[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 222 (Monday, November 18, 2024)]
[Pages 90816-90824]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-26835]



Federal Transit Administration

Fiscal Year 2025 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Bus Safety and 
Accessibility Research Program

AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice of funding opportunity (NOFO).


SUMMARY: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the 
opportunity to submit applications for the Bus Safety and Accessibility 
Research Program for up to $10,000,000 under the Public Transportation 
Innovation Program in multiple fiscal years. The strategic goal for 
this program is to make existing and new buses safer for their 
operators and vulnerable road users, and safer and more accessible for 
their passengers. The Bus Safety and Accessibility Research Program 
seeks proposals to research standard bus designs, safety innovations 
and systems, and bus compartments that support these safety and 
accessibility goals. Additionally, this NOFO will require the 
development of detailed design specifications and production of a 
prototype that is available through a retrofit on existing buses and 
for installation in new buses.

DATES: Complete proposals must be submitted electronically through the 
grants.gov ``APPLY'' function by 11:59 p.m. eastern time on January 17, 
    Prospective applicants should initiate the process by registering 
on the grants.gov website promptly to ensure completion of the 
application process before the submission deadline. Instructions for 
applying can be found on FTA's website at https://www.transit.dot.gov/
howtoapply and in the ``FIND'' module of grants.gov. The funding 
opportunity ID is FTA-2025-003-TRI. Mail and fax submissions will not 
be accepted.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Maria Roell, FTA Office of Research, 
Demonstration, and Innovation, phone (202) 366-9214, or email: 


  Summary Overview of Key Information: FTA Bus Safety and Accessibility
                Research Competitive Funding Opportunity
Issuing Agency...............  Federal Transit Administration, U.S.
                                Department of Transportation.
Program Overview.............  To establish a Bus Safety and
                                Accessibility Research Program under 49
                                U.S.C. 5312 to research standard designs
                                and prototypes to make existing and new
                                buses safer for their operators and
                                vulnerable road users, and safer and
                                more accessible for their passengers.
Eligible Applicants..........  Departments, agencies, and
                                instrumentalities of the Government,
                                including Federal laboratories; State
                                and local governmental entities;
                                providers of public transportation;
                                private or non-profit organizations;
                                institutions of higher education; and
                                technical and community colleges.
Eligible Project.............  Engineering, design, and protype
                                production of a bus or bus components
                                that improve safety of operator and VRUs
                                and increases accessibility for
Funding Amount...............  $10,000,000. Additional funds made
                                available prior to project selection may
                                be allocated to eligible projects.
Deadline.....................  January 17, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern
Cost share...................  The maximum Federal share of project
                                costs under this program is 80 percent.

[[Page 90817]]

Table of Contents

A. Program Description
B. Federal Award Information
C. Eligibility Information
D. Application and Submission Information
E. Application Review Information
F. Federal Award Administration Information
G. Federal Awarding Agency Contacts
H. Other Information

A. Program Description

    Under FTA's Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. 
5312), FTA may make grants or enter into contracts or cooperative 
agreements for research, development, demonstration, and deployment 
projects and evaluation of research and technology of national 
significance to public transportation. This notice of funding 
opportunity (NOFO) (Federal Assistance Listing: 20.531) is issued under 
this authority.
    The Bus Safety and Accessibility Research Program addresses 
critical safety issues and technology opportunities in public transit 
vehicle design. For this program accessibility refers to the ability of 
people with disabilities to: independently ascertain if an arriving bus 
is the one they intend to take; board; pay any fares or scan 
Paratransit ID cards; identify a seat or wheelchair accessible spot; 
secure any mobility equipment on the bus; receive any visual or audible 
stop announcements; identify the correct stop at which they intend to 
deboard; indicate by pressing buttons or communicating verbally with 
the driver that they would like to deboard at the next stop; and exit 
the vehicle without encountering any physical, communication, or 
attitudinal barriers.
    Critical safety issues include rising operator assaults, continued 
accessibility issues for people with disabilities in and around transit 
buses, the need to increase operator visibility and minimize blind 
spots to ensure safety around a bus for passengers, pedestrians, 
bicyclists, and all who encounter a transit vehicle. It addresses FTA's 
strategic goal of enhancing the safety of transit fleets. According to 
safety performance data reported to the National Transit Database 
(NTD), major event injuries per 100 million vehicle revenue miles are 
rising with non-rail modes having 273.94 injuries in 2022 and 302.82 
injuries in 2023. It is essential that action is taken to reverse this 
    The strategic goal for this program is to make existing and new 
buses safer for their operators and vulnerable road users, and safer 
and more accessible for their passengers. The program objectives 
include research on bus designs, innovations, and technologies, as well 
as production of a prototype that is available through a retro fit on 
existing buses and for installation in new buses. The program's key 
focus areas are:
     Driver Safety Systems--Changes made to the transit vehicle 
and technology upgrades that protect the operator and enhance the 
safety of those outside of the vehicle including VRUs.
     Passenger Safety Systems--Changes made to the transit 
vehicle and technology upgrades that protect and increase accessibility 
of the passengers.
    All applicants will also be expected to produce results that follow 
three major principles. These principles represent the values on which 
FTA will judge whether objectives have been met.
    [cir] Recipients will collaborate across multiple industry sectors 
including all or some of these priority groups:

[ssquf] Transit Vehicle Manufacturers (TVMs)
[ssquf] Transit Agencies
[ssquf] Transit Labor Unions
[ssquf] Disability Organizations
[ssquf] Transit riders
[ssquf] Domestic and International Research Groups
[ssquf] Component Manufacturers

     Widely Implementable:
    [cir] Proposals are encouraged to be innovative but must consider 
risks to implementation and interoperability to ensure nationwide 
relevancy and adoption. Proposals should be able to be adopted quickly, 
on a wide scale.
    [cir] Deliverables should be applicable to current and new 35- and 
40-ft or articulated bus models that have passed Altoona testing, 
comply with all other applicable Federal requirements, and are 
manufactured by companies eligible to compete for FTA-funded contracts.

