[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 211 (Thursday, November 4, 2021)]
[Pages 60875-60883]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2021-24023]



Indian Health Service

Domestic Violence Prevention Program

    Announcement Type: New.
    Funding Announcement Number: HHS-2022-IHS-DVP-0001.
    Assistance Listing (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance or CFDA) 
Number: 93.653.

Key Dates

    Application Deadline Date: February 2, 2022.
    Earliest Anticipated Start Date: March 21, 2022.

I. Funding Opportunity Description

Statutory Authority

    The Indian Health Service (IHS) is accepting applications for 
grants for the Domestic Violence Prevention (DVP) program, formerly 
known as the Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative (DVPI). This 
program was first established by the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 
2009, Public Law 111-8, 123 Stat. 524, 735, and continued in the annual 
appropriations acts since that time. It is authorized under the Snyder 
Act, 25 U.S.C. 13; the Transfer Act, 42 U.S.C. 2001(a); and the Indian 
Health Care Improvement Act, 25 U.S.C. 1665a, 1665m. This program is 
described in the Assistance Listings located at https://sam.gov/content/home (formerly known as Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance) 
under 93.653.


    The Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) serves as the primary 
source of national advocacy, policy development, management, and 
administration of behavioral health, alcohol and substance abuse, and 
family violence prevention programs. Domestic and sexual violence 
including child maltreatment are a public health concern among the 
American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) population. American Indians and 
Alaska Natives experience high rates of sexual violence according to a 
2016 publication from the Department of Justice. The National Crime 
Information Center reports that, in 2016, there were 5,712 reports of 
missing AI/AN women and girls. In addition, data published January 1, 
2020, from the US National Institute of Justice's missing persons' 
database, National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs), 
logged 435 missing persons cases with 37 percent female and 63 percent 
male. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that 
murder is the third-leading cause of death among AI/AN women and that 
rates of violence on reservations can be up to ten times higher than 
the national average.
    In previous funding cycles, grant awards focused on community-based 
domestic violence prevention were funded under Purpose Area 1 of the 
DVPI. This activity is now announced as a distinct funding opportunity. 
This grant program will address issues related to the high rates of 
domestic and sexual violence among AI/AN people. The DVP program 
promotes the development of evidence-based and practice-based models 
that represent culturally appropriate prevention and treatment 
approaches to domestic and sexual violence from a community-driven 
context. This program focuses on community-based prevention efforts 
that address domestic and sexual violence and are aligned with the 
national DVP goals, https://www.ihs.gov/dvpi/aboutdvp/.


    The purpose of this IHS grant is to support the development and/or 
expansion of a DVP program by incorporating prevention efforts 
addressing social, spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of 
victims through the integration of culturally appropriate practices and 
trauma-informed services for Tribes, Tribal organizations, and Urban 
Indian organizations (UIO) serving the AI/AN population. This IHS 
program aims to promote prevention efforts that address domestic and 
sexual violence, including sexual exploitation/human trafficking, 
Missing and Murdered AI/AN people, and child maltreatment. To create an 
effective DVP program, cross-system collaboration with other community 
sectors to address violence is key--especially with law enforcement, 
emergency departments, social services, legal services, education, 
domestic violence coalitions, health care providers, behavioral health, 
shelters, and advocacy groups. An effective program includes raising 
awareness of and mitigating the negative health effects and social 
burden of domestic violence, sexual abuse and assault, child 
maltreatment (physical, sexual, and psychological/emotional abuse, 
neglect), sexual exploitation/human trafficking, and Missing and 
Murdered AI/AN people; providing victims advocacy services; integrating 
evidence-based practice or traditional and/or faith-based services; 
collecting and communicating data about prevalence, incidence, and risk 
factors; and establishing a plan to ensure the sustainability of the 
program beyond the life of this grant.

II. Award Information

Funding Instrument--Grant

Estimated Funds Available
    The total funding identified for fiscal year (FY) 2022 is 
approximately $7,890,000. Individual award amounts for the first budget 
year are anticipated to be between $100,000 and $200,000. The funding 
available for competing and subsequent continuation awards

[[Page 60876]]

issued under this announcement is subject to the availability of 
appropriations and budgetary priorities of the Agency. The IHS is under 
no obligation to make awards that are selected for funding under this 
Anticipated Number of Awards
    Approximately 39 awards will be issued under this program 
announcement. At least one award will be made in each IHS Area from 
which applications are received, and a set aside of up to five awards 
will be made to eligible Urban Indian organizations.
Period of Performance
    The period of performance is for 5 years.

III. Eligibility Information

1. Eligibility

    To be eligible for this new FY 2022 funding opportunity, applicants 
must be one of the following as defined by 25 U.S.C. 1603:
     A federally recognized Indian Tribe as defined by 25 
U.S.C. 1603(14). The term ``Indian Tribe'' means any Indian Tribe, 
band, nation, or other organized group or community, including any 
Alaska Native village or group, or regional or village corporation as 
defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims 
Settlement Act (85 Stat. 688) [43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.], which is 
recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided 
by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
     A Tribal organization as defined by 25 U.S.C. 1603(26). 
The term ``Tribal organization'' has the meaning given the term in 
section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act 
(25 U.S.C. 5304(l)): ``Tribal organization'' means the recognized 
governing body of any Indian Tribe; any legally established 
organization of Indians which is controlled, sanctioned, or chartered 
by such governing body or which is democratically elected by the adult 
members of the Indian community to be served by such organization and 
which includes the maximum participation of Indians in all phases of 
its activities: Provided that, in any case where a contract is let or 
grant made to an organization to perform services benefiting more than 
one Indian Tribe, the approval of each such Indian Tribe shall be a 
prerequisite to the letting or making of such contract or grant. 
Applicant shall submit letters of support and/or Tribal Resolutions 
from the Tribes to be served.
     An Urban Indian organization as defined by 25 U.S.C. 
1603(29). The term ``Urban Indian organization'' means a nonprofit 
corporate body situated in an urban center, governed by an urban Indian 
controlled board of directors, and providing for the maximum 
participation of all interested Indian groups and individuals, which 
body is capable of legally cooperating with other public and private 
entities for the purpose of performing the activities described in 25 
U.S.C. 1653(a). Applicants must provide proof of nonprofit status with 
the application, e.g., 501(c)(3).
    The program office will notify any applicants deemed ineligible.

