[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 195 (Wednesday, October 7, 2020)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 63394-63422]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-18824]
[[Page 63393]]
Vol. 85
No. 195
October 7, 2020
Part III
Environmental Protection Agency
40 CFR Parts 51, 60, 61, and 63
Test Methods and Performance Specifications for Air Emission Sources;
Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 195 / Wednesday, October 7, 2020 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 63394]]
40 CFR Parts 51, 60, 61, and 63
[EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0815; FRL-10012-11-OAR]
RIN 2060-AU39
Test Methods and Performance Specifications for Air Emission
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This action corrects and updates regulations for source
testing of emissions. These revisions include corrections to inaccurate
testing provisions, updates to outdated procedures, and approved
alternative procedures that will provide flexibility to testers. These
revisions will improve the quality of data and will not impose any new
substantive requirements on source owners or operators.
DATES: The final rule is effective on December 7, 2020. The
incorporation by reference of certain materials listed in the rule is
approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of December 7,
2020]. The incorporation by reference of certain other materials listed
in the rule was approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of
July 6, 2006.
ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a docket for this action under
Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0815. All documents in the docket are
listed on the http://www.regulations.gov website. Although listed in
the index, some information is not publicly available, e.g.,
confidential business information or other information whose disclosure
is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as copyrighted
material, is not placed on the internet and will be publicly available
only in hard copy. Publicly available docket materials are available
electronically through http://www.regulations.gov.
Quality Planning and Standards, Air Quality Assessment Division (E143-
02), Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711;
telephone number: (919) 541-2910; fax number: (919) 541-0516; email
address: melton.lula@epa.gov.
The supplementary information in this preamble is organized as
Table of Contents
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
B. What action is the Agency taking?
C. Judicial Review
II. Background
III. Incorporation by Reference
IV. Summary of Amendments
A. Method 201A of Appendix M of Part 51
B. General Provisions (Subpart A) of Part 60
C. Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters
(Subpart AAA) of Part 60
D. Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
That Commenced Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification After
July 17, 2014 (Subpart XXX) of Part 60
E. Standards of Performance for Commercial and Industrial Solid
Waste Incineration Units (Subpart CCCC) of Part 60
F. Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Commercial and
Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units (Subpart DDDD) of Part 60
G. Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition
Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart JJJJ) of Part 60
H. Standards of Performance for Stationary Combustion Turbines
(Subpart KKKK) of Part 60
I. Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters,
New Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces (Subpart
QQQQ) of Part 60
J. Method 4 of Appendix A-3 of Part 60
K. Method 5 of Appendix A-3 of Part 60
L. Method 7C of Appendix A-4 of Part 60
M. Method 7E of Appendix A-4 of Part 60
N. Method 12 of Appendix A-5 of Part 60
O. Method 16B of Appendix A-6 of Part 60
P. Method 16C of Appendix A-6 of Part 60
Q. Method 24 of Appendix A-7 of Part 60
R. Method 25C of Appendix A-7 of Part 60
S. Method 26 of Appendix A-8 of Part 60
T. Method 26A of Appendix A-8 of Part 60
U. Performance Specification 4B of Appendix B of Part 60
V. Performance Specification 5 of Appendix B of Part 60
W. Performance Specification 6 of Appendix B of Part 60
X. Performance Specification 8 of Appendix B of Part 60
Y. Performance Specification 9 of Appendix B of Part 60
Z. Performance Specification 18 of Appendix B of Part 60
AA. Procedure 1 of Appendix F of Part 60
BB. Appendix B to Part 61--Test Methods
CC. Method 107 of Appendix B of Part 61
DD. General Provisions (Subpart A) of Part 63
EE. Portland Cement Manufacturing (Subpart LLL) of Part 63
FF. Method 301 of Appendix A of Part 63
GG. Method 308 of Appendix A of Part 63
HH. Method 311 of Appendix A of Part 63
II. Method 315 of Appendix A of Part 63
JJ. Method 316 of Appendix A of Part 63
KK. Method 323 of Appendix A of Part 63
V. Public Comments on the Proposed Rule
VI. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and
Executive Order 13563: Improving
Regulation and Regulatory Review
B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing Regulations and Controlling
Regulatory Costs
C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With
Indian Tribal Governments
H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks
I. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution or Use
J. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) and
1 CFR Part 51
K. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income
L. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
The revisions promulgated in this final rule apply to industries
that are subject to the current provisions of 40 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) parts 51, 60, 61, and 63. We did not list all of the
specific affected industries or their North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS) codes herein since there are many
affected sources in numerous NAICS categories. If you have any
questions regarding the applicability of this action to a particular
entity, consult either the air permitting authority for the entity or
your EPA Regional representative as listed in 40 CFR 63.13.
B. What action is the Agency taking?
We are promulgating corrections and updates to regulations for
source testing of emissions. More specifically, we are correcting
typographical and technical errors, updating testing procedures, and
adding alternative equipment and methods the Agency has deemed
acceptable to use.
C. Judicial Review
Under section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act (CAA), judicial review
of this final rule is available by filing a petition for review in the
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by
December 7, 2020. Under section 307(d)(7)(B) of the CAA, only an
objection to this final rule that was raised with reasonable
specificity during the period for public comment can be raised during
judicial review. Moreover, under section 307(b)(2) of the CAA, the
requirements that are the
[[Page 63395]]
subject of this final rule may not be challenged later in civil or
criminal proceedings brought by the EPA to enforce these requirements.
II. Background
The EPA catalogs errors, corrections, and approved alternatives to
test methods, performance specifications, and associated regulations in
40 CFR parts 51, 60, 61, and 63 and updates and revises these
provisions periodically. The most recent revisions to testing
regulations for air emission sources were proposed in the Federal
Register on December 13, 2019 (84 FR 68069). The public comment period
ended February 11, 2020, and 18 comment letters were received from the
public; 13 of the comment letters were relevant, and the other 5
comment letters were considered beyond the scope of the proposed rule.
This final rule was developed based on public comments that the agency
received on the proposed rulemaking.
III. Incorporation by Reference
Consistent with the proposal, EPA has incorporated by reference
various consensus standards. Specifically, the EPA has incorporated
ASTM D 2369-10, which covers volatile organic content of coatings, in
Method 24. In addition, in response to comments the EPA has
incorporated ASTM D5623-16 and ASTM D7039-15a in subpart KKKK of part
60, which involves procedures for determining the sulfur content of
liquid fuels. These standards were developed and adopted by ASTM
International and may be obtained from http://www.astm.org or from the
ASTM at 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA
The EPA has incorporated by reference SW-846 Method 6010D and SW-
846 Method 6020B in Method 12. Method 6010D covers inductively coupled
plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) analysis, and Method
6020B covers inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
analysis. These methods may be obtained from https://www.epa.gov or
from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW, Washington, DE 20460.
The EPA has incorporated by reference Gas Processors Association
(GPA) 2140 and GPA 2261 in subpart KKKK of part 60, which involve
procedures for determining the sulfur content of gaseous fuels. The EPA
also incorporated by reference GPA 2166 and GPA 2174 in subpart KKKK of
part 60, which involve procedures for obtaining samples from gaseous
and liquid fuels, respectively. These GPA standards were developed and
adopted by the Gas Processors Association and may be obtained from
https://gpamidstream.org/ or from the Gas Processors Association, 6526
East 60th Street, Tulsa, OK 74145.
The EPA has incorporated by reference International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) 10715 in subpart KKKK of part 60. This
standard involves procedures for obtaining samples from gaseous fuels.
This standard was developed by the International Organization for
Standardization and may be obtained from https://www.iso.org/home.html
or from the IHS Inc., 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112.
The EPA incorporated by reference American Petroleum Institute
(API) Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 14--Natural
Gas Fluids Measurement, Section 1--Collecting and Handling of Natural
Gas Samples for Custody Transfer (MPMS 14.1) in subpart KKKK of part
60. This standard involves procedures for manually obtaining sampling
from gaseous fuels. This standard was developed by the American
Petroleum Institute and may be obtained from https://api.org/ or from
the American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street NW, Washington, DC
ASTM D4057-5 (Reapproved 2000), ASTM D4177-95 (Reapproved 2000),
ASTM D5287-97 (Reapproved 2002), ASTM D6348-03, ASTM D6784-02
(Reapproved 2008), and ASME PTC 19.10-1981 were previously approved for
incorporation by reference, and no changes were proposed.
The EPA updated the ASTM standards referenced in Method 311, but
these standards are not incorporated by reference. The EPA did not
update the ASTM standards referenced in Performance Standard 18, which
are not incorporated by reference.
IV. Summary of Amendments
A. Method 201A of Appendix M of Part 51
Consistent with our proposal, in Method 201A, section 1.2, the
erroneous gas filtration temperature limit of 30 [deg]C is revised to
29.4 [deg]C. In section 1.6, the erroneous word ``recommended'' is
corrected to ``required.'' Section 6.2.1(d) is revised to allow
polystyrene petri dishes as an alternative to polyethylene due to the
lack of commercially available polyethylene petri dishes. The
polystyrene petri dishes offer similar chemical resistivity to acids
and inorganics as polyethene and have been shown to transfer extreme
low residual gravimetric mass to filters when used in ambient air
applications. In section 8.6.6, the erroneous stack temperature of
10 [deg]C is revised to 28 [deg]C. In section
17.0, the erroneous caption for Figure 7 is corrected from ``Minimum
Number of Traverse Points for Preliminary Method 4 Traverse'' to
``Maximum Number of Required Traverse Points,'' and the erroneous y-
axis label is corrected from ``Minimum Number of Traverse Points'' to
``Maximum Number of Traverse Points.''
B. General Provisions (Subpart A) of Part 60
Consistent with our proposal, in the General Provisions, 40 CFR
60.17(h) is revised to add ASTM D2369-10 to the list of incorporations
by reference and to re-number the remaining consensus standards that
are incorporated by reference in alpha-numeric order.
In 40 CFR 60.17(j) is revised to add SW-846-6010D and SW-846-6020B
to the list of incorporations by reference and to re-number the
remaining standards that are incorporated by reference in alpha-numeric
In 40 CFR 60.17(k) is revised to add GPA Standards 2166-17 and
2174-14 to the list of incorporations by reference and to re-number the
remaining GPA standards that are incorporated by reference in alpha-
numeric order.
In 40 CFR 60.17(l) is revised to add ISO 10715:1997 to the list of
incorporations by reference.
C. Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters (Subpart
AAA) of Part 60
In 40 CFR 60.534(h), the language is amended based on comments
received in response to an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(ANPRM), for Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters,
New Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces (83 FR 61585,
November 30, 2018). Several commenters stated that the final clause of
these existing paragraphs would create loopholes that allow
manufacturers and test labs to withhold critical testing data. The EPA
recognizes that this provision was not intended to create an avenue for
omissions and is clarifying these communications and their reporting.
D. Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills That
Commenced Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification After July 17,
2014 (Subpart XXX) of Part 60
In 40 CFR 60.766(a)(3), the text for calibration of temperature
measurement is revised to provide clarity and
[[Page 63396]]
improve the consistency of implementation, as proposed.
E. Standards of Performance for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste
Incineration Units (Subpart CCCC) of Part 60
Consistent with our proposal, Subpart CCCC of Part 60 is revised to
clarify that (1) initial and annual performance testing for particulate
matter (PM) for waste-burning kilns and energy recovery units (ERU) is
to be conducted using Method 5 or Method 29 of Appendix A of Part 60;
(2) the required particulate matter continuous parameter monitoring
system (PM CPMS) is used to demonstrate continuing compliance with the
PM emission limit; and (3) heat input information must be reported for
each ERU. The current language in 40 CFR 60.2110(i), (i)(1)(iii) and
60.2145(b), when read together, make it clear that for purposes of
demonstrating compliance with the PM emission limit, there must be
initial testing and subsequently, annually and for ongoing continuous
demonstration of compliance, that data from the compliant performance
test in turn must be used to set an operating limit for the PM CPMS.
Paragraphs 60.2110(i)(1) and 60.2145(j) are revised to clarify that
the PM CPMS coupled with an operating limit is used for continuing
compliance demonstration with the PM emission limit. Paragraphs
60.2110(i)(1)(iii) and (i)(2) are revised to include Method 29 as an
alternative to Method 5 to measure PM in determining compliance with
the PM emission limit. Paragraph 60.2145(j) is also revised to add PM
to the list of pollutants for which performance tests are conducted
annually. Paragraph (p) is added to 40 CFR 60.2210 to require that
annual reports include the annual heat input and average annual heat
input rate of all fuels being burned in ERUs in order to verify which
subcategory of ERU applies.
The required annual performance test timeframe is changed from
``between 11 and 13 calendar months following the previous performance
test'' to ``no later than 13 calendar months following the previous
performance test'' in paragraphs 60.2145(y)(3) and 60.2150. The current
2-month testing range can present operational and testing challenges
for facilities that have multiple commercial and industrial solid waste
incineration (CISWI) units. In addition, this revision is consistent
with other rules, such as the National Emission Standards for Hazardous
Air Pollutants from Hazardous Waste Combustors, that maybe applicable
to CISWI units.
Tables 6 (Emission Limitations for Energy Recovery Units) and 7
(Emission Limitations for Waste-Burning Kilns) are revised to clarify
the performance test method for PM. The fourth column of the
``Particulate matter (filterable)'' row of Table 6 is revised to remove
the requirement to use a PM CPMS as the performance test method for
large ERU. The fourth column of the ``Particulate matter (filterable)''
row of Table 7 is revised to remove the requirement to use a PM CPMS
and to instead specify Methods 5 and 29 as alternatives for measuring
PM to determine compliance with the PM limit. The third column of the
``Particulate matter (filterable)'' row of Table 7 is changed from a
30-day rolling average to specify a 3-run average with a minimum sample
volume of 2 dry standard cubic meters (dscm) per run.
F. Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Commercial and
Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units (Subpart DDDD) of Part 60
Consistent with our proposal, subpart DDDD of part 60 is revised to
clarify that (1) initial and annual performance testing for PM for
waste-burning kilns and ERU is to be conducted using Method 5 or Method
29 of Appendix A of part 60; (2) the required PM CPMS is used to
demonstrate continuing compliance with the PM emission limit; and (3)
heat input information must be reported for ERU. The current language
in 40 CFR 60.2675(i) and (i)(1)(iii) and 60.2710(b), when read
together, makes it clear that for purposes of demonstrating compliance
for PM, performance testing must be used initially and then annually
while for purposes of ongoing continuous demonstration of compliance,
data from the compliant performance test is in turn to be used to set
an operating limit for the PM CPMS.
Paragraphs 60.2675(i)(1) and 60.2710(j) are revised to clarify that
the PM CPMS is used for continuing compliance demonstration with the PM
emission limit. Paragraph 60.2710(j) is also revised to clarify that PM
performance tests are conducted annually and 40 CFR 60.2675(i)(1)(iii)
and (i)(2) are revised to include Method 29 as an alternative to Method
5 to measure PM in determining compliance with the PM emission limit.
Also, the required annual performance test timeframe is changed
from ``between 11 and 13 calendar months following the previous
performance test'' to ``no later than 13 calendar months following the
previous performance test'' in 40 CFR 60.2710(y)(3) and 60.2715. The
current 2-month testing range can present operational and testing
challenges for facilities that have multiple CISWI units. Additionally,
we note that this revision is consistent with other rules, such as the
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Hazardous
Waste Combustors that might be applicable to CISWI units.
Tables 7 (Emission Limitations for Energy Recovery Units) and 8
(Emission Limitations That Apply to Waste-Burning Kilns) are revised to
clarify the performance test method for PM. The fourth column of the
``Particulate matter filterable'' row of Table 7 is revised to remove
the requirement to use a PM CPMS as the performance test method for
large ERU. The fourth column of the ``Particulate matter filterable''
row of Table 8 is revised to specify Methods 5 and 29 as alternatives
for measuring PM to determine compliance with the PM emission limit.
The third column of the ``Particulate matter filterable'' row of Table
8 is changed from a 30-day rolling average to specify a 3-run average
with a minimum sample volume of 1 dscm per run.
G. Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal
Combustion Engines (Subpart JJJJ) of Part 60
In Table 2 of subpart JJJJ, text is added to clarify that when
stack gas flowrate measurements are necessary, they must be made at the
same time as pollutant concentration measurements unless the option in
Method 1A is applicable and is being used. This revision is consistent
with our proposal.
H. Standards of Performance for Stationary Combustion Turbines (Subpart
KKKK) of Part 60
As explained at proposal, in 2006, the EPA promulgated the
combustion turbine criteria pollutant NSPS, subpart KKKK of 40 CFR part
60 (71 FR 38482, July 6, 2006). This rule, which includes a sulfur
dioxide (SO2) emissions standard for all fuels, such as
natural gas, also made provisions to minimize the compliance burden for
owners/operators of combustion turbines burning natural gas and/or low
sulfur distillate oil. At the time, the Agency recognized that any
SO2 testing requirements for owners/operators of combustion
turbines burning natural gas would result in compliance costs without
any associated environmental benefit.
As explained at proposal, the initial and subsequent performance
tests required in 40 CFR 60.4415 may be satisfied by fuel analyses
performed by the facility, a contractor, the fuel vendor, or any other
qualified agency as
[[Page 63397]]
described in 40 CFR 60.4415(a)(1). However, the allowed fuel sample and
sulfur content measurement methods are not typically used by fuel
vendors and, as a result, tariff sheets cannot be used without approval
of an alternate method. We further explained that owner/operators of
the combustion turbines were now conducting sampling and testing using
a limited number of test methods, which is a burden that was not
intended in the original rulemaking.
