Published: January 9, 2019
Jump to: Statute Compilations | ISO 16363 Audit | New API | Beta USLM XML | Fixes and Enhancements | Recently Added Content | Feature Article Highlights | Coming Soon
About Release Notes - Changes to govinfo components are made through code deployments on a quarterly release cycle. Release Notes are published after each deployment to highlight the changes. This includes updates about content, features, enhancements, bug fixes, and more. Read past Release Notes
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GPO, in collaboration with the House Office of Legislative Counsel , Senate Office of Legislative Counsel, the Clerk of the House, and the Secretary of the Senate, are making available select Statute Compilations as a pilot project on govinfo.
An initial set of 40 Compilations was made available in October 2018, and additional Statute Compilations will be added to this collection over time.
Find Statute Compilations: Search | Browse | Search Tips | Learn more
In December 2018, GPO staff held a series of onsite meetings with the external audit team responsible for evaluating GPO’s govinfo system against the ISO 16363 standard for certification as a Trustworthy Digital Repository. Throughout 2018, GPO has worked to become the first Federal agency to be certified and more information regarding results of the audit will be available soon.
Certification under ISO 16363 provides GPO stakeholders assurance that govinfo is a standards-compliant digital archive in which government information shall be preserved, accessible, and usable well into the long-term future.
Certification of govinfo validates GPO’s commitment to standards-based digital preservation practices and activities across 109 criteria in the areas of:
Learn more about digital preservation of govinfo content.
Use the govinfo API to request lists of new and updated govinfo content within several collections. The API provides machine-readable JSON summaries of packages or granules and direct access to content and metadata.
This initial release of the govinfo API includes the following endpoints:
An key is required to use the govinfo API. Use an existing key or request one for free. You will receive a 40 character string that provides unique identification and access to APIs from agencies participating in's service.
To use a key, pass the key as a URL query parameter when making web service requests. For example:{YOUR_KEY_HERE}
Visit the API, take a tour, or see other available developer tools.
Beta USLM XML is available for enrolled bills and public laws from the 113th Congress (2013) forward and for the Statutes at Large from the 108th Congress (2003) forward.
Download Beta USLM XML files in bulk on GPO’s Bulk Data Repository.
Download individual Beta USLM XML files by clicking the USLM button from:
Download individual Beta USLM XML files from applicable browse pages.
Learn more about the USLM schema and projects.
Note: Certain fixes and enhancements listed below may require content to be re-processed or re-published for the updates to take effect. This will be completed over a period of time. Content made available after these fixes and enhancements have been implemented will reflect the updates.
Learn more about digital preservation of govinfo content.
See Developer Tools or visit us on GitHub.>
November 16, 2018 - Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions and the Regulatory Plan Available
November 8, 2018 - In commemoration of the WWI centennial, The United States Army in the World War, 1917-1919 is made available
November 1, 2018 - Find the most recent cumulative monthly edition (January - most recent available) for the current year and the cumulative annual (January - December) editions for previous years (back to 2013)
December 12, 2018 - Use govinfo to find the answers
December 6, 2018 - A collection of documents and images
October 28, 2018 - Helen Eugenie Anderson appointed by President Truman in 1949
Some things we're working on next.