[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 191 (Monday, October 3, 2016)]
[Pages 68013-68016]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2016-23850]



[EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0548; FRL-9952-54]

Cancellation of Pesticides for Non-Payment of Year 2016 
Registration Maintenance Fees; Summary of Orders Issued

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 
(FIFRA), the payment of an annual maintenance fee is required to keep 
pesticide registrations in effect. The fee due last January 15, 2016, 
has gone unpaid for 314 registrations. If the fee is not paid, the EPA 
Administrator may cancel these registrations by order and without a 
hearing; orders to cancel these registrations have been issued.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mick Yanchulis, Information Technology 
and Resources Management Division (7502P), Office of Pesticide 
Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., 
Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (703) 347-0237; email 
address: yanchulis.michael@epa.gov.
    Product-specific status inquiries may be made by calling toll-free, 


I. General Information

A. Does this action apply to me?

    This action is directed to the public in general. Although this 
action may be of particular interest to persons who produce or use 
pesticides, the Agency has not attempted to describe all the specific 
entities that may be affected by this action.

B. How can I get copies of this document and other related information?

    The docket for this action, identified by docket identification 
(ID) number EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0548, is available at http://www.regulations.gov or at the Office of Pesticide Programs Regulatory 
Public Docket (OPP Docket) in the Environmental Protection Agency 
Docket Center (EPA/DC), West William Jefferson Clinton Bldg., Rm. 3334, 
1301 Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001. The Public 
Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through 
Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone number for the Public 
Reading Room is (202) 566-1744, and the telephone number for the OPP 
Docket is (703) 305-5805. Please review the visitor instructions and 
additional information about the docket available at http://www.epa.gov/dockets.
    Complete lists of registrations canceled for non-payment of the 
maintenance fee are also available for reference in the OPP Docket.

II. Background

    Section 4(i)(5) of FIFRA (7 U.S.C. 136a-1(i)(5)) requires that all 
pesticide registrants pay an annual registration maintenance fee, due 
by January 15 of each year, to keep their registrations in

[[Page 68014]]

effect. This requirement applies to all registrations granted under 
FIFRA section 3 (7 U.S.C. 136a) as well as those granted under FIFRA 
section 24(c) (7 U.S.C. 136v(c)) to meet special local needs. 
Registrations for which the fee is not paid are subject to cancellation 
by order and without a hearing.
    Under FIFRA, the EPA Administrator may reduce or waive maintenance 
fees for minor agricultural use pesticides when it is determined that 
the fee would be likely to cause significant impact on the availability 
of the pesticide for the use.
    In fiscal year 2016, maintenance fees were collected in one billing 
cycle. In late October of 2015, all holders of either FIFRA section 3 
registrations or FIFRA section 24(c) registrations were sent lists of 
their active registrations, along with forms and instructions for 
responding. They were asked to identify which of their registrations 
they wished to maintain in effect, and to calculate and remit the 
appropriate maintenance fees. Most responses were received by the 
statutory deadline of January 15. A notice of intent to cancel was sent 
in April of 2016 to companies who did not respond and to companies who 
responded, but paid for less than all of their registrations. Since 
mailing the notices of intent to cancel, EPA has maintained a toll-free 
inquiry number through which the questions of affected registrants have 
been answered.
    In fiscal year 2016, the Agency has waived the fee for 304 minor 
agricultural use registrations at the request of the registrants. 
Maintenance fees have been paid for about 15,921 FIFRA section 3 
registrations, or about 96% of the registrations on file in October 
2015. Fees have been paid for about 1,901 FIFRA section 24(c) 
registrations, or about 87% of the total on file in October 2015. 
Cancellations for non-payment of the maintenance fee affect about 307 
FIFRA section 3 registrations and about 7 FIFRA section 24(c) 
    The cancellation orders generally permit registrants to continue to 
sell and distribute existing stocks of the canceled products until 
January 15, 2017, 1 year after the date on which the fee was due. 
Existing stocks already in the hands of dealers or users, however, can 
generally be distributed, sold, or used legally until they are 
exhausted. Existing stocks are defined as those stocks of a registered 
pesticide product which are currently in the United States and which 
have been packaged, labeled, and released for shipment prior to the 
effective date of the cancellation order.
    The exceptions to these general rules are cases where more 
stringent restrictions on sale, distribution, or use of the products 
have already been imposed, through special reviews or other Agency 
actions. These general provisions for disposition of stocks should 
serve in most cases to cushion the impact of these cancellations while 
the market adjusts.