    Note: Please refer to Section IV.2 (Application and Submission 
Information/Subsection 2, Content and Form of Application 
Submission) for additional proof of applicant status documents 
required, such as Tribal Resolutions, proof of nonprofit status, 

2. Cost Sharing or Matching

    The IHS does not require matching funds or cost sharing for grants 
or cooperative agreements.

3. Other Requirements

    Applications with budget requests that exceed the highest dollar 
amount outlined under Section II Award Information, Estimated Funds 
Available, or exceed the period of performance outlined under Section 
II Award Information, Period of Performance, are considered not 
responsive and will not be reviewed. The Division of Grants Management 
(DGM) will notify the applicant.

Additional Required Documentation

Tribal Resolution
    The DGM must receive an official, signed Tribal Resolution prior to 
issuing a Notice of Award (NoA) to any applicant selected for funding. 
An Indian Tribe or Tribal organization that is proposing a project 
affecting another Indian Tribe must include resolutions from all 
affected Tribes to be served. However, if an official, signed Tribal 
Resolution cannot be submitted with the application prior to the 
application deadline date, a draft Tribal Resolution must be submitted 
with the application by the deadline date in order for the application 
to be considered complete and eligible for review. The draft Tribal 
Resolution is not in lieu of the required signed resolution but is 
acceptable until a signed resolution is received. If an application 
without a signed Tribal Resolution is selected for funding, the 
applicant will be contacted by the Grants Management Specialist (GMS) 
listed in this funding announcement and given 90 days to submit an 
official, signed Tribal Resolution to the GMS. If the signed Tribal 
Resolution is not received within 90 days, the award will be forfeited.
    Tribes organized with a governing structure other than a Tribal 
council may submit an equivalent document commensurate with their 
governing organization.
Proof of Nonprofit Status
    Organizations claiming nonprofit status must submit a current copy 
of the 501(c)(3) Certificate with the application.

IV. Application and Submission Information

1. Obtaining Application Materials

    The application package and detailed instructions for this 
announcement are available at https://www.Grants.gov.
    Please direct questions regarding the application process to Mr. 
Paul Gettys at (301) 443-2114 or (301) 443-5204.

2. Content and Form Application Submission

    Mandatory documents for all applicants include:
     Abstract (one page) summarizing the project.
     Application forms:
    1. SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance.
    2. SF-424A, Budget Information--Non-Construction Programs.
    3. SF-424B, Assurances--Non-Construction Programs.
     Project Narrative (not to exceed 15 pages). See Section 
IV.2.A, Project Narrative, for additional instructions.
    1. Background information on the organization.
    2. Proposed scope of work, objectives, and activities that provide 
a description of what the applicant plans to accomplish.
     Budget Justification and Narrative (not to exceed four 
pages). See Section IV.2.B, Budget Narrative for instructions.
     Work plan with a timeline, limit one page.
     Tribal Resolution(s) or Tribal Letter of Support (only 
required for Tribes and Tribal organizations).
     Letters of Commitment:
    1. For all applicants: From local organizational partners;
    2. For all applicants: From community partners;
    3. For Tribal organizations: From the board of directors (or 
relevant equivalent);

[[Page 60877]]

    4. For Urban Indian organizations: From the board of directors (or 
relevant equivalent).
     501(c)(3) Certificate where applicable.
     Biographical sketches for all Key Personnel.
     Contractor/Consultant resumes or qualifications and scope 
of work.
     Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL), if applicant 
conducts reportable lobbying.
     Certification Regarding Lobbying (GG-Lobbying Form).
     Copy of current Negotiated Indirect Cost rate (IDC) 
agreement (required in order to receive IDC).
     Organizational Chart (optional).
     Documentation of current Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB) Financial Audit.
    Acceptable forms of documentation include:
    1. Email confirmation from Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC) that 
audits were submitted; or
    2. Face sheets from audit reports. Applicants can find these on the 
FAC website at https://harvester.census.gov/facdissem/Main.aspx.
Public Policy Requirements
    All Federal public policies apply to IHS grants and cooperative 
agreements. Pursuant to 45 CFR 80.3(d), an individual shall not be 
deemed subjected to discrimination by reason of their exclusion from 
benefits limited by Federal law to individuals eligible for benefits 
and services from the IHS. See https://www.hhs.gov/grants/grants/grants-policies-regulations/index.html.
Requirements for Project and Budget Narratives
A. Project Narrative
    This narrative should be a separate document that is no more than 
15 pages and must: (1) Have consecutively numbered pages; (2) use black 
font 12 points or larger; (3) be single-spaced; and (4) be formatted to 
fit standard letter paper (8\1/2\ x 11 inches).
    Be sure to succinctly answer all questions listed under the 
evaluation criteria (refer to Section V.1, Evaluation Criteria) and 
place all responses and required information in the correct section 
noted below or they will not be considered or scored. If the narrative 
exceeds the page limit, the application will be considered not 
responsive and not be reviewed. The 15-page limit for the narrative 
does not include the work plan with timeline, standard forms, Tribal 
Resolutions, budget, budget justifications, narratives, and/or other 
items or requested attachments. There are four parts to the Project 

