[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 141 (Tuesday, July 23, 2024)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 59610-59620]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-15748]



40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-R10-OAR-2023-0438, FRL-11366-02-R10]

Air Plan Approval; OR; Permitting Rule Revisions

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving 
revisions to the Oregon State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted on 
March 27, 2023. The submitted changes are designed to strengthen the 
stationary source permitting rules by eliminating generic plant site 
emission limits in favor of source-specific and source-category 
specific limits, updating construction notification requirements, 
clarifying the use of modeling and monitoring for compliance assurance, 
and streamlining the application process.

DATES: This final rule is effective August 22, 2024.

[[Page 59611]]

ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a docket for this action under 
Docket ID No. EPA-R10-OAR-2023-0438. All documents in the docket are 
listed on the https://www.regulations.gov website. Although listed in 
the index, some information is not publicly available, e.g., 
Confidential Business Information or other information the disclosure 
of which is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as 
copyrighted material, is not placed on the internet and will be 
publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly available docket 
materials are available at https://www.regulations.gov, or please 
contact the person listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 
section for additional availability information.

Sixth Avenue, Suite 155, Seattle, WA 98101, at (206) 553-6357 or 
[email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Throughout this document, wherever ``we'' or 
``our'' is used, it means the EPA.

Table of Contents

I. Background
II. Comments and Responses
III. Final Action
IV. Incorporation by Reference
V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

I. Background

    On April 1, 2024, the EPA proposed to approve revisions to the 
Oregon SIP to strengthen and streamline the stationary source 
permitting rules (89 FR 22363). The reasons for our proposed action are 
included in the proposal and will not be restated here. The public 
comment period closed on May 1, 2024. We received four comments from 
members of the public. The full text of the comments may be found in 
the docket for this action. We have summarized the comments and 
provided our responses in section II. of this preamble.

II. Comments and Responses

Comment 1 and EPA Responses

    The first commenter conveyed overall support for the EPA's proposed 
action to approve the submitted revisions to the Oregon SIP. The EPA 
acknowledges the commenter's support for the EPA's approval of Oregon's 
SIP submission. However, the same commenter also expressed concern 
about two specific items in our proposed action. First, the commenter 
speculated about the potential impact to the permitting program and its 
transparency if the permit fee table (listing the specific dollar 
amounts charged to facility owners and operators for various types of 
permit actions) were removed from the SIP. The permit fee table in 
question is table 2 of Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 340-216-8020.
    In response to the comment, the EPA reiterates what was stated in 
the proposed action \1\ and further elaborates. In the March 27, 2023, 
submission, Oregon requested to remove the permit fee table from the 
SIP. The table codifies in State regulation the specific amounts to be 
charged by the State of Oregon to facility owners and operators for 
various types of permit actions. This table is revised periodically by 
the State to account for inflation and State-initiated revenue 
adjustments. However, there is no Clean Air Act requirement to include 
this itemized list in the SIP. States may decide to maintain such 
provisions as State-only regulations. Importantly, the requirement to 
pay pre-construction permit fees remains in the SIP, consistent with 
Clean Air Act section 110(a)(2)(L).\2\ Therefore, the EPA's position 
remains that the SIP submission meets Clean Air Act requirements.

    \1\ See 89 FR 22363, April 1, 2024, at page 22367.
    \2\ OAR-340-216-8020(1).

    With respect to transparency, the table of permit fees remains 
codified as a matter of State law in the OAR and is readily available 
to the public and regulated entities on the Oregon Secretary of State 
website.\3\ The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality continues to 
implement the permitting program and charge the associated fees listed 
in the permit fee table, as required. Therefore, we find that there is 
no anticipated impact to transparency.

    \3\ https://www.sos.oregon.gov/archives.