III. Listing of Registrations Canceled for Non-Payment

    Table 1 of this unit lists all of the FIFRA section 24(c) 
registrations, and Table 2 of this unit lists all of the FIFRA section 
3 registrations which were canceled for non-payment of the 2016 
maintenance fee. These registrations have been canceled by order and 
without hearing. Cancellation orders were sent to affected registrants 
via certified mail in the past several days. The Agency is unlikely to 
rescind cancellation of any particular registration unless the 
cancellation resulted from Agency error.

 Table 1--FIFRA Section 24(c) Registrations Cancelled for Non-Payment of
                          2016 Maintenance Fee
                SLN No.                           Product name
CA-15-0004............................  Hasachlor.
CA-77-0058............................  Pic-Brom 50.
CA-97-0016............................  Methyl Bromide 98%.
FL-06-0009............................  MBC Soil Fumigant.
HI-03-0008............................  PPG Calcium Hypochlorite
MN-14-0003............................  Earthtec.
PR-03-0002............................  BVA Spray 15.

Table 2--FIFRA Section 3 Registrations Cancelled for Non-Payment of 2016
                             Maintenance Fee
           Registration No.                       Product name
000099-00130..........................  Great Outdoors Insect Repellent
000192-00188..........................  Dexol Dormant & Summer Oil Spray
000192-00193..........................  Dexol Predator Roach Powder with
                                         Boric Acid.
000192-00205..........................  Dexol Gopher Killer Pellets 2.
000192-00219..........................  Dexol Lawn Insect Bifen 0.1%.
000192-00220..........................  Bifen Nursery Insecticide
000211-00040..........................  Q4.5-5.0 PB-4.5.
000211-00050..........................  Q5.5-5.5 NPB-2.5HW.
000266-20002..........................  Sodium Hypochlorite Solutions--
000278-00050..........................  Sanygen Granular Chlorinating
000397-00006..........................  Steri-Dri Fumigant.
000572-00005..........................  Rockland Penn-O-Pine Pine
000572-00350..........................  Rockland Indoor/Outdoor Insect
000769-00574..........................  Suregard Brand Sevin 80S
                                         Carbaryl Insecticide.
000769-00586..........................  R & M Floral & Vegetable Spray
000769-00587..........................  R & M Floral & Vegetable Spray
000769-00589..........................  R & M Lawn Spray Concentrate #2.
000769-00856..........................  Pratt Wettable Sulfur Dust or
000769-00945..........................  Liquid Edger & Spot Weed.
000769-00972..........................  Security Brand 50% Sevin
000769-00980..........................  Allpro Bifen LP.
000773-00088..........................  Safecide Brand IC.
000829-00202..........................  SA-50 Brand Thuricide HPC.
000875-00194..........................  Divosan Quat-Klenz.
001022-00592..........................  Secure.
001043-00019..........................  Staphene Disinfectant Spray and
001043-00077..........................  Powder Keg.
001157-00052..........................  IGR 1% Liquid Methoprene.
001475-00165..........................  IMS Moth Balls.
001475-00166..........................  IMS Moth Blocks.
001475-00167..........................  IMS Moth Cake.
001475-00168..........................  IMS Moth Crystals.
001769-00283..........................  Flash.
001769-00370..........................  P-O-W Plus.
003095-00024..........................  Pic Ant Control Systems.
003095-00027..........................  Pic X-100% Deet.
003377-00029..........................  Sanibrom 45 Biocide.
003377-00063..........................  SBS 1021 Biocide.
003377-00071..........................  Xtrabrom 111T Biocide.
003573-00091..........................  Homer.
004313-00041..........................  Pine II Pine Odor Disinfectant.
004313-00093..........................  Ocide Plus.
004972-00030..........................  Super Hi-Kil Formula One.
005736-00061..........................  HDC V2 1:64.
005736-00104..........................  Hospital Disinfectant Cleaner.
005736-00105..........................  Liquid Disinfectant Cleaner.
005736-00106..........................  Foaming Aerosol Disinfectant
005785-00057..........................  Bromicide.
005785-00063..........................  IWT BCDMH Tablets.
005785-00065..........................  IWT BCDMH Granules.
005785-00100..........................  501 BT.
005785-00105..........................  Dihalo.
005785-00106..........................  Dihalo Granular.
005785-00107..........................  Dihalo Granular.
005785-00108..........................  Dihalo Tablets.
005887-00161..........................  Black Leaf Sulfur Dust.
005887-00179..........................  Black Leaf Mole & Gopher Killer
                                         Pelleted Bait.
006198-00011..........................  Q-IV.
006383-00001..........................  Ferret Rodenticide.
006458-00005..........................  Rotenone Resin for Manufacturing
                                         Use Only.
006458-00006..........................  Cube Powder.
007405-00039..........................  Chemi-Cap Germicidal Multi-
                                         Purpose Cleaner.
007546-00026..........................  Liquid Disinfectant Cleaner.
007546-00027..........................  Hospital Disinfectant Cleaner.
007546-00028..........................  Foaming Aerosol Disinfectant
007698-00007..........................  Hubbard One To One Rol Mineral.
007726-00024..........................  Klor 300 Chlorine Base
008155-00012..........................  Sanitizer Virucidal Husky 803 S/
                                         V Disinfectant.
008155-00017..........................  Carpet Sanitizer Husky C/S
                                         Carpet Extraction Concentrate.
008155-00019..........................  New Power Husky 315 N/P Bowl
008155-00022..........................  Husky 805 C/D.
008155-00023..........................  Husky 806 H/D/N.
008155-00024..........................  Husky 800 N/D.
008848-00063..........................  Black Jack Jet Action Crawling
                                         Insect Spray.
008848-00071..........................  Black Jack D-200 Insect Killer.
008848-00076..........................  Landlord's Multipurpose 0.5%
                                         Liquid Formula.

