[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 126 (Monday, July 1, 2024)]
[Pages 54629-54636]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-14428]



Federal Transit Administration

FY 2024 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Coordinating Council on 
Access and Mobility (CCAM) National Technical Assistance Center

AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice of funding opportunity (NOFO).


SUMMARY: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the 
opportunity to apply for $2.5 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 
Technical Assistance and Workforce Development funds through a 
competitive cooperative agreement award to establish a Coordinating 
Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) National Technical Assistance 
Center (CCAM TA Center) that supports CCAM members, Federal agencies, 
their grantees, partners, and stakeholders in improving transportation 
access for people with disabilities, older adults, and individuals of 
low income. The overarching mission of this new center is to promote 
and facilitate human services transportation, public transit, and non-
emergency medical transportation (NEMT) coordination that advances 
people's access to everyday destinations.

DATES: Applicants must submit completed proposals for each funding 
opportunity through the GRANTS.GOV ``APPLY'' function by 11:59 p.m. 
Eastern Time August 30, 2024. Prospective applicants should register as 
soon as possible on the GRANTS.GOV website to ensure they can complete 
the application process before the submission deadline.

ADDRESSES: Application instructions are available at FTA's website at 
https://www.transit.dot.gov/notices-funding/competitive-funding-opportunity-coordinating-council-access-and-mobility-ccam and in the 
``FIND'' module of GRANTS.GOV. The GRANTS.GOV funding opportunity ID 
for the CCAM TA Center is FTA-2024-011-TPM-CCAM. Mail and fax 
submissions will not be accepted.

Program Management; Phone: (202) 366-3239; Email Lynn.Winchell-Mendy@dot.gov. A TDD is available for individuals who are deaf or hard 
of hearing at (800) 877-8339. Prospective applications may visit the 
following website for more information: https://www.transit.dot.gov/notices-funding/competitive-funding-opportunity-coordinating-council-access-and-mobility-ccam


 Summary of Key Information: Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility
  National Technical Assistance Center Competitive Funding Opportunity
                                  Federal Transit Administration, U.S.
        Issuing Agency               Department of Transportation.
Program Overview.............  The CCAM TA Center supports CCAM members,
                                Federal agencies, their grantees,
                                partners, and stakeholders in improving
                                transportation access for people with
                                disabilities, older adults, and
                                individuals of low income. The
                                overarching mission of this new center
                                is to promote and facilitate human
                                services transportation, public transit,
                                and non-emergency medical transportation
                                (NEMT) coordination that advances
                                people's access to everyday
Eligible Applicants..........  National nonprofit organizations with a
                                demonstrated capacity to advance
                                technical assistance strategies that
                                support CCAM members, Federal agencies,
                                their grantees, partners, and
Eligible Projects............  The overarching mission of this new
                                center is to promote and facilitate
                                human services transportation, public
                                transit, and non-emergency medical
                                transportation (NEMT) coordination that
                                advances people's access to everyday
Funding Amount...............  $2.5 million for the first year.
Cost Share...................  The maximum Federal share of project
                                costs under this program is 100 percent.
Deadline.....................  August 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

Table of Contents

A. Program Description
B. Federal Award Information
C. Eligibility Information
D. Application and Submission Information
E. Application Review Information
F. Federal Award Administration Information
G. Federal Awarding Agency Contacts
H. Other Information

[[Page 54630]]

A. Program Description

    This NOFO supports FTA's strategic goals and objectives by 
promoting safe, affordable, accessible, and multimodal access to 
opportunities and services while reducing transportation-related 
disparities, adverse community impacts, and health effects. The FTA 
solicits proposals for a cooperative agreement under FTA's Technical 
Assistance and Workforce Development program (49 U.S.C. 5314(a)(2)(B)), 
Assistance Listing 20.531, to establish, build, and manage a CCAM TA 
Center to encourage multisector coordination across the more than 130 
Federal programs that may fund human services transportation; connect 
CCAM members, Federal agencies, their grantees, partners, and 
stakeholders; and support improved transportation access. The mission 
of the CCAM TA Center is to promote human services transportation 
coordination that advances people's access to everyday destinations.
    In recognition of the fundamental importance of human services 
transportation and the continuing need to enhance coordination, 
Executive Order 13330 (February 24, 2004) on Human Service 
Transportation Coordination established the CCAM and directed multiple 
federal departments and agencies to work together to ensure that 
transportation services are seamless, comprehensive, and accessible. 
The members of the CCAM are: the Secretaries of the Departments of 
Transportation (DOT), Health and Human Services, Labor, Education, 
Interior, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, and Veterans 
Affairs; the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration; the 
Attorney General; and the Chairperson of the National Council on 
    The CCAM is tasked with seeking ways to simplify access to 
transportation services for people with disabilities, older adults, and 
individuals of low income. Funding is authorized under 49 U.S.C. 
5314(a)(2)(B) for technical assistance to help providers of public 
transportation comply with human services transportation coordination 
requirements and to enhance the coordination of Federal resources for 
human services transportation with those of the DOT through technical 
assistance, training, and support services related to complying with 
such requirements.
    The Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (Pub. L. 
114-94) required the CCAM to develop a strategic plan to strengthen 
interagency collaboration, address outstanding recommendations, and 
eliminate burdensome regulatory barriers to human services 
transportation coordination. On October 27, 2022, the CCAM officially 
adopted the 2023-2026 CCAM Strategic Plan, which includes specific 
reference to establishing a CCAM TA Center:
 Goal 1
    Strengthen the CCAM and improve multisector collaboration at all 
levels and across jurisdictions.

