[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 140 (Monday, July 22, 2024)]
[Pages 59082-59097]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-16029]

[[Page 59082]]



Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project/Power, Transmission, and Ancillary 
Services and California-Oregon Transmission Project Transmission 
Service--Rate Order No. WAPA-207

AGENCY: Western Area Power Administration, Department of Energy (DOE).

ACTION: Notice of rate order concerning power, transmission, and 
ancillary services formula rates.


SUMMARY: The formula rates for the Sierra Nevada Region (SN) Central 
Valley Project (CVP) power, transmission, and ancillary services and 
California-Oregon Transmission Project (COTP) transmission service have 
been confirmed, approved, and placed into effect on an interim basis. 
These new formula rates replace the existing formula rates which expire 
on September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2024. There are no changes to 
the existing formula rates for these services and there are no material 
changes aside from updating the effective dates.

DATES: The Provisional Formula Rates under Rate Schedules CV-F14, CPP-
are effective on the first day of the first full billing period 
beginning on or after October 1, 2024, and will remain in effect 
through September 30, 2029, pending confirmation and approval by the 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on a final basis or until 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michelle Williams, Regional Manager, 
Sierra Nevada Region, Western Area Power Administration, 114 Parkshore 
Drive, Folsom, CA 95630, or Autumn Wolfe, Rates Manager, Sierra Nevada 
Region, Western Area Power Administration, (916) 353-4686, or email: 
[email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On December 2, 2011, FERC confirmed and 
approved Rate Schedules for CVP power, transmission, and ancillary 
services; COTP transmission; and Pacific Alternating Current Intertie 
(PACI) transmission under Rate Order No. WAPA-156. That rate order was 
extended by Rate Order Nos. WAPA-173 and WAPA-185. These rates are set 
to expire on September 30, 2024.\1\ The formula rate schedules are:

    \1\ See Docket No. EF11-9-00 (137 FERC ] 62,201) (2011). 
Extended by Docket No. EF16-3-000 (156 FERC ] 62,039) (2016). 
Extended by Docket No. EF19-4-000 (168 FERC ] 62,150) (2019).

 CV-F13 Base Resource and First Preference Power
 CPP-2 Custom Product Power
 CV-T3 Firm and Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service
 CV-NWT5 Network Integration Transmission Service
 COTP-T3 Firm and Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service
 PACI-T3 Firm and Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service 
(to be handled in a separate rate case)
 CV-TPT7 Third-Party Transmission Service
 CV-UUP1 Unreserved Use Penalties
 CV-RFS4 Regulation and Frequency Response
 CV-SPR4 Spinning Reserves
 CV-SUR4 Supplemental Reserves

    On April 27, 2021, FERC confirmed and approved Rate Order No. WAPA-
194, which placed into effect formula rates for the Energy Imbalance 
Market (EIM) services, Sale of Surplus Products, and revisions to 
existing rate schedules for Energy Imbalance and Generator Imbalance 
services. These rates are being superseded as they were not set to 
expire until December 31, 2024.\2\ The formula rate schedules are:

    \2\ See Docket No. EF21-1-000 (86 FERC ] 11760) (2021).

 CV-EIM1S EIM Administrative Service Charge
 CV-EIM4S EIM Energy Imbalance Service
 CV-EIM9S EIM Generator Imbalance Service
 CV-SSP2 Sale of Surplus Products
 CV-EID5 Energy Imbalance Service
 CV-GID2 Generator Imbalance Service

    Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) published a Federal 
Register notice (Proposed FRN) on August 30, 2023 (88 FR 59909), 
proposing new formula rates for CVP power, transmission, and ancillary 
services and COTP transmission service. The Proposed FRN also initiated 
a 90-day public consultation and comment period (which was subsequently 
extended another 30-days) \3\ and set forth the date and location of 
the public information and public comment forums. The rates continue 
the formula-based methodology that includes an annual update to the 
financial, load, and other data in the rate formulas.

    \3\ 88 FR 80293 (Nov. 17, 2023).

Legal Authority

    By Delegation Order No. S1-DEL-RATES-2016, effective November 19, 
2016, the Secretary of Energy delegated: (1) the authority to develop 
power and transmission rates to the WAPA-SN Administrator; (2) the 
authority to confirm, approve, and place such rates into effect on an 
interim basis to the Deputy Secretary of Energy; and (3) the authority 
to confirm, approve, and place into effect on a final basis, or to 
remand or disapprove such rates, to FERC. By Delegation Order No. S1-
DEL-S3-2023, effective April 10, 2023, the Secretary of Energy also 
delegated the authority to confirm, approve, and place such rates into 
effect on an interim basis to the Under Secretary for Infrastructure. 
By Redelegation Order No. S3-DEL-WAPA1-2023, effective April 10, 2023, 
the Under Secretary for Infrastructure further redelegated the 
authority to confirm, approve, and place such rates into effect on an 
interim basis to WAPA's Administrator. This rate action is issued under 
Redelegation Order No. S3-DEL-WAPA1-2023 and Department of Energy 
procedures for public participation in rate adjustments set forth at 10 
CFR part 903.\4\

    \4\ 50 FR 37835 (Sept. 18, 1985) and 84 FR 5347 (Feb. 21, 2019).

    Following review of WAPA-SN's proposal, Rate Order No. WAPA-207, 
which provides the formula rates for CVP power, transmission, and 
ancillary services and COTP transmission service, is hereby confirmed, 
approved, and placed into effect on an interim basis. WAPA-SN will 
submit Rate Order No. WAPA-207 to FERC for confirmation and approval on 
a final basis.


Administrator, Western Area Power Administration

In the Matter of: Western Area Power Administration, Sierra Nevada 
Region, Rate Adjustment for the Central Valley Project Power, 
Transmission, and Ancillary Services; and California-Oregon 
Transmission Project Transmission Service Formula Rates, Rate Order No. 

Order Confirming, Approving, and Placing the Formula Rates for Central 
Valley Project and California-Oregon Transmission Project Into Effect 
on an Interim Basis

    The formula rates in Rate Order No. WAPA-207 are established 
following section 302 of the Department of Energy (DOE) Organization 
Act (42 U.S.C. 7152).\1\

    \1\ This Act transferred to, and vested in, the Secretary of 
Energy the power marketing functions of the Secretary of the 
Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Reclamation 
(Reclamation) under the Reclamation Act of 1902 (ch. 1093, 32 Stat. 
388), as amended and supplemented by subsequent laws, particularly 
section 9(c) of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 (43 U.S.C. 
485h(c)), and other acts that specifically apply to the projects 


[[Page 59083]]

    By Delegation Order No. S1-DEL-RATES-2016, effective November 19, 
2016, the Secretary of Energy delegated: (1) the authority to develop 
power and transmission rates to the Western Area Power Administration 
(WAPA) Administrator; (2) the authority to confirm, approve, and place 
such rates into effect on an interim basis to the Deputy Secretary of 
Energy; and (3) the authority to confirm, approve, and place into 
effect on a final basis, or to remand or disapprove such rates, to the 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). By Delegation Order No. 
S1-DEL-S3-2023, effective April 10, 2023, the Secretary of Energy also 
delegated the authority to confirm, approve, and place such rates into 
effect on an interim basis to the Under Secretary for Infrastructure. 
By Redelegation Order No. S3-DEL-WAPA1-2023, effective April 10, 2023, 
the Under Secretary for Infrastructure further redelegated the 
authority to confirm, approve, and place such rates into effect on an 
interim basis to WAPA's Administrator. This rate action is issued under 
Redelegation Order No. S3-DEL-WAPA1-2023 and DOE procedures for public 
participation in rate adjustments set forth at 10 CFR part 903.\2\

    \2\ 50 FR 37835 (Sept. 18, 1985) and 84 FR 5347 (Feb. 21, 2019).