[[Page 68015]]

008848-00080..........................  Landlord's Oil Base Crawling
                                         Insect Killer.
009198-00065..........................  The Anderson's Crabgrass
                                         Preventer with 4.7% Tupersan.
009198-00149..........................  The Anderson's Easy Weed 'n
009198-00183..........................  The Anderson's Golf Products FF
                                         II 14-3-3 with PCNB Fungicide.
009198-00205..........................  The Anderson's Golf Products
                                         Turf Enhancer 2SC.
009198-00209..........................  The Anderson's Fertilizer Plus
                                         Preemergent Weed Control.
009198-00215..........................  The Anderson's Fertilizer with
                                         0.25% Paclobutrazol.
009198-00217..........................  The Anderson's Fertilizer with
                                         0.039% Bifenthrin Insecticide.
009198-00233..........................  The Anderson's GC Bicarb
                                         Insecticide + Fertilizer.
009198-00239..........................  The Anderson's 0.077% Bifenthrin
                                         + 0.155% Imidacloprid Granular
009743-00007..........................  Skasol Microbiocide No. H.
009886-00002..........................  Unipine 85.
009886-00004..........................  Unipine 80.
009886-00010..........................  Unipine 60.
009886-00012..........................  Uniclean 30/60.
009886-00016..........................  Uniclean 19.9/60.
009886-00017..........................  Uniclean 19.9/85.
010707-00037..........................  BPC 68955.
010897-00033..........................  One Inch Chlorinating Tablets
010897-00034..........................  3 Inch Chlorinating Tablets.
011668-00010..........................  T & R Brand Pine Disinfectant.
011668-00013..........................  EL Pinol 60.
011694-00088..........................  Do It All Germicidal Foaming
011694-00113..........................  Scrubs.
012017-00003..........................  Aquaphenate.
013283-00032..........................  Rainbow ETOC(R) 0.135% Wasp &
                                         Hornet Spray.
013283-00033..........................  Rainbow ETOC(R) 0.15% Wasp &
                                         Hornet Spray.
013283-00035..........................  Rainbow ETOC(R) 0.186% Wasp &
                                         Hornet Spray.
013808-00007..........................  Compound 1080 Livestock
                                         Protection Collar.
015136-00010..........................  Med-Chem Germicidal Solution.
015300-00008..........................  Chemtreat CL-200.
017545-00009..........................  Treflan E.C. Weed and Grass
024061-00001..........................  Technical Piperonyl Butoxide.
036739-20001..........................  Sinco Super Shok.
037256-00001..........................  Protect 'n Shield Antimicrobial.
041550-00001..........................  R.P.S. Humidifier Bacteria-Algae
044891-00018..........................  Bio-Boostactivator.
046622-00001..........................  Micro-Biocide; SF-54.
047033-00012..........................  AQB-004 Microbiocide.
047362-00003..........................  Seabright Roach Bait.
048482-00007..........................  Cal Hypo Giant Tabs.
049620-00012..........................  Peroxy-Blend PB33 S/D.
049827-00002..........................  Pine Glo.
051219-00001..........................  Refresh.
051219-00003..........................  Actabs.
051219-00004..........................  Actabs XX.
052134-00001..........................  Chlorine Liquified Gas Under
053735-00015..........................  King Brom.
054998-00002..........................  Granular Stabilized Concentrated
                                         Dry Granular Chlorinating
054998-00005..........................  Algaecide.
