[The Regulatory Plan and Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions]
[Department of Transportation Semiannual Regulatory Agenda
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]

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Part XIV

Department of Transportation


Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

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Office of the Secretary

14 CFR Chs. I-III

23 CFR Chs. I-III

33 CFR Chs. I and IV

46 CFR Chs. I-III

48 CFR Ch. 12

49 CFR Subtitle A, Chs. I-VI and Chs. X-XII

OST Docket 99-5129

Department Regulatory Agenda; Semiannual Summary

AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, DOT.

ACTION: Semiannual regulatory agenda.


SUMMARY: The regulatory agenda is a semiannual summary of all current 
and projected rulemakings, reviews of existing regulations, and 
completed actions of the Department. The agenda provides the public 
with information about the Department of Transportation's regulatory 
activity. It is expected that this information will enable the public 
to be more aware of and allow it to more effectively participate in the 
Department's regulatory activity. The public is also invited to submit 
comments on any aspect of this agenda.



    You should direct all comments and inquiries on the agenda in 
general to Neil R. Eisner, Assistant General Counsel for Regulation 
and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, 400 7th Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4723.


    You should direct all comments and inquiries on particular 
items in the agenda to the individual listed for the regulation or 
the general rulemaking contact person for the operating 
administration in Appendix B.

    Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf 
(TDD) may call (202) 755-7687.

Table of Contents

Supplementary Information:

Significant/Priority Rulemakings
Explanation of Information on the Agenda
Request for Comments
Appendix A - Instructions for Obtaining Copies of Regulatory Documents
Appendix B - General Rulemaking Contact Persons
Appendix C - Public Rulemaking Dockets
Appendix D - Review Plans for Section 610 and Other Requirements



    Improvement of our regulations is a prime goal of the 
Department of Transportation (Department or DOT). There should be 
no more regulations than necessary and those that are issued should 
be simpler, more comprehensible, and less burdensome. Regulations 
should not be issued without appropriate involvement of the public; 
once issued, they should be periodically reviewed and revised, as 
needed, to assure that they continue to meet the needs for which 
they originally were designed.

    To help the Department achieve these goals and in accordance 
with Executive Order 12866 ``Regulatory Planning and Review'' (58 
FR 51735; October 4, 1993) and the Department's Regulatory Policies 
and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979), the Department 
prepares a semiannual regulatory agenda. It summarizes all current 
and projected rulemaking, reviews of existing regulations, and 
completed actions of the Department. These are matters on which 
action has begun or is projected during the succeeding 12 months or 
such longer period as may be anticipated or for which action has 
been completed since the last agenda.

    The agendas are based on reports submitted by the offices 
initiating the rulemaking and are reviewed by the Department 
Regulations Council. The Department's last agenda was published in 
the Federal Register on May 13, 2002 (67 FR 33368). The next one is 
scheduled for publication in the Federal Register in April 2003.

    The Department has created an Internet site that provides 
general information about its rulemaking responsibilities and 
activities. It includes hypertext links to numerous other 
departmental sites providing helpful information about DOT 
regulation. The web address for this site is http://regs.dot.gov.

Significant/Priority Rulemakings

    The agenda covers all rules and regulations of the Department. 
We have classified rules as a DOT agency priority in the agenda if 
they are, essentially, very costly, controversial, or of 
substantial public interest under our Regulatory Policies and 
Procedures. All DOT agency priority rulemaking documents are 
subject to review by the Secretary of Transportation. If the Office 
of Management and Budget (OMB) decides a rule is subject to its 
review under Executive Order 12866, we have classified it as 
significant in the agenda.

Explanation of Information on the Agenda

    The format for this agenda is required by Office of Management 
and Budget memorandum of July 15, 2002.

    First, the agenda is divided by initiating offices. Then, the 
agenda is divided into five categories: (1) prerule stage, (2) 
proposed rule stage, (3) final rule stage, (4) long-term actions, 
and (5) completed actions. For each entry, the agenda provides the 
following information: (1) its ``significance''; (2) a short 
descriptive title; (3) its legal basis; (4) the related regulatory 
citation in the Code of Federal Regulations; (5) any legal deadline 
and, if so, for what action (e.g., NPRM, final rule); (6) an 
abstract; (7) a timetable, including the earliest expected date for 
a decision on whether to take the action; (8) whether the 
rulemaking will affect small entities and/or levels of government 
and, if so, which categories; (9) whether a Regulatory Flexibility 
Act (RFA) analysis is required (for rules that would have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
entities); (10) a listing of any analyses an office will prepare or 
has prepared for the action (With minor exceptions, DOT requires an 
economic analysis for all its rulemakings.); (11) an agency contact 
office or official who can provide further information; (12) a 
Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) assigned to identify an 
individual rulemaking in the agenda and facilitate tracing further 
action on the issue; (13) whether the action is subject to the 
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act; (14) whether the action is subject to 
the Energy Act; and (15) whether the action is major under

[[Page 74801]]

the congressional review provisions of the Small Business 
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. If there is information that 
does not fit in the other categories, it will be included under a 
separate heading entitled ``Additional Information.''

    For nonsignificant regulations issued routinely and frequently 
as a part of an established body of technical requirements (such as 
the Federal Aviation Administration's Airspace Rules), to keep 
those requirements operationally current, we only include the 
general category of the regulations, the identity of a contact 
office or official, and an indication of the expected number of 
regulations; we do not list individual regulations.

    In the ``Timetable'' column, we use abbreviations to indicate 
the particular documents being considered. ANPRM stands for Advance 
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, SNPRM for Supplemental Notice of 
Proposed Rulemaking, and NPRM for Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. 
Listing a future date in this column does not mean we have made a 
decision to issue a document; it is the earliest date on which we 
expect to make a decision on whether to issue it. In addition, 
these dates are based on current schedules. Information received 
subsequent to the issuance of this agenda could result in a 
decision not to take regulatory action or in changes to proposed 
publication dates. For example, the need for further evaluation 
could result in a later publication date; evidence of a greater 
need for the regulation could result in an earlier publication 

    Finally, a dot ([sbull]) preceding an entry indicates that the 
entry appears in the agenda for the first time.

Request for Comments

    Our agenda is intended primarily for the use of the public. 
Since its inception, we have made modifications and refinements 
that we believe provide the public with more helpful information, 
as well as make the agenda easier to use. We would like you, the 
public, to make suggestions or comments on how the agenda could be 
further improved.


    We also seek your suggestions on which of our existing 
regulations you believe need to be reviewed to determine whether 
they should be revised or revoked. We particularly draw your 
attention to the Department's review plan in Appendix D.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Department is especially interested in obtaining 
information on requirements that have a ``significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities'' and, therefore, 
must be reviewed under the Regulatory Flexibility Act. If you have 
any suggested regulations, please submit them to us, along with 
your explanation of why they should be reviewed.

    In accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, comments are 
specifically invited on regulations that we have targeted for 
review under section 610 of the Act. The phrase (Section 610 
Review) appears at the end of the title for these reviews. Please 
see Appendix D for the Department's section 610 review plans.


    Executive Order 13132 requires us to develop an accountable 
process to ensure ``meaningful and timely input by State and local 
officials in the development of regulatory policies that have 
federalism implications.'' ``Policies that have federalism 
implications'' are defined in the Executive Order to include 
regulations that have substantial direct effects on the States, on 
the relationship between the national government and the States, or 
on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various 
levels of government. Therefore, we encourage State and local 
governments to provide us with information about how the 
Department's rulemakings impact them.


    The Department is publishing this regulatory agenda in the 
Federal Register to share with interested members of the public the 
Department's preliminary expectations regarding its future 
regulatory actions. This should enable the public to be more aware 
of the Department's regulatory activity and should result in more 
effective public participation. This publication in the Federal 
Register does not impose any binding obligation on the Department 
or any of the offices within the Department with regard to any 
specific item on the agenda. Regulatory action, in addition to the 
items listed, is not precluded.

Issued in Washington, DC, on October 15, 2002.

 Norman Y. Mineta,

Secretary of Transportation.
Appendix A - Instructions for Obtaining Copies of Regulatory Documents

    To obtain a copy of a specific regulatory document in the 
agenda, you should communicate directly with the contact person 
listed with the regulation at the address below. We note that most 
if not all such documents, including the Semiannual Agenda, are 
available through our Internet-accessible docket at http://
dms.dot.gov. See Appendix C for more information.

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

    (Name of contact person), Transportation Security 
Administration, 400 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20590.

United States Coast Guard (USCG)

    (Name of contact person), United States Coast Guard, 2100 2nd 
Street SW., Washington, DC 20593.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

    (Name of contact person), Federal Highway Administration, 400 
7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20590.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

    (Name of contact person), Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, 400 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20590.

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)

    (Name of contact person), Federal Railroad Administration, 400 
7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20590.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

    (Name of contact person), National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20590.

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

    (Name of contact person), Federal Transit Administration, 400 
7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20590.

Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC)

    (Name of contact person), Saint Lawrence Seaway Development 
Corporation, 400 7th Street SW., Room 5424, Washington, DC 20590.

[[Page 74802]]

Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA)

    (Name of contact person), Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20590.

Maritime Administration (MARAD)

    Joel C. Richard, Secretary, Maritime Administration, 400 7th 
Street SW., Room 7210, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-5746.

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

    (Name of contact person), Bureau of Transportation 
Statistics,400 7th Street SW., Room 7210, Washington, DC 20590.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

    The FAA has a mailing list system for notices and advance 
notices of proposed rulemaking (NPRMs and ANPRMs). Persons 
interested in obtaining future copies of all of those documents to 
be issued by the FAA or only of those concerning certain parts of 
the Federal Aviation Regulations should request a copy of Advisory 
Circular No. 11-2, which describes the application procedure, by 
calling (202) 267-3484 or by writing to: Federal Aviation 
Administration, Office of Public Affairs, Attention: Public Inquiry 
Center, APA-230, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591.

Office of the Secretary (OST)

    To obtain a copy of a specific regulatory document or to 
receive future copies of the Department's regulatory agenda write 
to: Assistant General Counsel for Regulation and Enforcement, C-50, 
Office of the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, 
Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4723.

Appendix B - General Rulemaking Contact Persons

    The following is a list of persons who can be contacted within 
the Department for general information concerning the rulemaking 
process within the various operating administrations.

    TSA -- Mardi R. Thompson, Office of Chief Counsel, 400 7th 
Street SW., Washington, DC 20590, telephone: (202) 493-1227.

    USCG -- Steve G. Venckus, Chief, Office of Regulations and 
Administrative Law, USCG Headquarters Building, Room 3406, 2100 2nd 
Street SW., Washington, DC 20593; telephone: (202) 267-1534.

    FAA - Donald Byrne, Office of Chief Counsel, Regulations and 
Enforcement Division, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Room 915A, 
Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267-3073.

    FHWA -- Julie Downey, Office of Chief Counsel, 400 7th Street 
SW., Room 4223, Washington, DC 20590; telephone: (202) 366-0761.

    FMCSA - Suzanne O'Malley, Office of Chief Counsel, 400 7th 
Street SW., Room 8201, Washington, DC 20590; telephone: (202) 366-

    FRA -- Kathryn Shelton, Office of Chief Counsel, 400 7th Street 
SW., Mail Stop 10, Washington, DC 20590; telephone: (202) 493-6028.

    NHTSA - Steve Wood, Office of Chief Counsel, 400 7th Street 
SW., Room 5219, Washington, DC 20590; telephone: (202) 366-2992.

    FTA - Richard Wong, Office of Chief Counsel, 400 7th Street 
SW., Room 9316, Washington, DC 20590; telephone: (202) 366-4011.

    SLSDC - Marc Owen, General Counsel's Office, 400 7th Street 
SW., Room 5424, Washington, DC 20590; telephone: (202) 366-6823.

    RSPA - Edward Bonekemper, Office of Chief Counsel, 400 7th 
Street SW., Room 8405, Washington, DC 20590; telephone: (202) 366-

    MARAD -- Christine Gurland, Office of Chief Counsel, Maritime 
Administration, 400 7th Street SW., Room 7221, Washington, DC 
20590; telephone: (202) 366-5181.

    BTS -- Robert Monniere SW., Room 3430, Washington, DC 20590; 
telephone: (202) 366-5498.

    OST - Neil Eisner, Office of Regulation and Enforcement, 400 
7th Street SW., Room 10424, Washington, DC 20590; telephone: (202) 

Appendix C - Public Rulemaking Dockets

    The public may review or submit comments to the dockets for all 
of DOT via the Internet at the following address: http://
dms.dot.gov. Examples of documents that may be in the dockets are 
proposed rules, public comments received, supporting analyses, 
studies, and reports.

    The public also may review regulatory dockets at, or deliver 
comments on proposed rulemakings to, the Dockets Office at 400 7th 
Street SW., Room PL 401, Washington, DC 20590, 1-800-647-5527. 
Working Hours: 9-5.

Appendix D - Review Plans for Section 610 and Other Requirements
Part I - The Plan

    The Department of Transportation has long recognized the 
importance of regularly reviewing its existing regulations to 
determine whether they need to be revised or revoked. Our 1979 
Regulatory Policies and Procedures require such reviews. We also 
have responsibilities under E.O. 12866 (``Regulatory Planning and 
Review'') and section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act to 
conduct such reviews. This will include the use of plain language 
techniques in new rules and to consider rewriting existing rules 
when we have the opportunity and resources permit. The Department 
is currently conducting a number of reviews of existing rules and 
is engaged in rulemaking actions resulting from these reviews.

Section 610 Review Plan

    Section 610 requires that we conduct reviews of rules that (1) 
have been published within the last ten years and (2) have a 
``significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
entities'' (SEIOSNOSE). It also requires that we publish in the 
Federal Register each year a list of any such rules that we will 
review during the next year. To better comply with section 610, the 
Department has updated its regulatory review plan published on June 
29, 1981, to accomplish a more systematic review of all of its 
regulations. The Office of the Secretary and each of the 
Department's Operating Administrations (except for FMCSA) have a 
10-year review plan. These reviews are in accordance with section 
610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.

Other Review Plans

    All elements of the Department, except for the FMCSA and 
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), have also elected to use 
this 10-year plan process to comply with the review requirements of 
the Department's Regulatory Policies and Procedures, and Executive 
Order 12866. FMCSA and FAA are using different approaches, which 
are described in Part II to this Appendix.

[[Page 74803]]

Changes to the Review Plan

    Some reviews may be conducted earlier than scheduled. For 
example, to the extent resources permit, the plain language reviews 
will be conducted more quickly. Other events, such as accidents, 
may result in the need to conduct earlier reviews of some rules. 
Other factors may also result in the need to make changes; for 
example, we may make changes in response to public comment on this 
plan or in response to a Presidentially mandated review. If there 
is any change to the review plan, we will note the change in the 
following Unified Agenda. For any section 610 review, we will 
provide the required notice prior to the review.

Part II - The Review Process
The Analysis

    Generally, the agencies have divided their rules into 10 
different groups and plan to analyze one group each year. For 
purposes of these reviews, a year will coincide with the fall-to-
fall schedule for publication of the Agenda. Thus, Year 1 (1998) 
began in the fall of 1998 and ends in the fall of 1999; Year 2 
(1999) begins in the fall of 1999 and ends in the fall of 2000; and 
so on. We request public comment on the timing of the reviews. For 
example, is there a reason for scheduling an analysis and review 
for a particular rule earlier than we have? Any comments concerning 
the plan or particular analyses can be submitted to the regulatory 
contacts listed in Appendix B, General Rulemaking Contact Persons.

Section 610 Review

    The agency will analyze each of the rules in a given year's 
group to determine whether any rule has a SEIOSNOSE and, thus, 
requires review in accordance with section 610 of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act. The level of analysis will, of course, depend on 
the nature of the rule and its applicability.

    Publication of agencies' section 610 analyses list each fall in 
this Agenda provides the public with notice and an opportunity to 
comment consistent with the requirements of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act. We request that public comments be submitted to us 
early in the analysis year concerning the small entity impact of 
the rules to help us in making our determinations.

    In each Fall Agenda, the agency will publish the results of the 
analyses it has completed during the previous year. For rules that 
had a negative finding on SEIOSNOSE, we will give a short 
explanation (e.g., ``these rules only establish petition processes 
that have no cost impact'' or ``these rules do not apply to any 
small entities''). For parts, subparts or other discrete sections 
of rules that do have a SEIOSNOSE, we will announce that we will be 
conducting a formal section 610 review during the following 12 
months. At this stage, we will add an entry to the Agenda in the 
prerulemaking section describing the review in more detail. We also 
will seek public comment on how best to lessen the impact of these 
rules and provide a name or docket to which public comments can be 
submitted. In some cases, the section 610 review may be part of 
another unrelated review of the rule. In such a case, we plan to 
clearly indicate which parts of the review are being conducted 
under section 610.

Other Reviews

    The agency will also examine the specified rules to determine 
whether any other reasons exist for revising or revoking the rule 
or for rewriting the rule in plain language. In each Fall Agenda, 
the agency will also publish information on the results of the 
examinations completed during the previous year.


    The Federal Aviation Administration, in addition to reviewing 
its rules in accordance with the schedule below, has established a 
process by which the public is asked for its comments on which 
rules need review the most. Any information that the FAA receives 
in connection with its annual section 610 analyses would, of 
course, also be reviewed in the spirit of E.O. 12866. In addition, 
in response to a recommendation of the White House Commission on 
Aviation Safety and Security, the FAA has completed a review of all 
its existing regulations to identify those in need of rewriting as 
performance-based or plain language regulations. The agency also 
reviewed ongoing regulatory projects and proposals to identify 
additional candidates for revision. In all, the agency reviewed 68 
parts of the CFR, containing 3,884 sections, appendices, and 
Special Federal Aviation Regulations. In addition to using plain 
language in its current and future regulations, the FAA intends to 
revise those regulations identified in its study when it has the 
opportunity and resources to do so.


    Because of resources needed to conduct a zero-based review of 
its regulations, the FMCSA has decided to revisit its method of 
review. The FMCSA will identify their new regulatory review process 
in the Spring 2003 Semiannual Regulatory Agenda.

Part III- List of Pending Section 610 Reviews

    The Agenda identifies the pending DOT Section 610 Reviews by 
inserting ``(Section 610 Review)'' after the title for the specific 
entry. Also, a Governmentwide list of section 610 reviews can be 
located in an index at the end of the Agenda. For further 
information on the pending reviews, see the Agenda entries.

                                             OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
                                          SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
   Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
1           14 CFR parts 200 through 212............................................          1998          1999
2           14 CFR parts 213 through 232............................................          1999          2000
3           14 CFR parts 234 through 254............................................          2000          2001
4           14 CFR parts 255 through 298 and part 40................................          2001          2002
5           14 CFR parts 300 through 373............................................          2002          2003
6           14 CFR parts 374 through 398............................................          2003          2004
7           14 CFR part 399 and 49 CFR parts 1 through 11...........................          2004          2005

[[Page 74804]]

8           49 CFR parts 17 through 28..............................................          2005          2006
9           49 CFR parts 29 through 39 and parts 41 through 89......................          2006          2007
10          49 CFR parts 91 through 99, 48 CFR parts 1201 through 1253, and new               2007          2008
             parts and subparts.....................................................

Year 4 (Fall 2001) List of rules analyzed and a summary
14 CFR part 255 -- Carrier-owned computer reservation systems
[sbull] Section 610: SEIOSNOSE. The rule has a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities. The Department is 
conducting a comprehensive review to determine whether these rules 
should be readopted. The Department is also looking at ways to lessen 
impacts on small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: Comments will be requested from the affected industry 
to assess the economic impact of any proposed changes.
14 CFR part 256 -- Display of joint operations in carrier-owned 
computer reservation systems
[sbull] Section 610: SEIOSNOSE. The rule has a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities. The Department's 
review of part 255 may have a potential impact on this regulation. If 
so, we will solicit comments oh how to lessen the impact to small 
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
14 CFR part 257 -- Disclosure of code--sharing arrangements and long-
term wet leases
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule does not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 1999. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 258 -- Disclosure of change--of-gauge services
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule does not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 1999. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 271 -- Guidelines for subsidizing air carriers providing 
essential air transportation
[sbull] Section 610: SEIOSNOSE. The rule has a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This rule was revised in 1995. If additional updates 
become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 272 -- Essential air service to the Freely Associated 
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule does not currently have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: As indicated below, should the rule later 
become effective, where confusing or wordy language is identified, we 
would make revisions.
[sbull] General: This program governed by this rule was terminated on 
October 1, 1998. By its terms, the provisions of this rule are not 
currently effective. However, the rule specifically states that 
Congress could reestablish the program. Because of these circumstances, 
we recommend that the rule be deleted at this time.
49 CFR part 40 -- Procedures for transportation workplace drug testing 
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. A final rule was published in 2000, 
as a result of a 610 Review. The rule certified that the rule did not 
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
[sbull] Plain language: The 2000 final rule was written using the plain 
language technique. If confusing or wordy language is further 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: If additional updates become desirable, changes will 
be proposed.
14 CFR part 291 -- Cargo operations in interstate air transportation
[sbull] Section 610: SEIOSNOSE. This rule has a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This rule was revised in 1995. If additional updates 
become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 292 -- International cargo transportation
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This rule does not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This rule was revised in 1995. If additional updates 
become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 293 -- International passenger transportation
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This rule does not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This rule was revised in 1999. If additional updates 
become desirable, changes will be proposed.

[[Page 74805]]

14 CFR part 294 -- Canadian charter air taxi operators
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This rule does not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This rule was revised in 1995. If additional updates 
become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 296 -- Indirect air transportation of property
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This rule does not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This rule was revised in 1995. If additional updates 
become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 297 -- Foreign air freight forwarders and foreign 
cooperative shippers associations
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This rule does not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This rule was revised in 1995. If additional updates 
become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 298 -- Exemptions for air taxi and commuter air carrier 
[sbull] Section 610: SEIOSNOSE. This rule has a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This rule was revised in 1995. If additional updates 
become desirable, changes will be proposed.
Year 3 (2000 ) List of rules continuing to be analyzed
14 CFR part 240 -- Inspection of accounts and property
Year 5 (Fall 2002) List of Rules that will be analyzed during the next 
14 CFR part 300 -- Rules of conduct in DOT proceedings under this 
14 CFR part 302 -- Review of practice in proceedings
14 CFR part 303 -- Review of air carrier agreements
14 CFR part 313 -- Implementation of the Energy Policy and Conservation 
14 CFR part 314 -- Employee protection program
14 CFR part 323 -- Termination, suspensions, and reductions of service
14 CFR part 325 -- Essential air service procedures
14 CFR part 330 -- Procedures for compensation of air carriers
14 CFR part 372 -- Overseas military personnel charters
Year 3 (Fall 2000) List of Rules analyzed and a summary of the results
14 CFR part 234 -- Airline service quality performance reports
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule does not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 2001. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 241 -- Uniform system of accounts and reports for large 
certified air carriers
[sbull] Section 610: SEIOSNOSE. The rule may have an economic impact on 
a substantial number of small air carriers.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 2002. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 243 -- Passenger manifest information
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule applies to a substantial 
number of small entities but does not have an economic impact.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 1998. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 247 -- Direct airport--to-airport mileage records
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule does not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 1995. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 248 -- Submission of audit reports
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule does not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 1995. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 249 -- Preservation of air carrier records
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule does not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 1995. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 250 -- Oversales
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule does not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.

[[Page 74806]]

[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 2000. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 252 -- Smoking aboard aircraft
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule does not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 2000. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 253 -- Notice of terms of contract of carriage
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule does not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 1998. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
14 CFR part 254 -- Domestic baggage liability
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The rule does not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: Where confusing or wordy language is 
identified, we will make revisions.
[sbull] General: This section was revised in 1999. If additional 
updates become desirable, changes will be proposed.
OST Note:

    The preceding items were scheduled for review in year-3. 
However, because of limited resources, the agency did not complete 
the analysis as scheduled.

                                            UNITED STATES COAST GUARD
                                          SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
   Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
1           33 CFR parts 1 through 124..............................................          1998          1999
2           33 CFR parts 125 through 199............................................          1999          2000
3           46 CFR parts 1 through 40...............................................          2000          2001
4           46 CFR parts 41 through 69..............................................          2001          2002
5           46 CFR parts 70 through 89..............................................          2002          2003
6           46 CFR parts 90 through 139.............................................          2003          2004
7           46 CFR parts 140 through 155............................................          2004          2005
8           46 CFR parts 156 through 165............................................          2005          2006
9           46 CFR parts 166 through 199............................................          2006          2007
10          New parts and subparts..................................................          2007          2008

Year 3 (Fall 2000) List of rules analyzed and a summary of the results
33 CFR part 126 -- Handling of Class 1 (explosive) materials or other 
dangerous cargoes within or contiguous to waterfront facilities
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules are administrative in 
nature and have no economic impact on any entities.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 127 -- Waterfront facilities handling liquefied natural gas 
and liquefied hazardous gas
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules do not affect a 
substantial number of small entities. Any economic impact is avoidable.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 128 -- Security of passenger terminals
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules impose a low cost on a 
small number of entities.
[sbull] Plain language: These rules were drafted using plain language..
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 135 -- Offshore oil pollution compensation fund
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules impose no new 
substantive requirements and involve only minimal costs.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 138 -- Financial responsibility for water pollution 
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules retain existing 
procedures and have minimal impact on small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 140 -- General
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules regulating facilities 
and vessels engaged in activities on the Outer Continental Shelf tend 
to affect major corporations rather than small entities. Of the few 
small entities affected, the cost of

[[Page 74807]]

this rule over the next 10 years for units not already in compliance is 
typically the cost of one day of operation. The cost is offset by 
several measures to accommodate the needs of small entities and provide 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 141 -- Personnel
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules regulating facilities 
and vessels engaged in activities on the Outer Continental Shelf tend 
to affect major corporations rather than small entities. Of the few 
small entities affected, the cost of this rule over the next 10 years 
for units not already in compliance is typically the cost of one day of 
operation. The cost is offset by several measures to accommodate the 
needs of small entities and provide flexibility.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 142 -- Workplace safety and health
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules regulating facilities 
and vessels engaged in activities on the Outer Continental Shelf tend 
to affect major corporations rather than small entities. Of the few 
small entities affected, the cost of this rule over the next 10 years 
for units not already in compliance is typically the cost of one day of 
operation. The cost is offset by several measures to accommodate the 
needs of small entities and provide flexibility.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 143 -- Design and equipment
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules regulating facilities 
and vessels engaged in activities on the Outer Continental Shelf tend 
to affect major corporations rather than small entities. Of the few 
small entities affected, the cost of this rule over the next 10 years 
for units not already in compliance is typically the cost of one day of 
operation. The cost is offset by several measures to accommodate the 
needs of small entities and provide flexibility.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 144 -- Lifesaving appliances
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules regulating facilities 
and vessels engaged in activities on the Outer Continental Shelf tend 
to affect major corporations rather than small entities. Of the few 
small entities affected, the cost of this rule over the next 10 years 
for units not already in compliance is typically the cost of one day of 
operation. The cost is offset by several measures to accommodate the 
needs of small entities and provide flexibility.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 145 -- Firefighting equipment
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules regulating facilities 
and vessels engaged in activities on the Outer Continental Shelf tend 
to affect major corporations rather than small entities. Of the few 
small entities affected, the cost of this rule over the next 10 years 
for units not already in compliance is typically the cost of one day of 
operation. The cost is offset by several measures to accommodate the 
needs of small entities and provide flexibility.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 146 -- Operations
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules regulating facilities 
and vessels engaged in activities on the Outer Continental Shelf tend 
to affect major corporations rather than small entities. Of the few 
small entities affected, the cost of this rule over the next 10 years 
for units not already in compliance is typically the cost of one day of 
operation. The cost is offset by several measures to accommodate the 
needs of small entities and provide flexibility.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 151 -- Vessels carrying oil, noxious liquid substances, 
garbage, municipal or commercial waste, and ballast water
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules primarily affect large 
entities and few small entities are affected.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 153 -- Control of pollution by oil or hazardous substances, 
discharge removal
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules do not impose 
significant costs and come into play only when unlawful discharges 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 154 -- Facilities transferring oil or hazardous materials 
in bulk
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules primarily affect large 
entities and few small entities are affected.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 155 -- Oil or hazardous material pollution prevention 
regulations for vessels
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules primarily affect large 
entities. The costs to the small entities are minimal.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 156 -- Oil or hazardous material transfer operations

[[Page 74808]]

[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules primarily affect large 
entities. The costs to the small entities are minimal.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 157 -- Rules for the protection of the marine environment 
relating to tank vessels carrying oil in bulk
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules primarily affect large 
entities. Some may affect several small entities, but where this is so 
(e.g., double hull requirements) it is unlikely that the impact 
directly attributable to the rule is significant.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 158 -- Reception facilities for oil, noxious liquid 
substances, and garbage
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. Few small entities are affected and 
the cost is low.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 161 -- Vessel traffic management
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This part prescribes standards for 
marine sanitation devices and provides a certification procedure. It 
does not impose significant costs on a substantial number of small 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 162 -- Inland waterways navigation regulations
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules enhance navigational 
safety and impose minimal costs on regulated entities.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 163 -- Towing of barges
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules enhance navigational 
safety and impose minimal costs on regulated entities.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 164 -- Navigation safety regulations
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules enhance navigational 
safety and impose minimal costs on regulated entities.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 165 -- Regulated navigation areas and limited access areas
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules enhance navigational 
safety and impose minimal costs on regulated entities.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 168 -- Escort requirements for certain tankers
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules affect few if any small 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 173 -- Vessel numbering and casualty and accident reporting
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The vessel numbering and accident 
reports required do not have a significant economic impact on small 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 179 -- Defect notification
[sbull] Section 610: Probable SEIOSNOSE. This part will be scheduled 
for full 610 Review.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 181 -- Manufacturer requirements
[sbull] Section 610: Probable SEIOSNOSE. This part will be scheduled 
for full 610 Review.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 183 -- Boats and associated equipment
[sbull] Section 610: Probable SEIOSNOSE. This part will be scheduled 
for full 610 Review.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR part 184 -- 186 Reserved
33 CFR part 187 -- Vessel identification system
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. Affects only states and imposes no 
mandatory cost.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
33 CFR parts 188 through 199 -- Reserved
46 CFR part 1 -- Organization, general course and methods governing 
marine safety functions
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. Procedural in nature; imposes no 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.

[[Page 74809]]

46 CFR part 2 -- Vessel inspections
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules provide for vessel 
inspections and certification and impose minimal costs on small 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 3 -- Designation of oceanographic research vessels
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules apply only to owners and 
operators who desire designation and do not impose a significant cost.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 4 -- Marine casualties and investigations
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules apply only in the event 
of a marine casualty and impose no cost on small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 5 -- Marine investigation regulations -- personnel action
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules apply only to an 
insignificant number of mariners.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 6 -- Waivers of navigation and vessel inspection laws and 
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules provide for waivers in 
the interest of national defense and do not impose significant costs.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 7 -- Boundary lines
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules demarcate boundaries and 
impose no cost.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 8 -- Vessel inspection alternatives
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules establish an alternative 
program and impose no cost.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 9 -- Extra compensation for overtime services
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules involve services by a 
small class of employees and do not impose significant costs.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 10 -- Licensing of maritime personnel
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules primarily affect 
individuals and do not impose significant costs on small entities..
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 12 -- Certification of seamen
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules primarily affect 
individuals and do not impose significant costs on small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 13 -- Certification of tankermen
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules primarily affect 
individuals and do not impose significant costs on small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 14 -- Shipment and discharge of merchant mariners
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules continue practices in 
effect at least since 1937, relate primarily to individuals rather than 
small entities, and were revised in 1996 to reduce any burdens on small 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 15 -- Manning requirements
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules primarily affect 
individuals and have been revised several times in the past 10 years in 
ways that minimize any impact on small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 16 -- Chemical testing
[sbull] Section 610: Probable SEIOSNOSE. These rules require small 
entities to conduct chemical testing for dangerous drugs in certain 
circumstances. In adopting these rules in 1988, the Coast Guard 
concluded that they could have a significant

[[Page 74810]]

economic impact on substantial number of small entities. We took steps 
then to ameliorate that impact. A formal Section 610 Review will be 
planned for these parts.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 24 -- General provisions
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These uninspected vessel rules 
largely affect small entities, but their impact is either 
nonsignificant or voluntary.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 25 -- Requirements
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These uninspected vessel rules 
largely affect small entities, but their impact is either 
nonsignificant or voluntary.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
 46 CFR part 26 -- Operations
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These uninspected vessel rules 
largely affect small entities, but their impact is either 
nonsignificant or voluntary.
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 28 -- Requirements for commercial fishing industry vessels
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules, when adopted in 1991, 
were deemed to have an insignificant economic impact on most small 
entities. Any significant impact is likely to have been absorbed at the 
time of adoption and would not be continuing..
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 30 -- General provisions
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter D tank vessel regulations as a whole has not been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 31 -- Inspection and certification
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter D tank vessel regulations as a whole has not been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 32 -- Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter D tank vessel regulations as a whole has not been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 34 -- Firefighting equipment
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter D tank vessel regulations as a whole has not been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 35 -- Operations
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter D tank vessel regulations as a whole has not been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 36 -- Elevated temperature cargoes
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter D tank vessel regulations as a whole has not been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 38 -- Liquefied flammable gases
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter D tank vessel regulations as a whole has not been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 

[[Page 74811]]

[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 39 -- Vapor control systems
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter D tank vessel regulations as a whole has not been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
Year 4 (Fall 2001) List of rules analyzed and summary of the results
46 CFR part 42 -- Domestic and foreign voyages by sea
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter E load lines regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 44 -- Special service limited domestic voyage
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter E load lines regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 45 -- Great lakes load lines
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter E load lines regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 46 -- Subdivision load lines for passenger vessels
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter E load lines regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 47 -- Combination load lines
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter E load lines regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 50 -- General provisions
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter F marine engineering regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
parts (with the exception of part 62, which we conclude has no 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 52 -- Power boilers
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter F marine engineering regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
parts (with the exception of part 62, which we conclude has no 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 53 -- Heating boilers
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter F marine engineering regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
parts (with the exception of part 62, which we conclude has no 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 54 -- Pressure vessels
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter F marine engineering regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
parts (with the exception of part 62, which we conclude has no 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 56 -- Piping systems and appurtenances

[[Page 74812]]

[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter F marine engineering regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
parts (with the exception of part 62, which we conclude has no 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 57 -- Welding and brazing
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter F marine engineering regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
parts (with the exception of part 62, which we conclude has no 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 58 -- Main auxiliary machinery and related systems
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter F marine engineering regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
parts (with the exception of part 62, which we conclude has no 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 59 -- Repairs to boilers, pressure vessels and 
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter F marine engineering regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
parts (with the exception of part 62, which we conclude has no 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 61 -- Periodic tests and inspections
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter F marine engineering regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
parts (with the exception of part 62, which we conclude has no 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 62 -- Vital systems automation
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The primary impact of these rules is 
on large entities; they do not affect a substantial number of small 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 63 -- Automatic auxiliary boilers
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter F marine engineering regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
parts (with the exception of part 62, which we conclude has no 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 64 -- Marine portable tanks and cargo handling systems
[sbull] Section 610: Possible SEIOSNOSE. A small entities evaluation 
for the Subchapter F marine engineering regulations as a whole has been 
published. Therefore, to comply with the spirit of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, we will schedule a full Section 610 Review for these 
parts (with the exception of part 62, which we conclude has no 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 67 -- Documentation of vessels
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The cost of documentation is not 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 68 -- Documentation of vessels pursuant to extraordinary 
legislative grants
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The cost of documentation is not 
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
46 CFR part 69 -- Measurement of vessels
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These regulations are primarily 
administrative and do not impose a significant cost.
[sbull] Plain language: Plain language revision is not needed.
[sbull] General: No revision needed.
Year 5 (Fall 2002) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
46 CFR part 70 -- General provisions
46 CFR part 71 -- Inspection and certification
46 CFR part 72 -- Construction and arrangement
46 CFR part 76 -- Fire protection equipment
46 CFR part 77 -- Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and 

[[Page 74813]]

46 CFR part 78 -- Operations
46 CFR part 80 -- Disclosure of safety standards and country of 

                                         FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION
                                             SECTION 610 REVIEW PLAN
   Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
1           14 CFR parts 1 through 21...............................................          1998          1999
2           14 CFR parts 23 through 34..............................................          1999          2000
3           14 CFR parts 35 through 49..............................................          2000          2001
4 *         14 CFR parts 61 through 77..............................................          2001          2002
5           14 CFR parts 91 through 105.............................................          2002          2003
6           14 CFR parts 107 through 133............................................          2003          2004
7           14 CFR parts 135 through 147............................................          2004          2005
8           14 CFR parts 150 through 169............................................          2005          2006
9           14 CFR parts 170 through 198............................................          2006          2007
10          14 CFR parts 400 through 415............................................          2007          2008
* FAA will also review all other rules dealing with alcohol and drugs

Year 4 (Fall 2001) List of Rules analyzed and a summary of the results
14 CFR 61 -- Certification: pilots, flight instructors and ground 
[sbull] Section 610; No SEIOSNOSE. This rule applies to a significant 
number of small entities, but amendments over the past decade do not 
have a substantial economic impact. Accordingly, a periodic review was 
not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: To the extent that the FAA's plain language 
study identified a need for revisions in this part, revisions will be 
made when the FAA has the opportunity and resources to do so.
14 CFR 63 -- Certification: flight crewmembers other than pilots
[sbull] Section 610; No SEIOSNOSE. This rule applies to a significant 
number of small entities, but amendments over the past decade do not 
have a substantial economic impact. Accordingly, a periodic review was 
not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: To the extent that the FAA's plain language 
study identified a need for revisions in this part, revisions will be 
made when the FAA has the opportunity and resources to do so.
14 CFR 65 -- Certification: airmen other than flight crewmembers
[sbull] Section 610; No SEIOSNOSE. This rule applies to a significant 
number of small entities, but amendments over the past decade do not 
have a substantial economic impact. Accordingly, a periodic review was 
not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: To the extent that the FAA's plain language 
study identified a need for revisions in this part, revisions will be 
made when the FAA has the opportunity and resources to do so.
14 CFR 67 -- Medical standards and certification
[sbull] Section 610; No SEIOSNOSE. This rule applies to a significant 
number of small entities, but amendments over the past decade do not 
have a substantial economic impact. Accordingly, a periodic review was 
not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: To the extent that the FAA's plain language 
study identified a need for revisions in this part, revisions will be 
made when the FAA has the opportunity and resources to do so.
14 CFR 70 -- Designation of class A, class B, class C, class D and 
class E airspace areas; airway routes and reporting points
[sbull] Section 610; No SEIOSNOSE. This rule applies to a significant 
number of small entities, but amendments over the past decade do not 
have a substantial economic impact. Accordingly, a periodic review was 
not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: To the extent that the FAA's plain language 
study identified a need for revisions in this part, revisions will be 
made when the FAA has the opportunity and resources to do so.
14 CFR 73 -- Special use airspace
[sbull] Section 610; No SEIOSNOSE. This rule applies to a significant 
number of small entities, but amendments over the past decade do not 
have a substantial economic impact. Accordingly, a periodic review was 
not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: To the extent that the FAA's plain language 
study identified a need for revisions in this part, revisions will be 
made when the FAA has the opportunity and resources to do so.
14 CFR part 77 --Objects affecting navigable airspace
[sbull] Section 610; FAA will conduct a formal 610 review during the 
following 12 months.
[sbull] Plain Language: To the extent that the FAA's plain language 
study identified a need for revisions in this part, revisions will be 
made when the FAA has the opportunity and resources to do so.
Year 5 (Fall 2002) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
14 CFR part 35 -- Airworthiness standards: propellers
14 CFR part 36 -- Noise standards: aircraft type and airworthiness
14 CFR part 39 -- Airworthiness directives
14 CFR part 43 -- Maintenance, preventive maintenance; rebuilding and 
14 CFR part 45 -- Identification and registration marking
14 CFR part 47 -- Aircraft registration
14 CFR part 49 -- Recording of aircraft titles and security

[[Page 74814]]

FAA Note:

    The preceding parts for analysis were erroneously listed in the 
Fall 2001 Regulatory Agenda in the list of completed analyses and 
identified for review in the following year. While the FAA's 10-
year plan called for completion of these analyses before the Fall 
2002, lack of available resources prevented this. In addition, the 
10-year plan calls for analysis of 14 CFR parts 91-105 in this 
coming year; resources are not available, however, to analyze these 
parts. Should resources become available during the year, the FAA 
will announce its intention to analyze some or all of these parts 
in the Federal Register.

                                         FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION
                                          SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
   Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
1           None....................................................................          1998          1999
2           None....................................................................          1999          2000
3           23 CFR parts 450, 657 and 771...........................................          2000          2001
4           23 CFR parts 1-260......................................................          2001          2002
5           23 CFR parts 420, 460-480...............................................          2002          2003
6           23 CFR part 500.........................................................          2003          2004
7           23 CFR parts 600-656, 658-669...........................................          2004          2005
8           23 CFR parts 710-924....................................................          2005          2006
9           23 CFR parts 1200-1252..................................................          2006          2007
10          New parts and subparts..................................................          2007          2008

Year 4 (Fall 2001) List of rules analyzed and a summary of the results
23 CFR part 1 -- General management and administration
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This section applies primarily to 
State transportation agencies that are not small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: FHWA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
23 CFR part 140 -- Payment procedures
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules apply primarily to State 
transportation agencies that are not small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: FHWA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
23 CFR part 172 -- Administration of engineering and design related 
service contracts
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules apply primarily to State 
transportation agencies that are not small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: The FHWA recently issued a final rule updating 
the regulation to comply with new law and used plain language 
techniques to update the rule.
23 CFR part 180 -- Credit assistance for surface transportation 
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This rule implements a Federal 
credit assistance program for surface transportation projects. There 
will be a substantial economic impact on the projects funded. 
Applicants are usually States and large public, or quasi-public 
[sbull] Plain language: FHWA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision. The regulation is written 
23 CFR part 190 -- Incentive procedures for controlling outdoor 
advertising on the interstate system
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules apply primarily to State 
transportation agencies that are not small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: FHWA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
23 CFR part 192 -- Drug offenders driver's license suspension
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This regulation applies primarily to 
State transportation agencies not to small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: FHWA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision as the rule is clearly 
23 CFR part 200 -- Title VI program and related statutes-implementation 
and review procedures
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These rules provide requirements and 
guidelines to State highway agencies to implement the Title VI Program 
requirement and do not impact small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: FHWA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision; however, if it is necessary 
for the FHWA to update these rules, plain language techniques will be 
23 CFR part 230 -- External equal employment opportunity programs
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This regulation applies to the State 
transportation agencies not to small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: FHWA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
23 CFR part 260 -- Education and training programs
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This regulation establishes 
authority for Fellowship and Scholarship programs and the funding to 
conduct the program. It does not impact on small entities.
[sbull] Plain language: FHWA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
Year 5 (Fall 2002) List of rules to be analyzed during the next year
23 CFR part 420 -- Planning and research program administration
23 CFR part 460 -- Public road mileage for apportionment of highway 
safety funds
23 CFR part 470 -- Highway systems
23 CFR part 476 -- Interstate highway system

[[Page 74815]]

Federal-Aid Highway Program

    The FHWA has adopted regulations in title 23 of the CFR, 
chapter I, related to the Federal-aid highway program. These 
regulations implement and carry out the provisions of Federal law 
relating to the administration of Federal aid for highways. The 
primary law authorizing Federal aid for highways is chapter 1 of 
title 23 of the USC. Section 145 of title 23 expressly provides 
that chapter 1 provides for a federally assisted State program. For 
this reason, the regulations adopted by the FHWA in title 23 of the 
CFR primarily relate to requirements that States must meet to 
receive Federal funds for the construction and other work related 
to highways.

    Because the regulations in title 23 primarily relate to States, 
which are not defined as small entities under the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, the FHWA believes that its regulations in title 23 
do not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number 
of small entities. The FHWA solicits public comment on this 
preliminary conclusion.

                                          SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
   Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
1           49 CFR parts 501 through 526 and 571.213................................          1998          1999
2           49 CFR parts 571.131 and 571.220 through 571.222........................          1999          2000
3           49 CFR parts 591 through 594............................................          2000          2001
4           49 CFR parts 571.101 through 571.110 and 571.135........................          2001          2002
5           49 CFR parts 529 through 579, except part 571...........................          2002          2003
6           49 CFR parts 571.111 through 571.129 and parts 580 through 590..........          2003          2004
7           49 CFR part 571.201 through 571.212.....................................          2004          2005
8           49 CFR parts 571.214 through 571.219....................................          2005          2006
9           49 CFR parts 571.223 through 571.304, part 500 and new parts and                  2006          2007
             subparts under 49 CFR..................................................
10          23 CFR parts 1200s and 1300s and new parts and subparts under 23 CFR....          2007          2008

Year 4 (Fall 2001) List of rules analyzed and a summary of the results
49 CFR parts 571.101 -- Standard No. 101; Controls and displays
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The economic impact on small 
entities of these rules will not be significant. Accordingly, a 
periodic review was not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: NHTSA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
49 CFR parts 571.102 -- Standard No. 102; Transmission shift lever 
sequence starter interlock, and transmission braking effect
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The economic impact on small 
entities of these rules will not be significant. Accordingly, a 
periodic review was not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: NHTSA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
49 CFR parts 571.103 -- Standard No. 103; Windshield defrosting and 
defogging systems
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The economic impact on small 
entities of these rules will not be significant. Accordingly, a 
periodic review was not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: NHTSA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
49 CFR parts 571.104 -- Standard No. 104; Windshield wiping and washing 
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The economic impact on small 
entities of these rules will not be significant. Accordingly, a 
periodic review was not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: NHTSA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
49 CFR parts 571.105 -- Standard No. 105; Hydraulic and electric brake 
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The economic impact on small 
entities of these rules will not be significant. Accordingly, a 
periodic review was not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: NHTSA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
49 CFR parts 571.106 -- Standard No. 106; Brake hoses
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The economic impact on small 
entities of these rules will not be significant. Accordingly, a 
periodic review was not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: NHTSA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
49 CFR parts 571.107 -- Standard No. 107; [Reserved]
49 CFR parts 571.108 -- Standard No. 108; lamps, reflective devices, 
and associated equipment
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The economic impact on small 
entities of these rules will not be significant. Accordingly, a 
periodic review was not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: NHTSA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
49 CFR parts 571.109 -- Standard No. 109; New pneumatic tires
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The economic impact on small 
entities of these rules will not be significant. Accordingly, a 
periodic review was not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: NHTSA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
49 CFR parts 571.110 -- Standard No. 110; Tire selection and rims
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The economic impact on small 
entities of these rules will not be significant. Accordingly, a 
periodic review was not required.

[[Page 74816]]

[sbull] Plain Language: NHTSA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
49 CFR parts 571.135 -- Standard No. 135; Passenger car brake systems
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The economic impact on small 
entities of these rules will not be significant. Accordingly, a 
periodic review was not required.
[sbull] Plain Language: NHTSA's plain language review of these rules 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
Year 5 (Fall 2002) list of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
49 CFR part 529 -- Manufacturers of multistage automobiles
49 CFR part 531 -- Passenger automobile average fuel economy standards
49 CFR part 533 -- Light truck fuel economy standards
49 CFR part 535 -- 3-year carryforward and carryback of credits for 
light trucks
49 CFR part 537 -- Automotive fuel economy reports
49 CFR part 538 -- Manufacturing incentives for alternative fuel 
49 CFR part 541 -- Federal motor vehicle theft prevention standard
49 CFR part 542 -- Procedures for selecting lines to be covered by the 
theft prevention standard
49 CFR part 543 -- Exemption from vehicle theft prevention standard
49 CFR part 544 -- Insurer reporting requirements
49 CFR part 551 -- Procedural rules
49 CFR part 552 -- Petitions for rulemaking, defect, and noncompliance 
49 CFR part 553 -- Rulemaking procedures
49 CFR part 554 -- Standards enforcement and defect investigation
49 CFR part 555 -- Temporary exemption from motor vehicle safety and 
bumper standards
49 CFR part 556 -- Exemption for inconsequential defect or non-
49 CFR part 557 -- Petitions for hearing on notification and remedy of 
49 CFR part 564 -- Replacement light source information
49 CFR part 565 -- Vehicle identification number requirements
49 CFR part 566 -- Manufacturer identification
49 CFR part 567 -- Certification
49 CFR part 568 -- Vehicles manufactured in two or more stages
49 CFR part 569 -- Regrooved tires
49 CFR part 570 -- Vehicle in use inspection standards
49 CFR part 572 -- Anthropomorphic test devices
49 CFR part 573 -- Defect and noncompliance reports
49 CFR part 574 -- Tire identification and recordkeeping
49 CFR part 575 -- Consumer information regulations
49 CFR part 576 -- Record retention
49 CFR part 577 -- Defect and noncompliance notification
49 CFR part 578 -- Civil penalties
49 CFR part 579 -- Defect and noncompliance responsibility

                                         FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION
                                          SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
   Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
1           49 CFR parts 200 through 201............................................          1998          1999
2           49 CFR parts 207, 209, 211, 215, and 256................................          1999          2000
3           49 CFR parts 210, 212, 214, and 217.....................................          2000          2001
4           49 CFR part 219.........................................................          2001          2002
5           49 CFR parts 218 and 221................................................          2002          2003
6           49 CFR parts 216 and 228 through 229....................................          2003          2004
7           49 CFR parts 223 and 233................................................          2004          2005
8           49 CFR parts 225, 231, and 234..........................................          2005          2006
9           49 CFR parts 235 through 236, 250, 260, and 266.........................          2006          2007
10          49 CFR parts 213, 220, 230, 232, 239, 240, and 265......................          2007          2008

Year 4 (Fall 2001) List of rules analyzed and a summary of the results
49 CFR part 219 -- Control of alcohol and drug regulations
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. These are minimum Federal standards 
for control of alcohol and drug use. To FRA's knowledge, the control of 
alcohol and drug use regulation has not imposed any significant burden 
on any small railroad. The smallest railroads are exempt from many of 
the rule's provisions.
[sbull] Plain Language: FRA's plain language review of this rule 
indicates no need for substantial revision.
[sbull] General: Having minimum Federal standards for control of 
alcohol and drug use will provide safety and security not only for 
railroad employees but also for the general public.
49 CFR part 214 -- Railroad workplace safety regulations

[[Page 74817]]

[sbull] Section 610: In the Fall 2001 Regulatory Agenda, FRA determined 
that subpart B of 49 CFR part 214 has a SEIOSNOSE. Therefore, FRA 
solicits comments regarding how this regulation can be amended to 
reduce its impact on small entities.
49 CFR part 215 -- Railroad freight car safety standards
[sbull] Section 610: In the Fall 2000 Regulatory Agenda, FRA determined 
that 49 CFR part 215 has a SEIOSNOSE. Therefore, FRA solicits comments 
regarding how this regulation can be amended to reduce its impact on 
small entities.
Year 5 (Fall 2002) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
49 CFR part 218 -- Railroad operating practice regulations
49 CFR part 221 -- Rear end marking device regulations

                                         FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION
                                          SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
   Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
1           None....................................................................          1998          1999
2           None....................................................................          1999          2000
3           None....................................................................          2000          2001
4           49 CFR part 661.........................................................          2001          2002
5           49 CFR part 665.........................................................          2002          2003

Year 4 (Fall 2001) List of rules analyzed and a summary of the results
49 CFR part 661 --Buy America requirements-Surface Transportation 
Assistance Act of 1982, as amended
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. Some small entities may be affected, 
but the economic impact on small entities will not be significant. 
Further rulemaking will not be undertaken until the TEA-21 
reauthorization process is completed.
[sbull] Plain language: FTA's plain language review indicates no need 
for substantial revision. As resources permit, FTA will make such 
changes as may be necessary.
[sbull] General: Part 661 contains provisions to mitigate the burden on 
small entities by providing a process for affected small entities to 
request waivers from some provisions.
49 CFR part 66 -- Bus testing
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. Some small entities may be affected, 
but the economic impact on small entities will not be significant. FTA 
plans to issue a final rule.
[sbull] Plain language: New rulemaking will be drafted in plain 
[sbull] General: Part 665 is an interim rule that provides for bus 
testing procedures and will be finalized.

                                             MARITIME ADMINISTRATION
                                          SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
   Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
1           46 CFR parts 201 through 207............................................          1998          1999
2           46 CFR parts 221 through 232............................................          1999          2000
3           46 CFR parts 249 through 295............................................          2000          2001
4           46 CFR part 298.........................................................          2001          2002
5           46 CFR parts 307 through 310............................................          2002          2003
6           46 CFR parts 315 through 399............................................          2003          2004
7           46 CFR parts 340 and 347................................................          2004          2005
8           46 CFR parts 349 through 380............................................          2005          2006
9           46 CFR parts 381 through 387............................................          2006          2007
10          46 CFR parts 390 through 391............................................          2007          2008

Year 4 (Fall 2001) List of Rules analyzed and a summary of the results
46 CFR part 298 -- Obligation Guarantees
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. Some small entities may be affected, 
but the economic impact on small entities will not be significant.
[sbull] Plain Language: These regulations were rewritten in plain 
language in 2000.
[sbull] General: In 2000, MARAD amended part 298 by simplifying 
existing administrative practices governing ship financing guarantees. 
The revisions simplify the process for applicants. MARAD will continue 
to review these regulations and make additional changes when 
Year 5 (Fall 2002) List of Rules that will be analyzed during the next 
46 CFR part 307 -- Establishment of mandatory position reporting system 
for vessels
46 CFR part 308 -- War risk insurance
46 CFR part 309 -- Values for war risk insurance
46 CFR part 310 -- Merchant marine training

[[Page 74818]]

                                   RESEARCH AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS ADMINSTRATION
                                          SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
   Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
1           49 CFR sections 171.15, 171.16 (incident reports).......................          1998          1999
2           49 CFR parts 106 and 107 (hazardous materials safety procedures), 171             1999          2000
             (general hazmat requirements), 190 (pipeline safety procedures), and
             195 (hazardous liquid pipeline corrosion control)......................
3           49 CFR parts 174, 177 (rail and highway carriage), 191 (gas pipeline              2000          2001
             transportation reports), and 192 (gas pipeline corrosion control)......
4           49 CFR parts 176 (vessel carriage) and 199 (pipeline employee drug and            2001          2002
             alcohol testing).......................................................
5           49 CFR parts 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, and 178 (radioactive                   2002          2003
6           49 CFR parts 172, 173, 174, 176, and 178 (explosives), and 193                    2003          2004
             (liquefied natural gas facilities), and parts 172, 173, 178, and 180
7           49 CFR 173 (shipper requirements) and 194 (onshore oil pipeline response          2004          2005
8           49 CFR parts 178 (non-bulk packaging) and 195 (hazardous liquid pipeline          2005          2006
9           49 CFR parts 178 through 180 (bulk packaging) and 198 (State pipeline             2006          2007
             safety grants).........................................................
10          49 CFR parts 172 (communications, emergency response, training and                2007          2008
             hazmat table) and 175 (air carriage)...................................

Year 4 (Fall 2001) List of Rules analyzed and a summary of the results
49 CFR part 176 -- Carriage by vessel
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The requirements apply to ocean-
going vessels and to coastal and inland water transportation. Most 
operators of ocean-going vessels are not small entities. Further, the 
requirements are consistent with international standards applicable to 
vessel transportation and, therefore, impose few additional costs of 
doing business on ocean-going vessels. Vessels operating in domestic 
transportation are also permitted to utilize international standards in 
place of these requirements; domestic vessel operators incur only 
minimal costs incurred as a result of normal business practices. 
Finally, the requirements have little or no impact on entry to or exit 
from the industry.
[sbull] Plain language: As resources permit, RSPA will rewrite 
regulations using plain language techniques.
Year 5 (Fall 2002) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
49 CFR part 172 -- Hazardous materials table, special provisions, 
hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, and 
training requirements
49 CFR part 173 -- Shippers--general requirements for shipments and 
49 CFR part 174 -- Carriage by rail
49 CFR part 175 -- Carriage by aircraft
49 CFR part 176 -- Carriage by vessel
49 CFR part 177 -- Carriage by public highway
49 CFR part 178 -- Specifications for packagings (radioactive material)

                                       BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS
                                          SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
   Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
1           14 CFR part 241, Form 41................................................          1998          1999
2           14 CFR part 241, Schedule T-100, and part 217...........................          1999          2000
3           14 CFR part 298, 49 CFR 1420............................................          2000          2001
4           14 CFR part 241, section 19-7...........................................          2001          2002
5           14 CFR part 291.........................................................          2002          2003
6           14 CFR part 234.........................................................          2003          2004
7           14 CFR part 249.........................................................          2004          2005
8           14 CFR part 248.........................................................          2005          2006
9           14 CFR part 250.........................................................          2006          2007
10          14 CFR part 374a, ICAO..................................................          2007          2008

Year 4 (Fall 2001) List of Rules analyzed and a summary of the results
14 CFR part 241, section 19-7 -- Passenger Origin and Destination 
[sbull] Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. This data collection applies only to 
large entities.
[sbull] General: This rule is being reviewed as part of an overall 
aviation data requirements review and modernization program, which will 
also take into account the plain language initiative.
Year 5 (Fall 2002) List of Rules that will be analyzed during the next 
14 CFR part 291 -- Cargo operations in interstate air transportation

[[Page 74819]]

                                          SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
   Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
1           33 CFR parts 401 through 403............................................          1998          1999

                                  Office of the Secretary--Proposed Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
1916        [rplus]Computer Reservations System Regulations Comprehensive Review (Reg Plan Seq       2105-AC65
            No. 102)............................................................................
1917        [rplus]Aviation Data Requirements Review and Modernization Program..................     2105-AC71
1918        Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel..........................     2105-AC97
1919        Drug and Alcohol Management Information System Reporting............................     2105-AD14
1920        DBE Airport Concessionaires Size Standards..........................................     2105-AD21
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
References in boldface appear in the Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.

                                    Office of the Secretary--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
1921        Direct Flights......................................................................     2105-AA73
1922        Use of Direct Final Rulemaking......................................................     2105-AC11
1923        Overbooking of Flights: Elimination of Airport Notice Signs.........................     2105-AC45
1924        Fees and Charges for Special Services: Reinvention..................................     2105-AC47
1925        Nondiscrimination in Air Travel; Boarding Where Level-Entry Is Unavailable..........     2105-AC81
1926        [rplus]Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements With                2105-AC83
            Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations......
1927        [rplus]Americans With Disabilities Act Accessibility Standards......................     2105-AC86
1928        Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation      2105-AC88
            Programs: Memorandum of Understanding With Small Business Administration; Uniform
            Forms and Other Revisions...........................................................
1929        Participation by Minority Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation           2105-AC89
            Financial Assistance Programs: Threshold Requirements and Other Technical Revisions.
1930        Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation      2105-AC91
1931        Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs....................................     2105-AC96
1932        Over-the-Road Buses: Extension of Due Date for Information Collection...............     2105-AC98
1933        Standard Time Zone Boundary in the State of North Dakota: Morton County.............     2105-AD03
1934        Reporting Requirement for Air Carriers Regarding Disability-Related Complaints......     2105-AD04
1935        Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Programs and Activities Receiving or     2105-AD05
            Benefiting From Federal Financial Assistance; Transportation Services for
            Individuals With Disabilities (ADA).................................................
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                                   Office of the Secretary--Long-Term Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
1936        Policy Statement on Airline Preemption..............................................     2105-AA46
1937        [rplus]Statement of Enforcement Policy on Rebating..................................     2105-AB39
1938        [rplus]Accessibility of Passenger Vessels to Individuals With Disabilities..........     2105-AB87
1939        Use of Oxygen by Air Carrier Passengers.............................................     2105-AC29
1940        [rplus]Domestic Passenger Manifest Information......................................     2105-AC62
1941        Electronic Filing Option in DOT Proceedings.........................................     2105-AC79
1942        Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and Governmentwide              2105-AD01
            Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace Grants.........................................

[[Page 74820]]

1943        Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement)/Governmentwide Requirements     2105-AD07
            for Drug-Free Workplace (Financial Assistance)......................................
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                                   Office of the Secretary--Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
1944        [rplus]Direct Air Carrier Responsibility for Returning Stranded Charter Passengers..     2105-AA40
1945        Air Travelers: Age Discrimination...................................................     2105-AA45
1946        Diversion of Flights Within a Metropolitan Area.....................................     2105-AA78
1947        Simplified Aviation Exemption Procedures............................................     2105-AA82
1948        Baggage Liability Notices in International Air Transportation.......................     2105-AA84
1949        Simplified Airline Counter-Sign Notices.............................................     2105-AA88
1950        [rplus]Price Advertising............................................................     2105-AB50
1951        [rplus]Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug-Testing Programs................     2105-AB71
1952        [rplus]Transportation for Individuals With Disabilities (Accessibility Guidelines)..     2105-AC06
1953        Amendments to Modal Alcohol Testing Rules: Pre-Employment Testing...................     2105-AC50
1954        Statement of Policy on Alternative Dispute Resolution...............................     2105-AC94
1955        [rplus]Procedures for Compensation of Air Carriers..................................     2105-AD06
1956        Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Department of             2105-AD08
1957        Reporting Prohibited Communications.................................................     2105-AD10
1958        Procedures for Nonevidential Alcohol Screening Devices Procedures for Transportation     2105-AD13
            Workplace Drug and Alcohol Programs.................................................
1959        Public Availability of Information; Maintenance of and Access to Records Pertaining      2105-AD15
            to Individuals......................................................................
1960        [rplus]Withdrawal of Proposed Rulemaking Actions....................................     2105-AD16
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                           Transportation Security Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
1961        Protection of Sensitive Security Information in Information Circulars for                2110-AA07
            Nonaviation Modes of Transportation.................................................
1962        [rplus]Fingerprint-Based Criminal History Records Checks: Escorted Access...........     2110-AA08
1963        [rplus]Protection of Sensitive Security Information for All Modes of Transportation.     2110-AA10
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                            Transportation Security Administration--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
1964        [rplus]Civil Aviation Security Rules................................................     2110-AA03
1965        [rplus]Security Programs for Aircraft Weighing 12,500 Pounds or More................     2110-AA04
1966        [rplus]Private Charter Security Rules...............................................     2110-AA05
1967        [rplus]Security Threat Assessments for Federal Aviation Administration Certificate       2110-AA14
            Holders and Applicants..............................................................
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

[[Page 74821]]

                            Transportation Security Administration--Long-Term Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
1968        [rplus]Imposition and Collection of Passenger Civil Aviation Security Service Fees..     2110-AA01
1969        [rplus]Aviation Security Infrastructure Fees........................................     2110-AA02
1970        Investigative and Enforcement Procedures............................................     2110-AA09
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                                      U.S. Coast Guard--Proposed Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
1971        Claims Procedures Under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (CGD 91-035)..................     2115-AD90
1972        [rplus]Vessel and Facility Response Plans for Oil: 2003 Removal Equipment                2115-AG05
            Requirements and Alternative Technology Revisions (USCG-2001-8661)..................
1973        [rplus]Post Casualty Drug and Alcohol Testing (USCG-2001-8773)......................     2115-AG07
1974        [rplus]Vessel Documentation: Lease Financing for Vessels Engaged in the Coastwise        2115-AG08
            Trade (USCG-2001-8825)..............................................................
1975        Territorial Seas, Navigable Waters, and Jurisdiction (USCG-2001-9044)...............     2115-AG13
1976        Update of Rules on Aids to Navigation Affecting Buoys, Sound Signals, International      2115-AG25
            Rules at Sea, Communications Procedures, and Large Navigational Buoys (USCG-2001-
1977        Marine Events: Permit Procedures (USCG-2001-10713)..................................     2115-AG26
1978        Drawbridge Operations Regulations; Revisions (USCG-2001-10881)......................     2115-AG27
1979        Rates for Pilotage on the Great Lakes (USCG-2002-11288).............................     2115-AG30
1980        Wearing of Personal Flotation Devices by Persons Operating or Riding on Personal         2115-AG32
            Watercraft or Being Towed Behind Recreational Vessels (USCG-2002-11421).............
1981        [rplus]Automatic Identification System Carriage Requirement (USCG-2002-11721).......     2115-AG36
1982        Protection for Whistleblowers in Coast Guard (USCG-2002-13016)......................     2115-AG49
1983        [rplus]Penalties for Non-Submission of Ballast Water Management Reports (USCG-2002-      2115-AG50
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                                       U.S. Coast Guard--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
1984        Reporting Marine Casualties (USCG-2000-6927)........................................     2115-AD98
1985        Handling of Explosives or Other Dangerous Cargoes Within or Contiguous to Waterfront     2115-AE22
            Facilities (USCG-1998-4302).........................................................
1986        Licensing and Manning for Officers of Towing Vessels (USCG 1999-6224)...............     2115-AF23
1987        Limited Service Domestic Voyage Load Lines for River Barges on Lake Michigan (USCG-      2115-AF38
1988        Outer Continental Shelf Activities (USCG-1998-3868).................................     2115-AF39
1989        Fire-Suppression Systems and Voyage Planning for Towing Vessels (USCG 2000-6931)....     2115-AF53
1990        [rplus]Salvage and Marine Firefighting Requirements; Vessel Response Plans for Oil       2115-AF60
            (USCG-1998-3417) (Reg Plan Seq No. 103).............................................
1991        Deepwater Ports (USCG-1998-3884)....................................................     2115-AF63
1992        Anchorage Ground; Safety Zone; Speed Limit; Tongass Narrows and Ketchikan, AK (CGD17-    2115-AF81
1993        Training and Qualifications for Personnel on Passenger Ships (USCG 1999-5610).......     2115-AF83
1994        Alternate Hull Examination Program for Certain Passenger Vessels, and Underwater         2115-AF95
            Surveys for Passenger, Nautical School, and Sailing School Vessels (USCG-2000-6858).
1995        Allowing Alternative Source to Incandescent Lights, and Establishing Standards for       2115-AF98
            New Lights, in Private Aids to Navigation (USCG-2000-7466)..........................
1996        Wearing of Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) by Certain Children Aboard Recreational     2115-AG04
            Vessels (USCG-2000-8589)............................................................
1997        Federal Requirements for Propeller Injury Avoidance Measures (USCG 2001-10163)......     2115-AG18
1998        Safety Zones for Outer Continental Shelf Facilities in the Gulf of Mexico (CGD08-01-     2115-AG22
1999        Safety Zone for Outer Continental Shelf Facility in the Gulf of Mexico (CGD08-01-        2115-AG31
2000        Notifications of Arrival and Departure in Ports or Places in the United States (USCG-    2115-AG35
2001        Great Lakes Maritime Academy -- Eligibility of Certain Graduates for Unrestricted        2115-AG43
            Third-Mate Licenses (USCG-2002-13213)...............................................

[[Page 74822]]

2002        Traffic Separation Schemes: In the Strait Of Juan De Fuca and Its Approaches; In         2115-AG45
            Puget Sound and Its Approaches; In Haro Strait, Boundary Pass, and in the Strait of
            Georgia (USCG-2002-12702)...........................................................
2003        Temporary Requirements for Notification of Arrival in U.S. Ports (USCG-2001-10689)..     2115-AG47
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
References in boldface appear in the Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.