Acronyms, Terms, and Definitions

    As used in this Rate Order, the following acronyms, terms, and 
definitions apply:
    BA: As defined in WAPA's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT), is 
Balancing Authority and is the responsible entity that integrates 
resource plans ahead of time, maintains load Interchange-generation 
balance within a Balancing Authority Area, and supports interconnection 
frequency in real time.
    BAA: As defined in WAPA's OATT, is Balancing Authority Area; the 
term Balancing Authority Area shall have the same meaning as ``Control 
    BANC: Balancing Authority of Northern California is a joint powers 
authority that provides BA and other services to its members and other 
entities within the BAA. Members/entities of BANC may in turn provide 
transmission service to customers.
    BR: Base Resource, as defined in Central Valley Project's 2025 
Marketing Plan is the Central Valley and Washoe Project power (capacity 
and energy) output determined by WAPA-SN to be available for marketing, 
including the environmental attributes, after meeting the requirements 
of project use and first preference customers, and any adjustments for 
maintenance, reserves, system losses, and certain ancillary services.
    CAISO: As defined in WAPA's OATT, is the California Independent 
System Operator. A state-chartered, California, non-profit public 
benefit corporation that operates the transmission facilities of all 
CAISO participating transmission owners and dispatches certain 
generating units and loads. The CAISO is the Market Operator (MO) for 
the EIM.
    Capacity: The electric capability of a generator, transformer, 
transmission circuit, or other equipment. It is expressed in kilowatts 
(kW) or megawatts (MW).
    Conforming Load: The term is not officially defined by CAISO at 
this time and will be addressed in the future. The following 
description reasonably aligns with the CAISO's use of the term in 
defining load forecasting requirements under EIM: it is the load that 
changes in a reasonably predictable, uniform manner that is 
environmentally driven. A conforming load has a load profile that is 
similar to the aggregated load profile. Due to conventional weather- 
and temperature-based patterns, conforming loads can be forecast with a 
high level of accuracy using historical and meteorological data.
    CVP: As defined in Central Valley Project's 2025 Marketing Plan, is 
Central Valley Project. The multipurpose Federal water development 
project extending from the Cascade Range in northern California to the 
plains along the Kern River south of the city of Bakersfield, 
    EI Service: Energy Imbalance Service is an ancillary service that 
provides for the difference between the scheduled and the actual 
delivery of energy to a load within the Transmission Provider's Sub-
    EIM: As defined in CAISO's Business Practice Manual, means Energy 
Imbalance Market and is the rules and procedures in Section 29 of the 
CAISO Tariff governing the CAISO's operation of the Real-Time Market in 
BAAs outside of the CAISO BAA and the participation of EIM Market 
Participants in the Real-Time Market.
    EIM Administrative Charge: As defined in CAISO's Business Practice 
Manual, is the fee imposed on transaction in the energy imbalance 
market as described in section 29.11(i)(1) of the CASIO Tariff.
    EIM Entity: As defined in WAPA's OATT, Attachment S, is a BAA that 
enters into the MO's EIM Entity Agreement to enable the EIM to occur in 
its BAA. BANC is the EIM Entity for the BANC EIM Entity BAA. For the 
purposes of this Attachment S, the EIM Entity is the BANC EIM Entity, 
or the entity selected by the BANC EIM Entity who is certified by the 
MO. WAPA-SN participates in the CAISO EIM under the BANC EIM Entity.
    EIM Non-Participating Resource: As defined on CAISO's website: EIM 
Resource that does not participate in the Real-Time Market but is 
required to be identified in the EIM BAA for settling charges and 
payments related to nonparticipating load and nonparticipating 
    EIM Participating Resource: As defined in WAPA's OATT, Attachment 
S, is a resource or a portion of a resource: (1) that meets the 
Transmission Provider's eligibility requirements; (2) has been 
certified by the BANC EIM Entity for participation in the EIM; and (3) 
for which the generation owner and/or operator enters into the MO's EIM 
Participating Resource Agreement and any agreements as may be required 
by BANC and/or the BANC EIM Entity.
    EIM Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator: As defined in 
WAPA's OATT, Attachment S, an entity with one or more BANC EIM 
Participating Resource(s) or a third-party designated by the 
Transmission Customer with one or more BANC EIM Participating 
Resource(s), that is certified by the MO and enters into the MO's EIM 
Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator Agreement.
    Energy: As defined in Central Valley Project's 2025 Marketing Plan, 
is measured in terms of the work it is capable of doing over a period 
of time; electric energy is usually measured in kilowatt-hours or 
    Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service: As defined in WAPA's 
OATT, is transmission service reserved and/or scheduled between 
specified Points of Receipt and Delivery pursuant to Part II of the 
    First Preference Customers/Entity: As defined in Central Valley 
Project's 2025 Marketing Plan, is a preference customer and/or a 
preference entity (an entity qualified to use, but not using, 
preference power) within a country or origin (Trinity, Calaveras, and 
Tuolumne) as specified under the Trinity River Division Act (69 Sta. 
719) and the New Melones Project provisions of the Flood Control Act of 
1962 (76 Stat. 1173, 1191-1192).

[[Page 59084]]

    FRR: Frequency Response Reserve, as defined in Sacramento Municipal 
Utility District's (SMUD's) Operating Reserves OP-114, ``NERC/WECC does 
not have an official definition for Frequency Response Reserve (FRR) 
yet. BANC is defining the FRR as an amount of reserve in MW that is 
synchronized to the system and can automatically respond to system 
frequency deviation. BANC in coordination with WAPA-SN and SMUD 
procures and monitors sufficient FRR in both Day-Ahead scheduling 
process and Real-Time operations to ensure that BANC meets NERC 
Reliability Standard BAL0031.1 R1.''
    FY: WAPA's fiscal year, October 1 to September 30.
    Generating Unit: As defined in CAISO Tariff, is an individual 
electric generator and its associated plant and apparatus whose 
electrical output is capable of being separately identified and metered 
or a Physical Scheduling Plant that, in either case, is: located within 
the CAISO BAA (which includes a Pseudo-Tie of a generating unit to the 
CAISO BAA) or, for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-Time 
Market only, an EIM Entity BAA; connected to the CAISO Controlled Grid, 
either directly or via interconnected transmission, or distribution 
facilities or via a Pseudo-Tie; and capable of producing and delivering 
net energy (energy in excess of a generating station's internal power 
    GI Service: Generator Imbalance Service is an ancillary service 
that provides for the difference between the output of a generator and 
the delivery schedule from that generator to: (1) another BAA, (2) the 
BANC BAA, or (3) a load within the Transmission Provider's Sub-BAA. GI 
Service during EIM participation is that associated with a generator 
that is not an EIM Participating Resource located in the Transmission 
Provider's Sub-BAA.
    kW: Kilowatt--the electrical unit of capacity that equals 1,000 
    LAP: Load Aggregation Point is a set of Pricing Nodes as specified 
in Section 27.2 of the CAISO Tariff that are used for the submission of 
Bids and Settlement of Demand.
    Load Ratio Share: As defined in WAPA's OATT, is the ratio of a 
Transmission Customer's Network Load to the Transmission Provider's 
total load computed in accordance with Sections 34.2 and 34.3 of the 
Network Integration Transmission Service under Part III of the Tariff 
and calculated on a rolling twelve-month basis.
    Long-Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service: As defined in 
WAPA's OATT, is Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service under Part II 
of the Tariff with a term of one year or more.
    MO: As defined in WAPA's OATT, Attachment S, is Market Operator. 
The entity responsible for operation, administration, settlement, and 
oversight of the EIM. The CAISO is the current MO of the EIM.
    MO Tariff: As defined in WAPA's OATT, Attachment S, is those 
portions of the MO's approved tariff, as such tariff may be modified 
from time to time, that specifically apply to the operation, 
administration, settlement, and oversight of the EIM.
    NERC: The North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
    New Rate: As defined in WAPA's OATT, means the modification of a 
rate for transmission or ancillary services provided by the 
Transmission Provider which has been promulgated pursuant to the rate 
development process outlined in Power and Transmission Rates, 10 CFR 
part 903 (2006).
    NITS: Network Integration Transmission Service, as defined in 
WAPA's OATT, is the transmission service provided under Part III of the 
    Non-conforming Load: The term is not officially defined by CAISO at 
this time and will be addressed in the future. The following 
description reasonably aligns with the CAISO's use of the term in 
defining load forecasting requirements under EIM: it is the load with 
unpredictable load pattern, e.g., pumps, industrial plants, etc., that 
makes it difficult for the CAISO model to accurately forecast. CAISO's 
load forecasting model uses historical actual conforming load data and 
meteorological data determined necessary to accurately forecast the 
conforming load. When non-conforming load causes more than 5% deviation 
(hourly) from the total actual load, it should be modeled separately 
from the load that CAISO will forecast for the EIM Entity (the 
conforming load). This requirement is part of the EIM Readiness 
Criteria in accordance with CAISO Tariff section 29.2(b)(7)(A)(iv).
    Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service: As defined in WAPA's 
OATT, is Point-to-Point Transmission Service under the Tariff that is 
reserved and scheduled on an as-available basis and is subject to 
Curtailment or Interruption as set forth in Section 14.7 under Part II 
of the Tariff. Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service is 
available on a stand-alone basis for periods ranging from one hour to 
one month. The Transmission Provider may offer Non-Firm Point-to-Point 
Transmission Service for periods longer than one month. If offered, the 
terms and conditions will be consistent with Part II of the Tariff and 
will be posted on the Transmission Provider's OASIS.
    OASIS: As defined in WAPA's OATT, is Open Access Same-Time 
Information System. The information system and standards of conduct 
contained in Part 37 of FERC's regulations and all additional 
requirements implemented by subsequent FERC orders dealing with OASIS.
    OATT: The Open Access Transmission Tariff, including all schedules 
or attachments thereto, of the Transmission Provided as amended from 
time to time, and approved by FERC.
    Preference: As defined in Central Valley Project's 2025 Marketing 
Plan, is the requirements of Reclamation Law that provide for 
preference in the sale of Federal power be given to certain entities, 
such as governments (state, Federal and Native American), 
municipalities and other public corporations or agencies, and 
cooperatives and other nonprofit organizations financed in whole or in 
part by loans made pursuant to the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 
(See, e.g., Reclamation Project Act of 1939, Section 9(c), 43 U.S.C. 
    Point-to-Point Transmission Service: As defined in WAPA's OATT, is 
the reservation and transmission of capacity and energy on either a 
firm or non-firm basis from the Point(s) of Receipt to the Point(s) of 
Delivery under Part II of the Tariff.
    Project Use: As defined in Central Valley Project's 2025 Marketing 
Plan, is power as defined by Reclamation Law and/or used to operate CVP 
and Washoe Project facilities.
    Power: Capacity and energy.
    Provisional Formula Rates: The formula rates confirmed, approved, 
and placed into effect on an interim basis by the Deputy Secretary of 
Energy or designee.
    PRR: Power Revenue Requirement is revenue required by the PRS to 
recover annual expenses (such as operation and maintenance, purchase 
power, transmission service expenses, interest, and deferred expenses) 
and repay Federal investments and other assigned costs.
    PRS: Power Repayment Study, is defined in Order RA 6120.2 as a 
study portraying the annual repayment of power production and 
transmission costs of a power system through the application of 
revenues over the repayment period of the power system. The study 
shows, among other items, estimated revenues and expenses, year by 
year, over the remainder of the power