055070-00002..........................  Carpet--Guard.
056336-00013..........................  Checkmate CM 180/1-P Dispenser.
056336-00054..........................  Checkmate SPM Dispenser.
056336-00061..........................  Checkmate CM Primo.
057538-00021..........................  N-Large 20 SP.
057538-00022..........................  N-Large 40 SP.
057538-00023..........................  N-Large 10 SP.
058044-00003..........................  Consan Triple Action 20.
058639-00005..........................  Car-Mac Insecticidal Die-No-Mite
059638-00002..........................  MB-IS01.5.
060061-00089..........................  Woodlife Milltreat Type F VM &
061468-00010..........................  Creosote Coal Tar Solution.
061468-00011..........................  Creosote Oil.
064962-00004..........................  ET-20.
065864-00001..........................  SM-9.
066243-00003..........................  Quik Control.
067517-00009..........................  I-O Concentrate.
067517-00033..........................  Residual Livestock and Poultry
067517-00044..........................  Hard Hitter Cattle Pour-On
067517-00048..........................  Canine Shampoo.
067517-00052..........................  5.7% Insecticide.
067517-00055..........................  Permethrin Water-Base Spray.
067517-00058..........................  Insecticide Shampoo for Animals.
067517-00059..........................  IGR Flea and Insect Spray.
067517-00078..........................  Tick and Mosquito Permethrin
067517-00082..........................  Rabon Dust for Dogs and Cats.
070627-00010..........................  Johnson's Forward Cleaner.
070627-00021..........................  Virex II/128.
070627-00055..........................  Closure Central 25.
070791-00002..........................  Envirotru.
070791-00003..........................  Geotru.
070791-00004..........................  Eco Tru Revised.
070852-00006..........................  AGC 0.05 AG.
071407-00002..........................  Chlorine Grape Guard.
071838-00001..........................  AT-5.
072083-00002..........................  Halosource Bleach.
072112-00005..........................  Mainsail WDG.
072112-00006..........................  Mainsail 6.0 F.
072159-00003..........................  Chlorosel Pro DF Fungicide.
072642-00009..........................  Assurity Cat.
072804-00002..........................  Doktor Doom House & Garden
                                         Insect Killer.
073314-00009..........................  Chromo Bio-Insecticide TGAI.
073314-00010..........................  Chromo Bio-Insecticide EP.
073314-00012..........................  Quelzor WP.
073479-00001..........................  Paramount Aerosol PTB.
073637-00005..........................  Cycloate 6-E Selective
073667-00007..........................  MB 2001 XG.
073754-00001..........................  2,4-D Acid Technical.
073754-00002..........................  Growell 2,4-D 2-Ethylhexyl Ester
074075-00002..........................  Intace Fungicide B-350.
074395-00001..........................  Materia PTB Technical Pheromone.
074681-00006..........................  Copper Shield SCX.
075341-00004..........................  Patox-Lite.
080967-00012..........................  Revolution G N Go Herbicide.
081002-00002..........................  Chlorine Free Splashes
081002-00003..........................  Splashes Too Swimming Pool
081882-00001..........................  Triangle Brand Copper Sulfate
081882-00002..........................  Triangle Brand Copper Sulfate
081882-00003..........................  Triangle Brand Copper Sulfate
                                         Pentahydrate Mup.
082074-00003..........................  Mycotrol O.
082571-00001..........................  Csc Wettable or Dusting Sulfur.
083525-00006..........................  Absolute Chlor 65 (Calcium
083991-00002..........................  Fungaflor Seed.
084398-00001..........................  CZL Oxidize 7.5.
