Political Appointees: Turnover Rates in Executive Schedule Positions Requiring Senate Confirmation (Fact Sheet, 04/21/94, GAO/GGD-94-115FS). The turnover among political appointees running many federal agencies is such that the median length of service for these government executives is only 2.1 years, hindering the stability and continuity of leadership essential for effective management of federal organizations. Many experts on public administration have expressed concern that the frequent turnover of political appointees in the Executive Branch can (1) disrupt program management, (2) cause key positions to remain vacant for long periods, and (3) prevent clear assignment of accountability for program outcomes. Generally, the median length of service of appointees in cabinet departments was below the governmentwide median. Cabinet departments also generally had higher-than-average turnover rates. Because of differences in the statutorily prescribed lengths of fixed-term positions, a governmentwide turnover rate or median length-of-service figure for such positions would not be meaningful. GAO noted, however, that term-limited appointees generally served longer in their positions than their indefinite-tenure counterparts. --------------------------- Indexing Terms ----------------------------- REPORTNUM: GGD-94-115FS TITLE: Political Appointees: Turnover Rates in Executive Schedule Positions Requiring Senate Confirmation DATE: 04/21/94 SUBJECT: Human resources utilization Personnel management Civil service appointments Hiring policies Public service employment Presidential appointments Government employees Comparative analysis Personnel classification Statistical data ************************************************************************ We regret that the full text of this item is presently unavailable. See the GAO FAQ - Section 2.0 for printed copy ordering information. The FAQ is automatically retrieved with all WAIS search results or can be obtained by sending e-mail to: [email protected]