"Best Sellers" List for Mid-Year FY95 (Other Written Prod., 07/95,

GAO published a listing of its most requested reports and testimony
issued between October 1, 1994 and April 30, 1995.

--------------------------- Indexing Terms -----------------------------

     TITLE:  "Best Sellers" List for Mid-Year FY95
      DATE:  07/01/95
   SUBJECT:  Schools
             Financial management
             Audit reports
             Welfare benefits
             Government publications
             Health care services
             Information dissemination operations
             Environmental monitoring
             Reference service operations
             Public administration
IDENTIFIER:  Bibliographies
* This file contains an ASCII representation of the text of a GAO        *
* report.  Delineations within the text indicating chapter titles,       *
* headings, and bullets are preserved.  Major divisions and subdivisions *
* of the text, such as Chapters, Sections, and Appendixes, are           *
* identified by double and single lines.  The numbers on the right end   *
* of these lines indicate the position of each of the subsections in the *
* document outline.  These numbers do NOT correspond with the page       *
* numbers of the printed product.                                        *
*                                                                        *
* No attempt has been made to display graphic images, although figure    *
* captions are reproduced. Tables are included, but may not resemble     *
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*                                                                        *
* A printed copy of this report may be obtained from the GAO Document    *
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================================================================ COVER

July 1995



=============================================================== ABBREV

============================================================ Chapter 0

The following listing covers requests received between October 1,
1994 and June 30, 1995 by OIMC's Document Distribution Center for GAO
reports and testimony issued during the first half of Fiscal Year
1995 (October 1, 1994 - April 30, 1994). 

The reports are listed in the order of the number of document copies
distributed.  The list does not include initial and subsequent
distribution of reports upon publication via GAO Form 115 or
distributions made directly by divisions and offices. 

To easily locate a specific GAO report, use the cross reference table
information which begins on page 25. 

For further information, please contact Keith Bonney, OIMC/ISC, at

============================================================ Chapter 1

Rank       Report Number           b.  Title
---------  ------------------  ------  -----------------------------------------
1.         HEHS-95-61           5,644  School Facilities: Condition of America's

2.         AIMD-95-23           5,497  Information Superhighway: An Overview of
                                       Technology Challenges

3.         PEMD-95-7            4,973  Electric Vehicles: Likely Consequences of
                                       U.S. and Other Nations' Programs and

4.         GGD-95-22            4,599  Managing for Results: State Experiences
                                       Provide Insights for Federal Management

5.         HEHS-95-95           4,010  School Facilities: America's Schools Not
                                       Designed or Equipped for 21st Century

6.         OCG-95-1             3,870  Management Reform: Implementation of the
                                       National Performance Review's

7.         PEMD-95-8            3,445  Cholesterol Measurement: Test Accuracy
                                       and Factors That Influence Cholesterol

8.         HEHS-95-74           3,394  Block Grants: Characteristics,
                                       Experience, and Lessons Learned

9.         NSIAD-95-34          3,347  Reengineering Organizations: Results of a
                                       GAO Symposium

10.        NSIAD-95-56          2,948  Bottom-Up Review: Analysis of Key DOD

11.        HEHS-95-28           2,847  Welfare to Work: Current AFDC Program Not
                                       Sufficiently Focused on Employment

12.        HEHS-95-7            2,765  Family Planning Clinics: Strain of
                                       Norplant's High Up-Front Costs Has

13.        HEHS-95-26           2,691  Long-Term Care: Diverse, Growing
                                       Population Includes Millions of Americans
                                       of All Ages

14.        GGD-95-54            2,600  Workforce Reductions: Downsizing
                                       Strategies Used in Selected Organizations

15.        HEHS-95-42           2,558  Charter Schools: New Model for Public
                                       Schools Provides Opportunities and

16.        HEHS-95-122          2,514  Medicaid: Spending Pressures Drive States
                                       Toward Program Reinvention

17.        GGD-95-10BR          2,347  North American Free Trade Agreement:
                                       Structure and Status of Implementing

18.        OCE-95-1             2,311  Federal Personnel: Federal/Private Sector
                                       Pay Comparisons

19.        HEHS-95-36           2,290  Child Care: Promoting Quality in Family
                                       Child Care

20.        HEHS-95-22           2,193  Illegal Aliens: Assessing Estimates of
                                       Financial Burden on California

21.        PEMD-95-9            2,187  Breast Conservation Versus Mastectomy:
                                       Patient Survival in Day-to-Day Medical
                                       Practice and in Randomized Studies

22.        HEHS-95-103          2,169  Medicaid: Restructuring Approaches Leave
                                       Many Questions

23.        HEHS-95-9            2,145  Medical Education: Curriculum and
                                       Financing Strategies Need to Encourage
                                       Primary Care Training

24.        HEHS-95-1            2,107  Health Care: Employers Urge Hospitals to
                                       Battle Costs Using Performance Data

25.        RCED-95-52           2,098  Technology Transfers: Benefits of
                                       Cooperative R&D Agreements

26.        HEHS-95-44           2,063  Aging Issues: Related GAO Reports and
                                       Activities in Fiscal Year 1994

27.        NSIAD-95-3           2,004  Military Bases: Reuse Plans for Selected
                                       Bases Closed in 1988 and 1991

28.        HEHS-95-35           1,951  Health Care: School-Based Health Centers
                                       Can Expand Access for Children

29.        HEHS-95-20           1,951  Child Care: Child Care Subsidies Increase
                                       Likelihood That Low-Income Mothers Will

30.        OCG-95-2             1,933  Addressing the Deficit: Budgetary
                                       Implications of Selected GAO Work for
                                       Fiscal Year 1996

31.        NSIAD-95-133         1,912  Military Bases: Analysis of DOD's 1995
                                       Process and Recommendations for Closure
                                       and Realignment

32.        RCED-95-30           1,905  Air Pollution: Allowance Trading Offers
                                       an Opportunity to Reduce Emissions at
                                       Less Cost

33.        AIMD-95-30           1,883  Deficit Reduction: Experiences of Other

34.        GGD-95-84BR          1,814  Tax-Exempt Organizations: Information on
                                       Selected Types of Organizations

35.        NSIAD-95-7           1,747  Weapons of Mass Destruction: Reducing the
                                       Threat from the Former Soviet Union

36.        GGD-95-79            1,742  Federal Quality Management: Strategies
                                       for Involving Employees

37.        HEHS-95-4FS          1,706  Early Childhood Programs: Multiple
                                       Programs and Overlapping Target Groups

38.        NSIAD-95-8           1,705  Environmental Cleanup: Supplemental Case
                                       Studies of High Priority DOD

39.        RCED-95-46           1,686  Superfund: Legal Expenses for Cleanup-
                                       Related Activities of Major U.S.

40.        HEHS-95-23           1,670  Medicare: Tighter Rules Needed to Curtail
                                       Overcharges for Therapy in Nursing Homes

41.        GGD-95-61            1,659  U.S.-China Trade: Implementation of
                                       Agreements on Market Access and
                                       Intellectual Property

42.        RCED-95-13           1,657  Food Assistance: Potential Impacts of
                                       Alternative Systems for Delivering Food
                                       Stamp Program Benefits

43.        T-OCG-95-2           1,654  Government Reform: Using Reengineering
                                       and Technology to Improve Government

44.        AIMD/OCE-95-119      1,640  The Deficit and the Economy: An Update of
                                       Long-Term Simulations

45.        NSIAD-95-70          1,624  Military Bases: Environmental Impact at
                                       Closing Installations

46.        PEMD-95-2            1,617  National Laboratories: Are Their R&D
                                       Activities Related to Commercial Product

47.        RCED-95-16           1,576  Endangered Species Act: Information on
                                       Species Protection on Nonfederal Lands

48.        NSIAD-95-10          1,550  Former Soviet Union: U.S. Bilateral
                                       Program Lacks Effective Coordination

49.        RCED/HEHS-95-69      1,545  Community Development: Comprehensive
                                       Approaches Address Multiple Needs but Are
                                       Challenging to Implement

50.        AIMD-95-65           1,540  Information Technology: A Statistical
                                       Study of Acquisition Time

51.        HEHS-95-27           1,525  German Health Reforms: Changes Result in
                                       Lower Health Costs in 1993

52.        T-HEHS-95-63         1,524  Low-Income Families: Comparison of
                                       Incomes of AFDC and Working Poor Families

53.        RCED-95-3            1,522  Solid Waste: State and Federal Efforts to
                                       Manage Nonhazardous Waste

54.        HEHS-95-58           1,518  Welfare Reform: Implications of Proposals
                                       on Legal Immigrants' Benefits

55.        RCED-95-73FS         1,473  Federal Lands: Information on Land Owned
                                       and on Acreage With Conservation

56.        HEHS-95-24           1,459  Child Support Enforcement: Families Could
                                       Benefit From Stronger Enforcement Program

57.        PEMD-95-1            1,458  Program Evaluation: Improving the Flow of
                                       Information to the Congress

58.        RCED-95-32           1,456  Telecommunications: Status of Research on
                                       the Safety of Cellular Telephones

59.        RCED-95-18           1,442  Superfund: Estimates of Number of Future
                                       Sites Vary

60.        PEMD-95-3            1,431  Highway Safety: Factors Affecting
                                       Involvement in Vehicle Crashes

61.        T-HEHS-95-80         1,429  Block Grants: Lessons Learned

62.        HEHS-95-17W          1,420  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

63.        RCED-95-10           1,397  Department of Energy: National
                                       Laboratories Need Clearer Missions and
                                       Better Management

64.        AIMD-95-21           1,388  Hospital Costs: Cost Control Efforts at
                                       17 Texas Hospitals

65.        HEHS-95-8            1,376  Early Childhood Programs: Local
                                       Perspectives on Barriers to Providing
                                       Head Start Services

66.        NSIAD-95-50FS        1,367  Overseas Presence: Staffing at U.S.
                                       Diplomatic Posts

67.        RCED-95-71           1,359  Intercity Passenger Rail: Financial and
                                       Operating Conditions Threaten Amtrak's
                                       Long-Term Viability

68.        T-HEHS-95-81         1,359  Medicare: Opportunities Are Available to
                                       Apply Managed Care Strategies

69.        NSIAD-95-67          1,343  Chemical Weapons: Stability of the U.S.

70.        GGD-95-39            1,342  Tax Compliance: Status of the Tax Year
                                       1994 Compliance Measurement Program

71.        RCED-95-35BR         1,340  New Denver Airport: Impact of the Delayed
                                       Baggage System

72.        RCED-95-66           1,339  Nuclear Cleanup: Difficulties in
                                       Coordinating Activities Under Two
                                       Environmental Laws

73.        HEHS-95-31           1,302  Dislocated Workers: An Early Look at the
                                       NAFTA Transitional Adjustment Assistance

74.        T-HEHS-95-110        1,302  Medicare and Medicaid: Opportunities to
                                       Save Program Dollars by Reducing Fraud
                                       and Abuse

75.        NSIAD-95-72          1,290  Defense Research and Development:
                                       Mandated Reports on Noncompetitive Awards
                                       to Colleges and Universities

76.        RCED-95-1            1,290  Department of Energy: National Priorities
                                       Needed for Meeting Environmental

77.        GGD-95-89BR          1,273  Postal Service: Automation Is Taking
                                       Longer and Producing Less Than Expected

78.        RCED-95-88           1,267  DOE Management: Selected Information on
                                       the Workforce at DOE's Livermore

79.        NSIAD-95-14          1,262  Acquisition Reform: DOD Begins Program to
                                       Reform Specifications and Standards

80.        GGD-95-64            1,259  Poverty Measurement: Adjusting for
                                       Geographic Cost-of-Living Difference

81.        T-HEHS-95-115        1,258  Medicaid: Experience with State Waivers
                                       to Promote Cost Control and Access to

82.        RCED-95-74           1,243  University Research: Effect of Indirect
                                       Cost Revisions and Options for Future

83.        HEHS-95-49           1,243  Ryan White Care Act: Access to Services
                                       by Minorities, Women, and Substance

84.        AIMD-95-6            1,230  High Performance Computing and
                                       Communications: New Program Direction
                                       Would Benefit from a More Focused Effort

85.        HEHS-95-47           1,220  Early Childhood Programs: Parent
                                       Education and Income Best Predict

86.        RCED-95-75BR         1,218  Hazardous Waste: Compliance With
                                       Groundwater Monitoring Requirements at
                                       Land Disposal Facilities

87.        T-HEHS-95-53         1,189  Multiple Employment Training Programs:
                                       Major Overhaul Needed to Reduce Costs,
                                       Streamline the Bureaucracy, and Improve

88.        T-GGD-95-4           1,187  Government Contractors: Contracting Out
                                       Implications of Streamlining Agency

89.        RCED-95-104FS        1,187  U.S. Agriculture: Status of the Farm

90.        NSIAD-95-55          1,184  Chemical Weapons Disposal: Plans for
                                       Nonstockpile Chemical Warfare Materiel
                                       Can Be Improved

91.        GGD-95-88            1,181  Tax Policy: Experience With the Corporate
                                       Alternative Minimum Tax

92.        AIMD-95-3            1,179  Budget Reconciliation: Issues Concerning
                                       the 1990 Reconciliation Act

93.        NSIAD-95-16          1,178  Attack Submarines: Alternatives for a
                                       More Affordable SSN Force Structure

94.        PEMD-95-18BR         1,164  Regulatory Reform: Information on Costs,
                                       Cost-Effectiveness, and Mandated
                                       Deadlines for Regulations

95.        AIMD-95-8            1,159  Depository Institutions: Divergent Loan
                                       Loss Methods Undermine Usefulness of
                                       Financial Reports

96.        HEHS-95-85FS         1,156  Multiple Employment Training Programs:
                                       Information Crosswalk on 163 Employment
                                       Training Programs

97.        RCED-95-7            1,153  National Wildlife Refuge System:
                                       Contributions Being Made to Endangered
                                       Species Recovery

98.        T-HEHS-95-75         1,147  Medicare: High Spending Growth Calls for
                                       Aggressive Action

99.        RCED-95-23           1,140  Pesticides: Reducing Exposure to Residues
                                       of Canceled Pesticides

100.       NSIAD-95-5           1,135  DOD Force Mix Issues: Greater Reliance on
                                       Civilians in Support Roles Could Provide
                                       Significant Benefits

101.       NSIAD-95-13          1,121  Pollution Prevention: Status of DOD's

102.       OP-95-1              1,114  Status of Open Recommendations: Improving
                                       Operations of Federal Departments and

103.       PEMD-95-10           1,113  Medicare Part B: Regional Variation in
                                       Denial Rates for Medical Necessity

104.       NSIAD-95-27          1,106  Environmental Cleanup: Defense
                                       Indemnification for Contractor Operations

105.       HEHS-95-11           1,105  Tuberculosis: Costly and Preventable
                                       Cases Continue in Five Cities

106.       RCED-95-25           1,077  Aviation Security: FAA Can Help Ensure
                                       That Airports' Access Control Systems Are

107.       AIMD-95-109          1,073  Budget Issues: Fiscal Year 1994 Budget
                                       Estimates and Actual Results

108.       GGD-95-30            1,071  Border Control: Revised Strategy Is
                                       Showing Some Positive Results

109.       RCED-95-17           1,067  Hazardous Waste Incinerators: EPA's and
                                       OSHA's Actions to Better Protect Health
                                       and Safety Not Complete

110.       NSIAD-95-29          1,066  Military Readiness: DOD Needs to Develop
                                       a More Comprehensive Measurement System

111.       RCED-95-27           1,064  Nuclear Waste: DOE's Management and
                                       Organization of the Nevada Repository

112.       NSIAD-95-102BR       1,060  Peace Operations: Information on U.S. and
                                       U.N. Activities

113.       HEHS-95-33W          1,049  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

114.       HEHS-95-21           1,039  Early Childhood Centers: Services to
                                       Prepare Children for School Often Limited

115.       AIMD/GGD-95-130R     1,031  Government Reform: Goal-Setting and

116.       T-HEHS-95-51         1,029  Welfare to Work: AFDC Training Program
                                       Spends Billions, but Not Well Focused on

117.       RCED-95-42           1,027  Conservation Reserve Program:
                                       Alternatives Are Available for Managing
                                       Environmentally Sensitive Cropland

118.       RCED-95-29           1,017  Nuclear Health and Safety: Further
                                       Improvement Needed in the Hanford Tank
                                       Farm Maintenance Program

119.       HEHS-95-104          1,017  Defense Health Care: Issues and
                                       Challenges Confronting Military Medicine

120.       NSIAD-95-17          1,004  Navy's Aircraft Carrier Program:
                                       Investment Strategy Options

121.       GGD-95-35              999  Interstate Banking: Experiences in Three
                                       Western States

122.       AIMD-95-27             997  Aviation Safety: Data Problems Threaten
                                       FAA Strides on Safety Analysis System

123.       NSIAD-95-92            994  DOD Budget: Selected Categories of
                                       Planned Funding for Fiscal Years 1995-99

124.       NSIAD-95-26            977  C-17 Aircraft: Cost and Performance

125.       RCED-95-59             976  Federal Research: Interim Report on the
                                       Small Business Innovation Research

126.       T-NSIAD-95-107         973  Military Bases: Challenges in Identifying
                                       and Implementing Closure Recommendations

