[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 40 (Wednesday, March 1, 2023)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 12835-12842]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-04013]



40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-R04-OAR-2022-0012; FRL-9727-01-R4]

Air Plan Approval; Florida; Update to Materials Incorporated by 

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Final rule; notice of administrative change.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is updating the 
materials that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into the Florida 
State Implementation Plan (SIP). The regulations affected by this 
update have been previously submitted by Florida and approved by EPA. 
In this notice, EPA is also notifying the public of corrections and 
clarifying changes in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) tables that 
identify material incorporated by reference into the Florida SIP. This 
update affects the materials that are available for public inspection 
at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the EPA 
Regional Office.

DATES: This action is effective March 1, 2023.

ADDRESSES: The SIP materials whose incorporation by reference into 40 
CFR part 52 is finalized through this action are available for 
inspection at the following locations: Environmental Protection Agency, 
Region 4, 61 Forsyth Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30303; and 
www.regulations.gov. To view the materials at the Region 4 Office, EPA 
requests that you email the contact listed in the FOR FURTHER 
INFORMATION CONTACT section to schedule your inspection. The Regional 
Office's official hours of business are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. 
to 4:30 p.m., excluding Federal holidays.

Management Section, Air Planning and Implementation Branch, Air and 
Radiation Division, U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4, 61 

[[Page 12836]]

Street SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960. Ms. LaRocca can be reached via 
telephone at (404) 562-8994 and via electronic mail at 
[email protected].


I. Background

    Each state has a SIP containing the control measures and strategies 
used to attain and maintain the national ambient air quality standards 
(NAAQS). The SIP is extensive, containing such elements as air 
pollution control regulations, emission inventories, monitoring 
networks, attainment demonstrations, and enforcement mechanisms.
    Each state must formally adopt the control measures and strategies 
in the SIP after the public has had an opportunity to comment on them 
and then submit the proposed SIP revisions to EPA. Once these control 
measures and strategies are approved by EPA, and after notice and 
comment, they are incorporated into the federally-approved SIP and are 
identified in part 52--``Approval and Promulgation of Implementation 
Plans,'' Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR part 52). 
The full text of the state regulation approved by EPA is not reproduced 
in its entirety in 40 CFR part 52 but is ``incorporated by reference.'' 
This means that EPA has approved a given state regulation or specified 
changes to a given regulation with a specific effective date. The 
public is referred to the location of the full text version should they 
want to know which measures are contained in a given SIP. The 
information provided allows EPA and the public to monitor the extent to 
which a state implements a SIP to attain and maintain the NAAQS and to 
take enforcement action for violations of the SIP.
    The SIP is a living document which the state can revise as 
necessary to address the unique air pollution problems in the state. 
Therefore, EPA from time to time must take action on proposed revisions 
containing new or revised state regulations. A submission from a state 
can revise one or more rules in their entirety or portions of rules. 
The state indicates the changes in the submission (such as by using 
redline/strikethrough text), and EPA then takes action on the requested 
changes. EPA establishes a docket for its actions using a unique Docket 
Identification Number, which is listed in each action. These dockets 
and the complete submission are available for viewing on 
    On May 22, 1997 (62 FR 27968), EPA revised the procedures for 
incorporating by reference, into the Code of Federal Regulations, 
materials approved by EPA into each SIP. These changes revised the 
format for the identification of the SIP in 40 CFR part 52, streamlined 
the mechanisms for announcing EPA approval of revisions to a SIP, and 
streamlined the mechanisms for EPA's updating of the IBR information 
contained for each SIP in 40 CFR part 52. The revised procedures also 
called for EPA to maintain ``SIP Compilations'' that contain the 
federally approved regulations and source-specific permits submitted by 
each state agency. EPA generally updates these SIP Compilations on an 
annual basis. Under the revised procedures, EPA must periodically 
publish an informational document in the rules section of the Federal 
Register notifying the public that updates have been made to a SIP 
Compilation for a particular state. EPA began applying the 1997 revised 
procedures to Florida on June 16, 1999, and is providing this notice in 
accordance with such procedures. See 64 FR 32346.

