Over 1,500 Digitized Congressional Hearings Added features
GPO has been digitizing historical Congressional Hearings and making them available on govinfo.
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Over 1,500 Digitized Congressional Hearings Added features
GPO has been digitizing historical Congressional Hearings and making them available on govinfo.
Finding Information help
Example 1: Using the Basic Search box, type EITHER title:environment and publishdate:range(2008-05-01, 2008-05-15) OR title:environment publishdate:range(2008-05-01, 2008-05-15) Example 2: Using the Advanced Search form, select Date is Between in the drop-down box under Date Range then type or use calendar to select May 1, 2008 in the first box and type or use calendar to select May 15, 2008 in the second box then select Title in the drop-down box under Search In and type environment in the textbox Search by Referenced Citations- These examples will result in documents that reference House Bill 1 (H.R 1).
Searching help
The refcitation: field operator can be used for the value of any citation that is parsed for any collection. Example 1: Using the Basic Search box, type EITHER refcitation:(h.r. 1) OR refcitation:"h.r. 1
Browse by A to Z browse-a-z
Kennedy) Washington's Farewell Address to the People of the United States Watergate Special Prosecution Force Records, 1971 to 1977 Back to Top
June 2024 Release Notes features
New Content: Nearly 59,000 content packages (roughly equivalent to one bound printed document) were made available from the period of April 1 to June 30. Significant submissions included Volumes 1-64 (1789-1950) of the digitized United States Statutes at Large and 115 reports submitted by Federal agencies into the new Congressionally Mandated Reports collection, which brings the total to over 430 reports .
September 2023 Release Notes features
For example, the “Date Published” filter now sorts values chronologically from New to Old instead of by the filter with the largest number of results at the top. This will help users find content by date more easily because they will see the more recent, relevant filters at the top. It is still possible to change the setting to see the filter values by count. This change was also made to the “Collection” and “Organization” filters.
Documents on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy features
The exhibits received in connection with testimony before the Commission are printed first, arranged in numerical order from 1 to 1053. Next are printed exhibits received in connection with depositions or affidavits, arranged alphabetically by name of witness, and then numerically— e.g., Adams Exhibits Nos. 1-, Baker Exhibits Nos. 1-22. Finally are printed other materials relied upon by the Commission, consisting principally of investigative reports by law enforcement agencies, arranged in numerical order beginning with 1054.
December 2024 Release Notes features
New Content: Over 30,000 content packages (roughly equivalent to one bound printed document) were made available from October 1 to December 31. Notable submissions include the S. Doc. 118-13 - Report of the Secretary of the Senate: April 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024, Part I and Part II; the 2021 edition of the Journal of the House of Representatives; Volume 38, No. 10-14 and Volume 39 No. 1-4 of the FCC Record: A comprehensive compilation of decisions, reports, public notices and other documents of the Federal Communications Commission of the United States; 95 reports submitted by Federal agencies into the new Congressionally Mandated Reports collection (bringing the total to over 600); judicial opinions from the U.S.
Commerce Business Daily help
In accordance with the recent changes in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) designating Federal Contract Opportunities as the single point of universal electronic public access on the Internet for government-wide Federal procurement opportunities that exceed $25,000, CBDNet ceased to accept notices after midnight, January 1, 2002. Notices received on GPO's CBD system by midnight, January 1, and manuscripts received by 3:00 p.m. on January 2, are included in the final GPO print version of the CBD that was issued on January 4, 2002. Any notices validated for inclusion in the January 4 printed issue of CBD have been transferred into the archive database so the active database was shut down.
March 2024 Release Notes features
Constitution), is the Oaths of Office, “An Act to regulate the time and manner of administering certain oaths, June 1, 1789” (1 Stat. 23). For interesting historical context, consider exploring the letters, preface, and other preliminary pages in Volume 1 (warning: this is a large file, requiring time to load in your browser or download). Users will notice changes over the past 235 years of the Statutes at Large.