-90-584

Chemical name: (generic) E-Caprolactone, modified 2-hydroxyethyl 
acrylate monomer.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.6960.

PMN Number P-90-667

Chemical name: (generic) Formaldehyde, polymer with 
(chloromethyl)oxirane 4,4'-(1-methyl ethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol] 
and phenol, 2-methyl-2-propenoate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7040.

PMN Number P-84-938

Chemical name: (generic) Polymer of hydroxyethyl acrylate and 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39903).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7080.

PMN Number P-91-11

Chemical name: (generic) Polymer of isophorone diisocyanate, 
trimethylolpropane, polyalkanepolyol, disubstituted alkanes and 
hydroxyethyl acrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: August 13, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50592.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7100.

PMN Number P-89-749

Chemical name: (generic) Methylenebis(4-isocyanato benzene), polymer 
with polycaprolactone triol and alkoxylated alkanepolyol, hydroxyalkyl 
methacrylate ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46000).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7140.

PMN Number P-88-2566

Chemical name: (generic) Substituted oxide-alkylene polymer, 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46000).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7180.

PMN Number P-91-937

Chemical name: (generic) Polymer of disubstituted phthalate, 
dioxoheteropolycycle and methacrylic acid.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: July 20, 1992 (57 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50603.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7240.

PMN Number P-90-1393

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenenitrile, polymer with 1,3-butadiene, 
3-carboxy-1-cyano-1-methylpropyl-terminated, polymers with bisphenol A, 
epichlorohydrin, and 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[2,6-dibromophenol], 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7300.

PMN Number P-90-668

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenenitrile, polymer with 1,3-butadiene, 
3-carboxy-1-cyano-1-methylpropyl-terminated, polymers with 
epichlorohydrin, formaldehyde, and 4,4'-(1-methylethylidene)bis[2,6-
dibromophenol], and phenol, 2-methyl-2-propenoate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7320.

PMN Number P-87-739

Chemical name: (generic) Polymer of styrene, substituted alkyl 
methacrylate, 2-ethylhexyl acrylate, methacrylic acid and substituted 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39903).
Docket number: OPPTS-50582.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7340.

PMN Number P-91-1077

Chemical name: (generic) Acrylates of aliphatic polyol.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: June, 8, 1993 (58 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50608.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7370.

PMN Number P-85-718

Chemical name: (generic) Di(alkanepolyol) ether, polyacrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7400.

PMN Number P-89-1072

Chemical name: (generic) Oxyalkanepolyol polyacrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7420.

PMN Number P-84-27

Chemical name: (generic) Polyol carboxylate ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46001).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7460.

PMN Number P-84-814

Chemical name: (generic) Polysubstituted polyol.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46002).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7540.

PMN Number P-84-713

Chemical name: (generic) Alkoxylated alkane polyol, polyacrylate ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46001).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7560.

PMN Number P-86-346

Chemical name: (generic) Substituted acrylated alkoxylated alphatic 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46002).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7580.

PMN Number P-84-274

Chemical name: (generic) Poly(oxy-1,4-butanediyl), -(1-oxo-2-
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46001).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7660.

PMN Number P-88-1211

Chemical name: (generic) Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), -hydro-
-hydroxy-, ether with 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-
propanediol (3:1) di-2-propenoate methyl ether.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 

[[Page 29692]]

Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7680.

PMN Number P-86-588

Chemical name: (generic) Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), -(2-methyl-
1-oxo-2-propenyl)--hydroxy-, C10-16-alkyl ethers.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46002).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7740.

PMN Number P-86-554

Chemical name: (generic) Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), -(1-oxo-2-
propenyl)--hydroxy-, C10-16-alkyl ethers.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46002).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.7760.

PMN Number P-88-2180

Chemical name: (generic) Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 721.7780

PMN Number P-85-118

Chemical name: (generic) Polyurethane.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39904).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 721.8075.

PMN Numbers P-93-37 and P-93-38

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, C18-26 and 
C20 alkyl esters.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 4, 1993 (58 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50612.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8265.

PMN Number P-85-545

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, 3-(dimethylamino)-2,2-
dimethylpropyl ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39904).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8275.

PMN Number P-93-36

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, docosyl ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 4, 1993 (58 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50612.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8290.

PMN Number P-87-930

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, 2-hydroxy-butyl ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46002).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8300.

PMN Number P-87-931

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, 1-(hydroxymethyl)-propyl 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46003).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8325.

PMN Number P-91-503

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, 2-[[(1-
methylethoxy)carbonyl]amino]ethyl ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 4, 1993 (58 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50613.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8335.

PMN Number P-91-391

Chemical name: (generic) 2-Propenoic acid, 2-(2-oxo-3-
oxazolidinyl)ethyl ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 23, 1992 (57 
FR 44072).
Docket number: OPPTS-50601.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8375.

PMN Number P-85-547

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, 3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexyl 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39904).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 40 CFR.8400.

