[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 170 (Tuesday, September 7, 2021)]
[Pages 50156-50159]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2021-19171]



Office of the Secretary

[DOI-2020-0019; 21XD4523WS, DWSPF0000.XD0000, DS67010000, DP67012]

Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records

AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of modified systems of records.


SUMMARY: Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, as 
amended, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-17-
12, Preparing for and Responding to a Breach of Personally Identifiable 
Information, the Department of the Interior (DOI) is issuing a public 
notice of its intent to modify Departmental and bureau and office 
system of records notices to add a new breach routine use to ensure 
that the DOI can assist another agency in responding to a confirmed or 
suspected breach of personally identifiable information, as 

DATES: This notice will be effective upon publication. New or modified 
routine uses will be effective October 7, 2021. Submit comments on or 
before October 7, 2021.

ADDRESSES: You may send comments identified by docket number [DOI-2020-
0019] by any of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for sending comments.
     Email: DOI_Privacy@ios.doi.gov. Include docket number 
[DOI-2020-0019] in the subject line of the message.
     U.S. Mail or Hand Delivery: Teri Barnett, Departmental 
Privacy Officer, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, 
Room 7112, Washington, DC 20240.
    Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name 
and docket number [DOI-2020-0019]. All comments received will be posted 
without change to http://www.regulations.gov, including any personal 
information provided.
    Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or 
comments received, go to http://www.regulations.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Teri Barnett, Departmental Privacy 
Officer, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Room 7112, 
Washington, DC 20240, DOI_Privacy@ios.doi.gov or (202) 208-1605.


I. Background

    On May 22, 2007, OMB issued Memorandum M-07-16, Safeguarding 
Against and Responding to the Breach of Personally Identifiable 
Information, which required Federal agencies to publish a routine use 
for their systems of records specifically applying to the disclosure of 
information in connection with response and remedial efforts in the 
event of a breach of personally identifiable information. Several DOI 
bureaus and offices published System of Records Notices (SORNs) in the 
Federal Register in 2008 to modify DOI bureau and office systems of 
records by adding a routine use in their ``ROUTINE USES'' section to 
address the limited disclosure of records related to a suspected or 
confirmed breach within DOI consistent with OMB M-07-16. All new and 
significantly modified SORNs published by the DOI, or its bureaus and 
offices, since that time included a breach response routine use 
consistent with the requirements outlined in OMB M-07-16.
    On January 3, 2017, OMB issued Memorandum M-17-12, Preparing for 
and Responding to a Breach of Personally Identifiable Information, 
which rescinded and replaced OMB M-07-16. This memorandum requires 
agencies to publish two routine uses for their systems of records 
specifically applying to the disclosure of information in connection 
with response and remedial efforts in the event of a breach of 
personally identifiable information. Specifically, OMB M-17-12 requires 
that agency Senior Agency Officials for Privacy ensure that their 
agency SORNs include routine uses for the disclosure of information 
necessary to respond to that agency's breach of PII. Additionally, OMB 
M-17-12 requires that a breach routine use be added to all agency SORNs 
to ensure that agencies are able to disclose records in their systems 
of records to another Federal agency that may reasonably be needed by 
that agency to respond to a breach of PII. DOI is issuing two separate 
notices in the Federal Register to modify existing DOI SORNs to satisfy 
the two breach routine use requirements outlined in OMB M-17-12.
    DOI is publishing this notice to modify the DOI SORNs identified 
below to add a new breach routine use for the limited disclosure of 
records that may reasonably be needed by another agency to respond to a 
breach. The DOI SORNs for other DOI, bureau and office systems of 
records that are omitted from this notice have incorporated the new 
breach routine use, are being rescinded, or are being modified 
separately to ensure continuity with their previous notice 
publications. DOI is publishing a notice elsewhere in the Federal 
Register to revise DOI bureau and office SORNs to include the required 
breach routine use to comply with OMB M-17-12 for the bureau and office 
systems of records for the disclosure of information necessary for DOI 
to respond to a breach of PII.
    This notice adds the new mandatory breach routine use to the DOI 
systems of records listed below to ensure that the Department can 
assist another agency in responding to a confirmed or suspected breach, 
as appropriate, pursuant to OMB M-17-12, Preparing for and Responding 
to a Breach of Personally Identifiable Information.