127.       GGD-95-60              968  Former Soviet Union: Creditworthiness of
                                       Successor States and U.S. Export Credit

128.       GGD-95-9               964  International Trade: Assessment of the
                                       Generalized System of Preferences Program

129.       RCED-95-21             964  Environmental Protection: Information on
                                       EPA's Underground Injection Control

130.       T-AIMD-95-88           964  District of Columbia: Financial Crisis

131.       PEMD-95-6              960  Women's Educational Equity Act: A Review
                                       of Program Goals and Strategies Needed

132.       NSIAD-95-51            960  Peace Operations: Heavy Use of Key
                                       Capabilities May Affect Response to
                                       Regional Conflicts

133.       NSIAD-95-18            954  Weapons Acquisition: Low-Rate Initial
                                       Production Used to Buy Weapon Systems

134.       HEHS-95-45BR           948  Early Childhood Programs: Promoting the
                                       Development of Young Children in Denmark,
                                       France, and Italy

135.       T-GGD-95-105           946  Federal Downsizing: The President's
                                       Fiscal Year 1996 Budget and Its
                                       Compliance with the Federal Workforce
                                       Restructuring Act of 1994

136.       HEHS-95-86             944  Welfare to Work: Measuring Outcomes for
                                       JOBS Participants

137.       T-HEHS-95-69           942  Child Care: Narrow Subsidy Programs
                                       Create Problems for Mothers Trying to

138.       AIMD/GGD-95-69FS       938  Budget Function Classification: Relating
                                       Agency Spending and Personnel Levels to
                                       Budget Functions

139.       AIMD-95-81             937  Weather Forecasting: Unmet Needs and
                                       Unknown Costs Warrant Reassessment of
                                       Observing System Plans

140.       T-GGD-95-108           924  Federal Downsizing: The Administration's
                                       Management of Workforce Reductions

141.       OSI-95-10              924  Operation Desert Storm: Investigation of
                                       a U.S. Army Fratricide Incident

142.       HEHS-95-3              919  Education Finance: Extent of Federal
                                       Funding in State Education Agencies

143.       T-RCED-95-85           917  Department of Energy: Need To Reevaluate
                                       Its Role and Missions

144.       PEMD-95-13             914  Public Pension Plans: Evaluation of
                                       Economically Targeted Investment Programs

145.       T-PEMD-95-17           904  Cholesterol Measurement: Variablity in
                                       Methods and Test Results

146.       T-HEHS-95-76           899  Means-Tested Programs: An Overview,
                                       Problems, and Issues

147.       T-GGD-95-71            897  U.S. Insular Areas: Information on Fiscal
                                       Relations with the Federal Government

148.       GGD-95-3FS             895  U.S. Government Aid to Business: Federal
                                       Government Programs That Provide
                                       Management and Technical Assistance

149.       HEHS-95-66             895  Social Security: New Functional
                                       Assessments for Children Raise
                                       Eligibility Questions

150.       HR-95-3                892  High Risk Series: Defense Contract

151.       NSIAD-95-28            891  Defense Management: Impediments
                                       Jeopardize Logistics Corporate
                                       Information Management

152.       T-HEHS-95-52           887  Charter Schools: A Growing and Diverse
                                       National Reform Movement

153.       NSIAD-95-33            883  Space Station: Plans to Expand Research
                                       Community Do Not Match Available

154.       HEHS-95-2              875  Medicare: Referrals to Physician-Owned
                                       Imaging Facilities Warrant HCFA's

155.       NSIAD/GGD-95-31        874  Credit Reform: U.S. Needs Better Methods
                                       for Estimating Cost of Foreign Loans and

156.       T-HEHS-95-96           873  Child Care: Recipients Face Service Gaps
                                       and Supply Shortages

157.       HEHS-95-29             865  Garment Industry: Efforts to Address the
                                       Prevalence and Conditions of Sweatshops

158.       NSIAD-95-9             865  Army Aviation: Modernization Strategy
                                       Needs to Be Reassessed

159.       T-GGD-95-131           862  Government Contractors: An Overview of
                                       the Federal Contracting-Out Program

160.       RCED-95-34             861  Maritime Industry: Cargo Preference Laws-
                                       -Estimated Costs and Effects

161.       HEHS-95-39             858  VA Health Care: Retargeting Needed to
                                       Better Meet Veterans' Changing Needs

162.       T-HEHS-95-127          846  Technology: America's Schools Not
                                       Designed or Equipped for 21st Century

163.       HEHS-95-132W           841  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

164.       GGD-95-38              841  Bank Regulatory Structure: The United

165.       GGD-95-122BR           838  Earned Income Credit: Targeting to the
                                       Working Poor

166.       T-RCED-95-40           836  Health and Safety: Status of Federal
                                       Efforts to Disclose Cold War Radiation
                                       Experiments Involving Humans

167.       GGD-95-45              829  International Trade: Long-Term Viability
                                       of U.S.-European Union Aircraft Agreement

168.       NSIAD-95-6             820  Peace Corps: New Programs in Former
                                       Eastern Bloc Countries Should Be

169.       RCED-95-8              818  Wildlife Protection: Fish and Wildlife
                                       Service's Inspection Program Needs

170.       HR-95-4                815  High Risk Series: Defense Weapons Systems

171.       NSIAD-95-116           813  Cruise Missiles: Proven Capability Should
                                       Affect Aircraft and Force Structure

172.       T-AIMD-95-89           812  District of Columbia: Deteriorating
                                       Financial Condition

173.       RCED/AIMD-95-5         810  Nuclear Nonproliferation: U.S.
                                       International Nuclear Materials Tracking
                                       Capabilities Are Limited

174.       GGD-95-14              791  Tax Administration: IRS Can Strengthen
                                       Its Efforts to See That Taxpayers Are
                                       Treated Properly

175.       AIMD-95-84             790  Deposit Insurance Funds: Analysis of
                                       Insurance Premium Disparity Between Banks
                                       and Thrifts

176.       NSIAD-95-42            782  U.S. Vietnam Relations: Issues and

177.       HR-95-8                782  High Risk Series: Medicare Claims

178.       RCED-95-12             780  Forest Service: Factors Affecting Timber
                                       Sales in Five National Forests

179.       RCED-95-49             775  Nuclear Materials: Plutonium Storage at
                                       DOE's Rocky Flats Plant

180.       RCED-95-31BR           773  Air Pollution: Reductions in EPA's 1994
                                       Air Quality Program's Budget

181.       RCED-95-19             764  Nutrition Labeling: FDA and USDA Need a
                                       Coordinated Assessment of Food Label

182.       NSIAD-95-11            760  Drug Control: U.S. Antidrug Efforts in
                                       Peru's Upper Huallaga Valley

183.       NSIAD-95-37            756  Foreign Assistance: Selected Donors'
                                       Approaches for Managing Aid Programs

184.       RCED-95-41             755  Gasohol: Federal Agencies' Use of Gasohol
                                       Limited by High Prices and Other Factors

185.       T-NSIAD-95-83          755  Future Years Defense Program: Optimistic
                                       Estimates Lead to Billions in

186.       T-HEHS-95-97           745  Social Security: Federal Disability
                                       Programs Face Major Issues

187.       T-HEHS-95-70           744  Multiple Employment Training Programs:
                                       Major Overhaul Needed to Create a More
                                       Efficient, Customer-Driven System

188.       HEHS-95-5              743  Private Pensions: Funding Rule Change
                                       Needed to Reduce PBGC's Multibillion
                                       Dollar Exposure

189.       AIMD/NSIAD-95-90       741  Travel Process Reengineering: DOD Faces
                                       Challenges in Using Industry Practices to
                                       Reduce Costs

190.       RCED-95-37             739  Environmental Auditing: A Useful Tool
                                       That Can Improve Environmental
                                       Performance and Reduce Costs

191.       NSIAD-95-75            738  Federally Funded R&D Centers: Executive
                                       Compensation at The Aerospace Corporation

192.       NSIAD-95-2             733  Defense Supply: Acquisition Leadtime
                                       Requirements Can Be Significantly Reduced

193.       HEHS-95-109            732  Long-term Care: Current Issues and Future

194.       AIMD-95-79             729  Defense Business Operations Fund:
                                       Management Issues Challenge Fund

195.       RCED-95-24             726  International Aviation: DOT Needs More
                                       Information to Address U.S. Airlines'
                                       Problems in Doing Business Abroad

196.       HEHS-95-13             726  Veterans' Health Care: Use of VA Services
                                       by Medicare-Eligible Veterans

197.       GGD-95-40              724  INS Fingerprinting of Aliens: Efforts to
                                       Ensure Authenticity of Aliens'

198.       GGD-95-5               718  Tax Administration: Continuing Problems
                                       Affect Otherwise Successful 1994 Filing

199.       AIMD-95-20             716  Department of State IRM: Strategic
                                       Approach Needed to Better Support Agency
                                       Mission and Business Needs

200.       RCED-95-70             711  Clean Air Rulemaking: Tracking System
                                       Would Help Measure Progress of
                                       Streamlining Initiatives

201.       T-OGC-95-19            709  Procurement Reform: Opportunities for

202.       T-HEHS-95-67           706  Supplemental Security Income: Recent
                                       Growth in the Rolls Raises Fundamental
                                       Program Concerns

203.       NSIAD-95-52            704  Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: No More Hunter
                                       Systems Should Be Bought Until Problems
                                       Are Fixed

204.       NSIAD-95-105BR         702  Defense Sector: Trends in Employment and

205.       GGD-95-12              699  Agricultural Trade: Five Countries'
                                       Foreign Market Development for High-
                                       Value Products

206.       NSIAD-95-22            694  Military Recruiting: More Innovative
                                       Approaches Needed

207.       NSIAD-95-58            692  DOD Service Academies: Update on Extent
                                       of Sexual Harassment

208.       HR-95-12               688  High Risk Series: Superfund Program

209.       OSI-95-9               686  Inspectors General: Alleged Misconduct by
                                       NASA Inspector General

210.       T-HEHS-95-92           686  Medicare Secondary Payer Program: Actions
                                       Needed to Realize Savings

211.       NSIAD-95-59            685  Tactical Aircraft: Concurrency in
                                       Development and Production of F-22
                                       Aircraft Should Be Reduced

212.       T-RCED-95-161          682  Superfund: The Role of Risk in Setting

213.       RCED-95-51             681  Private Timberlands: Private Timber
                                       Harvests Not Likely to Replace Declining
                                       Federal Harvests

214.       T-GGD-95-111           680  Federal Retirement Issues

215.       HEHS-95-48             679  Higher Education: Restructuring Student
                                       Aid Could Reduce Low-Income Student
                                       Dropout Rate

216.       AIMD-95-7              679  Financial Management: Status of Defense
                                       Efforts to Correct Disbursement Problems

217.       T-RCED-95-103          674  Surface Transportation: Reorganization,
                                       Program Restructuring, and Budget Issues

218.       RCED-95-44             671  Nuclear Waste: Change in Test Strategy
                                       Sound, but DOE Overstated Savings

219.       HEHS-95-14             671  Veterans' Health Care: Veterans'
                                       Perceptions of VA Services and VA's Role
                                       in Health Care Reform

220.       GGD-95-28FS            670  Discrimination Complaints: Monetary
                                       Awards in Federal EEO Cases

221.       GGD-95-27              667  Tax Administration: Earned Income Credit-
                                       -Data on Noncompliance and Illegal Alien

222.       NSIAD-95-21            667  Security Clearances: Consideration of
                                       Sexual Orientation in the Clearance

223.       T-HEHS-95-57           667  Health and Human Services: Opportunities
                                       to Realize Savings

224.       HEHS-95-15             666  VA/DOD Health Care: More Guidance Needed
                                       to Implement CHAMPUS-Funded Sharing

225.       NSIAD-95-4             663  Navy Ships: Lessons of Prior Programs May
                                       Reduce New Attack Submarine Cost
                                       Increases and Delays

226.       HR-95-10               661  High Risk Series: Student Financial Aid

227.       NSIAD-95-46            660  Missile Development: Status and Issues at
                                       the Time of the TSSAM Termination

228.       AIMD-95-34             657  Budget Issues: The Role of Depreciation
                                       in Budgeting for Certain Federal

229.       NSIAD-95-35            653  Food Aid: Private Voluntary
                                       Organizations' Role In Distributing Food

230.       NSIAD-95-43            651  Force Structure: Army's Support
                                       Requirements Process Lacks Valid and
                                       Consistent Data

231.       RCED-95-151BR          650  Amtrak's Northeast Corridor: Information
                                       on the Status and Cost of Needed

232.       GGD-95-21              650  Trust Assets: Investment of Trust Assets
                                       in Bank Proprietary Mutual Funds

233.       T-RCED-95-120          640  Nuclear Weapons Complex: Establishing a
                                       National Risk-Based Strategy for Cleanup

234.       HR-95-5                638  High Risk Series: Defense Inventory

235.       OGC-95-15              636  Inspectors General: Independence of Legal
                                       Services Provided to IGs

236.       HEHS-95-59             632  Social Security Administration:
                                       Leadership Challenges Accompany
                                       Transition to an Independent Agency

237.       GGD-95-57FS            632  Government Corporations: Profiles of
                                       Recent Proposals

238.       T-HEHS-95-56           632  Department of Education: Opportunities to
                                       Realize Savings

239.       NSIAD-95-23            629  Whistleblower Protection: Continuing
                                       Impediments to Protection of Military

240.       GGD-95-36FS            625  Bankruptcy Professional Fees: Guidelines
                                       for Reviewing Fee Applications

241.       NSIAD-95-103           624  Equal Opportunity: DOD Studies on
                                       Discrimination in the Military

242.       T-RCED-95-122          623  Small Business: Status of SBA's 8(a)
                                       Minority Business Development Program

243.       RCED-95-45             620  U.S.-Canadian Food Safety: Opportunities
                                       for Sharing Information and Coordinating

244.       T-HEHS-95-120          620  Supplemental Security Income: Recipient
                                       Population Has Changed as Caseloads Have

245.       NSIAD-95-12            618  Naval Aviation: F-14 Upgrades Are Not
                                       Adequately Justified

246.       T-RCED-95-128          618  Department of Energy: Alternatives for
                                       Clearer Missions and Better Management at
                                       the National Laboratories

247.       NSIAD-95-38            615  Pollution Prevention: The Navy Needs
                                       Better Plans for Reducing Ship Waste

248.       T-NSIAD-95-117         610  Military Readiness: Improved Assessment
                                       Measures Are Evolving

249.       RCED-95-97BR           609  Federal Dairy Programs: Information on
                                       Dairy Pricing and Related 1995 Farm Bill

250.       GGD-95-34              608  Tax Administration: IRS Efforts to
                                       Improve Forms and Publications

251.       HEHS-95-64             608  Guaranteed Student Loans: Actions to
                                       Ensure Continued Student Access to
                                       Subsidized Loans

252.       NSIAD-95-88            605  Acquisition Management: Waivers to
                                       Workforce Training, Education, and
                                       Experience Requirements

253.       T-NSIAD-95-121         605  Environmental Protection: Challenges in
                                       Defense Environmental Program Management

254.       NSIAD-95-41            604  Overhead Costs: Unallowable Costs Charged
                                       by Rockwell Corporation, Rocketdyne

255.       T-RCED-95-105          603  Department of Energy: Research and Agency
                                       Missions Need Reevaluating

256.       GGD-95-48              601  Federal Office Space: More Businesslike
                                       Leasing Approach Could Reduce Costs and
                                       Improve Performance

257.       T-OCG-95-4             597  Congressional Oversight: The General
                                       Accounting Office

258.       HEHS-95-71FS           587  Multiple Teacher Training Programs:
                                       Information on Budgets, Services, and
                                       Target Groups

259.       NSIAD-95-54            587  Acquisition Reform: Comparison of Army's
                                       Commercial Helicopter Buy and Private
                                       Sector Buys

260.       GGD-95-18              587  Federal Motor Vehicles: Private and State
                                       Practices Can Improve Fleet Management

261.       HEHS-95-12             586  VA Health Care: Purchases of Safer
                                       Devices Should Be Based on Risk of Injury

262.       HEHS-95-106            585  School Safety: Promising Initiatives for
                                       Addressing School Violence

263.       T-RCED-95-124          584  National Park Service: Difficult Choices
                                       Need to Be Made on the Future of the

264.       GGD-95-17FS            583  Bid Protests: Attorneys' Fees Paid to Bid
                                       Protesters by Federal Agencies

265.       T-HEHS-95-129          581  Medicaid: Spending Pressures Drive States
                                       Toward Program Reinvention

266.       T-RCED-95-114          580  Air Traffic Control: Issues Presented by
                                       Proposal to Create a Government

267.       AIMD-95-24             580  Weather Forecasting: Improvements Needed
                                       in Laboratory Software Development

268.       GGD-95-6               578  Tax Administration: IRS Notices Can Be

269.       T-RCED-95-108          576  Housing and Urban Development: Reforms at
                                       HUD and Issues for Its Future

270.       OSI-95-5               576  Insurance Industry: Chronology of F.T.
                                       Riley's Activities and Related Regulatory

271.       NSIAD-95-80            574  Force Structure: Army National Guard
                                       Divisions Could Augment Wartime Support

272.       GGD-95-66              573  Tax Policy and Administration: 1994
                                       Annual Report on GAO's Tax-Related Work