    Second, the same commenter expressed concern about removing text 
from the SIP-approved Oregon rules that historically tightened opacity 
limits related to visible emissions. While the commenter did not cite 
to the specific regulation change, we infer that the commenter was 
referring to the changes to OAR 340-208-0110.
    In response to this comment, the EPA believes the commenter has 
misunderstood Oregon's rule revisions and the basis of the EPA's 
proposed action. As part of the March 27, 2023 SIP submission, Oregon 
submitted revisions to OAR 340-208-0110. The revisions removed obsolete 
text that, in the past, phased in tighter, 20 percent opacity limits 
starting on January 1, 2020. These tighter, 20 percent opacity limits 
have been fully phased in and are now widely applicable. Therefore, the 
text that allowed greater than 20 percent opacity prior to January 1, 
2020, is obsolete. Removing this obsolete text from the SIP makes the 
rules clearer and easier to implement and has no substantive impact on 
the opacity standards in Oregon's SIP. Therefore, approval of this 
revision is appropriate.

Comment 2 and EPA Responses

    The second commenter stated that they do not feel Oregon does 
enough to protect the public from air pollution and that the efforts 
the State does make are not equitable or fair. As an example, the 
commenter referenced the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance 
program that requires emissions testing in Portland and other 
metropolitan areas, but does not require such testing statewide.
    The EPA acknowledges the comment, however, the commenter does not 
indicate with specificity why approval of Oregon's revisions to its 
SIP-approved permitting rules is inconsistent with the Clean Air Act or 
otherwise inappropriate.
    In addition, the EPA does not consider comments on the SIP-approved 
Oregon motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program to be within 
the scope of this action. Revisions to the inspection and maintenance 
program requirements of Division 256 in the OAR were most recently 
approved by the EPA on July 12, 2022 and we are not in this action 
revisiting our prior decision (87 FR 41256). Likewise, comments on 
potential future changes to the SIP-approved motor vehicle inspection 
and maintenance program that have not been submitted to the EPA for SIP 
approval are outside the scope of this action.

Comment 3 and EPA Responses

    The third commenter expressed concern about air emissions from 
cannabis farms and urged that Federal charges be reestablished. The 
commenter pointed to studies of the potential for volatile organic 
compound emissions from cannabis farms to contribute to ozone 
formation. The EPA acknowledges the comment, however, the comment is 
outside the scope of this action and does not indicate that the EPA's 
approval of the SIP submission is inconsistent with the CAA. Federal 
oversight of cannabis farms is unrelated to this action. This action 
addresses changes to the Oregon regulations governing stationary source 
permitting in the State, including changes to eliminate generic plant 
site emission limits, update construction notification requirements, 
clarify the use of

[[Page 59612]]

modeling and monitoring for compliance assurance, and streamline the 
permit application process.

Comment 4 and EPA Responses

    The fourth commenter appears to support the EPA's proposed action. 
The EPA acknowledges the commenter's support of the EPA's approval of 
Oregon's SIP submission.
    For the reasons stated in our proposed action (89 FR 22363, April 
1, 2024) and in section II. of this preamble, the EPA is finalizing its 
action as proposed.

III. Final Action

    The EPA is approving revisions to the Oregon SIP submitted on March 
27, 2023.\4\ The following paragraphs detail our incorporations by 

    \4\ We are deferring action on the submitted changes to OAR-340-
214-0330, because we intend to address the changes in a separate, 
future action.