1 INTERIOR/BIA-2, Safety Records System  74 FR 26254 (June 1, 2009).
2 INTERIOR/BIA-04, Trust Asset and       79 FR 68292 (November 14,
 Accounting Management System (TAAMS).    2014).
3 INTERIOR/BIA-7, Tribal Enrollment      76 FR 59733 (September 27,
 Reporting and Payment System.            2011).
4 INTERIOR/BIA-8, Financial Assistance   76 FR 56787 (September 14,
 and Social Services--Case Management     2011).
5 INTERIOR/BIA-10, Indian Housing        48 FR 41104 (September 13,
 Improvement Program.                     1983).
6 INTERIOR/BIA-11, Indian Business       48 FR 41104 (September 13,
 Development Program (Grants).            1983).
7 INTERIOR/BIA-12, Indian Trust Land     48 FR 41105 (September 13,
 Mortgages.                               1983).
8 INTERIOR/BIA-22, Native American       73 FR 40605 (July 15, 2008).
 Student Information System (NASIS).
9 INTERIOR/BIA-26, Electrical Utility    79 FR 24002 (April 29, 2014).
 Management System.

[[Page 50157]]

10 INTERIOR/BIA-27, Bureau of Indian     72 FR 8767 (February 27, 2007).
 Affairs Probate Files.
11 INTERIOR/BIA-34, National Irrigation  78 FR 7804 (February 4, 2013).
 Information Management System (NIIMS).
12 INTERIOR/LLM-2, Range Management      75 FR 82061 (December 29,
 System.                                  2010).
13 INTERIOR/BLM-3, Mineral Lease         47 FR 55317 (December 8, 1982);
 Management.                              modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
14 INTERIOR/BLM-4, Coal Lease Data       47 FR 55317 (December 8, 1982);
 System.                                  modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
15 INTERIOR/BLM-6, Mineral Surveyor      51 FR 25107 (Jul 10, 1986);
 Appointment File.                        modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
16 INTERIOR/BLM-8, Aircraft Passenger    42 FR 19112 (April 11, 1977);
 Manifest Records--Fire Control.          modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
17 INTERIOR/BLM-10, Vehicle Use          42 FR 19113 (April 11, 1977);
 Authorization.                           modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
18 INTERIOR/BLM-15, Correspondence       42 FR 19114 (April 11, 1977);
 Control.                                 modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
19 INTERIOR/BLM-16, Timber Sale          75 FR 3919 (January 25, 2010).
 Information System (TSIS).
20 INTERIOR/BLM-18, Criminal Case        47 FR 55322 (December 8, 1982);
 Investigation.                           modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
21 INTERIOR/BLM-19, Civil Trespass Case  47 FR 55322 (December 8, 1982);
 Investigations.                          modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
22 INTERIOR/BLM-20, Employee Conduct     42 FR 19116 (April 11, 1977);
 Investigations.                          modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
23 INTERIOR/BLM-28, Adopt a Wild Horse.  51 FR 25111 (July 10, 1977);
                                          modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
24 INTERIOR/BLM-30, Uniform              52 FR 36635 (September 30,
 Accountability System.                   1987); modification published
                                          73 FR 17376 (April 1, 2008).
25 INTERIOR/LLM-32, Land & Minerals      56 FR 5014 (February 7, 1991);
 Authorization Tracking System.           modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
26 INTERIOR/LLM-37, Wild Horse & Burro   72 FR 67956 (December 3, 2007);
 Program System (WHBPS).                  modification published 73 FR
                                          17376 (April 1, 2008).
