[Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: William J. Clinton (1997, Book II)]
[July 1, 1997]
[Pages 1829-1844]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office www.gpo.gov]

[[Page 1829]]

        Appendix A / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1997

Appendix A--Digest of Other White House Announcements

The following list includes the President's public schedule and other 
items of general interest announced by the Office of the Press Secretary 
and not included elsewhere in this book.

July 1

The President announced the nomination of Gordon D. Giffin to be 
Ambassador to Canada.
The President announced the nomination of James F. Mack to be Ambassador 
to Guyana.
The President announced the nomination of Keith C. Smith to be 
Ambassador to Lithuania.
The White House announced that the President promoted J. Terry Edmonds 
to the position of Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director 
of Speechwriting.
The White House announced that the President promoted Stephanie S. 
Streett to the position of Assistant to the President and Director of 
Presidential Scheduling.
The White House announced that the President promoted Michael Waldman to 
be Assistant to the President and Director of Speechwriting.
The White House announced that the President appointed Paul Begala as 
Assistant to the President and Counselor to the President, a role he 
will assume in August.
The White House announced that the President named Sidney Blumenthal as 
Assistant to the President as part of the communications team, which he 
will join in August.
The White House announced that the President will meet with President 
Eduard Shevardnadze of Georgia at the White House on July 18.
The White House announced that the President will meet with President 
Heydar Aliyev of Azerbaijan at the White House on August 1.

July 2

In the afternoon, the President traveled to Baltimore, MD, where he met 
with Baltimore Orioles and Philadelphia Phillies players at Oriole Park 
at Camden Yards before attending the game. Following the game, the 
President returned to Washington, DC.
The White House announced that the President and Hillary Clinton will 
depart on the evening of July 4 for Spain, where the President will 
participate in the July 8-9 NATO Summit in Madrid. Prior to arriving in 
Madrid on July 7, they will travel to Palma de Mallorca for a private 
visit at the invitation of King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia of Spain.

July 3

The President announced his intention to nominate Hershel Gober to be 
Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
The President announced his intention to nominate Rita D. Hayes to be 
Deputy U.S. Trade Representative in Geneva.
The White House announced that the President has accepted the invitation 
of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark to stay at her summer palace following 
his arrival in Denmark on July 11, and that he will meet with Prime 
Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen and address the people of Denmark on July 
The White House announced that on July 17, the President will address 
the 88th annual convention of the NAACP in Pittsburgh, PA, and the 
national convention of the National Association of Black Journalists in 
Chicago, IL.

July 5

The President and Hillary Clinton traveled to Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 
arriving in the afternoon. After being greeted by King Juan Carlos I and 
Queen Sofia of Spain, they toured Bellver Castle. In the evening, they 
toured the cathedral.

July 7

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to Madrid, 
In the evening, the President met with NATO Secretary General Javier 
Solana in the Miguel Angel Hotel.
Later, the President and Hillary Clinton attended an informal dinner for 
NATO leaders and their spouses hosted by President of the Government 
Jose Maria Aznar of Spain in the Garden of the Official Residence at 
Moncloa Palace. Following the dinner, the President met with Prime 
Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom at the Miguel Angel Hotel.
The President declared a major disaster in Texas and ordered Federal aid 
to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by 
severe thunderstorms and flooding beginning June 21 and continuing.
The President declared a major disaster in Wisconsin and ordered Federal 
aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by 
severe storms and flooding on June 21-23.

July 8

In the morning and afternoon, the President attended NATO Summit 
sessions in the Palacio Municipal de Congresos. In the late afternoon, 
he met with President Jacques Chirac of France.

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In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton attended a dinner for 
NATO leaders and their spouses hosted by King Juan Carlos I and Queen 
Sofia at the Royal Palace.
The President announced his intention to nominate Donna Jean Hrinak to 
be Ambassador to Bolivia.
The President announced his intention to nominate Richard Dale 
Kauzlarich to be Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

July 9

In the morning, the President met with President Leonid Kuchma of 
Ukraine in the Palacio Municipal de Congresos. Later in the morning, he 
attended the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council meeting and, in the 
afternoon, a Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council luncheon in the Palacio 
Municipal de Congresos.
In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to Granada, 
Spain, where they toured the Alhambra castle with King Juan Carlos I and 
Queen Sofia. After midnight, they returned to Madrid.
The President announced his intention to nominate John C. Angell to be 
Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs at 
the Department of Energy.
The President announced his intention to nominate I. Miley Gonzalez to 
be Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics at the 
Department of Agriculture.

July 10

In the morning, the President traveled to Warsaw, Poland.
In the afternoon, following an arrival ceremony, he met with President 
Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland in the White Room of the Presidential 
In the evening, the President met with former President Lech Walesa in 
the Royal Castle.
The President announced his intention to nominate Edward M. Gramlich and 
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
The President announced the nomination of August Schumacher, Jr., to be 
Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, Department 
of Agriculture.

July 11

In the morning, the President traveled to Bucharest, Romania.
In the afternoon, he attended a reception hosted by President Emil 
Constantinescu of Romania in the Cotroceni Palace, during which he met 
with Romanian political and opposition leaders.
In the evening, the President greeted the U.S. Embassy community at the 
Ambassador's residence. He then traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark.
The President announced his intention to nominate Timothy F. Geithner to 
be Assistant Secretary for International Affairs at the Department of 
the Treasury.
The President announced his intention to nominate John J. Hamre to be 
Deputy Secretary of Defense.
The President announced his intention to appoint Attorney General Janet 
Reno, Donald Gips, and Brig. Gen. Donald Kerrick as members of the 
Steering Committee of the President's Commission on Critical 
Infrastructure Protection.
The President declared a major disaster in Michigan and ordered Federal 
aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by 
severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding on July 2.

July 12

In the morning, the President addressed the U.S. Embassy staff in the 
Margrethe Salon at the Hotel Store Kro in Copenhagen, Denmark. In the 
afternoon, he participated in a wreath laying ceremony at Mindenluden 
Memorial Cemetery. In the evening, the President returned to Washington, 

July 14

The President announced the appointment of Judith A. Winston as 
Executive Director of One America in the 21st Century: The President's 
Initiative on Race.

July 16

The President announced his intention to appoint the following 
individuals as members of the Federal National Mortgage Association 
(Fannie Mae) Board of Directors:

    Thomas Leonard;
    Kevin O'Keefe;
    Eli J. Segal;
    Kathryn G. Thompson; and
    Jose Villarreal.

July 17

In the morning, the President traveled to Pittsburgh, PA, and in the 
afternoon, he traveled to Chicago, IL. In the evening, he traveled to 
Harrison, AR.
The President announced his intention to nominate Harold C. Pachios to 
be a member of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy.
The President announced his intention to reappoint Maurice R. Greenberg 
and Susan Hammer, and appoint William J. Hudson and Terry K. Watanabe to 
the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations.
The President announced his intention to reappoint Lee Williams to the 
J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

July 18

In the morning, the President traveled to Jasper, AR, and in the 
afternoon, he returned to Washington, DC.