II. EPA Action

    In this action, EPA is providing notice of an update to the 
materials incorporated by reference into the Florida SIP as of August 
31, 2022, and identified in 40 CFR 52.520(c) and (d). This update 
includes SIP materials approved by EPA since the last IBR update. See 
83 FR 17081 (April 18, 2018). In addition, EPA is providing notice of 
the following corrections and clarifying changes to 40 CFR 52.520(c) 
and (d):

Changes Applicable to Paragraph (c), EPA Approved Florida Laws and 

    A. Correcting Table (c)'s title, from ``(c) EPA Approved Florida 
Regulations'' to ``(c) EPA-Approved Florida Laws and Regulations''.
    B. Correcting the header of paragraph (c), from ``EPA Approved 
Florida Regulations'' to ``EPA-Approved Florida Laws and Regulations''.
    C. Where applicable, under the ``State effective date'' and ``EPA 
Approval Date,'' removing the leading zero from the month and day, and 
change the 2-digit year to reflect a 4-digit year (for consistency), 
and correcting a Federal Register citation to reflect the beginning 
page of the preamble as opposed to that of the regulatory text.
    D. Correcting a typographical error for State Statute 62-296.570 by 
changing the title, ``Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)--
Requirements for Major VOC and NOX- Emitting Facilities'' to 
``Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)--Requirements for 
Major VOC- and NOX- Emitting Facilities''.
    E. Correcting a typographical error for State Statute 62-296.705 by 
changing the title, ``Phosphate Processing operations'' to ``Phosphate 
Processing Operations''.
    F. Correcting a typographical error for State Statute 62-296.711 by 
changing the title, ``Materials Handling, Sizing, Screening, Crushing 
and Grinding operations'' to ``Materials Handling, Sizing, Screening, 
Crushing and Grinding Operations''.
    G. Changing the reference to State Statute 112.3143(4) by removing 
reference to subsection (4) and correcting a typographical error by 
changing the title, ``Voting Conflict'' to ``Voting conflicts''.
    H. Reformatting ``State Statutes'' 120.569 and 403.131 to be in 
sequential order.
    I. Correcting state effective dates listed under State Statutes in 
paragraph 52.520(c), as described below:
    a. 112.3143, Voting conflicts, State effective date is revised to 
read ``6/29/1999.''
    b. 112.3144, Full and public disclosure of financial interests, 
State effective date is revised to read ``10/1/2006.''
    c. 120.569, Decisions which affect substantial interests, State 
effective date is revised to read ``6/24/2011.''
    d. 403.131, Injunctive relief, remedies, State effective date is 
revised to read ``6/15/2001.''
    J. Adding language to the explanation column under State Statute 
120.569, Decisions which affect substantial interests, to read as 
follows: ``Paragraph (2)(n) only; to satisfy the requirements of 
section 110(a)(2)(G).''

Changes Applicable to Paragraph (d), EPA Approved Florida Source-
Specific Requirements

    A Correcting Table (d)'s title, from ``(d) EPA-approved State 
Source-specific requirements'' to ``(d) EPA-Approved State Source-
Specific Requirements.''
    B. Correcting the header of paragraph (d) from ``EPA-approved 
Florida source-specific requirements'' to ``EPA-Approved Florida 
Source-Specific Requirements.''
    C. Where applicable, under the ``State effective date'' and ``EPA 
Approval Date,'' removing the leading zero from the month and day, 
changing the 2-digit year to reflect a 4-digit year (for consistency), 
and correcting a Federal Register citation to reflect the beginning

[[Page 12837]]

page of the preamble as opposed to that of the regulatory text.
    D. Correcting the explanation column listed in Table (d), as 
described below:
    a. Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC, revised to read ``Specific Conditions 
pertaining to EU004; EU005; and EU006.''
    b. Rayonier Performance Fibers, LLC, revised to read ``Specific 
Conditions pertaining to EU005; EU006; and EU022.''
    c. Tampa Electric Company--Big Bend Station, Air Permit No. 
0570039-074-AC, removing the word ``only.''
    d. Tampa Electric Company--Big Bend Station, Air Permit No.0570039-
120-AC, removing the word ``only.''

