[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 114 (Wednesday, June 12, 2024)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 50058-50200]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-10341]

[[Page 50057]]

Vol. 89


No. 114

June 12, 2024

Part II

Department of Homeland Security


Coast Guard


46 CFR Parts 50, 52, 53, et al.

 Updates to Marine Engineering Standards; Final Rule

Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 12, 2024 / 
Rules and Regulations

[[Page 50058]]



Coast Guard

46 CFR Parts 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, and 64

[Docket No. USCG-2020-0634]
RIN 1625-AC72

Updates to Marine Engineering Standards

AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is updating marine engineering standards that 
are incorporated by reference and eliminating outdated or unnecessarily 
prescriptive regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations. This 
regulatory action is consistent with the standards currently used by 
industry and supports the Coast Guard's maritime safety mission.

DATES: This final rule is effective September 10, 2024. The 
incorporation by reference of certain material listed in this rule is 
approved by the Director of the Federal Register beginning September 
10, 2024. The incorporation by reference of certain material listed in 
this rule was approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of 
October 1, 1990.

ADDRESSES: To view documents mentioned in this preamble as being 
available in the docket, go to www.regulations.gov, type USCG-2020-0634 
in the search box and click ``Search.'' Next, in the Document Type 
column, select ``Supporting & Related Material.''

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information about this 
document, call or email Thane Gilman, Systems Engineering Division (CG-
ENG-3), 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20593. 
Phone (202) 372-1383, Email: [email protected].


Table of Contents for Preamble

I. Abbreviations
II. Background, Basis, and Purpose
III. Discussion of Comments
    A. General Comments
    B. Editorial Comments
    C. Comments on Specific Standards
    D. Comments Recommending Other Changes to the CFR
    E. Recommendations for Coast Guard Action
    F. Comments on the Regulatory Analysis (RA)
IV. Discussion of Rule
    A. General Discussion
    B. Standards Incorporated by Reference To Be Updated or Added
    C. Standards Previously Approved for Incorporation by Reference
    D. Section-by-Section Analysis of Changes to the Regulatory Text
    E. Additional Changes From the NPRM
V. Incorporation by Reference
VI. Regulatory Analyses
    A. Regulatory Planning and Review
    B. Small Entities
    C. Assistance for Small Entities
    D. Collection of Information
    E. Federalism
    F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
    G. Taking of Private Property
    H. Civil Justice Reform
    I. Protection of Children
    J. Indian Tribal Governments
    K. Energy Effects
    L. Technical Standards
    M. Environment

I. Abbreviations

ABS American Bureau of Shipping
ABYC American Boat and Yacht Council
ACP Alternative Compliance Program
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM ASTM International
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
BSEE Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CG-5PS U.S. Coast Guard Commercial Regulations and Standards 
CG-ENG U.S. Coast Guard Office of Design and Engineering Standards
DHS Department of Homeland Security
FR Federal Register
GS General Schedule
IBR Incorporation by Reference
IMO International Maritime Organization
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MISLE Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement
MSC Marine Safety Center
MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting 
Industry, Inc.
MTN Marine Safety Center Technical Note
NAICS North American Industry Classification System
NOSAC National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee
OCS Outer Continental Shelf
OCSNCOE Outer Continental Shelf National Center of Expertise
OFR Office of the Federal Register
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OPM Office of Personnel Management
PV Pressure Vessel
RA Regulatory Analysis
Sec.  Section
SAE SAE International
SBA Small Business Administration
SOLAS International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea
U.S.C. United States Code

II. Background, Basis, and Purpose

    This rule incorporates by reference updated marine engineering 
standards in Title 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 
subchapter F, including standards for boilers, pressure vessels, 
auxiliary machinery, piping, valves, and fittings, for various types of 
vessels. The rule also adds a limited number of alternative standards 
and eliminates outdated or unnecessarily prescriptive regulations.
    The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directs, via OMB Circular 
A-119, that federal agencies use industry-based voluntary consensus 
standards in lieu of government-unique requirements, where appropriate. 
The Coast Guard actively participates in the development of industry 
standards for safety of marine equipment at the International Maritime 
Organization (IMO), the International Organization for Standardization 
(ISO), ASTM International (ASTM), American Society of Mechanical 
Engineers (ASME), and other standards-setting bodies that belong to the 
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Recently published 
editions of these standards provide necessary updates to materials, 
testing practices, and technologies, enhancing safety and compliance.
    The Coast Guard has statutory authority to issue regulations under 
Title 43, United States Code (U.S.C.), section 1333(d), 46 U.S.C. 3306 
and 3703, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Delegation No. 
00170.1, Revision No. 01.3, paragraph (II)(92)(b), which delegates 
authority under these statutes to the Commandant of the Coast Guard. 
Title 43 of the U.S.C., section 1333(d) grants the Secretary the 
authority to promulgate and enforce regulations with respect to lights 
and other warning devices, safety equipment, and other matters relating 
to the promotion of safety of life and property on artificial islands, 
installations, and other devices. Title 46 of the U.S.C., section 
3306(a)(1), authorizes the Secretary to prescribe regulations for the 
design, construction, alteration, repair, and operation of vessels 
subject to inspection, including equipment, appliances, propulsion 
machinery, auxiliary machinery, boilers, unfired pressure vessels, 
piping, and electric installations. Additionally, 46 U.S.C. 3703(a) 
grants the Secretary authority to regulate tank vessels regarding the 
construction, alteration, repair, maintenance, operation, and equipping 
of vessels that may be necessary for increased protection against 
hazards to life and property, for navigation and vessel safety, and for

[[Page 50059]]

enhanced protection of the marine environment.
    On October 19, 2021, the Coast Guard published a notice of proposed 
rulemaking (NPRM) titled ``Updates to Marine Engineering Standards,'' 
(86 FR 57896) requesting comments on the proposed changes implemented 
by this final rule, including several updates to the standards 
incorporated by reference. A detailed description of the background and 
proposed changes is available in that NPRM.

III. Discussion of Comments

    During the 60-day comment period for the NPRM, beginning on October 
19, 2021, the Coast Guard received a comment requesting an extension of 
the comment period. The Coast Guard granted this request, and, on 
December 20, 2021, published an extension of the comment period (86 FR 
71864), for 45 days, until February 3, 2022. During the extended 
comment period, we received two comments. The comments can be viewed in 
the docket following the instructions in the ADDRESSES section of this 
preamble. We summarize the comments and our responses in the following 
sections, starting with general comments then moving to specific 

A. General Comments on the Proposed Rule

    We received two comments supporting \1\ the update of many of the 
standards proposed for incorporation by reference (IBR) in subchapter 
F, emphasizing the importance of ``referencing the latest editions of 
widely used consensus standards.'' Both comments also supported the 
addition of alternative standards and the elimination of outdated or 
unnecessarily prescriptive regulations. We thank the commenters for 
their support of this update to subchapter F.

    \1\ One commenter provided a lengthy statement detailing its 
full support of the proposed updates, while the other commenter 
endorsed the first commenter's statement. When we use ``both 
comments'' we mean either both comments explicitly, or the first 
comment as supported by the second.

B. Editorial Comments on the Proposed Rule

    Comment: Two commenters recommended that, for the sake of clarity, 
proposed 46 CFR 56.60-1(a)(2) be turned into a multiple-paragraph list. 
The same commenters stated that the reference to table 56.60-1(b) in 
Sec.  56.60-1(b) appears erroneous and should probably refer to table 2 
to Sec.  56.60-1.
    Response: We agree and have reorganized Sec.  56.60-1(a)(2) so that 
it now constitutes new Sec.  56.60-1(a)(2) through (4). We have revised 
the table reference in Sec.  56.60-1(b) to conform with other updates 
to table numbering as proposed in the NPRM.

C. Substantive Comments on Standards Within the Proposed Rule

    Comment: Two commenters recommended that the Coast Guard continue 
the IBR of ASME B16.10, Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of 
Valves, which we proposed to remove in the NPRM.
    Response: Because ASME B16.10 is already referenced in ASTM F1155, 
which we proposed for IBR in the NPRM, in practice ASME B16.10 will 
continue to be incorporated by reference even if it is not specifically 
mentioned. Specifically incorporating ASME B16.10 is redundant when the 
standard and its requirements are provided within ASTM F1155.
    Comment: Two commenters recommended the following standards be 
incorporated by reference in Part 56:
     American Petroleum Institute (API) standard API Spec 6D, 
Specification for Pipeline and Piping Valves, 25th Edition;
     ASTM B148-18, Standard Specification for Aluminum-Bronze 
Sand Castings; and
     ASTM D2996-17, Standard Specification for Filament-Wound 
``Fiberglass'' (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe.
    Response: Because ASTM D2996 is already referenced within ASTM 
F1155, which we incorporate by reference by means of this final rule, 
it is not necessary to duplicate the reference. With regards to ASTM 
B148 and API Spec 6D, these standards are neither currently referenced 
within subchapter F, nor were they proposed for IBR in the NPRM. We 
recognize that there are numerous national and international standards 
that provide similar requirements and equivalent performance for the 
same equipment or system. Naval architects and system designers may 
submit for approval components designed to alternative standards that 
provide an equivalent level of safety in accordance with the provisions 
of 46 CFR 50.20-30.
    Comment: We received two comments recommending against 
incorporating by reference API Recommended Practice 14C, Analysis, 
Design, Installation, and Testing of Safety Systems for Offshore 
Production Facilities, Eighth Edition, February 2017 (which would 
update the current incorporation by reference within subchapter F of an 
earlier edition of this standard), and API STD 53, Well Control 
Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells, 5th Edition (which would replace 
a superseded standard currently incorporated by reference within 
subchapter F). The commenters expressed concern that, since the June 4, 
2013, Memorandum of Agreement between the Coast Guard and the Bureau of 
Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) designates BSEE as the lead 
agency for safety and operations on outer continental shelf (OCS) 
facilities, and the referenced standards are already included in BSEE 
regulations, including them in subchapter F as well could create a risk 
of edition conflict between BSEE and the Coast Guard. For the same 
reason, the commenter recommended removing the entirety of subpart 
58.60--Industrial Systems and Components on Mobile Offshore Drilling 
Units (MODUs), and using the standards incorporated by reference in 30 
CFR 250.198 for industrial systems and components as well as marine 
systems and components for all oil and gas facilities on the OCS.
    Response: We have elected to retain these standards in subchapter F 
and not remove subpart 58.60 from the CFR, in order to maintain clarity 
regarding requirements for engineering systems. The ship and facility 
marine engineering and electrical systems that the Coast Guard 
regulates interface with industrial systems under the jurisdiction of 
BSEE. The Coast Guard and BSEE have a shared mission of ensuring safety 
on the OCS. We work together closely to ensure our requirements are not 
in conflict.
    Comment: We received a comment regarding the IBR of the American 
Bureau of Shipping (ABS) standard, ABS Rules for Building and Classing 
Marine Vessels, 2020, Part 4, Vessel Systems and Machinery, which we 
proposed in the NPRM as an update of the earlier 2003 standard already 
incorporated in subchapter F. The commenter argued that ``incorporating 
the classification rules of [ABS] in subchapter F (and 46 CFR Chapter 
I) uses the rules of one classification society to set a regulatory 
baseline, which could competitively disadvantage other societies and 
deprive the industry of knowledge and innovation available in other 
societies' rules.''
    Response: We appreciate the comment, but do not agree. Many vessels 
normally subject to the regulations of subchapter F are enrolled in the 
Alternate Compliance Program (ACP), where the rules of any recognized 
classification society may be used in lieu of the requirements of 
subchapter F. Given that the rules of other recognized classification 
societies are already in wide use through the ACP

[[Page 50060]]

and will remain so, the IBR of the ABS standards will not disadvantage 
other classification societies or interfere with the sharing of 
expertise throughout the industry. We discussed this in depth in 
``Discussion of Proposed Rule'' in the NPRM.\2\

    \2\ 86 FR 57896, 57897.

D. Comments Recommending Additional Regulatory Action

    Comment: Two commenters recommended updating 33 CFR subchapter N to 
clarify the applicability of the rule to existing and new floating OCS 
facilities, nearly all of which are not, properly speaking, ``vessels'' 
or ``ships.'' The commenters also recommended that the Coast Guard act 
on the March 28, 2018, National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee 
(NOSAC) Production Subcommittee Final Report on [U.S. Coast Guard] 
Regulatory Reform recommendation that ``The Coast Guard should issue 
NOSAC a new Task Statement to evaluate the suitability of the 
regulations in 46 CFR Subchapter F (Marine Engineering) and 46 CFR 
Subchapter J (Electrical Engineering) to floating OCS facilities.'' \3\ 
The commenters suggested that, since floating OCS facilities are not, 
properly speaking, ``vessels'' or ``ships,'' the application of 
subchapter F to such facilities has led to multiple requests for 
equivalencies and alternatives, and that while the Coast Guard has 
attempted to address this via policy letter,\4\ this policy letter only 
applies to floating OCS facilities classed with a classification 

    \3\ https://homeport.uscg.mil/Lists/Content/Attachments/35215/Production%20final%20report.pdf. (last visited May 12, 2023).
    \4\ https://www.dco.uscg.mil/Portals/9/DCO%20Documents/5p/5ps/Design%20and%20Engineering%20Standards/docs/CG-ENG%20PolicyLetter%2001-13.pdf (last visited May 12, 2023).

    The commenters suggested that, at a minimum, the Coast Guard should 
update 33 CFR 143.120 to establish the date on which this rule would 
apply to a new floating OCS facility.
    Response: An update to 33 CFR subchapter N regarding its 
applicability to floating OCS facilities and a statement on the same 
issue to NOSAC are outside the scope of this rulemaking but could be 
addressed in a future rulemaking. We encourage questions regarding the 
applicable regulations for floating OCS facilities to be sent either to 
the Coast Guard's Eighth District Outer Continental Shelf Division 
Staff (website: https://www.atlanticarea.uscg.mil/D8/OCS) or the Outer 
Continental Shelf National Center of Expertise (OCSNCOE) (website: 
https://www.dco.uscg.mil/OCSNCOE). As to an update to 33 CFR 143.120, 
the date that 33 CFR subchapter N requires compliance with subchapter F 
is the effective date, 90 days after the publication of this final 

E. Comments Recommending Additional Non-Regulatory Action

    Comment: Two commenters supported the proposed IBR of ASTM F1155-10 
(Reapproved 2015), Standard Practice for Selection and Application of 
Piping System Materials, but also recommended the Coast Guard's Marine 
Safety Center (MSC) cancel Marine Safety Center Technical Note (MTN) 
02-10, Material Selection for Vital Piping Systems, as superseded by 
the adoption of this standard.
    Response: We generally agree, but we note that ASTM F1155 has 
application to all shipboard piping systems, while MTN 02-10 is focused 
on ``vital'' shipboard systems. MTN 02-10 will be reviewed and revised 
if necessary.

F. Comments on the Regulatory Analysis (RA)

    Comment: Two comments expressed concern that table 3 of the RA did 
not specifically address floating OCS facilities and did not provide 
enough clarity to determine if floating OCS facilities were included 
within the table. The commenters recommended that the Coast Guard 
undertake changes to the Marine Information for Safety and Law 
Enforcement (MISLE) system and its internal documentation to eliminate 
any confusion regarding the inclusion or exclusion of floating OCS 
facilities, not only for the purpose of this rule but also for future 
Coast Guard regulatory actions.
    Response: We agree with these comments. In our MISLE database, 
floating production systems are listed as being inspected under 46 CFR 
subchapter I-A; this is incorrect, and, as a result, we overstated the 
number of MODUs in the RA, which lowered the population of vessels in 
the ``Industrial Vessel'' category. After further analysis we revised 
the population of MODUs to one, because we incorrectly classified the 
remainder based on the subchapter inspection field in MISLE. The Coast 
Guard will amend its MISLE database to correctly label these vessels.
    While we did update table 4 of the RA in response to public 
comments, we did not receive feedback from the public that would impact 
our estimate of the number of equivalency requests that are submitted 
to the Coast Guard on an annual basis. Therefore, the regulatory 
assessment of costs, cost savings, and benefits of the NPRM remain 
unchanged, other than the use of more current economic data, where 
    Comment: We also received two related comments regarding the number 
of specific vessel types, suggesting that the listing of 110 MODUs in 
table 3 of the RA was not accurate and that there are fewer than 5 
U.S.-flagged MODUs in active service.
    Response: We agree with these comments. As stated above, in the RA 
for the proposed rule, we incorrectly labeled ``floating production 
systems'' and counted them as MODUs. This overstated the number of 
MODUs because these systems are incorrectly listed in MISLE as being 
inspected under title 46 CFR subchapter I-A. After further analysis, we 
revised the population of MODUs for the final rule to one, because we 
incorrectly classified the rest based on the subchapter inspection 
field in MISLE. Floating production systems are facilities certificated 
and inspected under 33 CFR subchapter N and not vessels inspected under 
46 CFR subchapter I. We overestimated the number of affected vessels in 
the proposed rule; therefore, in this final rule we revise the number 
of vessels in the subchapter I from 6,086 down to 623. Because we 
updated the entire population for this final rule, the total number of 
vessels and facilities is revised down from 16,148 in the proposed rule 
to 5,655 (see table 4 in this document).

IV. Discussion of Rule

A. General Discussion

    In order to decrease the likelihood of introducing errors, to 
improve efficiency during the publication process, and to meet drafting 
and formatting requirements for publication, we are revising or 
revising and republishing entire sections, subparts, and parts, as 
appropriate. Except as explained as a change in this preamble, the 
individual (piecemeal) changes are detailed in the proposed rule, 
published on October 19, 2021 (86 FR 57896).
    In general, the rule makes the following changes:
    1. Corrections--we amend several sections to correct inadvertent 
errors or deletions. We also remove material that is obsolete or 
superfluous, and update contact information for Coast Guard offices and 
standards organizations.
    2. Stylistic Revisions--we revise the language of some sections, 
primarily for greater clarity. This includes revising sentences 
containing the word ``shall'' to use ``must'' or another grammatically 
equivalent word or phrase in accordance with plain language guidelines. 
We also standardize terms

[[Page 50061]]

that were variously presented as compound words, hyphenated 
constructions, or multi-word phrases using the format preferred by the 
Government Publishing Office.
    3. Updated cross references--we update cross references to reflect 
the relocation within the CFR of pertinent provisions. We also 
standardize designations for tables, figures, notes, and formulas using 
the format preferred by the Office of the Federal Register (OFR).
    4. Updated industry standards--we update cross-references to 
industry standards by adding new references, replacing references to 
superseded standards or editions, and by conforming text accordingly. 
We incorporate these updated standards because they reflect the latest 
available technologies, practices, and procedures that are recommended 
by consensus bodies, ship classification societies, and other maritime 
organizations with experience in the industry. As the baseline upon 
which other standards, rules, and equivalency requests are evaluated, 
it is important that subchapter F incorporate up-to-date references. 
The class rules of ABS, in particular, are incorporated by reference in 
multiple locations within subchapter F and 46 CFR chapter I.
    It is important to note that, while these rules set the regulatory 
baseline or standard for specific engineering systems and equipment, 
the Coast Guard has also authorized classification societies in 
accordance with 46 CFR part 8. These authorized classification 
societies are listed on the Coast Guard website \5\ and have been 
delegated the authority to perform certain functions and certifications 
using their respective class rules for vessels enrolled in the ACP. For 
vessels not enrolled in the ACP, the class rules of an authorized 
classification society may be proposed as an alternative to the ABS 
class rules incorporated by reference for engineering systems and 
equipment. Table 1 indicates the sections we amend, and why.

    \5\ https://www.dco.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Prevention-Policy-CG-5P/Inspections-Compliance-CG-5PC-/Commercial-Vessel-Compliance/Flag-State-Control-Division/ClassSocAuth/ (last visited November 25, 2023).

        Table 1--Reason for Change--CFR Part or Section Affected
      Reason for change                         Section
Corrections..................  Sec.  Sec.   50.05-5(b), 50.05-20, 50.05-
                                20(a), 50.10-23, 50.20-5(b), 50.20-5(c),
                                50.20-10(a), 50.20-15(a), 50.20-30,
                                50.25-1, 50.25-7(c), 50.25-7(d), 52.01-
                                1(a), 52.01-1(b), 52.01-3, 52.01-50,
                                52.01-50(b)(2), 52.01-55(a), 52.01-90,
                                52.01-95, 52.01-105(f), 52.01-110, 52.01-
                                120, 52.01-130, 52.01-135, 52.05-20,
                                52.25-3, 53.01-1(a), 53.01-1(b), 54.01-
                                1(a), 54.01-1(b), 54.01-1(c), 54.01-
                                1(d), 54.01-1(e), 54.01-15, 54.01-
                                15(a)(3)(i), 54.01-18(a), 54.01-
                                18(b)(5), 54.01-18(c), 54.05-30(b),
                                54.10-3, 54.10-3(b), 54.10-20(a)(2),
                                redesignated 56.01-2 introductory text,
                                redesignated 56.01-2(a), redesignated
                                56.01-2(b), redesignated 56.01-2(c),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d), redesignated
                                56.01-2(e), redesignated 56.01-2(f),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(g), redesignated
                                56.01-2(h), redesignated 56.01-2(i),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(j), redesignated
                                56.01-2(k), 56.07-5, 56.10-5, 56.15-1,
                                56.15-5, 56.15-10, 56.20-1, 56.20-5,
                                56.20-9, 56.20-15, 56.25-5, 56.25-10,
                                56.25-20, 56.30-5, 56.30-10, 56.30-20,
                                56.30-25, 56.30-30, 56.30-35, 56.30-40,
                                56.35-10, 56.35-15, 56.50-1, 56.50-15,
                                56.50-20, 56.50-25, 56.50-30, 56.50-35,
                                56.50-40, 56.50-45, 56.50-50, 56.50-
                                55(c), 56.50-55(e), 56.50-60, 56.50-65,
                                56.50-70, 56.50-75(a), 56.50-75(b),
                                56.50-80, 56.50-85, 56.50-90, 56.50.95,
                                56.50-105, 56.60-1, 56.60-2. 56.60-5(a),
                                56.70-5(b), 56.70-10(a), 56.70-10(b),
                                56.85-10, 56.85-15, 56.90-5(a), 56.90-
                                10, 56.95-10(a)(1), 56.97-1, 56.97-25,
                                56.97-35, 56.97-38, 56.97-40, 57.01-
                                1(a), 57.02-1(a), 57.02-1(b), 57.02-
                                2(a), redesignated table 1 to Sec.
                                57.02-2(a), 57.02-2(a)(1), 57.02-3(a),
                                57.03-1(a)(1), 57.06-1(c), 58.01-5,
                                58.03-1, 58.05-1, 58.16-10, 58.16-30(k),
                                58.16-35(a), 58.25-10, 58.25-25(e),
                                58.25-40(a), 58.25-60, 58.25-75, 58.25-
                                85, 58.30-1(a)(4), 58.30-1(a)(5), 58.30-
                                1(a)(10), 58.30-5(a), 58.30-40(a), 58.50-
                                1, 59.01-2(b), 59.10-1, 59.10-5, 59.15-
                                1(a), 59.15-1(b), 59.15-1(c), 59.15-
                                1(e), 61.03-1(a), 61.03-1(b), 61.05-10,
                                61.10-5(g), 62.05-1(a), 62.05-1(b),
                                62.35-5(c)(2), 62.35-5(c)(3), 62.35-
                                20(d)(1), 62.35-50, 63.01-3(b), 63.05-1,
                                63.05-1(a), 63.05-1(b), 63.05-1(c),
                                63.05-1(d), 63.05-1(e), 63.05-1(f),
                                63.10-1, 63.25-9(a), 63.25-9(b), 63.25-
                                9(b)(3), 63.25-9(g), 64.2(b), and 64.63.
Stylistic revisions..........  Sec.  Sec.   50.01-10(b), 50.05-1(a),
                                50.05-1(c), 50.05-5(b), 50.05-5(c),
                                50.05-10(a), 50.05-15(a), 50.05-15(b),
                                50.05-20(a), 50.05-20(b), 50.10-20,
                                50.10-23, 50.10-25, 50.10-30(b), 50.20-
                                1(b), 50.20-15(a), 50.20-25(a), 50.20-
                                25(b), 50.20-30, 50.20-35(a), 50.20-
                                35(b), redesignated 50.25-1(e), 50.25-
                                3(a), 50.25-3(b), 50.25-5(a), 50.25-
                                5(b), 50.25-7(b), 50.25-7(c), 50.30-
                                1(a), 50.30-10(a), 50.30-10(b), 50.30-
                                15(a), 50.30-15(b), 50.30-15(c), 50.30-
                                20(a), 50.30-20(b), 52.01-1(a), 52.01-
                                1(b)(1), 52.01-2(a), 52.01-5(a), 52.01-
                                35(b), 52.01-40, redesignated 52.01-
                                50(b)(1), redesignated 52.01-50(b)(2),
                                52.01-55(a), 52.01-55(b), 52.01-95(a),
                                52.01-95(b)(1), 52.01-95(b)(2), 52.01-
                                95(b)(3), 52.01-95(c), 52.01-95(e),
                                52.01-95(f), 52.01-100(a), 52.01-100(b),
                                52.01-105(d)(1), 52.01-105(d)(2), 52.01-
                                105(e)(1), 52.01-110(a), 52.01-
                                110(b)(1), 52.01-110(b)(2), 52.01-
                                110(b)(3), 52.01-110(b)(4), 52.01-
                                110(c), 52.01-110(d), 52.01-110(f),
                                52.01-120(a)(3), 52.01-120(a)(4), 52.01-
                                120(a)(5), 52.01-120(a)(6), 52.01-
                                120(a)(8), 52.01-120(a)(9), 52.01-
                                120(b)(1), 52.01-120(b)(2), 52.01-
                                120(c)(1), 52.01-120(c)(2), 52.01-
                                120(c)(3), 52.01-120(d)(1), 52.01-
                                120(d)(2), 52.01-130(a)(1), 52.01-
                                130(a)(2), 52.01-130(a)(3), 52.01-
                                130(b)(1), 52.01-130(b)(2), redesignated
                                52.01-130(b)(3), redesignated 52.01-
                                130(b)(4), redesignated 52.01-130(b)(5),
                                52.01-130(c)(1), 52.01-130(c)(2), 52.01-
                                135(a), 52.01-135(b), 52.01-135(c),
                                52.01-140(c), 52.01-140(d), 52.01-145,
                                52.05-1, 52.05-15, 52.05-30(a), 52.05-
                                30(b), 52.05-30(c), 52.05-45(a), 52.05-
                                45(c), 52.15-1, 52.15-5(a), 52.15-5(b),
                                52.15-5(c), 52.15-5(d), 52.20-1, 52.20-
                                17, 52.20-25(a), 52.20-25(b), 52.25-5,
                                52.25-7. 52.25-10(a), 52.25-10(b), 52.25-
                                15(a), 53.01-1(a), 53.01-1(b), 53.01-
                                1(b)(1), 53.01-1(b)(2), 53.01-1(c)(1),
                                53.01-1(c)(2), 53.01-3(a), 53.01-5(a),
                                53.01-5(b), 53.01-10(a), 53.01-10(b)(1),
                                53.01-10(b)(2), 53.01-10(c)(2), 53.01-
                                10(d), 53.05-1, 53.05-2, 53.05-3, 53.05-
                                5, 53.10-1, 53.10-3(a), 53.10-10, 53.10-
                                15, 53.12-1(a), 53.12-1(b), 54.01-1(a),
                                54.01-1(b)(1), 54.01-2(a), 54.01-10(b),
                                54.01-10(c), 54.01-15(a)(2)(iv), 54.01-
                                18(a), 54.01-18(b), 54.01-25(a), 54.01-
                                25(b), 54.01-30(a), 54.01-35(a), 54.01-
                                35(b), 54.01-35(c), 54.01-35(d), 54.01-
                                40(b), 54.03-1, 54.05-1, 54.05-3(a),
                                54.05-3(a)(2), 54.05-5(a), 54.05-5(b),
                                54.05-5(c)(1), 54.05-5(c)(2), 54.05-
                                5(d), 54.05-10(a), 54.05-10(b)(1), 54.05-
                                10(b)(3), 54.05-10(b)(4), 54.05-
                                10(c)(2), 54.05-10(c)(3), 54.05-
                                10(c)(4), 54.05-10(d)(1), 54.05-
                                10(e)(1), 54.05-10(e)(3), 54.05-10(f),
                                54.05-15(a), 54.05-15(b), 54.05-15(c),
                                54.05-15(d), 54.05-16(a), 54.05-16(c),
                                54.05-16(d), 54.05-16(e), 54.05-17(a),
                                54.05-17(b), 54.10-1, 54.10-3(a), 54.10-
                                3(b), 54.10-3(c), 54.10-5, 54.10-10(a),
                                54.10-10(b), 54.10-10(c), 54.10-10(d),
                                54.10-10(e), 54.10-10(f), 54.10-15(a),
                                54.10-15(b), 54.10-15(c), 54.10-15(d),
                                54.10-15(d)(1), 54.10-15(e), 54.10-
                                15(f), 54.10-15(g), 54.10-20(b), 54.10-
                                20(c), 54.10-20(c)(1), 54.10-20(d),
                                54.10-25(a), 54.10-25(b), 54.15-1(b),
                                54.15-5(b), 54.15-5(c), 54.15-5(d),
                                54.15-5(e), 54.15-5(f), 54.15-5(h),
                                54.15-5(i), 54.15-5(j), 54.15-5(k),
                                54.15-5(l), 54.15-10(a), 54.15-10(b),
                                54.15-10(c), 54.15-10(e), 54.15-10(g),
                                54.15-10(h), 54.15-13(b), 54.15-
                                13(b)(3), 54.15-13(c), 54.15-15(a),
                                54.15-15(b), 54.15-15(c), 54.15-
                                15(c)(2), 54.15-15(d), 54.15-15(e),
                                54.15-15(f), 54.15-15(g)(1), 54.15-
                                15(g)(2), 54.15-25(a), 54.15-25(b),
                                redesignated 54.15-25(c)(1), 54.15-
                                15(d), 54.15-15(e)(1), 54.15-15(e)(2),
                                54.20-1(a), 54.20-3(a), 54.20-3(b),
                                54.20-3(d), 54.20-3(e), 54.23-1(a),
                                54.25-1, 54.25-3, 54.25-7(b), 54.25-
                                8(b), 54.25-10(a)(2), 54.25-10(b), 54.25-
                                10(b)(1)(i), 54.25-10(b)(1)(ii), 54.25-
                                10(b)(2), 54.25-10(b)(3), 54.25-
                                10(b)(4), 54.25-10(b)(5), 54.25-15(a),
                                54.25-15(b), 54.25-20(a), 54.25-20(b),
                                54.25-20(d), 54.30-3(c), 54.30-5(b),
                                54.30-10(a), 54.30-10(a)(2), 54.30-
                                10(a)(3), 54.30-15(a),

[[Page 50062]]

                                54.30-15(b), 56.01-1(b), redesignated
                                56.01-2(b), redesignated 56.01-2(b)(1),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(1), redesignated
                                56.01-2(c)(2), redesignated 56.01-
                                2(c)(3), redesignated 56.01-2(c)(7),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(8), redesignated
                                56.01-2(c)(9), redesignated 56.01-
                                2(c)(10), redesignated 56.01-2(c)(11),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(12),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(14),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(15),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(16),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(17),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(18),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(19),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(20),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(21),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(22),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(23),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(24),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(c)(25),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(1), redesignated
                                56.01-2(d)(3), redesignated 56.01-
                                2(d)(4), redesignated 56.01-2(d)(5),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(6), redesignated
                                56.01-2(d)(7), redesignated 56.01-
                                2(d)(8), redesignated 56.01-2(d)(9),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(10),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(11),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(12),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(13),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(14),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(15),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(16),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(17),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(18),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(19),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(20),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(21),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(22),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(23),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(24),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(25),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(26),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(27),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(28),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(29),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(30),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(31),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(32),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(33),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(34),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(35),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(36),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(37),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(38),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(39),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(40),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(41),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(42),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(43),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(44),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(45),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(46),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(47),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(48),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(49),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(50),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(51),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(52),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(53),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(54),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(55),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(57),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(58),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(59),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(60),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(61),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(62),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(63),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(d)(64),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(e)(1), redesignated
                                56.01-2(f)(1), redesignated 56.01-
                                2(g)(1), redesignated 56.01-2(h)(1),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(i)(1), redesignated
                                56.01-2(j)(1), redesignated 56.01-
                                2(j)(2), redesignated 56.01-2(j)(3),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(j)(4), redesignated
                                56.01-2(j)(5), redesignated 56.01-
                                2(j)(6), redesignated 56.01-2(j)(7),
                                redesignated 56.01-2(j)(8), redesignated
                                56.01-2(j)(9), redesignated 56.01-
                                2(k)(1), redesignated 56.01-2(k)(2),
                                56.01-10(a), 56.01-10(b), 56.01-
                                10(c)(1), 56.01-10(c)(2), 56.01-
                                10(d)(1), 56.01-10(d)(2), 56.01-
                                10(d)(3), 56.01-10(e), 56.04-1, 56.04-2,
                                56.07-10(a)(2), 56.07-10(b)(1), 56.07-
                                10(b)(2), 56.07-10(b)(3), 56.07-10(c),
                                56.07-10(e)(2), 56.07-10(f)(1), 56.10-
                                1(a), 56.10-5(a), 56.10-5(b), 56.10-
                                5(c)(5), 56.15-5(a), 56.15-5(b), 56.15-
                                5(e), 56.20-5, 56.20-7, 56.20-9(b),
                                56.20-9(c), 56.20-9(d), 56.20-9(e),
                                56.20-9(f), 56.20-15(a), 56.20-15(b),
                                56.20-20(a), 56.25-10, 56.25-15(a),
                                56.25-20(e), 56.30-3, 56.30-5(b)(1),
                                56.30-5(b)(2), 56.30-5(e), 56.30-10(b),
                                56.30-27, 56.30-30(a), 56.30-30(b)(1),
                                redesignated 56.30-40(c), redesignated
                                56.30-40(f), redesignated 56.30-40(g),
                                56.35-1(a), 56.50-1(a), 56.50-1(b)(1),
                                56.50-1(b)(2), 56.50-1(d), 56.50-1(e),
                                56.50-1(f), 56.50-1(g)(3), 56.50-1(h),
                                56.50-1(i), 56.50-1(j), 56.50-1(k),
                                56.50-10(b), 56.50-15(a), 56.50-15(b),
                                56.50-15(c), 56.50-15(d),
                                56.50–15(g), 56.50-15(j), 56.50-
                                20(b), 56.50-25(a), 56.50-25(b), 56.50-
                                25(c), 56.50-25(d), 56.50-30(a)(1),
                                56.50-30(a)(3), 56.50-30(a)(4),
                                redesignated 56.50-30(b)(2),
                                redesignated 56.50-30(b)(3), 56.50-
                                30(c)(1), 56.50-30(c)(2), 56.50-30(d),
                                56.50-30(d)(1), 56.50-30(d)(3), 56.50-
                                30(e), 56.50-30(e)(1), 56.50-30(e)(2),
                                56.50-30(f), 56.30-35, 56.50-40(a)(2),
                                56.50-40(b), 56.50-40(c), 56.50-40(d),
                                56.50-45(a), 56.50-45(b), redesignated
                                56.50-50(a)(2), redesignated 56.50-
                                50(a)(3), 56.50-50(b), 56.50-50(d),
                                56.50-50(d)(3), 56.50-50(d)(4), 56.50-
                                50(d)(5), 56.50-50(f)(1), 56.50-
                                50(f)(4), 56.50-50(g), 56.50-50(i),
                                56.50-50(j), 56.50-50(l), 56.50-50(m),
                                56.50-55(b)(1), 56.50-55(b)(2), 56.50-
                                55(d), 56.50-55(e)(2), 56.50-55(e)(3),
                                56.50-60(a)(1), 56.50-60(d)(3)(i), 56.50-
                                60(d)(3)(ii), 56.50-60(d)(3)(iii), 56.50-
                                60(d)(3)(iv), 56.50-60(f), 56.50-65(c),
                                56.50-60(d), 56.50-60(e), 56.50-60(f),
                                56.50-70(a)(1), 56.50-70(a)(3), 56.50-
                                70(a)(4), 56.50-70(b)(1), 56.50-70(c),
                                56.50-70(d), 56.50-70(f), 56.50-70(g),
                                56.50-70(h), 56.50-75(a)(1), 56.50-
                                75(a)(2), 56.50-75(a)(3), 56.50-
                                75(b)(1), 56.50-75(b)(2), 56.50-
                                75(b)(3), 56.50-75(b)(4), 56.50-
                                75(b)(6), 56.50-75(b)(7), 56.50-80(a),
                                56.50-80(b), 56.50-80(c), 56.50-80(d),
                                56.50-80(e), 56.50-80(f), 56.50-80(g),
                                56.50-85(a)(1), 56.50-85(a)(2), 56.50-
                                85(a)(3), 56.50-85(a)(7), 56.50-
                                85(a)(7)(i), 56.50-85(a)(9),
                                redesignated 56.50-85(a)(12), 56.50-
                                90(b), 56.50-90(e), 56.50-95(a)(1),
                                56.50-95(a)(2), 56.50-95(a)(3), 56.50-
                                95(b)(2), 56.50-95(b)(3), 56.50-
                                95(d)(1), 56.50-95(d)(2), 56.50-
                                95(e)(1), 56.50-95(e)(2), 56.50-95(f),
                                56.50-95(g), 56.50-95(h), 56.50-96(a),
                                56.50-97, 56.50-103(b), 56.50-103(e),
                                56.50-103(g), 56.50-103(h), 56.50-
                                103(i), 56.50-103(k), 56.50-105(a),
                                56.50-105(a)(1), 56.50-105(a)(1)(i),
                                56.50-105(a)(1)(ii), 56.50-105(a)(2),
                                56.50-105(a)(3), 56.50-105(a)(4), 56.50-
                                105(b), 56.50-105(b)(2), 56.50-
                                105(b)(3), 56.50-105(b)(4), 56.50-
                                105(b)(6), 56.50-110(b), 56.60-1(a)(1),
                                56.60-1(b), 56.60-2(a), 56.60-
                                2(c)(1)(ii), 56.60-2(c)(2), 56.60-3(b),
                                redesignated 56.60-5(c), 56.60-10(a),
                                56.60-10(b), 56.60-25, 56.65-1, 56.70-
                                5(b), 56.70-10(a)(1)(iii), 56.70-
                                10(a)(2), 56.70-10(a)(4), 56.70-
                                15(a)(1), redesignated 56.70-15(a)(2),
                                56.70-15(b)(2), 56.70-15(b)(3), 56.70-
                                15(b)(4), 56.70-15(b)(8), 56.70-
                                15(e)(1), 56.70-15(f)(1), 56.70-
                                15(g)(2), 56.70-15(g)(4), 56.70-
                                15(g)(5), 56.70-15(g)(5)(i), 56.70-
                                15(g)(5)(ii), 56.70-15(g)(6), 56.70-
                                15(h), 56.70-20(a), 56.70-20(b), 56.75-
                                5(b), redesignated 56.75-10, 56.75-
                                15(a), 56.75-20(a), 56.75-20(b), 56.75-
                                25(c), 56.75-30(a)(1), 56.75-30(b)(1),
                                56.75-30(b)(2), 56.75-30(c)(1), 56.75-
                                30(c)(2), 56.80-5, 56.80-15(b), 56.80-
                                15(f), 56.90-1, 56.90-5(a), 56.90-5(c),
                                56.90-10(a), 56.90-10(b), 56.95-1(a),
                                56.95-1(b), 56.95-5, 56.95-10(a), 56.95-
                                10(b), 56.95-10(c)(1), 56.95-
                                10(c)(1)(i), 56.95-10(c)(1)(ii), 56.95-
                                10(c)(3), 56.95-10(c)(4), 56.95-
                                10(c)(4)(i), 56.95-10(c)(5), 56.97-
                                40(a), 56.97-40(a)(1), 56.97-40(c),
                                57.01-1(a), 57.02-1(a), 57.02-2(a),
                                57.02-4(a), 57.02-4(b), 57.04-1, 57.05-
                                1, 57.05-2, 57.05-3, 57.05-5, 57.06-
                                1(a), 57.06-1(b), 57.06-1(c), 57.06-
                                2(a), 57.06-2(a)(1), 57.06-2(a)(2),
                                57.06-2(b), 57.06-2(c), 57.06-3(a),
                                57.06-3(b), 57.06-3(d), 57.06-3(e),
                                57.06-4(a), 57.06-4(b), 57.06-4(c),
                                57.06-4(d), 57.06-4(e), 57.06-4(f),
                                57.06-4(f)(1), 57.06-4(f)(2), 57.06-
                                4(g), 57.06-4(h), 57.06-4(i), 57.06-
                                5(a), 57.06-5(b), 58.01-10(b), 58.01-20,
                                58.01-30, 58.01-50, 58.01-55, 58.03-
                                1(a), 58.03-1(b)(1), 58.03-1(c)(1),
                                redesignated 58.03-1(d)(1), redesignated
                                58.03-1(d)(2), redesignated 58.03-
                                1(e)(1), redesignated 58.03-1(e)(2),
                                redesignated 58.03-1(e)(3), redesignated
                                58.03-1(e)(4), redesignated 58.03-
                                1(f)(1), redesignated 58.03-1(f)(2),
                                redesignated 58.03-1(f)(3), redesignated
                                58.03-1(f)(4), redesignated 58.03-
                                1(f)(5), redesignated 58.03-1(f)(6),
                                redesignated 58.03-1(f)(7), redesignated
                                58.03-1(f)(8), redesignated 58.03-
                                1(f)(9), redesignated 58.03-1(g)(1),
                                redesignated 58.03-1(g)(2), redesignated
                                58.03-1(h)(1), redesignated 58.03-
                                1(i)(1), redesignated 58.03-1(i)(2),
                                58.05-1(b), 58.05-5(a), 58.10-5(a),
                                58.10-5(b)(1), 58.10-5(c), 58.10-
                                5(d)(1)(i), 58.10-10(a), 58.10-15(a),
                                58.10-15(b), 58.10-15(c)(1), 58.10-
                                15(c)(2), 58.10-15(c)(3), 58.10-15(e),
                                58.10-15(f)(1), 58.10-15(f)(2), 58.10-
                                15(f)(3), 58.10-15(g), 58.10-15(h),
                                58.16-1(c), 58.16-10(a)(1), 58.16-
                                10(a)(3), redesignated 58.16-10(b)(2),
                                redesignated 58.16-10(b)(3), 58.16-
                                10(d), 58.16-10(e), 58.16-15(a), 58.16-
                                15(b), 58.16-15(c), 58.16-15(d), 58.16-
                                15(e), 58.16-16(a), 58.16-16(b), 58.16-
                                16(c), 58.16-17(a), 58.16-17(b), 58.16-
                                17(c), 58.16-18(a)(1), 58.16-18(a)(2),
                                58.16-18(a)(3), 58.16-18(a)(4), 58.16-
                                18(a)(5), 58.16-18(b)(1), 58.16-
                                18(b)(2), 58.16-18(c), 58.16-18(d),
                                58.16-19(a)(1), 58.16-19(a)(2), 58.16-
                                19(b), 58.16-20(a), 58.16-20(b), 58.16-
                                25(a), 58.16-30(a), 58.16-30(b), 58.16-
                                30(c), 58.16.30(d), 58.16-30(e), 58.16-
                                30(f), 58.16-30(g), 58.16-35(a), 58.16-
                                35(b), 58.16-35(c), 58.20-1(b), 58.20-
                                5(a), 58.20-10(a), 58.20-10(b), 58.20-
                                15(a), 58.20-15(b), 58.20-15(c), 58.20-
                                20(a), 58.20-20(b), 58.20-20(c), 58.20-
                                25(a), 58.20-25(b), 58.25-5, 58.25-10,
                                58.25-20, 58.25-25(a), 58.25-25(e),
                                58.25-60, 58.25-65(a), 58.30-1(a), 58.30-
                                5(b), 58.30-5(c), 58.30-10(b), 58.30-
                                10(c), 58.30-10(d), 58.30-10(e), 58.30-
                                15(b), 58.30-15(c), 58.30-15(d), 58.30-
                                15(e), 58.30-15(f), 58.30-20(b), 58-30-
                                20(c), 58.30-20(d), 58.30-25(b), 58.30-
                                25(c), 58.30-30(c), 58.30-30(d), 58.30-
                                30(e), 58.30-35(a), 58.30-35(b), 58.30-
                                35(c), 58.30-35(c)(1), 58.30-35(c)(2),
                                58.30-35(c)(3), 58.30-35(d), 58.30-50,
                                58.50-1(b), 58.50-1(c), 58.50-5(a)(1),
                                58.50-5(a)(2), 58.50-5(a)(3), 58.50-
                                5(a)(4), 58.50-5(a)(5), 58.50-5(a)(6),
                                58.50-5(a)(7), 58.50-5(a)(8), 58.50-
                                5(b)(1), 58.50-5(b)(2), 58.50-5(b)(3),
                                58.50-5(b)(4), 58.50-5(b)(5), 58.50-
                                5(c)(1), 58.50-5(c)(2), 58.50-5(c)(3),
                                58.50-10(a)(2), 58.50-10(a)(3), 58.50-
                                10(a)(5), 58.50-10(a)(6), 58.50-
                                10(a)(7), 58.50-10(a)(8), 58.50-

[[Page 50063]]

                                58.50-10(b)(1), 58.50-10(b)(2), 58.50-
                                10(b)(3), 58.50-10(b)(4), 58.50-
                                10(b)(5), 58.50-10(c)(1), 58.50-
                                10(c)(2), 58.50-10(c)(3), 58.50-15,
                                58.60-7, 59.01-2(a), 59.01-2(b)(1),
                                59.01-2(b)(2), 59.01-2(b)(3), 59.01-
                                2(b)(4), 59.01-5(a), 59.01-5(b), 59.01-
                                5(c), 59.01-5(d), 59.10-1(b), 59.10-
                                1(d), 59.10-5(h), 59.10-5(i), 59.10-
                                5(j), 59.10-5(k), 59.10-5(l), 59.10-
                                10(a)(1), 59.10-10(a)(2), 59.10-
                                10(a)(3), 59.10-10(d), 59.10-10(e),
                                59.10-10(f), 59.10-15(a), 59.10-15(b),
                                59.10-20(a), 59.10-20(b), 59.10-25,
                                59.10-30, 59.10-35(a), 59.10-35(b),
                                59.10-35(c), 59.10-35(d), 59.15-1(a),
                                59.15-1(a)(1), 59.15-1(a)(2), 59.15-
                                1(d), 59.15-5(b), 59.15-10(a), 59.15-
                                10(c), 59.20-1, 61.01-1(a), 61.01-1(b),
                                61.03-1(a), 61.03-1(b), 61.05-1, 61.05-
                                5(a), 61.05-5(b), 61.05-10(b), 61.05-
                                10(c), 61.05-10(d), 61.05-10(e), 61.05-
                                10(f), 61.05-10(g), 61.05-15(a), 61.05-
                                15(e), 61.05-20, redesignated 61.10-
                                5(g)(1), 61.15-1, 61.15-5(a), 61.15-
                                5(c), 61.15-10(a), 61.15-15(a), 61.20-
                                1(b), 61.20-3(a), 61.20-3(b), 61.20-
                                5(a), 61.20-5(b), 61.20-17(b), 61.20-
                                23(c), 61.30-5, 61.30-20, 61.35-3, 61.40-
                                1(b), 62.01-3, 62.01-5(d), 62.05-1(a),
                                62.05-1(b)(1), 62.10-1, 62.15-1, 62.20-
                                1, 62.20-5(a), 62.25-25(d), 62.35-1(a),
                                62.35-10(b), 62.35-15(a)(2), 62.35-35,
                                62.35-40, 62.35-50, 62.50-30, 63.15-1,
                                63.15-3, 63.15-7, 63.25-3, 63.25-7,
                                63.25-9, 64.2(a), 64.2(b), 64.5, 64.11,
                                64.13, 64.21, 64.25, and 64.31.
Updated cross-references.....  Sec.  Sec.   50.10-30(c)(1), 50.30-1(c),
                                52.25-1. 53.01-5(a), 54.01-1(b)(1),
                                54.01-1(c)(1) 54.01-1(c)(2), 54.01-
                                1(c)(3), 54.01-1(c)(4), 54.01-1(c)(5),
                                54.01-1(d)(1), 54.01-2(a), 54.01-5(a),
                                54.01-5(b), 54.01-5(d)(5), 54.05-15,
                                54.05-20, 54.10-20(a)(2), 56.10-5(a),
                                56.15-5(b), redesignated 56.15-10(a),
                                redesignated 56.15-10(b), 56.25-10,
                                56.30-5(c)(1), 56.30-10(b), 56.30-20(b),
                                56.30-20(c), redesignated 56.35-10(a),
                                56.35-15, 56.50-55(a), 56.50-55(a)(1),
                                56.50-55(b)(1), 56.50-70(a), 56.50-
                                70(a)(2), 56.50-105(a)(1), 56.50-
                                105(a)(1)(i), 56.50-105(a)(1)(ii), 56.50-
                                105(a)(1)(iii), 56.60-1(a)(2)(i), 56.60-
                                1(b), 56.60-2(b), 56.70-15(b)(6)(ii),
                                56.70-15(g), 56.97-5(b), 57.02-1(b),
                                57.02-2(a), 57.03-1(b), 58.16-7, 58.50-
                                15, 59.01-2(b)(1), 59.01-2(b)(2), 59.01-
                                2(b)(3), 59.01-2(b)(4), 59.15-1(e),
                                61.05-10(a), 62.35-1(a), 63.15-1(a),
                                63.15-3(d), 63.15-7(d), and 63.25-7(a).
Updated industry standards...  Sec.  Sec.   52.01-1(b)(1), 53.01-
                                1(b)(1), 53.01-1(b)(2), 53.01-1(c)(1),
                                53.01-1(c)(2), 54.01-1(b)(1), 54.01-
                                1(c)(1), 54.01-1(c)(2), 54.01-1(c)(3),
                                54.01-1(c)(4), 54.01-1(c)(5), 54.01-
                                1(d)(1), 54.01-1(e)(1), 54.01-2, 56.01-
                                2, 56.50-60(d)(1), 56.50-60(d)(2), 56.50-
                                105, 56.60-1, 56.60-15(a), 56.60-15(b),
                                57.02-1(b), 58.01-50, 58.10-5(d)(1),
                                59.01-2(b)(1), 59.01-2(b)(2), 59.01-
                                2(b)(3), 59.01-2(b)(4), 62.05-1(b)(1),
                                62.25-30(a)(1), 62.25-30(a)(2), 62.25-
                                30(a)(3), 62.25-30(a)(5), 62.35-5(d),
                                62.35-35, 62.35-50, 62.50-30(c), 63.05-
                                1(a)(1), 63.05-1(b)(1), 63.05-1(c)(1),
                                63.05-1(d)(2), 63.05-1(e)(1), 63.05-
                                1(e)(3), 63.05-1(f)(1), 63.05-1(f)(2),
                                63.05-1(f)(3), 63.05-1(f)(4), and 63.25-

B. Standards Incorporated by Reference To Be Updated or Added

    Following this paragraph, we include an alphabetical list of the 
standards we are updating or adding, each with a listing of the 
sections in which they appear in 46 CFR. For each standard listed, we 
describe the topics covered by the standard, the changes to the 
standard, any difference between the older edition of standards 
currently included within the CFR via IBR and the edition adopted, and 
a list of subparts or sections that reference the standard.
     ABS Rules for Building and Classing Marine Vessels, Part 
4, Vessel Systems and Machinery, January 2020. This standard updates 
the 2003 standard, incorporated by reference in Sec. Sec.  58.01-5, 
58.05-1, 58.10-15, 58.20-5, 58.25-5, 62.25-30, 62.35-5, 62.35-35, 
62.35-40, 62.35-50, and 62.50-30. In 2020, ABS changed the name of the 
Steel Vessel Rules to Marine Vessel Rules. All parts and sections 
contain the same information along with updates to reflect the current 
technologies for commercial vessels. The rules contain a comprehensive 
set of construction and maintenance requirements for ships and offshore 
     ABYC P-1-14, Installation of Exhaust Systems for 
Propulsion and Auxiliary Engines, reaffirmed 2014. This American Boat 
and Yacht Council (ABYC) standard updates the 1973 standard, 
incorporated by reference at Sec.  58.10-5. It contains the rules and 
guidance for the safe installation and operation of exhaust systems for 
propulsion and auxiliary engines. Updates to the standard are editorial 
(non-substantive) in nature.
     ANSI Z21.22-2015, Relief valves for hot water supply 
systems, July 2015. This standard updates the 1986 edition incorporated 
by reference at Sec.  63.25-3. This standard establishes requirements 
for relief valves for hot water systems. It has been regularly revised 
to accommodate technological developments, to address administrative 
requirements, to incorporate interpretations, and to clarify the 
standard intent. It is the internationally accepted standard.
     API RP 14C, Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of 
Safety Systems for Offshore Production Facilities, Eighth Edition, 
February 2017 with errata 1 May 2018. This standard updates the 1986 
edition incorporated by reference in Sec.  58.60-9. This document 
presents provisions for designing, installing, and testing both process 
safety and non-marine emergency support systems on an offshore 
production facility. The updates made to the standard are editorial in 
     API STD 53, Well Control Equipment Systems for Drilling 
Wells, Fifth Edition, December 2018. This standard replaces API 
Recommended Practice 53 (API RP 53), the second edition of which is 
currently incorporated by reference at Sec.  58.60-7. API STD 53 
promotes best safety practices for the oil and gas industry during 
drilling operations, principally focusing on blowout prevention.
     API STD 607, Fire Test for Quarter-turn Valves and Valves 
Equipped with Nonmetallic Seats, Seventh Edition, June 2016. This 
standard replaces the fourth edition of API STD 607 (1993), 
incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.20-15. This standard specifies 
fire type-testing of valves that contain nonmetallic materials and 
pressure-containing capabilities after the fire test.
     ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I, Rules for 
Construction of Power Boilers, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 2019. The 
2001 edition is currently incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  
52.01-2, 52.01-5, 52.01-50, 52.01-90, 52.01-95, 52.01-100, 52.01-105, 
52.01-110, 52.01-115, 52.01-120, 52.01-135, 52.01-140, 52.01-145, 
52.05-1, 52.05-15, 52.05-20, 52.05-30, 52.05-45, 52.15-1, 52.15-5, 
52.20-1, 52.20-25, 52.25-3, 52.25-5, 52.25-7, 52.25-10, 53.01-10, 
56.15-1, 56.15-5, 56.20-1, 56.60-1, 56.70-15, 56.95-10, 58.30-15, and 
59.10-5. By means of this rule, we remove the references at Sec. Sec.  
56.15-5 and 56.20-1 and add a reference at Sec.  52.01-3(g). This 
portion of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) provides 
rules for construction of power boilers, electric boilers, miniature 
boilers, and high temperature water boilers to be used in stationary 
service, and includes power boilers used in locomotive, portable, and 
traction service. Every 2 years, the code is revised to accommodate 
technological developments, to address administrative requirements, to 
incorporate interpretations, and to clarify the intent of the code. It 
is the internationally accepted authoritative standard for design and 
construction of boilers. Incorporating the latest edition simplifies 
regulatory compliance and

[[Page 50064]]

ensures the latest industry practices based on changes in technology 
are addressed and the highest possible level of safety is required. The 
2019 standard updates the code by developing a new non-mandatory 
appendix for fabrication of dissimilar metal welds for creep strength 
enhanced ferritic steel to austenitic materials, rewriting section PW-
38, incorporating non-mandatory appendix A-100, including detailed 
rules for preheating and inter-pass temperatures and interruption of 
welding and preheat, and adding a new figure for code jurisdictional 
limits for piping for fire-tube boilers.
     ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV, Rules 
for Construction of Heating Boilers, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 2019. 
The 2004 edition is currently incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  
53.01-3, 53.01-5, 53.01-10, 53.05-1, 53.05-2, 53.05-3, 53.05-5, 53.10-
1, 53.10-3, 53.10-10, 53.10-15, and 53.12-1. This code contains 
requirements, specific prohibitions, and non-mandatory guidance for 
construction of heating boilers. It has been regularly revised to 
accommodate technological developments, address administrative 
requirements, incorporate interpretations, and clarify the intent of 
the code. It is the internationally accepted authoritative standard for 
the design and construction of heating boilers. Incorporating the 
latest edition ensures compliance with current industry practices. The 
2019 code updates Section IV by adding stress values to Table HF-30001 
and adding language to various parts to allow for electronic 
     ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VII, 
Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers, 2019 Edition, 
issued July 1, 2019. The 2001 edition is currently incorporated by 
reference at Sec.  59.01-5. This code contains requirements, specific 
prohibitions, and non-mandatory guidance for construction of power 
boilers. It has been regularly revised to accommodate technological 
developments, address administrative requirements, incorporate 
interpretations, and clarify the intent of the code. It is the 
internationally accepted authoritative standard for the operating, 
maintaining, examining, and care of power boilers. Incorporating the 
latest edition ensures compliance with current industry practices. The 
changes made to the standard are structural and stylistic.
     ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Rules 
for Construction of Pressure Vessels, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 
2019. The 1998 edition is currently incorporated by reference at 
Sec. Sec.  54.01-2, 54.01-5, 54.01-15, 54.01-18, 54.01-25, 54.01-30, 
54.01-35, 54.03-1, 54.05-1, 54.10-1, 54.10-3, 54.10-5, 54.10-10, 54.10-
15, 54.15-1, 54.15-5, 54.15-10, 54.15-13, 54.20-1, 54.20-3, 54.25-1, 
54.25-3, 54.25-8, 54.25-10, 54.25-15, 54.25-20, 54.30-3, 54.30-5, 
54.30-10, 56.15-1, 56.15-5, 56.20-1, 56.25-5, 56.30-10, 56.30-30, 
56.60-1, 56.60-2, 56.60-15, 56.95-10, 58.30-15, 59.10-5, and 59.10-10. 
By means of this rule, we remove the references at Sec. Sec.  54.01-15, 
56.15-5, 56.20-1, and 56.30-30, replacing the 1989 version in the other 
sections. The 1989 edition is also incorporated by reference at 
Sec. Sec.  64.5, 64.11, 64.13, 64.21, 64.25, and 64.31, and reference 
is made to the use of a constant from the 1974 edition in a calculation 
at Sec.  64.63. We remove the reference to the 1974 edition of the 
standard in Sec.  64.63 (while still retaining the value of the 
constant), but maintain references to the 1989 edition in these 
sections since part 64 is applicable only to marine portable tanks for 
which the MSC received an application on or before May 1, 1991. This 
code contains requirements, specific prohibitions, and non-mandatory 
guidance for the construction of pressure vessels. It has been 
regularly revised to accommodate technological developments, address 
administrative requirements, incorporate interpretations, and clarify 
the intent of the code. It is the internationally accepted 
authoritative standard for the design and construction of heating 
boilers. Incorporating the latest edition ensures compliance with 
current industry practices. The 2019 edition allows for additional 
design methods from Div. 2 to be used in Div. 1 by creating new 
appendix 46. Revisions were also made for clarity.
     ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, 
Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Procedures; 
Welders; Brazers; and Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Operators, 2019 
Edition, issued July 1, 2019. This standard updates the 1989 edition 
currently incorporated at Sec. Sec.  56.70-5, 56.70-20, 56.75-20, 
57.02-2, 57.02-3, 57.02-4, 57.03-1, 57.04-1, 57.05-1, 57.06-1, 57.06-4, 
and 59.10-5. By means of this rule, we incorporate this standard at 
Sec.  56.85-10 and remove the references at Sec.  57.02-3. This 
standard establishes the qualifications of welders, welding operators, 
brazers, and brazing operators, and the procedures employed in welding 
or brazing. It has been regularly revised to accommodate technological 
developments, address administrative requirements, incorporate 
interpretations, and clarify the intent of the code. It is the 
internationally accepted authoritative standard for pressure vessels.
     ASME B1.1-2003 (Reaffirmed 2008), Unified Inch Screw 
Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form), issued September 30, 2004. This 
standard updates the 1982 edition, incorporated by reference at 
Sec. Sec.  56.25-20 and 56.60-1, and specifies the thread form, series, 
class, allowance, tolerance, and designation for unified screw threads. 
The revision changes some of the values in tables provided in the 
standard. These changes in value were the result of the application of 
consistent eight decimal and round rules established in ASME B1.30-
     ASME B1.20.1-2013, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch), 
issued November 15, 2013. This standard updates the 1983 edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1, and covers the dimensions 
and gauging of pipe threads. The revisions to the standard include 
editorial changes, changes in calculations and figures, and 
clarification of figures.
     ANSI B1.20.3-1976 (Reaffirmed 2013), Dryseal Pipe Threads 
(Inch), November 18, 1976. This standard is incorporated by reference 
at Sec.  56.60-1. We are updating the reaffirmation date of this 
standard to conform with its most recent reaffirmation. This document 
primarily provides specific dimensions for tapered pipe threads of 
various common sizes and has not changed substantially.
     ASME B16.1-2015, Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged 
Fittings, Classes 25, 125, and 250, issued December 28, 2015. This 
standard updates the 1998 standard for these fittings as incorporated 
by reference in Sec. Sec.  56.60-1 and 56.60-10. It covers pressure-
temperature ratings, markings, and materials for Classes 25, 125, and 
250 gray iron pipe flanges and flanged fittings. Updates include 
editorial changes, revisions, and corrections to the 1998 edition.
     ASME B16.3-2016, Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 
150 and 300, issued November 30, 2016. This standard updates the 1998 
edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1, and covers 
pressure-temperature ratings, dimensions, markings, and materials for 
Classes 150 and 300 malleable iron threaded fittings. Updates to the 
standard are editorial in nature, with changes made to update verbiage 
and readings.
     ASME B16.4-2016, Gray Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 
and 250, issued November 11, 2016. This standard updates the 1998 

[[Page 50065]]

incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It covers pressure-
temperature ratings, markings, materials, dimensions, and tolerances 
for Classes 125 and 250 gray iron threaded fittings. The updates to 
this standard include metric system units and revisions to the text 
concerning dimensions and tolerance.
     ASME B16.5-2017, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, NPS 
\1/2\ through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard, issued November 20, 2017. 
This standard updates the 2003 edition incorporated by reference at 
Sec. Sec.  56.25-20, 56.30-10, and 56.60-1. It covers pressure-
temperature ratings, materials, dimensions, tolerances, marking, 
testing, and methods of designing openings for pipe flanges and flanged 
fittings. The updates made to this standard include updating materials 
and requirements for forgings.
     ASME B16.11-2016, Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and 
Threaded, issued January 20, 2017, including errata. This standard 
updates the 2001 edition incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.30-
5 and 56.60-1. It covers pressure-temperature ratings, materials, 
dimensions, tolerances, marking, and testing for forged fittings. 
Updates to the standard include the addition of another type of 
fitting, format and reference revisions, and updated marking 
     ASME B16.14-2013, Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and 
Locknuts with Pipe Threads, issued November 15, 2013. This standard 
updates the 1991 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It 
covers pressure-temperature ratings, materials, dimensions, tolerances, 
marking, testing, and threading for various threaded ferrous pipe 
fittings. The updates to this standard were mostly editorial and 
conforming in nature, with revisions to section 8 requiring threads and 
gauging practices to conform to ASME B1.20.1 and other B16 standards.
     ASME B16.15-2013, Cast Copper Alloy Threaded Fittings, 
Classes 125 and 250, issued December 6, 2013. This standard updates the 
1985 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It covers 
pressure-temperature ratings, materials, dimensions, tolerances, 
marking, testing, and threading requirements for Classes 125 and 250 of 
cast copper alloy fittings. The standard was updated in 2004, and 2011, 
and the 2013 edition revises section 7, requiring threading and gauging 
practices be identical to ASME B1.20.1 and other B16 standards.
     ASME B16.20-2012, Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges, Ring-
Joint, Spiral-Wound, and Jacketed, issued June 25, 2013. This standard 
updates the 1998 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It 
covers materials, dimensions, tolerances, and markings for metal ring-
joint gaskets, spiral-wound metal gaskets, metal-jacketed gaskets, and 
grooved metal gaskets with covering layers. The updates to the standard 
include minor revisions to the material requirements for spiral-wound 
gaskets, along with tables and figures.
     ASME B16.21-2016, Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe 
Flanges, issued December 9, 2016. This standard updates the 2005 
edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It covers types, 
sizes, materials, and dimensions for gaskets used with flanges. The 
2016 edition primarily expands the scope of the standard to include 
values greater than size 12 NPS.
     ASME B16.23-2016, Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage 
Fittings: DWV, issued January 16, 2017. This standard updates the 2002 
edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It covers 
materials, dimensions, tolerances, and markings for cast copper alloy 
solder joint drainage fittings, designed for use in drain, waste, and 
vent systems. The updates in the 2016 edition are editorial in nature 
and not substantive.
     ASME B16.25-2012, Buttwelding Ends, issued December 20, 
2012. This standard updates the 2003 edition incorporated by reference 
at Sec. Sec.  56.30-5, 56.60-1, and 56.70-10. It covers the preparation 
of butt-welding ends of piping components to be joined into a piping 
system by welding and includes requirements for welding bevels for 
external and internal shaping of heavy-wall components, and for 
preparation of internal ends (including dimensions and tolerances). The 
updates to the standard are editorial in nature and include updated 
references and tables.
     ASME B16.29-2012, Wrought Copper Alloy Solder-Joint 
Drainage Fittings-DWV, issued September 26, 2012. This standard updates 
the 2007 edition currently incorporated at Sec.  56.60-1. The standard 
covers the materials, marking, sizes, and dimensions for wrought copper 
and copper alloy solder-joint drainage fittings, and was updated 
editorially in 2012.
     ASME B16.34-2017, Valves--Flanged, Threaded, and Welding 
End, issued August 23, 2017. This standard updates the 1996 edition 
currently incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.20-1 and 56.60-1. 
Through this rule, we remove the reference at Sec.  56.20-1. This 
standard applies to new construction and covers pressure-temperature 
ratings, dimensions, tolerances, materials, testing and marking for 
flanged, threaded, and welding end valves. The standard updates the 
materials manufactured list to include valves up to NPS 60, and changes 
were made to allowable materials.
     ASME B18.2.1-2012, Square, Hex, Heavy Hex, and Askew Head 
Bolts and Hex, Heavy Hex, Hex Flange, Lobed Head, and Lag Screws (Inch 
Series), issued April 24, 2013. This standard updates the 1996 edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.25-20 and 56.60-1. It covers 
the dimensional requirements for nine product types of inch series 
bolts and screws recognized as American National Standard. The 2012 
standard provides significant revisions to illustrations in tables 6, 7 
and 8, which provided the wrong dimensions for several figures.
     ASME B18.2.2-2015, Nuts for General Applications: Machine 
Screw Nuts, Hex, Square, Hex Flange, and Couplings Nuts (Inch Series), 
issued November 30, 2015. This standard updates the 1987 edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.25-20 and 56.60-1. It covers 
complete general and dimensional data for various types of inch series 
hex and square nuts.
     ASME B31.1-2016, Power Piping, ASME Code for Pressure 
Piping, B31, issued June 30, 2016. This standard updates the 2001 
edition currently incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.01-3, 
56.01-5, 56.07-5, 56.07-10, 56.10-1, 56.10-5, 56.15-1, 56.15-5, 56.20-
1, 56.25-7, 56.30-1, 56.30-5, 56.30-10, 56.30-20, 56.35-1, 56.50-1, 
56.50-15, 56.50-40, 56.50-65, 56.50-70, 56.50-97, 56.60-1, 56.65-1, 
56.70-10, 56.70-15, 56.80-5, 56.80-15, 56.95-1, 56.95-10, and 56.97-1. 
By means of this rule, we add new references at Sec. Sec.  56.70-5, 
56.85-10, and 56.85-15, and remove the existing references at 
Sec. Sec.  56.15-5, 56.20-1, 56.30-10, 56.50-15, and 56.50-65. This 
standard prescribes requirements for the design, materials, 
fabrication, inspection, operation, and maintenance of piping systems. 
The updates to the standard were numerous, with many revisions to 
nomenclature and additions to stress test values for several items in 
various tables.
     ASME B31.3-2018, Process Piping, ASME Code for Pressure 
Piping, B31, issued August 30, 2019. This standard updates the 1987 
edition currently incorporated by reference at Sec.  58.60-7, and by 
means of this rule is also adopted for Sec.  56.60-1. ASME B31.3 is the 
industry standard for low temperature piping. It is a more appropriate 
reference for low temperature piping than ASME B31.1, which is the 
current main reference document for part 56. A specific

[[Page 50066]]

standard for low temperature piping is needed due to the increase in 
liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a ship fuel. LNG is cryogenic, 
necessitating the use of very specific materials.
     ASME B31.5-2016, Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer 
Components, ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31, issued June 29, 2016. 
This standard updates the 1987 edition, incorporated by reference at 
Sec.  58.20-5 and 58.20-20. It prescribes requirements for the 
materials, design, fabrication, assembly, test and inspection of 
refrigerant, heat transfer components, and secondary cooling piping for 
very low temperatures. The changes in the standard include editorial 
changes to sections and tables, as well as substantive revisions to 
technical requirements including materials, design, and fabrication.
     ASME B36.10M-2015, Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe, 
issued August 31, 2015. This standard updates the 2004 edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.07-5, 56.30-20, and 56.60-1. 
This standard covers the standardization of dimensions of welded and 
seamless wrought steel pipe for high or low temperatures and pressure. 
The 2015 edition updates the standard with editorial changes and 
     ASME CSD-1-2018, Controls and Safety Devices for 
Automatically Fired Boilers, issued October 12, 2018. This standard 
updates the 2004 edition incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  63.10-
1, 63.15-1, and 63.20-1. This standard establishes requirements for the 
assembly, installation, maintenance, and operation of controls and 
safety devices on automatically operated boilers. It has been regularly 
revised to accommodate technological developments, address 
administrative requirements, incorporate interpretations, and clarify 
the intent of the standard. It is the internationally accepted 
authoritative standard on controls and safety devices for pressure 
     ASME BPVC.II.A-2021/SA-675-2021, 2021 ASME Boiler and 
Pressure Vessel Code: Section II--Materials; Part A--Ferrous Material 
Specifications (SA-451 to End), Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, 
Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, Mechanical Properties, 2021 Edition, 
issued July 1, 2021. This standard replaces the 1998 edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-2. The standard is identical 
to ASTM A675 in that it covers special quality carbon steel bars and 
bar size shapes to specific mechanical properties, most importantly, 
tensile strength. The current standard has minor technical differences 
from the 1998 edition, such as minor changes to maximum carbon content 
of certain steel grades.
     ASTM A20/A20M-19, Standard Specification for General 
Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels, approved May 1, 
2019. The 1997 edition is incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  
54.05-10 and 54.25-10. This standard provides a group of common 
requirements that apply to rolled steel plates used for pressure 
vessels. It has been regularly updated to address advancements in steel 
plate chemical compositions, manufacturing processes, and material 
     ASTM A36/A36M-14, Standard Specification for Carbon 
Structural Steel, approved December 1, 2014. This standard updates the 
1997 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.30-10. It covers 
``carbon steel shapes, plates, and bars of structural quality for use 
in rivet, bolted, or welded construction . . . for general purposes.'' 
The updates to the standard include updates to material construction 
limits for plate products greater than 15 inches.
     ASTM A47/A47M-99 (Reapproved 2014), Standard Specification 
for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings, approved April 1, 2014. This 
standard updates the 1995 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  
56.60-1. This standard, which covers ferritic malleable castings for 
general engineering usage at temperatures from normal ambient to 
approximately 400 [deg]C (750 [deg]F), is routinely updated to reflect 
updates in technology and practices.
     ASTM A53/A53M-12, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, 
Black and Hot Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless, approved March 
1, 2012. This standard updates the 1998 edition incorporated by 
reference at Sec. Sec.  56.10-5 and 56.60-1. It covers seamless and 
welded black and hot-dipped galvanized steel pipes. The standard is 
updated to reflect changes in material composition for copper content 
of a type of pipe, as well as some editorial changes.
     ASTM A126-04 (Reapproved 2014), Standard Specification for 
Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings, approved 
April 1, 2014. This standard updates the 1995 edition incorporated by 
reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It covers three classes of gray iron for 
castings intended for use as valve pressure retaining parts, pipe 
fittings, and flanges. The standard is updated to reflect changes in 
material testing.
     ASTM A135/A135M-19, Standard Specification for Electric-
Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe, approved May 1, 2019. This standard 
updates the 1997 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It 
covers two grades of electric-resistance-welded steel pipe in NPS 2 to 
NPS 30 wall thickness. The standard has been updated to reflect changes 
in material testing and some editorial changes.
     ASTM A193/A193M-19, Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel 
and Stainless Steel Bolting for High-Temperature or High Pressure 
Service and Other Special Purpose Applications, approved November 1, 
2019. This standard updates the 1998 standard incorporated by reference 
at Sec.  58.30-15. It covers alloy and stainless-steel bolting 
materials and components for pressure vessels, valves, flanges, and 
fittings for high temperature or high-pressure service. The updates to 
this standard are editorial in nature, with minor technical changes and 
changes in material testing and grading.
     ASTM A197/A197M-00 (Reapproved 2015), Standard 
Specification for Cupola Malleable Iron, approved November 1, 2015. 
This standard updates the 1992 edition incorporated by reference at 
Sec.  56.60-1. It covers malleable irons for castings made by the 
cupola process. The standard has been updated to reflect changes in 
material testing, as well as making some editorial changes.
     ASTM A203/A203M-17, Standard Specification for Pressure 
Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Nickel, approved November 1, 2017. This 
standard updates the 1997 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  
54.05-20. The standard covers nickel-alloy steel plates intended for 
pressure vessels. It has been revised twice since 1997 to update the 
chemical composition requirements of nickel-alloy steel and to 
eliminate prescriptive ``current practice'' thickness limits. Instead, 
thickness is only limited by the capacity of the composition to meet 
specified mechanical properties.
     ASTM A210/A210M-19, Standard Specification for Seamless 
Medium-Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes, approved May 1, 2019. 
This standard updates the 1996 edition incorporated by reference at 
Sec.  56.60-1. It covers minimum-wall-thickness, seamless medium-carbon 
steel, boiler flues, including safe ends, arch and stay tubes, and 
superheater tubes. The standard is updated to reflect changes in 
material testing and grading, as well as some editorial changes.
     ASTM A268/A268M-10 (Reapproved 2016), Standard 
Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic and Martensitic 
Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service, approved September 1, 2016. 
This standard updates the 1996 edition incorporated by reference at 
Sec.  56.60-1. It covers

[[Page 50067]]

minimum-wall-thickness, stainless steel tubing for general corrosion-
resisting and high-temperature service. The updated standard reflects 
changes in material testing and grading, as well as some editorial 
     ASTM A276/A276M-17, Standard Specification for Stainless 
Steel Bars and Shapes, approved March 15, 2017. This standard updates 
the 1998 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-2. It covers 
hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for forging. The updated 
standard reflects changes in material testing and grading, as well as 
some editorial changes.
     ASTM A312/A312M-17, Standard Specification for Seamless, 
Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes, 
approved March 15, 2017. This standard updates the 1995 edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.50-105 and 56.60-1. It 
covers seamless, straight-seam welded, and heavily cold worked welded 
austenitic stainless-steel pipe intended for high-temperature and 
general corrosive service. The standard is updated to reflect changes 
in material testing and grading, as well as some editorial changes.
     ASTM A333/A333M-16, Standard Specification for Seamless 
and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service and Other 
Applications with Required Notch Toughness, approved March 1, 2016. 
This standard updates the 1994 edition incorporated by reference at 
Sec. Sec.  56.50-105 and 56.60-1. It covers nominal (average) wall 
seamless and welded carbon and alloy steel pipe intended for use at low 
temperatures and in other applications requiring notch toughness. The 
standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions as well as changes 
in material grading and testing.
     ASTM A334/A334M-04a (Reapproved 2016), Standard 
Specification for Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy-Steel Tubes for 
Low-Temperature Service, approved March 1, 2016. This standard updates 
the 1994 edition incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.50-105 and 
56.60-1. It covers nominal (average) wall seamless and welded carbon 
and alloy steel tubes intended for use at low temperatures and in other 
applications requiring notch toughness. The standard is updated to 
reflect editorial revisions as well as changes in material grading and 
     ASTM A350/A350M-17, Standard Specification for Carbon and 
Low-Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping 
Components, approved September 1, 2017. This standard updates the 1997 
edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.50-105. It covers several 
grades of carbon and low-alloy steel forged or ring-rolled flanges, 
forged fittings and valves intended primarily for low-temperature 
service and requiring notch toughness testing. The standard is updated 
to reflect editorial revisions as well as changes in material grading 
and testing.
     ASTM A352/A352M-17, Standard Specification for Steel 
Castings, Ferritic and Martensitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts, 
Suitable for Low-Temperature Service, approved November 1, 2017. This 
standard updates the 1998 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  
56.50-105. It covers steel castings for valves, flanges, fittings, and 
other pressure-containing parts. The standard is updated to reflect 
editorial revisions as well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM A358/A358M-15, Standard Specification for Electric-
Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Pipe for High-
Temperature Service and General Applications, approved September 1, 
2015. This standard updates the 1992 edition incorporated by reference 
at Sec.  56.60-1. It covers the grades of alloy and stainless-steel 
piping suitable for corrosive or high-temperature service. The standard 
is updated to reflect editorial revisions as well as changes in 
material grading and testing.
     ASTM A370-19, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for 
Mechanical Testing of Steel Products, approved July 1, 2019. We are 
incorporating this standard by reference at Sec.  54.25-20. The 
standard covers procedures and definitions for the mechanical testing 
of steels, stainless steels, and related alloys. It has been revised 
almost annually since 1997 to address advancements in testing 
technology and practices.
     ASTM A376/A376M-17, Standard Specification for Seamless 
Austenitic Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service, approved September 
1, 2017. This standard updates the 1998 edition incorporated by 
reference at Sec. Sec.  56.60-1 and 56.60-2. It covers grades of 
hydrogen and nitrogen for seamless austenitic steel pipes made for 
high-temperature service. The standard is updated to reflect editorial 
revisions, as well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM A403/A403M-16, Standard Specification for Wrought 
Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings, approved May 1, 2016. This 
standard updates the 1998 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  
56.60-1. It covers wrought stainless steel fittings for pressure piping 
applications. The standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions, 
as well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM A420/A420M-16, Standard Specification for Piping 
Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low-Temperature 
Service, approved May 1, 2016. This standard updates the 1996 edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.50-105 and 56.60-1. It 
covers fittings for use in pressure piping and pressure vessel service 
at low temperatures. The standard is updated to reflect editorial 
revisions, as well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM A522/A522M-14, Standard Specification for Forged or 
Rolled 8 and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts 
for Low-Temperature Service, approved October 1, 2014. This standard 
updates the 1995 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.50-105. 
It covers 8- or 9-percent nickel-alloy steel forged or rolled flanges, 
fittings, valves, and parts intended for use in welded pressure vessels 
for low-temperature service. The standard is updated to reflect 
editorial revisions, as well as changes in material grading and 
     ASTM A575-96 (Reapproved 2013), Standard Specification for 
Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, M-Grades, approved April 1, 2013. 
This standard updates the 1996 (reapproved in 2007) edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-2. It covers hot-wrought 
merchant quality steel bars produced to a chemical composition. The 
standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions, as well as changes 
in material grading and testing.
     ASTM A576-17, Standard Specification for Steel Bars, 
Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, approved November 1, 2017. This 
standard updates the 1990 edition (reapproved in 2012) incorporated by 
reference at Sec.  56.60-2. It covers hot-wrought special quality steel 
bars. The standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions and 
     ASTM B16/B16M-10 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Free-Cutting Brass Rod, Bar and Shapes for Use in Screw Machines, 
approved May 1, 2015. This standard updates the 1992 edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-2. It establishes the 
requirements for free-cutting brass rod, bar, wire, and shapes of any 
specified cross section produced from copper alloy suitable for high-
speed screw matching applications and moderate thread rolling. The 
standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions, as well as changes 
in material composition, grading, and testing.

[[Page 50068]]

     ASTM B21/B21M-20, Standard Specification for Naval Brass 
Rod, Bar, and Shapes, approved April 1, 2020. This standard updates the 
1996 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-2. It establishes 
the requirements for naval brass rod, bar, and shapes produced from 
copper alloy, including dimensions, workmanship and appearance, testing 
methods, and performance requirements. The standard is updated to 
reflect editorial revisions, as well as changes in material grading and 
     ASTM B26/B26-M-18, Standard Specification for Aluminum-
Alloy Sand Castings, approved May 15, 2018. This standard updates the 
1997 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-2. It covers 
specifications for aluminum-alloy sand castings used in general purpose 
applications, including dimensions, workmanship and appearance, testing 
methods, and performance requirements. The standard is updated to 
reflect editorial revisions, as well as changes in material grading and 
     ASTM B42-20, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper 
Pipe, Standard Sizes, approved April 1, 2020. This standard updates the 
1996 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It covers the 
requirements for seamless copper pipe in all nominal or standard pipe 
sizes, both regular and extra-strong, suitable for use in plumbing, 
boiler feed lines, and for similar purposes. The standard is updated to 
reflect editorial revisions, as well as changes in material grading and 
     ASTM B43-15, Standard Specification for Seamless Red Brass 
Pipe, Standard Sizes, approved October 1, 2015. This standard updates 
the 1996 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It covers 
grades of hydrogen and nitrogen for seamless austenitic steel pipes 
made for high-temperature service. The standard is updated to reflect 
editorial revisions, as well as changes in material grading and 
     ASTM B68/B68M-19, Standard Specification for Seamless 
Copper Tube, Bright Annealed, approved April 1, 2019. This standard 
updates the 1995 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It 
covers the requirements for bright annealed seamless copper tube 
suitable for use in refrigeration, oil lines, and gasoline lines, where 
tubing with an interior surface free from scale and dirt is required. 
This standard was updated in 2011. The standard is updated to reflect 
editorial revisions, as well as changes in material grading and 
     ASTM B75/B75M-19, Standard Specification for Seamless 
Copper Tube, approved April 1, 2019. This standard updates the 1997 
edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It establishes the 
requirements for seamless round, rectangular, and square copper tube 
suitable for general engineering applications. This standard was 
updated in 2011. The standard is updated to reflect editorial 
revisions, as well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM B85/B85M-18, Standard Specification for Aluminum-
Alloy Die Castings, approved May 1, 2018. This standard updates the 
1996 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-2. It covers 
aluminum alloy die-castings for use in general-purpose applications, 
including dimensions, workmanship and appearance, testing methods, and 
performance requirements. The standard is updated to reflect editorial 
revisions, as well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM B96/B96M-16, Standard Specification for Copper-
Silicon Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar for General Purposes 
and Pressure Vessels, approved April 1, 2016. This standard updates the 
1993 edition incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.60-2 and 58.50-
5. It establishes requirements for copper-silicon alloy plate, sheet, 
strip, and rolled bar for drawing, forming, stamping, bonding, and 
general engineering applications. The standard is updated to reflect 
editorial revisions, as well as changes in material grading and 
     ASTM B111/B111M-18a, Standard Specification for Copper and 
Copper-Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Stock, approved 
October 1, 2018. This standard updates the 1995 edition incorporated by 
reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It establishes the requirements for 
seamless tube and ferrule stock of copper and various copper alloys, 
including testing methods, material and manufacture, mechanical 
properties, and performance requirements. The standard is updated to 
reflect editorial revisions in the tables provided in the standard.
     ASTM B122/B122M-16, Standard Specification for Copper-
Nickel-Tin Alloy, Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver), and Copper-
Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar, approved April 1, 
2016. This standard updates the 1998 edition incorporated by reference 
at Sec.  58.50-5. It establishes the requirements for copper-nickel-tin 
alloy, copper-nickel-zinc alloy (nickel silver), and copper-nickel 
alloy plate, sheet, strip, and rolled bar, including testing methods, 
material and manufacture, mechanical properties, and performance 
requirements. The updates to this standard are editorial in nature, 
with minor technical changes, or changes in material testing and 
     ASTM B124/B124M-18, Standard Specification for Copper and 
Copper Alloy Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes, approved March 15, 2018. 
This standard updates the 1996 edition incorporated by reference at 
Sec.  56.60-2. It establishes the requirements for copper and copper 
alloy rod, bar, and shapes intended for hot forging, including testing 
methods, material and manufacture, mechanical properties, and 
performance requirements. The standard is updated to reflect editorial 
revisions, as well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM B127-19, Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper 
Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, approved November 1, 2019. This standard 
updates the 1993 edition incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  58.50-
5 and 58.50-10. It covers the requirements for rolled nickel-copper 
alloy plate, sheet, and strip, including testing methods, material and 
manufacture, mechanical properties, and performance requirements. The 
updates to this standard are editorial in nature, with minor technical 
changes, or changes in material testing and grading.
     ASTM B152/B152M-19, Standard Specification for Copper 
Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar, approved October 1, 2019. This 
standard updates the 1997 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  
58.50-5. It covers the requirements for copper sheet, strip, plate, and 
rolled bar, including testing methods, material and manufacture, 
mechanical properties, and performance requirements. The updates to 
this standard are editorial in nature, with minor technical changes, or 
changes in material testing and grading.
     ASTM B161-05 (Reapproved 2019), Standard Specification for 
Nickel Seamless Pipe and Tube, approved April 1, 2019. This standard 
updates the 1993 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It 
covers the requirements for nickel and low-carbon nickel in the form of 
cold-worked seamless pipe and tubes, including testing methods, 
material and manufacture, mechanical properties, and performance 
requirements. The standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions, 
as well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM B165-19, Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper 
Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube, approved November 1, 2019. This standard 
updates the 1993 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It 
covers the requirements for nickel-copper alloy in the form of cold-
worked seamless pipe and tubes, including testing methods, material and 
manufacture, mechanical properties, and performance

[[Page 50069]]

requirements. The standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions, 
as well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM B167-18, Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-
Aluminum Alloys (UNS N06699), Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (UNS N06600, 
N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025, N06045, and N06696), Nickel-
Chromium-Cobalt-Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617), Nickel-Iron-Chromium-
Tungsten Alloy (UNS N06674), and Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper 
Alloy (UNS N06235) Seamless Pipe and Tube, approved December 1, 2018. 
This standard updates the 1997 edition incorporated by reference at 
Sec.  56.60-1. It covers cold-worked annealed, hot-worked annealed, and 
hot-finished seamless pipe and tube intended for general corrosion-
resistant and heat-resistant applications. The standard is updated to 
reflect editorial revisions, as well as changes in material grading and 
     ASTM B171/B171M-18, Standard Specification for Copper-
Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels, Condensers, and Heat 
Exchangers, approved October 1, 2018. This standard updates the 1995 
edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-2. It covers the 
requirements for copper-alloy plate, sheet, and circles cut from plate 
and sheet for pressure vessels, condensers, and heat exchangers, 
including testing methods, material and manufacture, mechanical 
properties, and performance requirements. The standard is updated to 
reflect editorial revisions, as well as changes in material grading and 
     ASTM B209-14, Standard Specification for Aluminum and 
Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate, approved November 1, 2014. This 
standard updates the 1996 edition incorporated by reference at 
Sec. Sec.  58.50-5 and 58.50-10. It covers aluminum and aluminum-alloy 
flat sheet, coiled sheet, and plate, including testing methods, 
material and manufacture, mechanical properties, and performance 
requirements. The updates to this standard are editorial in nature, 
with minor technical changes, or changes in material testing and 
     ASTM B210/B210M-19a, Standard Specification for Aluminum 
and Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes, approved November 1, 2019. 
This standard updates the 1995 edition incorporated by reference at 
Sec.  56.60-1. It covers aluminum and aluminum-alloy drawn seamless 
tubes in straight lengths and coils for general purpose and pressure 
application in alloys. The standard is updated to reflect editorial 
revisions, as well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM B234-17, Standard Specification for Aluminum and 
Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Surface Condensers, 
Evaporators, and Heat Exchangers, approved October 1, 2017. This 
standard updates the 1995 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  
56.60-1. It covers aluminum-alloy drawn seamless round tube in straight 
lengths for use in surface condensers, evaporators, and heat 
exchangers. The standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions, as 
well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM B241/B241M-16, Standard Specification for Aluminum 
and Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube, approved 
February 1, 2016. This standard updates the 1996 edition incorporated 
by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It covers aluminum and aluminum-alloy 
seamless pipe intended for pressure applications, and outlines the 
standard sizes and tempers necessary. The standard is updated to 
reflect editorial revisions, as well as changes in material grading and 
     ASTM B280-18, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper 
Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Service, approved 
March 1, 2018. This standard updates the 1997 edition incorporated by 
reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It establishes the requirements for 
seamless copper tube intended for use in the connection, repairs, or 
alterations of air conditioning or refrigeration units in the field. 
The standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions, as well as 
changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM B283/B283M-18, Standard Specification for Copper and 
Copper-Alloy Die Forgings (Hot-Pressed), approved March 1, 2018. This 
standard updates the 1996 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  
56.60-2. It establishes the requirements for copper and copper alloy 
die forgings produced by the hot-pressing method. The standard is 
updated to reflect editorial revisions, as well as changes in chemical 
compositions and material grading and testing.
     ASTM B315-19, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper 
Alloy Pipe and Tube, approved April 1, 2019. This standard updates the 
1993 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It establishes 
the requirements for seamless copper alloy tube intended for general 
engineering purposes. The standard is updated to reflect editorial 
     ASTM B361-16, Standard Specification for Factory-Made 
Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Welding Fittings, approved May 1, 
2016. This standard updates the 1995 edition incorporated by reference 
at Sec.  56.60-1. It covers factory-made wrought aluminum and aluminum-
alloy welding fittings (butt-welding or socket-end parts). The standard 
is updated to reflect editorial revisions, as well as changes in 
material grading and testing.
     ASTM B858-06 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Test Method for 
Ammonia Vapor Test for Determining Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion 
Cracking in Copper Alloys, approved March 1, 2018. This standard 
updates the 1995 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-2. It 
describes a procedure to determine the presence of residual stress in 
wrought copper alloy products that may lead to stress corrosion 
cracking. The standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions, as 
well as changes in material testing.
     ASTM D92-18, Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire 
Points by Cleveland Open Cup Tester, approved July 1, 2018. This 
standard updates the 1997 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  
58.30-10. It describes the determination of the flash point and fire 
point of petroleum products by manual or automated Cleveland open cup 
apparatus. The updates to this standard are editorial in nature, with 
minor technical changes, or changes in material testing and grading.
     ASTM D93-19, Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by 
Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester, approved November 1, 2019. This 
standard updates the 1997 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  
58.01-10. It covers the determination of the flash point of petroleum 
products in the temperature range from 40 [deg]C to 370 [deg]C by 
manual or automated Pensky-Martens closed-cup apparatus. The updates to 
this standard are editorial in nature, with minor technical changes, or 
changes in material testing and grading.
     ASTM D323-15a, Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure of 
Petroleum Products (Reid Method), approved June 1, 2015. This standard 
updates the 1994 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  58.16-5. It 
covers test method procedures for the determination of vapor pressure 
of gasoline, volatile crude oil, and other volatile petroleum products. 
The updates to this standard are editorial in nature, with minor 
technical changes, or changes in material testing and grading.
     ASTM D665-19, Standard Test Method for Rust-Preventing 
Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oil in the Presence of Water, 
approved December 1, 2019. This standard

[[Page 50070]]

updates the 1998 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  61.20-17. 
It covers test methods evaluating the ability of inhibited mineral 
oils, particularly steam-turbine oils, to aid in rust prevention of 
ferrous parts. The edits to this standard are editorial in nature.
     ASTM E23-18, Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact 
Testing of Metallic Materials, approved June 1, 2018. This standard 
updates the 1996 edition incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  54.05-
5 and 56.50-105. It describes notched-bar impact testing of metallic 
materials. The standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions, as 
well as changes in material testing.
     ASTM E208-19, Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop-
Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of 
Ferritic Steels, approved October 1, 2019. This standard updates the 
1995 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  54.05-5. It describes 
methods of determining nil-ductile transition of ferritic steels. The 
standard has been revised three times since 1995 to address 
advancements in testing methods.
     ASTM F1006-86 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification 
for Entrainment Separators for Use in Marine Piping Applications, 
approved September 1, 2018. This standard updates the 1986 edition 
(reapproved in 2008) incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It 
covers the minimum requirements for the pressure-temperature rating, 
testing, and making of pressure-containing vessels for entrainment 
separators. The standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions, as 
well as changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM F1007-18, Standard Specification for Pipeline 
Expansion Joints of the Packed Slip Type for Marine Application, 
approved May 1, 2018. This standard updates the 1986 edition 
(reapproved in 2007) incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It 
covers the design, manufacturing, and testing of packed slip tube 
expansion joints used in pipelines for thermal growth and contraction. 
The standard is updated to reflect editorial revisions, as well as 
changes in material grading and testing.
     ASTM F1020-86 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification 
for Line-Blind Valves for Marine Applications, approved March 1, 2018. 
This standard reapproves the 1986 edition (reapproved last in 2011) 
incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It provides the minimum 
requirements for design fabrication, pressure rating, and testing for 
line-blind valves.
     ASTM F1120-87 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Circular Metallic Bellows Type Expansion Joints for Piping 
Applications, approved May 1, 2015. This standard reapproves the 1987 
edition (reapproved last in 2010) incorporated by reference at Sec.  
56.60-1. It establishes the requirements for design, manufacture, 
inspection, and testing of circular metallic bellows-type expansion 
joints for piping applications.
     ASTM F1123-87 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Non-Metallic Expansion Joints, approved May 1, 2015. This standard 
reapproves the 1987 edition (reapproved last in 2010) incorporated by 
reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It provides the minimum requirements for 
construction, materials, performance, and dimensional requirements of 
arch-type non-metallic expansion joints.
     ASTM F1139-88 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Steam Traps and Drains, approved May 1, 2015. This standard 
reapproves the 1988 edition (reapproved last in 2010) incorporated by 
reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It provides the minimum requirements for 
the design, fabrication, pressure rating, marking, and testing of steam 
traps and drains.
     ASTM F1155-10 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Practice for 
Selection and Application of Piping System Materials, approved May 1, 
2015. ASTM F1155 specifies a list of acceptable material and design 
standards for many shipboard systems. This standard is currently not 
incorporated by reference in 46 CFR part 56 but, by means of this rule, 
will be incorporated by reference in Sec. Sec.  56.50-60, 56.50-105, 
56.60-1, and 56.60-15. Incorporating ASTM F1155 enables the removal of 
the following standards from Part 56:
    [cir] ASME B16.9, Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings.
    [cir] ASME B16.10, Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of 
    [cir] ASME B16.18, Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure 
    [cir] ASME B16.22, Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder-Joint 
Pressure Fittings.
    [cir] ASME B16.24, Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges, Flanged 
Fittings, and Valves Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500.
    [cir] ASME B16.42, Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings 
Classes 150 and 300.
    [cir] ASTM A106/A106M, Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon 
Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service.
    [cir] ASTM A139/A139M, Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion 
(Arc)-Welded Steel Pipe (NPS 4 and Over).
    [cir] ASTM A182/A182M, Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled 
Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for 
High-Temperature Service.
    [cir] ASTM A192/A192M, Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon 
Steel Boiler Tubes for High-Pressure Service.
    [cir] ASTM A194/A194M, Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy 
Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or 
    [cir] ASTM A213/A213M, Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic 
and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler, Superheater, and Heat-Exchanger 
    [cir] ASTM A214/A214M, Standard Specification for Electric-
Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel Heat-Exchanger and Condenser Tubes.
    [cir] ASTM A234/A234M, Standard Specification for Piping Fittings 
of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High 
Temperature Service.
    [cir] ASTM A249/A249M, Standard Specification for Welded Austenitic 
Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes.
    [cir] ASTM A307, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and 
Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength.
    [cir] ASTM A320/A320M, Standard Specification for Alloy/Steel 
Bolting Materials for Low-Temperature Service.
    [cir] ASTM A335/A335M, Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic 
Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service.
    [cir] ASTM A351/A351M, Standard Specification for Castings, 
Austenitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts.
    [cir] ASTM A395/A395M, Standard Specification for Ferritic Ductile 
Iron Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at Elevated Temperatures.
    [cir] ASTM A536, Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings.
    [cir] ASTM B88, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water 
    [cir] ASTM F682, Standard Specification for Wrought Carbon Steel 
Sleeve-Type Pipe Couplings.
    [cir] MSS SP-44, Steel Pipe Line Flanges.
    [cir] MSS SP-67, Butterfly Valves.
    [cir] MSS SP-72, Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-Welding Ends for 
General Service.
    [cir] MSS SP-83, Class 3000 and 6000 Pipe Unions, Socket Welding 
and Threaded (Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Stainless Steels, and Nickel 
     ASTM F1172-88 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Fuel Oil Meters of the Volumetric Positive Displacement Type, 
approved May 1, 2015. This standard reapproves the 1988 edition 
(reapproved last in 2010)