Part 1--Statement of Need
Part 2--Program Plan
Part 3--Organizational Capacity
Part 4--Program Evaluation
Part 1: Statement of Need (Limit--2 Pages)
    The project narrative must include the statement of need that 
addresses the nature and scope of the problem (e.g., domestic and 
sexual violence, child maltreatment, and sexual exploitation/human 
trafficking). For more information, refer to Section V.1.A, Evaluation 
Criteria--Statement of Need details.
Part 2: Program Plan (Limit--9 Pages)
    Describe the proposed program plan, an outline of goal(s), proposed 
implementation of the required six objectives and activities. Refer to 
Section V.1.B, Evaluation Criteria--Program Plan for details.
Part 3: Organizational Capacity (Limit--2 Pages)
    Describe the applicant's management capability and experience in 
administering grants. Refer to Section V.1.C, Evaluation Criteria--
Organizational Capacity for more information.
Part 4: Program Evaluation (Limit--2 Pages)
    Describe how you plan to collect data for the proposed project 
activities and identify what type of evaluation method will be used. 
Applicants are encouraged to partner with their Tribal Epidemiology 
Center (TEC) or Urban Epidemiology Center (for urban applicant) and 
should describe their plan for coordination and collaboration with the 
TEC. Refer to Section V.1.D, Evaluation Criteria--Program Evaluation 
for more information.
B. Budget Narrative (Limit--4 Pages)
    Provide a budget narrative that explains the amounts requested for 
each line item of the budget from the SF-424A (Budget Information for 
Non-Construction Programs). The budget narrative can include a more 
detailed spreadsheet than is provided by the SF-424A. The budget 
narrative should specifically describe how each item will support the 
achievement of proposed objectives. Be very careful about showing how 
each item in the ``Other'' category is justified. For subsequent budget 
years (see Multi-Year Project Requirements in Section V.1, Application 
Review Information, Evaluation Criteria), the narrative should 
highlight the changes from the first year or clearly indicate that 
there are no substantive budget changes during the period of 
performance. Do NOT use the budget narrative to expand the project 
    Applicants are invited to propose a project with an annual budget 
within the range stated under Section II, Award Information, Estimated 
Funds Available. Applications with a budget higher than the upper limit 
will be deemed ineligible.
3. Submission Dates and Times
    Applications must be submitted through Grants.gov by 11:59 p.m. 
Eastern Time on the Application Deadline Date. Any application received 
after the application deadline will not be accepted for review. 
Grants.gov will notify the applicant via email if the application is 
    If technical challenges arise and assistance is required with the 
application process, contact Grants.gov Customer Support (see contact 
information at https://www.grants.gov). If problems persist, contact 
Mr. Paul Gettys (Paul.Gettys@ihs.gov), Acting Director, DGM, by 
telephone at (301) 443-2114 or (301) 443-5204. Please be sure to 
contact Mr. Gettys at least ten days prior to the application deadline. 
Please do not contact the DGM until you have received a Grants.gov 
tracking number. In the event you are not able to obtain a tracking 
number, call the DGM as soon as possible.
    The IHS will not acknowledge receipt of applications.

4. Intergovernmental Review

    Executive Order 12372 requiring intergovernmental review is not 
applicable to this program.

5. Funding Restrictions

     Pre-award costs are allowable up to 90 days before the 
start date of the award provided the costs are otherwise allowable if 
awarded. Pre-award costs are incurred at the risk of the applicant.
     The available funds are inclusive of direct and indirect 
     Only one grant will be awarded per applicant.

6. Electronic Submission Requirements

    All applications must be submitted via Grants.gov. Please use the 
https://www.Grants.gov website to submit an application. Find the 
application by selecting the ``Search Grants'' link on the homepage. 
Follow the instructions for submitting an application under the Package 
tab. No other method of application submission is acceptable.
    If the applicant cannot submit an application through Grants.gov, a 
waiver must be requested. Prior

[[Page 60878]]