273.       GGD-95-101             570  International Taxation: Transfer Pricing
                                       and Information on Nonpayment of Tax

274.       GGD-95-59              568  Tax Administration: Estimates of the Tax
                                       Gap for Service Providers

275.       NSIAD-95-1             568  Defense Supply: Inventories Contain
                                       Nonessential and Excessive Insurance

276.       OSI-95-1               566  Failed Financial Institutions: RTC/FDIC
                                       Risk Fraud and Mismanagement by Employing
                                       Those Deemed Culpable

277.       NSIAD-95-76            566  Army Reserve Components: Cost, Readiness,
                                       and Personnel Implications of
                                       Restructuring Agreement

278.       T-AIMD-95-86           564  Tax Systems Modernization: Unmanaged
                                       Risks Threaten Success

279.       NSIAD-95-24            562  Ready Reserve Force: Ship Readiness Has
                                       Improved, but Other Concerns Remain

280.       T-OGC-95-16            560  Procurement Reform: Further Opportunities
                                       for Change

281.       NSIAD-95-101           549  Background Investigations: Impediments to
                                       Consolidating Investigations and
                                       Adjudicative Functions

282.       NSIAD-95-85            548  Defense Inventory: Extent of Diminishing
                                       Manufacturing Sources Problems Still

283.       GGD-95-50              545  Security Protection: Costs of Services
                                       Provided for Selected Cabinet Officials

284.       NSIAD-95-65            539  Government Printing: Comparison of DOD
                                       and GPO Prices for Printing and
                                       Duplicating Work

285.       T-HEHS-95-55           537  Department of Labor: Opportunities to
                                       Realize Savings

286.       GGD-95-29FS            533  U.S. Postal Service: Drug Investigation

287.       GGD-95-77              533  D.C. Area Mail Delivery Service:
                                       Resolving Labor-Relations and Operational
                                       Problems Key to Service Improvement

288.       NSIAD-95-47            532  Electronic Warfare: Most Air Force ALQ-
                                       135 Jammers Procured Without Operational

289.       T-RCED-95-90           531  Amtrak: Deteriorated Financial and
                                       Operating Conditions

290.       GGD-95-106             522  U.S.-China Trade: Implementation of the
                                       1992 Prison Labor Memorandum of

291.       T-HEHS-95-117          522  Defense Health Care: DOD's Managed Care
                                       Program Continues to Face Challenges

292.       RCED-95-169            521  Agricultural Conservation: Status of
                                       Programs That Provide Financial

293.       GGD-95-37              520  Failing Banks: Lessons Learned From
                                       Resolving First City Bancorporation of

294.       NSIAD-95-100           520  Greece and Turkey: U.S. Assistance
                                       Programs and Other Activities

295.       AIMD-95-115FS          517  Budget Function Classification: Agency
                                       Spending and Personnel Levels for Fiscal
                                       Years 1994 and 1995

296.       T-RCED-95-112          517  Housing and Urban Development:
                                       Reinvention and Budget Issues

297.       T-GGD-95-110           516  District of Columbia: Actions Taken in
                                       Five Cities to Improve Their Financial

298.       T-PEMD-95-11           515  Medicare Part B: Factors That Contribute
                                       to Variation in Denial Rates for Medical
                                       Necessity Across Six Carriers

299.       NSIAD-95-78            513  Ballistic Missile Defense: Current Status
                                       of Strategic Target System

300.       T-NSIAD/AIMD-95-       513  Defense Infrastructure: Enhancing
           126                         Performance Through Better Business

301.       RCED-95-14             511  Air Traffic Control: Better Guidance
                                       Needed for Deciding Where to Locate
                                       Facilities and Equipment

302.       GGD-95-56              509  Juvenile Justice: Minimal Gender Bias
                                       Occurred in Processing Noncriminal

303.       T-GGD-95-92            509  Border Control: Revised Strategy Is
                                       Showing Some Positive Results

304.       T-GGD-95-11            508  INS: Management Problems and Program

305.       NSIAD-95-20            508  Defense Budget: Capital Asset Projects
                                       Undergo Significant Change Between
                                       Approval and Execution

306.       NSIAD-95-131BR         507  Multilateral Development: World Bank
                                       Reforms on Schedule But Difficult Work

307.       T-GGD-95-107           506  Credit Unions: The Failure of Capital
                                       Corporate Federal Credit Union

308.       RCED-95-39             505  Natural Gas Regulation: Little Opposition
                                       to FERC's Recent Policies on
                                       Transportation-Related Services

309.       T-RCED-95-98           505  Amtrak: Deteriorated Financial and
                                       Operating Conditions Threaten Long-Term

310.       T-RCED-95-86           504  Housing and Urban Development: Major
                                       Management and Budget Issues

311.       RCED-95-36             504  Managing DOE: The Department of Energy Is
                                       Making Efforts to Control Litigation

312.       T-RCED-95-149          503  Small Business: Status of SBA's 8(a)
                                       Minority Business Development Program

313.       T-GGD-95-136           501  Earned Income Credit: Targeting to the
                                       Working Poor

314.       HEHS-95-54W            499  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports:
                                       Five-Year Report 1990-94

315.       T-RCED-95-81           499  Aviation Safety: FAA Can Be More
                                       Proactive in Promoting Aviation Safety

316.       T-GGD/AIMD-95-70       497  Customs Service: Status of Reorganization
                                       and Modernization Efforts

317.       NSIAD-95-45            497  Ballistic Missile Defense: Computation of
                                       Number of Patriot PAC-3 Interceptors
                                       Needed Is Flawed

318.       T-RCED-95-83           494  Department of Transportation: Issues
                                       Related to Transportation Funding

319.       NSIAD-95-19            488  University Research: U.S. Reimbursement
                                       of Tuition Costs for University Employee
                                       Family Members

320.       NSIAD-95-44            487  Defense Supply: Controls Over Hand Tools
                                       Can Be Improved

321.       T-RCED-95-139          485  Air Traffic Control: Analysis of Proposal
                                       to Create a Government Corporation

322.       T-GGD-95-74            484  Tax Administration: Tax Compliance
                                       Initiatives and Delinquent Taxes

323.       T-RCED-95-133          484  Farm Programs: Distribution of USDA
                                       Income Support Payments

324.       RCED-95-99             483  International Aviation: Airline Alliances
                                       Produce Benefits, but Effect on
                                       Competition Is Uncertain

325.       RCED-95-76             473  Salvaged Food: Lessons Learned from the
                                       Americold Fire

326.       T-GGD-95-42            472  Tax System Burden: Tax Compliance Burden
                                       Faced By Business Taxpayers

327.       T-AIMD/GGD-95-80       471  Paperwork Reduction Act: Reauthorization
                                       Can Strengthen Government's Management of
                                       Information and Technology

328.       NSIAD-95-94            460  Chemical Weapons: Army's Emergency
                                       Preparedness Program Has Financial
                                       Management Weaknesses

329.       T-AIMD-95-101          459  Business Process Reengineering: DOD Has a
                                       Significant Opportunity to Reduce Travel
                                       Costs by Using Industry Practices

330.       NSIAD-95-25            456  Army Armored Systems: Advanced Field
                                       Artillery System Experiences Problems
                                       With Liquid Propellant

331.       T-RCED-95-89           456  Housing and Urban Development: Major
                                       Management and Budget Issues

332.       AIMD-95-19             455  District of Columbia: Information on the
                                       District's Debt

333.       T-GGD-95-46            454  U.S. Postal Service: The State of Labor-
                                       Management Relations

334.       T-RCED-95-154          452  Federal Research: Interim Report on the
                                       Small Business Innovation Research

335.       T-HEHS-95-125          449  Department of Labor: Rethinking the
                                       Federal Role in Worker Protection and
                                       Workforce Development

336.       RCED-95-95             449  Nuclear Regulation: Slow Progress in
                                       Identifying and Cleaning Up NRC's
                                       Licensees' Contaminated Sites

337.       HEHS-95-25             449  Veterans' Benefits: Better Assessments
                                       Needed to Guide Claims Processing

338.       GGD-95-44              448  Tax Administration: Changes Needed to
                                       Reduce Volume and Improve Processing of
                                       Undeliverable Mail

339.       AIMD-95-28             443  National Test Facility: Civilian Agency
                                       Use of Supercomputers Not Feasible

340.       RCED-95-56             443  Mineral Resources: BLM Needs to Improve
                                       Controls Over Oil and Gas Lease Acreage

341.       T-HEHS-95-91           442  Ryan White Care Act of 1990:
                                       Opportunities Are Available to Improve
                                       Funding Equity

342.       RCED-95-78             439  Public Housing: Funding and Other
                                       Constraints Limit Housing Authorities'
                                       Ability to Comply with One-for-One Rule

343.       T-HEHS-95-123          439  Direct Student Loans: Selected
                                       Characteristics of Participating Schools

344.       NSIAD-95-60            437  Aerospace Guidance and Metrology Center:
                                       Cost Growth and Other Factors Affect
                                       Closure and Privatization

345.       RCED-95-80FS           436  National Parks: Information on the
                                       Condition of Civil War Monuments at
                                       Selected Sites

346.       NSIAD-95-40            434  NASA Procurement: Contract and Management
                                       Improvements at the Jet Propulsion

347.       T-AIMD-95-87           434  Weather Service Modernization: Despite
                                       Progress, Significant Problems and Risks

348.       RCED-95-115R           431  Food Assistance Programs

349.       T-RCED-95-94           429  Food Assistance: Reducing Benefit
                                       Overpayments in the Food Stamp Program

350.       NSIAD-95-74            428  Foreign Aid: Actions Taken to Improve
                                       Food Aid Management

351.       RCED-95-9              426  Farmers Home Administration: The
                                       Guaranteed Farm Loan Program Could Be
                                       Managed More Effectively

352.       RCED-95-22             425  Forest Service: Land Acquisitions Within
                                       the Lake Tahoe Basin

353.       T-RCED-95-129          425  Housing and Urban Development: Reform and
                                       Reinvention Issues

354.       RCED-95-64             425  EPA and the States: Environmental
                                       Challenges Require a Better Working

355.       T-NSIAD-95-149         424  Defense Programs and Spending: Need for

356.       RCED-95-11             424  Debt Settlements: FmHA Can Do More to
                                       Collect on Loans and Avoid Losses

357.       T-NSIAD-95-120         423  Navy Shipbuilding Programs: Nuclear
                                       Attack Submarine Requirements

358.       NSIAD-95-49            420  DOD Service Academies: Comparison of
                                       Honor and Conduct Adjudicatory Processes

359.       T-GGD-95-93            417  Postal Service: Many Challenges in a
                                       Changing Environment

360.       GGD-95-73              417  Managing Customs: Efforts Under Way to
                                       Address Management Weaknesses

361.       NSIAD-95-71            416  Army Training: One-Third of 1993 and 1994
                                       Budgeted Funds Were Used for Other

362.       RCED-95-28             416  Wheat Pricing: Information on Transition
                                       to New Tests for Protein

363.       T-AIMD-95-99           415  Information Integrity: Using Technology
                                       to Determine Eligibility to Work and
                                       Receive Benefits

364.       T-NSIAD-95-32          414  Drug Control: U.S. Drug Interdiction
                                       Issues in Latin America

365.       T-RCED-95-145          412  Small Business Administration: Status of
                                       Small Business Investment Companies

366.       OSI-95-7               411  Fugitives: U.S. Efforts to Find Miguel

367.       GGD-95-24              408  International Trade: Issues Regarding
                                       Imposition of an Oil Embargo Against

368.       HEHS-95-87             405  Medicaid Managed Care: More Competition
                                       and Oversight Would Improve California's
                                       Expansion Plan

369.       T-GGD-95-82            403  INS: Update of Management Problems and
                                       Program Issues

370.       T-RCED-95-101          398  National Park Service: Better Management
                                       and Broader Restructuring Efforts Are

371.       T-GGD-95-121           398  Financial Regulation: Modernization of
                                       the Financial Services Regulatory System

372.       T-GGD-95-113           396  Community Reinvestment Act: Preliminary
                                       Results of GAO's Study on CRA Problems
                                       and Proposed Reforms

373.       T-HEHS-95-43           391  Family Child Care: Innovative Programs
                                       Promote Quality

374.       T-GGD-95-15            389  Corporate Credit Unions: Condition,
                                       Issues, and Concerns

375.       T-NSIAD-95-132         388  Military Base Closures: Analysis of DOD's
                                       Process and Recommendations for 1995

376.       GGD-95-2BR             384  Cargo Preference: Effects of U.S. Export-
                                       Import Cargo Preference Laws on Exporters

377.       AIMD-95-102            384  Financial Audit: Federal Deposit
                                       Insurance Corporation's 1994 and 1993
                                       Financial Statements

378.       GGD-95-81FS            383  Conflict-of-Interest Controls: Documented
                                       Recusal Obligations of Top Political
                                       Appointees in DOE and EPA

379.       RCED-95-20             382  Mortgage Financing: Financial Health of
                                       FHA's Home Mortgage Insurance Program Has

380.       HR-95-6                381  High Risk Series: Internal Revenue
                                       Service Receivables

381.       RCED-95-65             375  Naval Petroleum Reserve: Opportunities
                                       Exist to Enhance Its Profitability

382.       HEHS-95-40             375  District Pensions: Federal Options for
                                       Sharing Burden to Finance Unfunded

383.       T-RCED-95-142          374  Amtrak: Deteriorated Financial and
                                       Operating Conditions Threaten Long-Term

384.       AIMD-95-22             374  Financial Markets: Stronger System
                                       Controls and Oversight Needed to Prevent
                                       NASD Computer Outages

385.       HR-95-7                373  High Risk Series: Asset Forfeiture

386.       NSIAD-95-39            372  Honduras: Continuing U.S. Military
                                       Presence at Soto Cano Base Is Not

387.       NSIAD-95-143BR         368  Multilateral Development Banks: Financial
                                       Condition of the African Development Bank

388.       GGD-95-19              365  Farm Credit System: Potential Impacts of
                                       FCB Mergers on Farmer and Rancher

389.       RCED-95-15             364  Managing DOE: Further Review Needed of
                                       Suspensions of Security Clearances for
                                       Minority Employees

390.       T-RCED-95-38           363  Federally Assisted Housing: Expanding
                                       HUD's Options for Dealing with Physically
                                       Distressed Properties

391.       OGC-95-1               363  Impoundments: Historical Information on
                                       Proposed and Enacted Rescissions, Fiscal
                                       Years 1974-95

392.       GGD-95-90              363  U.S. Imports: Unit Values Vary Widely for
                                       Identically Classified Commodities

393.       T-GGD-95-97            359  Tax Administration: IRS' Fiscal Year 1996
                                       Budget Request and the 1995 Filing Season

394.       T-AIMD-95-103          358  Earth Observing System: Concentration on
                                       Near-Term EOSDIS Development May
                                       Jeopardize Long-Term Success

395.       HR-95-11               358  High Risk Series: Department of Housing
                                       and Urban Development

396.       GGD-95-83              353  Equal Employment Opportunity: Group
                                       Representation in Key Jobs at the
                                       National Institutes of Health

397.       NSIAD-95-36            351  Army Inventory: Reparable Exchange Items
                                       at Divisions Can Be Reduced

398.       T-RCED-95-132          351  Amtrak: Issues for Reauthorization

399.       NSIAD-95-89            351  Industrial Base: Inventory and
                                       Requirements for Artillery Projectiles

400.       RCED-95-2              347  Tongass Timber Reform Act: Implementation
                                       of the Act's Contract Modification

401.       OGC-95-17              346  Impoundments: Proposed Rescissions
                                       Affecting EPA and the Agriculture,
                                       Commerce, and Transportation Departments

402.       GGD-95-86              346  Telephone Assistance: Adopting Practices
                                       Used By Others Would Help IRS Serve More

403.       T-GGD-95-128           345  International Trade: U.S. Efforts to
                                       Counter Competitors' Tied Aid Practices

404.       T-GGD-95-104           344  International Trade: Reauthorization of
                                       the Generalized System of Preferences

405.       T-OCG-95-3             343  Fiscal Year 1996 Budget Estimates for the
                                       General Accounting Office

406.       HEHS-95-30             343  Veterans' Benefits: Basing Survivors'
                                       Compensation on Veterans' Disability Is a
                                       Viable Option

407.       GGD-95-8               339  Tax Administration: Process Used to
                                       Revise the Federal Employment Tax Deposit

408.       GGD-95-95              339  Insurance Regulation: Observations on the
                                       Receivership of Monarch Life Insurance

409.       HEHS-95-90             339  Prescription Drug Prices: Official Index
                                       Overstates Producer Price Inflation

410.       T-RCED-95-140          336  Disaster Assistance: Information on
                                       Expenditures and Proposals to Improve
                                       Effectiveness and Reduce Future Costs

411.       T-AIMD-95-108          336  Governmentwide Initiatives: Critical
                                       Issues Facing the Post-FTS 2000 Program

412.       RCED-95-62             335  Coast Guard Cutters: Actions Needed Now
                                       to Ensure Better Management of Parts and

413.       T-RCED-95-116          333  Uranium Enrichment: Observations on the
                                       Privatization of the United States
                                       Enrichment Corporation

414.       T-RCED/AIMD-95-        328  FAA Budget: Issues Related to the Fiscal
           131                         Year 1996 Request