 Economic Vitality

    [cir] Recipients will support the U.S. industrial base by complying 
with Buy America. Recognizing Executive Order 14005, ``Ensuring the 
Future Is Made in All of America by All of America's Workers'' (86 FR 
7475); proposed projects must support economic vitality at the national 
and regional level, including advancing domestic industry and promoting 
domestic development of intellectual property.
    Applicants must note how they will incorporate the key focus areas, 
meet program objectives, and follow program principles. Applications 
should include performance standards and measures for ensuring the 
success of each key focus area with a specific, measurable, attainable, 
relevant, and time-bound task plan. These measures should show minimum 
performance specifications and a quality assurance surveillance plan to 
ensure quality. Applicants must show a detailed understanding of the 
needs and opportunities of this program.

Building on Previous Research

    This NOFO seeks innovations that will lead to a safer more 
accessible bus, as well as a design and production of a prototype that 
is available through a retrofit on existing buses and for installation 
in new buses. It builds upon previous research by FTA and the Transit 
Cooperative Research Program, especially regarding increasing 
protection for bus operators through secure bus compartments.
    The Bus Operator Compartment Redesign Program (BCP) was awarded in 
2020 to improve operator and public safety. Key findings included 
issues with current bus operator compartment designs, such as 
ineffective barriers, large blind spots, and poor ergonomics for 
operators. The installation of barriers led to an increased feeling of 
safety for some operators. FTA also held a listening session in 2023 to 
receive stakeholder input on bus design including accessibility, 
safety, and emerging bus technologies. Major themes of the feedback 
included bus operator health and safety, road safety, accessibility, 
and passenger compartment enhancements. Resources, including available 
reports and listening session documentation, are available on the Bus 
Safety and Accessibility Research Program website (https://www.transit.dot.gov/research-innovation/bus-future-redesign-transit-bus-operator-compartment-improve-safety-operational).
    Additionally, the Transportation Cooperative Research Program 
(TCRP) finalized a bus compartment study titled ``Bus Operator Barrier 
Design: Guidelines and Considerations''. The report on that study, TCRP 
Report 249, is available for download at the following link: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/27877/bus-operator-barrier-design-guidelines-and-considerations.

B. Federal Award Information

    This notice makes available up to $10,000,000 in Public 
Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. 5312) funds for a single 
cooperative agreement. Only proposals from eligible recipients for 
eligible activities will be considered for funding.
    FTA seeks a project that can begin implementation within two months 
of award of the cooperative agreement. The maximum period of 
performance allowed for the work covered by the

[[Page 90818]]

award should not exceed two years from the date of award. FTA may, at 
its discretion, provide additional funding under this notice from FTA's 
Public Transportation Innovation (49 U.S.C. 5312), subject to the 
availability of funds.
    Pre-award authority is subject to FTA approval and is only 
available for costs incurred after the announcement of project 
selection on FTA's website.
    The project selected under this competition is for research and 
development and, as such, FTA Research Circular 6100.1E (available at 
https://www.fta.dot.gov/regulations-and-guidance/fta-circulars/research-technical-assistance-and-training-program) guidance will apply 
in administering the program.
    An applicant whose proposal is selected for funding will enter into 
a cooperative agreement with FTA, to be administered according to 
Circular 6100.1E. FTA will have substantial involvement in the 
administration of the cooperative agreement. FTA's role in the 
cooperative agreement will include meeting at least quarterly with the 
recipient and key stakeholders engaged in the program; assistance with 
outreach on achievement of successful results; review and approval of 
proposed designs; and participation in key decisions, including if 
there is a need to redirect or reprioritize project activities, goals, 
and deliverables.

C. Eligibility Information

Eligible Applicants

    Eligible applicants under this notice are:
     Departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the 
Federal Government, including Federal laboratories;
     State and local governmental entities, including multi-
jurisdictional partnerships, and organizations such as Metropolitan 
Planning Organizations;
     Providers of public transportation;
     Private for-profit or not-for-profit organizations 
incorporated in a jurisdiction of the United States; and
     Institutions of higher education and technical and 
community colleges.
    On the application form, eligible applicants are strongly 
encouraged to identify one or more project partners with a substantial 
interest and involvement in the project activities or objectives to 
participate in the implementation of the project, including partners 
from Minority Serving Institutions.
    An application may be submitted in partnership with other eligible 
entities, including eligible subrecipients, bus manufacturers, or 
component manufacturers that intend to participate in the 
implementation of the project. If an application with such a 
partnership is selected for funding, the competitive selection process 
will be deemed to satisfy the requirement for a competitive procurement 
under 49 U.S.C. 5325(a) for the named entities. Applicants are advised 
that any changes to the proposed partners after the award will require 
FTA written approval and must be consistent with the scope of the 
approved project. Post-award changes to vendors will be subject to 
ordinary procurement standards.
    The applicant must be able to carry out the proposed agreement and 
procurements, if needed, with project partners in compliance with all 
applicable Federal, State, and local laws.
    To be considered eligible, applicants must be able to demonstrate 
the requisite legal, financial, and technical capabilities to receive 
and administer Federal funds under this program.