approval must be requested and obtained from Mr. Paul Gettys, Acting 
Director, DGM. A written waiver request must be sent to 
GrantsPolicy@ihs.gov with a copy to Paul.Gettys@ihs.gov. The waiver 
request must: (1) Be documented in writing (emails are acceptable) 
before submitting an application by some other method, and (2) include 
clear justification for the need to deviate from the required 
application submission process.
    Once the waiver request has been approved, the applicant will 
receive a confirmation of approval email containing submission 
instructions. A copy of the written approval must be included with the 
application that is submitted to the DGM. Applications that are 
submitted without a copy of the signed waiver from the Acting Director 
of the DGM will not be reviewed. The Grants Management Officer of the 
DGM will notify the applicant via email of this decision. Applications 
submitted under waiver must be received by the DGM no later than 5:00 
p.m. Eastern Time on the Application Deadline Date. Late applications 
will not be accepted for processing. Applicants that do not register 
for both the System for Award Management (SAM) and Grants.gov and/or 
fail to request timely assistance with technical issues will not be 
considered for a waiver to submit an application via alternative 
    Please be aware of the following:
     Please search for the application package in https://www.Grants.gov by entering the Assistance Listing (CFDA) number or the 
Funding Opportunity Number. Both numbers are located in the header of 
this announcement.
     If you experience technical challenges while submitting 
your application, please contact Grants.gov Customer Support (see 
contact information at https://www.Grants.gov).
     Upon contacting Grants.gov, obtain a tracking number as 
proof of contact. The tracking number is helpful if there are technical 
issues that cannot be resolved and a waiver from the agency must be 
     Applicants are strongly encouraged not to wait until the 
deadline date to begin the application process through Grants.gov as 
the registration process for SAM and Grants.gov could take up to 20 
working days.
     Please follow the instructions on Grants.gov to include 
additional documentation that may be requested by this funding 
     Applicants must comply with any page limits described in 
this funding announcement.
     After submitting the application, the applicant will 
receive an automatic acknowledgment from Grants.gov that contains a 
Grants.gov tracking number. The IHS will not notify the applicant that 
the application has been received.
Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
    Applicants and grantee organizations are required to obtain a DUNS 
number and maintain an active registration in the SAM database. The 
DUNS number is a unique 9-digit identification number provided by D&B 
that uniquely identifies each entity. The DUNS number is site specific; 
therefore, each distinct performance site may be assigned a DUNS 
number. Obtaining a DUNS number is easy, and there is no charge. To 
obtain a DUNS number, please access the request service through https://fedgov.dnb.com/webform, or call (866) 705-5711.
    The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, as 
amended (``Transparency Act''), requires all HHS recipients to report 
information on sub-awards. Accordingly, all IHS grantees must notify 
potential first-tier sub-recipients that no entity may receive a first-
tier sub-award unless the entity has provided its DUNS number to the 
prime grantee organization. This requirement ensures the use of a 
universal identifier to enhance the quality of information available to 
the public pursuant to the Transparency Act.
System for Award Management (SAM)
    Organizations that are not registered with SAM must have a DUNS 
number first, then access the SAM online registration through the SAM 
home page at https://sam.gov (U.S. organizations will also need to 
provide an Employer Identification Number from the Internal Revenue 
Service that may take an additional 2-5 weeks to become active). Please 
see SAM.gov for details on the registration process and timeline. 
Registration with the SAM is free of charge, but can take several weeks 
to process. Applicants may register online at https://sam.gov.
    Additional information on implementing the Transparency Act, 
including the specific requirements for DUNS and SAM, are available on 
the DGM Grants Management, Policy Topics web page: https://www.ihs.gov/dgm/policytopics/.

V. Application Review Information

    Possible points assigned to each section are noted in parentheses. 
The project narrative and budget narrative should include only the 
first year of activities; information for multi-year projects should be 
included as a separate document. See ``Multi-year Project 
Requirements'' at the end of this section for more information. The 
narrative section should be written in a manner that is clear to 
outside reviewers unfamiliar with prior related activities of the 
applicant. It should be well organized, succinct, and contain all 
information necessary for reviewers to fully understand the project. 
Attachments requested in the criteria do not count toward the page 
limit for the project narrative. Points will be assigned to each 
evaluation criteria adding up to a total of 100 possible points.

1. Evaluation Criteria

A. Statement of Need (20 points)
    The project narrative must include the statement of need that 
describes the background knowledge and context on the issue of domestic 
and sexual violence, child maltreatment, and sexual exploitation/human 
trafficking in the community. The applicant should use data to provide 
evidence that the problem exits, describe the size of the problem, and 
the effects of the problem on the population of focus and the community 
at large. The data documentation of need may come from a variety of 
qualitative and quantitative sources. Examples of data sources to be 
included are local epidemiologic data from Trends in Indian Health and 
State data; national data from My Tribal Area by the U.S Census Bureau; 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports; Department of 
Justice; and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 
National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
    1. Describe your plan to meet the needs and conditions of your 
priority population.
    2. Describe your plan to support the development of and/or 
expansion of a DVP program.
    3. Provide your demographics of the community (e.g., race, 
ethnicity, Federally-recognized Tribe, language, age, socioeconomic 
status, and other relevant factors, such as literacy.)
    4. Provide your incidence and prevalence rates about domestic and 
sexual violence and child maltreatment in your community or region.
    5. Describe your plan to address existing service gaps, barriers, 
and other systemic challenges related to the need for program planning 
and capacity building.
B. Program Plan (35 Points)
    Using the six objectives, you should describe the purpose of the 
proposed program plan in the narrative, a work plan, and timeline that 
clearly outlines the goal(s), objectives, and activities.

[[Page 60879]]