III. Good Cause Exemption

    EPA has determined that this action falls under the ``good cause'' 
exemption in the section 553(b)(3)(B) of the Administrative Procedure 
Act (APA) which, upon finding ``good cause,'' authorizes agencies to 
dispense with public participation and section 553(d)(3) which allows 
an agency to make an action effective immediately (thereby avoiding the 
30-day delayed effective date otherwise provided for in the APA). This 
administrative action simply codifies provisions which are already in 
effect as a matter of law in Federal and approved state programs, makes 
typographical/ministerial revisions to the tables in the CFR, and makes 
ministerial changes to the prefatory heading to the tables in the CFR. 
Under section 553(b)(3)(B) of the APA, an agency may find good cause 
where procedures are ``impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the 
public interest.'' Public comment for this administrative action is 
``unnecessary'' and ``contrary to the public interest'' since the 
codification (and corrections) only reflect existing law and the 
changes to the prefatory heading to the tables are ministerial in 
nature. Immediate notice of this action in the Federal Register 
benefits the public by providing the public notice of the updated 
Florida SIP Compilation and notice of corrections to the Florida 
``Identification of Plan'' portion of the CFR. Further, pursuant to 
section 553(d)(3), making this action immediately effective benefits 
the public by immediately updating both the SIP Compilation and the CFR 
``Identification of plan'' section (which includes table entry 

IV. Incorporation by Reference

    In this rule, EPA is finalizing regulatory text that includes 
incorporation by reference as described in Sections I and II of this 
preamble. In accordance with requirements of 1 CFR 51.5, EPA is 
finalizing the incorporation by reference of previously EPA-approved 
regulations promulgated by Florida and federally effective prior to 
August 31, 2022. EPA has made, and will continue to make, these 
materials generally available through www.regulations.gov and at the 
EPA Region 4 Office (please contact the person identified in the FOR 
FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this preamble for more 

V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    Under the CAA, the Administrator is required to approve a SIP 
submission that complies with the provisions of the Act and applicable 
Federal regulations. See 42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a). Thus, in 
reviewing SIP submissions, EPA's role is to approve state choices, 
provided that they meet the criteria of the CAA. Accordingly, this 
final rule and notification of administrative change does not impose 
additional requirements beyond those imposed by state law. For that 
reason, this action:
     Is not a significant regulatory action subject to review 
by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Orders 12866 (58 
FR 51735, October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821, January 21, 2011);
     Does not impose an information collection burden under the 
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
     Is certified as not having a significant economic impact 
on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
     Does not contain any unfunded mandate or significantly or 
uniquely affect small governments, as described in the Unfunded 
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4);
     Does not have Federalism implications as specified in 
Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999);
     Is not an economically significant regulatory action based 
on health or safety risks subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 
19885, April 23, 1997);
     Is not a significant regulatory action subject to 
Executive Order 13211 (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001);
     Is not subject to requirements of Section 12(d) of the 
National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 
note) because application of those requirements would be inconsistent 
with the CAA; and
     Does not provide EPA with the discretionary authority to 
address, as appropriate, disproportionate human health or environmental 
effects, using practicable and legally permissible methods, under 
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
    The SIP is not approved to apply on any Indian reservation land or 
in any other area where EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a 
tribe has jurisdiction. In those areas of Indian country, the rule does 
not have tribal implications as specified by Executive Order 13175 (65 
FR 67249, November 9, 2000), nor will it impose substantial direct 
costs on tribal governments or preempt tribal law.
    The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the 
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally 
provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating 
the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, 
to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the 
United States. EPA will submit a report containing this action and 
other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of 
Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior 
to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. A major rule cannot 
take effect until 60 days after it is published in the Federal 
Register. This action is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 
    EPA also believes that the provisions of section 307(b)(1) of the 
CAA pertaining to petitions for judicial review are not applicable to 
this action. This is because prior EPA rulemaking actions for each 
individual component of the Florida SIP Compilation previously afforded 
interested parties the opportunity to file a petition for judicial 
review in the United States Court of Appeals for the appropriate 
circuit within 60 days of such rulemaking action. Thus, EPA believes 
judicial review of this action under section 307(b)(1) is not 

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, 
Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Lead, Nitrogen 
dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and recordkeeping 
requirements, Sulfur oxides, Volatile organic compounds.

    Dated: February 22, 2023.
Daniel Blackman,
Regional Administrator, Region 4.

    40 CFR part 52, is amended as follows:

[[Page 12838]]


1. The authority for citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

Subpart K--Florida

2. Sec.  52.520, paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) are revised to read as 

Sec.  52.520  Identification of plan.