[[Page 59085]]

system's repayment period (based upon conditions prevailing over the 
cost evaluation period), the estimated amount of Federal investment 
amortized during each year, and the total estimated amount of Federal 
investment remaining to be amortized.
    Rate: As defined in WAPA's OATT, means the monetary charge or the 
formula for computing such a charge for any electric service provided 
by a Transmission Provider as defined in 10 CFR part 903.
    Rate Adjustment: Rate Adjustment means a change in an existing rate 
or rates, or the establishment of a rate or rates for a new service. It 
does not include a change in rate schedule provisions or in contract 
terms, other than changes in the price per unit of service, nor does it 
include changes in the monetary charge pursuant to a formula stated in 
a rate schedule or a contract as defined in 10 CFR part 903.
    Regulation: As defined in CAISO's Tariff, is the service provided 
either by resources certified by the CAISO as equipped and capable of 
responding to the CAISO's direct digital control signals, or by System 
Resources that have been certified by the CAISO as capable of 
delivering such service to the CAISO BAA, in an upward and downward 
direction to match, on a real-time basis, demand and resources, 
consistent with established NERC and Western Electricity Coordinating 
Council (WECC) reliability standards and any requirements of the 
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, or its successor. Regulation is used to 
control the operating level of a resource within a prescribed area in 
response to a change in system frequency, tie line loading, or the 
relation of these to each other so as to maintain the target system 
frequency and/or the established Interchange with other BAAs within the 
predetermined Regulation Limits. Regulation includes both an increase 
in energy production by a resource or decrease in energy consumption by 
a resource (Regulation Up) and a decrease in energy production by a 
resource or increase in energy consumption by a resource (Regulation 
Down). Regulation Up and Regulation Down are distinct capacity 
products, with separately stated requirements and Ancillary Service 
Marginal Pricings in each Settlement Period.
    Resource Sufficiency: CAISO defines and proposes resource 
sufficiency evaluation that require all BAAs offer sufficient resources 
to meet their bid-in demand, reliability capacity to meet forecasted 
net load, provide ramp capability to meet their 24-hour net demand 
variation, and their forecasted ancillary service and imbalance reserve 
requirements (adjusted for diversity benefit).
    Short-Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service: As defined in 
WAPA's OATT, is Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service under Part II 
of the Tariff with a term of less than one year.
    Sub-BAA: As defined in WAPA's OATT, is Sub-Balancing Authority 
Area. An electric power system operating within a host BAA that is 
bounded by meters and is responsible for BAA-like performance of 
generation, load, and transmission. WAPA-SN is a Sub-BAA within the 
    Tariff: As defined in WAPA's OATT, is the Open Access Transmission 
Tariff, including all schedules or attachments thereto, of the 
Transmission Provided as amended from time to time, and approved by 
    TO: As defined in WAPA's OATT, means Transmission Owner and is the 
entity that owns, leases or otherwise possesses an interest in the 
portion of the Transmission System at the Point of Interconnection and 
may be a Party to the Small Generator Interconnection Agreement to the 
extent necessary.
    Transmission Customer: As defined in WAPA's OATT, is any Eligible 
Customer (or its Designated Agent) that (i) executes a Service 
Agreement, or (ii) requests in writing that the Transmission Provider 
provide transmission service without a Service Agreement, pursuant to 
section 15.3 of the Tariff. This term is used in the Part I Common 
Service Provisions to include customers receiving transmission service 
under PartII and Part III of this Tariff.
    Transmission Customer Base Schedule: As defined in WAPA's OATT, 
Attachment S, is an energy schedule that provides Transmission Customer 
hourly-level forecast data and other information used as the baseline 
by which to measure Imbalance Energy for purposes of EIM settlement. 
The term ``Transmission Customer Base Schedule'' as used in this Tariff 
is synonymous with the term ``EIM Participant Base Schedule'' used in 
the EIM Entity's business practices and may refer collectively to the 
components of such schedule (resource, Interchange, Intrachange, and 
load determined pursuant to the EIM Entity's business practices) or any 
individual components of such schedule. This term is synonymous to 
``Base Schedule.''
    Transmission Provider: As defined in WAPA's OATT, is the regional 
office within WAPA-SN that owns, controls, or operates the facilities 
used for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce and 
provides transmission service under the Tariff.
    Transmission System: As defined in WAPA's OATT, is the facilities 
owned, controlled, or operated by the Transmission Provider that are 
used to provide transmission service under Part II and Part III of the 
    UIE: As defined in WAPA's OATT, Attachment S, is Uninstructed 
Imbalance Energy. Settlement charges incurred by the Transmission 
Provider on behalf of Transmission Customers due to uninstructed 
deviations of supply or demand.
    WECC: The Western Electricity Coordinating Council.

Effective Date

    The Provisional Formula Rate Schedules CV-F14, CPP-3, CV-T4, CV-
CV-GID3, CV-SSP3, CV-EIM1S1, CV-EIM4S1, and CV-EIM9S1 will take effect 
on the first day of the first full billing period beginning on or after 
October 1, 2024, and will remain in effect through September 30, 2029, 
pending approval by FERC on a final basis or until superseded.

Public Notice and Comment

    WAPA-SN followed the Procedures for Public Participation in Power 
and Transmission Rate Adjustments and Extensions, 10 CFR part 903, in 
developing these formula rates. WAPA-SN took the following steps to 
involve interested parties in the rate process:
    1. On August 30, 2023, a Federal Register notice (88 FR 59909) 
(Proposed FRN) announced the proposed formula rates and initiated a 90-
day public consultation and comment period.
    2. On August 31, 2023, WAPA-SN notified Preference Customers and 
interested parties of the proposed rates and provided a copy of the 
Proposed FRN.
    3. On November 15, 2023, WAPA-SN held a public information forum 
via Microsoft Teams. WAPA-SN's representatives explained the proposed 
formula rates, answered questions, and gave notice that more 
information was available in the Customer Rate Brochure.
    4. On November 15, 2023, WAPA-SN held a public comment forum via 
Microsoft Teams to provide an opportunity for customers and other 
interested parties to comment for the record.
    5. SN established a public website to post information about the 
rate process. The website is located at: www.wapa.gov/about-wapa/regions/sn/sn-rates.