A. Rule Sections To Be Incorporated by Reference

    The EPA is incorporating specific OAR sections by reference into 
the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Upon the effective date of this 
action, the regulatory portion of the Oregon SIP at 40 CFR 52.1970(c) 
will include the following provisions, State effective March 1, 2023:
     OAR 340-200-0020 General Air Quality Definitions (defining 
terms used in the Oregon air quality regulations);
     OAR 340-200-0025 Abbreviations and Acronyms (defining 
abbreviations and acronyms used in the Oregon air quality regulations);
     OAR 340-200-0035 Reference Materials (specifying the title 
and version of each reference material used in the Oregon air quality 
     OAR 340-204-0300 Designation of Sustainment Areas 
(identifying the areas in Oregon designated as sustaining the relevant 
air quality standard);
     OAR 340-204-0310 Designation of Reattainment Areas 
(identifying the areas in Oregon designated as reattaining the relevant 
air quality standard);
     OAR 340-206-0010 Introduction (establishing significant 
harm levels for pollutants in areas based on priority level);
     OAR 340-208-0110 Visible Air Contaminant Limitations 
(establishing limits and test methods for visible emissions);
     OAR 340-209-0080 Issuance or Denial of a Permit 
(specifying procedures for issuing and denying permits, including how 
to request a hearing to contest a permit decision);
     OAR 340-210-0100 Registration in General (identifying 
categories of sources that are required to register with the Oregon 
     OAR 340-210-0205 Notice of Construction and Approval of 
Plans: Applicability and Requirements, except paragraph (3) (listing 
source types and activities that require notice to the Oregon DEQ prior 
to construction);
     OAR 340-210-0225 Notice of Construction and Approval of 
Plans: Types of Construction/Modification Changes (establishing the 
activities that qualify for each type of notice of construction);
     OAR 340-210-0230 Notice of Construction and Approval of 
Plans: Notice to Construct Application (requiring the specific 
information to be submitted in an application);
     OAR 340-210-0240 Notice of Construction and Approval of 
Plans: Construction Approval (specifying what level of approval from 
Oregon DEQ is needed before a source may begin construction);
     OAR 340-210-0250 Notice of Construction and Approval of 
Plans: Approval to Operate (specifying what is required of a source to 
obtain approval to operate);
     OAR 340-214-0110 Reporting: Request for Information 
(requiring sources to respond to Oregon DEQ requests for information);
     OAR 340-214-0114 Reporting: Records; Maintaining and 
Reporting (detailing when and how to record and report data);
     OAR 340-214-0130 Reporting: Information Exempt from 
Disclosure (establishing that trade secrets and other eligible data may 
be exempt from disclosure);
     OAR 340-216-0020 Applicability and Jurisdiction 
(identifying source categories subject to Division 216 regarding air 
contaminant discharge permits);
     OAR 340-216-0025 Types and Permits (identifying the types 
of air contaminant discharge permits);
     OAR 340-216-0040 Application Requirements (spelling out 
the information required to be included in permit applications);
     OAR 340-216-0054 Short Term Activity ACDPs (listing the 
pilot and other time-limited activities that may be eligible for a 
short term activity ACDP);
     OAR 340-216-0056 Basic ACDPs (identifying the contents of 
a basic ACDP);
     OAR 340-216-0060 General Air Contaminant Discharge Permits 
(identifying the contents of a general ACDP);
     OAR 340-216-0064 Simple ACDPs (identifying the contents of 
a simple ACDP);
     OAR 340-216-0066 Standard ACDPs (identifying the contents 
of a standard ACDP);
     OAR 340-216-0068 Simple and Standard ACDP Attachments 
(allowing Oregon DEQ to add requirements to existing simple and 
standard ACDP permits);
     OAR 340-216-0082 Expiration, Termination, Reinstatement or 
Revocation of an ACDP (regulating when and how ACDPs expire, are 
terminated, reinstated or revoked);
     OAR 340-216-0084 Department Initiated Modification 
(establishing a means by which Oregon DEQ may modify an ACDP when 
     OAR 340-216-8010 Table 1--Activities and Sources (listing 
which source categories and associated activities must obtain an ACDP);
     OAR 340-216-8020 Table 2--Air Contaminant Discharge 
Permits, except paragraph (2) and table 2 (requiring sources to pay 
ACDP fees to the Oregon DEQ);
     OAR 340-222-0020 Applicability and Jurisdiction (requiring 
that plant site emission limits are included in most ACDPs and title V 
operating permits);
     OAR 340-222-0035 General Requirements for Establishing All 
PSELs (describing how plant site emission limits are established and 
how they are revised);
     OAR 340-222-0041 Annual PSELs (prescribing how annual 
plant site emission limits are established on a source-specific basis);
     OAR 340-222-0042 Short Term PSEL (establishing short term 
limits for sources located in areas with an established short term 
significant emission rate);
     OAR 340-222-0046 Netting Basis (establishing netting basis 
     OAR 340-224-0030 New Source Review Procedural Requirements 
(establishing application and processing procedures for new source 
review permits);
     OAR 340-224-0520 Net Air Quality Benefit Emission Offsets: 
Requirements for Demonstrating Net Air Quality Benefit for Ozone Areas 
(requiring certain sources to offset emissions in areas with ozone 
     OAR 340-224-0530 Net Air Quality Benefit Emission Offsets: 
Requirements for Demonstrating Net Air Quality Benefit for Non-Ozone 
Areas (requiring sources to offset emissions in areas with particulate 
matter problems);
     OAR 340-225-0030 Procedural Requirements (prescribing the 
procedures for air quality analysis);

