[Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: William J. Clinton (1998, Book I)]
[March 6, 1998]
[Page 336]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office www.gpo.gov]

Statement on Senate Action To Continue the Disadvantaged Business 
Enterprise Initiative
March 6, 1998

    I am pleased that the Senate, in a strong bipartisan vote of 58 to 
37, today retained the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program within 
the ISTEA bill, which provides expanded economic opportunity for women- 
and minority-owned businesses. This program was enacted into law under 
President Reagan in response to extremely low participation rates by 
women and minorities in federally assisted highway and transit 
construction projects.
    In particular, I want to applaud Senators Baucus and Chafee, who garnered 
widespread support for the continuation of this important program.
    Today's vote reaffirms my administration's ``Amend it; don't end 
it'' approach to affirmative action and promoting equal opportunity. We 
are now one step closer to getting an important, multi-billion 
transportation bill enacted into legislation.