                                       U.S. Coast Guard--Long-Term Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2004        Safety and Security Zone Regulations................................................     2115-AA97
2005        Special Anchorage Areas/Anchorage Grounds Regulations...............................     2115-AA98
2006        [rplus]Discharge-Removal Equipment for Vessels Carrying Oil (CGD 90-068)............     2115-AD66
2007        [rplus]Escort Vessels for Certain Tankers (CGD 91-202)..............................     2115-AE10
2008        State Access to the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (CGD 92-014).....................     2115-AE19
2009        Regatta and Marine Parade Regulations...............................................     2115-AE46
2010        Drawbridge Regulations..............................................................     2115-AE47
2011        [rplus]Escort Vessels in Certain U.S. Waters (CGD 91-202a)..........................     2115-AE56
2012        Regulated Navigation Areas..........................................................     2115-AE84
2013        [rplus]Marine Transportation-Related Facility Response Plans for Hazardous               2115-AE87
            Substances (USCG-1999-5705).........................................................
2014        [rplus]Tank Vessel Response Plans for Hazardous Substances (USCG-1998-4354).........     2115-AE88
2015        Numbering of Undocumented Barges (USCG-1998-3798)...................................     2115-AF13
2016        [rplus]Implementation of the 1995 Amendments to the International Convention on          2115-AF26
            Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW)
            (CGD 95-062)........................................................................
2017        Rules of Practice, Procedure, and Evidence for Administrative Proceedings of the         2115-AF59
            Coast Guard (USCG 1998-3472)........................................................
2018        Commercial Diving Operations (USCG-1998-3786).......................................     2115-AF64
2019        [rplus]Improvements to Maritime Safety in Puget Sound-Area Waters (USCG-1998-4501)..     2115-AF68
2020        Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River (USCG-1998-4399).....................     2115-AF75
2021        Cargo Securing on Vessels Operating in U.S. Waters (USCG-2000-7080).................     2115-AF97
2022        Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) (USCG-2001-8826)............     2115-AG09
2023        [rplus]Standards for Living Organisms in Ships' Ballast Water Discharged in U.S.         2115-AG21
            Waters (USCG-2001-10486)............................................................
2024        [rplus]Alternate Tonnage Convention: Small Passenger Vessels........................     2115-AG29
2025        Port Security Plans.................................................................     2115-AG37
2026        Facility Security Plan..............................................................     2115-AG38
2027        Passenger Facility Security Plan....................................................     2115-AG39
2028        Maritime Security: Passenger Vessel Security........................................     2115-AG40
2029        Maritime Security: High Consequence Vessels.........................................     2115-AG41
2030        Identification Credentials for Maritime Security....................................     2115-AG42
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                                       U.S. Coast Guard--Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2031        [rplus]Emergency Response Plans for Passenger Vessels (USCG-1998-3473)..............     2115-AF61
2032        Safety of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Under the Passenger Vessel Safety Act of         2115-AF69
            1993 (USCG-1999-5040)...............................................................
2033        Barges Carrying Bulk Liquid Hazardous Material (USCG-1999-5117).....................     2115-AF77
2034        Notification of Arrival: Addition of Charterer to Required Information (USCG-2001-       2115-AG06
2035        [rplus]Tank Level or Pressure Monitoring Devices (USCG-2001-9046)...................     2115-AG10
2036        Inspection and Enforcement of Coast Guard Regulations for Fixed Facilities by            2115-AG14
            Minerals Management Service (USCG-2001-9045)........................................
2037        Revise Options for Responding to Notices of Violations (USCG-2001-9175).............     2115-AG15
2038        Traffic Separation Scheme: In Prince William Sound, Alaska (USCG-2001-10254)........     2115-AG20
2039        Protection of Naval Vessels (LANT AREA-01-001 and PAC AREA-01-001)..................     2115-AG23
2040        Liferaft Servicing Intervals (USCG-2001-11118)......................................     2115-AG28

[[Page 74823]]

2041        Protection of Naval Vessels (LANT AREA-02-001 and PAC AREA-02-001)..................     2115-AG33
2042        Navigation and Navigable Waters -- Technical Amendments, Organizational Changes,         2115-AG44
            Miscellaneous Editorial Changes and Conforming Amendments (USCG-2002-12471).........
2043        Basic Rates and Charges on Lake Erie and the Navigable Waters From Southeast Shoal       2115-AG46
            to Port Huron, MI (USCG-2002-12840).................................................
2044        Shipping -- Technical and Conforming Amendments (USCG-2002-13058)...................     2115-AG48
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                              Federal Aviation Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2045        Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace................................................     2120-AA09
2046        [rplus]Improved Water Survival Equipment............................................     2120-AC72
2047        [rplus]Retrofit of Improved Seats in Air Carrier Transport Category Airplanes.......     2120-AC84
2048        [rplus]Corrosion Control Program....................................................     2120-AE92
2049        [rplus]National Air Tour Safety Standards...........................................     2120-AF07
2050        [rplus]Flight Crewmember Duty Period Limitations, Flight Time Limitations, and Rest      2120-AF63
            Requirements (Reg Plan Seq No. 104).................................................
2051        [rplus]False and Misleading Statements Regarding Aircraft Parts.....................     2120-AG08
2052        [rplus]Noise Limitations for Aircraft Operations in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon         2120-AG34
            National Park.......................................................................
2053        Licensing and Safety Requirements for Launch........................................     2120-AG37
2054        [rplus]Child Restraint Systems......................................................     2120-AG43
2055        Revision of Air Carrier Crewmember and Training Regulations.........................     2120-AG57
2056        Training in the Recognition of Hazardous Material...................................     2120-AG75
2057        [rplus]Air Tour Operations in State of Hawaii.......................................     2120-AH02
2058        [rplus]Flight Simulation Device Qualification.......................................     2120-AH07
2059        Refusal To Submit to an Authorized Drug Test........................................     2120-AH23
2060        Public Address System...............................................................     2120-AH30
2061        Safe, Efficient Use and Preservation of the Navigable Airspace......................     2120-AH31
2062        Design Requirements for Pressurization and Pneumatic Systems Installed on Transport      2120-AH33
            Category Airplanes..................................................................
2063        Design Standards for Fuselage Doors on Transport Category Airplanes.................     2120-AH34
2064        Reverse Thrust and Propeller Pitch Settings Below the Flight Regime.................     2120-AH35
2065        Trim Systems and Protective Breathing Equipment.....................................     2120-AH40
2066        Revisions to Passenger Facility Charge Rule for Compensation to Air Carriers........     2120-AH43
2067        Noise Stringency Increase for Single-Engine Propeller-Driven Small Airplanes........     2120-AH44
2068        Airworthiness Standards for Classes B and F Cargo Compartment for Transport Category     2120-AH47
2069        Modification of the Dimensions of the Grand Canyon National Park Special Flight          2120-AH48
            Rules Area and Flight-Free Zones....................................................
2070        [rplus]Security Programs for Charter Operations Using Aircraft 12,500 Pounds and         2120-AH66
2071        [rplus]Transponder Continuous Operation.............................................     2120-AH67
2072        Revised Checked Pitching Maneuver for Transport Airplanes...........................     2120-AH71
2073        Revised Requirements for Gust and Continuous Turbulence Design Loads................     2120-AH73
2074        Harmonization of Airworthiness Standards Flight Rules, Static Lateral-Directional        2120-AH74
            Stability, and Speed Increase and Recovery Characteristics..........................
2075        [rplus]Picture Identification Requirements..........................................     2120-AH76
2076        Area Navigation (RNAV) and Miscellaneous Amendments.................................     2120-AH77
2077        Flight Visibility; Vision Enhancing Equipment.......................................     2120-AH78
2078        Establishment of Organization Designation Authorization Procedures..................     2120-AH79
2079        Airworthiness Standards; Fire Protection............................................     2120-AH80
2080        Refusal To Take a DOT-Required Drug or Alcohol Test.................................     2120-AH82
2081        Performance and Handling Qualities Requirements for Rotorcraft......................     2120-AH87
2082        [rplus]Revisions to Cockpit Voice Recorder and Digital Flight Data Recorder              2120-AH88
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
References in boldface appear in the Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.

[[Page 74824]]

                                Federal Aviation Administration--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2083        [rplus]Fuel System Vent Fire Protection.............................................     2120-AA49
2084        Miscellaneous Amendments............................................................     2120-AA50
2085        1-G Stalling Speed as a Basis for Aircraft Parts....................................     2120-AD40
2086        [rplus]Revision of Part 108, Aircraft Operator Security.............................     2120-AD45
2087        [rplus]Revision of Part 107, Airport Security.......................................     2120-AD46
2088        [rplus]Aging Aircraft Safety........................................................     2120-AE42
2089        Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System and Mode S Transponder Requirements in the       2120-AE81
            National Airspace System............................................................
2090        [rplus]Revised Access to Type III Exits.............................................     2120-AF01
2091        [rplus]Revision of Emergency Evacuation Demonstration Procedures To Improve              2120-AF21
            Participant Safety..................................................................
2092        [rplus]Overflights of Units of the National Park System.............................     2120-AF46
2093        Revised Precision Approach Landing Systems Policy...................................     2120-AG16
2094        [rplus]Prohibition of the Transportation of Devices Designed as Chemical Generators      2120-AG35
            as Cargo in Aircraft................................................................
2095        [rplus]Revised Standards for Cargo or Baggage Compartments in Transport Category         2120-AG42
2096        [rplus]Screening of Checked Baggage on Flights Within the United States.............     2120-AG51
2097        [rplus]Policy Regarding Airport Rates and Charges...................................     2120-AG58
2098        [rplus]Certification of Screening Companies.........................................     2120-AG84
2099        [rplus]Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Regulations for B-737 Airplanes and     2120-AG87
            for Part 125 Operators..............................................................
2100        [rplus]Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems................................     2120-AG90
2101        [rplus]Improved Flammability Standards for Thermal/Acoustic Insulation Materials         2120-AG91
            Used in Transport Category Airplanes (Reg Plan Seq No. 105).........................
2102        Fire Protection of Electrical System Components on Transport Category Airplanes.....     2120-AG92
2103        [rplus]Certification Procedures for Products and Parts (Section 610 Review).........     2120-AG93
2104        [rplus]Certification of Airports (Reg Plan Seq No. 106).............................     2120-AG96
2105        Special Flight Rules in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park..................     2120-AG97
2106        [rplus]Fractional Ownership.........................................................     2120-AH06
2107        Noise Certification Regulations for Helicopters.....................................     2120-AH10
2108        Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Programs for Personnel Engaged in Specified       2120-AH14
            Aviation Activities.................................................................
2109        [rplus]Certification of Pilots, Aircraft, and Repairmen for the Operation of Light       2120-AH19
            Sport Aircraft......................................................................
2110        Revision to Airspeed Indicating System Requirements for Transport Category Airplanes     2120-AH26
2111        Electrical Installation, Nickel Cadmium Battery Installation, and Nickel Cadmium         2120-AH27
            Battery Storage.....................................................................
2112        Design and Installation of Electronic Equipment on Transport Category Airplanes.....     2120-AH28
2113        Electrical Cables...................................................................     2120-AH29
2114        Material Strength Properties and Design Values......................................     2120-AH36
2115        Revisions to Various Powerplant Installation Requirements for Transport Category         2120-AH37
2116        Lower Deck Service Compartments on Transport Category Airplanes.....................     2120-AH38
2117        Miscellaneous Flight Requirements...................................................     2120-AH39
2118        Harmonization of Noise Certification Standards for Propeller-Driven Small Airplanes.     2120-AH42
2119        Digital Flight Data Recorder Resolutions Requirements...............................     2120-AH46
2120        [rplus]Criminal History Background Checks...........................................     2120-AH53
2121        Flight Restrictions in the Vicinity of Niagara Falls................................     2120-AH57
2122        [rplus]Screeners, Qualifications, Training, and Testing.............................     2120-AH59
2123        Procedures for Reimbursement of Airports, On-Airport Parking Lots and Vendors of On-     2120-AH60
            Airfield Direct Services to Air Carriers for Security Mandates......................
2124        [rplus]Enhanced Security Procedures for Operations at Certain Airports..............     2120-AH62
2125        Powerplant Controls on Transport Category Airplanes, General........................     2120-AH65
2126        [rplus]Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum in United States Domestic Airspace.......     2120-AH68
2127        Reports by Carriers on Incidents Involving Animals During Air Transport.............     2120-AH69
2128        [rplus]Security Considerations for the Flightdeck on Foreign Operated Transport          2120-AH70
            Category Airplanes..................................................................
2129        Aircraft Registration Requirements; Clarification of ``Court of Competent                2120-AH75
2130        [rplus]Prohibition of Construction or Alteration in the Vicinity of the Private          2120-AH83
            Residence of the President of the United States.....................................
2131        [rplus]Revocation of Pilot Certificates or Denial of an Application Based on             2120-AH84
            Security Disqualification...........................................................
2132        Flightdeck Security on Foreign Operated Airplanes...................................     2120-AH86
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
References in boldface appear in the Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.

[[Page 74825]]

                               Federal Aviation Administration--Long-Term Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2133        IFR Altitudes; Miscellaneous Amendments.............................................     2120-AA63
2134        Airworthiness Directives............................................................     2120-AA64
2135        Standard Instrument Approach Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments...................     2120-AA65
2136        Airspace Actions....................................................................     2120-AA66
2137        [rplus]Drug Enforcement Assistance..................................................     2120-AD16
2138        Type Certificates for Some Surplus Aircraft of the Armed Forces.....................     2120-AE41
2139        Civil Penalty Assessment Procedures.................................................     2120-AE84
2140        Miscellaneous Cabin Safety Changes..................................................     2120-AF77
2141        Bird Strike.........................................................................     2120-AF80
2142        [rplus]Security Programs of Foreign Air Carriers and Foreign Operators of U.S.-          2120-AG13
            Registered Air Carriers Engaged in Common Carriage..................................
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                               Federal Aviation Administration--Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2143        Low Fuel Quantity Alerting System...................................................     2120-AB46
2144        Aircraft Engines: Fuel and Induction Systems........................................     2120-AB76
2145        Installation of Crashworthy Fuselage Fuel Tanks and Fuel Lines......................     2120-AC87
2146        Airplane Engine Cowling Retention...................................................     2120-AD34
2147        [rplus]Aircraft Ground Deicing and Anti-Icing Program...............................     2120-AE70
2148        Flight Attendant English Language Proficiency.......................................     2120-AE98
2149        [rplus]Training and Checking in Ground Icing Conditions.............................     2120-AF09
2150        Los Angeles, CA, Class B Airspace...................................................     2120-AF16
2151        Revision of Braking Systems Airworthiness Standards to Harmonize With European           2120-AG80
            Airworthiness Standards for Transport Category Airplanes............................
2152        Noise Certification Standards for Subsonic Jet Airplanes and Subsonic Transport          2120-AH03
            Category Large Airplanes............................................................
2153        Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention Programs for Personnel Engaged in Specified           2120-AH15
            Aviation Activities.................................................................
2154        Airworthiness Directives............................................................     2120-AH17
2155        Powered Lift Operations.............................................................     2120-AH20
2156        Transition to an All Stage 3 Fleet Operating in the 48 Contiguous United States and      2120-AH41
            the District of Columbia............................................................
2157        Enduring Freedom Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR).........................     2120-AH58
2158        Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Requirements..............................     2120-AH81
2159        Equivalent Safety Provisions for Fuel Tank System Fault Tolerance Evaluation             2120-AH85
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                               Federal Highway Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2160        Advanced Construction of Federal Aid Projects.......................................     2125-AD59
2161        Work Zone Mobility and Safety.......................................................     2125-AE29
2162        [rplus]Federal Lands Highway Program; Management Systems Pertaining to the National      2125-AE52
            Park Service, Including the Park Roads and Parkways Program.........................
2163        [rplus]Federal Lands Highway Program; Management Systems Pertaining to the Bureau of     2125-AE53
            Indian Affairs, Including the Indian Reservations Road Program......................
2164        [rplus]Federal Lands Highway Program; Management Systems Pertaining to the Fish and      2125-AE54
            Wildlife Service, Including the Refuge Roads Program................................
2165        [rplus]Federal Lands Highway Program; Management Systems Pertaining to the Forest        2125-AE55
            Service, Including the Forest Highways Program......................................
2166        Revision of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices; Traffic Control Devices       2125-AE78
            on Federal-Aid and Other Streets and Highways; Standards............................
2167        [rplus]National Bridge Inspection Standards.........................................     2125-AE86
2168        Debt Financing......................................................................     2125-AE91

[[Page 74826]]

2169        [rplus]Designation of Dromedary-Equipped Truck Tractor-Semitrailers as Specialized       2125-AE94
2170        Truck Size and Weight; National Network; Virginia...................................     2125-AE96
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                                Federal Highway Administration--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2171        Federal-Aid Highway Systems.........................................................     2125-AD74
2172        Railroad Highway Projects...........................................................     2125-AD86
2173        Standards for Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) Applications for Use by        2125-AE63
            Commercial Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems Projects..................
2174        [rplus]Design-Build Contracting.....................................................     2125-AE79
2175        Discretionary Bridge Candidate Rating Factor........................................     2125-AE88
2176        [rplus]Statewide Transportation Planning; Metropolitan Transportation Planning......     2125-AE95
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                                Federal Highway Administration--Long-Term Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2177        Indian Reservation Road Bridge Program..............................................     2125-AE57
2178        Revisions to Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program..................     2125-AE75
2179        Commercial Vehicle Width Exclusive Devices..........................................     2125-AE90
2180        Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices...........................................     2125-AE93

                                Federal Highway Administration--Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2181        Certification of Size and Weight Enforcement........................................     2125-AC60
2182        Administration of Engineering and Design-Related Services Contracts.................     2125-AE45
2183        [rplus]Statewide and Metropolitan Planning..........................................     2125-AE62
2184        [rplus]NEPA and Related Procedures for Transportation Decisionmaking; Protection of      2125-AE64
            Public Parks, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, and Historic Sites....................
2185        Traffic Control Devices on Federal-Aid and Other Streets and Highways; Color             2125-AE67
            Specifications for Retroreflective Sign and Pavement Marking Materials..............
2186        [rplus]Railroad-Highway Crossing Projects...........................................     2125-AE81
2187        National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; Manual on Uniform Traffic Control        2125-AE83
            Devices; Accessible Pedestrian Signals..............................................
2188        Planning and Research Program Administration........................................     2125-AE84
2189        Landscape and Roadside Development..................................................     2125-AE85
2190        Metropolitan Transportation Planning and Programming................................     2125-AE92
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                           Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Prerule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2191        Security Requirements for Motor Carriers Transporting Hazardous Materials...........     2126-AA71

[[Page 74827]]

                        Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2192        [rplus]Qualification of Drivers; Vision.............................................     2126-AA05
2193        [rplus]Commercial Driver Physical Fitness as Part of the CDL Process................     2126-AA10
2194        Safety Performance History of New Drivers...........................................     2126-AA17
2195        [rplus]Unified Registration System..................................................     2126-AA22
2196        Safety Fitness Procedures...........................................................     2126-AA37
2197        [rplus]Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; Interstate School Bus Safety.......     2126-AA53
2198        Posting of Employee Protections Information.........................................     2126-AA68
2199        [rplus]Hours of Service of Drivers; Supporting Documents............................     2126-AA76
2200        Safety Fitness Procedures; Safety Ratings...........................................     2126-AA77
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                          Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2201        [rplus]Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Safety.......................................     2126-AA18
2202        [rplus]Hours of Service of Drivers; Driver Rest and Sleep for Safe Operations            2126-AA23
            (Rulemaking Resulting From a Section 610 Review) (Reg Plan Seq No. 107).............
2203        Electronic Filing of Surety Bonds, Trust Fund Agreements, Insurance Certificates;        2126-AA24
2204        [rplus]Transportation of Household Goods; Consumer Protection Regulations                2126-AA32
            (Rulemaking Resulting From a Section 610 Review)....................................
2205        Out-of-Service Criteria.............................................................     2126-AA36
2206        Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; Waivers, Exemptions, and Pilot Programs;       2126-AA41
            Rules and Procedures................................................................
2207        [rplus]Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; Safety Requirements for Operators       2126-AA52
            of Small Passenger-Carrying Commercial Motor Vehicles Used in Interstate Commerce...
2208        [rplus]Limitations on Issuance of Commercial Driver's License With Hazardous             2126-AA70
            Materials Endorsement (Reg Plan Seq No. 108)........................................
2209        [rplus]Penalties, Inspection, and Decal Display Requirements for Mexico-Domiciled        2126-AA72
            Motor Carriers......................................................................
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
References in boldface appear in the Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.

                         Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Long-Term Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2210        [rplus]Commercial Driver's License Standards; Biometric Identifier..................     2126-AA01
2211        Commercial Learner Permits..........................................................     2126-AA03
2212        [rplus]Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; General Transportation of Hazardous     2126-AA07
2213        [rplus]Minimum Training Requirements for Operators and Training Instructors of           2126-AA08
            Multiple Trailer Combination Vehicles...............................................
2214        [rplus]Training for Entry-Level Drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles................     2126-AA09
2215        Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; Sleeper Berths on Motor Coaches.     2126-AA12
2216        Rules of Practice for Motor Carrier Proceedings; Investigations; Disqualifications       2126-AA15
            and Penalties.......................................................................
2217        Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; Television Receivers and Data        2126-AA19
            Display Units.......................................................................
2218        General Jurisdiction Over Freight Forwarder Service.................................     2126-AA25
2219        [rplus]English Language Requirement; Qualifications of Drivers......................     2126-AA31
2220        [rplus]Application by Certain Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers To Operate Beyond U.S.     2126-AA34
            Municipalities and Commercial Zones on the U.S.-Mexico Border.......................
2221        [rplus]Safety Monitoring System and Compliance Initiative for Mexico-Domiciled Motor     2126-AA35
            Carriers Operating in the United States.............................................
2222        [rplus]General Requirements; Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance; Intermodal             2126-AA38
            Container Chassis and Trailers......................................................
2223        [rplus]Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; Zero-Base Revision.................     2126-AA39
2224        [rplus]Post-Accident Controlled Substances and Alcohol Test Results; Reporting           2126-AA50
            Requirements for the Fatality Analysis Reporting System.............................
2225        [rplus]New Entrant Safety Assurance Process.........................................     2126-AA59
2226        Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; General Amendments..............     2126-AA61

[[Page 74828]]

2227        Rules of Practice for Administrative Proceedings....................................     2126-AA63
2228        [rplus]Certification of Safety Auditors, Safety Investigators, and Safety Inspectors     2126-AA64
2229        [rplus]Certification of Compliance With Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards           2126-AA69
2230        [rplus]Registration Enforcement.....................................................     2126-AA78
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                         Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2231        Development of a North American Standard for Protection Against Shifting and Falling     2126-AA27
2232        Brake Performance Requirements for CMVs Inspected by Performance-Based Brake Testers     2126-AA46
2233        Commercial Driver's License Standards; Requirements and Penalties; Noncommercial         2126-AA55
            Motor Vehicle Violations............................................................
2234        Commercial Driver's License Standards; Requirements and Penalties; Commercial            2126-AA60
            Driver's License Program Improvements...............................................
2235        Revision to Periodic Tire Check Requirement for Motor Carriers Transporting              2126-AA74
            Hazardous Materials.................................................................
2236        [rplus]Hazardous Material Route Plans...............................................     2126-AA75
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                          National Highway Traffic Safety Administration--Prerule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2237        Review: Odometer Fraud..............................................................     2127-AF53
2238        Review: American Automobile Labeling Act............................................     2127-AG18
2239        Review: Heavy Truck Conspicuity.....................................................     2127-AG19
2240        Motorcycle-Mounted Reflex Reflector Height..........................................     2127-AG92
2241        Review: Child Safety Seat Registration..............................................     2127-AG93
2242        Review: Air Bag On-Off Switches.....................................................     2127-AH12
2243        Child Restraints for Older Children.................................................     2127-AH14
2244        Defect Reporting and Notification...................................................     2127-AH89

                       National Highway Traffic Safety Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2245        Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts....................................     2127-AB79
2246        Seating Systems Performance.........................................................     2127-AD08
2247        Certification Requirements of Multistage Vehicles...................................     2127-AE27
2248        Convex Cross-View Mirrors...........................................................     2127-AG41
2249        Political Subdivision Participation in State Highway Safety Programs and State           2127-AH00
            Highway Safety Agency...............................................................
2250        Definition of Multifunctional School Activity Bus...................................     2127-AH23
2251        Metric Conversion--Phase III........................................................     2127-AH27
2252        Upgrade Door Retention Performance..................................................     2127-AH34
2253        Administrative Rewrite of the Lighting Requirements Other Than Headlamps............     2127-AH37
2254        Exemption for Inconsequential Defect or Noncompliance...............................     2127-AH58
2255        Compliance and Enforcement..........................................................     2127-AH63
2256        Registered Importers of Vehicles Not Originally Manufactured To Conform With the         2127-AH67
            Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards..............................................
2257        [rplus]Frontal Offset Protection (Reg Plan Seq No. 109).............................     2127-AH73
2258        Special Purpose Vehicles............................................................     2127-AH75
2259        Brake Hoses.........................................................................     2127-AH79
2260        Low-Speed Vehicle Performance Requirements..........................................     2127-AH80

[[Page 74829]]

2261        Headlamp Glare......................................................................     2127-AH81
2262        Stowable or Fold-Away Child Restraint Anchorages....................................     2127-AH85
2263        Motorcycle Headlamp System..........................................................     2127-AH92
2264        Improve Motorcycle Helmet Head Protection...........................................     2127-AI03
2265        Reorganize and Harmonize Controls and Displays......................................     2127-AI09
2266        Seat Belt Emergency Locking Retractor...............................................     2127-AI38
2267        Adaptation of Instrumented Lower Legs for Hybrid III Male and Female Adult Dummies..     2127-AI39
2268        Voluntarily Installed Seat Belt Assembly Anchorages.................................     2127-AI40
2269        Idle Stop Technology Used in Some Hybrid Electric Vehicles..........................     2127-AI43
2270        [rplus]Operation of Motor Vehicles by Intoxicated Persons...........................     2127-AI44
2271        Procedures for Participating In and Receiving Data From the National Driver              2127-AI45
            Registration Problem Driver Pointer System..........................................
2272        Parking Brakes for Non-School Bus Vehicles..........................................     2127-AI47
2273        Cargo Carrying Capacity.............................................................     2127-AI50
2274        Convex Mirrors for Commercial Trucks................................................     2127-AI52
2275        Enhance Passenger-Side Mirror System................................................     2127-AI53
2276        Horizontal Discharge Trailers.......................................................     2127-AI56
2277        Heavier Hybrid III Type 6-Year-Old-Size Test Dummy..................................     2127-AI58
2278        Allow Roll-Bar During Brake Testing.................................................     2127-AI63
2279        Child Restraint System Webbing Strength.............................................     2127-AI66
2280        Motorcycle Brake Controls...........................................................     2127-AI67
2281        [rplus]Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standard, Model Years 2005-2010.............     2127-AI70
2282        [rplus]Event Data Recorders.........................................................     2127-AI72
2283        GM Petition on Amending FMVSS No. 301 and FMVSS Nos. 208, 212, 219, 303, and 305....     2127-AI76
2284        Exemption for Inconsequential Defect or Noncompliance...............................     2127-AI78
2285        [rplus]Consumer Information Regulations; Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards;         2127-AI81
            Rollover Resistance.................................................................
2286        Incorporation of EuroSID II Dummy into 49 CFR Part 572..............................     2127-AI89
2287        Rear Center Lap/Shoulder Belt Requirement - Std. 208................................     2127-AI91
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
References in boldface appear in the Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.

                        National Highway Traffic Safety Administration--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2288        [rplus]Crashworthiness Ratings......................................................     2127-AA03
2289        [rplus]Flammability of Interior Materials--School Buses.............................     2127-AA44
2290        [rplus]Platform Lift Systems........................................................     2127-AD50
2291        Upgrade Fuel Integrity Performance Requirements.....................................     2127-AF36
2292        Alternative Geometric Visibility Requirements for Lamps.............................     2127-AF75
2293        Power-Operated Windows: Roof Panels.................................................     2127-AF83
2294        Door Latch Exemption for Vehicles Equipped With Wheelchair Lifts and Ramps..........     2127-AG16
2295        Dealer Notification of Defect or Noncompliance Determination........................     2127-AG27
2296        Seat Belt Positioning Devices.......................................................     2127-AG49
2297        Glare Reduction From Daytime Running Lamps..........................................     2127-AG86
2298        Administrative Rewrite for Headlamp Requirements....................................     2127-AG87
2299        Signal Lamps Used With Light-Emitting Diodes........................................     2127-AG88
2300        [rplus]Allocation of Fuel Economy Credits...........................................     2127-AG97
2301        Incorporate the 1996 Revision of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)        2127-AH08
            into Glazing Standard...............................................................
2302        [rplus]Harmonization of Head Restraints.............................................     2127-AH09
2303        Heavy Vehicle Antilock Brake System (ABS) Performance Requirement...................     2127-AH16
2304        Upper Interior Impact...............................................................     2127-AH61
2305        Accelerator Control Systems.........................................................     2127-AH71
2306        Vehicles With Raised Roofs..........................................................     2127-AH74
2307        Clarify Test Procedures for Brake Fluids............................................     2127-AH96
2308        Guidelines for States on Enforcement of Light Transmission..........................     2127-AH97
2309        Child Restraint Anchorage Systems--Part 2...........................................     2127-AH99

[[Page 74830]]

2310        Label Placement on Rear Impact Guards...............................................     2127-AI04
2311        Moving Barrier Tire Specification...................................................     2127-AI05
2312        [rplus]Confidential Business Information............................................     2127-AI13
2313        Acceleration of Manufacturer Remedy Program.........................................     2127-AI27
2314        Disposition of Replaced Tires.......................................................     2127-AI29
2315        [rplus]Improve Tire Safety Information..............................................     2127-AI32
2316        Improving the Safety of Child Restraints............................................     2127-AI34
2317        Seat Belt Fit.......................................................................     2127-AI36
2318        [rplus]Automotive Fuel Economy Manufacturing Incentive for Alternative Fuel Vehicles     2127-AI41
2319        Expanding the Auto Parts Marking Requirement........................................     2127-AI46
2320        Compliance for Multistage Manufacturers and Alterers................................     2127-AI49
2321        [rplus]Improved Tire Safety.........................................................     2127-AI54
2322        Retroactive Certification (Policy Statement)........................................     2127-AI59
2323        Record Retention of Retroactively Certified Vehicles................................     2127-AI60
2324        Importation of Commercial Motor Vehicles............................................     2127-AI64
2325        Child Restraint Safety Rating.......................................................     2127-AI65
2326        [rplus]Advanced Air Bag Requirements................................................     2127-AI71
2327        Theft Data for Calendar Year 2000...................................................     2127-AI75
2328        FMVSS No. 208 Advanced Air Bag Petitions for Reconsideration (Part 2)...............     2127-AI82
2329        Warning Label and Additional Conspicuity Features for Low Speed Vehicles............     2127-AI84
2330        [rplus]FMVSS No. 208 Advanced Air Bag Petitions for Reconsideration (Part 1)........     2127-AI85
2331        FMVSS No. 201 Upper Interior Impact Multi-Stage Vehicle Compliance..................     2127-AI86
2332        List of Nonconforming Vehicles Eligible for Importation.............................     2127-AI87
2333        Use of Seat Mounted Child Restraints on School Bus Seats............................     2127-AI88
2334        [rplus]Tire Pressure Monitoring System; Petitions for Reconsideration...............     2127-AI90
2335        [rplus]Reporting of Information and Documents About Potential Defects...............     2127-AI92
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                        National Highway Traffic Safety Administration--Long-Term Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2336        Radiator Safety Cap.................................................................     2127-AE59
2337        [rplus]Review: Side-Impact Protection...............................................     2127-AF54
2338        Power Window Safety Switches........................................................     2127-AG36
2339        Upgrade Roof Crashworthiness........................................................     2127-AG51
2340        Hybrid III 95th Percentile Male.....................................................     2127-AG79
2341        Placement of Wheelchair Restraints on Buses.........................................     2127-AH03
2342        Review: Redesigned Air Bags.........................................................     2127-AH13
2343        Use of Universal Child Seats in Aircraft............................................     2127-AH56
2344        Hybrid III Type 6-Year-Old-Size Test Dummy..........................................     2127-AI00
2345        Fifth Percentile Female Test Dummy..................................................     2127-AI01
2346        Review: Antilock Brake Systems for Heavy Trucks.....................................     2127-AI14
2347        Review: Rear-Impact Guards for Truck Trailers.......................................     2127-AI15
2348        Daytime Running Lamps Intensity Reduction Phase II..................................     2127-AI62
2349        [rplus]Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Child Restraint Systems..............     2127-AI83
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                        National Highway Traffic Safety Administration--Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2350        Brake Lining........................................................................     2127-AC66
2351        Buy America Requirements............................................................     2127-AG99
2352        Ejection Mitigation Using Advanced Glazing..........................................     2127-AH50

[[Page 74831]]

2353        Review: Head Restraints for Light Trucks............................................     2127-AH98
2354        [rplus]Early Warning Defect Reporting Requirements..................................     2127-AI25
2355        Defects in Foreign Countries........................................................     2127-AI26
2356        Reimbursement Prior to Recall.......................................................     2127-AI28
2357        Prohibition of Sale or Lease of Equipment...........................................     2127-AI30
2358        [rplus]Tire Pressure Monitoring System..............................................     2127-AI33
2359        Civil Penalties.....................................................................     2127-AI42
2360        Trailer Test Rig....................................................................     2127-AI48
2361        Child Safety Information Labels.....................................................     2127-AI55
2362        List of Nonconforming Vehicles Eligible for Importation.............................     2127-AI61
2363        Modified Front-Opening Hood Requirements............................................     2127-AI69
2364        Insurer Reporting Requirements/List of Insurers Required To File Reports for October     2127-AI73
2365        High-Theft Lines for Model Year 2002................................................     2127-AI74
2366        Schedule of Fees Authorized by 49 U.S.C. 30141......................................     2127-AI77
2367        Exemption From the Make-Inoperative Prohibition.....................................     2127-AI80
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                              Federal Railroad Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2368        Locomotive Crashworthiness..........................................................     2130-AB23
2369        Locomotive Event Recorders..........................................................     2130-AB34
2370        Revision to Railroad Safety Enforcement Procedures..................................     2130-AB35
2371        Rules of Practice...................................................................     2130-AB36
2372        Railroad Car Conspicuity............................................................     2130-AB41
2373        Revision to the Accident/Incident Reporting Regulations and Guide...................     2130-AB51
2374        Occupational Noise Exposure for Railroad Operating Employees........................     2130-AB56

                                Federal Railroad Administration--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2375        [rplus]Whistle Bans at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings.................................     2130-AA71
2376        [rplus]Standards for Development and Use of Processor-Based Signal and Train Control     2130-AA94
            Systems (Reg Plan Seq No. 110)......................................................
2377        Small Railroads; Policy Statement on Enforcement Program............................     2130-AB15
2378        Regulations on Safety Integration Plans Governing Railroad Consolidations, Mergers,      2130-AB24
            Acquisitions of Control, and Start-Up Operations....................................
2379        Roadway Maintenance Machines........................................................     2130-AB28
2380        Annual Adjustment of Monetary Threshold for Reporting Rail Equipment Accidents/          2130-AB30
2381        Determination of Minimum Testing Rate for Random Drug and Alcohol Testing...........     2130-AB31
2382        [rplus]Locational Requirement for Dispatching of United States Rail Operations......     2130-AB38
2383        [rplus]Application of Random Testing and Other Alcohol and Drug Regulations to           2130-AB39
            Employees of Foreign Railroads......................................................
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
References in boldface appear in the Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.

                               Federal Railroad Administration--Long-Term Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2384        Local Rail Freight Assistance to States.............................................     2130-AA60
2385        Blue Signal and Related Protections.................................................     2130-AA90

[[Page 74832]]

2386        Crane Safety Standards..............................................................     2130-AB27
2387        [rplus]Minimum Standards for Temperature in the Locomotive Cab......................     2130-AB46
2388        Automatic Train Control (ATC) and Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System (ACSES);       2130-AB55
            Northeast Corridor (NEC) Railroads..................................................
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                               Federal Railroad Administration--Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2389        Passenger Equipment Safety Standards................................................     2130-AB48
2390        Improvements to the System for Reporting Train Accidents............................     2130-AB50

                                Federal Transit Administration--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2391        [rplus]Bus Testing..................................................................     2132-AA30
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                                Federal Transit Administration--Long-Term Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2392        Buy America Requirements; Amendment to Certification Procedures.....................     2132-AA62
2393        School Bus Operations...............................................................     2132-AA67
2394        Buy America Requirements; Permanent Waiver for Microcomputers.......................     2132-AA68
2395        State Safety Oversight; Rail Fixed Guideway Systems.................................     2132-AA69
2396        [rplus]Statewide Transportation Planning; Metropolitan Transportation Planning......     2132-AA75
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                                Federal Transit Administration--Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2397        [rplus]NEPA and Related Procedures for Transportation Decisionmaking; Protection of      2132-AA43
            Public Parks, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, and Historic Sites....................
2398        [rplus]Clean Fuels Formula Grant Program............................................     2132-AA64
2399        [rplus]Statewide Transportation Planning; Metropolitan Transportation Planning......     2132-AA66
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                           Research and Special Programs Administration--Prerule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2400        Hazardous Materials: Revision of Requirements for Carriage by Aircraft..............     2137-AD18
2401        [rplus]Hazardous Materials: Safety Requirements for External Product Piping on Cargo     2137-AD36
            Tanks Transporting Flammable Liquids................................................
2402        Hazardous Materials: Frangible Discs on Tank Cars...................................     2137-AD57

[[Page 74833]]

2403        Pipeline Safety: Annual Update of Standards Incorporated by Reference...............     2137-AD68
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                        Research and Special Programs Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2404        Pipeline Safety: Gas Gathering Line Definition......................................     2137-AB15
2405        Pipeline Safety: Periodic Underwater Inspections....................................     2137-AC54
2406        Pipeline Safety: Further Regulatory Review; Gas Pipeline Safety Standards...........     2137-AD01
2407        Hazardous Materials: Hazard Communication Requirements--Petitions for Rulemaking and     2137-AD28
            Miscellaneous Amendments............................................................
2408        [rplus]Hazardous Materials Safety: Transportation of Oxygen Cylinders and Oxygen         2137-AD33
            Generators Aboard Aircraft..........................................................
2409        [rplus]Pipeline Safety: Pipeline Integrity Management in High-Consequence Areas (Gas     2137-AD54
            Transmission Pipeline Operators) (Reg Plan Seq No. 111).............................
2410        Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations,              2137-AD66
            International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation
            Organization Technical Instructions.................................................
2411        Hazardous Materials: Security Requirements for Motor Carriers Transporting Hazardous     2137-AD70
2412        Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Revisions to the Hazardous Materials Regulations.     2137-AD73
2413        Hazardous Materials: Transportation of Division 1.5 explosives (Blasting Agents) and     2137-AD75
            Ammonium Nitrate Mixtures in Bulk...................................................
2414        Pipeline Safety: National Pipeline Mapping System...................................     2137-AD76
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
References in boldface appear in the Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register.

                         Research and Special Programs Administration--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2415        [rplus]Pipeline Safety: Response Plans for Onshore Oil Pipelines....................     2137-AC30
2416        Hazardous Materials: Retention of Shipping Papers...................................     2137-AC64
2417        [rplus]Applicability of the Hazardous Materials Regulations to Loading, Unloading,       2137-AC68
            and Storage.........................................................................
2418        Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Cargo Tanks...................................     2137-AC90
2419        Pipeline Safety: Recommendations To Change Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety              2137-AD10
2420        Hazardous Materials: Revisions to Incident Reporting Requirements and Detailed           2137-AD21
            Hazardous Materials Incident Report DOT Form........................................
2421        Hazardous Materials: Air Carrier Emergency Telephone Number Requirements............     2137-AD29
2422        Pipeline Safety: Periodic Updates to Pipeline Safety Requirements (1999)............     2137-AD35
2423        Pipeline Safety: Producer-Operated Outer Continental Shelf Gas and Hazardous Liquid      2137-AD42
            Pipelines That Cross Directly Into State Waters.....................................
2424        Revisions; Definition of Administrator..............................................     2137-AD43
2425        Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Amendments for Unloading IM Portable Tanks on a       2137-AD44
            Transport Vehicle--Petition for Rulemaking..........................................
2426        Hazardous Materials: Transportation of Lithium Batteries............................     2137-AD48
2427        Hazardous Materials: Reduction of Registration Fees.................................     2137-AD53
2428        Pipeline Safety: Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Operator Annual Reports..................     2137-AD59
2429        Hazardous Materials: Security Requirements for Offerors and Transporters of              2137-AD67
            Hazardous Materials.................................................................
2430        Hazardous Materials: Revision to Periodic Tire Check Requirement for Motor Carriers      2137-AD69
            Transporting Hazardous Materials....................................................
2431        Hazardous Materials: Revision to Penalty Guidelines.................................     2137-AD71
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

[[Page 74834]]

                         Research and Special Programs Administration--Long-Term Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2432        Pipeline Safety: Passage of Internal Inspection Devices.............................     2137-AB71
2433        [rplus]Safeguarding Food From Contamination During Transportation...................     2137-AC00
2434        Hazardous Materials: Cargo Tank Rollover Requirements...............................     2137-AD34
2435        Hazardous Materials: Adoption of Latest IAEA and Other Miscellaneous Revisions and       2137-AD40
2436        Hazardous Materials: Revision of the Requirements for Hazardous Waste Manifests.....     2137-AD50
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                         Research and Special Programs Administration--Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2437        [rplus]Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Cylinders..............................     2137-AA92
2438        DOT 3AL Aluminum Cylinders; Safety Problems.........................................     2137-AB51
2439        [rplus]Hazardous Materials: Revisions to Standards for Infectious Substances and         2137-AD13
            Genetically Modified Microorganisms.................................................
2440        Hazardous Materials: Revised and Clarified Hazardous Materials Safety Rulemaking and     2137-AD20
            Program Procedures..................................................................
2441        Pipeline Safety: Enforcement Procedures.............................................     2137-AD22
2442        Pipeline Safety: Pressure Testing Older Pipelines in Terminals......................     2137-AD26
2443        Harmonization With United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous      2137-AD41
            Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions..
2444        Pipeline Safety: Pipeline Integrity Management in High-Consequence Areas (Hazardous      2137-AD49
            Liquid Operators With Less Than 500 Miles of Pipeline)..............................
2445        Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Maintenance, Requalification, and Repair of        2137-AD58
            DOT Specification Cylinders.........................................................
2446        Pipeline Safety: Integrity Management Communication.................................     2137-AD62
2447        Pipeline Safety: Controlling Corrosion on Gas Pipelines.............................     2137-AD63
2448        Pipeline Safety: High Consequence Areas for Gas Transmission Operators..............     2137-AD64
2449        Hazardous Materials: Hazardous Substances--Additions, Revisions and Deletions.......     2137-AD65
2450        Hazardous Materials: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications.................     2137-AD72
2451        Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Revisions to the Registration Requirements.......     2137-AD74
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                                  Maritime Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2452        [rplus]Cargo Preference Regulations--Carriage of Oceangoing Cargo Generated by           2133-AB37
            Government Programs.................................................................
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                                    Maritime Administration--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2453        Requirements To Document U.S.-Flag Fishing Industry Vessels of 100 Feet or Greater       2133-AB46
            in Registered Length and To Hold Preferred Mortgage on Such Vessels.................

                                   Maritime Administration--Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2454        Amendment of MARAD's Regulations Establishing and Administering Deposit Funds            2133-AB47
            Authorized by Section 1109 of Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as Amended.................

[[Page 74835]]

                               Bureau of Transportation Statistics--Prerule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2455        Modernizing the Passenger Origin-Destination Survey.................................     2139-AA01

                              Bureau of Transportation Statistics--Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2456        [rplus]Amendment to Part 234 To Collect Causal Information for Airline Delays and        2139-AA09
 [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation

                             Bureau of Transportation Statistics--Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
2457        Amendment to Definitions of Revenue and Nonrevenue Passengers.......................     2139-AA07
2458        Air Carrier Traffic and Capacity Data by Nonstop Segment and On-Flight Market.......     2139-AA08


Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage

Office of the Secretary (OST)



 Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 102 in part II of this issue 
of the Federal Register.

RIN: 2105-AC65


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 40101; 49 USC 41101; 49 USC 41708; 49 USC 
41709; 49 USC 41301; 49 USC 41501; 49 USC 41701

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 241; 14 CFR 250; 14 CFR 298; 14 CFR 374a; 14 CFR 

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Department is undertaking an aviation data requirements 
review and modernization program. The review is designed to harmonize 
the Department's aviation data systems with current regulatory and 
statutory needs; improve the quality of the Department's aviation data 
bases; and eliminate obsolete data reporting and processing systems. 
The ANPRM was the first step in an outreach program to review aviation 
data collected by the Department and the measures that should be taken 
to modernize and improve aviation data reporting and processing 
systems. The Department solicited public comments from aviation data 
users on the nature, scope, source, and means for collecting, 
processing, and distributing airline traffic, fare, and financial data. 
Specifically, the Department invited comments to determine whether 
existing aviation data should be amended, supplemented, or replaced; 
whether selected forms and reports should be retained, modified, or 
eliminated; whether the Department should require all aviation data to 
be filed electronically; and how the aviation data system should be 
reengineered to enhance efficiency and to reduce costs for both the 
Department and airline industry. The Department has reviewed the 
comments and reply comments and is in the process of redefining the 
data elements and restructuring the data reporting requirements to be 
included in a NPRM. This action is significant due to substantial 
public and industry interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           07/15/98                    63 FR 38128
ANPRM Comment Period End        09/14/98
Reply Comment Period End        10/13/98
NPRM                            08/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions, 

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Agency Contact: Todd Homan, Industry Economist, Department of 
Transportation, Office of the Secretary, X-55, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9605

RIN: 2105-AC71


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 14 USC 41702; 14 USC 41705; 14 USC 41712

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 382

[[Page 74836]]

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Department is proposing to amend its rules implementing 
the Air Carrier Access Act of 1986 concerning requirements for movable 
aisle armrests. The amendment would clarify the application of the 
movable armrest requirement to all classes of service in an aircraft. 
In addition, in response to changed practices in parts of the airline 
industry, the Department is proposing to require preboarding to be made 
available for passengers with disabilities.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC97


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 102, 301, 322, 5331, 20140, 31306, 45101

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 40

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule proposes to revise the management information 
system forms by standardizing the information collected and to reduce 
the amount of data reported by transportation employers. Annual drug 
and alcohol program data is currently submitted by Federal Motor 
Carrier Safety Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal 
Transit Administration, Federal Railroad Administration, Research and 
Special Programs Administration, and the United States Coast Guard.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: State, Local

Agency Contact: Jim L Swart, Drug and Alcohol policy Advisor, 
Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Room 10403, 400 
7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-6369
Fax: 202 366-3897
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AD14


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 200d et seq.; 49 USC 47107 and 47123; EO 12138; 
3 CFR; 1979 Comp., p. 393

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 23

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action seeks comment on an adjustment to size standards 
for current DBE concessionaires.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: State, Local

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AD21

Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

Office of the Secretary (OST)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 1381

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 399

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Donald L. Pevsner petitioned the CAB to institute a 
rulemaking proceeding to ban use of the term ``direct flight'' because 
it is deceptive, and to declare use of the term to be a prima facie 
violation of section 411 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. The 
Department is now considering what action to take in response to the 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The petition is filed in Docket 41217.

Agency Contact: Joanne Petrie, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Office of the Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723

RIN: 2105-AA73


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 1657

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 5.21; 49 CFR 5.35

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Department is considering a new rulemaking procedure to 
expedite the processing of noncontroversial changes to its regulations. 
Rules that the Secretary

[[Page 74837]]

judges to be unlikely to result in public comment would be published as 
direct final rules. Such direct final rules would advise the public 
that no adverse comment is anticipated and that, unless written adverse 
comment or notice of intent to submit such comment is received within a 
specified number of days, the rule will become effective 60 days from 
the date of publication in the Federal Register.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/04/95                    60 FR 39919
NPRM Comment Period End         10/03/95
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Neil Eisner, Assistant General Counsel for Regulation 
and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, 
Room 10424 Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4723
Fax: 202 366-9313

RIN: 2105-AC11


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 401; 49 USC 411; 49 USC 413; 49 USC 417

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 250

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would eliminate a consumer notice about airline 
overbooking of flights that is required to appear on signs at airports, 
city ticket offices, and travel agencies. However, that information 
would be available to consumers because it must accompany every ticket.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/03/96                    61 FR 27818
NPRM Comment Period End         07/18/96
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Other rulemakings: RIN 2105-AA88, Simplified 
Airline Counter-Sign Notices. RIN 2105-AC36, Ticketless Travel: 
Passenger Notices, Statement of Compliance Policy published 4/22/97, 62 
FR 19473.

Agency Contact: Tim Kelly, Aviation Consumer Protection Division, 
Office of the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, Office of 
the Secretary, C-75, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5952

RIN: 2105-AC45


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 40101; 49 USC 46101; 31 USC 9701

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 389

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would remove or update obsolete provisions and 
organizational references, and adjust the fee schedule for certain 
special services related to aviation economic proceedings that the 
Department makes available to the public. The regulation has not been 
comprehensively updated since 1985 and the revisions will take the form 
of a complete reissuance of part 389.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/21/99                     64 FR 3229
NPRM Comment Period End         03/22/99
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: John Miller, Analyst, Planning and Special Projects 
Office, Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, X-60, 
400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4868

RIN: 2105-AC47


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 41702; 49 USC 41705; 49 USC 41712

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 382

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action requires air carriers and airports to work 
jointly to make lifts or other boarding devices available for aircraft, 
of whatever size, where level-entry loading bridges or existing lifts 
are not present. This action is intended to facilitate the boarding of 
aircraft by individuals with disabilities. It amends existing rules 
that implement the Air Carrier Access Act of 1986 and the 
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/26/99                    64 FR 46611
NPRM Comment Period End         11/24/99
Final Rule                      01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC81


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322(a)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 19

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action implements changes to OMB Circular A-110 that 
were issued by OMB on October 8, 1999, providing uniform guidance for 
administering grants to institutions of higher education, hospitals, 
and other

[[Page 74838]]

nonprofit organizations. The change provides guidance on making data 
produced under awards available to the public. The regulation is 
essentially a word-for-word issuance of the requirements in OMB 
Circular A-110. An interim final rule was issued because of the limited 
ability to change the requirements from those in the circular. We are 
awaiting OMB instructions regarding whether there will be any 
Governmentwide changes to the final rule.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              03/16/00                    65 FR 14406
Final Action                    04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC83


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC 552a

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 27; 49 CFR 37

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Department of Transportation is proposing to amend its 
rules implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by 
adopting as its standards revised accessibility guidelines proposed by 
the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access 
Board). The Access Board published a notice of proposed rulemaking 
(NPRM) to revise and update the accessibility guidelines for the ADA 
and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) in the November 16, 1999 issue 
of the Federal Register. This proposed rule would adopt the Access 
Board's revised and updated ADA guidelines and make a conforming change 
to the Department's rule implementing the ADA.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/08/00                    65 FR 48444
NPRM Comment Period End         09/07/00
Final Action                    01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Blane A. Workie, Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Room 4116/C-70, 400 7th Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9342
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Fax: 202 366-7152
Email: [email protected]

Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for Regulation and 
Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC86


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 105-178; 112 Stat. 107 and 113; 42 USC 2000d; PL 

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 26

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule would implement a memorandum of understanding (MOU) 
between DOT and the Small Business Administration. The MOU would 
establish reciprocity and streamline certification procedures for 
participation in SBA's 8(a) Business Development and Small 
Disadvantaged Business program, and DOT's DBE program. This document 
would provide a uniform certification application form and a uniform 
reporting form.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/08/01                    66 FR 23208
NPRM Comment Period End         06/07/01
Final Action                    01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions, 

Government Levels Affected: State, Local

Agency Contact: Laura Aguilar, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Office of the Secretary, C-10, Room 10102
Phone: 202 366-0365
Fax: 202 366-9170
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC88


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 105-178, TEA-21; PL 102-581

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 26.11 (Revision); 49 CFR 26.21 (Revision); 49 CFR 
26.37 (Revision); 49 CFR 26.45 (Revision); 49 CFR 26.55 (Revision)

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This interim final rule changes threshold requirements for 
Federal Transit Administration and Federal Aviation Administration 
recipients to establish DBE programs and overall goals. Each August 1, 
recipients must submit DBE goals for the following fiscal year. This 
change will reduce burdens on entities receiving smaller Federal 
grants. The DOT is issuing an interim final rule in order to reduce the 
burden, this fiscal year, for the smallest grant recipients. This 
document also makes technical changes to 49 CFR part 26.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              11/15/00                    65 FR 68949
Interim Final Rule Effective    11/15/00

[[Page 74839]]

Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      01/02/01
Final Action                    01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Laura Aguilar, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Office of the Secretary, C-10, Room 10102
Phone: 202 366-0365
Fax: 202 366-9170
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC89


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 324; 42 USC 2000d et seq; 49 USC 1611, 47107, 
47113, 47123; EO 12138; 3 CFR 1951 comp., p. 393, sec 1101 (b); ...

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 2a, subpart G

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, June 30, 1993.

Abstract: In May 1997, the Department issued a supplemental notice of 
proposed rulemaking (SNPRM) to revise its disadvantaged business 
enterprise (DBE) regulation. The SNPRM included proposals for revising 
the airport concessions portion of the DBE program. When the 
Department, in February 1999, issued a final rule based on the SNPRM, 
we did not publish a final version of the airport concessions proposal.
This SNPRM seeks comments on an airport concessions subpart to part 26 
that takes into account comments on the May 1997 SNPRM, adapts 
provisions of the rest of part 26 to the concessions context, and 
proposes options for provisions affecting car rental operations at 
airports. These options are based in part on a recent memorandum of 
understanding between the American Car Rental Association and the 
Airport Minority Advisory Council making recommendations to the 
Department on this aspect of the rulemaking. This SNPRM was 
inadvertently published under RIN 2105-AB92.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


SNPRM                           09/08/00                    65 FR 54454
SNPRM Comment Period End        10/23/00
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: State, Local

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC91


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 794; 42 USC 2000d to 2000d-7; 42 USC 6101 to 
6107; EO 12250

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 21; 49 CFR 27

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule proposes to amend DOT's regulations implementing 
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), Section 504 of the 
Rehabilitation Act of 1972 (Section 504), and the Age Discrimination 
Act of 1975 (Age Discrimination Act). Together, these statutes prohibit 
discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, 
disability, and age in programs or activities that receive Federal 
financial assistance. In 1988, the Civil Rights Restoration Act (CRRA) 
added definitions of ``program or activity'' and ``program'' to Title 
VI and added a definition of ``program or activity'' to Section 504 and 
the Age Discrimination Act. The added definitions were designed to 
clarify the broad scope of coverage of recipients' programs or 
activities under these statutes. The promulgation of this proposed 
regulation incorporates the CRRA's definition of ``program or 
activity'' and ``program'' into Title VI, Section 504, and the Age 
Discrimination Act regulations. This proposed regulation also promotes 
consistency and enforceability of these statutes. This is a joint 
notice of proposed rulemaking with other Federal agencies.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/06/00                    65 FR 76460
NPRM Comment Period End         01/05/01
Final Action                    12/00/02
Final Action Effective          01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: Blane A. Workie, Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Room 4116/C-70, 400 7th Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9342
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Fax: 202 366-7152
Email: [email protected]

Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for Regulation and 
Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC96


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 12101 to 12213; 49 USC 322

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 37

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Department of Transportation is amending its Americans 
with Disabilities Act regulations concerning accessibility of over-the-
road buses with respect to information collection requirements by 
postponing the requirement for bus companies to submit information 
reporting ridership on accessible fixed route service and the 
acquisition of buses and designating of the Federal Motor Carrier 
Safety Administration as the recipient of the data.

[[Page 74840]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              02/06/01                    66 FR 10968
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Blane A. Workie, Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Room 4116/C-70, 400 7th Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9342
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Fax: 202 366-7152
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC98


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 15 USC 260 to 267

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 71

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule would relocate Morton County, ND, from mountain 
time to central time. This proposal is based on a request from the 
Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for Morton County, ND.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/03/01                    66 FR 40666
NPRM Comment Period End         09/17/01
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Joanne Petrie, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Office of the Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723

RIN: 2105-AD03


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 41702; 49 USC 41705

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 382

Legal Deadline: Other, Statutory, Implementation of Plan Required by PL 
106-181, sec 707.

Abstract: The Office of the Secretary will propose in the NPRM a 
reporting requirement for air carriers to periodically file information 
with DOT regarding disability-related complaints they receive. The NPRM 
will include detailed categories for the reporting which will be of use 
to DOT, disabled air travelers, and Congress. DOT will report to 
Congress each year on the results of the review as required by the 
Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            02/14/02                     67 FR 6892
Extension of Comment Period     04/10/02                    67 FR 17308
NPRM Comment Period End         04/15/02
2nd Comment Period End          06/01/02
Final Rule                      01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Blane A. Workie, Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Room 4116/C-70, 400 7th Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9342
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Fax: 202 366-7152
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AD04


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 16(a); 49 USC 16 (d); 49 USC 142; 42 USC 12101-
12213; 47 USC 225; 49 USC 322; ...

CFR Citation: 44 CFR 27; 44 CFR 37

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule would create a procedure within the Department to 
improve coordination of guidance and interpretations related to 
disability issues.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AD05

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions

Office of the Secretary (OST)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 41713

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 399

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Civil Aeronautics Board in 1979 issued an interim Policy 
Statement on preemption. It discusses the policy of the Department with 
respect to three areas in which State law has been preempted by the 
Airline Deregulation Act of 1978: regulation of commuter air carriers 
and air taxis, the rights of airport proprietors, and general State 
authority as it directly or indirectly affects air transportation 
competition. The Supreme Court has classified that section 105 of the 
ADA preempts even indirect State regulation

[[Page 74841]]

that ``has a connection with or reference to'' airline rates, routes, 
or services, but does not preempt State contract law with respect to 
interpretation and enforcement of agreements voluntarily entered into 
by air carriers. Other courts continue to issue decisions applying this 
provision to a multitude of different circumstances. The Department 
believes that this process of exploring the interpretation of section 
105 will continue, and is considering the admissibility of terminating 
this proceeding.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              02/15/79                     44 FR 9948
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      04/16/79

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: State, Local, Federal

Additional Information: PSDR-56, Docket 34684 The 1995 decision issued 
by the Supreme Court is American Airlines v. Wolens (S. Ct. No. 93-

Agency Contact: Paul Smith, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Office of the Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9285

RIN: 2105-AA46


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC 601; 49 USC 1301 to 1302; 49 USC 1305; 49 USC 
1324(a); 49 USC 1371 to 1379; 49 USC 1381 to 1382; 49 USC 1384; 49 USC 
1386; 49 USC 1461; 49 USC 1481 to 1482; 49 USC 1502; 49 USC 1504

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 399.80; 14 CFR 399.85

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Airlines are required by 49 USC Sec. 41510, formerly section 
403 of the Federal Aviation Act, to file tariffs with the Department 
that state their passenger fares, cargo rates, and associated charges 
in foreign air transportation. On October 21, 1988, the Department 
issued an NPRM (53 FR 41353) in response to concerns raised by travel 
agents concerning rebating of international airline prices. The NPRM 
proposed to establish an enforcement policy concerning the rebating of 
international airline prices, as a policy statement, in the regulations 
on aviation proceeding. Since publication of the NPRM, many conditions 
in the airline industry related to rebating have changed. For example, 
the United States has increasingly negotiated with success for liberal 
pricing regimes in our bilateral agreements with foreign nations. 
Therefore, the Department believes that the proposed enforcement policy 
is no longer necessary and is withdrawing the 1988 NPRM.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/21/88                    53 FR 41353
NPRM Comment Period End         12/20/88
NPRM Comment Period Extended    02/03/89                     54 FR 5497
Correction                      02/10/89                     54 FR 6475
Extended Comment Period End     02/21/89

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Betsy Wolf, Senior Trial Attorney, Office of the 
General Counsel, Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, 
400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9349

RIN: 2105-AB39


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 12101 et seq; PL 101-336, Americans with 
Disabilities Act

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 37

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Department's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) final 
rule, published September 6, 1991 (56 FR 45584), reserved portions of 
the rule concerning passenger vessels. The ADA covers passenger 
vessels, but issuing accessibility requirements for vessels involves 
complex issues unlike those affecting land transportation. This action 
will address these issues and propose feasible requirements to make 
passenger vessels accessible to, and usable by, individuals with 
disabilities. DOT is participating in an ongoing advisory committee 
effort convened by the Access Board to study passenger vessel 
accessibility issues. September and November 1998 meetings were held. 
This rulemaking is considered significant because of substantial public 
and congressional interest.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AB87


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 41705

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 382

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Department is considering the use of regulatory 
negotiation to seek consensus among air carriers, consumers, airports, 
equipment manufacturers, oxygen suppliers, and safety regulators 
concerning the use of oxygen by passengers on air carriers when 
individuals need special private supplies. The need for action stems 
from a current situation where not all carriers allow passengers to 
bring their own oxygen aboard. Issues involve conformance with RSPA and 
FAA hazardous materials rules and the question of providing oxygen 
during long layovers. The Department is considering whether to begin a 
regulatory negotiation.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

[[Page 74842]]

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC29


Priority: Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.

Unfunded Mandates: This action may affect the private sector under PL 

Legal Authority: 49 USC 40101; 49 USC 40113 to 40114; 49 USC 41702; 49 
USC 41708 to 41709; 49 USC 41711; 49 USC 46301; 49 USC 46310; 49 USC 

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 243

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This notice requested comments concerning operational and 
cost issues related to U.S. air carriers collecting information such as 
full name, date of birth and/or social security number, emergency 
contact and telephone number from passengers traveling on flights 
within the United States. This notice was issued on the Department's 
initiative in response to difficulties with notification in the 
aftermath of domestic aviation disasters and to comply with a 
recommendation contained in the initial report of the White House 
Commission on Aviation Safety and Security (1996) that urged the 
Department to explore immediately the costs and effects of a 
comprehensive passenger manifest requirement on the domestic aviation 
system. DOT will review the implementation of the international 
passenger manifest requirements (RIN 2105-AB78, 2/18/98, 63 FR 8258) as 
it determines how to proceed with this rulemaking.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           03/13/97                    62 FR 11789
ANPRM Comment Period End        05/12/97
Comment Period Reopened         05/30/97                    62 FR 29313
Comment Period End              06/20/97

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Bernestine Allen, Director, Office of International 
Transportation and Trade, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, X-20, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4368

RIN: 2105-AC62


Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 1655; 49 USC 1657; 45 USC 431

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 11

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action amends existing rules, where necessary, to allow 
electronic filing in all DOT proceedings as an alternative to filing 
hard copy. The electronic filing option will help us serve the public 
more quickly and efficiently and will enable the public to participate 
more easily in DOT proceedings. This rulemaking addresses only the 
procedures for filing electronically, not technical issues such as 
media, word-processing formats, and mechanisms for payment of filing 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Notice Requesting Comment       05/26/98                    63 FR 28545
Comment Period End              07/27/98

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This is a procedural change that presents no 
substantive issue that we could reasonably expect to produce further 
meaningful comment. It also will relieve a restriction. Therefore, good 
cause exists to publish this rule without prior formal notice and 

Agency Contact: Charlotte Boeck, Administrative Officer, Office of the 
General Counsel, Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, 
400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20015
Phone: 202 366-4713

RIN: 2105-AC79


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 103-355; EO 11738; EO 12549; EO 12689

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 29; 49 CFR 32

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would provide DOT-specific amendments for a 
uniform Governmentwide rule on debarment and suspension 
(nonprocurement) and drug-free workplace.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/23/02                     67 FR 3266
NPRM Comment Period End         03/25/02

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Ladd Hakes, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, Office of the Senior Executive (M-62), 400 Seventh Street, 
SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4268
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AD01


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: EO 11738; EO 12689; EO 12549; PL 103-355; PL 108; 31 
USC 6101

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 29; 49 CFR 32

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Executive Orders 12549 and 12689 established a Governmentwide

[[Page 74843]]

system for nonprocurement suspension and debarment. All Federal 
departments and major agencies codified these requirements as part of a 
common rule. DOT is joining 34 other departments and major agencies to 
update those requirements. Part one of this action is separating the 
drug-free workplace provisions from the existing common rule and 
placing them in a separate part.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/23/02                     67 FR 3266
NPRM Comment Period End         03/25/02

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State, Local, Tribal, Federal

Agency Contact: Ladd Hakes, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, Office of the Senior Executive (M-62), 400 Seventh Street, 
SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4268
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AD07

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions

Office of the Secretary (OST)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 1324; 49 USC 1371

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 207; 14 CFR 208

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposed to make direct air carriers responsible 
for returning charter passengers stranded by strikes or other service 
interruptions, by eliminating the force majeure clause from charter 
contracts. However, the CAB subsequently issued an interpretive rule 
(ER-1387, 49 FR 33436) which was affirmed in court. (Arrow Air, Inc. v. 
Dole, 784 F2d 1118 (1986)) Therefore, this action is now moot; the NPRM 
has been withdrawn.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/11/80                    45 FR 46812
NPRM Comment Period End         09/25/80
Reply Comment Period End        10/10/80
Withdrawn                       10/03/02                    67 FR 61996

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: EDR 405, Docket 37169.

Agency Contact: Joanne Petrie, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Office of the Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723

RIN: 2105-AA40


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 6102

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 376

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking action was initiated by the Civil Aeronautics 
Board to implement the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. A draft final 
rule was submitted to HHS, as required by that Act, and was approved. 
However, in view of current airline practices with respect to travel by 
the elderly, and the absence of complaints of discrimination based on 
age, there no longer appears to be a need for further rulemaking 
action, and the NPRM has been withdrawn.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/26/79                    44 FR 55383
Final Action Adopted by the 
Board                           04/10/80
HHS Approved Final Rule With 
Changes                         07/13/84
Withdrawn                       10/03/02                    67 FR 61996

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: SPDR-74, Docket 36639.

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AA45


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 1301; 49 USC 1302; 49 USC 1305; 49 USC 1324; 49 
USC 1371; 49 USC 1375; 49 USC 1377 to 1379; 49 USC 1381; 49 USC 1382; 
49 USC 1386; 49 USC 1461; 49 USC 1481; 49 USC 1482; 49 USC 1502; 49 USC 
1504; PL 96-354; 5 USC 601

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 253; 14 CFR 399

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The CAB proposed to amend its rules requiring notice of 
contract terms for domestic travel to require that actual notice be 
given to passengers of terms absolving carriers from any responsibility 
to transport a passenger to the destination named on the ticket, or to 
reimburse the passenger for expenses in reaching the airport noted on 
the ticket when a flight is diverted to another airport in the same 
metropolitan area. Alternatively, the Board proposed to declare it to 
be an unfair and deceptive practice to divert a passenger without 
arranging and paying for alternate transportation to the destination 
airport named on the passenger's ticket. The Board considered a final 
rule but did not decide what action to take. DOT is withdrawing the 
NPRM as unnecessary since it appears that carriers no longer have the 
policies that promoted the CAB's concern.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/23/83                    48 FR 43343
NPRM Comment Period End         11/07/83
Withdrawn                       10/03/02                    67 FR 61996

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

[[Page 74844]]

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket 41683, EDR 468/PSDR-81.

Agency Contact: Joanne Petrie, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Office of the Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723

RIN: 2105-AA78


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 1371; 49 USC 1372; 49 USC 1386

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 302; 14 CFR 389; 14 CFR 399

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: A Civil Aeronautics Board rulemaking proposed to revise and 
simplify the requirements and procedures for applying for exemptions 
under section 416(b) of the Federal Aviation Act. This action has 
become unnecessary since the Department included most of its provisions 
in its rule transferring the CAB's rules to DOT. Therefore, the NPRM 
has been withdrawn.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/05/84                    49 FR 39337
NPRM Comment Period End         12/04/84
Withdrawn                       10/03/02                    67 FR 61996

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: PDR-88/ODR-27/PSDR-83.

Agency Contact: Joanne Petrie, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Office of the Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723

RIN: 2105-AA82


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 1302; 49 USC 1324; 49 USC 1371 to 1374; 49 USC 
1381; 49 USC 1386; 49 USC 1481 to 1482

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 221

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition by Mr. Howard Boros, the CAB 
proposed to amend the baggage liability notices provided to passengers 
in foreign air travel. The NPRM proposed to eliminate the disclaimer of 
liability for fragile and perishable items because that notice is false 
and misleading. Because of the amount of time that has elapsed since 
the proposal was issued, the Department is withdrawing it.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/18/84                    49 FR 49111
NPRM Comment Period End         03/19/85
Withdrawn                       10/03/02                    67 FR 61996

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket 41690; EDR-477.