 Activity 1.1
    Create and manage a CCAM national technical assistance (TA) center 
that works across multiple sectors and builds mobility management 
capacity, connecting regional, State, and local CCAM partners to 
improve transportation access.

 Performance Measure 1.1.1
    By 2024, select one recipient from a Notice of Funding Opportunity 
(NOFO) to establish the CCAM national TA center.
    FTA has previously carried out similar activities through a 
cooperative agreement that established and funded the National Center 
for Mobility Management (NCMM). The CCAM TA Center will be the 
successor of NCMM and build upon its previous work supporting the CCAM.
    The CCAM TA Center will function as a ``one-stop shop'' for CCAM 
members, Federal agencies, their grantees, partners, and stakeholders 
to find information and receive assistance on multisector coordination 
in human services transportation. The primary goals and related 
activities of the CCAM TA Center are to:
    1. Enhance safe, accessible, and equitable transportation options 
aligned with the CCAM through regional, state, and local coordination 
and strategic partnerships.
    2. Actively engage CCAM members, Federal agencies, their grantees, 
partners, and stakeholders to emphasize the important role of 
transportation in access to services and everyday destinations, and to 
provide technical assistance to reduce barriers to human services 
transportation coordination.
    3. Support and highlight the activities and initiatives of the 
CCAM, its workgroups, and partner agencies that improve Federal 
transportation coordination.
    4. Disseminate guidance, best practices, and communication 
campaigns to increase agencies' awareness of available transportation 
resources and funding.
    5. Provide self-directed and customized technical assistance, 
training, and support services to CCAM members, Federal agencies, their 
grantees, partners, and stakeholders.
    6. Implement multisector planning and pilot grants to develop and 
test innovative regional or state-based transportation solutions.
    7. Research certain subjects for new transportation-related data, 
strategies, or insights.
    The CCAM TA Center will be managed by the recipient of the 
cooperative agreement in coordination with FTA headquarters staff. 
Eligible applicants are national nonprofit organizations with a 
demonstrated capacity to advance technical assistance strategies that 
support CCAM members, Federal agencies, their grantees, partners, and 
stakeholders as they work to develop multisector coordination and 
strategic partnerships around human services transportation.
    This Notice solicits competitive proposals addressing the mission, 
goals, and tasks set forth for this new CCAM TA Center, provides 
instructions for submitting proposals, and describes the evaluation 
criteria for proposal selection.
    This announcement is available on the FTA website at https://www.transit.dot.gov/notices-funding/competitive-funding-opportunity-coordinating-council-access-and-mobility-ccam. A synopsis of this 
funding opportunity will be posted in the ``FIND'' module of the 
government-wide, electronic grants website called GRANTS.GOV, which can 
be accessed at this web address: https://www.grants.gov.

B. Federal Award Information

    FTA will award the CCAM TA Center as a 5-year cooperative agreement 
to a national nonprofit organization with a demonstrated capacity to 
advance technical assistance strategies that support CCAM members, 
Federal agencies, their grantees, partners, and stakeholders as they 
work to develop multisector coordination and strategic partnerships 
around human services transportation. This cooperative agreement will 
be managed by FTA's CCAM TA Center Program Manager in FTA's 
headquarters office.
    The CCAM TA Center will benefit from having committed CCAM partners 
who will provide guidance and expertise. In turn, their stakeholders 
will receive tailored TA from the CCAM TA Center for their 
transportation-related needs. The following operating divisions of the 
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have committed to being 
guidance partners in the CCAM TA Center: Administration

[[Page 54631]]