[[Page 59613]]

     OAR 340-225-0050 Requirements for Analysis in PSD Class II 
and Class III Areas (establishing the modeling requirements for sources 
in PSD class II and III areas);
     OAR 340-225-0070 Requirements for Demonstrating Compliance 
with Air Quality Related Values Protection (describing how to comply 
with limits established for national parks, wilderness, and other 
     OAR 340-226-0100 Highest and Best Practicable Treatment 
and Control: Policy and Application (requiring appropriate conditions 
in permits to control and treat emissions to the highest extent);
     OAR 340-226-0130 Highest and Best Practicable Treatment 
and Control: Typically Achievable Control Technology (TACT) (laying out 
when and how the Oregon DEQ will make typically achievable control 
technology determinations);
     OAR 340-226-0140 Highest and Best Practicable Treatment 
and Control: Additional Control Requirements for Stationary Sources of 
Air Contaminants (providing that the Oregon DEQ will establish 
additional control requirements to protect the NAAQS, visibility, and 
other public health and environmental goals);
     OAR 340-226-0210 Grain Loading Standards: Particulate 
Emission Limitations for Sources Other Than Fuel Burning Equipment, 
Refuse Burning Equipment and Fugitive Emissions (establishing 
particulate emission standards for non-fuel burning equipment);
     OAR 340-228-0210 General Emission Standards for Fuel 
Burning Equipment: Grain Loading Standards (setting grain loading 
standards for fuel-burning equipment);
     OAR 340-232-0030 Definitions (defining terms used in the 
rules establishing emission standards for VOC point sources);
     OAR 340-232-0040 General Non-Categorical Requirements 
(spelling out general case-by-case RACT requirements for VOC point 
     OAR 340-232-0090 Bulk Gasoline Terminals Including Truck 
and Trailer Loading (VOC emission limits for bulk gasoline terminals);
     OAR 340-232-0160 Surface Coating in Manufacturing (VOC 
emission limits for surface coating operations);
     OAR 340-232-0170 Aerospace Component Coating Operations 
(VOC emission limits for component coating in the aerospace industry);
     OAR 340-234-0010 Definitions except (8) and (10) (defining 
terms used in the rules establishing emission standards for the wood 
products industry);
     OAR 340-234-0210 Kraft Pulp Mills: Emission Limitations, 
except references to total reduced sulfur (setting emission limits for 
kraft pulp mills);
     OAR 340-236-8010 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants: table--Process 
Weight table (requiring hot mix asphalt plants to comply with specific 
process weight discharge rates);