[[Page 50071]]

incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It provides the minimum 
requirements for the design, fabrication, pressure rating, marking, 
calibration and testing for fuel oil measurement meters of the 
volumetric, positive displacement type. Editorial corrections were made 
in the 2015 standard.
     ASTM F1173-01 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification 
for Thermosetting Resin Fiberglass Pipe Systems to be Used for Marine 
Applications, approved March 1, 2018. This standard reapproves the 1995 
edition (reapproved last in 2010) incorporated by reference at Sec.  
56.60-1. It covers reinforced thermosetting resin pipe systems with 
nominal pipe sizes 1 through 48 in. (25 through 1200 mm). The update 
reflects editorial revisions, as well as changes in material grading 
and testing.
     ASTM F1199-88 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Cast (All Temperatures and Pressures) and Welded Pipe Line 
Strainers (150 psig and 150 [deg]F Maximum), approved May 1, 2015. This 
standard reapproves the 1988 edition (reapproved last in 2010) 
incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It covers the minimum 
requirements for the design, fabrication, rating, marking, and testing 
of cast and welded pipe line strainers.
     ASTM F1200-88 (Reapproved 2016), Standard Specification 
for Fabricated (Welded) Pipe Line Strainers (Above 150 psig and 150 
[deg]F), approved September 1, 2016. This standard reapproves the 1988 
edition (reapproved last in 2010) incorporated by reference at Sec.  
56.60-1. It covers the minimum requirements for the design, 
fabrication, rating, marking, and testing of welded pipe line 
     ASTM F1201-88 (Reapproved 2016), Standard Specification 
for Fluid Conditioner Fittings in Piping Applications above 0 [deg]F, 
approved September 1, 2016. This standard reapproves the 1988 edition 
(reapproved last in 2010) incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. 
It provides the minimum requirements for pressure-retaining components 
of fluid conditioner fittings and addresses the pressure-retaining 
component design, fabrication, rating, marking, and testing.
     ASTM F1323-14, Standard Specification for Shipboard 
Incinerators, approved November 1, 2014. This standard updates the 2001 
standard currently incorporated by reference at Sec.  63.25-9. It 
establishes requirements for the design, manufacture, performance, 
operation, functioning, and testing of shipboard incinerators. The 
standard has been regularly revised to accommodate technological 
developments, address administrative requirements, incorporate 
interpretations, and clarify the intent of the standard.
     ASTM F1387-19, Standard Specification for Performance of 
Piping and Tubing Mechanically Attached Fittings, approved September 
15, 2019. This standard updates the 1993 edition currently incorporated 
by reference at Sec.  56.30-25. It covers performance characteristics 
required for mechanically attached fillings used in piping and tubing 
systems. The changes made to the standard include updates to 
references, deleting cancelled United States Military Specifications 
and Standards, corrections to notes and tables, and clarifications on 
required testing.
     ASTM F1476-07 (Reapproved 2013), Standard Specification 
for Performance of Gasketed Mechanical Couplings for Use in Piping 
Applications, October 1, 2013. This standard reapproves the 2007 
edition, which updated the 1995 edition incorporated by reference at 
Sec.  56.30-35. It provides the performance characteristics and 
qualification tests required for gasketed mechanical couplings, 
including grooved-type mechanical couplings for grooved end pipe. The 
changes made to the standard in 2007 were mostly editorial in nature, 
with some changes to material testing and grading.
     ASTM F1548-01 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification 
for Performance of Fittings for Use with Gasketed Mechanical Couplings 
Used in Piping Applications, approved March 1, 2018. This standard 
reapproves the 2001 edition, which updated the 1994 edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.30-35. It defines classification, 
materials, test requirements, inspection certification, marking and 
packing of fittings for use with gasketed mechanical couplings. The 
changes made to the standard in 1999 were editorial in nature, with 
some changes to material testing and grading.
     CGA S-1.2-2009, Pressure Relief Device Standards--Part 2--
Portable Containers for Compressed Gases, Ninth Edition, 2009. This 
standard updates the 1979 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  
54.15-10. It covers the recommended minimum requirements for pressure 
relief devices used on portable containers for compressed gases that 
comply with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation or the 
corresponding regulations of Transport Canada. The standard has been 
revised at least five times since 1979 to address advancements in 
technology and changes in U.S. and Canadian regulations.
     Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers 
Association, Tenth Edition (with errata), 2016. This edition replaces 
the 1980 edition currently incorporated in Sec.  56.60-1. This standard 
specifies the design and manufacturing requirements for expansion 
joints, including metallic bellows type, used in piping systems to 
accommodate pipe movements due to temperature expansion/contraction, 
and slight misalignments in joined piping sections.
     FCI 69-1, Pressure Rating Standard for Steam Traps, 2017. 
The 2017 edition replaces the edition currently incorporated at Sec.  
56.60-1. This standard covers the minimum design, fabrication, pressure 
rating and marking of pressure-containing housings for steam traps. 
Revisions to this standard consist mainly of editorial changes and 
modifications to definitions.
     International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 
Consolidated Edition 2020, Consolidated text of the International 
Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and its Protocol of 1988: 
articles, annexes and certificates, 2020. This standard is not 
currently codified within 46 CFR part 56 or part 58, though its 
applicability to passenger vessels on international voyages is 
mentioned in Sec.  56.50-50(c)(2). The CFR codifies language taken 
directly from SOLAS in a number of places in titles 33 and 46. 
Incorporating specific SOLAS regulations by reference, in Sec.  56.50-
50 for bilge systems and Sec.  58.25-10 for steering gear, allows for 
an alternative to the prescriptive technical requirements of the CFR. 
SOLAS is an international maritime treaty that sets minimum safety 
standards in the construction, equipment, and operation of merchant 
ships. Incorporating SOLAS by reference requires no updates, merely the 
adoption of a standard already in practice.
     IMO Resolution MEPC.244(66), Standard Specification for 
Shipboard Incinerators, April 4, 2014. This standard is added as an 
alternate method of compliance to the requirements for shipboard 
incinerators in Sec.  63.25-9. IMO MEPC.244(66) is the IMO's updated 
standard for shipboard incinerator design, defining the engineering 
requirements and environmental air emissions limits for ship 
     IMO Resolution MSC.337(91), Code on Noise Levels on Board 
Ships, November 30, 2012. This standard replaces the older IMO 
Resolution A.468(XII), Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships, 
incorporated by reference in Sec.  58.01-50. The Code on Noise Levels 
on Board Ships is intended to provide

[[Page 50072]]

standards to prevent and mitigate the occurrence of hazardous noise 
levels on board ships, and to provide standards for an acceptable 
working and living environment for seafarers. The 2012 Code on Noise 
Levels on Board Ships reflects technology improvements and mandatory 
requirements not included in the older IMO Resolution, and is intended 
to provide the basis for a design standard.
     ISO 9096:2017(E), Stationary source emissions--Manual 
determination of mass concentration of particulate matter, Third 
Edition, September 2017. This standard updates the 2003 edition 
currently incorporated by reference at Sec.  63.25-9. It establishes 
methods for measurement of particulate matter concentration in waste 
gases. The standard has been regularly revised to accommodate 
technological developments, address administrative requirements, 
incorporate interpretations, and clarify the standard intent. It is the 
internationally accepted standard.
     ISO 13617:2019(E), Ships and marine technology--Shipboard 
incinerators--Requirements, Third Edition, August 2019. This standard 
updates the 2001 edition currently incorporated by reference at Sec.  
63.25-9. It establishes the design, manufacture, performance, 
operation, functioning and testing of incinerators. The standard has 
been regularly revised to accommodate technological developments, 
address administrative requirements, incorporate interpretations, and 
clarify the standard intent. It is the internationally accepted 
     ISO 15540:2016(E), Ships and marine technology--Fire 
resistance of non-metallic hose assemblies and non-metallic 
compensators--Test methods, Second Edition, July 15, 2016. This 
standard replaces the 1999 edition currently incorporated in Sec.  
56.60-25. It specifies the temperatures, duration, and pressure testing 
associated with fire tests used to qualify nonmetallic hose for use in 
ship piping systems.
     MSS SP-6-2017, Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe 
Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings, approved 
January 2017, published March 2017. This standard updates the 2001 
edition incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.25-10 and 56.60-1. 
It pertains to the finish of gasket contact faces of pipe flanges and 
connecting-end flanges of valves and fittings. The changes made to the 
standard are largely editorial in nature; however, there are also some 
changes to definitions and material limitations.
     MSS SP-9-2013, Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron, and Steel 
Flanges, approved October 2012, published March 2013. This standard 
updates the 2001 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It 
applies to the spot facing for U.S. customary bolting of pipe flanges 
in bronze, gray iron, ductile iron, or settle. The changes made to the 
standard include both editorial and technical revisions, with some 
changes to material testing, design, and grading requirements.
     MSS SP-25 (ANSI/MSS SP-25-2018), Standard Marking System 
for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions, approved March 2018, 
published September 2018. This standard updates the 1998 edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec.  54.01-25 and the 2001 edition 
incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  56.15-1, 56.20-5, and 56.60-1. 
It provides a marking system for new valves, fittings, flanges, and 
unions used in piping connections that include (but are not limited to) 
flanged, soldered, brazed, threaded, or welded joints. Markings are 
used for product identification and to assist in proper application. 
The standard has been revised three times since 1998 to address changes 
in industry practices.
     MSS SP-45-2003, Bypass and Drain Connections, 2008 
Edition, originally approved July 1953, reaffirmed 2008. This document 
provides standard practices for design and installation of various 
types of drain and bypass valves, such as globe valves, gate valves and 
check valves. This standard reaffirms the 2003 edition incorporated by 
reference at Sec. Sec.  56.20-20 and 56.60-1.
     MSS SP-51-2012, Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant Flanges 
and Cast Flanged Fittings, 2012 Revision, approved August 2011, 
published May 2012. This standard updates the 2003 edition incorporated 
by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It establishes the design dimensions, 
tolerances, and pressure-temperature ratings for flanged steel fittings 
for both Metric and Imperial units.
     MSS SP-53-2012, Quality Standard for Steel Castings and 
Forgings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components-
Magnetic Particle Examination Method, approved October 2012, published 
December 2012. This standard updates the 1995 edition incorporated by 
reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It provides methods and acceptance 
standards for magnetic particle examination of ferritic steel valves, 
flanges, fittings, and other piping components by use of dry magnetic 
powder or wet magnetic particles. The changes made to the standard are 
editorial in nature, with some changes to material testing, design, and 
     MSS SP-55 (ANSI/MSS-SP-55-2011), Quality Standard for 
Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping 
Components-Visual Method for Evaluation of Surface Irregularities, 2011 
Revised Edition, approved August 2011, published October 2011. This 
standard updates the 2001 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  
56.60-1. It describes common irregularities found in the castings of 
steel pipe fittings and flanges, as well as acceptable criteria for 
evaluating irregularities. The changes made to the standard are 
editorial in nature, with some changes to material testing, design, and 
     MSS SP-58 (ANSI/MSS SP-58-2009), Pipe Hangers and 
Supports-Materials, Design, Manufacture, Selection, Application, and 
Installation, approved May 2011, published October 2011. This standard 
updates the 1993 edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It 
specifies the design criteria and minimum strength requirements for 
hangars used to mount piping systems to ship bulkheads and decks. The 
changes made to the standard are editorial in nature, with some changes 
to material testing, design, and grading.
     MSS SP-61-2019, Pressure Testing of Valves, approved 
September 2019, published December 2019. This standard updates the 2003 
edition incorporated by reference at Sec.  56.60-1. It provides 
standardized technical requirements and acceptance criteria for the 
pressure testing of valves.
     NFPA 302, Fire Protection Standard for Pleasure and 
Commercial Motor Craft, 2020 Edition, approved August 25, 2019. This 
standard provides the minimum requirements on boats for the prevention 
of fire and explosion, mitigation of carbon monoxide hazards, and life 
safety in case of fire. It updates the 1989 standard incorporated by 
reference at Sec.  58.10-5. The updates to this standard are editorial 
in nature with minor technical changes, and changes in material testing 
and grading.
     SAE J429 MAY2014, Mechanical and Material Requirements for 
Externally Threaded Fasteners, revised May 2014. This standard updates 
the 1989 standard incorporated by reference at Sec.  58.30-15. It 
covers the mechanical and material requirements for inch-series steel 
bolts, screws, studs, screws for screw-and-washer assemblies, and U-
bolts. The updates to this standard are editorial in nature, with minor 
technical changes, and changes in material testing and grading.
     SAE J1475 JUN2014, Hydraulic Hose Fittings for Marine 
Applications, stabilized June 2014. This standard updates the 1996 
edition currently

[[Page 50073]]

incorporated in Sec.  56.60-25. It covers the materials, design, and 
testing requirements for fittings used with flexible hose assemblies 
for use in ship piping systems. The updates to this document are 
primarily editorial in nature, with no substantive change to technical 
     SAE J1928 JUN2018, Devices Providing Backfire Flame 
Control for Gasoline Engines in Marine Applications, revised June 2018. 
This standard updates the 1989 edition incorporated by reference at 
Sec.  58.10-5. It covers the minimum requirements for design, 
construction, and testing of devices to prevent the propagation of 
backfire flame from a gasoline engine to the surrounding atmosphere. 
The updates to this standard are editorial in nature, with minor 
technical changes, and changes in material testing and grading.
     SAE J1942 MAR2019, Hose and Hose Assemblies for Marine 
Applications, revised March 2019. This standard updates the 1997 
edition currently incorporated in Sec.  56.60-25. It defines the design 
and testing requirements, including fire tests, for non-metallic 
flexible hose assemblies used in shipboard piping systems. Changes to 
this standard are administrative in nature, including updated testing 
frequency and record retention requirements.
     UL 174, Standard for Safety, Household Electric Storage 
Tank Water Heaters, Eleventh Edition, April 29, 2004, including 
revisions through December 15, 2016. This standard updates the 1996 
edition incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  53.01-10 and 63.25-3. 
It contains requirements and non-mandatory guidance for household 
electric storage tank water heaters. The standard has been regularly 
revised to accommodate technological developments, address 
administrative requirements, incorporate interpretations, and clarify 
the intent of the standard. Incorporating the latest edition ensures 
compliance with current industry practices.
     UL 296, Standard for Safety, Oil Burners, Eleventh 
Edition, February 24, 2017. This standard updates the 1993 edition 
currently incorporated by reference at Sec.  63.15-5. It establishes 
requirements for oil burners intended for firing appliances and devices 
such as boilers, central, floor, wall, and special furnaces, storage 
tank water, air, and direct-fired air heater units. The standard has 
been regularly revised to accommodate technological developments, 
address administrative requirements, incorporate interpretations, and 
clarify the intent of the standard. It is the internationally accepted 
     UL 343, Standard for Safety, Pumps for Oil-Burning 
Appliances, Ninth Edition, December 17, 2008, including revisions 
through June 12, 2013. This standard updates the 1997 edition currently 
incorporated by reference at Sec.  63.15-3. It establishes requirements 
for pumps intended for use as part of oil-burning appliances or 
installed in fuel-oil piping systems serving equipment. The standard 
has been regularly revised to accommodate technological developments, 
address administrative requirements, incorporate interpretations, and 
clarify the standard intent. It is the internationally accepted 
     UL 1453, Standard for Safety, Electric Booster and 
Commercial Storage Tank Water Heaters, Sixth Edition, March 29, 2016, 
including revisions through March 9, 2017. This standard replaces the 
1995 standard incorporated by reference at Sec. Sec.  53.01-10 and 
63.25-3. It contains requirements for electric booster water heaters, 
electric commercial storage tank water heaters, and remote-control 
assemblies for such heaters, rated 600 volts or less, that are over 120 
gallons (454 L) in capacity, rated over 12 kilowatts, or are equipped 
with one or more temperature-regulating controls permitting water 
temperature of more than 85 [deg]C (185 [deg]F). The 2016 edition 
provides minor technical changes and has been edited for clarity.

C. Standards Previously Approved for Incorporation by Reference

    The following standards were previously approved for incorporation 
by reference and the references are included in the regulatory text 
either because the current format of the reference does not comply with 
current OFR requirements (and is, therefore, revised to comply) or 
because the text being revised includes an existing reference to the 
standard. We do not change the existing IBR approval.
     ASME B36.19M-2004 Stainless Steel Pipe (Reaffirmed 2015), 
issued October 25, 2004, IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.07-5 and 56.60-
     IMO Resolution A.467(XII), Guidelines for Acceptance of 
Non-Duplicated Rudder Actuators for Tankers, Chemical Tankers and Gas 
Carriers of 10,000 Tons Gross Tonnage and Above But Less Than 100,000 
Tonnes Deadweight, 1981, IBR approved for Sec.  58.25-60.
     IMO Resolution A.753(18) Guidelines for the Application of 
Plastic Pipes on Ships, adopted on November 4, 1993, IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-25.
     IMO Resolution MEPC.76(40), Standard Specification for 
Shipboard Incinerators, September 25, 1997, IBR approved for Sec.  
     IMO Resolution MSC.313(88), Amendments to the Guidelines 
for the Application of Plastic Pipes on Ships, adopted November 26, 
2010, IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-25.
     The International Convention for the Prevention of 
Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78), Annexes I, II, III, and V, 1978, 
IBR approved for Sec.  63.25-9.
     ISO 10396: 2007(E), Stationary source emissions--Sampling 
for the automated determination of gas emission concentrations for 
permanently-installed monitoring systems, Second Edition, February 1, 
2007, IBR approved for Sec.  63.25-9.

D. Section-by-Section Analysis of Changes to the Regulatory Text

    In addition to updating existing standards incorporated by 
reference, adding new standards, and removing obsolete standards, we 
modify technical regulatory text in the following sections of 
subchapter F. For the convenience of the reader, the list below does 
not detail purely stylistic revisions and corrections of drafting 
Part 50--General Provisions
    Section 50.05-5 Existing boilers, pressure vessels or piping 
    Modifying paragraph (b) to eliminate redundant text and more 
clearly describe the requirements for recalculating the maximum 
allowable working pressure.
    Section 50.05-20 Steam-propelled motorboats.
    Replacing the words ``motorboats'' and ``motor boats'' with the 
more current and universally used ``vessels.''
    Section 50.10-23 Marine Safety Center.
    Modifying the contact information for the MSC and the details for 
electronically submitting documents.
    Section 50.20-5 Procedures for submittal of plans.
    Modifying the procedures for submitting plans to the Coast Guard by 
eliminating the requirements in paragraph (b) for plans to be submitted 
in triplicate, since most plans are electronically submitted, and by 
deleting unnecessary detail in paragraph (c).
    Section 50.20-10 Number of copies of plans required.
    Deleting this section. Submittal of plans is adequately addressed 
in Sec.  50.20-5.
    Section 50.20-15 Previously approved plans.

[[Page 50074]]

    Deleting the unnecessary text ``(including work accomplished under 
a different contract)'' in paragraph (a).
    Section 50.20-30 Alternative materials or methods of construction.
    Modifying paragraph (a) to include the word ``materials'' and 
deleting paragraph (b). These changes improve the clarity of the 
    Section 50.25-1 General.
    Deleting paragraph (e) as unnecessary because nonmetallic flexible 
hoses, including those intended for hydraulic service, are adequately 
addressed in Sec.  56.60-25.
    Section 50.25-7 Testing of products required to be certified in 
presence of marine inspector.
    Deleting paragraphs (c) and (d) as unnecessary. When specific 
testing conditions are required, they are specified in the applicable 
standards or regulations.
Part 52--Power Boilers
    Replacing the words ``boiler pressure vessel code'' with ``BPVC'' 
throughout all of part 52, as BPVC is recognized as the appropriate 
acronym for the ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Modifying various 
paragraphs throughout part 52 to delete text already addressed in ASME 
BPVC and to make stylistic changes for greater clarity and readability.
    Section 52.01-1 Incorporation by reference.
    Modifying paragraph (b) to update contact information for the ASME.
    Section 52.01-3 Definitions of terms used in this part.
    Deleting definitions listed in this section but not currently used 
in Part 52 and not needed going forward, as there is no need to define 
a term if it is not used later in the regulatory text. Deleted terms 
include: High temperature water boiler, packaged boiler, Fired steam 
boiler, Hybrid boiler, Shell, Heads, Dished heads, Stayed heads, Water 
wall, Header, Domes, Steam chimneys, Corrugated furnace, Plain furnace, 
Combustion chamber, Separate combustion chamber, Common combustion 
chamber, Crown or top plate, Curved bottom plate, Combustion chamber 
tube sheet, Combustion chamber back sheet, Seamless tube, Electric 
resistance welded tube, Stay tube, Tube sheet, Ligament, Longitudinal 
ligament, Circumferential ligament, Diagonal ligament, Stays and 
supports, Solid screw staybolt, Welded collar, Hollow screw staybolt, 
Flexible staybolt, Sling stay, Crowfoot, Crowfoot stay, Diagonal stay, 
Gusset stay, Dog stay, Girder, Structural stiffeners, Reinforcement, 
Pressure loaded pilot actuated safety valve, Spring loaded pilot 
actuated safety valve, Spring loaded pilot valve, Relief valve, Safety 
relief valve, Conventional safety relief valve, Balanced safety relief 
valve, Internal spring safety relief valve, Power actuated relief 
valve, Breaking pin device, Shear pin device, Frangible disk device, 
Bursting disk device, Feed valve, Salinometer cocks, Expanding, 
Beading, Bell mouthing, Telltale hole, Openings, Pressure, Absolute 
pressure, Internal pressure, and External pressure. In addition, 
deleting Figure 52.01-3--Acceptable Types of Boiler Stays. Figure 
52.01-3 is not necessary, as the ASME BPVC adequately defines the 
requirements for boiler-stayed surfaces.
    Section 52.01-50 Fusible plugs (modifies A-19 through A-21).
    Modifying various paragraphs in this section to delete references 
and text already addressed by the ASME BPVC or that are otherwise 
    Section 52.01-55 Maximum allowable working pressure.
    Modifying various paragraphs in this section to delete references 
and text already addressed by the ASME BPVC or that are otherwise 
    Section 52.01-90 Materials (modifies PG-5 through PG-13).
    Removing provisions from this section governing exceptions to the 
ASME BPVC standards for materials under pressure. The ASME BPVC 
adequately addresses materials for boiler design as written.
    Section 52.01-105 Piping, valves, and fittings (modifies PG-58 and 
    Modifying various paragraphs in this section to delete references 
and text already addressed by the ASME BPVC or that are otherwise 
    Section 52.01-110 Water-level indicators, water columns, gauge-
glass connections, gauge cocks, and pressure gauges modifies PG-60).
    Modifying various paragraphs in this section to delete references 
and text already addressed by the ASME BPVC or that are otherwise 
    Section 52.01-120 Safety valves and safety relief valves (modifies 
PG-67 through PG-73).
    Modifying various paragraphs in this section to delete references 
and text already addressed by the ASME BPVC or that are otherwise 
    Section 52.01-130 Installation.
    Modifying various paragraphs in this section to delete references 
and text already addressed by the ASME BPVC or that are otherwise 
    Section 52.01-135 Inspection and tests (modifies PG-90 through PG-
    Modifying various paragraphs in this section to delete references 
and text already addressed by the ASME BPVC or that are otherwise 
    Section 52.05-20 Radiographic and ultrasonic examination (modifies 
PW-11 and PW-41.1).
    Modifying various paragraphs in this section to delete references 
and text already addressed by the ASME BPVC or that are otherwise 
    Section 52.25-3 Feedwater heaters (modifies PFH-1).
    Modifying various paragraphs in this section to delete references 
and text already addressed by the ASME BPVC or that are otherwise 
Part 53--Heating Boilers
    Replacing the words ``boiler pressure vessel code'' with ``BPVC'' 
throughout part 53, as BPVC is recognized as the appropriate acronym 
for the ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Making stylistic changes 
throughout part 53 for greater clarity and readability.
    Section 53.01-1 Incorporation by reference.
    Modifying paragraph (b) to update contact information for the ASME, 
and modifying paragraph (c) to reflect Underwriters Laboratories change 
of name to UL Solutions and update the organization's contact 
    Section 53.01-10 Service restrictions and exceptions (replaces HG-
    Modifying paragraph (d) to remove exact temperature requirements 
and retaining a temperature range that will benefit industry.
    Modifying paragraph (e)(1) to provide the correct citation for the 
ASME BPVC stamping and provide cites to the IBR.
Part 54--Pressure Vessels
    Replacing the words ``boiler pressure vessel code'' with ``BPVC'' 
throughout all of part 54, as BPVC is recognized as the appropriate 
acronym for the ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Making stylistic 
changes throughout part 54 for greater clarity and readability.
    Section 54.01-1 Incorporation by reference.
    Modifying paragraphs (b), (c), (d), and (e) to update contact 
information for the ASME, ASTM, the Compressed Gas Association, and the 
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting 
Industry, Inc. (MSS), respectively.
    Section 54.01-15 Exemptions from shop inspection plan approval 
(modifies U-1(c)(2)).
    Deleting paragraph (a)(3)(i) because this section deals with 
internal pressure and the reference cited deals with external pressure.
    Section 54.01-18 Plan approval.
    Editing paragraph (a) to provide reference to new paragraph (c).
    Adding paragraph (c) to identify which plans for Class I, II, and 

[[Page 50075]]

pressure vessels are not required to be submitted for approval.
    Section 54.10-3 Marine inspectors (replaces UG-90 and UG-91, and 
modifies UG-92 through UG-103).
    Editing the section heading to make it easier to find the 
regulation requiring stamping of the Coast Guard Symbol.
    Modifying paragraph (b) to identify when shop inspection is 
required. Part 54 refers to shop inspection of pressure vessels under 
construction in several locations, but the term is not used here.
    Adding new paragraph (c), redesignating existing paragraph (c) as 
new paragraph (d), and removing the requirement for stamping with the 
Coast Guard Symbol. The requirement for the use of the Coast Guard 
Symbol on pressure vessels is often misunderstood. By applying the 
symbol, the marine inspector is documenting that the pressure vessel 
meets Coast Guard requirements for pressure vessels on ships. Adding a 
paragraph clarifies which pressure vessels do not require stamping.
    Section 54.10-20 Marking and stamping.
    Modifying paragraph (a)(2) to clarify numbering requirements. The 
requirement for Coast Guard numbering of pressure vessels is often 
misunderstood. Numbering is only required when the Coast Guard has 
inspected the pressure vessel during construction (shop inspection).
Part 56--Piping Systems and Appurtenances
    Making stylistic changes throughout part 56 for greater clarity and 
    Section 56.01-2 Incorporation by reference.
    Modifying paragraphs (a) through (i) to update contact information 
for the API, the ASME, ASTM, the Expansion Joint Manufacturers 
Association, the Fluid Controls Institute, IMO, ISO, the MSS, and SAE 
International (SAE), respectively.
    Section 56.07-5 Definitions (modifies 100.2).
    Clarifying the definition for piping ``schedule'' and deleting the 
definition for ``plate flange,'' as it does not require a definition.
    Section 56.07-10 Design conditions and criteria (modifies 101-
    Modifying paragraph (b) by deleting the last sentence within the 
parentheses. It is not necessary to refer to definitions in part 52 for 
this paragraph.
    Modifying paragraph (d) by deleting text that was inadvertently 
    Modifying paragraph (e) by removing references to specific 
paragraphs and instead referring to the entire subpart.
    Section 56.10-5 Pipe.
    Adding text in paragraph (b) to clarify definitions of flammable 
and combustible materials, and removing redundant text from paragraph 
    Section 56.15-1 Pipe joint fittings.
    Removing text in paragraph (c)(2) that is already adequately 
addressed by the incorporated ASME industry standard.
    Section 56.15-5 Fluid-conditioner fittings.
    Deleting text in paragraph (c), nonstandard fluid conditioner 
fittings, that is already adequately addressed by paragraph (b); 
generally, fluid conditioner fittings must meet the requirements of 
this section regardless of whether they are `standard' or 
`nonstandard', and must be appropriate for the fluid contained, and the 
temperature and pressure of the system. In addition, with advancements 
in manufacturing, there is no need to reference part 54 (pressure 
vessels), for fluid conditioner fittings in current paragraphs (c) and 
    Section 56.15-10 Special purpose fittings.
    Removing outdated text to clarify the requirements for special 
purpose fittings, and removing a cross-reference to a section of 46 CFR 
that has been removed.
    Section 56.20-1 General.
    Removing text that is redundant and that can be adequately replaced 
by the incorporated ASME standard.
    Section 56.20-5 Marking (modifies 107.2).
    Removing text that is redundant with current industry standards for 
    Section 56.20-9 Valve construction.
    Modifying paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (e), and (g) to reflect 
advancements in valve design technology that enable alternate methods 
to achieve a level of safety at least equivalent to what is provided by 
the current regulations, remove outdated CFR requirements, and remove 
text adequately addressed already by the incorporated ASME standard.
    Section 56.20-15 Valves employing resilient material.
    Deleting text that is no longer required and simplifying text to 
reflect current policy employed by the MSC to evaluate these types of 
valves. These valves are not required anywhere on ships, and this 
section only delineates the requirements for when they are installed.
    Section 56.25-5 Flanges.
    Removing text that is outdated or otherwise already adequately 
addressed by the incorporated standards in part 56.
    Section 56.25-10 Flange facings.
    Removing paragraph (b) as no longer necessary.
    Section 56.25-20 Bolting.
    Removing unnecessary text in paragraphs (b) and (c).
    Section 56.30-5 Welded joints.
    Removing text in paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2) and (c)(3) as adequately 
addressed already by the incorporated ASME standard.
    Section 56.30-10 Flanged joints modifies 104.5.1(a)).
    Removing text adequately addressed already by the incorporated 
standards in part 56.
    Section 56.30-20 Threaded joints.
    Removing text adequately addressed already by the incorporated 
standards in part 56.
    Section 56.30-25 Flared, flareless, and compression fittings.
    Removing unnecessary text.
    Section 56.30-30 Brazed joints.
    Removing text adequately addressed already by the incorporated 
standards in part 56.
    Section 56.30-35 Gasketed mechanical couplings.
    Removing unnecessary text in paragraph (a) and modifying text in 
paragraph (b)(1) for readability.
    Section 56.30-40 Flexible pipe couplings of the compression or 
slip-on type.
    Removing text in paragraphs (b) and (c) that is no longer necessary 
or is otherwise adequately addressed already by the incorporated 
standards in part 56.
    Section 56.35-10 Nonmetallic expansion joints.
    Removing the reference to part 50, as the appropriate standards are 
listed already in this part.
    Section 56.35-15 Metallic expansion joints (replaces 119.5.1).
    Removing the reference to part 50, as the appropriate standards are 
listed already in this part.
    Section 56.50-1 General (replaces 122).
    Deleting text in paragraphs (a), (b), (d), (g), and (i) that is 
unclear or outdated.
    Section 56.50-15 Steam and exhaust piping.
    Deleting text in paragraphs (b), (c), (f), (g), (j), and (k) that 
is unclear or outdated.
    Section 56.50-20 Pressure relief piping.
    Deleting text not necessary to the intent of the regulation.
    Section 56.50-25 Safety and relief valve escape piping.
    Deleting text in paragraphs (a), (c), and (d) that is outdated or 
    Section 56.50-30 Boiler feed piping.
    Deleting text in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) that is outdated or 
unclear and no longer necessary.

[[Page 50076]]

    Section 56.50-35 Condensate pumps.
    Deleting text that is outdated and no longer necessary.
    Section 56.50-40 Blowoff piping (replaces 122.1.4).
    Deleting text in paragraphs (b) and (d) that is outdated or 
redundant and no longer necessary.
    Section 56.50-45 Circulating pumps.
    Deleting text in paragraph (d) that is outdated or unclear.
    Section 56.50-50 Bilge and ballast piping.
    Modifying paragraph (a) to consider ships that meet SOLAS 
requirements for bilge systems as equivalent to this section.
    Deleting outdated text in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (h), 
(j), and (k).
    Section 56.50-55 Bilge pumps.
    Modifying paragraph (c) to add a pump capacity alternative formula.
    Section 56.50-57 Bilge piping and pumps, alternative requirements.
    Deleting this entire section as outdated, as it contains cross-
references to sections already removed from the CFR (Sec. Sec.  171.075 
and 171.082).
    Section 56.50-60 Systems containing oil.
    Deleting or modifying text in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (m), 
and (n) that is outdated or unclear.
    Section 56.50-65 Burner fuel-oil service systems.
    Deleting or modifying text in paragraphs (a) and (b) that is 
outdated, unclear, or adequately addressed already by the incorporated 
standards in part 56.
    Section 56.50-70 Gasoline fuel systems.
    Deleting or modifying text in paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (e), and 
(g) that is outdated, unclear, or adequately addressed already by 
incorporated standards in this part.
    Section 56.50-75 Diesel fuel systems.
    Deleting or modifying text in paragraphs (a) and (b) that is 
outdated, unclear, or adequately addressed already by incorporated 
standards in this part.
    Section 56.50-80 Lubricating-oil systems.
    Deleting or modifying text in paragraphs (a), (d), and (h) that is 
outdated, unclear, or adequately addressed already by incorporated 
standards in this part.
    Section 56.50-85 Tank-vent piping.
    Deleting or modifying text in paragraphs (a) and (b) that is 
outdated, unclear, or adequately addressed already by incorporated 
standards in this part.
    Section 56.50-90 Sounding devices.
    Deleting or modifying text in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), and 
(e) that is outdated, unclear, or adequately addressed already by 
incorporated standards in this part.
    Section 56.50-95 Overboard discharges and shell connections.
    Deleting text in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (h), and 
(i) that is outdated, unclear, or adequately addressed already by 
incorporated standards in this part.
    Section 56.50-105 Low-temperature piping.
    Deleting text in paragraph (a) that is outdated, unclear, or 
adequately addressed already by incorporated standards in this part.
    Section 56.60-1 Acceptable materials and specifications (replaces 
123 and Table 126.1 in ASME B31.1).
    Adding ASTM F1155 as a reference in paragraph (a) for material 
standards applicable to certain marine engineering piping systems.
    Section 56.60-5 Steel (high temperature applications).
    Modifying paragraph (a) to align the CFR with the temperature 
requirements of the incorporated ASME standard.
    Section 56.70-5 Material.
    Deleting text in paragraph (b) that is outdated and aligning text 
with incorporated ASME standard.
    Section 56.70-10 Preparation (modifies 127.3).
    Deleting text in paragraphs (a) and (b) that is outdated, unclear, 
or adequately addressed already by incorporated standards in this part.
    Section 56.70-15 Procedure.
    Deleting text in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), and (g) that is 
outdated, unclear, unenforceable, or adequately addressed already by 
incorporated standards in this part.
    Section 56.80-5 Bending (modifies 129).
    Deleting text that is outdated, unclear, or adequately addressed 
already by incorporated standards in this part.
    Section 56.85-15 Postheat treatment.
    Deleting text in paragraphs (a), (b), and (d) that is outdated, 
unclear, or adequately addressed already by incorporated standards in 
this part, and making additional changes as described in section IV.E 
of this preamble, ``Additional Changes from the NPRM.''
    Section 56.90-5 Bolting procedure.
    Deleting text in paragraph (a) that is outdated, unclear, or 
adequately addressed already by incorporated standards in this part.
    Section 56.90-10 Threaded piping (modifies 135.5).
    Deleting paragraph (c) as outdated and unnecessary.
    Section 56.95-1 General (replaces 136).
    Modifying paragraph (b) for readability.
    Section 56.97-1 General (replaces 137).
    Modifying paragraph (b) for readability.
    Section 56.97-25 Preparation for testing (reproduces 137.2).
    Modifying paragraphs (b) and (d) for readability.
    Section 56.97-35 Pneumatic tests (modifies 137.5).
    Modifying title of section to describe its relationship to the ASME 
BPVC more accurately, and removing unnecessary text in paragraph 
    Section 56.97-38 Initial service leak test (reproduces 137.7).
    Modifying paragraph (a) for readability.
    Section 56.97-40 Installation tests.
    Deleting text in paragraph (a) that is outdated, unclear, or 
adequately addressed already by incorporated standards in this part.
Part 57--Welding and Brazing
    Replacing the words ``boiler pressure vessel code'' with ``BPVC'' 
throughout part 57, as BPVC is recognized as the appropriate acronym 
for the ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Making stylistic changes 
throughout part 57 for greater clarity and readability.
    Section 57.01-1 Qualifications and production tests.
    Modifying the text in paragraph (a) to reflect updates in section 
numbering of the BPVC.
    Section 57.02-1 Incorporation by reference.
    Modifying paragraph (b) to update contact information for the ASME.
    Section 57.02-2 Adoption of Section IX of the ASME code.
    Modifying paragraph (a) to update and clarify the information 
provided in the section.
    Modifying paragraph (a)(1) to delete unnecessary references to 
parts of the subchapter that have been removed.
    Amending table 1 to Sec.  57.02-2(a) to reflect updates in the 
section numbering of the BPVC.
    Section 57.02-3 Performance qualifications issued by other 
    Deleting references to ASME BPVC paragraphs PG-91, N-612, HG-515.2, 
and UG-91 in paragraph (a) as unnecessary.
    Section 57.03-1 General requirements.
    Updating paragraph (a)(1) to reflect changes in the standard.
    Section 57.06-1 Production test plate requirements.

[[Page 50077]]

    Updating paragraph (c) to reflect current name of the relevant 
section of the ASME BPVC.
Part 58--Main and Auxiliary Machinery and Related Systems
    Making stylistic changes throughout part 58 for greater clarity and 
    Section 58.01-5 Applicable standards.
    Updating the reference from ABS Steel Vessel Rules to ABS Marine 
Vessel Rules.
    Section 58.01-20 Machinery guards.
    Updating section for readability.
    Section 58.01-50 Machinery space, noise.
    Updating incorporated reference to reflect updated IMO Resolution 
(Noise Code).
    Section 58.03-1 Incorporation by reference.
    Modifying paragraphs (a) through (h) to update contact information 
for the ABYC, the ABS, the API, the ASME, ASTM, IMO, ISO, the National 
Fire Protection Association, and SAE, respectively.
    Section 58.05-1 Material, design and construction.
    Updating the reference from ABS Steel Vessel Rules to ABS Marine 
Vessel Rules, and making a further change as described in section IV.E 
of this preamble, ``Additional Changes from the NPRM.''
    Section 58.16-5 Definition.
    Updating paragraph to correct grammar and make the text easier to 
read without impacting the public.
    Section 58.16-7 Use of liquefied petroleum gas.
    Updating incorrect CFR reference.
    Section 58.16-10 Approvals.
    Deleting the requirement in paragraph (a) that gas-consuming 
appliances be ``of a type approved'' by the Commandant. The requirement 
that the Commandant specifically ``approve'' all types of gas-consuming 
appliances is not necessary, since the Coast Guard verifies during plan 
review that appliances are tested and listed by third-party 
laboratories and meet the additional requirements of Subpart 58.16.
    Changing the word ``approved'' to ``accepted'' in paragraph (c). 
Because this paragraph refers to another government agency's 
requirements for safety-relief devices, and shipboard appliance 
installations are reviewed case by case, ``acceptance'' allows for more 
flexibility than ``approval'' when evaluating the overall installation 
for compliance.
    Section 58.16-30 Operating instructions.
    Updating paragraph (k) to make the text easier to read without 
impacting the public.
    Section 58.16-35 Markings.
    Deleting text in paragraph (a) that is redundant with paragraphs 
(b) and (c) of same section.
    Section 58.25-5 General.
    Making an editorial correction to ensure ``control system'' is a 
separate definition from ``auxiliary steering gear''.
    Section 58.25-10 Main and auxiliary steering gear.
    Adding SOLAS regulations plus class rules as an equivalent 
    Section 58.25-20 Piping for steering gear.
    Eliminating redundant references to part 56 of this chapter.
    Section 58.25-25 Indicating and alarm systems.
    Deleting requirements in current paragraph (e) that are redundant 
with other paragraphs in same section.
    Section 58.25-40 Arrangement of the steering gear compartment.
    Deleting the Note following paragraph (a)(3) as unnecessary.
    Section 58.25-60 Non-duplicated hydraulic rudder actuators.
    Amending this section for readability.
    Section 58.25-75 Materials.
    Deleting paragraph (b) of this section as unnecessary.
    Section 58.25-85 Special requirements for tank vessels.
    Deleting certain text in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section 
as unenforceable.
    Deleting paragraph (g) as this paragraph is applicable only to tank 
vessels of 40,000 gross tons or more constructed before 1984. Virtually 
all those vessels have been phased out of service due to the pollution 
prevention requirements in 33 CFR 157 for ``double hulls'' on tank 
    Section 58.30-1 Scope.
    Deleting certain text in paragraph (a) as not applicable.
    Section 58.30-5 Design requirements.
    Removing unnecessary text from paragraph (a).
    Section 58.30-15 Pipe, tubing, valves, fittings, pumps, and motors.
    Deleting certain text in paragraphs (b) and (d) as redundant, given 
the incorporation of industry standards.
    Section 58.30-25 Accumulators.
    Deleting certain text in paragraphs (a) and (c) to make the text 
easier to read without impacting the public.
    Section 58.30-40 Plans.
    Removing requirements in paragraph (a) for material to be included 
with plan submissions that is no longer necessary.
    Section 58.50-1 General requirements.
    Modifying text to remove allowance for gasoline as a fuel for 
vessels constructed before 1935.
Part 59--Repairs to Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Appurtenances
    Making stylistic changes throughout part 59 for greater clarity and 
    Section 59.01-2 Incorporation by reference.
    Modifying paragraph (b) to update contact information for the ASME.
    Section 59.10-1 Scope.
    Modifying paragraphs (b) and (c) to eliminate unnecessary 
requirements and to provide clarity for welding repairs.
    Section 59.10-5 Cracks.
    Modifying paragraphs (d) and (h) to eliminate unnecessary 
requirements and to provide clarity for repair of cracks in boiler and 
pressure vessels.
    Section 59.10-20 Patches in shells and tube sheets.
    Removing text in paragraphs (a) and (b) to make the text easier to 
read without impacting the public.
    Section 59.15-1 Furnace repairs.
    Modifying paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (e) to eliminate unnecessary 
requirements and to provide clarity for furnace repairs.
Part 61--Periodic Tests and Inspections
    Making stylistic changes throughout part 61 for greater clarity and 
    Section 61.03-1 Incorporation by reference.
    Modifying paragraph (b) to update the name, telephone number, and 
web address of ASTM International.
    Section 61.05-10 Boilers in service.
    Eliminating unnecessary and outdated text regarding boiler 
inspections from paragraphs (a) and (f).
    Section 61.10-5 Pressure vessels in service.
    Modifying paragraph (g) to provide inspection compliance options, 
in lieu of the hydrostatic test currently required by this paragraph, 
for bulk storage tanks containing refrigerated liquefied carbon dioxide 
for use aboard a vessel as a fire-extinguishing agent. The inspection 
options consist of performing a hydrostatic test or having an internal 
inspection. This is further explained in the regulatory language.
Part 62--Vital System Automation
    Making stylistic changes throughout part 62 for greater clarity and 
    Section 62.05-1 Incorporation by reference.
    Modifying paragraph (b) to update the address for ABS.
    Section 62.35-5 Remote propulsion-control systems.

[[Page 50078]]

    Removing redundant text in paragraphs (c)(2) and (3) and correcting 
the title of the applicable ABS Rules in paragraph (d).
    Section 62.35-20 Oil-fired main boilers.
    Removing an outdated Note to paragraph (d)(1).
    Section 62.35-50 Tabulated monitoring and safety control 
requirements for specific systems.
    Deleting the requirements for main propulsion boiler supply casing 
and uptakes, burner flames, control power, and burner valves in Table 
62.35-50. These components are required to comply with the same 
requirements in Section 4-9-6 of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules (2020), 
which is referenced in this table.
    Modifying the requirements for ship service generators in Table 
62.35-50. Currently, compliance with the ABS Steel Vessel Rules for 
propulsion boilers and propulsion diesel engines is required. The 
requirements for auxiliary generators in Section 4-9-6 of the ABS 
Marine Vessel Rules (2020) are referenced instead because this section 
of the ABS Rules is more directly applicable to generators.
    Deleting the requirements for generators to comply with Sec. Sec.  
111.12-1 (b) and (c), and parenthetical items 6 and 7 in Table 62.35-
Part 63--Automatic Auxiliary Boilers
    Making stylistic changes throughout part 63 for greater clarity and 
    Section 63.01-3 Scope and Applicability.
    Amending paragraph (b) to remove language regarding electric 
cooking equipment, electric air heaters, and electric oil immersion 
heaters. The requirements for these electric appliances are covered in 
46 CFR subchapter J part 111.
    Section 63.05-1 Incorporation by reference.
    Modifying paragraphs (a) through (f) to update contact information 
for the ANSI, ASME, ASTM, IMO, ISO, and UL Solutions, respectively.
    Section 63.10-1 Test procedures and certification report.
    Updating address and options for item submittals.
    Section 63.25-9 Incinerators.
    Modifying paragraph (a) to update address and options for 
application for type approval of shipboard incinerators.
    Modifying paragraph (b) to clarify and update requirements for 
testing prior to granting type approval.
    Adding paragraph (g) to reflect IMO MEPC.244(66) as an accepted 
design standard for incinerators.
Part 64--Marine Portable Tanks and Cargo Handling Systems
    Replacing the words ``ASME Code'' with ``ASME BPVC'' throughout 
part 64, as BPVC is recognized as the appropriate acronym for the ASME 
Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Making stylistic changes throughout part 
64 for greater clarity and readability.
    Section 64.2 Incorporation by reference.
    Modifying paragraph (b) to update the address for the ASME.
E. Additional Changes From the NPRM
    In addition to the changes discussed above, we are making further 
editorial changes from the text proposed in the NPRM, as follows.
    In Sec.  56.30-20(d), correcting an erroneous Fahrenheit to Celsius 
conversion. The Fahrenheit temperature currently provided in the CFR is 
    In Sec.  56.50-60(n), restoring the word ``flammable,'' as it was 
inadvertently deleted.
    In Sec.  56.50-70(e), clarifying that the openings indicated in 
this paragraph are openings for fuel tanks.
    In Sec.  56.50-75(b)(1), adding ``seamless steel'' to the list of 
acceptable materials. Seamless steel has always been acceptable under 
this paragraph as an ``other material,'' but, because it is commonly 
used, we are adding it to the list for clarity.
    In Sec.  56.50-75(b)(6), removing the words ``on vessels less than 
100 gross tons and tank barges'' as unnecessary because this 
applicability condition is already specified in Sec.  56.50-75(b).
    In Sec.  56.50-95(f), removing redundant text relating to 
prohibitions on the use of heat-sensitive materials.
    In Table 2 to Sec.  56.50-105, removing footnote 2 and renumbering 
the remaining footnotes. Footnote 2 redirected readers to part 54 for 
additional information, and all the necessary information is found in 
the table. Deleting cross-references to table 1 to Sec.  56.85-10(c) as 
we are removing that table, as discussed below.
    In Sec.  56.60-1, relocating note 1 to table 1 to Sec.  56.60-1(a) 
to follow the table rather than precede it and redesignating the other 
note as note 2 to table 1 to Sec.  56.60-1(a).
    Reorganizing the information in table 1 to Sec.  56.60-2 and its 
associated footnotes to ensure all substantive requirements are found 
in the table itself and renumbering the remaining footnotes.
    In Sec.  56.85-10, revising the text and removing table 1 to Sec.  
56.85-10(c) to simplify the information presented and focus on the 
incorporated standard, ASME B31.1. The relevant information regarding 
heat treatment of welds is already provided by ASME B31.1 and it is 
unnecessary to supplement the text with additional Coast Guard 
requirements that are redundant to ASME B31.1. In addition, removing a 
cross-reference to table 1 to Sec.  56.85-10(c) in Sec.  56.50-105, as 
noted above.
    As with Sec.  56.85-10, revising the text in Sec.  56.85-15 to 
remove unnecessary supplementary information regarding post-heat 
treatment of welds and, instead, directing readers to follow the 
relevant section and table of the incorporated standard, ASME B31.1.
    In Sec.  56.95-10 (a)(1), correcting an Imperial unit/Metric system 
unit conversion that is incorrect in the current CFR.
    In Sec.  58.05-1(b), removing the requirement for drawings to be 
submitted in quadruplicate because drawings are typically submitted 
under this section electronically, making multiple copies unnecessary.
    In Sec.  58.16-10(e), removing the requirement for plans to be 
submitted in triplicate because plans are typically submitted under 
this section electronically, making multiple copies unnecessary.
    Restoring Sec.  58.25-25(a) and (e), with minor stylistic changes, 
as these paragraphs were inadvertently deleted.
    In Sec.  58.50-1(b), removing the text ``converted on or after July 
1, 1935'' because the emergency systems requirements under this section 
now apply to all ships.
    Reorganizing the information in table 1 to Sec.  62.35-50 and its 
associated footnotes to ensure all substantive requirements are in the 
table itself and renumbering the remaining footnotes.
    In Sec.  62.50-20(g)(2), correcting a drafting error by changing 
the reference to ``Sec. Sec.  111.12-11(g) and 111.30-1 of this 
subchapter'' to read ``Sec. Sec.  111.12-11(g) and 111.30-1 of this 
chapter.'' The referenced sections are in the same chapter as Sec.  
62.50-20(g)(2), but not the same subchapter.
    In Sec.  64.2, removing the incorporation by reference of section 
VIII of the ASME BPVC, 1974 edition, as it is only relevant as the 
source for a constant used in a calculation in Sec.  64.63. The actual 
value of the constant, given in that section, is sufficient for the 
    In Sec.  64.63, removing the reference to the 1974 edition of 
section VIII of the ASME BPVC as the source of the value of constant C 
used in calculating total emergency venting capacity. The source of 
constant C is not required for this calculation, and as noted above we 
are removing the incorporation by reference

[[Page 50079]]

of section VIII of the ASME BPVC for this part.

V. Incorporation by Reference

    Material for incorporation by reference appears in 46 CFR parts 50, 
52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, and 64 and is summarized in 
section IV.B of this preamble. Copies of the material are available 
either at the publisher's web address listed in the incorporation by 
reference sections in 46 CFR parts 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 
62, 63, and 64 or by contacting the publisher listed for those 
standards. We reviewed and updated all the publisher's web addresses 
listed in the parts to ensure they are current. You may also contact 
the person in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section for 
additional direction on how to obtain access to electronic copies of 
the materials.
    Based on the volume of equivalency requests the Coast Guard 
receives asking us to confirm that the latest edition is equivalent to 
or better than the edition currently incorporated, we believe industry 
already has access to and uses these more recent standards. The 
affected industry typically obtains the more recent editions of 
standards in the course of their business in order to address 
advancements in technology.
    The Director of the Federal Register approved the material in 46 
CFR parts 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, and 63 for 
incorporation by reference under 5 U.S.C. 552 and 1 CFR part 51.

VI. Regulatory Analyses

    We developed this rule after considering numerous statutes and 
Executive Orders related to rulemaking. A summary of our analyses based 
on these statutes or Executive Orders follows.

A. Regulatory Planning and Review

    Executive Orders 12866 (Regulatory Planning and Review), as amended 
by Executive Order 14094 (Modernizing Regulatory Review) and 13563 
(Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review) direct agencies to assess 
the costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if 
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize 
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public 
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). Executive 
Order 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying costs and 
benefits, reducing costs, harmonizing rules, and promoting flexibility.
    As OMB has not designated this rule a significant regulatory action 
under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, as amended by Executive 
Order 14094, it has not reviewed this regulatory action. An RA follows.
    The Coast Guard received four public comments on the affected 
population in the RA for the proposed rule. Two of these comments 
stated that the RA in the NPRM did not provide clarity on the inclusion 
of OCS facilities. We also received two comments, with essentially the 
same content, stating that the suggested listing of 110 MODUs in table 
3 of the RA in the NPRM was incorrect. We discuss our responses to 
these comments in section III.F of the preamble of this final rule. We 
are incorporating the commenters' suggestions into the RA for this 
final rule and are revising the population of MODUs and Cargo and 
Miscellaneous Vessels based on MISLE Data.
    We are also revising our affected population estimate from 16,148 
vessels and facilities to 5,655. While preparing this final rule we 
obtained the most current data from the MISLE database, and determined 
we likely overcounted in our analysis in the NPRM (see Affected 
Population section for details).\6\ Additionally, we updated the mean 
hourly wage rate for private sector workers and Coast Guard military 
and civilian personnel using 2022 data. Furthermore, we updated the 
load factor used to account for non-wage benefits for private sector 
employees by using Q4 2022 U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor 
Statistics (BLS) data instead of Q4 2020 BLS data. We further revised 
the load factor for civilian Coast Guard marine engineers from 1.75 to 
1.69 to be consistent with other recently published rulemakings from 
the Coast Guard's Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG-ENG). 
We present a summary of changes to the RA from the NPRM to the final 
rule in table 2, below.

    \6\ The updated affected population estimate of 5,655 vessels 
and facilities subject to subchapter F is similar to the estimate 
from the Update to Electrical Engineering Regulations (Subchapter J) 
final rule published on March 16, 2023. There is a high degree of 
overlap in the populations of vessels and facilities subject to 
subchapters F and J; therefore, we believe this revised estimate is 
more accurate than what we presented in the NPRM. Readers can access 
the Subchapter J final rule at www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/03/16/2023-04370/update-to-electrical-engineering-regulations.

                      Table 2--Summary of Changes to the RA From the NPRM to the Final Rule
                                                                                               Resulting change
     Element of the analysis             NPRM             Final rule       Reason for change         in RA
Affected population of U.S.-      The Coast Guard     In the final rule,  We performed a new  No change because
 flagged vessels and facilities.   estimated that      we revised this     data pull of the    the RA does not
                                   the rule affected   estimate down to    affected            directly use the
                                   16,148 vessels      5,655 vessels and   population and      affected
                                   and facilities      facilities.         determined that     population in
                                   and 6,437 owners                        the NPRM affected   calculations but
                                   and operators.                          population          instead uses
                                                                           estimate was        equivalency
                                                                           likely incorrect.   requests.
Hourly wage rates for private     The NPRM used BLS   The final rule      Availability of     Data directly
 sector and for Federal            Occupational and    uses BLS            more recent data.   affects the
 Government civilian and           Employment          Occupational and                        calculation of
 uniformed personnel.              Statistics,         Employment                              projected cost
                                   Office of           Statistics, OPM                         savings.
                                   Personnel           GS Pay Tables,
                                   Management (OPM)    and Commandant
                                   General Schedule    Instruction W for
                                   (GS) Pay Tables,    calendar year
                                   and Commandant      2022.
                                   Instruction U for
                                   calendar year
Load factor to account for non-   The NPRM used BLS   The final rule      Availability of     Data directly
 wage benefits for private         Employer Cost for   uses BLS Employer   more recent data.   affects the
 sector employees and Federal      Employee            Cost for Employee  Encourage            calculation of
 Government civilian employees.    Compensation data   Compensation data   consistency         projected cost
                                   for Q4 2020 for     for Q4 2022 for     across recent       savings.
                                   private-sector      private-sector      rulemakings
                                   employees.          employees.          involving the
                                  The NPRM used a     The final rule       same category of
                                   load factor of      uses a load         Coast Guard
                                   1.75 for civilian   factor of 1.69      civilian
                                   Coast Guard         for civilian        employees..
                                   marine engineers..  Coast Guard
                                                       marine engineers..

[[Page 50080]]

    With this final rule, the Coast Guard updates 46 CFR subchapter F. 
This final rule aligns the standards for U.S.-flagged vessels and 
facilities in subchapter F with current industry practices to ensure 
that regulatory requirements are consistent with current industry 
standards. Most of the updates simply incorporate by reference the more 
recent versions of the same standards with little or no substantive 
change. In some cases, the more recent editions reflect more modern 
technologies, terminology, and practices. The updates also correct 
regulatory language and remove redundant and outdated references. The 
Coast Guard finds no additional costs associated with this rule and 
estimates this rule saves the regulated public and the Federal 
Government approximately $9.762 million over the 10-year period of 
analysis, discounted at 7 percent and in 2022 dollars. The total 
annualized cost savings are an estimated $1.390 million, discounted at 
7 percent and in 2022 dollars.
    The following RA provides an evaluation of the economic impacts 
associated with this final rule. Table 3 provides a summary of the 
rule's costs and benefits.

              Table 3--Summary of Impacts of the Final Rule
             Category                              Summary
Affected Population...............  952 vessel owners and operators, 83
                                     shipyards, builders, and
                                     manufacturers of vessels and vessel
                                     components, the Coast Guard MSC,
                                     and the Commercial Regulations and
                                     Standards Directorate (CG-5PS).
                                     Approximately 5,614 vessels and 41
                                     floating production systems subject
                                     to regulations in subchapter F.
Costs.............................  None. The rule does not increase
                                     costs of compliance for the
                                     regulated public or the Coast
Cost Savings (7-percent discount    $9.762 million (10-year discounted
 rate).                              cost savings), annualized cost
                                     savings: $1.390 million in 2022
Unquantified Benefits.............  Clarity of regulatory intent through
                                     stylistic changes and corrections,
                                     harmonization of regulatory
                                     requirements with current industry
                                     standards, better utilization of
                                     Coast Guard human resources,
                                     compliance with Presidential
                                     Regulatory Reform Initiative (March
                                     4, 1995).\7\

    The objective of the final rule is to update design standards in 46 
CFR subchapter F by incorporating by reference more recent industry 
standards. The final rule provides clarity, simplifies regulatory 
compliance for industry with the removal of obsolete regulations, and 
revises current regulatory text, which includes the correction of 

    \7\ The rule continues the Coast Guard's response to the 
Presidential Regulatory Reform Initiative of March 4, 1995, and 
directives including Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 that are 
intended to improve regulation and the regulatory process. The 
provisions of this rule remove outdated regulations, revise current 
regulatory text, and incorporate by reference more recent national 
and international industry standards into the CFR. The Coast Guard 
recognizes the significant technological advances technology and 
equipment which is used or carried on vessels. As a result, this 
rule encourages the use of newer equipment and promotes adherence to 
modern standards in the industry.
    \8\ We present a full list of corrections in table 1 of the 

Affected Population
    The Coast Guard analyzed the impacts of the final rule to determine 
the affected population and how the rule affects vessel and facility 
owners and manufacturers. The engineering updates for subchapter F 
potentially affect the vessels and facilities inspected under the 
following subchapters: D ``Tank Vessels;'' H ``Passenger Vessels;'' I 
``Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels;'' I-A ``Mobile Offshore Drilling 
Units;'' L ``Offshore Supply Vessels;'' O ``Certain Bulk Dangerous 
Cargoes;'' O-I ``Combination Bulk Cargo;'' O-D ``Combination Bulk 
Cargo-including chemicals;'' R ``Nautical Schools;'' U ``Oceanographic 
Research Vessels;'' and 41 floating production systems (facilities) in 
33 CFR subchapter N ``Outer Continental Shelf Activities.'' \9\ Because 
the rule impacts only new vessels or those undergoing major 
conversions, we estimate that fewer than 200 vessels will be impacted 

    \9\ We excluded public vessels from the population.
    \10\ Based on input from Coast Guard subject matter experts with 
relevant technical expertise in the Office of Design and Engineering 
Standards (CG-ENG).

    We estimate the final rule affects about 5,614 vessels and 41 
facilities owned by approximately 952 owners and operators. The rule 
directly impacts vessel owners or operators procuring a new vessel or 
engaging in a major conversion of an existing vessel under conditions 
specified in the rule. Large self-propelled vessels generally have a 
greater number of complex engineering systems covered in subchapter F 
than smaller vessels or barges. With the updates to engineering 
standards in this final rule, we expect, therefore, that large self-
propelled vessels are more likely to be impacted.
    In the NPRM for this rulemaking, we significantly overcounted the 
number of vessels subject to subchapter F because two categories of 
vessels in MISLE that do not have distinct 46 CFR subchapters, 
``industrial vessels'' and ``tank barges,'' were incorrectly assumed to 
be subject to subchapter F's marine engineering requirements in all 
cases. Subchapter F is generally applicable only to larger vessels such 
as cargo ships, large passenger vessels, and tank vessels, so many 
vessels in the categories mentioned above are not subject to its 
requirements. In addition, because cargo and tank barges are not self-
propelled, and subchapter F primarily focuses on vital engineering 
systems such as propulsion and steering systems, much of subchapter F 
is not applicable to barges.
    In this final rule we revise the population estimate, as shown in 
table 4 below. The total affected population of vessels and facilities 
is reduced from 16,148 in the proposed rule to 5,655 in the final rule. 
However, vessels are generally subject to the regulations in effect at 
the time of ship construction. Therefore, only vessels constructed 
subsequent to the effective date of this final rule will be subject to 
its requirements, so our estimate of the average number of new vessels 
entering service annually (provided in the last row of table 4) 
provides a much more realistic picture of the affected population of 
this final rule than does the total universe of vessels subject to 
subchapter F.

[[Page 50081]]

 Table 4--U.S.-Flagged Vessel and Facility Population Subject to 46 CFR
                              Subchapter F
     Subchapter F vessels and
            facilities                   Description        Population
D.................................  Tank Vessels........             869
H.................................  Passenger Vessels                 45
                                     (>=100 gross tons).
I.................................  Cargo and                        623
I-A...............................  Mobile Offshore                    1
                                     Drilling Units
L.................................  Offshore Supply                  284
                                     Vessels (OSV).
O (tank barge)....................  Certain Bulk                       8
                                     Dangerous Cargoes.
R.................................  Nautical Schools....              19
U.................................  Oceanographic                      7
                                     Research Vessels.
O-I (tank barge)..................  Combination Bulk                 145
O-D (tank barge or freight barge).  Combination Bulk               3,613
33 CFR subchapter N...............  Floating Production               41
    Total.........................  ....................           5,655
Average number of new U.S.-flagged  Includes all                     129
 vessels entering service annually.  subchapters listed
                                     above (average of
                                     the population for
                                     the period 2016-
Note: These data are based on Coast Guard data found in the MISLE
  database as of September 9, 2022.

    The rule also affects businesses involved in vessel or facility 
manufacturing. There are approximately 83 shipyards and manufacturers 
of vessels or vessel components in the affected population. However, 
the Coast Guard believes that because equipment and vessel 
manufacturers participate in the development and revision of marine 
industry standards and ship design requirements, manufacturers are 
already in voluntary compliance with the changes. In addition, the rule 
affects the Coast Guard and its staff in the MSC and CG-ENG. The rule 
impacts an estimated six civilian engineers and six military engineers.
Summary of Changes Adopted for the Final Rule
    In this final rule, the Coast Guard adopts the changes included in 
the NPRM, which update the codified references to standards 
incorporated by reference in subchapter F with their more recent 
editions. More specifically, the changes in the final rule fall into 
three categories: (1) editorial changes to the CFR, (2) technical 
updates to standards incorporated by reference, and (3) compliance 
alternatives to standards incorporated by reference. Based on data from 
industry, the Coast Guard assumes industry already uses the more recent 
standards referenced in the rule.
    First, this final rule makes editorial changes to 46 CFR subchapter 
F (parts 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63 and 64) that 
include such items as the removal of outdated terminology and the 
consolidation of text. These changes have no costs or cost savings 
associated with them.
    Second, this rule updates standards incorporated by reference 
throughout subchapter F. Because no resources are required, and because 
they have already been adopted voluntarily by manufacturers, these 
changes have no cost associated with them.
    Third, this rule amends the regulatory text in 46 CFR 58.10-5(d)(1) 
and 61.10-5(g) impacting compliance alternatives for vessel and 
facility owners or operators. The changes reflect the addition of one 
compliance alternative and the removal of another. This change results 
from the discontinuation of a standard incorporated by reference that 
is the basis of the compliance alternative. (Please see Section IV.D. 
in the preamble under the discussion, ``Part 61--Periodic Tests and 
Inspections,'' and further details in the ``Cost Savings'' portion of 
this RA.) These changes provide regulatory flexibility for the 
regulated public. The final rule imposes no additional costs on 
industry, and the addition of a compliance alternative in Sec.  61.10-
5(g) may save the regulated public money and generate cost savings for 
vessel and facility owners or operators if they choose to use this 
compliance alternative.
    The final rule promotes consistency between Coast Guard regulations 
and national and international standards through incorporation by 
reference, provides options with alternative standards, eliminates 
obsolete standards, and clarifies the existing requirements through the 
changes in 46 CFR subchapter F. Readers may consult the preamble of 
this rule for a general summary of the changes.
    The final rule adopts the regulatory changes in the proposed rule. 
Additionally, based on feedback from the public during the comment 
period, the rule reorganizes 46 CFR 56.60-1(a)(2) and adds 46 CFR 
56.60-1(b) for the purpose of regulatory clarity. These changes are 
editorial in nature and do not impose costs on or create cost savings 
for industry.
Data Input for Calculations
    This RA uses multiple data sources. We estimated the duration of 
tasks and determined the relevant personnel with input from Coast Guard 
subject matter experts within CG-ENG.
    The Coast Guard obtained wage data from three publicly available 
sources. First, for Coast Guard military personnel, we used the Coast 
Guard Commandant Instruction entitled ``Reimbursable Standard Rates'' 
(commonly called Commandant Instruction W).\11\ Second, for Coast Guard 
civilian personnel we used OPM's GS hourly rates for the Washington, 
DC, locality pay area for 2022.\12\ Third, for workers outside of the 
Federal Government, we used the BLS Occupational Employment and Wage 
Statistics dataset for 2022 for private sector wage rates.

    \11\ The Instruction is dated August 11, 2022, and is numbered 
COMDTINST 7310.1W. Appendix B of COMDINST 7310.1W lists the relevant 
data; please see in-government wage data. The file is available at 
https://media.defense.gov/2022/Aug/24/2003063079/-1/-1/0/CI_7310_1W.PDF (last visited September 28, 2022). Commandant 
Instruction W provides fully loaded wage rates for military 
    \12\ The Coast Guard obtained hourly wage rates from OPM's 
salary table for 2022 for the Washington, DC, locality, which 
readers can access at https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/salary-tables/pdf/2022/DCB_h.pdf (last visited 
May 12, 2023). For Coast Guard civilian personnel, we use the hourly 
wage rates that correspond to a step 5 wage rate for the appropriate 
GS grade.

    To estimate the actual cost savings of labor to employers, the 
Coast Guard determined the loaded wage rates of each type of occupation 
(military, civilian in Government, and civilian out of Government) 
affected by the final

[[Page 50082]]

rule.\13\ Commandant Instruction W presents loaded wage rates; 
therefore, we did not apply a load factor adjustment for Coast Guard 
military personnel. However, for Coast Guard civilian personnel and for 
private sector workers outside of the Federal Government, we multiplied 
the wage data obtained in the previous step by a load factor to 
estimate the loaded wage rates for these employees. We calculated the 
load factors to apply to Coast Guard civilian employees from total 
compensation and wage data in the 2017 Congressional Budget Office 
(CBO) report ``Comparing the Compensation of Federal and Private-Sector 
Employees, 2011 to 2015.'' We calculated the load factor to apply to 
private sector workers from BLS's ``Employer Cost for Employee 
Compensation'' dataset for the fourth quarter of 2022.

    \13\ A loaded hourly wage rate is what a company pays per hour 
to employ a person, not the hourly wage an employee receives. The 
loaded hourly wage rate includes the cost of non-wage benefits 
(health insurance, vacation, etc.).

    The Coast Guard finds no costs associated with this final rule. The 
rule does not require actions of manufacturers nor vessel and facility 
owners or operators. The rule is not retroactive, and existing vessels 
are not required to be retrofitted.
    This rule does not require owners or operators to acquire any 
standards incorporated by reference; they will not need the standard in 
hand to comply. Owners and operators need only look for evidence from 
manufacturers that vessels or facilities meet or exceed the standard 
before purchase; such evidence could be found in a contract for 
purchase or repair of a vessel or facility or in product documentation 
such as a user guide or warranty information. For these reasons, the 
Coast Guard has not included a cost for the procurement of the newer 
standards for vessel and facility owners or operators.
    The Coast Guard estimates that the regulated public (manufacturers) 
are currently in voluntary compliance with the requirements of the rule 
based upon manufacturer participation in the development of industry 
standards. When standards organizations formulate industry standards, 
the standards undergo a process of review and comment by the industry. 
Input from manufacturers is key to developing new standards that 
consider the engineering capabilities of manufacturers. After the 
review and comment process, the newer standard is voted upon at the 
various governing bodies' committee meetings, and manufacturers are 
among those voting. For this reason, the Coast Guard believes 
manufacturers are aware and knowledgeable about the newer standards. 
Given this, we further assume they already own copies of the standards 
and, therefore, have not computed a cost for them to procure the 
standards incorporated by reference.
    Manufacturers have already been producing equipment to meet the 
standard, and typically begin to make manufacturing modifications even 
before such changes are adopted formally. Therefore, the Coast Guard 
does not anticipate that there will be costs to retrofit manufacturing 
equipment to comply with the final rule. For previous similar 
rulemakings, no manufacturers commented that they would experience 
incremental costs of production to comply with newer editions of 
standards incorporated by reference.\14\ For these reasons, the Coast 
Guard has not included a cost for these provisions. However, the Coast 
Guard acknowledges that some manufacturers may need to purchase a newer 
standard. The estimated incremental cost to do so varies according to 
which standard is needed.\15\

    \14\ A similar rulemaking is the Revision of Crane Regulation 
Standards for Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, Offshore Supply 
Vessels, and Floating Outer Continental Shelf Facilities proposed 
rule, published May 13, 2013 (78 FR 27913) (Docket Number: USCG-
    \15\ We estimate the cost to acquire a standard by the equation 
(0.25 hour x supervisory wage rate + 0.5 hour x admin assistant wage 
rate + cost of purchasing a copy of the standard + shipping cost). 
We base this equation on the publicly vetted cost estimation in the 
regulatory analysis for the rule Revision of Crane Regulation 
Standards for Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, Offshore Supply 
Vessels, and Floating Outer Continental Shelf Facilities (Docket 
Number: USCG-2011-0992).

Cost Savings
    By amending 46 CFR subchapter F, this final rule eliminates 
confusion from outdated and conflicting rules on marine engineering 
safety for various vessel or facility components and systems and gives 
the maritime industry clear instructions on how to comply with 
regulations. Moreover, this final rule amends existing regulations to 
reflect current national and international standards. The final rule 
also generates cost savings to the regulated public and the Federal 
    Several of the rule's changes have no cost or cost savings impact. 
These editorial changes, such as the removal of outdated terminology 
and the consolidation of text, clarify regulations but do not result in 
cost savings, as noted earlier. Also, by incorporating the newer 
standards, the changes provide clarity and specificity. The Coast Guard 
expects these changes to have no direct cost savings since they are 
inseverable from the cost savings noted previously.
    The compliance alternatives remove overly prescriptive 
requirements, simplify regulatory compliance, and provide regulatory 
flexibility for industry. In this rule, the Coast Guard includes the 
compliance alternative to hydrostatic tests from the proposed rule, 
thereby allowing the regulated public to perform an internal inspection 
in lieu of the hydrostatic test. The inclusion of this compliance 
alternative saves a given vessel owner labor and material to the extent 
that it is used. To comply with the existing requirement for 
hydrostatic tests, the vessel owner must remove existing lagging around 
the unit, then replace it once the test is completed. The compliance 
alternative involves less labor and does not necessitate the removal 
and replacement of lagging as the existing requirements do. The Coast 
Guard has not estimated a cost or cost savings for this alternative, as 
it is unknown how many vessel owners or operators will choose to pursue 
the alternative. Because equipment sizes vary, the amount of labor and 
material needed to comply now and under the alternative is also 

    \16\ This information is needed to determine the existing cost 
of compliance. Since it is unknown, the Coast Guard is unable to 
estimate the cost savings of the new compliance alternative.

    The quantifiable cost savings from the rule are due to a reduction 
in the number of equivalency requests from the regulated public, as 
well as time dedicated to continuing education on older standards. 
There are also quantifiable cost savings for the Federal Government 
because Coast Guard personnel will no longer have to review and approve 
equivalency requests from the regulated public. Additionally, Coast 
Guard employees will no longer need to continue with education on 
older, outdated standards.
    To estimate the cost savings of the final rule, the Coast Guard 
first determined the wages of affected workers. For Coast Guard 
military personnel, using Commandant Instruction W, we found the wage 
rate for officers, who are engineers, at the O-3 and O-4 rank, to be 
$89 and $105, respectively. We also found an hourly wage rate of $117 
for a military supervisory engineer with a rank of O-5. The wage rates 
in Commandant Instruction W are already loaded wage rates; therefore, a 
load factor adjustment is not required. For Coast Guard civilian 
personnel, we used hourly pay rates from OPM's pay table for Federal

[[Page 50083]]

Government workers in the Washington, DC, locality pay area for 
calendar year 2022. The unloaded hourly wage rates for a GS-14 (step 5) 
marine engineer and a GS-15 (step 5) marine engineering supervisor are 
$68.55 and $80.63, respectively.
    For private sector workers, we used the hourly wage rates reported 
in the BLS ``Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics'' database for 
May 2022. The unloaded mean hourly wage rate for ``Marine Engineers and 
Naval Architects'' (occupational code 17-2121) is $50.75. The unloaded 
mean hourly rate for an ``Architectural and Engineering Manager'' 
(occupational code 11-9041) is $78.52.\17\

    \17\ Readers should access these web pages to view the wage 
rate: https://www.bls.gov/oes/2022/may/oes172121.htm for wage data 
for marine engineers and naval architects; https://www.bls.gov/oes/2022/may/oes119041.htm for wage data for architectural and 
engineering managers. These pages were last visited on April 25, 

    Next, the Coast Guard determined the loaded mean hourly wage rates 
to estimate the total cost savings of employees more accurately by 
accounting for employees' non-wage benefits. For Coast Guard civilian 
positions, we used a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report 
``Comparing the Compensation of Federal and Private-Sector Employees, 
2011 to 2015,'' which includes information on Federal Government worker 
average wages and average total compensation. We calculated a load 
factor by dividing the average total compensation in Table 4 of the CBO 
report by the average wages in Table 2 of the report for Federal 
Government workers ``All Levels of Education.'' We obtained a load 
factor of about 1.69 ($64.80 / $38.30).\18\

    \18\ Based on data from the CBO report ``Comparing the 
Compensation of Federal and Private-Sector Employees, 2011 to 
2015,'' April 25, 2017. Readers can access the report at https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/115th-congress-2017-2018/reports/52637-federalprivatepay.pdf (last visited May 12, 2023).

    We calculated the load factor (or benefits multipliers) for the 
regulated public with fourth quarter 2022 data from the BLS's 
``Employer Cost for Employee Compensation'' database were used for the 
regulated public's wages.\19\ The Coast Guard determined the load 
factor to be approximately 1.46, rounded, for private sector employees 
by dividing total compensation for workers in ``Transportation and 
Material Moving'' occupations by wages ($33.01 / $22.66 = 1.46). We 
estimated the load factor for the applicable occupation category by 
dividing the total compensation by the unloaded hourly wage rate. Table 
5 displays the labor categories, the source of the wage rates, the 
total compensation, the wage rates, and the calculated load factor.

    \19\ Readers can access the BLS Employer Cost for Employee 
Compensation dataset with the following link: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/ecec_03172023.htm (last visited May 12, 2023). 
We compared the total compensation and wage and salaries data in 
table 4 for workers in the transportation and material moving 
occupations series.

                                     Table 5--Loaded Wage Factor Calculation
                                                                        Total       Wage and      Loaded wage
          Occupation category                 Data source(s)        compensation    salaries         factor
                                                                              (a)         (b)    (c) = (a) / (b)
All Workers, Transportation and Moving  BLS Q4 2022 Employer               $33.01      $22.66               1.46
 Materials.                              Costs for Employee
                                         Compensation, All
                                         workers in
                                         Transportation and
                                         Materials Moving
Federal Government civilian workers,    CBO Report ``Comparing              64.80       38.30               1.69
 All Levels of Education.                the Compensation of
                                         Federal and Private
                                         Sector Employees, 2011
                                         to 2015'' dated April

    After obtaining these load factors, the Coast Guard estimated the 
cost savings to employers under the final rule. The Coast Guard assumed 
a constant wage rate and a constant duration for tasks throughout the 
period of analysis.\20\ We based these estimates using 2022 dollars.

    \20\ Some tasks may take less time in the future due to 
technological advances. However, the Coast Guard assumed no change 
in the duration of tasks over the 10-year period of analysis.

    The Coast Guard multiplied the unloaded wage rate for a ``Marine 
Engineer and Naval Architect'' (occupational code 17-2121) of $50.75 by 
the load factor of 1.46 to obtain a loaded mean hourly wage rate of 
about $74.10 for this occupation. We also multiplied the unloaded 
hourly rate for an ``Architectural and Engineering Manager'' 
(occupational code 11-9041) of $78.52, which we then multiplied by 1.46 
to obtain a loaded mean hourly wage rate of about $114.64 for this 
    For all provisions related to the Federal Government, the Coast 
Guard used publicly available data as found in Commandant Instruction W 
and in the OPM GS pay table to determine wage rates for Coast Guard 
military and civilian personnel, respectively. The final rule has cost 
savings for Coast Guard military and civilian engineers and their 
supervisors at the MSC and in CG-ENG. We estimated the labor rate for a 
civilian GS-14 engineer in the Coast Guard using a loaded mean hourly 
wage rate of $115.85 (unloaded hourly wage rate of $68.55 x 1.69 load 
factor). We also estimated a loaded mean hourly wage rate for a 
civilian GS-15 engineering supervisor in the Coast Guard to be about 
$136.26 (unloaded hourly wage rate of $80.63 x 1.69 load factor). 
Military engineers at an O-3 or O-4 rank will be equally involved in 
processing equivalency requests and staying educated on older 
standards. Specifically, we expect that for each equivalency request, 
either an O-3 or O-4 military engineer spends 1 hour reviewing and 
verifying the accuracy of an equivalency request. We also expect that 
six O-3 or O-4 military engineers each spend roughly 30 minutes each 
year on maintaining awareness of older standards. Since engineers of 
each rank are involved in these tasks, we used the average wage rate of 
each one, which is $97 (($89 + $105) / 2).
    According to Commandant Instruction W, the loaded wage rate for a 
military supervisory engineer is $117 for an O-5. Table 6 presents a 
summary of the hourly wage rates we used in this analysis.

[[Page 50084]]

                         Table 6--Estimated Loaded Hourly Wage Rates for the Final Rule
                                               Mean hourly wage data        mean       Load      Loaded hourly
                 Category                            source(s)             hourly     factor          wage
                                                                                (a)       (b)      (c) = (a x b)
Engineer.................................  Marine Engineers and Naval        $50.75      1.46             $74.10
                                            Architects (17-2121).
Supervisory Engineer.....................  Architectural and                  78.52      1.46             114.64
                                            Engineering Managers (11-
Coast Guard Civilian Engineer (GS-14)....  OPM 2022 GS Pay Tables......       68.55      1.69             115.85
Coast Guard Civilian Supervisor (GS-15)..  OPM 2022 GS Pay Tables......       80.63      1.69             136.26
Coast Guard Military Engineer (O-3)......  Appendix B to Commandant      ..........  ........                 89
                                            Instruction W (released
                                            August 2022).
Coast Guard Military Engineer (O-4)......  Appendix B to Commandant      ..........  ........                105
                                            Instruction W (released
                                            August 2022).
Average Military Engineer in MSC.........  As calculated by the average  ..........  ........                 97
                                            of the hourly wage rates of
                                            O-3 and O-4 military
Coast Guard Officer (O-5)................  Appendix B to Commandant      ..........  ........                117
                                            Instruction W (released
                                            August 2022).

Cost Savings to the Regulated Public
    The final rule results in cost savings to the regulated public and 
the Coast Guard from a reduction in the labor cost for processing 
equivalency requests and the removal of the education labor cost for 
the older standards that are incorporated by reference. An equivalency 
is meant to provide an opportunity for a vessel or facility owner or 
operator to still meet a regulatory requirement but allows them to do 
so through a different arrangement or piece of equipment. The Coast 
Guard expects this final rule to generate cost savings for owners or 
operators of vessels or facilities who no longer need to request an 
equivalency of subchapter F regulatory standards from the MSC. 
Generally, the reason an owner or operator makes an equivalency request 
is to seek a determination from the Coast Guard as to whether an 
edition of an industry standard not codified in the CFR is sufficient 
for use.
    Based on MSC and CG-5PS data, the Coast Guard receives 
approximately 200 equivalency requests annually. The Coast Guard 
estimates it takes a civilian marine engineer or naval architect 
employed by a vessel or facility owner approximately 40 hours of time 
to develop an equivalency request and submit it to the Coast Guard for 
review. An estimated 0.5 hours is needed for a supervisor engineer to 
approve the work. The owner or operator of a vessel or facility asks 
for an equivalency request from the Coast Guard by email. Because a 
vessel or facility owner or operator makes an equivalency request by 
email, we did not estimate a cost for this item.
    In addition, the regulated public realizes cost savings from the 
avoided cost of education for maintaining situational awareness on the 
existing standards incorporated by reference, which the rule 
eliminates. The Coast Guard estimates that 0.5 hours are spent annually 
by engineers on education necessary to familiarize or re-familiarize 
themselves with these standards. The Coast Guard believes that, as 
industry standards evolve and advance, older editions may not be 
readily accessible, even if they are incorporated by reference into the 
CFR. As such, we expect that engineers find the older standards and 
read them on occasion to maintain an awareness of how these standards 
are different from current industry standards.
Cost Savings to the Coast Guard
    The Coast Guard also experiences cost savings from the rule. When 
the Coast Guard receives an equivalency request from a vessel or 
facility owner or operator, a Coast Guard engineering staff member at 
the MSC must review the request to provide a determination on whether 
the standard(s) is equivalent to the existing standard(s) found in 
subchapter F. The Coast Guard MSC engineer needs approximately 32 hours 
to review an equivalency request, followed by 0.5 hours of supervisor 
review. In a small percentage of more complex cases, the MSC works with 
CG-5PS engineering staff to complete the equivalency review. Following 
review, the MSC emails a decision back to the owner or operator. The 
Coast Guard estimates it reviews 200 equivalency requests annually. To 
calculate the costs avoided by Coast Guard no longer processing 
equivalency requests, we multiplied the number of annual equivalency 
requests by the sum of the duration of initial 1 hour of military 
engineer review, 32 hours of civilian engineer review, and 30 minutes 
of supervisory engineer review multiplied by the loaded wage rates of 
the respective Coast Guard personnel performing the review (200 
equivalency requests x (1 hour x average wage rate for military 
engineer + 32 hours x wage rate for civilian engineer + 0.5 hours x 
wage rate for civilian engineering supervisor)).
    In addition, the Coast Guard will save labor costs annually, 
because staff will no longer need to maintain an awareness of the older 
versions of standards that are incorporated by reference. The rule 
eliminates and replaces them with newer standards. The Coast Guard 
estimates that a marine engineer with a vessel or facility owner or 
manufacturer of vessels or vessel components who is tasked with working 
on equivalency requests spend 0.5 hours annually on education on the 
older standards. We similarly estimate that Coast Guard personnel also 
spend 0.5 hours on education to maintain awareness and knowledge of 
older standards. This applies to six civilian engineers and six 
military engineers who work on equivalency requests. To calculate the 
costs avoided by Coast Guard personnel no longer requiring education on 
outdated standards, we multiplied 0.5 hours by the hourly wage rates of 
the Coast Guard personnel (0.5 hours x (6 military engineers x average 
wage rate for military engineer + 6 civilian engineers x wage rate for 
civilian engineer)).

[[Page 50085]]

Cost Savings of the Rule
    This rule will generate cost savings to two segments of the 
regulated public: vessel or facility owners or operators and 
manufacturers. For vessel or facility owners or operators, the Coast 
Guard estimates that the annual undiscounted cost savings from a 
reduced number of equivalency requests is about $604,264 (200 
equivalency requests x (40 hours x $74.10 loaded wage of a marine 
engineer + 0.5 hours x $114.64 loaded wage of an engineering manager)). 
The annual undiscounted cost savings from avoided education on outdated 
standards is about $7,410 (200 equivalency requests x (0.5 hours x 
$74.10 loaded wage of a marine engineer)). For manufacturers, we 
estimate that the annual undiscounted cost savings due to avoided 
education on older standards is about $3,075 (83 manufacturers x (0.5 
hours x $74.10 loaded wage of a marine engineer)). Therefore, the total 
annual undiscounted cost savings to the regulated public is 
approximately $614,749.
    The Coast Guard estimates that the total annual undiscounted cost 
savings to the Federal Government due to averted equivalency requests 
is $774,466 (200 equivalency requests x ((32 hours x $115.85 loaded 
wage of a civilian engineer) + (1 hour x $97 loaded wage of a uniformed 
engineer) + (0.5 hours x $136.26 loaded wage of a civilian engineering 
manager)). The estimated total annual undiscounted cost savings to the 
Federal Government due to avoided education on outdated standards is 
approximately $639 (0.5 hours x (6 civilian CG-5PS engineers x $115.85 
loaded wage of a civilian engineer) + (6 uniformed engineers x $97 
loaded wage of a uniformed engineer)). The total annual undiscounted 
cost savings to the Federal Government is approximately $775,105.
    The total undiscounted cost savings from the rule, therefore, is 
approximately $1,389,854. Table 7 presents the estimated cost savings 
of the rule to the regulated public and to the Coast Guard.

    \21\ Existing regulations have been misunderstood as to whether 
a pressure vessel (PV) requires or does not require plan review by 
the Coast Guard. This change clarifies regulatory intent and will 
preclude inquiries to the Coast Guard.
    \22\ The requirement for Coast Guard numbering of PVs is often 
misunderstood. The change clarifies that Coast Guard numbering is 
required only when the Coast Guard has inspected the PV during 
construction (shop inspection).
    \23\ The requirement for use of the Coast Guard Symbol on PVs 
(Sec.  54.10-3) often is misunderstood. This section has been edited 
to assist readers in finding rules requiring stamping of the Coast 
guard Symbol.
    \24\ This section has been clarified by adding a section clearly 
identifying which PVs do not require stamping.
    \25\ The change gives operators the option of undergoing an 
internal inspection every 10 years as opposed to requiring a 
hydrostatic test every 10 years.

                      Table 7--Estimated Annual Undiscounted Cost Savings of the Final Rule
              CFR citation                          Task                    Calculation           Cost savings
                   Cost Savings to Regulated Public (Vessel and Facility Owners or Operators)
Sec.  Sec.   50.20-5(b), 56.01-10(a);    Fewer copies required for   Too small and inseverable    Unquantifiable
 58.05-1(b); 58.16-10(e); 63.10-1.        submittal.                  to be calculated
54.01-18(a), 54.10-3, 54.10-3(c),\21\    Avoided questions or        Untracked by the Coast       Unquantifiable
 54.10-20(a)(2),\22\ 54.10-3,\23\ 54.10-  performance of unrequired   Guard and unreported by
 3(c),\24\ and 62.25-25(d).               tasks due to                regulated public.
                                          misunderstanding of rules.
61.10-5(g).............................  Owner/operator may select   Saves cost of lagging and    Unquantifiable
                                          method (internal            its installation and the
                                          inspection vs hydrostatic   cost difference between
                                          test) to comply \25\.       internal inspections
                                                                      versus hydrostatic
                                                                      tests; untracked by the
                                                                      Coast Guard and
                                                                      unreported by regulated
Multiple...............................  Avoided preparation and     200 requests x ((40 hours          $604,264
                                          submittal of equivalency    x $74.10/hour engineer)
                                          request.                    + (0.5 hours x $114.64/
                                                                      hour engineering
Multiple...............................  Avoided cost of education.  200 engineers x 0.5 hours             7,410
                                                                      x $74.10/hour engineer.
    Subtotal Cost Savings for Regulated  ..........................  .........................           611,674
     Public (Vessel and Facility Owner/
                                Cost Savings to Regulated Public (Manufacturers)
Multiple...............................  Avoided cost of education.  83 manufacturers x 0.5                3,075
                                                                      hours x $74.10/hour
    Subtotal Cost Savings for Regulated  ..........................  .........................             3,075
     Public (Manufacturers).
    Annual Cost Savings for Regulated    ..........................  .........................           614,749
                              Cost Savings for the Federal Government (Coast Guard)
Multiple...............................  Avoided processing of       200 requests x ((1 hour x           774,466
                                          equivalency request.        $97/hour military
                                                                      engineer) + (32 hours x
                                                                      $115.85/hour civilian
                                                                      engineer) + (0.5 hours x
                                                                      $136.26/hour civilian
                                                                      engineering supervisor)).
Multiple...............................  Avoided cost of education.  0.5 hours x (($115.85/                  639
                                                                      hour civilian engineer x
                                                                      6 count civilian
                                                                      engineers) + ($97/hour x
                                                                      6 military engineers)).
    Subtotal for Federal Government....  ..........................  .........................           775,105
    Annual Total for Regulated Public    ..........................  .........................         1,389,854
     and Federal Government.
Note: Undiscounted costs appear in the table.

    The Coast Guard estimates the final rule results in an annualized 
cost savings of about $614,749 (with a 7 percent discount rate) and a 
10-year cost savings of about $4,317,741 (with a 7 percent discount 
rate) to industry. Table

[[Page 50086]]

8 summarizes the cost savings per year of the rule for the regulated 

                          Table 8--Total Estimated Cost Savings of the Rule to Industry
                  [10-Year period of analysis, 7- and 3-percent discount rates (2022 dollars)]
                              Year                               --------------------------------  Undiscounted
                                                                        7%              3%
1...............................................................        $574,532        $596,844        $614,749
2...............................................................         536,946         579,460         614,749
3...............................................................         501,818         562,583         614,749
4...............................................................         468,989         546,197         614,749
5...............................................................         438,308         530,288         614,749
6...............................................................         409,633         514,843         614,749
7...............................................................         382,835         499,847         614,749
8...............................................................         357,790         485,289         614,749
9...............................................................         334,383         471,154         614,749
10..............................................................         312,507         457,431         614,749
    Total.......................................................       4,317,741       5,243,935       6,147,492
    Annualized..................................................         614,749         614,749  ..............
Note: Totals may not sum due to independent rounding.

    The Coast Guard estimates the final rule results in annualized cost 
savings to the Federal Government of about $775,105 (with a 7 percent 
discount rate) and a 10-year cost savings of $5,444,010 (with a 7 
percent discount rate). Table 9 summarizes the cost savings of the rule 
for each year of the analysis periods for the Federal Government.

                     Table 9--Total Estimated Cost Savings of the Rule to Federal Government
                  [10-Year period of analysis, 7- and 3-percent discount rates (2022 dollars)]
                              Year                               --------------------------------  Undiscounted
                                                                        7%              3%
1...............................................................        $724,397        $752,529        $775,105
2...............................................................         677,006         730,610         775,105
3...............................................................         632,716         709,330         775,105
4...............................................................         591,324         688,670         775,105
5...............................................................         552,639         668,612         775,105
6...............................................................         516,485         649,138         775,105
7...............................................................         482,696         630,231         775,105
8...............................................................         451,118         611,875         775,105
9...............................................................         421,606         594,053         775,105
10..............................................................         394,024         576,751         775,105
    Total.......................................................       5,444,010       6,611,799       7,751,046
    Annualized..................................................         775,105         775,105  ..............
Note: Totals may not sum due to independent rounding.

Unquantified Benefits
    In this final rule, the Coast Guard is incorporating by reference 
updated industry standards. These updated standards reflect the latest 
available technologies, practices, and procedures that voluntary 
consensus standards organizations, ship classification societies, or 
maritime organizations recommend for use within the industry. The Coast 
Guard is making these updates to harmonize the standards in the CFR 
with the latest industry standards. As a result, these updates provide 
the qualitative benefit of greater consistency between the CFR and 
current industry practices. Updating to some newer editions of 
standards also provides more flexibility for regulatory compliance. In 
addition, the final rule provides qualitative benefits through certain 
editorial changes that correct for inadvertent errors, remove obsolete 
language, update Coast Guard contact information, standardize the use 
of words and phrases in the CFR, account for relocation of certain 
provisions, and standardize the designation of tables and figures. 
These changes improve clarity of regulatory requirements and reduce 
confusion, thereby improving service to the regulated public through 
more accurate information.
Alternatives Considered
    Within the Coast Guard's development of this rule, significant 
alternatives to the regulatory component(s) were considered to 
determine if any alternative could accomplish the stated objectives of 
applicable statutes and could minimize any significant economic impact 
of the rule on small entities beyond the rule. Among these alternatives 
were the following:

[[Page 50087]]

Alternative 1: Take No Action
    The Coast Guard could have chosen not to pursue the rulemaking. 
Taking no action would cause no incremental costs to regulated entities 
nor to the Coast Guard. However, in doing nothing, the Coast Guard 
would have no mechanism to update regulations to reflect current 
practices and improve their relevance to the public. There would be 
neither an increase nor decrease in benefits to regulated entities due 
to the alternative. The rule has been estimated to produce quantifiable 
cost savings to the Coast Guard and the regulated public, which would 
not be possible under the alternative of no action.
    In addition, the standards currently incorporated by reference are 
outdated. To keep them codified would, in theory, maintain existing 
safety levels. However, because they are so outdated, they are sparsely 
available. Compliance with them may become problematic in the future 
due to lack of availability. The older editions of the standards do not 
contain guidance for several current industry practices. Maintaining 
the regulations with the existing standards incorporated by reference 
does not allow for the cost savings the rule does.
    We rejected this alternative because taking no action would not 
provide additional benefits to the public. The public and the Coast 
Guard, under this alternative, would not experience cost savings 
through reduction in the number of submissions of equivalency requests 
and ongoing education on outdated standards. Additionally, reliance on 
older editions of standards in the CFR as industry practices continue 
to evolve may cause confusion. By rejecting this alternative, the Coast 
Guard will provide greater clarity of regulatory requirements and 
better service to public with the final rule.
Alternative 2: Delay the Effective Date
    The Coast Guard could have delayed the effective date beyond the 90 
days after publication of the final rule currently provided. Delayed 
effective dates are used to aid in compliance implementation, 
particularly when the labor costs or capital costs are considerable. 
The compliance costs for this rule are, as noted earlier, zero, and a 
delayed effective date delays the cost savings opportunities to all 
parties. For these reasons, the Coast Guard rejected this alternative.
Alternative 3: Exempt Small Entities
    The Coast Guard could have exempted small entities from some or all 
of the rule's provisions. In principle, an exemption could save small 
entities time and money to comply with regulations. Exemptions for 
small entities often are used when costs of compliance, such as capital 
costs, are high. However, there are no costs of compliance for this 
rule. For this alternative, an exemption may cause the cost savings 
opportunities of the rulemaking to be precluded for small entities and, 
thereby, the total value of the rule's cost savings declines 
    The rule implements requirements for business practices in which 
the majority (if not all) of small businesses now engage. An exemption 
for small business entities from the rulemaking would have little 
effective and practical impact on small business entities. There is a 
high level of voluntary compliance and limited applicability for the 
affected population. The costs of compliance are zero and the rule is 
applicable only if an actionable event occurs (for example, if a new 
vessel is procured or an existing vessel undergoes a major conversion). 
For these reasons, the Coast Guard did not pursue an exemption for 
small entities.

B. Small Entities

    Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (5 U.S.C. 601-612), we 
have considered whether this final rule will have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The term 
``small entities'' comprises small businesses, not-for-profit 
organizations that are independently owned and operated and are not 
dominant in their fields, and governmental jurisdictions with 
populations of less than 50,000.
    The rule creates cost savings for industry because we estimate 
fewer equivalency requests will be submitted to the Coast Guard. We 
expect equivalency requests to be submitted by owners or operators of 
new U.S.-flagged vessels or facilities who may have questions about 
standards that are not in 46 CFR subchapter F. Over a 6-year period, 
from 2016-2021, we found 771 new U.S.-flagged vessels entered service, 
or an average of about 129 annually during this period. We found that 
156 companies owned the 771 vessels. The final rule also potentially 
affects 22 nonprofits, under the conditions specified in the rule.
    Using the publicly-available online database ``ReferenceUSAgov'' 
(in addition to individual online searches of companies) to search for 
company-specific information, such as annual revenues and number of 
employees, we found revenue and employee information on 139 of the 178 
companies and nonprofits,\26\ or approximately 78 percent.\27\ Using 
the Small Business Administration's (SBA) ``Table of Size Standards'' 
\28\ and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 
codes listed in the table, we found 49 of the 139 companies to be small 
entities. We found the other 90 companies to be not small. We did not 
find information on the remaining 38 companies and one nonprofit; 
therefore, we assumed these companies to be small entities for a total 
of 88 small entities out of 178, or approximately 49 percent.

    \26\ Including colleges and universities, museums, and science 
    \27\ Readers can access company-specific information at https://www.referenceusagov.com (last visited May 12, 2023).
    \28\ The Coast Guard used the October 2022 version of the SBA's 
table of size standards. Readers can access this version at the 
following web page: https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/2022-09/Table%20of%20Size%20Standards_NAICS%202022%20Final%20Rule_Effective%20October%201%2C%202022.pdf (last visited May 12, 2023).