for Children and Families (ACF), Administration for Community Living 
(ACL), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and Centers 
for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The following operating 
division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has committed to being a 
guidance partner in the CCAM TA Center: Rural Development (RD). The 
following operating division of the U.S. Department of Labor has 
committed to being a guidance partner in the CCAM TA Center: Office of 
Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). The ACF, ACL, HRSA, CMS, RD and 
ODEP will participate in specific partnership activities as defined in 
the CCAM TA Center's Scope of Work (SOW), and have also committed to:
    1. Designating at least one staff-level point person to act as a 
liaison to the Center;
    2. Providing annual input into the Center's scope of work (SOW) and 
help prioritize activities for each of the five years;
    3. Attending quarterly check-in meetings with the Center and FTA to 
receive status updates on the SOW implementation; and
    4. Once the Center is established, being publicly acknowledged on 
the Center's website as a guidance partner.
    Other CCAM members may enter their own financial assistance 
agreements with the successful applicant to address transportation 
coordination activities at any point during the 5-year cooperative 
    The FTA will award one cooperative agreement, funded up to $2.5 
million for the first year with a start date in 2024 to be determined. 
FTA expects to award subsequent funding of up to $2.5 million per year 
for four additional years (for a total of $12.5 million over five 
years). However, the availability of funding after the first year will 
depend upon decisions and program priorities established by the 
Secretary of Transportation related to the implementation of provisions 
set forth in 49 U.S.C. 5314 (Section 5314), future authorizations and 
appropriations, and the CCAM TA Center's annual performance reviews. 
This funding opportunity will be awarded under the terms of a 
cooperative agreement. FTA will issue specific guidance to the awardee 
regarding pre-award authority at the time of selection. For more 
information about FTA's policy on pre-award authority, please see the 
most recent Apportionment Notice on FTA's website.
    This project is funded under Section 5314 and therefore, FTA 
Circular 6100.1E Research, Technical Assistance, and Training Programs: 
Application Instructions and Program Management Guidelines (available 
at https://www.fta.dot.gov/regulations-and-guidance/fta-circulars/research-technical-assistance-and-training-program) will apply in 
administering the program. FTA will have substantial involvement in the 
administration of the cooperative agreement. FTA's role includes the 
right to participate in decisions to redirect and reprioritize project 
activities, goals, and deliverables.

C. Eligibility Information

1. Eligible Applicants

    Eligible lead applicants are national nonprofit organizations with 
a demonstrated capacity to advance technical assistance strategies that 
support CCAM members, Federal agencies, their grantees, partners, and 
stakeholders as they work to develop multisector coordination and 
strategic partnerships around human services transportation. An 
eligible applicant may act as a lead entity for a partnership with one 
or more other eligible applicants that participate in the CCAM TA 
Center as subrecipients. Individuals and for-profit entities are 
ineligible to apply for this funding.
    Lead applicants must have a demonstrated capacity to deliver a 
national technical assistance and training program, among other 
applicable methods to address the center's primary goals and related 
activities outlined above.
    The cooperative agreement will be between FTA and the selected lead 
applicant, which must have a primary or substantial interest in 
performing a majority of the work in the project and must not simply 
act as a pass-through for funds. An application by a group of eligible 
applicants must clearly identify the lead applicant. Lead applicants 
should include a letter of confirmed support with sufficient evidence 
of the partnership (subrecipients) from each national nonprofit 
organization as part of its application. Sufficient evidence may 
include a memorandum of agreement or letter of intent that describes 
the parties' roles, responsibilities, and financial commitment to the 
proposed project. Individuals, for-profit entities, and other Federal 
agencies are ineligible to apply for this funding.

2. Cost Sharing

    The FTA will fund up to 100 percent Federal share but may give 
priority consideration to proposals that include non-federal matching 
funds. See 2 CFR 200.306(b) and FTA Circular 6100.1E for acceptable 
forms of local match.

D. Application and Submission Information

1. Address To Request Application Package

    Applications must be submitted, electronically, through GRANTS.GOV. 
Applicants can find general information for submitting applications 
through GRANTS.GOV. Mail and fax submissions will not be accepted. 
Applicants may also attach additional supporting information. Failure 
to submit the information as requested may delay or prevent review of 
the application.

2. Content and Form of Application Submission

    A complete proposal submission consists of at least two forms: (1) 
the SF-424 Mandatory Form (downloaded from GRANTS.GOV or at the FTA 
website at https://www.transit.dot.gov/notices-funding/competitive-funding-opportunity-coordinating-council-access-and-mobility-ccam; and 
(2) a narrative application document submitted in a Microsoft Word, 
Adobe Acrobat, or compatible file format, double-spaced using Times New 
Roman, 12-point font. Once completed, the narrative application 
document must be placed in the attachments section of the SF-424 
Mandatory form. Applicants must attach the narrative application file 
to their submission in GRANTS.GOV to successfully complete the proposal 
    The application must include responses to all sections of the SF-
424 Mandatory Form and all components of the narrative application 
document unless a section is indicated as optional. FTA will use the 
information in the narrative application document to determine 
applicant and project eligibility and to evaluate the proposal against 
the selection criteria described in part E of this notice. If 
applicants choose to submit separate proposals for individual 
consideration by FTA, they must submit each proposal with a separate 
SF-424 and narrative application document.
    Applicants may attach additional supporting information to the SF-
424 submission, including, but not limited to letters of support, 
memorandums of understanding, interagency agreements, project budgets, 
or excerpts from other relevant documents. Supporting documentation 
must be described and referenced by file name in the narrative 
application document, or it may not be reviewed.

