[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 218 (Tuesday, November 14, 2023)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 77895-77896]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-23058]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 89

[Docket No. FAA-2022-0859]

Accepted Means of Compliance; Remote Identification of Unmanned 
Aircraft; Correction

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT

ACTION: Acceptable means of compliance; notice of availability; 


SUMMARY: The FAA is correcting a notice of availability (NOA) published 
on August 11, 2022 (87 FR 49520). In that NOA, the FAA provided an 
acceptable means of compliance (MOC) in accordance with a rule issued 
by the FAA on January 21, 2021, that went into effect on April 21, 
2021. In that NOA, the FAA accepted ASTM International (ASTM) F3586-22, 
with additions identified, as an acceptable means, but not the only 
means of demonstrating compliance with the requirements for producing 
standard remote identification unmanned aircraft and remote 
identification broadcast modules. The FAA is correcting the means of 
compliance of ASTM F3586-22 by correcting a typographical reference 
error in Table 3 and clarifying a testing requirement by revising a 
heading and adding clarifying language, as noted in the ``Means of 
Compliance Accepted In This Policy'' section of this document. This 
document includes acceptance of previously accepted MOCs with the 
corrections described.

DATES: This corrective action is effective November 14, 2023.

    FAA Contact: Avi Acharya, Avionics Communications & Surveillance 
Unit, AIR-626C, Technical Policy Branch, Policy & Standards Division, 
Aircraft Certification Service, Federal Aviation Administration, AIR-
600: 800 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20591; telephone 1-844-
FLY-MY-UA; email: [email protected].
    ASTM Contact: Gabriel Cox, Chair, ASTM Remote ID Workgroup, 7325 NE 
Imbrie Drive #231, Hillsboro, OR 97124; Telephone 1-503-941-0099; 
email: [email protected].



    Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations, part 89 establishes remote 
identification requirements for unmanned aircraft operated in the 
airspace of the United States. With a few exceptions, unmanned aircraft 
produced for operation in the airspace of the United States are subject 
to the production requirements of part 89. A person producing a 
standard remote identification unmanned aircraft or remote 
identification broadcast module for operation in the United States must 
show that the unmanned aircraft or broadcast module meets the 
requirements of subpart D of part 89 by following an FAA-accepted means 
of compliance (MOC).
    An FAA-accepted MOC describes one means by which a person may 
comply with the minimum performance requirements for remote 
identification in subpart D of part 89. To be accepted by the FAA, an 
MOC must meet the requirements of both subparts D and E of part 89. The 
MOC must address the minimum performance requirements, as well as the 
testing and validation necessary to demonstrate compliance with the 
part 89 subpart D requirements. The FAA indicates its acceptance of an 
MOC by publishing a Notice of Availability in the Federal Register 
identifying the MOC as accepted and informing the applicant of its 

    \1\ 14 CFR part 89, subpart D.

    A holder of an FAA-accepted MOC notified the FAA of a typographical 
error in a table and a deficient testing requirement in its FAA-
accepted MOC, as discussed in the ``Means of Compliance Accepted In 
This Policy'' section of this document. This document includes 
acceptance of the previously accepted MOC with the requested 
corrections and describes the effect on existing Declaration of 
Compliance (DOC) holders based on the previously accepted MOC and on 
new and revised DOC submittals.

Means of Compliance Accepted in This Policy

    On August 10, 2022, the FAA accepted ASTM ``Standard Practice for 
Remote ID Means of Compliance to Federal Aviation Administration 
Regulation 14 CFR part 89'', ASTM F3586-22, with certain additions, as 
an MOC to the requirements of part 89 Subpart D in NOA Docket No. FAA-
    The FAA has determined that a correction to the typographical error 
in table 3 of the FAA-accepted ASTM F3586-22 MOC standard, and a 
clarification to a deficient testing requirement in section 8.6 of the 
ASTM standard are necessary.
    The FAA-accepted MOC update provided in this NOA is comprised of 
the MOC in Docket No.FAA-2022-0859 (i.e., ASTM F3586-22, with the FAA-
specified additions) with the following corrections:
    1. F3586-22 Table 3, 89.320(h)(5), page 11, line 5: The test method 
must be MOC section 8.6, not section 8.9.3.
    2. F3586-22 Section 8.6: revise heading to--Broadcast Protocol, 
Message Elements, Periodicity and Latency Testing:
    3. F3586-22 Section 8.6: Add the following--In addition to the 
passing criteria, using a time-accurate test setup, the difference in 
time between the broadcasted timestamp and received packet time must be 
measured to be less than or equal to 1 second.

Effect of This Notice on Current FAA-Accepted Declarations of 

    Current valid FAA-accepted DOC for a standard remote identification 
unmanned aircraft or remote identification broadcast module that used 
the original FAA-accepted MOC (including all provisions of ASTM F3586-
22 and the additions identified in NOA Docket No.FAA-2022-0859) with 
tracking number RID-ASTM-F3586-22-NOA-22-01 remain FAA-accepted, and 
holders of those DOC do not need to resubmit a DOC for the MOC in this 

[[Page 77896]]

Effect of This Action on New and Revised Declaration of Compliance 

    Effective upon issuance of this NOA, the FAA will no longer accept 
new or revised DOC submissions using the original MOC identified in NOA 
Docket No. FAA-2022-0859. Applicants must submit new and revised DOC 
submittals using the MOC in this document and must use the tracking 
number identified in ``Tracking Number'' below.

Tracking Number

    Producers submitting a new or revised DOC to the FAA declaring the 
standard remote identification unmanned aircraft or remote 
identification broadcast module meets the requirements of this FAA-
accepted MOC (including all provisions of ASTM F3586-22, the additions 
identified in NOA Docket No.FAA-2022-0859, and the corrections to ASTM 
F3586-22 identified in this document) must include the following 
tracking number: RID-ASTM-F3586-22-NOA-23-01.


    ASTM F3586-22, ``Standard Practice for Remote ID Means of 
Compliance to Federal Aviation Administration Regulation 14 CFR part 
89,'' is available online at https://www.astm.org/f3586-22.html. ASTM 
International copyrights these consensus standards and charges the 
public a fee for service. Individual downloads or reprints of a 
standard (single or multiple copies, or special compilations and other 
related technical information) may be obtained through www.astm.org. 
The FAA maintains a list of accepted means of compliance on the FAA 
website at www.https://uasdoc.faa.gov/listMOC.
    This NOA serves as acceptance by the Federal Aviation 
Administration of the ASTM Remote Identification Standard F3586-22, 
with additions specified in NOA Docket No.FAA-2022-0859 and corrections 
to ASTM F3586-22 specified in this NOA, as a means of compliance for 
meeting the requirements of part 89, subpart D.

    Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on October 13, 2023.
Patrick R. Mullen,
Manager, Technical Policy Branch, Policy and Standards Division, 
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2023-23058 Filed 11-13-23; 8:45 am]