    We analyzed the potential economic impacts of this final rule on 
small entity companies and nonprofits and found that each entity that 
no longer submits an equivalency request saves approximately $3,058 
((40 hours x $74.10 loaded wage of a marine engineer or equivalent 
employee) + (0.5 hours x $114.64 loaded wage rate of an engineering 
manager or equivalent employee) + (0.5 hours x $74.10 loaded wage of a 
marine engineer or equivalent employee)) annually. The cost savings of 
$3,058 is less than 1 percent of annual revenue for 42 out of 47 small 
entity companies and nonprofits for which we obtained revenue 
information, or approximately 89 percent.\29\ We found cost savings to 
revenue ratios of greater than 1 percent but less than 2 percent for 
the five remaining small entity companies and non-profits.\30\

    \29\ The Coast Guard found revenue data on a 48th small entity, 
however, the reported revenue was $0, which we believe may have been 
in error. Since we could not verify the accuracy of this reported 
amount, we chose not to include this data point in our assessment of 
the potential economic impacts of the rule on small entities.
    \30\ For four small entity companies and one small entity 
nonprofit, the impact from a reduced number of equivalency requests 
would be greater than 1 percent and less than 2 percent of annual 

    Additionally, the final rule potentially impacts manufacturers of 
vessels or vessel or facility components. We estimate the average 
potential cost savings to manufacturers for no longer needing education 
older standards is about $57 ($114.64 loaded hourly wage of an 
engineering manager x 0.5 hours).
    Therefore, the Coast Guard certifies under 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that 
this final rule

[[Page 50088]]

does not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
small entities because the cost savings of this final rule will have a 
positive impact on revenues of less than 1 percent on nearly 90 percent 
of the small entity owners that we researched. We also found that the 
potential cost savings to manufacturers is less than 1 percent of 
revenue among all manufacturers for which we could obtain revenue 
information. Furthermore, no small entity that does not submit an 
equivalency request will be impacted by any cost savings.
    If you think that your business, organization, or governmental 
jurisdiction qualifies as a small entity and that this rule will have a 
significant economic impact on it, please submit a comment to docket at 
the address in the ADDRESSES section. In your comment, explain why you 
think it qualifies and how and to what degree this rule will affect it 

C. Assistance for Small Entities

    Under section 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement 
Fairness Act of 1996, Public Law 104-121, we want to assist small 
entities in understanding this rule so that they can better evaluate 
its effects on them and participate in the rulemaking. If the rule 
affects your small business, organization, or governmental jurisdiction 
and you have questions concerning its provisions or options for 
compliance, please call or email the person in the FOR FURTHER 
INFORMATION CONTACT section of this rule. The Coast Guard will not 
retaliate against small entities that question or complain about this 
rule or any policy or action of the Coast Guard.
    Small businesses may send comments on the actions of Federal 
employees who enforce, or otherwise determine compliance with, Federal 
regulations to the Small Business and Agriculture Regulatory 
Enforcement Ombudsman and the Regional Small Business Regulatory 
Fairness Boards. The Ombudsman evaluates these actions annually and 
rates each agency's responsiveness to small business. If you wish to 
comment on actions by employees of the Coast Guard, call 1-888-REG-FAIR 

D. Collection of Information

    The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520) requires 
the U.S. Coast Guard to consider the impact of paperwork and other 
information collection burdens imposed on the public. As defined in 5 
CFR 1320.3(c), ``collection of information'' comprises reporting, 
recordkeeping, monitoring, posting, labeling, and other similar 
    This rule does not require a modification of an existing collection 
of information and does not call for new collection of information 
under the Paperwork Reduction Act.

E. Federalism

    A rule has implications for federalism under Executive Order 13132 
(Federalism) if it has a substantial direct effect on the States, on 
the relationship between the national Government and the States, or on 
the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels 
of Government. We have analyzed this rule under Executive Order 13132 
and determined that it is consistent with the fundamental federalism 
principles and preemption requirements described in Executive Order 
13132. Our analysis follows.
    It is well settled that States may not regulate in categories 
reserved by Congress for regulation by the Coast Guard. It is also well 
settled that all of the categories regulated under 43 U.S.C. 1333 and 
46 U.S.C. 3306 and 3703, as well as any other category in which 
Congress intended the Coast Guard to be the sole source of a vessel's 
obligations, are within the field foreclosed from regulation by the 
States. See United States v. Locke and Intertanko v. Locke, 529 U.S. 89 
(2000). This rulemaking updates the references to incorporated 
standards in 46 CFR subchapter F, which is authorized under 43 U.S.C. 
1333, 46 U.S.C. 3306, and 46 U.S.C. 3703. Therefore, because the States 
may not regulate within these categories, this rule is consistent with 
the fundamental federalism principles and preemption requirements 
described in Executive Order 13132.
    While it is well settled that States may not regulate in categories 
in which Congress intended the Coast Guard to be the sole source of a 
vessel's obligations, the Coast Guard recognizes the key role that 
State and local governments may have in making regulatory 
determinations. Additionally, for rules with federalism implications 
and preemptive effect, Executive Order 13132 specifically directs 
agencies to consult with State and local Governments during the 
rulemaking process. If you believe this rule has implications for 
federalism under Executive Order 13132, please contact the person 
listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION section of this preamble.

F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, 2 U.S.C. 1531-1538, 
requires Federal agencies to assess the effects of their discretionary 
regulatory actions. In particular, the Act addresses actions that may 
result in the expenditure by a State, local, or tribal government, in 
the aggregate, or by the private sector of $100,000,000 (adjusted for 
inflation) or more in any one year. Although this rule does not result 
in such an expenditure, we do discuss the effects of this rule 
elsewhere in this preamble.

G. Taking of Private Property

    This rule does not cause a taking of private property or otherwise 
have taking implications under Executive Order 12630 (Governmental 
Actions and Interference with Constitutionally Protected Property 

H. Civil Justice Reform

    This rule meets applicable standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) 
of Executive Order 12988, (Civil Justice Reform), to minimize 
litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden.

I. Protection of Children

    We have analyzed this rule under Executive Order 13045 (Protection 
of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks). This 
rule is not an economically significant rule and does not create an 
environmental risk to health or risk to safety that might 
disproportionately affect children.

J. Indian Tribal Governments

    This rule does not have Tribal implications under Executive Order 
13175 (Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments), 
because it does not have a substantial direct effect on one or more 
Tribal governments, on the relationship between the Federal Government 
and Tribal governments, or on the distribution of power and 
responsibilities between the Federal Government and Tribal governments.

K. Energy Effects

    We have analyzed this rule under Executive Order 13211 (Actions 
Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, 
Distribution, or Use). We have determined that it is not a 
``significant energy action'' under that order because it is not a 
``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866 and is 
not likely to have a significant adverse effect on the supply, 
distribution, or use of energy.

L. Technical Standards

    The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act, codified as a 
note to 15 U.S.C. 272, directs agencies to use voluntary consensus 
standards in

[[Page 50089]]

their regulatory activities unless the agency provides Congress, 
through OMB, with an explanation of why using these standards would be 
inconsistent with applicable law or otherwise impractical. Voluntary 
consensus standards are technical standards (such as specifications for 
materials, performance, design, or operation; test methods; sampling 
procedures; and related management systems practices) that are 
developed or adopted by voluntary consensus standards bodies.
    This rule uses the following voluntary standards:
     ABS Rules for Building and Classing Marine Vessels, 2020, 
Part 4, Vessel Systems and Machinery, January 2020 (``ABS Marine Vessel 
     ABYC P-1-14, Installation of Exhaust Systems for 
Propulsion and Auxiliary Engines, reaffirmed 2014 (``ABYC P-1'').
     ANSI Z21.22-2015, Relief valves for hot water supply 
systems, July 2015 (``ANSI Z21.22'').
     API Recommended Practice 14C, Analysis, Design, 
Installation, and Testing of Safety Systems for Offshore Production 
Facilities, Eighth Edition, February 2017 with errata May 2018 (``API 
RP 14C'').
     API Standard 53 Well Control Equipment Systems for 
Drilling Wells, Fifth Edition, December 2018 (``API STD 53'').
     API Standard 607, Fire Test for Quarter-turn Valves and 
Valves Equipped with Nonmetallic Seats, Seventh Edition, June 2016 
(``API STD 607'').
     ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I, Rules for 
Construction of Power Boilers, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 2019 
(``Section I of the ASME BPVC'').
     ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV, Rules 
for Construction of Heating Boilers, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 2019 
(``Section IV of the ASME BPVC'').
     ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VII, 
Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers, 2019 Edition, 
issued July 1, 2019 (``Section VII of the ASME BPVC'').
     ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Rules 
for Construction of Pressure Vessels, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 2019 
(``Section VIII of the ASME BPVC'').
     ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, 
Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Procedures; 
Welders; Brazers; and Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Operators, 2019 
Edition, issued July 1, 2019 (``Section IX of the ASME BPVC'').
     ASME B1.1-2003 (reaffirmed 2008), Unified Inch Screw 
Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form), issued September 30, 2004 (``ASME 
     ASME B1.20.1-2013, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch), 
issued November 15, 2013 (``ASME B1.20.1'').
     ANSI B1.20.3-1976 (Reaffirmed 2013), Dryseal Pipe Threads 
(Inch), issued November 18, 1976 (``ASME B1.20.3'').
     ASME B16.1-2015, Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged 
Fittings, Classes 25, 125, and 250, issued December 28, 2015 (``ASME 
     ASME B16.3-2016, Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 
150 and 300, issued November 30, 2016 (``ASME B16.3'').
     ASME B16.4-2016, Gray Iron Threaded Fittings Classes 125 
and 250, issued November 11, 2016 (``ASME B16.4'').
     ASME B16.5-2017, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS \1/
2\ through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard, issued November 20, 2017 
(``ASME B16.5'').
     ASME B16.11-2016, Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and 
Threaded, issued January 20, 2017 including errata (``ASME B16.11'').
     ASME B16.14-2013, Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and 
Locknuts with Pipe Threads, issued November 15, 2013 (``ASME B16.14'').
     ASME B16.15-2013, Cast Copper Alloy Threaded Fittings, 
Classes 125 and 250, issued December 6, 2013 (``ASME B16.15'').
     ASME B16.20-2012, Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges, Ring-
Joint, Spiral-Wound, and Jacketed, issued June 25, 2013 (``ASME 
     ASME B16.21-2016, Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe 
Flanges, issued December 9, 2016 (``ASME B16.21'').
     ASME B16.23-2016, Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage 
Fittings: DWV, issued January 16, 2017 (``ASME B16.23'').
     ASME B16.25-2012, Buttwelding Ends, issued December 20, 
2012 (``ASME B16.25'').
     ASME B16.29-2012, Wrought Copper Alloy Solder-Joint 
Drainage Fittings-DWV, issued September 26, 2012 (``ASME B16.29'').
     ASME B16.34-2017, Valves--Flanged, Threaded, and Welding 
End, issued August 23, 2017 (``ASME B16.34'').
     ASME B18.2.1-2012, Square, Hex, Heavy Hex, and Askew Head 
Bolts and Hex, Heavy Hex, Hex Flange, Lobed Head, and Lag Screws (Inch 
Series), issued April 24, 2013 (``ASME B18.2.1'').
     ASME B18.2.2-2015, Nuts for General Applications: Machine 
Screw Nuts, Hex, Square, Hex Flange, and Couplings Nuts (Inch Series), 
issued November 30, 2015 (``ASME B18.2.2'').
     ASME B31.1-2016, Power Piping, ASME Code for Pressure 
Piping, B31, issued June 30, 2016 (``ASME B31.1'').
     ASME B31.3-2018, Process Piping, ASME Code for Pressure 
Piping, B31, issued August 30, 2019 (``ASME B31.3'').
     ASME B31.5-2016, Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer 
Components, ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31, issued June 29, 2016 
(``ASME B31.5'').
     ASME B36.10M-2015, Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe, 
issued August 31, 2015 (``ASME B36.10M'').
     ASME B36.19M-2004, Stainless Steel Pipe (Reaffirmed 2015), 
issued October 25, 2004 (``ASME B36.19M'').
     ASME CSD-1-2018, Controls and Safety Devices for 
Automatically Fired Boilers, issued October 12, 2018 (``ASME CSD-1'').
     ASME BPVC.II.A-2021/SA-675-2021, 2021 ASME Boiler and 
Pressure Vessel Code: Section II--Materials; Part A--Ferrous Material 
Specifications (SA-451 to End), Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, 
Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, Mechanical Properties, 2021 Edition, 
issued July 1, 2021 (``ASME SA-675'').
     ASTM A20/A20M-19, Standard Specification for General 
Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels, approved May 1, 
2019 (``ASTM A20/A20M'').
     ASTM A36/A36M-14, Standard Specification for Carbon 
Structural Steel, approved December 1, 2014 (``ASTM A36/A36M'').
     ASTM A47/A47M-99 (Reapproved 2014), Standard Specification 
for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings, approved April 1, 2014 (``ASTM 
     ASTM A53/A53M-12, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, 
Black and Hot Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless, approved March 
1, 2012 (``ASTM A53/A53M'').
     ASTM A126-04 (Reapproved 2014), Standard Specification for 
Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings, approved 
April 1, 2014 (``ASTM A126'').
     ASTM A135/A135M-19, Standard Specification for Electric-
Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe, approved May 1, 2019 (``ASTM A135/
     ASTM A193/A193M-19, Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel 
and Stainless Steel Bolting for High-Temperature Service or High 
Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications, approved 
November 1, 2019 (``ASTM A193/A193M'').

[[Page 50090]]

     ASTM A197/A197M-00 (Reapproved 2015), Standard 
Specification for Cupola Malleable Iron, approved November 1, 2015 
(``ASTM A197/A197M'').
     ASTM A203/A203M-17, Standard Specification for Pressure 
Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Nickel, approved November 1, 2017 (``ASTM 
     ASTM A210/A210M-19, Standard Specification for Seamless 
Medium-Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes, approved May 1, 2019 
(``ASTM A210/A210M'').
     ASTM A268/A268M-10 (Reapproved 2016), Standard 
Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic and Martensitic 
Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service, approved September 1, 2016 
(``ASTM A268/A268M'').
     ASTM A276/A276M-17, Standard Specification for Stainless 
Steel Bars and Shapes, approved March 15, 2017 (``ASTM A276/A276M'').
     ASTM A312/A312M-17, Standard Specification for Seamless, 
Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes, 
approved March 15, 2017 (``ASTM A312/A312M'').
     ASTM A333/A333M-16, Standard Specification for Seamless 
and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service and Other 
Applications with Required Notch Toughness, approved March 1, 2016 
(``ASTM A333/A333M'').
     ASTM A334/A334M-04a (Reapproved 2016), Standard 
Specification for Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy-Steel Tubes for 
Low-Temperature Service, approved March 1, 2016 (``ASTM A334/A334M'').
     ASTM A350/A350M-17, Standard Specification for Carbon and 
Low-Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping 
Components, approved September 1, 2017 (``ASTM A350/A350M'').
     ASTM A352/A352M-17, Standard Specification for Steel 
Castings, Ferritic and Martensitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts, 
Suitable for Low-Temperature Service, approved November 1, 2017 (``ASTM 
     ASTM A358/A358M-15, Standard Specification for Electric-
Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Pipe for High-
Temperature Service and General Applications, approved September 1, 
2015 (``ASTM A358/A358M'').
     ASTM A370-19, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for 
Mechanical Testing of Steel Products, approved July 1, 2019 (``ASTM 
     ASTM A376/A376M-17, Standard Specification for Seamless 
Austenitic Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service, approved September 
1, 2017 (``ASTM A376/A376M'').
     ASTM A403/A403M-16, Standard Specification for Wrought 
Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings, approved May 1, 2016 
     ASTM A420/A420M-16, Standard Specification for Piping 
Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low-Temperature 
Service, approved May 1, 2016 (``ASTM A420/A420M'').
     ASTM A522/A522M-14, Standard Specification for Forged or 
Rolled 8 and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts 
for Low-Temperature Service, approved October 1, 2014 (``ASTM A522/
     ASTM A575-96 (Reapproved 2013), Standard Specification for 
Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, M-Grades, approved April 1, 2013 
(``ASTM A575'').
     ASTM A576-17, Standard Specification for Steel Bars, 
Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, approved November 1, 2017 (``ASTM 
     ASTM B16/B16M-10 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Free-Cutting Brass Rod, Bar and Shapes for Use in Screw Machines, 
approved May 1, 2015 (``ASTM B16/B16M'').
     ASTM B21/B21M-20, Standard Specification for Naval Brass 
Rod, Bar, and Shapes, approved April 1, 2020 (``ASTM B21/B21M'').
     ASTM B26/B26M-18, Standard Specification for Aluminum-
Alloy Sand Castings, approved May 15, 2018 (``ASTM B26/B26M'').
     ASTM B42-20, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper 
Pipe, Standard Sizes, approved April 1, 2020 (``ASTM B42'').
     ASTM B43-15, Standard Specification for Seamless Red Brass 
Pipe, Standard Sizes, approved October 1, 2015 (``ASTM B43'').
     ASTM B68/B68M-19, Standard Specification for Seamless 
Copper Tube, Bright Annealed, approved April 1, 2019 (``ASTM B68/
     ASTM B75/B75M-19, Standard Specification for Seamless 
Copper Tube, approved April 1, 2019 (``ASTM B75/B75M'').
     ASTM B85/B85M-18, Standard Specification for Aluminum-
Alloy Die Castings, approved May 1, 2018 (ASTM B85/B85M'').
     ASTM B96/B96M-16, Standard Specification for Copper-
Silicon Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar for General Purposes 
and Pressure Vessels, approved April 1, 2016 (``ASTM B96/B96M'').
     ASTM B111/B111M-18a, Standard Specification for Copper and 
Copper-Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Stock, approved 
October 1, 2018 (``ASTM B111/B111M'').
     ASTM B122/B122M-16, Standard Specification for Copper-
Nickel-Tin Alloy, Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver), and Copper-
Nickel Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar, approved April 1, 
2016 (``ASTM B122'').
     ASTM B124/B124M-18, Standard Specification for Copper and 
Copper Alloy Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes, approved March 15, 2018 
(``ASTM B124/B124M'').
     ASTM B127-19, Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper 
Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, approved November 1, 2019 (``ASTM 
     ASTM B152/B152M-19, Standard Specification for Copper 
Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar, approved October 1, 2019 (``ASTM 
     ASTM B161-05 (Reapproved 2019), Standard Specification for 
Nickel Seamless Pipe and Tube, approved April 1, 2019 (``ASTM B161'').
     ASTM B165-19, Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper 
Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube, approved November 1, 2019 (``ASTM 
     ASTM B167-18, Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-
Aluminum Alloys (UNS N06699), Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (UNS N06600, 
N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025, N06045, and N06696), Nickel-
Chromium-Cobalt-Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617), Nickel-Iron-Chromium-
Tungsten Alloy (UNS N06674), and Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper 
Alloy (UNS N06235) Seamless Pipe and Tube, approved December 1, 2018 
(``ASTM B167'').
     ASTM B171/B171M-18, Standard Specification for Copper-
Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels, Condensers, and Heat 
Exchangers, approved October 1, 2018 (``ASTM B171/B171M'').
     ASTM B209-14, Standard Specification for Aluminum and 
Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate, approved November 1, 2014 (``ASTM 
     ASTM B210/B210M-19a, Standard Specification for Aluminum 
and Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes, approved November 1, 2019 
(``ASTM B210'').
     ASTM B234-17, Standard Specification for Aluminum and 
Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Surface Condensers, 
Evaporators, and Heat Exchangers, approved October 1, 2017 (``ASTM 
     ASTM B241/B241M-16, Standard Specification for Aluminum 
and Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube, approved

[[Page 50091]]

February 1, 2016 (``ASTM B241/B241M'').
     ASTM B280-18, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper 
Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Service, approved 
March 1, 2018 (``ASTM B280'').
     ASTM B283/B283M-18, Standard Specification for Copper and 
Copper-Alloy Die Forgings (Hot-Pressed), approved March 1, 2018 (``ASTM 
     ASTM B315-19, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper 
Alloy Pipe and Tube, approved April 1, 2019 (``ASTM B315'').
     ASTM B361-16, Standard Specification for Factory-Made 
Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Welding Fittings, approved May 1, 
2016 (``ASTM B361'').
     ASTM B858-06 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Test Method for 
Ammonia Vapor Test for Determining Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion 
Cracking in Copper Alloys, approved March 1, 2018 (``ASTM B858'').
     ASTM D92-18, Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire 
Points by Cleveland Open Cup Tester, approved July 1, 2018 (``ASTM 
     ASTM D93-19, Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by 
Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester, approved November 1, 2019 (``ASTM 
     ASTM D323-15a, Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure of 
Petroleum Products (Reid Method), approved June 1, 2015 (``ASTM 
     ASTM D665-19, Standard Test Method for Rust-Preventing 
Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oil in the Presence of Water, 
approved December 1, 2019 (``ASTM D665'').
     ASTM E23-18, Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact 
Testing of Metallic Materials, approved June 1, 2018 (``ASTM E23'').
     ASTM E208-19, Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop-
Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of 
Ferritic Steels, approved October 1, 2019 (``ASTM E208'').
     ASTM F1006-86 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification 
for Entrainment Separators for Use in Marine Piping Applications, 
approved September 1, 2018 (``ASTM F1006'').
     ASTM F1007-18, Standard Specification for Pipeline 
Expansion Joints of the Packed Slip Type for Marine Application, 
approved May 1, 2018 (``ASTM F1007'').
     ASTM F1020-86 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification 
for Line-Blind Valves for Marine Applications, approved March 1, 2018 
(``ASTM F1020'').
     ASTM F1120-87 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Circular Metallic Bellows Type Expansion Joints for Piping 
Applications, approved May 1, 2015 (``ASTM F1120'').
     ASTM F1123-87 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Non-Metallic Expansion Joints, approved May 1, 2015 (``ASTM 
     ASTM F1139-88 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Steam Traps and Drains, approved May 1, 2015 (``ASTM F1139'').
     ASTM F1155-10 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Practice for 
Selection and Application of Piping System Materials, approved May 1, 
2015 (``ASTM F1155'').
     ASTM F1172-88 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Fuel Oil Meters of the Volumetric Positive Displacement Type, 
approved May 1, 2015 (``ASTM F1172'').
     ASTM F1173-01 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification 
for Thermosetting Resin Fiberglass Pipe Systems to be Used for Marine 
Applications, approved March 1, 2018 (``ASTM F1173'').
     ASTM F1199-88 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Cast (All Temperatures and Pressures) and Welded Pipe Line 
Strainers (150 psig and 150 [deg]F Maximum), approved May 1, 2015 
(``ASTM F1199'').
     ASTM F1200-88 (Reapproved 2016), Standard Specification 
for Fabricated (Welded) Pipe Line Strainers (Above 150 psig and 150 
[deg]F), approved September 1, 2016 (``ASTM F1200'').
     ASTM F1201-88 (Reapproved 2016), Standard Specification 
for Fluid Conditioner Fittings in Piping Applications above 0 [deg]F, 
approved September 1, 2016 (``ASTM F1201'').
     ASTM F1323-14, Standard Specification for Shipboard 
Incinerators, approved November 1, 2014 (``ASTM F1323'').
     ASTM F1387-19, Standard Specification for Performance of 
Piping and Tubing Mechanically Attached Fittings, approved September 
15, 2019 (``ASTM F1387'').
     ASTM F1476-07 (Reapproved 2013), Standard Specification 
for Performance of Gasketed Mechanical Couplings for Use in Piping 
Applications, approved October 1, 2013 (``ASTM F1476'').
     ASTM F1548-01 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification 
for the Performance of Fittings for Use with Gasketed Mechanical 
Couplings Used in Piping Applications, approved March 1, 2018 (``ASTM 
     CGA S-1.2-2009, Pressure Relief Device Standards--Part 2--
Portable Containers for Compressed Gases, Ninth Edition, 2009 (``CGA S-
     Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers 
Association, Tenth Edition, 2015.
     FCI 69-1, Pressure Rating Standard for Steam Traps, 2017 
(``FCI 69-1'').
     SOLAS Consolidated Edition 2020, Consolidated text of the 
International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and its 
Protocol of 1988: articles, annexes and certificates, 2020 (``SOLAS'').
     IMO Resolution A.467(XII), Guidelines for Acceptance of 
Non-Duplicated Rudder Actuators for Tankers, Chemical Tankers and Gas 
Carriers of 10,000 Tons Gross Tonnage and Above But Less Than 100,000 
Tonnes Deadweight, 1981 (``IMO A.467(XII)'').
     IMO Resolution A.753(18), Guidelines for the Application 
of Plastic Pipes on Ships, November 4, 1993 (``IMO Resolution 
     IMO Resolution MEPC.76(40), Standard Specification for 
Shipboard Incinerators, September 25, 1997 (``IMO MEPC.76(40)'').
     IMO Resolution MEPC.244(66), Standard Specification for 
Shipboard Incinerators, April 4, 2014 (``IMO MEPC.244(66)'').
     IMO Resolution MSC.313(88), Amendments to the Guidelines 
for the Application of Plastic Pipes on Ships, adopted November 26, 
2010 (``IMO Resolution MSC.313(88)'').
     IMO Resolution MSC.337(91), Code on Noise Levels on Board 
Ships, November 30, 2012 (``IMO MSC.337(91)'').
     The International Convention for the Prevention of 
Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78), Annexes I, II, III, and V (1978) 
(``IMO MARPOL 73/78'').
     ISO 9096:2017(E), Stationary source emissions--Manual 
determination of mass concentration of particulate matter, Third 
Edition, September 2017 (``ISO 9096'').
     ISO 10396:2007(E), Stationary source emissions--Sampling 
for the automated determination of gas emission concentrations for 
permanently-installed monitoring systems, Second Edition, February 1, 
2007 (``ISO 10396'').
     ISO 13617:2019(E), Ships and marine technology-Shipboard 
incinerators--Requirements, Third Edition, August 2019 (``ISO 13617'').
     ISO 15540:2016(E), Ships and marine technology--Fire 
resistance of non-metallic hose assemblies and non-metallic 
compensators--Test methods, Second Edition, July 15, 2016 (``ISO 

[[Page 50092]]

     MSS SP-6-2017, Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe 
Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings, approved 
January 2017, published March 2017 (``MSS SP-6'').
     MSS SP-9-2013, Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron, and Steel 
Flanges, approved October 2012, published March 2013 (``MSS SP-9'').
     MSS SP-25 (ANSI/MSS SP-25-2018), Standard Marking System 
for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions, approved March 2018, 
published September 2018 (``MSS SP-25'').
     MSS SP-45-2003, Bypass Drain Connections, 2008 Edition, 
originally approved July 1953, reaffirmed 2008 (``MSS SP-45'').
     MSS SP-51-2012, Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant Flanges 
and Cast Flanged Fittings, 2012 Revision, approved August 2011, 
published May 2012 (``MSS SP-51'').
     MSS SP-53-2012, Quality Standard for Steel Castings and 
Forgings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components-
Magnetic Particle Examination Method, approved October 2012, published 
December 2012 (``MSS SP-53'').
     MSS SP-55 (ANSI/MSS SP-55-2011), Quality Standard for 
Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings and Other Piping 
Components-Visual Method for Evaluation of Surface Irregularities, 2011 
Revised Edition, approved August 2011, published October 2011 (``MSS 
     MSS SP-58 (ANSI/MSS SP-58-2009), Pipe Hangers and 
Supports-Materials, Design, Manufacture, Selection, Application, and 
Installation, approved May 2011, published October 2011 (``MSS SP-
     MSS SP-61-2019, Pressure Testing of Valves, approved 
September 2019, published December 2019 (``MSS SP-61'').
     NFPA 302, Fire Protection Standard for Pleasure and 
Commercial Motor Craft, 2020 Edition, approved August 25, 2019 (``NFPA 
     SAE J429 MAY2014, Mechanical and Material Requirements for 
Externally Threaded Fasteners, revised May 2014 (``SAE J429'').
     SAE J1475 JUN2014, Hydraulic Hose Fittings for Marine 
Applications, stabilized June 2014 (``SAE J1475'').
     SAE J1928 JUN2018, Devices Providing Backfire Flame 
Control for Gasoline Engines in Marine Applications, revised June 2018 
(``SAE J1928'').
     SAE J1942 MAR2019, Hose and Hose Assemblies for Marine 
Applications, revised March 2019 (``SAE J1942'').
     UL 174, Standard for Safety, Household Electric Storage 
Tank Water Heaters, Eleventh Edition, April 29, 2004, including 
revisions through December 15, 2016 (``UL 174'').
     UL 296, Standard for Safety, Oil Burners, Eleventh 
Edition, February 24, 2017 (``UL 296'').
     UL 343, Standard for Safety, Pumps for Oil-Burning 
Appliances, Ninth Edition, December 17, 2008, including revisions 
through June 12, 2013 (``UL 343'').
     UL 1453, Standard for Safety, Electric Booster and 
Commercial Storage Tank Water Heaters, Sixth Edition, March 29, 2016, 
including revisions through March 9, 2017 (``UL 1453'').
    The Director of the Federal Register has approved the material in 
Sec. Sec.  52.01-1, 53.01-1, 54.01-1, 56.01-2, 57.02-1, 58.03-1, 59.01-
2, 61.03-1, 62.05-1, and 63.05-1 for incorporation by reference under 5 
U.S.C. 552 and 1 CFR part 51. Copies of the material are available from 
the sources listed in Sec. Sec.  52.01-1, 53.01-1, 54.01-1, 56.01-2, 
57.02-1, 58.03-1, 59.01-2, 61.03-1, 62.05-1, and 63.05-1.
    Consistent with 1 CFR part 51 incorporation by reference 
provisions, this material is reasonably available. Interested persons 
have access to it through their normal course of business, may purchase 
it from the organization identified in Sec. Sec.  52.01-1, 53.01-1, 
54.01-1, 56.01-2, 57.02-1, 58.03-1, 59.01-2, 61.03-1, 62.05-1, and 
63.05-1, or may view a copy by means we have identified in those 

M. Environment

    We have analyzed this rule under Department of Homeland Security 
Management Directive 023-01, Rev. 1, associated implementing 
instructions, and Environmental Planning COMDTINST 5090.1 (series), 
which guide the Coast Guard in complying with the National 
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321-4370f), and have 
determined that this action is one of a category of actions that do not 
individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human 
environment. A final Record of Environmental Consideration supporting 
this determination is available in the docket. For instructions on 
locating the docket, see the ADDRESSES section of this preamble. This 
rule is categorically excluded under paragraphs L54, L57 and L58 of 
Appendix A, Table 1 of DHS Instruction Manual 023-01, Rev. 1.\31\ 
Paragraph L54 pertains to regulations which are editorial and 
procedural; paragraph L57 pertains to regulations concerning manning, 
documentation, admeasurement, inspection, and equipping of vessels; and 
paragraph L58 pertains to regulations concerning equipment approval and 
carriage requirements.

    \31\ https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/DHS_Instruction%20Manual%20023-01-001-01%20Rev%2001_508%20Admin%20Rev.pdf (last visited May 12, 2023).

    This action involves amending rules relating to standards for 
marine engineering details for various types of vessels, including 
incorporation of national and international safety standards by 
reference. This rule is part of the Coast Guard's ongoing regulatory 
reform efforts to increase compliance options for the regulated public 
while providing cost savings to the public and U.S. Government, and 
also promotes the Coast Guard's marine safety mission.

List of Subjects

46 CFR Part 50

    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Vessels.

46 CFR Parts 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, and 64

    Incorporation by reference, Reporting and recordkeeping 
requirements, Vessels.

46 CFR Part 63

    Incorporation by reference, Vessels.

    For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Coast Guard amends 
46 CFR parts 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, and 64 
(subchapter F) as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 50 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 
FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security 
Delegation No. 00170.1, Revision No. 01.3; Section 50.01-20 also 
issued under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 3507.

Sec.  50.01-10  [Amended]

2. In Sec.  50.01-10(b), remove the word ``shall'' and add, in its 
place, the word ``must''.

3. Revise and republish subpart 50.05 to read as follows:
Subpart 50.05--Application
50.05-1 General.
50.05-5 Existing boilers, pressure vessels or piping systems.
50.05-10 Alterations or repairs.
50.05-15 Vessels subject to regulations in this subchapter.
50.05-20 Steam-propelled vessels.

[[Page 50093]]

Subpart 50.05--Application

Sec.  50.05-1  General.

    (a) The regulations in this subchapter apply to the marine 
engineering details of installations on vessels required to be 
inspected and certificated under other subchapters in this chapter as 
described in Sec.  50.01-10.
    (b) The regulations in this subchapter are not retroactive in 
effect, except as provided in Sec.  50.05-5 or Sec.  50.05-10, or if 
specifically so provided for at the time specific regulations are 
amended or added.
    (c) The requirements in this subchapter revised or added subsequent 
to July 1, 1969, are applicable to the installations contracted for 
after the effective dates of such requirements. Normally, materials, 
items of equipment, or installations in vessels which have been 
accepted and passed as satisfactory and meeting the applicable 
requirements in this subchapter then in effect and which are maintained 
in good and serviceable condition to the satisfaction of the Officer in 
Charge, Marine Inspection, may be continued in use until replacement is 
deemed necessary by such officer or as specified in the regulations.
    (d) Items of equipment, which are in use on vessels, previously 
approved by the Commandant but not complying with the latest 
specification requirements may be continued in use so long as they are 
maintained in good and serviceable condition to the satisfaction of the 
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, until replacement is deemed 
necessary by such officer or as specified in the regulations.
    (e) Industrial systems and components on mobile offshore drilling 
units must meet subpart 58.60 of this subchapter.

Sec.  50.05-5  Existing boilers, pressure vessels or piping systems.

    (a) Whenever doubt exists as to the safety of an existing boiler, 
pressure vessel, or piping system, the marine inspector may require 
that it be gaged or checked to determine the extent of deterioration, 
and if necessary for safety may require the recalculation and reduction 
of the maximum allowable working pressure.
    (b) For the purpose of recalculating the maximum allowable working 
pressure of boilers, pressure vessels, or piping which have 
deteriorated in service, the applicable design formulas in effect at 
the time it was contracted for or built must be used.
    (c) When existing vessels are reboilered, the mountings and 
attachments must be renewed in accordance with the regulations in this 
subchapter in effect at the time such reboilering work is contracted 
for. The existing steam piping must be examined. Those portions which 
are in good condition and comply with minimum thickness requirements in 
effect at the time such reboilering work is contracted for may be 
continued in service. The steam piping replaced must be in accordance 
with the regulations in this subchapter in effect for new construction.
    (d) For the purpose of this section, existing equipment includes 
only items which have previously met all Coast Guard requirements for 
installation aboard a vessel certificated by the Coast Guard, including 
requirements for design, fabrication, testing, and inspection at the 
time the equipment was new.

Sec.  50.05-10  Alterations or repairs.

    (a) When alteration or repair of boilers, pressure vessels, 
machinery, safety valves or piping systems becomes necessary, the work 
must be done under the cognizance of the Officer in Charge Marine 
Inspection. It must be done in accordance with the regulations in 
effect at the time such vessel or installation was contracted for or 
built (whichever is latest), or in accordance with the regulations in 
effect for new construction.
    (b) When alterations or repairs are made to a U.S. flag vessel in a 
port or place not in the United States, a notice containing details of 
the proposed alterations or repairs must be submitted to the 
appropriate Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.

Sec.  50.05-15  Vessels subject to regulations in this subchapter.

    (a) Passenger vessels, tank vessels, cargo and miscellaneous 
vessels, nautical schoolships, mobile offshore drilling units, and 
oceanographic vessels are subject to the regulations in this subchapter 
to the extent prescribed by various laws and regulations as described 
in Sec.  50.01-1. The applicable provisions in this subchapter apply to 
all such U.S. flag vessels, and to all such foreign vessels which carry 
passengers from any port in the United States except as follows:
    (1) Any vessel of a foreign nation signatory to the International 
Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and which has on board a 
current, valid Convention certificate attesting to the sufficiency of 
the marine engineering details as prescribed by applicable regulations 
in this chapter.
    (2) Any vessel of a foreign nation having inspection laws 
approximating those of the United States together with reciprocal 
inspection arrangements with the United States, and which has on board 
a current, valid certificate of inspection issued by its government 
under such arrangements.
    (3) Any vessel operating exclusively on inland waters which are not 
navigable waters of the United States.
    (4) Any vessel laid up and dismantled and out of commission.
    (5) With the exception of vessels of the U.S. Maritime 
Administration, any vessel with the title vested in the United States 
and which is used for public purposes.
    (b) Notwithstanding the exceptions previously noted in paragraphs 
(a)(1) and (2) of this section, foreign vessels of novel design or 
construction or whose operation involves potential unusual risks are 
subject to inspection to the extent necessary to safeguard life and 
property in U.S. ports, as further provided by Sec.  2.01-13 in 
subchapter A of this chapter.

Sec.  50.05-20  Steam-propelled vessels.

    (a) The requirements covering design of the propelling engine, 
boiler, and the auxiliary machinery, and the inspection thereof on all 
vessels which are more than 40 feet in length, and which are propelled 
by machinery driven by steam must be in accordance with the applicable 
provisions of this subchapter.
    (b) If the engines, boilers, and auxiliary machinery are found to 
be in safe operating condition at the initial or subsequent periodical 
inspection, the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, must issue a 
letter to that effect. Such letter must be posted on the vessel under 
glass. The letter will be valid for a specified period of time, as 
determined by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. The owner, 
within 30 days prior to its expiration, must make application to the 
nearest Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection for a renewal thereof.

Subpart 50.10--Definition of Terms Used in This Subchapter

Sec.  50.10-20  [Amended]

4. In Sec.  50.10-20, remove the text ``SE.'' and add, in its place, 
the text ``SE''.

5. Revise Sec.  50.10-23 to read as follows:

Sec.  50.10-23  Marine Safety Center.

    The term Marine Safety Center refers to the Commanding Officer, 
Marine Safety Center, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7430, 2703 Martin Luther 
King Jr.

[[Page 50094]]

Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7430 for mail. Send mail in a printed 
or electronic format. Information for submitting the documents 
electronically can be found at https://www.uscg.mil/HQ/MSC.

Sec.  50.10-25  [Amended]

6. Amend Sec.  50.10-25 as follows:
a. In paragraph (b), remove the text ``Figure 50.10-25(b)'' and add in 
its place the text ``figure 1 to Sec.  50.10-25(b)''; and
b. Redesignate figure 50.10-25(b) as figure 1 to Sec.  50.10-25(b).

Sec.  50.10-30  [Amended]

7. Amend Sec.  50.10-30 as follows:
a. In paragraph (b), remove the word ``shall'' and add, in its place, 
the word ``must'';
b. In paragraph (c)(1), remove the text ``table 50.10-30'' and add, in 
its place, the text ``table 1 to Sec.  50.10-30''; and
c. Redesignate table 50.10-30 as table 1 to Sec.  50.10-30.

8. Revise and republish subpart 50.20 to read as follows:
Subpart 50.20--Plan Submittal and Approval
50.20-1 General.
50.20-5 Procedures for submittal of plans.
50.20-10 [Reserved]
50.20-15 Previously approved plans.
50.20-25 Calculations.
50.20-30 Alternative materials or methods of construction.
50.20-33 [Reserved]
50.20-35 Marine inspector's decisions.
50.20-40 Right of appeal.

Subpart 50.20--Plan Submittal and Approval

Sec.  50.20-1  General.

    (a) The required vessel, equipment, or installation plans, as 
listed in this subchapter, are general in character, but include all 
plans which normally show the intended construction and safety features 
coming under the cognizance of the Coast Guard. In a particular case, 
however, not all of the plans enumerated may be applicable, and in such 
cases the Coast Guard will so notify the submitter.
    (b) Manufacturers of pressure vessels and other components, which 
require specific fabrication inspection in accordance with the 
requirements of this subchapter, must submit and obtain approval of the 
applicable construction plans prior to the commencement of such 
fabrication. Manufacturers of automatically controlled boilers must 
submit and obtain approval of the applicable control system plans prior 
to installation of the boiler. Manufacturers of boilers which must meet 
the requirements of part 52 of this subchapter must submit the 
applicable construction plans for review prior to installation.

Sec.  50.20-5  Procedures for submittal of plans.

    (a) As the relative locations of shipyards, design offices, and 
Coast Guard offices vary throughout the country, no specific routing 
will be required in the submittal of plans. In general, one of the 
procedures outlined in this section apply, but if a more expeditious 
procedure can be used, there will normally be no objection to it.
    (b) The plans may be submitted in duplicate to the Officer in 
Charge, Marine Inspection, at or nearest the place where the vessel is 
to be built. Alternatively, the plans may be submitted to the Marine 
Safety Center.
    (c) In the case of classed vessels, upon specific request by the 
submitter, the American Bureau of Shipping will arrange to forward the 
necessary plans to the Coast Guard indicating its action thereon.

Sec.  50.20-10  [Reserved]

Sec.  50.20-15  Previously approved plans.

    (a) A manufacturer wishing to fabricate equipment in accordance 
with a plan previously approved is not required to resubmit such plans 
    (1) Certification is submitted that the proposed equipment conforms 
in every respect to the plan previously approved, and such 
certification contains the drawing number, title, date, and last 
revision or change date, and date of previous approval;
    (2) The current regulations, including adopted specifications, 
standards or codes, pertaining to the proposed equipment are the same 
as those current when the original plan was approved; and
    (3) A copy of the approved plan is available for review by the 
approving office.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  50.20-25  Calculations.

    (a) Calculations must be forwarded with plans submitted for 
approval and must clearly substantiate compliance with this subchapter. 
Care must be taken to identify sources of equations, factors and other 
information upon which the calculations are based.
    (b) The results of the calculations, such as the maximum allowable 
working pressure (MAWP), test pressure, and safety device settings, 
must be clearly identified.

Sec.  50.20-30  Alternative materials or methods of construction.

    When new or alternative materials, procedures, designs, or methods 
of construction are submitted for approval and are not addressed by 
regulations, the Commandant will act to approve or disapprove.

Sec.  50.20-33  [Reserved]

Sec.  50.20-35  Marine inspector's decisions.

    (a) When it becomes necessary for a marine inspector to make 
decisions on matters covered by the regulations in this subchapter or 
by requirements in referenced specifications, standards or codes, the 
inspector must inform the owner or their representative of the 
requirement, which will be identified by source, section, and paragraph 
number, on which the decisions are based. Whenever it is necessary to 
make decisions in matters not specifically covered by the regulations 
in this subchapter or by referenced requirements, the marine inspector 
must clearly state the reasons which caused them to arrive at such 
    (b) If the owner or their representative disagrees with a decision 
made by the marine inspector, they must take up the matter with the 
local Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. The owner or their 
representative may appeal the decision of the Officer in Charge, Marine 
Inspection, in accordance with Sec.  50.20-40.

Sec.  50.20-40  Right of appeal.

    Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under 
this subchapter, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal 
therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.

Sec.  50.25-1  [Amended]

9. Amend Sec.  50.25-1 as follows:
a. Remove paragraph (e);
b. Redesignate paragraph (f) as paragraph (e); and
c. In newly redesignated paragraph (e), remove the word ``shall'' and 
add, in its place, the word ``must''.

Sec.  50.25-3  [Amended]

10. In Sec.  50.25-3, remove the word ``shall'' wherever it appears and 
add, in its place, the word ``must''.

Sec.  50.25-5  [Amended]

11. In Sec.  50.25-5, remove the word ``shall'' wherever it appears and 
add, in its place, the word ``must''.

12. Revise Sec.  50.25-7 to read as follows:

[[Page 50095]]

Sec.  50.25-7  Testing of products required to be certified in presence 
of marine inspector.

    (a) Certified products are not normally tested in the presence of a 
marine inspector. The Commandant may, however, assign a marine 
inspector to witness tests required by the applicable specifications to 
ensure that the requirements are met.
    (b) Marine inspectors must have free entry at all times to those 
parts of the plant where material subject to this subchapter is being 
manufactured. The manufacturer must provide marine inspectors all 
reasonable facilities to satisfy them that the material is being 
manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the Commandant.
    (c) Unless otherwise authorized, required tests and inspections 
described in applicable specifications must be made at the place of 
manufacture prior to shipment.

13. Revise and republish subpart 50.30 to read as follows:
Subpart 50.30--Fabrication Inspection
50.30-1 Scope.
50.30-10 Class I, I-L and II-L pressure vessels.
50.30-15 Class II pressure vessels.
50.30-20 Class III pressure vessels.

Subpart 50.30--Fabrication Inspection

Sec.  50.30-1  Scope.

    (a) The manufacturer must notify the Officer in Charge, Marine 
Inspection, of the intended fabrication of pressure vessels that will 
require Coast Guard inspection.
    (b) For exemption of certain pressure vessels from shop inspection 
see Sec.  54.01-15 of this subchapter.
    (c) For a classification delineation of boilers and pressure 
vessels refer to tables 1 and 2 to Sec.  54.01-5 of this subchapter.

Sec.  50.30-10  Class I, I-L and II-L pressure vessels.

    (a) Classes I, I-L and II-L pressure vessels must be subject to 
shop inspection at the plant where they are being fabricated, or when 
determined necessary by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
    (b) The manufacturer must submit Class I, I-L and II-L pressure 
vessels, as defined in parts 54 and 56 of this subchapter for shop 
inspection at such stages of fabrication as may be requested by the 
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.

Sec.  50.30-15  Class II pressure vessels.

    (a) Class II pressure vessels must be subject to shop inspections 
at the plant where they are being fabricated, as or when determined 
necessary by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. The inspections 
described in this section are required, unless specifically exempted by 
other regulations in this subchapter.
    (b) The first inspection of Class II welded pressure vessels must 
be performed during the welding of the longitudinal joint. At this time 
the marine inspector must check the material and fit-up of the work, 
and ascertain that only welders who have passed the required tests are 
    (c) A second inspection of Class II welded pressure vessels must be 
made during the welding of the circumferential joints. At this time the 
marine inspector must check any new material being used which may not 
have been examined at the time of the first inspection, also the fit-up 
of the vessel at this stage of fabrication, and in addition, observe 
the welding and ascertain that only welders who have passed the 
required tests are employed.

Sec.  50.30-20  Class III pressure vessels.

    (a) Class III pressure vessels must be subject to shop inspection 
at the plant where they are being fabricated, as or when determined 
necessary by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. The inspection 
described in this section is required, unless specifically exempted by 
other regulations in this subchapter.
    (b) For Class III welded pressure vessels, one inspection must be 
made during the welding of the longitudinal joint. If there is no 
longitudinal joint, the inspection must be made during the welding of a 
circumferential joint. At this time the marine inspector must check the 
material and fit-up of the work and see that only welders who have 
passed the required tests are employed.

14. Revise and republish part 52 to read as follows:


Subpart 52.01--General Requirements
52.01-1 Incorporation by reference.
52.01-2 Adoption of Section I of the ASME BPVC.
52.01-3 Definitions of terms used in this part.
52.01-5 Plans.
52.01-10 Automatic controls.
52.01-35 Auxiliary, donkey, fired thermal fluid heater, and heating 
52.01-40 Materials and workmanship.
52.01-50 Fusible plugs (modifies A-19 through A-21).
52.01-55 Maximum allowable working pressure.
52.01-90 Materials.
52.01-95 Design (modifies PG-16 through PG-31 and PG-100).
52.01-100 Openings and compensation (modifies PG-32 through PG-39, 
PG-42 through PG-55).
52.01-105 Piping, valves and fittings (modifies PG-58 and PG-59).
52.01-110 Water-level indicators, water columns, gauge-glass 
connections, gauge cocks, and pressure gauges (modifies PG-60).
52.01-115 Feedwater supply (modifies PG-61).
52.01-120 Safety valves and safety relief valves (modifies PG-67 
through PG-73).
52.01-130 Installation.
52.01-135 Inspection and tests (modifies PG-90 through PG-100).
52.01-140 Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-
52.01-145 Manufacturers' data report forms (modifies PG-112 and PG-
Subpart 52.05--Requirements for Boilers Fabricated by Welding
52.05-1 General (modifies PW-1 through PW-54).
52.05-15 Heat treatment (modifies PW-10).
52.05-20 Radiographic and ultrasonic examination (modifies PW-11 and 
52.05-30 Minimum requirements for attachment welds (modifies PW-16).
52.05-45 Circumferential joints in pipes, tubes and headers 
(modifies PW-41).
Subpart 52.15--Requirements for Watertube Boilers
52.15-1 General (modifies PWT-1 through PWT-15).
52.15-5 Tube connections (modifies PWT-9 and PWT-11).
Subpart 52.20--Requirements for Firetube Boilers
52.20-1 General (modifies PFT-1 through PFT-49).
52.20-17 Opening between boiler and safety valve (modifies PFT-44).
52.20-25 Setting (modifies PFT-46).
Subpart 52.25--Other Boiler Types
52.25-1 General.
52.25-3 Feedwater heaters (modifies PFH-1).
52.25-5 Miniature boilers (modifies PMB-1 through PMB-21).
52.25-7 Electric boilers (modifies PEB-1 through PEB-19).
52.25-10 Organic fluid vaporizer generators (modifies PVG-1 through 
52.25-15 Fired thermal fluid heaters.
52.25-20 Exhaust gas boilers.

    Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3307, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 
3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security 
Delegation No. 00170.1, Revision No. 01.3.


Subpart 52.01--General Requirements

Sec.  52.01-1  Incorporation by reference.

    Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with 
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition

[[Page 50096]]

other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish 
a document in the Federal Register and the material must be available 
to the public. All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material 
is available for inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard and the National 
Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact U.S. Coast Guard 
Headquarters at: Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and 
Engineering Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther 
King Jr. Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; phone (202) 372-1375; 
email [email protected]. For information on the availability of 
this material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations or email [email protected]. The material is available 
from: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park Avenue, 
New York, NY 10016-5990; 800-843-2763; [email protected]; 
    (a) ASME BPVC.I-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 
Section I, Rules for Construction of Power Boilers, 2019 Edition, 
issued July 1, 2019 (``Section I of the ASME BPVC''); IBR approved for 
Sec. Sec.  52.01-2; 52.01-3 introductory text and (g); 52.01-5; 52.01-
50(a); 52.01-90; 52.01-95(a) and (f); 52.01-100(a) and (b); 52.01-
105(a) and (b); 52.01-110(a); 52. 01-115; 52.01-120; 52.01-
135(a)through (c); 52.01-140; 52.01-145; 52.05-1; 52.05-15; 52.05-20; 
52.05-30; 52.05-45; 52.15-1; 52.15-5(a) and (b); 52.20-1; 52.20-25(a); 
52.25-3; 52.25-5; 52.25-7; 52.25-10(a).
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  52.01-2  Adoption of Section I of the ASME BPVC.

    (a) Main power boilers and auxiliary boilers must be designed, 
constructed, inspected, tested, and stamped in accordance with Section 
I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1), as 
limited, modified, or replaced by specific requirements in this part. 
The appendices to Section I of the ASME BPVC are adopted and must be 
followed when the requirements in Section I make them mandatory. For 
general information, table 1 to Sec.  52.01-2(a) lists the various 
paragraphs in Section I of the ASME BPVC that are limited, modified, or 
replaced by regulations in this part.

    Table 1 to Sec.   52.01-2(a)--Limitations and Modifications in the Adoption of Section I of the ASME BPVC
      Paragraphs in section I, ASME BPVC and
                   disposition                                           Unit of this part
PG-1 replaced by.................................  54.01-5(a).
PG-16 through PG-31 modified by..................  52.01-95.
PG-32 through PG-39 modified by..................  52.01-100.
PG-42 through PG-55 modified by..................  52.01-100.
PG-58 and PG-59 modified by......................  52.01-105.
PG-60 modified by................................  52.01-110.
PG-61 modified by................................  52.01-115 (56.50-30).
PG-67 through PG-73 modified by..................  52.01-120.
PG-90 through PG-100 modified by.................  52.01-135 (52.01-95).
PG-91 modified by................................  52.01-135(b).
PG-99 modified by................................  52.01-135(c).
PG-100 modified by...............................  52.01-95(e).
PG-104 through PG-113 modified by................  52.01-140(a).
PG-112 and PG-113 modified by....................  52.01-145.
PW-1 through PW-54 modified by...................  52.05-1.
PW-10 modified by................................  52.05-15.
PW-11.1 modified by..............................  52.05-20.
PW-16 modified by................................  52.05-30.
PW-41 modified by................................  52.05-20, 52.05-45.
PWT-1 through PWT-15 modified by.................  52.15-1.
PWT-9 modified by................................  52.15-5.
PWT-9.2 replaced by..............................  52.15-5(b)
PWT-11 modified by...............................  52.15-5.
PWT-11.3 replaced by.............................  52.15-5(b).
PFT-1 through PFT-49 modified by.................  52.20-1.
PFT-44 modified by...............................  52.20-17.
PFT-46. modified by..............................  52.20-25.
PFH-1 modified by................................  52.25-3.
PMB-1 through PMB-21 modified by.................  52.25-5.
PEB-1 through PEB-19 modified by.................  52.25-7.
PVG-1 through PVG-12 modified by.................  52.25-10.
A-19 through A-21 modified by....................  52.01-50.
Note 1 to table 1 to Sec.   52.01-2(a): The references to specific provisions in the ASME BPVC are coded. The
  first letter ``P'' refers to section I, while the letter ``A'' refers to the appendix to section I. The letter
  or letters following ``P'' refer to a specific subsection of section I. The number following the letter or
  letters refers to the paragraph so numbered in the text.

    (b) References to the ASME BPVC, such as paragraph PG-1, indicate:
    (1) P=Section I, Power Boilers.
    (2) G=Subsection--General Requirements.
    (3) 1=Paragraph 1.
    (c) When a section or paragraph of the regulations in this part 
relates to Section I of the ASME BPVC, the relationship with the code 
will be shown immediately following the heading of the section or at 
the beginning of the paragraph as follows:
    (1) (Modifies P __.) This indicates that the material in P __ is 
generally applicable but is being altered, amplified, or augmented.
    (2) (Replaces P __.) This indicates that P __ does not apply.
    (3) (Reproduces P __.) This indicates that P __ is being 
identically reproduced for convenience, not for emphasis.

[[Page 50097]]

Sec.  52.01-3  Definition of terms used in this part.

    For primary definitions associated with power boiler design, see 
Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-
    (a) Types of boilers--(1) Main power boiler. A main power boiler is 
a steam boiler used for generating steam for main propulsion.
    (2) Auxiliary or donkey boiler. An auxiliary or donkey boiler is a 
steam boiler used for general purposes other than main propulsion.
    (3) Watertube boiler. A watertube boiler is a steam boiler in which 
the boiler tubes contain water and steam. The heat is applied to the 
outside surface of the tubes.
    (4) Internally fired firetube boiler (scotch boiler). An internally 
fired firetube boiler is a steam boiler containing furnaces, one or 
more combustion chambers and tubes or flues, which are surrounded by 
water and through which the products of combustion pass from the 
furnace to the uptake.
    (5) Externally fired firetube or flue boiler (horizontal return 
tubular). An externally fired firetube or flue boiler is a steam 
boiler, part of the outer shell of which is exposed to fire or to the 
products of combustion, and containing flues through which such 
products pass from the furnace to the uptake.
    (6) Unfired steam boiler. A pressure vessel in which steam is 
generated by means other than fuel combustion is classed as an unfired 
steam boiler. (See Sec.  54.01-10 of this subchapter.)
    (b) Parts of boilers--(1) Superheater. A superheater is an 
appliance, normally consisting of tube rows, for the purpose of 
increasing the temperature of steam above the saturation temperature.
    (2) Economizer. An economizer is a feed-water heater usually 
located in the uptake or casing of a boiler to absorb heat from the 
waste gases.
    (3) Furnace. A furnace is a firebox or a large flue in which the 
fuel is burned.
    (4) Flues. Flues are cylindrical shells made of seamless or welded 
tubing, or with a riveted longitudinal joint, the ends being attached 
by riveting or welding. Their purpose is to provide additional heating 
surface and to form a path for the products of combustion.
    (5) Tubes. Tubes are cylindrical shells of comparatively small 
diameter constituting the main part of the heating surface of a boiler 
or superheater.
    (c) Pressure relief devices. For boilers, pressure vessels, and 
pressure piping, a pressure relief device is designed to open to 
prevent a rise of internal pressure in excess of a specified value due 
to emergency or abnormal conditions. It may be a pressure relief valve 
or a nonreclosing pressure relief device.
    (1) Pressure relief valve. A pressure relief valve is a pressure 
relief device, which is designed to reclose and prevent the further 
flow of fluid after normal conditions have been restored.
    (i) Safety valve. A safety valve is a pressure relief valve 
actuated by inlet static pressure and characterized by rapid opening or 
pop action. Examples of types used on boilers include:
    (A) Spring-loaded safety valve. A spring-loaded safety valve is a 
safety valve fitted with a spring, which normally holds the valve disk 
in a closed position against the seat and allows it to open or close at 
predetermined pressures. Spring-loaded safety valves are characterized 
by pop action.
    (B) [Reserved]
    (ii) Pilot operated pressure relief valve. A pilot operated 
pressure relief valve is a pressure relief valve in which the major 
relieving device is combined with and is controlled by a self-actuated 
auxiliary pressure relief pilot valve.
    (iii) Temperature actuated pressure relief valve. A temperature 
actuated pressure relief valve is a dual-function relief device 
designed to protect against both excessive pressure and temperature.
    (2) Nonreclosing pressure relief device. A nonreclosing pressure 
relief device is a pressure relief device not designed to reclose after 
    (i) Rupture disk device. A rupture disk device is a device actuated 
by inlet static pressure and designed to function by the bursting of a 
pressure-retaining disk.
    (ii) Explosion rupture disk device. An explosion rupture disk 
device is a rupture disk device designed for use at high rates of 
pressure rise.
    (iii) Fusible plug device. A fusible plug device is a device 
designed to function by the yielding or melting of a plug of suitable 
melting temperature.
    (3) Vacuum relief valve. A vacuum relief valve is a valve designed 
to admit fluid or gas to prevent an excessive internal vacuum.
    (d) Other boiler attachments--(1) Mountings. Mountings are nozzle 
connections, distance pieces, valves, or fittings attached directly to 
the boiler.
    (2) Main steam stop valve. A main steam stop valve is a valve 
usually connected directly to the boiler for the purpose of shutting 
off the steam to/from the main steam line.
    (3) Auxiliary steam stop valve. An auxiliary steam stop valve is a 
valve usually connected directly to the boiler for the purpose of 
shutting off the steam to/from the auxiliary lines.
    (4) Manifold. A manifold is a fitting with two or more branches 
having valves either attached by bolting or integral with the fitting.
    (5) Blowoff valve. A blowoff valve is a valve connected directly to 
the boiler for the purpose of blowing out water, scum or sediment.
    (6) Dry pipe. A dry pipe is a perforated or slotted pipe placed in 
the highest part of the steam space of a boiler to prevent priming 
(water carryover).
    (7) Water column. A water column is a fitting or tube equipped with 
a water glass attached to a boiler for the purpose of indicating the 
water level.
    (8) Test cocks. Test cocks are small valves on a boiler for 
indicating the water level or water sampling.
    (9) Fusible plugs. Fusible plugs are plugs made with a bronze 
casing and a tin filling, which melts at a temperature of 445 to 450 
[deg]F. They are intended to melt in the event of low water level.
    (e) Boiler fabrication--(1) Repair. Repair is the restoration of 
any damaged or impaired part to an effective and safe condition.
    (2) Alteration. Alteration is a structural modification to or 
departure from an approved design or existing construction.
    (3) Access or inspection openings. Access or inspection openings 
are holes cut in the shells or heads of boilers or boiler pressure 
parts for the purpose of inspection and cleaning.
    (f) Gage (or gauge) pressure. Gage pressure is the difference 
between the pressure at the point being measured and the ambient 
pressure for the gage. It is measured in units such as pounds per 
square inch gage (psig).
    (g) Maximum allowable working pressure. For a definition of maximum 
allowable working pressure, see PG-21 of Section I of the ASME BPVC.

Sec.  52.01-5  Plans.

    (a) Manufacturers intending to fabricate boilers to be installed on 
vessels must submit detailed plans as required by subpart 50.20 of this 
subchapter. The plans, including design calculations, must be certified 
by a registered professional engineer as meeting the design 
requirements in this part and in Section I of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1).
    (b) The following information must be included:
    (1) Calculations for all pressure containment components including 
the maximum allowable working pressure and temperature, the hydrostatic 

[[Page 50098]]

pneumatic test pressure, the maximum steam generating capacity and the 
intended safety valve settings.
    (2) Joint design and methods of attachment of all pressure 
containment components.
    (3) A bill of material meeting the requirements of Section I of the 
ASME BVPC, as modified by this subpart.
    (4) A diagrammatic arrangement drawing of the assembled unit 
indicating the location of internal and external components including 
any interconnecting piping.
    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control 
number 1625-0097)

Sec.  52.01-10  Automatic controls.

    (a) Each main boiler must meet the special requirements for 
automatic safety controls in Sec.  62.35-20(a)(1) of this subchapter.
    (b) Each automatically controlled auxiliary boiler having a heat 
input rating of less than 12,500,000 Btu/hr. (3.66 megawatts) must meet 
the requirements of part 63 of this subchapter.
    (c) Each automatically controlled auxiliary boiler with a heat 
input rating of 12,500,000 Btu/hr. (3.66 megawatts) or above, must meet 
the requirements for automatic safety controls in part 62 of this 

Sec.  52.01-35  Auxiliary, donkey, fired thermal fluid heater, and 
heating boilers.

    (a) To determine the appropriate part of the regulations where 
requirements for miscellaneous boiler types, such as donkey, fired 
thermal fluid heater, heating boiler, etc., may be found, refer to 
table 1 to Sec.  54.01-5 of this subchapter.
    (b) Fired vessels in which steam is generated at pressures 
exceeding 103 kPa gage (15 psig) must meet the requirements of this 

Sec.  52.01-40  Materials and workmanship.

    All materials to be used in any of the work specified in the 
various sections of this part must be free from injurious defects and 
must have a workmanlike finish. The construction work must be executed 
in a workmanlike manner with proper tools or equipment and must be free 
from defects which would impair strength or durability.

Sec.  52.01-50  Fusible plugs (modifies A-19 through A-21).

    (a) Fusible plugs must comply with the requirements of A19 and A20 
of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
52.01-1) and be stamped on the casing with the name of the 
manufacturer, and on the water end of the fusible metal ``ASME Std.'' 
Fusible plugs are not permitted where the maximum steam temperature to 
which they are exposed exceeds 218 [deg]C (425 [deg]F).
    (b)(1) Fusible plugs must be cleaned and will be examined by the 
marine inspector at each inspection for certification, periodic 
inspection, or if the boiler is opened for repair or inspection. If in 
the marine inspector's opinion, the condition of any plug is 
satisfactory, it may be continued in use.
    (2) When fusible plugs are renewed at other than the inspection for 
certification and no marine inspector is in attendance, the Chief 
Engineer must report the renewal to the Officer in Charge, Marine 
Inspection. This report must contain the following information:
    (i) Name and official number of vessel.
    (ii) Date of renewal of fusible plugs.
    (iii) Number and location of fusible plugs renewed in each boiler.
    (iv) Manufacturer and rating of each plug.
    (v) Reason for renewal.

Sec.  52.01-55  Maximum allowable working pressure.

    (a) The piping system, machinery, and appurtenances must meet the 
requirements of this subchapter for the boiler maximum allowable 
working pressure. Only the Commandant may grant an increase in 
    (b) When an existing boiler is replaced by a new boiler designed to 
operate at pressures in excess of the pressure indicated on the 
certificate of inspection for the previous boiler, an analysis of the 
complete system must be made, including machinery and piping, to insure 
its compatibility with the increased steam pressure. The maximum 
allowable working pressure on the certificate of inspection must be 
based on the results of this analysis.

Sec.  52.01-90  Materials

    Material subject to stress due to pressure must conform to 
specifications as indicated in paragraphs PG-5 through PG-14 of Section 
I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1).

Sec.  52.01-95  Design (modifies PG-16 through PG-31 and PG-100).

    (a) Requirements. Boilers required to be designed to this part must 
meet the requirements of PG-16 through PG-31 of Section I of the ASME 
BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) except as noted 
otherwise in this section.
    (b) Superheater. (1) The design pressure of a superheater integral 
with the boiler must not be less than the lowest setting of the drum 
safety valve.
    (2) Controls must be provided to ensure that the maximum 
temperature at the superheater outlets does not exceed the allowable 
temperature limit of the material used in the superheater outlet, in 
the steam piping, and in the associated machinery under all operating 
conditions. Visible and audible alarms indicating excessive superheat 
must be provided in any installation in which the superheater outlet 
temperature exceeds 454 [deg]C (850 [deg]F). The setting of the 
excessive superheat alarms must not exceed the maximum allowable 
temperature of the superheater outlet, which may be limited by the 
boiler design, the main steam piping design, or the temperature limits 
of other equipment subjected to the temperature of the steam.
    (3) Arrangement must be made for venting and draining the 
superheater in order to permit steam circulation through the 
superheater when starting the boiler.
    (c) Economizer. The design pressure of an economizer integral with 
the boiler and connected to the boiler drum without intervening stop 
valves must be at least equal to 110 percent of the highest setting of 
the safety valves on the drum.
    (d) Brazed boiler steam air heaters. Boiler steam air heaters 
utilizing brazed construction are permitted at temperatures not 
exceeding 525 [deg]F. Refer to Sec.  56.30-30(b)(1) of this subchapter 
for applicable requirements.
    (e) Stresses. (Modifies PG-22.) The stresses due to hydrostatic 
head must be taken into account in determining the minimum thickness of 
the shell or head of any boiler pressure part unless noted otherwise. 
Additional stresses, imposed by effects other than internal pressure or 
static head, which increase the average stress over substantial 
sections of the shell or head by more than 10 percent of the allowable 
stress, must be taken into account. These effects include the weight of 
the vessel and its contents, method of support, impact loads, 
superimposed loads, localized stresses due to the reactions of 
supports, stresses due to temperature gradients and dynamic effects.
    (f) Cylindrical components under internal pressure. (Modifies PG-
27.) The minimum required thickness and maximum allowable working 
pressure of boiler piping, tubes, drums, and headers must be as 
required by the formula in PG-27 of Section I of the ASME BPVC except 
that threaded boiler tubes are not permitted.

[[Page 50099]]

Sec.  52.01-100  Openings and compensation (modifies PG-32 through PG-
39, PG-42 through PG-55).

    (a) The rules for openings and compensation must be as indicated in 
PG-32 through PG-55 of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) except as noted otherwise in this 
    (b) (Modifies PG-39.) Pipe and nozzle necks must be attached to 
vessel walls as indicated in PG-39 of Section I of the ASME BPVC except 
that threaded connections must not be used under any of the following 
    (c) (Modifies PG-42.) Butt-welding flanges and fittings must be 
used when full radiography is required by Sec.  56.95-10 of this 
subchapter. The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  52.01-105  Piping, valves and fittings (modifies PG-58 and PG-

    (a) Boiler external piping within the jurisdiction of the ASME BPVC 
must be as indicated in PG-58 and PG-59 of Section I of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) except as noted 
otherwise in this section. Piping outside the jurisdiction of the ASME 
BPVC must meet the appropriate requirements of part 56 of this 
    (b) In addition to the requirements in PG-58 and PG-59 of Section I 
of the ASME BPVC, boiler external piping must:
    (1) Meet the design conditions and criteria in Sec.  56.07-10 of 
this subchapter, except Sec.  56.07-10(b);
    (2) Be included in the pipe stress calculations required by Sec.  
56.35-1 of this subchapter;
    (3) Meet the nondestructive examination requirements in Sec.  
56.95-10 of this subchapter;
    (4) Have butt-welding flanges and fittings when full radiography is 
required; and
    (5) Meet the requirements for threaded joints in Sec.  56.30-20 of 
this subchapter.
    (c) Steam stop valves, in sizes exceeding 152mm (6 inch) NPS, must 
be fitted with bypasses for heating the line and equalizing the 
pressure before the valve is opened.
    (d)(1) Feed water must not be discharged into a boiler against 
surfaces exposed to hot gases or radiant heat of the fire.
    (2) Feed water nozzles of boilers designed for pressures of 2758 
kPa (400 psi), or over, must be fitted with sleeves or other suitable 
means employed to reduce the effects
    (e)(1) Firetube and drum type boilers must be fitted with a surface 
and a bottom blowoff valve or cock attached directly to the boiler or 
to a short distance piece. The bottom blowoff valve must be attached to 
the lowest part of the boiler or fitted with an internal pipe leading 
to the lowest point inside the boiler. Boilers equipped with a 
continuous blowdown valve on the steam drum are not required to be 
fitted with an additional surface blowoff connection.
    (2) Where blowoff pipes are exposed to radiant heat of the fire, 
they must be protected by fire brick or other suitable heat-resisting 
    (f) Where dry pipes are used, they must be provided with drains at 
each end to prevent an accumulation of water.

Sec.  52.01-110  Water-level indicators, water columns, gauge-glass 
connections, gauge cocks, and pressure gauges (modifies PG-60).

    (a) Boiler water level devices. Boiler water level devices must be 
as indicated in PG-60 of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) except as noted otherwise in this 
    (b) Water level indicators. (Modifies PG-60.1.)
    (1) Each boiler, except those of the forced circulation type with 
no fixed water line and steam line, must have two independent means of 
indicating the water level in the boiler connected directly to the head 
or shell. One must be a gage lighted by the emergency electrical system 
(See subpart 112.15 of subchapter J of this chapter). The secondary 
indicator may consist of a gage glass, or other acceptable device. 
Where the allowance pressure exceeds 1724 kPa (250 psig), gage glasses 
must be of the flat type instead of the common tubular type.
    (2) Gage glasses must be in continuous operation while the boiler 
is steaming.
    (3) Double-ended firetube boilers must be equipped as specified in 
this paragraph (b) and paragraph (e) of this section except that the 
required water level indicators must be installed on each end of the 
    (4) Externally fired flue boilers, such as are used on central 
western river vessels, must be equipped as specified in paragraphs 
(b)(1) through (3) of this section except that float gages may be 
substituted for gage glasses.
    (c) Water columns. (Modifies PG-60.2.) The use of water columns is 
generally limited to firetube boilers. Water column installations must 
minimize the effect of ship motion on water level indication. Water 
columns must be fitted directly to the heads or shells of boilers or 
drums, or if necessary, connected thereto by a distance piece both at 
the top and bottom of the water columns. Shutoff valves used in the 
pipe connections between the boiler and water column must be locked or 
sealed open. Water column piping must not be fitted inside the uptake, 
the smoke box, or the casing. Water columns must be fitted with 
suitable drains. Cast iron fittings are not permitted.
    (d) Gage glass connections. (Modifies PG-60.3.) Gage glasses and 
gage cocks must be connected directly to the head or shell of a boiler 
as indicated in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
    (e) Gage cocks. (Modifies PG-60.4.)
    (1) When the steam pressure does not exceed 250 psi, three test 
cocks attached directly to the head or shell of a boiler may serve as 
the secondary water level indicator.
    (2) [Reserved]
    (f) Salinometer cocks. In vessels operating in saltwater, each 
boiler must be equipped with a salinometer cock or valve. They must not 
be attached to the water gage or water column.
    (g) High-water-level alarm. Each watertube boiler for propulsion 
must have an audible and a visible high-water-level alarm. The alarm 
indicators must be located where the boiler is controlled.

Sec.  52.01-115  Feedwater supply (modifies PG-61).

    Boiler feedwater supply must meet the requirements of PG-61 of 
Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-
1) and Sec.  56.50-30 of this subchapter.

Sec.  52.01-120  Safety valve and safety relief valves (modifies PG-67 
through PG-73).

    (a)(1) Boiler safety valves and safety relief valves must be as 
indicated in PG-67 through PG-73 of Section I of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) except as noted 
otherwise in this section.
    (2) A safety valve must:
    (i) Be stamped in accordance with PG-110 of Section I of the ASME 
    (ii) Have its capacity certified by the National Board of Boiler 
and Pressure Vessel Inspectors;
    (iii) Have a drain opening tapped for not less than 6mm (\1/4\ in.) 
NPS; and
    (iv) Not have threaded inlets for valves larger than 51mm (2 in.) 
    (3) On river steam vessels whose boilers are connected in batteries 
without means of isolating one boiler from another, each battery of 
boilers must be treated as a single boiler and equipped with not less 
than two safety valves of equal size.
    (4) (Modifies PG-70.) The total rated relieving capacity of drum 

[[Page 50100]]

superheater safety valves as certified by the valve manufacturer must 
not be less than the maximum generating capacity of the boiler, which 
must be determined and certified by the boiler manufacturer. This 
capacity must comply with PG-70 of Section I of the ASME BPVC.
    (5) In the event the maximum steam generating capacity of the 
boiler is increased by any means, the relieving capacity of the safety 
valves must be checked by an inspector, and, if necessary, valves of 
increased relieving capacity must be installed.
    (6) (Modifies PG-67.) Drum safety valves must be set to relieve at 
a pressure not in excess of that allowed by the Certificate of 
Inspection. Where for any reason this is lower than the pressure for 
which the boiler was originally designed and the revised safety valve 
capacity cannot be recomputed and certified by the valve manufacturer, 
one of the tests described in PG-69 of section I of the ASME BPVC must 
be conducted in the presence of the Inspector to ensure that the 
relieving capacity is sufficient at the lower pressure.
    (7) On new installations the safety valve nominal size for 
propulsion boilers and superheaters must not be less than 38mm (1.5 
in.) nor more than 102mm (4 in.). Safety valves 38mm (1.5 in.) to 114mm 
(4.5 in.) may be used for replacements on existing boilers. The safety 
valve size for auxiliary boilers must be between 19mm (\3/4\ in.) and 
102mm (4 in.) NPS. The nominal size of a safety valve is the nominal 
diameter (as defined in Sec.  56.07-5(b) of this subchapter) of the 
inlet opening.
    (8) Lever or weighted safety valves now installed may be continued 
in use and may be repaired, but when repairs are not possible, lever or 
weighted safety valves must be replaced by valves conforming to the 
requirements of this section.
    (9) Gags or clamps for holding the safety valve disk on its seat 
must be carried on board the vessel at all times.
    (10) (Modifies PG-73.2.) Cast iron may be used only for caps and 
lifting bars. When used for these parts, the elongation must be at 
least 5 percent in 51mm (2 inch) gage length. Nonmetallic material may 
be used only for gaskets and packing.
    (b)(1) (Modifies PG-68.) Superheater safety valves must be as 
indicated in PG-68 of Section I of the ASME BPVC except as noted 
otherwise in this paragraph.
    (2) The setting of the superheater safety valve must not exceed the 
design pressure of the superheater outlet flange or the main steam 
piping beyond the superheater. To prevent damage to the superheater, 
the drum safety valve must be set at a pressure not less than that of 
the superheater safety valve setting plus 5 pounds, plus the pressure 
drop through the superheater and associated piping, including the 
desuperheater if fitted. See also Sec.  52.01-95(b)(1).
    (3) Drum pilot actuated superheater safety valves are permitted 
provided the setting of the pilot valve and superheater safety valve is 
such that the superheater safety valve will open before the drum safety 
    (c)(1) (Modifies PG-71.) Safety valves must be installed as 
indicated in PG-71 of Section I of the ASME BPVC except as noted 
otherwise in this paragraph (c).
    (2) The final setting of boiler safety valves must be checked and 
adjusted under steam pressure and, if possible, while the boiler is on 
line and at operating temperatures, to the satisfaction of a marine 
inspector who, upon acceptance, must seal the valves. This regulation 
applies to both drum and superheater safety valves of all boilers.
    (3) The safety valve body drains required by PG-71 of Section I of 
the ASME BPVC must be run as directly as possible from the body of each 
safety valve, or the drain from each safety valve may be led to an 
independent header common only to boiler safety valve drains. No valves 
of any type may be installed in the leakoff from drains or drain 
headers and they must be led to suitable locations to avoid hazard to 
    (d)(1) (Modifies PG-72.) The operation of safety valves must be as 
indicated in PG-72 of Section I of the ASME BPVC except as noted in 
paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
    (2) (Modifies PG-73.) The lifting device required by PG-73.1.3 of 
Section I of the ASME BPVC must be fitted with suitable relieving gear 
so arranged that the controls may be operated from the fireroom or 
engine room floor.

Sec.  52.01-130  Installation.

    (a) Foundations. (1) Plans showing details of proposed foundations 
and support for boilers and the proposed means of bracing boilers in 
the vessel must be submitted for approval to the Officer in Charge, 
Marine Inspection, in the district where the installation is being 
    (2) Provision must be made in foundations for expansion of the 
boilers when heated.
    (3) Boilers must be provided with chocks to prevent movement in the 
event of collision unless a bolted or riveted construction 
satisfactorily provides for this contingency.
    (b) Protection of adjacent structure. (1) Boilers must be so placed 
that all parts are readily accessible for inspection and repair.
    (2) In vessels having a double bottom or other extensive surfaces 
directly below the boiler, the distance between such surface and a 
boiler must in no case be less than 18 inches at the lowest part.
    (3) The pans of oil-burning, watertube boilers must be arranged to 
prevent oil from leaking into the bilges and must be lined with 
firebrick or other heat resisting material.
    (4) The distance between a boiler and a compartment containing fuel 
oil must not be less than 24 inches.
    (5) All oil-burning boilers must be provided with oiltight drip 
pans under the burners to prevent oil draining into the bilges.
    (c) Boiler uptakes.
    (1) Where dampers are installed in the uptakes or funnels, the 
arrangement must be such that it will not be possible to shut off the 
gas passages from the operating boilers.
    (2) Each main power boiler and auxiliary boiler must be fitted with 
a separate gas passage.

Sec.  52.01-135  Inspection and tests (modifies PG-90 through PG-100).

    (a) Requirements. Inspection and test of boilers and boiler 
pressure parts must be as indicated in PG-90 through PG-100 of Section 
I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) 
except as noted otherwise in this section.
    (b) Inspection personnel. The inspections required by PG-90 through 
PG-100 of Section I of the ASME BPVC must be performed by the 
``Authorized Inspector'' as defined in PG-91 of Section I of the ASME 
BPVC. The Authorized Inspector must hold a valid commission issued by 
the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. After 
installation, boilers will be inspected for compliance with this part 
by the ``Marine Inspector'' as defined in Sec.  50.10-15 of this 
    (c) Hydrostatic test. (Modifies PG-99.) Each new boiler must be 
hydrostatically tested after installation to 1.5 times the maximum 
allowable working pressure as indicated in PG-99 of Section I of the 
ASME BPVC. Before the boilers are insulated, accessible parts of the 
boiler must be emptied, opened, and all interior surfaces must be 
examined by the marine inspector to ascertain that no defects have 
occurred due to the hydrostatic test.
    (d) Operating tests. In addition to hydrostatic tests prescribed in 
paragraph (c) of this section,

[[Page 50101]]

automatically controlled propulsion and auxiliary boilers must be 
subjected to operating tests as specified in Sec. Sec.  61.30-20, 
61.35-1, 61.35-3, 62.30-10, 63.15-9, 63.25-3, and 63.25-5 of this 
subchapter, as appropriate, or as directed by the Officer in Charge, 
Marine Inspection, for propulsion boilers. These tests are to be 
performed after final installation.

Sec.  52.01-140  Certification by stamping (modifies PG-104 through PG-

    (a) All boilers built in accordance with this part must be stamped 
with the appropriate ASME symbol as required by PG-104 through PG-113 
of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
    (b) (1) Upon satisfactory completion of the tests and Coast Guard 
inspections, boilers must be stamped with the following:
    (i) Manufacturer's name and serial number;
    (ii) ASME symbol;
    (iii) Coast Guard symbol, which is affixed only by marine inspector 
(see Sec.  50.10-15 of this subchapter);
    (iv) Maximum allowable working pressure __ at __ [deg]C ([deg]F): 
    (v) Boiler rated steaming capacity in kilograms (pounds) per hour 
(rated joules (Btu) per hour output for high temperature water 
    (2) The information required in paragraph (b)(1) of this section 
must be located on:
    (i) The front head or shell near the normal waterline and within 
610 mm (24 inches) of the front of firetube boilers; and
    (ii) The drum head of water tube boilers.
    (3) Heating boilers built to Section I of the ASME BPVC, as 
permitted by Sec.  53.01-10(e) of this subchapter, do not require Coast 
Guard stamping but must receive full ASME stamping including the 
appropriate code symbol.
    (c) The data must be legibly stamped and must not be obliterated 
during the life of the boiler. In the event that the portion of the 
boiler upon which the data is stamped is to be insulated or otherwise 
covered, a metal nameplate as described in PG-106.6 of Section I of the 
ASME BPVC must be furnished and mounted. The nameplate is to be 
maintained in a legible condition so that the data may be easily read.
    (d) Safety valves must be stamped as indicated in PG-110 of the 

Sec.  52.01-145  Manufacturer's data report forms (modifies PG-112 and 

    The manufacturer's data report forms required by PG-112 and PG-113 
of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
52.01-1) must be made available to the marine inspector for review. The 
Authorized Inspector's National Board commission number must be 
included on the manufacturer's data report forms.

Subpart 52.05--Requirements for Boilers Fabricated by Welding

Sec.  52.05-1  General (modifies PW-1 through PW-54).

    Boilers and component parts, including piping, that are fabricated 
by welding must be as indicated in PW-1 through PW-54 of Section I of 
the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) except as 
noted otherwise in this subpart.

Sec.  52.05-15  Heat treatment (modifies PW-10).

    Vessels and vessel parts must be preheated and postweld heat 
treated in accordance with PW-38 and PW-39 of Section I of the ASME 
BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1). This includes 
boiler parts made of pipe material, even though they may be 
nondestructively examined under Sec.  52.05-20.

Sec.  52.05-20  Radiographic and ultrasonic examination (modifies PW-11 
and PW-41.1).

    Radiographic and ultrasonic examination of welded joints must be as 
described in PW-11 of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  52.01-1). Parts of boilers, fabricated of pipe 
material such as drums, shells, downcomers, risers, cross pipes, 
headers, and tubes containing only circumferentially welded butt 
joints, must be nondestructively examined as required by Sec.  56.95-10 
of this subchapter.

Sec.  52.05-30  Minimum requirements for attachment welds (modifies PW-

    (a) The location and minimum size of attachment welds for nozzles 
and other connections must be as required by PW-16 of Section I of the 
ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) except as 
noted otherwise in this section.
    (b) When nozzles or couplings are attached to boilers, as shown in 
Figure PW-16 (a) and (c) of Section I of the ASME BPVC, and are welded 
from one side only, backing strips must be used unless it can be 
determined visually or by nondestructive test methods that complete 
penetration has been obtained.
    (c) When attachments as shown in Figure PW-16 (y) and (z) of 
Section I of the ASME BPVC are employed they must be limited to 2-inch 
pipe size for pressure exceeding 150 psig.

Sec.  52.05-45  Circumferential joints in pipes, tubes, and headers 
(modifies PW-41).

    (a) Circumferential welded joints of pipes, tubes and headers must 
be as required by PW-41 of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) except as noted otherwise in this 
    (b) (Modifies PW-41.1.) Circumferential welded joints in pipes, 
tubes, and headers of pipe material must be nondestructively examined 
as required by Sec.  56.95-10 of this subchapter and PW-41 of Section I 
of the ASME BPVC.
    (c) (Modifies PW-41.5.) Butt-welded connections must be provided 
whenever radiography is required by Sec.  56.95-10 of this subchapter 
for the piping system in which the connection is to be made. When 
radiography is not required, welded socket or sleeve type joints 
meeting the requirements of PW-41.5 of Section I of the ASME BPVC may 
be provided.

Subpart 52.15--Requirements for Watertube Boilers

Sec.  52.15-1  General (modifies PWT-1 through PWT-15).

    Watertube boilers and parts thereof must be as indicated in PWT-1 
through PWT-15 of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) except as noted otherwise in this 

Sec.  52.15-5  Tube connections (modifies PWT-9 and PWT-11).

    (a) Tubes, pipe, and nipples must be attached to sheets, heads, 
headers, and fittings as indicated in PWT-11 of Section I of the ASME 
BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) except as noted 
otherwise in this section.
    (b) (Replaces PWT-9.2 and PWT-11.3.) Threaded boiler tubes are not 
permitted as described by PWT-9.2 and PWT-11.3 of Section I of the ASME 
    (c) In welded wall construction employing stub and welded wall 
panels that are field welded, 10 percent of the field welds must be 
checked using any acceptable nondestructive test method.
    (d) Nondestructive testing of the butt-welded joints must meet the 
requirements of Sec.  56.95-10 of this subchapter.

Subpart 52.20--Requirements for Firetube Boilers

Sec.  52.20-1  General (modifies PFT-1 through PFT-49).

    Firetube boilers and parts thereof must be as indicated in PFT-1 
through PFT-49 of Section I of the ASME BPVC

[[Page 50102]]

(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1) except as noted 
otherwise in this subpart.

Sec.  52.20-17  Opening between boiler and safety valve (modifies PFT-

    Discharge pipes must be installed in accordance with the 
requirements of Sec.  52.01-105.

Sec.  52.20-25  Setting (modifies PFT-46).

    (a) The method of supporting firetube boilers must be as indicated 
in PFT-46 of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  52.01-1) except as noted otherwise in this section.
    (b) The foundations must meet the requirements of Sec.  52.01-130.

Subpart 52.25--Other Boiler Types

Sec.  52.25-1  General.

    Requirements for fired boilers of various sizes and uses are 
referenced in table 1 to Sec.  54.01-5 of this subchapter.

Sec.  52.25-3  Feedwater heaters (modifies PFH-1).

    Feedwater heaters must meet the requirements in PFH-1 of Section I 
of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1).

Sec.  52.25-5  Miniature boilers (modifies PMB-1 through PMB-21).

    Miniature boilers must meet the requirements in PMB-1 through PMB-
21 of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  

Sec.  52.25-7  Electric boilers (modifies PEB-1 through PEB-19).

    Electric boilers required to comply with this part must meet the 
requirements in PEB-1 through PEB-19 except PEB-3 of Section I of the 
ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  52.01-1).

Sec.  52.25-10  Organic fluid vaporizer generators (modifies PVG-1 
through PVG-12).

    (a) Organic fluid vaporizers must meet the requirements of PVG-1 
through PVG-12 of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  52.01-1).
    (b) The Commandant must approve the application and end use of 
organic fluid vaporizer generators.

Sec.  52.25-15  Fired thermal fluid heaters.

    (a) Fired thermal fluid heaters must be designed, constructed, 
inspected, tested, and stamped in accordance with the applicable 
provisions in this part.
    (b) Each fired thermal fluid heater must be fitted with a control 
which prevents the heat transfer fluid from being heated above its 
flash point.
    (c) The heat transfer fluid must be chemically compatible with any 
cargo carried in the cargo tanks serviced by the heat transfer system.
    (d) Each fired thermal fluid heater must be tested and inspected in 
accordance with the requirements of subpart 61.30 of this subchapter.

Sec.  52.25-20  Exhaust gas boilers.

    Exhaust gas boilers with a maximum allowable working pressure 
greater than 103 kPa gage (15 psig) or an operating temperature greater 
than 454 [deg]C (850 [deg]F) must be designed, constructed, inspected, 
tested, and stamped in accordance with the applicable provisions in 
this part. The design temperature of parts exposed to the exhaust gas 
must be the maximum temperature that could normally be produced by the 
source of the exhaust gas. This temperature must be verified by testing 
or by the manufacturer of the engine or other equipment producing the 
exhaust. Automatic exhaust gas boiler control systems must be designed, 
constructed, tested, and inspected in accordance with Sec.  63.25-7 of 
this subchapter.

15. Revise and republish part 53 to read as follows:


Subpart 53.01--General Requirements
53.01-1 Incorporation by reference.
53.01-3 Adoption of Section IV of the ASME BPVC.
53.01-5 Scope (modifies HG-100).
53.01-10 Service restrictions and exceptions (replaces HG-101).
Subpart 53.05--Pressure Relieving Devices (Article 4)
53.05-1 Safety valve requirements for steam boilers (modifies HG-400 
and HG-401).
53.05-2 Relief valve requirements for hot water boilers (modifies 
53.05-3 Materials (modifies HG-401.2).
53.05-5 Discharge capacities and valve markings.
Subpart 53.10--Tests, Inspection, Stamping, and Reporting (Article 5)
53.10-1 General.
53.10-3 Inspection and tests (modifies HG-500 through HG-540).
53.10-10 Certification by stamping.
53.10-15 Manufacturers' data report forms.
Subpart 53.12--Instruments, Fittings, and Controls (Article 6)
53.12-1 General (modifies HG-600 through HG-640).

    Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 
1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 
00170.1, Revision No. 01.3.


Subpart 53.01--General Requirements

Sec.  53.01-1  Incorporation by reference.

    Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with 
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that 
specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish a document in 
the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. 
All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for 
inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Archives and 
Records Administration (NARA). Contact U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters 
at: Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering 
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; phone (202) 372-1375; email 
[email protected]. For information on the availability of this 
material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations or email [email protected]. The material may be obtained 
from the following sources:
    (a) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park 
Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990; 800-843-2763; [email protected]; 
    (1) ASME BPVC.I-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 
Section I, Rules for Construction of Power Boilers, 2019 Edition, 
issued July 1, 2019 (``Section I of the ASME BPVC''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  53.01-10(e).
    (2) ASME BPVC.IV-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 
Section IV, Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers, 2019 Edition, 
issued July 1, 2019 (``Section IV of the ASME BPVC''); IBR approved for 
Sec. Sec.  53.01-3; 53.01-5; 53.01-10(a); 53.05-1(a); 53.05-2(a); 
53.05-3; 53.05-5; 53.10-1; 53.10-3(a); 53.10-10; 53.10-15; 53.12-1(a).
    (b) UL Solutions, 333 Pfingston Road, Northbrook, IL 60062; 847-
272-8800; www.ul.com.
    (1) UL 174, Standard for Safety, Household Electric Storage Tank 
Water Heaters, Eleventh Edition, dated April 29, 2004, including 
revisions through December 15, 2016 (``UL 174''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  53.01-10(c).
    (2) UL 1453, Standard for Safety, Electric Booster and Commercial 
Storage Tank Water Heaters, Sixth Edition, dated March 29, 2016, 
including revisions through March 9, 2017 (``UL 1453''); IBR approved 
for Sec.  53.01-10(c).

[[Page 50103]]

Sec.  53.01-3  Adoption of Section IV of the ASME BPVC.

    (a) Heating boilers must be designed, constructed, inspected, 
tested, and stamped in accordance with Section IV of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  53.01-1) as limited, modified, or 
replaced by specific requirements in this part. The provisions in the 
appendices to Section IV of the ASME BPVC are adopted and must be 
followed when the requirements in Section IV make them mandatory. For 
general information, table 1 to Sec.  53.01-3(a) lists the various 
paragraphs in Section IV of the ASME BPVC that are limited, modified, 
or replaced by regulations in this part.

   Table 1 to Sec.   53.01-3(a)--Limitations and Modifications in the Adoption of Section IV of the ASME BPVC
  Paragraphs in Section IV of the ASME BPVC and
                   disposition                                           Unit of this part
HG-100 modified by...............................  53.01-5(b).
HG-101 replaced by...............................  53.01-10.
HG-400 modified by...............................  53.05-1.
HG-400.2 modified by.............................  53.05-2.
HG-401 modified by...............................  53.05-1.
HG-401.2 modified by.............................  53.05-3.
HG-500 through HG-540 modified by................  53.10-3.
HG-600 through HG-640 modified by................  53.12-1.
Note 1 to table Sec.   53.01-3(a): The references to specific provisions in Section IV of the ASME BPVC are
  coded. The first letter, such as ``H,'' refers to Section IV. The second letter, such as ``G,'' refers to a
  part or subpart in Section IV. The number following the letters refers to the numbered paragraph in the text
  of the part or subpart in Section IV.

    (b) References to the ASME BPVC, such as paragraph HG-307, 
    (1) H = Section IV of the ASME BPVC.
    (2) G = Part containing general requirements.
    (3) 3 = Article in part.
    (4) 307 = Paragraph within Article 3.
    (c) When a paragraph or a section of the regulations in this part 
relates to Section IV of the ASME BPVC, the relationship with the code 
will be shown immediately following the heading of the section or at 
the beginning of the paragraph, as follows:
    (1) (Modifies H__.) This indicates that the material in H__ is 
generally applicable but is being altered, amplified, or augmented.
    (2) (Replaces H__.) This indicates that H__ does not apply.
    (3) (Reproduces H__.) This indicates that H__ is being identically 
reproduced for convenience, not for emphasis.

Sec.  53.01-5  Scope (modifies HG-100).

    (a) The regulations in this part apply to steam heating boilers, 
hot water boilers (which include hot water heating boilers and hot 
water supply boilers), and to appurtenances thereto. The requirements 
in this part must be used in conjunction with Section IV of the ASME 
BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  53.01-1). Table 1 to Sec.  
54.01-5 of this subchapter gives a breakdown by parts in this 
subchapter of the regulations governing various types of pressure 
vessels and boilers.
    (b) (Modifies HG-100.) The requirements of part HG of Section IV of 
the ASME BPVC must be used except as noted otherwise in this part.

Sec.  53.01-10  Service restrictions and exceptions (replaces HG-101).

    (a) General. The service restrictions and exceptions must be as 
indicated in this section in lieu of the requirements of HG-101 of 
Section IV of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
    (b) Service restrictions. (1) Boilers of wrought materials must be 
restricted to a maximum of 103 kPa gage (15 psig) for steam and a 
maximum of 689 kPa (100 psig) or 121 [deg]C (250 [deg]F) for hot water. 
If operating conditions exceed these limits, design and fabrications 
must be in accordance with part 52 of this subchapter.
    (2) Boilers of cast iron materials must be restricted to a maximum 
of 103 kPa gage (15 psig) for steam and to a maximum of 206 kPa gage 
(30 psig) or 121 [deg]C (250 [deg]F) for hot water.
    (c) Hot water supply boilers. (1) Electrically fired hot water 
supply boilers that have a capacity not greater than 454 liters (120 
gallons), a heat input not greater than 58.6 kilowatts (200,000 Btu per 
hour), and are listed as approved under UL 174 or UL 1453 (both 
incorporated by reference; see Sec.  53.01-1) are exempted from the 
requirements of this part provided they are protected by a pressure 
relief device. This relief device need not comply with Sec.  53.05-2.
    (2) Oil fired hot water supply boilers are not exempted from the 
requirements of this part on the basis of size or heat input.
    (d) Exhaust gas boilers. Exhaust gas type boilers must be 
restricted to a working pressure equal to or less than 103 kPa gage (15 
psig) and an operating temperature equal to or less than 454 [deg]C 
(850 [deg]F). The design temperature of parts exposed to the exhaust 
gas must be the maximum temperature that could normally be produced by 
the source of exhaust gas. This temperature must be verified by testing 
or by the manufacturer of the engine or other equipment producing the 
    (e) ASME BPVC Section I. Heating boilers whose operating conditions 
are within the service restrictions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section 
may be constructed in accordance with Section I of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  53.01-1). In addition, these 
heating boilers must:
    (1) Be stamped with the appropriate ASME symbol in accordance with 
Section I of the ASME BPVC;
    (2) Meet the service restrictions of paragraph (b)(2) of this 
section if made of cast iron;
    (3) Have safety valves which meet the requirements of Sec.  52.01-
120 of this subchapter;
    (4) If a hot water supply boiler, have a temperature relief valve 
or a pressure-temperature relief valve in accordance with Sec.  53.05-
    (5) If automatically controlled, meet the applicable requirements 
in part 63 of this subchapter; and
    (6) Meet the inspection and test requirements of Sec.  53.10-3.
    (f) Controls and miscellaneous accessories. Refer to part 63 of 
this subchapter for the requirements governing controls and 
miscellaneous accessories.

Subpart 53.05--Pressure Relieving Devices (Article 4)

Sec.  53.05-1  Safety valve requirements for steam boilers (modifies 
HG-400 and HG-401).

    (a) The pressure relief valve requirements and the safety valve 
requirements for steam boilers must be

[[Page 50104]]

as indicated in HG-400 and HG-401 of Section IV of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  53.01-1) except as noted 
otherwise in this section.
    (b) Each steam boiler must have at least one safety valve.

Sec.  53.05-2  Relief valve requirements for hot water boilers 
(modifies HG-400.2).

    (a) Relief valves. The relief valve requirements for hot water 
boilers must be as indicated in article 4 of Section IV of the ASME 
BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  53.01-1) except as noted 
otherwise in this section.
    (b) Hot water heating boilers. Each hot water heating boiler must 
have at least one safety relief valve.
    (c) Hot water supply boilers. Each hot water supply boiler must 
have at least one safety relief valve and a temperature relief valve or 
a pressure-temperature relief valve. The valve temperature setting must 
not be more than 99 [deg]C (210 [deg]F).

Sec.  53.05-3  Materials (modifies HG-401.2).

    Materials for valves must be in accordance with HG-401.2 of Section 
IV of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  53.01-1) 
except that nonmetallic materials may be used only for gaskets and 

Sec.  53.05-5  Discharge capacities and valve markings.

    The discharge capacities and valve markings must be as indicated in 
HG-402 of Section IV of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  53.01-1). The discharge capacities must be certified by the 
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.

Subpart 53.10--Tests, Inspection, Stamping, and Reporting (Article 

Sec.  53.10-1  General

    The tests, inspection, stamping, and reporting of heating boilers 
must be as indicated in article 5, part HG of Section IV of the ASME 
BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  53.01-1) except as noted 
otherwise in this subpart.

Sec.  53.10-3  Inspection and tests (modifies HG-500 through HG-540).

    (a) The inspections required by HG-500 through HG-540 must be 
performed by the ``Authorized Inspector'' as defined in HG-515 of 
Section IV of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
53.01-1). The Authorized Inspector must hold a valid commission issued 
by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. After 
installation, heating boilers must be inspected for compliance with 
this part by a marine inspector.
    (b) Automatically controlled boilers must be subjected to the 
operating tests prescribed in part 63 of this subchapter.
    (c) All heating boilers must have the operation of their pressure 
relieving devices checked after the final installation.

Sec.  53.10-10  Certification by stamping.

    Stamping of heating boilers must be as indicated in HG-530 of 
Section IV of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  

Sec.  53.10-15  Manufacturer's data report forms.

    The manufacturer's data report forms required by HG-520 of Section 
IV of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  53.01-1) must 
be made available to the marine inspector for review. The Authorized 
Inspector's National Board commission number must be included on the 
manufacturer's data report forms.

Subpart 53.12--Instruments, Fittings, and Controls (Article 6)

Sec.  53.12-1  General (modifies HG-600 through HG-640).