415.       RCED/AIMD-95-63        327  Rural Housing: Shift to Guaranteed
                                       Program Can Benefit Borrowers and Reduce
                                       Government's Exposure

416.       HEHS-95-88             326  Veterans' Benefits: VA Can Prevent
                                       Millions in Compensation and Pension

417.       T-NSIAD-95-136         320  Overseas Staffing: U.S. Government
                                       Diplomatic Presence Abroad

418.       OSI-95-8               319  Department of Justice: Office of
                                       Professional Responsibility's Case-
                                       Handling Procedures

419.       HEHS-95-50W            318  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

420.       T-HEHS-95-130          314  Department of Education: Information on
                                       Consolidation Opportunities and Student

421.       GGD-95-32              313  Reimbursed Travel: Commerce and FTC
                                       Generally Met Requirements but Some
                                       Improvements Needed

422.       T-OSI-95-3             312  Military Sealift Command Contracts:
                                       Contract Abuses Resulted in Poorly
                                       Maintained Ships, Unqualified Crews, and
                                       Increased Cost to Government

423.       HR-95-9                312  High Risk Series: Farm Loan Programs

424.       OGC-95-2               312  Impoundments: Proposed Deferrals of
                                       Fiscal Year 1995 Funds for Security
                                       Assistance, Refugee Programs, and Social
                                       Security Administrative Costs

425.       T-NSIAD-95-129         311  Wartime Medical Care: Aligning Sound
                                       Requirements with New Combat Care
                                       Approaches Is Key to Restructuring Force

426.       AIMD-95-66             309  Budget Issues: Compliance Report Required
                                       by the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990

427.       AIMD-95-83             309  Financial Audit: Pension Benefit Guaranty
                                       Corporation's 1994 and 1993 Financial

428.       T-RCED-95-33           309  Aviation Safety: FAA's Efforts to Improve
                                       Oversight of Foreign Carriers

429.       T-GGD-95-114           308  Cost of Health Care Task Force Related

430.       T-RCED-95-147          306  Farm Loans: Actions Needed to Safeguard
                                       Taxpayers' Interests

431.       NSIAD-95-57            299  DOD Service Academies: Academic Review

432.       T-GGD-95-140           295  Tax Policy: Information on the Research
                                       Tax Credit

433.       NSIAD-95-53            292  International Broadcasting: Downsizing
                                       and Relocating Radio Free Europe/Radio

434.       RCED-95-6              288  Housing Finance: Implications of
                                       Alternative Methods of Adjusting the
                                       Conforming Loan Limit

435.       AIMD-95-4              285  Financial Audit: Federal Financing Bank's
                                       1993 and 1992 Financial Statements

436.       T-HEHS-95-126          281  Ryan White Care Act of 1990:
                                       Opportunities Are Available to Improve
                                       Funding Equity

437.       HEHS-95-6              280  VA Health Care: Inadequate Planning in
                                       the Chesapeake Network

438.       T-GGD-95-96            279  General Services Administration:
                                       Opportunities for Cost Savings and
                                       Service Improvements

439.       T-GGD-95-112           274  Regulatory Flexibility Act: Status of
                                       Agencies' Compliance

440.       T-RCED-95-111          270  Interstate Commerce Commission: Budget
                                       and Other Impacts of Eliminating or
                                       Transferring Functions

441.       GGD-95-63              269  National Consumer Cooperative Bank:
                                       Oversight Adequate But Federal Loan
                                       Repayment Needs Monitoring

442.       T-GGD-95-141           268  U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service:
                                       Comments on Proposed Transfer to the
                                       Department of State

443.       GGD-95-67              266  Resolution Trust Corporation:
                                       Implementation of the Management Reforms
                                       in the RTC Completion Act

444.       T-RCED-95-130          261  Coast Guard: Issues Related to the Fiscal
                                       Year 1996 Budget Request

445.       GGD-95-1               259  Resolution Trust Corporation: Better Data
                                       Could Improve Effectiveness of
                                       Nonperforming Loan Auctions

446.       HEHS-95-19             255  VA Health Care: Albuquerque Medical
                                       Center Not Recovering Full Costs of
                                       Lithotripsy Services

447.       AIMD-95-10             254  Battle of Normandy Foundation:
                                       Uncertainties Surround Its Future

448.       RCED-95-4              250  Water Resources: Flooding on Easement
                                       Lands Within the Red Rock, Iowa,

449.       T-GGD-95-100           246  Public Buildings: GSA's Reinvention

450.       GGD-95-16              244  Postal Service: Service and Cost Aspects
                                       of the Dakota Central Area Mail
                                       Processing Center

451.       GGD-95-43              243  Resolution Trust Corporation: Evaluations
                                       Needed to Identify the Most Effective
                                       Land Sales Methods

452.       T-RCED-95-117          242  Federal Lands: Information on Land Owned
                                       and on Acreage with Conservation

453.       T-RCED-95-119          242  Interstate Commerce Commission: Impacts
                                       of Eliminating or Transferring Motor
                                       Carrier and Other Functions

454.       NSIAD-95-30            239  Aviation Continuation Pay: Some Bonuses
                                       Are Inappropriate Because of Prior
                                       Service Obligations

455.       NSIAD-95-123           234  Veterans Compensation: Offset of DOD
                                       Separation Pay and VA Disability

456.       RCED-95-72             233  Multifamily Housing: Better Direction and
                                       Oversight by HUD Needed for Properties
                                       Sold With Rent Restrictions

457.       T-GGD-95-41            221  Equal Employment Opportunity: Immigration
                                       and Naturalization Service's Equal
                                       Employment Opportunity Program

458.       T-RCED-95-150          219  Small Business: Access to Surety Bonds

459.       PART-95-1              218  Professional Audit Review Team:
                                       Performance Evaluation of the Energy
                                       Information Administration

460.       AIMD-95-67R            212  Reengineering: Opportunities to Improve

461.       RCED-95-53             210  Department of Energy: Procedures Followed
                                       in Awarding Grants to Study Uses of
                                       Collider's Assets

462.       AIMD-95-113            209  Financial Audit: Expenditures by Six
                                       Independent Counsels for the Six Months
                                       Ended September 30, 1994

463.       NSIAD-95-73            208  Overseas Real Estate: Inaction on
                                       Proposals to Sell High-Value Property in

464.       NSIAD-95-93            204  Financial Management: Theater Missile
                                       Defense Cooperation Account

465.       AIMD-95-75             199  Financial Audit: U.S. Commission on
                                       Improving the Effectiveness of the United

466.       AIMD-95-98             197  Financial Audit: Panama Canal
                                       Commission's 1994 and 1993 Financial

467.       T-RCED-95-136          194  Naval Petroleum Reserve: Opportunities
                                       Exist to Enhance Its Value to the

468.       T-AIMD-95-111          193  Deposit Insurance Funds: Analysis of
                                       Insurance Premium Disparity Between Banks
                                       and Thrifts

469.       AIMD-95-112            191  Financial Audit: Expenditures by Four
                                       Independent Counsels for the Six Months
                                       Ended March 31, 1994

470.       T-RCED-95-135          189  USDA License Fees: Analysis of the
                                       Solvency and Users of the Perishable
                                       Agricultural Commodities Act Program

471.       AIMD-95-2              185  Financial Audit: House Child Care Center-
                                       -Fiscal Years Ended 9-30-93, 9-30-92, and
                                       Month Ended 9-30-91

472.       HEHS-95-83R            180  Uninsured and Children on Medicaid

473.       AIMD-95-15             180  Deposit Insurance Funds: Compliance with
                                       Obligation and Repayment Requirements as
                                       of March 31, 1994

474.       T-GGD-95-94            178  Postal Service: Mail Delivery Service in
                                       the Washington Metropolitan Area

475.       T-AIMD-95-94           169  Financial Management: Indian Trust Fund
                                       Accounts Cannot Be Fully Reconciled

476.       HEHS-95-84R            168  Barriers to VA Managed Care

477.       AIMD-95-85             148  Financial Audit: Expenditures by Three
                                       Independent Counsels for the Six Months
                                       Ended September 30, 1993

478.       RCED-95-160BR          144  Rural Development: Patchwork of Federal
                                       Water and Sewer Programs Is Difficult to

479.       HEHS-95-46             143  Indian Health Service: Improvements
                                       Needed in Credentialing Temporary

480.       NSIAD-95-82            140  Export Controls: Some Controls Over
                                       Missile-Related Technology Exports To
                                       China Are Weak

481.       AIMD-95-1              132  Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants
                                       Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1993 and

482.       GGD-95-133             132  D.C. Disability Retirement Rate

483.       AIMD-95-25             127  Financial Audit: Senate Photographic
                                       Studio Revolving Fund Financial
                                       Statements for the Year Ended March 31,

484.       OGC-95-18              124  Impoundment Control: President's Fourth
                                       Special Message for Fiscal Year 1995

485.       AIMD-95-11             112  Financial Audit: House Recording Studio
                                       Revolving Fund for the Periods Ended 9/
                                       30/93 and 9/30/92

486.       RCED-95-152R           111  Amtrak's Northeast Corridor Funding Needs

487.       RCED-95-58             111  Water Quality: Information on Salinity
                                       Control Projects in the Colorado River

488.       NSIAD-95-119BR         111  Peace Operations: DOD's Incremental Costs
                                       and Funding for Fiscal Year 1994

489.       HR-95-1                109  High Risk Series: An Overview

490.       AIMD-95-97             105  USDA Telecommunications: Missed
                                       Opportunities To Save Millions

491.       GGD-95-117             104  International Trade: Canada's
                                       Restrictions on Certain Salmon Imports

492.       AIMD-95-29              99  Rural Telephone Bank: Review of Fiscal
                                       Year 1994 Interest Rates on Rural
                                       Telephone Bank Loans

493.       GGD-95-13R              94  D.C. Audit Reports

494.       AIMD-95-32              92  Financial Audit: House Stationery
                                       Revolving Fund for Year Ended 09/30/93
                                       and 3 Months Ended 09/30/92

495.       AIMD-95-14              92  Financial Audit: Congressional Award
                                       Foundation's Financial Statements for the
                                       Periods Ended 9/30/93 and 12/31/92

496.       AIMD-95-78              91  Financial Audit: House Office Systems
                                       Management--Fiscal Year Ended 9/30/93 and
                                       Three Months Ended 9/30/92

497.       AIMD-95-82              89  Financial Audit: House Beauty Shop
                                       Revolving Fund for the Year Ended 9/30/
                                       93 and 9 Months Ended 9/30/92

498.       AIMD-95-63              87  Financial Audit: House Office of the
                                       Sergeant at Arms--Periods Ended December
                                       31, 1993 and June 30, 1993

499.       NSIAD-95-66R            83  Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program

500.       RCED-95-137             79  Small Business: Information on Eight
                                       Small and Disadvantaged Business
                                       Utilization Offices

501.       HEHS-95-60R             79  Multiple Youth Programs

502.       NSIAD-95-96R            77  Proposed Submarine Construction

503.       RCED-95-159R            76  Soil Conservation

504.       AIMD-95-31              76  Financial Audit: Statement of
                                       Accountability of the House Office of
                                       Finance for Fiscal Year 1993

505.       RCED-95-141R            71  Naval Petroleum Reserves

506.       RCED-95-171             68  Agricultural Marketing: Comparative
                                       Analysis of U.S. and Foreign Promotion
                                       and Research Programs

507.       GGD-95-85               60  Federal Affirmative Employment: Progress
                                       of Women and Minority Criminal
                                       Investigators at Selected Agencies

508.       AIMD-95-92              57  Financial Audit: House Interparliamentary
                                       Groups' Financial Statements for 1993 and

509.       HEHS-95-16R             56  College Savings Issues

510.       AIMD-95-26R             54  Electronic Imaging

511.       IAP-95-6                54  Defense Management and NASA Issue Area
                                       Plan--Fiscal Years 1995-97

512.       HEHS-95-94R             52  Means-Tested Programs

513.       HEHS-95-79R             50  Ryan White Funding Formulas

514.       IAP-95-4                44  Information Resources Management-
                                       National Security and International
                                       Affairs Issue Area Plan--Fiscal Years

515.       T-OCG-95-1              43  Congressional Oversight: The General
                                       Accounting Office

516.       GGD-95-20R              40  Federal Disaster Insurance

517.       AIMD-95-71R             37  Employees' Travel Claims

518.       NSIAD-95-87R            35  Meteorological Satellites

519.       IAP-95-5                35  International Affairs Issue Area Plan--
                                       Fiscal Years 1995-97

520.       GGD-95-26R              31  FDIC Office Closure

521.       HEHS-95-101R            31  Medicare Secondary Payer Program

522.       RCED-95-93R             29  Farm Bill Issues

523.       GGD-95-129R             27  Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime

524.       AIMD-95-12R             27  Air Force C-17 Embedded Computers

525.       HEHS-95-98W             26  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

526.       HEHS-95-118R            26  Maine Practice Guidelines

527.       IAP-95-2                25  Systems Development and Production Issue
                                       Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1995-97

528.       RCED-95-153R            24  NSF's Academic Facilities Program

529.       HEHS-95-119R            23  Follow-up on Ryan White Testimony

530.       HEHS-95-72R             23  GAO Education Products

531.       HEHS-95-34R             23  Biotech R&D, Reform, and Market Change

532.       RCED-95-54R             22  Electronic Surveillance

533.       RCED-95-96R             22  Electromagnetic Interference with Medical

534.       HEHS-95-65R             22  Adult Education Review

535.       GGD-95-132R             21  RTC Inspector General

536.       HEHS-95-41W             21  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

537.       AIMD-95-68R             20  Title 7 -Vendor's Invoice

538.       AIMD-95-74R             20  Air Force Automated Travel System

539.       HEHS-95-73R             20  GAO Labor Products (FY 1990-95)

540.       GGD-95-62R              19  EDA's Management Challenges

541.       OSI-95-6R               19  Drug Activity in Haiti

542.       IAP-95-9                18  Federal Management Issue Area Plan--
                                       Fiscal Years 1995-96

543.       NSIAD-95-110R           18  Cost of Assistance and Sales Programs

544.       HEHS-95-77W             17  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

545.       GGD-95-58R              15  IRS User Fees

546.       GGD-95-55R              14  Legislative Branch Reductions

547.       IAP-95-3                14  Military Operations and Capabilities
                                       Issue Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1995-97

548.       IAP-95-7                14  Transportation and Telecommunications
                                       Issue Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1995-97

549.       RCED-95-87R             14  CRP Payments

550.       HEHS-95-38R             14  SSA Services to Employers

551.       GGD-95-47R              14  Federal Deposit Insurance

552.       GGD-95-53R              14  Management of Census Activities

553.       RCED-95-121R            13  Independent Review Characteristics

554.       GGD-95-49R              13  Chilean Restrictions on Lettuce

555.       GGD-95-52R              12  Controlled Substance Quotas

556.       GGD-95-124R             12  Manufacturing Extension Programs

557.       AIMD-95-93R             12  ATFI User Fees

558.       OSI-95-13R              11  NCAA Student Athlete Pell Grants

559.       RCED-95-113R            11  Minorities and Women on Farm Committees

560.       IAP-95-10               11  Acquisition Policy, Technology, and
                                       Competitiveness Issue Area Plan--Fiscal
                                       Years 1995-97

561.       HEHS-95-32R             10  Fiscal Year 1995 VA Certification

562.       RCED-95-57R             10  Indian Food Stamp Proposal

563.       NSIAD-95-69R            10  DOD Satellite Control

564.       GGD-95-23R               9  RTC Affordable Housing Open House

565.       HEHS-95-82R              9  Labor's Regional Structure and Trust

566.       AIMD-95-106R             9  Weather Service Modernization Questions

567.       T-GGD-95-115             9  Credit Unions: Proposed Reforms for
                                       Corporate Credit Union Regulation

568.       T-RCED-95-123            9  Amtrak: Deteriorated Financial and
                                       Operating Conditions Threaten Long-Term

569.       AIMD-95-95R              9  Transportation Trust Funds

570.       RCED-95-48R              8  Estimating Preservation Program's Cost

571.       IAP-95-1                 8  Financial Institutions and Markets Issue
                                       Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1996-98

572.       RCED-95-60R              8  Fluid Milk Check-Off Program

573.       IAP-95-8                 7  IRM/General Government Division Issue
                                       Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1994-96

574.       AIMD-95-62R              7  Post-FTS 2000 Strategy

575.       AIMD-95-35R              7  Stockpile Fund

576.       RCED-95-43R              6  Motor Carrier Academy

577.       NSIAD-95-146R            6  Nuclear Carrier Homeporting

578.       RCED-95-127R             6  Service Corps of Retired Executives

579.       AIMD-95-33R              6  Indian Trust Fund Testimony Q&As

580.       OSI-95-12R               5  NTSB Access-to-Aircraft Privileges

581.       AIMD-95-9                5  American Battle Monuments Commission

582.       RCED-95-55R              5  Monuments at Vicksburg National Military

583.       NSIAD-95-98R             5  Military Small Arms Management

584.       GGD-95-125R              5  Paid Tax Preparers and Tax Software

585.       GGD-95-103R              5  Senior Foreign Service

586.       NSIAD-95-77R             5  FMTV Low Rate Initial Production

587.       GGD-95-33R               4  OGE's Access to Commerce Travel Records

588.       GGD-95-116R              4  Escheat Rule Agreement

589.       IAP-95-11                4  National Security Analysis Issue Area
                                       Plan--Fiscal Years 1995-97

