[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 151 (Tuesday, August 8, 2023)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 53371-53377]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-15712]



10 CFR Parts 429 and 431

RIN 1904-AF17

Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Fans and Blowers

AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of 

ACTION: Final rule; technical amendments.


SUMMARY: On May 1, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy (``DOE'') 
published a final rule adopting procedures for fans and blowers 
(hereafter the ``May 2023 Final Rule''). This document corrects 
editorial and typographical errors in the May 2023 Final Rule. Neither 
the errors nor the corrections in this document affect the

[[Page 53372]]

substance of the rulemaking or any conclusions reached in support of 
the final rule.

DATES: Effective August 8, 2023.

    Mr. Jeremy Dommu, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy 
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Office, EE-5B, 
1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121. Telephone: 
(202) 586-9879. Email: [email protected].
    Ms. Amelia Whiting, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the 
General Counsel, GC-33, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 
20585-0121. Telephone: (202) 586-2588. Email: 
[email protected].


I. Background

    The May 2023 final rule established: (1) test procedures for fans 
and blowers and incorporated the relevant industry test standards for 
measuring the fan electrical power and determining the fan energy index 
(``FEI'') of fans and blowers other than air-circulating fans; (2) test 
procedure for air circulating fans measuring the fan airflow in cubic 
feet per minute per watt of electric power input (``CFM/Watt''); (3) 
supporting definitions; (4) requirements for alternative efficiency 
determination methods; and (5) sampling requirements. 88 FR 27312 (May 
1, 2023).
    Since the publication of the May 2023 Final Rule, DOE identified 
several typographical and editorial errors that could create confusion 
when conducting the DOE test procedure.
    In the May 2023 Final Rule, in Sec.  431.172, DOE introduced almost 
all definitions using ``means the'' or ``means a'' to describe each 
defined term. 88 FR 27312, 27389-27390. However, the definition of 
``air circulating fan discharge area'' in Sec.  431.172 of the 
regulatory text used a colon ``:'' rather than ``means the'' to 
introduce the definition. DOE replaces the colon ``:'' by ``means the'' 
to add consistency with how other definitions are presented. DOE notes 
that the meaning of the definition for ``air circulating fan discharge 
area'' is unchanged with this correction.
    In the May 2023 Final Rule, DOE incorporated by reference AMCA 214-
21, including the definitions of ``fan static pressure'' and ``fan 
total pressure'' in sections 3.41 and 3.43 of AMCA 214-21. 88 FR 27312, 
27392. However, in the definition of ``fan static air power'' in Sec.  
431.172 of the regulatory text, the terms ``static pressure'' and 
``total pressure'' are used without referencing the term ``fan''. DOE 
is concerned that this may cause confusion as DOE incorporated the 
definitions of ``fan static pressure'' and ``fan total pressure'',\1\ 
but did not define the terms ``static pressure'' and ``total 
pressure''. In addition, the terms ``fan static pressure'' and ``fan 
total pressure'' are used throughout the preamble of the May 2023 Final 
Rule and elsewhere in the regulatory text. 88 FR 27312, 27319, 27344, 
27353, 27371, 27389, 27390, 27392. Consistent with the definition of 
``fan static pressure'' and ``fan total pressure'' in sections 3.41 and 
3.43 of AMCA 214-21, as incorporated by reference, and consistent with 
the terminology used throughout the preamble of the May 2023 Final Rule 
and elsewhere in the regulatory text, DOE replaces ``using static 
pressure instead of total pressure'' with ``using fan static pressure 
instead of fan total pressure'' in the definition of ``fan static air 
power'' in Sec.  431.172. The meaning of the definition is unchanged by 
this correction.

    \1\ As noted previously, DOE incorporated by reference AMCA 214-
21, including the definitions of ``fan static pressure'' and ``fan 
total pressure'' in sections 3.41 and 3.43 of AMCA 214-21. 88 FR 
27312, 27392.

