[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 165 (Monday, August 26, 2024)]
[Pages 68404-68405]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-19064]



Patent and Trademark Office

[Docket No: PTO-C-2024-0044]

Nomination of Individuals to the Council for Inclusive Innovation

AGENCY: United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department of 

ACTION: Notice of request for nominations.


SUMMARY: The Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and 
Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) 
requests the nomination of individuals to the Council for Inclusive 
Innovation (CI\2\ or the Council) within the USPTO. The Secretary of 
Commerce (Secretary), in coordination with the Under Secretary of 
Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO 
(Director), will consider nominations received in response to this 
notice, as well as from other sources.

DATES: Nominations for immediate consideration must be received by 5 
p.m. ET on September 30, 2024. After that date, the USPTO may continue 
to accept nominations under this notice for one year to fill vacancies 
that may arise.

ADDRESSES: Nominations should be submitted to: [email protected] 
(subject line: ``Council for Inclusive Innovation Nomination'').

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Louis J. Boston Jr., Acting Director, 
Council for Inclusive Innovation, USPTO, Department of Commerce, at 
571-272-9585 or [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In 2019, the USPTO published a report 
pursuant to a requirement of the Study of Underrepresented Classes 
Chasing Engineering and Science Success (SUCCESS) Act of 2018 (Pub. L. 
115-273). The report contained a series of findings and 
recommendations, including a recommendation that the USPTO create a 
council to help develop a national strategy for promoting and 
increasing the participation of underrepresented groups as inventor-
patentees, entrepreneurs, and innovation leaders. The Council (formerly 
known as the National Council for Expanding American Innovation) was 
established, and its work with the USPTO led to the publication of the 
National Strategy for Inclusive Innovation (Strategy). The Strategy is 
available at: www.uspto.gov/sites/default/files/documents/NationalStrategy.pdf.
    The following sections provide information about the Council, 
membership on the Council, and the Council's nomination process.

Objectives and Scope of the Council's Activities

    The Council's goal is to foster inclusive innovation and to 
encourage and support innovation from all inventors, entrepreneurs, 
creators, and others, including those who have traditionally been 
underrepresented in the innovation ecosystem. An inclusive innovation 
ecosystem ensures that America's full potential is unleashed, 
strengthening our economy and providing building blocks for future 

Description of Council Members' Duties

    Council members will individually advise the Secretary and the 
Director on furthering the Strategy to help ensure the advancement of 
innovation and intellectual property. This Strategy is based on a 
vision for the United States' leadership in innovation that will lift 
communities, grow the economy, create quality jobs, and address global 
challenges. This vision will be achieved by increasing participation in 
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and 
innovation, starting with our youth, and will unleash every American's 
ability to fully take part in the innovation economy.
    Council members will also individually provide information and 
feedback on how the USPTO can work across government and with the 
private and academic sectors to promote more innovation for all--
especially in key technology areas--and to bring more innovation to 
impact and adoption. Council members will provide their individual 
viewpoints concerning Council activities, and no consensus advice is 
    Additional duties of the Council members include:
    1. Attending all Council meetings, to the extent possible, 
including virtual attendance if necessary;
    2. Providing individual feedback and information on furthering the 
Strategy and fostering the involvement of all inventor-patentees, 
entrepreneurs, and innovation leaders, including those who are 
underrepresented or lack access to the ecosystem, and on developing 
innovation in key technology areas;
    3. Participating in their individual capacities, as necessary, or 
at the request of the Chair or Vice Chair, in public roundtable 
discussions convened by the USPTO, to gather public stakeholder 
comments and suggestions;
    4. Individually assisting the USPTO in promoting national awareness 
of STEM fields and fostering opportunities for all, including 
underrepresented groups in these professions and as inventor-patentees, 
entrepreneurs, and innovation leaders;
    5. Individually providing information to the Council on issues and 
developments that affect the inclusion of all in innovation, including 
underrepresented groups as inventor-patentees, entrepreneurs, and 
innovation leaders;
    6. Individually identifying designees to serve on the Council 
Working Group; and
    7. Communicating regularly, on an individual basis, with their 
designees to the Council Working Group to drive progress on action 
    More information about the Council is available at: www.uspto.gov/initiatives/equity/ci2.