    Objective 1: Establish a community coordinated response (CCR) 
system to address violence.
    1. Describe your plan to foster cross-system collaboration to 
establish a community CCR system.
    2. Describe your plan in using a CCR to establish a cross-system 
collaboration and shared resources with shelters, law enforcement, the 
legal system, health care facilities, child protective services, 
transitional housing, food banks, social services, behavioral health, 
local coalitions, substance abuse treatment program, and religious 
    3. Describe your plan to collaborate with local, state and Federal 
agencies to improve response time for domestic and sexual violence, 
child maltreatment, and suspected sexual exploitation/human 
    4. Describe your plan to develop policies, protocols, and 
procedures that improve local interagency coordination leading to more 
uniform responses to domestic and sexual violence, child maltreatment, 
and suspected sexual exploitation/human trafficking.
    Objective 2: Increase educational awareness about the negative 
health effects and social burden on domestic and sexual violence, child 
maltreatment, and sexual exploitation/human trafficking in community 
settings and health.
    1. Recommended topics for training in community settings:
    a. Domestic Violence 101.
    b. Trauma Informed Care.
    c. Healthy Relationship Behaviors and Warning Signs of Abuse.
    d. Coping and problem solving skills.
    e. Parental use of reasoning to resolve conflict.
    f. Empowerment.
    g. Consent, Reproductive Coercion.
    h. Child Maltreatment.
    i. SOAR for Native Communities.
    j. Sexual exploitation/human trafficking in Indian Country.
    k. Educational Awareness addressing Missing and Murdered AI/AN 
people, including community-based trainings that highlight at-risk 
groups and protection and prevention activities with a focus on 
ambiguous and traumatic loss.
    2. Recommended topics for training in health care and interagency 
    a. Domestic Violence 101.
    b. Trauma Informed Care.
    c. SOAR for Native Communities.
    d. Sexual Exploitation/Human Trafficking.
    e. Child Maltreatment.
    3. Recommended types of public health messages:
    a. Prevention Awareness Events.
    b. Educational Brochures.
    c. Radio/TV/billboards announcements, advertisement, and social 
    Objective 3: Develop or expand victim advocacy services.
    1. Describe your plans for how victim advocacy services will be 
developed or expanded for victims and their families.
    a. Types of services to be included in the work plan.
    (1) Describe your plan about crisis intervention that includes 
conducting culturally-sensitive screenings and trauma informed 
    (2) Describe your plan to address family support throughout 
resolution process of crisis.
    (3) Describe your plan for promoting victim and family safety, 
which may include safety planning, advocating for Protection Orders, 
and other assistance during legal investigation and prosecution phases.
    (4) Describe your plan for case management services.
    (5) Describe your plan to provide emotional and health 
connectedness support using culture and resilience.
    (6) Describe your plan to develop a peer-to-peer support system for 
victims and their families.
    (7) Describe your plan for referrals that incudes medical, social 
services, counseling, housing, employment and cultural services.
    (8) Describe project plan to identify and disseminate relevant 
local and responsive resources and information to be shared with 
victims and/or local partners seeking support services that require 
immediate attention (e.g., care coordination services that increase 
access to timely forensic examination services, including follow-up 
visits, and access to HIV, STD, pregnancy prophylaxis, and aftercare 
    Objective 4: Integrate at least one program/intervention that is an 
evidence-based practice, or known as a promising practice, to 
facilitate the social and emotional well-being of victims and their 
    1. Describe your chosen practice that is appropriate to achieve the 
desired outcomes.
    2. Describe your plan to modify/adapt your proposed practice to 
meet the goal(s) and objectives of the project and why changes will 
improve the outcomes.
    3. Describe your training needs or plans to successfully implement 
the proposed practice.
    Objective 5: Integrate community-based culturally appropriate 
practices and/or faith-based services to facilitate the social and 
emotional well-being of victims and their children.
    1. Describe your plan on integrating culturally appropriate 
practices and/or faith-based services to facilitate the social and 
emotional well-being of victims and their children.
    Objective 6: Develop a formal plan to ensure the sustainability of 
these objectives and activities beyond the life of this grant.
    1. Describe your plan for sustainability of these objectives and 
activities beyond the life of the grant.
C. Organizational Capacity (15 Points)
    1. Describe your management's capability and experience in 
administering grants and projects and identify your department/division 
that will administer this project.
    2. Describe your experience and capacity to provide culturally 
relevant services to the community.
    3. Describe the resources available for your proposed project 
(e.g., facilities, equipment, information technology systems, and 
financial management systems).
    4. Describe your organizational experience in implementing a cross-
system collaboration in combatting domestic and sexual violence, child 
maltreatment, and sexual exploitation/human trafficking.
    5. Describe your plan to include an advisory body, including 
membership, roles and functions, and frequency of meetings. This group 
may function as the cross-system collaboration work group.
    6. Describe how your project continuity will be maintained if/when 
there is a change in the operational environment (e.g., staff turnover, 
change in project leadership, change in elected officials) to ensure 
project stability over the life of the grant.
    7. Describe the staff positions showing the role and level of 
effort (percent) committed. In addition to any direct service staff, a 
full-time project lead/project coordinator is recommended to serve as 
the primary point of contact, manage implementation of project 
objectives, and establish local programmatic activities and policy 
focused on partnership and sustainability. For individuals in key 
positions that are identified and currently on staff, include a 
biographical sketch. Each biographical sketch should not exceed one 
page and should be submitted as Other Attachments in Grants.gov. Do not 
include any of the following in the biographical sketch:
     Personally Identifiable Information (i.e., SSN, home 
address, etc.);
     Resumes; or
     Curriculum Vitae.

[[Page 60880]]

D. Program Evaluation (20 Points)
    Program Evaluation will require grantee submission of annual 
progress reports through a web-based Behavioral Health Reporting portal 
system. Applicants are expected to collect data within their 
communities on prevalence rates of domestic violence, sexual assault, 
sexual exploitation/human trafficking, and child maltreatment. Progress 
reports will include the compilation of quantitative data (e.g., number 
served; screenings completed, etc.) and qualitative or narrative (text) 
data. Reporting elements may include data from local community-based 
and evidence-based programs pertaining to activities, processes, and 
outcomes, such as performance measures and other data relevant to 
evaluation outcomes, including intended results (i.e., impact and 
    In addition to the annual progress reports, the IHS will compile 
and provide aggregate program statistics, including associated 
community-level Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) health care 
facility data available in the National Data Warehouse. Each applicant 
should prioritize screening efforts as an effective tool in identifying 
women at risk of domestic violence so that these individuals can be 
referred for appropriate services. Therefore, the IHS will monitor and 
collect the proportion of AI/AN women ages 14-46 who have been screened 
for domestic violence/intimate partner violence for all health care 
facilities associated with the I/T/U awarded. For additional 
information regarding IHS GPRA, see https://www.ihs.gov/crs/gprareporting/. Comprehensive information about CRS software and logic 
is at https://www.ihs.gov/crs/.
    1. Describe your plan on gathering data, including data related to 
evidence-based programs and interventions proposed, how variables will 
be measured, what method will be used, and how the data will be used 
for quality improvement and sustainability of program.
    2. Describe your plan on collaborating with your regional TEC to 
complete evaluation efforts.
    3. Describe how you will prioritize screening efforts as a tool in 
identifying AI/AN women ages 14-46 who are at risk for intimate partner 
violence/domestic violence (IPV/DV) so that these individuals can be 
referred for appropriate services and data can be collected for GPRA 
measures related to IPV/DV.
    4. Describe how you will prioritize screening efforts as a tool in 
identifying AI/AN people who are at risk for sexual exploitation/human 
trafficking so that these individuals can be referred for appropriate 
services and how data will be collected.
    5. Describe your plan to establish necessary data-sharing 
agreements that will be used in support of these activities.
E. Budget and Budget Narrative (10 Points)
    The budget must match the program and work plan described in the 
program narrative for the first budget year expenses only.
    1. Create a budget narrative and a line item budget that are 
aligned with your goal(s), objectives, and activities listed in the 
program and work plan described in the project narrative for the first 
    2. Include travel funds for your project director and coordinator 
to attend an annual grantee meeting.
Multi-Year Project Requirements
    Applications must include a brief project narrative and budget (one 
additional page per year) addressing the developmental plans for each 
additional year of the project. This attachment will not count as part 
of the project narrative or the budget narrative.
    Additional documents can be uploaded as Other Attachments in 
Grants.gov. These can include:
     Work plan, timeline, and logic model for the program plan.
     Position descriptions for key staff.
     Consultant or contractor proposed scope of work and letter 
of commitment (if applicable).
     Current Indirect Cost Rate Agreement.
     Organizational chart.
     Map of area identifying project location(s).