    DOE identified a missing hyphen in Sec.  431.173, where the text 
reads as ``ANSI/AMCA Standard 21016 (``AMCA 210-16''), rather than 
ANSI/AMCA Standard 210-16 (``AMCA 210-16''). 88 FR 27312, 27390. The 
reference should match the description in the preamble, which includes 
the hyphen. DOE corrects this to add the hyphen between 210 and 16.
    Additionally, in the May 2023 Final Rule, the test procedure 
established for fans and blowers other than air circulating fans 
specifies that the applicable rating metric of FEI must be calculated 
using the electrical input power required to operate a fan in kilowatts 
(kW), abbreviated as ``FEP''. 88 FR 27312, 27365. The May 2023 Final 
Rule generally uses the term ``fan electrical input power'' to 
designate the FEP throughout the preamble. 88 FR 27312, 27312, 27319, 
27363, 27365, 27371. The preamble of the May 2023 Final Rule also uses 
the term ``fan electrical power'' to designate the FEP in one instance. 
88 FR 27312, 27355. Further, in a number of places in the regulatory 
text, the term ``fan electrical input power'' and ``fan electrical 
power'' are used to describe the electrical input power to the fan in 
kilowatts (kW), abbreviated as ``FEP''. 88 FR 27312, 27387, 27388, 
27391, 27392, 27393. The May 2023 Final Rule also incorporates by 
reference AMCA 241-21 as the industry standards used to determine and 
define the FEP. In AMCA 214-21, the term ``fan electrical power'' is 
used to designate the FEP and defined in section 3 ``Definitions'' of 
AMCA 214-21, incorporated by reference. DOE believes that the use of 
``fan electrical input power'' and ``fan electrical power'' to both 
designate the FEP may create confusion because only ``fan electrical 
power'' is the defined term. As such, DOE is correcting the regulatory 
text to only use ``fan electrical power'', consistent with the 
definition in section 3 of AMCA 214-22, incorporated by reference, and 
replaces all instances of ``fan electrical input power'' with ``fan 
electrical power''.
    The preamble of the May 2023 Final Rule states that DOE is adopting 
the validation classes (1) through (9) and lists them as follows: (1) 
centrifugal housed; (2) radial housed; (3) centrifugal inline; (4) 
centrifugal unhoused; (5) centrifugal PRV exhaust; (6) centrifugal 
power roof ventilator (``PRV'') supply; (7) axial inline; (8) axial 
panel; (9) axial PRV. 88 FR 27312, 27373. The categories of PRVs are 
correctly listed in the preamble of the May 2023 Final Rule in footnote 
20 where DOE specifies that PRVs include: Centrifugal PRV exhaust fans; 
Centrifugal PRV supply fans; and Axial PRVs, as defined in AMCA 214-21. 
88 FR 27312, 27318. However, in the regulatory text, in Sec.  
429.70(n), DOE lists the following validation classes: centrifugal 
housed fan; radial housed fan; centrifugal inline fan; centrifugal 
unhoused fan; centrifugal power roof ventilator exhaust fan; 
centrifugal power roof ventilator supply fan; axial inline fan; axial 
panel fan; axial centrifugal power roof ventilator fan.'' 88 FR 27312, 
27388. DOE included the term ``axial centrifugal power roof ventilator 
fan'' as one of the validation classes instead of the correct term 
``axial power roof ventilator''. Similarly, the same error is included 
in Sec.  431.174(a)(1), where DOE also used the term ``axial 
centrifugal power roof ventilator fan'' instead of ``axial power roof 
ventilator'' when listing the categories of fans in scope. 88 FR 27312, 
27391. Therefore, DOE corrects this error and replaces the term ``axial 
centrifugal power roof ventilator fan'' by ``axial power roof 
    In the May 2023 Final Rule, DOE established the metric for fans 
other than air circulating fans as the FEI, which is the fan energy 
index and represents the ratio of the electrical power of a reference 
fan to the electrical input power of the actual fan for which the FEI 
is calculated, both established at the same duty point. 88 FR 27312,

[[Page 53373]]