To align the rule requirements with the original intent of subpart
KKKK, the EPA proposed and solicited comment on additional sampling and
sulfur content measurement methods in order to provide flexibility to
the regulatory community for purposes of satisfying the SO2
performance testing requirements. Commenters supported both test
methods the EPA specifically proposed and test methods the EPA
solicited comments on as additional compliance options. Commenters also
stated that the EPA should align the performance testing requirements
in 40 CFR 60.4415 with the monitoring requirements in 40 CFR 60.4365
and allow the use of a fuel tariff sheet or contract to satisfy the
performance testing requirements. Commenters further requested that the
EPA should allow for the use of the fuel sampling procedures specified
in section or of appendix D to part 75 to demonstrate
compliance with the SO2 performance testing requirements.
The EPA did not receive any comments opposing the proposed amendments.
In this action, 40 CFR 60.4415(a) is amended, as proposed, to
include GPA 2166 and ISO 10715 for manual sampling of gaseous fuels and
GPA 2174 for manual sampling of liquid fuels. In addition, in response
to comments supporting the EPA's solicitation for comment on additional
test methods, 40 CFR 60.4415(a) is amended to include API MPMS 14.1 for
manual sampling of gaseous fuels. In response to comments supporting
the EPA's solicitation for comment for determining the sulfur content
of liquid fuels, 40 CFR 60.4415(a) is amended to include ASTM D5623 and
ASTM D7039. In response to comments supporting the EPA's solicitation
for comment for determining the sulfur content of gaseous fuels, 40 CFR
60.4415(a) is amended to include GPA 2140 and GPA 2261. The EPA has
determined that these additional test methods will provide additional
flexibility to the regulated community without any emissions increase.
In addition, in response to comments, the EPA is amending 40 CFR
60.4415(a) to allow for the use of a purchase contract, tariff sheet,
or transportation contract for the fuel as an option for demonstrating
compliance with the SO2 performance testing requirements.
Also, in response to comments, 40 CFR 60.4415(a) is amended to allow
for the use of the fuel sampling procedures specified in section or of appendix D to part 75 to demonstrate compliance
with the SO2 performance testing requirements. These
amendments will align the performance testing requirements with the
monitoring requirements in 40 CFR 60.4365 and are consistent with the
original intent, including the estimated regulatory burden, of the
rule. Therefore, the EPA considers these options sufficient to
demonstrate compliance with subpart KKKK. The Agency notes that this
approach is consistent with the SO2 performance testing
requirements in other NSPS (e.g., 40 CFR 60.49b(r) in subpart Db).
I. Standard of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters, New
Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces (Subpart QQQQ) of
Part 60
In subpart QQQQ, in 40 CFR 60.5476(i), the language is amended
based on comments received in response to an ANPRM for Standards of
Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters, New Residential Hydronic
Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces (83 FR 61585, November 30, 2018).
Several commenters stated that the final clause of these existing
paragraphs would create loopholes that would likely allow manufacturers
and test labs to withhold critical testing data. The EPA recognizes
that this provision was not intended to create an avenue for omissions
and has now clarified these communications and their reporting.
J. Method 4 of Appendix A-3 of Part 60
In Method 4, the erroneous leak check procedures in section 8.1.3
are corrected. In response to comments, section is revised to
remove the erroneous probe nozzle language, and section is
revised to remove the erroneous reference to section The
erroneous section is corrected, and in the table in section
9.1, the erroneous reference to section is replaced with
Method 4 is revised to standardize the constants between Methods 4
and 5, and more significant digits are added to constants to remove
rounding and truncation errors. Also, the option for volumetric
determination of the liquid content is deleted to remove the
unnecessary density conversion. We believe most method users have moved
to gravimetric measurement of the liquid contents in order to reduce
testing costs and increase the accuracy of liquid measurement.
Revisions occur in various sections (2.1, 6.1.5, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1.1,
12.1.2, 12.1.3, 12.2.1, and 12.2.2) and Figures 4-4 and 4-5. Also, in
response to comments, the language in section is revised to be
consistent with our decision to disallow the option for volumetric
moisture measurement.
K. Method 5 of Appendix A-3 of Part 60
In Method 5, sections 6.2.4 and 8.1.2 are revised to allow
polystyrene petri dishes as an alternative to polyethylene due to the
lack of commercially available polyethylene petri dishes. The
polystyrene petri dishes offer similar chemical resistivity to acids
and inorganics as polyethene and have been shown to transfer extreme
low residual gravimetric mass to the filters when used in ambient air
Method 5 is also revised to standardize the constants between
Methods 4 and 5, and more significant digits are added to constants to
remove rounding and truncation errors. Also, the option for volumetric
determination of the liquid content is deleted to remove the
unnecessary density conversion. We believe most method users have moved
to gravimetric measurement of the liquid contents to lower the cost and
increase the accuracy of the liquid measurement. Revisions occur in
various sections (, 6.2.5,,, 12.1, 12.3, 12.4,
12.11.1, 12.11.2,, and and in Figure 5-6. All these
revisions are consistent with the proposal.
L. Method 7C of Appendix A-4 of Part 60
In Method 7C, in section 7.2.11, the erroneous chemical compound,
sodium sulfite is corrected to sodium nitrite, as proposed.
M. Method 7E of Appendix A-4 of Part 60
In Method 7E, section 8.5 is revised to ensure that the specified
bias and calibration error checks are performed consistently. The
results of the post-run system bias and calibration error checks are
used to validate the run, as well as to correct the results of each
individual test run for bias found in the sampling system. The more
frequently these checks are performed, the more accurate the bias
adjusted data will be. All these revisions are consistent with the
[[Page 63398]]
N. Method 12 of Appendix A-5 of Part 60
In Method 12, sections 7.1.2,,, and are
revised to remove references regarding the use of silicone grease,
which is no longer allowed when conducting Method 5, and section 12.3
is revised to correctly refer to the title of section 12.4 of Method 5.
Sections and 12.1 are revised based on a public comment to
be consistent with the revision to eliminate the option for volumetric
determination of the liquid content of impingers in Method 5. The
language in section is revised, and ``[rho]w =
Density of water, 0.9982 g/ml (0.002201 lb/ml)'' is removed from
section 12.1.
Section 16.1 allows measurements of PM emissions in conjunction
with the lead measurement but does not currently provide enough detail
to ensure proper PM measurement. Revisions to section 16.1 provide
testers with necessary procedures to execute PM and lead emissions
measurements using one sampling train.
Sections 16.3, 16.4.1, 16.4.2, 16.5, 16.5.1, and 16.5.2 are revised
to specify appropriate EPA analytical methods, as well as supporting
quality assurance procedures, as part of allowed alternatives for the
use of inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-
AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for
sample analysis. Section 16.0 currently allows three alternatives to
the atomic absorption analysis otherwise required in Method 12;
specifically, ICP-AES in section 16.4, ICP-MS in section 16.5, and cold
vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CVAFS) in section 16.6.
Regarding options to use ICP-AES and ICP-MS for analysis of lead,
sections 16.4 and 16.5 currently do not include either specifics for
applying these candidate analytical techniques, or procedures for
assessing data quality. The revisions provide the needed specificity by
referencing existing EPA methods for ICP-AES and ICP-MS along with
supporting quality assurance requirements. The option to use CVAFS to
measure lead (section 16.6) is removed since CVAFS for lead is not
generally available and there is no existing EPA method for conducting
it. These revisions are consistent with the proposal.
O. Method 16B of Appendix A-6 of Part 60
In Method 16B, in section 2.1, the erroneous phrase ``an integrated
gas sample'' is corrected to ``a gas sample.'' In sections 6.1 and 8.2,
the reference to section 8.4.1 is changed to 8.3.1 since section 8.4.1
is renumbered to 8.3.1. The text in section 8.3, ``Analysis. Inject
aliquots of the sample into the GC/FPD analyzer for analysis. Determine
the concentration of SO2 directly from the calibration
curves or from the equation for the least-squares line.'' is moved to
section 11.1 to be consistent with EPA test method formatting. Sections
8.4, 8.4.1, and 8.4.2 are renumbered to 8.3, 8.3.1, and 8.3.2,
respectively, since the text in section 8.3 is moved to section 11.1.
In section 11.1, the sentence ``Sample collection and analysis are
concurrent for this method (see section 8.3).'' is deleted. Section
11.2 is added so that a uniform set of analysis results would be
obtained over the test period. These revisions are consistent with the
P. Method 16C of Appendix A-6 of Part 60
In Method 16C, in section 13.1, ``gas concentration'' is replaced
with ``span'' for clarity, as proposed.
Q. Method 24 of Appendix A-7 of Part 60
In Method 24, section 6.2, ASTM D 2369-10, which is the most recent
version of ASTM D 2369, is added as proposed.
R. Method 25C of Appendix A-7 of Part 60
We proposed to change the correction of non-methane organic
compounds (NMOC) within the method. Currently, NMOC is to be corrected
by using either nitrogen or oxygen content. The correction is through
use of nitrogen unless the nitrogen content exceeds a threshold of 20
percent. When the nitrogen threshold is above 20 percent, the
correction is through use of oxygen. We considered multiple options for
revisions, based on data provided by industry. These options and data
are available in the docket for this rulemaking, docket ID EPA-HQ-OAR-
2018-0815. The revisions to the correction that we considered are for
when only oxygen is used as a NMOC correction, setting a rainfall
threshold in lieu of a nitrogen percent threshold, and requiring a
methane measurement and using methane only as the correction. We
provided amendatory text for each option in docket ID EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-
0815. Based on comments we received on proposed options, we are
finalizing Option 3 with revisions to the ambient air ratio quality
assurance to alleviate the sampling issues in arid areas. Therefore,
sections 8.4.2, 9.1, 12.5, 12.5.1, and 12.5.2 are revised.
S. Method 26 of Appendix A-8 of Part 60
In Method 26, in section 8.1.2, the misspelled word
``undereporting'' in the next to the last sentence is corrected to
``under reporting,'' as proposed.
T. Method 26A of Appendix A-8 of Part 60
In Method 26A, section 6.1.3, a reference to section of
Method 5 is added to make the filter temperature sensor placement
consistent with the requirements in Method 5. Also, in section 6.1.3,
the requirement that the filter temperature sensor must be encased in
glass or Teflon is added because of the reactive nature of the halogen
acids. In section 8.1.5, the misspelled word ``undereporting'' is
corrected to ``under reporting.'' These revisions are consistent with
the proposal.
U. Performance Specification 4B of Appendix B of Part 60
In Performance Specification 4B, the response time in section 4.5
is changed from ``must not exceed 2 minutes'' to ``must not exceed 240
seconds'' to be consistent with the response time in Performance
Specification 4A, as proposed.
V. Performance Specification 5 of Appendix B of Part 60
In Performance Specification 5, section 5.0, the erroneous term
``users manual'' is replaced with ``user's manual,'' and in the note in
section 8.1, the sentence ``For Method 16B, you must analyze a minimum
of three aliquots spaced evenly over the test period.'' is added to
provide consistency with the number of aliquots analyzed in Method 16B,
which may be used as the reference method. This revision is consistent
with the proposal. In addition, the typo, ``space'' in the first
sentence in the note in section 8.1 is corrected to ``spaced''.
W. Performance Specification 6 of Appendix B of Part 60
In Performance Specification 6, section 13.1 is revised to clarify
that the calibration drift test period for the analyzers associated
with the measurement of flow rate should be the same as that for the
pollutant analyzer that is part of the continuous emission rate
monitoring system (CERMS), as proposed. Section 13.2 is revised for
clarity and to be consistent with the requirements in Performance
Specification 2, as proposed, and the erroneous reference to
Performance Specification 1 is corrected to Performance Specification 2
in response
[[Page 63399]]
to a public comment we received on the proposal.
X. Performance Specification 8 of Appendix B of Part 60
In Performance Specification 8, a new section 8.3 is added to
require that an instrument drift check be performed as described in
Performance Specification 2, and the existing sections 8.3, 8.4, and
8.5 are re-numbered as 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6, respectively. These revisions
are consistent with the proposal.
Y. Performance Specification 9 of Appendix B of Part 60
In Performance Specification 9, the quality control and performance
audit sections are clarified. In section 7.2, a requirement that
performance audit gas must be an independent certified gas cylinder or
cylinder mixture certified by the supplier to be accurate to two
percent of the tagged value supplied with the cylinder is added.
In section 8.3, an incorrect reference concerning quality control
requirements that pertain to the 7-day drift test is clarified and
corrected, and an incorrect reference to the error calculation equation
is corrected. In section 8.4, a requirement to ensure that performance
audit samples challenge the entire sampling system including the sample
transport lines is added, and quality control requirements that must be
met for performance audit tests are specified by adding references to
sections 13.3 and 13.4.
In section 10.1, the erroneous word ``initial'' is deleted from the
title, ``Initial Multi-Point Calibration,'' and the quality control
requirements that must be met for multi-point calibrations are
specified by referencing sections 13.1 and 13.2 in addition to 13.3.
Sections 10.1 and 10.2 are clarified such that calibrations may be
performed at the instrument rather than through the entire sampling
system. The inadvertently omitted word, ``by'' is inserted in the
sentence in section 10.2 that reads, ``The average instrument response
shall not vary more than 10 percent from the certified concentration
value of the cylinder for each analyte.''
In section 13.1, language is clarified to ensure that every time a
triplicate injection is performed, the calibration error must be less
than or equal to 10 percent of the calibration gas value. In section
13.2, language is clarified to specify that the linear regression
correlation coefficient must be determined to evaluate the calibration
curve for instrument response every time the continuous emission
monitoring system (CEMS) response is evaluated over multiple
concentration levels. Section 13.4 is added to describe the quality
control requirements for the initial and periodic performance audit
test sample. These revisions are consistent with the proposal.
Z. Performance Specification 18 of Appendix B of Part 60
In Performance Specification 18, section 2.3 is revised to clarify
that Method 321 is only applicable to Portland cement plants. Also, in
section 11.9.1, the reference to Method 321 is deleted because Method
321 is specific to Portland cement plants, and it is already specified
in the applicable regulations. These revisions are consistent with the
AA. Procedure 1 of Appendix F of Part 60
In Procedure 1, section 5.2.3(2), the criteria for cylinder gas
audits (CGAs) as applicable to diluent monitors is specified for
clarity, as proposed.
BB. Appendix B to Part 61--Test Methods
In the index to Appendix B to Part 61, the inadvertently omitted
Method 114--Test Methods for Measuring Radionuclide Emissions from
Stationary Sources and Method 115--Monitoring for Radon-222 Emissions
are added in response to a comment on the proposed rulemaking.
CC. Method 107 of Appendix B of Part 61
In Method 107, the erroneous Equation 107-3 is corrected by adding
the omitted plus (+) sign, as proposed.
DD. General Provisions (Subpart A) of Part 63
In the General Provisions of Part 63, in 40 CFR 63.2, consistent
with the proposal, the definition of alternative test method is revised
to exclude ``that is not a test method in this chapter and'' because
this clarifies that use of methods other than those required by a
specific subpart requires the alternative test method review and
approval process.
EE. Portland Cement Manufacturing (Subpart LLL) of Part 63
In subpart LLL, the units of measurement in Equations 12, 13, 17,
18, and 19 are revised to add clarity and consistency. Equations 12 and
13 are corrected so that the operating limit units of measurement is
calculated correctly. The calculation of the operating limit is
established by a relationship of the total hydrocarbons (THC) CEMS
signal to the organic HAPs compliance concentration. As explained at
proposal, in Table 1 in Part 63, Subpart LLL, the THC and organic HAP
emissions limits units are in ppmvd corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
Therefore, the average organic HAP values in equation 12 need to be in
ppmvd, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, instead of ppmvw. The THC CEMS
monitor units of measure are ppmvw, as propane and the variables are
updated to reflect this. The variables in Equations 13 and 19 reference
variables in Equations 12 and 18, respectively. Those variables are
updated for consistency between the equations.
The units of measurement in Equation 17 should be the monitoring
system's units of measure. It is possible for those systems to be on
either a wet or a dry basis. Currently, the equation is only on a wet
basis, even though it should be on the basis of the monitor (wet or
dry). The changes to the units of measure from ppmvw to ppmv takes
either possibility into account. For Equations 17 and 18, the operating
limit units of measure are changed to the units of the CEMS monitor,
ppmv. These revisions are consistent with the proposal.
FF. Method 301 of Appendix A of Part 63
In Method 301, section 11.1.3, the erroneous SD in Equation 301-13
is replaced with SDd, consistent with the proposal.
GG. Method 308 of Appendix A of Part 63
In Method 308, section 12.4, erroneous Equation 308-3 is corrected,
and in section 12.5, erroneous Equation 308-5 is corrected, consistent
with the proposal.
HH. Method 311 of Appendix A of Part 63
In Method 311, in sections 1.1 and 17, the ASTM is updated.
Specifically, in section 1.1, ASTM D4747-87 is updated to D4747-02, and
ASTM D4827-93 is updated to D4827-03. Also, in section 1.1, Provisional
Standard Test Method, PS 9-94 is replaced with D5910-05. In section 17,
ASTM D4457-85 is updated to ASTM D4457-02, and ASTM D4827-93 is updated
to ASTM D4827-03. These updates are consistent with the proposal.