    (a) The instruments, fittings and controls for heating boilers must 
be as indicated in HG-600 through HG-640 of Section IV of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  53.01-1) except as noted 
otherwise in this section.
    (b) For control systems for automatic auxiliary heating equipment, 
the requirements in part 63 of this subchapter govern and must be 

16. Revise and republish part 54 to read as follows:


Subpart 54.01--General Requirements
54.01-1 Incorporation by reference.
54.01-2 Adoption of Division 1 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC.
54.01-5 Scope (modifies U-1 and U-2).
54.01-10 Steam-generating pressure vessels (modifies U-1(g)).
54.01-15 Exemptions from shop inspection and plan approval (modifies 
54.01-17 Pressure vessel for human occupancy (PVHO).
54.01-18 Plan approval.
54.01-25 Miscellaneous pressure components (modifies UG-11).
54.01-30 Loadings (modifies UG-22).
54.01-35 Corrosion (modifies UG-25).
54.01-40 External pressure (modifies UG-28).
Subpart 54.03--Low Temperature Operation
54.03-1 Scope.
54.03-5 General.
Subpart 54.05--Toughness Tests
54.05-1 Scope (replaces UG-84).
54.05-3 Tests required.
54.05-5 Toughness test specimens.
54.05-6 Toughness test temperatures.
54.05-10 Certification of material toughness tests.
54.05-15 Weldment toughness tests--procedure qualifications.
54.05-16 Production toughness testing.
54.05-17 Weld toughness test acceptance criteria.
54.05-20 Impact test properties for service of 0 [deg]F and below.
54.05-25 [Reserved]
54.05-30 Allowable stress values at low temperatures.
Subpart 54.10--Inspection, Reports, and Stamping
54.10-1 Scope (modifies UG-90 through UG-103 and UG-115 through UG-
54.10-3 Marine inspectors and Coast Guard Symbol stamping (replaces 
UG-90 and UG-91, and modifies UG-92 through UG-103).
54.10-5 Maximum allowable working pressure (reproduces UG-98).
54.10-10 Standard hydrostatic test (modifies UG-99).
54.10-15 Pneumatic test (modifies UG-100).
54.10-20 Marking and stamping.
54.10-25 Manufacturers' data report forms (modifies UG-120).
Subpart 54.15--Pressure-Relief Devices
54.15-1 General (modifies UG-125 through UG-137).
54.15-3 Definitions (modifies appendix 3).
54.15-5 Protective devices (modifies UG-125).
54.15-10 Safety and relief valves (modifies UG-126).
54.15-13 Rupture disks (modifies UG-127).
54.15-15 Relief devices for unfired steam boilers, evaporators, and 
heat exchangers (modifies UG-126).
54.15-25 Minimum relief capacities for cargo tanks containing 
compressed or liquefied gas.
Subpart 54.20--Fabrication by Welding
54.20-1 Scope (modifies UW-1 through UW-65).
54.20-2 Fabrication for hazardous materials (replaces UW-2(a)).
54.20-3 Design (modifies UW-9, UW-11(a), UW-13, and UW-16).
54.20-5 Welding qualification tests and production testing (modifies 
UW-26, UW-28, UW-29, UW-47, and UW-48).
Subpart 54.23--Fabrication by Brazing
54.23-1 Scope (modifies UB-1).
Subpart 54.25--Construction With Carbon, Alloy, and Heat-Treated Steels
54.25-1 Scope.
54.25-3 Steel plates (modifies UCS-6).
54.25-5 Corrosion allowance.
54.25-7 Requirement for postweld heat treatment (modifies UCS-56).
54.25-8 Radiography (modifies UW-11(a), UCS-57, UNF-57, UHA-33, and 

[[Page 50105]]

54.25-10 Low temperature operation--ferritic steels (replaces UCS-65 
through UCS-67).
54.25-15 Low temperature operation--high alloy steels (modifies UHA-
23(b) and UHA-51).
54.25-20 Low temperature operation--ferritic steels with properties 
enhanced by heat treatment (modifies UHT-5(c), UHT-6, UHT-23, and 
54.25-25 Welding of quenched and tempered steels (modifies UHT-82).
Subpart 54.30--Mechanical Stress Relief
54.30-1 Scope.
54.30-3 Introduction.
54.30-5 Limitations and requirements.
54.30-10 Method of performing mechanical stress relief.
54.30-15 Requirement for analysis and computation.

    Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1509; 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; 
E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of 
Homeland Security Delegation No. 00170.1, Revision No. 01.3.


Subpart 54.01--General Requirements

Sec.  54.01-1  Incorporation by reference.

    Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with 
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that 
specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish a document in 
the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. 
All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for 
inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Archives and 
Records Administration (NARA). Contact U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters 
at: Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering 
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; phone (202) 372-1375; email 
[email protected]. For information on the availability of this 
material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations or email [email protected]. The material may be obtained 
from the following sources:
    (a) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park 
Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990; 800-843-2763; [email protected]; 
    (1) ASME BPVC.VIII.1-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 
Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure 
Vessels, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 2019 (``Section VIII of the ASME 
BPVC''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  54.01-2; 54.01-5 (c), (e), and 
table 2; 54.01-18(b); 54.01-25(a); 54.01-30; 54.01-35(a), (b), and (e); 
54.03-1; 54.05-1; 54.10-1; 54.10-3(b); 54.10-5(a), (b), and table 1; 
54.10-10(b) and (e); 54.10-15(c); 54.15-1(a); 54.15-5(a); 54.15-10(e) 
and (h); 54.15-13(a); 54.20-1(a); 54.20-3(b), (c), and (d); 54.25-1; 
54.25-3; 54.25-8(b); 54.25-10(b) and (c); 54.25-15; 54.25-20(b), (c), 
and (e); 54.30-3(c); 54.30-5(a); 54.30-10(a).
    (2) [Reserved]
    (b) ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West 
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; 610-832-9500; [email protected]; 
    (1) ASTM A20/A20M-19, Standard Specification for General 
Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels, approved May 1, 
2019 (``ASTM A20/A20M''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  54.05-10(a); 
    (2) ASTM A203/A203M-17, Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel 
Plates, Alloy Steel, Nickel, approved November 1, 2017 (``ASTM A203/
A203M''); IBR approved for Sec.  54.05-20(b).
    (3) ASTM A370-19, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for 
Mechanical Testing of Steel Products, approved July 1, 2019 (``ASTM 
A370''); IBR approved for Sec.  54.25-20(b).
    (4) ASTM E23-18, Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact 
Testing of Metallic Materials, approved June 1, 2018 (``ASTM E23''); 
IBR approved for Sec.  54.05-5(a).
    (5) ASTM E208-19, Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop-Weight 
Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic 
Steels, approved October 1, 2019 (``ASTM E208''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  54.05-5(b) and (c).
    (c) Compressed Gas Association (CGA), 8484 Westpark Drive, Suite 
220, McLean, VA 22012; 703-788-2700; www.cganet.com.
    (1) CGA S-1.2-2009, Pressure Relief Device Standards--Part 2--
Portable Containers for Compressed Gases, Ninth Edition, 2009 (``CGA S-
1.2''); IBR approved for Sec.  54.15-10(h).
    (2) [Reserved]
    (d) Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings 
Industry, Inc. (MSS), 127 Park Street NE, Vienna, VA 22180-4602; 703-
281-6613; www.msshq.org.
    (1) ANSI/MSS SP-25-2018, Standard Marking System for Valves, 
Fittings, Flanges and Unions, published September 2018 (``MSS SP-25''); 
IBR approved for Sec.  54.01-25(b).
    (2) [Reserved]

Sec.  54.01-2  Adoption of Division 1 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC.

    (a) Pressure vessels must be designed, constructed, and inspected 
in accordance with Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  54.01-1), as limited, modified, or replaced by 
specific requirements in this part. The provisions in the appendices to 
Section VIII of the ASME BPVC are adopted and must be followed when the 
requirements in Section VIII make them mandatory. For general 
information, table 1 to Sec.  54.01-2(a) lists the various paragraphs 
in Section VIII of the ASME BPVC that are limited, modified, or 
replaced by regulations in this part.

  Table 1 to Sec.   54.01-2(a)--Limitations and Modifications in the Adoption of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC
Paragraphs in section VIII of the ASME BPVC
              and disposition                                         Unit of this part
U-1 and U-2 modified by....................  54.01-5 through 54.01-15.
U-1(c) replaced by.........................  54.01-5.
U-1(d) replaced by.........................  54.01-5(a) and 54.01-15.
U-1(g) modified by.........................  54.01-10.
U-1(c)(2) modified by......................  54.01-15.
UG-11 modified by..........................  54.01-25.
UG-22 modified by..........................  54.01-30.
UG-25 modified by..........................  54.01-35.
UG-28 modified by..........................  54.01-40.
UG-84 replaced by..........................  54.05-1.
UG-90 and UG-91 replaced by................  54.10-3.
UG-92 through UG-103 modified by...........  54.10-1 through 54.10-15.
UG-98 reproduced by........................  54.10-5.
UG-115 through UG-120 modified by..........  54.10-1.

[[Page 50106]]

UG-116, except (j), replaced by............  54.10-20(a).
UG-116(j) replaced by......................  54.10-20(b).
UG-117 replaced by.........................  54.10-20(c).
UG-118 replaced by.........................  54.10-20(a).
UG-119 modified by.........................  54.10-20(d).
UG-120 modified by.........................  54.10-25.
UG-125 through UG-137 modified by..........  54.15-1 through 54.15-15.
UW-1 through UW-65 modified by.............  54.20-1.
UW-2(a) replaced by........................  54.01-5(b) and 54.20-2.
UW-2(b) replaced by........................  54.01-5(b) and 54.20-2.
UW-9, UW-11(a), UW-13, and UW-16 modified    54.20-3.
UW-11(a) modified by.......................  54.25-8.
UW-26, UW-27, UW-28, UW-29, UW-47, and UW-   54.20-5.
 48 modified by.
UB-1 modified by...........................  54.23-1
UB-2 modified by...........................  52.01-95(d) and 56.30-30(b)(1).
UCS-6 modified by..........................  54.25-3.
UCS-56 modified by.........................  54.25-7.
UCS-57, UNF-57, UHA-33, and UHT-57 modified  54.25-8.
UCS-65 through UCS-67 replaced by..........  54.25-10.
UHA-23(b) and UHA-51 modified by...........  54.25-15.
UHT-5(c), UHT-6, and UHT-23 modified by....  54.25-20.
UHT-82 modified by.........................  54.25-20 and 54.25-25.
Appendix 3 modified by.....................  54.15-3.
Note 1 to table Sec.   54.01-2(a): The references to specific provisions in Section VIII of the ASME BPVC are
  coded. The first letter, such as ``U,'' refers to Division 1 of Section VIII. The second letter, such as
  ``G,'' refers to a subsection within Section VIII. The number refers to the paragraph within the subsection.

    (b) References to the ASME BPVC, such as paragraph UG-125, 
    (1) U = Division 1 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC.
    (2) G = Part containing general requirements.
    (3) 125 = Paragraph within part.
    (c) When a paragraph or a section of the regulations in this part 
relates to material in Section VIII of the ASME BPVC, the relationship 
with the code will be shown immediately following the heading of the 
section or at the beginning of the paragraph, as follows:
    (1) (Modifies U__.) This indicates that the material in U__ is 
generally applicable but is being altered, amplified or augmented.
    (2) (Replaces U__.) This indicates that U__ does not apply.
    (3) (Reproduces U__.) This indicates that U__ is being identically 
reproduced for convenience, not for emphasis.

Sec.  54.01-5  Scope (modifies U-1 and U-2).

    (a) This part contains requirements for pressure vessels. Table 1 
to Sec.  54.01-5 gives a breakdown by parts in this subchapter of the 
regulations governing various types of pressure vessels, boilers, and 
thermal units.
    (b) Pressure vessels are divided into Classes I, I-L (low 
temperature), II, II-L (low temperature), and III. Table 2 to Sec.  
54.01-5 describes these classes and sets out additional requirements 
for welded pressure vessels.
    (c) The requirements for pressure vessels by class are as follows:
    (1) Class I-L and II-L pressure vessels must meet the applicable 
requirements in this part.
    (2) Pressure vessels containing hazardous materials as defined in 
Sec.  150.115 of this chapter must meet the requirements of this part 
or, as applicable, the requirements in 49 CFR parts 171-177, or part 64 
of this subchapter.
    (3) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, Classes 
I, II, and III pressure vessels not containing hazardous materials must 
be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements in 
Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
54.01-1) and must be stamped with the ASME ``U'' symbol. These pressure 
vessels must also comply with the requirements that are listed or 
prescribed in paragraphs (d) through (g) of this section. Compliance 
with other provisions in this part is not required.
    (4) Classes II and III pressure vessels that have a net internal 
volume of less than 0.14 cubic meters (5 cubic feet) and do not contain 
hazardous materials must be stamped with either the ASME ``U'' or 
``UM'' symbol. Compliance with other provisions in this part is not 
    (d) Pressure vessels described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section 
    (1) Have detailed plans that include the information required by 
Sec.  54.01-18;
    (2) Meet Sec. Sec.  54.01-35, 54.20-3(c), and 54.25-3;
    (3) Have pressure relief devices required by subpart 54.15;
    (4) Meet the applicable requirements in Sec. Sec.  54.10-3, 54.10-
20, and 54.10-25 for inspection, reports, and stamping;
    (5) If welded, meet the post weld heat treatment and minimum joint 
and radiography requirement in table 2 to Sec.  54.01-5; and
    (6) If a steam generating pressure vessel, meet Sec.  54.01-10.
    (e) The plans required by paragraph (d)(1) of this section must be 
certified by a registered professional engineer to meet the design 
requirements in paragraph (d) of this section and in Section VIII of 
the ASME BPVC. The certification must appear on all drawings and 
analyses. The plans must be made available to the Coast Guard prior to 
the inspection required by Sec.  54.10-3(c).
    (f) If a pressure vessel has more than one independent chamber and 
the chambers have different classifications, each chamber must, as a 
minimum, meet the requirements for its classification. If a single 
classification for the entire pressure vessel is preferred, the 
classification selected must be one that is required to meet all of the 
regulations applicable to the classification that is not selected. For 
example, if one chamber is Class I and one chamber is Class II-L, the 

[[Page 50107]]

single classification that can be selected is Class I-L.
    (g) The design pressure for each interface between two chambers in 
a multichambered pressure vessel must be--
    (1) The maximum allowable working pressure (gauge) in the chamber 
with the higher pressure; or
    (2) If one chamber is a vacuum chamber, the maximum allowable 
working pressure (absolute) in the other chamber minus the least 
operating pressure (absolute) in the vacuum chamber.

  Table 1 to Sec.   54.01-5--Regulation Reference for Boilers, Pressure
                       Vessels, and Thermal Units
                               Part of subchapter    Part of subchapter
    Service and pressure           regulating            regulating
   temperature boundaries      mechanical  design    automatic  control
Main (power) boiler: All....                    52                    62
Pressure vessel: All........                    54                    NA
Fired auxiliary boiler \1\
 (combustion products or
    (1) Steam:
        More than 103 kPa                       52          \2\ 62 or 63
         (15 psig)..........
        Equal to or less                        53                    63
         than 103 kPa (15
    (2) Hot water heating:
        More than 689 kPa                       52                    63
         (100 psig) or 121
         [deg]C (250 [deg]F)
        Equal to or less                        53                    63
         than 689 kPa (100
         psig) and 121
         [deg]C (250 [deg]F)
    (3) Hot water supply:
        More than 689 kPa                       52                    63
         (100 psig) or 121
         [deg]C (250 [deg]F)
        Equal to or less                        53                    63
         than 689 kPa (100
         psig) and 121
         [deg]C (250 [deg]F)
    (1) Fired thermal fluid                     52                    63
     heaters: All
    (2) Unfired steam
        More than 206 kPa                       52                    NA
         (30 psig) or 454
         [deg]C (850 [deg]F)
        Equal to or less                        54                    NA
         than 206 kPa (30
         psig) and 454
         [deg]C (850 [deg]F)
    (3) Evaporators and heat                    54                    NA
     exchangers: More than
     103 kPa (15 psig) \4\
    (4) Unfired hot water                       54                    NA
     supply or heating
     boiler: More than 103
     kPa (15 psig) \4\
\1\ Including exhaust gas types.
\2\ Boilers with heat input ratings >=12,500,000 Btu/hr. must have
  controls that meet part 62 of this subchapter. Boilers with heat input
  ratings <12,500,000 Btu/hr. must have controls that meet part 63 of
  this subchapter.
\3\ Temperature of working fluid.
\4\ Relief device is required even if designed for less than 103 kPa (15

                                                Table 2 to Sec.   54.01-5--Pressure Vessel Classification
                                                                                                            requirements, Section
                                                                 Class limits on      Joint requirements 1  VIII of the ASME BPVC      Post-weld heat
               Class                    Service contents          pressure and                6 7              (incorporated by          treatment
                                                                   temperature                               reference; see Sec.      requirements 5 7
                                                                                                                 54.01-1) 3 7
I..................................  (a) Vapor or gas......  Vapor or gas: Over 600  (1) For category A;    Full on all butt       For carbon- or low-
                                     (b) Liquid............   psi or 700 [deg]F.      (1) or (2) for         joints regardless of   alloy steel, in
                                     (c) Hazardous           Liquid: Over 600 psi     category B. All        thickness.             accordance with
                                      Materials \2\.          or 400 [deg]F.          categories C and D     Exceptions listed in   table UCS-56 of
                                                                                      must have full         table UCS-57 of        Section VIII of the
                                                                                      penetration welds      Section VIII of the    ASME BPVC,
                                                                                      extending through      ASME BPVC do not       regardless of
                                                                                      the entire thickness   apply.                 thickness. For other
                                                                                      of the vessel wall                            materials, in
                                                                                      or nozzle wall.                               accordance with
                                                                                                                                    Section VIII.
I-L Low Temperature................  (a) Vapor or gas, or    Over 250 psi and        (1) For categories A   Full on all butt       For carbon- or low-
                                      liquid.                 service temp. below 0   and B. All             joints regardless of   alloy steel, in
                                     (b) Hazardous            [deg]F.                 categories C and D     thickness.             accordance with
                                      Materials \2\.                                  must have full         Exceptions listed in   table UCS-56 of
                                                                                      penetration welds      table UCS-57 of        Section VIII of the
                                                                                      extending through      Section VIII of the    ASME BPVC,
                                                                                      the entire thickness   ASME BPVC do not       regardless of
                                                                                      of the vessel wall     apply.                 thickness. For other
                                                                                      or nozzle wall. No                            materials, in
                                                                                      backing rings or                              accordance with
                                                                                      strips left in place.                         Section VIII.
II.................................  (a) Vapor or gas......  Vapor or gas: 30        (1) Or (2) for         Spot, unless exempted  In accordance with
                                     (b) Liquid............   through 600 psi or      category A. (1),       by UW-11(c) of         Section VIII of the
                                     (c) Hazardous            275 through 700         (2), or (3) for        Section VIII of the    ASME BPVC.
                                      Materials 2 3 6.        [deg]F.                 category B.            ASME BPVC.
                                                             Liquid: 200 through     Categories C and D in
                                                              600 psi or 250          accordance with UW-
                                                              through 400 [deg]F.     16 of Section VIII
                                                                                      of the ASME BPVC.
II-L Low Temperature...............  (a) Vapor or gas, or    0 through 250 psi and   (1) For category A;    Spot. The exemption    Same as for I-L
                                      liquid.                 service temp. below 0   (1) or (2) for         of UW-11(c) of         except that
                                     (b) Hazardous            [deg]F.                 category B. All        Section VIII of the    mechanical stress
                                      Materials \2\.                                  categories C and D     ASME BPVC does not     relief may be
                                                                                      must have full-        apply.                 substituted if
                                                                                      penetration welds                             allowed under
                                                                                      extending through                             subpart 54.30.
                                                                                      the entire thickness
                                                                                      of the vessel wall
                                                                                      or nozzle wall.

[[Page 50108]]

III................................  (a) Vapor or gas......  Vapor or gas: Under 30  In accordance with     Spot, unless exempted  In accordance with
                                     (b) Liquid............   psi and 0 through 275   Section VIII of the    by UW-11(c) of         Section VIII of the
                                     (c) Hazardous            [deg]F.                 ASME BPVC.             Section VIII of the    ASME BPVC.
                                      Materials 2 3 6.       Liquid: Under 200 psi                           ASME BPVC.
                                                              and 0 through 250
\1\ Welded joint categories are defined under UW-3 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC. Joint types are described in table UW-12 of Section VIII of the
  ASME BPVC, and numbered (1), (2), etc.
\2\ See Sec.   54.20-2.
\3\ See Sec.  Sec.   54.25-8(c) and 54.25-10(d).
\4\ See Sec.  Sec.   54.01-15 and 54.10-3 for exemptions.
\5\ Specific requirements modifying table UCS-56 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC appear in Sec.   54.25-7.
\6\ See Sec.   54.20-3(c) and (f).
\7\ Applies only to welded pressure vessels.
Note 1 to table 2 to Sec.   54.01-5: All classes of pressure vessels are subject to shop inspection and plan approval. See Sec.  Sec.   54.01-15 and
  54.10-3 for exemptions.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control 
number 2130-0181)

Sec.  54.01-10  Steam-generating pressure vessels (modifies U-1(g)).

    (a) Pressure vessels in which steam is generated are classed as 
``Unfired Steam Boilers'' except as required otherwise by paragraph (b) 
of this section. Unfired steam boilers must be fitted with an efficient 
water level indicator, a pressure gage, a blowdown valve, and an 
approved safety valve as required by Sec.  54.15-15. Unfired steam 
boilers must be constructed in accordance with this part other than 
when the pressures are more than 206 kPa (30 psig) or the temperatures 
of the working fluid are more than 454 [deg]C (850 [deg]F) when such 
boilers must be constructed in accordance with part 52 of this 
    (b) Vessels known as ``Evaporators'' or ``Heat Exchangers'' are not 
classified as unfired steam boilers. They must be fitted with an 
approved safety device as required under Sec.  54.15-15 and constructed 
in accordance with this part.
    (c) An evaporator in which steam is generated must be fitted with 
an efficient water level indicator, a pressure gage, and a blowdown 

Sec.  54.01-15  Exemptions from shop inspection and plan approval 
(modifies U-1(c)(2)).

    (a) The following classifications are exempt from shop inspection 
and plan approval requirements of this part:
    (1) Vessels containing water at a pressure not greater than 689 kPa 
(100 psig), and at a temperature not above 93 [deg]C (200 [deg]F) 
including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as 
a cushion. Air-charging lines may be permanently attached if the air 
pressure does not exceed 103 kPa (15 psig).
    (2) (i) Hot water supply storage tanks heated by steam or any other 
indirect means when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
    (A) A heat input of 58 kW (200,000 Btu per hour);
    (B) A water temperature of 93 [deg]C (200 [deg]F);
    (C) A nominal water-containing capacity of 454 liters (120 
gallons); or
    (D) A pressure of 689 kPa (100 psig).
    (ii) The exemption of any tank under this paragraph (a)(2) requires 
that it must be fitted with a safety relief valve of at least 1-inch 
diameter, set to relieve below the maximum allowable working pressure 
of the tank.
    (3)(i) Vessels having an internal operating pressure not exceeding 
103 kPa (15 psig) with no limitation on size.
    (ii) Cargo tanks of pressure vessel configuration are not included 
in the exemption in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section.
    (4) Class I, II, and III pressure vessels that meet the 
requirements of Sec.  54.01-5(c)(3) and (4).
    (5) Condensers and heat exchangers, regardless of size, when the 
design is such that the liquid phase is not greater than 689 kPa (100 
psig) and 200 [deg]F (93 [deg]C) and the vapor phase is not greater 
than 103 kPa (15 psig) provided that the Officer in Charge, Marine 
Inspection is satisfied that system overpressure conditions are 
addressed by the owner or operator.
    (b) For fluid conditioner fittings see Sec.  56.15-1 of this 

Sec.  54.01-17  Pressure vessel for human occupancy (PVHO).

    Pressure vessels for human occupancy (PVHOs) must meet the 
requirements of subpart B (Commercial Diving Operations) of part 197 of 
this chapter.

Sec.  54.01-18  Plan approval.

    (a) Manufacturers intending to fabricate pressure vessels, heat 
exchangers, evaporators, and similar appurtenances, covered by the 
regulations in this part must submit detailed plans in accordance with 
subpart 50.20 of this subchapter except as provided in paragraph (c) of 
this section.
    (b) The following information must be submitted:
    (1) Calculations for all pressure containment components including 
the maximum allowable working pressure, the hydrostatic or pneumatic 
test pressure, and the intended safety device setting.
    (2) Joint design and methods of attachment of all pressure 
containment components.
    (3) Foundations and supports (design and attachment).
    (4) Pertinent calculations for pressure vessel foundations and/or 
    (5) A bill of material meeting the requirements of Section VIII of 
the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1), as 
modified by this part.
    (6) A diagrammatic arrangement drawing of the assembled unit 
indicating location of internal and external components.
    (c) Plans for Class I, II, and III pressure vessels with the ASME 
``U'' stamp that do not contain hazardous materials are not required to 
be submitted for approval (see Sec.  54.01-5(e)).

Sec.  54.01-25  Miscellaneous pressure components (modifies UG-11).

    (a) Pressure components for pressure vessels must be as required by 
UG-11 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  54.01-1) except as noted otherwise in this section.

[[Page 50109]]

    (b) All pressure components conforming to an accepted ANSI 
(American National Standards Institute) Standard referred to in an 
adopted code, specification or standard or in this subchapter must also 
be marked in accordance with MSS SP-25 (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  54.01-1).

Sec.  54.01-30  Loadings (modifies UG-22).

    (a) The loadings for pressure vessels must be as required by UG-22 
of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
54.01-1) except as noted otherwise in this section.
    (b) In evaluating loadings for certain pressure vessel 
applications, the Commandant may require consideration of the following 
loads in addition to those listed in UG-22 of Section VIII of the ASME 
    (1) Loading imposed by vessel's attitude in roll, list, pitch and 
    (2) Dynamic forces due to ship motions.

Sec.  54.01-35  Corrosion (modifies UG-25).

    (a) Vessels or portions of vessels subject to corrosion must be as 
required by UG-25 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) except as noted otherwise in this 
    (b) The pressure portions of pressure vessels must:
    (1) Normally have a corrosion allowance of one-sixth of the 
calculated thickness, or one-sixteenth inch, whichever is smaller, 
added to the calculated thickness as determined by the applicable 
design formula.
    (2) Be specifically evaluated in cases where unusually corrosive 
cargoes will be involved, for the possible increase of this corrosion 
    (3) Have no additional thickness required when acceptable corrosion 
resistant materials are used.
    (4) Not normally need additional thickness allowance when the 
effective stress (either S or SE depending on the design formula used) 
is 80 percent or less of the allowable stress listed in Section VIII of 
the ASME BPVC for calculating thickness.
    (c) Telltale holes must not be permitted in pressure vessels 
containing dangerous fluids, such as acid, poison, corrosives, etc.
    (d) Exemption from these corrosion allowance requirements will be 
granted by the Commandant in those cases where:
    (1) The contents of the pressure vessel are judged to be 
sufficiently noncorrosive; and,
    (2) Where the external surface is also protected from corrosion. A 
suitable vapor barrier is adequate protection, while paint or other 
thin coatings exposed to weather or mechanical damage are not 
    (e) No applied linings except as provided in part UCL of Section 
VIII of the ASME BPVC are acceptable.

Sec.  54.01-40  External pressure (modifies UG-28).

    (a) The exemption from external pressure consideration provided by 
the note under UG-28(f) does not apply.
    (b) Vessels which may at times be subjected to partial vacuum due 
to nature of the contents, temperature, unloading operations, or other 
facet of employment must either have vacuum breaker protection or be 
designed for not less than one-half atmosphere of external pressure.

Subpart 54.03--Low Temperature Operation

Sec.  54.03-1  Scope.

    The pressure vessels for low temperature operation must be as 
required by Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; 
see Sec.  54.01-1) as modified by this subpart.

Sec.  54.03-5  General.

    (a) Requirements for ferritic steels, high alloy steels, and heat-
treated ferritic steels are contained in Sec. Sec.  54.25-10, 54.25-15, 
and 54.25-20, respectively.
    (b) Requirements for toughness testing of material product forms 
and weldments (including weld procedure qualification and production 
toughness tests) are contained in subpart 54.05.
    (c) Materials suitable for a given minimum service temperature may 
be used in warmer service. Steels differing in chemical composition, 
mechanical properties, or heat treatments from those specified may be 
specially approved by the Commandant. Similarly, aluminum alloys and 
other nonferrous materials not intended to be covered by these sections 
may be specially considered by the Commandant for service at any low 

Subpart 54.05--Toughness Tests

Sec.  54.05-1  Scope (replaces UG-84).

    The toughness tests of materials used in pressure vessels must be 
as required by this subpart in lieu of requirements in UG-84 of Section 
VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1).

Sec.  54.05-3  Tests required.

    (a) Where material or welding toughness tests are required by 
Sec. Sec.  54.25-10, 54.25-15, 54.25-20, and subpart 57.03 or 57.06 of 
this subchapter, the following requirements apply:
    (1) Additional requirements for ferritic steels with properties 
enhanced by heat treatment are in Sec.  54.25-20.
    (2) Certified reports of toughness tests by the material 
manufacturer will be acceptable evidence provided the specimens taken 
are representative of the material delivered and that the material is 
not subject to treatment during or following fabrication that will 
reduce its impact properties. If such treatment is subsequently applied 
to the material, test specimens must be so taken and treated as to be 
representative of the material in the finished vessel.
    (b) The requirements of this subpart are also applicable to 
nonpressure vessel type low temperature tanks and associated secondary 
barriers, as defined in Sec.  38.05-4 of subchapter D of this chapter.

Sec.  54.05-5  Toughness test specimens.

    (a) Charpy V-notch impact tests. Where required, Charpy V-notch 
tests must be conducted in accordance with ASTM E23 (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  54.01-1), using the Type A specimen shown in ASTM 
E23--Figure 4. Special attention is drawn to the fact that the Charpy 
Keyhole and U-notch specimens are not acceptable substitutes for the 
Charpy V-notch specimen and must not be used to qualify materials 
within the scope of this subpart. Each set of Charpy impact tests must 
consist of three specimens. For materials \1/2\-inch thick or less, the 
largest possible Charpy specimens for that thickness must be cut 
centered at the material's mid-thickness. For materials thicker than 
\1/2\-inch, full size Charpy specimens must be cut centered at a 
location as near as practicable to a point midway between the 
material's surface and half-thickness. Except where otherwise 
specified, transversely oriented specimens must be used. When 
longitudinal specimens are used, the required energy values may not be 
less than 1.5 times the values required for transversely oriented 
specimens. In all cases, the notch must be cut normal to the material's 
surface. Test specimens must be taken at least one ``t'' from any heat-
treated edge (where ``t'' is the material's nominal thickness).
    (b) Drop weight tests. Where required, drop weight tests must be 
conducted for no-break performance in accordance with ASTM E208 
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  54.01-1). For material 
thicknesses between \1/2\-inch and\ 5/8\-inch, the ASTM E208 specimen 
P-3, machined to \1/2\-inch thickness, must be used with a stop 
distance of 0.090-inch.

[[Page 50110]]

In preparing weld specimens for drop weight testing, weld reinforcement 
must be ground flush, the hard facing bead centered on and transverse 
to the weld, and the notch centered on and parallel to the weld axis.
    (c) Retest procedures. (1) When Charpy V-notch impact specimens are 
used and the average value of the three initial specimens fails to meet 
the stated requirements by an amount not exceeding 15 percent, or the 
value for more than one specimen is below the required average value of 
when the value for one specimen is below the minimum value permitted 
for a single specimen by an amount not exceeding 15 percent, three 
additional specimens from the same material may be tested and the 
results combined with those previously obtained to form a new average. 
This new average of six specimens must exceed the specified minimum 
average. In the event the Charpy retests fail, the material may still 
be qualified by exhibiting a no-break performance when tested in 
accordance with the drop weight procedure, if applicable. Two drop 
weight specimens must be tested for each Charpy V-notch set of three 
initial specimens which failed to qualify. Failure of either or both of 
these drop weight specimens will constitute rejection of the material 
or weldments represented, except as outlined in paragraph (c)(3) of 
this section.
    (2) When drop weight specimens are used, retests are permitted only 
within the limits prescribed in ASTM E208, except as outlined in 
paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
    (3) If, for heat treated base material, the required toughness 
results are not obtained in the initial test or in the retest, the 
material may be reheat treated one time and tested again in accordance 
with the initial requirements for the material.
    (d) Alternate toughness tests. The Charpy V-notch impact values of 
Sec. Sec.  54.05-20(a) and 54.05-25(a) are representative of those 
which correlate with the nil-ductility transition temperature 
determined by the drop-weight tests for the steels specified in Sec.  
54.25-10. For materials for which there are other data showing suitable 
correlation between Charpy V-notch and drop-weight tests, V-notch 
acceptance limits different from those tabulated herein may be 
specially approved by the Commandant, based upon the actual 
correlation. In the case of steels for which the tabulated Charpy V-
notch values can be shown to be inapplicable or in the case of 
specially considered steels, or as an alternative to complying with the 
tabulated impact requirements, acceptance may be based upon the 
material exhibiting a no-break performance when tested in accordance 
with the drop-weight procedure. Whenever the drop-weight test is used 
as an alternative to the Charpy V-notch test, two drop-weight specimens 
must be tested for each set of three Charpy V-notch specimens otherwise 
required. If the drop-weight test cannot be performed because of 
material thickness limitations (less than one-half inch) or product 
shape, or is otherwise inapplicable (because of heat treatment, 
chemistry, etc.), other tests and/or test criteria will be specified by 
the Commandant to assure the adequacy of the material for the intended 

Sec.  54.05-6  Toughness test temperatures.

    Each toughness test must be conducted at temperatures not warmer 
than -20 [deg]F or 10 [deg]F below the minimum service temperature, 
whichever is lower, except that for service at or below -320 [deg]F, 
the tests may be conducted at the service temperature in accordance 
with Sec.  54.25-10(a)(2).

Sec.  54.05-10  Certification of material toughness tests.

    (a) Plate material. The manufacturer of plates may certify such 
material, provided it has been given an appropriate heat-treatment, by 
reporting the results of tests of one set of Charpy impact specimens or 
of two drop weight specimens, as applicable, taken from each plate as 
rolled. Impact specimens must be taken as outlined in section 12 of 
ASTM A20/A20M (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  54.01-1). The long 
axis of the Charpy specimen must be perpendicular to the final 
direction of rolling. When the direction of maximum stress is unknown, 
the manufacturer may certify on the basis of specimens taken parallel 
to the final direction of rolling.
    (b) Pipe or tube material. (1) The manufacturer of pipe, tube, or 
welded fittings formed from pipe or tube may certify such material by 
reporting the results of tests of one set of Charpy impact specimens, 
provided the requirement for production in this paragraph (b)(1) or (2) 
of this section, as well as the requirement for sampling in paragraph 
(b)(3) of this section are met. The specimens must have the major axis 
parallel to the length of pipe or tube. In the case of welding 
fittings, the specimens may be taken from the tubing prior to forming 
provided the fittings are normalized after forming. Such specimens must 
be normalized before testing.
    (2) One set of specimens may represent each five (5) short tons, or 
less, of the pipe, tubes, or welding fittings produced from one heat of 
steel poured from a single melting furnace charge and subsequently 
processed in the same manner, provided all are given a normalizing 
heat-treatment in a continuous treating furnace in which the 
temperature is automatically controlled and checked by recording 
    (3) One set of specimens may represent each five (5) short tons, or 
less, of the pipe, tubes, or welding fittings that have been given a 
normalizing heat-treatment as a single charge in a batch-treating 
furnace equipped with recording pyrometer provided all have been 
produced from a single melting furnace heat and are subsequently 
processed in the same manner. If more than one melting furnace heat is 
present in the batch heat-treating furnace, means of identification 
must be provided and one set of specimens must be taken from each heat.
    (4) One set of impact specimens must be taken from one pipe or tube 
picked at random from each heat or furnace batch or portion thereof to 
be certified.
    (c) Forgings and forged or rolled fittings. (1) The manufacturer of 
forgings for any purpose may certify them by reporting the results of 
tests of one set of Charpy impact specimens or two drop-weight 
specimens, as applicable, taken from each 5 short tons of product from 
each melting heat provided the requirements in this paragraph for 
production and sampling are met.
    (2) One or more test blocks must be cut from billets or blooms 
selected at random from each heat of material. Each test block must be 
forge-reduced in thickness to the thickness of the finished forgings to 
be certified, within the limitations set below. After forging to the 
reduced thickness, the test block must be heat-treated in the same 
manner as the finished forgings represented, which heat-treatment of 
test blocks may be carried out in the furnace with the forgings, or 
separately. If carried out separately, both heat-treatments must be 
done in automatically controlled furnaces equipped with calibrated 
recording pyrometers, the certified records of which must be made 
available to the inspector.
    (3) One set of Charpy impact specimens or two drop-weight 
specimens, as applicable, must be cut from each such test block and 
these specimens will represent all forgings (up to 5 short tons) that 
are from the same heat of material and given the same heat-treatment as 
the test block,

[[Page 50111]]

and the thickness of which does not differ from that of the test block 
by more than plus or minus 50 percent of 1\1/2\ inches, whichever is 
less, except that forged flanges and tube sheets thicker than 5\1/2\ 
inches may be qualified from a 4-inch test block.
    (4) As many test blocks must be made as are required under the 
foregoing rule in paragraph (c)(3) of this section to cover the weight 
of product and range of thickness found in the forgings represented. 
The major axis of the test specimens must be parallel to the length of 
the test block.
    (d) Bars and shapes, rolled or forged. (1) The manufacturer of 
forged or rolled bars and shapes may certify such by reporting the 
results of one set of Charpy impact specimens, or two drop-weight 
specimens, as applicable, produced from each 5 short tons from a single 
melting furnace heat, processed in a similar manner and heat-treated as 
a single furnace batch, if heat-treated. The impact specimens must be 
cut from the heaviest section, clear of fillets, of the shape being 
tested with the axis of the specimens parallel to the axis of the bar 
or shape.
    (2) [Reserved]
    (e) Castings. (1) The manufacturer of castings may certify them by 
reporting the results of one set of Charpy impact specimens or two 
drop-weight specimens, as applicable, taken from each 5 short tons of 
product from each melting furnace heat. These specimens must be taken 
either directly from a production casting or from test coupons cast 
attached thereto provided the additional requirements in this paragraph 
are met.
    (2) One set of Charpy impact or two drop-weight specimens may 
represent all castings (up to 5 short tons) that are from the same heat 
of material and that have a thickness that does not differ from the 
thickness of the section from which the specimens were taken by more 
than plus or minus 25 percent, or 1.5 inches, whichever is less. A 
wider range of thicknesses from one heat may be covered by taking 
additional sets of specimens from thicker or thinner material as may be 
    (3) The test specimens must be heat-treated in the same manner as 
the castings represented, which heat-treatment of specimens may be 
carried out in the furnace with the castings represented, or 
separately, but if carried out separately both heat-treatments must be 
done in automatically controlled furnaces equipped with calibrated 
recording pyrometers, the certified records of which must be made 
available to the marine inspector.
    (f) Small parts. The manufacturer of small parts, either cast or 
forged, may certify a lot of not more than 20 duplicate parts or 5 
short tons, whichever is less, by reporting the results of one set of 
Charpy impact specimens, or two drop-weight specimens, as applicable, 
taken from one such part selected at random, provided the same kind of 
material and the same process of production were used for all of the 
lot. When the part is too small to provide the specimens of at least 
minimum size, no impact test need be made. For such parts too small to 
impact test, the Commandant will determine toughness qualifications 
based on material, chemical, and mechanical properties.

Sec.  54.05-15  Weldment toughness tests--procedure qualifications.

    (a) Plate for which Charpy V-notch impact testing is required in 
the parent material and for which V-notch minima are specified must 
similarly have welding procedures qualified for toughness by Charpy V-
notch testing. For these tests, the test plates must be oriented with 
their final rolling direction parallel to the weld axis (i.e., so that 
transverse impact specimens result), and with the V-notch normal to the 
plate surface. The sample weld joint preparation must be the same as 
that used in production. The number of test specimens and the location 
of their notches must be as shown in Figure 1 to Sec.  54.05-15(a) and 
as described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of this section.
    (1) Three specimens with the notch centered in the weld metal.
    (2) Three specimens with the notch centered on the fusion line 
between parent plate and weld. (The fusion line may be identified by 
etching the specimen with a mild reagent.)
    (3) Three specimens with the notch centered in the heat affected 
zone, 1 mm from the fusion line.
    (4) Same as paragraph (a)(3) of this section, but 3 mm from the 
fusion line.
    (5) Same as paragraph (a)(3) of this section, but 5 mm from the 
fusion line.

[[Page 50112]]

Figure 1 to Sec.  54.05-15(a)--Charpy V-Notch Specimen Removal Details

    (b) Plate materials for which Charpy V-notch minimums are not 
specified, or for which a Charpy V-notch correlation with NDT is not 
known, and which are themselves tested for toughness by the drop-weight 
procedure, must have welding procedures similarly qualified by the 
drop-weight test. For such qualifications, two drop-weight specimens 
are to be tested, with the notch positioned directly above and parallel 
to the centerline of the weld.
    (c) Piping welding toughness tests must be qualified, by making 
Charpy V-notch impact tests as prescribed in paragraph (a) of this 
    (d) Materials which are specially approved based on toughness 
criteria or tests, other than those discussed in paragraphs (a) and (b) 
of this section, must have welding procedures tested and qualified for 
toughness as deemed appropriate and necessary by the Commandant.
    (e) In the case of stainless steels, weld procedure toughness tests 
may be limited to weld metal only if this is all that is required by 
Sec.  54.25-15.

[[Page 50113]]

Sec.  54.05-16  Production toughness testing.

    (a) For vessels of welded construction, production toughness test 
plates must be prepared for each 50 feet of longitudinal and 
circumferential butt-weld in each Class I-L vessel, or for each 150 
feet in each Class II-L vessel, except for material other than 
stainless steel that is exempted from impact test requirements by this 
subchapter. In the case of stainless steels, weld production toughness 
tests may be limited to weld metal only if this is all that is required 
be Sec.  54.25-15. The test-plate thickness must be the same as that of 
the vessel wall at the location of the production weld being sampled. 
The test plates must be prepared, wherever possible, as run-off tabs 
attached at the ends of weld butts or seams. The rolling direction of 
the run-off tabs should be oriented parallel to the rolling direction 
of the adjacent production material. The test-plate material must be 
taken from one of the heats of material used in the vessel, and both 
the electrodes and welding procedures must be the same as used in the 
fabrication of the vessel. From each test plate, one set of three 
Charpy impact bars or two drop-weight specimens, as applicable 
according to the test used in procedure qualification, must be taken 
transverse to the weld axis. For Charpy V-notch specimens, the notch 
must be normal to the material surface and its location alternated 
(approximately) on successive tests between the weld metal and heat 
affected zone. Thus, approximately half of all weld production impact 
tests will be of weld metal and half of heat affected zone material. 
For the weld metal tests, the V-notch is to be centered between the 
fusion lines. For the heat affected zone tests, the notch is to be 
centered so as to sample, as nearly as practicable, the most critical 
location for toughness observed in the weld procedure qualification 
tests. Where the drop weight specimen is used in production weld 
testing, it must be prepared in the same manner as specified for 
procedure qualification testing in Sec.  54.05-15(b).
    (b) For vessels not exceeding 5 cubic feet in volume, one set of 
impact specimens, or two drop-weight specimens, as applicable according 
to the test used in procedure qualification, may represent all vessels 
from the same heat of material not in excess of 100 vessels, or one 
heat-treatment furnace batch. In addition, when such vessels are 
welded, one weld test plate made from one of the heats of material 
used, and two sets of impact specimens or two drop-weight specimens, as 
applicable, cut therefrom, may represent the weld metal in the smallest 
of: One lot of 100 vessels or less; or each heat-treatment furnace 
batch; or each 50 feet of welding for Class I-L vessels; or each 150 
feet of welding for Class II-L vessels.
    (c) For several vessels or parts of vessels being welded in 
succession, the plate thickness of which does not vary by more than 
one-fourth inch, and which are made of the same grade of material, a 
test plate must be furnished for each 50 feet of welding for Class I-L 
vessels or 150 feet of welding for Class II-L vessels. For each 50- or 
150-foot increment of weld, as applicable, the test plates must be 
prepared at the time of fabrication of the first vessel involving that 
    (d) The test plates and any other test material from which 
toughness test specimens are cut must be given the same heat-treatment 
as the production material they represent. Test specimens representing 
other material than the weld toughness test plates should preferably be 
cut from a part of the vessel material but may be cut from like 
material that has been heat-treated within the temperature range 
specified by the producer in treating the actual vessel material.
    (e) For nonpressure vessel type tanks and associated secondary 
barriers, as defined in Sec.  38.05-4, subchapter D of this chapter, 
production toughness test plates must be prepared in accordance with 
paragraphs (a) and (d) of this section. One set of toughness test 
plates must be prepared for each 165 feet (50 meters) of production 
butt-type welds.

Sec.  54.05-17  Weld toughness test acceptance criteria.

    (a) For Charpy V-notch impact tests the energy absorbed in both the 
weld metal and heat affected zone impact tests in weld qualification 
and production must be:
    (1) For weld metal specimens, not less than the transverse values 
required for the parent material.
    (2) For heat affected zone specimens, when the specimens are 
transversely oriented, not less than the transverse values required for 
the parent material.
    (3) For heat affected zone specimens, when the specimens are 
longitudinally oriented, not less than 1.5 times the transverse values 
required for the parent material.
    (b) For drop-weight tests both specimens from each required set 
must exhibit a no-break performance.

Sec.  54.05-20  Impact test properties for service of 0 [deg]F and 

    (a) The impact energies of each set of transverse Charpy specimens 
may not be less than the values shown in table 1 to Sec.  54.05-20(a). 
Only one specimen in a set may be below the required average and the 
value of that specimen must be above the minimum impact value permitted 
on one specimen only. See Sec.  54.05-5(c) for retest requirements.

                        Table 1 to Sec.   54.05-20(a)--Charpy V-Notch Impact Requirements
                                                                  Minimum impact value     Minimum impact value
                                                                required for average of      permitted on one
                       Size of specimen                         each set of 3 specimens  specimen only of a set,
                                                                    foot-pounds \1\            foot-pounds
10 x 10 mm....................................................                     20.0                     13.5
10 x 7.5 mm...................................................                     16.5                     11.0
10 x 5 mm.....................................................                     13.5                      9.0
10 x 2.5 mm...................................................                     10.0                      6.5
\1\ Straight line interpolation for intermediate values is permitted.

    (b) Transversely oriented Charpy V-notch impact specimens of ASTM 
A203 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  54.01-1) nickel steels must 
exhibit energies not less than the values shown in paragraph (a) of 
this section. Requirements for 9 percent nickel steels are contained in 
Sec.  54.25-20. Other nickel alloy steels, when specially approved by 
the Commandant, must exhibit a no-break performance when tested in 
accordance with the drop weight procedure. If, for such materials, 
there are data indicating suitable correlation with drop-weight tests, 
Charpy V-notch tests may be specially considered by the Commandant in 
lieu of drop-weight tests. If the drop-weight test cannot be performed 
because of material thickness limitations (less than one-half inch), or 
product shape, or is

[[Page 50114]]

otherwise inapplicable (because of heat treatment, chemistry etc.) 
other tests or test criteria will be specified by the Commandant.
    (c) Where sufficient data are available to warrant such waiver, the 
Commandant may waive the requirements for toughness testing austenitic 
stainless-steel materials. Where required, austenitic stainless steels 
are to be tested using the drop-weight procedure and must exhibit a no-
break performance. Where data are available indicating suitable 
correlation of Charpy V-notch results with drop-weight NDT or no-break 
performance, Charpy V-notch tests may be specially considered by the 
Commandant in lieu of dropweight tests. If the dropweight test cannot 
be performed because of material thickness limitations (less than one-
half inch), or product shape, or is otherwise inapplicable (because of 
heat treatment, chemistry, etc.) other tests and test criteria will be 
specified by the Commandant.

Sec.  54.05-25  [Reserved]

Sec.  54.05-30  Allowable stress values at low temperatures.

    (a) The Coast Guard will give consideration to the enhanced yield 
and tensile strength properties of ferrous and nonferrous materials at 
low temperature for the purpose of establishing allowable stress values 
for service temperature below 0 [deg]F.
    (b) The use of such allowable stress values must be specially 
approved by the Coast Guard for each application. Further information 
may be obtained by writing to the Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of 
Design and Engineering Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 
Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593.
    (c) Submittals must include information and calculations specified 
by the U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Design and Engineering Standards 
(CG-ENG) to demonstrate that the allowable stress for the material 
cannot be exceeded under any possible combination of vessel loads and 
metal temperature.

Subpart 54.10--Inspection, Reports, and Stamping

Sec.  54.10-1  Scope (modifies UG-90 through UG-103 and UG-115 through 

    The inspection, tests, stamping, and reports for pressure vessels 
must be as required by paragraphs UG-90 through UG-103 and UG-115 
through UG-120 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) except as noted otherwise in this 

Sec.  54.10-3  Marine inspectors and Coast Guard Symbol stamping 
(replaces UG-90 and UG-91, and modifies UG-92 through UG-103).

    (a) Only marine inspectors will apply the Coast Guard Symbol. They 
will not apply any other code symbol to pressure vessels.
    (b) All pressure vessels not exempted under provisions of Sec.  
54.01-15 must be subject to shop inspection by a marine inspector 
referring to procedures outlined in UG-92 through UG-103 of Section 
VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) 
and Sec. Sec.  50.30-10, 50.30-15, and 50.30-20 of this subchapter. The 
marine inspector will then stamp the vessel with the Coast Guard 
    (c) Pressure vessels exempted under provisions of Sec.  54.01-15, 
except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, are not required 
to be stamped with the Coast Guard Symbol.
    (d) Pressure vessels described in Sec.  54.01-5(c)(3), except 
pressure vessels in systems regulated under subpart 58.60 of this 
subchapter, must be visually examined by a marine inspector prior to 
installation. The marine inspector also reviews the associated plans 
and manufacturers' data reports. If, upon inspection, the pressure 
vessel complies with the applicable requirements in Sec.  54.01-5, the 
marine inspector stamps the pressure vessel with the Coast Guard 

Sec.  54.10-5  Maximum allowable working pressure (reproduces UG-98).

    (a) The maximum allowable working pressure for a vessel is the 
maximum pressure permissible at the top of the vessel in its normal 
operating position at the designated coincident temperature specified 
for that pressure. It is the least of the values found for maximum 
allowable working pressure for any of the essential parts of the vessel 
by the principles given in paragraph (b) of this section and adjusted 
for any difference in static head that may exist between the part 
considered and the top of the vessel. (See appendix 3 of Section VIII 
of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1.))
    (b) The maximum allowable working pressure for a vessel part is the 
maximum internal or external pressure, including the static head 
hereon, as determined by the rules and formulas in Section VIII of the 
ASME BPVC, together with the effect of any combination of loadings 
listed in UG-22 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (see Sec.  54.01-30) 
that are likely to occur, or the designated coincident operating 
temperature, excluding any metal thickness specified as corrosion 
allowance. (See UG-25 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC.)
    (c) Maximum allowable working pressure may be determined for more 
than one designated operating temperature, using for each temperature 
the applicable allowable stress value.

    Note 1 to Sec.  54.10-5: Table 1 to Sec.  54.10-5 gives the 
interrelation among the various pressure levels pertinent to this 
part of the regulations. It includes reference to Section VIII of 
the ASME BPVC for definitions and explanations.


[[Page 50115]]


[[Page 50116]]



[[Page 50117]]

Sec.  54.10-10  Standard hydrostatic test (modifies UG-99).

    (a) All pressure vessels must satisfactorily pass the hydrostatic 
test prescribed by this section, except those pressure vessels noted 
under Sec.  54.10-15(a).
    (b) The hydrostatic-test pressure must be at least one and three-
tenths (1.30) times the maximum allowable working pressure stamped on 
the pressure vessel, multiplied by the ratio of the stress value ``S'' 
at the test temperature to the stress value ``S'' at the design 
temperature for the materials of which the pressure vessel is 
constructed. The values for ``S'' must be taken from tables UCS 23, UNF 
23, UHA 23, or UHT 23 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  54.01-1). The value of ``S'' at test temperature 
must be that taken for the material of the tabulated value of 
temperature closest to the test temperature. The value of ``S'' at 
design temperature must be as interpolated from the appropriate table. 
No ratio less than one must be used. The stress resulting from the 
hydrostatic test must not exceed 90 percent of the yield stress of the 
material at the test temperature. External loadings, which will exist 
in supporting structure during the hydrostatic test, should be 
considered. The design must consider the combined stress during 
hydrostatic testing due to pressure and the support reactions. This 
stress must not exceed 90 percent of the yield stress of the material 
at the test temperature. In addition, the adequacy of the supporting 
structure during hydrostatic testing should be considered in the 
    (c) The hydrostatic test pressure must be applied for a sufficient 
period of time to permit a thorough examination of all joints and 
connections. The test must not be conducted until the vessel and liquid 
are at approximately the same temperature.
    (d) Defects detected during the hydrostatic test or subsequent 
examination must be completely removed and then inspected. Provided the 
marine inspector gives their approval, they may then be repaired.
    (e) Vessels requiring stress relieving must be stress relieved 
after any welding repairs have been made. (See UW-40 of Section VIII of 
    (f) After repairs have been made the vessel must again be tested in 
the regular way, and if it passes the test, the marine inspector may 
accept it. If it does not pass the test, the marine inspector can order 
supplementary repairs, or, if in their judgment the vessel is not 
suitable for service, they may permanently reject it.

Sec.  54.10-15  Pneumatic test (modifies UG-100).

    (a) Pneumatic testing of welded pressure vessels is permitted only 
for those units which are so designed and supported that they cannot be 
safely filled with water, or for those units which cannot be dried and 
are to be used in a service where traces of the testing medium cannot 
be tolerated.
    (b) Proposals to pneumatically test must be submitted to the 
cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, for approval.
    (c) Except for enameled vessels, for which the pneumatic test 
pressure must be at least equal to, but need not exceed, the maximum 
allowable working pressure to be marked on the vessel, the pneumatic 
test pressure must be at least equal to one and one-tenth (1.10) times 
the maximum allowable working pressure to be stamped on the vessel 
multiplied by the lowest ratio (for the materials of which the vessel 
is constructed) of the stress value ``S'' for the test temperature of 
the vessel to the stress value ``S'' for the design temperature (see 
UG-21 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  54.01-1)). In no case must the pneumatic test pressure exceed one 
and one-tenth (1.10) times the basis for calculated test pressure as 
defined in UA-60(e) of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC.
    (d) The pneumatic test of pressure vessels must be accomplished as 
    (1) The pressure on the vessel must be gradually increased to not 
more than half the test pressure.
    (2) The pressure will then be increased at steps of approximately 
one-tenth the test pressure until the test pressure has been reached.
    (3) The pressure will then be reduced to the maximum allowable 
working pressure of the vessel to permit examination.
    (e) Pressure vessels pneumatically tested must also be leak tested. 
The test must be capable of detecting leakage consistent with the 
design requirements of the pressure vessel. Details of the leak test 
shall be submitted to the Commandant for approval.
    (f) After satisfactory completion of the pneumatic pressure test, 
the vessel may be stamped in accordance with Sec.  54.10-20. A marine 
inspector must observe the pressure vessel in a loaded condition at the 
first opportunity following the pneumatic test. The tank supports and 
saddles, connecting piping, and insulation if provided must be examined 
to determine if they are satisfactory and that no leaks are evident.
    (g) The pneumatic test is inherently more hazardous than a 
hydrostatic test, and suitable precautions must be taken to protect 
personnel and adjacent property.

Sec.  54.10-20  Marking and stamping.

    (a) Pressure vessels (Replaces UG-116, except paragraph (k), and 
UG-118). Pressure vessels that are required by Sec.  54.10-3 to be 
stamped with the Coast Guard Symbol must also be stamped with the 
following information:
    (1) Manufacturer's name and serial number.
    (2) Coast Guard number, see Sec.  50.10-30 of this subchapter (only 
applicable to pressure vessels inspected as required by Sec.  54.10-
    (3) Coast Guard Symbol, which is affixed only by the marine 
    (4) Maximum allowable working pressure __ kPa (__ psig) at __ 
[deg]C (__ [deg]F).
    (5) Class.
    (6) Minimum design metal temperature, if below -18 [deg]C (0 
    (7) Water capacity in liters (U.S. gallons), if a cargo-carrying 
pressure vessel.
    (b) Multichambered pressure vessels (Replaces UG-116(k)). In cases 
where more than one pressure vessel is involved in an integral 
construction, as with a heat exchanger, the manufacturer may elect to 
class the component pressure vessels differently. In such cases they 
must stamp the combined structures as required in paragraph (a) of this 
section with information for each pressure vessel. Where an item for 
stamping is identical for both vessels, as with name and address of 
manufacturer, it need not be duplicated. However, where differences 
exist, each value and the vessel to which it applies shall be clearly 
    (c) Stamping data (Replaces UG-117). Except as noted in paragraph 
(d) of this section, the data must be stamped directly on the pressure 
vessel. The data must be legibly stamped and must not be obliterated 
during the service life of the pressure vessel. In the event that the 
portion of the pressure vessel upon which the data is stamped is to be 
insulated or otherwise covered, the data must be reproduced on a metal 
nameplate. This plate must be securely attached to the pressure vessel. 
The nameplate must be maintained in a legible condition such that it 
may be easily read.
    (1) Those parts of pressure vessels requiring Coast Guard shop 
inspection under this part which are furnished by other than the shop 
of the manufacturer responsible for the completed vessel must be 
stamped with the Coast Guard

[[Page 50118]]

Symbol, the Marine Inspection Office identification letters (see Sec.  
50.10-30 of this subchapter) and the word ``Part'', the manufacturer's 
name and serial number, and the design pressure.
    (2) [Reserved]
    (d) Thin-walled vessels (Modifies UG-119). In lieu of direct 
stamping on the pressure vessel, the information required by paragraph 
(a) of this section must be stamped on a nameplate permanently attached 
to the pressure vessel when the pressure vessel is constructed of--
    (1) Steel plate less than one-fourth inch thick; or
    (2) Nonferrous plate less than one-half inch thick.

Sec.  54.10-25  Manufacturers' data report forms (modifies UG-120).

    (a) The Manufacturers' data report form, as provided by the Coast 
Guard, must be completed in duplicate and certified by the manufacturer 
for each pressure vessel required to be shop inspected under these 
regulations. The original of this form must be delivered to the Coast 
Guard inspector.
    (b) Data forms for those parts of a pressure vessel requiring 
inspection, which are furnished by other than the shop of the 
manufacturer responsible for the completed unit, must be executed in 
triplicate by the manufacturer of the parts. The original and one copy 
must be delivered to the Coast Guard inspector who must forward one 
copy of the report to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, having 
cognizance over the final assembly. These partial data reports, 
together with the final inspection and tests, must be the final Coast 
Guard inspector's authority to apply the Coast Guard symbol and number. 
A final data report must be executed by the manufacturer or assembler 
who completes the final assembly and tests.
    (c) If a pressure vessel is required to be inspected in accordance 
with Sec.  54.10-3(c), the manufacturer's data reports required by UG-
120 must be made available to the Coast Guard inspector for review 
prior to inspection of the pressure vessel.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control 
number 2130-0181)

Subpart 54.15--Pressure-Relief Devices

Sec.  54.15-1  General (modifies UG-125 through UG-137).

    (a) All pressure vessels must be provided with protective devices 
as indicated in UG-125 through UG-136 Section VIII of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) except as noted 
otherwise in this subpart.
    (b) The markings must be in accordance with this chapter for 
devices covered by Sec.  54.15-10.

Sec.  54.15-3  Definitions (modifies appendix 3).

    Definitions applicable to this subpart are in Sec.  52.01-3 of this 

Sec.  54.15-5  Protective devices (modifies UG-125).

    (a) All pressure vessels must be provided with protective devices. 
The protective devices must be in accordance with the requirements of 
UG-125 through UG-136 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) except as modified in this subpart.
    (b) An unfired steam boiler evaporator or heat exchanger (see Sec.  
54.01-10) must be equipped with protective devices as required by Sec.  
    (c) All pressure vessels other than unfired steam boilers must be 
protected by pressure-relieving devices that will prevent the pressure 
from rising more than 10 percent above the maximum allowable working 
pressure, except when the excess pressure is caused by exposure to fire 
or other unexpected source of heat.
    (d) Where an additional hazard can be created by exposure of a 
pressure vessel to fire or other unexpected sources of external heat 
(for example, vessels used to store liquefied flammable gases), 
supplemental pressure-relieving devices must be installed to protect 
against excessive pressure. Such supplemental pressure-relieving 
devices must be capable of preventing the pressure from rising more 
than 20 percent above the maximum allowable working pressure of the 
vessel. The minimum required relief capacities for compressed gas 
pressure vessels are given under Sec.  54.15-25. A single pressure-
relieving device may be used to satisfy the requirements of this 
paragraph and paragraph (c) of this section, provided it meets the 
requirements of both paragraphs.
    (e) Pressure-relieving devices should be selected on the basis of 
their intended service. They must be constructed, located, and 
installed so that they are readily accessible for inspection and repair 
and so arranged that they cannot be readily rendered inoperative.
    (f) Where pressure-indicating gages are used, they must be chosen 
to be compatible with the pressure to be indicated. The size of the 
visual display, the fineness of graduations, and the orientation of the 
display will be considered. In no case must the upper range of the gage 
be less than 1.2 times nor more than 2 times the pressure at which the 
relieving device is set to function.
    (g) The Commandant may authorize or require the use of a rupture 
disk in lieu of a relief or safety valve under certain conditions of 
pressure vessel use and design. See Sec.  54.15-13.
    (h) Vessels that are to operate completely filled with liquid must 
be equipped with liquid relief valves unless otherwise protected 
against overpressure.
    (i) The protective devices required under paragraph (a) of this 
section must be installed directly on a pressure vessel except when the 
source of pressure is external to the vessel, and is under such 
positive control that the pressure in the vessel cannot exceed the 
maximum allowable working pressure at the operating temperature except 
as permitted in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section.
    (j) Pressure-relieving devices must be constructed of materials 
suitable for the pressure, temperature, and other conditions of the 
service intended.
    (k) The opening through all pipes and fittings between a pressure 
vessel and its pressure-relieving device must have at least the area of 
the pressure-relieving device inlet, and in all cases must have 
sufficient area so as not to unduly restrict the flow to the pressure-
relieving device. The opening in the vessel must be designed to provide 
direct and unobstructed flow between the vessel and its pressure-
relieving device.
    (l) Safety devices need not be provided by the pressure vessel 
manufacturer. However, overpressure protection must be provided prior 
to placing the vessel in service.

Sec.  54.15-10  Safety and relief valves (modifies UG-126).

    (a) All safety and relief valves for use on pressure vessels or 
piping systems must be designed to meet the protection and service 
requirements for which they are intended and must be set to relieve at 
a pressure which does not exceed the ``maximum allowable working 
pressure'' of the pressure vessel or piping system. Relief valves are 
not required to have huddling chambers for other than steam service. In 
addition, safety valves used on vessels in which steam is generated 
must meet the standards in Sec.  52.01-120 of this subchapter except 
Sec.  52.01-120(a)(9). For steam service below 206 kPa (30 psig), 
bodies of safety valves may be made of cast iron. Safety relief valves 
used in liquefied compressed gas service must

[[Page 50119]]

meet the standards in subpart 162.017 or 162.018 in subchapter Q of 
this chapter as appropriate.
    (b) Pilot-valve control or other indirect operation of safety 
valves is not permitted unless the design is such that the main 
unloading valve will open automatically at not over the set pressure 
and will discharge its full rated capacity if some essential part of 
the pilot or auxiliary device should fail. All other safety and relief 
valves shall be of the direct spring-loaded type.
    (c) Safety and relief valves for steam or air service must be 
provided with a substantial lifting device so that the disk can be 
lifted from its seat when the pressure in the vessel is 75 percent of 
that at which the valve is set to blow.
    (d) Safety and relief valves for service other than steam and air 
need not be provided with a lifting device although a lifting device is 
desirable if the vapors are such that their release will not create a 
    (e) If the design of a safety or relief valve is such that liquid 
can collect on the discharge side of the disk, the valve must be 
equipped with a drain at the lowest point where liquid can collect (for 
installation, see UG-134 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated 
by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1)).
    (f) Cast iron may be employed in the construction of relief valves 
for pressures not exceeding 125 pounds per square inch and temperatures 
not exceeding 450 [deg]F. Seats or disks of cast iron are prohibited.
    (g) The spring in a relief valve in service for pressures up to and 
including 250 pounds per square inch must not be reset for any pressure 
more than 10 percent above or 10 percent below that for which the 
relief valve is marked. For higher pressures, the spring must not be 
reset for any pressure more than 5 percent above or 5 percent below 
that for which the relief valve is marked.
    (h) The rated relieving capacity of safety and relief valves for 
use on pressure vessels must be based on actual flow test data and the 
capacity must be certified by the manufacturer in accordance with one 
of the following:
    (1) 120 percent of the valve set pressure for valves rated in 
accordance with CGA S-1.2 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-
    (2) 110 percent of the valve set pressure for valves rated in 
accordance with UG-131 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC.
    (3) 103 percent of the valve set pressure for steam in accordance 
with PG-69 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC.

Sec.  54.15-13  Rupture disks (modifies UG-127).

    (a) Paragraph UG-127 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated 
by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) provides for the use of rupture disks 
in series with spring loaded safety or relief valves.
    (b) For certain pressure vessels containing substances which may 
render a relief or safety valve inoperative, or where the installation 
of a valve is considered impractical, the Commandant may authorize or 
require the use of a rupture disk in parallel with or in lieu of a 
spring-loaded safety or relief valve. These rupture disks must:
    (1) Comply with the general provisions of Sec.  54.15-5 except as 
noted otherwise in this section;
    (2) Have a capacity for discharge such that the volume of release 
is sufficient to prevent the internal pressure from exceeding 120 
percent of the ``maximum allowable working pressure'' with the pressure 
vessel exposed to fire conditions (see Sec.  54.15-25); and,
    (3) Operate at a pressure level which does not produce fatigue 
failure of the disk. The normal maximum operating pressure multiplied 
by 1.3 must not exceed the nominal disk burst pressure. (Notice that 
this restriction for protection of the rupture disk will usually 
require operation below the ``maximum allowable working pressure'' of 
the pressure vessel and therefore should be considered in design.)
    (c) All disks must be oriented so that if rupture occurs, the disk 
fragments and pressure vessel discharge will be directed away from 
operating personnel and vital machinery.

Sec.  54.15-15  Relief devices for unfired steam boilers, evaporators, 
and heat exchangers (modifies UG-126).

    (a) An approved safety valve set to relieve at a pressure not 
exceeding the ``maximum allowable working pressure'' of the shell must 
be fitted to all unfired steam boilers and evaporators except for 
evaporators of the atmospheric type designed for vapor discharge direct 
to a distiller with no shutoff valve in the discharge line. The 
distiller connected to atmospheric evaporators must be fitted with a 
vent to prevent a buildup in pressure. In no case must the vent be less 
than 1.5 inches in diameter. Evaporators operating between atmospheric 
pressure and 15 psig, may use a rupture disc as an alternative to the 
safety valve.
    (b) Safety valves for use on pressure vessels in which steam or 
pressure is generated must comply with the requirements of Sec.  54.15-
10. Rupture discs used in lieu of these safety valves, as provided for 
in paragraph (a) of this section, must comply with the requirements of 
Sec.  54.15-13.
    (c) The relieving capacity of evaporator safety valves required by 
paragraph (a) of this section must be at least equal to the capacity of 
the orifice fitted in the steam supply to the evaporator. The orifice 
capacity must be determined in accordance with the formula in paragraph 
(c)(1) or (2) of this section as appropriate:
    (1) Where the set pressure of the evaporator shell safety valve is 
58 percent or less than the setting of the safety valve in the steam 
Formula 1 to Sec.  54.15-15(c)(1)
W = 51.45AP

    (2) Where the set pressure of the evaporator shell safety valve 
exceeds 58 percent of the setting of the safety valve on the steam 
Formula 2 to Sec.  54.15-15(c)(2)
W = 105.3A[radic] P1(P-P1)


W = The required orifice capacity, in pounds per hour.
A = Cross-sectional area of rounded entrance orifice, in square 
inches. The orifice must be installed near the steam inlet or the 
coils or tubes and where no orifice is employed the area used in the 
formula must be that of the inlet connection or manifold.
P = Set pressure of steam supply safety valve, in pounds per square 
inch, absolute.
P1 = Set pressure of evaporator shell safety valve, in 
pounds per square inch, absolute.

    (d) The relieving capacity of safety valves on unfired steam 
boilers must not be less than the maximum generating capacity of the 
unfired steam boiler as certified by the manufacturer.
    (e) On new installations and where the orifice size of an existing 
unfired steam boiler or evaporator is increased, an accumulation test 
must be made by closing all steam outlet connections except the safety 
valves for a period of five minutes. When conducting the accumulation 
test, the water must be at the normal operating level and the steam 
pressure must be at the normal operating pressure, and while under this 
test the pressure must not rise more than 6 percent above the safety 
valve setting.
    (f) A heat exchanger with liquid in the shell and the heating 
medium in the tubes or coils, must be fitted with a liquid relief valve 
meeting the requirement of Sec.  54.15-5.
    (g)(1) A heat exchanger with steam in the shell and liquid in the 
tubes or coils at a pressure exceeding that in the shell, must have a 
liquid relief valve fitted to protect the shell against excess 

[[Page 50120]]

    (2) The discharge capacity of such relief valves must be calculated 
on the basis of the discharge from one tube using the difference in 
pressures between that in the shell and that in the tubes and must be 
not less than that determined by the following formula:
Formula 3 to Sec.  54.15-15(g)(2)
Q = 29.81KD 2[radic] P1-P2


Q = Required relief valve discharge capacity, in gallons per minute, 
based on relief valve set pressure.
P1 = Pressure in the tube or coils, in pounds per square 
P2 = Set pressure of the shell relief valve, in pounds 
per square inch.
D = Internal diameter of the largest tube or coil, in inches.
K = Coefficient of discharge = 0.62.

Sec.  54.15-25  Minimum relief capacities for cargo tanks containing 
compressed or liquefied gas.

    (a) Each tank must be fitted with one or more safety relief valves 
designed, constructed, and flow tested in accordance with subpart 
162.017 or 162.018 in subchapter Q of this chapter. Valves conforming 
to specification subpart 162.017 must be limited to use on tanks whose 
maximum allowable working pressure is not in excess of 10 pounds per 
square inch. With specific approval of the Commandant, such valves may 
be connected to the vessel in lieu of being directly fitted to the 
    (b) The discharge pressure and the maximum overpressure permitted 
must be in accordance with Sec.  54.15-5.
    (c)(1) The rate of discharge for heat input of fire must meet the 
following formula:
Formula 1 to Sec.  54.15-25(c)(1)
Q = FGA\0.82\


Q = minimum required rate of discharge in cubic meters (cubic feet) 
per minute of air at standard conditions 15 [deg]C and 103 kPa (60 
[deg]F and 14.7 psia).
F = fire exposure factor for the following tank types:
F = 1.0 for tanks without insulation located on the open deck.
F = 0.5 for tanks on the open deck having insulation that has 
approved fire proofing, thermal conductance, and stability under 
fire exposure.
F = 0.5 for uninsulated independent tasks installed in holds.
F = 0.2 for insulated independent tanks in holds or for uninsulated 
independent tanks in insulated holds.
F = 0.1 for insulated independent tanks in inerted holds or for 
uninsulated independent tanks in inerted, insulated holds.
F = 0.1 for membrane and semi-membrane tanks.
G = gas factor of:
G = [(177 / LC) ([radic]((ZT) / M))] SI units
G = [(633,000 / LC) ([radic]((ZT) / M))] English units


L = latent heat of the material being vaporized at the relieving 
conditions, in Kcal/kg (Btu per pound).
C = constant based on relation of specific heats (k), table 1 to 
Sec.  54.15-25(c) (if k is not known, C = .606(315)).
Z = compressibility factor of the gas at the relieving conditions 
(if not known, Z = 1.0).
T = temperature in K = (273 + [deg]C) (R = (460 + [deg]F)) at the 
relieving conditions (120% of the pressure at which the pressure 
relief valve is set).
M = molecular weight of the product.
A = external surface area of the tank in m\2\ (sq. ft.) for the 
following tank types:
For a tank of a body of revolution shape:
A = external surface area.
For a tank other than a body of revolution shape:
A = external surface area less the projected bottom surface area.
    For a grouping of pressure vessel tanks having insulation on the 
vessel's structure:
A = external surface area of the hold without the projected bottom 
    For a grouping of pressure tanks having insulation on the tank:
A = external surface area of the pressure tanks excluding 
insulation, and without the projected bottom area.

    Note 1 to Formula 1 to Sec.  54.15-25(c)(1):  Figure 1 to Sec.  
54.15-25(c)(1) shows a method of determining the side external 
surface area of a grouping of vertical pressure tanks.


              Table 1 to Sec.   54.15-25(c)(1)--Constant C
           k                        C
             1.00                     .606                    (315)
             1.02                     .611                    (318)
             1.04                     .615                    (320)
             1.06                     .620                    (322)
             1.08                     .624                    (324)
             1.10                     .628                    (327)
             1.12                     .633                    (329)
             1.14                     .637                    (331)
             1.16                     .641                    (333)
             1.18                     .645                    (335)
             1.20                     .649                    (337)
             1.22                     .652                    (339)
             1.24                     .658                    (341)
             1.26                     .660                    (343)
             1.28                     .664                    (345)
             1.30                     .667                    (347)
             1.32                     .671                    (349)
             1.34                     .674                    (351)

[[Page 50121]]

             1.36                     .677                    (352)
             1.38                     .681                    (354)
             1.40                     .685                    (356)
             1.42                     .688                    (358)
             1.44                     .691                    (359)
             1.46                     .695                    (361)
             1.48                     .698                    (363)
             1.50                     .701                    (364)
             1.52                     .704                    (366)
             1.54                     .707                    (368)
             1.56                     .710                    (369)
             1.58                     .713                    (371)
             1.60                     .716                    (372)
             1.62                     .719                    (374)
             1.64                     .722                    (376)
             1.66                     .725                    (377)
             1.68                     .728                    (379)
             1.70                     .731                    (380)
             1.72                     .734                    (382)
             1.74                     .736                    (383)
             1.76                     .739                    (384)
             1.78                     .742                    (386)
             1.80                     .745                    (387)
             1.82                     .747                    (388)
             1.84                     .750                    (390)
             1.86                     .752                    (391)
             1.88                     .755                    (392)
             1.90                     .758                    (394)
             1.92                     .760                    (395)
             1.94                     .763                    (397)
             1.96                     .765                    (398)
             1.98                     .767                    (399)
             2.00                     .770                    (400)
             2.02                     .772                    (401)
             2.20                     .792                    (412)

    (2) For an independent tank that has a portion of the tank 
protruding above the open deck, the fire exposure factor must be 
calculated for the surface area above the deck and the surface area 
below the deck, and this calculation must be specially approved by the 
U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG-ENG).
    (d) In determining the total safety valve relieving capacity, the 
arrangement and location of the valves on the tank will be evaluated. 
The valves must be placed so that a number of valves sufficient to 
provide the required relieving capacity must always be in communication 
with the cargo vapor phase. The possible motions which the tank may see 
in its intended service and attendant changes in cargo liquid level 
will be considered. Shut off valves must not be installed between the 
vessel and the safety relief valves. Manifolds for mounting multiple 
relief valves may be fitted with acceptable interlocking shut off 
valves so arranged that the required capacity of discharge will be 
``lined up'' at all times.
    (e)(1) Each safety relief valve must be tested in the presence of a 
marine inspector before being placed in service except as noted 
otherwise in paragraph (e)(2) of this section. The test must 
satisfactorily show that the valve will start to discharge at the 
required minimum pressure.
    (2) Each safety relief valve fitted with a breaking pin and rupture 
disk need not be tested in the presence of a marine inspector before 
being placed in service. In lieu thereof, a certificate must be 
furnished with the valve attested to by the manufacturer that the test 
requirements of paragraph (e)(1) of this section have been met.

Subpart 54.20--Fabrication by Welding

Sec.  54.20-1  Scope (modifies UW-1 through UW-65).

    (a) Pressure vessels and vessel parts that are fabricated by 
welding must be as required by paragraphs UW-1 through UW-65 of Section 
VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) 
except as noted otherwise in this subchapter.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  54.20-2  Fabrication for hazardous materials (replaces UW-2(a)).

    (a) Pressure vessels containing hazardous materials as defined in 
Sec.  150.115 of this subchapter must be of the class and construction 
required by subchapters D, I, or O of this chapter, or, when not 
specified, of a class determined by the Commandant.
    (b) Class III pressure vessels must not be used for the storage or 
stowage of hazardous materials unless there is specific authorization 
in subchapters D, I, or O of this chapter.

Sec.  54.20-3  Design (modifies UW-9, UW-11(a), UW-13, and UW-16).

    (a) Fabrication by welding must be in accordance with the 
provisions of this part and with part 57 of this subchapter.
    (b) Welding subject to UW-11(a) of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) must be modified as 
described in Sec.  54.25-8 for radiographic examination.
    (c) A butt-welded joint with one plate edge offset, as shown in 
Figure UW-13.1(k) of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC, may only be used 
for circumferential joints of Class II and Class III pressure vessels.
    (d) Attachment welds for nozzles and other connections must be in 
accordance with UW-16 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC. When nozzles or 
connections are made to pressure vessels, as shown in Figure UW-16.1 
(a) and (c) of the ASME BPVC, and are welded from one side only, 
backing strips must be used unless it can be determined visually that a 
full penetration weld has been achieved.
    (e) When fabricating by welding the minimum joint requirements must 
be as specified under the column headed ``minimum joint requirements'' 
in table 2 to Sec.  54.01-5 for various classes of pressure vessels.
    (f) Joints in Class II or III pressure vessel cargo tanks must meet 
the following:
    (1) Category A and B joints must be type (1) or (2).
    (2) Category C and D joints must have full penetration welds 
extending through the entire thickness of the vessel wall or nozzle 

Sec.  54.20-5  Welding qualification tests and production testing 
(modifies UW-26, UW-28, UW-29, UW-47, and UW-48).

    (a) Performance and procedure qualification. No production welding 
must be done until welding procedures and welders have been qualified 
in accordance with part 57 of this subchapter.
    (b) Tests. Production tests are required in accordance with Sec.  
57.06-1 of this subchapter.

Subpart 54.23--Fabrication by Brazing

Sec.  54.23-1  Scope (modifies UB-1).

    (a) Fabrication by brazing must be in accordance with the 
provisions of this part and with part 57 of this subchapter.
    (b) [Reserved]

Subpart 54.25--Construction With Carbon, Alloy, and Heat-Treated 

Sec.  54.25-1  Scope.

    The pressure vessels for low temperature operation must be as 
required by Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; 
see Sec.  54.01-1) as modified by this subpart.

Sec.  54.25-3  Steel plates (modifies UCS-6).

    The steels listed in UCS-6(b) of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) will be allowed only in 
Class III pressure vessels (see table 2 to Sec.  54.01-5(b)).

Sec.  54.25-5  Corrosion allowance.

    The corrosion allowance must be as required in Sec.  54.01-35.

Sec.  54.25-7  Requirement for postweld heat treatment (modifies UCS-

    (a) Postweld heat treatment is required for all carbon and low 
alloy steel Class I, I-L, and II-L vessels regardless of thickness. 
(Refer to table 2 to Sec.  54.01-5 for applicable requirements.)
    (b) Cargo tanks which are fabricated of carbon or low alloy steel 
as Class II pressure vessels, designed for pressures exceeding 100 
pounds per square inch

[[Page 50122]]

gage and used in the storage or transportation of liquefied compressed 
gases must be postweld heat treated regardless of thickness.

Sec.  54.25-8  Radiography (modifies UW-11(a), UCS-57, UNF-57, UHA-33, 
and UHT-57).

    (a) Full radiography is required for all Class I and Class I-L 
vessels regardless of thickness. (Refer to table 2 to Sec.  54.01-5 for 
applicable requirements.)
    (b) Class II-L vessels must be spot radiographed. The exemption 
provided in UW-11(c) of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) does not apply. (Refer to table 2 to 
Sec.  54.01-5 for applicable requirements.)
    (c) Each butt-welded joint in a Class II or III pressure vessel 
cargo tank must be spot radiographed, in accordance with UW-52, 
regardless of diameter or thickness, and each weld intersection or 
crossing must be radiographed for a distance of at least 10 thicknesses 
from the intersection.

Sec.  54.25-10  Low temperature operation--ferritic steels (replaces 
UCS-65 through UCS-67).

    (a) Scope. (1) This section contains requirements for pressure 
vessels and nonpressure vessel type tanks and associated secondary 
barrier, as defined in Sec. Sec.  38.05-4 and 154.7 of this chapter, 
and their parts constructed of carbon and alloy steels which are 
stressed at operating or hydrostatic test temperatures below 0 [deg]F.
    (2)(i) The service temperature is the minimum temperature of a 
product at which it may be contained, loaded and/or transported. 
However, the service temperature must in no case be taken higher than 
given by the following formula:

Formula 1 to Sec.  54.25-10(a)(2)(i)

ts = tw - 0.25(tw - tB)


ts = Service temperature.
tw = Boiling temperature of gas at normal working 
pressure of container but not higher than + 32 [deg]F.
tB = Boiling temperature of gas at atmospheric pressure.

    (ii) Only temperatures due to refrigerated service usually need to 
be considered in determining the service temperature, except pressure 
vessel type cargo tanks operating at ambient temperatures must meet 
paragraph (d) of this section. ``Refrigerated service'', as used in 
this paragraph (a)(2)(ii), means a service in which the temperature is 
controlled by the process and not by atmospheric conditions.
    (b) Specifications. Materials used in the construction of vessels 
to operate below 0 [deg]F (but not below the designated minimum service 
temperature) must conform to a specification given in table UCS-23 in 
Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
54.01-1) and the following additional requirements:

    Note 1 to paragraph (b) introductory text: For high alloy steels 
refer to Sec.  54.25-15. For heat treated steels refer to Sec.  

    (1)(i) For minimum service temperatures not lower than -67 [deg]F, 
ferritic steels must be made with fine grain practice and must have an 
austenitic grain size of 5 or finer, and must be normalized. 
Consideration will be given to other heat treatments; refer to Sec.  
57.03-1(d) of this subchapter. Plate for pressure vessel applications 
must conform to the requirements of ASTM A20/A20M (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  54.01-1). It may be produced by the open hearth, 
basic oxygen or electric furnace process and must conform to the 
requirements of table 1 to Sec.  54.25-10(b)(1). (Other alloying 
elements may only be present in trace amounts.)
    (ii) Mechanical properties must be within the following limits:
    (A) Ultimate strength: 58,000 \1\-85,000 \1\psig.
    (B) Yield strength: Minimum 35,000 psig. Maximum 80 percent of 
    (C) Elongation minimum: 20 percent in 8 inches, or 24 percent in 2 
inches, or 22 percent in 5.65 [radic]A, where ``A'' is the test 
specimen cross sectional area.

                    Table 1 to Sec.   54.25-10(b)(1)
   Minimum service \1\                             Manganese range \1\
    temperature [deg]F      Max. C \1\ percent           percent
                   -30                  0.20                 0.70-1.35
                   -50                   .16                 1.15-1.50
                   -67                   .12                 1.30-1.60
\1\ At service temperatures intermediate between those specified,
  intermediate amounts of carbon and manganese will be allowed (in
  proportion to the actual service temperature variation from that
  listed), provided all other chemical and mechanical properties
  specified for steels in this temperature range are satisfied.

                    Table 2 to Sec.   54.25-10(b)(1)
                                                    Range percent
Si........................................  0.10-0.50 Maximum.
S.........................................  0.035.
P.........................................  0.035.
Ni........................................  0.80.
Cr........................................  0.25.
Mo........................................  0.08.
Cu........................................  0.035.
Nb........................................  0.05.
V.........................................  0.08.

    (2) For minimum service temperature below -67 [deg]F, but not below 
the designated minimum service temperature, ferritic steels must be 
normalized, low carbon, fully killed, fine grain, nickel alloy type, 
conforming to any one of the specifications in table 3 to Sec.  54.25-
10(b)(2). Consideration will be given to other heat treatments. Refer 
to Sec.  57.03-1(d) of this subchapter for quenched and tempered 
steels. The ultimate and yield strengths must be as shown in the 
applicable specification and must be suitable to the design stress 
levels adopted. The service temperature must not be colder than the 
minimum specified in table 3 to Sec.  54.25-10(b)(2) for each steel.

                    Table 3 to Sec.   54.25-10(b)(2)
                 Steel                     Minimum service temperature
A-203, 2.25 percent, Ni, normalized....  -80 [deg]F for Grade A.
                                         -75 [deg]F for Grade B.
A-203, 3.5 percent, Ni, normalized.....  -130 [deg]F for Grade D.
                                         -110 [deg]F for Grade E.

[[Page 50123]]

5 percent Ni, normalized...............  Dependent on chemical and
                                          physical properties.

    (3) The materials permitted under paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this 
section must be tested for toughness in accordance with and must 
satisfy the applicable requirements of subpart 54.05.
    (4) Welded pressure vessels or nonpressure vessel type tanks and 
associated secondary barriers, as defined in Sec.  38.05-4 of 
subchapter D of this chapter must meet the toughness requirements of 
subparts 57.03 and 57.06 of this subchapter with regard to weld 
procedure qualifications and production testing.
    (5) The material manufacturer's identification marking required by 
the material specification must not be die-stamped on plate material 
less than one-fourth inch in thickness.
    (c) Design. Pressure vessels must meet the requirements for Class 
I-L and II-L construction. (See table 2 to Sec.  54.01-5 for applicable 
requirements). Except as permitted by Sec.  54.05-30, the allowable 
stress values used in the design of low temperature pressure vessels 
may not exceed those given in table UCS-23 of Section VIII of the ASME 
BPVC for temperatures of 0 [deg]F to 650 [deg]F. For materials not 
listed in this table allowable stress values are determined in 
accordance with appendix P of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC.
    (d) Impact tests. Weldments and all materials used in pressure 
vessel type cargo tanks operating at ambient temperatures and 
constructed of materials listed in table UCS-23 must pass Charpy impact 
tests in accordance with UG-84 at a temperature of -20 [deg]F or 
colder, except as provided by paragraphs (d)(1), (2), and (3) of this 
    (1) Charpy impact tests are not required for any of the following 
ASTM materials if the thickness for each is \5/8\ inch or less, unless 
otherwise indicated:
    (i) A-182, normalized and tempered.
    (ii) A-302, Grades C and D.
    (iii) A-336, Grades F21 and F22 that are normalized and tempered.
    (iv) A-387, Grades 21 and 22 that are normalized and tempered.
    (v) A-516, Grades 55 and 60.
    (vi) A-533, Grades B and C.
    (vii) All other plates, structural shapes and bars, and other 
product forms, except for bolting, if produced to a fine grain practice 
and normalized.
    (2) Charpy impact tests are not required for any of the following 
ASTM materials if the thickness for each is 1.25 inch or less:
    (i) A-203.
    (ii) A-508, Class 1.
    (iii) A-516, normalized.
    (iv) A-524.
    (v) A-537.
    (vi) A-612, normalized.
    (vii) A-662, normalized.
    (viii) A-724, normalized.
    (3) Charpy impact tests are not required for any of the following 
bolt materials:
    (i) A-193, Grades B5, B7, B7M, and B16.
    (ii) A-307, Grade B
    (iii) A-325, Type 1.
    (iv) A-449.

Sec.  54.25-15  Low temperature operation--high alloy steels (modifies 
UHA-23(b) and UHA-51).

    (a) Toughness tests for the materials listed in UHA-51(a) in 
Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
54.01-1) for service temperatures below -425 [deg]F, UHA-51(b)(1) 
through (5) for service temperatures below 0 [deg]F, and UHA-51(c) for 
all service temperatures, must be performed in accordance with the 
requirements of subpart 54.05. These requirements are also applicable 
to nonpressure vessel type, low temperature tanks and associated 
secondary barriers, as defined in Sec.  38.05-4 in subchapter D of this 
chapter. Such tests are required regardless of the vessel's design 
stress. Service temperature is defined in Sec.  54.25-10(a)(2).
    (b) Materials for pressure vessels with service temperatures below 
-320 [deg]F must be of the stabilized or low carbon (less than 0.10 
percent) austenitic stainless-steel type, produced according to the 
applicable specifications of table UHA-23 of Section VIII of the ASME 
BPVC. These materials and their weldments must be tested for toughness 
according to the requirements of subpart 54.05 except that the Charpy 
V-notch testing acceptance criteria will be in accordance with UHT-
6(a)(4) and (5) of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC.
    (c) Except as permitted by Sec.  54.05-30, the allowable stress 
values used in the design of low temperature pressure vessels may not 
exceed those given in table UHA-23 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC for 
temperatures of -20 [deg]F to 100 [deg]F.

Sec.  54.25-20  Low temperature operation--ferritic steels with 
properties enhanced by heat treatment (modifies UHT-5(c), UHT-6, UHT-
23, and UHT-82).

    (a) For service temperatures below 0 [deg]F but not below the 
designated minimum service temperature, steel conforming to the 
specifications of table 1 to Sec.  54.25-20(a) may be used in the 
fabrication of pressure vessels and nonpressure vessel tanks and 
associated secondary barriers, as defined in Sec.  38.05-4 of 
subchapter D of this chapter. The ultimate and yield strengths must be 
as shown in the applicable specification and must be suitable for the 
design stress levels adopted. The service temperature must not be 
colder than -320 [deg]F. Service temperature is defined in Sec.  54.25-

                      Table 1 to Sec.   54.25-20(a)
                                                        Minimum service
                        Steel                             temperature,
A-333, 9 percent Ni, grade 8.........................               -320
A-334, 9 percent Ni, grade 8.........................               -320
A-353, 9 percent Ni, double normalized and tempered..               -320
A-522, 9 percent Ni, NNT, Q and T, forging...........               -320
A-553, 9 percent Ni, quenched and tempered...........               -320

[[Page 50124]]

    (b) The materials permitted under paragraph (a) of this section 
must be tested for toughness in accordance with the requirements of 
UHT-6 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  54.01-1) except that tests must be conducted at the temperature 
specified in Sec.  54.05-6 in lieu of that in UHT-5(c) of Section VIII 
of the ASME BPVC. Lateral expansion in a broken Charpy V-notch specimen 
is illustrated in figure 1 to Sec.  54.25-20(b) and must be measured in 
accordance with the procedure outlined in ASTM A370 (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  54.01-1).

Figure 1 to Sec.  54.20-20(b)

    (c) The qualification of welding procedures, welders and weld-
production testing for the steels of table 1 to Sec.  54.25-20(a) must 
conform to the requirements of part 57 of this subchapter and to those 
of subpart 54.05 except that the acceptance criteria for Charpy V-notch 
testing must be in accordance with UHT-6(a)(4) of Section VIII of the 
    (d) The values of absorbed energy in foot-pounds and of fracture 
appearance in percentage shear, which are recorded for information when 
complying with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section must also be 
reported to the marine inspector or the Commandant, as applicable.
    (e) Except as permitted by Sec.  54.05-30, the allowable stress 
values may not exceed those given in table UHT-23 of Section VIII of 
the ASME BPVC for temperatures of 150 [deg]F and below.

Sec.  54.25-25  Welding of quenched and tempered steels (modifies UHT-

    (a) The qualification of welding procedures, welders, and weld-
production testing must conform to the requirements of part 57 of this 
subchapter. The requirements of Sec.  57.03-1(d) of this subchapter 
apply to welded pressure vessels and non-pressure vessel type tanks of 
quenched and tempered steels other than 9-percent nickel.
    (b) [Reserved]

Subpart 54.30--Mechanical Stress Relief

Sec.  54.30-1  Scope.

    (a) Certain pressure vessels may be mechanically stress relieved in 
accordance with the requirements in this subpart.
    (b) [Reserved]

[[Page 50125]]

Sec.  54.30-3  Introduction.

    (a) Large conventional pressure vessels used to transport liquefied 
petroleum and natural gases, at ``low temperatures'' may often be 
difficult to thermally stress relieve. Where no other problem, such as 
corrosion exists, mechanical stress relief will be permitted for Class 
II-L pressure vessels.
    (b) Mechanical stress relief serves to cause small flaws, 
particularly in the weld zone, to yield plastically at the flaw tip 
resulting in a local relief of stress and a blunting of the crack tip. 
To achieve the maximum benefit from mechanical stress relief, it is 
necessary that the stresses so imposed be more severe than those 
expected in normal service life. At the same time, it is necessary that 
the stresses which are imposed are not so high as to result in 
appreciable deformation or general yielding.
    (c) The weld joint efficiencies as listed in table UW-12 of Section 
VIII of the BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) apply 
except that a minimum of spot radiography will be required. UW-12(c) of 
Section VIII of the ASME BPVC that permits omitting all radiography 
does not apply. Spot examination must follow UW-52 of Section VIII of 
the ASME BPVC and, in addition, these vessels will be required to have 
radiographic examination of intersecting circumferential and 
longitudinal joints for a distance of at least 20 times the plate 
thickness from the junction. See Sec.  54.25-8 on spot radiography.
    (d) Severe cold forming will not be permitted unless thermal stress 
relief is used. For example, parts of the vessels which are 
individually cold formed, such as heads, must be thermally stress 
relieved, where the extreme fiber strain measured at the surface 
exceeds 5 percent as determined by:

Percent strain = (65t/Rf)[1-(Rf/Ro)]


t = Plate thickness.
Rf = Final radius.
Ro = Original radius (equals infinity for flat plate).

Sec.  54.30-5  Limitations and requirements.

    (a) Class II-L pressure vessels which require stress relief (see 
table 2 to Sec.  54.01-5) may be mechanically stress relieved provided:
    (1) The steels from which they are fabricated do not specifically 
require thermal stress relief in UCS-56 of Section VIII of the ASME 
BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1) and have a ratio of 
yield to ultimate tensile strength not greater than 0.8. For example: 
A-537 steels could be mechanically stress relieved.
    (2) Pressure difference across the shell is not greater than 100 
pounds per square inch, thickness of shell is not greater than 1 inch, 
and the design temperature is not greater than 115 [deg]F.
    (3) It will carry liquids of specific gravity no greater than 1.05.
    (4) Design details are sufficient to eliminate stress 
concentrators: Mechanical stress relief is not acceptable in designs 
involving the following types of welded connections shown in UW-16.1 of 
Section VIII of the ASME BPVC:
    (i) Types l, m, n, and p because of nonintegral reinforcement. Type 
o will be acceptable provided the plate, nozzle, and reinforcement 
assembly are furnace stress relieved and the reinforcement is at least 
6 inches or 10t, whichever is larger, from the plate head.
    (ii) Types d, e, and f because expansion and contraction stresses 
are concentrated at the junction points.
    (5) That no slip-on flanges in sizes greater than 2 inches are 
    (6) The categories A and B joints are type one as described in 
table UW-12 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC and all categories C and D 
joints are full penetration welds. See UW-3 of the ASME BPVC for 
definition of categories.
    (b) When a pressure vessel is to be mechanically stress relieved in 
accordance with Sec.  54.30-10(a)(1), its maximum allowable working 
pressure will be 40 percent of the value which would otherwise be 
determined. However, an increase of this 40 percent factor may be 
permitted if the stress relief is carried out at a pressure higher than 
that required by Sec.  54.30-10(a)(1) and an experimental strain 
analysis is carried out during stress relief. This evaluation should 
provide information as to the strains at the saddles, welded seams and 
nozzles as well as the body of the vessel. The hydrostatic pressure 
applied during stress relief should be such that, except in the case of 
welds, the stresses in the vessel must closely approach but not exceed 
90 percent of the yield stress of the material at the test temperature. 
The proposed experimental program should be submitted to the Commandant 
for approval prior to its use. Photo-elastic coating, strain gaging, or 
a brittle coating technique is suggested for the experimental analysis.

Sec.  54.30-10  Method of performing mechanical stress relief.

    (a) The mechanical stress relief must be carried out in accordance 
with the following stipulations using water as the pressurizing medium:
    (1) At a hydrostatic pressure (measured at the tank top) of 1.5 
times the design pressure. (See UA-60(e) of Section VIII of the ASME 
BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  54.01-1).)
    (2) At a temperature of 70 [deg]F or the service temperature plus 
50 [deg]F, whichever is higher. Where the ambient temperature is below 
70 [deg]F, and use of water at that temperature is not practical, the 
minimum temperature for mechanical stress relief may be below 70 [deg]F 
but must not be less than 50 [deg]F above service temperature.
    (3) The stress relief must be at the required temperature and 
pressure and held for a period not less than 2 hours per inch of metal 
thickness, but in no case less than 2 hours.
    (b) It is considered preferable that mechanical stress relief be 
accomplished with the tanks in place on their saddles or supporting 
structure in the barge or ship in which they will be utilized. In any 
case, it is considered mandatory that the tank be supported only by its 
regular saddles or supporting structure, without any auxiliary or 
temporary supports.

Sec.  54.30-15  Requirement for analysis and computation.

    (a) A stress analysis must be performed to determine if the tank 
may be exposed to excessive loadings during the mechanical stress 
relief process. This analysis should include consideration of the local 
stresses in way of saddles or other supporting structure and additional 
bending stresses due to the weight of the pressurizing liquid 
particularly in areas of high stress concentration. While it is 
necessary that the general stress level during the process be in excess 
of the normal working level, the calculated maximum stress during test 
must not exceed 90 percent of the yield strength of the material at 
test temperature. The supporting structure must be analyzed to verify 
its adequacy.
    (b) In all cases where the tanks are mechanically stress relieved 
in place in the ship or barge and the tanks are designed to carry 
cargoes with a specific gravity less than 1.05, the ship or barge must 
be shown to have adequate stability and buoyancy, as well as strength 
to carry the excess weight of the tank during the stress relief 


17. The authority citation for part 56 is revised to read as follows:

[[Page 50126]]

    Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j), 1509; 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 
3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; E.O. 
12777, 56 FR 54757, 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; Department of 
Homeland Security Delegation No. 00170.1, Revision No. 01.3.