Agency Contact: Joanne Petrie, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Office of the Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723

RIN: 2105-AA84


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 1301; 49 USC 1302; 49 USC 1324; 49 USC 1371 to 
1374; 49 USC 1381; 49 USC 1386; 49 USC 1481; 49 USC 1482

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 221; 14 CFR 250; 14 CFR 256

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The American Association of Airport Executives, the Airport 
Operators Council International, and the Air Transport Association of 
America petitioned the CAB to simplify its counter-sign requirements. 
Presently, airlines are required to display four different consumer 
protection notices on their ticket counters. The petitioners alleged 
that the current notices are hard to read and, therefore, do not 
provide much notice to passengers. They proposed replacing the four 
notices with one simplified counter sign. A CAB NPRM proposed a number 
of alternatives, such as a long and/or short notice, where the notices 
would be required to be posted, and whether a smoking notice should be 
included. DOT decided not to act on these counter signs separately, but 
rather to consider whether there should be a comprehensive re-
examination of all forms of notice to passengers, including notices on 
tickets. This NPRM has been withdrawn.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/01/84                    49 FR 30742
NPRM Comment Period End         09/17/84
Reply Comment Period End        10/02/84
Withdrawn                       10/03/02                    67 FR 61996

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket 41971; EDR-474

Agency Contact: Joanne Petrie, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Office of the Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723

RIN: 2105-AA88


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 1371; 49 USC 1381

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 380; 14 CFR 399

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Department proposed in 1989 to amend its rule and policy 
statement with respect to air transportation price advertising. This 
rulemaking is significant because of substantial public interest. 
Because of the amount of time that has elapsed since the proposal was 
issued, the Department has withdrawn it.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/26/89                    54 FR 31052
NPRM Extended Comment Period    08/23/89                    54 FR 35005

[[Page 74845]]

NPRM Comment Period End         08/25/89
NPRM Comment Period End         09/25/89
Withdrawn                       10/03/02                    67 FR 61996

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Joanne Petrie, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Office of the Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723

RIN: 2105-AB50


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 101; 49 USC 102; 49 USC 301; 49 USC 302; 49 USC 

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 40

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The NPRM in 1990 concerned the question of to whom reports of 
negative drug test results may be sent. It will be formally withdrawn 
when the Department issues an NPRM under RIN 2105-AC49, Update of Drug 
and Alcohol Procedural Rules. This action is significant because of 
substantial public and congressional interest, and multimodal impact.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/13/90                    55 FR 28782
NPRM Comment Period End         08/13/90
Withdrawn                       10/03/02                    67 FR 61996

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 07/13/90, 55 
FR 28782

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AB71


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC 552a

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 27; 49 CFR 37

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would amend the rules implementing the Americans 
with Disabilities Act by adopting the revised accessibility guidelines 
issued by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance 
Board, published June 20, 1994 (59 FR 31676) as interim final rules. 
The proposed rule would also conform the Department's rule implementing 
section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/20/94                    59 FR 31818
NPRM Comment Period End         08/19/94
Withdrawn                       10/03/02                    67 FR 61996

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC06


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 102; 49 USC 301; 49 USC 5331; 49 USC 20140; 49 
USC 31306; 49 USC 45101; 49 USC 45106

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 219; 49 CFR 382; 49 CFR 653; 49 CFR 654; 49 CFR 

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule would implement a statutory change required by the 
National Highway Systems Act of 1995, section 342, to the existing pre-
employment alcohol testing provisions. It would make pre-employment 
testing voluntary for employers.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/09/96                    61 FR 21149
NPRM Comment Period End         07/08/96
Withdrawn                       10/03/02                    67 FR 61996

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This action involves four operating 
administrations: FAA, FHWA, FTA, and FRA. On May 10, 1995 (60 FR 
24765), DOT suspended its pre-employment alcohol testing requirements 
after a court decision vacated the requirements of the FHWA alcohol 
testing rule.

Agency Contact: Robert C. Ashby, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for 
Regulation and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, Office of the 
Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4723
TDD Phone: 202 755-7687
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC50


Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 5 USC 571 to 583; 5 USC 561 to 570

CFR Citation: None

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This statement of policy defines alternative dispute 
resolution (ADR) and commits the Department to considering ADR and 
furthering its use across the Department. It also states that the 
Department will provide ADR-related training to employees, allocate 
resources to support ADR, and evaluate and assess our ADR uses. This 
statement of policy encourages employees and persons who interact with 
the Department to identify opportunities for collaborative, consensual 
approaches to dispute resolution or rulemaking.

[[Page 74846]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              11/15/00                    65 FR 69121
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      01/16/01
Final Action                    06/12/02                    67 FR 40367
Final Action Effective          06/12/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Judith S. Kaleta, Senior Counsel for Dispute 
Resolution, Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Room 
10428, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0992
Fax: 202 366-3388
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AC94


Priority: Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.

Legal Authority: PL 104-42

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 62

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule establishes procedures for air carriers to apply 
for direct compensation authorized by the Air Transportation Safety and 
System Stabilization Act of 2001. The rule governs the distribution of 
$1.775 billion of authorized funds.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule; Request for Comments10/29/01                    66 FR 54616
Final Rule Effective            10/29/01
Comment Period End              11/13/01
NPRM                            01/02/02                      67 FR 263
Final Rule                      01/02/02                      67 FR 250
Final Rule Effective            01/02/02
NPRM Comment Period End         01/16/02
Final Rule; Amendment           02/01/02                     67 FR 4899
Final Rule Effective            02/01/02
Final Action                    08/20/02                    67 FR 54058
Final Action Effective          08/20/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Randall Bennett, Acting Director, Office of Aviation 
Analysis, Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, X-50, 
400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1053
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AD06


Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 5 USC 301; 5 USC 7301; 5 USC 7353

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 6100

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, November 16, 2001.

Abstract: This rule amends the Supplemental Standards of Ethical 
Conduct for Employees of the Department of Transportation. The 
amendment adds authority to waive the general prohibition against 
Federal Aviation Administration employees holding stock or other 
securities in airline or aircraft manufacturing companies or suppliers 
of aircraft parts. The exercise of this waiver authority will be 
conditioned in each case upon determination that employee conduct will 
not result in an appearance of misuse of position or loss of 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      12/03/01                    66 FR 60131
Final Rule Effective            12/03/01

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: William R. Register, Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Office of the Secretary, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9161

RIN: 2105-AD08


Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 49 USC 401, 411, 413. 415, 417, 419, 421, 449, 461, 
463, 465

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 300

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The proposed amendment to 14 CFR 300.3, dealing with the 
reporting of prohibited communications, would update that section in 
order to reflect the Department's conversion to an electronic docket 
management system (DMS). The proposed changes apply to procedures 
already in place thereby omitting obsolete references, and would make 
section 300.3 consistent with the rest of the DOT's regulations already 
taking DMS into account.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      05/06/02                    67 FR 30324
Final Action Effective          05/06/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Colleen Hanley, Attorney Advisor, Department of 
Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Room 10118, 400 Seventh 
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2509
Fax: 202 366-9188
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AD10


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 102, 301, 322, 5331, 20140, 31306, 45101

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 40

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule will establish procedures for use of an alcohol 
screening device that differs from other nonevidential alcohol 
screening devices recognized in part 40 of the regulations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      10/01/02                    67 FR 61521
Final Action Effective          10/31/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions

[[Page 74847]]

Government Levels Affected: State, Local

Agency Contact: Jim L Swart, Drug and Alcohol policy Advisor, 
Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Room 10403, 400 
7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-6369
Fax: 202 366-3897
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AD13


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 5 USC 552; 31 USC 9701; 49 USC 322; EO 12600

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 7; 49 CFR 10

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule would amend DOT regulations implementing the 
Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act to reflect establishment 
within DOT of the Transportation Security Administration


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    08/26/02                    67 FR 54746
Final Action Effective          08/26/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Robert I. Ross, Office of General Counsel, C-10, 
Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, 400 Seventh 
Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9156
Fax: 202 366-9170
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AD15


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 1324; 49 USC 1371; 42 USC 6102; PL 96-354; 49 
USC 1371-1372; 49 USC 1386; 49 USC 1302; 49 USC 45106; 49 USC 1324; 49 
USC 1371-1374; 49 USC 1381; 49 USC 1386; 49 USC 1481-1482; 49 USC 101; 
49 USC 102; 49 USC 301-302; 49 USC 322; 49 USC 5331; 49 USC 20140; 49 
USC 31306; 49 USC 45101

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121,207, 208, 221, 250, 253, and 256; 14 CFR 302, 
380, 389, and 399; 49 CFR 27, 37, 40, 219, 376, and 382; 49 CFR 653, 
and 654

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This document withdraws a number of notices of proposed 
rulemakings (NPRMs) issued by the Department of Transportation and the 
Civil Aeronautics Board that have been superseded by more recent 
rulemakings or other actions that make the proposed actions no longer 
necessary or appropriate. This withdrawal is significant because 
several of the NPRMs were significant.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Notice of Withdrawal            10/03/02                    67 FR 61996

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This document withdraws RIN numbers 2105-AA45, 
2105-AA40, 2105-AA78, 2105-AA88, 2105-AA82, 2105-AA84, 2105-AB50, 2105-
AB71, 2105-AC06, and 2105-AC50.

Agency Contact: Jennifer Abdul-Wali, Transportation Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-6322
Fax: 202 366-9313
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2105-AD16


Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 114; 49 USC 5103; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 44901 to 
44907; 49 USC 44913 to 44914; 49 USC 44916 to 44918; 49 USC 44935 to 
44936; 49 USC 44942; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1520

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: TSA is proposing to amend its regulation governing the 
protection of sensitive security information (SSI) in order to require 
persons operating in various nonaviation modes of transportation to 
safeguard information about security concerns that TSA disseminates to 
those persons in the form of Information Circulars (ICs). This will 
facilitate the dissemination of ICs to entities and individuals in 
nonaviation sectors of transportation by bringing them within the 
regulatory framework governing the protection of ICs from disclosure. 
Recipients of ICs will be required to restrict disclosure of and access 
to their contents to persons with an operational need to know. Persons 
subject to the SSI regulation that fail to protect ICs in accordance 
with the regulation's requirements will be subject to civil penalties 
and other enforcement action by TSA.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02
NPRM Comment Period End         01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State, Local

Agency Contact: Brandon B. Straus, Associate Chief Counsel for 
Regulations, Department of Transportation, Transportation Security 
Administration, TSA-2, Chief Counsel, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-1224
Fax: 202 493-1266
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2110-AA07

[[Page 74848]]



Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Legal Authority: 49 USC 40101 et seq (PL 107-71)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1542; 49 CFR 1544

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action will address criminal history background checks 
for individuals who regularly have escorted access to secured areas of 
an airport.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Christine Beyer, Attorney, Regulations Division, 
Department of Transportation, Transportation Security Administration, 
TSA-2, Chief Counsel, 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-1340
Fax: 202 493-1741
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2110-AA08


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 114; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 44901 to 44907; 49 
USC 44913 to 44914; 49 USC 44916 to 44918; 49 USC 44935 to 44936; 49 
USC 46105

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1520

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: TSA is proposing to amend its regulation governing the 
protection of sensitive security information (SSI) to expand the 
regulation's coverage to security information related to non-aviation 
modes of transportation. The current regulation covers information 
primarily related to aviation security. The proposed rule will make 
several revisions to the regulation. In addition, in order to implement 
its new statutory authority to protect sensitive security information 
in all modes of transportation, TSA will amend the SSI regulation to 
specifically cover information in all modes regulated by the Department 
of Transportation and relevant entities in those modes that may create 
and receive SSI.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02
NPRM Comment Period End         02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Brandon B. Straus, Associate Chief Counsel for 
Regulations, Department of Transportation, Transportation Security 
Administration, TSA-2, Chief Counsel, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-1224
Fax: 202 493-1266
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2110-AA10

Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)



Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Legal Authority: 49 USC 40101 et seq (PL 107-71)

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91; 14 CFR 107 to 109; 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 129; 14 
CFR 135; 14 CFR 139; 14 CFR 191; 49 CFR 1500 to 1550

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, February 17, 2002.

Abstract: This action transfers the FAA security rules to the 
Transportation Security Administration.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule Effective            02/17/02
Final Rule                      02/22/02                     67 FR 8340
Final Rule Comment Period End   03/25/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

URL For More Information:

Agency Contact: Mardi Ruth Thompson, Acting Deputy Chief Counsel for 
Regulations, Department of Transportation, Transportation Security 
Administration, TSA-2, Chief Counsel, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-1227
Fax: 202 493-1266
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2110-AA03


Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Legal Authority: 49 USC 114; 49 USC 5103; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 44901 to 
44907; 49 USC 44913 to 44914; 49 USC 44916 to 44918; 49 USC 44935 to 
44936; 49 USC 44942; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1540; 49 CFR 1544

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, February 17, 2002.

Abstract: This action requires operators of aircraft with a maximum 
certificated takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or more to implement a 
Transportation Security Administration approved security program.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      02/22/02                     67 FR 8205

[[Page 74849]]

Final Rule Comment Period End   04/23/02
Final Rule Effective            06/24/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

Additional Information: The TSA will develop the final security program 
after affected operators have an opportunity to comment on it. The TSA 
will publish a notice in the Federal Register when this occurs.

URL For More Information:

Agency Contact: Christine Beyer, Attorney, Regulations Division, 
Department of Transportation, Transportation Security Administration, 
TSA-2, Chief Counsel, 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-1340
Fax: 202 493-1741
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2110-AA04


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 114; 49 USC 5102; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 44901 to 
44907; 49 USC 44913 to 44914; 49 USC 44916 to 44918; 49 USC 44935 to 
44936; 49 USC 44942; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1540; 49 CFR 1544

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule amends the rules that apply to private charter 
aircraft. Private charter aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff 
weight of 95,000 pounds or more will now be required to ensure that 
passengers and their accessible property are screened prior to 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      06/19/02                    67 FR 41635
Final Rule Comment Period End   07/19/02
Final Rule Effective            08/19/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The TSA will develop the final security program 
after affected operators have an opportunity to comment on it. The TSA 
will publish a notice in the Federal Register when this occurs.

URL For More Information:

Agency Contact: Lon M Siro, Aviation Security Operations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Transportation Security Administration, 
TSA-7-500, Air Carrier Operations Division, Building 10A, Room 325, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-9661
Fax: 202 267-5359
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2110-AA05


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 114; 49 USC 5102; 49 USC 40119 to 44907; 49 USC 
44913 to 44914; 49 USC 44916 to 44918; 49 USC 44935 to 44936; 49 USC 
44942; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1540

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action provides the process by which the Transportation 
Security Administration (TSA) will notify a holder of, or an applicant 
for, a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificate, and the FAA, 
if the TSA has determined that the certificate holder or applicant 
poses a security threat. This process, in a normal case, offers the 
certificate holder the opportunity to respond to an initial 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Brandon B. Straus, Associate Chief Counsel for 
Regulations, Department of Transportation, Transportation Security 
Administration, TSA-2, Chief Counsel, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-1224
Fax: 202 493-1266
Email: [email protected]

Related RIN: Related To 2120-AH84
RIN: 2110-AA14

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)



Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Legal Authority: 49 USC 44940

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1510

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Transportation Security Agency announces the imposition 
of a security service fee in the amount of $2.50 per emplanement on 
passengers of domestic and foreign carriers in air transportation, 
foreign air transportation, and intrastate air transportation 
originating in the US.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              12/31/01                    66 FR 67698
Notice Information Collection   01/31/02                     67 FR 4866

[[Page 74850]]

Notice Information Collection   02/19/02                     67 FR 7582
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      03/01/02
Comment Period Reopened         03/28/02                    67 FR 14879
Comment Period End              04/30/02
Final Action                     To Be                       Determined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

Agency Contact: Randall Fiertz, Acting Chief TSA Revenue, Department of 
Transportation, Transportation Security Administration, TSA-14, 
Associate US for Finance and Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 385-1209
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2110-AA01


Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Legal Authority: 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44940

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1511

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: TSA announces the imposition of an air carrier fee each 
fiscal year on air carriers and foreign air carriers in air 
transportation, foreign air transportation, and intrastate air 
transportation. The fee is necessary to help defray TSA's costs of 
providing U.S. civil aviation security services.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule Effective    02/18/02
Interim Final Rule              02/20/02                     67 FR 7926
Correction                      02/22/02                     67 FR 8579
Notice Information Collection   02/28/02                     67 FR 9355
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      03/18/02
Comment Period Extended         03/20/02                    67 FR 12954
Comment Period End              04/02/02
Notice Guidance App A           05/01/02                    67 FR 21582
Final Action                     To Be                       Determined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

Agency Contact: Randall Fiertz, Acting Chief TSA Revenue, Department of 
Transportation, Transportation Security Administration, TSA-14, 
Associate US for Finance and Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 385-1209
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2110-AA02


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 18 USC 6002; 28 USC 2461 (note); 49 USC 114; 49 USC 
40113 to 40114; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 44901 to 44907; 49 USC 46101 to 
46107; 49 USC 46109 to 46110; 49 USC 46301; 49 USC 46305; 49 USC 46311; 
49 USC 46313 to 46314

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1503

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking establishes the interim investigative and 
enforcement procedural rules that the TSA will use to address statutory 
and regulatory violations. It adopts, in large part, the Federal 
Aviation Administration's (FAA) investigative and enforcement 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              08/08/02                    67 FR 51480
Interim Final Rule Effective    08/08/02
NPRM                             To Be                       Determined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

Agency Contact: Quang Nguyen, Attorney, Enforcement Division, 
Department of Transportation, Transportation Security Administration, 
TSA-2, Chief Counsel, 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-1233
Fax: 202 493-1266
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2110-AA09


Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 2713; 33 USC 2714

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 136

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking implements section 1013 (Claims Procedures) 
and section 1014 (Designation of Source and Advertisement) of the Oil 
Pollution Act of 1990. The Interim Rule provides the requirements for 
the filing of claims for uncompensated removal costs or damages 
resulting from the discharge of oil, for the designation of the sources 
of the discharge, and for the advertisement of where claims are to be 
filed. The interim rule also included the processing of natural 
resource damage (NRD) claims. The NRD claims, however, were not 
processed until September 25, 1997, when the Department of Justice 
issued an opinion that the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) is 
available without further appropriation to pay trustee NRD claims under 
the general claims provisions of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, 33 
U.S.C. 2712(a)(4). Release of the more comprehensive NPRM has been 
delayed while the Coast Guard gained experience on NRD claims, as well 
as other OPA damages. This rulemaking supports the Coast Guard's

[[Page 74851]]

strategic goal of protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              08/12/92                    57 FR 36314
Correction                      09/09/92                    57 FR 41104
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      12/10/92
NPRM                            08/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Linda Burdette, Project Manager, National Pollution 
Fund Center, Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Suite 
1000, 4200 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22203-1804
Phone: 202 493-6831

RIN: 2115-AD90


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1321

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 153; 33 CFR 154; 33 CFR 155

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking will propose changes to the Vessel Response 
Plans and Marine Transportation Facility Response Plans, and revise the 
language in the Code of Federal Regulations concerning methods and 
procedures for removing oil from coastal waters. This rulemaking 
supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal of protection of natural 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/11/02                    67 FR 63331
NPRM Comment Period End         01/09/03
Final Action                    04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Robert Pond, Project Manager, G-MOR-2, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second St., SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-6603

RIN: 2115-AG05


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 105-383, sec 304

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 4

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This project will revise the requirements for chemical 
testing following a serious marine incident. The revision will 
establish procedures to ensure that alcohol testing be conducted within 
2 hours of a serious marine incident, as required by the Coast Guard 
Authorization Act of 1998. The rule will also make additional minor 
procedural changes to the part. This rule supports the Coast Guard 
strategic goal of maritime safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Governmental Jurisdictions, Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Agency Contact: Robert C. Schoening, Project Manager, G-MOA-1, 
Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0684

RIN: 2115-AG07


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 12106; 46 USC 12120; 46 USC 12122

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 67

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking will amend the regulations on the 
documentation of vessels engaged in the coastwise trade. It is a spin-
off of Vessel Documentation (USCG 1998-4784) RIN 2115-AF71. These 
proposals address statutory amendments eliminating certain barriers to 
seeking foreign financing by lease for U.S. flag vessels. These 
proposals would clarify the information needed to determine the 
eligibility of a vessel financed in this manner for a coastwise 
endorsement. This rulemaking supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal 
of maritime mobility.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/02/01                    66 FR 21902
NPRM Comment Period Extended to 
09/04/2001                      05/29/01                    66 FR 34603
NPRM Comment Period End         07/02/01
NPRM Comment Period Reopened    12/14/01                    66 FR 64784
Reopened Comment Period End     01/28/02
Supplemental NPRM               08/09/02                    67 FR 51804
Second NPRM Comment Period End  10/08/02
Final Rule                      04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Patricia Williams, Project Manager, NVDC, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, National Vessel Documentation Center, 
792 T.J. Jackson Drive, Falling Waters, WV 25419
Phone: 304 271-2506

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AF71
RIN: 2115-AG08


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 2103; 46 USC 3306 to 3307; 46 USC 3703; 49 USC 
1804; 49 USC 1655; 14 USC 633; 14 USC 80; ...

[[Page 74852]]

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 2; 33 CFR 26; 33 CFR 62; 33 CFR 64; 33 CFR 95; 33 
CFR 100; 33 CFR 165

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This project will make substantive changes to current 
regulations, but only to the extent required to conform to the 
congressionally mandated changes in the laws administered and enforced 
by the Coast Guard as listed in section 301 of the Coast Guard 
Authorization Act of 1998 (a. Ports and Waterways Safety Act, b. 
subtitle II of title 46). We will redefine the ``territorial sea,'' 
``navigable waters of the United States,'' ``high seas,'' ``contiguous 
zone,'' and ``exclusive economic zone'' to clarify the varying 
definitions of those terms under different laws administered and 
enforced by the Coast Guard, as well as relevant Presidential 
proclamations. This project supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal 
of marine safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/14/02                    67 FR 52906
Correction to NPRM              09/18/02                    67 FR 58752
NPRM Comment Period End         11/12/02
Final Rule                      02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Alex Weller, Project Manager (G-LMI), Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0097

RIN: 2115-AG13


Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 14 USC 81; 33 USC 1231; 43 USC 1333; 46 USC 4302

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 60-76

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Assistant Commandant for Operations proposes to revise 33 
CFR subchapter C -- Aids to Navigation: parts 60 through 76. In these 
parts, he would update technical information concerning buoys, sound 
signals, international rules at sea, communications procedures, and 
Large Navigational Buoys (LNBs). The Assistant Commandant for 
Operations would also rewrite these parts using plain language. The 
proposed changes would update the existing rules both to reflect 
current practices and to make them easier to understand.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Daniel Andrusiak, Project Manager, G-OPN-2, Department 
of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0327

RIN: 2115-AG25


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1233

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 100

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule would revise Coast Guard procedures to expedite 
approval of organized marine events conducted on the navigable waters 
of the United States. These new procedures would establish general 
permits with nationwide or regional applicability and would encourage 
sponsors to submit information to the Coast Guard by electronic means. 
These new procedures would reduce the paperwork burden on both the 
public and the Coast Guard without adversely affecting vessel safety or 
the environment in the event areas. This project supports the Coast 
Guard's strategic goals of maritime safety and maritime mobility.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Organizations

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Carlton Perry, Project Manager, G-OPB-1, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0979

RIN: 2115-AG26


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 499

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 117

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard is proposing changes to its drawbridge 
regulations that provide guidance for general requirements relating to 
the use and operation of drawbridges. This project will create a new 
deviation for short-term closures, provide Coast Guard Eight District 
Bridges Administration St. Louis with a general bridge closure 
requirement during the winter season when navigation is reduced and 
eliminate any unnecessary distinction between commercial and 
recreational vessels in subpart B. It will also make changes throughout 
part 117 to remove redundancies, make amendments and technical 
corrections, and remove special bridge regulations that are no longer 
functional. Corrections and clarification of these requirements will 
help to streamline the drawbridge regulatory process and should shorten 
and simplify part 117 for the reader. This rulemaking supports the 
Coast Guard's strategic goal of maritime mobility.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: J. Christopher Jaufmann, Project Manager (G-OPT-1), 
Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Coast Guard 
Headquarters, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 20593-0001

[[Page 74853]]

Phone: 202 267-0377

RIN: 2115-AG27


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 9303(f)

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 401

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard conducts an annual review of the Great Lakes 
Pilotage based on the ``Ratemaking Analyses and Methodology'' published 
in the Federal Register on May 9, 1996. Depending on the results of 
this review, the Coast Guard can make rate adjustments in accordance 
with 46 CFR part 404, App. A, step 7; or, if the director determines 
that pilotage rates are within a reasonable range of their target, make 
no adjustments. This rulemaking may take place annually. It supports 
the Coast Guard's strategic goal of maritime mobility.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Tom Lawler, Project Manager, G-M-2, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-1401

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AG46
RIN: 2115-AG30


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 4302

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 175

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule would require every person to wear a personal 
flotation device (PFD)--also called a lifejacket--while operating or 
riding on personal watercraft (PWC) or being towed behind a 
recreational vessel. On waters subject to the jurisdiction of the 
United States within any State or territory, the rule would not preempt 
any requirement established for such persons as specified by that 
State. The rule would set a Federal requirement on waters subject to 
the jurisdiction of the United States within any State or territory. 
The new requirement would reduce the number of persons who drown while 
participating in these activities.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Carlton Perry, Project Manager, G-OPB-1, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0979

RIN: 2115-AG32


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1223(a)

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 161; 33 CFR 164; 33 CFR 165

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This project will implement an Automatic Identification 
System (AIS) carriage requirement for SOLAS and non-SOLAS vessels 
operating on designated waters (i.e., Vessel Traffic Service [VTS] 
areas, coastal zones, inland waterways and other major waterways). AIS 
automatically exchanges navigational and positional information in 
ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore-to-ship modes. Traditional VTS have been 
based on radar and video surveillance and rely on voice communications 
by VHF-FM radio; AIS-based VTS will use this technology to perform the 
majority of both surveillance and information exchange. AIS unburdens 
mariners from VTS reporting, reduces the cost of operating a VTS and 
eliminates much of the potentially distracting voice communications 
associated with traditional VTS operations. Establishing an AIS-based 
VTS will meet clear Congressional direction and maritime community 
desires to improve port efficiency and vessel traffic safety 
(particularly on the Lower Mississippi River area) and will enhance 
maritime domain awareness. This rulemaking supports the Coast Guard's 
strategic goals of safety, protection of natural resources and 
mobility. At the Department of Transportation level, this rulemaking 
supports the goals of safety, mobility and protection of the human and 
natural environment. Additionally, AIS will be a key link between 
maritime transportation and DOT's Intelligent Transportation System 
Initiative and is a major element within the Marine Transportation 
System Initiative. This rulemaking is significant because of 
significant public interest in this proposed rule.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: This proposed rule is expected to reduce the 
number of collisions, allisions and groundings; the number of tank 
vessel groundings and collisions resulting from inadequate passage or 
port transit planning; the number of and/or impact of waterway 
impediments; crewmember deaths/injuries on U.S. commercial vessels; the 
risk of major loss of life on passenger vessels; the amount of oil 
discharged into the marine environment; and the amount of chemicals 
entering the environment.

Agency Contact: Jorge Arroyo, Project Manager, G-MWV, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-6277

Related RIN: Split From 2115-AF75
RIN: 2115-AG36


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 10 USC 1034

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 53

Legal Deadline: None

[[Page 74854]]

Abstract: This rulemaking would amend 33 CFR part 53 both by extending 
coverage to uniformed members of the Coast Guard who make ``protected'' 
communications either to an organization within the Department of 
Transportation concerned with audit, inspection, or law enforcement, or 
to any other person or organization (including any person or 
organization in the chain of command) designated pursuant to 
regulations to receive such communications, and by extending the nature 
of protected communications to comprise complaints (a) of violations of 
law or regulation prohibiting sexual harassment, (b) or unlawful 
discrimination, and (c) of gross mismanagement.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: CDR Peter Ganser, Project Manager, G-LGL, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-1553

RIN: 2115-AG49


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 16 USC 4711

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 151

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would set penalties for failure to submit 
ballast water management reports, as required in subpart D of 33 CFR 
151. It supports the Coast Guard's strategic goals of protection of 
natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: LCDR M. Pat McKeown, Project Manager, G-MSO, Department 
of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0500

RIN: 2115-AG50

Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 6101; 33 USC 1901 et seq

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 151; 46 CFR 4

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would add to the definition of a reportable 
marine casualty, ``significant harm to the environment.'' Some casualty 
reporting requirements are extended to include foreign tank vessels 
operating in U.S. waters, including the Exclusive Economic Zone. This 
project supports the Coast Guard's Marine Safety and Environmental 
Protection program's goal to reduce the consequence of pollution 
incidents and further supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal of 
protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            12/20/94                    59 FR 65522
Comment Period End              02/20/95
NPRM                            11/02/00                    65 FR 65808
Supplemental NPRM               07/12/01                    66 FR 36530
Supplemental NPRM Comment Period 
End                             09/10/01
Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This rulemaking was formerly docketed under CGD 
91-216. In the 2002 Spring Agenda, the next action listed (``To Be 
Withdrawn'') was in error. This rulemaking remains active and we 
propose to publish a final rule in November 2002.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LCDR Charles Barbee, Project Manager, G-MOA-1, 
Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-1418

RIN: 2115-AD98


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1231

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 126

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking was intended to revise existing regulations 
covering waterfront facilities that handle dangerous cargoes. The 
present regulations are outdated and do not reflect improved safety 
procedures and modern transportation methods, such as the use of 
containers. Where appropriate, the regulations incorporate industry 
standards regarding the handling of hazardous materials at waterfront 
facilities. This project supports the Vice Commandant's workload 
reduction initiative and also supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal 
of maritime safety by reducing deaths and injuries in the maritime 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           01/13/93                     58 FR 4127
ANPRM Comment Period End        04/13/93
NPRM                            10/29/98                    63 FR 57964
NPRM Comment Period End         12/28/98
NPRM Comment Period Reopened    01/12/99                     64 FR 1770
NPRM Comment Period End         03/01/99
Final Rule                      11/00/02

[[Page 74855]]

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: An independent study has been completed and 
incorporated with comments from the public in the preparation of the 
rulemaking. Old Docket Number CGD 92-026.
The NPRM was published under the more precisely descriptive title of 
Handling of Class I (Explosive) Materials or Other Dangerous Cargoes 
Within or Contiguous to Waterfront Facilities.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Michael A. Jendrossek, Project Manager, G-MSO-2, 
Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0836

RIN: 2115-AE22


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 14 USC 633; 44 USC 3507; 46 USC 2103; 46 USC 7101; 46 
USC 7106; 46 USC 7107; 46 USC 7701

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 10; 46 CFR 15

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking is necessary as part of an overall initiative 
by the Coast Guard to improve navigational safety for towing vessels. 
It will help ensure that the mariner piloting a towing vessel has the 
proper training and qualifications to handle the tug and tow. It has 
introduced a third level of license where there have been only two. 
Each level requires greater experience and proficiency than the one 
below. This rulemaking also introduces a requirement for demonstration 
of proficiency as a prerequisite to being issued an original license. 
This will be in addition to the current requirements for sea service, 
physical examination, testing for drugs, and successful testing for 
competence. This project supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal of 
maritime safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/19/96                    61 FR 31332
Correction                      07/11/96                    61 FR 36608
Correction                      08/07/96                    61 FR 41208
Notice of Meeting               08/26/96                    61 FR 43720
NPRM Comment Period End         10/17/96
Notice of Intent                12/18/96                    61 FR 66642
SNPRM                           10/27/97                    62 FR 55548
Public Meeting Memphis 02/11/98 01/21/98                     63 FR 3070
Public Meeting Houston 02/13/98 01/21/98                     63 FR 3070
Public Meeting Boston 02/18/98  01/21/98                     63 FR 3070
Public Meeting Seattle 02/24/98 01/21/98                     63 FR 3070
SNPRM Comment Period End        02/24/98
Interim Final Rule              11/19/99                    64 FR 63213
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      02/17/00
Interim Final Rule              10/27/00                    65 FR 64388
Notice Concerning Review        02/09/01                     66 FR 9673
Interim Final Rule              04/26/01                    66 FR 20931
Interim Final Rule Effective    05/21/01
Notice of Public Meeting        07/11/01                    66 FR 36223
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      07/25/01
Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Old Docket Number CGD 94-055.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LCDR Luke Harden, Project Manager, G-MSO-1, Department 
of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second St. SW., Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-1838

RIN: 2115-AF23


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 51

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 45

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This regulatory project will allow certain unmanned dry cargo 
river barges operating on Lake Michigan to be exempted from the normal 
Great Lakes load line requirements. Instead, they may qualify for a 
conditional load line exemption, or for a limited service domestic 
voyage load line (depending on which Lake Michigan route). This 
rulemaking pertains to two specific routes: Chicago to Milwaukee, and 
Chicago to Muskegon. This will allow certain non-hazardous cargoes 
originating at inland river ports to be transported as far as Milwaukee 
and Muskegon by river barge, thereby benefiting from the relatively low 
cost per ton-mile of river barge transportation. Compliance is not 
mandatory other than for those river barge operators who voluntarily 
seek to expand their operations onto these routes. This rulemaking 
supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal of marine safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/02/98                    63 FR 58679
NPRM Comment Period Extended    12/28/98                    63 FR 71411
Comment Period End              01/04/99
NPRM Comment Period End         03/04/99
Interim Final Rule              04/23/02                    67 FR 19685
Interim Final Rule Effective    05/23/02
Interim Final Rule--Announcement 
of Effective Date of COI 
Sections                        06/20/02                    67 FR 41847
Collection of Information 
Sections Effective              06/20/02
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      10/23/02
Final Rule                      02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Organizations

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Old Docket Number CGD 95-015.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Thomas Jordan, Project Manager, G-MSE-2, Department

[[Page 74856]]

of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-2988

RIN: 2115-AF38


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 43 USC 1333(d)(1); 43 USC 1348(c); 43 USC 1356

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 140 to 147

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This project would revise the regulations on Outer 
Continental Shelf (OCS) activities to: add new requirements for fixed 
OCS facilities for lifesaving, fire protection, training, hazardous 
materials used as stores, and accommodation spaces; require foreign 
vessels engaged in OCS activities to comply with requirements similar 
to those imposed on U.S. vessels similarly engaged; and allow all 
mobile inland drilling units (MIDUs) to operate on the OCS out to a 
defined boundary line if they meet requirements for lifesaving, 
firefighting, and operations similar to those for fixed OCS facilities. 
This project would affect the owners and operators of facilities and 
vessels engaged in offshore activities associated with the exploration 
for, development of, or production of the resources of the OCS. The 
preliminary estimate of costs imposed by these amendments varies 
according to the unit. The Coast Guard is consulting with the Minerals 
Management Service, part of the Department of the Interior. It supports 
the Coast Guard's strategic goal of marine safety and environmental 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            06/27/95                    60 FR 33185
Comment Period End              09/25/95
NPRM                            12/07/99                    64 FR 68416
NPRM Correction                 02/22/00                     65 FR 8671
NPRM Comment Period Extended    03/16/00                    65 FR 14226
NPRM Comment Period Extended    06/30/00                    65 FR 40559
NPRM Comment Period End         11/30/00
Final Rule                      03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The Notice of Request for Comments published 
June 27, 1995, was assigned Coast Guard docket number 95-016. Following 
the request for comments this docket was terminated. This project 
continues under docket USCG-1998-3868 and RIN 2115-AF39.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: James Magill, Project Manager, G-MSO-2, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-1082

RIN: 2115-AF39

(USCG 2000-6931)

Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 3719; 46 USC 4102

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 157; 46 CFR 27

Legal Deadline: NPRM, Statutory, October 1, 1997.

Abstract: The Coast Guard proposes requirements for (a) total-flooding 
or other installed systems for suppressing fires on existing towing 
vessels and (b) voyage-planning. The purpose of this rulemaking is to 
reduce oil spills from single-hull, non-self-propelled barges. Drifting 
oil barges have run aground and spilled their cargoes, causing 
considerable damage to marine life and the environment. This project 
was developed in cooperation with the Towing Safety Advisory Committee. 
It supports the Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime safety and 
protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/06/97                    62 FR 52057
Comment Period End              01/05/98
Comment Period Reopened         02/27/98                     63 FR 9980
Notice of Public Meeting        02/27/98                     63 FR 9980
Comment Period End              05/11/98
SNPRM                           11/08/00                    65 FR 66941
Notice of Public Meeting        12/28/00                    65 FR 82303
SNPRM Comment Period End        03/08/01
SNPRM; Notice of Mtg. & Second 
Reopening Comment Period        07/11/01                    66 FR 36223
Second Reopened Comment Period 
End                             09/15/01
Interim Rule                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This rulemaking was formerly titled ``Towing 
Vessel Safety (Fire Suppression Systems and Other Measures for Towing 
Vessels)'' (CGD 97-064). It originally proposed requirements for three 
sets of issues relative to the safety of towing vessel safety issues: 
Fire-suppression systems and other measures; control measures for tank 
barges; and fire-protection measures for towing vessels. The latter two 
components have developed into separate rulemakings: Emergency Control 
Measures for Tank Barges (USCG 1998-4443) (RIN 2115-AF65) and Fire 
Protection Measures for Towing Vessels (USCG 1998-4445) (RIN 2115-

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Randall Eberly, Project Manager, G-MSE-4, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-1861

Related RIN: Split From 2115-AF65, Split From 2115-AF66
RIN: 2115-AF53


 Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 103 in part II of this issue 
of the Federal Register.

RIN: 2115-AF60

1991. DEEPWATER PORTS (USCG-1998-3884)

Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1503

[[Page 74857]]

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 148 to 150

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The purpose of this rulemaking is to update the Deepwater 
Port Regulations. Section 502 of the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 
1996 necessitates changes to the current Deepwater Port regulations. 
These regulations were developed in the 1970s when there were no 
deepwater ports in the United States. The Coast Guard will be revising 
the regulations to: remove from the regulations, and place in the 
license conditions, those requirements which belong in the license 
conditions; and remove from the regulations those things which can be 
addressed in an operations manual. The Coast Guard will also consider 
revising the regulations to address technological advancements and 
operational experience gained over the last 20 years. In accordance 
with section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Coast Guard is 
also reviewing these regulations for their impacts on small businesses 
and the potential to reduce any such impacts. Public comment on small 
business impacts is specifically requested. This rulemaking will 
encompass a complete review of the Deepwater Port Regulations. This 
project supports the Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime safety 
and protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           08/29/97                    62 FR 45774
ANPRM Comment Period End        10/13/97
NPRM                            05/30/02                    67 FR 37920
NPRM Comment Period End         07/29/02
NPRM Comment Period Reopened    08/19/02                    67 FR 53764
Second NPRM Comment Period End  09/18/02
Final Rule                      06/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: ANPRM was published under Docket Number USCG-
1998-4441. This docket number is replaced with USCG-1998-3884.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: CDR Mark Prescott, Project Manager, G-MSO, Department 
of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0225

RIN: 2115-AF63

KETCHIKAN, AK (CGD17-99-002)

Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 471; 33 USC 1231; 33 USC 2071

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 162; 33 CFR 165; 33 CFR 110

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would grant an exemption from the present 7-
knot speed limit in Tongass Narrows, AK, for float plane take-off and 
landing and vessels 23 feet in length or less. The geographic area for 
the speed limit would be expanded. A safety zone used for cruise ship 
anchorages would be redesignated as an anchorage area to reflect actual 
usage of the area and transiting vessels would be required to move 
quickly and directly through the anchorage, without rapid course 
changes, to increase safety. This project supports the Coast Guard's 
strategic goal of marine safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/25/99                    64 FR 14414
NPRM Comment Period End         05/10/99
Interim Final Rule              06/02/99                    64 FR 29554
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      11/30/99
Interim Final Rule              04/07/00                    65 FR 18242
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      10/31/00
Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LT Kenneth Kostecki, Project Manager, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2030 Sealevel Drive, Suite 203, 
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Phone: 907 225-4496

RIN: 2115-AF81


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 2103; 46 USC ch 71; 46 USC ch 73

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 12; 46 CFR 15; 46 CFR 10

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This project will implement new amendments to the 
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and 
Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW), that impose requirements for 
training and qualifications of masters, officers, engineers, and 
``ratings.'' The following training courses are mandatory for the 
personnel on passenger ships other than roll-on, roll-off, carrying 
more than 12 passengers operating on international voyages: (1) Crisis 
Management and Human Behavior; (2) Crowd Management; (3) Special 
Safety; (4) Passenger Safety, with special attention given to disabled 
persons and others needing assistance; and (5) Special Familiarization. 
This rulemaking supports the Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime 
safety and protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/15/00                    65 FR 37507
NPRM Comment Period End         09/13/00
Interim Final Rule              11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Mark Gould, Project Manager, G-MSO-1, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 

[[Page 74858]]

Phone: 202 267-6890

RIN: 2115-AF83


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 3305; 46 USC 3308

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 71; 46 CFR 115; 46 CFR 167; 46 CFR 169; 46 CFR 176

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This regulatory project will establish hull examination 
alternatives and a drydock extension policy for qualifying passenger 
vessels that operate exclusively on benign, low-risk environments, and 
that have limited time under way. In addition, the proposed regulations 
would provide the option of alternating drydock examinations with 
underwater surveys for passenger vessels. This project supports the 
Coast Guard's strategic Marine Safety, Security and Environmental 
Protection Program's goal of mobility by facilitating commerce and 
eliminating interruptions and impediments to the economical movement of 
goods and people.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              04/29/02                    67 FR 21062
Interim Final Rule Effective    06/28/02
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      07/29/02
Interim Final Rule; announcement 
of effective date               08/28/02                    67 FR 55162
Collection of Information 
Interim Rule Sections Effective 08/28/02
Final Rule                      03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This project is a split-off of RIN 2115-AF73. 
The split was a result of comments received under the NPRM that was 
published under RIN 2115-AF73, 11/15/1999, 64 FR 62018, entitled 
Frequency of Inspection Alternate Hull Exam Program for Certain 
Passenger Vessels, and Underwater Surveys for Passenger, Nautical 
School, and Sailing School Vessels.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Martin Walker, Project Manager, G-MOC, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second St. SW,, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-1047

Related RIN: Split From 2115-AF73
RIN: 2115-AF95


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 14 USC 83; 14 USC 85; 43 USC 1333

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 66

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard is seeking to let the lighting industry and 
owners of private aids to navigation take advantage of a recent 
improvement in technology--one that enables the use of lanterns based 
on Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs), which would reduce the consumption of 
power and simplify the maintenance of the aids. The use of these 
lanterns should stimulate competition in the industry, reduce 
maintenance and therefore operating costs, and allow the marking of the 
aids in a desirable manner. This rule supports the Coast Guard's 
strategic goals of maritime safety and maritime mobility.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Direct Final Rule               10/04/00                    65 FR 59124
Direct Final Rule Withdrawn     01/02/01                        66 FR 8
NPRM                            06/24/02                    67 FR 42512
NPRM Comment Period End         08/23/02
Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The Coast Guard withdrew the direct final rule 
because it received an adverse comment. The Coast Guard published an 
NPRM to solicit additional comments from the public.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Daniel Andrusiak, Project Manager, G-OPN-2, Department 
of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0327

RIN: 2115-AF98


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 4302

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 175, subpart B

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule requires every child under the age of 13 to wear a 
personal flotation device (PFD)--also called a lifejacket--while aboard 
a recreational vessel under way and while not below decks or in an 
enclosed cabin. It adopts, on waters subject to the jurisdiction of the 
United States within any State, any requirement for the wearing of a 
PFD established by that State for a child under an age specified by 
that State. The rule also sets, on waters subject to the jurisdiction 
of the United States within any State lacking any such requirement, its 
own, comparable requirements. This project supports the Coast Guard's 
strategic goal of maritime safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/01/01                    66 FR 21717
NPRM Comment Period End         08/29/01
Final Rule                      02/27/02                     67 FR 8881
Notice of Withdrawal of Final 
Rule                            03/27/02                    67 FR 19643
Withdrawal of Final Rule 
Effective                       03/27/02
Interim Final Rule              06/24/02                    67 FR 42488
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      08/23/02

[[Page 74859]]

Interim Final Rule Effective    12/23/02
Final Rule                      12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: After publication of the final rule, the State 
Boating Law Administrator (BLA) of Ohio raised a concern about possible 
adverse impacts due to Federal enforcement of PFD-wearing requirements 
on vessels not subject to State requirements because of vessels' 
lengths. The Coast Guard withdrew the Final Rule before its effective 
date and later published an Interim Rule that allows public comment on 
a new alternative, which removes the potential differences between 
Federal and State requirements.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Carlton Perry, Project Manager, G-OPB-1, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0979

RIN: 2115-AG04


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 4302

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 175

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule would establish Federal requirements for non-
planing recreational houseboats equipped with propeller driven 
propulsion located aft of the transom. This rule would require owners 
of these non-planing recreational houseboats to install either one or 
two propulsion unit measures (a propeller guard or a jet pump drive) or 
employ three combined measures (use of an ignition cut-off switch, 
where installed, and install a swim ladder interlock device and an aft-
visibility device). Owners of rental houseboats would have to also 
install an ignition cut-off switch, if not already installed. These 
requirements would reduce the number of boaters who are seriously or 
fatally injured when struck by the propeller of a non-planing 
recreational houseboat. This rulemaking would implement recommendations 
made by the National Boating Safety Advisory Council. It supports the 
Coast Guard's strategic goal of marine safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/10/01                    66 FR 63645
NPRM Comment Period End         03/11/02
NPRM Comment Period Extended    03/26/02                    67 FR 13738
NPRM Comment Period End         05/11/02
Final Rule                      12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Carlton Perry, Project Manager, G-OPB-1, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0979

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AF28
RIN: 2115-AG18

MEXICO (CGD08-01-025)

Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 14 USC 85; 33 USC 2071

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 147

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard proposes to establish safety zones around 
five petroleum and gas production facilities in the Outer Continental 
Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico. The four platforms and one moored spar 
buoy need to be protected from vessels operating outside the normal 
shipping channels and fairways. Placing safety zones around these 
facilities will significantly reduce the threat of allisions, oil 
spills and releases of natural gas. The proposed regulation would 
prevent all vessels from entering or remaining in specified areas 
around the platforms except for the following: an attending vessel; a 
vessel under 100 feet in length overall not engaged in towing; or a 
vessel authorized by the Eighth Coast Guard District Commander. The 
proposed safety zones are necessary to protect the safety of life, 
property and the environment and support the Coast Guard's strategic 
goals of marine safety and protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/10/01                    66 FR 63642
NPRM Comment Period End         02/08/02
Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LT Karrie Trebbe, Department of Transportation, U.S. 
Coast Guard, Eighth Coast Guard District Commander, Hale Boggs Federal 
Bldg., 501 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130
Phone: 504 589-6271

RIN: 2115-AG22

MEXICO (CGD08-01-043)

Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 14 USC 85; 43 USC 1333

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 147

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard proposes to establish a safety zone around a 
high-production, manned oil and natural gas facility in the Outer 
Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico in Green Canyon 205A. The 
facility needs to be protected from vessels operating outside the 
normal shipping channels and fairways. Placing a safety zone around the 
facility will significantly reduce the threat of allisions, oil spills, 
and releases of natural gas. The proposed regulation would prevent all 
vessels from entering or remaining in specified areas around the 
facility except for the following: An attending vessel; a vessel under 

[[Page 74860]]

feet in length overall not engaged in towing; or a vessel authorized by 
the Eighth Coast Guard District Commander. The proposed safety zone is 
necessary to protect life, property, and the environment and supports 
the Coast Guard's strategic goals of marine safety and protection of 
natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/02/02                    67 FR 15505
NPRM Comment Period End         06/03/02
Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LT Karrie Trebbe, Department of Transportation, U.S. 
Coast Guard, Eighth Coast Guard District Commander, Hale Boggs Federal 
Bldg., 501 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130
Phone: 504 589-6271

RIN: 2115-AG31


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1223(a)(5); 33 USC 1226; 33 USC 1231

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 160

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard needs to permanently amend its regulations 
relating to the Notifications of Arrival (NOA) and Departure (NOD) 
requirements in 33 CFR part 160 to ensure port safety, security, and 
environmental protection as well as maintain the uninterrupted flow of 
commerce. Subsequent to the terrorist attacks of September 2001, we 
published an emergency temporary final rule (96-hour rule) amending the 
NOA and NOD requirements for commercial vessels bound for or departing 
from ports or places in the United States. The temporary final rule 
terminates on June 15, 2002. In this rulemaking we propose to make 
permanent most of the changes introduced by the temporary final rule.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/19/02                    67 FR 41659
NPRM Comment Period End         08/19/02
Final Rule                      03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LT(Jg) Marcus Lines, Project Manager, G-MP, Department 
of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-6854

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AG47
RIN: 2115-AG35


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 14 USC 633; 31 USC 9701; 46 USC 2101; 46 USC 2103; 46 
USC 2110; ...

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 10

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking removes a restriction on the eligibility of 
some Great Lakes Maritime Academy graduates for ocean vessel third mate 
licensing. It furthers the Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime 
safety, protection of natural resources, and maritime mobility.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Direct Final Rule               11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Mr. Donald Kerlin, Department of Transportation, U.S. 
Coast Guard, National Maritime Center (NMCd), 4200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 
600, Arlington, VA 22203-1804
Phone: 202 493-1006

RIN: 2115-AG43


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1223

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 167

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking will propose amendments to the existing 
traffic separation schemes: In the Strait of Juan de Fuca and its 
approaches; In Puget Sound and its approaches; in Haro Strait, Boundary 
Pass, and in the Strait of Georgia. These amendments are approved by 
the International Maritime Organization and have been validated by 
several recent vessel routing studies. With the amendments in place, 
commercial vessels would be routed farther offshore when entering or 
departing the TSS, providing an extra margin of safety and 
environmental protection in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary 
and adjacent waters. This rulemaking will incorporate the modified TSS 
into the Code of Federal Regulations. This project supports the Coast 
Guard's strategic goals of safety and protecting the marine 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/27/02                    67 FR 54981
NPRM Comment Period End         10/28/02
Final Rule                      02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Detweiler, Project Manager G-MWV, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second St., SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0574

RIN: 2115-AG45

[[Page 74861]]


PORTS (USCG-2001-10689)

Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1223; 33 USC 1226; 33 USC 1231; 49 CFR 1.46

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 160

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: To ensure public safety and security and to ensure the 
uninterrupted flow of commerce, the Coast Guard is extending its 
temporary rule changing notification requirements for vessels bound for 
or departing from U.S. ports. This rulemaking will lengthen the usual 
notification period from 24 to 96 hours prior to port entry, require 
submission of reports to a central national clearinghouse, suspend 
exemptions for vessels operating in compliance with the Automated 
Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System, for some vessels operating on 
the Great Lakes, and vessels on scheduled routes, and require 
information about persons onboard these vessels. This rulemaking is 
necessary to ensure receipt of comprehensive and timely information on 
vessels entering U.S. ports. The extension of the temporary rule will 
allow the Coast Guard to complete its rulemaking to permanently revise 
the notice of arrival requirement. This rulemaking supports the Coast 
Guard's strategic goal of maritime security.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM--Change of Effective Period 
of Temporary Rule               07/23/02                    67 FR 48073
NPRM Comment Period End         08/22/02
Temporary Rule; Extending 
Effective Period to 03/31/2003  08/28/02                    67 FR 55115
Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The temporary rule this rulemaking proposed to 
extend is assigned RIN 2115-AG24. The following four documents have 
been published in the Federal Register under RIN 2115-AG24: A temporary 
final rule (TFR) effective from October 4, 2001 to June 15, 2002 (67 FR 
37682, May 30, 2002), two TFR corrections (66 FR 57877, November 19, 
2001; and 67 FR 2571, January 18, 2002)), and a TFR that extended the 
effective period through September 30, 2002 (67 FR 37682, May 30, 
2002). Because the first TFR was treated as a completed action, RIN 
2115-AG24 did not appear in the Agenda.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LT(Jg) Marcus Lines, Project Manager, G-MP, Department 
of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-6854

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AG35, Related To 2115-AG24
RIN: 2115-AG47

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)



Priority: Routine and Frequent

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1225; 33 USC 1226; 33 USC 1231; 33 USC 1233; 50 
USC 191

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 100; 33 CFR 165

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard uses these routine and frequent regulations 
to establish control of access to areas to ensure the safety or 
security of events, vessels, waterfront facilities, or individuals. 
Many of these zones are of short duration, ranging from a few hours to 
a few days, and all are geographically limited in area. Safety zones 
are established for events such as fireworks displays, high speed 
races, or the transit of dangerous cargoes such as explosives or 
liquefied petroleum gas. Security zones are established for 
Presidential or Vice Presidential visits, high profile events such as 
the Olympics, controversial events such as transport of spent nuclear 
fuel, and in response to the threat of terrorist attacks. Safety and 
security zones are promulgated by Captains of the Port or District 
Commanders. These routine and frequent rulemakings support the Coast 
Guard's strategic goals of marine safety, mobility, maritime security, 
and national defense. Total actions expected 10/01/2002 to 10/01/2003: 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Actions Will Continue Through   10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Routine and frequent rulemakings issued under 
this RIN will have individual docket numbers.

Agency Contact: Ed LaRue, Project Manager, G-MWV, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0416

RIN: 2115-AA97


Priority: Routine and Frequent

Legal Authority: 33 USC 471; 33 USC 2030; 33 USC 2035; 33 USC 2071

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 110

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: These routine and frequent regulations are established where 
maritime and commercial interests require them for safety of 
navigation. Special anchorage areas are areas in which vessels of not 
more than 65 feet may anchor without displaying the required lights or 
sound signals. These special anchorage areas are limited 
geographically, and depending upon the purpose, establish both long- 
and short-term anchorages. Anchorage grounds are limited 
geographically, delineate the types and size of vessel which may use 
the anchorage, and may place time and other restrictions on its use. 
Special anchorage areas and anchorage grounds are promulgated by 
District Commanders in response to requests from appropriate officials.

[[Page 74862]]

These routine and frequent rulemakings support the Coast Guard's 
strategic goal of marine safety. Total actions expected 10/01/2002 to 
10/01/2003: 10.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Actions Will Continue Through   10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Routine and frequent rulemakings issued under 
this RIN will have individual docket numbers.

Agency Contact: Ed LaRue, Project Manager, G-MWV, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0416

RIN: 2115-AA98


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1321

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 155

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, August 18, 1992.

Abstract: The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 directed the President by 
August 18, 1992, to require periodic inspection of discharge-removal 
equipment to ensure that it is available in an emergency, and to 
require carriage of discharge-removal equipment by vessels operating in 
the navigable waters of the United States and carrying oil or hazardous 
substances. This action implemented those provisions. This project 
supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal of protection of natural 
resources. This project is considered significant because of 
substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           08/30/91                    56 FR 43534
ANPRM Comment Period End        10/16/91
NPRM                            09/29/92                    57 FR 44912
NPRM Comment Period Extended    10/26/92                    57 FR 48489
NPRM Comment Period End         10/29/92
NPRM Comment Period Extended    11/16/92
Interim Final Rule              12/22/93                    58 FR 67988
Interim Final Rule Effective    01/21/94
Correction                      01/26/94                     59 FR 3749
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      02/22/94

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: David A. DuPont, Project Manager, G-MSR-2, Department 
of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0971

RIN: 2115-AD66


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 3703

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 168

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking developed standards which implement section 
4116(c) of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. It addressed the areas of 
Prince William and Puget Sounds and requires a two-vessel escort for 
single-hull tankers greater than 5,000 gross tons. On November 1, 1994, 
the crash stop criteria were suspended because of industry concerns 
about meeting the criteria. On February 1, 1995, a notice of 
availability of a two-part study assessing the capability of escort 
tugs to control disabled tankers in Prince William Sound was published. 
This project supports the Coast Guard's Marine Safety and Environmental 
Protection program's goal to reduce the amount of oil discharged into 
the marine environment and the Coast Guard's strategic goal of 
protecting natural resources. This project is considered significant 
because of substantial public and State government interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/07/92                    57 FR 30058
NPRM Comment Period End         09/08/92
NPRM Comment Period Reopened    03/26/93                    58 FR 16391
Notice of Public Hearings       04/29/93                    58 FR 25959
Correction                      05/19/93                    58 FR 29157
NPRM Comment Period End         06/24/93
Notice of Availability--Part 1 
of Study                        01/10/94                     59 FR 1411
Final Rule                      08/19/94                    59 FR 42962
Final Rule--Suspension of Crash-
Stop Provision                  11/01/94                    59 FR 54519
Final Rule Effective            11/17/94
Final Rule--Partial Suspension 
Effective                       11/17/94
Notice of Availability--Part II 
of Study                        02/01/95                     60 FR 6345

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: We are in the process of deciding how to 
respond to the comments we have received. The Coast Guard, in 
cooperation with the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens Advisory 
Council, PWS Tanker Association, and Alaska Pipeline, conducted a 
disabled-tanker towing study. The results of the study were considered 
in this rulemaking. Tug escort requirements in areas other than Prince 
William Sound and Puget Sound are addressed in the project listed under 
RIN 2115-AE56.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 08/19/94, 59 FR 42962

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LT Sam Stevens, Project Manager, G-MSE-1, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0173

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AE10
RIN: 2115-AE10

[[Page 74863]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 2712

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 133

Legal Deadline: NPRM, Statutory, February 18, 1991.

Abstract: Pursuant to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90), this 
action specifies how the authority to obligate the pollution trust fund 
for oil spill response and cleanup efforts and to enter into agreements 
with the States will be exercised. The Coast Guard is evaluating the 
performance of the interim rule. This rulemaking supports the Coast 
Guard's strategic goal of the protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Rule                    11/13/92                    57 FR 53968
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      02/11/93

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

Additional Information: Rulemaking was downgraded from Other 
Significant to Substantive Nonsignificant in the 11/14/94 Agenda; 
however, due to administrative error, the document erroneously 
reflected Other Significant in subsequent Agenda entries.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Allen R. Thuring, Project Manager, National Pollution 
Funds Center, Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Suite 
1000, 4200 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22203-1804
Phone: 202 493-6801

RIN: 2115-AE19


Priority: Routine and Frequent

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1233

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 100

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: These routine and frequent special local regulations ensure 
the safety of participants and spectators during regattas and marine 
parades. The regulations or rules specify such controls as separate 
participant and spectator areas, separation schemes for watercraft in 
the area of the event, and temporary restrictions on waterways to 
accommodate the event. These rules are short term in nature, usually 
applying to a single event not exceeding 8 hours in duration, and 
usually encompassing only a small portion of a navigable waterway. 
These rules are promulgated by District Commanders in response to a 
request from an event-sponsoring organization. These routine and 
frequent rulemakings support the Coast Guard's strategic goals of 
maritime safety and maritime mobility of commercial and recreational 
vessel traffic. Total actions expected 10/01/2002 to 10/01/2003: 75.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Action Will Continue Through    10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Organizations

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Routine and frequent rulemakings issued under 
this RIN will have individual docket numbers.

Agency Contact: Carlton Perry, Project Manager, G-OPB-1, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0979

RIN: 2115-AE46


Priority: Routine and Frequent

Legal Authority: 33 USC 499

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 117

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: These routine and frequent regulations establish operating 
schedules, and notice requirements, for drawbridges across navigable 
waterways. Drawbridge regulations establish the permanent draw 
operation schedules for bridges and specify what notice mariners must 
give to request an opening. Short-term deviations from the permanent 
schedule may be issued for bridge repairs or to test the effectiveness 
of a proposed new opening schedule. Drawbridge regulations are 
promulgated by District Commanders usually at the request of the bridge 
owner or operator, or of local officials or local Coast Guard bridge 
administration officials. These routine and frequent rulemakings 
support the Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime safety and 
maritime mobility of commercial and recreational vessel traffic. Total 
actions expected 10/01/2002 to 10/01/2003: 150.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Action Will Continue Through    10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Routine and frequent rulemakings issued under 
this RIN will have individual docket numbers.

Agency Contact: Alesia Steinberger, Project Manager, G-OPT-1, 
Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-6215

RIN: 2115-AE47


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 3703

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 168

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This regulation would designate those U.S. waters, other than 
Prince William Sound and Puget Sound, where tankers and other vessels 
must be escorted by a towing vessel or other appropriate vessel. This 
project supports the Coast Guard's Marine Safety and Environmental 
Protection program's goal to reduce the amount of oil discharged into 
the marine environment and the Coast Guard's strategic goal of 
protecting natural resources. This action is considered significant 
because of substantial public and State government interest.

[[Page 74864]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           04/27/93                    58 FR 25766
Comment Period End              06/28/93
Request for Comments            12/21/94                    59 FR 65741
Comment Period End              02/13/95

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

Additional Information: We are in the process of deciding how to 
respond to the comments we have received. This rulemaking is a 
companion to 2115-AE10, which concerns Prince William Sound and Puget 

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LT Sam Stevens, Project Manager, G-MSE-1, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0173

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AE10
RIN: 2115-AE56


Priority: Routine and Frequent

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1231; 50 USC 191

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 165

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: These routine and frequent regulations establish operating 
requirements for vessels within specified geographic areas to ensure 
safety on the navigable waters where some special or unusual 
circumstance exists. Regulated navigation areas are limited areas in 
which the Coast Guard specifies operational or vessel restrictions such 
as vessel entry, movement or departure; and vessel size, speed, 
horsepower, or draft limitations. Regulated navigation areas are 
promulgated by District Commanders, usually at the request of Coast 
Guard marine safety or local maritime safety officials. These routine 
and frequent rulemakings support the Coast Guard's strategic goals of 
waterways management, marine safety, and maritime mobility. Total 
actions expected 10/01/2002 to 10/01/2003: 10.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Actions Will Continue Through   10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Routine and frequent rulemakings issued under 
this RIN will have individual docket numbers.

