[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 35 (Wednesday, February 22, 2023)]
[Pages 10873-10874]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-03658]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Interagency Marine Debris Coordinating Committee Meeting

AGENCY: National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration (NOAA), Department of Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of open meeting.


SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of a virtual public meeting of the 
Interagency Marine Debris Coordinating Committee (IMDCC). IMDCC members 
will discuss Federal marine debris activities, with a particular 
emphasis on the topics identified in the section on Matters to Be 

DATES: The virtual public meeting will be held on March 15, 2023, from 
2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern Time (ET).

ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held virtually using Google Meet. You 
can connect to the meeting using the website or phone number provided:
    Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/jcr-hhqu-xxt.
    Phone: +1 904-717-5054; PIN: 925 455 286#.
    Attendance will be limited to the first 250 individuals to join the 
virtual meeting room. Refer to the IMDCC website at https://marinedebris.noaa.gov/our-work/IMDCC for the most up-to-date 
information on how to participate and on the agenda.

Secretariat, IMDCC, Marine Debris Program; Phone 240-533-0399; Email 
yael.seid-green@noaa.gov or visit the IMDCC website at https://marinedebris.noaa.gov/our-work/IMDCC.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The IMDCC is a multi-agency body responsible 
for coordinating a comprehensive program of marine debris research and 
activities among Federal agencies, in cooperation and coordination with 
non-governmental organizations, industry, academia, States, Tribes, and 
other nations, as appropriate. Representatives meet to share 
information, assess and promote best management practices, and 
coordinate the Federal Government's efforts to address marine debris.
    The Marine Debris Act establishes the IMDCC (33 U.S.C. 1954). The 
IMDCC submits biennial progress reports to Congress with updates on 
activities, achievements, strategies, and recommendations. NOAA serves 
as the Chairperson of the IMDCC.

[[Page 10874]]

    The meeting will be open to public attendance on March 15, 2023, 
from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET. There will not be a public comment period. 
The meeting will not be recorded.

Matters To Be Considered

    The open meeting will include presentations from the Department of 
Energy, the National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Agency for 
International Development on their relevant marine debris-related 
activities. The agenda topics described are subject to change. The 
latest version of the agenda will be posted at https://marinedebris.noaa.gov/our-work/IMDCC.

Special Accommodations

    The meeting is accessible to people with disabilities. Closed 
captioning will be available. Requests for other auxiliary aids should 
be directed to Ya'el Seid-Green, Executive Secretariat at yael.seid-green@noaa.gov or 240-533-0399 by March 3, 2023.

Scott Lundgren,
Director, Office of Response and Restoration, National Ocean Service, 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
[FR Doc. 2023-03658 Filed 2-21-23; 8:45 am]