II. Method 315 of Appendix A of Part 63
In Method 315, in Figure 315-1, an omission is corrected by adding
a ``not to exceed'' blank criteria for filters used in this test
procedure. The blank criteria were derived from evaluation of blank and
spiked filters used to prepare Method 315 audit samples. We set the
allowable blank correction for filters
[[Page 63400]]
based on the greater of two criteria. The first criterion requires the
blank to be at least 10 times the measured filter blanks from the audit
study. The second criterion requires the blank to be at least 5 times
the resolution of the analytical balance required in Method 315. The
``not to exceed'' value is, therefore, based on the second criterion
(balance resolution) because it is the higher of the two criteria.
These revisions are consistent with the proposal.
JJ. Method 316 of Appendix A of Part 63
In Method 316, section 1.0, the erroneous positive exponents are
corrected to negative exponents. Also, the title of section 1.0,
``Introduction,'' is changed to ``Scope and Application'' to be
consistent with the Environmental Monitoring Management Council (EMMC)
format for test methods. These revisions are consistent with the
KK. Method 323 of Appendix A of Part 63
In the title of Method 323, the misspelled word ``Derivitization''
is corrected to ``Derivatization,'' and in section 2.0, the misspelled
word ``colorietrically'' is corrected to ``colorimetrically.'' These
revisions are consistent with the proposal.
V. Public Comments on the Proposed Rule
Eighteen comment letters were received from the public on the
proposed rulemaking; 13 of the comment letters were relevant, and the
other five comment letters are considered beyond the scope of the
proposed rulemaking. The public comments and the agency's responses are
summarized in the Response to Comments document located in the docket
for this rule. See the ADDRESSES section of this preamble.
VI. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
Additional information about these statutes and Executive Orders
can be found at http://www2.epa.gov/laws-regulations/laws-and-executive-orders.
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
This action is not a significant regulatory action and was,
therefore, not submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
for review.
B. Executive Order 13771: Reducing Regulations and Controlling
Regulatory Costs
This action is considered an Executive Order 13771 deregulatory
action. This final rule provides meaningful burden reduction by
updating and clarifying test methods and performance specifications,
thereby improving data quality and by providing source testers
flexibility by incorporating approved alternative procedures.
C. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
This action does not impose any information collection burden under
the PRA. The revisions make corrections and updates to existing testing
methodology and clarify testing requirements.
D. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
I certify that this action will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities under the RFA. In
making this determination, the impact of concern is any significant
adverse economic impact on small entities. An agency may certify that a
rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities if the rule relieves regulatory burden, has no
net burden or otherwise has a positive economic effect on the small
entities subject to the rule. This action will not impose emission
measurement requirements beyond those specified in the current
regulations, nor does it change any emission standard. We have,
therefore, concluded that this action will have no net regulatory
burden for all directly regulated small entities.
E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
This action does not contain any unfunded mandate as described in
UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531-1538, and does not significantly or uniquely affect
small governments. The action imposes no enforceable duty on any state,
local or tribal governments or the private sector.
F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
This action does not have federalism implications. It will not have
substantial direct effects on the states, on the relationship between
the national government and the states, or on the distribution of power
and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian
Tribal Governments
This action does not have tribal implications, as specified in
Executive Order 13175. This action simply corrects and updates existing
testing regulations. Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not apply to this
H. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental
Health Risks and Safety Risks
The EPA interprets Executive Order 13045 as applying only to those
regulatory actions that concern environmental health or safety risks
that the EPA has reason to believe may disproportionately affect
children, per the definition of ``covered regulatory action'' in
section 2-202 of the Executive Order. This action is not subject to
Executive Order 13045 because it does not concern an environmental
health risk or safety risk.
I. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution or Use
This action is not subject to Executive Order 13211, because it is
not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866.
J. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) and 1 CFR
Part 51
This action involves technical standards. The EPA used ASTM D 2369
in Method 24. The ASTM D 2369 standard covers volatile content of
coatings. The EPA used (but is not incorporating by reference) ASTM D
4457, ASTM D 4827, and ASTM D 5910 in Method 311. These ASTM standards
cover procedures to identify and quantify hazardous air pollutants in
paints and coatings. The EPA used ASTM D 5623 and ASTM D 7039 in
subpart KKKK of Part 60. The ASTM D 5623 standard covers the
determination of sulfur compounds in light petroleum liquids, and the
ASTM D 7039 standard covers the determination of sulfur in gasoline and
diesel fuel. The ASTM standards were developed and adopted by the
American Society for Testing and Materials and may be obtained from
http://www.astm.org or from the ASTM at 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box
C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
The EPA used SW-846-6010D and SW-846-6020B in Method 12. Method SW-
846-6010D covers inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission
spectrometry (ICP-AES) analysis, and Method SW-846-6020B covers
inductively coupled plasma-mass
[[Page 63401]]
spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis. These standards were developed and
adopted by the Environmental Protection Agency and may be obtained from
http://www.epa.gov or from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460.
The EPA used API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter
14--Natural Gas Fluids Measurement (Section 1) in Subpart KKKK of Part
60. This API standard involves the collecting and handling of natural
gas samples for custody transfer. This API standard was developed and
adopted by the American Petroleum Institute and may be obtained from
https://www.api.org/ or from the American Petroleum Institute at 1220 L
Street NW, Washington, DC 20005.
The EPA used GPA 2166 in Subpart KKKK of Part 60, which involves
procedures for obtaining samples from gaseous fuels. The EPA used GPA
2174 in Subpart KKKK of Part 60, which involves procedures for
obtaining samples from liquid fuels. The EPA used GPA 2140 in subpart
KKKK of Part 60, which involves liquefied petroleum gas specifications
and test methods. The EPA used GPA 2261 in subpart KKKK of Part 60,
which is a procedure for analyzing natural gas and similar gaseous
mixtures. These GPA standards were developed and adopted by the GPA
Midstream Association and may be obtained from https://www.gpamidstream.org/ or from the GPA Midstream Association, Sixty
Sixty American Plaza, Suite 700, Tulsa, OK 74135.
The EPA used ISO 10715 in subpart KKKK of Part 60. This standard
involves procedures for obtaining samples from gaseous fuels. This
standard was developed by the International Organization for
Standardization and may be obtained from https://www.iso.org/home.html
or from the ISH Inc., 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112.
Multiple ASTM and GPA standards were previously approved on July 6,
2006, and are already included in the regulatory text. Therefore, the
current the IBR is unchanged in this rule for the following methods:
ASTM D129-00, ASTM D1072-90 (Reapproved 1999); ASTM D1266-98
(Reapproved 2003)[egr],1; ASTM D1552-03, ASTM D2622-05, ASTM D3246-05,
ASTM D4057-95 (Reapproved 2000), ASTM D4084-05, ASTM D4177-95
(Reapproved 2000); ASTM D4294-03, ASTM D4468-85 (Reapproved 2000); ASTM
D4810-88 (Reapproved 1999); ASTM D5287-97 (Reapproved 2002); ASTM
D5453-05, ASTM D6228-98 (Reapproved 2003); ASTM D6667-04, and GPA 2377-
K. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations
The EPA believes that this action is not subject to Executive Order
12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994) because it does not establish an
environmental health or safety standard. This action is a technical
correction to previously promulgated regulatory actions and does not
have an impact on human health or the environment.
L. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
This action is subject to the CRA, and the EPA will submit a rule
report to each house of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of
the United States. This action is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5
U.S.C. 804(2).
List of Subjects
40 CFR Part 51
Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Performance
specifications, Test methods and procedures.
40 CFR Part 60
Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Incorporation by
reference, Performance specifications, Test methods and procedures.
40 CFR Parts 61 and 63
Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Incorporation by
reference, Performance specifications, Test methods and procedures.
Andrew Wheeler,
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the EPA amends 40 CFR
parts 51, 60, 61, and 63 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 51 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 23 U.S.C. 101; 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
2. In appendix M to part 51, in Method 201A, revise sections ``1.2'',
``1.6'', ``6.2.1(d)'', and ``8.6.6'' and ``Figure 7'' to read as
Appendix M to Part 51--Recommended Test Methods for State
Implementation Plans
* * * * *
Method 201A--Determination of PM10 and PM2.5
Emissions From Stationary Sources (Constant Sampling Rate Procedure)
* * * * *
1.2 Applicability. This method addresses the equipment,
preparation, and analysis necessary to measure filterable PM. You
can use this method to measure filterable PM from stationary sources
only. Filterable PM is collected in stack with this method (i.e.,
the method measures materials that are solid or liquid at stack
conditions). If the gas filtration temperature exceeds 29.4 [deg]C
(85 [deg]F), then you may use the procedures in this method to
measure only filterable PM (material that does not pass through a
filter or a cyclone/filter combination). If the gas filtration
temperature exceeds 29.4 [deg]C (85 [deg]F), and you must measure
both the filterable and condensable (material that condenses after
passing through a filter) components of total primary (direct) PM
emissions to the atmosphere, then you must combine the procedures in
this method with the procedures in Method 202 of appendix M to this
part for measuring condensable PM. However, if the gas filtration
temperature never exceeds 29.4 [deg]C (85 [deg]F), then use of
Method 202 of appendix M to this part is not required to measure
total primary PM.
* * * * *
1.6 Conditions. You can use this method to obtain particle
sizing at 10 micrometers and or 2.5 micrometers if you sample within
80 and 120 percent of isokinetic flow. You can also use this method
to obtain total filterable particulate if you sample within 90 to
110 percent of isokinetic flow, the number of sampling points is the
same as required by Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60 or Method 17
of appendix A-6 to part 60, and the filter temperature is within an
acceptable range for these methods. For Method 5, the acceptable
range for the filter temperature is generally 120 [deg]C (248
[deg]F) unless a higher or lower temperature is specified. The
acceptable range varies depending on the source, control technology
and applicable rule or permit condition. To satisfy Method 5
criteria, you may need to remove the in-stack filter and use an out-
of-stack filter and recover the PM in the probe between the
PM2.5 particle sizer and the filter. In addition, to
satisfy Method 5 and Method 17 criteria, you may need to sample from
more than 12 traverse points. Be aware that this method determines
in-stack PM10 and PM2.5 filterable emissions
by sampling from a required maximum of 12 sample points, at a
constant flow rate through the train (the constant flow is necessary
to maintain the size cuts of the cyclones), and with a filter that
is at the stack temperature. In contrast, Method 5 or Method 17
trains are operated isokinetically with varying flow rates through
the train. Method 5 and Method 17 require sampling from as many as
24 sample points. Method 5 uses an out-of-stack filter that is
maintained at a constant temperature of 120 [deg]C (248 [deg]F).
Further, to use this method in place of Method 5 or Method 17, you
must extend the sampling time so that you collect the minimum mass
necessary for weighing each portion of this sampling train. Also, if
you are using this method as an alternative to a test method
specified in a regulatory
[[Page 63402]]
requirement (e.g., a requirement to conduct a compliance or
performance test), then you must receive approval from the authority
that established the regulatory requirement before you conduct the
* * * * *
6.2.1 * * *
(d) Petri dishes. For filter samples; glass, polystyrene, or
polyethylene, unless otherwise specified by the Administrator.
* * * * *
8.6.6 Sampling Head. You must preheat the combined sampling head
to the stack temperature of the gas stream at the test location
(28 [deg]C, 50 [deg]F). This will heat the
sampling head and prevent moisture from condensing from the sample
gas stream.
* * * * *
17.0 * * *
3. The authority citation for part 60 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
4. Amend Sec. 60.17 by:
a. Removing the text ``appendix A-8 to part 60: Method 24,'' and add in
its place, ``appendix A-7 to part 60: Method 24,'' everywhere it
b. Revising the last sentence in paragraph (a);
c. Redesignating paragraph (e)(2) as (e)(3) and adding a new paragraph
d. Redesignating paragraphs (h)(192) through (209) as (h)(195) through
(212), (h)(174) through (191) as (h)(176) through (193), and (h)(95)
through (173) as (h)(96) through (174), respectively;
e. Adding new paragraphs (h)(95), (175), and (194);
f. Adding paragraphs (j)(3) and (4);
g. Revising paragraph (k) introductory text;
h. Redesignating paragraphs (k)(2) and (3) as paragraphs (k)(5) and (6)
and redesignating paragraph (k)(1) as paragraph (k)(3), respectively;
i. Adding new paragraphs (k)(1), (2), and (4);
j. Revising newly redesignated paragraph (k)(5); and
k. Adding paragraph (l)(2).
The revisions and additions read as follows:
Sec. 60.17 Incorporations by reference.
(a) * * * For information on the availability of this material at
[[Page 63403]]
email fedreg.legal@nara.gov, or go to www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.
* * * * *
(e) * * *
(2) API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 14--
Natural Gas Fluids Measurement, Section 1--Collecting and Handling of
Natural Gas Samples for Custody Transfer, 7th Edition, May 2016, IBR
approved for Sec. 60.4415(a).
* * * * *
(h) * * *
(95) ASTM D2369-10 (Reapproved 2015)e1, Standard Test Method for
Volatile Content of Coatings, (Approved June 1, 2015); IBR approved for
appendix A-7 to part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2.
* * * * *
(175) ASTM D5623-19, Standard Test Method for Sulfur Compounds in
Light Petroleum Liquids by Gas Chromatography and Sulfur Selective
Detection, (Approved July 1, 2019); IBR approved for Sec. 60.4415(a).
* * * * *
(194) ASTM D7039-15a, Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Gasoline,
Diesel Fuel, Jet Fuel, Kerosine, Boideisel, Biodiesel Blends, and
Gasoline-Ethanol Blends by Monochromatic Wavelength Dispersive X-ray
Fluorescence Spectrometry, (Approved July 1, 2015); IBR approved for
Sec. 60.4415(a).
* * * * *
(j) * * *
(3) SW-846-6010D, Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission
Spectrometry, Revision 5, July 2018, in EPA Publication No. SW-846,
Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,
Third Edition, IBR approved for appendix A-5 to part 60: Method 12.
(4) SW-846-6020B, Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry,
Revision 2, July 2014, in EPA Publication No. SW-846, Test Methods for
Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Third Edition, IBR
approved for appendix A-5 to part 60: Method 12.
(k) GPA Midstream Association (formerly known as Gas Processors
Association), Sixty Sixty American Plaza, Suite 700, Tulsa, OK 74135.
Note 1 to paragraph (k): Material in this paragraph that is no
longer available from GPA may be available through the reseller HIS
Markit, 15 Inverness Way East, P.O. Box 1154, Englewood, CO 80150-1154,
https://global.ihs.com/. For material that is out-of-print, contact
EPA's Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, Room 3334, 1301
Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460 or a-and-rdocket@epa.gov.
(1) GPA Midstream Standard 2140-17 (GPA 2140-17), Liquefied
Petroleum Gas Specifications and Test Methods, (Revised 2017), IBR
approved for Sec. 60.4415(a).
(2) GPA Midstream Standard 2166-17 (GPA 2166-17), Obtaining Natural
Gas Samples for Analysis by Gas Chromatography, (Reaffirmed 2017), IBR
approved for Sec. 60.4415(a).
* * * * *
(4) GPA Standard 2174-14 (GPA 2174-14), Obtaining Liquid
Hydrocarbon Samples for Analysis by Gas Chromatography, (Revised 2014),
IBR approved for Sec. 60.4415(a).
(5) GPA Standard 2261-19 (GPA 2261-19), Analysis for Natural Gas
and Similar Gaseous Mixtures by Gas Chromatography, (Revised 2019), IBR
approved for Sec. 60.4415(a).
* * * * *
(l) * * *
(2) ISO 10715:1997(E), Natural gas--Sampling guidelines, (First
Edition, June 1, 1997), IBR approved for Sec. 60.4415(a)
* * * * *
Subpart AAA--Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood
5. Amend Sec. 60.534 by revising paragraph (h) to read as follows:
Sec. 60.534 What test methods and procedures must I use to determine
compliance with the standards and requirements for certification?
* * * * *
(h) The approved test laboratory must allow the manufacturer, the
manufacturer's approved third-party certifier, the EPA and delegated
state regulatory agencies to observe certification testing. However,
manufacturers must not involve themselves in the conduct of the test
after the pretest burn has begun. Communications between the
manufacturer and laboratory or third-party certifier personnel
regarding operation of the wood heater must be limited to written
communications transmitted prior to the first pretest burn of the
certification test series. During certification tests, the manufacturer
may communicate with the third-party certifier, and only in writing, to
notify them that the manufacturer has observed a deviation from proper
test procedures by the laboratory. All communications must be included
in the test documentation required to be submitted pursuant to Sec.
60.533(b)(5) and must be consistent with instructions provided in the
owner's manual required under Sec. 60.536(g).
Subpart XXX--Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste
Landfills That Commenced Construction, Reconstruction, or
Modification After July 17, 2014
6. Amend Sec. 60.766 by revising paragraph (a)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 60.766 Monitoring of operations.
* * * * *
(a) * * *
(3) Monitor temperature of the landfill gas on a monthly basis as
provided in 60.765(a)(5). The temperature measuring device must be
calibrated annually using the procedure in 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
1, Method 2, section 10.3 such that a minimum of two temperature
points, bracket within 10 percent of all landfill absolute temperature
measurements or two fixed points of ice bath and boiling water,
corrected for barometric pressure, are used.