Cost Sharing or Matching

    The maximum Federal share of project costs under this program is 80 
percent. Applicants may seek a lower Federal contribution. The 
applicant must provide the non-Federal share of the net project cost in 
cash or in-kind and must document in its application the source of the 
non-Federal match. Eligible sources of non-Federal match are detailed 
in FTA Circular 6100.1E.

Eligible Projects

    This notice solicits applications to assess the need and develop 
public transportation vehicle designs as well as appropriate best 
practices, guidance, and tools to produce those designs to provide 
better public transportation services. Proposed tasks and activities 
must adhere to Federal regulations regarding eligible costs.
    FTA has identified a list of elements for projects divided into 
``required'' and ``desired.'' Required elements are the ones that will 
be considered for the evaluation criteria. Applicants must demonstrate 
knowledge or experience in addressing these elements. Additional 
knowledge or experience with desired elements will yield additional 
consideration. Applicants are encouraged to add other elements that 
will further the program goal--especially elements that can be adopted 
quickly on a wide scale, to be considered in the evaluation. The 
elements are noted below.
     All projects must ensure highly reliable and accurate data 
especially where it can impact the safety of the operator, passengers, 
or VRU including, but not limited to sensors, vehicle location, battery 
condition, vehicle maintenance, or other advanced diagnostic 
     Driver Safety Systems:
    [cir] Standardization of the operator compartment: ergonomics of 
chair/seat, operator barrier. The recipient under this program must 
produce a functional prototype of the operator compartment 
    [cir] Standardization of design and component placement to 
eliminate blind spots: A-pillar, mirrors, cameras, fareboxes, etc. 
Designs should be prescriptive about safety requirements (e.g., mirror 
    [cir] VRU safety sensors: Focus on reliable and simplified user 
interface for the bus operator.
     Passenger Safety Systems:
    [cir] Accessible passenger compartment design: Entry and egress for 
riders with mobility devices and strollers, consideration of minimizing 
fare collection footprint.
    [cir] Constraint systems: Ability for riders using a wheelchair to 
be more safely, efficiently, and, if possible, independently secured in 
the vehicle.
    [cir] Standardization of emergency call buttons.
     Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS):

    [cir] Lane departure
    [cir] Collision avoidance
    [cir] Pedestrian alerts

D. Application and Submission Information

Address To Request Application

    A complete proposal submission consists of four forms and their 
supporting attachments. The Forms are: (1) Standard Form-424 
``Application for Federal Assistance''; (2) SF-424A ``Budget 
Information for Non-Construction Programs''; (3) SF-424B ``Assurances 
for Non-Construction Programs''; and (4) the supplemental form for the 
Bus Safety and Accessibility Research NOFO. Forms are downloadable from 
grants.gov or the FTA website at https://www.transit.dot.gov/notices-funding/fiscal-year-2025-bus-safety-and-accessibility-research-notice-funding.
    All applications must be submitted electronically through 
grants.gov by the deadline below. FTA will not accept applications by 
mail, email, or any other delivery method.

[[Page 90819]]