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In the evening, the President addressed members of Girls Nation in the 
East Room. Later, he met with President Eduard Shevardnadze of the 
Republic of Georgia in the Oval Office.
The President announced his nomination of Felix G. Rohatyn to be 
Ambassador to France.
The White House announced that the President will send a Presidential 
mission headed by Secretary of Transportation Rodney E. Slater and Rev. 
Jesse Jackson to the Fourth African/African-American Summit in Harare, 
Zimbabwe, July 20-25.

July 21

The President announced his intention to nominate Lt. Gen. John A. 
Gordon, USAF, to be Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
The President declared a major disaster in Washington State and ordered 
Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area 
struck by snowmelt and flooding on April 10 and continuing through June 

July 22

The President announced his intention to nominate Philip Lader to be 
Ambassador to the United Kingdom.
The President amended the major disaster declaration of June 13 for 
Idaho to include assistance to affected individuals in the area struck 
by severe storms, snowmelt, land- and mudslides, and flooding on March 
14 and continuing through June 30.

July 23

In the morning, the President met with President Olafur Grimsson of 
Iceland in the Oval Office.
The President announced his intention to nominate Gov. William F. Weld 
of Massachusetts to be Ambassador to Mexico.
The President announced his intention to appoint Cathryn Buford Slater 
as Chair and member of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
The President announced the nomination of Shirley Robinson Watkins and 
August Schumacher, Jr., to be members of the Board of Directors of the 
Commodity Credit Corporation.

July 24

In the morning, the President met with President Roman Herzog of Germany 
in the Oval Office.

July 25

In the morning, the President traveled to Arlington, VA, and in the 
afternoon, he returned to Washington, DC.
In the evening, the President addressed members of Boys Nation in the 
East Room.
The President announced his intention to appoint Joyce A. Savocchio as 
Vice Chair and member of the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation.
The President declared a major disaster in Montana and ordered Federal 
aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by 
severe storms, ice jams, snowmelt, flooding, and extreme soil saturation 
on March 1 and continuing.
The President declared a major disaster in Vermont and ordered Federal 
aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by 
excessive rainfall, high winds, and flooding on July 15-17.
The President declared a major disaster in Alabama and ordered Federal 
aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by 
severe storms, flooding, and high winds associated with Hurricane Danny 
on July 17-22.

July 26

In the morning, the President traveled to Lake Tahoe, NV. In the 
afternoon, he participated in water clarity testing aboard a University 
of California, Davis, research vessel on Lake Tahoe.
In the evening, the President traveled to Los Angeles, CA.

July 28

In the morning, the President traveled to Las Vegas, NV. In the evening, 
he returned to Washington, DC.
The President announced his intention to nominate Peter L. Scher for the 
rank of Ambassador during his tenure as the Special Trade Negotiator for 
Agriculture in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
The President announced his intention to nominate Marshall S. Smith to 
be Deputy Secretary at the Department of Education.

July 29

The White House announced that the President and Secretary of State 
Madeleine Albright will send Special Middle East Coordinator Dennis B. 
Ross to the Middle East on July 30 to meet with Prime Minister Binyamin 
Netanyahu of Israel and Chairman Yasser Arafat of the Palestinian 

July 30

In the afternoon, the President met with Deputy President Thabo Mbeki of 
South Africa and Vice President Al Gore in the Oval Office.
In the evening, the President traveled to Fort A.P. Hill in Bowling 
Green, VA. Later, he returned to Washington, DC.
The President announced his intention to nominate Ela Yazzie-King for a 
second term as a member of the National Council on Disability.
The President announced his intention to nominate Mary Anne Sullivan to 
be General Counsel at the Department of Energy.
The President announced his intention to appoint Aaron D. Miller to the 
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.

July 31

The President announced his intention to nominate Paul M. Igasaki for a 
second term as Vice Chair and

[[Page 1832]]

Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
The President announced his intention to nominate Tadd Johnson to be 
Chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission at the Department of 
the Interior.
The President announced his intention to nominate Ernest J. Moniz to be 
Under Secretary at the Department of Energy.
The President announced his intention to nominate Charles O. Rossotti to 
be Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service.
The President announced his intention to nominate Dan Reicher to be 
Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the 
Department of Energy.
The President announced his intention to appoint the following 
individuals to the Federal Home Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) Board 
of Directors:

    Dennis DeConcini;
    Neil F. Hartigan;
    Joe Serna, Jr.; and
    Harriett F. Woods.

August 1

In the morning, the President met with President Heydar Aliyev of 
Azerbaijan in the Oval Office. Later, the two leaders had a working 
luncheon in the Old Family Dining Room.
The President declared a major disaster in Colorado and ordered Federal 
aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by 
severe storms, heavy rain, flash floods, flooding, mudslides, 
landslides, and severe ground saturation beginning July 28.
The President announced his intention to nominate Cheryl Feldman Halpern 
to be a member of the Broadcasting Board of Governors.
The President announced his intention to to nominate John Arthur 
Hammerschmidt to be a member of the National Transportation Safety 
The President announced the nomination of Dennis Dollar to be a member 
of the Board of Directors of the National Credit Union Administration.
The President announced the nomination of Nancy Dorn to be a member of 
the Inter-American Foundation.
The President announced his intention to nominate Dale Cabaniss to be a 
member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority.
The President announced his intention to nominate Richard F. Keevey to 
be Chief Financial Officer at the Department of Housing and Urban 
The President announced his intention to nominate Paula J. Dobriansky to 
be a member of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy.
The President announced his intention to nominate Jacques Gansler to be 
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology.
The President announced his intention to nominate Robert W. Gee to be 
Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs at the 
Department of Energy.
The President announced his intention to nominate John E. Mansfield to 
be a member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.
The President announced his intention to nominate George Moose to be the 
Representative of the United States to the European Office of the United 
Nations, with rank of Ambassador.
The White House announced that the President has asked Representative 
Donald Payne to lead a Presidential delegation, including 
Representatives John Conyers and Cynthia McKinney, to the Presidential 
Inauguration in Liberia on August 2.

August 5

In the evening, the President met with members of the Black Leadership 
Forum in the Cabinet Room.

August 6

The President announced his intention to nominate Carolyn Curiel to be 
Ambassador to Belize.
The President announced his intention to nominate Margaret Ann Hamburg 
to be Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation at the Department 
of Health and Human Services.
The President announced his intention to nominate Michael L. Telson to 
be Chief Financial Officer at the Department of Energy.
The President announced his intention to nominate Sally Thompson to be 
Chief Financial Officer at the Department of Agriculture.
The President announced his intention to nominate Thomas J. Umberg to be 
Deputy Director for Supply Reduction at the Office of National Drug 
Control Policy.
The President announced the nomination of Michael K. Powell to be a 
member of the Federal Communications Commission.
The President announced his intention to designate William E. Kennard as 
Chair of the Federal Communications Commission upon his confirmation by 
the Senate as a member of the FCC.

August 7

The President announced the nomination of Jo Ann Jay Howard to be 
Administrator of the Federal Insurance Administration at the Federal 
Emergency Management Agency.
The President announced his intention to appoint Carol Bonosaro as a 
member of the National Partnership Council.