2. Review and Selection

    Each application will be prescreened for eligibility and 
completeness as outlined in the funding announcement. Applications that 
meet the eligibility criteria shall be reviewed for merit by the 
Objective Review Committee (ORC) based on evaluation criteria. 
Incomplete applications and applications that are not responsive to the 
administrative thresholds (budget limit, project period limit) will not 
be referred to the ORC and will not be funded. The applicant will be 
notified of this determination.
    Applicants must address all program requirements and provide all 
required documentation.

3. Notifications of Disposition

    All applicants will receive an Executive Summary Statement from the 
IHS Division of Behavioral Health within 30 days of the conclusion of 
the ORC outlining the strengths and weaknesses of their application. 
The summary statement will be sent to the Authorizing Official 
identified on the face page (SF-424) of the application.
A. Award Notices for Funded Applications
    The NoA is the authorizing document for which funds are dispersed 
to the approved entities and reflects the amount of Federal funds 
awarded, the purpose of the award, the terms and conditions of the 
award, the effective date of the award, and the budget/project period. 
Each entity approved for funding must have a user account in 
GrantSolutions in order to retrieve the NoA. Please see the Agency 
Contacts list in Section VII for the systems contact information.
B. Approved but Unfunded Applications
    Approved applications not funded due to lack of available funds 
will be held for 1 year. If funding becomes available during the course 
of the year, the application may be reconsidered.

    Note: Any correspondence other than the official NoA executed by 
an IHS grants management official announcing to the project director 
that an award has been made to their organization is not an 
authorization to implement their program on behalf of the IHS.

VI. Award Administration Information

1. Administrative Requirements

    Awards issued under this announcement are subject to, and are 
administered in accordance with, the following regulations and 
    A. The criteria as outlined in this program announcement.
    B. Administrative Regulations for Grants:
     Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and 
Audit Requirements for HHS Awards currently in effect or implemented 
during the period of award, other Department regulations and policies 
in effect at the time of award, and applicable statutory provisions. At 
the time of publication, this includes 45 CFR part 75, at https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2020-title45-vol1/pdf/CFR-2020-title45-vol1-part75.pdf.
     Please review all HHS regulatory provisions for 
Termination at 45 CFR 75.372, at https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/retrieveECFR?gp&SID=2970eec67399fab1413ede53d7895d99&;mc=true&n=p

[[Page 60881]]

    C. Grants Policy:
     HHS Grants Policy Statement, Revised January 2007, at 
    D. Cost Principles:
     Uniform Administrative Requirements for HHS Awards, ``Cost 
Principles,'' located at 45 CFR part 75 subpart E.
    E. Audit Requirements:
     Uniform Administrative Requirements for HHS Awards, 
``Audit Requirements,'' located at 45 CFR part 75 subpart F.
    F. As of August 13, 2020, 2 CFR 200 was updated to include a 
prohibition on certain telecommunications and video surveillance 
services or equipment. This prohibition is described in 2 CFR 200.216. 
This will also be described in the terms and conditions of every IHS 
grant and cooperative agreement awarded on or after August 13, 2020.

2. Indirect Costs

    This section applies to all recipients that request reimbursement 
of indirect costs (IDC) in their application budget. In accordance with 
HHS Grants Policy Statement, Part II-27, IHS requires applicants to 
obtain a current IDC rate agreement and submit it to the DGM prior to 
the DGM issuing an award. The rate agreement must be prepared in 
accordance with the applicable cost principles and guidance as provided 
by the cognizant agency or office. A current rate covers the applicable 
grant activities under the current award's budget period. If the 
current rate agreement is not on file with the DGM at the time of 
award, the IDC portion of the budget will be restricted. The 
restrictions remain in place until the current rate agreement is 
provided to the DGM.
    Per 45 CFR 75.414(f) Indirect (F&A) costs, ``any non-Federal entity 
(NFE) [i.e., applicant] that has never received a negotiated indirect 
cost rate, . . . may elect to charge a de minimis rate of 10 percent of 
modified total direct costs which may be used indefinitely. As 
described in Section 75.403, costs must be consistently charged as 
either indirect or direct costs, but may not be double charged or 
inconsistently charged as both. If chosen, this methodology once 
elected must be used consistently for all Federal awards until such 
time as the NFE chooses to negotiate for a rate, which the NFE may 
apply to do at any time.''
    Electing to charge a de minimis rate of 10 percent only applies to 
applicants that have never received an approved negotiated indirect 
cost rate from HHS or another cognizant federal agency. Applicants 
awaiting approval of their indirect cost proposal may request the 10 
percent de minimis rate. When the applicant chooses this method, costs 
included in the indirect cost pool must not be charged as direct costs 
to the grant.
    Available funds are inclusive of direct and appropriate indirect 
costs. Approved indirect funds are awarded as part of the award amount, 
and no additional funds will be provided.
    Generally, IDC rates for IHS grantees are negotiated with the 
Division of Cost Allocation at https://rates.psc.gov/ or the Department 
of the Interior (Interior Business Center) at https://ibc.doi.gov/ICS/tribal. For questions regarding the indirect cost policy, please call 
the Grants Management Specialist listed under ``Agency Contacts'' or 
the main DGM office at (301) 443-5204.