084542-00002..........................  Cupron Cupric Oxide.
084542-00006..........................  Cupron 2% Anti-Dustmite Fibers
                                         and Fabrics.
084542-00014..........................  Cupron Water System.
084699-00002..........................  Bavicbrom Tablet for
                                         Manufacturing Use Only.
084699-00004..........................  Bavicbrom Powder for
                                         Manufacturing Use Only.
084886-00003..........................  AAT Consumer Weed & Feed 01.
084930-00001..........................  ARC-Camba 4 DMA.
084930-00002..........................  ARC-Imida 4#.
084930-00003..........................  ARC-Mepiquat Chloride 4.2%.
084930-00004..........................  ARC-Bifenicide 25EC.
084930-00005..........................  ARC-Imida 600 ST.
084930-00006..........................  ARC-Clethodim #2.
084930-00007..........................  ARC-Chlor 4# AG.
084930-00009..........................  AGC-Camba + 2,4-D DMA.
084930-00010..........................  ARC-Gly Plus.
084930-00011..........................  ARC-Imida 2#.
084930-00013..........................  ARC-Teb 3.6 Flowable Fungicide.
084930-00014..........................  ARC-Met 60.
084930-00015..........................  ARC-Lamcy 2.
084930-00016..........................  ARC-Gly 53.8% Herbicide.
084930-00017..........................  ARC Chlormet Herbicide.
084930-00018..........................  ARC SU 50/25 Herbicide.
084930-00019..........................  ARC-SU 25/25 Herbicide.
084930-00020..........................  ARC SU 40/10 Herbicide.
084930-00021..........................  ARC SU TBN 75 Herbicide.
084930-00022..........................  ARC SU TFS 75 Herbicide.
084930-00024..........................  ARC-ATZ 4L Herbicide.
084930-00025..........................  ARC-Metolachlor.
084930-00026..........................  ARC-2,4-D Amine 4.
084930-00027..........................  ARC-DGCA Herbicide.
084930-00028..........................  ARC-LV-4.
084930-00029..........................  ARC-TDZ SC Cotton Defoliant.
084930-00030..........................  ARC Abamectin 0.15 EC
084930-00031..........................  ARC-Ethephon 6 Plant Growth
084930-00032..........................  ARC-Lamcy 13 EC Insecticide.
084930-00033..........................  ARC-Fomesafen.
084930-00034..........................  ARC-TFAN 4.5FL Fungicide.
084930-00035..........................  ARC-Trazine 4L Herbicide.
085583-00001..........................  DBNPA Technical.
085678-00012..........................  Captan 50 WP.
085678-00016..........................  Acephate Technical.
085678-00025..........................  Diuron 80 WDG.
085678-00026..........................  Acephate 97DF.
085678-00029..........................  Acephate 90WDG.
086089-00001..........................  The Pool Clor.
086089-00002..........................  The Pool Clor Plus.
086110-00001..........................  Superclear T100.
086130-00003..........................  FCB-13.
086130-00005..........................  FCB-15.
086130-00006..........................  Flowchem FCB-16.
086145-00002..........................  Magnolia Algaecide 60%
086145-00003..........................  Magnolia Brominating Tablets.
086244-00001..........................  BA-Kil.
086363-00002..........................  Dicamba 4 DMA.
086363-00003..........................  KT Chlorpyrifos 4E.
086363-00004..........................  Glyphosate 41.
086363-00005..........................  Tebucon 3.6 Flowable Fungicide.
086363-00006..........................  Dicamba 2,4-D DMA.
086363-00008..........................  Imidacloprid 2FL.
086363-00009..........................  Lambda-Cyhalothrin 13% EC
086363-00010..........................  Thiofan8 4.0.
086363-00013..........................  KT Fomesafen 2SL.
086363-00015..........................  KT Ethofumesate 4SC.
086363-00017..........................  KT Oxyflo 4SC.
086363-00018..........................  KT Oxyflo 2EC.