[[Page 54632]]

    Applicants must fill in all fields unless stated otherwise on the 
SF-424 form and include all requested components of the narrative 
application document. If applicants copy information from another 
source, they should verify that the form and narrative application 
document have fully captured pasted text and that it has not truncated 
the text due to character limits built into the form. Applicants should 
use both the ``Check Package for Errors'' and the ``Validate Form'' 
buttons on all required fields in the SF-424.
    The narrative application document must contain the following 
components and adhere to the specified maximum lengths:
    a. Cover sheet (1 page). The cover sheet must include the name of 
the entity submitting the proposal, the principal's name, title, and 
contact information (e.g., address, phone, and email), and the name and 
contact information for the key point of contact for each primary goal 
and related activities of the agreement referenced under the ``Program 
Description'' (Section A) of this Notice.
    b. Detailed budget proposal and budget narrative (not to exceed 3 
    c. Project narrative and qualifications (not to exceed 10 pages). 
The applicant should submit a project narrative statement describing, 
for itself or in combination with its committed partners:
    i. The existing and future capacity of the applicant to implement 
the project goals, objectives, activities, deliverables, milestones, 
timeline, and intended outcomes for the CCAM TA Center.
    ii. The methodology for addressing the project goals, objectives, 
activities, deliverables, milestones, timeline, and intended outcomes 
for the CCAM TA Center.
    iii. The methodology used to develop performance measures and track 
the benefits of the CCAM TA Center, including how the applicant and its 
partners will assess success:
    vi. The applicant's understanding of the CCAM, its priorities, and 
the 2023-2026 CCAM Strategic Plan;
    v. The applicant's knowledge and experience with developing and 
supporting multisector strategic partnerships, Federal Fund Braiding, 
Cost Allocation, Cost Sharing, Vehicle Sharing, and other CCAM 
    vi. The applicant's demonstration of awareness of mobility 
management as a strategy to improve human services transportation 
    vii. The applicant's experience with grant-making developing 
performance measures, tracking performance and spending, and 
communicating lessons learned and project benefits to stakeholders;
    viii. The applicant's knowledge of non-emergency medical 
transportation (NEMT) and its relationship with public transit;
    ix. A detailed plan for communication, technical assistance, and 
outreach at all levels, including how the applicant will work with CCAM 
members, Federal agencies, their grantees, and partners and 
stakeholders to obtain input and promote coordination, build 
partnerships, encourage adoption of CCAM initiatives, and equip them to 
problem-solve transportation-related access to their programs;
    ix. Staff qualifications including: (1) prior experience providing 
technical assistance (especially related to multisector partnerships, 
coordination, and mobility management) to CCAM members, Federal 
agencies, their grantees, and partners and stakeholders, (2) prior 
experience implementing the other tasks outlined in this solicitation, 
(3) staff members' knowledge of NEMT, Federal Fund Braiding, the 2023-
2026 CCAM Strategic Plan, and other CCAM initiatives, and (4) a one-
page biographical sketch for each key staff person whose knowledge, 
skills, and experience demonstrate the applicant's capacity to deliver 
its proposal from the applicant and its proposed subrecipients.
    d. Statement of activities (not to exceed 15 pages). The 
application also should discuss how the recipient will perform the 
following short-term and long-term activities:
    Short-Term Activities:
    1. Hiring needed staff and setting up the new center, including 
developing a website (including resources previously developed through 
the National Center for Mobility Management), that houses and delivers 
a library of applicable coordination tools and guidance; acts as a 
clearinghouse for information on multi-sector partnerships and 
coordination; and facilitates outreach to CCAM members, Federal 
agencies, their grantees, partners, and stakeholders.
    2. Developing an online fully functional CCAM TA Center Help Desk 
that will enable email and phone technical assistance inquiries and 
responses to questions/topics on multisector partnerships, Federal fund 
braiding, vehicle sharing, cost allocation, and other CCAM initiatives; 
this system should be able to gather performance measures that track 
web-analytics, technical assistance requests, time to resolution of 
requests, types of requests, and enable quarterly reports to FTA on 
what activities have been completed, how many people have received 
assistance, the cost of that assistance, and the satisfaction of those 
who sought assistance.
    3. Developing an SOW for the first year of operations of the CCAM 
TA Center, including but not limited to:
    [cir] Recommendations to FTA on a multisector planning/pilot grant 
program that promotes and appraises the benefits of innovative, 
regional or state-based transportation solutions;
    [cir] An outreach plan to promote the center, its resources and 
relevant news through various channels (e.g., emails, blogs, social 
media, newsletter);
    [cir] A plan for transition of the existing NCMM website, including 
the Community Transportation Map and Database, and related products, as 
well as the Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library 
(TACL) to the new Center;
    [cir] A plan to transition the existing CCAM Cost Allocation 
Technology for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation model, developed 
with FTA funding in response to section 3006(c)(1)(A) of the FAST Act, 
to the CCAM TA Center website and provide ongoing maintenance, 
promotion, and technical assistance on how to use it.
    Relevant websites can be found in Section H, Other Information.
    Long-term/ongoing activities:
    1. Educating CCAM members and their networks by providing TA in a 
variety of ways:
    [cir] Spreading awareness about the important role of 
transportation in access to services and everyday destinations and how 
to provide technical assistance to reduce barriers to human services 
transportation coordination;
    [cir] Developing written and electronic training materials that 
explain how to leverage funds from CCAM partners to support 
transportation coordination activities;
    [cir] Mapping and disseminating information on available funding 
    [cir] Maintaining a resource library that tracks and shares results 
from successful multisector partnerships, case studies, promising and 
best practices, videos, publications, and webinars;
    [cir] Managing the Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination 
Library (TACL), including managing inquiries, keeping information 
current, convening members for the review and approval process, and 
assessing its use;
    [cir] Promoting CCAM coordination tools and guidance, like the 
Federal Fund Braiding Guide, Program Inventory, Cost-Sharing Policy, 