[[Page 59086]]

    6. On November 17, 2023, a Federal Register notice (88 FR 80293) 
announced that WAPA-SN extended the public comment period for an 
additional 30-days, through December 28, 2023.
    7. During the 120-day consultation and comment period, WAPA-SN 
received three oral comment submissions and no written comment letters. 
The comments and WAPA-SN's responses are addressed in the ``Comments'' 
section. All comments have been considered in the preparation of this 
Rate Order.

Oral Comments Were Received From the Following Organization

    Northern California Power Agency, California.

Power Revenue Requirement and Allocation to Preference Customers

    Before the start of each FY, WAPA-SN will continue to calculate and 
publish an annual Power Revenue Requirement (PRR) to determine the 
total cost of power. The total cost of power is allocated to WAPA-SN's 
preference customers, namely, First Preference (FP) customers based on 
their FP percentages, and the remaining amount to Base Resource (BR) 
customers based on their BR allocation, adjusted for programs, such as 
hourly exchange. The Trinity River Division Act of 1955 (69 Stat. 719) 
and the Flood Control Act of 1962 (76 Stat.1173, 1191-1192) accorded FP 
to CVP power customers in Trinity, Tuolumne, and Calaveras counties. A 
BR customer, under the 2004 and 2025 Marketing Plans, is an entity that 
has executed a BR contract and is allocated a percentage of the BR.
    WAPA-SN prepares a Power Repayment Study (PRS) each FY to determine 
if revenue will be sufficient to repay, within the required periods, 
all costs assigned to the commercial power function. Project repayment 
is measured over the long term to ensure repayment is met and to 
maintain rate stability. The PRR is an estimate of revenues and 
expenses including investment and repayment projections from the PRS. 
Any variance from estimate to actual will increase or decrease annual 
project repayment. Generally, the PRR includes Operation and 
Maintenance (O & M) expenses, purchased power for Project Use and FP 
customers' loads, interest, and other expenses (including any other 
statutorily required costs or charges), investment repayment, and the 
Washoe Project transfer. Revenues from Project Use, transmission, 
ancillary services, and other services offset expenses in the PRR; and 
the remainder is collected from BR and FP customers. The PRR is 
reviewed during March of each year; and if such review results in a 
change of $5 million or more to the annual PRR, collections are 
adjusted over the remaining 6-month period.
    For WAPA-SN to meet the load requirements beyond delivered BR for 
Full Load Service (FLS) customers and Variable Resource (VR) customers, 
WAPA-SN may make Supplemental Power (SP) purchases pursuant to the 
Custom Product Power (CPP) rate schedule. FLS and VR customers who 
contract with WAPA-SN for such service will pay all SP costs. FLS 
customers pay a portfolio management charge according to their 
contract, whereas VR customers pay a scheduling charge per the rate 

Transmission and Ancillary Services Revenue Requirements and Formula 

    At least annually, WAPA-SN will apply the formula rates to 
calculate and then post the CVP transmission rates for point-to-point 
and Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS), the California 
Oregon Transmission Project (COTP) transmission rates, and CVP 
regulation and frequency response service rates. WAPA-SN prepares a 
detailed cost-of-service study to determine the costs, by project, that 
support the transfer capability of each transmission system and the 
cost that supports the generation capability of the CVP system. 
Generally, the costs allocated through the cost-of-service study for 
the transmission systems include O & M, interest, and depreciation 
expenses. WAPA-SN's costs for scheduling, system control and dispatch 
service associated with CVP and COTP transmission service are included 
and recovered through the respective transmission system's revenue 
requirement. Third-party transmission service costs are passed through 
directly to each requesting customer.
    The unreserved use penalties continue to be assessed at 200percent 
of the effective point-to-point transmission rate when transmission 
service is used and not reserved, or when used in excess of the 
reservation. The required spinning and supplemental reserves charges 
are based on a price consistent with the California Independent System 
Operator's (CAISO) market price plus all costs incurred for the sale of 
these reserves. Customers who have a contractual obligation to provide 
spinning and supplemental reserves and do not fulfill their obligation 
will be assessed a penalty equal to the greater of WAPA-SN's actual 
cost or 150percent of the market price.
    For Energy Imbalance (EI) service, when the EIM is suspended, 
customers outside of their contractual bandwidth (under delivery) will 
pay the greater of 150percent of the market price or WAPA-SN's actual 
cost. Given WAPA-SN's EI customers are and will continue to operate 
under existing agreements, WAPA-SN will continue its existing rate 
methodology for EI. The GI rate uses the same tiered methodology as 
WAPA-SN's EI service rate.

Sale of Surplus Products Formula Rates

    The provisional rates are for the sale of surplus energy and/or 
capacity products. This includes Energy, Frequency Response Reserve, 
Regulation, Reserves, and Resource Sufficiency. If CVP surplus products 
are available, WAPA-SN will make the product(s) available for sale, 
provided entities enter into separate agreement(s) which would specify 
the terms of sale(s).

EIM Service Formula Rates

    WAPA-SN will continue participation in the EIM as a Transmission 
Service Provider and Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator 
within the Balancing Authority of Northern California (BANC) Balancing 
Authority Area (BAA). WAPA-SN is continuing formula rate schedules for: 
(1) EIM Administrative Service, (2) EIM EI Service, and (3) EIM GI 
Service. In EIM, CAISO economically dispatches energy under its EIM 
Tariff to meet the imbalances for loads and resources over multiple 
BAAs. CAISO provides a centralized, automated, and region-wide dispatch 
for imbalances. The EIM Administrative Services formula rate continues 
to allow WAPA-SN to pass through administrative costs incurred by WAPA-
SN resulting from its participation in EIM as a Participating Resource 
Scheduling Coordinator. The formula rates and cost allocation for 
Administrative, EI, and GI services will be in effect when WAPA-SN is 
participating in the EIM, and to the extent WAPA-SN incurs associated 
settlements during market suspension or contingency.


    WAPA-SN received three separate oral comments during the public 
consultation and comment period. The comments expressed have been 
paraphrased and/or combined, where appropriate, without compromising 
the meaning of the comments.
    Comment: Commenter questioned the reasoning behind changing the 
COTP rate period from three seasonal rates to

[[Page 59087]]

one annual rate. Commenter inquired if there was variation between 
    Response: The reasoning for the seasonal change to one annual 
period is that there is very little change between the seasonal rates.
    Comment: Commenter questioned whether there has been any recent 
change to the percentage losses that are charged on the COTP?
    Response: While transmission loss factors are outside the scope of 
the rate process, there have been no recent changes to the percentage 
loss factors.
    Comment: Commentor stated that WAPA-SN has an agreement with 
Pacific Gas and Electric (PG & E) for distribution through their 
transmission lines through 2024. They asked if there is any reason to 
expect issues with the renewal, and to elaborate on the implications 
for WAPA-SN customers if this contract with PG & E is not renewed.
    Response: While transmission distribution agreements are outside 
the scope of the rate process, WAPA-SN does have an existing agreement 
with PG & E through 2024 and is in negotiations for an extension or a 
renegotiation of those arrangements.

Certification of Rates

    I have certified that the Provisional Formula Rates for Central 
Valley Project power, transmission, and ancillary services; and 
California-Oregon Transmission Project transmission service under Rate 
Schedules CV-F14, CPP-3, CV-T4, CV-NWT6, COTP-T4, CV-TPT8, CV-UUP2, CV-
EIM4S1, and CV-EIM9S1, are the lowest possible rates, consistent with 
sound business principles. The Provisional Formula Rates were developed 
following administrative policies and applicable laws.

Availability of Information

    Information used by WAPA-SN to develop the Provisional Formula 
Rates is available for inspection and copying at the WAPA-SN Regional 
Office, 114 Parkshore Drive, Folsom, California. Many of these 
documents are also available on WAPA-SN's website at www.wapa.gov/about-wapa/regions/sn/sn-rates.

Ratemaking Procedure Requirements

Environmental Compliance

    WAPA-SN has determined that this action fits within the following 
categorical exclusion listed in appendix B to subpart D of 10 CFR part 
1021.410: B4.3 (Electric power marketing rate changes). Categorically 
excluded projects and activities do not require preparation of either 
an environmental impact statement or an environmental assessment.\3\ A 
copy of the categorical exclusion determination is available on WAPA's 
website at: www.wapa.gov/about-wapa/regions/sn/environment.

    \3\ The determination was done in compliance with NEPA (42 
U.S.C. 4321-4347); the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 
for implementing NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500-1508); and DOE NEPA 
Implementing Procedures and Guidelines (10 CFR part 1021).

Determination Under Executive Order 12866

    WAPA-SN has an exemption from centralized regulatory review under 
Executive Order 12866; accordingly, no clearance of this notice by the 
Office of Management and Budget is required.