B. Rule Sections To Be Removed From Incorporation by Reference

    The EPA is removing from incorporation by reference the following 
     OAR 340-210-0215 Notice of Construction and Approval of 
Plans: Requirement, State effective April 16, 2015 (requirements to 
notify the Oregon DEQ prior to constructing or modifying a subject 
     OAR 340-222-0040 Generic Annual PSEL, State effective 
April 16, 2015 (establishing generic plant site emission limits for 
subject sources that emit less than the significant emission rate);
     OAR 340-021-200 Purpose, State effective May 1, 1995 
(describing the purpose of contingency control requirements for 
existing industrial sources in coarse particulate matter nonattainment 
     OAR 340-021-205 Relation to Other Rules, State effective 
March 10, 1993 (describing the relation of contingency control 
requirements to other regulations);
     OAR 340-021-210 Applicability, State effective March 10, 
1993 (stating that contingency control requirements shall apply if the 
EPA determines an area has failed to attain the PM10 
standard by the applicable attainment date);
     OAR 340-021-215 Definitions, State effective March 10, 
1993 (establishing definitions used in the contingency control 
     OAR 340-021-220 Compliance Schedule for Existing Sources, 
State effective March 10, 1993 (setting the compliance schedule for 
sources to install emissions control systems as a contingency control 
     OAR 340-021-225 Wood-Waste Boilers, State effective March 
10, 1993 (limiting emissions from wood-waste boilers to a specific rate 
as a contingency control requirement);
     OAR 340-021-230 Wood Particle Dryers at Particleboard 
Plants, State effective March 10, 1993 (limiting emissions from wood 
particle dryers to a specific rate as a contingency control 
     OAR 340-021-235 Hardboard Manufacturing Plants, State 
effective March 10, 1993 (limiting emissions from hardboard 
manufacturing plants to a specific rate as a contingency control 
     OAR 340-021-240 Air Conveying Systems, State effective 
March 10, 1993 (limiting emissions from air conveying systems to a 
specific rate as a contingency control requirement); and
     OAR 340-021-245 Fugitive Emissions, State effective March 
10, 1993 (requiring wood products manufacturing plants to limit 
fugitive emissions as a contingency control requirement).

IV. Incorporation by Reference

    In this document, the EPA is finalizing regulatory text that 
includes incorporation by reference. In accordance with requirements of 
1 CFR 51.5, we are finalizing the incorporation by reference of the 
Oregon regulatory provisions described in section III. of this preamble 
and set forth in the amendments to 40 CFR part 52 in this document. The 
EPA has made, and will continue to make, these materials generally 
available through https://www.regulations.gov and at the EPA Region 10 
Office (please contact the person identified in the FOR FURTHER 
INFORMATION CONTACT section of this preamble for more information). 
Therefore, these materials have been approved by the EPA for inclusion 
in the SIP, have been incorporated by reference by the EPA into that 
plan, are fully federally enforceable under sections 110 and 113 of the 
Clean Air Act as of the effective date of the final rule of the EPA's 
approval, and will be incorporated by reference in the next update to 
the SIP compilation.\5\

    \5\ 62 FR 27968 (May 22, 1997).

    Also in this document, the EPA is removing regulatory text from 
incorporated by reference, as described in section III. of this 

V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    Under the Clean Air Act, the Administrator is required to approve a 
SIP submission that complies with the provisions of the Clean Air Act 
and applicable Federal regulations. 42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a). 
Thus, in reviewing SIP submissions, the EPA's role is to approve State 
choices, provided that they meet the criteria of the Clean Air Act. 
Accordingly, this action merely approves State law as meeting Federal 
requirements and does not impose additional requirements

[[Page 59614]]