* * * * *
    (b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs 
(c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to August 
31, 2022, for Florida was approved for incorporation by reference by 
the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) 
and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of 
the approval and notice of any change in the material will be published 
in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this 
section with EPA approval dates after August 31, 2022, for Florida will 
be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
    (2) EPA Region 4 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by 
EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this 
section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State 
rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State 
Implementation Plan as of the dates referenced in paragraph (b)(1).
    (3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be 
inspected at the Region 4 EPA Office at 61 Forsyth Street SW, Atlanta, 
GA 30303. To obtain the material, please call (404) 562-9022. You may 
inspect the material with an EPA approval date prior to August 31, 
2022, for Florida at the National Archives and Records Administration 
(NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA 
email [email protected] or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.
    (c) EPA-approved Florida laws and regulations.

                                    EPA-Approved Florida Laws and Regulations
  State citation (section)        Title/subject      effective date    EPA approval date         Explanation
                            Chapter 62-204 Air Pollution Control--General Provisions
62-204.100..................  Purpose and Scope....       3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-204.200..................  Definitions..........       2/12/2006  6/27/2008, 73 FR
62-204.220..................  Ambient Air Quality         3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Protection.                            32346.
62-204.240..................  Ambient Air Quality         3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Standards.                             32346.
62-204.260..................  Prevention of               2/12/2006  6/27/2008, 73 FR
                               Significant                            36435.
                               Maximum Allowable
                               Increases (PSD
62-204.320..................  Procedures for              3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Designation and                        32346.
                               Redesignation of
62-204.340..................  Designation of              3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Attainment,                            32346.
                               Nonattainment, and
                               Maintenance Areas.
62-204.360..................  Designation of              3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Prevention of                          32346.
                               Deterioration Areas.
62-204.400..................  Public Notice and          11/30/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Hearing Requirements                   32353.
                               for State
                               Implementation Plan
62-204.500..................  Conformity...........       8/31/1998  8/11/2003, 68 FR       Except for the
                                                                      47468.                 incorporation by
                                                                                             reference of 40 CFR
                                                                                             93.104(e) of the
                                                                                             Conformity Rule.
                             Chapter 62-210 Stationary Sources--General Requirements
62-210.200..................  Definitions..........      10/23/2013  9/16/2020, 85 FR       The ethanol
                                                                      57707.                 production facility
                                                                                             exclusion within
                                                                                             the definition of
                                                                                             ``major stationary
                                                                                             source'' at 62-
                                                                                             210.200 does not
                                                                                             apply to 62-
                                                                                             212.500. Except the
                                                                                             ``biological waste
                                                                                             waste''; ``capture
                                                                                             ``cast polymer
                                                                                             ``major source of
                                                                                             air pollution,''
                                                                                             ``major source,''
                                                                                             or ``title V
                                                                                             source''; ``printed
                                                                                             interior panels'';
                                                                                             requirement''; and
62-210.220..................  Small Business              10/6/2008  7/3/2017, 82 FR 30767
                               Assistance Program.
62-210.300..................  Permits Required.....        5/9/2007  6/1/2009, 63 FR 26103
62-210.310..................  Air General Permits..       6/29/2011  10/6/2017, 82 FR
62-210.350..................  Public Notice and          10/12/2008  7/29/2020, 85 FR       Except for 62-
                               Comment.                               45539.                 210.350(1)(c).

[[Page 12839]]