Submission to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

    The Provisional Formula Rates herein confirmed, approved, and 
placed into effect on an interim basis, together with supporting 
documents, will be submitted to FERC for confirmation and final 


    In view of the above and under the authority delegated to me, I 
hereby confirm, approve, and place into effect, on an interim basis, 
Rate Order No. WAPA-207. The rates will remain in effect on an interim 
basis until: (1) FERC confirms and approves them on a final basis; (2) 
subsequent rates are confirmed and approved; or (3) such rates are 

Signing Authority

    This document of the Department of Energy was signed on July 15, 
2024, by Tracey A. LeBeau, Administrator, Western Area Power 
Administration, pursuant to delegated authority from the Secretary of 
Energy. That document with the original signature and date is 
maintained by DOE. For administrative purposes only, and in compliance 
with requirements of the Office of the Federal Register, the 
undersigned DOE Federal Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to 
sign and submit the document in electronic format for publication, as 
an official document of the Department of Energy. This administrative 
process in no way alters the legal effect of this document upon 
publication in the Federal Register.

    Signed in Washington, DC, on July 17, 2024.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy.

Rate Schedule CV-F14
(Supersedes Schedule CV-F13)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Base Resource and First Preference Power

(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-207)


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To the Base Resource (BR) and First Preference (FP) Power 

Character and Conditions of Service

    Alternating current, 60-hertz, three-phase, delivered and metered 
at the voltages and points established by contract. This service 
includes the Central Valley Project (CVP) transmission (to include 
reactive supply and voltage control from Federal generation sources 
needed to support the transmission service), spinning reserve service, 
and supplemental reserve service.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate includes three components.
Component 1
    Power Revenue Requirement (PRR):
    WAPA-SN will develop the PRR before the start of each fiscal year 
(FY). The PRR will be divided into two 6-month periods, October through 
March, and April through September, based on FP and BR percentages. The 
PRR will be reviewed in March of each year. If there is a change of $5 
million or more, the PRR will be recalculated for the entire FY. The 
PRR is allocated to FP Customers and BR Customers based on formula 
rates, as adjusted for Hourly Exchange (HE), FP true-up calculation and 
midyear adjustments.
    FP Power Formula Rate:
    The annual FP customer allocation is equal to the annual PRR 
multiplied by the relevant FP percentage.

[[Page 59088]]



FP Customer Load = FP Customer's forecasted annual load (MWh)
Gen = Forecasted annual CVP and Washoe generation (MWh)
Power Purchases = Power purchases for Project Use and FP loads (MWh)
Project Use = Forecasted annual Project Use loads (MWh)

    WAPA-SN will develop each FP customer's percentage before the start 
of each FY, and review in March every year. If there is a change of 
more than one-half of 1 percent, the percentage will be revised for the 
full FY and billing will be adjusted over the remaining 6 months.
    In addition, WAPA-SN will perform a true-up each year to ensure FP 
Customers pay their proportionate share of the PRR. The FP customers' 
percentage is limited to a percentage of the PRR. The table below shows 
the maximum percentages for each FP customer that will be applied to 
the PRR. FP percentages cannot exceed the maximum except in instances 
where a FP customers' percentage increases due to load growth. If 
maximum percentages are exceeded for more than one year, WAPA-SN will 
reevaluate and update customer maximum percentages.

                         FP Maximum Percentages
                                                            Maximum FP
                       FP customer                          percentage
                                                          applied to the
Sierra Conservation Center..............................            1.58
Calaveras Public Power Agency...........................            3.81
Trinity Public Utilities District.......................           12.01
Tuolumne Public Power Agency............................            3.16
Chicken Ranch Rancheria.................................            0.96
  Total.................................................           21.52

    BR Formula Rate:
    The annual BR customer allocation is equal to the annual PRR 
multiplied by the relevant BR percentage.

BR Customer Allocation = (PRR x BR%)


BR% = BR percentage for each customer as indicated in the BR 
contract after adjustments for programs, such as HE, if applicable

    After the FP Customers' share of the annual PRR has been 
determined, including a prior period true-up from the FP formula rate, 
the remainder of the annual PRR is recovered from the BR Customers. The 
BR Revenue Requirement will be collected in two 6-month periods: 25% 
for October through March and 75% for April through September.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the Host Balancing Authority for 
providing this service will be passed on to each relevant customer. 
When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through charges and credits directly 
to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When 
not possible, the charges or credits will be passed through using 
Component 1 of the formula rate.


    Billing for BR and FP power will occur monthly using the respective 
formula rate. Any adjustment made at midyear applies to the entire FY 
and is billed over the remainder of the FY.

Adjustment for Losses

    Losses will be accounted for under this rate schedule as stated in 
the service agreement.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CPP-3
(Supersedes Schedule CPP-2)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Custom Product Power


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To Sierra Nevada Region (SN) customers that contract for Custom 
Product Power (CPP). CPP means capacity and energy, provided by WAPA-
SN, in addition to a customer's Base Resource, to meet its load.
    To WAPA-SN Variable Resources (VR) Customers requesting scheduling 
for this service. A scheduling charge is applicable to VR customers 
requesting WAPA-SN to schedule CPP purchases.

Character and Conditions of Service

    Alternating current, 60-hertz, three-phase, delivered and metered 
at the voltages and points established by contract, in accordance with 
approved policies and procedures.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate includes three components.
Component 1
    All charges and credits incurred in providing CPP will be passed 
through to the customer. WAPA-SN will assess a VR scheduling charge per 
schedule per day to cover the administrative costs for procuring and 
scheduling CPP.

[[Page 59089]]


    If the actual number of schedules for the month is not available, 
WAPA-SN will estimate the number of schedules for the month and apply 
the VR scheduling charge to the estimated number of schedules.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the Host Balancing Authority for 
providing this service will be passed on to each relevant customer. 
When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through charges and credits directly 
to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When 
not possible, the charges or credits will be passed through using 
Component 1 of the formula rate.


    Billing for CPP and VR scheduling charge occurs monthly.

Adjustments for Losses

    All losses incurred for the delivery of CPP under this rate 
schedule shall be the responsibility of the customer that has 
contracted for this service.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CV-T4
(Supersedes Schedules CV-T3)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Point-To-Point Transmission Service


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To customers receiving Central Valley Project (CVP) firm and/or 
non-firm Point-to-Point (PTP) transmission service.

Character and Conditions of Service

    Transmission service for three-phase, alternating current at 60 
hertz, delivered and metered at the voltages and points of delivery or 
receipt, adjusted for losses, and delivered to points of delivery. This 
service includes scheduling and system control and dispatch service 
needed to support the transmission service.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for CVP firm and non-firm PTP transmission 
includes three components.
Component 1
CVP Transmission Revenue Requirement (TRR) = Contracted PTP 
Transmission Capacity (PTPc) + Network Integration Transmission Service 
Capacity (NITSc)


CVP TRR = the cost associated with facilities that support the 
transfer capability of the CVP transmission system, excluding 
generation facilities and radial lines
PTPc = the total PTP transmission capacity (kW) under long-term 
contract between WAPA-SN and other parties
NITSc = the 12-month average coincident peaks (kW) of Network 
Integrated Transmission Service (NITS) customers at the time of the 
monthly CVP transmission system peak (kW)

    WAPA-SN may revise the rate from Component 1 based on either of the 
following conditions: (1) updated financial data available in March of 
each year; or (2) a change in the numerator or denominator that results 
in a rate change of at least $0.05 per kilowatt month (kW month). Rate 
change notifications will be posted on WAPA-SN's Open Access Same-Time 
Information System (OASIS) website.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the Host Balancing Authority for 
providing this service will be passed on to each relevant customer. 
When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through charges and credits directly 
to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When 
not possible, the charges or credits will be passed through using 
Component 1 of the formula rate.


    The formula rate above applies to the maximum amount of capacity 
reserved for periods ranging from 1 hour to 1 month, payable whether 
used or not. Billing will occur monthly.

Adjustment for Losses

    Losses incurred for service under this rate schedule will be 
accounted for as agreed to by the parties in accordance with the 
service agreements.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CV-NWT6
(Supersedes Schedule CV-NWT5)

[[Page 59090]]


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Network Integration Transmission Service


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To customers receiving Central Valley Project (CVP) Network 
Integration Transmission Service (NITS).