Content and Form of Application Submission

a. Proposal Submission
    i. The SF-424 provides basic information about the applicant and 
the project, including details such as the applicant's name, unique 
entity identifier (UEI), key contact information, and a summary of the 
project. The SF-424A form is used to present a detailed budget for the 
project, ensuring that all financial aspects are accounted for and 
justified. The SF-424B form outlines the assurance that the applicant 
agrees to comply with the terms and conditions set forth by the Federal 
    ii. For the budget, applicants must provide a summary and a high-
level overview of estimated activity costs, organized by major cost 
elements. The budget should clearly differentiate between the Federal 
funding share and non-Federal share funds, including the value of any 
in-kind contributions. The budget form must not include previously 
incurred expenses or costs incurred before the award time. All budget 
information must be presented using the SF-424A form.
    iii. In addition to these standard forms, the proposal must include 
a supplemental form, a project narrative, and a summary budget 
narrative. The supplemental form and project overview should be 
prepared in Microsoft Word, PDF, or another compatible file format and 
must address all required elements outlined in the notice of funding 
opportunity (NOFO).
    The narrative proposal should be in the format outlined in the 
``Proposal Preparation and Content'' section below. A narrative 
proposal submission may contain additional supporting documentation as 
attachments. Once completed, the narrative proposal and any supporting 
documents must be placed in the ``Attachments'' section of the SF-424. 
The applicant must attach the narrative proposal file to its submission 
in grants.gov to successfully complete the application process. The 
applicant must respond to all sections of the SF-424 Application for 
Federal Assistance and the requirements of this Notice. The information 
in the narrative proposal will be used to determine applicant and 
project eligibility for the program and to evaluate the proposal 
against the selection criteria described in this notice. The applicant 
should carefully review the criteria noted in Section E and ensure its 
proposal addresses the factors listed.
    Failure to submit the information as requested can delay review or 
disqualify the application.
b. Proposal Preparation and Content
    i. Consolidated Budget Form: The Consolidated Budget Form must 
align with the dollar amount specified in the SF-424 and meet the 
eligible use requirements outlined in the notice of funding opportunity 
(NOFO). It includes a budget narrative and a detailed budget 
spreadsheet, with costs consistent with project scope and allowable 
under relevant regulations. If indirect costs are included, 
documentation such as a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement is 
    ii. Allowable costs are determined in accordance with the cost 
principles identified in 2 CFR part 200, including Subpart E of such 
regulations, and in 48 CFR part 31 for commercial organizations. The 
detailed budget spreadsheet must reflect the cost categories that 
appear on the SF-424A and include itemized calculations for each cost 
placed under those categories. If indirect costs are included in the 
proposed budget, the applicant must provide a copy of its approved 
negotiated indirect cost rate agreement if this rate was negotiated 
with a cognizant Federal agency or otherwise document those indirect 
costs consistent with 2 CFR 200.414.
    iii. Required Standard Federal Financial Assistance Forms and 
Documentation: The applicant must submit the SF-424, SF-424A, and SF-
424B forms, along with any Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement and 
Data Management Plan.
    iv. The SF-424 and supplemental form prompt applicants for 
essential information such as applicant details, project description, 
and budget breakdown. This includes a detailed project budget 
specifying Federal and local shares, funding sources, and matching 
funds. Additionally, it covers descriptions of project benefits, 
implementation strategy, scalability, and a detailed project timeline.
    v. The project overview, submitted as a one-page document, should 
include a header with project title and lead applicant, along with 
brief description of innovation, benefits, team and partners, and 
approach. The format aligns with templates available on grants.gov and 
the FTA web page.
    vi. Budget Narrative: The budget narrative provides detailed 
explanations of proposed costs, aligning with the detailed budget 
spreadsheet and only including allowable expenses within the project 
scope. It should describe each cost item and its basis, including the 
Federal share, non-Federal share, and any in-kind contributions. Any 
indirect costs must be accompanied by relevant documentation. The 
narrative also explains leveraged resources and ensures consistency 
with SF-424 and SF-424A forms.
    vii. Grant Funds, Sources and Uses of Project Funds- Project 
budgets should show how different funding sources will share in each 
activity and present the data in dollars and percentages. The budget 
should identify other Federal funds the applicant is applying for, has 
been awarded, or intends to use. Funding sources should be grouped into 
three categories: non-Federal, current application, and other Federal 
with specific amounts for each funding source.
    The applicant must submit one electronic file for Proposals in a 
Microsoft Word, PDF, or compatible file format, double-spaced using 
Times New Roman, 12-point font. The proposal must contain the following 
components and adhere to the specified maximum lengths:
    (1) Cover Sheet (not to exceed 1 page): The cover sheet must 
include the entity submitting the proposal, principal's name, title, 
and contact information (e.g., address, office and mobile phone, and 
email). The cover sheet must also include name and contact information 
for the entity's point of contact for all cooperative agreement 
administrative activities (if different from principal).
    (2) Abstract (not to exceed 1 page): The Abstract must include 
background, purpose, methodology, intended outputs, outcomes, impacts, 
and plan for accomplishing the goals and objectives as outlined in this 
    (3) Table of Contents (not to exceed 1 page): The Table of Contents 
must list each section of the proposal (including Appendices) by title 
and page number.
    (4) Project Budget (not to exceed 5 pages): Project budgets should 
show how different funding sources will share in each activity and 
present those data in dollars and percentages. The budget should 
identify other Federal funds the applicant is applying for or has been 
awarded, if any, that the applicant intends to use. The proposed 
project budget must account for multiple years and outline the total 
cost of all services and products, including salaries and fringe 
benefits, supplies, travel, equipment, and proposed contractual 
arrangements (e.g., subcontracts, consultant services) and how these 
estimated costs are connected to the project scope.
    (5) Project Work Plan (not to exceed 10 pages total): The proposed 
project work plan must include the following information:
    a. Methodology--Provide a methodology for addressing the goals

[[Page 90820]]