62-210.360..................  Administrative Permit      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Corrections.                           32346.
62-210.370..................  Emissions Computation        2/2/2006  6/27/2008, 73 FR
                               and Reporting.                         36435.
62-210.550..................  Stack Height Policy..      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-210.650..................  Circumvention........      10/15/1992  10/20/1994, 59 FR
62-210.700..................  Excess Emissions.....      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-210.900..................  Forms and                    2/9/1993  11/7/1994, 59 FR
                               Instructions.                          46157.
                            Chapter 62-212 Stationary Sources--Preconstruction Review
62-212.300..................  General                     6/29/2009  4/12/2011, 76 FR
                               Preconstruction                        20239.
                               Review Requirements.
62-212.400..................  Prevention of               3/28/2012  9/16/2020, 85 FR       Except the
                               Significant                            57707.                 provisions for the
                               Deterioration.                                                PM2.5 significant
                                                                                             impact levels at
62-212.500..................  Preconstruction              2/2/2006  6/27/2008, 73 FR       The ethanol
                               Review for                             36435.                 production facility
                               Nonattainment Areas.                                          exclusion within
                                                                                             the definition of
                                                                                             ``major stationary
                                                                                             source'' at 62-
                                                                                             210.200 does not
                                                                                             apply to 62-
62-212.720..................  Actuals Plantwide          12/17/2013  7/3/2017, 82 FR 30767
                               Applicability Limits
                                      Chapter 62-252 Gasoline Vapor Control
62-252.300..................  Gasoline Dispensing          5/1/2015  8/12/2015, 80 FR
                               Facilities Stage I                     48259.
                               Vapor Recovery.
                             Chapter 62-256 Open Burning and Frost Protection Fires
62-256.100..................  Declaration and             12/9/1975  11/1/1977, 42 FR
                               Intent.                                57124.
62-256.200..................  Definitions..........      11/30/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-256.300..................  Prohibitions.........      11/30/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-256.400..................  Agricultural and             7/1/1971  5/31/1972, 37 FR
                               Silvicultural Fires.                   10842.
62-256.450..................  Burning for Cold or         6/27/1991  9/9/1994, 59 FR 46552
                               Frost Protection.
62-256.500..................  Land Clearing........      11/30/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-256.600..................  Industrial,                  7/1/1971  5/31/1972, 37 FR
                               Commercial,                            10842.
                               Municipal, and
                               Research Open
62-256.700..................  Open Burning Allowed.      11/30/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-256.800..................  Effective Date.......        7/1/1971  5/31/1972, 37 FR
                              Chapter 62-296 Stationary Sources--Emission Standards
62-296.100..................  Purpose and Scope....       10/6/2008  10/6/2017, 82 FR
62-296.320..................  General Pollutant           3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Emission Limiting                      32346.
62-296.340..................  Best Available              1/31/2007  8/29/2013, 78 FR
                               Retrofit Technology.                   53250.
62-296.401..................  Incinerators.........       3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.402..................  Sulfuric Acid Plants.       3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.403..................  Phosphate Processing.       3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.404..................  Kraft (Sulfate) Pulp        3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Mills and Tall Oil                     32346.
62-296.405..................  Fossil Fuel Steam            3/2/1999  10/6/2017, 82 FR
                               Generators with more                   46682.
                               than 250 million Btu
                               per Hour Heat Input.
62-296.406..................  Fossil Fuel Steam            3/2/1999  10/6/2017, 82 FR
                               Generator with less                    46682.
                               than 250 million Btu
                               per Hour Heat Input,
                               New and Existing
                               Emissions Units.
62-296.408..................  Nitric Acid Plants...      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.409..................  Sulfur Recovery            11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Plants.                                32346.
62-296.410..................  Carbonaceous Fuel          11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Burning Equipment.                     32346.
62-296.412..................  Dry Cleaning                3/11/2010  10/6/2017, 82 FR
                               Facilities.                            46682.
62-296.414..................  Concrete Batching           1/10/2007  10/6/2017, 82 FR
                               Plants.                                46682.
62-296.415..................  Soil Thermal                3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Treatment Facilities.                  32346.
62-296.418..................  Bulk Gasoline Plants.       3/11/2010  10/6/2017, 82 FR
62-296.470..................  Implementation of            4/1/2007  10/12/2007, 72 FR
                               Federal Clean Air                      58016.
                               Interstate Rule.

[[Page 12840]]