Character and Conditions of Service

    Transmission service for three-phase, alternating current at 60 
hertz, delivered and metered at the voltages and points of delivery or 
receipt, adjusted for losses, and delivered to points of delivery. This 
service includes scheduling and system control and dispatch service 
needed to support the transmission service.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for CVP NITS includes three components:
Component 1
    The NITS revenue requirement equals the CVP Transmission Revenue 
Requirement (TRR) less the CVP firm point-to-point revenue. Each NITS 
customer's allocation is based on the following formula:


NITS customer's load ratio share = The NITS customer's load, hourly, 
or in accordance with approved policies or procedures, (including 
behind the meter generation minus the NITS customer's adjusted Base 
Resource) coincident with the monthly CVP transmission system peak, 
averaged over a 12-month rolling period, expressed as a ratio.
Annual Network TRR = The total CVP TRR less revenue from long-term 
contracts for the CVP transmission between WAPA-SN and other 

    The Annual Network TRR will be revised when the formula rate from 
Component 1 of the CVP transmission rate under Rates Schedule CV-T4 is 
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the Host Balancing Authority for 
providing this service will be passed on to each relevant customer. 
When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through charges and credits directly 
to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When 
not possible, the charges or credits will be passed through using 
Component 1 of the formula rate.


    NITS will be billed monthly under the formula rate.

Adjustment for Losses

    Losses incurred for service under this rate schedule will be 
accounted for as agreed to by the parties in accordance with the 
service agreement.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule COTP-T4
(Supersedes Schedule COTP-T3)


Western Area Power Administration

California-Oregon Transmission Project

Point-To-Point Transmission Service


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To customers receiving California-Oregon Transmission Project 
(COTP) firm and/or non-firm point-to-point (PTP) transmission service.

Character and Conditions of Service

    Transmission service for three-phase, alternating current at 60 
hertz, delivered and metered at the voltages and points of delivery or 
receipt, adjusted for losses, and delivered to points of delivery. This 
service includes scheduling and system control and dispatch service 
needed to support the transmission service.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for COTP firm and non-firm PTP transmission 
service includes three components.
Component 1


COTP Transmission Revenue Requirement (TRR) = WAPA-SN's costs 

[[Page 59091]]

with facilities that support the transfer capability of the COTP.
WAPA-SN's COTP Capacity = WAPA-SN's share of COTP transmission 
capacity, subject to curtailment under the current California-Oregon 
Intertie (COI) transfer capability.

    WAPA-SN will update the rate from Component 1 at least 15 days 
before the start of the rate period. Rate change notifications will be 
posted on WAPA-SN's Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS) 
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the Host Balancing Authority for 
providing this service will be passed on to each relevant customer. 
When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through charges and credits directly 
to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When 
not possible, the charges or credits will be passed through using 
Component 1 of the formula rate.


    The formula rate above applies to the maximum amount of capacity 
reserved for periods ranging from 1 hour to 1 month, payable whether 
used or not. Billing will occur monthly.

Adjustment for Losses

    Losses incurred for service under this rate schedule will be 
accounted for as agreed to by the parties in accordance with the 
service agreement.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CV-TPT8
(Supersedes Schedule CV-TPT7)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Transmission of WAPA-SN Power By Others


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To WAPA-SN's power service customers who require transmission 
service by a third-party to receive power sold by WAPA-SN.

Character and Conditions of Service

    Transmission service for three-phase, alternating current at 60 
hertz, delivered and metered at the voltages and points of delivery or 
receipt, adjusted for losses, and delivered to points as agreed to by 
the parties.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for transmission of WAPA-SN's power by others 
includes three components.
Component 1
    When WAPA-SN uses transmission facilities other than its own in 
supplying WAPA-SN power and costs are incurred by WAPA-SN for the use 
of such facilities, the customer will pay all costs, including 
transmission losses, incurred in the delivery of such power.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the Host Balancing Authority for 
providing this service will be passed on to each relevant customer. 
When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through charges and credits directly 
to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When 
not possible, the charges or credits will be passed through using 
Component 1 of the formula rate.


    Third-party transmission will be billed monthly under the formula 

Adjustments for Losses

    All losses incurred for delivery of power under this rate schedule 
will be the responsibility of the customer that received the power.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CV-UUP2
(Supersedes Rate Schedule CV-UUP1)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Unreserved Use Penalties


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To unreserved use of transmission service for the Central Valley 
Project, California-Oregon Transmission Project, and Pacific 
Alternating Current Intertie. This penalty is applicable to point-to-
point (PTP) transmission customers using transmission not reserved or 
more than reserved, or network customers when they schedule delivery of 
off-system non-designated purchases using transmission capacity 
reserved for designated network resources.

Character and Conditions of Service

    Transmission service for three-phase, alternating current at 60 
hertz, delivered and metered at the voltages and points of delivery or 
receipt, adjusted for losses, and delivered to points of delivery. This 
service includes scheduling and system control and dispatch service 
needed to support the transmission service.

[[Page 59092]]

Penalty Rate

    The formula rate for Unreserved Use Penalty (UUP) has three 
Component 1
    A transmission customer that has not reserved capacity or exceeds 
its firm or non-firm reserved capacity at any point of receipt or any 
point of delivery will be assessed UUP.
    The penalty charge for a transmission customer who engages in 
unreserved use is 200 percent of WAPA-SN's approved transmission 
service rate for PTP transmission service assessed as follows: (1) the 
UUP for a single hour of unreserved use will be based upon the rate for 
daily firm PTP service; (2) the UUP for more than one assessment for a 
given duration (e.g., daily) will increase to the next longest duration 
(e.g., weekly); and (3) the UUP for multiple instances of unreserved 
use (e.g., more than 1 hour) within a day will be based on the rate for 
daily firm PTP service. The penalty charge for multiple instances of 
unreserved use isolated to one-calendar week would result in a penalty 
based on the charge for weekly firm PTP service. The penalty charge for 
multiple instances of unreserved use during more than one week within a 
calendar month is based on the charge for monthly firm PTP service.
    The UUP will not apply to transmission customers utilizing PTP 
transmission service under WAPA's Open Access Transmission Tariff 
(OATT) because of action taken to support reliability. Such actions 
include reserve activations or uncontrolled event response as directed 
by the responsible reliability authority such as Sub-Balancing 
Authority, Host Balancing Authority (HBA), Reliability Coordinator, or 
Transmission Operator.
    A transmission customer that exceeds its firm or non-firm reserved 
capacity is required to pay for all ancillary services identified in 
WAPA's OATT associated with the unreserved use of transmission service. 
The transmission customer or eligible customer will pay for ancillary 
services, in accordance with existing rate schedules, based on the 
amount of transmission service it used but did not reserve.
    The UUP collected over and above the base PTP rate will be 
distributed to customers as a credit on future transmission revenue 
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the HBA for providing this service will 
be passed on to each relevant customer. When possible, WAPA-SN will 
pass through charges and credits directly to the customer in the same 
manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges 
or credits will be passed through using Component 1 of the formula 


    The UUP will be billed monthly under the formula rate.

Adjustment for Losses

    Losses incurred for delivery of power under this rate schedule 
shall be the responsibility of the customer that received the power.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate will be 
evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine the appropriate 
treatment for repayment and cash flow management.
Rate Schedule CV-RFS5
(Supersedes Schedule CV-RFS4)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Regulation and Frequency Response Service


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To customers receiving Regulation and Frequency Response Service 

Character and Conditions of Service

    Regulation is necessary to provide for the continuous balancing of 
resources and interchange with load and for maintaining scheduled 
interconnection frequency at 60 cycles per second. Regulation is 
accomplished by committing on-line generation whose output is raised or 
lowered, predominantly using automatic generating control equipment, as 
necessary, to follow the moment-by-moment changes in load.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for regulation includes three components:
Component 1


The annual regulation revenue requirement includes: (1) the Central 
Valley Project generation costs associated with providing 
regulation, and (2) the non-facility costs allocated to regulation; 
and is calculated by dividing the Generation Revenue Requirement by 
the prior year plant capacity usage times the Regulation capacity.
    The annual regulating capacity is one-half of the total 
regulating capacity bandwidths provided by WAPA-SN under the 
Interconnected Operations Agreements with Sub-Balancing Authority 
(SBA) members.
    The penalty for non-performance by an SBA customer who has 
committed to self-provision for their regulating capacity 
requirement will be the greater of 150 percent of WAPA-SN's actual 
costs or 150 percent of the market price.

    WAPA-SN will revise the formula rate resulting from Component 1 
based on either of the following two conditions: (1) updated financial 
data available in March of each year; or (2) a change in the numerator 
or denominator that results in a rate change of at least $0.25 per kW 
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by

[[Page 59093]]

FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each relevant 
customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which this 
rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the Host Balancing Authority for 
providing this service will be passed on to each relevant customer. 
When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through charges and credits directly 
to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When 
not possible, the charges or credits will be passed through using 
Component 1 of the formula rate.


