[United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book), 1996]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]

The Plum Book (United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions): 1996 Edition


Position Location (Column 1)

Listed are the cities, States/Provinces and foreign countries in which the positions are located. Countries and cities (or other subdivisions) are shown for overseas posts. Note that "Washington DC" includes positions in the entire metropolitan area and therefore includes certain cities and counties in the States of Maryland and Virginia.

Position Title (Column 2)

Listed are the position titles and the names of the organizations in which they are located.

Name of Incumbent (Column 3)

Listed are the names of individuals serving under other than career appointments. The phrase "Career Incumbent" is shown for positions encumbered by career appointees. The term "Vacant" is shown for positions that were not occupied on September 1, 1996, the "as of" date of this publication.

Note that the law requires that "member" positions in certain agencies (e.g., boards, committees, and commissions) be filled on a bipartisan basis. For such positions, the following letter codes are shown in parentheses following the name of the incumbent:

Pay Plan (Column 4)

Listed are letter codes that denote the Federal salary schedule or pay system under which position incumbents are paid. Tables showing the salary ranges for each pay system are contained in Appendix 4.

* Although not Pay Plans, these codes are shown for information purposes.

Type of Appointment (Column 5)

Listed are letter codes that denote the type of appointment under which the position incumbent is serving. Note that several categories of positions can be filled by more than one type of appointment, e.g., SES positions listed in this publication may be filled by using career, noncareer, limited emergency, or limited term appointment authorities. Therefore, no "Type of Appointment" is shown for such positions when they are vacant. Note also that some part-time Presidential Appointments are not included in this listing such as those serving on temporary commissions or those boards and commissions which are governed by the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

Level, Grade, or Pay (Column 6)

Listed are numerical and letter codes that denote the level, grade or salary of the position incumbered:

If there is no entry in this column, the position does not have an established level, grade, or salary. For example, the pay rate for Senior Executive Service and Senior Level positions is "personal," i.e., attached to the incumbent, not the position. The pay rate for each new appointee is set by the appointing authority (usually the agency head) on a case-by-case basis. Annual salary schedules and pay ranges for such positions are shown in Appendix 4.

Tenure (Column 7)

Listed are the terms or durations of the appointment in years. If there is no entry in this column, the appointment has no fixed term.

Expires (Column 8)

Listed are the expiration dates for time-limited appointments. If there is no entry in this column, the incumbent is not serving under a time-limited appointment. However, many member positions on agency advisory boards, councils, and commissions are filled initially for a fixed term, but the incumbents may (and often do) serve beyond the expiration date until they are replaced.