590.       AIMD-95-91R              3  Agency Component Criteria

591.       GGD-95-91R               3  Selected Agencies' Customer Service

592.       GGD-95-87R               3  Information on Tax Liens Imposed by IRS

593.       RCED-95-106R             3  Remote Radar for Yakima

594.       AIMD-95-104ML            2  Financial Audit: Panama Canal
                                       Commission's Management Letter for FY

595.       GGD-95-147R              2  Agencies' Service to Non-English Speaking

596.       RCED-95-155R             2  Navajo-Hopi Relocation Program

597.       GGD-95-72R               2  Security Protection

598.       RCED-95-91R              0  DOE's No-Year Funding

           Total Copies        405,05
           Distributed              4

============================================================ Chapter 2

Rank       Report Number           b.  Title
---------  ------------------  ------  -----------------------------------------
481.       AIMD-95-1              132  Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants
                                       Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1993 and

471.       AIMD-95-2              185  Financial Audit: House Child Care Center-
                                       -Fiscal Years Ended 9-30-93, 9-30-92, and
                                       Month Ended 9-30-91

92.        AIMD-95-3            1,179  Budget Reconciliation: Issues Concerning
                                       the 1990 Reconciliation Act

435.       AIMD-95-4              285  Financial Audit: Federal Financing Bank's
                                       1993 and 1992 Financial Statements

84.        AIMD-95-6            1,230  High Performance Computing and
                                       Communications: New Program Direction
                                       Would Benefit from a More Focused Effort

216.       AIMD-95-7              679  Financial Management: Status of Defense
                                       Efforts to Correct Disbursement Problems

95.        AIMD-95-8            1,159  Depository Institutions: Divergent Loan
                                       Loss Methods Undermine Usefulness of
                                       Financial Reports

581.       AIMD-95-9                5  American Battle Monuments Commission

447.       AIMD-95-10             254  Battle of Normandy Foundation:
                                       Uncertainties Surround Its Future

485.       AIMD-95-11             112  Financial Audit: House Recording Studio
                                       Revolving Fund for the Periods Ended 9/
                                       30/93 and 9/30/92

524.       AIMD-95-12R             27  Air Force C-17 Embedded Computers

495.       AIMD-95-14              92  Financial Audit: Congressional Award
                                       Foundation's Financial Statements for the
                                       Periods Ended 9/30/93 and 12/31/92

473.       AIMD-95-15             180  Deposit Insurance Funds: Compliance with
                                       Obligation and Repayment Requirements as
                                       of March 31, 1994

332.       AIMD-95-19             455  District of Columbia: Information on the
                                       District's Debt

199.       AIMD-95-20             716  Department of State IRM: Strategic
                                       Approach Needed to Better Support Agency
                                       Mission and Business Needs

64.        AIMD-95-21           1,388  Hospital Costs: Cost Control Efforts at
                                       17 Texas Hospitals

384.       AIMD-95-22             374  Financial Markets: Stronger System
                                       Controls and Oversight Needed to Prevent
                                       NASD Computer Outages

2.         AIMD-95-23           5,497  Information Superhighway: An Overview of
                                       Technology Challenges

267.       AIMD-95-24             580  Weather Forecasting: Improvements Needed
                                       in Laboratory Software Development

483.       AIMD-95-25             127  Financial Audit: Senate Photographic
                                       Studio Revolving Fund Financial
                                       Statements for the Year Ended March 31,

510.       AIMD-95-26R             54  Electronic Imaging

122.       AIMD-95-27             997  Aviation Safety: Data Problems Threaten
                                       FAA Strides on Safety Analysis System

339.       AIMD-95-28             443  National Test Facility: Civilian Agency
                                       Use of Supercomputers Not Feasible

492.       AIMD-95-29              99  Rural Telephone Bank: Review of Fiscal
                                       Year 1994 Interest Rates on Rural
                                       Telephone Bank Loans

33.        AIMD-95-30           1,883  Deficit Reduction: Experiences of Other

504.       AIMD-95-31              76  Financial Audit: Statement of
                                       Accountability of the House Office of
                                       Finance for Fiscal Year 1993

494.       AIMD-95-32              92  Financial Audit: House Stationery
                                       Revolving Fund for Year Ended 09/30/93
                                       and 3 Months Ended 09/30/92

579.       AIMD-95-33R              6  Indian Trust Fund Testimony Q&As

228.       AIMD-95-34             657  Budget Issues: The Role of Depreciation
                                       in Budgeting for Certain Federal

575.       AIMD-95-35R              7  Stockpile Fund

574.       AIMD-95-62R              7  Post-FTS 2000 Strategy

498.       AIMD-95-63              87  Financial Audit: House Office of the
                                       Sergeant at Arms--Periods Ended December
                                       31, 1993 and June 30, 1993

50.        AIMD-95-65           1,540  Information Technology: A Statistical
                                       Study of Acquisition Time

426.       AIMD-95-66             309  Budget Issues: Compliance Report Required
                                       by the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990

460.       AIMD-95-67R            212  Reengineering: Opportunities to Improve

537.       AIMD-95-68R             20  Title 7 -Vendor's Invoice

517.       AIMD-95-71R             37  Employees' Travel Claims

538.       AIMD-95-74R             20  Air Force Automated Travel System

465.       AIMD-95-75             199  Financial Audit: U.S. Commission on
                                       Improving the Effectiveness of the United

496.       AIMD-95-78              91  Financial Audit: House Office Systems
                                       Management--Fiscal Year Ended 9/30/93 and
                                       Three Months Ended 9/30/92

194.       AIMD-95-79             729  Defense Business Operations Fund:
                                       Management Issues Challenge Fund

139.       AIMD-95-81             937  Weather Forecasting: Unmet Needs and
                                       Unknown Costs Warrant Reassessment of
                                       Observing System Plans

497.       AIMD-95-82              89  Financial Audit: House Beauty Shop
                                       Revolving Fund for the Year Ended 9/30/
                                       93 and 9 Months Ended 9/30/92

427.       AIMD-95-83             309  Financial Audit: Pension Benefit Guaranty
                                       Corporation's 1994 and 1993 Financial

175.       AIMD-95-84             790  Deposit Insurance Funds: Analysis of
                                       Insurance Premium Disparity Between Banks
                                       and Thrifts

477.       AIMD-95-85             148  Financial Audit: Expenditures by Three
                                       Independent Counsels for the Six Months
                                       Ended September 30, 1993

590.       AIMD-95-91R              3  Agency Component Criteria

508.       AIMD-95-92              57  Financial Audit: House Interparliamentary
                                       Groups' Financial Statements for 1993 and

557.       AIMD-95-93R             12  ATFI User Fees

569.       AIMD-95-95R              9  Transportation Trust Funds

490.       AIMD-95-97             105  USDA Telecommunications: Missed
                                       Opportunities To Save Millions

466.       AIMD-95-98             197  Financial Audit: Panama Canal
                                       Commission's 1994 and 1993 Financial

377.       AIMD-95-102            384  Financial Audit: Federal Deposit
                                       Insurance Corporation's 1994 and 1993
                                       Financial Statements

594.       AIMD-95-104ML            2  Financial Audit: Panama Canal
                                       Commission's Management Letter for FY

566.       AIMD-95-106R             9  Weather Service Modernization Questions

107.       AIMD-95-109          1,073  Budget Issues: Fiscal Year 1994 Budget
                                       Estimates and Actual Results

469.       AIMD-95-112            191  Financial Audit: Expenditures by Four
                                       Independent Counsels for the Six Months
                                       Ended March 31, 1994

462.       AIMD-95-113            209  Financial Audit: Expenditures by Six
                                       Independent Counsels for the Six Months
                                       Ended September 30, 1994

295.       AIMD-95-115FS          517  Budget Function Classification: Agency
                                       Spending and Personnel Levels for Fiscal
                                       Years 1994 and 1995

138.       AIMD/GGD-95-69FS       938  Budget Function Classification: Relating
                                       Agency Spending and Personnel Levels to
                                       Budget Functions

115.       AIMD/GGD-95-130R     1,031  Government Reform: Goal-Setting and

189.       AIMD/NSIAD-95-90       741  Travel Process Reengineering: DOD Faces
                                       Challenges in Using Industry Practices to
                                       Reduce Costs

44.        AIMD/OCE-95-119      1,640  The Deficit and the Economy: An Update of
                                       Long-Term Simulations

445.       GGD-95-1               259  Resolution Trust Corporation: Better Data
                                       Could Improve Effectiveness of
                                       Nonperforming Loan Auctions

376.       GGD-95-2BR             384  Cargo Preference: Effects of U.S. Export-
                                       Import Cargo Preference Laws on Exporters

148.       GGD-95-3FS             895  U.S. Government Aid to Business: Federal
                                       Government Programs That Provide
                                       Management and Technical Assistance

198.       GGD-95-5               718  Tax Administration: Continuing Problems
                                       Affect Otherwise Successful 1994 Filing

268.       GGD-95-6               578  Tax Administration: IRS Notices Can Be

407.       GGD-95-8               339  Tax Administration: Process Used to
                                       Revise the Federal Employment Tax Deposit

128.       GGD-95-9               964  International Trade: Assessment of the
                                       Generalized System of Preferences Program

17.        GGD-95-10BR          2,347  North American Free Trade Agreement:
                                       Structure and Status of Implementing

205.       GGD-95-12              699  Agricultural Trade: Five Countries'
                                       Foreign Market Development for High-
                                       Value Products

493.       GGD-95-13R              94  D.C. Audit Reports

174.       GGD-95-14              791  Tax Administration: IRS Can Strengthen
                                       Its Efforts to See That Taxpayers Are
                                       Treated Properly

450.       GGD-95-16              244  Postal Service: Service and Cost Aspects
                                       of the Dakota Central Area Mail
                                       Processing Center

264.       GGD-95-17FS            583  Bid Protests: Attorneys' Fees Paid to Bid
                                       Protesters by Federal Agencies

260.       GGD-95-18              587  Federal Motor Vehicles: Private and State
                                       Practices Can Improve Fleet Management

388.       GGD-95-19              365  Farm Credit System: Potential Impacts of
                                       FCB Mergers on Farmer and Rancher

516.       GGD-95-20R              40  Federal Disaster Insurance

232.       GGD-95-21              650  Trust Assets: Investment of Trust Assets
                                       in Bank Proprietary Mutual Funds

4.         GGD-95-22            4,599  Managing for Results: State Experiences
                                       Provide Insights for Federal Management

564.       GGD-95-23R               9  RTC Affordable Housing Open House

367.       GGD-95-24              408  International Trade: Issues Regarding
                                       Imposition of an Oil Embargo Against

520.       GGD-95-26R              31  FDIC Office Closure

221.       GGD-95-27              667  Tax Administration: Earned Income Credit-
                                       -Data on Noncompliance and Illegal Alien

220.       GGD-95-28FS            670  Discrimination Complaints: Monetary
                                       Awards in Federal EEO Cases

286.       GGD-95-29FS            533  U.S. Postal Service: Drug Investigation

108.       GGD-95-30            1,071  Border Control: Revised Strategy Is
                                       Showing Some Positive Results

421.       GGD-95-32              313  Reimbursed Travel: Commerce and FTC
                                       Generally Met Requirements but Some
                                       Improvements Needed

587.       GGD-95-33R               4  OGE's Access to Commerce Travel Records

250.       GGD-95-34              608  Tax Administration: IRS Efforts to
                                       Improve Forms and Publications

121.       GGD-95-35              999  Interstate Banking: Experiences in Three
                                       Western States

240.       GGD-95-36FS            625  Bankruptcy Professional Fees: Guidelines
                                       for Reviewing Fee Applications

293.       GGD-95-37              520  Failing Banks: Lessons Learned From
                                       Resolving First City Bancorporation of

164.       GGD-95-38              841  Bank Regulatory Structure: The United

70.        GGD-95-39            1,342  Tax Compliance: Status of the Tax Year
                                       1994 Compliance Measurement Program

197.       GGD-95-40              724  INS Fingerprinting of Aliens: Efforts to
                                       Ensure Authenticity of Aliens'

451.       GGD-95-43              243  Resolution Trust Corporation: Evaluations
                                       Needed to Identify the Most Effective
                                       Land Sales Methods

338.       GGD-95-44              448  Tax Administration: Changes Needed to
                                       Reduce Volume and Improve Processing of
                                       Undeliverable Mail

167.       GGD-95-45              829  International Trade: Long-Term Viability
                                       of U.S.-European Union Aircraft Agreement

551.       GGD-95-47R              14  Federal Deposit Insurance

256.       GGD-95-48              601  Federal Office Space: More Businesslike
                                       Leasing Approach Could Reduce Costs and
                                       Improve Performance

554.       GGD-95-49R              13  Chilean Restrictions on Lettuce

283.       GGD-95-50              545  Security Protection: Costs of Services
                                       Provided for Selected Cabinet Officials

555.       GGD-95-52R              12  Controlled Substance Quotas

552.       GGD-95-53R              14  Management of Census Activities

14.        GGD-95-54            2,600  Workforce Reductions: Downsizing
                                       Strategies Used in Selected Organizations

546.       GGD-95-55R              14  Legislative Branch Reductions

302.       GGD-95-56              509  Juvenile Justice: Minimal Gender Bias
                                       Occurred in Processing Noncriminal

237.       GGD-95-57FS            632  Government Corporations: Profiles of
                                       Recent Proposals

545.       GGD-95-58R              15  IRS User Fees

274.       GGD-95-59              568  Tax Administration: Estimates of the Tax
                                       Gap for Service Providers

127.       GGD-95-60              968  Former Soviet Union: Creditworthiness of
                                       Successor States and U.S. Export Credit

41.        GGD-95-61            1,659  U.S.-China Trade: Implementation of
                                       Agreements on Market Access and
                                       Intellectual Property

540.       GGD-95-62R              19  EDA's Management Challenges

441.       GGD-95-63              269  National Consumer Cooperative Bank:
                                       Oversight Adequate But Federal Loan
                                       Repayment Needs Monitoring

80.        GGD-95-64            1,259  Poverty Measurement: Adjusting for
                                       Geographic Cost-of-Living Difference

272.       GGD-95-66              573  Tax Policy and Administration: 1994
                                       Annual Report on GAO's Tax-Related Work

443.       GGD-95-67              266  Resolution Trust Corporation:
                                       Implementation of the Management Reforms
                                       in the RTC Completion Act

597.       GGD-95-72R               2  Security Protection

360.       GGD-95-73              417  Managing Customs: Efforts Under Way to
                                       Address Management Weaknesses

287.       GGD-95-77              533  D.C. Area Mail Delivery Service:
                                       Resolving Labor-Relations and Operational
                                       Problems Key to Service Improvement

36.        GGD-95-79            1,742  Federal Quality Management: Strategies
                                       for Involving Employees

378.       GGD-95-81FS            383  Conflict-of-Interest Controls: Documented
                                       Recusal Obligations of Top Political
                                       Appointees in DOE and EPA

396.       GGD-95-83              353  Equal Employment Opportunity: Group
                                       Representation in Key Jobs at the
                                       National Institutes of Health

34.        GGD-95-84BR          1,814  Tax-Exempt Organizations: Information on
                                       Selected Types of Organizations

507.       GGD-95-85               60  Federal Affirmative Employment: Progress
                                       of Women and Minority Criminal
                                       Investigators at Selected Agencies

402.       GGD-95-86              346  Telephone Assistance: Adopting Practices
                                       Used By Others Would Help IRS Serve More

592.       GGD-95-87R               3  Information on Tax Liens Imposed by IRS

91.        GGD-95-88            1,181  Tax Policy: Experience With the Corporate
                                       Alternative Minimum Tax

77.        GGD-95-89BR          1,273  Postal Service: Automation Is Taking
                                       Longer and Producing Less Than Expected

392.       GGD-95-90              363  U.S. Imports: Unit Values Vary Widely for
                                       Identically Classified Commodities

591.       GGD-95-91R               3  Selected Agencies' Customer Service

408.       GGD-95-95              339  Insurance Regulation: Observations on the
                                       Receivership of Monarch Life Insurance

273.       GGD-95-101             570  International Taxation: Transfer Pricing
                                       and Information on Nonpayment of Tax

585.       GGD-95-103R              5  Senior Foreign Service

290.       GGD-95-106             522  U.S.-China Trade: Implementation of the
                                       1992 Prison Labor Memorandum of

588.       GGD-95-116R              4  Escheat Rule Agreement

491.       GGD-95-117             104  International Trade: Canada's
                                       Restrictions on Certain Salmon Imports

165.       GGD-95-122BR           838  Earned Income Credit: Targeting to the
                                       Working Poor

556.       GGD-95-124R             12  Manufacturing Extension Programs

584.       GGD-95-125R              5  Paid Tax Preparers and Tax Software

523.       GGD-95-129R             27  Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime

535.       GGD-95-132R             21  RTC Inspector General

482.       GGD-95-133             132  D.C. Disability Retirement Rate

595.       GGD-95-147R              2  Agencies' Service to Non-English Speaking

24.        HEHS-95-1            2,107  Health Care: Employers Urge Hospitals to
                                       Battle Costs Using Performance Data