[[Page 54633]]

Vehicle Sharing Policy, and how to use them;
    2. Encouraging and supporting transportation-related coordination 
and access through the use of CCAM initiatives at the state and 
regional levels by, for example:
    [cir] Pursuing, facilitating, and supporting partnerships between 
transportation agencies and organizations that provide health-related 
and social services;
    [cir] Disseminating information on NEMT, examples of coordination 
between state Medicaid agencies, state DOTs, transit associations, and 
public transit agencies, and addressing related technical assistance 
    [cir] Fostering relationships with other CCAM member TA Centers and 
their grantees through peer-to-peer meeting exchanges and collaboration 
opportunities (e.g., joint convenings, webinars, publications, 
presentations at CCAM member conferences);
    [cir] Managing relationships with and coordinating the activities 
of CCAM members who contribute resources to the CCAM TA Center, through 
facilitating regular meetings, sharing outputs and outcomes, and 
identifying opportunities for joint activities;
    3. Supporting and guiding CCAM members, Federal agencies, their 
grantees, and partners and stakeholders in identifying needs, barriers 
to transportation coordination, and developing solutions, (e.g., 
establishing regional liaisons, planning and facilitating roundtables 
or meetings at the state level, obtaining input through surveys and 
data collection);
    4. Developing a mechanism to utilize CCAM member program staff, 
recipients of federal funding from a CCAM member agency, national 
organizations, and other applicable stakeholders to guide the work of 
the center (e.g., determining focus of projects and serving on the 
selection committee for the CCAM TA Center grant program, selecting and 
managing a Speaker's Bureau for partner events, recommending topic 
areas for technical assistance products, reviewing publications as 
    5. Developing a grant program that offers funding for planning or 
pilot projects, as subawards under this cooperative agreement's budget 
and SOW, which:
    [cir] Stems from identified needs, trends, and gaps in multi-sector 
transportation coordination;
    [cir] Encourages multisector collaboration in the composition of 
the project team or project advisory group;
    [cir] Tracks the impact of funded projects on human services 
transportation coordination and people's access to everyday 
    [cir] Frames the technical assistance delivered by the Center 
(e.g., best practices, case studies, webinars);
    [cir] Serves as a pipeline for innovative multisector project 
applications for FTA funding programs (e.g., Sections 5307, 5310, 5311, 
5312, and Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility (ICAM) Grants) to 
increase sustainability and match funding.
    6. Analyzing research from sources such as the Transit Cooperative 
Research Program (TCRP) Reports; FTA's Research and Innovation Program; 
and other FTA-funded TA centers;
    7. Developing a feedback system that enables opportunities for 
improvement of the Center's customer service, programs, and processes; 
    8. Developing a plan for evaluating the CCAM TA Center's activities 
and performance measures.
f. Supplemental Materials
    Supplemental materials, such as letters of support, can be included 
in appendices that are beyond the page limits above but are not to 
exceed 15 additional pages.
g. Geographic Location, Target Groups, and Emphasis Areas
    The precise locations of the proposed partners, while identifying 
their areas of expertise, and impacts expected from their direct 
involvement in the CCAM TA Center. Graphic aids may be attached as 
h. Strategic External Partners Other Than Subrecipients
    FTA expects applicants to engage a broad range of stakeholder 
organizations to deliver the short-term and long-term activities of the 
CCAM TA Center. These stakeholder organizations may provide input into 
CCAM TA Center activities, including providing strategies for meeting 
the diverse needs of CCAM members, Federal agencies, their grantees, 
and others.
    To be eligible for funding under this NOFO, applicants must 
demonstrate the ability to develop relationships with external partners 
to support the CCAM TA Center's primary target audience.
    External partner entities could include, but are not limited to:

[cir] Federally-supported technical assistance centers
[cir] Operators of public transportation
[cir] Educational institutions, which include entities providing 
professional accreditation, degree, or certification programs, such as 
universities, community colleges, or trade schools, either non-profit 
or for-profit
[cir] Non-profit organizations that support the mission of human 
services transportation coordination and multisector partnerships
[cir] Recipients of federal funding from a CCAM member agency

    An applicant should include evidence of partnerships as part of its 
application. Sufficient evidence may include a memorandum of agreement 
or letter of intent that describes the parties' roles, 
responsibilities, and commitment to the proposed project.