27349, 27365. However, in the regulatory text in Sec.  
429.69(a)(1)(iii), DOE wrote ``any represented value of fan electrical 
input power (``FEI''), or other measure of energy consumption of a 
basic model for which consumers would favor higher values shall be less 
than or equal to the tested value'' and incorrectly described the FEI 
as the ``fan electrical input power'' \2\ rather than the ``fan energy 
index''. 88 FR 27312, 27387. In Sec.  429.69(a)(1)(v), the FEI is 
correctly described: ``any represented value of the fan energy index 
(``FEI''), or other measure of energy consumption of a basic model for 
which consumers would favor higher values''. 88 FR 27312, 27388. DOE 
corrects this error and replaces ``fan electrical input power 
(``FEI'')'' by ``fan energy index (``FEI'')'' in Sec.  

    \2\ As noted previously, the term ``fan electrical input power'' 
is equivalent to ``fan electrical power''.

    In the test procedure NOPR published on July 25, 2022, DOE proposed 
to incorporate by reference AMCA 214-21 for air circulating fans, which 
relies on the FEP and FEI metrics (``wire-to-air metrics'') for air 
circulating fans. 87 FR 44194, 44236-44237. In the May 2023 Final Rule, 
DOE established the metric for air circulating fans in terms of 
efficacy in cubic feet per minute per watt (``CFM/W'') for air 
circulating fans at maximum speed. 88 FR 27312, 27371. This is also 
reflected in the regulatory text in section 2.2.1 of appendix B to 
subpart J of part 431 where DOE states that ``The air circulating fan 
efficacy (E[fnof][fnof]circ) in cubic feet per minute (``CFM'') per 
watt (``W'') (``CFM/W'') at maximum speed must be determined in 
accordance with the applicable sections of AMCA 230-23 as listed in 
section 2.2.2 of this appendix''. 88 FR 27312, 27393. However, in the 
May 2023 Final Rule, in the regulatory text in Sec.  431.174, the text 
was not updated to reflect the adopted metric and incorrectly 
references the FEI and FEP metrics as proposed in the July 2022 NOPR, 
as follows: ``Determine the FEI and the fan electrical input power 
(``FEP'') or the weighted-average FEI and weighted-average FEP as 
applicable, using the test procedure set forth in appendix B of this 
subpart''. 88 FR 27312, 27391. DOE corrects this error such that the 
text reflects the correct efficacy metric in CFM/W adopted for air 
circulating fans in the May 2023 Final Rule, such that it reads: 
``Determine the air circulating fan efficacy in cubic feet per minute 
per watt at maximum speed using the test procedure set forth in 
appendix B of this subpart.''
    In the May 2023 Final Rule, DOE stated that, although it 
incorporated by reference AMCA 214-21, it does not include section 6.5 
of AMCA 214.21 in its test procedure. 88 FR 27312, 27350. Similarly, in 
the regulatory text, when listing the applicable section of AMCA 214-21 
in section 0 of appendix A to subpart J of part 431, DOE did not list 
section 6.5 of AMCA 214-21. 88 FR 27312, 27392. DOE also did not list 
section 6.5 of AMCA 214-21 as an applicable section in Table 1 appendix 
A to subpart J of part 431. Id. However, in the regulatory text, in 
section 2.2.1 of appendix A to subpart J of part 431, DOE mistakenly 
listed section 6.5 in the following statement ``fan shaft power for 
fans tested in accordance with sections 6.3, 6.4 or 6.5 of AMCA 214-
21''. 88 FR 27312, 27392. DOE corrects this error to be consistent with 
the discussion of the preamble and other sections of the regulatory 
text in the May 2023 Final Rule that excluded section 6.5 of AMCA 214-
    In the May 2023 Final Rule, DOE adopted provisions to replace the 
motor efficiency values in Annex A of AMCA 214-21 with the values in 
Table 5 of 10 CFR 431.25. DOE stated that while the values are 
currently identical, referencing the CFR would ensure that the values 
of polyphase regulated motor efficiencies remain up to date with any 
