[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 28 (Friday, February 12, 2021)]
[Pages 9353-9354]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2021-02953]



Center for Indigenous Innovation and Health Equity Supporting 
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander and American Indian/Alaska Native 

AGENCY: Office of Minority Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human 
Services (HHS).

ACTION: Request for information.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office 
of Minority Health (OMH) seeks input from Federally-recognized Indian 
Tribes/American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Tribes, Tribal 
organizations, Tribal-serving organizations, Tribal Colleges and 
Universities, and AI/AN--serving institutions of higher education to 
guide the development of a new Center for Indigenous Innovation and 
Health Equity (Center). This is NOT a solicitation for proposals or 
proposal abstracts.

    Please Note: This request is for information (RFI) is for 
planning purposes only. It is not a notice for a proposal and does 
not commit the federal government to issue a solicitation, make an 
award, or pay any costs associated with responding to this 
announcement. All submitted information shall remain with the 
federal government and will not be returned. All responses will 
become part of the public record and will not be held confidential. 
The Federal Government reserves the right to use information 
provided by respondents for purpose deemed necessary and legally 
appropriate. Respondents are advised that the Federal Government is 
under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information 
received or provide feedback to respondents with respect to any 
information submitted. Responses will not be accepted after the due 
date. After a review of the responses received, a notice of funding 
opportunity or pre-solicitation synopsis and solicitation may be 
    A separate RFI exists to solicit feedback from Native Hawaiian 
and Pacific Island (NHPI) communities.

DATES: To be assured consideration, written comments must be submitted 
and received at the address provided below, no later than 11:59 p.m. on 
March 14, 2021.

ADDRESSES: OMH invites the submission of the requested information 
through one of the following methods:

[[Page 9354]]

     Preferred method: Submit information through the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online 
instructions for submissions.
     Email: Send comments to Paul.Rodriguez@hhs.gov with the 
subject line ``OMH AI/AN RFI: Center for Indigenous Innovation and 
Health Equity.''

Submissions received after the deadline will not be reviewed. Respond 
concisely and in plain language. You may use any structure or layout 
that presents your information well. You may respond to some or all of 
our questions, and you can suggest other factors or relevant questions. 
You may also include links to online material or interactive 
presentations. Clearly mark any proprietary information and place it in 
its own section or file. Your response will become government property, 
and we may publish some of its non-proprietary content.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul Rodriguez, 1101 Wootton Parkway, 
Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20852, (240) 453-8208, Paul.Rodriguez@hhs.gov.


I. Background Information

The Office of Minority Health

    Authorized under Section 1707 of the Public Health Service Act, 42 
U.S.C. 300u-6, as amended, the mission of OMH is to improve the health 
of racial and ethnic minority populations through the development of 
health policies and programs that help eliminate health disparities. 
OMH awards and other activities are intended to support the 
identification of effective policies, programs and practices for 
improving health outcomes and to promote sustainability and 
dissemination of these approaches.
    Under the authority of Public Law 116-260 (2021 Consolidated 
Appropriations Act), Congress called for the creation of a Center for 
Indigenous Innovation and Health Equity to support efforts including 
research, education, service, and policy development related to 
advancing Indigenous solutions to decrease health disparities in the 
AI/AN and NHPI populations.


    Heath disparities in the AI/AN population in the United States 
include higher rates of chronic diseases, unintentional injuries and 
premature deaths. The average life expectancy for an AI/AN born today 
would be 4.4 fewer years than for an individual of any other race. 
Empirical evidence indicates that many factors influence health, and 
the strongest predictors of chronic disease, unintentional injury, and 
premature death are linked to the social determinants of health in AI/
AN communities.
    Identification and awareness of health outcomes and health 
determinants in AI/AN populations are essential steps towards reducing 
health disparities.\1\ Research has shown that community-driven 
interventions have a positive impact on health outcomes.\2\

    \1\ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC Health 
Disparities and Inequalities Report--United States, 2013. MMWR 
2013;62 (Suppl 3). Retrieved December 7, 2020 from https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/other/su6203.pdf.
    \2\ O'Mara-Eves A., Brunton G., Oliver S., Kavanagh J., Jamal 
F., Thomas J. The effectiveness of community engagement in public 
health interventions for disadvantaged groups: A meta-analysis. BMC 
Public Health. 2015;15:129. Published 2015 Feb 12. doi:10.1186/

Program Information

    The purpose of this initiative is to create a Center for Indigenous 
Innovation and Health Equity (Center) to provide services for American 
Indian and Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander 
populations that draws on deeply-rooted indigenous values and 
    The Center should serve as a coordinating entity that will partner 
with accredited academic institutions with a focus on Indigenous health 
research, policy and innovation among AI/AN and NHPI populations. The 
Center will serve to build capacity and to support efforts including 
research, education, service, and policy development related to 
advancing Indigenous solutions. Work in these areas will increase the 
capacity to identify and address health disparities in AI/AN and NHPI 
communities. The Center is highly encouraged to engage Indigenous 
leaders and community partners to address AI/AN and NHPI health 
disparities focus areas that align with their goals and priorities. The 
Center is expected to use a dual track approach to address each 
populations' needs and tailor indigenous knowledge and practice 
specific to the AI/AN and NPHI populations. Each track will be parallel 
and complementary, both rooted in indigenous values and practices 
appropriate to each population.
    The Center's objectives may include:
     Create an indigenous public health agenda focused on 
research needs, education, services, and health policies to address AI/
AN and NHPI health disparities.
     Serve as a resource to support the development, 
implementation, evaluation, dissemination, and translation of evidence-
based public health interventions in AI/AN and NHPI communities.
     Partner with academic institutions and Indigenous leaders 
and community partners in health disparities focus areas.
     Train AI/AN and NHPI public health, medical practitioners, 
students and multi-sector partners.
    The Center's outcomes may include:
     Expand community capacity and knowledge to develop 
evidence-based program solutions, best practices and policies that 
address health disparities in AI/AN and NHPI populations.
     Increase utilizations of effective strategies and tools to 
improve and reduce AI/AN and NHPI health disparities.
     Contribute to improved AI/AN and NHPI health, elimination 
of health disparities, and achievement of health equity.

II. Request for Information

    Through this RFI, OMH is seeking information from the following 
    Federally-recognized Indian Tribes/American Indian and Alaska 
Native (AI/AN) Tribes, Tribal organizations, Tribal-serving 
organizations, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and AI/AN-serving 
institutions of higher education.
    A separate RFI exists to solicit feedback from Native Hawaiian and 
Pacific Islander (NHPI) communities.

III. Questions

     How might the proposed Center objectives and outcomes 
listed above meet the needs of AI/AN populations?
     What is the recommended composition and governance 
infrastructure for the Center?
     Are there specific focus areas and activities this center 
should address?

    Dated: February 9, 2021.
Paul Rodriguez,
Senior Advisor for Operations, Office of Minority Health.
[FR Doc. 2021-02953 Filed 2-11-21; 8:45 am]