3.Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM)

    Each applicant is required to: (1) register in SAM before 
submitting an application; (2) provide a valid unique entity identifier 
in its application; and (3) continue to maintain an active SAM 
registration with current information at all times during which the 
applicant has an active Federal award or an application or plan under 
consideration by FTA. FTA may not make an award until the applicant has 
complied with all applicable unique entity identifier and SAM 
requirements. If an applicant has not fully complied with the 
requirements by the time FTA is ready to make an award, FTA may 
determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive an award and 
use that determination as a basis for making the award to another 
applicant. These requirements do not apply if the applicant has an 
exception approved by FTA under 2 CFR 25.110 (c) or (d). SAM 
registration takes approximately 3-5 business days, but FTA recommends 
allowing ample time, up to several weeks, for completing all steps. For 
additional information on obtaining a unique entity identifier, please 
visit https://www.sam.gov.

4. Submission Dates and Times

    Project proposals must be submitted electronically through the 
GRANTS.GOV website at https://www.grants.gov by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time 
August 30, 2024. Late applications will not be accepted. Mail and fax 
submissions will not be accepted. Prospective applicants should 
initiate the process by registering on the GRANTS.GOV website promptly 
to ensure completion of the application process before the submission 
    FTA urges applicants to submit applications at least 72 hours prior 
to the due date to allow time to correct any problems that may have 
caused GRANTS.GOV to reject the submission. Deadlines will not be 
extended due to

[[Page 54634]]

scheduled website maintenance. GRANTS.GOV scheduled maintenance and 
outage times are announced on the GRANTS.GOV website.
    Within 48 hours after submitting an electronic application, the 
applicant should receive an email message from GRANTS.GOV with 
confirmation of successful transmission to GRANTS.GOV. If a notice of 
failed validation or incomplete materials is received, the applicant 
must address the reason for the failed validation, as described in the 
email notice, and resubmit before the submission deadline. If making a 
resubmission for any reason, include all original attachments 
regardless of which attachments were updated and check the box on the 
supplemental form indicating this is a resubmission.
    Applicants are encouraged to begin the process of registration on 
the GRANTS.GOV site well in advance of the submission deadline. 
Registration is a multi-step process, which may take several weeks to 
complete before an application can be submitted. Registered applicants 
may still be required to update their registration before submitting an 
application. Registration in SAM is renewed annually and persons making 
submissions on behalf of the Authorized Organization Representative 
(AOR) must be authorized in GRANTS.GOV by the AOR to make submissions.

5. Funding Restrictions

    Proposed projects under the CCAM TA Center must provide direct 
support to CCAM members, Federal agencies, their grantees, and partners 
and stakeholders in improving transportation access for people with 
disabilities, older adults, and individuals of low income. Capital 
expenses such as equipment purchases are not considered to be eligible 
costs unless they directly relate to the technical assistance being 
supported by FTA funds. Acceptable costs can include but are not 
limited to technology and start-up costs for information technology 
systems and website resources, subject matter expert consultants as 
needed, salaries and fringe benefits of direct staff, support staff, 
staff travel to attend relevant conferences and provide on-site 
technical assistance, office space, program materials and supplies, and 
indirect costs.
    Funds awarded under this notice cannot be used to reimburse 
projects for otherwise eligible expenses incurred prior to FTA award of 
a grant agreement or cooperative agreement unless FTA has issued a 
``Letter of No Prejudice'' for the project before the expenses are 
incurred. Allowable direct and indirect expenses must be consistent 
with the Governmentwide Uniform Administrative Requirements and Cost 
Principles (2 CFR part 200) and FTA Circular 5010.I.E.

6. Other Submission Requirements

    Applicants may submit more than one proposal. However, proposals 
must not be duplicative. Submission of multiple proposals from a single 
entity will not increase that entity's chances of being awarded 

E. Application Review Information

1. Criteria

    FTA will evaluate proposals according to the following criteria:
    a. Project Management Approach--FTA will evaluate whether an 
applicant's proposal demonstrates the ability to meet and measure the 
goals of the CCAM TA Center, to deliver the proposed outcomes and carry 
out the technical assistance requirements as evidence by an effective 
program management plan. Consideration will be given to the extent to 
which an applicant identifies a unique or innovative approach in 
providing technical assistance to promote multisector coordination in 
human services transportation.
    b. Organizational Capacity, Qualifications and Experience of Staff 
and Key Personnel--FTA will evaluate the capacity of the lead applicant 
and its proposed partners and subrecipients to effectively staff the 
proposed CCAM TA Center and deliver the proposed outcomes, as well as 
the fiscal, administrative, and performance management capacity in 
implementing key components.
    c. Knowledge and Understanding of CCAM--FTA will evaluate the 
applicant on demonstrated understanding of the CCAM, its members, their 
networks and technical assistance centers, and CCAM's priorities, 
initiatives, and tools.
    d. Strategic Partnership Development and Outreach--FTA will 
evaluate whether proposals demonstrate an ability to develop and 
maintain long-standing and strong partnerships (other than 
subrecipients) among CCAM members, Federal agencies, their grantees, 
and partners and stakeholders, and the applicant's plan to communicate 
CCAM priorities and initiatives and include them in CCAM TA Center 
activities and technical assistance opportunities.
    e. Research and Demonstration Capacity--Proposals should 
demonstrate the applicant's capability and capacity (either by itself 
or in combination with its proposed subrecipients and other partners) 
to conduct research, analysis, and demonstration projects related to 
mobility management and multisector transportation coordination in 
support of CCAM members, Federal agencies, their grantees, and partners 
and stakeholders.