3. Reporting Requirements

    The grantee must submit required reports consistent with the 
applicable deadlines. Failure to submit required reports within the 
time allowed may result in suspension or termination of an active 
grant, withholding of additional awards for the project, or other 
enforcement actions such as withholding of payments or converting to 
the reimbursement method of payment. Continued failure to submit 
required reports may result in the imposition of special award 
provisions and/or the non-funding or non-award of other eligible 
projects or activities. This requirement applies whether the 
delinquency is attributable to the failure of the awardee organization 
or the individual responsible for preparation of the reports. Per DGM 
policy, all reports must be submitted electronically by attaching them 
as a ``Grant Note'' in GrantSolutions. Personnel responsible for 
submitting reports will be required to obtain a login and password for 
GrantSolutions. Please see the Agency Contacts list in Section VII for 
the systems contact information. The reporting requirements for this 
program are noted below.
A. Progress Reports
    Program progress reports are required annually. The progress 
reports are due within 30 days after the reporting period ends 
(specific dates will be listed in the NoA Terms and Conditions). 
Progress reports are required to be submitted via the IHS behavioral 
health online data portal and GrantSolutions. These reports must 
include a brief comparison of actual accomplishments to the goals 
established for the period, a summary of progress to date or, if 
applicable, provide sound justification for the lack of progress, in 
addition to other information requested by the Division of Behavioral 
Health. A final report must be submitted within 90 days of expiration 
of the period of performance.
B. Financial Reports
    Federal Cash Transaction Reports are due 30 days after the close of 
every calendar quarter to the Payment Management Services at https://pms.psc.gov. Failure to submit timely reports may result in adverse 
award actions blocking access to funds.
    Federal Financial Reports are due 30 days after the end of each 
budget period, and a final report is due 90 days after the end of the 
Period of Performance.
    Grantees are responsible and accountable for reporting accurate 
information on all required reports: the Progress Reports, the Federal 
Cash Transaction Report, and the Federal Financial Report.
C. Data Collection and Reporting
    Program Evaluation will require grantee submission of annual 
progress reports through a web-based Behavioral Health Reporting portal 
system. Applicants are expected to collect data within their 
communities on prevalence rates on domestic violence, sexual assault, 
child maltreatment, and evidence of human trafficking and/or Missing 
and Murdered AI/AN people. Progress reports will include the 
compilation of quantitative data (e.g., number served, screenings 
completed, etc.) and qualitative or narrative (text) data. Reporting 
elements may include data from local community-based and evidence-based 
programs pertaining to activities, processes, and outcomes such as 
performance measures and other data relevant to evaluation outcomes 
including intended results (i.e., impact and outcomes).
    In addition to the annual progress reports, the IHS will compile 
and provide aggregate program statistics, including associated 
community-level GPRA health care facility data available in the 
National Data Warehouse. Each applicant should prioritize screening 
efforts as an effective tool in identifying women at risk of domestic 
violence so that these individuals can be referred for appropriate 
services. Therefore, the IHS will monitor and collect the proportion of 
AI/AN women ages 14-46 who have been screened for domestic violence/
intimate partner violence for all health care facilities associated 
with the I/T/U awarded. For additional information regarding the IHS 
GPRA, see https://www.ihs.gov/crs/gprareporting/. Comprehensive 
information about CRS

[[Page 60882]]