potential future updates established by DOE. 88 FR 27312, 27349. In the 
regulatory text in Sec.  429.69, to reflect this intent, DOE also 
states: ``Manufacturers must update represented values to account for 
any change in the applicable motor standards in Table 5 of part 431 of 
this chapter''. In the regulatory text, DOE also included this 
provision in section 2.1 of appendix A to subpart J of part 431 as 
follows: ``Where AMCA 214-21 refers to Annex A, ``Polyphase Regulated 
Motor Efficiencies (Normative),'' of AMCA 214-21, Table 5 of Sec.  
431.25 must be used instead.'' However, because any potential future 
updates to electric motor energy conservation updates could appear in 
tables other than Table 5 of 10 CFR 431.25, DOE makes the following 
correction to reflect the intent of the preamble which is to remain up 
to date with any potential future updates established by DOE: 
``Polyphase Regulated Motor Efficiencies (Normative),'' of AMCA 214-21, 
Table 5 of Sec.  431.25 or the currently applicable standards in Sec.  
431.25 must be used instead.''
    In the May 2023 Final Rule, DOE established stability criteria for 
testing both air circulating fans and fan and blowers other than air 
circulating fans. As part of the stability requirements for fans and 
blowers other than air circulating fans, DOE stated that it was 
adopting provisions to require that the stability will be evaluated and 
confirmed over at least three 60-second data collection intervals, and 
that the fan input power shall be monitored at least every 5 seconds 
over the 60-second data collection intervals. 88 FR 27312, 27360. In 
addition, DOE specified that the average fan speed from one data 
collection interval to the next must be within 1 percent or 
1 rpm, whichever is greater; and the average input power by reaction 
dynamometer, torque meter or calibrated motor must be within 4 percent, or the average input power by electrical meter must be 
within 2 percent of the mean or 1 watt, whichever is 
greater. Id. However, in the May 2023 Final Rule, DOE included 
incorrect regulatory text for the stability requirement for input power 
in section 2.4(b)(2) of appendix A to subpart J of part 431, specifying 
that ``the average input power from the last 60-second interval varies 
by less than the absolute value of 1 percent, whichever is greater, 
compared to the average input power measured during the previous 60-
second test interval.'' 88 FR 27312, 27393. DOE is correcting this 
error in section 2.4(b)(2) of appendix A to subpart J of part 431 to 
remove this language and replace it with the appropriate stability 
requirement that ``the average input power from the last 60-second 
interval by reaction dynamometer, torque meter or calibrated motor must 
be 4 percent, or the average input power by electrical 
meter must be 2 percent of the mean or 1 watt, whichever is 
greater, compared to the average input power measured during the 
previous 60-second test interval.''
    In addition, for the stability conditions for fans and blowers 
other than air circulating fans in section 2.4(b) of appendix A to 
subpart J of part 431, DOE identified that the units for recording 
input power are listed as ``pound-force, pound-force-in, or watts.'' 88 
FR 27312, 27393. but the units should be ``horsepower or watts.'' The 
pound-force and pound-force-in were listed incorrectly and the 
horsepower or watts are the correct units, consistent with AMCA 214-21, 
incorporated by reference. Therefore, DOE is correcting this error and 
replacing the units for input power in section 2.4(b) in appendix A to 
subpart J of part 431with ``horsepower or watts.''
    DOE identified that in the description of the stability conditions 
for air circulating fans in section 2.5(b)(3) of appendix B to subpart 
J of part 431, DOE defines the stable load differential as

[[Page 53374]]