* * * * *
Subpart CCCC--Standards of Performance for Commercial and
Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units
7. Amend Sec. 60.2110 by revising paragraphs (i) introductory text,
(i)(1), and (i)(2) introductory text to read as follows:
Sec. 60.2110 What operating limits must I meet and by when?
* * * * *
(i) If you use a PM CPMS to demonstrate continuing compliance, you
must establish your PM CPMS operating limit and determine compliance
with it according to paragraphs (i)(1) through (5) of this section:
(1) Determine your operating limit as the average PM CPMS output
value recorded during the performance test or at a PM CPMS output value
corresponding to 75 percent of the emission limit if your PM
performance test demonstrates compliance below 75 percent of the
emission limit. You must verify an existing or establish a new
operating limit after each repeated performance test. You must repeat
the performance test annually and reassess and adjust the site-specific
operating limit in accordance with the results of the performance test:
(i) Your PM CPMS must provide a 4-20 milliamp output, or digital
equivalent, and the establishment of its relationship to manual
[[Page 63404]]
method measurements must be determined in units of milliamps;
(ii) Your PM CPMS operating range must be capable of reading PM
concentrations from zero to a level equivalent to at least two times
your allowable emission limit. If your PM CPMS is an auto-ranging
instrument capable of multiple scales, the primary range of the
instrument must be capable of reading PM concentration from zero to a
level equivalent to two times your allowable emission limit; and
(iii) During the initial performance test or any such subsequent
performance test that demonstrates compliance with the PM limit, record
and average all milliamp output values, or their digital equivalent,
from the PM CPMS for the periods corresponding to the compliance test
runs (e.g., average all your PM CPMS output values for three
corresponding Method 5 or Method 29 test runs).
(2) If the average of your three PM performance test runs are below
75 percent of your PM emissions limit, you must calculate an operating
limit by establishing a relationship of PM CPMS signal to PM
concentration using the PM CPMS instrument zero, the average PM CPMS
output values corresponding to the three compliance test runs, and the
average PM concentration from the Method 5 or Method 29 performance
test with the procedures in (i)(1) through (5) of this section:
* * * * *
8. Amend Sec. 60.2145 by revising paragraphs (j) introductory text and
(y)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 60.2145 How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the
emission limitations and the operating limits?
* * * * *
(j) For waste-burning kilns, you must conduct an annual performance
test for particulate matter, cadmium, lead, carbon monoxide, dioxins/
furans and hydrogen chloride as listed in Table 7 of this subpart,
unless you choose to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance
using CEMS, as allowed in paragraph (u) of this section. If you do not
use an acid gas wet scrubber or dry scrubber, you must determine
compliance with the hydrogen chloride emissions limit using a HCl CEMS
according to the requirements in paragraph (j)(1) of this section. You
must determine compliance with the mercury emissions limit using a
mercury CEMS or an integrated sorbent trap monitoring system according
to paragraph (j)(2) of this section. You must determine compliance with
nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide using CEMS. You must determine
continuing compliance with the particulate matter emissions limit using
a PM CPMS according to paragraph (x) of this section.
* * * * *
(y) * * *
(3) For purposes of determining the combined emissions from kilns
equipped with an alkali bypass or that exhaust kiln gases to a coal
mill that exhausts through a separate stack, instead of installing a
CEMS or PM CPMS on the alkali bypass stack or in-line coal mill stack,
the results of the initial and subsequent performance test can be used
to demonstrate compliance with the relevant emissions limit. A
performance test must be conducted on an annual basis (no later than 13
calendar months following the previous performance test).
9. Revise Sec. 60.2150 to read as follows:
Sec. 60.2150 By what date must I conduct the annual performance test?
You must conduct annual performance tests no later than 13 calendar
months following the previous performance test.
10. Amend Sec. 60.2210 by revising the introductory text and adding
paragraph (p) to read as follows:
Sec. 60.2210 What information must I include in my annual report?
The annual report required under Sec. 60.2205 must include the
items listed in paragraphs (a) through (p) of this section. If you have
a deviation from the operating limits or the emission limitations, you
must also submit deviation reports as specified in Sec. Sec. 60.2215,
60.2220, and 60.2225:
* * * * *
(p) For energy recovery units, include the annual heat input and
average annual heat input rate of all fuels being burned in the unit to
verify which subcategory of energy recovery unit applies.
11. Table 6 to subpart CCCC of part 60 is revised to read as follows:
Table 6 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60--Emission Limitations for Energy Recovery Units That Commenced Construction
After June 4, 2010, or That Commenced Reconstruction or Modification After August 7, 2013
You must meet this emission limitation
\1\ Using this And determining
For the air pollutant ------------------------------------------ averaging time \2\ compliance using
Liquid/gas Solids this method \2\
Cadmium..................... 0.023 milligrams Biomass--0.0014 3-run average Performance test
per dry standard milligrams per dry (collect a minimum (Method 29 at 40
cubic meter. standard cubic volume of 4 dry CFR part 60,
meter. Coal-- standard cubic appendix A-8). Use
0.0017 milligrams meters per run). ICPMS for the
per dry standard analytical finish.
cubic meter.
Carbon monoxide............. 35 parts per Biomass--240 parts 3-run average (1 Performance test
million dry volume. per million dry hour minimum (Method 10 at 40
volume. Coal--95 sample time per CFR part 60,
parts per million run). appendix A-4).
dry volume.
Dioxin/furans (Total Mass No Total Mass Basis Biomass--0.52 3-run average Performance test
Basis). limit, must meet nanograms per dry (collect a minimum (Method 23 at 40
the toxic standard cubic volume of 4 dry CFR part 60,
equivalency basis meter. Coal--5.1 standard cubic appendix A-7).
limit below. nanograms per dry meters).
standard cubic
Dioxins/furans (toxic 0.093 nanograms per Biomass--0.076 3-run average Performance test
equivalency basis). dry standard cubic nanograms per dry (collect a minimum (Method 23 of
meter. standard cubic volume of 4 dry appendix A-7 of
meter.\3\ Coal-- standard cubic this part).
0.075 nanograms meters per run).
per dry standard
cubic meter.
Fugitive ash................ Visible emissions Three 1-hour Visible emission Fugitive ash.
for no more than 5 observation test (Method 22 at
percent of the periods. 40 CFR part 60,
hourly observation appendix A-7).
Hydrogen chloride........... 14 parts per Biomass--0.20 parts 3-run average (For Performance test
million dry volume. per million dry Method 26, collect (Method 26 or 26A
volume. Coal--58 a minimum volume at 40 CFR part 60,
parts per million of 360 liters per appendix A-8).
dry volume. run. For Method
26A, collect a
minimum volume of
3 dry standard
cubic meters per
[[Page 63405]]
Lead........................ 0.096 milligrams Biomass--0.014 3-run average Performance test
per dry standard milligrams per dry (collect a minimum (Method 29 at 40
cubic meter. standard cubic volume of 4 dry CFR part 60,
meter. Coal--0.057 standard cubic appendix A-8). Use
milligrams per dry meters per run). ICPMS for the
standard cubic analytical finish.
Mercury..................... 0.00056 milligrams Biomass--0.0022 3-run average Performance test
per dry standard milligrams per dry (collect enough (Method 29 or 30B
cubic meter. standard cubic volume to meet an at 40 CFR part 60,
meter. Coal--0.013 in-stack detection appendix A-8) or
milligrams per dry limit data quality ASTM D6784-02
standard cubic objective of 0.03 (Reapproved
meter. ug/dscm). 2008).\3\
Nitrogen oxides............. 76 parts per Biomass--290 parts 3-run average (for Performance test
million dry volume. per million dry Method 7E, 1 hour (Method 7 or 7E at
volume. Coal--460 minimum sample 40 CFR part 60,
parts per million time per run). appendix A-4).
dry volume.
Particulate matter 110 milligrams per Biomass--5.1 3-run average Performance test
(filterable). dry standard cubic milligrams per dry (collect a minimum (Method 5 or 29 at
meter. standard cubic volume of 1 dry 40 CFR part 60,
meter. Coal--130 standard cubic appendix A-3 or
milligrams per dry meter per run). appendix A-8).
standard cubic
Sulfur dioxide.............. 720 parts per Biomass--7.3 parts 3-run average (for Performance test
million dry volume. per million dry Method 6, collect (Method 6 or 6C at
volume. Coal--850 a minimum of 60 40 CFR part 60,
parts per million liters, for Method appendix A-4).
dry volume. 6C, 1 hour minimum
sample time per
\1\ All emission limitations are measured at 7 percent oxygen, dry basis at standard conditions. For dioxins/
furans, you must meet either the Total Mass Basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis limit.
\2\ In lieu of performance testing, you may use a CEMS or, for mercury, an integrated sorbent trap monitoring
system to demonstrate initial and continuing compliance with an emissions limit, as long as you comply with
the CEMS or integrated sorbent trap monitoring system requirements applicable to the specific pollutant in
Sec. Sec. 60.2145 and 60.2165. As prescribed in Sec. 60.2145(u), if you use a CEMS or an integrated
sorbent trap monitoring system to demonstrate compliance with an emissions limit, your averaging time is a 30-
day rolling average of 1-hour arithmetic average emission concentrations.
\3\ Incorporated by reference, see Sec. 60.17.
12. Table 7 to subpart CCCC of part 60 is revised to read as follows:
Table 7 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60--Emission Limitations for Waste-Burning Kilns That Commenced Construction
After June 4, 2010, or Reconstruction or Modification After August 7, 2013
And determining
For the air pollutant You must meet this Using this averaging time compliance using this
emission limitation \1\ \2\ method 2, 3
Cadmium....................... 0.0014 milligrams per dry 3-run average (collect a Performance test (Method
standard cubic meter. minimum volume of 4 dry 29 at 40 CFR part 60,
standard cubic meters appendix A-8). Use ICPMS
per run). for the analytical
Carbon monoxide............... 90 (long kilns)/190 3-run average (1 hour Performance test (Method
(preheater/precalciner) minimum sample time per 10 at 40 CFR part 60,
parts per million dry run). appendix A-4).
Dioxins/furans (total mass 0.51 nanograms per dry 3-run average (collect a Performance test (Method
basis). standard cubic meter. minimum volume of 4 dry 23 at 40 CFR part 60,
standard cubic meters appendix A-7).
per run).
Dioxins/furans (toxic 0.075 nanograms per dry 3-run average (collect a Performance test (Method
equivalency basis). standard cubic meter. minimum volume of 4 dry 23 at 40 CFR part 60,
standard cubic meters). appendix A-7).
Hydrogen chloride............. 3.0 parts per million dry 3-run average (1 hour If a wet scrubber or dry
volume. minimum sample time per scrubber is used,
run) or 30-day rolling performance test (Method
average if HCl CEMS is 321 at 40 CFR part 63,
being used. appendix A). If a wet
scrubber or dry scrubber
is not used, HCl CEMS as
specified in Sec.
Lead.......................... 0.014 milligrams per dry 3-run average (collect a Performance test (Method
standard cubic meter. minimum volume of 4 dry 29 at 40 CFR part 60,
standard cubic meters). appendix A-8). Use ICPMS
for the analytical
Mercury....................... 0.0037 milligrams per dry 30-day rolling average... Mercury CEMS or
standard cubic meter. Or integrated sorbent trap
21 pounds/million tons of monitoring system
clinker \3\. (performance
specification 12A or
12B, respectively, of
appendix B and procedure
5 of appendix F of this
part), as specified in
Sec. 60.2145(j).
Nitrogen oxides............... 200 parts per million dry 30-day rolling average... Nitrogen oxides CEMS
volume. (performance
specification 2 of
appendix B and procedure
1 of appendix F of this
Particulate matter 4.9 milligrams per dry 3-run average (collect a Performance test (Method
(filterable). standard cubic meter. minimum volume of 2 dry 5 or 29 at 40 CFR part
standard cubic meters). 60, appendix A-3 or
Sulfur dioxide................ 28 parts per million dry 30-day rolling average... Sulfur dioxide CEMS
volume. (performance
specification 2 of
appendix B and procedure
1 of appendix F of this
\1\ All emission limitations are measured at 7 percent oxygen (except for CEMS and integrated sorbent trap
monitoring system data during startup and shutdown), dry basis at standard conditions. For dioxins/furans, you
must meet either the Total Mass Basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis limit.
\2\ In lieu of performance testing, you may use a CEMS or, for mercury, an integrated sorbent trap monitoring
system, to demonstrate initial and continuing compliance with an emissions limit, as long as you comply with
the CEMS or integrated sorbent trap monitoring system requirements applicable to the specific pollutant in
Sec. Sec. 60.2145 and 60.2165. As prescribed in Sec. 60.2145(u), if you use a CEMS or integrated sorbent
trap monitoring system to demonstrate compliance with an emissions limit, your averaging time is a 30-day
rolling average of 1-hour arithmetic average emission concentrations.
\3\ Alkali bypass and in-line coal mill stacks are subject to performance testing only, as specified in Sec.
60.2145(y)(3). They are not subject to the CEMS, integrated sorbent trap monitoring system, or CPMS
requirements that otherwise may apply to the main kiln exhaust.
[[Page 63406]]
Subpart DDDD--Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for
Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units
13. Amend Sec. 60.2675 by revising the introductory text to paragraphs
(i) introductory text, (i)(1), and (i)(2) introductory text to read as
Sec. 60.2675 What operating limits must I meet and by when?
* * * * *
(i) If you use a PM CPMS to demonstrate continuing compliance, you
must establish your PM CPMS operating limit and determine compliance
with it according to paragraphs (i)(1) through (5) of this section:
(1) During the initial performance test or any such subsequent
performance test that demonstrates compliance with the PM limit, record
all hourly average output values (milliamps, or the digital signal
equivalent) from the PM CPMS for the periods corresponding to the test
runs (e.g., three 1-hour average PM CPMS output values for three 1-hour
test runs):
(i) Your PM CPMS must provide a 4-20 milliamp output, or the
digital signal equivalent, and the establishment of its relationship to
manual reference method measurements must be determined in units of
milliamps or digital bits;
(ii) Your PM CPMS operating range must be capable of reading PM
concentrations from zero to a level equivalent to at least two times
your allowable emission limit. If your PM CPMS is an auto-ranging
instrument capable of multiple scales, the primary range of the
instrument must be capable of reading PM concentration from zero to a
level equivalent to two times your allowable emission limit; and
(iii) During the initial performance test or any such subsequent
performance test that demonstrates compliance with the PM limit, record
and average all milliamp output values, or their digital equivalent,
from the PM CPMS for the periods corresponding to the compliance test
runs (e.g., average all your PM CPMS output values for the three
corresponding Method 5 or Method 29 p.m. test runs).
(2) If the average of your three PM performance test runs are below
75 percent of your PM emission limit, you must calculate an operating
limit by establishing a relationship of PM CPMS signal to PM
concentration using the PM CPMS instrument zero, the average PM CPMS
output values corresponding to the three compliance test runs, and the
average PM concentration from the Method 5 or Method 29 performance
test with the procedures in (i)(1)through (5) of this section:
* * * * *
14. Amend Sec. 60.2710 by revising paragraphs (j) introductory text
and (y)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 60.2710 How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the
amended emission limitations and the operating limits?
* * * * *
(j) For waste-burning kilns, you must conduct an annual performance
test for the pollutants (except mercury and hydrogen chloride if no
acid gas wet scrubber or dry scrubber is used) listed in Table 8 of
this subpart, unless you choose to demonstrate initial and continuous
compliance using CEMS, as allowed in paragraph (u) of this section. If
you do not use an acid gas wet scrubber or dry scrubber, you must
determine compliance with the hydrogen chloride emissions limit using a
HCl CEMS according to the requirements in paragraph (j)(1) of this
section. You must determine compliance with the mercury emissions limit
using a mercury CEMS or an integrated sorbent trap monitoring system
according to paragraph (j)(2) of this section. You must determine
continuing compliance with particulate matter using a PM CPMS according
to paragraph (x) of this section.
* * * * *
(y) * * *
(3) For purposes of determining the combined emissions from kilns
equipped with an alkali bypass or that exhaust kiln gases to a coal
mill that exhausts through a separate stack, instead of installing a
CEMS or PM CPMS on the alkali bypass stack or in-line coal mill stack,
the results of the initial and subsequent performance test can be used
to demonstrate compliance with the relevant emissions limit. A
performance test must be conducted on an annual basis (no later than 13
calendar months following the previous performance test).
15. Revise Sec. 60.2715 to read as follows:
Sec. 60.2715 By what date must I conduct the annual performance test?
You must conduct annual performance tests no later than 13 calendar
months following the previous performance test.
16. Table 7 to subpart DDDD of part 60 is revised to read as follows:
Table 7 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60--Model Rule--Emission Limitations That Apply to Energy Recovery Units After
May 20, 2011
[Date to be specified in state plan] 1
You must meet this emission limitation
\2\ Using this And determining
For the air pollutant ------------------------------------------ averaging time \3\ compliance using
Liquid/gas Solids this method \3\
Cadmium..................... 0.023 milligrams Biomass--0.0014 3-run average Performance test
per dry standard milligrams per dry (collect a minimum (Method 29 at 40
cubic meter. standard cubic volume of 2 dry CFR part 60,
meter. Coal-- standard cubic appendix A-8). Use
0.0017 milligrams meters). ICPMS for the
per dry standard analytical finish.
cubic meter.
Carbon monoxide............. 35 parts per Biomass--260 parts 3-run average (1 Performance test
million dry volume. per million dry hour minimum (Method 10 at 40
volume. Coal--95 sample time per CFR part 60,
parts per million run). appendix A-4).
dry volume.