described above and under Section A of this Notice.
    b. Statement of Work--Provide proposed work tasks for the project 
and how the goals will be accomplished with a detailed set of 
objectives and activities. Include the tasks for proposed activities, 
resources, milestones, with a timeline that also notes critical path 
milestones. Note in the proposal how risk management related to 
barriers to deployment will be addressed. Please also note a 
sustainability strategy for how this work will be maintained in the 
    c. Staffing Plan--Describe the approach for managing the project 
team, including the distribution of responsibilities among project 
partners, and what activities each project team member will perform.
    d. Coordination with FTA--Identify the plan for coordinating the 
project team's activities and deliverables with the FTA's Research 
office including suggesting a methodology for a regular review of 
research results and a process to select research ready for deployment.
    e. Research and Data Collection--Identify activities and the plan 
for electronic collection, maintenance, storage, and dissemination of 
data for use by the project team, stakeholders, FTA, and other 
    f. Communication Plan--Provide a plan for communication of project 
results. The plan should identify innovative communication strategies 
including, but not limited to, the following: webinars, in-person 
presentations at industry events, social media (e.g., Facebook, 
Twitter, YouTube), text alerts, email, website publication, and toll-
free telephone numbers.
    g. Performance Measures--Identify multiple performance measures 
that FTA should use to assess the Program's overall effectiveness.
    h. Deliverables--Provide a list of proposed deliverables (e.g., 
guides, plans, reports, services, prototypes, etc.). Include quarterly 
reports, financial forms, guidance documents, and final reports to be 
submitted to FTA.
    (6) Staff Qualifications (not to exceed 5 pages total):
    a. Organizational Capacity--Provide a narrative that briefly 
describes the structure of the applicant, including its history and 
experience in R&D, prototype construction, technology transfer, and the 
national deployment of research findings, preferably in the 
transportation sector. Include a narrative of the proposer's 
understanding of the activities in this solicitation and its 
responsibility for the data collection and results deployment called 
for in this Notice. Include the proposer's organization chart.
    b. Project Team Structure--Provide a narrative that briefly 
describes the structure and makeup of the project team. Provide resumes 
or biographies of key staff to highlight the relevant skills and 
experience of the proposed team. The applicant is encouraged to 
identify in its proposal one or more project partners with a 
substantial interest and involvement in the project activities or 
    Applications submitted in response to this NOFO become the records 
of FTA and may be subject to Freedom of Information Act requests. 
Please segregate and clearly mark any portions of the application 
containing confidential or privileged trade secrets or commercial or 
financial information. FTA may share application information within the 
Department of Transportation or with other Federal agencies if FTA 
determines that sharing is relevant to the respective program's 
Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM)
    Each applicant is required to: (1) be registered in SAM.GOV before 
submitting an application; (2) provide a valid unique entity identifier 
in its application; and (3) maintain an active SAM.GOV registration 
with current information at all times during which the applicant has an 
active Federal award or an application or plan under consideration by 
FTA. FTA may not make an award until the applicant has complied with 
all applicable unique entity identifier and SAM.GOV requirements. If an 
applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time FTA 
is ready to make an award, FTA may determine that the applicant is not 
qualified to receive an award and use that determination as a basis for 
making a Federal award to another applicant. These requirements do not 
apply if the applicant has an exception approved by FTA or the U.S. 
Office of Management and Budget under 2 CFR 25.110(c) or (d). SAM 
registration takes approximately 3-5 business days, but FTA recommends 
allowing ample time, up to several weeks, for completion of all steps. 
For additional information on obtaining a unique entity identifier, 
please visit https://www.sam.gov.
Submission Dates and Times
    Project proposals must be submitted electronically through 
grants.gov by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on January 17, 2025. Grants.Gov 
attaches a time stamp to each application at the time of submission. 
Mail and fax submissions will not be accepted.
    FTA urges applicants to submit applications at least 72 hours prior 
to the due date to allow time to correct any problems that may have 
caused either grants.gov or FTA systems to reject the submission. 
Grants.gov attaches a time stamp to each application at the time of 
submission. Proposals submitted after the deadline will be considered 
only if lateness was due to extraordinary circumstances not under the 
applicant's control. Grants.gov scheduled maintenance and outage times 
are announced in advance on the grants.gov website. Deadlines will not 
be extended due to scheduled website maintenance.
    Within 48 hours after submitting an electronic application, the 
applicant should receive an email message from grants.gov with 
confirmation of successful transmission to grants.gov. If a notice of 
failed validation or incomplete materials is received, the applicant 
must address the reason for the failed validation, as described in the 
email notice, and resubmit before the submission deadline. If making a 
resubmission for any reason, include all original attachments 
regardless of which attachments were updated, and check the box on the 
supplemental form indicating this is a resubmission.
    Applicants are encouraged to begin the registration process on the 
grants.gov site well before the submission deadline. Registration is a 
multi-step process, which may take several weeks or months to complete 
before an application can be submitted. Registered applicants may still 
be required to take steps to keep their registration up to date before 
submissions can be made successfully: (1) registration in sam.gov is 
renewed annually, and (2) persons making submissions on behalf of the 
Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) must be authorized in 
grants.gov by the AOR to submit.
Funding Restrictions
    Funds available under this NOFO cannot be used to reimburse 
applicants for otherwise eligible expenses incurred prior to FTA 
issuing pre-award authority for the selected applicant.
    Refer to section C.3., Eligible Projects, for information on 
activities that are allowable. Allowable direct and indirect expenses 
must be consistent with the Governmentwide Uniform Administrative 
Requirements and Cost Principles (2 CFR part 200) and the current 
version of FTA Circular 5010.

[[Page 90821]]

E. Application Review Information


    Applications will be evaluated on the responses provided in the 
supplemental form and the attached program summary and statement of 
objectives. Additional information may be provided to support the 
responses. All additional documentation, including the file names, must 
be directly referenced on the supplemental form. The applicant must 
complete the supplemental form and the program attachments. FTA will 
evaluate proposals based on the criteria described in this notice.
a. Demonstration of Transit Vehicle Design Experience
    The application should provide evidence of the applicant's 
experience developing transit vehicle designs or manufacturing transit 
vehicles or their component parts. The proposal should detail the 
applicant's knowledge of general transit vehicle components, subsystems 
and systems, functionalities, standards, general experience, and 
knowledge of transit vehicle design development and testing, including 
awareness of potential barriers or challenges to production.
b. Demonstration of Understanding in Emerging Transit Needs and Demands
    The application should clearly demonstrate a thorough understanding 
of existing conditions in a wide range of topics and areas in transit. 
This includes the required and desired design elements listed in the 
Section A. Program Description. It may also include understanding of 
industry safety and the safe systems approach, mobility, and operation 
needs; accessibility and usability of systems to comply with the 
Americans with Disabilities Act and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; 
process improvement in training, maintenance, and procurement; or work 
experience or familiarity with new and emerging safety technologies.
c. Key Personnel Experience and Organizational Capacity
    The application should note the individuals who will be involved in 
the project, specifically identifying its proposed key personnel. The 
application should include details of relevant experience of leadership 
in managing multi-stakeholder projects and the technical expertise of 
the project team. The application should explain how the applicant will 
ensure the key personnel will have enough time and expertise to carry 
out project objectives to assess data, coordinate with stakeholders, 
develop designs, and oversee prototype productions in the program 
d. Program Implementation Strategy
    The application will be evaluated on an overall program 
implementation strategy, including proposed workplan tasks, schedule, 
and interim deliverables. In assessing whether the proposed 
implementation plans are reasonable and complete, FTA will review the 
proposed program work plan, including all necessary milestones and the 
overall program timeline. FTA will consider the risks to program 
implementation and the extent to which the program implementation 
strategy addresses these risks. Potential risks include the capacity to 
implement the program within two years after receiving an award and the 
ability to complete the program. FTA will also consider if the 
program's implementation addresses how the project will support USDOT's 
data collection, sharing policies, and meeting the data management plan 
requirement (see below).
e. Technical, Legal, and Financial Capacity
    The applicant must demonstrate the financial and organizational 
capacity and managerial experience to oversee and implement this 
program successfully. FTA may review relevant oversight assessments and 
records to determine whether any outstanding legal, technical, or 
financial issues with the applicant would affect the outcome of the 
proposed program. An applicant with outstanding legal, technical, or 
financial compliance issues from an FTA compliance review or Federal 
Transit Administration grant-related Single Audit finding must explain 
how corrective actions will mitigate negative impacts on the proposed 
program. For applications that include named project partners, FTA will 
also consider the proposed partners' technical, legal, and financial 
f. Planning and Partnerships
    The applicant must identify all program partners and their specific 
roles. FTA will evaluate the extent to which the program contains 
strong, cohesive partnerships and the collaboration necessary to 
implement the proposed program successfully. The application should 
describe how program partners will work collaboratively and should show 
evidence of strong commitment and cooperation among program partners 
through letters of support, memorandums of understanding, or agreements 
among the partners. For a proposed program that will require formal 
coordination, approvals, or permits from government agencies or program 
partners, the applicant must demonstrate coordination with these 
organizations and their support for the program.
g. Financial Commitment
    The applicant must identify the source of the non-Federal cost 
share and describe whether such funds are currently available for the 
program or will need to be secured if the program is selected for 
funding. FTA will consider the availability of the non-Federal cost 
share as evidence of the applicant's financial commitment to the 
program. Additional consideration may be given to those programs with a 
higher non-Federal share of costs and for which non-Federal funds have 
already been made available or reserved. The applicant should submit 
evidence of the availability of funds for the program, for example, by 
including a board resolution, a letter of support from the State, a 
budget document highlighting the line item or section committing funds 
to the proposed program, or other documentation of the source of non-
Federal funds.

