[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 176 (Wednesday, September 15, 2021)]
[Pages 51372-51373]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2021-19845]



Bureau of Indian Affairs


Annual Meeting Under Indian Employment, Training and Related 
Services Act, as Amended

AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of meeting.


SUMMARY: The Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs 
(BIA), is announcing the annual meeting of the Federal agencies and 
Tribes that participate in the Indian Employment, Training, and Related 
Services Act of 2017, also known as ``Public Law 477'' Work Group. For 
the safety of all individuals, the meeting will be conducted virtually 
via MS TEAMs and by telephone.

DATES: The annual Federal Partner and Tribal 477 Work Group meeting 
will be held on Thursday, September 16, 2021 from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. 
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

ADDRESSES: All Work Group activities and meetings will be conducted 
online and by phone. See the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this 
notice for directions to join MS TEAMs and by telephone.

Director, Indian Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 
Jeanette.Hanna@bia.gov (202) 513-7640.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The annual Federal Partner and Tribal 477

[[Page 51373]]

Work Group meeting will be on MS TEAMs video conference and by phone. 
Call-information as follows:

MS TEAMs: https://outlook.office365.com/calendar/item/AAMkADA0NGQ2YjA4LTI3ZDgtNGNmOS1iMDc0LTgxNzBmYWZkMzgxOQBGAAAAAADJO%2FT7FtupTIPnsmURs6FgBwB5i3zh0RRARbawCO9d77i1AAAAAAENAAB5i3zh0RRARbawCO9d77i1AAJxp9NNAAA%3D
Call in (audio only): (202) 640-1187
Phone Conference Id: 635973133#


    In 2017, the Congress enacted the Indian Employment Training and 
Related Services Consolidation Act of 2017, Public Law 115-93, codified 
at 25 U.S.C. 3401-3417 (``2017 Act''). The 2017 update amended and 
expanded the Indian Employment and Related Services Demonstration Act 
of 1992, Public Law 102-477 (as amended in 2017, ``PL 477'') by, in 
part, identifying 12 Federal agencies that are now subject to the 
amended law. Under PL 477, Tribes may propose to integrate eligible 
grant programs from the Departments of the Interior, Agriculture, 
Commerce, Education, Energy, Health & Human Services, Homeland 
Security, Housing & Urban Development, Justice, Labor, Transportation, 
and Veterans Affairs, consolidate and reprogram grant funds in 
accordance with a single plan, budget, and report approved by the 
Secretary of the Interior (``477 Plan''). As required by the 2017 
updates to PL 477, the Department of the Interior entered into a 
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) among the 12 Federal agencies to 
implement PL 477.

Annual Meeting

    As DOI is the lead agency responsible for implementing of PL 477, 
the BIA, as delegated by the Secretary of the Interior, announces the 
annual meeting of participating Tribes and Federal agencies. As 
directed by statute, the meeting will be co-chaired by the Principal 
Deputy Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs, Bryan Newland, and the 477 
Tribal Workgroup Committee Chair, Margaret Zientek. 25 U.S.C. 
    The agenda will include:

I. Discussion on Public Law 102-477, as amended
     Status of Memorandum of Agreement
     Recommendation for Changes/Improvements/Areas to be 
     Status of Labor Force Report
II. Current Status of Participating Tribes
     477 Programs to be integrated
     Plan Approval/Denials
     Waiver Approval/Denials
     Funds Transfer
     Annual Reports
     477 Tribal Recognition
III. Miscellaneous
     Financial Assistance for 477 Tribes to develop a database
     Expansion of Tribal Programs
     Establish 2022 Annual Meeting of participating Tribes and 
Federal agencies

    To join the meeting, use MS TEAMs video or call in by phone:

MS TEAMs: https://outlook.office365.com/calendar/item/AAMkADA0NGQ2YjA4LTI3ZDgtNGNmOS1iMDc0LTgxNzBmYWZkMzgxOQBGAAAAAADJO%2FT7FtupTIPnsmURs6FgBwB5i3zh0RRARbawCO9d77i1AAAAAAENAAB5i3zh0RRARbawCO9d77i1AAJxp9NNAAA%3D
Call in (audio only): (202) 640-1187
Phone Conference Id: 635973133#

Bryan Newland,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2021-19845 Filed 9-14-21; 8:45 am]