62-296.500..................  Reasonably Available        3/11/2010  10/6/2017, 82 FR
                               Control Technology                     46682.
                               Organic Compounds
                               (VOC) and Nitrogen
                               Oxides (NOX)
                               Emitting Facilities.
62-296.501..................  Can Coating..........      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.502..................  Coil Coating.........      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.503..................  Paper Coating........      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.504..................  Fabric and Vinyl           11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Coating.                               32346.
62-296.505..................  Metal Furniture            11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Coating.                               32346.
62-296.506..................  Surface Coating of         11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Large Appliances.                      32346.
62-296.507..................  Magnet Wire Coating..      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.508..................  Petroleum Liquid            10/6/2008  10/6/2017, 82 FR       Amendments effective
                               Storage.                               46682.                 10/6/2008.
62-296.510..................  Bulk Gasoline              11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Terminals.                             32346.
62-296.511..................  Solvent Metal                6/5/1996  01/16/2003, 68 FR
                               Cleaning.                              2204.
62-296.512..................  Cutback Asphalt......      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.513..................  Surface Coating of         11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Miscellaneous Metal                    32346.
                               Parts and Products.
62-296.514..................  Surface Coating of         11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Flat Wood Paneling.                    32346.
62-296.515..................  Graphic Arts Systems.      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.516..................  Petroleum Liquid           11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Storage Tanks with                     32346.
                               External Floating
62-296.570..................  Reasonably Available       11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Control Technology                     32346.
                               for Major VOC- and
62-296.600..................  Reasonably Available        3/13/1996  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Control Technology                     32346.
62-296.601..................  Lead Processing              8/8/1994  9/18/1996, 61 FR
                               Operations in                          49064.
62-296.602..................  Primary Lead Acid           3/13/1996  9/18/1996, 61 FR
                               Battery                                49064.
62-296.603..................  Secondary Lead               8/8/1994  9/18/1996, 61 FR
                               Smelting Operations.                   49064.
62-296.604..................  Electric Arc Furnace         8/8/1994  9/18/1996, 61 FR
                               Equipped Secondary                     49064.
                               Steel Manufacturing
62-296.605..................  Lead Oxide Handling          8/8/1994  9/18/1996, 61 FR
                               Operations.                            49064.
62-296.700..................  Reasonably Available       11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Control Technology                     32346.
62-296.701..................  Portland Cement            11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Plants.                                32346.
62-296.702..................  Fossil Fuel Steam          11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Generators.                            32346.
62-296.703..................  Carbonaceous Fuel          11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Burners.                               32346.
62-296.704..................  Asphalt Concrete           11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Plants.                                32346.
62-296.705..................  Phosphate Processing       11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Operations.                            32346.
62-296.706..................  Glass Manufacturing        11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Process.                               32346.
62-296.707..................  Electric Arc Furnaces      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.708..................  Sweat of Pot Furnaces      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.709..................  Lime Kilns...........      11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
62-296.710..................  Smelt Dissolving           11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Tanks.                                 32346.
62-296.711..................  Materials Handling,        11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Sizing, Screening,                     32346.
                               Crushing and
                               Grinding Operations.
62-296.712..................  Miscellaneous              11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Manufacturing                          32346.
                               Process Operations.
                             Chapter 62-297 Stationary Sources--Emissions Monitoring
62-297.310..................  General Emissions            3/9/2015  10/6/2017, 82 FR
                               Test Requirements.                     46682.
62-297.440..................  Supplementary Test          7/10/2014  4/2/2018, 83 FR 13875
62-297.450..................  EPA VOC Capture             7/10/2014  4/2/2018, 83 FR 13875
                               Efficiency Test

[[Page 12841]]

62-297.620..................  Exceptions and             11/23/1994  6/16/1999, 64 FR
                               Approval of                            32346.
                               Alternate Procedures
                               and Requirements.
                                                 State Statutes
112.3143....................  Voting conflicts.....       6/29/1999  7/30/2012, 77 FR       Paragraph (4) only;
                                                                      44485.                 to satisfy the
                                                                                             requirements of
                                                                                             sections 128 and
112.3144....................  Full and public             10/1/2006  7/30/2012, 77 FR       To satisfy the
                               disclosure of                          44485.                 requirements of
                               financial interests.                                          sections 128 and
120.569.....................  Decisions which             6/24/2011  7/30/2012, 77 FR       Subsection (2)(n)
                               affect substantial                     44485.                 only; to satisfy
                               interests.                                                    the requirements of
403.131.....................  Injunctive relief,          6/15/2001  7/30/2012, 77 FR       To satisfy the
                               remedies.                              44485.                 requirements of

    (d) EPA-approved Florida Source-Specific requirements.

