[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 95 (Friday, May 15, 2020)]
[Pages 29394-29395]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-10487]



Commodity Credit Corporation

Rural Business-Cooperative Service

[Docket number RBS-20-CO-OP-0018]

Solicitation of Applications for the Higher Blends Infrastructure 
Incentive Program (HBIIP) for Fiscal Year 2020

AGENCY: Commodity Credit Corporation and the Rural Business-Cooperative 
Service, USDA.

ACTION: Notice; announcement of opening date for Higher Blends 
Infrastructure Incentive Program application window.


SUMMARY: The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) and the Rural Business-
Cooperative Service (RBCS), a Rural Development agency of the United 
States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announced its general policy 
and application procedures for funding under the Higher Blends 
Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP) in a Notice of Funding 
Availability (NOFA) on May 5, 2020 in the Federal Register. The HBIIP 
will provide up to $100 million in competitive grants to eligible 
entities for activities designed to expand the sales and use of 
renewable fuels under the Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive 
Program (HBIIP). This Notice announces the opening date for the HBIIP 
application window.

DATES: Applications for the Higher Biofuels Infrastructure Incentive 
Program will be accepted from May 15, 2020 through August 13, 2020. 
Applications received after 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on August 
13, 2020, will not be considered. The grant period is not to exceed 18-
months, unless otherwise specified in the Grant Agreement or agreed to 
by CCC.


[[Page 29395]]

    Application Submission: The application system for electronic 
submissions will be available through http://www.rd.usda.gov/HBIIP.
    Electronic submissions: Electronic submissions of applications will 
allow for the expeditious review of an Applicant's proposal. As a 
result, all Applicants must file their application electronically. 
Applicants' requests to establish an applicant user account will be 
available through http://www.rd.usda.gov/HBIIP.

FOR ADDITONAL INFORMATION CONTACT:  For general inquiries regarding the 
HBIIP, contact Anthony Crooks: telephone (202) 205-9322, email: 
EnergyPrograms@usda.gov. Persons with disabilities that require 
alternative means for communication should contact the U.S. Department 
of Agriculture (USDA) Target Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice).

    Authority: This solicitation is issued pursuant to; 62 Stat 1070, 
and the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act of 1948 (Charter Act); 
U.S. Code 15 U.S.C. 714.


    Federal Agency: The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) and the 
Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBCS), (USDA).
    Funding Opportunity Title: Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive 
Program (HBIIP) for Fiscal Year 2020.
    Announcement Type: Solicitation of Applications; announcement of 
opening date for Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program 
application window. The grant period is not to exceed 18-months, unless 
otherwise specified in the Grant Agreement or agreed to by CCC.''
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Title: The Higher 
Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP)-10.754.

I. Background

    On May 5, 2020, the CCC and RBCS (the Agency) published a NOFA in 
the Federal Register announcing the availability of up to $100 million 
in competitive grants to eligible entities for activities designed to 
expand the sales and use of renewable fuels under the Higher Blends 
Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP). The Agency stated in the NOFA 
that it would finalize the application window for enrollment in the 
HBIIP by notice in the Federal Register and Grants.gov. subject to 
future opening of the electronic application system. The purpose of 
this Notice is to announce that the Agency will begin to accept 
applications for the HBIIP beginning May 15, 2020.

II. General Funding Information

    Grants for up to 50 percent of total eligible project costs, but 
not more than $5 million, are made available to vehicle fueling 
facilities, including, but not limited to, local fueling stations/
locations, convenience stores (CS), hypermarket fueling stations (HFS), 
fleet facilities, and fuel terminal operations, midstream partners, 
and/or distribution facilities.

A. Type of Instrument

    Grants. Awards to successful applicants will be in the form of 
cost-share grants for up to 50 percent of total eligible project costs, 
but not to exceed $5 million, whichever is less.

B. Available Funds

    Under HBIIP, up to $100 million is made available to eligible 
participants. Of the total amount of available funds, approximately $86 
million will be made available to transportation fueling facilities 
(including fueling stations, convenience stores, hypermarket fueling 
stations, fleet facilities, and similar entities with capital 
investments) for eligible implementation activities related to higher 
blends of fuel ethanol greater than 10 percent ethanol, such as E15 or 
higher; and approximately $14 million will be made available to 
transportation fueling facilities and fuel distribution facilities 
(including terminal operations, depots, and midstream partners), for 
eligible implementation activities related to higher blends of 
biodiesel greater than 5 percent biodiesel, such as B20 or higher.

C. Approximate Number of Awards

    The number of awards will depend on the number of eligible 
participants and the total amount of requested funds. In the unlikely 
event that every successful applicant is awarded the maximum amount 
available of $5 million, 20 awards will be made. The Agency intends/
expects to make approximately 150 awards and provide assistance to 
1,500 locations from this solicitation.

III. Program Requirements

    To be eligible for an award, applications must meet all the 
requirements contained in the NOFA published in the Federal Register on 
May 5, 2020 at 85 FR 26656. Information can also be found at http://www.rd.usda.gov/HBIIP.

Robert Stephenson,
Executive Vice President, Commodity Credit Corporation.
Mark Brodziski,
Acting Administrator, Rural Business-Cooperative Service.
[FR Doc. 2020-10487 Filed 5-14-20; 8:45 am]