August 11

The President met with Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton of the District of 
The President also met with Vice President Al Gore and Gen. Colin 
Powell, USA (ret.), in the Oval Office to discuss followup efforts to 
the 1996 Presidents'

[[Page 1833]]

Summit for America's Future to promote citizen service.

August 12

In the morning, the President traveled to St. Louis, MO, and in the 
evening, he returned to Washington, DC.

August 13

The President announced his intention to nominate Kirk Robertson to be 
Executive Vice President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
The President announced his intention to nominate Douglas Eakeley to the 
Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation.
The President announced his intention to appoint Sam Nunn as Co-Chair 
and David Campbell, Charles Lee, and Elvin Moon as members of the 
Advisory Committee to the President's Commission on Critical 
Infrastructure Protection.

August 15

In the morning, the President met with foreign policy advisers to 
discuss the Middle East. In the afternoon, he met with the advisers to 
discuss Bosnia.

August 17

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary and Chelsea Clinton traveled 
to Block Island, RI. In the evening, they traveled to Martha's Vineyard, 
MA, for a vacation.

August 20

The President announced his intention to nominate F. Amanda DeBusk to be 
Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement at the Commerce Department.

August 21

The White House announced that the President established Presidential 
Emergency Board No. 234, effective August 21, to investigate and make 
recommendations for settlement of disputes between Amtrak and its 
employees represented by the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes. 
The President appointed Arnold M. Zack as Chairman and Richard I. Bloch 
and Roberta Golick as members of the Board.

August 25

The President declared a major disaster in Minnesota and ordered Federal 
aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by 
severe storms, high winds, tornadoes, and flooding beginning June 28 and 
continuing through July 27.

August 26

The President named Audrey Tayse Haynes as Deputy Assistant to the 
President and Director of the White House Office for Women's Initiatives 
and Outreach.

August 27

The President announced his intention to nominate Charles N. Jeffress to 
be Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health at the 
Department of Labor.
The President announced his intention to nominate Scott E. Thomas to be 
a Commissioner on the Federal Election Commission.
The President announced his intention to appoint Deputy Secretary of 
Defense John J. Hamre as a member of the Steering Committee of the 
President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection.

August 28

The President announced his intention to nominate Thomas J. Dodd to be 
Ambassador to Costa Rica.

August 29

The President announced his intention to nominate Eva M. Plaza to be 
Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity at the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The President announced his intention to nominate Kevin G. Chavers to be 
Director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight at the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The President announced his intention to nominate Gail W. Laster to be 
General Counsel at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The President announced his intention to nominate Robert Michael Walker 
to be Under Secretary of the Army.
The President announced his intention to nominate R. Roger Majak to be 
Assistant Secretary for Export Administration at the Department of 
The President announced his intention to nominate Patricia W. Lattimore 
to be Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management at the 
Department of Labor.
The President announced his intention to nominate Al Borrego to be 
Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training at the 
Department of Labor.
The President announced his intention to nominate Katherine Milner 
Anderson to be a member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for 
Public Broadcasting.
The President announced his intention to nominate Victor Marrero to be 
U.S. Representative to the Organization of American States at the State 
Department, with the rank of Ambassador.
The President announced his intention to nominate William Clyburn, Jr., 
to be a member of the Surface Transportation Board.
The President announced his intention to nominate R. Nicholas Burns to 
be Ambassador to Greece.
The President announced his intention to nominate Thomas S. Foley to be 
Ambassador to Japan.
The President announced his intention to nominate Joseph A. Presel to be 
Ambassador to Uzbekistan.

[[Page 1834]]

The President announced his intention to nominate Mark Robert Parris to 
be Ambassador to Turkey.
The President announced his intention to nominate Brenda Brown 
Schoonover to be Ambassador to Togo.
The President announced his intention to nominate Lange Schermerhorn to 
be Ambassador to Djibouti.
The President announced his intention to nominate Johnny Young to be 
Ambassador to Bahrain.
The President announced his intention to nominate Alexander R. Vershbow 
to be U.S. Permanent Representative on the Council of the North Atlantic 
Treaty Organization, with rank and status of Ambassador Extraordinary 
and Plenipotentiary.
The President announced his intention to nominate Duncan T. Moore to be 
the Associate Director for Technology in the Office of Science and 
Technology Policy.

September 2

The President announced his intention to nominate Barbara K. Bodine to 
be Ambassador to Yemen.
The President announced his intention to nominate Mayor Cardell Cooper 
of East Orange, NJ, to be Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and 
Emergency Response at the Environmental Protection Agency.
The President announced his intention to nominate Daniel Fried to be 
Ambassador to Poland.
The President announced his intention to nominate Jane G. Gould to be 
Deputy Commissioner of the Social Security Administration.
The President announced his intention to nominate Richard J. Griffin to 
be Inspector General at the Department of Veterans Affairs.
The President announced his intention to nominate B. Lynn Pascoe for the 
rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service as Special Negotiator 
for Nagorno-Karabakh.
The President announced his intention to nominate Julia V. Taft to be 
Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration.
The President announced his intention to nominate Jeanette C. Takamura 
to be Assistant Secretary for Aging at the Department of Health and 
Human Services.
The President announced the recess appointment of Tadd Johnson as 
Chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission at the Department of 
the Interior.

September 3

The President announced his intention to nominate Kathryn Walt Hall to 
be Ambassador to Austria.
The President announced his intention to nominate David Timothy Johnson 
to be the Head of the U.S. Delegation to the Organization on Security 
and Cooperation in Europe, with the rank of Ambassador.
The President announced his intention to nominate Tom McDonald to be 
Ambassador to Zimbabwe.
The President announced his intention to nominate Edward E. Schumaker 
III to be Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago.
The President announced his intention to appoint Charles R. Lee as Chair 
and Van B. Honeycutt as a member of the National Security 
Telecommunications Advisory Committee.

September 4

The President announced his intention to nominate Stanley T. Escudero to 
be Ambassador to Azerbaijan.
The President announced his intention to nominate Ray Kammer to be 
Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology at the 
Department of Commerce.
The President announced his intention to appoint Phillip G. Lewis to the 
Board of Directors of the Mickey Leland National Urban Air Toxic 
Research Center.

September 5

The President announced his intention to nominate Thomas M. Foglietta to 
be Ambassador to Italy.
The President announced his intention to nominate Alphonse F. La Porta 
to be Ambassador to Mongolia.

September 7

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton returned to 
Washington, DC, from a vacation at Martha's Vineyard, MA.

September 8

In the morning, the President traveled to Gambrills, MD, and in the 
afternoon, he returned to Washington, DC.
In an evening ceremony in the Oval Office, the President received 
diplomatic credentials from Ambassadors Arnold T. Halfhide of Suriname, 
Mohamad B. Chatah of Lebanon, Ahmed Ould Sid'Ahmed of Mauritania, Marwan 
Jamil al-Muasher of Jordan, Semere Russom of Eritrea, Abdulwahab 
Abdullah Al-Hajjri of Yemen, Ramiro Guelar of Argentina, Rene Antonio 
Leon Rodriguez of El Salvador, Crispin Grey-Johnson of Gambia, Alberto 
Maspons Guzman of Ecuador, Sean O'hUiginn of Ireland, and Rolf Ekeus of 
The President announced his intention to nominate David L. Aaron to be 
Under Secretary for International Trade at the Department of Commerce.
The President announced his intention to nominate Robert H. Beatty, Jr., 
to be a Commissioner on the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review 
The President announced his intention to nominate Edward M. Gabriel to 
be Ambassador to Morocco.