Agency Contact: Ed LaRue, Project Manager, G-MWV, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0416

RIN: 2115-AE84


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1321(j); PL 101-380

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 154

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This project would implement provisions of the Oil Pollution 
Act of 1990 that require an owner or operator of a marine 
transportation-related facility transferring bulk hazardous substances 
to develop and operate in accordance with an approved response plan. 
The regulations would apply to marine transportation-related facilities 
that, because of their location, could cause harm to the environment by 
discharging a hazardous substance into or on the navigable waters or 
adjoining shoreline. A separate rulemaking, under RIN 2115-AE88, was 
developed in tandem with this rulemaking and addresses hazardous 
substances response plan requirements for tank vessels. This project 
supports the Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime safety and 
protection of natural resources by reducing the amount of chemicals 
entering the environment, as well as reducing the consequence of 
pollution incidents. This action is considered significant because of 
substantial public and industry interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           05/03/96                    61 FR 20084
Notice of Public Hearings       07/03/96                    61 FR 34775
ANPRM Comment Period End        09/03/96
NPRM                            03/31/00                    65 FR 17416
NPRM Comment Period End         06/29/00
Interim Final Rule              06/00/04

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Old Docket Number CGD 94-048. Public hearings 
regarding this rulemaking were held in Washington, DC, on July 30, 
1996; Houston, TX, on August 5, 1996; and Houston, TX, on February 26 
and 27, 1997. Public meetings for the NPRM were held in New Orleans, 
LA, on May 10 and 11, 2000.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LCDR Susan Klein, Project Manager, G-MOR, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-1983

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AE88
RIN: 2115-AE87


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1231; 33 USC 1321(j); PL 101-380

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 155

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This project would implement provisions of the Oil Pollution 
Act of 1990 that require an owner or operator of a tank vessel carrying 
bulk hazardous substances to develop and operate in accordance with an 
approved response plan. The regulations would apply to vessels 
operating on the navigable waters or within the Exclusive Economic Zone 
(EEZ) of the United States that carry

[[Page 74865]]

bulk hazardous substances. A separate rulemaking under RIN 2115-AE87 
would address hazardous substances response plan requirements for 
marine transportation-related facilities. This project supports the 
Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime safety and protection of 
natural resources by reducing the amount of chemicals entering the 
environment, as well as reducing the consequences of pollution 
incidents. This project is considered significant because of 
substantial public and industry interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           05/03/96                    61 FR 20084
Notice of Public Hearings       07/03/96                    61 FR 34775
ANPRM Comment Period End        09/03/96
NPRM                            03/22/99                    64 FR 13734
Notice of Public Hearing        06/15/99                    64 FR 31994
NPRM Comment Period Extended    06/15/99
NPRM Comment Period End         06/21/99
NPRM Extended Comment Period End08/30/99
Interim Final Rule              02/00/04

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Old Docket Number CGD 94-032.
Public meetings regarding this rulemaking were held in Washington, DC, 
on July 30, 1996; Houston, TX, on August 5, 1996; and Houston, TX, on 
February 26 and 27, 1997. Public meetings for the NPRM were held in 
Houston, TX on August 12 and 13, 1999.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LCDR Susan Klein, Project Manager, G-MOR, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-1983

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AE87
RIN: 2115-AE88


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 12301

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 189

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Title 46 U.S.C. 12301, as amended by the Abandoned Barge Act 
of 1992, requires that all undocumented barges more than 100 gross tons 
operating on the navigable waters of the United States be numbered. 
This rulemaking would establish a numbering system for these barges. 
The numbering of undocumented barges will allow identification of 
owners of barges found abandoned and help prevent future marine 
pollution. This rulemaking supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal of 
protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            10/18/94                    59 FR 52646
Comment Period End              01/17/95
ANPRM                           07/06/98                    63 FR 36384
ANPRM Comment Period End        11/03/98
NPRM                            01/11/01                     66 FR 2385
NPRM Comment Period End         04/11/01

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Old Docket Number CGD 93-091. In the 2002 
Spring Agenda we announced that we would be withdrawing this rulemaking 
but we are currently reevaluating that decision. We are in the process 
of deciding how to respond to the comments we have received.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Thomas Willis, Project Manager, National Vessel 
Documentation Center, Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 
792 T. J. Jackson Dr, Falling Waters, WV 25419-9502
Phone: 304 271-2506

RIN: 2115-AF13

SEAFARERS, 1978 (STCW) (CGD 95-062)

Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 44 USC 3507; 46 USC 2103; 46 USC 7101; 46 USC 7107

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 10; 46 CFR 12; 46 CFR 15

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The International Maritime Organization (IMO) comprehensively 
amended the International Convention on Standards of Training, 
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW), in 1995. The 
amendments came into force on February 1, 1997. This project implements 
them by revising current regulations to ensure that the United States 
complies with their requirements on: the training of merchant mariners, 
the documenting of their qualifications, and watch-standing and other 
arrangements aboard seagoing merchant ships of the United States. This 
project supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal of maritime safety. 
It also supports the goal of our directorate for Marine Safety and 
Environmental Protection for reducing deaths and injuries of 
crewmembers on domestic merchant vessels and eliminating substandard 
vessels from the navigable waters of the United States. This rulemaking 
is significant due to the potential impact on industry and the 
potential effect on international interests.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Notice of Meeting               08/02/95                    60 FR 39306
Comment Period End              09/29/95
Notice of Inquiry               11/13/95                    60 FR 56970
Comment Period End              01/12/96
NPRM                            03/26/96                    61 FR 13284
Notice of Public Meetings       04/08/96                    61 FR 15438
Comment Period End              07/24/96
Notice of Intent                02/04/97                     62 FR 5197
Interim Rule                    06/26/97                    62 FR 34505
Interim Rule Effective          07/28/97
Final Rule                       To Be                       Determined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

[[Page 74866]]

Additional Information: Old Docket Number CGD 95-062.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Mark Gould, Project Manager, G-MSO-1, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-6890

RIN: 2115-AF26


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 7701; 46 USC 7702; 33 USC 1321; 42 USC 9609

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 20; 46 CFR 5

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard maintains two separate sets of procedural 
rules: for administrative adjudication against merchant mariners' 
licenses, certificates of registry, and documents, and for the 
adjudication of class II civil penalties. The rules for suspension and 
revocation, contained in part 5 of title 46 of the Code of Federal 
Regulations (CFR), date from 1948 and are based on criminal procedure. 
The rules for class II civil penalties, contained in part 20 of title 
33 of the CFR, date from 1994 and are based on the Model Rules of 
Administrative Procedure and on other modern rules for civil procedure. 
Neither set implements the authority of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 
(OPA 90), which provides for the temporary suspension of a license, 
certificate of registry, or document for up to 45 days without a 
hearing, in certain circumstances, and a hearing within 30 days of any 
such suspension. This rulemaking would consolidate all procedural rules 
for administrative adjudications for class II civil penalties, and 
allow the Coast Guard to promulgate regulations implementing the OPA 90 
authority. This project supports the strategic goal of the Coast Guard 
to promote marine safety. We are in the process of deciding how to 
respond to comments.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/06/98                    63 FR 16731
NPRM Comment Period End         05/06/98
NPRM Comment Period Reopened    05/20/98                    63 FR 27700
NPRM Comment Period End         06/19/98
Interim Final Rule              05/24/99                    64 FR 28054
Interim Final Rule Effective    06/23/99
Interim Final Rule Correction   06/28/99                    64 FR 34540
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      07/23/99
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period Reopened                 10/05/99                    64 FR 53970
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      04/03/00
Final Rule                       To Be                       Determined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This rulemaking revises in part the previous 
docket of CGD 94-101 (RIN 2115-AD94), which was terminated on December 
20, 1995.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: George Jordan, Project Manager, G-CJ, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-2940

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AD94
RIN: 2115-AF59


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1509; 43 USC 1333; 46 USC 3306; 46 USC 3703; 46 
USC 6101

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 197; 49 CFR 1.46

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This project involves reviewing and updating the commercial 
diving regulations, which are over 20 years old. A review of the 
commercial diving regulations is needed to determine what parts should 
be updated or changed based on the current standards of safety, 
technology, and industry practices and to evaluate and minimize any 
significant economic impact of the rules upon small entities. The 
project supports the Coast Guard Marine Safety, Security and 
Environmental Protection Program's goal to reduce deaths and injuries 
on U.S. commercial vessels and the Coast Guard's strategic goal of 
maritime safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           06/26/98                    63 FR 34840
ANPRM Comment Period Extended   09/23/98                    63 FR 50848
ANPRM Comment Period End        11/09/98

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Michael A. Jendrossek, Project Manager, G-MSO-2, 
Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0836

RIN: 2115-AF64


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1223 to 1224

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 1

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would promulgate measures to improve maritime 
safety in Puget Sound-Area waters including Puget Sound, the Strait of 
Juan de Fuca, passages around and through the San Juan Islands, and the 
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. Based on a determination by 
the Secretary of Transportation regarding the status of maritime safety 
in the Puget Sound area, the Coast Guard has initiated a comprehensive 
cost-benefit analysis to study the feasibility of implementing new 

[[Page 74867]]

measures, including extended tug escort requirements and a dedicated 
response vessel. Public input will help focus this cost-benefit 
analysis and develop any future proposed rules, if deemed necessary. 
This rulemaking supports the Coast Guard Marine Safety and 
Environmental Protection Program's goal to reduce the amount of oil 
discharged into the marine environment and the Coast Guard's strategic 
goal of protection of natural resources. This is a significant action 
due to substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           11/24/98                    63 FR 64937
ANPRM Comment Period End        05/24/99

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LT Sam Stevens, Project Manager, G-MSE-1, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0173

RIN: 2115-AF68


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1223(a)

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 26; 33 CFR 161; 33 CFR 165

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This project proposes to establish a new Vessel Traffic 
Service (VTS) area in the Lower Mississippi River region. This Vessel 
Traffic Service Area (VTSA) will span from 20 miles north of Baton 
Rouge (mile 255 AHP) out to sea, including the South and Southwest 
Pass. As part of the VTSA, a VTS Special Area will be designated 
between mile 93.5 and 95 AHP. Unlike traditional VTSs, which are based 
on radar and video surveillance and rely on voice communications by 
VHF-FM radio, when fully operational VTS Lower Mississippi River will 
use Automatic Identification System transponder technology to perform 
the majority of both surveillance and information exchange. This 
rulemaking supports the Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime 
safety and protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/26/00                    65 FR 24616
NPRM Comment Period End         07/25/00
NPRM Comment Period Reopened    08/18/00                    65 FR 50479
NPRM Comment Period End         12/01/00
Final Rule                       To Be                       Determined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This project was originally entitled ``Vessel 
Traffic Service Lower Mississippi/Automatic Identification System 
Carriage Requirement.'' The VTS LMR will retain RIN 2115-AF75. The AIS 
carriage requirement will be developed in a separate rulemaking.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Jorge Arroyo, Project Manager, G-MWV, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-6277

Related RIN: Split From 2115-AG36
RIN: 2115-AF75


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 3306

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 97

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the cargo stowage and securing 
rules for U.S. vessels operating in U.S. waters. In addition, it would 
amend rules to require cargo-securing manuals for U.S. or foreign 
vessels of 500 gross tons or more on international voyages. Its goal is 
to reduce hazardous material cargo losses from vessels in U.S. waters. 
It supports the Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime safety and 
protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/01/00                    65 FR 75201
NPRM Comment Period End         03/01/01

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This rulemaking is being returned to a long-
term schedule. In the 2002 Spring agenda we announced we would be 
withdrawing this rulemaking but we are currently reevaluating that 

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Michael A. Jendrossek, Project Manager, G-MSO-2, 
Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0836

RIN: 2115-AF97


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1223; 33 USC 1231; 46 USC 2103; 46 USC 3703; 46 
USC 6101; 46 USC 8502

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 164

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would allow commercial vessels the option of 
using an IMO-approved Electronic Charting Display and Information 
System (ECDIS) as a primary means of navigation in U.S. waters instead 
of paper charts. Compliance with this rule would be optional; any 
vessel choosing not to use such an ECDIS must could continue to 
navigate using corrected and updated printed charts and publications. 
This regulation supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal of maritime 

[[Page 74868]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           05/02/01                    66 FR 21899
ANPRM Comment Period End        07/02/01

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This rulemaking is being shifted onto a long-
term schedule. In the 2002 Spring Agenda we announced that we would be 
withdrawing this rulemaking but we are currently reevaluating that 

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: LT Alan Blume, Project Manager, G-MWV-2, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0550

RIN: 2115-AG09


Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Legal Authority: 16 USC 4711

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 151

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would add a performance standard (to 33 CFR 
part 151, subpart D) for all ballast water treatment methods being used 
as alternatives to midocean ballast water exchange. It supports the 
Coast Guard's strategic goals of marine safety and protection of 
natural resources. This project is significant due to high interest 
among several Federal and State agencies.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           03/04/02                     67 FR 9632
ANPRM Comment Period End        06/03/02
NPRM                            09/00/04

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Dr. Richard Everett, Project Manager, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Operating & Env'tl. Stds. 
(G-MSO), 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 20593
Phone: 202 267-2243

RIN: 2115-AG21


Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 14 USC 14104

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The referenced initiative is not a current rulemaking project 
and therefore we have not yet determined the USCG strategic goals that 
regulatory action would serve. We are considering whether to exercise 
the Coast Guard's discretionary authority to undertake rulemaking. 
Rulemaking would amend small passenger vessel regulations, retaining 
the tonnage thresholds based on measurement under 46 U.S.C. 14502, but 
adding alternate tonnage thresholds based on measurement under 46 
U.S.C. 14302.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Peter D. Earekson, Project Manager, Marine Safety 
Center, Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 400 7th Street 
SW, Washington, DC 20590-0001
Phone: 202 366-6502

RIN: 2115-AG29


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: Not Yet Determined

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard is considering a project to update plans for 
port security. We are currently reviewing comments from the public 
workshop of January 2002 on maritime security (notice of meeting 
published December 17, 2001 (66 FR 65020) and notice of availability of 
workshop agenda published January 16, 2002 (67 FR 2271)). This project 
would support the Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime security, 
maritime safety, protection of natural resources, and mobility.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: CDR David Scott, Project Manager, G-MP, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0971

RIN: 2115-AG37


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Legal Authority: Not Yet Determined

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard is considering a project to establish 
security plans for facilities other than passenger facilities. We are 
currently reviewing comments from the January 2002 public workshop on 
maritime security (notice of meeting published December 17, 2001 (66 FR 
65020) and notice of workshop agenda published January 16, 2002 (67 FR 
2271)). This project would be expected to support the Coast Guard 
strategic goals of maritime security, maritime safety, protection of 
natural resources, and mobility.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

[[Page 74869]]

Agency Contact: LCDR John Farthing, G-MP, Department of Transportation, 
U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-2420

RIN: 2115-AG38


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: Not Yet Determined

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard is considering a project to update passenger 
facility security plans. We are currently reviewing comments from the 
January 2002 public workshop on maritime security (notice of meeting 
published December 17, 2001 (66 FR 65020) and notice of workshop agenda 
published January 16, 2002 (67 FR 2271)). This project would be 
expected to support the Coast Guard strategic goals of maritime 
security, maritime safety, protection of natural resources, and 

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: LCDR John Farthing, G-MP, Department of Transportation, 
U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-2420

RIN: 2115-AG39


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1231

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard is considering a project to establish 
security plans for passenger vessels. We are currently reviewing 
comments from the January 2002 public workshop on maritime security 
(notice of meeting published December 17, 2001 (66 FR 65020) and notice 
of workshop agenda published January 16, 2002 (67 FR 2271)). This 
project would be expected to support the Coast Guard strategic goals of 
maritime security, maritime safety, protection of natural resources, 
and mobility.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: LCDR Stephen Shapiro, G-MPV, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-1005

RIN: 2115-AG40


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1231

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard is considering a project to establish 
security plans for high consequence and other vessels. We are currently 
reviewing comments from the January 2002 public workshop on maritime 
security (notice of meeting published December 17, 2001 (66 FR 65020) 
and notice of workshop agenda published January 16, 2002 (67 FR 2271)). 
This project would be expected to support the Coast Guard strategic 
goals of maritime security, maritime safety, protection of natural 
resources, and mobility.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: LCDR Stephen Shapiro, G-MPV, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-1005

RIN: 2115-AG41


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 46 USC 2103

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard is considering a project to update standards 
and procedures for identifying people aboard vessels, and at ports and 
facilities on waterfronts. These standards and procedures might include 
checks of backgrounds for people in security-sensitive positions, but 
would take account of (and as far as possible be compatible with) 
efforts to the same effect from international bodies, other Federal 
agencies, and States.
The purpose of the project would be to deter terrorism. The project 
would support the Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime security, 
maritime safety, protection of natural resources, and mobility.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Gerald P. Miante, Project Manager, G-MSE-3, Department 
of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-2206


[[Page 74870]]

N: 2115-AG42

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 14 USC 633; 33 USC 1221; 33 USC 1223; 33 USC 1224; 33 
USC 1231; 33 USC 1232; 46 USC 3306

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 1; 46 CFR 7 to 10; 46 CFR 199

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would require owners or operators of high-
capacity passenger vessels in domestic service to develop, maintain, 
and exercise emergency response plans. Such plans would establish a 
process that prevents injury and loss of life during collisions, 
allisions, groundings, fires, and other emergencies. They would address 
issues such as passenger egress, crew training, and available emergency 
resources both on a vessel and in a vessel's operating area. This 
rulemaking supports the Coast Guard's strategic goals of maritime 
safety and protection of natural resources. It is significant because 
of substantial public interest in passenger safety. This rule is being 
withdrawn so the Coast Guard can focus on new security projects.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           02/26/98                     63 FR 9916
ANPRM Comment Period End        06/28/98
Withdrawn                       08/26/02                    67 FR 54759

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: CDR Linda Fagan, Project Manager, G-MOC, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-2978

RIN: 2115-AF61

SAFETY ACT OF 1993 (USCG-1999-5040)

Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 2101; 46 USC 2113; 46 USC 3306; 46 USC 4105

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 15; 46 CFR 24 to 28; 46 CFR 70; 46 CFR 169; 46 CFR 
175; 33 CFR 175; 33 CFR 177; 33 CFR 179; 33 CFR 181; 33 CFR 183; 46 CFR 
10; 46 CFR 2; 46 CFR 30; 46 CFR 90; 46 CFR 114; 46 CFR 188; 46 CFR 199; 

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking implements the Passenger Vessel Safety Act 
(PVSA) (Pub. L. 103-206) by amending the rules for Uninspected 
Passenger Vessels (UPVs). Specifically, the Coast Guard is considering 
amending existing UPV definitions to create a new class of UPV of at 
least 100 gross tons carrying not more than 12 passengers. The Coast 
Guard is considering operating, equipment, licensing and special permit 
application requirements appropriate for the new class of vessel. The 
Coast Guard is also considering adding definitions of ``passenger,'' 
``passenger for hire,'' and ``consideration'' to bring its rules into 
conformity with the PVSA. This project supports the Coast Guard's 
strategic goal of marine safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           04/01/99                    64 FR 15709
ANPRM Comment Period End        06/30/99
NPRM                            03/02/00                    65 FR 11410
Interim Final Rule              04/28/00                    65 FR 24878
NPRM Comment Period End         05/31/00
Final Rule                      05/15/02                    67 FR 34756
Final Rule Effective            06/14/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Michael A. Jendrossek, Project Manager, G-MSO-2, 
Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0836

RIN: 2115-AF69


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 3703

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 151

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking project will update the regulations for 
barges carrying bulk hazardous material to account for modernization of 
the industry. The current regulations for barges carrying bulk liquid 
hazardous materials were originally published in 1970. Over the past 
three decades, technology has advanced and industry practices have 
changed. This project will first ask for public comment to identify the 
rules which need to be updated. Once those rules are identified, the 
project will propose appropriate revisions to the Code of Federal 
Regulations. This project supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal of 
marine safety. This rule has been withdrawn so the Coast Guard can 
focus on new security projects.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           09/09/99                    64 FR 48976
ANPRM Comment Period End        03/07/00
Withdrawn                       04/23/02                    67 FR 19730

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Thomas J. Felleisen, Project Manager, G-MSO, Department 
of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0085

RIN: 2115-AF77

[[Page 74871]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1231

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 160

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking will require an owner, master, operator, or 
person in charge of a vessel to provide the identification of a 
vessel's charterer in addition to the already required information when 
making an advance notice of arrival for vessels bound for ports or 
places in the United States. This project supports the Coast Guard's 
strategic goals of maritime safety and protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            08/18/00                    65 FR 50481
Comment Period End              10/02/00
NPRM                            05/01/01                    66 FR 21710
Correction Notice               05/16/01                    66 FR 27216
Correction Notice               05/24/01                    66 FR 28774
NPRM Comment Period End         07/02/01
Final Rule                      08/19/02                    67 FR 53735
Final Rule Effective            09/18/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Michael A. Jendrossek, Project Manager, G-MSO-2, 
Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-0836

RIN: 2115-AG06


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 3703

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 32; 33 CFR 157

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, August 1991, Section 4110 of the Oil 
Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90).
Final, Judicial, May 2002.

Abstract: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia issued 
a writ of mandamus requiring the Coast Guard to promulgate regulations 
for tank level or pressure monitoring (TLPM) devices as mandated by OPA 
90. This regulatory project will establish performance standards for 
TLPM devices and require tank vessels to install such devices. This 
project is considered significant because of substantial public and 
industry interest and the considerable economic impact of the 
rulemaking. This rulemaking falls under the Coast Guard's strategic 
goal of protection of natural resources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/01/01                    66 FR 49877
NPRM Comment Period End         11/30/01
Final Rule                      09/17/02                    67 FR 58515
Final Action Effective          10/17/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: In March 2001, this project was reopened with a 
new RIN and DMS docket number. The Coast Guard reopened this project 
per writ of mandamus by the D.C. Circuit Court directing the Coast 
Guard to implement certain provisions of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. 
It was previously captioned with docket number 90-071, and RIN 2115-

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Martin L. Jackson, Project Manager, G-MSR-2, Department 
of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-1140

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AD69
RIN: 2115-AG10


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 43 USC 1348

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 140

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard proposes to authorize the Mineral Management 
Service (MMS) to perform inspections, on behalf of the Coast Guard, on 
fixed facilities engaged in Outer Continental Shelf activities and to 
enforce Coast Guard regulations applicable to those facilities. MMS 
already performs inspections on these facilities to determine whether 
they comply with MMS regulations. By authorizing MMS to also check for 
compliance with Coast Guard regulations, we avoid duplicating 
functions, reduce Federal costs, and increase the frequency of 
inspections. This project supports the Coast Guard's strategic goals of 
maritime safety and environmental protection.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/10/01                    66 FR 23871
NPRM Comment Period End         07/09/01
Final Rule                      02/07/02                     67 FR 5912
Final Rule; Announcement of 
Effective Date (See Addl Info)  04/16/02                    67 FR 18493
Final Rule Effective            06/07/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Additional Information: Section 140.103(c) contains a collection-of-
information requirement that had not been approved by the Office of 
Management and Budget when the final rule was published. After OMB 
approval, we published an announcement of the effective date of that 
section in the Federal Register.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: James Magill, Project Manager, G-MSO-2, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-1082

RIN: 2115-AG14

[[Page 74872]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 14 USC 633; PL 100-690

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 1.07; 49 CFR 1.46

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This project would revise 33 CFR 1.07, Notice of violation, 
to change the process for a ``no action'' option. This change would 
preserve the existing options of paying the ``ticket'' and closing the 
case, or requesting a hearing; it would replace the current default of 
the ``no action resulting in referral to a hearing officer'' to ``no 
action resulting in a finding of proved and assessment of a penalty.'' 
This project supports the Commandant's workload reduction initiative by 
increasing the efficiency of Coast Guard resources by removing a time-
consuming, unnecessary step in the processing of notices of violations 
for which no response was received.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/10/01                    66 FR 63640
NPRM Comment Period End         02/08/02
Final Rule                      06/04/02                    67 FR 38386
Final Rule Effective            07/05/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Doug Rabe, Project Manager, G-MOA, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Room 2407, 2100 Second Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20593
Phone: 202 267-1428

RIN: 2115-AG15


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1223

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 167; 33 CFR 161

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would implement amendments to the existing 
Prince William Sound Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS). The amendments to 
the TSS have been approved by the International Maritime Organization, 
and have been validated by a recent Port Access Route Study (PARS). 
Implementing these amendments into the Code of Federal Regulations 
would provide straight traffic lanes between the Bligh Reef Pilot 
Station and Cape Hinchinbrook, and should reduce the risk for vessels 
operating within the area. The length of transit in Prince William 
Sound would also be reduced. With the course change removed from the 
original TSS, the minimum distance from the center of the southbound 
traffic lane to Naked Island would increase from six (6) to nine (9) 
nautical miles, reducing the risk of drift groundings. This project 
supports the Coast Guard's strategic goals of increasing maritime 
mobility, protecting natural resources and improving marine safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            02/06/02                     67 FR 5538
NPRM Comment Period End         03/08/02
Final Rule                      08/19/02                    67 FR 53740
Final Rule Effective            09/18/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: In the 2002 spring agenda the Coast Guard 
indicated it was going to withdraw this rulemaking, but since then we 
have determined that we will be able to complete it without disrupting 
work on new security projects.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: George Detweiler, Project Manager G-MWV, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second St., SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-0574

RIN: 2115-AG20


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 14 USC 91

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 165

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Following terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C., 
the Coast Guard is establishing temporary regulations for the safety or 
security of U.S. naval vessels in the navigable waters of the United 
States. The regulations are issued under the authority contained in 14 
U.S.C. 91. Naval Vessel Protection Zones will provide for the 
regulation of vessel traffic in the vicinity of U.S. naval vessels in 
the navigable waters of the United States. This rule supports the 
strategic goal of maritime safety and maritime security.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Temporary Final Rule Effective  09/14/01
Temporary Final Rule (Atlantic 
Area)                           09/21/01                    66 FR 48780
Temporary Final Rule (Pacific 
Area)                           09/21/01                    66 FR 48782
Temporary Final Rule Ends       06/15/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Joe Billy, Commander (Poft), Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Coast Guard Pacific Area, Coast Guard 
Island, Alameda, CA 94501
Phone: 510 437-3505

CDR Chris Doane, Project Manager, Department of Transportation, U.S. 
Coast Guard, Atlantic Area Marine Safety Div. Response Branch (Amr), 
431 Crawford Street, Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004
Phone: 757 398-6372

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AG33
RIN: 2115-AG23

[[Page 74873]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 2103; 46 USC 3306; 46 USC 3307; 46 USC 3703; 46 
USC 3316

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 28.140; 46 CFR 109.301; 46 CFR 122.730; 46 CFR 
131.580; 46 CFR 185.730; ...

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would eliminate inconsistencies in the 
requirements for the first servicing of inflatable liferafts in 46 CFR, 
chapter I, subchapters C, I-A, K, L, Q, R, T, and W. The equipment 
regulations in subchapter Q, and vessel regulations in subchapters C 
and L, allow the first servicing of a new inflatable liferaft on a non-
SOLAS vessel to be deferred to 2 years from initial packing. 
Subchapters I-A, K, R, T, and W do not incorporate this allowance. This 
inconsistency results in an unnecessary burden on operators of vessels, 
as well as confusion among both the public and Coast Guard field 
personnel. This project supports the Coast Guard's strategic goals of 
maritime safety and mobility.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/05/02                     67 FR 9939
Correction to NPRM              03/14/02                    67 FR 11549
NPRM Comment Period End         05/06/02
Final Rule                      09/17/02                    67 FR 58537
Final Rule Effective            09/30/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Kurt Heinz, Project Manager, G-MSE-4, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-1444

RIN: 2115-AG28


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 14 USC 91; 14 USC 633

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 165

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Coast Guard is establishing regulations for the safety 
and security of U.S. naval vessels in the navigable waters of the 
United States. The regulations are issued under the authority contained 
in 14 U.S.C. 91. Naval Vessel Protection Zones will provide for the 
regulation of vessel traffic in the vicinity of U.S. naval vessels in 
the navigable waters of the United States. This rule supports the Coast 
Guard's strategic goals of maritime safety and maritime security.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM (Atlantic Area)            02/21/02                     67 FR 7992
NPRM (Pacific Area)             03/20/02                    67 FR 12940
NPRM (Pacific Area) Correction  04/08/02                    67 FR 16668
Atlantic Area NPRM Comment 
Period End                      04/22/02
Pacific Area NPRM Comment Period 
End                             05/06/02
Final Rule (Atlantic Area)      05/13/02                    67 FR 31958
Final Rule (Pacific Area)       06/04/02                    67 FR 38391
Final Rule Effective (Atlantic 
and Pacific Areas)              06/15/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: CDR Chris Doane, Project Manager, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Atlantic Area Marine Safety Div. 
Response Branch (Amr), 431 Crawford Street, Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004
Phone: 757 398-6372

CDR Steve Danscuk, Project Manager, Department of Transportation, U.S. 
Coast Guard, Pacific Area Marine Transportation Branch (Pmt), Coast 
Guard Island, Alameda, CA 94501
Phone: 510 437-5839

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AG23
RIN: 2115-AG33

AMENDMENTS (USCG-2002-12471)

Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 5 USC 553; 14 USC 633

CFR Citation: 33 CFR 1.01-70; 33 CFR 1.01-80; 33 CFR 1.05-1; 33 CFR 
1.07-15; 33 CFR 1.07-35; 33 CFR 1.07-50; 33 CFR 1.07-60; 33 CFR 3.25-
10; 33 CFR 3.25-10; 33 CFR 3.25-20; ...

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule makes editorial and technical changes throughout 
title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations to update the title before 
it is recodified on July 1, 2002. It updates organization names and 
addresses, and makes conforming amendments and technical corrections. 
This rule, which will have no substantive effect on the regulated 
public, supports the Coast Guard strategic goals of maritime safety and 
maritime mobility by clarifying and insuring the accuracy of navigation 
and navigable waters regulations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      06/18/02                    67 FR 41329
Final Rule; Delay of Effective 
Date of 2 Amendments            06/27/02                    67 FR 43252
Final Rule Effective            06/28/02
Amendments to 2 Sections 
Effective (See Addl Info)       10/01/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The effective date for the revisions to 33 CFR 
3.25-10(b) and 3.25-20(b) in the final rule published June 18, 2002, 
was delayed from June 28, 2002, until October 1, 2002, to reflect the 
date of an organizational change in boundaries between Hampton Roads 
Marine Inspection/Captain of the Port Zone and the Wilmington Marine 
Inspection/Captain of the Port Zone.

URL For More Information:

[[Page 74874]]


URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Robert S. Spears, Project Manager, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-1099

RIN: 2115-AG44


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 9303(f)

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 401.407

Legal Deadline: Final, Judicial, July 21, 2002.

Abstract: This temporary final rule amends the rates charged for Great 
Lakes pilotage on the Designated Waters of Area 5 in District Two and 
restores them to those effective until August 13, 2001. The Lake Pilots 
Association, representing pilots in District Two, challenged the 
ratemaking effective on and after that date, and sued. The Coast Guard, 
while not agreeing with the allegations in the complaint, did learn 
during the course of litigation that it had inadvertently accounted for 
hours of delay and detention in District Two differently from in 
Districts One and Three. The Coast Guard is currently working on an 
updated ratemaking (2115-AG30) that will, among other things, correct 
this error. In the interim, it considers it in the best interest of the 
public to temporarily return the rates (in District Two, Area 5) to 
those effective until August 13, 2001. This temporary final rule will 
not be retroactive, and future rates will not depend on this action. 
This rulemaking supports the Coast Guard's strategic goal of maritime 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Temporary Final Rule            07/19/02                    67 FR 47464
Temporary Final Rule Effective 
(to 07/21/03)                   07/19/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: In addition to RIN 2115-AF91, Great Lakes 
Pilotage Rates, RIN 2115-AG30, Rates for Pilotage on the Great Lakes, 
is also a related rulemaking.

URL For More Information:

URL For Public Comments:

Agency Contact: Paul Wasserman, Project Manager, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Maritime and International 
Law (G-LMI), 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, DC 20593
Phone: 202 267-0093

Related RIN: Related To 2115-AF91, Related To 2115-AG30
RIN: 2115-AG46


Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 14 USC 633; 46 USC 2103

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule will make editorial and technical changes 
throughout title 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations to update the 
title before it is recodified on October 1, 2002. We plan to update 
organization names and addresses, and make conforming amendments and 
technical corrections. This rule, which will have no substantive effect 
on the regulated public, supports the Coast Guard strategic goals of 
maritime safety and maritime mobility by clarifying and insuring the 
accuracy of shipping waters regulations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      09/30/02                    67 FR 61276
Final Rule Effective            09/30/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Robert S. Spears, Project Manager, Department of 
Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, 
DC 20593-0001
Phone: 202 267-1099

RIN: 2115-AG48


Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113 to 40114; 49 
USC 44502; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44718; 49 USC 46101 to 46102; 49 USC 

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 77

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would amend the standards, aeronautical studies, 
scope, and notice provisions concerning objects affecting navigable 
airspace. The notice consisted primarily of changes required by recent 
legislation or recommended by a government/ industry task group of the 
National Airspace Review Advisory Committee. This action would also 
cover electromagnetic interference phenomena that could create a hazard 
to air navigation.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Notice of Review                06/19/78                    43 FR 26322
Review Conference               12/08/80
NPRM                            08/03/90                    55 FR 31722
NPRM Correction                 08/13/90                    55 FR 32999
NPRM Correction                 08/16/90                    55 FR 33577
NPRM Correction                 08/28/90                    55 FR 35152
NPRM Correction                 09/10/90                    55 FR 37287
NPRM Comment Period End         12/31/90
SNPRM                           10/16/95                    60 FR 53680
SNPRM Comment Period End        11/30/95
NPRM                            12/00/02

[[Page 74875]]

SNPRM To Be Withdrawn           12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ATO-85-015R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 08/03/90, 55 FR 31722

Agency Contact: Ellen Crum, Air Traffic Rules Procedures Branch, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3155

RIN: 2120-AA09


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 
USC 44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 
44901; 49 USC 44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 
40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would add new requirements for water survival 
equipment carried aboard airplanes and rotorcraft. The requirements 
would apply, after specified dates, to U.S.-certificate holders that 
conduct common-carriage operations with airplanes and rotorcraft. This 
action is in response to the Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity 
Enhancement Act of 1987 (PL 100-223) and relates to safety 
recommendations by the National Transportation Safety Board. The 
requirements are intended to increase the likelihood of aircraft 
passengers surviving a crash landing in water and, thus, this 
rulemaking is significant because of the safety implications.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/30/88                    53 FR 24890
NPRM Comment Period End         11/28/88
SNPRM                           12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AIR-85-265R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 06/30/88, 53 FR 24890

Agency Contact: Hal Jensen, Aircraft Certification Service, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-9574

RIN: 2120-AC72


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 
USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 
106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44701 to 
44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 USC 44712

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: NPRM, Statutory, April 28, 1988.

Abstract: This action would require that all seats of transport 
category airplanes used in air carrier operations and transport 
category airplanes used in scheduled intrastate service comply with 
improved crashworthiness standards. The Airport and Airways Safety and 
Capacity Expansion Act of 1987 directs the Secretary of Transportation 
to initiate a rulemaking proceeding to consider requiring all seats on 
board all air carrier aircraft to meet improved crashworthiness 
standards based upon the best available testing standards. The intended 
effect of this action is to increase passenger protection and 
survivability in survivable impact accidents. This rulemaking is 
considered significant because of its safety implications and statutory 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/17/88                    53 FR 17650
NPRM Comment Period End         10/14/88
NPRM Comment Period Reopened    10/30/98                    63 FR 58331
NPRM Comment Period End         01/08/99
SNPRM                           10/04/02                    67 FR 62294
SNPRM Comment Period End        12/03/02
NPRM                            02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket 25611. Project Number: AIR-88-136R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 05/17/88, 53 FR 17650

Agency Contact: Hal Jensen, Aircraft Certification Service, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-9574

RIN: 2120-AC84


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40104 to 40105; 49 USC 40113; 49 
USC 40119; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 
44709 to 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716 
to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44902

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 125; 14 CFR 129; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This project would ensure that airplanes used or not used in 
common carriage in air transportation have a comprehensive corrosion 
prevention program within their maintenance or inspection programs. In 
April 1988, a commercial transport airplane experienced an in-flight 
decompression and separation of approximately 18 feet of the fuselage 
skin and structure at the top of the airplane. The airplane had been in 
service for 19 years and had flown almost 90,000 flights. The National 
Transportation Safety Board concluded that the failure of the airline 
to detect skin disbonding resulted in corrosion and metal fatigue 
leading to separation of the airplane's skin structure. This rulemaking 
is considered significant because of substantial public interest.

[[Page 74876]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AFS-93-382R

Agency Contact: Frederick Sobeck, Aircraft Maintenance Division, Flight 
Standards Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-7355

RIN: 2120-AE92


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 
44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 
40113; 49 USC 40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 
44702; 49 USC 44705

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FAA will propose new regulations for air tour and sightseeing 
operations that are currently allowed to operate under less stringent 
regulations than those applied to other types of commercial operations. 
Over the past decade the number of these operations and the number of 
accidents and incidents associated with these operations have 
increased. Hot air balloons and gliders would not be included in this 
amendment. This rulemaking is considered significant because of 
substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AFS-91-012R. RIN 2120-AF61 
which was proposed as a new item for this agenda was a duplicate of 
this rulemaking and has been terminated. This rulemaking was previously 
titled ``Sightseeing Operations.''
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 04/00/01

Agency Contact: Katherine Hakala Perfetti, Flight Standards Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
Phone: 202 267-3760

RIN: 2120-AF07


 Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 104 in part II of this issue 
of the Federal Register.

RIN: 2120-AF63


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 44913

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes additional rules that would prohibit 
certain false or misleading statements regarding civil aircraft, 
airframes, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, component parts, 
and materials, including standard parts, that are used, or may be used, 
on civil aircraft. The proposals would also permit increased inspection 
by the FAA of records regarding the quality of aircraft parts. The 
additional rules are needed to help prevent persons from representing 
parts as suitable for use on civil aircraft when in fact they may not 
be. The proposals are intended to provide assurance that aircraft 
owners and operators, and persons who maintain aircraft, have truthful 
information on which to determine whether a part may be used in a given 
civil aircraft application. This action is significant because of 
substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AVR-94-549R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation 08/00/01

Agency Contact: Mardi Ruth Thompson, Regulations Division, Office of 
the Chief Counsel, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3073

RIN: 2120-AG08


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40106; 49 USC 
40109; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44502; 49 USC 44514; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 
44719; 49 USC 46301

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 93

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking will establish noise limitations for certain 
aircraft operated in the vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park. This 
action is one part of an overall strategy to reduce further the impact 
of aircraft noise on the park environment and to assist the National 
Park Service (NPS) in achieving its statutory mandate imposed by Public 
Law 100-91 to provide for the substantial restoration of natural quiet 
and experience in Grand Canyon National Park. The supplemental 
amendment removes two sections from the December 31, 1996, notice of 
proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that proposed to establish a corridor 
through the National Canyon area as an incentive route for quiet 
technology aircraft. The FAA and NPS have determined not to proceed 
with an air tour route in the vicinity of National Canyon and are 
presently considering alternatives to this route. This rulemaking is 
significant because of substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/31/96                    61 FR 69334
NPRM Comment Period End         03/31/97
SNPRM                           11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

[[Page 74877]]

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: A final rule, which was published on 12/31/96 
(61 FR 69302), establishes new operating restrictions at Grand Canyon 
National Park. See RIN 2120-AF93 published elsewhere in this Agenda.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 12/31/96, 61 FR 69334

Agency Contact: Tom Connor, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8933

RIN: 2120-AG34


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 70101 to 70119

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 415; 14 CFR 417

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would establish requirements for licensing the 
conduct of a launch from a non-Federal launch site. The law requires 
anyone who proposes to conduct a launch within the United States, or a 
U.S. citizen proposing to conduct a launch site outside the United 
States, to obtain a license from DOT. This action would govern 
obtaining a license to conduct such a launch. Currently, commercial 
rocket launches take place from Federal Government installations 
operated by the Department of Defense and NASA. Licensing requirements 
for those launches are being developed in a related licensing 
rulemaking (RIN 2120-AF99). In this action, DOT proposes to implement 
rules regarding obtaining a license to conduct a launch from a 
commercial launch site, where DOT, rather than NASA or the military, 
has primary responsibility.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/25/00                    65 FR 63922
NPRM Comment Period End         02/22/01
SNPRM                           07/30/02                    67 FR 49456
NPRM: Additional Information    08/27/02                    67 FR 54978
NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: Project Number: AST-97-088R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 10/25/00, 65 FR 63922.

Agency Contact: Michael Dook, Licensing and Safety Division, Office of 
Commercial Space, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9305

RIN: 2120-AG37


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 
44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44715 to 44718; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 46306; 
49 USC 46315; 49 USC 46502

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91; 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 125; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action sought public comment on issues relating to the 
use of child restraint systems in aircraft during all phases of flight 
(i.e., taxi, takeoff, landing, or any other time the seat belt sign is 
illuminated). Specifically, the agency sought information about 
existing child restraint systems, the development of new and improved 
child restraint systems, the ease with which existing or new child 
restraint systems can be used, and the effectiveness of changing the 
current child restraint system regulations. The advance notice gathered 
information in response to a recommendation made by the White House 
Commission on Aviation Safety and Security. Approximately 130 comments 
were received on the ANPRM. This information is needed so that the FAA 
can determine the best way to ensure the safety of children while on 
board aircraft. After such a determination is made, the FAA may issue a 
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking with specific regulatory proposals that 
respond to the Commission's recommendations regarding the use of child 
restraint systems. This action is considered significant because of 
safety implications.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           02/18/98                     63 FR 8324
ANPRM Comment Period End        06/18/98
NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: Project Number: AFS-97-261R

Agency Contact: Cindy Nordlie, Office of Rulemaking, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-7627

RIN: 2120-AG43


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
44101; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 
49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 
44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 60; 14 CFR 121

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to revise title 14 of the Code of 
Federal Regulations part 121 subparts N, O, and P. The proposed 
revision and creation will address Advanced Qualification Programs and 
additional training programs. The rulemaking is needed to enhance crew 
resource management training, to permit rapid changes to training and 
checking requirements for emerging technologies, to improve safety, and 
to respond to numerous recommendations from various sources.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

[[Page 74878]]

Additional Information: Project Number: AFS-97-335R.

Agency Contact: Jan Demuth, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8166

RIN: 2120-AG57


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 4711; 49 
USC 44713; 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 
44903; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA is proposing to amend its hazardous materials 
(hazmat) training requirements for air carriers and commercial 
operators certificated to operate under part 121 or part 135. This 
action also proposes that repair stations certificated under part 145 
document for the FAA that persons handling hazmat for transportation 
have been trained as required by DOT's Hazardous Materials Regulations. 
The FAA is updating its regulations because hazmat transport and the 
aviation industry have changed significantly since the FAA promulgated 
its Hazmat training regulations over 25 years ago. This action proposes 
to set clear training standards and ensure uniform compliance with 
training requirements.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: William Wilkening, Office of Security, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-5885

Jan Demuth, Flight Standards Service, Department of Transportation, 
Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, 
Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8166

RIN: 2120-AG75


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 
44715; 49 USC 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 46306; 49 USC 46315; 49 USC 
46316; 49 USC 46502; 49 USC 46504; 49 USC 46504; 49 USC 46506; 49 USC 
47122; 49 USC 47508; 49 USC 47528 to 47530

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to extend SFAR 71, which established 
certain procedural, operational, and equipment requirements for air 
tour operators in the State of Hawaii. The FAA intends to issue a 
national air tour safety proposal in the near future, but until this 
rulemaking becomes final, there is a need to extend SFAR 71 to ensure 
the continuing safe environment for conducting air tours in Hawaii. 
During the 9-year period between 1982 and 1991, there were 11 air tour 
accidents with 24 fatalities in Hawaii. The apparent causes of the 
accidents ranged from engine power loss to encounters with adverse 
weather. On September 26, 1994, the FAA published an emergency final 
rule as SFAR 71. The rule established additional operating procedures, 
including minimum safe altitudes (and associated increases in visual 
flight rules weather minimums), minimum equipment requirements, and 
operational limitations for air tour aircraft in the State of Hawaii. 
SFAR 71 was subsequently extended until October 26, 2003. This 
rulemaking is significant because of substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Gary Davis, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8166

RIN: 2120-AH02


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44703; 49 
USC 44707; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 44711; 49 USC 45102 to 45103; 49 USC 
45301 to 45302

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 1; 14 CFR 11; 14 CFR 60; 14 CFR 61; 14 CFR 63; 14 
CFR 141; 14 CFR 142

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to amend the regulations to establish flight 
simulation device qualification requirements for all certificate 
holders in a new part. The basis of these requirements currently exists 
in different parts of the FAA's regulations and in advisory circulars. 
The proposed changes would consolidate and update flight simulation 
device requirements. This action is significant because of substantial 
public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/25/02                    67 FR 20284
NPRM Comment Period End         12/24/02
Final Action                    02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Edward Cook, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1701 Columbia Avenue, 
College Park, GA 30337
Phone: 404 305-6100

RIN: 2120-AH07


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44703; 49 
USC 44707; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 SUC 45102 to 45103; 49 USC 45301 
to 45303

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 67

[[Page 74879]]

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to amend airman medical standards to add 
as a medical disqualification the refusal to submit to an authorized 
drug test. Refusal to submit to a drug test includes adulteration or 
substitution of a urine sample. The intended effect is to ensure that 
airmen who may have substance abuse problems are not allowed to gain 
flight status until they have been examined and found fit by the 
Federal Air Surgeon.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Sheri deVries, Office of Aviation Medicine, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8693

RIN: 2120-AH23


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to shorten the time for passenger 
announcements in an emergency in transport category airplanes. This 
proposal would shorten the time for passenger announcements in an 
emergency from 10- to 3-seconds between the removal of the microphone 
from its stowage by a flight crewmember and its operation. Adopting 
this proposal would eliminate regulatory differences between the 
airworthiness standards for the U.S. and the Joint Aviation 
Requirements of Europe, without affecting current industry design 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-00-227.

Agency Contact: Kirk Baker, Aircraft Certification Service, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 3960 Paramount 
Boulevard, Lakewood, CA 90712
Phone: 562 627-5345

RIN: 2120-AH30


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40113 to 40114; 49 USC 44502; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44718

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 77

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This notice of proposed rulemaking proposes to add and amend 
definitions for terms commonly used during the aeronautical evaluation 
process. This action proposes amendments to obstruction standards for 
civil airport imaginary surfaces in order to promote and facilitate 
harmonization with other FAA directives. This proposal also proposes to 
simplify and clarify the rule language in accordance with the plain 
language initiative.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ATA-00-490.

Agency Contact: Ellen Crum, Air Traffic Rules Procedures Branch, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3155

RIN: 2120-AH31


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This proposal would revise the airworthiness standards for 
transport category airplanes by incorporating the more defined design 
and compliance criteria currently contained in the counterpart European 
standards. Adopting this proposal would eliminate regulatory 
differences between the airworthiness standards of the U.S. and the 
Joint Aviation Requirements of Europe, without affecting current 
industry design practices.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Kenneth Frey, Aircraft Certification Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2673

RIN: 2120-AH33


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would amend the design standards for fuselage 
doors, hatches, and exits on transport category airplanes. This 
proposal would relieve a certification burden on industry by 
eliminating regulatory differences between the air standards of the 
United States and Joint Aviation Requirements of Europe without 
affecting current industry design practices.

[[Page 74880]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-96-398.

Agency Contact: Jeff Gardlin, Aircraft Certification Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2136

RIN: 2120-AH34


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to require a means to prevent the 
flightcrew on turbo-propeller-powered airplanes from inadvertently or 
intentionally placing the power lever below flight idle while in 
flight, unless the airplane has been certified for in-flight operation. 
This action proposes to eliminate regulatory differences between the 
airworthiness standards of the U.S. and the Joint Aviation Requirements 
of Europe, without affecting current industry design practices.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-00-700.

Agency Contact: Jennifer Abdul-Wali, Transportation Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-6322
Fax: 202 366-9313
Email: [email protected]

Mike Kaszycki, Transport Airplane Directorate, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., 
Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2137

RIN: 2120-AH35


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This proposed action would amend airworthiness standards for 
transport category airplanes concerning trim systems and protective 
breathing equipment. The proposed action would add language that would 
require a clearly marked range on the trim indication system where 
take-off is safe for all center-of-gravity positions. Adopting this 
proposal would eliminate regulatory differences between the 
airworthiness standards of the United States and the Joint Aviation 
Requirements of Europe without affecting current industry design 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/02/02                    67 FR 61836
NPRM Comment Period End         12/02/02
Final Action                    02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-00-567.

Agency Contact: Kenneth Frey, Aircraft Certification Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2673

RIN: 2120-AH40


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40116 to 40117; 49 USC 47111; 49 
USC 47114 to 47116; PL 106-181

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 158

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FAA proposes to amend the passenger facility charge (PFC) 
rules by changing the amount and basis of compensation an air carrier 
may receive for collecting, handling, and remitting PFC revenue. This 
action is necessary because statute mandates that air carriers receive 
fair and reasonable compensation for their expenses.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: APP-00-672R.

Agency Contact: Eric Gabler, Passenger Facility Charge Branch, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
Phone: 202 267-3845

RIN: 2120-AH43


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 4321; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
44701; 49 USC 44702; 49 USC 44704; 49 USC 44715

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 36

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA is proposing a change to the noise limits for 
propeller-driven small airplanes. The FAA, the European Joint Aviation 
Authorities (JAA), and representatives from the United States and 
European propeller-driven small airplane industries developed the ICAO 
Annex 16 noise limit change in a joint effort. The proposed change 
would provide nearly uniform noise certification standards for 
airplanes certificated in the United States and in the JAA countries.

[[Page 74881]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AEE-01-133R.

Agency Contact: Mehmet Marsan, Office of Environment and Energy, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-7703

RIN: 2120-AH44


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to amend the airworthiness standards for 
transport category airplanes to incorporate revised standards for Class 
B cargo compartments and establish standards for a new Class F cargo 
compartment, and to harmonize those requirements with standards 
proposed for the European Joint Aviation Requirements 25.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-93-725-A.

Agency Contact: Mahinder K. Wahi, Transport Airplane Directorate, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98055
Phone: 425 227-2142

RIN: 2120-AH47


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 14 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91; 14 CFR 93

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to modify the Grand Canyon National Park 
Special Flight Rules Area and two-associated Flight-Free Zones in the 
east end of the Park. In addition this action proposes minor 
modifications to the Bright Angel and Desert View Flight-Free Zone. The 
FAA is proposing these actions to assist the National Park Service in 
fulfilling its statutory mandate to substantially restore the natural 
quiet and experience in Grand Canyon National Park.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Howard Nesbitt, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 493-4981

RIN: 2120-AH48


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
41706; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 
to 44711; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44716 to 41717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule will set forth security requirements for charter 
operators using aircraft over 12,500 pounds take-off weight. The FAA is 
issuing this final rule with comment to promulgate regulations that 
will assist in establishing a secure environment for the traveling 
public. This action is significant because of substantial public 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Linda Valencia, Office of Civil Aviation Security 
Policy and Planning, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3413

RIN: 2120-AH66


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 USC 44713; 49 
USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44903 to 44904; 
49 USC 44912; 49 USC 45101 to 45105; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 21

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This proposal would amend the instrument and equipment 
requirements for airplanes operated in domestic, flag, and supplemental 
operations. Specifically, the FAA proposes to require affected 
airplanes to be equipped with provisions that would help assure 
immediate activation of the designated air traffic control (ATC) hijack 
alert code, and continuous transmission of that code to ATC during the 
hijack situation. The FAA is proposing this action in response to the 
heightened threat to U.S. civil action. This action is significant 
because of substantial public safety interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

[[Page 74882]]

Agency Contact: Richard Jennings, Aircraft Certification Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1895 
Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 450, Atlanta, GA 30349
Phone: 770 703-6090

RIN: 2120-AH67


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 14 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to revise the checked pitching maneuver 
design load requirement for transport category airplanes by 
incorporating changes developed in cooperation with the Joint Aviation 
Authorities of Europe, Transport Canada, and the U.S., Europeans, and 
Canadian aviation industries. These proposals are intended to benefit 
the public interest by standardizing certain requirements, concepts, 
and procedures without reducing the current level of safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Todd Martin, Aircraft Certifickation Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-1179

RIN: 2120-AH71


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to revise the airworthiness standards for 
transport category airplanes by incorporating changes to the continuous 
turbulence design loads requirements developed in cooperation with the 
Joint Aviation Authorities of Europe and the U.S. Canadian and European 
aviation industries. This proposal is intended to improve the 
requirements for continuous turbulence by revising the turbulence 
intensity criteria, eliminating the mission analysis method, providing 
a multi-axis discrete gust criterion, and reorganizing and clarifying 
the rule.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Todd Martin, Aircraft Certifickation Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-1179

RIN: 2120-AH73


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to amend the airworthiness standards for 
transport category airplanes to allow a reduction in the minimum speed 
margin between the minimum safe flyaway speed and the liftoff speed 
during takeoff for geometry-limited airplanes. Adopting this proposal 
would eliminate regulatory differences between the airworthiness 
standards of the U.S. and the Joint Aviation Requirements of Europe, 
without affecting current industry design practices.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Don Stimson, Flight Test and Systems Branch, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., 
Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-4056

RIN: 2120-AH74


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44711; 49 
USC 45102 to 45103; 49 USC 45301 to 45302

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 61

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA is proposing to revise the pilot certificate 
requirements to require a person to carry a photo identification 
acceptable to the Administrator when exercising the privileges of a 
pilot certificate. These measures are intended to address security 
concerns regarding the identification of pilots. This rulemaking is 
significant because of safety and substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: John D. Lynch, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3844

RIN: 2120-AH76


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 1155; 49 USC 40103 to 40105; 49 
USC 40113; 49 USC 40119 to 40120; 49 USC 41706; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 
44111; 49 USC 44113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709

[[Page 74883]]

to 44713; 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901 to 44904; 
49 USC 44906; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105; 49 USC 46306; 49 USC 46315; 
49 USC 46316; 49 USC 465504; 49 USC 46506 to 46507; 49 USC 47122; 49 
USC 47508; 49 USC 47528 to 47531

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 1; 14 CFR 71; 14 CFR 91; 14 CFR 95; 14 CFR 97; 14 
CFR 121; 14 CFR 129; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA is proposing to amend its regulations to reflect 
technological advances that support area navigation (RNAV) and ensure 
that certain terms are consistent with those of the International Civil 
Aviation Organization. The proposed changes are intended to promote the 
transition from ground-based navigation and to increase efficiency of 
the National Airspace System.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lawrence Buehler, Flight Standards Service, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8452

RIN: 2120-AH77


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 
44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716; 49 USC 44717; 49 USC 
44722; 49 USC 46306; 49 USC 46317; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 46306; 49 USC 

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This proposed rule would allow persons who voluntarily equip 
their airplanes with certain vision enhancing devices to descend below 
decision height or minimum descent altitude when flight visibility is 
below minimums, subject to certain training and other requirements.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Robert J. O'Haver, General Aviation and Commercial 
Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-7031

RIN: 2120-AH78


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40105; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44707; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 44711; 49 USC 44715; 
49 USC 45303; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 21; 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 135; 14 CFR 145; 14 CFR 183

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This proposed rulemaking would create an Organization 
Designation Authorization (ODA) Program that would incorporate all 
organization designee rules within 14 CFR 183. It will expand the 
approval functions of FAA organization designees, standardize these 
functions to increase efficiency, and expand eligibility for 
organization designees, including organizations not eligible under the 
current rules. These actions would provide the FAA with amore efficient 
process to delegate certain tasks to external organizations while 
preserving and increasing aviation safety in an environment where the 
government is committed to reducing its workforce.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Ralph Meyer, Aircraft Certification Service, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 6500 S. MacArthur 
Blvd, ARB Room 304A, Oklahoma City, OK 73169
Phone: 405 954-7072

RIN: 2120-AH79


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 448701; 49 USC 
44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 33

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to change the fire protection standards for 
the issuance of original and appropriate amended type certificates for 
aircraft engines. This proposal resulted from an effort to harmonize 
the Federal aviation regulations with European requirements being 
proposed by the Joint Aviation Authorities.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Marc Bouthillier, Engine & Propeller Standards Staff, 
Aircraft Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Aviation Administration, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 
Phone: 617 238-7111

RIN: 2120-AH80


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44703; 49 
USC 44707; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 USC 45102 to 45103; 49 USC 45301 
to 45302

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 61

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to amend the airman medical standards to 
disqualify an airman based on a refusal

[[Page 74884]]

to take a DOT-required drug or alcohol test and to report pre-
employment and return-to-duty test refusals to the FA. This action is 
necessary to ensure that persons who have refused to take a drug or 
alcohol test do not operate aircraft or perform contract air traffic 
control tower operations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Sherry deVries, Office of Aerospace Medicine, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8693

RIN: 2120-AH82


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 
USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 27; 14 CFR 29

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes new and revised airworthiness standards 
for normal and transport category rotorcraft due to technological 
advances in design and operational trends in normal and transport 
rotorcraft performance and handling qualities. The changes would 
enhance the safety standards for performance and handling qualities to 
reflect the evolution of rotorcraft capabilities.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lance T Gant, Air Certification Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 2601 Meachum Blvd., 
Fort Worth, TX 76193-0110
Phone: 817 222-5114

RIN: 2120-AH87


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 100(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
41706; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 
to 44713; 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 
44903; 49 USC 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105; 49 USC 44113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 125; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to amend the cockpit voice recorder and 
digital flight data recorder regulations for certain air carriers, 
operators, and aircraft manufacturers. This proposal is based on 
recommendations issued by the National Transportation Safety Board 
following the investigations of several accidents and incidents, and 
includes other revisions that the FAA has determined are necessary. 
This proposal would require that all newly manufactured airplanes have 
CVR installed that ``receives its electrical power from the bus that 
provides the maximum reliability for operation of the cockpit voice 
recorder without jeopardizing service to essential or emergency 
loads''. This same language is in the proposed certification rules for 
the CVR and DFDR installations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Gary Davis, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8166

RIN: 2120-AH88

Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44704; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 
to 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716 to 
44717; 49 USC 44721; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25; 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would have amended the airworthiness standards 
for transport category airplanes to require fuel vent system protection 
during post-crash ground fires. This proposed rule would have applied 
to air carriers, air taxi operators, and commercial operators of 
transport category airplanes, as well as the manufacturers of such 
airplanes. This action was considered significant because of 
substantial public interest and the safety implications. This 
rulemaking will be withdrawn from the agenda.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           09/26/84                    49 FR 38078
ANPRM Comment Period End        01/25/85
NPRM                            02/02/95                     60 FR 6632
NPRM Comment Period End         06/02/95
To Be Withdrawn                 11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket 24251. Formerly entitled Implementation 
of SAFER Propulsion System

[[Page 74885]]

Recommendations. Project Number: ANM-82-050R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 02/02/95, 60 FR 6632

Agency Contact: Mike McRae, Airframe and Propulsion Branch, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue SW, Renton, 
WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2133

RIN: 2120-AA49


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 7572; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 5103; 49 USC 40105; 
49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44703; 49 USC 
44705; 49 USC 44706; 49 USC 44707; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 44710; 49 USC 
44711; 49 USC 44712

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 21; 14 CFR 65; 14 CFR 107; 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 135; 
14 CFR 145

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA is withdrawing a previously published notice of 
proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that proposed to amend various sections of 
the regulations. The proposal was to clarify language, correct improper 
or obsolete references, and to relax certain existing requirements. 
Since publication of the NPRM, many other completed, in-process, or 
planned actions have addressed or will address many of the issues 
involved. The FAA has determined that all unresolved issues have been 
included in more recent actions dealing with the specific sections of 
the regulations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/03/83                    48 FR 45214
NPRM Comment Period End         12/02/83
To Be Withdrawn                 11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. 23781. Project Number: ARM-81-128R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 10/03/83, 48 FR 45214

Agency Contact: Linda L. Williams, Office of Rulemaking, ARM-100, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-9685

RIN: 2120-AA50


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 4321; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 
to 44702; 49 USC 44704; 49 USC 44715

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25; 14 CFR 36

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would amend the Federal Aviation Regulations to 
redefine the airplane reference stalling speed as the 1-g stalling 
speed in lieu of the minimum stalling speed. It would: (1) provide for 
a consistent, repeatable reference stalling speed; (2) ensure 
consistent and dependable maneuvering margins; (3) clarify the 
requirement for the use of 1-g stalling speeds in determining 
structural design speeds; (4) increase the head-on gust structural 
design requirement; and (5) provide for adjusted multiplying factors to 
maintain essentially equivalent requirements in areas where the use of 
minimum stalling speed has proven adequate. These changes are needed 
since the stalling characteristics of modern jet transports as 
determined by current methods can result in inconsistent reference 
stalling speeds. These changes may result in a higher level of safety 
where current methods have resulted in artificially low reference 
stalling speeds.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/18/96                     61 FR 1260
Correction                      02/26/96                     61 FR 7157
NPRM Comment Period End         05/17/96
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-86-041R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 01/18/96, 61 FR 1260

Agency Contact: Don Stimson, Flight Test and Systems Branch, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., 
Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-4056

RIN: 2120-AD40


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 40 USC 106(g); 49 USC 5103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40119; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44901 to 44905; 49 
USC 44907; 49 USC 44913 to 44914; 49 USC 44932; 49 USC 44935 to 44936; 
49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action amends part 108 of the Federal Aviation 
Regulations to incorporate new requirements in response to worldwide 
terrorist activity. This final rule contains changes that are intended 
to enhance security for the traveling public and aircraft operators. A 
final rule establishing a compliance program is forthcoming, which 
would require compliance programs for aircraft operators. This 
rulemaking is considered significant because of its safety implications 
and substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/01/97                    62 FR 41730
Notice of Public Meeting        09/15/97                    62 FR 48190
NPRM Comment Period End         12/01/97
Notice of Public Meeting        04/21/98                    63 FR 19691
NPRM Comment Period Reopened    08/10/99                    64 FR 43322
Comment Period End              09/24/99
Final Action                    07/17/01                    66 FR 37330
Final Action Effective          11/14/01
Final Action; Compliance Program11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ACS-87-107R.

[[Page 74886]]

ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 08/01/97, 62 FR 41730

Agency Contact: Linda Valencia, Office of Civil Aviation Security 
Policy and Planning, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3413

RIN: 2120-AD45


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 5103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40119; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44706; 49 USC 44901 to 44905; 49 
USC 44907; 49 USC 44913 to 44914; 49 USC 44932; 49 USC 44935 to 44936; 
49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 107

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action will amend part 107 of the Federal Aviation 
Regulations to incorporate new requirements in response to the 
worldwide terrorist activity. The intent of this final rule is to 
enhance security for the traveling public, aircraft operators, and 
persons employed by or conducting business at public airports by 
increasing awareness of and compliance with civil aviation security 
measures. A final rule is forthcoming on compliance, which would 
require compliance program for airport security. This rulemaking is 
considered significant because of its safety implications and 
substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/01/97                    62 FR 41760
Notice of Public Meeting        09/15/97                    62 FR 48190
NPRM Comment Period End         12/01/97
Comment Period End 6/26/98      04/21/98                    63 FR 19691
Notice of Public Meeting        04/21/98                    63 FR 19691
NPRM Comment Period Reopened    08/10/99                    64 FR 43321
Final Action                    07/17/01                    66 FR 37274
Final Action Effective          11/14/01
Final Action; Compliance Program11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ACS-87-106R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 08/01/97, 62 FR 41760

Agency Contact: Bob Cammaroto, Office of Civil Aviation Security, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-7723

RIN: 2120-AD46


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40104 to 40105; 49 USC 40113; 49 
USC 40119; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 
44709 to 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 
USC 44722; 49 USC 44901 to 44904; 49 USC 44906

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 125; 14 CFR 129; 14 CFR 135; 14 CFR 

Legal Deadline: Other, Statutory, April 24, 1992, Action must be 
initiated by 04/24/92 per Aging Aircraft Safety Act of 1991.

Abstract: On October 5, 1993, the FAA published an NPRM that proposed 
to require air carriers of certain aircraft used in air transportation 
to demonstrate that the aircraft's maintenance has been adequate to 
ensure the highest degree of safety. After further review, and taking 
into consideration public comments to the NPRM, the FAA withdrew that 
NPRM. On March 19, 1999, the FAA issued a new NPRM that would ensure 
the continuing airworthiness of the most significant aging airplanes 
operating in air transportation by mandating aging aircraft records 
reviews and inspections for certain air carriers and certain aircraft 
and also by applying modern damage-tolerance analyses and inspection 
techniques to older airplane structures that were certificated before 
such techniques were available. The comment period closed on October 
18, 1999. This rulemaking is significant because of substantial public 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/05/93                    58 FR 51944
NPRM Comment Period End         02/02/94
Comment Period End 3/4/94       02/08/94                     59 FR 5741
NPRM                            04/02/99                    64 FR 16298
NPRM Comment Period End         08/02/99
NPRM Comment Period Reopened    08/18/99                    64 FR 45090
Comment Period End              10/08/99
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number AFS-92-029R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 04/02/99, 64 FR 16298

Agency Contact: Frederick Sobeck, Aircraft Maintenance Division, Flight 
Standards Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-7355

RIN: 2120-AE42


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 
USC 44712; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 
44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would revise the Mode S transponder requirement 
for all aircraft operating under part 135 and certain aircraft 
operating under part 121 based on the expected availability of 
operational capabilities of Mode S ground sensors. For part 121 
operators, the action would affect only those aircraft not required to 
have Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System II. An aviation 
rulemaking advisory committee has recommended that the FAA conduct a 
study of the installed Mode S ground sensor to determine the extent of 
the benefits derived and the

[[Page 74887]]

costs involved in equipage. This action is a relieving action made 
necessary by the fact that ground sensors are not in place to support 
the requirement. Further, FAA is studying the need for Mode S 
transponders in part 135 and certain part 121 operations in light of 
the fact that transponders may not substantially increase ATC ability 
to view air traffic.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/23/96                    61 FR 26036
NPRM Correction                 06/17/96                    61 FR 30551
NPRM Comment Period End         07/22/96
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AFS-92-297R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 05/23/96, 61 FR 26036

Agency Contact: Daniel V. Meier, Jr., Flight Standards Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3749

RIN: 2120-AE81


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 
USC 44704; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 
44901; 49 USC 44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25; 14 CFR 121

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposed to adjust requirements for access to 
type III emergency exits in transport category airplanes with 60 or 
more passenger seats. The adjustments would reflect new data from tests 
conducted at the FAA's Civil Aeromedical Institute (CAMI) and intended 
to improve the ability of occupants to evacuate an airplane under 
emergency conditions. The FAA is withdrawing this proposed rulemaking 
as some of the information is outdated. The CAMI research is still 
ongoing. The FAA may issue a new rulemaking in the future. This 
rulemaking is considered significant because of substantial public 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/30/95                     60 FR 5794
NPRM Comment Period End         05/01/95
To Be Withdrawn                 11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-93-005R.

Agency Contact: Mahinder K. Wahi, Transport Airplane Directorate, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98055
Phone: 425 227-2142

RIN: 2120-AF01


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 
USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25; 49 CFR 1.47

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would amend part 25 of the FAR by revising 
appendix J, Emergency Evacuation, to allow certain alternative 
procedures in conducting full-scale emergency evacuation demonstrations 
for transport category airplanes. This is in response to 
recommendations from the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee. The 
changes, which are intended to make full-scale emergency evacuation 
demonstrations safer for participants and to codify existing practices, 
would also affect manufacturers and operators of transport category 
airplanes. This action is considered significant because of substantial 
public interest and safety implications.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/18/95                    60 FR 36932
Correction                      08/25/95                    60 FR 44387
NPRM Comment Period End         10/16/95
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-94-124A
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 07/18/95, 60 FR 36932

Agency Contact: Franklin Tiangsing, Regulations Branch, ANM-114, 
Aircraft Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Aviation Administration, 1601 Lind Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2121

RIN: 2120-AF21


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 
44709; 49 USC 44711 to 44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716; 49 USC 44717; 
49 USC 44722; 49 USC 46306

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91; 14 CFR 93; 14 CFR 121; 15 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA and National Park Service (NPS) established a joint 
working group which is tasked with developing a notice of proposed 
rulemaking to reduce or prevent adverse effects of aircraft noise over 
our national park system. At the same time, the working group is 
charged with affording those persons who wish to visit our national 
parks from the air the opportunity to do so. The working group met from 
May to November 1997, and developed a concept paper that was approved 
by the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee and the NPS Advisory 
Board in December 1997. A notice of proposed rulemaking has been 
developed and is now being reviewed by the FAA and NPS. In April 1999, 
the FAA issued a disposition of comments to the ANPRM. That document 
summarizes those comments to the ANPRM and provides an update to the 
public on matters concerning air tours over units of the national park

[[Page 74888]]

system. In response to Public Law 106-181, April 5, 2000, the FAA and 
NPRS developed an NPRM that proposes to codify the language of the 
legislation and to adopt an altitude that would define a commercial air 
tour operation. This rulemaking is significant because of substantial 
public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           03/17/94                    59 FR 12740
ANPRM Correction                04/01/94                    59 FR 15350
ANPRM Comment Period End        06/15/94
Comment Period End 07/15/94     06/20/94                    59 FR 31883
Notice of Public Meeting        06/06/97                    62 FR 31187
Notice of Public Meeting        04/07/98                    63 FR 17040
Disposition of Comments         04/09/99                    64 FR 17293
NPRM                            04/27/01                    66 FR 21264
NPRM Comment Period End         06/11/01
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Refer to 1999 Regulatory Plan entry RIN 2120-
AF93, Airspace Management: Special Flight Rules in the Vicinity of the 
Grand Canyon and also RIN 2120-AG11, Special Flight Rules in the 
Vicinity of the Rocky Mountain National Park. Project Number: ARM-97-

Agency Contact: Howard Nesbitt, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 493-4981

RIN: 2120-AF46


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: Not Yet Determined

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This statement announces the FAA's proposed policy for 
acquisition, installation, maintenance, and decommissioning of the 
instrument landing system (ILS) and the microwave landing system (MLS) 
during the transition to the global positioning system (GPS). The 
policy statement of December 1989 announced the transition from the ILS 
to the MLS for precision approach service in the National Airspace 
System. Since that time, advancement of GPS-based landing system 
technology has provided a more economical means of providing approach 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Policy Statement                12/27/89                    54 FR 53231
Policy Statement                11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Michael Wedge, Airway Facilities Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-7848

RIN: 2120-AG16


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 
USC 44713; 49 USC 44716; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 46301

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 125; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA is withdrawing proposed amendments regarding the 
transportation of devices designed as oxygen generators, including ones 
that have been discharged and ones that are newly manufactured but not 
yet charged. After the NPRM was issued, the FAA's concerns were 
addressed in other regulations or found to be unnecessary. In addition, 
the FAA is announcing that a proposed amendment to require that 
unexpired chemical oxygen generators be placed in a central location in 
an accessible compartment and separated from other cargo in all-cargo 
operations is being withdrawn because the Research and Special Programs 
Administration (RSPA) is considering requiring outer packaging, which 
would satisfy the intent of the FAA's NPRM.
This rulemaking is considered significant because of substantial public 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/27/98                    63 FR 45912
Correction                      09/24/98                    63 FR 51048
NPRM Comment Period End         10/26/98
Correction                      11/10/98                    63 FR 69276
To Be Withdrawn                 11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: Project Number: AFS-97-065R
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 08/27/98, 63 FR 45912

Agency Contact: David L. Catey, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8166

RIN: 2120-AG35


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 
USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44704; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44711 to 44713

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25; 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action upgrades the fire safety standards for cargo or 
baggage compartments in certain transport category airplanes by 
eliminating Class D compartments altogether. Compartments that could no 
longer be designated as Class D would have to meet the standards for 
Class C or Class E compartments, as applicable. Certain other transport 
category airplanes that would not have to meet these new standards for 
type certification would have to meet them for use in air carrier, 
commuter, on-demand, or commercial service. These improved standards 
are needed to increase protection from

[[Page 74889]]

possible in-flight fires. This rulemaking is considered significant 
because of the safety implications.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/13/97                    62 FR 32412
NPRM Comment Period End         09/11/97
Final Rule Request for Comments 02/17/98                     63 FR 8032
Final Rule Effective            03/19/98
Final Rule Comment Period End   06/17/98
To Be Withdrawn                 11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-97-009R
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 06/13/97, 62 FR 32412
Regulatory Evaluation, 02/17/98, 63 FR 8032

Agency Contact: Mahinder K. Wahi, Transport Airplane Directorate, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98055
Phone: 425 227-2142

RIN: 2120-AG42


Priority: Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.

Unfunded Mandates: This action may affect the private sector under PL 

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 5103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40119; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44901 to 44905; 49 
USC 44907; 49 USC 44913 to 44914; 49 USC 44932; 49 USC 44935 to 44936; 
49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA is proposing the screening or bag matching of 
passenger-checked baggage on domestic flights by utilizing an FAA-
approved Computer Assisted Passenger Screening (CAPS) system. This is 
in response to a recommendation from the White House Commission on 
Aviation Safety and Security (the Commission) ``Final Report to 
President Clinton.'' The Commission recommended that one of the steps 
that should be taken to improve airline passenger security is the 
implementation by the FAA of a computerized system for profiling 
airline passengers flying out of airports located in the United States. 
This rulemaking is considered significant because of substantial public 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/19/99                    64 FR 19220
Correction                      05/03/99                    64 FR 23554
Correction                      05/28/99                    64 FR 28945
Comment Period Extended         06/11/99                    64 FR 31686
NPRM Comment Period End         06/18/99
Comment Period End              08/17/99
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lon M Siro, Aviation Security Operations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Transportation Security Administration, 
TSA-7-500, Air Carrier Operations Division, Building 10A, Room 325, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-9661
Fax: 202 267-5359
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2120-AG51


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 47129

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: A statement of policy, Policy Regarding Airport Rates and 
Charges (Policy Statement), which was required by Congress as part of 
the DOT Authorization Act of 1994, was published in the Federal 
Register (61 FR 31994) on June 21, 1996. That Policy Statement 
announced DOT and FAA policy on the fees charged by federally assisted 
airports to air carriers and other aeronautical users. This proposed 
action requests comments on replacement provisions for the portions of 
the Policy Statement vacated by the United States Court of Appeals for 
the District of Columbia Circuit. The Court disallowed a portion of the 
policy that had to do with historic cost valuation of airport property. 
DOT and FAA are beginning this proceeding in order to carry out their 
responsibility to establish reasonableness guidelines for airport fees. 
This policy is significant due to substantial industry interest. This 
proposed policy is being withdrawn because the issues are being 
considered as part of a preliminary Department of Transportation study 
of congestion pricing at airports.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Advance Notice of Proposed 
Policy                          08/12/98                    63 FR 43228
Comment Period End              10/13/98
Comment Period Extended         12/22/98                    63 FR 70834
Comment Period End              01/31/99
To Be Withdrawn                 11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Citation per reference in abstract paragraph, 
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in 
Air Transport Association of America v. Department of Transportation, 
119 F.3d 38 (D.C. Cir. 1997), as modified on rehearing, Order of Oct. 
15, 1997. Previous RIN for the Policy Statement published in the 
Federal Register is 2120-AF90.