                                EPA-Approved Florida Source-Specific Requirements
          Name of source                Permit No.      effective date   EPA approval date       Explanation
Harry S Truman, animal import      NA.................      11/26/1996  1/19/2000, 65 FR
 center.                                                                 2882.
Martin Gas Sales, Inc............  0570477-007-AC.....       1/17/2003  5/1/2003, 68 FR
Broward County Aviation            ...................       8/15/2003  6/17/2003, 69 FR     Order Granting
 Department.                                                             33862.               Variance from Rule
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics        ...................       4/16/2005  11/28/2006, 71 FR    Requirement that
 Company.                                                                68745.               Lockheed Martin
                                                                                              Company comply
                                                                                              with EPA's
                                                                                              Aerospace CTG at
                                                                                              its Pinellas
                                                                                              County facility.
Combs Oil Company................  ...................       7/31/2009  9/25/2015, 80 FR     Order Granting
                                                                         57727.               Variance from Rule
Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC...........  Air Permit No.            1/15/2015  7/3/2017, 82 FR      Specific Conditions
                                    0570008-080-AC.                      30749.               pertaining to
                                                                                              EU004; EU005; and
Rayonier Performance Fibers, LLC.  Air Permit No.            4/12/2012  7/3/2017, 82 FR      Specific Conditions
                                    0890004-036-AC.                      30749.               pertaining to
                                                                                              EU005; EU006; and
Tampa Electric Company--Big Bend   Air Permit No.            2/26/2015  7/3/2017, 82 FR      Section 3,
 Station.                           0570039-074-AC.                      30749.               Subsection B,
                                                                                              Condition 5.
WestRock, LLC....................  Air Permit No.             1/9/2015  7/3/2017, 82 FR      Specific Conditions
                                    0890003-046-AC.                      30749.               pertaining to
                                                                                              EU006; EU015;
                                                                                              EU007; and EU011.
Tampa Electric Company--Big Bend   Air Permit No.           12/14/2018  11/12/2019, 84 FR    Section 2,
 Station.                           0570039-120-AC.                      60927.               Condition 4; the
                                                                                              ``SO2 Emissions
                                                                                              Cap'' provision
                                                                                              from Section 3,
                                                                                              Condition 4; the
                                                                                              ``SO2 CEMS''
                                                                                              provision from
                                                                                              Section 3,
                                                                                              Condition 4; and
                                                                                              the ``Methods of
                                                                                              Operation'' for
                                                                                              Units 1 and 2
                                                                                              provision from
                                                                                              Section 3,
                                                                                              Condition 6.
Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC--Bartow     Air Permit No.             7/3/2017  2/20/2020, 85 FR     Section III,
 Facility.                          1050046-050-AC.                      9666.                Subsection A,
                                                                                              Specific Condition
                                                                                              3 (as
                                                                                              corrected by
                                                                                              Permit No. 1050046-
                                                                                              063-AC with an
                                                                                              effective date of
                                                                                              January 11, 2019);
                                                                                              Condition 4; and
                                                                                              Condition 5.
Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC--New Wales  Air Permit No.           10/30/2017  2/20/2020, 85 FR     Section III,
 Facility.                          1050059-106-AC.                      9666.                Subsection A,
                                                                                              Specific Condition
                                                                                              3 (as
                                                                                              corrected by
                                                                                              Permit No. 1050059-
                                                                                              114-AC with an
                                                                                              effective date of
                                                                                              January 11, 2019);
                                                                                              Condition 4; and
                                                                                              Condition 5.
EnviroFocus Technologies, LLC....  Air Construction         12/14/2012  6/4/2021, 86 FR      Except for
                                    Permit No. 0570057-                  29949.               conditions not
                                    27-AC.                                                    specifically
                                                                                              related to lead
                                                                                              emissions; Section
                                                                                              3, Subsection B,
                                                                                              Conditions 3 and
                                                                                              10; Section 3,
                                                                                              Subsection C,
                                                                                              Specific Condition
                                                                                              5; and Section 3,
                                                                                              Subsection G,
                                                                                              Specific Condition

[[Page 12842]]

EnviroFocus Technologies, LLC....  Air Construction          11/6/2019  6/14/2021, 86 FR     Only incorporating
                                    Permit No. 0570057-                  29949.               the following
                                    37-AC.                                                    conditions:
                                                                                              Section 3,
                                                                                              Subsection B,
                                                                                              Conditions 2 and
                                                                                              3a; Section 3,
                                                                                              Subsection C,
                                                                                              Specific Condition
                                                                                              1; and Section 3,
                                                                                              Subsection D,
                                                                                              Specific Condition

* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2023-04013 Filed 2-28-23; 8:45 am]