[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 143 (Thursday, July 29, 2021)]
[Pages 40877-40879]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2021-16138]



Employment and Training Administration

Request for Nominations for Membership on the Native American 
Employment and Training Council

AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration, Labor.

ACTION: Request for nominations.


SUMMARY: The Department of Labor (DOL) invites interested parties to 
submit nominations for individuals to serve on the Native American 
Employment and Training Council (NAETC) and announces the procedures 
for those nominations. When submitting nomination materials, please 
indicate the Region or Discipline for which the nominee would like to 
be considered. Information regarding the NAETC can

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be found at https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/dinap/council.

DATES: Nominations for individuals to serve on the NAETC must be 
submitted electronically; by August 30, 2021.

ADDRESSES: You may submit nominations and supporting materials 
described in this Federal Register Notice by the following method:
    Electronically: Submit nominations, including attachments, by email 
using the following address: NAETC@dol.gov (use subject line 
``Nomination-- Native American Employment and Training Council''). The 
Department will not accept nominations by mail, express delivery, hand 
delivery, messenger, courier service, or facsimile.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Athena Brown, Division of Indian and 
Native American Programs, (202) 693-3737 or email at 


I. Background and Authority

    Section 166(i)(4) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 
(WIOA), 29 U.S.C. 3221(i)(4), requires the Secretary of Labor 
(Secretary) to establish and maintain the NAETC. The statute requires 
the Secretary to formally consult at least twice annually with the 
NAETC on the operation and administration of the WIOA Section 166 
Indian and Native American employment and training programs. In 
addition, the NAETC advises the Secretary on matters that promote the 
employment and training needs of Indians and Native Americans, as well 
as to enhance the quality of life in accordance with the Indian Self-
Determination and Education Assistance Act. The NAETC also provides 
guidance to the Secretary on how to make DOL discretionary funding and 
other special initiatives more accessible to federally recognized 
tribes, Alaska Native entities, and Native Hawaiian organizations.

II. Structure

    The Council will be composed of no less than 15 members, but no 
more than 20, appointed by the Secretary, who are representatives of 
Indian tribes, tribal organizations, Alaska Native entities, Indian-
controlled organizations serving Indians, or Native Hawaiian 
organizations pursuant to WIOA Section 166(i)(4)(B). The membership of 
the Council will, to the extent practicable, represent all geographic 
areas of the United States with a substantial Indian, Alaska Native, or 
Native Hawaiian population, and will include representatives of tribal 
governments and of non-reservation Native American organizations that 
have expertise in the areas of workforce development, secondary and 
post-secondary education, health care, business and economic 
development, and job sectors growth.
    Each NAETC member will be appointed for a two-year term. A vacancy 
occurring in the Council membership will be filled in the same manner 
as the original appointment. A member appointed to a vacancy on the 
Council will serve for the remainder of the term for which the 
predecessor of that member was appointed. Members of NAETC will serve 
on a voluntary and generally uncompensated basis, but will be 
reimbursed for travel expenses to attend NAETC meetings, including per 
diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by the Federal travel 
regulations. All NAETC members will serve at the pleasure of the 
Secretary. Members may be appointed, reappointed, or replaced, and 
their terms may be extended, changed, or terminated at the Secretary's 