    The formula rate above will be applied to the regulating capacity 
bandwidth contained in the service agreement. Billing will occur 

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CV-SPR5
(Supersedes Schedule CV-SPR4)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Operating Reserve-Spinning Reserve Service


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To customers receiving spinning reserve service.

Character and Conditions of Service

    Spinning Reserve Service supplies capacity that is available 
immediately to serve load and is synchronized with the power system.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for spinning reserve includes three components:
Component 1
    The formula rate for spinning reserve service is the price 
consistent with the California Independent System Operator's (CAISO) 
market plus all costs incurred from the sale of spinning reserves, such 
as WAPA-SN's scheduling costs.
    For customers that have a contractual obligation to provide 
spinning reserve to WAPA-SN and do not fulfill that obligation, the 
penalty for non-performance is the greater of 150 percent of WAPA-SN's 
actual cost or 150 percent of the market price.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the Host Balancing Authority for 
providing this service will be passed on to each relevant customer. 
When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through charges and credits directly 
to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When 
not possible, the charges or credits will be passed through using 
Component 1 of the formula rate.


    The formula rate above will be applied to the amount of spinning 
reserve sold. Billing will occur monthly.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CV-SUR5
(Supersedes Schedule CV-SUR4)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Operating Reserve-Supplemental Reserve Service


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To customers receiving supplemental reserve service.

Character and Conditions of Service

    Supplemental reserve service supplies capacity that is available 
within the first 10 minutes to take load and is synchronized with the 
power system.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for supplemental reserve service includes three 
Component 1
    The formula rate for supplemental reserve service is the price 
consistent with the California Independent System Operator's (CAISO) 
market plus all costs incurred as a result of the sale of supplemental 
reserves, such as WAPA-SN's scheduling costs.
    For customers that have a contractual obligation to provide 
supplemental reserve service to WAPA-SN and do not fulfill that 
obligation, the penalty for non-performance is the greater of 150 
percent of WAPA-SN's actual cost or 150 percent of the market price.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the Host Balancing Authority for 
providing this

[[Page 59094]]

service will be passed on to each relevant customer. When possible, 
WAPA-SN will pass through charges and credits directly to the customer 
in the same manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When not possible, 
the charges or credits will be passed through using Component 1 of the 
formula rate.


    The formula rate above will be applied to the amount of 
supplemental reserve service sold. Billing will occur monthly.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 
Rate Schedule CV-EID6
(Supersedes Schedule CV-EID5)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Energy Imbalance Service


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To customers receiving Energy Imbalance (EI) Service.

Character and Conditions of Service

    EI Service is provided when a difference occurs between the 
scheduled and the actual delivery of energy to a load within the Sub-
Balancing Authority (SBA) over an hour or in accordance with approved 
policies and procedures. The deviation, in megawatts, is the net 
scheduled amount of energy minus the net metered (actual delivered) 
    EI Service uses the deviation bandwidth that is established in the 
service agreement or Interconnected Operations Agreements.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for EI Service includes three components:
Component 1
    EI Service charges are applied to deviations as follows unless 
otherwise dictated by contract or policy: (1) deviations within the 
bandwidth will be tracked and settled financially, at the greater of 
the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) market price, or 
WAPA-SN's actual cost; (2) negative deviations (under-delivery), 
outside the deviation bandwidth, will be charged the greater of 150 
percent of the CAISO market price or 150 percent of WAPA-SN's actual 
cost; and (3) positive deviations (over-delivery), outside the 
deviation bandwidth, will be lost to the system, except for any hour 
when WAPA-SN incurs a cost to dispose of the energy, in which event the 
responsible party will bear that cost.
    Deviations that occur due to actions taken to support reliability 
will be resolved in accordance with existing contractual requirements. 
Such actions include reserve activations or uncontrolled event 
responses as directed by the responsible reliability authority such as 
SBA, Host Balancing Authority (HBA), Reliability Coordinator, or 
Transmission Operator.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the HBA for providing this service will 
be passed on to each relevant customer. When possible, WAPA-SN will 
pass through charges and credits directly to the customer in the same 
manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges 
or credits will be passed through using Component 1 of the formula 


    Billing for negative deviations outside the bandwidth, or as 
otherwise required, will occur monthly.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CV-GID3
(Supersedes Schedule CV-GID2)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Generator Imbalance Service


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To generators receiving Generator Imbalance (GI) Service.

Character and Conditions of Service

    GI Service is provided when a difference occurs between the 
scheduled and actual delivery of energy from an eligible generation 
resource within the Sub-Balancing Authority (SBA), over an hour, or in 
accordance with approved policies. The deviation in megawatts is the 
net scheduled amount of generation minus the net metered output from 
the generator's (actual generation) amount.
    GI Service is subject to the deviation bandwidth established in the 
service agreement or Interconnected Operations Agreements.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for the GI Service has three components:
Component 1
    GI Service is applied to deviations as follows unless otherwise 
dictated by contract or policy: (1) deviations within the bandwidth 
will be tracked and settled financially at the greater of the 
California Independent System Operator (CAISO) market price or WAPA-
SN's actual cost; (2) negative deviations (under-delivery), outside the 
deviation bandwidth, will be charged the greater of 150 percent of the 
CAISO market price or 150 percent of WAPA-SN's actual cost; and (3) 
positive deviations (over-delivery), outside the deviation bandwidth, 
will be lost to the system, except for any hour when WAPA-SN incurs a 
cost to dispose of the energy, in which event the responsible party 
will bear that cost.
    Deviations that occur due to actions taken to support reliability 
will be resolved in accordance with existing contractual requirements. 
Such actions include reserve activations or

[[Page 59095]]

uncontrolled event responses as directed by the responsible reliability 
authority such as SBA, Host Balancing Authority (HBA), Reliability 
Coordinator, or Transmission Operator.
    To the extent that an entity incorporates intermittent resources, 
deviations will be charged as follows unless otherwise dictated by 
contract or policy: (1) deviations within the bandwidth will be tracked 
and settled financially at the greater of the CAISO market price or 
WAPA-SN's actual cost; (2) negative deviations (under-delivery), 
outside the deviation bandwidth, will be charged the greater of market 
price or actual cost (no penalty); and (3) positive deviations (over-
delivery), outside the deviation bandwidth, will be lost to the system, 
except for any hour where WAPA-SN incurs a cost, then that cost will be 
borne by the responsible party.
    Intermittent generators serving load outside of WAPA-SN's SBA will 
be required to dynamically schedule or dynamically meter their 
generation to another Balancing Authority. An intermittent resource, 
for the limited purpose of these rate schedules, is an electric 
generator that is not dispatchable and cannot store its output, and 
therefore, cannot respond to changes in demand or respond to 
transmission security constraints.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the HBA for providing this service will 
be passed on to each relevant customer. When possible, WAPA-SN will 
pass through charges and credits directly to the customer in the same 
manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges 
or credits will be passed through using Component 1 of the formula 


    Billing for negative deviations outside the bandwidth will occur 

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CV-SSP3
(Supersedes Schedule CV-SSP2)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Sale of Surplus Products


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded by 
another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    To WAPA-SN customers participating in the Sale of Surplus Products.

Character and Conditions of Service

    Sale of Surplus Products occurs when there is a sale of surplus 
energy and/or capacity products. This includes: (1) Energy, (2) 
Frequency Response Service, (3) Regulation, (4) Reserves, and (5) 
Resource Sufficiency. If any of the surplus products are available, 
WAPA-SN could make the product(s) available for sale, provided entities 
enter into separate agreement(s) which will specify the terms of 

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for Sale of Surplus Products service includes 
three components:
Component 1
    WAPA-SN will determine the charge for each product at the time of 
sale to be the greater of WAPA-SN's cost or market rates, to include 
transmission charges. WAPA-SN will use a separate agreement(s) to 
specify the terms of sale(s). The customer may be responsible for 
acquiring additional transmission service necessary to deliver the 
product(s), for which a separate charge may be incurred from the 
transmission provider.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the Host Balancing Authority for 
providing this service will be passed on to each relevant customer. 
When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through charges and credits directly 
to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When 
not possible, the charges or credits will be passed through using 
Component 1 of the formula rate.