Review and Selection Process

    An FTA technical evaluation committee will evaluate proposals based 
on the published evaluation criteria and rating guidance specific to 
this NOFO. Members of the technical evaluation committee may request 
additional information from applicants if necessary. Based on the 
technical evaluation committee review, the FTA Administrator will 
determine the final selection for program funding.

Performance and Integrity

    Prior to making an award, FTA is required to review and consider 
any information about the applicant that is in the Federal Awardee 
Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) accessible 
through SAM.GOV. An applicant may review and comment on any information 
about itself that a Federal awarding agency previously entered. FTA 
will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition to the other 
information in the designated integrity and performance system, in 
making a judgment about the applicant's integrity, business ethics, and 
record of performance under Federal awards when completing the review 
of risk posed by applicants as described in the Office of Management 
and Budget's Uniform Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR 200.206).

[[Page 90822]]

F. Federal Award Administration Information

Federal Award Notices

    FTA will notify the successful applicant and may announce the 
selection on its website, https://www.transit.dot.gov. Following 
notification, the successful applicant will be required to submit an 
application through the FTA Transit Award Management System (TrAMS).

Administrative and National Policy Requirements

a. Pre-Award Authority
    At the time the program selection is announced, FTA may extend pre-
award authority for the selected program. There is no blanket pre-award 
authority before the announcement. FTA will issue specific guidance to 
the recipient regarding pre-award authority at the time of selection. 
FTA does not consider requests for pre-award authority for these 
competitive funds until after a program recipient is selected, and 
additional Federal requirements must be met before costs are incurred. 
For more information about FTA's policy on pre-award authority, please 
see the most recent Apportionments, Allocations, and Program 
Information Notice at https://www.transit.dot.gov.
b. Cooperative Agreement Requirements
    If selected, the recipient will apply for a cooperative agreement 
through FTA's Transit Award Management System (TrAMS). The successful 
applicant must be prepared to submit a final statement of work and 
complete the application in TrAMS within 60 days of notification of 
selection. The recipient must follow the requirements of FTA Circular 
6100.1E. Technical assistance regarding these requirements is available 
from FTA.
c. Data Management Plan
    FTA seeks to improve public transportation for America's 
communities by sharing digital data or source code collected or 
developed through its research with the public. This allows research 
organizations, public transportation agencies, State DOTs, and other 
stakeholders to learn from and expand upon the insights developed from 
FTA-funded research.
    An award made pursuant to this Notice will be subject to the latest 
version of FTA's Master Agreement (available at https://www.transit.dot.gov/funding/granteeresources/sample-fta-agreements/fta-grant-agreements), including Section 17 Patent Rights and Section 18 
Rights in Data and Copyrights. All work conducted under this award must 
follow the Department data policies outlined in the USDOT Public Access 
Plan at: https://ntl.bts.gov/public-access/how-comply. The recipient is 
required to include these obligations in any sub-awards or other 
related funding agreements.
    Public Data Access requirements include developing a Data 
Management Plan (DMP) and submitting the DMP for FTA review. A DMP is a 
document that describes how the recipient plans to handle digital 
datasets, software, or code generated over the course of a research 
project pursuant to Federal and Departmental requirements. A DMP must 
be provided as a condition of receiving FTA funds under the Section 
5312 Research Program and should adequately identify: (1) The data to 
be collected; (2) how the data will further the goals of this effort; 
(3) how the data will be made accessible; and (4) how the data will be 
stored. DMPs can be updated over time if the scope of the project or 
the type of data that will be collected changes. FTA staff is available 
to assist recipients with complying with public data access 
    FTA expects recipients to remove confidential business information 
(CBI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) before providing 
public access to project data. Recipients must ensure the appropriate 
data are accessible to FTA or the public for a minimum of five years 
after the award's performance period expires.
    Recipients must make available to the Department copies of all work 
developed in performance of a project funded under this notice, 
including but not limited to software and data. Data rights must be in 
accordance with 2 CFR 200.315, Intangible Property, and the latest 
version of FTA's Master Agreement, available at https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/2024-05/FTA-Master-Agreement-v31-05-02-2024.pdf.
d. Buy America and Domestic Preferences for Infrastructure Projects
    As expressed in Executive Order 14005, Ensuring the Future Is Made 
in All of America by All of America's Workers (86 FR 7475), the 
Executive Branch should maximize, consistent with law, the use of 
goods, products, and materials produced in, and services offered in, 
the United States. Therefore, all procurements must comply with FTA's 
Buy America requirements (49 U.S.C. 5323(j) and 49 CFR part 661), which 
require that all iron, steel, and manufactured products, including 
rolling stock, be produced in the United States. In addition, any award 
must comply with the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) (Pub. L. 
117-58, sections 70901-70927). BABA provides that none of the funds 
provided under an award made pursuant to this notice may be used for a 
project unless all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction 
materials are produced in the United States. FTA's Buy America 
requirements are consistent with BABA requirements for iron, steel, and 
manufactured products.
    Any proposal that will require a waiver of any domestic preference 
standard must identify the items for which a waiver will be sought in 
the application. Applicants should not proceed with the expectation 
that waivers will be granted.
e. Americans With Disabilities Act
    All FTA recipients must comply with Department of Transportation 
regulations implementing the transportation provisions of the Americans 
with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), codified at 49 CFR parts 27, 37, 
38, and 39. Compliance is required regardless of the receipt of Federal 
funding, but is also a condition of eligibility for Federal funding. 
All vehicles and vehicle components must comply with the standards for 
accessibility for buses and vans found in 49 CFR part 38. Additionally, 
recipients for this program should account for the updated standards 
issued by the U.S. Access Board at 36 CFR part 1192.
    Of particular note is the requirement under 49 CFR 37.165(f), which 
requires personnel to assist individuals with disabilities with the use 
of securement systems, ramps and lifts, and requires personnel to leave 
their seats to provide such assistance if necessary. It will therefore 
be important to ensure that any bus driver compartments not only do not 
interfere with the boarding and disembarking of persons with 
disabilities, including wheelchair users, but that they not do so when 
in the open or closed position. Designs for autonomous vehicles should 
presume the presence of on-board personnel.
f. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
    FTA requires that its recipients receiving planning, capital, or 
operating assistance that will award prime contracts exceeding $670,000 
in FTA funds in a Federal fiscal year comply with the U.S. Department 
of Transportation's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program 
regulations (49 CFR part 26). If an applicant also receives FTA 
planning, capital, or operating assistance, it should expect to include 
any funds awarded, excluding those to be used for vehicle procurements, 
in setting its