PMN Number P-90-1825

Chemical name: (generic) 2-Propenoic acid, [[[[[1,3,3-trimethyl-5-[[[2-
[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]ethoxy]carbonyl]amino] cyclohexyl] 
methyl]amino]carbonyl]oxy]ethyl ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 23, 1992 (57 
FR 44072).
Docket number: OPPTS-50601.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8425.

PMN Number P-89-422

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 1,1-dimethylethyl 
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46003).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8475.

PMN Number P-85-546

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 3,3,5-
trimethylcyclohexyl ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39904).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8525.

PMN Number P-85-544

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 7,7,9-trimethyl-
4,13-dioxo-3,14-dioxo-5,12-diazahexadecane, 1,16-diyl ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39905).
Docket number: OPPTS-50585.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8550.

PMN Number P-89-1135

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, [octahydro-4,7-methano-1H-
indene-1,5(1,6 or 2,5)-diyl]bis(methylene) ester.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8575.

PMN Number P-90-1285

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, octahydro-4,7-methano-1H-
indenyl ester.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8600.

PMN Number P-92-1447

Chemical name: (generic) 2-propenoic acid, reaction product with 2-
oxepanone and alkyltriol.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 4, 1993 (58 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50612.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.8650.

PMN Number P-89-1081

Chemical name: (generic) Reaction product of alkyl carboxylic acids, 

[[Page 29693]]

polyols, alkyl acrylate, and isophorone diisocyanate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: April 25, 1991 (56 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50591.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.9240.

PMN Number P-86-832

Chemical name: (generic) Reaction product of hydroxyethyl acrylate and 
methyl oxirane.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46000).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.9320.

PMN Number P-88-701

Chemical name: (generic) Reaction product of a monoalkyl succinic 
anhydride with an -hydroxy methacrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 45999)
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.9360.

PMN Number P-90-1338

Chemical name: (generic) Polymethylcarbomonocycle, reaction product 
with 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 23, 1992 (57 
FR 44074)
Docket number: OPPTS-50601
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.9420.

PMN Number P-85-296

Chemical name: (generic) Silicone ester polyacrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 4, 1993 (58 FR 
Docket number: OPPTS-50612
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.9510.

PMN Number P-91-1153

Chemical name: (generic) Acrylate substituted siloxanes and silicones.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 23, 1992 (57 
FR 44074)
Docket number: OPPTS-50601
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.9525.

PMN Number P-84-358

Chemical name: (generic) Unsaturated organic compound.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 28, 1990 (55 
FR 39901)
Docket number: OPPTS-50585
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.9870.

PMN Number P-85-301

Chemical name: (generic) Urethane acrylate.
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: October 31, 1990 (55 
FR 46003).
Docket number: OPPTS-50581A.
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.9940.

PMN Number P-91-389

Chemical name: (generic) Zirconium(IV), [2,2-bis[(2-
CAS number: Not available.
Federal Register publication date and reference: September 23, 1992 (57 
FR 44075)
Docket number: OPPTS-50601
CFR number: 40 CFR 721.9975.

III. Background and Rationale for Revocation of the Rule

    During review of the PMNs submitted for the chemical substances 
that are the subject of this revocation, EPA concluded that regulation 
was warranted based on the fact that activities not described in the 
section 5(e) consent order may result in significant changes in human 
exposure. Based on these findings, SNURs were promulgated.
    EPA will revoke the section 5(e) consent orders that are the basis 
for these SNURs and has determined that it can no longer support a 
finding that activities not described in the section 5(e) consent order 
may result in significant changes in human exposure. The proposed 
revocation of SNUR provisions for these substances designated herein is 
consistent with this finding.
    In light of the above, EPA is proposing to revoke the SNUR 
provisions for these chemical substances. When this revocation becomes 
final, EPA will no longer require notice of any company's intent to 
manufacture, import, or process these substances. In addition, export 
notification under section 12(b) of TSCA will no longer be required.

IV. Comments Containing Confidential Business Information

    Any person who submits comments claimed as CBI must mark the 
comments as ``confidential,'' ``trade secret,'' or other appropriate 
designation. Comments not claimed as confidential at the time of 
submission will be placed in the public file. Any comments marked as 
confidential must prepare and submit a public version of the comments 
that EPA can place in the public file.

