[Federal Register Volume 63, Number 134 (Tuesday, July 14, 1998)] [Notices] [Pages 37858-37859] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] [FR Doc No: 98-18674] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Army Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank Heavy Armor System AGENCY: U.S. Army Program Executive Office, Ground Combat & Support Systems, Warren, MI. ACTION: Notice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and Army Regulation (AR) 200-2, the proposed FONSI for the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank Heavy Armor System is being published for comment. The U.S. Army Program Executive Office, Ground Combat & Support Systems (PEO-GCSS) has prepared a draft Environmental Assessment for the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (MBT) Heavy Armor System. The current use of the depleted uranium (DU) armor package on the Abrams MBT has been re-evaluated to determine whether the environmental impacts of its continued use remain insignificant, taking into consideration the current use of the tank and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) reduction in allowable radiation exposure from 500 mrem/year to 100 mrem/year for tank and maintenance crews (individual members of the public). As in already-fielded weapon system, M1 MBTs have been in production and in the field since the early 1980s. During that time, many technical, environmental and health assessments have been completed. These documents have addressed and minimized environmental impacts. As part of the continuing analysis effort, this EA focuses specifically on the assembly, use, repair and disposal of the heavy armor package. DATES: Comments must be received not later than August 28, 1998. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions concerning this proposed action should be submitted within 45 days of the date of this publication and directed to Mr. Dennis Sweers, Abrams Program Management Office, Program Executive Office, Ground Combat and Support Systems, ATTN: SFAE-GCSS-W-AB-SM, Warren, MI 48397-5000. Telephone number: (810) 574-7895, E-mail address: sweersd@cc.tacom.army.mil SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1. Purpose and Need for Proposed Action The Abrams Tank System Program (Abrams), administered by the Project Manager, Abrams Tank System (PM Abrams) with support from the U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM), has been using Depleted Uranium (DU) armor on the Abrams Tank since 1988. In 1996, a design change to the armor package was made by the Army and cut-in to production by General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) via Change Request XMPP-2083 in Oct 96 and effective with Job #1 M1A2 Phase II AUT. The purpose of this revision to the Environmental Assessment (EA) is to assess the environmental impact of the change from the original DU armor design to this modified design. Additionally, although unrelated to this armor design change, since the last EA, the NRC's maximum radiation dose limits for individual members of the public has been change from 500 mrem per year to 100 mrem per year. This revision assesses the new design against these new dose limits. B. The findings of the draft EA of the M1 Abrams MBT Heavy Army System support this FONSI. The assessment was conducted in keeping with the Army's environmental stewardship policy, to ensure that any potential environmental impacts are fully mitigated. The EA supports all related M1 Abrams MBT programs reviewed by the Defense Acquisition Board. 2. General Description of Action A. Under the proposed action, the use of the current depleted uranium (DU) armor package on the Abrams tank would be evaluated to determine whether the environmental impacts of its continued use remain insignificant, taking into consideration the current use of the tank, the armor package design change instituted in 1996 and changes in the NRC's radiation dose limits for individual members of the public. If it is determined that the environmental impacts of use of the DU armor package remain insignificant, PM Abrams will continue to produce the armor package through 2005. B. The draft Heavy Armor System EA evaluates the following: tank assembly activities at Lima Army Tank Plant (LATP); field operations including crew maintenance, field support maintenance and depot maintenance; and demilitarization. All DU issues which are not the direct responsibility of PM Abrams are not covered in the EA, but have been covered in previous assessments. C. In summary, the DU is fabricated into armor packages by a contractor to the Department of Energy. The contractor ships the assembled armor packages to LATP for installation in the [[Page 37859]] tanks. At LATP, the armor packages remain in the transportation containers until they are ready to be inserted into the tank. Following installation of the armor package and other tank components, the completed tanks are transported to military units as required for field use. Field use consists primarily of training exercises and varying levels of maintenance performed either by the tank operating crew or a field maintenance crew. Some maintenance, including major repairs, is conducted at maintenance depots by dedicated crews. At some point in the future, the tanks will be removed from service, demilitarized, and dispositioned. D. The impacts of the use of DU armor are central to the question of whether the impacts of continued use of the M1 Abrams MBT remains insignificant. The sue of DU armor is the primary feature that distinguishes the Abrams tank from numerous other commonly accepted equipment employed by the military and industry. Conventionally-armored military vehicles and heavy equipment, similar to tanks, are commonly operated by the Army and industry in a manner that is considered by the public to be acceptable and with insignificant impact on the human environment. Consequently, in conformance with the procedural requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) this Environmental Assessment (EA) has focused strictly on the use of DU armor. 3. Anticipated Environmental Effects A. The MI Abrams MBT Heavy Armor System will be assembled, transported, maintained, and disposed of in accordance with applicable environmental protection regulations. The PM Abrams has performed an in-depth study of exposure scenarios for affected personnel and has found that, in all instances, the maximum potential exposure to radiation from the Heavy Armor System will fall well under the 100 mrem/year NRC limit. B. The PM Abrams has determined that the potential for adverse environmental impacts of the use and disposal of the Heavy Armor package occur only if the outer armor integrity has been compromised or if a large number of rounds are fired into the tank. In this instance, however, decontamination measures can be limited to a 76-meter area downwind of the impact site (for a worst-case scenario). The concentration of the aerosol in the passing cloud does not exceed the guidelines for the general population as set forth in 10 CFR Part 20. C. The PM Abrams will continue to assess alternative procedures and materials for opportunities to replace the DU used for the Heavy Armor System and to proactively implement environmental improvements to the program in other areas. 4. Facts and Conclusions A. Operations at LATP are conducted in accordance with their Radiation Protection Plan and personnel exposures are controlled within the regulatory limits. Potential hazards have been identified and evaluated and appropriate preventive measures have been taken. Efforts have been made to reduce radiation exposures below the limits and to minimize the number of personnel subjected to radiation exposure. B. Transportation of completed tanks from LATP to field organizations for use is conducted in compliance with Department of Transportation requirements for the transportation of articles containing depleted uranium. Compliance with Department of Transportation requirements assures appropriate protection of the involved personnel and members of the general public from the potential radiation and other hazards associated with transportation. C. Storage and Parking of tanks at field installations has been evaluated and it has been determined that there is no reasonable potential for exposure of personnel or the general public to radiation exposures exceeding the limits allowed for members of the general public. D. Fields use of the Abrams Tank with Heavy Armor has been evaluated and it has been determined that appropriate controls exist in the form of vehicle design, vehicle use, and vehicle maintenance to assure that radiation exposure to involved personnel and the general public is maintained within the required regulatory limits and that efforts have been made to reduce radiation exposures below the limits. E. The environmental effects of accidents involving the release of DU have been evaluated and appropriate actions have been identified to assure mitigation and minimize the potential for environmental damage. F. Means have been identified and agreements have been made that assure that the DU is properly managed and controlled during and following demilitarization. G. Means have been identified and agreements have been made that assure that all DU wastes generated by the Abrams Heavy Armor System are properly managed and disposed. 5. Determination Based on the analyses of the draft EA, the use of DU armor from its receipt by the Abrams program through disposition of the material following future demilitarization of the Abrams tanks, including reasonably foreseeable accidents, do not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the NEPA. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed action is not required. Gregory D. Showalter, Army Federal Register Liaison Officer. [FR Doc. 98-18674 Filed 7-13-98; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3710-08-M