September 9

In the afternoon, the President participated in a roundtable discussion 
in the Cabinet Room with representatives of various ethnic groups.
The President announced his intention to nominate Ernesta Ballard to be 
a member of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Postal Service.

[[Page 1835]]

The President announced his intention to nominate Robin Lynn Raphel to 
be Ambassador to Tunisia.

September 10

The President announced the appointment of Secretary of State Madeleine 
Albright, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Secretary of Education 
Richard W. Riley, Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna E. 
Shalala, and Federal Emergency Management Agency Director James Lee Witt 
as members of the American National Red Cross Board of Governors.

September 11

The President announced his intention to nominate Betty Eileen King to 
be U.S. Representative on the Economic and Social Council of the United 
Nations, with the rank of Ambassador.
The President announced the appointment of Bruce A. Lehman as Acting 
Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

September 12

In the morning, the President met with Hong Kong Special Administrative 
Region Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa in the Oval Office.
The President announced his intention to nominate Katharine G. Abraham 
for a second term as Commissioner of Labor Statistics at the Department 
of Labor.
The President announced his intention to nominate Corinne C. ``Lindy'' 
Boggs to be Ambassador to the Holy See.
The President announced his intention to nominate Stephen W. Bosworth to 
be Ambassador to Korea.
The President announced his intention to nominate Susan King to be 
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the Department of Labor.
The White House announced that the President will travel to Pittsburgh, 
PA, Little Rock, AR, and Houston, TX, September 24-28.

September 15

In the afternoon, the President met in the Cabinet Room with leaders of 
environmental organizations to discuss climate change.
The White House announced that the President intends to nominate Gloria 
Tristani to be a member of the Federal Communications Commission.

September 16

In the morning, the President traveled to Langley, VA. In the afternoon, 
he returned to Washington, DC.
The President announced his intention to nominate Terrence J. Brown to 
be Assistant Administrator for Management at the Agency for 
International Development.
The President announced his intention to nominate Jerry MacArthur Hultin 
to be Under Secretary of the Navy.
The President announced his intention to nominate F. Whitten Peters to 
be Under Secretary of the Air Force.
The White House announced that the President will meet with the 
spiritual leader of the Orthodox Christian Church, Ecumenical Patriarch 
Bartholomew, at the White House on October 22.

September 17

The President declared a major disaster in Illinois and ordered Federal 
aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by 
severe thunderstorms and flash flooding on August 16-17.

September 18

In the evening, the President and Hillary and Chelsea Clinton traveled 
to Palo Alto, CA.
The President announced his intention to nominate M. John Berry to be 
Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management, and Budget at the Department 
of the Interior.
The President announced his intention to nominate Paul R. Carey and 
Laura S. Unger to be Commissioners on the Securities and Exchange 
The President announced his intention to appoint Jeffrey Jaffe, Mayor 
Sharon Sayles Belton of Minneapolis, MN, and Joseph Holmes as members of 
the Advisory Committee to the President's Commission on Critical 
Infrastructure Protection.

September 19

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary and Chelsea Clinton attended 
the Stanford University convocation ceremony on the main quad of the 
The President announced his intention to nominate Seth P. Waxman to be 
Solicitor General at the Justice Department.

September 20

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to San 
Francisco, CA. In the evening, they returned to Washington, DC, arriving 
after midnight.

September 21

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to New York 
City. In the evening, they attended a reception for the 52d Session of 
the U.N. General Assembly in the Starlight Room of the Waldorf Astoria 

September 22

In the afternoon, the President met with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of 
Pakistan in the 12th Floor Conference Room at the United Nations. Later, 
he met with Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral of India in Room 35 H at 
the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton attended a performance 
of ``Carmen'' at the Metropolitan Opera House. Later, they returned to 
Washington, DC, arriving after midnight.

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The President announced the nomination of Richard Frank Celeste to be 
Ambassador to India.

September 23

The President announced his intention to nominate Stanford G. Ross to be 
a member of the Social Security Advisory Board. Upon his confirmation as 
a member by the Senate, the President intends to designate Mr. Ross as 
Chair of the Board.
The President declared a major disaster in New Jersey and ordered 
Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area 
struck by severe storms and flooding on August 20-21.

September 24

In the morning, the President traveled to Pittsburgh, PA. In the 
afternoon, he traveled to Little Rock, AR.
The President announced his intention to nominate Joseph B. Dial to be a 
member of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
The President announced his intention to nominate Barbara Holum to be a 
member of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
The President announced his intention to nominate Shaun E. Donnelly to 
be Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldives.
The President announced his intention to nominate Edward S. Walker, Jr., 
to be Ambassador to Israel.
The President named James M. Lyons to be Special Adviser to the 
President and to the Secretary of State for Economic Initiatives for 

September 25

The President announced his intention to nominate Arthur Bienenstock to 
be Associate Director for Science at the Office of Science and 
Technology Policy.
The President announced his intention to nominate James E. Hall to be a 
member of the National Transportation Safety Board.
The President announced his intention to nominate James Carew Rosapepe 
to be Ambassador to Romania.
The President announced his intention to nominate Peter F. Tufo to be 
Ambassador to Hungary.
The President announced his intention to nominate David W. Wilcox to be 
Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy at the Treasury Department.

September 26

In the morning, the President traveled to Houston, TX, arriving in the 
afternoon. In the evening, he returned to Little Rock, AR.
The President announced his intention to nominate William H. Twaddell to 
be Ambassador to Nigeria.
The President announced the appointment of Susan Blumenthal, M.D., as 
Senior Adviser to the President for Women's Health, effective November 
The White House announced that the President named the following 
individuals as 1997 recipients of the National Medal of Arts and the 
National Humanities Medal, which the President and Hillary Clinton will 
present on September 29 at the White House:

National Medal of Arts

    Louise Bourgeois;
    Betty Carter;
    Agnes Gund;
    Daniel Urban Kiley;
    Angela Lansbury;
    James Levine;
    Tito Puente;
    Jason Robards;
    Edward Villella;
    Doc Watson; and
    the MacDowell Colony.

National Humanities Medal

    Nina M. Archabal;
    David A. Berry;
    Richard J. Franke;
    William Friday;
    Don Henley;
    Maxine Hong Kingston;
    Luis Leal;
    Martin E. Marty;
    Paul Mellon; and
    Studs Terkel.

September 27

In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled from Little 
Rock, AR, to Hot Springs, AR. In the afternoon, they returned to Little 
In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton attended a University 
of Arkansas football game at War Memorial Stadium.

September 28

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton returned to 
Washington, DC.

September 29

The President announced his intention to nominate Kathryn Linda Haycock 
Proffitt to be Ambassador to Malta.
The President announced the nomination of Alphonso Maldon, Jr., to be 
Deputy Secretary at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

September 30

In the morning, the President traveled to Arlington, VA. In the 
afternoon, he returned to Washington, DC.

