Published: March 24, 2021
The GovInfo team marks the first major deployment of 2021 with a wealth of new features, functionality, and an upgrade to our search engine. This release included 78 individually tracked changes since the last deployment in early December. This article highlights some of these changes including a new Related Documents API Service for two collections, the capability to download up to 1,000 search results in bulk, additional citation search patterns, as well as numerous upgrades, fixes, and enhancements to GovInfo functionality.
New Content: More than 38,600 content packages (a package is roughly equivalent to one bound printed document) have been made available since the beginning of December. Notable content submissions since the last release include the 2020 edition of the United States Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book); the 2020 edition of the Women in Congress eBook (H. Doc. 116-152); and judicial opinions from the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon (ORD), U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania (PAWB), U.S. District court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania (PAMD), and U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida.
Feature Articles: Fourteen articles were featured since early December including announcements celebrating GovInfo's achievement of being recertified as the only ISO 16363 Certified Trustworthy Digital Repository in the world, GovInfo turning five years old, and GovInfo reaching the milestone of 140 Federal courts that publish their opinions on GovInfo. Other features showcased proceedings of the Electoral College, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidential Inaugural Addresses, Black History Month, Presidents’ Day, and Women’s History Month.
Related Documents API Service for Congressional Bills and Bill Status collection: The development roadmap regularly incorporates updates to the GovInfo API. The API is intended to provide data users with a simple means to programmatically access GovInfo content and metadata, which is stored in self-describing packages. We are pleased to launch the initial version of the new Related Documents service within the GovInfo API. This new service provides the capability for API users to identify documents within the complex web of relationships among Federal publications published in GovInfo. This is similar to functionality that we make available on GovInfo Details pages.
The first relationships available through the new API functionality are for the Congressional Bills and Bill Status collections. From a BILLS or BILLSTATUS package summary, a user can query the API to see the available relationships. Available linked relationships include the following:
Please see the API documentation to give it a try.
Here is an example of a set of relationships for a Congressional Bill:
Download up to 1,000 Search Results: One year ago, GovInfo launched the capability to download search results in bulk in machine-readable formats, supporting 100 results in JSON and CSV formats. This release, the amount has been increased to 1,000 results to better meet users’ needs. Fields include the publication title, date, and teaser text, and links directly to the content files and Details pages. To use this functionality, perform a search in GovInfo and then look to the top right of the Search Results page to click on the orange download icon.
Additional Citation Search Patterns for Congressional Bills and Public and Private Laws: As of this release, new citation search patterns are now supported for Congressional Bills and Public and Private Laws collections on GovInfo. Expanding options for citation patterns supports flexibility with how users prefer or are taught to structure citations within a search, as this can differ widely. View all supported citation search patterns, including examples for each within the GovInfo Help information for Congressional Bills Public and Private Laws. Please note that these changes require content to be republished for the updates to take effect, and this will be completed over a period of time.
Search Engine Upgrade: An upgrade was performed on our search engine, which is a key component of the system that fuels GovInfo's robust, metadata-powered search experience. This upgrade enables us to make additional future enhancements to the search engine to further customize and enrich the search experience.
Internal Repository Enhancements: Internal components experienced a number of upgrades to keep pace with the latest features and technologies. These included an upgrade to the toolset that is used to work with PDF files, an upgrade to the technologies that support the Related Documents functionality, and also database upgrades. The repository also now supports improved publishing processes for multiple renditions within documents for the Miscellaneous Government Publications (bulk publishing) collection.
Other Fixes and Improvements
Coming Soon
About Release Notes – Changes to GovInfo components are made through code deployments on a quarterly release cycle. Release Notes are published after deployments to highlight some of the key changes, summarize other noteworthy activities, and recap new content, feature articles, and top searches since the previous release Read previous editions of Release Notes.