18. Revise and republish subpart 56.01 to read as follows:
Subpart 56.01--General
56.01-1 Scope (replaces 100.1).
56.01-2 Incorporation by reference.
56.01-3 Power boilers, external piping, and appurtenances (Replaces 
100.1.1, 0.1.2, 122.1, 132 and 133).
56.01-5 Adoption of ASME B31.1 for power piping, and other 
56.01-10 Plan approval.

Subpart 56.01--General

Sec.  56.01-1  Scope (replaces 100.1).

    (a) This part contains requirements for the various ships' and 
barges' piping systems and appurtenances.
    (b) The respective piping systems installed on ships and barges 
must have the necessary pumps, valves, regulation valves, safety 
valves, relief valves, flanges, fittings, pressure gages, liquid level 
indicators, thermometers, etc., for safe and efficient operation of the 
    (c) Piping for industrial systems on mobile offshore drilling units 
need not fully comply with the requirements of this part but must meet 
subpart 58.60 of this subchapter.

Sec.  56.01-2  Incorporation by reference.

    Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with 
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that 
specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish a document in 
the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. 
All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for 
inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Archives and 
Records Administration (NARA). Contact U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters 
at: Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering 
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; phone (202) 372-1375; email 
[email protected]. For information on the availability of this 
material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations or email [email protected]. The material may be obtained 
from the following sources:
    (a) American Petroleum Institute (API), 200 Massachusetts Avenue 
NW, Washington, DC 20002-5571; 202-682-8000; [email protected]; 
    (1) API Standard 607, Fire Test for Quarter-turn Valves and Valves 
Equipped with Nonmetallic Seats, Seventh Edition, June 2016 (``API 
607''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.20-15(b).
    (2) [Reserved]
    (b) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park 
Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990; 800-843-2763; [email protected]; 
    (1) ANSI B1.20.3-1976 (Reaffirmed 2013), Dryseal Pipe Threads 
(Inch), adopted November 18, 1976 (``ASME B1.20.3''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-1, table 2.
    (2) ASME BPVC.I-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 
Section I, Rules for Construction of Power Boilers, 2019 Edition, 
issued July 1, 2019 (``Section I of the ASME BPVC''); IBR approved for 
Sec. Sec.  56.15-1(c); 56.60-1(a); 56.70-15(b); 56.95-10(c).
    (3) ASME BPVC.VIII.1-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 
Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure 
Vessels, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 2019 (``Section VIII of the ASME 
BPVC''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.15-1(c); 56.25-5; 56.30-10(b); 
56.60-1(a) and table 1; 56.60-2 table 1; 56.60-15(a) and (b); 56.95-
    (4) ASME BPVC.IX-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 
Section IX, Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing, and Fusing 
Procedures; Welders; Brazers; and Welding, Brazing, and Fusing 
Operators, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 2019 (``Section IX of the ASME 
BPVC''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.70-5(a); 56.70-20(a); 56.75-
    (5) ASME B1.1-2003 (reaffirmed), Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and 
UNR Thread Form), issued September 30, 2004 (``ASME B1.1''); IBR 
approved for Sec. Sec.  56.25-20(d); 56.60-1 table 2.
    (6) ASME B1.20.1-2013, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch), issued 
November 15, 2013 (``ASME B1.20.1''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 
table 2.
    (7) ASME B16.1-2015, Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, 
Classes 25, 125, and 250, issued December 28, 2015 (``ASME B16.1''); 
IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.60-1 table 2; 56.60-10(a).
    (8) ASME B16.3-2016, Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 150 
and 300, issued November 30, 2016 (``ASME B16.3''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (9) ASME B16.4-2016, Gray Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 
250, issued November 11, 2016 (``ASME B16.4''); IBR approved for Sec.  
56.60-1 table 2.
    (10) ASME B16.5-2017, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, NPS \1/2\ 
Through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard, issued November 20, 2017, (``ASME 
B16.5''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.25-20(a); 56.30-10(b); 56.60-1 
table 2.
    (11) ASME B16.11-2016, Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and 
Threaded, issued January 1, 2017 including errata (``ASME B16.11''); 
IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.30-5(c); 56.60-1 tables 1 and 2.
    (12) ASME B16.14-2013, Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts 
with Pipe Threads, issued November 15, 2013 (``ASME B16.14''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (13) ASME B16.15-2013, Cast Copper Alloy Threaded Fittings, Classes 
125 and 250, issued December 6, 2013 (``ASME B16.15''); IBR approved 
for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (14) ASME B16.20-2012, Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges, Ring-
Joint, Spiral-Wound, and Jacketed, issued June 25, 2013 (``ASME 
B16.20''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (15) ASME B16.21-2016, Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges, 
issued December 9, 2016 (``ASME B16.21''); IBR approved for Sec.  
56.60-1 table 2.
    (16) ASME B16.23-2016, Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage 
Fittings: DWV, issued January 16, 2017 (``ASME B16.23''); IBR approved 
for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (17) ASME B16.25-2012, Buttwelding Ends, issued December 20, 2012 
(``ASME B16.25''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.30-5(b); 56.60-1 
table 2; 56.70-10(a).
    (18) ASME B16.29-2012, Wrought Copper and Wrought Copper Alloy 
Solder-Joint Drainage Fittings--DWV, issued September 26, 2012 (``ASME 
B16.29''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (19) ASME B16.34-2017, Valves--Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End, 
issued August 23, 2017 (``ASME B16.34''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-
1 table 2.
    (20) ASME B18.2.1-2012, Square, Hex, Heavy Hex, and Askew Head 
Bolts and Hex, Heavy Hex, Hex Flange, Lobed Head, and Lag Screws (Inch 
Series), issued April 24, 2013 (``ASME B18.2.1''); IBR approved for 
Sec. Sec.  56.25-20(b); 56.60-1 table 2.
    (21) ASME B18.2.2-2015, Nuts for General Applications: Machine 
Screw Nuts, Hex, Square, Hex Flange, and Coupling Nuts (Inch Series), 
issued November 30, 2015 (``ASME B18.2.2''); IBR approved for 
Sec. Sec.  56.25-20(b) and (c); 56.60-1 table 2.
    (22) ASME B31.1-2016, Power Piping, ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 
B31, issued June 30, 2016 (``ASME B31.1''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  
56.01-3(b); 56.01-

[[Page 50127]]

5(a) and (b); 56.07-5(a); 56.07-10(a), (d), (e), and (f); 56.10-1(b); 
56.10-5(c); 56.15-1(c); 56.25-7; 56.30-1; 56.30-5(c) and (d); 56.30-
20(d); 56.35-1(b); 56.50-1 introductory text; 56.50-40(a); 56.50-70(a); 
56.50-97(a); 56.60-1 tables 1 and 2; 56.65-1; 56.70-5(b); 56.70-10(b); 
56.70-15(b), (c), (d), and (g); 56.80-5; 56.80-15(d); 56.85-10; 56.85-
15; 56.95-1; 56.95-10(a); 56.97-1(a).
    (23) ASME B31.3-2018, Process Piping, ASME Code for Pressure 
Piping, B31, issued August 30, 2019 (``ASME B31.3''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-1 tables 1 and 2.
    (24) ASME B36.10M-2015 Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe, 
issued August 31, 2015 (``ASME B36.10M''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  
56.07-5(c); 56.30-20(d); 56.60-1 table 2.
    (25) ASME B36.19M-2004 Stainless Steel Pipe (Reaffirmed 2015), 
issued October 25, 2004 (``ASME B36.19M''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  
56.07-5(c); 56.60-1 table 2.
    (26) ASME BPVC.II.A-2021/SA-675, 2021 ASME Boiler and Pressure 
Vessel Code: Section II--Materials; Part A- Ferrous Material 
Specifications (SA-451 to End), Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, 
Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, Mechanical Properties, 2021 Edition, 
issued July 1, 2021 (``ASME SA-675''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-2 
table 1.
    (c) ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West 
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; 610-832-9500; [email protected]; 
    (1) ASTM A36/A36M-14, Standard Specification for Carbon Structural 
Steel, approved December 1, 2014 (``ASTM A36/A36M''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.30-10(b).
    (2) ASTM A47/A47M-99 (Reapproved 2014), Standard Specification for 
Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings, approved April 1, 2014, (``ASTM A47/
A47M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (3) ASTM A53/A53M-12, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black 
and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless, approved March 1, 
2012 (``ASTM A53/A53M''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.10-5(b); 
56.60-1 table 1.
    (4) ASTM A126-04 (Reapproved 2014), Standard Specification for Gray 
Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings, approved April 1, 
2014 (``ASTM A126''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (5) ASTM A135/A135M-19, Standard Specification for Electric-
Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe, approved May 1, 2019 (``ASTM A135/
A135M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (6) ASTM A197/A197M-00 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification 
for Cupola Malleable Iron, approved November 1, 2015 (``ASTM A197/
A197M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (7) ASTM A210/A210M-19, Standard Specification for Seamless Medium-
Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes, approved May 1, 2019 (``ASTM 
A210/A210M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (8) ASTM A268/A268M-10 (Reapproved 2016), Standard Specification 
for Seamless and Welded Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Tubing 
for General Service, approved September 1, 2016 (``ASTM A268/A268M''); 
IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (9) ASTM A276/A276M-17, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel 
Bars and Shapes, approved March 15, 2017 (``ASTM A276/A276M''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  56.60-2 table 1.
    (10) ASTM A312/A312M-17, Standard Specification for Seamless, 
Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes, 
approved March 15, 2017 (``ASTM A312/A312M''); IBR approved for 
Sec. Sec.  56.50-105 table 2; 56.60-1 table 1.
    (11) ASTM A333/A333M-16, Standard Specification for Seamless and 
Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service and Other Applications 
with Required Notch Toughness, approved March 1, 2016 (``ASTM A333/
A333M''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.50-105 table 2; 56.60-1 table 
    (12) ASTM A334/A334M-04a (Reapproved 2016), Standard Specification 
for Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy-Steel Tubes for Low-
Temperature Service, approved March 1, 2016 (``ASTM A334/A334M''); IBR 
approved for Sec. Sec.  56.50-105 table 2; 56.60-1 table 1.
    (13) ASTM A350/A350M-17, Standard Specification for Carbon and Low-
Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping 
Components, approved September 1, 2017 (``ASTM A350/A350M''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  56.50-105 table 2.
    (14) ASTM A352/A352M-17, Standard Specification for Steel Castings, 
Ferritic and Martensitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for 
Low-Temperature Service, approved November 1, 2017 (``ASTM A352/
A352M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.50-105 table 2.
    (15) ASTM A358/A358M-15, Standard Specification for Electric-
Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Pipe for High-
Temperature Service and General Applications, approved September 1, 
2015 (``ASTM A358/A358M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (16) ASTM A376/A376M-17, Standard Specification for Seamless 
Austenitic Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service, approved September 
1, 2017 (``ASTM A376/A376M''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.60-1(a); 
    (17) ASTM A403/A403M-16, Standard Specification for Wrought 
Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings, approved May 1, 2016 
(``ASTM A403/A403M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (18) ASTM A420/A420M-16, Standard Specification for Piping Fittings 
of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low-Temperature Service, 
approved May 1, 2016 (``ASTM A420/A420M''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  
56.50-105 table 2; 56.60-1 table 1.
    (19) ASTM A522/A522M-14, Standard Specification for Forged or 
Rolled 8 and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts 
for Low-Temperature Service, approved October 1, 2014 (``ASTM A522/
A522M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.50-105 table 2.
    (20) ASTM A575-96 (Reapproved 2013), Standard Specification for 
Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, M-Grades, approved April 1, 2013 
(``ASTM A575''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-2 table 2.
    (21) ASTM A576-17, Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, 
Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, approved November 1, 2017 (``ASTM 
A576''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-2 table 1.
    (22) ASTM B16/B16M-10 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification for 
Free-Cutting Brass Rod, Bar, and Shapes for Use in Screw Machines, 
approved May 1, 2015 (``ASTM B16/B16M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-
2 table 1.
    (23) ASTM B21/B21M-20, Standard Specification for Naval Brass Rod, 
Bar, and Shapes, approved April 1, 2020 (``ASTM B21/B21M''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  56.60-2 table 1.
    (24) ASTM B26/B26M-18, Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy 
Sand Castings, approved May 15, 2018 (``ASTM B26/B26M''); IBR approved 
for Sec.  56.60-2 table 1.
    (25) ASTM B42-20, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Pipe, 
Standard Sizes, approved April 1, 2020 (``ASTM B42''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (26) ASTM B43-15, Standard Specification for Seamless Red Brass 
Pipe, Standard Sizes, approved October 1, 2015 (``ASTM B43''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (27) ASTM B68/B68M-19, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper 
Tube, Bright Annealed, approved April 1,

[[Page 50128]]

2019 (``ASTM B68/B68M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (28) ASTM B75/B75M-19, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper 
Tube, approved April 1, 2019 (``ASTM B75/B75M''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (29) ASTM B85/B85M-18, Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy 
Die Castings, approved May 1, 2018 (``ASTM B85/B85M''); IBR approved 
for Sec.  56.60-2 table 1.
    (30) ASTM B96/B96M-16, Standard Specification for Copper-Silicon 
Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar for General Purposes and 
Pressure Vessels, approved April 1, 2016 (``ASTM B96/B96M''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  56.60-2 table 1.
    (31) ASTM B111/B111M-18a, Standard Specification for Copper and 
Copper-Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Stock, approved 
October 1, 2018 (``ASTM B111/B111M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 
table 1.
    (32) ASTM B124/B124M-18, Standard Specification for Copper and 
Copper Alloy Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes, approved March 15, 2018 
(``ASTM B124/B124M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-2 table 1.
    (33) ASTM B161-05 (Reapproved 2019), Standard Specification for 
Nickel Seamless Pipe and Tube, approved April 1, 2019 (``ASTM B161''); 
IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (34) ASTM B165-19, Standard Specification of Nickel-Copper Alloy 
Seamless Pipe and Tube, approved November 1, 2019 (``ASTM B165''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (35) ASTM B167-18, Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-
Aluminum Alloys (UNS N06699), Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (UNS N06600, 
N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025, N06045, and N06696), Nickel-
Chromium-Cobalt-Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617), Nickel-Iron-Chromium-
Tungsten Alloy (UNS N06674), and Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper 
Alloy (UNS N06235) Seamless Pipe and Tube, approved December 1, 2018 
(``ASTM B167''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (36) ASTM B171/B171M-18, Standard Specification for Copper-Alloy 
Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels, Condensers, and Heat Exchangers, 
approved October 1, 2018 (``ASTM B171/B171M''); IBR approved for Sec.  
56.60-2 table 1.
    (37) ASTM B210/B210M-19a, Standard Specification for Aluminum and 
Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes, approved November 1, 2019 (``ASTM 
B210/B210M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (38) ASTM B234-17, Standard Specification for Aluminum and 
Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Surface Condensers, 
Evaporators, and Heat Exchangers, approved October 1, 2017 (``ASTM 
B234''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (39) ASTM B241/B241M-16, Standard Specification for Aluminum and 
Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube, approved 
February 1, 2016 (``ASTM B241/B241M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 
table 1.
    (40) ASTM B280-18, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube 
for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Service, approved March 1, 
2018 (``ASTM B280''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (41) ASTM B283/B283M-18, Standard Specification for Copper and 
Copper-Alloy Die Forgings (Hot-Pressed), approved March 1, 2018 (``ASTM 
B283/B283M''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-2 table 1.
    (42) ASTM B315-19, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Alloy 
Pipe and Tube, approved April 1, 2019 (``ASTM B315''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (43) ASTM B361-16, Standard Specification for Factory-Made Wrought 
Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Welding Fittings, approved May 1, 2016 
(``ASTM B361''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 1.
    (44) ASTM B858-06 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Test Method for 
Ammonia Vapor Test for Determining Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion 
Cracking in Copper Alloys, approved March 1, 2018 (``ASTM B858''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  56.60-2 table 1.
    (45) ASTM E23-18, Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact 
Testing of Metallic Materials, approved June 1, 2018 (``ASTM E23''); 
IBR approved for Sec.  56.50-105(a).
    (46) ASTM F1006-86 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification for 
Entrainment Separators for Use in Marine Piping Applications, approved 
September 1, 2018 (``ASTM F1006''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 
table 2.
    (47) ASTM F1007-18, Standard Specification for Pipeline Expansion 
Joints of the Packed Slip Type for Marine Application, approved May 1, 
2018 (``ASTM F1007''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (48) ASTM F1020-86 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification for 
Line-Blind Valves for Marine Applications, approved March 1, 2018 
(``ASTM F1020''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (49) ASTM F1120-87 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification for 
Circular Metallic Bellows Type Expansion Joints for Piping 
Applications, approved May 1, 2015 (``ASTM F1120''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (50) ASTM F1123-87 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification for 
Non-Metallic Expansion Joints, approved May 1, 2015 (``ASTM F1123''); 
IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (51) ASTM F1139-88 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification for 
Steam Traps and Drains, approved May 1, 2015 (``ASTM F1139''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (52) ASTM F1155-10 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Practice for 
Selection and Application of Piping System Materials, approved May 1, 
2015 (``ASTM F1155''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.50-60(d); 56.50-
105 table 2; 56.60-1 tables 1 and 2; 56.60-15(a) and (b).
    (53) ASTM F1172-88 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification for 
Fuel Oil Meters of the Volumetric Positive Displacement Type, approved 
May 1, 2015 (``ASTM F1172''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (54) ASTM F1173-01 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification for 
Thermosetting Resin Fiberglass Pipe and Fittings to be Used for Marine 
Applications, approved March 1, 2018 (``ASTM F1173''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (55) ASTM F1199-88 (Reapproved 2015), Standard Specification for 
Cast (All Temperatures and Pressures) and Welded Pipe Line Strainers 
(150 psig and 150 [deg]F Maximum), approved May 1, 2015 (``ASTM 
F1199''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (56) ASTM F1200-88 (Reapproved 2016), Standard Specification for 
Fabricated (Welded) Pipe Line Strainers (Above 150 psig and 150 
[deg]F), approved September 1, 2016 (``ASTM F1200''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (57) ASTM F1201-88 (Reapproved 2016), Standard Specification for 
Fluid Conditioner Fittings in Piping Applications above 0 [deg]F, 
approved September 1, 2016 (``ASTM F1201''); IBR approved for Sec.  
56.60-1 table 2.
    (58) ASTM F1387-19, Standard Specification for Performance of 
Piping and Tubing Mechanically Attached Fittings, approved September 
15, 2019 (``ASTM F1387''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.30-25(a).
    (59) ASTM F1476-07 (Reapproved 2013), Standard Specification for 
Performance of Gasketed Mechanical Couplings for Use in Piping

[[Page 50129]]

Applications, approved October 1, 2013 (``ASTM F1476''); IBR approved 
for Sec.  56.30-35(a).
    (60) ASTM F1548-01 (Reapproved 2018), Standard Specification for 
the Performance of Fittings for Use with Gasketed Mechanical Couplings 
Used in Piping Applications, approved March 1, 2018 (``ASTM F1548''); 
IBR approved for Sec.  56.30-35(a).
    (d) Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association Inc. (EJMA), 25 North 
Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591; 914-332-0040; www.ejma.org.
    (1) Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, 
Tenth Edition (with errata), 2016; IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1table 
    (2) [Reserved]
    (e) Fluid Controls Institute Inc. (FCI), 1300 Sumner Avenue, 
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115; 216-241-7333; www.fluidcontrolsinstitute.org.
    (1) ANSI/FCI 69-1-2017, Pressure Rating Standard for Steam Traps, 
2017 (``FCI 69-1''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1table 2.
    (2) [Reserved]
    (f) International Maritime Organization (IMO Publications Section), 
4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom; +44 (0) 20 7735 
7611; [email protected]; www.imo.org.
    (1) Resolution A.753(18) Guidelines for the Application of Plastic 
Pipes on Ships, adopted on 4 November 1993 (``IMO Resolution 
A.753(18)''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-25(a).
    (2) Resolution MSC.313(88), Amendments to the Guidelines for the 
Application of Plastic Pipes on Ships, adopted November 26, 2010 (``IMO 
Resolution MSC.313(88)''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-25(a).
    (3) SOLAS, Consolidated text of the International Convention for 
the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and its Protocol of 1988: articles, 
annexes and certificates, Consolidated Edition, January 1, 2020 
(``SOLAS''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.50-50(a).
    (g) International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Chemin de 
Blandonnet 8, CP 401-1214, Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland; +41 22 749 01 
11; [email protected]; www.iso.org.
    (1) ISO 15540:2016(E) Ships and Marine Technology--Fire resistance 
of non-metallic hose assemblies and non-metallic compensators--Test 
methods, Second Edition, July 15, 2016 (``ISO 15540''); IBR approved 
for Sec.  56.60-25(b).
    (2) [Reserved]
    (h) Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings 
Industry, Inc. (MSS), 127 Park Street NE, Vienna, VA 22180-4601; 703-
281-6613; www.msshq.org.
    (1) MSS SP-6-2017, Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe 
Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings, published 
March 2017 (``MSS SP-6''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.25-10(a); 
56.60-1 table 2.
    (2) MSS SP-9-2013, Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and Steel Flanges, 
published March 2013 (``MSS SP-9''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 
table 2.
    (3) ANSI/MSS SP-25-2018, Standard Marking System for Valves, 
Fittings, Flanges and Unions, published September 2018 (``MSS SP-25''); 
IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  56.15-1(e); 56.20-5; 56.60-1 table 2.
    (4) MSS SP-45-2003, Bypass and Drain Connections, 2008 Edition, 
originally approved July 1953, reaffirmed 2008, (``MSS SP-45''); IBR 
approved for Sec. Sec.  56.20-20(a); 56.60-1(b).
    (5) MSS SP-51-2012, Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant Flanges and 
Cast Flanged Fittings, published May 2012 (``MSS SP-51''); IBR approved 
for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (6) MSS SP-53-2012, Quality Standard for Steel Castings and 
Forgings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components-
Magnetic Particle Examination Method, published December 2012 (``MSS 
SP-53''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (7) ANSI/MSS SP-55-2011, Quality Standard for Steel Castings for 
Valves, Flanges, Fittings and Other Piping Components-Visual Method for 
Evaluation of Surface Irregularities, published October 2011 (``MSS SP-
55''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (8) ANSI/MSS SP-58-2009, Pipe Hangers and Supports-Materials, 
Design, Manufacture, Selection, Application, and Installation, 
published October 2011 (``MSS SP-58''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 
table 2.
    (9) MSS SP-61-2019, Pressure Testing of Valves, published December 
2019 (``MSS SP-61''); IBR approved for Sec.  56.60-1 table 2.
    (i) SAE International (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 
15096; 724-776-4841; [email protected]; www.sae.org.
    (1) SAE J1475 JUN2014, Hydraulic Hose Fitting for Marine 
Applications, stabilized June 2014 (``SAE J1475''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-25(b).
    (2) J1942 MAR2019, Hose and Hose Assemblies for Marine 
Applications, revised March 2019 (``SAE J1942''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  56.60-25(b).

Sec.  56.01-3  Power boilers, external piping, and appurtenances 
(Replaces 100.1.1, 100.1.2, 122.1, 132 and 133).

    (a) Power boiler external piping and components must meet the 
requirements of this part and Sec. Sec.  52.01-105, 52.01-110, 52.01-
115, and 52.01-120 of this subchapter.
    (b) Specific requirements for external piping and appurtenances of 
power boilers, as defined in Secs. 100.1.1 and 100.1.2, appearing in 
the various paragraphs of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  56.01-2), are not adopted unless specifically indicated elsewhere 
in this part.

Sec.  56.01-5  Adoption of ASME B31.1 for power piping, and other 

    (a) Piping systems for ships and barges must be designed, 
constructed, and inspected in accordance with ASME B31.1 (incorporated 
by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2), as limited, modified, or replaced by 
specific requirements in this part. The provisions in the appendices to 
ASME B31.1 are adopted and must be followed when the requirements of 
ASME B31.1 or the rules in this part make them mandatory. For general 
information, table 1 to Sec.  56.01-5(a) lists the various paragraphs 
and sections in ASME B31.1 that are limited, modified, replaced, or 
reproduced by rules in this part.
    Table 1 to Sec.  56.01-5(a)--Limitations and Modifications in the 
Adoption of ASME B31.1 for Pressure and Power Piping

   Table 1 to Sec.   56.01-5(a)--Limitations and Modifications in the
          Adoption of ASME B31.1 for Pressure and Power Piping
 Section or paragraph in ASME B31.1 and
              disposition                       Unit in this part
100.1 replaced by......................  56.01-1.
100.2 modified by......................  56.07-5.
101 through 104.7 modified by..........  56.07-10.
101.2 modified by......................  56.07-10(a), (b).
101.5 replaced by......................  56.07-10(c).
102.2 modified by......................  56.07-10(d).

[[Page 50130]]

102.3 and 104.1.2 modified by..........  56.07-10(e).
104.3 modified by......................  56.07-10(f).
104.4 modified by......................  56.07-10(e).
104.5.1 modified by....................  56.30-10.
105 through 108 replaced by............  56.10-1 through 56.25-20.
110 through 118 replaced by............  56.30-1 through 56.30-35.
119.5.1 replaced by....................  56.35-10, 56.35-15.
119.7 replaced by......................  56.35-1.
122.1.4 replaced by....................  56.50-40.
122.3 modified by......................  56.50-97.
122.6 through 122.10 replaced by.......  56.50-1 through 56.50-80.
123 replaced by........................  56.60-1.
Table 126.1 is replaced by.............  56.30-5(c)(3), 56.60-1.
127 through 135 replaced by............  56.65-1, 56.70-10 through 56.90-
136 replaced by........................  56.95-1 through 56.95-10.
137 replaced by........................  56.97-1 through 56.97-40.

    (b) When a section or paragraph of the regulations in this part 
relates to material in ASME B31.1, the relationship with ASME B31.1 
will appear immediately after the heading of the section or at the 
beginning of the paragraph as follows:
    (1) (Modifies __.) This indicates that the material in ASME B31.1 
so numbered for identification is generally applicable but is being 
altered, amplified, or augmented.
    (2) (Replaces __.) This indicates that the material in ASME B31.1 
so numbered for identification does not apply.
    (3) (Reproduces __.) This indicates that the material in ASME B31.1 
so numbered for identification is being identically reproduced for 
convenience, not for emphasis.
    (c) As stated in Sec.  56.01-2, the standards of the American 
National Standards Institute (ANSI) and ASME specifically referred to 
in this part must be the governing requirements for the matters covered 
unless specifically limited, modified, or replaced by other rules in 
this subchapter. See Sec.  56.60-1(b) for the other adopted commercial 
standards applicable to piping systems that also constitute this 

Sec.  56.01-10  Plan approval.

    (a) Plans and specifications for new construction and major 
alterations showing the respective piping systems must be submitted, as 
required by subpart 50.20 of this subchapter.
    (b) Piping materials and appliances, such as pipe, tubing, 
fittings, flanges, and valves, except safety relief valves covered in 
part 162 of subchapter Q of this chapter, are not required to be 
specifically approved by the Commandant, but must comply with the 
applicable requirements for materials, construction, markings, and 
testing. These materials and appliances must be certified as described 
in part 50 of this subchapter. Drawings listing material specifications 
and showing details of welded joints for pressure-containing 
appurtenances of welded construction must be submitted in accordance 
with paragraph (a) of this section.
    (c)(1) Prior to installation aboard ship, diagrams of the following 
systems must be submitted for approval:
    (i) Steam and exhaust piping.
    (ii) Boiler feed and blowoff piping.
    (iii) Safety valve escape piping.
    (iv) Fuel oil service, transfer, and filling piping. (Service 
includes boiler fuel and internal combustion engine fuel piping.)
    (v) Fire extinguishing systems including fire main and sprinkler 
piping, inert gas and foam.
    (vi) Bilge and ballast piping.
    (vii) Tank cleaning piping.
    (viii) Condenser circulating water piping.
    (ix) Vent, sound, and overflow piping.
    (x) Sanitary drains, soil drains, deck drains, and overboard 
discharge piping.
    (xi) Internal combustion engine exhaust piping. (Refer to part 58 
of this subchapter for requirements.)
    (xii) Cargo piping.
    (xiii) Hot water heating systems if the temperature is greater than 
121 [deg]C (250 [deg]F).
    (xiv) Compressed air piping.
    (xv) Fluid power and control systems (hydraulic, pneumatic). (Refer 
to subpart 58.30 of this subchapter for specific requirements.)
    (xvi) Lubricating oil piping.
    (xvii) Refrigeration and air conditioning piping. (Refer to part 58 
of this subchapter for specific requirements.)
    (2) Arrangement drawings of the following systems must also be 
submitted prior to installation:
    (i) All Classes I, I-L, and II-L systems.
    (ii) All Class II firemain, foam, sprinkler, bilge and ballast, 
vent sounding and overflow systems.
    (iii) Other Class II systems only if specifically requested or 
required by regulations in this subchapter.
    (d)(1) The drawings or diagrams must include a list of material, 
furnishing pipe diameters, wall thicknesses, design pressure, fluid 
temperature, applicable ASTM material or ANSI component specification, 
type, size, design standard, and rating of valves, flanges, and 
    (2) Pump rated capacity and pump shutoff head must appear on piping 
diagrams. Pump characteristic curves must be submitted for all pumps in 
the firemain and foam systems. These curves need not be submitted if 
the following information is shown on the drawing:
    (i) Rated capacity and head at rated capacity.
    (ii) Shutoff head.
    (iii) Head at 150 percent rated capacity.
    (3) Standard drawings of the following fabrication details must be 
    (i) Welding details for piping connections.
    (ii) Welding details for nonstandard fittings (when appropriate).
    (e) Plans of piping for industrial systems on mobile offshore 
drilling units must be submitted under subpart 58.60 of this 
    (f) Where piping passes through watertight bulkheads and/or fire 
boundaries, plans of typical details of piping penetrations must be 

[[Page 50131]]

    (g) Arrangement drawings specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this 
section are not required if--
    (1) The location of each component for which there is a location 
requirement (i.e., shell penetration, fire station, foam monitor, etc.) 
is indicated on the piping diagram;
    (2) The diagram includes, or is accompanied by and makes reference 
to, a material schedule which describes components in sufficient detail 
to substantiate their compliance with the regulations of this 
    (3) A thermal stress analysis is not required; and
    (4) A dynamic analysis is neither required nor elected in lieu of 
allowable stress reduction.

19. Amend Sec.  56.04-1 as follows:
a. Revise the introductory text to Sec.  56.04-1; and
b. Redesignate table 56.04-1 as table 1 to Sec.  56.04-1.
    The revision reads as follows:

Subpart 56.04--Piping Classification

Sec.  56.04-1  Scope.

    Piping is classified as shown in table 1 to Sec.  56.04-1.
* * * * *

20. Amend Sec.  56.04-2 as follows:
a. Revise the introductory text to Sec.  56.04-2;
b. Redesignate table 56.04-2 as table 1 to Sec.  56.04-2; and
c. Revise footnote 2 to newly redesignated table 1 to Sec.  56.04-2.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  56.04-2  Piping classification according to service.

    The designation of classes according to service is found in table 1 
to Sec.  56.04-2.
* * * * *

Table 1 to Sec.  56.04-2

* * * * *
    \2\ For definitions, see parts 30, 151, and 154 of this chapter. 
Note that the category ``B and C'' poisons is not used in the rules 
applying to self-propelled vessels (part 153 of this chapter).
* * * * *

Subpart 56.07--Design

21. Amend Sec.  56.07-5 as follows:
a. Revise paragraphs (a) and (c); and
b. Remove paragraph (g).
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  56.07-5  Definitions (modifies 100.2).

    (a) Piping. The definitions contained in 100.2 of ASME B31.1 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) apply, as well as the 
    (1) The word piping within the meaning of the regulations in this 
subchapter refers to fabricated pipes or tubes with flanges and 
fittings attached, for use in the conveyance of vapors, gases or 
liquids, regardless of whether the diameter is measured on the inside 
or the outside.
    (2) [Reserved]
* * * * *
    (c) Schedule. The word Schedule when used in this part generally 
relates to the wall thickness of piping, and refers to specific values 
as given in ASME B36.10M and B36.19M (both incorporated by reference; 
see Sec.  56.01-2).
* * * * *

22. Revise and republish Sec.  56.07-10 to read as follows:

Sec.  56.07-10  Design conditions and criteria (modifies 101-104.7).

    (a) Maximum allowable working pressure. (1) The maximum allowable 
working pressure of a piping system must not be greater than the 
internal design pressure defined in 104.1.2 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated 
by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).
    (2) Where the maximum allowable working pressure of a system 
component, such as a valve or a fitting, is less than that computed for 
the pipe or tubing, the system pressure must be limited to the lowest 
of the component maximum allowable working pressures.
    (b) Relief valves. (Modifies 101.2.)
    (1) Every system, which may be exposed to pressures higher than the 
system's maximum allowable working pressure, must be safeguarded by 
appropriate relief devices. Relief valves are required at pump 
discharges except for centrifugal pumps so designed and applied that a 
pressure in excess of the maximum allowable working pressure for the 
system cannot be developed.
    (2) The relief valve setting must not exceed the maximum allowable 
working pressure of the system. Its relieving capacity must be 
sufficient to prevent the pressure from rising more than 20 percent 
above the system maximum allowable working pressure. The rated 
relieving capacity of safety and relief valves used in the protection 
of piping systems only must be based on actual flow test data and the 
capacity must be certified by the manufacturer at 120 percent of the 
set pressure of the valve.
    (3) Relief valves must be certified as required in part 50 of this 
subchapter for valves, and must also meet the requirements of Sec.  
54.15-10 of this subchapter.
    (c) Ship motion dynamic effects. (Replaces 101.5.3.) Piping system 
designs must account for the effects of ship motion and flexure, 
including weight, yaw, sway, roll, pitch, heave, and vibration.
    (d) Ratings for pressure and temperature. (Modifies 102.2.) The 
material in 102.2 of ASME B31.1 applies, with the following exceptions:
    (1) The details of components not having specific ratings as 
described in 102.2.2 of ASME B31.1 must be furnished to the Marine 
Safety Center for approval.
    (2) Boiler blowoff piping must be designed in accordance with Sec.  
    (e) Pressure design. (Modifies 102.3, 104.1.2, and 104.4.)
    (1) Materials for use in piping must be selected as described in 
Sec.  56.60-1(a). Tabulated values of allowable stress for these 
materials must be measured as indicated in 102.3.1 of ASME B31.1.
    (2) Allowable stress values, as found in the ASME BPVC, which are 
restricted in application by footnote or are italicized must not be 
used. Where multiple stresses are listed for a material, the lowest 
value of the listing must be used unless otherwise approved by the 
Commandant. In all cases, the temperature is understood to be the 
actual temperature of the component.
    (3) Where the operator desires to use a material not listed, 
permission must be obtained from the Commandant. Requirements for 
testing found in subpart 56.97 may affect design and should be 
considered. Special design limitations may be found for specific 
systems. Refer to subpart 56.50 for specific requirements.
    (f) Intersections. (Modifies 104.3.) The material in 104.3 of ASME 
B31.1 is applicable with the following additions:
    (1) Reinforcement calculations where applicable shall be submitted.
    (2) Wherever possible the longitudinal joint of a welded pipe 
should not be pierced.

23. Revise and republish subparts 56.10 through 56.50 to read as 
Subpart 56.10--Components
56.10-1 Selection and limitations of piping components (replaces 105 
through 108).
56.10-5 Pipe.
Subpart 56.15--Fittings
56.15-1 Pipe joining fittings.
56.15-5 Fluid-conditioner fittings.
56.15-10 Special purpose fittings.
Subpart 56.20--Valves
56.20-1 General.
56.20-5 Marking (modifies 107.2).
56.20-7 Ends.
56.20-9 Valve construction.
56.20-15 Valves employing resilient material.
56.20-20 Valve bypasses.

[[Page 50132]]

Subpart 56.25--Pipe Flanges, Blanks, Flange Facings, Gaskets, and 
56.25-5 Flanges.
56.25-7 Blanks.
56.25-10 Flange facings.
56.25-15 Gaskets (modifies 108.4).
56.25-20 Bolting.
Subpart 56.30--Selection and Limitations of Piping Joints
56.30-1 Scope (replaces 110 through 118).
56.30-3 Piping joints (reproduces 110).
56.30-5 Welded joints.
56.30-10 Flanged joints (modifies 104.5.1(a)).
56.30-15 Expanded or rolled joints.
56.30-20 Threaded joints.
56.30-25 Flared, flareless, and compression fittings.
56.30-27 Caulked joints.
56.30-30 Brazed joints.
56.30-35 Gasketed mechanical couplings.
56.30-40 Flexible pipe couplings of the compression or slip-on type.
Subpart 56.35--Expansion, Flexibility and Supports
56.35-1 Pipe stress calculations (replaces 119.7).
56.35-10 Nonmetallic expansion joints (replaces 119.5.1).
56.35-15 Metallic expansion joints (replaces 119.5.1).
Subpart 56.50--Design Requirements Pertaining to Specific Systems
56.50-1 General (replaces 122).
56.50-10 Special gauge requirements.
56.50-15 Steam and exhaust piping.
56.50-20 Pressure relief piping.
56.50-25 Safety and relief valve escape piping.
56.50-30 Boiler feed piping.
56.50-35 Condensate pumps.
56.50-40 Blowoff piping (replaces 122.1.4).
56.50-45 Circulating pumps.
56.50-50 Bilge and ballast piping.
56.50-55 Bilge pumps.
56.50-57 [Reserved]
56.50-60 Systems containing oil.
56.50-65 Burner fuel-oil service systems.
56.50-70 Gasoline fuel systems.
56.50-75 Diesel fuel systems.
56.50-80 Lubricating-oil systems.
56.50-85 Tank-vent piping.
56.50-90 Sounding devices.
56.50-95 Overboard discharges and shell connections.
56.50-96 Keel cooler installations.
56.50-97 Piping for instruments, control, and sampling (modifies 
56.50-103 Fixed oxygen-acetylene distribution piping.
56.50-105 Low-temperature piping.
56.50-110 Diving support systems.

Subpart 56.10--Components

Sec.  56.10-1  Selection and limitations of piping components (replaces 
105 through 108).

    (a) Pipe, tubing, pipe joining fittings, and piping system 
components, must meet material and standard requirements of subpart 
56.60 and must meet the certification requirements of part 50 of this 
    (b) The requirements in this subpart and in subparts 56.15 through 
56.25 must be met instead of those in 105 through 108 in ASME B31.1 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2); however, certain 
requirements are marked ``reproduced.''

Sec.  56.10-5  Pipe.

    (a) General. Pipe and tubing must be selected as described in table 
1 to Sec.  56.60-1.
    (b) Ferrous pipe. ASTM A53/A53M (incorporated by reference, see 
Sec.  56.01-2) furnace welded pipe must not be used for combustible or 
flammable liquids within machinery spaces. (See Sec. Sec.  30.10-15 and 
30.10-22 of this chapter for definitions of combustible and flammable 
    (c) Nonferrous pipe. (See also Sec.  56.60-20.)
    (1) Copper and brass pipe for water and steam service may be used 
for design pressures up to 250 psig and for design temperatures to 406 
    (2) Copper and brass pipe for air may be used in accordance with 
the allowable stresses of the materials found from table 1 to Sec.  
    (3) Copper-nickel alloys may be used for water and steam service 
within the design limits of stress and temperature indicated in ASME 
B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).
    (4) Copper tubing may be used for instrument service up to 1,000 
    (5) Copper, brass, or aluminum pipe or tube must not be used for 
flammable fluids except where specifically permitted by this part.
    (6) Aluminum-alloy pipe or tube along with similar junction 
equipment may be used within the limitation stated in 124.7 of ASME 
B31.1 and paragraph (c)(5) of this section.
    (d) Nonmetallic pipe. Plastic pipe may be used subject to the 
conditions described in Sec.  56.60-25.

Subpart 56.15--Fittings

Sec.  56.15-1  Pipe joining fittings.

    (a) Pipe joining fittings meeting the standards specified in this 
part and certified in accordance with subpart 50.25 of this subchapter 
are acceptable for use in piping systems.
    (b) Threaded, flanged, socket-welding, butt-welding, and socket-
brazing pipe joining fittings, made in accordance with the applicable 
standards in tables 1 and 2 to Sec.  56.60-1 and of materials complying 
with subpart 56.60, may be used in piping systems within the material, 
size, pressure, and temperature limitations of those standards and 
within any further limitations specified in this subchapter. Fittings 
must be designed for the maximum pressure to which they may be 
subjected, but in no case less than 50 psig.
    (c) Pipe joining fittings not accepted for use in piping systems in 
accordance with paragraph (b) of this section must meet the following:
    (1) All pressure-containing materials must be accepted in 
accordance with Sec.  56.60-1.
    (2) The maximum allowable working pressure may be determined by--
    (i) Calculations comparable to those of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) or Section VIII of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2);
    (ii) Subjecting a representative model to a proof test or 
experimental stress analysis described in paragraph A-22 of Section I 
of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2); or
    (iii) Other means specifically accepted by the Marine Safety 
    (3) Fittings must be tested in accordance with Sec.  56.97-5.
    (4) If welded, fittings must be welded in accordance with subpart 
56.70 and part 57 of this chapter or by other processes specifically 
approved by the Marine Safety Center. In addition, for fittings to be 
accepted for use in piping systems in accordance with this paragraph, 
the following requirements must be met:
    (i) For fittings sized three inches and below--
    (A) The longitudinal joints must be fabricated by either gas or arc 
    (B) One fitting of each size from each lot of 100 or fraction 
thereof must be flattened cold until the opposite walls meet without 
the weld developing any cracks;
    (C) One fitting of each size from each lot of 100 or fraction 
thereof must be hydrostatically tested to the pressure required for a 
seamless drawn pipe of the same size and thickness produced from 
equivalent strength material, as determined by the applicable pipe 
material specification; and
    (D) If a fitting fails to meet the test in paragraph (c)(4)(i)(B) 
or (C) of this section, no fitting in the lot from which the test 
fitting was chosen is acceptable.
    (ii) For fittings sized above three inches--
    (A) The longitudinal joints must be fabricated by arc welding;
    (B) For pressures exceeding 150 psig, each fitting must be 
radiographically examined as specified in Section VIII of the ASME 
    (C) For pressures not exceeding 150 psig, the first fitting from 
each size in

[[Page 50133]]

each lot of 20 or fraction thereof must be examined by radiography to 
ensure that the welds are of acceptable quality;
    (D) One fitting of each size from each lot of 100 or fraction 
thereof must be hydrostatically tested to the pressure required for a 
seamless drawn pipe of the same size and thickness produced from 
equivalent strength material, as determined by the applicable pipe 
material specification; and
    (E) If a fitting fails to meet the test in paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(C) 
or (D) of this section, no fitting in the lot from which the test 
fitting was chosen is acceptable.
    (d) Single welded butt joints without the use of backing strips may 
be employed in the fabrication of pipe joining fittings of welded 
construction provided radiographic examination indicates that complete 
penetration is obtained.
    (e) Each pipe joining fitting must be marked in accordance with MSS 
SP-25 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).

Sec.  56.15-5  Fluid-conditioner fittings.

    (a) Fluid-conditioner fittings meeting the standards of this part 
and certified in accordance with subpart 50.25 of this subchapter are 
acceptable for use in piping systems.
    (b) Fluid-conditioner fittings made in accordance with the 
applicable standards listed in table 2 to Sec.  56.60-1 and of 
materials complying with subpart 56.60 of this part, may be used within 
the material, size, fluid, pressure, and temperature limitations of 
those standards and within any further limitations specified in this 
    (c) The maximum allowable working pressure may be determined in 
accordance with Sec.  56.15-1(c).
    (d) If nonstandard fluid-conditioner fittings are welded, they must 
be welded in accordance with subpart 56.70 of this part and part 57 of 
this subchapter or by other processes specifically approved by the 
Marine Safety Center.
    (e) Heat exchangers having headers and tubes, and brazed boiler 
steam air heaters, are not considered fluid-conditioner fittings and 
must meet the requirements in part 54 of this subchapter regardless of 
size. For brazed boiler steam air heaters, see also Sec.  56.30-

Sec.  56.15-10  Special purpose fittings.

    (a) Special purpose fittings made in accordance with the applicable 
standards listed in table 2 to Sec.  56.60-1 of this part and of 
materials complying with subpart 56.60, may be used within the 
material, size, pressure, and temperature limitations of those 
standards and within any further limitations specified in this 
    (b) Nonstandard special purpose fittings must meet the requirements 
of Sec. Sec.  56.30-25, 56.30-40, 56.35-10, or 56.35-15, as applicable.

Subpart 56.20--Valves

Sec.  56.20-1  General.

    (a) Valves certified in accordance with subpart 50.25 of this 
subchapter are acceptable for use in piping systems.
    (b) Non-welded valves complying with the standards listed in Sec.  
56.60-1 may be used within the specified pressure and temperature 
ratings of those standards, provided the limitations of Sec.  56.07-
10(c) are applied. Materials must comply with subpart 56.60. Welded 
valves complying with the standards and specifications listed in Sec.  
56.60-1 may be used in Class II systems only unless they meet paragraph 
(c) of this section.
    (c) All other valves must meet the following:
    (1) All materials must be accepted in accordance with Sec.  56.60-
    (2) The maximum allowable working pressure may be determined by 
Sec.  56.15-1(c)(2).
    (3) Valves must be tested in accordance with the requirements of 
the applicable incorporated standard or subpart 56.97.
    (4) If welded, valves must be welded in accordance with subpart 
56.70 and part 57 of this subchapter or by other processes specifically 
approved by the Marine Safety Center.

Sec.  56.20-5  Marking (modifies 107.2).

    Marking must be in accordance with MSS SP-25 (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).

Sec.  56.20-7  Ends.

    (a) Valves may be used with flanged, threaded, butt welding, socket 
welding or other ends in accordance with applicable standards as 
specified in subpart 56.60.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  56.20-9  Valve construction.

    (a) Each valve must close with a right-hand (clockwise) motion of 
the handwheel or operating lever as seen by one facing the end of the 
valve stem. Each nonrising-stem valve, lever-operated valve, or other 
valve where, because of design, the position of the disc or closure 
mechanism is not obvious must be fitted with an indicator to show 
whether the valve is opened or closed. No such indicator is required 
for any valve located in a tank or similar inaccessible space when 
indicators are available at accessible sites. The operating levers of 
quarter-turn valves must be parallel to the fluid flow when open and 
perpendicular to the fluid flow when closed.
    (b) Valves of Class I piping systems having diameters exceeding 2 
inches must have bolted, pressure seal, or breech lock bonnets and 
flanged or welding ends. Socket type welding ends must meet Sec.  
56.30-5(c) and Sec.  56.30-10(b)(4). For diameters not exceeding 2 
inches, screwed union bonnet or bolted bonnet, or bonnetless valves, 
which prevent the stem from screwing out of the body, may be employed. 
Outside screw and yoke design must be used for valves 3 inches and 
larger for pressures above 600 psig. Cast iron valves with screwed-in 
or screwed-over bonnets are prohibited. Union bonnet type cast iron 
valves must have the bonnet ring made of steel, bronze, or malleable 
    (c) Valves must be designed for the maximum pressure to which they 
may be subjected, but in no case must the design pressure be less than 
50 psig. The use of wafer type resilient seated valves is subject to 
the requirements of Sec.  56.20-15.
    (d) Disks or disk faces, seats, stems, and other wearing parts of 
valves must be made of material possessing corrosion and heat-resisting 
qualities suitable for the service conditions to which they may be 
    (e) Plug cocks must be constructed with satisfactory and positive 
means of preventing the plug from becoming loosened or removed from the 
body when the plug is operated.
    (f) Cocks must be marked in a straight line with the body to 
indicate whether they are open or closed.

Sec.  56.20-15  Valves employing resilient material.

    (a) A valve in which the closure is accomplished by resilient 
nonmetallic material instead of a metal-to-metal seat must comply with 
the design, material, construction, and testing for valves specified in 
this section.
    (b) Valves employing resilient material are divided into three 
categories: Positive shutoff, Category A, and Category B, and must be 
tested and used as follows:
    (1) Positive shutoff valves. The closed valve must pass less than 
10 ml/hr (0.34 fluid oz/hr) of liquid, or less than 3 l/hr (0.11 cubic 
ft/hr) of gas per inch nominal pipe size through the line at full rated 
pressure after being subjected to the fire test requirements of API 607 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2). Packing material must 
be fire resistant. Piping subject to internal head pressure from a tank 
containing oil must be fitted with positive shutoff valves

[[Page 50134]]

located at the tank in accordance with Sec.  56.50-60(d). Positive 
shutoff valves may be used in any location in lieu of a Category A or 
Category B valve.
    (2) Category A valves. Category A valves may be used in any 
location except where positive shutoff valves are required by Sec.  
56.50-60(d). To be qualified as a Category A valve, the valve must meet 
the fire test and leakage requirements of API 607.
    (i) Category A valves are required at vital piping system 
    (ii) Category A valves must be used in isolation valves in cross-
connects between two piping systems, at least one of which is a vital 
system, where failure of the valve in a fire would prevent the vital 
system(s) from functioning as designed; and
    (iii) Category A valves must be used for valves providing closure 
for any opening in the shell of the vessel.
    (3) Category B valves. The closed valve will not provide effective 
closure of the line or will permit appreciable leakage from the valve 
after the resilient material is damaged or destroyed. Category B valves 
are not required to be tested and may be used in any location except 
where a Category A or positive shutoff valve is required.
    (c) Resiliently seated valves previously accepted by the Commandant 
or the Marine Safety Center may continue to be used within the service 
restrictions of their acceptance.

Sec.  56.20-20  Valve bypasses.

    (a) Sizes of bypasses must be in accordance with MSS SP-45 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).
    (b) Pipe for bypasses should be at least Schedule 80 seamless, and 
of a material of the same nominal chemical composition and physical 
properties as that used for the main line. Lesser thickness may be 
approved depending on the installation and service conditions.

Subpart 56.25--Pipe Flanges, Blanks, Flange Facings, Gaskets, and 

Sec.  56.25-5  Flanges.

    Each flange must conform to the design requirements of either the 
applicable standards of table 2 to Sec.  56.60-1, or of those of 
Appendix 2 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; 
see Sec.  56.01-2). Plate flanges must meet the requirements of Sec.  
56.30-10(b)(5). Flanges may be integral or may be attached to pipe by 
threading, welding, brazing, or other means within the applicable 
standards specified in table 2 to Sec.  56.60-1.

Sec.  56.25-7  Blanks.

    Each blank must conform to the design requirements of 104.5.3 of 
ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).

Sec.  56.25-10  Flange facings.

    Flange facings must be in accordance with the applicable standards 
listed in table 2 to Sec.  56.60-1 and MSS SP-6 (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).

Sec.  56.25-15  Gaskets (modifies 108.4).

    (a) Gaskets must be made of materials which are not injuriously 
affected by the fluid or by temperature.
    (b) Each gasket must conform to the design requirements of the 
applicable standards of table 2 to Sec.  56.60-1.
    (c) Only metallic and suitable asbestos-free nonmetallic gaskets 
may be used on flat or raised face flanges if the expected normal 
operating pressure exceeds 720 psig or the operating temperature 
exceeds 750 [deg]F.
    (d) The use of metal and nonmetallic gaskets is not limited as to 
pressure provided the gasket materials are suitable for the maximum 
fluid temperatures.

Sec.  56.25-20  Bolting.

    (a)(1) Bolts, studs, nuts, and washers must comply with applicable 
standards and specifications listed in Sec.  56.60-1. Bolting must be 
in accordance with ASME B16.5 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
    (2) Bolts and studs must extend completely through the nuts.
    (3) See Sec.  58.30-15(c) of this subchapter for exceptions on 
bolting used in fluid power and control systems.
    (b) Carbon steel bolts or bolt studs may be used if operating 
pressure does not exceed 300 psig and the operating temperature does 
not exceed 400 [deg]F. Carbon steel bolts must have heavy hexagon heads 
in accordance with ASME B18.2.1 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  
56.01-2) and must have heavy semifinished hexagonal nuts in accordance 
with ASME B18.2.2 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  56.01-2).
    (c) Alloy steel stud bolts must be threaded full length and use 
heavy semifinished hexagonal nuts in accordance with ASME B18.2.2.
    (d) Alloy bolts or studs and nuts are to be threaded in accordance 
with ASME B1.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2), Class 2A 
external threads, and Class 2B internal threads (8-thread series 8UN 
for one inch and larger).
    (e) (Reproduces 108.5.1.) Washers, when used under nuts, must be of 
forged or rolled material with steel washers being used under steel 
nuts and bronze washers under bronze nuts.

Subpart 56.30--Selection and Limitations of Piping Joints

Sec.  56.30-1  Scope (replaces 110 through 118).

    The selection and limitation of piping joints must be as required 
by this subpart rather than as required by 110 through 118 of ASME 
B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2); however, certain 
requirements are marked ``reproduced'' in this subpart.

Sec.  56.30-3  Piping joints (reproduces 110).

    The type of piping joint used must be suitable for the design 
conditions and must be selected with consideration of joint tightness, 
mechanical strength and the nature of the fluid handled.

Sec.  56.30-5  Welded joints.

    (a) General. Welded joints may be used for materials for which 
welding procedures, welders, and welding machine operators have been 
qualified in accordance with part 57 of this subchapter.
    (b) Butt welds--general. Butt welds may be made with or without 
backing or insert rings within the limitations established in Sec.  
56.70-15. When the use of backing rings will result in undesirable 
conditions such as severe stress concentrations, corrosion or erosion, 
    (1) The backing rings must be removed and the inside of the joint 
ground smooth, or
    (2) The joint must be welded without backing rings, or
    (3) Consumable insert rings must be used. Commonly used types of 
butt-welding end preparations are shown in ASME B16.25 (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).
    (4) Restrictions as to the use of backing rings appear for the low 
temperature piping systems and should be checked when designing for 
these systems.
    (c) Socket welds. (Modifies 127.3.3A.)
    (1) Each socket weld must conform to ASME B16.11 (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  56.01-2), to applicable standards listed in table 
2 to Sec.  56.60-1, and to Figure 127.4.4C in ASME B31.1 (incorporated 
by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) as modified by Sec.  56.30-10(b)(4).
    (2) Restrictions on the use of socket welds appear in Sec.  56.70-
15(d)(3) for Class I service and in Sec.  56.50-105 for low temperature 
service. See Sec.  56.70-15(d)(4) for Class II service.
    (d) Fillet welds. The size of a fillet weld is determined as shown 
in Figure 127.4.4A of ASME B31.1. Fillet-weld

[[Page 50135]]

details for socket-welding components must meet Sec.  56.30-5(c). 
Fillet-weld details for flanges must meet Sec.  56.30-10 (see also 
Sec.  56.70-15(d)(3) and (4) for applications of fillet welds).
    (e) Seal welds. Seal welds may be used but must not be considered 
as contributing any strength to the joint.

Sec.  56.30-10  Flanged joints (modifies 104.5.1(a)).

    (a) Flanged or butt-welded joints are required for Classes I and I-
L piping for nominal diameters exceeding 2 inches, except as otherwise 
specified in this subchapter.
    (b) Flanges may be attached by any method shown in figure 1 to 
Sec.  56.30-10(b) or by any means approved by the Marine Safety Center. 
Pressure temperature ratings of the appropriate ASME standard must not 
be exceeded.
    (1) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 1. Flanges with screw 
threads may be used in accordance with table 1 to Sec.  56.30-20(c).
    (2) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 2. ASME B16.5 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) Class 150 and Class 300 
low-hubbed flanges with screw threads, plus the addition of a strength 
fillet weld of the size as shown, may be used in Class I systems not 
exceeding 750 [deg]F or 4 NPS, in Class II systems, and in Class II-L 
systems not exceeding 1 NPS. If 100 percent radiography is required by 
Sec.  56.95-10 threaded flanges are not permitted and buttwelding 
flanges must be provided.
    (3) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 3. Slip-on flanges 
meeting ASME B16.5 may be used in piping systems of Class I, Class II, 
or Class II-L not to exceed the service pressure-temperature ratings, 
and not to exceed 4-inch Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) in systems of Class I 
and Class II-L. If 100 percent radiography is required by Sec.  56.95-
10, slip-on flanges are not permitted and butt-welding flanges are 
required. Restrictions on the use of slip-on flanges appear in Sec.  
56.50-105 for low-temperature piping systems.
    (4) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 4. ASME B16.5 socket 
welding flanges may be used in Class I or II-L systems not exceeding 3 
NPS for class 600 and lower class flanges and 2 \1/2\ NPS for class 900 
and class 1500 flanges within the service pressure-temperature ratings 
of the standard. Whenever full radiography is required by Sec.  56.95-
10 socket welding flanges are not permitted, and a butt weld type 
connection must be provided. For Class II piping, socket-welding 
flanges may be used without diameter limitation. Restrictions on socket 
welds appear in Sec.  56.50-105 for low temperature piping systems.
    (5) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 5. Flanges fabricated 
from steel plate meeting the requirements of part 54 of this subchapter 
may be used for Class II piping for pressures not exceeding 150 psig 
and temperatures not exceeding 450 [deg]F. Plate material listed in 
UCS-6(b) of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; 
see Sec.  56.01-2) may not be used in this application, except that 
material meeting ASTM A36/A36M (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
56.01-2) may be used. The fabricated flanges must conform at least to 
the ASME B16.5 class 150-flange dimensions.
    (6) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10 (b), Method 6. Steel plate flanges 
meeting the material and construction requirements listed in paragraph 
(b)(5) of this section may be used for Class II piping for pressures 
not exceeding 150 psig or temperatures not exceeding 650 [deg]F. The 
flange must be attached to the pipe as shown by figure 1 to Sec.  
56.30-10(b), Method 6.
    (7) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10 (b), Method 7. Lap joint flanges 
(Van Stone) may be used for Class I and Class II piping. The ends of 
the pipe must be heated from 1,650 to 1,900 [deg]F based on the size of 
the pipe. Extra thickness of metal built up in the end of the pipe must 
be machined to restore the pipe to its original diameter. The width of 
the lap flange must be at least three times the thickness of the pipe 
wall and the end of the pipe must be properly stress relieved after the 
flanging operation is completed. Manufacturers desiring to produce this 
type of joint must demonstrate to a marine inspector that they have the 
proper equipment and personnel to produce an acceptable joint.
    (8) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 8. Welding neck flanges 
may be used on any piping provided the flanges are butt-welded to the 
pipe. The joint must be welded as indicated by Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-
10(b), Method 8, and a backing ring employed which will permit complete 
penetration of the weld metal. If a backing ring is not used, refer to 
Sec.  56.30-5(b) for requirements.
    (9) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 9. Welding neck flanges 
may also be attached to pipe by a double-welded butt joint as shown by 
Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 9.
    (10) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10 (b), Method 10. Flanges may be 
attached by shrinking the flange on to the end of the pipe and flaring 
the end of the pipe to an angle of not less than 20[deg]. A fillet weld 
of the size shown by figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 10, must be 
used to attach the hub to the pipe. This flange is limited to a 
pressure of 300 psig and a temperature not exceeding of 500 [deg]F.
    (11) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 11. The flange of the 
type described and illustrated by figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 
10, except with the fillet weld omitted, may be used for Class II 
piping not exceeding 150 psig and temperatures not exceeding 450 
    (12) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 12. High-hub bronze 
flanges may be used for temperatures not exceeding 425 [deg]F. A 
preinserted ring of silver brazing alloy having a melting point not 
less than 1,000 [deg]F must be inserted into the groove. A suitable 
flux must be applied to the surfaces to be joined to produce a 
satisfactory joint.
    (13) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 13. The type of flange 
as described for Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 12, may be 
employed and in lieu of an annular groove being machined in the hub of 
the flange for the preinserted ring of silver brazing alloy, a bevel 
may be machined on the end of the hub and the silver brazing alloy 
introduced from the end of the hub to attach the pipe to the flange.
    (14) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 14. Flanges may be 
attached to nonferrous pipe by inserting the pipe in the flange and 
flanging the end of the pipe into the recess machined in the face of 
the flange to receive it. The pipe must be securely brazed to the wall 
of the flange.
    (15) Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 15. The flange of the 
type described and illustrated by Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b), Method 
14, except with the brazing omitted, may be used for Class II piping 
and where the temperature does not exceed 250 [deg]F.

Figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b)--Methods of Attachment

[[Page 50136]]


    Note 1 to figure 1 to Sec.  56.30-10(b):  ``T'' is the nominal 
pipe wall thickness used. Consult the text of paragraph (b) of this 
section for modifications on Class II piping systems. Fillet weld 
leg size need not exceed the thickness of the applicable ASME hub.

Sec.  56.30-15  Expanded or rolled joints.

    (a) Expanded or rolled joints may be used where experience or test 
has demonstrated that the joint is suitable for the design conditions 
and where adequate provisions are made to prevent separation of the 
joint. Specific application for use must be made to the Commandant.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  56.30-20  Threaded joints.

    (a) Threaded joints may be used within the limitations specified in 
subpart 56.15 of this chapter and within other limitations specified in 
this section.
    (b) (Modifies 114.1.) All threads on piping components must be 
taper pipe threads in accordance with the applicable standard listed in 
table 2 to Sec.  56.60-1. Threads other than taper pipe threads may be 
used for piping components where tightness of the joint depends on a 
seal weld or a seating surface other than the threads, and where 
experience or test has demonstrated that such threads are suitable.
    (c) Threaded joints may not be used where severe erosion, crevice 
corrosion, shock, or vibration is expected to occur; or at temperatures 
over 925 [deg]F. Size limitations are given in table 1 to Sec.  56.30-

            Table 1 to Sec.   56.30-20(c)--Threaded Joints1 2
      Maximum nominal size, inches            Maximum pressure, psig
Above 2''..............................  (Not permitted in Class I
                                          piping service.)
Above 1'' up to 2''....................  600.
Above \3/4\'' up to 1''................  1,200.
\3/4\'' and below......................  1,500.
\1\ Further restrictions on the use of threaded joints appear in the low
  temperature piping section.
\2\ Threaded joints in hydraulic systems are permitted above the
  pressures indicated for the nominal sizes shown.

[[Page 50137]]

    (d) No pipe with a wall thickness less than that of standard weight 
of ASME B36.10M (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) steel 
pipe may be threaded. For restrictions on the use of pipe in steam 
service more than 250 psig or water service over 100 psig and 200 
[deg]F (93.3 [deg]C), see part 104.1.2(c)(1) of ASME B31.1 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).

Sec.  56.30-25  Flared, flareless, and compression fittings.

    (a) This section applies to pipe fittings that are mechanically 
connected to pipe by such means as ferrules, flared ends, swaging, 
elastic strain preload, crimping, bite-type devices, and shape memory 
alloys. Fittings to which this section applies must be designed, 
constructed, tested, and marked in accordance with ASTM F1387 
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  56.01-2). Previously approved 
fittings may be retained to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, 
Marine Inspection.
    (b) Flared, flareless and compression fittings may be used within 
the service limitations of size, pressure, temperature, and vibration 
recommended by the manufacturer and as specified in this section.
    (c) Flared, flareless, and compression type tubing fittings may be 
used for tube sizes not exceeding 50 millimeters (2 inches) outside 
diameter within the limitations of applicable standards and 
specifications listed in this section and Sec.  56.60-1.
    (d) Flareless fittings must be of a design in which the gripping 
member or sleeve must grip or bite into the outer surface of the tube 
with sufficient strength to hold the tube against pressure, but without 
appreciably distorting the inside tube diameter. The gripping member 
must also form a pressure seal against the fitting body.
    (e) For fluid services, other than hydraulic systems, using a 
combustible fluid as defined in Sec.  30.10-15 of this chapter and for 
fluid services using a flammable fluid as defined in Sec.  30.10-22 of 
this chapter, flared fittings must be used; except that flareless 
fittings of the nonbite type may be used when the tubing system is of 
steel, nickel copper or copper nickel alloy. When using copper or 
copper zinc alloy, flared fittings are required. (See also Sec.  56.50-
70 for gasoline fuel systems, Sec.  56.50-75 for diesel fuel systems, 
and Sec.  58.25-20 of this subchapter for hydraulic systems for 
steering gear.)

Sec.  56.30-27  Caulked joints.

    Caulked joints may not be used.

Sec.  56.30-30  Brazed joints.

    (a) General (refer also to subpart 56.75). The minimum socket depth 
must be sufficient for the intended service. Brazing alloy must either 
be end-fed into the socket or must be provided in the form of a 
preinserted ring in a groove in the socket. The brazing alloy must be 
sufficient to fill completely the annular clearance between the socket 
and the pipe or tube.
    (b) Limitations. (1) Brazed socket-type joints must not be used on 
systems containing flammable or combustible fluids in areas where fire 
hazards are involved or where the service temperature exceeds 425 
[deg]F. Higher temperature service must be approved by the Commandant.
    (2) Brazed joints depending solely upon a fillet, rather than 
primarily upon brazing material between the pipe and socket are not 

Sec.  56.30-35  Gasketed mechanical couplings.

    (a) This section applied to pipe fittings that form a seal by 
compressing a resilient gasket onto the pipe joint primarily by 
threaded fasteners and where joint creep is only restricted by such 
means as machined grooves, centering pins, or welded clips. Fittings to 
which this section applies must be designed, constructed, tested, and 
marked in accordance with ASTM F1476 and ASTM F1548 (both incorporated 
by reference, see Sec.  56.01-2). Previously approved fittings may be 
retained to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, Marine 
    (b) Gasketed mechanical couplings may be used within the service 
limitations of pressure, temperature and vibration recommended by the 
manufacturer, except that gasketed mechanical couplings must not be 
used in--
    (1) Any location where leakage, undetected flooding, or impingement 
of liquid on vital equipment may occur; or
    (2) In tanks where the liquid conveyed in the piping system is not 
chemically compatible with the liquid in the tank.
    (c) Gasketed mechanical couplings must not be used as expansion 
joints. Positive restraints must be included, where necessary, to 
prevent the coupling from creeping on the pipe and uncovering the 
joint. Bite-type devices are generally not accepted for this purpose. 
Machined grooves, centering pins, and welded clips are considered 
positive means of protection against creep.

Sec.  56.30-40  Flexible pipe couplings of the compression or slip-on 

    (a) Flexible pipe couplings of the compression or slip-on type must 
not be used as expansion joints. To ensure that the maximum axial 
displacement (approximately 3/8'' maximum) of each coupling is not 
exceeded, positive restraints must be included in each installation.
    (b) Positive means must also be provided to prevent the coupling 
from ``creeping'' on the pipe and uncovering the joint. Bite type 
devices are not generally accepted for this purpose. Machined grooves 
or centering pins are considered positive means.
    (c) The installation must be such as to preclude appreciable 
difference in the vibration magnitudes of the pipes joined by the 
couplings. The couplings must not be used as a vibration damper. The 
vibration magnitude and frequency should not exceed that recommended by 
the coupling manufacturer.
    (d) Flexible couplings made in accordance with the applicable 
standards listed in table 2 to Sec.  56.60-1 and of materials complying 
with subpart 56.60 may be used within the material, size, pressure, and 
temperature limitations of those standards and within any further 
limitations specified in this subchapter. Flexible couplings fabricated 
by welding must also comply with part 57 of this subchapter.
    (e) Flexible couplings must not be used in cargo holds or in any 
other space where leakage, undetected flooding, or impingement of 
liquid on vital equipment may occur, or in tanks where the liquid 
conveyed in the piping system is not compatible with the liquid in the 
    (f) Damaged or deteriorated gaskets must not be reinstalled.
    (g) Each coupling must be tested in accordance with Sec.  56.97-5.

Subpart 56.35--Expansion, Flexibility and Supports

Sec.  56.35-1  Pipe stress calculations (replaces 119.7).

    (a) A summary of the results of pipe stress calculations for the 
main and auxiliary steam piping where the design temperatures exceed 
800 [deg]F must be submitted for approval. Calculations must be made in 
accordance with a method of stress analysis acceptable to the Marine 
Safety Center to determine the forces at all terminal connections, 
anchor, and junction points, as well as the resultant bending stress, 
longitudinal pressure stress, torsional stress, and combined expansion 
stress at all such points. The location of the maximum combined stress 
must be

[[Page 50138]]

indicated in each run of pipe between anchor points.
    (b) The Marine Safety Center (MSC) will give special consideration 
to the use of the full tabulated value of ``S'' in computing 
Sh and Sc where all material used in the system 
is subjected to further nondestructive testing specified by the MSC, 
and where the calculations prescribed in 119.6.4 and 102.3.2 of ASME 
B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) and Sec.  56.07-10 
are performed. The procedures for nondestructive testing and the method 
of stress analysis must be approved by the MSC before the submission of 
computations and drawings for approval.

Sec.  56.35-10  Nonmetallic expansion joints (replaces 119.5.1).

    (a) Nonmetallic expansion joints must conform to the standards 
listed in table 2 to Sec.  56.60-1. Nonmetallic expansion joints may be 
used within their specified pressure and temperature rating in vital 
and nonvital machinery sea connections inboard of the skin valve. These 
joints must not be used to correct for improper workmanship or 
misalignment. Joint movements must not exceed the limits set by the 
joint manufacturer.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  56.35-15  Metallic expansion joints (replaces 119.5.1).

    Metallic expansion joints must conform to the standards listed in 
table 2 to Sec.  56.60-1 and may be used within their specified 
pressure and temperature rating.

Subpart 56.50--Design Requirements Pertaining to Specific Systems

Sec.  56.50-1  General (replaces 122).

    The requirements in this subpart for piping systems apply instead 
of those in Section 122 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  56.01-2). The following installation requirements are applicable 
to all systems:
    (a) Where pipes and scuppers are carried through watertight or 
oiltight bulkheads, decks, or tank tops, or are carried through fire 
control bulkheads and decks, the integrity of the structure must be 
maintained. Lead or other heat sensitive materials must not be used in 
piping systems in bulkhead or deck penetrations where fire would impair 
the integrity of the penetration. (For nonmetallic or plastic pipe 
installations, see Sec.  56.60-25(a).) Openings in structure through 
which pipes pass must be reinforced where necessary. Metallic materials 
having a melting point of 1,700 [deg]F or less are considered heat 
sensitive and if used must be suitably insulated.
    (b)(1) Pipes piercing the collision bulkhead must be fitted with 
valves operable from above the bulkhead deck and the valve must be 
fitted inside the forepeak tank adjacent to the collision bulkhead. The 
pipe penetrating the collision bulkhead must be welded to the bulkhead 
on both sides. The valve body must be of steel or ductile cast iron.
    (2) Passenger vessels must not have the collision bulkhead pierced 
below the margin line by more than one pipe conveying liquids in the 
forepeak tank.
    (c) Valves and cocks not forming part of a piping system are not 
permitted in watertight subdivision bulkheads. However, sluice valves 
or gates in oiltight bulkheads of tank vessels may be used if approved 
by the Marine Safety Center.
    (d) Piping must generally not be run over switchboards, and must be 
installed as far away from other electrical equipment as practicable. 
When such leads are necessary, provision must be made to prevent 
leakage from damaging the equipment.
    (e) Stuffing boxes must not be used on deep tank bulkheads, double 
bottoms or in any position where they cannot be easily examined. This 
requirement does not apply to ore carriers operating on the Great Lakes 
or cargo lines of oil tankers.
    (f) Piping systems must be installed so that under no condition 
will the operation of safety or relief valves be impaired.
    (g)(1) Power actuated valves may be used if approved for the system 
by the Marine Safety Center. All power-actuated valves must have a 
backup manual means of operation.
    (2)(i) Remote valve controls must be fitted with nameplates 
describing the applicable system.
    (ii) Remote valve controls must be accessible under normal service 
    (iii) Remote valve controls, except reach rods, must be fitted with 
indicators that show whether the valves they control are open or 
closed. Valve position indicating systems must be independent of valve 
control systems.
    (iv) Valve reach rods must be adequately protected.
    (v) Solid reach rods must be used in tanks containing liquids, 
except that reach rods of constructed of extra-heavy pipe may be 
considered acceptable by the OCMI.
    (3) Air-operated remote-control valves must be provided with self-
indicating lines at the control boards that indicate the desired valve 
positions, such as open or closed.
    (h) Suitable drains must be provided at low points of piping 
    (i) Valves and cocks must be easily accessible. Valves attached to 
the shell of the vessel or to sea chests located below deck plating 
must be operable from above the deckplates.
    (j) When welded fabrication is employed, a sufficient number of 
detachable joints must be provided to facilitate maintenance of 
    (k) Piping systems used where the fluid temperature exceeds 150 
[deg]F must be suitably insulated as necessary to preclude injury to 
    (l) Where pipes are run through dry cargo spaces they must be 
protected from mechanical injury by a suitable enclosure or other 

Sec.  56.50-10  Special gauge requirements.

    (a) Where pressure-reducing valves are employed, a pressure gauge 
must be provided on the low-pressure side of the reducing station.
    (b) Fuel oil service and transfer, fire, cargo, and boiler feed 
pumps must be provided with a discharge pressure gage. Additional 
information pertaining to fire pumps is in Sec.  34.10-5 of subchapter 
D, Sec.  76.10-5 of subchapter H, Sec.  95.10-5 of subchapter I, and 
Sec.  108.417 of subchapter IA, all of this chapter.

Sec.  56.50-15  Steam and exhaust piping.

    (a) The design pressures of the steam piping connected to the 
boiler drum or to the superheater inlet header must not be less than 
the lowest pressure setting of any drum safety valve. The value of 
allowable stress for the material must not exceed that corresponding to 
the saturated steam temperature at drum pressure and must be selected 
as described in Sec.  56.07-10(e).
    (b) Main superheater outlet piping systems, desuperheater piping 
systems, and other auxiliary superheated piping systems led directly 
from the boiler superheater must be designed for a pressure not less 
than the pressure at which the superheater safety valve is set. In the 
case of a superheated safety valve that is drum pilot actuated, the 
design pressure of such piping systems must not be less than the 
pressure setting of the actuator valve on the drum. Valves and fittings 
must be selected for the above systems from the accepted standards in 
table 1 to 56.60-1, using the pressure-temperature rating in the 
    (c) Steam stop valves in sizes exceeding 6 inches must be fitted 
with bypasses.
    (d) In multiple boiler installations each boiler's main, auxiliary 

[[Page 50139]]

desuperheater steam lines must be fitted with two valves, one a stop 
valve and one a stop check valve.
    (e) Main and auxiliary steam stop valves must be readily 
accessible, operable by one person and arranged to seat against boiler 
    (f) The auxiliary steam piping of each vessel equipped with more 
than one boiler must be so arranged that steam for the whistle and 
vital auxiliary systems may be supplied from any power boiler.
    (g) Steam and engine exhaust pipes must not be led through coal 
bunkers or dry cargo spaces.
    (h)(1) Steam piping, with the exception of the steam heating 
system, must not be led through passageways, accommodation spaces, or 
public spaces unless the arrangement is specifically approved by the 
Marine Safety Center.
    (2) The pressure in steam heating systems must not exceed 150 psig, 
and the steam pressure for accommodation and public space heating must 
not exceed 45 psig.
    (3) Steam lines must be suitably located and shielded to minimize 
hazards to any personnel within the space.
    (4) High temperature hot water for heating systems may not exceed 
375 [deg]F.
    (i) Where the exhaust side of machinery is not designed for the 
full inlet pressure, the exhaust side must be protected from over 
pressure by one of the following means:
    (1) A relief valve in the exhaust side with appropriate set 
pressure and sufficient capacity to prevent the exhaust side from 
    (2) A sentinel valve or other warning device fitted on the exhaust 
side, together with a trip device, which will close the inlet valve.
    (j) Shore steam connections must be fitted with a relief valve set 
at a pressure not exceeding the design pressure of the piping.
    (k) Means must be provided for draining every steam pipe in which 
water hammer might occur.

Sec.  56.50-20  Pressure relief piping.

    (a) General. There must be no intervening stop valves between the 
pressure vessel or piping system being protected and its protective 
device or devices, except as authorized by the Marine Safety Center.
    (b) Discharge lines. (Reproduces 122.6.2(d).) Discharge lines from 
pressure-relieving safety devices must be designed to facilitate 
    (c) Stop valves. Stop valves between the safety or relief valve and 
the point of discharge are not permitted, except as specifically 
approved by the Marine Safety Center.
    (d) Reference. See also Sec.  56.07-10(a) and (b) for specific 

Sec.  56.50-25  Safety and relief valve escape piping.

    (a) Escape piping from safety valves must have an area of not less 
than that of the combined areas of the outlets of all valves 
discharging thereto and must be led as near vertically as practicable 
to the atmosphere.
    (b) Expansion joints or flexible pipe connections must be fitted in 
escape piping. The piping must be adequately supported so that no 
stress is transmitted to the safety valve body.
    (c) Safety or relief valve discharges, when permitted to terminate 
in the machinery space, must be led below the floorplates or to a 
remote position.
    (d) The back pressure effect of the escape piping on the operation 
of the relief device must be considered.

Sec.  56.50-30  Boiler feed piping.

    (a) General requirements. (1) Steam vessels, and motor vessels 
fitted with steam driven electrical generators must have at least two 
separate means of supplying feed water for the boilers. All feed pumps 
must be fitted with the necessary connections for this purpose. The 
arrangement of feed pumps must be in accordance with paragraph (d) or 
(e) of this section.
    (2) Feed pump supply to power boilers may utilize the group feed 
system or the unit feed system.
    (3) Feed discharge piping from the pump up to, but not including 
the required stop and stop-check valves, must be designed for either 
the feed pump relief valve setting or the shutoff head of the pump if a 
relief valve is not fitted. (Refer to Sec.  56.07-10(b) for specific 
requirements.) Feed piping from the boiler, to and including the 
required stop and stop-check valves (see paragraph (b) of this 
section), must have a design pressure which exceeds the maximum 
allowable working pressure of the boiler by either 25 percent or 225 
psig, whichever is less. The value of allowable stress for design 
purposes must be selected as described in Sec.  56.07-10(e) at a 
temperature not below that for saturated steam at the maximum allowable 
working pressure of the boiler.
    (4) Feed pumps for water tube boilers must have freshwater 
connections only.
    (b) Feed valves. (1) Stop and stop-check valves must be fitted in 
the main feed line and must be attached as closely as possible to drum 
inlets or to the economizer inlet.
    (2) Auxiliary feed lines must be fitted with stop valves and stop-
check valves.
    (3) Boilers fitted with economizers must have a check valve fitted 
in the economizer discharge and located as close as possible to the 
drum feed inlet nozzle.
    (c) Feed water regulators and heaters. (1) Where feed water 
regulators or feed water heaters are installed, an alternate means of 
operation with these devices bypassed must be provided.
    (2) All feed water regulators installed in a unit feed system must 
be fitted with an external bypass.
    (3) A feed water regulator may be interposed between the stop and 
stop-check valves in the feed lines.
    (d) Group feed system. Group feed systems must be provided with 
pumps and piping as follows:
    (1) Vessels having a feed pump attached to the main propulsion unit 
must be provided with at least one independently driven feed pump. Each 
of these pumps must be used exclusively for feed purposes and must be 
capable of supplying the operating boilers at their normal capacity. In 
addition, a second independently driven pump, capable of supplying such 
boilers at 75 percent of their normal capacity, must be provided.
    (2) If two independently driven pumps are provided, each capable of 
supplying the boilers at their normal required operating capacity, and 
neither pump is used for other purposes, the third or emergency feed 
pump is not required.
    (3) River or harbor steam vessels must have at least two means for 
feeding the boilers; one of which must be an independently driven pump, 
the other may be an attached pump, an additional independently driven 
pump, or an injector.
    (e) Unit feed system. Unit feed systems must be provided with pumps 
and piping as follows:
    (1) The unit feed system may be used on vessels having two or more 
boilers. When the unit feed system is employed, each boiler must have 
its own independently driven main feed pump capable of supplying the 
boiler at its normal operating capacity. In addition, there must be an 
auxiliary independent feed pump of the same capacity that can be 
operated in place of and in conjunction with the main feed pump. In 
vessels with three or more boilers, not more than two boilers may be 
served by any one auxiliary pump. The auxiliary pump may be so 
interconnected that any pump can feed any boiler.
    (2) In the unit feed system, a separate feed line must be provided 
for each boiler from its pumps. A separate auxiliary feed line is not 
required. The discharge from each pump and the feed supply to each 
boiler must be

[[Page 50140]]

automatically controlled by the level of the water in that boiler. In 
addition to the automatic control, manual control must be provided.
    (f) Feedwater. The feedwater must be introduced into a boiler as 
required by Sec.  52.01-105(d) of this subchapter.

Sec.  56.50-35  Condensate pumps.

    Two means must be provided for discharging the condensate from the 
main condenser, one of which must be independent of the main propelling 

Sec.  56.50-40  Blowoff piping (replaces 122.1.4).

    (a)(1) The owner or operator of a vessel must follow the 
requirements for blowoff piping in this section instead of the 
requirements in 122.1.4 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  56.01-2).
    (2) Where blowoff valves are connected to a common discharge from 
two or more boilers, a nonreturn valve must be provided in the line 
from each boiler to prevent accidental blowback in the event the boiler 
blowoff valve is left open.
    (b) Blowoff must be designed for not less than 125 percent of the 
maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler, or the maximum 
allowable working pressure of the boiler plus 225 psig, whichever is 
less. The value of allowable stress for design purposes must be 
selected as described in Sec.  56.07-10(e) at a temperature not below 
that of saturated steam at the maximum allowable working pressure of 
the boiler.
    (c) Boiler blowoff piping which discharges above the lightest 
loadline of a vessel must be arranged so that the discharge is 
deflected downward.
    (d) Globe valves must not be used for blowoff service.

Sec.  56.50-45  Circulating pumps.

    (a) A main circulating pump and emergency means for circulating 
water through the main condenser must be provided. The emergency means 
may consist of a connection from an independent power pump fitted 
between the main circulating pump and the condenser.
    (b) Independent sea suctions must be provided for the main 
circulating and the emergency circulating pumps.
    (c) A cross connection between the circulating pumps in the case of 
multiple units will be acceptable in lieu of an independent power pump 

Sec.  56.50-50  Bilge and ballast piping.

    (a)(1) The requirements of SOLAS Chapter II-1 regulation 35-1 
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  56.01-2) for passenger and cargo 
ships are considered equivalent to this section.
    (2) All vessels except unmanned barges must be provided with a 
satisfactory bilge pumping plant capable of pumping from and draining 
any watertight compartment except for ballast, oil, and water tanks. 
The bilge pumping system must be capable of operation under all 
practicable conditions after a casualty whether the ship is upright or 
    (3) Arrangements must be made whereby water in the compartments 
will drain to the suction pipes. Where piping is led through the 
forepeak, see Sec.  56.50-1(b).
    (4) Where the vessel is to carry flammable liquids with a 
flashpoint below 23 [deg]C (74 [deg]F) in enclosed cargo spaces, the 
bilge-pumping system must be designed to ensure against inadvertent 
pumping of such liquids through machinery spaces.
    (5) For vessels constructed on or after June 9, 1995, and on an 
international voyage, arrangements must meet the requirements of SOLAS 
Chapter II-1 regulation 35-1 to drain the enclosed cargo spaces on 
either the bulkhead deck of a passenger vessel or the freeboard deck of 
a cargo vessel.
    (b) Passenger vessels must have provision made to prevent the 
compartment served by any bilge suction piping from being flooded in 
the event the pipe is severed or otherwise damaged by collision or 
grounding in any other compartment. Where the piping is located within 
one-fifth of the beam of the side of the vessel or is in a duct keel, a 
nonreturn valve must be fitted to the end of the pipe in the 
compartment, which it serves.
    (c)(1) Each bilge suction must lead from a manifold unless 
otherwise approved by the Marine Safety Center. As far as practicable, 
each manifold must be in, or capable of remote operation from, the same 
space as the bilge pump. In either case, the manifold must be capable 
of being locally controlled from the floorplates. As far as 
practicable, each overboard-discharge valve for a bilge system must 
comply with the requirements governing location and accessibility for 
suction manifolds. Except as otherwise permitted by paragraph (c)(3) of 
this section for a vessel employing a common-rail bilge system, each 
bilge-manifold valve controlling a bilge suction from any compartment 
must be of the stop-check type.
    (2) Each passenger vessel on an international voyage must comply 
with the provisions of SOLAS Chapter II-1, Regulation 35-1.
    (3) A common-rail bilge system may be installed as an acceptable 
alternative to the system required by paragraph (c)(1) of this section, 
provided it satisfies all of the following criteria:
    (i) The common-rail main runs inboard at least one-fifth of the 
beam of the vessel.
    (ii) A stop-check valve or both a stop valve and a check valve are 
provided in each branch line and located inboard at least one-fifth of 
the beam of the vessel.
    (iii) The stop valve or the stop-check valve is power-driven, is 
capable of remote operation from the space where the pump is, and is 
capable of manual operation.
    (iv) The stop valve or the stop-check valve is accessible under all 
operating conditions, and the space used for access contains no 
expansion joint or flexible coupling that, upon failure, would cause 
flooding and prevent access to the valve.
    (v) A port and a starboard suction serve each space protected 
unless, under the worst conditions of list and trim and with liquid 
remaining after pumping, the vessel's stability remains acceptable, in 
accordance with subchapter S of this chapter.
    (vi) For each vessel designed for the carriage of combinations of 
both liquid and dry bulk cargoes, no bilge pump or piping is located in 
a machinery space other than in a pump room for cargo, and no liquid 
and other cargoes are carried simultaneously.
    (vii) For each cargo vessel in Great Lakes service, each common-
rail piping for the bilge and ballast system serving cargo spaces, if 
installed and if connected to a dedicated common-rail bilge system, 
must lead separately from a valved manifold located at the pump.
    (d) The internal diameter of bilge suction pipes including 
strainers must be determined by formulas 1 and 2 to Sec.  56.50-50(d) 
introductory text, except that the nearest commercial size not more 
than one-fourth inch under the required diameter may be used.

Formula 1 to Sec.  56.50-50(d) Introductory Text

[[Page 50141]]


Formula 2 to Sec.  56.50-50(d) Introductory Text

    (1) For suctions to each main bilge pump, use formula 1 to Sec.  
56.50-50(d) introductory text. For branch suctions to cargo and 
machinery spaces, use formula 2 to 56.50-50(d) introductory text.
    (2) The following ``where'' clause applies to formulas 1 and 2 to 
Sec.  56.50-50(d) introductory text:


L = Length of vessel on loadwater line, in feet.
B = Breadth of vessel, in feet. (5)
D = Molded depth (in feet) to the bulkhead deck. (6)
c = Length of compartment, in feet.
d = Required internal diameter of suction pipe, in inches.

    Note 1 to paragraph (d)(2): For tank vessels, ``L'' may be 
reduced by the combined length of the cargo oil tanks.

    Note 2 to paragraph (d)(2): For bulk carriers with full depth 
wing tanks served by a ballast system where the beam of the vessel 
is not representative of the breadth of the compartment, ``B'' may 
be appropriately modified to the breadth of the compartment.

    Note 3 to paragraph (d)(2):  In the calculation for a vessel 
with more than one hull, such as a catamaran, the breadth of the 
unit is the breadth of one hull.

    Note 4 to paragraph (d)(2): In the calculation for a mobile 
offshore drilling unit, ``L'' is reducible by the combined length of 
spaces that can be pumped by another piping system meeting this 
section and Sec.  56.50-55, where ``L'' is the length of the unit at 
the waterline.

    Note 5 to paragraph (d)(2): For mobile offshore drilling units 
employing unusual hull forms, ``B'' may be modified to the average 
breadth rather than the maximum breadth.

    Note 6 to paragraph (d)(2):  For each passenger vessel 
constructed on or after June 9, 1995, and being on an international 
voyage, D must be measured to the next deck above the bulkhead deck 
if an enclosed cargo space on the bulkhead deck that is internally 
drained in accordance with paragraph (a)(4) of this section extends 
the entire length of the vessel. Where the enclosed cargo space 
extends a lesser length, D must be taken as the sum of the molded 
depth (in feet) to the bulkhead deck plus lh/L where l and h are the 
aggregate length and height (in feet) of the enclosed cargo space.

    (3) For vessels of 150 gross tons and over, no main suction piping 
must be less than 2.5 inches internal diameter. Branch piping need not 
be more than 4 inches and must not be less than 2 inches in diameter 
except for drainage of small pockets or spaces in which case 1.5-inch 
diameter may be used. For vessels less than 150 gross tons no bilge 
suction must be less than 1.5 inches internal diameter and branch 
piping must not be less than 1-inch nominal pipe size.
    (4) For vessels of 65 feet in length or less and not engaged on an 
international voyage, the bilge pipe sizes computed by formulas 1 and 2 
to Sec.  56.50-50(d) introductory text are not mandatory, but in no 
case must the size be less than 1-inch nominal pipe size.
    (5) The number, location, and size of bilge suctions in the boiler 
and machinery compartments must be determined when the piping plans are 
submitted for approval and must be based upon the size of the 
compartments and the drainage arrangements.
    (e) Independent bilge suction. One of the independent bilge pumps 
must have a suction of a diameter not less than that given by formula 2 
to Sec.  56.50-50(d) introductory text that is led directly from the 
engine room bilge entirely independent of the bilge main, and on 
passenger vessels each independent bilge pump located in the machinery 
spaces must have such direct suctions from these spaces, except that 
not more than two pumps are required to have direct suctions from any 
one space. A suction that is led directly from a suitably located pump 
manifold may be considered to be independent of the bilge main. Where 
two direct suctions are required in any one compartment on passenger 
vessels, one suction must be located on each side of the compartment. 
If watertight bulkheads separate the engine and boiler rooms, a direct 
suction or suctions must be fitted to each compartment unless the pumps 
available for bilge service are distributed throughout these 
compartments, in which case at least one pump in each such compartment 
must be fitted with direct suction in its compartment. In a vessel with 
more than one hull, there must be one bilge pump that has an 
independent bilge suction in each hull. In a column stabilized mobile 
offshore drilling unit, the independent bilge suction must be from the 
pumproom bilge.
    (f) Emergency bilge suctions. In addition to the independent bilge 
suction(s) required by paragraph (e) of this section, an emergency 
bilge suction must be provided in the machinery space for all self-
propelled vessels as described in the following subparagraphs. 
Emergency suctions must be provided from pumps other than those 
required by Sec.  56.50-55(a). Such suctions must have nonreturn 
valves, and must meet the following criteria as appropriate:
    (1) On passenger vessels propelled by steam and operating on an 
international voyage or on ocean, coastwise, or Great Lakes routes, the 
main circulating pump is to be fitted with a direct bilge suction for 
the machinery space. The diameter of such suctions must not be less 
than two-thirds the diameter of the main sea injection. Other 
independent power pumps in the machinery space may be approved by the 
Commandant if the main circulating pump is not suitable.
    (2) On passenger vessels propelled by internal combustion engines 
and operating on an international voyage or on ocean, coastwise, or 
Great Lakes routes, the largest available pump in the

[[Page 50142]]

engine room is to be fitted with the direct bilge suction in the 
machinery space. The area of the suction pipe is to be equal to the 
full suction inlet of the pump.
    (3) Vessels over 180 feet in length which are not passenger 
vessels, and which operate on international voyages or in ocean, 
coastwise, or Great Lakes service, must be provided with a direct 
emergency bilge suction from any pump in the machinery space, except 
that a required bilge pump may not be used. The discharge capacity of 
the pump selected must exceed the capacity of the required main bilge 
pump and the area of the suction inlet is to be equal to the full 
suction inlet of the pump.
    (4) Vessels under 180 feet in length need not provide an emergency 
bilge suction, except that passenger vessels must comply with the 
requirements of paragraphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section.
    (5) Each vessel with more than one hull must have an emergency 
bilge suction in each hull.
    (6) Each column stabilized mobile offshore drilling unit must 
    (i) An emergency bilge suction in each hull; and
    (ii) A remote control for the emergency pump and associated valves 
that can be operated from the ballast control room.
    (g) Each individual bilge suction must be fitted with a suitable 
strainer having an open area of not less than three times that of the 
suction pipe. In addition, a mud box or basket strainer must be fitted 
in an accessible position between the bilge suction manifold and the 
    (h) Pipes for draining cargo holds or machinery spaces must be 
separate from pipes which are used for filling or emptying tanks where 
water or oil is carried. Bilge and ballast piping systems must be so 
arranged as to prevent oil or water from the sea or ballast spaces from 
passing into cargo holds or machinery spaces, or from passing from one 
compartment to another, whether from the sea, water ballast, or oil 
tanks, by the appropriate installation of stop and non-return valves. 
The bilge and ballast mains must be fitted with separate control valves 
at the pumps. Piping for bilge and ballast must be arranged so as to 
prevent, by the appropriate installation of stop and non-return valves, 
oil or water from the sea or ballast spaces from passing into a cargo 
hold or machinery space, or from passing from one compartment to 
another, regardless of the source. The bilge and ballast mains must be 
fitted with separate control valves at the pumps.
    (i) Ballast piping must not be installed to any hull compartment of 
a wood vessel. Where the carriage of liquid ballast in such vessels is 
necessary, suitable ballast tanks, structurally independent of the 
hull, must be provided.
    (j) When dry cargo is to be carried in deep tanks, arrangement must 
be made for blanking-off the oil and ballast lines. The bilge suctions 
must be blanked-off when oil or ballast is carried.
    (k) Where bilge and ballast piping are led through tanks, except 
ballast piping in ballast tanks, means must be provided to minimize the 
risk of flooding of other spaces due to pipe failure. In this regard, 
such piping may be in a watertight pipe tunnel, or the piping may be of 
Schedule 80 pipe wall thickness, fitted with expansion bends, with all 
joints welded. Alternative designs may be approved by the Marine Safety 
Center. Where a pipe tunnel is installed, the watertight integrity of 
the bulkheads must be maintained. No valve or fitting may be located 
within the tunnel if the pipe tunnel is not of sufficient size to 
afford access.
    (l) When bilge pumps are utilized for other services, the piping 
must be so arranged that under any condition at least one pump will be 
available for drainage of the vessel through an overboard discharge, 
while the other pump(s) are being used for a different service.
    (m) All bilge pipes used in or under fuel storage tanks or in the 
boiler or machinery space, including spaces in which oil settling tanks 
or oil pumping units are located, must be of steel or other acceptable 
    (n) Oil pollution prevention requirements for bilge and ballast 
systems are contained in 33 CFR part 155, subpart B.

    Note 7 to Sec.  56.50-50: For the purposes of this section, a 
pumproom is a machinery space on a column stabilized mobile offshore 
drilling unit.

Sec.  56.50-55  Bilge pumps.

    (a) Self-propelled vessels.
    (1) Each self-propelled vessel must be provided with a power-driven 
pump, or pumps connected to the bilge main as required by table 1 to 
Sec.  56.50-55(a).

                                  Table 1 to Sec.   56.50-55(a)--Power Bilge Pumps Required for Self-Propelled Vessels
                                                                             Passenger vessels\1\           Dry-cargo vessels \2\     Tank      Mobile
                                                                   ---------------------------------------------------------------  vessels    offshore
                                                                                        Ocean,                 Ocean,             -----------  drilling
                      Vessel length, in feet                         International    coast-wise     All     coast-wise     All                  units
                                                                      voyages \3\     and Great     other    and Great    waters      All    -----------
                                                                                        Lakes      waters      Lakes                 waters   All waters
180' or more......................................................            \4\ 3        \4\ 3         2            2         2          2           2
Below 180' and exceeding 65'......................................            \4\ 3        \5\ 2     \5\ 2        \5\ 2     \5\ 2          2           2
65' or less.......................................................                3            1         1            1         1          1  ..........
\1\ Small passenger vessels under 100 gross tons refer to subpart 182.520 of subchapter T of this chapter.
\2\ Dry-bulk carriers having ballast pumps connected to the tanks outside the engine room and to the cargo hold may substitute the appropriate
  requirements for tank vessels.
\3\ Not applicable to passenger vessels which do not proceed more than 20 mile from the nearest land, or which are employed in the carriage of large
  numbers of unberthed passengers in special trades.
\4\ When the criterion numeral exceeds 30, an additional independent power-driven pump is required. (See part 171 of this chapter for determination of
  criterion numeral.)
\5\ Vessels operating on lakes (including Great Lakes), bays, sounds, or rivers where steam is available, or where a suitable water supply is available
  from a power-driven pump, may substitute siphons or eductors for one of the required power-driven pumps, provided a siphon or eductor is permanently
  installed in each hold or compartment.

    (b) Nonself-propelled vessels. (1) Ocean going sailing vessels and 
barges must be provided with pumps connected to the bilge main as 
required in table 2 to Sec.  56.50-55(b)(1).

[[Page 50143]]

              Table 2 to Sec.   56.50-55(b)(1)--Bilge Pumps Required for Nonself-Propelled Vessels
            Type of vessel                   Waters navigated      Power pumps \1\           Hand pumps
Sailing...............................  Ocean and coastwise......                2  (\2\)
Manned barges.........................  do.......................                2  (\2\)
Manned barges.........................  Other than ocean and                 (\3\)  (\3\)
Unmanned barges.......................  All waters...............            (\3\)  (\3\)
Mobile offshore drilling units........  All waters...............                2  None.
\1\ Where power is available, independent power bilge pumps must be installed as required and must be connected
  to the bilge main.
\2\ Efficient hand pumps connected to the bilge main may be substituted for the power pumps. Where there is no
  common bilge main, one hand pump will be required for each compartment.
\3\ Suitable hand or power pumps or siphons, portable or fixed, carried either on board the barge or on the
  towing vessel must be provided.