[[Page 90823]]

overall DBE goal. Note, however, that projects, including vehicle 
procurements, remain subject to the DBE program regulations.
f. Rehabilitation Act
    The U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract 
Compliance Programs (OFCCP) is charged with enforcing Executive Order 
11246, section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Vietnam 
Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974. OFCCP has a Mega 
Construction Project Program through which it engages with project 
sponsors as early as the design phase to help promote compliance with 
non-discrimination and affirmative action obligations. OFCCP will 
identify projects that receive an award under this notice and are 
required to participate in OFCCP's Mega Construction Project Program 
from a wide range of Federally assisted projects over which OFCCP has 
jurisdiction and that have a project cost above $35 million. Under that 
partnership, OFCCP will ask these project sponsors to make clear to 
prime contractors in the pre-bid phase that project sponsor's award 
terms will require their participation in the Mega Construction Project 
Program. Additional information on how OFCCP makes their selections for 
participation in the Mega Construction Project Program is outlined 
under ``Scheduling'' on the Department of Labor website: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ofccp/faqs/construction-compliance.
g. Automated Vehicle Safety
    If an applicant is proposing to implement automated vehicles or 
other innovative motor vehicle technology, the application should 
demonstrate that all vehicles will comply with applicable safety 
requirements, including those administered by the National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Federal Motor Carrier 
Safety Administration (FMCSA). Specifically, the application should 
show that vehicles acquired for the proposed project will comply with 
applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and Federal 
Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR). If the vehicles may not 
comply, the application should either (1) show that the vehicles and 
their proposed operations are within the scope of an exemption or 
waiver that has already been granted by NHTSA, FMCSA, or both agencies 
or (2) directly address whether the project will require exemptions or 
waivers from the FMVSS, FMCSR, or any other regulation and, if the 
project will require exemptions or waivers, present a plan for 
obtaining them. If applicable, FTA will also consider the extent to 
which the application presents a plan to address workforce impacts of 
automated vehicles or other innovative motor vehicle technology.
h. Standard Assurances
    If an applicant receives an award, the applicant must ensure that 
it will comply with all applicable Federal statutes, regulations, 
executive orders, directives, FTA circulars, and other Federal 
administrative requirements in carrying out any project supported by 
the FTA award. The applicant acknowledges that it will be under a 
continuing obligation to comply with the terms and conditions of the 
agreement issued for its project with FTA. The applicant understands 
that Federal laws, regulations, policies, and administrative practices 
might be modified from time to time and may affect the implementation 
of the project. The most recent Federal requirements will apply to the 
project unless FTA issues a written determination otherwise. The 
applicant must submit the most recent FTA Certifications and Assurances 
before receiving an award if it does not have current certifications on 
i. External Communications
    The recipient must communicate with the FTA Program Manager prior 
to engaging in any external communications regarding the program. This 
includes any work developing news or magazine stories with media 
organizations, including print, video, online, or otherwise. 
Additionally, the FTA program manager must be notified and approve if 
project information, including results and metrics, will be shared 
during a webinar or other presentation open to the public by the 
recipient or another organization. The recipient should consult with 
the FTA Program Manager at the beginning of the agreement to discuss 
and plan any external communications about the program.
j. Intellectual Property Provisions
    Any intellectual property developed as a part of this solicitation 
will be subject to provisions of 2 CFR 200.315 Intangible Property and 
FTA's Master Agreement related to patent rights and rights in data and 
copyrights and may be disseminated to the public for its use.
k. FTA Funds Reimbursement
    If selected, the recipient must disburse funds from its cooperative 
agreement using DOT's Delphi system. Drawdowns using ECHO are 
prohibited. FTA staff are available to assist recipient with gaining 
access and using the Delphi system.
l. Termination for Failure To Make Progress on an Award
    After providing written notice to the recipient of a project 
selected for funding, FTA may withdraw its support for the selected 
project (if a cooperative agreement has not yet been awarded) or 
suspend or terminate all or any part of the Federal assistance for the 
award if the recipient has failed to make reasonable progress 
implementing the project. FTA may withdraw its support for a project or 
terminate an award agreement if, among other reasons:
    1. A recipient has not completed its application for funding in 
TrAMS within 60 days of the date FTA announces project selection.
    2. A recipient has not begun its demonstration project within one 
year after funding was awarded in TrAMS.
    3. A recipient has not delivered a project evaluation to FTA within 
one year of completing its demonstration project.
    4. The proposed activities are no longer needed, or the recipient 
has violated the terms of FTA's Annual Agreement.
m. Performance and Program Evaluation
    As a condition of grant award, grant recipients may be required to 
participate in an evaluation undertaken by DOT or another agency or 
partner. The evaluation may take different forms such as an 
implementation assessment across grant recipients, an impact and/or 
outcomes analysis of all or selected sites within or across grant 
recipients, or a benefit/cost analysis or assessment of return on 
investment. DOT may require applicants to collect data elements to aid 
the evaluation and/or use information available through other 
reporting. As a part of the evaluation, as a condition of award, grant 
recipients must agree to: (1) make records available to the evaluation 
contractor or DOT staff; (2) provide access to program records, and any 
other relevant documents to calculate costs and benefits; (3) in the 
case of an impact analysis, facilitate the access to relevant 
information as requested; and (4) follow evaluation procedures as 
specified by the evaluation contractor or DOT staff.
    Recipients and subrecipients are also encouraged to incorporate 
program evaluation including associated data collection activities from 
the outset of their program design and implementation to meaningfully 
document and measure their progress towards meeting an agency priority