``varies by less than the absolute value of 1 percent, whichever is 
greater.'' The term ``whichever is greater'' is unnecessary as there is 
not a second criteria. In the May 2023 Final Rule, DOE stated that the 
average load differential from one data collection interval to the next 
must be within 1 percent. 88 FR 27312, 27362. DOE corrects 
this error by removing the text ``whichever is greater'' from section 
2.5(b)(3) of appendix B to subpart J of part 431.
    DOE identified inconsistencies in the rounding requirements for FEP 
for fans and blowers other than air circulating fans. Section 2.6 of 
appendix A to subpart J of part 431 specifies that FEP must be rounded 
to three significant figures, but Sec.  429.69(a)(1)(ii) and (iv) 
specifies that any represented value of FEP, fan shaft input power, or 
other measure of energy consumption of a basic model for which 
consumers would favor a lower value must be rounded to the nearest 
hundredth. 88 FR 27312, 27387-27388, 27393. In the May 2023 Final Rule, 
DOE noted that it was adopting requirements that FEP (in kilowatts) 
shall be rounded to three significant figures. 88 FR 27312, 27364. DOE 
acknowledges that Sec.  429.69(a)(1)(ii) and (iv) contains the 
incorrect rounding requirements and DOE is revising these sections to 
specify that FEP be rounded to three significant figures. Fan shaft 
input power and other measures of energy consumption of a basic model 
for which consumers would favor a lower value must still be rounded to 
the nearest hundredth.
    Also, as part of the stability condition requirements for both air 
circulating fans and fans and blowers other than air circulating fans, 
in the May 2023 Final Rule, DOE adopted provisions in section 2.4(b)(3) 
of appendix A to subpart J of part 431 and section 2.5(b)(4) of 
appendix B to subpart J of part 431 that slope of the fan speed, input 
power, and load differential \3\ measurements from one data collection 
interval to the next shall not be trending positive or negative. 88 FR 
27312, 27393, 27394. Specifically, DOE adopted requirements that if the 
slope of 3 or more successive data collection intervals are all 
positive or all negative, additional data collection intervals must be 
run until a negative or positive slope, respectively, is achieved. Id. 
DOE notes that the requirements may not be explicit as to whether a 
linear trendline should be applied to the data. DOE assumed that a 
linear trendline would be used and notes that the requirement to 
calculate the ``slope'' for each sampling interval implies a linear fit 
trendline, however, DOE is correcting the requirements in section 
2.4(b)(3) of appendix A to subpart J of part 431 and section 2.5(b)(4) 
of appendix B to subpart J of part 431 to explicitly state that a 
linear fit trendline shall be applied when evaluating the slopes for 
each data collection interval.

    \3\ Load differential is applicable to only air circulating 

    In the May 2023 Final Rule, DOE incorporated by reference AMCA 230-
23 and adopted by reference the equations for calculating ambient air 
density, as defined in Equations 8.5 and section 8.6 of AMCA 230-23. 88 
FR 27312, 27393. However, DOE identified a typographical error in 
Equations 8.5 and section 8.6 of AMCA 230-23. The equations are given 




II. Need for Correction

    As published, the regulatory text in the May 2023 Final Rule may 
result in confusion due to the errors discussed in section I of this 
document. Because this final rule would simply correct errors in the 
text without making substantive changes in the May 2023 Final Rule, the 
changes addressed in this document are technical in nature.

III. Procedural Issues and Regulatory Review

    DOE has concluded that the determinations made pursuant to the 
various procedural requirements applicable to the May 2023 Final Rule 
remain unchanged for this final rule technical correction. These 
determinations are set forth in the May 2023 Final Rule. 88 FR 27312, 
    Pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553(b), DOE 
finds that there is good cause to not issue a separate notice to 
solicit public

[[Page 53375]]

comment on the changes contained in this document. Neither the errors 
nor the corrections in this document affect the substance of the May 
2023 Final Rule or any of the conclusions reached in support of the 
final rule. For these reasons, this rule is not subject to the 30-day 
delay in effective date requirement of 5 U.S.C. 553(d) otherwise 
applicable to rules that make substantive changes.

List of Subjects

10 CFR Part 429

    Administrative practice and procedure, Confidential business 
information, Energy conservation, Household appliances, Imports, 
Intergovernmental relations, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
Small businesses.

10 CFR Part 431

    Administrative practice and procedure, Confidential business 
information, Energy conservation, Household appliances, Imports, 
Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Laboratories, 
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Small businesses.