Agency Contact: Barry Molar, Manager, Airport Compliance Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3446

RIN: 2120-AG58


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 5103; 49 USC 40104 to 40105; 49 
USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 
44707; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901 
to 44905; 49 USC 44906; 49 USC 44907; 49 USC 44913 to 44914

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 108; 14 CFR 109; 14 CFR 111; 14 CFR 129

[[Page 74890]]

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action will require that all companies that perform 
aviation security screening be certificated by the FAA and meet 
enhanced requirements. This action is in response to a recommendation 
by the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security and to a 
congressional mandate in the Federal Aviation Reauthorization Act of 
1996. The action is intended to improve the screening of passengers, 
accessible property, checked baggage, and cargo, and to provide 
standards for consistent high performance and increased accountability 
of screening companies. This rulemaking is significant because of 
substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/05/00                      65 FR 560
NPRM Comment Period End         04/04/00
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ACP-98-299R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 01/05/2000, 65 FR 560

Agency Contact: Scott Cummings, Office of Civil Aviation Security, 
Policy, and Planning, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW.,, Washington, DC 20951
Phone: 202 267-3413

RIN: 2120-AG84


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 
USC 44713; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 
44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 125

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to amend the digital flight data recorder 
rules for transport category airplanes to add a requirement for all 
Boeing 737 (B-737) series airplanes to record additional flight data 
parameters. This amendment is based on safety recommendations issued by 
the National Transportation Safety Board following the investigation of 
the 1994 USAir Flight 427 accident. This rulemaking is significant 
because of substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/18/99                    64 FR 63139
NPRM Comment Period End         12/20/99
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AIR-99-272R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 11/18/99, 64 FR 63139

Agency Contact: George Kaseote, Policy and Procedures Branch, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8541

RIN: 2120-AG87


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 
USC 44713; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 
44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 129

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to require the installation and use of a 
traffic alert and collision system (TCAS) on certain cargo airplanes. 
Current regulations do not require TCAS installation on all-cargo 
airplanes. However, because the air cargo industry has experienced 
rapid growth and is increasingly sharing air space with other air 
carriers, the FAA is proposing this action to minimize the possibility 
of midair collisions involving cargo airplanes. This rulemaking 
proposes that affected airplanes be equipped with TCAS II, or another 
approved traffic alert and collision avoidance system, as appropriate, 
no later than October 31, 2003. This action is significant because of 
substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/01/01                    66 FR 55506
NPRM Comment Period End         12/31/01
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project No. AFS-98-314R

Agency Contact: Alberta Brown, Air Transportation Division, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8321

RIN: 2120-AG90


 Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 105 in part II of this issue 
of the Federal Register.

RIN: 2120-AG91


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 
44702; 40 USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking will amend the airworthiness standards for 
transport category airplanes concerning the protection of electrical 
system components. This action will eliminate regulatory differences 
between the airworthiness standards of the U.S. and the Joint Aviation 
Requirements of

[[Page 74891]]

Europe, without affecting current industry design practices


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/15/01                    66 FR 26964
NPRM Comment Period End         07/16/01
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Mahinder K. Wahi, Transport Airplane Directorate, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98055
Phone: 425 227-2142

Massoud Sadeghi, Aircraft Certification Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 Lind Avenue SW, 
Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2117

RIN: 2120-AG92


Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Legal Authority: 42 USC 7572; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40101; 49 USC 
40103; 49 USC 40109; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44110; 49 USC 44502; 49 USC 
44701; 49 USC 44702; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 44711; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 21

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA intends to conduct a 610 review (a review under 
section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act) of this part, and RIN 
2120-AG93 has been added to the Agenda to reflect this review. The FAA 
carries out its responsibility to promote safety of flight of civil 
aircraft in air commerce by prescribing minimum standards governing the 
design and construction of aircraft, aircraft engines and propellers 
and appliances as may be required in the interest of safety. The FAA 
has established procedural requirements in 14 CFR part 21 for the 
issuance of the following certificates and approvals: (1) type 
certificates and changes to type certificates; (2) production 
certificates; (3) airworthiness certificates; (4) export airworthiness 
certificates and approvals; and (5) approvals of certain materials, 
parts processes and appliances produced for sale or installation on a 
type certificated product. Also contained in this part are the rules 
governing the holders of certificates. In order to be issued a type 
certificate, the applicant must show that the product complies with the 
airworthiness standards for the product (aircraft, aircraft engine, or 
propeller). The airworthiness standards are amended as needed to 
reflect continually changing technology, correct design deficiencies, 
and provide safety enhancements.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Review To Be Completed          11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Agency Contact: Paul Larson, Office of Aviation Policy and Plans, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3296

RIN: 2120-AG93


 Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 106 in part II of this issue 
of the Federal Register.

RIN: 2120-AG96


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 
44704; 49 USC 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 
46306; 49 USC 46315; 49 USC 46316; 49 USC 46502; 49 USC 46504; 49 USC 
46506 to 46507; 49 USC 47122; 49 USC 47508; 49 USC 48528 to 47531

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91; 14 CFR 93; 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action will further postpone the effective date for the 
flight-free zones, Special Flight Rules Area, and corridors portions of 
the December 31, 1996, Grand Canyon final rule until January 31, 2001. 
The FAA finds that this rule is needed so that it may issue new 
regulations that will substantially restore natural quiet to the Grand 
Canyon National Park.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule Effective            01/31/00
Final Rule; Request for Comments02/03/00                     65 FR 5396
Comment Period End              03/06/00
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Reginald C. Matthews, Office of Air Traffic Airspace 
Management, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8783

RIN: 2120-AG97


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g0; 49 USC 1155; 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 
40119; 49 USC 40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 
49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44713; 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 USC 
44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105; 
49 USC 46306; 49 USC 46315; 49 USC 46316; 49 USC 46504; 49 USC 46506 to 
46507; 49 USC 47122; 49 USC 47508; 49 USC 47528 to 47531

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 61; 14 CFR 91; 14 CFR 125; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to update and revise the regulations 
governing operations by aircraft in fractional ownership programs. 
Current regulations do not adequately define fractional ownership 
programs nor clearly allocate responsibility and authority for safety 
and compliance with the regulations. This proposal will define 
fractional ownership programs and their participants, allocate 
responsibility and authority for safety of flight operations for 
purposes of compliance with the regulations, and

[[Page 74892]]

ensure that fractional ownership program aircraft operations maintain a 
high level of safety. This action is significant because of substantial 
public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/18/01                    66 FR 37520
NPRM Comment Period End         10/16/01
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Katherine Hakala Perfetti, Flight Standards Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
Phone: 202 267-3760

RIN: 2120-AH06


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 4321; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 
to 44702; 49 USC 44704; 49 USC 44715; PL 96-193; EO 11514

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 36

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This proposal is based on a joint effort by the FAA, the 
European Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA), and the Aviation Rulemaking 
Advisory Committee (ARAC) to harmonize the U.S. noise certification 
regulations and the European Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR) for 
helicopters. The proposed changes would provide nearly uniform noise 
certification standards for helicopters certificated in the U.S., the 
JAA countries, and other countries that have adopted as their national 
regulation either the U.S. regulations, the JAA regulations, or the 
International Civil Aviation Organization standards. The harmonization 
of the noise certification standards would simplify airworthiness 
approvals for import and export purposes.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/05/00                    65 FR 59634
NPRM Comment Period End         01/04/01
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AEE-94-367A.

Agency Contact: Sandy Liu, Office of Environment and Energy, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 493-4864

RIN: 2120-AH10


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 
USC 44713; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 
44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105; 49 USC 46301

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to revise the FAA's Antidrug and Alcohol 
Misuse Prevention Programs in accordance with changes the Department of 
Transportation is making to 49 CFR 40. In addition, the FAA proposes 
some minor revisions to its Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention 
Program so that the requirements conform to 14 CFR 67.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            02/28/02                     67 FR 9366
NPRM Comment Period End         05/29/02
NPRM Comment Period Extended    05/29/02                    67 FR 37361
NPRM Comment Period End         07/29/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Diane Wood, Acting Manager, Drug Abatement Branch, 
Office of Aviation Medicine, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-6710

RIN: 2120-AH14


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40105; 49 USC 
44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701 to 44703; 49 USC 44707; 49 USC 44709 
to 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 USC 
44722; 49 USC 45102 to 45103; 49 USC 45301 to 45303; 49 USC 46306; 49 
USC 46315; 49 USC 46316; 49 USC 46504; 49 USC 46506 to 46507; 49 USC 
47122; 49 USC 47508; 49 USC 47528 to 47531

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 1; 14 CFR 21; 14 CFR 61; 14 CFR 65; 14 CFR 91

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA is proposing to establish the certification and 
training requirements for pilots and repairmen to operate and maintain 
light-sport aircraft. The FAA is proposing a new sport pilot 
certificate and a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot 
rating. The FAA also is proposing two new light-sport aircraft 
airworthiness certificates for existing and newly manufactured light-
sport aircraft. In addition, this action proposes a new type of 
repairman certificate for individuals who would inspect and maintain 
light-sport aircraft. This action is significant because of substantial 
public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            02/05/02                     67 FR 5268
NPRM Comment Period End         05/06/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Susan Gardner, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3735

RIN: 2120-AH19

[[Page 74893]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 
44702; 49 USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action amends the airworthiness standards for transport 
category airplanes concerning the airspeed indicating system. This rule 
adds airspeed indication requirements for speeds greater than and less 
than the speed range for which airspeed indication accuracy 
requirements currently apply, would add a requirement that airspeed 
indications not cause the pilot undue difficulty between the initiation 
of rotation and the achievement of a steady climbing condition during 
takeoff, and would also add a requirement to limit the effects of 
airspeed lag. Adopting this rulemaking eliminates a regulatory 
difference between the airworthiness standards of the U.S. and the 
Joint Aviation Requirements of Europe, without affecting current 
industry design practices.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/15/01                    66 FR 26948
NPRM Comment Period End         07/16/01
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Don Stimson, Flight Test and Systems Branch, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., 
Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-4056

RIN: 2120-AH26


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 
44702; 49 USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action amends the airworthiness standards for transport 
category airplanes concerning electrical equipment and nickel cadmium 
battery installations, and nickel cadmium battery storage. This 
rulemaking eliminates regulatory differences between the airworthiness 
standards of the U.S. and the Joint Aviation Requirements of Europe, 
without affecting current industry design practices.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/17/01                    66 FR 27582
NPRM Comment Period End         07/16/01
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Massoud Sadeghi, Aircraft Certification Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2117

RIN: 2120-AH27


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 
44702; 49 USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action amends the airworthiness standards for transport 
category airplanes concerning the design and installation of electronic 
equipment. The rule requires that such equipment be designed and 
installed so that it does not cause essential loads to become 
inoperative as a result of electrical power supply transients or 
transients from other causes. Adopting this rulemaking would eliminate 
regulatory differences between the airworthiness standards of the 
United States and the Joint Aviation Requirements of Europe, without 
affecting current industry design practices


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/15/01                    66 FR 26956
NPRM Comment Period End         07/16/01
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Massoud Sadeghi, Aircraft Certification Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2117

RIN: 2120-AH28


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 
44702; 49 USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule amends the airworthiness standards for transport 
category airplanes concerning electrical cables. This action harmonizes 
part 25 and JAR-25 requirements concerning cable installations and 
clarifies the cable design requirements ensuring that the designer 
considers the critical conditions, routings, and markings of a proper 
installation. This rulemaking eliminates regulatory differences between 
the airworthiness standards of the United States and the Joint Aviation 
Requirements of Europe, without affecting current industry design 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/15/01                    66 FR 26942
NPRM Comment Period End         07/16/01
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

[[Page 74894]]

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Massoud Sadeghi, Aircraft Certification Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2117

RIN: 2120-AH29


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to revise the material strength properties 
and material design values requirement for transport category airplanes 
by incorporating changes developed in cooperation with the Joint 
Aviation Authorities of Europe and the U.S. and European aviation 
industry through the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee. This 
proposal is intended to achieve common requirements and language 
between the requirements of the U.S. regulations and the Joint Aviation 
Requirements of Europe, while maintaining at least the level of safety 
provided by the current regulations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/29/02                     67 FR 4318
NPRM Comment Period End         04/01/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-98-300.

Agency Contact: Rich Yarges, Airframe and Airworthiness Branch, 
Aircraft Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Aviation Administration, Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue 
SW, Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2143

RIN: 2120-AH36


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to revise the standards applicable to 
thrust or power augmentation systems, fuel filling points, designated 
fire zones, and powerplant instruments. Adopting this proposal would 
eliminate regulatory differences between the airworthiness standards of 
the U.S. and the Joint Aviation Requirements of Europe without 
affecting current industry design practices.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/31/02                     67 FR 4856
NPRM Comment Period End         04/01/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-01-467.

Agency Contact: Mike McRae, Airframe and Propulsion Branch, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue SW, Renton, 
WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2133

RIN: 2120-AH37


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to require that two-way voice 
communication systems between lower deck service compartments and the 
flight deck remain available following loss of the normal electrical 
power generating system. Adopting this proposal would eliminate 
regulatory differences between the airworthiness standards of the U.S. 
and the Joint Aviation Requirements of Europe without affecting current 
industry design practices.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/24/02                     67 FR 3456
NPRM Comment Period End         03/25/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-00-554.

Agency Contact: Jayson Claar, Transport Airplane Directorate, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2194

RIN: 2120-AH38


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA proposes to amend the airworthiness standards for 
transport category airplanes concerning miscellaneous flight 
requirements. Adopting this proposal would eliminate regulatory 
differences between the airworthiness standards of the U.S. and the 
Joint Aviation Requirements of Europe, without affecting current 
industry design practices.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/14/02                     67 FR 1846
NPRM Comment Period End         03/15/02
Final Action                    07/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-00-226.

[[Page 74895]]

Agency Contact: Don Stimson, Flight Test and Systems Branch, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., 
Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-4056

RIN: 2120-AH39


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 4321; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
44701; 49 USC 44702; 49 USC 44704; 49 USC 44715

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 36

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This final rule harmonizes two technical items with 
international regulations to provide uniform noise certification 
standards for airplanes certificated in the U.S. and JAA (European 
Joint Aviation Authorities) countries. This will help to simplify 
airworthiness approvals for import and export purposes. The revisions 
to these two items will apply only to a small number of older 
technology airplanes.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AEE-01-134.

Agency Contact: Mehmet Marsan, Office of Environment and Energy, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-7703

RIN: 2120-AH42


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
41706; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 
to 44713; 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 
44901; 49 USC 44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105; 49 USC 44113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 125; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action allows operators of specified airplanes to 
operate those airplanes under parts 121, 125, or 135 without meeting 
the resolution requirements for certain parameters of information 
recorded by flight data recorders. This action is needed to allow 
operators of these airplanes to continue operating these airplanes with 
their current recording capabilities until the FAA is able to determine 
the appropriate remedy for this problem.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule Effective            08/17/01
Final Rule; Request for Comments08/22/01                    66 FR 44270
Comment Period End              09/21/01
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AFS-01-551-E.

Agency Contact: Gary Davis, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8166

RIN: 2120-AH46


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 5103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40119; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44706; 49 USC 44901 to 44905; 40 
USC 44907; 49 USC 44913 to 44914; 49 USC 44932; 49 USC 44935 to 44936; 
49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 107; 14 CFR 108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule requires each airport operator and aircraft 
operator that has adopted a security program under part 107 and part 
108, respectively, to conduct fingerprint-based criminal history record 
checks for individuals if they have not already undergone criminal 
history record checks. This rule will ensure that individuals in these 
positions do not have disqualifying criminal offenses. This action is 
significant because of substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule; Request for Comments12/06/01                    66 FR 63473
Final Rule Effective            12/06/01
Comment Period End              01/07/02
Comment Period Reopened         01/25/02                     67 FR 3810
Comment Period End              03/11/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Linda Valencia, Office of Civil Aviation Security 
Policy and Planning, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3413

RIN: 2120-AH53


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40106; 49 USC 
40109; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44502; 49 USC 444514; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 
44719; 49 USC 46301

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 93

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to codify current flight restrictions 
for aircraft operating in U.S. airspace in the vicinity of Niagara 
Falls, NY. The FAA is proposing this action to complement flight 
management procedures established for Niagara Falls by Transport 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/04/02                    67 FR 56740
NPRM Comment Period End         10/21/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

[[Page 74896]]

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Terry Brown, Airspace and Rules Division, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8783

RIN: 2120-AH57


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 5103; 49 USC 40104 to 40105; 49 
USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 41706; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 
44705 to 44706; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 
USC 44901 to 44907; 49 USC 44913 to 44914; 49 USC 44935 to 44936; 49 
USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 108; 14 CFR 129; 14 CFR 191

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This final rule provides additional qualifications, training, 
and testing of individuals who screen persons and property that are 
carried in passenger aircraft. This action is significant because of 
substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Scott Cummings, Office of Civil Aviation Security, 
Policy, and Planning, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW.,, Washington, DC 20951
Phone: 202 267-3413

RIN: 2120-AH59


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 107-71; 115 Stat. 597

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 154

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA is proposing procedures for certain operators to 
apply for reimbursement of allowable costs incurred to comply with 
certain security requirements imposed by the FAA or Transportation 
Security Administration on or after September 11, 2001. These 
procedures are needed to inform airport operations, on-airport parking 
lots, and vendors of on-airfield direct services to air carriers how to 
apply for reimbursement of allowable costs.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/21/01                    66 FR 66238
NPRM Comment Period End         01/22/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Barry Molar, Manager, Airport Compliance Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3446

RIN: 2120-AH60


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 1155; 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 
40113; 49 USC 40120; 49 USC 40101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 
44709; 49 USC 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716; 49 USC 
44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 46306; 49 USC 46315; 49 USC 46316; 49 USC 
46504; 49 USC 46506 to 46507; 49 USC 47122; 49 USC 47508; 49 USC 47528 
to 47531

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule requires any person operating an aircraft to or 
from College Park Airport, Potomac Airfield, and Washington Executive/
Hyde Field to conduct those operations in accordance with security 
procedures approved by the Administrator. This action is being taken to 
restore aircraft operations at these airports while attempting to 
counter possible terrorist threats to the National Capital region. This 
action is significant because of substantial public interest and safety 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule Effective            02/13/02
Final Rule; Request for Comments02/19/02                     67 FR 7538
Comment Period End              04/22/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Bruce Landry, Office of Civil Aviation Security, 
Policy, and Planning, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8320

RIN: 2120-AH62


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking proposes to amend the airworthiness standards 
for transport category airplanes concerning design requirements for 
powerplant valves controlled from the flightdeck. Adopting this 
proposal would eliminate regulatory differences between the 
airworthiness standards of the U.S. and the Joint Aviation Requirements 
of Europe, without affecting current industry design practices.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/08/02                    67 FR 30820

[[Page 74897]]

NPRM Comment Period End         07/08/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Jennifer Abdul-Wali, Transportation Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-6322
Fax: 202 366-9313
Email: [email protected]

Mike McRae, Airframe and Propulsion Branch, Aircraft Certification 
Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 
Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2133

RIN: 2120-AH65


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 1155; 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 
40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 
44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716; 49 USC 
46504; 49 USC 46506 to 46507; 49 USC 47122; 49 USC 47508; 49 USC 47528 
to 47531

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to permit Reduced Vertical Separation 
Minimum flights in the airspace over the contiguous 48 States of the 
United States and Alaska and that portion of the Gulf of Mexico where 
the FAA provides air traffic services. This reduction of vertical 
separation minima would only be applied between those aircraft the meet 
stringent altimeter and auto-pilot performance requirements. The FAA is 
proposing this action to enhance airspace capacity and to assist 
aircraft operators to save fuel and time.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/10/02                    67 FR 31920
NPRM Comment Period End         08/08/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Roy Grimes, Technical Programs Division, Flight 
Standards Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3755

RIN: 2120-AH68


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 1153; 49 USC 40101; 49 USC 
40102; 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 41721; 49 USC 44105; 49 USC 
44111; 49 USC 44701 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44903; 
49 USC 44904; 49 USC 44906; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 44914; 49 USC 44936; 
49 USC 44938; 49 USC 46103; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 119

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action implements Section 710 of P.L. 106-181, the 
Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century 
by requiring air carriers that provide scheduled passenger air 
transportation to submit monthly to the Secretary of Transportation, 
through the Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service of the United 
States Department of Agriculture, a report on any incidents involving 
the loss, injury, or death of an animal during air transport provided 
by the air carrier.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/27/02                    67 FR 61238
NPRM Comment Period Extended to 
12/27/2002                      10/18/02                    67 FR 64331
NPRM Comment Period End         10/28/02
Final Action                    02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Anthony Washington, Office of the Chief Counsel, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW,, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3480

RIN: 2120-AH69


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40104 to 40105; 49 USC 40113; 49 
USC 40119; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 
49 USC 44722

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 129

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This amendment requires improved flightdeck security and 
operational procedural changes to prevent unauthorized access to the 
flightdeck on passenger-carrying aircraft operated by foreign carriers 
under the provisions of part 129. This amendment applies the same 
flightdeck security enhancements to foreign air carriers as were 
previously applied to U.S. air carriers. This action is significant 
because of safety and substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      06/21/02                    67 FR 42450
Final Rule Effective            06/21/02
Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Jeff Gardlin, Aircraft Certification Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2136

RIN: 2120-AH70


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113 to 40114; 49 USC 44101 to 
44108; 49 USC 44703 to 44704; 49

[[Page 74898]]

USC 44713; 49 USC 45302; 49 USC 46104

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 47

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This NPRM proposes to amend language in the aircraft 
registration regulations governing aircraft last previously registered 
in a foreign country. This action is needed to clarify the term ``court 
of competent jurisdiction''. This action intends to clearly describe 
what constitutes satisfactory evidence to the Administrator that 
foreign registration of an aircraft has ended or is invalid.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/17/02                    67 FR 41302
NPRM Comment Period End         07/17/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Julie A. Stanford, Aircraft Regulation Branch, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, P.O. Box 
25504, Oklahoma City, OK 73125
Phone: 405 954-3131

RIN: 2120-AH75


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 302; 49 USC 322; 49 USC 324

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 76

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This final rule will establish a new part 76 under title 14 
of the Code of Federal Regulations that prohibits the construction of 
any new object or the alteration of any existing object that would 
exceed 50 feet above ground level and is within the vicinity of the 
private residence of the President of the United States. The Secretary 
of Transportation is adopting this final rule as part of his statutory 
authority to ensure the National security by protecting the area of the 
private residence of the President of the United States. This action is 
significant because of substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Sheri Edgett-Baron, Air Traffic Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW.,, Washington,, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-9354

RIN: 2120-AH83


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44703; 49 
USC 44707; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 USC 45102 to 45103; 49 USC 45301 
to 45302

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 61

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action provides the authority to revoke a pilot 
certificate or deny an application for a pilot certificate based on a 
written determination by the Under Secretary of Transportation for 
Security that an individual poses a security risk related to aviation. 
This final rule addresses the security concerns of who should hold a 
pilot certificate issued by the FAA and is necessary to enhance 
security in air transportation. This rulemaking is significant because 
of substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: John D. Lynch, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3844

RIN: 2120-AH84


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40104 to 40105; 49 USC 40113; 49 
USC 40119; 49 USC 41706; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 
49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901 to 44904; 49 USC 44906

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 129

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This final rule excludes airplanes with fewer than 19 
passenger seats, eliminates the term ``or on overflights'', changes the 
compliance date for affected airplanes, and changes the term 
``transport category aircraft'' to ``transport category airplanes''.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Brian Staurseth, Flight Standards Service, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW.,, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 385-4561

RIN: 2120-AH86

[[Page 74899]]


Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)



Priority: Routine and Frequent

Legal Authority: 49 USC 40120; 49 USC 44502; 49 USC 44514; 49 USC 
44719; 49 USC 44721; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40106; 49 USC 
40113; 49 USC 40114

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 95

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This is a nonsignificant body of regulations which prescribes 
altitudes for the operation of aircraft under instrument flight rules 
(IFR) on Federal airways, jet routes, area navigation low or high 
routes, or other direct routes for which a minimum en route IFR 
altitude is designated in 14 CFR part 95. In addition, mountainous 
areas and changeover points are designated. These regulations are an 
established body of technical requirements that are issued routinely 
and frequently to maintain operational efficiency. Total actions 
expected--270. 10/00/2002 - 10/00/2003.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Actions Will Continue Through   10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Michael L. Henry, General Aviation and Commercial 
Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8212

Jennifer Abdul-Wali, Transportation Specialist, Department of 
Transportation, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-6322
Fax: 202 366-9313
Email: [email protected]

Don Pate, Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 6500 South MacArthur, 
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
Phone: 405 954-4161

RIN: 2120-AA63


Priority: Routine and Frequent

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 39

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA issues type certificates for ``products,'' which are 
aircraft, engines, propellers, and some appliances. The FAA issues a 
regulation called an Airworthiness Directive (AD) to address an unsafe 
condition in a type certificated product, if that unsafe condition is 
likely to exist or develop in products of the same type design. Part 39 
of title 14 requires each operator of a product affected by an AD to 
comply with the terms of the AD, in order to operate that product; the 
AD may mandate operational limitations, maintenance, or alterations for 
the affected product. The vast majority of routine and frequent 
Airworthiness Directives are nonsignificant. Total actions expected--
540. 10/00/2002 to 10/00/2003.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Actions Will Continue Through   10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions, 

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Jack McGrath, Aircraft Certification Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-9580

RIN: 2120-AA64


Priority: Routine and Frequent

Legal Authority: 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40106; 49 USC 40113 to 40114; 49 
USC 40120; 49 USC 44502; 49 USC 44514; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44719; 49 
USC 44721 to 44722; 49 USC 106(g)

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 97

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAP) provide for 
instrument letdown to airports in the United States. They are a 
nonsignificant body of regulations that are complex and technical in 
nature and require routine and frequent rulemaking to maintain 
efficiency. The FAA issues, revises, and cancels SIAPs by adopting 
amendments that are incorporated into 14 CFR part 97. Contemporaneously 
with publication in the Federal Register, the SIAPs are made available 
to the Aeronautical Charting and Cartography Office in the FAA and 
other publishers of aeronautical charts where they are published as 
approach procedure charts or ``approach plates.'' These charts are made 
available to the members of the aviation community for use by pilots in 
making instrument approaches. Total actions expected--3,200. 10/00/2002 
- 10/00/2003.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Actions Will Continue Through   10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Michael L. Henry, General Aviation and Commercial 
Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8212

Don Pate, Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 6500 South MacArthur, 
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
Phone: 405 954-4161

RIN: 2120-AA65


Priority: Routine and Frequent

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40120; EO 10854

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 71; 14 CFR 73; 14 CFR 75

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This is a nonsignificant body of regulations which designates 
airspace areas, airways, routes, and reporting points to facilitate 
safe navigation. These regulations are

[[Page 74900]]

technical in nature and are issued routinely and frequently to maintain 
operational efficiency. Total actions expected--450. 10/00/2002 through 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Actions Will Continue Through   10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Pat Crawford, Manager, Airspace Branch, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-9255

RIN: 2120-AA66


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 5121 to 5124; 49 USC 40113 to 
40114; 49 USC 44101 to 44108; 49 USC 44110 to 44111; 49 USC 44702 to 
44703; 49 USC 44704; 49 USC 44709 to 44710; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 46101 
to 46110; 49 USC 46301 to 46316; 49 USC 46501 to 46502; 49 USC 46504 to 
46507; 49 USC 47106; 49 USC 47111

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 13; 14 CFR 47

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, September 18, 1989.

Abstract: This action would revise certain requirements concerning 
registration of aircraft, certification of pilots, and penalties 
associated with registration and certification violations. This notice 
also announced new procedures for processing major repair and 
alteration forms which pertain to fuel system modifications. Actions 
announced in this notice respond to the FAA Drug Enforcement Assistance 
Act. The requirements and adopted procedures are intended to assist law 
enforcement agencies in their efforts to stop drug trafficking in 
general aviation aircraft. This rulemaking is significant because of 
substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/12/90                     55 FR 9270
NPRM Comment Period End         05/11/90

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project No. AFS-89-035R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 03/12/90, 55 FR 9270

Agency Contact: Sharon Ashford, Registry Modernization Staff, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 6500 
South MacArthur Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-4939
Phone: 405 954-7038

RIN: 2120-AD16


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 7572; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40105; 49 USC 
40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44707; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 44711; 
49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 45303

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 21

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Following World War II, a substantial number of surplus 
military airplanes were offered for sale to the public in order to meet 
an increased demand for civilian-use aircraft not being met by the 
civil aircraft industry. The current regulation permits both type and 
airworthiness certification for surplus military aircraft based on the 
particular aircraft's safety record and condition. As military aircraft 
have become increasingly complex and sophisticated, that practice is no 
longer acceptable. This action would remove the regulations for issuing 
type certificates for these surplus aircraft and eliminate references 
to obsolete standards. Surplus military aircraft would still be 
certificated in the normal, utility, acrobatic, commuter, transport, 
and restricted categories upon compliance with the applicable 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/21/94                    59 FR 19114
NPRM Comment Period End         06/20/94
Comment Period End 08/26/94     07/07/94                    59 FR 34779

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions, 

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AIR-91-354R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 04/21/94, 59 FR 19114

Agency Contact: Brian A. Yanez, Policy and Procedures Branch, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-6561

RIN: 2120-AE41


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 18 USC 6002; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 5121 to 5124; 49 
USC 40113 to 40114; 49 USC 44103 to 44106; 49 USC 44702 to 44703; 49 
USC 44709 to 44710; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 46101 to 46110; 49 USC 46301 
to 46316; 49 USC 46501 to 46502; 49 USC 46504 to 46507; 49 USC 47106; 
49 USC 47111; 49 USC 47122

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 13

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would revise the procedures for the assessment of 
civil penalties for violations of the Federal Aviation Regulations and 
other provisions. The procedures proposed would implement the 
requirements of the FAA Civil Penalty Administrative Assessment Act of 
1992, as they modify the procedures for adjudicating a civil penalty 
against a person acting in the capacity of a pilot, flight engineer, 
mechanic, or repairman.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/05/94                    59 FR 40192
NPRM Comment Period End         10/04/94

Next Action Undetermined

[[Page 74901]]

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AGC-93-076R. This rulemaking 
was considered significant; however, after receiving only two comments 
on the NPRM issued in 8/94, and the lack of controversy regarding this 
rule, the FAA does not consider this a significant rulemaking.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 08/05/94, 59 FR 40192

Agency Contact: Joyce Redos, Regulations Division, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-7158

RIN: 2120-AE84


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 46105; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40119; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 
to 44711; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 
44901; 49 USC 44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to revise the airworthiness standards 
for transport category airplanes relating to flight attendant assist 
space, flight attendant assist handles, door hold open features, 
outside viewing means, interior compartment doors and portable oxygen 
equipment. With one exception, these proposals are not the result of 
any specific incident or recommendation, but are part of the FAA's 
continuing effort to upgrade the regulations to improve the overall 
level of safety in areas where the state-of-the-art and good design 
practice have indicated that such upgrades are warranted. These 
proposals would result in both new type design regulations as well as 
requirements applicable to existing designs implemented via the 
operating rules.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/24/96                    61 FR 38552
NPRM Comment Period End         11/21/96

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-90-016R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 07/24/96, 61 FR 38552

Agency Contact: Jeff Gardlin, Aircraft Certification Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2136

RIN: 2120-AF77


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 
USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to develop or revise requirements for 
the evaluation of transport category airplane structure for in-flight 
collision with a bird, including the size of the bird and the location 
of the impact on the airplane. These changes are intended to harmonize 
the bird strike requirements of the FAR and the Joint Aviation 

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-93-762A. This is an 
Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee project.

Agency Contact: Bill Perrella, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 1601 Lind Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2116

RIN: 2120-AF80


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40104 to 40105; 49 USC 40113; 49 
USC 40119; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 
49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901 to 44904; 49 USC 44906

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 129

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: As an action intended to implement the Antiterrorism and 
Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (PL 104-132, 4/14/96), the FAA is 
proposing to amend existing airplane operator security rules for 
foreign air carriers and foreign operators of U.S. registered aircraft. 
The proposed amendment would require the Administrator to accept a 
foreign air carrier's program only if the Administrator finds that the 
security program provides for identical security measures to those 
provided by U.S. air carriers serving the same airport. The proposed 
rule will establish the obligation to use identical security measures. 
The actual measures to be used will be identified through changes to 
the nonpublic security program of the foreign air carriers. This rule 
is considered significant due to substantial public interest and 
concern of foreign governments.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/23/98                    63 FR 64764
Notice of Public Meeting        11/23/98                    63 FR 64764
Second NPRM                     03/22/99                    64 FR 13880
NPRM Comment Period End         03/23/99
Second NPRM Comment Period End  05/24/99

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ACP-96-363R.

Agency Contact: Moira Lozada, Civil Aviation Security Division, Office 
of Civil Aviation Security Policy, Department of Transportation, 

[[Page 74902]]

Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-3373

RIN: 2120-AG13

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 
USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would have amended the airworthiness standards 
for transport category airplanes to require a means to alert the flight 
crew of potentially unsafe low fuel quantities. There have been several 
fuel depletion incidents involving loss of power or thrust on all 
engines that could have resulted in forced landings and injury or loss 
of life. Most of these incidents resulted from improper fuel management 
techniques. This proposed amendment would have required new transport 
category airplane designs to incorporate a low fuel quantity alert 
system that would have allowed for correction of certain fuel 
management errors or provide the flight crew the opportunity to make a 
safe landing prior to engine fuel starvation. This proposed rulemaking 
is being withdrawn because of technology advances and future 
harmonization efforts.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/12/87                    52 FR 17890
NPRM Comment Period End         09/09/87
Withdrawn                       08/22/02                    67 FR 54380

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. 25213. Project Number: ANM-83-039R.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 05/12/87, 52 FR 17890

Agency Contact: Neil Schalekamp, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Aviation Administration, Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue 
SW, Renton, WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2112

RIN: 2120-AB46


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 
USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 33

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would have added a new section 33.35(f) to the 
Federal Aviation Regulations which would incorporate a requirement for 
the fuel mixture and throttle controls to automatically move to a 
position allowing continued safe flight if either control becomes 
disconnected. Based upon comments and after further analysis, the FAA 
has withdrawn this rulemaking. There are existing regulations that 
adequately cover the issues contained in the NPRM, and Advisory 
Circular No. 20-143, Installation, Inspection, and Maintenance of 
Controls for General Aviation Reciprocating Aircraft Engines, issued on 
June 6, 2000, provides additional guidance on maintenance procedures.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           02/28/86                     51 FR 7224
ANPRM Comment Period End        04/29/86
NPRM                            10/20/92                    57 FR 47934
NPRM Comment Period End         02/17/93
Withdrawn                       05/02/02                    67 FR 22019

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANE-85-002R. Former title: 
Engine Fuel and Induction Systems.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 10/20/92, 57 FR 47934

Agency Contact: Locke Easton, Engine and Propeller Standards Staff, 
Aircraft Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Aviation Administration, New England Region, 12 New England Executive 
Park, Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: 617 273-7088

RIN: 2120-AB76


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 
USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: NPRM, Statutory, February 3, 1989.

Abstract: This preliminary action was initiated to determine the 
feasibility of installing, in all air carrier aircraft, crashworthy 
fuselage fuel tanks and fuselage fuel lines which are rupture resistant 
and which disconnect and seal in the event of an accident. This notice 
solicited public participation in identifying and selecting a 
regulatory course of action by inviting interested persons to submit 
specific comments and arguments concerning this proposed regulatory 
action. Originally this rulemaking was considered significant. However, 
because there is no substantial public interest, this rulemaking is no 
longer significant. This rulemaking is withdrawn because of technology 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           05/02/89                    54 FR 18824
ANPRM Comment Period End        10/30/89
Withdrawn                       08/23/02                    67 FR 54591

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-89-005R.

Agency Contact: Mike Dostert, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft

[[Page 74903]]

Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue SW, Renton, 
WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2132

RIN: 2120-AC87


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 
USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would have amended the airworthiness standards 
for transport category airplanes to require improved cowling retention 
devices. A review of a number of inflight incidents where engine 
cowlings were lost revealed that the largest single cause of such 
losses was improper latching of the cowlings. If adopted, this proposal 
would have provided additional design standards to detect improperly 
latched cowlings and ensure the integrity of the latching system. This 
proposed rule is being withdrawn because of technology advances and 
future harmonization efforts.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/19/89                    54 FR 38610
NPRM Comment Period End         03/19/90
Withdrawn                       08/22/02                    67 FR 54379

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-87-004R.

Agency Contact: Mike McRae, Airframe and Propulsion Branch, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue SW, Renton, 
WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2133

RIN: 2120-AD34


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 
USC 44713; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 
44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action establishes a requirement for part 121 
certificate holders to develop an FAA-approved ground deicing/anti-
icing program and to comply with that program any time conditions are 
such that frost, ice, or snow could adhere to the aircraft's wings, 
control surfaces, or propellers. This action is necessary because 
several accidents and the recent International Conference on Airplane 
Ground Deicing indicate that, under present procedures, the pilot in 
command may be unable to effectively determine whether critical 
airplane components are free of all frost, ice, or snow prior to 
attempting a takeoff. The action provides an added level of safety to 
flight operations in adverse weather conditions and is considered 
significant because of its safety implications.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/23/92                    57 FR 32846
NPRM Comment Period End         08/07/92
Interim Final Rule              09/29/92                    57 FR 44924
Interim Final Rule Effective    11/01/92
Interim Final Rule Correction   11/09/92                    57 FR 53385
Final Rule Effective            11/09/92
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      04/15/93
Final Rule                      08/27/02                    67 FR 54946

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AFS-92-280-R.
A proposed advisory circular providing guidance on the program elements 
that should be included in an air carrier's approved ground deicing and 
anti-icing program was published September 29, 1992, requesting 
comments (57 FR 44944).
Various documents of this proceeding were erroneously published under 
RIN 2120-AE51.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 09/29/92, 57 FR 44924

Agency Contact: James Gardner, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-9579

RIN: 2120-AE70


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40119; 49 USC 40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 
49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 
44715; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91; 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 125; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA has reviewed the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory 
Committee recommendation to proceed with this rulemaking. The FAA has 
determined that it would be most appropriate to address the flight 
attendant English language issue in the overall context of crew 
training. Therefore, because the FAA will incorporate the flight 
attendant English language issue into the proposed revision of part 121 
subpart N and O notice of proposed rulemaking, this rulemaking entry is 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           04/18/94                    59 FR 18456
ANPRM Comment Period End        07/18/94
Withdrawn                       05/02/02                    67 FR 22020

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AFS-93-745A

Agency Contact: Cindy Nordlie, Office of Rulemaking, Department of

[[Page 74904]]

Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-7627

RIN: 2120-AE98


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 
USC 44705; 49 USC 44710 to 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 
44715; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 125; 14 CFR 135

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This amendment requires parts 125 and 135 certificate holders 
to provide pilot training or testing in ground deicing/anti-icing 
procedures and to check the airplane for contamination by frost, ice, 
or snow during ground icing conditions. The proposal is intended to 
provide an added level of safety to flight operations in adverse 
weather conditions under parts 125 and 135. This rulemaking is 
significant because it affects a substantial portion of the aviation 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/21/93                    58 FR 49164
NPRM Comment Period End         10/06/93
Interim Final Rule              12/30/93                    58 FR 69620
Advisory Circular Published     12/30/93                    58 FR 69631
Interim Final Rule Effective    01/31/94                    58 FR 69620
Final Action Effective          01/31/94
Final Action                    08/27/02                    67 FR 54946

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AFS-93-459R
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 12/30/93, 58 FR 69620

Agency Contact: James Gardner, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-9579

RIN: 2120-AF09


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
40120; EO 10854

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 71

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This final rule alters the Los Angeles, CA, Class B airspace 
area. This action lowers certain ceilings while raising others to 
provide more visual flight rules altitudes to circumnavigate the Los 
Angeles Class B airspace and to provide for better containment of 
arriving turbojets. This action will be handled as a routine airspace 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/22/94                    59 FR 60244
NPRM Comment Period End         01/23/95
Final Action                    12/19/96                    61 FR 66902
Final Action Effective          07/17/97

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ATP-94-035T
RIN 2120-AF38 was inadvertently used when this rulemaking was published 
in the Federal Register on November 22, 1994. The correct RIN is 2120-
RIN 2120-AA66 was inadvertently used when the final rule was published 
in the Federal Register on December 19, 1996. This error was recently 
discovered and the rulemaking is now completed.

Agency Contact: William C. Nelson, Airspace and Obstruction Evaluation 
Branch, Air Traffic Rules and Procedures Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-9295

RIN: 2120-AF16


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 
44702; 49 USC 44704

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 25

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action revises the airworthiness standards for transport 
category airplanes to harmonize braking systems design and test 
requirements in cooperation with the Joint Aviation Authorities of 
Europe, Transport Canada, and the U.S. and European aviation industry 
through the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/10/99                    64 FR 43570
Correction                      08/20/99                    64 FR 45589
NPRM Comment Period End         11/08/99
SNPRM                           12/18/00                    65 FR 79278
SNPRM Comment Period End        02/16/01
Final Action                    04/24/02                    67 FR 20414
Final Action Effective          05/24/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: ANM-98-302A.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 08/10/99, 64 FR 43570

Agency Contact: Mahinder K. Wahi, Transport Airplane Directorate, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 
Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98055
Phone: 425 227-2142

RIN: 2120-AG80


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 4321; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 
to 44702; 49 USC 44704; 49 USC 44715

[[Page 74905]]

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 36

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action makes changes to the noise certification 
standards for subsonic jet airplanes and subsonic transport category 
large airplanes. These changes are based on the joint effort of the 
FAA, the European Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA), and Aviation 
Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC), to harmonize the U.S. noise 
certification regulations and the European Joint Aviation Requirements 
for subsonic jet airplanes and subsonic transport category large 
airplanes. These changes would provide nearly uniform noise 
certifications standards for airplanes certificated in the U.S. and in 
the JAA countries. The harmonization of the noise certification 
standards would simplify airworthiness approvals for import and export 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/11/00                    65 FR 42796
NPRM Comment Period End         10/10/00
Final Rule                      07/08/02                    67 FR 45194
Final Rule Effective            08/07/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: James Skalecky, Office of Environment and Energy, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
Phone: 202 267-3699

RIN: 2120-AH03


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 
USC 44713; 49 USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 
44903 to 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105; 49 USC 46301

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action eliminates the need for approval by FAA of 
antidrug program and alcohol misuse prevention program plans and 
deletes periodic drug testing requirement, and changes the pre-
employment testing requirements to require pre-hire rather than 
preemployment drug testing. This action will also make other minor or 
terminological changes to the regulations. The FAA believes that 
changing or eliminating these requirements would not compromise safety 
and would lessen a burden on the regulated public.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/30/01                    66 FR 21492
NPRM Comment Period End         06/14/01
Final Rule Effective            08/01/01
Final Rule                      08/09/01                    66 FR 41959
Final Rule; Technical Amendment 11/19/01                    66 FR 57865
Final Rule Effective            11/19/01

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Diane Wood, Acting Manager, Drug Abatement Branch, 
Office of Aviation Medicine, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-6710

RIN: 2120-AH15


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 39

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This final rule incorporates several standard provisions 
previously included in most airworthiness directive into the Code of 
Federal Regulations. The FAA will no longer include these provisions in 
individual airworthiness directives. This will shorten individual 
airworthiness directives, making them easier for readers to use. Also, 
the FAA is proposing this regulation in plain language. The regulation 
has been reworded and reorganized using plain language techniques.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      07/22/02                    67 FR 47998
Final Rule Effective            08/21/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Donald P. Byrne, Assistant Chief Counsel, Regulations 
Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3073

RIN: 2120-AH17


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40101; 49 USC 40102; 49 USC 
40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40120; 49 USC 44106; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 
44701; 49 USC 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44707; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 
44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716; 49 USC 
44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44903; 49 USC 
44904; 49 USC 46506 to 46507; 49 USC 47122; 49 USC 47508; 49 USC 47528 
to 47531

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 1; 14 CFR 43; 14 CFR 61; 14 CFR 91; 14 CFR 119; 14 
CFR 133; 14 CFR 135; 14 CFR 145

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA was proposing to amend its regulations to cover 
powered-lift aircraft, a new category of aircraft that can perform as 
an airplane and a helicopter. This action was necessary because, as a 
new category of aircraft, powered-lift aircraft cannot operate under 
the regulations that govern airplanes or helicopters. The intended 
effect of this action was to allow the operation of powered-lift 
aircraft under FAA regulations. The FAA is reviewing the scope and 
priority of this rulemaking. Therefore, this action is withdrawn.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Withdrawn                       08/22/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

[[Page 74906]]

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: William H. Wallace, Flight Standards Service, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3771

RIN: 2120-AH20


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 46 USC 106(g); 49 USC 1155; 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 
40113; 49 USC 40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 
44709; 49 USC 44711; 49 USC 44712; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 44716; 49 USC 
44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 46306; 49 USC 46315; 49 USC 46316; 49 USC 
46504; 49 USC 46506; 49 USC 46507; 49 USC 47122; z49 USC 47508; 49 USC 
47528 to 487531

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 91

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This final rule removes outdated language, revises several 
sections, and adds one new section to the noise operating regulations. 
Some revisions are a result of recent statutory changes to the Airport 
Noise and Capacity Act. The new section defines specific filing 
procedures and criteria for special flight authorizations. These 
revisions will make the noise operating regulations consistent with 
recent statutory provisions.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      07/15/02                    67 FR 46568
Final Rule Effective            07/15/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Project Number: AEE-00-159.

Agency Contact: Laurie Fisher, Policy and Regulatory Division, Office 
of Environment and Energy, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 267-3561

RIN: 2120-AH41


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 1354(a); 49 USC 1355; 49 USC 1421; 49 USC 1422; 
49 USC 1427

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 61; 14 CFR 63; 14 CFR 65

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FAA is issuing a Special Federal Aviation Regulation 
(SFAR) that allows Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO) to accept 
expired flight instructor certificates and inspection authorizations 
for renewals from civilian and military personnel who serve in 
Operation Enduring Freedom. The effect of this action is to give these 
airmen extra time to meet certain eligibility requirements in the 
current rules.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      05/06/02                    67 FR 30524
Final Rule Effective            05/06/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: John D. Lynch, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-3844

RIN: 2120-AH58


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40105; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 
44701 to 44702; 49 USC 44707; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 44711 to 44713; 49 
USC 44716 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44903 to 44904; 
49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 121; 14 CFR 125

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action amends the digital flight data recorder (DFDR) 
regulations by expanding the recording ranges of two data parameters 
for all covered airplanes. This amendment is necessary because certain 
airplanes are unable to record the two flight parameters within the 
regulation's resolution criteria without undergoing unintended and 
expensive retrofit. The changes to the rule are minor, and the affected 
airplanes already record flight data at a level considered satisfactory 
for accident investigation purposes.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule Effective            08/20/02
Final Rule                      08/21/02                    67 FR 54320

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Forest Rawls, Office of Rulemaking, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW.,, Washington, DC 20951
Phone: 202 267-8033

Gary Davis, Flight Standards Service, Department of Transportation, 
Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., 
Washington, DC 20591
Phone: 202 267-8166

RIN: 2120-AH81


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44701 to 44702; 49 
USC 44707; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 44711; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 
USC 45303

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 21

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action adds a provision to the existing requirements for 
fuel tank system fault tolerance evaluations to allow certificate 
holders to use equivalent safety provisions for demonstrating 
compliance. Current regulations do not provide such provisions. This 
final rule will allow current certificate holders to use the same 
equivalent safety provisions already available to applicants for new or 
changed type design approval.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule Effective            08/30/02

[[Page 74907]]

Final Rule                      09/10/02                    67 FR 57490
Final Rule Comment Period End   10/10/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Mike Dostert, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft 
Certification Service, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation 
Administration, Northwest Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Avenue SW, Renton, 
WA 98055-4056
Phone: 425 227-2132

RIN: 2120-AH85


Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 101(a); 23 USC 104 to 106; 23 USC 109; 23 USC 
110; 23 USC 113; 23 USC 115; 23 USC 118; 23 USC 120(e); 23 USC 121(c); 
23 USC 125; 23 USC 134; 23 USC 315; 23 USC 320

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 630; 23 CFR 1.32; 49 CFR 1.48

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA is proposing to revise the existing regulations that 
prescribe policies and procedures for advancing the construction of 
Federal-aid highway projects without obligating Federal funds 
apportioned or allocated to the States. These regulations should be 
revised to conform to changes made to title 23, United States Code, by 
technical amendments in the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st 
Century (TEA-21), Pub. L. 105-178, and changes made by the National 
Highway System Designation Act of 1995 (NHS), Pub. L. 104-59.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              07/19/95                    60 FR 36991
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      09/18/95
NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Max Inman, Office of Budget and Finance, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2853

RIN: 2125-AD59


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 105; 23 USC 106; 23 USC 109; 23 USC 110; 23 USC 
115; 23 USC 315; 23 USC 320; PL 102-240, sec 1051; PL 104-59, sec 358

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 636; 23 CFR 1.32; 49 CFR 1.48; 23 CFR 630

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA is proposing to amend its regulations on traffic 
safety and mobility in highway and street work zones. Section 1051 of 
the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) 
required the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) to develop and 
implement a highway work zone safety program which would improve work 
zone safety at highway construction sites. This provision of ISTEA was 
implemented through non-regulatory action.
A notice published in the Federal Register on October 24, 1995 (60 FR 
54562) provided an outline of the work zone safety initiative.
The current proposed regulatory action will further enhance the work 
zone safety initiative by expanding its focus to include both safety 
and mobility. The proposed action will incorporate the use of new work 
zone techniques and technologies, update current policy and regulation, 
and emphasize issues affecting the safety and mobility of highway 
workers and highway users.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           02/06/02                     67 FR 5532
ANPRM Comment Period End        06/06/02
Notice of Public Meetings       08/09/02                    67 FR 51802
NPRM                            06/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Scott Battles, Office of Transportation Operations, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4372

RIN: 2125-AE29


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 134; 23 USC 135; 23 USC 204; 23 USC 315; PL 

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA was delegated the authority to serve as the lead 
agency to develop transportation planning procedures pertaining to the 
National Park Service, the Forest Service, the Fish and Wildlife 
Service and the Bureau of Indian Affairs that are consistent with the 
metropolitan and statewide transportation planning processes. The FHWA 
and the appropriate Federal land management agencies are also given the 
authority to develop safety, bridge, pavement, and congestion 
management systems for roads funded under the Federal lands highways 
program (FLHP). The roads funded under the FLHP include park roads and 
parkways, forest highways, refuge roads and Indian reservation roads.
The FHWA sought public comment on four related ANPRMs that were 
published on September 1, 1999. The comment period closed on November 
1, 1999. Six organizations provided comments on the ANPRM pertaining to

[[Page 74908]]

the National Park Service (NPS) and the park roads and parkways 
program. The comments generally supported the development of a separate 
rule for each agency including one for the NPS. In an NPRM, the FHWA 
will seek public comment on a proposed rule to implement section 
1115(d) of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) 
implementing safety, bridge, pavement, and congestion management 
systems developed by FHWA's Federal Lands Highway program office in 
consultation with the NPS. The NPRM is designated as significant under 
E.O. 12866 and the DOT regulatory policies and procedures because of 
the high level of interagency interest in the notices and involved 
program. The transportation planning procedures will be addressed in a 
separate NPRM.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           09/01/99                    64 FR 47749
ANPRM Comment Period End        11/01/99
NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Butch Wlaschin, Federal Lands Highway Office, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9486

RIN: 2125-AE52


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 315; PL 105-178; 23 USC 134; 23 USC 135; 23 USC 

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA was delegated the authority to serve as the lead 
agency to develop transportation planning procedures pertaining to the 
National Park Service, the Forest Service, the Fish and Wildlife 
Service and the Bureau of Indian Affairs that are consistent with the 
metropolitan and statewide transportation planning processes. The FHWA 
and the appropriate Federal land management agencies are also given the 
authority to develop safety, bridge, pavement, and congestion 
management systems for roads funded under the Federal lands highways 
program (FLHP). The roads funded under the FLHP include park roads and 
parkways, forest highways, refuge roads and Indian reservation roads.
The FHWA sought public comment on four related ANPRMs that were 
published on September 1, 1999. The comment period closed on November 
1, 1999. Eight organizations provided comments on the ANPRM pertaining 
to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the Indian reservation roads 
program. The comments generally supported the development of a separate 
rule for each agency including one for the BIA. In an NPRM, the FHWA 
will seek public comment on a proposed rule to implement section 
1115(d) of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), 
for the proposed safety, bridge, pavement, and congestion management 
systems developed by FHWA's Federal Lands Highway program office in 
consultation with the BIA. The NPRM is designated as significant under 
E.O. 12866 and the DOT regulatory policies and procedures because of 
the high level of interagency interest in the notices and involved 
program. The transportation planning procedures will be addressed in a 
separate NPRM.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           09/01/99                    64 FR 47746
ANPRM Comment Period End        11/01/99
NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Butch Wlaschin, Federal Lands Highway Office, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9486

RIN: 2125-AE53


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 134; 23 USC 135; 23 USC 204; 23 USC 315; PL 

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA was delegated the authority to serve as the lead 
agency to develop transportation planning procedures pertaining to the 
National Park Service, the Forest Service, the Fish and Wildlife 
Service and the Bureau of Indian Affairs that are consistent with the 
metropolitan and statewide transportation planning processes. The FHWA 
and the appropriate Federal Land Management agencies are also given the 
authority to develop safety, bridge, pavement, and congestion 
management systems for roads funded under the Federal lands highways 
program (FLHP). The roads funded under the FLHP include park roads and 
parkways, forest highways, refuge roads and Indian reservation roads.
The FHWA sought public comment on four related ANPRMs that were 
published on September 1, 1999. The comment period closed on November 
1, 1999. Six organizations provided comments on the ANPRM pertaining to 
the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the refuge roads program. The 
comments generally supported the development of a separate rule for 
each agency including one for the FWS. In an NPRM, the FHWA will seek 
public comment on a proposed rule to implement section 1115(d) of the 
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) for the 
proposed safety, bridge, pavement and congestion management systems 
developed by FHWA's Federal Lands Highway program office in 
consultation with the FWS. The NPRM is designated as significant under 
E.O. 12866 and the DOT regulatory policies and procedures because of 
the high level of interagency interest in the notices and involved 
program. The transportation planning procedures will be addressed in a 
separate NPRM.

[[Page 74909]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           09/01/99                    64 FR 47741
ANPRM Comment Period End        11/01/99
NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Butch Wlaschin, Federal Lands Highway Office, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9486

RIN: 2125-AE54


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 135; 23 USC 204; 23 USC 315; PL 105-178; 23 USC 

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA was delegated the authority to serve as the lead 
agency to develop transportation planning procedures pertaining to the 
National Park Service, the Forest Service, the Fish and Wildlife 
Service and the Bureau of Indian Affairs that are consistent with the 
metropolitan and statewide transportation planning processes. The FHWA 
and the appropriate Federal land managment agencies are given the 
authority to develop safety, bridge pavement, and congestion management 
systems for roads funded under the Federal lands highways program. The 
roads funded under the FLHP include park roads and parkways, forest 
highways, refuge roads and Indian reservation roads.
The FHWA sought public comment on four related ANPRMs that were 
published on September 1, 1999. The comment period closed on November 
1, 1999. Seven organizations provided comments on the ANPRM pertaining 
to the Forest Service (FS) and the forest highway program. The comments 
generally supported the development of a separate rule for each agency 
including one for the FS. In an NPRM, the FHWA will seek public comment 
on a proposed rule to implement section 1115(d) of the Transportation 
Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) for the proposed safety, 
bridge, pavement and congestion management systems developed by FHWA's 
Federal Lands Highway program office in consultation with the FS. The 
NPRM is designated as significant under E.O. 12866 and the DOT 
regulatory policies and procedures because of the high level of 
interagency interest in the notices and involved program. The 
transportation planning procedures will be addressed in a separate 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           09/01/99                    64 FR 47744
ANPRM Comment Period End        11/01/99
NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Butch Wlaschin, Federal Lands Highway Office, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9486

RIN: 2125-AE55


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 101(a); 23 USC 104; 23 USC 109(d); 23 USC 
114(a); 23 USC 217; 23 USC 315; 23 USC 402(a)

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 1.32; 49 CFR 1.48(b)

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The MUTCD is incorporated by reference in 23 CFR part 655, 
subpart F, and is recognized as the national standard for traffic 
control devices on all public roads. Due to the reorganization of the 
FHWA and the deletion of 23 CFR 1204.4 by the National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration (NHTSA), 23 CFR part 655.603 is outdated. The 
proposed amendments included herein will bring 23 CFR part 655 up to 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Ernest D.L. Huckaby, Department of Transportation, 
Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-9064

RIN: 2125-AE78


Priority: Other Significant

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 23 USC 109(a); 23 USC 109(h); 23 USC 144; 23 USC 151; 
23 USC 315; 23 USC 319; EO 11988; ...

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 650; 23 CFR 1.32; 49 CFR 1.48(b)

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA solicited comments on whether its regulation on 
National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) should be revised and 
updated. The FHWA asked in an ANPRM whether there is a need to update 
the regulations to incorporate current, state of the art bridge 
inspection practices which public authorities may be using. A public 
authority means a Federal, State, county, town, or township, Indian 
tribe, municipal or other local government or instrumentality with the 
authority to finance, build, operate, or maintain toll or toll-free 
facilities. The primary purpose of the NBIS is to identify bridges that 
need work to ensure the safety of the traveling public. The NBIS 
regulation was last updated 14 years ago. Based on the comments 
received to the ANPRM, the FHWA plans to propose to revise its 
regulation on the NBIS.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           09/26/01                    66 FR 49154
ANPRM Comment Period End        12/26/01
NPRM                            02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

[[Page 74910]]

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Wade F. Casey, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9487

RIN: 2125-AE86


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 122

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 140

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In this action, the FHWA proposes to amend its regulation on 
reimbursement for bond issue projects to implement the changes made to 
23 USC 122 by the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 (NHS) 
(Pub. L. 104-59, November 28, 1995, 109 Stat. 568). Section 311 of the 
NHS amended 23 USC 122 to make debt financing costs related to title 23 
projects eligible for Federal reimbursement.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Dale M. Gray, Federal-Aid Financial Management 
Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 
Room 4313, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0978

RIN: 2125-AE91


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 31111(g)

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 658

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA is requesting comments on this proposal, which would 
designate dromedary-equipped truck tractor-semitrailers, when hauling 
munitions for the Department of Defense (DOD), as specialized 
equipment. No State would be able to limit this combination to less 
than 75 feet.
This proposal is in response to a petition from DOD that would help 
expedite the hauling of munitions.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Phillip J. Forjan, Transportation Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-6817

RIN: 2125-AE94


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 127; 23 USC 315; 49 USC 31111; 49 USC 31112; 49 
USC 31114; 49 CFR 1.48(b)(19); 49 CFR 1.48(c)(19)

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 658

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA proposes to modify the National Network (NN) for 
commercial motor vehicles by adding 119 route segments in Virginia in 
response to a specific request from the Commonwealth of Virginia. These 
proposed additional route segments have been reviewed by State and FHWA 
offices for general adherence to the criteria for the NN and were found 
to provide for the safe operation of larger commercial vehicles and for 
the needs of interstate commerce.
Commercial vehicles with the dimensions authorized by the Surface 
Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 must be allowed to operate on the 
NN, which includes highways located in all 50 States, the District of 
Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Specific routes on the NN include the 
Interstate System and those listed in appendix A of 23 CFR 658.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Kathy Busby, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2976

RIN: 2125-AE96

Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 103(b); 23 USC 103(c); 23 USC 315

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 470

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This regulatory action amends 23 CFR 470 in accordance with 
legislation enacted in 1991, 1995, and 1998. The Intermodal Surface 
Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) rescinded the Federal-aid 
Primary and Secondary and Urban Systems; established an interim 
National Highway System (NHS); and defined Federal-aid highways. The 
NHS Designation Act of 1995 (NHS Act) authorized the initial National 
Highway System and also authorized the Secretary to approve 
modifications. The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-
21) authorized the initial NHS connectors to major intermodal terminals 
and recodified 23 U.S.C. 103 (Federal-aid systems). The action also 
consolidates in appendices all nonregulatory guidance material issued 
previously by the FHWA on Federal-aid highway systems.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              06/19/97                    62 FR 33351

[[Page 74911]]

Interim Final Rule Effective    07/21/97
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The FHWA issued an interim final rule with an 
opportunity for public comment. This rule amends regulations that the 
States comply with as part of the Federal-aid highway program. The FHWA 
has worked closely with the States, and the States have operated under 
the basic policies covered by this regulation for many years. A number 
of technical revisions are required as a result of the TEA-21 
recodification of 23 U.S.C. 103, including incorporation of the 
provisions of former 23 U.S.C. 139 (Additions to Interstate System).

Agency Contact: Frank Clark, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5006

RIN: 2125-AD74


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 315; 23 USC 109(e); 23 USC 120(c); 23 USC 130

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 140; 23 CFR 646

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA amends its regulations on railroad highway projects. 
The amendments now require railroads to submit final billings within 
one year following completion of work, delete the requirements of a 
State's certification that work was completed, increase the ceiling for 
lump sum agreements from $25,000 to $100,000 and incorporate changes 
brought about by ISTEA. The FHWA believes these changes will conform 
railroad/highway regulations to more recent laws or regulations, and 
provide State highway agencies clarification and more flexibility in 
implementing them.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              08/27/97                    62 FR 45326
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      10/27/97
Final Action                    04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: State, Local

Agency Contact: Robert Winans, Office of Highway Safety Information, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4656

RIN: 2125-AD86


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 307; 23 USC 315; 23 USC 502 note; PL 102-240, 
sec. 6055(b); PL 105-178, sec. 5206(e)

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 1001; 49 CFR 1.48

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA proposes to amend its regulations to require the use 
of Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) Standards for ITS 
commercial vehicle projects using Federal funds. DSRC Systems use 
microwave communications over very short distances to allow moving 
vehicles to communicate with fixed roadside locations. In commercial 
motor vehicle applications, DSRC devices can transfer information 
regarding vehicle safety, performance, regulatory compliance and 
credentials from the vehicle to inspection stations.
The use of DSRC standards would promote interoperability among, and 
enable integration of ITS systems for, North American commercial 
vehicle applications, such as electronic clearance, automated weight 
stations and border crossings. Interoperability would also encourage 
institutional integration and cooperation.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/30/99                    64 FR 73674
NPRM Comment Period End         02/28/00
Supplemental NPRM               12/12/00                    65 FR 77534
Final Action                    01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: William S. Jones, ITS Joint Program Office, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2128

RIN: 2125-AE63


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 105-178, sec 1307(c); 23 USC 112

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 635

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, June 9, 2001.

Abstract: The FHWA proposes to revise its regulations to implement 
design-build contracting as mandated by section 1307(c) of the 
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), enacted on 
June 9, 1998. TEA-21 requires the Secretary of Transportation to issue 
regulations to allow design-build contracting for selected projects. 
The regulations would list the criteria and procedures that will be 
used by the FHWA in approving the use of design-build contracting by 
State Transportation Departments (STDs). The regulation would not 
require the use of design-build contracting but rather would allow it 
as an optional technique in addition to traditional contracting 
The FHWA is soliciting comments on its proposed regulation which would 
establish prescribed policies and procedures for utilizing the design-
build contracting technique for Federal-aid highway projects. This 
action is significant because of the substantial State and industry 
interest in the design-build contracting technique.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/19/01                    66 FR 53288
NPRM Comment Period End         12/19/01
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

[[Page 74912]]

Government Levels Affected: State

Additional Information: The NPRM published at 66 FR 53288 on October 
19, 2001, contained an incorrect docket number. The correct docket 
number for the NPRM is FHWA-2000-7799. A notice of correction was 
published in the Federal Register on October 31, 2001 (67 FR 54964).

Agency Contact: Gerald Yakowenko, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1562

RIN: 2125-AE79


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 109(a); 23 USC 109(h); 23 USC 144; 23 USC 151; 
23 USC 315; ...

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 650

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA proposes to revise its regulation on the 
discretionary bridge program rating factor in order to incorporate 
several administrative considerations that have proven effective in the 
project selection process. This proposed action would amend the current 
regulations according to a provision in TEA-21 which requires the 
Secretary of Transportation to publish both the statutory and 
regulatory criteria that will apply to the discretionary bridge 
These proposed changes would require that the candidate projects be 
ready to begin construction in the fiscal year in which funds are 
available for obligation; allow leveraged funds from local, State, 
county, or private sources to be used to reduce the total project cost 
for use in the rating factor formula; disallow any discretionary 
allocation to a State that has transferred Highway Bridge Replacement 
and Rehabilitation Program funds to other categories of Federal funding 
in the previous year; and change the definition of one term in the 
rating factor formula.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/22/02                     67 FR 2837
NPRM Comment Period End         03/25/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Steven Ernst, Office of Bridge Technology, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street, 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4619

RIN: 2125-AE88


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 134; 23 USC 135; 23 USC 315; 49 USC 5305 to 

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 450; 49 CFR 1.48(b); 49 CFR 1.51

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: On May 25, 2000, the FHWA and the FTA jointly published an 
NPRM on statewide and metropolitan transportation planning (RIN 2125-
AE62; 2132-AA66). The agencies have carefully considered all of the 
data, recommendations, and ongoing issues with respect to statewide and 
metropolitan transportation planning. In light of the current 
situation, the agencies are proposing to amend 23 CFR 450 to include 
provisions related to consultation with non-metropolitan, local 
officials and further refine processes related to public involvement.
The purpose of this proposal is to ensure that the concerns of local 
and rural transportation officials are adequately represented in 
Federal transportation planning activities. This proposal is in 
addition to the section on consultation with non-metropolitan local 
officials that was proposed in the NPRM in May 2000.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Supplemental NPRM               06/19/02                    67 FR 41648
Comment Period Extended         08/15/02                    67 FR 53326
Comment Period End              09/19/02
Final Rule                      12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Jill Hochman, Director, Office of Intermodal and 
Statewide Programs, Department of Transportation, Federal Highway 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0233

Related RIN: Related To 2132-AA75
RIN: 2125-AE95

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 120(j) and (k); 23 USC 202; 23 USC 315; PL 105-
178, sec 1115; 49 CFR 1.48

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 661

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Section 1115 of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st 
Century establishes a nationwide priority program for improving 
deficient Indian reservation road (IRR) bridges and reserves $13 
million of IRR funds per year to replace and rehabilitate bridges that 
are in poor condition. The FHWA, Federal Lands Highway Office (FLH), 
and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Division of Transportation (BIADOT), 
intend to implement the IRR bridge program (IRRBP) to promptly address 
the deficient IRR bridges. Toward that end, the FLH and the BIADOT, in 
consultation with Indian tribal governments, have developed project 
selection/fund allocation procedures for uniform application of the 
legislation. The FHWA is announcing the project selection/fund 
allocation procedures for the IRRBP.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              07/19/99                    64 FR 38565

[[Page 74913]]

Interim Final Rule Effective    07/19/99
Final Action                    12/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Public comment was solicited in a February 12, 
1999, Federal Register notice (64 FR 7229). These comments will be 
addressed in the final rule.