II. Nominations Process

    The Department is seeking nominations from representatives of 
tribal governments and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native 
Hawaiian organizations that have expertise in the areas of workforce 
development, secondary and post- secondary education, health care, 
human services, veteran services, business and economic development, 
and job sectors growth to join the Council and provide expertise on the 
WIOA Section 166, Indian and Native American Programs. The Charter 
requires that the Council, to the extent practicable, shall represent 
all geographic areas of the United States with a substantial Indian, 
Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian population. Accordingly, the 
Department is seeking representatives from each of the six ETA regions 
(see ETA regions located at: https://www.doleta.gov/regions), including 
representatives for Hawaii, Alaska, and Oklahoma and ``Other 
Disciplines.'' In nominating representatives for ``Other Disciplines,'' 
prospective nominees may represent various areas of expertise, such as 
technical experts (e.g., registered apprenticeships), education (tribal 
colleges or universities), health care, human services, elected tribal 
leaders, business, or other sectors.
    Appointments for the following 17 members will expire on October 
23, 2021:
    Mr. Darrell Waldron, Region I, Boston (includes CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, 
NY, PR, RI, and VT); and Region II (includes DE, MD, PA, WV and VA);
    Ms. Anne Richardson, Region II (includes DE, MD, PA, WV and VA);
    Ms. Candace Lowry, Region III, Atlanta (includes AL, FL, GA, KY, 
MS, NC, SC, and TN);
    Ms. Lora Ann Chaisson, and Dr. Tina Farrenkoph, Region IV, Dallas 
(includes AR, CO, LA, MT, ND, NM, OK, SD, TX, UT, and WY); and Erwin 
Pahmahmie, Jr., Region IV, Oklahoma
    Ms. Christine Campbell and Dr. Joe Hobot, Region V, Chicago 
(includes IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, OH, and WI);
    Mr. Jacob Bernal, Ms. Patricia K. Hibbeler, Mr. Gary Rickard, and 
Mr. Joseph Quintana, Region VI, San Francisco (includes AK, AZ, CA, GU, 
HI, ID, NV, OR, and WA); and,
    Mr. Michael Tucker, Region VI, Alaska Native representative;
    Winona Whitman, Region VI, Hawaii representative; and
    Kim Kaniatobe Carroll, Matthew Lamont, and Kay Seven, Other 
    All individuals listed above are eligible for nomination.
    Grantee representatives from the six ETA regions (including those 
designated as Pub. L. 102-477 grantees) may submit nominations for 
individuals residing in their ETA region only, except that nominations 
for Other Disciplines may by grantees from any ETA region for 
individuals residing in any ETA region. In order to meet the FACA 
requirement of a fairly balanced membership and to ensure that the 
points of view of Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians are represented 
on the Council, nominations for individuals representing Alaska Natives 
and Native Hawaiians will be accepted in addition to nominations for 
each region. In addition, a representative for the State of Oklahoma 
will be accepted due to the number of tribes and the concentration of 
American Indians in Oklahoma.
    In submitting nominations, consideration should be given to the 
availability of the nominee to attend and actively participate in 
Council meetings (a minimum of two meetings annually), willingness to 
serve on Council workgroups, and provide feedback to the grantee 
community. Communication between the Council member and his or her 
constituency is essential to the partnership between the Department and 
the Indian and Native American communities.
    Nominations must include:
     Nominee's Name, title, organization, address, email, and 
phone number;

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     Nominator's name, organization, address, email, and phone 
     Nomination category (e.g., ETA Region, Native Hawaiian 
representative, Alaska Native representative, Oklahoma representative, 
or representative for Other Disciplines). Those nominating a regional 
representative must reside in the same region as the nominee. If 
nominated for Other Disciplines, specify discipline;
     A biography and current resume of the nominee; and
     A cover letter that provides the reason(s) for nominating 
the individual or a self-nomination, and the particular expertise of 
the nominee in the areas of workforce development, secondary and post-
secondary education, health care, human services, veteran services 
business and economic development and job sectors growth. In addition, 
the cover letter must state that the nomination is being made in 
response to this Federal Register Notice and that the nominee (if 
nominating someone other than oneself) has agreed to be nominated.
    We have provided an optional form for convenience. Download at 

(Authority: Pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity 
Act, 29 U.S.C. 3221(i)(4); Federal Advisory Committee Act, as 
amended, 5 U.S.C. App. 2)

Suzan G. LeVine,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training 
Administration, Labor.
[FR Doc. 2021-16138 Filed 7-28-21; 8:45 am]