beyond those imposed by State law. For that reason, this action:
     Is not a significant regulatory action subject to review 
by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Orders 12866 (58 
FR 51735, October 4, 1993) and 14094 (88 FR 21879, April 11, 2023);
     Does not impose an information collection burden under the 
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
     Is certified as not having a significant economic impact 
on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
     Does not contain any unfunded mandate or significantly or 
uniquely affect small governments, as described in the Unfunded 
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4);
     Does not have federalism implications as specified in 
Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999);
     Is not subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, 
April 23, 1997) because it approves a State program;
     Is not a significant regulatory action subject to 
Executive Order 13211 (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001); and
     Is not subject to requirements of section 12(d) of the 
National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 
note) because application of those requirements would be inconsistent 
with the Clean Air Act.
    Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental 
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, 59 FR 7629, 
February 16, 1994) directs Federal agencies to identify and address 
``disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental 
effects'' of their actions on minority populations and low-income 
populations to the greatest extent practicable and permitted by law. 
The EPA defines environmental justice (EJ) as ``the fair treatment and 
meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, 
national origin, or income with respect to the development, 
implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and 
policies.'' The EPA further defines the term fair treatment to mean 
that ``no group of people should bear a disproportionate burden of 
environmental harms and risks, including those resulting from the 
negative environmental consequences of industrial, governmental, and 
commercial operations or programs and policies.''
    The air agency did not evaluate environmental justice 
considerations as part of its SIP submission; the Clean Air Act and 
applicable implementing regulations neither prohibit nor require such 
an evaluation. The EPA did not perform an EJ analysis and did not 
consider EJ in this action. Due to the nature of this action, it is 
expected to have a neutral to positive impact on the air quality of the 
affected area. Consideration of EJ is not required as part of this 
action, and there is no information in the record inconsistent with the 
stated goal of Executive Order 12898 of achieving environmental justice 
for people of color, low-income populations, and Indigenous peoples.
    In addition, the SIP is not approved to apply on any Indian 
reservation land or in any other area where the EPA or an Indian Tribe 
has demonstrated that a Tribe has jurisdiction. In those areas of 
Indian country, the rule does not have Tribal implications and it will 
not impose substantial direct costs on Tribal governments or preempt 
Tribal law as specified by Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 
9, 2000).
    This action is subject to the Congressional Review Act, and the EPA 
will submit a rule report to each House of the Congress and to the 
Comptroller General of the United States. This action is not a ``major 
rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
    Under section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act, petitions for 
judicial review of this action must be filed in the United States Court 
of Appeals for the appropriate circuit by September 23, 2024. Filing a 
petition for reconsideration by the Administrator of this final rule 
does not affect the finality of this action for the purposes of 
judicial review nor does it extend the time within which a petition for 
judicial review may be filed and shall not postpone the effectiveness 
of such rule or action. This action may not be challenged later in 
proceedings to enforce its requirements. See section 307(b)(2).

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, 
Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Lead, Nitrogen 
dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and recordkeeping 
requirements, Sulfur oxides, Volatile organic compounds.

    Dated: July 12, 2024.
Casey Sixkiller,
Regional Administrator, Region 10.

    For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the EPA amends 40 CFR 
part 52 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

Subpart MM--Oregon

2. In Sec.  52.1970, in paragraph (c), table 2 is amended by:
a. Removing the headings ``Division 21 General Emission Standards for 
Particulate Matter'' and ``Industrial Contingency Requirements for PM-
10 Nonattainment Areas'' and the entries ``021-200'', ``021-205'', 
``021-210'', ``021-215'', ``021-220'', ``021-225'', ``021-230'', ``021-
235'', ``021-240'', and ``021-245'';
b. Revising the entries ``200-0020'', ``200-0025'', ``200-0035'', 
``204-0300'', ``204-0310'', ``206-0010'', ``208-0110'', ``209-0080'', 
``210-0100'', and ``210-0205'';
c. Removing the entry ``210-0215'';
d. Revising the entries ``210-0225'', ``210-0230'', ``210-0240'', 
``210-0250'', ``214-0110'', ``214-0114'', ``214-0130'', ``216-0020'', 
``216-0025'', ``216-0040'', ``216-0054'', ``216-0056''; ``216-0060'', 
``216-0064'', ``216-0066'', ``216-0068'', ``216-0082'', ``216-0084'', 
``216-8010'', ``216-8020'', ``222-0020'', and ``222-0035'';
e. Removing the entry ``222-0040''; and
f. Revising the entries ``222-0041'', ``222-0042'', ``222-0046'', 
``224-0030'', ``224-0520'', ``224-0530'', ``225-0030'', ``225-0050'', 
``225-0070'', ``226-0100'', ``226-0130'', ``226-0140'', ``226-0210'', 
``228-0210'', ``232-0030'', ``232-0040'', ``232-0090'', ``232-0160'', 
``232-0170'', ``234-0010'', ``234-0210'', and ``236-8010''.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  52.1970  Identification of plan.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *

[[Page 59615]]

