Published: July 10, 2018
Jump to: User Suggested Improvements | Fixes and Enhancements | Recently Added Content | Feature Article Highlights | Coming Soon
About govinfo Release Notes - Code is deployed to implement changes to govinfo components on a quarterly release cycle. Shortly after each deployment, we post highlights of the work we've done since the last quarterly deployment in these Release Notes articles. This may include new features, enhancements, bug fixes, and much more. Read past Release Notes
govinfo was launched in 2016 to eventually replace GPO's Federal Digital System (FDsys) website. We'd like to remind all users that in December, FDsys will be retired and govinfo will take its place.
Attention Data Users: Please explore the govinfo developer tools available for your use (sitemaps, link service, etc.) If you have questions regarding the transition or the use of govinfo developer tools for updating processes, please contact GPO or open an issue on GPO's GitHub page.
Both FDsys and govinfo provide access to the same repository of content on the backend and will do so until FDsys retires. Either site will provide you access to the content; however, GPO encourages users to transition to accessing content from govinfo instead of FDsys in preparation for the retirement of FDsys later this year. Looking for a certain FDsys resource on govinfo?
While both FDsys and govinfo are operational, your links to FDsys will continue to resolve to FDsys. Immediately before retiring FDsys, GPO will enable automated redirects to govinfo. GPO will make every effort to ensure FDsys links are redirected as close as possible to the equivalent govinfo link. When creating new links to content and pages please link to govinfo instead of FDsys.
Learn more about the transition from FDsys to govinfo, explore the govinfo help pages for help finding publications, learning what's available, sample searches, metadata fields for each collection, tutorials, handouts, and more.
Send feedback about govinfo or contact GPO with any questions.
Every release, we aim to implement improvements recommended directly by our users. Send us your feedback and check future release notes to see what we've improved.
Display of Multiple CFR Volumes for Download
Some Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) titles and subtitles are so large they are divided into multiple volumes for download of the full title (you can also download parts, chapters, and sections by expanding the sections on the browse page or through search). On the CFR browse landing page on govinfo, when a title is comprised of multiple volumes, a "Download Volumes" button provides access to the available formats, Details, and Share links for each volume. Now, clicking the "Download Volumes" button results in a new, user friendly pop up window to provide improved access to these options.
For example, Titles 5 and 7 of the CFR 2018 annual edition are comprised of multiple volumes.
File format, Details, and Share buttons are available on govinfo for each volume in this new, user friendly display.
The new display is especially optimal for long lists of volumes; for example, Title 7 of the CFR 2016 annual edition.
New Senate Journal Landing Page
A new page is available for easier access to editions of the Journal of the Senate of the United States, published pursuant to the Constitution of the United States (Art. I, Sec. 5) under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate. The new landing page is linked from the category browse page and the A to Z browse list.
Editions of the Senate Journal are made available on govinfo as we receive them from the office of the Secretary of the Senate.
Please note that certain fixes and enhancements require content to be re-processed or re-published for the updates to take effect. This will be completed over a period of time. Content made available after these fixes and enhancements have been implemented will reflect the updates.
Take a look at these content additions since our last release.
May 17, 2018 - Available on govinfo as H. Doc. 108-226
June 11, 2018 - 83 FR 27085 - Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions and the Regulatory Plan
Since our last release, we posted 8 feature articles; here are a couple of our favorites.
June 15, 2018
June 7, 2018
May 1, 2018
Some things we're working on next.