    (2) The pumps and source of power for oceangoing sailing vessels 
and barges must be located above the bulkhead deck or at the highest 
convenient accessible level.
    (3) Each hull of a vessel with more than one hull, such as a 
catamaran, must meet table 2 to Sec.  56.50-55(b)(1).
    (c) Capacity of independent power bilge pump. (1) Each power bilge 
pump must develop a suction velocity of not less than 400 feet per 
minute and a corresponding capacity based on the size of bilge main 
piping required by Sec.  56.50-50(d)(1).
    (2) Alternatively, the minimum pump capacity, Q, in m\3\/hr may be 
based on the following formula:
Formula 1 to Sec.  56.50-55(c)(2)

Q = 5.75d\2\/1000,


d = diameter of the main bilge suction piping, in mm.

    (3) For vessels of less than 65 feet in length not engaged on 
international voyages, the pump must have a minimum capacity of 25 
gallons per minute and need not meet the velocity requirement of this 
    (d) Priming. Suitable means must be provided for priming 
centrifugal pumps which are not of the self-priming type.
    (e) Location. (1) For self-propelled vessels, if the engines and 
boilers are in two or more watertight compartments, the bilge pumps 
must be distributed throughout these compartments. On other self-
propelled vessels and mobile offshore drilling units, the bilge pumps 
must be in separate compartments to the extent practicable. When the 
location of bilge pumps in separate watertight compartments is not 
practicable, alternative arrangements may be considered by the Marine 
Safety Center.
    (2) For non-self-propelled vessels requiring two bilge pumps, these 
pumps, insofar as practicable, must be located in separate watertight 
machinery spaces. When the location of bilge pumps in separate 
watertight compartments is not possible, the Marine Safety Center will 
consider alternate arrangements.
    (3) The emergency bilge pumps must not be installed in a passenger 
ship forward of the collision bulkhead.
    (4) Each hull of a vessel with more than one hull must have at 
least two means for pumping the bilges in each hull.
    (f) Other pumps. Sanitary, ballast, and general service pumps 
having the required capacity may be accepted as independent power bilge 
pumps if connected to the bilge system.

Sec.  56.50-57  [Reserved]

Sec.  56.50-60  Systems containing oil.

    (a)(1) Oil-piping systems for cargo or fuel oil must be separate 
from other piping systems as far as practicable, and positive means 
must be provided to prevent interconnection in service.
    (2) Fuel oil and cargo oil systems may be combined if the cargo oil 
systems contain only Grade E oils.
    (3) Oil pumps must have no discharge connections to fire mains, 
boiler feed systems, or condensers.
    (b) When oil needs to be heated to lower its viscosity, heating 
coils must be properly installed in each tank.
    (1) Each drain from a heating coil as well as each drain from an 
oil heater must run to an inspection tank or other suitable oil 
    (2) No part of the fuel-oil system containing heated oil under 
pressure exceeding 180 kPa (26 psi) may be placed in a concealed 
position so that defects and leakage cannot be readily observed. Each 
machinery space containing a part of the system must be adequately 
    (c) Filling pipes may be led directly from the deck into the tanks 
or to a manifold in an accessible location permanently marked to 
indicate the tanks to which they are connected. A shutoff valve must be 
fitted at each filling end. Oil piping must not be led through 
accommodation spaces, except that fill piping not normally used at sea 
may pass through accommodation spaces if it is of steel construction, 
all welded, and not concealed.
    (d) Piping subject to internal head pressure from oil in the tank 
must be fitted with positive shutoff valves located at the tank.
    (1) Valves installed on the outside of the oil tanks must be made 
of steel, ductile cast iron ASTM F1155 (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  56.01-2), or a ductile nonferrous alloy having a melting point 
above 1,700 [deg]F and must be arranged with a means of manual control 
locally at the valve and remotely from a readily accessible and safe 
location outside of the compartment in which the valves are located.
    (i) In the special case of a deep tank in any shaft tunnel, piping 
tunnel, or similar space, one or more valves must be fitted on the 
tank. In the event of fire, the flow of oil from the tank may be 
stopped by means of an additional valve on the piping outside the 
tunnel or similar space. Any such additional valve installed inside a 
machinery space must be capable of being operated from outside this 
    (ii) [Reserved]
    (2) If valves are installed on the inside of the tank, they may be 
made of cast iron and arranged for remote control only. Additional 
valves for local control must be located in the space where the system 
exits from the tank or adjacent tanks. Valves for local control outside 
the tanks must meet paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
    (3) Power operated valves installed to comply with the requirements 
of this section must meet the following requirements:
    (i) Valve actuators must be capable of closing the valves under all 
conditions, except during physical interruption of the power system 
(for example, from cable breakage or tube rupture). Fluid power 
actuated valves, other than those opened against spring pressure, must 
be provided with an energy storage system which is protected, as far as 
practicable, from fire and mechanical damage. The energy storage system 
must be used for no other purpose and must have sufficient capacity to 
cycle all connected valves from the initial valve position to the 
opposite position and

[[Page 50144]]

return. The cross connection of this system to an alternate power 
supply will be given special consideration by the Marine Safety Center.
    (ii) The valve must have a local power actuator to both open and 
close the valve, unless local manual opening operation will not prevent 
remote closing of the valve.
    (iii) The positioning of the valve by either the local or remote 
power actuators must not void the ability of the other actuator to 
close the valve.
    (iv) The valve must be provided with a means of emergency manual 
operation to both open and close the valve regardless of the status of 
the power operating system. Such manual operation may interfere with 
the power operation, and if so, must be protected by means of covers, 
locking devices, or other suitable means. Instructions and warnings 
regarding the emergency system must be conspicuously posted at the 
    (4) Remote operation for shutoff valves on small independent oil 
tanks will be specially considered in each case where the size of tanks 
and their location may warrant the omission of remote operation.
    (e) Fuel oil tanks overhanging boilers are prohibited.
    (f) Valves for drawing fuel or draining water from fuel are not 
permitted in fuel oil systems except that a single valve may be 
permitted in the case of diesel driven machinery if suitably located 
within the machinery space away from any potential source of ignition. 
Such a valve must be fitted with a cap or a plug to prevent leakage.
    (g) Test cocks must not be fitted to fuel oil or cargo oil tanks.
    (h) Oil piping must not run through feed or potable water tanks. 
Feed or potable water piping must not pass through oil tanks.
    (i) Where flooding equalizing cross-connections between fuel or 
cargo tanks are required for stability considerations, the arrangement 
must be approved by the Marine Safety Center.
    (j) Piping conveying oil must be run away from hot surfaces 
wherever possible. Where such leads are unavoidable, only welded joints 
are to be used, or alternatively, suitable shields are to be fitted in 
the way of flanged or mechanical pipe joints when welded joints are not 
practicable. Piping that conveys fuel oil or lubricating oil to 
equipment and is in the proximity of equipment or lines having an open 
flame or having parts operating above 500 [deg]F must be of seamless 
steel. (See Sec.  56.50-65.)
    (k) Oil piping drains, strainers, and other equipment subject to 
normal oil leakage must be fitted with drip pans or other means to 
prevent oil draining into the bilge.
    (l) Where oil piping passes through a non-oil tank without stop 
valves complying with paragraph (d) of this section installed at all 
tank penetrations, the piping must comply with Sec.  56.50-50(k).
    (m) Each arrangement for the storage, distribution, and use of oil 
in a pressure-lubrication system must--
    (1) Comply with Sec.  56.50-80; and
    (2) In a machinery space, meet the applicable requirements of 
paragraphs (b)(2) and (d) of this section and Sec. Sec.  56.50-
85(a)(11), 56.50-90(c) and (d), and 58.01-55(f) of this subchapter. No 
arrangement need comply with Sec.  56.50-90 (c)(1) and (3) if the 
sounding pipe is fitted with an effective means of closure, such as a 
threaded cap or plug or other means acceptable to the Officer in 
Charge, Marine Inspection.
    (n) Each arrangement for the storage, distribution, and use of any 
flammable oil employed in a fluid power, control, or heating system 
    (1) Comply with subpart 58.30 of this subchapter; and
    (2) Where means of ignition are present, meet the applicable 
requirements of Sec. Sec.  56.50-85(a)(11), 56.50-90 (c) and (d), and 
58.01-55(f) of this subchapter. Each pipe and its valves and fittings 
must be of steel or other approved material, except that the use of 
flexible piping or hose is permitted in accordance with Sec. Sec.  
56.35-10, 56.35-15, and 56.60-25(c).

Sec.  56.50-65  Burner fuel-oil service systems.

    (a) All discharge piping from the fuel oil service pumps to burners 
must be seamless steel with a thickness of at least Schedule 80. Short 
lengths of steel, or annealed copper nickel, nickel copper, or copper 
pipe and tubing may be used between the fuel oil burner front header 
manifold and the atomizer head to provide flexibility. All material 
used must meet the requirements of subpart 56.60. The use of non-
metallic materials is prohibited. Flexible metallic tubing may be used 
when approved by the Marine Safety Center. Tubing fittings must be of 
the flared type except that flareless fittings of the nonbite type may 
be used when the tubing is steel, nickel copper or copper nickel.
    (b)(1) All vessels having oil fired boilers must have at least two 
fuel service pumps, each of sufficient capacity to supply all the 
boilers at full power, and arranged so that one may be overhauled while 
the other is in service. If installed, fuel oil heaters must be so 
arranged that any heater may be overhauled while the other is in 
service. Suction and discharge strainers must be capable of being 
cleaned without interrupting the oil supply.
    (2) All auxiliary boilers, except those furnishing steam for vital 
equipment and fire extinguishing purposes, may be equipped with a 
single fuel oil service pump. Such pumps need not be fitted with 
discharge strainers.
    (3) Strainers must be located so as to preclude the possibility of 
spraying oil on the burner or boiler casing, or be provided with spray 
shields. Coamings, drip pans, etc., must be fitted under fuel oil 
service pumps, heaters, etc., where necessary to prevent oil drainage 
to the bilge.
    (4) Boilers burning fuel oils of low viscosity need not be equipped 
with fuel oil heaters.
    (c) Piping between service pumps and burners must be located so as 
to be readily observable, and all bolted flange joints must be provided 
with a spray shield to deflect spray in case of a leak. Fuel pump or 
heater relief valves must discharge back to the settling tank or the 
suction side of the pump. The return line from the burners must be so 
arranged that the suction piping cannot be subjected to discharge 
    (d) If threaded-bonnet valves are employed, they must be of the 
union-bonnet type capable of being packed under pressure.
    (e) Unions must not be used for pipe diameters of 1 inch and above.
    (f) Boiler header valves of the quick closing type must be 
installed in the fuel supply lines as close to the boiler front header 
as practicable. The location is to be accessible to the operator or 
remotely controlled.
    (g) Bushings and street ells are not permitted in fuel oil 
discharge piping.
    (h) Each fuel-oil service pump must be equipped with controls as 
required by Sec.  58.01-25 of this subchapter.

Sec.  56.50-70  Gasoline fuel systems.

    (a) Material. (1) Fuel supply piping to the engines must be of 
seamless drawn annealed copper pipe or tubing, nickel copper, or copper 
nickel pipe or tubing meeting the requirements of subpart 56.60.
    (2) Thicknesses of tubing walls must not be less than the larger of 
that shown in table 1 to Sec.  56.50-70(a) or that required by Sec.  
56.07-10(e) and 104.1.2 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  56.01-2).
    (3) Tubing fittings must be of nonferrous drawn or forged metal and 
of the flared type except that the flareless fittings of the nonbite 
type may be used when the tubing system is of nickel copper or copper 
nickel. Tubing must be cut square and flared by suitable tools.

[[Page 50145]]

Tube ends must be annealed before flaring. Pipe fittings must be of 
nonferrous material. Pipe thread joints must be made tight with a 
suitable compound.
    (4) Valves for fuel lines must be of nonferrous material of the 
union bonnet type with ground seats except that cocks may be used if 
they are the solid bottom type with tapered plugs and union bonnets.

          Table 1 to Sec.   56.50-70(a)--Tubing Wall Thickness
          Outside diameter of tubing in inches          ----------------
                                                          B.W.G.   Inch
\1/8\, \3/16\, \1/4\...................................      #21   0.032
\5/16\, \3/8\..........................................      #20    .035
\7/16\, \1/2\..........................................      #19    .042

    (b) Installation. (1) All fuel pipes, pipe connections, and 
accessories must be readily accessible, protected against mechanical 
injury, and effectively secured against excessive movement and 
vibration by the use of soft nonferrous metal liners or straps. Where 
passing through steel decks or bulkheads, fuel lines must be protected 
by close fitting ferrules or stuffing boxes. Refer to Sec.  56.30-25 
for tubing joint installations.
    (2) A short length of suitable metallic or nonmetallic flexible 
tubing or hose, or a loop of annealed copper tubing, must be installed 
in the fuel-supply line at or near the engine to prevent damage by 
    (i) If nonmetallic flexible hose is used, it must meet the 
requirements of Sec.  56.60-25(b) for fuel service.
    (ii) Flexible hose connections should maintain metallic contact 
(continuity) between the sections of the fuel-supply lines; however, if 
they do not, the fuel tank must be grounded.
    (c) Shutoff valves. Shutoff valves of a suitable type must be 
installed in the fuel supply lines, one as close to the tank as 
practicable. Where fuel tanks are installed below the weather deck, 
arrangements must be provided for operating all shutoff valves at the 
tanks from outside the compartments in which they are located. The 
operating gear for the shutoff valves at the tanks must be accessible 
and suitably marked.
    (d) Strainers. A suitable twin strainer must be fitted in the fuel 
supply line in the engine compartment. A drip pan must be fitted under 
the strainer.
    (e) Outlets and drains. Outlets in fuel lines for drawing gasoline 
for any purpose are prohibited. However, fuel tank openings fitted with 
a threaded plug or cap can be used for cleaning purposes.
    (f) Fuel suction connections. All fuel suction and return lines 
must enter the top of the fuel tanks and connections must be fitted 
into spuds. Such lines must extend nearly to the bottom of the tank.
    (g) Filling and sounding pipes. Filling and sounding pipes must be 
so arranged that vapors or overflow when filling cannot escape to the 
inside of the vessel and will discharge overboard. Such pipes must 
terminate on the weather deck clear of any coamings and must be fitted 
with suitable shutoff valves. A corrosion-resistant flame screen of 
must be fitted in the throat of the filling pipe. Sounding pipes must 
be kept closed at all times except during sounding.
    (h) Vent pipes. Each tank must be fitted with a vent, the cross-
sectional area of which must not be less than that of the filling pipe. 
The vent pipes must terminate at least 2 feet above the weather deck 
and not less than 3 feet from any opening into living quarters or other 
below-deck space. The ends of vent pipes must terminate with U-bends 
and be fitted with flame screens or flame arresters. The flame screens 
must consist of a single screen of corrosion resistant wire of at least 
30 by 30 mesh.
    (i) Gasoline tanks. For requirements pertaining to independent 
gasoline fuel tanks see subpart 58.50 of this subchapter.
    (j) Fuel pump shutdown. Each fuel pump must comply with Sec.  
58.01-25 of this subchapter.

Sec.  56.50-75  Diesel fuel systems.

    (a) Vessels greater than 100 gross tons. (1) The diesel fuel system 
must comply with Sec. Sec.  56.50-60, 56.50-85, and 56.50-90. The fuel 
supply piping to engines must be of seamless steel, annealed seamless 
copper or brass pipe or tubing, or of nickel copper or copper nickel 
alloy meeting the requirements of subpart 56.60 for materials and Sec.  
56.50-70(a)(2) for thickness. Fuel oil service pumps must comply with 
Sec.  58.01-25 of this subchapter.
    (2) The installation must comply with Sec.  56.50-70(b).
    (3) Tubing connections and fittings must be drawn or forged metal 
of the flared type except that flareless fittings of the nonbite type 
may be used when the tubing system is steel, nickel-copper, or copper-
nickel. When making flared tube connections the tubing must be cut 
square and flared by suitable tools. Tube ends must be annealed before 
    (b) Vessels of 100 gross tons and less and tank barges--(1) 
Materials. Fuel supply piping must be of copper, nickel copper, copper 
nickel, seamless steel, or other materials having a minimum wall 
thickness of 0.035 inch.
    (2) Tubing connections and fittings. Tubing connections must comply 
with the provisions of paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
    (3) Installation. The installation of diesel fuel piping must 
comply with the requirements of Sec.  56.50-70(b).
    (4) Shutoff valves. Shutoff valves must be installed in the fuel 
supply lines, one as close to each tank as practicable, and one as 
close to each fuel pump as practicable. Valves must be accessible at 
all times.
    (5) Outlets and drains. Valves for removing water or impurities 
from fuel oil systems will be permitted in the machinery space provided 
such valves are fitted with caps or plugs to prevent leakage.
    (6) Filling pipe. Tank filling pipes must terminate on an open deck 
and must be fitted with suitable shutoff valves, deck plugs, or caps.
    (7) Vent pipes. Each tank must be fitted with a vent pipe complying 
with Sec.  56.50-85.
    (8) Independent diesel fuel tanks. See subpart 58.50 of this 
subchapter for specific requirements.

Sec.  56.50-80  Lubricating-oil systems.

    (a) The lubricating oil system must be designed to function 
satisfactorily when the vessel has a permanent 15[deg] list and a 
permanent 5[deg] trim. See Sec.  58.01-40 of this subchapter for 
operational requirements for propulsion and vital machinery at vessel 
angles of inclination.
    (b) When pressure or gravity-forced lubrication is employed for the 
main propelling machinery, an independent auxiliary lubricating pump 
must be provided.
    (c) Oil coolers must be provided with two separate means of 
circulating water through the coolers.
    (d) For internal combustion engine installations, the requirements 
of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section do not apply to vessels in 
river and harbor service, nor to any vessel below 300 gross tons. For 
internal combustion engines, two separate means are to be provided for 
circulating coolant. One of those means must be independently driven 
and may consist of a connection from a pump of adequate size normally 
used for other purposes utilizing the required coolant. Oil filters 
must be provided on all internal combustion engine installations. On 
main propulsion engines fitted with full-flow type filters, the 
arrangement must be such that the filters may be cleaned without 
interrupting the oil supply except that such an arrangement is not

[[Page 50146]]

required on vessels having more than one main propulsion engine.
    (e) The lubricating oil piping must be independent of other piping 
systems and must be provided with necessary coolers, heaters, filters, 
etc., for proper operation. Oil heaters must be fitted with bypasses.
    (f) Diesel engine lubrication systems must be so arranged that 
vapors from the sump tank may not be discharged back into the engine 
crank case of engines of the dry sump type.
    (g) Steam turbine driven propulsion and auxiliary generating 
machinery depending on forced lubrication must be arranged to shut down 
automatically upon failure of the lubricating system.
    (h) Sight-flow glasses may be used in lubricating-oil systems 
provided they can withstand exposure to a flame at a temperature of 927 
[deg]C (1,700 [deg]F) for one hour, without appreciable leakage.
    (i) Steam driven propulsion machinery must be provided with an 
emergency supply of lubricating oil that must operate automatically 
upon failure of the lubricating oil system. The emergency oil supply 
must be adequate to provide lubrication until the equipment comes to 
rest during automatic shutdown.

Sec.  56.50-85  Tank-vent piping.

    (a) This section applies to vents for all independent, fixed, non-
pressure tanks or containers or for spaces in which liquids, such as 
fuel, ship's stores, cargo, or ballast, are carried.
    (1) The structural arrangement in double bottom and other tanks 
must be such as to permit the free passage of air and gases from all 
parts of the tanks to vent pipes.
    (2) Tanks having a comparatively small surface, such as fuel oil 
settling tanks, need be fitted with only one vent pipe, but tanks 
having a comparatively large surface must be fitted with at least two 
vent pipes. The vents must be located so as to provide venting of the 
tanks under any service condition.
    (3) Vent pipes for fuel oil tanks must, wherever possible, have a 
slope of no less than 30[deg].
    (4) Tank vents must extend above the weather deck, except vents 
from freshwater tanks, bilge oily-water holding tanks, bilge slop 
tanks, and tanks containing Grade E combustible liquids, such as 
lubricating oil, may terminate in the machinery space, provided--
    (i) The vents are arranged to prevent overflow on machinery, 
electrical equipment, and hot surfaces;
    (ii) Tanks containing combustible liquids are not heated; and
    (iii) The vents terminate above the deep load waterline if the 
tanks have boundaries in common with the hull.
    (5) Vents from oil tanks must terminate not less than three feet 
from any opening into living quarters.
    (6) Vents extending above the freeboard deck or superstructure deck 
from fuel oil and other tanks must be at least Schedule 40 in wall 
thickness. Except for barges in inland service and for Great Lakes 
vessels, the height from the deck to any point where water may gain 
access through the vent to below deck must be at least 30 inches 
(760mm) on the freeboard deck and 17\1/2\ inches (450mm) on the 
superstructure deck. On Great Lakes vessels, the height from the deck 
to any point where water may gain access through the vent to below deck 
must be at least 30 inches (760mm) on the freeboard deck, 24 inches 
(610mm) on the raised quarterdeck, and 12 inches (305mm) on other 
superstructure decks. Where the height of vents may interfere with the 
working of the vessel, a lower height may be approved by the Marine 
Safety Center provided the vent cap is properly protected from 
mechanical damage. For barges in inland service, the vents must extend 
at least 6 inches above the deck.
    (7) Satisfactory means, permanently attached, must be provided for 
closing the openings of all vents, except that barges in inland service 
may be exempted. Acceptable means of closure are:
    (i) A ball check valve where the ball float, normally in the open 
position, will float up and close under the action of a submerging 
wave. The valve must be designed so that the effective clear discharge 
area through the valve with the float in the open position is not less 
than the inlet area of the vent pipe to which the valve is connected; 
    (ii) Another suitable device acceptable to the Commanding Officer, 
Marine Safety Center.
    (8) Vent outlets from all tanks which may emit flammable or 
combustible vapors, such as bilge slop tanks and contaminated drain 
tanks, must be fitted with a single screen of corrosion-resistant wire 
of at least 30 by 30 mesh, or two screens of at least 20 by 20 mesh 
spaced not less than one-half inch (13mm) nor more than 1\1/2\ inches 
(38mm) apart. The clear area through the mesh must not be less than the 
internal unobstructed area of the required pipe.
    (9) Where vents are provided with flame screens, the closure device 
must be situated so as not to damage these screens.
    (10) The diameter of each vent pipe must not be less than 1\1/2\ 
inches nominal pipe size for freshwater tanks, 2 inches nominal pipe 
size for water ballast tanks, and 2\1/2\ inches nominal pipe size for 
fuel oil tanks.
    (11) (i) If a tank may be filled by a pressure head exceeding that 
for which the tank is designed, the aggregate cross-sectional area of 
the vents in each tank must be not less than the cross-sectional area 
of the filling line unless the tank is protected by overflows, in which 
case the aggregate cross-sectional area of the overflows must be not 
less than the cross-sectional area of the filling line.
    (ii) Provision must be made to guard against liquids rising in the 
venting system to a height that would exceed the design head of a cargo 
tank or fuel-oil tank. It may be made by high-level alarms, overflow-
control systems, or other, equivalent means.
    (12) Vents from freshwater or water ballast tanks must not be 
connected to a common header with vents from oil or oily ballast tanks.
    (b) Unless permitted by the Marine Safety Center, tank vents must 
remain within the watertight subdivision boundaries in which the tanks 
they vent are located. All tank vents that penetrate watertight 
subdivision bulkheads must terminate above the weather deck.

Sec.  56.50-90   Sounding devices.

    (a) Each tank must be provided with a suitable means of determining 
liquid level. Except for a main cargo tank on a tank vessel, each 
integral hull tank and compartment must be fitted with a sounding pipe 
or other level indicating device acceptable to the Marine Safety 
    (b) Where sounding pipes terminate below the freeboard deck on 
cargo vessels, they must be fitted with gate valves. On passenger 
vessels, where sounding pipes terminate below the bulkhead deck, they 
must be fitted with gate valves.
    (c) Except as allowed by this paragraph, on each vessel constructed 
on or after June 9, 1995, no sounding pipe used in a fuel-oil tank may 
terminate in any space where the risk of ignition of spillage from the 
pipe might arise. None may terminate in a space for passengers or crew. 
When the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center, determines it 
impracticable to avoid terminating a pipe in a machinery space, a 
sounding pipe may terminate in a machinery space if all the following 
requirements are met:
    (1) The fuel-oil tank has an oil-level gauge complying with 
paragraph (d) of this section.
    (2) Precautions are taken such as fitting an effective screen 
(shield) to prevent the fuel oil, in case of spillage

[[Page 50147]]

through the end of the pipe, from coming into contact with a source of 
    (3) The end of the pipe is fitted with a self-closing blanking 
    (d) Other oil-level gauges may be used instead of sounding pipes if 
all the following requirements are met:
    (1) In a passenger vessel, no such gauge may require penetration 
below the top of the tank, and neither the failure of a gauge nor an 
overfilling of the tank may permit release of fuel into the space.
    (2) In a cargo vessel, neither the failure of such a gauge nor an 
overfilling of the tank may permit release of fuel into the space. The 
use of cylindrical gauge-glasses is prohibited. The use of oil-level 
gauges with flat glasses and self-closing valves between the gauges and 
fuel tanks is acceptable.
    (e) The upper ends of sounding pipes must be closed by a screw cap 
or plug.
    (f) On mobile offshore drilling units where installation of 
sounding pipes may not be practicable for some tanks, alternate means 
of determining liquid level may be used if approved by the Commandant.

Sec.  56.50-95  Overboard discharges and shell connections.

    (a)(1) All inlets and discharges led through the vessel's side must 
be fitted with efficient and accessible valves, located as close to the 
hull penetrations as is practicable.
    (2) The number of scuppers, sanitary discharges, tank overflows, 
and other similar openings in the vessel's side must be reduced to a 
minimum, either by making each discharge serve for as many as possible 
of the sanitary and other pipes, or in any other satisfactory manner.
    (3) In general, when the bulkhead deck is above the freeboard deck, 
the requirements of this section apply relative to the bulkhead deck. 
For vessels not assigned load lines, such as certain inland vessels and 
barges, the weather deck must be taken as the freeboard deck.
    (b)(1) Scuppers and discharge pipes originating at any level and 
penetrating the shell either more than 17.5 inches (450mm) below the 
freeboard deck or less than 23.5 inches (600mm) above the summer load 
waterline must be provided with an automatic nonreturn valve at the 
shell. This valve, unless required by paragraph (b)(2) of this section, 
may be omitted if the piping is not less than Schedule 80 in wall 
thickness for nominal pipe sizes through 8 inches, Schedule 60 for 
nominal pipe sizes above 8 inches and below 16 inches, and Schedule 40 
for nominal pipe sizes 16 inches and above.
    (2) Discharges led through the shell originating either from spaces 
below the freeboard deck, or from within enclosed superstructures and 
equivalent deckhouses on the freeboard deck as defined in Sec.  42.13-
15(i) of subchapter E of this chapter, must be fitted with efficient 
and accessible valves for preventing water from passing inboard. 
Normally each separate discharge must have one automatic nonreturn 
valve with a positive means of closing it from a position above the 
freeboard deck. Where, however, the vertical upward distance from the 
summer load line to the inboard end of the discharge pipe through which 
flooding can take place exceeds 0.01L, the discharge may have two 
automatic nonreturn valves without positive means of closing, provided 
that the inboard valve is always accessible for examination under 
service conditions. Where that vertical distance exceeds 0.02L a single 
automatic nonreturn valve without positive means of closing is 
acceptable. In an installation where the two automatic nonreturn valves 
are used, the inboard valve must be above the tropical load line. The 
means for operating the positive action valve must be readily 
accessible and provided with an indicator showing whether the valve is 
open or closed. A notice must be posted at the operating station 
stating that the valve must not be closed except as required in an 
    (3) Where scuppers and drains are installed in superstructures or 
deckhouses not enclosed as defined in Sec.  42.13-15(j) of subchapter E 
of this chapter, they must be led overboard. Refer to paragraph (b)(1) 
of this section for any nonreturn valve requirement.
    (c) Overflow pipes which discharge through the vessel's side must 
be located as far above the deepest load line as practicable and fitted 
with valves as required by paragraph (b) of this section. Two automatic 
nonreturn valves must be used unless it is impracticable to locate the 
inboard valve in an accessible position, in which case a nonreturn 
valve with a positive means of closure from a position above the 
freeboard deck will be acceptable. Overflows which extend at least 30 
inches above the freeboard deck before discharging overboard may be 
fitted with a single automatic nonreturn valve at the vessel's side. 
Overflow pipes which serve as tank vents must not be fitted with 
positive means of closure without the specific approval of the Marine 
Safety Center. Overflow pipes may be vented to the weather.
    (d)(1) Sea inlets and discharges, such as used in closed systems 
required for the operation of main and auxiliary machinery, as in pump 
connections or scoop injection heat exchanger connections, need not 
meet the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section but 
instead must be fitted with a shutoff valve located as near the shell 
plating as practicable, and may be locally controlled if the valve is 
located in a manned machinery space. These controls must be readily 
accessible above the floor plates. Manned machinery spaces include the 
main machinery space and are either attended by the crew or are 
automated in accordance with part 62 of this subchapter to be 
comparable to an attended space.
    (2) In unmanned machinery spaces, all machinery inlets and 
discharges as described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section must be 
remotely operable from a position above the freeboard deck unless 
otherwise approved and must meet the access and marking requirements of 
paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
    (e)(1) Pipes terminating at the shell plating must be fitted with 
bends or elbows between the outboard openings and the first rigid 
connection inboard. In no case must such pipes be fitted in a direct 
line between the shell opening and the first inboard connection.
    (2) Seachests and other hull fittings must be as short as possible 
and located so as to minimize the possibility of being blocked or 
    (3) The thickness of inlet and discharge connections outboard of 
the shutoff valves, and exclusive of seachests, must be not less than 
that of Schedule 80 for nominal pipe sizes through 8 inches, Schedule 
60 for nominal pipe sizes above 8 inches and below 16 inches, and 
Schedule 40 for nominal pipe sizes 16 inches and above.
    (f) Valves required by this section and piping system components 
outboard of such required valves must be of a steel, bronze, or ductile 
cast iron specification listed in table 1 to Sec.  56.60-1. Lead or 
other heat sensitive materials having a melting point of 1,700 [deg]F 
or less must not be used. Brittle materials such as cast iron must not 
be used in such service. Where nonmetallic materials are used in a 
piping system, and shell closures are required by this section, a 
positive closure metallic valve is required (see also Sec.  56.60-25).
    (g) The inboard openings of ash and rubbish-chute discharges must 
be fitted with efficient covers. If the inboard opening is located 
below the freeboard deck, the cover shall be watertight, and in 
addition, an automatic nonreturn

[[Page 50148]]

valve must be fitted in the chute in any easily accessible position 
above the deepest load line. Means must be provided for securing both 
the cover and the valve when the chute is not in use. When ash-ejectors 
or similar expelling devices located in the boiler room have the 
inboard openings below the deepest load line, they must be fitted with 
efficient means for preventing the accidental admission of water. The 
thickness of pipe for ash ejector discharge must be not less than 
Schedule 80.
    (h) Where deck drains, soil lines, and sanitary drains discharge 
through the shell in way of cargo tanks on tank vessels, the valves 
required by this section must be located outside the cargo tanks. These 
valves must meet the material requirements of paragraph (f) of this 
section. The piping led through such tanks must be fitted with 
expansion bends where required, and must be of steel pipe having a wall 
thickness of not less than Schedule 60, except that the Commandant will 
consider the use of suitable corrosion-resistant material of lesser 
thickness. All pipe joints within the tanks must be welded. Soil lines 
and sanitary drains which pass through cargo tanks must be provided 
with nonreturn valves with positive means of closing or other suitable 
means for preventing the entrance of gases into living quarters.
    (i) Sea valves must not be held open or closed with locks.

Sec.  56.50-96  Keel cooler installations.

    (a) Keel cooler installations must meet the requirements of Sec.  
56.50-95(d)(1) and (2), (e)(3), and (f) except that shutoff or 
isolation valves will not be required for the inlet and discharge 
connections if:
    (1) The installation is forward of the collision bulkhead; or,
    (2) The installation is integral with the ship's hull such that the 
cooler tubes are welded directly to the hull of the vessel with the 
hull forming part of the tube and satisfies all of the following:
    (i) The cooler structure is fabricated from material of the same 
thickness and quality as the hull plating to which it is attached 
except that in the case of half round pipe lesser thickness may be used 
if specifically approved by the Commandant. In any case the structure, 
with the exception of the hull proper, need not exceed three-eighths 
inch in thickness.
    (ii) The flexible connections and all openings internal to the 
vessel, such as expansion tank vents and fills, in the installation are 
above the deepest load line and all piping components are Schedule 80 
or thicker below the deepest load line.
    (iii) Full penetration welds are employed in the fabrication of the 
structure and its attachment to the hull.
    (iv) The forward end of the structure must be faired to the hull 
such that the horizontal length of the fairing is no less than four 
times the height of the structure, or be in a protected location such 
as inside a bow thruster trunk.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  56.50-97  Piping for instruments, control, and sampling (modifies 

    (a) Piping for instruments, control, and sampling must comply with 
paragraph 122.3 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
56.01-2) except that:
    (1) Soldered type fittings may not be used.
    (2) The outside diameter of takeoff connections may not be less 
than 0.840 inches for service conditions up to 900 psig or 800 [deg]F, 
and 1.050 inches for conditions that exceed either of these limits.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  56.50-103  Fixed oxygen-acetylene distribution piping.

    (a) This section applies to fixed piping installed for the 
distribution of oxygen and acetylene carried in cylinders as vessels 
    (b) The distribution piping must include a means, located as close 
to the supply cylinders as possible, of regulating the discharge 
pressure from the supply cylinders.
    (c) Acetylene distribution piping and pipe fittings must be 
seamless steel. Copper alloys containing less than 65 percent copper 
may be used in connection with valves, regulators, gages, and other 
equipment used with acetylene.
    (d) Oxygen distribution piping and pipe fittings must be seamless 
steel or copper.
    (e) When more than two cylinders are connected to a manifold, the 
supply pipe between each cylinder and manifold must be fitted with a 
non-return valve.
    (f) Except for the cylinder manifolds, acetylene is not to be piped 
at a pressure in excess of 100 kPa (14.7 psig).
    (g) Pipe joints on the low-pressure side of the regulators must be 
    (h) Branch lines must not run through unventilated spaces or 
accommodation spaces.
    (i) Relief valves or rupture discs must be installed as relief 
devices in the piping system if the maximum design pressure of the 
piping system can be exceeded. The relief device set pressure must not 
exceed the maximum design pressure of the piping system. Relief devices 
must discharge to a location in the weather at least 3 m (10 ft) from 
sources of ignition or openings to spaces or tanks.
    (j) Outlet stations are to be provided with suitable protective 
devices which will prevent the back flow of gas into the supply lines 
and prevent the passage of flame into the supply lines.
    (k) Shutoff valves must be fitted at each outlet.

Sec.  56.50-105   Low-temperature piping.

    (a) Class I-L. Piping systems designated to operate at temperatures 
below 0 [deg]F and pressures above 150 psig must be of Class I-L. 
Exceptions to this rule may be found in the individual requirements for 
specific commodities in subchapters D, I, and O of this chapter. The 
following requirements for Class I-L piping systems must be satisfied:
    (1) Materials. All materials used in low temperature piping systems 
must be selected from among those specifications listed in table 2 to 
Sec.  56.50-105 and must satisfy all of the requirements of the 
specifications, except that:
    (i) The minimum service temperature as defined in Sec.  54.25-
10(a)(2) of this subchapter must not be colder than that shown in table 
2 to Sec.  56.50-105; and
    (ii) The material must be tested for low temperature toughness per 
ASTM E23 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  56.01-2), Figure 4. The 
toughness testing requirements of subpart 54.05 of this subchapter must 
be satisfied for each particular product form. Charpy V-notch tests 
must be conducted at temperatures not warmer than 10 [deg]F below the 
minimum service temperature of the design, except that for service 
temperatures of -320 [deg]F and below, the impact test may be conducted 
at the service temperature. The minimum average energy must not be less 
than that shown in table 2 to Sec.  56.50-105. In the case of steels 
conforming to the specifications of table 1 to Sec.  54.25-20(a) of 
this subchapter the minimum lateral expansion must not be less than 
that required in Sec.  54.25-20 of this subchapter. The minimum energy 
permitted for a single specimen and the minimum subsize energies must 
be those obtained by multiplying the average energy shown in table 2 to 
Sec.  56.50-105 by the applicable fraction shown in table 1 to Sec.  

[[Page 50149]]

Table 1 to Sec.   56.50-105(a)(1)(ii)--Charpy V-Notch Energy Multiplying
                                  Factor for minimum  Factor for minimum
Charpy V-notch specimen size \1\  energy, average of     energy single
                                    3 specimens \1\      specimen \1\
10 x 10 mm......................                   1               \2/3\
10 x 7.5 mm.....................               \5/6\               \5/9\
10 x 5.0 mm.....................               \2/3\               \4/9\
10 x 2.5 mm.....................               \1/2\               \1/3\
\1\Straight line interpolation for intermediate values is permitted.

    (iii) Steels differing in chemical composition, mechanical 
properties, or heat treatments from those specified may be specially 
approved by the Marine Safety Center. Similarly, aluminum alloys and 
other materials not covered in table 2 to Sec.  56.50-105 may be 
specifically approved by the Marine Safety Center.
    (2) Piping weldments. Piping weldments must be fabricated to 
satisfy the requirements of Sec.  57.03-1(b) of this subchapter in 
addition to subpart 56.70. Toughness testing of production weldments 
for low temperature piping systems and assemblies is not required.
    (3) Postweld heat treatment. All piping weldments must be postweld 
heat treated for stress relief in accordance with the procedures of 
subpart 56.85.
    (4) Nonacceptable joints. Single welded butt joints with backing 
ring left in place, socket welds, slip-on flanges, pipe joining 
sleeves, and threaded joints must not be used, except in small diameter 
instrument lines.
    (5) Other requirements. All other requirements of this part for 
Class I piping apply to Class I-L piping. Pressure testing must comply 
with subpart 56.97, and nondestructive testing of circumferentially 
welded joints must comply with Sec.  56.95-10. Seamless tubular 
products must be used except that, when the service pressure does not 
exceed 1724 kPa (250 psi), the Marine Safety Center, may give special 
consideration to appropriate grades of piping and tubing that are 
welded without the addition of filler metal in the root pass. Each 
production procedure and quality-control program for welded products 
must be acceptable to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
    (b) Class II-L. Piping systems designed to operate at temperatures 
below 0 [deg]F and pressures not higher than 150 psig must be of Class 
II-L. Exceptions to this rule may be found in the individual 
requirements for specific commodities in subchapter D and subchapter I, 
both of this chapter. The following requirements for Class II-L piping 
systems must be satisfied:
    (1) Materials must be the same as those required by paragraph 
(a)(1) of this section except that pipe and tubing of appropriate 
grades welded without the addition of a filler metal may be used. The 
Commandant may give special consideration to tubular products welded 
with the addition of filler metal.
    (2) Piping weldments must be fabricated to satisfy the requirements 
of Sec.  57.03-1(b) of this subchapter in addition to subpart 56.70. 
Toughness testing of production weldments for low temperature piping 
systems and assemblies is not required.
    (3) All piping weldments must be postweld heat treated for stress 
relief in accordance with the procedures of subpart 56.85.
    (4) Socket welds in nominal sizes above 3 inches, slip-on flanges 
in nominal sizes above 4 inches, and threaded joints in sizes above 1 
inch must not be used.
    (5) Pressure testing must comply with subpart 56.97, and 
nondestructive testing of welded joints must comply with Sec.  56.95-
    (6) All other requirements contained in this part for Class II 
piping are applicable to Class II-L systems, except that Sec.  56.70-
15(b)(3)(iv) does not apply.

                  Table 2 to Sec.   56.50-105--Acceptable Materials and Toughness Test Criteria
                                                                                                   Minimum avg
         Product form            ASTM specification \1\       Grade \2\       Minimum service    Charpy V notch
                                                                                temperature          energy
Pipe..........................  ........................  1................  -30 [deg]F.......  20 ft. lb.
                                                          3................  -150 [deg]F......  25 ft. lb.
Tube (carbon and low alloy      A333/A333M and A334/      4 (A333 only)....  -100 [deg]F......  25 ft. lb.
 steels).                        A334M.                   6................  -30 [deg]F.......  20 ft. lb.
                                                          7................  -100 [deg]F......  25 ft. lb.
                                                          8................  -320 [deg]F......  Refer to Sec.
                                                                                                 54.25-20 of
Pipe (Austenitic stainless      A312/A312M..............  All grades.......  No limit.........  Austenitic
 steel).                                                                                         stainless steel
                                                                                                 piping need be
                                                                                                 impact tested
                                                                                                 only when
                                                                                                 toughness tests
                                                                                                 are specified
                                                                                                 in subpart
                                                                                                 54.25 of this
                                                                                                 subchapter for
                                                                                                 plating of the
                                                                                                 same alloy
                                                                                                 When such
                                                                                                 toughness tests
                                                                                                 are required,
                                                                                                 the minimum
                                                                                                 average energy
                                                                                                 is 25 ft. lb.
Wrought welding fittings        A420/A420M..............  WPL1.............  -30 [deg]F.......  20 ft. lb.
 (carbon and low alloy steels).                           WPL3.............  -150 [deg]F......  25 ft. lb.
                                                          WPL4.............  -100 [deg]F......  25 ft. lb.
Forged or rolled flanges,       A350/A350M \3\..........  LF1..............  -30 [deg]F.......  20 ft. lb.
 forged fittings, valves, and                             LF2..............  -30 [deg]F.......  20 ft. lb.
 pressure parts (carbon and                               LF3..............  -150 [deg]F......  25 ft. lb.
 low alloy steels).                                       LF4..............  -100 [deg]F......  25 ft. lb.
Forged or rolled flanges,       F1155...................  Austenitic grades  No limit.........  These products
 forged fittings, valves, and                              only (304, 304H,                      need be impact
 pressure parts (high alloy                                304L, 310, 316,                       tested only
 steels).                                                  316H, 316L, 321,                      when toughness
                                                           321H, 347, 347H,                      tests are
                                                           348, 348H).                           specified in
                                                                                                 subpart 54.25
                                                                                                 of this
                                                                                                 subchapter for
                                                                                                 plating of the
                                                                                                 same alloy
                                                                                                 When such
                                                                                                 toughness tests
                                                                                                 are required,
                                                                                                 the minimum
                                                                                                 average energy
                                                                                                 is 25 ft. lb.

[[Page 50150]]

Forged flanges, fittings, and   A522/A522M..............  9% Ni............  -320 [deg]F......  Refer to Sec.
 valves (9% nickel).                                                                             54.25-20 of
Castings for valves and         A352/A352M \3\..........  LCB..............  -30 [deg]F.......  20 ft. lb.
 pressure parts (carbon and                               LC1..............  -50 [deg]F.......  20 ft. lb.
 low alloy steels).                                       LC2..............  -100 [deg]F......  25 ft. lb.
                                                          LC3..............  -150 [deg]F......  25 ft. lb.
Castings for valves and         F1155...................  Austenitic grades  No limit, except - No toughness
 pressure parts (high alloy                                CF3, CF3A, CF8,    325 [deg]F for     testing
 steel).                                                   CF8A, CF3M,        grades CF8C and    required except
                                                           CF8M, CF8C, CK20   CK20.              for service
                                                           only.                                 temperatures
                                                                                                 colder than -
                                                                                                 425 [deg]F for
                                                                                                 grades CF3,
                                                                                                 CF3A, CF8,
                                                                                                 CF8A, CF3M, and
                                                                                                 CF8M. 25 ft.
                                                                                                 lb. average
                                                                                                 must be
                                                                                                 attained in
                                                                                                 these tests.
Bolting.......................  F1155...................  L7, L9, L10, L43.  -150 [deg]F......  20 ft. lb.
                                                          B8D, B8T, B8F,     -325 [deg]F......  No test
                                                           B8M.                                  required.
                                                          2B8, B8C.........  No limit.........  No test
                                                                                                 except for
                                                                                                 colder than -
                                                                                                 425 [deg]F. In
                                                                                                 such case the
                                                                                                 minimum average
                                                                                                 energy is 25
                                                                                                 ft. lb.
                                                          4................  -150 [deg]F......  20 ft. lb.
Nuts, bolting.................  F1155...................  8T, 8F...........  -325 [deg]F......  No test
                                                          8, 8C............  No limit.........  Same requirement
                                                                                                 as comparable
                                                                                                 grades (B8,
                                                                                                 B8C) of bolting
                                                                                                 listed above.
\1\ Any repair method must be acceptable to the Commandant (CG-ENG), and welding repairs as well as fabrication
  welding must be in accordance with part 57 of this subchapter.
\2\ The acceptability of several alloys for low temperature service is not intended to suggest acceptable
  resistance to marine corrosion. The selection of alloys for any particular shipboard location must take
  corrosion resistance into account and be approved by the Marine Safety Center.
\3\ Quench and temper heat treatment may be permitted when specifically authorized by the Commandant. In those
  cases, the minimum average Charpy V-notch energy must be specially designated by the Commandant.
Note 1 to table 2 to Sec.   56.50-105: The ASTM standards listed in this table are incorporated by reference,
  see Sec.   56.01-2.

Sec.  56.50-110  Diving support systems.

    (a) In addition to the requirements of this part, piping for diving 
installations which is permanently installed on the vessel must meet 
the requirements of subpart B of part 197 of this chapter.
    (b) Piping for diving installations not permanently installed on 
the vessel need not meet the requirements of this part, but must meet 
the requirements of subpart B of part 197 of this chapter.
    (c) Piping internal to a pressure vessel for human occupancy (PVHO) 
need not meet the requirements of this part, but must meet the 
requirements of subpart B of part 197 of this chapter.

Subpart 56.60--Materials

24. Revise Sec.  56.60-1 to read as follows:

Sec.  56.60-1  Acceptable materials and specifications (replaces 123 
and Table 126.1 in ASME B31.1).

    (a)(1) The material requirements in this subpart must be followed 
in lieu of those in 123 in ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  56.01-2).
    (2) Materials used in piping systems must be selected from:
    (i) The pipe, tubing, and fitting specifications that appear in 
table 1 to Sec.  56.60-1or the accepted materials for use as piping 
system components that appear in table 1 to Sec.  56.60-2;
    (ii) ASTM F1155 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2); or
    (iii) The material specifications of Sections I or VIII of the ASME 
BPVC (both incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) if not 
prohibited by a regulation of this subchapter.
    (3) Materials conforming to specifications not described in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section must receive the specific approval of 
the Marine Safety Center.
    (4) Materials listed in Table 126.1 of ASME B31.1 are not accepted 
unless specifically permitted by this paragraph.
    (b) Components made in accordance with the commercial standards 
listed in table 2 to Sec.  56.60-1 and made of materials complying with 
paragraph (a) this section may be used in piping systems within the 
limitations of the standards and within any further limitations 
specified in this subchapter.

                         Table 1 to Sec.   56.60-1--Adopted Specifications and Standards
             ASTM standards                        ASME standards                           Notes
Pipe, seamless:
    F1155 Carbon steel..................  B31.1...........................
    F1155 Ferritic alloy steel..........  B31.1...........................
    A376/A376M Austenitic alloys........  B31.1...........................  (\1\).
Pipe, seamless and welded:
    A53/A53M............................  B31.1...........................  (\2\ \3\ \4\).
    A312/A312M Austenitic steel (welded   B31.1, B31.3....................  (\1\ \4\).
     with no filler metal).
    A333/A333M Low temperature steel      Sec. VIII of the BPVC, B31.3....  (\5\ \6\).
Pipe, welded:
    F1155 Electric-Fusion welded Arc-     See footnote 7..................  (\7\).
     welded steel.
    A135/A135M ERW pipe.................  B31.1...........................  (\3\).
    F1155 Electric-fusion welded arc-     B31.1...........................  (\8\).
     welded steel pipe.
    A358/A358M Electric fusion welded     B31.1...........................  (\1\ \4\ \9\).
     pipe, high temperature, austenitic.
Pipe, forged and bored:
    A358/A358M Ferritic alloy...........  B31.1...........................
Tube, seamless:

[[Page 50151]]

    F1155 Seamless Cold-drawn Low Carbon  UCS23, Sec. VIII of the BPVC....  (\10\).
     steel heat exchanger and condenser
    F1155 Seamless Carbon steel boiler    PG23.1, Sec. I of the BPVC......  (\10\).
    A210/A210M Medium carbon boiler       PG23.1, Sec. I of the BPVC......
    F1155 Seamless Ferritic and           PG23.1, Sec. I of the BPVC......  (\1\).
     Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler tubes.
Tube, seamless and welded:
    A268/A268M Seamless and ERW ferritic  PG23.1, Sec. I of the BPVC......  (\4\).
     stainless tubing.
    A334/A334M Seamless and welded        UCS23, Sec. VIII of the BPVC....  (\4\ \5\).
     carbon and alloy-steel tubes for
     low-temperature service.
Tube, welded:
    F1155 ERW Carbon steel and carbon     PG23.1, Sec. I of the BPVC......  (\10\ Grade A) (\4\).
     manganese boiler tubes.
    F1155 ERW Carbon steel heat           UCS27, Sec. VIII of the BPVC....  ....................................
     exchanger and condenser tubes.
    F1155 Welded austenitic boiler and    PG23.1, Sec. I of the BPVC......  (\1\ \4\).
     heat exchanger tubes.
Wrought fittings (factory made):
    F1155 Carbon steel and alloy steel    Conforms to applicable American   (\11\).
     for moderate and high temperature     National Standards (B16.11).
    A403/A403M Austenitic alloys........  . . . . . . do..................  (\11\).
    A420/A420M Low temperature carbon     . . . . . . do..................  (\11\).
     and steel alloy.
Castings,\12\ iron:
    A47/A47M Malleable iron.............  Conform to applicable American    (\13\).
                                           National Standards or refer to
                                           UCI-23 or UCD-23, Sec. VIII of
                                           the BPVC.
    A126 Gray iron......................  . . . . . . do..................  (\13\).
    A197/A197M Malleable iron...........  . . . . . . do..................  (\13\).
    F1155 Ferritic Ductile iron.........  UCD-23, Sec. VIII of the BPVC...  (\13\).
    F1155 Ductile iron castings.........  See footnote 18.................  (\18\).
                                            Nonferrous Materials \14\
Pipe, seamless:
    B42 Copper..........................  UNF23, Sec. VIII of the BPVC....  (\15\).
    B43 Red brass.......................  . . . . . . do..................
    B241/B241M Aluminum alloy...........  . . . . . . do..................
Pipe and tube, seamless:
    B161 Nickel.........................  . . . . . . do..................
    B165 Nickel-copper..................  . . . . . . do..................
    B167 Ni-Cr-Fe.......................  . . . . . . do..................
    B315 Copper-silicon.................  . . . . . . do..................
Tube, seamless:
    B68/B68M Copper.....................  See footnote 16.................  (\15\ \16\ \17\).
    B75/B75M Copper.....................  UNF23, Sec. VIII of the BPVC....  (\15\).
    F1155 Seamless Copper water tube....  See footnote 16.................  (\15\ \16\).
    B111/B111M Copper and copper alloy..  UNF23, Sec. VIII of the BPVC....
    B210/B210M Aluminum alloy, drawn....  . . . . . . do..................
    B234 Aluminum alloy, drawn..........  . . . . . . do..................
    B280 Copper tube for refrigeration    See footnote 16.................  (\15\ \16\).
Welding fittings:
    B361 Wrought aluminum welding         Must meet ASME Standards........
\1\ For austenitic materials where two sets of stresses appear, use the lower values.
\2\ Type F (Furnace welded, using open hearth, basic oxygen, or electric furnace only) limited to Class II
  applications with a maximum service temperature of 450 [deg]F. Type E (ERW grade) limited to maximum service
  temperature of 650 [deg]F, or less.
\3\ Electric resistance welded pipe or tubing of this specification may be used to a maximum design pressure of
  350 psig.
\4\ Refer to limitations on use of welded grades given in Sec.   56.60-2(b).
\5\ Use generally considered for Classes I-L and II-L applications. For Class I-L service only, the seamless
  grade is permitted. For other service refer to footnote 4 and to Sec.   56.50-105.
\6\ Furnace lap or furnace butt grades only. Limited to Class II applications only where the maximum service
  temperature is 450 [deg]F, or less.
\7\ Limited to Class II applications only where maximum service temperature is 300 [deg]F or less for straight
  seam, and 200 [deg]F or less for spiral seam.
\8\ Limited to Class II applications where the maximum service temperature is 300 [deg]F or less for straight
  seam and 200 [deg]F or less for spiral seam.
\9\ For Class I applications only the Class I Grade of the specification may be used.
\10\ When used in piping systems, a certificate must be furnished by the manufacturer certifying the mechanical
  properties at room temperature. Without this certification, use is limited to applications within heat
\11\ Hydrostatic testing of these fittings is not required but all fittings must be capable of withstanding a
  hydrostatic test of 1.5 times the design pressure.
\12\ Other acceptable iron castings are in UCI-23 and UCD-23 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC. (See also Sec.
  Sec.   56.60-10 and 56.60-15.) Acceptable castings of materials other than cast iron may be found in Sections
  I or VIII of the ASME BPVC.
\13\ Acceptable when complying with ANSI standards. Ductile iron is acceptable for temperatures not exceeding
  650 [deg]F. For pressure temperature limitations refer to UCD-3 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC. Other grades
  of cast iron are acceptable for temperatures not exceeding 450 [deg]F. For pressure temperature limitations
  refer to UCI-3 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC.
\14\ For limitations in use refer to Sec.  Sec.   56.10-5(c) and 56.60-20.

[[Page 50152]]

\15\ Copper pipe must not be used for hot oil systems except for short flexible connections at burners. Copper
  pipe must be annealed before installation in Class I piping systems. See also Sec.  Sec.   56.10-5(c) and
\16\ The stress values must be taken from UNF23 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC for B75 annealed and light
  drawn temper as appropriate.
\17\ B68 is acceptable if provided with a mill hydrostatic or eddy current test.
\18\ Limited to pipe fittings and valves. See Sec.   56.60-15(d) for additional information.
Note 1 to table 1 to Sec.   56.60-1: Table 1 to Sec.   56.60-1 replaces Table 126.1 in ASME B31.1 and sets forth
  specifications of pipes, tubing, and fittings intended for use in piping-systems. The first column lists
  acceptable standards from ASTM (all incorporated by reference; see Sec.   56.01-2); the second lists those
  from ASME (all incorporated by reference; see Sec.   56.01-2). The Coast Guard will consider use of
  alternative pipes, tubing, and fittings when it receives certification of their mechanical properties.
Note 2 to table 1 to Sec.   56.60-1: When using 104.1.2 in ASME B31.1 to compute wall thickness, the stress
  shown here must be applied as though taken from the stress tables. An additional factor of 0.8 may be required
  by Sec.   56.07-10(c) and (e).

    Table 2 to Sec.   56.60-1--Adopted Standards Applicable to Piping
                         [Replaces Table 126.1]
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International \1\
ASME B1.1............................  Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN
                                        and UNR Thread Form).
ASME B1.20.1.........................  Pipe Threads, General Purpose
ASME B1.20.3.........................  Dryseal Pipe Threads (Inch).
ASME B16.1...........................  Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and
                                        Flanged Fittings, Classes 25,
                                        125, 250.
ASME B16.3...........................  Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings,
                                        Classes 150 and 300.
ASME B16.4...........................  Gray Iron Threaded Fittings,
                                        Classes 125 and 250.
ASME B16.5...........................  Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
                                        NPS \1/2\ Through NPS 24 Metric/
                                        Inch Standard.\3\
ASME B16.11..........................  Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding
                                        and Threaded.
ASME B16.14..........................  Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and
                                        Locknuts with Pipe Threads.
ASME B16.15..........................  Cast Copper Alloy Threaded
                                        Fittings, Classes 125 and 250.
ASME B16.20..........................  Metallic Gaskets for Pipe
                                        Flanges, Ring-Joint, Spiral-
                                        Wound, and Jacketed.
ASME B16.21..........................  Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe
ASME B16.23..........................  Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint
                                        Drainage Fittings: DWV.\4\
ASME B16.25..........................  Buttwelding Ends.
ASME B16.29..........................  Wrought Copper and Wrought Copper
                                        Alloy Solder Joint Drainage
ASME B16.34..........................  Valves--Flanged, Threaded, and
                                        Welding End.\3\
ASME B18.2.1.........................  Square, Hex, Heavy Hex, and Askew
                                        Head Bolts and Hex, Heavy Hex,
                                        Hex Flange, Lobed Head, and Lag
                                        Screws (Inch Series).
ASME B18.2.2.........................  Nuts for General Applications:
                                        Machine Screw Nuts, Hex, Square,
                                        Hex Flange, and Coupling Nuts
                                        (Inch Series).
ASME B31.1...........................  Power Piping, ASME Code for
                                        Pressure Piping, B31.
ASME B31.3...........................  Process Piping, ASME Code for
                                        Pressure Piping, B31.
ASME B36.10M.........................  Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel
ASME B36.19M.........................  Stainless Steel Pipe.
                      ASTM International (ASTM) \1\
ASTM F1006...........................  Standard Specification for
                                        Entrainment Separators for Use
                                        in Marine Piping
ASTM F1007...........................  Standard Specification for
                                        Pipeline Expansion Joints of the
                                        Packed Slip Type for Marine
ASTM F1020...........................  Standard Specification for Line-
                                        Blind Valves for Marine
ASTM F1120...........................  Standard Specification for
                                        Circular Metallic Bellows Type
                                        Expansion Joints for Piping
ASTM F1123...........................  Standard Specification for Non-
                                        Metallic Expansion Joints.
ASTM F1139...........................  Standard Specification for Steam
                                        Traps and Drains.
ASTM F1155...........................  Standard Practice for Selection
                                        and Application of Piping System
ASTM F1172...........................  Standard Specification for Fuel
                                        Oil Meters of the Volumetric
                                        Positive Displacement Type.
ASTM F1173...........................  Standard Specification for
                                        Thermosetting Resin Fiberglass
                                        Pipe and Fittings to be Used for
                                        Marine Applications.
ASTM F1199...........................  Standard Specification for Cast
                                        (All Temperature and Pressures)
                                        and Welded Pipe Line Strainers
                                        (150 psig and 150 Degrees F
ASTM F1200...........................  Standard Specification for
                                        Fabricated (Welded) Pipe Line
                                        Strainers (Above 150 psig and
                                        150 Degrees F).
ASTM F1201...........................  Standard Specification for Fluid
                                        Conditioner Fittings in Piping
                                        Applications above 0 Degrees F.
           Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association Inc. \1\
                                       Standards of the Expansion Joint
                                        Manufacturers Association, 2016
Fluid Controls Institute Inc.........
FCI 69-1.............................  Pressure Rating Standard for
                                        Steam Traps.
    Manufacturers' Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings
                           Industry, Inc. \1\
MSS SP-6.............................  Standard Finishes for Contact
                                        Faces of Pipe Flanges and
                                        Connecting-End Flanges of Valves
                                        and Fittings.
MSS SP-9.............................  Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and
                                        Steel Flanges.
MSS SP-25............................  Standard Marking System for
                                        Valves, Fittings, Flanges and
MSS SP-45............................  Bypass and Drain Connections.

[[Page 50153]]

MSS SP-51............................  Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant
                                        Flanges and Cast Flanged
MSS SP-53............................  Quality Standard for Steel
                                        Castings and Forgings for
                                        Valves, Flanges and Fittings and
                                        Other Piping Components--
                                        Magnetic Particle Examination
MSS SP-55............................  Quality Standard for Steel
                                        Castings for Valves, Flanges and
                                        Fittings and Other Piping
                                        Components--Visual Method for
                                        Evaluation of Surface
MSS SP-58............................  Pipe Hangers and Supports--
                                        Materials, Design Manufacture,
                                        Selection, Application, and
MSS SP-61............................  Pressure Testing of Valves.
\1\ All standards incorporated by reference; see Sec.   56.01-2.
\2\ In addition, for bronze valves, adequacy of body shell thickness
  must be satisfactory to the Marine Safety Center. Refer to Sec.
  56.60-10 of this part for cast-iron valves.
\3\ Mill or manufacturer's certification is not required, except where a
  needed portion of the required marking is deleted because of size or
  is absent because of age of existing stocks.
\4\ Because this standard offers the option of several materials, some
  of which are not generally acceptable to the Coast Guard, compliance
  with the standard does not necessarily indicate compliance with these
  rules. The marking on the component or the manufacturer or mill
  certificate must indicate the specification or grade of the materials
  as necessary to fully identify the materials. The materials must
  comply with the requirements in this subchapter governing the
  particular application.

25. Revise and republish Sec. Sec.  56.60-2 through 56.60-20 to read as 

Sec.  56.60-2  Limitations on materials.

    The following restrictions apply to the use of welded pipe and 
tubing specifications when utilized in piping systems, and not when 
utilized in heat exchanger, boiler, pressure vessel, or similar 
    (a) Longitudinal joint. Wherever possible, the longitudinal joint 
of a welded pipe must not be pierced with holes for branch connections 
or other purposes.
    (b) Class II. Use unlimited except as restricted by maximum 
temperature or pressure specified in table 1 to Sec.  56.60-1 or by the 
requirements contained in Sec.  56.10-5(b).
    (c) Class I. (1) For those specifications in which a filler metal 
is used, the following applies to the material as furnished prior to 
any fabrication:
    (i) For use in service above 800 [deg]F full welding procedure 
qualifications by the Coast Guard are required. See part 57 of this 
    (ii) Ultrasonic examination as required by item S-6 in ASTM A376 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) must be certified as 
having been met in all applications except where 100 percent 
radiography is a requirement of the particular material specification.
    (2) For those specifications in which no filler material is used in 
the welding process, the ultrasonic examination as required by item S-6 
in ASTM A376 must be certified as having been met for service above 800 

Table 1 to Sec.   56.60-2--Adopted Specifications Not Listed in the ASME
     ASTM specifications               Supplementary requirements
Bar stock:                     .........................................
    A276 (Grades 304-A, 304L-  Allowable stresses must be the same as
     A, 310-A, 316-A, 316L-A,   those listed in UCS23 of Section VIII of
     321-A, 347-A, and 348-A).  the ASME BPVC for the corresponding SA-
                                182 material.
    A575 and A576 (Grades      Allowable stresses must be the same as in
     1010-1030).                UCS23 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC
                                for ASME SA-675. Physical testing must
                                be performed the same as for ASME SA-
                                675, except that the bend test is not
Bar stock:                     .........................................
    B16 \2\ (soft and half     An ammonia vapor test in accordance with
     hard tempers).             ASTM B858 must be performed on a
                                representative model of each finished
                                product design.
    B21 (alloys A, B, and C).  Allowable stresses must be the same as
                                those listed in UNF23 of Section VIII of
                                the ASME BPVC for SB-171, naval brass.
B124:                          .........................................
    Alloy 377 \2\............  An ammonia vapor test in accordance with
                                ASTM B858 must be performed on a
                                prototype for each product design.
                                Tension tests must be performed to
                                determine tensile strength, yield
                                strength, and elongation. Minimum values
                                must be those listed in Table 3 of ASTM
    Alloy 464................  Physical testing, including mercurous
                                nitrate test, must be performed as for
                                material manufactured to ASTM B21.
                                Allowable stresses must be the same as
                                those listed in UNF23 of Section VIII of
                                the ASME BPVC for SB-171, naval brass.
    Alloy 655................  Physical testing must be performed as for
                                material manufactured to ASTM B96.
                                Allowable stresses must be the same as
                                those listed in UNF23 of Section VIII of
                                the ASME BPVC for SB-96 and must be
                                limited to a maximum allowable
                                temperature of 212 [deg]F.
    Alloy 642................  An ammonia vapor test, in accordance with
                                ASTM B858 must be performed on a
                                prototype of each product design.
                                Physical testing must be performed as
                                for material manufactured to ASTM B171,
                                alloy D. Allowable stresses must be the
                                same as those listed in UNF23 of Section
                                VIII of the ASME BPVC for SB-171,
                                aluminum bronze D.
    Alloy 630................  An ammonia vapor test, in accordance with
                                ASTM B858 must be performed on a
                                prototype of each product design.
                                Physical testing must be performed as
                                for material manufactured to ASTM B171,
                                alloy E. Allowable stresses must be the
                                same as those listed in UNF23 of Section
                                VIII of the ASME BPVC for SB-171,
                                aluminum bronze, alloy E.

[[Page 50154]]

    Alloy 485................  Physical testing, including mercurous
                                nitrate test, must be performed as for
                                material manufactured to ASTM B21.
                                Allowable stresses must be the same as
                                those listed in UNF23 of Section VIII of
                                the ASME BPVC for SB-171, naval brass.
Forgings:                      .........................................
    B283 \2\ (forging brass).  An ammonia vapor test, in accordance with
                                ASTM B858, must be performed on a
                                prototype for each product design.
                                Tension tests must be performed to
                                determine tensile strength, yield
                                strength, and elongation. Minimum values
                                must be those listed in Table 3 of ASTM
Castings:                      .........................................
    B26 2 3..................  Tension tests must be performed to
                                determine tensile strength, yield
                                strength, and elongation. Minimum values
                                must be those listed in Table X-2 of
                                ASTM B85.
    B85 2 3..................  Tension tests must be performed to
                                determine tensile strength, yield
                                strength, and elongation. Minimum values
                                must be those listed in Table X-2 of
                                ASTM B85.
\1\ For limitations in use refer to Sec.   56.60-5.
\2\ Limited to air and hydraulic service with a maximum design
  temperature of 150 [deg]F. The material must not be used for saltwater
  service or other fluids that may cause dezincification or stress
  corrosion cracking.
\3\ Those alloys with a maximum copper content of 0.6 percent or less
  are acceptable under this specification. Cast aluminum must not be
  welded or brazed.
Note 1 to table 1 to Sec.   56.60-2: This table 1 to Sec.   56.60-2 is a
  listing of adopted bar stock and nonferrous forging and casting
  specifications not listed in the ASME BPVC. Particular attention
  should be given to the supplementary testing requirements and service
  limitations contained in the table and footnotes. All ASTM and ASME
  standards referred to in this table 1 to Sec.   56.60-2 are
  incorporated by reference (see Sec.   56.01-2).

Sec.  56.60-3  Ferrous materials.

    (a) Ferrous pipe used for saltwater service must be protected 
against corrosion by hotdip galvanizing or by the use of extra heavy 
schedule material.
    (b) (Reproduces 124.2.C.) Carbon or alloy steel having carbon 
content of more than 0.35 percent must not be used in welded 
construction, nor be shaped by oxygen-cutting process or other thermal-
cutting process.

Sec.  56.60-5  Steel (High temperature applications).

    (a) (Reproduces 124.2.A.) Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures 
above 800 [deg]F (427 [deg]C), the carbide phase of plain carbon steel, 
plain nickel-alloy steel, carbon-manganese-alloy steel, manganese-
vanadium-alloy steel, and carbon-silicon steel may convert to graphite.
    (b) (Reproduces 124.2.B.) Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures 
above 875 [deg]F (468 [deg]C), the carbide phase of alloy steels, such 
as carbon-molybdenum, manganese-molybdenum-vanadium, manganese-
chromium-vanadium, and chromium-vanadium, may convert to graphite.
    (c) The design temperature of a piping system employing one or more 
of the materials listed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section must 
not exceed the lowest graphitization temperature specified for 
materials used.

Sec.  56.60-10  Cast iron and malleable iron.

    (a) The low ductility of cast iron and malleable iron should be 
recognized and the use of these metals where shock loading may occur 
should be avoided. Cast iron and malleable iron components must not be 
used at temperatures above 450 [deg]F. Cast iron and malleable iron 
fittings conforming to the specifications of table 1 to Sec.  56.60-1 
may be used at the pressure limits of the applicable standards at 
temperatures not exceeding 450 [deg]F. Valves of either of these 
materials may be used if they conform to the standards for class 125 
and class 250 flanges and flanged fittings in ASME B16.1 (incorporated 
by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).
    (b) Cast iron and malleable iron must not be used for valves or 
fittings in lines carrying flammable or combustible fluids which are 
directly connected to, or in the proximity of, equipment or other lines 
having open flame, or any parts operating at temperatures above 500 
[deg]F. Cast iron must not be used for hull fittings, or in systems 
conducting lethal products.

    Note 1 to paragraph (b): For definitions of flammable or 
combustible fluids, see Sec. Sec.  30.10-15 and 30.10-22 of 
subchapter D of this chapter.

    (c) Malleable iron and cast-iron valves and fittings, designed, and 
marked for Class 300 refrigeration service, may be used for such 
service up to a pressure limitation of 300 psig. Malleable iron flanges 
of this class may also be used in sizes 4 inches and smaller (oval and 
square design).

Sec.  56.60-15  Ductile iron.

    (a) Ductile cast iron components made of material conforming to 
ASTM F1155 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  56.01-2) may be used 
within the service restrictions and pressure-temperature limitations of 
UCD-3 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  56.01-2).
    (b) Ductile iron castings conforming to ASTM F1155 may be used in 
hydraulic systems at pressures in excess of 7500 kPa (1000 psi) gage, 
provided the following:
    (1) The castings receive a ferritizing anneal when the as-cast 
thickness does not exceed 1 inch;
    (2) Large castings for components, such as hydraulic cylinders, are 
examined as specified for a casting quality factor of 90 percent in 
accordance with UG-24 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC; and
    (3) The castings are not welded, brazed, plugged, or otherwise 
    (c) After machining, ductile iron castings must be hydrostatically 
tested to twice their maximum allowable working pressure and must show 
no leaks.
    (d) Ductile iron castings exhibiting less than 12 percent 
elongation in 50 millimeters (2 inches) when subjected to a tensile 
test must meet the requirements for cast iron in this part.

Sec.  56.60-20  Nonferrous materials.

    Nonferrous materials listed in this subpart may be used in piping 
systems under the following conditions (see also Sec.  56.10-5(c)):
    (a) The low melting points of many nonferrous metals and alloys, 
such as aluminum and aluminum alloys, must be recognized. These types 
of heat sensitive materials must not be used to conduct flammable, 
combustible, or dangerous fluids, or for vital systems unless approved 
by the Marine Safety Center.

    Note 1 to paragraph (a):  For definitions of flammable or 
combustible fluids, see Sec. Sec.  30.10-15 and 30.10-22 of this 
chapter or parts 151-154 of this subchapter. Dangerous fluids are 
those covered by regulations in part 98 of this chapter.

[[Page 50155]]

    (b) The possibility of galvanic corrosion due to the relative 
solution potentials of copper and aluminum and their alloys should be 
considered when used in conjunction with each other or with steel or 
with other metals and their alloys when an electrolyte is present.
    (c) A suitable thread compound must be used in threaded joints in 
aluminum pipe to prevent seizing. Pipe in the annealed temper should 
not be threaded.
    (d) The corrosion resistance of copper bearing aluminum alloys in a 
marine atmosphere is poor and alloys with copper contents exceeding 0.6 
percent should not be used. Refer to table 1 to Sec.  56.60-2 for 
further guidance.

26. Amend Sec.  56.60-25 by revising the introductory text to paragraph 
(a)(3) and paragraphs (b) through (d) to read as follows:

Sec.  56.60-25  Nonmetallic materials.

    (a) * * *
    (3) Requests for the use of plastic pipe for non-vital systems, as 
defined in Sec.  56.07-5, containing non-flammable or non-combustible 
liquids in locations that do not require fire endurance testing, as 
indicated in Appendix 4 of IMO Resolution A.753(18), must be submitted 
to the Marine Safety Center for review. The proposed piping must meet 
the following requirements:
* * * * *
    (b)(1) Nonmetallic flexible hose must be in accordance with SAE 
J1942 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) and may be 
installed only in vital and nonvital fresh and saltwater systems, 
nonvital pneumatic systems, lube oil and fuel systems, and fluid power 
    (2) Nonmetallic flexible hose may be used in vital fresh and 
saltwater systems at a maximum service pressure of 1,034 kPa (150 psi). 
Nonmetallic flexible hose may be used in lengths not exceeding 76 cm 
(30 inches) where flexibility is required, subject to the limits in 
paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section. Nonmetallic flexible 
hose may be used for plastic pipe in duplicate installations in 
accordance with this paragraph (b).
    (3) Nonmetallic flexible hose may be used for plastic pipe in non-
vital fresh and saltwater systems and non-vital pneumatic systems, 
subject to the limits of paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section. 
Unreinforced hoses are limited to a maximum service pressure of 345 kPa 
(50 psi); reinforced hoses are limited to a maximum service pressure of 
1,034 kPa (150 psi).
    (4) Nonmetallic flexible hose may be used in lube oil, fuel oil and 
fluid power systems only where flexibility is required and in lengths 
not exceeding 30 inches.
    (5) Nonmetallic flexible hose must have factory-assembled end 
fittings requiring no further adjustment or field attachable fittings. 
Hose end fittings must comply with SAE J1475 (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  56.01-2). Field attachable fittings must be 
installed following the manufacturer's recommended practice. A 
hydrostatic test of each hose assembly must be conducted in accordance 
with Sec.  56.97-5.
    (6) The fire-test procedures of ISO 15540 (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) are an acceptable alternative to those 
procedures of SAE J1942. All other tests of SAE J1942 are still 
    (c) Plastic valves, fittings, and flanges must be designed, 
fabricated, tested, and installed to satisfy the requirements for 
plastic pipe contained in this section.
    (d) Requests to use nonmetallic materials other than those 
specified in this section must be submitted to the Commandant for 

27. Revise subpart 56.65 to read as follows:

Subpart 56.65--Fabrication, Assembly, and Erection

Sec.  56.65-1  General (modifies 127 through 135).

    The requirements for fabrication, assembly, and erection in 
subparts 56.70 through 56.90 must apply in lieu of 127 through 135 of 
ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2). Those 
paragraphs reproduced are so noted.

28. Add subpart 56.70 to read as follows:
Subpart 56.70--Welding
56.70-1 General.
56.70-3 Limitations.
56.70-5 Material.
56.70-10 Preparation (modifies 127.3).
56.70-15 Procedure (modifies 127.4).
56.70-20 Qualification, general.

Subpart 56.70--Welding

Sec.  56.70-1  General.

    The following generally applies to all types of welding processes. 
Alternatives must be approved by the Marine Safety Center.

Sec.  56.70-3  Limitations.

    Backing strips used at longitudinal welded joints must be removed.

Sec.  56.70-5  Material.

    (a) Filler metal. All filler metal, including consumable insert 
material, must comply with the requirements of Section IX of the ASME 
BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) and Sec.  57.02-5 
of this subchapter.
    (b) Backing rings. Backing rings must comply with section 127.2.2. 
of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).

Sec.  56.70-10  Preparation (modifies 127.3).

    (a) Butt welds--(1) End preparation. (i) Oxygen or arc cutting is 
acceptable only if the cut is reasonably smooth and true, and all slag 
is cleaned from the flame cut surfaces. Discoloration which may remain 
on the flame cut surface is not considered to be detrimental oxidation.
    (ii) Butt-welding end preparation dimensions contained in ASME 
B16.25 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) or any other end 
preparation that meets the procedure qualification requirements are 
    (iii) If piping component ends are bored, such boring must not 
result in the finished wall thickness after welding being less than the 
minimum design thickness. Where necessary, weld metal of the 
appropriate analysis may be deposited on the inside or outside of the 
piping component to provide sufficient material for machining to insure 
satisfactory fitting of rings.
    (iv) If the piping component ends are upset, they may be bored to 
allow for a completely recessed backing ring, provided the remaining 
net thickness of the finished ends is not less than the minimum design 
    (2) Cleaning. Surfaces for welding must be clean and must be free 
from paint, oil, rust, scale, or other material which is detrimental to 
    (3) Alignment. The inside diameters of piping components to be 
joined must be aligned as accurately as practicable. Alignment must be 
preserved during welding. Where ends are to be joined and the internal 
misalignment exceeds \1/16\-inch, it is preferred that the component 
with the wall extending internally be internally trimmed (see Fig. 
127.3) so that adjoining internal surfaces are approximately flush. 
However, this trimming must not reduce a piping component wall 
thickness below the minimum design thickness and the change in the 
contour may not exceed 30[deg].
    (4) Spacing. The root opening of the joint must be as given in the 
procedure specification.
    (b) Fillet welds. Piping components that are to be joined utilizing 
fillet welds must be prepared in accordance with applicable provisions 
and requirements of this section. For typical

[[Page 50156]]

details, see Figures 127.4.4A and 127.4.4C of ASME B31.1 (incorporated 
by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) and Sec.  56.30-10(b). See Sec.  
56.30-5(d) for additional requirements.

Sec.  56.70-15  Procedure (modifies 127.4).

    (a) General. (1) Qualification of welders and welding procedures is 
required and must comply with the requirements of part 57 of this 
    (2) Sections must be welded insofar as possible in the fabricating 
shop. Welding must not be done in severe weather conditions. Prior to 
welding Class I piping or low temperature piping, the fabricator must 
request a marine inspector to visit their plant to examine their 
fabricating equipment and to witness the qualification tests required 
by part 57 of this subchapter. One test specimen must be prepared for 
each process and welding position to be employed in the fabrication.
    (b) Girth butt welds. (1) Girth butt welds must be complete 
penetration welds and may be made with a single vee, double vee, or 
other suitable type of groove, with or without backing rings or 
consumable inserts.
    (2) Girth butt welds in Class I, I-L, and II-L piping systems must 
be double welded butt joints or equivalent single welded butt joints 
for pipe diameters exceeding three-fourth inch nominal pipe size. The 
use of a single welded butt joint employing a backing ring (note 
restrictions in paragraph (b)(3)(iv) of this section) on the inside of 
the pipe is an acceptable equivalent for Class I and Class II-L 
applications, but not permitted for Class I-L applications. Single 
welded butt joints employing either an inert gas for first pass backup 
or a consumable insert ring may be considered the equivalent of a 
double welded butt joint for all classes of piping and is preferable 
for Class I-L and II-L systems where double butt welds cannot be used. 
A first pass inert gas backup is intended to mean that the inside of 
the pipe is purged with inert gas and that the root is welded with the 
inert gas metal arc (mig) or inert gas tungsten arc (tig) processes. 
For single welded joints, where possible, the inside of the joint must 
be examined visually to assure full penetration. Radiographic 
examination of at least 20 percent of single welded joints to check for 
penetration is required for all Class I and Class I-L systems 
regardless of size following the requirements of Sec.  56.95-10. 
Ultrasonic testing may be utilized in lieu of radiographic examination 
if the procedures are approved.
    (3) For Class II piping, the type of joints must be similar to 
Class I piping, with the following exceptions:
    (i) Single-welded butt joints may be employed without the use of 
backing rings in all sizes provided that the weld is chipped or ground 
flush on the root side of the weld.
    (ii) For services such as vents, overflows, and gravity drains, the 
backing ring may be eliminated, and the root of the weld need not be 
    (iii) Square-groove welds without edge preparation may be employed 
for butt joints in vents, overflows, and gravity drains where the pipe 
wall thickness does not exceed three-sixteenth inch.
    (iv) The crimped or forged backing ring with continuous projection 
around the outside of the ring is acceptable only for Class II piping. 
The projection must be completely fused.
    (4) Tack welds that become part of the finished weld must be made 
by a qualified welder. Tack welds that have cracked must be removed.
    (5) When components of different outside diameters are welded 
together, the weld joint must be filled to the outside surface of the 
component having the larger diameter. There must be a gradual 
transition, not exceeding a slope of 1:3, in the weld between the two 
surfaces. To avoid unnecessary weld deposit, the outside surface of the 
component having the larger diameter must be tapered at an angle not to 
exceed 30 degrees with the axis of the pipe. (See Fig. 127.4.2 of ASME 
B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).)
    (6) As-welded surfaces are permitted; however, the surface of the 
welds must be sufficiently free from coarse ripple, grooves, overlaps, 
abrupt ridges and valleys to meet the following:
    (i) The condition of finished welds must be suitable for 
radiographic and other nondestructive examinations when required by 
Sec.  56.95-10. In those cases where there is a question regarding the 
surface condition on the interpretation of a radiographic film, the 
film must be compared to the actual weld surface for interpretation and 
determination of acceptability.
    (ii) Reinforcements are permitted in accordance with table 1 to 
Sec.  56.70-15.
    (iii) Undercuts must not exceed \1/32\-inch and must not encroach 
on the minimum required section thickness.
    (iv) If the surface of the weld requires grinding to meet the above 
criteria, care must be taken to avoid reducing the weld or base 
material below the minimum required thickness.
    (7) The type and extent of examination required for girth butt 
welds is specified in Sec.  56.95-10.
    (8) Sections of welds that are shown by radiography or other 
examination to have any of the following type of imperfections must be 
judged unacceptable and must be repaired as provided in paragraph (f) 
of this section:
    (i) Any type of crack or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration.
    (ii) Any slag inclusion or porosity greater than specified as 
acceptable in PW-51 of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).
    (iii) Undercuts in the external surfaces of butt welds more than 
\1/32\-inch deep.
    (iv) Concavity on the root side of full penetration girth butt 
welds where the resulting weld thickness is less than the minimum pipe 
wall thickness required by this subchapter. Weld reinforcement up to a 
maximum of \1/32\-inch thickness may be considered as pipe wall 
thickness in such cases.
    (c) Longitudinal butt welds. Longitudinal butt welds in piping 
components not made in accordance with the standards and specifications 
listed in Sec.  56.60-1 must meet the requirements of paragraph 127.4.3 
of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).
    (d) Fillet welds. (1) Fillet welds may vary from convex to concave. 
The size of a fillet weld is determined as shown in Figure 127.4.4A in 
ASME B31.1. Fillet weld details for socket-welding components must meet 
Sec.  56.30-5(c). Fillet weld details for flanges must meet Sec.  
56.30-10(c). Fillet weld details for flanges must meet Sec.  56.30-10.
    (2) The limitations on cracks and undercutting set forth in 
paragraph (b)(8) of this section for girth welds are also applicable to 
fillet welds.
    (3) Class I piping not exceeding 3 inches nominal pipe size and not 
subject to full radiography by Sec.  56.95-10 may be joined by sleeves 
fitted over pipe ends or by socket type joints. Where full radiography 
is required, only butt type joints may be used. The inside diameter of 
the sleeve must not exceed the outside diameter of the pipe or tube by 
more than 0.080 inch. Fit between socket and pipe must conform to 
applicable standards for socket weld fittings. Depth of insertion of 
pipe or tube within the socket or sleeve must not be less than three-
eighths inch. The fillet weld must be deposited in a minimum of two 
passes, unless specifically approved otherwise. Requirements for joints 
employing socket weld and slip-on flanges are in Sec.  56.30-10.

[[Page 50157]]

    (4) Sleeve and socket type joints may be used in Class II piping 
systems without restriction as to size of pipe or tubing joined. The 
fillet welds must be deposited in a minimum of two passes, unless 
specifically approved otherwise. Requirements for joints employing 
socket weld and slip-on flanges are in Sec.  56.30-10.
    (e) Seal welds. (1) Where seal welding of threaded joints is 
performed, threads must be entirely covered by the seal weld.
    (2) The limitation on cracks and undercutting set forth in 
paragraph (b)(8) of this section for girth welds are also applicable to 
seal welds.
    (f) Weld defect repairs. (1) All defects in welds requiring repair 
must be removed by a flame or arc-gouging, grinding, chipping, or 
machining. Repair welds must be made in accordance with the same 
procedures used for original welds, or by another welding process if it 
is a part of a qualified procedure, recognizing that the cavity to be 
repaired may differ in contour and dimensions from the original joint. 
The types, extent, and method of examination and limits of 
imperfections of repair welds must be the same as for the original 
    (2) Preheating may be required for flame-gouging or arc-gouging 
certain alloy materials of the air hardening type in order to prevent 
surface checking or cracking adjacent to the flame or arc-gouged 
    (g) Welded branch connections. (1) Figures 127.4.8A, B, and C of 
ASME B31.1 show typical details of branch connections with and without 
added reinforcement. See also figure 1 to Sec.  Sec.  56.70-15(g)(3) 
for additional pipe connections.
    (2) Figure 127.4.8D of ASME B31.1 shows basic types of weld 
attachments used in the fabrication of branch connections. The location 
and minimum size of these attachment welds must conform to the 
requirements of this paragraph. Weld sizes must be calculated in 
accordance with 104.3.1 of ASME B31.1, but must not be less than the 
sizes shown in Figure 127.4.8D and F of ASME B31.1.
    (3) The notations and symbols used in this paragraph and in Figure 
127.4.8D and F of ASME B31.1 are as follows:

Figure 1 to Sec.  56.70-15(g)(3)--Acceptable Types of Welded Pipe 

tn = nominal thickness of branch wall less corrosion 
allowance, inches.
tc = the smaller of \1/4\ inch or 0.7tn.
te = nominal thickness of reinforcing element (ring or 
saddle), inches (te = 0 if there is no added 
tmin = the smaller of tn or te.
tw = dimension of partial penetration weld, inches.

    (4) Branch connections (including specially made, integrally 
reinforced branch connection fittings) that abut the outside surface of 
the run wall, or that are inserted through an opening cut in the run 
wall, shall have opening and branch contour to provide a good fit and 
shall be attached by means of full penetration groove welds except as 
otherwise permitted in paragraph (g)(7) of this section. The full 
penetration groove welds shall be finished with cover fillet welds 
having a minimum throat dimension not less than 2tc. The 
limitation as to imperfection of these groove welds shall be as set 
forth in 127.4.2(C) of ASME B31.1 for girth welds.
    (5) In branch connections having reinforcement pads or saddles, the 
reinforcement shall be attached by welds at the outer edge and at the 
branch periphery as follows:
    (i) If the weld joining the added reinforcement to the branch is a 
full penetration groove weld, it shall be finished with a cover fillet 
weld having a minimum throat dimension not less than tc the 
weld at the outer edge, joining the added reinforcement to the run, 
shall be a fillet weld with a minimum throat dimension of 0.5 
    (ii) If the weld joining the added reinforcement to the branch is a 
fillet weld, the throat dimension shall not be less than 0.7 
tmin. The weld at the outer edge joining the outer 
reinforcement to the run shall also be a fillet weld with a minimum 
throat dimension of 0.5 te.
    (6) When rings or saddles are used, a vent hole shall be provided 
(at the side and not at the crotch) in the ring or saddle to reveal 
leakage in the weld between branch and main run and to provide venting 
during welding and heat-treating operations. Rings or saddles may be 
made in more than one piece if the joints between the pieces have 
strength equivalent to ring or saddle parent metal and if each piece is 
provided with a vent hole. A good fit shall be provided between 
reinforcing rings or saddles and the parts to which they are attached.
    (7) Branch connections 2 in. NPS and smaller that do not require 
reinforcement may be constructed as shown in Fig. 127.4.8F of ASME 
B31.1. This construction is limited to use in Class I and II piping 
systems at a maximum design temperature of 750 [deg]F or a maximum 
pressure of 1025 psi.
    (h) Heat treatment. Heat treatment for welds shall be in accordance 
with subpart 56.85.

[[Page 50158]]

                 Table 1 to Sec.   56.70-15--Reinforcement of Girth and Longitudinal Butt Welds
                                                       Maximum thickness (in inches) of reinforcement for design
         Thickness (in inches) of base metal                                                  0 [deg]F and above
                                                       Below 0 [deg]F or    350[deg] to 750    but less than 350
                                                       above 750 [deg]F         [deg]F              [deg]F
Up to \1/8\, inclusive..............................              \1/16\              \3/32\              \3/16\
Over \1/8\ to \3/16\, inclusive.....................              \1/16\               \1/8\              \3/16\
Over \3/16\ to \1/2\, inclusive.....................              \1/16\              \5/32\              \3/16\
Over \1/2\ to 1, inclusive..........................              \3/32\              \3/16\              \3/16\
Over 1 to 2, inclusive..............................               \1/8\               \1/4\               \1/4\
Over 2..............................................              \5/32\               (\1\)               (\1\)
\1\ The greater of 1/4 in. or 1/8 times the width of the weld in inches.
\1\ For double welded butt joints, this limitation on reinforcement given above applies separately to both
  inside and outside surfaces of the joint.
\2\ For single welded butt joints, the reinforcement limits given above apply to the outside surface of the
  joint only.
\3\ The thickness of weld reinforcement is based on the thickness of the thinner of the materials being joined.
\4\ The weld reinforcement thicknesses must be determined for the higher of the abutting surfaces involved.
\5\ For boiler external piping use the column titled ``Below 0 [deg]F or above 750 [deg]F'' for weld
  reinforcement thicknesses.

Sec.  56.70-20   Qualification, general.

    (a) Qualification of welding procedures and welders is required, 
and must comply with the requirements of Section IX of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) as modified by part 57 
of this subchapter.
    (b) Each butt-welded joint of Class I of Class I-L piping must be 
marked with the welder's identification symbol. Dies must not be used 
to mark the pipe where the pressure exceeds 600 psig or the temperature 
exceeds 750 [deg]F or in Class I-L systems.

29. Revise and republish subparts 56.75 through 56.97 to read as 
Subpart 56.75--Brazing
56.75-5 Filler metal (modifies 128.2).
56.75-10 Joint clearance.
56.75-15 Heating.
56.75-20 Brazing qualification.
56.75-25 Detail requirements.
56.75-30 Pipe joining details.
Subpart 56.80--Bending and Forming
56.80-5 Bending (modifies 129).
56.80-10 Forming (reproduces 129.2).
56.80-15 Heat treatment of bends and formed components.
Subpart 56.85--Heat Treatment of Welds
56.85-5 Heating and cooling method.
56.85-10 Preheating.
56.85-15 Postweld heat treatment.
Subpart 56.90--Assembly
56.90-1 General.
56.90-5 Bolting procedure.
56.90-10 Threaded piping (modifies 135.5).
Subpart 56.95--Inspection
56.95-1 General (replaces 136).
56.95-5 Rights of access of marine inspectors.
56.95-10 Type and extent of examination required.
Subpart 56.97--Pressure Tests
56.97-1 General (replaces 137).
56.97-5 Pressure testing of nonstandard piping system components.
56.97-25 Preparation for testing (modifies 137.2).
56.97-30 Hydrostatic tests (modifies 137.4).
56.97-35 Pneumatic tests (modifies 137.5).
56.97-38 Initial service leak test (modifies 137.7).
56.97-40 Installation tests.

Subpart 56.75--Brazing

Sec.  56.75-5  Filler metal (modifies 128.2).

    (a) The filler metal used in brazing must be a nonferrous metal or 
alloy having a melting point above 1,000 [deg]F and below that of the 
metal being joined. The filler metal must flow freely within the 
desired temperature range and, in conjunction with a suitable flux or 
controlled atmosphere, must wet and adhere to the surfaces to be 
joined. Prior to using a particular brazing material in a piping 
system, the requirements of Sec.  56.60-20 should be considered.
    (b) The brazing material used must have a shearing strength of at 
least 10,000 psig. The maximum allowable working pressure for brazing 
piping must be determined by this part.
    (c) Fluxes that are fluid and chemically active at the brazing 
temperature must be used when necessary to prevent oxidation of the 
filler metal and of the surfaces to be joined and to promote free 
flowing of the filler metal.

Sec.  56.75-10   Joint clearance.

    The clearance between surfaces to be joined must be no larger than 
is necessary to allow complete capillary distribution of the brazing 
alloy or solder.

Sec.  56.75-15   Heating.

    (a) The joint must be brought to brazing temperature in as short a 
time as possible to minimize oxidation.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  56.75-20  Brazing qualification.

    (a) The qualification of the performance of brazers and brazing 
operators must be in accordance with the requirements of Part C, 
Section IX of the ASME Code (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
56.01-2) and part 57 of this subchapter.
    (b) Manufacturers shall perform those tests required by paragraph 
(a) of this section prior to performing production brazing.

Sec.  56.75-25  Detail requirements.

    (a) Pipe may be fabricated by brazing when the temperature to which 
such connections may be subjected does not exceed 425 [deg]F. (For 
exception refer to Sec.  56.30-30(b)(1).)
    (b) The surfaces to be brazed must be clean and free from grease, 
oxides, paint, scale, and dirt of any kind.
    (c) After the parts to be joined have been thoroughly cleaned the 
edges to be brazed must be given an even coating of flux prior to 
heating the joint as a protection against oxidation.

Sec.  56.75-30  Pipe joining details.

    (a) Silver brazing. (1) Circumferential pipe joints may be either 
of the socket or butt type. When butt joints are employed the edges to 
be joined must be cut or machined square and the edges must be held 
closely together to insure a satisfactory joint.
    (b) Copper-alloy brazing. (1) Copper-alloy brazing may be employed 
to join pipe, valves, and fittings. Circumferential joints may be 
either of the butt or socket type. Where butt joints are employed, the 
included angle

[[Page 50159]]

must be not less than 90[deg] where the wall thickness is three-
sixteenths of an inch or greater. The annular clearance of socket 
joints must be held to small clearances.
    (2) Copper pipe fabricated with longitudinal joints for pressures 
not exceeding that permitted by the regulations in this subchapter may 
have butt, lapped, or scarfed joints. If of the latter type, the kerf 
of the material must be not less than 60[deg].
    (c) Brazing, general. (1) Heat must be applied evenly and uniformly 
to all parts of the joint in order to prevent local overheating.
    (2) The members to be joined must be held firmly in place until the 
brazing alloy has set so as to prevent any strain on the joint until 
the brazing alloy has thoroughly solidified. The brazing must be done 
by placing the flux and brazing material on one side of the joint and 
applying heat until the brazing material flows entirely through the lap 
and shows uniformly along the seam on the other side of the joint. 
Sufficient flux must be used to cause the brazing material to appear 
promptly after reaching the brazing temperature.

Subpart 56.80--Bending and Forming

Sec.  56.80-5  Bending (modifies 129).

    Pipe may be bent by any hot or cold method and to any radius that 
will result in a bend surface free of cracks, as determined by a method 
of inspection specified in the design, and substantially free of 
buckles. Such bends must meet the design requirements of 102.4.5 and 
104.2.1 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2). 
This does not prohibit the use of bends designed as creased or 
corrugated. If doubt exists as to the wall thickness being adequate, 
Class I piping having diameters exceeding 4 inches must be 
nondestructively examined by the use of ultrasonics or other acceptable 
method. The nondestructive method must be employed where the design 
temperature exceeds 750 [deg]F.

Sec.  56.80-10  Forming (reproduces 129.2).

    (a) Piping components may be formed (swaging, lapping, or upsetting 
of pipe ends, extrusion of necks, etc.) by any suitable hot or cold 
working method, providing such processes result in formed surfaces 
which are uniform and free of cracks or other defects, as determined by 
methods of inspection specified in the design.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  56.80-15  Heat treatment of bends and formed components.

    (a) Carbon-steel piping that has been heated to at least 1,650 
[deg]F (898 [deg]C) for bending or other forming requires no subsequent 
heat treatment.
    (b) Ferritic alloy steel piping which has been heated for bending 
or other forming operations must receive a stress relieving treatment, 
a full anneal, or a normalize and temper treatment, as specified by the 
design specification before welding.
    (c) Cold bending and forming of carbon steel having a wall 
thickness of three-fourths of an inch and heavier, and all ferritic-
alloy pipe in nominal pipe sizes of 4 inches and larger, or one-half-
inch wall thickness or heavier, will require a stress-relieving 
    (d) Cold bending of carbon-steel and ferritic-alloy steel pipe in 
sizes and wall thicknesses less than specified in 129.3.3 of ASME B31.1 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2) may be used without a 
postheat treatment.
    (e) For other materials the heat treatment of bends and formed 
components must be such as to ensure pipe properties that are 
consistent with the original pipe specification.
    (f) All scale must be removed from heat treated pipe prior to 
    (g) Austenitic stainless-steel pipe that has been heated for 
bending or other forming may be used in the ``as-bent'' condition 
unless the design specification requires post-bending heat treatment.

Subpart 56.85--Heat Treatment of Welds

Sec.  56.85-5  Heating and cooling method.

    Heat treatment may be accomplished by a suitable heating method 
that will provide the desired heating and cooling rates, the required 
metal temperature, metal temperature uniformity, and temperature 

Sec.  56.85-10  Preheating.

    The minimum welding preheat procedures and temperatures must be as 
stated in section 131 and Table 131.4.1 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).

Sec.  56.85-15  Postweld heat treatment.

    Postweld heat treatment procedures and temperatures must be as 
stated in Section 132 and Table 132 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).

Subpart 56.90--Assembly

Sec.  56.90-1  General.

    The assembly of the various piping components, whether done in a 
shop or as field erection, must be done so that the completely erected 
piping conforms with the requirements of the regulations in this 

Sec.  56.90-5  Bolting procedure.

    (a) All flanged joints must be fitted up so that the gasket contact 
faces bear uniformly on the gasket and then must be made up with 
relatively uniform bolt stress.
    (b) When bolting gasketed flanged joints, the gasket must be 
properly compressed in accordance with the design principles applicable 
to the type of gasket used.
    (c) Steel to cast iron flanged joints shall be assembled with care 
to prevent damage to the cast iron flange in accordance with Sec.  
    (d) All bolts must be engaged so that there is visible evidence of 
complete threading through the nut or threaded attachment.

Sec.  56.90-10  Threaded piping (modifies 135.5).

    (a) Any compound used in threaded joints must be suitable for the 
service conditions and must not react unfavorably with either the 
service fluid or the piping materials.
    (b) Threaded joints that are to be seal welded must be made up 
without any thread compound.

Subpart 56.95--Inspection

Sec.  56.95-1  General (replaces 136).

    (a) The provisions in this subpart apply to inspection in lieu of 
136 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).
    (b) Prior to initial operation, a piping installation must be 
inspected to assure compliance with the engineering design, and with 
the material, fabrication, assembly, and test requirements of ASME 
B31.1, as modified by this subchapter. This inspection is the 
responsibility of the owner or operator and may be performed with an 
engineering organization employed by the owner, together with the 
marine inspector.

Sec.  56.95-5  Rights of access of marine inspectors.