2. Review and Selection Process

    A technical evaluation committee made up of FTA staff, including 
the FTA CCAM TA Center Program Manager, will screen each application 
for eligibility and evaluate proposals based on the published 
evaluation criteria. FTA may request clarification from any applicant 
about any statement in its application that FTA finds ambiguous or 
request additional documentation to be considered during the evaluation 
process to clarify information contained in the proposal. After 
considering the findings of the technical evaluation committee, the FTA 
Administrator will determine the final selection.

3. Integrity and Performance Review

    Prior to making an award, FTA is required to review and consider 
any information about the applicant that is in the Federal Awardee 
Performance and Integrity Information Systems (FAPIIS) accessible 
through SAM.GOV. An applicant may review and comment on information 
about itself that a Federal awarding agency previously entered. FTA 
will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition to the other 
information in FAPIIS, in making a judgment about the applicant's 
integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under Federal 
awards when completing the review of risk posed by applicants as 
described in 2 CFR 200.206, Federal Awarding Agency Review of Risk 
Posed by Applicants.

F. Federal Award Administration Information

1. Federal Award Notice

    After the FTA Administrator has selected the proposal to be funded, 
the successful applicant will be notified by email or telephone of 
their selection, and in addition, the selection will be announced on 
FTA's website.

2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

a. Execution of the FTA Agreement
    FTA will instruct the successful applicant how to execute their 
cooperative agreement in FTA's electronic Transit Award Management

[[Page 54635]]

System (TrAMS). FTA may withdraw its offer to provide Federal 
assistance if the recipient does not provide an application in TrAMS 
consistent with the applicant's proposal submission within 90 days 
following the date of FTA's selection of the applicant.
b. Start Date and Incurred Costs
    Unless FTA states otherwise in writing, costs incurred prior to FTA 
award are not eligible as project expenses. The recipient may begin to 
incur project costs when the award is executed in FTA's Transit Award 
Management System (TrAMS). FTA expects recipients to implement the 
projects awarded as soon as possible and to fully accomplish objectives 
during the agreed period of performance, recognizing that full 
transparency and accountability are required for all expenditures.
c. Standard Assurances
    Selected recipients must comply with all Federal statutes, 
regulations, executive orders, directives, FTA circulars, and other 
Federal administrative requirements in carrying out project supported 
activities by this FTA award. In addition to these requirements, 
recipients of FTA funds are required to execute the most current 
Certifications and Assurances before entering into a grant or 
cooperative agreement.
d. Statement of Work
    Once selected for award, the recipient will prepare a Statement of 
Work (SOW) for its award in a format provided by FTA. The SOW includes 
estimated milestone dates and performance measures and goals for major 
activities and products which are SMART--specific, measurable, 
achievable, relevant, and timebound. Activities should be justified in 
terms of eligible program activities and proposals should clearly 
demonstrate the connection between the planned work and at least one of 
the specific program activities cited. The SOW also should address 
supporting activities, such as marketing plans for engaging 
participants or dissemination strategies for sharing the results, if 
such are critical to the success of the CCAM.
    This cooperative agreement will be managed from FTA's headquarters 
office. FTA--in consultation with ACF, ACL, HRSA, CMS, RD, and ODEP--
will participate in activities by negotiating the final SOW, attending 
review meetings, commenting on technical reports, maintaining frequent 
contact with the project manager, approving key decisions and 
activities, and redirecting project activities, as needed.
e. Measuring Outcomes
    The recipient will be required to assist FTA evaluate the project 
and its outcomes. FTA will evaluate the project according to the 
metrics and goals approved in the Statement of Work for the project. 
FTA anticipates applying metrics, among others, that will demonstrate 
target audience usage and feedback on the services and resources of the 
f. Data Access & Data Sharing
    Recipients funded under this announcement will be required to 
gather and share all relevant and required data with FTA within 
appropriate and agreed-upon timelines, to support any project 
    In response to the White House Office of Science and Technology 
Policy memorandum, dated February 22, 2013, titled ``Increasing Access 
to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research,'' the 
Department is incorporating Public Access requirements into all funding 
award (e.g., grants, cooperative agreements, etc.) for scientific 
research. Recipients are required to include these obligations in any 
sub-awards or other related funding agreements.
    Recipients must remove all confidential business information (CBI) 
or personally identifiable information (PII) information before 
providing public access to any project data. All appropriate data are 
to be accessible to FTA and the public for a minimum of 5 years after 
the period of performance has expired. Recipients and sub-recipients 
must make available to FTA copies of all work developed in performance 
of a project funded under this announcement, including but not limited 
to software and data.
g. Knowledge Transfer
    Recipients and sub-recipients may be asked, during the period of 
performance, to participate in information exchange meetings, webinars, 
or outreach events to support FTA's goal of advancing models of success 
and information that is helping to address human services 
transportation coordination.

