[Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Volume 31, Number 22 (Monday, June 5, 1995)]
[Pages 962-963]
[Online from the Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]

Remarks Honoring the 1995 NCAA Men's and Women's Basketball Champions

June 2, 1995

    The President. Thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry 
that other events dictated that we started a little late today, but I 
want to welcome all of you to the White House, and all the people who 
have come from California and Connecticut: Senator Lieberman, 
Congresswoman Kennelly, Congresswoman DeLauro, Congressman Gejdenson. 
And from California, the president of--the chancellor of UCLA, 
Chancellor Young; and the officers of UConn, the chairman of the board, 
Lew Rome, and the president, Harry Hartley. I am delighted to welcome 
all of you back to the White House who have been here before and those 
who are coming for the first time, to welcome you here.
    You know, we ought to get something obvious out of the way. These 
championships were hard on the Vice President and me. [Laughter] I mean, 
we just have to hope our ticket does a little better in '96. [Laughter]
    But some of you know, I am a near-fanatic basketball fan and I think 
that any serious student of basketball would have to say that this year, 
in the championship, not only the teams with the best records but the 
best teams in the United States won the championships and deserve--
    I remember vividly when Tyus Edney came out of the final game with 
his wrist injury, and all the people were saying, ``Well, this may be 
the undoing of UCLA.'' And I was sitting there looking at the team and I 
said, ``I don't think so.'' [Laughter] I remember people--the 
discussions that I've heard, year-in and year-out, about how you have to 
have 10 players to win the final. And in the final, when you see the 
really great players with their adrenalin pumping, I don't think so.
    And so, I want to congratulate again Coach Harrick and the Bruins on 
reviving UCLA's magnificent tradition, winning their 11th national 
title, and I think that they've got a great future. I also want to 
congratulate Ed O'Bannon on being selected the Most Outstanding Player 
of the tournament, and the NCAA Player of the Year, for his fantastic 
    I do want to say one thing. I had the privilege of coming to UCLA 
and giving the commencement address and being with Chancellor Young a 
couple of years ago. I have to chide you on one thing: I've been very 
proud of the very outspoken and courageous stance you've taken in favor 
of continuing affirmative action programs, so we can--[applause]--but if 
you had really believed in spreading opportunity around, you would not 
have permitted both the O'Bannon brothers to be on your team. [Laughter] 
Nonetheless, I forgive you for that minor lapse. [Laughter]

[[Page 963]]

    I also want to say a special word of appreciation to Coach Geno 
Auriemma and the Connecticut Huskies for establishing the most 
outstanding winning record in the history of college basketball, men or 
women's basketball.
    I want to congratulate Rebecca Lobo, who couldn't be here today. 
We're all sorry about that. But she's representing the U.S. national 
team in games in Europe. She once wrote to the president of the Celtics, 
saying that she'd be the first woman to play for their team. All I can 
say is that may or may not happen. But the Connecticut Huskies did more 
to make the rest of America appreciate women's basketball than any team 
has ever done. And they made millions of fans that will help other 
university teams all across this country for years and years and years 
in the future, and we thank you for that.
    So let me say I'm glad you're here. I also want to say to the coach, 
this team came to the White House once before, and somebody messed it 
up, and they didn't get in, even the back door. Today, they came in the 
front door with full honors, and I'd like to invite their coach to come 
up for a few words. Thank you and congratulations.

[At this point, Coach Geno Auriemma of the University of Connecticut 
Huskies women's champions made brief remarks, and team captain Pam 
Webber presented gifts to the President. Coach Jim Harrick of the 
University of California, Los Angeles Bruins men's champions then made 
brief remarks, and team captain Ed O'Bannon presented gifts to the 

    The President. Is that your dad? [Laughter] Stand up, Daddy. 
    Now, here's what we're going to do. I'm going to take a picture with 
each team, and then we're going to break up, take the ropes down, we'll 
all visit a little, okay?
    But, you know, every year this is so humbling for me. Most days I 
wake up and I'm 6 foot 2\1/2\ inches, and I'm halfway tall. This day I'm 
just another person looking up. [Laughter]
    Thank you all for coming. It was a great day. Thanks.

Note: The President spoke at 2:30 p.m. in the East Room at the White 
House. In his remarks, he referred to Charles E. Young, chancellor, 
University of California, Los Angeles.