    The formula rate above will be applied to the Sale of Surplus 
product(s) sold. Billing will occur monthly.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CV-EIM1S1
(Supersedes Rate Schedule CV-EIM1S)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Energy Imbalance Market

Administrative Service


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    This rate applies to WAPA-SN customers when WAPA-SN, as the 
Transmission Provider, is participating in Energy Imbalance Market 
(EIM) and when the EIM has not been suspended. To the extent WAPA-SN 
incurs EIM Administrative Service-related costs from the EIM Entity 
during periods of market suspension or contingency, this schedule will 
also apply to ensure that

[[Page 59096]]

WAPA-SN, as Transmission Provider, remains revenue neutral for its 
participation in EIM.

Character and Conditions of Service

    The EIM Administrative Service rate recovers the administrative 
costs for participating in the EIM by WAPA-SN as a Transmission 
Provider, including but not limited to such administrative charges as 
may be incurred by WAPA-SN from California Independent System Operator 
(CAISO) as the EIM Market Operator (MO) and/or Balancing Authority of 
Northern California (BANC) as the EIM Entity.
    Unless such charges are allocated to the Transmission Customer 
directly by BANC, all Transmission Customers purchasing Long-Term Firm 
Point-to-Point Transmission Service, Short-Term Firm Point-to-Point 
Transmission Service, Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service, or 
Network Integration Transmission Service from WAPA-SN shall incur an 
EIM Administrative Service Charge from WAPA-SN.
    CAISO's Administrative Service Charge, as defined in the MO Tariff, 
is included in this rate. This rate also includes administrative 
charges assessed to WAPA-SN by BANC based on net energy load within the 
WAPA-SN Sub-Balancing Authority Area.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for EIM Administrative Service includes three 
Component 1
    EIM Administrative Service costs shall be sub-allocated to WAPA-
SN's transmission customers based on load ratio share for the time in 
which WAPA-SN incurs EIM administrative costs.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the Host Balancing Authority for 
providing this service will be passed on to each relevant customer. 
When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through charges and credits directly 
to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When 
not possible, the charges or credits will be passed through using 
Component 1 of the formula rate.


    Billing will occur monthly.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CV-EIM4S1
(Supersedes Rate Schedule CV-EIM4S)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Energy Imbalance Market

Energy Imbalance Service


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    This rate applies to WAPA-SN customers receiving Energy Imbalance 
(EI) Service when WAPA-SN, as the Transmission Provider, is 
participating in Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) and when the EIM has not 
been suspended. To the extent WAPA-SN incurs EIM Administrative 
Service-related costs from the EIM Entity during periods of market 
suspension or contingency, this schedule will also apply to ensure that 
WAPA-SN, as Transmission Provider, remains revenue neutral for its 
participation in EIM.

Character and Conditions of Service

    EI Service is provided when a difference occurs between the 
scheduled and the actual delivery of energy to a load located within 
the WAPA-SN Sub-Balancing Authority Area (Sub-BAA). WAPA-SN offers this 
service when transmission service is used to serve load within the 
    Unless subsequently imposed by California Independent System 
Operator (CAISO) as the Market Operator (MO) as part of the MO Tariff 
and promulgated by WAPA-SN through rate proceedings, there shall be no 
incremental transmission charge assessed for transmission use related 
to the EIM. Transmission customers must have transmission service 
rights, as set forth in Attachment S of WAPA's Tariff.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for EI Service includes three components:
Component 1
    EI Service is the deviation of the transmission customer's metered 
load compared to the load component of the Transmission Customer Base 
Schedule settled as Uninstructed Imbalance Energy (UIE) for the period 
of the deviation at the applicable Load Aggregation Point (LAP) price 
where the load is located.
    EI Service penalties are applied to deviations as follows unless 
otherwise dictated by contract or policy: (1) negative deviations 
(under-delivery), outside the deviation bandwidth, will be charged the 
greater of 50 percent of the CAISO market price or 50 percent of WAPA-
SN's actual cost; and (2) positive deviations (over-delivery), outside 
the deviation bandwidth, will be lost to the system, except for any 
hour when WAPA-SN incurs a cost to dispose of the energy, in which 
event the responsible party will bear that cost.
    Deviations that occur due to actions taken to support reliability 
will be resolved in accordance with existing contractual requirements. 
Such actions include reserve activations or uncontrolled event 
responses as directed by the responsible reliability authority such as 
SBA, Host Balancing Authority (HBA), Reliability Coordinator, or 
Transmission Operator.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the HBA for providing this service will 
be passed

[[Page 59097]]

on to each relevant customer. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges and credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.


    Billing will occur monthly.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

Rate Schedule CV-EIM9S1
(Supersedes Rate Schedule CV-EIM9S)


Western Area Power Administration

Central Valley Project

Energy Imbalance Market

Generator Imbalance Service


    October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2029, or until superseded, 
whichever occurs earlier.


    In the area served by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), 
Sierra Nevada Region (SN).


    This rate applies to WAPA-SN customers receiving Generator 
Imbalance (GI) Service when WAPA-SN, as the Transmission Provider, is 
participating in Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) and when the EIM has not 
been suspended. To the extent WAPA-SN incurs EIM Administrative 
Service-related costs from the EIM Entity during periods of market 
suspension or contingency, this schedule will also apply to ensure that 
WAPA-SN, as Transmission Provider, remains revenue neutral for its 
participation in EIM.

Character and Conditions of Service

    GI Service is provided when a difference occurs between the output 
of EIM Non-Participating Resource located in the WAPA-SN Sub-Balancing 
Authority (Sub-BAA), as reflected in the resource component of the 
Transmission Customer Base Schedule, and the delivery schedule from 
that generator to (1) another BAA, (2) the Balancing Authority of 
Northern California (BANC) BAA, or (3) a load within the WAPA-SN Sub-
    Unless subsequently imposed by California Independent System 
Operator (CAISO) as the Market Operator (MO) as part of the MO Tariff 
and promulgated by WAPA-SN through rate proceedings, there shall be no 
incremental transmission charge assessed for transmission use related 
to the EIM. Transmission customers must have transmission service 
rights, as set forth in Attachment S of WAPA's Tariff.

Formula Rate

    The formula rate for GI Service includes three components:
Component 1
    GI Service penalties are applied to deviations as follows unless 
otherwise dictated by contract or policy: (1) negative deviations 
(under-delivery), outside the deviation bandwidth, will be charged the 
greater of 50 percent of the CAISO market price or 50 percent of WAPA-
SN's actual cost; and (2) positive deviations (over-delivery), outside 
the deviation bandwidth, will be lost to the system, except for any 
hour when WAPA-SN incurs a cost to dispose of the energy, in which 
event the responsible party will bear that cost.
    Deviations that occur due to actions taken to support reliability 
will be resolved in accordance with existing contractual requirements. 
Such actions include reserve activations or uncontrolled event 
responses as directed by the responsible reliability authority such as 
SBA, Host Balancing Authority (HBA), Reliability Coordinator, or 
Transmission Operator.
    To the extent that an entity incorporates intermittent resources, 
deviations will be charged as follows unless otherwise dictated by 
contract or policy: (1) negative deviations (under-delivery), outside 
the deviation bandwidth, will be charged the greater of market price or 
actual cost (no penalty); and (2) positive deviations (over-delivery), 
outside the deviation bandwidth, will be lost to the system, except for 
any hour where WAPA-SN incurs a cost, then that cost will be borne by 
the responsible party.
    Intermittent generators serving load outside of WAPA-SN's SBA will 
be required to dynamically schedule or dynamically meter their 
generation to another Balancing Authority. An intermittent resource, 
for the limited purpose of these rate schedules, is an electric 
generator that is not dispatchable and cannot store its output, and 
therefore, cannot respond to changes in demand or respond to 
transmission security constraints.
Component 2
    Any charges or credits associated with the creation, termination, 
or modification to any tariff, contract, or rate schedule accepted or 
approved by FERC or other regulatory body will be passed on to each 
relevant customer. The charges or credits apply to the service to which 
this rate methodology applies. When possible, WAPA-SN will pass through 
charges or credits directly to the customer in the same manner WAPA-SN 
is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges or credits will 
be passed through using Component 1 of the formula rate.
Component 3
    Any charges or credits from the HBA for providing this service will 
be passed on to each relevant customer. When possible, WAPA-SN will 
pass through charges and credits directly to the customer in the same 
manner WAPA-SN is charged or credited. When not possible, the charges 
or credits will be passed through using Component 1 of the formula 


    Billing will occur monthly.

Audit Adjustments

    Financial audit adjustments that apply to the formula rate under 
this rate schedule will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to 
determine the appropriate treatment for repayment and cash flow 

[FR Doc. 2024-16029 Filed 7-19-24; 8:45 am]