[[Page 90824]]

goal(s). Title I of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act 
of 2018 (Evidence Act), (Pub. L. 115-435) urges Federal awarding 
agencies and Federal assistance recipients and subrecipients to use 
program evaluation as a critical tool to learn, to improve equitable 
delivery, and to elevate program service and delivery across the 
program lifecycle. Evaluation means ``an assessment using systematic 
data collection and analysis of one or more programs, policies, and 
organizations intended to assess their effectiveness and efficiency.'' 
5 U.S.C. 311. Credible program evaluation activities are implemented 
with relevance and utility, rigor, independence and objectivity, 
transparency, and ethics (OMB Circular A-11, part 6 section 290).

Reporting and Payment

    Post-award reporting requirements include the electronic submission 
of Federal Financial Reports and Milestone Progress Reports in TrAMS 
quarterly. Documentation is required for payment. Additional reporting 
may be required specific to the program prescribed in this Notice, and 
the recipient may be expected to participate in events or peer networks 
related to the goals and objectives of the program. The Federal 
Financial Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) requires data 
entry at the FFATA Sub Award Reporting System (https://www.FSRS.gov) 
for all sub-awards and sub-contracts issued for $30,000 or more, as 
well as addressing executive compensation for both award recipients and 
sub-award organizations. The recipient will be required to disburse via 
Delphi and E-invoicing.
    The successful applicant should include any goals, targets, and 
indicators referenced in its application in the Executive Summary of 
the TrAMS application.
    As part of completing the annual certifications and assurances 
required of FTA grant recipients, a successful applicant must report on 
the suspension or debarment status of itself and its principals.
    If the recipient's active grants, cooperative agreements, and 
procurement contracts from all Federal awarding agencies exceed 
$10,000,000 for any period during the period of performance of an award 
made pursuant to this Notice, the recipient must comply with the 
Recipient Integrity and Performance Matters reporting requirements 
described in appendix XII to 2 CFR part 200.

G. Federal Awarding Agency Contacts

    For further information concerning this notice, please contact the 
Bus Safety and Accessibility Research Program Manager, Maria Roell, in 
the FTA Office of Infrastructure, Safety and Asset Innovation, by email 
at maria.roell@dot.gov. A TDD is available for individuals who are deaf 
or hard of hearing at 800-877-8339. In addition, FTA will post answers 
to questions and requests for clarifications on FTA's website at 
    To ensure applicants receive accurate information about eligibility 
or the program, applicants are encouraged to contact FTA directly with 
questions rather than through intermediaries or third parties. FTA 
staff may also conduct briefings on the competitive applications 
selection and award process upon request.
    For issues with grants.gov, please contact grants.gov by phone at 
1-800-518-4726 or by email at grants.gov">support@grants.gov.

H. Other Information

    This program is not subject to Executive Order 12372, 
``Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.'' There are resources 
available that may help in responding to this Notice, as listed below. 
The FTA website has information about FTA, application forms, statutory 
and administrative requirements, etc. Applicants are encouraged to use 
the FTA link provided and other information, as listed, as much as is 

Veronica Vanterpool,
Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2024-26835 Filed 11-15-24; 8:45 am]