[[Page 68016]]

086363-00019..........................  KT Propanil 80DF.
086363-00020..........................  KT Propanil 4SC.
086363-00021..........................  KT CTL 720 Fungicide.
086794-00001..........................  Newagco Glyphosate Technical.
086794-00002..........................  Newagco Glyphosate Fully Loaded
                                         41 Plus.
086794-00003..........................  Newagco Glyphosate 62% MUP.
086794-00004..........................  Mpower Clodinafop-Propargyl
086794-00006..........................  Mpower Clodinafop Herbicide.
087273-00002..........................  Pro Chlor Tabs.
087687-00001..........................  Eco-Clad Part A.
087722-00003..........................  Bactiblock 101 RP1.47.
087722-00004..........................  Bactiblock 101 S1.19.
087722-00005..........................  Bactiblock 920 B4.
087800-00001..........................  Teking 101M.
087800-00002..........................  Teking 101E.
087800-00003..........................  Teking 102.
088089-00003..........................  Peridox with the Electrostatic
                                         Decontamination System.
088402-00001..........................  Splash Chlor Bleach.
088407-00001..........................  Hydro Stick AOS 7017.
088622-00001..........................  T.O.P.S. System.
088665-00001..........................  Bugz-No-More Insecticide.
088691-00001..........................  Clear Bath Algae Inhibitor.
089016-00001..........................  LAG 1.
089016-00006..........................  LAG 6.
089094-00001..........................  Multi-Purpose Cleaner Spray.
089094-00005..........................  Floor Liquid.
089897-00002..........................  Ultrazapxtendapak Grapes.
090334-00001..........................  Xensation Cover AM1.
090960-00001..........................  Fly Away IGR Pro.
090963-00001..........................  Nipacide MX.
091097-00001..........................  Mpower Metolachlor II.
091097-00002..........................  Mpower 2,4-D 4 Amine.
091097-00003..........................  Mpower 2,4-D 6 Ester.
091097-00004..........................  Mpower Lambda.
091097-00005..........................  Mpower Clethodim.
091097-00006..........................  Mpower Bentazon.
091097-00007..........................  Mpower Dicamba DMA.
091097-00008..........................  Mpower Tebuconazole.
091097-00009..........................  Mpower Propiconazole.
091097-00010..........................  Mpower Azoxystrobin.
091145-00001..........................  Vex-Trol 30-30 ULV Mosquito
091145-00002..........................  Vex-Trol 31-67 ULV Mosquito
091145-00003..........................  Vex-Trol 4-4 ULV Mosquito
091145-00006..........................  Vex-Trol UL 4-8.
091145-00007..........................  Aqua Vex-Trol 30-30 ULV Mosquito
091234-00001..........................  Synag T-Methyl 4.5F.
091234-00005..........................  S105.1 Bifenthrin FC.
091795-00003..........................  Blue Shield BQ Algaecide.
091795-00006..........................  Blue Shield Jumbo Slo-Pokes.
091795-00007..........................  Blue Shield Slo-Tabs.
091795-00008..........................  Blue Shield P.D.Q. Tabs.
091795-00009..........................  Blue Shield Econo Shock.

IV. Provisions for Disposition of Existing Stocks

    The effective date of cancellation will be the date of the 
cancellation order. The orders effecting these requested cancellations 
will generally permit a registrant to sell or distribute existing 
stocks until January 15, 2017, 1 year after the date on which the fee 
was due.
    Existing stocks are those stocks of registered pesticide products 
which are currently in the United States and which have been packaged, 
labeled, and released for shipment prior to the effective date of the 
cancellation order. Unless the provisions of an earlier order apply, 
existing stocks already in the hands of dealers or users can be 
distributed, sold, or used legally until they are exhausted, provided 
that such further sale and use comply with the EPA-approved label and 
labeling of the affected product. Exception to these general rules will 
be made in specific cases when more stringent restrictions on sale, 
distribution, or use of the products or their ingredients have already 
been imposed, as in a special review action, or where the Agency has 
identified significant potential risk concerns associated with a 
particular chemical.

    Authority:  7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.

    Dated: September 19, 2016.
Delores Barber,
Director, Information Technology and Resources Management Division, 
Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 2016-23850 Filed 9-30-16; 8:45 am]