October 1

In the morning, the President met with Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan in 
the Oval Office to discuss the Middle East peace process. Later, he met 
with Members of Congress in the Diplomatic Reception Room to discuss 
tobacco issues.
The President announced his intention to nominate Phyllis Elliott Oakley 
to be Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research at the State 

[[Page 1837]]

The President announced the appointment of Virginia M. Apuzzo as 
Assistant to the President for Management and Administration at the 
White House.

October 2

In the evening, the President met with automobile industry executives in 
the Cabinet Room.
The White House announced that the President will participate in the 
White House Conference on Climate Change on October 6.
The President announced his intention to nominate Joan Dempsey to be 
Deputy Director for Community Management at the Central Intelligence 
The President announced his intention to nominate Janice R. Lachance to 
be Director of the Office of Personnel Management.
The President announced his intention to nominate Joseph Thompson to be 
Under Secretary for Benefits at the Department of Veterans Affairs.
The President announced his intention to nominate Harriet C. Babbitt to 
be Deputy Administrator at the Agency for International Development.
The President announced his intention to nominate Thomas J. Miller for 
the rank of Ambassador during his tenure as Special Coordinator for 
The President announced his intention to nominate Stanley Louis 
McLelland to be Ambassador to Jamaica.
The President announced his intention to nominate Daniel Charles Kurtzer 
to be Ambassador to Egypt.
The President announced the nomination of Steven Karl Pifer to be 
Ambassador to Ukraine.
The President announced the nomination of Steven J. Green to be 
Ambassador to Singapore.

October 3

In the morning, the President had his annual physical examination at the 
National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD.
The President announced his intention to nominate Timothy Michael Carney 
to be Ambassador to Haiti.
The President announced his intention to nominate Cameron R. Hume to be 
Ambassador to Algeria.
The President announced his intention to nominate Amy L. Bondurant to be 
U.S. Representative to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and 

October 4

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to 
Beltsville, MD, where they observed U.S. Secret Service tactical 
expertise and training exercises at the James J. Rowley Training Center. 
Later, they returned to Washington, DC.
In the evening, the President traveled to Arlington, VA. Later, he was 
joined by Hillary Clinton, and they traveled to Camp David, MD.

October 6

In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton returned to the White 
House. In the evening, the President hosted a dinner for President Ezer 
Weizman of Israel in the Blue Room.
The President announced his intention to nominate James C. Hormel to be 
Ambassador to Luxembourg.
The President announced his intention to nominate Gerald S. McGowan to 
be Ambassador to Portugal.
The President announced his intention to nominate Lyndon L. Olson, Jr., 
to be Ambassador to Sweden.
The President announced his intention to nominate Kenneth R. Wykle to be 
Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration at the Department of 

October 7

In the morning, the President attended a meeting with Northern Ireland 
Ulster Unionist Party leader David Trimble in National Security Adviser 
Samuel R. Berger's office.
In the afternoon, the President met with congressional Democrats to 
discuss fast-track trade legislation. In the evening, he met with 
representatives of State and local government and business and community 
leaders from the Midwest.
The President announced his intention to nominate Christopher Ashby to 
be Ambassador to Uruguay.
The President announced his intention to nominate James A. Larocco to be 
Ambassador to Kuwait.
The President announced his intention to nominate Mark Erwin to be a 
member of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
The President announced his intention to nominate James H. Bailey to be 
Deputy Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The President announced the nomination of Bill Richardson and A. Peter 
Burleigh to be U.S. Representatives and Richard Sklar, Victor Marrero, 
and Nancy E. Soderberg to be U.S. Alternate Representatives to the 52d 
General Assembly of the United Nations.
The President announced the nomination of Nancy E. Soderberg to be 
Alternate U.S. Representative for Special Political Affairs at the 
United Nations, with the rank of Ambassador.

October 8

In the morning, the President traveled to Newark, NJ. In the afternoon, 
he traveled to West Orange and Florham Park, NJ. Later in the afternoon, 
he traveled to Philadelphia, PA, arriving in the evening.
In the evening, the President attended a Democratic National Committee 
reception at CoreStates Arena. Later, he returned to Washington, DC.
The President announced the administration's intention to appoint Rev. 
Jesse Jackson to be Special Envoy for the President and the Secretary of 
State for the promotion of democracy in Africa.

October 9

In the afternoon, the President had a telephone conversation with Prime 
Minister Tony Blair of the

[[Page 1838]]

United Kingdom concerning the Prime Minister's recent visit to Russia 
and the President's October 7 meeting with Northern Ireland Ulster 
Unionist Party leader David Trimble.
Later, the President had a telephone conversation with retiring 
University of North Carolina men's basketball coach Dean Smith to 
commend him on his long and successful career.
The President announced his intention to nominate David B. Hermelin to 
be Ambassador to Norway.
The President announced the nomination of Betty Eileen King to be an 
Alternate U.S. Representative to the 52d General Assembly of the United 
Nations. Ms. King has also been nominated to be U.S. Representative on 
the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, with the rank of 
The President announced his intention to nominate Kevin Gover to be 
Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs at the Department of the 

October 10

The President announced the nomination of Mary Mel French to be Chief of 
Protocol at the State Department.
The President announced the nomination of Richard W. Fisher to be Deputy 
U.S. Trade Representative (Washington), with the rank of Ambassador.
The President announced the nomination of Robert T. Grey, Jr., to be 
U.S. Representative to the Conference on Disarmament.
The President announced the nomination of Joy Harjo to be a member of 
the National Council on the Arts.
The President announced the nomination of Ida L. Castro to be Director 
of the Women's Bureau at the Department of Labor.
The President announced the nomination of Carl Spielvogel to be a member 
of the Broadcasting Board of Governors for the International 
Broadcasting Bureau.
The President announced the nomination of Robert S. Warshaw to be 
Associate Director for State and Local Affairs at the Office of National 
Drug Control Policy.
The President announced the nomination of Thomas H. Fox to be Assistant 
Administrator for Policy and Program Coordination at the Agency for 
International Development.
The President announced the nomination of Donald C. Lubick to be 
Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy at the Department of the Treasury.
The President announced the nomination of Fred P. Hochberg to be Deputy 
Administrator of the Small Business Administration.
The President announced his intention to nominate Paul J. Hoeper to be 
Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and 
The President announced his intention to appoint Arthur M. Hamilton and 
Sally Ann Jochum as members of the President's Committee on Mental 
The President announced his intention to designate David J. Barram, in 
his capacity as Administrator of the General Services Administration, 
Andrew M. Cuomo, in his capacity as Secretary of Housing and Urban 
Development, and Rodney E. Slater, in his capacity as Secretary of 
Transportation, as members of the Advisory Council on Historic 
The White House announced that the President named Amy Weiss Tobe as 
Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Press Secretary for 
Operations, effective October 27.

October 12

In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to Caracas, 
Venezuela, arriving in the afternoon.
In the evening, the President met with President Rafael Caldera of 
Venezuela in President Caldera's office at La Casona.

October 13

In the morning, the President participated in a wreath-laying ceremony 
at El Panteon.
In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to 
Brasilia, Brazil, arriving in the evening.