154.       HEHS-95-2              875  Medicare: Referrals to Physician-Owned
                                       Imaging Facilities Warrant HCFA's

142.       HEHS-95-3              919  Education Finance: Extent of Federal
                                       Funding in State Education Agencies

37.        HEHS-95-4FS          1,706  Early Childhood Programs: Multiple
                                       Programs and Overlapping Target Groups

188.       HEHS-95-5              743  Private Pensions: Funding Rule Change
                                       Needed to Reduce PBGC's Multibillion
                                       Dollar Exposure

437.       HEHS-95-6              280  VA Health Care: Inadequate Planning in
                                       the Chesapeake Network

12.        HEHS-95-7            2,765  Family Planning Clinics: Strain of
                                       Norplant's High Up-Front Costs Has

65.        HEHS-95-8            1,376  Early Childhood Programs: Local
                                       Perspectives on Barriers to Providing
                                       Head Start Services

23.        HEHS-95-9            2,145  Medical Education: Curriculum and
                                       Financing Strategies Need to Encourage
                                       Primary Care Training

105.       HEHS-95-11           1,105  Tuberculosis: Costly and Preventable
                                       Cases Continue in Five Cities

261.       HEHS-95-12             586  VA Health Care: Purchases of Safer
                                       Devices Should Be Based on Risk of Injury

196.       HEHS-95-13             726  Veterans' Health Care: Use of VA Services
                                       by Medicare-Eligible Veterans

219.       HEHS-95-14             671  Veterans' Health Care: Veterans'
                                       Perceptions of VA Services and VA's Role
                                       in Health Care Reform

224.       HEHS-95-15             666  VA/DOD Health Care: More Guidance Needed
                                       to Implement CHAMPUS-Funded Sharing

509.       HEHS-95-16R             56  College Savings Issues

62.        HEHS-95-17W          1,420  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

446.       HEHS-95-19             255  VA Health Care: Albuquerque Medical
                                       Center Not Recovering Full Costs of
                                       Lithotripsy Services

29.        HEHS-95-20           1,951  Child Care: Child Care Subsidies Increase
                                       Likelihood That Low-Income Mothers Will

114.       HEHS-95-21           1,039  Early Childhood Centers: Services to
                                       Prepare Children for School Often Limited

20.        HEHS-95-22           2,193  Illegal Aliens: Assessing Estimates of
                                       Financial Burden on California

40.        HEHS-95-23           1,670  Medicare: Tighter Rules Needed to Curtail
                                       Overcharges for Therapy in Nursing Homes

56.        HEHS-95-24           1,459  Child Support Enforcement: Families Could
                                       Benefit From Stronger Enforcement Program

337.       HEHS-95-25             449  Veterans' Benefits: Better Assessments
                                       Needed to Guide Claims Processing

13.        HEHS-95-26           2,691  Long-Term Care: Diverse, Growing
                                       Population Includes Millions of Americans
                                       of All Ages

51.        HEHS-95-27           1,525  German Health Reforms: Changes Result in
                                       Lower Health Costs in 1993

11.        HEHS-95-28           2,847  Welfare to Work: Current AFDC Program Not
                                       Sufficiently Focused on Employment

157.       HEHS-95-29             865  Garment Industry: Efforts to Address the
                                       Prevalence and Conditions of Sweatshops

406.       HEHS-95-30             343  Veterans' Benefits: Basing Survivors'
                                       Compensation on Veterans' Disability Is a
                                       Viable Option

73.        HEHS-95-31           1,302  Dislocated Workers: An Early Look at the
                                       NAFTA Transitional Adjustment Assistance

561.       HEHS-95-32R             10  Fiscal Year 1995 VA Certification

113.       HEHS-95-33W          1,049  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

531.       HEHS-95-34R             23  Biotech R&D, Reform, and Market Change

28.        HEHS-95-35           1,951  Health Care: School-Based Health Centers
                                       Can Expand Access for Children

19.        HEHS-95-36           2,290  Child Care: Promoting Quality in Family
                                       Child Care

550.       HEHS-95-38R             14  SSA Services to Employers

161.       HEHS-95-39             858  VA Health Care: Retargeting Needed to
                                       Better Meet Veterans' Changing Needs

382.       HEHS-95-40             375  District Pensions: Federal Options for
                                       Sharing Burden to Finance Unfunded

536.       HEHS-95-41W             21  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

15.        HEHS-95-42           2,558  Charter Schools: New Model for Public
                                       Schools Provides Opportunities and

26.        HEHS-95-44           2,063  Aging Issues: Related GAO Reports and
                                       Activities in Fiscal Year 1994

134.       HEHS-95-45BR           948  Early Childhood Programs: Promoting the
                                       Development of Young Children in Denmark,
                                       France, and Italy

479.       HEHS-95-46             143  Indian Health Service: Improvements
                                       Needed in Credentialing Temporary

85.        HEHS-95-47           1,220  Early Childhood Programs: Parent
                                       Education and Income Best Predict

215.       HEHS-95-48             679  Higher Education: Restructuring Student
                                       Aid Could Reduce Low-Income Student
                                       Dropout Rate

83.        HEHS-95-49           1,243  Ryan White Care Act: Access to Services
                                       by Minorities, Women, and Substance

419.       HEHS-95-50W            318  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

314.       HEHS-95-54W            499  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports:
                                       Five-Year Report 1990-94

54.        HEHS-95-58           1,518  Welfare Reform: Implications of Proposals
                                       on Legal Immigrants' Benefits

236.       HEHS-95-59             632  Social Security Administration:
                                       Leadership Challenges Accompany
                                       Transition to an Independent Agency

501.       HEHS-95-60R             79  Multiple Youth Programs

1.         HEHS-95-61           5,644  School Facilities: Condition of America's

251.       HEHS-95-64             608  Guaranteed Student Loans: Actions to
                                       Ensure Continued Student Access to
                                       Subsidized Loans

534.       HEHS-95-65R             22  Adult Education Review

149.       HEHS-95-66             895  Social Security: New Functional
                                       Assessments for Children Raise
                                       Eligibility Questions

258.       HEHS-95-71FS           587  Multiple Teacher Training Programs:
                                       Information on Budgets, Services, and
                                       Target Groups

530.       HEHS-95-72R             23  GAO Education Products

539.       HEHS-95-73R             20  GAO Labor Products (FY 1990-95)

8.         HEHS-95-74           3,394  Block Grants: Characteristics,
                                       Experience, and Lessons Learned

544.       HEHS-95-77W             17  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

513.       HEHS-95-79R             50  Ryan White Funding Formulas

565.       HEHS-95-82R              9  Labor's Regional Structure and Trust

472.       HEHS-95-83R            180  Uninsured and Children on Medicaid

476.       HEHS-95-84R            168  Barriers to VA Managed Care

96.        HEHS-95-85FS         1,156  Multiple Employment Training Programs:
                                       Information Crosswalk on 163 Employment
                                       Training Programs

136.       HEHS-95-86             944  Welfare to Work: Measuring Outcomes for
                                       JOBS Participants

368.       HEHS-95-87             405  Medicaid Managed Care: More Competition
                                       and Oversight Would Improve California's
                                       Expansion Plan

416.       HEHS-95-88             326  Veterans' Benefits: VA Can Prevent
                                       Millions in Compensation and Pension

409.       HEHS-95-90             339  Prescription Drug Prices: Official Index
                                       Overstates Producer Price Inflation

512.       HEHS-95-94R             52  Means-Tested Programs

5.         HEHS-95-95           4,010  School Facilities: America's Schools Not
                                       Designed or Equipped for 21st Century

525.       HEHS-95-98W             26  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

521.       HEHS-95-101R            31  Medicare Secondary Payer Program

22.        HEHS-95-103          2,169  Medicaid: Restructuring Approaches Leave
                                       Many Questions

119.       HEHS-95-104          1,017  Defense Health Care: Issues and
                                       Challenges Confronting Military Medicine

262.       HEHS-95-106            585  School Safety: Promising Initiatives for
                                       Addressing School Violence

193.       HEHS-95-109            732  Long-term Care: Current Issues and Future

526.       HEHS-95-118R            26  Maine Practice Guidelines

529.       HEHS-95-119R            23  Follow-up on Ryan White Testimony

16.        HEHS-95-122          2,514  Medicaid: Spending Pressures Drive States
                                       Toward Program Reinvention

163.       HEHS-95-132W           841  Health, Education, Employment, Social
                                       Security, Welfare, and Veterans Reports

489.       HR-95-1                109  High Risk Series: An Overview

150.       HR-95-3                892  High Risk Series: Defense Contract

170.       HR-95-4                815  High Risk Series: Defense Weapons Systems

234.       HR-95-5                638  High Risk Series: Defense Inventory

380.       HR-95-6                381  High Risk Series: Internal Revenue
                                       Service Receivables

385.       HR-95-7                373  High Risk Series: Asset Forfeiture

177.       HR-95-8                782  High Risk Series: Medicare Claims

423.       HR-95-9                312  High Risk Series: Farm Loan Programs

226.       HR-95-10               661  High Risk Series: Student Financial Aid

395.       HR-95-11               358  High Risk Series: Department of Housing
                                       and Urban Development

208.       HR-95-12               688  High Risk Series: Superfund Program

571.       IAP-95-1                 8  Financial Institutions and Markets Issue
                                       Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1996-98

527.       IAP-95-2                25  Systems Development and Production Issue
                                       Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1995-97

547.       IAP-95-3                14  Military Operations and Capabilities
                                       Issue Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1995-97

514.       IAP-95-4                44  Information Resources Management-
                                       National Security and International
                                       Affairs Issue Area Plan--Fiscal Years

519.       IAP-95-5                35  International Affairs Issue Area Plan--
                                       Fiscal Years 1995-97

511.       IAP-95-6                54  Defense Management and NASA Issue Area
                                       Plan--Fiscal Years 1995-97

548.       IAP-95-7                14  Transportation and Telecommunications
                                       Issue Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1995-97

573.       IAP-95-8                 7  IRM/General Government Division Issue
                                       Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1994-96

542.       IAP-95-9                18  Federal Management Issue Area Plan--
                                       Fiscal Years 1995-96

560.       IAP-95-10               11  Acquisition Policy, Technology, and
                                       Competitiveness Issue Area Plan--Fiscal
                                       Years 1995-97

589.       IAP-95-11                4  National Security Analysis Issue Area
                                       Plan--Fiscal Years 1995-97

275.       NSIAD-95-1             568  Defense Supply: Inventories Contain
                                       Nonessential and Excessive Insurance

192.       NSIAD-95-2             733  Defense Supply: Acquisition Leadtime
                                       Requirements Can Be Significantly Reduced

27.        NSIAD-95-3           2,004  Military Bases: Reuse Plans for Selected
                                       Bases Closed in 1988 and 1991

225.       NSIAD-95-4             663  Navy Ships: Lessons of Prior Programs May
                                       Reduce New Attack Submarine Cost
                                       Increases and Delays

100.       NSIAD-95-5           1,135  DOD Force Mix Issues: Greater Reliance on
                                       Civilians in Support Roles Could Provide
                                       Significant Benefits

168.       NSIAD-95-6             820  Peace Corps: New Programs in Former
                                       Eastern Bloc Countries Should Be

35.        NSIAD-95-7           1,747  Weapons of Mass Destruction: Reducing the
                                       Threat from the Former Soviet Union

38.        NSIAD-95-8           1,705  Environmental Cleanup: Supplemental Case
                                       Studies of High Priority DOD

158.       NSIAD-95-9             865  Army Aviation: Modernization Strategy
                                       Needs to Be Reassessed

48.        NSIAD-95-10          1,550  Former Soviet Union: U.S. Bilateral
                                       Program Lacks Effective Coordination

182.       NSIAD-95-11            760  Drug Control: U.S. Antidrug Efforts in
                                       Peru's Upper Huallaga Valley

245.       NSIAD-95-12            618  Naval Aviation: F-14 Upgrades Are Not
                                       Adequately Justified

101.       NSIAD-95-13          1,121  Pollution Prevention: Status of DOD's

79.        NSIAD-95-14          1,262  Acquisition Reform: DOD Begins Program to
                                       Reform Specifications and Standards

93.        NSIAD-95-16          1,178  Attack Submarines: Alternatives for a
                                       More Affordable SSN Force Structure

120.       NSIAD-95-17          1,004  Navy's Aircraft Carrier Program:
                                       Investment Strategy Options

133.       NSIAD-95-18            954  Weapons Acquisition: Low-Rate Initial
                                       Production Used to Buy Weapon Systems

319.       NSIAD-95-19            488  University Research: U.S. Reimbursement
                                       of Tuition Costs for University Employee
                                       Family Members

305.       NSIAD-95-20            508  Defense Budget: Capital Asset Projects
                                       Undergo Significant Change Between
                                       Approval and Execution

222.       NSIAD-95-21            667  Security Clearances: Consideration of
                                       Sexual Orientation in the Clearance

206.       NSIAD-95-22            694  Military Recruiting: More Innovative
                                       Approaches Needed

239.       NSIAD-95-23            629  Whistleblower Protection: Continuing
                                       Impediments to Protection of Military

279.       NSIAD-95-24            562  Ready Reserve Force: Ship Readiness Has
                                       Improved, but Other Concerns Remain

330.       NSIAD-95-25            456  Army Armored Systems: Advanced Field
                                       Artillery System Experiences Problems
                                       With Liquid Propellant

124.       NSIAD-95-26            977  C-17 Aircraft: Cost and Performance

104.       NSIAD-95-27          1,106  Environmental Cleanup: Defense
                                       Indemnification for Contractor Operations

151.       NSIAD-95-28            891  Defense Management: Impediments
                                       Jeopardize Logistics Corporate
                                       Information Management

110.       NSIAD-95-29          1,066  Military Readiness: DOD Needs to Develop
                                       a More Comprehensive Measurement System

454.       NSIAD-95-30            239  Aviation Continuation Pay: Some Bonuses
                                       Are Inappropriate Because of Prior
                                       Service Obligations

153.       NSIAD-95-33            883  Space Station: Plans to Expand Research
                                       Community Do Not Match Available

9.         NSIAD-95-34          3,347  Reengineering Organizations: Results of a
                                       GAO Symposium

229.       NSIAD-95-35            653  Food Aid: Private Voluntary
                                       Organizations' Role In Distributing Food

397.       NSIAD-95-36            351  Army Inventory: Reparable Exchange Items
                                       at Divisions Can Be Reduced

183.       NSIAD-95-37            756  Foreign Assistance: Selected Donors'
                                       Approaches for Managing Aid Programs

247.       NSIAD-95-38            615  Pollution Prevention: The Navy Needs
                                       Better Plans for Reducing Ship Waste

386.       NSIAD-95-39            372  Honduras: Continuing U.S. Military
                                       Presence at Soto Cano Base Is Not

346.       NSIAD-95-40            434  NASA Procurement: Contract and Management
                                       Improvements at the Jet Propulsion

254.       NSIAD-95-41            604  Overhead Costs: Unallowable Costs Charged
                                       by Rockwell Corporation, Rocketdyne

176.       NSIAD-95-42            782  U.S. Vietnam Relations: Issues and

230.       NSIAD-95-43            651  Force Structure: Army's Support
                                       Requirements Process Lacks Valid and
                                       Consistent Data

320.       NSIAD-95-44            487  Defense Supply: Controls Over Hand Tools
                                       Can Be Improved

317.       NSIAD-95-45            497  Ballistic Missile Defense: Computation of
                                       Number of Patriot PAC-3 Interceptors
                                       Needed Is Flawed

227.       NSIAD-95-46            660  Missile Development: Status and Issues at
                                       the Time of the TSSAM Termination

288.       NSIAD-95-47            532  Electronic Warfare: Most Air Force ALQ-
                                       135 Jammers Procured Without Operational

358.       NSIAD-95-49            420  DOD Service Academies: Comparison of
                                       Honor and Conduct Adjudicatory Processes

66.        NSIAD-95-50FS        1,367  Overseas Presence: Staffing at U.S.
                                       Diplomatic Posts

132.       NSIAD-95-51            960  Peace Operations: Heavy Use of Key
                                       Capabilities May Affect Response to
                                       Regional Conflicts

203.       NSIAD-95-52            704  Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: No More Hunter
                                       Systems Should Be Bought Until Problems
                                       Are Fixed

433.       NSIAD-95-53            292  International Broadcasting: Downsizing
                                       and Relocating Radio Free Europe/Radio

259.       NSIAD-95-54            587  Acquisition Reform: Comparison of Army's
                                       Commercial Helicopter Buy and Private
                                       Sector Buys

90.        NSIAD-95-55          1,184  Chemical Weapons Disposal: Plans for
                                       Nonstockpile Chemical Warfare Materiel
                                       Can Be Improved

10.        NSIAD-95-56          2,948  Bottom-Up Review: Analysis of Key DOD

431.       NSIAD-95-57            299  DOD Service Academies: Academic Review

207.       NSIAD-95-58            692  DOD Service Academies: Update on Extent
                                       of Sexual Harassment

211.       NSIAD-95-59            685  Tactical Aircraft: Concurrency in
                                       Development and Production of F-22
                                       Aircraft Should Be Reduced

344.       NSIAD-95-60            437  Aerospace Guidance and Metrology Center:
                                       Cost Growth and Other Factors Affect
                                       Closure and Privatization

