Last updated on 02-11-2025
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The United States Code, is the codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is divided by broad subjects into 54 titles and published by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives.
The U.S. Code was first published in 1926. The next main edition was published in 1934, and subsequent main editions have been published every six years since 1934. In between editions, annual cumulative supplements are published in order to present the most current information.
Of the 54 titles, the following titles have been enacted into positive (statutory) law : 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 46, 49, 51, and 54. When a title of the Code was enacted into positive law, the text of the title became legal evidence of the law. Titles that have not been enacted into positive law are only prima facie evidence of the law. In that case, the Statutes at Large still govern. Note: Title 52 is an editorially-created title, and Title 53 is currently reserved. For the current list of titles, see .
Basic Search – Use keywords, search operators, and metadata fields in the single search box. Search over just the U.S. Code by adding collection:uscode to your Basic Search query.
Advanced Search – Click here to select a date or date range, collection, and up to 5 fields to search in. Select United States Code under Refine by Collection first! Then, fields custom to the U.S. Code will populate automatically in the box under Search In.
Citation Search – Click here to retrieve a single United States Code document in PDF format if you know the Year, Title Number, and Section Number of the document.
Browse – Click here to browse the United States Code by year then Title.
Search by United States Code Citation These examples will search for 5 U.S.C. 303.
Search by Title Number These examples will search for documents from Title 27 of United States Code.
Search by Short Title These examples will search for documents with the short title "Congressional Budget Act."
Search by Public Law Citation This example will search for documents that reference Public Law 90-83.
Search by Statutes at Large Citation This example will search for documents that reference 77 Stat. 81.
Search by Keyword These examples will search for documents with emissions in the full text of the publication.
GovInfo uses two key pieces of information to construct predictable URLs to documents and Details pages.
Identifier |
Structure/Metadata Field |
Example |
Package ID |
USCODE-{Year}-title{Title Number} |
USCODE-2009-title2 USCODE-2006-title45 |
Granule ID |
Main Appendix Granule: {Package ID}-app Regular Appendix Granule: {Package ID}-toc {Package ID}-front Regular Title Granules: The structure of the United States Code varies from title to title. Because of this, the identifiers created are reliant upon the structure that exists for that individual title. To accomplish this, the URL for individual granules may also use the Parent ID of the parent granule that it falls beneath. {Parent ID}-{Granule Label Value}{Granule Number} Notes: 1. The Granule Label Values can be found in the table below. 2. Parent ID is the Package ID or Granule ID of the granule’s immediate parent. 3. If the resulting Granule ID is a duplicate then append “-dup#” to the end, where “#” is an integer representing the duplicate number. Examples: -dup1, -dup2 4. For granules one level below the title level that do not match any of the Granule Labels in the table below, the Granule Label Value is the granule’s title – converted to lowercase, with non-alphanumeric characters removed – up to 10 characters in length. 5. Granule Number can be blank. |
Main Appendix Granule: USCODE-2008-title28-app USCODE-2008-title28-toc USCODE-2008-title28-front Regular Title Granules: Front matter of USC Title 17: USCODE-2004-title17-front Part 2 of the USC Title: USCODE-2008-title35-part2 Part A of Subtitle 1: USCODE-2008-title36-subtitle1-partA Part B of a Subchapter 3-A of Chapter 6A: USCODE-2008-title42-chap6A-subchap3-A-partB Subpart a of Part 1 of Division B of Subchapter I pf Chapter 129: USCODE-2008-title42-chap129-subchapI-divsnB-part1-subparta Subtitle child of the USC Title: USCODE-2008-title26-subtitleK Subtitle B of Subchapter 3 of Chapter 18: USCODE-2008-title29-chap18-subchap1-subtitleB Part 1 of Subtitle E of Subchapter 3 of Chapter 18: USCODE-2008-title29-chap18-subchap3-subtitleE-part1 Rule 1 of Title 1 of a heading-less node in an appendix: USCODE-2008-title28a-node94-title1-rule1 (94 is a made up identifier for the heading-less node, which would come from its sequence number). Section 1 of a heading-less node in an appendix: USCODE-2008-title5a-node137-sec1 (Sections in appendices are not unique; this is the second Sec. 1 in this appendix.) Section 181 of the USC Title: USCODE-2008-title13-sec181 (Even though this section is a child of a subchapter, a section in the main USC Title file is unique and doesn’t need the parent hierarchy.) |
Granule Label |
Granule Label Value |
subtitle |
subtitle |
chapter |
chap |
subchapter |
subchap |
part |
part |
subpart |
subpart |
division |
divsn |
section |
sec |
appendix |
app |
title |
title |
rule |
rule |
form |
form |
article |
article |
toc |
toc |
frontmatter |
front |
other |
other |
Tip: You can also use the link service and API to construct predictable links.