October 14

In the morning, the President had meetings with President Fernando 
Cardoso of Brazil in the Qualienca Room and the Meeting Room at Planalto 
In the afternoon, the President met with the leadership of the Brazilian 
Congress in Salon Nobre at the National Congress. Later, he greeted 
American and Brazilian personnel at the U.S. Embassy.
In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to Sao Paulo, 

October 15

In the morning, the President traveled to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 
arriving in the afternoon. Later, he traveled to Buenos Aires, 
Argentina, arriving in the evening.
The President announced his intention to appoint Judith A. Scott as a 
member of the Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty 

October 16

In the morning, the President met with President Carlos Menem of 
Argentina in the Salon Blanco at La Casa Rosa. Later, he met with 
Argentine political opposition leaders in the Ceibo Room of the Sheraton 
In the afternoon, the President met with Argentine Jewish leaders in the 
Executive Room at the Sheraton Hotel.

[[Page 1839]]

October 17

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to San 
Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.
The President announced the appointment of Will Martin and J. Michael 
Nussman as U.S. Commissioners of the International Commission for the 
Conservation of Atlantic Tuna.

October 18

In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to Buenos 
Aires, Argentina, and later to Washington, DC, arriving the following 

October 21

The President announced his intention to nominate William J. Lynn III to 
be Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).
The President announced his intention to nominate Richard M. McGahey to 
be Assistant Secretary for Policy at the Department of Labor.
The President announced his intention to nominate Cyril Kent McGuire to 
be Assistant Secretary for Educational Research and Improvement at the 
Department of Education.
The President announced his intention to nominate Robert McNamara, Jr., 
to be General Counsel at the Central Intelligence Agency.
The President announced his intention to nominate Daryl L. Jones to be 
Secretary of the Air Force.
The President announced his intention to appoint former Representative 
John Bryant as head of the U.S. delegation to the International 
Telecommunication Union's 1997 World Radiocommunications Conference in 
Geneva, Switzerland, with the personal rank of Ambassador.
The President announced his intention to appoint Sam W. Brown with the 
personal rank of Ambassador during his service as the head of the U.S. 
delegation to the Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe's 
Ministerial Preparatory Conferences in Vienna, Austria.
The President announced his intention to appoint Robert L. Baxter as a 
member of the Advisory Committee to the President's Commission on 
Critical Infrastructure Protection.

October 22

In the afternoon, the President met with Ecumenical Patriarch 
Bartholomew I in the Oval Office.
The President announced his intention to nominate John Charles Horsley 
to be Associate Deputy Secretary and Director of Intermodalism at the 
Department of Transportation.
The White House announced that the President received the final report 
of the Presidential Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection on 
October 20.
The White House announced the President's intention to appoint the 
following individuals as members of the Advisory Committee on Public 
Interest Obligations of Digital Television Broadcasters:

    Charles Benton;
    Frank Blythe;
    Peggy Charren;
    Harold C. Crump;
    Frank Cruz;
    Robert Decherd;
    Barry Diller;
    William Duhamel;
    Rob Glaser;
    Jim Goodmon;
    Paul La Camera;
    Richard Masur;
    Newton Minow;
    Shelby Scott;
    Gigi Sohn;
    Karen Peltz Strauss;
    Cass R. Sunstein;
    Lois Jean White; and
    James Yee.

October 23

The President announced his intention to nominate Mary Beth West for the 
rank of Ambassador to be Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans 
and Space.
The President announced his intention to nominate William R. Ferris to 
be Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
The President announced the nomination of William Dale Montgomery to be 
Ambassador to Croatia.
The President named 60 young researchers to receive the second annual 
Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers.
The White House announced that the President invited President Ernesto 
Zedillo of Mexico to Washington, DC, for a working visit on November 14.

October 24

In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton attended the taping of 
a National Symphony Orchestra performance at the Kennedy Center Concert 
Hall for later broadcast.
The President announced the nomination of Linda Key Breathitt to be a 
member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
The President announced the nomination of Curt Hebert, Jr., to be a 
member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
The President announced the nomination of Frank D. Yturria to be a 
member of the Board of Directors of the Inter-American Foundation.

October 27

In the evening, the President traveled to Chicago, IL.

[[Page 1840]]

October 28

In the morning, the President departed for Washington, DC, arriving in 
the afternoon.
The President announced his intention to nominate Katherine L. Archuleta 
to be a member of the Board of Trustees of the Institute of American 
Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development.
The President announced his intention to nominate Sallyanne Harper to be 
Chief Financial Officer at the Environmental Protection Agency.
The President announced the nomination of Wilma B. Liebman and Peter J. 
Hurtgen and his intention to nominate Joseph Robert Brame to be members 
of the National Labor Relations Board.

October 29

In the morning, the President met with President Jiang Zemin of China in 
the Oval Office.
The President announced his intention to nominate Susanne T. Marshall to 
be a member of the Merit Systems Protection Board.
The President announced his intention to nominate Charles Dolan and 
announced the nominations of Penne Percy Korth and Hank Brown to be 
members of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy.

October 31

In the morning, the President traveled to West Palm Beach, Jupiter, and 
Palm Beach, FL.
In the evening, he traveled to Boca Raton and later to Amelia Island, 
FL, arriving after midnight.
The President announced his intention to appoint David W. Dorman, Joseph 
F. Thompson, Irving Wladawsky-Berger, and John P. Miller as members of 
the Advisory Committee on High Performance Computing and Communications, 
Information Technology, and the Next Generation Internet.

November 1

In the evening, the President spoke by telephone from the Ritz-Carlton 
Hotel in Amelia Island, FL, to the Arkansas Millennium Ball in Little 
Rock, AR.

November 2

In the morning, the President traveled from Amelia Island to 
Jacksonville, FL, and then to Newark, NJ. Later, he traveled to Staten 
Island, NY.
In the afternoon, the President traveled to Middlesex, NJ, and in the 
evening, he traveled to New York City. Later, he returned to Washington, 
The President declared a major disaster in Nebraska and ordered Federal 
aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by 
severe snowstorms, rain, and strong winds on October 24-26.

November 3

In the morning, the President traveled to Alexandria, VA, and in the 
afternoon, he returned to Washington, DC.
The White House announced that the President will attend the Asia-
Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders Meeting in Vancouver, 
British Columbia, Canada, November 24-25.

November 4

In the late afternoon, the President met with congressional leaders in 
the State Dining Room, concerning Bosnia.

November 5

In the morning, the President met with Representative William F. 
Goodling in the Oval Office, concerning standardized testing to measure 
educational performance.
The President announced his intention to nominate Rebecca M. Blank to be 
a member of the Council of Economic Advisers.
The President announced his intention to nominate Jeanne Hurley Simon to 
be a member and Chair of the National Commission on Libraries and 
Information Science.
The President announced his intention to nominate John Paul 
Hammerschmidt to be a member of the Metropolitan Washington Airports 
The President announced his intention to appoint Mandell Ganchrow, Gary 
J. Lavine, Joseph Halfon, and Menno Ratzker as members of the Commission 
for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad.
The White House announced that the President invited Prime Minister 
Mesut Yilmaz of Turkey to the White House for a working visit on 
December 19.