27 INTERIOR/BLM-40, Incident             73 FR 6996 (February 6, 2008).
 Qualification and Certification System
28 INTERIOR/BLM-42, General Land Office  79 FR 30158 (May 27, 2014).
 Records Automation System (GLORAS).
29 INTERIOR/WBR-5, Claims..............  64 FR 13234 (March 17, 1999);
                                          modification published 73 FR
                                          20949 (April 17, 2008).
30 INTERIOR/WBR-7, Concessions.........  64 FR 69032 (December 9, 1999);
                                          modification 73 FR 20949
                                          (April 17, 2008).
31 INTERIOR/WBR-13, Irrigation           64 FR 29876 (June 3, 1999);
 Management Service.                      modification published 73 FR
                                          20949 (April 17, 2008).
32 INTERIOR/WBR-31, Acreage Limitation.  64 FR 13235 (March 17, 1999);
                                          modification published 73 FR
                                          20949 (April 17, 2008).
33 INTERIOR/WBR-38, Water Right          64 FR 29876 (June 3, 1999);
 Applications.                            modification published 73 FR
                                          20949 (April 17, 2008).
34 INTERIOR/WBR-39, Water Rights         64 FR 29876 (June 3, 1999);
 Acquisition.                             modification published 73 FR
                                          20949 (April 17, 2008).
35 INTERIOR/WBR-40, Water Sales and      64 FR 29876 (June 3, 1999);
 Delivery Contracts.                      modification published 73 FR
                                          20949 (April 17, 2008).
36 INTERIOR/WBR-48, Lower Colorado       64 FR 29874 (June 3, 1999);
 River Well Inventory.                    modification published 73 FR
                                          20949 (April 17, 2008).
37 INTERIOR/OS-09, Hearings and Appeals  80 FR 26291 (May 7, 2015).
38 INTERIOR/OS-30, Minerals Revenue      81 FR 16207 (March 25, 2016).
 Management Support System (MRMSS).
39 INTERIOR/OIG-1, Management            55 FR 14480 (April 18, 1990).
40 INTERIOR/OIG-2, Investigative         76 FR 60519 (September 29,
 Records.                                 2011).
41 INTERIOR/OS-10, Electronic Email      68 FR 4220 (January 28, 2003);
 Archive System (EEAS).                   modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
42 INTERIOR/OS-12, Official Pilot        74 FR 49004 (September 25,
 Folders.                                 2009).
43 INTERIOR/OS-13, Aircraft              74 FR 49002 (September 25,
 Administrative Management and Fiscal     2009).
44 INTERIOR/OS-14, Take Pride In         68 FR 39958 (July 3, 2003);
 America System.                          modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
45 INTERIOR/OS-20, Secretarial           64 FR 20013 (April 23, 1999);
 Controlled Correspondence File.          modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
46 INTERIOR/OS-21, Office of Insular     78 FR 17705 (March 22, 2013).
 Affairs Programs.
47 INTERIOR/OS-25, Youth Conservation    56 FR 41700 (August 22, 1991).
 Corps (YCC) Enrollee Records.
48 INTERIOR/OS-26, Youth Conservation    56 FR 41700 (August 22, 1991).
 Corps (YCC), Enrollee Payroll Recorder
49 INTERIOR/OS-27, Youth Conservation    56 FR 41700 (August 22, 1991).
 Corps (YCC) Enrollee Medical Records.
50 INTERIOR/OS-29, Youth Conservation    51 FR 36862 (October 16, 1986).
 Corps (YCC) Recruitment Files.
51 INTERIOR/OS-35, Library Circulation   64 FR 16988 (April 7, 1999);
 Control System.                          modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).