                           Table 2--EPA-Approved Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) \1\
                                              State        EPA approval
    State citation       Title/subject   effective date        date                     Explanations
                                                  * * * * * * *
                         Division 200--General Air Pollution Procedures and Definitions
                                                  * * * * * * *
200-0020.............  General Air             3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Quality                           [INSERT FIRST
                        Definitions.                      PAGE OF FEDERAL
200-0025.............  Abbreviations           3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        and Acronyms.                     [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
200-0035.............  Reference               3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Materials.                        [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                 Division 204--Designation of Air Quality Areas
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                              Designation of Areas
204-0300.............  Designation of          3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Sustainment                       [INSERT FIRST
                        Areas.                            PAGE OF FEDERAL
204-0310.............  Designation of          3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Reattainment                      [INSERT FIRST
                        Areas.                            PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                     Division 206--Air Pollution Emergencies
206-0010.............  Introduction....        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                                                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
                            Division 208--Visible Emissions and Nuisance Requirements
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                                Visible Emissions
208-0110.............  Visible Air             3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Contaminant                       [INSERT FIRST
                        Limitations.                      PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                       Division 209--Public Participation
                                                  * * * * * * *
209-0080.............  Issuance or             3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Denial of a                       [INSERT FIRST
                        Permit.                           PAGE OF FEDERAL
                            Division 210--Stationary Source Notification Requirements

[[Page 59616]]

                                                  * * * * * * *
210-0100.............  Registration in         3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        General.                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                  Notice of Construction and Approval of Plans
210-0205.............  Applicability           3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,    Except paragraph (3).
                        and                               [INSERT FIRST
                        Requirements.                     PAGE OF FEDERAL
210-0225.............  Types of                3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Construction/                     [INSERT FIRST
                        Modification                      PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Changes.                          REGISTER
210-0230.............  Types of Notice         3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,[
                        to Construct                      INSERT FIRST
                        Application.                      PAGE OF FEDERAL
210-0240.............  Construction            3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Approval.                         [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
210-0250.............  Approval to             3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Operate.                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
                             Division 214--Stationary Source Reporting Requirements
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                                  * * * * * * *
214-0110.............  Request for             3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Information.                      [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
214-0114.............  Records;                3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Maintaining and                   [INSERT FIRST
                        Reporting.                        PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
214-0130.............  Reporting:              3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Information                       [INSERT FIRST
                        Exempt from                       PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Disclosure.                       REGISTER
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                 Division 216--Air Contaminant Discharge Permits
                                                  * * * * * * *
216-0020.............  Applicability           3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        and                               [INSERT FIRST
                        Jurisdiction.                     PAGE OF FEDERAL
216-0025.............  Types of Permits        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                                                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
216-0040.............  Application             3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Requirements.                     [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL

[[Page 59617]]

                                                  * * * * * * *
216-0054.............  Short Term              3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Activity ACDPs.                   [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
216-0056.............  Basic ACDPs.....        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                                                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
216-0060.............  General Air             3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Contaminant                       [INSERT FIRST
                        Discharge                         PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Permits.                          REGISTER
                                                  * * * * * * *
216-0064.............  Simple ACDPs....        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                                                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
216-0066.............  Standard ACDPs..        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                                                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
216-0068.............  Simple and              3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Standard ACDP                     [INSERT FIRST
                        Attachments.                      PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
216-0082.............  Expiration,             3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Termination,                      [INSERT FIRST
                        Reinstatement                     PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        or Revocation                     REGISTER
                        of an ACDP.                       CITATION].
216-0084.............  Department              3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Initiated                         [INSERT FIRST
                        Modification.                     PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
216-8010.............  Table 1--               3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Activities and                    [INSERT FIRST
                        Sources.                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
216-8020.............  Table 2--Air            3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,    Except paragraph (2) and Table 2.
                        Contaminant                       [INSERT FIRST
                        Discharge                         PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Permits.                          REGISTER
                           Division 222--Stationary Source Plant Site Emission Limits
                                                  * * * * * * *
222-0020.............  Applicability           3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        and                               [INSERT FIRST
                        Jurisdiction.                     PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
                              Criteria for Establishing Plant Site Emission Limits
222-0035.............  General                 3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Requirements                      [INSERT FIRST
                        for                               PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Establishing                      REGISTER
                        All PSELs.                        CITATION].
222-0041.............  Annual PSELs....        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                                                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
222-0042.............  Short Term PSEL.        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                                                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
222-0046.............  Netting Basis...        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                                                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                         Division 224--New Source Review