Dioxins/furans (total mass 2.9 nanograms per Biomass--0.52 3-run average Performance test
basis). dry standard cubic nanograms per dry (collect a minimum (Method 23 at 40
meter. standard cubic volume of 4 dry CFR part 60,
meter. Coal--5.1 standard cubic appendix A-7).
nanograms per dry meter).
standard cubic
Dioxins/furans (toxic 0.32 nanograms per Biomass--0.12 3-run average Performance test
equivalency basis). dry standard cubic nanograms per dry (collect a minimum (Method 23 at 40
meter. standard cubic volume of 4 dry CFR part 60,
meter. Coal--0.075 standard cubic appendix A-7).
nanograms per dry meters).
standard cubic
Hydrogen chloride........... 14 parts per Biomass--0.20 parts 3-run average (for Performance test
million dry volume. per million dry Method 26, collect (Method 26 or 26A
volume. Coal--58 a minimum of 120 at 40 CFR part 60,
parts per million liters; for Method appendix A-8).
dry volume. 26A, collect a
minimum volume of
1 dry standard
cubic meter).
[[Page 63407]]
Lead........................ 0.096 milligrams Biomass--0.014 3-run average Performance test
per dry standard milligrams per dry (collect a minimum (Method 29 at 40
cubic meter. standard cubic volume of 2 dry CFR part 60,
meter. Coal--0.057 standard cubic appendix A-8). Use
milligrams per dry meters). ICPMS for the
standard cubic analytical finish.
Mercury..................... 0.0024 milligrams Biomass--0.0022 3-run average (For Performance test
per dry standard milligrams per dry Method 29 and ASTM (Method 29 or 30B
cubic meter. standard cubic D6784-02 at 40 CFR part 60,
meter. Coal--0.013 (Reapproved 2008) appendix A-8) or
milligrams per dry \4\, collect a ASTM D6784-02
standard cubic minimum volume of (Reapproved
meter. 2 dry standard 2008).\4\
cubic meters per
run. For Method
30B, collect a
minimum sample as
specified in
Method 30B at 40
CFR part 60,
appendix A).
Nitrogen oxides............. 76 parts per Biomass--290 parts 3-run average (for Performance test
million dry volume. per million dry Method 7E, 1 hour (Method 7 or 7E at
volume. Coal--460 minimum sample 40 CFR part 60,
parts per million time per run). appendix A-4).
dry volume.
Particulate matter 110 milligrams per Biomass--11 3-run average Performance test
filterable. dry standard cubic milligrams per dry (collect a minimum (Method 5 or 29 at
meter. standard cubic volume of 1 dry 40 CFR part 60,
meter. Coal--130 standard cubic appendix A-3 or
milligrams per dry meter). appendix A-8).
standard cubic
Sulfur dioxide.............. 720 parts per Biomass--7.3 parts 3-run average (1 Performance test
million dry volume. per million dry hour minimum (Method 6 or 6c at
volume. Coal--850 sample time per 40 CFR part 60,
parts per million run). appendix A-4).
dry volume.
Fugitive ash................ Visible emissions Visible emissions Three 1-hour Visible emission
for no more than 5 for no more than 5 observation test (Method 22 at
percent of the percent of the periods. 40 CFR part 60,
hourly observation hourly observation appendix A-7).
period. period.
\1\ The date specified in the state plan can be no later than 3 years after the effective date of approval of a
revised state plan or February 7, 2018.
\2\ All emission limitations (except for opacity) are measured at 7 percent oxygen, dry basis at standard
conditions. For dioxins/furans, you must meet either the total mass basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis
\3\ In lieu of performance testing, you may use a CEMS or, for mercury, an integrated sorbent trap monitoring
system, to demonstrate initial and continuing compliance with an emissions limit, as long as you comply with
the CEMS or integrated sorbent trap monitoring system requirements applicable to the specific pollutant in
Sec. Sec. 60.2710 and 60.2730. As prescribed in Sec. 60.2710(u), if you use a CEMS or integrated sorbent
trap monitoring system to demonstrate compliance with an emissions limit, your averaging time is a 30-day
rolling average of 1-hour arithmetic average emission concentrations.
\4\ Incorporated by reference, see Sec. 60.17.
17. Table 8 to subpart DDDD of part 60 is revised to read as follows:
Table 8 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60--Model Rule--Emission Limitations That Apply to Waste-Burning Kilns After May
20, 2011
[Date to be specified in state plan] 1
And determining
For the air pollutant You must meet this Using this averaging time compliance using this
emission limitation \2\ \3\ method 3 4
Cadmium....................... 0.0014 milligrams per dry 3-run average (collect a Performance test (Method
standard cubic meter. minimum volume of 2 dry 29 at 40 CFR part 60,
standard cubic meters). appendix A-8).
Carbon monoxide............... 110 (long kilns)/790 3-run average (1 hour Performance test (Method
(preheater/precalciner) minimum sample time per 10 at 40 CFR part 60,
parts per million dry run). appendix A-4).
Dioxins/furans (total mass 1.3 nanograms per dry 3-run average (collect a Performance test (Method
basis). standard cubic meter. minimum volume of 4 dry 23 at 40 CFR part 60,
standard cubic meters). appendix A-7).
Dioxins/furans (toxic 0.075 nanograms per dry 3-run average (collect a Performance test (Method
equivalency basis). standard cubic meter. minimum volume of 4 dry 23 at 40 CFR part 60,
standard cubic meters). appendix A-7).
Hydrogen chloride............. 3.0 parts per million dry 3-run average (collect a If a wet scrubber or dry
volume. minimum volume of 1 dry scrubber is used,
standard cubic meter), performance test (Method
or 30-day rolling 321 at 40 CFR part 63,
average if HCl CEMS is appendix A of this
being used. part). If a wet scrubber
or dry scrubber is not
used, HCl CEMS as
specified in Sec.
Lead.......................... 0.014 milligrams per dry 3-run average (collect a Performance test (Method
standard cubic meter. minimum volume of 2 dry 29 at 40 CFR part 60,
standard cubic meters). appendix A-8).
Mercury....................... 0.011 milligrams per dry 30-day rolling average... Mercury CEMS or
standard cubic meter. Or integrated sorbent trap
58 pounds/million tons of monitoring system
clinker. (performance
specification 12A or
12B, respectively, of
appendix B and procedure
5 of appendix F of this
part), as specified in
Sec. 60.2710(j).
Nitrogen oxides............... 630 parts per million dry 3-run average (for Method Performance test (Method
volume. 7E, 1 hour minimum 7 or 7E at 40 CFR part
sample time per run). 60, appendix A-4).
Particulate matter filterable. 13.5 milligrams per dry 3-run average (collect a Performance test (Method
standard cubic meter. minimum volume of 1 dry 5 or 29 at 40 CFR part
standard cubic meter). 60, appendix A-3 or
[[Page 63408]]
Sulfur dioxide................ 600 parts per million dry 3-run average (for Method Performance test (Method
volume. 6, collect a minimum of 6 or 6c at 40 CFR part
20 liters; for Method 60, appendix A-4).
6C, 1 hour minimum
sample time per run).
\1\ The date specified in the state plan can be no later than 3 years after the effective date of approval of a
revised state plan or February 7, 2018.
\2\ All emission limitations are measured at 7 percent oxygen (except for CEMS and integrated sorbent trap
monitoring system data during startup and shutdown), dry basis at standard conditions. For dioxins/furans, you
must meet either the total mass basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis limit.
\3\ In lieu of performance testing, you may use a CEMS or, for mercury, an integrated sorbent trap monitoring
system, to demonstrate initial and continuing compliance with an emissions limit, as long as you comply with
the CEMS or integrated sorbent trap monitoring system requirements applicable to the specific pollutant in
Sec. Sec. 60.2710 and 60.2730. As prescribed in Sec. 60.2710(u), if you use a CEMS or integrated sorbent
trap monitoring system to demonstrate compliance with an emissions limit, your averaging time is a 30-day
rolling average of 1-hour arithmetic average emission concentrations.
\4\ Alkali bypass and in-line coal mill stacks are subject to performance testing only, as specified in Sec.
60.2710(y)(3). They are not subject to the CEMS, integrated sorbent trap monitoring system, or CPMS
requirements that otherwise may apply to the main kiln exhaust.
Subpart JJJJ--Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark
Ignition Internal Combustion Engines
18. Table 2 to subpart JJJJ of part 60 is revised to read as follows:
As stated in Sec. 60.4244, you must comply with the following
requirements for performance tests within 10 percent of 100 percent
peak (or the highest achievable) load].
Table 2 to Subpart JJJJ of Part 60--Requirements for Performance Tests
According to the
For each Complying with the You must Using following
requirement to requirements
1. Stationary SI internal a. Limit the i. Select the (1) Method 1 or 1A (a) Alternatively,
combustion engine demonstrating concentration of sampling port of 40 CFR part for NOX, O2, and
compliance according to Sec. NOX in the location and the 60, appendix A-1, moisture
60.4244. stationary SI number/location if measuring flow measurement,
internal of traverse rate. ducts <=6 inches
combustion engine points at the in diameter may
exhaust. exhaust of the be sampled at a
stationary single point
internal located at the
combustion duct centroid and
engine; ducts >6 and <=12
inches in
diameter may be
sampled at 3
traverse points
located at 16.7,
50.0, and 83.3%
of the
measurement line
(`3-point long
line'). If the
duct is >12
inches in
diameter and the
sampling port
location meets
the two and half-
criterion of
Section 11.1.1 of
Method 1 of 40
CFR part 60,
Appendix A, the
duct may be
sampled at `3-
point long line';
conduct the
testing and
select sampling
points according
to Section 8.1.2
of Method 7E of
40 CFR part 60,
Appendix A.
ii. Determine the (2) Method 3, 3A, (b) Measurements
O2 concentration or 3B \b\ of 40 to determine O2
of the stationary CFR part 60, concentration
internal appendix A-2 or must be made at
combustion engine ASTM Method D6522- the same time as
exhaust at the 00 (Reapproved the measurements
sampling port 2005) a d. for NOX
location; concentration.
iii. If necessary, (3) Method 2 or 2C (c) Measurements
determine the of 40 CFR part to determine the
exhaust flowrate 60, appendix A-1 exhaust flowrate
of the stationary or Method 19 of must be made (1)
internal 40 CFR part 60, at the same time
combustion engine appendix A-7. as the
exhaust; measurement for
NOX concentration
or, alternatively
(2) according to
the option in
Section 11.1.2 of
Method 1A of 40
CFR part 60,
Appendix A-1, if
iv. If necessary, (4) Method 4 of 40 (d) Measurements
measure moisture CFR part 60, to determine
content of the appendix A-3, moisture must be
stationary Method 320 of 40 made at the same
internal CFR part 63, time as the
combustion engine appendix A,\e\ or measurement for
exhaust at the ASTM Method D6348- NOX
sampling port 03 d e. concentration.
location; and
v. Measure NOX at (5) Method 7E of (e) Results of
the exhaust of 40 CFR part 60, this test consist
the stationary appendix A-4, of the average of
internal ASTM Method D6522- the three 1-hour
combustion 00 (Reapproved or longer runs.
engine; if using 2005),a d Method
a control device, 320 of 40 CFR
the sampling site part 63, appendix
must be located A,\e\ or ASTM
at the outlet of Method D6348-03 d
the control e.
[[Page 63409]]
b. Limit the i. Select the (1) Method 1 or 1A (a) Alternatively,
concentration of sampling port of 40 CFR part for CO, O2, and
CO in the location and the 60, appendix A-1, moisture
stationary SI number/location if measuring flow measurement,
internal of traverse rate. ducts <=6 inches
combustion engine points at the in diameter may
exhaust. exhaust of the be sampled at a
stationary single point
internal located at the
combustion duct centroid and
engine; ducts >6 and <=12
inches in
diameter may be
sampled at 3
traverse points
located at 16.7,
50.0, and 83.3%
of the
measurement line
(`3-point long
line'). If the
duct is >12
inches in
diameter and the
sampling port
location meets
the two and half-
criterion of
Section 11.1.1 of
Method 1 of 40
CFR part 60,
Appendix A, the
duct may be
sampled at `3-
point long line';
conduct the
testing and
select sampling
points according
to Section 8.1.2
of Method 7E of
40 CFR part 60,
Appendix A.
ii. Determine the (2) Method 3, 3A, (b) Measurements
O2 concentration or 3B \b\ of 40 to determine O2
of the stationary CFR part 60, concentration
internal appendix A-2 or must be made at
combustion engine ASTM Method D6522- the same time as
exhaust at the 00 (Reapproved the measurements
sampling port 2005) a d. for CO
location; concentration.
iii. If necessary, (3) Method 2 or 2C (c) Measurements
determine the of 40 CFR 60, to determine the
exhaust flowrate appendix A-1 or exhaust flowrate
of the stationary Method 19 of 40 must be made (1)
internal CFR part 60, at the same time
combustion engine appendix A-7. as the
exhaust; measurement for
CO concentration
or, alternatively
(2) according to
the option in
Section 11.1.2 of
Method 1A of 40
CFR part 60,
Appendix A-1, if
iv. If necessary, (4) Method 4 of 40 (d) Measurements
measure moisture CFR part 60, to determine
content of the appendix A-3, moisture must be
stationary Method 320 of 40 made at the same
internal CFR part 63, time as the
combustion engine appendix A,\e\ or measurement for
exhaust at the ASTM Method D6348- CO concentration.
sampling port 03 d e.
location; and
v. Measure CO at (5) Method 10 of (e) Results of
the exhaust of 40 CFR part 60, this test consist
the stationary appendix A4, ASTM of the average of
internal Method D6522-00 the three 1-hour
combustion (Reapproved or longer runs.
engine; if using 2005),a d e
a control device, Method 320 of 40
the sampling site CFR part 63,
must be located appendix A,\e\ or
at the outlet of ASTM Method D6348-
the control 03 d e.
c. Limit the i. Select the (1) Method 1 or 1A (a) Alternatively,
concentration of sampling port of 40 CFR part for VOC, O2, and
VOC in the location and the 60, appendix A-1, moisture
stationary SI number/location if measuring flow measurement,
internal of traverse rate. ducts <=6 inches
combustion engine points at the in diameter may
exhaust. exhaust of the be sampled at a
stationary single point
internal located at the
combustion duct centroid and
engine; ducts >6 and <=12
inches in
diameter may be
sampled at 3
traverse points
located at 16.7,
50.0, and 83.3%
of the
measurement line
(`3-point long
line'). If the
duct is >12
inches in
diameter and the
sampling port
location meets
the two and half-
criterion of
Section 11.1.1 of
Method 1 of 40
CFR part 60,
Appendix A, the
duct may be
sampled at `3-
point long line';
conduct the
testing and
select sampling
points according
to Section 8.1.2
of Method 7E of
40 CFR part 60,
Appendix A.
ii. Determine the (2) Method 3, 3A, (b) Measurements
O2 concentration or 3B \b\ of 40 to determine O2
of the stationary CFR part 60, concentration
internal appendix A-2 or must be made at
combustion engine ASTM Method D6522- the same time as
exhaust at the 00 (Reapproved the measurements
sampling port 2005) a d. for VOC
location; concentration.
iii. If necessary, (3) Method 2 or 2C (c) Measurements
determine the of 40 CFR 60, to determine the
exhaust flowrate appendix A-1 or exhaust flowrate
of the stationary Method 19 of 40 must be made (1)
internal CFR part 60, at the same time
combustion engine appendix A-7. as the
exhaust; measurement for
VOC concentration
or, alternatively
(2) according to
the option in
Section 11.1.2 of
Method 1A of 40
CFR part 60,
Appendix A-1, if
[[Page 63410]]
iv. If necessary, (4) Method 4 of 40 (d) Measurements
measure moisture CFR part 60, to determine
content of the appendix A-3, moisture must be
stationary Method 320 of 40 made at the same
internal CFR part 63, time as the
combustion engine appendix A,\e\ or measurement for
exhaust at the ASTM Method D6348- VOC
sampling port 03 d e. concentration.
location; and
v. Measure VOC at (5) Methods 25A (e) Results of
the exhaust of and 18 of 40 CFR this test consist
the stationary part 60, of the average of
internal appendices A-6 the three 1-hour
combustion and A-7, Method or longer runs.
engine; if using 25A with the use
a control device, of a hydrocarbon
the sampling site cutter as
must be located described in 40
at the outlet of CFR 1065.265,
the control Method 18 of 40
device CFR part 60,
appendix A-6,c e
Method 320 of 40
CFR part 63,
appendix A,\e\ or
ASTM Method D6348-
03 d e.
\a\ Also, you may petition the Administrator for approval to use alternative methods for portable analyzer.
\b\ You may use ASME PTC 19.10-1981, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses, for measuring the O2 content of the exhaust
gas as an alternative to EPA Method 3B. AMSE PTC 19.10-1981 incorporated by reference, see 40 CFR 60.17
\c\ You may use EPA Method 18 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-6, provided that you conduct an adequate pre-survey
test prior to the emissions test, such as the one described in OTM 11 on EPA's website (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/emc/prelim/otm11.pdf).
\d\ Incorporated by reference; see 40 CFR 60.17.
\e\ You must meet the requirements in Sec. 60.4245(d).