November 6

In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to College 
Station, TX. In the afternoon, they departed for Washington, DC, 
arriving in the evening.
The President announced his intention to nominate Gus A. Owen to be a 
member of the Surface Transportation Board.
The President announced his intention to nominate Edward A. Powell, Jr., 
to be Assistant Secretary for Management at the Department of Veterans 
The President announced his intention to appoint the following 
individuals as new members of the Commission to Study Capital Budgeting:

    Willard Brittain;
    Stanley E. Collender;
    Orin S. Kramer;
    Richard Leone;
    David Levy;
    James T. Lynn;
    Cynthia Metzler;
    Luis Nogales;
    Carol O'Cleireacain;
    Rudolph Penner;
    Steven L. Rattner;
    Robert M. Rubin;
    Herbert Stein; and
    Laura D'Andrea Tyson.

[[Page 1841]]

The White House announced that the President invited President Alpha 
Oumar Konare of Mali to the White House for a working visit on November 

November 7

In the afternoon, the President met with Members of Congress in the Oval 
The President announced his intention to nominate Donald J. Barry to be 
the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks at the 
Department of the Interior.
The President announced his intention to nominate Federal Reserve Board 
Chairman Alan Greenspan to be U.S. Alternate Governor of the 
International Monetary Fund.
The President announced his intention to nominate Winter D. Horton, Jr., 
to be a member of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
The President announced his intention to nominate Elaine D. Kaplan to be 
Special Counsel in the Office of Special Counsel.
The President announced his intention to nominate Robert J. Shapiro to 
be Under Secretary for Economic Affairs at the Department of Commerce.
The President announced his intention to nominate Donna A. Tanoue to be 
Chair and member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
The President announced his intention to nominate Mozelle W. Thompson 
and Orson Swindle to be Commissioners of the Federal Trade Commission.
The White House announced that the President will host a White House 
Conference on Hate Crimes on November 10 at George Washington 

November 8

The President announced his intention to nominate David M. Mason to be a 
Commissioner on the Federal Election Commission.

November 11

In the morning, the President traveled to Arlington, VA. He returned to 
Washington, DC, in the afternoon.

November 12

In an afternoon ceremony in the Oval Office, the President received 
diplomatic credentials from the following Ambassadors: Hersey Kyota of 
Palau; Stasys Sakalauskas of Lithuania; Joris Michael Vos of The 
Netherlands; Warnasena Rasaputram of Sri Lanka; Noureddine Mejdoub of 
Tunisia; Dimitrij Rupel of Slovenia; Jesus Reyes-Heroles of Mexico; 
Christopher Meyer of the United Kingdom; Ahmed Djabir of Comoros; and 
Koby Arthur Koomson of Ghana.
The President announced his intention to appoint Vera C. Rubin as Chair, 
and Alfred Y. Cho, Arthur M. Jaffe, and Mario J. Molina as members of 
the President's Committee on the National Medal of Science.
The White House announced that the President will meet with President 
Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan at the White House on November 18.

November 13

In the evening, the President held a reception in the State Dining Room 
for House Democrats who supported him on fast-track trade legislation. 
Later, he hosted a private dinner for President Ernesto Zedillo of 
Mexico in the Residence.
The White House announced that the President and Hillary Clinton will 
spend the Thanksgiving Day holiday at Camp David, MD.

November 14

In the late afternoon, the President traveled to Las Vegas, NV, arriving 
in the evening.

November 15

In the morning, the President traveled to Sacramento, CA. While en 
route, he had a telephone conversation with Prime Minister Tony Blair of 
the United Kingdom concerning the situation in Iraq. In the afternoon, 
the President traveled to Malibu, CA.
In the evening, the President had a telephone conversation with 
President Jacques Chirac of France, who was traveling in Vietnam, 
concerning new U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Pete Peterson and the 
situation in Iraq.

November 16

In the afternoon, the President traveled to Beverly Hills, and later, he 
traveled to Los Angeles, CA.

November 17

In the morning, the President traveled to Wichita, KS, arriving in the 
afternoon. While en route, he had telephone conversations with President 
Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, to express condolences for the victims of the 
terrorist attack in Luxor, and with United Nations Secretary-General 
Kofi Annan concerning the situation in Iraq.
Later, he traveled to St. Louis, MO, and in the evening, he returned to 
Washington, DC, arriving after midnight.
The President announced his intention to appoint Susan L. Graham as a 
member of the President's Committee on the National Medal of Science.

November 18

In the morning, the President met with the national security team 
concerning the situation in Iraq.
In the evening, the President met with President Nursultan Nazarbayev of 
Kazakhstan in the Oval Office.

November 19

In the morning, the President met with President Alpha Oumar Konare of 
Mali in the Oval Office.
In the evening, the President had meetings with members of the national 
security team and a telephone conversation with Secretary of State 
Madeleine Albright concerning the situation in Iraq.

[[Page 1842]]

November 20

The President declared a major disaster in Iowa and ordered Federal aid 
to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by a 
severe winter storm on October 26-28.

November 21

The President announced his intention to appoint Joseph B. Day as 
Commissioner of the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission.

November 22

In the morning, the President had a telephone conversation from the Oval 
Office with President Boris Yeltsin of Russia concerning the situation 
in Iraq. Later, he traveled to Denver, CO, where he met with 97-year-old 
Daisy Anderson, the last surviving widow of a Civil War veteran.
In the afternoon, the President traveled to Seattle, WA, and in the 
evening he traveled to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

November 23

In the morning, the President played golf with Prime Minister Jean 
Chretien of Canada and Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong of Singapore at the 
Shaughnessy Golf Course in Vancouver.

November 24

In the morning, at the Waterfront Centre Hotel, the President hosted a 
breakfast with leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and 
later met with President Soeharto of Indonesia.
In the afternoon, at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Center, the 
President attended an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders 
agenda briefing and a dialog with APEC Business Advisory Council 
representatives. The President also met with President Kim Yong-sam of 
South Korea.
In the evening, the President attended a dinner for APEC leaders hosted 
by Prime Minister Jean Chretien of Canada at British Columbia Place.

November 25

In the morning, the President attended the APEC leaders meeting in the 
Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. In the 
afternoon, he joined the leaders for a luncheon in the Norman MacKenzie 
House at the university. Later, the President returned to the Museum of 
Anthropology, where he attended the afternoon session of the APEC 
leaders meeting and then met with President Eduardo Frei of Chile.
In the evening, the President returned to Washington, DC, arriving after 

November 26

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton went to Camp David, 
MD, for the Thanksgiving holiday.
The President announced his intention to appoint Ian Francis Hancock as 
a member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.
The President announced his intention to nominate Ryan C. Crocker to be 
Ambassador to Syria.
The President announced his intention to nominate William Lacy Swing to 
be Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The White House announced that Presidents Lennart Meri of Estonia, 
Guntis Ulmanis of Latvia, and Algirdas Brazauskas of Lithuania will 
visit the White House on January 16, 1998.