284.       NSIAD-95-65            539  Government Printing: Comparison of DOD
                                       and GPO Prices for Printing and
                                       Duplicating Work

499.       NSIAD-95-66R            83  Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program

69.        NSIAD-95-67          1,343  Chemical Weapons: Stability of the U.S.

563.       NSIAD-95-69R            10  DOD Satellite Control

45.        NSIAD-95-70          1,624  Military Bases: Environmental Impact at
                                       Closing Installations

361.       NSIAD-95-71            416  Army Training: One-Third of 1993 and 1994
                                       Budgeted Funds Were Used for Other

75.        NSIAD-95-72          1,290  Defense Research and Development:
                                       Mandated Reports on Noncompetitive Awards
                                       to Colleges and Universities

463.       NSIAD-95-73            208  Overseas Real Estate: Inaction on
                                       Proposals to Sell High-Value Property in

350.       NSIAD-95-74            428  Foreign Aid: Actions Taken to Improve
                                       Food Aid Management

191.       NSIAD-95-75            738  Federally Funded R&D Centers: Executive
                                       Compensation at The Aerospace Corporation

277.       NSIAD-95-76            566  Army Reserve Components: Cost, Readiness,
                                       and Personnel Implications of
                                       Restructuring Agreement

586.       NSIAD-95-77R             5  FMTV Low Rate Initial Production

299.       NSIAD-95-78            513  Ballistic Missile Defense: Current Status
                                       of Strategic Target System

271.       NSIAD-95-80            574  Force Structure: Army National Guard
                                       Divisions Could Augment Wartime Support

480.       NSIAD-95-82            140  Export Controls: Some Controls Over
                                       Missile-Related Technology Exports To
                                       China Are Weak

282.       NSIAD-95-85            548  Defense Inventory: Extent of Diminishing
                                       Manufacturing Sources Problems Still

518.       NSIAD-95-87R            35  Meteorological Satellites

252.       NSIAD-95-88            605  Acquisition Management: Waivers to
                                       Workforce Training, Education, and
                                       Experience Requirements

399.       NSIAD-95-89            351  Industrial Base: Inventory and
                                       Requirements for Artillery Projectiles

123.       NSIAD-95-92            994  DOD Budget: Selected Categories of
                                       Planned Funding for Fiscal Years 1995-99

464.       NSIAD-95-93            204  Financial Management: Theater Missile
                                       Defense Cooperation Account

328.       NSIAD-95-94            460  Chemical Weapons: Army's Emergency
                                       Preparedness Program Has Financial
                                       Management Weaknesses

502.       NSIAD-95-96R            77  Proposed Submarine Construction

583.       NSIAD-95-98R             5  Military Small Arms Management

294.       NSIAD-95-100           520  Greece and Turkey: U.S. Assistance
                                       Programs and Other Activities

281.       NSIAD-95-101           549  Background Investigations: Impediments to
                                       Consolidating Investigations and
                                       Adjudicative Functions

112.       NSIAD-95-102BR       1,060  Peace Operations: Information on U.S. and
                                       U.N. Activities

241.       NSIAD-95-103           624  Equal Opportunity: DOD Studies on
                                       Discrimination in the Military

204.       NSIAD-95-105BR         702  Defense Sector: Trends in Employment and

543.       NSIAD-95-110R           18  Cost of Assistance and Sales Programs

171.       NSIAD-95-116           813  Cruise Missiles: Proven Capability Should
                                       Affect Aircraft and Force Structure

488.       NSIAD-95-119BR         111  Peace Operations: DOD's Incremental Costs
                                       and Funding for Fiscal Year 1994

455.       NSIAD-95-123           234  Veterans Compensation: Offset of DOD
                                       Separation Pay and VA Disability

306.       NSIAD-95-131BR         507  Multilateral Development: World Bank
                                       Reforms on Schedule But Difficult Work

31.        NSIAD-95-133         1,912  Military Bases: Analysis of DOD's 1995
                                       Process and Recommendations for Closure
                                       and Realignment

387.       NSIAD-95-143BR         368  Multilateral Development Banks: Financial
                                       Condition of the African Development Bank

577.       NSIAD-95-146R            6  Nuclear Carrier Homeporting

155.       NSIAD/GGD-95-31        874  Credit Reform: U.S. Needs Better Methods
                                       for Estimating Cost of Foreign Loans and

18.        OCE-95-1             2,311  Federal Personnel: Federal/Private Sector
                                       Pay Comparisons

6.         OCG-95-1             3,870  Management Reform: Implementation of the
                                       National Performance Review's

30.        OCG-95-2             1,933  Addressing the Deficit: Budgetary
                                       Implications of Selected GAO Work for
                                       Fiscal Year 1996

391.       OGC-95-1               363  Impoundments: Historical Information on
                                       Proposed and Enacted Rescissions, Fiscal
                                       Years 1974-95

424.       OGC-95-2               312  Impoundments: Proposed Deferrals of
                                       Fiscal Year 1995 Funds for Security
                                       Assistance, Refugee Programs, and Social
                                       Security Administrative Costs

235.       OGC-95-15              636  Inspectors General: Independence of Legal
                                       Services Provided to IGs

401.       OGC-95-17              346  Impoundments: Proposed Rescissions
                                       Affecting EPA and the Agriculture,
                                       Commerce, and Transportation Departments

484.       OGC-95-18              124  Impoundment Control: President's Fourth
                                       Special Message for Fiscal Year 1995

102.       OP-95-1              1,114  Status of Open Recommendations: Improving
                                       Operations of Federal Departments and

276.       OSI-95-1               566  Failed Financial Institutions: RTC/FDIC
                                       Risk Fraud and Mismanagement by Employing
                                       Those Deemed Culpable

270.       OSI-95-5               576  Insurance Industry: Chronology of F.T.
                                       Riley's Activities and Related Regulatory

541.       OSI-95-6R               19  Drug Activity in Haiti

366.       OSI-95-7               411  Fugitives: U.S. Efforts to Find Miguel

418.       OSI-95-8               319  Department of Justice: Office of
                                       Professional Responsibility's Case-
                                       Handling Procedures

209.       OSI-95-9               686  Inspectors General: Alleged Misconduct by
                                       NASA Inspector General

141.       OSI-95-10              924  Operation Desert Storm: Investigation of
                                       a U.S. Army Fratricide Incident

580.       OSI-95-12R               5  NTSB Access-to-Aircraft Privileges

558.       OSI-95-13R              11  NCAA Student Athlete Pell Grants

459.       PART-95-1              218  Professional Audit Review Team:
                                       Performance Evaluation of the Energy
                                       Information Administration

57.        PEMD-95-1            1,458  Program Evaluation: Improving the Flow of
                                       Information to the Congress

46.        PEMD-95-2            1,617  National Laboratories: Are Their R&D
                                       Activities Related to Commercial Product

60.        PEMD-95-3            1,431  Highway Safety: Factors Affecting
                                       Involvement in Vehicle Crashes

131.       PEMD-95-6              960  Women's Educational Equity Act: A Review
                                       of Program Goals and Strategies Needed

3.         PEMD-95-7            4,973  Electric Vehicles: Likely Consequences of
                                       U.S. and Other Nations' Programs and

7.         PEMD-95-8            3,445  Cholesterol Measurement: Test Accuracy
                                       and Factors That Influence Cholesterol

21.        PEMD-95-9            2,187  Breast Conservation Versus Mastectomy:
                                       Patient Survival in Day-to-Day Medical
                                       Practice and in Randomized Studies

103.       PEMD-95-10           1,113  Medicare Part B: Regional Variation in
                                       Denial Rates for Medical Necessity

144.       PEMD-95-13             914  Public Pension Plans: Evaluation of
                                       Economically Targeted Investment Programs

94.        PEMD-95-18BR         1,164  Regulatory Reform: Information on Costs,
                                       Cost-Effectiveness, and Mandated
                                       Deadlines for Regulations

76.        RCED-95-1            1,290  Department of Energy: National Priorities
                                       Needed for Meeting Environmental

400.       RCED-95-2              347  Tongass Timber Reform Act: Implementation
                                       of the Act's Contract Modification

53.        RCED-95-3            1,522  Solid Waste: State and Federal Efforts to
                                       Manage Nonhazardous Waste

448.       RCED-95-4              250  Water Resources: Flooding on Easement
                                       Lands Within the Red Rock, Iowa,

434.       RCED-95-6              288  Housing Finance: Implications of
                                       Alternative Methods of Adjusting the
                                       Conforming Loan Limit

97.        RCED-95-7            1,153  National Wildlife Refuge System:
                                       Contributions Being Made to Endangered
                                       Species Recovery

169.       RCED-95-8              818  Wildlife Protection: Fish and Wildlife
                                       Service's Inspection Program Needs

351.       RCED-95-9              426  Farmers Home Administration: The
                                       Guaranteed Farm Loan Program Could Be
                                       Managed More Effectively

63.        RCED-95-10           1,397  Department of Energy: National
                                       Laboratories Need Clearer Missions and
                                       Better Management

356.       RCED-95-11             424  Debt Settlements: FmHA Can Do More to
                                       Collect on Loans and Avoid Losses

178.       RCED-95-12             780  Forest Service: Factors Affecting Timber
                                       Sales in Five National Forests

42.        RCED-95-13           1,657  Food Assistance: Potential Impacts of
                                       Alternative Systems for Delivering Food
                                       Stamp Program Benefits

301.       RCED-95-14             511  Air Traffic Control: Better Guidance
                                       Needed for Deciding Where to Locate
                                       Facilities and Equipment

389.       RCED-95-15             364  Managing DOE: Further Review Needed of
                                       Suspensions of Security Clearances for
                                       Minority Employees

47.        RCED-95-16           1,576  Endangered Species Act: Information on
                                       Species Protection on Nonfederal Lands

109.       RCED-95-17           1,067  Hazardous Waste Incinerators: EPA's and
                                       OSHA's Actions to Better Protect Health
                                       and Safety Not Complete

59.        RCED-95-18           1,442  Superfund: Estimates of Number of Future
                                       Sites Vary

181.       RCED-95-19             764  Nutrition Labeling: FDA and USDA Need a
                                       Coordinated Assessment of Food Label

379.       RCED-95-20             382  Mortgage Financing: Financial Health of
                                       FHA's Home Mortgage Insurance Program Has

129.       RCED-95-21             964  Environmental Protection: Information on
                                       EPA's Underground Injection Control

352.       RCED-95-22             425  Forest Service: Land Acquisitions Within
                                       the Lake Tahoe Basin

99.        RCED-95-23           1,140  Pesticides: Reducing Exposure to Residues
                                       of Canceled Pesticides

195.       RCED-95-24             726  International Aviation: DOT Needs More
                                       Information to Address U.S. Airlines'
                                       Problems in Doing Business Abroad

106.       RCED-95-25           1,077  Aviation Security: FAA Can Help Ensure
                                       That Airports' Access Control Systems Are

111.       RCED-95-27           1,064  Nuclear Waste: DOE's Management and
                                       Organization of the Nevada Repository

362.       RCED-95-28             416  Wheat Pricing: Information on Transition
                                       to New Tests for Protein

118.       RCED-95-29           1,017  Nuclear Health and Safety: Further
                                       Improvement Needed in the Hanford Tank
                                       Farm Maintenance Program

32.        RCED-95-30           1,905  Air Pollution: Allowance Trading Offers
                                       an Opportunity to Reduce Emissions at
                                       Less Cost

180.       RCED-95-31BR           773  Air Pollution: Reductions in EPA's 1994
                                       Air Quality Program's Budget

58.        RCED-95-32           1,456  Telecommunications: Status of Research on
                                       the Safety of Cellular Telephones

160.       RCED-95-34             861  Maritime Industry: Cargo Preference Laws-
                                       -Estimated Costs and Effects

71.        RCED-95-35BR         1,340  New Denver Airport: Impact of the Delayed
                                       Baggage System

311.       RCED-95-36             504  Managing DOE: The Department of Energy Is
                                       Making Efforts to Control Litigation

190.       RCED-95-37             739  Environmental Auditing: A Useful Tool
                                       That Can Improve Environmental
                                       Performance and Reduce Costs

308.       RCED-95-39             505  Natural Gas Regulation: Little Opposition
                                       to FERC's Recent Policies on
                                       Transportation-Related Services

184.       RCED-95-41             755  Gasohol: Federal Agencies' Use of Gasohol
                                       Limited by High Prices and Other Factors

117.       RCED-95-42           1,027  Conservation Reserve Program:
                                       Alternatives Are Available for Managing
                                       Environmentally Sensitive Cropland

576.       RCED-95-43R              6  Motor Carrier Academy

218.       RCED-95-44             671  Nuclear Waste: Change in Test Strategy
                                       Sound, but DOE Overstated Savings

243.       RCED-95-45             620  U.S.-Canadian Food Safety: Opportunities
                                       for Sharing Information and Coordinating

39.        RCED-95-46           1,686  Superfund: Legal Expenses for Cleanup-
                                       Related Activities of Major U.S.

570.       RCED-95-48R              8  Estimating Preservation Program's Cost

179.       RCED-95-49             775  Nuclear Materials: Plutonium Storage at
                                       DOE's Rocky Flats Plant

213.       RCED-95-51             681  Private Timberlands: Private Timber
                                       Harvests Not Likely to Replace Declining
                                       Federal Harvests

25.        RCED-95-52           2,098  Technology Transfers: Benefits of
                                       Cooperative R&D Agreements

461.       RCED-95-53             210  Department of Energy: Procedures Followed
                                       in Awarding Grants to Study Uses of
                                       Collider's Assets

532.       RCED-95-54R             22  Electronic Surveillance

582.       RCED-95-55R              5  Monuments at Vicksburg National Military

340.       RCED-95-56             443  Mineral Resources: BLM Needs to Improve
                                       Controls Over Oil and Gas Lease Acreage

562.       RCED-95-57R             10  Indian Food Stamp Proposal

487.       RCED-95-58             111  Water Quality: Information on Salinity
                                       Control Projects in the Colorado River

125.       RCED-95-59             976  Federal Research: Interim Report on the
                                       Small Business Innovation Research

572.       RCED-95-60R              8  Fluid Milk Check-Off Program

412.       RCED-95-62             335  Coast Guard Cutters: Actions Needed Now
                                       to Ensure Better Management of Parts and

354.       RCED-95-64             425  EPA and the States: Environmental
                                       Challenges Require a Better Working

381.       RCED-95-65             375  Naval Petroleum Reserve: Opportunities
                                       Exist to Enhance Its Profitability

72.        RCED-95-66           1,339  Nuclear Cleanup: Difficulties in
                                       Coordinating Activities Under Two
                                       Environmental Laws

200.       RCED-95-70             711  Clean Air Rulemaking: Tracking System
                                       Would Help Measure Progress of
                                       Streamlining Initiatives

67.        RCED-95-71           1,359  Intercity Passenger Rail: Financial and
                                       Operating Conditions Threaten Amtrak's
                                       Long-Term Viability

456.       RCED-95-72             233  Multifamily Housing: Better Direction and
                                       Oversight by HUD Needed for Properties
                                       Sold With Rent Restrictions

55.        RCED-95-73FS         1,473  Federal Lands: Information on Land Owned
                                       and on Acreage With Conservation

82.        RCED-95-74           1,243  University Research: Effect of Indirect
                                       Cost Revisions and Options for Future

86.        RCED-95-75BR         1,218  Hazardous Waste: Compliance With
                                       Groundwater Monitoring Requirements at
                                       Land Disposal Facilities

325.       RCED-95-76             473  Salvaged Food: Lessons Learned from the
                                       Americold Fire

342.       RCED-95-78             439  Public Housing: Funding and Other
                                       Constraints Limit Housing Authorities'
                                       Ability to Comply with One-for-One Rule

345.       RCED-95-80FS           436  National Parks: Information on the
                                       Condition of Civil War Monuments at
                                       Selected Sites

549.       RCED-95-87R             14  CRP Payments

78.        RCED-95-88           1,267  DOE Management: Selected Information on
                                       the Workforce at DOE's Livermore

598.       RCED-95-91R              0  DOE's No-Year Funding

522.       RCED-95-93R             29  Farm Bill Issues

336.       RCED-95-95             449  Nuclear Regulation: Slow Progress in
                                       Identifying and Cleaning Up NRC's
                                       Licensees' Contaminated Sites

533.       RCED-95-96R             22  Electromagnetic Interference with Medical

249.       RCED-95-97BR           609  Federal Dairy Programs: Information on
                                       Dairy Pricing and Related 1995 Farm Bill

324.       RCED-95-99             483  International Aviation: Airline Alliances
                                       Produce Benefits, but Effect on
                                       Competition Is Uncertain

89.        RCED-95-104FS        1,187  U.S. Agriculture: Status of the Farm

593.       RCED-95-106R             3  Remote Radar for Yakima

559.       RCED-95-113R            11  Minorities and Women on Farm Committees

348.       RCED-95-115R           431  Food Assistance Programs

553.       RCED-95-121R            13  Independent Review Characteristics

578.       RCED-95-127R             6  Service Corps of Retired Executives

500.       RCED-95-137             79  Small Business: Information on Eight
                                       Small and Disadvantaged Business
                                       Utilization Offices