Subpart KKKK--Standards of Performance for Stationary Combustion
19. Amend Sec. 60.4415 by revising paragraph (a) introductory text,
redesignating paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) as paragraphs (a)(2)
through (4), adding new paragraph (a)(1), and revising the newly
redesignated paragraph (a)(2) to read as follows:
Sec. 60.4415 How do I conduct the initial and subsequent performance
tests for sulfur?
(a) You must conduct an initial performance test, as required in
Sec. 60.8. Subsequent SO2 performance tests shall be
conducted on an annual basis (no more than 14 calendar months following
the previous performance test). There are four methodologies that you
may use to conduct the performance tests.
(1) The use of a current, valid purchase contract, tariff sheet, or
transportation contract for the fuel specifying the maximum total
sulfur content of all fuels combusted in the affected facility.
Alternately, the fuel sampling data specified in section or of appendix D to part 75 of this chapter may be used.
(2) Periodically determine the sulfur content of the fuel combusted
in the turbine, a representative fuel sample may be collected either by
an automatic sampling system or manually. For automatic sampling,
follow ASTM D5287 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 60.17) for
gaseous fuels or ASTM D4177 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
60.17) for liquid fuels. For manual sampling of gaseous fuels, follow
API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 14, Section 1,
GPA 2166, or ISO 10715 (all incorporated by reference, see Sec.
60.17). For manual sampling of liquid fuels, follow GPA 2174 or the
procedures for manual pipeline sampling in section 14 of ASTM D4057
(both incorporated by reference, see Sec. 60.17). The fuel analyses of
this section may be performed either by you, a service contractor
retained by you, the fuel vendor, or any other qualified agency.
Analyze the samples for the total sulfur content of the fuel using:
(i) For liquid fuels, ASTM D129, or alternatively D1266, D1552,
D2622, D4294, D5453, D5623, or D7039 (all incorporated by reference,
see Sec. 60.17); or
(ii) For gaseous fuels, ASTM D1072, or alternatively D3246, D4084,
D4468, D4810, D6228, D6667, or GPA 2140, 2261, or 2377 (all
incorporated by reference, see Sec. 60.17).
* * * * *
Subpart QQQQ--Standards of Performance for New Residential Hydronic
Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces
20. Amend Sec. 60.5476 by revising paragraph (i) to read as follows:
Sec. 60.5476 What test methods and procedures must I use to determine
compliance with the standards and requirements for certification?
* * * * *
(i) The approved test laboratory must allow the manufacturer, the
manufacturer's approved third-party certifier, the EPA and delegated
state regulatory agencies to observe certification testing. However,
manufacturers must not involve themselves in the conduct of the test
after the pretest burn has begun. Communications between the
manufacturer and laboratory or third-party certifier personnel
regarding operation of the central heater must be limited to written
communications transmitted prior to the first pretest burn of the
certification test series. During certification tests, the manufacturer
may communicate with the third-party certifier, and only in writing to
notify them that the manufacturer has observed a deviation from proper
test procedures by the laboratory. All communications must be included
in the test documentation required to be submitted pursuant to Sec.
60.5475(b)(5) and must be consistent with instructions provided in the
owner's manual required under Sec. 60.5478(f).
21. Amend Appendix A-3 to part 60 by:
a. In Method 4, revising sections ``2.1'', ``6.1.5'', ``'',
``8.1.3'', ``'', ``'', ``'', ``9.1'',
``11.1'', ``11.2'', ``12.1.1'', ``12.1.2'', ``12.1.3'', ``12.2.1'', and
``12.2.2'' and ``Figure 4-4'' and ``Figure 4-5''; and
b. In Method 5, revising sections ``'', ``6.2.4'', ``6.2.5'',
``8.1.2'', ``'', ``12.1'', ``12.3'', ``12.4'', ``12.11.1'',
``12.11.2'', ``'', and ``'' and ``Figure 5-6''.
The revisions read as follows:
Appendix A-3 to Part 60--Test Methods 4 Through 5I
* * * * *
Method 4--Determination of Moisture Content in Stack Gases
* * * * *
2.1 A gas sample is extracted at a constant rate from the
source; moisture is removed from the sample stream and determined
* * * * *
6.1.5 Barometer and Balance. Same as Method 5, sections 6.1.2
and 6.2.5, respectively.
* * * * *
[[Page 63411]] Transfer water into the first two impingers, leave the
third impinger empty and add silica gel to the fourth impinger.
Weigh the impingers before sampling and record the weight to the
nearest 0.5g at a minimum.
* * * * *
8.1.3 Leak-Check Procedures. Leak Check of Metering System Shown in Figure 4-1. That
portion of the sampling train from the pump to the orifice meter
should be leak-checked prior to initial use and after each shipment.
Leakage after the pump will result in less volume being recorded
than is actually sampled. The following procedure is suggested (see
Figure 5-2 of Method 5): Close the main valve on the meter box.
Insert a one-hole rubber stopper with rubber tubing attached into
the orifice exhaust pipe. Disconnect and vent the low side of the
orifice manometer. Close off the low side orifice tap. Pressurize
the system to 13 to 18 cm (5 to 7 in.) water column by blowing into
the rubber tubing. Pinch off the tubing and observe the manometer
for one minute. A loss of pressure on the manometer indicates a leak
in the meter box; leaks, if present, must be corrected. Pretest Leak Check. A pretest leak check of the sampling
train is recommended, but not required. If the pretest leak check is
conducted, the following procedure should be used. After the sampling train has been assembled, turn on
and set the filter and probe heating systems to the desired
operating temperatures. Allow time for the temperatures to
stabilize. Leak-check the train by first plugging the inlet to
the filter holder and pulling a 380 mm (15 in.) Hg vacuum. Then
connect the probe to the train, and leak-check at approximately 25
mm (1 in.) Hg vacuum; alternatively, the probe may be leak-checked
with the rest of the sampling train, in one step, at 380 mm (15 in.)
Hg vacuum. Leakage rates in excess of 4 percent of the average
sampling rate or 0.00057 m\3\/min (0.020 cfm), whichever is less,
are unacceptable. Start the pump with the bypass valve fully open and
the coarse adjust valve completely closed. Partially open the coarse
adjust valve, and slowly close the bypass valve until the desired
vacuum is reached. Do not reverse the direction of the bypass valve,
as this will cause water to back up into the filter holder. If the
desired vacuum is exceeded, either leak-check at this higher vacuum,
or end the leak check and start over. When the leak check is completed, first slowly remove
the plug from the inlet to the probe, filter holder, and immediately
turn off the vacuum pump. This prevents the water in the impingers
from being forced backward into the filter holder and the silica gel
from being entrained backward into the third impinger. Leak Checks During Sample Run. If, during the sampling
run, a component (e.g., filter assembly or impinger) change becomes
necessary, a leak check shall be conducted immediately before the
change is made. The leak check shall be done according to the
procedure outlined in section above, except that it shall be
done at a vacuum equal to or greater than the maximum value recorded
up to that point in the test. If the leakage rate is found to be no
greater than 0.00057 m\3\/min (0.020 cfm) or 4 percent of the
average sampling rate (whichever is less), the results are
acceptable, and no correction will need to be applied to the total
volume of dry gas metered; if, however, a higher leakage rate is
obtained, either record the leakage rate and plan to correct the
sample volume as shown in section 12.3 of Method 5, or void the
sample run.
Note: Immediately after component changes, leak checks are
optional. If such leak checks are done, the procedure outlined in
section above should be used. Post-Test Leak Check. A leak check of the sampling train
is mandatory at the conclusion of each sampling run. The leak check
shall be performed in accordance with the procedures outlined in
section, except that it shall be conducted at a vacuum equal
to or greater than the maximum value reached during the sampling
run. If the leakage rate is found to be no greater than 0.00057 m\3\
min (0.020 cfm) or 4 percent of the average sampling rate (whichever
is less), the results are acceptable, and no correction need be
applied to the total volume of dry gas metered. If, however, a
higher leakage rate is obtained, either record the leakage rate and
correct the sample volume as shown in section 12.3 of Method 5 or
void the sampling run.
* * * * * At the end of the sample run, close the coarse adjust
valve, remove the probe and nozzle from the stack, turn off the
pump, record the final DGM meter reading, and conduct a post-test
leak check, as outlined in section
* * * * *
9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures.
Section Quality control measure Effect
Section Leak rate of the sampling system Ensures the accuracy of the
cannot exceed four percent of volume of gas sampled.
the average sampling rate or (Reference Method).
0.00057 m\3\/min (0.020 cfm).
Section 8.2.1.............................. Leak rate of the sampling system Ensures the accuracy of the
cannot exceed two percent of the volume of gas sampled.
average sampling rate. (Approximation Method).
* * * * *
11.1 Reference Method. Weigh the impingers after sampling and
record the difference in weight to the nearest 0.5 g at a minimum.
Determine the increase in weight of the silica gel (or silica gel
plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g at a minimum. Record this
information (see example data sheet, Figure 4-5), and calculate the
moisture content, as described in section 12.0.
11.2 Approximation Method. Weigh the contents of the two
impingers, and measure the weight to the nearest 0.5 g.
* * * * *
12.1.1 Nomenclature.
Bws = Proportion of water vapor, by volume, in the
gas stream.
Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.015 g/g-mole
(18.015 lb/lb-mole).
Pm = Absolute pressure (for this method, same as
barometric pressure) at the dry gas meter, mm Hg (in. Hg).
Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92
in. Hg).
R = Ideal gas constant, 0.06236 (mm Hg)(m\3\)/(g-mole)([deg]K)
for metric units and 21.85 (in. Hg)(ft\3\)/(lb-mole) ([deg]R) for
English units.
Tm = Absolute temperature at meter, [deg]K ([deg]R).
Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293.15 [deg]K
(527.67 [deg]R).
Vf = Final weight of condenser water plus impinger,
Vi = Initial weight, if any, of condenser water plus
impinger, g.
Vm = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, dcm
Vm(std) = Dry gas volume measured by the dry gas
meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).
Vwc(std) = Volume of water vapor condensed, corrected
to standard conditions, scm (scf).
Vwsg(std) = Volume of water vapor collected in silica
gel, corrected to standard conditions, scm (scf).
Wf = Final weight of silica gel or silica gel plus
impinger, g.
Wi = Initial weight of silica gel or silica gel plus
impinger, g.
Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor.
[Delta]Vm = Incremental dry gas volume measured by
dry gas meter at each traverse point, dcm (dcf).
12.1.2 Volume of Water Vapor Condensed.
[[Page 63412]]
K1 = 0.001335 m\3\/g for metric units,
= 0.04716 ft\3\/g for English units.
12.1.3 * * *
K3 = 0.001335 m\3\/g for metric units,
= 0.04716 ft\3\/g for English units.
* * * * *
12.2.1 Nomenclature.
Bwm = Approximate proportion by volume of water vapor
in the gas stream leaving the second impinger, 0.025.
Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream, proportion by
Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.015 g/g-mole
(18.015 lb/lb-mole).
Pm = Absolute pressure (for this method, same as
barometric pressure) at the dry gas meter, mm Hg (in. Hg).
Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92
in. Hg).
R = Ideal gas constant, 0.06236 [(mm Hg)(m\3\)]/[(g-mole)(K)]
for metric units and 21.85 [(in. Hg)(ft\3\)]/[(lb-mole)([deg]R)] for
English units.
Tm = Absolute temperature at meter, [deg]K ([deg]R).
Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293.15 [deg]K
(527.67 [deg]R).
Vf = Final weight of condenser water plus impinger,
Vi = Initial weight, if any, of condenser water plus
impinger, g.
Vm = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, dcm
Vm(std) = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter,
corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).
Vwc(std) = Volume of water vapor condensed, corrected
to standard conditions, scm (scf).
Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor.
12.2.2 Volume of Water Vapor Collected.
K5 = 0.001335 m\3\/g for metric units,
= 0.04716 ft\3\/g for English units.
* * * * *
[[Page 63413]]
Method 5--Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions From Stationary
* * * * * Condenser. The following system shall be used to
determine the stack gas moisture content: Four impingers connected
in series with leak-free ground glass fittings or any similar leak-
free noncontaminating fittings. The first, third, and fourth
impingers shall be of the Greenburg-Smith design, modified by
replacing the tip with a 1.3 cm (\1/2\ in.) ID glass tube extending
to about 1.3 cm (\1/2\ in.) from the bottom of the flask. The second
impinger shall be of the Greenburg-Smith design with the standard
tip. Modifications (e.g., using flexible connections between the
impingers, using materials other than glass, or using flexible
vacuum lines to connect the filter holder to the condenser) may be
used, subject to the approval of the Administrator. The first and
second impingers shall contain known quantities of water (Section
8.3.1), the third shall be empty, and the fourth shall contain a
known weight of silica gel, or equivalent desiccant. A temperature
sensor, capable of measuring temperature to within 1 [deg]C (2
[deg]F) shall be placed at the outlet of the fourth impinger for
monitoring purposes. Alternatively, any system that cools the sample
gas stream and allows measurement of the water condensed and
moisture leaving the condenser, each to within 0.5 g may be used,
subject to the approval of the Administrator. An acceptable
technique involves the measurement of condensed water either
gravimetrically and the determination of the moisture leaving the
condenser by: (1) Monitoring the temperature and pressure at the
exit of the condenser and using Dalton's law of partial pressures;
or (2) passing the sample gas stream through a tared silica gel (or
equivalent desiccant) trap with exit gases kept below 20 [deg]C (68
[deg]F) and determining the weight gain. If means other than silica
gel are used to determine the amount of moisture leaving the
condenser, it is recommended that silica gel (or equivalent) still
be used between the condenser system and pump to prevent moisture
condensation in the pump and metering devices and to avoid the need
to make corrections for moisture in the metered volume.
Note: If a determination of the PM collected in the impingers is
desired in addition to moisture content, the impinger system
described above shall be used, without modification. Individual
States or control agencies requiring this information shall be
contacted as to the sample recovery and analysis of the impinger
* * * * *
6.2.4 Petri dishes. For filter samples; glass, polystyrene, or
polyethylene, unless otherwise specified by the Administrator.
6.2.5 Balance. To measure condensed water to within 0.5 g at a
* * * * *
8.1.2 Check filters visually against light for irregularities,
flaws, or pinhole leaks. Label filters of the proper diameter on the
back side near the edge using numbering machine ink. As an
alternative, label the shipping containers (glass, polystyrene or
polyethylene petri dishes), and keep each filter in its identified
container at all times except during sampling.
* * * * * Impinger Water. Treat the impingers as follows: Make a
notation of any color or film in the liquid catch. Measure the
liquid that is in the first three impingers by weighing it to within
0.5 g at a minimum by using a balance. Record the weight of liquid
present. This information is required to calculate the moisture
content of the effluent gas. Discard the liquid after measuring and
recording the weight, unless analysis of the impinger catch is
required (see Note, section If a different type of
condenser is used, measure the amount of moisture condensed
* * * * *
12.1 Nomenclature.
An = Cross-sectional area of nozzle, m\2\ (ft\2\).
Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream, proportion by
Ca = Acetone blank residue concentration, mg/mg.
cs = Concentration of particulate matter in stack
gas, dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, g/dscm (gr/dscf).
I = Percent of isokinetic sampling.
L1 = Individual leakage rate observed during the
leak-check conducted prior to the first component change, m\3\/min
La = Maximum acceptable leakage rate for either a
pretest leak-check or for a leak-check following a component change;
equal to 0.00057 m\3\/min (0.020 cfm) or 4 percent of the average
sampling rate, whichever is less.
Li = Individual leakage rate observed during the
leak-check conducted prior to the ``i\th\'' component change (i = 1,
2, 3 . . . n), m\3\/min (cfm).
Lp = Leakage rate observed during the post-test leak-
check, m\3\/min (cfm).
ma = Mass of residue of acetone after evaporation,
mn = Total amount of particulate matter collected,
Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.015 g/g-mole
(18.015 lb/lb-mole).
Pbar = Barometric pressure at the sampling site, mm
Hg (in. Hg).
Ps = Absolute stack gas pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg).
Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92
in. Hg).
R = Ideal gas constant, 0.06236 ((mm Hg)(m\3\))/((K)(g-mole))
{21.85 ((in. Hg) (ft\3\))/(([deg]R) (lb-mole)){time} .
Tm = Absolute average DGM temperature (see Figure 5-
3), K ([deg]R).
Ts = Absolute average stack gas temperature (see
Figure 5-3), K ([deg]R).
Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293.15 K
(527.67 [deg]R).
Va = Volume of acetone blank, ml.
Vaw = Volume of acetone used in wash, ml.
V1c = Total volume of liquid collected in impingers
and silica gel (see Figure 5-6), g.
Vm = Volume of gas sample as measured by dry gas
meter, dcm (dcf).
Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample measured by the dry
gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscm (dscf).
Vw(std) = Volume of water vapor in the gas sample,
corrected to standard conditions, scm (scf).
Vs = Stack gas velocity, calculated by Method 2,
Equation 2-7, using data obtained from Method 5, m/sec (ft/sec).
Wa = Weight of residue in acetone wash, mg.
Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor.
[Delta]H = Average pressure differential across the orifice
meter (see Figure 5-4), mm H2O (in. H2O).
[rho]a = Density of acetone, mg/ml (see label on
[thgr] = Total sampling time, min.
[thgr]1 = Sampling time interval, from the beginning
of a run until the first component change, min.
[thgr]i = Sampling time interval, between two
successive component changes, beginning with the interval between
the first and second changes, min.