November 27

In the evening, the President had a telephone conversation with the 
crewmembers of the Space Shuttle Columbia to wish them a happy 

December 1

In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton returned to the White 
House from Camp David, MD.

December 2

In the evening, the President attended a professional basketball game at 
the grand opening of the MCI Center. Prior to the game, he toured the 
new facility and met with members of the Washington Wizards and the 
Seattle SuperSonics. During the game, the President was interviewed on 
cable television's ESPN and TNT.
The White House announced that the President named former Representative 
Howard Wolpe as Special Envoy of the President and Secretary of State to 
Africa's Great Lakes region.
The White House announced that the President will travel to New York and 
Florida on December 10-11.

December 3

In the morning, the President traveled to Akron, OH, and in the 
afternoon, he traveled to Chicago, IL. In the evening, the President 
returned to Washington, DC, arriving after midnight.

December 4

In the afternoon, the President met with Secretary of State Madeleine 
Albright concerning the Middle East peace process and the situation in 
Later in the afternoon, the President held an interview with the New 
York Times.
In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton attended a screening 
of the film ``Amistad'' at the Warner Theater.
The President announced his intention to appoint Jose Luis Ruiz as a 
member of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligations of 
Digital Television Broadcasters.

[[Page 1843]]

December 5

In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton hosted a holiday 
reception in the Diplomatic Reception Room.

December 7

The President had separate telephone conversations with Presidents Fidel 
Ramos of the Philippines, Benjamin Mkapa of Tanzania, Fernando Cardoso 
of Brazil, and Carlos Menem of Argentina concerning the discussions on 
climate change taking place in Kyoto, Japan.
In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton attended the Kennedy 
Center Honors in the Opera House at the John F. Kennedy Center for the 
Performing Arts, which was taped for broadcast on December 26.

December 8

In the afternoon, the President met with Chinese dissident Wei 
The President declared a major disaster in the Commonwealth of the 
Northern Mariana Islands and ordered Federal aid to supplement 
Commonwealth and local recovery efforts in the area struck by Super 
Typhoon Keith on November 2-3.

December 9

In the morning, the President had a telephone conversation with Prime 
Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto of Japan concerning progress in the Kyoto 
conference on the international agreement on greenhouse gas emissions.
In the evening, the President traveled to New York City.

December 10

In the evening, the President traveled from New York City to Miami, FL, 
arriving after midnight.

December 11

In the morning, the President had a telephone conversation with 
Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany concerning the Kyoto Protocol on 
Climate Change and the European Union-U.S. agenda.
In the evening, the President returned to Washington, DC, arriving after 

December 12

In the afternoon, the President met with the foreign policy team and 
held budget meetings. Later, he held an outreach meeting with leaders of 
the Asian-Pacific-American community in the Cabinet Room.
In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton hosted a holiday 
reception in the Diplomatic Reception Room.

December 15

In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton hosted a reception for 
members of the press in the Diplomatic Reception Room.
The President announced his intention to appoint George R. Ariyoshi, 
Curtis H. Barnette, Robert J. Eaton, George Fisher, D. George Harris, 
Dean R. Kleckner, J. Bruce Llewellyn, Lewis Platt, and Jeanette 
Sarkisian Wagner as members of the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy 
and Negotiations.

December 16

The President announced the recess appointments of Mozelle W. Thompson 
and Orson Swindle as Commissioners of the Federal Trade Commission.
The President announced the recess appointment of Richard W. Fisher as 
Deputy U.S. Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador.
The President announced the recess appointment of Nancy E. Soderberg as 
Alternate U.S. Representative for Special Political Affairs at the 
United Nations, with the rank of Ambassador, and as U.S. Alternate 
Representative to the sessions of the U.N. General Assembly.
The President announced the recess appointment of Paul M. Igasaki to be 
a Commissioner and Vice Chair on the Equal Employment Opportunity 
The President announced the recess appointment of Kevin Emmanuel 
Marchman as Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing at the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development.

December 17

In the afternoon, the President met with Senator Arlen Specter in the 
Oval Office to discuss the Senator's upcoming visit to the Middle East.
Later in the afternoon, the President met with a group of family farmers 
in the Cabinet Room to discuss new USDA efforts to improve civil rights 
and assist small farmers.
The President announced his intention to appoint Dr. Harold P. Freeman 
to be member and Chair of the President's Cancer Panel.
The President announced the appointment of John M. Deutch, Robert L. 
Gallucci, Dave McCurdy, and Daniel Poneman to the Commission To Assess 
the Organization of the Federal Government To Combat the Proliferation 
of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
The President declared a major disaster in Guam and ordered Federal aid 
to supplement territory and local recovery efforts in the area struck by 
Typhoon Paka and associated torrential rains, high winds, high surf, and 
tidal surges on December 16 and continuing.

December 18

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton hosted a holiday 
celebration for children in the East Room.
The President announced his intention to nominate Cherryl T. Thomas to 
be Chair of the Railroad Retirement Board.
The President announced his intention to appoint James O. DuPree, Ralph 
Paige, and Leland H.

[[Page 1844]]

Swenson as members of the Commission on 21st Century Production 

December 19

In the afternoon, the President met with Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz of 
Turkey in the Oval Office.
The President announced his intention to nominate William J. Ivey to be 
Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts.
The President announced his intention to appoint Arthur H. White to be a 
member of the Federal Prison Industries Board.

December 21

In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to Aviano, 
Italy, arriving the following morning.

December 22

In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton traveled to Sarajevo, 
Shortly after his arrival, the President met with the representatives of 
the National Government Tripartite Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina in 
Room A of the National Museum of Sarajevo. The Presidency consists of 
Alija Izetbegovic, Presidency Chairman (Muslim); Momcilo Krajisnik, 
Presidency Member (Serb); and Kresimir Zubak, Presidency Member (Croat).
In the afternoon, the President met with President Biljana Plavsic of 
the Serb Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina (Republika Srpska) at the 
National Theater.
In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton went to Tuzla Airfield 
and had dinner with American troops in the dining hall at ``Tent City.'' 
Later, they traveled to Aviano, Italy, and then returned to Washington, 
DC, arriving the following morning.
The President announced his intention to appoint Lorenzo H. Aguilar-
Melancon, Robert D. Dinerstein, Ann Forts, Ruth Luckasson, Tom E.C. 
Smith, Deborah Spitalnik, and Cathy Ficker Terrill as members of the 
President's Committee on Mental Retardation.
The President announced the appointment of Steven S. Honigman as Special 
Adviser to the President.

December 23

The President announced his intention to appoint Janice R. Lachance to 
be Chair and member of the National Partnership Council.
The White House announced that the President will travel to New York 
City and McAllen, Brownsville, and Houston, TX, on January 8 and 9 to 
highlight the importance of equal access to education for all Americans.

December 24

The White House announced that the President declared a major disaster 
in the Northern Mariana Islands and ordered Federal aid to supplement 
Commonwealth and local recovery efforts in the area struck by Typhoon 
Paka and associated torrential rains, high winds, high surf, and tidal 
surges on December 16 and continuing.

December 30

In the morning, the President and Hillary and Chelsea Clinton traveled 
to Hilton Head, SC, where they participated in the annual Renaissance 