Signing Authority

    This document of the Department of Energy was signed on July 19, 
2023, by Francisco Alejandro Moreno Acting Assistant Secretary for 
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, pursuant to delegated authority 
from the Secretary of Energy. That document with the original signature 
and date is maintained by DOE. For administrative purposes only, and in 
compliance with requirements of the Office of the Federal Register, the 
undersigned DOE Federal Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to 
sign and submit the document in electronic format for publication, as 
an official document of the Department of Energy. This administrative 
process in no way alters the legal effect of this document upon 
publication in the Federal Register.

    Signed in Washington, DC, on July 20, 2023.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy.

    For the reasons stated in the preamble, DOE corrects parts 429 and 
431 of chapter II, subchapter D, of title 10 of the Code of Federal 
Regulations by making the following correcting amendments:


1. The authority citation for part 429 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  42 U.S.C. 6291-6317; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.

Sec.  429.69  [Amended]

2. Amend Sec.  429.69 by:
a. In paragraph (a)(1)(ii), removing the words ``fan electrical input 
power (``FEP'')'' and adding in its place, the words ``fan electrical 
power (``FEP'').''
b. In paragraphs (a)(1)(ii) and (a)(1)(iv)(B), removing the text 
``Represented values must be rounded to the nearest hundredth'' and 
adding in its place, the text ``Represented values other than FEP must 
be rounded to the nearest hundredth. FEP must be rounded to three 
significant figures.''
c. In paragraph (a)(1)(iii), removing the words ``fan electrical input 
power (``FEI'')'' and adding in its place, the words ``fan energy index 

Sec.  429.70  [Amended]

3. Amend Sec.  429.70 in paragraph (n)(2)(i) by removing the words 
``axial centrifugal power roof ventilator fan'' and adding in its 
place, the words ``axial power roof ventilator.''


4. The authority citation for part 431 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291-6317; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.

5. Amend Sec.  431.172 by revising the definitions for ``Air 
circulating fan discharge area'' and ``Fan static air power'' to read 
as follows:

Sec.  431.172  Definitions.

* * * * *
    Air circulating fan discharge area means the area of a circle 
having a diameter equal to the blade tip diameter.
* * * * *
    Fan static air power means the static power delivered to air by the 
fan or blower; it is proportional to the product of the fan airflow 
rate, the fan static pressure and the compressibility coefficient and 
is calculated in accordance with section 7.8.1 of AMCA 210-16 
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  431.173), using fan static 
pressure instead of fan total pressure.
* * * * *

6. Amend Sec.  431.173 by revising paragraph (b)(1) to read as follows:

Sec.  431.173  Materials incorporated by reference.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (1) ANSI/AMCA Standard 210-16 (``AMCA 210-16''), Laboratory Methods 
of Testing Fans for Certified Aerodynamic Performance Rating, ANSI-
approved August 26, 2016; IBR approved for Sec.  431.172; appendix A to 
this subpart. (Co-published as ASHRAE 51-16).
* * * * *

7. Amend Sec.  431.174 by:
a. In paragraph (a)(1), removing the words ``axial centrifugal power 
roof ventilator'' and adding in its place, the words ``axial power roof 
b. In paragraph (a)(4)(i)(B) and paragraph (c), removing the words 
``fan electrical input power'' and adding in its place, the words ``fan 
electrical power''; and
c. Revising paragraph (d).
    The revision read as follows:

Sec.  431.174  Test Procedure for fans or blowers.