software and logic is at https://www.ihs.gov/crs/.
D. Federal Sub-Award Reporting System (FSRS)
    This award may be subject to the Transparency Act sub-award and 
executive compensation reporting requirements of 2 CFR part 170.
    The Transparency Act requires the OMB to establish a single 
searchable database, accessible to the public, with information on 
financial assistance awards made by Federal agencies. The Transparency 
Act also includes a requirement for recipients of Federal grants to 
report information about first-tier sub-awards and executive 
compensation under Federal assistance awards.
    The IHS has implemented a Term of Award into all IHS Standard Terms 
and Conditions, NoAs, and funding announcements regarding the FSRS 
reporting requirement. This IHS Term of Award is applicable to all the 
IHS grant and cooperative agreements issued on or after October 1, 
2010, with a $25,000 sub-award obligation threshold met for any 
specific reporting period.
    For the full IHS award term implementing this requirement and 
additional award applicability information, visit the DGM Grants 
Management website at https://www.ihs.gov/dgm/policytopics/.
E. Compliance With Executive Order 13166 Implementation of Services 
Accessibility Provisions for All Grant Application Packages and Funding 
Opportunity Announcements
    Should you successfully compete for an award, recipients of Federal 
financial assistance (FFA) from HHS must administer their programs in 
compliance with Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination 
on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age and, in 
some circumstances, religion, conscience, and sex (including gender 
identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy). This includes ensuring 
programs are accessible to persons with limited English proficiency and 
persons with disabilities. The HHS Office for Civil Rights provides 
guidance on complying with civil rights laws enforced by HHS. Please 
see https://www.hhs.gov/civil-rights/for-providers/provider-obligations/index.html and https://www.hhs.gov/civil-rights/for-individuals/nondiscrimination/index.html.
     Recipients of FFA must ensure that their programs are 
accessible to persons with limited English proficiency. For guidance on 
meeting your legal obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure 
meaningful access to your programs or activities by limited English 
proficiency individual, see https://www.hhs.gov/civil-rights/for-individuals/special-topics/limited-english-proficiency/fact-sheet-guidance/index.html and https://www.lep.gov.
     For information on your specific legal obligations for 
serving qualified individuals with disabilities, including reasonable 
modifications and making services accessible to them, see https://www.hhs.gov/ocr/civilrights/understanding/disability/index.html.
     HHS funded health and education programs must be 
administered in an environment free of sexual harassment. See https://www.hhs.gov/civil-rights/for-individuals/sex-discrimination/index.html.
     For guidance on administering your program in compliance 
with applicable Federal religious nondiscrimination laws and applicable 
Federal conscience protection and associated anti-discrimination laws, 
see https://www.hhs.gov/conscience/conscience-protections/index.html 
and https://www.hhs.gov/conscience/religious-freedom/index.html.
F. Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System 
    The IHS is required to review and consider any information about 
the applicant that is in the FAPIIS at https://www.fapiis.gov, before 
making any award in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold 
(currently $250,000) over the period of performance. An applicant may 
review and comment on any information about itself that a Federal 
awarding agency previously entered. The IHS will consider any comments 
by the applicant, in addition to other information in FAPIIS in making 
a judgment about the applicant's integrity, business ethics, and record 
of performance under Federal awards when completing the review of risk 
posed by applicants as described in 45 CFR 75.205.
    As required by 45 CFR part 75 Appendix XII of the Uniform Guidance, 
NFEs are required to disclose in FAPIIS any information about criminal, 
civil, and administrative proceedings, and/or affirm that there is no 
new information to provide. This applies to NFEs that receive Federal 
awards (currently active grants, cooperative agreements, and 
procurement contracts) greater than $10,000,000 for any period of time 
during the period of performance of an award/project.
Mandatory Disclosure Requirements
    As required by 2 CFR part 200 of the Uniform Guidance, and the HHS 
implementing regulations at 45 CFR part 75, the IHS must require an NFE 
or an applicant for a Federal award to disclose, in a timely manner, in 
writing to the IHS or pass-through entity all violations of Federal 
criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations 
potentially affecting the Federal award.
    All applicants and recipients must disclose, in a timely manner, in 
writing to the IHS and to the HHS Office of Inspector General all 
information related to violations of Federal criminal law involving 
fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations potentially affecting the 
Federal award. 45 CFR 75.113.
    Disclosures must be sent in writing to: U.S. Department of Health 
and Human Services, Indian Health Service, Division of Grants 
Management, ATTN: Paul Gettys, Acting Director, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail 
Stop: 09E70, Rockville, MD 20857 (Include ``Mandatory Grant 
Disclosures'' in subject line), Office: (301) 443-5204, Fax: (301) 594-
0899, Email: Paul.Gettys@ihs.gov;


    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector 
General, ATTN: Mandatory Grant Disclosures, Intake Coordinator, 330 
Independence Avenue SW, Cohen Building, Room 5527, Washington, DC 
20201, URL: https://oig.hhs.gov/fraud/report-fraud/ (Include 
``Mandatory Grant Disclosures'' in subject line), Fax: (202) 205-0604 
(Include ``Mandatory Grant Disclosures'' in subject line) or Email: 
    Failure to make required disclosures can result in any of the 
remedies described in 45 CFR 75.371 Remedies for noncompliance, 
including suspension or debarment (see 2 CFR part 180 and 2 CFR part 

VII. Agency Contacts

    1. Questions on the programmatic issues may be directed to: Audrey 
Solimon, Public Health Analyst, Indian Health Service, Division of 
Behavioral Health, 5600 Fisher Lane, Mail Stop: 08N34-A, Rockville, MD 
20857, Phone: (301) 590-5421, Fax: (301) 594-6213, Email: 
    2. Questions on grants management and fiscal matters may be 
directed to: Andrew Diggs, Grants Management Specialist, DGM, Indian 
Health Service, Division of Grants Management, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail 
Stop: 09E70,

[[Page 60883]]

Rockville, MD 20857, Phone: (301) 443-2241, Fax: (301) 594-0899, Email: 
    3. Questions on systems matters may be directed to: Paul Gettys, 
Acting Director, DGM, Indian Health Service, Division of Grants 
Management, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop: 09E70, Rockville, MD 20857, 
Phone: (301) 443-2114; or the DGM main line (301) 443-5204, Fax: (301) 
594-0899, email: Paul.Gettys@ihs.gov.

VIII. Other Information

    The Public Health Service strongly encourages all grant, 
cooperative agreement, and contract recipients to provide a smoke-free 
workplace and promote the non-use of all tobacco products. In addition, 
Public Law 103-227, the Pro-Children Act of 1994, prohibits smoking in 
certain facilities (or in some cases, any portion of the facility) in 
which regular or routine education, library, day care, health care, or 
early childhood development services are provided to children. This is 
consistent with the HHS mission to protect and advance the physical and 
mental health of the American people.

Elizabeth A. Fowler,
Acting Director, Indian Health Service.
[FR Doc. 2021-24023 Filed 11-3-21; 8:45 am]