[thgr]p = Sampling time interval, from the final
(nth) component change until the end of the sampling run,
13.6 = Specific gravity of mercury.
60 = Sec/min.
100 = Conversion to percent.
* * * * *
12.3 * * *
K1 = 0.38572 [deg]K/mm Hg for metric units, = 17.636
[deg]R/in. Hg for English units.
* * * * *
12.4 Volume of Water Vapor Condensed
K2 = 0.001335 m\3\/g for metric units, = 0.04716 ft\3\/g
for English units.
* * * * *
12.11.1 * * *
K4 = 0.003456 ((mm Hg)(m\3\))/((ml)([deg]K)) for metric
= 0.002668 ((in. Hg)(ft\3\))/((ml)([deg]R)) for English units.
* * * * *
12.11.2 * * *
K5 = 4.3209 for metric units, = 0.09450 for English
* * * * * * * *
K1 = 0.38572 [deg]K/mm Hg for metric units, = 17.636
[deg]R/in. Hg for English units.
Tadj = 273.15 [deg]C for metric units = 459.67 [deg]F for
English units.
* * * * * * * *
K1 = 0.38572 [deg]K/mm Hg for metric units, = 17.636
[deg]R/in. Hg for English units.
* * * * *
18.0 * * *
Plant _ _ _
Run No.
Filter No.
Amount liquid lost during transport, mg
Acetone blank volume, ml
[[Page 63414]]
Acetone blank concentration, mg/mg (Equation 5-4)
Acetone wash blank, mg (Equation 5-5)
* * * * *
22. Amend Appendix A-4 to part 60 in Method 7C by revising section
7.2.11 and in Method 7E by revising section 8.5 introductory text to
read as follows:
Appendix A-4 to Part 60--Test Methods 6 Through 10B
* * * * *
Method 7C--Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions From Stationary
Sources--Alkaline--Permanganate/Colorimetric Method
* * * * *
7.2.11 Sodium Nitrite (NaNO2) Standard Solution,
Nominal Concentration, 1000 [micro]g NO2-/ml. Desiccate
NaNO2 overnight. Accurately weigh 1.4 to 1.6 g of
NaNO2 (assay of 97 percent NaNO2 or greater),
dissolve in water, and dilute to 1 liter. Calculate the exact
NO2-concentration using Equation 7C-1 in section 12.2.
This solution is stable for at least 6 months under laboratory
* * * * *
Method 7E--Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions From Stationary
Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure)
* * * * *
8.5 Post-Run System Bias Check and Drift Assessment.
How do I confirm that each sample I collect is valid? After each
run, repeat the system bias check or 2-point system calibration
error check (for dilution systems) to validate the run. Do not make
adjustments to the measurement system (other than to maintain the
target sampling rate or dilution ratio) between the end of the run
and the completion of the post-run system bias or system calibration
error check. Note that for all post-run system bias or 2-point
system calibration error checks, you may inject the low-level gas
first and the upscale gas last, or vice-versa. If conducting a
relative accuracy test or relative accuracy test audit, consisting
of nine runs or more, you may risk sampling for up to three runs
before performing the post-run bias or system calibration error
check provided you pass this test at the conclusion of the group of
three runs. A failed post-run bias or system calibration error check
in this case will invalidate all runs subsequent to the last passed
check. When conducting a performance or compliance test, you must
perform a post-run system bias or system calibration error check
after each individual test run.
* * * * *
23. Amend Appendix A-5 to part 60, Method 12 by:
a. Revising sections ``7.1.2'', ``'', ``'', ``'',
``'', ``12.1'', ``12.3'', ``16.1'' through ``16.5'';
b. Adding sections 16.5.1 and 16.5.2; and
c. Removing section 16.6.
The revisions and additions read as follows:
Appendix A-5 to Part 60--Test Methods 11 Through 15A
* * * * *
Method 12--Determination of Inorganic Lead Emissions From Stationary
* * * * *
7.1.2 Silica Gel and Crushed Ice. Same as Method 5, sections
7.1.2 and 7.1.4, respectively.
* * * * * Brush and rinse with 0.1 N HNO3 the inside of
the front half of the filter holder. Brush and rinse each surface
three times or more, if needed, to remove visible sample matter.
Make a final rinse of the brush and filter holder. After all 0.1 N
HNO3 washings and sample matter are collected in the
sample container, tighten the lid on the sample container so that
the fluid will not leak out when it is shipped to the laboratory.
Mark the height of the fluid level to determine whether leakage
occurs during transport. Label the container to identify its
contents clearly.
* * * * * Cap the impinger ball joints.
* * * * * Treat the impingers as follows: Make a notation of any
color or film in the liquid catch. Measure the liquid that is in the
first three impingers by weighing it to within 0.5 g at a minimum by
using a balance. Record the weight of liquid present. The liquid
weight is needed, along with the silica gel data, to calculate the
stack gas moisture content (see Method 5, Figure 5-6).
* * * * * Rinse the insides of each piece of connecting glassware
for the impingers twice with 0.1 N HNO3; transfer this
rinse into Container No. 4. Do not rinse or brush the glass-fritted
filter support. Mark the height of the fluid level to determine
whether leakage occurs during transport. Label the container to
identify its contents clearly.
* * * * *
12.1 Nomenclature.
Am = Absorbance of the sample solution.
An = Cross-sectional area of nozzle, m\2\ (ft\2\).
At = Absorbance of the spiked sample solution.
Bws = Water in the gas stream, proportion by volume.
Ca = Lead concentration in standard solution,
Cm = Lead concentration in sample solution analyzed
during check for matrix effects, [micro]g/ml.
Cs = Lead concentration in stack gas, dry basis,
converted to standard conditions, mg/dscm (gr/dscf).
I = Percent of isokinetic sampling.
[[Page 63415]]
L1 = Individual leakage rate observed during the
leak-check conducted prior to the first component change, m\3\/min
La = Maximum acceptable leakage rate for either a
pretest leak-check or for a leak-check following a component change;
equal to 0.00057 m\3\/min (0.020 cfm) or 4 percent of the average
sampling rate, whichever is less.
Li = Individual leakage rate observed during the
leak-check conducted prior to the ``ith'' component change (i = 1,
2, 3 * * * n), m\3\/min (cfm).
Lp = Leakage rate observed during the post-test leak-
check, m\3\/min (cfm).
mt = Total weight of lead collected in the sample,
Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.0 g/g-mole (18.0
Pbar = Barometric pressure at the sampling site, mm
Hg (in. Hg).
Ps = Absolute stack gas pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg).
Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92
in. Hg).
R = Ideal gas constant, 0.06236 [(mm Hg) (m\3\)]/[([deg]K) (g-
mole)] {21.85 [(in. Hg) (ft\3\)]/[([deg]R) (lb-mole)]{time} .
Tm = Absolute average dry gas meter temperature (see
Figure 5-3 of Method 5), [deg]K ([deg]R).
Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293 [deg]K (528
vs = Stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft/sec).
Vm = Volume of gas sample as measured by the dry gas
meter, dry basis, m\3\ (ft\3\).
Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample as measured by the dry
gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, m\3\ (ft\3\).
Vw(std) = Volume of water vapor collected in the
sampling train, corrected to standard conditions, m\3\ (ft\3\).
Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor.
[Delta]H = Average pressure differential across the orifice
meter (see Figure 5-3 of Method 5), mm H2O (in.
[thetas] = Total sampling time, min.
[thetas]l = Sampling time interval, from the
beginning of a run until the first component change, min.
[thetas]i = Sampling time interval, between two
successive component changes, beginning with the interval between
the first and second changes, min.
[thetas]p = Sampling time interval, from the final
(nth) component change until the end of the sampling run,
* * * * *
12.3 Dry Gas Volume, Volume of Water Vapor Condensed, and
Moisture Content. Using data obtained in this test, calculate
Vm(std), Vw(std), and Bws according
to the procedures outlined in Method 5, sections 12.3 through 12.5.
* * * * *
16.1 Simultaneous Determination of Particulate Matter and Lead
Emissions. Method 12 may be used to simultaneously determine Pb and
particulate matter provided:
(1) A glass fiber filter with a low Pb background is used and
this filter is checked, desiccated and weighed per section 8.1 of
Method 5,
(2) An acetone rinse, as specified by Method 5, sections 7.2 and, is used to remove particulate matter from the probe and
inside of the filter holder prior to and kept separate from the 0.1
N HNO3 rinse of the same components,
(3) The recovered filter, the acetone rinse, and an acetone
blank (Method 5, section 7.2) are subjected to the gravimetric
analysis of Method 5, sections 6.3 and 11.0 prior to the analysis
for Pb as described below, and
(4) The entire train contents, including the 0.1 N
HNO3 impingers, filter, acetone and 0.1 N HNO3
probe rinses are treated and analyzed for Pb as described in
sections 8.0 and 11.0 of this method.
16.2 Filter Location. A filter may be used between the third and
fourth impingers provided the filter is included in the analysis for
16.3 In-Stack Filter. An in-stack filter may be used provided:
(1) A glass-lined probe and at least two impingers, each containing
100 ml of 0.1 N HNO3 after the in-stack filter, are used
and (2) the probe and impinger contents are recovered and analyzed
for Pb. Recover sample from the nozzle with acetone if a particulate
analysis is to be made as described in section 16.1 of this method.
16.4 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry
(ICP-AES) Analysis. ICP-AES may be used as an alternative to atomic
absorption analysis provided the following conditions are met:
16.4.1 Sample collection/recovery, sample loss check, and sample
preparation procedures are as defined in sections 8.0, 11.1, and
11.2, respectively, of this method.
16.4.2 Analysis shall be conducted following Method 6010D of SW-
846 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 60.17). The limit of
detection for the ICP-AES must be demonstrated according to section
15.0 of Method 301 in appendix A of part 63 of this chapter and must
be no greater than one-third of the applicable emission limit.
Perform a check for matrix effects according to section 11.5 of this
16.5 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Analysis. ICP-MS may be used as an alternative to atomic absorption
analysis provided the following conditions are met:
16.5.1 Sample collection/recovery, sample loss check, and sample
preparation procedures are as defined in sections 8.0, 11.1, and
11.2, respectively of this method.
16.5.2 Analysis shall be conducted following Method 6020B of SW-
846 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 60.17). The limit of
detection for the ICP-MS must be demonstrated according to section
15.0 of Method 301 in appendix A to part 63 of this chapter and must
be no greater than one-third of the applicable emission limit. Use
the multipoint calibration curve option in section 10.4 of Method
6020B and perform a check for matrix effects according to section
11.5 of this method.
* * * * *
24. Amend Appendix A-6 to part 60 by:
a. In Method 16B by:
i. Revising sections 2.1, 6.1, 8.2;
ii. Removing section 8.3;
iii. Redesignating sections 8.4, 8.4.1, and 8.4.2 as 8.3, 8.3.1, and
8.3.2, respectively;
iv. Revising section 11.1; and
v. Adding section 11.2; and
b. In Method 16C, revising section 13.1.
The revisions and addition read as follows:
Appendix A-6 to Part 60--Test Methods 16 Through 18
* * * * *
Method 16B--Determination of Total Reduced Sulfur Emissions From
Stationary Sources
* * * * *
2.1 A gas sample is extracted from the stack. The SO2
is removed selectively from the sample using a citrate buffer
solution. The TRS compounds are then thermally oxidized to
SO2 and analyzed as SO2 by gas chromatography
(GC) using flame photometric detection (FPD).
* * * * *
6.1 Sample Collection. The sampling train is shown in Figure
16B-1. Modifications to the apparatus are accepted provided the
system performance check in section 8.3.1 is met.
* * * * *
8.2 Sample Collection. Before any source sampling is performed,
conduct a system performance check as detailed in section 8.3.1 to
validate the sampling train components and procedures. Although this
test is optional, it would significantly reduce the possibility of
rejecting tests as a result of failing the post-test performance
check. At the completion of the pretest system performance check,
insert the sampling probe into the test port making certain that no
dilution air enters the stack though the port. Condition the entire
system with sample for a minimum of 15 minutes before beginning
analysis. If the sample is diluted, determine the dilution factor as
in section 10.4 of Method 15.
* * * * *
11.1 Analysis. Inject aliquots of the sample into the GC/FPD
analyzer for analysis. Determine the concentration of SO2
directly from the calibration curves or from the equation for the
least-squares line.
11.2 Perform analysis of a minimum of three aliquots or one
every 15 minutes, whichever is greater, spaced evenly over the test
* * * * *
Method 16C--Determination of Total Reduced Sulfur Emissions From
Stationary Sources
* * * * *
13.1 Analyzer Calibration Error. At each calibration gas level
(low, mid, and high), the calibration error must either not exceed
5.0 percent of the calibration span or [bond]CDir-
Cv[bond] must be <=0.5 ppmv.
* * * * *
25. Amend Appendix A-7 to part 6 by:
a. In Method 24, revising section 6.2.
b. In Method 25C, revising sections 8.4.2, 9.1, 12.5, 12.5.1, and
[[Page 63416]]
The revisions read as follows:
Appendix A-7 to Part 60--Test Methods 19 Through 25E
* * * * *
Method 24--Determinaton of Volatile Matter Content, Water Content,
Density, Volume Solids, and Weight Solids of Surface Coatings
* * * * *
6.2 ASTM D 2369-81, 87, 90, 92, 93, 95, or 10. Standard Test
Method for Volatile Content of Coatings.
* * * * *
Method 25C--Determination of Nonmethane Organic Compounds (NMOC) in
Landfill Gases
* * * * *
8.4.2 Use Method 3C to determine the percent N2 and
O2 in each cylinder. The presence of N2 and
O2 indicate either infiltration of ambient air into the
landfill gas sample or an inappropriate testing site has been chosen
where anaerobic decomposition has not begun. The landfill gas sample
is acceptable if the concentration of N2 is less than 20
percent. Alternatively, the oxygen content of each cylinder must be
less than 5 percent. Landfills with 3-year average annual rainfalls
equal to or less than 20 inches annual rainfalls samples are
acceptable when the N2 to O2 concentration
ratio is greater than 3.71.
* * * * *
9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures.
Section Quality control measure Effect
8.4.2...................................... If the 3-year average annual Ensures that ambient air was not
rainfall is greater than 20 drawn into the landfill gas
inches, verify that landfill gas sample and gas was sampled from
sample contains less than 20 an appropriate location. If
percent N2 and 5 percent O2. outside of range, invalidate
Landfills with 3-year average sample and repeat sample
annual rainfalls equal to or collection.
less than 20 inches annual
rainfalls samples are acceptable
when the N2 to O2 concentration
ratio is greater than 3.71.
10.1, 10.2................................. NMOC analyzer initial and daily Ensures precision of analytical
performance checks. results.
* * * * *
12.5 You must correct the NMOC Concentration for the
concentration of nitrogen or oxygen based on which gas or gases
passes the requirements in section 9.1 or based on the 3-year
average annual rainfall based on the closest NOAA land-based
12.5.1 NMOC Concentration with nitrogen correction. Use Equation
25C-4 to calculate the concentration of NMOC for each sample tank
when the nitrogen concentration is less than 20 percent.
12.5.2 NMOC Concentration with oxygen correction. Use Equation
25C-5 to calculate the concentration of NMOC for each sample tank if
the landfill gas oxygen is less than 5 percent and the landfill gas
nitrogen concentration is greater than 20 percent, or 3-year average
annual rainfall based annual rainfall of less than 20 inches.
* * * * *
26. Amend Appendix A-8 to part 60 by:
a. In Method 26, revising section 8.1.2; and
b. In Method 26A, revising sections 6.1.3 and 8.1.5.
The revisions read as follows:
Appendix A-8 to Part 60--Test Methods 26 Through 30B
* * * * *
Method 26--Determination of Hydrogen Halide and Halogen Emissions From
Stationary Sources Non-Isokinetic Method
* * * * *
8.1.2 Adjust the probe temperature and the temperature of the
filter and the stopcock (i.e., the heated area in Figure 26-1) to a
temperature sufficient to prevent water condensation. This
temperature must be maintained between 120 and 134 [deg]C (248 and
273 [deg]F). The temperature should be monitored throughout a
sampling run to ensure that the desired temperature is maintained.
It is important to maintain a temperature around the probe and
filter in this range since it is extremely difficult to purge acid
gases off these components. (These components are not quantitatively
recovered and, hence, any collection of acid gases on these
components would result in potential under reporting of these
emissions. The applicable subparts may specify alternative higher
* * * * *
Method 26A--Determination of Hydrogen Halide and Halogen Emissions From
Stationary Sources--Isokinetic Method
* * * * *
6.1.3 Pitot Tube, Differential Pressure Gauge, Filter Heating
System, Filter Temperature Sensor with a glass or Teflon encasement,
Metering System, Barometer, Gas Density Determination Equipment.
Same as Method 5, sections,,,,, 6.1.2, and 6.1.3.
* * * * *
8.1.5 Sampling Train Operation. Follow the general procedure
given in Method 5, Section 8.5. It is important to maintain a
temperature around the probe, filter (and cyclone, if used) between
120 and 134 [deg]C (248 and 273 [deg]F) since it is extremely
difficult to purge acid gases off these components. (These
components are not quantitatively recovered and hence any collection
of acid gases on these components would result in potential under
reporting these emissions. The applicable subparts may specify
alternative higher temperatures.) For each run, record the data
required on a data sheet such as the one shown in Method 5, Figure
5-3. If the condensate impinger becomes too full, it may be emptied,
recharged with 50 ml of 0.1 N H2SO4, and replaced during the sample
run. The condensate emptied must be saved and included in the
measurement of the volume of moisture collected and
[[Page 63417]]
included in the sample for analysis. The additional 50 ml of
absorbing reagent must also be considered in calculating the
moisture. Before the sampling train integrity is compromised by
removing the impinger, conduct a leak-check as described in Method
5, section 8.4.2.