* * * * *
    (d) Testing and calculations for air circulating fan. Determine the 
air circulating fan efficacy in cubic feet per minute per watt at 
maximum speed using the test procedure set forth in appendix B to this 

8. Amend appendix A to subpart J of part 431 by revising sections 2.1., 
2.2.1. and 2.4(b), (b)(2), and (3) to read as follows:

Appendix A to Subpart J of Part 431--Uniform Test Method for the 
Measurement of Energy Consumption of Fans and Blowers Other Than Air 
Circulating Fans

* * * * *
    2.1. General.
    This section describes the test procedure for fans and blowers 
other than air circulating fans. In cases where there is a conflict, 
the provisions in this appendix take precedence over AMCA 214-21. 
Where AMCA 214-21 refers to Annex A, ``Polyphase Regulated Motor 
Efficiencies (Normative),'' of AMCA 214-21, Table 5 of Sec.  431.25 
or the currently applicable standards in Sec.  431.25 must be used 
    2.2 Testing
    2.2.1. General.
    The fan electrical power (FEPact) in kilowatts must be 
determined at every duty point specified by the manufacturer in 
accordance with one of the test methods listed in table 1, and the 
following sections of AMCA 214-21: Section 2, ``References 
(Normative)''; Section 7, ``Testing,'' including the provisions of 
AMCA 210-16 and ISO 5801:2017 as referenced by Section 7 and

[[Page 53376]]

implicated by sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 of this appendix; Section 
8.1, ``Laboratory Measurement Only'' (as applicable); and Annex J, 
``Other data and calculations to be retained.''

                                 Table 1 to Appendix A to Subpart J of Part 431
                                  Motor controller     Transmission                        Applicable section(s)
             Driver                   present?        configuration?      Test method         of AMCA 214-21
Electric motor.................  Yes or No........  Any..............  Wire-to-air......  6.1 ``Wire-to-Air
                                                                                           Testing at the
                                                                                           Required Duty
Electric motor.................  Yes or No........  Any..............  Calculation based  6.2 ``Calculated
                                                                        on Wire-to-air     Ratings Based on Wire
                                                                        testing.           to Air Testing''
                                                                                           (references Section
                                                                                           8.2.3, ``Calculation
                                                                                           to other speeds and
                                                                                           densities for wire-to-
                                                                                           air testing,'' and
                                                                                           Annex G, ``Wire-to-
                                                                                           Air Measurement--
                                                                                           Calculation to Other
                                                                                           Speeds and Densities
Regulated polyphase motor......  No...............  Direct drive, V-   Shaft-to-air.....  6.4 ``Fans with
                                                     belt drive,                           Polyphase Regulated
                                                     flexible                              Motors,'' (references
                                                     coupling or                           Annex D, ``Motor
                                                     synchronous belt                      Performance Constants
                                                     drive.                                (Normative)'') *.
None or non-electric...........  No...............  None.............  Shaft-to-air.....  Section 6.3, ``Bare
                                                                                           Shaft Fans''.
Regulated polyphase motor......  No...............  Direct drive, V-   Calculation based  Section 8.2.1, ``Fan
                                                     belt drive,        on Shaft-to-air    laws and other
                                                     flexible           testing.           calculation methods
                                                     coupling or                           for shaft-to-air
                                                     synchronous belt                      testing''(references
                                                     drive.                                Annex D, ``Motor
                                                                                           Performance Constants
                                                                                           (Normative),'' Annex
                                                                                           E, ``Calculation
                                                                                           Methods for Fans
                                                                                           Tested Shaft-to-
                                                                                           Air,'' and Annex K,
                                                                                           ``Proportionality and
None or non-electric...........  No...............  None.............  Calculation based  Section 8.2.1, ``Fan
                                                                        on Shaft-to-air    laws and other
                                                                        testing.           calculation methods
                                                                                           for shaft-to-air
                                                                                           testing'' (references
                                                                                           Annex E,
                                                                                           ``Calculation Methods
                                                                                           for Fans Tested Shaft-
                                                                                           to-Air,'' and Annex
                                                                                           K, ``Proportionality
                                                                                           and Dimensional
* Excluding Section, ``Requirements for the VFD, if included'' and Section, ``Combined motor-VFD