Agency Contact: Wade F. Casey, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-9487

RIN: 2125-AE57


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 97-424, sec 161; 23 USC 109(a); 23 USC 144(g); PL 
105-178, sec 1101(a)(3); 23 USC 109(h); 23 USC 144; 23 USC 151; 23 USC 
315; 23 USC 319; 33 USC 401; 33 USC 409 et seq; 33 USC 511 et seq; PL 
97-134, sec 4(b); PL 105-206; ...

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 650; 23 CFR 1.32; 49 CFR 1.48(b)

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA is seeking comments regarding improvements that can 
be made to its regulation outlining the highway bridge replacement and 
rehabilitation program. In addition, the FHWA is considering the 
inclusion and/or modification of existing policies so that they provide 
the flexibility necessary for the State and local governments to better 
manage their bridge assets. Currently,the FHWA is reviewing the 
comments we received in response to the advanced notice of proposed 
rulemaking to determine what action to take next.
The FHWA is also considering proposed revisions to the discretionary 
bridge program rating factor, which will be addressed in a separate 
rulemaking action.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           09/26/01                    66 FR 49152
ANPRM Comment Period End        12/26/01

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Raymond McCormick, Director, Office of Bridge 
Technology, Department of Transportation, Federal Highway 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4675

RIN: 2125-AE75


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 31111; 49 USC 31113

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 658

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action responds to two unique requests with respect to 
the exclusion of certain devices from established truck length and 
width requirements.
Proposed is an increase from 3 to 4 inches of the distance from the 
side of a commercial vehicle within which non-cargo carrying devices 
are excluded from vehicle width measurement.
In a separate matter, the Senate Committee on Appropriations has 
requested the FHWA consider a special allowance, within reasonable 
safety limitations, concerning the commercial movement of recreational 
vehicles (RVs) with incidental appurtenances, such as retractable 
awnings, that extend beyond current Federal width limitations. A number 
of States have enacted laws that allow incidental appurtenances on 
noncommercial RVs to exceed State width limitations.
The FHWA proposes to make these two changes to its regulation governing 
truck length and width exclusive devices.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/29/02                    67 FR 48994
NPRM Comment Period End         09/27/02

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Robert E.L. Davis, Department of Transportation, 
Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2997

RIN: 2125-AE90


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 109(d); 23 USC 315; 23 USC 402(a)

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 655, subpart F

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices contains the 
Standards, Guidance, and Options for installing all traffic control 
devices (signs, traffic signals, and pavement markings) on the nation's 
roadways opened to public travel. By following the manual drivers, 
pedestrians, and bicyclists encounter the same uniform signs, traffic 
signals, and pavement markings, used in identical ways, along their 
trip. As a result of changes in technology, materials, and management 
strategies, the devices in the manual and their uses need to be updated 
and amended on an annual basis.
This proposed amendment is in keeping with the Secretary of 
Transportation's authority under 23 U.S.C. 109(d), 315, and 402(a) to 
promulgate uniform guidelines to promote the safe and efficient use of 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Notice of Proposed Amendments   05/21/02                    67 FR 35850
Comment Period End              08/19/02

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Ernest D.L. Huckaby, Department of Transportation, 
Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-9064

RIN: 2125-AE93

[[Page 74914]]


Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 127; 23 USC 141; 23 USC 315

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 657

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA terminates this rulemaking action. The agency 
originally initiated this action to consider revising the criteria for 
determining State compliance with the existing Federal requirement for 
an annual certification of State size and weight enforcement. Recently, 
however, the National Research Council of the Transportation Research 
Board issued a congressionally mandated report that, among other 
things, recommended additional study be undertaken of ways to improve 
enforcement of truck weight laws.
The recommendations of the TRB report provide a basis for a broader 
review of the Federal and State truck size and weight programs. In 
light of this situation, we have withdrawn this rulemaking action.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           12/16/93                    58 FR 65830
ANPRM Comment Period Extended to 
05/18/94                        03/15/94                    59 FR 11956
ANPRM Comment Period End        03/16/94
Supplemental ANPRM              09/28/00                    65 FR 58233
Supplemental ANPRM Comment 
Period End                      12/27/00
Withdrawn                       07/26/02                    67 FR 48821

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Robert E.L. Davis, Department of Transportation, 
Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2997

RIN: 2125-AC60


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 112(b); 23 USC 114(a); 23 USC 302; 23 USC 315; 
23 USC 402; 41 USC 253; 41 USC 259

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 172; 49 CFR 1.48(b)

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action amends procurement procedures on administration 
of engineering and design related services contracts to reflect the 
changes made by section 307 of Public Law 104-59, National Highway 
System Designation Act and section 1205 of the Transportation Equity 
Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), Public Law 105-178, June 9, 1998.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/18/00                    65 FR 44486
NPRM Comment Period End         09/18/00
Final Action                    06/12/02                    67 FR 40149
Final Action Effective          07/12/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Gary E. Moss, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4654

RIN: 2125-AE45


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 104(f); 23 USC 134; 23 USC 135; 23 USC 217; 23 
USC 315; 42 USC 7410 et seq; 49 USC 5305 to 5309

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 450; 49 CFR 613; 49 CFR 1.48(b); 49 CFR 1.51

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FHWA and FTA partially withdraw the proposed rulemaking in 
which the agencies proposed to amend the requirements on Statewide and 
metropolitan planning. This partial withdrawal is based on the level of 
critical comment received, the development of alternate means for 
implementing the topics addressed in the NPRM and the pendency of 
reauthorization of the surface transportation program. The agencies 
withdraw this proposed rulemaking except for those sections that relate 
to ``consultation with nonmetropolitan local officials,'' which is 
addressed in the SNPRM published on June 19, 2002, at 67 FR 41648.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/25/00                    65 FR 33958
NPRM Comment Period Extended    07/07/00                    65 FR 41891
NPRM Comment Period End         09/23/00
Partial Withdrawal              09/20/02                    67 FR 59219
Partial Withdrawal Effective    09/20/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Sheldon M. Edner, Team Leader, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Room 3232, 400 Seventh 
Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4066
Email: [email protected]

Charles Goodman, Division Chief, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Transit Administration, Room 9413, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1924

RIN: 2125-AE62


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 4321 et seq; 49 USC 303; 23 USC 109; 23 USC 
128; 23 USC 134; 23 USC 138; 23 USC 315; ...

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 530; 23 CFR 540

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agencies withdraw this proposed rulemaking proceeding 
that proposed to update and revise our National Environmental Policy 
Act (NEPA) implementation regulation for projects funded or approved by 
FHWA or FTA. The agencies intended to modify the regulation to reflect 
experience gained in administering these requirements and substantial 
changes in legislation that occurred since the regulations were issued 
in 1987. The agencies have determined that the proposed changes 

[[Page 74915]]

such a diversity and disparity of comments that substantial further 
work is necessary to develop new proposals and accommodate these 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/25/00                    65 FR 33960
NPRM Comment Period Extended    07/07/00                    65 FR 41892
NPRM Comment Period End         09/23/00
Withdrawn                       09/20/02                    67 FR 59225

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Fred Skaer, Office of Environment and Planning, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2058

RIN: 2125-AE64


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 109(d); 23 USC 114(a); 23 USC 315; 23 USC 

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 655

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA revises its color specifications for retroreflective 
sign materials. This revision includes daytime and nighttime 
specification for both assigned and unassigned colors found in the 
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Color specifications 
for fluorescent colors and pavement marking material also would be 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/21/99                    64 FR 71354
NPRM Comment Period End         06/23/00
Final Action                    07/31/02                    67 FR 49569
Final Action Effective          08/30/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Ernest D.L. Huckaby, Department of Transportation, 
Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-9064

RIN: 2125-AE67


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 91-458

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 646

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a recent Supreme Court decision, the FHWA was 
contemplating amending its regulations on railroad-highway crossing 
projects to clarify that installation projects for passive crossing 
control devices, done solely to meet the minimum crossing signing 
requirements, do not preempt or displace State laws concerning 
adequacy. The FHWA is terminating this rulemaking action because the 
agency has decided to address the issues raised by the Supreme Court 
decision administratively.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Withdrawn                       07/26/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Federalism:  This action may have federalism implications as defined in 
EO 13132.

Agency Contact: Rudolph M. Umbs, Office of Highway Safety, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2177

RIN: 2125-AE81


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 101(a); 23 USC 104; 23 USC 109(d); 23 USC 
114(a); 23 USC 217; 23 USC 315; 23 USC 402(a); ...

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 655

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA, in response to comment, amends the 2000 Millennium 
Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) that 
became effective on January 17, 2001. Section 4E.06 of the MUTCD 
relates to accessible pedestrian signals. Upon publication of the 
Millennium Edition, the FHWA was advised that the support and guidance 
statements relative to evaluation of signalized intersections to 
accommodate persons with visual disabilities did not adequately address 
the needs of such persons. Accordingly, the FHWA revises these support 
and guidance statements.
The FHWA issued an interim final rule to provide an opportunity for the 
public to review and make comments on the necessary changes to the 
pertinent electronic files on the FHWA's MUTCD internet site (http://
mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov) to comply with section 508 of the Rehabilitation 
Act of 1973. There were no comments to the interim final rule, 
therefore the FHWA adopted it as a final rule.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Notice of Proposed Amendments   05/17/01                    66 FR 27480
Comment Period End              06/18/01
Interim Final Rule              02/15/02                     67 FR 7073
Interim Final Rule Effective    03/18/02
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      04/18/02
Final Rule                      07/30/02                    67 FR 49235
Final Rule Effective            08/29/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Ernest D.L. Huckaby, Department of Transportation, 
Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-9064

RIN: 2125-AE83


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 104(f); 23 USC 103(c); 23 USC 115; 23 USC 120; 
23 USC 133(b); 23 USC 134(b); 23 USC 303(g); 23 USC 315; 23 USC 505

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1.48(b)

Legal Deadline: None

[[Page 74916]]

Abstract: The FHWA updates its regulation for administration of 
planning and research funds provided to State DOTs under the provisions 
of title 23, United States Code. The revisions are necessary to reflect 
current legislation and OMB grant administration circulars.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/27/01                    66 FR 59188
NPRM Comment Period End         01/28/02
Final Action                    07/18/02                    67 FR 47268
Final Action Effective          08/19/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Tony Solury, Program Coordinator, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5003

RIN: 2125-AE84


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: EO 13148; EO 13112

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 752

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In this action, the FHWA planned to propose a change to the 
current regulation at 23 CFR 752.4, to clarify and reflect FHWA policy 
change for the improvement of landscaping best management practices. At 
the present time, however, the FHWA is terminating this action in light 
of the imminent reauthorization of the Transportation Equity Act for 
the 21st Century (TEA-21).
Additionally, the FHWA feels that any necessary changes to this program 
could be accomplished through administrative means such as technical 
assistance, training, developing and promoting case studies. This in no 
way precludes the FHWA from pursuing a rulemaking action on this 
subject in the future.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Action Terminated               06/25/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Bonnie Harper-Lore, Landscape Architect, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Galtier Plaza, Box 75, 
175 E. Fifth Street, Suite 500, St. Paul, MN 55101-2904
Phone: 651 291-6104

RIN: 2125-AE85


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 134

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 450.322

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FHWA is considering amending its regulation on Planning 
and Assistance Standards, specifically the metropolitan transportation 
planning process, to provide New York City Metropolitan Area additional 
time to review and update its transportation plan in light of the 
terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. The Metropolitan 
Planning Organization (MPO) for the New York City area is the New York 
Metropolitan Council (NYMTC). NYMTC occupied office space in the World 
Trade Towers in New York City. Because NYMTC's offices and files were 
destroyed on September 11, 2001, it will be impossible for NYMTC to 
review and update its transportation plan by 2002 as required by 23 CFR 
450.322(2). Accordingly, the FHWA is considering proposing to provide 
NYMTC an additional three years to review and update its transportation 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      10/07/02                    67 FR 62370
Final Rule Effective            10/07/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Agency Contact: Sheldon M. Edner, Team Leader, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Room 3232, 400 Seventh 
Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4066
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2125-AE92


Department of Transportation (DOT)                        Prerule Stage

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 5112 and 5125; 49 USC 31136 and 
31502; 49 CFR 1.73

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 397

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The ANPRM discusses security concerns involving transporting 
high-risk hazardous materials and steps that DOD and DOE have taken to 
protect their shipments such as escorts, pre-notification of States, 
and satellite tracking. It also discusses other technology such as 
electronic ignition locks that could improve HM security. FMCSA asked 
for comments on the feasibility of mandating one or more of these 
strategies for some segment (the highest risk) of hazmat 
transportation. The agency also asked for comments on the need for safe 
havens or the need for standards about what can be a safe haven. 
Currently, there are no standards for safe havens.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           07/16/02                    67 FR 46622
ANPRM Comment Period End        10/15/02

[[Page 74917]]

ANPRM Comment Period End 
Extended to                     11/15/02                    67 FR 62681
NPRM                            03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: William A. Quade, Chief, Hazardous Materials Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-ECH, Office of Enforcement and Compliance, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2172

Related RIN: Duplicate of 2137-AD70
RIN: 2126-AA71

Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 504; 49 USC 31502

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 391

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: As part of a review of the medical qualification standards 
applicable to interstate CMV driver, the agency (then the FHWA) 
requested comments on the need, if any, to amend the driver 
qualification requirements relating to the vision standard. A temporary 
waiver program was initiated and was concluded on March 31, 1996, to 
permit the agency to observe and collect data on the driving experience 
of a group of vision-deficient drivers who meet certain preconditions. 
The agency considered further research to develop comprehensive 
performance-based visual standards for all commercial drivers. 
Information about the proposed research plan and public hearing on the 
subject was published on June 5, 1996. The agency entered into a 
contract with a medical center to develop medically based 
recommendations for amending the current Federal vision requirements. 
Recommendations were delivered in October 1998. The FMCSA is further 
evaluating and considering these recommendations to decide what, if 
any, further proposals should be made concerning the vision standard. 
Based on findings of the medical panel, FMCSA anticipates publishing an 
NPRM to amend its regulation governing the visual field requirement in 
the vision standard.
Section 4007 of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century 
(TEA-21), Public Law 105-178) enacted effective June 9, 1998, changed 
the agency's authority to issue waivers and exemptions. Procedures to 
implement the new authority were published on December 8, 1998 (63 FR 
67600). We are, and have been, considering all requests for exemptions 
from the vision requirements in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Regulations. This action is significant because of substantial public 
and congressional interest and safety implications.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           02/28/92                     57 FR 6793
ANPRM Comment Period End        04/28/92
Notice Request for Comments     06/05/96                    61 FR 28547
Interim Final Rule              12/08/98                    63 FR 67600
Interim Final Rule Effective    12/08/98
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      02/08/99
NPRM                            06/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: FHWA adopted a final rule to allow drivers 
holding valid waivers from both the vision and diabetes standards to 
continue to operate in interstate commerce after March 31, 1996. See 
NPRM (61 FR 606, Jan. 8, 1996); Final Rule (61 FR 13338, March 26, 
1996); Final Rule; technical correction (61 FR 17253, April 19, 1996). 
(See notices published February 28, 1992 (57 FR 6793); March 25, 1992 
(57 FR 10295); June 3, 1992 (57 FR 22370); October 6, 1994 (59 FR 
50887); and November 17, 1994 (59 FR 59386).)

Agency Contact: Sandra L. Zywokarte, Health and Welfare Specialist, 
Office of Bus and Truck Standards and Operations, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-PSD, 
400 Seventh Street NW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2987

RIN: 2126-AA05


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 106-159, sec. 215; 49 USC 31305; 49 USC 31502

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 383, 391.11, 391.45; and 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FMCSA would propose to include the certification of fitness 
to operate a CMV in the commercial driver's license (CDL) process. 
Incorporating the commercial driver fitness determination into State-
administered CDL procedures could allow elimination of the requirement 
that CMV drivers carry a separate medical certificate. The CDL would be 
evidence that the CMV driver is physically fit as well as operationally 
qualified to operate CMVs safely. This action addresses the driver's 
physical qualifications as they relate to the CDL process; it does not 
address whether those standards are correct or should be changed. This 
action is significant due to anticipated substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           07/15/94                    59 FR 36338
ANPRM Comment Period End        11/14/94
NPRM                            03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Governmental Jurisdictions, Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

[[Page 74918]]

Agency Contact: Teresa Doggett, Transportation Specialist, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-PSD, 
Office of Bus and Truck Standards and Operations, 400 Seventh Street, 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2990

RIN: 2126-AA10


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 508; 49 USC 31133; 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 31301 
et seq; 49 USC 31502; PL 103-311

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 382; 49 CFR 383; 49 CFR 390; 49 CFR 391; 49 CFR 

Legal Deadline: NPRM, Statutory, January 1999, See PL 105-178, sec 

Abstract: FMCSA is proposing to amend the Federal motor carrier 
regulations to include minimum safety information that new and 
prospective employers must seek from former employers during the 
investigation of a driver's employment record. FMCSA is also proposing 
to increase the time period that carriers must record accident 
information in the accident register, from one year to three years. The 
Hazardous Materials Transportation Authorization Act of 1994 initially 
mandated this revision. The agency is preparing a supplemental notice 
of proposed rulemaking in response to Small Business Administration 
(SBA) comments to the docket and sec. 4014 of TEA-21 (Pub. L. 105-178). 
SBA had requested more in-depth Paperwork Reduction Act and Regulatory 
Flexibility Act analyses of the proposal. The TEA-21 provided limited 
employer protection from liability, strengthened employee due process 
provisions, and established a new statutory deadline.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/14/96                    61 FR 10548
NPRM Comment Period End         05/13/96
Supplemental NPRM               12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: David Goettee, Regulatory Development Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PRR, Office of Policy Plans and Regulation, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4097

RIN: 2126-AA17


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 104-88; 49 USC 13908

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 360

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, January 1, 1998.

Abstract: Section 103 of the ICC Termination Act of 1995 which added 49 
USC 13908, required the Secretary to initiate a rulemaking proceeding 
to replace the current USDOT identification number system, the single-
State registration system, the registration/licensing system, and the 
financial responsibility system, with a single, online Federal system. 
The statutory deadline was not met due to range and depth of issues 
involved. This action is considered significant due to substantial 
public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           08/26/96                    61 FR 43816
ANPRM Comment Period End        10/25/96
NPRM                            02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: State, Federal

Agency Contact: Nathaniel Jackson, Driver and Carrier Operations 
Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSD, Office of Bus and Truck Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-6406

RIN: 2126-AA22


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 31144

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 385

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency (then the FHWA) published a final rule on November 
6, 1997 (62 FR 60035), which incorporated the safety fitness rating 
methodology into 49 CFR 385 as appendix B. In that document, FHWA 
identified its ultimate goal as creating a more performance-based means 
of determining the fitness of carriers to conduct commercial motor 
vehicle (CMV) operations in interstate commerce. The ANPRM requested 
comments on the future of a rating system that could be used both in 
making safety fitness determinations and meeting the demands of 
shippers, insurers and other present and potential users interested in 
evaluating motor carrier performance.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           07/20/98                    63 FR 38788
ANPRM Comment Period End        09/18/98
NPRM                            09/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Agency Contact: Larry M. Minor, Chief, Vehicle and Roadside Operations, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Truck and Bus Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA37


Priority: Other Significant

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: PL 105-178, sec 4024

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 390; 49 CFR 391; 49 CFR 392; 49 CFR 393; 49 CFR 

Legal Deadline: Other, Statutory, December 9, 1998, PL 105-178, sec. 

Abstract: FMCSA is considering making the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Regulations (FMCSRs) apply to all interstate school transportation 
operations by local educational agencies. This action is in response to 
section 4024 of the Transportation

[[Page 74919]]

Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) which mandates the FMCSA to 
make a determination whether to make the FMCSRs applicable to such 
operations. FMCSA requested comments, data, and information to assist 
the agency in making this determination. This action is considered 
significant because of the anticipated substantial interest by the 
public and private sectors if the agency expands the FMCSRs to cover 
government-operated school buses in interstate commerce.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           10/22/01                    66 FR 53373
ANPRM Comment Period End        01/22/02
NPRM                            10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: State

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Philip Hanley, Commercial Passenger Carrier Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSB, Office of Bus and Truck Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-6811

RIN: 2126-AA53


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 31136

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FMCSA is considering requiring employers to display a poster 
to notify commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operators and other employees 
of their whistleblower rights under 49 U.S.C. 31105. The poster would 
also provide information on filing a complaint with the Occupational 
Safety and Health Administration for investigation.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: David Goettee, Regulatory Development Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PRR, Office of Policy Plans and Regulation, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4097

RIN: 2126-AA68


Priority: Other Significant

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: PL 103-311, sec 113

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 385, 390, and 395; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, February 1996.

Abstract: The FMCSA would propose amending the hours-of-service 
recordkeeping requirements to clarify that the duty of motor carriers 
is to verify the accuracy of drivers' hours of service (HOS) and 
records of duty status (RODS) including automatic on-board records, and 
that the driver's duty is to collect and submit to the motor carrier 
all supporting documents with the RODS. The agency would also propose 
to require carriers to maintain supporting documents with the RODS. The 
agency would propose that a supporting document based self-monitoring 
system be the primary method for ensuring compliance with the HOS 
regulations. Recognizing developing technologies, FMCSA would propose 
to permit use of electronic documents as a supplement to, and in 
certain instances in lieu of, paper supporting documents. These 
proposals would be intended to clarify definitions of ``supporting 
documents,'' ``employee,'' and ``driver,'' and to clarify the current 
requirement that each motor carrier use a self-monitoring system to 
verify accuracy of the HOS and RODS including automatic on-board 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/20/98                    63 FR 19457
NPRM Comment Period End         06/19/98
Supplemental NPRM               03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Jerry Fulnecky, Office of Enforcement and Compliance, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-EC, 400 Seventh Street SW., Room 8310, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4553

Related RIN: Split From 2126-AA23
RIN: 2126-AA76


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 113

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 385

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FMCSA proposes to update the safety fitness rating 
methodology (SFRM), which is used to measure the safety fitness of 
motor carriers against the safety standard, as outlined in appendix B 
to the Safety Fitness Procedures regulations. It is necessary to amend 
the list of acute and critical regulations because the agency has 
established operating procedures and issued several regulations 
required by the ICC Termination Act of 1995, the Transportation Equity 
Act for the 21st Century, and the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act 
of 1999.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Agency Contact: Michael J. Lamm, Team Leader, Enforcement, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-ECE, 
Office of Enforcement and Compliance, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Room 
8310, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-6093

RIN: 2126-AA77

[[Page 74920]]


Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 102-240; PL 103-311; 49 USC 5101; 49 USC 31136; 49 
USC 31502; 49 CFR 1.73

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 392

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, February 26, 1995.

Abstract: This action would prohibit operators of commercial motor 
vehicles from driving onto a railroad grade crossing unless there is 
sufficient space to drive completely through the crossing without 
stopping. This action is required by the Hazardous Materials 
Transportation Authorization Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103-311, sec. 112), 
and it is intended to reduce the incidence of collisions between trains 
and commercial motor vehicles. This action is considered significant 
because of substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/30/98                    63 FR 40691
NPRM Comment Period End         11/27/98
Final Action                    06/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: David M. Lehrman, Attorney, Regulatory Development 
Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PRR, Office of Policy Plans and Regulation, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0994

RIN: 2126-AA18


 Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 107 in part II of this issue 
of the Federal Register.

RIN: 2126-AA23


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 104-88; 49 USC 13906

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 387.323

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposed requiring all filings of surety bonds, 
trust fund agreements, insurance certificates and cancellations of 
these instruments to be accomplished electronically. Optional 
electronic filing has proven economical and efficient for both the 
FMCSA and for electronic filers. Given this success, cost of processing 
paper filings can no longer be justified. Mandatory electronic filings 
should not impose any significant costs or burdens on either the FMCSA 
or the filers. This action will be withdrawn.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


To Be Withdrawn                 03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Gladys Cole, Chief, Insurance Compliance, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, ECI, 
Office of Enforcement and Compliance, 400 Virginia Avenue SW., Suite 
600, Washington, DC 20024
Phone: 202 358-7039

RIN: 2126-AA24


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 74-255; 49 USC 13301; 49 USC 14104; PL 104-88; PL 
106-59; 49 USC 13101; 49 USC 13501 et seq.; 49 USC 14104; 49 USC 14708; 
49 USC 14901 et seq.; 49 USC 14912; 49 USC 13301 et seq.

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 375; 49 CFR 377; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FMCSA proposed to amend the regulations governing the 
transportation of household goods. These regulations protect individual 
consumers who ship household goods, as defined in 49 USC 13102(10), by 
commercial motor vehicle. This action is necessary to implement the ICC 
Termination Act of 1995 (ICCTA), and to update the regulations. The 
intended effect of this proposal is to make the regulations easier to 
read and understand, remove an outdated report, address hostage freight 
problems (situations where non-binding estimates are lower than actual 
charges and the carrier refuses to deliver freight even after 110 
percent of the estimate is paid at the time of delivery), modify a 
consumer protection publication, consider industry requests to change 
the rules, and propose conforming and technical amendments.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/15/98                    63 FR 27126
NPRM Comment Period End         07/14/98
NPRM Extension and Reopening of 
Comment Period                  08/12/98                    63 FR 43128
NPRM Comment Period End         10/13/98
Interim Final Rule              02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Gladys Cole, Chief, Insurance Compliance, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, ECI, 
Office of Enforcement and Compliance, 400 Virginia Avenue SW., Suite 
600, Washington, DC 20024
Phone: 202 358-7039

RIN: 2126-AA32


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 49 USC 31133, 31136, 31310, and 31502; PL 104-59

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 395 and 396; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action requested public comment on the North American 
Uniform Out-of-Service Criteria (OOS Criteria). During roadside 
inspections, Federal, State, and local safety

[[Page 74921]]

inspectors use the OOS Criteria as a guide in determining whether to 
place commercial motor vehicles (CMVs), or their drivers, ``out of 
service.'' Such status means that the CMVs or drivers are so unsafe 
that corrections must be undertaken before operations can resume. The 
FHWA was seeking public comment on the future scope and effect of the 
OOS Criteria, which are not part of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Regulations. In addition, FMCSA has considered information regarding 
whether it needs to formalize these guidelines pursuant to a notice and 
comment rulemaking.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           07/20/98                    63 FR 38791
ANPRM Comment Period End        09/18/98
Extension of Comment Period     10/09/98                    63 FR 54432
Comment Period End              12/08/98
To Be Withdrawn                 03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Agency Contact: Larry M. Minor, Chief, Vehicle and Roadside Operations, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Truck and Bus Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA36


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 31315; PL 105-178, sec 4007

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 381

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, December 9, 1998.

Abstract: The FMCSA is adopting regulations to implement section 4007 
of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), 
concerning waivers and exemptions from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Regulations (FMCSRs), and the administration of pilot programs to 
evaluate innovative alternatives to the regulations. The regulations 
establish the procedures persons must follow to request waivers and to 
apply for exemptions from the FMCSRs, and the procedures FMCSA will use 
to process the requests for waivers and applications for exemptions. 
The regulations also codify statutory requirements concerning the 
agency's administration of pilot programs. This rulemaking is intended 
to provide procedures to ensure the timely processing of requests for 
waivers and applications for exemptions, and public disclosure of the 
procedures the agency would use in initiating and managing pilot 
programs. The agency (then the FHWA) issued an interim final rule with 
an opportunity for public comment after publication in order to meet 
the statutory deadline for issuance of a final rule.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              12/08/98                    63 FR 67600
Interim Final Rule Effective    12/08/98
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      02/08/99
Final Action                    03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: Transferred from RIN 2125-AE48.

Agency Contact: Larry M. Minor, Chief, Vehicle and Roadside Operations, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Truck and Bus Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA41


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 13301; 49 USC 13902; 49 USC 31132; 49 USC 
31133; 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 31502; 49 USC 31504; PL 104-88, sec 204

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1.73; 49 CFR 390

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, December 9, 2000, PL 106-159, sec 

Abstract: The FMCSA would amend the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Regulations (FMCSRs) to require that motor carriers who operate 
commercial motor vehicles (CMVs), designed or used to transport between 
9 and 15 passengers (including the driver) in interstate commerce, must 
comply with the FMCSRs when they are directly compensated for such 
services, and the vehicle is operated beyond a 75 air mile radius (86.3 
statute miles or 138.9 kilometers) from the driver's normal work-
reporting location. These motor carriers, drivers, and vehicles 
operated by them would be subject to the same safety requirements as 
motorcoach operators, except for the commercial driver's license, 
controlled substances and alcohol testing regulations. This action is 
required by sec. 212 of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 
1999. It is significant because of substantial public interest and 
safety implications.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/11/01                     66 FR 2767
NPRM Comment Period End         04/11/01
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: Larry M. Minor, Chief, Vehicle and Roadside Operations, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Truck and Bus Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA52


 Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 108 in part II of this issue 
of the Federal Register.

RIN: 2126-AA70

[[Page 74922]]



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 31502; PL 107-87, sec. 350

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 386; 49 CFR 396

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FMCSA amends part 396 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Regulations (FMCSRs) to incorporate the requirement, as codified in 
parts 365 and 385, that all commercial motor vehicles operated by 
Mexico-domiciled motor carriers holding authority to transport property 
or passengers beyond the commercial zones of U.S. municipalities on the 
United States-Mexico border must display a Commercial Vehicle Safety 
Alliance (CVSA) decal issued by a CVSA-certified inspector. Adding this 
requirement to part 396 will enable FMCSA to assess civil penalties 
against Mexico-domiciled long-haul motor carriers that operate vehicles 
without the necessary CVSA decal. This rule also clarifies that 
carriers will be required to obtain the necessary inspection decal 
before proceeding beyond border ports of entry. By providing for more 
effective enforcement of the inspection and decal requirements, this 
rule will help to ensure that these motor carriers operate safe 
vehicles in the United States. This rulemaking is significant because 
of substantial public and congressional interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Joanne Cisneros, Transborder Office, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, PO Box 
530870, San Diego, CA 92153-0870
Phone: 909 653-2299

RIN: 2126-AA72

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 100-690, sec 9105

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 383

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, December 31, 1990.

Abstract: The Truck and Bus Regulatory Reform Act of 1988 required the 
Transportation Secretary to issue regulations establishing minimum 
uniform standards for a biometric identification system for commercial 
motor vehicle (CMV) operators. In 1989, the agency (then the FHWA) 
published an ANPRM to request comments on a pilot demonstration project 
using biometric identifiers that included retinal eye scans and 
fingerprint technologies. After considering the comments to the ANPRM, 
the FHWA determined that technology had not progressed to the point 
where a nationwide identification system could be cost-effective and 
provide the benefits for which a system was intended. In 1991, the FHWA 
published a Notice of Information summarizing the results of the pilot 
study and the comments to demonstrate how the technologies studied fell 
short of the demands in the commercial licensing environment at the 
Section 4011(c) of the TEA-21, 49 USC 31308 amended, requires each 
commercial driver's license (CDL) issued by the States after January 1, 
2001, to have unique identifiers (which may include biometric 
identifiers). The FMCSA established a pilot study to collect over 
16,000 sample digital facial images and sets of fingerprints from 
volunteers in California, Georgia, and West Virginia: California 
provided the lead for this study. The pilot study has been completed, 
and the contractor is finalizing the study results. The final report is 
expected in November 2002. This action is significant because of 
substantial public and congressional interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           05/15/89                    54 FR 20875
ANPRM Comment Period End        07/14/89
Information Notice              03/08/91                     56 FR 9925
NPRM                            11/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Ronald Finn, Transportation Specialist, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-ESS, 
Office of Safety Programs, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-0647

RIN: 2126-AA01


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 31136; PL 99-570; 49 USC 31102

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 383, 384, 386, and 395; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency (then the FHWA), reviewed learner permit practices 
of the States for processing a driver from the initial non-CDL driver 
to being a fully licensed CDL driver. A number of variations in state 
learner permit practices were found. The FHWA planned to establish more 
uniform practices, such as: Screening drivers before permitting them to 
initially drive a CMV without having obtained a full CDL; the length of 
time a State allows the driver to hold a learner's permit; procedures 
for drivers to obtain CDL training in a State other than their normal 
residency; supervision requirements for learner permit drivers; and 
commercial driver license information systems (CDLIS) recordkeeping 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/22/90                    55 FR 34478

[[Page 74923]]

NPRM Comment Period End         10/22/90
NPRM Comment Period Extended to 
11/30/90                        10/23/90                    55 FR 42741
Supplemental NPRM               11/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: State

Additional Information: Because other regulatory changes have been made 
since the NPRM was published in 1990, the FMCSA intends to issue a 
supplemental NPRM to solicit comments on including additional 
requirements consistent with changes in the CDL program.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 08/22/90, 55 FR 34478

Agency Contact: Robert Redmond, Senior Transportation Specialist, State 
Programs Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier 
Safety Administration, MC-ESS, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-5014

RIN: 2126-AA03


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5105; 49 USC 5109

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 390.3, and 397; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, November 15, 1991.

Abstract: This rulemaking will implement the statutory requirements of 
49 USC 5109 and 49 USC 5105. Section 5109 addresses the establishment 
of motor carrier safety permit regulations for motor carriers 
transporting Class A or B explosives, liquefied natural gases, 
hazardous materials designated as extremely toxic by inhalation, or 
highway route controlled quantity radioactive materials. Section 5105 
requires inspection of vehicles transporting those radioactive 
materials before each trip. The proposed rule will incorporate those 
provisions into the safety permit regulations. This action is 
considered significant because of substantial public and congressional 
interest and safety implications.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/17/93                    58 FR 33418
NPRM Comment Period End         08/16/93
Supplemental NPRM               11/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: William A. Quade, Chief, Hazardous Materials Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-ECH, Office of Enforcement and Compliance, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2172

RIN: 2126-AA07


Priority: Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.

Unfunded Mandates: This action may affect the private sector under PL 

Legal Authority: PL 102-240, sec 4007(b)(2)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 383

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, December 18, 1993.

Abstract: This action proposes minimum training requirements for 
operators of multiple trailer combination vehicles and the instructors 
who train these operators. The training would include certification of 
an operator's proficiency by an instructor who has met the requirements 
established by the Secretary of Transportation. This action is 
considered significant due to substantial public interest and safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           01/15/93                     58 FR 4638
ANPRM Comment Period End        03/16/93
NPRM                            12/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Larry M. Minor, Chief, Vehicle and Roadside Operations, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Truck and Bus Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA08


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 102-240, sec 4007

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 383

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, December 18, 1993.

Abstract: Section 4007 of the Motor Carrier Act of 1991 (title IV of 
the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991) required 
the Department to initiate a rulemaking on the need to require training 
of all entry-level drivers of commercial motor vehicles. On 02/05/96, 
the agency submitted a report to Congress on the effectiveness of 
private sector efforts to ensure adequate training of all entry-level 
drivers. This report included a cost-benefit study of requiring 
training of entry-level drivers. Public comments were solicited on the 
report. This rulemaking action is considered significant because of 
substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           06/21/93                    58 FR 33874
ANPRM Comment Period End        08/20/93
Report to Congress              02/05/96
Notice of Availability of Report04/25/96                    61 FR 18355

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The report is available through the National 
Technical Information Service (Order No. PB96-141536). For further 
information, please call 1-800-553-6847.

[[Page 74924]]

Agency Contact: David Goettee, Regulatory Development Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PRR, Office of Policy Plans and Regulation, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4097

RIN: 2126-AA09


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 31136 and 31502

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 393; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: On January 12, 1993, the agency (then the FHWA) published an 
ANPRM to request comments on the suitability of existing driver sleeper 
berth regulations for motor coaches and possible amendment to account 
for design differences between trucks and motor coaches.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           01/12/94                     59 FR 1706
ANPRM Comment Period End        03/14/94

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Philip Hanley, Commercial Passenger Carrier Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSB, Office of Bus and Truck Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-6811

RIN: 2126-AA12


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 113 and 307

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 385 and 386; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FMCSA would propose to amend its rules of practice for motor 
carrier safety, hazardous materials, and other enforcement proceedings, 
motor carrier safety ratings, driver qualification proceedings and its 
schedule of penalties for violations of the FMCSRs and the Hazardous 
Materials Regulations. FMCSA would also propose to add provisions on 
investigative authority and procedures and general motor carrier 
responsibilities. These rules would increase the efficiency of the 
procedures, enhance due process and the awareness of the public and 
regulated community, and accommodate recent program changes. The rules 
would apply to all motor carriers, other business entities and 
individuals involved in motor carrier safety and hazardous materials 
administrative actions.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/29/96                    61 FR 18866
NPRM Comment Period End         07/29/96
SNPRM                           10/21/96                    61 FR 54601
SNPRM Comment Period End        11/20/96
Final Action                    11/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Valerie Height, Regulatory Development Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PRR, Office of Policy Plans and Regulation, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0901

RIN: 2126-AA15


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 102-240; 49 USC 31136 and 31502

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 393; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency (then the FHWA) proposed amending the Federal 
Motor Carrier Safety Regulations regarding television viewers or 
screens in commercial motor vehicles. The agency was concerned that the 
current restrictions on locations of such devices may have the 
unintended effect of discouraging use of certain Intelligent 
Transportation System (ITS) technologies, such as collision avoidance 
and traveler information systems, which could improve the safety and 
efficiency of commercial vehicle operations. After reviewing comments 
to the April 3, 1993 NPRM to rescind the regulation concerning 
television viewers or screens, FMCSA is considering an SNPRM to propose 
retaining an explicit prohibition against television viewers or screens 
but revising the regulation to ensure that it does not impede the 
development and use of ITS-related technologies.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/03/96                    61 FR 14733
NPRM Comment Period End         06/03/96

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Gary R. Woodford, Vehicle and Roadside Operations 
Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Bus and Truck Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA19


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 13701

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 373; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action gives notice of the FMCSA's general jurisdiction 
over all segments of the freight forwarding industry (not just 
household good freight forwarders), in accordance with the ICC 
Termination Act of 1995, proposes changes to existing regulations to 
comport with those mandated by Congress, and clarifies the FMCSA's 
jurisdiction over freight forwarders in other areas.

[[Page 74925]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/28/97                     62 FR 4096
NPRM Comment Period End         03/31/97

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Transferred from RIN 2125-AE00.

Agency Contact: Michael Falk, Office of the Chief Counsel, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-CC, 
400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0834

RIN: 2126-AA25


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 504; 49 USC 31133, 31136, and 31502

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 391; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action resulted because the American Civil Liberties 
Union (ACLU) wrote to the Department asserting that the regulation, as 
written, is overly broad and subject to arbitrary enforcement, causing 
potential interference with constitutional guarantees of due process 
and equal protection. The current regulation is little changed from the 
original rule adopted in 1936. The ACLU requested an opportunity to 
submit a comprehensive analysis of this issue. The ANPRM was intended 
to provide the ACLU with such an opportunity and to open this issue for 
public comment. The FMCSA is considering modifying current regulations 
to require drivers to possess the basic functional communication/
comprehension ability necessary to ensure safety, consistent with 
applicable law. This action is considered significant due to 
anticipated public interest and controversy.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           08/26/97                    62 FR 45200
ANPRM Comment Period End        10/27/97

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: Transferred from RIN 2125-AE19.

Agency Contact: Robert Schultz, Driver and Carrier Operations Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSD, Office of Bus and Truck Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4001

RIN: 2126-AA31


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC 553; 5 USC 559; 16 USC 1456; 49 USC 13101; 49 
USC 13301; 49 USC 13901 et seq; 49 USC 31138; 49 USC 31144

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 365; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action revises the regulations and form, OP-1(MX), 
governing applications by Mexico-domiciled property and passenger 
carriers who want to operate within the United States beyond the 
municipalities adjacent to Mexico in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and 
California and beyond the commercial zones of such municipalities 
(``border zones''). The action is taken in anticipation of a 
presidential order lifting the current statutory moratorium on 
authorizing such operations. The form requires additional information 
about the applicant's business and operating practices to help the 
FMCSA to determine if the applicant will be able to meet the safety 
standards established for operating in interstate commerce in the 
United States. The interim rule included requirements that were not 
proposed in the NPRM but which were necessary to comply with the FY 
2002 DOT Appropriations Act. This action is significant because of 
substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/03/01                    66 FR 22371
NPRM Comment Period End         07/02/01
Interim Final Rule              03/19/02                    67 FR 12702
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      04/18/02
Interim Final Rule Effective    05/03/02
Final Action                    11/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Joanne Cisneros, Transborder Office, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, PO Box 
530870, San Diego, CA 92153-0870
Phone: 909 653-2299

RIN: 2126-AA34


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 113; 49 USC 504; 49 USC 521(b)(5)(A); 49 USC 
5113; 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 31144; 49 USC 31502; Pub. L. 107-87, Sec. 

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 385

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action implements a safety monitoring system and 
compliance initiative designed to evaluate the continuing safety 
fitness of all Mexico-domiciled motor carriers within 18 months after 
receiving a provisional Certificate of Registration or provisional 
authority to operate in the United States. The rule also establishes 
suspension and revocation procedures for provisional Certificates of 
Registration and operating authority and incorporates criteria to be 
used by FMCSA in evaluating whether Mexico-domiciled carriers exercise 
basic safety management controls. The interim rule included 
requirements that were not proposed in the NPRM, but which are 
necessary to comply with the FY 2002 DOT Appropriations Act. This 
action is significant due to anticipated public interest and safety-
related issues.

[[Page 74926]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/03/01                    66 FR 22415
NPRM Comment Period End         07/02/01
Interim Final Rule              03/19/02                    67 FR 12758
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      04/18/02
Interim Final Rule Effective    05/03/02
Final Action                    11/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Michael J. Lamm, Team Leader, Enforcement, Department 
of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-ECE, 
Office of Enforcement and Compliance, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Room 
8310, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-6093

RIN: 2126-AA35


Priority: Other Significant

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 49 USC 504; 49 USC 31133; 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 31502

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1.73; 49 CFR 390; 49 CFR 396

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking filed by the 
American Trucking Association, Inc. (ATA) and the ATA Intermodal 
Conference (the petitioners), the FMCSA (then the FHWA) agreed to 
consider revisions to the requirements in parts 390 and 396 of the 
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations that place upon motor carriers 
the responsibility for maintaining intermodal container chassis and 
trailers. These regulations provide the requirements for the 
inspection, repair and maintenance of commercial motor vehicles. This 
action is considered significant because of substantial industry and 
public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           02/17/99                     64 FR 7849
ANPRM Comment Period End        04/19/99
Comment Period End              05/05/99                    64 FR 24128
Comment Period Extended         08/30/99

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Agency Contact: Deborah M. Freund, Senior Transportation Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Bus and Truck Standards and 
Operation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA38


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 113; 49 USC 501 and 504; 49 USC 13101, 13301, 
13902; 49 USC 31101, 31132, 31136, 31301, and 31502; PL 104-88

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 325, 393, 398, and 399; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The FMCSA considered this action as a means to simplifying, 
clarifying, and reorganizing the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Regulations (FMCSRs). In 1992, a ``zero-based review'' was launched to 
improve the organization, format and clarity of the FMCSRs and 
collateral regulations. This proposal represents the most recent phase 
of a ``zero-based'' review of motor carrier safety regulations to 
establish more effective, enforceable requirements. It would propose 
provisions that could affect public safety and potentially raises novel 
policy issues concerning federalism.
FMCSA planned to release a new rulebook in incremental stages for an 
ordered approach to analyzing comments and to ensure that the final 
rulebook is consistent and compatible. The rulebook would constitute a 
major rewrite of the FMCSRs, including significant format and 
organizational changes. This action is considered significant due to 
anticipated public interest.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: State

Federalism:  This action may have federalism implications as defined in 
EO 13132.

Agency Contact: Valerie Height, Regulatory Development Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PRR, Office of Policy Plans and Regulation, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0901

RIN: 2126-AA39


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 74-255; PL 98-554; PL 99-570; PL 102-143; PL 106-
159; 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 31301 et seq; 49 USC 31502

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1.73; 49 CFR 382

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FMCSA is considering amending its controlled substances and 
alcohol testing regulations to require employers subject to those 
requirements to report certain information to State-employed Fatality 
Analysis Reporting System (FARS) analysts concerning fatal crashes/
accidents. Currently, only FMCSA and State officials with regulatory 
authority over the employer or any of its drivers may obtain 
information concerning controlled substances and alcohol testing 
results and records. This action would require employers to provide 
information to FARS analysts, irrespective of their State authority, 
working under contract with the National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration (NHTSA). The information employers would be required to 
submit to the analysts would enable NHTSA, in conjunction with FMCSA, 
to compile and analyze data on the incidence of commercial motor 
vehicle (CMV) drivers who test positive for controlled substances and/
or alcohol use in post-accident tests conducted after fatal crashes.

[[Page 74927]]

FMCSA would also use the data to help assess the effectiveness of its 
controlled substances and alcohol testing regulations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Organizations

Government Levels Affected: Local, Federal

Agency Contact: David R. Miller, Regulatory Development Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PRR, Office of Policy Plans and Regulation, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5011

RIN: 2126-AA50


Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: PL 106-159, sec 210

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 385

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action will establish minimum requirements for new 
entrant motor carriers to ensure that they are knowledgeable about 
applicable Federal motor carrier safety standards. After ensuring that 
they are knowledgeable, the new entrants will operate for 18 months in 
which time they must pass a safety review in order to receive permanent 
operating authority. This rule is significant because of public and 
congressional interest in rules required by MCSIA.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              05/13/02                    67 FR 31978
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      07/12/02
Interim Final Rule Effective    01/01/03
Final Action                    01/00/04

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Larry M. Minor, Chief, Vehicle and Roadside Operations, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Truck and Bus Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA59


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 102-240, sec 1041(b); 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 31502

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 392; 49 CFR 393

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FMCSA is amending part 393 of the Federal Motor Carrier 
Safety Regulations, Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation. 
The amendments are intended to remove obsolete and redundant 
regulations; respond to several petitions for rulemaking; provide 
improved definitions of vehicle types, systems, and components; resolve 
inconsistencies between part 393 and the National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration's Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (49 CFR 
571); and codify certain FMCSA regulatory guidance concerning the 
requirements of part 393. Generally, the amendments do not involve the 
establishment of new or more stringent requirements but a clarification 
of existing requirements.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/14/97                    62 FR 18170
NPRM Comment Period Extended    06/12/97                    62 FR 32066
NPRM Comment Period End         06/13/97
Comment Period End              07/28/97
Public Meeting                  02/20/98                     63 FR 8606

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Agency Contact: Larry M. Minor, Chief, Vehicle and Roadside Operations, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Truck and Bus Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA61


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 106-159, sec 205

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 386

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FMCSA proposes to adopt procedural rules in order to conduct 
administrative proceedings under section 205 of the Motor Carrier 
Safety Improvement Act of 1999 (MCSIA). This section provides for the 
issuance of out-of-service orders. On February 16, 2000, FMCSA issued a 
final rule amending the Rules of Practice to include violations of 
commercial regulations. However, this modification to the 
administrative rules applied only to civil penalty proceedings.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: David M. Lehrman, Attorney, Regulatory Development 
Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PRR, Office of Policy Plans and Regulation, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0994

RIN: 2126-AA63


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 106-159, sec 211

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 385

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, December 9, 2000.

Abstract: This rule would require that any safety inspection, audit, or 
review be conducted by a certified investigator. It would give the 
FMCSA authority to decertify an investigator, including a third-party 
investigator for failure to

[[Page 74928]]

meet the prescribed certification standards. It is required by section 
211 of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999. This rule is 
significant because of public and congressional interest in rules 
required by MCSIA.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              03/19/02                    67 FR 12776
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      05/20/02
Interim Final Rule Effective    06/17/02
Effective Date Delayed until 
July 17, 2002                   06/17/02                    67 FR 41196
Final Action                    11/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Larry M. Minor, Chief, Vehicle and Roadside Operations, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Truck and Bus Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA64


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 102-240, sec 1041(b); 105 Stat. 1914; 49 USC 31136; 
49 USC 31502; 49 CFR 1.73

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 393.8

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FMCSA proposes to amend the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Regulations so that motor carriers ensure that each commercial motor 
vehicle (CMV) they operate in interstate commerce displays a label 
certifying that the vehicle complies with all applicable Federal Motor 
Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) in effect on the date of manufacture. 
This rulemaking ensures that all motor carriers operating CMVs in the 
United States use only vehicles that were certified by the manufacturer 
as meeting all applicable Federal safety performance requirements. This 
action is significant because of substantial public and congressional 
interest and safety implications.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/19/02                    67 FR 12782
NPRM Comment Period End         05/20/02

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Deborah M. Freund, Senior Transportation Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Bus and Truck Standards and 
Operation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC
Phone: 202 366-4009

Related RIN: Related To 2127-AI59, Related To 2127-AI60, Related To 
RIN: 2126-AA69


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 106-159, sec 205; 113 Stat 1762

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 350 and 392; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule prohibits a motor carrier who is subject to the 
registration requirements under 49 U.S.C. 13902 from operating a 
commercial motor vehicle in interstate commerce unless it has 
registered with FMCSA. Motor carriers are also prohibited from 
operating beyond the scope of their registered authorization. If 
vehicles are discovered operating in violation of such registration 
requirements, they will be placed out of service, and the carrier may 
be subject to additional penalties. This action makes State enforcement 
of the registration requirements a condition of MCSAP eligibility. This 
action is considered significant because of substantial public 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              08/28/02                    67 FR 55162
Interim Final Rule Effective    09/27/02
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      10/28/02
Final Action                    11/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: Local, State

Agency Contact: Larry M. Minor, Chief, Vehicle and Roadside Operations, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Truck and Bus Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA78

[[Page 74929]]


Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 31502

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 393; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FMCSA is amending its regulations concerning cargo securement 
requirements for commercial motor vehicles engaged in interstate 
commerce. The FMCSA intends to adopt new cargo securement guidelines 
that will be based upon the results of a multi-year comprehensive 
research program to evaluate current regulations and industry 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           10/17/96                    61 FR 54142
ANPRM Comment Period End        12/16/96
Notice of Meeting               04/21/97                    62 FR 19252
NPRM                            12/18/00                    65 FR 79050
NPRM Comment Period End         03/19/01
Final Action                    09/27/02                    67 FR 61212
Final Action Effective          12/26/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Larry M. Minor, Chief, Vehicle and Roadside Operations, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Truck and Bus Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA27


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 102-240, sec 1041(b); 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 31502

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 393; 49 CFR 1.73

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FMCSA amends the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations to 
establish pass/fail criteria for use with performance-based brake 
testers (PBBTs), which measure the braking performance of commercial 
motor vehicles (CMVs). The specific types of PBBTs addressed in this 
action are the roller dynamometer, breakaway torque tester, and flat-
plate tester. This rule allows State and local enforcement officials to 
issue citations based on PBBT braking force measurements.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/09/00                    65 FR 48660
NPRM Comment Period End         10/10/00
Final Rule                      08/09/02                    67 FR 51770
Correction; Effective Date      08/14/02                    67 FR 53048
Final Rule Effective            02/05/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Gary R. Woodford, Vehicle and Roadside Operations 
Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-PSV, Office of Bus and Truck Standards and 
Operations, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4009

RIN: 2126-AA46


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 106-159, sec 201(b); PL 106-159, sec 202(h)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 383 and 384

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, December 9, 2000, PL 106-159, sec 

Abstract: The proposals in this NPRM were merged with the final rule in 
2126-AA60. The proposed regulations specified that a driver who holds a 
commercial driver's license (CDL) and is convicted of a drug- or 
alcohol-related offense or another offense that results in the 
revocation, cancellation, or suspension of the CDL, while operating a 
noncommercial motor vehicle, be disqualified from operating a 
commercial motor vehicle. This action was in response to sections 
201(b) and 202(h) of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/04/01                    66 FR 22499
NPRM Comment Period End         08/02/01
Final Rule                      07/31/02                    67 FR 49742
Final Rule Effective            09/30/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Robert Redmond, Senior Transportation Specialist, State 
Programs Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier 
Safety Administration, MC-ESS, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-5014

Related RIN: Merged With 2126-AA60
RIN: 2126-AA55


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 106-159, sec 103(c); PL 106-159, sec 103(e); PL 
106-159, sec 201(c); PL 106-159, sec 202; PL 106-159, sec 203; PL 106-
159, sec 208; PL 106-159, sec 214

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 350; 49 CFR 383; 49 CFR 384

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action amended various provisions of the Commercial 
Driver's License (CDL) program requirements to implement changes 
mandated by the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999. Specific 
issues to be addressed include the following:
(1) Emergency grants to States in non-compliance with CDL requirements;
(2) Withholding MCSAP funds from States in non-compliance with CDL 
(3) Disqualification for driving while suspended; Disqualified and 
causing a fatality;
(4) Emergency disqualification of drivers posing an imminent hazard;
(5) Expanding the definition of serious traffic violations;

[[Page 74930]]

(6) Expanded driver record check;
(7) New notification requirements;
(8) Prohibition on hardship license to drivers who lose base license;
(9) Penalties for violating minimum licensing requirements;
(10) Maintaining a record of all violations;
(11) Masking prohibition;
(12) Decertification of State CDL programs for noncompliance;
(13) Definition of imminent hazard;
(14) School bus endorsement.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/27/01                    66 FR 39248
NPRM Comment Period End         10/25/01
Final Rule                      07/31/02                    67 FR 49742
Final Rule Effective            09/30/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Robert Redmond, Senior Transportation Specialist, State 
Programs Division, Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier 
Safety Administration, MC-ESS, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-5014

Related RIN: Merged With 2126-AA55
RIN: 2126-AA60


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 31136 and 31502; 49 CFR 1.73

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 397

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action eliminates the periodic tire inspections for 
vehicles carrying hazardous materials because of technological advances 
related to tire fires and because of terrorist concerns associated with 
numerous stops. This final rule was published by FMCSA in conjunction 
with RSPA under Docket No. RSPA-02-12773 (HM-232B), and RIN 2137-AD69. 
This action was inadvertently identified as significant in the spring 
2002 regulatory agenda.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/16/02                    67 FR 46624
NPRM Comment Period End         08/15/02
Final Action                    10/04/02                    67 FR 62191
Final Action Effective          11/04/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: William A. Quade, Chief, Hazardous Materials Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-ECH, Office of Enforcement and Compliance, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2172

Related RIN: Previously reported as 2126-AA74
RIN: 2126-AA74


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 5112 and 5125; 49 CFR 1.73

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 397

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Hazardous materials carriers would be required to prepare and 
sign a route plan. The plan must be in the posession of the driver of 
any Table 1 hazardous material (explosives, radioactive materials, 
poison by inhalation hazard materials). Certain regulatory actions by 
RSPA made this action less necessary. The agency terminated this action 
on 07/05/2002.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Terminated                      07/05/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: William A. Quade, Chief, Hazardous Materials Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, MC-ECH, Office of Enforcement and Compliance, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2172

RIN: 2126-AA75


Department of Transportation (DOT)                        Prerule Stage

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 580

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This review involves analysis of the incident rates and costs 
of odometer fraud and an assessment of State and Federal efforts to 
combat odometer fraud. To complete this review, the agency requested 
permission to collect a sample of odometer readings of registered 
passenger cars that are less than 10 years old from vehicle dealers, 
distributors, vehicle title files, and State Department of Motor 
Vehicle agencies. Congress directed the agency to conduct this review.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Begin Review                    10/01/95
Collection of Information       09/23/96                    61 FR 49809
Comment Period End              11/11/96
Collection of Information       06/06/97                    62 FR 31186
Comment Period End              07/07/97
Technical Report                07/16/02                    67 FR 46703
End Review                      03/00/03

[[Page 74931]]

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: There are approximately 452,000 cases of 
odometer fraud per year in the United States. There is a 3.47 percent 
chance that a vehicle would have its odometer rolled back at some point 
during the first 11 years of its life. Consumers pay on average $2,336 
more for a rolled-back vehicle then they would have been willing to pay 
if they had known its true mileage.

Agency Contact: Charles J. Kahane, Chief, Evaluation Division, Office 
of Plans and Policy, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2560
Fax: 202 366-2559
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AF53


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 32304

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 583

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The American Automobile Labeling Act requires new passenger 
cars and light trucks, beginning October 1, 1994, to bear labels 
providing information on the extent to which their parts are of 
domestic origin. The objective of this review is to determine the 
extent to which new-vehicle buyers know about, understand and use this 
information, and to estimate the effect of the labels on vehicle 
production and sales.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Begin Review                    12/01/95
Collection of Information       07/24/97                    62 FR 39886
Comment Period End              09/22/97
Collection of Information       02/18/98                     63 FR 8249
Collection of Information       02/26/98                     63 FR 9897
Technical Report                03/06/01                    66 FR 13625
End Review                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: In a survey of 646 recent or imminent new-
vehicle buyers, over 75 percent were unaware of the existence of 
automobile parts content labels. Among those who had read the labels, 
many said they used the country-of-assembly information, but none said 
they used the numerical U.S./Canadian parts content score. Overall 
U.S./Canadian parts content in new cars and light trucks dropped from 
an average of 70 percent in model year 1995 to 67.6 percent in 1988. 
However, it increased from 47 to 59 percent in transplants while 
dropping from 89 to 84 percent in Big 3 vehicles.

Agency Contact: Charles J. Kahane, Chief, Evaluation Division, Office 
of Plans and Policy, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2560
Fax: 202 366-2559
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AG18


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is conducting a study to evaluate the safety 
effects of the conspicuity systems requirement (section 5.7) of Federal 
Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108. To carry out the study, the 
agency had special motor vehicle crash data collected by the Florida 
Highway Patrol and the Pennsylvania State Police.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Begin Review                    09/01/95
Collection of Information       07/01/96                    61 FR 33891
Comment Period End              08/30/96
Technical Report                05/04/01                    66 FR 22640
End Review                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Retroreflective tape enhances the visibility of 
heavy trailers in the dark. The tape reduces side and rear impacts by 
other vehicles into trailers by 29 percent in dark conditions 
(including dark-not-lighted, dark-lighted, dawn and dusk). In dark-not-
lighted conditions, the tape reduces side and rear impacts by 41 
percent. When all heavy trailers have the tape, it will prevent an 
estimated 191 to 350 fatalities, 3,100 to 5,000 injuries and 7,800 
crashes per year.

Agency Contact: Charles J. Kahane, Chief, Evaluation Division, Office 
of Plans and Policy, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2560
Fax: 202 366-2559
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AG19


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
considering allowing a lower minimum mounting height for side reflex 
reflectors on motorcycles. The intent is to harmonize United States 
lighting safety standards with European and Asian reflector position 
regulations and improve the flow of trade by creating ``windows of 
harmonization'' that will allow manufacturers to market ``common'' 
vehicles in global markets.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Agency Decision                 11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Kenneth Hardie, Safety Standards Engineer, Department 
of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-
21, Visibility and Injury Prevention Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AG92

[[Page 74932]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.213; 49 CFR 588

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This evaluation involves analysis of the effectiveness of 
registering child safety seats to increase response to reports of 
recalled seats. This regulation was selected for review because of 
public interest in child passenger safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Begin Review                    10/01/97
End Review                      05/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Charles J. Kahane, Chief, Evaluation Division, Office 
of Plans and Policy, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2560
Fax: 202 366-2559
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AG93


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
40 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.208

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This standard allows passenger vehicles to be equipped with 
an on-off switch for the right front passenger air bag if the rear seat 
cannot accommodate a rear-facing infant seat. The standard also enables 
vehicle owners to obtain an on-off switch for their passenger and/or 
driver air bag if they transport people who should not be exposed to an 
air bag deployment. The agency will determine, by observation of 
vehicles in use, the percentage of on-off switches that are being 
correctly used. This regulation was selected for review because of its 
public interest and potential benefit.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Begin Review                    04/01/98
End Review                      06/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Preliminary results of the observational survey 
are that the switches were left on (when they should be off) for 9 
percent of infant passengers, 27 percent of child passengers age 1-6, 
and 56 percent of child passengers age 7-12. They were turned off for 
18 percent of teen and adult passengers, depriving them of any 
potential benefits of air bags.

Agency Contact: Charles J. Kahane, Chief, Evaluation Division, Office 
of Plans and Policy, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2560
Fax: 202 366-2559
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH12


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.213

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency 
requested comments on whether the child restraint standard should be 
amended to facilitate the production of lap belt-installed booster 
seats and other child restraints for children weighing over 18 
kilograms, such as by allowing use of a tether in some of the 
compliance tests.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comment             07/07/99                    64 FR 36657
Comment Period End              09/07/99
Agency Decision                 11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH14


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30102 to 30103; 49 USC 30112; 49 USC 30115 to 
30121; 49 USC 30166 to 30167

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 573; 49 CFR 576; 49 CFR 577

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency was planning to amend its current regulations on 
Defect and Noncompliance Reports and Defect and Noncompliance 
Notification. The amendments would have addressed the availability of 
information regarding safety-related defects and noncompliance's and 
the notification to consumers of recalls of defective and noncomplying 
motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment. NHTSA has decided to focus 
its resources on implementing the defect and noncompliance-related 
provisions of the Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, 
and Documentation Act of 2000 and therefore has no present plans to 
move forward with this project.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Agency Decision                 11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Jonathan D. White, Chief, Recall Analysis Division, 
Office of Defects Investigation, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5226
Fax: 202 366-7882

RIN: 2127-AH89

[[Page 74933]]


Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 42 USC 4321 et seq (National Environmental Policy Act-

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 520

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: NHTSA's regulation will be reviewed and revised, as 
necessary, where it conflicts with or is duplicative of the regulations 
of Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 40 CFR parts 1500-1508, and 
with DOT Order 5610.1C, each of which implements the National 
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 42 USC 4321 et seq.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Stephen Wood, Division Chief, Rulemaking Division, 
Office of the Chief Counsel, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2992

RIN: 2127-AB79


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.207

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Environmental Research and Safety Technologists of Flagstaff, 
AZ, petitioned the agency to reexamine the seatback performance 
requirements of the standard in rear impact crashes.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           10/04/89                    54 FR 40896
ANPRM Comment Period End        12/04/89
Request for Comments            11/23/92                    57 FR 54958
Comment Period End              01/22/93
NPRM                            04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Petitions for rulemaking were granted 07/24/89. 
See a related rulemaking action involving these petitioners under RIN 
2127-AC57. The first part of the research is complete. A computer model 
and a prototype seat were developed. Information on this research is 
available in the docket along with a report on crash data analysis. The 
agency is currently evaluating the research results and conducting 
dynamic seat testing.

Agency Contact: Lori Summers, Division Chief, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NVS-
112, Light Duty Vehicles Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4917
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AD08


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 567; 49 CFR 568; 49 CFR 1.50

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency proposed to amend the certification requirements 
that apply to incomplete vehicles other than chassis-cabs. Incomplete 
vehicles are vehicles that include at least a frame and chassis 
structure, power train, steering system, suspension system, and brake 
system, but need further manufacturing performed on them to become 
completed vehicles. The agency proposed to extend the certification 
requirements currently applying to chassis-cabs to all types of 
incomplete vehicles. The agency recognizes that manufacturers who build 
vehicles in more than one stage are faced with somewhat different 
problems than manufacturers who build vehicles in a single stage, 
especially when it comes to certifying vehicles to meet Federal Motor 
Vehicle Safety Standards. The agency held a public meeting to listen to 
the views of these groups and others with respect to improving the 
vehicle certification process. The agency established a negotiated 
rulemaking advisory committee to develop recommended amendments to the 
existing regulations. The agency will publish the findings and 
recommendations of the negotiated rulemaking advisory committee and 
request comments from the public.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/03/91                    56 FR 61392
NPRM Comment Period End         01/31/92
Announced Public Meeting        11/17/95                    60 FR 57694
Notice of Intent                05/20/99                    64 FR 27499
Notice of Formation of Advisory 
Committee                       11/26/99                    64 FR 66447
Notice of Meetings              02/07/00                     65 FR 5847
Notice                          04/19/00                    65 FR 20936
SNPRM                           12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The agency has published a list of scheduled 
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 12/03/91, 56 FR 61392

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AE27


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.111

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency 
requested comments on the issue of rear mounted cross-view mirrors on 
light and medium duty trucks for the purpose of eliminating the blind 
spot directly

[[Page 74934]]

behind the vehicle. The petitioner requested that these mirrors be 
mandated to eliminate backing accidents where children could be 
seriously injured or killed. Petition was granted.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            06/17/96                    61 FR 30586
Comment Period End              10/15/96
ANPRM                           11/27/00                    65 FR 70681
ANPRM Comment Period End        01/26/01
NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Chris Flanigan, General Engineer, Special Project 
Staff, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4931

RIN: 2127-AG41


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 402

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 1250; 23 CFR 1251

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing to amend certain provisions 
concerning the State Highway Safety Programs to streamline them, 
address statutory changes, and delete obsolete or unnecessary 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State, Local, Tribal

Agency Contact: John Donaldson, Senior Attorney, Office of Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1834

RIN: 2127-AH00


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 9 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
proposing to amend various sections of part 571 to create a new vehicle 
type, tentatively called community transportation vehicles, that will 
have to meet the crashworthiness standards applicable to school buses, 
but will not have to meet some of the crash avoidance standards (i.e., 
stop arms, flashing lights, etc.). This would allow manufacturers to 
certify vehicles that will be less expensive and as safe as a school 
bus for transportation of Head Start students because we have 
tentatively decided that the school bus crash avoidance features are 
unnecessary when there is no curb-side pickup.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH23


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166; PL 100-418, sec 5164

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is amending selected Federal motor vehicle safety 
standards by converting English measurements in those standards to 
metric measurements. This rulemaking is the third and final in a series 
that the agency will undertake to implement the Federal policy that the 
metric system is the preferred system of weights and measures for U.S. 
trade and commerce. The conversions are not intended to change the 
stringency of the affected Federal motor vehicles safety standards.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Noble Bowie, Director, Office of Planning and Consumer 
Programs, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0842

RIN: 2127-AH27


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.206

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Based upon annual average estimates from the 1988 through 
1996 Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the National Automotive 
Sampling System (NASS), there is an annual average of 2,515 fatalities 
and 1,882 serious injuries due to door ejections. Side door ejections 
are the second leading cause of ejections in all crashes, superseded 
only by ejections through fixed glazing. One of the activities of 
agency rollover research focuses on reducing injuries and fatalities 
resulting from side door ejections. This research has led the agency to 
identify potential significant solutions to mitigating a substantial 
number of these fatalities and injuries by improving side door 
retention performance. Therefore, the agency is

[[Page 74935]]

proposing to upgrade the door retention requirements.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH34


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing to rewrite the reflective devices and 
associated equipment requirements to make the standard more readable 
and understandable. The standard has grown over the last 30 years by 
the incorporation of dozens of amendments. The document has become 
unwieldy to use and the agency decided to rewrite it to separate it 
into sections that address each lighting function separately. These 
sections will state the basic performance necessary for each lighting 
function and for lamp installation on various vehicle types. The 
rewrite will continue to reference Society of Automotive Engineers 
(SAE) and other standards and recommended practices for test procedures 
if too lengthy to incorporate changes. Moreover, it will codify various 
agency interpretations of its rules to make the standard more explicit. 
The proposed administrative rewrite of the headlamp regulations can be 
found under RIN 2127-AG87.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Michael Cole, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-21, 
Visibility and Injury Prevention Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AH37


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30113

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 556

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Present regulation requires a petitioner to submit data 
``supporting its petition'' which advocates excusing it from its 
notification and remedial obligations. Because the petitioner may have 
pertinent data relevant to the agency's decision that would not support 
granting it, the agency is proposing a clarification that all data 
pertaining to the subject in the possession of the petitioner be part 
of the petition. The agency also is proposing the petitioner provide a 
full and accurate analysis of its petition and certify that it is 
accurate and complete. NHTSA had deferred action on this rulemaking 
action on 8/2/01, to allow it to focus its limited resources on the 
defects and noncompliance related rulemaking actions required by the 
Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, and Documentation 
Act of 2000.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Taylor Vinson, Senior Attorney, Office of the Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Fax: 202 366-3820
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH58


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing to codify our long-standing general 
policy that motor vehicles and items of motor vehicle equipment must be 
capable of satisfying the requirements of each particular standard or 
regulation with the adjustable components of the vehicle or vehicle 
equipment adjusted to any position they can occupy while the vehicle is 
being operated unless the particular standard or regulation specifies 
otherwise or the manufacturer explicitly warns against placing the 
equipment or vehicle in that position. The agency is also proposing 
that where a standard provides manufacturers with more than one 
compliance option, manufacturers must select which compliance option(s) 
they are certifying to by the time they certify a vehicle or equipment 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Stephen Wood, Division Chief, Rulemaking Division, 
Office of the Chief Counsel, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2992

RIN: 2127-AH63

[[Page 74936]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30141; 49 USC 30147

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 592

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency proposed to reduce regulatory burdens associated 
with importation of Canadian vehicles for resale in the United States 
when those vehicles already comply in essential respects with the 
Federal motor vehicle safety standards. This proposal would enhance 
safety by revising application procedures to ensure a higher caliber of 
registered importers and clarifying existing obligations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/20/00                    65 FR 69810
NPRM Comment Period             02/01/01
SNPRM                           12/00/02
Final Action                    12/00/02
Final Action Effective          03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Taylor Vinson, Senior Attorney, Office of the Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Fax: 202 366-3820
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH67


 Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 109 in part II of this issue 
of the Federal Register.