505.       RCED-95-141R            71  Naval Petroleum Reserves

231.       RCED-95-151BR          650  Amtrak's Northeast Corridor: Information
                                       on the Status and Cost of Needed

486.       RCED-95-152R           111  Amtrak's Northeast Corridor Funding Needs

528.       RCED-95-153R            24  NSF's Academic Facilities Program

596.       RCED-95-155R             2  Navajo-Hopi Relocation Program

503.       RCED-95-159R            76  Soil Conservation

478.       RCED-95-160BR          144  Rural Development: Patchwork of Federal
                                       Water and Sewer Programs Is Difficult to

292.       RCED-95-169            521  Agricultural Conservation: Status of
                                       Programs That Provide Financial

506.       RCED-95-171             68  Agricultural Marketing: Comparative
                                       Analysis of U.S. and Foreign Promotion
                                       and Research Programs

173.       RCED/AIMD-95-5         810  Nuclear Nonproliferation: U.S.
                                       International Nuclear Materials Tracking
                                       Capabilities Are Limited

415.       RCED/AIMD-95-63        327  Rural Housing: Shift to Guaranteed
                                       Program Can Benefit Borrowers and Reduce
                                       Government's Exposure

49.        RCED/HEHS-95-69      1,545  Community Development: Comprehensive
                                       Approaches Address Multiple Needs but Are
                                       Challenging to Implement

278.       T-AIMD-95-86           564  Tax Systems Modernization: Unmanaged
                                       Risks Threaten Success

347.       T-AIMD-95-87           434  Weather Service Modernization: Despite
                                       Progress, Significant Problems and Risks

130.       T-AIMD-95-88           964  District of Columbia: Financial Crisis

172.       T-AIMD-95-89           812  District of Columbia: Deteriorating
                                       Financial Condition

475.       T-AIMD-95-94           169  Financial Management: Indian Trust Fund
                                       Accounts Cannot Be Fully Reconciled

363.       T-AIMD-95-99           415  Information Integrity: Using Technology
                                       to Determine Eligibility to Work and
                                       Receive Benefits

329.       T-AIMD-95-101          459  Business Process Reengineering: DOD Has a
                                       Significant Opportunity to Reduce Travel
                                       Costs by Using Industry Practices

394.       T-AIMD-95-103          358  Earth Observing System: Concentration on
                                       Near-Term EOSDIS Development May
                                       Jeopardize Long-Term Success

411.       T-AIMD-95-108          336  Governmentwide Initiatives: Critical
                                       Issues Facing the Post-FTS 2000 Program

468.       T-AIMD-95-111          193  Deposit Insurance Funds: Analysis of
                                       Insurance Premium Disparity Between Banks
                                       and Thrifts

327.       T-AIMD/GGD-95-80       471  Paperwork Reduction Act: Reauthorization
                                       Can Strengthen Government's Management of
                                       Information and Technology

88.        T-GGD-95-4           1,187  Government Contractors: Contracting Out
                                       Implications of Streamlining Agency

304.       T-GGD-95-11            508  INS: Management Problems and Program

374.       T-GGD-95-15            389  Corporate Credit Unions: Condition,
                                       Issues, and Concerns

457.       T-GGD-95-41            221  Equal Employment Opportunity: Immigration
                                       and Naturalization Service's Equal
                                       Employment Opportunity Program

326.       T-GGD-95-42            472  Tax System Burden: Tax Compliance Burden
                                       Faced By Business Taxpayers

333.       T-GGD-95-46            454  U.S. Postal Service: The State of Labor-
                                       Management Relations

147.       T-GGD-95-71            897  U.S. Insular Areas: Information on Fiscal
                                       Relations with the Federal Government

322.       T-GGD-95-74            484  Tax Administration: Tax Compliance
                                       Initiatives and Delinquent Taxes

369.       T-GGD-95-82            403  INS: Update of Management Problems and
                                       Program Issues

303.       T-GGD-95-92            509  Border Control: Revised Strategy Is
                                       Showing Some Positive Results

359.       T-GGD-95-93            417  Postal Service: Many Challenges in a
                                       Changing Environment

474.       T-GGD-95-94            178  Postal Service: Mail Delivery Service in
                                       the Washington Metropolitan Area

438.       T-GGD-95-96            279  General Services Administration:
                                       Opportunities for Cost Savings and
                                       Service Improvements

393.       T-GGD-95-97            359  Tax Administration: IRS' Fiscal Year 1996
                                       Budget Request and the 1995 Filing Season

449.       T-GGD-95-100           246  Public Buildings: GSA's Reinvention

404.       T-GGD-95-104           344  International Trade: Reauthorization of
                                       the Generalized System of Preferences

135.       T-GGD-95-105           946  Federal Downsizing: The President's
                                       Fiscal Year 1996 Budget and Its
                                       Compliance with the Federal Workforce
                                       Restructuring Act of 1994

307.       T-GGD-95-107           506  Credit Unions: The Failure of Capital
                                       Corporate Federal Credit Union

140.       T-GGD-95-108           924  Federal Downsizing: The Administration's
                                       Management of Workforce Reductions

297.       T-GGD-95-110           516  District of Columbia: Actions Taken in
                                       Five Cities to Improve Their Financial

214.       T-GGD-95-111           680  Federal Retirement Issues

439.       T-GGD-95-112           274  Regulatory Flexibility Act: Status of
                                       Agencies' Compliance

372.       T-GGD-95-113           396  Community Reinvestment Act: Preliminary
                                       Results of GAO's Study on CRA Problems
                                       and Proposed Reforms

429.       T-GGD-95-114           308  Cost of Health Care Task Force Related

567.       T-GGD-95-115             9  Credit Unions: Proposed Reforms for
                                       Corporate Credit Union Regulation

371.       T-GGD-95-121           398  Financial Regulation: Modernization of
                                       the Financial Services Regulatory System

403.       T-GGD-95-128           345  International Trade: U.S. Efforts to
                                       Counter Competitors' Tied Aid Practices

159.       T-GGD-95-131           862  Government Contractors: An Overview of
                                       the Federal Contracting-Out Program

313.       T-GGD-95-136           501  Earned Income Credit: Targeting to the
                                       Working Poor

432.       T-GGD-95-140           295  Tax Policy: Information on the Research
                                       Tax Credit

442.       T-GGD-95-141           268  U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service:
                                       Comments on Proposed Transfer to the
                                       Department of State

316.       T-GGD/AIMD-95-70       497  Customs Service: Status of Reorganization
                                       and Modernization Efforts

373.       T-HEHS-95-43           391  Family Child Care: Innovative Programs
                                       Promote Quality

116.       T-HEHS-95-51         1,029  Welfare to Work: AFDC Training Program
                                       Spends Billions, but Not Well Focused on

152.       T-HEHS-95-52           887  Charter Schools: A Growing and Diverse
                                       National Reform Movement

87.        T-HEHS-95-53         1,189  Multiple Employment Training Programs:
                                       Major Overhaul Needed to Reduce Costs,
                                       Streamline the Bureaucracy, and Improve

285.       T-HEHS-95-55           537  Department of Labor: Opportunities to
                                       Realize Savings

238.       T-HEHS-95-56           632  Department of Education: Opportunities to
                                       Realize Savings

223.       T-HEHS-95-57           667  Health and Human Services: Opportunities
                                       to Realize Savings

52.        T-HEHS-95-63         1,524  Low-Income Families: Comparison of
                                       Incomes of AFDC and Working Poor Families

202.       T-HEHS-95-67           706  Supplemental Security Income: Recent
                                       Growth in the Rolls Raises Fundamental
                                       Program Concerns

137.       T-HEHS-95-69           942  Child Care: Narrow Subsidy Programs
                                       Create Problems for Mothers Trying to

187.       T-HEHS-95-70           744  Multiple Employment Training Programs:
                                       Major Overhaul Needed to Create a More
                                       Efficient, Customer-Driven System

98.        T-HEHS-95-75         1,147  Medicare: High Spending Growth Calls for
                                       Aggressive Action

146.       T-HEHS-95-76           899  Means-Tested Programs: An Overview,
                                       Problems, and Issues

61.        T-HEHS-95-80         1,429  Block Grants: Lessons Learned

68.        T-HEHS-95-81         1,359  Medicare: Opportunities Are Available to
                                       Apply Managed Care Strategies

341.       T-HEHS-95-91           442  Ryan White Care Act of 1990:
                                       Opportunities Are Available to Improve
                                       Funding Equity

210.       T-HEHS-95-92           686  Medicare Secondary Payer Program: Actions
                                       Needed to Realize Savings

156.       T-HEHS-95-96           873  Child Care: Recipients Face Service Gaps
                                       and Supply Shortages

186.       T-HEHS-95-97           745  Social Security: Federal Disability
                                       Programs Face Major Issues

74.        T-HEHS-95-110        1,302  Medicare and Medicaid: Opportunities to
                                       Save Program Dollars by Reducing Fraud
                                       and Abuse

81.        T-HEHS-95-115        1,258  Medicaid: Experience with State Waivers
                                       to Promote Cost Control and Access to

291.       T-HEHS-95-117          522  Defense Health Care: DOD's Managed Care
                                       Program Continues to Face Challenges

244.       T-HEHS-95-120          620  Supplemental Security Income: Recipient
                                       Population Has Changed as Caseloads Have

343.       T-HEHS-95-123          439  Direct Student Loans: Selected
                                       Characteristics of Participating Schools

335.       T-HEHS-95-125          449  Department of Labor: Rethinking the
                                       Federal Role in Worker Protection and
                                       Workforce Development

436.       T-HEHS-95-126          281  Ryan White Care Act of 1990:
                                       Opportunities Are Available to Improve
                                       Funding Equity

162.       T-HEHS-95-127          846  Technology: America's Schools Not
                                       Designed or Equipped for 21st Century

265.       T-HEHS-95-129          581  Medicaid: Spending Pressures Drive States
                                       Toward Program Reinvention

420.       T-HEHS-95-130          314  Department of Education: Information on
                                       Consolidation Opportunities and Student

364.       T-NSIAD-95-32          414  Drug Control: U.S. Drug Interdiction
                                       Issues in Latin America

185.       T-NSIAD-95-83          755  Future Years Defense Program: Optimistic
                                       Estimates Lead to Billions in

126.       T-NSIAD-95-107         973  Military Bases: Challenges in Identifying
                                       and Implementing Closure Recommendations

248.       T-NSIAD-95-117         610  Military Readiness: Improved Assessment
                                       Measures Are Evolving

357.       T-NSIAD-95-120         423  Navy Shipbuilding Programs: Nuclear
                                       Attack Submarine Requirements

253.       T-NSIAD-95-121         605  Environmental Protection: Challenges in
                                       Defense Environmental Program Management

425.       T-NSIAD-95-129         311  Wartime Medical Care: Aligning Sound
                                       Requirements with New Combat Care
                                       Approaches Is Key to Restructuring Force

375.       T-NSIAD-95-132         388  Military Base Closures: Analysis of DOD's
                                       Process and Recommendations for 1995

417.       T-NSIAD-95-136         320  Overseas Staffing: U.S. Government
                                       Diplomatic Presence Abroad

355.       T-NSIAD-95-149         424  Defense Programs and Spending: Need for

300.       T-NSIAD/AIMD-95-       513  Defense Infrastructure: Enhancing
           126                         Performance Through Better Business

515.       T-OCG-95-1              43  Congressional Oversight: The General
                                       Accounting Office

43.        T-OCG-95-2           1,654  Government Reform: Using Reengineering
                                       and Technology to Improve Government

405.       T-OCG-95-3             343  Fiscal Year 1996 Budget Estimates for the
                                       General Accounting Office

257.       T-OCG-95-4             597  Congressional Oversight: The General
                                       Accounting Office

280.       T-OGC-95-16            560  Procurement Reform: Further Opportunities
                                       for Change

201.       T-OGC-95-19            709  Procurement Reform: Opportunities for

422.       T-OSI-95-3             312  Military Sealift Command Contracts:
                                       Contract Abuses Resulted in Poorly
                                       Maintained Ships, Unqualified Crews, and
                                       Increased Cost to Government

298.       T-PEMD-95-11           515  Medicare Part B: Factors That Contribute
                                       to Variation in Denial Rates for Medical
                                       Necessity Across Six Carriers

145.       T-PEMD-95-17           904  Cholesterol Measurement: Variablity in
                                       Methods and Test Results

428.       T-RCED-95-33           309  Aviation Safety: FAA's Efforts to Improve
                                       Oversight of Foreign Carriers

390.       T-RCED-95-38           363  Federally Assisted Housing: Expanding
                                       HUD's Options for Dealing with Physically
                                       Distressed Properties

166.       T-RCED-95-40           836  Health and Safety: Status of Federal
                                       Efforts to Disclose Cold War Radiation
                                       Experiments Involving Humans

315.       T-RCED-95-81           499  Aviation Safety: FAA Can Be More
                                       Proactive in Promoting Aviation Safety

318.       T-RCED-95-83           494  Department of Transportation: Issues
                                       Related to Transportation Funding

143.       T-RCED-95-85           917  Department of Energy: Need To Reevaluate
                                       Its Role and Missions

310.       T-RCED-95-86           504  Housing and Urban Development: Major
                                       Management and Budget Issues

331.       T-RCED-95-89           456  Housing and Urban Development: Major
                                       Management and Budget Issues

289.       T-RCED-95-90           531  Amtrak: Deteriorated Financial and
                                       Operating Conditions

349.       T-RCED-95-94           429  Food Assistance: Reducing Benefit
                                       Overpayments in the Food Stamp Program

309.       T-RCED-95-98           505  Amtrak: Deteriorated Financial and
                                       Operating Conditions Threaten Long-Term

370.       T-RCED-95-101          398  National Park Service: Better Management
                                       and Broader Restructuring Efforts Are

217.       T-RCED-95-103          674  Surface Transportation: Reorganization,
                                       Program Restructuring, and Budget Issues

255.       T-RCED-95-105          603  Department of Energy: Research and Agency
                                       Missions Need Reevaluating

269.       T-RCED-95-108          576  Housing and Urban Development: Reforms at
                                       HUD and Issues for Its Future

440.       T-RCED-95-111          270  Interstate Commerce Commission: Budget
                                       and Other Impacts of Eliminating or
                                       Transferring Functions

296.       T-RCED-95-112          517  Housing and Urban Development:
                                       Reinvention and Budget Issues

266.       T-RCED-95-114          580  Air Traffic Control: Issues Presented by
                                       Proposal to Create a Government

413.       T-RCED-95-116          333  Uranium Enrichment: Observations on the
                                       Privatization of the United States
                                       Enrichment Corporation

452.       T-RCED-95-117          242  Federal Lands: Information on Land Owned
                                       and on Acreage with Conservation

453.       T-RCED-95-119          242  Interstate Commerce Commission: Impacts
                                       of Eliminating or Transferring Motor
                                       Carrier and Other Functions

233.       T-RCED-95-120          640  Nuclear Weapons Complex: Establishing a
                                       National Risk-Based Strategy for Cleanup

242.       T-RCED-95-122          623  Small Business: Status of SBA's 8(a)
                                       Minority Business Development Program

568.       T-RCED-95-123            9  Amtrak: Deteriorated Financial and
                                       Operating Conditions Threaten Long-Term

263.       T-RCED-95-124          584  National Park Service: Difficult Choices
                                       Need to Be Made on the Future of the

246.       T-RCED-95-128          618  Department of Energy: Alternatives for
                                       Clearer Missions and Better Management at
                                       the National Laboratories

353.       T-RCED-95-129          425  Housing and Urban Development: Reform and
                                       Reinvention Issues

444.       T-RCED-95-130          261  Coast Guard: Issues Related to the Fiscal
                                       Year 1996 Budget Request

398.       T-RCED-95-132          351  Amtrak: Issues for Reauthorization

323.       T-RCED-95-133          484  Farm Programs: Distribution of USDA
                                       Income Support Payments

470.       T-RCED-95-135          189  USDA License Fees: Analysis of the
                                       Solvency and Users of the Perishable
                                       Agricultural Commodities Act Program

467.       T-RCED-95-136          194  Naval Petroleum Reserve: Opportunities
                                       Exist to Enhance Its Value to the

321.       T-RCED-95-139          485  Air Traffic Control: Analysis of Proposal
                                       to Create a Government Corporation

410.       T-RCED-95-140          336  Disaster Assistance: Information on
                                       Expenditures and Proposals to Improve
                                       Effectiveness and Reduce Future Costs

383.       T-RCED-95-142          374  Amtrak: Deteriorated Financial and
                                       Operating Conditions Threaten Long-Term

365.       T-RCED-95-145          412  Small Business Administration: Status of
                                       Small Business Investment Companies

430.       T-RCED-95-147          306  Farm Loans: Actions Needed to Safeguard
                                       Taxpayers' Interests

312.       T-RCED-95-149          503  Small Business: Status of SBA's 8(a)
                                       Minority Business Development Program

458.       T-RCED-95-150          219  Small Business: Access to Surety Bonds

334.       T-RCED-95-154          452  Federal Research: Interim Report on the
                                       Small Business Innovation Research

212.       T-RCED-95-161          682  Superfund: The Role of Risk in Setting

414.       T-RCED/AIMD-95-        328  FAA Budget: Issues Related to the Fiscal
           131                         Year 1996 Request

           Total Copies        405,05
           Distributed              4