    Testing must be performed in accordance with the required test 
configuration listed in Table 7.1 of AMCA 214-21. The following 
values must be determined in accordance with this appendix at each 
duty point specified by the manufacturer: fan airflow in cubic feet 
per minute; fan air density; fan total pressure in inches of water 
gauge for fans using a total pressure basis FEI in accordance with 
Table 7.1 of AMCA 214-21; fan static pressure in inches of water 
gauge for fans using a static pressure basis FEI in accordance with 
Table 7.1 of AMCA 214-21; fan speed in revolutions per minute; and 
fan shaft input power in horsepower for fans tested in accordance 
with sections 6.3 or 6.4 of AMCA 214-21.
    In addition, if applying the equations in Section E.2 of Annex E 
of AMCA 214-21 for compressible flows, the compressibility 
coefficients must be included in the equations as applicable.
    All measurements must be recorded at the resolution of the test 
instrumentation and calculations must be rounded to the number of 
significant digits present at the resolution of the test 
    In cases where there is a conflict, the provisions in AMCA 214-
21 take precedence over AMCA 210-16 and ISO 5801:2017. In addition, 
the provisions in this appendix apply.
* * * * *
    2.4. Stability Conditions.
* * * * *
    (b) After the fan has been run-in, record the fan speed in rpm 
and the input power (in horsepower or watts) at least every 5 
seconds for at least three 60-second intervals. Readings shall be 
made simultaneously. Repeat these measurements over 60-second 
intervals until:
* * * * *
    (2) The average input power from the last 60-second interval by 
reaction dynamometer, torque meter or calibrated motor must be 
4 percent, or the average input power by electrical 
meter must be 2 percent of the mean or 1 watt, whichever 
is greater, compared to the average input power measured during the 
previous 60-second test interval; and
    (3) The slopes of a linear fit trendline calculated from the 
individual data collected for fan speed and input power during at 
least three 60-second sampling intervals include both positive and 
negative values (e.g., two positive and one negative slope value or 
one positive and two negative slope values). If three positive or 
three negative slopes are determined in succession, additional 
sampling intervals are required until slopes from three successive 
sampling intervals include both positive and negative values.
* * * * *

9. Amend appendix B to subpart J of part 431 by:
a. Revising sections 0.1;
b. In section 2.2.1., remove the text ``section 2.2.2 of this 
appendix'' and add, in its place, the text ``section 0.1 of this 
c. Removing section 2.2.2.;
d. Revising sections 2.5(b)(3) and (4); and
e. Adding section 2.6.
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Appendix B to Subpart J of Part 431--Uniform Test Method for the 
Measurement of Energy Consumption of Air Circulating Fans

* * * * *
    0.1 AMCA 230-23:
    (a) Section 4, ``Definitions/Units of Measurement/Symbols,'';
    (b) Section 5, ``Instruments and Methods of Measurement,'';
    (c) Section 6, ``Equipment and Setup,'';
    (d) Section 7, ``Observations and Conduct of Test,'';
    (e) Section 8, ``Calculations,'' excluding equations 8.5 and 
8.6; and
    (f) Section 9, ``Report and Results of Test,''.
* * * * *
    2.5. Stability Conditions.
* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (3) The average load differential of the last 120-second 
interval varies by less than the absolute value of 1 percent 
compared to the average load differential during the previous 120-
second test interval; and

[[Page 53377]]

    (4) The slopes of a linear fit trendline calculated from the 
individual data collected for fan speed, input power, and load 
differential during at least three 120-second intervals include both 
positive and negative values (e.g., two positive and one negative 
slope value or one positive and two negative slope values). If three 
positive or three negative slopes are determined in succession, 
additional sampling intervals are required until slopes from three 
successive 120-second intervals include both positive and negative 
    2.6. Calculation of Ambient Air Density.
    For any references to ambient air density, [rho]0, in AMCA 230-
23, calculate [rho]0, expressed in kg/m3 when using SI units or lbm/
ft3 when using I-P units, as follows:


where pb is the measured barometric pressure of the air, 
Td0 is the measured dry-bulb temperature of the air, 
pp is the partial vapor pressure, R is the gas constant, 
which are all determined according to section 8.2 of AMCA 230-23.

[FR Doc. 2023-15712 Filed 8-7-23; 8:45 am]