    Marine inspectors must have rights of access to any place where 
work concerned with the piping is being performed. This includes 
manufacture, fabrication, assembly, erection, and testing of the piping 
or system components. Marine inspectors must have access to review all 
certifications or records pertaining to the inspection requirements of 
Sec.  56.95-1, including certified qualifications for welders, welding 
operators, and welding procedures.

[[Page 50160]]

Sec.  56.95-10  Type and extent of examination required.

    (a) General. The types and extent of nondestructive examinations 
required for piping must be in accordance with this section and Table 
136.4 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  56.01-2). In 
addition, a visual examination must be made.
    (1) 100 percent radiography is required for all Class I, I-L, and 
II-L piping with wall thickness equal to or greater than 10 mm (0.393 

    Note 1 to paragraph (a)(1): Throughout this this section, where 
for some reason, such as joint configuration, radiography is not 
applicable, another approved examination may be utilized.

    (2) Nondestructive examination is required for all Class II piping 
equal to or greater than 18 inches nominal diameter regardless of wall 
thickness. Any test method acceptable to the Officer in Charge, Marine 
Inspection may be used.
    (3) Nondestructive examinations of other piping systems are 
required only when deemed necessary by the Officer in Charge, Marine 
Inspection (OCMI).
    (b) Visual examination. Visual examination consists of observation 
by the marine inspector either before, during, or after manufacture, 
fabrication, assembly, or test. All welds, pipe and piping components 
must comply with the limitations on imperfections specified in the 
product specification or with the limitations on imperfections 
specified in Sec.  56.70-15(b)(7) and (8), and (c), as applicable.
    (c) Nondestructive types of examinations--(1) 100 Percent 
radiography. Where 100 percent radiography is required, each weld in 
the piping must be completely radiographed. If a butt weld is examined 
by radiography, for either random or 100 percent radiography, the 
method used must be as follows:
    (i) X-ray or gamma ray method of radiography may be used. The 
selection of the method must be dependent upon its adaptability to the 
work being radiographed. The procedure to be followed must be as 
indicated in PW-51 of Section I of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  56.01-2).
    (ii) If a piping component or a weld other than a butt weld is 
radiographed, the method used must be in accordance with UW-51 of 
Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
    (2) Random radiography. Where random radiography is required, one 
or more welds may be completely or partially radiographed. Random 
radiography is desirable in field welding, where conditions such as 
position, temperatures, and cleanliness are not as controlled as in 
shop welding. It may be employed whenever an Officer in Charge, Marine 
Inspection questions a pipe weld not otherwise required to be tested. 
The standards of acceptance are the same as for 100 percent 
    (3) Ultrasonic. Where 100 percent ultrasonic testing is specified, 
the entire surface of the weld being inspected must be covered using 
careful methods to be sure that a true representation of the actual 
conditions is obtained. The procedures to be used must be submitted to 
the Commandant for approval.
    (4) Liquid penetrant. Where liquid penetrant examination is 
required, the entire surface of the weld being examined must be 
covered. The examination must be performed in accordance with appendix 
VIII to Section VIII of the ASME BPVC. The following standards of 
acceptance must be met:
    (i) All linear discontinuities and aligned penetrant indications 
revealed by the test must be removed. Aligned penetrant indications are 
those in which the average of the center-to-center distances between 
any one indication and the two adjacent indications in any straight 
line is less than three-sixteenths inch. All other discontinuities 
revealed on the surface need not be removed unless the discontinuities 
are also revealed by radiography, in which case the pertinent 
radiographic specification applies.
    (ii) [Reserved]
    (5) Magnetic particle. Where magnetic particle testing is required, 
the entire surface of the weld being examined must be covered. The 
testing must be performed in accordance with Appendix VI to Section 
VIII of the ASME BPVC. The following standards of acceptance are 
required for welds. All linear discontinuities and aligned indications 
revealed by the test must be removed. Aligned indications are those in 
which the average of the center-to-center distances between any one 
indication and the two adjacent indications in any straight line is 
less than three-sixteenths inch. All other revealed discontinuities 
need not be removed unless the discontinuities are also revealed by 
radiography, in which case the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this 
section must be met.

Subpart 56.97--Pressure Tests

Sec.  56.97-1  General (replaces 137).

    (a) Scope. The requirements in this subpart apply to pressure tests 
of piping in lieu of 137 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  56.01-2). Those paragraphs reproduced are so noted.
    (b) Leak tightness. It is mandatory that the piping constructed 
demonstrates leak tightness. Except where otherwise permitted, this 
requirement must be met by a hydrostatic leak test prior to initial 
operations. Where a hydrostatic test is not practicable, a pneumatic 
test (Sec.  56.97-35) or initial service leak test (Sec.  56.97-38) may 
be substituted if approved by the Commandant.
    (1) At no time during the hydrostatic test may any part of the 
piping system be subjected to a stress greater than 90 percent of its 
yield strength (0.2 percent offset) at test temperature.
    (2) Pneumatic tests may be used in lieu of the required hydrostatic 
test (except as permitted in paragraph (b)(3) of this section), only 
    (i) Piping subassemblies or systems are so designed or supported 
that they cannot be safely filled with water; or

    Note 1 to paragraph (b)(2)(i):  These tests may be made with the 
item being tested partially filled with water, if desired.

    (ii) Piping systems are to be used in services where traces of 
water cannot be tolerated and, whenever possible, the piping 
subassemblies or system have been previously hydrostatically tested to 
the pressure required in Sec.  56.97-30(e).
    (3) A pneumatic test at a pressure not to exceed 25 psig may be 
applied before a hydrostatic or a pneumatic test as a means of locating 
major leaks. The preliminary pneumatic test must be carried out in 
accordance with the requirements of Sec.  56.97-35.

    Note 2 to paragraph (b)(3): Compressed gas is hazardous when 
used as a testing medium. It is, therefore, recommended that special 
precautions for protection of personnel be taken whenever gas under 
pressure is used as the test medium.

Sec.  56.97-5  Pressure testing of nonstandard piping system 

    (a) All nonstandard piping system components such as welded valves 
and fittings, nonstandard fittings, manifolds, seacocks, and other 
appurtenances must be hydrostatically tested to twice the rated 
pressure stamped thereon, except that no component should be tested at 
a pressure causing stresses in excess of 90 percent of its yield 
    (b) Items for which an accepted standard appears in table 2 to 
Sec.  56.60-1 need not be tested as described in paragraph (a) of this 
section, but need only meet the test required in the applicable 

[[Page 50161]]

Sec.  56.97-25  Preparation for testing (modifies 137.2).

    (a) Exposure of joints. All joints including welds must be left 
uninsulated and exposed for examination during the test.
    (b) Addition of temporary supports. Piping systems designed for 
vapor or gas may be provided with additional temporary supports, if 
    (c) Restraint or isolation of expansion joints. Expansion joints 
must be provided with temporary restraint, if required for the 
additional pressure load under test.
    (d) Isolation of equipment not subjected to pressure test. 
Equipment that is not to be subjected to the pressure test must be 
isolated by a blank flange or equivalent means.
    (e) Treatment of flanged joints containing blinds. Flanged joints 
at which blinds are inserted to blank off other equipment during the 
test need not be tested.
    (f) Precautions against test medium expansion. If a pressure test 
is to be maintained for a period of time and the test medium in the 
system is subject to thermal expansion, precautions must be taken to 
avoid excessive pressure. A small relief valve set to 1 1/3 times the 
test pressure is recommended during the pressure test.

Sec.  56.97-30  Hydrostatic tests (modifies 137.4).

    (a) Provision of air vents at high points. Vents must be provided 
at all high points of the piping subassembly or system in the position 
in which the test is to be conducted to purge air pockets while the 
component or system is filling.
    (b) Test medium and test temperature. (1) Water will be used for a 
hydrostatic leak test unless another medium is approved by the 
    (2) The temperature of the test medium will be that of the 
available source unless otherwise approved by the Commandant upon 
review of the metallurgical aspects of the piping materials with 
respect to its brittle fracture properties.
    (c) Check of test equipment before applying pressure. The test 
equipment must be examined before pressure is applied to ensure that it 
is tight and that all low-pressure filling lines and other items that 
should not be subjected to the test pressure have been disconnected or 
isolated by valves or other suitable means.
    (d) Examination for leakage after application of pressure. 
Following the application of the hydrostatic test pressure for a 
minimum of 10 minutes (see paragraph (g) of this section), examination 
for leakage must be made of all joints, connections and of all regions 
of high stress, such as regions around openings and thickness-
transition sections.
    (e) Minimum required hydrostatic test pressure. Except as otherwise 
permitted in paragraph (f) of this section or Sec.  56.97-40, piping 
systems must be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure that at every 
point in the system is not less than 1.5 times the maximum allowable 
working pressure.
    (f) Maximum permissible hydrostatic test pressure. (1) When a 
system is tested hydrostatically, the test pressure must not exceed the 
maximum test pressure of any component such as vessels, pumps, or 
valves in the system.
    (2) At no time during the hydrostatic test may any part of the 
piping system be subjected to a stress greater than 90 percent of its 
yield strength (0.2 percent offset) at test temperature.
    (g) Hydrostatic test pressure holding time. The hydrostatic test 
pressure must be maintained for a minimum total time of 10 minutes and 
for such additional time as may be necessary to conduct the examination 
for leakage required by paragraph (d) of this section.

Sec.  56.97-35  Pneumatic tests (replaces 137.5).

    (a) General Requirements. When a pneumatic test is performed, it 
must be conducted in accordance with the requirements of this section.
    (b) Test medium and test temperature. (1) The gas used as the test 
medium must not be flammable nor toxic.
    (2) The temperature of the test medium will be that of the 
available source unless otherwise approved by the Commandant.
    (c) Check of test equipment before applying pressure. The test 
equipment must be examined before pressure is applied to ensure that it 
is tight and that all items that should not be subjected to the test 
pressure have been disconnected or isolated by valves or other suitable 
    (d) Procedure for applying pressure. The pressure in the system 
must gradually be increased to not more than one-half of the test 
pressure, after which the pressure is increased in steps of 
approximately one-tenth of the test pressure until the required test 
pressure has been reached.
    (e) Examination for leakage after application of pressure. 
Following the application of pressure for the time specified in 
paragraph (h) of this section, examination for leakage in accordance 
with Sec.  56.97-30(d) must be conducted.
    (f) Minimum required pneumatic test pressure. Except as provided in 
paragraph (g) of this section or Sec.  56.97-40, the pneumatic test 
pressure may not be less than 1.20 nor more than 1.25 times the maximum 
allowable working pressure of the piping subassembly system.
    (g) Maximum permissible pneumatic test pressure. When a system is 
tested pneumatically, the test pressure may not exceed the maximum test 
pressure of any component such as vessels, pumps or valves in the 
    (h) Pneumatic test pressure holding time. The pneumatic test 
pressure must be maintained for a minimum total time of 10 minutes and 
for such additional time as may be necessary to conduct the examination 
for leakage required in Sec.  56.97-30(d).

Sec.  56.97-38  Initial service leak test (modifies 137.7).

    (a) An initial service leak test and inspection is acceptable when 
other types of test are not practical or when leak tightness is 
conveniently demonstrable due to the nature of the service. One example 
is piping where shut-off valves are not available for isolating a line. 
Others may be systems for service water, condensate, plant and 
instrument air, etc., where checking out of pumps and compressors 
afford ample opportunity for leak tightness inspection prior to full-
scale operation.
    (b) The piping system must be gradually brought up to design 
pressure. After inspection of the piping system has proven that the 
installation is complete and all joints are leak-tight, the piping has 
met the requirements of Sec.  56.97-1.

Sec.  56.97-40  Installation tests.

    (a) The following piping systems must be hydrostatically leak 
tested in the presence of a marine inspector at a pressure of 1.5 times 
the maximum allowable working pressure of the system:
    (1) Class I steam, feedwater, and blowoff piping. Where piping is 
attached to boilers by welding without practical means of blanking off 
for testing, the piping must be subjected to the same hydrostatic 
pressure to which the boiler is tested. The maximum allowable working 
pressures of boiler feedwater and blowoff piping must be the design 
pressures specified in Sec. Sec.  56.50-30(a)(3) and 56.50-40(b) of 
this subpart, respectively.
    (2) Fuel oil discharge piping between the pumps and the burners.
    (3) Flammable or corrosive liquids and compressed gas cargo piping, 
but not less than 150 psig.

[[Page 50162]]

    (4) Any Class I, I-L, II-L piping.
    (5) Cargo oil piping.
    (6) Firemains.
    (7) Fuel oil transfer and filling piping.
    (8) Class I compressed air piping.
    (9) Fixed oxygen-acetylene system piping.
    (b) Installation testing requirements for refrigeration, fluid 
power, and liquefied petroleum gas cooking and heating systems may be 
found in part 58 of this subchapter.
    (c) Class II piping systems must be tested under working conditions 
as specified in the section on initial service leak test, Sec.  56.97-

30. Revise and republish part 57 to read as follows:


Subpart 57.01--Scope

57.01-1 Qualifications and production tests.
Subpart 57.02--General Requirements
57.02-1 Incorporation by reference.
57.02-2 Adoption of section IX of the ASME Code.
57.02-3 Performance qualifications issued by other agencies.
57.02-4 Fabricator's responsibility.
57.02-5 Filler metals.
Subpart 57.03--Procedure Qualifications
57.03-1 General requirements.
Subpart 57.04--Procedure Qualification Range
57.04-1 Test specimen requirements and definition of ranges 
(modifies QW 202, QW 210, QW 451, and QB 202).
Subpart 57.05--Performance Qualifications
57.05-1 General.
57.05-2 Transfer of performance qualifications.
57.05-3 Limited space qualifications.
57.05-4 Welder qualification by procedure tests.
57.05-5 Low temperature application.
Subpart 57.06--Production Tests
57.06-1 Production test plate requirements.
57.06-2 Production test plate interval of testing.
57.06-3 Method of performing production testing.
57.06-4 Production testing specimen requirements.
57.06-5 Production toughness testing.

    Authority:  46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703, E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 
CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; 49 CFR 1.46.


Subpart 57.01--Scope

Sec.  57.01-1  Qualifications and production tests.

    (a) (Replaces QW 100 and QB 100.) The regulations in this part 
apply to the qualification of welding procedures, welders, and brazers, 
and to production tests for all types of manual and machine arc and gas 
welding and brazing processes.
    (b) (Modifies QW 305 and QB 305.) Operators of fully automatic 
welding and brazing machines are specifically exempt from performance 
qualification tests.

Subpart 57.02--General Requirements

Sec.  57.02-1  Incorporation by reference.

    Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with 
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that 
specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish a document in 
the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. 
All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for 
inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Archives and 
Records Administration (NARA). Contact U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters 
at: Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering 
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; phone (202) 372-1375; email 
[email protected]. For information on the availability of this 
material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations or email [email protected]. The material may be obtained 
from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park Avenue, 
New York, NY 10016-5990; 800-843-2763; [email protected]; 
    (a) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, Qualification 
Standard for Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Procedures; Welders; Brazers; 
and Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Operators, 2019 Edition, issued July 
1, 2019 (``Section IX of the ASME BPVC''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  
57.02-2; 57.02-4(a); 57.03-1(a) and (b); 57.04-1; 57.05-1(a); 57.06-
1(c); 57.06-4(h).
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  57.02-2  Adoption of Section IX of the ASME BPVC.

    (a) The qualifications for all types of welders and brazers, the 
qualification of welding procedures, and the production tests for all 
types of manual and machine arc and gas welding and brazing processes 
used in fabricating power boilers, heating boilers, pressure vessels 
and piping must be in accordance with Section IX of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  57.02-1), as limited, modified, 
or replaced by specific requirements in this part. For general 
information, table 1 to Sec.  57.02-2(a) lists the various paragraphs 
in Section IX of the ASME BPVC which are limited, modified, or replaced 
by regulations in this part.

   Table 1 to Sec.   57.02-2(a)--Limitations and Modifications to the
                 Adoption of Section IX of the ASME BPVC
  Paragraphs in section IX of the
    ASME BPVC, and disposition                Unit of this part
QW-100 replaced by................  57.01-1(a).
QW-201 modified by................  57.03-1(a).
QW-202 modified by................  57.04-1
QW-202.1 modified by..............  57.03-1(b).
QW-210 modified by................  57.04-1.
QW-211 modified by................  57.02-4.
QW-253 modified by................  57.03-1(g).
QW-254 modified by................  57.03-1(g).
QW-255 modified by................  57.03-1(g).
QW-305 modified by................  57.01-1(b).
QW-451 modified by................  57.03-1(b) and 57.04-1.
QB-100 replaced by................  57.01-1(a).
QB-103 replaced by................  57.02-3(a).
QB-201 modified by................  57.03-1(a).
QB-202 modified by................  57.04-1.
QB-305 modified by................  57.01-1(b).

[[Page 50163]]

    (b) References to the ASME Code, like paragraph QW-131.1 indicate:
    (1) Q = Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications, ASME BPVC.
    (2) W = Part containing requirements for welding procedure, welder, 
and welding operator qualifications.
    (3) 131 = Major division within the part.
    (4) 131.1 = Specific subparagraph within the part.
    (c) When a paragraph or a section of the regulations in this part 
relates to material in Section IX of the ASME BPVC, the relationship 
with the code will be shown immediately following the heading of the 
section or at the beginning of the paragraph as follows:
    (1) (Modifies Q__.) This indicates that the material in Q__ is 
generally applicable but is being altered, amplified, or augmented.
    (2) (Replaces Q__.) This indicates that Q__ does not apply.
    (3) (Reproduces Q__.) This indicates that Q__ is being identically 
reproduced for convenience, not for emphasis.

Sec.  57.02-3  Performance qualifications issued by other agencies.

    (a) Within the limits of the qualification tests passed, the 
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, may accept welders who have been 
qualified by other agencies of the Federal Government; by the American 
Bureau of Shipping; or by the fabricator concerned.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  57.02-4  Fabricator's responsibility.

    (a) (Replaces QW 103 and QB 103.) Each manufacturer or contractor 
is responsible for the welding and brazing done by their organization 
and must conduct tests required in this part to qualify the welding and 
brazing procedures used and the performance of welders and brazers who 
apply these procedures. The manufacturer must bear the expense of 
conducting the tests. Each manufacturer must maintain a record of the 
test results obtained in welding and brazing procedure and welder and 
brazer performance qualifications. These required records, together 
with identification data, must be maintained by the manufacturer or 
contractor on the recommended forms illustrated in Section IX of the 
ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  57.02-1), or on any 
other form acceptable to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. Upon 
request, duplicate forms must be furnished by the manufacturer or 
contractor to the marine inspector.
    (b) Except as otherwise provided for in Sec.  57.02-2, the 
fabricator must notify the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, prior 
to conducting performance or procedure qualification tests, and arrange 
a suitable time and place for conducting the tests, so that a marine 
inspector may be present.

Sec.  57.02-5  Filler metals.

    (a) Except as provided for in paragraph (b) of this section, when 
filler metal is used in a welded fabrication that is required to meet 
the requirements of this part the filler metal must be one that has 
been approved by the American Bureau of Shipping.
    (b) In instances where a fabricator desires to use a filler metal 
which has not been approved by the American Bureau of Shipping the 
approval of the filler metal can be made by the Officer in Charge, 
Marine Inspection on the basis of the fabricator passing the weld 
procedure qualification tests as outlined in this part. This alternate 
means of approval applies to wire-gas and wire-flux combinations as 
well as to stick electrodes. Filler metal approvals given in this 
manner will extend only to the specific fabricator to whom they are 

Subpart 57.03--Procedure Qualifications

Sec.  57.03-1  General requirements.

    (a) (Modifies QW 201 and QB 201.) In order to obtain Coast Guard 
approval of a weld procedure to be used on welded fabrication that is 
required to meet the requirements of this part each manufacturer or 
contractor must do the following:
    (1) Each manufacturer or contractor must submit to the cognizant 
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, for approval, a welding or 
brazing procedure specification for the particular welding or brazing 
process to be used. The welding or brazing procedure specification must 
include a sketch showing joint preparation. Suggested forms showing the 
information which is required in the welding or brazing procedure 
specification are in Form QW 482 and Form QB 482 of Section IX of the 
ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  57.02-1).
    (2) Each manufacturer or contractor must submit to the cognizant 
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, for approval, the results of the 
physical tests required by Section IX of the ASME BPVC.
    (b) (Modifies QW 202.1 and QW 451.) To obtain approval of the 
welding procedure, fabricators desiring to use any welding process for 
applications involving temperatures below -18 [deg]C (approx. 0 [deg]F) 
must conduct a procedure qualification test in accordance with the 
requirements of paragraph (a) of this section and the following 
additional requirements:
    (1) The test piece must be large enough so that sufficient material 
is available for the tests prescribed in QW 451 of the ASME BPVC, plus 
toughness tests and a macro-etch specimen.
    (2) To obtain approval the fabricator must conduct toughness tests 
and qualify in accordance with Sec.  54.05 of the subchapter. Results 
of toughness tests must be submitted for approval to the cognizant 
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
    (3) The macro-etch specimen must be submitted with the test results 
required by paragraph (a) of this section. Macro-etch specimens must 
not be obtained by flame or arc cutting from the test piece. Weld 
reinforcement must remain in place unless the production welds are to 
be machined or ground. Backing rings must also be left in place unless 
they are to be removed in production.
    (4) Low temperature procedure qualification thickness ranges are as 
indicated in table 1 to Sec.  57.03-1(b).

      Table 1 to Sec.   57.03-1(b)--Low Temperature Weld Procedure
                     Qualification Thickness Ranges
                                      Range of thickness of materials
                                      qualified by test plate or pipe
 Thickness, ``t'' of test plate                  (inches)
   or pipe as welded (inches)    ---------------------------------------
                                        Minimum             Maximum
\1/16\ to \3/8\, inclusive......              \1/16\               \3/8\
Over \3/8\ but less than \3/4\..           \1\ \3/8\               \3/4\
\3/4\ to 3, inclusive...........               \3/4\               \2\ t
\1\ For thicknesses less than \5/8\ inch, the thickness of the test
  plate or pipe is the minimum thickness qualified.
\2\ Where ``t'' is the thickest material over \3/4\ inch to be used in

[[Page 50164]]

    (5) The limits for heat input production, as measured in Joules/
inch, must be at or below the maximum heat input applied to the 
procedure test plate. The word ``maximum'' must not be interpreted as 
either nominal or average.
    (c) For quenched and tempered steels, the Commandant may prescribe 
special testing to assure that the welding procedure produces weldments 
which are not prone to low energy fracture through the heat affected 
    (d) Welding procedures that utilize type E 6012, E 6013, E 6014, E 
6024, E 7014, or E 7024 electrode will be approved only for the 
specific type, size, and brand electrode used. If a different type, 
size, or brand of electrode is used, a new procedure qualification test 
must be conducted.
    (e) Welding or brazing procedure approvals cannot be transferred 
from one plant to another plant of the same company or from one company 
to another.
    (f) (Modifies QW 253, QW 254, and QW 255.) Item QW 402.4 is an 
essential variable for all procedure specifications.

Subpart 57.04--Procedure Qualification Range

Sec.  57.04-1  Test specimen requirements and definition of ranges 
(modifies QW 202, QW 210, QW 451, and QB 202).

    The type and number of specimens that must be tested to qualify an 
automatic, semiautomatic, or manual procedure specification must be in 
accordance with QW 202, QW 210, or QB 202 of Section IX of the ASME 
BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  57.02-1) as applicable, 
except as supplemented by Sec. Sec.  57.03-1(b) and (d).

Subpart 57.05 Performance Qualifications

Sec.  57.05-1  General.

    (a) This subpart supplements the various paragraphs in Section IX 
of the ASME BPVC dealing with Performance Qualifications (see Sec.  
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  57.05-2  Transfer of performance qualifications.

    (a) The performance qualification records of a welder may be 
transferred from one plant to another of the same company or from one 
company to another company provided the following requirements are met:
    (1) The transfer is authorized by the cognizant Officer in Charge, 
Marine Inspection;
    (2) A copy of the qualification test records of each welder 
together with employment records and identification data are 
transferred by the plant or company which qualified the welder to the 
new plant or company; and,
    (3) The new plant or company accepts the welder as qualified.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  57.05-3  Limited space qualifications.

    When a welder is to be qualified for welding or torch brazing of 
piping on board ship in a limited or restricted space, the space 
restrictions shown in connection with figures 1 or 2 to Sec.  57.05-3 
must be used when welding and brazing the test joint.

Figure 1 to Sec.  57.05-3--Limited Space Restriction for Pipe Welding 
Performance Qualification

Figure 2 to Sec.  57.05-3--Limited Space Restriction for Pipe Brazing 
Performance Qualification

[[Page 50165]]



Sec.  57.05-4  Welder qualification by procedure tests.

    Qualification tests of welders may be omitted for welders who weld 
satisfactory procedure qualification test assemblies as required by 
subpart 57.03.

Sec.  57.05-5  Low temperature application.

    For low temperature application, each welder must demonstrate their 
ability to weld satisfactorily in accordance with procedures qualified 
in accordance with Sec.  57.03-1(b). Manual welding must be qualified 
in the position prescribed by the procedure.

Subpart 57.06--Production Tests

Sec.  57.06-1  Production test plate requirements.

    (a) Production test plates must be provided for Class I, Class I-L, 
Class II, and Class II-L pressure vessels are specified in this 
    (b) Main power boilers must meet the test plate requirements for 
Class I pressure vessels.
    (c) Test plates are not required for heating boilers or Class III 
pressure vessels. Test plates are not required for main power boilers 
or pressure vessels constructed of P1 material as listed in QW/QB 422 
of Section IX of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
57.02-1) whose welded joints are fully radiographed as required by part 
52 or 54 of this subchapter as applicable except when toughness tests 
are required in accordance with Sec.  57.06-5. When toughness tests are 
required, all prescribed production tests must be performed.

Sec.  57.06-2  Production test plate interval of testing.

    (a) At least one set of production test plates must be welded for 
each Class I or Class I-L pressure vessel except as follows:
    (1) When the extent of welding on a single vessel exceeds 50 lineal 
feet of either or both longitudinal and circumferential joints, at 
least one set of test plates must be welded for each 50 feet of joint.
    (2) When the extent of welding on vessels welded in succession 
exceeds 50 lineal feet of either or both longitudinal and 
circumferential joints, at least one set of test plates must be welded 
for each 50 feet of aggregate joint of the same material where the 
plate thicknesses fall within a range of one-fourth inch. For each 50-
foot increment of weld, test plates must be prepared at the time of 
fabrication of the first vessel involving that increment.
    (b) Production test plates for Class II-L pressure vessels must be 
prepared as for Classes I and I-L vessels except that the provisions of 
paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section are applicable to each 150 
lineal feet of welded joint in lieu of each 50 lineal feet.
    (c) In the case of Class II pressure vessels, no more than one set 
of production test plates need be prepared

[[Page 50166]]

for each 300 lineal feet of either or both longitudinal and 
circumferential joints. In the case of single vessel fabrication, a set 
of test plates is required for each 300 lineal feet of weld or fraction 
thereof. In the case of multiple vessel fabrication where each 
increment of 300 lineal feet of weld involves more than one pressure 
vessel, the set of test plates must be prepared at the time of 
fabrication of the first vessel involving that increment.

Sec.  57.06-3  Method of performing production testing.

    (a) Except as otherwise specified in this section a test plate must 
be attached to the shell plate on one end of the longitudinal joint of 
each vessel as shown in figure 1 to Sec.  57.06-3(d), so that the edges 
of the test plate to be welded are a continuation of and duplication of 
the corresponding edges of the longitudinal joint. For attached test 
plates, the weld metal must be deposited in the test plate welding 
groove continuously with the weld metal deposited in the groove of the 
longitudinal joint. As an alternate method, the marine inspector may 
permit the use of separate test plates, provided the same welding 
process, procedure, and technique employed in the fabrication of the 
longitudinal joint are used in welding the test plates.
    (b) All test plates, whether attached to the shell or separate in 
accordance with paragraphs (a) and (d) of this section, must be 
prepared from material of the same specification, thickness, and heat 
treatment and, for Class I-L and Class II-L vessels, the same heat as 
that of the vessel for which they are required. However, except when 
required to be from a specific heat, test plates may be prepared from 
material of a different product form, such as plate in lieu of a 
forging, provided the chemical composition is within the vessel 
material specification limits and the melting practice is the same.
    (c) Test plates are not required for welded nozzle attachments.
    (d) In the case of vessels having no longitudinal welded joints, at 
least one set of test plates must be welded for each vessel, using the 
circumferential joint process, procedure, and technique, except that 
the provisions of Sec.  57.06-2(a) also apply for Classes I and I-L 
vessels, and that the provisions of Sec.  57.06-2(a) and (c) also apply 
for Classes II and II-L vessels.

Figure 1 to Sec.  57.06-3(d)--(PW-53.2) Method of Forming Longitudinal 
Test Plates

    (e) Test plates must be made by the same welder producing the 
longitudinal and circumferential joints. If more than one welder is 
employed in the welding of the pressure vessel(s), the test plates must 
be made by the welder designated by the marine inspector. The test 
plates must be of the same thickness as the material being welded and 
must be of sufficient size to provide two specimens of each type 
required, except that in the case of pressure vessels having no 
longitudinal seams, the test plate need be only of sufficient length to 
provide one set of test specimens, and if a retest is necessary, an 
additional set of test plates may be welded separately.

Sec.  57.06-4  Production testing specimen requirements.

    (a) For test plates three-fourths inch or less in thickness one 
reduced section tensile specimen and two free-bend specimens must be 
tested. For plates exceeding three-fourths inch in thickness one 
reduced section tensile specimen, one free-bend specimen and one guided 
side bend specimen must be tested. In addition, boiler drums of 
thickness five-eighths inch or greater must have a tension test 
specimen of the weld metal as required by paragraph (f)(2) of this 
section. Toughness tests are required for Classes I-L and II-L pressure 
vessels as specified in Sec.  57.06-5.
    (b) The test plates must be so supported that the warping due to 
welding does not throw the finished test plate out of line by an angle 
of over 5[deg].
    (c) Where the welding has warped the test plates, the plates must 
be straightened before being stress-relieved. The test plates must be 
subjected to the same stress-relieving operation as required by this 
subchapter for the pressure vessel itself. At no time must the test 
plates be heated to a temperature higher than that used for stress-
relieving the vessel.
    (d) The bend specimens must be taken from opposite sides of the 
reduced-section tensile specimen in their respective test plates as 
shown in figures 1 and 2 to Sec.  57.06-4(d).

[[Page 50167]]

Figure 1 to Sec.  57.06-4(d)--Workmanship Test Plates for Material 
Three-Fourths Inch or Less in Thickness

[[Page 50168]]

Figure 2 to Sec.  57.06-4(d)--Workmanship Test Plates for Material 
Three-Fourths Inch or Less in Thickness

    (e) In submitting the samples for test the manufacturer must state 
the minimum and maximum tensile range of the base metal.
    (f) The external appearances of the welds and the amount of weld 
reinforcement shall conform to the requirements for fabrication, and 
the maximum reinforcement for the test plates must not exceed the 
maximum permitted for construction.
    (1) The tension-test specimen of the joint must be transverse to 
the welded joint and must be of the full thickness of the plate after 
the weld reinforcement has been machined flush. The form and dimensions 
must be as shown in figure 3 to Sec.  57.06-4(f). When the capacity of 
the available testing machine does not permit testing a specimen of the 
full thickness of the welded plate, the specimen may be cut with a thin 
saw into as many portions of the thickness as necessary, as shown in 
figure 4 to Sec.  57.06-4(f) each of which must meet the requirements. 
The tensile strength of the joint specimen when it breaks in the weld 
must not be less than the minimum of the specified tensile range of the 
plate used. If the specimen breaks in the plate at not less than 95 
percent of the minimum specified tensile range of the plate and the 
weld shows no sign of weakness, the test is considered acceptable.
    (2) Boiler drums fabricated of plate of thicknesses of five-eighths 
inch or greater 2 to Sec.  have a tension-test specimen of the weld 
metal machined to form as shown in figure 5 to Sec.  57.06-4(f) taken 
entirely from the deposited metal. The all-weld tension test specimen 2 
to Sec.  have a tensile strength of not less than the minimum of the 
range of the plate which is welded and 2 to Sec.  have a minimum 
elongation in 2 inches of not less than 20 percent.

[[Page 50169]]

Figure 3 to Sec.  57.06-4(f)--(PW-53.1) Reduced-Section Test Specimen 
for Tension Test of Welded Joint

Figure 4 to Sec.  57.06-4(f)--(PW-53.3) Cross Section of Bend-Test 
Specimens From Very Thick Plate

[[Page 50170]]


Figure 5 to Sec.  57.06-4(f)--(PW-53.3) All Weld Metal Tension-Test 

[[Page 50171]]

    (g) The freebend specimens must be of the form and dimensions shown 
in figure 6 to Sec.  57.06-4(g). For plates of three-fourths inch or 
less in thickness one of the specimens must be bent with the face of 
the weld in tension. Each freebend specimen must be bent cold under 
freebending conditions until the elongation measured within or across 
approximately the entire weld on the outer surface of the bend is at 
least 30 percent, except that for Class II and Class II-L pressure 
vessels, the minimum elongation must be 20 percent. When the capacity 
of the available testing machine will not permit testing a full 
thickness specimen, the specimen may be cut with a thin saw into as 
many portions of the thickness as necessary as shown in figure 4 to 
Sec.  57.06-4(f), provided each such piece retains the proportion of 
1.5 to 1, width to thickness, each of which must meet the requirements. 
Cracks at the corners of the specimens or small defects in the convex 
surface, the greatest dimensions of which do not exceed one-sixteenth 
inch need not be considered as failures.

Figure 6 to Sec.  57.06-4(g)--(PW-53.8) Specimen for Free-Bend Test

    (h) The guided-bend specimen must be bent with the side of the weld 
in tension, its width must be equal to the full thickness of the plate 
and its thickness, after machining, must be 0.350 inch to 0.380 inch to 
permit bending in a jig having the contour of the standard jig as shown 
in Figure QW 466.1, QW 466.2, or QW 466.3 of Section IX of the ASME 
BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  57.02-1). The specimen must 
withstand being bent cold to the full capacity of the jig without 
developing any crack exceeding one-eighth inch in any direction. Where 
the plate thickness exceeds two inches, the specimen must be cut in two 
so that each portion does not exceed 2 inches in width. Each such 
portion must be tested and must meet the requirements.
    (i) One retest must be made for each of the original specimens 
which fails to meet the requirements. Should the retests fail to meet 
the requirements, the welds which they represent must be chipped out, 
rewelded and new test plates provided.

Sec.  57.06-5  Production toughness testing.

    (a) In addition to the test specimens required by Sec.  57.06-4(a), 
production toughness test plates must be prepared for Classes I-L and 
II-L pressure vessels in accordance with subpart 54.05 of this 
    (b) For nonpressure vessel type cargo tanks and associated 
secondary barriers as defined in Sec.  38.05-4 of subchapter D of this 
chapter, production toughness test plates must be prepared in 
accordance with subpart 54.05 of this subchapter.


31. The authority citation for part 58 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 
FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security 
Delegation No. 00170.1, Revision No. 01.3.

Subpart 58.01--General Requirements

32. Revise Sec.  58.01-5 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.01-5  Applicable standards.

    The applicable standards established by the ABS Marine Vessel Rules 
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1), may be used as the 
standard for the design, construction, and testing of

[[Page 50172]]

main and auxiliary machinery except as modified in this subchapter.

33. Amend Sec.  58.01-10 by revising paragraph (b) to read as follows:

Sec.  58.01-10  Fuel oil.

* * * * *
    (b) The flashpoint of oil must be determined by the Pensky-Martens 
Closed Tester, ASTM D93 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1).

34. Revise Sec.  58.01-20 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.01-20  Machinery guards.

    Gears, couplings, flywheels, and all rotating machinery capable of 
injuring personnel must be provided with adequate covers or guards.

35. Revise Sec.  58.01-30 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.01-30   Trial-trip observance.

    The operation of main and auxiliary engines, boilers, steering 
gear, and auxiliaries must be observed on the trial trip of each new 
vessel and all deficiencies which affect the safety of the vessel must 
be corrected to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, Marine 

Sec.  58.01-35   [Amended]

36. In Sec.  58.01-35, designate the note at the end of the section as 
note 1 to Sec.  58.01-30.

37. Revise Sec.  58.01-50 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.01-50  Machinery space, noise.

    Each machinery space must be designed to minimize the exposure of 
personnel to noise in accordance with IMO Resolution MSC.337(91) 
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1).

38. Amend Sec.  58.01-55 by revising paragraph (e) to read as follows:

Sec.  58.01-55  Tanks for flammable and combustible oil.

* * * * *
    (e) In general, no freestanding fuel-oil tank is permitted in any 
machinery space of Category A on a passenger vessel. A freestanding 
fuel-oil tank is permitted in other spaces only if authorized by the 
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center. If so authorized, each 
freestanding fuel-oil tank must--
    (1) Comply with subpart 58.50; and
    (2) Be placed in an oil-tight spill tray with a drain pipe leading 
to a spill-oil tank.
* * * * *

Subpart 58.03--Incorporation of Standards

39. Revise Sec.  58.03-1 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.03-1   Incorporation by reference.

    Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with 
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that 
specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish a document in 
the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. 
All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for 
inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Archives and 
Records Administration (NARA). Contact U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters 
at: Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering 
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; phone (202) 372-1375; email 
[email protected]. For information on the availability of this 
material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations or email [email protected]. The material may be obtained 
from the following sources:
    (a) American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC), 613 Third Street, Suite 
10, Annapolis, MD 21403; (410) 990-4460; www.abycinc.org.
    (1) ABYC P-1, Installation of Exhaust Systems for Propulsion and 
Auxiliary Engines, reaffirmed July 2014; IBR approved for Sec.  58.10-
    (2) [Reserved]
    (b) American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), 1701 City Plaza Drive, 
Spring, TX 77389; 281-877-6000; [email protected]; ww2.eagle.org.
    (1) ABS Rules for Building and Classing Marine Vessels, Part 4, 
Vessel Systems and Machinery, January 2020 (``ABS Marine Vessel 
Rules''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  58.01-5; 58.05-1; 58.10-15(a); 
58.20-5(a); 58.25-5(d).
    (2) [Reserved]
    (c) American Petroleum Institute (API), 200 Massachusetts Avenue 
NW, Washington, DC 20001-5571; 202-682-8000; [email protected]; 
    (1) API Recommended Practice 14C, Analysis, Design, Installation 
and Testing of Safety Systems for Offshore Production Facilities, 
Eighth Edition, February 2017, including Errata 1 (May 2018) (``API RP 
14C''); IBR approved for Sec.  58.60-9.
    (2) API Standard 53, Well Control Equipment Systems for Drilling 
Wells, Fifth Edition, December 2018 (``API STD 53''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  58.60-7.
    (d) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park 
Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990; 800-843-2763; [email protected]; 
    (1) ASME BPVC.I-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 
Section I, Rules for Construction of Power Boilers, 2019 Edition, 
issued July 1, 2019 (``Section I of the ASME BPVC''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  58.30-15(b).
    (2) ASME BPVC.VIII.1-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 
Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure 
Vessels, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 2019 (``Section VIII of the ASME 
BPVC''); IBR approved for Sec.  58.30-15(b).
    (3) ASME B31.3-2018, Process Piping, ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 
B31, issued August 30, 2019 (``ASME B31.3''); IBR approved for Sec.  
    (4) ASME B31.5-2016, Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer 
Components, issued June 29, 2016 (``ASME B31.5''); IBR approved for 
Sec. Sec.  58.20-5(a); 58.20-20(b).
    (e) ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, 
PA 19428-2959; 610-832-9500; [email protected]; www.astm.org.
    (1) ASTM A193/A193M-19, Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and 
Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service or High 
Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications, approved 
November 1, 2019 (``ASTM A193/A193M''); IBR approved for Sec.  58.30-
    (2) ASTM B96/B96M-16, Standard Specification for Copper-Silicon 
Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar for General Purposes and 
Pressure Vessels, approved April 1, 2016 (``ASTM B96''); IBR approved 
for Sec.  58.50-5(a).
    (3) ASTM B122/B122M-16, Standard Specification for Copper-Nickel-
Tin Alloy, Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver), and Copper-Nickel 
Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar, approved April 1, 2016 
(``ASTM B122''); IBR approved for Sec.  58.50-5(a).
    (4) ASTM B127-19, Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy 
Plate, Sheet, and Strip, approved November 1, 2019 (``ASTM B127''); IBR 
approved for Sec. Sec.  58.50-5(a); 58.50-10(a).
    (5) ASTM B152/B152M-19, Standard Specification for Copper Sheet, 
Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar, approved October 1, 2019 (``ASTM B152''); 
IBR approved for Sec.  58.50-5(a).
    (6) ASTM B209-14, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-
Alloy Sheet and Plate, approved November 1, 2014 (``ASTM B209''); IBR 
approved for Sec. Sec.  58.50-5(a); 58.50-10(a).

[[Page 50173]]

    (7) ASTM D92-18, Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by 
Cleveland Open Cup Tester, approved July 1, 2018 (``ASTM D92''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  58.30-10(b).
    (8) ASTM D93-19, Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-
Martens Closed Cup Tester, approved November 1, 2019 (``ASTM D93''); 
IBR approved for Sec.  58.01-10(b).
    (9) ASTM D323-15a, Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure of 
Petroleum Products (Reid Method), approved June 1, 2015 (``ASTM 
D323''); IBR approved for Sec.  58.16-5.
    (f) International Maritime Organization (IMO), Publications 
Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom; 
[email protected]; www.imo.org.
    (1) Resolution A.467(XII), Guidelines for Acceptance of Non-
Duplicated Rudder Actuators for Tankers, Chemical Tankers and Gas 
Carriers of 10,000 Tons Gross Tonnage and Above But Less Than 100,000 
Tonnes Deadweight, 1981 (``IMO A.467(XII)''); IBR approved for Sec.  
    (2) Resolution MSC.337(91), Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships, 
adopted November 30, 2012 (``IMO Resolution MSC.337(91)''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  58.01-50.
    (3) SOLAS Consolidated Edition 2020, Consolidated text of the 
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and its 
Protocol of 1988: articles, annexes and certificates, Consolidated 
Edition, January 1, 2020 (SOLAS); IBR approved for Sec.  58.25-10(a).
    (g) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 1 Batterymarch 
Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471; 617-770-3000; [email protected]; 
    (1) NFPA 302, Fire Protection Standard for Pleasure and Commercial 
Motor Craft, 2020 Edition, ANSI-approved August 25, 2019 (``NFPA 
302''); IBR approved for Sec.  58.10-5(d).
    (2) [Reserved]
    (h) SAE International (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 
15096; 724-776-4841; [email protected]; www.sae.org.
    (1) SAE J429 MAY2014, Mechanical and Material Requirements for 
Externally Threaded Fasteners, revised May 2014 (``SAE J429''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  58.30-15(c).
    (2) SAE J1928 JUN2018, Devices Providing Backfire Flame Control for 
Gasoline Engines in Marine Applications, revised June 2018 (``SAE 
J1928''); IBR approved for Sec.  58.10-5(b).

Subpart 58.05--Main Propulsion Machinery

40. Revise Sec.  58.05-1 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.05-1  Material, design, and construction.

    (a) The material, design, construction, workmanship, and 
arrangement of main propulsion machinery and of each auxiliary, 
directly connected to the engine and supplied as such, must be at least 
equivalent to the standards established by the ABS Marine Vessel Rules 
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1), except as otherwise 
provided by this subchapter.
    (b) When main and auxiliary machinery is to be installed without 
classification society review, the builder must submit to the cognizant 
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, such drawings and particulars of 
the installation as are required by the ABS Marine Vessel Rules for 
similar installations on classed vessels.

41. Revise Sec.  58.05-5 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.05-5  Astern power.

    (a) All vessels must have sufficient power for going astern to 
secure proper control of the ship in all normal circumstances.
    (b) [Reserved]

42. Revise subparts 58.10 through 58.20 to read as follows:
Subpart 58.10--Internal Combustion Engine Installations
58.10-5 Gasoline engine installations.
58.10-10 Diesel engine installations.
58.10-15 Gas turbine installations.
Subpart 58.16--Liquefied Petroleum Gases for Cooking and Heating
58.16-1 Scope.
58.16-5 Definition.
58.16-7 Use of liquefied petroleum gas.
58.16-10 Approvals.
58.16-15 Valves and safety relief devices.
58.16-16 Reducing regulators.
58.16-17 Piping and fittings.
58.16-18 Installation.
58.16-19 Tests.
58.16-20 Ventilation of compartments containing gas-consuming 
58.16-25 Odorization.
58.16-30 Operating instructions.
58.16-35 Markings.
Subpart 58.20--Refrigeration Machinery
58.20-1 Scope.
58.20-5 Design.
58.20-10 Pressure relieving devices.
58.20-15 Installation of refrigerating machinery.
58.20-20 Refrigeration piping.
58.20-25 Tests.

Subpart 58.10--Internal Combustion Engine Installations

Sec.  58.10-5  Gasoline engine installations.

    (a) Engine design. All installations must be of marine type engines 
suitable for the intended service, designed and constructed in 
conformance with the requirements of this subchapter.
    (b) Carburetors. (1) Drip collectors must be fitted under all 
carburetors, except the down-draft type, to prevent fuel leakage from 
reaching the bilges and so arranged as to permit ready removal of such 
fuel leakage. Drip collectors must be covered with flame screens.

    Note 1 to paragraph (b)(1): It is recommended that drip 
collectors be drained by a device for automatic return of all drip 
to engine air intakes.

    (2) All gasoline engines must be equipped with an acceptable means 
of backfire flame control. Installations of backfire flame arresters 
bearing basic Approval Nos. 162.015 or 162.041 or engine air and fuel 
induction systems bearing basic Approval Nos. 162.015 or 162.042 may be 
continued in use as long as they are serviceable and in good condition. 
New installations or replacements must meet the applicable requirements 
of this section.
    (3) The following are acceptable means of backfire flame control 
for gasoline engines:
    (i) A backfire flame arrester complying with SAE J1928 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  58.03-1) and marked accordingly. 
The flame arrester must be suitably secured to the air intake with a 
flametight connection.
    (ii) An engine air and fuel induction system which provides 
adequate protection from propagation of backfire flame to the 
atmosphere equivalent to that provided by an acceptable backfire flame 
arrester. A gasoline engine utilizing an air and fuel induction system, 
and operated without an approved backfire flame arrester, must either 
include a reed valve assembly or be installed in accordance with SAE 
    (iii) An arrangement of the carburetor or engine air induction 
system that will disperse any flames caused by engine backfire. The 
flames must be dispersed to the atmosphere outside the vessel in such a 
manner that the flames will not endanger the vessel, persons, on board, 
or nearby vessels and structures. Flame dispersion may be achieved by 
attachments to the carburetor or location of the engine air induction 
system. All attachments must be of metallic construction with 
flametight connections and firmly secured to

[[Page 50174]]

withstand vibration, shock, and engine backfire. Such installations do 
not require formal approval and labeling but must comply with this 
    (c) Exhaust manifold. The exhaust manifold must either be water-
jacketed and cooled by discharge from a pump which operates whenever 
the engine is running, or woodwork within nine inches must be protected 
by \1/4\-inch asbestos board covered with not less than No. 22 USSG 
(U.S. standard gage) galvanized sheet iron or nonferrous metal. A dead 
air space of \1/4\-inch must be left between the protecting asbestos 
and the wood, and a clearance of not less than two inches maintained 
between the manifold and the surface of such protection.
    (d) Exhaust pipe. (1) Exhaust pipe installations must conform to 
the requirements of ABYC P-1 and Chapter 6 of NFPA 302 (both 
incorporated by reference; see Sec.  58.03-1) and the following 
additional requirements:
    (i) All exhaust installations with pressures in excess of 15 psig 
or employing runs passing through living or working spaces shall meet 
the material requirements of part 56 of this subchapter.
    (ii) Horizontal dry exhaust pipes are permitted only if they do not 
pass through living or berthing spaces, they terminate above the 
deepest load waterline and are so arranged as to prevent entry of cold 
water from rough or boarding seas, and they are constructed of 
corrosion resisting material ``at the hull penetration.''
    (2) [Reserved]

Sec.  58.10-10  Diesel engine installations.

    (a) The requirements of Sec.  58.10-5 (a), (c), and (d) apply to 
diesel engine installations.
    (b) A diesel engine air intake on a mobile offshore drilling unit 
must not be in a classified location.
    (c) A diesel engine exhaust on a mobile offshore drilling unit must 
not discharge into a classified location.

     Note 1 to Sec.  58.10-10: Sections 108.171 to 108.175 of this 
chapter define classified locations for mobile offshore drilling 

Sec.  58.10-15  Gas turbine installations.

    (a) Standards. The design, construction, workmanship and tests of 
gas turbines and their associated machinery must be at least equivalent 
to the standards of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  58.03-1).
    (b) Materials. The materials used for gas turbine installations 
must have properties suitable for the intended service. When materials 
not conforming to standard ASTM specifications are employed, data 
concerning their properties, including high temperature strength data, 
where applicable, must be furnished.
    (c) Exhausts. (1) Where piping is used for gas turbine exhaust 
lines, Class II is required as a minimum. (See subpart 56.04 of this 
subchapter.) Where the exhaust pressure exceeds 150 psig, such as in 
closed cycle systems, Class I must be used. Where ducting other than 
pipe is employed, the drawings and design data must be submitted to 
substantiate suitability and safety for the intended service.
    (2) Where considered necessary, gas turbines and associated exhaust 
systems must be suitably insulated or cooled, by means of lagging, 
water spray, or a combination thereof.
    (3) Gas turbine exhausts must not be interconnected with boiler 
uptakes except for gas turbines used for emergency power and lighting 
or for emergency propulsion. Dampers or other suitable means must be 
installed to prevent backflow of boiler exhaust gases through the 
turbine. Interconnected exhausts must be specifically approved by the 
    (4) A gas turbine exhaust on a mobile offshore drilling unit must 
not discharge in a classified location. (See note 1 to this section.)
    (d) Air inlets. Air inlets must be designed as follows:
    (1) Each air inlet must have means to protect the safety of life 
and to prevent the entrance of harmful foreign material, including 
water, into the system.
    (2) A gas turbine air inlet must not be in a classified location. 
(See note 1 to this section.)
    (e) Cooling and ventilation. Means must be provided for circulating 
air, either natural or forced, through the engine compartment for 
cooling and ventilation.
    (f) Automatic shutdown. (1) The control system must be designed for 
automatic shutdown of the engine with actuation of audible and visible 
alarms at shutdown. The visible malfunction indicator must indicate 
what condition caused the shutdown and remain visible until reset. 
Automatic shutdown must occur under the following conditions:
    (i) Overspeed.
    (ii) Low lubricating oil pressure. Consideration will be given 
providing alarm only (without shutdown) in those cases where suitable 
antifriction bearings are fitted.
    (2) Audible or visible alarms must also be provided for:
    (i) Excessive gas temperature, measured at the turbine inlet, gas 
generator, interstage turbine or turbine exhaust.
    (ii) Excessive lubricating oil temperature.
    (iii) Excessive speed.
    (iv) Reduced lubricating oil pressure.
    (3) A remote, manually operated shutdown device must be provided. 
Such device may be totally mechanical or may be electrical with a 
manually actuated switch.
    (g) Drawings and design data. Drawings and design data of the 
following components must be submitted to substantiate their 
suitability and safety for the service intended:
    (1) Combustion chamber.
    (2) Regenerator or recuperator.
    (3) Casing or piping conveying the gas from the combustion device 
to the gas turbine.
    (h) Fuel systems. Gas turbine fuel systems must meet the 
requirements of part 56 of this subchapter.
    (i) Fire extinguishing systems. A special local fire extinguishing 
system may be required for gas turbine installations if considered 
necessary by the Commandant. Such a system would be in addition to any 
other required in the compartment in which the gas turbine is located.

    Note 1 to Sec.  58.10-15: Sections 108.171 to 108.175 of this 
chapter define classified locations for mobile offshore drilling 

Subpart 58.16--Liquefied Petroleum Gases for Cooking and Heating

Sec.  58.16-1  Scope.

    (a) This subpart prescribes standards for the use of liquefied 
petroleum gas for heating and cooking on inspected vessels, except 
    (b) It is the intent of the regulations in this subpart to permit 
liquefied petroleum gas systems of the vapor withdrawal type only. 
Cylinders designed to admit liquid gas into any other part of the 
system are prohibited.
    (c) Except as provided by Sec.  58.16-7(b), all component parts of 
the system, except cylinders, appliances, and low-pressure tubing, must 
be designed to withstand a pressure of 500 pounds per square inch 
without failure.

Sec.  58.16-5  Definition.

    For the purpose of this subpart the term ``liquefied petroleum 
gas'' means any liquefied flammable gas which is composed predominantly 
of hydrocarbons or mixtures of hydrocarbons, such as propane, 
propylene, butane, butylene, or butadiene, and which has a Reid vapor 
pressure exceeding 40 pounds per square inch absolute at 100 [deg]F as

[[Page 50175]]

determined by ASTM D323 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1).

Sec.  58.16-7   Use of liquefied petroleum gas.

    (a) Cooking equipment using liquefied petroleum gas on vessels of 
100 gross tons or more that carry passengers for hire must meet the 
requirements of this subpart.
    (b) Cooking equipment using liquefied petroleum gas on vessels of 
less than 100 gross tons that carry passengers for hire must meet the 
requirements of Sec.  25.45-2 or part 184, both of this chapter, as 
    (c) Systems using liquefied petroleum gas for cooking or heating on 
any other vessels subject to inspection by the Coast Guard must meet 
the requirements of this subpart.

Sec.  58.16-10  Approvals.

    (a) Gas appliances. (1) All gas-consuming appliances used for 
cooking and heating must be tested, listed, and labeled by an 
acceptable laboratory, such as:
    (i) The American Gas Association Testing Laboratories.
    (ii) UL Solutions.
    (2) Continuous-burning pilot flames are prohibited for use on gas 
appliances when installed below the weather deck.
    (3) Printed instructions for proper installation, operation, and 
maintenance of each gas-consuming appliance must be furnished by the 
    (b) Cylinders. (1) Cylinders in which liquefied petroleum gas is 
stored and handled must be constructed, tested, marked, maintained, and 
retested in accordance with 49 CFR part 178.
    (2) All liquefied petroleum gas cylinders in service must bear a 
test date marking indicating that they have been retested in accordance 
with the regulations of the Department of Transportation.
    (3) Regardless of the date of the previous test, a cylinder must be 
rejected for further service when it leaks; when it is weakened 
appreciably by corrosion, denting, bulging or other evidence of rough 
usage; when it has lost more than 5 percent of its tare weight; or when 
it has been involved in a fire.
    (c) Safety-relief devices. All required safety-relief devices must 
be accepted as to type, size, pressure setting, and location by the 
Commandant (CG-ENG) as being in accordance with 49 CFR part 178.
    (d) Valves, regulators, and vaporizers. All component parts of the 
system, other than cylinders and low-pressure distribution tubing 
between regulators and appliances, must be tested and approved by and 
bear the label of UL Solutions or other recognized testing laboratory.
    (e) Plan approval. Drawings showing the location and installation 
of all piping, gas-consuming appliances, cylinders, and other component 
parts of the system must be submitted for approval.

Sec.  58.16-15  Valves and safety relief devices.

    (a) Each cylinder must have a manually operated screw-down shutoff 
valve fitted with a handwheel installed directly at the cylinder 
    (b) All cylinders must be protected by one or more safety relief 
devices complying with the requirements of Sec.  58.16-10(a). The 
safety relief device must be a shutoff valve with an integral spring-
loaded safety relief valve and supplementary fusible plug, the latter 
designed to yield when the cylinder has been emptied of liquid gas by 
the relief valve under conditions of exposure to excessive heat.
    (c) Cylinder valves and safety relief devices must have direct 
communication with the vapor space of the cylinder.
    (d) In addition to the cylinder valve, a multiple cylinder system 
must be provided with a two-way positive shutoff manifold valve of the 
manually operated type. The manifold valve must be so arranged that the 
replacement of empty cylinders can be made without shutting down the 
flow of gas in the system.
    (e) A master packless shutoff valve controlling all burners 
simultaneously must be installed at the manifold of all gas-consuming 

Sec.  58.16-16  Reducing regulators.

    (a) All systems shall be provided with a regulating device so 
adjusted as to release gas to the distribution tubing at a pressure not 
in excess of 18 inches water column, or approximately 10.5 ounces per 
square inch.
    (b) The low-pressure side of all regulators must be protected 
against excessive pressure by means of a suitable relief valve, which 
must be integral with the regulator. The relief valve must be set to 
start to discharge at a pressure not less than two times and not more 
than three times the delivery pressure.
    (c) All reducing regulators must be fitted with a pressure gage 
located on the high-pressure side of the regulator.

Sec.  58.16-17  Piping and fittings.

    (a) The piping between the cylinders and the appliances must be 
seamless annealed copper tubing or such other seamless tubing as may be 
approved by the Commandant.
    (b) All high-pressure tubing between the cylinders and the 
regulators must have a minimum wall thickness of 0.049 inch. All low-
pressure tubing between the regulator and appliances must have a 
minimum wall thickness of 0.032 inch.
    (c) Tubing connecting fittings must be of the flare type; or 
connections may be soldered or brazed with material having a melting 
point in excess of 1,000 [deg]F.

Sec.  58.16-18   Installation.

    (a) Cylinders, regulating and safety equipment. (1) Cylinders, 
regulating and safety equipment must be installed in a substantially 
constructed and firmly fixed metal enclosure located on or above the 
weather deck. The cylinder enclosure must have access from the weather 
deck only. The enclosure must be provided with top and bottom 
ventilation consisting of a fresh air inlet pipe and an exhaust pipe 
both entering through the top of the cylinder housing. The enclosure 
must be constructed so that when the access opening is closed, no gas 
can escape except through the ventilation system.
    (2) Cylinders, regulating and safety devices must be securely 
fastened and supported within the metal enclosure. The cylinders and 
high-pressure equipment must be so mounted as to be readily accessible 
and capable of easy removal for refilling and inspection. The stowage 
of high-pressure equipment in the housing must be such that the 
cylinder valves can be readily operated, and the pressure gage dial is 
easily visible. Where possible cylinders must be mounted in an upright 
    (3) Stowage of unconnected spare cylinders, filled or empty, must 
comply with the requirements for cylinders.
    (4) All valves, manifolds and regulators must be securely mounted 
in locations readily accessible for inspection, maintenance, and 
testing, and must be adequately protected.
    (5) Discharge of the safety relief valves must be vented away from 
the cylinder, and insofar as practicable, upward into the open 
atmosphere, but in all cases so as to prevent impingement of the 
escaping gas onto a cylinder.
    (b) Piping. (1) All piping must be installed so as to provide 
minimum interior runs and adequate flexibility. The piping at the 
cylinder outlets must be fitted with flexible metallic connections to 
minimize the effect of cylinder movement on the outlet piping.
    (2) Distribution lines must be protected from physical damage and 
be readily accessible for inspection. Lines must be substantially 
secured against

[[Page 50176]]

vibration by means of soft nonferrous metal clips without sharp edges 
in contact with the tubing. When passing through decks or bulkheads, 
the lines must be protected by ferrules of nonabrasive material. The 
distribution lines must be continuous length of tubes from the 
regulator to the shutoff valve at the appliance manifold.
    (c) Gas-consuming appliances. All gas-consuming appliances must be 
permanently and securely fastened in place.
    (d) Electrical. No electrical connections must be made within the 
cylinder housing.

Sec.  58.16-19  Tests.

    (a) Installation. (1) After installation, the distribution tubing 
must be tested prior to its connection to the regulator and appliance 
by an air pressure of not less than 5 psig.
    (2) After satisfactory completion of the tests prescribed in 
paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the distribution tubing must be 
connected to the regulator and appliance and the entire system 
subjected to a leak test as required by Sec.  58.16-30(j).
    (b) Periodic. Leak tests as required by Sec.  58.16-30(j) must be 
conducted at least once each month and at each regular annual or 
biennial inspection. The tests required at monthly intervals must be 
conducted by a credentialed officer of the vessel or qualified 
personnel acceptable to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. The 
owner, master, or person in charge of the vessel must keep records of 
such tests showing the dates when performed and the name(s) of the 
person(s) and/or company conducting the tests. Such records must be 
made available to the marine inspector upon request and must be kept 
for the period of validity of the vessel's current certificate of 
inspection. Where practicable, these records should be kept in or with 
the vessel's logbook.

Sec.  58.16-20  Ventilation of compartments containing gas-consuming 

    (a) Compartments containing gas-consuming appliances which are 
located above the weather deck must be fitted with at least two natural 
ventilator ducts led from the atmosphere with one extending to the 
floor level and the other extending to the overhead of the compartment. 
Powered ventilation may be used provided the motor is outside the 
    (b) Compartments in which gas-consuming appliances are located 
entirely below the weather deck must be provided with powered 
ventilation of sufficient capacity to effect a change of air at least 
once every 6 minutes. The motor for the powered ventilation must be 
located outside the compartment.

Sec.  58.16-25  Odorization.

    (a) All liquefied petroleum gases must be effectively odorized by 
an agent of such character as to indicate positively by a distinctive 
odor, the presence of gas down to concentration in air of not over one-
fifth the lower limit of combustibility.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  58.16-30  Operating instructions.

    (a) Before opening a cylinder valve, the outlet of the cylinder 
must be connected tightly to system; and in the case where only a 
single cylinder is used in the system, all appliance valves and pilots 
must be shut off before the cylinder valve is opened.
    (b) Before opening cylinder valve after connecting it to system, 
the cylinder must be securely fastened in place.
    (c) When cylinders are not in use their outlet valves must be kept 
    (d) Cylinders when exhausted must have their outlet valves closed.
    (e) Nothing must be stored in the metal enclosure except liquefied 
petroleum gas cylinders and permanently fastened parts of the system.
    (f) Valve protecting caps, if provided, must be firmly fixed in 
place on all cylinders not attached to the system. Caps for cylinders 
in use may remain in the cylinder enclosure if rigidly fastened 
    (g) The opening to the cylinder enclosure must be closed at all 
times except when access is required to change cylinders or maintain 
    (h) Close master valve whenever gas-consuming appliance is not in 
    (i) No smoking is permitted in the vicinity of the cylinder 
enclosure when access to enclosure is open.
    (j) Test system for leakage in accordance with the following 
procedure: With appliance valve closed, the master shutoff valve on the 
appliance open, and with one cylinder valve open, note pressure in the 
gage. Close cylinder valve. The pressure should remain constant for at 
least 10 minutes. If the pressure drops, locate leakage by application 
of liquid detergent or soapy water solution at all connections. Never 
use flame to check for leaks. Repeat test for each cylinder in a 
multicylinder system.
    (k) Report any presence of gas odor.

Sec.  58.16-35  Markings.

    (a) The outside of the cylinder enclosure housing liquefied 
petroleum gas cylinders, valves and regulators must be marked as 

Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Keep Open Fires Away.

    (b) A durable and permanently legible instruction sign covering 
safe operation and maintenance of the gas-consuming appliance shall be 
installed adjacent to the appliance.
    (c) ``Operating Instructions'' as listed in Sec.  58.16-30 shall be 
framed under glass, or other equivalent, clear, transparent material, 
in plainly visible locations on the outside of the metal enclosure and 
near the most frequently used gas-consuming appliance, so they may be 
easily read.

Subpart 58.20--Refrigeration Machinery

Sec.  58.20-1  Scope.

    (a) The regulations in this subpart apply to fixed refrigeration 
systems for air conditioning, refrigerated spaces, cargo spaces, and 
reliquefaction of low temperature cargo installed on vessels.
    (b) The regulations in this subpart do not apply to small self-
contained units.

Sec.  58.20-5  Design.

    (a) Refrigeration machinery may be accepted for installation 
provided the design, material, and fabrication comply with the 
applicable requirements of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  58.03-1). The minimum pressures for design of all 
components must be those listed for piping in Table 501.2.4 of ASME 
B31.5 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  58.03-1). In no case may 
pressure components be designed for a pressure less than that for which 
the safety devices of the system are set. Pressure vessels must be 
designed in accordance with part 54 of this subchapter.
    (b) For refrigeration systems other than those for reliquefaction 
of cargo, only those refrigerants under Sec.  147.90 of this chapter 
are allowed.

Sec.  58.20-10  Pressure relieving devices.

    (a) Each pressure vessel containing refrigerants, which may be 
isolated, must be protected by a relief valve set to relieve at a 
pressure not exceeding the maximum allowable working pressure of the 
vessel. When a pressure vessel forms an integral part of a system 
having a relief valve, such vessel need not have an individual relief 
    (b) Relief valves fitted on the high-pressure side may discharge to 
the low-pressure side before relieving to atmosphere. When relieving to 
atmosphere, a relief valve must be fitted in the atmospheric discharge 
connection from the receivers and condensers. The relief valve from the 
receivers may relieve to the condenser, which in turn

[[Page 50177]]

may relieve either to the low side or to atmosphere. It must be set to 
relieve at a pressure not greater than the maximum allowable working 
pressure. A rupture disk may be fitted in series with the relief valve, 
provided the bursting pressure of the rupture disk is not in excess of 
the relief valve set pressure. Where a rupture disk is fitted on the 
downstream side of the relief valve, the relief valve must be of the 
type not affected by back pressure.

Sec.  58.20-15  Installation of refrigerating machinery.

    (a) Where refrigerating machines are installed in which anhydrous 
ammonia is used as a refrigerant, such machines must be located in a 
well-ventilated, isolated compartment, preferably on the deck, but in 
no case is it permissible to install such machines in the engine room 
space unless the arrangement is such as to eliminate any hazard from 
gas escaping to the engine room. Absorption machines using a solution 
of aqua ammonia and machines using carbon dioxide are exempt from this 
requirement, provided the maximum charges that might be released in the 
event of breakage do not exceed 300 pounds.
    (b) Machinery compartments containing equipment for ammonia must be 
fitted with a sprinkler system providing an effective water spray and 
having a remote-control device located outside the compartment.
    (c) All refrigeration compressor spaces must be effectively 
ventilated and drained and must be separated from the insulated spaces 
by a watertight bulkhead, unless otherwise approved.

Sec.  58.20-20   Refrigeration piping.

    (a) All piping materials must be suitable for handling the primary 
refrigerant, brine, or fluid used, and must be of such chemical and 
physical properties as to remain ductile at the lowest operating 
    (b) Piping systems must be designed in accordance with ASME B31.5 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  58.03-1). Piping used for cargo 
reliquefaction systems must also comply with the applicable 
requirements found in low temperature piping, Sec.  56.50-105 of this 
    (c) A relief valve must be fitted on or near the compressor on the 
gas discharge side between the compressor and the first stop valve with 
the discharge therefrom led to the suction side. A check valve must be 
fitted in the atmospheric discharge line if it is led through the side 
of the vessel below the freeboard deck, or a shutoff valve may be 
employed if it is locked in the open position.

Sec.  58.20-25   Tests.

    (a) All pressure vessels, compressors, piping, and direct expansion 
cooling coils must be leak tested after installation to their design 
pressures, hydrostatically or pneumatically.
    (b) No pneumatic tests in refrigeration systems aboard ships must 
be made at pressures exceeding the design pressure of the part of the 
system being tested. Pneumatic tests may be made with the refrigerant 
in the system. If the refrigerant has been removed, oil-pumped dry 
nitrogen or bone-dry carbon dioxide with a detectable amount of the 
refrigerant added should be used as a testing medium. (Carbon dioxide 
should not be used to leak test an ammonia system.) In no case should 
air, oxygen, any flammable gas or any flammable mixture of gases be 
used for testing.

Subpart 58.25--Steering Gear

43. Amend Sec.  58.25-5 by revising paragraphs (a) and (d) to read as 

Sec.  58.25-5  General.

    (a) The following definitions apply to this subpart:
    Ancillary steering equipment means steering equipment, other than 
the required control systems and power actuating systems, that either 
is not required, such as automatic pilot or non-followup control from 
the pilothouse, or is necessary to perform a specific required 
function, such as the automatic detection and isolation of a defective 
section of a tanker's hydraulic steering gear.
    Auxiliary steering gear means the equipment, other than any part of 
the main steering gear, necessary to steer the vessel in case of 
failure of the main steering gear, not including a tiller, quadrant, or 
other component serving the same purpose.
    Control system means the equipment by which orders for rudder 
movement are transmitted from the pilothouse to the steering-gear power 
units. A control system for steering gear includes, but is not limited 
to, one or more--
    (i) Transmitters;
    (ii) Receivers;
    (iii) Feedback devices;
    (iv) Hydraulic servo-control pumps, with associated motors and 
motor controllers;
    (v) Differential units, hunting gear, and similar devices;
    (vi) All gearing, piping, shafting, cables, circuitry, and 
ancillary devices for controlling the output of power units; and
    (vii) Means of bringing steering-gear power units into operation.
    Fast-acting valve, as used in this subpart, means a ball, plug, 
spool, or similar valve with a handle connected for quick manual 
    Followup control means closed-loop (feedback) control that relates 
the position of the helm to a specific rudder angle by transmitting the 
helm-angle order to the power actuating system and, by means of 
feedback, automatically stopping the rudder when the angle selected by 
the helm is reached.
    Main steering gear means the machinery, including power actuating 
systems, and the means of applying torque to the rudder stock, such as 
a tiller or quadrant, necessary for moving the rudder to steer the 
vessel in normal service.
    Maximum ahead service speed means the greatest speed that a vessel 
is designed to maintain in service at sea at the deepest loadline 
    Maximum astern speed means the speed that it is estimated the 
vessel can attain at the maximum designed power astern at the deepest 
loadline draft.
    Power actuating system means the hydraulic equipment for applying 
torque to the rudder stock. It includes, but is not limited to--
    (i) Rudder actuators;
    (ii) Steering-gear power units; and
    (iii) Pipes, valves, fittings, linkages, and cables for 
transmitting power from the power unit or units to the rudder actuator 
or actuators.
    Speedily regained, as used in this subpart, refers to the time it 
takes one qualified crewmember, after arriving in the steering-gear 
compartment, and without the use of tools, to respond to a failure of 
the steering gear and take the necessary corrective action.
    Steering capability means steering equivalent to that required of 
auxiliary steering gear by Sec.  58.25-10(c)(2).
    Steering gear means the machinery, including power actuating 
systems, control systems, and ancillary equipment, necessary for moving 
the rudder to steer the vessel.
    Steering-gear power unit means:
    (i) In the case of electric steering gear, an electric motor and 
its associated electrical equipment, including motor controller, 
disconnect switch, and feeder circuit.
    (ii) In the case of an electro-hydraulic steering gear, an electric 
motor, connected pump, and associated electrical equipment such as the 
motor controller, disconnect switch, and feeder circuit.
    (iii) In the case of hydraulic steering gear, the pump and its 
prime mover.

[[Page 50178]]

    Tank vessel, as used in this subpart, means a self-propelled 
vessel, including a chemical tanker or a gas carrier, defined either as 
a tanker by 46 U.S.C. 2101(38) or as a tank vessel by 46 U.S.C. 
* * * * *
    (d) Each non-pressure-containing steering-gear component and each 
rudder stock must be of sound and reliable construction, meet the 
minimum material requirements of Sec.  58.25-75, and be designed to 
standards at least equal to those established by the ABS Marine Vessel 
Rules (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1).
* * * * *

44. Revise Sec.  58.25-10 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.25-10  Main and auxiliary steering gear.

    (a) Vessels accepted by a recognized classification society as 
meeting class Rules for steering gear, and SOLAS Chapter II-1, 
Regulations 29 and 30 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  58.03-1) 
are considered to meet the requirements of this subpart.
    (b) Power-operated main and auxiliary steering gear must be 
separate and independent systems. Other arrangements of steering gear 
will be acceptable if the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center 
determines that they are equivalent to the requirements of this 
    (c) The main steering gear and rudder stock must be--
    (1) Of adequate strength for and capable of steering the vessel at 
maximum ahead service speed, which must be demonstrated to the 
satisfaction of the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection;
    (2) Capable of moving the rudder from 35[deg] on either side to 
35[deg] on the other with the vessel at its deepest loadline draft and 
running at maximum ahead service speed, and from 35[deg] on either side 
to 30[deg] on the other in not more than 28 seconds under the same 
    (3) Operated by power when necessary to comply with paragraph 
(c)(2) of this section or when the diameter of the rudder stock is over 
12 centimeters (4.7 inches) in way of the tiller, excluding 
strengthening for navigation in ice; and
    (4) Designed so that they will not be damaged when operating at 
maximum astern speed; however, this requirement need not be proved by 
trials at maximum astern speed and maximum rudder angle.
    (d) The auxiliary steering gear must be--
    (1) Of adequate strength for and capable of steering the vessel at 
navigable speed and of being brought speedily into action in an 
    (2) Capable of moving the rudder from 15[deg] on either side to 
15[deg] on the other in not more than 60 seconds with the vessel at its 
deepest loadline draft and running at one-half maximum ahead service 
speed or 7 knots, whichever is greater; and
    (3) Operated by power when necessary to comply with paragraph 
(d)(2) of this section or when the diameter of the rudder stock is over 
23 centimeters (9 inches) in way of the tiller, excluding strengthening 
for navigation in ice.
    (e) No auxiliary means of steering is required on a double-ended 
ferryboat with independent main steering gear fitted at each end of the 
    (f) When the main steering gear includes two or more identical 
power units, no auxiliary steering gear need be fitted, if--
    (1) In a passenger vessel, the main steering gear is capable of 
moving the rudder as required by paragraph (c)(2) of this section while 
any one of the power units is not operating;
    (2) In a cargo vessel, the main steering gear is capable of moving 
the rudder as required by paragraph (c)(2) of this section while all 
the power units are operating;
    (3) In a vessel with an installation completed on or after 
September 1, 1984, and on an international voyage, and in any other 
vessel with an installation completed after June 9, 1995, the main 
steering gear is arranged so that, after a single failure in its piping 
system (if hydraulic), or in one of the power units, the defect can be 
isolated so that steering capability can be maintained or speedily 
regained in less than ten minutes; or
    (4) In a vessel with an installation completed before September 1, 
1986, and on an international voyage, with steering gear not complying 
with paragraph (f)(3) of this section, the installed steering gear has 
a proved record of reliability and is in good repair.

    Note 1 to paragraph (f)(4): The place where isolation valves 
join the piping system, as by a flange, constitutes a single-failure 
point. The valve itself need not constitute a single-failure point 
if it has a double seal to prevent substantial loss of fluid under 
pressure. Means to purge air that enters the system as a result of 
the piping failure must be provided, if necessary, so that steering 
capability can be maintained or speedily regained in less than ten 

    (g) In each vessel of 70,000 gross tons or over, the main steering 
gear must have two or more identical power units complying with 
paragraph (f) of this section.

45. Revise Sec.  58.25-20 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.25-20  Piping for steering gear.

    (a) Pressure piping must comply with subpart 58.30.
    (b) Relief valves must be fitted in any part of a hydraulic system 
that can be isolated and in which pressure can be generated from the 
power units or from external forces such as wave action. The valves 
must be of adequate size, and must be set to limit the maximum pressure 
to which the system may be exposed.
    (c) Each hydraulic system must be provided with--
    (1) Arrangements to maintain the cleanliness of the hydraulic 
fluid, appropriate to the type and design of the hydraulic system; and
    (2) For a vessel on an ocean, coastwise, or Great Lakes voyage, a 
fixed storage tank having sufficient capacity to recharge at least one 
power actuating system including the reservoir. The storage tank must 
be permanently connected by piping so that the hydraulic system can be 
readily recharged from within the steering-gear compartment and must be 
fitted with a device to indicate liquid level.
    (d) Neither a split flange nor a flareless fitting of the grip or 
bite type, addressed by Sec.  56.30-25 of this subchapter, may be used 
in hydraulic piping for steering gear.

Sec.  58.25-25   [Amended]

46. Amend Sec.  58.25-25 by removing the Note following paragraph (e).

Sec.  58.25-35   [Amended]

47. Amend Sec.  58.25-35 by designating the note immediately following 
paragraph (d) as note 1 to Sec.  58.25-35.

Sec.  58.25-40  [Amended]

48. Amend Sec.  58.25-40 by removing the note immediately following 
paragraph (a)(3).

49. Revise Sec.  58.25-60 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.25-60  Non-duplicated hydraulic rudder actuators.

    Non-duplicated hydraulic rudder actuators may be installed in the 
steering gear control systems on vessels of less than 100,000 
deadweight tons. These actuators must meet IMO A.467(XII) (incorporated 
by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1) and be acceptable to the Commanding 
Officer, Marine Safety Center.

[[Page 50179]]

50. Amend Sec.  58.25-65 by revising paragraph (a) introductory text to 
read as follows:

Sec.  58.25-65  Feeder circuits.

    (a) Each vessel with one or more electric-driven steering-gear 
power units must have at least two feeder circuits, which must be 
separated as widely as practicable. One or more of these circuits must 
be supplied from the vessel's main service switchboard. On a vessel 
where the rudder stock is over 23 centimeters (9 inches) in diameter in 
way of the tiller, excluding strengthening for navigation in ice, and 
where a final source of emergency power is required by Sec.  112.05-
5(a) of this chapter, one or more of these circuits must be supplied 
from the emergency switchboard, or from an alternative source of power 
* * * * *

51. Amend Sec.  58.25-70 by revising paragraph (h)(1) to read as 

Sec.  58.25-70  Steering-gear control systems.

* * * * *
    (h) * * *
    (1) The steering wheel or lever need not be duplicated.
* * * * *

52. Revise Sec.  58.25-75 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.25-75  Materials.

    Materials used for the mechanical or hydraulic transmission of 
power to the rudder stock must have an elongation of at least 15% in 5 
centimeters (2 inches).

53. Amend Sec.  58.25-85 as follows:
a. Revise paragraphs (c) and (d)(2); and
b. Remove paragraph (g) and the note immediately following paragraph 
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  58.25-85  Special requirements for tank vessels.

* * * * *
    (c) Each tank vessel of 10,000 gross tons or over constructed on or 
after September 1, 1984, must comply with the following:
    (1) The main steering gear must be arranged so that, in case of 
loss of steering capability due to a single failure in any part of the 
power actuating system of the main steering gear, excluding seizure of 
a rudder actuator or failure of the tiller, quadrant, or components 
serving the same purpose, steering capability can be regained after the 
loss of one power actuating system.
    (2) The main steering gear must include either--
    (i) Two separate and independent power actuating systems, complying 
with Sec.  58.25-10(b)(2); or
    (ii) At least two identical hydraulic-power actuating systems, 
which, acting simultaneously in normal operation, must comply with 
Sec.  58.25-10(b)(2).
    (3) Steering gear other than hydraulic must meet equivalent 
standards to the satisfaction of the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety 
    (d) * * *
    (2) In case of loss of steering capability due to a single failure 
either of any part of the piping systems or in one of the power units, 
steering capability can be regained.
* * * * *

54. Revise subparts 58.30 and 58.50 to read as follows:
Subpart 58.30--Fluid Power and Control Systems
58.30-1 Scope.
58.30-5 Design requirements.
58.30-10 Hydraulic fluid.
58.30-15 Pipe, tubing, valves, fittings, pumps, and motors.
58.30-20 Fluid power hose and fittings.
58.30-25 Accumulators.
58.30-30 Fluid power cylinders.
58.30-35 Testing.
58.30-40 Plans.
58.30-50 Requirements for miscellaneous fluid power and control 
Subpart 58.50--Independent Fuel Tanks
58.50-1 General requirements.
58.50-5 Gasoline fuel tanks.
58.50-10 Diesel fuel tanks.
58.50-15 Alternate material for construction of independent fuel 

Subpart 58.30--Fluid Power and Control Systems

Sec.  58.30-1  Scope.

    (a) This subpart contains requirements for fluid power transmission 
and control systems and appurtenances. Except as otherwise provided for 
in this section, these requirements are applicable to fluid power and 
control systems where installed for the following equipment:
    (1) Steering apparatus, main and auxiliary, including bow thruster 
    (2) Cargo hatch operating systems unless fitted with an alternate 
mechanical means of operation and approved by the Commandant as 
hydraulically or pneumatically fail-safe. A system is considered to be 
fail-safe if a component failure will result in a slow and controlled 
release of the loading so as not to endanger personnel.
    (3) Watertight door operating system.
    (4) Automatic propulsion boiler control systems.
    (5) Starting systems for internal combustion engines used for main 
propulsion, auxiliary power, as the prime mover for any required 
emergency apparatus, or as the source of propulsion power in ship 
maneuvering thruster systems.
    (6) Centralized control system of main propulsion and auxiliary 
    (7) Lifeboat handling equipment.
    (8) Controllable pitch propeller system.
    (9) Installations used to remotely control components of piping 
systems listed in Sec.  56.01-10(c)(1) of this subchapter.
    (10) All systems containing a pneumatic or hydropneumatic 
    (11) Materials and/or personnel handling equipment systems, i.e., 
cranes, hydraulic elevators, etc., not approved by the Commandant as 
fail-safe as defined in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (12) Any fluid power or control system installed in the cargo area 
of pump rooms on a tank vessel, or in spaces in which cargo is handled 
on a liquefied flammable gas carrier.
    (13) All pneumatic power and control systems having a maximum 
allowable working pressure in excess of 150 psig.
    (14) Any other hydraulic or pneumatic system on board that, in the 
judgment of the Commandant, constitutes a hazard to the seaworthiness 
of the ship or the safety of personnel either in normal operation or in 
case of failure.
    (b) Other fluid power and control systems do not have to comply 
with the detailed requirements of this subpart but must meet the 
requirements of Sec.  58.30-50.

Sec.  58.30-5  Design requirements.

    (a) The requirements of part 56 of this subchapter are also 
applicable to piping and fittings in fluid power and control systems 
listed in Sec.  58.30-1, except as modified herein. The designer should 
consider the additional pressure due to hydraulic shock.
    (b) The system must be so designed that proper functioning of any 
unit must not be affected by the back pressure in the system. The 
design must be such that malfunctioning of any unit in the system will 
not render any other connected or emergency system inoperative because 
of back pressure.
    (c) Pneumatic systems with a maximum allowable working pressure in 
excess of 150 psi must be designed with a surge tank or other 
acceptable means of pulsation dampening.
    (d) Each pneumatic system must minimize the entry of oil into the 
system and must drain the system of liquids.

[[Page 50180]]

Sec.  58.30-10  Hydraulic fluid.

    (a) The requirements of this section are applicable to all fluid 
power transmission and control systems installed on vessels subject to 
    (b) The fluid used in hydraulic power transmission systems must 
have a flashpoint of not less than 200 [deg]F for pressures below 150 
psig and 315 [deg]F for pressures 150 psig and above, as determined by 
ASTM D92 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1), Cleveland 
``Open Cup'' test method.
    (c) The chemical and physical properties of the hydraulic fluid 
must be suitable for use with any materials in the system or components 
    (d) The hydraulic fluid must be suitable for operation of the 
hydraulic system through the entire temperature range to which it may 
be subjected in service.
    (e) The recommendations of the system component manufacturers must 
be considered in the selection and use of hydraulic fluid.

Sec.  58.30-15  Pipe, tubing, valves, fittings, pumps, and motors.

    (a) The requirements of this section are applicable to those 
hydraulic and pneumatic systems listed in Sec.  58.30-1.
    (b) Materials used in the manufacture of tubing, pipes, valves, 
flanges, and fittings must be selected from those specifications that 
appear in table 1 to Sec.  56.60-1 or table 1 to Sec.  56.60-2; or they 
may be selected from the material specifications of Section I or 
Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (both incorporated by reference; see 
Sec.  58.03-1). Materials designated by other specifications must be 
evaluated on the basis of physical and chemical properties. To assure 
these properties, the specifications must specify and require such 
physical and chemical testing as considered necessary by the 
Commandant. All tubing and pipe materials must be suitable for handling 
the hydraulic fluid used and must be of such chemical and physical 
properties as to remain ductile at the lowest operating temperature.
    (c) Bolting must meet the requirements of Sec.  56.25-20 of this 
subchapter except that regular hexagon bolts conforming to SAE J429, 
grades 2 through 8 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1), or 
ASTM A193 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1) may be used in 
sizes not exceeding 1.5 inches.
    (d) The maximum allowable working pressure and minimum thickness 
must be calculated as required by Sec.  56.07-10(e) of this subchapter.
    (e) All flared, flareless and compression type joints must be in 
accordance with Sec.  56.30-25 of this subchapter.
    (f) Fluid power motors and pumps installed on vessels subject to 
inspection must be certified by the manufacturer as suitable for the 
intended use. Such suitability must be demonstrated by operational 
tests conducted aboard the vessel which must be witnessed by a marine 

Sec.  58.30-20  Fluid power hose and fittings.

    (a) The requirements of this section are applicable to those 
hydraulic and pneumatic systems listed in Sec.  58.30-1.
    (b) Hose and fittings must meet the requirements of subpart 56.60 
of this subchapter.
    (c) Hose assemblies may be installed between two points of relative 
motion but must not be subjected to torsional deflection (twisting) 
under any conditions of operation and must be limited, in general, to 
reasonable lengths required for flexibility. Special consideration may 
be given to the use of longer lengths of flexible hose where required 
for proper operation of machinery and components in the hydraulic 
    (d) Sharp bends in hoses must be avoided.

Sec.  58.30-25   Accumulators.

    (a) An accumulator is an unfired pressure vessel in which energy is 
stored under high pressure in the form of a gas or a gas and hydraulic 
fluid. Accumulators must meet the applicable requirements in part 54 of 
this subchapter.
    (b) If the accumulator is of the gas and fluid type, suitable 
separators must be provided between the two media, if their mixture 
would be dangerous, or would result in contamination of the hydraulic 
fluid and loss of gas through absorption.
    (c) Each accumulator which may be isolated, must be protected on 
the gas and fluid sides by relief valves set to relieve at pressures 
not exceeding the maximum allowable working pressures. When an 
accumulator forms an integral part of systems having relief valves, the 
accumulator need not have individual relief valves.

Sec.  58.30-30  Fluid power cylinders.

    (a) The requirements of this section are applicable to those 
hydraulic and pneumatic systems listed in Sec.  58.30-1 and to all 
pneumatic power transmission systems.
    (b) Fluid power cylinders consisting of a container and a movable 
piston rod extending through the containment vessel, not storing energy 
but converting a pressure to work, are not considered to be pressure 
vessels and need not be constructed under the provisions of part 54 of 
this subchapter.
    (c) Cylinders must be designed for a bursting pressure of not less 
than 4 times the maximum allowable working pressure. Drawings and 
calculations or a certified burst test report must be submitted to show 
compliance with this requirement.
    (d) Piston rods, except steering gear rams, must be either of 
corrosion resistant material or of steel protected by a plating system 
acceptable to the Commandant.
    (e) Materials selection must be in accordance with the requirements 
of Sec.  58.30-15(b).

Sec.  58.30-35  Testing.

    (a) All fluid power and control systems and components thereof must 
be tested as required by this section.
    (b) Accumulators constructed as pressure vessels under the 
provisions of part 54 of this subchapter must be tested and retested as 
required by parts 54 and 61 of this subchapter.
    (c) Fluid power and control systems and piping assemblies must be 
given an installation test as follows:
    (1) Fluid power and control systems and piping assemblies and 
associated equipment components, including hydraulic steering gear, in 
lieu of being tested at the time of installation, may be shop tested by 
the manufacturer to 1.5 times the maximum allowable pressure of the 
system. The required test pressure must be maintained for a sufficient 
amount of time to check all components for strength and porosity and to 
permit an inspection to be made of all connections.
    (2) Fluid power and control systems and associated hydraulic 
equipment components which have been tested in conformance with 
paragraph (c)(1) of this section and so certified by the manufacturer, 
may be tested after installation as a complete assembly by stalling the 
driven unit in a safe and satisfactory manner and by blowing the relief 
valves. Otherwise, these systems must be hydrostatically tested in the 
presence of a marine inspector at a pressure of 1.5 times the maximum 
allowable pressure.
    (3) Fluid power and control systems incorporating hydropneumatic 
accumulators containing rupture discs may be tested at the maximum 
allowable working pressure of the system in lieu of 1.5 times this 
value as prescribed in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section 
provided the

[[Page 50181]]

accumulators have been previously tested in accordance with paragraph 
(b) of this section and welded or brazed piping joints are not employed 
in the system. If welded or brazed joints are employed, the system must 
be tested in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs (c)(1) and 
(2) of this section except that the accumulators may be isolated from 
the remainder of the system.
    (d) Fluid power and control systems must be purged with an inert 
gas or with the working fluid and all trapped air bled from the system 
prior to any shipboard testing.
    (e) Fluid control systems, such as boiler combustion controls, 
containing components with internal parts, such as bellows or other 
sensing elements, which would be damaged by the test pressure 
prescribed in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section may be tested 
at the maximum allowable working pressure of the system. In addition, 
all fluid control systems may be tested using the system working fluid.

Sec.  58.30-40  Plans.

    (a) Diagrammatic plans and lists of materials must be submitted for 
each of the fluid power and control systems listed in Sec.  58.30-1(a) 
that is installed on the vessel. Plan submission must be in accordance 
with subpart 50.20 of this subchapter and must include the following:
    (1) The purpose of the system.
    (2) Its location on the vessel.
    (3) The maximum allowable working pressure.
    (4) The fluid used in the system.
    (5) Details of the system components in accordance with Sec.  
56.01-10(d) of this subchapter.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  58.30-50  Requirements for miscellaneous fluid power and control 

    (a) All fluid power and control systems installed on a vessel, 
except those listed in Sec.  58.30-1(a), must meet the following 
    (1) Diagrams of the system providing the information required by 
Sec.  58.30-40(a)(1) through (4) must be submitted. These are not 
approved but are needed for records and for evaluation of the system in 
accordance with Sec.  58.30-1(a)(14).
    (2) The hydraulic fluid used in the system must comply with Sec.  
    (3) The installed system must be tested in accordance with Sec.  
    (4) All pneumatic cylinders must comply with Sec.  58.30-30.
    (5) Additional plans may be required for ``fail-safe'' equipment 
and for cargo hatch systems with alternate means of operation.
    (b) [Reserved]

Subpart 58.50--Independent Fuel Tanks

Sec.  58.50-1  General requirements.

    (a) The regulations in this subpart contain requirements for 
independent fuel tanks.
    (b) Passenger vessels exceeding 100 gross tons constructed on or 
after July 1, 1935, and emergency systems for all ships, must use fuel 
that has a flashpoint exceeding 110 [deg]F for internal combustion 
engine units. Such vessels must carry a sufficient quantity of fuel to 
supply the emergency electrical system. Refer to Sec.  112.05-5 of 
subchapter J, of this chapter.
    (c) An outage of 2 percent must be provided on all fuel tanks 
containing petroleum products.

Sec.  58.50-5  Gasoline fuel tanks.

    (a) Construction--(1) Shape. Tanks may be of either cylindrical or 
rectangular form, except that tanks for emergency electrical systems 
must be of cylindrical form.
    (2) Materials and construction. The material used and the minimum 
thickness allowed must be as indicated in table 1 to Sec.  58.50-
5(a)(2) except that consideration will be given to other materials 
which provide equivalent safety as indicated in Sec.  58.50-15.

                                         Table 1 to Sec.   58.50-5(a)(2)
                                                   Thickness in inches and gage numbers \1\ vs. tank capacities
                                     ASTM                                     for--
                                 specification  ----------------------------------------------------------------
           Material                  (all                            More than 80-
                               incorporated  by   1- through 80-     and not more
                                reference;  see    gallon tanks     than 150-gallon   Over 150-gallon tanks \2\
                                Sec.   58.03-1)                          tanks
Aluminum \5\.................  B209, Alloy 5086  0.250 (USSG 3)..  0.250 (USSG 3)..  0.250 (USSG 3).
Nickel-copper................  B127, Hot rolled  0.037 (USSG 20)   0.050 (USSG 18).  0.107 (USSG 12).
                                sheet or plate.   \3\.
Copper-nickel................  B122, Alloy No.   0.045 (AWG 17)..  0.057 (AWG 15)..  0.128 (AWG 8).
Copper.......................  B152, Type ETP..  0.057 (AWG 15)..  0.080 (AWG 12)..  0.182 (AWG 5).
Copper-silicon...............  B96, alloys       0.050 (AWG 16)..  0.064 (AWG 14)..  0.144 (AWG 7).
                                C65100 and
Steel or iron \4\............  ................  0.0747 (MfgStd    0.1046 (MfgStd    0.179 (MfgStd 7).
                                                  14).              12).
\1\ Gauges used are U.S. standard ``USSG'' for aluminum and nickel-copper; ``AWG'' for copper, copper-nickel,
  and copper-silicon; and ``MfgStd'' for steel.
\2\ Tanks over 400 gallons will be designed with a factor of safety of four on the ultimate strength of the
  material used with a design head of not less than 4 feet of liquid above the top of the tank.
\3\ Nickel-copper not less than 0.031 inch (USSG 22) may be used for tanks up to a 30-gallon capacity.
\4\ Fuel tanks constructed of iron or steel, which is less than \3/16\-inch thick must be galvanized inside and
  outside by the hot dip process.
\5\ Anodic to most common metals. Avoid dissimilar metal contact with tank body.
\6\ And other alloys acceptable to the Commandant.

    (3) Prohibited types. Tanks with flanged-up top edges that may trap 
and hold moisture must not be used.
    (4) Openings. Openings for fill, vent and fuel pipes, and openings 
for fuel level gages where used, must be on the topmost surface of 
tanks. Tanks must have no openings in bottoms, sides, or ends, except 
that an opening fitted with threaded plug or cap may be used for tank 
cleaning purposes.
    (5) Joints. All metallic tank joints must be welded or brazed.
    (6) Fittings. Nozzles, flanges, or other fittings for pipe 
connections must be welded or brazed to the tank. The tank openings in 
way of pipe connections must be properly reinforced where necessary. 
Where fuel level gages are used, the flange to which gage fittings are 
attached must be welded or brazed to the tank. Tubular gage glasses or 
try cocks must not be fitted to the tanks.
    (7) Baffle plates. All tanks exceeding 30 inches in any horizontal 
dimension must be fitted with vertical baffle plates where necessary 
for strength or for

[[Page 50182]]

control of excessive surge. In general, baffle plates installed at 
intervals not exceeding 30 inches will be considered as meeting this 
    (8) Baffle plate details. Baffle plates, where required, must be of 
the same material and not less than the minimum thickness required in 
the tank walls and must be connected to the tank walls by welding or 
brazing. Limber holes at the bottom and air holes at the top of all 
baffles must be provided.
    (b) Installation. (1) Gasoline fuel tanks used for propulsion must 
be located in water-tight compartments separate from, but adjacent to 
the engine room or machinery space. Fuel tanks for auxiliaries must be 
located on or above the weather deck outside of the engine housing or 
compartment and as close to the engine as practicable. All tanks must 
be so installed as to provide a free circulation of air around the 
    (2) Cylindrical tanks with longitudinal seams must be arranged 
horizontally where practicable so that such seams are located as near 
the top as possible.
    (3) Fuel tanks must be so installed as to permit examination, 
testing, or removal for cleaning.
    (4) Fuel tanks must be adequately supported and braced to prevent 
movement. Portable fuel tanks are not permitted.
    (5) All fuel tanks must be electrically bonded to the common 
    (c) Testing. (1) Prior to installation, tanks vented to atmosphere 
must be tested to, and must withstand, a pressure of 5 psig or 1.5 
times the maximum head to which they may be subjected in service, 
whichever is greater. A standpipe of 11.5 feet in height attached to 
the tank may be filled with water to accomplish the 5-psig test. 
Permanent deformation of the tank will not be cause for rejection 
unless accompanied by leakage.
    (2) After installation of the fuel tank on a vessel the complete 
installation must be tested in the presence of a marine inspector to a 
head not less than that to which the tank may be subjected in service. 
Fuel may be used as a testing medium.
    (3) All tanks not vented to atmosphere must be constructed and 
tested in accordance with part 54 of this subchapter.

Sec.  58.50-10   Diesel fuel tanks.

    (a) Construction. (1) Tanks may be of either cylindrical or 
rectangular form.
    (2) The materials used, and the minimum thickness allowed in the 
construction of independent fuel tanks must be as indicated in table 1 
to Sec.  58.50-10(a)(2), except that consideration will be given to 
other materials which provide equivalent safety as indicated in Sec.  

                                        Table 1 to Sec.   58.50-10(a)(2)
                                                   Thickness in inches and gage numbers \1\ vs. tank capacities
                                     ASTM                                     for--
                                 specification  ----------------------------------------------------------------
           Material                  (all                            More than 80-
                               incorporated  by   1- through 80-     and not more
                                reference;  see    gallon tanks     than 150-gallon   Over 150-gallon tanks \2\
                                Sec.   58.03-1)                          tanks
Aluminum \5\.................  B209, Alloy 5086  0.250 (USSG 3)..  0.250 (USSG 3)..  0.250 (USSG 3).
Nickel-copper................  B127, Hot rolled  0.037 (USSG 20)   0.050 (USSG 18).  0.107 (USSG 12).
                                sheet or plate.   \3\.
Steel or iron \4\............  ................  0.0747 (MfgStd    0.1046 (MfgStd    0.179 (MfgStd 7).
                                                  14).              12).
\1\ Gauges used are U.S. standard ``USSG'' for aluminum and nickel-copper and ``MfgStd'' for steel or iron.
\2\ Tanks over 400 gallons must be designed with a factor of safety of four on the ultimate strength of the
  material used with a design head of not less than 4 feet of liquid above the top of the tank.
\3\ Nickel-copper not less than 0.031 inch (USSG 22) may be used for tanks up to a 30-gallon capacity.
\4\ For diesel tanks the steel or iron must not be galvanized on the interior.
\5\ Anodic to most common metals. Avoid dissimilar metal contact with tank body.
\6\ And other alloys acceptable to the Commandant.