Council Membership

    The Council consists of up to 35 members, including the Chair and 
Vice Chair. The Secretary serves as Chair, and the Director serves as 
Vice Chair. Council members are comprised of representatives from (1) 
private industry, (2) nonprofit organizations, (3) academia, and (4) 
various Federal Government agencies and departments. The Chair may 
designate additional Council members who are heads of other Federal 
agencies to serve as Co-Vice Chairs. Council members will serve in a 
representative capacity, and members who are not already Federal 
employees will not be considered employees of the Federal Government 
for purposes of their participation on the Council.
    The Council also includes a Council Working Group consisting of 
USPTO-approved designees of the Council members as well as additional 
members selected by the Vice Chair. Council Working Group members will 
provide individual input, and no consensus advice will be sought.
    Council members generally will serve staggered three-year terms, 
except that any member appointed to fill a vacancy for an unexpired 
term will be appointed

[[Page 68405]]

for the remainder of the predecessor's term. A member who serves less 
than half of the predecessor's term will serve an interim appointment. 
A member may serve up to 180 days after the expiration of that member's 
term if a successor has not been appointed. After 180 days, the 
member's term will be vacant until a successor is appointed. Council 
members may be reappointed for a second consecutive three-year term. 
Members who serve an interim appointment remain eligible to serve two 
consecutive three-year terms.
    The Chair appoints members to the Council in consultation with the 
Vice Chair, consistent with Department of Commerce policy.
    Meetings of the Council will be held at the call of the Chair. The 
location of Council meetings, including the decision to hold a virtual 
meeting, will be set by, and is at the discretion of, the Chair. The 
Council is expected to meet four times per year, but may meet more or 
less frequently, as determined by the Chair. The Council may 
participate in public roundtable discussions, convened by the USPTO, to 
gather information from stakeholders and the public. Council members 
who participate in the public roundtable discussions will do so in 
their individual capacities.
    The USPTO will provide support services for the Council, including 
administrative support and meeting space.

Compensation for Members

    Members of the Council serve without compensation.

Solicitation of Nominations

    The Chair, in consultation with the Vice Chair, is seeking to fill 
one or more member positions. The Chair, in consultation with the Vice 
Chair, will consider nominations of all qualified individuals to ensure 
that the Council includes the areas of experience noted above. 
Individuals may nominate themselves or other individuals. Professional 
associations and organizations may also nominate one or more qualified 
persons for Council membership. Nominations shall state that the 
nominee is willing to serve as a Council member and carry out the 
duties outlined above. All nominations should include the following 
    1. A letter of nomination stating the name, affiliation, and 
contact information of the nominee and the nominee's area(s) of 
interest and/or experience; and
    2. The name of the nominator and the mailing address, email 
address, and daytime telephone number at which the nominator can be 
    All nomination information should be provided in a single email 
submission (see ADDRESSES above).
    The Council aims to have a balanced representation among its 
members, considering such factors as geography, technical expertise, 
community involvement, and knowledge of programs and/or activities 
related to the Council. Individuals will be selected based on their 
interest and/or experience in or representation of specific areas as 
needed by the Council. The diverse membership of the Council assures 
perspectives reflecting the breadth of the Council's responsibilities.

Privacy Act Statement

    Authority: The collection of information concerning nominations to 
the Council for Inclusive Innovation is authorized under 35 U.S.C. 
2(a)(2) and 2(b)(11) and in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as 
amended, (Privacy Act) 5 U.S.C. 552a.
    Purpose: The collection of names, contact information, and 
professional information is required in order for the Chair, in 
consultation with the and Vice Chair, to appoint members to the 
    Routine Uses: The USPTO will use the nomination information for the 
purpose set forth above. The Privacy Act of 1974 authorizes disclosure 
of the information collected to Department and USPTO staff for work-
related purposes and for other purposes only as set forth in the 
Privacy Act and for routine uses published in the Privacy Act System of 
Records Notice COMMERCE/DEPT-11, Candidates for Membership, Members, 
and Former Members of Department of Commerce Advisory Committees, 
available at https://www.commerce.gov/opog/privacy/SORN/SORN-DEPT-11.
    Disclosure: Furnishing the nomination information is voluntary; 
however, if the information is not provided, the individual may not be 
considered for appointment to the Council.

Katherine K. Vidal,
Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of 
the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
[FR Doc. 2024-19064 Filed 8-23-24; 8:45 am]