[[Page 59618]]

                                                  * * * * * * *
224-0030.............  New Source              3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Review                            [INSERT FIRST
                        Procedural                        PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Requirements.                     REGISTER
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                    Net Air Quality Benefit Emission Offsets
                                                  * * * * * * *
224-0520.............  Requirements for        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Demonstrating                     [INSERT FIRST
                        Net Air Quality                   PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Benefit for                       REGISTER
                        Ozone Areas.                      CITATION].
224-0530.............  Requirements for        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Demonstrating                     [INSERT FIRST
                        Net Air Quality                   PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Benefit for Non-                  REGISTER
                        Ozone Areas.                      CITATION].
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                       Division 225--Air Quality Analysis
                                                  * * * * * * *
225-0030.............  Procedural              3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Requirements.                     [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
225-0050.............  Requirements for        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Analysis in PSD                   [INSERT FIRST
                        Class I and                       PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Class III Areas.                  REGISTER
                                                  * * * * * * *
225-0070.............  Requirements for        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Demonstrating                     [INSERT FIRST
                        Compliance with                   PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Air Quality                       REGISTER
                        related Values                    CITATION].
                                    Division 226--General Emission Standards
                                                  * * * * * * *
                               Highest and Best Practicable Treatment and Control
226-0100.............  Policy and              3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Application.                      [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
226-0130.............  Typically               3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Achievable                        [INSERT FIRST
                        Control                           PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Technology                        REGISTER
                        (TACT).                           CITATION].
226-0140.............  Additional              3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Control                           [INSERT FIRST
                        Requirements                      PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        for Stationary                    REGISTER
                        Sources of Air                    CITATION].
                                             Grain Loading Standards
226-0210.............  Grain Loading           3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Standards:                        [INSERT FIRST
                        Particulate                       PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Emission                          REGISTER
                        Limitations for                   CITATION].
                        Sources Other
                        Than Fuel
                        Refuse Burning
                        Equipment and
                                                  * * * * * * *
                  Division 228--Requirements for Fuel Burning Equipment and Fuel Sulfur Content

[[Page 59619]]

                                                  * * * * * * *
                              General Emission Standards for Fuel Burning Equipment
                                                  * * * * * * *
228-0210.............  General Emission        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Standards for                     [INSERT FIRST
                        Fuel Burning                      PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Equipment:                        REGISTER
                        Grain Loading                     CITATION].
                                                  * * * * * * *
                             Division 232--Emission Standards for VOC Point Sources
                                                  * * * * * * *
232-0030.............  Definitions.....        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                                                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
232-0040.............  General Non-            3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Categorical                       [INSERT FIRST
                        Requirements.                     PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
232-0090.............  Bulk Gasoline           3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Terminals                         [INSERT FIRST
                        Including Truck                   PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        and Trailer                       REGISTER
                        Loading.                          CITATION].
                                                  * * * * * * *
232-0160.............  Surface Coating         3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        in                                [INSERT FIRST
                        Manufacturing.                    PAGE OF FEDERAL
232-0170.............  Aerospace               3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Component                         [INSERT FIRST
                        Coating                           PAGE OF FEDERAL
                        Operations.                       REGISTER
                                                  * * * * * * *
                          Division 234--Emission Standards for Wood Products Industries
                                                  * * * * * * *
234-0010.............  Definitions.....        3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,    Except (8) and (10).
                                                          [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                                Kraft Pulp Mills
                                                  * * * * * * *
234-0210.............  Emission                3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,    Except references to total reduced
                        Limitations.                      [INSERT FIRST     sulfur.
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL
                                                  * * * * * * *
                            Division 236--Emission Standards for Specific Industries
                                                  * * * * * * *
                                             Hot Mix Asphalt Plants
                                                  * * * * * * *
236-8010.............  Process Weight          3/1/2023  June 23, 2024,
                        Table.                            [INSERT FIRST
                                                          PAGE OF FEDERAL

[[Page 59620]]

                                                  * * * * * * *

* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2024-15748 Filed 7-22-24; 8:45 am]