RIN: 2127-AH73


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.224

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
considering whether to amend the standard for new trailers and 
semitrailers with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 4,536 
kilograms (10,000 pounds) or more be equipped with a rear impact guard 
by revising the definition of ``special purpose vehicles.'' These are 
vehicles with rear mounted liftgates that operate by swinging through 
the area or reside in any part of the area that is designated for the 
horizontal member of the rear impact guard.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH75


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.106

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
considering whether to adopt portions of the brake component Federal 
safety provisions that are now in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration regulations into the agency's brake regulation.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Jeffrey Woods, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-22, 
Vehicle Dynamics Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AH79


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.500

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Low-speed vehicles (LSV) have a maximum speed of between 20 
and 25 miles per hour (mph). These vehicles are required to have 
certain equipment some of which does not have any performance 
requirements. The agency is proposing to set performance criteria for 
the various safety systems and hardware necessary for use on these 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Mike Pyne, Safety Standards Engineer, Office of Crash 
Avoidance, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4171

RIN: 2127-AH80


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The current standard sets minimum and maximum headlamp

[[Page 74937]]

intensities to ensure the driver of the vehicle sees as much of the 
roadway as possible, while minimizing glare for other drivers using the 
road. The agency has been receiving a significant number of public 
complaints about headlamp glare from other vehicles. Technological 
changes, fleet mix changes, and an increase in the average driver age, 
cause the agency to reexamine seeing distance and glare.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            09/28/01                    66 FR 49594
Reopen Comment Period           11/30/01                    66 FR 59769
Comment Period End              12/22/01
Comment Period End              01/28/02
NPRM                            05/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Richard VanIderstine, Division Chief, Visibility and 
Injury Prevention Division, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AH81


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.225

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes requests by petitions for 
reconsideration to permit stowing and fold-away anchors on vehicles. 
The proposal would set performance and other requirements for such 
anchors. This pertains to the requirements established in the final 
rule published March 5, 1999 (64 FR 10785, RIN 2127-AG50).


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Other issues raised by the petitioners are 
being addressed in RIN 2127-AH65 - Child Restraint Anchorage Systems - 
Part 1 and RIN 2127-AH86 - Child Restraint Anchorage Systems - Part 2.

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH85


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
considering whether to modify the motorcycle headlamp system height of 
upper beam and number of headlamp and light source.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Kenneth Hardie, Safety Standards Engineer, Department 
of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-
21, Visibility and Injury Prevention Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AH92


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.218

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In 1998, 2,284 motorcyclists were killed and 49,000 injured 
in traffic crashes on U.S. highways. The agency believes that helmet 
usage by motorcyclists is the most effective method to reduce deaths 
and injuries in motorcycle crashes. In order to improve the head 
protection for motorcyclists, the agency is proposing to upgrade the 
performance standards and test procedures to incorporate the 
technological advancements available in the current market and to 
review the standard for harmonization with other major helmet 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI03


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 SC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.101

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing to reorganize the controls and 
displays requirements to make them more user-friendly and to harmonize 
the standard with the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 101 on 
the same subject. These proposed changes will list the

[[Page 74938]]

symbols used in the standard to improve driver recognition of the 
function of controls and the meaning of telltales.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Gayle Dalrymple, Safety Engineer, Vehicle Controls and 
Adapted Vehicle Division, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5559

RIN: 2127-AI09


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.209

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
proposing clarifications concerning the test procedure for the 
acceleration pulse shape, onset rate, time duration, and acceleration 
tolerance for seat belt emergency locking retractors.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lori Summers, Division Chief, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NVS-
112, Light Duty Vehicles Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4917
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI38


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 572

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing the use of crash test dummies with 
instrumented lower legs to assess the crashworthiness and the potential 
of lower limb injuries to occupants of passenger cars, vans, light 
trucks, and sport utility vehicles. The new legs would be retrofits for 
un-instrumented legs in current Hybrid III male and female adult size 
dummies. The legs will be used to monitor both the inertial impact and 
floor pan intrusion effects upon injury potential to the knees, tibia, 
ankle and feet. The new legs will permit the agency to assess the 
injury potential to the lower legs in current motor vehicles during 
crashes and also enable the vehicle manufacturers to design and 
construct vehicles that will minimize lower limb injuries.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Richard Morgan, Biomechanics Specialist, General 
Engineer, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2027
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI39


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.210

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In a final rule published June 12, 1998 (63 FR 32143, RIN 
2127-AF91), the agency required anchorages for voluntarily installed 
shoulder belts to comply with the current requirements for 3-point 
belts. This change applied mainly to seat locations where belts are 
required, such as the center rear seat in passenger cars. This change 
did not apply to seats where no seat belt was required. The agency is 
proposing to extend the anchorage requirement to seats where the entire 
seat belt assembly is voluntarily installed. This change will mainly 
affect passenger seats on large buses and large school buses where the 
customer decides to order the bus with seat belts.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This action is currently in research.

Agency Contact: Lori Summers, Division Chief, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NVS-
112, Light Duty Vehicles Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4917
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI40


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.102

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing to amend the standard to clarify the 
intent of the standard and allow it to accommodate ``idle stop 
technology'' used in some hybrid electric vehicles. This will respond 
to existing interpretations which promised such a modification.

[[Page 74939]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: William Evans, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-23, 
Vehicle Controls and Adpated Vehilce Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI43


Priority: Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.

Legal Authority: PL 106-346, sec 351

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 1225

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) 
established a grant program under which States could qualify for 
incentive funds if they enacted and enforced a law that provides that 
any person with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 percent or greater 
while operating a motor vehicle in the State is deemed to have 
committed a per se offense of driving while intoxicated or an 
equivalent per se offense. The agency published a final rule 
implementing that incentive grant program. Section 351 of the 
Department of Transportation (DOT) Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 
(FY) 2001 (PL 106-346) contains a new provision requiring the 
withholding of certain Federal-aid highway funds from a State, 
beginning in fiscal year 2004, if the State has not enacted and is not 
enforcing such a law. The agency is proposing to amend the regulation 
implementing the incentive grant program established in TEA-21 to 
reflect the new sanctions provisions established in the DOT 
appropriations set for FY 2001.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Heidi L. Coleman, Assistant Chief Counsel for General 
Law, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1834

Marlene Markison, Chief, Program Support, Office of State and Community 
Services, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2121

RIN: 2127-AI44


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30301 to 30308; PL 106-159, sec 204

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 1327

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing to amend the National Driver Register 
regulations to implement an amendment made by the Motor Carrier Safety 
Improvement Act of 1999 (PL 106-159). The amendment requires a State, 
before issuing or renewing a motor vehicle operator's license to an 
individual, to query both the National Driver Register and the 
Commercial Driver's License Information System on the individual's 
driving record.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Glenn Karr, Division Chief, Driver Register and Traffic 
Records, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4800

RIN: 2127-AI45


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.105

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing to update the standard to require 
non-school bus vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) over 
10,000 pounds to be equipped with a hydraulic parking brake system.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Samuel Daniel, General Engineer, Special Projects 
Staff, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4921

RIN: 2127-AI47


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 575

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
considering mandatory consumer information in the form of a label that 
will inform the consumer of the Cargo Carrying Capacity (CCC) of motor 
homes, travel trailers, and 5th wheel travel trailers. Such labeling 
will help the consumer make informed decisions during the purchasing 
process, act as a reference during cargo loading and encourage the 
recreational vehicle industry to allow for greater cargo carrying 
capacities which in turn will reduce instances of overloading.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

[[Page 74940]]

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: William Evans, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-23, 
Vehicle Controls and Adpated Vehilce Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI50


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.111

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking from Ms. Barbara 
Sandord, the agency is considering amending the standard to require 
that all commercial trucks traveling on the interstate highway system 
have convex mirrors affixed to their front right and left fenders (such 
as those required on school buses).


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Chris Flanigan, General Engineer, Special Project 
Staff, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4931

Related RIN: Related To 2127-AI53
RIN: 2127-AI52


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.111

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking from AM General, the 
agency is considering amending the standard by extending the 
requirements to MPVs and trucks (independent of their weight) to allow 
enhanced passenger-side mirror systems.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Chris Flanigan, General Engineer, Special Project 
Staff, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4931

Related RIN: Related To 2127-AI52
RIN: 2127-AI53


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 UCS 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.224

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to two petitions for rulemaking, the agency is 
considering excluding semitrailers equipped with ``horizontal discharge 
trailers'' from the current standard.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI56


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166; ...

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 572

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing to incorporate a heavier 6-year-old 
child dummy as part of the Hybrid III test dummy family. This dummy 
will have weight added to the existing dummy, making it heavier than 60 
pounds. The weighted 6-year-old dummy would have application for 
testing child restraint systems which are rated for weights above the 
current 6-year-old dummy weight and would serve as an interim device 
until such time as the Hybrid III 10-year-old dummy has been fully 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Stanley Backaitis, Engineer, Office of Crashworthiness 
Standards, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4912
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI58


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.105

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing to allow vehicles with a gross 
vehicle weight rating of over 10,000 pounds to use a roll-bar during 
braking tests.

[[Page 74941]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Samuel Daniel, General Engineer, Special Projects 
Staff, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4921

Related RIN: Related To 2127-AH16
RIN: 2127-AI63


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.213

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing to require minimum breaking strengths 
for child restraint systems webbing.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI66


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.123

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
proposing to allow a handlebar lever instead of a foot pedal to control 
the rear brakes on motorcycles which have no clutch control.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Mike Pyne, Safety Standards Engineer, Office of Crash 
Avoidance, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4171

RIN: 2127-AI67


Priority: Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.

Legal Authority: 49 USC 329

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 533

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The purpose of this request for comments is to acquire 
information to assist the agency in developing a proposal for fuel 
economy standards for light trucks beyond model year 2004. The agency 
plans to propose standards for some or all of model years 2005 to 2010. 
The agency is seeking information that will help it assess the extent 
to which manufacturers can improve light truck fuel economy during the 
period in question, the benefits and costs to consumers of fuel economy 
improvements, the benefits to the nation of reducing fuel consumption, 
and the number of model years that should be covered by the proposal. 
The agency is also seeking comments on possible modifications and/or 
reforms to the Corporate Average Fuel Economy program.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            02/07/02                     67 FR 5767
NPRM                            11/00/02
Final Action                    04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Rosalind Proctor, Division Chief, Consumer Programs 
Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0846
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI70


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In the past several years, there has been considerable 
interest from the safety community in establishing requirements for 
event data recorders (EDRs). We believe it is timely to consider what 
role NHTSA should take in implementing EDRs in motor vehicles. 
Recently, NHTSA received a petition requesting that NHTSA initiate 
rulemaking to require the installation of EDRs in new vehicles. The 
agency decided to issue a Federal Register notice asking for comments. 
NHTSA will decide what to do after review of comments and other related 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            10/11/02                    67 FR 63493
Comment Period End              01/09/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Dr. William R.S. Fan, Safety Standards Engineer, 
Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, Room

[[Page 74942]]

5320F, NPS-10, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4922
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI72

219, 303, AND 305

Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 15 USC 1392; 15 USC 1497

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.208; 49 CFR 571.212; 49 CFR 571.219; 49 CFR 
571.301; 49 CFR 571.303; ...

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: NHTSA published an NPRM on November 13, 2000, proposing to 
upgrade the rear- and side-impact tests in FMVSS No. 301, Fuel System 
Integrity. The NPRM requested comments on a number of particular 
issues. One of the requests, item 3.h, proposed to eliminate the second 
sentence in the standard's S7.11(b), which describes the test vehicle 
loading conditions. GM submitted comments on the issue and recommended 
specific changes. In addition, GM petitioned NHTSA to amend FMVSS Nos. 
208, 212, 219, 303 and 305 with identical language that GM recommended 
for amending FMVSS No. 301.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI76


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30118(d), 30120(h); Delegation of Authority at 
49 CFR 1.50

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 556

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Amendment to existing rules on inconsequential petitions to 
address appeals to the agency of denials of petitions for exemptions 
from notification and remedy requirements on the grounds that the 
noncompliance or defect is inconsequential as it relates to motor 
vehicle safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Andrew DiMarsico, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 5219, 
NCC-10, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Fax: 202 366-3820

RIN: 2127-AI78


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 575

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, November 22, 2002.
TREAD Act Mandate.

Abstract: This action establishes a consumer information program on 
rollover resistance using both dynamic and static vehicle measurements 
in response to section 12 of the TREAD Act. It replaces the current 
rollover resistance consumer information that is based only on static 
measurements. This action has no regulatory effect on vehicle 
manufacturers or the public. The cost of collecting the information and 
making it available to the public is entirely the responsibility of 
NHTSA as part of its New Car Assessment Program (NCAP).


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/07/02                    67 FR 62528
NPRM Comment Period End         11/21/02
Final Action                    04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: Patrick Boyd, Division Chief, Vehicle Controls & 
Adapted Vehicles Division, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI81


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1.50

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Incorporation of the EuroSID II, Side Impact Crash Test 
Dummy, into Part 572 is needed to support the forthcoming upgrade of 
FMVSS 214, Side Impact Regulation and to attain harmonization of crash 
test tools on a worldwide basis. The EuroSID will be cited as one of 
the alternative crash test tools to upgrade FMVSS 214. Incorporation of 
the EuroSID II will have one time cost to the government of 
approximately $300,000, but no long term costs. Costs to the vehicle 
manufacturers are negligible on a per manufactured vehicle basis. There 
are no direct safety benefits in use of the crash test dummies.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

[[Page 74943]]

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Stanley Backaitis, Engineer, Office of Crashworthiness 
Standards, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4912
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI89


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30177; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.208

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is considering an amendment to its occupant 
protection standard, FMVSS No. 208, to require the installation of Type 
2 (lap/shoulder belt) assemblies for all rear non-outboard designated 
seating positions (DSPs) in passenger cars, trucks and multipurpose 
passenger vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 4,536 
kg (10,000 lbs.) or less.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lori Summers, Division Chief, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NVS-
112, Light Duty Vehicles Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4917
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI91

Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 5

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would require manufacturers to disseminate 
crashworthiness performance information concerning their cars to the 
public, to provide consumers with comparative information on the 
crashworthiness performance of new car models. This rulemaking is 
considered significant because of the impact on manufacturers, the 
interest shown by consumers, and the potential significant effects on 
the automotive marketplace. The agency requested public comments on the 
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) study titled ``Shopping for Safety 
-- Providing Consumer Automotive Safety Information,'' (TRB Special 
Report 248) and how that study should be reflected in the agency's 
decision on whether, and if so, how, to proceed with a crashworthiness 
rating for automobiles.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/22/81                     46 FR 7025
NPRM Comment Period End         04/22/81
Request for Comments            05/20/97                    62 FR 27648
Comment Period End              08/18/97
To Be Withdrawn                 04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Mary Versailles, Office of Planning and Consumer 
Programs, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2057

RIN: 2127-AA03


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.302

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking requested comments 
regarding possible upgrade of Standard 302 to reduce the risk of fire 
to school bus occupants. This rulemaking is significant because of 
substantial public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           11/04/88                    53 FR 44627
ANPRM Comment Period End        01/03/89
Request for Comments            02/26/91                     56 FR 7826
Comment Period End              04/29/91
To Be Withdrawn                 07/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AA44


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.403; 49 CFR 571.404

[[Page 74944]]

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The supplemental notice proposed to establish two new safety 
standards: an equipment standard specifying requirements for platform 
lifts; and a vehicle standard for all vehicles equipped with such 
lifts. This supplemental notice significantly differed from our 
original proposal in several respects. Most notably, the scope of our 
proposal expanded to platform lifts installed on all motor vehicles. 
Other significant changes were additional interlock requirements, 
improved wheelchair retention and platform slip resistance tests, and, 
in some instances, lesser compliance standards for lifts installed on 
vehicles typically used solely for private transport. This action is 
not considered economically significant, but has substantial public 
interest from individuals with disabilities.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            02/26/93                    58 FR 11562
NPRM Comment Period End         04/27/93
SNPRM                           07/27/00                    65 FR 46227
Correction                      08/04/00                    65 FR 47946
SNPRM Comment Period End        10/25/00
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: William Evans, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-23, 
Vehicle Controls and Adpated Vehilce Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AD50


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.301

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: An advance notice of proposed rulemaking in 1995 announced 
the agency's plan to consider upgrading the standard by making the 
current crash requirements more stringent and by broadening the 
standard's focus to include mitigation concepts related to fuel system 
components and environmental and aging tests related to components. The 
notice also requested comments on the agency's plan to explore a three-
phase approach to upgrading the standard, data, methods, and strategies 
which may assist in the agency's regulatory decisions in defining 
specific requirements and test procedures for upgrading the standard. 
Based on the responses to the notice and available data, the agency 
proposed replacing the current rear-impact test procedures with a more 
stringent test procedure. The agency also proposed replacing the 
standard's current side-impact test requirements with the side impact 
test requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 214, 
Side-Impact Protection.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            12/14/92                    57 FR 59041
Comment Period End              02/12/93
ANPRM                           04/12/95                    60 FR 18566
ANPRM Comment Period End        06/12/95
NPRM                            11/13/00                    65 FR 67693
NPRM Comment Period End         02/12/01                    66 FR 78461
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This action will respond to RIN 2127-AE83. On 
December 15, 2000, an extension of comment period was published in 
response to petitions.

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AF36


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency proposed 
to harmonize the lighting standard's geometric visibility requirements 
for signal lamps and rear side marker color with those of the ECE. 
Harmonization of the standard worldwide, without reducing safety, would 
allow manufacturers to reduce costs by producing to a single world 
vehicle standard rather than several, thus reducing costs and improving 
the flow of trade. The agency issued additional/alternative proposals.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/26/95                    60 FR 54833
NPRM Comment Period End         12/26/95
SNPRM                           12/10/98                    63 FR 68233
SNPRM Comment Period End        03/10/99
Final Action                    03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: On February 27, 1997 (62 FR 8883), the agency 
terminated rulemaking in which the agency had asked for comments on 
whether the performance and installation of front and rear fog lamps 
should be regulated. In response to these comments, the SAE has 
established a Fog Lamp Task Force to develop an internationally 
acceptable fog lamp standard on which a Federal standard could be 
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 10/26/95, 60 FR 54833

Agency Contact: Michael Cole, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-21, 
Visibility and Injury Prevention Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720

[[Page 74945]]

Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AF75


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.118

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
considering whether to amend the test procedure used to demonstrate 
compliance by adding an alternative testing specification for a non-
contact automatic reversal system, in order to provide a more 
meaningful and realistic method for evaluating the compliance of such 
systems which do not rely on contact to sense an obstruction. Petition 
was granted.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/04/96                    61 FR 28124
Correction                      06/14/96                    61 FR 30209
NPRM Comment Period End         08/05/96
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Mike Pyne, Safety Standards Engineer, Office of Crash 
Avoidance, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4171

RIN: 2127-AF83


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.206

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to granting a petition for rulemaking from 
Independent Mobility Systems, the agency is considering removing the 
exemption in FMVSS No. 206 for wheelchair lift door retention 
components. Prior to 1998, wheelchair adaptive equipment manufacturers 
disabled door retention components when installing wheelchair ramp and 
lift systems. However, recent changes in technology have eliminated the 
necessity for modifying door retention for wheelchair lift/ramp 
installations and therefore, it is no longer necessary to provide the 
lift exemption in FMVSS No. 206


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Next Action                     02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: On 05/31/96 (61 FR 27325), the agency published 
a grant notice. The agency believes that the suggested changes made by 
the petitioner merit additional study and research. The agency is 
currently conducting research to determine if door latch exemptions are 
still necessary. Simultaneously, the agency is developing a door latch 
procedure for sliding doors.

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AG16


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30102; 49 USC 30103; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 
30112; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30116; 49 USC 30118; 49 USC 30119; 49 USC 
30120; 49 USC 30163; 49 USC 30165

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 573; 49 CFR 577

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The rule will implement an amendment to 49 USC chapter 301 
which prohibits dealers from selling motor vehicles or motor vehicle 
equipment that has been determined to contain a safety-related defect 
or noncompliance with a Federal motor vehicle safety standard until the 
defect or noncompliance is remedied. It will set forth criteria to 
govern the timing and content of notifications of defects and 
noncompliances that manufacturers must send to their dealers.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/27/93                    58 FR 50314
NPRM Comment Period End         10/27/93
SNPRM                           05/19/99                    64 FR 27227
SNPRM Comment Period End        06/18/99
Final Action                    04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Jonathan D. White, Chief, Recall Analysis Division, 
Office of Defects Investigation, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5226
Fax: 202 366-7882

RIN: 2127-AG27


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 575

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency proposed 
a labeling requirement for seat belt positioning devices. This label 
would consist of a warning regarding the suitability of these devices 
for a particular height/weight/age of child.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/13/99                    64 FR 44164
NPRM Comment Period End         10/12/99
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

[[Page 74946]]

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AG49


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency proposed to amend the lighting standard to reduce 
glare from daytime running lamps (DRLs). A final rule is imminent. This 
action is intended to provide the public with all the conspicuity 
benefits of DRLs while reducing glare and is based on research that has 
become available since the final rule establishing DRLs was published 
in 1993.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/07/98                    63 FR 42348
NPRM Comment Period End         09/21/98
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Richard VanIderstine, Division Chief, Visibility and 
Injury Prevention Division, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AG86


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency has proposed to rewrite the sections relating to 
headlighting. The rewrite is important because of the standard's age 
and numerous amendments which have made it difficult to read and 
interpret. The revised standard should reduce burden, especially to 
small manufacturers, because of improved clarity. The reorganization of 
the sections relating to other lamps will be addressed in a separate 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/12/98                    63 FR 63258
NPRM Comment Period Extended to 
4/11/99                         02/08/99                     64 FR 6021
NPRM Comment Period End         02/10/99
Final Action                    04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Michael Cole, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-21, 
Visibility and Injury Prevention Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AG87


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency proposed 
to revise the requirements for signal lamps equipped with 3 or more 
light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The current requirements have become 
design restrictive and a service burden for vehicle and signal lamp 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/24/98                    63 FR 34350
NPRM Comment Period Extended    08/03/98                    63 FR 41222
NPRM Comment Period End         10/09/98
Final Action                    04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Chris Flanigan, General Engineer, Special Project 
Staff, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4931

RIN: 2127-AG88


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 32903

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 534

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing rulemaking to clarify when and how 
predecessor and successor automobile manufacturers may use the fuel 
economy credits of the predecessor or successor. The use of carry 
forward or carry back credits will be specified for manufacturers that 
merge. This action is considered significant because it will affect the 
treatment of the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) penalties.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/22/01                     66 FR 6523
Final Action                    04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Edward Glancy, Senior Attorney Advisor, Office of the 
Chief Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2992

RIN: 2127-AG97

[[Page 74947]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.205

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency proposed 
to incorporate the 1996 revision of the American National Standards 
Institute (ANSI) standard for safety glazing used in motor vehicles and 
other minor revisions into the agency's current standard for safety 
glazing used in motor vehicles.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/04/99                    64 FR 42330
NPRM Comment Period End         10/04/99
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lori Summers, Division Chief, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NVS-
112, Light Duty Vehicles Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4917
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AH08


Priority: Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.

Unfunded Mandates: This action may affect the private sector under PL 

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 49 USC 
30166; 49 USC 322

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.202

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency has proposed to upgrade the current head restraint 
requirements to increase safety. The proposal also, until the upgraded 
requirements become effective, allows manufacturers to certify their 
vehicles either to the existing U.S. requirements or to the Economic 
Commission for Europe (ECE) Regulation No. 25. The upgrade proposed 
performance requirements intended to assure that the head restraint, if 
adjusted, will remain locked in specific height positions and calls for 
the installation of head restraints in rear seats. This action is 
considered significant due to the expected high cost to the private 
sector for the modifications to the standard.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/04/01                      66 FR 967
NPRM Comment Period End         03/05/01
Final Action                    03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lori Summers, Division Chief, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NVS-
112, Light Duty Vehicles Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4917
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AH09


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.105; 49 CFR 571.121

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency has proposed performance tests for ABS-equipped 
single-unit trucks and buses. ABS equipment requirements became 
effective for air-braked single-unit trucks, buses, and trailers on 
March 1, 1998, and for hydraulic-braked trucks and buses becomes 
effective on March 1, 1999. The agency indicated in prior rulemaking 
notices that it would consider supplementing these ABS equipment 
requirements with performance requirements after conducting tests to 
determine if such testings are practicable and repeatable for trucks 
and buses.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/21/99                    64 FR 71377
NPRM Comment Period End         02/22/00
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Jeffrey Woods, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-22, 
Vehicle Dynamics Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

Related RIN: Related To 2127-AI63
RIN: 2127-AH16


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.201

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: At the request of the manufacturers' organizations, the 
agency proposed to amend the upper interior impact requirements (1) to 
modify the minimum distance between certain targets on vertical 
surfaces inside a vehicle and (2) to add new definitions and test 
procedures for new-style door frames and vertical seat belt mounting 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/05/00                    65 FR 17843
NPRM Comment Period End         06/05/00
NPRM Comment Period Extended    06/07/00                    65 FR 36106
NPRM Comment Period End         07/05/00
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lori Summers, Division Chief, Department of

[[Page 74948]]

Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NVS-
112, Light Duty Vehicles Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4917
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AH61


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.124

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency reviewed this standard and published a Request for 
Comments to obtain information on electronic accelerator controls. 
After reviewing the comments received on this notice, the agency plans 
to propose a revision of the standard that will make explicit the 
application of the standard to electronic accelerator controls and the 
electric vehicles. The proposal will recognize that electronic engine 
controls vastly increase the ways manufacturers can achieve fail-safe 
performance in the event of a disconnection or severance of the 
accelerator control system and will propose a number of alternative 
compliance tests for fail-safe performance to avoid design 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            12/04/95                    60 FR 62061
Comment Period End              02/02/96
NPRM                            07/23/02                    67 FR 48117
Final Action                    03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Mike Pyne, Safety Standards Engineer, Office of Crash 
Avoidance, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4171

RIN: 2127-AH71


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.216

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to petitions for reconsideration of a final rule 
published on April 27, 1999 (64 FR 22567, RIN 2127-AF40) that made 
testing more suitable for vehicles with raised- or sloped-roof 
structures, the petitioners requested that the agency modify the 
portion of the rule that pertains to raised-roof vehicles, particularly 
those vehicles used for transporting disabled persons. The petitioners 
claim that the test plate position requirement for these vehicles 
causes the plate's rear edge to contact the raised-roof structure in a 
manner which causes abnormal penetration and failure.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              01/31/00                     65 FR 4579
Interim Final Rule Effective    01/31/00
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH74


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.116

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency has proposed to revise the corrosion and 
evaporation test procedures for brake fluids. These revisions are 
intended to improve the levels of compliance test repeatability and/or 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/16/01                     66 FR 3527
NPRM Comment Period End         03/19/01
Final Action                    01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Samuel Daniel, General Engineer, Special Projects 
Staff, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4921

RIN: 2127-AH96


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 402(a)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 553.21

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is requesting comments to gather information that 
will help develop uniform guidelines for States to use in the 
enforcement of the light transmission standards for window glazing on 
passenger cars and light trucks. This action responds to a statutory 
directive to establish these guidelines.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comment             04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Richard VanIderstine, Division Chief, Visibility and 
Injury Prevention Division, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

[[Page 74949]]

Heidi L. Coleman, Assistant Chief Counsel for General Law, Department 
of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1834

RIN: 2127-AH97


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.225

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action responds to several petitions for reconsideration 
concerning long-term testing procedures regarding the strength and 
other issues of universal child-restraint anchors. These requirements 
were established by the final rule on universal child-restraint 
anchorages published on March 5, 1999 (64 FR 10785, RIN 2127-AG50). An 
earlier action (RIN 2127-AH65) responded to other issues raised by the 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH99


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.223

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to petitions for rulemaking, the agency is 
proposing to allow trailer manufacturers additional flexibility in the 
placement of the permanent label on the guard to minimize the 
probability that the label will be exposed to conditions -- 
environmental, operational, or otherwise -- that may damage or destroy 
the guard while maintaining a location that is easily accessible and 
visible for inspection and enforcement purposes. Other portions of the 
petitions are denied.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/29/02                    67 FR 15154
NPRM Comment Period End         05/28/02
Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI04


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.214; 49 CFR 571.301

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency proposed 
changing the currently specified G78-15 tires used in the moving 
barrier test and replacing them with P215-75R15 radial tires. The 
current tires are not readily available.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/10/01                    66 FR 51629
NPRM Comment Period End         12/10/01
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lori Summers, Division Chief, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NVS-
112, Light Duty Vehicles Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4917
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI05


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30166(M)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 512

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is revising the confidential business information 
regulations to simplify them and improve their clarity, and to update 
specific sections to reflect current case law and legislative action. 
This action will help ensure the efficient processing of requests for 
confidential treatment and the proper protection of sensitive business 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/30/02                    67 FR 21198
NPRM Comment Period End         07/01/02
Final Action                    02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Heidi L. Coleman, Assistant Chief Counsel for General 
Law, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1834

RIN: 2127-AI13


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30120(c)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 573

[[Page 74950]]

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Rule to implement section 6(a) of the TREAD Act, PL 106-414 
by amending NHTSA's existing regulation on Defect and Noncompliance 
Reports (49 CFR part 573) to require manufacturers to accelerate 
recalls that are not likely to be capable of completion in a reasonable 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/11/01                    66 FR 64087
NPRM Comment Period End         02/11/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Michael Goode, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 5219, 
NCC-10, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Fax: 202 366-3820

Coleman R. Sachs, Trial Attorney, Office of Chief Counsel, Department 
of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI27


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30102 to 30103; 49 USC 30112; 49 USC 30117 to 
30121; 49 USC 30166 to 30167; Delegation of authority 49 CFR 1.50

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 573

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Rule to implement section 7 of the TREAD Act, PL 106-414 49 
USC 30120(d) by requiring a manufacturer who conducts a campaign to 
remedy a safety-related defect or noncompliance that involves the 
replacement of tires to develop a plan regarding the disposition of the 
tires that are replaced. The plan would address how to prevent, by 
means reasonably within the manufacturer's control, the disposal of 
replaced tires in landfills, particularly through shredding, crumbling, 
recycling, recovery, and other alternative beneficial nonvehicular 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/18/01                    66 FR 65165
SNPRM                           07/26/02                    67 FR 48852
Final Action                    01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Enid Rubenstein, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 5219, 
NCC-10, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5252
Fax: 202 366-2820

RIN: 2127-AI29


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 575

Legal Deadline: Other, Statutory, December 1, 2000, Advanced Notice of 
Proposed Rulemaking.
Final, Statutory, June 1, 2002.

Abstract: The recently enacted Transportation Recall Enhancement 
Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act requires the Secretary of 
Transportation to initiate rulemaking to improve the labeling of tires 
to assist consumers in identifying tires that may be the subject of a 
safety recall. Pursuant to that Act, the Agency published an ANPRM 
stating that the agency is considering amendments to its regulations to 
improve the tire information and its availability and understandability 
to consumers. To aid in this effect, the agency sought responses from 
the public to questions relating to such matters as Tire Identification 
Number content, readability and location, loading, plies and cords, 
tread wear indicator, Uniform Tire Quality Grading System, speed 
rating, run-flat and extended mobility tires, tire inflation pressure, 
and dissemination of tire safety information. This action is considered 
to be significant because of substantial public and congressional 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           12/01/00                    65 FR 75222
ANPRM Comment Period End        01/30/01
NPRM                            12/19/01                    66 FR 65535
Comment Period End              02/19/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Roger Kurrus, Team Leader, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office 
of Planning and Consumer Programs, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2750

RIN: 2127-AI32


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.213

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, November 30, 2002.

Abstract: The recently enacted Transportation Recall Enhancement 
Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act requires the Secretary of 
Transportation to initiate rulemaking that will improve the safety of 
child restraints, including minimizing head injuries from side-impact 
collisions. The agency will consider whether to (1) require more 
comprehensive tests of child restraints using an array of crash 
conditions and an updated test seat assembly; (2) use test dummies that 
represent a greater range of sizes of children and that incorporate 
current technologies; (3) require improved protection from head 
injuries in side- and rear-impact crashes; (4) provide consumer 
information on the physical compatibility of child restraints and 
vehicle seats on a model-by-model basis; (5) prescribe clearer and 
simpler labels and instructions on child restraints; (6) consider 
restraints for children weighing up to 80 pounds; (7) apply scaled 
injury criteria performance levels, including neck injury; and (8)

[[Page 74951]]

include a child restraint in each vehicle crash tested under the New 
Car Assessment Program.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/01/02                    67 FR 21805
Final Rule                      02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI34


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.208

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is reviewing a petition for rulemaking requesting 
the extension of seat belt length be an option when purchasing a new 
vehicle and requesting vehicle manufacturers to make seat belt 
extenders available for all models.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lori Summers, Division Chief, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NVS-
112, Light Duty Vehicles Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4917
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI36


Priority: Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.

Legal Authority: 49 USC 32905(f); 49 USC 32906(a)(l)(B)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 538

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, December 31, 2001, Notice to either 
extend up to four years or discontinue the program after Model Year 

Abstract: The agency must, by December 31, 2001, publish a notice that 
either extends the incentive program whereby automotive manufacturers 
earn Corporate Average Fuel Economy credits for the production of dual-
fuel vehicles for up to four years beyond model year 2004, with a 
maximum allowable increase in average fuel economy per manufacturer of 
0.9 miles per gallon, or explains the rationale for not extending the 
incentive program.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Notice of Intent                01/07/02                      67 FR 713
NPRM                            03/11/02                    67 FR 10873
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Kenneth Richard Katz, Lead Engineer, Consumer Program 
Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4936
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI41


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 33103

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 541

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In accordance with the Anti Car Theft Act of 1992, the 
Attorney General was required to report on the effectiveness of 
expanding the parts marking requirements of the theft prevention 
standard to the remaining motor vehicle lines. On the basis of the 
available evidence presented, the Attorney General found that the 
evidence did not support a finding that requiring parts marking would 
not substantially inhibit chop shop operations and auto theft and 
therefore, recommended expanding the parts marking requirements to the 
remaining motor vehicle lines. Based on the results of the report, the 
agency is required to conduct a rulemaking to extend the theft 
prevention standard to the remaining motor vehicle lines.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/26/02                    67 FR 43075
NPRM Comment Period End         08/26/02
Final Action                    09/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Rosalind Proctor, Division Chief, Consumer Programs 
Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0846
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI46


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.225

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is responding to a petition for extraordinary 
relief of the compliance date by which final-stage manufacturers and 
alterers must install tether anchorages in affected vehicles to comply 
with our final rule published March 5, 1999 (64 FR 10786, RIN 2127-


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

[[Page 74952]]

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI49


Priority: Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801.

Unfunded Mandates: This action may affect the private sector under PL 

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.139

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, June 1, 2002.

Abstract: The Transportation Recall Enhancement Accountability and 
Documentation (TREAD) Act requires the Secretary of Transportation to 
initiate rulemaking to improve the safety requirements of tires. The 
agency is proposing a new tire standard applicable to radial and non-
radial tires that are mounted on passenger cars, light truck vehicles, 
and multipurpose vehicles, but not tires for motorcycles and heavy 
trucks. The proposed requirements include tests for high speed 
performance, endurance, low pressure validation, low pressure high 
speed performance, road hazard impact, resistance to bead unseating and 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/05/02                    67 FR 10050
NPRM Comment Period End         05/06/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Joseph Scott, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-22, 
Vehicle Dynamics Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI54


Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30166; 
49 USC 32502; ...

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 567

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Policy statement will detail circumstances under which the 
agency will allow retroactive certification of heavy trucks and buses 
manufactured for use in Canada and Mexico.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            03/19/02                    67 FR 12790
Comment Period End              05/20/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Rebecca MacPherson, Attorney Advisor, Office of Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2992

RIN: 2127-AI59


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30112,; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117-21; 49 USC 

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 576

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Record retention requirements for manufacturers who 
retroactively certify that heavy trucks and buses manufactured for use 
in Canada and Mexico met all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety 
standards on date of original manufacture.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/19/02                    67 FR 12800
NPRM Comment Period End         05/20/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Rebecca MacPherson, Attorney Advisor, Office of Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2992

RIN: 2127-AI60


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30112

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 591

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would propose a definition of the term 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/19/02                    67 FR 12806
NPRM Comment Period End         05/20/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Edward Glancy, Senior Attorney Advisor, Office of the 
Chief Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2992

RIN: 2127-AI64


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 575

[[Page 74953]]

Legal Deadline: NPRM, Statutory, November 1, 2001.

Abstract: The recently enacted Transportation Recall Enhancement 
Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act requires a notice of 
proposed rulemaking be issued to establish a child restraint safety 
rating consumer information program to provide practicable, readily 
understandable, and timely information to consumers for use in making 
informed decisions in the purchase of child restraint systems (CRS).


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/06/01                    66 FR 56048
NPRM Comment Period End         01/07/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: On 11/06/2001 (66 FR 56146), the agency 
published a request for comment notice on a proposed safety rating 
program for child restraint systems.

Agency Contact: Roger Saul, Director, Office of Crashworthiness 
Standards, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1740
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI65


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.208

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
considering possible changes in the advanced air bag requirements.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/24/02                    67 FR 59800
NPRM Comment Period End         10/24/02
Final Rule                      04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lori Summers, Division Chief, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NVS-
112, Light Duty Vehicles Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4917
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI71


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 33104 (b) (4)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 541

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action will publish the preliminary theft data on 
passenger motor vehicles that occurred in calendar year 2000 for model 
year 2000 vehicles. The theft data indicate the overall vehicles' theft 
rate in 2000. Publication of this data fulfills the agency's obligation 
to periodically obtain accurate and timely data and publish the 
information for review and comment.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/12/02                    67 FR 11161
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Deborah Mazyck, Program Analyst, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-32, 
Office of Planning and Consumer Programs, 400 Seventh Street, Room 
5320, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0846
Fax: 202 493-2290
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI75


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.208

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This notice is the second in a series addressing the 
Petitions for Reconsideration received for the December 18, 2001, FMVSS 
No. 208 Final Rule. It addresses detailed dummy and seat positioning 
issues and other test procedure clarification requested in the 
Petitions for Reconsideration.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Louis Molino, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office 
of Crashworthiness Standards, NPS-11, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Room 
5320, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1833
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI82


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 500

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Low speed vehicles (whose top speed capability is, by 
definition, 25 mph) are required by NHTSA to meet certain minimum 
safety requirements. These requirements are less stringent and 
comprehensive than those for all other passenger motor vehicles. While 
low speed vehicles originally intended for use on roadways in 
neighborhoods, gated communities, and similar environments with limited

[[Page 74954]]

traffic, some States now permit them to be used on roads with posted 
speed limits up to 35 mph, and even higher in a few cases. 
Additionally, because various States treat these vehicles as zero 
emission vehicles, it is likely that larger volumes of these vehicles 
will enter service beginning in 2003. Given the small size of these 
vehicles and their limited safety features, they offer less protection 
in a crash than a regular car, van, or truck does. This means a higher 
risk of injury or death in crashes, even at low speeds. Consequently, 
the agency is considering a label warning of this higher risk and 
measures for increasing the conspicuity of low speed vehicles.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/12/02                    67 FR 46149
Final Rule                      03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Richard VanIderstine, Division Chief, Visibility and 
Injury Prevention Division, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI84


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.208

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is responding to petitions for reconsideration on 
our December 18, 2001 final rule; response to petitions for 
reconsideration (66 FR 5376, RIN 2127-AI10), which both granted and 
denied portions of the petitions for reconsideration to our May 12, 
2000 final rule (65 FR 30679, RIN 2127-AG70). The agency is responding 
to the petitions in two parts. The first part will address higher 
priority issues that can be addressed most expeditiously. Remaining 
issues requiring more time to resolve will be in the second part at a 
later date.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Louis Molino, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office 
of Crashworthiness Standards, NPS-11, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Room 
5320, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1833
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI85


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is 

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 21411; 49 USC 21415; 49 USC 21417; 
49 USC 21466

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.201

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency received petitions for rulemaking from 
Recreational Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) and National Truck 
Equipment Association (NTEA). There is not sufficient time for the 
agency to consider the issues raised in these petitions before the 
compliance date for multi-stage vehicles manufacturers. This action 
would extend the compliance date for multi-stage vehicles by one year, 
i.e., from 9/1/02 to 9/1/03.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              06/18/02                    67 FR 41348
Final Action                    02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Dr. William R.S. Fan, Safety Standards Engineer, 
Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, Room 5320F, NPS-10, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4922
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI86


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30141

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 593

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This final action amends the list of vehicles not originally 
manufactured to conform to all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety 
standards that NHTSA has decided to be eligible for importation. The 
list is published as an appendix to NHTSA's regulations at 49 CFR part 
593 that establish the procedures through which the agency makes import 
eligibility decisions. The amendment will add to the list all vehicles 
that NHTSA has decided to be eligible for importation since the list 
was last published on October 1, 2001.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Because this rule only furnishes information 
and imposes no regulatory requirement, the agency has good cause to 
dispense with a notice of proposed rulemaking to solicit comments on 
this amendment.

Agency Contact: Coleman R. Sachs, Trial Attorney, Office of Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI87


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 15 USC 1392

[[Page 74955]]

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.213

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action responds to petitions to amend FMVSS No. 213, 
Child Restraint Systems, to allow the use of seat-mounted child 
restraint systems on school buses. Currently, FMVSS No. 213 does not 
allow child restraint systems to be attached to a vehicle seat cushion 
or vehicle seat back except by vehicle seat belts.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI88


Priority: Economically Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.138; 49 CFR 571.101

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency received petitions for reconsideration on the new 
standard for tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) required on every 
new vehicle that uses a passenger car tire. A TPMS would detect low 
pressure in a tire and alert the driver through a ``low tire'' warning 
signal. This rule was required by the Transportation Recall Enhancement 
Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Joseph Scott, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-22, 
Vehicle Dynamics Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI90


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 U.S.C. 30166 (m)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 579

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Final rule responding to petition for reconsideration of 
final rule on reporting of information and documents about potential 
defects published on July 10, 2002 (67 FR 45882).


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Taylor Vinson, Senior Attorney, Office of the Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Fax: 202 366-3820
Email: [email protected]

Related RIN: Related To 2127-AI25
RIN: 2127-AI92

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.402

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
proposing a new Federal motor vehicle safety standard regulating new 
radiator caps and coolant reservoir caps, and new passenger cars, 
multipurpose passenger vehicles and light trucks with such caps. The 
agency believes that this new standard, if implemented, would result in 
fewer scald injuries that occur when people attempt to remove caps from 
motor vehicle radiators or coolant reservoirs that are under high 
pressure and contain hot fluids. However, this rulemaking would not 
require that radiator caps or coolant reservoir caps be provided on any 
motor vehicle,


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            06/10/93                    58 FR 32503
Comment Period End              08/09/93
NPRM                            06/01/01                    66 FR 29747
NPRM Comment Period End         07/31/01
NPRM Comment Period Extended    08/02/01                    66 FR 40176
NPRM Comment Period End         09/28/01

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Kenneth Hardie, Safety Standards Engineer, Department 
of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-
21, Visibility and Injury Prevention

[[Page 74956]]

Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AE59


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.214

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This standard requires passenger cars manufactured after 
September 1, 1996, to provide occupant protection when impacted in the 
side by a moving deformable barrier. The agency has compared the actual 
risk of occupant injury in side-impact crashes of cars meeting the 
standard to the risk in pre-standard cars. The cost of the standard has 
been estimated. The technical report has been published. This 
regulation was selected for review because of its costs, potential 
benefits, and public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Begin Review                    10/01/94
Technical Report: Phase I       12/08/99                    64 FR 68717
Comment Period End              04/06/00
Summary and Discussion of Public 
Comments Sent to Docket: Phase 108/11/00
End Review                      06/00/04

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The Phase I evaluation report indicates that 
the test injury criterion TTI(d) has a statistically significant 
association with fatality risk in actual side-impact crashes on the 
highway. In model years 1981-93 cars, models with low TTI(d) on the 
Federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 214 test tend to have low 
fatality risk.

Agency Contact: Charles J. Kahane, Chief, Evaluation Division, Office 
of Plans and Policy, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2560
Fax: 202 366-2559
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AF54


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.118

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency proposed 
to require each power-operated window, interior partition, and roof 
panel in a motor vehicle to be equipped with a switch designed so that 
contact by a form representing a small child's knee would not close 
window, partition, or panel. The agency is currently gathering non-
crash fatality data from state records to determine the scope of the 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/15/96                    61 FR 58504
NPRM Comment Period End         01/14/97

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Mike Pyne, Safety Standards Engineer, Office of Crash 
Avoidance, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4171

RIN: 2127-AG36


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.216

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is 
considering whether to upgrade the roof crashworthiness particularly 
since a larger percentage of American vehicles consist of light duty 
and utility vehicles, a class of vehicles more prone to rollover 
accidents. Petition was granted.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            10/22/01                    66 FR 53376
Comment Period End              12/06/01
NPRM                            11/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AG51


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 572; 49 CFR 571.208

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is examining the possibility of proposing 
specifications for a new 95th percentile male Hybrid III size test 
dummy for possible use in test procedures being proposed in amendments 
to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 208. The new test dummy 
and procedures are being proposed to facilitate the development and 
introduction of new advanced air bags and other types of advanced 
restraints technologies for crash protection in frontal impacts.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

[[Page 74957]]

Agency Contact: Stanley Backaitis, Engineer, Office of Crashworthiness 
Standards, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4912
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AG79


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30117; 49 USC 30166; 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 
49 USC 30115

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.217

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: To prevent blocking of the emergency exits, the agency 
proposed to add a new section to the standard to not allow the 
placement of wheelchair securement anchorages or other devices that 
protrude into the aisle of an emergency exit in all buses.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/05/99                    64 FR 10604
NPRM Comment Period End         05/04/99
Final Rule                      04/19/02                    67 FR 19343

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH03


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.208

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This standard was temporarily amended to make the unbelted 
test for vehicles with air bags less stringent and, in effect, make it 
easier for manufacturers to quickly depower their air bags. Redesigned 
air bags are likely to benefit out-of-position occupants and reduce 
drivers' arm injuries, but they might be less effective than earlier 
air bags for some occupants. This regulation was selected for review 
because of public interest, potential benefits, and possibility of 
higher risk for some vehicle occupants.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Begin Review                    05/01/98
End Review                      12/00/04

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Charles J. Kahane, Chief, Evaluation Division, Office 
of Plans and Policy, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2560
Fax: 202 366-2559
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH13


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.213

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action responds to a concern expressed by the Federal 
Aviation Administration (FAA) regarding some new universal child seats 
that may be equipped with rigid connectors or prongs. FAA believes that 
if a universal child seat equipped with non-folding, non-retracting 
rigid connectors or prongs were installed on an aircraft seat, the 
connectors or prongs might damage the aircraft seat cushions and might 
protrude into the leg space and egress path of the passenger sitting 
immediately behind the child seat.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: See RIN 2127-AG50 for the Uniform Child 
Restraint Anchorage Systems rule.

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH56


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 572

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is responding to petitions for reconsideration of 
our final rule published January 13, 2000 (65 FR 2059, RIN 2127-AG76) 
which established design and performance specifications for a new, more 
advanced 6-year-old-child dummy.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      07/18/02                    67 FR 47321

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Stanley Backaitis, Engineer, Office of Crashworthiness 
Standards, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4912
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI00

[[Page 74958]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 572

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is responding to petitions for reconsideration of 
our final rule published March 1, 2000 (65 FR 10961, RIN 2127-AG66) 
which adopted the Hybrid III small female size dummy.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      07/15/02                    67 FR 46400

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Stanley Backaitis, Engineer, Office of Crashworthiness 
Standards, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4912
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI01


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.105; 49 CFR 571.121

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: These standards require antilock brake systems (ABS) on 
truck-tractors manufactured after March 1, 1997, semi-trailers and 
single-unit trucks equipped with air brakes after March 1, 1998, and 
single-unit trucks over 10,000 pounds GVWR equipped with hydraulic 
brakes after March 1, 1999. The agency will study the influence of ABS 
on crash involvement rates and estimate the cost of ABS. These 
regulations were selected for review because of their costs, potential 
benefits, and public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Begin Review                    04/01/00
Evaluation Plan Published       08/14/00                    65 FR 49633
Collection of Information       10/05/01                    66 FR 51093
Comment Period End              12/04/01
End Review                      12/00/06

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Charles J. Kahane, Chief, Evaluation Division, Office 
of Plans and Policy, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2560
Fax: 202 366-2559
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI14


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.223; 49 CFR 571.224

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: These standards set requirements for the geometry, 
configuration, strength, and energy absorption capability of rear-
impact guards on full trailers and semi-trailers over 10,000 pounds 
GVWR manufactured after January 26, 1998. The agency will study the 
influence of these guards on injuries in passenger vehicles that rear-
impact trailers. The cost of the standards will also be estimated. 
These regulations were selected for review because of their costs, 
potential benefits, and public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Begin Review                    04/15/00
Evaluation Plan Published       08/14/00                    65 FR 49633
Collection of Information       10/05/01                    66 FR 51093
Comment Period End              12/04/01
End Review                      12/00/06

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Charles J. Kahane, Chief, Evaluation Division, Office 
of Plans and Policy, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2560
Fax: 202 366-2559
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI15


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.108

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is proposing to further lower glare while 
minimizing the change in conspicuity.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Richard VanIderstine, Division Chief, Visibility and 
Injury Prevention Division, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

Related RIN: Related To 2127-AG86
RIN: 2127-AI62


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.213

Legal Deadline: Other, Statutory, November 1, 2001, Initiate 
Other, Statutory, November 1, 2002, Final Rule or Report to Congress.

[[Page 74959]]

TREAD ACT MANDATE (November 2002).

Abstract: Section 14(a) of the TREAD Act requires NHTSA to initiate a 
rulemaking for the purpose of improving the safety of child restraints, 
including minimizing head injuries from side impact collisions. The 
action specifically addresses the prospective adoption of a dynamic 
side impact test in FMVSS No. 213; currently, only frontal tests are 
conducted. If side impact test requirements are not proposed, the TREAD 
Act requires NHTSA to submit a Report to Congress explaining the 
rationale for these actions.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           05/01/02                    67 FR 21836

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: George Mouchahoir, Team Leader, Special Vehicles and 
Systems Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4919
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI83

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Petitions from R. Grabowsky and American Trucking Association 
(ATA) requested initiation of rulemaking concerning brake linings (all 
vehicles and aftermarket). Mr. Grabowsky petitioned relative to 
stability, friction level, fade, wear, and identification of linings. 
ATA petitioned relative to friction level and identification of linings 
for heavy vehicles only. Petitions concerned both performance levels 
and test procedures, and were granted.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Termination                     07/09/02                    67 FR 45440

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: George Soodoo, Division Leader, Vehicle Dynamics 
Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AC66


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 97-424

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency was proposing to exempt certain purchases by 
grantees from the requirements of the Department of Transportation's 
Buy America provisions to streamline and improve the grant process. The 
agency has decided not to proceed with this action, as the Buy America 
restrictions contain sufficient flexibility to accommodate program 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Withdrawn                       07/01/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: John Donaldson, Senior Attorney, Office of Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1834

RIN: 2127-AG99


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.205

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to the Intermodal Surface Transportation 
Efficiency Act of 1991, the agency requested comments on the report 
titled ``Ejection Mitigation Using Advanced Glazing: Status Report 
II.'' This report is to inform the public about the agency's research 
findings to date on advanced glazing materials that may prevent 
ejection on vehicle occupants through motor vehicle windows during 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            07/19/00                    65 FR 44710
Comment Period End              11/16/00
Withdrawn                       06/18/02                    67 FR 41365

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: John Lee, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-11, 
400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2264
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH50


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.202

Legal Deadline: None

[[Page 74960]]

Abstract: This standard requires pick-up trucks, vans, and sport 
utility vehicles with gross vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or less, 
manufactured after September 1, 1991, to have head restraints or high 
seatbacks for the driver and right-front passenger. The agency will 
compare the occupant injury rates in rear-crashes of trucks equipped 
with head restraints and trucks not equipped with head restraints. The 
cost of the standard will also be established. This regulation was 
selected for review of its costs, potential benefits, and public 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Begin Review                    09/29/99
Technical Report                05/10/01                    66 FR 23974

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Charles J. Kahane, Chief, Evaluation Division, Office 
of Plans and Policy, Department of Transportation, National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-2560
Fax: 202 366-2559
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AH98


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 106-414

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 554; 49 CFR 573

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, June 30, 2002.
Initiation of rulemaking required not later than March 1, 2001.

Abstract: TREAD Act requires NHTSA to publish a rule requiring 
manufacturers of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment to report 
on possible defects in their products, whether in United States or 
abroad, based on information in the possession of the manufacturer. 
This action is considered significant because of substantial public and 
congressional interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           01/22/01                     66 FR 6532
ANPRM Comment Period End        03/23/01
NPRM                            12/21/01                    66 FR 66190
NPRM Comment Period End         02/04/02
Final Action                    07/10/02                    67 FR 45822

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This will also respond to RIN AI31. This 
Rulemaking will combine the two RIN's AI25 and AI31 as of 8/2/01.

Agency Contact: Taylor Vinson, Senior Attorney, Office of the Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Fax: 202 366-3820
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI25


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30166(m)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 573

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Rulemaking to implement statutory requirement that a 
manufacturer of motor vehicle and equipment report to NHTSA when it 
determines to conduct a safety-related recall on identical or 
substantially similar products outside the U.S. and when a foreign 
government determines that a safety-related campaign should be 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/11/01                    66 FR 51907
NPRM Comment Period End         12/10/01
Final Rule                      10/11/02                    67 FR 63295
Final Rule Effective            11/12/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Taylor Vinson, Senior Attorney, Office of the Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Fax: 202 366-3820
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI26


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30120(d)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 573; 49 CFR 577

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Rule to implement section 6(b) of the TREAD Act, PL 106-414 
by amending 49 CFR part 573, Defect and Noncompliance Notification, to 
add requirements that manufacturers' remedy programs concerning safety-
related defects and noncompliance include plans for reimbursing owners 
or purchasers who incurred the cost of remedy within a ``reasonable 
time'' prior to the manufacturer's notification of the defect or 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/11/01                    66 FR 64078
NPRM Comment Period End         02/11/02
Final Rule                      10/17/02                    67 FR 64049
Final Rule Effective            01/15/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Andrew DiMarsico, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 5219, 
NCC-10, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Fax: 202 366-3820

RIN: 2127-AI28


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30120(j)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 573; 49 CFR 577

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Rule regarding statutory prohibitions on the sale or lease of 
noncompliant and defective motor vehicles and equipment.

[[Page 74961]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/23/01                    66 FR 38247
NPRM Comment Period End         09/21/01
Final Action                    04/23/02                    67 FR 19693
Final Action Effective          05/23/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Lloyd Guerci, Assistant Chief Counsel for Litigation, 
Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263

RIN: 2127-AI30


Priority: Economically Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.138; 49 CFR 571.101

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, November 30, 2001.

Abstract: The recently enacted Transportation Recall Enhancement 
Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act requires the Secretary of 
Transportation to initiate rulemaking to require a warning system in 
new motor vehicles to indicate to the operator when a tire is 
significantly underinflated. The agency proposed to establish a new 
standard for tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) on every new 
vehicle that uses a passenger car tire. A TPMS would detect low 
pressure in a tire and alert the driver through a ``low tire'' warning 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/26/01                    66 FR 38982
NPRM Comment Period End         09/06/01
Final Rule                      06/05/02                    67 FR 38703
Final Rule Effective            08/05/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Joseph Scott, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-22, 
Vehicle Dynamics Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI33


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 28 USC 2461 note; 31 USC 3701 note

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 578

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, March 4, 2001.
Statute requires civil penalty adjustments at least once every 4 years.

Abstract: Civil penalties for violations of certain statutes 
administered by NHTSA are required to be adjusted for inflation at 
least once every 4 years.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/18/01                    66 FR 27621
Final Rule                      08/07/01                    66 FR 41149
Final Rule Effective            09/16/01

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Taylor Vinson, Senior Attorney, Office of the Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Fax: 202 366-3820
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI42


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.121

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency 
published a technical amendment to the standard to delete a figure 
which is no longer referenced and to correct several typographical 
errors and omissions.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    05/28/02                    67 FR 36819
Final Action Effective          06/27/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Jeffrey Woods, Safety Standards Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-22, 
Vehicle Dynamics Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI48


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.213

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, November 1, 2002.

Abstract: The recently enacted Transportation Recall Enhancement 
Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act requires the Secretary of 
Transportation to initiate rulemaking to improve the consumer 
information for child restraints by prescribing clearer and simpler 
labels and instructions that are required to be placed on child 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/02/01                    66 FR 55623
Correction                      11/29/01                    66 FR 59549
NPRM Comment Period End         01/02/02
Final Rule                      10/01/02                    67 FR 61523
Final Rule Effective            10/01/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Mary Versailles, Office of Planning and Consumer 
Programs, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590

[[Page 74962]]

Phone: 202 366-2057

RIN: 2127-AI55


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30141

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 593

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This final action will amend the list of vehicles not 
originally manufactured to conform to all applicable Federal Motor 
Vehicle Safety Standards that NHTSA has decided to be eligible for 
importation. This list is published as an appendix to NHTSA's 
regulations at 49 CFR part 593 that establish the procedures through 
which the agency makes import eligibility decisions. The amendments 
will add to the list all vehicles that NHTSA has decided are to be 
eligible for importation since the list was last published on October 
1, 2000.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    09/20/01                    66 FR 48363

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Because this rule only furnishes information 
and imposes no regulatory requirement, the agency has good cause to 
dispense with notice and comments on it.

Agency Contact: Coleman R. Sachs, Trial Attorney, Office of Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI61


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30111; 49 USC 30115; 49 USC 30117; 
49 USC 30166

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 571.401

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to petitions for reconsideration of a final rule 
published on August 17, 2001 (66 FR 43113 RIN 2127-AI51) which 
specifically excluded passenger cars with a back door, such as 
hatchbacks and station wagons, from the standard and revised the 
definitions of ``trunk lid'' and ``trunk compartment'' to exclude 
interior storage compartments and sub-compartments within the trunk 
compartment from the requirements of the standard, the agency is adding 
a paragraph indicating that in passenger cars with front-opening hoods, 
the interior trunk release must release the primary, but not the 
secondary, latch when the passenger car is in motion. At all other 
times, the interior trunk release must completely release all latches.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      04/22/02                    67 FR 19518

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Kenneth Hardie, Safety Standards Engineer, Department 
of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPS-
21, Visibility and Injury Prevention Division, 400 Seventh Street, SW, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2720
Fax: 202 366-4329

RIN: 2127-AI69


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 33112

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 544

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: NHTSA proposes to update its lists in appendices A, B, and C 
of part 544 of passenger motor vehicle insurers that are required to 
file reports on their motor vehicle theft loss experience. If these 
revised appendices are adopted in a final rule, each insurer included 
in any of these appendices must file a report for the 1998 calendar 
year not later than October 25, 2002. Further, as long as the insurer 
remains listed, it must submit reports by each subsequent October 25.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Request for Comments            03/12/02                    67 FR 11161
NPRM                            03/27/02                    67 FR 14667
NPRM Comment Period End         05/28/02
Final Action                    07/16/02                    67 FR 46608
Final Theft Data                08/19/02                    67 FR 53756

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Rosalind Proctor, Division Chief, Consumer Programs 
Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0846
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI73


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 CFR 33104

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 541

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action will list the likely high-theft vehicle lines 
that are subject to the parts-marking requirements of the theft 
prevention standard and high-theft lines that are exempted from the 
parts-marking requirements for model year 2003.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    07/01/02                    67 FR 44085
Final Action Effective          07/01/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Rosalind Proctor, Division Chief, Consumer Programs 
Division, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0846
Fax: 202 366-4329
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI74

[[Page 74963]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 322; 49 USC 30141; 31 USC 9701

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 594

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: NHTSA proposes to amend its regulations establishing fees 
authorized by 49 U.S.C. 30141 for the purpose of reimbursing the agency 
for certain costs incurred in administering the vehicle importation 
program. The amendments will adjust the fees to the level necessary for 
the agency to recover its actual costs. Section 301419(e) requires the 
agency to review and adjust these fees at least every two years. The 
fees were last adjusted in September 2000.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/16/02                    67 FR 53552
Final Rule                      09/26/02                    67 FR 60596
Final Rule Effective            10/01/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Coleman R. Sachs, Trial Attorney, Office of Chief 
Counsel, Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5263
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2127-AI77


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 30122(c)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 595

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agency is responding to petitions for reconsideration of 
our final rule published February 27, 2001 (66 FR 12637), which 
established a limited exemption from the statutory make-inoperative 
prohibition to facilitate the modification of motor vehicles for use by 
persons with disabilities.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    06/04/02                    67 FR 38423

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Gayle Dalrymple, Safety Engineer, Vehicle Controls and 
Adapted Vehicle Division, Department of Transportation, National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5559

RIN: 2127-AI80


Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 229

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, March 3, 1995, Rule or Report to 
Report to Congress issued 9/18/96.

Abstract: The agency has proposed to address the crashworthiness of 
locomotives pursuant to the Rail Safety Enforcement and Review Act 
(1992). FRA investigated locomotive crashworthiness, as well as a 
variety of locomotive working conditions (See RIN 2130-AA89) and 
reported its finding to Congress. On October 31, 1996, the Railroad 
Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC) accepted a preliminary planning task 
to schedule handling of these issues. The Locomotive Crew Safety 
Working Group met on January 23, 1997 to develop task statements that 
were forwarded to the full RSAC and accepted on June 24, 1997. The RSAC 
Locomotive Crashworthiness Working Group last met in January, 2002, to 
consider specific recommendations for regulatory action. Originally 
this project was considered significant; however, it appears likely 
that important incremental changes in current design standards can be 
made without significant disruption or controversy.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Open Meeting Notice             07/22/94                    59 FR 37528
Report to Congress              09/18/96
NPRM                            02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Additional Information: This rulemaking was originally included in RIN 
2130-AA89, Locomotive Cab Working Conditions.

Agency Contact: Daniel Alpert, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6026

RIN: 2130-AB23


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 229

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FRA will propose improvements in the crashworthiness of event 
recorders and will propose additional requirements for data capture and 
recording for event recorders installed in new and rebuilt locomotives. 
FRA is awaiting the advice and recommendations of RSAC before taking 
further regulatory action.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

[[Page 74964]]

Federalism:  Undetermined

Additional Information: This rulemaking was previously titled 
``Crashworthy Event Recorders.''

Agency Contact: Thomas Herrmann, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6036

RIN: 2130-AB34


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 209

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action will revise and update FRA's enforcement 
procedures. This action is expected to address the recodification of 
the railroad safety laws and revise certain administrative hearing 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Kathryn E. Shelton, Department of Transportation, 
Federal Railroad Administration
Phone: 202 493-6063
Fax: 202 493-6068
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2130-AB35


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 211

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action will revise and update FRA's rulemaking 
procedures, and the procedures for participation in the rulemaking 
process, such as petitions for rulemaking, petitions for 
reconsideration, and petitions for waiver. These procedures will be 
modified to reflect the recodification of the railroad safety laws, and 
changes in the application of FRA's regulatory procedures that have 
developed over time.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Colleen A. Brennan, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street, 
SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6028

RIN: 2130-AB36


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103; 49 USC 20148

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FRA is considering requiring that retroreflective tape be 
applied to all railroad cars. FRA has established a docket so that 
interested parties may submit relevant information.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: John A. Winkle, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street, 
SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6067

RIN: 2130-AB41


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103; 49 USC 20901; 49 USC 20902

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 225; 49 CFR 219; 49 CFR 240

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FRA intends to conform its regulations for accident/incident 
reporting to revised OSHA regulations, and to make appropriate 
revisions to the FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reports. On 
January 19, 2001, OSHA published revised regulations for Occupational 
Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting (66 FR 5965). FRA accident/
incident regulations pertaining to occupational injury and illness are 
patterned after the prior OSHA regulations and must be maintained in 
general conformity with those regulations to permit compatibility of 
data and integration of railroad industry data into national 
statistical data bases. OSHA's final rule became effective on January 
1, 2002. Accordingly, FRA needs to revise its own injury codes and 
narratives, cause codes and narratives, and circumstance codes and 
narratives (as set forth in the FRA Reporting Guide) as soon as 
feasible. Minor administrative issues have also arisen since the last 
general revision of part 225 on January 1, 1997 that will be considered 
in relation to possible amendments to the regulations or the Reporting 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/09/02                    67 FR 63022
NPRM Comment Period End         11/08/02
Final Rule                      01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Anna Nassif, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Mail Stop 10, 1120 
Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6166

RIN: 2130-AB51


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 229

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FRA has proposed to address crew working conditions on

[[Page 74965]]

locomotives, pursuant to the Rail Safety Enforcement and Review Act 
(1992). FRA investigated a variety of locomotive working conditions, 
including noise, and reported its findings to Congress in 1996. FRA 
presented the subject of locomotive working conditions to the Railroad 
Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC). The RSAC process, which involves 
participation of all parties with significant interests, provides a 
forum for consensual rulemaking and program development.
Through the RSAC process, FRA is amending its occupational noise 
standards for railroad employees whose predominant noise exposure 
occurs in the locomotive cab. FRA's existing standard concerning cab 
noise, 49 CFR 229.121, limits cab employee noise exposure to certain 
levels based on the duration of their experience. FRA would like to 
update its regulation to incorporate new measures. This proposal would 
require railroads to implement a hearing conservation program, which 
would include hearing tests (audiograms), training, and monitoring. It 
would also set design standards for new locomotives and maintenance 
standards for all locomotives.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Report to Congress              09/18/96
NPRM                            05/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Christina McDonald, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6032

RIN: 2130-AB56

Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20153

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 222

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, November 2, 1996, subsequent 
enactment prohibited issuance prior to July 1, 2001.

Abstract: This action would govern when train whistles at grade 
crossings must be sounded. FRA has found that failing to use the 
locomotive horn can significantly increase the number of collisions 
with motorists using the crossing. This action is considered 
significant because of substantial public interest. This action is 
being taken pursuant to statutory mandate. FRA studied the consequences 
of the proposed action and prepared a draft environmental impact 
statement (EIS) for the proposed rule.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/13/00                     65 FR 2230
NPRM Comment Period End         05/26/00
Final Rule                      04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: State, Local, Federal

Federalism:  This action may have federalism implications as defined in 
EO 13132.

Additional Information: An Omnibus Bill at the end of the 106th 
Congress prohibited publication of a final rule before July 2001.

Agency Contact: Mark H. Tessler, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6061

RIN: 2130-AA71


 Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 110 in part II of this issue 
of the Federal Register.