3. Reporting

    Post-award reporting requirements include electronically submitting 
Federal Financial Reports and Milestone Progress Reports in FTA's 
electronic grants management system and providing requested information 
for FTA to complete its Annual Report on Technical Assistance and 
Workforce Development (Fiscal Year 2022 Report 0240).
    As part of completing the annual certifications and assurances 
required of FTA recipients, a successful applicant must report on the 
suspension or debarment status of itself and its principals. If the 
award recipient's active grants, cooperative agreements, and 
procurement contracts from all Federal awarding agencies exceeds 
$10,000,000 for any period of time during the period of performance of 
an award made pursuant to this Notice, the recipient must comply with 
the Recipient integrity and Performance Matters reporting requirements 
described in Appendix XII to 2 CFR part 200.

G. Federal Awarding Agency Contact

    For questions about applying for the funding opportunity outlined 
in this notice, please contact the CCAM TA Center Program Manager, Lynn 
Winchell-Mendy, phone: 202.366.3239, or email: Lynn.Winchell-Mendy@dot.gov. A TDD is available at 800.877.8339 (TDDFIRS). 
Additionally, you may visit FTA's website for this program at https://www.transit.dot.gov/notices-funding/competitive-funding-opportunity-coordinating-council-access-and-mobility-ccam.
    For more on managing projects in accordance with FTA requirements, 
see FTA Circular 6100.1E. This Circular includes requirements on 
project management and administration including quarterly reporting, 
financial management, and payment.
    To ensure that applicants receive accurate information about 
eligibility or the program, applicants are encouraged to contact FTA 
directly with questions, rather than through intermediaries or third 

H. Other Information

    This program is not subject to Executive Order 12372, 
Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.
    All information submitted as part of or in support of any 
application shall use publicly available data or data that can be made 
public and methodologies that are accepted by industry practice and 
standards, to the extent possible. The Department may share application 
information within the Department or with other Federal agencies if the 
Department determines that sharing is relevant to the respective 
program's objectives. All information submitted to FTA will become 
records of FTA and may be disclosed in response to a Freedom of 
Information Act (FOIA)

[[Page 54636]]

request. If an applicant submits information the applicant considers to 
be a trade secret or confidential commercial or financial information, 
the applicant must provide that information in a separate document, 
which the applicant may reference from the application narrative or 
other portions of the application. For the separate document containing 
confidential information, the applicant must do the following: (1) 
state on the cover of that document that it ``Contains Confidential 
Business Information (CBI);'' (2) mark each page that contains 
confidential information with ``CBI;'' and (3) highlight or otherwise 
denote the confidential content on each page. FTA will protect 
confidential information complying with these requirements to the 
extent required under applicable law. If FTA receives a Freedom of 
Information Act (FOIA) request for the information that the applicant 
has marked in accordance with this section, FTA will follow the 
procedures described in DOT's FOIA regulations at 49 CFR 7.29. Only 
information that is in the separate document, marked in accordance with 
this paragraph, and ultimately determined by FTA to be confidential 
will be exempt from disclosure under FOIA.
    For more information on the CCAM, its members, initiatives, 
resources (including the CCAM Cost Allocation Model, the CCAM Federal 
Fund Braiding Guide, and the CCAM Program Inventory), and 2023-2026 
Strategic Plan, see https://www.transit.dot.gov/coordinating-council-access-and-mobility.
    For more information on the National Center for Mobility Management 
and its initiatives and resources, including the Community 
Transportation Map and Database, see https://nationalcenterformobilitymanagement.org/.For more information on FTA's 
Sponsored Technical Assistance Centers see https://www.transit.dot.gov/regulations-and-programs/access/ccam/about/federal-transit-administration-sponsored-technical.
    For more information on FTA's Transportation Technical Assistance 
Coordination Library (TACL) see https://www.nationalrtap.org/Resource-Center/TACL.
    For more information on FTA's cost allocation methodology and 
technology, see https://www.transit.dot.gov/access/ccam/cost-allocation-technology-non-emergency-medical-transportation-final-report.
    For more information on NEMT see https://www.cms.gov/medicare/medicaid-coordination/states/non-emergency-medical-transportation.
    The FTA Annual Report on Technical Assistance and Workforce 
Development for Fiscal Year 2022 (Report 0240) can be found at https://www.transit.dot.gov/research-innovation/fta-annual-report-technical-assistance-and-workforce-development-fiscal-year.

Veronica Vanterpool,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2024-14428 Filed 6-28-24; 8:45 am]