[104th Congress Public Law 94]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

[DOCID: f:publ94.104]

[[Page 110 STAT. 25]]

Public Law 104-94
104th Congress

                            Joint Resolution

 Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1996, and 
      for other purposes <<NOTE: Jan. 6, 1996 -  [H.J. Res. 134]>> 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,
    Sec. 1. Section 106(c) of Public Law 104-56 <<NOTE: 109 Stat. 
550.>>  is amended by striking ``December 15, 1995'' and inserting in 
lieu thereof ``January 26, 1996''.

    Sec. 2. The transmission of this joint resolution to the President 
shall be in accordance with the requirements of the concurrent 
resolution (H. Con. Res. 131) that establishes procedures making such 
transmission contingent upon the submission by the President of a seven-
year balanced budget using the economic and technical assumptions 
specified in or consistent with the Congressional Budget Office 
Memorandum entitled ``The Economic and Budget Outlook: December 1995 

    Approved January 6, 1996.


                                                        Vol. 141 (1995):
                                    Dec. 20, considered and passed 
                                    Dec. 22, considered and passed 
                                        Senate, amended.
                                                        Vol. 142 (1996):
                                    Jan. 5, House concurred in Senate 
                                        amendment with an amendment. 
                                        Senate concurred in House 