RIN: 2130-AA94


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 5 USC 601 et seq; PL 104-121; 49 USC 20101 et seq

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 209

Legal Deadline: Other, Statutory, March 29, 1997, 180 Days to Final 

Abstract: The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act (SBREFA) of 
1996 requires, among other things, that Federal agencies establish 
communication and enforcement programs to address the unique concerns 
and operations of small entities.
Pursuant to SBREFA, FRA published communication and enforcement 
policies with respect to small entities in an Interim Statement of 
Agency Policy and undertook an interim definition of ``small entity'' 
in this process. Also, FRA invited comment from the public for the 
purpose of adopting a new definition of ``small entity'' in the future, 
and conducted a public meeting with all interested parties to discuss 
this issue. FRA will issue a Final Statement of Policy.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Policy Statement        08/11/97                    62 FR 43024
Interim Policy Statement 
Effective                       10/10/97
Comment Period End              11/30/97
Final Policy Statement          12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Local

Additional Information: A public meeting was held on September 28, 
1999. (See 64 FR 46468, 8/25/99.)

Agency Contact: Nancy Lummen Lewis, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590

[[Page 74966]]

Phone: 202 493-6047

RIN: 2130-AB15


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103; 49 USC 20107; 49 USC 21301; 28 USC 2461

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 244; 49 CFR 1.49

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FRA is drafting its response to petitions for reconsideration 
of the final rule, published on March 15, 2002, that requires a 
railroad to file a Safety Integration Plan with the Federal Railroad 
Administration whenever a Class I railroad proposes to merge, 
consolidate, or acquire control of another Class I or Class II railroad 
with which it proposes to amalgamate operations. See 67 FR 11582. The 
final rule prescribed content and subject matter areas that must be 
addressed in each plan before FRA may approve of such plan. FRA 
prepared the final rule and coordinated with the Surface Transportation 
Board to issue rulemaking actions covering these transactions within 
the framework of each agency's jurisdiction.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/31/98                    63 FR 72225
NPRM Comment Period Extended    04/21/99                    64 FR 19512
Public Hearing - Notice         04/21/99                    64 FR 19512
NPRM Comment Period End         05/04/99
Final Rule                      03/15/02                    67 FR 11582
Final Rule; Response to 
Petitions for Reconsideration   12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: A public hearing on this rulemaking was held on 
May 4, 1999.

Agency Contact: Jon Kaplan, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6042

RIN: 2130-AB24


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 214

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FRA proposed regulations governing operational and design 
safety of on-track equipment used by railroads for track maintenance. 
The regulations would cover self-propelled rail-mounted non-highway 
machines where light weight exceeds 7500 pounds. This rulemaking was 
requested by the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees (BMWE) as 
part of the organization's petition requesting revision of the track 
safety standards. FRA decided to respond to this portion of the BMWE 
petition in a rulemaking separate from the track safety standards 
revision. FRA is now preparing the final rule.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/10/01                     66 FR 1930
NPRM Comment Period End         03/12/01
Final Rule                      12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This rulemaking is an offshoot of the 
rulemaking to revise the track safety standards. FRA has changed the 
title of the current entry to the Unified Regulatory Agenda, which was 
originally entitled ``Roadway Maintenance Machine Safety'' to more 
accurately reflect what this action is expected to address.

Agency Contact: Nancy Lummen Lewis, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6047

RIN: 2130-AB28


Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: None

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This annual determination establishes the monetary threshold 
for reporting rail equipment accidents/incidents involving railroad 
property damage. This action ensures and maintains comparability 
between different years of data by having the threshold keep pace with 
fluctuations in equipment and labor costs. It is required by statute. 
The reporting threshold is based on the formula adopted in a final rule 
5/18/96, 61 FR 60632. This agenda entry will be updated each year to 
show the latest annual determination. Cites for determinations already 
issued are provided below.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The 2001 final rule of 12/26/2001, 66 FR 66346, 
increases the monetary threshold from $6,600 to $6,700 for accidents/
incidents that occur during the calendar year 2002. After the 1997 
final rule of 2/2/97, 62 FR 63675, increased the monetary threshold 
from $6,500 to $6,600, the monetary threshold remained at $6,600 from 
calendar years 1998 through 2000. The 1996 final rule of 11/29/96, 61 
FR 60632, increased the monetary threshold from $6,300 to $6,500.

Agency Contact: Anna Nassif, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Mail Stop 10, 1120 
Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6166

RIN: 2130-AB30

[[Page 74967]]



Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: None

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Each year FRA announces the minimum random drug and alcohol 
testing rates for the following year for the railroad industry. This 
determination is based on a review of rail industry drug and alcohol 
management information system data, as well as data from compliance 
reviews of rail industry drug and alcohol testing programs. Procedures 
were established in a final rule published on December 2, 1994, 59 FR 
62218. For the calendar year 2002, the minimum random drug and alcohol 
testing rates of covered railroad employees continue to be 25 percent 
and 10 percent, respectively. This agenda entry will be updated each 
year to show the latest annual determination. Cites for determinations 
already issued are provided below.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Annual Determination            12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: In the notice of determination of January 2, 
2002 (67 FR 21), the minimum random drug and alcohol testing rates of 
covered railroad employees remained at 25 percent and 10 percent, 
respectively, for calendar year 2002. In the notices of determination 
of 2/18/98 (63 FR 8143), 12/30/98 (63 FR 71789), 12/27/99 (64 FR 
72289), and 12/19/00 (65 FR 79318), the minimum rates remained at 25 
percent and 10 percent for calendar years 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001.

Agency Contact: Patricia V. Sun, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 1120 Vermont Avenue, 
N.W. STOP-10, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6060
Fax: 202 493-6068

RIN: 2130-AB31


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 241

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This interim final rule requires that all railroad operations 
in the United States be dispatched in the United States, with certain 
exceptions. This action is considered significant because of 
substantial interdepartmental concerns.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              12/11/01                    66 FR 63942
Interim Final Rule Effective    01/10/02
Final Rule                      01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: John A. Winkle, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street, 
SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6067

RIN: 2130-AB38


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103; 49 USC 20140

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 219

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would apply FRA's random testing and other 
alcohol and drug requirements to employees of a foreign railroad whose 
primary reporting point is outside the United States, and who perform 
train service or dispatching service in the United States. Such 
employees are currently exempt from random testing, pre-employment 
testing, and requirements for employee self-referral and co-worker 
report policies. This action is considered significant because of 
substantial inter-departmental concerns.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/11/01                    66 FR 64000
Notice of Hearing               01/23/02                     67 FR 3138
NPRM Comment Period End         02/11/02
Final Rule                      01/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Patricia V. Sun, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 1120 Vermont Avenue, 
N.W. STOP-10, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6060
Fax: 202 493-6068

RIN: 2130-AB39

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 22101

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 266

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action is to revise the procedures and requirements for 
the receipt of financial assistance contained in part 266. These 
changes are required to reflect statutory modifications resulting from 
the Local Rail Service Reauthorization Act of 1989. The Local Freight 
Assistance Program has not been reauthorized after FY 1995. However, 
final regulations are necessary because States continue to submit 
applications for new projects to be funded from loan funds repaid to 
States by previous borrowers. FRA is reconsidering the need for these 

[[Page 74968]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/30/90                    55 FR 49648
NPRM Comment Period End         12/31/90

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: State

Federalism:  This action may have federalism implications as defined in 
EO 13132.

Additional Information: While this action was to be terminated in 
October of 1995, the agency reconsidered and decided to move forward 
with a final rule. FRA is now reconsidering that determination.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 11/30/90, 55 FR 49648

Agency Contact: JoAnne McGowan, Chief, Freight Programs Division, 
Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-3290

RIN: 2130-AA60


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 218

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FRA is in the process of reconsidering amendments to its 
``Blue Signal'' regulations, which prescribe minimum requirements for 
the protection of railroad employees engaged in the inspection, 
testing, repair, and servicing of rolling equipment. This task was 
assigned to RSAC, and the working group met for the first time in 
October 2000. There have been six subsequent meetings. Currently, the 
working group is still considering several issues and, thus, the next 
action on this rule is undetermined.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule Amendments           03/01/95                    60 FR 11047
Comment Period End              05/01/95
Comment Period Reopened         06/09/95                    60 FR 30469

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The final rule on utility employees was 
published August 16, 1993 (58 FR 43287), RIN 2130-AA77. FRA has changed 
the title of the current entry to the Unified Agenda, which was 
originally titled ``Protection of Utility Employees,'' to more 
accurately reflect what this action is expected to address.

Agency Contact: John A. Winkle, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street, 
SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6067

RIN: 2130-AA90


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In response to a petition for rulemaking, FRA will consider 
whether to adopt regulations governing functional and design safety of 
on-track railroad cranes used for track maintenance. FRA is awaiting 
the advice and recommendations of RSAC before taking further regulatory 

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Mark H. Tessler, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6061

RIN: 2130-AB27


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103; 49 USC 20701 to 20703

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 229

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FRA is considering amending current minimum temperature 
requirements and establishing maximum cab temperature requirements.

Timetable: Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Agency Contact: Cynthia Walters, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6064

RIN: 2130-AB46


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: None

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: An order is in effect, but amendments for technical matters 
or for the phasing of implementation will be added as needed. Through 
the February 2002 amendment, FRA granted a second extension of a 
previously granted exception that allowed MBTA to follow temporary 
operating protocols whenever it could not dispatch a train equipped 
with ACSES. The February 2002 amendment extended this exception through 
April 5, 2002.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Amendment                       02/12/02                     67 FR 6573

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

[[Page 74969]]

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Patricia V. Sun, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 1120 Vermont Avenue, 
N.W. STOP-10, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6060
Fax: 202 493-6068

RIN: 2130-AB55

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20133; 49 USC 20103

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 216; 49 CFR 238

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, November 2, 1997.

Abstract: These actions respond to the remaining issues raised in the 
petitions for reconsideration of FRA's May 12, 1999 final rule, which 
established comprehensive Federal safety standards for railroad 
passenger equipment. See 64 FR 25540. These actions clarify and amend 
the final rule, principally those sections related to fire safety and 
the structure of railroad passenger equipment. These actions follow a 
response to the petitions for reconsideration related to the 
inspection, testing, and maintenance of railroad passenger equipment, 
as well as the movement of defective equipment provisions of the May 
12, 1999 final rule. See 65 FR 41284. These actions complete the first 
phase of the rulemaking.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      05/12/99                    64 FR 25540
Final Rule; Response to 
Petitions for Reconsideration   04/23/02                    67 FR 19970
Final Rule; Response to 
Petitions for Reconsideration   06/25/02                    67 FR 42892

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Daniel Alpert, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6026

RIN: 2130-AB48


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 20103; 49 USC 20901; 49 USC 20902

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 225

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FRA initiated a pilot study to investigate a possible 
approach for developing a new system of reporting train accidents, 
potentially leading to a revision of the regulations for reporting rail 
equipment accidents/incidents involving railroad property damage. Under 
the current system, railroads are required to report any event 
involving property damage or injury if the total cost of the event for 
all railroads involved exceeds a threshold. The cost of repairing the 
damage therefore acts as a surrogate measure of severity. Repair cost, 
however, is unsatisfactory as a surrogate measure of severity. Costs 
can be substantially affected by factors that have no relevancy to 
severity, such as the newness of any destroyed equipment and 
facilities. Nevertheless, current regulations mandate that if a 
locomotive engineer has been found to be at fault for causing an event, 
he or she can be disqualified only if it is reportable as a train 
accident. The perceived unfairness of disqualification being only 
loosely tied to accident severity is something FRA wishes to remedy by 
changing the reporting requirement to more closely reflect the severity 
of the event rather than just the book cost.
FRA is also interested in changing the system to reduce time and effort 
spent by railroads in reporting and recording train accidents. The 
current reporting system causes substantial inconvenience and places a 
burden on the railroads. The railroads' initial estimates of repair 
costs are somewhat subjective, yet they have to decide whether to 
report an event on the basis of the estimate. In addition, if the 
actual cost of an event deviates from initial estimates by more than 10 
percent and exceeds the threshold, then the railroad would be required 
to submit a report if the initial estimate was below the threshold and 
an amendment if the initial estimate was above. The uncertainty about 
the status of an event may put undue pressure on railroads to report 
more events as train accidents than necessary.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Withdrawn                       02/13/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The results of the pilot study were 
insufficient to permit FRA to try out certain aspects of the proposed 
approach to developing a new system.

Agency Contact: Nancy Friedman, Trial Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 493-6034

RIN: 2130-AB50

[[Page 74970]]


Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)


2391. [rplus]BUS TESTING

Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5323(c)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 665

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This regulation implements a statutory provision that 
requires any new bus model purchased after September 30, 1989, to be 
tested at a facility established pursuant to 49 USC 5318. This 
regulation is significant because of the large amount of public 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/25/89                    54 FR 22716
NPRM Comment Period End         07/24/89
Interim Final Rule              08/23/89                    54 FR 35158
Comment Period Reopened         11/30/89                    54 FR 49297
Interim Final Rule - Second     10/09/90                    55 FR 41174
Interim Procedures              09/13/91                    56 FR 46572
Interim Final Rule - New Vehicle 
Types                           07/28/92                    57 FR 33394
Interim Final Rule - Partial 
Effectiveness Postponed         10/13/92                    57 FR 46814
Interim Final Rule - Comment 
Period Reopened to 01/29/93     01/07/93                     58 FR 2989
Interim Final Rule - Partial 
Effectiveness Postponed         02/23/93                    58 FR 10989
Notice of Meeting               02/26/93                    58 FR 11549
Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Former section 12(h) of the FT Act, as amended 
(now 49 USC 5302(a)(9)), defines a ``new bus model'' as a bus model 
which has not been used in mass transportation service in the United 
States before the date of production of such model, or a bus model 
which has been used in such service, but which is being produced with a 
major change in configuration or components. A third interim final 
rule, published on 07/28/92, added two new categories of buses required 
to be tested. On 10/13/92 FTA published a notice postponing the 
application of the interim final rule for these vehicle types until 02/
10/93. FTA's fourth interim final rule, issued on 11/3/93, established 
four subcategories of small vehicles to facilitate the phase-in of 
Because the existing fourth interim final rule completes the categories 
of vehicles subject to testing under FTA's grantmaking program, FTA 
intends to publish it as the final rule in November 2002.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 07/28/92, 57 FR 33394

Agency Contact: Richard Wong, Attorney-Advisor, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1936
Fax: 202 366-3809

RIN: 2132-AA30

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 105-178, sec 3020(b)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 661.11; 49 CFR 661.13

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would amend FTA's Buy America regulation, 49 CFR 
661 in accordance with section 3020(b) of the Transportation Equity Act 
for the 21st Century. Section 3020(b) amended 49 USC 5323(g) to allow a 
bidder on an FTA-funded contract to correct an incomplete certification 
or a certification of noncompliance with Buy America resulting from an 
inadvertent or clerical error.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            02/18/99                     64 FR 8051
NPRM Comment Period End         04/19/99

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: State, Local

Agency Contact: Meghan Ludtke, Attorney Advisor, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Room 9316, 400 Seventh 
Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4011
Fax: 202 366-3809

RIN: 2132-AA62


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5323(f)

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 605

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking amends the definition of ``tripper'' service, 
which is mass transportation service modified to meet the needs of 
school students and personnel. The amended definition will prohibit the 
use of certain signage without the express written permission of the 
FTA Administrator, and provides that tripper buses must stop only at 
stops that are marked as available to the public. In the previous 
agenda, FTA had stated that it intended to withdraw the proposed 
amendment. However, upon further consideration, the agency has decided 
to hold this matter in abeyance pending reauthorization of the 
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21).


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/03/99                    64 FR 23590
NPRM Comment Period End         07/02/99

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: State, Local

[[Page 74971]]

Agency Contact: Elizabeth S. Martineau, Attorney Advisor, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1936
Fax: 202 366-3809

RIN: 2132-AA67


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 97-424

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 661

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Section 165(b)(2) of the Surface Transportation Assistance 
Act of 1982 provides that a waiver of the Buy America requirements may 
be granted if materials and products being procured are not produced in 
the United States in sufficient and reasonable quantities and of 
satisfactory quality. Such a waiver was permanently granted in 1986 for 
microcomputers, as FTA grantees were experiencing difficulty in 
purchasing domestically produced microcomputer equipment appropriate to 
their needs. At that time, FTA reserved the right to reassess the need 
for a waiver based on the changing market for microcomputers. Since 
both the international and domestic market for microcomputers has 
changed since the permanent waiver was issued, FTA is soliciting 
comments as to whether this waiver should be revoked, modified or 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           10/08/99                    64 FR 54855

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State, Local, Tribal

Agency Contact: Meghan Ludtke, Attorney Advisor, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Room 9316, 400 Seventh 
Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4011
Fax: 202 366-3809

RIN: 2132-AA68


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5330

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 659

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Due to the receipt of an adverse comment, FTA withdrew the 
direct final rule issued on June 11, 2002, which would have amended the 
definition of``accident''. The agency concluded that coordination with 
other stakeholders is warranted but has been required to expend its 
resources on other security initiatives during this last year. For 
these reasons, this rulemaking will be held in abeyance while the next 
course of action is determined.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Direct Final Rule               04/03/02                    67 FR 15725
Withdrawal of Direct Final Rule 07/01/02                    67 FR 44091

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State, Local

Federalism:  This action may have federalism implications as defined in 
EO 13132.

Agency Contact: Jerry Fisher, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Transit Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-2896

Meghan Ludtke, Attorney Advisor, Department of Transportation, Federal 
Transit Administration, Room 9316, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, 
DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4011
Fax: 202 366-3809

RIN: 2132-AA69


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 134; 23 USC 135; 23 USC 315; 49 USC 5305 to 

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 450; 49 CFR 1.48(b); 49 CFR 1.51

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: On May 25, 2000, the FHWA and FTA jointly published an NPRM 
on statewide and metropolitan transportation planning (RIN 2125-AE62; 
2132-AA66). The agencies have carefully considered all of the data, 
recommendations, and ongoing issues with respect to statewide and 
metropolitan transportation planning. In light of the current 
situation, the agencies are proposing to amend 23 CFR 450 to include 
provisions related to consultation with non-metropolitan, local 
officials and further refine processes related to public involvement.
The purpose of this proposal is to ensure that the concerns of local 
and rural transportation officials are adequately represented in 
Federal transportation planning activities. This proposal is in 
addition to the section on consultation with non-metropolitan local 
officials that was proposed in the NPRM in May 2000.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Supplemental NPRM               06/19/02                    67 FR 41648
SNPRM Comment Period Extended   08/15/02                    67 FR 53326
SNPRM Comment Period End        09/19/02

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Agency Contact: Scott A. Biehl, Assistant Chief Counsel, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0952
Fax: 202 366-3809

Related RIN: Related To 2125-AE95
RIN: 2132-AA75

[[Page 74972]]


Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 109, 128, 134, 138 and 315; 42 USC 2000d-2000d-
4, 4321 et seq. and 7401 et seq.; 49 USC 303 , 5301(e), 5303, 5309 and 
5324(b) and (c); 49 CFR 1.48 and 1.51; 33 CFR 115.60(b); 40 CFR 1500 to 

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 771; 23 CFR 1420; 23 CFR 1430; 49 CFR 622; 49 CFR 

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The agencies withdraw this proposed rulemaking proceeding 
that proposed to update and revise our National Environmental Policy 
Act (NEPA) implementation regulation for projects funded or approved by 
the FHWA or the FTA. The agencies intended to modify the regulation to 
reflect experience gained in administering these requirements and 
substantial changes in legislation that occurred since the regulations 
were issued in 1987. The agencies have determined that the proposed 
changes generated such diversity and disparity of comments that 
substantial further work is necessary to develop new proposals and 
accomodate these comments.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/25/00                    65 FR 33960
NPRM Comment Period Extended    07/07/00                    65 FR 41892
NPRM Comment Period End         09/23/00
Withdrawn                       09/20/02                    67 FR 59225

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: The corresponding FHWA RIN is 2125-AE64. This 
incorporates the issues contained in RIN 2125-AD32.

Agency Contact: Scott A. Biehl, Assistant Chief Counsel, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0952
Fax: 202 366-3809

RIN: 2132-AA43


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 105-178, sec 3008; 49 USC 5308

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 624

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Section 3008 of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st 
Century establishes the Clean Fuels Formula Grant Program. This grant 
program will assist transit systems in purchasing or leasing clean fuel 
vehicles; constructing clean fuel or electrical re-charging facilities; 
modifying existing garage facilities to accommodate clean fuel 
vehicles; repowering pre-1993 engines with clean fuel technology which 
meets the current bus emission standards; and retrofitting or 
rebuilding pre-1993 engines before their half-life for rebuilding. This 
provision requires the Secretary to issue an implementing regulation 
that sets forth eligibility requirements and an apportionment formula 
for eligible projects. In FY 1999, all funds were apportioned to 
earmarked projects. This action is considered significant because of 
considerable congressional and public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/28/01                    66 FR 45551
NPRM Comment Period End         10/21/01
Final Action                    06/11/02                    67 FR 40100
Correction                      06/18/02                    67 FR 41579
Final Action Effective          07/11/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: Local

Agency Contact: Scheryl Portee, Attorney Advisor, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-1936
Fax: 202 366-3809

RIN: 2132-AA64


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 23 USC 134; 23 USC 135; 23 USC 315; 42 USC 7410 et 
seq.; 49 USC 5303 to 5305; 49 CFR 1.48 and 1.51

CFR Citation: 23 CFR 450; 23 CFR 1410; 49 CFR 613; 49 CFR 621

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: FHWA amd FTA partially withdraw the proposed rulemaking in 
which the agencies proposed to amend the requirements on Statewide and 
metropolitan planning. The partial withdrawal is based on the level of 
critical comment received and the development of alternate means for 
implementing the topics addressed in the NPRM and the pendency of 
reauthorization of the surface transportation program. The agencies 
withdraw this proposed rulemaking except for the sections that relate 
to ``consultation with nonmetropolitan local officials,'' which is 
addressed in the SNPRM published on June 19, 2002, at 67 FR 41648.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/25/00                    65 FR 33922
NPRM Comment Period Extended    07/07/00                    65 FR 41891
NPRM Comment Period End         09/23/00
Partial Withdrawal              09/20/02                    67 FR 59219

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Governmental Jurisdictions

Government Levels Affected: State, Local

Additional Information: The corresponding FHWA RIN is 2125-AE62.

Agency Contact: Scott A. Biehl, Assistant Chief Counsel, Department of 
Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-0952
Fax: 202 366-3809

RIN: 2132-AA66

[[Page 74973]]


Department of Transportation (DOT)                        Prerule Stage

Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 48 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 175

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Part 175 is being revised and rewritten in order to simplify 
and clarify the requirements, further align them with the international 
requirements (ICAO) and eliminate obsolete requirements.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           02/26/02                     67 FR 8769
Comment Period Extended         05/13/02                    67 FR 32002
ANPRM Comment Period End        05/31/02
Comment Period End              11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Organizations, Businesses, Governmental 

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. HM-228; RSPA-02-11654.

Agency Contact: Deborah Boothe, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD18


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 173; 49 CFR 180

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking will address requirements to reduce the risks 
associated with the retention of flammable liquid in unprotected 
product piping on a cargo tank motor vehicle during transportation 
(wetlines). It responds to an NTSB recommendation. It is significant 
because of industry concerns about its cost implications.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM Docket: HM-213B; RSPA-99-6223.

Agency Contact: Michael Stevens, Transportation Specialist, Department 
of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD36


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 173

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: RSPA is proposing to clarify current inspection requirements 
for frangible discs in pressure relief devices on rail tank cars used 
to transport hazardous materials.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM Docket: HM-216A

Agency Contact: Eileen Edmonson, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD57


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5103, 60102, 60103, 60104, 60108, 60109, 60110, 
60113, and 60118

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 191; 49 CFR 193; 49 CFR 195

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: More than 70 voluntary consensus technical standards are 
incorporated by reference in the Federal gas pipeline, hazardous liquid 
pipeline, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) safety regulations. The 
Office of Pipeline Safety will propose to incorporate updated standards 
early in each calendar year.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No RSPA-02-11457.

Agency Contact: Richard D. Huriaux, Director, Technology & Regulations, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4565

RIN: 2137-AD68

[[Page 74974]]


Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage

Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 60101 to 60125

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 192

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, October 24, 1994.

Abstract: The existing definition of ``gathering line'' would be 
clearly defined to eliminate confusion in distinguishing these 
pipelines from transmission lines in rural areas. The costs should be 
minimal since the definition will conform to prevailing practices in 
government and industry.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/25/91                    56 FR 48505
Request for Comments            03/11/99                    64 FR 12147
Electronic Public Meeting       04/13/99                    64 FR 12147
Extension of Comment Period     04/30/99                    64 FR 23256
Comment Period Ends             07/07/99                    64 FR 23256
Second NPRM                     03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-98-4868 (Formerly PS-122).
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 09/25/91, 56 FR 48505

Agency Contact: L.E. Herrick, Transportation Specialist, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5523

RIN: 2137-AB15


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 60101 to 60125

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 192; 49 CFR 195

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, October 24, 1995.

Abstract: This action would require operators of natural gas and 
hazardous liquid pipelines to conduct periodic underwater inspections 
of offshore pipelines and those in navigable waterways. This action 
would also define what constitutes an exposed underwater pipeline and 
what constitutes a hazard to navigation.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-97-3001. This action could 
include requirements for the reburial of exposed pipelines. Under an 
OPS contract, Texas A&M University completed a study of the issues 
related to burial depth and inspection requirements for underwater 
An NPRM is being drafted that will incorporate the Texas A&M 
recommendation for a risk-based approach.

Agency Contact: L.E. Herrick, Transportation Specialist, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5523

RIN: 2137-AC54


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 60101 to 60125

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 192

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action would change miscellaneous gas pipeline safety 
standards to provide clarity, eliminate unnecessary or overly 
burdensome requirements, and foster economic growth. The proposed 
changes result from RSPA's further review of the standards and changes 
recommended by the National Association of Pipeline Safety 
Representatives (NAPSR) in its November 1992 report on the standards 
and by the State Industry Regulatory Review Committee in its April 26, 
1999 report. The proposed changes would reduce costs in the pipeline 
industry without compromising safety.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-02-13208. Formerly Docket No. 
PS-124. The NAPSR report was published November 9, 1993, at 58 FR 
59431, as part of the earlier review of the standards.
Early in 1992, RSPA began an extensive review of the Federal gas 
pipeline safety regulations (49 CFR 192) and invited the public to 
participate (57 FR 4745; February 7, 1992). RSPA published a notice of 
proposed rulemaking (NPRM), proposing changes to 38 regulations in part 
192 (Notice 1: 57 FR 39572; August 31, 1992). In addition, the National 
Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives (NAPSR) reported on a 
separate but related review of part 192. Because the NAPSR report 
concerned a few of the regulations covered by the NPRM and had similar 
objectives, we published the report and requested public comment on its 
various recommended rule changes (Notice 2: 58 FR 59431; November 9, 
1992) and later extended the comment period (Notice 3: 58 FR 68382; 
December 27, 1993). A final rule was published on June 6, 1996.
However, not all the changes suggested by the commenters were 
incorporated in the final rule. A further review of the regulations in 
part 192, based on the record in this docket, was initiated in late 
1996. This review identified proposals from the Gas Piping Technology 
Committee (GPTC), the ASME B31.8 (gas pipeline safety standards) 
committee, and NAPSR that have not yet been addressed.
In October 1997, NAPSR and the gas pipeline industry formed the State 
Industry Regulatory Review Committee (SIRRC) to discuss the regulatory 
proposals of NAPSR and other issues. On May 3, 1999, the SIRRC provided 
OPS a report on outcome of the discussion on 39 proposed changes in the 
gas pipeline safety regulations.
Most of the SIRRC recommendations will be addressed in a subsequent 
notice of proposed rulemaking. However, the welding recommendations are 
being adopted in

[[Page 74975]]

the periodic update (Docket No. RSPA-99-6106 RIN 2137-AD35). And the 
corrosion control recommendations are being considered in a review of 
the gas pipeline corrosion regulations in RIN 2137-AD63.

Agency Contact: L.M. Furrow, Manager, Regulations, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4559
Fax: 202 366-4566
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD01


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 171; 49 CFR 172

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking action would amend the Hazardous Materials 
Regulations (HMR) to continue improving the hazard communication 
requirements to better identify hazardous materials in transportation, 
in response to several petitions for rulemaking and RSPA initiatives. 
The primary areas addressed are shipping papers, marking, labeling, and 
placarding requirements. The proposed action is intended to improve 
safety for transportation workers, emergency responders, and the 
public. The effect of the proposed regulatory action would be to 
simplify, clarify, correct, or provide relief from certain regulatory 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. HM-206B; RSPA-99-5005.

Agency Contact: Helen L. Engrum, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD28


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 172; 49 CFR 175

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: RSPA proposes to amend the Hazardous Materials Regulations to 
require oxygen cylinders and oxygen generators, when transported aboard 
aircraft, to be packed in an outer packaging that meets prescribed 
thermal and heat resistance requirements. These requirements will 
increase the level of safety associated with transportation of 
oxidizing gases by air. This rule has no impact on the use of 
passenger-owned oxygen cylinders. This rule is significant due to 
public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: HM Docket: HM-224B. A separate rulemaking 
addressing the use of passenger-owned cylinders of oxygen during a 
flight is under RIN 2105-AC29. Previously titled Hazardous Materials 
Safety: Transportation of Oxygen Cylinders on Aircraft.

Agency Contact: John A. Gale, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD33


 Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 111 in part II of this issue 
of the Federal Register.

RIN: 2137-AD54


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 171 to 180

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: To amend the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR 
Parts 171-180) to maintain alignment with international standards by 
incorporating numerous changes to proper shipping names, hazard 
classes, packing groups, special provisions, packaging authorizations, 
air transport quantity limitations and vessel stowage requirements.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket HM-215E.

Agency Contact: Joan McIntyre, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD66

[[Page 74976]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 et seq; 49 USC 322; ...

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 397

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This is a joint rulemaking action. The Research and Special 
Programs Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration are examining the need for enhanced security 
requirements for motor carrier transportation of hazardous materials. 
The two agencies are seeking comments on the feasibility of specific 
security enhancements and the potential costs and benefits of deploying 
such enhancements.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           07/16/02                    67 FR 46622
ANPRM Comment Period End        10/15/02
NPRM                            04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Federalism:  Undetermined

Additional Information: FMCSA RIN 2136-AA71
Docket No. HM-232A

Agency Contact: Susan Gorsky, Senior Regulations Specialist, Department 
of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD70


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 171 to 173; 49 CFR 177 to 178

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rule proposes to make miscellaneous amendments to the 
hazardous materials regulations based on petitions for rulemaking and 
RSPA's initiatives.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM Docket: HM-218B

Agency Contact: Gigi L. Corbin, Transportation Specialist, Department 
of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Fax: 202 366-3012
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD73


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 171 to 173

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking proposes to revise the packaging for Division 
1.5 explosives (blasting agents) and current ammonium nitrate mixtures 
to authorize transportation in certain bulk packagings, currently 
authorized under exemptions.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket: HM-235

Agency Contact: Helen L. Engrum, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD75


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5103, 60102, 60104, 60108, 60109, 60113, 60118; 
and 49 CFR 1.53.

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 192; 49 CFR 195

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: RSPA aims to implement a requirement that all gas 
transmission and hazardous liquid operators submit pipeline geospatial 
data to the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS). This rule covers 
interstate and intrastate pipelines and offshore pipelines under the 
jurisdiction of the Research and Special Programs Administration. The 
proposed rule will address the procedures by which pipeline operators 
create, submit and maintain the data submitted to the NPMS.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-97-2426.

Agency Contact: Steve Fischer, GIS Manager, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Room 
7128, 400 7th Street, SW, Wasington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4566
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD76

[[Page 74977]]


Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 60101 to 60125

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 194

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, August 18, 1992.

Abstract: The interim final rule established regulations requiring 
response plans for certain onshore oil pipelines. Those regulations are 
mandated by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended by the 
Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-380). Pipeline operators filed 
response plans under this interim final rule, and numerous tabletop 
exercises and area exercises have been conducted to validate the 
planning process. The purpose of these requirements is to improve 
response capabilities and minimize the impact of onshore oil spills 
from pipelines. This rule is significant because of substantial public 
and congressional interest. A final rule incorporating the comments 
will be published in December 2002.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              01/05/93                      58 FR 244
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      02/19/93
Notice of Public Meeting        06/15/94                    59 FR 30755
Notice of Public Hearing        11/29/96                    61 FR 60679
Correction                      01/21/97                     62 FR 2989
Final Rule                      12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. PS-130.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 01/05/93, 58 FR 244

Agency Contact: James Taylor, Response Plans Officer, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8860

RIN: 2137-AC30


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 172; 49 CFR 174; 49 CFR 175; 49 CFR 176; 49 CFR 

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action amends the Hazardous Materials Regulations by 
requiring shippers and carriers to retain a copy of the hazardous 
material shipping paper or an electronic image of the shipping paper 
for a period of 375 days. A one-year retention of shipping papers is a 
current statutory requirement in 49 U.S.C. 5110(e); this rule makes the 
public, which relies almost exclusively on the HMR, aware of this 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/12/01                    66 FR 47443
NPRM Comment Period End         11/13/01
Final Action                    07/12/02                    67 FR 46123
Final Action Effective          08/12/02
Response to Petitions           11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions, 

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. HM-207B; RSPA-01-10568.

Agency Contact: Deborah Boothe, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AC64


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 106 to 107; 49 CFR 171 to 180

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking proposes to better define the applicability 
of the Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) in order to 
clarify the relationship among Federal, State, local, and tribal 
agencies in the regulation of hazardous materials. Under circumstances 
specified in Federal statutes, the regulations of other Federal 
agencies (EPA and OSHA) and non-Federal governments (States, 
localities, and Indian tribes) must be consistent with or defer to 
RSPA's regulation of the transportation of hazardous materials in 
commerce. However, other Federal and non-Federal requirements are 
generally not limited where hazardous materials are not in 
transportation. Activities relating to loading, unloading, and storage 
of hazardous materials have become areas of particular uncertainty and 
concern to both industry and non-Federal governments. This action is 
significant because of the substantial public interest in reducing 
uncertainty and avoiding conflicting regulations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           07/29/96                    61 FR 39522
ANPRM Comment Period End        11/30/96
SANPRM                          04/27/99                    64 FR 22718
SANPRM Comment Period End 
Extended to 08/25/1999          07/26/99
NPRM                            06/14/01                    66 FR 32420
NPRM Comment Period Extended to 
08/02/2001 & Public Meetings    08/02/01                    66 FR 40174
NPRM Comment Period End         11/30/01
Final Action                    06/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: State, Local, Tribal, Federal

Federalism:  This action may have federalism implications as defined in 
EO 13132.

Additional Information: Docket No. HM-223; RSPA-98-4952. As a result of 
comments received to the ANPRM, we have upgraded this rulemaking to 

Agency Contact: Susan Gorsky, Senior Regulations Specialist, Department 
of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553

[[Page 74978]]

Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AC68


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 107; 49 CFR 173; 49 CFR 178; 49 CFR 180

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking revises and clarifies certain manufacturing, 
maintenance and use requirements pertaining to cargo tank motor 
vehicles that may be used for hazardous materials transportation. FMCSA 
inspections have resulted in a preliminary determination that these 
regulations need to be amended to make them more practical, 
understandable, and enforceable.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/04/01                    66 FR 63905
NPRM Comment Period Extended    02/01/02                     67 FR 4941
NPRM Comment Period End         04/04/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Organizations, Businesses, Governmental 

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM-213; RSPA-98-3554.

Agency Contact: Michael Johnsen, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AC90


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 49 USC 60101 to 60128

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 195

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In 1995, the National Association of Pipeline Safety 
Representatives (NAPSR) completed its review of the hazardous liquid 
pipeline safety regulations. NAPSR provided RSPA with 28 
recommendations for changes to 49 CFR part 195, the hazardous liquid 
pipeline regulations. NAPSR's recommendations are aimed at making the 
regulations more explicit, understandable, and enforceable. This action 
would address the need to change part 195 as NAPSR recommended.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/06/02                    67 FR 56970
Final Rule                      02/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-97-2717.

Agency Contact: L. M. Furrow, Regulations Manager, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4559

RIN: 2137-AD10


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5105 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 171

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would revise the hazardous materials incident 
reporting regulations in 49 CFR part 171, including the hazardous 
materials incident report (form 5800.1). The goal of this rulemaking is 
to simplify, update and review the requirements while enhancing the 
ability of the Research and Special Programs Administration and the DOT 
modal administrations to gather information vital to increasing safety 
of transporting hazardous materials.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           03/23/99                    64 FR 13943
ANPRM Comment Period End        06/21/99
NPRM                            07/03/01                    66 FR 35155
NPRM Comment Period End         10/01/01
Final Action                    04/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions, 

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Additional Information: Docket No. HM-229; RSPA-99-5013.

Agency Contact: Michael Johnsen, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD21


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 172; 49 CFR 175

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The rulemaking addresses safety recommendations from the 
National Transportation Safety Board to require that air carriers 
transporting hazardous materials have the means, 24 hours per day, to 
quickly retrieve and provide to emergency responders consolidated 
specific information about the identity and location of all hazardous 
materials on an aircraft in a timely manner.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           08/15/00                    65 FR 49777
ANPRM Comment Period End        11/13/00
NPRM                            02/13/02                     67 FR 6669
NPRM Comment Period End         04/26/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

[[Page 74979]]

Additional Information: Docket No. HM-206C; RSPA-00-7762.

Agency Contact: Gigi L. Corbin, Transportation Specialist, Department 
of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Fax: 202 366-3012
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD29


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 60101 et seq

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 190; 49 CFR 191; 49 CFR 192; 49 CFR 195

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This periodic update revises and updates the pipeline safety 
regulations to provide clarity and remove unnecessary burdens to the 
regulated pipeline community. Revisions include updated references to 
voluntary specifications and standards incorporated by reference in the 
pipeline safety regulations, and various clarifications and grammatical 
corrections. These updates reflect the most recent editions of each 
specification and standard incorporated by reference. These updates 
enable pipeline operators to utilize current technology, materials, and 
practices, thereby reducing costs and enhancing economic growth.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/22/00                    65 FR 15290
NPRM Comment Period End         05/22/00
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-99-6106

Agency Contact: Richard D. Huriaux, Director, Technology & Regulations, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4565

RIN: 2137-AD35


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 60101 et seq

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 192; 49 CFR 195

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This proposed rule would implement a provision of the 
December 10, 1996 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the 
Department of the Interior (DOI) and the Department of Transportation 
(DOT) regarding Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Pipelines. This rule 
would address producer-operated pipelines that cross into State waters 
without first connecting with a transporting operator's facility on the 
OCS. It is complementary to the Direct Final Rule that addressed OCS 
oil or gas pipelines located upstream of the points at which operating 
responsibility for the pipelines transfers from a producing operator to 
a transporting operator (62 FR 61692, November 19, 1997; and 63 FR 
126598, March 16, 1998). The proposed rule also would address the 
procedures by which producer and transportation pipeline operators 
would petition for permission to operate under either DOT or DOI 
regulations governing pipeline design, construction, operation, and 
maintenance according to the operational circumstances of their 
respective pipelines.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/05/02                    67 FR 15355
Final Rule                      12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-99-6132.

Agency Contact: L.E. Herrick, Transportation Specialist, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5523

RIN: 2137-AD42


Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1321; 49 USC 5101 to 5127, 44701, 60101 et seq; 
PL 104-121, sec 212 to 213; 49 CFR 1.45 and 1.53

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 171 to 180; 49 CFR 190 to 199

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Modifies or adds the definition of ``Administrator'' for 
clarification and consistency within the RSPA regulations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Agency Contact: Astrid Lopez-Goldberg, Attorney, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration
Phone: 202 366-4400

RIN: 2137-AD43


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 177

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: RSPA is responding to a petition for rulemaking regarding the 
requirements applicable to the unloading of intermodal (IM) portable 
tanks while on a transport vehicle.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            02/22/02                     67 FR 8220
NPRM Comment Period End         04/08/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM-218A; RSPA-01-10533.

[[Page 74980]]

Agency Contact: Joan McIntyre, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD44


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 172 to 175

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: RSPA is revising requirements applicable to lithium batteries 
for consistency with international requirements.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/02/02                    67 FR 15510
NPRM Comment Period End         06/14/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM Docket: HM-224C

Agency Contact: John A. Gale, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD48


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 107

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: RSPA proposed to reduce the hazmat registration fee for all 
persons who transport or offer for transportation certain categories 
and quantities of hazmat, replace the reference to the standard 
industrial classification (SIC) code with the North American Industry 
Classification System (NAICS), and clarify the registration fee for 
not-for-profit organizations. RSPA is delaying final action on these 
proposals because of their interaction with final action on the FY 2003 
Federal budget.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/07/00                    65 FR 76890
NPRM Comment Period End         02/02/01
NPRM; Status                    05/02/01                    66 FR 22080
Final Rule                      03/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. HM-208D; RSPA-00-8439.

Agency Contact: Deborah Boothe, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD53


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5103; 49 USC 60102; 49 USC 60104; 49 USC 60108; 
49 USC 60109; 49 USC 60118; 49 CFR 1.53

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 195

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the pipeline safety regulations 
to require hazardous liquid pipeline operators to submit a Hazardous 
Liquid Operator Annual Report. The information on the hazardous liquid 
operator annual report form is needed to normalize hazardous liquid 
accident information for identifying safety trends in the accident 
data. The inventory information that the annual report would provide 
addresses a major deficiency in the current information collection. 
Through a separate rulemaking, RSPA is also improving the hazardous 
liquid accident form by expanding ``failure cause'' categories and 
collecting more detailed information about the impact of failed 
pipelines. Together with the improved hazardous liquid accident report, 
the proposed Hazardous Liquid Operator Annual Report will address the 
concerns of RSPA/OPS, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), 
Congress, and others, increase the overall usefulness of the data, and 
make analysis more efficient and meaningful.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/26/02                    67 FR 48844
Final Rule                      12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-01-9832.

Agency Contact: Roger Little, Department of Transportation, Research 
and Special Programs Administration
Phone: 202 366-4569

RIN: 2137-AD59


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 107; 49 CFR 172; 49 CFR 173; 49 CFR 177; 49 CFR 

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This interim final rule will establish certain requirements 
designed to enhance the security of hazardous materials in 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            05/02/02                    67 FR 22028
Comment Period Extended         05/23/02                    67 FR 36138
NPRM Comment Period End         07/03/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket HM-232; RSPA-02-12064.

Agency Contact: Susan Gorsky, Senior Regulations Specialist, Department 
of Transportation, Research and Special

[[Page 74981]]

Programs Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD67


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 et seq; 49 USC 322

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 397

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This is a joint rulemaking. The Research and Special Programs 
Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration are 
proposing to eliminate an outdated requirement for operators of motor 
vehicles transporting hazardous materials to stop periodically to check 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/16/02                    67 FR 46624
NPRM Comment Period End         08/15/02
Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. HM-232B; RSPA-02-12773.

Agency Contact: Susan Gorsky, Senior Regulations Specialist, Department 
of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD69


Priority: Info./Admin./Other

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 et seq

CFR Citation: 49 CFR app A to subpart D

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This final rule will make revisions to RSPA's guidelines in 
appendix A to 49 CFR part 107, subpart D, which set forth policy and 
procedures for assessing civil penalties for violations of the Federal 
Hazardous Materials Transportation Law and the Hazardous Materials 
Regulations. This rule will add baseline penalty amounts for additional 
violations, adjust baseline penalty amounts for other violations, and 
state that RSPA now considers prior violations for 6 years rather than 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Nancy Machado, Attorney, Department of Transportation, 
Research and Special Programs Administration
Phone: 202 366-4400
Fax: 202 366-7041

RIN: 2137-AD71

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions

Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 60101 to 60125

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 192; 49 CFR 195

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: A final rule (59 FR 17275; April 12, 1994) amended the gas 
and hazardous liquid pipeline safety regulations to require that new 
and certain replacement pipelines be designed and constructed to 
accommodate the passage of instrumented internal inspection devices 
('smart pigs'). This action was in response to a mandate in the 
pipeline Safety Reauthorization Act of 1988. The intended effect of 
amended regulations was to improve the safety of gas, hazard liquid, 
and carbon dioxide pipelines by permitting their inspection by `smart 
pigs' using the latest technology for detecting and recording 
abnormalities in the pipe wall. This rule required new and replacement 
pipelines to be capable of passing a `pig' for internal inspection.
In response to two petitions for reconsideration, Notice 2 (59 FR 
49896; September 30, 1994) was published to extend the compliance date 
for existing gas transmission lines and to modify the requirements for 
modification of line sections based on partial replacement of gas 
transmission pipelines located offshore and in rural areas. 
Subsequently, Notice 3 (60 FR 7133; February 7, 1995) was published to 
suspend enforcement of the final rule requirements for new and existing 
offshore gas transmission lines and for modifications to line segments 
based on partial replacement of pipe in existing onshore gas 
transmission lines. Nonetheless, hazardous liquid pipelines, carbon 
dioxide pipelines, new onshore gas transmission lines, and the actual 
replaced components in existing onshore gas transmission lines must 
comply with the final rule of April 1994. The next action is 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            11/20/92                    57 FR 54745
NPRM Comment Period End         01/19/93
Final Rule                      04/12/94                    59 FR 17275
NPRM                            09/30/94                    59 FR 49896
NPRM Correction                 10/19/94                    59 FR 52863
Limited Suspension of 
Enforcement                     02/07/95                     60 FR 7133

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. PS-126. The integrity testing 
proposal in Proposals for Pipeline Safety, RIN 2137-AB27, was 
consolidated, in part, into this rulemaking. The final rule (59 FR 
17275; April 12, 1994) amended the gas and hazardous liquid pipeline 
safety regulations to require that new and

[[Page 74982]]

certain replacement pipelines be designed and constructed to 
accommodate the passage of instrumented internal inspection devices 
('smart pigs'). This action was in response to a mandate in the 
Pipeline Safety Reauthorization Act of 1988. The intended effect of 
these amended regulations was to improve the safety of gas, hazardous 
liquid, and carbon dioxide pipelines by permitting their inspection by 
`smart pigs' using the latest technology for detecting and recording 
abnormalities in the pipe wall. This rule required new and replacement 
pipelines to be capable of passing a `pig' for internal inspection.
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 04/12/94, 59 FR 17275

Agency Contact: Richard D. Huriaux, Director, Technology & Regulations, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4565

RIN: 2137-AB71


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5701 to 5714

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1

Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, August 1, 1991.

Abstract: The Sanitary Food Transportation Act of 1990 (49 USC 5701 et 
seq.) requires the Secretary of Transportation, in consultation with 
the Secretaries of Agriculture and Health and Human Services and the 
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, to issue 
regulations concerning the transportation of food, food additives, 
drugs, devices, and cosmetics in motor and rail vehicles also used to 
transport nonfood products that could pose an unreasonable danger to 
human or animal health when so transported. This rulemaking will 
implement the statutory requirements. This rulemaking is significant 
because of substantial public and congressional interest. RSPA's next 
action is undetermined because it has requested personnel resources 
from Congress necessary to perform these food safety functions.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           02/20/91                     56 FR 6934
ANPRM Comment Period Extended to 
04/29/1991                      03/21/91                    56 FR 11982
NPRM                            05/21/93                    58 FR 29698
Notice of Public Hearing        05/21/93                    58 FR 29698
NPRM Comment Period End         10/18/93

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions, 

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation, 05/21/93, 58 
FR 29698

Agency Contact: Michael Johnsen, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AC00


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 178

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The purpose of this advance notice of proposed rulemaking is 
to request comments concerning the need, if any, for amending the 
Hazardous Materials Regulations with regard to standards for cargo tank 
rollover protection devices on specification DOT 406, 407 and 412 cargo 
tank motor vehicles.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           11/16/99                    64 FR 62161
ANPRM Comment Period End        05/15/00

Next Action Undetermined

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: HM Docket: HM-213A; RSPA-99-5921.

Agency Contact: Michael Stevens, Transportation Specialist, Department 
of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD34


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 171 to 180

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking proposes to harmonize the requirements for 
the packaging and transportation of Class 7 (radioactive) materials 
with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regulations for the 
safe transportation of radioactive material and the United Nations 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           12/28/99                    64 FR 72633
ANPRM Comment Period Extended   03/01/00                    65 FR 11028
ANPRM Comment Period End        03/29/00
ANPRM Comment Period End        06/29/00
NPRM                            04/30/02                    67 FR 21328
NPRM Comment Period End         07/29/02
Final Action                    10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM-230; RSPA-99-6283.

Agency Contact: Charles E. Betts, Transportation Regulations 
Specialist, Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD40

[[Page 74983]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101-5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 172

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The NPRM proposed to update the Hazardous Waste Manifest 
requirements to accommodate changes the Environmental Protection Agency 
has proposed, including the use of electronic versions of the Hazardous 
Waste Manifest and electronic signatures.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/08/01                    66 FR 41490
NPRM Comment Period End         10/04/01
Final Action                    12/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: State, Local, Tribal, Federal

Additional Information: HM Docket: HM-206E; RSPA-01-10292.

Agency Contact: Michael Johnsen, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD50

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions

Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 172; 49 CFR 173; 49 CFR 178

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking proposed to amend the Hazardous Materials 
Regulations (HMR) by updating and consolidating requirements for the 
manufacture, maintenance, requalification, repair, and use of 
compressed gas cylinders. Because of significant adverse comment, this 
rulemaking will be terminated. RSPA will address the proposals in this 
rulemaking applicable to maintenance, requalification and repair of DOT 
specification cylinders; approval for cylinder requalifiers, 
independent inspection agencies, and non-domestic chemical analyses and 
tests in a final rule under RIN 2137-AD58. Cylinder manufacturing 
issues will be addressed in a separate rulemaking action.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/30/98                    63 FR 58460
NPRM Comment Period Extended to 
09/30/1999                      05/28/99                    64 FR 28065
NPRM Comment Period End         05/28/99
Withdrawn                       02/13/02                     67 FR 6667

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Formerly entitled Review: Consolidation of 
Specifications for High-Pressure Seamless Cylinders. Docket No. HM-220.

Agency Contact: Charles E. Betts, Transportation Regulations 
Specialist, Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AA92


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 178

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Certain DOT 3AL cylinders made of aluminum alloy 6351 have 
developed cracks during service, and occasionally leaks developed 
resulting in loss of contents. The ANPRM was intended to alert and 
inform all persons possessing these cylinders of the problems, identify 
those cylinders at risk, and suggest steps to minimize risks. Safety 
issues will be handled and this rulemaking addressed under RIN 2137-


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           07/10/87                    52 FR 26027
ANPRM Comment Period End        08/10/87
Final Action                    08/08/02                    67 FR 51626
Final Action Effective          10/01/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions, 

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: Docket No. HM-176A. Safety issues originally 
considered by this action are being addressed in Docket HM-220D, RIN 
ANALYSIS: Regulatory Evaluation

Agency Contact: Charles E. Betts, Transportation Regulations 
Specialist, Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AB51


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 33 USC 1321; 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 171; 49 CFR 172; 49 CFR 173; 49 CFR 174; 49 CFR 
175; 49 CFR 176; 49 CFR 177; 49 CFR 178

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking amends the Hazardous Materials Regulations to 
provide for the transport of infectious medical waste in bulk 
packagings, remove the blanket exception for transporting biological 
products and diagnostic specimens, and revises the

[[Page 74984]]

definition, hazardous communication, and packaging requirements for 
other infectious substances and genetically modified microorganisms to 
make them consistent with international transportation requirements. 
RSPA held a public meeting on the ANPRM via the Internet.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           09/02/98                    63 FR 46844
ANPRM Comment Period End        12/01/98
NPRM                            01/22/01                     66 FR 7942
NPRM Comment Period End         04/23/01
Final Action                    08/14/02                    67 FR 53118
Final Rule Correction           08/27/02                    67 FR 54967
Final Action Effective          02/14/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Organizations

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. HM-226. DMS Docket No. RSPA- 98-

Agency Contact: Susan Gorsky, Senior Regulations Specialist, Department 
of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD13


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 106; 49 CFR 107

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This rulemaking makes minor substantive changes to 49 CFR 
parts 106 and 107 of the hazardous materials procedural regulations, 
and results in a revision of those parts in language that is easier to 
understand. This action was taken to update RSPA's hazardous materials 
procedural regulations and to rewrite the current requirements to be 
more user-friendly.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/11/98                    63 FR 68624
NPRM Comment Period End         02/09/99
Final Rule                      06/25/02                    67 FR 42948
Final Rule Effective            07/25/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses, Governmental Jurisdictions, 

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-98-3974. (RSP-4)

Agency Contact: Karin V. Christian, Attorney, Room 8407, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4400
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD20


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 60101 to 60125

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 190.209; 49 CFR 190.213

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action sought to revise RSPA's pipeline safety 
enforcement procedures to minimize paperwork in uncontested cases where 
a person pays a proposed civil penalty or agrees to a proposed 
compliance order. The procedures will be changed to show that both 
responses are considered offenses in determining any future civil 
penalty assessments. These changes have been made without the need for 
a rulemaking. Therefore, this action is terminated.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/12/99                    64 FR 43972
NPRM Comment Period End         10/12/99
Withdrawn                       08/16/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-98-4284. The changes to part 
190 modify agency rules of practice and procedure.

Agency Contact: Linda Daugherty, Enforcement Officer, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4577
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD22


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 60101 to 60125

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 195.302

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Certain older pipelines in terminals and tank farms must be 
pressure tested before December 7, 2003. Based on a petition, RSPA is 
reconsidering this testing requirement in light of the risk and low 
operating stress of these pipelines. RSPA has stayed enforcement of the 
testing requirement against pipelines designed not to operate above 20 
percent of specified minimum yield strength. Because of the new 
integrity management rules issued in other dockets, there is no longer 
a need to separately address the risks and testing requirements for 
terminals and tank farms. Therefore, this action is terminated.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Withdrawn                       08/16/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Undetermined

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-98-4316. Notice requesting 
comment 2/10/98 (63 FR 6677) in Docket No. PS-121. Enforcement Stay (63 
FR 63210; November 12, 1998).

Agency Contact: Mike Israni, General Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4571
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD26

[[Page 74985]]



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 171 to 180

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In a final rule published on June 21, 2001, RSPA amended the 
Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) to maintain alignment with 
international standards, promulgated by the United Nations, the 
International Maritime Organization, the International Civil Aviation 
Organization, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, by 
incorporating numerous changes to proper shipping names, hazard 
classes, packing groups, special provisions, packaging authorizations, 
air-transport quantity limitations and vessel stowage requirements.
In a final rule published in the Federal Register on February 1, 2001, 
RSPA adopted some of the standards proposed in the NPRM.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/23/00                    65 FR 63294
NPRM Comment Period End         12/23/00
Final Rule                      02/01/01                     66 FR 8644
Final Rule                      06/21/01                    66 FR 33316
Correction                      04/03/02                    67 FR 15736
Final Action Effective          04/03/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM-215D. Docket No. RSPA-00-7702.

Agency Contact: Joan McIntyre, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD41


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5121; 49 USC 60102 to 60104; 49 USC 60117 to 
60118; 49 USC 60124; 49 CFR 1.53

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 195

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The rule will apply to hazardous liquid pipeline operators 
who own or operate less than 500 miles of pipelines. The rule will 
require integrity assessment of pipeline segments that could affect 
high-consequence areas, and consideration of additional preventive and 
mitigative actions to protect these locations from pipeline spills. OPS 
is proposing that an operator develop and follow an integrity 
management program that continually assesses and evaluates the 
integrity of those pipelines that could affect a high-consequence area, 
through internal inspection or pressure testing, and data integration 
and analysis.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            03/21/01                    66 FR 15821
NPRM Comment Period End         05/21/01
Final Action                    01/16/02                     67 FR 2136

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-00-7408.

Agency Contact: L.M. Furrow, Manager, Regulations, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4559
Fax: 202 366-4566
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD49


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 107; 49 CFR 171 to 173; 49 CFR 177 to 178; 49 CFR 

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The rulemaking makes changes to the Hazardous Materials 
Regulations to revise the requirements for maintenance, requalification 
and repair of all DOT specification cylinders. In addition it revises 
the requirements for approval of cylinder requalifiers, independent 
inspection agencies, and nondomestic chemical analysis and tests, and 
revises certain requirements in certain cylinder inspections. Certain 
cylinder manufacturing proposals will be handled in a separate 
rulemaking action. The NPRM was under RIN 2127-AA92.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/30/98                    63 FR 38460
NPRM Comment Period End         09/30/99                    64 FR 28965
Final Action                    08/08/02                    67 FR 51626
Final Action - Extension of 
Compliance Dates and Corrections09/30/02                    67 FR 61287
Final Action Effective          10/01/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM Docket: HM-220D; RSPA-01-10373.

Agency Contact: Charles E. Betts, Transportation Regulations 
Specialist, Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD58


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5103, 60102, 60104, 60108, 60110, 601132, 
60118; 49 CFR 1.53

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 192; 49 CFR 195

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: In connection with the series of rules on Pipeline Integrity 
Management in High-Consequence

[[Page 74986]]

Areas, the Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) had planned to propose 
related rules governing operator communications with local public 
officials and agencies. The issuance of integrity management rules for 
hazardous liquid pipelines and the upcoming proposed rule for gas 
transmission pipelines, along with voluntary communications efforts by 
the pipeline industry and regulators, eliminates the need for action in 
this docket. Therefore, this action is terminated.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Withdrawn                       08/16/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-00-7795.

Agency Contact: Mike Israni, General Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4571
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD62


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5103, 60102, 60104, 60108, 60109, 60113, 60118; 
49 CFR 1.53

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 192

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The corrosion-control regulations for gas pipelines would be 
revised to incorporate the latest safety practices for corrosion 
protection of steel pipe. Any changes would be comparable to the 
requirements for hazardous liquid and carbon dioxide pipelines in 49 
CFR part 195. At this time, the gas pipeline corrosion regulations are 
consistent with the latest standards. Therefore, no action is needed 
and this matter is terminated.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Withdrawn                       08/16/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-01-10337. Information in Docket 
No. RSPA-97-2762 (RIN 2137-AD24) will be considered in this proceeding.

Agency Contact: L.M. Furrow, Manager, Regulations, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4559
Fax: 202 366-4566
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD63


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5103, 60102, 60104, 60108, 60109, 60118 and 49 
CFR 1.53

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 192

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) considers ``high-
consequence'' areas (HCA) to be areas where the potential consequences 
of a gas pipeline accident may be significant, including the risk of 
significant harm to people and property. For gas transmission 
pipelines, this rulemaking proposes to define HCAs to include all Class 
3 and 4 areas (as specified in part 192); any areas within 660 feet of 
the pipeline (or within 1,000 feet where the pipeline is greater than 
30 inches in diameter and operates at maximum allowable operating 
pressure (MAOP) of 100 pounds per square inch (psig) or greater) where 
there are hospitals, schools, day-care centers, retirement homes, 
prisons, or other hard-to-evacuate places occupied by 20 or more 
persons where at least 20 people congregate at least 50 days in any 12-
month period (such as beaches, recreational facilities, camping grounds 
and museums, etc.).


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            01/09/02                     67 FR 1108
Final Rule                      08/06/02                    67 FR 50824
Final Rule Effective            09/05/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: State

Additional Information: Docket No. RSPA-00-7666. This proceeding 
relates to RIN 2137-AD54.

Agency Contact: Mike Israni, General Engineer, Department of 
Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, 400 
Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4571
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD64


Priority: Routine and Frequent

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 172

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: RSPA is making minor revisions, additions, and deletions to 
the Hazardous Substances Reportable Quantities (RQ) Table to reflect 
changes in the 42 CFR section 302.4 table which designates hazardous 
substances and their reportable quantities under the Comprehensive 
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). This 
action is necessary to comply with the Superfund Amendments and 
Reauthorization Act (LSARA) of 1986 which amended CERCLA (1980) to 
mandate RSPA to regulate, under the HMR, all hazardous substances 
designated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    03/05/02                     67 FR 9926
Correction                      03/25/02                    67 FR 13680
Final Action Effective          10/01/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM Docket: HM-145M; RSPA-02-11675.

Agency Contact: Michael Johnsen, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553

[[Page 74987]]

Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD65


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 105; 49 CFR 107; 49 CFR 171 to 180

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This final rule corrects editorial errors, makes minor 
regulatory changes, and, in response to requests for clarification, 
improves the clarity of certain provisions in the Hazardous Materials 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Rule                      09/27/02                    67 FR 61006
Final Rule Effective            09/27/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM Docket: HM-189T

Agency Contact: Eileen Edmonson, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD72


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 5191 to 5127

CFR Citation: 49 CFR 107

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: RSPA is amending its regulations by making miscellaneous 
revisions to the registration requirements in the hazardous materials 
regulations. The revisions address use of the Small Business 
Administration's North American Industry Classification System to 
determine if an entity is a small business, provide that not-for-profit 
organizations will pay the fee assessed on small businesses, and 
clarify other registration procedures. These revisions were proposed 
under RSPA-00-8439 (HM-208D); RIN 2137-AD53.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Final Action                    09/16/02                    67 FR 58343
Final Action Effective          01/16/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: HM Docket: HM208E the NPRM for this rulemaking 
was issued under RIN: 2137-AD53 RSPA-008439 (HM-208D)

Agency Contact: Deborah Boothe, Transportation Regulations Specialist, 
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-8553
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2137-AD74


Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage

Maritime Administration (MARAD)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 46 app USC 1101; 1114(b), 1122(d), 1241

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 381; 49 CFR 1.66

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action proposes to clarify the Maritime Administration's 
cargo preference regulations governing the carriage of oceangoing cargo 
generated by Government programs. The rulemaking will concern, among 
other issues: (1) incorporating into part 381 MARAD's existing rules on 
priority of service of various U.S.-flag services; (2) clarifying how 
shipper agencies should comply with the existing provisions of the 
regulations regarding geographic areas and booking cargo on U.S.-flag 
vessels before foreign-flag vessels; (3) redefining certain terms for 
clarity to bring them in line with commercial practices; and (4) other 
related issues. This rule is significant because of public interest.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           01/28/99                     64 FR 4382
ANPRM Comment Period End        03/29/99
NPRM                            11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Thomas W. Harrelson, Director, Office of Cargo 
Preference, Room 8118, Department of Transportation, Maritime 
Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5515

RIN: 2133-AB37

[[Page 74988]]


Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

Maritime Administration (MARAD)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 107-20

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 356

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Maritime Administration is amending its regulations at 46 
CFR part 356 which implement the U.S. citizenship requirements set 
forth in the American Fisheries Act of 1998 (AFA) for vessels of 100 
feet or greater in registered length for which a fishery endorsement to 
the vessel's documentation is sought.
On July 24, 2001, Congress passed a package of amendments to the AFA as 
part of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2001, section 2202, PL 
107-20. This final rule will implement those new statutory requirements 
for owners and mortgagees of Fishing Vessels, Fish Processing Vessels 
and Fish Tender Vessels of 100 feet or greater (collectively referred 
to as ``Fishing Industry Vessels''), amend the requirements to hold a 
preferred mortgage on such Fishing Industry Vessels, and make other 
minor amendments to the regulations to address issues that arose during 
the early stages of MARAD's implementation of the new AFA regulations.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            04/16/02                    67 FR 18547
NPRM Comment Period End         06/17/02
Final Rule                      11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: John T. Marquez Jr., Attorney Advisor, Division of 
Maritime Assistance Programs, Department of Transportation, Maritime 
Administration, Room 7228, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5320
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2133-AB46

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions

Maritime Administration (MARAD)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: PL 107-107

CFR Citation: 46 CFR 298

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Recent legislation added section 1109 of the Merchant Marine 
Act, 1936, as amended. Section 1109 now authorizes the Secretary of 
Transportation to deposit with the United States Treasury and invest in 
obligations of the United States, funds belonging to Title XI obligors 
as collateral for the United States. As a consequence, MARAD will no 
longer deposit Title XI funds (held as collateral) in private banks. 
This final rule makes changes to existing procedures for establishing 
Construction Funds and Reserve Funds. The intended effect of the 
amendments is to simplify, reduce costs of, and expedite Title XI 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/12/02                    67 FR 40260
NPRM Comment Period End         08/12/02
Final Rule                      09/30/02                    67 FR 61280
Final Rule Effective            10/30/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: Richard M. Lorr, Assistant Chief Counsel for Ship 
Financing, Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, 400 
Seventh St., SW, Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-5882
Fax: 202 366-7485
Email: [email protected]

RIN: 2133-AB47


Department of Transportation (DOT)                        Prerule Stage

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 41708; 49 USC 41709

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 241

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Historically, the source document for the Passenger Origin-
Destination Survey was the auditor's coupon of the ticket. Until 
recently, these coupons provided all the information that was needed 
for the Survey. In the last few years, the carriers have begun using 
trip passes in conjunction with the tickets, thereby eliminating some 
of the data that is required to be reported in the Survey. Other 
innovations used by the industry, such as change-of-gauge flights and 
code-sharing, have impacted the Survey and obscured some of the data 
that is required to be reported, such as change of planes and junction 
points. This rulemaking will explore whether there are alternative 
sources for the data and modernize the collection system to keep pace 
with the industry.

[[Page 74989]]


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


ANPRM                           04/00/03
NPRM                            10/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Additional Information: This action is related to and may be affected 
by RIN 2105-AC71. This action was formerly under RIN 2137-AB92 but is 
now being administered by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) 
under RIN 2139-AA01 since the Office of Aviation Information has been 
transferred to BTS from RSPA.

Agency Contact: M. Clay Moritz, Jr., Acting Chief, Regulations 
Division, Office of Airline Information, K-14, Department of 
Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 400 Seventh Street 
SW., Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202 366-4385

RIN: 2139-AA01

Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: PL 106-181, sec 227

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 234

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: DOT proposes to collect information on the causes of airline 
delays and cancellations. The information will be used by the Office of 
the Secretary, the Federal Aviation Administration, air carriers and 
airport operators to identify specific problem areas within the 
national aviation system. With this knowledge, the appropriate party or 
parties can take action to reduce or rectify the problem.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/27/01                    66 FR 66833
NPRM Comment Period End         02/25/02
Final Action                    12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: No

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: M. Clay Moritz Jr., Acting Chief, Regulations Division, 
Office of Airline Information, Department of Transportation, Bureau of 
Transportation Statistics, K-14, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4385

RIN: 2139-AA09

Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 329

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 217; 14 CFR 241; 14 CFR 298

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This action revises the definitions of revenue passenger and 
nonrevenue passenger. It specifies that a passenger traveling on a 
ticket or voucher received as compensation for denied boarding or as 
settlement of a consumer complaint is considered a revenue passenger. 
The revised definitions harmonize Departmental regulations with those 
adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This 
change prevents air carriers from being required to keep two sets of 
traffic enplanement statistics.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/22/00                    65 FR 50946
NPRM Comment Period End         10/23/00
Final Action                    09/18/02                    67 FR 58691
Final Action Effective          10/18/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: M. Clay Moritz Jr., Acting Chief, Regulations Division, 
Office of Airline Information, Department of Transportation, Bureau of 
Transportation Statistics, K-14, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4385

RIN: 2139-AA07


Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 49 USC 41708

CFR Citation: 14 CFR 217; 14 CFR 241; 14 CFR 291; 14 CFR 298

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Department of Transportation has modified certain parts 
of the Traffic Reporting System to require operating carriers to report 
joint-service operations. This final rule requires a report change for 
small certificated, commuter, and all-cargo air carriers on their air 
traffic activity. This requires U.S. carriers to report the detailed 
market and segment information for all their military, domestic all-
cargo, and domestic charter flights.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            08/28/01                    66 FR 45201

[[Page 74990]]

NPRM Comment Period End         11/26/01
Final Action                    07/30/02                    67 FR 49217

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Small Entities Affected: Businesses

Government Levels Affected: None

Agency Contact: M. Clay Moritz Jr., Acting Chief, Regulations Division, 
Office of Airline Information, Department of Transportation, Bureau of 
Transportation Statistics, K-14, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
Phone: 202 366-4385

RIN: 2139-AA08
[FR Doc. 02-27761 Filed 12-06-02; 8:45 am]