Details Page for a United States Code Title
Structure:{Package ID}
PDF File for a United States Code Title
Structure:{Package ID}/pdf/{Package ID}.pdf
HTML File for a United States Code Title
Structure:{Package ID}/html/{Package ID}.htm
Details Page for a United States Code Granule
Structure:{Package ID}/{Granule ID}
PDF File for a United States Code Granule
Structure:{Package ID}/pdf/{Granule ID}.pdf
HTML File for a United States Code Granule
Structure:{Package ID}/html/{Granule ID}.htm
Metadata fields and values can be used to increase the relevancy of your searches. The metadata fields available for the United States Code are listed in the table below. Metadata fields and values are used throughout GovInfo for
Metadata fields and values can be entered into the Basic Searchbox using field operators. The field operators available for the United States Code are listed in the table below, along with examples for each metadata field. Using Field Operators
Some of these metadata fields are made available for use in Advanced Search. The metadata values can be entered in the same format for the fields available on the Advanced Search Page. Using Advanced Search
Metadata Field Display Name |
Metadata Field Definition |
Field Operator |
Field Operator Example |
Collection |
The collection to which the document belongs. Typically the same as the publication or series. |
collection: |
collection:uscode |
Government Author |
The names of the Government organizations responsible for authoring or assembling the document. |
governmentauthor: |
governmentauthor:"Office of the Law Revision Counsel" |
Publication Date |
The date the document was first made available to the public. |
publishdate: |
Date format is YYYY-MM-DD |
Language |
The language code of the original document, from the ISO639-2b standard. |
language: |
language:en |
Former Package ID |
The document ID of the "package" as originally specified on |
formerpkgid: |
formerpkgid:10USC |
SuDoc Class Number |
The SuDoc class number from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents which classifies Government publications by publishing agency. |
sudocclass: |
sudocclass:"Y 1.2/5:"
The SuDoc Class Numbers in GovInfo are typically at the class stem level, not the book number level. |
Ingestion Date |
The date the document was ingested into the FDsys preservation repository. |
ingestdate: |
ingestdate:2010-04-12 Date format is YYYY-MM-DD |
Electronic Location (URL) |
The URL where the document or the document in context (the content detail page) is located. |
url: |
url:"pkg/USCODE-2006-title1/pdf/USCODE-2006-title1-chap1-sec4.pdf" |
Publisher |
The government organization who publishes the document or publication. Not typically the Government Publishing Office (who serves as the printer and distributor), except in the case of Congressional publications. |
publisher: |
publisher:"u.s. government printing office" |
Branch |
The branch of Government responsible for the document's contents. |
branch: |
branch:legislative Possible Values: executive, legislative, judicial |
Type of Resource |
The media type for the document, typically "text". Defined as part of the Library of Congress MODS standard. |
typeofresource: |
typeofresource:text |
WAIS Database Name |
The name of the WAIS database to which the document belonged in the former GPO Access system. |
waisdbname: |
waisdbname:2006_uscode |
Record Origin |
How the record was originally generated. Typically "machine generated." |
recordorigin: |
recordorigin:"machine generated" |
Title |
The title of the publication. |
title: |
title:maritime |
U.S. Code Title Number |
U.S. Code Title Number, an integer number from 1 to 51. |
usctitlenum: |
usctitlenum:2 |
U.S. Code Chapter Number |
U.S. Code Chapter number, which could be either a roman numeral (such as IV) or an Arabic number as specified by the chapter within the title. |