V. Rulemaking Record

     The official record for this rulemaking, as well as the public 
version, has been established for this rulemaking under docket number 
OPPTS-50625, etc. (including comments and data submitted electronically 
as described below). A public version of this record, including 
printed, paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include 
any information claimed as confidential business information (CBI), is 
available for inspection from 12 noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
excluding legal holidays. The official rulemaking record is located in 
the TSCA Nonconfidential Information Center, Rm. NE-B607, 401 M St. 
SW., Wahington, DC.
    Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:

    Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
use of special characters and any form of encryption. Comments and data 
will also be accepted on disks in WordPerfect 5.1 file format or ASCII 
file format. All comments and data in electronic form must be 
identified by the docket number OPPTS-50625, etc. Electronic comments 
on this proposed rule may be filed online at many Federal Depository 

VI. Regulatory Assessment

    This final rule revokes or eliminates existing regulatory 
requirements and does not contain any new or amended requirements. As 
such, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has exempted these 
types of actions from review under Executive Order 12866, entitled 
Regulatory Planning and Review (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993). Since 
this final rule does not impose any requirements, it does not contain 
any information collections subject to approval under the Paperwork 
Reduction Act (PRA), 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., or require any other 
action under Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
(UMRA)(Pub. L. 104-4). Nor does it require any prior consultation as 
specified by Executive Order 12875, entitled Enhancing the 
Intergovernmental Partnership (58 FR 58093, October 28, 1993), or 
special considerations as required by Executive Order 12898, entitled 
Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority 
Populations and Low-Income Populations (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
    Pursuant to section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act 
(RFA)(5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), the Agency hereby certifies that any 
revocation or

[[Page 29694]]

elimination of a SNUR, such as this final rule, will not ever have a 
significant adverse economic impact on a substantial number of small 
entities. This determination, which is applicable to all such SNUR 
actions, is based on the fact that this type of Agency action 
eliminates an existing requirement and does not impose any new 
requirements. It therefore does not have any adverse economic impacts. 
This generic certification for SNUR revocations will be incorporated by 
reference in future individual SNUR revocations. In addition, this 
determination will be provided to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the 
Small Business Administration.

VII. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office

    Under 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A), as added by the Small Business 
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, the Agency has submitted a 
report containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. 
Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General 
of the General Accounting Office prior to publication of this rule in 
today's Federal Register. This is not a major rule as defined by 5 
U.S.C. 804(2).

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 721

    Environmental protection, Chemicals, Hazardous materials, 
Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

    Dated: May 15, 1997.

William H. Sanders, III
Director, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics.

    Therefore, it is proposed that 40 CFR part 721 be amended as 


    1. The authority citation for part 721 would continue to read as 

    Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2604, 2607, and 2625(c).

Secs. 721.325, 721.370, 721.390, 721.400, 721.415, 721.460, 721.470, 
721.490, 721.1175, 721.1575, 721.2050, 721.2170, 721.2650, 721.2750, 
721.2930, 721.3028, 721.3120, 721.3640, 721.3870, 721.4020, 721.4220, 
721.4400, 721.4780, 721.4790, 721.4800, 721.5705, 721.5910, 721.6500, 
721.6580, 721.6640, 721.6700, 721.6720, 721.6740, 721.6760, 721.6780, 
721.6840, 721.6880, 721.6940, 721.6960, 721.7040, 721.7080, 721.7100, 
721.7140, 721.7180, 721.7240, 721.7300, 721.7320, 721.7340, 721.7370, 
721.7400, 721.7420, 721.7460, 721.7540, 721.7560, 721.7580, 721.7660, 
721.7680, 721.7740, 721.7760, 721.7780, 721.8075, 721.8265, 721.8275, 
721.8290, 721.8300, 721.8325, 721.8335, 721.8375, 721.8400, 721.8425, 
721.8475, 721.8525, 721.8550, 721.8575, 721.8600, 721.8650, 721.9240, 
721.9320, 721.9360, 721.9420, 721.9510, 721.9525, 721.9870, 721.9940, 
721.9975  [Removed]

    2. By removing Secs. 721.325, 721.370, 721.390, 721.400, 721.415, 
721.460, 721.470, 721.490, 721.1175, 721.1575, 721.2050, 721.2170, 
721.2650, 721.2750, 721.2930, 721.3028, 721.3120, 721.3640, 721.3870, 
721.4020, 721.4220, 721.4400, 721.4780, 721.4790, 721.4800, 721.5705, 
721.5910, 721.6500, 721.6580, 721.6640, 721.6700, 721.6720, 721.6740, 
721.6760, 721.6780, 721.6840, 721.6880, 721.6940, 721.6960, 721.7040, 
721.7080, 721.7100, 721.7140, 721.7180, 721.7240, 721.7300, 721.7320, 
721.7340, 721.7370, 721.7400, 721.7420, 721.7460, 721.7540, 721.7560, 
721.7580, 721.7660, 721.7680, 721.7740, 721.7760, 721.7780, 721.8075, 
721.8265, 721.8275, 721.8290, 721.8300, 721.8325, 721.8335, 721.8375, 
721.8400, 721.8425, 721.8475, 721.8525, 721.8550, 721.8575, 721.8600, 
721.8650, 721.9240, 721.9320, 721.9360, 721.9420, 721.9510, 721.9525, 
721.9870, 721.9940, and 721.9975.

[FR Doc. 97-14302 Filed 5-30-97; 8:45 am]