    (3) Tanks with flanged-up top edges, that may trap and hold 
moisture, must not be used.
    (4) Openings for fill and vent pipes must be on the topmost surface 
of a tank. There must be no openings in the bottom, sides, or ends of a 
tank except as follows:
    (i) The opening for the fuel supply piping is not restricted to the 
top of the tank.
    (ii) An opening fitted with threaded plug or cap may be used on the 
bottom of the tank for tank cleaning purposes.
    (iii) Liquid level gages must penetrate at a point that is more 
than 2 inches from the bottom of the tank.
    (5) All tank joints must be welded.
    (6) Nozzles, flanges, or other fittings for pipe connections must 
be welded or brazed to the tank. The tank opening in way of pipe 
connections must be properly reinforced where necessary. Where liquid 
level indicating devices are attached to the tank, they must be of heat 
resistant materials adequately protected from mechanical damage and 
provided at the tank connections with devices which will automatically 
close in the event of rupture of the gage or gage lines.
    (7) All tanks exceeding 30 inches in any horizontal dimension must 
be fitted with vertical baffle plates where necessary for strength or 
for control of excessive surge. In general, baffle plates installed at 
intervals not exceeding 30 inches will be considered as meeting this 
    (8) Baffle plates, where required, must be of the same material and 
not less than the minimum thickness required in the tank walls and must 
be connected to the tank walls by welding or brazing. Limber holes at 
the bottom and air holes at the top of all baffle plates must be 
    (9) Iron or steel tanks must not be galvanized on the interior. 
Galvanizing paint or other suitable coating must be used to protect the 
outside of iron and steel tanks.
    (b) Installation. (1) Tanks containing fuel for emergency lighting 
units must be located on an open deck or in an adequately ventilated 
metal compartment. No tank must be located in a compartment where the 
temperature may exceed 150 [deg]F.
    (2) When cylindrical tanks are installed, longitudinal seams must 
be located as near the top of the tank as possible. Fuel tanks must be 
located in, or as close as practicable, to the machinery space which is 
    (3) Fuel tanks must be so installed as to permit examination, 
testing, or removal for cleaning.
    (4) Fuel tanks must be adequately supported and braced to prevent 
movement. Portable tanks are not permitted.
    (5) All fuel tanks must be electrically bonded to the common 

[[Page 50183]]

    (c) Tests. (1) Prior to installation, tanks vented to the 
atmosphere must be tested to and must withstand a pressure of 5 pounds 
per square inch or 1.5 times the maximum head to which they may be 
subjected in service, whichever is greater. A standpipe of 11.5 feet in 
height attached to the tank may be filled with water to accomplish the 
5-psig test. Permanent deformation of the tank will not be cause for 
rejection unless accompanied by leakage.
    (2) After installation of the fuel tank on a vessel the complete 
installation must be tested in the presence of a marine inspector to a 
head not less than that to which the tank may be subjected in service. 
Fuel may be used as a testing medium.
    (3) All tanks not vented to atmosphere must be constructed and 
tested in accordance with part 54 of this subchapter.

Sec.  58.50-15  Alternate material for construction of independent fuel 

    Materials other than those specifically listed in table 1 to Sec.  
58.50-5(a)(2) and in table 1 to Sec.  58.50-10(a)(2) may be used for 
fuel tank construction only if the tank design meets material and 
testing requirements approved by the Commandant (CG-ENG). Approved 
testing may be accomplished by any acceptable laboratory, or may be 
done by the fabricator if witnessed by a marine inspector.

Subpart 58.60--Industrial Systems and Components on Mobile Offshore 
Drilling Units (MODU)

55. Revise and republish Sec.  58.60-3 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.60-3  Pressure vessel.

    A pressure vessel that is a component in an industrial system under 
this subpart must meet the applicable requirements in Sec.  54.01-5 of 
this subchapter.

56. Revise Sec.  58.60-7 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.60-7  Industrial systems: Piping.

    The piping for industrial systems under this subpart must meet ASME 
B31.3 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1), except that blow 
out preventor control systems must also meet API STD 53 (incorporated 
by reference, see Sec.  58.03-1).57.

57. Revise Sec.  58.60-9 to read as follows:

Sec.  58.60-9   Industrial systems: Design.

    Each system under this subpart must be designed and analyzed in 
accordance with the principles of API RP 14C (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  58.03-1).

58. Revise and republish part 59 to read as follows:


Subpart 59.01--General Requirements

59.01-1 Scope.
59.01-2 Incorporation by reference.
59.01-5 Repairs, replacements, or alterations.
Subpart 59.10--Welding Repairs to Boilers and Pressure Vessels in 
59.10-1 Scope.
59.10-5 Cracks.
59.10-10 Corroded surfaces.
59.10-15 Rivets and staybolts.
59.10-20 Patches in shells and tube sheets.
59.10-25 Stayed areas.
59.10-30 Seal welding.
59.10-35 Wrapper plates and back heads.
Subpart 59.15--Miscellaneous Boiler Repairs
59.15-1 Furnace repairs.
59.15-5 Stayed furnaces and combustion chambers.
59.15-10 Bagged or blistered shell plates.
Subpart 59.20--Welding Repairs to Castings
59.20-1 Carbon-steel or alloy-steel castings.

    Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 
1980 Comp., p. 227; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 
00170.1, Revision No. 01.3.


Subpart 59.01--General Requirements

Sec.  59.01-1  Scope.

    The regulations in this part apply to the repairs of all boilers, 
appurtenances, and pressure vessels subject to inspection by the Coast 

Sec.  59.01-2  Incorporation by reference.

    Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with 
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that 
specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish a document in 
the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. 
All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for 
inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Archives and 
Records Administration (NARA). Contact U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters 
at: Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering 
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; phone (202) 372-1375; email 
[email protected]. For information on the availability of this 
material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations or email [email protected]. The material may be obtained 
from: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park Avenue, 
New York, NY 10016-5990; 800-843-2763; [email protected]; 
    (a) ASME BPVC.I-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 
Section I, Rules for Construction of Power Boilers, 2019 Edition, 
issued July 1, 2019 (``Section I of the ASME BPVC''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  59.10-5(i), (j), and (k).
    (b) ASME BPVC.VII-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 
Section VII, Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers, 2019 
Edition, issued July 1, 2019 (``Section VII of the ASME BPVC''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  59.01-5(e).
    (c) ASME BPVC.VIII.1-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 
Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure 
Vessels, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 2019 (``Section VIII of the ASME 
BPVC''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  59.10-5(i), (j), and (k); 59.10-
    (d) ASME BPVC.IX-2019, 2019 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 
Section IX, Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing, and Fusing 
Procedures; Welders; Brazers; and Welding, Brazing, and Fusing 
Operators, 2019 Edition, issued July 1, 2019 (``Section IX of the ASME 
BPVC''); IBR approved for Sec.  59.10-5(i).

Sec.  59.01-5  Repairs, replacements, or alterations.

    (a) No repairs, replacements, or alterations, except emergency 
repairs, must be made to boilers, pressure vessels, their mountings or 
internal fittings, safety valves, piping systems, or pressure 
appliances without prior approval by the Officer in Charge, Marine 
    (b) Emergency repairs, replacements, or alterations must be 
reported as soon as practicable to the Officer in Charge, Marine 
Inspection, at or nearest the first port where the vessel may call 
after such repairs are made.
    (c) Plan approval must be obtained from the Officer in Charge, 
Marine Inspection, for all alterations to systems in service as listed 
in Sec.  56.01-10(c) of this subchapter and those items listed in 
paragraph (a) of this section.

[[Page 50184]]

    (d) Repairs, replacements, or alterations to machinery or items not 
covered by other sections of this part must be made in a manner 
consistent with the part of this subchapter containing the construction 
standards for the item in question.
    (e) Where applicable, manufacturers' instruction books, manuals, 
and the like, and Section VII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  59.01-2) must be used for guidance.

Subpart 59.10--Welding Repairs to Boilers and Pressure Vessels in 

Sec.  59.10-1   Scope.

    (a) Repairs to boilers or pressure vessels in service may be 
performed by welding provided the welding meets the applicable 
requirements of part 57 of this subchapter.
    (b) No repairs by welding must be made except temporary emergency 
repairs without prior approval of the Officer in Charge, Marine 
Inspection. Emergency repairs must be replaced with permanent repairs 
meeting the requirements of this subchapter when the vessel returns to 
a port in which an Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, is located.
    (c) Repair welding of power boilers not meeting the requirements of 
subpart 52.05 of this subchapter is prohibited.
    (d) Only welded repairs as specified in this subchapter are 
permitted on boilers and pressure vessels. The welding repairs allowed 
by this subpart apply only to boilers and pressure vessels fabricated 
of carbon steel. Welding repairs to boilers and pressure vessels 
fabricated of alloy steel will be given special consideration by the 
Commandant. Such other method of repairs by means of welding not 
covered in this subchapter must be referred to the Commandant.

Sec.  59.10-5  Cracks.

    (a) Cracks extending from the calking edge of plates to the rivet 
holes of circumferential joints may be welded provided the cracks are 
veed out so that complete penetration of the weld metal is secured.
    (b) Circumferential cracks from rivet hole to rivet hole in girth 
joints may be welded provided there are not more than three consecutive 
cracked ligaments nor more than a total of six cracked ligaments in any 
one girth joint.
    (c) Cracks in staybolted plates may be welded provided they are 
located entirely within staybolted areas and the total length of any 
crack or series of consecutive cracks does not exceed two staybolt 
    (d) Cracks in furnaces may be welded provided any one crack does 
not exceed 12 inches in length and after completion the weld is stress-
relieved. Cracks in corrugated furnaces may be repaired by welding 
provided any one crack does not exceed 20 inches in length.
    (e) Fire cracks may be welded at riveted door openings extending 
from the edge of the plate, but not more than 2 inches beyond the 
centerline of the rivet holes.
    (f) Cracks may be welded between tube holes in the shell of water 
tube boiler drums, provided there are not more than two cracks in any 
one row in any direction, nor more than a total of four cracks in a 
drum, and further provided the welding meets the requirements of this 
subchapter for Class I welded pressure vessels.
    (g) Cracks that occur in superheater manifolds, water wallheaders, 
water drums, sectional headers, and other appurtenances including steam 
manifolds of water tube boilers may be repaired in accordance with 
paragraph (h) of this section.
    (h) All cracks permitted to be repaired under this subpart must be 
excavated to sound metal by grinding, flame or arc gouging or chipping 
out the defective metal to form a clean welding groove. Either a V 
groove or U groove wherein complete penetration of the weld metal is 
secured may be used. After excavation is completed and prior to 
welding, the excavated area must be examined by magnetic particle, dye 
penetrant, or other acceptable test method. When the reverse side of 
the weld is accessible, the root of the weld must be chipped or ground 
out to ensure a clean surface of the originally deposited metal and the 
resultant groove welded to obtain a sound weld having complete 
penetration. When the weld cannot be back chipped because the reverse 
side is inaccessible, a backing strip or other approved means of 
assuring full penetration must be employed.
    (i) During welding of cracks, a preheat must be maintained by 
controlled temperatures. The degree of preheat must be determined by 
the rules listed in accordance with the materials P-number groupings of 
PW-38, Section I of the ASME BPVC, appendix R, Section VIII of the ASME 
BPVC, and Appendix D, Section IX of the ASME BPVC (all incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  59.01-2). For thicknesses exceeding three-fourths 
inch, suitable U grooves should be employed. A welding sequence must be 
used so as to equalize welding stresses.
    (j) Postweld heat treatment of repaired cracks must be performed in 
accordance with the rules specified in PW-39, Section I of the ASME 
BPVC and UW-40, Section VIII of the ASME BPVC for boilers and pressure 
vessels respectively.
    (k) Welded repairs of cracks must be nondestructively tested in 
accordance with the rules specified in PW-40, Section I of the ASME 
BPVC, and UW-51, Section VIII of the ASME BPVC for boilers and pressure 
vessels respectively.
    (l) After cracks originating in tube or rivet holes are repaired by 
welding, the holes must be properly reamed and the weld reinforcing 
ground flush with the plate in way of rivet heads.
    (m) Flat tube sheets in fire-tube boilers which have corroded or 
where cracks exist in the ligaments may be repaired by welding.
    (n) Welding repairs to drums of power boilers, except as otherwise 
permitted in this subpart, are prohibited.

Sec.  59.10-10  Corroded surfaces.

    (a) Corroded surfaces in the calking edges of circumferential seams 
may be built up by welding to the original thickness under the 
following conditions:
    (1) The thickness of the original metal to be built up between the 
rivet holes and the calking edge must not be less than one-fourth of 
the diameter of the rivet hole, and the portion of the calking edge to 
be thus reinforced must not exceed 30 inches in length in a 
circumferential direction.
    (2) In all repairs to circumferential seams by welding, the rivets 
must be removed over the portions to be welded for a distance of at 
least 6 inches beyond the repaired portion.
    (3) After repairs are made the rivet holes must be reamed before 
the rivets are redriven.
    (b) It is not permissible to build up or reinforce a grooved or 
corroded area of unstayed internal surfaces by means of welding, except 
that widely scattered pit holes may be built up by welding.
    (c) Where external corrosion has reduced the thickness of flat 
plates around hand holes to an extent of not more than 40 percent of 
the original thickness and for a distance not exceeding 2 inches from 
the edge of the hole, the plate may be built up by welding.
    (d) Where stayed sheets have corroded to a depth not exceeding 40 
percent of their original thickness, they may be reinforced or built up 
by welding. Where the staybolts are fitted with riveted heads, the 
staybolts in the reinforced area must be renewed, but where the 
staybolts are fitted with nuts, the nuts may be removed and after

[[Page 50185]]

reinforcing has been applied; collars may be welded around the 
staybolts in lieu of the nuts. Such reinforced areas must not exceed 
400 square inches nor more than 30 inches in one direction. Two such 
areas in any one plate may be reinforced provided that the distance 
between the reinforced surfaces is not less than 30 inches.
    (e) When the corroded portion of a staybolted surface exceeds 400 
square inches, it is permissible to make repairs by cutting out the 
defective portion and replacing it with a new plate, the edges of the 
new plate to be welded in position. In such cases, new staybolts must 
be fitted, and where welding is performed through a line of staybolts, 
welded collars must be used to attach the staybolts.
    (f) Eroded seams of welded pressure vessels may be repaired by 
rewelding the wasted portion. The wasted section of the seam must be 
excavated sufficiently by grinding, flame or arc gouging or chipping to 
ensure proper weld penetration. Rewelded seams must be nondestructively 
tested in accordance with Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated 
by reference, see Sec.  59.01-2).

Sec.  59.10-15  Rivets and staybolts.

    (a) It is not permitted to reinforce or build up by welding the 
heads of rivets or staybolts that have deteriorated. Such rivets or 
staybolts must be replaced. The seal welding of rivet heads to secure 
tightness is prohibited.
    (b) Where leaks develop around staybolts which are otherwise in 
good condition, the nuts may be replaced with a beveled collar formed 
around the end of the stay by means of welding. In such cases, the 
depth of collar measured on the stay and the width measured on the 
plate, must be equal to one-half the diameter of the staybolt.

Sec.  59.10-20  Patches in shells and tube sheets.

    (a) Unreinforced openings in the shells or drums of boilers or 
pressure vessels may be closed by the use of a patch or plate inside 
the drum or shell and sealed against leakage by welding. Such plates 
must have a diameter of at least 2 inches larger than the diameter of 
the hole and must have a thickness equal to the thickness of the plate 
to which it is attached. It is not permissible to insert such patches 
in the shell or head flush with the surrounding plate unless the 
requirements of this subchapter for Class I welded pressure vessels are 
    (b) Portions of tube sheets which have deteriorated may be renewed 
by replacing the wasted portion with a new section. The ligaments 
between the tube holes may be joined by means of welding and staytubes.

Sec.  59.10-25  Stayed areas.

    Welding repairs are permitted in staybolted areas or areas 
adequately stayed by other means so that should failure of the welds 
occur the stress will be carried by the stays. The welds must be 
located entirely within staybolted areas and must not pass through the 
outer row of stays.

Sec.  59.10-30  Seal welding.

    Where leaks occur in riveted joints or connections, they must be 
carefully investigated to determine the cause. Such leaks may be made 
tight by seal welding the edge, if accepted by the Officer in Charge, 
Marine Inspection.

Sec.  59.10-35  Wrapper plates and back heads.

    Wrapper plates and back heads may be renewed in whole or repaired 
as follows:
    (a) Wrapper plates or back heads must be cut between two rows of 
staybolts or on a line of staybolts where the thickness is 
approximately the same as the original construction. If welding is 
employed on a line of staybolts, the staybolts must be fitted with a 
welded collar.
    (b) The edges of wrapper plates riveted to tube sheets and back 
heads must be removed by cutting out the rivets.
    (c) The edges of existing plates and new plates must be beveled by 
chipping, flame cutting or grinding so as to form a suitable groove 
whereby complete penetration of the weld metal will be obtained. The 
edge preparation and preheat must comply with the requirements of Sec.  
    (d) The edges of the new plate must be butt-welded, and the plate 
must be riveted to the flanges of the tube sheet and back heads and the 
staybolts renewed.
    (e) Sections of wrapper plates of combustion chambers outside of 
stayed areas may be repaired by welding provided the welded joints are 
stress-relieved by means of controlled heat and the joints are 
nondestructively tested.

Subpart 59.15--Miscellaneous Boiler Repairs

Sec.  59.15-1  Furnace repairs.

    (a) Where corrugated or plain furnaces or flues are distorted by 
1.5 inches or more, they must be repaired by either of the following 
    (1) The furnace must be forced back to a true circular shape, and 
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, may require strongbacks or 
other acceptable means of support to hold the furnace; or
    (2) The furnace must be adequately stayed as determined by the 
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
    (b) Distortion means the difference between any single measured 
diameter of the furnace and the diameter of a true circle at the same 
    (c) Where the distortion does not exceed 1.5 inches it will not be 
necessary to force the furnace back to a true circle if the allowable 
pressure is reduced in the ratio of 1.5 percent for each one-tenth of 
an inch of distortion. However, if the maximum distortion does not 
exceed 1 inch, the repairs or reduction in pressure will not be 
required unless considered necessary by the marine inspector.
    (d) When it becomes necessary to rivet a patch to a furnace or 
other part of the heating surface, the riveted patch must be placed on 
the waterside of the plate in order not to form a pocket in which 
sediment may collect.
    (e) Furnace crowns which have become distorted, not in excess of 
the limitations provided in paragraph (c) of this section, may be 
repaired by forcing back the distorted section to as nearly a true 
circle as possible and reinforcing the same by means of a ring, arc- or 
gas-welded to the distorted corrugation as shown in figure 1 to Sec.  
59.15-1, the welding to be done by welders and welding processors 
qualified in accordance with part 57 of this subchapter.

Figure 1 to Sec.  59.15-1--Approved Method of Reinforcing Furnaces by 
Means of Arc or Gas Welding

[[Page 50186]]


Sec.  59.15-5  Stayed furnaces and combustion chambers.

    (a) Where the plate forming the walls of stayed furnaces or 
combustion chambers become bulged between staybolts, repairs may be 
made by inserting an additional staybolt in the center of such space 
supported by the four staybolts.
    (b) Where it is desired to rivet a patch to the wall of a stayed 
furnace or combustion chamber, the defective portion of the plate must 
be cut away until solid material is reached, the patch must be riveted 
on the waterside, and the staybolts renewed, and extended through the 
new plate.

Sec.  59.15-10  Bagged or blistered shell plates.

    (a) When the shell plates of cylindrical boilers which are exposed 
to the radiant heat of the fire become bagged or blistered, it is the 
duty of the chief engineer to notify the Officer in Charge, Marine 
Inspection, for examination before raising steam on the boiler.
    (b) Where the shell plate is bagged due to overheating, the Officer 
in Charge, Marine Inspection, may, if in their judgment it is 
practicable, permit the same to be driven back to its original 
    (c) Where the shell plate has blistered, bagged, or bulged to such 
an extent that there is an appreciable thinning of the plate, the 
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, must require the defective 
portion to be cut away and the shell repaired by fitting a patch of 
steel plate conforming to the requirements of Sec.  52.01-90 of this 
subchapter in place of the defective portion. Care must be taken that 
the riveting schedule of the patch is so arranged as to give the plate 
sufficient strength to withstand the stress placed on it in service.

Subpart 59.20--Welding Repairs to Castings

Sec.  59.20-1  Carbon-steel or alloy-steel castings.

    Defects in carbon-steel or alloy-steel castings may be repaired by 
welding. The repairs must be performed in accordance with the material 
specification to which the casting was originally supplied.


59. The authority citation for part 61 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306, 3307, 3703; 
sec. 617, Pub. L. 111-281, 124 Stat. 2905; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 
3 CFR 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security Delegation 
No. 00170.1, Revision No. 01.3.

60. Revise and republish subparts 61.01 through 61.05.
Subpart 61.01--General
61.01-1 Scope.
Subpart 61.03--Incorporation of Standards
61.03-1 Incorporation by reference.
Subpart 61.05--Tests and Inspections of Boilers
61.05-1 Scope.
61.05-5 Preparation of boilers for inspection and test.
61.05-10 Boilers in service.
61.05-15 Boiler mountings and attachments.
61.05-20 Boiler safety valves.

Subpart 61.01--General

Sec.  61.01-1  Scope.

    (a) Periodic tests and inspection must be made of the main and 
auxiliary machinery, boilers, and other equipment as prescribed in this 
    (b) The inspections and tests must ensure that the equipment and 
associated structure are in satisfactory operating conditions and fit 
for the service for which they are intended.

Subpart 61.03--Incorporation of Standards

Sec.  61.03-1  Incorporation by reference.

    Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with 
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that 
specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish a document in 
the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. 
All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for 
inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Archives and 
Records Administration (NARA). Contact U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters 
at: Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering 
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; phone (202) 372-1375; email 
[email protected]. For information on the availability of this 
material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations or email [email protected]. The material may be obtained 
from: ASTM International, 100 Barr

[[Page 50187]]

Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; 610-832-9500; 
[email protected]; www.astm.org.
    (a) ASTM D665-19, Standard Test Method for Rust-Preventing 
Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oil in the Presence of Water, 
approved December 1, 2019 (``ASTM D665''); IBR approved for Sec.  
    (b) [Reserved]

Subpart 61.05--Tests and Inspections of Boilers

Sec.  61.05-1  Scope.

    The term boiler as used in this subpart includes power boilers 
subject to part 52 of this subchapter and heating boilers subject to 
part 53 of this subchapter.

Sec.  61.05-5   Preparation of boilers for inspection and test.

    (a) For internal inspection, manhole and handhold plates, and 
washout plugs must be removed as required by the marine inspector and 
the furnace and combustion chambers must be thoroughly cooled and 
    (b) In preparing the boilers for the hydrostatic test, they must be 
filled with water at not less than 70 [deg]F and not more than 160 
[deg]F for watertube boilers, and not more than 100 [deg]F for firetube 
boilers. The safety valves must be secured by means of gags or clamps.

Sec.  61.05-10   Boilers in service.

    (a) Each boiler, including superheater, reheater, economizer, 
auxiliary boiler, low-pressure heating boiler, and unfired steam 
boiler, must be available for examination by the marine inspector at 
intervals specified by table 1 to Sec.  61.05-10, and more often, if 
necessary, to determine that the complete unit is in a safe and 
satisfactory condition.
    (b) The owner, master, or person in charge of the vessel must give 
ample notice to the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, so 
that a marine inspector may witness the tests and make the required 
    (c) Firetube boilers which cannot be entered, or which cannot be 
satisfactorily examined internally, all boilers of lap seam 
construction and all boilers to which extensive repairs have been made 
or the strength of which the marine inspector has any reason to 
question, must be subjected to a hydrostatic test of 1.5 times the 
maximum allowable working pressure. All other boilers must be subjected 
to a hydrostatic test of 1.25 times the maximum allowable working 
    (d) In applying hydrostatic pressure to boilers, arrangements must 
be made to prevent main and auxiliary stop valves from being 
simultaneously subjected to the hydrostatic pressure on one side and 
steam pressure on the other side.
    (e) If the marine inspector has reason to believe that the boiler 
has deteriorated to any appreciable extent under the bottom where it 
rests on saddles or foundations, they must cause the boiler to be 
lifted to such position that it can be thoroughly examined, provided 
the examination cannot be made otherwise.
    (f) The marine inspector may require any boiler to be drilled or 
gaged to determine actual thickness any time its safety is in doubt. At 
the first inspection for certification after a firetube or flue boiler 
has been installed for 10 years, it must be gaged to determine the 
extent of deterioration. Thickness will be measured at or near the 
waterline, at the bottom and at such other places deemed necessary by 
the marine inspector. Examination may be by drilling or a 
nondestructive means acceptable to the marine inspector. Prior to the 
use of a nondestructive method of examination, the user must 
demonstrate to the marine inspector that results having an accuracy 
within plus or minus 5 percent are consistently obtainable.
    (g) If the thickness is found to be less than the original 
thickness upon which the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) was 
based, the MAWP must be recalculated. The thickness of the thinnest 
measured portion must be used in this calculation. Either the design 
formulas given in this subchapter or the ones in effect when the boiler 
was contracted for or built may normally be used in this recalculation. 
In no case will an increase in the pressure allowed be made.

                    Table 1 to Sec.   61.05-10--Inspection Intervals for Boilers \1\ \2\ \3\
                                                                               Any firetube
                                       Firetube boiler    Watertube boiler      boiler for      Firetube boiler
                                          >=150 psi                             propulsion          <150 psi
Hydro Test:
    Passenger Vessel................                2.5                2.5                  1                2.5
    Other Vessel....................                2.5                  5                  1                  5
Fireside Inspection.................                  1                2.5                  1                2.5
Waterside Inspection................                  1                2.5                  1                2.5
Boiler Safety-Valve Test............                  1                2.5                  1                  1
Valves Inspection...................                  5                  5                  5                  5
Studs and Bolts Inspection..........                 10                 10                 10                 10
Mountings Inspection................                 10                 10                 10                 10
Steam Gauge Test....................                2.5                2.5                2.5                2.5
Fusible Plug Inspection.............                2.5  .................                2.5                2.5
\1\ All intervals are in years.
\2\ Where the 2.5-year interval is indicated: two tests or inspections must occur within any five-year period,
  and no more than three years may elapse between any test or inspection and its immediate predecessor.
\3\ Intervals for hybrid boilers are the same as for firetube boilers.

Sec.  61.05-15   Boiler mountings and attachments.

    (a) Each valve must be opened and examined by the marine inspector 
at the interval specified in table 1 to Sec.  61.05-10.
    (b) Each stud or bolt for each boiler mounting that paragraph (c) 
of this section requires to be removed may be examined by the marine 
    (c)(1) Each boiler mounting may be removed from the boiler and be 
examined by the marine inspector at the interval specified by table 1 
to Sec.  61.05-10 when any of the following conditions exist:
    (2) Where boiler mountings or valves are attached to boiler nozzles 
and a satisfactory internal examination of these mountings or valves 
and their attaching studs, bolts, or other means of attachment, can be 
performed by opening up the valves, such mountings or valves need not 
be removed from the boiler unless in the opinion of the

[[Page 50188]]

Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, such action is necessary.
    (d) The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, may require the 
examinations prescribed in this section to be made at more frequent 
intervals, if in their opinion such action is necessary to be assured 
of the safety of the boiler and its attachments.
    (e) Water columns, gage glasses, and gage cocks must be examined to 
determine that they are in satisfactory working order.
    (f) Each steam gauge for a boiler or a main steam line may be 
examined and checked for accuracy by the marine inspector at the 
interval specified by table 1 to Sec.  61.05-10.
    (g) Each fusible plug may be examined by the marine inspector at 
the interval specified by table 1 to Sec.  61.05-10.

Sec.  61.05-20  Boiler safety valves.

    Each safety valve for a drum, superheater, or reheater of a boiler 
must be tested at the interval specified by table 1 to Sec.  61.05-10.

Subpart 61.10--Tests and Inspections of Pressure Vessels

61. Amend Sec.  61.10-5 by revising paragraphs (g) and (h)(3) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  61.10-5  Pressure vessels in service.

* * * * *
    (g) Bulk storage tanks. (1) Each bulk storage tank containing 
refrigerated liquefied CO2 for use aboard a vessel as a 
fire-extinguishing agent must be subjected to a hydrostatic test of 1.5 
times the maximum allowable working pressure in the 10th year of the 
installation and at 10-year intervals thereafter. After the test, the 
tank should be drained, and an internal examination made. Parts of the 
jacket and lagging designated by the marine inspector must be removed 
at the time of the test so the marine inspector may determine the 
condition of the tank.
    (2) In lieu of the requirements contained in paragraph (g)(1) of 
this section, in the 10th year of installation and at 10-year intervals 
thereafter, each bulk storage tank containing refrigerated liquefied 
CO2 for use aboard a vessel as a fire-extinguishing agent 
which contains a manhole or means to enter, may undergo an internal 
examination by a marine inspector. Bulk storage tanks which have been 
satisfactorily examined internally by a marine inspector and in which 
no defects have been found which impair the safety of the pressure 
vessel will not require a hydrostatic test. When a defect is found 
during the internal examination that, in the judgment of the marine 
inspector, may affect the safety of the pressure vessel, the pressure 
vessel must be hydrostatically tested at a pressure of 1.5 times the 
maximum allowable working pressure, unless alternative means, 
acceptable to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, are used to 
ensure the safe operation of the pressure vessel.
* * * * *
    (h) * * *
    (3) If (due to the product carried) your vessel's inspection 
intervals are prescribed in subchapter D, subchapter I, or subchapter 
I-A, all of this chapter, you must comply with the pneumatic test 
regulations there, instead of the ones in this section.
* * * * *

62. Revise and republish subpart 61.15 to read as follows:
Subpart 61.15--Periodic Tests of Piping Systems
61.15-1 Scope.
61.15-5 Steam piping.
61.15-10 Liquefied-petroleum-gas piping for heating and cooking.
61.15-12 Nonmetallic expansion joints.
61.15-15 Other piping.

Subpart 61.15--Periodic Tests of Piping Systems

Sec.  61.15-1  Scope.

    In conducting hydrostatic tests on piping, the required test 
pressure must be maintained for a sufficient length of time to permit 
an inspection to be made of all joints and connections. The setting of 
the relief valve or safety valve will be considered as establishing the 
maximum allowable working pressure of the system.

Sec.  61.15-5  Steam piping.

    (a) Main steam piping must be subjected to a hydrostatic test equal 
to 1.25 times the maximum allowable working pressure at the same 
periods prescribed for boilers in Sec.  61.05-10. The hydrostatic test 
must be applied from the boiler drum to the throttle valve. If the 
covering of the piping is not removed, the test pressure must be 
maintained on the piping for a period of ten minutes. If any evidence 
of moisture or leakage is detected, the covering must be removed, and 
the piping thoroughly examined.
    (b) All steam piping subject to pressure from the main boiler 
should be subjected to a hydrostatic test at a pressure of 1.25 times 
the maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler after every five 
years of service except as otherwise provided for in paragraph (a) of 
this section. Unless the covering of the piping is removed, the test 
pressure must be maintained on the piping for ten minutes. If any 
evidence of moisture or leakage is detected, the covering should be 
removed, and the piping thoroughly examined. No piping with a nominal 
size of 3 inches or less need be hydrostatically tested.
    (c) The setting of safety and relief valves installed in piping 
systems must be checked by the marine inspector at each inspection for 
certification for vessels whose Certificates of Inspection are renewed 
each year. For other vessels, the setting must be checked twice within 
any 5-year period, and no more than 3 years may elapse between any 
check and its immediate predecessor.

Sec.  61.15-10  Liquefied-petroleum-gas piping for heating and cooking.

    (a) Leak tests as described in paragraph (b) of this section must 
be conducted at least once each month, at each inspection for 
certification, and at each periodic inspection. The tests required at 
monthly intervals must be conducted by an appropriately credentialed 
officer of the vessel or qualified personnel acceptable to the Officer 
in Charge, Marine Inspection. The owner, master, or person in charge of 
the vessel must keep records of such tests showing the dates when 
performed and the name(s) of the person(s) and/or company conducting 
the tests. Such records must be made available to the marine inspector 
upon request and must be kept for the period of validity of the 
vessel's current certificate of inspection. Where practicable, these 
records should be kept in or with the vessel's logbook.
    (b) Test the system for leakage in accordance with the following 
procedure: With the appliance valve closed, the master shutoff valve on 
the appliance open, and one cylinder valve open, note pressure in 

Sec.  61.15-12   Nonmetallic expansion joints.

    (a) Nonmetallic expansion joints must be examined externally at 
each inspection for certification and periodic inspection for signs of 
excessive wear, fatigue, deterioration, physical damage, misalignment, 
improper flange-to-flange spacing, and leakage. A complete internal 
examination must be conducted when an external examination reveals 
excessive wear or other signs of deterioration or damage.
    (b) A nonmetallic expansion joint must be replaced 10 years after 
it has been placed into service if it is located in a system which 
penetrates the side of the vessel and both the penetration and the 
nonmetallic expansion joint are

[[Page 50189]]

located below the deepest load waterline. The Officer in Charge, Marine 
Inspection may grant an extension of the ten-year replacement to 
coincide with the vessel's next drydocking.

Sec.  61.15-15  Other piping.

    (a) All other piping systems shall be examined under working 
conditions as required by the marine inspector.
    (b) [Reserved]

Subpart 61.20--Periodic Tests of Machinery and Equipment

63. Revise Sec. Sec.  61.20-1 through 61.20-5 to read as follows:

Sec.  61.20-1  Steering gear.

    (a) The marine inspector must inspect the steering gear at each 
inspection for certification for vessels whose Certificate of 
Inspections are renewed each year. For other vessels, the marine 
inspector must inspect the steering gear twice within a 5-year period, 
and no more than 3 years may elapse between any inspection and its 
immediate predecessor. The marine inspector may inspect the steering 
gear more often, if necessary.
    (b) All devices employed in the change-over from automatic to 
manual operation must be examined and tested.

Sec.  61.20-3  Main and auxiliary machinery and associated equipment, 
including fluid control systems.

    (a) At each inspection for certification and periodic inspection 
the marine inspector must conduct such tests and inspections of the 
main propulsion and auxiliary machinery and of its associated 
equipment, including the fluid control systems, as they feel necessary 
to check safe operation.
    (b) Remote control for the means of stopping machinery driving 
forced and induced draft fans, fuel oil transfer pumps, fuel oil unit 
pumps, and fans in the ventilation systems serving machinery and cargo 
spaces must be tested at each regular inspection for certification and 
periodic inspection.

Sec.  61.20-5  Drydock examination.

    (a) When any vessel is drydocked, examination must be made of the 
propeller, stern bushing, sea connection, and fastenings if deemed 
necessary by the marine inspector.
    (b) Sea chests, sea valves, sea strainers, and valves for the 
emergency bilge suction must be opened up for examination every 5 years 
at the time of drydocking.

64. Amend Sec.  61.20-17 by revising paragraphs (a) and (b) to read as 

Sec.  61.20-17  Examination intervals.

    (a) A lubricant that demonstrates the corrosion inhibiting 
properties of oil when tested in accordance with ASTM D665 
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  61.03-1) is considered to be 
equivalent to oil for the purposes of the tailshaft examination 
    (b) Except as provided in paragraphs (c) through (f) of this 
section, each tailshaft on a vessel must be examined twice within any 
5-year period. No more than 3 years may elapse between any 2 tailshaft 
* * * * *

65. Amend Sec.  61.10-23 by revising paragraph (c) to read as follows:

Sec.  61.20-23   Tailshaft clearance; bearing weardown.

* * * * *
    (c) Oil lubricated bearings must be rebushed when deemed necessary 
by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. The manufacturer's 
recommendation must be considered in making this determination.

Subpart 61.30--Tests and Inspections of Fired Thermal Fluid Heaters

66. Revise and republish Sec. Sec.  61.30-1 and 61.30-5 to read as 

Sec.  61.30-1  Scope.

    The term thermal fluid heater as used in this part includes any 
fired automatic auxiliary heating unit which uses a natural or 
synthetic fluid in the liquid phase as the heat exchange medium and 
whose operating temperature and pressure do not exceed 204 [deg]C (400 
[deg]F) and 225 psig, respectively. Thermal fluid heaters having 
operating temperatures and pressures higher than 204 [deg]C (400 
[deg]F) and 225 psig, respectively, are inspected under subpart 61.05.

Sec.  61.30-5  Preparation of thermal fluid heater for inspection and 

    For visual inspection, access plates and manholes must be removed 
as required by the marine inspector and the heater and combustion 
chambers must be thoroughly cooled and cleaned.

67. Amend Sec.  61.30-20 by designating the note following Sec.  61.30-
20 as note 1 to Sec.  61.30-20 and revising it to read as follows:

Sec.  61.30-20  Automatic control and safety tests.

* * * * *

    Note 1 to Sec.  61.30-20:  Sections 63.05-90 and 63.10-90 of 
this subchapter may be referenced concerning operating tests.

Subpart 61.35--Design Verification and Periodic Testing for 
Automatic Auxiliary Boilers

68. Amend Sec.  61.35-1 by revising and republishing paragraphs (a) and 
(b) to read as follows:

Sec.  61.35-1  General.

    (a) All automatic auxiliary boilers except fired thermal fluid 
heaters must be tested and inspected in accordance with this subpart 
and subpart 61.05.
    (b) Fired thermal fluid heaters must be tested and inspected in 
accordance with subpart 61.30.
* * * * *

Sec.  61.35-3   [Amended]

69. In Sec.  61.35-3, add and reserve paragraph (b).

Subpart 61.40--Design Verification and Periodic Testing of Vital 
System Automation

70. In Sec.  61.40-1, revise paragraph (b) to read as follows:

Sec.  61.40-1  General.

* * * * *
    (b) Persons designated by the owner of the vessel must conduct all 
tests and the Design Verification and Periodic Safety tests must be 
witnessed by the Coast Guard.
* * * * *

Sec.  61.40-6   [Amended]

71. In Sec.  61.40-6, designate the note immediately following 
paragraph (b) as note 1 to paragraph (b).


72. The authority citation for part 62 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703, 8105; sec. 617, Pub. L. 111-
281, 124 Stat. 2905; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 
277; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 00170.1, 
Revision No. 01.3.

Subpart 62.01--General Provisions

Sec.  62.01-3   [Amended]

73. In Sec.  62.01-3, add and reserve paragraph (b).

74. Amend Sec.  62.01-5 by revising paragraphs (b) introductory text 
and (d) to read as follows:

Sec.  62.01-5  Applicability.

* * * * *
    (b) Systems and equipment. Except as noted in paragraph (c) of this 
section, this part applies to automation of vital systems or equipment 
* * * * *

[[Page 50190]]

    (d) Central control rooms. The requirements of subpart 62.50 only 
apply to vessels automated to replace specific personnel or to reduce 
overall crew requirements, except where the main propulsion or ship 
service electrical generating plants are automatically or remotely 
controlled from a control room. In this case, Sec.  62.50-20(a)(3) 
(except the provision in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) relating to electrical 
power distribution), (b)(3), (c), (e)(1), (2), and (4), and (f)(2) 
apply, regardless of manning.

75. Revise and republish subparts 62.05 through 62.20 to read as 
Subpart 62.05--Reference Specifications
62.05-1 Incorporation by reference.
Subpart 62.10--Terms Used
62.10-1 Definitions.
Subpart 62.15--Equivalents
62.15-1 Conditions under which equivalents may be used.
Subpart 62.20--Plan Submittal
62.20-1 Plans for approval.
62.20-3 Plans for information.
62.20-5 Self-certification

Subpart 62.05--Reference Specifications

Sec.  62.05-1   Incorporation by reference.

    Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with 
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that 
specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish a document in 
the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. 
All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for 
inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Archives and 
Records Administration (NARA). Contact U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters 
at: Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering 
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; phone (202) 372-1375; email 
[email protected]. For information on the availability of this 
material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations or email [email protected]. The material may be obtained 
from: American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), 1701 City Plaza Drive, Spring, 
TX 77389; 281-877-6000; [email protected]; ww2.eagle.org.
    (a) Rules for Building and Classing Marine Vessels, Part 4, Vessel 
Systems and Machinery, January 2020 (``ABS Marine Vessel Rules''); IBR 
approved for Sec. Sec.  62.25-30(a); 62.35-5(d); 62.35-35; 62.35-40(c); 
62.35-50 introductory text and table 1; 62.50-30(c) and (k).
    (b) [Reserved]

Subpart 62.10--Terms Used

Sec.  62.10-1  Definitions.

    For the purpose of this part:
    Alarm means an audible and visual indication of a hazardous or 
potentially hazardous condition that requires attention.
    Automated means the use of automatic or remote control, 
instrumentation, or alarms.
    Automatic control means self-regulating in attaining or carrying 
out an operator-specified equipment response or sequence.
    Boiler low-low water level is the minimum safe level in the boiler, 
in no case lower than that visible in the gage glass (see Sec.  52.01-
110 of this subchapter).
    Engineering Control Center (ECC) means the centralized engineering 
control, monitoring, and communications location.
    Failsafe means that upon failure or malfunction of a component, 
subsystem, or system, the output automatically reverts to a pre-
determined design state of least critical consequence. Typical failsafe 
states are listed in the following table:

                         Typical Failsafe States
          System or component                Preferred failsafe state
(1) Cooling water valve................  As is or open.
(2) Alarm system.......................  Annunciate.
(3) Safety system......................  Shut down, limited, or as is &
(4) Burner valve.......................  Closed.
(5) Propulsion speed control...........  As is.
(6) Feedwater valve....................  As is or open.
(7) Controllable pitch propeller.......  As is.
(8) Propulsion safety trip.............  As is & alarm.
(9) Fuel tank valve....................  See Sec.   56.50-60(d) of this

    Flooding safety refers to flooding detection, watertight integrity, 
and dewatering systems.
    Independent refers to equipment arranged to perform its required 
function regardless of the state of operation, or failure, of other 
    Limit control means a function of an automatic control system to 
restrict operation to a specified operating range or sequence without 
stopping the machinery.
    Local control means operator control from a location where the 
equipment and its output can be directly manipulated and observed, 
e.g., at the switchboard, motor controller, propulsion engine, or other 
    Manual control means operation by direct or power-assisted operator 
    Monitor means the use of direct observation, instrumentation, 
alarms, or a combination of these to determine equipment operation.
    Remote control means non-local automatic or manual control.
    Safety trip control system means a manually or automatically 
operated system that rapidly shuts down another system or subsystem.
    System means a grouping or arrangement of elements that interact to 
perform a specific function and typically includes the following, as 
    (1) A fuel or power source.
    (2) Power conversion elements.
    (3) Control elements.
    (4) Power transmission elements.
    (5) Instrumentation.
    (6) Safety control elements.
    (7) Conditioning elements.
    Vital system or equipment is essential to the safety of the vessel, 
its passengers and crew. This typically includes, but is not limited 
to, the following:
    (1) Fire detection, alarm, and extinguishing systems.
    (2) Flooding safety systems.

[[Page 50191]]

    (3) Ship service and emergency electrical generators, switchgear, 
and motor control circuits serving vital electrical loads.
    (4) The emergency equipment and systems listed in Sec.  112.15 of 
this chapter.
    (5) Propulsion systems, including those provided to meet Sec.  
58.01-35 of this subchapter.
    (6) Steering systems.

Subpart 62.15--Equivalents

Sec.  62.15-1  Conditions under which equivalents may be used.

    (a) The Coast Guard accepts a substitute or alternate for the 
requirements of this part if it provides an equivalent level of safety 
and reliability. Demonstration of functional equivalence must include 
comparison of a qualitative failure analysis based on the requirements 
of this part with a comparable analysis of the proposed substitute or 
    (b) [Reserved]

Subpart 62.20--Plan Submittal

Sec.  62.20-1  Plans for approval.

    (a) The following plans must be submitted to the Coast Guard for 
approval in accordance with Sec. Sec.  50.20-5 and 50.20-10 of this 
    (1) A general arrangement plan of control and monitoring equipment, 
control locations, and the systems served.
    (2) Control and monitoring console, panel, and enclosure layouts.
    (3) Schematic or logic diagrams including functional relationships, 
a written description of operation, and sequences of events for all 
modes of operation.
    (4) A description of control or monitoring system connections to 
non-vital systems.
    (5) A description of programmable features.
    (6) A description of built-in test features and diagnostics.
    (7) Design Verification and Periodic Safety test procedures 
described in subpart 61.40 of this subchapter.
    (8) Control system normal and emergency operating instructions.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  62.20-3  Plans for information.

    (a) One copy of the following plans must be submitted to the 
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, for use in the evaluation of 
automated systems provided to replace specific personnel or to reduce 
overall crew requirements:
    (1) Proposed manning, crew organization and utilization, including 
routine maintenance, all operational evolutions, and emergencies.
    (2) A planned maintenance program for all vital systems.
    (b) One copy of a qualitative failure analysis must be submitted in 
accordance with Sec.  50.20-5 of this subchapter for the following:
    (1) Propulsion controls.
    (2) Microprocessor-based system hardware.
    (3) Safety controls.
    (4) Automated electric power management.
    (5) Automation required to be independent that is not physically 
    (6) Any other automation that, in the judgment of the Commandant, 
potentially constitutes a safety hazard to the vessel or personnel in 
case of failure.

    Note 1 to paragraph (b): The qualitative failure analysis is 
intended to assist in evaluating the safety and reliability of the 
design. It should be conducted to a level of detail necessary to 
demonstrate compliance with applicable requirements and should 
follow standard qualitative analysis procedures. Assumptions, 
operating conditions considered, failures considered, cause and 
effect relationships, how failures are detected by the crew, 
alternatives available to the crew, and possible design verification 
tests necessary should be included. Questions regarding failure 
analysis should be referred to the Marine Safety Center at an early 
stage of design.

Sec.  62.20-5   Self-certification.

    (a) The designer or manufacturer of an automated system must 
certify to the Coast Guard, in writing, that the automation is designed 
to meet the environmental design standards of Sec.  62.25-30. Plan 
review, shipboard testing, or independent testing to these standards is 
not required.
    (b) [Reserved]

    Note 1 to Sec.  62.20-5: Self-certification should normally 
accompany plan submittal.

Subpart 62.25--General Requirements for All Automated Vital Systems

Sec.  62.25-10  [Amended]

76. In Sec.  62.25-10, designate the note immediately following 
paragraph (b) as note 1 to paragraph (b).

77. Revise and republish Sec.  62.25-15 to read as follows:

Sec.  62.25-15  Safety control systems.

    (a) Minimum safety and trip controls required for specific types of 
automated vital systems are listed in table 1 to Sec.  62.35-50.

    Note 1 to paragraph (a): Safety control systems include 
automatic and manual safety trip controls and automatic safety limit 

    (b) Safety trip controls must not operate as a result of failure of 
the normal electrical power source unless it is determined to be the 
failsafe state.
    (c) Automatic operation of a safety control must be alarmed in the 
machinery spaces and at the cognizant remote-control location.
    (d) Local manual safety trip controls must be provided for all main 
boilers, turbines, and internal combustion engines.
    (e) Automatic safety trip control systems must--
    (1) Be provided where there is an immediate danger that a failure 
will result in serious damage, complete breakdown, fire, or explosion;
    (2) Require manual reset prior to renewed operation of the 
equipment; and
    (3) Not be provided if safety limit controls provide a safe 
alternative and trip would result in loss of propulsion.

78. Amend Sec.  62.25-20 by revising and republishing paragraphs (a), 
(b), and (d) to read as follows:

Sec.  62.25-20   Instrumentation, alarms, and centralized stations.

    (a) General. Minimum instrumentation and alarms required for 
specific types of automated vital systems are listed in table 1 to 
Sec.  62.35-50.
    (b) Instrumentation Location. (1) Manual control locations, 
including remote manual control and manual alternate control, must be 
provided with the instrumentation necessary for safe operation from 
that location.

    Note 1 to paragraph (b)(1): Typically, instrumentation includes 
means to monitor the output of the monitored system.

    (2) Systems with remote instrumentation must have provisions for 
the installation of instrumentation at the monitored system equipment.
    (3) The status of automatically or remotely controlled vital 
auxiliaries, power sources, switches, and valves must be visually 
indicated in the machinery spaces or the cognizant remote-control 
location, as applicable.

    Note 2 to paragraph (b)(3):  Status indicators include run, 
standby, off, open, closed, tripped, and on, as applicable. Status 
indicators at remote control locations other than the ECC, if 
provided, may be summarized. Equipment normally provided with status 
indicators are addressed in table 1 to Sec.  62.35-50, subpart 58.01 
subpart 56.50 of this subchapter, and subpart 112.45 of this 

    (4) Sequential interlocks provided in control systems to ensure 
safe operation, such as boiler programming control or reversing of 
propulsion diesels, must

[[Page 50192]]

have summary indicators in the machinery spaces and at the cognizant 
control location to show if the interlocks are satisfied.
    (5) Instrumentation listed in table 1 to Sec.  62.35-50 must be of 
the continuous display type or the demand display type. Displays must 
be in the ECC or in the machinery spaces if an ECC is not provided.
* * * * *
    (d) Alarms. (1) All alarms must clearly distinguish among--
    (i) Normal, alarm, and acknowledged alarm conditions; and
    (ii) Fire, general alarm, carbon dioxide/clean agent fire 
extinguishing system, vital machinery, flooding, engineers' assistance-
needed, and non-vital alarms.
    (2) Required alarms in high ambient noise areas must be 
supplemented by visual means, such as rotating beacons, that are 
visible throughout these areas. Red beacons must only be used for 
general or fire alarm purposes.
    (3) Automatic transfer to required backup or redundant systems or 
power sources must be alarmed in the machinery spaces.
    (4) Flooding safety, fire, loss of power, and engineers' 
assistance-needed alarms extended from the machinery spaces to a remote 
location must not have a duty crewmember selector.

    Note 3 to paragraph (d)(4):  Other alarms may be provided with 
such a selector, provided there is no off position.

    (5) Automation alarms must be separate and independent of the 
    (i) The fire detection and alarm systems.
    (ii) The general alarm.
    (iii) CO2 release alarms.
    (6) Failure of an automatic control, remote control, or alarm 
system must be immediately alarmed in the machinery spaces and at the 
ECC, if provided.
* * * * *

79. In Sec.  62.25-25, revise paragraph (d) to read as follows:

Sec.  62.25-25   Programmable systems and devices.

* * * * *
    (d) All required manuals, records, and instructions for automatic 
or remote control or monitoring systems must be readily available 
aboard the vessel.

80. Revise Sec.  62.25-30 to read as follows:

Sec.  62.25-30  Environmental design standards.

    (a) All automation must be suitable for the marine environment and 
must be designed and constructed to operate indefinitely under the 
following conditions:
    (1) Ship motion and vibration described in Table 1 of section 4-9-9 
of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
62.05-1); note that inclination requirements for fire and flooding 
safety systems are described in Sec.  112.05-5(c) of this chapter.
    (2) Ambient air temperatures described in Table 1 of part 4-9-9/3 
of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules.
    (3) Electrical voltage and frequency tolerances described in Table 
1 of part 4-9-9 of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules.
    (4) Relative humidity of 0 to 95% at 45 [deg]C.
    (5) Hydraulic and pneumatic pressure variations described in Table 
1 of part 4-9-9 of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules.

    Note 1 to paragraph (a): Considerations should include normal 
dynamic conditions that might exceed these values, such as 
switching, valve closure, power supply transfer, starting, and 

    (b) Low voltage electronics must be designed with due consideration 
for static discharge, electromagnetic interference, voltage transients, 
fungal growth, and contact corrosion.

Subpart 62.30--Reliability and Safety Criteria, All Automated Vital 

81. Amend Sec.  62.30-10 by revising and republishing paragraph (a) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  62.30-10   Testing.

    (a) Automated vital systems must be tested in accordance with 
subpart 61.40 of this subchapter.
* * * * *

82. Revise and republish subpart 62.35 to read as follows:
Subpart 62.35--Requirements for Specific Types of Automated Vital 
62.35-1 General.
62.35-5 Remote propulsion-control systems.
62.35-10 Flooding safety.
62.35-15 Fire safety.
62.35-20 Oil-fired main boilers.
62.35-35 Starting systems for internal-combustion engines.
62.35-40 Fuel systems.
62.35-50 Tabulated monitoring and safety control requirements for 
specific systems.

Subpart 62.35--Requirements for Specific Types of Automated Vital 

Sec.  62.35-1   General.

    (a) Minimum instrumentation, alarms, and safety controls required 
for specific types of automated vital systems are listed in table 1 to 
Sec.  62.35-50.
    (b) Automatic propulsion systems, automated electric power 
management systems, and all associated subsystems and equipment must be 
capable of meeting load demands from standby to full system rated load, 
under steady state and maneuvering conditions, without need for manual 
adjustment or manipulation.

Sec.  62.35-5  Remote propulsion-control systems.

    (a) Manual propulsion control. All vessels having remote propulsion 
control from the navigating bridge, an ECC or maneuvering platform, or 
elsewhere must have a manual alternate propulsion control located at 
the equipment.

    Note 1 to paragraph (a): Separate local control locations may be 
provided for each independent propeller.

    (b) Centralized propulsion control equipment. Navigating bridge, 
ECC, maneuvering platform, and manual alternate control locations must 
    (1) Control of the speed and direction of thrust for each 
independent propeller controlled;
    (2) A guarded manually actuated safety trip control (which stops 
the propelling machinery) for each independent propeller controlled;
    (3) Shaft speed and thrust direction indicators for each 
independent propeller controlled;
    (4) The means to pass propulsion orders required by Sec. Sec.  
113.30-5 and 113.35-3 of this chapter; and
    (5) The means required by paragraph (d) of this section to achieve 
control location transfer and independence.
    (c) Main navigating bridge propulsion control. (1) Navigating 
bridge remote propulsion control must be performed by a single control 
device for each independent propeller. Control must include automatic 
performance of all associated services, and must not permit rate of 
movement of the control device to overload the propulsion machinery.
    (2) On vessels propelled by steam turbines, the navigation bridge 
primary control system must include safety alarms for high and low 
boiler water levels and low steam pressure.
    (3) On vessels propelled by internal combustion engines, an alarm 
must annunciate on the navigating bridge and at the maneuvering 
platform or ECC, if provided, to indicate starting capability less than 
50% of that required by Sec.  62.35-35.
    (d) Transfer of control location. Transfer of control location must 

[[Page 50193]]

section 4-9-2/13.11 of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  62.05-1). Manual alternative-propulsion-control 
locations must be capable of overriding, and of operating independent 
of, all remote and automatic propulsion-control locations.
    (e) Control system details. (1) Each operator control device must 
have a detent at the zero-thrust position.
    (2) Propulsion machinery automatic safety trip control operation 
must only occur when continued operation could result in serious 
damage, complete breakdown, or explosion of the equipment. Other than 
the overrides mentioned in Sec.  62.25-10(a)(4) and temporary overrides 
located at the main navigating bridge control location, overrides of 
these safety trip controls are prohibited. Operation of permitted 
overrides must be alarmed at the navigating bridge and at the 
maneuvering platform or ECC, as applicable, and must be guarded against 
inadvertent operation.
    (3) Remote propulsion control systems must be failsafe by 
maintaining the preset (as is) speed and direction of thrust until 
local manual or alternate manual control is in operation, or the manual 
safety trip control operates. Failure must activate alarms on the 
navigating bridge and in the machinery spaces.

Sec.  62.35-10  Flooding safety.

    (a) Automatic bilge pumps must--
    (1) Be provided with bilge high level alarms that annunciate in the 
machinery spaces and at a manned control location and are independent 
of the pump controls;
    (2) Be monitored to detect excessive operation in a specified time 
period; and
    (3) Meet all applicable pollution control requirements.
    (b) Remote controls for flooding safety equipment must remain 
functional under flooding conditions.
    (c) Remote bilge level sensors, where provided, must be located to 
detect flooding at an early stage and to provide redundant coverage.

Sec.  62.35-15  Fire safety.

    (a) All required fire pump remote control locations must include 
the controls necessary to charge the firemain and--
    (1) A firemain pressure indicator; or
    (2) A firemain low-pressure alarm.
    (b) [Reserved]

Sec.  62.35-20  Oil-fired main boilers.

    (a) General. (1) All main boilers, regardless of intended mode of 
operation, must be provided with the automatic safety trip control 
system(s) of paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2)(i) and (ii), and (i) of this 
section to prevent unsafe conditions after light off.
    (2) Manual alternate control of boilers must be located at the 
boiler front.
    (3) A fully automatic main boiler must include--
    (i) Automatic combustion control;
    (ii) Programming control;
    (iii) Automatic feedwater control;
    (iv) Safety controls; and
    (v) An alarm system.
    (4) Following system line-up and starting of auxiliaries, fully 
automatic main boilers must only require the operator to initiate the 
following sequences:
    (i) Boiler pre-purge.
    (ii) Trial for ignition of burners subsequent to successful initial 
burner light-off.
    (iii) Normal shutdown.
    (iv) Manual safety trip control operation.
    (v) Adjustment of primary control setpoints.
    (5) All requirements for programming control subsystems and safety 
control systems must be met when a boiler--
    (i) Automatically sequences burners;
    (ii) Is operated from a location remote from the boiler front; or
    (iii) Is fully automatic.
    (6) Where light oil pilots are used, the programming control and 
burner safety trip controls must be provided for the light oil system. 
Trial for ignition must not exceed 15 seconds and the main burner trial 
for ignition must not proceed until the pilot flame is proven.
    (b) Feedwater control. Automatic feedwater control subsystems must 
sense, at a minimum, boiler water level and steam flow.
    (c) Combustion control. Automatic combustion control subsystems 
must provide--
    (1) An air/fuel ratio which ensures complete combustion and stable 
flame with the fuel in use, under light off, steady state, and 
transient conditions; and
    (2) Stable boiler steam pressure and outlet temperatures under 
steady state and transient load conditions; and
    (3) A low fire interlock to prevent high firing rates and 
superheater damage during boiler warm up.
    (d) Programming control. The programming control must provide a 
programed sequence of interlocks for the safe ignition and normal 
shutdown of the boiler burners. The programming control must prevent 
ignition if unsafe conditions exist and must include the following 
minimum sequence of events and interlocks:
    (1) Prepurge. Boilers must undergo a continuous purge of the 
combustion chamber and convecting spaces to make sure of a minimum of 5 
changes of air. The purge must not be less than 15 seconds in duration, 
and must occur immediately prior to the trial for ignition of the 
initial burner of a boiler. All registers and dampers must be open and 
an air flow of at least 25 percent of the full load volumetric air flow 
must be proven before the purge period commences. The prepurge must be 
complete before trial for ignition of the initial burner.
    (2) Trial for ignition and ignition. (i) Only one burner per boiler 
is to be in trial for ignition at any time.
    (ii) Total boiler air flow during light off must be sufficient to 
prevent pocketing and explosive accumulations of combustible gases.
    (iii) The burner igniter must be in position and proven energized 
before admission of fuel to the boiler. The igniter must remain 
energized until the burner flame is established and stable, or until 
the trial for ignition period ends.
    (iv) The trial for ignition period must be as short as practical 
for the specific installation, but must not exceed 15 seconds.
    (v) Failure of the burner to ignite during a trial for ignition 
must automatically actuate the burner safety trip controls.
    (3) Post-purge. (i) Immediately after normal shutdown of the 
boiler, an automatic purge of the boiler equal to the volume and 
duration of the prepurge must occur.
    (ii) Following boiler safety trip control operation, the air flow 
to the boiler must not automatically increase. Post purge in such cases 
must be under manual control.
    (e) Burner fuel oil valves. Each burner must be provided with a 
valve that is--
    (1) Automatically closed by the burner or boiler safety trip 
control system; and
    (2) Operated by the programming control or combustion control 
subsystems, as applicable.
    (f) Master fuel oil valves. Each boiler must be provided with a 
master fuel oil valve to stop fuel to the boiler automatically upon 
actuation by the boiler safety trip control system.
    (g) Valve closure time. The valves described in paragraphs (e) and 
(f) of this section must close within 4 seconds of automatic detection 
of unsafe trip conditions.
    (h) Burner safety trip control system. (1) Each burner must be 
provided with at least one flame detector.
    (2) The burner valve must automatically close when--
    (i) Loss of burner flame occurs;

[[Page 50194]]

    (ii) Actuated by the boiler safety trip control system;
    (iii) The burner is not properly seated or in place; or
    (iv) Trial for ignition fails, if a programming control is 
    (i) Boiler safety trip control system. (1) Each boiler must be 
provided with a safety trip control system that automatically closes 
the master and all burner fuel oil valves upon--
    (i) Boiler low-low water level;
    (ii) Inadequate boiler air flow to support complete combustion;
    (iii) Loss of boiler control power;
    (iv) Manual safety trip operation; or
    (v) Loss of flame at all burners.
    (2) The low-low water level safety trip control must account for 
normal vessel motions and operating transients.

Sec.  62.35-35  Starting systems for internal-combustion engines.

    The starting systems for propulsion engines and for prime movers of 
ships' service generators required to start automatically must meet 
sections 4-6-5/9.5 and 4-8-2/11.11 of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  62.05-1).

Sec.  62.35-40  Fuel systems.

    (a) Level alarms. Where high or low fuel tank level alarms are 
required, they must be located to allow the operator adequate time to 
prevent an unsafe condition.
    (b) Coal fuels. (1) Controls and instrumentation for coal systems 
require special consideration by the Commandant.
    (2) Interlocks must be provided to ensure a safe transfer of 
machinery operation from one fuel to another.
    (c) Automatic fuel heating. Automatic fuel heating must meet 
section 4-9-3/15.1 of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules (incorporated by 
reference; seeSec.  62.05-1).
    (d) Overflow prevention. Fuel oil day tanks, settlers, and similar 
fuel oil service tanks that are filled automatically or by remote 
control must be provided with a high-level alarm that annunciates in 
the machinery spaces and either an automatic safety trip control or an 
overflow arrangement.

Sec.  62.35-50  Tabulated monitoring and safety control requirements 
for specific systems.

    The minimum instrumentation, alarms, and safety controls required 
for specific types of systems are listed in table 1 to Sec.  62.35-50. 
The ABS Marine Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  
62.05-2) required for engineering systems are also listed in table 1 to 
Sec.  62.35-50.
    (a) Safety limit controls must be provided in navigating bridge 
primary propulsion control systems. See Sec.  62.35-5(c).
    (b) Safety trip controls and alarms must be provided for all main 
boilers, regardless of mode of operation. See Sec.  62.35-20(a).
    (c) Loss of forced lubrication safety trip controls must be 
provided for main propulsion turbines and main propulsion diesel 
    (d) Override of overspeed and loss of forced lubrication pressure 
safety trip controls must not be provided for main propulsion or 
generator steam or gas turbines, or diesel engines. See Sec.  62.35-
    (e) Transfer interlocks must be provided for main propulsion 
systems capable of remote and local control.
    (f) Semiconductor controlled rectifiers must have current limit 
    (g) Interlocks must be provided to prevent the starting of engines 
or turbines while the jacking or turning gear, if installed, is 
engaged. See Sec.  62.25-5(a).
    (h) Main and remote-control stations, including the navigational 
bridge, must provide visual and audible alarms in the event of a fire 
in the main machinery space.
    (i) Minimally attended and periodically unattended machinery plants 
must be provided with a personnel alarm that annunciates on the bridge 
if not acknowledged by the watch engineer. See Sec.  62.50-20(b)(1).
    (j) All automatic controls and alarms must be failsafe to the least 
critical consequence for the particular system. See Sec.  62.30-1.
    (k) The operating or tripped status of vital auxiliary boilers must 
be indicated at the ECC. See part 63 of this subchapter.

                       Table 1 to Sec.   62.35-50--Minimum System Monitoring and Safety Control Requirements for Specific Systems
               System                        Service            Instrumentation             Alarm              Safety control       See also paragraph
Main (Propulsion) boiler...........  ABS Marine Vessel       ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel      .....................  (a)
                                      Rules Part 4-9-6        Rules Part 4-9-6       Rules Part 4-9-6
                                      tables 1A, 1B and 5A.   tables 1A, 1B and 5A.  tables 1A, 1B and 5A.
                                     Burner seating........  .....................  Failure..............  Burner auto trip.....  (b)
                                     Trial for ignition....  Status...............  Failure..............  Burner auto trip.....  (b)
                                                                                                           Manual trip..........  (b)
                                     Low fire interlock....  Status...............
                                     Program control         Status...............
Main (Propulsion steam) turbine....  ABS Marine Vessel       ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel      Manual trip..........  (c), (d)
                                      Rules Part 4-9-6        Rules Part 4-9-6       Rules Part 4-9-6
                                      table 2.                table 2.               table 2.
Main propulsion, diesel............  ABS Marine Vessel       ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel      Manual trip..........  (c), (d)
                                      Rules Part 4-9-6        Rules Part 4-9-6       Rules Part 4-9-6
                                      tables 1A, 1B and 5A.   tables 1A, 1B and 5A.  tables 1A, 1B and 5A.
Main propulsion, remote control....  ......................  .....................  Failure..............  Manual trip..........
                                     Auto safety trip        .....................  Activated............
                                     Starting power........  Pressure (voltage)...  Low..................  Limit................  (a)
                                     Location in control...  Status...............  Override.............  .....................  (c)
                                     Shaft speed/direction/  See Sec.   113.37 of   See Sec.   113.37 of   See Sec.   113.37 of
                                      pitch.                  this chapter..         this chapter..         this chapter..
                                     Clutch fluid..........  Pressure.............  Low..................
Main propulsion, electric \(1)\....  ABS Marine Vessel       ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel      (f)
                                      Rules Part 4-9-6,       Rules Part 4-9-6,      Rules Part 4-9-6,      Rules Part 4-9-6,
                                      tables 4A and 4B.       tables 4A and 4B.      tables 4A and 4B.      tables 4A and 4B.
Main propulsion, shafting..........  Stern tube oil tank     .....................  Low..................
                                     Line shaft bearing....  Temperature..........  High.................
                                                             Forced lubrication     Low..................
Main propulsion, controllable pitch  Hydraulic oil.........  Pressure.............  High, Low............
                                                             Temperature..........  High.................

[[Page 50195]]

Generators.........................  Ship service..........  ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel
                                                              Rules Part 4-9-6,      Rules Part 4-9-6,
                                                              table 6.               table 6.
                                                             Starting pressure/     Low..................
                                     Emergency \2\.........
                                     Turbogenerator........  ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel
                                                              Rules Part 4-9-6,      Rules Part 4-9-6,      Rules Part 4-9-6,
                                                              table 6.               table 6.               table 6.
                                                                                                           Manual trip..........
                                     Diesel................  ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel      (d)
                                                              Rules Part 4-9-6,      Rules Part 4-9-6,      Rules Part 4-9-6,
                                                              table 6.               table 6.               table 6.
                                                                                                           Manual trip..........
Auxiliary boiler...................  ......................  Run..................  Trip.................  .....................  (k)
Gas turbine \3\....................  ABS Marine Vessel       ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel      (d)
                                      Rules Part 4-9-6,       Rules Part 4-9-6,      Rules Part 4-9-6,      Rules Part 4-9-6,
                                      Tables 3 and 6.         Tables 3 and 6.        Tables 3 and 6.        Tables 3 and 6.
Engines and turbines...............  Jacking/turning gear..  Engaged..............  .....................  .....................  (g)
Fuel oil...........................  ABS Marine Vessel       ABS Marine Vessel      ABS Marine Vessel
                                      Rules Part 4-9-6,       Rules Part 4-9-6,      Rules Part 4-9-6,
                                      tables 5A and 6.        tables 5A and 6.       tables 5A and 6.
                                     Remote/auto fill level  .....................  High.................  Auto trip or overflow
                                     Hi. press. leakage      .....................  High.................
Bilge..............................  Pump remote control...  Run..................
                                     Pump auto control.....  Run..................  Excessive operations.
                                     Level.................  .....................  High/location........
Machinery space Class 3 (power-      ......................  Open/closed..........
 operated) watertight doors.
Fire detection.....................  Machinery spaces......  .....................  Space on fire........  .....................  (h)
Fire main..........................  ......................  Pressure.............  Low..................
Personnel..........................  Deadman...............  .....................  Fail to acknowledge..  .....................  (i)
General, control and alarm systems.  Power supply..........  Available (pressure).  Failure (low)........
                                     System function.......  .....................  Failure..............  .....................  (j)
                                     Console air             .....................  Failure..............
                                     Built in test           Active...............
                                     Sequential interlock..  Activated............
                                     Safety control........  .....................  Activated............  Auto trip/limit......  (j)
Redundant auxiliary, system, power   ......................  Status...............  Auto transfer........
\1\ See subparts 111.33 and 111.35 of this chapter.
\2\ See subparts 112.45 and 112.50 of this chapter.
\3\ See Sec.   58.10-15(f) of this subchapter.

Subpart 62.50--Automated Self-propelled Vessel Manning

83. Amend Sec.  62.50-1 as follows:
a. Designate the note immediately following paragraph (b)(5) as note 1 
to paragraph (b)(5); and
b. Revise paragraph (c).
    The revision reads as follows:

Sec.  62.50-1  General.

* * * * *
    (c) Equipment provided to replace specific personnel or to reduce 
overall crew requirements that proves unsafe or unreliable in the 
judgment of the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, must be 
replaced or repaired or vessel manning will be modified to compensate 
for the equipment inadequacy.

Sec.  62.50-20   [Amended]

84. Amend Sec.  62.50-20 as follows:
a. Designate the note preceding paragraph (a) as note 1 to Sec.  62.50-
b. Designate the note immediately following paragraph (a)(4) as note 2 
to paragraph (a)(4);
c. Remove the note immediately following paragraph (c);
d. Revise paragraphs (e) (g)(2), and (h)(3) to read as follows:

Sec.  62.50-20  Additional requirements for minimally attended 
machinery plants.

* * * * *
    (e) Flooding safety. (1) Machinery space bilges, bilge wells, shaft 
alley bilges, and other minimally attended locations where liquids 
might accumulate must be monitored from the ECC to detect flooding 
angles from vertical of up to 15[deg] heel and 5[deg] trim.
    (2) The ECC must include the controls necessary to bring at least 
one independent bilge pump and independent bilge suction required by 
Sec.  56.50-50(e) of this subchapter into operation to counter 
    (3) Where watertight doors in subdivision bulkheads are required in 
the machinery spaces, they must be Class 3 watertight doors and must be 
controllable from the ECC and the required navigating bridge control 
    (4) Controls must be provided to operate the sea inlet and 
discharge valves required by Sec.  56.50-95(d) of this subchapter and 
the emergency bilge suction required by Sec.  56.50-50(f) of this 
subchapter. These controls must be arranged to allow time for operation 
in the event of flooding with the vessel in the fully loaded condition. 
Time considerations must include detection, crew response, and control 
operation time.
* * * * *
    (g) * * *
    (2) The main distribution and propulsion switchboards and generator 
controls must either be located at the ECC, if the ECC is within the 
boundaries of the main machinery space, or the controls and 
instrumentation required by part 111 of this chapter must be duplicated 
at the ECC. Controls at the

[[Page 50196]]

switchboard must be able to override those at the ECC, if separate. 
Also see Sec. Sec.  111.12-11(g) and 111.30-1 of this chapter regarding 
switchboard location.
    (h) * * *
    (3) Maintenance and repair manuals must include details as to what, 
when, and how to troubleshoot, repair and test the installed equipment 
and what parts are necessary to accomplish the procedures. Schematic 
and logic diagrams required by Sec.  62.20-1 of this part must be 
included in this documentation.

85. Amend Sec.  62.50-30 as follows:
a. Designate the note preceding paragraph (a) as note 1 to Sec.  62.50-
30; and
b. Revise paragraphs (a), (c), (d), (h), (i), and (k) to reads as 

Sec.  62.50-30  Additional requirements for periodically unattended 
machinery plants.

* * * * *
    (a) General. The requirements of this section must be met in 
addition to those of Sec.  62.50-20.
* * * * *
    (c) Fuel systems. Each system for the service or treatment of fuel 
must meet section 4-6-4/13.5 of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  62.05-1).
    (d) Starting systems. Automatic or remote starting system 
receivers, accumulators, and batteries must be automatically charged.
* * * * *
    (h) Fire control station. A control station for fire protection of 
the machinery spaces must be provided outside the machinery spaces. At 
least one access to this station must be independent of category A 
machinery spaces, and any boundary shared with these spaces must have 
an A-60 fire classification as defined in subpart 72.05 of this 
chapter. The number of control and monitoring cables and piping for the 
station that adjoin or penetrate the boundaries of a category A 
machinery space, uptakes, or casings must be minimized. The fire 
control station must include--
    (1) Annunciation of which machinery space is on fire;
    (2) Control of a fire pump required by this chapter to be 
independent of the main machinery spaces;
    (3) Controls for machinery space fixed gas fire extinguishing 
    (4) Control of oil piping positive shutoff valves located in the 
machinery spaces and required by Sec.  56.50-60(d) of this subchapter;
    (5) Controls for machinery space fire door holding and release 
systems, skylights and similar openings;
    (6) The remote stopping systems for the machinery listed in Sec.  
111.103 of this chapter; and
    (7) Voice communications with the bridge.
    (i) Oil leakage. Leakages from high-pressure fuel oil pipes must be 
collected and high levels must be alarmed at the ECC.
* * * * *
    (k) Continuity of electrical power. The electrical plant must meet 
sections 4-8-2/3.11 and 4.8.2/9.9 of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules, and 
    (1) Not use the emergency generator for this purpose;
    (2) Restore power in not more than 30 seconds; and
    (3) Account for loads permitted by Sec.  111.70-3(f) of this 
chapter to automatically restart.


86. The authority citation for part 63 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 
CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security Delegation 
No. 00170.1, Revision No. 01.3.

87. Amend Sec.  63.01-3 by revising paragraphs (a)(1) and (b) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  63.01-3  Scope and applicability.

    (a) * * *
    (1) Automatic auxiliary boilers listed in table 1 to Sec.  54.01-5 
of this subchapter which reference this part for regulation of their 
automatic controls.
* * * * *
    (b) Automatic boilers having heat input ratings of 12,500,000 Btu/
hr. (3.66 megawatts) and above must meet the requirements of part 52 of 
this subchapter. Their control systems must meet the requirements of 
part 62 of this subchapter.

88. Revise Sec.  63.05-1 to read as follows:

Sec.  63.05-1  Incorporation by reference.

    Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with 
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that 
specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish a document in 
the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. 
All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for 
inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Archives and 
Records Administration (NARA). Contact U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters 
at: Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering 
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; phone (202) 372-1375; email 
[email protected]. For information on the availability of this 
material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations or email [email protected]. The material may be obtained 
from the following sources:
    (a) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park 
Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990; 800-843-2763; [email protected]; 
    (1) ASME CSD-1-2018, Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically 
Fired Boilers, issued October 12, 2018 (``ASME CSD-1''); IBR approved 
for Sec. Sec.  63.10-1(b); 63.15-1(b); 63.20-1.
    (2) [Reserved]
    (b) ASTM International (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box 
C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; 610-832-9500; [email protected]; 
    (1) ASTM F1323-14, Standard Specification for Shipboard 
Incinerators, approved November 1, 2014 (2001) (``ASTM F1323''); IBR 
approved for Sec.  63.25-9(a).
    (2) [Reserved]
    (c) Canadian Standards Association (CSA), CSA Group, 5060 Spectrum 
Way, Suite 100, Mississauga, ON, Canada L4W 5N6; 416-474-2233; 
[email protected]; https://shop.csa.ca.
    (1) ANSI Z21.22-2015/CSA 4.4-2015, Relief valves for hot water 
systems, July 2015 (``ANSI Z21.22''); IBR approved for Sec.  63.25-
    (2) [Reserved]

    Note 1 to paragraph (c): CSA material also available from the 
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 1899 L Street NW, 11th 
Floor, Washington, DC 20036; 202-293-8020; [email protected]; 

    (d) International Maritime Organization (IMO), 4 Albert Embankment, 
London, SE1 7SR United Kingdom; +44 (0) 20 7735 7611; [email protected]; 
    (1) Resolution MEPC.76(40), Standard Specification for Shipboard 
Incinerators, September 25, 1997 (``IMO MEPC.76(40)''); IBR approved 
for Sec.  63.25-9(a), (d), and (f).
    (2) Resolution MEPC.244(66), 2014 Standard Specification for 
Shipboard Incinerators, adopted April 14, 2014 (``IMO MEPC.244(66)''); 
IBR approved for Sec.  63.25-9(g).
    (3) The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution 
from Ships (MARPOL 73/78), Annexes I, II, III, and V, 1978 (``IMO 
MARPOL 73/78''); IBR approved for Sec.  63.25-9(c).

[[Page 50197]]

    (e) International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Chemin de 
Blandonnet 8, CP 401-1214, Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland; +41 22 749 01 
11; [email protected]; www.iso.org.
    (1) ISO 9096:2017(E), Stationary source emissions--Manual 
determination of mass concentration of particulate matter, Third 
Edition, September 1, 2017 (``ISO 9096''); IBR approved for Sec.  
    (2) ISO 10396:2007(E), Stationary source emissions--Sampling for 
the automated determination of gas emission concentrations for 
permanently-installed monitoring systems, Second Edition, February 1, 
2007 (``ISO 10396''); IBR approved for Sec.  63.25-9(f).
    (3) ISO 13617:2019(E), Ships and Marine Technology-Shipboard 
Incinerators--Requirements, Third Edition, August 2019 (``ISO 13617''); 
IBR approved for Sec.  63.25-9(a).
    (f) UL Solutions (UL), 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062; 
847-272-8800; www.ul.com.
    (1) UL 174, Standard for Safety, Household Electric Storage Tank 
Water Heaters, Eleventh Edition, dated April 29, 2004, including 
revisions through December 15, 2016 (``UL 174''); IBR approved for 
Sec.  63.25-3(a) and (j).
    (2) UL 296, Standard for Safety, Oil Burners, Eleventh Edition, 
dated February 24, 2017 (``UL 296''); IBR approved for Sec.  63.15-
    (3) UL 343, Standard for Safety, Pumps for Oil-Burning Appliances, 
Ninth Edition, dated December 17, 2008, including revisions through 
June 12, 2013 (``UL 343''); IBR approved for Sec.  63.15-3(e).
    (4) UL 1453, Standard for Safety, Electric Booster and Commercial 
Storage Tank Water Heaters, 6th Edition, dated March 29, 2016, 
including revisions through March 9, 2017 (``UL 1453''); IBR approved 
for Sec.  63.25-3(a) and (j).

89. Revise Sec.  63.10-1 to read as follows:

Sec.  63.10-1  Test procedures and certification report.

    Two copies of the items listed below must be provided, if submitted 
in printed format, to the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center, 
U.S. Coast Guard, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE, Washington, DC 
20593. Alternatively, one copy may be transmitted by email to the 
Commanding Officer (MSC), at [email protected]. Information for submitting 
documents electronically can be found at www.uscg.mil/HQ/MSC.
    (a) Detailed instructions for operationally testing each automatic 
auxiliary boiler, its controls, and safety devices.
    (b) A certification report for each automatic auxiliary boiler 
    (1) Meets paragraph CG-510 of ASME CSD-1 (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  63.05-1); and
    (2) Certifies that each automatic auxiliary boiler, its controls, 
and safety devices comply with the additional requirements of this 

90. Revise and republish subparts 63.15 and 63.20 to read as follows:
Subpart 63.15--General Requirements
63.15-1 General.
63.15-3 Fuel system.
63.15-5 Strainers.
63.15-7 Alarms.
63.15-9 Inspections and tests.

Subpart 63.20--Additional Control System Requirements

    63.20-1 Specific control system requirements.d

Subpart 63.15--General Requirements

Sec.  63.15-1  General.

    (a) Each automatic auxiliary boiler must be designed and 
constructed for its intended service according to the requirements of 
the parts referenced in table 1 to Sec.  54.01-5 of this subchapter.
    (b) Controls and safety devices for automatic auxiliary boilers 
must meet the applicable requirements of ASME CSD-1 (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  63.05-1), except Paragraph CG-310.
    (c) All devices and components of an automatic auxiliary boiler 
must satisfactorily operate within the marine environment. The boiler 
must satisfactorily operate with a momentary roll of 30[deg], a list of 
15[deg], and a permanent trim of 5[deg] with it installed in a position 
as specified by the manufacturer.
    (d) An electrical control used to shut down the automatic auxiliary 
boiler must be installed in accordance with Sec.  58.01-25 of this 
subchapter. This device must stop the fuel supply to the fuel burning 
    (e) Mercury tube actuated controls are prohibited from being 
installed and used on automatic auxiliary boilers.

Sec.  63.15-3  Fuel system.

    (a) Firing of an automatic auxiliary boiler by natural gas is 
prohibited unless specifically approved by the Marine Safety Center.
    (b) Heated heavy fuel oil may be used provided the heaters are 
equipped with a high temperature limiting device that shuts off the 
heating source at a temperature below the flashpoint of the oil and is 
manually reset. When a thermostatically-controlled electric oil heater 
and a level device is used, it must meet the requirements of subpart 
111.85 of this chapter.

    Note 1 to paragraph (b): An auxiliary boiler may be safely 
ignited from the cold condition using unheated diesel or light fuel 
oil and subsequently shifted to heated heavy fuel.

    (c) The fuel oil service pump and its piping system must be 
designed in accordance with Sec.  56.50-65 of this subchapter. All 
materials must meet the requirements of subpart 56.60 of this 
subchapter. The use of cast iron or malleable iron is prohibited.
    (d) The fuel oil service system (including the pump) must meet the 
pressure classification and design criteria found in table 1 to Sec.  
56.04-2 of this subchapter.
    (e) When properly selected for the intended service, fuel pumps 
meeting the performance and test requirements of UL 343 (incorporated 
by reference, see Sec.  63.05-1) meet the requirements of this section.

Sec.  63.15-5  Strainers.

    (a) Strainers must be installed in the fuel supply line. Each 
strainer must be self-cleaning, fitted with a bypass, or be capable of 
being cleaned without interrupting the fuel oil supply.
    (b) The strainer must not allow a quantity of air to be trapped 
inside which would affect the rate of fuel flow to the burner or reduce 
the effective area of the straining element.
    (c) The strainer must meet the requirements for strainers found in 
UL 296 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  63.05-1) and the 
requirements for fluid conditioner fittings found in Sec.  56.15-5 of 
this subchapter.

Sec.  63.15-7   Alarms.

    (a) An audible alarm must automatically sound when a flame safety 
system shutdown occurs. A visible indicator must indicate that the 
shutdown was caused by the flame safety system.
    (b) Means must be provided to silence the audible alarm. The 
visible indicators must require manual reset.
    (c) For steam boilers, operation of the lower low water cutoff must 
automatically sound an audible alarm. A visual indicator must indicate 
that the shutdown was caused by low water.
    (d) For a periodically unattended machinery space, the auxiliary 
boiler trip alarm required by table 1 to Sec.  62.35-50 of this 
subchapter satisfies the requirements for the audible alarms specified 
in this section.

Sec.  63.15-9   Inspections and tests.

    All automatic auxiliary boilers must be inspected and tested in 

[[Page 50198]]

with the requirements of part 61 of this subchapter.

Subpart 63.20--Additional Control System Requirements

Sec.  63.20-1   Specific control system requirements.

    In addition to the requirements found in ASME CSD-1 (incorporated 
by reference; see Sec.  63.05-1), the following requirements apply for 
specific control systems:
    (a) Primary safety control system. Following emergency safety trip 
control operation, the air flow to the boiler must not automatically 
increase. For this condition, postpurge must be accomplished manually.
    (b) Combustion control system. A low fire interlock must ensure low 
fire start when variable firing rates are used.
    (c) Water level controls and low water cutoff controls. Water level 
controls must be constructed and located to minimize the effects of 
vessel roll and pitch. Float chamber low water cutoff controls using 
stuffing boxes to transmit the motion of the float from the chamber to 
the external switches are prohibited. No outlet connection other than 
pressure controls, water columns, drains, and steam gages may be 
installed on the float chamber or on the pipes connecting the float 
chamber to the boiler. The water inlet valve must not feed water into 
the boiler through the float chamber. The boiler feed piping must 
comply with the applicable requirements of Sec.  56.50-30 of this 

Subpart 63.25--Requirements for Specific Types of Automatic 
Auxiliary Boilers

91. Amend Sec.  63.25-3 by revising paragraphs (a) through (c), (h), 
and (j) to read as follows:
    (a) Electric hot water supply boilers that have a capacity not 
greater than 454 liters (120 U.S. gallons), a heat input rate not 
greater than 200,000 Btu/hr. (58.6 kilowatts), meet the requirements of 
UL 174 or UL 1453 (both incorporated by reference, see Sec.  63.05-1), 
and are protected by the relief device(s) required in Sec.  53.05-2 of 
this subchapter do not have to meet any other requirements of this 
section except the periodic testing required by paragraph (j) of this 
section. Electric hot water supply boilers that meet the requirements 
of UL 174 may have temperature-pressure relief valves that meet the 
requirements of ANSI Z21.22 (incorporated by reference, see 4 Sec.  
63.05-1) in lieu of subpart 53.05 of this subchapter.
    (b) Each hot water supply boiler must be constructed in accordance 
with the applicable requirements of part 52 or part 53 of this 
    (c) Branch circuit conductors for hot water supply boilers which 
have a capacity not greater than 454 liters (120 U.S. gallons) must 
have a current carrying capacity of not less than 125 percent of the 
current rating of the appliance. Branch circuit conductors for hot 
water supply boilers with capacities of more than 454 liters (120 U.S. 
gallons) must have a current carrying capacity of not less than 100 
percent of the current rating of the appliance. Wiring materials and 
methods must comply with subpart 111.60 of this chapter. A hot water 
supply boiler having a current rating of more than 48 amperes and 
employing resistance type heating elements must have the heating 
elements on subdivided circuits. Each subdivided load, except for an 
electric hot water supply boiler employing a resistance type immersion 
electric heating element, must not exceed 48 amperes, and it must be 
protected at not more than 60 amperes. An electric hot water supply 
boiler employing a resistance type immersion electric heating element 
may be subdivided into circuits not exceeding 120 amperes and protected 
at not more than 150 amperes. Overcurrent protection devices must 
comply with subpart 111.50 of this chapter.
* * * * *
    (h) Electric hot water supply boilers must have pressure and 
temperature relieving valves. The valve temperature setting must not be 
more than 99 [deg]C (210 [deg]F). The pressure relief setting must not 
be higher than the marked working pressure of the boiler. The pressure 
and temperature relief valves must meet subpart 53.05 of this 
subchapter. The pressure and temperature relief valves may be combined 
into a pressure-temperature relief valve.
* * * * *
    (j) All electric hot water supply boilers must have their pressure 
relief devices tested as required by part 52 or part 53 of this 
subchapter, as applicable. Electric hot water supply boilers that meet 
the requirements of UL 174 or UL 1453 and have heating elements, 
temperature regulating controls, and temperature limiting controls are 
satisfactory for installation and service without further installation 
testing. All electric hot water supply boilers not meeting the 
requirements of UL 174 or UL 1453 must have their heating elements, 
temperature regulating controls, and temperature limiting controls 
tested by the marine inspector at the time of installation.

Sec.  63.25-5   [Amended]

92. Amend Sec.  63.25-5(a) by removing the words ``of this chapter'' 
and adding, in their place, the words ``of this subchapter''.

93. Amend Sec.  63.25-7 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:

Sec.  63.25-7  Exhaust gas boilers.

    (a) Construction. An auxiliary exhaust gas boiler must meet the 
applicable construction requirements of part 52 or part 53 of this 
subchapter as determined from table 1 to Sec.  54.01-5 of this 
* * * * *

94. Revise Sec.  63.25-9 to read as follows:

Sec.  63.25-9  Incinerators.

    (a) General. (1) Incinerators installed on or after March 26, 1998, 
must meet the requirements of IMO MEPC.76(40) (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  63.05-1). Incinerators in compliance with ISO 
13617 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  63.05-1), are considered to 
meet IMO MEPC.76(40). Incinerators in compliance with both ASTM F1323 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  63.05-1) and Annexes A1-A3 of IMO 
MEPC.76(40) are considered to meet IMO MEPC.76(40).
    (2) An application for type approval of shipboard incinerators must 
be sent to the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center, U.S. Coast 
Guard, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20593, or it 
may be transmitted by email to the Commanding Officer (MSC), at 
[email protected].
    (b) Testing. Before type approval is granted, the manufacturer must 
submit evidence that tests have been conducted by an independent third 
party acceptable to the Commandant (CG-ENG). Testing may be conducted 
at the manufacturer's facility. The independent third party must:
    (1) Have experienced and qualified personnel to conduct the 
inspections and tests required by this section;
    (2) Have documented proof of the qualifications to perform the 
inspections and tests required by this section; and
    (3) Not be owned or controlled by a manufacturer, supplier, or 
vendor of shipboard incinerators.
    (c) Prohibited substances. Shipboard incineration of the following 
substances is prohibited:
    (1) Annex I, II, and III cargo residues of IMO MARPOL 73/78 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  63.05-1) and related contaminated 
packing materials.

[[Page 50199]]

    (2) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
    (3) Garbage, as defined in Annex V of IMO MARPOL 73/78, containing 
more than traces of heavy metals.
    (4) Refined petroleum products containing halogen compounds.
    (d) Operating manual. Each ship with an incinerator subject to this 
rule must possess a manufacturer's operating manual, which must specify 
how to operate the incinerator within the limits described in Annex 
A1.5 of IMO MEPC.76(40).
    (e) Training. Each person responsible for operating any incinerator 
must be trained and be capable of implementing the guidance provided in 
the manufacturer's operating manual.
    (f) Acceptable methods and standards for testing emissions. The 
methods and standards for testing emissions that the laboratory may use 
in determining emissions-related information described in Annex A1.5 of 
IMO MEPC.76(40) are:
    (1) 40 CFR part 60 Appendix A, Method 1--Sample and velocity 
traverses for stationary sources;
    (2) 40 CFR part 60 Appendix A, Method 3A--Determination of oxygen 
and carbon dioxide concentrations in emissions from stationary sources 
(instrumental-analyzer procedure);
    (3) 40 CFR part 60 Appendix A, Method 5--Determination of 
particulate emissions from stationary sources;
    (4) 40 CFR part 60 Appendix A, Method 9--Visual determination of 
the opacity of emissions from stationary sources;
    (5) 40 CFR part 60 Appendix A, Method 10--Determination of carbon-
monoxide emissions from stationary sources;
    (6) ISO 9096 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  63.05-1); and
    (7) ISO 10396 (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  63.05-1).
    (g) Incinerators designed and tested to meet the requirements of 
IMO MEPC.244(66) (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  63.05-1) are 
considered equivalent to the requirements of this section and may 
receive U.S. Coast Guard type approval.


95. The authority citation for part 64 is revised to read as follows:

    Authority:  46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; 49 U.S.C. App. 1804; 
Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 00170.1, Revision No. 

96. Revise Sec.  64.2 to read as follows:

Sec.  64.2   Incorporation by reference.

    Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with 
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that 
specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish a document in 
the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. 
All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for 
inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Archives and 
Records Administration (NARA). Contact U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters 
at: Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering 
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; phone (202) 372-1375; email 
[email protected]. For information on the availability of this 
material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations or email [email protected]. The material may be obtained 
from: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park Avenue, 
New York, NY 10016-5990; 800-843-2763; [email protected]; 
    (a) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 
Pressure Vessels, 1989, with Addenda issued December 31, 1989 
(``Section VIII of the ASME BPVC''); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  
64.5(d); 64.11(a); 64.13; 64.21; 64.25(b); 64.31.
    (b) [Reserved]

97. In Sec.  64.5 revise paragraph (d) to read as follows:

Sec.  64.5  Definitions.

* * * * *
    (d) Maximum allowable working pressure means the maximum gauge 
pressure at the top of the tank in the operating position at 122 
[deg]F, equal to or greater than the total containment pressure as 
defined in paragraph (c) of this section. The maximum allowable working 
pressure is used in the calculation of the minimum thickness of each 
element of the tank, excluding the allowance for corrosion and the 
thickness for loadings other than pressure, as provided for in Section 
VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  64.2).
* * * * *

98. Amend Sec.  64.9 by revising paragraph (d) to read as follows:

Sec.  64.9  Maintenance, repair, and alteration of MPTs.

* * * * *
    (d) After each welded repair or alteration, an MPT must be 
hydrostatically pressure-tested in accordance with Sec.  64.83(a).

99. Amend Sec.  64.11 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:

Sec.  64.11  Design of MPTs.

* * * * *
    (a) In accordance with Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated 
by reference; see Sec.  64.2) and this subpart;
* * * * *

100. Revise Sec.  64.13 to read as follows:

Sec.  64.13  Allowable stress; tank.

    (a) The calculated stress in the tank under design conditions, 
including dynamic loading conditions applied simultaneously, must not 
exceed the allowable stress listed in Section VIII of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  64.2), for a design temperature 
of 122 [deg]F.
    (b) The calculated stress in the tank at test pressure must not 
exceed 75 percent of the minimum yield stress, or 37.5 percent of the 
minimum tensile stress of the material, whichever is less.

    Note 1 to paragraph (b): The minimum yield stress and minimum 
tensile stress are listed in Section VIII of the ASME BPVC.

101. Revise Sec.  64.21 to read as follows:

Sec.  64.21  Material.

    The material for a tank must meet the requirements in Section VIII 
of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by reference; see Sec.  64.2).

102. Revise Sec.  64.25 to read as follows:

Sec.  64.25   Cross section.

    A tank must have a cross section design that is--
    (a) Circular; or
    (b) Other than circular and stress analyzed experimentally by the 
method contained in UG-101 of Section VIII of the ASME BPVC 
(incorporated by reference; see Sec.  64.2).

103. Revise Sec.  64.31 to read as follows:

Sec.  64.31  Inspection opening.

    An MPT must have an inspection opening that is designed in 
accordance with Section VIII of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by 
reference; see Sec.  64.2).

104. Revise and republish Sec.  64.57 to read as follows:

Sec.  64.57  Acceptance of pressure relief devices.

    A pressure relief device for an MPT must be--
    (a) From a supplier accepted under chapter I of title 46, Code of 
Federal Regulations; or

    Note 1 to paragraph (a): Accepted suppliers are listed in CG-
190, Equipment list.

[[Page 50200]]

    (b) Accepted by the Coast Guard in accordance with the procedures 
in Sec.  50.25-10 of this subchapter.

105. Revise and republish Sec.  64.63 to read as follows:

Sec.  64.63  Minimum emergency venting capacity.

    (a) The total emergency venting capacity (Q) of the relief devices 
of an uninsulated MPT must be in accordance with table 1 to Sec.  64.63 
or the following formula based upon the pressure relief device 
operating at a pressure not to exceed the test pressure:

Formula 1 to Paragraph (a)


Q = Minimum required rate of discharge in cubic feet per minute of 
free air at standard conditions (60 [deg]F and 14.7 psia).
M = Molecular weight of the product, or 86.7.
T = Temperature, degrees Rankine (460[deg] + temperature in [deg]F 
of gas at relieving temperature), or 710 [deg]R.
A = Total external surface area of the tank compartment in square 
L = Latent heat of the product being vaporized at relieving 
conditions in Btu per pound, or 144 Btu per pound.
Z = Compressibility factor of the gas at relieving conditions, or 
C = Constant based on relation of specific heats, equal to 315.

    (b) The total emergency venting capacity (Q) of an insulated 
portable tank may have a reduction if--
    (1) It is shown to the Coast Guard that the insulation reduces the 
heat transmission to the tank;
    (2) The present reduction of the emergency venting capacity (Q) is 
limited to the percent reduction of the heat transmission to the tank 
or 50 percent, whichever is less; and
    (3) The insulation is sheathed.

            Table 1 to Sec.   64.63--Minimum Emergency Venting Capacity in Cubic Feet: Free Air/Hour
                                         [14.7 lb/in\2\a and 60 [deg]F]
                                                 Cubic feet free air   Exposed area square   Cubic feet free air
         Exposed area square feet \1\                 per hour              feet \1\              per hour
20............................................                27,600                   275               237,000
30............................................                38,500                   300               256,000
40............................................                48,600                   350               289,500
50............................................                58,600                   400               322,100
60............................................                67,700                   450               355,900
70............................................                77,000                   500               391,000
80............................................                85,500                   550               417,500
90............................................                94,800                   600               450,000
100...........................................               104,000                   650               479,000
120...........................................               121,000                   700               512,000
140...........................................               136,200                   750               540,000
160...........................................               152,100                   800               569,000
180...........................................               168,200                   850               597,000
200...........................................               184,000                   900               621,000
225...........................................               199,000                   950               656,000
250...........................................               219,500                 1,000               685,000
\1\ Interpolate for intermediate sizes.

106. Revise and republish Sec.  64.95 to read as follows:

Sec.  64.95  Piping.

    (a) Piping, valves, flanges, and fittings used in the pumping 
system must be designed in accordance with part 56 of this subchapter.
    (b) A cargo loading and discharge header or manifold must--
    (1) Have stop valves to prevent cargo leakage; and
    (2) Be visible to the operator at the cargo pump controls.
    (c) Each pipe and valve in the pumping system that has an open end 
must have a plug or cap to prevent leakage.
    (d) Each hose connection must be threaded or flanged except for a 
quick connect coupling that may be specifically accepted by the U.S. 
Coast Guard in accordance with the procedures in Sec.  50.25-10 of this 
    (e) A non-return valve must be in the pump discharge if a backflow 
condition may occur during pumping.
    (f) Any non-metallic flexible hose that is used in the piping 
system must comply with Sec.  56.60-25(c) of this subchapter.

    Dated: May 7, 2024.
W.R. Arguin,
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Assistant Commandant for Prevention 
[FR Doc. 2024-10341 Filed 6-11-24; 8:45 am]