[106th Congress Public Law 488]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

[DOCID: f:publ488.106]

[[Page 114 STAT. 2205]]

Public Law 106-488
106th Congress

                                 An Act

   To improve Native hiring and contracting by the Federal Government 
  within the State of Alaska, and for other purposes. <<NOTE: Nov. 9, 
                           2000 -  [S. 748]>> 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Within six <<NOTE: Deadline.>>  months after the enactment of 
this Act the Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as the 
``Secretary'' shall submit a report detailing the progress the 
Department has made in the implementation of the provisions of sections 
1307 and 1308 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act and 
provisions of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance 
Act. The report shall include a detailed action plan on the future 
implementation of the provisions of sections 1307 and 1308 of the Alaska 
National Interest Lands Conservation Act and provisions of the Indian 
Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. The report shall 
describe, in detail, the measures and actions that will be taken, along 
with a description of the anticipated results to be achieved during the 
next three fiscal years. The report shall focus on lands under the 
jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior in Alaska and shall also 
address any laws, rules, regulations and policies which act as a 
deterrent to hiring Native Alaskans or contracting with Native Alaskans 
to perform and conduct activities and programs of those agencies and 
bureaus under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior.

    (b) The report shall be completed within existing appropriations and 
shall be transmitted to the Committee on Resources of the United States 
Senate, and the Committee on Resources of the United States House of 

SEC. 2. PILOT PROGRAM. <<NOTE: 16 USC 3198 note.>> 

    (a) In furtherance of the goals of sections 1307 and 1308 of the 
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act and the provisions of 
the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, the 
Secretary shall--
            (1) implement pilot programs to employ residents of local 
        communities at the following units of the National Park System 
        located in northwest Alaska--
                    (A) Bering Land Bridge National Preserve,
                    (B) Cape Krusenstern National Monument,
                    (C) Kobuk Valley National Park, and
                    (D) Noatak National Preserve; and

[[Page 114 STAT. 2206]]

            (2) report on the results of the programs within one year to 
        the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the United 
        States and the Committee on Resources of the House of 

    (b) In implementing the programs, the Secretary shall consult with 
the Native Corporations, nonprofit organizations, and Tribal entities in 
the immediate vicinity of such units and shall also, to the extent 
practicable, involve such groups in the development of interpretive 
materials and the pilot programs relating to such units.

    Approved November 9, 2000.


SENATE REPORTS: No. 106-72 (Comm. on Energy and Natural Resources).
                                                        Vol. 145 (1999):
                                    Nov. 19, considered and passed 
                                                        Vol. 146 (2000):
                                    Oct. 23, considered and passed 