[[Page 50158]]

52 INTERIOR/OS-46, Secretarial Subject   64 FR 16983 (April 7, 1999);
 Files.                                   modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
53 INTERIOR/OS-47, Parking Assignment    64 FR 16984 (April 7, 1999);
 Records.                                 modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
54 INTERIOR/OS-51, Property              64 FR 17404 (April 9, 1999);
 Accountability and Control System.       modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
55 INTERIOR/OS-69, Freedom of            64 FR 16986 (April 7, 1999).
 Information Appeals Files.
56 INTERIOR/OS-84, Delinquent Debtor     64 FR 18436 (April 14, 1999);
 File.                                    modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
57 INTERIOR/DOI-01, Interior Child Care  66 FR 10309 (February 14,
 Subsidy Program Records.                 2001); modification published
                                          73 FR 8342 (February 13,
58 INTERIOR/DOI-02, Interior Relocation  73 FR 55125 (September 24,
 Assistance Program Records.              2008).
59 INTERIOR/DOI-04, Employee Assistance  64 FR 20011 (April 23, 1999);
 Program Records.                         modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
60 INTERIOR/DOI-05, Interior Volunteer   66 FR 28536 (May 23, 2001).
 Services File System.
61 INTERIOR/DOI-06, America the          80 FR 63246 (October 19, 2015).
 Beautiful--The National Parks and
 Federal Recreational Lands Pass System.
62 INTERIOR/DOI-07, Federal and Non-     74 FR 48774 (September 24,
 Federal Aviation Personnel, Equipment,   2009).
 and Mishap Information Systems.
63 INTERIOR/DOI-08, DOI Social Networks  76 FR 44033 (July 22, 2011).
64 INTERIOR/DOI-10, Incident             79 FR 31974 (June 3, 2014).
 Management, Analysis and Reporting
65 INTERIOR/DOI-11, Debarment and        76 FR 52341 (August 22, 2011).
 Suspension Program.
66 INTERIOR/DOI-18, Civil Rights         73 FR 19088 (April 8, 2008).
 Complaints and Compliance Review Files.
67 INTERIOR/DOI-24, Indian Arts and      80 FR 27700 (May 14, 2015).
 Crafts Board.
68 INTERIOR/DOI-36, Telephone Call       59 FR 7260 (February 15, 1994);
 Detail Records.                          modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
69 INTERIOR/DOI-45, HSPD-12: Identity    72 FR 11036 (March 12, 2007).
 Management System and Personnel
 Security Files.
70 INTERIOR/DOI-47, HSPD-12: Logical     72 FR 11040 (March 12, 2007).
 Security Files (Enterprise Access
 Control Service/EACS).
71 INTERIOR/DOI-52, Passport and Visa    64 FR 16981 (April 7, 1999);
 Records.                                 modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008) and
                                          74 FR 34588 (July 16, 2009).
72 INTERIOR/DOI-57, Privacy Act Files..  81 FR 45527 (July 14, 2016).
73 INTERIOR/DOI-58, Employee             64 FR 19384 (April 20, 1999);
 Administrative Records.                  modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
74 INTERIOR/DOI-60, Safety Management    81 FR 73135 (October 24, 2016).
 Information System.
75 INTERIOR/DOI-71, Electronic FOIA      81 FR 33544 (May 26, 2016).
 Tracking System and FOIA Case Files.
76 INTERIOR/DOI-72, FECA Chargeback      64 FR 19380 (April 20, 1999);
 Case Files.                              modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
77 INTERIOR/DOI-74, Grievance Records..  64 FR 19381 (April 20, 1999);
                                          modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
78 INTERIOR/DOI-76, Employee Training    64 FR 26999 (May 18, 1999);
 and Career Development Records.          modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
79 INTERIOR/DOI-77, Unfair Labor         64 FR 18434 (April 14, 1999);
 Practice Charges/Complaints Files.       modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
80 INTERIOR/DOI-78, Negotiated           64 FR 19383 (April 20, 1999);
 Grievance Procedure Files.               modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
81 INTERIOR/DOI-82, Executive            64 FR 20014 (April 23, 1999);
 Development Programs Files.              modification published 73 FR
                                          8342 (February 13, 2008).
82 INTERIOR/DOI-86, Accounts             73 FR 43772 (July 28, 2008).
 Receivable: FBMS.
83 INTERIOR/DOI-87, Acquisition of       73 FR 43766 (July 28, 2008).
 Goods and Services: FBMS.
84 INTERIOR/DOI-88, Travel Management:   73 FR 43769 (July 28, 2008).
85 INTERIOR/DOI-89, Grants and           73 FR 43755 (July 28, 2008).
 Cooperative Agreements: FBMS.
86 INTERIOR/DOI-91, Oracle Federal       80 FR 66551 (October 29, 2015).
 Financials (OFF).
87 INTERIOR/NPS-6, Audiovisual           42 FR 19073 (April 11, 1977),
 Performance Selection Files.             modification published 73 FR
                                          63992 (October 28, 2008).
88 INTERIOR/NPS-7, National Park         48 FR 51699 (November 10,
 Service Historical Library.              1983), modification published
                                          73 FR 63992 (October 28,
89 INTERIOR/NPS-8, Property and          48 FR 51700 (November 10,
 Supplies Accountability.                 1983), modification published
                                          73 FR 63992 (October 28,
90 INTERIOR/NPS-10, Central Files......  42 FR 19075 (April 11, 1977),
                                          modification published 73 FR
                                          63992 (October 28, 2008).
91 INTERIOR/NPS-12, U.S. Park Police     64 FR 66196 (November 24,
 Personnel Photograph File.               1999), modification published
                                          73 FR 63992 (October 28,
92 INTERIOR/NPS-13, Concessioners......  48 FR 51700 (November 10,
                                          1983), modification published
                                          73 FR 63992 (October 28,
93 INTERIOR/NPS-14, Concessioner         48 FR 51701 (November 10,
 Financial Statement and Audit Report     1983), modification published
 Files.                                   73 FR 63992 (October 28,
94 INTERIOR/NPS-15, Concessions          48 FR 51701 (November 10,
 Management Files.                        1983), modification published
                                          73 FR 63992 (October 28,
95 INTERIOR/NPS-21, Visitor Statistical  48 FR 51705 (November 10,
 Survey Forms.                            1983), modification published
                                          73 FR 63992 (October 28,

