[Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: George W. Bush (2007, Book I)]
[March 7, 2007]
[Pages 253-256]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office www.gpo.gov]

Interview With Natalia Orozco of RCN TV of 
March 7, 2007

President's Upcoming Visit to Central and South America

    Ms. Orozco. Thank you, Mr. President, for this time with RCN TV 
    The President. Thank you. I'm really looking forward to going to 
    Ms. Orozco. Thank you, Mr. President. I have to start by asking you 
this. You're arriving to Bogota when President Bush--President Uribe is 
facing a deep crisis because of--we've got a political scandal. Does 
this affect the support, the confidence that you have always expressed 
to him?
    The President. No. As a matter of fact, I've been very impressed by 
how he's handled this latest issue. 
President Uribe is a very strong leader; he's committed to justice; he 
believes in fairness; and he's a man who has proven he can get things 
done. And so my confidence in the President is very high. And I'm 
looking forward to expressing that confidence about--to not only

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the people of Colombia but also to the people in my Congress.

Plan Colombia

    Ms. Orozco. Mr. President, $4 billion invested in Plan Colombia, but 
the drug keeps coming to the United States, and the leader of the 
guerrillas remains at large. Why do you support a second phase of the 
same Plan Colombia?
    The President. Well, thank you for that question. First of all, 
we've had a lot of successes in working together. I recognize there's 
still a lot of drogas coming here. Part of that has to do with, we still 
use drugs, and we've got to do a better job of convincing people to stop 
using drugs. But we've also stopped a lot of drugs from coming. And 
therefore, I can argue to the Congress and the people that there has 
been a lot of notable successes. And the truth of the matter is, 
Colombia has changed to the better as a result of the Plan Colombia. 
There's still bad activities going on, but it's a lot less than it was 

Colombia-U.S. Free Trade Agreement

    Ms. Orozco. Mr. President, public opinion in Colombia, as well as in 
the U.S. Congress, is divided about the free trade agreement. Will you 
be ready to reopen those negotiations in order to make it pass?
    The President. No, I don't think we want to reopen the negotiations. 
We've had good, strong negotiations between our respective parties. 
Obviously, if there's some fine-tuning necessary--but we've negotiated 
good agreements, and I'm going to have to work hard with our Congress, 
and the President is going to have to 
work hard to convince the people of Colombia that trade is fair. And if 
I were a farmer in Colombia or a small-business person in Colombia, I'd 
want to be in a position to be able to sell my products into a large 
market like the United States.
    And these trade fights are always tough, and I want to make sure, 
though, that we work to have a world that trades freely and fairly, 
because it's the best way to eliminate poverty.

President's Upcoming Visit to Central and South America

    Ms. Orozco. Are you concerned about the influence that President 
Chavez is gaining in the region? As many experts have said, is your trip 
also an answer to that?
    The President. No, my trip is a chance to tell the people of 
Colombia and Uruguay and Brazil and Guatemala and Mexico that the United 
States cares deeply about the human condition. My budget this year has 
got--or last year has $1.6 billion of bilateral assistance. Much of that 
money is spent on social justice programs, programs like education and 
health care.
    You know, oftentimes, people really don't understand the United 
States, and my trip is to really explain to people that we believe in 
education for all; we believe in human rights and human dignity; we 
believe in prosperity. And the people of this country have been very 
generous in their help and support to people.
    Ms. Orozco. But are you concerned about the influence of Mr. Chavez 
in the region?
    The President. Each country is going to have to make up their own 
mind about the systems of government. To the extent that people feel 
like they can nationalize companies, I think is a mistake. I'm very much 
in favor of open systems, free press, the right for people to assemble 
and express their mind.
    My trip, however, is all aimed at explaining to the people of South 
and Latin America that good foreign policy for the United States is to 
promote a prosperous and peaceful neighborhood.


    Ms. Orozco. Mr. President, today, have you the feeling that the 
policy applies to Cuba has done any good for the Cubans in the island?

[[Page 255]]

    The President. I think the worse thing that's happened for the Cuban 
people on the island is the fact that they're not free. And my position 
is, it is important for people to be free, and that if there is a 
transition to a new way in Cuba, it's got to be decided by the Cuban 
people. They should be allowed to freely assemble; they should be 
allowed to speak their minds; there ought to be strong rule of law. My 
position has been, and will continue to be, that a free Cuba is what is 
necessary for the people of Cuba.

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)/American Hostages

    Ms. Orozco. Thank you, Mr. President. There are three Americans held 
by the FARC now. Do you think President Uribe should achieve the 
humanitarian exchange, or should he insist in the military rescue?
    The President. I trust President Uribe's judgment. And my message isn't to President Uribe; my 
message is to the FARC, and that is to give up these hostages. You're making it clear to the world the kind of people 
you are when you take innocent life and hold them hostage. And it's very 
sad for the families here in America. I'm deeply concerned about their 

War on Terror

    Ms. Orozco. Mr. President, how long is the United States willing for 
the extradition of the narco-paramilitary terrorists that remains in 
Colombia, because they are part of the peace process?
    The President. How long will we wait for the extradition process?
    Ms. Orozco. Right.
    The President. I'll work with the President on that. That will be a subject matter in my private 
discussions with President Uribe.
    Ms. Orozco. Mr. President, do you think that with the military aid, 
President Uribe, with the help of United States, is going to be able to 
win the war against terrorism in Colombia?
    The President. I think that a war against terror can be won by firm 
resolve, plus a alternative to repression, kidnaping, murder, and drugs. 
And one thing that President Uribe has done is laid out a vision. A lot 
of people have come in from the jungles, as you know, because they 
realize there's a better way of life.
    We all have a lot of work to do in our respective countries to make 
sure every person has a good education and good, decent health care. But 
when people realize there is a better tomorrow, it's much easier for a 
man of peace, like Uribe, to deal with a 
difficult problem that he inherited.

Colombia-U.S. Relations

    Ms. Orozco. President Bush, what is the best memory that you have of 
all this time working with Colombia, so close, having Colombia as one of 
your main allies?
    The President. You know, I think it's the fact that I have a very 
honest relationship with President Uribe. 
He loves his country. He is a very strong proponent of Colombia and the 
people of Colombia. We don't agree on every single issue, of course, but 
I do respect his courage, and I respect the fact that he's done a good 
job in office. And I'm really looking forward to going back to Colombia. 
I've been, as President, once before. I can't wait to come back, this 
time, to your beautiful capital city.
    Ms. Orozco. Thank you, Mr. President, for your time. We wish you a 
wonderful and successful trip.
    The President. Thank you.

Note: The interview was taped at 11:45 a.m. in the Map Room at the White 
House for later broadcast. In his remarks, the President referred to 
President Alvaro Uribe Velez of Colombia. Ms. Orozco referred to 
President Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela. A tape was not available for 
verification of the content of this interview.

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