* * * * *
27. Amend Appendix B to part 60 by:
a. In Performance Specification 4B, revising section 4.5;
b. In Performance Specification 5, revising sections 5.0 and 8.1;
c. In Performance Specification 6, revising sections 13.1 and 13.2;
d. In Performance Specification 8, redesignating sections 8.3, 8.4, and
8.5 as 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6, respectively;
e. Adding new section 8.3;
f. In Performance Specification 9, revising sections 7.2, 8.3, 8.4,
10.1, 10.2, 13.1, and 13.2;
g. Adding section 13.4;
h. In Performance Specification 18, revising sections 2.3 and 11.9.1.
The revisions and additions read as follows:
Appendix B to Part 60--Performance Specifications
* * * * *
Performance Specification 4B--Specifications and Test Procedures for
Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen Continuous Monitoring Systems in Stationary
* * * * *
4.5 Response Time. The response time for the CO or O2
monitor must not exceed 240 seconds.
* * * * *
Performance Specification 5--Specifications and Test Procedures for TRS
Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems in Stationary Sources
* * * * *
5.0 Safety
This performance specification may involve hazardous materials,
operations, and equipment. This performance specification may not
address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is
the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicable regulatory limitations
prior to performing this performance specification. The CEMS user's
manual should be consulted for specific precautions to be taken with
regard to the analytical procedures.
* * * * *
8.1 Relative Accuracy Test Procedure. Sampling Strategy for
reference method (RM) Tests, Number of RM Tests, and Correlation of
RM and CEMS Data are the same as PS 2, sections 8.4.3, 8.4.4, and
8.4.5, respectively.
Note: For Method 16, a sample is made up of at least three
separate injects equally spaced over time. For Method 16A, a sample
is collected for at least 1 hour. For Method 16B, you must analyze a
minimum of three aliquots spaced evenly over the test period.
* * * * *
Performance Specification 6--Specifications and Test Procedures for
Continuous Emission Rate Monitoring Systems in Stationary Sources
* * * * *
13.1 Calibration Drift. Since the CERMS includes analyzers for
several measurements, the CD shall be determined separately for each
analyzer in terms of its specific measurement. The calibration for
each analyzer associated with the measurement of flow rate shall not
drift or deviate from each reference value of flow rate by more than
3 percent of the respective high-level reference value over the CD
test period (e.g., seven-day) associated with the pollutant
analyzer. The CD specification for each analyzer for which other PSs
have been established (e.g., PS 2 for SO2 and
NOX), shall be the same as in the applicable PS.
13.2 CERMS Relative Accuracy. Calculate the CERMS Relative
Accuracy using Eq. 2-6 of section 12 of Performance Specification 2.
The RA of the CERMS shall be no greater than 20 percent of the mean
value of the RM's test data in terms of the units of the emission
standard, or in cases where the average emissions for the test are
less than 50 percent of the applicable standard, substitute the
emission standard value in the denominator of Eq. 2-6 in place of
the RM.
* * * * *
Performance Specification 8--Performance Specifications for Volatile
Organic Compound Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems in Stationary
* * * * *
8.3 Calibration Drift Test Procedure. Same as section 8.3 of PS
8.4 Reference Method (RM). Use the method specified in the
applicable regulation or permit, or any approved alternative, as the
8.5 Sampling Strategy for RM Tests, Correlation of RM and CEMS
Data, and Number of RM Tests. Follow PS 2, sections 8.4.3, 8.4.5,
and 8.4.4, respectively.
8.6 Reporting. Same as section 8.5 of PS 2.
* * * * *
Performance Specification 9--Specifications and Test Procedures for Gas
Chromatographic Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems in Stationary
* * * * *
7.2 Performance Audit Gas. Performance Audit Gas is an
independent cylinder gas or cylinder gas mixture. A certified EPA
audit gas shall be used, when possible. A gas mixture containing all
the target compounds within the calibration range and certified by
EPA's Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous
Calibration Standards may be used when EPA performance audit
materials are not available. If a certified EPA audit gas or a
traceability protocol gas is not available, use a gas manufacturer
standard accurate to 2 percent.
* * * * *
8.3 Seven (7)-Day Calibration Error (CE) Test Period. At the
beginning of each 24-hour period, set the initial instrument set
points by conducting a multi-point calibration for each compound.
The multi-point calibration shall meet the requirements in sections
13.1, 13.2, and 13.3. Throughout the 24-hour period, sample and
analyze the stack gas at the sampling intervals prescribed in the
regulation or permit. At the end of the 24-hour period, inject the
calibration gases at three concentrations for each compound in
triplicate and determine the average instrument response. Determine
the CE for each pollutant at each concentration using Equation 9-2.
Each CE shall be <=10 percent. Repeat this procedure six more times
for a total of 7 consecutive days.
8.4 Performance Audit Test Periods. Conduct the performance
audit once during the initial 7-day CE test and quarterly
thereafter. Performance Audit Tests must be conducted through the
entire sampling and analyzer system. Sample and analyze the EPA
audit gas(es) (or the gas mixture) three times. Calculate the
average instrument response. Results from the performance audit test
must meet the requirements in sections 13.3 and 13.4.
* * * * *
10.1 Multi-Point Calibration. After initial startup of the GC,
after routine maintenance or repair, or at least once per month,
conduct a multi-point calibration of the GC for each target analyte.
Calibration is performed at the instrument independent of the sample
transport system. The multi-point calibration for each analyte shall
meet the requirements in sections 13.1, 13.2, and 13.3.
* * * * *
10.2 Daily Calibration. Once every 24 hours, analyze the mid-
level calibration standard for each analyte in triplicate.
Calibration is performed at the instrument independent of the sample
transport system. Calculate the average instrument response for each
analyte. The average instrument response shall not vary by more than
10 percent from the certified concentration value of the cylinder
for each analyte. If the difference between the analyzer response
and the cylinder concentration for any target compound is greater
than 10 percent, immediately inspect the instrument making any
necessary adjustments, and conduct an initial multi-point
calibration as described in section 10.1.
* * * * *
13.1 Calibration Error (CE). The CEMS must allow the
determination of CE at all three calibration levels. The average
CEMS calibration response must not differ by more than 10 percent of
calibration gas value at each level after each 24-hour period and
after any triplicate calibration response check.
13.2 Calibration Precision and Linearity. For each triplicate
injection at each concentration level for each target analyte, any
one injection shall not deviate more than 5 percent from the average
concentration measured at that level. When the CEMS response is
evaluated over three concentration levels, the linear regression
curve for each organic compound shall be determined using Equation
9-1 and must have an r\2\ >=0.995.
* * * * *
13.4 Performance Audit Test Error. Determine the error for each
[[Page 63418]]
pollutant measurement using the Equation 9-2 in section 12.3. Each
error shall be less than or equal to 10 percent of the cylinder gas
certified value. Report the audit results including the average
measured concentration, the error and the certified cylinder
concentration of each pollutant as part of the reporting
requirements in the appropriate regulation or permit.
* * * * *
Performance Specification 18--Performance Specifications and Test
Procedures for Gaseous Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) Continuous Emission
Monitoring Systems at Stationary Sources
* * * * *
2.3 The relative accuracy (RA) must be established against a
reference method (RM) (e.g., Method 26A, Method 320, ASTM
International (ASTM) D6348-12, including mandatory annexes, or
Method 321 for Portland cement plants as specified by the applicable
regulation or, if not specified, as appropriate for the source
concentration and category). Method 26 may be approved as a RM by
the Administrator on a case-by-case basis if not otherwise allowed
or denied in an applicable regulation.
* * * * *
11.9.1 Unless otherwise specified in an applicable regulation,
use Method 26A in 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8, Method 320 in 40 CFR
part 63, appendix A, or ASTM D6348-12 including all annexes, as
applicable, as the RMs for HCl measurement. Obtain and analyze RM
audit samples, if they are available, concurrently with RM test
samples according to the same procedure specified for performance
tests in the general provisions of the applicable part. If Method 26
is not specified in an applicable subpart of the regulations, you
may request approval to use Method 26 in appendix A-8 to this part
as the RM on a site-specific basis under Sec. Sec. 63.7(f) or
60.8(b). Other RMs for moisture, O2, etc., may be
necessary. Conduct the RM tests in such a way that they will yield
results representative of the emissions from the source and can be
compared to the CEMS data.
* * * * *
28. Amend Appendix F to part 60, in Procedure 1, by revising section
5.2.3(2) to read as follows:
Appendix F to Part 60--Quality Assurance Procedures
Procedure 1--Quality Assurance Requirements for Gas Continuous Emission
Monitoring Systems Used for Compliance Determination
* * * * *
5.2.3 * * *
(2) For the CGA, 15 percent of the average audit value
or 5 ppm, whichever is greater; for diluent monitors,
15 percent of the average audit value.
* * * * *
29. The authority citation for part 61 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
30. Amend Appendix B to part 61 by:
a. Adding the entries Method 114--Test Methods for Measuring
Radionuclide Emissions from Stationary Sources and Method 115--
Monitoring for Radon-222 Emissions at the end of the index for appendix
B to part 61.
b. In Method 107, revising section 12.3, equation 107-3.
The additions and revisions read as follows:
Appendix B to Part 61--Test Methods
* * * * *
Method 114--Test Methods for Measuring Radionuclide Emissions From
Stationary Sources
Method 115--Monitoring for Radon-222 Emissions
* * * * *
Method 107--Determination of Vinyl Chloride Content of In-Process
Wastewater Samples, and Vinyl Chloride Content of Polyvinyl Chloride
Resin Slurry, Wet Cake, and Latex Samples
* * * * *
12.3 * * *
* * * * *
31. The authority citation for part 63 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
32. Amend Sec. 63.2 by revising the definition of ``Alternative test
method'' to read as follows:
Sec. 63.2 Definitions.
* * * * *
Alternative test method means any method of sampling and analyzing
for an air pollutant that has been demonstrated to the Administrator's
satisfaction, using Method 301 in appendix A of this part, to produce
results adequate for the Administrator's determination that it may be
used in place of a test method specified in this part.
* * * * *
Subpart LLL--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants from the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry
33. Amend Sec. 63.1349, by revising paragraphs (b)(7)(viii)(A) and
(B), (b)(8)(vi), and (b)(8)(vii)(B) and (C) to read as follows:
Sec. 63.1349 Performance testing requirements.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(7) * * *
(viii) * * *
(A) Determine the THC CEMS average value in ppmvw, and the average
of your corresponding three total organic HAP compliance test runs,
using Equation 12.
[[Page 63419]]
x = The average THC CEMS value in ppmvw, as propane.
Xi = The THC CEMS data points in ppmvw, as propane, for
all three test runs.
y = The average organic HAP value in ppmvd, corrected to 7 percent
Yi = The organic HAP concentrations in ppmvd, corrected
to 7 percent oxygen, for all three test runs.
n = The number of data points.
(B) You must use your 3-run average THC CEMS value and your 3-run
average organic HAP concentration from your Method 18 and/or Method 320
compliance tests to determine the operating limit. Use equation 13 to
determine your operating limit in units of ppmvw THC, as propane.
Tl = The 30-day operating limit for your THC CEMS, ppmvw,
as propane.
y = The average organic HAP concentration from Eq. 12, ppmvd,
corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
x = The average THC CEMS concentration from Eq. 12, ppmvw, as
9 = 75 percent of the organic HAP emissions limit (12 ppmvd,
corrected to 7 percent oxygen)
* * * * *
(8) * * *
(vi) If your kiln has an inline kiln/raw mill, you must conduct
separate performance tests while the raw mill is operating (``mill
on'') and while the raw mill is not operating (``mill off''). Using the
fraction of time that the raw mill is on and the fraction of time that
the raw mill is off, calculate this limit as a weighted average of the
SO2 levels measured during raw mill on and raw mill off
compliance testing with Equation 17.
R = Operating limit as SO2, ppmv.
y = Average SO2 CEMS value during mill on operations,
t = Percentage of operating time with mill on, expressed as a
x = Average SO2 CEMS value during mill off operations,
1-t = Percentage of operating time with mill off, expressed as a
* * * * *
(vii) * * *
(B) Determine your SO2 CEMS instrument average ppmv, and
the average of your corresponding three HCl compliance test runs, using
Equation 18.
x = The average SO2 CEMS value in ppmv.
X1 = The SO2 CEMS data points in ppmv for the
three runs constituting the performance test.
y = The average HCl value in ppmvd, corrected to 7 percent oxygen.
Y1 = The HCl emission concentration expressed as ppmvd,
corrected to 7 percent oxygen for the threeruns constituting the
performance test.
n = The number of data points.
(C) With your instrument zero expressed in ppmv, your
SO2 CEMS three run average expressed in ppmv, and your 3-run
HCl compliance test average in ppmvd, corrected to 7 percent
O2, determine a relationship of ppmvd HCl corrected to 7
percent O2 per ppmv SO2 with Equation 19.
R = The relative HCl ppmvd, corrected to 7 percent
oxygen, per ppmv SO2 for your SO2
y = The average HCl concentration from Eq. 18 in ppmvd, corrected to
7 percent oxygen.
x = The average SO2 CEMS value from Eq. 18 in ppmv.
z = The instrument zero output ppmv value.
* * * * *
34. Amend Appendix A to part 63 by:
a. In Method 301, revising section 11.1.3;
b. In Method 308, revising section 12.4, equation 308-3 and section
12.5, equation 308-5;
c. In Method 311, revising sections 1.1 and 17;
d. In Method 315, revising Figure 315-1;
e. In Method 316, revising section 1.0; and
f. In Method 323, revising the method heading and section 2.0.
The revisions read as follows:
Appendix A to Part 63--Test Methods Pollutant Measurement Methods From
Various Waste Media
* * * * *
Method 301--Field Validation of Pollutant Measurement Methods From
Various Waste Media
* * * * *
11.1.3 T Test. Calculate the t-statistic using Equation 301-13.
* * *
* * * * *
Method 308--Procedure for Determination of Methanol Emission From
Stationary Sources
* * * * *
12.4 * * *
[[Page 63420]]
12.5 * * *
* * * * *
Method 311--Analysis of Hazardous Air Pollutant Compounds in Paints and
Coatings by Direct Injection Into a Gas Chromatograph
* * * * *
1.1 Applicability. This method is applicable for determination
of most compounds designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency as volatile hazardous air pollutants (HAP's) (See Reference
1) that are contained in paints and coatings. Styrene, ethyl
acrylate, and methyl methacrylate can be measured by ASTM D 4827-03.
Formaldehyde can be measured by ASTM D 5910-05 or ASTM D 1979-91.
Toluene diisocyanate can be measured in urethane prepolymers by ASTM
D 3432-89. Method 311 applies only to those volatile HAP's which are
added to the coating when it is manufactured, not to those that may
form as the coating cures (reaction products or cure volatiles). A
separate or modified test procedure must be used to measure these
reaction products or cure volatiles in order to determine the total
volatile HAP emissions from a coating. Cure volatiles are a
significant component of the total HAP content of some coatings. The
term ``coating'' used in this method shall be understood to mean
paints and coatings.
* * * * *
17. * * *
4. Standard Test Method for Determination of Dichloromethane and
1,1,1-Trichloroethane in Paints and Coatings by Direct Injection
into a Gas Chromatograph. ASTM Designation D4457-02.
5. Standard Test Method for Determining the Unreacted Monomer
Content of Latexes Using Capillary Column Gas Chromatography. ASTM
Designation D4827-03.
6. Standard Test Method for Determining Unreacted Monomer
Content of Latexes Using Gas-Liquid Chromatography, ASTM Designation
* * * * *
Method 315--Determination of Particulate and Methylene Chloride
Extractable Matter (MCEM) From Selected Sources at Primary Aluminum
Production Facilities
* * * * *
[[Page 63421]]
[[Page 63422]]
Method 316--Sampling and Analysis for Formaldehyde Emissions From
Stationary Sources in the Mineral Wool and Wool Fiberglass Industries
1.0 Scope and Application
This method is applicable to the determination of formaldehyde,
CAS Registry number 50-00-0, from stationary sources in the mineral
wool and wool fiber glass industries. High purity water is used to
collect the formaldehyde. The formaldehyde concentrations in the
stack samples are determined using the modified pararosaniline
method. Formaldehyde can be detected as low as 8.8 x
10-10 lbs/cu ft (11.3 ppbv) or as high as 1.8 x
10-3 lbs/cu ft (23,000,000 ppbv), at standard conditions
over a 1-hour sampling period, sampling approximately 30 cu ft.
* * * * *
Method 323--Measurement of Formaldehyde Emissions From Natural Gas-
Fired Stationary Sources--Acetyl Acetone Derivatization Method
* * * * *
2.0 Summary of Method. An emission sample from the combustion
exhaust is drawn through a midget impinger train containing chilled
reagent water to absorb formaldehyde. The formaldehyde concentration
in the impinger is determined by reaction with acetyl acetone to
form a colored derivative which is measured colorimetrically.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2020-18824 Filed 10-6-20; 8:45 am]