[[Page 50159]]

96 INTERIOR/NPS-22, Motor Vehicle        48 FR 51705 (November 10,
 Operations Program.                      1983), modification published
                                          73 FR 63992 (October 28,
97 INTERIOR/NPS-23, Planning,            79 FR 30641 (May 28, 2014).
 Environment and Public Comment (PEPC)
98 INTERIOR/NPS-24, Commercial Use       78 FR 20944 (April 8, 2013).
 Authorization (CUA) System.
99 INTERIOR/OSM-8, Employment and        64 FR 17412 (April 9, 1999);
 Financial Interest Statements--States    modification published 73 FR
 and Other Federal Agencies.              45244 (August 4, 2008).
100 INTERIOR/OSM-12, Blaster             64 FR 17413 ( April 9, 1999);
 Certification.                           modification published 73 FR
                                          45244 (August 4, 2008).
101 INTERIOR/SOL-1, Litigation, Appeal   46 FR 12146 (February 12,
 and Case Files.                          1981).
102 INTERIOR/SOL-2, Claims Files.......  46 FR 12146 (February 12,
103 INTERIOR/SOL-3, Patent Files.......  42 FR 18968 (April 11, 1977).
104 INTERIOR/SOL-4, Workload Analysis..  46 FR 12146 (February 12,
105 INTERIOR/SOL-5, SMCRA Litigation     54 FR 7485 (February 21, 1989).
 Tracking System (LTS).

    To another Federal agency or Federal entity, when DOI determines 
that information from this system of records is reasonably necessary to 
assist the recipient agency or entity in (1) responding to a suspected 
or confirmed breach; or (2) preventing, minimizing, or remedying the 
risk of harm to individuals, the recipient agency or entity (including 
its information systems, programs, and operations), the Federal 
Government, or national security, resulting from a suspected or 
confirmed breach.

Teri Barnett,
Departmental Privacy Officer, Department of the Interior.
[FR Doc. 2021-19171 Filed 9-3-21; 8:45 am]