uscchnum: |
uscchnum:55A |
U.S. Code Section Number |
The U.S. Code section number. |
uscsectionnum: |
uscsectionnum:8906 |
U.S. Code Appendix Section Number |
The U.S. Code section number, for appendix sections. |
uscappendixsectionnum: |
uscappendixsectionnum:7 |
U.S. Code Heading |
Search for the heading, for example "part 2", "subpart I", “chapter 9”, or "Division A". |
heading: |
heading:"chapter 9" |
U.S. Code Chapter Heading |
The heading for the U.S. Code chapter that contains the section. |
uscchheading: |
uscchheading:"chapter 9" |
U.S. Code Chapter Title |
The subject title text for the U.S. Code chapter that contains the section. |
uscchtitle: |
uscchtitle:(Election of Senators) |
U.S. Code Part Heading |
The heading for the U.S. Code part that contains the section. |
uscpartheading: |
uscpartheading:(Part I) |
U.S. Code Part Title |
The subject title text for the U.S. Code part that contains the section. |
uscparttitle: |
uscparttitle:Agencies |
U.S. Code Appendix Title |
The subject title text for the U.S. Code Title Appendix that contains the leaf node. |
uscapptitle: |
uscapptitle:appendix |
Disposition |
The disposition of the USC section. Any granule whose diposition is not otherwise specified is set to "standard". |
uscdisposition: |
uscdisposition:repealed Possible Values: repealed, omitted, transferred, abrogated, eliminated, not used, reserved, standard |
Short Title |
The short title of the bill or the more commonly known title rather than the official long title. |
shorttitle: |
shorttitle:"head start act" |
U.S. Code Source Credit |
The source credit, which is given parentheses in U.S. Code elements. |
uscsourcecredit: |
uscsourcecredit:"Dec. 1, 1981" |
U.S. Code Change of Name |
Editorial note indicating a change of name for an agency, position, committee, or other entity. |
uscchangeofname: |
uscchangeofname:"porto rico" |
U.S. Code Amendments |
Editorial note identifying modifications to the original text. |
uscamendments: |
uscamendments:act |
U.S. Code Effective Date |
Editorial note containing a statement regarding the effective date of an act, section, etc. |
usceffectivedate: |
usceffectivedate:1977 |
U.S. Code Codification Text |
Editorial note containing the codification text for an element in the U.S. Code. |
usccodification: |
usccodification:"railroad retirement" |
U.S. Code References in Text |
Editorial note providing clarification regarding an entity in the text. |
uscreferencesintext: |
uscreferencesintext:"was in the" |
U.S. Code Transfer of Functions |
Editorial note containing information about responsibilities or activities transferred from one entity and given to another. |
usctransferoffunctions: |
usctransferoffunctions:functions |
Citation |
The GPO standard method for searching citation references from the selected publication. |
citation: |
citation:"5 U.S.C. 8906" |
Congressional Report Citation |
Citation references to Congressional Reports. |
crptcitation: |
crptcitation:"H. Rept. 95-595" |
Public and Private Law Citation |
Citation references to Public or Private Laws. |
plawcitation: |
plawcitation:"public law 110-2" |
United States Code Citation |
Citation references to the United States Code. |
uscodecitation: |
uscodecitation:"42 u.s.c. 5841" |
Statutes at Large Citation |
Citation references to Statutes at Large. |
statutecitation: |
statutecitation:"88 Stat. 1242" |
Federal Register Citation |
Reference to the Federal Register, in standard citation format. |
frcitation: |
frcitation:"63 FR 42926" |
CFR Citation |
Citation references to the Code of Federal Regulations. |
cfrcitation: |
cfrcitation:"40 CFR 133.102" |
Reference Citation |
Reference to another document within the text of a document. |
refcitation: |
refcitation:"43 u.s.c. 1635" |